#some sort of romantic relationship that would not work in any other circumstance tbh. the circumstance they're in being the forest and the
r-2-peepoo · 2 years
Cody and Obi Wan feel absolutely perfect for each other imo.
I wholeheartedly understand the hesitancy some people have about the difference in ranks (I have so many thoughts about this tbh) but the main thing I associate with Codywan is how healthy they feel. They might exist in tumultuous circumstances however they themselves work incredibly well together. They have such a good understanding of each other to the point they don’t even have to speak sometimes because they just intuitively understand what the other person is trying to say. It’s definitely a side effect of the war but it’s also reflective of them as people in general. They are very similar in a lot of ways and very different too but I think their similarities fall in the places that really count.
There’s their communication. Yes, Obi Wan is far more melodramatic in the way he presents it sometimes, but when it comes down to it, they’ll both say what needs to be said because it’s a necessity in their line of work.
I think they have similar worries and doubts too. Obi Wan’s have been explored incessantly (and I eat it up every time) but Cody having similar problems with self doubt makes sense to me as well. To preface, he is not a child and I hate when people act like he is to try and make Obi Wan look bad. The clones just age differently and Cody’s a grown adult. With that in mind though, his lack of life experience definitely leaves room for him to doubt himself. He was basically thrown into a war and expected to lead. I’d feel pretty overwhelmed if I were him. That’s one area Obi Wan can help with because if he’s one thing, it’s experienced. Just as Cody provides a sort of stability for Obi Wan, giving him less reason to fall back into old habits where he would feel insecure about his place in the Jedi Order. There’s a very even exchange of care and support between them.
There’s also the fact that their fates seem intertwined. The clones were essentially doomed to die at the same time as the Jedi. They were always viewed as expendable but Order 66 signalled the countdown to the end of their intended purpose and their eventual eradication, something canon doesn’t focus on nearly as much as I’d like. Cody pretty much lost his family at the same time Obi Wan lost his and it was neither of their faults. It doesn’t matter that the clones were sentient beings equal to any other person in terms of intelligence. It doesn’t matter that they as individuals evolved way past what they were created to do. It doesn’t matter that they were more similar to a completely new species of people with a budding culture and way of life which could have evolved into something more structured if they only had more time, than to an army of mindless droids which they were constantly compared to. None of that mattered to the empire because nothing that delicate and precious ever matters to any kind of empire. The ancient, beautiful lifestyle of the Jedi and the newborn customs of the clones which they were never given the freedom to fully explore were woven together from the second Jango Fett allowed the Kaminoans to use his DNA. Cody and Obi Wan are left on either side, both having lost something different but joined forever by feeling like ghosts of a different time who were left behind to haunt the corners of the galaxy they no longer have a place in.
I could go on and on about them (and I frequently do) but at their core, they are such an interesting ship because they have wildly different personalities and have different problems the other won’t experience but they seem so compatible regardless. They may experience issues with each other (as anyone in any kind of relationship does) but both possess the tools to deal with them and are united in their grief for their old lives which they can never get back post-order 66. They work romantically, but these traits don’t go away if you only view them as friends or even just people who work together. They work on every level but romantically is the most fun lmao.
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roy-kents · 1 year
what if.. chris dying is the thing to bring buddie together.. the grief??
oh. oh anon.
i'm going to give you the absolute benefit of the doubt and say this message wasn't sent out of malice, it was just out of ignorance and that's fine. you're human. but i have more than a few things to say about this so it's going below a read more for anyone who's interested.
tw for talks of death/dying and the grieving process in quite a lot of detail, as well as mentions of cancer/treatments. you've been warned folks!
okay, so. my dad died when i was 11, and my mum died when i was 20, and just this last month my maternal grandmother died. i'm not saying that for any kind of sympathy or anything, it's just so you know i have some sort of idea as to what i'm talking about. i've seen up close and personal how losing a loved one wrecks someone. take my mum as an example: after my dad died, things got dark. i'm not going to go into detail bc tbh it's not any of the internet's business but my mum really spiralled after losing my dad. she was utterly lost and for a long while, i wasn't sure my mum would ever go back to the way she was.
taking it from a different perspective, when my mum died, i saw what it did to my grandparents. for a bit of background, my mum was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2018 pretty much out of nowhere. she went through 7 cycles of chemo, 2 surgeries and 4 weeks of radiation and she was declared cancer free, and then she was killed by a pulmonary embolism. we were all kind of lulled into a false sense of security and then the rug was completely and utterly pulled from underneath us, and it hurt like hell. but i watched what it did to my grandparents in particular. my grandad was pretty much the same as always, maybe a little quieter (a product of the stoicism of his generation maybe).
my grandmother, on the other hand, wanted to go into excruciating detail all the time. in the months immediately after my mum died, she wanted me to recount the night she died in as much detail as i could. for context, my grandparents weren't at the hospital when my mum died, but i was. i was my mum's next of kin, and so a lot of the burden fell on me in terms of making decisions about continuing/withdrawing care. so my grandmother needed to know everything, and i was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place because it hit a point where i wanted so desperately to help, but i had no idea what to do because the one thing my grandmother wanted me to do was ultimately hurting me.
now, how does this all link back to your original message? a child dying is not a reason to begin a new relationship, basically. a relationship started in the wake of grief, especially grief that profound is never going to be healthy, and it's never going to last. look at what happened to eddie after losing shannon - he spiralled, and he spiralled hard, and that's completely understandable. much of eddie's arc in s3/4a was coming to terms with life after losing shannon, and trying not to get stuck in his grief. even when he's dating ana, we see that he's not really ready for that - a relationship centered around his grief is never going to work in the long run, and that plays a role in his whole breakup with ana in the first place.
if christopher died? eddie wouldn't recover from that. sure, maybe he'd survive the acute grief. he'd go back to work and maybe he'd even have some fleeting moments of happiness here and there. but he'd never be the same eddie that we know currently. it took him so long to move out of the grief surrounding shannon and the circumstances around her death. but, as we've seen on the show for seasons now, christopher is his life. everything eddie does, everything eddie is is for chris. if christopher died, eddie would become a shell of his former self. he wouldn't be able to move past that, and he wouldn't be in any place to be in any sort of meaningful, romantic relationship.
buck would obviously also be grieving, but his grief would look different to eddie's. neither of them would be in any sort of place to get together romantically in the wake of christopher's death, and i think implying that they could do that isn't fair to them or to their characters. they'd be too aware of a major missing element in their relationship, and i don't think it's fair to insinuate that they could feasibly get together in the wake of christopher's death. i just can't ever see that conceivably happening, i'm sorry.
(also insinuating a child dying would...encourage his parent to begin dating someone...almost in a hopeful tone...it isn't the one for me)
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magicshopaholic · 4 months
i am so excited for jk's fic!! his story with lia and dilara and tae is all i can think about. are they the only triangle you will write? hypothetically would any of the other members and girls ever be attracted to each other? i can't waitttt
I'm excited too! I've been having a few different things coming up (travel, wrist injury, vet visits) so finding time to write has been slightly difficult. BUT I am still working on it so I really really really want to post next weekend.
Are they the only triangle I will write in the current pool of characters? Probably... not? I'm not sure if this is even a triangle tbh and depending on how a few plots go, there is potential for similar conflicts in the future (this probably didn't answer your question but it's all I have right now unfortunately).
Someone else mentioned they could see Namjoon x Lia work and I tend to agree - under the right circumstances, they could probably be attracted to each other and would be a very understated, "grown-up" sort of couple without much drama. However, I think they might also find it a bit hard to come to a common ground on some fronts - I feel like Lia could possibly find Namjoon a bit "emotionally unavailable" sometimes.
I think in a parallel universe, Yoongi x Kaya could get along quite well - probably not in a long-term way, more like a quiet, under-the-radar short-term relationship that would come to a natural end soon enough. I think while Yoongi is capable of a lot of emotional security in a relationship, the kind of long-term commitment Kaya tends to look for may not immediately come through.
The younger characters I think would have a lot more plausible combinations:
Jimin x Dilara (fun and flirty situationship, not much more - Jimin could get far too insecure with her line of work and I feel Dilara might find their relationship a little too "easy" and might get bored quickly)
Jungkook x Dilara (obvious reasons - have a lot of things in common, have fun together, have a foundation of friendship in there and she might be one of the only people Jungkook doesn't really tend to see as "older" so he's a lot more relaxed with her)
Jungkook x Chaeyoung (we've seen Jungkook as a boyfriend and he's quite attentive and sensitive, if a little clueless sometimes, and I think they'd make a cute, youthful couple without too much self-consciousness)
Bonus hot take: Taehyung x Chaeyoung might be able to make a short situationship work - he’d find her pretty cute and she’d be kind of blown away by his looks and his celebrity and his charm. He would love being able to spoil her a bit and be a little protective of her and everything, but would overall find himself longing for something deeper (but wouldn't be able to put his finger on it). Chaeyoung would be quite taken with some of his romantic gestures and statements, but would eventually find it a bit too intense and feel overwhelmed.
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partentts · 2 years
Something something kousano
Kousano is such an interesting ship to me not just because they're shipped together despite the fact they've never met but also because they could hypothetically work together (thematically). Like, their themes are quite similar.
For example, kouyou's backstory is about how someone tried to pull her out of the darkness and into the light, to help her get out of her situation, and it failed. Yosano's backstory is also similar in that regard in fukuzawa trying to get her away from mori and out of her situation. The only difference here being, it worked, and she is now in a much healthier environment. Additionally, they are also tied to mori in some way, with mori killing the old boss who killed the guy that tried to drag kouyou out of the darkness and mori literally being the cause of yosano's childhood trauma. They'd probably have extremely differing views on mori tbh
So onto how they'd work together:
Well, for one, I don't think kousano would work under the current circumstances in the main manga timeline. They'd be on opposing sides with opposing viewpoints and not take much of a particular interest in each other.
However, in a situation where yosano was (unfortunately) dragged into the port mafia by mori somehow, they would be on the same side and have extremely similar circumstances. They'd probably meet. Where they go from there, I'm not too sure because yosano's personality would be quite different from what we see in canon. Maybe they'd be partners? Probably not in a very soukoku rival-frenemies type way though. Maybe they'd bond under having similar circumstances? Would they be friends? Strangers? I don't think yosano would officially join the port mafia unless she thinks there is no where else she can go (which she might considering how much guilt she holds and her deteriorating mental health at that time), in which case, kouyou and yosano would end up having a similar mindset. In any case, neither would be able to leave both their situation or their relationship (not explicitly in a romantic way) assuming they have one of some sort.
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enavant · 1 year
✿ for finn and aphrodite maybe
❥ @rimefiles : send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. ━━ always accepting !!
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bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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i'm pretty down for anything ngl i adore finn from what i read on him n he's very interesting !! i do still need to reply to ur starter but !! modern verse things would be fun also !! she's pretty down to earth n friendly tbh as far as idols go, she likes to help out others n everything n network, she's just very social so i wouldn't put it past her to reach out at some point even at awards shows or concerts etc. or even they could run into each other n start talking from there perhaps or even if they were under a same label sort of thing :thonk: or even rival companies sort of things. i'm a big weakness for idol things n just cute scenarios that end in more if that's ur thing too or if ur interested in heading that way with them at any point
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caatws · 1 year
Hello, idk if you have been asked this already, but do you think Gunn made it clear that Gamora is not a guardian despite her understanding Groot? And do you think that he made it clear in the movie (and on his tweet) that Gamora and Peter are never getting together at some point despite her understanding why she fell in love with him? I have seen some people claim she doesnt like him nor the guardians, and that Peter doesnt love this Gamora because its not his.
honestly? looking at just the movie by itself, without everything happening irl, i don't think there's enough there to 100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt, prove or disprove gamora being a guardian. i do think the film asserts gamora is at "home" somewhere else now with the way the clip of her reuniting with the ravagers was included in the dog days are over sequence, seemingly to parallel it with mantis and peter leaving the gotg. (also this isn't fully related but i don't think we've ever gotten to see gamora have a group hug with the gotg or emote that way with them and i'm salty lol but 4 years passing offscreen before her death will do that to ya i guess)
i've also seen some ppl interpret the photo of everyone at the end as kind of a Look, She's Still One of Them In-Universe moment, but tbh that photo was giving me cast's last hoorah on their final project in this franchise together Ever more than any kind of message abt the in-universe character relationships. it was giving "omg it's everyone's last day on set in costume together!" rather than canon family photo to me. and i mean gunn may be detailed in his work but he isn't taylor swift lol. we aren't playing 3d chess to decode secret meta messages abt the canon through easter eggs here
standing by itself, again, i think the movie is left pretty open-ended, aside from peter returning in some form without the others in the future, but let's revisit That Tweet again for the sake of this ask:
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gunn is saying "you are 100% correct" to op interpreting the film as "quill accepting she isn't his gamora and leting go, while gamora understands how she was able to fall in love with him." i don't think this statement or the storyline suggested in the statement can fully prove or disprove whether peter and this gamora would ever fall in love in the future for certain, but it sounds like gunn probably had no plans to ever put them back together romantically - at least, not with this gamora. (but considering gamora and the rest of the gotg are done in the mcu but peter will be continuing solo in whatever form that takes, i think it's fair to say canon starmora is probably just going to remain a thing of the past)
and to make it clear, i Do think this was a solid arc for peter with This gamora considering the circumstances that vol 3 takes place within. it felt natural and like a rly good approach to grief, which i respected. if starmora had to get some sort canon send-off after one of them died, this was a pretty strong one to me.
the "you are 100% correct" part of this tweet with its implications for starmora was honestly never even part of my focus on or questions abt this tweet personally - it was the "real family" part that had me kinda ??????
bc i think that vibes kinda weirdly with the note the film ends on, since it seemed a lot more open-ended than gamora having a Real or Unreal family. and like i said before, it's the use of "real" here that sets up this binary of Real and Unreal Family or Real and Less Real family, and i think it's more than fair for gotg fans to not respond to the implied binary here very positively! and once we start connecting the irl dots of gunn's tweet with things like the gamora merch situation, the picture it starts to paint does not seem to favor gamora being A Member Of The GotG(TM)
but again, now that most of our gotg canon is done for good in the mainline mcu, i don't think we'll ever have a for-sure answer here one way or another, aside from whatever comes from peter's supposed future appearances
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stole this from twitter because I wanted to answer it too :P
1. do you re-read your own completed fic? if so, which one do you re-read most often?
the only completed fics that I have are oneshots. but yeah, I re-read my fics! I think I re-read staccato the most. it's a decade old so it had plenty of time for me to re-read it the most. it has a special place in my heart because I trusted myself to write more experimentally through it.
2. are there any unintended motifs or themes that show up a lot in your writing? how about ones that are intended?
unintended motifs: bittersweet pining, I think? I'm very comfortable with writing that sentiment and it comes up in a lot of my fics across fandoms. the kind of pining where the character has accepted the longing and the circumstances; the kind of longing where the person says, "I'm not happy, but it has to be this way" rather than "I wish it could have been different." I think there's power in acknowledging that some things are out of our hands, or perhaps it's just not the right time. we can be sad about it for as long as we want, and we should recognize that sadness, but our lives don't have to stop because of that regret.
intended motifs: I'm very fixated on the idea of playing around with non-human perspectives. I love characters that are androids, immortal, supernatural, etc. but have to otherwise act like humans. and I like emphasizing that. how they're not human, and the effort it takes to be human.
3. have you ever started to ship something after writing it? developed any new kinks after writing them?
I'll answer this for both romantic ships and platonic interactions. after writing long live the long life, I think dorian and mona would make a cute pairing, and that kunikuzushi and klee would have a cute sibling relationship. in forgetting is so long, I was happy to explore the friendship between erina and takumi.
unfortunately, I'm not brave enough yet to write explicit sex scenes in fics. but I already have too many kinks from reading, so I don't think writing would give me a new one lol. I think I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to that stuff anyway.
4. when (if) you re-read your fic, does it evoke the emotions it's supposed to in you? i.e. are you able to experience it not as the person who wrote it, but as you think any other reader might?
I wouldn't say emotions, but I definitely want to achieve certain vibes. sometimes I read arrhythmia and think, yeah the vibes in this fic are immaculate.
5. when you're writing, how often/how intensely do you actually feel the emotions that the characters in the scene are feeling?
these days... not that much. but that's a me thing lol. I'm not a very emotional person in recent years. I write very logically too. I write in themes and sequences and less in emotion. the most emotional fic I've written is probably forgetting is so long and it was really hard because takumi is very sentimental but also very prideful, and I wanted to strike the balance between that. though that was a sort-of breakup fic, and I wrote it after my own breakup. so that helped! (lol)
the only other truly emotional fic that got me was probably chapter four of the syllables melt away. well for one, it took me two years to write that chapter, so the frustration of getting that chapter to work was so real lmao. but there's something tender and vulnerable about that chapter that does speak to me whenever I re-read it. it's one of the hardest things I've ever written tbh.
6. what's the biggest risk you've taken with a fic?
hm, I have several I'm thinking about.
I think staccato was my first "risky" fic because it was my first time writing in a non-linear and experimental way.
long live the long life has a lot of risks for me. for one, I have never written such a long fic like this before. I usually just write oneshots lmao. so the planning for this fic is pretty new to me. for another, I'm doing a case fic for the second story arc and I think case fics are really hard to do. so I hope it turns out well.
this one is currently a WIP, but I'm writing this fic called time is a vinyl record. it's a little bit like a longfic version of staccato but for a different fandom. I'm playing with mixed media writing a lot -- the fic consists of prose, but also letters, transcripts, chat logs, photos, and a lot of other scattered "media" that collectively make up the narrative. it's a very fragmented style of writing. I'm using everything I've put in this workskin sandbox, so this fic requires a lot of work! I don't think it's an easy fic to read. but when I finish it, I hope someone finds it enjoyable to read anyway.
7. is there one (or more!) fic(s) where the process of writing it diverged wildly from your usual method? what was your experience like?
time is a vinyl record for sure! it's still an ongoing process, but I'm enjoying writing a "fragmented" fic and not just relying on prose. it forces me to think of the story through the perspective of different characters, since the letters and transcripts can come from different people, whereas my prose writing is usually stuck in limited third-person. I also have to continuously tell myself to trust the reader. I think I explain enough through prose, but I have to trust that the reader can figure out the story even through the non-prose sections. well, I'll find out if I'm right or not once it gets posted in the future lol.
8. what do you think is your comfort zone in fic? the one type of scene/trope/dynamic that you feel cofident you can nail every time?
oh this is easy! anything in the twewy universe. um, but I guess in general, "modern setting" and "snarky smart character who is fed up with another character" and "character study" fics are my comfort zones. I know this because I never have problems writing fics centered on neku from twewy. I also know this because I'm having a really hard time writing genshin fics (high fantasy worlds are not my comfort zone; urban fantasy worlds are okay though) but I just power through it lol.
while writing long live the long life, I had an easier time writing dorian because he's the snarky character who is fed up with albedo, and I had so much fun writing kunikuzushi because, well, he's very off-putting to a lot of people. I'm very comfortable with writing these kinds of characters.
I enjoyed writing arrhythmia for the same reasons. in genshin, I'm very comfortable writing albedo and kunikuzushi the most, probably because their way of thinking and feeling is more relatable to me. which is funny because I've written more words on venlumi than anything else, but they're actually very hard for me to write! their characters are so different from me, SO unrelatable, but so fascinating.
9. do you figure out the worldbuilding stuff like backstories before you start writing or on the fly?
a little bit of both?
if I know the fic will be long, I figure out the characters and setting in advance. but I leave myself room to improvise while writing. sometimes ideas don't really come out until you start actually writing.
but if I know the fic will be short, I just write on the fly and fully trust the discovery writing process. for shorter fics, I usually just want to go through a certain concept or vibe, and care less about plot.
10. do you like to share fic ideas as they come to you, or do you keep them close to the vest until they're done?
tbh I don't share fic ideas that much... sometimes I try posting about them on twitter or on my main blog but the actual sharing/posting doesn't really do anything for me lol. I do have this writing blog though, I guess, but it's really more of a writing diary for myself so I don't think this counts?
11. what's usually the first piece of a scene that comes to you? a bit of dialogue? a setting? emotions? sounds? etc.
I love this question, but I'll answer it a bit differently.
for the overall story (or a oneshot), the first piece that comes to me is a situation or a theme. for example, in arrythmia, the only thing I got going for me was, "a character study comparing the beloved puppet who doesn't understand love (albedo) and the unloved puppet who has a lot of love to give and no one to give it to (scaramouche)". lately, I'm really into setting up narrative foils, so I'm trying to rely on that more to guide my writing.
for specific scenes within a story... it depends? as I plot a story, I have these Key Moments that I want to happen, and they usually show up as images. so taking long live the long life, for example, one of the Key Moments I knew had to be included was this image of "a god praying" (venti wishing upon a star), "gods worshipping each other as their acts of love" (venlumi) and "a disgraced god in a battlefield, looking up for salvation from another god" (barbatos and lumine in tatarasuna island in act i). so I plot around those moments.
but as I write, I do have to write the scenes that build up to those moments. for those kinds of scenes, I actually write the dialogue first and then fill in the blanks from there. with character studies, I rely more on theme or dialogue to guide me through.
12. have you ever had to write something you really didn't want to (a scene, conversation, etc) because the story needed it to work?
yeah of course. I never want to write action scenes ever but sometimes characters do stuff and not just say stuff lmao. generally though, if I feel bored with the scene I'm writing then I don't write it into the story. if I'm bored then that means it's not worth writing or reading. action scenes are difficult to write, and I don't like writing them, but they aren't boring to write.
13. ever had to cut something you loved out of a fic because it wasn't working?
a lot of things!
in long live the long life chapter four, lumine was supposed to meet aether in inazuma, but I decided that it doesn't make sense for them to meet and then go on their separate ways again. in chapter five (interlude), I was going to write a scene where signora meets albedo and diluc in dragonspine. I don't think it belongs in the interlude before the detective arc starts, but I'll think about shuffling it to the later chapters.
in birth of a butterfly, I wrote a scene where venti plays poker in the shadier taverns of mondstadt, the ones that the knights turn a blind eye to. the scene was there so he can talk about luck and scams, and also to show that he has his ears on the ground since he's looking for intel on the abyss. I removed it in favor of the scene where venti plays cards with the tsaritsa instead.
in the syllables melt away, I rewrote chapter 4 so many times that it's really different now from what I first envisioned. joshua was not supposed to ask neku to be his conductor but uh. that happened and that one question kinda changed the trajectory of their relationship.
I've cut two twewy WIPs and stopped writing them because they weren't working. those two WIPs probably have 20k+ words together. I'm still kinda sad about them. maybe one day I'll find a way to write them again, especially the one where neku is the composer and joshua is the human who forces his way to the underground because he wants to be god (I have these ideas tagged in the main blog as twewy au: role reversal). I'm still very fond of that fic idea, but my twewy muse hasn't visited me in years. :(
because of this question though, I'm going through my drafts for the role reversal au. I don't think I can commit to the fic but... maybe I can try finishing one chapter of it at least. we'll see!
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vjonk · 3 years
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a new darkwood oc!
the witch, a very solitary pagan who used to live somewhere between the two villages in the swamp and the silent forest and who occasionally steals chicken and other livestock for blood sacrifices :) the witches pronouns are it/it's/itself, because why not.
the second time in a game that the stranger tries to go inside the chicken lady's house, the witch storms out with a chicken under it's arm, with the chicken lady screaming bloody murder after them. when the stranger comes to the swamp and closer to the heart of the forest, he might find the witch again, sitting in a circle of dead carcasses, resembling the savages that roam the forest, mumbling incoherently. In the evening, some savages come to the ritual site to add animal carcasses and otherwise bodyparts to the circle, the more human looking parts are more and more parts from replicas made by the Being. If the stranger steps into the circle and attacks the witch, it will only start screaming and when killed, the stranger can loot their body to find an "effigy of an old god", a little slightly humanoid looking figurine made of sticks and twine, covered in fungal growths.
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Hi there! I'm not sure if you do this, but can I request romantic headcanons on Simmons (rvb)/Reader? Thank you!
ofc i do !! i accept and write most things lolol
Simmons x Reader | Romantic HCs
♡ you two are just so,, busy. all of the time. assuming you're a contributing member of the red team as simmons is! after all, i couldn't see him going for anyone else.
♡ given the lack of proper schedule, you two would have your dates constantly interrupted by one of your co-workers. maybe even a blue team member who roamed off elsewhere caboose, much to simmon's dismay.
♡ though simmons still tries to make everything as perfect for you as he can. you deserve the best, most precious things- because that's what you are to him. he views you as the most delicate thing ever even if you're a complete badass on the battlefield.
♡ he's not the biggest fan of PDA, he's quite embarrassed really. he has a balance between work and romantic life, but you being by his side constantly sort of messed that up. so when you initiate hand holding or kiss his helmet he's absolutely flustered. tries to play it off like it didn't happen whilst everyone else is making fun of him.
♡ in the comfort of your own home though, ensuring nobody will bust in on you two, simmons has to be PULLED off of you. he's absolutely going to use all of this free time to show you the affection he's been dying to give you.
♡ casually starts off by putting one arm around you, allowing you to lean into his chest. and then somehow.. in some way.. simmons ends up holding you entirely, wrapped up in 500 blankets, kissing your head. man literally HIBERNATES when he falls asleep with you tucked safely in his arms
♡ during the first few months of the relationship, simmons' self-confidence was not very high, and considering you were the most beautiful thing to him, he was extremely worried if you'd be disgusted of him or just generally unhappy. you had to reassure him almost constantly; you loved him regardless if he was on the blue team, a worm, or whatever else.
♡ if you're buddy-buddy with any of the other red team members, especially grif, simmons isn't the biggest fan of this and will let you know. you don't have anyone else to communicate with and he can't isolate you, but he does get a lil jealous if you're laughing a bit too hard at grif's antics.
♡ vows to protect you from any harm, you're his first priority. simmons does his best to stick by you and follow close behind, but sometimes things are different, and you're separated. he knows you're just as capable as any other soldier, but nothing will stop his worry. he's just like that tbh
♡ tucker constantly tries you get on you & simmons' nerves, saying out of pocket stuff just to get you to react. you've built up a tolerance to his actions, while simmons not so much. he's still so visibly irked by him you find it a little humorous. you never perpetuated tucker's advances and always shut him down, knowing full well his only intent was to annoy you.
♡ his love language is mainly words of affirmation and acts of services. loves doing things for you and expects you to do them back for him when he needs it. such as doing your chores when you're too bus, or taking care of your things, such as watering plants and whatnot.
♡ simmons is not all that great at sitting down and comforting someone, but he tries his best when you're clearly distressed and need someone to talk to. he's more of the guy to try and fix your problem and give you advice instead of just listening to you and holding you. however, if you specifically ask him to just listen, he will.
♡ he's trying his best,, simmons holds you close to his heart and lets you know this. you two may not always be available for each other, given your current circumstances, but the bond between you is too strong to ever be broken by that. any free-time you may have is always spent with your lovely boyfriend and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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A/N: Sorry, but this has been living in my brain rent free too, my commission info is here
* Honey if you’re tall with a big butt-
* You’ve got his heart the second he lays eyes on you
* Like everything he is and everything he will be -
* Baby you can have it all if you’ll agree to be his
* If you’re not tall with a big butt, well don’t worry Yuuji’s still going to adore you it just takes a little time
* It’s not so much because he doesn’t think your smoking hot or anything-
* It’s just, well, Yuji’s kinda dumb
* So anyone outside of his immediate go-to type, it just doesn’t register in his brain
* You can bet your ass he’ll say dumb crap like-
* “Friends can hold hands right?”
* Or
* “Friends kiss sometimes, no big deal!”
* But don’t worry babe, it might take a little while, but eventually he’ll notice all these feelings he’s been categorizing as “friendly” feelings and “positive” feelings are actually Romantic feelings
* Once he finally figures it out, you won’t have to wait long-
* “Oi, (Y/N/N), want to be my lover?”
* Like seriously, not even a second after he has this ‘monumental’ realization
* After that things are pretty easy between you two
* It’s not like much has changed, he’s still your friend, and he doesn’t act any different-
* You guys were holding hands and, apparently, kissing before you were officially dating
* It’s not even that he’s greedy with the way he touches you or anything-
* I think the only thing that does change is that Yuji makes an effort to spend more time with you
* “Oi, wanna go to Shibuya this weekend? There’s a Taiyaki store I’m dying to go too”
* He makes an effort to spend time with you even when he’s not around, like sending you texts and voicemails when he’s away
* Part of the reason he’s so insistent on spending as much time with you as possible is probably because he’s not sure how much time he has left
* I think, Yuji is a really simple guy who sees the good in everyone, so he’s also kind of attracted to anyone given the right circumstances
* But I think, he especially wants someone compassionate
* Someone who will hold him during depressive episodes where he’ll wonder- what if I hadn’t joined the occult club? What if he had played track like everyone wanted? What if he had just minded his own business
* What if Megumi hadn’t followed him to the hospital that day, how different would his life be right now
* And it’s the same regret and remorse that fuels his cursed energy, but for some reason it feels like it’s magnified right now
* It feels like he might drown in this despair
* During those days you just hold him, whispering good things about the world.
* Soft things that’ll help him right now-
* Something to give him hope
* “Hot tea on a cold day” you whisper
* “The feeling of basking in sunlight after a cloudy day”
* There’s a moment of silence as you think of something else to say
* “The smell of rain, and fresh cut grass” he’ll mumble back, and you grin
* “Getting Taiyaki in Shibuya with someone you love” you reply with a grin
* “With ice cream filling and boba?”
* You laugh, what a weird combination
* “Anything you want”
* Yuji’s not the one that’s hard to get along with tbh, the one you have trouble with is Sukuna
* “You know you’ll never save him, I don’t know why you’re trying so hard”
* You would hit Sukuna if it didn’t mean slapping Yuji’s cheek too
* “Shut up what do you know”
* Honestly Yuuji’s a little surprised at the hatred Sukuna shows you
* “Shouldn’t you be happy they’re around?”
* For one because you’re around there’s been more *clears throat* romantic incidents, which of course always leave Yuji in a pretty vulnerable state
* He’s only an orgasm away from having Sukuna take over tbh
* And besides-
* You’re his weakness
* They say the sun is 92 million miles away, but he swears his sun is walking in front of him on the in Shibuya, his hand held firmly in yours
* If anything ever happened to you-
* He wouldn’t be able to live with himself, he wouldn’t be able to go on anymore.
* And that’s when the curse that lives inside him wins
* So he really doesn’t get why Sukuna’s acting like this is the worst thing to ever happen to him
* Sukuna opens an eye on Yuji’s cheek
* “I hate their kind most of all, even more than Jujutsu Sorcerers” he grumbles
* He really does hate you-
* He hates that you’re kind
* He saw your type all the time at his harem, some lowly thing relatives had sold off for money and honor-
* Or a prize from a nation he conquered
* Some dumb creature that thought you would get a reward for sacrificing yourself
* Truly idiotic
* The worst part is he’s starting to like those little fantasy’s you spin for Yuji
* He can feel the sunlight warning his skin after a cold day
* He can taste the heavy condensation of the steam that wafts off of his cup of tea, brushing against his face. The heat in direct contrast to the cold winter air
* And it hurts him to know he probably won’t feel like that again, not for a long time
* Not with you helping Yuji work through his negative feelings like you do
* So he hates you
* He hides his contempt in general, it only leaks out through an occasional insult
* “Where’s your kindness now?” He’ll jeer when you’re having a bad day
* Only for Yuuji to smack his cheek to get him to shut up
* “Ah, don’t pay any attention to him. He’s just grumpy”
* For the most part it’s nothing you can’t handle
* Really you kind of forget he’s there most of the time, until one day you see Sukuna pop out and take a bite of your Taiyaki as you hold it out to Yuji who said he wanted to taste the flavor
* “Oi that was mine!” Yuji screeches, slapping his own face while Sukuna smiles from his hand
* “You just like torturing me don’t you?” He weeps, and you offer him sympathetic pats on the back, giving him another bit of your Taiyaki
* He continues on about how Sukuna just loves to torment him, and honestly why can’t they get along when they share a body
* But your mind is elsewhere
* The next time Sikuna see’s you is when Yuji’s sleeping, the damn brat snores so loud he’s considering throttling him just to get some peace and quiet
* That’s when he hears the door creak, seeing you curling inside around it, a plastic bag in hand
* Great, the perfect end to the perfect day
* “The brats sleeping” Sukuna grumbles from Yuji’s hand-
* He would have spoken from his face but the only thing more annoying than having to deal with Yuji’s snores is having to hear the lovey-dovey crap tumble from his lips when he talks to you
* He figures you’ll leave, or maybe curl up against Yuji on the bed but instead you kneel down, your hand dipping into the plastic bag
* “I’m not here for him,” you start pulling out a Taiyaki.
* “You wanted one right?” That’s why he took a bite, because he wanted to try it too
* Though, annoying Yuji was probably an added bonus
* You hold up the Taiyaki to Sukuna’s ‘mouth’
* And he’s overcome with emotion
* It’s not like he hasn’t had concubines from his harem feed him a great number of things before -
* Like he hasn’t ever felt the tender act from one of his many lovers -
* So he hates that you’re the one that’s bringing out all these emotions in him
* And as he takes a bite from the Taiyaki he finally admits it-
* If you were in his harem, a moronic kind fool like you were one of his lovers
* You would be his favorite
* And that’s why he hates you so much
* Because just like Yuji, you’re his weakness
* “It’s not the same flavor” he mumbles
* “Sorry I couldn’t get the ice cream, it would have melted on the way here-“
* Sukuna wouldn’t have minded one bit licking the cream from your fingers, maybe he would even catch that embarrassed face you always make with the damn brat
* “So I got you a custard one, and a chocolate one, and on the off chance you weren’t in the mood for something sweet I got you a curry filled one too”
* You stumble, hand flying into the bag to pull out the other two, holding them up to him
* And despite himself, Sukuna finds the sight quite...cute
* “Well, I suppose these offerings will do for now wench” And his words are harsh, but you smile like the kindhearted fool you are.
* And that’s how Yuji starts getting pestered for “just five minutes alone with their baby”
* “Scared I’ll show them a better time than you can?” Sukuna grins
* Of course he is! Sukuna had a literal harem of lovers. Who knows what kinds of techniques he knows
* But Yuji’s pride won’t let him admit it
* Yuji scoffs
* “I’d rather die again then let you come anywhere near them”
* It’s kind like you’ve got two boyfriends
* One pink haired one that’s the literal personification of sunshine
* And another, more dark and sadistic one
* And it’s sort of a funky little relationship
* But it’s yours
* “I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world” you whisper.
* Your lips brushing against his
* Yuji wouldn’t trade you for anything either
* He loves you ❤️
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muwi-translates · 2 years
Still haven't been able to play Auld Lang Syne due to work, but it sounds like I have to prep myself to deal with a very emotional last part for Bustafellows. Technically, Full Circle landed on a cliffhanger, so I guess that makes sense. In the meantime tho, I'm replaying routes again because I'm a sucker and I like everyone's routes so much. Playing blind, I got Crow first, but I've replayed Shu's route the most tbh. Shu's route is so good as a story. Not to mention, since his route, I went to look up the song he quotes, Yellow Rose of Texas, and it's so interesting. I also didn't realize Calamity Jane is also an irl move too - I don't think the plot is quite the same, based on the synopsis tho. Since there's going to be a season 2, I hope Teuta (in Shu's route) will pick up some of Shu's idiosyncrasies- like using the phrase 'The Yellow Rose of Texas' when she has to force herself to do things, or also giving Shu a "anything you want coupon" too, just for funsies. That being said, what would you like to see them touch on in Season 2? Any particular sort of conflicts or stories you want to see? - Anonymous
I wasn’t very fond of Full Circle - they could have executed it way better. I think Minetaka’s (the writer) strong suit is characterisation and character development and not so much the actual mystery, haha. But Auld Lang Syne was a bit better in my opinion! But still not the best.
omg I’ve replayed Shu’s route the most too LOL I think I finished the game in 40 hours but added on another 40 hours just from me opening the game to replay Shu’s route. The majority of my save files are just various points of his route too. His overall development from Chapter 1 to the end of Side B is probably one of my favorite in all otome I’ve played. The way you can really see/feel the relationship beats from Ch1′s hostility to being neutral about her in Ch2, to him accepting her more at the end of Ch2 when she accepts him for who he is. And then depending on what route you go on, either something like familial care towards her or romantic love??? It’s just so good. I could write a whole essay about how he changes over the course of the game.
**Bustafellows Shu route spoilers for anyone who cares**
I think one of my favourite parts is how he’s all “I don’t expect you to understand me nor do I want to tell you about me” at the start, but then they get close and he opens up to her by telling her about the list - but at this point it’s kind of just his general circumstances, stuff that the other Fixers would probably know about too. The next step is him telling her about himself again but they’re only fond and happy memories and doesn’t elaborate much. And THEN later, the first time he actually completely spills his troubles to her, is when he gives her the lighter and tells her he wants her to help quit smoking?? This coming from the guy who purposefully triggers traumatic memories by smoking? He’s LITERALLY giving her the keys to that? He wants to be? Emotionally close to her? By letting go of his trauma of not wanting to be close to others?? How dare you... do this to me!!!! 
I’m rambling you gotta hold me back LMAO - I didn’t know Yellow Rose of Texas was a real folk song - it’s actually quite nice and has a good melody. I’m super curious how Minetaka stumbled across it. I can really see how he must be a bit of a American-movie buff, both from references like these and just the overall vibe of the game.
I have a lot of faith in Minetaka to write something interesting and cool for Shu, so I don’t really have anything in particular I want to see. Rather, I have stuff I don’t want to see: I don’t wanna see them get married! Specifically, I would be a little angry if Shuteu is the only pair that get married. I would be less mad if it was a shared end between say, Shuteu and like, Limteu or something (I can actually see it for Limteu, at least). Just because I think it would undermine the themes and messages present in Shu’s season 1 route. I don’t really like the ‘mature LI’ route ending with marriage as if marriage is just the default conclusion for romances.
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bestworstcase · 3 years
Yo I just came across your mamoth of a Penny post you mad lass and it was fascinating read! Loved it! I honestly just wanna thank you for acknowledging and highlighting her relationship with Winter. While I do see people comment on how great and unexpected it was I really got the sense that many people thought that it doesn't really rival her relationship with say Ruby(tho maybe I just don'tfollow the right people). And I am not really a fan of ranking relationships since people obviously can and do have many close relationships with others without there being some kind of hierachy. But I feel it is kinda important to shout out Pennys relationship with Winter not just because it is important to her character and arc but also because I think it's special to have their friendship develop independent of our main cast and that it works so well even if it was so unexpected. It's just such a well written dynamic that deserves to be talked about so thank you!
thank you i care them
ghdksfh i think the undervaluing of penny's friendship with winter is fueled a lot by the popularity of ruby/penny and shippers in general having a tendency of kinda. zeroing in on their ship
but its always sort of baffled me because the friendship between penny and winter is more important, narratively speaking, than penny and ruby, because penny's and winter's moral and emotional quandaries and the arc of them struggling together with those things is one of the major thematic arcs underpinning v7 and has huge ramifications for what happens in v8, whereas penny and ruby's developing friendship is... just not one of the load-bearing pillars supporting the story as a whole, ya know? which isn't to say its insignificant but its like. it's a nice couch.
SO its like--tbh any textual analysis of the atlas arc that tries to place greater narrative emphasis on penny/ruby than on penny's friendship with winter feels. off to me, in exactly the same way that it would feel weird to encounter someone saying that a really nice couch is what's holding the roof up.
on the other hand
speaking in terms of the characters perspectives and like, what and who they care about and how they value those relationships--in THAT sense, my feeling is that penny values ruby's friendship just as highly as she does winter's (and i think reading that friendship as tinged with romantic interest makes sense) but she's probably a lot *closer* to winter simply by dint of having had so much more time--
like penny meets ruby when she arrives in vale to prep for the vytal festival and they click right away but also really only have like... a couple months tops to get to know each other, while ruby is kept busy with school + trying to figure out what torchwick's up to and penny's handlers are actively working to keep her isolated from other people, so they wouldn't have had much time to hang out and what time they did have would've been in pretty short stints, by necessity. so its like—they're very compatible and enthusiastically want to be friends and probably managed to cram a lot of bonding into that very thin amount of time, but theres like... a depth in relationships that can really only happen over long periods of time, which they didn't have a chance to do before penny died in v3.
and then at the beginning of v7 they immediately pick up where they left off but they're in a similar boat of just, not having a lot of downtime so most of the time spend in each other's company involves one or both of them working, so again they get along super well because they're really compatible, and they squeeze plenty of bonding into this less than ideal circumstance, but it's still like--they CARE about each other so much, they're COMFORTABLE with each other, but their dynamic in v7-8 i would describe as "solidly friends, starting to become close and mutually interested in growing closer" whereas i would describe penny+winter as close friends/found family. (same with ruby+weiss or ruby+blake or ruby+yang). like the LOVE is there, with penny and ruby, that's the foundation, and they're beginning to fill in the shared experiences and history and like depth of knowledge that defines deep, close friendships like what penny has with winter or ruby has with her teammates.
which is less about like. hierarchy of friendships (which is inane) so much as it is like--hm as far as penny/ruby goes what really interests me is they have this IMMEDIATE connection and then have to struggle and really make the best of what little time they have to take that spark and build it up into a real fire, and the world and circumstances makes that so damn hard for them, and in atlas theyre in like this murky. not-truly-close-yet, wanting-to-be-close, becoming-closer zone and stuck in a situation that is just not conducive to building the kind of relationship they both obviously want to be building with each other, and i love the tension and drama of that dynamic and the potential of how it could evolve if things went a little differently and penny survived, and also the tragedy of loss happening in the middle of this murky zone and the pain of losing not just penny herself but also all of the possibility for what could have become--and i think the reason NND content by and large doesn't appeal, both in terms of the analysis coming out of NND circles and fanworks centered around NND, is overall it kind of skips straight over that messy liminal Becoming™ zone to land on a more, i guess, finished relationship? its kinda like i want to watch a house get built and the NND crowd by and large seems to be doing house walkthroughs and interior decorating instead.
i've kind of wandered away from the actual content of what you said rip i just. i have a lot of thoughts abt penny
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
farawyn and borodred for the ship ask game thing?
thank you so much!! :)
okay i’ll start with borodred because for some unfathomable reason i actually got there first —
1. What made you ship it?
One of my favourite Types of ships is the Elder Statesmen Of War-type set-ups, where it’s less about people brought together through theatrical romantic gestures and more about the steadiness of people who are going through similar (immensely difficult) circumstances, who know that in their hearts they’re always going to put their duty to that cause first, but still seek out human comfort in other people who will understand what their priorities are and why.
I think there’s also a lot of similarities about the kind of helplessness they both face despite having this tremendous innate strength. Both of them still have to deal with family dynamics that are complex (made more complex by the war) and that can’t be fixed just by their own sheer will power; both of them die these utterly unnecessary deaths (not that death makes a ship but I think in this instance it actually points to the constant tragedy these guys face); and both of them are meant to be the principal figures of their families and people and are ultimately sidelined by the cruel mechanisations of war and the forward march of history or whatever wanky term there is for it — my apologies to ep thompson's ghost, dont haunt me bro.
Plus there’s obviously the interesting thread raised when Faramir starts bitching about Gondor and likens Gondor (and by very explicit extension, Boromir) to Rohan. That always made me go ‘Hmmmmmm, wonder what else Boromir liked about Rohan,’ lmao.
Anyways for me the ship is the equivalent of Star Wars’ Kanan and Hera or (my OTP to end all others) Luke and Wedge, just people getting by on love and duty and without big ol fancy romance.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
The fanon, I think, really makes it, as with so many other LOTR ships. battlefield manners, by themightypen is essentially the definitive take for me on them — these two guys who are just so fucking exhausted, man, but still overcome by defensive love for their families, even if their (foster-)siblings are naïve fools. That I just love, love, love. Plus I think they’re unique for their ability to pretty comfortable explore the relationship between Gondor & Rohan in advance of the Ring War without having to stray too far into AU, which I always appreciate.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really, tbh, except in that I don’t think Boromir is necessarily as laddy as people like to portray him. I’m happy to play into it in, say, my modern AUs because I think that’s a fun and sweet niche for him, but I am a bit 🤪 about Boromir as this kind of reckless, drunken playboy (not least because I think that’s a much funnier niche for Faramir to fill, at least when he’s younger). Chapter Four of Swaddledog’s Hearts and Minds gets my preferred Boromir characterisation absolutely spot on, I think.
And now, sigh, the ultimate OTP, Farawyn —
1. What made you ship it?
For starters, I think I am obsessed with Éowyn in a way I’ve never quite been obsessed with any other fictional character. I came to reading LOTR at this moment in my life where I was intensely frustrated about everything — trapped inside permanently (helplessly!) because of the pandemic, just starting a new political organisation that I truly believed in but that was still making me feel like shit, facing down an untenable about of work, and, fundamentally, really, really hating being a woman and what that means. And along comes Éowyn, who is bitter, who is cold, who is ANGRY, and who doesn’t perform joy or softness or gentleness just because people expect her to. She’s this seminal Woman Of War in so many ways, I think the kind of person a lot of us wish we could be. She’s got her emotional taps cut off at the source, she holds her head high and faces down unimaginable personal and political terrors, and at the end of it all still has this abiding love for her family that, I would argue, is almost unparalleled by anyone else in the book.
After all that, she gets this incredible moment of emotional catharsis (or what we expect to be emotional catharsis): “no living man am I!” She undertakes THE greatest martial act of the Ring War, and in that moment there’s this unbelievably sophisticated dialogue happening about gender (“Éowyn it was, and Dernhelm also”), and leadership (Merry finding his courage not because of the immediate scenario of the Witch-king, but because he’s spurred into it by Éowyn’s presence), and love and care.
And then we learn that no, actually, this glorious act of violence wasn’t the emotional catharsis we thought it would be. She gets to ride to war, she gets to throw herself headlong at death, and in the end that hopeless act of individualism isn’t really what does it for her. She’s still left desolate and despairing, and actually all of her problems haven’t gone away.
And then we need to rewind a bit, because along comes Faramir, who is gentle, and is kind, and does seem to believe in joy, but not because people expect it — actually it's made abundantly clear nobody expects it — but because it’s something quite innate to how he figures the world. And he’s a huge fucking nerd too. I have a lot of thoughts on Faramir’s flaws and why I find them endearing, which I won’t put here, but almost immediately you get this sense of a guy who’s quite melodramatic, good humoured, and very much not made to live in a time of war.
But he’s also clear-headed about war and what it requires (tactically, if not strategically, though that’s a post for another day), but who is kind of cynical and weary of it in his own unique way. And it’s a unique cynicism given his personal circumstances because he’s the second son of The great family of Gondor, he’s apparently — though with some big ol’ question marks hanging about the extent — very able to command some of the elite units in the realm, and what’s more than that, he’s got all these fantastical powers (the light mind reading to start, to say nothing of this apparently magical ability to command animals too. bruh.). By all accounts he should be this brazen hot mess, but he’s not. He’s desperate to claw his way out of this war-torn cage of expectation his people have for how a man should comport himself in time of war. Is it a little naïve? Sure. A little fussy? Absolutely. But does it point to that same desperation that Éowyn has? Yes! But also the practicality, like, neither of them are really enjoying the circumstances they live under, but good fucking god are they both able to Make It Work.
So finally we get to the Houses of Healing and what is the finest and most aggressively romantic writing of LOTR. Seriously, it’s so fucking much. It’s breathtaking. It reminds me quite viscerally of this fabulous quote from Les Mis:
The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories, that it has come to be disbelieved in. Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only.
At some point I will devote more time to talking about the two reasons line, and the blissful Queen of Gondor speech, but I think to me that big, important line is: “And then her heart changed, or at least she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her.”
It’s not about Éowyn changing herself entirely (though, I think, it really does bear mentioning that she does change, and that’s every bit as important to understanding that scene as it is romantic), it’s about Éowyn coming to terms with how to live with herself as herself, and how to live in communion with someone else. She can’t just cut people out anymore, and she can’t just treat them as objects of infatuation as she did with Aragorn, she has to reckon with people as they are. And that’s sort of the moment where I knew I was about to plunge fully off the deep end with these two and never know a moments’ peace again, lmao.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Someone on here once called Farawyn a love letter to women and, by god, yes, exactly that. I love the capacity for emotional intimacy, that is beautiful in ways I can’t express. To me, though, my favourite thing is the promise of life they speak of. Not as in oh they shag loads and have babies (though not opposed to that, obviously), but in the sense that unlike Aragorn and Arwen, who are always going to be buried under/burdened with the crushing weight of history and tradition, Éowyn and Faramir are going out yonder those hills and they’re going to do some real cottagecore farming shit. Obviously with all the trappings of rank and nobility and whatnot, but they, unique to anybody else in the books, get to sow this new idea of what life should be. They are, outside of Aragorn, the single most powerful people in Gondor. Éowyn’s got the ear of a king, a steward (which is essentially a prime-ministerial deal here), and functionally her own prince (if the hobbits are to be believed when they refer to it as essentially hers). I suspect that, in life, there were remarkably few arguments she wasn’t winning, and that Ithilien probably trended towards the jumped up noble hippie camp Tolkien so desperately wanted Oxford to be (or, in other words — Cambridge, lol).
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Yeah, man, everybody stop treating Faramir like he’s a big fucking crybaby and Éowyn like she’s some kind of shrieking 2010-era tumblr girl.
One of the single most important lines defining Faramir’s character is when Denethor roasts his ass for always trying to appear noble and lordly, if you ignore every other piece of textual evidence we have about him, what part of that line makes you think Faramir’s some simpering daisy? And why would you want to link tremendous emotional intelligence and care with being too limp-wristed to function, lol??? Like I struggle loads with writing Faramir, because I have never once in my life tried to be noble or self-restrained, so find it hard to get into that mindset, but better, I think, to imagine him too closed off than to do this wilting flower song and dance lmao.
And stop making Éowyn out to be this over-emotional angst machine. She’s got problems, yes, and she’s sure as shit got a lot of angst, but at almost every point in the book where we’re overtly dealing with her emotions, she’s sublimating them into something else. One of the most serious times we see her cry is when she’s fighting with Aragorn about riding out, and after that moment she literally tries to kill herself. Those tears aren’t standard, man, that’s a real watershed (lol) moment for her. You have to read around what the text is saying to get a better feel why everybody’s constantly calling her cold and distant.
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angeltrapz · 3 years
for the “give me a character” meme! Eric, Adam, William, Mallick, Strahm, Rigg!!!!
YESS thank u!!!!
How I feel about this character: That's my boy!!! <33
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uuuu okay. Adam, obviously, but concerning the SAW polycule: Adam, Art, Lawrence, William, & Mallick!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Him & Rigg!!! That's his best friend!!! + he and Gibson in the Eric Lives AU!! (Gibson IS dating his best friend + recognizes that he's made the effort to change <3)
My unpopular opinion about this character: You Understand This but the idea that he's irredeemable/deserved to die is complete and utter bullshit. This post that you made perfectly describes my feelings on that!!
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Firstly that he. Y'know. Didn't die. But I would have loved to see any of his interactions with Hoffman? Obviously they knew each other + I like to think they have since they were in academy together, so there's gotta be some sort of history there, y'know?? I feel like he definitely cared about Eric so I would've been very interested to see more regarding that relationship! + one more big one: I wish he knew/was at least made aware of the fact that Daniel was ALIVE and okay. It kills me thinking abt how this man died not knowing if his child made it out.
How I feel about this character: I loooove him he deserved better. I relate pretty heavily to him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hehe. Lawrence obviously!! Chainshipping is a HUGE comfort ship for me. BUT! Regarding the SAW polycule: Lawrence, Eric, William, Gibson, & Mallick!! + when concerning that alternative canon continuity we've been talking abt, Strahm. But only in that circumstance lol,,
My non-romantic OTP for this character: MANDY!!! In any AU where she's either not a disciple or abandoned her apprenticeship, I firmly believe that he and Amanda would be best friends. Mean gay/lesbian solidarity siblings who would fight tooth and nail for each other + who get each other on a level that not many others can. Pamela also!! Along w Mandy I like to think they talk about their experiences being trans a lot + just bitching w each other lol.
My unpopular opinion about this character: IDK how unpopular this actually is but I 100% believe that Adam would never become a disciple in any capacity, ESP not of his own accord. I genuinely think he'd rather die. That's just not something I can see him doing in any circumstance.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wish someone had gotten him out of the bathroom :( And in an AU where he lives I hope someone tells him what a bastard Zep was!! No one made that dude hold a gun to Diana's head and listen to her heartbeat what the FUCK was that!!
How I feel about this character: He's such a sweetheart I love him,, <33
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lawrence & Adam <3 in the polycule though this includes Eric & Mallick!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: He and Pamela obviously!! His sister is his best friend and they're there for each other 100%.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Much like Eric I don't think he deserved to die/that he's completely irredeemable... he fights so hard to save everyone and is utterly devastated when he can't. He's willing to hurt himself to save others (nearly dislocating his shoulders trying to keep both Addy and Allen, burning himself with the steam for Debbie, etc.) and it's like. John is always talking about how it can't be personal but it seems pretty fucking personal here!
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: The fact that nobody saw how hard he fought for his coworkers + the sacrifices he made for them upsets me to no end. That was intentional. John didn't want Tara + Brent (or Pamela for that matter!) to see him as human and that fucking bothers me!! So basically I just wish that they could've seen it via camera like literally almost every trap victim gets in some capacity!!
How I feel about this character: Yet another character I relate to wayyy too much <33 I love him...
All the people I ship romantically with this character: BRIT!!! + concerning the SAW polycule: Adam, Eric, William, & Lawrence!! (Art maybe too,,)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I like to think he and Laura would've gotten along actually? I feel like that would be a good, healthy friendship. And I do like the idea of he and Brit like this too!! Other than that maybe Mandy? I feel like they could relate to each other a little bit, help each other when they're feeling brainweird,, (Mallick n Mandy: havers of Symptoms Disorder <3)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Again I don't know if it's unpopular, persay, but uh. I don't think the Mallick we meet in V would willingly sit and listen to Bobby Dagen in 3D. He'd hate that dude. My take on it is that Brit didn't survive V (although I think read somewhere that the crew confirmed she survived?) and that's why he was there: because he'd lost the one true connection he'd made in god knows how long. That's rlly the only way I see him sitting thru Dagen's bullshit lmao.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wanted him to see Brit again,, and I just wanted to see him more in general tbh, esp because he makes a reappearance where so many prior Jigsaw survivors do not. I would've liked to see him interact with Simone given that they both lost a limb/nearly a limb (in Mallick's case). This is related to that, but I also wish the evidence of the 10 Pints trap wasn't just. A tiny scar? I HC that it took his whole hand, so.
How I feel about this character: Ohhh my beloved. Why didn't they give you a better narrative it would've been SO interesting. I love you though <3
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Honestly? Still super fond of Gibson/Strahm in a scenario where things are different,, I've written quite a bit abt them and kinda want to again but if I do it'll probably be. Not for a while + VASTLY different. but recent additions have been Hoffman (I used to. not understand Stroffman whatsoever. now I Get It) and Adam!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: PEREZ!!! I've always thought of them as best friends since I first saw IV, and I do think he genuinely cared about her - quite a lot, actually, esp given how devastated he was when she was injured. They hang out at each other's apartments all the time + get coffee regularly. I love them.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't think he's a dumbass?? I don't know if that's unpopular. I think that he's IMPULSIVE and that it gets him into trouble, but Strahm has always struck me as incredibly intelligent + has a good moral compass for the most part?? I mean, he figured out there was a second apprentice (second as far as he knows, anyway) helping with traps just by examining Kerry's crime scene. I think he's VERY smart. He just acts quickly + sometimes that means there's not much planning for if things go south. (I DO agree that showing up to the packing plant w/out backup was dumb though,, doesn't mean he DESERVED the Water Cube but y'know)
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: It's not really mentioned if he does in canon, but I wish he'd been made aware of the fact that Perez was alive,, it bothers me that he might've died not knowing she was okay. The other thing is that I wish he'd survived V!!! I think it would've been WAY more narratively satisfying for him to kinda follow in Tapp's footsteps as a vigilante Jigsaw hunter. (That's why I love yr takes on him so much!!)
How I feel about this character: He has such a big heart. He cares so so much. I wish ppl talked about him more :(
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Gibson!!! And uhh Hoffman, but they're exes,, but! In a scenario I'm kind of going over in my head, maaaybe Adam... the basics though is that he searches the Nerve Gas House independently and somehow finds the Bathroom following II, and He is the one to rescue Adam. Very tentative abt that one though bc I'm still working it out lol. (Possibly Eric/Adam/Rigg???)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Eric!!! His best friend <3 I think he's also pretty close with Kerry, though I think he hangs out w her independent of Eric given,, the messy ex situation. I think he probably got along well with Fisk too!! OH and I think he and Sing would've been good friends as well. The chaos of a Rigg/Gibson/Sing friend trio...
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mmm I don't know that I have one? Other than maybe like. I understood why he went through the door. He knew Eric was on the other side; he just didn't know the circumstances or what would happen if he went through. All he knew was that he was that much closer to someone he's been trying to find/rescue for MONTHS + someone he cares for deeply. Of COURSE he went through. He breaks my heart ugh,,,
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wish he hadn't even been tested!!!! His one flaw was that he cared about ppl and somehow John saw that as something he needed to fix!!! Like yes I do agree that it was eating away at him and the obsession might've been unhealthy, but that's two of his closest friends dude!! I don't think he deserved to be tested for that. I don't. He just wanted to help ppl and keep them safe. I absolutely despise how Rigg was treated dkjflkdf!!!!
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assortedmutts · 3 years
♦ ♠ for cal and job, ♔ for saul
USFW headcanons.
♦ Stamina
Merc: physically-speaking, he can go all night long, baby. Fatigue isn’t a problem for him unless you wear him out emotionally (which can happen if he slides into the sub mindset or gets overstimulated, in which case he’s likely to pass the fuck out soon after it’s finished). With that said, though, his sex drive isn’t too high, and once a night (or, on occasion, once every few days) is usually enough for him. 
He can, however, be persuaded to go on another, or even several more rounds, under the right circumstances. His relationship with Dom serves a good example: with the mixture of Dom usually being up for more than just the one round/their sex being increasingly gratifying, Merc is far more likely to be into it, as well, and even grow accustomed to it.
Job: tends to get worn out far more easily, mostly on account of his smoking - but, unlike Merc, this boy’s sex drive is off the roof, and he can easily go all night long powered solely by his horniness/attraction/feelings toward the other person. If anything, the first round is likely to only make him hornier and want to go at it again as soon as possible. Bottom line, he’s a pleaser through and through, and he won’t rest until his partner is satisfied and utterly spent. 
♠ Dirty little secrets
Merc: anything he genuinely likes/wants, like his tendency towards submission, light BDSM or sexual fantasies (spitr.oasting, double pe.netration, etc.) are all things he considers dirty little secrets. Part of him feels wrong for wanting them, they feel much to dangerous for comfort (put him in a vulnerable position, make him seem weak) and he simply doesn’t know how to ask for or discuss them. Wishing he had someone to call ‘daddy’ is definitely a dirty secret.
Masturbation, though it happens daily, is generally something he doesn’t want ever mentioned or known - he’d be embarrassed and would likely decline if his partner ever wanted to know what he does or what he thinks about when he masturbates.
Job: no such thing. He doesn’t have a shame/guilt/embarrassing relationship with sex and, though he knows not all his partners are going to be into everything he likes, he doesn’t consider any it something he needs to hide. If they’re not into something he wants, no biggie, they can just move onto something else they’re more comfortable with. Sex is a huge part of how Job expresses love and intimacy with his partner, and he considers it exactly as such - an act of love, and nothing is embarrassing about love.
♔ What gets them in the mood
Saul: Oof, this is a tough one for sure. There has to be familiarity and intimacy there, first and foremost. It’s very difficult for Saul to experience sexual attraction towards anyone he doesn’t know or trust - and when the attraction isn’t there, neither is the mood (TBH, he can go a long time without any sort of sexual gratification). He’s pretty vanilla in the things that turn him on: a romantic setting, like the corner table at some dimly-lit restaurant, or a late night stroll at a park; an engaging, challenging conversation; just feeling wanted, really, can get him going, considering he isn’t regarded that way very often.
With that said, though, I think there’s also a part of him that’s just waiting for someone to knock him out of his comfort zone. Doing things he’d never have thought to do on his own, experiencing that adrenaline rush when he does something he oughtn’t, or something that scares him (to an extent), are very likely to get him going after the fact. Has to do with his coming from a very closed-off and close-knit community/having a very clear life path virtually from the day he was born. It’s wearing on as well as boring him, and a nudge in the right direction would go a long way for him. I don’t think he has any idea that he works this way, though, and it’s likely to catch him off-guard if and when it ever happens.
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@ruinedrot​ said:  ✿ [ any of your muses are welcomed to mine ;v; ]
Okie doke, let’s actually get this under a read more because I’m gonna be hittin’ up Eve, Jane, Lust, and Alucard. :>
Eve, for the Kuja’s Queenpin AU
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies [[ if she smokes?? ]]  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies [[ if she parties?? ]]  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  / [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  / [ your muse ] is taken under mine’s wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
So I think the best thing for Eve and Kuja would be to base it on a modern AU, which would be quite similar to Xigbar’s assassin AU. In Queenpin, Kuja is a mafioso sort of figure with a lot of power and influence, and he could possibly employ Eve to work for him at some point. :0 And tbh they’re both morally questionable folks so, it could make for some interesting scenarios.
Jane, for Kuja’s Gaian Pantheon AU (or possibly Queenpin)
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  / [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  / [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
In this instance, I’m kinda going by the Wrath AU that we’ve got going on with Kimbley’s War AU rn. In Gaian Pantheon, Kuja is basically a god of discord, and it would be easy to insert him into a modern mythos sort of deal. It would also be entirely possible for us to use Queenpin again, simply because I love that AU and thirst to actually use it. :’) The issue is they’re both fairly volatile, so that could make for some... catastrophic interactions, under certain circumstances. 
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  / [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  / [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
I could probably just set this in Kuja’s default multiversal AU, and they’d probably ultimately be... super sassy pals that just get into all kinds of nastiness together. But, again, it’s a situation where things could go terribly wrong and they’re just at each other’s throats, getting into all kinds of petty drama. Tbh, it just depends.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  / [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  / [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
...What can I say. Sometimes ya gotta be a dramatic, ethereal ice queen that thinks a big, huge nasty vampire creature is hot. :|
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