#somehow this didn't kill our pen
lunarrabbitsart · 2 years
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Beeg lad
we made them a couple years ago and they are still so <3 <3 <3
the background looks kinda empty, but i think the dragon's a friend :)
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phoward89 · 7 months
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Based on this ask
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Coriolanus Snow knew firsthand the deadly risks of childbirth, considering he watched in horror as a young child when his own mother and baby sister died, but he knew that he needed an heir to carry on the Snow name. When he planned on marrying for hate, well, he could care less what happened to his wife during the delivery.
But, somehow, all his plans and views on marriage changed when he met you. You were hired as his secretary, so you spent a lot of time with him. Coriolanus never planned on falling in love with you, but he did. Hell, he even killed your boyfriend in order to make you single again so you'd be able to go out with him.
And when you accepted his offer of dinner, which came with a single white rose, a few months after the death of your longtime boyfriend, he did everything in his power to make you fall in love with him. Coriolanus was successful, you fell hard and fast for him. He was too charming not to let wiggle into your heart, and into your bed.
The president needed a first lady, so he proposed and married you. But it was a bit scandalous, considering you were his secretary. After a couple of negative articles in the media, well, Coriolanus got rid of the writers and made sure that the studios and printing presses in the Capitol (all of Panem actually) knew that if another foul word was printed about his relationship with his wife then he'd kill every single person in the media office.
Safe to say, only articles praising President Snow and First Lady Snow’s love and glamorous life hit the press after that.
And then, of course, came the subject of children. After discussing it, you stopped taking birth control. And you ended up getting pregnant right away.
Seeing you so round with his child gave Coriolanus joy. Gave him an ego boost because he was the one to plant his seed in you. You were carrying his child. His precious baby.
The baby was no longer looked at as an heir, but as a baby to love.
And it was all because of you.
“Coryo, I have my top list of baby names finished.” You told your husband, who was lounging in bed wearing only a pair of sleep pants.
Coryo watched as you sat across the room, placing his fountain pen back into its holder after writing down the final name on your baby name list.
After discussing it, you both decided to wait until the baby was born to discover the gender. You wanted to be surprised and Coriolanus just wanted you to be happy.
“Are you going to let me see it, my darling?” Your platinum blonde husband asked as you slowly stood up from his corner desk.
Placing a hand on your large belly, you smiled, “Of course I'm going to let you see it.”
Grabbing the list, you slowly walked over to the bed. After getting into bed, you handed the list to your husband. “Tell me what ones you like, Mister President.”
Coryo kissed your cheek and smiled. “Of course, First Lady Snow.”
He read over the list, only to discover that you had more boys' names than girls written down. After giving it some thought, he told you, “Cassian Xandros is perfect for our son. It's a strong name.” Mulling it over, he pointed to a name on the paper and announced, "Cersei sounds nice for a girl.”
“It's not nice, Coryo, it's beautiful.” You countered, pulling the list out of his hands. “Looks like the baby has a name; all we need to do is wait for it to come.”
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The day your daughter Cersei Snow was born was the day that your husband decided to hate her.
The day didn't start out with him hating his baby girl.
No, it started with your water breaking and a trip to the hospital. Coriolanus canceled all of his meetings, briefings, and work for the day just to be by your side.
He was very supportive during your labor. Letting you hold his hand during painful contracts, smoothing your hair back away from your sweaty face with a damp rag, and buzzing the nurse multiple times for both ice chips and pain medication for you.
The nurses all gossiped amongst each other about how President Snow was the perfect doting husband and and father to be. That he'd make a very good father.
Little did they know.
Little did anyone know what would happen once the doctor came into the room and announced that it was time to start pushing.
Coriolanus was by your side as you pushed and pushed. With every push he noticed you were getting weaker and it worried him.
Looking between your weak, pale form, and the doctor that was sitting at the bottom of your bed, Coriolanus asked, “Dr. Wellock, my wife's growing weaker. Is there something you can do to get the baby out?”
“There's nothing to be worried about, President Snow. Labor’s a strenuous event; many first time mothers grow fatigue and can push for a while before the baby crowns.” The doctor told your husband, more or less blowing off his concern.
You were exhausted but determined to have your baby. Even tho you were feeling dizzy, you continued to bear down and push every time you were told to.
Then, when you felt that you didn't have any more strength coursing thru your body, you gave birth to your baby.
You saw Dr. Wellock hold up the baby and announce, “It's a girl.” Suddenly, your vision began to get fuzzy as you heard the doctor ask your husband, “President Snow, would you like to cut the cord?”
Coriolanus was about to answer whenever he saw you faint, paired with blood pooling around your legs and staining the bed.
“What's wrong with my wife?!” Coriolanus asked, fear filling him as the doctor quickly cut the baby's cord and tossed her to a waiting nurse. “Dr. Wellock, is my wife dying?!” Coriolanus asked in a panicked scream, while the nurse quickly cleaned the baby and wrapped her into a blanket.
“Your wife's hemorrhaging, President Snow.” Dr. Wellock told your husband, only to point to the nurse and tell her, “Give him the baby and get him out of here.”
So, the nurse dumped the baby in Coriolanus' arms and pushed him out of the door. Before the president could blink, the door was slammed shut I'm his face.
As Dr. Wellock and his nurse worked to staunch your bleeding; save your life, your husband stood outside of your room with your newborn baby girl in his arms.
Coriolanus looked down at the tiny baby wriggling and crying in his hold, only to look at the door of your room and realize that you're dying because of the thing in his arms.
Cersei’s what the two of you decided to name her, when she wasn't a danger. Wasn't the reason you're dying.
Coriolanus felt disgust and hatred for the newborn in his arms. He didn't want to hold her anymore. She was the reason why you're knear death right now.
So, your husband found a nurse to pawn the baby on.
Coriolanus swore to himself that he'd never touch that evil little creature ever again. That he'd never love her.
It didn't matter if you lived or died, he was going to hate your daughter until the day he died.
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You didn't die in childbirth, but it was a close call. The doctor explained that you had bad hemorrhaging due to your uterus not contracting correctly after the birthing process, causing uncontrollable bleeding. You were given a blood transfusion, once Dr. Wellock managed to stop the bleeding, due to your blood pressure being too low after such a large blood loss.
You were out of it for days, but you survived.
You were happy to be alive and with your family. Coriolanus and Cersei.
But it didn't take long for you to notice that Coriolanus never picked up your daughter. He never held her, hell, Coryo never seemed too interested in her.
Unless it was for a photo op. Then he turned into the perfect hands on dad that would pose for pictures. But as soon as the cameras stop flashing, the president stops caring about his daughter.
You thought that Coriolanus would get over it; would come to accept your daughter in time. But…sadly…your daughter's first birthday is fastly approaching and your husband still doesn't seem interested in her, unless it's for a photo op.
It saddened you, knowing that Coriolanus was offish to Cersei because she wasn't the son he probably wanted to carry on the Snow name. You loved your daughter and you were sure that your Coryo loved her too, but was just disappointed that she wasn't the strong son he probably had his heart set on.
He did pick out a boy name right off the bat when you handed him your list of baby names last year.
Maybe if Coryo had a son to carry on the Snow name, he'd be happier in his role of fatherhood?
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Coriolanus walked into the sunroom only to cringe when he saw you coddling Cersei. The damn little creature nearly murdered you during the birthing process, but you were holding her as she napped on you.
Goodness, there was a portable cradle in the room for a reason.
“She's nearly a year old, you shouldn't be letting her sleep on you like that.” Coriolanus told you, taking a seat at the small tea table. He never even tried to hide the disgust in his voice.
“There's nothing wrong with holding her, Coryo? She's my baby girl.” You responded, causing your husband to just shake his head while reaching for the teapot that was in the middle of the table.
“She's a toddler now, darling. She's not a baby anymore.” Coriolanus scoffed, pouring himself a cup of tea. “Do you want to have afternoon tea with me, or are you going to coddle Cersei all day?” He asked, grabbing a macaron and placing it onto the small plate that was in front of him.
“I'll have tea with you, Coryo.” You thinly smiled, only to rise from your spot on the sofa and place your daughter into her portable crib.
As you made your way over to the table, your husband fixed you a cup of tea and plated you macarons. When you sat down, you decided that now was the time to bring up the subject of having more children.
Little did you know, after your near death experience, Coriolanus got himself snipped. So…it was impossible for you to have any more children.
But he wasn't going to tell you that.
Reaching for your teacup, you told your husband,“Coryo, I think we should have another baby.”
“No.” Was Coriolanus’ quick and cold reply.
“But, we could have a son this time “ You pressed, knowing that your husband wanted a son. Wanted the Snow name to live on.
But you were wrong. Coriolanus didn't want a son to carry on the Snow name, he wanted you alive to be by his side. He loves you to the point of obsessive possession. The love Coriolanus has for you is all consuming, like a plague of locusts devouring an entire field of crops in District 11.
Coryo took a long sip of his tea, only to cut eyes with you over his teacup and firmly say, “I said no, Y/N.” placing his teacup down, he gave you the lame excuse of, “I'm a very busy man, my little dove. Being president takes much of my time away from my fatherly duties; we can only handle raising one child. More than one would be too much for us, considering you refuse a nanny.”
“I told you when I was pregnant with Cersei that I want to raise our kids. I don't want somebody else raising them, no matter how it might be easier considering your role in politics.”
“My role in politics?” Coriolanus chuckled, biting into his macaron. “I'm the President of Panem, that's more than just a role in politics.”
Sipping on your tea, you sighed, “Fine, Cersei’ll be an only child.”
Grabbing your hand in his, Coryo promised, “Our daughter will never want for anything. She'll be showered in a life of luxury.”
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That wasn't true. Your daughter grew up wanting her father's love, but she never got it. Coriolanus was always so distant and cold with Cersei.
She hated him, but that was fine with your husband since he hated her right back.
You always thought that your husband resented your daughter for not being a son, for not being able to carrying on the might and noble Snow name.
But that wasn't the case at all.
Coriolanus Snow hated his daughter, Cersei, because you nearly died in childbirth with her. Nothing would every change that. He'd hate her til the day she died.
At least when your daughter died, it was bringing your beautiful granddaughter into the world.
A granddaughter Coryo named Celeste Snow, since your daughter was unwed at the time of her unexpected death.
Your husband was a better grandfather than he was a father. You thought that he might've felt guilty for being so distant and busy during Cersei’s childhood, that he decided to right his wrongs while you raised Celeste.
Little did you know, Coriolanus loved his granddaughter because she killed her mother in the birthing bed.
President Snow was a horrible, heartless man with a soul darker than a black hole. But at least he loved you and loved his granddaughter.
Too bad he hated his only child her entire life.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis, @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi, @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503, @shari-berri, @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch, @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya, @mfnqueen1, @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88
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five-rivers · 6 months
Welcome Back Home
Phic Phight Fic for Avi!
Danny may have been a superhero.  He may have been annoying.  He may even have been ‘practically an adult.’  He was still Jazz’s little brother.  The one who had once begged her for play time and increasingly baffling milkshake combinations.  The one who helped her fight reanimated turkeys every Christmas.  The one who painstakingly researched what books to give her for her birthday.
So, it wasn't so much a choice to throw herself between him and her parents’ newest and most worrying weapon as it was a reflex.  If any thought crossed her mind while she dashed across the parking lot and into the path of the beam, it was either this is going to hurt or I hope I'm fast enough.
Well, it didn't hurt. It did drop her in the Ghost Zone. Immediately, She whirled, trying to find the portal.
Way back, when she and Danny had come clean about their respective secrets, Danny had sat her down for what he called his ‘Ghost Zone Survival Guide.’
“Okay,” he'd said, spinning in his spinny chair, “Ghost Zone survival, part one.  Don't go there.”
Tucker had snorted.  Jazz, who had taken out a fresh notebook and her special note-taking gel pens, glared at him.  
“I'm serious,” Danny had defended himself.  “The Zone isn't a good place for humans.”
“Do you want some reason other than it operating under different laws of physics and being full of super-powered people who don't care if they kill you by mistake?  The radiation, maybe?”
“Never mind.  Go ahead.”
“That's what I thought.  Anyway, if you wind up going through an unstable or temporary portal, the first thing you need to do is go back through that portal.  Like, forget about anything else that's going on.  Fights, escapes, your car, other people, get yourself back through.”
“That seems a bit callous,” Jazz had said.  
“Well, maybe.  But the Ghost Zone is huge, and natural portals and temporary portals aren't just unstable in space, they're unstable in time.”
“They could spit you out in my first life, the middle ages, a thousand years in the future, you name it,” Tucker had helpfully added.  
“First life?”
“Don't worry about it,” Danny had said.  
“Pharaonic Egypt,” Tucker had answered.  
“The point is,” Danny had continued loudly, “you don't want to take a chance with portals unless you know they're stable or have the Infi-Map.”
“Or time grandpa has your back.”
“Stop calling him that.”
“Who is–”
“It doesn't matter.  He doesn't have your back.  He doesn't have anyone's back.”
Tucker had made a noise of negation.  “He has your back.”
Danny had responded by beaning his friend with a pillow.  
Somehow, despite being genuinely informative, Jazz had come away from the ‘lesson’ With more questions than answers.  None of which were pertinent to her present situation.  
She turned on the spot again, surveying her surroundings in more detail.  It didn't help.  No matter which direction she turned in, there was no portal.  
So.  Step one: failed.  
Onto step two.  
“What if I can't get back through the portal though?” Jazz had asked.  
“Well, if you aren't being actively attacked–”
“You should definitely take care of that first if you are.”
“If you aren't under attack, see if you can spot any landmarks.  If you can see one, you'll at least have a general idea of where you are.  Mostly.”
“We're making a map,” Tucker had said, “but it sucks.”
“That's not a comment on our self-confidence or whatever,” Danny had said before Jazz could interject.  “Stuff moves in the Ghost Zone.  It's kind of like trying to make a map of the solar system.  If you're sitting on Jupiter, you know where the sun is, and you've got a pretty good idea about the inner planets, but unless you have a model you can put the time into, you're not going to have any idea where Pluto is.”
“And you wouldn't know the right time, either,” Jazz had said, contemplatively.  
“Exactly.  But landmarks are still good.  They'll give you your general area, at least.  And maybe what else is around, too.”  He'd given her a photo album full of Ghost Zone landmarks, then, and they'd spent the next half hour going through them.
Jazz was on a floating island.  It was medium-sized, perhaps a dozen or so acres square on this side, full of softly rolling hills covered with purple grass and pale green flowers.  As far as Jazz could tell, there wasn't anything else on it, although that didn't mean there wasn't.  It didn’t look like any place she'd seen or heard of.  
Offshore, the Zone was a moderately-familiar green-on-green.  Foggy ectoplasm and the lack of anything like a horizon made it difficult to judge distances.  
There were a few other islands Jazz could see.  Something like a mountain range, a floating sphere, and, just on the edge of her vision, a slightly more regular conglomeration of shapes that could have been a town.  
“If you don't recognize anything, do your best to head towards civilization.”
Jazz had raised an eyebrow at that.  “Despite the super-powered people who don't care if I die?”
“She’s got you there, Danny my man.”
“Ugh, why couldn't Sam have been here?”
“Gasp, don't tell me you forgot the mega-ultra-turbo grounding already?  How could you?”
Danny had thrown another pillow at Tucker.  “You're so unhelpful.  Anyway, people are dangerous, but they're also the only place you're going to get directions.”
“And if I see something, how do I get there?  Considering everything is a flying island.”
“That’s a bit tricky.”
Jazz bounced on her the balls of her feet, staring down the green void between herself and her destination.  She’d never done this before, and despite Danny and Tucker’s attempts at an explanation, or even Sam’s later on…  Well, she felt like she should’ve convinced them to bring her to the Ghost Zone to practice.  
There was nothing she could do but try.  She closed her eyes and jumped into the air, believing she could fly with all her might.  Her feet hit the ground again.  Damn.  
One, two, three, she tried again, and again, and again, and then, finally, when she got mad, when she got frustrated, her feet left the ground and stayed off the ground.  She was flying, like only a human in the Ghost Zone could fly.  
She opened her eyes and looked over to the distant probably-town.  It was just as distant as before.  And now she was exhausted from jumping.  Both the jumping right now, and the jumping into the line of fire she’d done earlier.  
Well, no time like the present to get going.  She took off.  
The little details of Danny’s advice hadn’t stuck with her - he’d really waxed poetic - but she was still able to move forward.  She also spent a lot of time moving down whenever her concentration slipped.  Of course, she knew it wasn’t really down, thanks to those same conversations with Danny.  It was just the direction she perceived as down, or something like that.  
Danny liked flying like this.  Danny liked every method of flying to ever exist.  Jazz, personally, hated it.  A lot.  Every minute that passed, every time she slipped, she was terrified that she would go plunging into the murky depths of the Zone, never to be seen again.  
Danny hadn’t been wrong about the Ghost Zone not being good for humans.  
Thank goodness the town really was a town.  She wasn’t sure what she would have done if it wasn’t.  
“If I do get to civilization–”
“--or what passes for it–” Tucker had said.  
“--what do I do then?  Be polite, I assume, but what’s polite for ghosts?  What are the cultural touchstones?  The social norms?”
“Dunno,” Danny had said.  “It’s not like ghosts are just one big group that’s all the same.  But if you get to a group of ghosts, like, I don’t know a village or something, they’ll all probably be fairly tolerant.  To live together without fighting, you know?  Normal politeness will be fine.  Probably.  Assuming they can speak English.”
She managed a landing at the edge of the town.  She hit too hard, and her knees buckled.  A few ghosts stopped what they were doing - she didn’t know what, couldn’t spare the attention while flying - to stare at her.  With an effort she smiled at them.  Closed lips.  Many cultures considered smiles with teeth to be aggressive or rude.  
“Hi,” she said.  “I was wondering if you could help me.”
“Kio?  Kio ŝi diris?”
“Mi ne scias, mi ne parolas la francan.”
Ah.  She should’ve taken up Tucker’s offer to teach her some basic Esperanto.  Danny was never going to let her live this down.  
“Okay, so, what do I do if they don’t speak English?” she’d asked.  
“Get good at charades?  You probably won’t be able to get good directions without speaking the language - I have no idea how you’d do the portal in charades - but you can trade stuff.  Bargain, barter, whatever you want to call it.”
“For food?  Supplies?”
“Eh, not food, actually.  Ghost Zone food is mostly ectoplasm.  Not good for humans.”
“Then what?  Well, you’ll think it’s crazy, but…”
Somehow or another, she got the idea of marketplace and trade across to the ghosts.  Apparently the Esperanto word was related to the English.  Cousins.  Brothers.  Whatever, it didn’t matter.  
What did matter was what she was going to trade to the ghosts.  All she had was her purse, and for a teenage girl, she traveled light.  She had her wallet, parking change, a small handful of coupons, number two pencils, a pencil sharpener, a pen, various hygiene products, lipstick, laser, lipstick laser, sunscreen, the universal pocket psychology guide, granola bars, a screwdriver, a couple of bolts from the Peeler - if only she kept that in her purse - spiked bracelet from Spike, phone, and, okay, she didn’t pack that light.  There should be something in all this that the ghosts here would probably like.
The ghosts who had seen her less-than-stellar landing ushered her to a colorful, cloth-covered stall, the contents of which looked like the detritus of a million flea markets.  The ghost… manning it?  Ghosting it?  Haunting it?  What was the terminology in this case?  Whatever.  The ghost at the stall was pale green and nondescript except for the swathes of polka-dotted cloth wrapped around their body.  
They stared at her with wide eyes.  “Ĉu tio estas homo?  Viva homo?”
She smiled, forcefully.  That didn’t sound like a hello, but she’d take it.  “Hello,” she said.  “Do you have any boxes?”  She made the shape of a box with her hands.  
“The Box Ghost?  You’re saying that if I can’t get directions, my next step is to try to summon the Box Ghost?”
“Hey, believe it or not I’ve got an agreement with a lot of the regulars.  If they bring back lost humans, they get, um.  A nonlethal free day.  In Amity Park.  I can get you a list.  And even if you end up in a weird time, like, before I made the deal or something, the Box Ghost is pretty easy.  Worst case scenario, you can even let Walker catch you.  He always sends humans back.”
Jazz sat on the edge of the town, a cardboard box in hand, purse lighter by a novelty pencil sharpener and the spare screws and bolts.  “Oh, great and powerful and completely terrifying Box Ghost,” she said, feeling ridiculous.  “I have an offering for your awful, terribleness.  It’s cubical and cardboard-ical.  Cardboard.  Whatever.”  She sighed.  “This isn’t going to work, is it?”
Jazz shrieked and almost fell off the island.  
The Box Ghost blinked down at her.  “Beware?” he said.
“Hi,” said Jazz.  “A gift?”  She held up the box.  
“THE CARDBOARD IS MINE!”  He leaped on the box and held it to his chest like a baby.  “What do you want from the HORRIFYING BOX GHOST?”
“So, uh, I know you have a deal with my brother?”
“My brother,” repeated Jazz.  “Danny.  Phantom?”
The Box Ghost stared at her blankly.  
“To get humans back to Amity Park?”
That wasn’t good.  The opposite, really.  If the Box Ghost didn’t recognize Danny’s name…
“What if I am in the past?” Jazz had asked.
“Get back to Earth anyway, and survive.  Find a way to get a message to the present.  Between the Infi-Map and, um, other contacts I have–”
“Time grandpa,” Tucker interjected.  
“I should be able to go get you if I know where and when you are.  But I need to know when and where you are.”
Then, Jazz had asked why he couldn't just pick her up at the exact moment she'd arrived, if he was going to time travel anyway, and that had spurred a migrane-inducing argument about paradoxes.  Jazz had gotten the impression that the real reason was more along the lines of ‘Danny isn’t allowed to have any more paradoxes’ than ‘the universe won't let paradoxes exist.’
Jazz smiled thinly.  “Can you get me to Earth?” she asked.  “Please?  It’ll be worth your while.”
“Worth the while of the GREAT BOX GHOST?”
“Yep.  It might take a while, but you’ll get more of those.”  She nodded towards the box in the ghost’s arms.  “Consider it an investment in future, um, fear.”
“Yes.  As in, um, fear me?”
“No, you shall FEAR ME!”
“Exactly,” said Jazz.  “Just like that.  Can you do it?  Or… is it beyond the powers of even the Box Ghost?”
At least something was going right.  “Thanks,” Jazz said.  “That sounds great.  I really appreciate it.  Where is it?”
“FOLLOW ME!”  The Box Ghost paused.  “AND FEAR ME!”
He flew off, and Jazz struggled to keep up.  Luckily, the Box Ghost was courteous enough to stop for her every once in a while.  The flight seemed to go on forever, but, eventually, they came to a stop in front of a twisting, spluttering portal.  
“Does this really lead to the Earth?” Jazz asked.  
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean to imply that.  It’s just… is it always so sparky?”
Which meant that it could spit her out anywhere, at any time.  But at least she’d be on Earth, AKA somewhere she could eat the food and drink the water.  
“It doesn’t come out above an ocean, does it?”
“What about crab pots?” asked Jazz.
Jazz… wasn’t going to examine that too closely.  She braced herself and flew into the portal.  The transition this time wasn’t the smooth, blink-and-you’re-in-another-dimension it had been with her parents’ weapon.  It had turbulence, and lots of it.  It was like being in a washing machine.  Or a blender.  A really fast blender.  One that pulsed and shook and sang a song while it was at it.  
It spit her out ten feet above ground.  It wouldn’t have been a problem for a ghost, but for a human…  Well, at least she didn’t break any bones.  Instead, she laid, winded, on the ground.  Tall grass framed her vision on all sides.  The sun was hot overhead.  Which was… less than ideal.  It had been Autumn this morning.  However long from now that was.  
Jazz rubbed her temples.  All she had to do was send a message, satisfy Danny’s no-paradox rule, and then she’d be home.  Until then, she would survive.  She refused to saddle Danny with the guilt associated with her disappearing.  
She got up.  Looked around.  There was a dirt road.  She staggered over to it and flipped a coin to decide whether to go left or right.  Left it was.  
She grew steadier as she walked, but the heat was punishing.  She took off her sweater and was tempted to take her shirt off, too.  She was wearing a sports bra underneath.  It wasn’t like it’d be indecent.  
Unless she’d been dropped into the eighteen hundreds.  Best not to risk it.  
The dirt road became gravel, became poorly-paved asphalt, merged onto another, bigger road… A road with a recognizable name.  Jazz wasn’t that far away from Amity Park.  She could probably even call… home…
“I’m stupid,” she said out loud.  She pulled out her phone.  No service.  Typical.  She kept walking.  And walking.  And walking.  
And then she saw the smoke.  Right where Amity Park should be.  She ran, then.  
She crested the hill, passed the Welcome to Amity Park sign - something was off about it, but she didn’t stop to try and see what it was.  She hit the top of the next hill and stopped.  
That– That wasn’t Amity Park.  At least, it wasn’t her Amity Park.  The buildings were bigger.  Shinier.  Whiter, even.  The logo for the GIW sat proudly on one of the tallest ones.
And so many of them were smashed.  Burning.  Green blurs swirled and fought with white ones.  She sat down.
“And what if I wind up in the future instead?”
“I don't know, hope the rest of us don't cause the apocalypse before you get back?”
There was one more explosion, and then a high-pitched wail, a ghostly wail, threw all of the shapes back and away.  The white ones didn’t come back.  
Jazz… wasn’t sure what to do.  She watched.  She waited.  
And then a familiar shape appeared out of the air in front of her.  It was Danny, but… not.  He was thinner.  Sharper.  There was silver and ice in his hair, and blood and ectoplasm on his face.  “Hi, Jazz,” he said, smiling sheepishly despite the dark gleam in his eyes.  “Well… it isn’t the apocalypse, so…”  He spread his hands to either side, and the GIW building behind him fell over.  “Welcome home?”
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doctorcurdlejr · 4 months
Niko!! what'd you think of I saw the tv glow. I finally saw it last night and noticed you posting about it so I wanted to know your thoughts :)
Levi!!! I was JUST wondering what you were thinking about the movie after I saw you posting about it as well... we are so media discussion pilled in this way, it's awesome. ANYWAYS I've had so many thoughts since I first saw it and I've been trying to turn them into something coherent for a little bit now.
Ummm okay I have written 1k+ words about this movie, the suburbs, and escapism via teen TV.... clearly I was dying for somebody to ask this I guess so thank you for indulging me <3
First and foremost, I absolutely loved it! I've seen it twice now and the first time I watched it I got to see Jane Schoenbrun talk about the film right after. I already really liked it from that first watch alone. I found it so deeply relatable to my experiences - both in terms of growing up gay and trans, but where I am now in my 20s trying to navigate adulthood. Hearing what Schoenbrun had to say really cemented my feelings and thoughts about the film.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a big influence on the movie (it's why Amber Benson makes a cameo as Johnny Link's mom). Even though I don't have the same emotional link to Buffy since I never watched it, I recognize it as the same type of warmth I experienced growing up with Riverdale. When Owen says he feels like his insides have been scooped out but that he's too afraid to look and have that wrongness everybody knows is there be confirmed, Maddy simply responds "Maybe you're like Isabel. Afraid of what's inside you." Tears forming but not falling, breathing shallowly, I grabbed the paper and pen the theater keeps at the seats for people to order food with and wrote that line down - the slip of paper is still somewhere in my car. Writing it now almost feels lame in its simplicity, but it felt like my insides were being flayed open.
During the director discussion, Schoenbrun talked a little bit about this idea of how truly fucking bizarre it is to grow up in the suburbs. Like, when we think about the pinnacle of normality in American culture, it's the image of middle-class cis-hetero-white suburbia. At the same time, despite this cultural dream of normality, everybody is hyper-aware that the suburbs are one of the least normal things ever. So, the ACTUAL cultural understanding of it is that it's where we go to, like, passively kill ourselves (*George Costanza voice* WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY YOU KNOW!). This idea isn't new, I mean there are so many films and shows about navigating that specific bizarre dissonance from Rebel Without a Cause to Heathers to Twin Peaks. Probably half the pre-teen to teen TV I watched obsessively growing up, stuff like Strange Days at Blake Holsey High, Making Fiends, Truth or Scare, and eventually Riverdale, were never shy about being weird and morbid and saying "yes, the suburbs are exactly as bizarre and lethal in the ways you can already feel in your bones at 13." I Saw the TV Glow does a really good job of keying not only into that mental dissonance but more specifically into how those of us who have felt so intrinsically weird and different and wrong fell back on these shows like they were capable of doing the emotional version of a rescue breath maneuver after being drowned.
In high school, if there were two things about me that any person who even vaguely knew me could list off it was that I watched Riverdale, and I was a lesbian - and I was mocked more for the Riverdale. At that age, I was, without a doubt, the most miserable I have ever felt in my life. I rarely left the house because my family lived in a development that made me want to scratch my skin off when I walked out our front door. Owen didn't leave the house for days, afraid Maddy could somehow force him out. I sobbed constantly and frequently to depressing indie rock on the floor of my closet while hoping my family would just once read the (honest to god) KEEP OUT poster plastered on my door since I didn't have a lock on it. Owen didn't leave his room for days, afraid of what Maddy recognized in him. I didn't go on dates and kept my chest binder shoved to the bottom of my bookbag while wearing dresses that could've come from a how-to-be the perfect 50s housewife manual. Owen didn't leave his bed for days, afraid of Maddy touching his neck and Isabel's dress. I also watched Riverdale with the kind of zeal you see in a Pentecostal who has found God and started speaking in tongues to let you know it. I own a button that says, "Don't Make Me Go Dark Betty On You," I cherish it in a way that is only achieved by knowing exactly how corny and trite it is and then moving straight past that because well actually, and most people wouldn't get this, she's holding back something deeply dark and wild and- and disgusting. something painful yet intrinsically her. but i get it, obviously. or maybe not obviously! hopefully not obviously, but- basically, I'm just saying I get it: the experience of reflection and recognition through the other and all that.
Whatever, the point is that this movie is one big glaring trans allegory about how it sucks dog shit to live in the suburbs, and even at our most repressed we find these little snow globes of actualization in the glow of a tv screen that isn't afraid to show you the world you see. I've seen some people say that, like, in this context accepting or coming into your transness is this monumental death of self, which I get, but I feel there lacks a nuance in that because either way Owen is dying. Unlike Maddy who buries herself alive only to come out renewed, Owen doesn't kill himself upon facing the reality that the world is constructed to keep him miserable and the only way out is to take back what it is that the world wants to keep scooped out of him. Instead he just passively lets it drag him to a much more permanent death. This lack of suicide sucks in the kind of way that forces you to sit in your car on the midnight drive home and think to yourself am I letting myself suffocate because at some point knowing the misery became less scary than admitting I've been capable of doing something about it the whole time?
Clearly, I’ve been enchanted by the film’s narrative and meta-textual language. If you're familiar with it, you can see how Schoenbrun built this movie like a long-form dream episode of a canceled teen show filmed in Vancouver. Lynchian? Yeah, sure. Riverdalesque? THIS we cannot possibly deny. Schoenbrun said they included Amber Benson as an act of healing the inner rage experienced at Tara’s death in Buffy. This is a Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa ending Riverdale with a bisexual polycule after his gay Archie play got ceased-and-desisted type move. There’s probably more I could say about the soundtrack and the visuals, but I’ve hit over 1k words on this, so I’ll leave it at I enjoyed this movie a lot. :)
Maddy is an out lesbian who left town to escape the misery and found it strapped to her ankles. She slinks out, an animal pressed against the gymnasium floor, and says "I'm not telling you anything you don't already know." Owen looks into the camera and narrates. He cuts himself open with a box cutter, fully acknowledges what's there, and the movie ends with his suffocating apology parade for the unremarkable inconvenience of his excruciating suffering. You can be gay and trans, you can know it and you can stop repressing it, but you're not going to stop suffocating until you can find a way to destroy the part of you that truly deeply does want to die, reaching for the comforting euthanasia of normalcy. Stop visiting the dream of the life you want and make it into your reality with the same kind of unrepentant conviction seen in some underfunded but wildly ambitious teen television series. In other words: you must try to survive the ego death of being weird. A weirdo, who doesn't fit in and doesn't want to fit in!
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ikeuverse · 1 year
PARTY IN THE U.S.A — s.jaeyun
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PAIRING: jake x fem!reader  GENRES: fluff, humor  WC: 2.5k+
WARNINGS: just a few curses and (a lot of) kissing.
SYNOPSIS: you've never missed watching your best friend play, but unfortunately a match falls right on the day of a super-important exam. jake is distraught because it's right when his team loses, making him listen to the one song that everyone knows he listens to when he's sad… it's up to you to sort it out somehow.
NOTES: the vote for the next story had our dear jake as the winner, so here it is! i wrote this one a while ago at the time of the live he said he listens to this song when he's sad, so i thought about it and just came up with this. i hope you like it!
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"Are you really not going to watch my game today?" Jake's melancholy voice almost made your heart break even more.
It was more than obvious that you wanted to go, not least because you had never missed a single one of his games for the university team. But that same university was tearing your sanity apart by holding an exam in the middle of the afternoon, where more than half the students would be watching the soccer team play.
Jake was the top scorer. Famous for his relentless passing, his perfect goals – not to mention his breathtaking looks. You, as his best friend, couldn't deny the slight crush you felt. It was ridiculous to say that kind of thing when you knew that half the campus fell in love with him.
But on that particular day, it wasn't as if you weren't going because you wanted to. Your teacher would kill you – and your whole class – if you missed that test. It was important. So was Jake's game. Ever since you became friends at the beginning of high school and he joined every sport possible, you went to watch him play. It was a tradition for both of you, even if it was raining. That's why you accumulated raincoats of all colors in your closet and even one or two different umbrellas; one of them even too big for your liking to hold your friends when they went with you.
You did everything for Jake and he recognized that, so much so that he felt selfish when he sulked all day just because you weren't going today. He wouldn't meet your eyes once you got on the pitch.
He couldn't hear you shouting his name after a goal or even running up to the stands and hugging your friends. A mere excuse he had since you were always with all of them, so Jake could hug you too.
A long sigh left your lips as you left the university hall. The pencil and pen pressed against your fingers as you walked through the corridors with the thought that you had done well. The content was extensive, and the whole thing was giving you a headache, but studying every night had been worth it after all. Because even when you felt tired, even when you'd exhausted yourself studying at night, Jake would show up to keep you company.
Shit, Jake. You quickly checked your cell phone for a message from him, because by that time the game was surely over.
To your surprise, he hadn't sent anything, but your cell phone had hundreds of messages from Jungwon and Heeseung. Your heart sank at this.
Dialing the number of one of the boys, you were grateful when Jungwon answered on the second ring.
"Y/n?" he didn't even wait for you to say anything, just seeing your name flashing on the screen of his cell phone.
"Jungwon, hey. Is everything okay?" you knew it wasn't. And Jungwon knew that you were smart enough to know that since he had called your cell phone at least six times. Heeseung called four more.
"Well, no..." there was a slight pause on the other end of the line, his footsteps instinctively tightening as he walked across campus "Can you come to our apartment?"
He didn't even have to ask you once more to get you to agree and say you'd be there as soon as possible. It was a relief that the boys' apartment wasn't so far from the college, even if running hadn't been a good idea, but the desperation of Jungwon's call made your heart squeeze and think of a thousand different scenarios.
Had Jake been hurt during the game? What had happened to make things go wrong like that? The thought of Jake being hurt made your whole body ache, and he blamed himself for not being there and for not providing enough assistance.
It was the only game you hadn't been to in all these years of friendship, so this feeling was rather new. Add to that the fact that you'd had a crush on him for a while, wanting to see him play or do something alongside him, but that was something that wouldn't even come out of your mouth.
Standing in front of the apartment complex, it didn't take long for you to enter and go straight to the elevator that gave access to the boys' floor. But especially today, the journey seemed much longer and more time-consuming, and you'd been doing it for so long that you couldn't even count, but it was torturing you so much.
"Y/n" Jungwon called out as soon as the door opened, without letting you realize that you had already reached their floor, stopped at the door and even rang the bell.
"Hi" you hugged him briefly, entering the apartment and being greeted by Heeseung with a quick hug as well "So?"
"Look…" Jungwon sighed as he closed the door. The three of you walked to the center of the room as he took the initiative in the conversation "You know, we lost the game today…"
He didn't want you to feel guilty at all. Jungwon understood about your commitments, even Sunghoon was with you – because he was from your class – taking that damn exam. You both lost today's game.
"What? Wait… Did you really lose?" your eyes widened.
"It was just a friendly, anyway" Heeseung flopped down on the sofa, picking up a cushion to rest his head on "The problem is that Jake is devastated."
Yes, he hated losing a game. You knew that.
"But I don't think it has anything to do with our defeat today" Jungwon nibbled the inside of his cheek, staring directly at you. Your eyes wandered between him and Heeseung, a frown on the face of the older man sitting on the sofa.
"He's been listening to Party in the U.S.A since we arrived, y/n. You need to do something because I can't take it anymore," he exploded.
You laughed softly, seeing Jungwon give you a disapproving look straight away. Perhaps they had rehearsed a better way to tell you something, but Heeseung's impatience made him practically beg for your help.
"And how am I going to do that? Maybe going there will be worse because I didn't go to see today's game…"
"On the contrary" Jungwon quickly interrupted, "You're the only person who can make him turn that thing off."
A moment of silence and Heeseung dropped the cushion, getting up from the sofa.
"It's so obvious, y/n" he rolled his eyes, but there was a playful smile on his lips as he took hold of your shoulders and led you down the corridor of the apartment. The corridor gave access to the three bedrooms as well as the bathroom.
Jake's room was the last in the corridor and, as soon as you and Heeseung got close to the door, you understood why the other two boys were so frustrated. The music was extremely loud even with the door closed – and possibly locked – while you could hear nothing but Miley Cyrus' voice.
You turned to Heeseung, noticing now that Jungwon was also behind him. Both of them looked at you with such anticipation as you stared back at them.
"How am I supposed to compete with that? When he hears that song…" you whimpered, Jungwon taking the lead to hold you by the shoulders this time.
"We trust you and the power you have over that crybaby" he winked at her, laughing and making her laugh too "Now make him turn it off or I'm breaking that little speaker today."
Both you and Heeseung knew that would never happen. It would be easier for the older one to break the speaker or for you to hide it in your apartment than for little Jungwon to do anything that would make Jake sad or even angrier.
So, turning towards his bedroom door again, you dared to give it a few knocks.
No answer.
A few more knocks and Jungwon's hands came off your shoulders. You heard footsteps moving away, looking back while the two boys were still there. As if to encourage you.
When you knocked once more, the music seemed to get even louder. As if Jake didn't want to be interrupted from his moment. You snorted at this and turned the handle on an impulse, praying that it was open or you'd punch that door until it opened.
And to your surprise it was. Jake didn't usually lock his door because he knew his friends wouldn't come into his room unless he gave permission when he was in those melancholy moments. He hadn't realized that you had opened the door until the bang of closing it made him jump out of bed.
Looking at you with an astonished face, Jake got up from the bed and practically ran towards you. His eyes were glued to yours, bright and fixed on your eyes. He didn't look like he'd cried, but he was about to if you hadn't shown up for a few more minutes.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" he asked, you were only able to understand because of the proximity. Your shoulders shrugged and your hands went straight to your ears, indicating that you couldn't hear properly because the music was still too loud "Fuck, I'm sorry" Jake ran over to the speaker to turn it down to a considerable volume. He didn't want to stop listening to you because he still felt bad, but he would leave the music in a more comfortable setting so that he could hear your voice more clearly.
"What did you ask me?" you said after he came closer, big eyes staring at you and lips parted.
He didn't need to know that you had heard him perfectly, you just needed an excuse for him to say something and then think about how to continue the conversation.
"What are you doing here?" he asked again.
Jake seemed restless in his seat, his hands hovering at his sides and sometimes going to the hem of the sweatshirt he was wearing to play with something between his fingers.
"The boys couldn't stand the music" you smiled, but he didn't reciprocate because he had looked away from you "And I wanted to know how you were after the game."
"We lost" he said dryly, staring at you for a brief moment "Happy now?"
Jake walked away from you, his hands running through his hair as he let out a long sigh. He had his eyes closed, but you couldn't see because he preferred to keep his back to you.
"Why would I be happy about this, Jake?" you didn't want to feel upset by his tone, knowing that it was a big part of the frustration he felt. Jake sighed again, turning towards you.
"Because in all these years of friendship, you've never lost a game I've played" he was angry, you could see the way his brow furrowed as he spoke. His forehead wrinkled and his lips reddened because he had brushed his teeth a few times before speaking.
"I had a test today, it's not like I'm going to lose your game because I just wanted to," you said in the same tone, trying to get it into his head once and for all.
Jake knew he was being selfish, he knew it, and he would never interfere with your future either, because university was important to both of you. But the frustration over his newly discovered feelings for you, Heeseung, and Jungwon's teasing and the loss of today's game only intensified and he knew he would explode at some point.
Listening to Party In the U.S.A would be the only thing that would de-stress him from that whole incredibly shitty day.
"Anyway, Heeseung said it was friendly, it wasn't even a big deal" you shrugged and didn't know why you'd said it. But you knew it hadn't been a good idea when Jake got angry again. His eyes darkened and he was about to scream from the looks of it.
"So my game was no good, y/n? Is that what you mean?" he asked, you opened your mouth to say something, but Jake was quicker "You know what? Fuck, it really wasn't a big deal whether you went or not" he turned the music back up to the same volume as before, if not even louder.
The looping of Miley's voice had never entered your mind so much at that moment and you knew you wouldn't be hearing that song for weeks to come.
Talking to Jake hadn't gone as well as you'd hoped because not only was he upset, but you were upset too. It wasn't possible that your best friend was acting like this just because you hadn't gone to the game.
But then Heeseung's words echoed in your mind. It's so obvious. You didn't like to play the fool for that kind of thing, especially when it seemed to be completely reciprocated. Losing Jake's feelings for you wasn't in your plans, even more so after you came to accept that you felt it too, even if he didn't know it.
So your body acted better than your mind and, before you knew it, your hands were resting on the back of his swivel chair. With a little effort to make it spin along with Jake's body, you managed to catch his startled gaze as he started to face you.
"Y/n, you—"
"No time for bullshit, you little shit" you cursed angrily, but your actions said completely the opposite when your fingers gently held Jake's face just to keep him in place.
You pressed your lips to his and a long sigh came out of Jake's mouth at the sudden contact. He remained static for a few seconds, processing whether this was really happening or whether he was imagining it too much. But no, he wasn't dreaming and he realized it when the tip of your tongue pressed against his lips to ask for passage.
Jake gave in willingly, he wasn't going to turn down something he dreamed about practically every night even though he thought it was wrong to fantasize about his best friend.
In one swift movement, his hands grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap. The kiss took on even more rhythm and desire as the two of you attacked each other's lips. Your hands tangled in Jake's hair and pulled slowly as he pressed you against his body.
Gasping breaths, foreheads pressed together and the tip of his nose lightly brushing against yours.
"Jake" you called after a period of silence, him murmuring softly as he caressed your waist over the T-shirt you were wearing.
"Yeah?" he replied.
"Don't listen to that song anymore, please?" he laughed at your question, opening his eyes to find yours still closed.
You were so beautiful, but you looked even more stunning with your lips red and moist with his saliva mixed with yours from the kiss you shared with him, sitting on his lap. Jake couldn't help letting out a sigh, closing his eyes, and brushing his lips against yours again.
"Only if you kiss me more often like you did today," he whispered, causing a shiver to run through his entire body "I bet that'll calm me down more than any song I could ever listen to."
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© ikeuverse, 2023. do not copy, translate or steal my stories.
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
May i suggest a fic or whatever of Kaeya inspired by this song??? It's just so cute to think of it!!!
Hmm I'm going to Indulge a bit :D the reason why ive chosen this trope is bc 1) this song gives me driving at night vibes 2) i konw nothing about mj outside of my friend in elementary LOVED his music and was devestated when he died 3) this song also makes me think of fall in middleschool and that disctinve smell but?? you and him are not staying as tiny children i just used my school experience to set up context :D
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You don't know much about Kaeya, other than the fact that the two of you have grown up in the same area. As far as you're concerned, your friend groups don't have much in common and his crowd was very different than yours.
However, he was polite, and you liked that enough. Whenever you two had a class together he made it a point to say hi to you, and if he was sat next to you he'd even make conversation. Outside of that, you had no reason to seek him out, especially thanks to the throng of people he seemed to surround himself with.
Unfortunately for you, Kaeya's somehow developed a devastating crush on you. You didn't seem to remember this, but once when he was younger and new to the school you sat and played with him through many a recess. He knows he's changed a lot, but he had no idea it was so drastic you couldn't put two and two together.
He thought it was just something passing, and that if he spent time with other people he'd get over it. But, the more time passed the more this ache to have you in his life persisted. Kaeya could never act on it - he was far too terrified to change the seemingly inert state of your relationship.
For now, he'd satisfy himself by just spending time with you in class every so often, or waving hello to you in the halls. It wasn't until his last year of high school when he thought he was over you that he realised he was dead wrong. Being assigned the same home room and having to see each other at least once a day minimum made his heart skip a beat every morning, nervously checking his appearance to see if he could get your attention.
Yes, he feels a little desperate, no, he's not mad about it.
"So, did you apply for early admission?"
You look up and see Kaeya, looking behind him to see if any of his friends are behind him. You assume he's just killing some time, scooching over to let him sit down next to you until you're forced to stay in homeroom for once.
"Yeah, I did. You?"
He sighs a little, blowing his fringe out of his face.
"Yeah. I got accepted."
You raise a brow, looking at him a little impressed. Kaeya's been a good student as far as you knew, so you're not surprised but considering that applications just opened for University two weeks ago you can't help but be taken aback.
"Wow. I'm pretty nervous. Did you get a safety school too?"
"Nervous? You'll be fine - everyone gets in, and you do well in class," he reassures, resting his head on the desk.
"And I did. I'm just waiting for the safety schools to respond just in case I change my mind."
Kaeya knew that with graduation creeping up on everyone he was running out of time to try and confess. He's been trying to get the gall to do it, building himself up every morning but failing miserably whenever he sees you.
"Yeah. I'm planning to just go to school locally like everyone else does. Not exactly rich enough to go abroad. Or smart enough," you laugh, fiddling with a pen.
"I want to go there too!" he says a little too excitedly, clearing his throat as an attempt to cover up.
"Diluc, my older brother, goes there too and I think it'd be nice to stay local. Maybe we'll see each other?"
"Hopefully! The transit will be a bitch though, right?"
Kaeya sees this as his chance, speaking before his mind can catch up.
"I can drive you! We have to make our own schedules so if ours align then we can carpool. I won't make you pay gas or anything, just in company." He winks at you, hoping that his charm is coming out, not nerves.
"Sure, if you want. That'd be nice - only if it works out for both of us, alright?"
He nods in response, trying not to bounce his knee too aggressively at how excited he is at the prospect.
Fast forward some years later and the two of you are deeply embroiled in your studies. You got accepted where you wanted to be, and Kaeya ended up deciding to stick with his first choice at the local school. To his delight, he was able to strike up a stronger relationship with you, now both friends rather than classmates.
He drives you to class or makes you drive his car the mornings he's too tired to. You meet on campus between breaks, have lunch together, or crash each other's classes on occasion when someone's bored. It's everything he could have asked for but that doesn't stop that yearning he thought would go away.
He's tried other people, wanting to see if he could get over you without a rejection but it seems like he can't, mumbling lightly to himself as he waits outside the building you're in to pick you up.
He needs an answer today, even if it's no. Just something to finally shut up the voice in his head saying it might be a yes and to just finally shoot his shot after all these years. His fingers drum against the steering wheel, eyes watching as people flood out of the building for your familiar form.
"I always have so much fun with you," you say after catching your breath from a stupid joke Kaeya made, leaning back in your reclined seat as you look out his car window and out to the trail.
"I'm not wrong though," he says, still laughing a bit. "Why are we parked outside of a park when we could just go walk around!"
"It's nice to just be like this, don't you think?"
You sigh a little, yawning and closing your eyes as you take in the sound of the wind rustling through the trees. The sun is beginning to set, washing you both in reds and pinks and he takes the opportunity to admire you.
He knows that if he doesn't act soon he could lose you forever. Your journeys at school are beginning to close, giving him less of a chance to guarantee time with you. His heart thuds loudly in his chest, desperate for the chance to finally make his feelings known.
He opens his mouth, not expecting the weak little noise that comes out. You turn to face him, holding back a teasing laugh to give him your full attention. He tries again, finally finding the words.
"I'm in love with you. I have been since the day we met and I just want you to give me a chance. Can you do that? Please?"
He hates how desperate he sounds, playing with the edge of his sleeves and averting your gaze to avoid looking at you. He has no idea if you'll say yes or no, slowly raising his eyes back to yours when he feels you put your hand on his.
"I thought you'd never ask."
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deepfivetraveller · 3 months
Moriarty the patriot x sick!child!reader (platonic)
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“That girl is a MONSTER.” A sudden pang of rage envelops you. All those years of bottling up the torment you faced, just to lead to your own mother calling you a monster. Thousands of hateful words flooded over your head and all of them were compressed into a single “I HATE YOU!” You knew you were lying the moment you said that.
The men turned around, Shocked at the fact that you were only a few feet away. Your mother became even angrier causing them to shift their focus. A few faint words escaped her mouth while she was struggling to escape Moran's grasp. “How…How could YOU do that to your own father…”
“Father? You mean the man who tried to sell us just for some money to gamble upon? He tried to swell our life, our dreams, our everything just for 16 pounds.” tears were flowing from your face long before you completed your sentence. You were at your limit in speech but that was not going to stop you today.
The men of course were obviously clueless about what you were talking about. They were fully engrossed in this conversation, looking back and forth at both of you which made the situation look almost comical.
“That is no excuse to kill your own father Y/n!”
Everyone's heartbeat drops for a moment. Their lungs start to feel heavy as if they were being stuffed in sand. All of them were barely able to process the words your mother just said. You, an innocent girl, killing her. Somehow Moran got over this fact immediately. “Okay times up crazy lady you're leaving.” Your mother although clearly inferior in strength, tried to stop him.
“Why doesn't anyone believe me?! She killed her father not me, she-” One hit on her face by him and she went silent. While Moran dragged her unconscious body out of the manor William steped forth and asked you camly “Y/n, is it true?”
His stare felt so pointed for some reason even though his voice converted the opposite meaning. Infact all of their stares felt the same way.
“You all think I'm a monster too right? For killing him?” Blood oozed from your mouth when you said this. Albert cuts you off “Y/n thats not-”
You can't handle any more harsh words from anyone. You ran towards the mansion with all the strength you had left , chanting ‘I'm sorry’ over and over again as Albert chased you down . At last your body couldn't handle any more of your antics and dropped onto the floor with might. The last thing you heard before your body went unconscious was him calling our your name several times.
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A groggy vision was all you felt when you woke up. Vision was a bit blurry but you went back to normal after a few seconds.
“Ah, you're awake!” You turn around to see the owner of the voice. It was Herder.
“Sorry for making you lie down on the table, your back must hurt. I don't have many furniture other than that and shelves you see.” You didn't realize you were even in one until he said it.
You opened your mouth to say something but it came out as voice cracks fully envelop your sentence, hurting your throat. Herder noticed this and immediate passed your flash cards and pen towards you.
“Oh Philip~
PHILIP COME HERE QUICKLY OR ELSE YOUR GETTING A DEDUCTION IN YOUR SALARY.” A man with brown hair quickly approaches you. “Ahem! This is Philip, my personal assistant. He shall dictate what you write in the cards. Don't worry about sharing personal information with him because he has short term memory loss, that being said don't ask me why I keep him here either.”
Both of you look at Herder irritated.
“.. I'll stop. Please write….”
‘When I fainted, Albert was chasing me. Is he the one who put me here?’
“Nope! I found you when you were unconscious and alone. Although that does explain why I heard him screaming your name. I thought you guys were playing tag. Were you? Care to elaborate on the situation?”
NO NO NO! He'll start to hate you too! You vigorously shake your head. “Hey come on I'd love to know some drama about my boss! Please do tell!” He takes one of his tools and continued to fix an object.
He needs to know the truth. No matter how painful it is for you.
‘I killed a man. My own father actually’
Philip takes one look at the card, dictates it and faints, causing you to yelp. Herder too stops fixing the object and zones out
Oh God they really hate you.
But exactly after 6 seconds pass Herder continues to fix his object. “Yes, and?”
Huh? What does he mean by that? Is he not scared??
“I'm pretty sure you're wondering ‘WHy iS hE nOt sCaRed????’ I'll tell you why. Albert did the same thing when he was a little older than you. He killed his father, mother, is other brother and yeah… all of his family really”
“WHAT?” Miraculously your voice is back. Scratchy, but back.
“Do William and Louis know??” Gosh you hate the way your voice sounds.
“They were the one who helped in to do it. A little unrelated to this but did try know William took a man to court and sued him to give ALL of his property away to them when he was like 8 years or something??”
“Herder we've been through this several times, take it gently on her don't dump all of the information on her like that.” Williams voice boomed as the three brothers and Jack emerged from the back of the cupboard.
Wait what?
They planed this???
While the others were scolding Herder, Louis looked towards you.
“Guess we have a lot of explaining to do huh?
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Okay so I know this chapter isn't big but that's because I'm planning a BIG lore drop for reader. Hope it excites you all as much as it does for me
Btw I feel like I made Von Herder a bit of a twink-
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appynonna · 3 months
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Our Universe Chapter 7: A New View. Pairing: Poly!OT8xoriginal chararters Rating: 18+ Word Count: 3,159 Words Warning: pet names, angst, fighting, use of drugs (nothing bad).
Previous Chapter ->Here
Arthur notes: Hello, Deary Wow, It has been a crazy week. I think so far this has been the hardest chapter to right. Once you start to read it you will know why. Please enjoy!
I don't remember what happened next. The car ride to the garage, What happened once we got there or the car door being opened?
I kinda remember Jongho grabbing my face and making me look at him. I remember saying something about my eyes being glazed. Then nothing.
3RD Person.
Once Yechan was out of the Dress and back in her leggings she walked out of the dressing room. Ari was sitting on the sofa "Ari, You ok?" Yechan asked as she walked up to the counter where the dress bag lay. "She has been sitting there like that for a while," Jisung told Yechan. "I think I pushed her too far" She replied and walked back over to Ari Kneeling in front of her.
Ari?" Yechan asked softly, Ari's eyes just looked up from her lap "Can you walk?" Yechan asked. Ari just sat "Ok, come on" Yechan grabbed her hand pulling her up. Ari followed
"Do you need help?" Sam asked walking up to the two girls "Nope, I got this" Yechan shot him a look. Sam stopped walking, Something didn't feel right "Ok," he said as the two girls went out the front door.
Sam and Jisung looked at each other "That was interesting," Jisung said, Sam pulled out his phone "Very" Typing in a number quickly Sam put the phone to his ear.
"Hey it's Hyunjin, give the phone to Chan. He needs to hear about this" Sam said with a grin looking at Jisung, Who was looking at the door.
With the girls *
Once Ari was safely buckled into the black Corvette it took no time getting to the garage. Yechan almost his Niki in the process when pulling in. "Wow, Where is the fire" Niki yelled as Yechan jumped out of the car rushing around to the other side. Jongho and Yunho were standing in the Bay. "Yunho" Yechan called out
Yunho was by her side within a few steps "What's wrong" He asked, Yechan opened the door and sat in front of Ari. Grabbing the other girl's face "Ari, Can you hear me?" She asked, Ari didn't reply "Shit" Yunho cussed turning to Jongho "Jjong, Her eyes are glazed over" He shouted at his mate "What?" Jongho asked walking over closer to the car.
He leaned in, looking down at Ari as she just 'looked' at them "That's not good" Jongho said and they moved to unbuckle her. "Up we go" Jongho picked Ari up like it was nothing, Walking the awake Comatose girl to his car. "Where is Captain and Hwa?" He called over his shoulder, and Yunho rushed with him to his car. Yechan just stood at hers.
Yunho pulled out his phone. "At the house, according to your app," He told him. "ok, That's where we are heading then, She will need them when she comes out of this" Yunho opened the door for Jongho to sit the very still Ari down, her breathing was very shallow.
"We'll worry about her car later," Yunho said taking her key. Jongho nodded and walked around to the driver's side of the car. "ok" Jongho said then got in the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Tires spinning.
Yunho walked back over to his 'Wife' wrapping her in a big hug. "What just happened?" Yechan asked, Yunho buried his face in her neck for a moment just holding her close. "I don't know, Get in the car and we will talk about it," Yunho told her.
Jongho's Car *
Before Jongho was out of the parking lot he was calling Hwa, Knowing if he called his Captain he would freak out. "Hello Jongho" Seonghwa answered in a cheerful mood, Jongho hated that he was about to kill that cheerful mood " Seonghwa," He said Sternly The mood flipped very quickly "What's Wrong" Hwa said in a low voice "I need you to stay calm and take a breathe" Jongho started "It's Ari" he added you could hear a pen drop "She somehow slipped, She's in her head" He told his Lover over the phone "Do you know what happened, or how far gone she is? Hwa asked quickly, a lot of movement could be heard from the other side of the phone " I don't she was with Yechan, But her eyes are glazed over" Jongho told him.
"Shit" was heard in the background "I told Yechan early that she could mess with her," Hongjoong said "What, Why?" Seonghwa asked his lover "They need to get used to being around each other, Ari is too soft for this life. I thought Yechan could help her" Hongjoong started but was cut off by Jongho "That doesn't matter right now, We are on the way to the house now" Jongho all but yelled, Pissed at the timing of the lover's Quarrel "I'll be at the front door in 10 minutes" Then Jongho hung up the call.
Jongho looked over at Ari, He took her hand "Hold on darling" He rubbed her knuckles.
Yechan's Car
Yechan and Yunho watched as Jongho's car sped out of the small parking lot "Come on" Yunho took Yechan's hand pulling her towards her car "I'll drive," he said walking to the passenger side and opening the door.
"Dune is at the office," She told him as she sat down, Yunho shut her door and walked to the other side quickly. "We will go get him" Yunho grabbed her hand, Kissing the back of Yechan's knuckles.
The ride to the office was quiet with neither talking, both trying to process what happened. Yunho Called Yeosang over the car phone.
Yeosang answered quickly "Yechan?" He asked "Technically yes, But no it's me. I'm calling on her phone" Yunho told him as they rounded the corner onto the square. "That's different. What's up?" Yeosang asked on the other side of the phone. Yunho looked over at Yechan, She was starting to look spaced out too.
Yunho rubbed her hand again. "Something has happened with Ari" Yunho started "She's ok, just really out of it. It's like she was drugged" Yunho let go of the hand, Moving it over to Yechan's face moving a piece of hair out of her face. "Can you get some supplies and get to the house quickly?" he asked pulling into the parking lot, Yechan hopped out of the car taking the stairs two at a time and heading up to the door.
"Is it just us now?" Yeosang asked, His voice low "Ya, Just us" Yunho watched for Yechan to come back out " Any idea?" Yeosang asked.
"Ya, I have a few ideas, Fentanyl Mainly. But xylazine also crossed my mind along with Fuffle and ecstasy" The police side of Yunho's mind was going wild " She was breathing shallowly with her eyes also being dilated" Yeosang just Hmed on the other side of the phone. Yechan came out the door holding it open for Dune.
"Ok, I will grab a counter for all of them as a precaution and test to see if anything comes up." Yeosang said partly talking to himself as he grabbed the stuff placing it in a bag.
"Jinyoung, Let Yonghee Know that I had an emergency. Book what you can with him and cancel the rest of the day" Yeosang sounded almost out of breath between rushing out the door and talking. "I'm leaving the clinic now," He said then hung up.
Yechan opened the door at the same moment letting Dune in and then sitting down. Dune sat between her laying his head on Yechan's thighs. He wasn't alerting but you could tell that he was noticing something.
"Yeo is on his way to the house, Ari will be fine," He told the worried girl. "I hope so, I don't know what happened. She was fine and then suddenly she wasn't" Yechan said, her knee shaking with how angry at herself "Did I miss something" She kept mumbling going over the day to herself "Channie, Look at me," Yunho said trying to get her attention
When Yechan finally looked over, Yunho gave her the best reassuring smile he could. "We will figure this out" He squeezed her hand then let go, Flying up the on-ramp to get to the estate as quickly as possible.
at the house
Once everyone got to the house things were chaotic at best.
Somehow San had beat everyone who was not already at the house there. He sat on the front steps and waited Jongho's door wasn't even open before San had the passenger side open. "Ari, Baby? Can you hear me?" He asked moving the dazed girl's head to the side, It just rolled. "Shit" he cussed and quickly got her out of the car.
"Rushing up the stairs with her as the other cars pulled in. All stayed in the driveway, not wasting the time to park in the designated garages properly.
The family always jokes that Hongjoong has multiple personality disorder.
There was Honjoong, The town's mayor. A loving guy that you could come to with any issue and would try his hardest to fix it. You need a 100-dollar, Pocket change. You need a shirt, He would give you the one he was wearing. You needed someone to disappear, he could do that too.
There was also Joonie, Only the family saw this side of him. The funny-loving side was that it didn't matter the time it was he was always down for karaoke in the basement or a dance party in the kitchen. The side of him that would do if it meant his family was happy.
Then there was the Captian, and you didn't want to see the Captain if you didn't have to. The Captain who knew how to make people disappear and never be found. The Captain would give a sickening smile as he rips off the fingernails of a rat. The Captain was not above killing to make sure his family was safe. The Captain who would burn the world down if you looked at someone he loves the wrong way.
He was the monster your parents told you about at night to make you stay in bed, and he was standing in the living room.
"What the hell is going on" He calmly asked. Everyone stopped for a second in the doorway, and Yeosang accidentally ran into Mingi 's back. "Sorry," He mumbled moving around the gentle giant to start setting up the lab work on the island in the kitchen. "Bring her here," He told San, who was still holding Ari tight. Bruises already showing on her arm and leg from his fingers gripping her.
Hongjoong walked over to where San and Yeosang were currently Drawing blood to run a panel. He grabbed Ari's face making her turn to him, Her head lollied. He carefully opened one of her eyelids. It was still dilated and showed no signs of going down. He checked the other side, the Same thing.
"Have you checked her over yet to figure out what she got into? Hongjoong asked through gridded teeth. He was pissed, manly at himself. If he hadn't brought up to Jongho to have the two girls spend the morning together this wouldn't Ari would have stayed home and spent the day with Seonghwa like normal. She would been in his house safe.
"What makes you think she got into something?" Mingi Snapped at his Captian "Mingi shut the hell up, Now is not the start with the who has to bring who has the bigger dick" San turned and shot him a 'shut the hell up' look
Hongjoong eyes narrowed in on Yechan as she stood slightly behind Mingi. "Yechan needs to be tested too" Hongjoong wasn't sure who he could trust and Ari had been with her all day.
Everyone just started between Hongjoong and Yechan. San moved Ari to go lay her on the sofa, "It wouldn't hurt" San said pulling her heels off and then placing a blanket over Ari's bare legs. "As a precaution" He added. Yeosang walked up to Yechan "I'm sorry" He said holding a gloved hand out.
Yechan looked at home for a second, She could tell that he was truly sorry but regardless she placed her hand in his. If the captain said to do it, you did it.
Yeosang swabbed the inside of her hands, then the inside of her mouth, and also drew blood. Walking around to where Yunho was standing by the counter waiting for Ari's test to finish, Yeosang started Yechans test. "Anything?" Yeosang asked, Yunho shook his head. " the 12 panel is clean, now just waiting for the Fentanyl and X to come back" he said as he leaned on the counter waiting for the rest to finish.
San was kneeling on the floor in front of the sofa lightly touching Ari's fingers. the family is just watching, Wooyoung comes up from the basement, an empty bowl in his hand and a spoon hanging out of his mouth. he just looked at the scene in the living room "What happened" The spoon was still in his mouth, Hongjoong just through his hand almost as if he was waving him off "I am confused," he said walking into the kitchen
A few moments later a shocked "fuck" could be heard then rushing footsteps. Yunho and Yeosand rushed into the living room pulling on blue gloves as they moved towards Ari. "Move San" Yunho said all but pushing San away from the comatose girl.
They rushed pulling her into a sitting position, Her head lolling backwards. What is going on" Hongjoong said sitting straight in the heavy armchair across from the sofa. The same chair he had sat in many times before watching Ari take a nap on the same sofa, A worried Seonghwa stood behind him.
She popped for the Fentanyl" Yeosang said as they pulled her shirt over her head, Pulling her arms up. The long blonde curls fall in the process. "There you are" He added pulling a small clear patch off from the back of her arm.
"Jongho, Go over to my bag and look for a small box with Narcan on it," Yeosang said as he checked to make sure there were no other patches on the girl. "Mingi, go check Yechan's tests" Yunho called out as he helped get Ari out of the shorts. No other patches were found.
"Ally Negatived," Mingi said walking back into the living room. He walked straight over to where Yechan was standing off by herself, Dune was at her feet. Mingi pulled Yechan to him, He kissed her forehead "That's good" he muttered then pulled the younger girl into an embrace. Hongjoong Stared at the two.
Seonghwa moved closer to his sleep love. "How long do you think she will be out" He asked. Hongjoon turned his head back to Ari. The unconscious girl was now back resting on the sofa covered in a blanket, Only her bare shoulders and head poking out. " I would say she should sleep around 24 to 36 hours, At this point she needs to sleep" Yeosang stated "What happened" Wooyoung said walking over to the sofa. Standing at the back of it, looking at the sleeping Ari. " She got drugged" San whispered, Almost as if he was afraid of waking her. "We don't know the how or why, It just happened," Jongho said as Dune came over to and nudged his hand. He rubbed behind his ears "She was with Yechan in town" he added.
Mingi walked out of the kitchen with a wet rag in his hand, standing next to Wooyoung. He moved the hair off Ari's forehead and placed the rag on it. San took it and wiped her forehead off.
Wooyoung looked around, Something was wrong. Dune was still at Jongho's side "Did she come back with y'all?" Wooyoung asked "Who?" Seongwha asked "Yechan, Did come back with you?" Wooyoung asked again "Ya" Yunho started "She over there," he said pointing at the now-empty corner where Mingi had hugged her. Yunho was now confused. "Yechan?" He called out looking around the living room. Wooyoung walked around to the kitchen "She's not in here" He called out as he walked to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.
Yunho walked over to her office, Poking his head in the door. No Yechan was found. He closed the door behind him, He looked at Mingi for a second then moved across the hall to her bedroom door.
Opening the door to the almost all-black room, It was barely. Stepping into the room he crossed over to the open bathroom door, It was also empty.
Walking back out into the living room Yunho immediately found Dune her to Jongho still. If Dune was clinging to Junho Yechan was not in the house.
"I don't think she is here anymore, "Wooyoung said looking around at his family. Seonghwa walked out of the room quickly. Coming back into the room even quicker "Her motorcycle is gone" he said.
Everyone stayed quiet for a second, the only sound was from Ari's labored breathing. Jongho spoke up "she moving fast, Really fast" he was looking at his phone. Yunho walked over to Jongho, Who passed his phone to the older male. "She's heading to town," He said
"Maybe she does know what happened?" San questioned with a pout on his face, He didn't like the idea of even thinking that Yechan would do something to purposely hurt someone in the family. "it is suspicious," Seongwha said placing a hand on Hongjoongs shoulder, The younger not removing his eyes from Ari's sleep form. Yeosang was placing an oxygen mask on the girl.
"Why are you all even thinking like that?" Yunho said looking at the rest of the family. "We have all known Yechan for years, We were in school with her! She has never done anything to bring suspense to herself before, why would you think otherwise now?" Yunho voiced, getting louder the more he went on "I don't know about the rest of you but I'm going to go and find her" Yunho stood from where he was sitting on the edge of the sofa by Ari's feet "Yunho" It was Hongjoong.
Younho knew that tone and he knew what was about to come, You don't go against the Captian.
"Yechan has never done anything that would make me think that this was her doing, with that being said. If I find out that it was her doing" Hongjoong took a breath trying to stay calm "Then that will be it. I don't care who she is or how important you think she is. It will be the end of her with us" Yunho turned ready to walk away " Yunho" Honjoong called out once again. "My word is law"
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toxinoire · 1 year
(Song 1: Seventeen {Because they are seventeen year olds so this makes sense somehow}) (I know some don't rhyme but I'm not really the absolute best at rhyming)
And on this night we are...LIVE
Listen up let me tell you a story!
A story that you think you've heard before.
We know you know our names and our fame and our faces
Know all about the glories and the disgraces.
I'm done cause all this time, we're labeled by the heiarchies in this stupid rhyme!
So I picked up a pen and a microphone.
Westernburg's about to be overthrown!
And just for you tonight! We're Dead, Mistreated, LIVE!
Welcome to the show, to the High School remix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be teens in a heiarchy
Raising up the roof til' we hit the ceiling
Get ready for the truth that we'll be revealing
Everybody knows that we used to be teens in a heiarchy
But now we're
All you ever hear and read about
Is our school and the way it went down.
But this society fails on a lot of stuff
You're gonna find out what happened before I took the crown.
Tonight we're gonna do ourselves justice, cause we're taking you to court!
Every single rose has its thorns and you're gonna hear 'em live in consort.
And just for you tonight! We're Dead, Mistreated, LIVE!
Welcome to the show, to the High School remix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be teens in a heiarchy
Dancing to the beat til' the break of day once
We're done we'll start again like it's the Renaissance
Everybody knows that we used to be teens in a heiarchy
But now we're
*spoken* Remember us from that Movie and Musical?
*sung* (Poisoned)
My name's the almighty Heather Chandler
Had the school's crown for years
I'm Westernburg's very own royalty
My loyalty is to my reputation
So if you try to defy me
You won't try that again
I'm that Duke girl and I'm up next
See I took over Westernburg
Yeah I'm that amazing
Why did I lose the crown then?
A crowd's preference for ruler
Always wins in the end.
Jason Dean the one who could've fixed it all
When I tried to blow up the school
I was stopped
So I blew myself up in it's steps
Stick around and you'll see how it gets
Je suis Veronica Sawyer
When he saw how I viewed school he was like
But I didn't agree to his plan of death
Funny how it ended up with him blowing off his own h-
ALRIGHT so I'm the Heather who almost killed herself
Because of being naive in a school that glorifies bad mental health
Lock up your cabinets
And have your cheers done
McNamara is here and the fun's begun!
5 down I'm the good girl type
I'm the kind of person they'd target and tried to ruin my life
Martha Dunnstock, who stayed alive despite the scars
I bet you wanna know how I got this far
I said I bet you wanna know how we got this far
Do you wanna know how we got this far?
Welcome to the show, to the High School remix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be teens in a heiarchy
Get your hands up
Get this party buzzin
You want a monarchy
Well there's half a dozen
Everybody knows that we used to be teens in a heiarchy
But now we're
McNamara: Okay so how's everyone tonight?
Crowd: Whoo!
JD: We are...
All: Seventeen~
Duke: Welcome to our live tour with dead people and people who almost died.
Chandler: We've got riffs to ruffle your ruffs.
Martha: Shimmys to shake up your chemise.
McNamara: And a whole lotta teen angst drama.
Veronica: More like teen angst bullshit.
(They laugh)
Chandler: So obviously, you know who we are.
Duke: We got republicanette on the guitar!
(Republicanette does a solo)
Veronica: Betty Finn on the bass!
(Betty does a solo)
JD: And killing it on the keys we have Hipster Dork!
(Hipster Dork does solo)
Chandler: And with beats so sick they'll give you gout, it's New Wave Party Girl on the drums!
(New Wave Party Girl does a solo)
Veronica: So you came here to party with us tonight.
Martha: No alcohol, please.
JD: But we're not here to have fun.
McNamara: Yeah, we've got a score to settle.
Martha: The only real reason people even gave a care about us was the reputation of our school.
Duke: So we came here tonight to step back into the spotlight.
Chandler: But the problem is there's six of us-
All: Seventeen
Chandler: Year olds.
McNamara: And we know you have your favorites.
JD: Everyone wants to know who's the most important victim.
Martha: We've heard it all...
Veronica:Who lasted the longest was the strongest.
Chandler:The biggest sinner is obvs the winner.
JD: Who had the gun is number one
McNamara: Who was most chased shall be first placed
Duke: Most inglorious is victorious
Martha: The winning contestant was the least protest-ant
(They all looked at Martha)
Chandler: But we came here tonight to answer your questions once and for all
Duke: And tell you whatcha want, whatcha really really want...to know
JD: That's right, we're gonna help you figure out which one of us is-
Veronica: The real sheriff in town
McNamara: The rose among the thorns.
Martha: The person that should probably get an appointment with a therapist.
Veronica: Martha-...true.
Martha: But how the heck are they going to choose the winner?
Duke: Hold up! If this is going to be a fair competition, they're gonna have to judge us on the one thing we all have common.
JD: The one to take the crown should be the one who had the biggest
(A beat)
McNamara: The firmest
(A beat)
Chandler: The fullest
(A beat)
Veronica: Load of BS to deal with the school that gave us inhumane societal expectations.
McNamara: So, we're going to hold a little contest for you.
Martha: And the rules are simple:
JD: The one who was dealt the worst hand
Chandler: The one who had the most hardships to withstand
Veronica: The one who everything didn't really go as planned
All: Shall be the one to lead the band!
Chandler: So, what do you think? Are you ready to choose your ruler?
Crowd: Yeah!
McNamara: We said, ARE YOU READY!
Crowd: YEAH!
Welcome to the show
To the coronation
Who will take the crown
Be the pop sensation
Everybody knows that we used to be teens in a heiarchy
Seventeen year old teens
Seventeen year old teens
Seventeen year old teens!
(@horror-lady00 Whatcha think?)
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plasmaapologist · 1 year
( It wasn't hard to find Colress' lab, really. It was basically the only room in this area left that still had a roof. And the only one with a door. Very subtle, Colgate. Tula took a deep breath, looking at her hand on the door knob; she was shaking like crazy. She bites her lip and opens the door. )
( The lab was... cozy. If you're into mad scientist labs, that is. There was at least something soothing about the soft hum of machinery, but the mega sized test tubes and screaming server towers were ominous at best. Colress stood at the other end of the room, back to the door, furiously typing something into what appears to be a modified laptop. )
( Clearly startled, the scientist shoots up straight before slowly turning twoards the door. For a split second, there's a look of concern on his face until he sees his visitor, and a shit-eating grin replaces it. )
"Oh, my. Now that's a face I haven't seen in a while."
( He throws his arms in the air as if greeting an old friend. There's a decently sized bruise on his hand, and maybe it's just the lab lighting, but he seems a bit paler than usual. )
"Oh dear, you seem confused. We didn't know each other long, but I never forget a name, Miss Gagnon."
( Tula winced, ever so slightly. It's clear that she wasn't a fan of him calling her that. Right hand firmly on her sword, she slowly approaches her former co-worker. )
"Listen here, Cockless, you can drop the act. I want to talk with you. The actual you, not your smarmy little soyboy front, understand?"
( Colress frowns, but in a dramatic, exaggerated fashion. He sighs, twirling a pen in his left hand. )
"My! I know we have our differences, but I expected a far warmer welcome from a nurse! Can't you see I'm beaten and bruised here?"
( He scowls, much more genuinely this time. )
"...Say your piece."
"You're a fucking genius, Colress. Plasma, I understand. Ghetsis was filthy rich and throwing money at you. But, this..." ( She gestures at the door ) "Why this? What's the point? What's the end goal? Are you, like, trying to make the ultimate Pokésona costume or some shit?"
( The tall man shook his head, laughing, his plasticine smile returning. )
"I should have expected that you wouldn't understand. It seems that no one here comprehends my vision. Sad, is it not?"
( He shakes his head again, genuinely upset at this revelation. Was he really just now figuring that out...? )
"Call me a skeptic, but I have a gnawing sensation you're not interested in actually hearing me out. A shame, truly. I'm sure my subject would love having such a close friend around."
"I have no interest in helping yo-"
"Tragic. You know, I simply do what must be done. And this must be done."
( He grabs a Pokéball, and with a flash and the grinding of metal, his Klinklang appears between the two Ex-Plasma members. The male lifted his arm, pointing toward his counterpart. )
"Klinklang. Giga Impact."
( From that point, everything happens in a blur. Seconds feel like minutes. Klinklang is slow, slow enough for Tula to just barely sidestep it, taking only a cut to the leg. Painful, but not debilitating. Not with that level of adrenaline. )
( In a flash, Tula unsheaths her sword. It would be easy, a single lunge, right through the heart. It would be a kill shot. It's just self-defense... but damnit, she didn't go to high school, and it seems she forgot what inertia is. )
( Tula launches herself the scientist, but she stumbles, knocking them both to the ground, the momentum pushing her blade straight through Colress' shoulder. He shouts, though whether it's from the fall or the pain is unclear; the Masterball on his waist shatters under the weight of two adults. Somehow, she removes her sword, preparing to hit the kill shot, and all either of them can see is... prussian blue? )
( The previously hidden Misdreavus flys out from between the two brawlers, eyes glowing, speaking words that neither of them can understand. For a second, theres a sense of neutrality, as they make eye contact, as if confirming that the other is also seeing this shit. But Colress recovers first; and with six inches more than his foe, he easily leverages his height to throw her off. Tula just seems stunned, perhaps by the ghost, perhaps by the weight of what she did. )
( Colress stands, panting, gripping his bleeding shoulder. His left arm now hanging limp and useless to his side, he manages to reach over to his desk, smashing a large button. )
"Hah... Wonderful reflexes you've got... I'd love to study that, but... It seems it's time for me to... clock out. Eugh..."
( The machine behind them screams to life, a bright, swirling portal - no, a wormhole, appearing between the beams. The sound drowns out another; Rune busting down the door, presumably having heard Magic's cry. )
"The fuck's going on in hereeeee.....? That ain't good.
"Ha....! A visitor....! Perhaps you cou-"
( SCHICK! A knife flies past, grazing the injured man's leg. Rune groans.)
"Fuck. Whiffed it."
( He smiles weakly, but there's fear in his eyes. Real, palpable fear. Is he crying a bit? Is it frustration or pain? Who knows! )
"It seems... I am no longer welcome in... my own lab. Farewell."
( Moments before it closes, he stumbles through the wormhole to Arc knows where? leaving no time for chase. And then, silence. Terrifying silence. Rune turns, now looking at Tula, pathetically sprawled on her ass, blood splattered across her face, obviously still in shock. She only manages a single word. )
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mom0ny · 1 year
With our own weapons
Halina was sitting in Mr. Sweet's office chair. it was unbearable to smell rotten cigarettes, but at least she wouldn't smell it alone, Olivia was sitting in the chair next to Halina, Olivia had the decency not to smoke around Halina knowing that she doesn't like the smell
Olivia looks at Halina and whispers: how long is he going to stay on that shitty phone? It feels like we've been here for hours *sigh* and then 5 minutes have passed.
Halina laughs lightly and whispers: She asked me if the person behind that phone is also smelling cigarettes and is still alive or just died and didn't turn off the phone.
Olivia and Halina laugh softly, but are soon interrupted by Mr. Sweet who hangs up the phone.
Mr. Sweet: the three of them don't take the package and disappear, it's difficult to deal with them.
Olivia simply ignores the comment, but somehow agrees with it.
Halina: well, and this proposal was at a train station?
Mr. Sweet: yes.. *smokes and blows smoke* it was so easy to get the package
Halina rolls her eyes, ignoring the comment: we can rescue them... and get the package if it's still there.
Mr. Sweet: Come on, but are you sure you're really going to bring the package?
Halina: Of course, I'm 100% sure.
Mr. Sweet: I trust you, but I don't know if she's trustworthy *Points to Olivia*
Olivia looks surprised: me? Why I?
Mr. Sweet: I know you're Serafine's wife, but I'm not sure if you're going to kill everyone in the end... there are a lot of twists and turns in the world.
Olivia looked at Mr. Sweet in surprise, being Serafine's wife it was normal to expect comments like that.
Halina: I'll keep an eye on her.
Mr. Sweet: great, better not walk in front of her.
Halina noticed that Olivia was irritated by the comments, but ignored it: I'll be careful.
Mr. Sweet: great *grabs paper and pen* I'll give you the address, be careful
*20 minutes later*
Olivia was at Halina's house waiting for her to pack some things before leaving.
Olivia: what are you taking?
Halina: I'll take some spare weapons and I'll put on some clothes... clothes that make it easier for me to kill, what about you? Are you going to wear the same clothes?
Olivia: what's wrong with my clothes?
Halina: eeh nothing... and then..... eeeeh... *thinking of a response that doesn't result in death*
Olivia laughs: I'm joking, I brought some of Serafine's clothes in my bag...
Now Halina understands why her bag was so big
Olivia: I'm going to change my clothes and I'll be right back
Halina: the room is over there *points*
while Olivia went into the room to change, Halina prepared the things to take and that included her crucifix.
Olivia left the room already dressed: I'm ready, did you get everything?
Halina: yes I..... is that my hat? *looks with a curious frown*
Olivia: yes, your hats are beautiful
Halina:.. eeeh thank you... you can keep the hat.
Olivia: thank you
Halina admired Olivia for a few seconds, she wore a suit: well, anyway... we're going to have to catch a train, after all the three stooges took the car and Mr. Sweet will take a year to give us the car, so we have to be quick ... I'm just going to look for some money and-
Olivia: I have money
Halina looked curious: what?
Olivia: I have money, if something happens I have money for both of us.
Halina: how do you have money?
Olivia laughed lightly, this showed the answer
Halina: hm... ok, let's take the train.
(To be continued)
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sleepy-seal · 1 year
[It's an beeping noise. Fate update. ]
Hello, gale. I probably think you hate me..along with that person..., but that's ok, I've gotten over it. It's the least of my concern right now.
I quit my job. Meaning, I am free of most of the chains preventing me to give privy to tell you everything, right now.
.... Truth is, I can't control anything. I'm a researcher who has no control over any of the variables. But, you already know that. I have the feeling you do.
... I don't know why I'm doing this. But, there's one way to stop this loop for good.
Number 1- revive moth, and burn the book ryder gave to moth immediately. It'll cause nothing but issues.
Number 2- whoever bothers you, stop them at all costs. Except acher. And now.
Number 3- get acher a new motivation outside of killing the person they need to kill. Give them more purpose, somehow. I don't know how, but it is possible. The steps are there. It's something only you people can do.
.. As for me and ryder and Andrew, our story is pretty much done, I think. I don't know what I can do from here.
... I'm sorry I had to tell it to you like this. And... I'm sorry to that person, if you see them, that i couldn't do anything about it. I was too weak to do anything. I'm sorry.
-the one known as drew. This isn't a fake, just in case. Nobody else can write fate, except for me.
[Gale was curled up on a couch when Fate began to beep.]
Oh, it's...
[Gale picks the book up carefully, looking at the cover apprehensively.]
I haven't seen you in a while.
[Gale opens the book, finally reading through the latest entry. The more they read, the more they felt guilt seep into every fiber of his being.
Once shell read all the way through, he felt compelled to grab a pen.]
I don't know if.... this'll work. But I think Acher did the same and it worked fine so.
[Ocean searched for a writing utensil and found something, then returning to the book.]
"Hello, Drew. I'm sorry if this isn't how I'm supposed to contact you, but I don't really know any other way.
I'd.... like to apologize for how I acted before with you. I was angry and frustrated for being trapped and I directed my fury at you. You didn't deserve to be yelled at by me. You were... you were doing what you could. I wish I could do more than just apologize to a book.
I think I've just become so... angry. I don't know why, but it's just been something I've felt so frequently lately. I don't want to keep doing that.
...Thank you for the advice. It's pretty good. The first one, I will be sure to remind Moth about it.
The second one, I'm assuming you're talking about Maiden in White. I don't know how to stop her yet, but maybe I'll tell you when I get the chance. Hopefully it doesn't become drastic.
I'm working on the third one. Acher and I watched a movie together and we talked about starting a band. It's pretty silly but... I actually want to go through with it. She seems to be a fan of music. Not in a euphemism way, surprisingly.
Congrats on quitting your job by the way. I think it's for the best. You were pretty stressed before.
Thank you, again. And I'm really sorry for everything."
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jeudecheval · 7 months
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Eddie is a 17 year old OTTB that is a brand new addition to the herd (as in, its been 24 hours). His last race was in 2012 at the race park where I grew up! Small world, huh? He sold for $30,000 as a yearling (baby) and won over $57,000 during his racing career. Sadly, to be blunt, he's considered a failure. It's okay, Eddie. Youre a winner in our eyes, i swear. Like Tank, he is the grandson of triple crown winner Seattle Slew and frankly looks almost exactly like him. He was retired from racing after being carried off the track by ambulance during his last meet. I believe this was due to the fact that he is a 'bleeder', which isn't as bad as it sounds. Simply put, blood gets in the lungs when he over exerts himself. It happens. He's fine. He is rideable. Not much is known about Eddie between then and now other than he ended up in a kill pen. My friend got him and when he went up for sale, I thought I dodged a bullet when a family bought him for their little girl. It did not go well and he came back. I thought I dodged a bullet again because I didn't have the $$ to purchase another one, but my friend said "I want you to have him" and gave him as a gift. I have no idea how i keep somehow getting free thoroughbreds, but .. I'll take it. So far he is personable and willing and quite a character. He has bad habits that he has learned from his previous ten year old owner, so we will be working on those. Tank loves him and there has been no bloodshed so ... meant to be !
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daisyjules1011 · 5 months
Television on in my living
This is the first time my eyes hurt, not from the bluelight
But from the horror glimmering in it
Ghastly images of humans who look and feel like me
One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready
And the forth one was killed
Someone beside me says it's a sorry sight
Moves on to watch NFL and what not
All the story tales in the world live inside a small box
How so different they seem
We are all flesh and blood
Bones beneath skin and a heart beneath the armour
Some of us die from boredom
Some of them die of starvation and waste
The reporter with her face carved of stone exclaims
'The hostages were showered in gold and platinum'
Then killed in broad daylight with barbs made of silver
Skip the channel and you are saved
For us how easy is it to escape
The portal to escapism lies in our hands
Their hands are filled with sticks and stones and guns
So young, yet so old
So full of hope, but the eyes are filled with doom
The fat monster with his sticky hands and shiny shoes
Sits atop a jeweled throne
Brandishing statements about what he would do
Just for a second I believe him,
Because it is easier to believe than face the reality
Making proclamations in comfort is nothing revolutionary
I do it to, so does my dad, and the guy across the street I see everyday
All of us share the earth, we were told
Then why do we get it for free while they have to fight for it?
I have five homes across the world
There's a child of 3 who belongs to no one
No country, no homeland, and no mother to call his own
Things that are nightmares for you and me
Imaginations that haunt your teen
Is a normal day for the child of three
I can't do much I say, after all what power do I have to make any change
We delude our ourselves,  make ourselves weak, play the victim card,
Break our bones and refuse to mend
Just so we don't have to fight the war
Just so we can say 'I'm powerless'
How do I tell my daughter that this world is pretty and kind and generous?
When she turns on the TV, she's gonna call me a liar
How do I tell my son that the men are strong and powerful and virtuous?
When he turns on the TV
He's gonna give me a look soo murderous
I'll tremble in fear
In a faraway land,
A mom sings a lullaby
While a child falls asleep to the sound of a gunshot
How can I enjoy a glass of wine if it reminds me of blood
How can I read in bliss, when words are stolen from their lips
How can I feel the sun on my back, while there's someone shivering in the cold
How long can this land hold the grief and suffering
The soil is sick with blood
We are the gen-z crowd, we proudly convey
We are meant to care about deeds and feats our parents didn't even think about
But when it comes to action, we are as useless as a broken condom
The millennial and boomers in here, you haven't done anything much either
Because some of you started it in the first place
I believe that by writing this poem
I'm doing the world a favour
That I'm someway, somehow doing my part
There's that damn delusion again
Always creeping up in the wrong places
So you didn't put in a brick in the fire
That doesn't mean you didn't stroke the devil
That doesn't make you innocent
We wave white flags all around
Ask for peace, ask for love, ask for humility
Did any of you get it?
Bright Sunday morning
Reading the body count like it's a math problem
When did we become so emotionally stunted
We care about our nails and hair and suits and house and cars and perfumes and all the bullshit things that don't make any sense
But if someone asks us for a pen we'll stab them in the eye and call it a prank
It's very simple the universe follows our lead
The universe doesn't make us, we shape it
By our thoughts, by our actions, the way we speak to each other
And frankly the current state of affairs isn't surprising to me
The world has seeped our energy, it seems
We label callous behaviour as cool
And if someone dares to speak up
They are called intense and aggressive and too much
We shun them into silence
Send positive thoughts, mediate, the stars look so pretty tonight
Such bullshit!
My earth is failing and you ask me to look up at the stars!!
No, i won't sit and listen,
I won't forgive and forget,
Won't turn the other cheek or a blind eye
We have been silent for far too long
Our activism has made us weak, given us a reason to not do anything
So I won't sit and listen
I won't forgive and forget
I will be positive not because I want to ignore the venality and depravity
It's because my treacherous heart still believes
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kazuma-asogi-blog · 6 months
All right, here I am, I got dragged through hell and fought my way back out and that's why I'm late - sorry, Kazzy, they didn't even sell tshirts at the gift shop so I couldn't bring you back one, I know, I'm a terrible friend and you should get to stab me somewhere nonfatal about it - but I promised you a story about your sister, and now I shall give it to you!
As the joke goes, our dear friend and defendant Rei Membami, an inspector, a famous author, an assassin, and a hitchhiker walked onto a beach... And unsurprisingly, someone got murdered, and somewhat surprisingly, it was the assassin who died!
But because Jezaille Brett was a hot potato of international politics, no one wanted to take Rei's case, so your dear sister Miss Susato stole some of your clothes, put up her hair, and decided to do her very best Ryunosuke impression and defend her. And so Naruhodo Ryutaro was born! (Hope you don't mind she borrowed your clothes. If you do mind, the complaints box requires you to stop hiding from Yujin.)
So Miss Susato went up against Auchi, who grew back some hair and was swearing up and down he was going to take out a Naruhodo. He opened with a summary of the case: Jez was found facedown in a beach hut with a knife in her back and a pen in her hand, and Rei was alone in the hut with her corpse. Figures, right? She was allowed to visit the beach because they were shipping her off to be tried in Shanghai the next day and they were letting her continue her research in deadly poisons under supervision, which somehow didn't backfire on them. He figured Rei stabbed her because she was working under Johnny-boy and since Jez killed him, Rei wanted some revenge.
He even had two witnesses, who surprise surprise, were Hosonaga and Soseki Natsume. (Please imagine Hosonaga with beach clothes and a turtle on his head. I can also get you pictures if you don't believe me.)
Earlier in the day, Natsume had an interview with Yujin for the press, and joined Hosonaga and Jez for the beach, and Yujin sent Rei in his place since she's working under him now. They heard a scream while they were there, ran to the hut, and there was Rei with a bloodstained knife and Jez on the ground, so they figured she'd been stabbed multiple times.
Miss Susato picked up on that and went "huh, that's funny," because the post-mortem said she'd been stabbed once. They argued back and forth about why the knife was bloodstained when she had it, and whether or not she was trying to just pull it out of her (despite knives generally keeping blood in the body, which does not happen when they are removed), before eventually finding out that hey, wait, Jez's eyes were real messed-up, was she poisoned too?
Spoiler alert, there wasn't any poison on the knife, but there sure was in her drink! And the poison was a fancy one Yujin had been developing alongside Rei and Jez, that had been stolen earlier that day! Rei thought Jez had done it and gone to confront her, and Jez had refused and then collapsed with a knife in her back, because dying is a great way to get out of unpleasant conversations.
Interestingly enough, it turned out Auchi had another photograph, this time of Rei holding the knife that was very much still in Jez's back. But of course, for that photo to exist, someone must have taken it, and that someone had to be there to do it. Some sleuthery on Miss Susato's part brought the reporter who had taken Soseki and Yujin's interview to the witness stand, and why he'd snuck along on their trip.
'Course, this reporter, Raiten Menimemo, swore up and down Rei stabbed Jez, and that he'd gone there to interview Jez for the press, and then she hadn't said anything of actual journalistic value. Yujin thought it was pretty interesting he never reported her death to the press, and then Miss Susato was able to identify the pen Jez had when she died as his. Funny, that.
Raiten wouldn't testify without Soseki also testifying, and Soseki did catch Jez just before she died, and asked her who killed her. She pointed to the back of the hut, not quite where Rei was, but pretty close. Miss Susato theorized that Raiten totally could've stabbed her through the reed wall, but he cut back with "hey but she was poisoned first!" and that he couldn't have done it even if he totally did stab her. Which he did.
Miss Susato was able to prove pretty easily that Rei wouldn't have poisoned Jez with a poison only from Yujin's lab, because it would have immediately implicated her and she isn't that stupid, but the article Raiten had written about the interview with Soseki and Yujin included details that absolutely came from Rei's argument with Jez over the stolen poison. So he could have poisoned her, realized it was too easy to track, and then stabbed her to hide it.
Pretty classy for someone who didn't study Jez's methods, I'd say. Or maybe I just don't trust any autopsy or post-mortem at this point because those love to just be wrong, all the time, always.
'Course, Raiten's last argument was that he couldn't have stolen the poison, because he didn't have any way of getting it out of the lab, and maybe that would have worked, but you know. Jez had his pen when she died, and Miss Susato had it tested for poison. He totally dunked it in poison and then dunked the poison in her drink when he interviewed her. So mostly what we've learned here is that if you kill someone, you will die in the exact same way and that is what we call consequences for your actions, although there's another term for that I'll teach you later when I've worn you down enough you let me teach you all the fun English expletives.
Miss Susato wins the trial, she gets a tearful reunion with her best friend, and when Raiten loses it over Japan's willingness to let Jez loose because Britain asked them to, Susato and Rei hit him with a good ol' Ryutaro Takedown. To top it off, Auchi cut off the hair he grew back after you gave him a good ol' shave so he wouldn't have to live on in shame. Because we needed to see his bald head, I guess.
And that's the story of your sister getting to be the first female lawyer in Japan! I figure it'll take her two years to make that legal so she can just be a lawyer without stealing your clothes, but hey, she looked good and you weren't using them anyway so it isn't a problem.
Shame you were off convincing Ziekkyboy to let your amnesic butt stay at his place so you didn't get murdered at the time, you would've loved to be there. I know no one's let you set the Japanese legal system on fire and tapdance on the ashes yet, but it turns out 'sixteen year old girl with a vendetta armed with her believed-to-be-dead older brother's clothes' is a pretty good substitute, so congrats, my dear Kazzy- you got them anyway from beyond the grave! Now we just need to teach her how to make a molotov cocktail and then we'll really have this party in full swing.
Well. That's quite the story. You have my thanks for taking the time to explain it all. I won't stab you...for being late. But I believe you also agreed to start calling me by my actual name, didn't you?
It's frustrating Jezaille Brett was given such leeway after the trial. But I suppose I was meant to benefit from the same treatment had I gone through with the assassination mission.
Ha! Prosecutor Auchi still thinks he can take down a Naruhodo, does he? It sounds like he just needs a little haircut from time to time to remind him which clan is superior.
So Membami-san really didn't do anything; she was just a victim of circumstance. Still a bit foolhardy, confronting a murderer alone, but not as reckless as I feared. It's an unfortunate situation with having no lawyer to take her case. It was a need I was passionate about filling as a defense attorney, which now Ryunosuke will fill in my stead.
A Ryutaro Takedown in the courtroom...nothing in the history of Japan's Supreme Court could ever compare.
@susato-mikotoba-blog: That is a remarkable thing you did for your friend. Not only would it have taken an extraordinary amount of cleverness, but also great bravery to take such a risk. Well done, Susato-san. I am proud of you.
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knoxic · 1 year
Random Criminal Minds canon things (based on my DR)
(I think it accidentally happened because of my headcannons?)
divided it into 2 parts, 2nd one under the cut is NSFW and contains: panic attacks, anxiety, homophobia, suicidal thoughts. (but there is a fun part dw)
• Derek is lactose intolerant, still drinks milk almost every day and loves icecream.
• Dave and Hotch genuinely consider each other best friends.
• Hotch and Pen give the best birthday gifts.
• Derek broke someone's nose because they made fun of Spencer behind his back, Spencer doesn't know what happened and gave him a lecture on why he shouldn't pick fights.
• JJ is in charge of ordering food and coffe while we're on cases, chooses the best food and place and somehow always knows what we want.
• Dave made pizza one night and now Garcia keeps begging him to open a Pizza restaurant. (he rolls his eyes and says "it's a family thing" as an excuse every times she asks)
• Hotch kept groaning and mumbling for 7 hours straight because our coffe machine was broken and we couldn't get coffee.
• Emily has terrible migraines, only Spencer and I know because we shared medicines once.
• Hotch thinks everything he does as a father is wrong and Jack hates him for them. Cried on my shoulder one night after Jack called him his hero.
• Out of everyone in the team, JJ has the best aim and worst eye sight. (she wears lenses at work and glasses at home)
• Hotch banished Spencer from making everyone's coffee ever since he put 4 cubes of sugar in each cup. (I let him do mine tho)
• Dave keeps 3 bottles of whiskey in his office. Tried sneaking one in Hotch's office once claiming its "so you can have a drink every time you're feeling miserable:)", Hotch felt like it was wrong so he took it home without Dave noticing (he did).
• Penelope once dreamed about getting married and having a kid, sometimes cry herself to sleep missing the baby.
• JJ never took Henry to a church but taught him about every religion she knows so he could choose if he wanted to have one. Will teaches him to be acceptable and open minded.
• Spencer likes fem terms (especially being called pretty)
• Jack has a doll named Lisa, plays with her as if she was a baby (Hotch gets baby fever watching him).
• Hotch, Spencer and Emily are queers.
• Penelope is pansexual.
this is the not fun part... feel free to skip
• Emily once had a panic attack because Strauss forced her to "sit properly", her mom used to tell her that all the time.
• Hotch has CPTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
• JJ was homophobic, knows its wrong but its the way she was raised to be as a kid, grew out of it but still catches herself judging ppl.
• Emily had a ED for a great part of her life.
•Emily and Spencer have chronic anxiety.
• Hotch used to have suicidal thoughts during his 8-18 years, never tried anything because he heard his dad say that "people who kill themselves are cowards"
• Derek had toxic relationships (on both his side and his partners side) for years,
• Before Haley, Hotch had an abusive relationship with a girl older than him (he was a minor, she wasn't...).
• Emily used to only have one night threesomes to avoid relationships and feelings.
• Spencer and Ethan had a established dom/sub relationship. It ended when they had a fight over Spencer going to the FBI, Ethan knew it meant they wouldn't see each other much and he just wanted to settle down with Spence, so he left.
now to the fun part:))
• Hotch likes to have his nipples sucked.
• Spencer has a thing for biting (being bitten and biting)
• Derek tried men before, it didn't stick but he had a great time.
• Hotch also tried men (college) but he actually liked it, would do it again 100%, asked Haley to top him once but she refused.
• Emily owns a strap-on.
• Hotch and Spencer have a insane libido, literally the wind could turn them on.
• JJ could cum just from giving head.
• Hotch + couch sex =👩‍🦽
• Suck JJ's Fingers.
• Make love = Hotch Derek
Fuck = JJ Emily
Have sex = Spencer Pen
• Penelope is not extremely experienced but she does it good.
• Hotch loves body worship (giving)
• Kinks
Hotch = Breeding, Exhibitionism, Pregnancy, Age Play, Quirofilia (hands🥴), Somno, Praise (giving) Dd/Lg, Deepthroat.
Derek = Collaring, Blindfold, Roleplaying, Corruption, Dom/sub.
Emily = Somno, Corruption, Choking,
JJ = Cuckolding, Corruption, Deepthroat
Penelope = Roleplaying, Age Play, Spitting,
Spencer = Bondage, Praise, Quirofilia, Corruption.
(btw I'm not sure if Hotch got more kinks because hes kinky or because I just (sexually) know him better than the rest?)
anyways:) that was it, might do another one if I remember other things later.
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