#someone help her - they're so damn confused all the time
yandere-wishes · 1 month
Alice in Marvel-land
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𐙚Yandere! Deadpool (Wade Wilson) x Reader x Yandere Wolverine (Logan Howlett)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ In some worlds, you were Logan's little darling. In others, you were Wade's starry-eyed lover. But here in the void, there is only one of you and two of them.
⁀➷ GORE, yandere behavior, kidnapping, Deadpool being Deadpool.
⁺₊𝄞₊⁺ IDK, probs the Deadpool and Wolverine soundtrack
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Logan feels the world slipping away.
Piece by piece, atom by atom.
In a blink, he's falling down darkness.
An endless rabbit hole.
What was the name of that fairy tale you liked so much?
The one with the girl who gets lost in splendor?
The dust is kicking up, framing the sunset portrait along the horizon.
The envoys are nearly home, this time they've brought someone back. The cage balls chime along the unsteady road. If you squint just far enough you can almost make out vibrant specks of red and yellow.
Strange, the void tends to wash out bright colors. Well, it tends to wash out just about everything.
You scrape your nails along the skeleton's sockets. Leave crescents in the decaying cartilage. "They're almost here" you call out awaiting Cassandra's next move. You watch dolefully as she's transfixed on a portal. The sparky thing unfurled like a fresh wound, strewing salt on persistent lacerations. She watches her brother, or well some variation of her brother. Surrounded by his new family, surrounded by those he loves. He's forgotten her, or maybe never even knew her. You think that the latter would hurt the most.
"Cassandra" Your voice rises in octave, this time getting her attention. "They're here".
"Coming" She sings, voice so chip it almost sounds like unshed tears. You send a final glare at the portal before it collapses on itself.
If you tried hard enough, maybe you could bring yourself to understand her pain. Those pesky notions of desperation for someone to love. But it
doesn't matter now everyone you've ever loved is dead anyway. And unlike Cassandra, you've long since given up on the childish dreams of being rescued by someone who would offer up love so freely.
"Maybe shut up now"
Logan's nerves are frying. Thin strings snapping with every syllable that leaves the red merc's mouth. He's starting to appreciate Stryker in a way he didn't even know he could. The man was a psychotic sadist but at least he knew when to sew someone's mouth shut. Maybe he can convince this Cassadra chick to do the same.
Logan's eyes are almost at 90 degrees of a roll when they stop. He stops, frozen. In the gaping mouth of the rotting skull, something all too familiar stands.
Or rather someone.
Someone he knew.
Someone he loved.
Your name tastes bitter on his tongue. All death and whisky.
Maybe cause it's been so long since the attack. Since he walked off for the night and left his family to die. Cause the last time he saw you, you were a mangled corpse laying in an open grave. Deadweight as he cradled you in his arms.
You walk closer. Face painted in too many shades of confusion.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Damn, he's started quoting that stupid book again.
"How do you know my name" You ask. You look just as beautiful as he remembers. Spine carved straight in pride with perfect lips, perfect eyes. His talons itch to glide across your soft skin, to feel you so intimately once more.
"LOOOGAN did you see what the bald chick just- HEY!!"
It takes too much effort to pull his gaze away. To stare at red and black and be reminded of cruel realities. But Wade has a tendency to be a persistent ache, some unwelcomed anchor to every problem he's ever had.
Only this time when he actually looks at him. Looks at the jittery body that's stilled abruptly. He can't help but be glad that he did. A bitter laugh bubbles in his throat. Maybe Wade's shut up for good this time.
He always knew you were special but this is truly a miracle.
"IT'S YOU!!"
Nope, didn't work. He knew he couldn't be that lucky.
Wade whispers your name, a forgotten prayer. Logan didn't even know the loudmouth knew how to pray. But he seems to almost soften when he sees you. That feral, cheeky killer, looks so so soft when he stares into your doe-eyes. Reaching out zealously to twirl a lock of your hair around his blood-soaked finger.
He can almost feel Wade choking on your essence, heart erratic, like a child finding a lost toy. He's drowning in ecstasy, and Logan is almost tempted to join him. You're here, a breath away. So close it's taking every ounce of self-control not to pull you to his chest and keep you locked between his arms until he finally dies too.
"Penunt look that's my girl!!"
"Your girl!?"
He had taken you for granted as he tends to do with most peaceful things. The realization had occurred a little too late. Right as he had been emptying a round into the target of the week's head.
He lands.
Arms high like an Olympian pleasing the crowd.
He wonders if he can make you cheer for him.
Clap and shout his name as he twirls around the mess he's made.
He wants to feel loved, although he'll never say it out loud. He's only ever been good with words when they're laced with sarcasm and profanity.
And maybe 'I love you' is just about the most obscene thing he can ever say to someone as sweet as you.
Wade plays the white rabbit, fluffy coat stained red from every kill. Tricking poor Alice into following him down cruel rabbit holes. Making you chase him through labyrinths then leaving you at every turn. He leads you to every kill, makes you watch as he dances in slaughter. He can even feel your eyes right now. Starlight slicing him open to quench vulgar interests.  
Alice always follows the rabbit.
He stalks closer, white eyes fixated on your deliciously bewildered expression. Precious thing caught in a warzone. He can almost taste you on his tongue, the sharp tip of a star slivering the inside of his mouth, soft hands painting crescent moons along the back of his neck. He needs to carve his essence across your lips, to pour the after-kill adrenaline into your soul. He needs you.
Only this time...
This time he'd been too distracted. So caught up in claiming you as his victory prize that he didn't notice the grizzled man clinging to life...
And a pistole.
The bullet punctures his shoulder. An afterthought.
But the lead keeps going.
Penetrating the air until it lands bunglingly between your eyes.
You fall into his arms.
Did the white rabbit ever miss Alice?
Did he ever realize how truly special such a curious girl made him feel?
He doubts it.
Doubts that a stupid rodent would have better emotional stability than him.
He's been given a second chance. A whole plethora of them actually. He's been deemed holy, righteous. And aren't gifts of marvel bestowed upon the truly blessed? What better blessing than the sight of you standing amongst the sand and skulls?
Good to see your affinity for dainty dresses spans across all universes...
He lets the blood trickle down his claws.
What else is there to do but dream of you?
It's the fourth day of his massacre and he's lost count of how many humans he's killed. Maybe cause after the first hundred the faces tend to blur.
He leaves your pleasants in between the rotting carcasses and broken glass. Only taking the torturous parts of you. The things that can hurt him. The sharp edges that he can slit his pulse point on, the vague memory of your glare before you cried. The soft skin of your neck between his jagged teeth.
Enough to keep the hate burning.
He wonders if the creatures of Wonderland wept after Alice left. He wonders if Wonderland lost its wonder.
But now you're standing here.
And he wants so badly to remember the sweet taste of your lips. The soft push against his chapped lips as he swallows you whole. Even desperate rabbits can go a little feral. His eyes take in every breath, every scowl.
Good to see your affinity for dainty dresses spans across all universes...
Aliath skids forward, mystified in lightning and smoke. You feel your bones collapsing under the rugged man's, Logan's, vice grip. You thrash and scream trying to break free but he only barks out orders to his friend before they take off running.
"Your safe, don't worry we got you." There's a comedic cadence to every word Wade says. You can almost fool yourself into enjoying it if the two weren't actively attempting to defy Cassandra, to defy Aliath, to defy deities and absolutes. To ripe you away from the only semblance of opulence you've come to know.
"Let me go, you custome-wearing freaks." His gripe tenses. "Don't struggle so much, we said you're safe, now hold still" Logan's anger ripples through you. It's almost muscle memory to still, to obey.
Did you know him? Know them?
In some past life too out of reach?
The ground shutters to a jagged rhythm. You're flying up, escaping the misty horrors of the ground. Your head pounds with the force, air slapping across your body as you taste the cotton of the clouds between your teeth.
Is this how Alice felt as her head hit the roof?
Wade mutters about the stars and educated wishes. About people who live and matter. Logan slices through his thigh, the mercenary's optimism making his body ring with phantom pains.
No one matters.
And when they start to, they die.
There are cruel absolutes in this world. He's tasted them all. Let them slice his tongue and heart and danced to every tune they've sung. He rips his claws out and digs them into Wade's chest.
And again.  
Wade savors the salty tang of blood inside his mouth.
Licks his teeth and runs his tongue over the gaping holes.
He's sitting in the front seat head rolled back.
High off the blood and adrenaline and the thought of having you so close.
"I take it all back, the Honda odysseys fucks hard"
Bones crack, interrupted mid-heal as Logan turns his head to glare. "Shut up" he rasps and Wade almost, almost, hears approval.
There's a low moan reverberating across the broken car. Late night sleepy mumble that's half 'I love you' and half 'I need you'. Neither one has heard it in such a long time.
"Finally awake sleeping beauty? Kinda surprised you could sleep through all of that" Wade shimmies to the back, only to be greeted by your foot smashing into his face, cracking his nose open, and sending a fresh wave of blood into his mouth. He pins your knee to the seat and wiggles himself between you. caging you with his elbows as he stares down at your pretty face. "Miss me, angel baby?"
"Wrong fairy tale" Logan turns around in his seat, claws out running them across your cheek "Please stop, just let me go" you've never begged before, never fallen so low. But these two things, mutants, mutates, or whatever they are, scare you. Reckless, suicidal, dangerous. You feel so helpless in their presence. Never knowing you're to be kissed or killed.
"You're as lovely as I remember" The melancholy colors him in a monochrome of sympathy. Here is a man who's gone through every horror and still gets out of bed. Or maybe he has to, maybe he can't quite die and can't quite reach heaven. So he gulps down his immortality with black coffee to at least pretend he's being buried six feet deep. "Even after all this time I still love you" You almost melt in his brown eyes. So lonely, so desperate.
Kill or kiss
You want him to do both. Want to kiss extinction on his lips while being impaled by the claws. Kill or kiss.
Both, both, both.
"You know~" Wade pushes himself up, "I think your dress should be red...and black. To match your favorite man."
"Who the hell said you were the favorite?" Wade leans forward, in a blink he's gripped Logan's wrist and lunged the Wolvarine's claws into your abdomen.
You writhe, the bones and metal feel almost heavenly inside of you. When he retracts the claws you moan out, it's too saccharine to hold back. Everything feels so much lighter, colorful. You feel your essence slipping out, gushing over the back seat.
Red waterfall, so pretty.
Dress stained red.
"Told ya so!"
Wade pulls you roughly by the shoulders and smashes his lips against yours. He's so cute, fickle Cheshire cat, tongue dancing across your mouth, slitting itself on your peaked teeth, and filling your mouth with thick red caterpillar smoke. "What the hell is wrong with you? You really are God's perfect idiot" Logan's anger is tangible, sweet, and bitter like hatter tea at midnight.
"S'okay Logan, it feels nice" Your words slur, slipping gauche from your tongue as you giggle profusely. You feel like Alice cracking open Wonderland's ribs, crawling inside, and smearing the wonder across your face.
"When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one" You've heard these words before, Alice's words. she's right. Your fairy tale is painted red with pretty, crazy, princes who think that slicing open a princess is easier than kissing her. You reach out for Logan, desperate for a kiss. "eat me" you mutter, and Logan's face morphs into pure terror "Wade what the hell have you done to her?".
"What? It's better this way trust me"
"I hate you"
Logan bends, meeting you halfway. He kisses you with all the wary of a dead man walking. All teeth and heart and bitter memories left to rot three lifetimes ago. He pushes himself between your bones, trying to carve out his ethos in your body. He'd burn the world so long as he gets to keep you.
You squeeze your thighs around Wade's muscular thighs and hips unlocking a gibby giggle from the man. His mask is half pulled up as he trails sloppy fervorous kisses across your neck and chest. The nostalgia slithering under your skin has you squirming, you've been through this all before. In a past life somewhere where storm monsters and voids don't exist. "Remember how good this feels?" Wade mumbles as his fingers dig into your puncture wounds, drawing slow, desperate moans from your puffy lips. You don't dare answer you don't know what would be worst admitting to liking the loudmouth ministrations or admitting there were other versions of you out there, other happy versions.
"Oh for hell's sake," Logan reclines the front seat and shuffles closer. Pulling down the back of your dress. His kisses are bite marks in disguise rabid and feral, the two things the man will never escape. His name rolls across your tongue, you let it slip in an airy moan. "No fair " Wade complains "I want you to say my name too." He pulls out his baby knife and etches the skin of your thighs. Scribbling doodles of stars and half hearts and the little symbol he wears on his belt. "W-wade" you gasp never knowing whether to scream in pain or giggle in bliss.
Logan laughs into your neck. You didn't even know he was capable of such a gentle thing. You bite his lip playfully. Dragging your fingers across his muscular arms. Your thumb pushes into the space between his knuckles asking for the claws. For the most macabre parts of him. You glide your tongue across the parish where flesh meets metal. Kissing the metal and bones and lapping at the blood. Watch curiously as he draws out a long airy sigh. "Good girl" he mumbles voice marred with ecstasy and you almost see the ghost of a smile smear across his pretty lips.
Wade's thumb gently rubs against your hips. Softly usering you into peace, tranquility. Your eyes get heavy, the car gets blurry. The grotesque realignment of their bones steering you into a deep, content sleep.
"Hey Peanut, you think Alice in Wonderland here would mind if we keep going? "  
"Shut it, moron "
"Oh, how I wish I could shut up like a telescope! I think I could, if only I knew how to begin.”
Deadpool: "Do you think the author's going to write about us again? Or is she planning to finally write that Dune fic she keeps talking about?
Wolverine: "I have no fucking idea what the hell you're even talking about.
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🪐@yandere-romanticaa @bad4amficideas @sugarplumz100 @oscarissac2099 @facelessfionna @siphite @tocotuesday69 @linoleunm @mei-simp @shamelessdarkprince @gabriqllas @lovely-liliacs @shiroi-asashin17 @failinguniversity
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
How do you think the Cullens would act around a disinterested crush? Maybe they're fated but reader isn't having it lol
(I love your twilight writing btw thank God someone is still doing it 🤤🤤)
ah it has been many moons since I've gotten a twilight request yay!
Cullen Clan Reacting To Their Crush Being Disinterested In Them
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Carlisle Cullen
Being alive for just over 400 years tends to give one a good perspective on life and the bigger picture, and Carlisle sure has a pretty good idea of how all things pan out. So you're not interested in him? That's fine, Carlisle can wait for as long as you need to change your mind.
In the meantime, Carlisle will continue to maintain your friendship and continue to show just how hard he's worked to become the kind caring father figure he is. He knows you'll fall for him, eventually.
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Esme Cullen
Obviously, she's not going to stop caring about you just because you don't return her feelings. But she might switch up how she shows her affection.
Rather than flirty winks and suspiciously candle-lit wine tastings, she'll back up to more traditionally motherly affections. Making sure you're eating right, baking cookies, etc. And of course, giving you homemade soup when you're sick is still one of her favourite things to do, no need to stop now.
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Edward Cullen
Of course, you're not interested, how could anyone love a monster like him? Who did he think he was, thinking he was worthy of your love? Or so his inner monologue goes.
But it's really not that dramatic, it almost never is, Edward just sprung his crush on you suddenly and it caught you off guard. It was largely the excessively long preamble about how he was an irredeemable murderer that put you off first, but of course, he won't realise that until considerably later.
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Rosalie Hale
She's a little relieved actually. All her mortal and immortal life, Rosalie has been aggressively pursued by people she wasn't particularly interested in, so the fact that she can crush on someone who isn't really that interested is a wonderful change of pace.
For the first time ever, Rosalie has butterflies in her stomach, she fumbles with her words when she speaks to you, and she feels like a silly, mortal teenage girl again, begging her mother to let her go to the dance just so she can sneak away to catch a glimpse of someone just like you.
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Emmett Cullen
You and Emmett had been good friends for a while so when he casually drops a blissful "We should get married" into the conversation, you initially choke on your drink in laughter.
Emmett's a little heartbroken that you'd laugh at something like that, considering that he was being 100% serious. But since you've known him, the both of you have been constantly cracking up jokes, trying to get on each other's nerves, so no wonder you thought this was another one of his pranks. He decides to take this reaction as a blessing, you have no idea he's actually into you, now he knows he has to work out a different way to confess his feelings for you.
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Alice Cullen
She's a little confused obviously, having multiple visions of the two of you in a romantic relationship kind of gave her the impression that it might've been going to come true, but your disinterest says something else altogether.
But the worst part is that those damn visions of you and her together keep coming back, taunting her, luring her in deeper to despair with the thoughts of what might be. It's all getting so intense, so she decides to skip town for a bit, see if that changes anything, or at least helps her clear her head.
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Jasper Hale
Oh well, so you're not interested in a romantic relationship, so what? Doesn't mean you can't still be friends. Doesn't mean he can't be the charming Southern gentleman he is. Doesn't mean he can't still pull out chairs or open doors for you. Or send anonymous bouquets to your house. Or leave your favourite snacks in your locker when you're having a rough day. Of course not.
It doesn't mean he can't worry about other people who might want to date you. Doesn't mean he can't scare off people who'd be bad for you. I mean, what else are friends for?
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mostlymihawk · 2 months
Getting Sick!
Straw Hat Crew (+ Shanks + Mihawk) x GN reader
Prompt: How they react to you getting sick.
CW: Emetophobia (throwing up)
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Completely useless.
The man's made of rubber, he doesn't have a clue what to do.
"Um...it's gonna be okay? It's gonna be okay, right?"
You have to ask him for everything.
Does carry you to bed when asked, and will happily snuggle you.
Then asks if you want something to eat.
Food is the solution, and refuses to understand that food can also be the problem.
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Holds your hair and runs her fingers through it at the same time.
Also dabbing your face and neck with a cold cloth.
Certified professional make-it-better-er.
She did a lot of throwing up when she was younger.
Childhood trauma combined with lying to your sister and working for your mother's murderer will do that.
Knows exactly what she would have wanted, and gives it all to you.
"It's gonna be okay. I've got you, sweetheart."
Keeps tabs on your temperature to make sure this isn't a symptom of something bigger.
Refuses to let you out of bed until you're 100% better.
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Keeps his face carefully blank and gently rubs your back.
Looking away the whole time.
You know him well enough to know he does not want to be doing this.
Handles blood just fine but this is a whole other ballgame and he wants no part of it.
Happily helps you to bed after, because it means the gross part is over.
"Better out than in...I guess."
Then he remembers someone has to take care of the cleanup.
Tries to frame it as discipline training to make it better.
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Useless, but tries his best.
"Do you need a cloth? Some water? I can get, uh...fresh pair of clothes?"
Standing outside the door, so you croak out what you need and he runs to get it for you.
Needs to be filling the silence.
If he's not asking you something and you're not answering he's talking about how this reminds him of that one time in the Forest of Doom...
Spends the whole night telling stories to help you get to sleep.
Gets a lot better when he realizes this isn't all that much different than barnacles and bird poop.
Unfortunately, the worst of it has already passed by then.
Confidently assures you he'll be ready for next time, though.
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As a gentleman, it's his duty to take care of his significant other when they're sick.
He's damn good at it too.
That doesn't mean he has to like it.
His face is pinched as his thumb gently rubs your back, he dabs your face and neck, and offers you sips of water when you can manage it.
"You're alright, sweetheart. A little bit of my tender love and care and you'll be on your feet in no time."
And then he notices the colour, not unlike the blueberry reduction from the dessert you'd asked for after lunch.
Gently helps you to your room, and it's not until the next day that you notice anything is amiss.
In. con. solable.
No one has ever gotten sick from his food before. Ever.
Refuses to serve food.
The Straw Hats have to turn back to Baratie so Zeff can literally beat some sense into him.
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This crew loves its alcohol way too much for Shanks to be even the slightest bit bothered by a little vomit.
Sits by your side, dabbing your face, rubbing your back, completely unfazed, cracking jokes the entire time.
"Snuck into the hold and had yourself a little party without me, did you?"
Knows exactly what to do to help you feel better.
Again, the crew loves alcohol too much for anything else to be true.
Cuddles. So many cuddles.
This crew is too experienced to let a sick crew member come back to work early, so despite the unserious approach you're on strict bedrest.
The whole crew makes fun of you...but only once you've recovered.
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This is not a man who routinely deals with people being sick.
Why are you sick.
Who caused this.
Who does he need to kill.
(It's whoever cooked your dinner at that restaurant you went to last night, but you don't tell him that.)
Completely repulsed, does not let it show on his face while he tends to you.
Rubs your back very gently, and uses a cool cloth to wipe the sweat off your face.
Helps you to bed, sits up and lets you lean against his chest so you're upright, and encourages a few sips of water.
"Get some rest, my jewel."
The next day there's a doctor at your bedside.
You don't need a doctor, but the look on Mihawk's face says this is non-negotiable.
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Time to go degenerate. Can i have yae’s s/o dealing with her during heat. But s/o is too innocent to know what heat is
(Genshin Impact) Yae's innocent S/O dealing with her in heat
Fun Fact(?): Apparently foxes go into heat around June-July, so I guess this is a fitting ask.
Mild NSF-W Implications below the cut!
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When S/O first came into Yae's room, they immediately rushed to her side seeing sweat come down her forehead, accompanied by heavy breathing.
(S/O) "Miko! Are you okay!?"
She was surprised by their presence, blinking twice before attempting to mask whatever she was feeling by smiling.
(Yae) "Ah, hello little one. It's...n-nothing you should concern yourself with-"
Yae felt S/O's hand against her forehead which made her flinch for a second, though S/O didn't notice that.
(S/O) "Archons, you're burning up! You should take a rest and-"
Before they could lift their palm, Yae grabbed their wrist and kept it there, closing her eyes.
(Yae) "S/O, I'm not sick...Oh dear, how to explain this..."
While she was definitely amused by S/O's innocence 90% of the time, there were also times she wanted to bash her head against the wall due to how dense they were.
It depended on how S/O handled this if it would be the 10%.
(Yae) "You are aware that Youkai pertain some of their more non-human traits, correct?"
S/O tilted their head in confusion, similar to how a dog would, forcing her to stifle back a laugh and an urge to just grab them.
(S/O) "Y-Yes...Is what happening right now similar to that?"
(Yae) "Mhm...And since it's the summer, you could say I have...instincts I wish to fulfill."
She blinked her eyes slowly and seductively at them, leading their wrist down to her waist all the while.
(Yae) "Are you following what I'm saying?"
S/O remained silent for a moment before their eyes widened.
(Yae) ...They probably have no idea what I'm even talking about.
(S/O) "Do you need to like...hunt or something, Miko?"
S/O began chuckling, seeing the image in their head of a tiny cute pink fox chasing fish around in a pond.
(S/O) "Actually, I'd like to see that!"
Yae, was less than amused.
(Yae) Okay, they're not getting it at all.
Well, there was always the direct path of just telling S/O that "I'm horny" to get the message across.
But that'd also gut a lot of the eroticism out (For S/O's case anyway, which she didn't think it was possible for that statement to lessen a person's libido) and S/O being the moron they were would probably think she had actual horns.
And by all the damned spirits in hell, would she leave her own hands to relieve her.
Now, how to fluster S/O and have them actually, y'know, help her with this heat?
...Wait, they just gave her the perfect segue-
The smirk came back to Yae in a brief second, her head leaning in next to their ear as she sat up.
(Yae) "Mmm...I can show you what I'm hunting for~."
And immediately going for a deep and hungry kiss, Yae got the message across with her actions.
Which S/O yelped a little in surprise, which was muffled by her laughing into their mouth, dragging them down into the seat with her.
A few hours later, S/O stumbled out of the room with Yae, both their hair looking quite disheveled, though S/O looked far more unkempt.
Yae in contrast appeared in a far more better state than before, with a smile and her ears resting in content.
S/O's clothes were barely on correctly, with several red marks on their necks and struggling to stand upright.
(Yae) "Thank you for your assistance, dear. I'll be sure to let you know when I need it."
(S/O) "...S-Sure...By the way, Miko? You never did actually tell me what you were feeling."
(Yae) "..."
She didn't respond and instead just continued to smile, pretending to not have heard the question.
How do you almost suck the life out of someone that way, and still not have them catch on to what she was feeling?!
Yae had half a mind to shock them, but decided against it. They did end up helping out in the end.
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potheadkiki · 2 months
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Dubious consent
Pet names(kitten, love, pretty, baby, etc.)
Chubby reader
Age gap
Kinda breaking and entering but she's fine with it
Insecure reader
Aizawa is kinda a perv
Needy boy
Virgin reader
Virgin kink
Kinda breath play
Dom/sub under tones
One night Aizawa gets a call from Chief Kenji Tsuragamae asking if it would be possible for him to check out the area around the dorm room. Aizawa clearly confused asks why he should be leaving the safety of his own room this late at night and Kenji explains that there was a thief spotted in that area and that it's been a common complaint at the police station so with a sigh aizawa reluctantly agrees reluctantly that it should be fine, he can't sleep anyway and it's late so he decides to one last bed check before shooting his T.A a message before leaving. He barely gets a block away before he notices some guy lurking around someone's house in a hoodie
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing I mean honestly making me leave my damn room for this" he says rolling his eyes activating his capture weapon wrapping the guy up pulling his phone out to let calling Kenji letting him know that he caught the guy only to be stopped as he hears the guy begin to laugh making a comment about how he should have checked his surroundings more looking up he's attacked by another man, said man throws pink dust in his face getting it in his eyes and throwing him off balance. Aizawa is a mess by the time Kenji arrives. He still has the one guy in the corner but his friend managed to get away after he fell down.
"Jesus Aizawa you're burning up. Let me take you to the hospital" Kenji says and Aizawa slaps his hand away refusing,telling him he'll be fine he just needs to lay down but as he gets closer to the dorm his heart races as he thinks about his T.A. She's younger than him admittedly but that doesn't change the way he feels. The second she appeared in his life was better, brighter even. She constantly helps out and even does most of the teaching. She lets him lay under their shared desk in that yellow sleeping bag as she teaches. He tries so hard to not look up her skirt when she's standing there or sitting down. Sometimes he fails and he has to excuse himself to the bathroom. He doesn't realize that he's made his way back to the dorms. Stepping into the elevator he presses the button to his floor heart pounding they're both on the same floor and he doesn't understand why he feels this way. God he's horny as hell and can barely string two thoughts together unless they're about you.
Next thing he knows he's in front of your dorm heart throbbing and cock hard as hell. His hand reaches out and grabs the door knob. His mind telling him to stop. He can't do this. He can't just act however he wants, do whatever he wants, but that doesn't stop his hand from turning the knob. The door creaks open and he finds you laying there on your stomach blanket thrown across your thighs exposing most of your body. He moans at the sight of you. Only in a large t-shirt and a pair of pretty black panties that hug your ass perfectly. Closing your door he steps forward again and again his legs don't stop until it's the bed itself that's blocking his way. Looking at your face he gently pushes some of the hair out of your face cupping your cheek he watches as you moan at the action leaning into his hand. He groans. Sitting down on the edge of your bed he begins to gently play your hair. Hand moving lower and lower pinching your ass which causes you to jump a little in your sleep and he does it again, pinching your under cheek and again at your thigh. All the while he kisses at your face he feels you stir as your eyes open instantly coming face to face with Aizawa gently rolling over to face him you ask
"Mhm what's what's happening?"you mumble looking up at him gasping as you register that you're not alone and Aizawa was just kissing/groping you
"I didn't think you'd be awake yet" he says leaning in and he kisses you passionately pushing you onto your back one hand propping him up as the other slides under your shirt to play with the chub of your stomach. You begin to realize what's happening and you push him off you
"What's gotten into you" you ask looking at him almost concerned. Don't get it wrong you're extremely attracted to him and would love to be in a relationship with him but he seems off. When you pushed him off you could feel his heart beating fast, face flushed almost feverish, and his breathing is uneven.
"Fuck. I inhaled some pink dust and then all I could do was think about you. I mean literally. All my thoughts were jumbled and I felt like I couldn't even start a sentence but when it came to you Jesus I could do an entire book report. I don't even remember making it to the dorms. I remember getting in the elevator and arriving at my floor and then I ended up here where you are and I couldn't stop myself. I can't stop myself." He says leaning in again and you gently curve your head so he kisses your cheek instead.
"Aizawa please. You've clearly been affected by some quirk you can't do this. I can't do this. I mean you will most likely regret this in the morning and I can't live with that. I can't give you my virginity knowing you're probably not going to remember this in the morning." You say pulling away gently holding his hand close and you watch as he gets teary eyed, almost like a child when you tell them no more candy
"No, please baby can't you see. My mind is so foggy the only thing that's clear is how I feel about you and you make me feel" He says squeezing your hands as the tears continue to flow
"I could've gone to any other teachers rooms on the way here or just in general. But I made my way back, back to you. I want to be with you. I always have. But how was I supposed to tell you. I'm just some old perv that looks up your skirt when you're not looking. You deserve someone better. But I just couldn't stop myself." He says and there's a blush on your face as you listen to his confession
"I understand if you want to press charges. I've heard that they're have been similar cases so I'm-" before he can finish his sentence you lean in kissing him.
"Maybe that pink dust is beginning to affect me" you say jokingly expecting him to dismiss what you said but you watch as he sighs heavily and looks away before saying
"It's possible I'm sorry it got all in my face and I'm sure under my fingernails" he looks down ashamed and you have to admit you're shocked at that. It's possible that you can be affected too? That's scary! But Aizawa was dealing with this first looking at him you notice his face
"What's the matter?" I ask feeling as my heart beat quickens, my breath becomes uneven and your panties practically flood with excitement. Mhm Jesus if this how he feels no wonder he slipped into your room
"I feel like I did this to you. I mean you were fine before" he says looking away but at this point you shimmy your way into his lap desperate for his touch. Needy for his love. Hungry for his lips. Hoping to ease his mind with your own confession
"I understand why you could feel that way. But don't. I want to be with you in every sense on the way. I want your hands on me. I want your lips. I want everything your willing to give me and so much more" You say with a smile cupping his face leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips before pulling away and doubling over in pain clutching your stomach before mumbling out
"It hurts" you say with another pained groan but Aizawa is quick to catch you lay you back against your pillows thighs rubbing together as you grip at his shirt
"Yeah I know love it's gonna hurt till the person you love touches you basically" he says
"Mhm then why are you waiting? Touch me zawa" you say pleading with him and he groans at that comment leaning in kissing you harshly.
"Fuck your gonna be the death of me you know that?" You says slotting between your legs slipping one hand under your shirt and trailing it up your sternum until he gropes at your right breast pushing his hips against yours grinding against your clothes cunt
"Mhm you feel that kitten? That's what you do to me. How you make me feel." He says against your ear. A blush spreading across your face and to your ears.
"Please don't talk like that" you say shyly holding your face only for him to pry your hands away looking at you with hooded and lust filled eyes as he laughs
"What's the matter baby you don't like dirty talk?" He asks with a cheeky smirk. He smiles at the way you react
"God I'm never going to get over the fact that you're a virgin. My pretty little obsession, all innocent and precious. My god I'm in love with you." He says pulling your panties down seeing the damp spot on them smirking
"I'm not innocent just inexperienced okay? Theres a difference" you say shyly feeling his lips kiss your neck and suck bruises into your jugular.
"How about we change that? Yeah?" He asks and you feel as his right hand starts to move down instead and slides to your exposed pussy gently cupping you. He's kissing you passionately as his fingers play with your clit. He can feel you gasp into his kiss, gripping at his wrist trying to stop him from the immense pleasure your feeling.
"What's the matter you want me to stop?"
"No don't! The feeling is just scary. It never feels like this when I do it" you say shyly admitting that you touch yourself
"Oh yeah what do you think about?"
"You, I think of you zawa" you admit shyly gasping as you feel his middle finger insert grasping at his chest
"What's the matter baby?" He asks almost condescending
"Your finger is so big *gasp* bigger than mine and feel so fucking good" you moan as you grip at his chest hopelessly. He smashes his lips against yours as his finger curls up against that spongy spot inside you before slipping his ring finger inside as well performing the same action again. You can feel the sting of the stretch god it hurts so good, feeling as a tear drop slips down your eye he pulls away
"Awe baby what's the matter?" He asks licking your tear away
"I never thought I'd be doing this with you" you say as more tears begin to fall down your face. You can't tell if it's the dust in your system or just the repressed feelings finally coming up.
"Pretty sure it's me that should be me crying. I'm the one that broke in and confessed and you're still letting me touch you hell look at you." He says kissing you again but you notice that his own eyes are getting misty you giggle at that but the moment is short lived as he thrusts his fingers in particularly harsh curling his fingers as his thumb rubs at your clit
"Now just sit back and relax. I'm gonna have my virgin baby cum on my fingers." He says nonchalantly fingers not letting up as they curl and rub roughly at your g-spot. Thighs shaking at the sensation head thrown back, he begins sucking more hickies into your skin.
"I'm gonna-" you can't finish your sentence as your mouth drops open in a silent scream as you cream all over his fingers. Breathing heavily as your chest rises and falls, legs falling open as you try to steady your breathing. He kisses you passionately only pulling away to pull his T-shirt up and throws it to somewhere as he does the same thing with his pants and boxers leaving you both naked. As he slots himself between your thighs you feel as he slips his cock between your folds tip nudging at your clit and then snagging at your hole before repeating the action.
"*Gasping* please shouta just do it. I'm ready please." All your begging seems to be affecting him as you feel his tip prod at your hole. Grasping at the sheets from the pain as he pushes inside only half way before he stops. Your breathing is uneven and your pussy clenches painfully around him. He looks down realizing that you're bleeding he groans
"Cmon love take a breather. Focus on your breathing I won't move until you want me to." He says gently as his thumb rubs against your clit but you can feel his own hips twitch as he attempts to stop himself from thrusting in completely
"I'm sorry*sob* I can only imagine how you're feeling but you can't even move*sob*" and he laughs at that causing him to move which makes you wince slightly
"Sure it sucks a little I can't move. But fuck I'm inside you baby. I've got my thumb rubbing your clit. I'm taking your fucking virginity. I'm fucking great baby" he says kissing you. Feeling as your hips move slightly bucking up against his he laughs
"What a needy little thing you are huh?" He says laughing slightly as he pushes more into you and you tremble around him thighs shaking at the feeling of him filling you up. God your so fucking full. You exhale shakily
"You're so big" you gasp out gently and you watch as he smiles to himself proudly. The disheveled look on your face, the way your eyes are teary, red and swollen lips from all the kissing and lip biting, the hickies that scatter across your body, pretty nipples that perk up with the cold air of the night, stomach trembling and thighs clenching around his hips God his ego was through the fucking roof at the moment. The woman he's truly been obsessed with is underneath him, bleeding for him as he takes your virginity. Hips moving at a steady pace as his thumb rubs your clit. He can feel as you begin to tighten up again and he smirks
"Yeah you gonna cum in my cock baby? I can feel you squeezing me so good. Cum baby. Cum do it for me." He says leaning over lifting your hips to adjust the angel so he's rubbing against your g-spot with each thrust perfectly.
"I'm-im gonna cum please don't stop *gasp* kiss me please" you ask slightly and he happily obliges leaning down lifting your hips even more placing you in a matting press as he smashes his lips against yours, tongue slipping into your mouth as you scratch at his back feeling as you slightly draw blood, hearing him grown at the pain but that doesn't stop you from roughly gripping his shoulders. You can feel his skin under your finger nails as he pushes you to cum. Cumming around his cock with a strangled moan that's just swallowed up by him as he continues to fuck you chasing his own orgasm now. Once he does cum he pulls away kissing your face as he completely pulls out much to your dismay. But you watch as he gets up and slips his boxers back on him clearly seeing your dismay he kisses you again
"I gotta get you cleaned up love. Plus I'm sure you're thirsty" he says pressing another kiss to your temple before leaving while gone you gently crawl to the end of the bed and reach over grabbing at the shirt Aizawa tossed away earlier slipping it on happily as you lay back against the pillows waiting for him to come back. A part of you is telling you that he isn't coming back but that's ridiculous he literally didn't even grab his pants so you just lay there until your door knob turns and he pushes the door open slipping inside and you notice he has a wet wash cloth, two bottles of water,3 protein bars and some new sheets. You look at him happily
"I wasn't sure what protein bar you actually wanted so I just grabbed both for you and figured you could just choose." He says finally looking up and he realizes that you're wearing his shirt
"God you're gonna domesticate the fuck out of me if you keep pulling shit like this" he says walking over to you putting the water bottles and protein bars on the bed side table as he takes his place next to you spreading your legs and cleaning you off. You gently wince once he gets closer to your abused pussy, he murmurs out a quick sorry before continuing. You watch his smile as he goes
"Alrighty love I'mma pick you up and sit you on the chair so I can change your sheets ok?" And you happily nod as you lift your arms and he grabs you putting you in the said chair watching as he places the pillows on the desk and pulls the sheets off the bed tossing them to a corner of the room making a comment that he'll wash them in the morning. Placing the new sheets on the bed, putting the pillows back to their rightful spot on the bed he grabs you and lays you down on the bed as well giggling at how it makes you feel to be moved around like you weigh nothing. He slips into bed as you place your head on his chest listening to his steady heart beat closing your eyes as you feel his hand draw small circles into your back gently lulling you to sleep and your own steady breathing put Aizawa out almost instantly
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yandere-avatar · 1 year
I'm Not Jealous... Well, Maybe a Little
Summary: How do they act when jealous? [Damn, 3 posts in one day? Wow. Popped this out in like 20 mins.] Characters: Katara, Sokka, Aang, Suki, Azula and Zuko
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She doesn't take jealousy well
She'll pretend she's not jealous and bury these feelings
But they'll end up bubbling inside her and it'll come up in a fit of rage
When your back is turned, she'll attack the person that was flirting with you
You'll be none the wiser to what she did
She'll smile at you and you'll probably be confused
The person won't even see Katara coming or even know what she did
She watches in fury though, while the person hits on you
It definitely irritates her more that you don't realize they're flirting with you
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He's like his sister, by burying his feelings deep inside
He'll probably know his feelings are bad, but he loves you and it feels so right
He might challenge them to a fight, just out of nowhere
You'll be confused, but the person won't take Sokka seriously
Sokka would make an absolute fool of himself, as long as it meant he had your attention back
He needs your confirmation that you still love him
He'd take your pity over your distaste any day
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He's the most passive about his jealousy
He's very extroverted and will join the conversation, turning the vibe off [at least hopefully]
If they don't, he will get a little angry
He'll control the conversation and the flirter can't do anything about it, because Aang is so likeable
He makes sure the hint is thrown out there, that they need to leave you alone
If they don't? Well, let's just say their house blew down, so now they don't have time to hit on you
You'll feel bad, but Aang will come up with an excuse on why you and the gang need to leave
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Ugh, she gets so huffy
She is very forward though and will enter the conversation
If the person tries to push her out, she will get aggressive
She's very straightforward and will confront them, even if you're there
You think they're just being friendly and the flirter will use that to their advantage
"You're just being paranoid, I was just telling them about the town"
Suki will glare, knowing it's bull, but she quickly realized she was cornered
She awkwardly smiled and turn towards you, "The gang needs our help, we should go now"
You won't think about it much and wave goodbye to the flirter
As you both walk away, Suki will turn around, smirking while waving bye to the person
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Oh, you screwed up bad
When she gets jealous, she gets violent [Though she gets violent a lot]
But, she doesn't know how to healthily express her emotions, or really just express them at all, so she acts out
She hates this feeling because she's used to be confident and adored
She hates when you even waste a second of your time on someone that isn't her
She deserves all your attention, why are you wasting a second on them?
She's mad at them for talking to you, but she's also mad at you for encouraging them
You'll have to calm her down, or she's killing everyone
Her fits of rage cause a lot of casualties
She then blames you for everyone that got hurt
"Well, if you hadn't been flirting with them, this never would of happened"
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Him and sister have anger in common
He wants to burn them into the ground
Make them suffer for making him watch
He's very annoyed, but doesn't know how to express his jealousy
He won't act out like a child, but he was glare and fire emits from his fist
Anyone can tell he's angry
He'll walk up to you both and glare at the person, before wrapping an arm around you and forcing a smile
"What are you guys talking about?"
You weren't really into the conversation, so you'll say nothing, but Zuko takes it as you not wanting him to know
Did you hate him? Wait, were you talking about him? Why won't you tell him?
God the anxiety eats him alive
He then begins regretting approaching you both. But you just grab him, before pretending to hear your name and pull Zuko along, saying something like "I think I heard Sokka call us. Let's go"
He'll apologize, but you'll laugh, and lightly punch his shoulder, "I didn't want to talk to them. They were so cocky. I'm so glad you saved me. My hero"
You kiss his cheek and he blushes a dark red and you'll continue to walk as he freezes
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sirenedusud · 1 year
*nsfw* to starboard (shanks x reader)
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AN: all i can say is GAW DAMN i am a depraved slut for this man. where my depraved girlies at. proceed with caution: just smut
Your crew prepared to dock as the distance between the island and your ship shrank, windmills on the terrain growing larger and larger. You're standing on the main deck, hands on your hips as you inspect your crew bustling about. They're a loyal lot, you helped most of them escape worse situations, therefore they feel indebted to you. Yes, you were a pirate with a sun-bleached black ship and a hefty bounty on your head, but you led a life of ease.
You weren't too worried about looking over your shoulder, or becoming the biggest and baddest in the East Blue, as long as you could feel the wind brushing through your hair and the sun kissing your skin you were happy. That didn't mean you never indulged in the pleasures of this world though. You had a little more than a collection of fancy shotguns in your cabin, one would even call it an armory for the Marines; and you had a notorious romantic streak across the sea. You didn't mean to break a few hearts here and there, but you simply got bored after a while and needed to run off once again. Some flings came back though, begging for more.
"Raise ALL THE SAILS ya rat!" Your first mate yells at the new boy. You smile and begin to intervene, but come to an abrupt stop. A ship with red masts sails by to your right. You turn to face the passing ship, your hand finding the rigging to steady yourself as your eyes scan it's entire deck. Finally, you lock eyes with the captain who had already been looking at you. Red-Haired Shanks. He was elated to see you and you knew it, but you didn't betray any emotion on your own face. The two of you mirror each other, slowly pacing towards the back of the deck. Your ships were no longer facing side to side by the time you reached the quarter deck. Shanks' seemed anxious that this would be the end of it, that was until you turned to make sure no one was watching you on board.
You turn your back to your crew to look at him once again and prop your foot up on the cannon in front of you, hiking up your skirt to reveal a leg. You hold your skirt up to your mid thigh, only enough to reveal a frilly garter. Your little show was heaven sent. Shanks' eyes widen and he fervently yells something unintelligible, his crew answering back. You drop your leg down and walk back to the main deck, a smile threatening to tear your face. Your ship finally docks and you wait for someone to drop a ladder for you to get on the harbor. You glance back at Red Hair's ship, and sure enough it was reeling so hard to the right that it was threatening to tip over. Some people on the harbor watch in confusion as the ship's hull is almost fully exposed in the dramatic turn, then carry back on to their business once the ship was set back straight towards the docks.
"Whaddya think that's all about cap'n?" Your navigator asks you, her eyebrow cocked as she looks back and forth between you and Shanks' ship.
"I wouldn't know," you coyly reply, and begin your descent to the port. You jump off the ladder and smooth down your skirt. Suddenly you become worried about your appearance: was your skin as smooth as it used to be, did you smell like a sea dog, was your corset tight enough, was your hair in place? What were you doing? You weren't the eager one in these moments, but seeing Shanks excited you. Some of your crew work to tie down the ship, others walk to the nearest pub. You stand a moment longer by your ship, droplets of sweat beginning to form at your bandana. Then, his ship is anchored down once again a couple docks away from you, and you begin your leisurely walk down the port. As you make it down the boardwalk, you catch a glint of red in your peripherals. Butterflies swarm within your lower belly. Shanks on the other hand is half running to meet you in the middle, slowing down once he's mere feet behind you.
The town is bustling with people, yet they remain unaware of the electricity sparking between the two of you. You only give Shanks a small turn of your head and smile, and continue walking a little slower, not looking back at him. He follows behind you, his hand reaches for yours. Your fingers graze against each other in a dance of their own. You're unaware of the compass within your own body (your pussy) guiding Shanks to a small inn. You carry on in trance as you enter the parlor, receive a room key, and lead him upstairs. As the two of you stand in the poorly lit narrow hall, Shanks pulls you back down to earth the moment he grabs your hips and pushes his into your ass. You turn the key quicker at the feel of his hardening cock.
"It's been too long darling," He whispers onto the skin of your neck, "I've missed you so much." He keeps whispering sweet nothings until the door clicks opens and you're both inside. Shanks shoves you back into the door, not giving you a moment to react after. Your back is pressed onto the hard wood but you don't care. Shanks' lips find yours and you're both kissing in an urgency you didn't realize you were holding back. He nips your lower lip softly, asking permission, and you let him slip his tongue in to meet yours. You moan into the kiss, causing Shanks' to buck his hips into yours. His hand rakes down from your clavicle to your breast and further down to your waist. Hand? You break away from the kiss with a small push to his chest and yelp at his missing arm, hitting your head on the door behind you.
"Fucking hell Shanks, how'd this happen??" You rip his cape off to reveal the empty sleeve and look up at him, gaping. Shanks only sighs, whispering something under his breath and uses his only hand to reach for yours. His thumb strokes the back of your hand, you look down at it and back up, giving him a quizzical look. He leads you to the small bed and sits you down. He tells you what had happened only days ago on this same island. You find yourself snapping your hands up to wipe the unwanted tears pricking through your lashes. Shanks clicks his tongue.
"It's just an arm love, don't sully your pretty face over it," Shanks gently pries one of your hands from your face and kisses your tears away, whispering a "please" between the kisses. His mouth finds yours once again and you relax into him. Heat rises between your bodies and you're pulling his face into yours. He quickly releases you to remove his straw hat, tossing it to the side before he returns to your lips. Things grow sloppier, Shanks let's go of your lips to latch onto your neck, leaving a trail of purple blooms where his teeth nip and pull out faint cries from you as he sucks on the most sensitive spot. In your daze you hear Shanks unbuckling his belt and tossing it across the room. His hand becomes frantic as they begin to tug between your corset and his own shirt, so you stop him. Shanks eyes glint with confusion, but you only smile at him as you reach for his clothes. You gently pull his shirt out of his waistband and over his torso, he complies and crooks his neck forward to let you pull it off over his head. You then get up from the bed and kneel in front of him. His eyes say something different now, you cannot quite tell what though.
Something had possessed you in that moment. Here you were gently prying Shanks' boots off, pulling his trousers down and over his ankles. Once you finish undressing him he reaches for you again, but you push his hand away and stand before him. Slowly yet not so much, you unlace your corset and drop it to the floor, unclasp your leather belt with its pistols hanging on either side, and push your skirt down as well. Shanks' already hard cock twitches at every piece of cloth you remove. You finally remove the flimsy chemise and bloomers (a pirate didn't need ten other extra undergarments). You reach for the garter on your thigh but Shanks raises his hand.
"Keep that on" he says, his voice slightly hoarse with pent up desire. He reaches for it and pulls you in between his legs, your hands find their place on his shoulders. His hot breath hits your stomach, causing your pussy to clench around nothing. He looks up at you with blown out pupils. You both remain still for a moment. The spell breaks and he pulls you down into his lap in the middle of the bed. You whimper at the sudden sensation of his cock against your clit, and you grind onto him to feel it again. His eyes threaten to roll back and he grabs your face down to kiss him once more, his hand then traveling down to your breast where he pinches and rolls your nipple between his fingers.
"Fuck Shanks-" you begin but get cut off by his mouth latching onto your other nipple. His tongue swirls and sucks onto you and you let out a small whimper. Your hips push down towards his cock again but he doesn't let you sink down all the way, so you use a hand to stroke his glistening pink tip. His mouth becomes merciless as well as you tease him, and he finally releases both of your breasts to stop your hand and hold your hips still.
"Shanks please- fuck- please I want you so bad- I need you.." you spill out as you fail to make contact with his skin again. He only smiles and softens his grip.
"So have me,” he says. You blank for a moment, then use one hand to line his cock with your aching core, and slowly go down on him. He's too big. You let out something between a moan and gasp as you slowly push him back out and in again. Shanks is struggling to hold himself together too, letting out shaky moans of your name. After a few slow attempts, you seat yourself fully onto his cock. The stretch makes your head buzz and you rock back and forth, stirring obscenities out of the both of you.
"Fuck-ck you're so tight...hhh you're so..fuck..wet- listen to how fucking wet you are for me" Shanks half mutters half groans as you ride him with a quicker pace. You have one hand on his shoulder and another on his thigh to stop yourself from toppling over. His own hand is holding you by the hip, attempting to guide you to bounce harder onto him. He grows impatient and suddenly between your own strokes, Shanks fucks up into you, causing you to moan out a string of curses. His eyes turn obsidian at the sight of you over his body. He grabs your waist and pulls you against his body as he lies down, his cock still inside you. Your cheek is pressed into his chest and before you protest, Shanks snaps his hips upwards into you causing you to muffle a yelp with your fist. He continues to fuck you for what felt like eternity, driving his cock so far into you at this angle you begin to see stars. His one arm keeps you mercilessly pinned to his body as his tip presses against your g-spot repeatedly, sending waves of electricity throughout your nerves.
"Shanks I'm gon- I'm gonna cum- FUCK" you hardly finish speaking before that delicious feeling shoots through from your core, to your stomach, and into your brain. Your thighs quiver aggressively around him and Shanks let's out a soft groan as his own orgasm erupts out of him. You feel your cunt turning warm, filling with his cum as his strokes lose their rhythm. His arm loosens around you, finding your hair and brushing it. You try to slide off of him, but he keeps you there.
"I'm not letting you get away from me this time," Shanks murmurs into your hair, pressing kisses where he spoke. He knew you didn't like sticking around. He knew you were afraid of getting attached only to possibly get hurt. He knew the last time you had seen him you were dangerously close to leaving everything for him, causing you to live this avoidant lifestyle. You push yourself from his chest and roll off of him, failing to give him your strict glare once you turn back at him. His eyes beg for you to stay, pleading with love he's been desperate to show you. His hand reaches for yours, grasping it with a firmness that feared you'd fly away again.
"I know you feel the same, I know you use others to forget about me.”
"God Shanks you lost your fucking arm in the blink of an eye. What if it's your lift next-?”
"So why won't you take that risk?" He implores, desperation now filled his voice as he sat upright, "because I sure as bloody hell would do it for you. I love you!"
You stare at him in awe, your eyebrows overwork themselves as your mind tosses around in anxiety. Was now the time to be fickle? His soft brown eyes glisten in a way you had never witnessed before, causing your heart to succumb to affections you stifled for so long.
"I love you too..." you answer quietly. You betray your own code. Fuck it if it meant ceasing the pain in Shanks eyes at that moment, and from that moment onward. The two of you sit there in tranquility. You and Shanks exchange shy smiles, your gazes bear their deepest desires into one another as the setting sun sets the two of you in a halo of dappled gold through the stained window.
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Oh my stars, Im biting the moth boys
How would they react to an Mc that messes with their fluff as a stim?
Sans: He's good at playing it cool. He acts like there's nothing unusual about what she's doing. He's fully aware that she doesn't know the moth significance of mutual grooming, but hey... he's not going to tell her, especially not when she's in the habit of coming right up to him and brushing his fur whenever she feels like it. She clearly enjoys it, petting or combing him, scrunching up the fur, sometimes nuzzling into it... and he loves it too. He very quietly purrs whenever she does it, the only time he eases up enough to make that sound.
Why would he tell her that it's highly intimate? Why tell her its exclusively for family and mates? Why make it awkward, why spoil the fun? The human he adores is being very cosy with him. He's happy.
... Besides. She'll be his, eventually, if all his plans work out. Might as well get accustomed to grooming each other.
Red: He would be very embarrassed, because damn, that's pretty forward of her. The moth equivalent of just coming up to someone you're flirting with and gently caressing their hair. He's already got feelings so the forwardness massively flusters him... depending on how close he is to her, he might even pull away, purely because he's embarrassed at how intense his feelings are and he knows that she doesn't understand the gravity of grooming to a moth.
... If it's a repeated stim, though, sometimes he just might not be able to help himself but but lean into it. If he's tired, or they're alone together, or he's just feeling particularly lovestruck that day... he can't help but let her run her fingers through his fluff. He might sleepily reciprocate, playing carefully with her hair.
Sometimes you just gotta take advantage of the moment. Sometimes, when the cute human you have a crush on puts her soft hands in your fluff, you just gotta let her.
Skull: It's almost as if his fluff is his 'deactivate' button. Like when you scratch a dog in just the right place, and it can't help but fall over. She touches his fur and he immediately drops.
Sometimes, it's good, because it's a guaranteed way to make him totally relax. He'll be cuddled up to her and when she starts playing with his fur he just lets out a big happy mix between a purr and a sigh, and completely eases. But sometimes it's bad, because when a massive clingy moth beast with four arms decides he's enjoying the attention and you're not going anywhere... well, you're really not going anywhere.
Skull's isolation from other moths means he doesn't really understand the importance of grooming each other. All he knows is that he really wants to touch her hair, and he really likes how it feels when she plays with his fur. Sometimes the feelings confuse him a little- if anyone else touched him, they'd lose the arm.
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abiatackerman · 4 months
Red Date
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Warnings: Description of sexual arousal (NSFW)
The atmosphere in your office is so calm and peaceful as you work. The day's temperature is comforting also it seems the bugs have also decided not to disturb you today. You keep working as you hum in a peaceful mind until you hear someone calling you by your name.
You look up from your paperwork as you hear Levi's stern voice. You were so consumed in your work that you didn't even notice him entering.
"Hey Levi! Sorry, didn't notice you. Need anything?"
You speak, smiling sweetly as always.
"I want to take you out tonight"
Levi says with a straight up blunt tone making you look up at him with shock. His face shows no emotion on it. He stares at you waiting for your answer. Though, on the inside, the nerves and butterflies were going crazy.
"Take out? Where?"
You ask him with shock, confusion and curiosity.
"Dinner. Somewhere with no people. Somewhere nice"
Levi says as he shifts the weight between both his legs. A sign of nervousness.
He is nervous. He has never dated anyone. Hell, he has barely been around women. Yet you are the exception. You're the one he wants to keep, being around and spend time with and never let go.
You smile at his slightly nervous expression.
"Well, I'm free tonight. Also it's boring just to eat the regular bread and soup of the regiment... So why not?"
Levi's eyes brighten when he hears your answer. Yes! You said yes! Yet the excitement is hidden behind a stoic poker face.
"Meet me behind HQ an hour after the sunset."
His words are straight to the point as usual.
"Why behind the hq?"
You ask with confusion.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out"
Levi speaks bluntly as he answers your question simply. You just chuckle.
"Since you saved my life twice... I guess I'll trust you."
Levi nods his head to your answer. His face is still expressionless. Though inside he's happy as hell after knowing that you trust him.
"Now…keep preparing your papers. And don't be late."
Levi says before he turns and leaves the infirmary.
An hour after sunset, as promised, Levi is behind HQ, waiting on you. His usual expression on his face, and his hands shoved into his pockets. A slight look of boredom in his eyes as he waited for you to show up.
Something red catches his eyes and he looks at the gate. His eyes widened slightly seeing you in your red dress. You're wearing a simple round necked wine red dress which reaches upto your knee. As always no makeup on your face without that damn red lipstick of yours. Your hair is tied up in a loose bun, revealing your soft addictive neck.
On the other side, your eyes are widened too. The wholes place is nicely decorated by candles and in the middle there's a red blanket on the green grass which has a table on the corner of it. The table is decorated nicely too. With dinner set and by the smell you can tell it's spaghetti hidden under those legent utensils.
You look around and gasp again.
"You look beautiful Y/N. Now come, sit."
Levi speaks as he gestured for you to come over to the blanket. His eyes taking you all in.
"Ahhh thank you."
You gasp in shock again as he compliments you. This is the first time you're hearing him calling someone beautiful. You walk towards the blanket and sit down on the chair Levi pulls out for you.
"You know, I thought you wanted no one to know that we're going out. That's why you told me to come here... But I never even imagined these arrangements! How many people helped you?"
Levi shrugs his shoulders before he sits down, across from her. He seems pleased with himself at your expression.
"Four people. Hange included."
Levi says simply and calmly. He gestures to the rose near you, then to the food and wine before them.
"Who are the three others? Erwin is one of em I'm sure... But the other two?
You ask softly, taking the rose and sniffing it.
"Miche and Eld. They're trustworthy. They'll keep their mouth shut. Now, eat. There's plenty to share, and don't even think of complaining about the food, because I won't listen."
You ignore him as you take a deep breath and gather your courage. Leaning forward,  you softly press a kiss on his cheeks, letting your lips linger on his cheek for a bit as you close your eyes and take in his scent. The small gesture is more than enough to light a fire in his lower regions. He gulps as he feels himself getting hard.
Not now, damnit!
He curses himself as his heart beats crazily.
"Now…if you would sit back, we shall eat"
Levi speaks, his mind is reeling.
"Sorry there's uh... Lipstick stains on your cheek."
You speak in an embarrassed and shy tone as your lips are pressed into a thin line and your cheeks are pink.
"It's fine… It'll wash off."
Levi says as he grabs the glass of wine and took a small sip to calm his mind down. He sets the wine down on the edge of the table. His eyes go to the food.
"I wanted to thank you. It's so romantic. I never thought you would do something for me."
You smile shyly as you speak.
"You can thank me properly later. Now eat your food and keep those gorgeous lips off of me until you finish eating. I'm not complaining either way.…"
Levi says as He takes another small sip of wine. You sigh and look up at the sky.
"These types of moments..... In a silent place, in between nature... Heaven."
Levi looks up at the sky as well at your words. It is relaxing. So quiet and pretty. He can forget there are any titans, or people in the outer world who wanted them dead.
Just him, and you.
"Yes…it's nice. To not think or have a worry in the world, even if momentarily…"
"Yeah right. Anyway who cooked them?"
You look at the delicious spaghetti as you ask.
"Eld cooked it. Miche made sure it was cooked right. And no, they didn't spit in the food before they gave it to me. I'm not that cruel for that."
"Spit in the food? That's hilarious, Levi!"
You laugh loudly.
"Shut it. Now eat up. You look like you're about to faint from no food."
He mutters before he pushes a plate full of spaghetti towards you. You roll your eyes.
"You know I don't eat much. I have a petite body. I need a little food."
You say as you take the spaghetti and start eating. Your eyes widened at it's delicious taste. Also not to mention you are hungry.
"You eat like a small bird…"
Levi says as he watches you dig into the food. You furrow your eyebrows.
"Do you want me to eat like a pig and look like a mini elephant?"
You ask as you take another spoonful of spaghetti.
"No, I'm not saying you have to eat like a pig. Just eat a normal meal every once and a while. Learn from Hange and Erwin. They eat like animals."
"Erwin's gonna love to hear that. Eat like an animal? Levi... I really love talking to you. You're funny."
"Just eat. Don't be picky. You're skinny as a stick as it is"
"No, I'm not."
You protest, still smiling. Levi smiles a little too. It is entertaining watching your sarcastic way to get back at him for insulting you. The way you insulted him was cute and bravely to him. When everyone gets scared and despise him because of his rude words, you enjoy them.
He loves it. Addicted to it.....
"You're the only woman I know who's attracted to being insulted by someone."
"You're the only man I know who is attracted to a girl like that."
You talk back, immediately.
"True. I can't imagine other men being attracted to a woman who's as small as a stick"
"I had a lot of men wanting me. You can be sure of it."
Levi raises an eyebrow at your cocky smile.
"Then go ahead. Name them"
Levi says with a pissed tone and a slight expression of jealousy in his face.
"I don't want you to beat them up."
You chuckle as you hold a spoonful of spaghetti in front of his mouth.
"You're not feeding me."
He says as he reaches forward and shoves a large portion of pasta in your mouth so that way you can't speak… Or protest. You groan and gulp the pasta and glare at him.
"It's my turn!"
You say and without any hesitation, you suddenly get on his lap with the spoon.
"What are you doing?"
He asks, as he feels himself getting slightly harder. Not to mention you are sitting right on his bulge. The softness of your ass almost made him moan.
"Feeding you. Say aaaaaa...."
You say as you hold his chin and the spoonful of spaghetti in front of his lips ignoring the large hardened cock under you.
Levi opened up his mouth and leaned forward to take the food in. You can't help but laugh loudly as he says "aaaah" sarcastically.
"I just wanted you to open your mouth, fool. Not to say aaaaa..."
You laugh louder.
"Tch, shut it."
"I have a mouth for speaking so I definitely won't stop using it."
You speak and Levi's hands holds your hips in place as he looks at you.
"How about I shut up that mouth of yours?"
Levi says before he crashes his lips against yours in a heated kiss. You smile against his lips and hug his neck and kiss him back passionately. You part your lips as soon as he licks them. His tongue slips inside of your mouth and he deepens the kiss, taking in everything about you. He has been craving this for so long.
His arousal grows and he groans slightly at the feeling of your core pressed against his hard, clothed length. He runs his tongue over every inch of your mouth before he finally breaks the kiss, needing a break for air.
"That should shut you up…"
You breathe heavily as you smile.
"Your mouth is a mess, Levi! With my lipstick... And you're hard."
You say chuckling softly as you take a paper napkin to clean his face.
"Your fault. Not mine. You're the one who straddled my lap and put your lipstick everywhere"
Levi mutters as he looks at you, staring at the way your chest rises with every breath you take.
You say shyly, smacking the napkin on his face as you catch him staring at your chest.
"You're the one who's sitting on my hardening member and you're calling me the pervert?"
Levi's breath is hot against your skin as he leans in and places a few hungry, open-mouthed kisses along your neck and shoulders. You chuckle and moan, grab his hair and pull his head backwards to make him look into your eyes.
"I didn't know you were hard when I got in your lap."
You say staring into his eyes as you take the bowl of spaghetti again and get off his lap.
"It's called the hormones of an aroused male. You're wearing red lipstick and a red dress. It's almost like you are begging me to devour you. So don't fucking blame me for getting hard you stupid ass!"
Levi speaks in a frustrated and pissed tone as you just laugh loudly.
Later, after finishing eating and talking about nothing important, you two sit on the blanket. You sit between his legs and lean your back on his chest as you yawn tiredly.
"Levi... I'm really tired. I might fall asleep here, yk..."
You say sighing as you sip your wine.
"We can stay here for a little while longer. Not too long though or else the idiots are going to snoop around"
Levi mutters as he sighs.
"Why do I feel like the brat's are already watching us while blushing and giggling?"
Levi sighs. He can almost hear the little brat's giggles. He has a few ideas of what he would do to them later but now he couldn’t focus on that. Not when the girl of his dreams is pressed up against him and holding his hands.
"Shut it. Stop reminding me that they're probably watching us"
Levi mutters, slightly glaring off to the side before wrapping his arms around her.
"Thank you, Levi. I really enjoyed tonight."
You mumble as you slowly start to doze off in his arms.
"Me too…"
Levi says softly as he stares down at you. He is slightly jealous of your ability to fall asleep so fast. He runs his fingers through your hair and gently plays with the strands.
"Rest up, Doll."
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im so tired of sterek fics where derek is like really mean or just aloof to stiles until they get together. do you have an recs where derek is just a sweetheart who's always soft on stiles even before they get together?
Here's softboi!derek.
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let me take care of you by honestlydarkprincess
(1/1 I 1,1311 I Teen)
Stiles couldn’t do anything but stare at the alpha werewolf as he rambled while unloading the aforementioned supplies from the grocery bag to Stiles’ counter.
Nothing Stiles was seeing made sense.
Why was Derek here, in his apartment, with cold medicine and fucking soup?
Or, the one where Derek comes over to take care of a sick Stiles. They talk about their moms and confess some feelings. It's all very soft.
An Anchor for the Storm by andthwip
(1/1 I 3,246 I Mature)
Derek's the only person Stiles can turn to.
Give Me Shelter by WonderWolf
(1/1 I 8,295 I Teen)
I don’t make a good impression, I know,” Derek grumbles. “It’s fine. I get it.”
“Noooo,” Stiles groans in frustration, “but it isn’t fair because you’re not that guy, you’re not an asshole and you give cats punny names so they have a better chance at being adopted.”
“Who told you I named the cats?” Derek asks, his brows scrunching together in confusion.
“Scott,” Stiles smirks. “My favorite so far was Purrsephone.”
(Or the one in which Derek and Stiles both volunteer at an animal shelter, Derek works with cats and gives them punny names, Stiles works with the dogs, and misunderstandings ensue).
If It Means a Lot to You by Nier
(1/1 I 9,356 I Teen)
His mom had told him about mates in the past. Derek would often come home and just hear stories about how his parents had met and fallen for each other, how they had gotten together after learning about what they truly meant to one another.
He was a kid when she told him all this, so it didn't really make much sense to him at the time. All he could do was sit there on the edge of her bed, listening as his mother talked about how love is an act of courage. If you don't take that first step, then everything else is impossible too.
Set a Song for Me by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) 
(1/1 I 11,573 i Teen)
“You did a favour for a stranger?” the sheriff asked, surprised. “You won’t even do a favour for me.”
“Your favours involve chocolate and salty snacks, damn straight I won’t do you any favours,” Stiles insisted, pointing an accusatory finger at his dad while leaning back against the counter, taking another large sip of coffee. “Some guy lost his phone and was calling it hoping someone would answer. That someone was me. He said he’d had some drinks and couldn’t come grab it right then, so we agreed to meet at the station this morning. I didn’t realize ‘this morning’ meant the ass crack of dawn.”
“It’s not the ass crack of dawn, that was at five thirty-seven, according to the weather app on my phone.”
Stiles let out a sarcastic laugh and flipped his dad off. The sheriff gave him a look, but he didn’t reprimand him, clearly able to tell Stiles was miserable.
Love At It's Purest by AbsolutelyNot2801
(12/? I 24,218 I Mature)
Sometimes Derek does things that makes Stiles think his crush is not completely one-sided, like gentle touches, soothing words and embraces like the one they were in that morning. And then he goes and does something stupid like getting a stupid girlfriend like Jennifer. It’s not because of Jennifer at all really. She’s lovely. But Stiles can’t help the hint of jealousy when he sees the loving gazes and soft, shy smiles.
And this is his step-brother he’s talking about. His step-brother! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Or a fic in which Stiles and Derek can’t help falling in love with each other. But there's a problem, they're step brothers. A fic with angst, feels and a happy ending.
The Spaz and the Sourwolf by TheRealDanniX
(9/9 I 24,674 I Teen)
When Stiles comes across something he shouldn't in the Preserve he ends up on four legs. Not that anyone in the Pack knows it's him. He's just hoping they can figure it out before anything else bad happens.
This Is Not Who I'm Supposed to Be by Anonymous
(11/11 I 24,932 I Teen)
After Stiles' friends get shot, the fox runs away from his home. He runs far enough that the white snow changes into green gras, and his white fur feels heavier than ever underneath the shining sun. Talia Hale and her family find him and she helps him turn back into human, something he hasn't been in years, and he has to learn how to be human again with the help from Derek. He realizes that life isn't easy. Not as human and not as a supernatural creature. Especially not when hunters are back in town.
shatter like glass, come apart in my hands by cosmicayan
(15/? I 47,107 I Mature)
The one in which Stiles goes missing for three months and then suddenly, out of nowhere, he turns up at the door of the Hale House, confusing himself, Derek, and literally everyone else.
Oh, yeah, and he has no memory of what happened to him (or, at least, no conscious memory).
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hey! i was wondering if you could do a polyplastics fic thing thats more like karen-centric. like karen was having a good day but then she heard some random people talking about how shes dumb and just like objectifying her, so she runs to the bathroom and crys in the stall then the reader walks into the bathroom and hears someone crying so they check and see that its karen, obviously they comfort her, and texts gretchen and regina to come to the bathroom and then when they get there, karen tells them all what happened and gretchen and regina just storm out and the other two are super confused and then like turns out regina and gretchen went to find the dudes that were talking about karen and regina goes all apex predator on them while gretchen very loudly reveals a bunch of their secrets to the whole cafeteria. and then lalalala kiss kiss everyone is happy
Apex Bodyguards
|| poly!plastics x nonbinary!reader
(i myself am poly)
|| Warnings; brief mentions of slut shaming, karen being bullied, swearing, regina being regina
|| Summary; Karen was having a great day, that is until she overhears people talking about her in a not so positive light. She gets upset and runs off to the bathroom, where reader finds her.
Requests open!
Started; September 15th
Finished; September 17th
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Karen's day was going really well, like. Super well. She spent her whole morning with her girlfriends, she even had a couple classes with Gretchen that morning.
She was getting ready to go to her fourth period class, walking through the hall to get to her locker when she overheard some students talking. She heard them mention her name and smiled at first. Until she heard what they were saying.
"Oh my God, yes. Thank you! Karen Shetty is so fucking stupid oh my God." One girl said, the others around her laughed as another one piped up," we literally don't talk about this enough."
"And I bet Regina only keeps her around for her boobs. Cause like damn, but imagine the back problems that slut has."
"Oh my God, can we talk about the slut thing? Cause like- eleven people? Girl wow, you're like how old?"
"For real!"
Karen felt her lip tremble and put her hand to it as she ran to the closest bathroom.
"Oh shit, think she heard us?" One of the girls asked when they saw how fast Karen left, the other shrugged.
A few minutes pass and you walk into the same bathroom, sighing as you headed to the stall. Already dreading fourth period. None of your friends were in that class and to make it worse it was history. Gross.
As you opened the stall, you heard a sniffle from the one next to it and paused for a moment. Was someone crying? You listened a little closer and heard a few more sobs, so you knocked on the stall.
"Hey? You doing okay in there?" You asked, the sobs had sounded vaguely familiar but you couldn't figure out why that was. Then you heard the voice that followed.
"I... no."
Shit. Karen.
"Baby, open the stall." Your voice was softer as you listened to her shuffle around then open the door. Immediately she was in your arms, crying into your shoulder and you held her tight," hey, hey, hey.. you're okay. What happened?"
You weren't great at comforting, but this was your girlfriend. So you made an effort as the two of you moved to sit on the bathroom floor together.
Karen explained everything through sobs as you sat there, holding her hand and giving her knuckles soft rubs. Something you'd seen Gretchen do a number of times, including to you. So you knew it helped.
"Those bitches." You muttered, giving Karen a quick soothing kiss," look at me, baby. Listen, okay?"
She looked at you, mascara running down her cheeks. You frowned at the sight.
"They don't know what they're talking about. You are plenty smart. Remember a few days ago? You recognized that I was upset when even Gretchen and Regina couldn't see it. You helped me. That was all you, baby. You know exactly what people need and you're there for them. Those bitches? They clearly don't know you well enough to see just how kind, beautiful and intelligent you are." You rambled on, Karen listening to your every word. You weren't lying, Karen was smart. Just... in different ways. So you made sure to highlight that for her to see it.
That got a smile from her and you felt your shoulders relax. Maybe you weren't so bad at this comforting thing.
"I'm gonna text Regina and Gretchen, okay? Can I let them know what happened?" You asked, she gave a small nod and cuddled up against you. Your arm draped around her side while your other took out your phone. Sending a text to the groupchat and letting them know what happened.
Gretchen; oh my god no way?? is karen okay? i'll be right there <3
Regina; im gonna skin a bitch.
You had closed your phone and focused on Karen again and didn't see Regina's response. Though you could only guess what she would say.
It took no more than two minutes for both girls to come storming into the bathroom. Gretchen softened as she saw the two of you on the ground; Regina however only got more pissed off. Her arms folded across her chest, nails digging into her skin.
"Who was it?" She demanded, she looked at you. You shrugged, so she looked at Karen," Well?"
Karen fidgeted with her fingers, taking a glance at Gretchen who gave an encouraging nod," Lyliah Haydens.. Lexis Hexx."
You frowned hearing the names, giving Karen's shoulder a comforting squeeze. You didn't know the girls but Gretchen seemed to.
"I've got this. Regina, come on." You'd never seen Gretchen take charge so fast as she walked right out of the bathroom.
"Don't have to tell me twice." Regina replied, following after at a slight jog so she could walk in front. "Got any dirt on Lyliah and Lexis?"
"Obvi, Gina." Gretchen stopped when they were in the hall and turned to look at Regina with a grin," Lyliah's been sleeping with Lexis' boyfriend behind her back. And remember last week when the girls locker room smelled like piss? Lexis pissed her pants in gym class. Mr Carr wouldn't let her go to the bathroom."
"God, it's hot when you gossip." Regina smirked and walked ahead, pulling Gretchen along," come on."
Meanwhile, you stayed behind with Karen. She'd calmed down by this point so you just sat together, you listened to Karen talk. Just admiring her smile and the way her hands moved and twirled with each sentence.
"Welcome to NorthShore Daily! Where we interrupt you to give the latest rundown of-" The afternoon announcements were interrupted...
"Is this stupid thing on? Gretchen!" Your head whipped around towards the hall when you heard Regina's voice over the loud speaker.
"What's she doing?" You asked aloud.
Karen shrugged and listened with you.
"Yes, Regina." You heard Gretchen reply.
"You can't just-" The usual student announcer was cut off again by Regina.
"I can do what I want, move it loser." Some shuffling was heard before Regina continued," You want some news that's actually interesting, NorthShore? Turns out, Lyliah Haydens is sleeping with Lexis Hexx's boyfriend! And get this.. Lexis Hexx is the reason the girls locker room smelled like piss last week. She wet her pants in gym."
Regina paused for dramatic effect, you could almost hear the smirk in her voice. Only Regina would be able to get away with a stunt like this.
"Let this be a lesson to not shit talk my girlfriends." Regina added on.
"...um, back to regular announcements-" The usual student announcer tried her best to continue on after that.
You heard Regina's heels coming down the hall before her and Gretchen appeared at the bathroom entrance again. Regina had a smirk on her face, looking rather proud of herself.
"Thanks, guys.." Karen murmured.
They nodded and Gretchen sat down with the two of you, but Regina looked disgusted at the thought of sitting on the floor.
You noticed and gave your lap a pat, offering it as a seat instead.
She rolled her eyes, trying to seem reluctant but you could tell she liked it as she sat down with you.
Gretchen gave Karen a soft kiss," feeling better, mama?"
Karen nodded," can we get pizza?"
Regina laughed a little," maybe."
The four of you definitely went on a pizza date that night. It was well deserved.
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Wade forced himself to focus on the mirror again, tearing his gaze away from Logan before he did something stupid—like launching himself across the room and kissing the life out of the guy. "Can't help it if you're a fucking distraction," Wade muttered, more to himself than to Logan, managing to get the tie somewhat presentable, though he was pretty sure Logan could tie a better knot with his eyes closed. He adjusted the red pocket square, trying to give himself something to do with his hands that didn't involve reaching for Logan.
"You know," he said, "I have to admit, you look pretty damn good in a suit. I mean, it's no Wolverine's suit, and it's not like I didn't know you were built like a tank, but damn... who knew you cleaned up so well?"
Logan glanced up from where he was sitting, his eyes narrowing slightly as he met Wade's gaze in the mirror. "Yeah, well, don't get used to it, Bub."
"Too late," Wade leered. "Why don't you stand up and do a twirl for me, Princess?"
"Woah, hey! No! No," Wade turned around, holding his hands out in front of him. Logan's claws glinted under the fluorescent lights menacingly as he glared up at him. "Usually I'm up for a little bit of foreplay, but we're under strict instructions that the claws need to stay away today. If she sees even a speck of blood on either of us, she is going to lose her shit."
Logan's claws retracted with a swift snikt, and he leveled a disapproving look at Wade, who was still standing with his hands up in a defensive posture. "Then, maybe you shouldn't say things that make me want to stab you."
"I flirt when I'm nervous," Wade quipped, crossing his arms. "It's not every day the love of your life gets married to someone else."
Logan gives him a flat look. 
"Right, my bad. We can trauma bond about it later, say over dinner?" He reaches under the sink, pulling out the newest toupee—one of his more elegant wigs, this time a nearly identical replica of Nicepool's long locks.
Logan stared at the toupee, then back at Wade with a look of exasperation. "You've got to be fucking kidding me. You're actually wearing that?"
Wade grinned, holding the toupee up like a trophy. "Oh, come on. It's her big day. Nobody wants to see a walking scrotum sitting at the bar."
He plopped it onto his head, ignoring Logan's winces as he stapled it firmly to his head. He spins in a circle, posing a few times for Logan. "How do I look?"
"More or less than usual?" 
Logan didn't answer, his face crinkling into one of disgust. Wade spun back to face the mirror, rearranging the wig in the way he remembered Nicepool wore his--may he rest in peace--eyes flickering between his own reflection and Logan's as he watched him. Finally, feeling satisfied with his appearance, he turned around and clapped his hands. "Ready to rock and roll?"
Logan didn't move, choosing to sit there and just stare at him like he had something completely batshit crazy. His hands tightened around his thighs, white-knuckling the dark fabric. "How do you do that?" he asked suddenly, his voice breaking the stillness.
Wade glanced up, confused. "Do what? The wig? I mean, sure, I watched a lot of tutorials, but really it's all in the quality-" 
"No," Logan interrupted, his tone sharper than usual. "I mean, how do you just...watch the love of your life get married to someone else?"
Wade was silent for a moment, his eyes focusing on the claw mark through the shower curtain. Hm. What fight caused that? He took a deep breath. "Well...when you love someone, when you really, truly love someone, it doesn't really matter who they end up with. Even if it isn't you, you're happy because they're happy." Wade shrugged, "And I think deep down, I knew it was never going to be me. People like her, good people, they don't end up with guys like me. They end up with the good guy."
"You are a good guy," Logan said sternly, startling Wade out of his half-reverie. "Annoying as fuck, a goddamn pervert, but you are a good guy."
Wade laughed softly, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm really, really not."
Logan shook his head, stepping closer. "You saved the world for her. For your family. For everybody. You took me in, even though I'm a dick, and I'm 'grumpy' and I'm an alcoholic, and we nearly kill each other every day. When I was nothing but...when I was just nothing to anybody. When I was the 'worst' Wolverine, you didn't give a fuck what I had to say or what anyone else had to say. You told me I'm the best Wolverine. Even when I wasn't. When I haven't been."
Logan poked a thick finger into his chest. "You. Are. A. Good. Guy. Wade Wilson. Fuck her."
"Logan," Wade began slowly, "I've done a lot of things. Some of them... well, let's just say if there's a line, I've not only crossed it, I've stomped it into the ground and done a little tap dance on it."
Logan's expression didn't change, his gaze steady as he waited for Wade to continue.
"I saved the world, but I also destroyed a lot of it in the process. I killed people. People who didn't deserve it, who were just... there. Wrong place, wrong time. And every time I do something good, it's like there's this... tally board, and all those bad things I've done, they just get louder, like they're reminding me of who I really am. Of what I am."
Logan stepped even closer, closing the gap between them, his presence solid and grounding. "You think I don't know what that's like? To be haunted by what you've done? Hell, Wade, I've been carrying that weight for longer than I care to remember. But that doesn't define us. You saved the world not because you were trying to erase your past, but because you wanted to make a future for people you care about. That's what matters."
"Why do you even care? Why are you trying so hard to convince me that I'm worth something?" Wade shot back, poking his chest. "Why does it matter to you so much?"
Logan leaned in closer, and Wade had to resist the urge to pull away from him, pull away from his minty breath and his clenched teeth and those steak knives he called claws. "Because if you're not worth something, then what the hell am I?"
Wade's breath hitched, his brain short-circuiting as Logan's words hung in the air between them. 
His pulse quickened, and he had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from doing something stupid, like closing the distance and finding out exactly how Logan's lips would feel pressed against his. He could imagine it so clearly, the way Logan's hands would grip his arms—tight enough to leave bruises, to hold him in place—and the way those clawed fingers would curl into his flesh, leaving marks that would fade almost as soon as they appeared.
He wanted to push Logan, to see how far he could go before the older man snapped. He wanted to feel Logan's rough hands on his skin, to have him take out all that pent-up frustration on him in the most primal way possible. Wade's thoughts drifted to what it would be like to be under Logan, to have him growling his name, those low, guttural sounds that Wade had only ever heard when Logan was pissed off or in the middle of a fight.
But as much as Wade wanted to give in to those thoughts, he knew better. He knew that if he pushed too far, if he acted on the urge that was currently making it hard to think straight, he'd be risking everything. Whatever this was between them, it was fragile, and Wade wasn't sure if it could survive if he crossed that line.
So instead, Wade did what he always did—he deflected. He forced a smirk onto his face, even though his heart was pounding in his chest, and tried to push the thoughts of Logan's lips, Logan's hands, Logan's everything, out of his mind.
"Wow, Wolvie," Wade said, his voice coming out a little more breathless than he intended. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting with me. You trying to get in my pants or something? Because, fair warning, I'm a cheap date—I'll put out after a few kind words and maybe a well-placed claw or two."
Logan's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, Wade thought he saw something flash in them—something dark and dangerous that made his stomach do a weird flip. But then Logan just huffed, shaking his head like Wade was a particularly annoying puzzle he couldn't figure out. "You really don't know when to shut up, do you?" Logan growled, but there was no real bite behind it.
Wade shrugged, trying to keep it casual even though his thoughts were anything but. "It's part of my charm. But seriously, Logan, if you're not trying to seduce me, you're doing a terrible job of convincing me otherwise. I mean, you're practically on top of me right now. A guy could get the wrong idea."
Logan's eyes flicked down to where their chests were almost touching, and for a brief moment, Wade thought he saw his resolve waver. But then Logan took a step back, putting some much-needed distance between them, and the moment was gone.
Because if you're not worth something, then what the hell am I?
Wade cleared his throat, trying to shake off the sudden tension."Well, uh, glad we got all of that mushy stuff out of the way," Wade stammered, his usual bravado faltering. "Blech, gross. We better get, uh... going. Yeah, going."
Logan didn't respond right away, his intense gaze still locked on Wade. The silence stretched between them, and for a moment, Wade wondered if he'd said something wrong. He was about to crack another joke, something to diffuse the weirdness, when Logan took a step closer.
Wade froze, his heart pounding in his chest. 
Then, without warning,
Enticed? On the edge of your seat? Have your special sock out? If you liked that little snippet, you’ll love domestic poolverine. So what are you waiting for??? Click that link!!!
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the-kr8tor · 9 months
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Seafoam on the shore
Pairing: Pirate! Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Tags: Use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), CW drinking, CW food mentions, TW injury.
Between the Devil and the Sea Masterlist
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You run as fast as you can, your feet flying off the muddy uneven streets. Huffing while a local copper yells at you to stop, his yells get more exhausted every second he chases after you. So far he isn't even near you, one of the few benefits of staying at a provincial fishing town is that the police are either too out of shape to catch you, their bellies round, definitely full of ale. Or they simply don't give a damn about a pickpocket, muttering to themselves how they're not paid enough to do a city cop's job.
Losing your balance, you silently curse at your worn down work boots. Sliding off the ground, skidding off down the streets, disturbing the hustle and bustle of the market. You hit a vegetable cart along the way, wood splintering, scratching your arms. Cabbages and carrots fly off, there's yelling and screaming around you and your legs are aching from the impact.
“Sorry!” You yell back to a disgruntled vendor.
He curses at you and your entire family for ruining his sale. You take a mental note to pay him back somehow when you're not currently occupied.
Digging your heels in, you come to a halt, you're lucky enough to get a hold on a lamp post. Glancing behind, you don't see the cop running after you but you're not taking any chances so you enter a tight alleyway. You know this village like the back of your hand, you have to or else seeing the inside of the jail would be waiting for you in the future.
Knowing there’s a pipe somewhere along the walls, you run your muddy hands along the bricks, the cramp walls touching your back and chest, you stop when your nail hits something metallic.
Your ears perk up at someone snitching, “fuck” without hesitation, you climb up the rusty pipe.
Hands digging into the metal. It creaks and groans, but it seems like lady luck is on your side when you reach the top with no problems.
Hearing hurried footsteps down below, you immediately lie low on the roof. Hiding yourself from his gaze. The cop glances around the alley, scratching his head, confused as to how you escaped without a trace.
“Damn” he mutters, completely winded.
You smile to yourself as he leaves. The sun bares at your back, cotton blouse sticking to your skin. Needing a bath is an understatement.
Standing up, you carefully tread the roof, avoiding floors that look damaged. You definitely don't want a repeat incident of what happened six villages ago. You can never get used to the view from up high, the sea blends in with the orange sky, melting together, blues, greens and reds mingle in harmony. The setting sun paints a picturesque scenery, draping everything it touches in its heavenly light.
Ships and fishing boats float above the waves as if they're dancing to the sound of the water splashing on its wooden sides.
Your hands instinctively reach for the necklace hidden under your blouse. Fingers tracing the etching of a flying bird that you know like the back of your hand.
Despite the open sea, you can't help but feel trapped. The docks beckon you over to somewhere you can't remember, somewhere where you can rest in peace, somewhere across the deep dark treacherous sea are people you can call your home. People who may have been looking for you all this time. Their faces are but a blur in your mind, voices a mere echo lingering in your heart. The pendant leaves a circular indent on your palms as you grip it tight.
Is it possible to miss someone you don't even remember?
Your train of thought gets interrupted by movement from a ship floating along the dock, a large sailboat whose wood differs from each one of its structures. You can tell from how some of it is painted gold and silver like the ones on royal ships, it looks like it was hastily hammered into regular oak with intricate carvings. Some wood blends better together, dark timber melding with ashen wood. Three cannons are lined on the sides, its metal having seen better days, no longer glimmering in the sunlight.
From where you're standing, the figurehead on the bow looks peculiar, like nothing you've ever seen traveling along coastal towns. A fierce creature with sharp teeth opening its jaws, eyes wide and alert. Its red scaly skin adds to its terrifying image. What's more peculiar is the lack of flag flying on its mast. An unknown ship from an unknown place tickles your curiosity.
You slink back down on the roof when a woman emerges from below deck, her blond hair shining under the sun. Another much taller one follows behind her. Raven colored hair flowing in the soft wind. They seem to be arguing, but you're completely bewildered as to how they're allowed to sail. All this time, you can't believe that you can actually step foot inside a boat, moreso sail on it.
This changes everything, you suppose.
You leave the roof, letting the women argue amongst themselves. Expertly hopping from awning to canopy, you land at your final destination, the White Salmon pub.
Jumping down, you land on a cart full of broken fishing nets, it's a miracle that you weren't tangled under all the mess.
Entering the rowdy pub, the smell of ale and pickled fish enters your nostrils. A bunch of sailors sing off key in the middle, too drunk to care about the ruckus they're making. You try to blend in with the drunk crowd, hiding behind people, weaving around them to sneak past the bar and upto the stairs leading up to your room.
“Oi! did ya think I wouldn't notice ya?”
You stop just about the foot of the stairs. Groaning in exasperation, quickly taking off the bandana tied around your face to conceal half of your face. You try your best to put your best smile, turning your charm up to a hundred.
“Hi, aunty Janet” you walk towards her like a child caught with their hands inside the cookie jar. “I got the butter you asked”
Janet huffs, eyes narrowed, her brows furrowed. You place the stick of butter in front of her like an offering to appease an angry God.
“Please don't tell me the coppers will be knocking on my doors again”
“That was one time! Besides I actually paid for this one” you push the butter towards her with your finger. She stares at it like you're giving her contraband.
You give her one charming smile, she sighs, taking the butter from the counter. “You're on thin ice, Y/N. Don't make me regret taking you in.”
“That was a year ago and look, I'm still here!”
“A year and a half, I counted because with every shit ya manage to pull, a strand of my hair turns white.” she points at her hair that's almost completely white. “This used to be black”
“I know, I'm sorry. I just need to–”
“To what? It always seems like you're hiding shit from me and Thena” She tries to hold your hand on the counter but you flinch away.
“Won't happen again, I promise.” A clear lie on your part, you'll just have to be better at sneaking. You vault over the counter to roll up your sleeves, clean yourself up and put on your apron.
“When will you learn, girl?”
“When the king sentences me to death himself!” grabbing an empty tray, you start clearing a nearby table. Janet pinches the bridge of her nose.
After dodging rowdy customers and a flying pint, Thena takes a break with you in the tiny corner of the tavern. She unabashedly sighs loudly, smelling of ale and lavender she hastily rubbed on to mask the scent of alcohol.
You side eye her with a tired smile, Thena sighs again, louder this time, a few patrons gaze your way.
“Alright, what's wrong?”
“Oh nothin' it's just Arthur's back again and he hasn't even glanced my way”
You flick your eyes towards the blonde patron nursing a pint, his green eyes meet yours, he smiles with his yellow teeth and you look away immediately, not from embarrassment, no, but from how you don't want his eyes on you.
Why in the world is Thena so smitten by someone like Arthur who comes and goes into the pub more than he goes inside a bathroom?
“You could do better, Thena. One that actually brings in coins instead of using them all in the pub or a brothel.”
“I know,” she sighs once again. Leaning closer to your side so you slide further away. “But he's the fittest bloke here though” whining, she puffs out her cheeks.
As if some divine comedy, Arthur beckons you over with a twist of his hand. You internally cringe.
Thena gasps, “I think he's finally taking notice of me!” She stands up, sauntering over to his table with the confidence of a newborn deer.
Before you could rescue her though, Janet yells at you from the other side of the room. “Get back to work, Y/N!” She signals with head, pointing towards a table by the corner.
You groan, lumbering your way towards the customers. His large back is turned away from you, brown hair neatly slicked back, clothes looking too neat and expensive for a dingy pub like the white salmon. His companion thumps her head on the wall lightly like she's trying to get water out of her ears. Her hair is cut short, glasses over her almond shaped eyes, clothes equally looking expensive but less neat than her large companion.
Her lips turn upwards once she sees you. “Finally some service” she stretches her legs out, noting how she's wearing trousers instead of the usual frilly skirts rich women wear.
“Sorry, what can I do for you?” You put on your customer service voice that's laced with mild annoyance. The man sits still like a rock, his back still turned away from you.
“Fish and chips, some pickled eggs and a pint.” She glances at her friend before groaning with a sly smirk. “And he'll have plain porridge, no seasoning, just porridge. It's better if it's days old. Right, Miguel?”
The man huffs, craning his neck to look over his shoulder. The single candle light on the table illuminates his chiseled face, turning his eyes crimson.
“A pint will do” his voice is gruff yet calm.
There's alarm bells ringing in your head, the tray falls from your shaking hands. Your heart thumps louder than the clanking metal.
“Careful there, it's bad to drink on the job” His friend’s comment falls on deaf ears as you stare at the man before you. His expression doesn't change except for how his eyebrows lift slightly.
It's been years, surely he doesn't recognize me as an adult, right?
You clear your throat, mustering the best smile you can do. “Sorry about that, I'll get your orders right away” leaning down to take the tray from the sticky floors, your necklace slips out of your blouse, the gold shimmering in the candle light.
He could burn you with just his stare.
Walking briskly, clutching the tray, its metal is uncomfortably cold on your skin. The pub seems to get louder and louder with every footstep, the laughter and rowdy singing makes you dizzy. Janet calls after you as you run up the stairs to your room.
Thinking fast, you lock the door, pushing your dresser to further lock it. Your mind races to the floorboards beneath your threadbare bed. With your bare hands you hastily take the wood out revealing a hollow hole containing your possessions.
There's loud booming footsteps climbing up the stairs. Followed by his voice calling your name.
“Fuck” without thinking, you take the bag from its hiding place, slinging it over your shoulder before you cross the small space to the window.
“Y/N, Please!” He keeps calling after you. “Let me just,” thump, “fuck!”
That's your signal to jump down.
Landing on your heels, you feel your knees aching from the fall. You hear your bedroom door slam open with a force that surely broke its hinges.
You run like you've ran from him like last time.
Suddenly, you're thirteen years old, weaving through the forest, vines prickling your legs as you wade through the thicket. White lilies are but a blur as tears flow freely from your eyes as you keep running without a destination.
Why? Aren't you enough? Did she not love you like you thought she did? What did you do to deserve being abandoned twice?
You're back to the present when he yells your name again. Your heart pounds loudly on your ribcage, lungs burning, you feel like you're about to collapse.
His companion also runs after you, screaming your name desperately.
But you have the upperhand. Using the moon as your guide, you climb up a house, its bricks protruding out of the walls, the place you used to climb to practice, but now you climb it to save your own skin.
Running from roof to roof, you feel a presence behind you. His thunderous footsteps echo into the cold night. You don't dare look behind.
The woman follows you from the ground, her heels clicking on the uneven sidewalk. “Y/N! Wait up–shit!” Without looking down, you hear her fall.
He screams your name again, the same one she called you back then.
You run furiously, jumping off the side only to keep running towards the docks. Panicking, you see a ship leaving the docks, its fishing net left hanging on the side. Without thinking, you make a break for it.
Sprinting on the old docks, you leap the huge gap. Miraculously, you take hold of the net, clinging to it with all your might. Entering the net, you ignore the smell of fish, watching as the place you once called home gets smaller and smaller.
You say goodbye to Janet, who kindly took you in without asking for anything in return. Who gave you a job and a room so you don't freeze and starve outside. Who took care of you when you fell ill to the cold.
You say goodbye to Thena, the only friend you've ever had, the longest friend you've ever had. The same Thena who taught you how to sew and mend your own clothes. Thena who taught you how to throw a punch when a handsy sailor tries to touch you.
Thena whom you've grown accustomed to calling you her sister.
You say goodbye to the fishing town you've only recently called your home.
You say goodbye to the man at the docks who's staring at your fleeing form, whose eyes are narrowed, almost pleading for you to come back.
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A/N: There's no Hobie appearance in this chapter yet :( (next chapter though 👀)
Hope you like it, thank you for reading!
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some-thirst-here · 11 months
Pretty shy
Leo x Reader
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There was always something good about the acoustics in the gym. Which is why you like sneaking away to sing after school, when there isn't any sporting practice of any kind. You waste no time in slinging your backpack down on the bleachers. You start pulling homework out and singing along to the song coming through your headphones.
"My names Noel. In gym class I mostly duck, and I kinda smell. Puberty really sucks. I like this one guy but he's pretty shy."
You belt out the song while moving around gently to the beat. The next part of the song is louder and you raise your voice to match it.
"He doesn't know who I am, and he doesn't give a damn about me. Because I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby."
Bumping into someone behind you knocks you out of the cosy little world you were just in. Heat crawls up your neck as you turn to see who. It's not one, but four guys you have never talked to. The heroes from the news. Your heart drops into your stomach.
The one in blue reaches a hand out to you, while opening his mouth to speak. Without thinking you flinch back and immediately start cramming the homework right back into the backpack. Throwing your backpack over your shoulder, you bolt. Tripping over your own feet as you run out the doors. You don't see the dejected look on the turtles face.
A moment after April walks up to the guys. "What was even that?" She can't help but ask.
Raph snorts. "They took one look at nardo here and ran." Raph pats Leo's shoulder. "It must be hard being that ugly bro." Leo promptly smacks his hand away.
April frowns, not liking that answer.
For the next few weeks you make yourself scarce. The only glimpse anyone can get of you is the back of your head. You're determined to stay far away from the turtles. It was working pretty well. Unfortunately for you today is a pep rally in the gym.
The whole school is packed in the gym. So many people everywhere. Luckily your headphones do block some of the noise. You decide to sneak up to the top of the bleachers. While squeezing your way up someone knocks into you. The momentum makes you lose your balance. Your backpack is not helping as the weight helps pull you over the guard rail.
A surprised gasp leaves you as you tumble over. Your headphones hit the ground first. Squeezing your eyes closed you try to brace for impact. The sound of sneakers scuffing the floor is all you hear before you land.
"Hey, I've got you. Are you ok?" A voice very close to you asks. It takes a moment for you to open your eyes. You realize the turtle in blue has caught you bride style. He gives you a nervous smile waiting for you to speak.
"Your eyes are brown." You say without thinking. He blinks in confusion. Your heart thunders in your chest. Why did you say that?
You are once again scrambling up and out of the gym. The first thing you do is run and hide in the bathroom. After closing the door, it swings right back open and smacks against the wall. You nearly jump out of your skin. April O'Neil herself is marching up to you. You very visibly gulp. She backs you up to the wall.
"What was that? Do you have some problem with mutants or something?" April asks, clearly annoyed.
"Wh-what? That's not-." Your eyes widen as you try to reply. April raises an eyebrow.
"Well, what is your problem then?" She asks curious. You sigh, your shoulders sagging.
"I just... They saved a whole city. But every time they see me, I look like an idiot." You finally admit. You run a hand down your face. April's eyes widen. Her annoyance dissolving.
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. You should try actually talking to them. They're all kind of huge dorks." April gives you a small smile. Thoughts of bacon, egg, and cheese fill April's head. You rub the back of your neck.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea." You mutter. April ignores your protest and grabs your hand to pull you along.
"Well, I mean Leo did just save you from a potentially broken neck, so I think the least you can do is say thank you."
"Oh ,um, right." Heat creeps back up your neck. You don't have to go far as Leo is waiting outside the bathroom. April officially introduces the two of you.
"You dropped these." Leo says holding up your missing headphones. A bright smile spreads across your face.
"Thank you." You say. Leo gently places them into your hands. You pull the headphones around your neck.
"Thanks for catching me too." You say softly looking away from Leo's face.
"Yeah, no problem. It was nothing. Not that you're nothing, you're totally something. It was just easy..to do." Leo rubs the back of his neck. Why did he say it like that?
You can't help, but smile at his rambling. Maybe it wasn't going to be so hard to get along with them.
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mylesimeblr · 7 months
Spider x Na'vi boys HC (SFW + NSFW)
Lo'ak - The passionate lover
Lo'ak tries to fight his attraction for Spider with Tsireya but fails spectacularly
He doesn't court him
Their relationship goes physical really, really fast - Lo'ak is not a romantic
He treats love like war - aggressive, impulsive and dedicated
He's obsessed with Spider's human body and Spider in general
He's dominant and extreme with a bit of a blood kink but he LOVES Spider so MUCH
He can't keep his hands off Spider - if he could, he'd spend his entire days fucking him
He only controls himself because Jake made it VERY clear that if he pushed Spider too much the consequences would be disastrous
His passion does have consequences on Spider's body but Spider barely ever says anything - even if he's hurt because he doesn't want to be a nuisance with his stupid human limits - until one day when he's reached all his limits and has to tell Norm that he needs help and Jake is FURIOUS at Lo'ak
They're together but they're not boyfriend material
Lo'ak calls him bro even during sex and it makes the whole thing kind of funny ("damn, bro, you feel so good, bro")
Their public display is extremely weird and confuses everyone
On one hand, Lo'ak's hands and lips are glued to the human - it's like he wants to mate with him on the sand (no, honestly, he can NEVER have enough of Spider's body, it's like a drug at that point) - and on the other hand, they have no romantic gestures or words for one another and treat each other like platonic besties, it's like "Bro" this and "Cuz" that - it makes Kiri roll her eyes at them all the time
But one day when someone asks Lo'ak when he's gonna start looking for a mate, Lo'ak is super confused and tells them he already has a mate and he looks at Spider who looks back at him like "Oh? So I do count?!" And Lo'ak realizes he never wants to be with anyone else than Spider
They mate in front of Eywa in the Forest to make it official
There, Lo'ak realizes that even though he can't make Tsaheylu with Spider, he can still connect his kuru to Spider's skin and feel him much more intimately
And he becomes obsessed with putting his kuru everywhere on (and inside ahem) Spider who isn't sure how he feels about his mate's new obsession
The night they mate in front of Eywa is the first time Lo'ak calls Spider with lover's names and is exceptionally slow and gentle, it's like he's discovering Spider's body for the first time ever and he worships him with everything he has
Spider is overwhelmed
Eywa blesses them that night
The next day, Spider can breathe the air without a mask
Lo'ak makes a stupid joke that it's thanks to the power of his dick
Spider rolls his eyes and laughs
Aonung - The persistent traditionalist
Aonung has no idea how he fell for that tawtute
But oh boy does he fall
It's probably the fierceness with which he defends his family
He's small and fragile looking but he has the spirit of a warrior and in spite of his appearance, he's very Na'vi
He bullies Kiri once and Spider puts him back in his place and Aonung is instantly smitten by his fire
He courts him in the very traditional sense of the Na'vi and Metkayina way
Spider is completely clueless at first and just thinks that Aonung is trying to bribe him or mock him or be weirdly nice
Lo'ak is the first to realize that Aonung is courting Spider and he's NOT happy about it (he's scared for his bro because Aonung is gigantic and Lo'ak knows how fragile human bodies are)
When Spider understands that Aonung is courting him, he's both completely shocked and freaked out, like he doesn't understand why AOUNUNG is courting him? A stupid human? And also... Aonung is male right? And male Na'vi... well... He's freaked out.
Jake is double freaked out (he's a former human and a marine and he knows that sex between males is... a struggle... so with a male Na'vi who is three times the size of his adopted son? Absolutely never!)
The adults try to end the courting and talk Aonung out of it
Aonung is completely clueless and doesn't understand the problem of him courting a tawtute, that's his choice so why is it so bad?
Completely out of nowhere, Neytiri yells that it's because Aonung is too big between his legs and the BIGGEST, most AWKWARD silence ensues
Aonung is determined to prove them wrong
He sets up a cute date with Spider at his shack
They have sex for the first time there and it's very, very sweet and gentle
Spider is ashamed of his body and tries to hide
But Aonung finds him magnificent and worships his body with his mouth for hours
They do have a talk about their future and what Spider can and cannot do as a human
Aonung is a passionate and selfless lover, he only wants to please Spider and make him feel good, he doesn't really care about his own body and needs
The first time they mate for real with Spider on the receiving end (because Spider is too small to top, Aonung's muscles are too powerful for him), it's a huge struggle for Spider and Aonung is completely freaked out, understanding that this kind of thing can only happen in extremely rare and very well prepared occasions
They both know their differences will bring difficulties and frustrations but they are determined to make it work and Aonung will back off at nothing - Spider is his mate
Rotxo- The gentle idealist
Of all the Na'vi boys, Rotxo is the most gentle and most tender
He falls in love with Spider naturally
Their relationship is the easiest one and the least physical one
They are intimate but it's not the core of their relationship
Rotxo is very mindful of his size difference and how dangerous he can be for Spider if he's not careful
He never wants to hurt him
They are domestic at heart
They complete and bring peace to one another
Neteyam (if he lived) - The broken repressed lover (thanks Neytiri) - DARK HC
Spider is the first person he fell in love with as a kid
Their relationship was very cute at first and they were very close
Until Neytiri started to push Neteyam away from Spider
She put anti human thoughts in his head and he began to see Spider as a demon and keep away from him
But his feelings for him never went away
His love grew but got poisoned with racial views and slowly mingled with hatred and self-disgust up to the point of no return
He wants Spider more than anything but he hates himself for wanting him so much
He's the perfect son, the perfect warrior, the perfect Na'vi
He's Neytiri's Golden Boy
But there's something dark inside him that festers with the years and Jake is the only one to see that something's wrong with his son - the perfect boy
Neteyam starts courting a Metkaynia but Jake sees that it's only for show and asks himself questions because there's something in his son's eyes he doesn't like - a strange glimmer - something fake
Neteyam only wants Spider and Spider, well, he loved Neteyam back as a child and was very hurt when his friend pushed away from him
Neteyam doesn't court Spider, he won't lower himself to court a tawtute
He just takes him and Spider lets himself be taken - it's kind of dubcon really and not a very pleasant moment for Spider (Neteyam makes 0 effort to be gentle for poor Spider's body)
He's a dark, dominant, abusive and sadistic lover - bordering on cruel, the perfect contrast to his public persona
Their relationship is toxic and horribly unhealthy
Neteyam thrives on hurting and humiliating Spider - he has a blood kink and enjoys telling Spider how pathetic he looks (even though he finds him so very beautiful - but he will never tell him that)
Their mating is violent and very dangerous for Spider
And since Spider hates himself for being human and for being unworthy of Neteyam, he takes all the pain and the humiliation Neteyam throws his way because he's convinced that's all he deserves - plus, Neteyam is paying attention to him so he'll take everything even if he ends up with his body destroyed for weeks
He has moments where he's sweet and gentle and it's very confusing for Spider
In those rare moments he's the Neteyam he would have been if Neytiri hadn't destroyed his mind with her anti human views - it's actually kind of sad
Spider cherishes those rare kisses and gentles touches
When Neteyam offers him a smile or a word of love, it makes him cry because he knows the moment will pass as soon as it came and he will be alone with the monster again
Ironically enough, the first person to see the bruises and the red spot on Spider's loincloth is Neytiri but she never really has the courage to investigate
The relationship ends badly - either Spider is stuck in a toxic relationship where he's basically a toy without any life of free will or Neteyam's sadistic folly takes over him and he kills this unwanted lover (honestly it can go really, really dark)
It's very possible he also ends his life with Spider (like an insane lover's suicide where he kills them both in a creepy romantic fashion) or right after killing him
When Jake and Neytiri finally realize how crazy Neteyam truly was and how horribly he treated Spider, let's just say that it's a shock...
Lo'ak and Kiri never forgive him
Neytiri questions herself and her education
So does Jake
Bonus: the only one who "knew" is Aonung (they had a quick fling before Aonung understands how insane the Sully's eldest son is and flees for his life) and when Aonung sees the cruelty with which he treats the human, he's appalled and instantly turned off - and he develops a sort of a sad crush for the poor human (honestly, that's a very awkward threesome)
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oogaboogaspookyman · 3 months
An impulsive response to @dronebiscuitbat for the recent 20th part of the nuzi fic Aka a fan creation fueled by desire for comedy
A do-over prom, best idea Thad has ever had... Just deal with whoever has magnets and tries funny things. Yeah.
He'll be fine!
The music is blaring, the lights are bright, the band friggin' SLAYS, prom is going amazingly and much better than the last.
Thad had dealt with a... Harrasser, some guys with magnets, and may or may not have found the culprit for spiking the fermented oil. Asshole that girl, i swear, he thought. Well at least prom is doing well!
Two drones stepped into the dance floor, starting with clumsy steps and slowly progressing to faster speeds. That's Uzi and N, and she has wings?! Awesome! Thad took note of this, and so did the band currently playing.
The crowd was startled, some began to cheer and encourage, the band picked up the pace telling the duo to go all out.
Little by little, they began to rise from the floor, flying, almost about to shoot for the sky.
The band picked up the pace, more and more and more, until...
Would you look at that! They shot into the sky!
All the air that surrounded the duo suddenly got blasted onto... Well, everywhere! One dude got sent back from it, too... They really did shoot to the sky huh! Okay better take a look at the guy holy robo-jesus.
Thad ran over to the potentially injured drone, as fast as he could. "Dude are you okay?! Are you hurt?!"
"Hh... Yeah i'm fine, i'll walk it off no worries..." Thad doubted the guy's response, "I'll ask for help anyway- can anyone help this guy that's hurt?!"
"No really i'll be fine, look"... Did he just fucking stand up and walk away?? Back to do his thing??
... Yes he did.
Welp! That's sorted out faster than thought! Back into the action!
After a small few minutes of Prom Stuff™, suddenly he, somehow, managed to hear chatter in the sky... Uzi and N, they have to be. How are they doin' up there?
"Wonder how they're doin' up there!" That's exactly what i narrated here. Anyway- Thad looked up and... Couldn't make out a damn thing. Right. Sky. Very up there. Does he have anything to have a better look at them?
Yes he did. From straight outta the Convinient Hammerspace For Different Events™, he pulled out a pair of binoculars and looked up at the sky now with a MUCH better look at them.
There they are, curiously way closer to each other and very lovey dovey! Man, about time those two got together, it's been clear from the get-go they liked each other.
Wait a minute.
"Whazzawhat..." He raised the binoculars again and... Upon closer look they ARE curiously way closer to each other. WAY closer.
"FUCK YEAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The crowd looked at Thad in concern.
"What happened??" Someone asked.
"Uh. Hm." Thad thought of a way to slip the situation under the rug.
Oh yeah that's so gonna work.
"Ligma." Thad spoke the sole word.
"What's ligma??" Oh hell yeah he waited to do this for a WHILE...
"Ligma balls, get back to your thing." The crowd exploded into unhinged cackling and wheezing. "FUCK YOU MAN" said the someone who asked. After a little death by laughter they went back to doing Prom Stuff™
"What just happened, Thad??" Lizzy ran up to him, curious about the situation, and all Thad did was give her the binoculars. He pointed up, much to Lizzy's confusion.
She looked up at the sky, where she spotted two familiar figures kissing... "Whazzawhat??" She said as she lowered the binoculars in confusion and raised them again...
"NO FUCKING WAY" Thad wheezed at his sister's reaction, "YES FUCKING WAY" patting her on the back.
Hallelujah they finally kissed!
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