#someone save me im drowning in aus
sweetronancer · 8 months
robin and nancy could so be max medina and lorelai gilmore when their relationship starts in season one..
like that.. its just them.
robin as max btw.. nancy as lorelai.
id also like to propose the idea of robin as luke and nancy as lorelai and steve as christopher and jonathan as jason (or max) . idk who would be like alex though even if alex wasnt really relevant to the plot but barb could be alex.. or something
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hearts401 · 1 year
guys im being ill over michael again send help
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lotties-ashwagandha · 5 months
when the world becomes small
shauna sadecki x reader, word count 2k
amid the chaos of moving into your new house, you start to develop a relationship with one of your new neighbors. AU where shauna and jeff are divorced. (sfw) im in a writing slump help
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You’re shocked that the entire world hasn’t drowned by the time the rain stops. It’s been storming for days, and any relief from it you’ve received has been too brief to call a break. Moving in has been hell without any help – your memories of dragging new furniture into the house through the rain and praying nothing would ruin are less than fond. You have already discovered a leak in the basement, too, where no number of towels or buckets can save you from the annoyance of mild flooding. 
It’s the first day the sun’s come out that you truly feel welcome in your new home. Halls once gloomy and dark in the stormy shadows now glow in golden afternoon sunlight, and as you put on your boots and step into the garden, you begin to understand again why you’d chosen to buy this house to begin with. The peace here is incredible. 
You’re in need of a fresh start – moving to New Jersey seemed once to be the answer. You’ve gotten a new job with colleagues you don’t loathe, and you feel finally free from the setbacks of your old life. 
The neighborhood you moved into proves to be just as keen on keeping their privacy as you are. Hardly anyone has introduced themselves in the week you have lived in your new house so far, hospitality far from free-flowing in comparison to that of the small town you grew up in. There was one girl who introduced herself, a teenager you know had been ordered by her mother to welcome you on behalf of the family, but she was more interested in leaving than she had been to welcome you to the neighborhood. Her welcome didn’t count. 
You are content with the solitude, anyway. The sun is out, and you are in the yard planning space for your garden. Your new place has room enough for one as big as you’d like. You make a mental note of everything you want to plant. 
From the corner of your eye you spot movement in the shrubs along the split-rail garden fence. Overgrown plants from the last owners of the house decorate the backyard and make it a prime habitat for rabbits this time of year. Though you will have to cut some of it down later to fix your yard out of becoming a jungle, it brings you joy to watch rabbits scurry under your fence to come get food or take it home. 
You sit down on the steps of the back porch. You watch as they run and jump and hide, letting the sun soak into you as you watch the rabbits as entertainment. Planning the garden could wait. 
“It's the worst this time of year,” someone says from nearby, and you almost jump out of your skin. You look over the garden fence — it only reaches your hips in height — to see a woman standing at the edge of it near an already-planted garden of her own. “The rabbits,” the woman clarifies, noticing your confusion and the scattering of your thoughts in her sudden presence. “As soon as the snow melts, an army of them comes in. They’re hell for my tomatoes.” 
You gather your wits, standing from the porch and making your way to the edge of the fence to meet her. The woman watches you carefully, analyzing you in a way that makes you wonder how much she can tell of you from first impressions. Her dark eyes are scrutinizing. 
“Shauna,” she introduces herself, and extends her hand over the garden fence for you to shake. You introduce yourself as well, and she nods with a knowing expression. 
“Callie,” you say, “she’s your daughter, isn’t she? She came over the other day to welcome me to the neighborhood.”
Shauna sighs, and you can tell she’s resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “I should have done it myself. I made her do it. I doubt she was pleasant company.” 
“No, I loved having her over,” you lie. The girl had been rude to you, exceedingly, but you can’t find it in you to insult the woman before you through insulting her daughter. Even so, Shauna seems slightly surprised by your lie that Callie was good company. 
Shauna’s head turns at the rustling of shrubbery at the far edge of the fence — a rabbit emerges, and settles in the middle of your yard. Something you’re unable to place crosses into her expression, something dark that disappears in the afternoon sun just as soon as you’ve noticed it. Shauna turns her attention back to you. 
“I can take care of the rabbit problem for you.” 
You shake your head. You wonder why she’s so invested in the rabbits, but you don’t want to ask. “I don’t mind them. They bring life to the place.” 
“So do you,” Shauna says. “No one’s lived here for years. To have someone like you move in… it’s in good hands.” 
You aren’t sure what to respond. You weren’t expecting any compliments from her, and to receive them makes you nervous. She’s beautiful, and already you feel the depth of her intelligence, her intuition. There’s power in her gaze as it rests upon you. 
“You should come over for dinner some night,” she says suddenly. She looks kind again, amicable. “Callie usually goes to her dad’s on the weekends. Do you have any plans on Sunday?” 
You don’t, and you tell her so — her relief is obvious, and quickly the two of you make plans to meet Sunday night. When you head back into your house, your interaction with her plays back in your mind on repeat. You’re a bit in shock of it, how quickly you’ve just made plans with the woman who lives next door. You try to imagine it all playing out on Sunday – you try to imagine other compliments she could give you and how it would feel when she gave them. You picture the delight in her eyes at seeing you when you arrive.  
Sunday goes better than you ever could have planned – the two of you talk for hours, sharing a bottle of wine between you and having dinner. You relish in Shauna’s presence, and find comfort in her words and in every bit of attention she spares you. She knows more about you than most at the end of the night, and you know next to nothing about her. You can see the care with which she selects what to reveal to you about her life, and don’t pry for more than she’s willing to give. 
It becomes a regular occasion. Every Sunday you go next door to Shauna’s house in the afternoon and the two of you sit on her patio and talk – words flow like rivers between you, endless and sustaining you. You do most of the talking, and you can tell she prefers to keep it that way, but every once in a while you get stories out of her about raising Callie or how much of a waste of time her ex-husband was or her daydreams of the places she wishes she could go and the things she wishes she could have time to do. Sometimes she comes over during weekdays, just for a moment to drop off plants she’s bought for your garden that you’ve talked about getting or to find an escape from the tribulations of her own home. 
Spring morphs into summer within a few weeks. Your gardens are flourishing, you help each other with work in them. You abide by every suggestion of Shauna’s of what you should and shouldn’t plant, and how to sustain them as she sustains you. You’ve become enchanted by her, living through each week through the promise of Sundays when you’re guaranteed her time. Your thoughts are of her during every moment you’re without her. 
The heat of summer is interrupted when the rain comes back, and this time it’s welcomed. You’re confined to her sunroom instead of the outside bliss of the porch. Shauna’s in the kitchen, pouring the two of you drinks while you watch the rain fall. You feel suspended in time – everything stops in the rain, the world shrinks to the two of you as the horizon becomes a blur and you’re the only ones left in focus. 
Shauna comes back with drinks. Whiskey this time, not wine. ‘It goes better with the rain,’ she tells you, and you take the glass she offers. The taste of it is expensive, burns on your tongue pleasantly. 
Shauna doesn’t sit down by you in the sunroom, but goes to examine some of the plants she has shelved on wooden stands. There’s an abundance of them, you’re a bit jealous of her collection. 
“Callie’s going off to college in a few weeks,” Shauna says suddenly. You look over to her but her eyes are fixed out the window. She’s enchanted by the intimacy of the rain just as you are. “You could come over more often. Any time you want, really, once she’s gone. I don’t know if you’d like that.” 
She glances at you for a moment before turning her eyes back to the rain – checking to see if you would oblige her desire, or if it offended you, as if you would suddenly change your mind on the entire idea of her and run out screaming and throwing things like a psychopath. 
“I would like that,” you agree, suppressing a smile when relief visibly floods over her. It prompts you to add to her request, devise your own way of inviting her into your company more. “I saw an advertisement the other day for a farmer’s market being hosted by this wellness center about an hour away. It’s a bit of a drive, but apparently it’s a really big deal, it’s hosted every summer. I was thinking we could go together this Friday.” 
Shauna nods. You recognize the contentment that comes over her. “You have to drive,” she commands. A way of adding order to the suspected chaos of joy, to stand in front of it and guard it with her words. 
You nod, silent agreement to her terms. The two of you are immersed in peaceful silence for a few minutes – it’s not uncommon between you, just to sit in one another’s company, intimacy in the known safety of being taken into your own thoughts. 
“I hate the rain,” Shauna admits quietly. She takes a sip of her drink. “It makes the world feel small.” 
You stand, coming to her side to look out the window with her. You hear thunder in the distance amid the gentle pattering of rain. 
“That’s what I love about it,” you tell her. Confusion spreads over her features that prompts you to explain. “When the world becomes small, it becomes ours.” 
You know how horribly sappy it sounds, how trivial and cliche, but you can’t stop yourself from admitting to it. Shauna’s expression lightens, and as her gaze rests upon you once more you see that your words have provided her with comfort. 
You reach for her hands, she lets you take them in your own. Yet one of her hands parts from yours, comes up to rest at your jaw, then the back of your neck, and you close the distance between you as she pulls you toward her, your lips finding hers. The kiss is soft, leaves you feeling drunk afterwards on much more than the few sips of whiskey you’ve had. The love that permeates her touch, the sweetness of the longing that fills her kiss as she pulls you in again has your head spinning. You’ve wanted this since you met her, have imagined it a thousand different times in a thousand different ways, but the reality is better than anything you could have dreamed up on your own. 
Shauna steps forward, turns to push you gently against the wall. The world becomes smaller – it doesn’t exist outside of her touch. For as long as it can last your reality is composed only of the love in her eyes, and the desire in her kiss, and the willingness with which she gives it all to you. You realize it is not the rain that makes the world feel small, it is her – that in every moment the great expanse of the horizon fades closer to nothingness, and the view you have of the woman before you is all you need as the promise of fortune. 
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maskedbutsillier · 4 months
bring your boyfriend to work day
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trying to work on an art project but. Period pain. Dying rn.
a bit of lore on the au these fluff drawings r based off vvv
so im thinking, this is a canon divergent au where q takes wil in after he was revived. i always had a hc that when someone is revived, they walked out from the river (it sounds cooler in my head & it doesmt make sense, but like idk he steps off the train and into the water basically?) but instead wil couldnt swim so he like. Drowns. q was nearby chilling amd was like “is that soot’s body. what is it doing in the river??” amd swims to save that fucker (didnt know he was alive then). and then q was like, “mans look different?” wil then wakes up amd spirals into a panic attack and q comforts him. so where it all started.
instead of being a douchebag like he is in canon, here hes a sad lil fucker. Cute too. no one knows he is revived other than q, and he lives (more like hides) with q. man’s not ready for judgment from others. maybe he does a lil healing too. hes trying to get himself together to make amends w everyone, amd q is helping him.
i have other ideas like him looking VERY different to the point no one recognises him, so he goes by a different identity and is known as Quackity’s vice president. occasionally joins his meetings too. his workers ship yhem btw heheh (sam no. 1 shipper)
everyone likes this identity of him, cuz he nice and shit, and he hangs out w mostly everyone. more often than not, ppl would slip and mention wilbur in their comvos, and wil was like “nono tell me more about him.” amd when rhey talk about him he was like “mm he sounds like a dick”
tommy has a hard time trusting him bccc yeahhh
but then this wouldnt make sense cuz even if his identity has changed his voice stays the same so.. prob not gonna work :/ oooOOOoo what if he revived and forgot him memory?!!! everyone knows he is wilbur soot but he doesnt,,, and hes trying to mold himself into someone not wilbur… and he has a different name…. actually im thinking this as im writing this. scrap everythifn screw this. except the first 3 paragraphs.
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Tease tidbit Tuesday
look who's back! Me! Finally wrote smt. It's the part from the last chapter from the last scene of frat boys au
Hold me now don't bother
If every minute it makes me weaker
You can save me from the man that I've become, oh yeah
Tommy’s fingers around the microphone turn white and Buck knows it’s because he’s anxious. Buck’s heart misses the beat, filling with hope it’s not just about the man hating singing in public.
Electric blue eyes keep pinning him to place, showing so many things, Buck goes dizzy with it. Sadness, hope, happiness, self-doubt, regret, love - Buck sees all this and he swallows from the weight of all those emotions Tommy translates in their eye contact. And his voice? God, his voice! It sounds as if all the most talented angels started singing with the most alluring sirens harmonizing with them. This voice goes staring to his heart that already beats just for Tommy, and grabs in hard squeeze. The hold that can keep his heart safe forever or break again. And Buck just can’t stop himself from falling in the trap with the name Tommy Kinard. As always. He never could stop himself with Tommy. He always, like those sailors in mythology, was falling in the ocean of Tommy’s eyes, not seeing how he drowns till it’s too late.
Looking back on the things I've done
I was trying to be someone
I played my part, kept you in the dark
With a sad smile Tommy puts his hand on his heart, titling his head that particular way, and Buck can see not the 30 year old man, but the boy in his early 20s, who was holding hard to the mask of the guy other people wanted him to be. The mask that Buck didn't want to help him to keep anymore. The mask that he hated, because it never was his Tommy. Not really. Not how he was in the safe place of the walls in his room. Even when they were just friends. 
One head tilt and Buck’s heart breaks for the boy he loved so hard, but never could help love himself.
It’s so unexpected to see him again. With all the confidence Tommy got over the years, especially after he came out, Buck almost forgot this part of Tommy. His insecure and broken part. The part Buck was always ready to fix, but even if he couldn’t, was ready to love. Love anyway. No matter what.
I was tagged by @aspecbuddie
np tagging @wikiangela @hippolotamus @bewilderedbuckley @diazsdimples @devirnis @queerbuck @queerdiaz @watchyourbuck @evnnkinard @evanbi-ckley @repressedqueen @rogerzsteven @racerchix21 @theotherbuckley @typicalopposite @perfectlysunny02 @powersuitup @pirrusstuff @theweewooshow @epiphainie @saybiwithme @diazheartsbuckley @honestlyeddie-im-bi @loveyouanyway @monsterrae1 @marvelousbuckley @cal-daisies-and-briars @bigfootsmom @bi-buckrights and anyone who wants to
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kalivasquezart · 3 months
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your au about the Pioneer. Its so well thought out and just overall amazing and oh boy dont even get me started on your art— absolutely beautiful💖💕
I also am working on an au based off of Artis pups and when I found you I was like 🫢🫵 Very similar ideas 👀👀👀Also Hunter as Pioneer’s mentor is SUCH A COOL CONCEPT— Like like cause Hunters my favorite scug and the fact that you included him in your au and as Marbles’ mentor is just *squeals* but it also makes a lot of sense considering he comes a little bit after Arti and is one of the few scugs who can encounter pups in their campaign. I also wanted to ask if its okay with you if I use that idea/concept in my own au 👉👈
I was also thinking about Pioneer’s brother— Ik you said that you hc him as being dead, like officially, but I thought it would be interesting if he was still alive. I personally was inspired to let him live in my au simply because of some official art of Gorum (specifically his endings art especially the food quest one where he has a suspiciously familiar green slugpup). I was thinking something like what happened to Surv and Monk (the one-way pipe considering the fact that he kind of began to drift to the right as he sank) happened to him and Gorum found him. Idk these are just ideas Im using for my own au but thought I would share.
I just realized this is super long sorry HANDNAND I am insane and write too much
ahhhh thank you for the kind words skek YOU FLATTER ME~
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[there are rain world spoilers regarding artificer's capaign below, be warned]
while my current headcanon is that the green pup died, i've been thinking very hard about it for the last week or so, and IMO there's a high chance i will retcon that. if the pipe thing is canon to Surv/Monk campaigns then i'm even more eager to adopt that idea. my only real hold-up about the pup was that we clearly see it drown in Arti's dream (the same flashing aura behaviour when you swim underwater), and if he really did drown then the only way to bring him back to life would be through karmic rebirth "last checkpoint save" kind of thing… which feels a bit cheap? a little too simple for me. i'm heavily biased here, because a while ago i read an interesting lore post of someone trying to explain why Arti's pups wouldn't "respawn" if they were killed, while Arti did. in short, the pups were too young to be bound by karma and so when they died, they died for good (reincarnated as a different creature, maybe) - but Artificer being an adult and already having experienced the urges before, was brought back. if i can, i will try to find that post again, and link it here.
ANYWAY yeah, personal AUs don't have to strictly comform to the game's canon, i keep forgetting about that. hell, i've seen people revive scav king or, i dunno, SOS from the dead, and they made it work.
speaking of my AU again, i may also have headcanon'd Arti's mate as a semi-aquatic scug (less freaky than riv tho), and so Bryn/green pup would have inherited some of those genes, making him more likely to survive the drowning. so yeah, i think i like the storytelling potential of keeping the pup alive, althought i'd have to sit down and do a proper brainstorming on what that means… when Arti and Marbles eventually reunite with their long lost other half of the family.
by the way, if you (or anyone else reading this post) wants to use my ideas in their own AU then i'm okay with that! no need to credit or anything. many people come up with similar concepts anyway, it'd be silly to try and police them on it.
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marinaiguess · 2 years
inspired by @starrjoy ‘s pandora au :) i couldnt get this off of my head so i had to write it down (it’s 3am pls send help, im not proof reading that rn)
“Hey, Sonic! Check this out!”
The fox’s voice fills the underground basement, bouncing off of his mind’s walls. When he manages to understand where it’s coming from, he turns his head towards that direction, yet his attention lies elsewhere still, eyes dancing between Tails and the screen behind him. 
“It’s a new device I made for you and your…”
Slowly fading away, - was it him or was it the voice? - Sonic felt himself slipping from this reality, a sense of screaming unintelligible words, a sense of breathing in air that burned his lungs, a sense of sinking while everything became darker, of sinking and drowning, overtook him. Suddenly, he was underwater, reliving the same cursed day he had sworn to erase. 
He had promised to himself that he would fight until he made things okay. 
But things were never the same.
His hands and feet are flailing helplessly as he’s trying to reach the surface, ignoring whatever it is that is weighing him down. It feels like there’s a noose around his neck and the further he gets, he struggles to breathe, he’s just sinking in deeper. Running out of time, he looks at his heavy feet in an attempt to determine what is slowing him down. 
He opens his mouth and doesn’t find it in himself to close it again, not caring about the water that is overflowing his lungs. If he weren’t underwater, he would feel the tears that he sheds, that quickly turn into just a few meaningless drops of water, adding to the ocean that surrounded him. 
They are clinging onto him; his brother, his sister, his mother, moving slowly but acting surely, trying to take him with them, at the bottom of this sea. He wants to run away, to ignore their voices and their calls, he knows it’s all his fault but he can’t change anything, especially if he ends up having the same fate. Kicking, screaming, swimming and it seems his efforts will be rewarded soon, the surface looking closer than ever. 
No, not that voice, not him. He whips his head around just to find out that his family had disappeared, dissolved into the water. They were replaced though by someone else, a person who shouldn’t have been there. Not him, this is not supposed to happen. However, nothing changes; he is still there. 
He had sworn he would never let this happen again, he had promised he would never let anyone hurt his little bro. Even if it was his fault, he would try his best to undo his actions, to save him. And he tried, sinking but never reaching, eyesight turning dark as he felt a strong force pushing him out of the water. He should feel at least a little bit relieved, like back then, that he is laying on solid ground but he can’t help himself from diving into the ocean again. He’s fighting for a lost cause and he doesn’t know if that’s the people he lost or himself.
He closes his eyes, unable to open them again. 
Something grabs his shoulder and he is brought back to life.
“Sonic, are you ok?” 
He takes a breath in what feels like forever, worried ocean eyes meeting his. “Yeah buddy, why you asking?” he places his own hand atop of his, thankful for the touch, reassuring him of Tails’ safety and of what is real.
“You seemed way out of it.” 
“I just probably zoned out. Sorry about that.”
Tails cocks a brow at that. “Are you…sure?”
“Yeah!” he tries, grinning a little too widely for Tails’ liking. “Nothing to worry about.”
Tails doesn’t back off.
“I promise!” Sonic puts his hands in the air defensively, taking a few steps back. “Now, bring me up to speed, I will be listening this time around.”
His little brother backs off at that, an exasperated sigh escaping him as he decides to drop the issue for the time being. No matter what this is about, Sonic clearly doesn't want to talk about it and he won’t push him to tell him, even if that would be the most logical course of action in that case. Instead, he chooses to begin his demonstration once again. Besides, he is certain that this gadget would come in handy for Sonic’s underwater missions and maybe would help him fight off his phobia. 
Sonic smiles at Tails, genuinely. And if his smile falters upon feeling hands reaching for him, ghosts asking for his help, he hides it and ignores them, too focused on his brother to give them the attention they want.
(pls check out the au, it’s truly incredible!!)
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swifty-fox · 4 months
wait omg pirate au?? plspls tell us more
haha i was waiting for someone to catch that :)
some notes which are mostly dms between @avonne-writes and me as well as @antiquitea and me
Gale traveling w his dad through the Mediterranean and John who boards their ship, robs it kisses Gale and then vanishes into the night cue 10 years later it happens again but this time Gale goes w him bc now john is the FEARED pirate captain lmao idk and hes broader now and tanner now, sunspots on his cheeks and it makes his eyes blue like tidepools an he has feathers and beads woven in his curls
and gale is so put together, dutiful son with a serious face and a leashed animal inside him. wants to be free wants to be wild wants to chase the stars like he'd always dreamed
Gale when that young, reckless pirate finds him hidden in the captain's quarters:
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steals from him like hes doing gale a favor and steals a kiss from him too for good measure, in the dark of Gales cabin surrounded by his stars and charts and maps bc all he wants to be is a cartographer
vanishes into the night with a grin and a wink, over the side of the ship into black water like he came from the ocean itself
"be seeing you darling"
ten years later Gale says "you stole something from me and now im taking it back" and kisses him again
YEAHH and nobody knows thta it happened except for Gale and he literally thinks about john for TEN years. And then theres rumors of this new pirate king who is the son of the devil herself and gale is cautioned against sailing the waters but he fears no man or rumor
and then lo and behold this captain is a grown version of the dashing boy from ten years ago
John who....theres not something right about him. its like the oceans listen to him. Summons wind on a dead sea, sruvived shipwrecks when everyone else has been lost. Some say he's the devil himself, some say his mother was a siren
maybe the truth is somwhere in the middle
he always knows the currents, knows whena storm is coming even if the seas are calm
it could be hes just a good sailor
could be
but sometimes theres just... no explanation
i think theres an instance where they get shipwrecked and gale is drowning and John saves him even though gale KNOWS he jumped from the other side of the ship
and proceeds to save half the crew despite the storming sea
sometimes his eyes are a bit too blue. late at night, early in the morning when its just them in bed
how he always smells faintly of salt and brine even if theyre on land
nobodys met his parents, nobody knows his lineage
he always jokes the sea itself spit him out and sometimes Gale wonders how much of a joke it really is
sea creatures never fear him, flock to him even sometimes
can hold his breath for a longgg time
gale likes that feature <3
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kamimammy · 16 days
another noragami AU
this one is a bit more complex,it supposed to be post canon,so after 5 years Hiyori starts to remember blurry at first but then she encounters Nora and all memories come rushing.
this canon will have the propt of Yato and Hiyory sharing Yato's divinity after he saves her clamiming he will gve her his all,now they are literally like two halfs of the same divine power.
in this AU nora will be able to be named again by Hiyori,she will call her Sumi/Sumine since yato clan name is "ne" the interesting concept of this idea is that yato can call on Sumine and Hiyori can call on both Yukine sekki and Kazune reiki is like both yato and hiyori are yato but they are separated begins
the story will follow them finding eachother again,with a older Hiyori who has been feeling the void yato left on her when he cut ties,they finally allowing the relationship,slow at first since they are axious they can lose it again but desesperately wanting connection and intimacy to anchor them,proving is real.
forming a family with Yuki and Sumi and the ocasional Kazuma that now lives a somewhat cooparent situation XD
Hiyori learning what it means to be a god,acepting the fact she will eventually be forgotten by her human family,etc
also the blooming relationship of mom/daugther of Sumi and hiyori
Yato and Hiyori are both THIRSTY for each other but they are panicking,Hiyori cause she feel the disonance of what was basically a puppy love suddenly evolves into physical attraction and she feels like she is doing Yato dirty for lust after him,Sumi,Yuki and Kazuma all telling her she is a dumbass and that is normal for a 20 something to feel that way for the man she is basically been in love all this time
Yato is also battling his lust,he has no doubts of his feelings for but he feels undeserving,dirty,he has finally get her back and now is so scared to do anything that can jeopardize that but at same time he can't stop wanting her(he simping haaard)
The lovebirds shinki are suffering through this madness and are basically begging them to just get a room and stop the tension
Sumi and Yato are in a hard position,they are connecting again because they both adore Hiyori and that is slowly helping them realize how horrible their "father" love was,sometimes the lash out to each other but even so when yato calls Sumi vessel she answers to him,sometimes they will seek their silent company,sometimes they talk through Hiyori or Yukine,sometimes she defends him,sometimes he defends her,slowly healing,slowly re connecting
Sumi shinki form is a water dragon,not the normal chinese/japanese representation like But she is like a western dragon but all made of water(if you seen sakura card captor clear card,the card aqua is similar but in bird form) she can extend that water like her usual abilities,the sun goes through her forming rainbows everywhere since she is now Hiyori rainbow baby
(Note:I think the name Sumi which means both pure and clear water is perfect for Nora but im very unsure of how to translate it to her vessel form,I will be very grateful if someone can help me with that part)
Bishamonten is going crazy there is now 3 people sharing Kazuma,but she is secretly rooting for the yatori to happen
Yukine being a little shit going to work with Hiyori stating she is a better God than Yato just to be a brat(but also cause Hiyori is acting like a mom and he is drowning on it but you won't get that info out of him not even under torture,he is definitely not a mama's boy,nope)
Kofuku is RABID for her favorite ship to do the horizontal tango and is a ally
Tenjin is a bit of a hater but cause he feels Yato is getting to lucky cause Hiyori is a BABE,Tsuyu is not amused
Hiyori begin a hardworking,beautiful boss babe and Yato is a homeless dude and everyone is literally doing excel works trying to understand HOW he got this women but then they see the way he looks at her and how he worships the floor under her feet and they are like "ahhhhhhhh"
he is like crush me with your thighs,smother me with your bobs,mess me up I'm youuuuuuuuurs
Hiyori is definitely not a pervert(or so she says but she 24/7 thinking in riding Yato and bend him like a pretzel....the sexy way ;) )
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drop--pop--candy · 25 days
stares at u autistically. I know we're strangers but I'm curious about that dgr au
HIIIIII nws i love when ppl ask me abt my aus :D i was planning on writing it at some point but the prsk hyperfixation has faded juuust enough that i don't think i could do it now shdjdhfjhd anyways all of this to say im gonna explain the whole plot (of ch1. i lost steam so bad) to you now. hits you with my autism beam
(cw violence, death, drug abuse but like it wasn't on purpose?? this one isn't as bad as it sounds i swear)
so! starting with the basic facts this au is a saki protag. i noticed she dies in pretty much every dgr au (usually really early) and i love her so that rly pissed me off and that's what motivated me to make this au LMAOOO anyways the supports are tsukasa and toya because i am just a liiiittle insane abt the tenma siblings
nothing Particularly Interesting happens in the prologue except for the miku design drop. she's got elements from every sekai's Miku, one pigtail is dark pink like l/n's miku and one is her regular green like mmj's miku. her hair is twisted like vbs miku and her voicebank/tuning is in the style of wxs miku. also she's got heterochromia and different height socks like niigo miku. also this wasn't in the prologue (because i did actually write it) but everyone's tablets have a dm feature so they're basically just phones except they don't let ppl out of the sekai. also also wasn't in the prologue but important detail that it's against the rules to go in someone's else's room even if they have the door unlocked/open unless they give you explicit permission OR they're in some way incapacitated (passed out/dead). all the other rules are pretty much the same from previous dgr games
chapter one time!!! this one is Sad. they're all sad actually dgdhdhdjdh anyways so the motive for this chapter is like a million dollars. and everyone agrees that's a stupid motive and none of them would kill for money. nobody's gonna kill anyone we're better that that ‼️‼️‼️ <- moments before disaster. anyways so all the money is in a giant cube in the gym and a few people talk abt how just having it so out there in the open could entice people. and minori is not having that at all so she gets shiho to help her take this massive box from the closet that's on the second floor of the dorms. the box doesn't actually weigh that much so minori lifts it on her own and instead gets shiho to stand just a few steps down on the stairs and guide her down since she can't find a way to fit the box down the stairs when she's facing frontwards. but when she takes the first step down backwards she slips and falls down the stairs, knocking shiho down with her. the fall breaks shiho's neck, killing her pretty much instantly. it also breaks several of minori's bones, so she takes more painkillers than she should and is really really Weird for the entirety of the investigation because of it.
she doesn't make like. a huge effort to hide that she killed shiho because she was planning to confess, but she doesn't end up doing that because at the start of the trial miku is like "oh btw if you're the murderer and you get caught you get executed lol" and minori just. can't make herself do it bc of the Fear. i think if everyone hadn't figured it out she would've ended up confessing to save haruka and all her friends but everyone did figure it out so she didn't have to do that.
in minori's execution she's got wings like icarus (held together by wax) and she's flying over the ocean. she's still hallucinating from the painkillers so she thinks the glow from the sun is a bunch of glowsticks that are in her color so she flies towards it. the wings melt and she falls into the ocean. minori can usually swim but between the broken bones and the current of the sea she can't keep herself afloat and drowns. and that's the end of chapter one :)
negl to u this took me an hour to type up HAGSHSGSHSGSH i can explain more but just. later i need a break lol. so if u want to see more feel free to send me another ask and i'll answer it in a few hours or maybe tmrw or something but Soon i promise
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urtrickster · 10 months
markate thoughts i am poorly compiling into this post
gone gone gone markate is real and it's so sweet and sad and bittersweet and just mark and kate being so soso in love with each other and mark continuing to love kate long after she dies at the murder castle. i could write a fic for this if i were brave enough
tunnels au. remember that? i had a thought of mark and erin swapping places w jamie and kate nd being the ones to survive that night and just. kate dying in mark's arms as he begs her to stay awake. they had only just made up with each other, finally back together. it can't end here, it can't. but it does, with kate sacrificing herself to make sure mark made it out alive.
not really a thought just. sometimes i listen to the boy who could fly and it'll. just. 'i guess i never should have loved you, but i do forever 'cause you love me' + 'if you were gonna leave this world, how could it be without me?' + 'now it's all over my tongue and it still has no taste, 'cause without you, there is no me' markate.
imagine kate surviving and mark dying. imagine, in her grief, kate continuously dreams of mark. imagine dream mark trying to help kate move on. imagine it.
dark mermaid aus r where it's at just mark nearly fuckin drowning in the ocean after trying to take some nice photos only to be saved by mermaid kate and kate is like 'well i was going to eat you but you looked all scared and worried over that weird box of yours being in the water and it made me curious so im letting you live for now' and mark is like 'what the fuck' and then they fall in love
werewolf kate vampire mark that's it that's the thought
just a cute domestic scene of markate staying in for the day and existing together. mark occasionally taking a photo of kate here and there because he just can't help himself. kate asking mark for advice on scripts.
u know what fuck it kate can draw really really well and i think she likes drawing mark. mark takes photos of her and kate sketches him out.
sometimes i like to imagine that mark can play the acoustic guitar, y'know? so i'll sometimes just picture him absently playing the guitar while kate sits with him and just listens. doesn't matter what he's playing, she just sits there and admires him while he plays.
mark and kate still broken up but still very aware of each other's habits and preferences so well that whenever someone else needs to get something for one of them, they go to the other for advice.
markate the 30th by billie eilish.
but also markate i don't care if you're contagious by pierce the veil. yeah.
more on werewolf kate vampire mark. everyone literally everyone expects their roles to be swapped and are Very surprised when they see mark sipping on a blood bag with a massive fucking werewolf just chilling next to him.
kate having a nightmare. her and mark aren't together anymore but she still finds herself calling mark for comfort because hearing his voice always calms her down. mark always answers, and the moment he hears her voice he's dropping everything and showing up at her apartment in the middle of the night w some food and some shitty romcoms
markate at jerin's wedding and kate catches the bouquet.
okay now picture an au where tdim doesn't happen and markate didn't know each other. picture kate having a cute adorable little chihuahua that she takes to the dog park every week. imagine mark being at the dog park as well w connie. the chihuahua and connie become best friends which in turn means mark and kate see each other often and get to know each other. the dogs are matchmakers is what im saying.
i think mark and kate have 100% pretended to be a married couple for one reason or another. we don't know what happened in topeka. anything we want could've happened in topeka.
mark 100% teaches himself about crystals and shit and he 100% buys kate crystals bc the way her eyes light up and the smile on her face when he does is all worth it
me and kearney once talked abt mark having a youtube channel where he mostly talked about cameras and photography but occasionally played a game here and there w jamie and i just imagine kate being his number one fan that's all.
i actually think markate would thrive in a zombie apocalypse. don't ask where this came from im listening to speed by atari teenage riot and it made me think of zombies bc of lollipop chainsaw it's a whole thing anyways yeah markate zombie apocalypse au
uhhhh that's all i can think about rn.
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jack-kellys · 1 year
Tumblr media
do your absolute worst bestie
there is honestly one way to go about this and im very happy about it. like actually i did my Best.
send me some aus bc u get shit like this!
so naturally, the cruise ship is hell. and each floor of the ship, of course, is a circle of said hell. (whats funny abt this is now i get to send fucking newsies the musical characters to hell what the fuck)
no one remembers how they got there initially. racetrack wakes up in a room without his boyfriend but with his ex-girlfriend spot conlon on a bed across from him. jokingly he thinks this is hell but also. yes it is.
they argue for a straight two hours before they realize that something is not. right abt this. like they weren't a successful pair romantically in the end but they never spoke like that to each other. upon leaving the room the hallway is lined with doors within which other pairs are doing the exact same thing they just were- spot and race can hear other screaming matches through the whole hallway.
they find jack on a floor/circle filled with fear. jack cannot do anything except helplessly give into it every time, terrifying himself and repeatedly losing the one thing racer knows jack holds highest about himself- his pride. (of which probably earned his spot in hell to begin with.)
next floor/circle is the typical cruise ship for-some-reason waterpark. because ross dorrington (splasher @ uk newsies) has given splasher an origin of leaping into the docks' water to save a drowning kid, this is the guilt circle! splasher, tommy boy and gasp! davey?? is here??? why hadnt he been with jack?
(because it was hell to be away from each other.)
it continues down to the engine room which is dark and disorienting and sort of psionically damaging because it's me and this would actually be my second hell/demonic au LMFAO. but something is grating on their brains because they have headed in the wrong direction to get out. they get some answers down here– they have to find the Captain to try and leave. of whom is at the top.
the Captain is Snyder and he's determined personal reasons why they should all be in hell bc he hates these people since they've consistently denied their personal demons tbh when it comes to canon characterization:
jack overcomes his pride by protecting his friends ("vote no") and accepts the mistrust and anger pointed his way rather than getting defensive or denying the deal in the first place
davey overcomes his trepidation in getting involved in something bigger than his family and despite putting himself, his brother, and potentially his family in danger, he refuses to feel guilt for it bc he was doing the right thing
spot overcomes her pride when siding with manhattan after seeing the damage they'd taken without her borough to assist them
race overcomes his fear of striking as well as his mistrust of davey just bc of where davey comes from financially
tommy overcomes his fear and potential greed after being the last one to renounce his scabbing
splasher overcame his own fear also after renouncing his scabbing and also by hurling himself into the water to save someone else or basically die trying!
so we slot the above into modern au contexts and we've got a very angry youth detention center warden who is also spoiler alert the devil. im not sure how they get out though... part of me is like it'd be funny if they just beat him up but i think maybe they gain control of the ship itself and literally and metaphorically change its course. yeah. and then they're brought...back to the living. because idt a hell au means that they're dead, just that they got sent to hell. so they wake up in a hospital after breaking extremely high fevers (its hot as HELL in this fuckin ass, hot ass room im in...)!!
and that is a cruise ship hell au about taking charge of the things that are a part of you and changing the course of their meaning!!! a nautical adventure!!!!
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vanillamatchadove · 9 months
those prosekai fans making aus based on the cards are so right. im gonna do that too w my sillies (d4)
anywho. royal x thief yukaeso :D (this is barely anything. i haven't expanded the idea.)
esora is a princess who has been in her house ever since she was a child, is finally allowed by her parents to be able to be let outside. as she walked around the area her family lived in and noticed a bunch of koi fish in a lake. curious, she stuck her hand in the water, trying to feel the fish's scales. as she tries, dipping her hand more and more into the water, she slips. she falls into the lake, sinking into the depths as the fish that led her there in the first place circle around her. her first chance of freedom was also her last.
yuka is a thief that has a fondness for jewelry and showing off by doing crazy stunts as escape plans. all of the jewels she stole is soon returned thanks to a rookie detective said thief is rumored to be close to. there is another rumor this game of cat and mouse is a ploy to find someone the detective has eyes on. one day, during her escapades, she notices a girl around her age slip into the lake, worried about her, she dives in headfirst, not caring if she drowns too.
after esora is saved, yuka leaves her close but not too far from the lake and needed to run bc a. authorities and b. people might think she was the one who drowned her. esora was half conscious and the only thing she remembers abt yuka was her blonde hair and coat. the authorities finds esora and is like 'OH SHIT THIS IS A SHIMIZU' and bring her back to the manor sopping wet.
yes this is their meet cute. is there a way for me to make it sound less insane? no. can i try? maybe. im just putting the idea down.
kyoko and shinobu in this au are a detective and a ninja. also based off their cards. the place the au is set in is this crazy steam and cyberpunk place that's close to the manor that esora lives in. shinobu is known around the area as the best thief, even tho her actual work is being a bodyguard. (she uses an alias during her thieving hobby)
shinobu's family are known for their skills as bodyguards so esora's parents enlist her as esora's to make sure she doesnt fucking. die. they do want esora to see more of the world still and just dont want her to get injured so shinobu needs to go with esora no matter where she goes. it sucks BALLS for shinobu so at night is when she only gets to do her thief work.
kyoko is a detective bc she was inspired by a lady in a cafe she frequents in (airi). the lady used to be a detective herself until she found a case she couldn't ever solve so kyoko wants to ensure that she'll be able to reach a level of which where she can solve any case. along the way, kyoko noticed that there are some thefts that fit a certain criteria, ans she rlly wants to find this thief. yuka is a friend of hers that does photography on the side that kyoko begged her to help with this plan.
later on, esora manages to find out abt shinobu's thieving and is like 'woagh you gotta let me in on this' and shinobu now has to drag esora around at night as well, not bringing her if it connect to very rich people that her parents know.
later on they all intersect n shit. idk how it'll work tho. that's all i got.
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chasani · 2 years
this deity au of yours interests me (im a nerd about mythology and stuff)
i wanna know more
give me all the infos
My DRv3 Deity AU!!
I'm still working on a lot of things, but...
Rantaro Deity of Adventure
Calm/Mysterious/Suspicious (?)
Explores the universe, mapping it for other deities
Explores outside of this universe to trade goods with other universes
Strong Rock/Gem/Geo Collector
Loves it when the wind gets in his hair
Kaede "Aka" Deity of Sound
Loves to create sound and make music
Often performs when Miu is around
Forms strings from her outfit and plays
Ryoma Deity of Balance/Emotion
Can force someone's emotion to change by touching them
Keeps a balance of emotions in the universe
Often sends people to his hide out so he can deal with the people ruining the balance
Often or not they are forgotten about, and either the Tenko or
Kirumi "Kiru" Deity of Knowledge
Stays hidden away, locked up by some beast a long time ago
Gives knowledge to those worth of it
Knows everything their is to know, whether it is past, present, or future
Angie Deity of Creation
Emotional/Collected, depending on mood
Can't create "out of thin air"
Can rearrange molecules to get something new
Anything painted, sculpted, etc comes to "life" out of the material it was made of
Tenko Deity of Life/Protection
One of the few that knows the myth of Oma is real
Job is to keep balance with Oma, but they're constantly fighting
Korekiyo "Kiyo" Deity of the After Life
One of the few that knows the myth of Oma is real
Takes souls when they die (Oma kills them)
Watches over the souls so they get what they deserve (good/bad)
Miu Deity of Love (+Heartbreak)
Is like a cupid, but instead uses a machine they built to send out love hearts
Can break up current relationships
Can put together people not in relationships
People often go for relationship advice
Gonta Deity of Nature
Plants form wherever he steps
Doesn't know how strong he is, constantly accidentally breaks things
Tries to be friends with all the Deities, or at least acquaintances (Currently is/was with everyone but Oma)
Widely known by everyone
Neutral statis with everyone
Kokichi "Oma" Deity of Death
Is believed to be a myth
Doesn't like his title
Despises Murder/Death
Can control (time) Bubble
Can look into the past/future
Anyone/Any living thing he touches is killed after a few seconds (Whether trapped in vines, or suffocated
He can split people up, and send part of them to Heaven and explode the rest (Heck)
Can't grant eternal life, only internal suffering
Emotionless, Eyebags
Wants to be freed from internal suffering (killed)
Can only speak the truth
Kaito "Momota" Deity of Space
Controls the Constellations and Stars
Can make create stars/make them explode
Can rearrange the stars
Moves the constellations when Earth moves
On a mission to find who controls time
Tsumugi "Mugi" Deity of Puppeteering
Can control human-like or human entities
Strings attach from Mugi to an entity, and which can only go through the two of them
Can control multiple entities at a cost
To control: Everything Mugi does is copy by the entity, depending on which string is moved
If an organ is connected to a string and is ripped out, the entity experiences extream outburst of emotion
K1-B0 "Kiibo" Deity of Humans
Expresses Self,
Watches over the humans
Wants to learn more about them
Robot that save many from the Roughon War, and such honored as a deity
Unknown place/time of creation, unknown creator
Maki Deity of Sea
Can manipulate and control any source of water (that includes extracting water from other fluids)
Tends to use the ocean for the worse
Often drowns people, to which Oma has to go get
Tends to win battles by flooding the area, aka only fighting in areas with large bodies of water
Turns human or human-like entities into sea creatures, doesn't work on deities
Himiko Deity of Illusion
Sweet and Childish
Can create mirages and illusions
Often performs "magic tricks" with her abilities
Known to trick anyone into believing anything, even if they know it's false
Protected by Tenko
Shuichi "Saihara" Deity of Sky
Controls the weather
Tries to search the universe to solve all the myths
On a mission to find the Dangerous Myth of the Death Deity
Oma could've been the Deity of Pranks or Tricks, but that can be for another au
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 days
FOUL PLAY omg it must be the govt again….trying to get more trainers SMH
The calculus jumpscare I can’t LMAOO bro not Barou watching out for us from heaven I’m imagining your Barou doodle plus that one so sorry I died audio SHSHSHSS
Ok I changed my mind I’m merging them all back together oops
Omg bro the itoshi sae effect is crazy I need to know what ppl see in him (or don’t see LMAOO) whatever suits their fancy ig im very shocked there was no Nagi though considering he’s also pretty big
LMAOOO I remember searching up the lore for it once and being like wtf wait the fact that there’s fire grass but no rock normal is kinda baffling like huh there’s none????
SHSHSSH NOEL NOA BEFORE NAGI they got the wrong light haired striker imagine the Noel one hits 50k LMAOO
SHEHSH Rin nation really cut it close it’s funny how they actually did manage to get one in though
Ok wait yk that theory of like Prof oak getting with Delia (ash’s mom) while ash is away (this is a WILD theory but) imagine aiku tries to rizz up nikos mom while he’s journeying LAMAOOOOOO anyways
HAHA notion coming in clutch fr I used to just scroll through your blog occasionally or rely on my memory (bad move) but now I’ve just given up and saved if separately LMAO
Mmmm yes pokemon and their trainers developing hand in hand we love to see it
LMAO YES joltik alpha wolf moment that’s also why the next time Karasu has to go against it he throws out his garchomp LMAOO the Gordon Ramsay meme has me gone consider this too Karasu channels his inner step bro Barou moment x Gordon Ramsay chemical reaction and goes “otoya you fucking donkey”
Charles Shidou and hoopa is a recipe for disaster they’re about the change the tilt of the planets axis there goes the peaceful wedding reception
The word count inflation is actually insane I’m not sure I’ll ever look at a wc under 1k the same way (jk some are still fire but ykwim)
KARASU TIME ok serious more angsty right make him drown this time.
/hj LMAOOO I mean if you’re so inclined itd be interesting Karasu truly very versatile though so many avenues for suffering!
- Karasu anon
LMAOO okay lowkey if we want to throw some team x drama in there maybe his house was victim of a larger scale team x raid?? hehehe we will see…either way it’s rough for the poor guy
I’M SORRY I LOVE CALC 😭 i always get funny looks for it but i must speak my truth i think it’s so fun (specifically integration i LOVE integration) but HAHAHAHA that’s exactly what i was picturing like that one fuck ass sketch of him like 😢 with that audio LMAO
honestly i feel like sae is the kind of character i would usually like?? i tend to like prodigy/genius characters that are super good at what they do (so like yuta and megumi in jjk for example) which fits sae super well but for some reason i just never got into him like that (also his early manga appearances are so cursed omg i better never see a sae fan slandering 8bit they saved his entire career) anyways ig that description also fits my actual top 3 (nagi obviously, karasu as no3, and barou again is kinda clear) plus those three are much more my typical type…karasu and barou with the spiky black hair and nagi with the soft white hair 🤩 NAH FR I KNEW NAGI WAS ON TJE OUTS W THE FANDOM LATELY BUT ZERO REQS FOR HIM?? truly insane work…tbh i actually don’t mind because i’m so particular with how i write nagi that adhering to someone else’s vision might stress me out so it’s not a huge deal that he didn’t get requested i just think the composition is hilarious there’s so much much sae and karasu (karasu fr pulling through if nothing else ik i’ll always get a req or two of him…the kuni love triangle with him is abt to go crazy)
YEAH I WAS LOWKEY SURPRISED ASF TOO but apparently rock is also the only type that’s never been paired with ghost?? i think that’s really interesting kinda random but huh the more you know
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYINGGG WDYM WE GOT NOEL NOA BEFORE NAGI 🧐⁉️ but they requested a crime au and said they’re not super married to how it goes but they just want a happy ending you know i’m abt to go full murder mystery in this bitch 🔥 jkjk ofc but i think it’ll be really fun considering i’ve never written noa OR anything crime related before!! tbh i wasn’t expecting anyone to pick it but it should be fun 😈 ngl i’m surprised forbidden love, supernatural au (as in vampires and werewolves and shit not the actual show which i haven’t watched), historical au, and arranged marriage didn’t have ANY takers but oh well all of the tropes i do have lined up look like they’ll be super cool so i am excited 🤩
i was sitting there like “hm i wonder who the last req will be for…lowkey can’t believe we haven’t gotten any rin” and then BAM there the notif was i was like holy shit i just closed the app 😭 rip nagi yukimiya otoya you’ll get em next time (at least i get to try writing reo for the first time hehehe i loveeee reo 🥹) wait if you think abt it we got the entire opp squad on the masterlist…kaiser sae isagi AND rin those four truly are inescapable �� WAIT YKW WOULD’VE SLAYED AN AIKU REQ pls i didn’t even care abt aiku pre oaeu but now he’s like a silly fav LMAOAOA like i don’t even find him that attractive as you know i just think he’s hilarious and so fun to write (ig the aikulations will have to be reserved for the oaeu fr)
ok wait now that i’m thinking abt it once bllk s2 comes out and the fandom hopefully grows i lowkey might hit another milestone kinda quickly so everyone who didn’t get a req this time around can hopefully be redeemed then 🤩 especially since more people will remember/know/care about tabieitaken and nagi right after third selection and u20 (although sae will def be big too atp i should just change to a sae theme /j)
HELPP AIKU TRYING TO RIZZ UP NIKO’S MOM the craziest part is technically they’d be in the same age group considering aiku’s older than reader and co (he’s in the barou age bracket so it’s only a few years but still) and niko’s the same age as nagiy/n’s daughter here so he actually could become niko’s step father…or dare i say the father who stepped up 🤔
karasu bringing out garchomp against joltik is so funny bro is NOT playing…joltik (or ig galvantula because it def evolves before karasu’s gible gets all of the way to garchomp status) puts up a good fight but in the end it’s overwhelmed 😩 so then reader busts out the big guns and tosses in hydreigon or gyarados and karasu’s cooked 😭
PLS karasu and gordon ramsay is such an iconic chemical reaction it’s too good and omg i almost used the gordon ramsay you fucking donkey quote but then i was like “nah this is too barou” he def would say that though and reader would like start crying because it reminds her of barou meanwhile karasu’s like damn i didn’t know you took the anti bullying campaign that seriously 😟
HAHA charles and shidou are bad enough on their own adding hoopa into the mix is CRAZY hoopa’s a psychic/ghost type so it’s 4x weak to ghost and dark types i bet houndoom and aegislash get put on legendary babysitting duty (hydreigon would also be involved but it’s too busy networking w yveltal…bro is fr in his mira era trying to get those linkedin connections and whatnot)
proud to be a word count inflator nah fr though whenever i see someone post a 3k word one shot and be like “i got carried away this is so long” it instantly recalibrates me because to me 3k is mega short and tiny…like carried away with a one shot means 10k+ (depending on the idea…like i wouldn’t say i got carried away w barou’s oaeu even though it’s abt 10k words meanwhile freaky friday at 8-9k ish definitely got carried away…not to mention both bfbs which are drastically different in length but both long given the time frames of the plots and what they’re trying to achieve???)
LMAOOO I DON’T MEAN CHARACTER DEATH ANGST more so smth along the lines of the instrument (specifically the first part) and wicked game (kiyora fic) idk if you know what i’m saying…not angsty depressed vibes or anything but like i want there to be a tinge of melancholy and maturity to it instead of the typical karasu goofiness (bfb isn’t quite crack but because they’re kids for so much of it there’s not that same punch yk) idk if i’ll actually get around to doing it for a sec though…much to be written not enough time to be writing it all i fear
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twizel · 8 months
Sighs. I have so many Links in my AU but.... Im gonna have to make a pre-wind waker one inspired by Flood because he makes me SAD. And when Im sad I make happier endings.
This time he does get to succeed, at least somewhat. People had to survive somehow after all to be in wind waker, and I think one little guy to help lead them is sweet. He has to make some hard decisions to help people survive, like culling a lot of their farm animals for food and to save room for people. They didn't want to just leave them to drown, so its a small mercy.
Anyhoo this is making me think of some cool worldbuilding ideas!!! And also makes me sad. So good job River!
so happy to see someone inspired by him!! and glad to see him get a good ending somewhere :> i would love to see some of what you do with him!! i don’t check my tumblr dms often but i can always throw you my discord if you ever want to talk about the lil guy (& his zelda!!)
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