#something something nyc family empires
decadent-hag · 1 year
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What happened to the health food store? Uh, we sort of sold it. Why did you sell it? I had gone along with my father’s wishes and agreed to go into the family business. Did you want to go back to New York? No.
With Open Eyes, Succession // Poor Little Rich Boy, The Jinx
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icecry · 9 months
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👤 WINTER DAY NYC 🎵 1999 ⏪ ▶️ ⏩ It's something magical when snow falls in the big apple. 「 Kuzco's been cut off from his family's billion-dollar empire until further notice, so he wasn't pleased when his girlfriend Malina (Emperor's new school), who works as secretary in Manhatten, volunteered him pick up the tab for everyone.
Luigi and Audrey go way back. They have a friendly rivalry between their businesses in Brooklyn. They bond over being the babies of the family and having two highly competitive older siblings. Rumor has it, though, that, despite constantly going back and forth, Luigi's older brother might have had a thing for Audrey's older sister. But you didn't hear that from either of them. The city can be tough, but Bruno can't imagine anywhere else feeling as much like home. He's connected to the pulse of New York, from the towering sky scrapers to the crawling rats in the sewers (why should they worry?) It took some time to get used to it, especially for Chel, who's terrified of rats. But Bruno has a way of making them seem more pleasant, so Chel now tolerates them. That's if she ever has a second away from her phone. If it's not work calling, it's her boyfriend, Tulio. 」 『SUMMER IN NEW YORK』
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
But do you really think that he can be voted head of Commonwealth ? I remember how Gabon was mad after their docuseries implied that CW was the Empire 2.0 saying that they willingly came in but not to be insulted or something. And it seemed to me that this scheme about Harry, Meghan and the CW was dead because their tours in the CW were disastrous and because their discourse with the CW was too much Empire/decolonisation centred (during the pandemic ?) and the CW didn't like that.
Some people are also suggesting that Harry is going for an african coutry because Earthshot is going to South Africa this year (like his visit in NYC when it was in Boston or his visit in Singapore last year). So now I'm wondering, do you think he tried with South Africa but was said no ?
It's possible Harry could be voted the head of the Commonwealth but it's very unlikely. While there doesn't seem to an officially-documented process or a formal rule for who is eligible to be head of Commonwealth, I did find this:
a) the head of the Commonwealth is not hereditary and there are no term limits.
b) Charles is the third monarch to be head of the Commonwealth (following King George and Queen Elizabeth).
c) selection of the head of the Commonwealth requires a majority vote from the Commonwealth heads of government (so all the prime ministers) and
d) "Head of Commonwealth" is part of the sovereign's title in the Commonwealth realms:
our Sovereign Lord, Charles III, now, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, and Sovereign of the Most Noble Order of the Garter
So it's an uphill battle for Harry (or Meghan) to be Head of Commonwealth because
It requires changing the King's titles and I don't think anyone wants to bother with that kind of administration. (Also I don't think anyone knows what kind of administration or paperwork is needed to do so in the first place.)
If William's poll numbers stay the same and he remains as popular as he is, it will be stupid AF for the Commonwealth to choose someone else as their head. They're not going to vote against King William, who's likely to be as popular and as beloved as Queen Elizabeth. And even if something happened and William was as controversial a choice as Charles was back in 2018, "better the devil you know than the devil you don't" comes to mind.
There's been a bit of leaking that Harry definitely approached South Africa after William and Earthshot announced Cape Town as their 2024 host. With the pattern anon pointed out, it definitely makes sense that Harry would try to get South Africa for something.
Which is really...ironic, I suppose, if you think about it. That even though he quit the royal family, he left the country, he made his own separate life for himself and his family, he's still demanding equal treatment to William. The entitlement just reeks.
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dominustempori · 6 months
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire - my takes, thoughts and stuff I kinda got wrong
1) First off: things I definitely got wrong after thoroughly enjoying the teaser trailer…
James Acaster = NOT OSCAR BARRETT. Snarky scientist employed by Mr Zeddemore? Yes, absolutely. Anyone else get a slight Alan Tudyk vibe from his character?
Secret Society? Well, kind of? Not late 1890s but STILL Victorian era. And, why exactly would these “Adventurers” want to release a revenge-bent ancient deity? Because they can? For that matter, did they maybe kidnap Nadeem’s grandmother, or steal the orb from her? There’s so much more to her story (and presumably her family/predecessors in regard to keeping Garraka’s prison safe and hidden) we don’t know about…
On that note, Garakka wasn’t trying to escape the containment unit, he wanted to release all the ghosts within it (that the guys had caught AFTER 1984? after Peck originally turned it off? Gil, more details and context please!)
But I DID get Patton Oswalt’s character right! Li-freaking-brarian! And the whole “under-library?”Totally borrowed from the Video Game (Special Archives level!)
2) Couldn’t help these ideas, they just popped in there…and sort of in order of the movie’s chronology:
-How EXACTLY did Walter “Dickless” Peck go from the EPA to MAYOR OF NYC?!
-Darn that final edit! I liked the bit with “overruled! sustained!” from Paul and Finn.
-Couldn’t Winston have helped fix up the firehouse a LITTLE more over the last, what 2 years? I mean, it’s a business AND a single family home now!
-Also guessing they hauled as much of Egon’s equipment, tech and books as they could from Summerville to Manhattan, right?
-Love Janine being back and as sassy as ever…but mainly throwing in one-liners for the sake of exposition? Which I got a kick out of, don’t get me wrong, but they could’ve gone a little deeper with her character, possibly? Guess I’m still not happy with how much of Annie’s scenes got cut in “Afterlife…”
-Glad Callie’s embraced her Ghostbuster heritage. And look at her piloting that drone trap! Boom!
-OMG Phoebe. I have ALL the feels for her moreso than before. 15, frustrated, feeling isolated…and upping the acerbic sarcasm to 11…then doing something that very well could be read as, maybe more than purely experimental?, at least in my mind (look closely…when she gets into that extractor, her heart rate drops to 42 bpm). And what if something went wrong with the timer?
-And OMG when Melody double crossed her…was I the only one who thought they’d kiss, maybe? Anyone else think of that plot device from the newer DuckTales first season? Just me?
-Or did the orb and wax cylinder give anyone Venture Brothers season 3 vibes?
-Or how the “open rift over the firehouse to the spirit world” idea totally made me think of new Doctor Who, season 1?
-Oh yeah, Kumail is a fire MASTER, and NOT a Fire BENDER!
Damn, I need a part 2 after all these pop culture mentions. I’ll pick this up tomorrow.
Peace out, Ghostheads!
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘Caught In 🕸 Web’
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This is my first chapter for this story, I hope you guys really like it. It’s my first time writing for the ATSV. So please, let me know if y’all are interested for more, or see something I need to correct. My inbox, messages, and taglist is open for y’all! Enjoy!🤟🏼🕸
Warnings: nothing really heavy yet, just some good information about my two OC’s. But all chapters will have their own warnings as things progress.
‘My Story’📰
Chapter 1
In a particular universe of 2055, settles this story in New York City, that has its very own special features in it. Like the Statue of Liberty- no. Oh Time Square that’s around the corner- another no. Empire State Building- it’s nice but yeah.. no. What makes this NYC ‘The’ NYC is having the damn privilege of owning a Peter C. Parker- other known as Spider-Man (but no one knows that the nerdy guy that is a sweet roommate and crazy assistant of the assistant of the CEO for ‘Stark Industries’ is the ‘Strong, Red ‘n Blue suited hero that makes swinging off the skyscrapers look hotter that Brad Pitt) so yeah. *takes deep breath and sips ‘chai tea’* Anyways... this universe also possesses a certain woman with terrible ‘I have no family’ issues, crazy boss who bought her knee pads, and a secret admirer. Everyone called her ‘CEO’s Sidechick’ or the famous one ‘Bosses Pet’. But her name is actually Carla Ferrari. While the spider universe... had actually deemed her as Spider-Woman, or how a certain spider pal will call her that everyone picks up on- Spider-Lady. Yeahhh... I know- shut up.
Carla Ferrari’s POV
So let’s do this one time. My name, is Carla Ferrari- and no I’m not related to any Ferrari bloodline and shit. My Pa was Italian and my Ma was American.. that’s why I have the Italian last name. (Though I’d kill for one of those hot rides but yeah) So I’m a 22 yr. old personal assistant for the CEO of ‘Stark Industries’. Is it an exciting life? Not exactly, I have no background that’s exciting either- that’s for sure.
Quick back up story- I was orphaned after a large city catastrophe killed my parents *timeskip*
Then I lived all my life in homes here and there, never got adopted because I worked terribly with people and never got used to the term family *timeskip*
After that I got too old to stay at shelter homes for girls once I turned ‘Magnificent 18’ so I was given the boot and a nice paycheck that can barely cover 3 full days at a Motel 6 or 1 day at the most expensive hotel in New York City *timeskip*
So to survive I worked at the most expensive diner in Manhattan for 6 months until a certain rich bastard decided to spill his wine all over my white uniform, then suggested that a great apology would be for him to offer me a good job. Anyways, they say my charm is what got me under the wing of who is now my boss, the CEO of ‘Stark Industries’ but I have to say it’s my stealth, patience, and great mathematical skills that has me managing all his business purchases- oh and also how I methodically get everything done.
*timeskip to present*
“Shoot! B.P.!! (Aka Bosses Pet) I forgot to pick up Stark’s coffee at Starbucks on my way here!! Can you get it?? He’ll be happy to see you crawling in with it anyways-“
I flared my nose while slamming my file on the table wishing Leslie’s head was the table, I scoffed lightly while glaring,
“Why do you all keep saying things like- ‘crawling’ or ‘cat walking’ my way to boss’ office?-“
Leslie flipped her damaged and dry sweet potato colored looking hair as she squeaked while using bunny ears on certain words,
“Maybe it’s cause he got you ‘knee pads’!? Like yeah we get he’s the boss and your his personal assistant but damn don’t bring your ‘50 Shades of Stark’ here!”
She giggled like a hyena and mocked my disgusted face, which I expressed because after their latest Boss died, Tony Stark, they brought in his closest cousin who looked like the deceased version of him, and he was now my boss. But if Tony was still around... maybe I’d try to make that 50 shades shit happen.. but yeah not with Martin Stark. Ew.
Anyways I only took up her offer because I needed some fresh air after being stuck up on the 50th floor for 11 hours writing down appointments and managing Stark’s purchases that went through the roof for every girl he laid eyes on, trying to gain ‘Great Star Reviews’ for his business but more like he was gaining more ‘absent-fathered children’ as he was a playboy and irresponsible of course. Now I stood up and straightened my black checkered pants as I sighed lightly,
“Fine.. I’ll go get it.”
“What a good girl. Ha! Bet you hear that often-“
“Yeah well at least I’m not left dry and hanging all the time and called ‘Dusty Leslie’.”
Sending a cheeky wink I was walking away with a proud smirk and a held high chin. I heard her scoff in hurt as I of course stabbed her altered ego. I obviously overheard the gossip desk ladies chat about that she hadn’t been laid in a long while, so yeah... that’s why you don’t share your secrets and personal issues with people that are snakes in disguise, Dusty Leslie.
As you see, my life is sorta hectic, I quite practically live for my boss so I can get paid by making his life easier. All he has to do, is show up, eat, take a crap, mess with women, and sleep- repeat. And to be honest I’m a little jelly at the fact he never works, yet wears clothes that cost 10 times more than all the money I’ve ever spent and worked for combined! And I’m the one running back and forth, making appointments, fixing his vendettas at bars he likes to pick fights at, feed him breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between when he calls for it. And what ticks me off- is that half the time he won’t even eat it, he’ll leave it there for later (which turns to never) or complain saying he wasn’t hungry anymore because he didn’t like something about it.
So what would I do? Take it back saying sweet and professional things like, ‘I’m so sorry about the inconvenience sir let me fix it for you.’ ‘Let’s get you something else.’ Or the most used line- ‘Yes sir, I’ll call them and email a bad review for you.’
Ugh!! I hated doing that. These cooks did everything right, Martin was just a spoiled asshole that thought the world should revolve around him and run his way. (By the way I never wrote bad reviews I just said I would, so he wouldn’t bother them or me about it again.) And the food he left untouched, I’d take to Uncle Joey, the guy at the corner of the street who played with his little wooden drums all day for spare change. Seeing his smile made my day mostly sense he was eating fine cuisine 99% of the time.
Anyways, now I’m taking my 10 minute break to run to Starbucks to get his coffee, and in the meanwhile get something for myself, I haven’t eaten sense yesterday at lunch time- and it’s already 12:34pm today. The fresh air did me some good to relieve some tension, as I finally made it out of the tall hell house I called work or my job. What also lifted my spirits was this happy sight. It felt good to see happy and calm people around me, they all walked around and lived as if they knew nothing could hurt or touch them. And to be honest once again, they could. You know why? Spider-Man.
He made that possible, he helped in ways no one else could, from big things to small things, he gave up his time and life for the city, and so far it has paid off well. I admire the man much, he has inspired me to take what little time I have to make someone smile, or help where I could.
My best friend, assistant, and roommate, Peter C. Parker, always harmlessly made fun of how I lived to be like Spider-Man. Peter was a great guy by the way, and no matter how much he denied it when I told him, he had a big heart like Spider-Man. Always helping where he could and being a sunshine in my world. When my boyfriend wouldn’t be the nicest or leave me hanging after he promised he’d wait after work, Peter would invite me to the movies or do something that got the tears and pouts off my face. It was nice to have someone like him around, humble as heck with his heart on his sleeve, I wouldn’t trade my best friend for anything in the world.
He kept me on my feet and happy, reminding me of the good things in life even on the cloudy days. And like right now, in ‘all of a sudden’ moments when my boss and boyfriend Nelson would call unexpectedly at once, I could count on him to adapt to change and help me to the perfect ‘T’. Unlike my boss who went crazy if one thing went wrong or not his way. I could only let out a deep breath as I debated for a moment on who to answer first.
‘If I pick up Nelson’s he might just ask me out again and chat about his new modeling job, then my boss will be pissed for missing his call and might deducted $25 from my paycheck for every minute I don’t answer him. Or I could pick up boss’ call and hear him yell some kind of thing he wants me to do and make Nelson upset again for not picking up his call. Shit!! Ugh I hate this so bad.’
I declined Nelson’s call and texted a quick ‘sorry, give me a minute’ and picked up my boss’ call and mustered a fake, happy voice with professionalism.
‘I really hate this man- but I need my job. Sorry Nelson.’
“Yes, Mr.Stark?”
Peter C. (Carlos) Parker’s POV
Let’s do this one last time- I’m Peter Carlos Parker. As 20 yr old, I’m New York’s one and only Spider-Man, and did I love my life? So far I did. I’ve had bumps and bruises on the way, crazy lifesaving stories and sad ones too that match the scars I’ve grown to earn every time. No but honestly my life is manageable but still crazy, let me just tell you what happened today so you’ll see why I say so. So, I just got back into my jeans and white button down with the stupid crooked tie after I as Spider-Man handed over a dumb, bank thief to the cops. Yes, he tried to threaten everyone behind and in front of the counters, but thankfully I was there to take out $20 to get lunch at the hotdog stand outside of work. Anyways with that said, quickly I took him down after some arguing about how unprepared and wild his ‘stealing’ was.
“Sir! You realize they are going to track down your information with the ID you just gave the kind banker lady?”
I kid you not, he handed over his ID to the lady, claiming he was old enough to demand money- like what an idiot! He should’ve come in without the mask while he was at it right? Oh and if it wasn’t bad enough already, there was a large hole on the side of his makeshift bag. Like yeah Pinky you’re going to come out inanely rich for sure with that bag, let me know if we can go to Disneyland when you’re out- like c’mon!! But yeah, he went on to argue with me of course.
“She doesn’t know it’s me Spider-Man! I’m wearing a mask- like you, can’t you see!? I just need her to know that I’m old enough to do this!”
He angrily pointed at his paper bag mask, that he drew dark angry eyebrows on, trying to show me that indeed it was good. Oh and I could clearly tell his gun was a small nerf gun spray painted black. He’d definitely make it on the wall of ‘Stupids Hall of Fame’ As much as I would’ve liked to keep the debate going (because I knew I was going to win in the end) I knew my Boss- aka my best friend Carly was going to need my assistance soon, so I cut it short with some webbing. With a crack to my knuckles, I sighed,
“Alright, can’t wait to see your face on the news, but buy me a PS5 first.”
In seconds he was webbed up by the door.
I heard sighs of relief and a couple cheering while others cussed out the poor dummy. I then waved my hands calmly as I pointed out.
“You all are safe now, just called NYPD. Keep safe- I swinging out.”
With a peace sign given to a little kid by me I then disappeared. (I actually webbed away to the back, then walked out to the front watching the cops take my guy away. And he had his paper mask off by this point. But at least we all knew he was old enough to rob a bank, and that his name was Chad Robins.
-End of flashback.
I smiled with peace knowing he wasn’t going to be around for a while, scaring kids and the old ladies who are working hard to buy their little ones Christmas gifts. Up ahead I saw my favorite hotdog stand, I could smell the hot bacon-wrapped wieners from here
‘Talk about my heightened spider senses right!?’
But then something else caught my attention when I heard my name being called out.
“Oh Peter!! Thank God I found you! Listen here’s $20. Get something to eat for yourself and get the triple chocolate mocha with 3 teaspoons of vanilla and 1 pinch of pumpkin spice with lactose free whip cream and some cinnamon sprinkled on top?”
I fixed my glasses after they almost slipped off my nose from me speedily scribbling down the crazy coffee order. That was of course Carly, (Carla Ferrari) who told me all of this. Not that I minded though, I was her personal helper. She requested for one after work got a little to much for her, but her boss wasn’t happy about having that happen, so I was paid through her paycheck. (What a stingy and evil boss huh? Oh and I’d always beg her to not pay me much, but she always gave up half of her paycheck anyways without hesitation or a problem)
When we first met I had just gotten out of college looking for a job, something easy to start with while I looked for a job that suited my passion for chemical engineering. And at the same time she was looking for help, so we made a deal to become roommates while I worked for her, sense the job was not too much, but for now it worked perfectly fine, and she was a great roommate too. Soon we of course became the best of friends, she gave me so much smart advice about the world and now dating tips. (Especially after I told her about my deep interests in the sweet florist Mary Jane- I’ll tell y’all about her later) Carly also had a great listening ear and healing words, even on her worst nights she made great company. Anyways, I took the $20 from her after she personally grabbed my hand and stuff the dollar bill in there and said,
“Use this money Peter, not yours. And get lunch- you haven’t eaten, I know you haven’t.”
I reluctantly took it as I sighed an excuse,
“But you haven’t either-“
She mindlessly fixed my tie as she interrupted,
“Don’t worry about me honey, worry about yourself. Now get please, boss needs me in his office, I just got off the phone with him before I saw you.”
I squeezed my pinky with hers, it was our ‘good luck’ ‘good bye’ and ‘good day’ sign.
But this time, I felt an electric shock run through me from where we touched, and I felt waves surround me for a split second before it stopped completely. I know she felt it too for her eyes went wide, but she shook it off as quickly as it had happened.
Then she sent me a small smile and a wink before running in her high heels back to the office. I chuckled with confusion as I looked at my black shoes thinking,
‘Everyday I admire women more.. I could never run in heels.. I wonder what that was by the way… it felt weird. But with a sense of familiarity?’
For now I shook it off as she did. Taking a moment I was looking up and around at the lively city I could only breathe in and out calmly, the people looked happy, peaceful, and it all appeared to be still for now. It’s been about a couple of months ever sense I fought a life-threatening villain, KingPin. But thankfully we’ve been ok for now, if not almost too perfect.
Miguel O’Hara’s POV
Bueno, Lets do this, one last time, my name is Mig-
“Miggggyyyy! Omg you’ve been eyeballing’ 2055 universe for the past 2 weeks already?! You got some interest on Peter C. Parker- it’s ok you can tell me!!”
‘Ay coño… another time I’ll introduce myself.’
Running a hand down my face I argued lazily,
“No Lyla I don’t. I’m straight-“
“Are you? Look at your hunched over posture, certainly it’s not straight-
“That doesn’t determine my sexuality though!-“
“It could-“
“Lyla. No. I’m just.. just checking something out. So please.”
Sometimes Greta Lee aka Lyla can get on my nerves with her ideas, I mean, who would’ve that an AI would be so stubborn and determined on certain ideas? Like her only job is to gather up information about tech or any universal catastrophes. Yet here she is trying to decipher what my sex is by the way I’m standing. Que dolor de cabeza. But I was being honest about this... this universe 2055 that’s been on my watch for the past few days.
Something about it has intrigued my mind and drawn my attention to it strongly, unlike any other universe. I don’t have spider senses perhaps, but I do have suspicions and a gut that tells me things. So I considered checking it out, passing by in person to see if I perhaps caught something off that I could probably call P.C.P. (Peter Carlos Parker) on. I’ve never personally met him before or even thought of intruding into his place or giving him more as far as letting him into the multiverse, he handled what he had very well so far on his own. It was his universe anyways, and to be honest he did his absolute best at guarding it and protecting it. His every breath was spent on saving the city and a change during a blink of his eye wouldn’t go unnoticed, he’d sense and act upon it. He was what I called, ‘Gentle-Spider’. His heart for the community was larger than New York itself.
Yes, he had his typical hero side that was rough and sharp, effortlessly taking down who needed to be put down, but after that? He’d walk the old ladies across the street, have late night dinners with random joes who were alone and homeless, play with the neighborhood kids, he even taught a few teenagers how to parallel park. All this I have witnessed and couldn’t admire him more.
His only job as a Spider-Man was to defend the city from villains and anomaly’s... but P.C.P.? He made the city a brighter place day and night, 24/7, he gave New York his heart and every breath he took was spent on them. His regular life though, behind the mask, he was the same, caring and kind. Just more quiet and a bit shy. The only one I saw him communicate well with was his roommate. She was just as kind. I never really looked into her, all I knew was that she made him breakfast everyday and wore high heels 99% of the time- oh and he’d call her Carly.
I don’t think she knew about Peter’s secret life, only because she had a crazy schedule herself, she was the main and personal assistant of CEO Martin Stark. So yeah, her life was basically a mess and busy. But I’ve seen her a few times around too, doing careless acts to protect people. Careless why? She thought of others before herself. Ella me asusta a veces.
She literally almost gone run over the other day just because she tried to retrieve a baby doll that a little girl dropped as her mother carried her across the street. To save the homeless guy’s kitten she went down to the tracks of the subway to get its paw unstuck from when it fell, and seconds before that damn thing made her a tortilla, she was able to get out with the kitten clinging onto her for life. She’s also convinced people to not jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. Supongo que sé más sobre su vida de lo que pensaba.
Anyways she had a busy life too, but when she had a few seconds to spare, she gave it to others. I guess she looked up to Spider-Man a lot, and chose to be like him, a good person. But today, I saw and caught something that was off, and electric and dimensional shock went through both of them. And according to canon, he’s the only Spider-Man, and she was only supposed to be like his best friend. That’s it. So what was that all about? It looked all too familiar from our last incident with Miles Morales.. I just hoped it wasn’t the same or much worse, if not unfixable. And why did it make me feel- nervous?
Spanish translations
1- Que dolor de cabeza. - What a headache.
2- Ella me asusta a veces.- She scares me sometimes.
3- Supongo que sé más sobre su vida de lo que pensaba. - I guess I know more about her life than I thought I did.
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eleanoramorel · 2 years
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Eleanora Ivy Morel
„Spotted: It-Girls Eleanora and Jade Morel started to manage the club „Moonlight“ in the „Morel“ in NYC, which is lead by their older brother Joel Morel. Are the sisters ready for this big responsibility or will they ruin their familys reputation by not letting the party lifestyle behind them?“
Eleanora is the second daughter of Flynn James Morel and Ivy Christine Morel and little sister of @denialtone and @jadeivymorel . Her family owns the luxus hotel chain „Morel“. She always loved the glamorous lifestyle and the influence her family has. Eleanora always wanted to be a leading part of her familys empire, so she worked really hard to achieve her goal. She is a confident and powerful woman, who will never give up. Her ambition payed off as her parents let their three children manage the „Morel“ hotel in New York City. The life on the Upper Eastside will never get boring, especially when you manage one of the most exclusive clubs in the Big Apple.
Interview with the Vogue Magazine 04/2022
Interviewer: „You and your siblings are very young to become managers of a hotel and a club even though your parents are Flynn and Ivy Morel. How did you make it so far and get the trust of the imperium you work in now?“ Eleanora: „If you really want something, you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it.“ …. Interviewer: „Do you have an advice for our readers?“ Eleanora: „Here’s my advice. Have a little faith, and if that doesn’t work, have a lot of mimosas.“
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hplovecraftmuseum · 2 years
The Great Depression hit virtually every country on earth in 1929. Lovecraft, however, was suffering his own financial problems for years before then. His grandfather Phillips, who was basically the head of the family after Lovecraft's father was instutionalized for severe mental problems, was the source of the entire family's income. Yet, this maternal grandfather saw business declines when HPL was still a boy. Though the Lovecraft and Phillips (his mother's maiden name) families had been successful middle upper class New Englanders in Victorian times, young Howard saw the family servants let go and the carriage and horses sold off little by little. All his life he dreamed that he might someday be able to buy back the great family house at 454 Angell Street in Providence. It was a futile dream. After his grandfather's death Lovecraft and his mother were forced to find much smaller lodgings not far away. Soon after his mother passed HPL married a beautiful, industrious, and highly intelligent widow named, Sonia Greene. Greene had been earning a very respectable salary as a sales person. Greene also had a goodly amount of savings. For some reason Sonia Greene Lovecraft gave up her lucrative position and opened her own business selling ladies hats. This was in NYC in the early 1920s, 'The Roaring Twenties' when most businesses were thriving. For some reason the enterprise failed in only a few months. After taking a sales position elsewhere Sonia Greene, Lovecraft again tried to open her own shop. This business failed too. Lovecraft and his wife essentially seperated after only a couple of years. Divorce was an almost unthinkable scandal in old New England's upper crust and certainly something Lovecraft rarely discussed in letters or among friends. By the time the depression hit the rest of the world H. P. Lovecraft was already facing financial problems and certainly the depression didn't offer any hope of better times. As things continued to decline all around him, HPL might have wondered if the whole universe was in a state of dissolution. In time Lovecraft chose to believe that Socialism as a form of government was the only hope for the world. Pretty much all the persons who have studied Lovecraft's stated political views believe they were extremely naive and unrealistic considering human nature. Lovecraft died in 1937 at the age of 46. He never lived to see the horrors of WW2 or the financial recovery that would come in most places when the war was ended. No doubt Lovecraft - who considered himself a loyal Englishman all his life - whould have been heartbroken to see The British Empire essentially destroyed by the second world war? The effect these things had on Lovecraft's fiction is only too obvious. (Exhibit 289)
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indigosabyss · 1 year
Teenage Love Triangle in Space - Origins
There was a spaceship hovering above Jersey City.
In truth, it was probably hovering above NYC, but it was big enough to be seen from Jersey, too, so Kamala was going to assume that something catastrophic was finally happening to her city.
And something catastrophic was happening. Transmitted through the TVs and the radios and the loudspeakers in the vicinity, a robotic, booming voice was proclaiming;
"We have deemed this heavenly body to have no life advanced enough to be capable of cooperating with the Reef'lr Empire. If this is not the case, please come and state your case to the Mothership. If not, this call will go unheeded and this body will become property of the Empire. You have ten planetary revolutions. This has been The Spokesperson, on the Universal Communicator."
They said this, slowly and deliberately, three times, before the terrible declaration stopped. Even then, Kamala could scarcely believe it. But it was true. This was happening.
People tried to make contact, just as requested. But the radio frequency was elusive. Communication with lights and planes and all sorts of methods were employed, and they were all ignored. Kamala and her family watched it all from the news, holding each other tight.
Every few hours, the announcement would be called out again.
Two days in, the Rovers came. Falling from the sky like little torpedoes.
They were thin and spindly, about the size of an adult basketball player, but mostly just made of five wiry legs, a box mounted atop with a camera poking out from it. Every so often, an arm would pop out from the box, and grab some sample or another before retracting back inside.
Soon after, they would fly off again, back to the Mothership. Or the other ships that had slowly begun arriving all over Earth. Most were just out of their atmosphere, scientists claimed, but there were many there.
"The Rovers will not breach our contract." Said The Spokesperson the first day the Rovers arrived, "They collect samples without harm to any fauna above microscopic size. If there are any sentients below, there are eight planetary revolutions left."
Kamala's father was crying. Aamir was wringing his hands. Kamala looked outside, where a Rover was in their yard, digging through the plants.
A plan formed in her mind.
TLTiS is a samkamiles fic with a bunch of concepts in mind. check the tag for the whole rundown.
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checkmatehq · 23 days
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wait till you hear about this next nominee: YOON SUNHWA, born on the 13th of JANUARY, 1994 and bears a striking resemblance to CHO MIYEON. they’re a FOURTH year BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION student and WON 1ST PLACE IN THE ISANGYUN NATIONAL COMPETITION FOR 2 CONSECUTIVE YEARS — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be the HEIRESS TO THE HWA&SEONG EMPIRE, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
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cw: mentions of drug use and alcohol
yoon sunhwa was born to yoon minhyuk and yoon haeri. their coupling was something out of a storybook, with her mother being the epitome of a walking fairytale, and her father with all the finesse and qualities of a well made brick. back then they were your average, run of the mill middle class family of three generations all under the same roof. a family with the prowess of soldiers running through their veins, it was inevitable that sunhwa would be faced with rules, curfews, and commands dressed as suggestions. however, her mother balanced out the harsh with her soft edges.
in the early 2000s, yoon minhyuk’s father saw an impressive increase in his company’s revenues: hwa&seong. for decades, the man had been attempted to carve his legacy in the name of military aerocraft and heavy duty armaments, but had yet to harvest the fruits of his labor. it was at age 7 that her grandfather moved them out of their urban side home and into the gated elysium of the upper class neighborhoods she’d only seen in catalogs. 
life became very different for sunhwa following the exponential growth of her family’s pockets. high of the zeros, the yoon patriarch saw to it that his kin, at least those who helped him in the launch and management of his growing empire, were well taken care of. luckily, sunhwa’s father happened to be on the list. naturally, with riches came change. sunhwa’s father became possessed with the spirit to only go higher, backing her grandfather up in his endeavors if it meant they would never have to want again. 
at 13, yoon haeri and yoon minhyuk separated. sunhwa's pregnant mother left for the u.s.a, her reason being she did not want her (son, they would soon find) to be raised under yoon minhyuk's newfound, money-hungry intensity. except yoon minhyuk was never abusive. he seemed to worship his wife, in fact, so much so he had never remarried while it took all of two years for yoon haeri to become seo haeri. certainly, his well-intentions could be a bit misguided, at times, but sunhwa had never truly feared her father. if you ask sunhwa, she thinks her mother's fantasy didn't quite account for her romantic love story to suddenly be challenged by the priority, the demand, for success. regardless, to this day she still calls her mother and brother on occasion and visits nyc for holidays.
at 18, yoon sunhwa discovered the cruelty of people the year of her last (truly, last) national piano competition. a rags to riches countryside runt winning first place for three consecutive years was simply unheard of. unfathomable, even. sunhwa thought it one of her first greatest accomplishments. unfortunately, some did not think so. sparing the garish details, sunhwa conveniently had a terrible accident that lead to an intensive surgery and three long, pitiful days on tasteless hospital food. the culprit was never found. so yes, sunhwa had learned that people were vile. but the solution was simple: sunhwa just had to be the fucking worse.
ever wanting the best for his one-and-only daughter, yoon minhyuk shipped sunhwa off to recover somewhere in the northern parts of europe. for a year, she could have wallowed and bemoaned her fate. instead. her father's decision to rehabilitate her birthed an utter hedonist. as without his rules and straight-edged ways, sunhwa fell not quite to rock-bottom, but a rebirth, if you will. the wine and cocktails that made her rough personality almost pearl shiny. the pull of a smoke, or the burst of a pink pill: it was an eighth wonder to watch the stars blur into one blinding planet. a wayward trip during paris fashion week, and she found her love for the artistry of fashion; galliano. westwood. mcqueen. or rather, her love for spending ceaselessly on the finer things in life. later, she would learn there was nothing like being splayed in a garden of hermes silk, the patterns dancing something godly as the high danced on her tongue.
at 19, sunhwa received a call from her father that he had submitted her application for snu and that she was to return for the exams. she had not studied, much less given much of a fuck about her academics in her time in europe. but sunhwa returned to south korea nonetheless, passing the exams through mysterious means to begin her track at snu ( and soon, the king's club.)
in 2016: the moment they acquired it, sunhwa was aware of her privilege, thanks to her father’s hour-long lectures on the importance of legacy and filial piety. more is never enough, was her father’s mantra. it was only natural she was drawn to the fabled king's club. there wasn't a soul that didn't reap the benefits of daddy's and mommy's infinite pockets, never a person who said they didn't want more power. having started famished, sunhwa hungered for it, even if she had to cut someone with her knife to get it.
when the screaming news of noh hyungseo graced her ears, sunhwa was slapping water from her canals. she had tried to find an inch of something in her, like a thing named sympathy or fear, or anything for her kindred clubmate. but as much as she knew of noh hyungseo, she did not know him enough to feel anything more than the unfortunance of the situation. what she did know, was that it was every man for himself amongst the ranks. perhaps noh hyungseo hadn't survived: but sunhwa would ensure she would no matter what.
now, in 2024: post graduation, not much has changed with yoon sunhwa since her days of university. her shoe collection? bigger. her ego? invulnerable. the guiltless indulgence? endless. smarter, perhaps. wiser. ever crude, cunning, and stunning in her louboutins.
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apexart-journal · 7 months
Mvelo Mahlangu in NYC, Day 7
I took this morning easy as I had some free time before going to SUNY Empire college to meet with Barrie about Labor Studies. I spoke with some friends back home just updating them on how my first week has gone. We’ve been joking about how I’ll go back home with the stereotypical accent, always using the example of requesting for “Water” (haha). 
Since its also been a week, I’ve reflected on what its been like being away from my partner who I live with. While we definitely do miss each other's presence I’m enjoying this new experience of having too look after myself outside of sharing space with my mom or my partner. I can see what habits are mine and how they can be good or something to be improved on. I’ve definitely noticed that I can make time for everything while also being extremely punctual - which has been a great feeling. 
I’m still a little bit thrown off by my realisation from last night, and have done some research of organisations I can join or volunteer at when I get back home. 
Before meeting up with Barrie, I decided to make a quick stop at a Japanese convenience store called Ten Ichi Mart right by the Flatiron building. My nostalgia has definitely set itself in constantly buying Japanese foods that I haven't been able to access in South Africa. We usually have to get any Japanese ingredients from Chinese shops. Looking down at my map and realising I was standing next to the Flatiron Building was a little bit surprising because I had not taken notice of the building due to the construction and many scaffolding. But I took a couple steps back so I could properly see the building in its entirety and recognised its shape. Upon research, as one of NY’s oldest skyscrapers, it's interesting to see that it's gaining a second life in being converted from offices to apartments. Bringing me back to yesterdays activity of going to the Gracie Mansion, its crazy to think the many lives a structure can live, all based on the ideas of fleeting and relative moments in time - which then makes me wonder what the walls of New York must seen over the years.
I got to SUNY and met with Barrie. She was so warm, full of energy and amazingly looked familiar...which I then pinpointed and realised that she kind of looks like Ellen Pompeo (Meredith Grey - Grey’s Anatomy). We started talking about Labor Studies, the importance of the studies in relation to the Unions, and what her role has been in the College. Barrie has established the Art faculty within the Labor studies school, helping students use it as a tool while navigating the Labor movement. Through our conversation we spoke about women’s experiences in spaces mostly dominated by men, and what it meant having to deal with that in an industry that is also quite physically demanding.
Barrie also mentioned that majority of the students were working while studying and also looking after their families - so classes would usually go on up until the end of day. 
I got to sit in on a class that was on the history of Labor in America (Which I had a slight idea of from my visit to MOCA), which then delved into the difference between indentured labourers and Slavery. Both yearn for the idea of a freedom that isn’t guaranteed. 1 signs a contract with a ‘freedom date', while the other has no choice and sees no signs of a ‘freedom date’. It definitely got me thinking again about the notion of the “American Dream” and the reality/ weight of what it means currently. 
I stayed a little longer til the end of the class as I had some time before my next activity. I’m enjoying the process of having to plan my travel schedule ahead. My next stop was nearly an hour away. When I think of Bellydancing, one thing that comes to mind is the attire and lovely sound skirt that clinks due to hip movement. Do I think I could Bellydance? Absolutely no. It’s movements are so beautifully layered, my brain can’t connect which muscles should move what. Unlike my Line dancing class, Belly dancing follows a different beat/ flow pattern that I'm not used to or well versed in. Regardless, I'm on the mission to expose myself to discomfort. I got to the class, it was only me, the instructor and 2 other women. “Ahhhh! More discomfort in being so visible!” is what I thought. We started doing some foot work, then hip movements and putting a whole sequence together. My hips were definitely lying to me at this point, but it was refreshing immersing myself into such an unfamiliar body movement. It's such a beautiful and mesmerising form of expression. After the class, I spoke with the instructor, Kaitlin, for a few moments. I told her why I was here - which she found intriguing, shocked and happy that her class was selected to be on my calendar. Like Kaitlin, all other instructors or hosts leading the activities I’ve done so far have been so happy that their classes/ activities made it to my calendar. 
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Henry's connection to Kingpin and Maya's "Villain" motivation
Henry originally had connections to all the gangs in NYC: the bigs ones being the Elliots, and Zane, leader of the Black Knives.
Henry was connected to all these gangs through a transportation empire that uses several tracks and dozens of train cars to move anything North or South in the country, used for a twice monthly weapons shipment from Guatemala though Texas, and then to Fisk's armory in New Jersey.
Maya wanted to use this connection to take over NYC, specifically Hell's Kitchen, in Kingpin's absence.
Irina, The Rousseau's and the Elliot's (Additional Antagonists)
Irina, a fancy, stylish boss bitch, lives in a Hamptons Mansion. She's the boss lady that took over Kingpin's empire and owner of the armory Maya blew up.
Zane, leader of the Black Knives, was hired to protect the armory. She's pissed and Zane is trying to do the "customer is right, money back guarantee" Zane has 24 hours to find the person who did this.
During Henry and Maya's argument, Maya mentions how there's ALREADY a war, how Irina is barely holding onto Fisk's empire. Maya has called a meeting with the Rousseaus and Elliots for tomorrow night. She wants to use the R's and E's against Irina.
Episode 4 had Maya meeting with the Rousseau's and the Elliot's.
Henry would have been the translator, and Maya would have gotten the R's and E's to work for her after revealing that SHE is the one who killed Kingpin during an intense stand off.
How Maya's Powers are manifested and displayed
Originally Maya's ancestors flashbacks were intercut with Maya's story and how her power's activated:
Whenever Maya would use a power, the respective ancestor would appear in place of Maya. Then Maya would appear, and the two would merge. Maya would get a mark on her face for whichever ancestor's power she was using.
Ep 1: Chafa origin of Choctaw and Maya going back to her origin
Ep 2: Maya and Kingpin Flashbacks
Ep 3: Tuklo scenes intercut with Maya
Ep 4: Maya and Chula recall Taloa's birth
Ep 5: Lowak and her Adversary parallels Maya and Kingpin
Ep 6: Taloa and Maya
Example 1:
in Ep 5, when Maya goes to the Choctaw casino to meet Kingpin, she can see how the place is swarming with the Black Knives. As she looks over the casino, she sees all the paths, using Lowak's powers.
She's able to make the best course of actions to easily slip by the Black Knives: knocking something over and helping a maid clean it up, to look inconspicuous.
Example 2:
Right after Kingpin gives Maya the hammer and an opportunity for revenge, it would have to cut back on Lowak's stick ball game. Lowak can see all the possibilities for the winning goal, but hesitates because she can see one where the killer of the brother (the big adversary) dies; her revenge. She has to pick an option as time slows. She chooses revenge, contrasting Maya's choice to forgive Fisk
Family Moments
Ep 2: Entire subplot of Billy Jack, Biscuit's dog, getting lost was cut: Maya would've found the dog for him and given him enough money to fix Chula's truck.
Ep 4 (the cut episode): Maya and Bonnie would have hashed out their issues over a game of aggressive catch. Bonnie wants Maya to quit, saying this life of hers has collateral damage. Maya tries to disagree but finally accepts and says yes it does. Bonnie says she can stop and come home, but Maya doesn't want to stop; surprising Bonnie. They finally reconcile and Bonnie tries to get Maya to come to family dinner the next night, but Maya says it's a big day, but Maya says she'll try.
Ep 5: As Maya and Fisk talk, Fisk mentions how he wanted to protect her from all the hurt, and failed. how her grandmother, and her family are winning her back. She is shocked at the mention of her grandma, but he reveals she's fine. She tells him to stay away from her family, the first time she's called them that in years.
Throughout the series Maya would have had a contact in NYC that kept her up to date. The contact being Matthew Murdock.
Ep 2: After bombing the armory, Maya texts Matt to see if anyone in NY knows she did it. He says she has a couple days
Ep 5: She asks Matt to find out who is making a play for Fisk's territory.
Ep 6: She texts Matt "do it", meaning rounding up his friends to dismantle Kingpin's empire in NY.
Ep 6: We learn that Matt bailed Maya out after she shot Fisk in exchange for giving the FBI info - Fed's think she's on their side.
The series would have ended with Maya going back to NY. Due to unfinished business, inviting Bonnie for the trip. Setting up their appearance in DD:BA
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academy13 · 11 months
Newsies has once again invaded my brain, so lo and behold I'm plotting out an AU... the gist so far is that Adric and Nyssa are siblings, in like the sense that her father took Adric in after his brother died (gonna go ahead and say their parents sent them out of country at a young age because I recently came across someone telling the story of their family history and their great grandfather was sent to the United States at 12 years old to avoid being conscripted by first the Ottoman Empire and then the British because of WWI. So in that vein, Adric and his brother were sent to NYC, with no other relatives with them or even living there.). Nyssa's dad does reasonably well, like not you know super wealthy, but they're definitely comfortable. I have to play around with why she and Adric wind up getting into selling newspapers, but since I can use Newsies as a general idea it'll probably be similar to Davey and Les.
Tegan actually gets similar as well, except it's just her and her aunt, and selling newspapers is a way for her to not only help with the house, but also have a measure of independence. Her aunt's death is gonna be a whole Thing, given that I'm giving her the leadership position of the Brooklyn Newsies (I say its Brooklyn because the whole damn Burrough is pretty no-nonsense and also I think it would be fun to have them be immigrants living there) and Turlogh will accidentally set her off because yeah, he's gonna be there too. He'll be a pain in the ass, but since he and Tegan are basically siblings in canon, it'll work out very well for my plans.
Five I haven't decided on yet, but I think he'll be from a family that's really well off, but he's just like mutually ignoring them (I can't remember what TV show this is from, but one character has a parent who puts money into their bank account and they both pretend they don't know where it's from. It'll be kinda like that.) and he sort of winds up adopting these morons like he does in canon and of course nonsense happens.
To continue the theme, and because I want to do some world building, Sarah Jane will be there as well. She'll be a reporter, but have been a newsie some years before the start of the story and thus have the respect of most of the cities newsies, not only for the reporting, but also because she was the leader of a different burrough's newsies. I don't have a timeline yet, but loose idea is that the 1899 strike depicted in Newsies is something she was involved in.
Nine will also be there, he'll have been a newsie but is working at the docks by the time the story rolls around. Will also have pull with newsies as well because of this, plus he's the most working class of the Doctor's. This man would look right at home at a dock or a ship yard. Anyways, he'll be hanging around Sarah a bit and basically be everyone's older brother, yes that includes Five.
I have no plans for Harry, Four, Rose, Mickey, or Jack as of yet, but I'm sure they'll wind up in there. For the most part the focus is gonna be Team Five, but that doesn't preclude other Doctors or companions showing up, depending on how this all develops. I only have a couple of scenes and some broad ideas.
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merrock · 1 year
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face claim: Nikohl Boosheri
full name: Leyla Tehrani
nickname(s) / goes by: Ley/Leyla
pronouns & gender: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: bisexual
birth date: May 23, 1988.
birth place: Canada.
arrival to merrock: May 2023 (but has been back and forth for months prior)
housing: coastal area.
occupation: entrepreneur/business owner.
work place: mawk tales.
family: Anahita Aziz (mother), Rahim Tehrani (father)
relationship status: single.
Positive: Devoted, Good Listener, BrilliantNegative: Controlling, Vindictive, Cold, WorkaholicGirl boss. Totally Type A/Control Freak. She desperately needs to be in control of her life and her plans, and she can be a bit testy when she's not. She's got a good heart but also has a wall up made of solid steel now. Pulling people close only to push them away is her M.O.
WRITTEN BY: Kam (she/her), est.
triggering / sensitive content: eating disorder.
Born in Canada to Iranian parents, Leyla has pretty much always dreamed of being an entrepreneur. Watching Shark Tank as a kid, she would wish for the day when she could be in one of those chairs. Writing full business plans by the time she was 8, her future seemed on track. Until the train came fully off the track in a blaze of fiery non-glory...
She was always a perfectionist, the overachiever, Most Likely to Succeed. No one knew just how good she was at it, though. The sharp, subtle jabs from her mother where she was lacking, the snide remark from the popular kids when she looked too long at the quarterback, the whirlwind in her own head when she looked a bit longer at the cheerleaders. She could control her world...if she could control her food. The elusive goal of perfection always seemed just out of reach of her fingertips. A collapse sent her into a treatment center. Her dreams would wait on her health. She would 'get better' then she would slip, in a vicious cycle. Finding a few years of relief from her disorder, she entered business school in NYC in hopes to one day to build that empire she used to dream of as a bright-eyed girl.
Her late teens-20's were full of treatment centers, a summer in Iran with relatives, a school year in Paris, romances that were wild and all-consuming. She ended up having a habit of putting everything she needed in one person. Sometimes this ended in her partner feeling suffocated and leaving, or in the worst incident, being cheated on. This would bring out her vindictive side, and she would end up surrounded by toxicity. In the end, she could only be found behind a wall of vibranium steel. No one would ever get close again, she swore. No one was going to protect her, so she'd protect herself.
Arriving at her 30's, she discovered that she'd become lost, drifting farther and farther from those dreams and goals. It was time to fix that. Big cities weren't good for her, so she did some research and found a growing small town in Maine. Buying a space in Merrock, Maine, Leyla wanted to create something untraditional, something safe. A place where friends can gather, enjoy some drinks and each other without a hangover or any regrets in the morning. Back and forth between Merrock and NYC for a few months during construction, she moved down full-time in May in time for the grand opening of her first real business: Mawk Tales, a non-alcoholic bar where all are welcome with a variety of drinks to enjoy by the beautiful Maine coast.
Finding a room available for rent, she reached to the group of three with interest in the spot available in a nice home next to the coast. Though she's here to work not make friends, she doesn't do all that well on her own.
Everyone in town is so close, so warm, but she doesn't know how to feel that anymore. Her life continues to be cold as the coming winter.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Chilltrax (June 30, 2023)
23:58 Tep No Feat. Starzun - Hold Me 23:54 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 23:54 C H I L L T R A X - Like Lobster Straight Out Of The Sink! 23:49 Valante - Eio 23:46 Cannons - Loving You 23:42 Telepopmusik, Juicy Cola - Breathe (Juicy Cola Remix) 23:37 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 23:33 Jos & Eli & Eli & Fur - Riffs Of The Night 23:33 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 23:28 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 23:23 Kraak & Smaak Feat. Izo Fitzroy - Twilight 23:19 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 23:16 Elderbrook & Tourist - Howl (Chill Mix) 23:16 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 23:12 Lipless & Blue Noir - Alone 23:09 Attlas & Jodie Knight - Used To The Silence 23:04 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 22:59 Zhu & Yuna - Sky Is Crying 22:59 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 22:56 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 22:52 Everything But The Girl - Caution To The Wind 22:48 Attom - Distant Memories 22:44 Pableno - Heights 22:40 Autograf - Sleepless In Nyc (Extended Mix) 22:40 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 22:37 Jan Blomqvist - Carry On (Earthlife Remix) 22:34 Lapsley - 32 Floors 22:30 Logic1000 - 21 22:25 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 22:21 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 22:21 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 22:18 Dye O - Simply Be Here 22:14 Drama - Don't Hold Back 22:11 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - Let's Just Have Some Fun 22:07 Flexible Fire - Costa Serena 22:03 Boehm - Who You Are 22:03 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 21:59 Avira & Nicholas Gunn - Sensing You 21:54 Two Lanes - Movement 21:50 Lp Giobbi Feat. Dj Tennis & Joseph Ashworth - All In A Dream 21:46 False Intentions - Good Liar 21:43 Melosense - Lost In Gruvv 21:43 C H I L L T R A X - Wonderful Tan! 21:39 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 21:34 Tycho Feat. Saint Sinner - Japan (Chilltrax Mix) 21:31 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 21:26 Above & Beyond & Marty Longstaff - Gratitude (Aname Pm Mix) 21:23 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 21:23 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 21:19 Jones Meadow - Paint 21:13 Maya Jane Coles Feat .chelou - Never Asked For Much 21:10 London Grammar - How Does It Feel 21:05 Il:lo - Cynnes 21:01 Heard Right Feat. Phoebe Tsen - Pulling Me Under 20:56 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 20:56 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 20:53 Vintage & Morelli - Once Upon A World 20:48 Lamorn - Olsen After Midnight 20:43 Darius Feat. Wayne Snow - Apology 20:38 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Julia Church - 9 Days 20:35 Dreem - Miles Away 20:29 Roisin Murphy - Incapable 20:29 C H I L L T R A X - Musique Nonstop 20:25 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 20:20 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Let's Get It Right 20:16 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 20:12 Emmit Fenn & Shallou - Hollow 20:11 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Bassy Dr 20:08 Xixi & Hildur Ottilia - Don't Worry 20:05 Embrz Feat. Abroad - Rise 20:00 Blank & Jones - Floatation 19:56 Blonde Maze - When You Move 19:52 Satin Jackets Feat. Mandy Jones - In This Life 19:52 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 19:48 Chris Malinchak - Control 19:43 Trilucid - Cheyenne (Extended Sunset Mix) 19:38 Classic Unknwn & Lipless - Be With You 19:34 Rocket Empire - Astoria 19:30 Kelela - Contact 19:30 C H I L L T R A X - Comes To Chill Out 19:27 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 19:23 Circle Sky - Love Hertz 19:18 Above And Beyond - Sun In Your Eyes (William Orbit Remix) 19:13 Alex Lo Faro - Move With Me 19:13 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 19:10 London Grammar - Lose Your Head 19:05 Chicane & The Mannequin - Summer In E Major 19:02 Jones Meadow - Expect 18:58 Kidnap Feat. Leo Stannard - Moments (Ben Bohmer Nils Hoffmann Remix) 18:57 C H I L L T R A X - Fresh And Fascinating 18:53 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 18:48 Sg Lewis - Lifetime 18:43 Nicolas Godin Feat. Cola Boyy - The Foundation 18:39 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 18:35 Beacon - Im U 18:35 C H I L L T R A X - Scratch Toh (Freesound) Chilltrax 18:30 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 18:27 Mango & Cloudcage - More Than This 18:23 Ran The Man - Swimmingpool 18:20 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 18:16 Elderbrook - The End 18:16 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 18:13 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 18:09 Zimmer Feat. Panama - Make It Happen 18:05 Sons Of Maria - Lake Tahoe 18:01 Woven - Brushes 17:58 Olan - Wake And Return (Little Dragon Remix) 17:58 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Rocket Empire 17:52 Rüfüs Du Sol - See You Again 17:49 Sum Wave - It Feels Like Summer 17:45 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Just Wanted To Know 17:42 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 17:38 Tycho - Into The Woods 17:38 C H I L L T R A X - See That The Humans Are Entertained 17:33 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 17:29 53 Thieves - Heights 17:26 Flexible Fire - Amatista 17:22 Drama - 3am 17:17 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Chris Howard - Thought Of You 17:17 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 17:12 Two Lanes - Ascend 17:07 Braxe Falcon - Step By Step (Amtrac Remix) 17:02 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Oceans 16:57 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 16:56 Bonobo Feat. Jordan Rakei - Shadows 12:15 Pines Feat. Fractures - Rewrite The Ending 12:11 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 12:08 Rezident - Wellenlainge 12:08 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Bassy Dr 12:03 Chicane & The Mannequin - Summer In E Major 11:58 Chris Malinchak - Saving My Love 11:55 Attom - Where Are We Going 11:53 Cannons - Hurricane 11:49 Everything But The Girl - Forever 11:49 C H I L L T R A X - Like Lobster Straight Out Of The Sink! 11:45 Shingo Nakamura - Focus 11:41 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 11:37 Fabio Vee & Mike D' Jais - Consolation 11:32 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 11:28 Sound Quelle & Tailor - Where We Should Be 11:28 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux 11:23 Alex Lo Faro - Move With Me 11:19 Ross Quinn - Away With Me 11:16 Giants' Nest - Flower Burst 11:12 Satin Jackets & Panama - Alive 11:12 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 11:07 Deep Sound Effect Feat. Svetlana Voice - Dreaming About You (Dj Aristocrat Remix) 11:03 Sons Of Maria - Lake Tahoe 10:59 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 10:55 Session Victim - The Pain 10:55 C H I L L T R A X - Listen To This! 10:51 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 10:46 Royksopp & Susanne Sundfor - Oh, Lover (Nto Remix) 10:43 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson - Riptide 10:38 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 10:33 Way Out West Feat. Liu Bei - Oceans 10:33 C H I L L T R A X - Scratch Toh (Freesound) Chilltrax 10:29 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 10:26 Beacon - Pay My Debts 10:21 Lamorn - Olsen After Midnight 10:16 Sao Miguel Feat. Sebastian Reynoso - Hope In Balance (Wisternoff-grant Remix) 10:13 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 10:13 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 10:10 Dreem - Miles Away 10:06 Shallou & Daya - Older 10:01 Braxe Falcon - Step By Step (Amtrac Remix) 09:56 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 09:52 Liz Cass - Blue 09:52 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Rocket Empire 09:47 Eli & Fur - Carbon 09:44 Flexible Fire - Costa Serena 09:40 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 09:37 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 09:33 Thievery Corporation - Guidance 09:33 C H I L L T R A X - No Sticky Fingers 09:29 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 09:24 Mazoulew Feat. Bonnie Wylde - Circles 09:21 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 09:18 Tep No & Noak Hellsing - I Won’t Need You 09:13 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 09:12 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 09:09 Attlas & Jodie Knight - Used To The Silence 09:05 Pines Feat. Water Park - Tell Me 09:00 Il:lo - Cynnes 08:57 Melosense - Can't Replace You 08:52 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 08:51 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 08:47 Forty Cats & Arentis - Zen 08:43 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 08:38 Washed Out - Eyes Be Closed 08:35 Lost In Pacific & Hanging Valleys - Escape 08:32 Dye O - Simply Be Here 08:27 Alampa - Caravan 08:26 C H I L L T R A X - Musique Nonstop 08:23 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 08:19 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Gordi - No One Else 08:16 Holen - Breathe 08:13 London Grammar - Metal & Dust 08:12 C H I L L T R A X - Industrial 08:09 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - Let's Just Have Some Fun 08:05 Tycho Feat. Rum.gold - Run Away 08:01 Jones Meadow - Shackles 07:56 Steven Weston Feat. Lapsley - Like I Used To 07:52 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 07:52 C H I L L T R A X - Well How Ya Like It? Terrific! 07:47 Bonsaye - Viaje 07:44 Cannons - Loving You 07:40 Boerd - 2far 07:36 Pableno - Heights 07:32 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 07:32 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc Chill Chill Chill Chilltrax 07:27 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 07:24 Drama - Hold On (Rezident Remix) 07:19 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 07:14 Mozez & Tim Angrave - Head Full Of Dreams 07:14 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 07:11 Alex Hook Feat. Rene - You Showed Me 07:05 Maya Jane Coles Feat .chelou - Never Asked For Much 07:01 Arto - Para Mi 06:56 Sons Of Maria - Close To Me 06:55 C H I L L T R A X - Haven't Even Rinsed! 06:51 Alex Lo Faro - Move With Me 06:46 Sound Quelle Feat. Daniel Robinson - Tempest 06:42 Tagavaka - Oxygen 06:39 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 06:34 Moon Boots Feat. Nic Hanson - Keep The Faith 06:34 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 06:30 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 06:26 Fkj Feat. Little Dragon - Can't Stop 06:22 Sum Wave - Evening Mood 06:17 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 06:13 Reel People & Muhsinah - Something New (Kraak & Smaak Remix) 06:12 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 06:09 Holen - Healing 06:05 Two Lanes Feat. Kwesi - Another Time 06:02 Xixi & Hildur Ottilia - Don't Worry 05:57 Above And Beyond - Sun In Your Eyes (William Orbit Remix) 05:54 53 Thieves - Waves 05:54 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 05:49 Alampa - Lush Dance 05:46 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 05:42 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Malou - About You 05:38 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 05:33 Chris Malinchak - Photograph 05:33 C H I L L T R A X - See That The Humans Are Entertained 05:30 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 05:26 Kaskade - Find Love 05:22 Rocket Empire - Astoria 05:16 Attlas Feat. Mango - Over The Water 05:13 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 05:13 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 05:09 Approaching Black - Sensitive 05:04 Chicane & The Mannequin - Summer In E Major 05:00 Hausman & Lumynesynth - Faded 04:56 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 04:51 Blonde Maze - Night Light (Hessian Remix) 04:48 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 04:48 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 04:44 Bonsaye - Kismet 04:41 Elderbrook & Tourist - Howl (Chill Mix) 04:38 Catz 'n Dogz Feat. Jaw - Time 04:33 Kelela - Enough For Love 04:29 Alex V - Cristal Shore 04:25 Shallou Feat.wales - Begin 04:25 C H I L L T R A X - Come Along Children - Need To Chill Out 04:20 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 04:16 Farius - A Big Life (Sound Quelle Remix) 04:13 Jones Meadow - Expect 04:08 Ferr By Ferry Corsten And Rich Walters - Limbo 04:08 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Bassy Dr 04:04 Sons Of Maria - Lake Tahoe 03:59 Eli & Fur - You And I 03:56 Flexible Fire - Costa Serena 03:53 Leisure Feat. Muroki - Summer Season 03:48 Evelynka - Letting Go 03:48 C H I L L T R A X - Bugs B Gone 03:44 Electronic Bodyguards - Stronger (Pete Herbert Remix) 03:41 Afterlife - All I Wanted 03:36 Pines Feat. Akacia - History 03:33 Melosense - Nous 03:29 Morcheeba - The Moon (Kutiman Remix - Version B) 03:29 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 03:25 False Intentions - Good Liar 03:22 Sault - Wildfires 03:18 Sum Wave - Milkyway 03:15 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 03:15 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 03:09 Pilots Of Peace - Fallin 03:04 Braxe Falcon - Step By Step (Amtrac Remix) 03:00 Il:lo - Ink 02:56 Flume Feat. Emma Louise - Hollow (Logic1000 Remix) 02:56 C H I L L T R A X - Scratch Toh (Freesound) Chilltrax 02:52 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Relapse 02:49 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 02:46 Blonde Maze - Daydream (Otherwise Fine Remix) 02:41 Lamorn - Olsen After Midnight 02:38 Passenger 10 - All I Have 02:38 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 02:34 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 02:30 Darius & Amaria - Faded 02:25 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 02:20 Odesza Feat. Olafur Arnalds - Light Of Day (Parra For Cuva Remix) 02:17 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 02:17 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 02:12 Vincenzo - You Knew 02:09 Attlas & Jodie Knight - Used To The Silence 02:04 Elderbrook & Emmit Fenn - I’ll Find My Way To You 02:00 Fakear - Crystal 01:56 Alampa - The One 01:52 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 01:52 C H I L L T R A X - The Interstellar Chillout Channel 01:47 Flexible Fire - La Cumbre 01:44 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 01:40 Parra For Cuva Feat. Kyson & Beau Diako - Ordel 01:36 Jean Vayat & Evelynka - My Soul 01:32 Dye O - Simply Be Here 01:27 Royksopp - Compulsion 01:27 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 01:23 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 01:19 Vandelux - Tulum 01:16 Tomb - Unbound 01:12 Tennyson - Iron 01:12 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Rocket Empire 01:08 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - Let's Just Have Some Fun 01:03 Sons Of Maria - Are You 01:00 Sum Wave - It Feels Like Summer 00:55 Two Lanes - Never Enough 00:51 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 00:51 C H I L L T R A X - Like Lobster Straight Out Of The Sink! 00:47 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 00:44 Drama - Dark Rain 00:39 Blank & Jones - Floatation 00:36 Satin Jackets & Panama - The Future 00:36 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 00:31 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 00:27 Circle Sky - Your Name 00:24 Rocket Empire - Lima 00:20 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 00:20 C H I L L T R A X - Industrial 00:17 Tep No - Deep Sin 00:12 Maya Jane Coles Feat. Chelou - Never Asked For Much 00:08 Flexible Fire - Costa Serena 00:03 Meeting Molly - Gerda 00:03 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 00:00 Alampa - Seesaw Season
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thebearcathideout · 1 year
The Absolutely Dumb Decision I Made When I Heard There Was Smog In NYC
Yes, below is a photo I took in Times Square. You’ll figure out how we got here in a second.
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This looks like something out of Cyberpunk 2077.
Hello everyone! My name is Evan Ke. I’m a rising sophomore at Binghamton University.
At around 2 PM on Wednesday, the smog in New York City was at its worst. The windows of my house were yellow, and you couldn’t make out anything farther than a couple feet away. The weather out there was terrifying, it would probably not repeat for another millennia. That’s when I made the spur-of-the-moment decision to go see Times Square.
My goal was simple: I would take photos of as many famous landmarks as I could before the day was over. If the weather behaved, this would be the photo shoot of my life. I packed up my backpack and left my comfortable home in northern Queens to begin my journey to Manhattan.
I’ve explored Manhattan before. During my high school years, I would go on 3-mile-long “hikes” from Downtown to Midtown Manhattan. These led me to various landmarks. Even if you live in NYC, there’s probably places I’ve seen that you’ve never been to.
My hopes were high. This is what it’s like to be one of those “tornado chasers,” I thought! Despite being an amateur photographer, I felt like a war reporter. On the bus to Flushing, the weather continued to look horrid outside. Upon hearing my plan, my mother instantly called me and begged me to return home, but I didn’t listen.
I boarded the 7 train to Times Square, where I saw other people heading in the same direction I was. Did these people also know they’re risking their lives? One of these people confirmed my suspicions: the man in front of me was testing out a professional camera. These people were daredevils, just like me! We were going into the eye of the storm.
After taking public transit for a total of one hour, I had finally arrived at Times Square, and started taking photos.
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This one eerily captures how Elmo is “looking up.” If this was a disaster film, he would be the protagonist. He must be thinking, “how did we end up here?”
I shared the photos with my family in our group chat. Soon after, my brother asked the question, “see if you can see the skyline of the Empire State building.” That’s a question I wanted the answer to as well. As I sat on public transit on my way there, I studied the photos I’d taken. The photos I took in Queens had smog that was worse and yellower than in any of my Times Square photos. This was good news for my health, but not for my photography. The weather would not behave.
I got off at the Empire State Building. When I looked up, the sun was still red from all the smog, but… the whole skyscraper was visible.
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The Empire State Building. The smog is clearing up.
This isn’t good. Despite the dramatic camera angle, these weren’t the “low-visibility” photos I imagined in my head. It was so strong in Queens, why couldn’t it happen here?
To visit the next location, I took the W train to the Flatiron Building. When I left the station, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The smog had cleared up even more! Furthermore, the Flatiron Building was still under construction, a fact I forgot about, but remembered seeing the last time I visited here nine months ago.
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The Flatiron building, under construction. The sky has BLUE in this photo.
It was 5 PM when I took this photo. Unbeknownst to me, my mom had already seen a bunch of great photos at 2 PM by people living in Manhattan, or by actual reporters. My brother was chatting with an online friend from Quebec, and my brother brought up what I was doing today. His friend responded, “tell him his safety is worth more than his scoop” — scoop as in journalism. The tides were turning, and I was going to be rocked by the Sea of Sadness.
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The arch at Washington Square Park, the next location I visited. You can see the Empire State Building behind it, shrouded in smog.
It was 5:30 when I got off the A train at Chambers Street. This was the last location I‘d be, where I hoped to be close enough to the Statue of Liberty to take a photo. However, exhausted, I sat down on a ledge and called my mom.
I told her about my ordeals. She told me what I deserved to be told: that I was dumb for risking my life, whether or not the photos paid it off. And earlier in the trip, I had filled my MetroCard with $20 extra, and I was down $10 from all the subway rides. So not only did I waste money, I also didn’t get the photos I wanted.
After I hung up, I was defeated. All of the reasons I had started this journey were nullified. “Photo shoot of my life” — what a foolish idea! My skills in navigating Manhattan had only brought me into this mess. I didn’t have the same importance of a war reporter, I was just the amateur. Even worse, though I had taken buses and subways the whole day, I truly was outdoors for most of the day and wasn’t inside. I had risked lung cancer, or days taken off the end of my life.
I trudged on towards the Hudson River coast, starting to feel the effects of a headache. At least there, I got this only good photo out of the whole ordeal.
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A red sun overlooking a hazy New Jersey skyline.
Then, I walked south along the esplanade to get closer to the Statue of Liberty. Even closer. Could I take a good photo? Only one way to find out. I took out my phone and-
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Worst photo of the Statue of Liberty ever.
There’s no words to describe how bad this photo is. This could win an award for “worst photo of the Statue of Liberty”. It would be uncontested. No matter how many submissions people attempt for years after this, it could never beat this.
I went to Shake Shack to recuperate, then headed home. Once I was back, I got a dressing-down by my mom.
Moral of the story, don’t be dumb. And listen to your parents; even when you’re a college student they’ll know something you’re bound to learn soon.
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helicopterjoe · 2 years
NYC Helicopter Ride
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If you're searching for a unique and thrilling way to explore the metropolis that never sleeps, then a helicopter journey over New York City is an absolute must-do. It's a perfect opportunity to see the iconic landmarks and stunning skyline from a whole new perspective, all while experiencing the rush of adrenaline as you fly up above the bustling streets below. Upon boarding the helicopter and lift off, you'll feel the wind rushing past you as you rise above the city. The stunning aerial views of the city's landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Central Park, and the Brooklyn Bridge will leave you in awe. You'll feel like you're in a Hollywood blockbuster as the helicopter floats effortlessly over the cityscape. But it's not just the views that make a helicopter ride in NYC such an unforgettable experience. You'll also get to feel the excitement of flying in a helicopter, something that few people have the chance to do in their lifetime. As you look down upon the city, you'll understand just how small you are in comparison to the bustling metropolis below. Of course, safety is of the utmost importance when it comes to helicopter tours. You'll be in the care of highly trained and experienced pilots who know the city and its airspace inside and out. They'll provide you with an exhilarating and unforgettable experience while ensuring your safety and comfort at all times. Whether you're a tourist visiting the city or a local looking for a new perspective, a helicopter ride in NYC is an experience you won't soon forget. It's the ultimate way to see the city's iconic landmarks, experience the excitement of flying, and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. So why not consider take your journey to the next level and reserve a helicopter ride in NYC today? It's a decision you won't regret, and one that will leave you with a lifetime of incredible memories. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your New York City experience to new heights!
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