#something something slipping into different roles and being allowed to be different people for a night
tryandwalkonwater · 2 days
Why Alex Needs To Quit The Monkeys
*let me preface this by saying this post is pure speculation read at your own discretion!
We can all agree Alex has a completely different vibe when he’s a puppet than when he’s a monkey. More carefree vs more guarded. He can be more silly and camp when he's a puppet because he doesn't have the same pressures applied to him as when he is a monkey. He met Miles a bit later in his life and Miles didn't have any of the preconceived notions about him that the band members did. His collaboration with Miles allows him to explore that side of himself that he hides from others. 
Alex’s bandmates are his oldest friends. Having known him since childhood they already have a set idea of who they think he is/who he is to them. And I think Alex does his best at filling this role for his bandmates, even if it's not accurate or authentic.  
Maybe they don’t have anything in common anymore other than the band and their childhoods. And I fear Alex will never spread his wings if he’s around this type of energy. In reality, he’s making his music with his childhood friends turned coworkers.
I think being around the same people for the majority of his life could be what has kept him stuck in the closet. Being in the same situations and around the same people can stunt personal growth. (Personal growth in Alex‘s case being accepting himself)
If Alex were a member of the rainbow community his oldest friends would obviously know. So does Matt and the others encourage him to be his true self? Or does Alex shrink himself to continue to “fit in” with his mates? Does Alex feel like he owes his friends/bandmates something since they’ve been together so long?
Does Alex feel comfortable enough around them to be open and authentic? Or have they discouraged him because it would be a bad image for the band to have a gay frontman? 
The lyrics “over there there’s friends of mine / what can I say I’ve known them for a long long time / yeah they might overstep the line / but you just cannot get angry in the same way” sounds like he’s been disrespected by friends before but he remains loyal to them because they’re familiar and he grew up with them.... 
Is that what he's doing by staying and continuing to make music with the Arctic Monkeys? 
The Mr. Schwartz lyrics also refer to this feeling of being indebted to others "Mr. Schwartz staying strong for the crew" I interpret “the crew” to mean the band. And Mr. Schwartz to be another name for Mr. Snarl, Alex’s false macho man persona. He’s "staying strong" by upholding the band image by continuing to pretend to be a heterosexual. The lyrics "if we guess who I’m pretending to be" support this interpretation as well.
When his macho mask slipped in 2016 it slipped HARD and everything he had been repressing for the past few years came up out on stage with Miles. Fruity/flamboyant Alex is the true Alex but he’s ashamed of his flamboyant self due to internalized homophobia/ external homophobia and possibly pressure from the band to present in a certain way. 
Maybe I'm being too hard on Matt and the guys and it's really the management and label who are the ones putting pressure on Alex to "be straight".
But there you have it, I am of the belief that Alex won’t be coming out of the closet because he doesn’t want to mess up his band's image. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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whollyjoly · 5 months
hi im thinking about how mulcahys first thought for hawkeye's birthday party was to do a masquerade party and what possible motivations he could have for such an event
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mochatsin · 10 months
You’re a human, a vessel of various emotions and feelings. You’re far different from the brother’s who’s more affected by their own respective sins that dominate their emotions and personality. But being the avatars of their own sins, that means they can sense it on other demons and humans. You're no exception.
this is just a silly little thing stuck in my head. so just imagine if gluttony demons can feel other people's hunger or if a wrath demon can feel other's anger. enjoy !!
As much as you try to hide it, Lucifer knows very well when he can feel the pride from you. At first it irritated him, especially when pride is imminent whenever you successfully forge a pact with his brothers. He saw that sense of pride as a threat to his loved ones when he had no clue why you needed to forge pacts. 
But when he gets to know you and your intentions better, he knows that this kind of pride comes from a good place like trying to fix his family. Afterall he can’t blame you for feeling that way when you’re able to bring the seven rulers to their knees. He’s thankful you never abused this power though or he would regret his decision of making a pact with you. 
Whenever you get a good grade in class, cast a powerful spell all on your own, or do a simple task any demon would see as small and easy, he feels how proud and happy you are when you accomplish anything that he could do with a single snap.
He has to remember that you’re a human, and doing what demons can normally do is something you’re allowed to take pride in. 
Feeling pride means he can also tell if it gets damaged. There was a time you were excited to show one of the brothers this spell you worked hard in practicing, but when Mammon said “Eh? That’s such a basic level though.” He didn’t mean to sound insensitive, but words slipped and Lucifer could tell you were hurt deeply. 
Lucifer immediately intervenes and scolds his brothers who undermine your efforts. “They’re a human who had little to no knowledge about magic until coming here to Devildom. Don’t speak to them that way or else.”
He would then turn to you with a gentle look in his eyes “MC, trust me when I say I was very impressed. I know you will become a powerful sorcerer. My brothers could use you as a role model to work harder themselves.” And you do become great with magic… really fast that it’s kind of scary.
When you show him a test you did well in, you were nervous at first since you know that Lucifer probably had perfect marks in it. Though he looks at you with a smile before congratulating you. He even offered to take you out for a treat as a reward.
He adores feeling the pride grow whenever he, the most powerful of the seven rulers, would compliment you and your hard work. He makes an effort to acknowledge you afterwards. Whether it’s pitching a good idea or doing well in a subject you struggled in. 
Absolutely loves knowing that you take pride when you see the brothers are getting along well. Lucifer knows that things have been less chaotic now that he has you by his side as war-level arguments are not as frequent these days. He knows things wouldn’t be like this without you around and he likes the influence you have on his brothers. You deserve to be proud of that.
He is the embodiment of Greed and no one can ever compare to him, not when his sin has completely taken over him and his actions as everything he wants to do involves around the concept of getting rich regardless of the method. 
He was willing to bribe, hag, and steal if it meant he got his hands on what he wanted. It’s how his Greed works and he can’t control it.
The surprise he feels whenever there’s a sudden strong aura of sin coming from you, he’s never prepared for it at all. It happened the first time when he and Asmo took you to the mall, and he felt the greed from you.
You didn’t seem like the kind of person who would want material things, but maybe it’s fair when you’re surrounded by all these new and foreign products you can’t find in the human realm. 
You were staring at this well-crafted piece of jewelry, it was unlike anything you’ve seen in the human world and it was enchanting the way it glistens. Its glitters would dance inside like a galaxy of stars encapsulated in such a beautiful glass of your favorite color. You’re drawn to it. You want it. 
Though when Mammon asks you “something caught yer eye over there?” You turn to him with a small smile before shaking your head. You know you can’t afford it yet and you try to move on to forget about it.
It astonishes him that you don’t succumb to this greed despite how strong he can feel it from you. The self-control is admirable but he knows how sometimes it can eat him up inside, he can hardly imagine how you can walk away from it. 
Mammon tries to drag you and Asmo in the store where he feels your greed is strongest. He basically uses this sixth sense of his like a detector, where he keeps an eye on you whenever that sudden desire rises up and he inspects which one it is.
You wondered where he’s been off to whenever classes end until Beel tells you that he spotted him working in Hell’s kitchen once. Maybe he was trying to pay off some debt, since you saw Levi chasing him around the house the other day. 
Much to your surprise, you find Mammon by your door with the jewelry you were admiring the other day at hand as a gift. To Mammon, the big smile on your face was worth the blackhole in his pockets. 
You asked him why he would buy you something so expensive, but most importantly how would he have known you wanted this. You never told anyone after all. Mammon starts turning red, because there’s no way he can admit that he felt your Greed. So he’ll keep that secret for himself. 
He starts taking note whenever you start feeling Greed. They don’t happen as often but when it does, he’d want to see what caught your attention. It’s through these that he learns what were the things you like. It’s an upper hand he has against his brothers to know what's the perfect gift to you, but of course most of the time he can’t afford it anyways. 
Levi’s envy is the most evident when it involves his interests. If his brothers do better in school? Sports? Style? He wouldn’t really care about such things because it’s just not his thing. But whenever there’s a new wave of Ruri-chan merchandise and he doesn’t get it first, you can expect him to be sulking and throwing a fit on the group chat. 
He’s caught off guard when you were out in the mall one day and while you were trying to buy the latest album of your favorite band, you saw that some other demon already got the last copy.
The aura of envy was gradual and faint, but when that demon who got the copy gave you a nasty look, the spike of emotions was overwhelming for the otaku. 
He knows how envy is something he can feel from other demons, he always felt that when Asmo can’t get his hands on a new beauty product, or even with Beel when any of the brothers have the last extra cookie. But this is the first time in ages that he felt it’s been that strong coming from you. 
You were the last person he expected to feel this way, especially when you turned back to him with a smile. You tell him that you’ll just get a copy when the new batch releases but he definitely knows it's not okay. You waited for this for so long after all. 
Perhaps he could get you what you wanted on Akuzon? With the help of Satan’s connections of course. Levi never wants you to sit with such an uncomfortable feeling, he knows well how it’s hard to hold envy in. You indulge in his interests, he might as well do the same for you.
When that envy is directed towards another person, whether it's a demon or anyone else, he’d try to be comforting since none of his brothers can feel what you do. Unlike demons, humans are better at suppressing these sorts of emotions. 
Some demon is taller and has a better build than you? The other has better grades or better hair? It irritates you often and Levi can feel it. But when that envy starts turning into a form of insecurity then you best bet that he’s the first one to notice and try to do something about it. 
“M-MC um… I know I don't say this a lot but, I'm glad you’re my player two. T-the… best one I could ask for and— AGH DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!!”
Giving you compliments is hard for him, and trying to not stutter with every word proved to be more difficult. But feeling the envy slowly disappear and seeing that smile on your face was worth it. He reminds himself that it’s for the sake of your self-esteem, he won’t allow you to look down on yourself!!
It took him many years and human lifespans to be able to master this kind of calm. For a demon that only knew rage, it was difficult for him to be able to control it. The amount of work it took for him to be the calm and respectable person that he is today, you can’t even imagine.
Though most of the time, that well built persona of his slips out and that monster gets unleashed. When that does happen, it’s very hard for him to control himself. Up to the point you or the brothers would have to intervene to stop him from ripping someone apart.
He’s calm, but inside he could feel the burning rage all the time. The wrath cannot compare to other demons, but there was one time that it did and it shocked him to feel such intensity radiating from someone else.
You were in the middle of doing a project that involves drawing a summoning circle for class. Satan was your partner and you were in charge of drawing the outlines for now while he studied the symbols needed for the summoning. 
It was going great until one of your classmates bumped onto your table, making your steady hand accidentally draw against the whole circle. You’re gonna have to redraw the outlines again just when you are about to finish. The demon saw the irritated look on your face and scoffed. 
“Not my fault you were in the way.” the demon would reply and leave. Satan was irritated of course, but he felt the sudden surge of rage from you. Like a match tossed onto gasoline, it burns through your soul. Though you were still calm on the outside because the last thing you need is to pick a fight.
He would pat your shoulder “MC, are you feeling… alright?” you would turn to him with such a gentle smile and say that everything is fine, but the rage was still there that your smile and words was kind of unsettling to him. 
Your wrath does not compare to him of course, but you were the last person he’d expect to feel this kind of burning fire since you’re so sweet and patient all the time. He wonders if this is why you were able to empathize with him whenever he struggles controlling his rage. Maybe you two are more alike than he realizes. So he helps you calm down and redo everything. 
A few minutes after what happened, you could see that the demon from earlier accidentally summoned a colony of fire ants instead of what was actually assigned, and he was punished by getting rid of every ant with his bare hands. No magic. 
Satan just smiles, maybe a certain someone must’ve written their symbols all wrong. He doesn’t play dirty tricks like this in class often, but he wouldn’t mind if it would help quench your wrath down. Though he reminds you to be more honest to him if you’re feeling upset about anything. 
He becomes more observant on your wrath levels, taking note of what ticks you off and when he should take you away from the situation or if he should intervene. Insensitive jokes? Bad day? Mammon stealing your things again? Satan is there to make sure you don’t tear something apart (as tempting as that image may be). 
What frustrated Asmo at first was that his charms never seemed to work on you. Regardless of his magic or dashing looks, you remain unfazed and he wonders why. Demons or humans, all would be dancing at the palm of his fingers by now!
That doesn’t mean he isn’t going to keep trying though, it just fuels his excitement when he thinks about what he can do just to see that flustered look on your face. 
Sometimes he’s in a slump when one of his advances fails again. None of his brothers offered useful advice and he’s the Avatar of Lust! He should know every play in the book because one of them is bound to work. 
One day while you and the brothers were watching a movie in the living room, he was able to sense a waft of lust in the room and his eyes frantically searched for the source. Oh to his surprise to see that it was coming from you. 
The Lust comes from attraction, and a certain scene from this movie stirred up some feelings. You’re quiet about it and focused on the film, unaware that Asmo now has his eyes on you.
He started becoming more observant to the times he feels that faint aura. When this character in the film said some sweet romantic words, or maybe even something bold and daring, Asmo would pick up on those cues. 
From then on he would mimic the moves that would make you swoon and there is a devious smirk on his face whenever they work. He knows what are the right buttons to push and he’s loving every single reaction he gets from you. 
As fun as this is, he does love how he learns more about the new things you like. He finds out what pet names you like just and which love language you prefer, all by observing how strong your aura gets. Sometimes when he just does something sweet for you, he would feel the butterflies.
Given the kind demons he’s surrounded himself with, he only found out his senses aren’t just limited to sexual desire. It counts for attraction and he feels that more often when he’s around you. It’s a new and strange sensation, but it was welcomed. 
“You look absolutely stunning today sweetheart” he would always tell you every morning to feel those butterflies again. It’s a good mood booster for the both of you. 
If you’re at that point where you’re comfortable being intimate with him, Asmo would definitely use this sense like a meter to know when’s the best time to ask for kisses and… maybe something more. 
It’s an understatement to say that Beel is just “hungry all the time.” He’s famished, with a never ending appetite and constant demand for food. 
When he goes too long without it, you can say that for a moment, he becomes Wrath. Though it doesn’t compare to Satan’s rampages, it still does quite a lot of property damage accompanied with a large bill and a 3 hour lecture from Lucifer. 
He never really pays attention when he feels the hunger from other demons whenever he would eat a meal meant for 5 people. Though he wondered why he never felt that from you when you first came down here in Devildom. 
It was only when you both visited purgatory hall did he feel the hunger from you when you saw all the baked goods Luke made for a taste testing session. It was the kind of hunger where he could say that your mouth would've been watering if you let it. 
He practices some restraint and lets you take the first few cupcakes and sugar cookies. As hungry as he was, he wanted you to enjoy it first because he knows that the moment he picks up a tray of sweets, it’s gone in a matter of seconds. 
Despite your hunger, you noticed how he’s staring at you (or the food) so intently and decided to offer him a cupcake. That made him look at you confusingly, why would you offer him the food you seem to be craving for so much?
“MC… do you not like the food in Devildom?” He asks since your Gluttony has never been this strong before “I guess it’s just that I haven't seen you enjoy food like this when we eat our dinners at the house.”
After you explained, it’s only then that he realized that because a lot of the food and ingredients were so foreign (and unsafe), it never triggered your appetite. 
He can’t really blame you when the menu consists of bat wings, bufo toads, and more creatures that would sound unappealing for a human. He never noticed the loss of appetite since he was too busy stuffing his own mouth with food. 
Beel took note whenever your hunger is satiated so he’d know what kind of food you’d want to eat. He also finds out which ones aren’t your fancy. Sweets treats? Savory things? Spicy ones? Beel will know which one you’re a glutton for. Would probably inform Lucifer to make sure some of your meals accommodate your tastes while staying here. 
Whenever he notices that you’re hungry, Beel would take you to certain restaurants (which is safe for humans) that he thinks you might like once he knows what your tastes are. He likes seeing the happy smile on your face when you eat something delicious. 
Beel tries to avoid eating the things that you like since he can really just eat anything else. You deserve to eat your comfort foods after all! But in the event that he does, accident or not, he’ll apologize to you nonstop.
You would say that he could sense any sort of laziness radiating from demons, but he’s always asleep in the attic to even notice it. He’s aware of it regardless but it’s never really useful. 
Belphie felt it the most in this house whenever he would pass by Lucifer’s office. Always radiating with fatigue it’s almost infectious, though Belphie doesn’t really care much. It’s what he gets for working with Diavolo. 
However, there was one time he went down the kitchen to get some water and found you by the living room staying up to study. The coffee that Satan made for you wasn’t really working anymore and you’re the only one left in the living room trying to study. 
He felt how sluggish and heavy your aura was as you desperately tried to stay awake. There was a test upcoming and you wanted to learn all that you could, but it’s not working anymore and Belphie knew that when he walked up to you. 
“You know you’re not gonna get anything done at this point… it’s late, come on let's go to bed” normally you would decline his offer to sleep, but since you were so tired you agreed. You both slept peacefully in your room and he could tell that you were more energized than last night. 
Belphie started taking note of the times you’re feeling a little sleepy or lazy. Most of which happens in one of the classes you’re not really interested in. If not that, then it’s the amount of work you have to do as a human exchange representative or as someone babysitting seven demons. You need a break. 
He would be the one to remind you to rest if the sluggish aura around you was getting stronger. Belphie would always be the first to know that you’re tired before you could even realize it yourself, and in the end he’s always right. 
Whenever you have chores to do but are too tired, Belphie would ask (or nag) one of the brothers to do it for you. They have a hard time saying no if Belphie says it's for your sake. Most of the time it’s true, though he would sometimes use it as an excuse to get out of his own chores too. 
He noticed that you don’t really decline when you’re tired every time he asks you to nap with him. It’s a window of opportunity and he’s going to exploit it if that means you both get to cuddle up together in the attic or in your room. It’s a win for the both of you.  
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soapoet · 1 year
W.I.T.C.H. pick-a-card reading
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Cornelia Hale; a letter from the future
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Golden dandelions by Barns Courtney
it really is the little things. you've attained peace, and the tranquility of your life speaks louder than any demons from your struggles in the past could ever shriek. you just feel so whole. your journey of healing hasn't always been the easiest, but you can proudly declare that you made it. you have found purpose in life, and the future turned out to be better and brighter after all, despite how grim it may have looked before. in your darkest hours you swear you couldn't see a way out, but here you are. still standing. you lead a good life where balance plays a big role. you dared to step outside your comfort zone long enough to catch a one way ticket to a new way of life. a lot changed, and it changed very quickly. you experienced some growing pains when adjusting to these changes, namely the role reversals. you were so used to being the strong one, always left alone to pick up the pieces, standing in front of the mirror telling yourself to pull yourself together because if you don't then it's the end of the line, and then what would it all have been for? you were so used to having to do everything yourself and so often being a sturdy shoreline for everyone else's waves to crash onto. and you loved being needed and relied upon because it taught you that you were loved and that you mattered and people would miss you if you were gone.
but then you stumbled into a wildly different timeline. you were even suspicious of it at first. thought you had lost your mind or slipped into a coma and were stuck dreaming in some la la land. because suddenly there were people who would throw themselves at your problems and insist that they help you out, provide for you, listen to you, support you, take initiative and seek you out, and honestly? you had to break a few times before you realised that love doesn't have to be earned. you can just be loved. that you don't have to spread yourself out so thinly in hopes for some crumbs of affection and care in return for your efforts.
now you're successful and content. you are at peace. you love and you are loved. you have people to lean on just as much as they lean on you. you don't need to worry about your worth, what you do or do not deserve, or whether or not people appreciate you. for the first time in forever the ground beneath your feet feels sturdy and stable and you can trust the universe to keep you safe and sound. you have achieved more personal goals than you care to count. you have everything you quietly dreamed of and barely dared to whisper about lest you'd jinx it. now you're unafraid to speak your mind and spell what's in your heart out clearly and trust that it's taken care of.
Shufflemancy: Surrender by Billy Talent
you're beautiful. that's something you can tell yourself with your whole chest now. at some point it may have felt redundant to tell yourself nice things or take ownership of your skills, but now it is genuine. you're no longer repeating meaningless words or competing with anyone, especially not yourself. you're perfect just the way you are. you always were, but you really feel like you can allow yourself the space and time to breathe. you're not following rules and measuring your success and constantly moving the goal post and cracking the whip harder. you see your own beauty and love yourself truly. you have come so far and healed such deep wounds. you had to acknowledge quite a bit of toxic behaviours and thought patterns, and those demons weren't easy to fight and overcome. but you're there now. you don't compare yourself to others and you find yourself doing things because you enjoy them. you've invited a bit of whimsy into your life, which in the past would have caused you so much distress because sudden change and unpredictability made you so anxious. relaxation and peace is no longer something you need to earn but something completely normal to do without guilt or shame or fear of bad consequences.
this genuine self love has made you feel so strong, like you could take on any challenge. but most of all it has helped you relate to other people. your standards and expectations were always so high, and you may have taken great pride in your abilities, but it wasn't until you allowed yourself to breathe and take yourself less seriously that you found yourself able to relate to and really connect with other people. you used to worry that your best wasn't good enough and even when praised you felt the need to improve to do even better, but this was alienating for people who just wanted you for who you are, not for what's on your resume. and you felt like you were always on the outside looking in, seeing other people do so many different things and succeeding in many areas of their lives, all while you felt stunted and unable to let go of control enough to let life happen to you too. but now life happens, and you don't dig your heels in, you're not afraid of the world, and you find comfort in the unknown because it's new and exciting, not scary. and your loved ones rejoice in how you've come alive. those closest to you have always seen you for who you are and have shed many tears for you in the past, hoping you could see yourself through their eyes. and now you can, and they're all smiles as they celebrate you and the life that you are living.
Shufflemancy: Just a little bit by Kids of 88
it really feels like everything happened all at once so suddenly. one minute you're worrying about the future, grinding away at your goals, kissing frogs and getting stuck in the mud. faced with delays, constant upheaval, drama, burning bridges, rebuilding and trying again and again to throw yourself at doors that just would never open. and then another one opened, and though you were hesitant at first, going down that path turned into a whirlwind of sudden changes that rearranged everything in ways you would've never thought of before. and after all the struggling and crawling on your hands and knees half the time to get where you wanted to go, it was smooth sailing. and you swear time started to move faster. it's like you blinked and your professional endeavours blew up and you had to learn how to juggle to stay on top of things. and at the same time you got pulled in so many different directions, all of them so appealing to you. perhaps you felt like you had been manifesting a hundred different things and they all came knocking at your door on the same day.
but boy was it worth it! you feel so powerful now. independent and unshakeable. staying on top of things comes easy and you've mastered the art of multitasking. you have more time to spare and can frequently sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour. you're pampered and adored, have an attentive and caring partner who is your biggest supporter and puts all the frogs of the past to shame. they adore you, and show their devotion to you in many ways consistently. the spark is still there and is kept alive with continuous effort from both of you. sometimes you fight but you never need to worry that it's the final straw, because the care and genuine concern for each other's well being runs deep and this one is truly a lifelong commitment. you both rest easy knowing that it's in sickness and in health and you truly meant it.
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Catch Me If You Can 3/3
Mob!Bucky x Single mom Police officer reader
I really like this AU so while this is the final part, BUT I will write stuff for these two here and there (like the proposal and so much more I have in my head for them) 
Part 1
Part 2
Your heart stopped as you stood near the door, hearing the conversation between your son and Bucky. The rest of what they were saying was drowned out with a dull buzz filling your ears, all your emotions coursing through your body all at once. 
A word Jordan had resented all is life, only associating the term with a man who wanted nothing to do with him. Dad meant loneliness, fear, abandonment, abuse. 
Dad was something he never had an interest in. 
No one you had ever dated in the past was worthy of being in Jordan’s life, something you put first whenever you went out. Not one person had made it even close to meeting him let alone standing in as a father figure to him. You soon accepted that your life would be just you and him until he grew up and had his own family as well.
But now?
And Bucky, of all people. 
You didn’t even realize tears were streaming down your face until you felt a drop slip onto your collarbone, quickly slapping your hand over your mouth and rushing to your bedroom, shutting the door. You buried your face in your hands, your heart twisting at the thought of how safe your son must have felt around Bucky. How he loved spending time with the mob boss, never wanting to leave, feeling like he was at home more and more each day. 
He wasn’t the only one. 
It wasn’t shock that Bucky felt. 
It was pain.
Pain that he saw Jordan as his own but couldn’t take on that role. 
Pain where whenever he spent time with either of you, he’d never want it to end, finding any excuse under the sun to get you to stay. 
But how could he feel all that when you were both from two different worlds, one where the two couldn’t mix. 
If only. 
“I think you should ask mama bear how she’d feel about that” Bucky softly ruffled his hair while Jordan made a thinking face before nodding to himself. He was well aware that uncle Bucky wasn’t exactly in the all clear but he wasn’t blind either. You definitely used less no-no words when talking about Bucky. You’d mumble something occasionally, but he caught the little smile that graced your lips, often rolling his eyes when you’d try to wipe it off immediately after. 
“I don’t think she wants to arrest you anymore but I can’t make any promises. Mommy takes her job very seriously” Jordan downed the rest of his juice while Bucky chuckled, nodding his head. 
“Mama is very good at her job, she puts away the bad guys”
“But you’re a good guy” Jordan shrugged, continuing to work on his homework, hoping to revisit the topic later. 
As soon as Jordan was ready for bed and tucked in, you went down to the kitchen for a late night snack, book in hand with your silk robe tied around your body. You figured everyone had gone to sleep, allowing yourself to lounge in something that made you feel good, the outfit on the racier side. You set your mug down on the marble counter top, popping a strawberry into your mouth and opening your book, too engrossed in the story to hear the footsteps that padded down the hall. 
Bucky blinked as soon as he walked in the kitchen, stopping dead in his tracks when his eyes fell on you. Wrapped in silk. Your lips stained with sweet berry juice. Your plush thighs on full display. In his kitchen. Where he could bend you over the counter-
He mentally flicked himself in the ear, letting out a cough to announce his presence, hoping some blood would flowback to his brain before you shot his dick off. Your eyes flicked up, your heart jolting at the sight of a very shirtless Bucky, his t-shirt slung over his shoulder, joggers riding low on his hips. Sweat glistened off his tan skin, the veins on his forearms prominent from the workout he just had. 
“Thought everyone was asleep” You wrapped your roble a little tighter around yourself, ignoring the butterflies that rabidly bounced around your stomach, willing your eyes to look away from the dark trail of hair on his stomach that lead right down to his-
“Couldn’t sleep” Bucky broke you out of your filthy train of thoughts as he walked to the fridge, grabbing a water bottle and debating on dumping it on his head to calm himself down. “I had an interesting conversation with the little one” He murmured, taking a swing from the water bottle, struggling to take his eyes off the way you fit so perfectly in his home, so pretty in silk, the type of thing he’d want to come home to everyday-
“I heard” You nodded, taking a long sip of tea, trying to calm your racing heart.  Everything about him was perfect, except for the fact that his entire being was dedicated to a life of crime. While Jordan didn’t tell you about his request to call Bucky something different, he did talk your ear off about uncle Steve and Bucky’s motor bike collection. “Didn’t realize you’d all be so good with kids”
Bucky chuckled, equally surprised with himself over how easy it was for him to move with Jordan. It came naturally. He’d thought about having a family before but this was the first time he saw himself as a father-
You’re not his dad. 
“Again, I’m part of the mob sweets, not a monster. Family comes first” 
You hummed, before continuing, “So how did that conversation go?” 
“Asked him what his pretty mama would think” Bucky tossed you a charming smirk which you rolled your eyes to, biting down hard on your lip to keep from smiling. 
“In those exact words Barnes?” 
“It’s definitely what I was thinking” Bucky shrugged while you took another swing of tea to stifle a giggle. Neither of you said anything else, quietly continuing what you were doing unable to look each other in the eye. Jordan sat at the top of the stairs, smacking his forehead before trudging back to bed. Clearly he wasn’t the only one who adored his mommy. 
Something about that night had changed things. You still maintained that the nature of your relationship was strictly because of Jordan's safety and nothing else. You’d even once jokingly cuffed Bucky, much to his surprise, his eyes growing wide when he found himself pinned against the wall, caught off guard with how swiftly you were able to hold him down. 
He felt goosebumps erupt over his skin when you teasingly whispered his rights before uncuffing him and twirling the metal in your hands. Jordan found it hilarious, while Bucky was left a babbling mess, insisting he let you arrest him and that you’d never actually be able to disarm him so easily if he fought back. 
In fact, he even insisted you try again.
And again.
And again.
Steve once had to slowly pull Jordan away, distracting him with another kinder egg, worrying your latest arrest would turn into something else, watching Bucky’s pupils dilate with the clink of the cuffs wrapping around his wrist. He also noticed the way you smirked, your hands lingering on him for longer than necessary for a lawful arrest. 
“You like my mom” 
Bucky’s eyes shot up, staring at the little thing that was sprawled out on the office floor, putting together Lego’s, the mop of dark hair popping up and staring directly at him. 
“You like mommy, your face does that pink thing whenever your near her, even when she tries to put you in jail. Have you no shame” 
Steve cackled from the corner, while Bucky stood like a fish gaping out of water, his cheeks blushing heavily again. 
“You’re doing it right now” Jordan narrowed his eyes while Bucky helplessly tried to make his face less pink, the color only getting worse. “You like her” 
Well, the little devil spawn wasn’t wrong, there was no doubt Bucky was harboring a school boy crush on you, growing worse each day.
“And she likes you” Jordan stated, “so what are you going to do about it” He set down the Lego pieces and crossed his arms over his chest, making it clear he wasn’t going to let Bucky weasel his way out of this. Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, realizing he hadn’t been as subtle as he thought while your son continued to stare at him. 
“J, it’s complicated, it’s hard for your to understand- your mom- and me- she-”
“I’m sure it takes a real Sherlock to understand why mommy doesn’t want to date her sworn enemy” Jordan dead panned, giving Bucky another pointed look, not needing anyone to break down for him why there was so much unspoken tension between you two. 
His mom was a police officer.
She followed the rules.
She respected the law.
Bucky didn’t follow the rules. 
The law meant nothing to him. 
You weren’t exactly a match made in heaven.
But Jordan wasn’t blind to the way you also got giggly around Bucky no matter how hard you tried not to. It wasn’t often he saw his mama looked so happy and relaxed. If his favorite new uncle made you swoon, who was he to stand in the way of true love and getting a new daddy. 
“You like her. She likes you. Right?” 
“Okay so it’s not complicated” Bucky huffed while Jordan nodded, expecting uncle Bucky to walk over to you right that instant and profess his feelings out in the open. “But I don’t think I fit into her life like that though kid” He tried but Jordan wasn’t having any of it. 
“Ugh, but she has no life!" Jordan rolled his eyes while Steve wheezed, watching Bucky single handedly get taken down by someone that was a quarter of his size. “All she used to do is work and help me with homework and complain about you” He got up from his place on the floor and sat in the office chair opposite to Bucky. “And she still complains about you but now she giggles in between and she doesn’t call you that word that rhymes with mother tucker”  
“What does she call me now” Bucky’s curiosity piqued while Jordan scrunched his nose. 
“Welllll, why don’t’cha get yourself arrested again and see what she says” He kicked his feet innocently, looking at the mob boss in the eye, “Uncle Steve, he’s blushing again” Jordan shot out an accusatory finger while Steve howled, giving your son a high five. 
“That’s my little man, you tell him” 
“I’m trying to but he’s still sitting here drinking expensive spicy apple juice” 
“You know too much for your age” Bucky rubbed his temples, torn between what his next steps would be and actually considering Jordan’s advice to have you cuff him. 
What he wouldn’t do to have your hands on-
“You don’t know enough” Jordan countered, plucking the juice box he left on the table, taking a long sip, happy to have his uncle Steve as an ally. 
All it took was a threatening phone call from your ex’s sister for Bucky to get you to stay even longer on his insistence. He didn’t care that she lived in an entirely different continent or that she was a delusional loon; he’d use any excuse possible to keep you near by. 
“James, she lives in another country-
“Doesn’t matter”
“I’ve already stayed a month!”
“Stay another”
You didn’t like that your feelings were getting harder and harder to contain, your moral compass going haywire, trying to figure out what to do. Seeing Bucky with Jordan pained you the most. Your baby boys eyes would light up as soon as he’d hear the mob boss walk through the door, your heart swelling each time you saw Bucky parading around the house, carrying him on his shoulders. Steve, Sam and Peter didn’t help either, the three of them taking care of Jordan just as much as you did when they weren’t off on illegal shady antics, their line of work as wholesome and innocent as your son when he claimed he only had one kinder egg.
Bald faced liars, all of them. 
You felt loved, safe and alone at the same time, conflicted over which direction to follow, your heart screaming to just look the other way at the wrong things he did. But that wasn’t the job. That wasn’t what you stood for. You took an oath to protect innocent lives and accepting full on gang activity didn’t align with that. 
Did it? 
Though Jordan wasn’t having any of it either, noticing more and more tension building between the both of you, more longing glances and lingering touches each time you were near one another. 
If neither of you were going to do anything about it, he’d have to take matters into his own little hands. 
Like tonight. 
You found it strange that Jordan had insisted on only going out with Steve, Sam and Peter, your little one usually following Bucky around the most. He insisted he was perfectly fine with only going with these three, also throwing in that uncle Bucky was very very busy with lots of meetings, therefore couldn't join them for the movie they were going to see. You were hesitant at first but he gave you little room for argument. 
“Jordan, the screen here is literally bigger than the movie theater anyway-
“But moooommy, pleeaaseeee?” He gave you his best puppy eyes and pout, something he seemed to perfect from his latest idol, jumping on you when you finally agreed, though not trusting why Sam, Steve and Peter looked equally giggly and guilty. They left for the day, giving you a night to relax in the quiet mansion. 
You decided to pamper yourself, taking advantage of the large tub in the guest bathroom, filling it up with essential oils and bath salts, letting out a content sigh feeling the hot water ease your muscles. You stayed there till the water felt cold, rinsing off and toweling off. You moisturized and slipped on one of your nicer silk robes, figuring you could wear your pj’s later when you actually went to bed.
Not like anyone was home now anyway. 
You went down to the kitchen to grab some tea before heading back to your room, curious to find the office door cracked open; typically closed when Bucky was working. 
Was he working? 
“I see you’re busy” You poked your head into Bucky’s dimly lit office to find him lounging with a book, sipping on dark amber liquid, wearing a soft tshirt and joggers, clearly the opposite of busy with lots and lots of meetings. 
You’d have a word with your little one later. 
“Where did everyone go” Bucky cocked an eyebrow at the surprisingly silent house, mentally holding himself back as you stepped into his office in your robe again, desperately wanting to pounce on you. his eyes lingered on you, swallowing thickly noting he couldn’t see your sleep shorts from under the robe, were you wearing nothing underneath- 
“My baby was an angel before he met you” You shook your head at your sons sneaky work of finding a way to get you and Bucky together alone. “He said you were busy today and then took off with your henchmen, they’ve been out for hours” 
“Smart kid” Bucky snorted, secretly proud of the little mob boss in the making, though you’d probably serve his head on a platter if you heard his thoughts. “Want a drink?” He held up his glass, getting up to grab you one as well, dropping a few ice cubes in the crystal. 
You bit your lip as you approached him, hoping he wouldn’t be able to tell you felt like you had been doused in lava, your heart beating a mile a minute with the thick tension that hung in the air. A drink meant nothing; he offered it to you because he was polite. You’d have your drink and then your ass right back to your room because if you waited there a second longer, with him in those fitting sweats- 
“You look very busy yourself, officer” Bucky cocked an eyebrow, nodding at your clothing, or lack thereof, shamelessly letting his eyes wander up and down your body while he handed you the glass, clinking it with yours before taking a long drag. 
“Hmm, took advantage of the peace and quiet and clawfoot tub” You licked the drop of whiskey that clung to your lips, letting the burn distract your brain yelling at you to run while your heart wrapped bricks around your ankles, keeping you in place. “It was nice. I’ll miss it when we go back home” 
You threw the last bit out there as a reminder for yourself; none of this was forever. All good things would have to come to and end at some point. Bucky felt his stomach drop at the thought; each day he’d find any excuse he could to have you stay just one extra day.
Just one extra day to bicker with you.
One extra day to spend with the little one.
One extra day to get on your nerves.
One extra day to spend with the family he’d always thought he’d have one day. 
“You don’t have to go any time soon” Bucky whispered, unsure if he wanted you to hear those words, taking a step closer to you, “Stay...a little longer?” 
“You say that a lot, I might just end up staying forever” You let out a breathless laugh, feeling the warmth of the alcohol relax your muscles, giving into the pull you felt towards him. 
“Would that be so bad?” He smirked but the inside of him was on his knees, begging for a chance, just one. 
“It-it would-” you couldn’t find the words, stumbling over them, getting lost in the baby blues gazing down at you, his eyes darting between yours and your lips. You didn’t realize you were leaning in, your body following what it needed, morals and ethics be damned. 
“I know its not just me” Bucky whispered, hesitantly putting his hand on your waist to pull you closer, wanting to feel your soft lips on his, hug you and cuddle you, make you his. He didn’t want just one night, he wanted this for life. “Tell me you feel the same way” 
You felt your throat tighten, your body tensing in his hold as he rested his forehead against yours, your nose bumping against his. He held you even closer to him, your hands gripping onto his shirt feeling his warm breath gently fan onto your face, his lips just brushing against yours, just as soft as you’d imagined they’d be. You nearly gave into him, pulling away at the last second, tears rolling down your cheeks.  
“What’s wrong, doll”
“We can’t-” You shook, hanging your head, overwhelmed over what all of this entailed, what this would mean to you, what you would do if this didn’t work, your baby boy came first- 
“We can” Bucky cupped your cheeks, breaking you away from your spiral, swiping away the tears that fell, “We can baby, I promise we can” 
“How- how do we make this work James, we come from two different worlds” You tried to reason with him but again this was more to yourself; how could you drop your entire life for this, risk everything for something so uncertain even though your heart yearned for it. 
“Princess, I will show you everything, every damn thing under my name, I know it’s not perfect, but just let me show you. All of it. No secrets from you, not one. I promise, I won’t hurt you, not your baby, I care about you. I care about you both” 
“Just give me a chance”  His grip around your waist tightened, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close, bringing one hand to cradle your face, tilting it to look up at him. “C’mon sweets, you’ve been chasing after me for ages” He smirked against your lips, kissing them softly. “Now you got me” 
“Then we take things slow” You stated firmly, pressing your finger into his chest, “and no funny business Barnes” You swatted his hand away when he trailed them to the hem of your robe, brushing your bare thigh making goosebumps erupt all over your skin. He chuckled at the pointed look you gave him, trying and failing at hiding how turned on you were. “And Jordan can’t know yet” His face softened, nodding in agreement, understanding where you were coming from.  
“Just me and you” He kissed you again, gentle and sweet, a promise of taking things your way, baring his heart and soul to you in any way you asked. It didn’t matter how badly he wanted to claim you in every way, make you his at the alter if you let him, be a daddy to your baby boy. He’d wait as long as you needed. 
“Just me and you”  
Steve and Sam had easily put two and two together as soon as they got back home, noting their boss was smiling like an idiot to himself most of the time, a stark contrast from his signature grumpy scowl. They never said anything, but they did pride themselves as being part o the reason this happened; after all they were the ones who conspired with your little one to get you two alone. 
If Bucky was sweet before, he was tooth rottingly adorable now but only when it was just the two of you. You didn’t dare breathe a word to Jordan, not wanting to give him false hope if things didn’t work out. Truthful to his word, he came clean about everything. With each of his confessions, the world turned into different shades of grey instead of black and white. 
Nothing he did was legal. 
Nor was it hurting those who were innocent.
Your dead beat of an ex had a clean criminal record and was a standup citizen until it came to being a father and decent human being. Your son hardly thought twice about him. Bucky had killed more people than fingers on your hands but Jordan adored him. 
When it was just the two of you, Bucky turned into a teddy bear, constantly kissing and hugging you, romantic as ever when he got the chance. He’d send the cooks away so he could make dinner, run you a bath when you had a long day, massage your feet while you sat on his desk in his office. He’d be on calls, the phone resting between his shoulder and ear while his calloused fingers would work at your toes, gently rubbing and pressing the aches out, before massaging up your calves. As soon as you heard the patter of little feet down the hall, you’d hop off and slink away, hiding the smile on your face when your son would take your place instead, plopping himself in Bucky’s office noting he was blushing again for some reason. 
You still hadn’t been intimate with him yet. As much as he wanted you, Bucky didn’t let you feel an ounce of pressure, no matter how badly he wanted to love on you completely and show you exactly how much he adored you in the closest way possible. He relished in every second he got to spend with you, especially the select nights he got alone with you. 
Like tonight. 
“Promise you’ll try and be nice to Uncle Bucky?” Jordan cocked his head with hopeful eyes, still hoping his ship would sail of getting you both together. Thus far, nothing seemed to have changed and his hopes were starting to drop. “Please?”
“I’ll try” you giggled, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before he slipped into the dark SUV with Bucky’s side pieces in tow, Sam, Steve and Peter all grinning widely for a boys trip over the weekend. “No promises though baby” 
“Yeah officer, play nice with our boss” Steve winked while Sam cackled, closing the door and revving off, leaving the large mansion absolutely empty. The cleaning staff, gardeners s and cooks had been given the weekend off along with a generous bonus to keep them away for a few days. You slipped into one of Bucky’s t-shirts which hung loosely on you, not bothering to wear anything else underneath. You inhaled the soft scent of the fabric, his cologne and something distinctly him lingering on the fabric making you feel warm and fuzzy. The sound of keys hitting the keyboard carried through the hall; Bucky typing away at his computer but you couldn’t help wanting to be wrapped up in his arms, quietly peeking into his office and padding over to him. 
“My pretty girl” He cooed, scooping you in his arms while you curled up on his lap, playing with his chains as he continued to work. “You miss me, baby?” 
“You wish” You bit your lip, playfully rolling your eyes, knowing damn well you had missed him like crazy after he holed himself up with work business. “Don’t flatter yourself” 
“You’re the one slinking around me, kitten” Bucky tilted your chin up pecking a tiny kiss on your nose, making you giggle. “C’mon, I wanna cuddle with my girl” He murmured in your ear making you shiver. He held you to his chest as he picked you up and carried you over to his room, setting you down on his bed before walking over to the closet and slipping on some sweats. He didn’t bother with a shirt, striding with his grey joggers riding low around his waist, giving you a pretty view of his Adonis belt, pointing straight to his-
“Angel” He crawled on top of you, humming at the feeling of your soft body under his, peppering kisses from your neck to your jaw, eventually pressing them against your lips. The kiss started soft and slowly, gradually getting more heated when you grazed his scalp with your nails, gasping at the feeling of his erection pressing against your clothed core. You instinctively moved your thighs further apart, granting him more access to rut against you, panting each time he groaned, his tongue slipping into your mouth. 
He didn’t pull away until he needed air, his warm breath fanning against your face, hearts beating erratically. This had been the closest you’d ever been with each other, your thighs gently squeezing around his waist, making him thrust against you, drawing a out a moan. Bucky lost himself for a moment, gently caressing his thumb on your cheek, the other hand cradling your head, his large frame keeping you safely tucked underneath him, hidden from the rest of the world.
Exactly what he wanted.
Safe in his arms. 
“Do you want this?” Bucky stopped what he was doing to check on you, his hand still softly stroking your skin. “We can stop, we don’t have to do this tonight-
“Don’t stop” you whispered, pulling him back, your arms clinging around his shoulders, eyes pleading for him to do something.
“I’ve wanted this for so long baby” He sat back on his heels, toying with the hem of your tshirt, his thick cock straining against painfully against his sweats. “Can I?” He waited for your permission before carefully removing your top off and ridding himself of his sweats and boxers, desperately just wanting to feel your bare skin against his. You felt too needy, too desperate for him, whining when he pulled away to settled between your legs, pressing a delicate kiss to your inner thigh. 
“Just want you James, please?” You pouted, feeling empty when his leaky cock was right there, though his sinful mouth was tempting. 
“Just one taste, angel?” He begged, inching down to your soaked pussy, spreading your folds apart before sealing his lips around your swollen clit, his eyes rolling back at the way your legs suffocated him. 
“J-James” You moaned out, your hand going down to tug at his roots, grinding your pussy on his face, his groans adding vibrations to your sensitive nub. He felt greedy, burying his tongue deep in your cunt, lapping and drinking every drop your body was willing to give, his arms coming up to hold your legs apart, his head shaking side to side. He sucked and licked until you were a babbling mess, clawing at his shoulders to pull him back on top of you, bucking your hips up against his thick hard length. 
“What do you need, pretty baby” Bucky cooed, soothing your whimpers with his cock rubbing through your folds, hushing you gently. 
“Want you James, please?” 
“I got you sweets, don’t worry, you ready?” He kept his eyes locked with yours, holding still until you nodded, the blunt tip of his cock pushing into your pulsating entrance. 
“Oh fuck-” You cried at the way his girth started to fill you, your pussy tightly hugging his cock, a gentle delicious burn radiating through your lower half, stretching open for him. “Baby-”
“Shhhh” Bucky continued to slowly inch inside you, pressing soft kisses along your neck, his body weight resting on top of you, “It’s just me sweets, just your Bucky” 
“Fuck, Bucky” Your nails dug into his shoulders, nearly breaking the skin, hissing at the way you could almost feel him in your belly.  
“Breathe, Its just you and me baby, just you and me, yeah?” He kissed your temple, feeling just as desperate and needy as you, his cock throbbing at the way it felt to hold you, kiss you, feel all of you, be inside you. 
“Just-just you and me” You whispered, clinging onto his body as he continued to press into you, groaning at the way your pussy fluttered around him, pulling him deeper. 
“Thats my good girl” His large hand held your thigh up higher on his waist, fully sheathing himself inside you. Bucky panted against your neck in an attempt to calm himself down, feeing his balls already pulling towards his body, his cock thumping, ready to blow. He started with slow languid thrusts, savoring the pretty moans you made for him, your softness connected to him. 
“Such a pretty mama” His lips brushed against yours, loving the soft touch of your skin, his hands feeling every inch of your body. He sat back on his heels, keeping his cock deep inside you, groaning at the sight of your body on full display just for him, your lip caught between your teeth, feeling hot under his intense gaze. 
“Fuck- Fuck right there baby, please, right there!” You sobbed in pleasure as Bucky moved your thighs up, practically folding you in half, hitting an even deeper angle, rubbing perfectly at your gspopt. “Don’t-don’t stop-” 
“I won’t stop, mama” He traced the delicate lines of stretch marks that were scattered across your lower belly and thighs, evidence of the sweet baby boy your body had given you, the boy he also now grew to love. “Wanted to make love to you for so long baby. wanted you to feel how much I care about you, make you feel so good” Bucky’s emotions were all over the place, feeling pleasure and love for you at an all time high. 
His eyes were locked at there the two of you connected, snapping his hips forward, watching your tummy bulge with each thrust, cream covering the trimmed curls at his base. Your broken moans spurred him off, collapsing on top of you with your legs slung over his shoulders, his cock impossibly deep. His hands snaked up to pin your arms above your head, your fingers intertwined with his, keeping you completely surrendered to him. 
“I love you” He whispered, voice thick with emotion, foreheads pressed together, not a single part of your body not touching his. “and everything you brought into this world” 
“I-I love you” You half sobbed and stuttered out, eyes rolling back feeling him work his hips faster, pushing you against the pillows and pounding you into the mattress. “FUCK-JAMIE-THERE-R-RIGHT-TH-THERE”
“S’that your spot babygirl? Right there, huh angel, god you make me wanna blow, you sound so pretty with my cock in you” Bucky groaned, no longer able to hold back, moaning along with you, the sound of skin slapping on skin growing faster and louder. “Fuck-cum baby, cum on this dick, cum on my dick, s’all yours angel, give me that cream” 
“YES-YES-OH-Jamiee!” Your back bowed, legs shaking and trembling as your orgasm started to pulse, waves of please growing more and more intense as he fucked you through your high. Your greedy pussy sucked him in deeper, pulling him closer and closer. 
“Yeah, m’your Jamie baby” Bucky let out a soft chuckle at the new name you’d given him, one only you’d ever be able to use. It got him off more, his pace losing rhythm, his own climax just at the edge. “Just your Jamie angel, only for you, fuck baby, m’gonna cum for you, all this is for you” He tucked his face into the crook of your neck, moaning loudly and nipping against your skin as he started to pump you full of his cum, giving you sloppy thrusts, making sure you were filled with every drop. 
You cooed and rubbed his body while he panted, his cock slowly beginning to soften, tucking himself further into your hold. You smiled at how soft and loving he was in that moment, pressing a delicate kiss to his forehead, his blue eyes peering up at you at the feeling of your lips. 
“Look at my pretty girl being all sweet on me” He grinned, yelping at the pinch you gave to his side. 
“Don’t make me cuff you, Barnes” You huffed while pink dusted his cheeks at the thought, his mind now going other places. 
“Threatening me with a good time, sweetheart?” He smirked, wrapping his arms around you and rolling over, pinning you back against the mattress again, this time his hands locking around your wrists. “S’that what you want pretty girl? To have my in cuffs? Do everything you ask? Be a good girl for me and I’ll let you have your way with me one day officer” 
“Be a good girl for you?” You smirked, wrapping your legs around his waist, bucking your hips up against his sensitive cock, making him hiss, nipping your bottom lip between his teeth, making you whimper. 
“Careful babygirl, don’t forget who you’re in bed with” His lips continued to brush against you, grazing your skin down to your collar bone. “Let me remind you, sweets” 
As soon as the boys were back, Jordan ran full speed to you, jumping in your arms first, talking your ear off about all the ridiculous antics he had done with Steve, Sam and Peter. You huffed, playfully rolling your eyes while keeping him on your hip, before setting him down on his feet and instructing him to wash up so he could tell you everything properly over dinner. Jordan clung onto you for just a second longer, he could’ve sworn there was a faint scent of cologne that clung onto you, one just like- 
While you were entranced with your little one, Bucky was entranced with you. Effortlessly swaying with your baby who was clearly not exactly a tiny baby anymore, the scrunch on of your nose when you smiled around him, the way your eyes sparkled. Jordan ran up two steps at a time to shower as fast as humanly possible while Bucky snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He pulled you to his chest, his sneaky hands pawing at your hips, slipping up your shirt. 
“You’re such a milf” Bucky smirked while you gasped, smacking his chest, eyes darting around the room to see if anyone heard. 
“Bucky” You hissed, squeaking, your face growing hot when he hugged you tighter, burying his face into your hair. 
“It’s true though princess, God damn” He kissed up the side of your neck, “Such a pretty mama, can’t help it” 
“Yeah, well your little side kick is going to want to tell you all about the weekend” You giggled, wiggling out of his hold and walking off to the kitchen to get dinner started while Bucky hummed, making his way to the office. Jordan scrubbed himself down within seconds before rushing back down to tell you everything, eyeing you curiously while you set his plate in front of him. 
“Isn’t that Uncle Bucky’s shirt?” He pipped up, with owlish eyes, waiting for your asnwer.
“Oh-so it is” You looked down at the black tshirt you were wearing, one that went to the middle of your thighs. “Uh-Must’ve gotten mixed up in the laundry” You shrugged, hoping he wouldn’t ask anything else.
As if you’d ever get so lucky. 
“But it’s so big on you-”
“Tell me about your weekend baby” You cut him off while Jordan narrowed his eyes at you accusingly, deciding he’d have better luck elsewhere instead of prying with you. He gave you his best summarized version before running back upstairs and taking his designated spot beside Bucky (going to the fridge first to grab himself some juice). 
“Mommy was wearing your shirt” He stated, inching closer to Bucky, noting the way the Mob bosses’ eyes grew wide, his cheeks blushing deeply, crawling down his neck and up to his ears. 
Not once had Jordan ever see Bucky get flustered except when it involved you, his hopes growing high again, also why did Bucky smell like your shampoo-
“Maybe-maybe it got switched in the laundry?” 
“You never do laundry, the cleaners do”
“They were away this weekend, J”
“So it was just you and mommy” 
“Whatcha do”
“What did mommy do”
“The whole weekend?”
“You smell like her”
*Blushing intensifies* 
*Little shy smile creeps on Bucky’s face* 
“Did you finally tell mommy you like her?  Oh God, you’re pink again” Jordan sat right up, eyes wide with anticipation while Bucky bit his lip before answering. 
“I did”
“Can I call you dad, now?” Jordan’s voice was a whisper again, the confidence he had all this time turning into nervousness, playing with his fingers, avoiding Bucky’s eyes. Bucky felt his heart melt, pulling him onto his lap, pressing a gentle kiss to his head, the little one curling himself up slightly, still looking at his hands. Bucky felt warmth all over, thinking back to a conversation he had with you a little while ago, just before Jordan had came home, one that would stick with him for the rest of his life. 
“Are you sure this is what you want” You asked hesitantly, toying with the hem of your pj’s while Bucky tilted your face up to look at him, hearing the anxiety in your voice.
“What do you mean?”  “It’s not just me Bucky, it’s both of us” You whispered, wondering if Bucky fully understood what he was signing up for. “I-I don’t want you to ever feel like-like he isn’t yours. I know he’s not and I know you care about him but I’m scared you’ll want us now and then later you won’t-” Bucky softly pressed his finger to your lips, silencing you, not willing to hear another word. 
“Where is this coming from” He held you closer while you nervously chewed your lip. 
“I’m a single mom. My job isn’t the most attractive. I’m not the first person people line up to date. I didn’t do any of this for so long because I’m terrified anyone that comes into my life will leave and I can’t do that to Jordan-”
“That’s my baby now too” His hands held your cheeks firmly, each of his words coming straight from his soul. “I want to be there for him sweetheart, if you’d let me. If you ever want me out, I won’t .Just say the word, I’m here”
“It’ll be a lot Bucky”
“What haven’t I seen yet, baby” Bucky shrugged while you began to list reasons.  “Sometimes he’s moody”
“So is his mommy-OW”
“Sometimes he can have a temper-Don’t you dare say it”
“Occasional picky eater”
“He’s still learning how to multiply” 
“He’ll be a teenager in a few years”
“He’ll want to drive the SUV”
“He’ll want to try the spicy apply juice” 
“He thinks your a hero” 
“You’ll be there?”
“I’ll be there” 
“S’that what you want?” Bucky decided to ask Jordan one more time, giving your baby the choice to take it back if it wasn’t something he was sure about but your son eagerly nodded, his face splitting into a grin. He leapt off the sofa sprinting off down the hall, his voice echoing through the mansion. 
“You went from trying to stick him in prison to life to being stuck with him for life, how the turn tables” 
You groaned, doing a terrible job and hiding the smile that crept on your face, your partner waving to the black SUV that was parked outside, waiting for you while you packed your things for the end of the day. 
“Just to be clear, we’re no longer trying to arrest him right? You looooove him” You threw a pad of sticky notes at your partners head while she cackled, green eyes twinkling. 
“Shut up, Romanoff” 
“Set me up with his cute best friend, that blonde cutie sitting in the front seat” She cocked an eyebrow while you snorted, nodding to your boss as he walked by your desk. 
“Took you long enough” Your boss playfully rolled his eyes, sending you a wink before making his way to his office.  You smiled at the pretty blue eyes that watched you as you walked over, holding the door open and closing it for you, lips all over your face as soon as the locks clicked shut. 
“Have a good day at work, officer?” He chuckled, pulling you to his lap, nuzzling into you while you sighed contently, tossing your gun and badge aside, melting into Bucky’s arms. You giggled at the glitter that was dusted into his hair after he spent the previous night helping Jordan with a school project, ruffling your hands through his soft locks, pulling him down for a long kiss. “Let’s go home”  
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyess @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @happyt0exist @emmabarnes @bethyruth @matchat3a @cjand10 @getwellsoontana @cherryschaos @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @ashenc-blog @buckybarnessimpp @potatothots @goldylions @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog @kingfleury @peaches1958 @spiderman-stilinski @peaceinourtime82 @gublur @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46 @lolawassad @almosttoopizza @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess @buckycallsmeaslut @kamaria-sweet-writes @charmedbysarge @xnorthstar3x @kryoee7 @alina02 @gh0stgurl @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club @eralen @perdidosbucky-yyo @clqrosmgc   @buckybarnessweetheart   @pandaxnienke   @manyfandomsfanvergent  
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kaizokuniichan · 9 months
Attention - Part 3: No Competition
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro/AFAB Reader (referred to as she/her)/Trafalgar Law
Summary: Zoro feels like you’re slipping away
CW: Vaginal Fingering
Previous Chapters: Part 1 Part 2
Next Chapters: Part 4 Part 5
Word Count: 3.3k
MDNI; 18+ readers please
(Divider by @cafekitsune Banner by @/eelnoise
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Something had happened between you and Law, Zoro could feel it. From what he could tell, the dynamic between you two had shifted, and he didn’t think you even realized how obvious it was. Without the bite of animosity, he and Zoro would lock eyes, analyzing who had better footing with you, and trying to determine what they felt about each other.
You and Law were always orbiting each other, your gravities drawing you together. Rather than wait for you to find him, he’d openly seek you out and remain fixed at your side. Never one to show obvious affection, he always kept a respectable distance. But as the physical space between you shrank, and during moments where you were bold enough to touch him in front of people, he’d open himself and allow you to lean against him.
It’s not that you acted any differently towards Zoro. Still lighthearted and flirtatious, you’d give his arm the occasional squeeze and hold his waist as you walked past. You’d come to the gym bearing water and snacks, and rub his back while he napped under the shade. Your eyes still sparkled like jewels as you laughed together, tossing another empty bottle of booze into the ever-growing pile between you. If anything, you were spreading yourself evenly between the two of them. If you weren’t with Zoro you were with Law, and neither him or Zoro seemed very intent on questioning you about it. Taking the role as your dedicated knights, they were on standby, awaiting your beck and call.
One thing that spoke to the shift in energy was you fully abandoning your local island hookups during the several week journey. Although not necessarily a bad thing, it did make Zoro long for the days when you’d get done up to hit the town. How you switched up your everyday style of a cropped tank and baggy cargos - though he did love that too - in favor of more lace-up tops and tighter jeans. And what he missed most was you rescuing him when he ambled off during a pub crawl. Extracting yourself from the clutches of an overeager sleeze, you’d make a beeline to save him from a night of aimless wandering. Grasping his arm, you’d cackle away as you guided him back to the group, and he’d hold you close to keep you from crumpling under his weight. More often than not, you’d both return to the ship together, collapsing in a heap on the deck and passing out under the stars. Those nights were when he truly had you to himself, unwound and mochi sweet, soft enough to sink his teeth into. If only he’d gotten off his ass to do it.
Zoro now spent most of his days, when not blowing off steam in the gym, trying to figure out why you being intimate with Law was so troubling to him. He’d been fine when you indulged in the occasional romp because they were always so fleeting and temporary. He’d been comfortable with what he had with you because it was casual, it was easy, and he had you in a way that no one else ever could. He never felt any pressure to prematurely push things along because there was no one who could ever compete with him when it really came down to it.
Law however was...someone who could be worthy of you. And this truth gnawed at Zoro’s heart, as much as he hated to admit it. Despite Robin’s morbid pondering, he knew there was no way you’d actually leave the crew behind. But what he feared most was you abandoning your desire for him. He wanted to say that he’d let you go, but as more time passed he began to consider being more selfish.
No one would say anything to Zoro about it directly, but the weight of everyone’s curious stares was hard to ignore. Franky, who took on a role as an unimposing pseudo-older brother, would clap Zoro on the back and throw an occasional “you’re alright” in passing. Zoro always shook him off, but a fraction of the tightness in his chest would loosen.
Intent on clearing his mind, he headed to the kitchen for a nightly booze raid. Surprisingly, he found you there - having seen less and less of you during the later hours, thanks to Law’s special sleep meds. You stood with your elbows propped on the kitchen counter and a bowl of fried rice at your side. Distracted by your turbulent thoughts, you failed to acknowledge his entrance. As he strolled over to the liquor cabinet, his eyes flitted over to you nibbling on your thumbnail. The metal clank of him breaking the lock finally snapped you back to reality.
”Oh! Hey you!”
After grabbing the last bottle of sake, his heavy footfalls rattled the foggy tension as he walked over to the bar. He took a seat and glanced down at your rice.
”You better finish that up before it gets cold, you know how that cook is.”
”I’m not you, I don’t have to worry about getting my ribs caved in by his boot.”
He snorted as he pulled off the cork of the bottle, not bothering to counter your argument.
”And anyway, I’m gonna wrap this up for breakfast tomorrow. I realized I’m not really hungry.”
Your eyes finally met his as you dropped the fork you’d been twirling.
”What’s with that tone?”
He hadn’t realized he’d had one.
”What’s with you spacing out so much tonight? I thought your doctor gave you those magic pills.”
You went back to nipping at your nails, avoiding his stare.
“Did you fuck him or something?”
The hand in your mouth dropped at the same moment your jaw unhinged.
”What the hell?”
”Come on. I know you well enough to see that something happened. Did you fuck him?”
”No I didn’t fuck him.”
His brow arched in disblief.
”We didn’t have sex...nakedly.”
”Hah? What the hell does that mean?”
You gave him a smirk, pushing your bowl of rice aside.
”Figure it out.”
Letting your cryptic confession marinate, he tried to envision what other activities you and the ever-uptight Law could’ve been up to. A part of him felt rubbed raw as he realized you and him still hadn’t even kissed, and yet you and Law had already been entangled with each other. Whether it was sex or something else, you’d been physically intimate. And in that moment you’d never felt more out of his reach.
“So are you two gonna be a thing now for the next, what, five days? Since that’s how much longer we have until we reach Zou.”
Your eyes softened as you reeled in your defenses. Like you remembered you were supposed to care about him too.
”We’re not ‘a thing’. But...would it bother you if we were?”
”Well I wouldn’t exactly be overjoyed considering he’s still an enemy.”
”That’s not what I mean. Would it bother you?”
He chewed on your words, trying to decide how much he was willing to reveal - to you and himself. Raising up from his seat, he walked around to the other side of the bar where you stood. You continued to face away from him, even as he came up behind you to wrap an arm around your waist.
”You’re not going anywhere,” he murmured into your hair.
”What are you talking about?”
”I mean you’re staying right here.”
You straightened your back, touching the hand encircling your waist.
”Zoro, I’m not leaving any of you. I’m not going anywhere.”
”That’s not what I mean.”
You turned around, face dissolving into somber understanding.
”Is that what you think is going to happen?”
”That’s what I think is happening.”
You placed your hands on his shoulders, slipping them around his neck when he stepped closer. As you took his face in your hands he wanted to kick himself, hating how much relief immediately spread throughout his body - how consumed he was by your touch. Your head fell forward onto his chest and he flexed his hand holding your waist.
”I thought you said you were cool with this and there was no pressure. You’ve never been this bothered by anyone else before.”
Resting his head atop yours, he let out an exasperated breath.
“None of the others mattered. He’s different.”
“Because he’s the enemy?”
“Because he’s him.”
You looked up and he struggled to keep himself from breaking contact with your prying eyes, picking apart the rawest parts of him.
“What, do you hate him or something?”
“No, I don’t. It’d be easier if I did though.”
“Then what is it about him that’s bothering you?”
His body felt strained. He hated feeling as if he was admitting to a shortcoming on his part.
Turning you back around, he wrapped you up in his arms to pull you close. You tipped your head back onto his shoulder and snuck a hand into his hair, making him shudder as you lightly scratched his scalp. He brought his lips to your cheek, brushing his nose along your skin. More purposeful kisses tickled your ears and neck as you melted against him.
He loved when you leaned on him, physically or otherwise. You’d told him how you were forced to remain strong for yourself after living such an unstable life, and being with him made you feel safe. He wanted to be your fortress, blocking out any forces that came to knock you down. And he wanted to be your anchor, keeping you from drifting away when you got too much in your head. His body and mind were strong - it would take nothing for him to carry everything of yours and his.
Your soft sighs soothed his ears as he glided his tongue along your neck. Digging his fingers into the tenderness of your sides, he inhaled the citrusy aroma of your skin, and you cocooned yourself into him. Moving a warm hand down below your abdomen, he toyed with the drawstring of your sweats.
“Zoro. What are you doing.” It wasn’t really a question, and there was no trace of apprehension in your voice.
“Reminding you of what’s here.”
He kept his hand still, waiting for you to respond. You trembled with want, finally guiding it between your legs. Zoro hadn’t even realized how hard he was until his fingers made contact with the wet fabric of your panties. As he ground against your backside, a low groan settled in his chest.
“You’re so wet already sweetheart.”
Your words were stolen as his fingers massaged your clit, your panties providing a delicious friction. As you released a small sob, he cupped your pussy and squeezed.
“I’m gonna take care of it, alright?”
Still fighting for words you nodded. He slid a hand into your underwear and stroked his middle finger between your swollen lips.
“We should’ve done this forever ago. Why did we wait so long?”
“I was waiting for you to make the first move,” you replied, voice airy and feather light. He smiled. He should’ve known you’d been relying on him. He’d spent enough time teaching you how, it was good that it finally become second nature to you.
“I guess I gotta make up for lost time then,” he murmured into the side of your neck, circling a blunt finger along your entrance.
“Zoro please,” you whined, digging your nails into his arm.
“Please what?”
“You haven’t even kissed me yet. Please kiss me.”
He hadn’t forgotten, he was just waiting to hear you ask for it. Removing his hand from your pants he grabbed your hips and spun you around, hungrily capturing your lips. Your hands gripped the fabric of his shirt, bringing him closer as you moaned. He was so hungry for you a growl ripped from his chest, and he leaned you against the counter. Cupping your head and tipping it back, he gave himself a better angle to lick into your mouth. Your hands moved without purpose, grasping at anything they could reach. When he yanked your sweats back down to shove his hand back into your underwear, you pushed against his chest.
“Zoro,” you panted “we can’t here. Sanji would lose his mind if he found out.”
“Good, that makes it the perfect spot.”
He cut off your protests as he lifted you up, moving to wrap your thighs around him and slamming you against the adjoining wall.
“There, now we won’t soil the prep station.”
He claimed your lips once more before you could respond, nudging his hardness into your core. Any trepidation of yours disappeared as he rolled his hips and you tightened your legs around his waist.
“Let me put you down so I can stuff my fingers inside you.”
With little protest, you dropped your legs, spinning around to face the wall. Your sweatpants remained gapped open at your thighs, giving him the freedom to resume his teasing touch beneath your panties.
“You want me to pull these all the way down?”
“No, I kind of like them up. Feels like you’re digging into something forbidden.”
“Can’t be forbidden if it’s mine.”
You collapsed against the wall, scratching your nails along the smooth wood. Spreading your legs open, you gave him better access to finally dip two fingers inside you. Your walls begged to be breached, hugging his fingers tightly, and warm and slick with your arousal. He couldn’t stop his teeth from sinking into your neck as you thrust your ass against him, begging for him to go deeper.
“Is this why you’re so stuck between us? Because your pussy’s so greedy?”
“Stop saying I’m greedy, I just want you both,” you cried with a needy whine, still arching your back as he stretched you.
“Did he open you up this good?”
“We didn’t get that far...he made me cum too fast.”
“He’s that good? I guess I gotta one-up him then, don’t I?”
You refused to answer, losing any semblance of coherency as you stood on your toes in an attempt remain balanced. You gasped as he swiped his thumb along your clit, curling his fingers forward into the sensitiveness of your center. He considered freeing himself from the confines of his clothes, but decided this moment was meant just for you.
“Tell me how you want it.”
“Just...keep doing that.”
“How did he do it for you?”
“Why,” you whimpered, struggling to find your words, “why do you keep talking about him while you do this to me?”
“Because clearly you like it,” he smirked as more of your slick slid down his fingers to soak your underwear. “You like thinking of him while you’re with me, and I bet you like thinking of me while you’re with him.”
He added a third finger just as your mouth opened, and your reply died in your throat. Using the heel of his palm, he continued rubbing it against your clit as he curled and spread his fingers relentlessly.
“Am I wrong?”
“No,” you keened in a withering tone.
“You want me to go get him so he can watch? Maybe take you next?”
“Zoro...don’t worry about him right now. I just want you to stay here, please.”
Drawing his lips along your temple, he felt the fangs of his yearning sink deeper. He was becoming tethered to you with a steel thread, and not even the strongest sword could sever it.
“Ok. I’m all yours.”
“You are?”
“Always will be.”
You tried to turn back around but he pressed a hand between your shoulder blades, forcing you further against the wall. Your weak wails crescendoed with the slick sounds of his fingers still thrusting inside you. Removing the hand on your back, he covered your mouth with his open palm.
“If you’re really worried about that shitty cook finding out, you gotta be quiet sweetheart.”
You nodded, eyes dotted with embarrassed tears. Zoro craned his head around to get a look at your face, and the sight he was met with would remain tattooed in his mind forever. You were so weak, so needy for him to bring you to your undoing, and you offering the gift of allowing him to take control fanned the flames of a burning addiction within him.
Your orgasm shattered you moments later, so tangible and molten-hot through the convulsions of your body. Your cheek was still squished against the wooden slats of the kitchen wall, and you huffed shallow breaths when he removed the hand covering your mouth. Finally spinning you back around he re-captured your lips in a hazy kiss, pillowed by your shortened breaths.
“I’m sorry I waited so long,” he sighed, gazing into your half-lidded eyes.
“I can’t believe he’s got you so worried that you’re apologizing to me now.”
Ignoring your teasing he removed his hand from your panties and pulled your pants back up. You geared up to heckle him further but paused as he slipped a hand into his mouth, sweeping his tongue between his fingers.
“What was that?” He snickered as your voice faltered.
“Nothing,” you gawked, tracing his jawline with your fingers.
“You’re not trying to play us, are you?” He asked, poking your side.
“You know I’m not. There’s too much at risk. I can’t help that you both snuck up on me like this. And I can’t help that you’re both so desirable.”
He hummed, taking the hand of yours on his face to lay a kiss on your knuckles.
“Yeah Robin did say you have a type. Guess we’re just that hot, huh?”
“I mean, you both are very pretty.”
He chuckled, kissing up your wrist until you tried to pull your hand away.
“I don’t know if I’m going to be the same when he leaves.”
“I know,” he muttered, grabbing your hand back to resume giving it kisses.
“So why are you still being so sweet?”
“I’m just naturally cute, remember?”
“Ugh, you’re insufferable,” you scoffed without any real malice. You pushed away from the wall, side-stepping him to put your bowl of rice away. As you turned back to face him, you presented him with a smirk.
“Don’t think this completely puts you over him. He still made me cum faster.”
He smiled, walking away from the bar.
“Yeah well, at least I managed to touch you underneath your clothes.”
Your eyebrows raised as you realized he’d finally figured out what you’d done.
“Sure, but I got to feel what’s underneath his so you definitely have some Big Competition.”
Swiping the bottle of sake from the counter, he walked over to join you at the door.
“No wonder that guy’s so strong, he’s had to lug that thing all over the Grand Line.”
He smiled with a toothy grin, kissing your head as he walked past you into the hallway.
“Go find your doctor and get some sleep.”
The pat on his backside stopped him in his tracks.
“Don’t worry, he knows just how to put me to sleep. Goodnight Zoro.”
You spared him a quick wink over your shoulder and walked away. If you really were heading over to meet up with him, he’d endure it. It was only five more days until they’d reach Zou, and then you’d thankfully part ways. He’d finally have you all to himself during the journey to Wano. And although he didn’t pray, he strongly hoped that for once, all of their plans would run smoothly once they reunited with everyone.
Unfortunately, that original course of action would be thwarted by unforeseen events, thanks to that shitty cook.
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rubyarrows · 8 months
Hidden Selves
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Being part of the BAU team was like being part of a family—a family that had seen me at my best and worst, a family that had supported me through thick and thin. But there was a side of me that I had always kept hidden, a side that only a few had glimpsed. And today, on this undercover operation with Hotch, that side of me was about to appear. 
As we assumed our roles and prepared to infiltrate the tight-knit community we were investigating, I couldn't help but feel a rush of nerves. Hotch and I had worked together countless times, but this was different. We were going undercover as a couple, and I had no idea how he would react to this new side of my personality. A part of me that he had never seen before. Something only the closest people to me ever got to see. But in this atmosphere, it seemed right to let it show through the façade I kept up, if only for a little while. 
The small, cozy town seemed like the perfect setting for our operation. Hotch and I had carefully crafted our backstory, memorizing every detail of our supposed relationship. As we interacted with the locals, I found myself slipping into my role effortlessly, my confidence growing with each passing moment. The person I was trying to perpetuate was someone that I already was, but my team didn’t know that since I kept myself pretty guarded on an everyday basis. 
But what surprised me the most was the way Hotch responded. He wasn't just a stern, by-the-book leader; he was engaging, charming, and surprisingly witty. It was as if a whole new side of him had appeared, one that matched my own undercover persona. I didn’t know the man much on a personal level, neither did he know me as such, but out of all the time we did get to spend together, I had would have never know the man could let go like he was doing in that moment. 
As we mingled with the townsfolk, I couldn't help but engage in playful banter with Hotch. The chemistry between us was undeniable, and it was exhilarating to let go of the reserved, shy exterior I typically wore in the office with him, and he seemed to think the same. 
At one point, as we were talking to a local shop owner, I made a sarcastic comment that drew laughter from the crowd. Hotch chuckled beside me, and I couldn't help but turn to him with a playful grin. It was a sound I wasn’t nearly as familiar with as I would have liked to be. It was something from Hotch that let me know that he was still human underneath the robotic, professional persona that he held throughout the work week. 
"This is a different side of you that I've never seen before," he remarked, his eyes sparkling with amusement. As we made our way through the crowded area. 
I shrugged, as I linked arms with him and let him drag me towards the catering tables. “Well, sometimes, when it’s needed, it’s good to let the walls come down. Don’t get me wrong I've still got my focus at the tasks at hand but there are those rare times in life that things will just fall into place when you are more... relaxed.” 
He smiled, a genuine warmth in his expression. "I like this side of you. It seems you talk more." The two of us shared another laugh and continued our evening with the townspeople, profiling each one with careful consideration. 
The operation continued smoothly, and as we gathered crucial information, I felt a sense of friendship with Hotch that I had never experienced before. It was as if the roles we were playing had allowed us to break free from our usual professional boundaries and just be with each other. 
As the operation concluded and we returned to the familiar world of the BAU, I couldn't help but reflect on the experience. It had been eye-opening, not only for me but also for Hotch. We had seen a different side of each other, a side that existed beyond the confines of our roles as colleagues. 
In the end, our undercover mission had not only brought us closer to solving the case but had also deepened the bond between Hotch and me. It was a reminder that even in the darkest moments of our work, there was room to let someone into your world inside the guarded walls that surrounded who you really are. 
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cece693 · 2 months
Monster in the Making (Will Graham x Male! Lecter)
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Hey :) I know I haven't uploaded much, but life has gotten in the way. So, to jump back into writing, I've decided to write something about my favorite murder husband, Will. What was meant to be something short turned into (possibly) my longest post yet.
Summary: The Lecter siblings were obsessed with Will Graham but for entirely different reasons. While Hannibal wanted to deconstruct the puzzle that was the detective, M/N wanted Will to be his.
tags: jealousy, possessiveness, m/n being a little shit, Will indulges him, why can't they just talk it out like normal adults, oh yeah 'cause one's a murderer in the making and the other is related to Hannibal :)
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M/N Lecter was a mirror image of his elder brother, Hannibal: with sophisticated tastes and an appetite for human meat, it was their façades that set them apart. While both inherited a charisma unlike any other, it was M/N Lecter whose mask never slipped off. Unlike Hannibal who instilled an unconscious fear in people with his dominating and blunt persona, M/N preferred to play the role of the unsuspecting innocent.
He derived pleasure from allowing others to spin their own webs of deceit, all the while believing they had any significance in his life. Whether they be lovers, friends, or colleagues, no one was immune to his subtle influence. His manipulations were veiled behind gentle words and tender gestures, a feigned desire to enrich their lives until they found themselves isolated and reliant solely on M/N. This artful deception ensnared all whom M/N cast his gaze upon, until the arrival of Will Graham.
A detective with a peculiar gift that Hannibal simply dubbed ‘pure empathy’, Will immediately knew something was wrong with the Lecter siblings. His dark, almost onyx eyes perceived the monsters both Hannibal and M/N were, yet (he hated himself for saying this) there was a complexity to their darkness that intrigued him. So, despite the warning bells ringing in his mind, Will couldn’t help but be drawn to the siblings. Hannibal wanted to bring out Will’s own dark side, seeing a capable partner in the man who cloaked himself with a ruse of normality. But for M/N, he simply desired the man.
He couldn’t explain what about Will attracted him, but for the first time, M/N felt drawn to another being. He wanted to own the detective—his mind, heart, body. It was a puzzling revelation that M/N could even feel these things for another being. 
"I assume you're pleased with my surprise," Hannibal whispered to M/N as the familiar sight of the detective's car pulled into their driveway. The siblings had decided to host another dinner party, though with M/N's hectic schedule, the majority of the preparations fell upon Hannibal. This entailed cooking, setting the table, and sending out invitations—invitations M/N was not permitted to see.
M/N should have anticipated that Hannibal was scheming something, but he never imagined this. Developing feelings for the detective was one thing, but inviting Will into their home—a place that would undoubtedly unsettle the detective—angered him.
M/N couldn't pinpoint when his desire to possess Will shifted into protectiveness, but it was too late now. Hannibal had retreated to the kitchen, likely to evade M/N's impending wrath, leaving him alone to greet their newest guest. Slipping into character, M/N forced a smile as the detective's figure hesitated at the open door. "Mr. Graham." M/N greeted, his voice warm and friendly. "It's good to see you. Please, come in."
Will's gaze flickered from M/N to the grand interior of the Lecter residence, taking in the opulent furnishings and the faint aroma of culinary mastery wafting from the kitchen. Despite his reservations, there was a reluctant curiosity in his expression. "Thank you." Will replied, his tone guarded yet polite as he crossed the threshold. "I must admit, I didn't expect an invitation." And why would the Lecters invite him? Will was hardly good company, always managing to unsettle people with his personality.
Catching the subtle self-deprecation in Will’s words, M/N frowned. “Why wouldn’t we invite you, Mr. Graham? I find your company quite pleasant.” 
Internally, M/N couldn't help but smirk at the reaction of his detective—the rosy hue that enveloped the tips of Will's ears, and the subtle shift in his demeanor as he lowered his head, avoiding M/N's gaze. M/N couldn't quite discern if Will was simply oblivious to his flirting or intentionally ignoring it, but either way, it stirred something inside him to see the effect he had on the guarded detective. 
Not wanting to further embarrass the man, M/N turned on his heel and began guiding Will further into the house, towards the dining room where the rest of their guests were gathered. Some were engaged in lively conversations, their voices mingling in the air, while others took in the opulent surroundings, their eyes roaming over the intricate decorations and paintings adorning the walls.
M/N felt a surge of pride at the sight of the meticulously arranged table, adorned with fine china and gleaming silverware. The aroma of Hannibal's culinary creations wafted through the air, tantalizing the senses and adding to the air of anticipation that hung over the room.
"Please, make yourself comfortable." M/N told Will with a reassuring smile. “Dinner will be served shortly." Leaving the detective was the last thing M/N wanted to do, but he knew he had to fulfill his duties as a co-host and mingle with their other guests. With a lingering glance at Will, M/N reluctantly excused himself, promising to return shortly. 
Watching M/N walk away, Will was taken aback by the unexpected pang of disappointment that washed over him. He knew M/N couldn’t stay by his side all night long, but a part of Will hoped he would. He and M/N had been playing a game as of late; one Will had been initially taken aback by but had quickly returned. Flirting—subtle, yet charged with an unspoken tension that seemed to crackle between them whenever they were together. 
M/N had a way of getting under his skin, of teasing out the darker, more dangerous parts of himself that Will hadn’t known he even possessed. In M/N's presence, Will felt alive in a way he hadn't in years, his senses heightened and his inhibitions loosened. M/N Lecter had become his downfall—hell, M/N was all Will thought about these days.
As he watched M/N mingle effortlessly with the other guests, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over him. Will knew he should stay away, that getting too close to M/N Lecter would only lead to trouble. And yet, the allure of the forbidden was too strong to ignore, drawing him inexorably closer to the flame.
As the evening wore on, Will found himself retreating into the shadows, avoiding interactions with the other guests. The lively chatter and laughter only served to amplify his own sense of isolation. He didn’t belong here; all he wanted was to return home and snuggle against the warm fur of his dogs. But just as Will debated the possibility of slipping away unnoticed, a sudden burst of laughter echoed from behind him, pulling him from his thoughts. 
As if summoned, Will’s gaze landed on M/N, who stood across the room, his charming smile directed towards a striking woman. She was elegant and poised, with cascading waves of chestnut hair that framed her delicate features. Her blue eyes sparkled with laughter and interest as she leaned closer to M/N, her hand resting upon his arm as they continued conversing.
The attraction between them was evident—the way the woman pressed herself against M/N, with the man doing nothing to stop such indecent action. Will couldn't tear his eyes away, a knot of jealousy tightening in his chest at the sight of M/N's easy rapport with the woman.
It was irrational, Will knew. He had no claim over M/N; no right to feel possessive or jealous. And yet, as he watched them, Will couldn't shake the resentment and betrayal that coiled within him, a bitter reminder of his insecurities and desires. For a brief moment, Will entertained the dangerous thought of intervening, of inserting himself into their conversation and reclaiming M/N's attention for himself. But he quickly dismissed the idea, knowing it would only make him appear foolish and desperate. 
But that’s exactly what M/N wanted. He craved to unravel the layers of Will Graham's complex psyche, delve into the darker corners of his mind, and explore the depths of his desires. M/N wanted to see this other, darker side of Will, to witness the raw passion and intensity that lay beneath his stoic exterior. So when their eyes met across the room, M/N couldn’t help but smirk as he turned back to the woman on his side.
Helen was beautiful, in a conventional sort of way, but something was lacking in her presence that failed to capture his interest. Her conversation was dull and predictable, devoid of the spark and intrigue that he craved. So even as his whole body wrenched when her hands settled on his forearm, M/N forced himself to maintain the facade of polite interest.
He couldn't help but contrast her with Will Graham, whose mere presence ignited a fire within him that he struggled to contain. Will was enigmatic and complex, a puzzle waiting to be solved, while Helen was little more than a passing distraction—a shallow attempt at filling the void that only Will could satisfy. And as he stole another glance across the room, M/N couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. Jealousy and anger were swimming in the detective’s eyes; he only needed one final push so they could both indulge in what they desired.
The tension between them crackled like electricity, a palpable force that hung heavy in the air. Will's gaze bore into M/N's, filled with a mix of longing and frustration that mirrored his own. It was as if they were locked in a silent battle of wills, each daring the other to make the first move. But M/N was done playing games. He wanted Will, and he wanted him now. With a sly grin, he leaned in closer to Helen, his voice dropping to a husky whisper as he murmured something in her ear. The effect was immediate. As Will stormed towards them, his eyes ablaze with fury, M/N felt a surge of satisfaction. 
"Can we talk privately?” The detective hissed, not even sparing a glance at the woman. 
“Of course.” M/N's response was measured and composed, his outward demeanor belying the inner excitement that churned beneath the surface. Sensing an opportunity to push the boundaries further, he delicately extricated himself from Helen's grasp and softly pressed his lips to her cheek.
“Please excuse us, darling.” He murmured, his voice like velvet, eliciting a blush from the woman and a frustrated huff from Will. Gesturing for the detective to follow, this exchange wasn’t missed by Hannibal, who smoothly redirected the attention of the other guests, allowing M/N and Will to slip away unnoticed. 
The journey to M/N’s office was painful; in the sense that Will’s dark emotions only fueled M/N’s desire for the detective. With every step he took, M/N could feel Will’s presence like a blazing fire at his back, the heat of his breath sending shivers down his spine. Personal space seemed non-existent between them; with Will’s front nearly pressing against M/N’s back as they moved in lockstep. It took all of M/N's self-control to resist the urge to turn around and claim what he had long desired.
As they finally entered M/N's office, the weight of the locked door didn't escape Will's notice, but his focus was consumed by the fury pulsating through his veins. M/N's calm demeanor only served to stoke the flames of his anger further. 
"What is it that you wished to speak of, Mr. Graham?" M/N's voice remained cool and collected, a stark contrast to the seething rage burning in Will's gaze. Allowing himself to be cornered against his desk, M/N maintained unwavering eye contact with the detective. Yet, despite the intensity of the situation, the corners of his lips turned upwards ever so slightly, mischief glimmering in his eyes.
Will's jaw clenched as he struggled to find the words, his chest heaving with pent-up emotion. "I want to know what you were doing with that woman," he finally managed to spit out, his voice low and charged with accusation.
M/N arched an eyebrow, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "And why does that matter to you?" he countered, his tone teasing yet tinged with a hint of challenge. His eyes held a gleam of amusement as he awaited Will's response; he might be pinned to his desk, but M/N still held the power. He was the one dictating what their encounter would result. Will’s expression softened, his features momentarily reflecting his more reserved nature. But then, to M/N’s surprise, a smirk ghosted across his face. "You're mine." 
"Is that so?" M/N mused, "And what exactly does that entail, Detective Graham?" 
Spurred by an unspoken desire, the detective's patience wore thin. Surging forward, Will captured M/N in a searing kiss, his hands finding a place on the other's hips to draw him closer. The kiss was electric, a fusion of pent-up longing and unspoken passion. At that moment, words became unnecessary as they surrendered to the heat of their mutual desire, lost in the intoxicating embrace of each other's lips.
M/N gripped Will’s curls, finding pleasure in hearing the sweet, husky moans the detective emitted. However, the need for air soon became undeniable, and with a deep, reluctant sigh, M/N drew away from the kiss. His chest heaved with the effort to regain his breath as he gazed into the detective's eyes once more. But instead of finding regret, as he had anticipated, M/N was surprised to see a glimmer of giddiness dancing in the depths of Will's gaze. Perhaps now it would be easier for the Lecter siblings to sway Will Graham into joining their murder family.
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
im insanely in love with your older! Sister mini series!
Hmm I have a request, could you perhaps do one where you remember the scene where kiri unfortunately has a seizure underwater?
Instead of it being kiri could you switch it so instead we’re the one who has a severe seizure?? maybe a little different? Not too similar to how kiri’s whole situation went.
And the whole family especially our younger siblings go into a panic bc this has NEVER happened before.
It’s alright if you don’t want to do this one 🤍 was trying to come up with an idea so the mini series could stay alive for a bit longer! Lol
summary: [y/n] is normally the one taking care of her younger siblings—how are they supposed to care for their big sister while she’s hurting?
a/n: ahh !! thank you for this request. it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while because i was writing other requests , but i’m finally here !! i kind of changed the plot because kiri has a reason for her seizures ( “epilepsy” as norm might say , or as educated people might say , she’s connected to eywa ) so i decided to go with more of a connection to ancestors sort of route so that way they’re still super worried and she’s super in danger , but at least it’s something unique to her character !! hopefully you all enjoy. feedback + reblogs are always appreciated !!
tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @23victoria
warnings: mentions of immense pain , passing out , almost drowning , death , a very familiar death scene of a beloved na’vi from the first movie
not invincible
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it should have been a normal day. it truly should have! but, alas, the sully family would forever keep it from being anywhere near “normal.” especially in their new home.
the group of siblings had been overwhelmed with honor when tsireya offered to show them the metkayina spirit tree settled beneath the waters of the cove of the ancestors.
as soon as [y/n] broke through the surface, immersing herself in a completely different world than she ever grew up around, she could feel the change in atmosphere. there was something different, something deeper that exuded itself through the cove. at the feeling, she could not fight the natural smile. it reminded her of her home, of the omaticaya tree of voices. oh, how she missed it.
the underwater bioluminescence highlighted features upon each of her companions, the beautiful splatter of glowing freckles littering each of their cheeks. [y/n] sent a cheeky grin towards her youngest sister, excitement omitting from every one of her movements.
the further they swam, the more in awe that [y/n] seemed to be. it was absolutely gorgeous. the scenery was jaw-dropping,
“come,” tsireya signaled, gently grabbing her own queue as they neared the tree. the four sully siblings that joined her on the journey to the spirit tree, neteyam, kiri, tuk, and [y/n], all followed suit.
the closer [y/n] swam to the tree, the louder her heartbeat got. she couldn’t help but stare in complete awe, the purple light omitting onto her face. she smiled, grabbing her hair, and she connected it to the underwater tree.
immediately, warmth flooded through her body. her smile broadened, and her fingertips tingled. at the comforting sensation, she felt herself slip from reality, allowing her eyes to close as she shifted into another world.
when she opened her eyes again, [y/n] was met with a familiar sight of home. she let out a laugh of joy, spin around as she took in the sight. she’d missed the forest, but as the eldest child, as the role model, she felt as if that longing feeling of being homesick had been pushed down. it was a common role that [y/n] had to take as the eldest. push down her feelings and prioritize that of her baby siblings.
[y/n] took a step forward, feet sinking into the wet mud. she paused, wiggling her toes, a moment of nostalgia playing back. once she looked back up, she felt smaller as she was met with the comforting eyes of her father.
he looked younger, much less stressed than how he did now. he looked happy.
“daddy!” she cried, stubby arms reaching out to him.
jake laughed, immediately swooping down to grab his daughter. “i’m gonna get you!” he taunted, voice teasing and soft.
[y/n]’s small voice shrieked with joy, turning and attempting to run. unfortunately, her father was far too quick, his large hands grabbing her by the waist.
she cried out, laughter flooding her voice as he lifted her into the sky. [y/n]’s eyes squeezed shut as he soared her through the air. and then, everything changed.
the wind picked up, and she felt lighter. the air was thin from where she flew. at the change in her senses, she instantly opened her eyes wide, her stomach crawling into her throat as she took in the sight.
she flew through the skies atop an unfamiliar ikran. the ground was very far beneath her, it was merely just her and the atmosphere.
the one thing that did accompany her, however, was the sight of sky-people technology, specifically that of the rda. it was large and dangerous. ammo was stacked within the ship that flew in front of her. she ship that she was flying towards.
[y/n] screamed at the creature to stop, but it was as if she couldn’t open her mouth. she had no free will, in fact. no, she was merely watching the scene unfold from eyes that weren’t her own.
she gasped as she jumped forward and off of the ikran, bow pointed at a soldier standing aboard the ship. a fierce battle cry left her throat raw, tears pricking her eyes from the wind that pierced them.
her feet thudded against the metal ground, grabbing men and throwing them one by one. she was actually doing quite well!
she smacked a few with her bow, multiple ending up thrown overboard. but, just when she was getting to the last of them, one of the humans released a round of bullets. each one embedded themselves into her chest.
[y/n] screamed at the feeling, warm pain spreading from her chest outwards. she could feel it in each of her limbs, a feeling of a throbbing numbness.
before she knew it, she was free falling, the wind roaring in her ears. and then, it all flashed to complete black.
[y/n] awoke from the spirit tree, and she couldn’t breath. her chest hurt, it was so tight. she could not feel her arms and legs, they were numb.
immediately, she detached her queue, stumbling backwards as best as she could underwater. cries left her throat, but all that came out was bubbles upon bubbles.
every second that went by, her vision began to darken. she could not see, could not hear, could not think. everything hurt. so bad.
neteyam was the first to notice. it was almost as if, through his urge to protect, he instantly felt that something was off in the universe, and as a result, he left the spirit tree earlier than anyone else.
at the sight of his big sister floating helplessly, screaming as loud as she possibly could, his heart burst. what happened? he was quick to act, bringing everybody else back to reality as he swam over to [y/n].
when the eldest sully felt her brother’s hands grab her’s, she felt a little bit more at peace, although not by much. all of her senses were out of whack, simply put, and she was in so much pain.
she barely even noticed as neteyam swam her upwards to the surface, and, thanks to her lack of oxygen from screaming, she kept fading in and out of consciousness.
once they broke the surface, the first thing to leave her throat was a scream. “it hurts so bad!” a sob took over her voice, each word shakier than the one before.
“sh,” neteyam attempted to calm her down as he brought her over to his ilu, getting her to lay on top of the creature rather than float in the water.
beside them, tuk bobbed up and down with tsireya, kiri, and rotxo. “[y/n]!” she cried, repeating herself a multitude of times. kiri clasped a gentle hand on her shoulder to quiet her down.
“what happened?” kiri panicked aloud. “what is happening, sister?”
the only answer she got was another choked cry. “it hurts. oh, it hurts so bad.”
“go!” tsireya called their attention. “you must get her back to the village.” neteyam nodded, boarding the ilu as he wrapped his arms safely around his sister.
“let’s go.”
neteyam and his ilu shot into the distance, kiri, tuk, rotxo, and tsireya not far behind. kiri held the youngest sully between her arms, attempting to comfort her, but it was extremely difficult considering kiri herself was worried.
the only reason neteyam was composed was because he had to assume authority, as weird as it was considering [y/n] was always the one to fill that role. as soon as he swam into the docks screaming for his parents, his heart began to rise to his throat.
when he watched his big sister get carried away in the arms of their father, pain panged deep within his chest, worry overtaking all of his emotions.
not one of the sully siblings sleep all night, especially lo’ak upon returning and learning that he was not there to help.
upon waking up a few days later, after a multitude of different attempts from norm and maxwell to ronal and eywa, she is immediately attacked by love and care from every member of her family.
when [y/n] first wakes up, she cannot help but cry. although she is no longer in pain, she can’t get the image out of her head. the way that na’vi died, no matter who he was. it was sad, it was gruesome, it was unfair.
the one thing to bring [y/n] back to reality was the small body of tuk who laid herself on top of her, the youngest sully’s arms wrapping themselves around her big sister.
“[y/n]!’ she cried, her small hands laying against [y/n]’s. “i am so glad you’re okay.”
once tuk noticed her new sense of consciousness, it did not take long for the rest of the family to pay their honorary visits, each of them having their own sense of emotion to them.
neteyam’s was more relieved than [y/n] could have imagined. he was so worried, so concerned for his big sister. he told her about his prayer to eywa, he told her about how scared she’d made him. she couldn’t help but smile, another round of tears pricking her eyes ( this time more bittersweet than sad ).
kiri was quite teasing the way that she threatened, “if you ever do that again, i’m going to kill you!” she told her of the way they’d all been so worried for [y/n], the way they’d all forgotten that their oldest sister actually had feelings and could get hurt. “we’ve just been so used to you taking care of us!”
lo’ak told jokes. he updated her on the ways of life in the past few days, told her of the reef. a part of lo’ak wanted to avoid speaking of her event because of how difficult it was to visit what could’ve happened, so he avoided it with his humor. as he always seemed to do.
tuk didn’t leave her side once. she made bracelets for her healing sister, she ranted about the reef, she made dinner with her. there was so much to do, so much to talk about! after a few days of [y/n] being asleep and healing, tuk had a lot of quality time to catch up on.
neytiri and jake, of course, were just so happy she was okay. it took a while for them to get rid of her siblings, wanting them to get their own time together before they had to remind her of whatever’d happened. but, they needed to understand.
once neytiri asked her, tears immediately pricked her eyes. as [y/n] retold the events, she had to pause multiplied times to keep herself from choking on her tears.
by the end of it, jake and neytiri exchanged glances. the story was far too familiar. but, they also decided that was a problem for another time. they just had to thank eywa for keeping her alive.
overall, the sully family learned a valuable lesson. just because [y/n] seems invincible does not mean that she actually is.
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belphiesreverie · 1 year
Belphie I can see that the reader's "duties" other than learning about fae culture, hobbies of the fae nobility, and also the skills needed to mingle in the high of society of Briar Valley it's definitely maintaining the relationship between Malleus and other people.
It totally makes sense because you interact with the other dorm leaders often and you're easier to approach. Malleus is intimidating, Sebek's too loud, Silver sleeps a lot, while Lilia is busy as a vice dorm leader and his music club. ALSO, THE INVITATIONS. Making sure that Malleus receives his invitation and comes on time because he has a totally different sense of time and somehow the other Diasomnia members forgot to give him his invitation (in the manga it's Sebek). It's a practice for the future, no? After all as the king's favorite handmaiden you'll be seen in public with him.
And of course, keeping Malleus company and making him happy! Handmaidens in a royal's inner circle acts as good companions. You occasionally gave him your homemade ice cream too :D
The thing is that when it comes to helping Malleus with his social relations and keeping him happy, Diasomnia doesn't necessarily have to push you into this because it's a way of showing your gratitude to Malleus because he's so nice to you (he's better at taking care of you compared to Crowley). However, it definitely confuses a lot of people. Especially a royal like Leona, and those who are used to serving others like Jamil and Ruggie. ⭐
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You’re so right about maintaining Malleus’ relationships!! You’ve been made aware by many people within Diasomnia how Malleus never gets invited places and nobody ever approaches him and Lilia is even so bold as to directly hint that you could potentially be his in to many places. So whenever your friends or other dorm leaders mention gatherings or parties, you subconsciously start to ask if Malleus will be allowed to join and even start inviting people to events you’ve planned yourself in the hopes of helping Mal make some more friends. You think you’re just being a good friend and helping him branch out, but really you’re being the peacemaker and conversationalist for him and the boys are so happy about how easily you adapted to your role
I can also just imagine him getting texts and stuff and having to ask you what the most appropriate response is. You end up ghostwriting most of his texts and your cover was almost blown once when you referred to Azul as bestie when posing as Mal 😭😭
Oh and Leona definitely thinks something is up ngl. He can just tell that the Diasomnia boys are prepping you for the role, but he just can’t be bothered to get involved and question it, it’s really none of his business anyways and too much effort. Jamil is in a similar boat but he’s just got his hands too full with his duties to Kalim to ask you about it. In the end he kind of just assumes that you’ve voluntarily taken on the role and starts to casually exchange tips with you and the whole strangeness of the situations goes over both of your heads
And what you said about Vil and Riddle is so true! I can see Vil starting to compliment you a lot more but also slipping in some advice from time to time in his usual Vil manner. And Riddle is absolutely going to start using you as an example for Ace and Deuce 😭😭 they’re gonna be getting chewed out by him and he’ll throw in the fact that they hang out with you all the time but can’t even follow your lead or pick up any of your good habits
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Switching gears since I recently refamiliarized myself with your character list...any general romantic HCs for Deadpool?
"Merc with the Mouth romance HCs" Deadpool x reader
Hey I've haven't gotten to do Deadpool yet! This is fun! I'll do sfw and nsfw.
Tw: Suggestive and smut, SA mention
His dates are not always Good or Safe but they are always Memorable. Someone is trying to kill him every other week. Either because he pissed them or ruined their plans. You'll be fine, just don't be shocked when he gets his hand blown off and kills several men when you were just trying to have a nice night out. You can bond while it grows back.
If you ever needed someone to enable your nerdy habits, look no further. He maims people who spoil the newest book, he'll sit through hours and hours of marathons, and he thinks it's very sexy that you know fun facts and behind the scenes details. Now put on Lord of the Rings and make out with him during the Gollum scenes.
So many dumb emoji texts. Like a huge string of emojis with all the different hearts in different color formations- rainbows, sexuality flags that match what yours might be. And sweat drops. And... cactus emoji? It definitely means something and it's meant to be affectionate, just roll with it.
He's that guy who takes you to your favorite restaurant just because he can. There's nothing special going on. He just wants to spoil you and really loves seeing you smile. Then a massage for you and maybe a bubble bath-
The stupid antics he will get to so you'll to laugh. Particularly if you're having a bad day, he will get downright slapstick if it will bring you a little bit of joy. Someone could argue it's a personality fault where he feels he has to be entertaining to have value to you, but maybe right now isn't the time to unpack that.
Down for pretty much anything. Seriously. Tie him up, put him in a dress, peg him sideways- He'll try anything at least twice to see if he likes it.
the only thing that is an absolute no for him is CNC (consensual non-consent) or anything in that vein because of being a canonical SA survivor. I know I don't really write for that anyways, but I think it bears mentioning given his character and past.
Man has little to no shame so if you're not into public space fucking, you should let him know early on. He will get it on in the alleyway behind the taco shack. Tacos just get him feeling frisky sometimes, you understand.
The very definition of a switch. His playful nature allows him to slip to a submissive role easily even if people who don't know him take any of his comments seriously. He's dead-ass, use him like a toy and tell him how breedable he is if you're into that <3 He's also more than willing to take the reins and top or be in a dominant role if that's your preference. If you're also a switch you guys can just take turns depending on the move.
he's incredibly self-conscious in serious, intimate moments about his body. Particularly the first time. Okay, this is him, scarred up and looking like a fucked up Freddy Krueger. You sure you still want... this? He can put his clothes back on and he can do stuff to just you if you'd rather. Or he can turn the lights off... or...
It's so much easier to joke around than have to acknowledge he really looks like this. Once you've been together a minute, though, he'll realize you really do love his sexy ass.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 11 months
Fo4 Companions Living In Goodneighbor With Sole
➼ Word Count » 1.0k ➼ Warnings » None
MacCready spent a lot of his time there already, so he's got no problem moving there again. He's got a good reputation there and, as much as he complains about the smell, he really does like living there. He loves sitting and talking with Daisy at her shop, and he's always managing to get you both discounts.
Nick thinks you're crazy for ever wanting to live there, but he'll shrug his shoulders and tag along anyway. Living there with you allows him to catch criminals easier since they're usually right there on the doorstep. He likes being able to live closer to some of his old friends and he appreciates the endless support he gets from the locals, but he still prefers Diamond City to the almost lawless Goodneighbor and prays this arrangement is temporary.
Cait has lived in worse environments and doesn't mind camping out here. She gets along with all the others really fast and is suddenly getting offers from people wanting to hire her as a bouncer/bodyguard for all these different businesses and shops. She has a lot of fun there, mostly because she's swimming in caps by the end of it, and is a great roommate to have since no one wants to steal from you out of fear Cait will start coming for them.
Danse refuses before you can even finish your question. He would never live in Goodneighbor, it's dirty and full of ghouls.
Preston thinks it's a questionable decision but goes through with it anyway. He loves Kent and, if you didn't already agree to it, he'd probably end up taking on the role of the Silver Shroud just so he could truly bring some justice to Goodneighbor and make it a safer place to live. He'll try to convince you to leave and go to Sanctuary or the Castle, but he'll stay with you for as long as you're here.
Codsworth is absolutely appalled by the amount of grim that covers the town and agrees to live with you just so he has the opportunity to try and clean it off. Despite his borderline rude comments about the place's sanitation, the locals adore how polite he is and are always quick to greet the robot as he goes to grab groceries from Daisy.
Piper’s already pretty well-liked there due to her paper and how much she preaches about free speech, but she’s not all too excited about moving with you. She has Nat to look out for too and Goodneighbor has got to be the least safe place for a kid to roam around in. She’ll visit you often, but the answer is no.
Curie doesn't understand the dangers of staying in Goodneighbor and is mostly just excited to go sightseeing. She has so much fun living there with you and especially loves going down to the Memory Den and doing research with Dr. Amari, although, she definitely would prefer somewhere with less risk of getting sick.
Strong likes it there, but the second he spots Kleo or Charlie, he's going on a rampage trying to slaughter them, but if you can keep him away from those two, then you won't have too many issues.
Hancock loves the idea and gladly lets you live up with him in the Old State House. He's so excited to announce your citizenship to the rest of the people in Goodneighbor and he especially can't wait to help you settle down in the town he worked so hard to build up. He'll constantly be barging into your room and helping you decorate or simply making sure you've got everything you need. He's honestly just so excited to introduce you to everything that makes Goodneighbor special.
Deacon's on board with it. He's stayed there before when he was undercover and a lot of the people there support the Railroads cause, so he sees the place as an ally and not something to be too wary of. He likes to mess with Charlie down at the Third Rail and it ends up with him getting kicked out quite frequently. The only reason he's so light-hearted about it and not getting flighty is because he doesn't believe the arrangement will be permanent. Even if it does, he can just slip into one of the alley ways and get away for a bit.
X6-88 thinks you've lost your mind. Why would you want to live in one of the most dangerous and filthy places in the Commonwealth? He'll try to convince you to go back to the Institute and live there, but he'll reluctantly agree if you keep relenting. The only problem is that he's way too on edge and will end up shooting someone if they get too close, so unless you want to be chased out, you should probably find another roommate.
Dogmeat doesn't mind. He likes that the people scratch him behind the ears when he walks by, but he'll get a little shakier when he almost gets shot while sniffing around the trash near the alleyways.
Old Longfellow thinks the place is incredibly sketchy and would offer to go with you whenever you left the house out of fear that something is gonna happen to you. He’s not gonna let anyone hand you anything and will stand slightly more in front of you whenever someone approaches. After a while though, he’ll start getting used to the community and be less paranoid. He gets along surprisingly well with Whitechapel (most people didn’t think Charlie could actually like anyone) and he likes spending his time down in the Third Rail with you.
Gage doesn't mind. He thinks it's an interesting place to set up and has no problem fitting in with everyone else. He and Kleo become fairly close to each other as he'll spend most of his time at Kill Or Be Killed and gain a lot of respect from the locals fast.
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yestrday · 2 years
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ YOUR LAST MERCY yandere! reaper! diluc ragnivindir / gn! reader
synopsis ! for all the souls he has seen and shepherded, he has fallen for one that is both beauty and sin alike. and so he ensnares them in a deal with death. + 3.8k words
warning ! a lot of mentions of death, a corpse, necromancy, manipulation, mentions of blood, mention of suicide
( this is probably gonna be a two-part story. i’m trying to go with the big spooky halloween vibe and a more subtle form of yandere-ness. happy spooky season! this is a repost. )
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seldom are the mortals who catch his eye. even more are those who he lusts for. but as one of the many faces of death, it is only normal to be drawn to souls that suit exactly their taste.
his fellow reapers have odd tastes: ajax loves the ones stained with blood and depravation, his fool of a brother likes those meek and trembling, and the one named kunikuzushi has a taste for the sumptuous yet pitiful. diluc doesn’t understand those tastes. what was the point of consuming dark and dreary souls when he had to endlessly toil with blood and death? he gravitated towards the pure, the sinless, the hopeful. he made deals with the angels on earth, allowing them to have an opportunity to achieve what they wanted before they passed on for good. let the milky taste flow down his throat as he left no drop, the closest thing to heaven he’d ever dreamt of having.
unfortunately, humanity was rife with sin, and it had been centuries since he had last tasted what purity was. he was a hard-working man, dedicated to his one and only role of shepherding the deceased onto the next stage of life. he works with the chthonic ones, the ones who smell of blood and darkness, and guides the sinners to their graves. diluc does not hope for anything beyond what he has.
until, of course, a certain fool managed to catch his eye.
he slips into a shoddy little cabin on the outermost edge of the woods, his pale feet slightly hovering over the moist soil. beings like him tend to go unnoticed in the mortal realm, but he is still and quiet as he approaches the house. there is an appointment waiting for him, as there is almost every hour and every second. it’s an ordinary death—a broken heart and the foolishness of taking one’s life. he’s seen far more tragic deaths in the name of love.
his keen ears hear the sharp cries and hollow sobs as he draws nearer. through the cracked window pane, he watches a young one sobbing into the lap of the corpse and cradling the head into their arms. please, please, please. he listens to them murmur, throat hoarse from archons-know how long. wake up, you idiot. don’t leave me here.
it’s not a sight he hasn’t seen before. with death comes mourning, but that’s not what makes him stop in his tracks and stare greedily at their pathetic figure. no, something else catches his brooding red eyes.
from your chest, the very faint outline of a soul glows from where your heart is. it’s not entirely pure—no one is entirely pure—and is flecked with sin. jealousy, greed, anger, they all stain this soul. but there is… a different glow about this one, so unlike the pure milky ones he used to eat centuries ago. it draws him in, like a moth to a flame.
the wind blows and the curtains part for the entrance of the embodiment of death itself. your puffy eyes dilate with horror as you take in his looming scythe and the black flowers that decorate him.
yes, diluc smiles to himself. this is what he’s been waiting centuries for.
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you’re not the keenest of people, but you’re not stupid enough to not know who this person was. in a war-stricken state, you are far more familiar than the average person with death. the burning of corpses, arrows being shot in the eyes, and the countless lives taken after they have decided that they could do this no more. that what came after death had more meaning than what they had on earth.
there is a certain smell of death. not just the rotting flesh and the iron tang of blood, but something beneath all that. something that lingers, is heavier, something out of this world.
that smell is on this dark-veiled stranger, looking upon you with glowing red eyes. the moon haloes him from behind, like the frescoes of saints that decorate the hallowed halls of the church. you grip your brother's hand for relief, like how you often would when he was alive. it is cold, and he doesn't squeeze you back as he should have. it's a haunting reminder that the brother you've looked up to is now long gone.
"holding on to your brother won't delay his departure any longer." his voice is hauntingly beautiful. solemn, yet charming, aged with the burden of eons of experience. "it's time for him to move on."
he takes note when you hitch your breath or the slight grit of your teeth. it's obvious that you're not willing to let him go so easily. diluc marvels at this. it's not easy to find this sort of relationship between mortals, much less siblings. one could tell that you harbor deep affection for your brother, a platonic sort of love deeper than the average sort. but as far as diluc could tell, he muses to himself while glancing at the rotting body, it's a one-sided relationship. you have wasted your feelings on a brother who didn't love you as much as you deserved.
diluc sighs at your impertinent silence. he still has other deaths to attend to, although not as urgent, seeing as he has reached his daily quota. before he could swing his scythe and finally cut the soul from the flesh, a trembling hand weakly grasps the fluttering edges of his tunic.
"make him come back to me…" you croak out, your voice hoarse. "my brother, please, i– i don't know what to do without him."
you are a foolish little thing, you know that. you depend on your brother far too much for your own liking. when you sweep and dust your cabin, he's off hunting for meat and making deals at the market. when your own fragile heart despairs as nightmares of the war come back, your brother has been there to comfort you. he's the only thing you've ever known, his smile the only sun you long for, his touch the only thing that anchors you to the ground. you would have long been brittle skin and bones without the brother who had raised you since childhood.
diluc leers down at you. your face is soaked in tears, but your determined, albeit shaky eyes look up at him like he's the last string of hope you can latch onto.
that's not a bad look for you. his skin is cold as he grazes your chin and clasps them between his pale fingers. he scrutinizes, dissects, and memorizes every groove and mar on your face. you're not exactly gorgeous—after all, he works with gods and goddesses,  it's natural for a mortal's face to be beneath them—but you are eye-catching. at least, to him.
your face flushes in embarrassment at the elongated silence. you think you have a right to be flustered, especially when someone as handsome as him studies your face so earnestly. you wait until he finally lets go, and he pulls back.
"a deal," his voice rings out through the cabin. a silver contract materializes in mid-air, the cursive flowing letters of 'contract' printing themselves along the top in real-time. "a wish of yours in exchange for a wish of mine."
"what do you want?" you ask breathlessly. diluc likes the way you're on your knees and hanging on to every word, every syllable of his. he likes it so much that he decides to draw out the game for a little while.
"that's for you to find out in the future."
with a wave of his hand, a raven-feathered quill makes its way to you and slots itself between your trembling fingers. a deal with death, you remember the elders saying, will cost you an eternity.
you don't mind. you don't mind. a life without your family is worse than an eternity in hell.
you repeat that thought in your mind, clasping your brother's cold hand for one last push and pressing the nib to the paper.
there is no physical change, but the looming feeling of dread grows even further in your gut. the predatory glint in your contractor's eye does not bring you any relief.
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"back again are you, dearie?"
a nice elderly woman whose name you can barely recall smiles at you from behind her table of produce. there is fresh cabbage and carrots and all sorts of ingredients you can make into soup. she waves you over and you smile at her.
"i'm making some vegetable soup for my brother today," you say meekly, picking the freshest ones out of the batch as you talk. "he still can't digest much hard food."
"goodness me," granny offers her sympathies with a shake of her head. "poor boy, being rejected all cruelly like that." you grit your teeth at the grim reminder. "to be so heartbroken that you become bedridden. i just wish that the dear girl would have given him the time of the day. and such a fine lad too… what a shame."
"it's not girl's fault for not liking him," her grandson, who mans the shop with her, interjects. "honestly, he should just pick himself up and move on. i can't believe that someone like him would be so upset over something like this. Hhe can hunt down the largest of boars and the most ferocious wolves, but he can't get over one girl. it's honestly baffling."
he smiles at you sympathetically and ruffles your hair. "thank the gods he has someone like you to depend on. we were all shocked when you came out of your house! we thought you'd be a recluse for the rest of your life. family really makes you do the wildest things, huh?" he chatters on, his grandma making remarks every so often, while he fills your basket with fresh produce and some additional meat given from their own goodwill.
you grimly smile at the last sentence, tuning out the rest of their unneeded chatter.
"medical herbs, fleece for blankets, hmm…" you mutter to yourself the list of goods you've journeyed to take. a few people take notice of you and wave you over to chat about the latest gossip with you, but most ignore you, unaware that you are the sibling of one of their greatest hunters. one paltry old man beckons you, the eager smile on his face letting you know that he's about to pitch a sale. you'd love to just turn the other way and ignore him, but your meek nature won't allow you to be so rude. you follow him to his wares, all neatly arranged in a four-wheel, hoping to turn him down as soon as you had the chance.
"you have no idea what a great haul i just received from the city, my dear child!" he laughed, his eyes shining with greed and enthusiasm. "fortune had shone down on me that day—a great many barters and trades to bring back home from the city. you should really come to see them for yourself, maybe even bring back one or two for your brother. i'll even cut down the price for you, as a tribute to my friendship with your father—"
"absolutely not." a deep voice sounded from behind the four-wheeled vehicle. a sleek leather boot first, a gentleman clad in dark luxurious attire and a solemn air made himself known. a few of the younger people nearby gasp, his sharp and handsome features drawing the attention of many.
you, in comparison, pale. especially when his ruby-red eyes fall on you.
we meet again, his eyes seem to say, but he sweeps into a gentlemanly bow as an introduction. "diluc ragnivindir. i come from the city with this elderly sir here to inspect this village." he clasps your trembling hand in his and presses a kiss on the back of your hand. "... pleasure to make your acquaintance."
had this been any other person, your heart may have jumped at the mere thought of a beautiful man paying you the slightest bit of attention. instead, it clings wildly within its confines while your mind races at a mile per second. had he finally come to collect his debt?
your worries are further heightened when he makes no intention of letting your hand go. you watch as he offers a kind smile to the watching businessman. "... this particular fellow has caught my eye. i hope it would be no trouble if i could steal them away for a moment?"
the elderly man blinks before a knowing grin breaks out on his face. "hoh! why of course not! you can take all the time you need!" his eyes glint with mischievous knowing. a sheltered country bumpkin and an elite trading merchant off to spend time alone together? why, this would make for some delightful gossip around town! he trots off somewhere joyfully, eager to spread the juicy news, and you’re left to your own devices.
his shadow looms over you, darkness enshrouding you and making you keenly aware of his dark gaze on you. from the corner of your vision, the strands of his bright red ponytail sway and make a stark contrast with his deathly black attire. the basket nearly slips on the sweat from your palms as you gulp and try to pull yourself together.
"you look livelier than i last saw you, [last name]."
you flinch at his deep baritone. you nervously step to the side, but his gloved hands catch your trembling hand and squeeze it in his grasp. "you seem to be avoiding me," he hums. shakily, you look up at him, and he meets you with those blood-red eyes. "we’re barely even strangers. we’re bound by a contract, after all."
the mention of the contract flares an unfamiliar anger deep within your usually timid soul. he watches with interest as the meek lamb’s eyes turn into a sharp glare. you pull away from his grasp and angrily stomp off.
"it’s best you don’t make a scene," he chides from right behind you. "everyone’s watching us."
"then stop following me," you whisper angrily, wiping away tears before they fall. "you’re the last person i want to see."
as you march angrily through the village streets, everyone gawks and points as they see the handsome outsider trailing after the village’s ex-shut in. no one really points out the angry look on your face, especially since they’re so used to you being a weak-willed pushover that anger is unexpected from you. the ones who do notice, chalk it up to the heat, not the merchant man who hasn’t taken his gaze off you for the past few minutes.
the village’s cobblestone path gives way to a rough dirt path leading to the depths of the forest where you and your brother reside. the woodland creatures, friends of yours who’d cozy up to your feet and perch on your shoulders, are unusually quiet and absent. you take a peek over your shoulder and meet his eyes once more. you tear away and shiver.
"mortals have always been ungrateful, so i wouldn’t say this treatment is unexpected." he sighs at the impertinence of humans. "consider yourself lucky that you caught my eye."
you don’t dare make a comment because you are. you are lucky and you know that. no matter how much hatred you have for this deathly being, he is responsible for your brother's return.
or whatever remains of him anyway.
you push the door open to your humble shack, the hinges creaking and the tall trees singing it back. the oil lamps you lit before leaving have been puffed out. you light the one hanging by the door and wave it around to clear up the darkness.
"brother…?" you cautiously call out, darting your eyes everywhere to find him. you step over splintered wood. "brother, i’m home…"
something greets you. the deep and throaty breaths of an entity veiling itself in the dark. something falls over.
"i have meat…!" you try to entice him. the basket swings on your wrist, and just when the slivers of light through the boarded windows catch the red meat, it shoots out of the dark. this crazed, inhuman thing, eyes filled with empty mania as it lunges straight for you. diluc steps in front of you and slams the thing to the ground with a clean sweep of his arm.
you gasp, quickly scrambling over to your whimpering brother as he clutches his bruised cheek on the ground. it’s bright red, and you suspect that if he put any more power into it then he’d have a dislocated jaw. you soothe his whimpers and let him clutch at your clothes, and you turn to glare at the watching reaper.
"what is wrong with you?" you hiss, bringing your brother closer. "you’re an otherworldly entity! can’t you try to keep your strength under control? my brother’s just a normal human!"
he raises a brow and scoffs, eyeing the shaking, pathetic mess under him. "mangy mutts must have discipline beat into them if they want to be fed. you’re clearly spoiling him."
"h- he’s not some mutt!" you shout, though the sudden rise in tone has you coughing. your brother worriedly nudges you as you sputter and clutch your chest. glaring up at him through glistening tears, you grit your teeth. "if you don’t have anything good to say, get out."
"i admire your display of bravery (although your shakiness softens the impact, i will acknowledge it), but a debt collector has to check on their debtors." his lips quirk into an uncharacteristic smirk. "and it appears to me that’s something about the deal has been troubling you."
so he does know. nevertheless, you won’t let him gain the satisfaction of fooling you. wiping the dust off your clothes, you huff and bring the basket of food to the table. the splintering thing creaks under the weight, and even more when your brother leaps up on the table. "I don't—cough!—quite understand what you’re talking about." you get to work on putting away the groceries. "so if you’re done being smug, you’re free to leave."
"it’d be rude to just leave when someone is so dissatisfied with the terms of the contract," he says. with crossed arms, he stares at your back. "if you’d so like, you can always bring it up with me now."
you stay silent.
"i’ll take your silence as stubornness to comply."
you shoot back, "you can take my silence as the means to leave me alone."
his eyes flicker with amusement. "leave you alone? when you’re having regrets?"
you return to him, your [eye color] eyes red with rage and your docile lips curled into an ugly snarl."i don’t have regrets!" you scream, eyesight zoning on his red, red, red. "what i don’t understand is why in the world did you not live up to your contract! this—" you wildly gesture to your dumbfounded brother"—was in no way part of the contract!"
ah, humans, diluc thinks to himself. so quick to blame others and not their stupidity.
"i told you i’d bring your brother back to life." he taps his foot and looks down at you. "i’ve upheld my part of the deal."
"this isn’t my brother," you hiss. "my brother is strong and smart and can hunt the largest animal in the forest! he’s not– he’s not–" the whimpering of your… brother makes the words falter on your tongue. it wears the suit of your brother, but the face is your brother’s nevertheless. the look of hurt and confusion squeezes and wrings your heart out dry.
diluc only watches as you try to bring your hand to your brother’s cheek, only for him to give you a look of distrust and turn away. your heart breaks and fragments into tiny little pieces, before you bite your lip and turn away. "you know what i mean," you dejectedly sigh. "i want an explanation."
"again, i said bring him back to life," diluc repeats, firm in his tone. "reanimate his corpse. not bring his spirit back. my soul is only a fragment of a god, not a god wholly. bringing spirits back from the underworld is not within my realm of power."
another bout of anger flashes within your eyes, but the brother within your eyesight makes you wither and slump in your seat. "you celestial beings and your loopholes…" you grumble. looking back at your brother slinking away from you and to his own corner, diluc observes as your eyes slope into something of regret and quiet acceptance. "he can’t be brought back at all, can he?"
"unless you make a deal with a god."
you chuckle, waving off the thought. "the wars taught me one thing—outside of entertainment, gods don’t care for us humans."
your parents… who gave everything for murata, the god of war. the war where gods clashed heads with other gods for something not even their best warriors were privy too. the war where you watched your first hometown burn to the ground and your parents die by the sword. where your brother plucked you up from the ground and grabbed you even though you thrashed and screamed and begged for your parents to wake up. where he ran and ran and ran, even though you could see the blood seeping out from his tired soles.
the gods don’t care for you. diluc doesn’t tell you otherwise, because it is the truth.
"i want to give everything for my brother, i want to pay him back." your voice twists with fondness and mourning. "i love him a lot–"
"–so why did he throw it away for someone who doesn’t love him back?"
diluc watches, as he always does. your soul grows even brighter than before.
you feel his arms, strong ones that could easily snap you in half, snake around your neck and draw you closer to his chest. you don’t respond or flinch, only staring dully at the remains of your brother shivering in the corner. diluc gently tucks your hair behind your ear.
"it’ll be okay." his voice tickles your ear. "you will have all the time in the world to spend with your brother."
as the snake coils itself around its lenient prey, it grants it one final act of mercy.
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senjuushi · 2 months
What if a really wealthy Master (lives in a mansion, is a big boss) decided to buy the guns but not for fighting but to use them instead of hiring staff. As in, they are so rich that they need people to get stuff done (like cooking, cleaning the house, bodyguarding, paperwork, gardening... etc.) but figured that getting the guns will be cheaper and easier. For any guns of your choosing, tell us which ones would you put to which duties :3 personally i think Fal would be a great personal assistant/secretary and Sieg would be a good gardener (for some reason i feel like he really would)
Though he's struggling massively with the change in environment, Fal makes a wonderful secretary. He'll handle any paperwork assigned to him with unsettling efficiency, keep his work area impeccably tidy, and even keep an eye on your other staff members to ensure they're performing properly as well. Internally, underneath the polished facade, Fal is terrified. All too aware that he's out of place here, he's just waiting for something to go wrong.
The whole situation seems demeaning, at first— he's a weapon, not some kind of maid—, but working as a gardener turns out to be a lot less awful than Siegblut initially expects. And when he's allowed to make use of the produce he's grown in the kitchen, that "not awful" gets even better. Though it's a far different role than he's used to, Sieg thrives on praise; the more you acknowledge his competency and successes, the more he'll enjoy the job.
Figuring out what he's capable of is an awkward process (Mikhael does not enjoy being seemingly interrogated over his flaws), but once he lets slip enough about his interest in music, it's progress. Though he's expecting, at best, to be decommissioned for his uselessness before long, it turns out that you're perfectly satisfied with letting him play for your guests, or be lent out for shows from time to time. He's able to rest like this, and hurt less because of it.
His first couple of weeks were rough. Being separate from his previous Master left Marks agitated and emotionally volatile, leading to him trying to trail after you no matter what other task he'd been assigned. He does wonderfully as a bodyguard, though, where his guard dog-like alertness and attention to potential threats are finally put to proper use. And so long as you don't mind how clingy he is, staying by your side helps him calm down.
Combat wasn't exactly his strong suit, in the first place, so maybe this will work out...? Tabatiere isn't exactly hoping for much (he never is), but he tries his best with the chores you give him. It's nice to be able to cook more often, especially when that's enough to earn a bit of praise here and there. Though he never stops feeling rather out of place, domestic chores certainly aren't beneath him; if anything, this sort of life is far less stressful.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
What if Laena Velaryon had been born a boy?
this one is a stumper for me because it changes a LOT (bc, and I cannot emphasize this enough, but Laena is important to the plot and to Rhaenyra as a character!!)
The great council still sides with Viserys because Laenor was alive, and Rhaenys pushed his claim in canon, so having a slightly older son isn't going to do much for that.
Where this really starts to affect the plot is when Viserys is looking to remarry. Laena is pushed forward as the "correct" match because she is Valyrian, and it would soothe Corlys and Rhaenys' ruffled feathers from the GC 101. But if they have no daughters, that clearly doesn't happen. This also means there is straight up no Valyrian woman able to marry and have children except Rhaenyra during this time period which is a little wild (Rhaenys and maybe Jocelyn are alive, but past child bearing years, and these people just refuse to marry Celtigars which is deeply funny). Viserys has some room to pick whoever he wants to marry in this situation though, and I think it's not unlikely that more than Otto tries to take advantage of that (but Otto is still going to win).
HOWEVER. Especially after Rhaenyra is named heir, I think Corlys starts pushing that a boy Laena (obviously she's called Laenor, and probably actual Laenor is called like, Lucerys or something) marries Rhaenyra. I think it's likely he throws himself behind Rhaenyra hard, insisting that Laena and House Velaryon will uphold her claim, protect her birthright, "We Will Be Strong As We Were In Old Valyria By Joining Our Blood", etc etc, and since Viserys is not snubbing Corlys by refusing to marry Laena, I think there’s a non zero chance Laena and Rhaenyra are engaged very young.
But what does this mean for the Dance? Well…
Rhaenyra is probably less hostile to her marriage. Laena is a daring dragon rider who adores his mother & supports Rhaenyra and, most importantly, can give her heirs, so I think Rhaenyra pushes against this marriage much less. However, part of Rhaenyra’s anger over the engagement isn’t just the risk of marrying a man who may not give her children, or easing her father’s political headaches, but the idea that Rhaenyra is not allowed sexual freedom while Daemon and Viserys (and later Aegon) all are. So whether Rhaenyra is hostile to the marriage largely depends on how well she gets on with Laena and whether she feels like has control over her sexuality. In canon they are close, but in canon Laena is a woman and that does make a difference. There’s also The Criston Cole And Daemon Of It All - if Rhaenyra has a fiancé looking out for her, does Rhaenyra get so attached to him? Does whatever happens the night she goes to Daemon & Criston still happen?
It’s all kind of hard to say considering both Eustace and Mushroom are full of shit and Gyldayn is a raging misogynist. And regardless of the fallout of that, what Laena gives Rhaenyra is incredibly important - Valyrian looking heirs. With at the very least a Jacaerys that looks like a Velaryon (because he is by blood this time), a large part of the Greens propaganda falls apart. Yes, she’s a woman, but she has a Valyrian heir with a husband she probably likes & takes an active role in her life, and the unwavering support of the Velaryons. PLUS with the dragon twins gone, that frees Jace up to marry literally anyone - like, say, Helaena! Or potentially, one of the storm sisters! And if anyone gets too cute with Rhaenyra, well, Laena has Vhagar!
Again, the wildcards here are Criston and Daemon. Daemon especially has no way back into the main Targaryen line because there are no Valyrian women for him to marry. I think that makes him much more erratic when Rhaenyra marries, because he can see his hopes of being “accepted” slipping away and he has no other option to turn to.
So….Rhaenyra is theoretically better off by the time her father dies. If she cares for Laena as a man the way she cared for Laena as a woman, she will have the full backing of House Velaryon, a legitimate heir who is free to make a great political match, a husband happy to back her claim, and once again, Vhagar on her side and Aemond defanged. The question is if this marriage stays happy or if it sours because Rhaenyra feels stifled, or Daemon/Cole does something particularly deranged about it at any point.
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leeus-writing · 8 months
Personal Assistant
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I was asked to write Alpha/beta/Omega with Rufus, And so I did. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Hahah. I apologise in advance >.<
(Dividers by @cafekitsune​)
Personal Assistant
Alpha, Beta and Omega. It was the way of the world. The Alphas ruled in every capacity. Omegas always seemed to be in a caring role, healthcare, childcare and anything else with the word “care” in it. And Beta’s were everything in between.
For years, ShinRa were trying to work out the why of things. Why did Omegas have two heats unprompted every year? Why did Beta’s need to be bonded to trigger their own heat? Why were Female Alphas rare and why did they only have one heat a year once bonded?
And why couldn’t ShinRa find suppressants that could stop a heat running. Yes, they could prevent pregnancy, but they could not stop someone from falling into the uncontrollable effects of Heat. Of course, this affected Omegas more than any other group. Soft, caring Omega’s who were so good with children and excellent at medical practice.
You hated being called soft. You were Rufus ShinRa’s PA and an Omega. You’d ignored every suggestion that you go into the medical or care field. You wanted an office job, something different and so you landed one. One with the hottest man in power of course. Well, the hottest vice president anyway. You felt so lucky carrying in files, sitting at a desk only a few feet away from him.
You’d only been in a job a few months and you loved it. Your friends were so jealous! You grinned to yourself and fanned your face. It was warm that day. You removed your jacket and unbuttoned a few buttons on your shirt.
Uncomfortably warm.
Rufus stepped through the door, his Alpha smell always present. He ensured it was ever present, to show everyone who was boss. He couldn’t dominate President ShinRa, or Scarlet though. Scarlet, being a female Alpha, could be scarier than President ShinRa. Female Alphas, being rare, dominated all men. So, it was strange that she allowed President ShinRa to be in power. She was horrible.
You took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. Your body lurched and you felt drunk.
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You knew it well. You gathered your things to run to the infirmary. They had places for caught-out people to go.
A hand however stopped you. You flopped into the strong arms of Rufus, oh how lucky … and unlucky you were. All your dreams of him taking you in his arms were truth. But this wasn’t really the time you wanted him to catch you. That and his scent was making your heat spiral faster.
“Caught out?” He asked taking in a deep sniff of your neck.
He rubbed his teeth along your scent gland. And you shuddered, “Guess so,” You managed to reply, a grin on your face.
Soon you’d be entirely driven by hormones, unable to resist.
Rufus lifted you easily and took you to the red carpet Infront of his desk. He lay you out, you made no reaction, thoughts of running now gone. He started to unbutton your clothing. You sighed and let the heat take you as you heard his belt clatter to the floor.
Fingers slipping down your front and into your underwear. You whimpered, pulling your knees up, letting him in. You gasped as his fingers slipped over your clit. He grinned, slipping his fingers inside you. Your body shuddered, heat emanating from your body. He struggled to get your underwear free with one hand. He pumped his fingers a few times and pleasure washed over you. You groaned into the touch as you came.
His lips met yours, and you found strength again and kissed him back harder. Rufus flipped you over and pulled you onto all fours. You gasped as his fingers worked again and again over your clit before slipping into your hot pussy. He placed a hand over your mouth as you moaned loudly, cumming again. He held you open and lined up his cock behind you.
He thrust into you, and you cried out pushing back onto him. He clutched your hips and thrust deep into you. Alpha Rut taking over him. His eyes dilated as he slammed into you. He was not gentle. You moaned, feeling another orgasm building. Eyes squeezed shut as you arched your back, his scent overpowering you. Rufus leaned over you, teeth touching the skin of your neck. He lingered there before biting.
You let out a scream as his teeth sunk into your skin, claiming you. Your body cumming over and over. He snarled biting harder as he came in you, knot popping and locking you both in place. You flopped to the floor once he let go. You lay panting and shivering, the heat would last for a few days.
Rufus gently stroked your hair and lay beside you.
“My darling,” He whispered happy to have an Omega, happy to finally have a mate.
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