#something something taylor breaking that cycle by being close to his mom
variksel · 9 months
im a little bit tipsy so forgive me but how ironic is it that the family who is the most emotionally and/or physically distant from eachother is named close
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duckindndads · 7 months
This is as good as it’s going to get.
Ep 45 spoilers
God the Close family breaks my heart yall.
This family is the most like relatable to me honestly like Glenn didn’t have a good example and tried his best which passed to Nick and all the close boys are so poor at being there for people. The insecurity of not being perfect people and just stepping away in hope you don’t taint what they have going on. God it’s so freakn sad, and common and hidden ahhhhh
*rattles my cage* The authenticity of this episode makes me crazy let’s ramble about it
“There is no fixing this. That this is as good as it is going to get. That you are stuck with eachother in the forms you are now.”
There’s no fixing not being there. Whether it’s just not being there emotionally for your kid or not being there at all. The tragedy of the lack of something is so powerful in this episode.
I really appreciate that we got to see the Stampler/Marlowe family first. The ones in healing and becoming emotionally available. The imperfect three who stuck around anyways and try their best. It’s not perfect it’s messy and complicated but at least it’s there it’s not missing. It can grow so easily and we see that with how Scary makes another memory with Terry Jr and Ron right there and adds to the pot. Ron started the breaking of the cycle and the other generations continue to stumble into healing and it’s great!
In contrast, we have the Close’s stuck in the cycle. Glenn didn’t have a good dad and as far as we know his mom wasn’t the greatest either. In s1 Bill seems to be in the same boat Glenn finds himself in this episode. In his mind he was a great dad. Seeing it through rose colored glasses. But then looking back without the nostalgia or the romanticism or just a plain ol “this is how it is” lense?? Seeing how the lack of being there the lack of vulnerability makes the whole relationship feel so empty???
Nicky gets to see this too even tho he hasn’t had as long to hold himself up he sees he’s making the same mistakes. He had Glenn around to continue to perpetuate the ideas.
Taylor is the first to point out the pattern. In some ways it’s good that he didn’t have Nicky growing up to reinforce the cycle. The way the ideas of how a father and son should be best friends and “just be cool guys” isn’t ingrained in Taylor like it was in Glenn or Nicky. Still we mourn the emptiness but Taylor can see the holes in the bucket and he speaks on it too. He opens up emotionally in a way Nicky and Glenn never have. Speaking the quiet part out loud.
All the close boys are so lonely. They’re isolated and insecure. The relationship is so empty.
And then to top it off with such a small, in my head only a few drops, of the daddy magic to add into the jar?
It’s beautiful. It’s tragic. It’s heartbreaking.
There just isn’t anything to add. What happened did. There is no time travel magic to make up for lost time. We aren’t going to get that back.
There’s a beautiful hopeful tragedy to find here. They can’t go back, there is no starting over. You can’t start over from so little.
They’re just starting from square one.
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outofsstyles · 4 years
a/n: soo I’ve been working on this for a little while now and I’m very excited to share it with you al!! This piece is inspired by Taylor Swift’s music video for her song Wildest Dreams. If you’ve never seen the video, or don’t remember it really well, I recommend you watch it *after* reading the story so you don’t get it spoiled! If you’re interested then you can watch it by clicking *right here!!*
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Word count:  17.2k                     Rated: M, mature           
You agree to help your friend on her film project and Harry is playing your love interest.
“You’ve been frowning a lot and haven’t said a single word in the past five minutes, what’s wrong?” You looked up to your quiet roommate sitting opposite to where you stood near the kitchen counter. 
A playlist you both had made months ago, meant only for cooking days, as Nia had instructed, played faintly in the background. You hummed along to the melody of a song you didn’t really know the name of, but had listened to it enough to mumble the lyrics, as you focused on cutting banana slices.
Nia was the one who brought up trying out a new fruit smoothie recipe she had found while scrolling around on Pinterest. She was pretty excited after coming home with the groceries, ready to start the process. Which is why seeing her sitting quietly as she glared at her phone was a big sign that something was wrong.
“I think Jordan is about to pull out on us,” she groaned loudly, locking her phone and throwing it on the counter, running her hands on her face, “I can’t believe this is happening a week before filming starts.”
“Oh, that’s not good news” you said, looking back at your friend’s defeated state in front of you as you threw the banana slices into the blender. “What happened?”
“He said he decided to go with his cousin to Ibiza.” Her arms muffled her voice as she lied on top of them, sighing once again, “this is the third one that leaves, I might as well just cancel the entire thing and fail this class.”
You rolled your eyes lightly at her, shaking your head as you listened to her dramatic reactions. Being her friend for as long as you have, you knew how stressed Nia got with a project, specially something she was passionate about. She was always too hard on herself, trying to push everything to be as perfect as possible, which is a good thing when you focused on the ultimate results. But she often tended to over-stress herself, and that’s what makes you worry.
With this one in particular, you could tell how excited she was from the day her teacher assigned it. She came back home and rambled for hours on end about making her first film. Which is why when she begged you to be part of it, and you couldn’t find it in your heart to say no. 
It was a small production after all, it just being Nia and her partner Evan, whom you have known had gotten close to her in the past months. She assured it would a rather simple concept, with only two characters. The trickiest part being the fact that they would film it out of town, in a camp house that belonged to Nia’s aunt. You had agreed to it to make her happy, and with her promise of buying you chocolate muffins. Most uni students, however, didn’t seem as keen to sacrifice a week of their spring break as you were.
“You’re being dramatic Nia,” you reassured, turning on the blender and cringing at the loud noise that took over the place. “Maybe they just read on the script that they would have to kiss me a couple of times and got too nervous about it,” you tried to humor, raising your voice a bit before turning the processor off. Nia looked back at you with a serious expression, making you scoff, “calm down, grumpy pants, I’m sure Evan knows someone who can do the role, stop worrying.”
“All I do is worry, you know that,” she sighed, standing up to walk towards the cabinets behind you. She selected two matching cups that she had gotten for your birthday, one had Elsa printed on it, and the other Anna. You smiled as she placed them on the counter, knowing you always thought matching friendship objects were silly, but Nia loved it, so you loved it too. She looked vaguely at the blender, letting her shoulder weight down.   “At least we have a banana smoothie.”
“And something else!” You said, jumping on your feet to get to the fridge and retrieved a tupperware. You held it in her direction and smiled, “leftover spaghetti from Joe’s!” you exclaimed, attempting to brighten her mood. She looked back at you, grabbing the container from your hands, as she tried to fight back a smile.
“Yes,  how could I forget the leftover spaghetti?”
As the days passed by, the both of you had gotten more stressed out. Nia was still worried about everything related to her film project. With the days passing by and no one to fill the other role on the script, she found herself on a daily cycle of stress breakdowns. 
Just two days after your former cast partner dropped out on the project to spend his week on the busy beaches of Ibiza, she had bought three different boxes of hair dyes. And as you helped her turn her hair into a light shade of pink, she cried about how everything seemed to go wrong in her life.
Meanwhile, you had been struggling to fight your procrastination tendencies and try to finish as much work as possible before spring break. A task that was showing itself to be extremely difficult, considering your mind seemed more focused on binge watching true crime shows on YouTube. 
The blank document stared back at you from your computer screen, as you wished that if you looked at it for long enough, the essay would somehow write itself. Writing a couple of words but soon deleting them and going back to an empty page, you signed. Why was it so difficult to introduce a topic? You took a sip of the hot drink on the sparkly Cinderella mug you had chosen for the day, another one of Nia’s Disney-related possessions. 
You frowned at the blank document, your failure to write a single paragraph still open in front of you. You heard a light knock on your bedroom door, but before you could even say anything, you spotted the already fading pink hair coming into the room. 
Nia walked in jumping excitedly, saying your name in little squeals and almost tripping down as she made her way to sit on your bed in front of you. Breathing out, she looked at you with a big smile and messy hair before blurting out.
“We’ve got you a husband!” you stared back at her, arching your eyebrows. You knew she was referring to the role on the film, but you still laughed off at her choice of phrasing. “Evan got someone, it’s like his old friend or something, said he trusts him not to drop out.”
“Well, fourth time’s a charm, I guess?” you smiled at her. 
“We’re planning a pizza night this Friday, so we can, you know, set the details and all that.” She properly lied down next to you, playing with the strings on the hem of your pajama shorts. “Also so you two can meet each other, of course, you’re going to be married for a week after all.”
“The way you say it seems like we’re actually doing it,”  You laughed, finally closing your computer, and moving down to face her. “We’re just playing characters, Nia.”
“I know, I know… You’re really no fun, aren’t you?” She moved her arm up to support her head and poked you with her free hand as you rolled your eyes at her. “Also, he seems pretty cute, Evan showed me his picture, maybe you two can hit off.”
“I’m sure he is,” you tried not to fall for her attempt on teasing you over someone you don’t even know. Sure, you’ll be playing love interests, but you’ve done this plenty of times before, back on your theatre days. Kissing someone on stage doesn’t mean you have feelings for them in real life, and you knew that pretty well. You sighed, looking down at her, not wanting to engage into this kind of topic.
“Anyway, should we celebrate your new cast member and my inability to write a single sentence about art history?” you changed the subject, trying to distract yourself from your own thoughts. “We could watch Devil Wears Prada and make caramel popcorn.”
Nia gasped dramatically, “these are the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard coming from those pretty lips of yours,”  jumping to her feet as she pulled you to stand with her. She then ran out of the room, screaming back, “I’ll get the blankets and you start with the popcorn!”
It’s been years since you’ve known Nia, but yet the dynamic between the two of you has never really changed. You’ve always considered yourself very lucky for having a friend like her in your life. From the day you met her in your English class, it was like seeing someone you had already known your entire life; it was always that easy to be with her. 
You two became inseparable from day one.
Looking back, it’s crazy for you to realize how well your high school plans with each other had turned out. Most people you know had those friends in school they only really talked to because they saw them five times a week. But as soon as graduation came by they parted their ways and became only good nostalgic memories for one another. With the two of you, everything just worked out. 
You both got into the university you wanted, ready to get matching art degrees. On your second year of college, you moved in together. And halfway through the course, Nia just dropped out to enroll on an eighteen months film school. And that’s when she met Nate. 
You always knew she was destined to be that kind of person who just has one great love in her life. Which was funny considering that anyone who spent over five minutes with her and Nate in the same room could swear they would never work together. They just were those kinds of couples who are the polar opposite of each other. 
Nia was a little social butterfly, who could start a conversation with anyone about anything. She could talk for hours with the old ladies at the grocery store about how the new brands of beans are just not as good as the ones not as well known. Or chat with the yoga moms about a new reality show that had premiered on Netflix. She loved experimenting on new things, trying out new recipes or mix distinct colors together on her clothes.
Nate, on the other hand, just wasn’t much of a talker at all. Since the start of their relationship, he often stops by at your apartment -wearing a different shade of grey every time - but it would be a lot to say that you two have had a conversation for longer than five minutes. He just mostly kept it to himself. 
They balanced each other, which is why they worked so well.
It would be a lie for you to say you didn’t think about having something like that for you. You thought maybe you just weren’t the kind of person to have one meaningful relationship in your life. And that was okay. You’d like to think you’re better off on your own, anyway. But now and then you wondered how it would be to fall asleep in someone’s arms every day.
But you tried your best to keep those thoughts locked away in the back of your head. You knew that for the most part love is not really meant to last, Nia was just part of the lucky few.
The atmosphere in your shared apartment was cozy, as you waited for Evan and his friend to arrive before you started the pizza hangout, as Nia called it. 
You both had spent the day tidying up the place, trying to decorate it a bit with some fairy lights and nice pillows you found in your room. It had been a long time since you had done any kind of social gathering in your home, and Nia wanted everything to be perfect. She even insisted on making the pizzas herself, which took most part of the afternoon, and a lot of bossing around on her part. 
By the time the food was in the oven and the only thing left to do was wait, her boyfriend joined the two of you. 
She was very talkative and bubbly, as she usually is, getting the wine bottles she selected for the evening and placing them on the counter as she chatted with him. It was nice seeing her back do being her usual self after such a stressful week. 
You got the right amount of glasses, placing them next to the bottles, as you hummed along to the Declan Mckenna’s voice playing in the background. You weren’t really paying attention to Nia’s babbles, catching a word or two as she rambled about some dolphin documentary she had to watch for one of her classes. Pouring out a glass for yourself, you looked over to Nate who had a puzzled look on his face, as he tried to make sense of whatever rant his girlfriend had going on. You took a sip of your wine, and laughed lightly at yourself at the contrast between the two of them, something you had always found very amusing to observe. But before you could go further into your thoughts, the sound of the buzzer took over the small apartment.
“They’re here!” Nia gushed, as she quickly made her way out of the kitchen to get the front door, yelling back at you to get the pizzas out of the oven.
“Yes, ma’am,” you teased after she left, earning a light chuckle from Nate. 
Making your way around the kitchen, you took out kitchen gloves that had figures of little chicks printed on them, giving one last check inside the oven to make sure everything was ready, before opening it and taking out the food. You could hear Nia greeting Evan excitedly in the background, as she rushed him and his friend to come inside. As their voices got closer, you turned your back to the entrance, concentrating on not burning yourself while you placed both pizzas on top of the counter.
“There’s our star!” You heard Evan’s loud voice taking over the kitchen space, making you look over your shoulder and laugh at him. 
You turned around while taking off the gloves, as he pulled you into a tight hug, the strong scent of his cologne invading your nostrils. He wasn’t much taller than you, making him being considered short for a man. But his presence in a room was always so loud and bright that he seem much bigger than he actually is. You pulled back and looked at him, suddenly feeling underdressed in your own home. His entire outfit was bright red, being consisted of a jean jacket and silk pants, his eyes matching with vibrant eyeshadow taking over his whole eyelids.
“It’s very nice to see you again Evan,”  you smiled at him, his hands still holding onto your shoulders as he looked warmly at you. “It’s been too long! You look fabulous!”
“Oh honey, you flatter me too much! It’s why I love coming here,” he scoffed playfully, coming to your side and wrapping one arm over your shoulder as he guided you. “But tonight is not about me, unfortunately. It’s about the two of you.”
As you finally moved your attention to the kitchen entrance, you realized another presence standing there. A man, who you assumed was Evan’s friend, already smirking down at you as both of you approached him. 
You suddenly felt nervous under his stare while you could hear Evan commenting on something you didn’t really pay attention to. You had been taken completely by surprise by the man standing in front of you. Sure, Nia had mentioned to you once or twice that he was good looking, but you were not expecting this. 
It was a weird feeling, being this affected by someone you had just met, but you would have to be blind not to notice. His face was beautiful, a sharp jawline contrasting his soft skin, his fingers poked at his bottom lip as he smirked, you could notice the hint of a dimple forming on his cheek. His hair was short, but still long enough to see the shape of slight curls forming in it, some locks falling charmingly against his forehead. But what hit you the most were his eyes, thanks to the dim lighting you couldn’t really tell if they were a shade of forest green or more of a hazel tone, but you could feel your cheeks warming up from the way he watched you as you got closer.
His shoulders were broad, as he was leaning against the entrance, the hand that wasn’t poking at his lip resting inside the pocket of his brown pair of trousers. He wore a blank white shirt, partly tucked in, underneath a beige cardigan. The sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows, making you notice the tattoos hugging the skin of his arms. You felt a curious wish to know how many more you could find under all the layers of clothing..
As you and Evan got closer, he moved from his leaning position to stand tall in front of you. The smile never leaving his lips, and his eyes still watching you closely.
“So, darling, meet Harry,” Evan spoke up, gesturing you towards his friend. “He’s a pest, but I’m sure you’ll get along just fine”
“Way to give a first impression, E,” Harry rolled his eyes at his friend’s teasing, before turning his attention back to you. He moved closer, embracing you into a side hug “S lovely to meet you-”
You quickly cleared your throat, afraid that your voice would give you away, before saying your name. The attempt didn’t really seem to work, as your words came out higher than you had intended. You could feel Nia’s gaze turning to you on the corner of your eye, but tried your best to ignore it. He repeated it, before shooting a smile in your direction, the sound of his deep voice and the way his lips circled around the words making the hairs behind your neck rise.
“Okay! So how about we move this party to the living room?” Nia’s voice broke into the atmosphere. “Everyone can get their wine glasses and make themselves comfortable while y/n and I finish arranging the pizzas.”
She shot you a knowing look, before moving to get the wine bottles and handing them to Nate. Everyone shifted to get their glasses and settle in the other room, leaving you and Nia alone. 
You moved to get the knives and looked at the pizzas standing on the counter in front of you, calculating how you could cut out even slices on each. You could see your friend from the corner of your eye leaning on the counter staring directly at you.
“You know you can’t fool me even for a second, miss,” she teased, you could hear the smirk on her voice.
“I’m not doing anything,” you murmured, still not looking in her direction. She scoffed, elbowing you lightly as she mimicked you, saying your name in a high-pitched voice. You shot her a dirty look before shushing her, afraid the guest in the other room could hear her teasing. “I didn’t sound like that!”
“Oh please! You should have seen how you looked at him!” She rolled her eyes at you, “thought you were gonna drop down on your knees right then and there!”
“Nia!” you screamed in a whisper, your cheeks warming up at her words as you pinched her, making her squeal. You quickly shot a look at the entrance to see if anyone might’ve heard her, but they seemed to be enrolled in their own conversation. “Let’s just get this done quickly before they suspect we’re in here for too long.”
“Okay, cheeky girl,” she bit her lip and moved to get a knife to cut one pizza, but still eyeing you with a slight smile, leaning in one last time, “but I told you he was cute.”
Eventually, the two of you finished sorting out the pizza slices and joined everyone in the living room. Nia then rushed to join her boyfriend on the loveseat, leaving the only spot available for you being between Harry and Evan on the couch. She shot you a teasing smile, but you tried your best to ignore it and focus on finishing the wine glass you had poured for yourself earlier.
“Okay, so I’m going to need everyone to eat the food and tell me how good it is,” Nia pointed out to the center table where the  pieces of pizza laid upon, “I’ve spent the entire afternoon on these babies, so eat up!”
“You know that I’ve helped you with them, right?” you added, squinting your eyes at her, “some credit wouldn’t hurt.”
“You only laid the toppings on the dough so they would look even,” she snapped back pointing a finger at you, “I did all the hard work, so shush it.”
But before anyone could move to get a slice, Evan was already stretching out his arms to stop you from moving. “Wait a second,” he spoke, “I feel like I’ve watched enough seasons of MasterChef to be the first one to judge.”
“I mean, you are the best critic I know,” Nia pointed, leaning in to get a slice and offering to Evan, “but again, I don’t really know any other critics.” She humored as he took the food, making a show of analyzing it.
Everyone waited expectantly as Evan bit into the pizza slice, keeping a straight face that didn’t reveal much of his opinions. Nia leaned in his direction, nervously biting her bottom lip as she waited for his final verdict.
“You have to be honest,” she warned, observing him, “but know that I can get my feelings hurt pretty easily.”
“I don’t mind that,” Evan finally said, straightening his posture as he looked back to Nia’s waiting eyes, “I’ll say that it’s not the best pizza I’ve ever had,” he announced, “but it works.”
“You know what, I take it,” everyone laughed lightly as Nia visibly released a breath she had been holding in, “It’s not a bad review for a first time.”
The hours went by quickly as you eased into a conversation with everyone. It was nights like this you missed the most when the stress of all the accumulative work weighted on your shoulders. Having a more of a cool night to hangout with a few friends, drinking some wine and chatting about whatever topic came to mind.
As time passed, you could tell Nia and Evan got more agitated, probably due to the amount of wine they had consumed without even realizing. They chatted excitingly about Midsommar, their voices raising a bit too loud. But every time you tried to shush them, jokingly reminding of the neighbors next door, they would soon forget about it again.  You watched them babble, giggling when they would get excited on a certain topic and start to trip over a few words. 
You also felt lighter because of the alcohol, not as much as them, but still enough so you could feel your chest warmer and your mind a bit dizzy. You still felt an annoying tingle at the pit of your stomach when you felt Harry’s eyes fixating on you when you spoke, or when your hands brushed as you reached for the bottle at the center table. It was silly, and it made you feel like a teenager being in the presence of an attractive boy for the first time.
When it all quiet down eventually, Nia had dragged Evan to her room so he could give an insight on how she could decorate it. It was something she would do now and then, give her room a big renovation so the change in the space could make her more motivated, or something like that. Sometimes, if she felt inspired enough, she would change around the living area or  even your own room - when you allowed her, of course. 
Nate was still sitting on the loveseat looking like he was about to fall asleep at any moment as he scrolled through his phone. He hadn’t spoken a lot during the night, which wasn’t unusual for him, but he still managed to chat for a bit. 
That left you and Harry alone sitting on the main couch, with one person less it left you enough space to cross your legs, making yourself more comfortable. He was sitting on his side, his back resting on the big pillows by the arm of the couch, his chest turned towards you.
You reached for the wine bottle at the center table, realizing there was just a bit left, enough for a last glass for the two of you. “Wanna help me finish it?”  You turned to him with the bottle in your hand. He had a smile resting on his lips, as he raised his glass toward you so you could pour the liquid into it. You could tell his eyes were a bit cloudy, but you knew none of you had had enough to be drunk.
“Thank you, love,” he said, the raspiness on his voice as he spoke the pet name making the hairs in the back of your neck rise. You poured yourself the rest of the wine left, emptying the bottle as you settled it back where you got it. “Should we make a toast?” 
“Sure,” you replied easily, smiling at him, “what should we toast for?”
He looked away, puckering his lips slightly as he made a puzzled expression, a hand scratching at his chin as if in deep thought. You giggled at his dramatics before he pointed his finger up, his face turning into a big smile. He raised his glass in your direction, as you did the same. “A toast for being husband and wife?”
You chuckled, clinking your glasses together, “that’s fair,” you said, “ ‘s why we’re here after all, isn’t it?” you joked, taking a sip of your drink before settling it down on your lap.
“Sure is,” he mimicked, rising his glass to his lips, a smirk still adorning them as he managed to not break eye contact. He took a small sip before settling his glass back on the table.  He scratched the tip of his nose slightly with the side of his finger, before he relaxed back on the couch. “So” he spoke up, bringing your attention to him, “E told me you’re an actual actress,” he raised his eyebrows at you, “made me a bit nervous, love.”
“That right there is a lie,” you chuckled, biting your lip and shaking your head. “I used to do theatre back in the day, haven’t done any acting for years though.”
“A theatre kid, huh?” He laughed as you rolled your eyes jokingly.
“I’m aware we have a poor reputation, yes,” you said,  “I reckon we deserve it, but we weren’t that bad, I promise.”
He giggled, making your heart skip a beat at the sound. His smile was something you could easily get used to, the way it formed crinkles in his eyes and the dimples deep on his cheeks. You had to stop yourself for staring too much, moving your gaze to the glass on your lap.
“People are too harsh on theatre kids,” he reassured, “I think it seems pretty fun — only time I did it was when I played Elvis when I was about five, I think.” He added, resting his arm against the couch, his hand just a few inches away from your shoulders. “Had the time o’my life though.”
“You got main character though, that’s impressive,” you expressed, raising a hand to poke at his side playfully. “Have you done anything since your big debut as the king?”
“Can’t say I have, no,” he chuckled, “guess this is my big comeback, maybe I’ll get a call from broadway soon.”
“I’m sure you will!” You giggled, taking another sip from the glass in your hand.
You found it easy to dive into a conversation with him. You were both giggly from the wine, but it still seemed like you could stay like this for hours on end,  just talking to each other. 
He told you he wasn’t planning on doing the film, considering he never really thought about acting. But when Evan asked him if he could be part of it, he saw how desperate he was to fill the role, so he agreed. It warmed your heart to hear how fondly he spoke about his friend, telling you how willing he was to help, even if it involved doing something out of his comfort zone.
You two bounded over your mutual wish to become teachers. You found out he was studying Literature, a choice that for him as an easy one, considering throughout his life he had always been an avid reader. He said no matter how harsh thing got, he always found an escape between books, you could tell how passionate he was about it as he spoke about his favorite reads.
Eventually, you could hear voices coming closer from Nia’s room, as they seemed to be gushing about the filming that was starting soon. 
As Evan came into the room, he made his way to the couch, placing his hand on Harry’s shoulders. “Honey, as much as I wish we could stay here ‘til dawn, I’m afraid we must get going.”
With his declaration, everyone moved around to gather the dishes splattered across the center table to put it all at the kitchen counter. After some insisting -mostly on Harry’s part- on helping with cleaning, you convinced them you two could handle the task just fine. And they were the guests, after all.
Finally, you said your goodbyes, pulling Evan on a small hug, assuring him you’d do your best to do his script justice.
And as you came to face Harry, he leaned into a hug, giving you a last kiss on the cheek, before telling you how lovely it had been to meet you.
You had woken up with your door opening abruptly, making you jump a bit from the sudden change in the peaceful atmosphere from your deep slumber. Before you could process the situation in hand, Nia was already pulling out the covers and spitting out words at a faster pace than you could comprehend in your mind state.
“Get up already! We are very late,” She urged as you lazily scratched at your eyes before sitting up to look at her. “Evan is going to kill us!” She cried out.
Your head pounded slightly, making you search for your water bottle previously prompted by yourself the night before, knowing you would need it in the morning. You reached for it in your nightstand, taking big gulps as you watched amusingly Nia run around your room picking random clothes and throwing it in a duffel bag you had just noticed.
Resting the bottle down on your lap, you yawned lightly, still in the process of waking up. “Calm down Ni,” you mumbled, “We still have time, we’re only leaving at like, two.”
She looked back at you as if you had just slapped her across the face, your shirt falling partly from her hand. “It’s already one,” she informed, making your eyes bulge as you reached to check on your phone, confirming as it read 1:16pm. “We don’t even have our bags packed AND we got a sink full of dishes to wash.”
The minutes after that were rushed, as you two did your best to get ready as fast as possible. Mentally slapping yourself for leaving everything for the last minute, but still managing to pack your bag in record speed.
But as time passed and the list of things to do was still far from over, Nia phoned Evan and let him know you would need a few more hours to be ready to leave. To say he wasn’t the happiest about the news was an understanding, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
A couple hours later you were finally packed, and after a quick stop to shop for road trip snacks you were off on the road. 
You left much later than planned, and even if it wasn’t that much of a long drive, it was still 3 hours until you got there. The ride itself was mostly quiet, except from Lorde’s Melodrama playing softly in the background. You hummed along to the words, but apart from that there wasn’t a lot of talking between the two of you, all due to the limited amount of sleep you got from the previous night.
As you got closer, the scenery of open grass camps and blooming flowers at the peak of spring was a peaceful change of scene from the busy city streets you were used to. And when you finally got to the house, the sun was almost setting on the horizon. The sky being a satisfying mixture of blue and orange. There was a car already parked in, and as you got closer, you could see two figures sitting on the front stairs. 
Getting out of the car, you quickly made your way to where they stood. “Have you been waiting long?” Nia asked as you got closer to them. 
“Longer than I was planning to, I’ll say that,” Evan replied, taking off his sunglasses to greet you.
Harry came up from behind him, looking incredibly cozy wearing a knitted cream sweater. It took everything in you not to nuzzle on him as he met you with a quick embrace. You had to focus on keeping your breathing steady as you looked up at him when you parted. The sun coming from behind you doing wonders as it hit his face perfectly. His eyes were the prettiest shade of green as he smiled down at you before moving to greet  Nia.
“We’ve been here fo’ ten minutes, don’t listen to him,” he assured with a small laugh.
The house itself was much bigger than you expected, it wasn’t huge, by any means, but you had pictured a small cottage with barely any space for the four of you. The place, however, was big enough for you to have your privacy but still small enough to feel cozy and welcoming. 
You quickly found there were three rooms, and despite you arguing you didn’t mind sharing one with Nia, considering you two lived together, she still insisted that you and Harry had your own bedrooms. It was her way of thanking you for agreeing to help them.
After you got established in your respective room, you met everyone down at the kitchen. The place was loud with chatter as they played around while making dinner. Nia seemed to boss the boys around to cut the vegetables properly, as she concentrated on figuring out how to work the old stove. They laughed lightly as she cussed under her breath in frustration after another failed attempt. You watched quietly for a moment, before joining in to help her.
You finally turned the stove on with the help of a few matches you found laying on the counter, being able to cook with no more trouble. It was already getting late when you finished eating and gathered the dishes to lay them on the sink. Still, Nia insisted on watching one of the movies she had carefully selected on her extended collections of DvDs to bring with her. 
You decided to make yourself some tea while the rest of them moved around to arrange themselves for the movie night. After offering if anyone else wanted a cup as well, you were met with Harry’s warm smile as he accepted shyly.
Soon enough everyone settled down on the big couch to watch the movie. Evan took his place on one of the armchairs, while Harry opted to sit by the end of the couch, setting his legs on the footrest in front of him. As you walked in with your mugs, he gazed up at you, shooting a soft smile and muttering a quick ‘thank you’ as you handed him his drink.
He patted the spot next to him, indicating for you to sit, to which you happily obliged. 
“Wanna share?” he asked, holding up a blanket that lied at the arm of the couch. “There’s jus’ three of ‘em.”
“Sure,” you replied, moving to pull the blanket, so it was covering the two of you. You knew very well you could always get an extra one from one of the bedrooms, but you would never bring yourself to suggest it.
Finally, Nia entered the room with a small pack of m&m’s on one of her hands and the DvD case for ‘Love Actually’ on the other. She was quick to insert it on the player before settling down next to you. Pulling out the leftover blanket for herself, she lied down to rest her head comfortably on top of your legs.
It didn’t take long until she fell in deep slumber, cuddling up on your lap as soft snores left her lips. You pouted slightly down at her. The poor thing was exhausted from driving all the way, and the bad night of sleep the day before.
As the movie progressed, you could feel your eyelids getting heavier as well, the words coming from Keira Knightley’s mouth becoming more of a background noise as you fought to keep yourself awake. But before you could doze off, you felt Harry shifting slightly next to you. Suddenly feeling his arm hugging your shoulders, as he gently pulled you closer.
You moved your head to look at him but before you could say anything he shushed you softly and pulled you back in. “ ‘S fine, love,” he whispered, “can see that you’re tired.”
And with a half-woken mind and heavy eyelids you laid back on his shoulder and allowed yourself to snooze.
You woke up with him shifting again from under you, opening your eyes slowly to find the end credits rolling up the screen in front of you. You yawned lightly before sitting up, being careful not to wake a still-very-much-asleep Nia on your lap.
“Sorry,” you heard Harry say as you scratched at your eyes, “didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s fine,” you assured, your voice a bit raspy from your nap, “would have to happen, eventually.” You looked down at the unconscious girl lying on you, knowing you had to get her to bed so she could sleep properly. “We should wake her.”
“Want me to carry her to her room?” he asked.
“I think she’ll be okay,” you replied, gently calling her name so she could slowly wake up.
Surely, it didn’t take a lot of coaxing to get her eyelid to flutter open, as she lazily rose from her sleep.
You helped her to her room, afraid she’d trip down the stair in her hazy state of mind, still half asleep as she dragged her feet across the floor. 
As soon as she laid down in her bed, you made your way back to the kitchen to fix yourself a glass of water so you could go to sleep. 
It surprised you to find Harry still awake as you entered the space; he looked up at you from his position leaning on the counter with his phone in his hand. Quickly placing it in his back pocket as he saw you coming in, giving you a slight smile. “Thought you’d gone to bed.”
You reached for the cabinet Nia had pointed you to earlier where the cups were placed, picking one with little thought and closing it. “Just came here for a glass of water,” you spoke, moving the cup under the tap, “always have one next to my bed, y’know, in case I get thirsty and stuff.” You shook your head slightly, not wanting to ramble about the benefits of staying hydrated during the night just to make a conversation.
“Smart girl,” he joked, causing you to chuckle as you felt blush creeping out on your cheeks. You could see him coming closer to stand next to you from the corner of your eye, which didn’t help the tingly feeling forming at the pit of your stomach. “Excited fo’ tomorrow?” he asked, crossing his arms on top of the counter as he leaned next to you.
“Guess I am,” you answered, looking up at him and finding he was closer than you had realized. You smiled nervously as you met his eyes gazing down at you, before clearing your throat lightly. “What about you?”
“To be honest ‘m a bit nervous, love,” he confessed.
“Why’s that?” 
“I mean,” he started, his eyes still fixed on you, “ ‘s not every day I get to pretend ‘m married to a pretty girl like you.”
You could feel your heart skip a beat as he reached one of his hands to move a strand of your hair behind your ear. He kept his hand on your cheek just as his eyes seemed to gaze down at your lips, so subtly that it felt like you might’ve imagined it. 
The silence in the room was loud as you could almost hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears, as he leaned down just barely, getting closer to you. He looked down one more time at your lips, this time making sure you realized the unspoken question behind that action. You suddenly felt water pouring through your fingers, as the forgotten cup in your hand overflowed. This caused you to jump back a bit, quickly turning the tap off and resting the glass on the counter. 
“Oh my god,” you squeak, reaching out for a towel right next to the sink to dry your hand. “I’m sorry, that was-” you chuckled, glancing at Harry who seemed to watch you with an amused expression. “That was awkward, sorry.”
“No need to apologize,” He assured, picking the full glass and moving it in the counter so it was out of your reach. “ ‘t was actually quite cute,” he moved closer to you again, reaching his hand to hold at your jawline. 
You held back your breath as you felt his own hitting the top of your upper lip, your noses brushing slightly. 
“Been wanting to do this fo’ a bit now, love,” he spoke a bit above a whisper, his deep voice sending chills down your spine and making you grab at his sweater, ”would you let me?” his thumb caressed your cheek lovingly, “would you let me kiss you?”
You could feel your heart beating strongly against your rib cages, swallowing hard as you looked up at him. He was watching you closely, his dark emerald irises gazing down at you as your lips barely brushed. You nodded at him, trying to pull him closer.
“Use your words, darling,” he insisted, not budging from his position. “Wanna hear you say it.”
“Please, Harry I-” you moved your hand to grasp on his waist, “just —kiss me.”
Giving a satisfied hum, he finally leaned down, closing the space between the two of you. His hand remained stroking your cheek softly, as the other sneaked under your neck.
He moved his lips ever so slightly, his cupid bow founding its way above your inner lip, sucking on it gently. The kiss was teasingly slow, making you hyper aware of all of your senses. Your hands feeling the soft fabric of his sweater, grabbing at it as if asking for more. 
He moved the hand on your neck, pulling gently at your hair, making you angle your head up a bit. As his tongue poked to lick at your bottom lip, you opened your mouth, deepening the kiss.
You stayed like this for a while, pressed against the kitchen wall as you enjoyed the taste of each other. 
When you pulled back, he splattered a few kisses along your cheek, giving one last peck on your mouth before pulling back.
“As much as I don’t want to end this now,” he muttered, moving his hand, so they were both holding your cheeks, “We should get some sleep fo’ tomorrow.” 
“We should,” you agreed.
“We’ll get the chance to do this again,” he said, making you bite down a smile at the innuendo behind his words.
He gave you one last kiss before pulling away completely, reaching for the glass of water you had already forgotten about on the counter and handing it to you. 
You walked back to your rooms without saying a word, but still sharing glances and smiles along the way. And as you got to your respective rooms, you whispered quiet good nights before parting ways and closing the door behind you.
The days that followed were rushed, considering the filming had officially started. You two barely had the chance to be alone again, which was disappointing. But still you couldn’t find yourself time to miss the feel of having his soft lips against yours, considering the scenes you had with each other. What you did miss was being able to kiss him without it being written in a piece of paper, or having someone from outside tell you to. You missed the intimacy of feeling his tongue meet your own and having his hands pulling you close as you both craved for more. You missed the shared secret between just the two of you, that was knowing how it felt to have him all to yourself.
It was discomforting, earning for someone you barely even know. Jumping into a feeling you know there’s no way can end well. You both were playing characters. Lovers, yes, but it was all pretend. It didn’t help that he was so good at it. In front of the cameras he would be so loving that you often wondered how much of it was just part of the act. 
It was subtle things that made you think of it, like a glance across the room between takes. Him leaning close to you every time they called you to watch back something you had just recorded. Or when he sucked in your lip during a scene, so softly you could barely notice but still made your heart skip a beat.
But as much as it was nice to pretend that you two had some shared secret, you knew that the most likely scenario was that he was just doing his work and being friendly. So you tried your best to convince yourself that all of it was just your mind playing tricks, this way you could prevent yourself from inevitably getting hurt. That encounter in the kitchen was most likely his way of making things less awkward to when you inevitably would have to do it in front of a camera. That was it, nothing more. 
It seemed to have worked pretty well, you two had the chemistry Evan hoped for when he wrote his script. Nia kept teasing you with every given opportunity. You didn’t tell her about the late night kitchen situation, but you knew she could sense the ‘chemistry’ was not simply because you two were just that good at acting. No one was complaining though, considering everything was going so smoothly they suspected it could be wrapped up even earlier than expected.
Every time they would mention the possibility, you found yourself wishing deep down something would set you back on the schedule. You felt bad for it, and you never voice your inner thoughts, but you knew wrapping up early meant going home early, and you were getting a bit too comfortable getting to act all loved up on camera.
As if some kind of outer force had listened to your wishes, just as you were halfway throughout the week, mother nature seemed to be your biggest ally.
You had just woken up with the annoying tune of your alarm clock, one you had chosen for finding it soothing at first. But you soon found that those sounds are not meant to feel soothing at all, as it woke you from your deep slumber. You were quick to turn it off before rubbing your eyes softly and enjoying the warmth of your bed for a few more minutes. You could hear the gentle sounds of raindrops hitting your window, but barely paid any attention to it as you rose lazily, stretching your arms above your head.
Making your way down the stairs you first noticed Evan standing by the big window in the living room, looking out with a hand resting on his hip and the other one holding a mug. Behind him, in one of the armchairs, sat Harry, also drinking out of a mug as he read a book quietly. But as if he felt your presence as you got to the bottom of the staircase, he looked up, smiling at you as you made your way into the room.
“G’morning,” he spoke, alerting the man by the window of your presence as he turned around to look at you.
“Good morning,” you said back, before realizing the worried expression on Evan’s face, “is everything okay?”
“A disaster just happened, honey, look out the windows!”  he snapped, gesturing behind him where you could see the rain hitting the glass. The sky was dark with clouds, suggesting it was just the beginning of the storm that was to come. You looked back with a puzzled expression, knowing the weather was not the best, but as far as you remembered you had already shot all the scenes you needed outside. Evan rolled his eyes, “our natural light is gone, honey, it’s too dark to shoot!” he barked.
“Hey, no need to yell at her like tha’,” Harry looked back at his friend, attempting to calm him down, “ ‘s fine, we were early on schedule anyway, one day is not gonna delay it.”
He shot a look at Harry, his hand finding its way back on his waist as he let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry, this is just incredibly frustrating.”
You smiled at him to assure it was fine, knowing how much stress he was putting on because of this project. “Doesn’t Nia have one of those light things you were using the other day to make the scene brighter?” You suggested.
Evan sighed, “that’s a reflector, it just— well, reflects the light, we would need the sun for it to work, and seems like she’s not showing her face anytime soon,” he weightened his shoulders down, clearly feeling defeated. “I guess today is our off day — we should use it to pray for sunlight tomorrow, otherwise I’m pulling my hair off.”
When Nia woke up, you could tell she was not happy at all with the news that filming had to be cancelled for the time being. She spent the whole breakfast whining and crying about the poor weather. You tried your best to console her, but knowing your friend you knew her dramatics showed off when she worried about something. She tended to overthink every scenario that could go wrong, which did nothing to help the pressure she put on herself.
The day went on as eventless as it possibly could, the rain outside just seeming to get angrier as time passed by. You did your best to distract Nia from her own head, asking her about the recent documentaries she had watched, knowing she could go on tangents for hours. You talked about crime shows you have started before filming and shared different theories you had on them. You even listened to her deep analysis of trashy reality shows she loved to watch and always tried to drag you to get into it.
You talked and talked with no end, considering there wasn’t much else to do. Nia’s aunt hated computers and refused to install any kind of wifi, leaving you with a shitty connection that barely loaded a five-minute video.
As the evening came by, and the raindrops still hit angrily at the windows, you decided to watch another movie — this time it was Evan’s choice of Freaky Friday. 
You volunteered to grab the blankets from the cabinets on the second floor, while Nia excitedly announced she would make popcorn for everyone.
Quickly moving along the hallway, you made your way in front of the doors and opened them. You could hear footsteps coming up the stairs as you tiptoed to  reach the top shelf where the soft blanket you had used the first night lied on top of. 
“Need help?” You heard a voice approach, looking over your shoulder to find Harry walking towards you with an amused expression on his face. You nodded, chuckling as you quickly stepped out of the way to allow him to take your place. He reached up, easily retrieving the blanket and giving it to you.
“Thank you,” you muttered, looking up at him for a moment.
“No problem, darlin’,” he said, fetching two other blankets  before closing one door with a swing of his hip. You closed the other one with a small giggle. You started to quietly move along towards the staircase when he cleared his throat, causing you to look up at him. He kept his gaze down before speaking softly, “After the movie, think I’ll go back to my room a bit early,”  he looked at you for a moment, “ ‘f you want to join me.”
You stopped walking to look at him arching your eyebrows surprised, not expecting this kind of proposal at this moment. He stopped a step ahead of you, staring back with nervous eyes and shooting you a shy smile. “I’m not saying we have to do anything, I just-” he spluttered, “just wanted to be with you, without the camera and stuff.”
You smiled at him, “of course,” you voiced, “sounds nice.”
Shortly, you found yourself in the same position as the first day. Sharing a blanket with Harry, but this time Nia was wide awake next to you with a bucket of popcorn plopped on her lap. Some people would consider her to be the worst kind of person to watch movies with, considering she would always get too excited and comment on every scene she could. You had gotten so used to it with time, that it felt weird watching a movie without her voice interrupting a scene every five minutes.
It got hard to concentrate on this one in particular, and not because of Nia’s speaking over the lines, but the sudden feeling of Harry’s hand resting on your knee halfway through it. Your legs were crossed on top of the couch, making part of it rest slightly on top of his as he eased his thumb over your skin.
As time passed, he moved his hand up a bit, finding its final place on your inner thigh, causing goosebumps to arise on the back of your neck as he caressed it softly. You caught yourself holding your breath multiple times, something he was also probably aware of, considering the position of his arm on the side of your chest. 
The tension between you two was almost palpable as the end credits rolled up. At that point you had prompted yourself to lean your head on his shoulders. He grasped your skin slightly before removing his hand and motioning his position to get up, making you pull back from him.
“‘m going back to my room now,” he announced as he got up, shooting you a knowing look, “g’night.”
You stayed back for a few minutes so as not to look too suspicious, folding up the blanket you had used and scrolling through your phone for a bit. Not long after you excused yourself, climbing the stairs two steps at a time.
You found him in the hallway, leaning in on the wall right next to his door as he looked down on his phone. As he felt your presence he gazed up, grinning softly before bringing his finger above his lips as to warn you to stay quiet.
The two rushed inside his room, trying to be as quiet as possible, considering your friends downstairs could come up at any second. He closed the door behind him, looking right at you as he leaned back. His room was similar to yours, the difference being a few more clothes lying on top of the small couch standing at the corner. The curtains hanging on the big windows were pushed open, allowing the moonlight from the now-clear sky to illuminate the place. 
Your breath got caught in your throat as you stared back at him, meeting his dark irises. He started stepping closer to you until he could lean his forehead against yours. His hands found their way caressing your jawline, one of them going as far as to pulling lightly on the hair above your neck. You held your breath, gazing up at him as you waited for his next move.
He smiled lazily, brushing his nose against your softly before placing a peck to the corner of your lips. He was teasing you, his hand leaving your hair to find its way down your body, paying special attention to the side of your breast before placing itself holding your waist.
You swallowed dryly, feeling your heart speed up as you pulled him closer, wanting desperately to close the space between the two of you. Too scared that your voice would give out your desperation, you moved one of your hands to the back of his neck and pulled him in. He didn’t think twice before finally closing the space and allowing you to feel his lips against yours.
The kiss started slow, both of you still trying to figure it out how it was to taste each other like this. His lips were soft, moving teasingly as he sucked on your bottom lip. Your hand pulled his hair gently, causing him to whine into mouth, licking at your tongue as he deepened the kiss. The hand on your waist moved up, caressing the side of your breast softly as he tried to pull you in as close as possible.
He started easing you backwards, considering neither of you were willing to break the kiss to watch where you were going. You felt the mattress of his bed hitting the back of your knees. You allowed him to lay you into the bed, parting for a moment so you could move upwards, laying your head on the pillows. Shortly enough he joined you, placing his elbows on both sides of your head, not wasting any time before closing the space between your mouths again.
The two of you stayed like this for a while. Slowly kissing each other, as your arm found its way back behind his neck and one of his hand caressed your cheek. You could get used to this, with him being the only thing you could sense. His taste. His touch. His scent. 
He was all you could think about.
When you finally pulled back, you could see his red, puffy lips even with the limited amount of lighting going into the room. 
He looked into your eyes for a moment, “you look so pretty like this, darling,” he murmured, his voice just above a whisper, sending chills down your spine. “Could eat you up.” 
A small whimper left your mouth, as he dove back in to spread kissed along your cheek and down your throat. You bit hard into your lip and swallowed back a moan as he sucked in a spot right below your jawline. You could feel him grinding his hips down on your tights, making you aware of the growing bulge inside his sweats.
You placed your hand on his shoulders, pushing him gently and disconnecting him from your neck. He pulled back, looking back at you with a puzzled look. You kept pushing him until his shoulders hit the mattress, reverting the previous position you both were in, as you stranded his waist.
Looking down at him, you wanted so badly to discover his body, to make him feel good. So you took the same position he had on you. Placing your lips against his neck and running your tongue against it, sucking in his skin. You kept doing it as your hand smoothed down his body, finding the hem of his shirt and lifting it enough so you could scratch at his love handles. He gave you a small moan, a sound so delicious to hear you that made you want to swallow him whole. 
Both his hands found their place on your waist, pressing you down so you could feel his need between your tights. You quickly pulled your head from his neck, giving him a soft peck on the lips.
“Please, love, just-” he grunted, looking up at you with pleading eyes. “Just do something, please, I-“
His hands gripped tightly on your waist as you rolled your hips against him. Neither of you could contain your moans as you repeated the movement, even fully clothed his bulge rubbed deliciously against the place you needed it the most. 
You leaned down again, this time pushing his shirt up as you made your way down his body, splattering open-mouthed kisses along his warm chest. You paid a special mind to the tattoos you met along the way, sucking spots over the wings of a butterfly inked on his stomach. As you licked along the leaves of the ferns that adorned his love handles, you felt one of his hands tangling in your hair, his hips rising slightly as he whimpered.
“A bit impatient, you are,” you spoke, feeling his belly tighten as you placed a playful bite under his belly button, causing another moan to leave his lips.
“Darlin’, please,” he whined, “Just- fuck, just need you right now.”
You decided not to tease him for too long, considering you needed it just as much as he did. Finally, you moved down once more to place a kiss above the hard on over his pants. He lifted his head, watching your every move as his hand that was placed on your hair pushed some strands away from your forehead. You wrapped your hand around the hem of his sweats, rising your eyebrows at him as you felt he wasn’t wearing any underpants. The thought of having such easy access to him making you press your thighs together, feeling your wetness already damping your underwear 
Slowly, you bit your bottom lip, keeping your gaze focused on him as you moved his sweats down, he raised his hips as to help you out. Once his cock was fully out, you stared back down at it lying proudly against his stomach. You ran your fingers gently along his length, causing him to hold his breath, his abdomen tightening once more. He was definitely bigger than anyone you had ever been with, causing your mouth to water a bit and your thighs to press together once again at the thought of fully having him.
You could feel him peering down at you as you wrapped your hands around the base and applied the smallest amount of pressure. The precum was already escaping from the tip and sliding down the tiniest bit. 
Moving your head forward you looked back at his waiting eyes, spitting on top of the head as you moved your hand up caressing it. This time he gave you an actual moan, throwing his head back at the pillows behind him. 
Looking down at him, you didn’t know where to place your lips first, wanting to bite and lick every part of his body. Finally deciding on sucking a spot on his thigh, right next to where rested an ink of a tiger head.
You kept the movement of your hand, twisting it and applying more pressure eventually as you watched him shift around under you. He raised his hips slightly as he pleaded under his breath for more, his hand firmly on top of your head as the other was thrown above his own.
You moved your thumb to run across his slit, caressing the head with a flick of your wrist as you moved your mouth to place kisses at the base. At this point he became a moaning mess, throwing his arm over his mouth as to muffle the sounds while you licked up his shaft.
“God- fuck- such a good girl,” he moaned on his arm, moving it out of the way so he could look down at you. “Doing so good, you feel so good- shit.”
Smiling at him, you jerked him off a couple of times before resting your hand at the base so you could replace it with your mouth.
You licked around his head, giving it a small kiss before you moved down as far as you could go. He cried out, tightening his grip on your hair and moving his hips up to meet your movements as you sucked on him.
He was desperate to reach his climax, and you were desperate to see him cum undone under your touch. So you started speeding up, your mouth licking at his veins, your hand helping you as you moved it along his dick. He was cursing and moaning over you, pleading for you not to stop. You kept moving your hand as you licked at his head once more before detaching so you could look up at him with pleading eyes.
“Almost there?” you asked, having him nod frantically at you, “will you let me have a taste?”
That seemed to do it for him, as he pushed your head back down, making you attach your lips to his head as you felt him shoot his load inside your mouth. You milked him as he came down from his high, feeling his softness on your lips as you swallowed down.
You sat up and looked down at his hazy eyes while he calmed down with heavy breaths. He adjusted his sweats quickly before moving himself up to pull you in for a frantic kiss. “God, darling, you’re a dream,” he spoke between kisses, his hands gripping at your waist as he positioned you to lie on top of him, moving one of them under your shirt, pulling it up slowly.
You quickly placed your hand on top of his stopping him from going further as you detached from him. He furrowed his brows at you. “I should go back to my room,” you said, “got an early day tomorrow.”
He gave you a puzzled look, “but you still haven’t- “
“it’s okay,” you interrupted, moving to get up from his bed, suddenly feeling nervous under his gaze, “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Good night!”
You left his room before he could protest, wanting to slap yourself from running away like this. 
The next morning was thankfully much brighter than the one before, with sunlight shining through the windows at the earliest hours. You didn’t get a lot of sleep, tossing and turning around, replaying the previous night in your head. The thought of what could’ve happened if you had stayed imprinted itself in your mind. You started to overthink it. What did he even think of you? After running away like that? 
Your thoughts consumed you as you sat in of the stools in the kitchen by yourself, for the first time being the first to be awake. Your coffee running cold by the minute, as you frowned to yourself, taking a sip every so often.
It didn’t take long until you didn’t find yourself alone anymore, having Evan join you as he happily cheered about the nice weather. You nodded along to him, not really in the mood for talking as you anxiously poked at your nails.
It was when you walked towards the sink to wash your used mug that you saw Harry walking into the kitchen. His hair messy and his eyes sleepy, making you annoyed at how charming he managed to look even after just getting out of bed. 
He greeted you with a raspiness to his voice, his eyes lingering on you a moment too long as he smirked before moving to the cabinets. He stood next to you while you washed the dishes, grabbing himself a bowl while he worked on his breakfast.
Yours arms would brush every so often as you moved while doing your tasks, making you gaze at him. He kept a grin sitting on his face as he casually made a conversation with Evan, his dimple poking out the smallest bit, but still not looking back at you.
As soon as you were finished you left for your bedroom so you could get ready for the day, but not before sparing one last glance at Harry. This time his eyes were already trained on you as he chewed slowly his fruit salad. You felt your cheeks getting a bit warm from the eye contact, making you look down and leave the room with a speeding heart.
The work started early, as you ran around to keep up with the schedule after losing one day of productivity. 
Harry seemed to be in it for teasing you. His touches lingered longer than needed. His kisses were harsher, the need behind them being almost palpable. His gaze on you told you something you couldn’t really tell exactly what it was. Lust? Desire? You weren’t entirely sure, but every time you caught him watching you felt a warmth take over your face.
In one occasion, between takes, as Nia and Evan discussed the best position for the camera considering her broken tripod. You stood awkwardly waiting for their instructions as you played with the hem of your dress. You could feel him staring closely, looking up to find him with the same smirk he gave you in the morning. He looked quickly over your friends who were still trying to figure out the problem before leaning up close to you “Still haven’t let me have a taste, love,” he said quiet enough to that just you could hear, the words sending a chill down your spine and making your core twitch as you glanced back at him.
That same night, after you announced you’d tuck yourself in, just as you changed into your pajama shorts, you heard a soft knock on your door.  You opened up to see his darkened irises staring back at you as he quietly let himself in. And within a few minutes he found his place between your legs, your hand gripping tightly at his curls as you moaned into your pillow.
The  following day wasn’t much different, starting with a tight filming schedule that was coming to a close end. An exchanging of glances across the room and yearning touches with underlying motives behind them. Ending with you lurking into his room at the dark hours of the night, craving-filled touched and muffled moans.
The wrap up of the film was welcomed with a bittersweet feeling settling itself in the pit of your stomach. Knowing as much as you were glad everything had gone as smoothly as possible during this week, it was time to leave it all behind. 
You were nervous about how it would be with Harry after you got home. Was this the start of something that could potentially become a warm and beautiful feeling? Or was it just a lust-filled affair that would end as quickly as it had started? It made you anxious to think about it, not wanting to let go of it just yet.
Nia walked into the living room with two champagne bottles that had been brought up for this exact moment. The atmosphere was filled with chatter as everyone celebrated the end of the hard work. 
You were dressed in the fanciest clothes you had brought on your rushed-packed bag, which consisted itself in a black blouse and a loose pair of pants you stole from Nia’s wardrobe a couple weeks prior. But you once again could not compete with Evan’s sense of style, as he seemed right out of a cover with a hot pink turtleneck under a sparkly black dress that hung all the way to his feet.
But you still couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.
You watched as he laughed along at something that had been said, his eyes meeting yours for a moment before fixing on Nia as she offered to serve him the champagne she had just opened. 
He looked so good. 
Like you, he didn’t opt for a very glam look, wearing a simple graphic white tee with a rainbow printed on it, and a simple pair of checked trousers. But as plain as someone could argue it was, he still managed to look incredibly inviting, which made it harder for you not to latch yourself onto him.
You were coming into your sixth or seventh glass when it all died down. Your head was fuzzy, and you felt giggly as you cheered along with everyone about the successful week you had. Nia had already gone back to her room. She didn’t  drink as much considering she would have to drive early in the morning, wanting to leave most of the celebration for the premiere day. 
The glances stolen between you and Harry were getting more frequent, the longing in each other's eyes visible with the effect of the alcohol.
He had you pressed up against your bedroom door as he sucked in your bottom lip harshly. His hands gripped at your waist tightly, putting his weight against you.
You wrapped your hand around his neck as the other pulled at his shirt desperately with the need of having him close. You felt overwhelmed by him in the nicest way. Having his hips pressing against your own, making you open your tights slightly as you felt his arousal straining on his trousers.
You whimpered into his mouth at the feeling, suddenly needing him as close as possible. You could tell his desperation matched your own by the way his hand pressed on the side of your body and his mouth moved against you. His groans getting lost in your throat every time you tangled your fingers on his roots, pulling at it.
“You’re gonna kill me like this, baby,” he breathed out, his lips moving against your wanting ones, “so fuckin’beautiful.”
You tried to keep your shaky hands steady as they travelled down his chest, scratching as his tummy lightly under his shirt before you began pulling it up. He detached from you to quickly reach over his shoulders and pull it off completely.  He didn’t waste any time bringing his hand to unbutton your blouse, peppering kisses along your lips as he moved it down your shoulders, only to be met with your bare breasts underneath.
“Fuck me,” he groaned staring down at you, attaching your lips once again as he pulled you from the door as he fiddled with the zipper of your pants. You stumbled on each other's arms across the floor until you were met with the plush feeling of the bedcovers on the back of your thighs. 
You stepped out of your pants as they got loose around your waist and fell damply to the floor, allowing Harry to push you gently into the mattress. He quickly got rid of his own trousers, wasting no time before towering above you, connecting your mouths once again.
It was like no matter how close you were, it still wasn’t good enough to satisfy the craving you had. You still wanted more. Needed more. 
He was fully licking into you, his hands gripping your tights as he rolled his hips to meet yours. You moaned in unison at the feeling of your arousals meeting deliciously as he repeated the movement once more before parting your mouths so he could spread kisses along your neck.
“Harry,” you breathed out his name, dragging your nails along his back as you moved your hips up eagerly.
He moved his head from your neck o hover above yours, licking his lips teasingly as he looked down at you with dark eyes. He moved one of his hands to caress your cheek lovingly, as the other found your breast, his thumb grazing over your nipple. “Can I have a taste, baby?” he leaned his forehead against your, not breaking eye contact, “just a fo’a bit, then you can have me.”
You nodded frantically, brushing your nose against his. He gave you one last peck on the lips before moving down again to lick down at your skin. He pressed open-mouthed kisses at your chest, sucking harshly between your breasts.  His tongue moved along your belly, craving his finger into it playfully like you had done to him, making you squeal above him.
He finally settled down between your thighs, his hand gripping at them to keep it apart before moving teasingly slow to the hem of your underwear. Your breath got caught in your throat as you moved up to lean on your elbows, gazing at him, hyper-aware of his every move. 
He looked up, grinning like a devil, before moving his face down to nose gently at your mound. Pulling away, he pressed his hands on your sides, sliding your underwear off your legs as you helped him, raising your hips slightly.
You whimpered as you felt him kiss along your inner thigh, meeting your middle as licked you once. Your hips raised impatiently, making him smirk at you again before completely diving in.
You got lost in the pleasure as he licked his tongue into you, letting yourself fall back in the cushions behind your head. Your hand moved to grip at his hair tightly as he sucked in your clit, making you yelp and call out his name. His mouth was warm as his saliva mixed with your own wetness every time he licked into you.
Feeling your arousal pooling on your folds, you desperately needed to feel him as close as possible. Wanting every inch of him against you.
You pushed him from you, grabbing at his shoulder so he could move up to face you again. He didn’t protest, spattering quick kisses along the way before pressing his mouth against yours. The taste of champagne still lingering on your tongue mixed with your own taste on his as he licked into your mouth.
“y’taste so good, baby,” he groaned, parting from you as he moved to remove his briefs. The limited amount of light illuminated his face beautifully, making you able to notice the glistening of your juices down his chin. You felt your core twitch at the scene above you, desperate to have him fill you up.
“Please,” you urged him, grabbing at his hips to pull him down.
“Can I have you, darlin’?” His voice was raspy, as he looks down at you with hooded eyes, “‘d you let me?”
Your arousal blurred your mind, your grip on his waist tightened as you raised your hips impatiently, nodding along to his question.
“Have to hear you say it, love,” he spoke, leaning down to place kisses along your neck, “just say it, and you’ll have me.”
“You can have me, please, I-” you moaned desperately, babbling words without thinking, “I need you, please.”
He raised his head from your shoulders, giving you a quick peck before reaching down to guide his length between your folds. Your belly tensed as he rubbed his head against your clit, holding back your breath as he finally slid in you.
“Fuck, you’re wet,” he choked, pushing his hips all the way, allowing you to feel every inch of him fill you up. You breathed out a moan, reaching your hand on his back. “‘s this all fo’ me?”
You whined out a ‘yes’, rolling your hips as a way of urging him to move. 
His movements began slow, his cock rubbing heavenly against your walls, making you clench around him. You both moaned and whimpered as your lips brushed.
“Can feel me deep?” He asked, resting his forehead against yours as he pushed his dick all the way in. You nodded, yearning for him to start moving again. “Can feel me in y’belly?”
“H, please,” you begged, gripping your nails on his shoulder blades.”Want you.”
“y’have me,” he kissed you hard before moving again, rolling his hips as he picked up the pace.
 The air around you was hot as you threw your head back with the delicious feeling of him hitting the spot inside of you. He was addicting. The salty taste of his skin. The touch of his hands gripping on your sides. The smell of his cologne faintly mixed with sweat. The sound of his skin meeting yours. It made you earn for him in every possible way. 
You felt your wetness dripping out of you as he pulled your leg up to your chest, allowing him to effectively hit deeper spots. The new position made a cramp start to creep up on your thight, but you ignored it to focus on the way his hips met yours.
Time seemed to pass like a blur as you pleasured each other, but soon enough you felt your orgasm building up. His thrusts became more frequent and smooth as he felt you clench more around him.
“that’s it, baby - fuck,” he grunted, moving his hand down to flicker your clit, causing to arch your back, moaning loudly. “Wanna feel you come for me.”
His cross necklace dangled over you as he watched you closely. You kept your gaze locked on his as you felt the feeling deep in your tummy take over your entire body. A moan got stuck in your throat as you opened your mouth to an ‘O’ shape, digging your nails further on his shoulders as you reached your high.
Getting home, you soon realized that throughout the week you had been so lost in your feelings with Harry that you didn’t even think of asking him for his phone number. 
The month that followed passed by surprisingly quickly. During the first week you were swiftly thrown back again into your old reality of course essays and textbooks. You hadn’t heard a word from Harry, and the most frustrating part is that he seemed to have settled his place inside your thoughts. You tried asking about him to Nia once or twice again, but every time she seemed to come up with vague answers and change the subject, so you figured she had other things to worry about. 
It was a disappointing end, to say the least. Even knowing from the start that being let down was the most possible outcome, it didn’t hurt any less. You often wondered if it had been something you’d done that made him pull away, or if he just wasn’t in it from the start.
By the second week you had gotten a job at a tiny local cafe you used to go after class to study and eat cinnamon rolls. That’s when time starting to rush by, as you found yourself busy through most of your day. Nia was working more than you’ve ever seen her. You two barely talked as she spent most of her time with Evan or inside her room editing. And as the week at the camp house got further away, it started to almost seem like you had imagined all of it. 
Having a lot of distractions helped, but you never seemed to push the thought of a certain curly-haired boy completely away. Sometimes during a tedious lesson you would daydream about the feeling of his lips against yours. Or right before you fell asleep you would think about the taste of his skin, how strong his hand were gripping on your thighs. Maybe even at work. When there wasn’t a lot of movement, you could almost hear the sound of his voice.
It was aggravating, the effect he left on you. It got to a point where you got angry; sometimes at him but sometimes at yourself. He was the one who had gone after you, and yet he was the one who disappeared. But again, he didn’t really owe you anything, and that’s what’s frustrating. You were the one who allowed him; you knew from the start that you would get hurt but you still went for it, anyway.
As you got closer to the premiere night that was planned, you started to get anxious. You would catch yourself daydreaming more often, not being as focused as you were. You even started picking your nails again, which is a habit you thought you’d kick it a long time ago. But truth to be told, you were nervous.
The thought about seeing him again made your heart race. You wished that you could somehow find a way not to go. Maybe ask Nia if the two of you could have a private viewing. You had even thought about bribing her with making your mom’s brownie recipe. But you already knew the answer before you even suggested it. This was an important night for her, and you would be there to support it.
You were overthinking this. Was it going to be awkward when you met him? How would you even greet him? Would he kiss you? Would he ignore you? Should you ignore him? All the scenarios in your head made you want to throw up and run away.
When the two of you finally arrived, you were greeted by a cheerful Evan, who jokingly teased you for being late. As you got into his house, you found a bigger group than you expected. It seemed like you and Nia were the last ones to arrive, as there was around ten other people in there. Some of them you recognized from being Nia’s friends, others you had never seen, but none was the one you earned to see the most.
Evan guided you across the living room area, “I’ll show you the kitchen so you two can get some drinks,”  He held up his glass as he spoke. Gesturing to the entrance of the room, “We’ll start everything in around ten minutes, so get ready.”
As you entered the kitchen behind Nia, you could feel her stiffen her posture a bit, before looking back at you. You frowned lightly at her, confused by her behaviour, gazing inside the room and finding immediately a pair of green eyes already watching you. It made you think back to the first time you were in this exact position, except in your own kitchen. This time, however, he was the one to approach you.
He looked really good, which did nothing to help the butterflies flying relentlessly in your stomach. He was in all black, a buttoned up shirt with a few buttons open, exposing a bit of the skin on his chest where a silver necklace laid upon. You swallowed dryly at the sight of his hand running swiftly through his hair, with a ring hugging each one of his fingers. 
As he got close, he greeted Nia first, giving her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, before turning his attention back to you. He shot you a shy smile, before embracing you into a hug. You didn’t really know if it was your mind playing tricks but you felt him a bit hesitant as he greeted you and placed a kiss on your cheek. Pulling away, he cleared his throat, running his hand again through his hair, he almost seemed… nervous?
“‘S nice seeing you again,” he mumbled, “this uhm… ‘s my girlfriend, Jess.”
You could felt your heart drop with his words as you finally noticed a smiley girl coming to his side. 
She wasn’t much taller than you, her red hair pulled back in a perfect ponytail. She matched him with a small black dress that annoyingly hugged her body in all the right ways. You could barely register her greeting you, as you tried your best to keep a straight face to hide the shock that took over your body. You felt a heaviness at the pit of your stomach, a feeling so distressful that made you want to scream as an attempt to make it go away.
You didn’t pay a lot of attention as Nia made a conversation with the girl, knowing that’s what she did best. You kept your gaze directed to Harry, your eyes asking a million questions - you didn’t even think you wanted to know the answers to. But he kept his eyes locked on the floor, eventually looking up at the girl in his arms as she seemed to mention him. But never meeting your own.  Her hand was caressing his chest lovingly while his found their way on her waist, keeping her close.
“I think I’ll get something to drink,” you announced, realizing you might’ve interrupted the conversation as they stopped talking. You turned to Nia, “do you want something?”
She looked back at you with sorry eyes, “I should go with you,” she quickly turned back to the girl, “It was lovely meeting you, Jess.”
“Oh! Sure,” she smiled brightly at you two, her hand moving to rest on Harry’s chest, “we should go get our seats as well, right, babe?” 
You left the scene as quickly as you could, not wanting to hear any more of it. Looking at all the drink options on top of the counter, you tried to think which one could get you drunk enough to stop feeling hurt over someone you spent just a week with, but still sober enough so that you could pretend everything was fine. Before you realized, Nia was standing next to you, getting two plastic pink cups before she stared at you with guilty-filled eyes.
“I should’ve just told you about it,” she sighed, “I didn’t want to make you sad, but looking back it was probably best if you already knew.”
You turned your head to look at her, “so you knew it all along?” You swallowed the lump in your throat as you felt it close once again.
“Evan told me like a few days after we got back!” She rushed, “I don’t know if they were together while we were filming.”
You took a deep breath, knowing Nia was probably blaming herself for putting you into this situation. But you knew it wasn’t her fault, she would never purposely put you in this position if she knew about it before.
“You know what, it’s fine,” you tried your best to cover up the hurt and gave her a weak smile, “it’s not your fault Ni. It’s okay. I’m fine.”
She pulled you into a tight hug, “I’m sorry, bubba,” she said, “let’s get you something to drink so you can enjoy this party like the star you are!”
The two of you decided on the vodka mixed with watermelon juice, something you had never even thought of trying before but seemed to be ideal to handle the situation you found yourself in. You walked back to the living area, where people were already beginning to settle on the chairs. 
Following Nia, you prompted yourself on a seat at the edge closest to the door, opposite to where Harry sat with the girl. His girl. You thought bitterly, taking a big sip from your cup and cringing at the strong taste.
There was a speech you didn’t pay much attention to before they started the film, only giving a slight smile when you realized the mention of your name. 
Before you knew it, the lights were out and your face took over the screen. 
It was harder than you thought it would be.  Looking up at the scenes you had with Harry, knowing everything that happened behind the cameras. Knowing every touch and every kiss felt more than just playing a character. You knew the actual feeling of having him to yourself. But now staring at it right in front of you, it just left a sour taste in your mouth. 
You finished your drink barely ten minutes into the film, the feeling of your chest aching starting to become overwhelming as you watched your shared kiss on the big screen. You could feel your throat close once more, your eyes watering a bit.
“I’m gonna get some air,” you whispered to Nia sitting next to you, who gave you a sympathetic smile as you got up. You glimpsed quickly to Harry who had his eyes trained on you, the girl next to him leaning to whisper something in his ear.
You could feel the tears falling down stubbornly as you left the room. Standing in the hallway, you made the decision to turn to the front door instead of the back, not wanting to face anyone with reddish eyes.
You left the house, picking your phone with shaky hands as you managed to call a ride home, sighing in relief as your screen told you it was just about three minutes away.
You heard the door open behind you as stood on the sidewalk hugging yourself to get some warmth on the chilly night. You tried your best to swallow back your tears as you turned around, expecting to find Nia looking at you with pitiful eyes. 
To your surprise, the person standing there was Harry, looking like a deer caught in the headlights as he took in your tearful eyes. He spoke your name in a soft voice, causing you to look away.
“Don’t-” you interrupted, raising your hand at him, “I don’t wanna hear it.”
He frowned at you, not wanting to upset you more. “I’m sorry,” he hesitated, taking a step forward.
Your phone buzzed in your hand, as you watched your ride pulling in front of you. You looked back at him, “I’m sorry too,” you said before moving to enter the car. 
You spared him one last glance through the window as the driver pulled away.
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hopeintheashes · 2 years
Additional preview no one asked for, because apparently I'm incapable of keeping WIPs to myself. This one is called:
sharp glass when you break
Preview Part 1 Preview Part 2 Preview Part 3: below the cut.
Content warnings for disordered eating and self-harm.
"Are you trying to get her to run?" Hen asks, leaning over the dining room table at the station toward him like she's trying to assess his mental state on a call. "Because that's how you get a woman to run."
He wraps his arms around himself protectively. It's cold. Not by Pennsylvania standards. His dad would be rolling his eyes if he could see him. "Man up," he'd say. Had said. So many times. And his mom, sighing in the background, looking around to see if anyone was watching the embarrassing display. "You're not cold, Evan. Stop being so overdramatic."
He is cold, though. Cold and numb. The tingling isn't in his hands, really, or his face or anything like that. It's everywhere. Down deep inside.
"You're tracking her?" Ravi had been getting a drink from the refrigerator. Heard just enough to jump in. Not enough to know what the fuck he's talking about. "Jeez, no wonder women flee you," he mutters into the soda can he's just brought to his lips.
"I'm not fucking tracking her!"
He's on his feet, somehow. Hen and Ravi both blinking at him in surprise.
"It's so she can call me, because the world is a pretty fucking dangerous place, in case you hadn't noticed."
He's shaking. Hen's reaching for him, concerned, but also exchanging this look with Ravi that gets Buck to play back the last part of that sentence in his head.
"Sorry," he says, a hand pressed hard over his eyes. The headache that's been in the background ever since Christmas flares. "I didn't—" He shakes his head, and mutters, "Fuck."
They let him go when he stumbles for his bunk.
Bobby comes in sometime later. Sits down on the next bunk. "You okay?"
"Cold," Buck says, because it's easier than explaining any of the rest.
Bobby leans across the space between them and rests the backs of his fingers on Buck's forehead. On his cheek. On his neck.
"You are indeed," Bobby says, and there's something about that easy confirmation— affirmation— that puts tears back in his eyes again. "Come on, I've got coffee brewing. The good kind. And put on more layers, kid." Giving Buck a hand to pull himself up out of bed, and shaking his head at how cold Buck's hand is in his. "You've been in L.A. too long."
. . .
Maddie hasn't been in L.A. in so long.
She's safe. At least, she said she is; he has to believe he is. And Chimney's out there.
Looking for someone who doesn't want to be found.
There's this picture of all of them on his fridge. Him and Maddie and Chimney and Jee-Yun. Right next to the picture of him and Eddie and Chris.
He can't look at them, but the thought of taking them down makes him feel sick.
He looks away when he opens the refrigerator door. Or closes his eyes.
Or just doesn't eat at all.
. . .
Bobby's noticed. Keeps trying to give him food.
Because of course it's not just a matter of his own refrigerator door. It's the self-sustaining cycle of feel sick, don't eat; don't eat, feel sick.
And it's easier, somehow.
To be in control.
He watches Taylor on tv as the standoff goes on and on.
Chim texts Hen, and pointedly does not text Buck.
He makes plans with Eddie and cancels them and leaves Eddie on read when he tries to reschedule.
He drops weight scary-fast. Always has. He doesn't feel anything about it. Just digs in his closet for the pants he wore the last time this happened. Back after he got hurt. Pulls them on and finds a jackknife in the pocket.
It's not forgetting, what happens every time. It's this… disconnection. Protective mechanism. So that when he thinks back he has to purposefully go looking for those memories. Back to middle school, really. Before that (and after that, and always) he'd found other ways to hurt himself. Ways with plausible deniability.
Yeah, never any deniability here.
He pockets the knife again and grabs his stuff and goes to work.
Bobby's been watching him eat. He knows he has to. For so many reasons— because it's getting noticed; because he's getting weak. He's on this familiar borderline, where the path splits off.
It's an easy choice, now that there's an alternative at his fingertips again.
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crewhonk · 5 years
Only Happy Accidents (two)
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Summary: After being ghosted by YN, a girl he turned out really liking, Steve goes to her door to find out just what he did wrong.
Warnings: pregnancy test stress, gross food cravings, NatBucky fluff, stressed!Steve
Songs: “Archer”- Taylor Swift
November 14th / 2nd Week
YN YLN felt like someone came down from heaven and took a shit on her face. She had felt wonderful since Steve had been over up until now, and she groaned, burying her face into her pillow and trying t find any lingering scents of Steve on her pillow. She made a noise in the back of her throat when she found nothing but the scent of her own shampoo. She reached over to her phone under her pillow and looked at it, a thrill shooting through her body when she saw that she had a text from none other than the Retired Captain America. 
From: Grandpa
Morning, pretty thing :)
The dork hadn’t sent her one single emoji, and she doubted that if he even knew what they were that he would like them. ‘too kiddish’, she could hear him say and she kicked her feet like a teenager. 
To: Grandpa
Morning, handsome! How was ur morning so far??
She locked her phone and checked the date on the lockscreen, squinting at the number suspiciously. There was something supposed to be happening right now. Today was a Thursday, so she had it off, but there was something else personally. 
Her eyes widened, and every nerve in her body felt as if it had been dipped in ice water. 
She was supposed to have gotten her period eight whole days ago. 
She ripped her blankets off of her, and pulled her pants down, groaning when there was no blood to be found and cursing to herself. She had always been regular with her cycle. She tracked it, and took vitamins and magnesium and iron supplements and even went sustainable with it— got a diva cup and everything. Sure, her period sucked but it was usually one thing that she could count on to be on time. 
She rushed to the bathroom to splash water on her face and wracked her brain to try to remember if she and Steve had used protection. They had in the morning, she knew— she made sure to roll the condom on herself and everything but the night before was so quick and hurried and oh, God. No. No they had not used protection. 
“MICHAELA!” She screamed, walking quickly out to the kitchen where her best friend and roommate was, hunched over some law books and eating her smoothie bowl breakfast. YN didn’t even bother teasing her about it and met Michaela’s surprised eyes with her own very, very scared ones. 
“What? Are you bleeding out? What the fuck?” She yelled back, clutching her heart while moving to mop up the glass of water she spilled across the island. 
“No I’m— okay, so you know the guy I had over on Halloween that I told you about?” She started and Michaela nodded nervously. 
“Magic Dick Steve? I remember.”
“Well I don’t think— I don’t think we used protection? The first time? We were both pretty drunk and—“ YN had started to shake. “And I might be reading into it too much but I’ve been really tired lately and my boobs are really, really sore and I’ve been really nauseous? Maybe It’s the flu but I’ve— my period it late.” She finished, and watched as Michaela’s eyes widened. 
“You’re never late.” She whispered, and YN felt tears well up in her eyes. 
“I know.” She mumbled and Michaela stood, walking around the counter and pulling her to her. She hugged her tightly and pulled away, dragging YN down the hallway and back to the bathroom. 
“I didn’t tell you this, but a few months ago when you were in Peru with that Anthropology dig, me and Charlie had a scare and I got a whole bunch of these guys.” She held up a box of thin, paper pregnancy tests from the bottom cabinet. 
“Isn’t that when you went off your pill?” She asked, taking the box. Michaela nodded. 
“Yeah, turns out my body freaked out hugely and said ‘fuck you’ to my period that month.” She shrugged. “Take a few, and we’ll take it from here, okay?”
So, YN peed in a disposable mouthwash cup (and on her hand a little bit, but we won’t talk about that) and dipped three tests into it, laying it out on the edge of the tub and sliding down he closed door after setting a timer on her phone. Time seemed to become impossibly slow for three whole minutes and she jolted violently when her phone went off. She checked it, and tears welled up in her eyes when she saw that she had gotten a text from Steve. 
From: Grandpa
I’m pretty good. miss you though.
She put her phone back down and stood, opening the door and calling shakily from Michaela. She showed up seconds later, and wiped YN’s tears from her face. 
“I can’t— I can’t look.” She whimpered and Michaela shushed her softly. 
“You can.” Her voice acted as an anchor for which YN could ground herself with and she tried to move her feet towards the tests. 
“What do I do with Steve? I can’t— it would trap him. I don’t even know the guy. I can’t just drop a bomb like that on him when we haven’t even gone on a date yet.” She cried and Michaela frowned, her heart breaking for her friend. 
“From what you’ve told me, he’ll be there for you. He seems like a good guy. Now, let’s look, okay?”
YN nodded and with the help of Michaela, walked across the bathroom and ducked down to see if there was anything other than the first red line. She squinted, and let out a huge breath when there was no line on the first two tests. She checked the last one, and every organ in YN’s body burst into flames when she thought she could see a second, very faint line. 
“Is that a second line? On the last test.” She whispered, as if raising her voice any louder was going to make the line darker. Michaela leaned in close and squinted, freezing when she did, in fact, see the second line. 
“I think so. I think it is.” She confirmed, and YN’s knees gave out. Her hand absently fell to her lower stomach and she lower lip trembled. 
“This may not be it, though okay? Let’s go to Planned Parenthood and get a real test, okay? Then we can spend thirty dollars on a really good test and we’ll make a plan from there, okay?” Michaela sunk other knees and held YN’s face, wiping more tears away and offering her a small smile. 
There was no way that all ten tests in front of her were wrong. There was no way the printed diagnosis from Planned Parenthood and a pamphlet reading ‘Plans For The Single Parent’ were telling her that her uterus was empty. There was no way the Clearblue test reading ‘Pregnant: 2-3 weeks’ was wrong— it better not be, considering it was a whole thirty dollars. 
YN sat staring at them, bouncing her leg and glancing at her phone every few seconds, half expecting for Steve to already know despite his three unresponded-to-texts still on her lock screen. She could hear Michaela talking to her boyfriend, Charlie in the other room and YN felt truly and utterly alone.
However, her hand had yet to leave her stomach during the whole day, as if the idea of a baby being in there (despite it being no more than a bunch of cells at this point) was a point fo focus for her. Despite the overwhelming elements fo her situation, there was a flutter of excitement in her chest. She had never wanted kids, and then the snap happened, and she was gone and then she was back, and her dad, who was in a plane during the snap had fallen from 5 miles in sky and landed belly first in the ocean. But now that it was a very real possibility, she couldn’t help but get a little excited. 
There was one one person she truly wanted to talk to, right now. The urge to hear their voice overpowered any other feeling and YN reached for her phone, choosing the first contact she recently texted and waited as the phone rang. 
“Mom? I need your help.”
November 31st, 4th Week
“This is probably the grossest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Why are you making this monstrosity in my house?” Michaela groaned, pulling the neck of her turtleneck sweater over her nose as she walked into the kitchen. YN rolled her eyes and shook her head, bouncing lightly to the music playing from her laptop. 
“Just because you’re the pickiest human in the world doesn’t mean other people can’t eat fun foods,” YN replied, lifting the lid on the stove and sniffing deeply. 
“Canned crab with sauerkraut on crackers is not a fun food.” Michaela grumbled and sat at the counter. YN rolled her eyes and stirred the pot, shrugging her shoulders. 
“What baby wants baby gets.” She replied simply and closed the lid, leaning against the counter beside the stove and cocking her head. “Would you prefer boiled clams in hot sauce  or crushed up Doritos dipped in a Starbucks Frappuccino to this or—?” YN trailed off and Michaela gagged openly, covering her mouth. 
“Maybe a salad. With nutrients that the baby needs.” She replied and YN rolled her eyes, opening the cabinet beside the fridge and turning around to stare at Michaela. Her eyes raked over the prenatal supplements and vitamins marked for different days of the weeks and then to the daily pill organizer in YN’s hand. 
“I’ve also cut my coffee from five cups to half a cup because I’m paranoid and I’m not eating dairy, which is hard because you know how much I loved pineapple and cottage cheese together. And this is the only meal I’ve been able to eat this week without getting nauseous and throwing up.” She commented, turning back and turning off the stove. Michaela walked over and leaned over the pot, wrinkling her nose but grabbing a spoon nonetheless. 
“I’m going to try it. Not because I’m curious but because I’m supporting my single-pregnant best friend.” She said, saying a little prayer and shoving the goopy mess into her mouth. She froze, chewed once and gagged, grabbing YN’s hand and spitting the mouthful of food into her hand. 
“I hate you.” She grumbled and stuck her head under the sink, rinsing her mouth and making her laugh loudly, clutching her chest. It was only seconds after that there was a knock on their door which YN made to get. She turned to her friend and pointed. 
“I made you do nothing. That was fully consensual on your part.” She laughed, spinning and opening the door with a smile. 
It was Steve. Holding a bouquet of her second favourite flowers. Smiling nervously with those blue eyes and big muscles and beard and short, carefully styled hair. She remembered in flashes the sound he made when he moaned. The sound he made when she made him laugh. The way he looked sucking whipped cream off her finger. The way his voice sounded that one time when they talked until five in the morning. 
So, she did what any sensible person did and slammed the door in his face. 
At the sound, Michaela walked around the corner, peeking behind YN to see that the door was still closed. There was a knock and Steve’s voice saying something YN couldn’t hear over the blood rushing in her ears. 
“Who is it?” Michaela whispered, seeing the fear in her eyes. 
“Steve.” YN replied, her mouth feeling as if it was stuffed with cotton. Michaela pushed past her and looked through the peep hole, ducking immediately and turning to her with wide eyes. 
“That’s Steve?! You fucked Captain America on our kitchen counter and then hand fed him waffles?” Michaela whisper-yelled. 
“First off, he’s not Captain America anymore. Sam Wilson is, and second yes. Steve isn’t really an uncommon name so..” YN trailed off uselessly and Michaela looked to YN’s stomach. 
“Well I mean it makes sense,” Michaela said quickly. “All of your symptoms are stronger and you only had sex once without protection so it makes sense he has super sperm.” He said and YN shushed her as if Steve was on the other side with his ear to the door. 
“What do I do.” YN deadpanned and Michaela bit her lip. 
“You know what I think you should do. I think it’s time to tell him.” She said and YN nodded, wiping her hands on her pants and walking to the door, hesitating briefly before turning the doorknob and opening it. 
“YN. Hi.” He seemed breathless, and he looked at her softly. “Are you okay? I’m sorry I should have texted, but you weren’t responding and I got worried.”
YN shook her head and opened the door wider. “Steve, I think you should come in. We need to talk.” She whispered, and his shoulders fell as if he was expecting her to say something like this. 
“I figured.” He mumbled, handing Michaela the flowers and following YN to the living room where she pulled a shoe box from the shelf under the table and placed it on the top. 
“What’s going on, YN? Did I do something wrong?” He asked, turning towards her. She sat straight, not taking her eyes off the box in front of her and shaking her head. 
“You’ve been perfect Steve, and none of this is your fault, I should have been more responsible.” She whispered, her throat thick. She could hear Michaela eavesdropping from the kitchen. 
“Then what—?” He trailed off and went to touch her, but pulled away at the last second, not wanting to upset her further. 
“Something happened and I don’t— I don’t know what to do.” She said, finally looking at him with shining eyes. His face crumpled at the sight of her tears and h scooted closer to her, grabbing her hand gently. 
“I can help, YN. Whatever it is I can help you.” He said softly, holding her hand in both of his own. 
“I couldn’t ask that of you, Steve. Not with this— we hardly know each other.” She sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve. She noticed briefly how good Steve looked in his brown coat and jeans and scarf and boots but shook her head when her periphery caught sight of the box on the table. 
“YN.” He said sternly and she melted slightly, squeezing her eyes shut. 
“I’m pregnant, Steve. The baby is yours— it has to be. There hasn’t been anyone since the snap except for you.” She finally said in one quick breath, she looked up at him to gauge his reaction. His face was a flat of marble, no expression or emotion in his eye. She half expected him to stand up and walk out until she remembered that this was, in fact, Steve Rogers and walking away from a challenge was unheard of. That’s what the textbooks said, anyways. She lifted the cover on the box and he peered in, eyes widening when he saw all the tests and pamphlets she had been reading and collecting. 
“Okay.” He said finally and he seems to be wracking his brain for something to say. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Were you just going to wait until you had him to tell me and collect money or something?” He asked. YN raised her eyebrows and shook her head fervently. 
“No, no, no, no, Steve. I would never. I just didn’t— I don’t— know what to do.”
“What do you mean?” He asked, reassuring her by his tightened grip on her hand. 
“I wasn’t sure how to tell you and what you would want to do with her.” She said and he raised his eyebrows. 
“It’s a girl?” He whispered, looking down to her stomach. She shook her head. 
“No, she’s nothing more than a bunch of cells, but ‘she’ just comes naturally to me? You said she was a ‘he’ earlier, so.” She smiled softly and he returned it, not looking away from her stomach. 
“Well, what are the options?” He asked, looking up at her and she shook her head. 
“One, I keep her and you leave.” She started and he looked genuinely affronted. 
“Not a chance. Next.”
“I go to Planned Parenthood—“
“No. Next.”
“I keep her, and you stay.” She whispered, looking up at him nervously. He froze, but nodded surely and cleared his throat. When he spoke he sounded rather choked and it made tears return o her eyes. 
“That’s an option for you?” He whispered and she nodded. 
“It’s my ideal option, Steve. This is your baby too.” She replied, equally quiet. He looked up and pulled her closer to him and she let it happen. Now, their thighs were pressed against the other and their heads were closer together. 
“You move into my place, though. I’ll get rid of my office so we can make it into a nursery and I keep work at work and family at home. I’d like to know you’re both safe.” He said, jumping to what he wanted to happen. She nodded. 
“That’s petty reasonable.” She commented. “I don’t have much, so it shouldn’t be a big deal.” 
“Your turn. Name a demand.” He returned and she wracked her brain. 
“I want to go part-time at work, but I won’t if we can’t afford it.” She said. Thinking about the cost of things came naturally to her since she had grown up in the Bronx.
“Babe.” He whispered, amused and smiling. 
“What?” She whispered back, smiling as well. 
“I have about 100 years of government compensation in my bank account. Plus I was a Stark Employee and an Avenger for twelve years. Money isn’t an issue, I promise.” He explained, and she nodded. The relief that had washed over her then was overwhelming and she coughed into her fist, a sob building in her throat. 
“Sorry,” She choked, rubbing her eyes. “This happens a lot.” 
“It does!” They heard a voice from the kitchen and YN glared a the door. 
“Fuck you, Michaela!”
“Promise?” She called back and Steve smiled, chuckling lowly. 
“Your turn.” She said, nudging him. He sucked in a breath and thought hard. 
“I’m at all the appointments. I’m at all the classes. We don’t announce it to the public, but we don’t hide the fact that you’re pregnant. I’ll have to talk to Pepper soon, but only when you’re ready. I want to be in this with you. The whole ride.” He said and YN blinked more tears out of her eyes. He pulled his jacket off and pulled his sweater sleeve over his fist and wiped them from her face gently. She sucked in a breath and leaned into his touch slightly, not fighting it when he pulled away from her. 
“Good.” There was a pause of silence before he shifted nervously, a new idea popping into his head. “What?” She asked. 
“This is gonna be a little extreme, actually.” He sounded afraid, but she nodded for him to continue despite her own nerves rising. “I’ve been learning that it’s okay to have kids with your boyfriend or girlfriend now, and that’s really great and cool but it doesn’t work for me.” He said and she looked up at him, alarmed. 
“We don’t have to, but my Ma would roll in her grave if she found out I had a kid with someone that I wasn’t uh— legally bound to.” He winced at the formality of his own words. 
“I don’t think I understand,” She said. She did, she just didn’t quite believe what exactly he was asking her. 
“I would like to marry you. It’s really important for me that my kid is uh— mine. And was born into a marriage, you know?” Steve’s voice seemed far away as he continued to speak, and YN swayed in her seat. 
“YN?” He asked, watching her eyes become unfocussed and falling for Michaela. She heard nothing more before her eyes closed and she slumped back on the couch, unconscious. 
The first thing YN remembered when she woke up was a cool cloth being pressed to her forehead. She sighed at the sensation, rolling her head away from the glaring light from the window and opened her eyes, smiling as Michaela looked down at her. 
“Hey, Mich. I had the weirdest dream.” She started, groaning a the pounding headache in her brain and sitting up slowly. “Remember Steve? Magic Dick Steve? Yeah. That’s Steve Rogers. Anyways, I had a dream that I was pregnant with his kid and he asked me to marry him. He was wearing his suit, though which as weird because I couldn’t see his face behind his helmet-hat-thing.” She mumbled, rubbing her forehead. 
“That wasn’t a dream, YN.” Said a low voice from the kitchen. YN looked over and her eyes widened when she saw Steve Rogers walk through the door, a plate of crackers and crab and sauerkraut in his hands. There was also a reusable mouthwash cup filled with her medication and a bottle of water in his other hand. 
“Holy Moses, baby Jesus in the garden be with me.” YN prayed briefly and accepted the plate of food from him, piling it into her mouth much to the amusement of Steve and the disgust of Michaela. 
“It’s the same thing my ma used to crave, actually.” Steve shrugged. “I tried to make it one time back in the day for mothers day but the only fish I could afford was the crawdaddies from the pond down the street and the crackers I stole from Bucky’s house. I couldn’t even use the stove, yet so everything was raw.” He smiled when she laughed loudly at his story. “Yeah, she wasn’t too big of a fan but she appreciated it all the same.” 
“That’s really cute, Rogers.” She smiled.
“I’m sorry for dropping that request on you, I never meant to hurt you.” He muttered eventually and she shook her head.
“I’ve actually fainted twice already so it isn’t too much of a big deal, but yeah. That was a good request.” She scratched her nose and took all the pills at once, gulping down half the bottle with it and leaning on her elbows. 
“I’m sorry again.” He whispered and she shook her head. 
“It’s your kid, Steve. It only makes sense you would want that for her.”
“Him.” He teased and she rolled her eyes. 
“I’ll do it.” She said finally and his head whipped over to her as fast as lightning. She was half worried that she would need to take him to the hospital incase he tore something. 
“I’ll marry you. I think you’re a pretty great guy, Steve and I’m not getting any younger, anyways.” She shrugged and Michaela gaped at them like a fish. 
“You’re 24, YN.” She scolded and she looked at her friend. 
“And my baby daddy wants to stick around and support us. It’s only fair I do this for him.” She shrugged, looking between their stunned faces.
“Are you sure?” Steve asked, aghast and shocked but looking sedately overjoyed. 
“As sure as I’ll ever be, Rogers.” She stuck out her hand and he looked at it with a raised eyebrow. “You take care of me and your kid and I marry you? Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.” She commented and he took her hand in his. 
“It’s a deal, then.” He smiled softly and tried his damned best to not jump across the couch and kiss her. This was never how he wanted to propose to someone, but hey, he was 106. Never a time like the present, right?
“Damn it.” Michaela swore. The newly-engaged couple looked over at her and she shook her head at both of them. “I’m gonna have to find a craigslist roommate aren’t I?”
Tag List (send me an ask, ONLY. must interact with the fic more than a like): yesfanficsaremylife / notyourtypicalrose /  laurxn-robinson / disaster-rose / lille-kattunge / wwecrazed2010 / vxidnik / chewingoffmyfoot / vitamingrant / captainamericasbeard / chrisgalore / songforhema
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definedbywhatilove · 4 years
seven months
hey taylor! this is a little story of my journey since the last time that i let you in to my inner world... its been seven months...(feels like 20 lifetimes of growth) and two months since I moved to California and one week since I left my grandest, most divine partner in L.A to continue my journey of self discovery, self awareness, self love, and self soverignty... and i wanted to mention something important to you -- a sign, an invisable string if you will. since i was a kid, your music always followed me and described my life experiences. as i began a deep journey of self understanding, i went away from the reality that i knew (much alike your time to yourself, away from the media) last oct/november. and i let myself fall deeply, and madly in love. you know the love i'm talking about. the red love. the deeply open and vulnerable heart love, despite all past burns to the heart. the one you write poetry and songs about. i know you feel deeply self worth inside. i know that you relyed on guys to help fill that void. same as me. same as so many beautiful woman out there. giving our hearts away.. loving so damn red. but loving so: fearlessly. bravely. courageously. vulnerably. openly. you can't regret a thing, can you? and the months piled up. nine months december 27 he came to Christmass dinner ten months january 27 this is... love eleven months febuary 27 this is home 1 year march 27 this is the 1 three days after, my life came crashing down. i wake up to coughing. masks. fear. my house turned into a graveyard a grounds of fear, pain, suffering sickness. not me. her. my dads partner. someone who i thought, in my own ego, i despised. in that moment, i knew i loved. two hours. it was less than two hours that i packed two suitcases, and a heavy backpack full of everything that mattered to me. i had practised this before. countless nights isoltated in my room, pretending to pack to run away. really considering running away. but never running. it was a blur. i don't remember much. a message to stay, but the knowingness that it was my time to leave. one last goodbye. no hug. a promise. with my father. knowing he would get sick. knowing that my father, my Rock, my stable Father could very evidently get sick and die. was this a goodbye forever? i didn't know but i left. i had to leave. by some greater plan from God, or whoever is orchestrating this magical universe, my partner moved to my city by chance through the winter and I went to him. i moved in; my heart afraid of moving in with somebody that i love because love had only ever hurt me. i moved in with my partner and allowed my dad the space to go through his own conscious awakening. thirteen months WILL HE DIE? i prayed everyday. i surrendered. i released the outcome. i surrendered to my partner and the relationship and accepted a deeper love than i have ever experienced during this time. i started my business. really, started my business. i started it in december but I didn't really know if I would ever get to see my dad again. through the fall and winter he provided for me whilst i recovered from being sick [reoccuring during fall/winter, peak in sept. same thing i felt during my journey in 2018]. how will i live as an adult on my own? provide for myself? what if he dies? i make my first 2k month. i surrender to love. i meet nature. fourteen months i called him for the first time. my dad. it was so painful to hear him speak. he was still sick. i began to slowly give grounded, healing advice. affirmations. colors. introduced the law of attraction. helping him know that his physical body was sick because his mind was sick of negativity. i move into my first apartment with my partner. its beautiful. he pays the rent. i get the entire room, he takes the living room. i was provided for. i continued my business. i held strong visions of travelling with my partner before the lease was up in august. it was my lifelong dream. i prayed for my dad and his partner. sitting in nights of fear and pain. letting go. trusting. rebuilding. health. NATURE. LOVE. date nights. park visits. lake visits. fifteen i saw my dad and his partner! in person! june 6, the first time since march 30. i went with my partner. i was nervous. i also get to see my cat ~~ who has always had siezures, that got even worse when they were sick... who i also had to let go of, not knowing if would survive.. but did! i gave him healing crystals. healing tips. love. hope. he opened. my dad whos heart was closed cracked open. i had never seen this mans heart open since i was a little child before my mom broke his heart. he left his job, you know. when i was a kid i was neglected for that job. one that i had to go to school too many times when i didn't feel because of. one that kept him gone late nights once a week. one that drained him. but the job that supported me physically and financially through my entire life. the job that helped give me a good life ~ his time and energy he gave into this job to provide for his daughter. he realized what it was doing to him. he realized, taylor. he realized. he got a new job. two hours away, a small county on the lake. a chance to start over. leave the karmic city he lived in. he also began to feel his emotions from what happened with the trauma of my mother. this was a miracle. a miracle. a miracle. and so, he would move away... starting his new job during the sixteenth month of this journey, july 13 i know at this point i will be travelling soon and leaving anyways, but could not leave my dad... and so the universe had him leave to set me free. i spent the rest of the month knowing he would move away, and likely i would too. but where? i saw him many times. gave him reiki too. we all went to the cottage together, him, his partner, me, and mine. summer solstice. peace. love. sixteen months i released all of my limitations. i chose love, abundance, freedom, health, bliss. i released my dad, my cat, my childhood home... [never grow up describes this situation]... a 21st birthday, really, a goodbye to my family... i booked a plane ticket. a month and a week to California. knowing, that it would be longer than that one month and a week. myself and my partner. one carry on and personal item. my self soverignty. my dreams. my abundance [first five figure month!!!] i left taylor. i left behind the city i always lived in to follow my dreams and passion. i'm living in my dream location. mountains. forests. lakes. a sacred site in Nor Cal. a childhood dream, if you will. a new life begins the night before i leave i see that you had an album out. folklore. i didn't know, because i had been going through so much stuff within my life that anything that happened online was not present in my life. i listened to caridgan for a few seconds. didn't feel right. i let you go...[knowing, like always, your music will come to me at the exact right time] i got on the plane. three layovers. an overnight train. i begin my new life on the mountain. begin again. seventeen months i am not the same. i have grown. i have healed. my time in the mountain has been the most groundbreaking, expansive, philisophical, healing time of my entire life. feeling like one month was twenty lifetimes of healing and growth. healing all of my childhood wounds, fears, pains. being of service in my business, providing healing for over 55 people. but... it was here where it started to break apart. that one last thing. i let go of the home. the cat. the family. the stuff. there was 1 more thing to let go of... eighteen months kyle, was his name you know. and of course, when we are hurt we go into the victim mindset right away. it is instinct. predetor and prey. it is conditioned into us. this time, after completing a cycle of 3 relationships of emotional manipulation, disrespect, not being loved the way i loved... i took full ownership for it. for manipulating MYSELF. for disrespecting MYSELF. for not loving MYSELF the way I love another. thats when the relationship healing and karma happens. when you take complete ownership for your own mistreatment knowing that this person was simply a mirror of the own hate, anger, and fear you have about yourself. it happened on september 2nd, under the full moon. it started, anyways. i was called to l.a out of Nor Cal. With him. and we Went. This is where the fun part starts, the intention behind this entire story but we're only getting to it right now because of course, I am a writer. The main message has to be supported by a story, right? on september 6th, we had a midnight train. i wanted to listen to music to help me release leaving the city i was living in in Nor Cal, cuz I had grown fairly attached to it. cardigan came into my life. [which i realize as i am writing this and listening to it, the version i have always listened to is the cabin one,... which I am just seeing you realeased on my birthday!!!! july 30th. how interesting] it fell into place this night. and i was meant to hear it now; your music has always been like a spirit guide to me. always a message when i need it. we had a midnight train. my partner got a nosebleed on the way...[stepping on the last train, marked me like a blood stain...] i knew in my heart we would be breaking up... the day before the flight to l.a, the day before the fires, i knew we would be breaking up in l.a. the night that invisable strings was introduced into my life, via my dear soul friend Emma. i knew that this song spoke of my memories and experiences with l.a. l.a was always a place for me to find self empowerment, bravery, and self worth. being the place that i endured my first break up in, l.a taught me self love. i knew that an invisable string was bringing me back to l.a, and really... back to [myself]. despite knowing what was to happen, i held myself through the flight to l.a. it's not like we officially broke up that day, but i knew going on this flight that since i was facing my biggest fears in real life that i would be about to experience my fear of being alone. i flew the day that san fransisco was orange. tiny little 13 row plane. deep fear of planes. in a moment of deep intuition and love, i opened my heart to hold space for the people on the plane that were also terrified of the fires and landing somewhere that was orange. holding people, holding space, through what could be seen on an Earthly scale as a trauma. moving past my own fears and negative thoughts and holding the emotions of love and safety. it was a big moment for me. i listened to invisable strings dyuring the plane ride. and two days later was when my fire happened. september 11 is when we officially broke up.. when i chose to stand up for myself, for my own love + respect, when i knew that i had to leave a toxic and co-dependent relationship... you know, i thought a tsunami was going to happen that day or something and i was going to die. i literally thought this was what was going to happen; but the death that happened was not physical, but the death of a relationship. we were in l.a until the 18th, in the same apartment, trying our best to go through our breakup while living with eachother. still getting groceries together [chasing shadows in the grocery line]... i could barely function. i know you know what co-dependent relationships can get like. beginning to function on your own without the love from them is hell. [cue. this is me trying] having a hard time adjusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! letting go of this love. knowing i need to leave. we were in l.a until the 18th, in the same apartment, trying our best to go through our breakup while living with eachother. still getting groceries together [chasing shadows in the grocery line]... the ocean took me down; pulled my knee out. the day after telling my partner i need to do everything on my own and we be completely separate whilst living in this apartment together for at least a week. knowing we likely would stay till oct.my bodies way of still needing to rely on him. coping mechinisms. breakdowns. [pouring my heart out to a stranger, but i didn't pour the whiskey...] (This lyric. After my first relationship, I turned to alcohol. I got very dependent on this, and this runs in my family. It took me until a significant event at a party in 2017 for me to stop, i know you know what i mean. So it was a big deal for me, despite all temptations, to not turn to alcohol). i knew i had to leave l.a our host was offering us to stay until oct 1. i was 100% sure i was, despite living in the apartment with kyle, through breakup [not your typical i hate u breakup tho, one of deep love and mutual, conscious respect and love for eachother] going to stay. esp with how my body was, and my knee. and... if i went back home to Nor Cal, I knew i'd be going alone. And I knew my partner couldn't financially sustain himself at the time to stay anywhere other than back home. I knew he would have to quarentine for 14 days. I knew that by making this decision I would be completely cut off from him. i went to cancel our flight back to Nor Cal. 34 hours before. i was going to stay and stay in a place with a man who didn't have enough self love and worth yet to be able to love me properly. and then it happened. continue to financially support him. continue to love him uncontiionally. and then... sept 16 11:30pm the last excuse. the last invalidation. the last disrespect. the last act of hatred. the last act of emotional manipulation. the last time the gas light would ever turn on. i do not cancel my flight. i walked away. i chose myself. i messaged everybody that i knew to ask for help and support. i knew that this would be the hardest thing I ever had to do. i had to walk away from whom i know on a soul level to be my husband. i know. i know. i know. i know when we have both healed we will come back together in harmonious union; our relationship was all about growing. but it was time to grow apart, in order to grow back together with a stable individual foundation. the last day was magic. it was a new moon. santa monica beach. sunset. shopping. swimming. we allowed ourself to have a night of love. we knew that this was at the basis of our connection; true, undying, eternal, uncondtional love. we will always love each other in a deeper way than can be described in words. no painting, song, piece of poetry could describe this love. and it was painful. painful to love so deeply and openly and vulnerabily, knowing that come 6am I would be headed to the airport It was the most open and vulnerable I have ever been. Allowing myself to openly love so deeply despite knowing what was to come in just some short hours. I really poured my heart out. I opened up. I was vulnerable. I was my true self. And it was one of the best nights of my life, September 17th in Santa Monica, under the New Moon. we stayed up together all night holding each other. sharing a few last kisses. talking about our favourite memories each month of our relationship [i know they said the end was near...] we didn't sleep all night. the alarm went off, 4:50am. time to go. i packed everything the night before. i tied up my lose ends. we held eachother deeply. the final alarm went off, 5:10am. the pink sunrise in the uber on the way to the airport. the way that he didn't cancel his flight to go through security with me. not getting a coffee to spend every last second with him. and we sat in the airport and cried our hearts out. holding each other. crying. in front of anyone who cared to see. knowing one hour before boarding i had to take myself to the bathroom so that i could cry and prepare myself to fly [note: hopefully the airport worker knew we were gunna be okay] 7:48am, i knew the alarm was going to go off in two minutes. i take my power back and stand up, turning the alarm off. i said i have to go now or I will not get on the flight. i tell him he needs to walk away first. i can't do it. no. i'll feel abandoned. i have to be the one. i hugged him. one time. i said goodbye. i wished him well. i told him i love him. i put my backpack on. i get my stuff together. one last hug... one last kiss... and i pulled away. i walked away from the man that i know one day will be my husband and the father to my children to follow my own path of self discovery and worth and love. of healing. walking up to the airline worker, telling her my partner would not be coming on the flight with me. "okay, Miss, i will remove him from your party and from the flight," i held myself together. i did. the best i could. good thing i didn't sleep because that kept me at least less emotional and breaking down than i thought i would be. "now boarding flight xxxx to Sacramento, boarding rows 10-13..." i got myself on the plane. i couldn't believe i was doing this. how am i doing this? i knew when i sat in my seat and the plan began to prepare for departure, that i was completing a cycle of three. a cycle of relationship karma that began with my first, where we broke up on my birthday, 2016 in l.a... completing a cycle where i base my worth on another person, depend on another person, allow myself to get walked over... it was done. i asked that when i took off into the sky from the plane, the perfect line of the perfect song was playing... when i first had my breakup in l.a 2016, i was at a play to support my friend and actress. in this play, she sang a song called brave. this song, and message, got me through my first breakup. she was my rock and i swear the reason i made it through the night of that. l.a 2018, she wrote brave for a tattoo for me. we stopped talking for a while; i learned to be brave for myself. l.a 2020, the moment the plane takes off of the ground... [wool to BRAVE the seasons...] the moment you sang brave; the plane took off. a rush of feeling so proud for myself. knowing i chose me. knowing i chose a journey of self love. knowing i chose a journey of self worth. knowing i chose a journey of self empowerment. i sit here in my soul sister's apartment whilst she is cross-country, writing this. one week after i got back to Nor Cal. One week since my entire life shifted. And I am in the journey. The journey to self love, confidence, worth, empowerment, etc is not just a destination. There is a journey behind it all. It happens to contain a lot of crying. A lot of feeling. Some music. Friends. Good food. A warm coffee from the local coffee shop. Candles. Insence. Journal(S). Rest. Yoga. Meditation. Qigong. Reiki. Fuzzy socks. Oversized fluffy sweaters. Soft blankets. Stuffed animals. Books. Singing bowls. Love. And so, this is where I am. September 25th, seven months later. Wow. Writing this journey out and putting it on paper really makes me feel some things. It makes me feel fucking empowered. It makes me feel strong. It makes me feel brave. It makes me feel fearless. It makes me feel vulnerable. It makes me feel authentic. And with all authenticity, I had to be authentic with myself when I began to write this. Your music has been that constant. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Everything has always left my life but your music has always stayed. Your music has always found me in the right time in the right place. It has always supported me. You have always supported me. I was thinking back today, in a state of elevated joy allowing myself to feel happy that I got the opportunity to meet you through my life journey so far. And that... us meeting had to mean something. There is an invisable string there. There has to be a reason that during all of this your music was there for me. There has to be a reason it came to me in the time that it did. There is a reason for everything. So I write this, with a prayer that you will see this, but a surrender to the knowingness that what is meant to happen is going to happen. Also, a surrender to if anybody actually reads this! This is who I am, raw, vulnerable, authentic. I will always speak my truth, share my journey, and love Taylor Swift. Don't we all? Taylor, if you are reading this... from my soul to yours; thank you. thank you. thank you. seriously, for what you give up to be able to spread these messages via your music in such a global way. i completely see and understand what you have given up to do this. i love you. i love you. i love you. thank you for seeing me. thank you for hearing me. thank you for acknowledging me. thank you for validating me. thank you for loving me. see you next update, your friend Sarah.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
One step, not much (but it said enough) (Branjie) - Writworm42
A/N: For Athena, who asked for a fic based off of the viral video of the woman giving her girlfriend a kidney. TW Medical. I did relatively little research for this fic–PLEASE lmk if I fucked something up!!!
Title from You Are In Love by Taylor Swift. Thank you thank you thank you Holtzmanns for being a wonderful beta <3
Two years ago, Brooke hadn’t been able to stand the sight of needles. She hated even thinking about organs, and the sight of blood always made her feel faint. She wouldn’t have ever thought that she would get used to the sickening, too-sharp-but-too-subtle smell of latex and sanitizer that seemed to pervade every corner of every hospital in the city. She hadn’t known anything about dialysis or kidney disease, or what it looked like for a loved one to sit in an armchair overlooking a window in some failed attempt at distraction, dark circles gathering under their eyes while they counted cars in the parking lot, waiting for their treatment to finish. She hadn’t known what it would look like for them to do it every day.
But that was two years ago, and even today, she would go through that learning curve all over again for the woman sitting across from her, squeezing her hand.
“Okay, look.” Vanessa signals Brooke, who opens her eyes to see Vanessa sitting in her usual chair, arm slung over its armrest and attached to a host of tubes that rapidly begin to fill with thick red liquid, liquid that surges up and cycles towards a thick, heavy machine behind them before flowing back down into Vanessa’s arm again.
“So, what do you want to do now?” Brooke watches as Vanessa leans back and closes her eyes, sighing deeply. The shorter woman opens her eyes again just long enough to shrug.
“Honestly, I just kinda wanna sleep.”
Brooke holds in the sigh she feels bubble in her throat, leans back, and lets Vanessa sleep.
Well, intends to–within the next minute, Vanessa pops up again, not quite alert but certainly not as tired as she had seemed a moment ago.
“You got Game of Thrones on your iPad today, Mary?” she asks sheepishly, and Brooke smiles, nodding enthusiastically.
Two years ago, Brooke never would have guessed that she’d get to know every nurse on the nephrology floor by name, or that she’d never miss salt as much as she thought she would.
But she’d do it all over again, as long as she gets to see Vanessa fall asleep in the passenger seat next to her on the way home, safe and sound and alive alongside her for just one more day.
Sure, life isn’t what Brooke thought it would be. But Vanessa is stable, and they’re okay, and all things considered, life is good.
“I don’t like the look of your bloodwork.” Dr. Ganache leans back, squinting at the chart up on her computer as if trying to find something she’s missing. Brooke wishes she was, she really does; but from the look on Vanessa’s face as she peers over at Dr. Ganache’s computer too, she can tell that the doctor’s charts are indisputable.
“The dialysis ain’t workin’ anymore, is it?” Vanessa swallows hard, and Brooke doesn’t even have to ask before reaching out her hand for Vanessa to grab, the smaller woman squeezing it tightly as she lets out a shaky breath.
Say we’re wrong, say we’re wrong, tell us there’s other options…
“It’s not that it’s not working entirely. It’s just that it’s…not nearly as effective, and it’s declining faster than usual.” Dr Ganache shakes her head, and somehow, Brooke doesn’t breathe any easier.
“What are my options?” Vanessa’s voice is shaky, her grip on Brooke’s hand tightening even further.
“At this rate, you’re gonna need a transplant.”
They’d known this was coming; they’d known that this would be inevitable. They had always known that eventually, Vanessa would need a new kidney. But hearing it is…well, it’s something else, something nothing on earth could have prepared Brooke for.
Because it isn’t just eventually any more. It isn’t just some day. It’s now. Vanessa needs a new kidney now , and from what Dr. Ganache is saying–from what Brooke is able to absorb, ‘ now’ isn’t a realistic option.
The average wait for an anonymous donor is three to five years.  
It has already been two.
How many more can they wait?
They don’t talk about it that night, or the next night, or the next. There’s nothing much to say; Vanessa’s on the donor list, Vanessa keeps going to dialysis, keeps pretending nothing is wrong.
Except something is. And nothing is the same.
They play scrabble and Brooke avoids spelling out ‘KIDNEYS’ even though it would be a 70-point word. They watch Grey’s Anatomy and Vanessa gets up to go to the bathroom every time there’s a surgical scene. They go to bed and hold each other close, and even though things are normal, things are okay, they have a new bedfellow, and it’s the size of an elephant.
Three to five years.  
Three to five years more of blood tests telling them they have less and less hope.
Three to five years.
Three to five years more of being sitting ducks.
Three to five years.
Three to five years more of deciding not to go to church on Sunday, because they can’t stand being held hostage by God, not any more.
Until Vanessa is out with friends, and Brooke is taking a break from work, and emerges from her home office just long enough to flip through TV channels in the living room. Amidst the soap operas and Maury reruns, there’s a news feature on a woman whose next-door neighbour has given her his kidney. No wait. No fee. No scrambling. He’d gotten match-tested, and then he’d given it to her, all in the span of a couple months.
A couple month is a lot shorter than three to five years.
Brooke’s never had surgery at all before, let alone one as major as a kidney donation. She’s only ever learned precautions and made nephrological health-conscious lifestyle changes for Vanessa, never full-out for herself. It’d be hard, a major commitment, and a risky one at that.
But a couple months for a life’s worth of a sure future with Vanessa is a lot better than three to five years filled with question marks.
So without much other consideration, she gets out her laptop and starts to research.
Brooke blinks, shock overtaking her like a kick in the face. “No?”
“No.” As if to add insult to injury, Vanessa rolls her eyes, her voice curt. “It’s too risky, Brooke.”
“But it’s risky for you too!” Brooke points out, her voice rising a little. “The more you wait, the sicker you’ll be, and then an already-risky surgery will become even more dangerous.”
Vanessa says nothing, and for a moment, anxiety seeps into Brooke’s chest, thoughts and regrets filling her mind.
Has she gone too far? Has she said something she isn’t supposed to? Fuck, she’s hinted at the one thing they don’t want to talk about, the one thing that’s always in their minds but that they had silently agreed never to speak into existence–
“I know. I just… I just don’t want you to suffer because of me.” Vanessa mumbles, barely audible, her eyes low.
“Oh, baby.” Brooke softens, grabbing Vanessa’s hand and giving it a tight, comforting squeeze, smiling when Vanessa’s eyes trail up to meet hers. “I already suffer plenty because of you, but that has more to do with your personality and fashion sense than your kidneys.”
Vanessa laughs, loud and barking and finally herself again, and just like that, Brooke knows it’s all going to be okay.
“I did the research into the risks and everything. It’s no summer stroll, but it’s not as dangerous as I know you’re probably thinking it is. It could work, Vanessa. But that’s besides the point right now–all we have to do now is test to see if it’s a match. We can take it from there.”
“Alright.” Vanessa nods, a smile spreading across her face. “Let’s get tested. We’ll take it from there.”
When Brooke kisses her, it’s different than it usually feels–not any less loving, not any less meaningful or sentimental, but somehow, renewed. Full of hope.
Like they’re secretly telling each other that they’ll never let each other go.
Vanessa is in the shower when Brooke gets the call.
“You’re a match, Brooke.” Dr. Ganache’s voice is as excited as Brooke feels when she delivers the news, and Brooke feels like she could faint, she really does. “If Vanessa agrees, we can start scheduling and prepping the surgery for some time next month.”
She’s a match. Vanessa’s getting a kidney. Her kidney.
She thanks Dr Ganache and hangs up the phone in a trance, only remembering to breathe once she’s finished dialing Vanessa’s mom to tell her the good news.
Vanessa’s getting a kidney. Vanessa’s getting a kidney. And Brooke gets to be the one to tell her.
The minute she realizes that, a new idea pops into her head, and she tells Anabelle she’ll call her back from her cell, that she’s got to get to the dollar store right away.
Brooke doesn’t bother to tell their families to be quiet when coming in and set up because she knows that Vanessa rests after something as strenuous as showering these days. Vanessa is either asleep, or she’ll come out of their room to see what is going on, which is just as well at this point. For the past half hour, Brooke’s been moving faster than she ever has in her life, calling and ordering and buying and cutting and gluing the perfect surprise for Vanessa. Now people are flooding through their front door dragging balloons and cakes, with the main piece, the piece de resistance they plan to use to break the news, nestled in Brooke’s arms.
“Hide the balloons and cakes in the kitchen, then come out to the living room.” she whispers under her breath to the others, who scurry away to do as she says.
For her part, Brooke can hardly contain her own excitement as she rushes about to adjust everything, make sure everything is perfect, until finally, the sounds of stirring from upstairs make her jump to attention.
“Baby?” Vanessa’s voice sounds from the top of the stairs and everyone freezes.
This is it.
“In the living room!” Brooke calls, trying her best to keep her voice level and calm. The efforts fail, however, and it’s just as well–Vanessa’s never been able to resist a surprise, and so within a few seconds, she’s flown down the stairs and into the room, cheeks flushed with excitement.
“What’s everyone doing here?” Vanessa frowns, despite the ghost of a smile on her face that begins to appear as she looks around the room. “We havin’ a party or something?”
“Or something.” Brooke grins, grabbing Vanessa by the hand and giving her a kiss before leading her over to the table where a big gift box sits right at the centre.
“Open it.” Brooke nudges the box towards Vanessa, laughing when Vanessa obeys without hesitation, attacking the box with eager hands to unwrap it and tear off the top.
Vanessa’s face when she begins to go through the box’s contents is priceless, her smile so wide and happy that Brooke wishes she could frame the memory of it and keep it on their wall forever. Each gift gets Vanessa more and more excited, and Brooke is so entertained that almost forgets the real surprise that’s waiting. Finally, though, Vanessa’s scooped away every crayon packet, stuffed frog, and puzzle book, and there’s only two gifts left in the box. A pikachu bucket hat that Vanessa spends a good two minutes modelling and taking pictures in, and a sheet of poster paper, just over legal size.
“Come on, mija, read it!” Vanessa’s mother prompts, shaking Vanessa away from her Christmas-morning-like state and redirecting her towards the still-waiting poster.
“Okay, okay, I’m going!”
There’s a pause while Vanessa looks over the paper, everyone holding their breath and watching for her reaction, some of her family pulling out their phones to capture the moment.
“Baby, I…” Vanessa looks back up at Brooke, her hands over her mouth, and Brooke sees that there are tears in Vanessa’s eyes, tears that are barely keeping from spilling over as she begins to bounce in happiness, the rhythm of her movements on her toes speeding up as the message on the paper truly sinks in.
“We did it, baby,” Brooke grins, “You’re getting a new kidney.”
Vanessa’s scream of joy is heard down the street, and soon the house is full of friends and neighbours come to hear what’s going on and share in the celebration, Vanessa so happy she barely lets go of Brooke for the rest of the night.
Brooke turns around in bed, blinking sleepily. “Yeah?”
“I can’t believe it.” Vanessa is still laying down, still snuggled under blankets up to her chin, but she has a different look about her, one that isn’t the groggy, comfortable look that Brooke is used to seeing her when she’s trying to fall asleep. Instead, her eyes are misty with something more than fatigue, wide and searching as they stare up at the ceiling.
“Can’t believe what?” Brooke feels her breath catching in her throat as she asks the question, worries suddenly filling her mind. Is it too much for Vanessa? Has she changed her mind? Has she already made peace with dying, and doesn’t want to go through with it now?
But then Vanessa turns towards her, and it’s not despair or anxiety or sadness in her eyes–it’s happiness , a pure joy that’s visible even behind the wavering wall of tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks.
“I’m getting a kidney.”
The tears start to fall just as Brooke wraps Vanessa in and pulls her close, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head.
“I love you, Ness.”
“Obviously.” Vanessa snorts, and Brooke laughs, and then they’re both giggling, unable to stop until tiredness gets the best of them and forces them to settle.
“Brooke?” Vanessa yawns, fighting to keep her eyes open as Brooke feels her own eyelids flutter, teetering on the edge of dozing off.
“Mhm?” She fights off the sleep long enough to ask, pulling Vanessa’s warm body closer still.
“I love you, too.”
The time before the transplant passes in a flurry of appointments, support group meetings, and prep sessions, leaving their heads spinning with new precautions, medications, and peer advice that never seem to end. As overwhelming as it is, Brooke can’t help but feel confident as they walk through the hospital doors on the day of their procedure. Not because she’s sure it’ll go off without a hitch–it very well might not. And not because she’s ready–how could she be, when she was about to undergo a surgery that could make or break both her and Vanessa’s lives? But she’s confident nonetheless, all because Vanessa is walking beside her, holding her hands, beaming with hope and excitement. And whenever Brooke’s stomach flips, or her heartbeat kicks up, or a nasty thought pops into her head, all she has to do is look at Vanessa, and everything slows down again.
Not because the last two years have been a breeze. Not because Vanessa isn’t scared. But precisely because they’ve made it through two years of struggle, of fear, of things that worked and things that didn’t. Because even amid all of that, they’ve found joy in each other, found strength and a million reasons to smile. So no matter what happens, Brooke knows that it’ll be alright–because it always is, and always will be, as long as she has Vanessa by her side.
“Y’all ready?” Dr. Ganache comes into their hospital room just before the procedure, a huge grin on her face and their surgeon in tow.
“Ready as we’ll ever be.” Vanessa nods, reaching for Brooke’s hand.
“Absolutely.” Brooke squeezes back, nodding in turn.
They’re wheeled into the OR side by side, holding hands right until the last second when the anesthetic hits, and everything goes black.
The recovery room is spinning as Brooke’s eyes blink open, searching through the still-drugged haze for the only thing her mind can find the strength to think about.
Vanessa. Her eyes settle on the sleeping girl next to her only a moment later, and it’s like the whole world has snapped into clear, sharp focus again.
Vanessa has an oxygen mask on, and tubes coming out of almost every inch of exposed skin, but she’s alive, and breathing, and slowly blinking awake, her eyes misty with anesthetic but nonetheless full of relief and contentment.
“Hey, you’re up.” Vanessa’s words are lilted, almost as if she’s a little tipsy, but she’s smiling, and God, it’s only been a few hours, but Brooke’s missed that smile.
“I’m up.” She nods. She tries to move her hand over to where Vanessa is, tries to reach out to her, but a monitor beeps, and a nurse rushes over to scold her, telling her she needs to wait out the effects of the anesthetic before she even thinks about moving.
“You got told.” Vanessa giggles, and Brooke can’t help it–she giggles too, and soon, even the nurse is laughing, relief and triumph filling the room and making everything feel light as air.
“So,” Brooke laughs a little even as things settle, still half loopy from the anesthetic and half drunk on the situation, the fact that the transplant was successful, that they’re both still here, together, and they’re going to be okay. “How does it feel to have me inside of you?”
The nurse boos, and Vanessa and Brooke crack up all over again.
“It feels great.” Vanessa whispers as she shifts a bit in bed, snuggling deeper into the thin hospital blanket draped over her body. “Absolutely amazing. Thank you so much, baby.”
“I love you.” Brooke yawns, and then sleep overtakes her again, soft and warm and full of dreams of the next three to five years. It’s only when she wakes up, though, and they’re back in their room that the dream doesn’t just break–it expands, and she’s looking at her forever, contained in one rosy face staring back at her, smiling like it’s the first day they met.
“Hey, Brooke?”
“I love you, too.”
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oliver-taylor-blog1 · 5 years
- ̗̀✰ •【 NATHAN SHARP / MALE / 27 】announcing the arrival of his royal highness, ( OLIVER TAYLOR), the  ( CROWN PRINCE ) of ( NEW ZEALAND ). I’ve heard that he is ( IMPATIENT ) & ( IMPULSIVE ) but can also be ( COMPASSIONATE ) & ( LOYAL ). ( OLIVER ) is arranged to marry (  ANY MALE FC ). Rumor has it (HE KILLED SOMEONE IN A HIT AND RUN). We hope you enjoy your stay at London!【 OOC: Connor, 28, est, he/him 】
Name: Oliver Taylor Age: 27 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Gay Personality ⦁ Oliver is pretty pretty opionated. He has very strong feelings on a lot of topics and if you say something that He sees as wrong or even stupid he will immediatly tell you. This has lead him to get into a lot of heated arguments. They have in the past nearly escalated into full out fights since he rarely budges on any given topic unless you have an extremely good argument and wasn't very nice about how he conveys his opinions. But as a prince he has learned to be more diplomatic in professional settings and has learned when it's best to just end a conversation, but still struggles to see the importance of doing so from time to time. ⦁ This also causes him to come off as very bossy. Hr has a habit of just taking initiative in most situations. When it comes to his relationships with friends he is very much the mom friend. ⦁ Oliver is a very compassinate and loyal person So much so it's practically a character flaw. He is empathetic to pretty much everything and tends to feed off the emoitons of people he's around. If they're anxious and upset, he gets anxious and upset. Sometimes it helps him be able to comfort them better, other times it's so bad that he needs to step outside and go for a walk. ⦁ Loyalty is one of the things he values the most in a person. They don't expect the same amount of loyalty that he has for others, but some level of loyalty is something he looks for in personal relationships. ⦁ He is very slow to trust, once someone hurts him or breaks his trust they're done. He might still talk to them, but permanently there will be this noticeable rift between them. He'll spend less time with them, ghost there calls and texts more often, and be more closed off around them. ⦁ He isn't very open with his emotions and finds it difficult to be genuine and vulnerable. Even around family he finds it hard to talk about why he does the things he does, admit he's hurt, or be verbal about how much he cares. He doesn't really accept comfort. If someone wants to hug him when he's obviously down they have to frame it as if it's because of their needs. ⦁ He has never known privacy, nothing in his life has ever been just his which is why he isn't very open about his emotions, they are the one thing the public doesn't have to have. ⦁ He's used to dealing with finicky people and having his every move put up for public consumption. He's found ways to cope with that and not all of them are healthy. ⦁ He is very dedicated to the people of New Zealand, he knows he's next in line to govern and he takes that very seriously. ⦁ Oliver is very impatient. As a prince he is used to things happening quickly for him. ⦁He has struggled with mental health challenges (mainly depression and anxiety) at a young age. ⦁ They have a very rocky relationship with christianity, having spent their childhood being raised catholic. They were raised with no exposure to the LGBT community or anyone to tell him that his attraction to men was normal and healthy. He spent a lot of time suppressing or hoping to change this part of who he is. It was only when he turned 20 and engaging more in politics did he start to meet other lgbt people and begin to accept himself. ⦁ Coming out was sort of a mixed bag. His parents were accepting, but are still rather uncomfortable talking about his relationships. As expected it hit the news cycle and everyone had an opinion. Mostly there was support but there were some who insulted him and made inappropriate jokes. Being in the public eye made him feel like he had to act like those things didn't bother him. Over time they actually did stop bothering hi. ⦁ He's relatively inexperienced when it comes to relationships, he's had a couple boyfriends before he came out but nothing more. ⦁ he never really saw the need to bother with a relationship when his future spouse is going to be chosen for him anyway. ⦁ Oliver is the type to isolate. He sometimes gets tired of large crowds and goes out of his way to be by himself.
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aslaton8-blog · 4 years
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I'll be honest, I was afraid to watch this documentary. I have a shit family and I believe in spiritual connection and was worried if I watch this I'll be too close to her emotionally and spiritually. Then I realized I can't have any control of that and I don't want to miss out on something just because of fear. Be #fearless Ashley.
Anyway, I've been getting to know this artist for the past seven years and I fell madly in love with her mission. Watching this documentary not only connected me to the personality I created in my head of her music and revealed how right I was about her, but also revealed a lot of real personal connections for me. I feel like her.
Except the difference between me and her is that she held on to her love. I lost some of mine along the way. It's been replaced with hatred. My family is horrible. I spent a long time trying to connect with them and I finally gave up. I realized I don't want to and that they just want to die and wither away. Two of them are on heroin I just found out.
Anyway I cried at the scene where her mother was talking about having cancer. I wish it was my mom that had cancer. After everything she put me through... She left me with her pedophile boyfriend who molested me. He was my dad. Looks like Taylor's parents raised a wonderful person. Why would you want to get rid of her parents? Get rid of mine! My dad is dead, you only have one more to go! Her name is Ann Elizabeth Stockton. Don't believe her lies. She's a con artist. She weaseled 13 grand out of her last dude she was with. She's very good at looking innocent.
Speaking of which as I was watching this documentary, I wanted to punch Kanye West and his anti-Taylor train in the face. Though violence is not the way. God that brought back memories. I actually remember when that happened. I was watching the awards as soon as it happened which is weird because I don't normally watch awards so I think somebody else had it on the TV. I didn't even know her or listen to her music at the time. I had zero opinion of her. He literally met her for the first time and he already had something that against her. The bullshit that people make up in their heads and then project onto you right? I've projecting things onto her too but I was right about them. I didn't project anything negative just opinions about who I think she is based on her music.
I kept shouting and chanting the whole documentary "why would you let those narcissists and sociopaths even affect you?" They don't care anyway! Here's a good song for that "No fucks given" by Hopsin. It's brilliant. It's an Ouroboros and makes people think. Like hey we can go in this cycle forever or you can just #closetherevovingdoor but Kanye would never face his own demons. He basks in them as if he has some excuse. I'm sorry but I'm no fan of anyone who plays devil's advocate like that.
How weak can somebody be to pick on a young sweet woman? I mean I call that weak as hell. Stand up to yourself Kanye. Stop being a piece of shit. I only reserve my hatred for my family so I can't say I hate you but I definitely don't like you. I hate your actions I hate how you're hurting your fellow black man by teaching him to be like this. You are no leader at all. You're actually keeping your people down by teaching them to be belligerent morons like you.
I'm sick of people tearing her down. I'm sick of watching women struggle to maintain their love. The amount of hatred and energy that people put into trying to take her off her platform should be going into the sex trafficking industry and to pedophiles. I don't see what the hell you have against her so bad. For Kanye I think it was just a publicity stunt. Narcissists love attention whether it's positive or negative. And I'm proud of Taylor for how hard she bounced back against it. Because of your influence Taylor, you are encouraging so many youth to empower themselves. I can't be happier with such a wonderful person in existence.
That adversary is working hard. But so are we.
I work with leftists a lot. They complain about rich people all the time including Taylor. A lot of them think they can just yell and scream and get what they want but it doesn't work like that. We aren't babies anymore. An explanation is not an excuse. You may be able to explain where all your pain and hatred comes from but it's not an excuse for it. If you continue the damage that was done to you then I can't feel sorry for you. You aren't breaking the cycle nor are you trying; you're just playing victim like they claim Taylor was doing.
A little while ago there was a post going around on my Facebook trashing Taylor Swift. It was a huge list of things they didn't like about her. It was going around in a leftist circle treating her like the bourgeois power class that is holding us back. Well that may be true she's a member of the bourgeois class, she's also a member of the human family. I think you would do better to attack our politicians. You people act like she's the sociopath or the pedophile creating all the problems in this country when her mission is to heal not to hinder. I'm sick of this circle. According to the political scale I lean pretty hard left what doesnt mean that I completely agree with all of my leftist friends. I get where they're coming from but I hate their approach. They know nothing about human psychology. We need a better education system. We need better everything really. But we can only have that at one step at a time. Quit trying to jump the track, you fall really hard every time you do.
#MurdaGang #youknowwethedumbest #38baby
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elvenferretots · 7 years
Get to Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @cakeandcrows
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!
1. Are you named after someone?
My birth name was after a comic book character, which is oddly fitting. My middle name, Jean, was the middle name of my aunt who shared her faith with my mom. Middle names for me and my sister were faith-related.
2, When is the last time you cried?
I honestly don’t remember? I cried from laughing while listening to the Raven Cycle on audio books, and Ronan shoved Noah out the window.
3. Do you like your handwriting?
It’s my pride and joy, to be honest. Part of the reason I freehand my rough drafts is because the writing itself (and going through pen cartridges) gives me a sense of accomplishment in something aesthetically pleasing.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Honey ham, definitely, but bologna is also up there.
5. Do you have kids?
Thank God, no.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I don’t know. I wouldn’t avoid me, but somehow I don’t think I could get close to someone too like myself. I need the other person in the friendship to break down some walls or I’ll never get close.
7. Do you use sarcasm?
Not very often. It’s an art I've never quite picked up like most.
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
Indeed I do!
9. Would you bungee jump?
I might, depending on the circumstances. Heights and I aren’t friends, so I only do stuff like that when I have some personal stuff to overcome. The release is sort of symbolic for me.
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Frosted mini wheats, the strawberry ones.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
It depends on the shoe. My classic Chuck Taylor high tops? Heck yeah. My all black ankle height ones? No, I don’t bother.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person?
*noncommittal hand gesture*
13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Black forest, definitely.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Body language. The way they hold themselves and present themselves. The way that they are talking to others and the tone of voice.
15: Red or pink?
Red, scarlet is nice.
16. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
My jaw/chin. I love how wide my jaw is, but the taper to it plus my chin gives me the appearance of an underbite I don’t have. With my small, round nose, it makes me look like a bulldog, especially when I have extra weight on me.
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
Dark jeans and just socks.
18. What was the last thing you ate?
Monster cookie ice cream
19. What are you listening to right now?
A Perfect Sonnet by Bright Eyes
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Forest green
21. Favorite smell?
Male ferret, oddly enough. They’re musky and earthy, and I grew up feeling like the only thing I could and would fight a battle with my family for was the permanence of my ferret. He was an anchor and a best friend, and I was a passive, strange, homeschooled kid whose mum was in and out of the hospital constantly. I needed him, and he needed me. Even when I didn’t have a ferret, being around one smelled like home and security.
22. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Someone who was looking for the bugger who keeps giving my number out to debt collectors.
23. Favorite sport to watch?
24. Hair color?
Brown. It’s kind of a muddy colour naturally, and I let that be.
25. Eye color?
26. Do wear contacts?
Nah, I’m not keen on sticking things in my eyes.
27. Favorite food to eat?
Steak, I always get it as a reward or consolation, so it’s a comfort.
28. Scary movies or comedy?
Scary movies!
29: Last movie you watched?
The Falls; the one about the gay mormons
30. What color shirt are you wearing?
Black. It has Bunnicula and Sir Edgar Allen Crow on it.
31. Summer or winter?
Winter for the weather. Lord save me from the heat. But summer for the things to do and people not drowning in seasonal depression.
32. Hugs or kisses?
Um, hugs? Kisses are nice from partners, but I’m not a big fan of kissing, actually. It’s nice the way tasty food is nice when you’re not hungry.
33. What book are you currently reading?
Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop
34. Who do you miss right now?
35. What is on your mouse pad?
I used to have a Lion King one, but it was technically my dad’s, so it’s still at his house.
36. What is the last tv program you watched?
Luke Cage
37. What is the best sound?
I can’t decide. Ferret dooks, rain on a trailer roof, dog sighs, coffee shop ambiance, gentle techno/new age music, the gurgling of a creek, the shushing noise of pages turning in a library, the rev of a racecar engine, the pop of a soda tab, moaning of a lover (lord, that may be the best).
38. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
Neither, honestly.
39. What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
40. Do you have a special talent?
Writing, animal training, research, and objective observation.
41. Where were you born?
Duluth, Minnesota.
42. People you expect to participate in this survey?
I don’t really expect it, but I’ll tag anybody else who might find it fun. :)
@miss--kiwi, @foxtrottcantfindshit, @sheisstrangerthanfiction, @sabawoyomu, @transpetermaximoff, @biocha, @technicolorkatie, @stephanievex, @comingaroundagain, @iamtheearlofnothing, @bi-babes-tho
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Ryan Coogler’s Creed, the 2015 film that unexpectedly made the Rocky franchise great again, worked so well because it knew exactly when to celebrate and when to subvert the Rocky formula.
Casting the great star-in-the-making Michael B. Jordan as Adonis “Donnie” Johnson, the son of Rocky’s Apollo Creed — whom the heavyweight champ Rocky Balboa got his million-to-one shot against in the 1976 original, before the two became friends in later films — was a smart way to replicate Rocky’s rise-and-fall-of-a-boxer story arc. It also allowed Creed to shed the weird detritus that the Rocky franchise had accumulated over the previous four decades (like that robot).
And as if that wasn’t enough, Coogler made the world aware of how great Tessa Thompson (who plays the film’s love interest) is and gave Sylvester Stallone (Rocky himself) his best role since the 1990s — while simultaneously announcing himself as one of the most promising directors of his generation. He shot Creed’s fight sequences with a balletic grace, and imbued the film’s interpersonal scenes with just as much heart and heft (before delivering on his potential with the impressive follow-up project of 2018’s absolutely massive hit Black Panther).
What makes Creed II just a little disappointing, then, is the way it simply becomes another Rocky movie. Where the first film meditated on the legacies that black fathers leave for their sons, on the notions of aging and mortality, and on what it means to build a name for yourself that distinguishes you from your parents, the second film is mostly concerned with who wins boxing matches. It pillages Rocky history wholesale, becoming a kind of remix of two of the other movies in the franchise.
And yet … the reason there are so many Rocky movies is that their base formula still works. Creed II might not be the near-perfect movie its predecessor was, but it’s still pretty good. Let’s examine the recipe that went into making this film.
Donnie and Bianca have a child, thus batting for the Rocky II cycle. MGM
If you know anything about the plot of Creed II — and the Rocky franchise in general — you’ll probably expect the film to follow in the footsteps of Rocky IV. And it does, pitting Donnie against the son of Ivan Drago, the man who killed Apollo. (We’ll get into this plot point in more detail in just a moment.)
But what holds Creed II together isn’t the conflict with Drago. Instead, it’s Donnie’s attempt to figure out what his life might look like without boxing. He and Bianca (Thompson) get engaged. They discover she’s pregnant. They move to Los Angeles to be closer to his mom (the great Phylicia Rashad). And when Donnie encounters a setback that makes him hesitant to return to the ring, the movie enters a surprisingly powerful stretch that just lets Jordan work through his emotions, trying to process the traumatic things that have happened to him.
It’s a reminder that this franchise has always been at its best when it pairs smaller-scale stories of its characters just trying to live their lives with the spectacle of the big boxing matches. It’s also a welcome chance to give Thompson and Rashad more to do than Creed offered — accounting for Creed II’s one unambiguous improvement over the original film.
But astute Rocky scholars will recognize this story as largely a soft reboot of the plot of Rocky II (one of the less discussed Rocky sequels, perhaps because it doesn’t feature a memorable “villain”). Like Rocky II, Creed II replaces a great director (Coogler on Creed; John Avildsen on Rocky) with a serviceable one (Steven Caple Jr. here; Stallone himself on Rocky II), and it compensates for a retread of a story with ever grander mythmaking. (At one point, Donnie retreats to the desert for a massive training montage that asks, “You already know Michael B. Jordan is buff. But what if he were more buff?”)
Even in the particulars of their plots, Creed II and Rocky II have a lot in common: the main character having to step away from boxing for a long time before finally dragging himself back to the ring for the climactic rematch; the coupling up; the baby being born.
And just like Rocky II, Creed II is a pretty good follow-up to a great predecessor.
The Dragos come to Philly. MGM
But, okay, there’s a lot of Rocky IV in this movie!
By far the most ridiculous of the Rocky films, Rocky IV sends the mumblemouthed boxer into the Soviet Union to avenge the death of Apollo, who died in a match against Ivan Drago, the Russian monolith of a man played by Dolph Lundgren. Rocky was Apollo’s trainer and failed to call the fight when he saw his boxer was ailing, so it’s a mission of both redemption and revenge. By the end of the film, Rocky has more or less won the Cold War.
Rocky IV is kind of awesome, in that cheesy ’80s way, but its tone could not be more different from the more realistic tone of the Creed movies. So the choice to incorporate Drago, his son Viktor, and a vision of post-Soviet Russia that mostly seems drawn from watching ’80s movies feels like a dangerous gamble on the part of Creed II screenwriters Stallone and Juel Taylor.
What saves this story from feeling like a total misfire is the script’s willingness to scramble your emotional investment. The Dragos were completely tossed out of Russian society and have had to live a hardscrabble life on the fringes of that world; Viktor is a massive wall of a man because it’s the only thing he knows how to be. (In contrast, Donnie had some degree of economic security once he learned who his father was.)
Don’t get me wrong. Neither Caple nor Creed II’s screenwriters seem to realize just how sympathetic they’ve made the Dragos, especially in a climactic fight that hinges on the relationship between father and son in a way that doesn’t wholly work. And pivoting from the intimacy of Creed to a generation-spanning family epic straight out of a potboiler novel is just a weird call all around. (So is the way Ivan keeps saying variations on “break him,” because everybody remembers him saying “I must break you” in Rocky IV.) But it could have been worse.
Stallone and Jordan still have potent chemistry. MGM
One reason Creed II manages to avoid totally losing itself in Rocky lore is simple: It’s still rooted in a movie that took its characters and their emotional complexities seriously. The sequel struggles to find anything for Rocky to do that’s as compelling as what he experienced in Creed, but it can still coast on the power of Stallone’s cragged face, tumbling off his skull like rocks from a mountain.
Similarly, there’s really no good reason for Creed II to busy itself with a brief conflict between Donnie and Rocky that seems to exist just to make the movie longer, but Jordan and Stallone built up such goodwill with Creed that I accepted it until I realized it was simply marking time. The sequel clearly recognizes how potent the chemistry between Jordan and Thompson is, and goes all in on it.
There are worrying signs in Creed II that a potential Creed III might abandon any semblance of ties to our reality, and its inability to meaningfully connect a story where Donnie becomes a father to the preceding film where he struggled under the burden of never knowing his own is a touch surprising.
And that’s to say nothing of Caple, who films Creed II’s fight scenes with a blunt, visceral quality that appeals but makes most of the movie’s smaller scenes feel a little perfunctory, as if he were checking shots off a list. Particularly egregious in this regard is a scene where Donnie’s mother figures out that Bianca is pregnant before she does, after his mom simply says that Bianca looks pregnant, even though we never see a hint of why she might think so. (Caple even botches a great little bit of physical comedy from Thompson that closes the scene!)
But I really loved Creed, and just enough of that movie’s spark carried over to its sequel to keep me invested.
In the end, what most prevents Creed II from being better is the way everything that happens in the Rocky universe primarily concerns the same handful of families — to the degree that when Donnie needs a new trainer in LA (after Rocky stays behind in Philly), he hires the son of Apollo’s old trainer. It’s ludicrous!
And it makes the movie feel a little like one of those primetime TV soap operas that indulge in wild fancies in the name of entertaining us. There are a couple of scenes involving the Drago family saga that made me howl, and their silliness felt half-intentional on the part of Creed II’s filmmakers, like they were daring the audience to take the scenes seriously because they knew how ridiculous it was.
This kind of hurts the movie’s attempt to establish the identity of the Creed franchise as something distinct from the Rocky franchise. But hey, even the stupidest Rocky movies are a lot of fun.
Gotta have a montage. MGM
The little-seen, not-that-bad 2006 Rocky Balboa — in which Rocky hauls himself back into the ring because the TV all but dares him to, while examining his relationship with his son (Milo Ventimiglia) — was not a movie whose themes I expected to ever appear in the Creed franchise. But there it is, winking at you in a handful of scenes, prodding you to wonder if Ventimiglia might take a day off from This Is Us to film a quick cameo.
I won’t reveal whether he did, but this tiny leavening agent is what ultimately reveals that Creed II’s heart is always in the right place, even when its brain isn’t. It’s a movie about how families are complicated legacies of their own, long continuations of stories we don’t always understand or appreciate as we’re living them, and how sometimes, time runs out unexpectedly. It is, in its own, weird way, a great Thanksgiving movie.
Creed II is playing in theaters everywhere.
Original Source -> Creed II is no Creed. But it’s a pretty good Rocky sequel.
via The Conservative Brief
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