#something was lost on the design board there lmao
kirbyddd · 1 year
though i love the game, i think baldur's gate 3's biggest design problem is its map scale. the creators are clearly still in their generic turn-based tactics map design mindset and didnt really study actual DnD battlemap design
the encounter areas are almost all these massive open spaces with enemies placed at huge intervals that end up exaggerating the distances between all the combatants, like to the point that melee combatants often take several rounds to even reach a target with Dash, which more often than not is only one of many equally spaced targets
from a graphical standpoint it looks fine, which is what the maps and encounter layouts were clearly designed around, but DnD's encounters aren't built around this scale and the interplay of party mechanics and battlefield effects are really neutered by the design. feels like in the majority of encounters see party members who would be fighting alongside one another in any tabletop game having to go out of their way to get within range of another party member to assist them, AoE effects are usually reduced to the equivalent of 1 target spells, centered-on-caster spells are practically unusable, and melee characters are basically just there to try to distract enemy AI while bow users and casters actually do the fighting. counterintuitively, the larger battlefields actually decrease the complexity of encounters by breaking them up into compartentalized zones that are picked off one at a time rather than one big clash of forces bringing a full suite abilities and interactions
even with the scale problems the gameplay isn't bad and still stands head and shoulders over DOS2, but I feel it could be much improved if the designers studied how play in tabletop-sized maps typically works, instead of scattering enemies around inflated cinematic setpieces
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cr4yolaas · 3 months
blue spring — guilt
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prev: downward spiral | masterlist | next: wonder
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when she returns to class beside him, he does his best to pretend he isn't shocked to see her. he can see the remnants of her lost sleep beneath her eyelids, and the slowed tempo of her movements only further proves her exhaustion. he wants to say something, he just doesn't know what. more importantly, he can't stop staring at her.
"yachi got you this," she mumbles. she places a sandwich, wrapped up in paper with a floral design, in front of him. he notices she has her own, and he fights the urge to smile at the concept of them sharing a meal.
he thanks her quietly before the lecture starts. the exam is tomorrow, and while they were initially planning on having a session this afternoon to go over the content in preparation, he isn't sure if it's right to ask her about it. instead, he watches her spin her pen around in her hand while her notes remain empty. he assumes it's because she already understands the lesson, and he wouldn't be surprised if he was right. there's a thick silence between them. he can't tell if it's suffocating or comfortable, but he hopes and prays its the latter.
he tries desperately to pay attention to his professor. there's graphs and writing all over the board, and his notes should be full, but they aren't. he can't stop looking at her. her eyes catch onto his, and a soft bout of red seeps onto his face. he's about to apologize before she whispers, "i'm sorry for last night."
the lecture at the front of the class is now white noise to him. he reassures her that he doesn't mind, but the guilt is still clear on her face. "it's alright," he begins. "if anything, i understand it."
it takes a moment for her to comprehend his words before she recalls blurry tales from her friends regarding his hunger for volleyball and his abrasive nature. she doesn't think the image they painted in her head so long ago quite matches with who she's talking to right now. in fact, it's much calmer. and nicer. and sweeter.
she chooses not to respond, instead biting the inside of her cheek and pretending to pay attention to the lesson. he tries to follow suit, but it's hard when he finds himself so, so, so horribly magnetized to her.
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𝜗𝜚 a much shorter chapter ... i didn't want to go too in-depth to show how yn's world somewhat stops when she's in this trance of endless work
𝜗𝜚 she has definitely forgotten about the math and physics exams. she's way too stressed to be an academic weapon rn
𝜗𝜚 yachi felt insanely bad for their argument. she's not unfamiliar with yn's fits of like anger and stress and she knows it's better not to bother her but she just really wants the best for her friend
𝜗𝜚 tsukishima hasn't been in the house for a while LMAO he's too busy studying and going to work
𝜗𝜚 i feel like it's a little late to mention this and tbh idk if this interferes with my own plot but tsukki works at the museum and he gets paid quite a bit (his boss loves how nerdy he is). hence his fancy car from the last chapter
𝜗𝜚 bokuto loves his mentally deranged friends he's just a little worried for all of them and doesn't know how to show it properly
𝜗𝜚 also i promise yn won't leave kags on read after he spilled his heart out to her LOL she's just. struggling rn.
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taglist: @mfcherry @eggyrocks @scxrcherr @yuminako @girlkissersco @diorzs @causenessus @kyo-kyo1 @k0z3me @shironagi @lovingvi @bunninio @hisfuture @lilchubbyyy @gsyche @ghostreader0307
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earthstellar · 8 months
Just jolted awake at 5 AM to share this idea lmao:
Cosmic Storm: Accidental Alt-Mode Swap Scenario
Some kind of cosmic electrical storm hits the Lost Light and everyone switches alt-modes
They can't figure out how this is even possible, best they can figure is that one of the waves of cosmic electricity rolled over the ship and bypassed their shields enough to affect the crew, just this huge arc of space electricity scrambling everyone all at once
And as it arcs from crew member to crew member (and zaps the shit out of the ship too), somehow this messes with everyone's systems enough that their t-cogs all attempt to reboot while everyone is still connected by the cosmic storm energy
Which results in everyone's t-cogs getting alt-mode data confused, as everyone simultaneously tries to stabilise their systems by purging stored energy so they don't get fried, so because they're all connected by this singular pulse of space bullshit it's like one massive accidental transfer of spark energy, personal systems data, and cosmic electroshock
It's 5 AM sorry if I'm not explaining this very well LOL
But nobody dies, and their systems actually seem to be relatively OK afterwards as far as they can tell, so nobody actually realises there's a problem until First Aid and/or Ratchet asks everyone to book in follow up appointments for full systems checks just to be sure
And as part of checking t-cog function whoever the first patient of the day is gets asked to transform briefly as part of a physical exam designed to help spot any non-critical t-cog damage
And there's no t-cog damage, not to the t-cog itself. Scans come back okay, everything looks good, so OK, time to proceed with the transformation test. Root mode to alt-mode, and then back to root mode.
If the t-cog and associated systems are functional, it should be pretty straightforward.
And the bot does successfully transform...
..Just, into the wrong alt-mode.
And immediately, The Problem Of The Day becomes clear.
Gradually people around the ship figure it out on their own as well, while the Med Bay staff are trying to figure out what the fuck is going on
Over in the Science Lab, Perceptor is messaging Ratchet frantically because he's realised the problem as soon as he tried to switch into his alt-mode to study some samples of a metal panel from the ship which has some damage from the cosmic electricity and uh oh turns out he's a fucking helicopter now
It's a problem that also alters their root modes, but only after their first transformation post-space storm. Something fully triggers whatever is wrong with their t-cog data only once they enter alt-mode, their root modes then re-configure to accommodate these changes following that initial "wrong" transformation sequence.
They have their own colours, their paint nanites etc. remain the same as always, but their modes have changed. So they get any kibble etc. that might come with that new alt-mode.
So Brainstorm goes to pick up some energon for both of them, then comes back and Perceptor suddenly has rotors and holy shit
Eventually everyone on board figures out something weird/potentially bad is happening with their t-cogs. Some people are too scared to test it and find out, while others immediately can't resist their curiosity or think it's better to figure out as soon as possible so they can adapt, and test it as soon as they hear some bots are just turning into completely different things, totally reconfigured.
This could be fun, also sort of terrifying (there is potential for body horror to some degree), and either way it's chaos.
When Drift triggers his alt-mode, he turns into a cat-- Seems like he's got Ravage's t-cog data. Nobody can find Ravage, and Megatron makes it clear that he'll be the only one to attempt to find him.
Rodimus turns into some kind of aqueous vehicle. Maybe Camien in origin. (Turns out it's Nautica's t-cog data.) He's fine with it as soon as he realises he's space flight capable for short distances and Magnus has to talk him out of trying to race the ship.
Of course, because it's Nautica's t-cog data, when he reverts back to root mode, he has a distinctly femme Camien-style frame. He loves it, because his armour isn't as heavy in this form, so he can go faster. (Once this is all over, he is strongly considering keeping some of these femme frame alterations...)
And if you want to use this as a setup for any shipping, yes indeed, some bots inevitably try to test out their newly altered frames with their partners or amicas. (The medical staff all advise against this because oh god nobody knows all the functions of their new systems yet, please do not end up in the Med Bay with "makeout related injuries" they are dealing with so much right now LOL)
Anyway my moving date is 25/01 but as soon as I'm settled into my new place I might turn this into a fic if I have time lmao
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duchezss · 9 months
My favorite details/moments from Trolls Band Together because I have a problem.
Lemme just get this out of the way and say the soundtrack is a certified banger oh my god.
When brozone tries and hits the perfect family harmony the first time the colors that they get outlined in are all separate, the three colors don't blend at all.
Just Floyd comforting Branch....😭 😭
Branch's little hops when him and Floyd were talking about the bunker WAHHHH.
The real emotions of Branch missing his brothers while simultaneously not wanting to see them like???
"There goes my back" when JD was throwing Branch LMAOO.
The entire design of Mount Rageous is so whimsical and gorgeous I'm in love.
When the whole screen shakes when JD hits the counter eh oh el.
"If there was a brother I'd do this for...I'd be Floyd" WAHHHH.
The old MTV style music video Watch Me Work has.
Floyd singing with the posters of brozone floating around 😭
"Tiny, Poppy, Branch, and this random dude" I SPIT OUT MY DRINK LMAO.
"Are you a narc?" OH I LOST IT IM SO DEAD.
All of Branch's old hairstyles being references to Justin Timberlake's real hairstyles.
"Poppy seed" awwwww.
Branch's little "yay" is so cute.
The ongoing ring pop joke is actually so funny I'm sorry.
The way Bruce and JD just throw Branch on command.
Bruce still being considered the heart throb even though he's got a dad bod, a wife, and children 😭
The amount of songs they fit into Brozone's back is actually impressive, and the way they mesh so well together??? Legitness.
"That's not an idea, those are shoulder pads" I just can't...
When Floyd's hair started turning white and he was going transparent....WAHHH 😭 😭 WHEN I GET YOU VELVET AND VEENER WHEN I GET YOU......(But also the details to show how fast his health was declining? Someone cooked)
Branch's iconic clue board.
Bruce holding tiny diamond since he's also a dad.
Branch trying to be brave and talk to the clown but as soon as Viva came at him he backed up. That's such a real response I love is so much??
Clay's hair being green? Which kinda hints that JD or someone made him dye his hair yellow when he was younger.
Viva calling Clay "Mr. Clay" is actually the cutest thing everrr
Clay and Bruce's handshake, I also kinda like that it implies that they were really close, kinda like how Branch and Floyd were close. I think it really separates JD from them.
Also everyone's reaction to JD being super cold while everyone fawns over Branch.
Clay's so smart 😭 (and autistic) I love him so much.
All the brothers cute dancing in It Takes Two ❤️
The very real response of Viva not wanting to talk about her trauma and also not wanting Poppy to leave.
"I don't wanna lose my brother either" I feel like no one talks about how brave Clay is. He's in the same boat as Viva, he thinks Bergens still attack trolls, and he's going out into the world for the first time in who knows how's long. Just because he wants to help save Floyd, like that's so sweet???
Floyd's dead face was way funnier than it should've been.
"I thought ghosts just floated away" the delivery on this line is unmatched.
Floyd speaking one younger brother to Veener was so 😭, especially cause you know he felt like Veener did when Brozone was still active (on a lesser degree ofc) I can't.
We don't talk enough about how fire all of the choreos are, like they got professional dancers to make these dances, AND YOU CAN TELL OML.
JD's need for perfection constantly getting in the way of the greatness they all could achieve.
Branch being the voice for all younger siblings out there who will never be respected by their families hit me. But I also think there's something to say about the JD's of the world. The older siblings they took charge because they felt they had to. All parties end up getting hurt.
Also Branch actually wanting them to be a family so sweet. It really embodies the naive hope of wanting to stay together that youngest children have, but it's not unattainable. You can still be close with your siblings into adulthood, no matter how much time has passed, and that's what this movie represents as it's core.
"I didn't think we'd both find ourselves tied up on this honeymoon" WHATTTTT.
BRANCH AND FLOYD HUGGING THROUGH THE GLASS WAHHHHHHHH. Also Floyd being the only brother to respect that's he's grown....I just love them so much 😭
The whole interaction of all the brothers reuniting while in the diamonds is so funny for no reason lol.
Viva understanding she was wrong and striving to do better for her sister >>>
"Actually I've got two really brave sisters" When the message of this movie is that found family and blood family are just as important as each other, and that no matter what you get to pick who your family is >>> 😭
When Clay falls hard while in the diamond, Bruce and JD immediately check on him, meanwhile he's just focused on Floyd. The older brotherism... 😭
The message of this movie also being that perfection isn't important, but rather balance, harmony, and communication are key. ❤️
The acapella opening of Better Place....just.....wow.....
Clay's adlibs eating everyone up??? Kid Cudi I was not familiar with your game hold on.....
When they hit the perfect family harmony all their colors start mixing, showing their respect for individualism and also for the group.
The way Floyd eyes light up when they're all singing is just 😭
Branch building the bunker for all of them 💔, Floyd remembering the waterslide, all of them hugging?? Just peak filmmaking idk.
"Jail it is" also apparently someone did the math and in our world the twins would get over 6 life sentences for their crimes hello???
All of the boyband references are so funny idc.
Clay being excited to get to know Branch 😭 also JD reading a book in the back that presumably Clay recommended him?? That's so cute? He's really trying y'all, they're all trying, and that just warms my heart 😭
*NSYNC making their first song in over 20 years for this movie is actually the craziest thing ever I'm obsessed. Also they all designed their little trolls which I think is so cute.
The last songs....just bangers....I can't even, I sound like a broken record, why is every song in this movie so good.
Fav adlibs speedrun (from the last two songs): Floyd little "yeah yeah", Clay's "dohhh, ohhh," one of the nsync members "show the wayyy", Bruce's "so excited", Branch's "ohh" & "ayeee"
The layering when they all sing together is too good. It sounds so gorgeous and if you listen closely you can hear each persons vocals.
Also I just need to talk about the music production and mixing for a second. This movie has three version of Better Place, all of which are unique. The main one is the NSYNC version, which is notable for it's little rap section. The Family Harmony version use's the intro/pre-chorus as the main part of the song. It also lets the song slowly built, and adds instrumentals as the song progresses. The Reunion version doesn't use the intro/pre-chorus, but rather mainly focuses on the chorus. It also uses the bridge from the main song as the post-chorus/refrain. Just a very creative use of the song tbh. Also the instrumental differences between Watch Me Work and Mount Rageous? Like it's the same song, but the way they add more classical elements and more layers to build the tension and the song as a whole?? I have no words. Perfection.
Obsessed with this movie. If you haven't seen it pls go watch it.
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kaelidascope · 4 months
Director's commentary on Something About Moths and a Flame, please!
Oh this outta be fun LOL OKAY
So the overall story of how this fic was even born in the first place stemmed from 2 things. I had an idea to write about a shameless self-indulgence about having an overabundance of experience with cismen with hardly any queer experience. And the little queer experiences Blake did have were not good reference points. Using myself as a default source of plot devices (lmao) I self-inserted the desire to get the fuck out of my current state and wanting to move somewhere north to start over. Bing bang boom, you got a basic background and motive for Blake
I honestly should've expected the fic would be more than just 'bisexual character experiences sex with a seasoned sapphic character' and trying to manifest positive things in my life by writing it out in fic format (who doesn't do that, really. If anyone says they don't they're a liar). Everything I make always turns out to be something way more than it's original concept so what I ended up with here was a story drawing on personal elements and wanting for an outcome that probably wont happen, but it's nice seeing it happen to the bees anyway
Blake's feelings about relationships represent a time in my life where my opinion was exactly hers. After a lengthy discussion with Sawrin over dissecting this fic, I've come to the realization that Yang also represents a time frame of opinions as well. Only Yang's core design comes from a time waaaaay in the past that honestly, I had forgotten existed. It's nice to see it manifest despite being buried, and certainly gives me something to think about when I reread it from time to time.
Readers of MM and Moths can draw lines between Blake questioning why things are so easy when she's with Yang. It's the same principle across the board for most bee fics that Blake's past hasn't been kind to her. It's an alien feeling to suddenly have things be so easy, but difficult to accept they're easy at the same time. I tried to picture how the fuck would I react if I were in this perfect dream scenario and how stupid would it be after the realization hits. Blake and Yang have been dating this whole time and just never accepted it for what it was based on what other people have lead them to believe what a relationship had to be.
The talk they have when Yang's AC is out and they're laying in her bed with the windows open is in reference to a talk I once had that didn't have the outcome I wanted. It carries the same essence of dismay - both parties knowing they want each other but because of the boundaries at play, cannot have what they want. But in this version it's not one sided.
Overall, it was nice getting able to write from a quietly honest place without having to worry about literally every other realistic factor ever. This is about as textbook 'I wrote this for me cus I wanted something that applied to me' as it gets. The ending is my dream scenario. I fucking hate living with partners I can't do it anymore JKNFKGNKJGFN but it's not easy finding someone else who'd agree with me. So the bees get my lost dream of permanent independence. I wrote this thing in 3 days and I was morbidly sick while I was doing it, too. So I'm sure it's littered with grammatical errors and what have you. But my best friend has always been completely head over heels about this work, and it astounds me how much he sings its praise. I'm always genuinely surprised when others find something to relate to in this work as well. I never expected it to be anything more than just a glance. It's not even smut heavy. I didn't think people cared about fics like that LOL (silly, I know) but I am glad I put it out there and it got the response it did.
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habken · 9 months
oh my gosh fellow animation student !! I love learning about other people's art school experience, if you'd be willing to share? I think the diversity of assignments and teaching styles and focuses is cool 🩷 love your art as well !!
Yeah I can share a bit ! I’ve really enjoyed the program so far, I think I’ve learned a lot and I’ve gotten the chance to use programs I wouldn’t have access to usually!
First semester I had 9 classes (I’m counting story lab + lecture as two separate ones) and it was honestly pretty difficult to keep up with the workload, especially because I was still finishing up zine work. I had so many assignments, there were many weeks I’d have something due everyday, sometimes multiple things in the same day, so time management was a big struggle and I ended up having to sacrifice the amount of drawing I did for fun and for socmed </3 I think that was the biggest bummer cause it meant I lost both what helped me relieve stress and something that made me happy :/
While the work was intense and time consuming, I really did enjoy what I was making for each class. My favourite classes were character design, storyboarding, and animation. I felt like they were the ones I did best in and I realized loved my animation teacher her classes were really fun and I laughed a lot lol. I also really enjoyed my life drawing class, I have a lot of respect for my teacher, he marked harshly but I learned so much under him and my life drawing skills have improved a lot since september. He also collects bones and brought them in and it was super cool. He told us all the stories of were he’d picked them up, like asking farmers or finding roadkill and cleaning them.
Overall in each class, I really appreciated the critique I’ve gotten and I feel like I’ve really improved! I actually dropped out of art school before and one of the main reasons was because I felt like I wasn’t really getting anything out of the program. My stuff was nowhere near perfect but I was one of the better students so teachers used my stuff as an example rather than see me as a student that also was there to learn. I hated that so I left, and I’m really happy I don’t feel that way in the program I’m in now!
What I will say though is one of the hardest lessons to learn is that you can’t go 100% on every single thing, it’s just straight up impossible unless you don’t take care of yourself and get no sleep. It sucks because you want to do your best and be amazing at everything, but an assignment that’s half assed is better than handing in nothing at all and also better than permanently hurting yourself because you push through the pain and don’t allow yourself any rest.
One of the things that sucked the most assignment wise was my bone portfolio for life drawing, I had so much planned out and I really wanted to do amazing, but I had to cut a lot out to get it done on time, and so the finished project was lacking a lot. I got a decent mark for it, but personally I know it could’ve been so much better, and I just have to live with the sacrifice I made so I could get all my work done on time lol
I don’t want to share too much more about the assignments I did, but I was really proud of my work in my character design class and also my last storyboard assignment, where we took part of a script and made new boards based on it. I got a lot of compliments from the teacher about my attention to detail with subtle and human actions. I’m happy cause that’s the kind of stuff I love portraying and love seeing in films haha.
One other thing is I was so close to failing layout, the last two assignments I left until the very end and almost didn’t get them in one time before teacher’s grades were due, and without them I would’ve failed the class. As it stands, I got over a 90 average so the two assignments made a big difference lmao.
Sorry this was so long lol
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mejcinta · 2 months
HOTD S2 Episode 4 Review: OK, let's do this.
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1.“I love my grandsire!” Lil Oscar Tully you are PRECIOUS!
2. “The only reason we know any of this is because of Baela’s efforts.” Look, I might just be slowly becoming a Jace shooter, lol. Especially if he continues justifiably challenging Rhaenyra’s reckless political choices idk.
3. “That castle is more crippled than I am, Your Grace.” Larys can be funny. I find it very interesting that he speaks of the ‘sapping’ nature of Harrenhal that takes up people’s mental faculties, which he supposes is already happening to Daemon. I wonder if this is a setup for what Aemond will sort of be unable to escape when he takes Harrenhal????
4. Aegon and Aemond tussling like siblings at the war strategy board was kind of adorable. On a serious note, however, it is BAFFLING witnessing how absolutely everything happens behind Aegon’s back and everyone undermines his authority. The council is rudderless and it quite frankly never felt that way for me in the book. This is overkill. I cannot suspend my belief.
5. Poor green council members always have to suffer Aegon and Aemond’s bratt-offs on the daily. It’s comical.
6. Aegon really cared so little to learn of his Targaryen heritage because for the longest time he felt disconnected and hated by Viserys who should’ve no doubt walked him through it using love, approval and attention as a means. He understands High Valyrian but bothers little to speak it. He is rebelling against his oppressors by not cooperating while Aemond rebels by perfecting and showing off. It really shows how they coped with Viserys’ neglect, their rivalry aside.
7. Daemon following Aemond’s phantom and encountering Alys Rivers. Very interesting! She definitely already knows about Aemond and the role he will play in the near future. Taking my Alysmond crumbs and running with them.
8. “YOU BORE ME. YOU ALL BORE ME.” Kingie, please. Chill!
9. “Do simply what is needed of you. Nothing.” Alicent does realize that Aegon isn’t pliable, submissive and passive like Viserys was, doesn’t she????? Aegon actually wants to DO something, not to be held captive by the designs of people in the shadows. And while his view might seem naïve it does show more initiative and drive than sitting and waiting to be controlled the way Viserys was with Otto. Also, you’d expect this amount of desperation from a father that’s grieving after his CHILD’S murder!!!!
10. “Grown tired of living?” Gwayne continues to make me laugh.
11. And Criston has been surreal as a hands-on, experienced battle commander so far. Love that for Fabien. I feel like respect is finally being put to Criston’s name.
12. Jace and Aegon both being their momma’s firstborns sons and being underestimated by them because of their youth, naivety and inexperience. I’m loving these parallels!!!!
13. SUNFYRE and Aegon playing in the dragonpit was so cute to watch. He’s like a golden retriever and Aegon pats him like a doggy. Sunfyre’s pink flames...amazing!! We’ve lost them way too soon, saw them for so short a moment!!!
14. Aegon really seems to be ‘stumbling upwards’ like Steve Toussaint once said. Charging into war unannounced so that he literally appears as protector of the realm, almost successfully killing his rival when he permits Arryk to impersonate Erryk, buying the approval of the smallfolk by offering free drinks in bars, surviving dragon fire… He is building something of a reputation for himself and it’s all by accident lmao.
15. More of this stupid prophecy shit from boring Rhaenyra uwuuuuuu.
16. LAENA cameo. I won!!! I love seeing Daemon acknowledge her importance and effect on his life.
17. I can’t believe they are they making me feel sorry for Rhaenys. I wonder what motivated her return to faceoff with Aemond: his heinous kinslaying/lawlessness OR the fact that the council would not appreciate her returning with no good results (i.e not having dealt the Greens a blow) or BOTH!
18. I demand to KNOW how Vhagar hid in the woods without House Staunton detecting her presence. Also her popping up out from under the RR castle to attack Rhaenys…wish I’d see how Aemond got there, you get me. I love observing the logistics. Ewan/Aemond is so PERFECT on Vhagar. That’s some serious dragon riding.
19. Aemond was straight flying  back to the crash site to finish Aegon before Rhaenys came after him. The fact that he didn’t care she was getting away is crazy to me. Allow Aemond some military intelligence, please.
20. Sunfyre fighting with every shred of strength he has to land on his belly so that Aegon won’t be crushed, and cradling him. Oh, my heart!
21. Was Sunfyre crying out for meemaw Vhagar as she was falling or am I insane???
22. Dad Criston was great. I cannot imagine the drama that lies ahead after this and how his relationship with Aemond and Aegon will be affected.
23. Alicent, girlie, you about to find a new thing to make you guilty and suicidal all over again! No worries, though, because you are STILL a million times more interesting than boring, righteous girlboss queen.
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darkbluekies · 5 months
I was actually going to sleep then I saw you respond to my ask, I'm actually very interested and intrigued so I wanted to respond immediately!
— Jesus fucking Christ they actually measured the entirety of the ship? That level of hm, how does one describe this, pettiness or determination? Perhaps a sense of both, I mean I'd get petty too if I lost something valuable and ended up getting an unfair compensation. I wonder what the reaction of the Germans were when they realized they actually measured it.
— oh god that's actually so fucking hilarious 😭😭 getting worked up over nothing, I mean, at least they had a design? 😭
— That's quite something, Grey Ghost? Why is QMS nickname Grey Ghost? Does it have relations due to it being not found?
— I... I have no idea what to say 😭 that's actually so ironic
— Holy shit a ship sinking in just 14 minutes is plain terrifying?? Why did it sink that fast anyways?
— Wow... That's actually really sad and quite brave of him too, I don't think I've heard of the Wilhelm Gustloff disaster and 9000 deaths in one night is crazy. Hopefully that guy is doing alright, it's possible he might get survivors guilt, I might research about the disaster and see what I can find!
— woah, the first design is quite pretty! The second one reminds me of a factory for some reason
Ahh this is what little brain juice I can squeeze out from my brain, though I actually enjoyed this and it made my night more interesting! :D I'll head off to sleep now, goodnight!
— lol apparently? there were more petty things in that affair, such as painting a ship supposed to be given to White Star Line in Germany's colors, turnign the british officers' quarters to a cleaning supply room etc lmao
— it was a design alright ... just not a good one. The wings of the golden eagle fell of during a storm so they're at the bottom of the atlantic right now. The eagle looks even more stupid without the wings😭 (picture at the bottom)
—The ship was painted fully grey because it was used as a troop ship which made it hard to find it. The ship was extremely fast, so it was fast to catch her. These two characteristics earned her the name The Grey Ghost. (picture at the bottom)
— the ships weren't even alike???? one had an funnel and whatnot?? i'm not even sure how they thought that it would work ... and it clearly didn't.
— It was a foggy night and two ships were supposed to go past each other, but in the fog they couldn't see each others lights, so a norweigan ship called Storstad rammed the side of Empress of Ireland and cut up a gigantic hole. The ship itself was almost half the size of titanic. A lot of people died that night because they didn't have the time to get out.
— I'm not even sure it was legal to sink the WG? I know that it had been a hospital ship during WW2 (it's seen as a war crime to sink a hospital ship), but it seems like it had returned to a normal ship during the time WG was sunk. The reason (i think) why it was sunk was because a lot of nazi party members were on board with their families, supposedly relocating to another country, and was sunken by soviet submarines. WIlhelm Gustloff could only carry 1465 passangers, but had around 10 000 during its sinking. Although there were many bad people on board there were children as well. The actor was a small child, so i hope that he doesn't remember much of it, because I cannot imagine the horror he must live with otherwise.
— Unfortunately, the times were changing and the edwardian design was no longer popular :( I would have loved another Olympmic class liner :(
here's a before an after of the eagle lmao
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From left to right: SS Normandie, RMS Queen Mary, RMS Aquitania
I could talk about ocean liners forever. If I got paid by the hour to talk about them I would be so fucking rich I'm telling you
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07-bilin · 11 months
swimmer au - haikyuu!
₊˚ପ⊹ summary: haikyuu boys as swimmers and their strokes cause your girl is a swimmer and i just see a lot of them as swimmers LMAO
₊˚ପ⊹ warnings: none
₊˚ପ⊹ a/n: ive been into haikyuu for years but im starting to get back into it due to edits on my fyp so have this lovely set of hc with my sport :) - p.s: let me know if you want more!
₊˚ପ⊹ w/c: 779
hinata: he gives off breast-stroke vibes lowkey like that man can jump and sure as hell his legs can bend in that manner very fast-- he'd probably only do 100 breast and then during medly he would swim the 50 for their relay team. might also be in free every now and then to y'know compete against kageyama lmao.
adding on to this hinata would probably be very similar to how he is in the anime eating 24/7 and sleeping and slacking off tbh. seems like the guy who'd break his cap multiple times during regions or something costing the team a hefty sum. also the guy to write on his body with words like "eat my bubbles" and shit.
kageyama: its giving free sprinter. swims 50-100 free and occasionally the 200 in which he legitimately sprints the whole thing. hated being in relays with other people during his middle school club years, especially the 200 free cause its a "life or death" situation. eventually in his high school years he softened up a bit and gave tips to his relay members.
he makes sure to plan his carb intake days for meets. other people may think its funny but kageyama takes his yoga very seriously and it began to rub off on the other first years lowkey. is the victim to chicken fights on free days at practice resulting in him having to buy dinner for everyone.
tsukishima: for how long he is, he very much gives me a backstroke swimmer. the type of guy to say back is the best because you don't inhale as much water but every time you see a professional picture of him taken he's struggling to breathe. does 100 back and then back during medly.
in his earlier years of swimming he swam fly because he has a huge wingspan but later in his years he switched to back because he claimed that he didn't have enough strength for the stroke. (real)
kuroo: my boy just reeks of fly swimmer. he's crazy. he does it from the 50 medly up to the 200 fly. during meets he likes to put on fake tattoos to seem "manly" but they end up washing away in the warm-up pool and the team gets in trouble for the mess.
the captain who makes sure there is a team dinner every single week. love's dryland days because he gets to show everyone how much he can lift in the weight room. is also a menace to society and will write shit to tick off other teams.
kenma: is also a breast swimmer because lowkey he likes the different feel to it. in reality its because it was called the 'froggy' stroke when he was younger. every time he comes to practice he thinks to himself why he chose a sport where he can't breathe.
that one swimmer on the team who constantly "forgets" his suit and can't swim. (kuroo carries and extra one in case this happens). has lost too many hair ties in the pool, more than he can count tbh.
bokuto: he is a fly/free sprinter. loves the feeling of fly when he swims it. does the 50-100 for both strokes. he's really goofy and has a whole collection of speedo's with different designs that he likes to wear on specific days of the week. do not let this man near the speaker in the weight room, he will be screaming lyrics at the top of his lungs.
he probably dq's a lot of the relays from excitement and falls in the pool sometimes. on free days he likes to go beneath the depths of the water and grab peoples legs and drag them down into the water. tries to dive off the diving boards but has always ended in belly flops or just a big splash of water. is not a morning practice type of guy.
akaashi: he gives me back/distance swimmer. he's just like yeah lemme zone out for a bit and then like 4 mins later he's done and he's like oh okay cool. for back he does the medly with bokuto as back and then for distance he does the 200 and 500 free. the type of guy to let out sighs after stretching, you for sure can hear his bones cracking as well.
during meets you can see akaashi on the bench with his sony headphones on top of his cap nodding to his music. (its probably rnb). the type to bring his own equipment to practice rather than using the faculties. bokuto and him have matching pj's they wear to every single meet.
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
Your ask box is my kingdom, I am taking it over
But anyway I so badly want your thoughts on Jack and Davey in my college prof au please please please I know I haven't spoken about it on tumblr yet except from a little bit but I love your Javid so yeah
-has watched high school musical thank you very much
ok ok @roideny obvi this is your au but here are my Very Important thoughts bc i love them Very Much ugh. in love w them
David Jacobs-Kelly:
44 years old, born in ‘79
Undergrad: majored in English, minored in Creative Writing
Masters: Poetics and Theory AdvC- NYU
Doctorate: English and American Literature, thesis is over gender and sexuality in Shakespeare
he’s been Dr. Jacobs-Kelly for about seventeen years by the time the story takes place!
as a prof, he teaches a comp class, an honors comp (Critical Analysis and Writing), and some creative writing/poetry courses! he’s a very busy man.
he meets Race, Albert, and Finch because they’re students in his comp class!
when he’s not teaching, he’s really involved in the local queer scene. i feel like he’s a staple at drag brunches and pride celebrations; he’s not a huge club fan anymore but he still loves being Involved. growing up during the aids crisis is traumatizing at the least, and im sure he lost a few friends, so he stays up to date in the queer stuff to sort of honor them.
he marries jack in 2011 when gay marriage is legalized in new york!
he’s a huge shakespeare fan, as seen by his phd studies. he has a hamlet-inspired tattoo because he’s gay
tbh he probably has a cat named after shakespeare (they have two cats im calling it now. shakespeare and bryan, name courtesy of jack)
he and jack don’t have any kids, but he’s a loving fun uncle for Les and Sarah’s respective kids!
Jack Jacobs-Kelly:
45 years old, born in ‘78
Undergrad: Studio Art! but he dropped out after a semester <33
he just decided that college wasn’t for him. why pay money for something he doesn’t need?
he goes straight into a set design apprenticeship that medda helps him get! medda is his adoptive mom, so he’s been around queer spaces and theatre since he was around 15. he loves it, it’s his home
that being said he probably sells his own paintings and maybe does mural work on the side, he likes to keep busy and is invested in the art scene, and he meets davey when davey moves to New York for his masters! he’s the reason davey stays in NYC <33
he’s very eccentric, and very much doesn’t give a fuck. he’s a black queer man- the universe already nerfed him, so why worry about anything else? i can see him being the really go-with-the-flow husband to davey’s more tight-strung academic vibe. they really balance each other out
again, they don’t have kids, but i feel like this jack is very much For The Youths? i can see him volunteering a lot, working for organizations that help troubled kids get into the arts— i feel like it’s his passion project that makes him feel better when davey is busy at the university all day. in another life he’s a foster parent, but he and davey just don’t have the lifestyle to foster, so he focuses his energy elsewhere!
whenever davey “adopts” some freshmen he’s always on board. he really hits it off with Albert!
not as involved in the queer scene as davey, but his career is literally in musical theatre set design, so even if he’s not in the queer scene he’s In The Queer Scene
i don’t wanna talk about him losing medda but i can see him eventually inheriting the theater!
he loves his nieces and nephews! he’s a big family guy
Extra Thoughts:
jack and davey are a pair. they rarely go anywhere outside of work without each other, and they’re so, SO in love.
jack pretty regularly comes to see Davey while he’s at work; he’ll bring him lunch to office hours and pop in to watch him lecture from time to time.
davey attends the opening night of every show jack works on <33
their apartment is always a mess LMAO. davey has papers and books everywhere, there’s paint on the floor, brushes all over the place— it’s what happens when you cross a tired academic and an adhd creative. shit happens.
they actually stay pretty hip and on-trend? idk how it happens but jack is rlly good with youth culture and davey is on top of gay culture so like. yeah they work.
over summers and breaks, they travel a lot! not anything crazy expensive— they love international travel, but they’re also a big fan of road trips and rental cars!
they are my FAVORITES and i love them so much
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spaceteafox · 1 year
Hello Stanley Parable tumblr community.
I’m redoing all of my designs because the old ones didn’t make me as happy as I originally thought they did. So here’s the Curator, the Narrator, and the Timekeeper/Settings Person.
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Stanley and Mariella are on their way. (They are rapidly approaching.
I wanted everyone to look human but then I got to TK and I lost track of what I was doing. I wanted him to look low-res so now they’re a crunchy image but also they don’t have an actual face and they wear sweatpants to work like an absolute animal they do not care for professionalism and employee 432 probably planks on top of desks to spite his employers.
On the subject of that head cannon time:
• I like to think she’s got three museums. One being the one based on the Stanley Parable, one just for the buckets, and a third that’s more of a traditional real world museum that’s a mix of natural history and art (hello Blathers from animal crossing but with significantly less live animals.)
• She’s the type of person that is either super organized or has a bunch of things she definitely doesn’t need laying around. There could be an in between but I think it’s a one or the other kind of thing.
• if she did run her own parable (likely with Mariella as her protagonist) it’d be pretty similar to those children’s shows where they’ll adventure different time periods and art pieces. They always return home at the end of the day though[ :) ]. Also SM64 painting mechanic because the image of Mariella having to backflip into a painting is so phucking funny
•She gives off such big single mom energy.
•He will probably fight you at the mention of William Shakespeare. Not saying whether he’s for or against Shakespeare. He’s just very passionate about one or the other.
•Everyone in the parable places bets on how old he is simply because they can. He refuses to tell anyone, not because he’s insecure but because he thinks it’s funny watching them pull out the cork boards to figure it out.
•Probably thrives on chaos. Controlled chaos I should say (what do you think the parable is).
•This man probably had a fanfiction.net account at some point. There is no way his theatre kid ass didn’t write like Portal fanfiction or something.
432/TK/Settings Person (this motherphucker needs to pick a name dear gods):
•Like I said earlier this man lives to disrespect their surroundings.
•Lmao imagine not being allowed to do the one thing you were created to do and then you break into the void and gain the ability to alter certain aspects of reality-
•There they are officer! It’s the man who’s been stealing pencils from the office and breaking them just to sharpen them again!
•I refuse to believe this entity doesn’t have a fursona. It’s probably a cat. Or a dog. Or a cat-dog.
•Consider this: they can change the games lighting and music because they’re silly and wish to be dramatic.
•They hate Minecraft and that’s part of why it’s not in the ultra deluxe. Ridicule them for it.
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realcube · 2 years
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @aaprilshowers
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you want to request a matchup, read this!
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‘I enjoy writing, costume design, and reading.’
𓆩♡𓆪 kita is a self proclaimed bookworm 
𓆩♡𓆪 and like not even in a way that he only reads like volleyball manga (ever heard of haikyuu!! ?) like most of the other characters who are supposed to be smart 
𓆩♡𓆪 he likes the classics
𓆩♡𓆪 so he will definitely be recommending you books left, right and centre
𓆩♡𓆪 unless you aren’t into ‘classic’ books, in which case he’d probably stop 
𓆩♡𓆪 HOWEVER if you tell him or talk to him about a book you like, he will so look into it and read it in a single night (if possible) (it probably is, for him, at least) (he is a speed reader)
𓆩♡𓆪 even if you were talking to him about it because it was bad, he will still read about it so y’all can complain about it together 
𓆩♡𓆪 being haters together is PEAK couples bonding 
𓆩♡𓆪 also .... he will always find the book 
𓆩♡𓆪 the fbi better hire this mans because if you mention like ONE line or even a singular trope of the book, he. will. find. it. 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if it’s like a fanfic from 2016 from a dead fandom by an orphan account that you thought was deleted, he already found it and read it and sent the writer an email for props
𓆩♡𓆪 costume design is kinda lost on kita. he would definitely be interested in it if you are, but it’s probably not one of his greatest passions still lol
𓆩♡𓆪 but if it something you are super into, he would be on board and go the full mile
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d buy you all the nice silks for your costumes, whenever he sees a cool costume on tv, he’ll send you a picture, and if you ever need a model for your costume — even if it is the most flamboyant, massive, daring costume — he will wear it for you 
𓆩♡𓆪 as for writing, he’s definitely tried it out but he is probably more of a reader and like an academic writer
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would be the type to stay up until ungodly hours at night to read over/ beta-read something you wrote; if it’s a school essay, personal story or even just straight up enemies to lovers fanfic lmao
𓆩♡𓆪 and ik it isn’t very kita to disrupt his nice routine schedule to read something but he still has priorities and his loved ones are v high on that list
‘My love language is physical touch, and gifts (receiving), and gift giving (giving)’
𓆩♡𓆪 that fits kita soo perfectly because i feel like he is definitely very shy and apprehensive about physical touch at first in a relationship 
𓆩♡𓆪 and i know most people are like that, but i feel like most people take 2 months before they are fully open to physical affection but it probably takes kita a solid 6 months before he is completely up for it and begins to actually lean into that side of him more
𓆩♡𓆪 but he is with the gift giving from the get-go 
𓆩♡𓆪 as i said before, when he find out you are into costume design, he will be buying you all the nice fabrics and sparkles for your costumes and even some nice pencils to make your designs too 
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you are into the type of books he is, he will totally give you his books that he recommends, and maybe even buy you your own copy of the book 
𓆩♡𓆪 and, foreshadowing, but time-skip he is a farmer so of course he cares about his food, so he will obviously be buying you some nice meals or just anything he sees in the shops that he thinks you might like
𓆩♡𓆪 .. roses?? from his garden?? what a gentleman
𓆩♡𓆪 he isn’t really used to receiving gifts too often but as soon as you start giving him gifts, he will never let you forget how grateful he is 
𓆩♡𓆪 like even if it’s something so small that some people wouldn’t even consider a gift
𓆩♡𓆪 but he really does appreciate the notion that you think about him even when he is not with you and that you know him so well too 
‘i’m an INTP and and Aquarius’
𓆩♡𓆪  kita is an ISTJ (according to personality database)
𓆩♡𓆪 the only differences between y’all is that he is sensing and you are intuitive and the differences there wouldn’t really effect a relationship, in my opinion, as it’s really to do with how you interpret information
𓆩♡𓆪 however, you being a perceiving type and kita being a judgemental type, i honestly think would be beneficial to a relationship 
𓆩♡𓆪 as perceiving types tend to be more spontaneous and go-with-the-flow, while judgemental types tend to enjoy routine and stick with it 
𓆩♡𓆪 although that could lead to disagreements when it comes to plans, i honestly think it would likely mean you bring out the best in each other and make each other more open minded
𓆩♡𓆪 because you pushing him out of his comfort zone to do things more on a whim would help live in the moment, some 
𓆩♡𓆪 and kita would also aid you in becoming more organised and help you see the joy of .. knowing that you are going to do tomorrow, and the day after! lol
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s good you are both thinking types though as that would probably effect how you communicate 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is a capricorn !! 
𓆩♡𓆪 i read a bit on compatibility of capricorns/aquarius’ and they are pretty compatible, since they are both rules by saturn 
𓆩♡𓆪 and a lot of the things i read are pretty poetic and beautiful so i am simply gonna share a quote with you: “ Aquarius and Capricorn are fairly compatible because they are both ruled by slow-moving Saturn, the planet of longevity and achievements. Although they may occasionally clash on the surface due to their different interests, they are true soulmates deep down.”
‘my ideal date is a beach walk and stargazing‘
𓆩♡𓆪 these are both pretty peaceful activities which is why they suit kita so well because he is just a pretty peaceful dude
𓆩♡𓆪 he would most enjoy these low intensity activities where we can simply take time to talk to you and spend some quality time with you, with little distractions
𓆩♡𓆪 not that he would mind bigger dates, but these are definitely his first choices
𓆩♡𓆪 and on a star gazing date, he would definitely bring all the essentials 
𓆩♡𓆪 well.. everything he thinks is essential 
𓆩♡𓆪 like roses, sandwiches, blankets, a cloth for you guys to lie on and maybe even a telescope if he happens to own one
𓆩♡𓆪 he would definitely tell you all sorts of astronomy fun facts too
𓆩♡𓆪 where did he get them from? who knows..
𓆩♡𓆪 as for a beach walk, it would take every bone in his body to resist asking you to play a few rounds with him when y’all see the volleyball nets set up there 😭
for @aaprilshowers​ : i immediately thought akaashi or ushijima which is why i asked who i gave you last time lol. so then it was between ushijima and kita but i eventually settled for kita because your hobbies simply fit kita more i think. plus i think it’s canon that ushijima is a flat earther sooo i don’t know how that would fly with you.  
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paunchsalazar · 2 years
4, 8, 10, 15 !
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
at one time I would say some of the spiky-haired Boku no Hero characters lol because I feel like their hair can look off really easily? now I feel like it is more comfortable...
not super complicated but I think a lot of Batman guys can look like any random guy very easily... that troubles me at times... Gansey can look like nothing or like an asshole… guys with plain hair and just glasses -_- but I am not the most creative character designer.
Live action characters overall because I want a bit of likeness and some degree of caricature… can quickly go too realistic and weird or too vague and unrecognizable. I guess right now it’s Lestat de Lioncourt but I’m not trying all that hard.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
my 2nd-year student film lol! but that was because of a whole bunch of logistical problems (covid, casting child actors, getting in the recording booth, general exhaustion, and depression lmao) I draw a lot of fanart because it gives me something to draw without the pressure of coming up with a good enough idea...
lots of scrapped comics that didn't make sense, and some board sequences I've never finished! I wanted to redo an old Batman sequence for Halloween but I wanted to make better directorial choices and I am just so lazy
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10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
I feel like it's jackets?? totally projecting my real-life preferences but jackets can kind of be bullshit easily enough... I feel like with boarding you can scribble two lines and it's like 'got it, jacket', so lots of quick shorthand collars
(I guess I do not draw much 'to a finish' lol... used to want to do fashion design but I don't have the patience for it)
15. *Where* do you draw
Digitally - it has to be at my tablet at my desk... but honestly after work hours I get really sick of sitting there so I only draw on paper and then clean the sketches up digitally while in meetings or warming up to work lol...
On paper - anywhere... I still kinda have to scribble like it is a fidget spinner if I'm sitting anywhere for too long. My kitchen table, the couch, the bed (not ergonomic at all), anywhere? but I don't really do super neat physical pieces... if so I think I'd have to at least sit at a table lol just because it becomes a bit of a mess
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justinforprez · 2 days
Elon Musk
I've posted something like this before but someone asked me my opinion on Musk.
I hate him for so many reasons.
He is a liar, con man, rich kid, egomaniac, parasite, and more.
His words contradict his actions.
He says he wants all subsidies ended but every single one of his businesses relies on subsidies.
he claims to "know more about manufacturing than anyone else on Earth." Yet his cars are fucking dogshit and very expensive.
While being "pro free speech" on twitter he censors those who mock/criticize him like a child. Also twitter is bleeding money and will eventually go bankrupt. what good is a platform where the speech is lost after just a few year when the servers shut down?
Elon has tweeted about western/Christian/family values but he has had like 6 (7?) wives. can he not manage to keep one?
Tesla had a reasonable stock value before he started to hype it up to unreasonable levels. This has already had a negative effect on so many people' retirement funds. This false hype actually got him banned from serving on the board for a few years. it needs to be permanent. but if that happens Teslas stock will collapse to $35/share or less where it belongs. This will be even more devastating for people's retirement funds.
Its NOT a tech company. Its a fucking car company with NOTHING special about it. Well, with ONE exception and I will grant them this. Theya r ethe only electric car company that makes money. But with recent releases about how it might be some kind of Enron-esque fraud I won't hold my breath. For the sake of everyone invested in tesla and even my own 401k that I don't manage and has tesla shares in it I hope its not true.
He keeps selling Tesla shares driving the price down to fund Twitter. Which is perfectly fine but its not sustainable.
He was forced to quit Paypal. He was fired. He had a golden parachute. All his other money comes from government subsidies and greater fools (investors). All of his "not worth" is in Tesla and now Twitter is tied to that value. When either fail/collapse the other will too.
He is an idiot who has never invented anything. Hyperloop is a scam. if you mention it I will beat you with a brick. Even the greatest achievement of SpaceX, the Merlin engine, wasn't their invention (when I say "their" I mean SpaceX engineers, not Musk). NASA commissioned JPL to make a cheap engine. They did. NASA asked the industry who wants it? and they all said "lol, lmao even". And now we see that the merlin was bad and thats why they changed the engine a LOT. It no longer has an ablative nozzle. its vastly simplified. I'm not knocking the immense amount of work the engineers put into making the engines and integrating them but the base design was not sued by other companies for a reason. Their improvement are impressive. The cost per unit is impressive... if its true. When you look at the money we know of that has gone into SpaceX its hard to actually say. Without financial records we may never know. Space is a highly subsidized industry for a reason and I don't think we should stop. But Musk wants the subsidies stopped so he shouldn't get any contracts.
The company that made the giant injection molding machine Tesla now sues for Model 3's invented it and patented it. Tesla do not own it. They did not design it. And Musk sure as fuck had nothing to do with it.
Failure #42069: Cybertruck
he engages in union busting. he fails to pay people's overtime. that sounds like good Christian values to me
I personally know someone that worked at the first gigafactory and they were fired for talking to Musk. Now to be fair they were all told not to talk to him. This is called "victimization" and its an illegal part of a hostile work environment. But its a part of his FAKE "autistic" persona he created to appeal to redditors. There are plenty of leaked emails and old interviews from the paypal days to show what he is really like. I believe there is even an interview with one of his families where they say this. Also his fake oersona even has a fake backstory. He comes from Old Money. He acts like he was picking himself up from his bootstraps like he didn't have huge investments from his family. I won't blame elon for his father's crimes against humanity.
Solar City. His cousins failing solar company that he bought with Tesla money that was not his. He paid out his family huge sums. Tesla shareholders got fucked, raw. And then the solar shingles fraud which went to court and was found to be fraud.
why is this man not in jail?
I do not believe that he is for free speech or western values or traditional values or anything except Elon. Elon is for Elon. More money for Elon? Yes. Less money for Elon? No.
Selling cars is his business. His scams like the Vegas Loop or hyperloop or whatever its called these days are just that, scams. They have no potential to "solve the god damn traffic problem" as he claims. they are there to prop up stock value, get attention, and draw money away from real transit projects.
He says he hates regulations and red tape but he is responsible for quite a bit of red tape. For example, energy storage. California are idiots that import coal power from Arizona but they don't want any dirty pwoer in tehri state so they installed battery storage systems. Okay well batteries actually let them store renewable energy so thats good. Well there were almost no regulations on such systems. That is until Musk revolutionized the industry. Several people died as a result of battery fires from the MegaPack energy storage systems from Tesla. So, in response California added a bunch of new laws regulating energy storage systems. these laws are making their way into building codes across the world. If they had just made safer systems like every other manufacturer we wouldn't have these laws.
318 fires vs 25 fires per 100,000 cars sold. Tesla is the big number and Nissan is the small number for EV fires. this is not a fair comparison. The leaf has a much smaller battery. Fire fighters have had to add lithium extinguishing foam to trucks because of Tesla. But that was probably inevitable.
Optimus is a scam. Robotaxis are such a scam I can't believe that all the Model 3 buyers haven't asked for a refund. Neuralink is not a scam but is in its infancy and is jsut meant for the disabled. its meant to reconnect nerves. He is WAY overhyping what it might do at this point.
He doesn't treat people's lives with respect. He sent ghetto CPAP machines to hospitals that needed respirators during covid. He may have slowed down the rescue of those miners in Chile by saying he would save them. He called the british hero who did save them a pedo and he was not. He threatened Buzzfeed to remove articles critical of him (which they did). So he is abusing the court system. Again great traditional western values. Picking on those under you.
In 2019 Musk supported Andrew yang for president and said universal basic income was "obviously needed" which sounds like some kind of government subsidy but really its just him saying whatever he thinks will get him what he wants.
He's not a man of principles. He is a man of money.
I could go on but I won't. For now.
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Pomegranate Seeds 4
I told yall i had one more part in me, and lo and behold. i wasn’t lying lmao
Warnings: alluding to jask torturing souls and enjoying it, but other than that one little bit it’s fluffy, oh and some shitty mother son relationship. im also not sure if i swore? odd i know
Jaskier spent the whole summer moping and passive aggressively challenging Demeter at every opportunity. 
He’d put up a fight for months before Zeus finally ordered him back to Mount Olympus to set the seasons in rotation. Geralt had walked him to the ferry and they both secretly hoped the magic of the pomegranate wouldn’t let him board. It did, of course. He was willingly walking down the path, not being pulled or in chains. It seems guilt trips weren’t covered in this particular brand of magic. 
All summer he wore black or grey togas. He grew himself a crown of pomegranate blossoms that held little diamonds between the twigs and leaves. His mother tried to get him to wear brighter colors like he used to, but if he was going to be there he would do so on his terms. 
His songs were mournful and lonely, just like the song he’d been singing when he met Geralt. Crops and forests still grew for him, they always did no matter what he sang about, but the people he visited began to hesitate before they prayed for growth. Instead he noticed them trying to fix it on their own first. Their attempts at independence were a little misguided, but Jaskier was almost proud. He started to leave little hints about how to actively prevent their crops dying out on their own when he left, weaving it into his song sometimes. It was far better for them to be self reliant than dependent on his mother with her whims and tantrums. 
As the summer drew to a close Demeter became more controlling and placating at the same time, probably hoping he would stay if she played her cards right. But Jaskier was just waiting for his favorite farmer to cut her hay for the last time before he fled back home. 
When he was satisfied that his departure wouldn’t ruin her harvest, he changed into a shimmering gold chiton and practically skipped to the gaits of Olympus. 
Geralt was leaning against the archway, digging the toe of his sandal into the dirt of the flowerbed he was standing in. Jaskier had to smirk at the state of all the other blooms around the gate. 
“My love, did you trample the flowers?” he asked when he got within earshot. 
Geralt’s face lit up as he rushed forward and scooped Jaskier up into his arms, spinning him around before setting him back on his feet, “Absolutely not. I would never.”
Jaskier cradled Geralt’s head between his hands and kissed him, all his resentment and rage melting from his bones as he relaxed into his lover’s arms, “You would too. While you’re at it, why not make the ground untenable before we leave? See if she can fix it by next spring.”
Geralt pecked his nose and snapped his fingers. There was the soft sound of ash settling on the ground around them but they didn’t bother looking back as they strode arm in arm away from Mount Olympus. 
Jaskier let out a sigh of relief when he joined Geralt in the hallway where he waited, closing the door behind him to muffle the screams of terror coming from the other side. He’d missed this over the summer, and he was quite alright admitting he enjoyed punishing the guilty, even if that meant getting a little blood on his sandals. 
“Enjoying yourself?” Geralt hummed, pulling Jaskier into his arms. 
“Immensely,” Jaskier giggled, laying his head on Geralt’s shoulder, “Being gentle and nurturing all the time is exhausting.”
“S’nice to let go.”
“Hmm,” Jaskier agreed. It hadn’t been a full week since he’d been home but he was already clearing a list of souls Geralt had saved especially for him, “Tisiphone was telling me you were slacking while I was gone.” 
Geralt pressed a kiss to his neck, “I was lost without you.” 
Jaskier raised his head to look into Geralt’s eyes, “That was sweet, so I’ll let it slide,” he teased, quickly pressing a kiss to Geralt’s nose, “but no more sulking while I’m gone. The girls said they were sick of it rather quickly.” 
“I’ll try,” Geralt sighed, rolling his eyes, “I have something for you.” 
“Well lead the way,” Jaskier insisted, hooking his arm through Geralt’s with a giddy grin. 
He was led to the throne room, but Geralt insisted he close his eyes, saying something about getting the full effect. Jaskier couldn’t help but think he was being a bit dramatic, even by his standards, but he obeyed anyway. He was maneuvered around where he knew the throne was and turned to face it before Geralt wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. The god of death pressed a kiss to his neck and whispered when he was allowed to open his eyes. 
When Jaskier obeyed he was confused for a moment, thinking Geralt had tricked him and led him somewhere else. But, no, there was Geralt’s throne, and right next to it was a plush sage green cushioned throne that truly looked big enough for three Jaskiers. The back was about two feet high and thick and Jaskier immediately wanted to perch on it. Behind the back cushion was a beautiful vining gold design reaching up even higher than Geralt’s throne. 
“I- its… Geralt, it’s beautiful!”
Geralt absolutely beamed  as he leaned around Jaskier’s shoulder to get a good look at him, “You think so?” 
Jaskier just nodded, willing himself not to cry.
“I put a little soil behind it. So you can grow things to decorate it. If you want,” Geralt purred as he gave Jaskier a little squeeze, nuzzling into his shoulder.
Jaskier wriggled around in Geralt’s arms to kiss him, pulling him close by his belt and smiling despite his best efforts to kiss him senseless. 
Geralt laughed softly when they parted, not letting go of his grasp around Jaskier’s waist, “You like it?”
“I love it,” he nearly sang as he broke away and darted to the throne, flinging himself onto it in the most dramatic and absolutely improper position he possibly could. Geralt just grinned at him as he shifted around, seeing which position was most comfortable. He could sit on it like a lounge, perch on the arms or the back, tuck his knees under him, even lay with his head hanging off the seat and his feet propped on the back. 
He nestled himself in a corner of the chair and gave Geralt a quizzical look, “Does this mean I can’t sit with you anymore?”
Geralt feigned a serious look as he took the steps up to the thrones two at a time, “What if I want to sit with you?”
Jaskier’s face lit up like a diamond in the sun and he scooted back to make room, “Come here, darling. No more teasing.” 
They both sighed in contentment as Geralt settled with his back to Jaskier’s chest, both fitting quite comfortably on the throne. The rest of their day was filled with soft kisses and sweet little songs as Jaskier tried to decide which flowers he wanted climbing up the gold. 
As the two of them began to doze off and think of making the trek to their bedchambers, Jaskier hummed, “Might it be more practical to have one larger throne? I may just insist you snuggle with me like this every day.”
Geralt’s lips turned up in an amused smile as he craned his neck to look at his love, “Maybe. I wanted you to have your own. To show this is your home too.”
Jaskier kissed his forehead and squeezed him tight, “You are my home. I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
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indigobleu-fr · 2 years
8🐛🐛 14🐛 19🐛 🐛 25 🐛🐛🐛 🐛 (sorry your blog will be infested with caterpillars for a brief period🐛)
Oh neat, here's some cabbage leafs 🥬🥬🥬 I hope they turn into cool moths
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in?
Oh god I started collecting references for every bird species ever and made some little drawings but Jesus jumping jacks Christ there are so many birds, the more I thought about it/learned about the complexity of bird taxonomy the scarier it got and I would rather do other less outrageously vast projects. Also wanted to do a mural for my old high school a few years back, even talked to the principal about making a proposal for the board to get funding but lmao. Fuck that
14. Any favorite motifs?
Animal paired with native plant in simple illustrations, like a mallard with spatterdock or pronghorn with big sagebrush. I use piercings and jewelry a lot in my dragon designs, as well as really strong animal influences in things like antlers, facial features etc. Is backlighting a motif because I do that a lot too
25. Something your art has been compared to that you are NOT inspired by.
I actually don't think I have an answer to this?? Basically everything that people see in my work is there intentionally or has at least been involved long enough to just be another part of my style. Like it looks like a photo because I want it to be true to life. It looks like an Audubon/Fuertes/Sybilla Merian illustration because I'm trying to be an illustrator lol
Oops 🐛they're escaping 🐛🐛🐛
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