#sometimes art is gonna look better off a photo
heybiji · 3 months
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todostiddies · 2 months
Eren Boyfriend Headcanons pt 3
Modern Eren headcanons for GNreader, a continuation of pt 1, pt 2
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watched youtube and tik tok tutorials on how to take better pictures because he wants to impress you
but also thinks you're worthy of only an actual photographer you're so beautiful to him and so he want to fill his camera roll (and his insta!) with you and make it look worthy
this also shows because he lowkey becomes like the photographer in the group that sometimes when he's feeling sentimental and/or drunk he'll heckle the group on nights out for pictures and pull the whole "we're gonna grow old one day and need these to look back on" line
he also begins to take really artful photos sometimes?? and people get a little shook cause he'll have a great perspective and shot and then other times he holds his finger up to the camera to make it look like a butt in front of every other picture lmao
if he gives you a bite of something hot he'll blow on it for you first <33 and then he'll bring it to your mouth and feed you and sometimes make you blush just from his insane unblinking stare as he gauges your reaction lol
but if people are eating with you guys and conversation is flowing don't be surprised if Eren eats the bite he just prepared for you because he got too distracted
then he'll look to you all shocked like it wasn't his own hand lmao and he'll give you a cheeky smile or a pout before making another bite for you or he'll pull the iconic cheesy line "just checking for poison babe" with an embarrassed blush
judges horror movies like it's his full-time job
literally will ruin some movies or moments for you by commenting or joking about the characters and set up too much (he does it because he's secretly afraid and has to diffuse his own tension and keep a brave face for you)
has a drawer of letter's he's written to you as a suggestion from his therapist, so sometimes after fights or feelings of pent up love or other feelings he doesn't know how to verbalize he'll write them all down and it's helped with your guys' communication a lot since it gives him time to process and figure out how to say things
he plans on giving you the letters on a big anniversary or the night before your wedding
if he's in a good mood he will dramatically swing your arm while holding hands
sometimes he wordlessly plops his headphones on your head at random times and plays a song for you to hear then looks at you for your reactions and finally for your spoken opinion when he takes them off your head with a raised brow
he hates doing his homework but likes to help you with yours, and if you're burnt out or fall asleep working he'll often times do some of the work for you or help speed the assignment along (with your consent and he's learned all your writing and work styles so he can mimic you pretty well but I don't condone academic dishonesty obvi but lets be real we've all been there)
whines when he wants your attention
and whines when he gets it (if you know what I mean wink wink)
back to the photos, he has SO many photos of you and of you guys together. But he doesn't just take them and keep them, he'll shove the photo in your face and make you give yourself at least four compliments and then at least one about his photography skills lol
will randomly make eye-contact with you and plaster on the biggest smirk before lifting up his shirt to flash you his abs and v-line when he's in a good mood (and horny)
sometimes when you guys study together and he gets bored he'll take one of your open notebooks or planner and scribble in the margins and fill it with little compliments and song recs for you to find later
if he is shit talking someone this man simply does not care who hears it
he'll be so loud and bold about it too
"Eren, they're right behind you?"
whenever you put on chapstick or anything on your lips he says "gimme a taste" and then kisses you
he'll always give a review too. like about the flavor to texture and mostly it's raving but there has been some snubs
a fry stealer to the very worst degree
always wants a sip of whatever you're drinking and if he likes it then that's your and his drink now
big fan of Zelda and always tells you that he'd be your Link if any dark calamity took you
also gets super giddy when you play Zelda in Mario Kart or Super Smash cause then he gets to pick Link even if Link isn't always the best to play with (which is an actual Nintendo crime but maybe I just suck at playing Link lol)
gets so fucking mean when playing Mario Kart as in he will throw every obstacle your way and does NOT let you win and is not above resorting to straight up distracting you or messing you up while playing
will sometimes steal Zeke's bike and take you on rides on it
he'll go fast with just himself but always keeps it under 60mph with you if even that
hums to himself while cooking <33
he can cook but he can't bake because he likes to play around with recipes a lot (by play around I mean he won't have ingredients and is too lazy to go to the store to get them so he wings it)
likes you to taste test his food
and there's always one candle half melted in his kitchen from yalls dinner dates <33
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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kyleeissilly · 5 months
𝒋𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 𝒂𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕
𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒍 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒚
sorry if this is shit i was high while writing this ngl..
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A- Aftercare
(what their like after sex)
Johnnies definitely tired after but will run u two a warm shower/bath and help you clean yourself up if your too tired.
wants to make sure u feel loved and cared for !!!
B-Body Parts
(Their favorite body part of their partners and of their own)
i feel like his fav body part of yours is your waist just because he can hold it and he can use it to pull you closer to him,
his fav body part of his is probably like his hands just because of how many photos he takes with his hands infront of his face
(anything to do with cum)
would rather finish inside of you but also rlly likes finishing on your stomach.
D-Dirty Secret
(self explanatory)
honestly is a little bit of a sub sometimes,
(how experienced are they?)
he rlly knows how to use his tongue and loves to eat you out. he knows hes good at it to..
F-Favorite position
(very self explanatory)
Definitely spooning. man loves cuddling in general so whats better than cuddling and sex?
(Are they more goofy or serious during the act?)
will prob make lil jokes when its appropriate but other than that hes more serious.
(how well groomed? does the carpet match the drapes?)
he usually trims it a little just to make it look neat. and the carpet does not match the drapes since hes a natural blonde.
(how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
hes a little awkward the first time you guys did it but now hes definitely a romantic.
J-Jack off
(masturbation headcannon)
jerks off 2-4 times a week because he gets wayyy to nervous to ask and is afraid hes gonna make u uncomfy
(one or more of their kinks)
LOVESSSS to overstimulate you until ur begging him to stop,
neck kissing.... self explanatory..
(where he likes to do it)
honestly doesnt like doing it in even semi-public places just because of the risk factor but rlly likes in the bedroom or kitchen sex..
(what turns them on)
neck kissesss !!!! he LOVESSS them. you give even a SMALL peck on his neck and hes all over you.
(something he wont do)
degrading. like hes fine with the tame shit but he doesnt want to say something rlly rude to you or hurtful even if you want him to. it makes him feel like a douche.
(preference in giving or recieving, skill, etc)
hes mastered the art of eating you out. you dont even gotta say nun and hes already got ur legs over his shoulders. he wont deny a blowjob tho,
(how fast or slow they go during)
he will start off gentle to let you adjust to him but once hes about to finish hes definitely speeding up
(their opinion on quickies)
Not a big fan of it at all but wont say no. he wants to make sure you feel loved and you know that hes not just using u as a hookup.
(are they down to experiment and try new things? do they take risks when their horny?)
would be down to try new things with you depending on how extreme. he thinks trying new things with you creates a stronger relationship and helps figure out what the other person likes.
(how many rounds can they go? how long do they last?)
he can go around 2-3 rounds before getting tired but either way he will always make sure you finish.
(do they own them? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
owns a fleshlight but thats it. If you wanted him to use toys on you he would definitely be willing to explore that interest with you.
(do they tease? if so, how much?)
he doesnt tease you that much but if he wants to then he will.
(how loud are they? what sound do they make)
its mostly muffles grunts or whimpers but when hes close he gets louder.
W-Wild Card
(random headcannon)
loves going shopping with you and watching you try on clothes. also adores when you see something and immediately say smth like "youd look so good in this," to him.
X- X-Ray
(whats going on under their clothes?)
6.7 inches, neat, and slightly curved
(how high is their sex drive?)
2-3 times a week but will definitely do it more if you wanted it.
(how long does it take for them to fall asleep after?)
hes exhausted afterwards but needs to make sure your alright and comfortable before falling asleep with his arms wrapped around ur waist.
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blueskittlesart · 9 months
What advice would you give beginner artists?
it's fine to want to do more stylized art, but nothing will help you improve quickly like studying from life. even if you want to draw very stylized figures, life drawing is still going to help you understand how the human body works and then you can build your stylization off of that understanding. I also recommend studying specifically things you're looking to improve--if you feel like your poses aren't dynamic, ask your model to do some quick (1-2 min) dynamic poses and work on getting the gesture down. if you're looking for anatomy, ask for longer, more static poses and really study the contours of the body. this also applies for portraiture and character art--my expressions and facial structure improved like CRAZY when i started doing portrait studies from life! (note: i know live model sessions aren't accessible for everyone. i'm a huge advocate for nude models, if you can find a studio nearby that's affordable to you that offers sessions, that's the best you're gonna get. however, there are sites that will give you photos of nude models to draw from, too, or you can even just ask friends or family to pose for you when they aren't busy, that's what i did before i started getting model sessions from my school!)
materials are not everything but sometimes a good material can make a difference. it's important to know what's worth it and what isn't for your skill level. invest in some decent-quality supplies or a good art program, but understand that you're still going to need to work to understand your materials and use them to their fullest potential. (if you're a digital artist buy csp. trust me on this. get it on sale. it will change your life. also do not fucking use photoshop)
tracing is ok. listen to me. TRACING. IS. OK. tracing is how you learn. don't trace other people's art and pass it off as your own, obviously, but there is literally no problem with tracing real-life reference photos. I routinely trace references for backgrounds and the like. there is no reason for you to kill yourself trying to make complex perspective and shit up from your head when you can very easily just overlay a photo and get what you need.
in that same vein, USE REFERENCE PHOTOS. find pics online or take pics of yourself and USE THEM to see how your poses work. it makes it SO SO SO much easier. the understanding that you need to create a pose out of nowhere will come with time but you're not going to get that skill unless you have a foundation of understanding how the real human body works, and the easiest way to get that understanding is by copying photos of real people.
last but not least, there's generally a sort of 'rulebook' that new artists are expected to go by, especially online, when it comes to digital art. when i was first learning, it was all about lineart and cell shading, two things that I didn't really like. Nowadays it seems to be all about rendering. the single most important thing i can tell you is if it sucks you don't have to do it. if you hate lineart just color your sketches. if you hate shading don't shade, or find a different way to shade that you enjoy more. if rendering is annoying or difficult for you DON'T BOTHER!! art is supposed to be fun. if part of your process is annoying or upsetting to you, cut it the fuck out. don't torture yourself just to do art the "right" way. i guarantee your art will look better when you're having fun making it anyway!
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eldstunga · 9 months
Hi! I really love your art! The lines are so bold but the colours so natural that it feels distinct but grounded?? I'm obsessed with the shapes in your work
I was wondering if you had any advice for drawing bodies? Whenever I try it either my proportions are off or an arm ends up looking like a calf or something.
First of all, thank you <3 That's so nice and I think "lines bold, colours natural" is some truly aspirational words to say about my art, I'll strive to be what you say I am <3 I do not, unfortunately, have any great tips on drawing bodies - it's a very wide topic and fundamentally just really bloody hard. I fail horribly 9 times out of 10. How to approach it I think varies a lot with like...HOW you are struggling, and who you are as a person. For proportions and anatomy there are definitely books to look at, and some rules of thumb that can help you - anything from "the shoulders are about 2.5-3 heads wide" through "feet are the same length as the forearm", "elbows are in line with the navel and the navel is two sternums down" etc etc. For me, realising just how big the ribcage actually is and learning how to use that as a unit of measure was a big event (the torso is about two ribcages long). Look at references, Draw over low opacity references and try to look for patterns that help YOU. Like... "Hm, do the shoulders line up with something useful?"
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Having a good ref model to double check things helps too. The pen is pointing to about the bottom of the ribcage. But there's also stuff like maybe you're getting too hung up on construction and then it might help more to try to draw from references by ONLY blocking in a silhouette first. This helps me sometimes still:
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Or you could be like me, struggle with all of the above and then some - like how to make poses look natural and/or dynamic? Weight distribution is a whole other topic.. gah, it never ends, but it's fun to learn.
Lastly, this took me way too long to realise and I think it should be said: Do not fret too much about STUDYING. The unfair thing is that the better you are at something, the better you will be at actually learning from doing studies and exercises or reading books. We accept this with many other disciplines and sports but rarely art. Mileage is king, and mileage is best gained from having fun and enjoying what you do. If you find studies suffering and frustrating you're probably better off just drawing what you enjoy and fuck it if it isn't "pushing your boundaries" or whatever. Eventually you'll get to the point where studies start to give more than they take, and then you're home free. I'm not gonna recommend a billion resources you likely won't enjoy but here are some things I genuinely found helpful lately: * a physical anatomy model, they're pricy and not necessary but being able to just look at it every now and then, turn it over etc helps. * The "Morpho" series of books, they do not teach anatomy, but they are very useful quick reference books and much more easily digested than most anatomy material. Just try to find a real anatomy book to read once your appetite is up as well.
The zig-zag/Lightning bolt method for arms and legs, fuckin' thing revolutionised how I sketch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCkmB030GpQ
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Gottfried Bammes "The Complete guide to Anatomy for Artists and Illustrators" This thing is insane, it's from the 50's and like 600 pages long. You could absolutely kill someone with it, but a lot of the pages are more philosophical or art history you can skip and despite its age and fear factor this dude writes in a witty, clever and just wonderful way that I've seen nowhere else. Fantastic photos. By far, FAR the best anatomy book I've ever seen. It's not a book I'd recommend for someone starting out, I would not have been able to digest it like four years ago, but once you get to a certain point it's amazing.
That's a lot, uhhh, feel free to ask me for more specific tips this was a bit of a rant. Hope some of it was useful!
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bogkeep · 2 months
grousing about ai art stuff
every time i open twitter (my mistake) there's a new thread on how to spot ai art or ai photos by finding all the mistakes in it, and like obviously this is useful and it's good to watch out because they kEEP SHOWING UP EVERYWHERE AHHH HELL WORLD HELL WORLD, but it's also a little depressing that we're training ourselves to nitpick all kinds of details within a piece of art.
like even before the artifically generated image boom randos on twitter would reply to fully finished illustrations with the most asinine unsolicited advice possible. art's gonna be flawed sometimes! i'll draw someone in a weird pose because of vibes! i'll wing a hand! i don't fucking know what a house actually looks like!!! like yes of course the way a human artist creates flawed art is different from the way an algorithm doesn't actually know what anything looks like because it has no mind. it doesn't know shit. so it's not that it's UNRELIABLE but it's like. it's like... i've been telling myself and others every time i'm struggling to make something look Just Right that actually nobody i going to be staring as hard at my art as i am while making it. if i don't point it out people aren't likely to notice unless they are going through it with a fine toothed comb BUT NOW WE ARE DOING THAT APPARENTLY. WHICH IS ANYONE'S PEROGATIVE AND FAIR ENOUGH! PEOPLE CAN LOOK AT MY ART HOWEVER THEY WANT IT'S FINE
but it's ALSO so depressing to consider having to analyse every single piece of art you come across like that my goddddddd i just wanna enjoy it!! i wanna enjoy art!!!! i mean the main reason i finally stopped going on twitter regularly was during the NFT boom and i got so tired of having to vet every single artist i came across to make sure i wasnt retweeting nft stuff. like that really ruined my previously enjoyable experience of LOOKING AT NICE ART ON MY FEED WITHOUT PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.
god another thing that happened during the dark nft times was how certain art styles tended to be nfts. and i don't mean the ugly apes and stuff, like of course there's those, but there were a lot of artists who sold their souls to crypto and there was just a certain Vibe to a lot of those styles. like i got a sixth sense for it, i would see a piece of art by an unknown artists and when i checked - yep, that was a crypto guy now. and you know what!!!! i hated that!!!! i hate that it ruined entire art styles for me!! AND NOW ARTIFICIALLY GENERATED IMAGES ARE DOING THE SAME!!!!! like what tends to tip me off is less because i spotted some wonky hand or a weird flap but because the style is a popular one for the ai bros to imitate. you know what i mean right!!!!!! it's kind of how the ai photos look a bit too clean and crisp and smooth in an unsettling way. it just pings the brain a bit.
ULTIMATELY the absolute main method i have for filtering away ai images isn't so much looking for mistakes, but by checking sources. it's the same way i check that i'm not reblogging from reposting accounts Because That's A Thing I Care About Too - if there's no description or the description seems off and i don't recognise the OP, i check the original post/blog to see what's up. if the image gives me a weird vibe, i check where it comes from and who posted it. oftentimes the comments on posts with ai images will point it out - they're not always accurate and there's definitely been times where people are a little too trigger happy to accuse art of being AI... but it can be a good lead or confirm suspicions. on one hand, i don't want to do detective work while im having chill scrolling time, but on the other hand - i already had this habit for other reasons, so it's less disruptive to me than the alternative. it also helps that it's very rare for ai shit to turn up in my tumblr feed. i don't want to keep looking over my shoulder!!
(also for anyone who wants a little bit of optimism in the middle of all this, here's an episode of Better Offline podcast that outlines how it's very unlikely for generative ai to actually get much better. here's the part two also.)
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takiberry · 5 months
It's be a while since I've sent you anything Rene, I was gonna come off anon, but I remembered I said I'd do that after sending K and Euijoo thoughts, and I may be many things, and a woman of a word is one of them. So here are some K hard thoughts for ya, so 8 down 1 to go.
If anyone in &Team is obsessed with sending and receiving nudes, it's absolutely K. He is the kind of guy that takes artful nudes, they don't make you say oh a penis, instead you just say oh damn. He's the kind of guy that knows how to take nudes that aren't just dick out, the type of nudes you save on your phone in a secret folder, the type of nudes that always make you ask for more. He however will take any nude he can from you, like whether it's a full nude or a partial, and honestly, I feel he'd be the type to get more bricked up from a photo of you wearing a silk little number that makes you look amazing, rather than from an actual nude. Like he thinks nudes are great, but when you send him a photo of yourself wearing that new little lingerie set you bought to wear for him, he falls in love with you all over again, wonders if it's possible for a dick to get so hard is stays that way, and wonders if it's possible to have a permanent love boner. He, of course, keeps every photo you send him in a hidden folder on his phone, but he has a secret folder within that photo for the photos he believes are the best, these photos are the ones he looks at first when he's missing you, which is honestly always. He's the type to ask you to send him a nudes, and then he reciprocates, sending you nudes back. K is the type of guy that if you did a boudoir photoshoot, his first reaction wouldn't be oh you did this for me, it would be why didn't you do this with me. I've talked about how he loves nudes, but like he would also have a thing for couple nudes. Like the two of you naked or almost naked tangled up in each other, even better to him, or him wearing pants while you just wear his oversized shirt, gets him harder than a photo of you actually naked does. K is also the one I think would enjoy sending dirty videos the most, like he'd send you a selfie followed by a video, and it's just a video of him jacking off. He would like you sending him videos of you touching yourself, but I think he'd enjoy filming you touching yourself even more. If anyone is to make a sex tape, it's absolutely him. He's the type to want to film at least one sex tape, says it's so he can jerk off to it when he's away from you, but he'd have no problem with filming multiple, that is if you want to. Definitely keeps at least one short video, probably of you going down on him, on his phone. Has all the other videos loaded on his computer, and will make you sit and watch them with him sometimes, calls it foreplay and absolutely narrates the whole time, commenting on what he liked and what he didn't, what he wants to do again and what he's gonna do to you tonight, all while touching you. The type to film the two of you having sex, but not getting your faces into the shot, then calls it artistic. Also the type to show you videos of others, explaining he wants to do that with you, then films your own version of that. Films pov videos sometimes, mostly you sucking him off, and absolutely jerks off to them when you aren't around.
you’re so real for this anon, yudai would definitely be the type to film his sexual acts with you and go back to ‘em when he’s away on tour with his members
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mins-fins · 10 months
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SUMMARY . . . a letter to his first love, kum junhyeon, and the memories that follow.
PAIRING . . . kum junhyeon x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff+angst (deadly combination)
WARNINGS . . . none i'm pretty sure!
WORD COUNT . . . 777 (wow shorter than i expected!)
NOTES . . . here we go with junhyeon!! haha, can't tell if this is supposed to be sad or cute but you can decide that for yourself
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dear kum junhyeon,
it's been a while, it has. i like to think that i'm a consistent person, but the last time we talked was almost three months ago, and i just wanna check up on you! i hope your okay, how's the performance art major going? i know your passing with no issue, you've always been insanely talented, i have no doubt that your the star student, especially with how much of a lovable person you are.
i hope you haven't forgotten me, because i haven't forgotten you. i know you've responded to my letters, all of them, but it's been three months, and even though this might make me sound like a clingy bitch, i assume you'd forget me already, because.. i just don't really think i'm memorable. i also just wouldn't be surprised if you forgot me at all, because your busy and having fun, i wish i could be there with you, but the world really just hates my guts.
if your interested, art has been going well. my teachers have told me that my paintings are so good that they could get accepted into an art museum someday, you told me that once, remember? when we were twelve and you saw my painting of that house by the lake, you told me i was gonna become the next 'da vinci', which resulted in me punching you in the shoulder.
i dislike thinking about the fact that we haven't talked for the past few months. i constantly check my phone and frown when i see no notifications from you. did you know, the picture i chose for you is the one from your twelfth birthday, when i put icing on your noise. you always said that photo was embarrassing, but you looked cute, even though you would always vehemently deny that.
it's difficult these days, you know student loans and all, but thinking about you always seems to help me forget about all the horrible stuff going on in my life (you better not call me cringey in the return letter), because.. i don't know, i just like thinking about you for some reason. years ago, i could have never imagined myself saying that, but now, it's kind of hard to go on without you, if you get what i mean.
i could never imagine my life without you years ago..
i hate writing like this, because.. well— i sound stupid when i write about stuff like this. sometimes, i wish i could have convinced my parents to not move me to new york for college, but then again, i am "successful" now, so i guess in the end it all amounted to something. of course, i still have a long way to go, i'm only nineteen, there's still so much for me to do and accomplish, but it's disappointing to think i have done this all without you by my side.
i still have that painting you made me, your a really talented artist, i can't believe you called it "just a small hobby for when i'm bored", when you've made some better paintings than me, and that's saying something. i miss you, like a lot, junhyeon, writing my feelings on paper makes me feel stupid, because expressing myself through writing has always been difficult for me to do, as i've told you before.
i know what we have has always been a little complicated, our feelings are mutual are they not? i'd like to think i'm right in this instance, hopefully, because it would be super embarrassing if i was wrong, but at the same time, how long will it be until we see each other again? how long will it be until i actually get to see you face to face and tell you how i feel all over again?
this is getting kinda depressing, sorry, i just— i really miss you a lot okay? this may come off as desperate and stupid, but honestly, it gets kinda difficult knowing your all the way across the ocean and i could be right there with you if the circumstances were different, but alas, not everything is gonna be in my favor, i realize that now.
anyway, kum junhyeon! it'll be nice to catch up much more personally sometimes, if we ever get the chance to see each other in person once again, which is probably highly unlikely but hey! we all need to have at least a little bit of hope.
of course, make sure to take care of yourself, love, stay hydrated, and get a full eight hours of sleep everyday, i'll talk to you again soon :).
xoxo,♡ y/n
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unholy-fabray · 3 months
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Thank you @kurtsascot for the tag!! 🫶
I usually post art, but I don't currently having any fan art WIPs to show, so I'm gonna post a snippet of a Faberry one-shot I've been working on instead :]
Tagging: @unholybinchicken @paperstomach I think everyone else I would tag has already been tagged, so I'm leaving it open to anyone else who sees this and wants to share! 💖 Let me see your creations!!
Premise: Season 4 AU in which Quinn actually uses her damn metro pass to visit Rachel in NYC! AKA Quinn goes to visit Rachel during a 3-day weekend and drunken karaoke (and kisses) ensue.
On more than one occasion, Quinn had found herself on the phone with Rachel into the small hours of the morning, musing about life, music, religion, veganism, fourth-wave feminism, and the merits of Maya Angelou and Mary Oliver. It had been a long time since Quinn felt like she could ramble about those “deep” topics with someone else; the townsfolk of Lima, Ohio didn’t tend to be particularly deep thinkers, she muses. The blonde relishes the phone calls in which her and Rachel jump down the rabbit hole of conversation. The banter flowed easily between them - only occasionally slipping into the scathing sarcasm of their high school years - and Quinn could appreciate Rachel's penchant for dramatically rehashing the events of her days spent at NYADA. Sometimes, after they hung up and Quinn was bedding down for the night, the blonde would be struck by the realization that this was Rachel Berry that she was talking to and enjoying the company of, sharing sincere thoughts and earnest opinions with; it's a notion she would have scoffed at even two years prior. The absurdity of this fact lessens with every passing day and every long-winded phone call.
Quinn snaps the latches of the suitcase closed and straightens up with a satisfied sigh. She whips out her phone to shoot Rachel a quick update. Done with packing, finally. I’ll be heading your way in approximately two hours. You better not be planning any surprise parties. YAY!! surprise parties? me? you must have me confused with someone else ;) be safe see you soon!! [Attached is a picture. Rachel is in the kitchen of her and Kurt’s Bushwick apartment, beaming at the camera. Her hair is in a messy bun, make-up half done, and she’s wearing a NYADA sweatshirt. It looks like she's throwing ingredients into a bowl, but it's hard to tell exactly what they are. Quinn can make out Kurt in the background, fashion magazine perched in hit lap, as he eyes Rachel taking the photo with an amused raise of his eyebrow.] Quinn can imagine her rushing to make breakfast before setting off for rehearsals, perpetually on the verge of running late. The thought has her release a quiet puff of laughter and she shakes her head.
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ezradogteeth · 9 months
heyo james, I've got a question for ya :) (pls feel free to not answer if it's too personal!)
So, I've finally started making calls to get top surgery, and I was really excited! like wow this thing I've been looking forward to for years is finally gonna happen, i'll get to wear shirts without having to constantly think about how i look, etc.
but then I started thinking more about it (i guess because its becoming more Real?), and I'm more conflicted about getting rid of my chest. like, hairy tits go kinda hard actually, and like sensory wise they are fun for stimming. plus i feel INFINITE BUTCH SWAG with them. if it was just me by myself forever, I feel like I could be happy with them, but I also find myself yearning for like, being able to be shirtless in public and also having a smooth surface to run my hands down. stuff like that. (also especially the "not worrying about how I look when i put on a t-shirt thing)
so here's my question: I remember you making a comic about how happy you were to have had top surgery, even if u still missed your old chest sometimes, or felt conflicted about it. what do u miss about your old chest? do you ever feel dyphoric with ur current chest? if u have any other insights or things to say, pls do
(p.s. i am considering non-flat surgery, but i don't know how i feel abt that yet because currently I think it'd be the worst of both worlds for me. i don't think the results would be what i actually want: flat chest that's just slightly rounded across the whole thing so it's soft and kinda andro looking)
hi moth yayyy so exciting!! ty for ur question!! longish answer so its under the cut
first i wanted to say that when i first decided to look into having top surgery, after my consultation, i got wigged out and decided to hold off on it for a while. talking to the surgeon made me Really understand that it is a major surgery and everything that entails. a lot of it freaked me out and i ended up deciding to go for it almost a year after that, and i'm glad i took that time to reconsider.
second, i totally relate to the butch swag thing and sensory thing. since having top surgery i've seen a lot more art and photos and people irl who are transmasc/genderqueer with boobs, much more than i did pre-op, and it makes me feel very happy and i wish i saw more of it back then bc it wouldve made me feel a lot better.
i do think that inherently, i would have been able to make peace with my body as is and not had surgery. i was never super dysphoric about my chest and i liked having partners who found it attractive. like you said, if it was just me by myself, or if i was only ever around people who wouldn't see me having boobs as contradictory to me passing as male, i wouldn'tve minded as much.
but unfortunately it doesn't exist in a vacuum like that. the body is a public form, it's how you engage with the world. similar to what you said, i wanted to be able to be shirtless, not wear a binder, be able to pass sometimes, etc. i also wanted the sensory experience of like, laying down flat on my chest, or running without breasts moving which was always uncomfortable for me esp since i hated wearing bras.
i don't feel dysphoric about my current chest, it's more like a passing wistfulness for how my chest used to be or would've been now if i hadn't had surgery. sometimes it's just the feeling of absentmindedly holding my own boob i miss lol. since i had surgery pretty young there's things i feel like i might've missed out on. i live in a wayyy more transsexual ass place now where it's way more normal for a man to have, and show off, breasts, and for it to be attractive, and not negate his identity at all. and i think i would've slayyed like that. alas! on the day to day though, i've also been working more physical jobs where i want to pass as male, so binding would have been very uncomfortable and i'm glad i don't have to do it. and i get a ton of euphoria from being flat chested, and i'm lucky to be around people who find post-op transmasc chests cool and attractive. as much as i liked having partners be attracted to my chest pre-op, i've also learned that there Are people out there who find flat chests just as attractive, and i love having partners who are attracted to the masculinity of my body, because previously i'd often felt like i had to be feminine to be attractive
and re: a non-flat surgery option, i do think it's something to look into! i never really considered it cuz for me it wasn't really the size of my chest that mattered, more like entirely having breasts or not, and i didn't want to go thru the whole ordeal of surgery just to be dysphoric again or end up wanting to get a flat chest later on - though many people do get a reduction/semi-flat surgery and later have full top surgery and it's totally cool!!!
feel free to send a follow up if i didn't answer something in particular or you want me to elaborate on anything ^_^
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mfmango · 11 months
fun mango fact I live laugh love ej x liu and I wanna make art of them so fucking bad but I have like. Severe art block and I DONT like it.
they're just so cute and it's like ejekshahsn it's even better if you know about or I've told u my ver of creepypasta chars/my au
I'm gonna infodump while I'm at it
my ver of ej is nigerian/russian (russian from chernobog, his father of sorts, his mother was just a nice Nigerian woman lmao) and he's like. 27, he's also like 7 feet fucking tall lmfao did most of med school and his medical knowledge is like rlly good n shit, he's really caring especially when it comes to liu and he's also really protective. He has locs, dark brown and he puts jewellery in them sometimes
he has dark grey skin and full lips, the top one being a darker grey, (skin color is #45413F, top lip is #302D2C and bottom lip is a combo of top lip and #403230) he's also like extremely muscular. he spends a lot of time working out and he has really good stamina (this is both a win for liu and a loss. iykyk)
He's very warm and he has a deep voice, not like corpse husband deep but like. He sounds like MC Ren (the N.W.A member) but a little deeper
liu is like the complete opposite of Jack in my au. He's skinny as shit and before he met Jack his ribcage was dead ass showing, after he met Jack and started eating a bit more he gained a small amount of weight, but was still kinda underweight, my version of Liu is ftm btw, hasn't physically transitioned apart from hormones
he's also like 5'7
Liu's like. 22, he has a few scars on his face and all over his body, and he has pretty severe eye bags but that doesn't mean he ain't pretty. mf looks like a dream.
he makes money by helping jeff deal and shit
liu (and jeff) is/are polish. Very polish might I add
Jack speaks both Russian and Yoruba (a bit of igbo/ndi igbo, he picked it up from another Nigerian friend in highschool before the chernobog genes kicked in)
so if liu swears at Jack in polish, Jack will respond in Russian and they'll still understand what eachother is saying cause a lot of slavic languages are similar
their height difference goes hard as fuck though LMFAOO
jack is like rlly good at cooking but he prefers liu's cooking, they're both good tho
Jack doesn't let ANYONE touch his locs (jeff tried once when he was high lol bro almost got his hands cut off) except liu, but he's still careful lol
lius kind of blunt and a bit monotone at times, Jack doesn't mind much tho
they're not perfect, they can be a bit toxic at times, jack holds more power in the relationship but it works in their situation
Jack has a tendency to like. hold liu and cuddle him and tell him how he'd do anything to see him smile etc etc
they're killers, they're freaks they're not gonna have a perfectly happy relationship, no relationship is perfect
also they don't live in the slendermansion or whatever lol
Jack used to but he moved in w Liu and lius been living in this like. lowk luxurious cabin in the forest lol
lius a bit scared of heights, Jack still picks him up for the hell of it
liu wears a lot of Jack's clothes for the sake of comfort, jack carries things that belong to liu , like pens or photos of him whenever he's out on a mission (he does assassin stuff), regardless of if he's gone for a short time or a while
jack brings stuff home. it could be books, notebooks/sketchbooks, food, etc.
liu doesn't go out much. he likes staying at home, he can go out in public safely for the most of it, he only ever goes out into towns for groceries or emergencies
jack cannot keep his hands off liu lmao, he has to be holding onto him one way or another
if u managed to read this whole thing just be my mutual already
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retrieve-the-kraken · 10 months
Heartstopper season 2 play-by-play analysis
This one is going to be looooong, because I delve deep into THAT scene (you know which one). The Paris Squad is back to reality, and for some it’s harsher than others, it’s facing some harsh truths and some changes and some situations that they’re not ready for… There are some very cathartic moments, and some not
Off we go!
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- Love Tara’s super colorful, kind of 70s vibe bedroom decor, especially that bedspread.
- Tara’s mum’s exasperated face clearly saying “you really expect me to believe that you’ve been asleep in separate beds this entire time?”
- Nick’s smile fading as soon as he notices Charlie’s plate in the photo. And Charlie’s smile fading when Ben’s message comes through. Excuse me, Charlie, why haven’t you blocked him? Unless you did, and now he’s created a new account…? (Didn’t it use to say Ben Hope, and now it says ben_h_999?)
- Even better than Tara’s colorful room is Elle’s super artsy maximalist bedroom. Need to analyze every single element in it. I particularly love her bed, the wall color, that line of hanging leaves, and the flat metal solar system.
A little sad that we didn’t get to see the moment which inspired Elle to finish her art piece. Did she get over her artistic block before the terrible date with Tao? It would have been interesting to understand that, despite her new friendship with Naomi and Felix, she still found inspiration in her old friends.
- I love that Tao’s mum is not so traditional that she would object to her son dating a non-Asian, Black trans girl, but traditional enough that she’s spreading the news to all the aunties, like they’ve all been waiting for this, like they got together all the time and talked about when is Tao going to get his head in the game and get together with Elle??? “We’ve all been waiting for this day! The perfect girl for my perfect boy!” Also love that Tao’s dance moves are still as histrionic as ever.
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- Sometimes I’m Tori, but when it comes to traveling, I’m definitely Charlie. But I’m definitely Tori when it comes to worrying about who’s that texting my little brother so insistently, making Charlie look sour.
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- Both Tao and Elle changing their minds about what they were going to text, but in Tao’s case it’s because he didn’t want to be a downer, and in Elle’s case it’s because she hasn’t made up her mind because of Tao.
- I wonder why the stink smoke/aura cartoon around Darcy’s house is purple, when purple is supposed to be the color of queer pride… and there’s none of that in Darcy’s house.
- Isaac not even laughing off the funny comments of “ooh, they’re gonna kiss”. I think it’s interesting that the whole show is about not assuming people’s sexuality or gender identity just based on speculation or how they look or act or whatever, but it also shows that even queer people make that mistake. James assumed that Isaac was gay, and all of Isaac’s friends seem to be under the same impression, or at least think that he’s something… but nobody assumes he might be asexual. I know I talk enough about thinking that this person or that person is good-looking or beautiful or hot, that people assume that I’m talking about attraction. And maybe if your friend group is composed of couples, and mostly same-sex couples, people will assume “this one hasn’t found a mate yet, but they will”, because you’re likely to, just like the rest of them…?
- Ben’s intensity and guilt-tripping is just more proof that it’s about him, about what he wants, and not about what Charlie might want.
- Nick asking Charlie hesitantly if he wants to be his prom date, and Charlie being shocked, AS IF THEY WEREN’T ALREADY BOYFRIENDS AND CRAZY ABOUT EACH OTHER. Children, get a grip.
- Everyone pooling their money so that Darcy can buy the suit… my heart…
- Isaac talking to James really filled all the little holes and crevices in my heart, until James says “there’s nothing wrong with you… you probably just haven’t found the right person yet,” because of course he doesn’t get it either. Most people probably don’t. So that’s what we’re told our entire lives. It’s like we think we will, but it just doesn’t work that way…but nobody tells us that, so we keep looking and waiting and feeling disappointed and wondering if we’re broken.
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- But Isaac shouting and ranting at his friends was sooooo cathartic‼ Sorry guys, but mind your own business!
- Elle’s exhibition outfit is so lovely‼ But… the light turning to a sickly green on Tao as he realizes that Elle has been accepted and she’s moving away and her life is changing and she has new friends and…
- Love that the light changes to red when Isaac is listening to the artist talk about being aroace… because being asexual is just as valid as any other sexuality about love. And the comic leaves beginning to flutter around him, because he’s beginning to understand, that maybe that’s him… “Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out…”
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- Elle’s style is very nice, you can definitely see that she’s a fan of Renoir, of these still scenes that captures action and movement, albeit a subdued action, like a candid photo. I love that we get to see the art classroom tree again, even if only in painting, we only got a glimpse of that room this season, it is sadly missed…
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- “Please don’t base your decisions on how I feel.” That is inevitable, but it’s good that you’re saying it. A lot of growth from Tao during the course of the season, well done.
- Ben looks like he hasn’t slept in days, and he literally traveled all the way to Lambert School (which, as Tao repeatedly has stated, is sooo far away), because he saw Elle’s post and he knew that Charlie would be there, and he’s still… hopeful? (Pun not intended). Charlie, what is this magic that you cast on boys that even the shittiest person in the world is torn up about you???
- By the way, yet more green in Ben’s jacket, because green is the color of hope. He’s wearing his heart on his sleeve for once. He looks tired and a bit disheveled, with dark circles under his eyes, like he hasn’t slept properly, and he looks desperate.
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- THIS WHOLE SCENE. Man… this whole scene. Joe Locke and Sebastian Bash fucking hit it out of the ballpark. Let me just…
- “If you really hate me after this, you’ll never see me again”. Here’s the thing: Ben’s whole rant is still not an apology, he’s still not acknowledging the things he did to Charlie, especially not the awful assault, and excusing himself behind being messed up and the fear of not being accepted by his parents (it’s a valid fear, but it doesn’t validate his actions). The fact that he at least acknowledges that he was a shit person and that he admits that he really liked Charlie whilst genuinely smiling makes me think that he’s not completely beyond hope (again, pun not intended), BUUUUUUUT (and this is something the girlies out there need to understand, I’ve been seeing a lot of unfortunate comments complaining that Ben is being overly demonized, and whether that means that he should suffer forever and not have any chance at redemption…) if he really wants to redeem himself, if he really wants to be a better person and make up for the pain and trauma, then he’ll actually do the work, he’ll actually get help, and he’ll work from the ground up, and he’ll apologize to Imogen too, and he’ll stop discharging all his self-hatred onto other more vulnerable people, and downplaying their feelings and hurt. He really hasn’t grasped the magnitude of the hurt that he caused Charlie, and he’s not going to get anywhere until he does. So I’m glad that Charlie tells him, and maybe this time the information was actually absorbed. (I know in the comic this speech was actually Charlie’s response to Harry apologizing for being a homophobic bully, and as much as that was satisfying, the dry “NO” before shutting the door in his face was even more satisfying. Harry’s behavior did kind of deserve that whole speech, but Ben’s absolutely deserved it more, plus everything else that Alice added, because Charlie didn’t need that closure in the comic, and maybe comic Ben didn’t need it or want it either, or maybe he did, but TV show Ben ABSOLUTELY needed to hear everything that Charlie told him, so that he could finally get it in his head). “You don’t get to ambush me into forgiving you…”
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- For a moment, as Ben is explaining that his parents would never accept him, Charlie looks a bit… sad… almost sympathetic. Yes, it’s terrible to know that Ben is not that lucky in that aspect as he is, or as Nick is, etc. But then you have someone like Darcy, who much like Ben, knows that her parents would never accept her. But Darcy would never have done to Tara what Ben did to Charlie…
- And it made me realize, back in season 1 episodes 1 and 2, when Charlie recounts how he met Ben, how they started out, there is no electricity, no heartstopper moment, even before Charlie first met Nick... at no point (that we can see, at least) Charlie ever felt the flutter and excitement that he experienced when he first saw Nick, when he was near him, when their hands touched for the first time, when they were about to kiss for the first time. It was like, deep down, he knew it meant nothing, because of the secrecy, because of how Ben treated him the rest of the time, how the "magic" was zapped as soon as Ben said something like "don't tell anyone about this" and wiped his mouth and just walked out without another word...
- Heartstopper does an excellent job of showing and talking about the importance of consent and agency and communication in healthy relationships, and every instance of how bad it was between Charlie and Ben is comparable to how great it is between Charlie and Nick. Whilst Ben didn’t ask before kissing Charlie the first time, Charlie actually asked Nick before they kissed, because he would never do to Nick what Ben did to him (and they do this in multiple occasions, vocally asking each other, like at the arcade, and at the park, and in that empty classroom), and Charlie even apologized because he still worried that he might have manipulated Nick into kissing him, possibly have taken away his agency; Nick didn’t ignore Charlie at school even when he was still closeted, whilst Ben acted like Charlie even randomly saying hi to him was a huge offense; Nick constantly talked with Charlie about figuring out his sexuality and possibly coming out once he did, whilst Ben just cuttingly said that he was “figuring stuff out” but not wanting to talk about it with Charlie, the only person he knew who might have understood; and whilst Ben was suddenly kissing a girl outside the school gate without telling Charlie anything about it, Nick immediately told Charlie that he panicked and accepted a date with Imogen, even when he had no plan of going, and how bad he felt about it and that he was going to fix it. Even Nick’s behavior toward Imogen is comparable to Ben’s, that he knew that Imogen liked him but tried to find the nicest, most gentle way of turning her down and then making sure they could stay friends afterwards, whilst Ben used her for popularity and just to keep up appearances whilst still pining over Charlie, and thus treating her horribly and ignoring her, and not even being discreet at all and openly ogling Charlie in front of her… The point is, even if Ben can’t come out to his parents because he’s afraid of being rejected, and even if he’s afraid of being out at school as well, being a shit person was still a choice he made. He took advantage of Charlie’s crush on him to treat him however he pleased, kissing him in dark classrooms, to fulfill his own wants, but being mean and disdainful in public, and knowing that Charlie would put up with it because Charlie had been bullied horribly and this was the first sliver of “affection” he received after being outed, and he couldn’t believe that this cute popular boy wanted to kiss him and he simply didn’t know he could have better (thankfully he knows that now). And now that the damage is done Ben realizes that he actually really, genuinely liked Charlie this whole time and wants to be forgiven just because he’s come to his senses?
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- This is why Charlie’s response is the most fucking satisfying thing ever. He tells Ben very plainly the damage that he caused, but that he’s not allowing it anymore. There’s a difference between apologizing and asking for forgiveness: when you apologize, you’re acknowledging that you did something wrong and that you’re sorry and that you’ll do your best to learn from your mistakes, but also acknowledge that the other person doesn’t have to forgive you, whilst to ask for forgiveness does not necessarily mean that the person has realized the wrongdoing or that the wrongdoing won’t happen again, but instead just places the burden of basically putting the wrongdoing behind on the other person. Ben didn’t properly apologized as he said he would, instead placing the blame on the fact that outside factors have made him a messed up person (his parents, pressumably), and basically tacitly asked Charlie to see the good in him, to give him another chance. But Charlie doesn’t have to give it to him, he doesn’t deserve it. No Ben, if you really want to redeem yourself, if you really want “something good”, you’re going to have to work on yourself, work for it, and earn it. And leave Charlie alone, he doesn’t have to put up with you anymore. At least Charlie won’t have to see him anymore. Assault and abuse victims shouldn’t have to see their assaulters/abusers all the time, like a constant fucking reminder of a horrible event in their lives that they’re trying to put behind them.
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- And you can see it in Ben’s face, the little flash of anger as his eye sort of twitches, and his nostrils flare a little, and his jaw clenches, because as much as he claims to like Charlie, he still probably likes or needs to be in control of him, and he’s realizing he really has no control over Charlie anymore, Charlie is not saying what he expected him to say or doing what he hoped he would do, but is instead telling him some very harsh truths, and he’s just going to have to deal with it.
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- And now that he’s heard Charlie’s piece, now that he really knows what he’s done, Ben has a chance to start working on himself, starting by finding community, the beautiful rainbow wave inviting him in, to come and see for himself that he doesn’t have to be alone, that he doesn’t have to hate himself or be afraid or hurt anyone else anymore, that he can possibly have a fresh start… and he backs off and walks away… which is hard to see… as much as we hate Ben Hope, you wish he’d stop being a shit person, we don’t need more shit people in this world, but… things can’t be perfect, even on a show like Heartstopper… so Ben hasn’t started his journey toward redemption… yet. But hopefully he will eventually (again, pun not intended). We just won’t see it.
- (I wonder if this means that we’re definitely not getting that part of the story that converges between Solitaire, Alice Oseman’s first novel, and the comic if/when the storylines meet. As in, if the comic gets that far, are we still not getting that part of the story in the show? No more Ben ever, no Ben dating Tori’s friend Becky, no nasty encounter in the lockers?)
- I just realized that Nick and Charlie get back from Lambert and directly go to Nick’s house for the Nelson-Spring dinner. Charlie’s so chill, even after confronting Ben earlier, bantering and jokingly saying “mate”.
- Seriously, David is such a bully, and yet obviously still yearning for his father’s attention and affection… Meanwhile, you can tell that Sarah doesn’t really want to hang out with her ex, but she puts up with it because it’s important to her boys. And she’s wearing green too. Hope for this evening to go well…
- Again, Sarah reaffirms to Nick that he doesn’t owe it to his dad to come out to him, and I love that. Nick knows that but he doesn’t want to do it for his dad, he wants to do it for himself. It’s one less person to tell, but also being able to tell them in his own terms. Which his asshole brother nearly ruined completely.
- Tori monitoring the whole situation. Love you, Tori. And Sarah really struggling not to roll her eyes when Stephane says that rugby is a very attractive sport to women. Guessing that it didn’t work on her, or maybe it did and now she regrets it…?
- Stephane really being so oblivious as to why, during one of his very sporadic visits, Nick's "friend" and his whole family are invited to dinner...
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- Jenny Walser really nailed Tori’s death grip on David. Love you, Tori. And David looking a bit intimidated...? Bet he wasn't expecting that...
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- This scene is so well done, the build up to it, Nick’s spiel, Stephane looking around and realizing “oh I really was the only one who didn’t know”, and Sarah smiling when Nick says he likes who he is and his life, and her arguing with David and Stephane, and everyone looking tense. Everyone’s so good at every instant, even in the most subtle reactions.
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- Sarah basically saying “yeah, I don’t understand why your father doesn’t care about you, he has no idea what he’s missing”, and then hugs him as if to reassure him that she does care about him and loves him. Olivia Colman really is the perfect Sarah.
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- Nick owning his dad with that goodbye. And Stephane not remembering where David goes to uni… David also needed to hear that maybe his dad is not as great as he hoped, and realizing that he really needs to do better.
- Again, Jenny Walser is the perfect Tori. She’s equal parts uninterested and protective. Do not mess with her or anyone she cares about, David, you pathetic little man.
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- Sarah making a point of assuring Jane that Nick really cares for Charlie, because she probably can tell that Jane is not entirely fond of Nick. (I’m thinking Nick probably told her about Charlie being grounded for spending too much time with him, and the way that Charlie’s mum is with him, probably). And I love Tori telling Nick in the background “your brother’s a prick” and I need to know what she said or what he responded because they both smiled at each other conspiratorially. Probably something along the lines of “I kicked his phone for good measure”, “well done, he deserved that”).
- Nick has been mostly focused on his predicament about whether coming out to his dad or not, and suddenly realizes that Charlie’s eating disorder is still manifesting…
- Darcy’s home situation is very similar to Aled and Carys Last's in Radio Silence. Even though Isaac is the replacement of Aled in the series, so far we only see the ace spec aspect of Aled reflected on Isaac (I mean, his mum seemed nice in that school scene, but what do we know), whilst we know from the comic that Darcy’s home life is difficult, but we don’t get much detail, and I think Alice used the show as an opportunity to give Darcy the Aled’s mother storyline from Radio Silence, to show us an awful reality of many queer teens, those that aren’t lucky like Nick or Charlie or Tara or Elle or even Tao… a lot of teens don’t have the support they wish they did at home, the unconditional love that a parent is supposed to have for their children, queer or not. And it’s not easy to escape that. Either you find safe haven in parts of that “home”, or you put up with it, or you get the hell away from them, but as a minor, how do you get away and make it in the world? (I sincerely wish there was a way to prevent people from becoming parents unless they were actually willing to accept their children no matter what. You can’t choose what your children will be, and you can’t force them to become what you want them to be, so just… don’t fucking have children if all you’re going to do is make their lives miserable.)
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- So Darcy chooses to get away from that situation, at least temporarily, but… once she’s out of the house, she realizes that she doesn’t know what to do now. Where is she supposed to go? She puts up this front of a girl who’s very confident in her sexuality, whilst she’s not even out to her mother who clearly would not take it well… so she’s full of shame, and she doesn’t call anyone or tell anyone where she’s going, because that would mean having to explain. And now I'm devastated...
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This episode is brought to you by the ACEUPHORIA™.
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msallurea · 11 months
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Little Space Activities/Routine Ideas 🧁🎀🌸🧸
🧸 At the top are some photos I found on pinterest that I think will help those who tend to be in little space just to have a few ideas. Inky because I happen to fall in little space now I figured this would be helpful for you guys 🧸
Pt 1. My Little Space Activities
When I'm feeling triggered normally I can't always show it because I'm surrounded by people majority of the time so things that trigger me often are stuff like:
Loud noises
Crowded spaces
Unclean spaces
Unfourtanetly there are also other things too that can easily trigger me in little space but it's not as negative such as:
Seeing pretty desserts
Getting hugs or little kisses
Standing next to people much taller than me
Sitting on someone's lap
Being complimented/loved
Being fed
Getting help with something
🧁The thing with these triggers compared to my other one is that these things don't happen very often for me so when someone does do this it can trigger me off to being in little space again so getting hugged or being shown affection triggers me in a good way(it affects me even more because i dont have a proper caregiver to help ease this), but it's not so great when the person that's doing it both isn't aware that I'm regressing and also has a high possibility of not exactly knowing what to do when this happens although I suppose this is a normal reaction it can definitely cause me to not be able to build stable bonds with others if I'm gonna regress everytime it happens because as you know some people just simply don't really understand how it works and it could sometimes be violating there boundaries if that makes sense even if thats not what i intended at all🧁
💥which also i want to remind those who do slip into little space i beg you please dont purposely turn little for ill intentions or to manipulate others especially if you know it's not triggering you, although it is fun to be in little space, it is still a coping mechanism that we can always overcome with a bit of patience and practice💥
Now as you can see with the world we live in, you can see its not hard for me to get triggered but thanks to this small but effective activities I do they help ease me when I start going back to that space so things like:
Making doodles
Decorating my notes
Eating/baking sweets; eating little snacks
Looking through cute photos on pinterest
Listening to music
Cleaning a small space
Smelling sweet scents
Doing some self care (this is very helpful for me and eases me out of little space into a more better headspace greatly)
Surrounding myself with pretty things
Swinging my feet around or playing with my fingers
Now most of these I kind of already do unconsciously but they help calm me down especially when highly stimulated, majority of the time because I can't always access to more other things such as playing around with toys, running in nature or having stuffies/toys to comfort me it leaves me irritated and cranky 90% of my day but I do have access to things like journals and I can always listen to music on my phone so if you do end up in little space but don't have access to certain activities you know you'd enjoy, try working with what you have
🧸A little tip also when Journaling or making doodles alot of times once your out of little space you can always go back and look at your art/writings and many times it can tell you what triggered you in thw first place, when you learn that you can come up with more better ways to help cope that way you can deal with your problems and they won't seem as big 🧸
🧁Quick storytime: I was in a situation where I was getting yelled at about something small hy a family member, for me normally that will always trigger me to want to go little instantly but I decided to write it out in my journal instead (alittle TMI my family isn't aware I go through this which is why it makes it much harder for me) this is good because 1. I'm letting my feelings out and 2. It's a good way to cope with big feelings and negative thoughts more positively. After venting in my journal for a few minutes, as I was reading what I wrote. Things I notice was that my speech was different then how I normally spoke (basically as if a kid had written it) but also I felt much better after venting how I felt in it. After that I decided to make Journaling more fun for me and I gave my notebooks names and anytime I had to vent after I was done I decorate it with little pictures and things, especially in thw beginning because I use to feel terrible about my feelings and it would make me get even more little and spiral more but thats where the other part comes in to. I decided to make little notes on things that made me more upset compared to the least, afterwards I would make little "pick me up" notes to myself to things that made me least mad that cheered me up instantly but if I seen it consistently that helped me to take steps to start fixing it because of that it eventually encouraged me to want to take on my bigger problems without getting anxiety while doing it.
🎀Another thing I would also like to say for my littles is that just because the world can sometimes seem really big and your problems may seem pretty grand, it doesn't mean that should make you small because you know that soon you will have overcame those big problems and you won't have to be so scared anymore.🎀
🌸 I think I will make a pt. 2 and pt. 3 explaining my little space routine and also how to work with my little space without a caregiver so be on the lookout for that. Anyways i love you little butterflies and will see you very soon 🌸
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fizzigigsimmer · 2 years
To B, With Love
in 1858 Steve, a society omega, puts out an add in the paper looking for an alpha among the lonely hearts expanding the west. Unbeknown to him, one of his answered is from 10 year old Max and her friends who live with her brother Billy in Promised Land California, a growing settlement rich in just about everything but available omegas.
The original prompt
I honestly just fell in love with this idea and knew I had to do something with it. Still a ways off from being ready to post but I am celebrating my progress with this story by sharing a few of their early letters.
ROSE HIP & APPLE –  Gentleman Omega of good family, aged 20, brown hair and eyes, long legs, good height and breath of shoulder, slender build, preference for masculine attire with a sunny disposition and even temperament, would like to correspond with alpha, male or female, age 20-40, either dark or fair, any height; drunkards, ruffians, and authors objected to. Photo required.  Address – S.H. to Madam Beauforts Matrimonial Agency.
Dear S.H. 
Madam Beaufort’s Matrimonial Agency
Male, 21, blond, blue eyes, landed alpha. 160 acres in California. I live in an area called Promised Land, like that story in the bible, only there aint much in the way of milk and honey. It’s awful green though in the valley, prettier than anything two eyes will ever see. You’re pretty too and apples make my favorite pie. I hope that’s proper to say, and if it ain’t then I’m sorry. I am wanting an omega who can make me smile, on account of I don’t do that enough and my face is gonna start resembling a dried potato. Do you like to tell jokes?
Dear Alpha,
Promised Land California
I was very pleased to receive your response to my advertisement along with your photo from the agency. Thank you. You’re very pretty yourself, and I think you’re a long ways from resembling a potato. I am afraid it is not the polite thing to comment so directly on an omega’s scent however, and doing so nearly ensured that I was not made aware of your interest. But I won’t hold you at fault even if Madam Beaufort will. She insists that the success or failure of any marital union hinges on scent compatibility – though she is notably less worried about whether the omega will find the alphas scent pleasing. Why first require us to flaunt our sent and then feign offense when it is commented upon? As for jokes, have you heard the one about the “widowed” matchmaker? Perhaps that joke is just on me.
Dear S.H.
Sorry. I did not know anyone would read the letter before you did. I hope I did not cause you trouble. Thank you for replying to me even though I was rude. I try not to be rude but I’m not very good at minding my temper sometimes, or apologies, but I promise to practice for you if you find yourself wanting to meet me. Folks tell me I smell like chocolate and cherry blossom but I don’t got much experience with either to know. Your Madam sounds like the teacher at the schoolhouse here. Nose in the air and head full of nonsense. My mother was a school teacher so I got a little schooling coming up; but nothing that would compare to the fancy education you probably got. How lucky you are. Have you been taught the arts & sciences? Which sciences? I want to hear bout them all and you can’t spare any detail. But only if you won’t be bored and have the time. We can also talk about corsets or babies if you like them better.
On second read, reason to fear your Madam killed own husband. Are you in danger?
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boozois · 9 months
i hope this doesn't come off as rude or anything but im just curious, how do you make your art, i just found your account and it looks awesome, im just really curious about the process honestly:3
not rude at all! it's actually a pretty simple process, but i'll explain as much as i can
so i'll find a background, usually these are photos on liminal space communities that are newer. sometimes i take photos myself and use that. i look for really dark photos, and specifically photos that are gonna work with the angles i have.
that leads into the next part, which is choosing a photo of a borzoi to mess around with. i usually choose this based on what picture i have. that way i can have an easier time editing it. so i select the picture based on lighting, angle, and also the quality. i try to use high quality images, because (1.) it's better to have more to work with than you need, and (2.) it's what works best when removing the background. you can do this manually on ibis paint, but it's so much easier to do it with a website. there's a lot that'll turn your image into a transparent png.
once i got all that, i put it together. i do this all in ibis paint x. i put the dog a bit higher than it is realistically, and extend the features. sometimes i add different heads or other attributes. i change the lighting by adding different colors and blending. i use a few filters, including color balance, blur/zoom, and unsharp mask.
while i'm doing this, i like to make a little story up about the new creature i made. then i use the captions to kinda tell it. there is actually a little bit of "lore" around some of the dogs, and there's repeat characters. i like this part of it the most, this was why i originally made this account. it's just hard to keep a character, plus i dont operate a side blog and dont want to. world building has always been the coolest thing to me and this is a super cool way to practice it. this account hasn't even been here a year and i've learned a lot.
anyway, thanks for asking! having lots of fun and it's cool to see that people are interested in what i'm doing.
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euphoricfilter · 9 months
hi hi :) quick question but what’s ur thoughts on those ai photos of bts that are trending on tt rn?
i have sort of mixed feelings?? though probably lean towards the dislike of it all more than being for it. first off, i don’t think realistically most of the ones that have come on my tiktok are harmful, though a few of them have come close to being scarily real and that is slightly worrying
i don’t know if they’re meant to be like photos or drawings or what?? a few i’ve seen i think are meant to be like photo shoots, which are the ones that always have me 🤨 because i think i’ve missed something. but a lot of the sci-fi ~ fantasy ones look more like digital art than photos
i don’t entirely agree with ai ‘art’ or media, be it writing, music, digital art, deep fakes, photos, whatever form of media we consume as people. simply for the fact that i believe humans will always do it better. plus, having that sort of unfiltered freedom is all fun for some people but can be dangerous if given to groups that have malicious intentions. which is scary part.
sure, a computer can write fancy words, probably come up with a full plot and have it written in minutes but it lacks the human empathy, and emotion, and experience. same with ai art, or photos. behind every art piece, either with traditional media or digital, there’s intention behind every choice made, what textures to use, placement, hidden mistakes that have been covered up but still a secret behind what lays on top. and no matter how good ai becomes at replicating stuff like that, i don’t think it’ll ever truly compare to human talent. that doesn’t mean i don’t think it can’t be a useful tool if you ever find yourself in a rut and want some form of guidance, or a new perspective on a question or topic to help you achieve your art in a way you’re happy with
as for the photos that have been on tiktok, i think maybe it’s important to label that it is ai generated if you desperately want to create and post photos like that. some of the ones i’ve seen are obviously fake, a lot of fantasy mixed with bts which when you first look at it you can tell isn’t real. however there have been a few that have looked a little too real with no disclaimer that they aren’t real photos. i say i have mixed feelings because i know the people that are posting that kind of stuff are just playing around, however, ai as whole, in terms of this topic i’m very iffy towards, and i’m sure it’s a topic that a lot of people will start to talk more about now that ai is very prevalent within both online and offline spaces in school or work, probably anywhere at this point 😭
i have similar thoughts of ai voice generation too, it’s kinda weird and kinda dangerous. because again, it’s fun for people to make their favorite singers do covers of other artist’s songs. but that doesn’t mean groups of people who have less than innocent intentions can’t also have access to these tools to spread a narrative that is entirely false
ai art ≠ art. they’re not the same thing!!! and will never ever be equals in my eyes
however i also don’t think there is a need to feed a computer the faces of bts and made it shit out a ton of funky, sometimes weird art? photos? whatever it’s meant to be. because somewhere down the line that’s gonna lead to some mean people doing some mean things
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