#sometimes i write present tense for memes
siarven · 3 months
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I made this for cara but thought I should use it to FINALLY make a proper pinned post on here! (image descriptions in alt text)
Hello everyone (:
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I thought I'd use this to properly re-introduce myself. These days I have a lot going on irl, so I'm not as interactive on here as I used to be. However, I love making new friends and getting to know their projects :D Some of my most important friends are from here, even if most of them are no longer active on writeblr (we have migrated to discord), so if you think we'd vibe pls shoot me a message!!
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What you can expect:
Started out as an artblr, then turned into a writeblr, now it's mostly me collecting inspiration, art and writing references, with some infrequent original writing wip/art posts ✴︎ — more info about tags and writing below the cut — ✴︎
✴︎ — #queer tag - I reblog a lot of queer related posts, particularly about aro/ace and gender related topics
✴︎ — #inspirational - art, writing, photography, nature/environmental issues related topics, history, paleontology, archaeology; things I find inspiring and fascinating :D
✴︎ — i love all of the creatures, fictional or real, but less in a "cute videos" and more in a "I love how our world works" type way. I worked at a wildlife sanctuary for a year after school and learned a lot there. one day i will be the forever home for an old cat nobody else wants
✴︎ — sometimes I still post art and or writing, though I guess there'll be more art on Cara if you wanna follow me there (less AI threat)
✴︎ — i study concept art, work as a freelance illustrator, and am currently working on my MA thesis project "Fragments of the Infinite"
✴︎ — my main wip novel (Dream's Shadow) is probably finally getting close to being Finished. Feels somewhat surreal. idk if it's even worth querying it because it really doesn't fit into the current publishing world but it's not actually finished yet anyway so... we can worry about that later
✴︎ — very into fantasy with cool worldbuilding in particular. don't much care for elves/dwarves/.. fantasy preindustrial england type worlds, but dungeon meshi is my current obsession so if it's deeply developed and interesting enough I don't really mind :)
✴︎ — hopepunk my most beloved! i do love when characters get put through the wringer to get to their hopeful ending though. Sometimes, things are tragic in a bittersweet way, and that is okay too
✴︎ — deeply nuanced, complicated, messy morally grey characters driving the narrative
I am open to tag games, but will probably only manage to respond to like 10% of them... it's not you, it's me
Always open for DMs or asks <3
I try to tag everything as well as I can, if i forget, ask to tag <3
If you're into TMA, I have a podcast/TMA blog @moth-song-archives; my rambling animals/shitposts/memes/other fandoms/... blog is @lirhin, and I have a dedicated art blog @siarvenart
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a hopepunk dark fantasy story with creepy/horror elements set in another world; small scope that transitions into epic fantasy later on
Status: draft 6.5 completed at 141k; currently mini-beta round. First in a trilogy
✴︎ —1st, 2nd and 3rd person limited, present tense ✴︎ — hopepunk, sibling dynamics, dysfunctional family, power of kindness & love, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, secrets, tragedy, lies, betrayal, loss of innocence, holding on & letting go, cute creatures, (in)humanity, trees, religion & belief, growing up, monsters, dreams, nightmares.
When Ava and her parents arrive at the hospital, they find her older brother Ben in a deeply unnatural coma - and nobody can tell them what happened. Despite the magical abilities of the Asim Healers, there seems to be no way to save him. But then, why do they still keep him alive? As Ava slowly learns the magnitude of how terrible Ben's situation (and impossible his future) truly are, she finds herself embroiled in a larger conflict, ready to hook its claws into her as well. And the one person she cares about most - who always had her back - is gone. So despite everything, there's only really one choice: Find out how to save him and try anyways.
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the travel journal of a young scientist, documenting the cultures, places, people and creatures she encounters on the way (art/text)
Status: storyboard/script 2nd draft completed; beta feedback
✴︎ —1st person present ✴︎ — 66 double pages of art accompanied by ~10k text ✴︎ — hopepunk, (body) horror, religion & belief, nihilism vs making your own meaning, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, transitioning with magical body horror means, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, deep worldbuilding, eldritch monsters, loss of innocence, SO MANY creatures
Features: a tidally locked planet orbited by 5 moons and populated by giant eldritch monsters; two trans aroace main characters; body horror; so much art; the most gratuitous worldbuilding project; character driven narrative
When the fifth moon hatches during Thorn's own naming ritual, making her one of 2 people who saw it happen, she knows she's been chosen. But back at home, nobody believes what she saw, choosing to instead take the moon's disappearance as a sign of celebration as it mirrors religious scriptures. So Thorn sets out to find physical proof, and uses the opportunity to document her travels. She doesn't know that her view of the world will be thoroughly challenged, but she also doesn't know about the friends she'll make <3
I have various other wips, some of them are linked in my header. I'll return to them at some point, but these 2 are my current projects for 2024:)
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nottawriter · 9 months
20 Questions More
This is a deeper and more detailed version of the 20 questions for AO3 fanfic writers. Thanks to @casualsavant for the tag.
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship / fandom? Supercorp brainrot… I see a picture or meme or video, I watch a movie or read a synopsis, I hear a song and it reminds me of them. They are ever present in my mind. I cannot escape (nor do I want to) and therefore, you cannot escape :chaos laugh:
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good? There are sooo many super talented people in the Supercorp fandom. I’m constantly impressed and overwhelmed with the volume of amazing content. There are the fandom favs: @lostariels, @jazzfordshire, @searidings, @lynnearlington, @coffeeshib, @mycatismyeditor, @lgbtimelords and @melui-the-bookworm, and there are personal favs: @snowydragonscave, @fazedlight, @casualsavant, @luthordamnvers, @gveret-fic, @briefunknowntrash, @cantdrawshaw, @karalovesallthegirls, @vox-ex, Veritas33 (AO3), @writershapeholeonthedoor… Sooo much talent. I just want to read all the time!
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write? I love all the side characters. I think the relationships in Supergirl are what make Kara and Lena so great and relatable. After Kara and Lena, I think I’m most comfortable writing Alex, but I enjoy writing almost everyone. My WHBL series is an ensemble-cast style story that is primarily Lena pov, but has other povs throughout.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you’d never write about? Which ones? I’m not a fan of writing Kara or Lena outside of Supercorp unless in reference to their past relationships. I’m not sure if I would rule any specific trope out completely
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed? Sav’s answer for this one is pretty relatable lol but uh… I typically put notes in my phone if I don’t have paper/pen handy. I use Excel to plot out timelines and chapters. I like to use color to show what I still need to write versus what’s done or what’s uncertain. I use a simple Word doc and typically write in story order, though if I write a scene I like, but don’t like it’s placement, I’ll cut it out and save it separately for potentially using later or in a different fic. I struggle with writer’s block, anxiety, guilty, sooo much uncertainty. It’s stressful and sometimes overwhelming… But I’m still here, so I suppose getting the story out into the world is all worth it in the end.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process? I enjoy the research, having something completed and ready to post (if not the anxiety of actually posting), and I enjoy reading the comments
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic? Um, probably sniper rifle stuff
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)? I catch myself switching tense all the time. I try to catch it all in editing, but don’t always succeed.
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why? Pretty much all of Evermore because it’s Kara’s dreamscape with mixed references to Wizard of Oz and Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven combined with The Adjudicator’s last scene. I think it actually came out well, but it’s really different and specific, so it’s gotten low interaction.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely? 100%
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why? I would be in awe to meet Kara or Lena. They’re iconic and these huge symbols for so many feelings and thoughts I’ve tried to convey, but they’re also very relatable characters who’ve suffered through much. I hope I do them justice with my writing. I know others do it so much better... I would also love to meet Melissa or Katie. I hope they know how many lives they've impacted for the better.
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing? Originally, I wrote a lot of mental health themes and hurt/comfort, currently it’s fluff and smut or rom-com. I guess it depends a lot on what emotional headspace I’m in and capable of conveying. Almost always there’s some angst, but I gotta have a happy ending. Whether I’m reading or writing. A happy ending always.
13) What’s your most important resource as a writer? Talking with other writers! I’ve been so thankful to meet so many great ones this year <3
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work? I do many rereads, before and after I post. I will go back and reread before I add more to a story as well, esp if it’s been a while since I wrote for it. I’ve also gotten someone else to read over fics from time to time.
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic? All of that gives me anxiety lol
16) How do you define success for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it? I try really hard not to define “success” when it comes to my writing. You never know what other people are going to like or connect with. First and foremost, I write for me. Secondly, I write for the enjoyment of others. I like to see kudos, but ultimately it’s the comments that are most encouraging. Seeing even just 1 person connect with a story that I wrote… there’s no feeling like that.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character / ship? I don’t, but there are songs or artists I associate with the characters, esp Supercorp- Taylor Swift, Hozier, Lord Huron… Not the question, but there’s a video edit by @talconnect with Running with the Wolves that fits perfectly for Kara. https://twitter.com/TalArtM/status/1658567350046674967 I love it.
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it? I recently commissioned a piece for one scene in I Believe in a Thing Called Love and there are a couple of other scenes in that one that I would have done. Really, I would appreciate any scene though. It would be an honor to have someone chose one of my works for something like that and I would be stoked to see any of it.
19) How many WIPs do you currently have? Active WIPs: 4 (What Has Been Lost, Wouldn’t It Be Nice, I Believe in a Thing Called Love, and Tis the Damn Season); Mayhem WIP idea to be started soon. A few others always percolating
20) What’s your advice to new fanfic writers? I had no idea what I was doing or that I even wanted to write when I started. You can’t improve until you try. You can’t learn until you make mistakes. Just try. I’ll keep Sav’s advice as well: Write for yourself. Write what you’d want to see. You’ll get better at it over time.
My fics: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Notta_Writer/works Tagging but no pressure: @itsalliebitheway @jetgirl1832 @flyingpotstickers @sneezewizard
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exitthedoughnut · 1 month
Particle Accelerator // Marvel
About Me and My Writing
Hi, you can call me Malibu (or w/e floats thine boat). I'm in my late twenties, my pronouns are she/her. I am both queer myself and obviously queer friendly. I'm not always consistently around due to both some environmental circumstances and personal struggles (it's the mental illness).
My writing style is third person present tense. I do have the ability to write in past tense if present tense bothers you. I can write anywhere from 200 words to about 3,000 (I don't measure in paragraphs as I play a little fast and loose with the definition of "paragraph" aksjdfhg).
While I don't expect you to mirror/length-match me, I am asking for someone who is comfortable writing detailed, literate posts. Not every post has to be 800w, I often dip low in my word count during dialogue heavy scenes. And I'm not asking for perfect spelling every time, lord knows I have a myriad of typos and I don't re-read my posts when I get excited. But I'm asking for the basics.
I am not caught up on the MCU. I just watched Multiverse of Madness last week, which is about where I'm at. I'll have a more comprehensive list of what I do and don't know a little later in the post.
The Rules
Since I'm in my late-late twenties, I'm looking for someone who is at least 23 themselves, but it'd be even better if you were 25+
In this house we double. If you don't know what doubling means, it means that I write both my character and who you want me to write for you, and you write your character and who I want you to write for me. It's a fairness thing derived from the old days of "canon x oc is SO selfish and unfair" which is why old farts like me say it's for "balancing" or "tit for tat" or whatever, since I've seen a lot of confused people lately. If I'm asking for canon x oc, it's only right I offer the same (or whatever it is you want) in return. Something I am completely capable of, I don't know why people make such a big deal out of lying on their fainting couch and claiming they can't do two sets of characters at once. Especially when they're totally okay with writing out background characters at the same time??
I will even triple for you, if you're in the market for a love triangle or a polyam OT3. You do not in any way have to triple in return, in fact I'd prefer if you didn't.
I also am completely comfortable writing as much space filling NPCs and canons as we need. I never let a scene go empty, and I'm happy to write surrounding characters. In fact I do it automatically. Sometimes people are surprised by this. I used to admin group roleplays.
At this time I am not looking for any NSFW content in my roleplays. I fade to black, and I won't be bullied into doing otherwise. (Dick jokes and talking about the fact adults do fuck is fine though, fading to black doesn't mean instant prude status)
I am however alright with like, a bit of violence. About Witcher 3's level is as far as I'm comfortable going: Fights can get messy as a treat if we want, we just don't need to go body horror with the organs, right?
Limits: Are very important, do not forget them. I do not want drugs, alcohol, smoking, vaping, or substance abuse to feature in or out of character. I don't want to see memes about it, I don't want to write about it. Nothing. I should not have to justify this, but my hobby and the dms of people I hope to be friends with is literally the only place I can ask to be a safe space. Because it is everywhere. I'm not judging people, I don't care what you do. I just don't want to hear about it, because I can't escape it anywhere else. I also am not wild about sexual assault, or the community's standard limits list of: pedophilia, incest, bestiality, etc. Leave all of that at the door, thank you. Rule number one of the salon is don't be nasty and you know that!
The mediums I use are: Discord and Email (I'm not keen on writing here on tumblr, but I'd be happy to idk, make a private Proboard or something?)
New rule: Please do not show me AI art of your character. Don't use an AI generator about it if you plan to write with me. Find a picrew or a dress up doll or some random picture on Pinterest. Hell just give me a paragraph description if you have to.
When you message me, do not just ask for my Discord or my Email. Do not just ask if I'm still looking, don't just say hey. The first message is a first impression, make it a good one. Tell me about yourself, tell me who you want me to write for you, what you're thinking, if you're picking up what I am putting down. Put some personality into it: This isn't a job, it's a hobby, it should sound like it when you talk to me. In this same vein, I'd prefer said first impressions are conducted over email, but messaging me on tumblr is fine too I suppose
Characters and "Plots"
First of all, in regards to sexuality / gender / canon / oc identities, everything is peachy keen! M/F, F//, M//, Trans, NB, Canon/OC, Canon//, OC// are all fine by me ♡
My side will be M/F Canon/OC, but you are welcome to request anything you would like. This is Build-A-Bitch and you can, in fact, have it your way.
My side is also M/F in a distinctly queer way. My OC is under the ace umbrella, as well as someone who doesn’t entirely conform to gender, so take that as you will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I will make you an OC, I will play multiple Canons for you, you can write as any gender identity or sexuality as you please. Just rub the lamp and make your wish! I will write almost any Canon for you, barring noted exceptions.
That out of the way, here's what I'm looking for!
I am looking for you to write: Tony Stark against my OC. I would particularly love to write for you: Steve, Bucky, Quill, Peter (Parker, MCU or Insomniac), Rocket (I will not make him a human), Drax, Stephen, Sam, Yuri (Watanabe, Insomniac), May (MCU), Mantis, Quentin Beck (Insomniac), Yelena, Natasha, Agatha, damn near anyone your gay heart desires Who I'm not particularly keen to write: Thanos, Quentin Beck (MCU), Tony Stark (duh)
And here's some plot jumping off points I've got rattling around in here, my favorites I'll mark w a heart scale out of five:
Iron Man 2008 ♥♥♥♥♥
My OC x Pre-established, Pre-Afghanistan Tony and working through the films? His life? An AU? W/e, but starting in 2008 Iron Man
Now I know a lot of people tend to cringe at pre-established or in general think it’s boring. But I don’t mean they were already like super together and had had a full character arc and everything prior to the roleplay ever starting. What I mean by this is I want to play with a plot where my OC and Tony were acquainted (preferably as friends with benefits) prior to his abduction in by the Ten Rings. During his time away my OC will realize oops! She accidentally fell in love with the emotionally unavailable playboy she was supposed to be having a not serious relationship with! And now he’s probably dead. Cue emotional turmoil! I like to pick the plot up at and start the roleplay when he comes home from Afghanistan, and work through the no doubt complicated feelings going on, building their relationship throughout the timeline. I’m not asking for insta-love. I’m just asking for two people who know each other and now have a whole lot of baggage to haul out of the basement thanks to someone’s near death experience.  I’m also not looking for this idea some people have that a roleplay ends with a couple getting together. I don’t want to artificially postpone them getting together, but again I’m not asking for insta-love. Just for something to evolve naturally. I’m sure that’s all obvious but I have had people try to withhold them from dating for esoteric reasons, and I just want to cover my bases since this is the most frequently misunderstood plot I want to do. Now obviously, this is very self indulgent. I would never dream of asking for this for my side without being willing to absolutely reciprocate. If you have a Marvel bae you want to work through the films with or some other self indulgent ask you never get to use, ask away. I am happy to do whatever you want for your side in exchange. I also recognize this is disgustingly self indulgent, but what is roleplay if not the wish fulfillment hobby? Naturally, in return, I am happy to write whatever self indulgent AU you are after!
Guardians of the Galaxy (1, 2, Game, whatever!) ♥♥♥♥♥
General space shenanigans. Tony + his found family the Guardians is extremely important to me.
I absolutely adore throwing Tony and my OC up into the cold, unforgiving expanse of space to be picked up by the Guardians. Them acting as a found family for Tony just means a lot to me, especially with how the writers for the MCU just. Refused to make the Avengers friends? If they won’t let the Avengers be friends, then I’ll give Tony friends by way of the Guardians god damn it. (Yes, him being Friends with Rocket and Nebula in Endgame was very important to me, thank you for asking) I am perfectly happy with your side being either from Earth or from space! Although this idea revolves around the Guardians, please don’t feel like your love interest has to be from the space scape, as I am ready and willing to find a way to drop kick everyone into space regardless of where your love interest comes from. If curious! My most commonly utilized plot involves the Collector hiring someone, be it the Guardians or another faction, to scoop up Tony. Frequently the reasoning is either A) Tony’s suit and reactor is unique, and he’s interested, or B) he’s interested in getting him as a gladiator present for his brother, the Grandmaster's, birthday. We don’t have to use this idea, I am happy to come up with others, brainstorm something together if you like But I know people often wonder how I plan to get them up there, and that one’s a pretty sure bet.
Potential Firefly influence?
Either instead or or in addition to the thoughts above, we could add some Firefly spice into this? Firefly is cowboys in space, let’s be real, and Quill gives a lot of pretending at being a space cowboy energy. I think kind of slapping him with some Mal energy could be really fun if you want him as a love interest.  Not required! Just something I’ve talked about with some people before and I am pretty fond of.
I'm also currently in Chapter 7 of the 2021 video game! And I love it a lot so far. I don't know anything about the comics (but want to start reading them soooon especially the arc where Tony is with them 🥺) and we don't at all have to stick to the MCU version of the Guardians (especially since I have my own headcanon version of Quill rattling around in my head that's 100% not Crisp Rat askjdhfg) I just love the Guardians as a concept. I love space families, I love Firefly and Star Trek is one of my favorite childhood series as well, and I love all the space stuff in Steven Universe, etc etc. I just love space settings LOL esp slice of life space settings (ST:TNG my beloved)
Insomniac's Spider-Man ♥♥♥
So I’m like too in love with this game. As someone who never read the comics, and didn’t really get into Tobey’s Spider-Man and catch the bug like my sibling did, I feel like with this game I finally get it, you know? Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes, and I wasn’t like. On the hype train. But now I’m on the hype train.  I’m unfortunately not really sure what I want to do with these games. All I know is that I love them, and I’d trade several organs to be able to write Insomniac’s Peter for you. I want to write him so so bad I just think he’s wonderful. I also love Yuri but not nearly as much as Peter.  We could follow the games, maybe do some pre-game stuff with Peter? Explore some of the 8 years prior to the game of him being Spidey? Maybe expand on some of the lore tidbits we get throughout the game in dialogue and mostly the backpack collectables? We could also do some post-game (any of the three) stuff. We could rewrite some of the game! We could save some characters maybe. I’m not sure! I’d love to explore literally anything with this, so if you have something in mind please let me know!  I’d love to figure out some ways to incorporate other Marvel characters too, just because seeing all the little nods and hints in the games to other villains or heroes or the dialogue tied to certain landmarks, or Otto getting bankrolled by Advanced Idea Mechanics: that shit was thrilling. I’d love to find a way to do more of this, even if it’s just figuring out how we slam dunk Iron Man into the scene. 
Thor: Ragnarok ♥♥♥
Science Bro reunion on the planet of trash is very good, ten outta ten. Love to slam dunk people into Sakaar.
I don’t have a whole lot more to say about this honestly? Other than we can also throw in whatever canon you want that isn’t normally there. Want the Guardians to show up? Carol? Want to slam dunk your bae in the gladiator ring too? Regardless of the movie I’m anchoring a plot to, I will throw anyone and everyone into the ring if you want.
Spoiled Princess gets anything she asks for, details at eleven.
I also have an AU where my OC (still human) was adopted by the Grandmaster as a baby, and is essentially the princess of trash planet, and Sakaar is where she meets Tony. Typically I have her ask her dad to spare Tony by way of insisting that he has a champion in the Hulk, why can’t she ever have a champion? He can’t just melt stick everything she takes an interest in! Other than that not much to say, I feel like Ragnarok is a pretty straight forward setting. Most of the ideas for this one would come about in talking it out with you.
Multiverse Stuff ♥♥♥?
Loosey goosey thoughts
I have a few multiverse ideas, one of which is original but could also be tied to NWH if we wanted. Another one involves TVA/Loki s1 stuff. We could probably swing something DSMOM related! Most of it deals with my OC having been involved with a Tony (be it MCU or some other universe's Tony), and loses him. Then typically she either tries to find a way to fix it (TVA intervenes) or she goes on a grief fueled vigilante spree and gets somehow knocked into a new dimension (original/nwh) where she can stop this universe's Tony from suffering the same fate, blah blah blah. It's all pretty loose and idk how super attached I am to it, but I came up with it because I was sad about IWEG and watching Phase 4 is hard LOL I also have a Spider-AU for my OC (who is normally just a civilian and doesn't have any powers other than This Stick She Found™), because who among us didn't make a Spider AU after seeing Spider-Verse LOL
Alternate Universe ♥♥♥♥
I'm always always always super down for an AU. We could use other media as the AU (Star Trek, Gargoyles, Disney/Fairytales, Indiana Jones, Anime, Jurassic Park, Steven Universe - literally name it, if I know it I can probably get hype about workshopping an AU) For more generic tropes/genres I loooove Fantasy AUs, D&D AUs, I love space and robots and sci-fi, I super love spies!! Like oh my gosh spy AUs are some of my favorites. It's like spies, fantasy, space slice of life, and androids are probably my four favorite genres? I'm super down for anything though. I also looove monster AUs, like vampire Tony?? Hello???? You could probably suggest anything and I'd be happy to babble about it. Magical Girls? Dungeon Meshi? Baldur's Gate? (though that's just Gale. Let's be real with ourselves. alkjhdjkg it's 100% why I am romancing Gale) I'm a slut and a whore for AUs aslkjdhfg and I am also a slut and a whore for tending to have like Six AUs I talk about all at the same time with partners who are tolerant of that behavior slkjdfg
Okay !! That should take care of the plot and characters section, onto the last little bit!
What Media Do I Know?
Where I'm At:
Phases 1-3, Wandavision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Loki Season 1 (but not S2 yet!), Shang-Chi, a few episodes of What If, Hawkeye, Eternals, No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness, GOTG Holiday Special
What I'd Prefer Not to Do:
IWEG. At least in the way it was shown to us. I'd prefer to just nuke it from existence entirely through plot points that circumvent it altogether, but I understand the blip is like. important or whatever to most of Phase 4 aslkdhjfg so if you want to do something in P4, we can workshop this.
Other Marvel Entries:
Insomniac's Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and Spider-Man 2
Chapter 7 of Squeenix's Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)
Deadpool, Deadpool 2 (though I didn't care for the second film) I haven't seen the third yet since it's in theaters and since covid I don't go to those, but I'll see it eventually 🤷
Days of Future's Past, X-Men First Class
Into the Spider-Verse, but not Across the Spider-Verse yet
Marvel Rivals! Yeah there's not a lot of content there but I also really like the dialogue writing alskshjdfg (and as an Overwatch fan I'm used to this like No Content But Somehow the Voice Lines Make It Worth It vibe lmao
I own Squeenix's Avengers, TTG's GOTG, and the Iron Man VR game that I all plan to play but haven't yet
Alright, I think that's probably it!
Hope to hear from you guys, but if I don't, good luck on your searches!
And for those who stuck around to the end and are interested in contacting me, here is my email that you can do that at:
beachcityshores (at) gmail (dot) com
(sorry for it not being very copy-pasteable, trying to avoid you know whats just scraping my email and spamming me)
We can totally RP via Discord, but you gotta get my handle by talking to me first. I'm getting tired of handing out my disco only to be hit with "hi i saw your ad :)" great what do you want [insert something I didn't ask for here]
If you're gonna make me pull teeth at least pay me a dentist's salary first <33
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drewtanakagf · 2 months
ask game: 7, 16, 23 (I wanted to do more but I don't wanna overwhelm you)
pls overwhelm me 🙌🏾
by the bootstraps: I'm choosing a piece that I was going to do for rare pair week HOWEVER! it did not end up happening. Premise: AU, cal/kilorn but make it the vibes of brokeback mt. I have also never seen brokeback mt so....
SEX SYMBOL: this one is a drachel fic that kinda follows up on teen-pics but in their lives as adults and navigating being the object (Drew as a model) and the voyeur (Rachel, an artist). And exploring the intersectionality of their identities. Also post-canon bc if I let go of Silena in Drew's narrative, that author is an imposter fr. Anyhow, thank you gender and film course for once again informing my writing fr 🙌🏾
7. What are the main emotions of this WIP?
[BTB] Transient, being lost and untethered. But also oogabooga his hands [Insert the "he wants those cookies so bad" meme]
[Symbol] Loss of control, simmering anger, hopelessness (damn these stories are sad man..... ) and hopefully triumph the end. Depends.
16. What do you find frustrating about this WIP?
[BTB] I Should Watch The Source Material 😁 but I don't rly want to make a brokeback mt remake just adopt the vibes. Ang Lee is a wonderful director fr.
Also romance is not my forte.... give me two fucked up characters and I'll make it work but Cal and Kilorn are a bit too #normalcore. They obv have their idiosyncrasies and can be very Unnormal but compared to mareven 🤷🏾‍♀️..... anyways.
As an aside idek why i was like cal/kilorn. But like... yeah. I can get behind that a bit.
[Symbol] The drachel dynamic is coming to me so slowly... I write a paragraph and them I stare blankly at it and I'm like "she would not fucking say that." But also exploring Drew's vulnerability while still being authentic to her, while still dismantling the misogyny that guides her character. Like I want her to be better sooooo badly but she's like "omg all this progress! Let's take ten steps back 🫶🏾" so yeah. Fun!
23. How would you describe your writing style?
Caffinated. All or nothing. Nah but fr, I think its fast paced, but does like to sit in the little moments. I am a present tense truther, 3 person limited sometimes and 3 person omniscient some more i think.
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kanawolf · 7 months
fic writer’s ask meme
google docs, microsoft word, or other?
alternate universes, canon divergence, or in-canon?
past tense or present tense?
a detail you’re really proud of putting in one of your fics
laptop, notebook, tablet, or computer?
fic writer meme!
8. google docs, microsoft word, or other?
I use both google docs and scrivener! I tend to use google docs more often than not, but I started using scrivener with my Demon Slayer fic and have started using it a lot more. Now I like to use google docs for getting my thoughts out for different fics (including the demon slayer ones) and then copy+paste into scrivener once I have access to my computer (since I only have it on my laptop).
10. alternate universes, canon divergence, or in-canon?
All of the above! I tend to focus on canon divergent and AU fics though as I almost always write with OCs and like to go for Everybody Lives / Nobody Dies or similar AUs for funsies and to see what other sorts of character growth and development can happen to a character that survives a deadly encounter. And then most of my AUs are sometimes just very self-indulgent and silly (like the modern AU for Demon Slayer that I'm currently working on).
13. past tense or present tense?
I'm actually really bad about mixing my tenses up sometimes, but I usually prefer and do my best to write in past tense! I find it easier most of the time.
18. a detail you’re really proud of putting in one of your fics
Ornamentation! I like to point out specifics in my OCs or how I headcanon specific characters to accessorize themselves as I think those little details can really show a lot about a character. For instance, Shiori, one of my Demon Slayer OCs, tends to wear a lot of hairpins. To those that don't know them, it's just an accessory, but to those who do know them, they're aware that the hairpins all contain wisteria poison in order to help them fend off demons.
21. laptop, notebook, tablet, or computer?
Laptop preferably (especially for scrivener), but I also use my phone (especially when my brain will not let me use the laptop) & now my tablet for writing when I'm at work / away from home. I do love handwriting though & have a habit of starting a lot of my fics within notebooks before moving them over to google docs / scrivener.
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amazing-spiderling · 7 months
17, 22, 34
17. Past or present tense? Why?
PAST TENSE (with a rare exception). It just... reads better to me. It feels more comfortable, more like a narrative and less like an account of events that are happening right now. I feel like present tense has its place, (I've used it on occasion) but being told that a character is doing something RIGHT NOW leaves me feeling a bit on edge. If that's what you're going for, knock yourself out- but if I'm just trying to get lost in a story, I want past tense to take me there.
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again?
Gosh, what isn't it? I don't know, I mean, I get the meme of it, of course, but I don't even really think of it like that. I suppose comic books (specifically marvel comics) have been a big part of my fandom life for decades now, and there has always been that "what if"/multiverse aspect, so it seems natural to want to imagine characters in alternate universes or different versions of a scenario where things turned out slightly differently.
But, for the sake of argument, when thinking about stories that are more in line with canon... I think there's a comfort to it. We live in a universe full of so much randomness and chance- tiny differences in one day can make the difference between meeting someone special or getting hit by a bus. Sometimes, it can feel daunting to look back at your life and think about how one thing or another might have led your life in a different direction. I think there is a comfort to be found in the fantastical idea that there are can be core parts of a life experience that are immutable. Even if you took a different class or skipped your morning coffee or overslept one day, you'd still find your way to the people, places, and events you were always meant to. Or that even after you find those people, even if you had an argument, or made a decision took you both to a different place, that the relationship you have is strong enough to weather those small differences. It's not really about fate or destiny, it's about the strength of a bond and its ability to persevere even if the conditions aren't exactly "right".
34. Do you write to improve? Or is that not a concern for you?
I wouldn't say that it's not a concern- I mean, I would be pretty disheartened to think I'm getting worse at something I spend so much time on. But it isn't at the forefront of my thoughts the way it is say with art. In the past I would make myself take on challenges (my ask blog, drawing events) specifically with the purpose to developing a skill or learning how to use a program or simply learning to be less precious with the process. I don't think I ever really did that with writing, though. I know there are writing month events- but if I try to force myself to participate I just hit a mental block.
I think it's also easier for me to see improvement in my art at a glance. I can go back and look at a history of drawings and immediately say "oh I got better at drawing folds in clothing"- but comparing my old and new writing samples is a bit trickier. I don't often go back and reread my old work- and if I'm honest, sometimes I think some of my older pieces are better than some of my newer ones, oops.
I will say that while I don't think I make a conscious effort to write to improve my writing- I do consider writing a means to improve at other things. I think writing has made me better at processing my own emotions and empathizing with others. I think it's helped me to develop a vocabulary to help explain my thoughts and processes when I'm speaking with others. I've been told that I "speak like a writer" in the past, and I think that's just because when you spend enough time writing, you have to spend time finding words for things, and there's a rhythm to that that easily finds its way into your day to day.
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paradoxcase · 1 year
QuCheanya post 3:
I have added an extra tense:
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"Sideways" tense is for talking about things in other timelines. What I've discovered when trying to write this story is that this tense is actually quite necessary. You know the gay fanfiction problem? Where you have two participants in the sentence, and they both use the same pronouns, and sometimes it becomes hard to figure out which pronoun refers to which person? Well, time travel stories have an even worse version of the gay fanfiction problem, which is that sometimes two participants not only have the same pronouns, but also have the same name because they are both versions of the same person from different times, or different timelines, or something. I never realized it until now, but Homestuck actually handled this so seamlessly I never realized it was an issue. We have all the pesterlogs where people are specifically labeled with whether they are from the past, or the future, or the present, and we have people talking about "past Karkat" or "future Karkat", etc. which is basically exactly what QuCheanya does with noun tenses. And then in another place, we have an alternate timeline Dave being referred to as "feltsuit Dave" (ok, I can't remember if that term actually existed in canon or only in fandom, but he was identified in canon by the outfit he was wearing), Dave who comes back from the doomed timeline becomes Davesprite, Jade's dead dreamself becomes Jadesprite, etc. I remember people joking about how Homestuck was just all about coming up with new modifiers for "self", e.g. "dreamself", "past self", "spriteself", whatever, but the thing is, it needed to do this in order for all the time travel to make sense. And then at the end, we had that conversation between Vriska and (Vriska) which had the potential to be extremely confusing, but Hussie utilized a fandom meme to make it clear who was speaking when. Anyway, I digress. The point is, the noun tenses solve this gay time travel fanfiction problem pretty well.
I now have actual interlinears explicating the tense system:
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Those are the simple past/present/future tenses. I think that use of rinu may be new content, but we'll get to that part later.
Here's an example of the time travel tenses in action:
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Imagine, you're asked to design a conlang, and the next day someone shows up with a grammar of your conlang and the example sentences are actually about YOU.
-me indicates a noun is a title, so, neaSapfita just means "priestess" with a little p, while neaSapfitame means "Priestess" with a big P that has to precede someone's name. You can also stick on the back of regular names to mean Mr. or Mrs.
Here is an example with an embedded clause with a different tense:
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And here is the "I don't like you" example spelled out in the document, complete with a sideways tense example:
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Side note at this point, that I'm now no longer using tables to make these interlinears and instead using the dedicated package for linguistics examples, expex, which is why they look so much better, and why there are more of them. It's great.
That's it for today.
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maebird-melody · 1 year
Fic Stats Game
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
Thank you so much @aowyn for tagging me! I’ve seen this one going around and it seems fun!
First most hits: The Last Time
After settling into his new anonymous life, Peter picks up a new coffee habit. But is it really just for the sake of routine, or is it an excuse to see his old friends? Peter resolves that today is the last time, and then he will truly cut ties with his past. After all, that's what he wanted, wasn't it?
You may not know this about me, but Spider-Man is my oldest and deepest obsession. I didn't like how No Way Home ended. I didn’t want to rewrite canon or anything, but I did want to explore how Peter (especially MCU Peter) would do a terrible job at staying away from his friends. Most likely this fic only has such a high hit count because the fandom is massive.
I wrote the first chapter of this fic as a oneshot, but it’s become a multi-chapter slow burn identity reveal fic now and I am atrocious at updating with any semblance of a reliable schedule. I’m trying to get a lot of it outlined and several chapters written before I start posting again.
Second most kudos: Glockwork
Sometimes, the answer is violence. In which Clockwork rescues Danny from the Guys in White in a more conventional manner.
Joining fandom events (especially for Danny Phantom) has resulted in several one-off crack fic ideas. This is one of them. My second-longest obsession after the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films has got to be Danny Phantom. I somehow managed to avoid phandom participation for nearly 20 years. And honestly, y’all are insane, but in a good way I think.
Glockwork isn’t even my joke. I just couldn’t think of a better pun than the meme this was based on. I am glad to have contributed any small part to fandom lore. Also, Clockwork with a gun is hilarious. The original art that inspired this fic was drawn by @ravenatural-art
Third most bookmarks: Waypoints
When an unnatural cold settles over Casper High, the trio know that something more than they can see must be going on. But their search for answers yields more than they bargained for. Ghosts are haunting Amity Park with their shattered memories. Only by reliving those memories can they free the mortal realm from ghostly influence, restore the broken cores, and ultimately, help the ghosts pass on. Yet there is a sinister force at work behind the scenes. Someone…or something…caused this. Who is pulling the strings? Why? And how do they make sure none of this happens again?
Another Danny Phantom fic! This is the piece I’m writing for Invisovang (yes, writing, as in present tense—I didn’t finish by the deadline it’s fine). My longest fic by far, it’s amazing what actually planning out your story will do for you.
Probably has so many bookmarks since I'm still actively updating it, and many people prefer to read completed longfics. Also, there are just so many Danny Phantom fics out there. If you want a fic that doesn't involve dissection, maybe this one's for you.
Fourth most comments: Geduldh’s Fate
In which Heisshitze learns of the consequences of his meddling in Ferdinand's affairs. SPOILERS FOR PART 4 VOLUME 8 It is the first Interduchy Tournament since Ferdinand left for Ahrensbach, and Heisshitze is feeling very pleased with himself for having orchestrated Lord Ferdinand's freedom from Ehrenfest. But as he is about to learn, no good deed goes unpunished.
My current obsession, Ascendance of a Bookworm! It’s a slice of life turned high fantasy political thriller light novel series. I highly recommend it. Let’s just say, I was unhappy with the turn of events in Part 4 Volume 8, so I wrote something to deal with that. Ironically, a lot of what I’d written and wanted to happen actually came to pass, if not in exactly the same way. This was also written at the turning point where I stopped waiting for the paperbacks and ended up reading all the way up through pre-pub. I haven't quite gone so far as to read to web novel.
Fifth most words: The Long and Winding Road
While traveling the West Road, Alistair becomes the unwitting guard of a merchant caravan. When he leaves camp later that evening to gather firewood, he meets a strange, enigmatic elf who is lost in the forest. They spend a brief time together before their paths diverge once again.
This was written for a Dragon Age event! It was a fic exchange in which people requested either romantic or platonic pairings with Solas. I picked the Solas & Alistair platonic pairing. I have them sharing a camp together for the night. It’s a very moody, contemplative piece, I like it.
Least words: Uthenera: Fen’Harel Ver Na
"I lay in dark and dreaming sleep while countless wars and ages past." This song blends the Lost Elf Theme and the Thedas Love Theme, and also introduces a new theme of my own devising which can be heard in the opening bars of the piece. This is a programmatic piece, which means that each part of the song represents an unfolding story. For program notes, see the end of this page.
Feels like cheating though cause it’s not words at all. It’s music. Dragon Age inspired music (though I did lift part of a theme whole cloth for this piece, it was too pretty to deconstruct).
Fic with the fewest words that is actually a fic would be A Terrible Bedside Manner.
By the power of fan fiction, the laws of time and space have been broken to bring us this little nugget: what if Richard Maxwell was working for Regis when he first came to Odyssey? This tiny bit of chaos was incredibly fun to write. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
It’s Adventures in Odyssey crack fic based on the two most compelling characters in the series, who also happen to be the villains (in a series that Did Not Need Any Villains).
I feel like most of y'all have already played by now. Well, if you've already done it, please feel free to ignore the tag! Or instead, share a fic of yours that you think is underrated and doesn't get the attention it deserves. :)
Tagging @imakemywings @seaglass-skies @the-oaken-muse @bibliophilea @sailorpunksenshi @theelibugs
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linneakou · 2 years
(from this ask meme)
"what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?" burnout. I burn out so easily, I lose my inspiration and focus, and then there goes my drive to create. It's sometimes due to IRL overwork and that crud, but a not-insignificant portion of my burnout is (drumroll please) ABSOLUTE LACK OF ENGAGEMENT. So. Like. If you needed a sign to do more than kudos on a fic on AO3, this is it. I'm begging you, comment or otherwise engage with fics, because if it feels like I'm screaming into a void, I have less desire to keep writing. The thing that keeps me going? I have at least two dedicated readers and they give me the fire in my belly to finish the damn things. (You know who you are, and thank you!)
"how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post?" ...STOP COMING FOR ME LIKE THIS [/j] uh, I celebrate for like. A minute. After posting a chapter update or oneshot. I dunno... I don't really think I do? lol I might be damaged from my years of art school. And regular school. It's just back to the grind after I post. idk
"describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?" ABSOLUTELY. If we're talking technical style, yep. I'm capable of writing on the fly and squeezing honey from a stone when it comes to oneshots written in a single sitting; I'm also capable of writing longfic that takes months of planning. Style as in prose? I feel like I've got a decent variety... I usually stick with the basic 'past-tense third POV limited' so I can focus on stuff like worldbuilding and characterization, but I've done first-person present-tense before so I could match the tone of the story. It's fun, but it definitely requires a shift in my headspace to work. Gotta commit to the bit. So my style as a writer is... flexible? Shapeshiftey? I leave it to you to decide.
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waddingham · 1 year
fic interview meme
oooh thanks so much for tagging me @scratchybeardsweetmouth !
Name: gayicedlatte on ao3 🤗
Fandoms I write for: the only one im writing for atm is ted lasso. ive posted for schitt's creek and twin peaks, written for the x files and good omens but never posted any of that
Two-shot: oh lord I think the only one I have is the vibrator fic fksjdjsj we're off to a great start!
Most popular multichapter: leg fic has the most kudos but honestly it's probably someday. that one still gets kudos and comments pretty regularly without any recent updates. but i think two sweethearts also passed it stats-wise so idk!
Actual Worst Part of Writing: i don't know really....i think posting and sharing is the hardest part for me.
How you choose your titles: a lot of times a story has been directly inspired by a song so I use lyrics a lot. otherwise i like to keep it simple these days, a single word or short phrase
Do you outline: almost never. they screw me up royally, I end up seriously overthinking it all and making a mess of the story and then get too frustrated to finish. i have to just write and go with my gut to be happy with it lmao
Ideas I probably won’t get to but it would be nice: I have a couple that I'd love to write and probably will sometime just for myself but are such specific experiences, I wouldn't ever feel comfortable posting for fear of misrepresenting something i haven't experienced personally
Best writing habits: i genuinely dont even know what this is asking?
Spicy opinion: i find present tense to be so much more enjoyable to write in. is that a spicy opinion?
if you read this whole thing and write fic guess what you've just been tagged!
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elthadriel · 2 years
for the ask meme: Yours To Take (hands down, one of my favorite fics ever) #5, #13, #15.
The fic in question: Yours to Take
5: What part was hardest to write?
The fight scene. Hands down.
I hate writing fight scenes, I struggle to keep momentum moving in the way I want and I get into a whole mood about it.
Why would I choose to write fighting to fucking if I don't like writing fight scenes? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't know why I keep doing this to myself.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I have a bunch of character/ship/general vibe playlists that I use while I'm writing. Sometimes I make them specifically for what I'm writing, but in this case I stole the one I used for We Claim That This Collection Has A Name And Is A Being the Imperial codex fic I wrote for codex week. Some songs of it I particularly liked for this fic are:
That Unwanted Animal - The Amazing Devil Unbecoming - Starset In The End - Linkin Park (I will not be taking comments or criticisms at this time 😂)
But, probably the one people should listen to for maximum vibes is Yours to Shake - Greylag which is where the title came from.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
This is one of the fics that got me to start experimenting in present tense a little more. You might have noticed that this fic is in past tense and you make a very good point. It kept slipping into present tense though, and I'm haunted by the knowledge that there are almost certainly still some mistakes in it. I should have accepted it wanted to be present tense when I was a couple thousand in and saved myself the headache but I'm a stubborn bastard.
For this sort of unhinged pov I think present tense works quiet nicely and since it I've been trying it out a little more.
Thanks for asking :D
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eritvita · 2 years
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My name is Celeste. I prefer she/they pronouns, and I’m 30.
because this is a sideblog, and because my main account is my personal, i will be selective in following. i’m a bit selective with whom i write, for my own peace of mind and creative connections. but just because i’m not following you, doesn’t mean i won’t write with you!
my discord is available to mutuals!
my character's spotify playlist is here.
open starters are here.
my writing wishlist is here.
memes are here.
i am oc friendly. i am canon friendly. i am multifandom friendly. i do write with duplicates of the same character. i will write with self inserts!
this blog is multi-ship, multi-verse, and does not exercise exclusivity.
i do love to improvise, and i do love realistic drama, but i’d prefer out-of-character permission before anything gets way out of hand. i do control how my character acts and what he thinks and says, and wish for no forced motions or putting words in mouths.
if you reply to an in-character ask, i will make another text post: it’s easier on me. i don’t believe in reblog karma, nor will i get offended if you reblog a meme without sending one. i do reserve the right to not answer an ask if the inspiration doesn’t come.
the same goes for threads. if i get the feeling that we’re both going back and forth waiting for the other to contribute, or if it feels like i’m the only one pulling the weight, or if inspiration has flown the coop, i’ll probably drop it. we could always start something new; or, if you feel like a thread has been ignored without reason, tell me!
i have a very whimsical, formatted way of writing: i write in novella and multiple para. my preferred style is present-tense, third person. sometimes i’m dialogue-heavy. sometimes i use icons, and sometimes i don’t. sometimes a line of dialogue might seem confusing or mushed together for a lyrical word scramble, or my character tends to repeat things already mentioned/translated to him in a reply previous: this is purposeful, and part of a character quirk. i’m more than willing to translate ic babble out-of-character if it’s needed.
i am willing to rp on discord, but since my preferred style is via tumblr, this will only be with mutuals.
this character flirts. he comments openly of physical, mental, and spiritual beauty, but that never means that I, the writer, am forcing a romantic/etc. relationship. i encourage any and all ic reactions that happen in result.
with shipping, i would like chemistry first and foremost. my character is romantic, but not enough to tie the knot immediately, at least without involved plotting. there will be smut on this blog, but everything is put under a ‘read more’ and will be tagged appropriately. i will not write smut or explicit themes with anyone under 20, & i will block minors.
i have no problem shipping with duplicate characters, or canon characters, so long as the relationship is solid. talk to me ooc! i’m sure we could figure something out.
this character’s past & current relationships are listed here.
i have a timeline on my verses page for the three Dragon Age games made by Bioware, in which the main verse of this character is borne. i have played all three games, and i am very diligent over yt playthroughs and thought-provoking meta. the timeline on my verses page does give yearly points over where my character has been, but they are not fixed points. a thread, or an ask, can completely commence whenever, wherever, all depending on the people involved.
this is a lore and irl magick-based blog, which will include blood and drugs and great, mystic topics, with questionable symbolism, nudity, and sexual situations. i will always tag anything not safe for work, but please tell me if i miss a trigger.
tagging as ’___ for ts’.
most icons are mine, some are by Desii; the icons with the photo-shopped ears are by Gale.
side image credit: -x-
text divider credit: -x-
0 notes
ofhistory · 4 days
Hiya!, I’m Ren. Below are some general guidelines to help with interactions both IC and OOC. Feel free to ask for clarification if any of these are confusing to you!
NOTA BENE: I am forever mobile! That means I will always have to ask you to trim our threads. It’s literally nothing personal. The best I can offer otherwise is just to keep deleting responses from the original! If this super bothers you, I get it. Feel free to move along, and thank you for stopping by! Otherwise:
The Blog
21+ only
please tag visual depictions of reptiles (snakes especially)
don’t be a dick
s/low activity
constantly changing/under construction
mutuals-only. if you’re not open to or already writing with @neverhangd , i have no interest in writing with you. will is a secondary muse at best.
memes are probably the best way to start interaction
mobile only
sideblog to @neverhangd
prefers third person present tense, 1x small font
history is a suggestion. please don’t take this blog for gospel as shakespeare, okay? he is a trash raccoon. he is this weird, semi-defied idea of who we sometimes perceive shakespeare (and bards) as. i refuse to take responsibility for your inability to separate fact from fiction, especially with the rest of the internet at your literal fingertips. think of this as historical tragicomedy; our flag means death, the great, the list goes on. complain to someone who cares.
The Blogger
Discord available upon request
do no harm, take no shit
NO mpreg
NO adult content with minors (muses included)
NO teacher-student stuff (mentors & peers okay)
NO pedophilia
YES violence
YES gore
Concern not listed? Feel free to ask me about it!
The Triggers
the blog contains the following themes; while they are tagged, i sometimes miss them. prior to engaging, please be aware that this blog contains material implying or explicitly engaging with:
period-appropriate sexism/misogyny - depicted
identity struggles (self, sexuality) - depicted
manic episodes and mood swings - depicted
loss of a child - discussed
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redletting · 27 days
0 notes
roleplayfinder · 1 month
hi hi! you can call me ren (or cassette or alt or w/e permutation of my discord handle and display name you wanna workshop), i’m 29, she/her, and exceedingly queer (and mentally ill!). i have the ability to type in proper sentence case just fine, but this is how i talk casually, and how i communicate ooc!
i’m a novella/multipara writer whose word count fluctuates depending on the scene. description heavy scenes like starters, scene transitions, new locations, etc, tend to be long. i’m talking in the 2kw without blinking territory, sometimes going all the way up to 4k (and could probably go 5k if my partner was similarly long winded askdjfg). but then for things like dialogue heavy scenes or fight scenes that require a lot of quick, decisive actions and decisions, i can go as low as about 200-300w. because of this i don’t at all expect you to mirror me post for post, but i do ask that bare minimum you’re comfortable at least hitting the 1k range, as well as comfortable with receiving long fuck off posts from yours truly askdjf
i write third person present tense, and i will write any gender and sexual orientation you ask for! i’ll be looking for either canon x oc or oc x oc for my side, which will be m/f, but my f!oc is queer herself, so it’ll be a queer flavor of m/f alskjhdfg. for your side! i am happy to write anything. canon, oc, male, female, trans, enby, whatever you want, just ask!
i do ask that any potential partners be preferably 25. i also ask that we double, unless you only want to play the love interest i’m ask for against my oc, in which case we don’t have to double. but i’d love to double for you! i want to double for you! i will even triple for you, if you want a love triangle or a poly relationship.
my mediums are discord and email, exclusively!
i also have some limits i will ask you abide by. i do not want you to godmod my oc, i do not want you to discuss the topics of: alcohol, drugs, smoking/vaping, or substance abuse in or out of character (this includes meme images, emojis, etc. i don’t want to write about it i don’t want to see visuals of it, and i am very serious about this. they are limits and triggers. please respect them like you would anyone else’s triggers even if they’re not as commonplace). i also don’t wish to write about sexual assault or abuse, or any sort of incest/pedophilia/the usual limits for this community. additionally, i do not write smut. i fade to black, and that (along with my limits) are non negotiable. and of course likewise, i will respect any limits you have!
with all of that out of the way, we can move onto the fun things! today i am looking for
star trek: the next generation
heads up and fair warning! i’m in the middle of a rewatch, and the last time i saw this was?? maybe twenty years ago. anywhere in the 15-20 range at least. so i don’t remember a whole lot, and i’m only in season two so far. but i would loooove to write in tng, it’s just?? so lovely ???
against my f!oc, i am looking for you to write one of the following: riker, an oc with a faceclaim i choose, or a canon transplant from another media (i would be looking for primarily tony stark or david xanatos)
in return, i can write anything you like! though i do have some canons i’d be especially excited to write for you if given the chance! these are: data 🤍🤍🤍, geordi 🤍🤍, picard 🤍🤍🤍, deanna 🤍🤍
if interested, please feel free to reach me at my discord [altimit.os] or my email [altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com]
altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com
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starship-ncc-1701-d · 1 month
make it so | st:tng 1x1 search
hi hi! you can call me ren (or alt or w/e permutation of my discord handle and display name you wanna workshop),
i’m late-late 20s, she/her, and exceedingly queer (and mentally ill!). i have the ability to type in proper sentence case just fine, but this is how i talk casually, and how i communicate ooc!
i’m a novella/multipara writer whose word count fluctuates depending on the scene. description heavy scenes like starters, scene transitions, new locations, etc, tend to be long. i’m talking in the 2kw without blinking territory, sometimes going all the way up to 4k (and could probably go 5k if my partner was similarly long winded askdjfg). but then for things like dialogue heavy scenes or fight scenes that require a lot of quick, decisive actions and decisions, i can go as low as about 200-300w. because of this i don’t at all expect you to mirror me post for post, but i do ask that bare minimum you’re comfortable at least hitting the 1k range, as well as comfortable with receiving long fuck off posts from yours truly askdjf
i write third person present tense, and i will write any gender and sexual orientation you ask for! i’ll be looking for either canon x oc or oc x oc for my side, which will be m/f, but my f!oc is queer herself, so it’ll be a queer flavor of m/f alskjhdfg. for your side! i am happy to write anything. canon, oc, male, female, trans, enby, whatever you want, just ask!
i do ask that any potential partners be preferably 25+. i also ask that we double, unless you only want to play the love interest i’m ask for against my oc, in which case we don’t have to double. but i’d love to double for you! i want to double for you! i will even triple for you, if you want a love triangle or a poly relationship.
my mediums are discord and email, exclusively!
i also have some limits i will ask you abide by. i do not want you to godmod my oc, i do not want you to discuss the topics of: alcohol, drugs, smoking/vaping, or substance abuse in or out of character (this includes meme images, emojis, etc. i don’t want to write about it i don’t want to see visuals of it, and i am very serious about this. they are limits and triggers. please respect them like you would anyone else’s triggers even if they’re not as commonplace). i also don’t wish to write about sexual assault or abuse, or any sort of incest/pedophilia/the usual limits for this community. additionally, i do not write smut. i fade to black, and that (along with my limits) are non negotiable. and of course likewise, i will respect any limits you have!
with all of that out of the way, we can move onto the fun things! today i am looking for
star trek: the next generation
heads up and fair warning! i’m in the middle of a rewatch, and the last time i saw this was?? 15-20 years ago, so i don’t remember a whole lot. i’m only in season three so far (around e4). but i would loooove to write in tng aaaaaaa i just rly love its vibes askjkdf
against my f!oc, i am looking for you to write one of the following: riker an oc with a faceclaim i choose
in return, i can write anything you like! though i do have some canons i’d be especially excited to write for you if given the chance! these are: 💛💛💛 data 💛💛 geordi ❤️❤️❤️ picard 💙💙 deanna
if interested, please feel free to reach me at my discord [altimit.os] or my email [altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com]
you can also reach out on tumblr for initial discussion, but please know i do not roleplay over tumblr!
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