#sometimes it seems like existing vampires have some degree of control over who gets turned
mayhemchicken-artblog · 4 months
That's a lot of guys he has bit do they turn
Nah, the mechanism for Becoming A Vampire is a lot more complicated than that in Varney the Vampire, and in fact doesn't seem to be explicitly linked to getting bitten at all. The main component to becoming a vampire is having another vampire do a funny little ritual over your dead body. Being bitten isn't a prerequisite so long as your vibes are rancid enough.
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
The Long Way Around ~ Chapter 6
Link to previous part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/623283543296049154/the-long-way-around-chapter-5
Pairing: Jasper x Reader
Word count: 1954
Warnings: None
Jasper’s POV
I sigh, trying to concentrate on the papers before me. Once Y/n came into our lives, I had decided to halt my studies at school. She arrived during the summer so it wasn’t like anyone would notice my sudden, and perhaps suspicious, disappearance from class, but my family agreed that we could really only afford for one or two of us to deviate from our cover story. So once classes resumed in the fall, all but I continued attendance at the local university. Once she found out, Y/n had lamented at my loss of education and insisted I continue studying at least something of interest. She didn’t seem to understand how little a year or two out of school would affect me, given how many times I’ve gone through both high school and varying post-graduate degrees. But still, the gesture was kind so I agreed and have sent spent a few hours every day since that conversation brushing up on my world history. Right now I’m camped in the basement where we keep our extensive library (excluding the volumes found in Carlisle’s office and our individual rooms) digging through first-hand accounts of Otto von Bismarck’s rise to influence. It’s interesting enough, but still, my attention is elsewhere. At least half of my focus is upstairs, carefully monitoring Y/n’s moods. She’s become much more even as time passes, but still, not keeping tabs on her makes me nervous. Newborns are so unpredictable and so reliant on their emotions that at any moment, she could react badly and cause herself or someone else harm. It’s not that I don’t trust her, it’s just that I know how this goes. And I would hate myself if anything happened to my family or Y/n, especially if I could have done something to prevent it.
She’s been struggling recently with missing her family and friends, and that’s always difficult. For most of us, we had been immediately taken away from our loved ones plus had been changed during a time when news recordings and social media didn’t exist. Y/n does not have that luxury. At least once a week, she’ll find some news source with reports from her parents or come across a social media page of one of her friends. It breaks her heart. Secretly, I had gone to Carlisle and discussed the benefits of moving. It only adds to Y/n’s pain being only a handful of miles from the people she loves, and perhaps moving away would aid in her healing. But Carlisle shot the idea down, citing our advantageous location and the dangers of moving cross-country with a volatile newborn. So, instead, I sought to distract her. One of the reasons she felt bad about stopping my schooling is because her own had been paused suddenly due to her untimely death. So, I loaned her a few of my old textbooks, which she has been studying relentlessly. Carlisle also offered his services, and it’s not uncommon to find Y/n perched in one of the chairs in his office grilling him about everything under the medical sun. All in all, she’s adjusting well. Still, I worry. At the drop of a dime, her control could slip or her emotions could get the best of her. That’s why, when I feel her switch from a relaxed, curious state to one of annoyance, I take notice, and listen.
“You really need to let your human life go, Y/n. At this point, you’re only dragging out your own pain. There’s nothing you can do about it anyway. That life is as lost to you as your soul.”
Now I feel annoyance at my brother’s predictable morose attitude. Even to this day, Edward grapples with losing humanity and, according to him, his soul, and often pushes those feelings onto others. As far as I can tell, Y/n doesn’t believe vampirism has damned her, and I would like to keep Edward from putting those thoughts in her head. They simply aren’t true.
Y/n responds with a biting tone. “They’re my loved ones, Edward, not yours. Please don’t tell me how to deal with losing them. If you don’t like my thoughts, stay out of my head.”
Rosalie chimes in, always interested in fighting with Edward. “Really, Edward, back off. You’re the one who helped Bella keep her precious humans in our life and risked our exposure, so you’ve no room to talk here.” It was the wrong thing to say. Y/n’s anger flares.
“Hypocrite! That is such a double standard!”
I feel Edward’s anger increase too, and I know they’re filling a keg with powder and readying their matches. I hurry upstairs.
“It’s different. Bella was going through a lot and-”
“And I’m not?” Y/n’s incredulity is plain.
Rosalie scoffs.“What precious Bella wants, she gets. The rest of us are expected to live by a different set of rules.”
“Okay guys, let’s take this down a notch.” Emmett intervenes as I get to the top of the stairs.
“I agree.”
Y/n’s eyes flicker to mine, and I register her guilt. Why?
Whatever’s in her mind causes Edward to scoff. “You’re not bothering him with your emotions, he lives for this stuff. It makes him feel like he has some kind of purpose.”
“You are so pessimistic,” Y/n groans, putting her head in her hands. “Whatever. I am not doing this anymore. I’m going for a walk. Jasper?”
Immediately, I’m at her side, not even needing to think about joining her. It’s just natural, at this point, to be with her.
She smiles tightly as we walk out the back door, and I can tell she’s trying to calm herself down. “Sorry I interrupted your studying.”
I shrug, honestly not bothered at all. “Don’t worry about it. It’s nice to get outside….The leaves are just starting to change.”
Now, her smile becomes much more natural. “Aren’t they gorgeous? It’s even better now that I can see them with these new eyes. And I can hear the crunch when I step on them and the smell of fall is just,” she sighs, a dreamy look in her eye. But then I feel the sadness creep back in.
I’m hesitant to ask, not wanting to upset her further. “Are you alright?”
She bites the inside of her cheek and looks away. When she finally speaks again, her voice is unsteady. “I just really, really miss my family. It’s hard to leave them and come to terms with…what I am. And of course I’m so grateful that I have all of you,—well,” she chuckles darkly, “today I could do without Edward but that’s beside the point.” She trails off, lost in her thoughts.
I look into the horizon, enjoying the light of the setting sun but regretting the added sadness she’s suffered on behalf of my brother. “I’m sorry he upset you. I can talk to him tomorrow-”
“Oh, that’s alright,” she waves a hand, smiling softly. “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do with your siblings? Argue?”
I chuckle, nodding. We certainly do argue.
She turns to face me then, stopping her walking. “Thank you though.”
The sunlight filters through the trees, hitting our skin and illuminating us. She gasps softly, and I sense her wonderment. She’s seen what the sun does to our skin many times, but it never ceases to amaze her. It’s really sweet. Slowly, she reaches up and lightly trails her fingers over the side of my face where the sun hits. I freeze, not wanting to make any movement that would cause her to stop. I enjoy her touch much more than I would like to admit. It feels so nice to be handled so softly, compared to the harshness I’d become accustomed to in my past. I close my eyes.
“Beautiful,” she breathes, letting her hand fall.
I smile, enjoying this moment. “It is one of the more mesmerizing attributes of this life.”
Now, I feel her playfulness. “You know what else is great? The speed.”
My mood soon matches hers. “Wanna race?”
She frowns, turning in the direction of the house. “Oh, no I think we should-”
And then she’s off, laughing wildly. I shake my head, realizing I’ve just been tricked and, with a laugh of my own, take off at a sprint after her.
“Jasper,” she starts, sitting down on the rock next to me. “Where are all the other vampires?”
“All over, really, though most tend to avoid especially sunny cities.” I shake water from the river off my hands. A few seconds prior, I’d reached in to grab some pebbles to skip. “We’re the largest coven in the area. Anyone else around here is likely a loner or part of a nomad coven.”
She pauses, thinking. “Doesn’t anyone ever come to visit?”
“Very rarely, and Alice can sometimes give us some warning, though not always. But the nomads that visit usually leave very quickly. We don’t allow them to hunt in this area, as it could raise suspicion and cause problems for us. That tends to make extended stays unappealing.”
“Well, what about friends?”
I smirk. “Vampires don’t really have friends.”
This confuses her. “Then what are you and your family? You’re certainly not just acquaintances.”
I smile, thinking of the best way to explain the complicated relationships between vampires. “Let me rephrase: most vampires don’t have friends. Carlisle theorizes that, because we don’t drink human blood, we’re less animalistic, a little less reliant on our instincts. Instincts that, under normal circumstances, would keep us from forming bonds because other vampires generally pose a threat to getting a meal.” She nods, understanding. “Because we are slightly more, human, for a lack of a better word, we do enjoy friendships and closer relationships, like I have with my adopted siblings. Realistically, though, that’s not how it works at all. For normal vampires, the only type of close relationship they experience is between mates. Those relationships last forever though, so I guess it’s enough to satisfy the need for connection.”
Y/n raises her eyebrows, disbelieving. “You’re telling me immortal vampires are monogamous for life?”
I chuckle. “Apparently, once you find the right one it’s just natural. I’ve seen it happen, felt the feelings they feel. It’s intense.”
She considers this, but says nothing further. Until, “have you ever felt that way?”
Subconsciously, I study the scars on my hands. “I thought I did.”
“With Maria,” she guesses. Y/n knows most of my history, so it’s no surprise that she’s able to put the pieces together of my involvement with Maria. Strangely, I find myself wishing that I could say no, that I’ve never been with with anyone like that. Or, at least, that I’d never been involved with Maria like that.
“Have you,” I counter to distract from my sudden regret.
She shakes her head, a soft smile playing on her lips. “My human memories are fading by the day, but I’m pretty sure the answer is no. My twenty years of life were nothing to write home about.”
Now it’s my turn to smile, somewhat ruefully. “You’ve got millennia ahead of you. I’m sure at least something notable will occur.”
She chuckles, shrugging. “Perhaps. For now, I should just focus on making it through the rest of this year.”
“We’ll get you through it,” I answer, confident.
She hugs her knees into her chest, feeling peaceful. “I believe you.” Then, her playfulness returns. “But step one should be feeding me, because I’m starving.”
I chuckle, stand, and offer her a hand. She grabs it, allowing me to pull her up. “Lead the way.”
A/n Let me know what you thought of this chapter/the characters and if you would like to be added to the tag list! I hope you all have a good day/night <3
Link to next part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/623476978292555776/the-long-way-around-chapter-7
Tag list: @puer-de-infinitate @charliestuff @hindustani-diaspora @one-thread-can-save-a-life @salsameter @enchantedcruelsummer @meashy-moo
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darksunrising · 4 years
Sola Gratia (8/?)
Rating / Warnings : General audiences, no particular warnings.
Fandom : Bram Stoker’s Dracula, BBC’s Dracula, various Dracula and vampire lore.
Part 8/? (2033 words)
Author’s notes : A bit shorter, but big one coming up next !
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As soon as I dismissed the class, chatter started filling the small auditorium, along with chairs dragging to the wooden floors. The sun was almost set, and everyone, including me, was exhausted, and so the room emptied itself fast. Vlad, who sat at the back during the whole day, went down the stairs and joined me at my desk, a coy little smirk on the corner of his lips.
“Well, what did the expert think ?”, I asked as I started putting away my stuff.
“A few kinks to work out here and there, but overall, not too bad”, he commented, leaning back against the blackboard. “However…” He raised an eyebrow. “I see you snaked around a certain historical figure. An important one, if I do say so myself.”
I groaned. “It didn’t mention what didn’t need mentioning in this class.”
“You know, and not to be a narcissist, but there is a good chance half of your students took that class hoping to learn about the Infamous Impaler”, he commented.
He looked so smug. If I didn’t know what he was, he could just have been a nerd way too much into role-play. With great fashion tastes, and nice hair. Anyway.
“Actually, I did promise them last semester that we would do a class on that subject”, I told him, turning to face him, sitting back on my desk. “Then, I took a holiday, which somehow had me change my mind.”
He winced, and took the sorriest puppy-dog face I had ever seen in my entire existence. For crying out loud. “Don’t play victim with me, jerk”, I grumbled.
“Why, is it working ?”, he teased.
Before I could reply anything witty, I was interrupted by a voice timidly calling out my name. A pale, tired-looking student was waiting awkwardly at the foot of the podium, expectantly looking up at me. I had no idea who he was, which was a bit frustrating, as I always paid attention to that sort of thing.
“Do you have any questions about the lecture ?”, I asked him, inviting him to step closer. “Remind me your name, I'm sorry, I can't seem to place you...”
“Stephan Helder”, he told me with a little smile. “I just transferred here.”
Well, at least, it made me feel a little bit better about the looming prospect of Alzheimer's disease. I vaguely did remember an e-mail from Laurent informing me I'd have a transfer student from London taking my course, but I didn't think it went further into detail.
“Do you want the notes for last semester’s courses ? I could e-mail them to you.”
“No, actually, I didn’t come here for that, I have something I’d like to ask you about”, he nervously told me, as his eyes kept darting to Vlad.
“That’s fine, go ahead !” I tried to give him a reassuring smile. “This is professor Balaur, from the University of Bucharest. He might be able to help too. He's very... Savvy on the subject of this class, to put it mildly.”
I gave a quick look towards him, to which he responded with a half-wink.
“I am thinking of doing my master’s degree here”, Helder began, seemingly a bit less tense. “I talked to professor Laurent Rasab, and he agreed to tutor it, but I would like to have your tutorage as well.”
I was taken aback for a moment. No student ever asked for my tutorage on anything, not even advice on the assignments I gave out. Which wasn't very wise, as I always offered, and always ended up correcting soul-sucking essays that made me want to retire before I even reached 25.
“I don’t know that I’m qualified for that”, I told him with a laugh.
“I’m very interested in your field of study”, he exclaimed. “I would like to study the real involvement of Vlad Tepes in the fight against the ottomans, maybe try to draw the line between fiction and reality, considering his reputation, even to this day. You’ve worked on the attack on Targoviste, right ?”
At least, the lad seemed motivated. Behind me, I could hear Vlad fighting off a fit of laughter, that he hid in a cough. I took a deep breath, turned my attention back on Helder.
“Listen, why don’t you send me an e-mail, and I’ll look at my schedule to fix an appointment ? I’ll get Laurent on it, and we’ll both discuss that with you.”
He nodded, thanked me, and bolted, not before a last, strangely intense look at Vlad. I waited until the door clicked behind him, and let out a long sigh.
“You will be the death of me, you know that ?”
He stepped closer to me, and moved my hair out of my shoulders. I shivered as his fingers ran through the whole length of the strands. “Not with that high a neckline, you can be sure of that.” As he stepped back, he let his knuckles slide down my spine, and denied all responsibility when I protested. Bastard. I put my laptop in my briefcase, and went to turn off the lights.
“By the way, when were you born ? Sources aren’t clear on the date”, I asked as we made our way to the exit.
“March 14th.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“I was born the first time on march 14th, the Year of Our Lord 1430, amen.”, he dramatically declared, signing himself upside down.
“You are being childish, for a 590 year-old man.”
“That was fast math, I’m impressed.”
Couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic. I opted for a classic, and rolled my eyes at him.
“I was hoping to see that delightful girlfriend of yours, Leah, was it ?”, he told me as we walked through the mostly empty corridors of the old building.
I sighed. “Not my girlfriend. She's at work today, and believe me, I would rather have spent the day with her.”
“I will pretend I didn’t hear that”, he hissed, falsely offended.
I was starting to get used to his company. Without being so drastic as to enjoy it, his presence at my side didn’t seem so ominous anymore. During my lectures, he had been listening intently, nodding along when I was in the right. I don’t know if he even noticed he did. Before every pause, he somehow slipped out of the room, and came back right as I dismissed class with coffee, and a written list of every historical character I mentionned, commenting on their personality, or their quirks. The whole time, he spoke in a hushed voice, half in french, so that no one but me would hear or understand. As a french person myself, I had never thought having a foreign accent was as sexy as everyone seemed to believe, which is why I worked on mine constantly. However. When he spoke french, the way he rolled his ‘r’s, or pronounced some words, sent darts to my chest. I sometimes had to gather all the strength of my will to listen to what he actually said.
Lost in thought, I almost didn’t notice we were almost at his car. As usual, he opened the door for me. For once, I didn't debate him, and just got in.
I plugged my iPod into the radio, and set my ‘driving at night’ playlist, masterfully crafted over the years. Not necessarily sad, but definitely not upbeat. Vlad didn’t say anything, but I caught him mouthing the lyrics of the chorus, once he caught them. I nestled into my seat, letting my head press against the window. I watched the street lamps light up the raindrops on the glass as they rolled down. The whole ride was quiet on our parts, but it didn’t feel awkward, as it often does. When he stopped in front of my building, I stopped the music, and hesitated a second. Before I got out, I turned to Vlad.
“Five minutes, wait for me at my window.”
Not leaving him the time to reply, I got out, and through the front door. I don’t think I ever climbed my stairs so fast. Locking behind me, I hurried to feed the monster, already trying to climb my leg in outrage, and shut myself in my room. As I expected, he was waiting outside, on the fire escape stairs. I opened the window, kneeling on my bed. He sat on the windowsill, waiting for me to talk.
“If we are to continue this…” I tried to find the appropriate term.
“Relationship ?”, he proposed.
“If we are to continue this”, I rephrased, gesturing to put emphasis, “I have to make some things clear.” He nodded, and I took a deep breath. “First, we don’t tell Leah what you are. I don’t want that on her mind. Second, you don’t murder people. I just can’t go around being friends with someone who drinks humans like Capri-Suns every night.”
“How do you suggest I feed, then ?”, he asked. I didn’t think about that. He leaned closer, grinning. “Are you offering yourself in exchange ?”
Instinctively, I jerked myself back to the edge of my bed. He apologised. Squinting at him, I sat back where I was. A bit too soon for that sort of jokes.
“Can’t you ‘go vegan’ ?”, I asked, air-quoting. “Eat animals ?”
He sighed. “I could. It doesn’t do me well, to be honest.” He looked... embarrassed. “You saw it firsthand. The horse just made me hungrier. Less… controlled.” He took a pause. “I would rather murder some humans than put you at risk again.”
I felt a tiny pinch to my heart. Ah. “Does it hurt ?”, I asked, in the only tiny whisper that managed to get out of my throat.
He snapped his head toward me. “I beg your pardon ?”
“Does it hurt, when you feed ? The people you feed on, I mean”, I added, a bit louder, yet still coming out squeaky.
He seemed to take a moment to debate his answer, taking an inspiration, and deciding against it a couple of times. “It does not”, he finally breathed out. “It takes you away, where you want to be most.”
A beach, infinite. A dark sky and a setting sun. Soft waves, and golden sand.
“Can you at least promise you won’t kill anyone ?”
“Ah !” He sighed, seeming relieved, and a bit disappointed. He looked back at me, with a soft smile. “They will dream, and not remember, or feel a thing. I promise.”
I slowly nodded, and propped myself up on the windowsill, feet still safely on my bed. I looked up at him, and his expression softened ever so slightly. The moon and the lampposts cast a blue and orange light on his features, playing along the curves and sharp edges of his face.
“Is that all, dear ?”, he asked.
“Don’t call me ‘dear’”, I instantly retorted.
“Fine, darling.”
I groaned, throwing my head back as I heard his soft laughter. As I brought my head back down, it was to find his hand, curled under my chin. His thumb brushed lightly past my lip, almost by accident, to finish on my cheek. My heart stopped a second. He hummed, and placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Sleep well, Eris.”
I breathed in, but just like that, he was gone, leaving me to look out for a bat, quickly vanishing in the night sky.
Someone, close, was also looking out for the bat as it flew over the rooftops. A ray of moonlight caught a glimpse of silver hair, the frost of a blue eye. It couldn’t happen again. Not after the last disaster, and the one before that. The thin, long fingers clenched so hard into their palms, drops of red tricked down, slowly. Before any drop could be lost to the ground, a pale tongue took care of it.
The Council wouldn’t be pleased.
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Taglist : @carydorse @angelicdestieldemon @bloodhon3yx @thewondernanazombie @battocar @moony691 @mjlock @thebeautyofdisorder @festering-queen @my-fanfic-library
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the-mullen-archives · 4 years
Vampire Lore and the Mullens (WIP)
Vampires in my universe are not simply undead humans, they are an entirely different, supernatural species. Therefore, I’ve cherry-picked some vampire lore and written vampire biology for my story.
Vampire powers is mostly based on the Sims 4 Vampire occult system and whatever liberties I decided to take. I will add additional edits to this as needed! Long ass post so click the Read More. 
Aging/Lifespan (1)
1.1 Sims that are born vampire/half vampire age very slowly. In simple terms, they age 4x slower than humans. Once they reach 108 years (approx 27 vampire years) they stop aging entirely.
1.2 There is a phenomenon where vampires that are very old turn into a Nosferatu-like creature. Nobody quite knows what causes it... Some say retirement helps prevent this, some say that it worsens this condition (SEE Immortality 2.4)
1.3 Humans that are turned into a vampire continue to age normally until they reach 27. If they were turned after the age of 27, they remain looking the way they did at that age. (yes, the 155 year old vampire that looks like a child is a top tier trope, but all else considered, I thought it would be too wish-fulfilment-y)
1.4 Ancient Ones are vampires that are older than 800 human years. They tend to have some social power or historical significance to the vampire community in their country of origin. Many have retired. (SEE Immortality 2.4, History 3.1)
Immortality (2)
2.1 Vampires live forever, but can become physically injured and die. Severe injuries that could kill a human could probably kill a vampire. They are especially vulnerable to fire. (SEE Weaknesses 6.6)
2.2 Vampires are not affected by human illnesses. However, illnesses that are unique to the vampire species exist... (I’m still worldbuilding this)
2.3 Vampires can still experience bone and muscle issues, from over-using their powers, or slouching (Fix your posture, Angelo!)
2.4 Some vampires decide to “retire”. They go into a deep hibernation resembling death. Some do this because they get bored with immortality, “retiring” in their coffin somewhere well hidden (a church crypt, beneath their family estate, a cemetery within an established vampire community). If you wake them up it better be for something good... (SEE Aging/Lifespan 1.2, 1.4)
History (3)
3.1 At various points in history, mainly the Middle Ages, there were scattered instances of massacres of vampires if their communities were discovered. Those who have survived through these events through to this day are regarded as Ancient Ones. 
3.2 Vampires have existed for longer than myths about them have. Communities were established and then evolved into places where myths and superstition are strong. (SEE Society 10.6)
Blood and Food (4)
4.1 Blood is the main source of nutrition. Vampires can satisfy their need for blood from drinking from sims, animals, plasma packs, or plasma fruit. Humans are very risky, unless you have willing donors. City vampires may resort to pigeons or rats... (nobody will miss them, anyway!) but their blood isn't very clean. Plasma packs are mass produced from plasma fruit farms. Other, shadier options are out there, but frowned upon. The Vampire League in the area will source and provide plasma packs for free to those who need them, but some vampires on the fringes don’t agree with these establishments. (SEE Society (10)) Plasma packs are also sold in stores owned and operated by vampires. Cafes and restaurants that serve food with blood as an ingredient are also around, but tend not to provide enough daily nutrition. Growing plasma fruit and taking these on their own frequently is viable, but does not provide as many nutrients as fortified plasma packs. There is some debate about whether human blood is better/tastes better than its "vegetarian” alternatives. Whatever their preferred method, the most important thing for a vampire is establishing a steady source of blood. 
4.2 Drinking etiquette varies among communities. Some have no qualms drinking and draining humans, while others avoid killing at all costs. Vampires keep their presence hidden from humans and simply draining and killing them, leaving bodies everywhere could expose their communities to danger. Vampires can drink from a human without killing or turning them. In any case, discretion is imperative. (SEE Humans 9). 
4.3 Vampires do not have the same circulatory system as humans do. They cannot blush, often feel cold, and have no heartbeat. After feeding however, they may feel warmer, and are able to blush for a short time. 
4.4  Vampires can survive on one feeding per week of a minimum of 10 pints, but most spread this out to several feedings over the week. Trying to survive only on 10 pints or less will result in malnourishment and weakness. Vampires generally cannot agree on when is the best time for feeding. It is mostly up to personal preference. In reality, it doesn’t really matter. Feeding starting at the beginning of the week is probably best for efficiency and energy, however. 
4.5 Vampires don’t strictly *need* food to live, but eating won’t make them sick. In fact, eating can give them energy and provide nutrients not found in some methods of getting their blood intake. Sure, if a vampire wanted, they could avoid human food altogether, but honestly, eating food is just enjoyable. Sometimes, eating iron-rich food can even stave off hunger for blood. It is possible to be easily turned off by human food and drink, but this doesn’t count as an allergy or weakness. 
Nocturnality (5) this... isn't a word...
5.1 Nocturnal schedules are preferred within traditional communities, but nowadays, it’s more of a lifestyle choice. The need to stay hidden among humans is especially necessary in this day and age, so most vampires have adapted to human sleep cycles. 
5.2 Having a nocturnal lifestyle may be more efficient for increasing vampiric prowess. An individual will not have to worry about sunlight or spending energy using sunlight resistance powers, and can save their energy for other things. Moonlight is also said to increase power. (SEE Powers 8.4)
Weaknesses (6)
6.1 For sunlight weakness SEE The Sun (7)
6.2 Garlic isn’t a fool proof way of keeping vampires at bay. Like other weaknesses, it is entirely possible to have an intolerance to garlic, but for the majority, simply having garlic around isn’t enough. It can deter vampires but a determined individual will still break into your house (especially if they are starved of blood and you’re the closest blooded creature around). Italian vampires seem to have a special distaste for this generalization..
6.3 Silver is indeed a strong vampire deterrent, stronger than garlic. For vampires, it’s similar to the way some humans are allergic to certain metals or alloys (think earrings). The myth of vampires not appearing in mirrors came out of the common practice of silvering on glass mirrors. Nowadays, aluminium is readily available for this purpose. Similarly, the early development of photographs in the darkroom with silver containing chemicals prevented the vampire’s image from appearing as it was developed. (idea sparked by that one tumblr post about vampires and mirrors and silver that I can’t find anymore. I know that this is sort of a logical leap, I just liked the idea that the myth had existed in this world but also was based on something)
6.4  The Vampire's distaste of crucifixes, holy water, and rosaries are purely ideological. European myths and stories about vampires were objectionable on the grounds of the connotations, symbolism, and stereotypes of vampires as evil, unholy creatures. Crosses will not weaken a vampire, but perhaps make them quite angry with you. 
6.5 Vampires do not need to be welcomed when entering a house. Some however, have a complex caused by superstitions around vampires, have internalized this and will still ask permission.
6.6 A stake through the heart and a decapitation can kill a vampire in the same way it can kill a human. If you really want to kill a vampire in a vampire hunter way, use fire. 
The Sun (7)
7.1 Sticking to Sims canon, Vampires will burn in the sun if their vampire rank is too low. They can avoid burning through leveling up, staying in the shade, or wearing sunblock. Some remedies for sun immunity have been passed along generations, but it’s essentially the equivalent of “natural medicine” and essential oils, with no proof of actual effectiveness. Vampires from different regions of the world have varying degrees of natural resistance to the sun, but are never born with full immunity.
7.2 Studies have shown that the sensitivity to the sun is related to UV rays affecting vampires more than other creatures. Some vampires are actually truly allergic to the sun, and cannot ever achieve sun immunity. 
7.3 Vampires that have been turned will develop intolerance towards UV rays unless they use the methods in 7.1. 
7.4 I’ve simply made the executive decision that vampires are able to get freckles upon exposure to sunlight. 
Powers (8)
8.1 Bat form is one of the first perks of advancing one’s vampire rank. The stronger you become, the easier transforming and maintaining it becomes. As a bat, a vampire is temporarily immune to sunlight. Bat form is greatly beneficial for travelling at night. 
8.2 Super-speed and strength are also perks of your vampire rank. Vampires are born with some degree of increased strength but cannot access super-speed unless they advance in vampire ranks. Over use of these two powers can cause the body to deteriorate faster. 
8.3 Glamours and vampiric charm are high level powers. The lower your level, the lower the strength of your glamour or allure. Whether vampires have the ability to control minds or cast hallucinations is hotly debated. In reality, they can sway humans but not fully control them. Vampiric charm does not work on other vampires. Glamours still appear but a powerful vampire will be able to dispel it. Over usage of these powers can cause abnormal aging. 
8.4 Increased power at night and affinity to the moon is gradually developed with practice, and the higher your rank, the more power you can draw from the moon. Gaining power/studying is more effective at night. There may be connections to increased nighttime power causing decreased daytime power.
8.5 A vampire’s Dark Form is like a power upgrade. These physiological changes to the body allow an individual to harness their powers, as well as gaining a more durable physical form. This uses a considerable amount of vampiric energy, however, and is difficult to maintain. This is why most vampires will only use their Dark Form while engaged in combat. The ability to control (and maintain control over) when to activate their Dark Form is gained by increasing the vampire rank. If one does not learn to control it, they may slip into it when under duress or powerful emotions, positive or negative. Whether or not trauma increases the power of an individual’s dark form is unknown 
Humans (9)
9.1 Humans are usually seen as a threat to vampires as a species, if not as a society. Fraternizing with humans is frowned upon amongst noble and upper class vampires. However, just like humans, vampire society has social classes, and many vampires have made lives practically integrated with humans. To blend in with humans, vampires who use methods of resisting sunlight can keep a diurnal sleep schedule and have a day job. (SEE Society 10.3)
9.2 Feeding on humans is a hot debate amongst vampires.  (SEE Blood and Food 5.2)
9.3 With the advent of vampire social clubs and fascination with the supernatural, some vampires have used this to their advantage. Either by gathering human friends sympathetic to vampires, or gathering a "farm" of willing human blood donors. (SEE Society 10.5)
9.4 The ability to Turn humans is gained as a vampire increases their power. At lower vampire levels, there is a risk of turning a human while drinking from them. Whether or not Turning is an acceptable practice is unclear and varies among groups. Generally speaking, a vampire will not turn an unwilling victim-it does them little good. Turning humans on a whim is not sustainable and perhaps dangerous (they now know for sure vampires are real! And will probably tell someone. Also it's just cruel). Etiquette dictates that once you turn someone, they become your responsibility to guide through their new life. Couples of a human and vampire are even more complicated because of this. (SEE Society 10.5)
Society (10)
10.1 Vampire Leagues are well established vampire organizations. Any densely populated area probably has a vampire community, and also has a chapter of the Vampire League. All chapters are interconnected to each other, although there is not a single headquarters/leader for the organization as a whole. In each country, there is one League chapter that is the representative for the country for legal and business matters. They are registered as a nonprofit social society. Each chapter is self governing. Each league has its own jurisdiction, with headquarters usually in the metropolitan area. Rural communities are usually under the care of one of these chapters. Most leagues operate under the motto of creating and nurturing a diverse and inclusive community. Most do not adopt initiatives to overtake humans, but rather, to keep vampires safe from them. Groups that do so are considered extremists. 
10.2 Gated Vampire settlements, sometimes called havens, are rare and those that exist have deep history. Forgotten Hollow is one such town, as is the ancestral home of the Mullens back in Italy. These communities tend to have their own chapter of the League, or are serviced by a special branch of the League closest to them. These towns are gated-no humans may trespass or live in them. Glamours and similar magic are usually used to keep humans (and other creatures) at bay. To enter, you must be welcomed or led there. These towns are self governing and usually led by whatever family has historical power there, and are unique communities built up over the course of history. Rarely, these settlements have only wealthy occupants, but then are usually considered an area of a human metropolitan settlement. These ones cannot truly be self governing. 
10.3 There is a level of tension between “modern” vampires and noble ones. Modern vampires tend to live in metropolitan areas, and are well integrated with humans. A large portion of the demographic are half-human or were turned recently. Some Vampire Leagues have outreach programs to help these groups connect with the greater vampire community, and provide services. However, they can be regarded with some suspicion as Vampire Leagues may be seen as an elitist organisation. 
10.4 “Noble” is not an official title, but refers to ancient and powerful clans of full-blooded vampires. Ancestry is very important. They are usually wealthy, but simply being a wealthy vampire doesn’t count as being a noble one. Wealth however, can still be a leg up in the ranks of the Vampire League. 
10.5 Vampire Houses are urban groups of modern vampires who live communally without necessarily being related. Some Houses are formed entirely from one vampire Turning humans to gain “offspring”. The relationship dynamics depend on whether one individual operates a cult of sorts, or whether it was a group of friends who just decided they wanted to become immortal. Others are simply a found family of vampires who met under whatever circumstances. When you live forever, it’s nice to have some other immortals around to keep you company (or to manipulate to overthrow the powers that be?). Cult-like houses are condemned  by the Vampire League. Houses of one vampire and their offspring is regarded with suspicion-increasing in numbers is not always a politically neutral act. (SEE Humans 9.4)
10.6 Modern Vampires settle anywhere that suits their needs. Areas that have myths about Vampires or Vampire-like creatures were usually influenced by a large vampire population. Living in a highly superstitious area is a double-edged sword, in that humans may be accustomed to brushing off weird things, but also more wary of the supernatural. (SEE History 3.2)
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years
WAIT WAIT WAIT please PLEASE TELL ME MORE ABOUT VANESSA!!!! do you have like a mood board or anything for her? like----- where can i get a description of what she looks like/read about her bc i just saw the last ask you did and read abt vanessa and i LOVE HER i think i got a crush immediately.................... im fr gonna Sob omg.
OKAY FIRST OF ALL @yeraswifey!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I wasn’t actually sure whether people read these ask games, and Vanessa is one of my newer characters that I’m sometimes concerned about so this?? honestly made my day!! this is one of the nicest things people have said to me and I’M THE ONE GOING TO CRY
So to answer some of your questions… Here’s what she looks like! Her face claim is Kassi Smith. The only other detail I would mention about her looks is that she’s about 5′7″, but she’s always wearing heels so she can look taller.
She does have an aesthetic board on pinterest here. I have to warn you though, it’s a really bad aesthetic board — one of my worst ones. I know exactly what her aesthetic is, but I haven’t managed to find the right search terms for it yet. Her pinterest board is in dire need of reconstruction, and it’ll happen at some point, so everything here is subject to change.
She also has a playlist!
So I’m really sorry in advance, because this post is going to end up long. It’s not very often I get asked to talk about an OC, and I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth. Also, she’s a part of two main WIPs I have right now, and she definitely differs in them so I’m just going to give you a rundown of both if that’s ok!
Of course, if you have any questions about her, definitely let me know! I’ll be happy to answer them.
General Vanessa facts
Here’s a couple personality paragraphs I wrote for her when I first conceptualized her:
Fiercely independent and ultimately self-serving, Vanessa exists on her own terms no matter what anyone else tells her. She breezes in and out of everything as she pleases, often finding a person or a hobby of the month due to her fickle nature. Commitment is an unfamiliar concept to her, and there is very little that she returns to regularly — feeling trapped or obligated is not something she takes to kindly. She’s power-hungry and ambitious, Notoriously shallow and indulgent, Vanessa can often be found partaking in activities that shouldn’t be mentioned in respectable conversations. She’s rather flirtatious, though she’s very careful to not reveal too much or let people in too close. Aside from a few exceptions Vanessa is very guarded, preferring the casual relationships that she’s not expected to maintain. As much as Vanessa pretends to not care, pretends that life right now is exactly what she wants, she wants to care and there’s something missing. After five centuries or so of immortality, she’s far too jaded to become involved in anything temporary — romantic or otherwise.
So that was the very first draft of her personality. She largely hasn’t changed, except I would say that she’s even more confident in herself than before, she’s more capable, and is perfectly content with her fickle lifestyle — in the newer versions of For Queen and Country, she does have a purpose and isn’t just aimlessly wandering like she was originally.
Vanessa is characterized by her utter confidence in herself, her mastery at manipulation, playful-but-deadly personality, and her intense avoidance of commitment.
She’s a very social person who can fit in anywhere, so she has a very wide network of friends and acquaintances, but she is very careful about not revealing too much about herself to people. As a general rule, she’s very independent and dislikes being tied down by anything, including romantic partners or friends. The only person she’s consistently there for and relies on is her adopted brother, Alistair (written by the amazing @decantae). He’s her best friend and confidant, and they make a fantastic team.
For Queen and Country is an urban fantasy story about how the existence of supernatural creatures exist, and what happens when the human public finds out.
So in For Queen and Country, Vanessa is a vampire. She was born in Scotland several centuries ago, and was turned when she was about 34-ish to fight in a vampire war at the time. That was where she met Alistair, and when he offered her an out from the life of an immortal soldier, she took it without hesitation and they’ve been together ever since. Additionally, her surname Queen comes from Alistair as well. Although they’re close, Vanessa gets bored really easily, so while Alistair has settled down in London, Vanessa is off doing who-knows-what all over the world. She comes back to visit every 5-200 years or so though, to stay with Alistair for a while.
Her original plot in FQAC was that she was traumatized from falling in love with a human who died from disease during an epidemic. This was the cause of her commitment-phobia, and her preference for casual, physical relationships over close intimate ones. When she meets a lady fae, she would have to learn how to deal with romantic feelings that went deeper than just sexual attraction, and her subplot was mainly her freaking out and being in denial about feelings.
Now that FQAC’s plot is more focused on how Alistair’s relationship with Blake develops (his love interest, and another OC of mine) and how they work together to fight for the rights of the supernatural, her current plot is now a bit different. Here, rather than just vacationing and running away from her problems, Vanessa is actively networking with and investigating vampire societies and other supernatural creature societies all over the world. This might include a lot of shady underground stuff. Her role in the plot is now providing valuable global intel, and being an annoying sister. Although I know in my heart that if Vanessa ever does end up with anyone, it’ll be with a woman, at this point I’m not sure if she’ll have a romantic subplot because I feel like she’s completely content with being single forever.
So Post-Script is another story about Alistair and Blake — this time in a Harry Potter AU where Voldemort succeeded in killing Harry and never died.
In this WIP, Vanessa is Alistair’s adopted sister once again, except this time Alistair is a pureblood from a notable family, while Vanessa is muggleborn. She essentially plays the part of a pureblood extremely well, and if people dare to point it out, she has enough blackmail material on them to ruin them. In this universe, Vanessa is a natural legilimens. Not only is she adept at the spell of delving into someone’s mind, she’s a natural mind reader (who cannot turn it off, mind you). So she knows a lot of dirty secrets.
In Post-Script, Vanessa’s outward job is a socialite who is on the Death Eater’s sdie, but she’s actually a spy actively working against Voldemort. She’s also involved in the criminal underworld of the Wizarding Society. She doesn’t actively do traditional criminal things, but she has a lot of shady contacts, and enough blackmail material and insider knowledge to effectively navigate her way.
So yeah, if I had to sum up Vanessa:
If she had to be summarized in a trope, it would be femme fatale
She doesn’t trust anyone but Alistair, and has considerable leverage with people she suspects might turn against her via information she’s gained in various ways.
She’s easily bored, so to fix that she plays with fire.
She may seem like an out-of-control slut, but reality is she is a slut that is very under control.
She’s confident and knows exactly who she is, and can utilize that to a deadly degree.
She hates commitment and refuses to get into any serious relationships.
Vanessa likes playing with her food, so to speak. She really enjoys messing with people and getting into their heads — especially if it’s an enemy.
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aubrey-jenkins-blog · 6 years
The Principal’s Office
LOCATION: Wardwell Shoppe
CHARACTERS: Aubrey Jenkins, Evanora, Ophelia (mentioned)
Evanora was the type of woman you made an appointment with. She was also usually the type of figurehead you made sure to see the second you rolled back into town, but Aubrey had been dragging her feet. What had been a mild case of procrastination had become full fledged avoidance after the party and her fight with Ophelia. She was no mind reader, that was true. But Aubrey new power, the kind of power it would take to wipe Zack's memory from an entire town. Magic like that wouldn't have been done in West Hollow without the supreme's permission at the very least, but it was likely she'd been the one to actually weave the magic for Ophelia. She tried to reign her disgust and anger in as she approached the shop. It wasn't luck that Ophelia was nowhere to be seen, Evanora had probably sensed the impending visit and prepared accordingly. She could only imagine that the other witch had filled in the supreme on what had happened at the party. Arms forever making their way to a defense position across her chest, Aubrey waited in the entryway till the shadows split apart and Evanora made herself known. Biting down on her temper, the young witch managed a curt nod. "Shop is looking pretty snazzy Evanora.  You've gotten a lot done in a year."
In the chaos of the party and then the drama afterwards with Ophelia, Evanora had been busy a busy woman. Preparing for the holiday season and winter solstice coven ritual was not short task, along with the multitude of gift orders that passed through the shop made her nearly lose her head sometimes. However, she had not at all forgotten about the pain she had seen the young witch in after the event. At first, she had thought it was because her night had been ruined due to the magicians (a clumsy feat on Magnolia and Luke's part, she thought; witches always did it better and Nadia nor Paio ever seemed that interested in the fine details of controlling the merfolk magic like Evanora was), but soon been filled in on the event with Aubrey and Zack. Evanora had never been aware of Aubrey's affair with Ophelia's boyfriend, nor did she realize that the memory wipe hadn't taken effect on her. Well, that was egg on her face, for sure. And finally, it made sense why Aubrey had been actively avoiding the coven. She was trying to avoid confrontation about it. Putting a tracking spell on Aubrey, Evanora waited and watched the gemstone she had connected the girl with glow and fade as she grew closer, then shooing Ophelia away from the shoppe when she saw she was coming to it. She didn't want another cat fight to break out, and really, this needed to be dealt with swiftly. At the sign that she was inside the building, Evanora swept into the main area of the shoppe, turning to face her once she was in view. At her already hostile tone, Evanora sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as well and perking an eyebrow up, "You can cut your bullshit, I know what happened. We need to have a chat, Aubrey -- which is probably why I think you came here."
Aubrey loathed nothing more than being sighed at, like she was still a teen and every thought and emotion she had was absurd and overdramatic by default. It was clear that Evanora was read in on the situation, and that she was on Ophelia's side . . . whatever that meant.  She didn't matter in this moment, she was but a thorn in the supreme's side she was certain, but then Aubrey was always happy to play the part people doled out for her. So she narrowed her eyes, let her arms fall to her side, let challenge color her voice.  "You telling me to cut my bullshit? Bit like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it?  Then again I guess it's easy for you to pretend your bullshit doesn't exist since people are either too scared or too spelled to call you out on it." The part slipped away from her, disappointment and distrust real. When she'd first moved to West Hollow she'd idolized Evanora, the keypiece to a side of Aubrey's self previously locked away.  She hadn't let many in but the Supreme, and even then it had been cautious. Only Evanora had been given explanation when she left, only Evanora had been given the details behind her return. And that made Aubrey angrier. She didn't want to have to chat, she didn't want to have to let ugly hurt slip passed her lips. Couldn't the supreme just automatically piece together the reasoning behind the younger witch's emotional state? "You mess with people minds now, Evanora? Is that what this coven is about? Someone dies and you erase them like they never existed? You taught me that the dead were to be respected. Is it so eyebrow raising that I'm standing her confused as hell?"
Evanora scoffed at, half of it a chuckle at the quick wit displayed by the witch. Perhaps that had been that pathetic's humans type after all, clever witches. It had only given Evanora the headache of a lifetime. "Honey," she started, the endearment clearly sarcastic, "There are demons in this town along with vampires who could both kill me at any moment, so, I don't know if your commentary really holds up. Might want to think a little harder before coming after your Supreme, hmm?" she offered, expression flat with annoyance. It wasn't the worst thing she could have said -- in fact, it was a lot nicer than what Evanora had wanted to say. She, despite what Aubrey probably thought, valued her witches and warlocks and wanted them to stick around as long as possible. They all held a special place in her heart, and although it was testing at times, she found it still a worthwhile cause. So, she let Aubrey go on, letting out a frustrated breath mid-speech at how she was framing it all. Once the younger witch was done, Evanora shook her head. A pinch of guilt had come into her heart at Aubrey's wording, at the thought that what she had done was not on the most moral high ground. But, it was all preferable to the alternative: a promising young witch in prison for a simple mistake and a domestic abuser (and apparently cheater) martyred in the media. She shook her head, softening a little, "Aubrey, you just cannot understand what happened, why it happened-- you barely knew him, let alone Ophelia at all. You're marching in here as if you have all the facts!" Evanora pointed out, gesturing around them exasperated. She moved closer, "What I did for Ophelia, for this coven, had to be done. I would have done the same for you, had the circumstances been the same. Do you want the real story on why or do you just want to yell at me until you feel as though you're righteous enough?"
Evanora was such an unpredictable mixture of business and personal affection. Some inflections made Aubrey feel as if she were in the principal's office being chastised by someone she didn't know. Other dips of the older woman's voice were warmer, making the younger feel like she was being lovingly reprimanded by a family member.  Family . . . that's where her anger came from, and it made her lower lip tremble. "Why does everyone think this is about Zack? I wasn't in love with him, I'm not rightously angry for him . . . I'm angry for his family, for the people who did know him and have an emptiness in their hearts where there should be mourning. Have you thought about the long term effects of a memory wipe like that Evanora? What it'll do to them? What it could do to them? You say there was a desperate situation you had to fix, but jesus you're our Supreme. You're trying to tell me this was the only solution to whatever fucked up situation Zack got himself into? What did Ophelia do? What kind of person are you going to allow her to be by magicking away the consequences for her and laying them down ontop of other innocent people?" Facts, facts mattered sometimes, to a degree. If there were some pure, cinnamon roll facts Evanora could give her to stifle the twisting of her stomach, then Aubrey supposed she could listen. She fought back the tears that had tried to gather in her eyes, arms crossed again. "Go on then, give me the real story. At least then if I still disagree I'll know why you did it. Maybe that'll make me feel less disgusting when I pass Zack's mom on the street."
As Evanora was chastised for what she had done, her brows furrowed in deep confusion at the witch's assumptions, and then all together, her expression went blank and dismissive as she tuned the rest of it out, eyes drifting away as she began to think back on her past with the younger witch. Yes, Aubrey was young and inexperienced, and so Evanora supposed it was only natural she assumed the worst. Once she was done talking, Evanora turned back to look at her, blinked bored, "You're done, now, right? Because like I said, I can chat, but insult? I don't do, Aubrey." At her next comment about Zack's mother, coupled with Aubrey's apparent, upset, she softened. She'd have to start with the magic first and work back to the night of Zack's death. "You'll be happy to know that memory wiping magic works a bit different for family members than regular strangers. While friends and acquaintances won't remember Zack at all, Zack's family members, including his mother, father, and sister, all remember they had a child. I wiped their memories of Zack, but replaced them all with Ryan Williams. Ryan was their son and he tragically died in a house fire a little over a year ago in their minds. There's a gravestone over at Gates you can look at, and Zack's, or rather Ryan's, real ashes sit comfortably in an urn for them to grieve over, wherever that may be. Ryan never knew or dated Ophelia in their minds, and they have no idea she even exists." she explained softly, "So, they get to mourn and have their peace, Aubrey. I am not the cruel, thoughtless monster you've propped me up to be, despite your ignorant assumptions of how my magic works." Evanora informed her, tongue icy at the last part. (1/2)(edited)When it came to Ophelia that was a harder part, one that kept Evanora hesitating for a moment, eyes diverting away to look out one of Wardwell's windows and gaze into the plush, white snowfall of winter as she thought back on it all. How to phrase such a tragic event would be tough, and finally, she looked back to Aubrey, weary. "Ophelia is a powerful witch. Her fire magic has always been so strong, and neither of her parents have it. They panicked and moved out of town after they discovered what she was, isolating her in a vineyard mansion and running through bumbling magic tutors trying to control her abilities. Ophelia had no friends beyond her family members until she came here at 16 after her parents divorce, and on top of that, barely had a handle on some of the most dangerous powers you can have as a witch. She met Zack and they began dating, and she ran away to live with him at 18. When he found out about her powers, he isolated and emotionally abused her. The things she told me, Aubrey…” Evanora trailed off, clearly disturbed thinking about it, “He was an awful human being who used Ophelia for sex and ego boosting. And that’s just the tip of it all. Imagine all of this happening to you, with no support system, and having to also deal with our powers.”
Aubrey didn't think it was the same, a fabricated Ryan instead of their son.  Messing with the human mind was her least favorite kind of magic and she responded to any form of it as practically sinful on a moral level. But she sobered listening to Evanora speak. It still didnt' feel right, it still felt like lead clinging to her ribcages, but she could at least feel Evanora's best intentions now, she could see how she'd tried to take care of all parties involved, and it softened her anger at least. The sick sorrow, that was as strong as ever, though and weighed down her whole body, shoulders slumping, her gaze averting to the floor. She felt empathy for other people, but actively fought it.  There were parts of Ophelia's story though that she felt uncontrollably drawn to, that were parallels to her own story. Her mother lived but had practically abandoned her. She'd grown up without a father only to hold and lose him in the course of a year. What she'd learned of magic in West Hollow she'd done on her own with loneliness clinging to the walls of her heart. It was luck . . . that her powers just so happened to be more passive, easier to move around, less volatile if she made a mistake or get emotional. She'd seen firsthand what happened to Ophelia, how the powers merged with her emotions and practically took over her.  Aubrey couldn't even begin to imagine what that was like, feeling helpless and alone, attaching yourself to one trusted source who abused you.  Zack had . . . he'd been obsessive with their relationship, he'd been pushy, but Aubrey's personality had dominated his. Had that been the only thing that had kept her from a fate like Ophelia's?  "I'm still listening," she whispered softly, eyes rising to meet Evanora's. She was less the soapbox moral police now and more the cut wide open youth that had first tumbled into Evanora's company years ago.
When Aubrey barely responded she knew, that some part of her had gotten through to the core of Aubrey. And how could it have not? The whole thing read out like a Shakespearian play, complete with melodramatic lighting and foreshadowing. When she spoke again, Evanora nodded, continuing, "So, you see, Ophelia went from one abuser to another. The night Ophelia came to me, she was in hysterics, sobbing uncontrollably and a nerous wreck. She only had her purse with her and had refused to take anything else from her home because she was so frightened." Evanora took a large breath into her nose, bracing herself for the next part, eyes closing for a moment. Finally, she breathed out, looking back down to Aubrey, features heavy, "Zack had hit her, Aubrey. Right across the face. When I saw her, she had a mark on her cheek. In her rage, betrayal, and confusion, she...she burned him alive. He died within a minute, and all that were left were his ashes." She paused, letting Aubrey take it all in. After a minute or two of tense silence, she pursed her lips, words become stronger and harsher, "Now, you say that I magicked away her consequences, but her consequences would have been prison for life, perhaps even the death penalty, and the exposure of this coven. Autopsy reports would have figured out that human bodies can't burn that fast or at that high of temperature in a normal setting, and then what? What do I do then? Magic away attorneys, international media, state officials, witch hunters? If I didn't do what I did, we would all have burned just like Zack, but tied to stakes by angry mobs, and Ophelia would be rotting in a maximum security prison cell, isolated for the rest of her life for defending herself. You tell me now if you think I made the right call or not." Evanora looked her dead in the eyes, seriously waiting for her answer.(edited)
Aubrey flinched as a movie screen played across her mind. She pictured Zack twisted with malice and ill intentions, lashing out against a soft, sweet face with kind eyes. She didn't like it, and something foreign and protective inside of her roared up in response to it. If Zack appeared in the room beside her she might have killed him herself. At Evanora's question, she sucked in a breath and then shook her head, hands in fists at her side. "I want to think you didn't. I want to think that if you'd thought for just a little bit longer . . . another solution would have made itself apparent., that there was some path available. But . . . when is anybody ever sure that they're making the right call? Too little time to act, too many pieces on the chessboard to consider . . . this got you the most assured coverage. I get why you did it now. It still makes me feel sick but . . . I understand. You made the right call for protecting your coven. But honestly Evanora . . . I don't know if you did Ophelia any favors. " Aubrey's voice wasn't angry anymore, she didn't challenge or accuse, instead she reaked of concern. "You didn't see her at that party. She almost killed me. And I don't . . . I don't think it was just about her anger towards me.  She did something horrible, Evanora. She took a life and that leaves scars, and now she has to hold it secretly inside and not deal with it. She needs someone to talk to. She needs some serious help because I am willing to bet my life on the fact that she is frightened and lonely and sick with herself and those feelings are rotting her from the inside out and bound to make her powers even more unstable. That girl may not be behind a jail cell but the pain in her eyes that night . . . she's still looking at a death sentence."
Evanora could not understand how Aubrey didn't see how serious it was for all of them, not just Ophelia. Once more, she squinted, looking over the witch and then finally shaking her head. She spoke softly, putting a hand on Aubrey's forearm gently, "This wasn't just about Ophelia. It was about all of us. All of us would have gone down for him. I know you must have had something you thought was special with him, that he deserved to have a legacy or something similar, but...he tricked many people. There was no other way, I'm sorry, Aubrey. There was never going to be. You may be young now, but once you see how easily this world chews things up..." Evanora sighed, "You will see why Zack's existence is better left in the memories of Ryan." Although it was a cyncial thought, it most embodied the truth. In time, Aubrey would see, she hoped. Her hand dropped down at her next statements about the witch though. Evanora couldn't imagine that Ophelia would have tried to kill another, her powers had progressed so much...but then again, she wasn't there to see it, and couldn't be sure. "I know, I mean--I do talk to her about it. She feels guilty, or, well, after what happened...there is a lot less. It's mostly anger now. I used to try to help her see how little he cared for her, how she was just reacting to an abusive man, but you actually did a better job than me at that." Evanora's shrugged, gesturing towards Aubrey in a dark joke. After a moment, she nodded, "It's not your concern, though, Aubrey. I don't think she would have tried to kill you, she talked to me about it and she simply intended to leave you in the ice so you'd stop harassing her with your head out until someone came along and helped you out, however, I am also working with her. She has a therapist who is a witch and I am handling it. I know you think you can do this all by yourself, but you can't. You've been away from the coven for so long, many things have changed."
"Let's be honest, Evanora," Aubrey answered with a shake of her head. "I was never really a part of this coven even when I was here. I'm not good at being a part of things.  I never have been. The bigger picture is always lost on me, always, and if I could put on a pair of glasses and see the world the way you and others do I would. " Evanora was right though, it wasn't her concern, she shouldn't have let any of this concern her for even a second.  She wanted to argue, to say that the ice was when Ophelia had started to come back to herself, to regain control. When the ice had been water and Aubrey's head was being forced all the way down underneath it, it hadn't felt like Ophelia was even present, just an empty husk of a person and her rage.  But Evanora probably knew her better. Aubrey pulled her forearm from the Supreme's grip, sucking herself back inside her own skin like she'd never let her soul seep out into the air around her.  She didn't think she could do anything by herself, really. She'd somehow managed to fail her mother, she hadn't been able to save her father, it would be setting herself up for failure to let herself get too worked up about Ophelia with the sad, kind eyes and the pretty pouty lips. "I'm sorry for taking up so much of your evening. I'll go now."
The way she dismissed Evanora's softness, her consideration, had Evanora shaken. It represented the same pulling away that she saw right before witches when dark. The look in their eyes as they didn't get their way and turned to the malicious side, the side the threatened to expose them all. Evanora once more felt that same pinch to her heart, although this time, it felt more like a punch. As the brunette turned to go, the door telekinetically slammed shut. "I think you're right about that, Aubrey. You were never a part of this coven, but, now that you know our secrets, you have to be." she explained. Walking towards her, she spoke, "What I said about Ophelia, Zack, this coven -- it never leaves. If I find out you told anyone or let it slip, you will face more than a pittily memory wipe. That's why I'm setting you up with Ophelia as your peer tutor. I think if you two can connect, if you can bond over this magic you share, you'll understand more about both each other, yourselves, and your place in this coven. That's mandatory."
The door shut before she'd even reached out for the knob and Aubrey glared. Was she not done being punished and put in her place? First her eyes narrowed at the thought that Evanora thought a warning like this was even necessary. Aubrey was made of rough edges and solitary wolf impulses but she'd never murdered anyone. She'd never put anyone in West Hollow in jeapordy. Her mother had family in the coven, strangers that Aubrey hadn't even dared to reach out to, but people she shared blood with. The sternness in Evanora's voice made Aubrey feel like she'd been slapped. She could have kept her mouth shut out of respect if there hadn't been more. Eyes widened and her palms went up to erratically wave a bodily  NO in Evanora's direction. "Are you crazy??? My peer tutor? She hates my guts. I'm the soulless bitch that reminds her of the creep she used to date.  I don't . . . " But then it hit her that Evanora had used the word mandatory and that word was irrevocable law in the Supreme's book.  Aubrey's face closed off, but her shoulders slumped in acquiescence. "Fine but if she gives me so much as a whiff of sunburn or an inch of frostbite you're going to have to deal with my very loud, very frequent complaints."
If Aubrey wanted her to play mean cop, she would. Evanora had tried it the soft way, inviting her in and having her understand, but as usual, her efforts at compassion fell short. Evanora shrugged, "Maybe you should have thought of that before you described in detail how her boyfriend cheated on her with you and you knew about it." crossing her arms over her chest once again. She watched the realization smack Aubrey that this was going to happen, when she spoke again, Evanora chuckled out lightly, "Oh, honey. I've been kicked out of this coven before, bullied for being gay, and deal with demons and vampires on a day to day basis. Your cat fighting is nothing I can't handle." she gave her a sarcastic smile, hand flicking and letting the door back open. "Saturday, 2pm."
Aubrey scoffed. "Thought before action isn't my strong suite," she admitted begrudgingly.  If there was a way for her to fuck up chemistry with another person she did it with flying colors. Zack had been the only one immunue to all the fucked up valleys and peaks of her personality. It hit  the witch with a sick intensity that maybe he'd meant more to her than she realized, and what the fuck did that say about her? That one of the few people she'd connected with had been an abusive piece of shit? That was something she was going to have to take home and ruminate over accompanied with a pint of ice cream and a bottle of wine. "Saturday, 2pm," she repeated softly. Part of her wanted to launch herself backward and wrap her arms around Evanora as an apology for well . . . everything that she was and wasn't. Instead she settled for lingering in the doorway and gesturing around the store. "It really does look nice in here," she offered, before scampering out into the welcoming outside where she could try to ignore the chip on her shoulder and the twist of her stomach.
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theonyxpath · 7 years
Hi, everyone. Today, I’d like to preview some Merits from Changeling: The Lost.
When we started the second edition process with Vampire (which, wow, was five years ago), one of the things I was keen on was making sure that every monster had access to cool Merits related to their supernatural nature. Splat-specific Merits have been a big part of second edition, and Changeling is no different. Indeed, it’s even more of a natural fit for the Lost, given the range of innate qualities and unexpected advantages changelings sometimes acquire.
With that in mind, here are some Merits from Changeling. These aren’t all of the changeling-specific Merits in the book (I’d say they’re about a quarter of them), but I think they show off some of the fun directions we’ve gone in.
One of the things I’ve chosen to highlight is changeling fighting styles, because the Chronicles of Darkness can be a rough place. You’ll also notice that some forms of fae magic fit more naturally as Merits than as Contracts, something to keep in mind when customizing powers for your own game.
  Diviner (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Composure •••, Wits •••
Effect: Your character can dig within his dreams for prophetic answers to primordial truths, as all humanity is and has always been connected through their dreams via the Dreaming Roads. He must enter a dream state, through either the Gate of Ivory or Horn, into his own Bastion. Then, ask the Storyteller a yes or no question about something he wishes to divine from his dreams. She must answer accurately, but can use “maybe” if the answer is truly neither yes nor no. Depending on the answer, you may ask additional questions, up to your Merit dots. You can ask that many total questions per chapter.
Dream Warrior (•)
Prerequisites: Wyrd 2+, one Social Attribute •••, a specialty in Weaponry or Brawl
Effect: Choose a Specialty in Weaponry or Brawl when you purchase this Merit. Your character’s extensive training in oneiromancy allows her to benefit from the flexibility of the dream. By blending dreamscaping and martial techniques, strikes land faster as the dream bends to aid her blows. You may use the chosen Specialty for its bonus even in dream form (p. XX).
You may purchase this Merit multiple times to gain its benefit with multiple Specialties.
Dreamweaver (•••)
Prerequisite: Wyrd 3+
Effect: As his connection to the Wyrd grows stronger, so does the changeling’s control over the dream. Once per scene, you may spend a Willpower point to make three successes count as an exceptional success on a dreamweaving roll (p. XX).
Elemental Warrior (• to •••••; Style)
Prerequisites: Dexterity or Wits •••; Brawl, Firearms, or Weaponry ••; Elemental Weapon or Primal Glory (Contracts) or Elemental seeming
Effect: Choose one physical element when you purchase this Merit, such as wind, flame, or wood. Your character commands it in battle; all of the following effects apply only to the chosen element.
Wind Cuts to the Bone (•): The changeling achieves exceptional success on any roll to deal purely elemental damage with three successes instead of five, except when Hedgespinning or dreamweaving. If a weapon is made from only the chosen element, such as a wooden club, it counts.
Defensive Flurry (••): The character adds half his Wyrd (rounded down) in dice to his Dodge pool after doubling his Defense. This swirling elemental shield allows the character to Dodge Firearms attacks as well, but not apply Defense against them.
Hungry Leaping Flames (•••): By spending a Glamour, the changeling may make melee attacks from 10 yards away from his target and add 10 yards to the short/medium/long ranges of a ranged attack for the scene. In addition, the appropriate elemental effects may disturb the scenery: flammable objects can ignite, cutting winds might knock over unsecured objects, and so forth.
Antaean Endurance (••••): While the character remains in significant contact with the chosen element (standing on bare earth, knee-deep in water, facing powerful wind gusts, etc.), he gains extra Health boxes equal to half his Wyrd, rounded down. Add the same as bonus dice to all rolls to resist fatigue or toxins, or to stay conscious.
Wrath of Titans (•••••): The changeling can spend a Glamour to make his successful melee attacks cause one of the following Tilts for the scene, chosen when activated: Blinded (one eye, or two with multiple attacks on the same target), Deafened (one ear, or two with multiple attacks on the same target), or Knocked Down.
Enchanting Performance (• to •••; Style)
Prerequisites: Presence •••, Expression •••
Effect: A character with Enchanting Performance can touch upon whatever font makes all things fae so captivating. She brings a little of that magical obsession from beyond the Hedge and puts it to use. Whether she does so for cruelty or kindness depends on the changeling.
Limerick (•): Your character knows how to aim insults at an audience for maximum humiliation. She can use Expression to force Doors in Social maneuvering, as her scathing words count as Hard Leverage, and adds half her Wyrd rating as dice to the roll to do so, rounded down.
Poem (••): When your character has successfully opened a Door using Expression for performance, she may spend a Glamour to open another Door immediately.
Sonnet (•••): Your character encourages a fearsome self-confidence with a performance unlike anything her audience has ever seen. She may spend a Glamour to give the rote quality to her next mundane performance-related Expression roll. If successful, a target in the audience gains the Inspired Condition (p. XX). On an exceptional success, everyone viewing the performance gains the Inspired Condition.
Fae Mount (• to •••••)
Effect: Your character has befriended a creature of the Hedge to serve as his steed. Through a special song or gesture, the mount comes to its master anywhere in the Hedge, except to the Hollow of a changeling who prohibits it.
Additionally, each dot of this Merit allows the creature one of the following special abilities:
 Manyleague: With a body of screaming wind or quicksilver, the steed is faster than any other, doubling its Speed. It gains the Merit’s rating as a bonus to Initiative if it acts on its own; if not, you gain the Initiative bonus while mounted instead.
Chatterbox: Many creatures in the Hedge are more intelligent than their appearance would let on. The steed can speak to and understand its owner clearly, and can relay simple messages in its master’s tongue to other changelings, though complex words and metaphor are beyond this special ability.
Actormask: Like your changeling, the mount has a Mask. This allows it to leave the Hedge, albeit for a limited time, and in a shape a great deal more mundane. An armored spider mount might become a Volkswagen Beetle, while a horse of steaming blood might become a sporty red motorcycle. Any abilities it receives from this Merit still apply and whatever form the Mask takes should bear that in mind. It may remain outside the Hedge for one scene, fading into nothing shortly thereafter. A Fae Mount that disappears will reappear in the Hedge after a day and a night.
Armorshell: Plates of thick chitin or stone cover the beast. It gains 3/2 armor and provides partial concealment to anyone currently riding.
Burdenback: The mount is massive, with broad shoulders or a pearlescent coach that grows from its haunches. It can carry a number of individuals equal to dots in this Merit. It receives an additional two dots of Stamina.
Dreamspun: Some creatures in the Hedge exist only as long as they’re acknowledged. When the mount dies, it returns to life the next time the character gets a full night’s rest, with no knowledge of perishing. It gains dots in Stealth equal to your dots in Fae Mount.
Thornbeast: Many fanged monsters hunt in the Hedge, and your character’s mount is one of these faerie predators. Add two dice to all attacks the mount makes, and increase their weapon modifier by 2. This can represent anything from natural claws to grotesque metal sawblades.
Hedgefoot: Many faerie creatures aren’t earthbound. They swing from trees, claw their way up walls, and even fly. Your character’s mount is no different. It can either run across water as fast it moves on land, move up buildings at three times its normal Speed, or fly once per scene at twice its Speed for a number of turns equal to your dots in this Merit.
[Stat block redacted]
Faerie Favor (•••)
Effect: The Gentry’s promises bind them to a greater degree than those of the Lost do, and your character possesses such a promise. She is entitled to a favor from one of the True Fae. She may have gained this favor through anything from knowing a clever riddle to a dark deed done at the cost of another changeling’s freedom. However she earned it, she has a bauble, song, or phrase that represents the favor, and when she breaks, sings, or utters it, the True Fae will appear.
The favor can be many things: the capture of a rival the changeling has tracked to his Hollow, a week of freedom from a Huntsman on the changeling’s heels, safe passage to somewhere in the Hedge or mortal world, etc. After the character calls in the favor, she gains dots in any combination of Merits appropriate to the power of the Gentry, per the Sanctity of Merits (p. XX).
Drawback: Nothing about summoning the Gentry for aid can be easily explained to another changeling. The character gains the Notoriety Condition when she calls in the favor.
Hedge Duelist (• to •••; Style)
Prerequisites: Presence or Manipulation ••; Brawl or Weaponry ••; any Social Skill ••
Effect: Your character is a skilled fae duelist, capable of turning the Hedge into a weapon. Each Duelist adopts a different style. A capricious sword-dancer might taunt and tease the Hedge into action, while a king of beasts calls Glamour-phantoms and Hedge-fiends to aid him, and a druidic sorcerer communes with the Hedge, its voice guiding his movements. This Merit’s effects only work in the Hedge proper.
Thousand Falling Leaves (•): The character’s attacks flutter about his enemy like a cascade of falling leaves. You may inflict a ?1 Defense penalty on his opponent in exchange for only dealing half the damage he would normally deal if you succeed.
Emerald Shield (••): The Hedge lifts up the strongest and shields him from harm. Leaves, roots, branches, even flocks of birds surge to turn aside his foe’s attacks. He gains an armor rating of 2/0, which stacks with worn armor but not with armor gained from Hedgespinning.
Bite Like Thorns (•••): Your character’s attacks wound deeply and the Hedge greedily soaks up the blood he spills. Fat vines snake around his opponent’s limbs, fastening like leeches onto their wounds. Razor-edged leaves open their cuts. Add a dice bonus to attacks equal to the wound penalty his foe suffers.
Manymask (•••)
Prerequisites: Wyrd 2+, Manipulation •••
Effect: A changeling is usually stuck with the same Mask he left the Hedge with, an immutable combination of remembered human traits. Some changelings develop control over the appearance of their Masks, either through intense mental gymnastics or some quirk of seeming, kith, pledge, or Contract.
The character may spend a point of Glamour to change his Mask permanently. He may make one change per chapter per dot of Wyrd he possesses to any of the following: eye color, hair color, facial structure, or skin tone; or he may remove any notable scars or other features such as birthmarks, freckles, etc. At Wyrd 5+ he may create an entirely new Mask once per chapter by spending one Glamour, mostly unbeholden to his existing features.
Parallel Lives (•••)
Effects: The changeling is deeply connected to his fetch. Each experiences occasional flashes of the other’s emotional state when something affects one of them strongly, and gains two bonus dice to use Empathy or magic to read the other’s intentions, or to enter his Bastion. By spending a point of Willpower, either can ride along with the other’s senses for a number of minutes equal to his Wyrd rating, losing his Defense and the ability to perceive the world around him as he does.
Either of them can also spend a Willpower point to send a vague message via thought to the other; it comes across not in words, but fleeting impressions and snippets of images, and can only encompass fairly simple ideas. A fetch could warn his changeling of a Huntsman’s impending arrival, but without any detail about when or how. Likewise, the changeling could threaten his fetch’s life, but couldn’t make any specific demands. Whenever the fetch uses this connection to make the changeling’s life more dangerous or inconvenient, take a Beat.
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ican-writethings · 7 years
You’ll understand when you’re older.
I am twice your age.
Life is a fickle thing.
One day, you’re a ten-year-old boy, playing in a park. It’s near dark, sure. You shouldn’t be there, sure. But your house is across the street, and anyone could hear you shout. Playing on rusted swings and waiting for the call from your mother to come home and have dinner, bathe, and head to bed.
But destiny, it seems, has other plans for you. Destiny, it seems, plans for the man… no, the creature… dressed in black and hiding its face to attack you. To rip open your throat and drink deep of your blood and leave your body – little more than a lifeless corpse – behind for your mother to find not long later.
Without a chance to scream, or cry, or do little more than gasp as you die.
But destiny is not finished with you; for within your fragile husk of a form a few drops of blood remain, and your heart beats still. Weak, but enough to allow a strange change to occur. The change, of course, kills you first, so as when you’re found, your ears are death to your mother’s screams, to the ambulance, to the morgue. A closed-casket funeral in a funeral home barely worth remembering.
Indeed, your body sleeps for a long while, before the curse goes to work, knitting flesh and repairing bone. Within time, you awaken, coughing up the dust that had settled into your lungs, opening your eyes in the dark, six feet underground. Screaming and crying, beating your way into the lid of your coffin until it breaks with your unholy strength.
Crawling your way through the dirt, until you find yourself in the darkened night, a ghoulish sight. A gravedigger spots you on your way, runs over to you, trying to assess the situation. His death is quick and decisive, his neck broken and his blood drained as you come to terms with the situation.
Leaving his corpse behind, you flee into the night. For thirty years, you hide from your former life, learning as you go, learning to drink as you need to survive, and finding kinship with small clans – groups of interrelated vampires who have learned to survive on the bare minimum in the modern world.
I survive.
I watched. I watched as my mother and father came to terms with their grief; indeed their love perhaps kept them both sane. Ten years later, they have another child, a daughter this time. For nineteen years I watched, kept an eye on my sister, first out of jealousy, but soon for a sense of the life I could have had. From a distance I watched as she played in the same parks, this time with my father nearby at nearly all times. I watched as she went to school, all the way from elementary to high school.
She was nineteen, and I watched from the shadows as something from a nightmare I once had returned.
She was walking alone at night, from the community college she had been going to – an easy way to save money that she could use when transferring later on. I saw it then – a creature whose form seemed a distant memory. I was a distance off, shrouded from view with both shadow and a mild illusion.
The creature to whom I owed my existence.
I had learned in my time, of the different types of vampires.
The wandering clans of vampires were the most common – survival works best in groups, after all. They fed as necessary, typically, and murdered rarely if at all. Their desire for blood was tempered with a sentiment that could probably be called humanity.
Then there are the sedentary vampires – usually loners, and in big cities, these creatures feed as sparingly as possible – but are more often killers.
Then, there are those who vampires call ghouls. They are vampires who murder with each feeding, who travel from place to place and kill as they please. Though one only needs a couple pints of blood every couple of weeks to keep going, these creatures feast and over time, become more bestial. Their fangs – which every vampire possesses, one of the few actually true legends – become elongated and larger, their other teeth fall out and are replaced with pointed hooks. Their skin becomes more and more pallid, and hair begins to fall out. They regenerate health at a rate that makes death through typical injury next to impossible, but their weaknesses are more pronounced as well.
An average vampire can go out in sunlight, but it causes weakness with overexposure, akin to heatstroke but can only be cured with blood. One who goes out for eight hours a day, sometimes called Lifers, would have to drink a pint of blood every couple of days to maintain their charade of normalcy. Lifers are notorious for turning into ghouls, because of their tendency to overfeed.
A ghoul cannot go out in sunlight for more than a couple minutes without their cells degrading and the resultant failings resulting in death.
An average vampire is capable of entering the dwellings of whomever they please – they aren’t bound by the superstitions of men, and do not require invitations.
Ghouls were cursed in ancient days to never be able to enter a home without an invitation. To do so results in madness and death.
Vampires can use their limited magical abilities to remove recent memories from the mind of a mortal, knock them unconscious, and even heal wounds to a limited degree. Making one go unnoticed by mortals took little will.
Ghouls’ magical abilities bleed from them like a noxious gas. Mortals in their presence are often paralyzed with fear.
This was clearly a ghoul, and a familiar one at that. After the initial trauma of the transformation, I had done my research. I found others like me, learned the basics of my abilities, and learned self-control. But I sought my sire – for knowledge or revenge, I had known naught. I found his trail – of a sort – after almost a half-decade.
Called by some tabloids as ‘New Jack’ – for his brutal methods of murder – he went randomly across the US killing as he pleased. I was among his casualties. I regretted my first kill – but I learned to live with it. But Jack exulted in his murders. He wandered far and wide in his kills, far enough that few even believed his existence.
But here he was.
I watched him stalking my sister, at a safe distance of almost a block and a half. But he was nearby, and I knew a vampire with his abilities would be able to cross that distance in less than a second.
I watched, as she was listening to music on her phone. I don’t think she had noticed. Then, he stopped. He lifted his head and sniffed the air like a hound. He did this for a few seconds, then darted out of sight. I couldn’t see him, so I kept an eye on my sister until she had gotten a distance away. I was about to follow at length, when I heard the guttural growl in my ear.
“Hail, kinsman…” I felt my heart stop – or rather, the illusion of it stopping in terror, because it hadn’t beaten in nearly two decades. I turned quickly, trying to bring my arm down into his neck, sever his throat quickly. Maybe it would have been enough to get away.
He caught my arm in a crossblock near-instantly, and I heard a repetitive growling noise. He was laughing. “Well met, child. It has been too long since I have had the thrill of meeting another of my kind.”
He paused for a second, “I think they try to avoid me! It’s rather disappointing, to be frank.”
He sniffed closely at me. Though I was immune to whatever magical effects the ghoul possessed, I was still paralyzed in fear. I could barely move into an almost defensive stance.
“You smell… familiar. Have we met before?”
I was at a loss for words. Perhaps it should have occurred to me that even if my life had been so thoroughly altered by his presence, he may not even be aware I existed. He had, by my count, almost four hundred kills, perhaps more, in the past two decades.
“Or perhaps I met your sire? Tell me boy, who made you? Was it a clan? Or perhaps a wanderer – or maybe a ghoul like me?”
“I – I don’t-“ I was stuttering, trying for an answer that wouldn’t reek of suspicion, but was coming up blank.
“Ah, well. What does it matter?” The ghoul chuckled. “What were you doing here, stalking my prey, boy? Or perhaps this one is yours?”
“She’s….” I composed myself. If he didn’t recognize me, this could very well be an excellent opportunity. “Yes, she’s mine. I’ve been hunting her for a long while now, and I don’t take very well to ghouls attempting to horn in on my targets.”
The ghoul raised his hands in front of his torso as if in surrender. His hands were weatherworn and long-fingernailed. “I meant no offense, child. After all, one such as I can understand and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and know what it’s like to lose your prey to another.”
He lowered one hand and closed the other, save for the pointer finger. “But if I may… suggest a mutually beneficial decision?”
I decided to raise an eyebrow as if in skepticism. It’d work better than outright hostility. I knew it was only by chance he hadn’t already killed me. “Go on.”
“I am… hamstrung… it seems, by my state. I cannot follow her, though together, we could lure her out and feed together. After all, your vengeance would normally put you at risk of becoming like me, and we couldn’t have that. So if you draw her out, you could drink your fill, and I’ll finish the job. We both have our prey, and we both leave in peace, never to see one another again. I’ll avoid this city, for I know it is your… territory.”
My mind was racing. If I took his offer, my odds of being able to protect my sister were greater, than if I said no, and he killed me as well. But all the same there were little odds of being able to put him down without her death. And that was truly unacceptable. My family had already lost one member to this monster. I wouldn’t let them lose another, even at the cost of my own life.
“By all means, I can wait. I’ll give you two days to decide, but after that I expect an answer. After all, I can wait to feed, but an ally… those take time to make. You can find me at night in the old railcar. Don’t disappoint me.”
And with that, he was gone.
Looking around for any sign of him, I turned quickly and then fell into a kneeling position. I was hyperventilating, an odd vestige of a mortal habit, as I didn’t normally breathe.
I had very few options. So I had to decide.
My odds were slim, of being able to defeat Jack, at least not without help. The wandering clans wouldn’t help me, even if they were near enough to get within two days. While killing a ghoul is permitted, direct interference was bad form, especially if he hadn’t broken one of their laws. Speaking of magical laws, there are a couple I should probably make you aware of.
Rule the first:
No mortal can know of a magical creature, be they fae, undead, or construct. To do so is to break the veil, and is punishable by death.
Rule the second:
While mortal death is permitted, slaying another immortal outside of your niche – a fancy term for species, or specifically clan, if you are a vampire or werewolf – is punishable by death.
The second rule wasn’t much of an issue, but the first… there were only a couple was around it.
The next day, I dressed in a grey hoodie and sunglasses, simple garb meant to disguise my appearance and protect me – somewhat – from the sun as I followed my sister into the city. She had the day off, and was stopping in where she worked to pick up her paycheck. I had her schedule memorized, and had no intention of letting her slip away.
I followed her, listening carefully to her conversation with her friend on the phone. She was discussing a soon-to-be arriving movie. Something to do with scifi. I don’t particularly know. When she had hung up, and was in a secluded enough part of town, I swept up close to her and dropped my illusion – she would be able to notice me. I moved faster than the human eye could process to be a few feet in front of her and facing her. She stopped suddenly, as one would, I suppose, if another were to appear in front of you, and began to speak. “Are you lost, kid? Where are your parents-“
I lowered my hood and took off the cheap plastic sunglasses I was wearing underneath. I looked up at her. She gasped a little.
Though I figured my parents didn’t talk much about it, I had figured she’d known who I was. Maybe seen a few pictures of me, and had asked my parents. I had even broken into their house a couple times to see what changes they had made. For a while, they hid my existence, but eventually, they displayed my pictures openly. They had learned to cope in a way that didn’t require blocking me out. I suppose that meant I was truly dead to them.
I put a finger to my lips as if to gesture silence, but then I layered my voice with magic and said a single word. “Sleep.”
She fell unconscious and I caught her before she hit the ground. Moving quickly, I took her to a nearby place where I’d often hidden. A darkened, abandoned motel. I had figured a way in long ago, and continued to be a very capable lockpicker. Laying her on a sofa that I had once-upon-a-time rescued from a curb, I waited for her to awaken.
I lit some candles, trying to be considerate of her mortal senses. After all, most weren’t as acute as mine.
My plan was simple – I would explain the situation, that a ghoul was hunting after her and that I could only beat him with her help, or rather, her cooperation – and there was only one way I could do that.
My only option was to make her a member of the vampire race – of a sort. While the only way to become a vampire was much the same as mine – drink blood until the target is near death, and let the transformation take hold. The creation of thralls, on the other hand, was something of a different sort. Feeding a target a few drops of your blood ushers in a different transformation – making the target bonded to you, and making it so that you can ‘break the veil’ as it were.
I watched her as she slept. It was strange, but as a creature that didn’t really require sleep, save for maybe the occasional hibernation of sorts, it was cathartic. She looked like mother, dirty blonde hair, similar facial features. I looked more like father, but I was young. My hair was darker, a brown.
After a few hours, she finally stirred.
She stirred slowly, stretched, and raised herself into an upright position. She yawned, then looked around. “Where am I-?”
She looked over and saw me, sitting across from her. “So… I suppose I owe you a bit of an explanation.”
She got up and started backing away from me.
“Amelie, please, let me explain.”
“No, you’re – Richard – you’re supposed to be dead – how do you look exactly like when – I saw the pictures – I even tracked down the paper with your obituary. How are you here? Are you a… ghost?”
She almost whispered the last word as if it was the weirdest idea.
“No, I’m not a ghost. For a start, they’re kind of a bunch of assholes.”
“But you’re not… you’re not?”
“I haven’t been alive since June fourth, 1987. It’s true, I am undead.”
She seemed confused by this.
“I’m a vampire, Amelie.”
“What? But that’s impossible. Vampires don’t exist.”
“Yes, well, you were the one who was willing to assume I was a ghost. So, please, keep up and treat all breaks in reality equally.”
“So are you… gonna kill me?”
She was whispering the last bit, and I shook my head in response.
“Actually, quite the opposite. I’m but to go into details, I’m going to need you do something that you aren’t going to really like, but believe me, it’s necessary.”
I bit into my own wrist and offered it to her. She stared blankly. I shook my wrist. “Drink, girl.”
“But, won’t I become a vampire?”
“For g-“ I cough a little bit, being incapable of saying any variation on the name of… well… whatever it is,” ‘s sake, if it were that easy, I’d be dead instead right about now. Once you drink the blood, you’re going to be a part of my world, it’s true, but you’ll still age. You’ll still be able to live your life. Trust me when I say it’s better than the alternative.”
She looked into my eyes. We had the same eyes, I now realized. “If you’re lying to me, kid, and I turn into a vampire, I’m going to use whatever superpowers I get to tear you a new asshole.”
“Yes, well, if I were lying, I’d admit I’d deserve it.”
She leaned over and put her lips to the wound on my wrist and drank a couple drops. I willed the wound shut.
Wiping her lips, she looked back at me and began – “So what happens n-ah!”
She stopped gripping her head. I suppose it hurts, to have your world change like that. The transformation isn’t as extreme as one of a vampire, but she was changing. Her senses a little more acute. Her mind a little sharper.
It only took about a half an hour before she was done gripping her head and crying, which I do feel guilty for, but it was the only way to keep her alive, I told myself. When she awoke again, she ran over to the empty kitchen area, with a sink and a mirror. Looking at her reflection, she opened her mouth and looked at her teeth.
“For the love of…” I stopped, looked up, and then looked back at my sister, “Amelie, what on earth are you doing?”
“Checking for fangs, asshole.”
“I told you that I wouldn’t turn you into a vampire!”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t tell me that it would hurt like a bitch, whatever you did!”
“We didn’t have time.”
She turned back to me, apparently satisfied. “So, why did you do this now? You know my name, so I guess you’ve been following me for a while.”
“Well, yes and no…”
I stopped and looked at her. She had pulled out a pack of gum and was unwrapping a piece.
“What – what do you mean?”
“You do the same thing my – our dad does, when he lies, I mean. You both look off into the middle-distance and fidget your hands.”
“Well… um… I,” this was awkward.
“Well, apart from you stalking us, what else have you done with your time? What’s being a vampire like, I guess?”
I shrugged. “It kinda sucks, but then again, I was only like ten when I was turned, so…”
“You don’t really look ten. I mean, sure, you look pretty close to the photos, but you’ve definitely aged a bit. You look… maybe thirteen?”
I laughed a little. “Oh, thank god, I look like I’m on the cusp of puberty. That’s a relief.”
“Vampires do age slowly until they look somewhere between late twenties, early thirties. But judging by this rate, I’m going to look like I need an adult until I’m in my eighties. Great. Just fucking great.”
“Hey, watch your fucking mouth, you little shit.”
“I’m the older brother, I should be lecturing you, little shit.”
“Yeah, well, who’s the one who’s actually been to high school?”
“Low blow.”
She continued chewing her gum and shrugged.
“All’s fair in war.”
She came back to the couch and sat down. “So, why’d you do all this? I’m guessing you had your own little weird non-interference policy until now.”
“Well, it’s the person who… who killed me. He’s back. And I need your help to kill him.”
“Why my help?”
“Well… it’s kind of because he’s after you now.”
She bolted upright. “Wait, what the fuck? Why is he after me? Is it something you did?”
I thought for a second. Maybe he had misunderstood why I was following her in the first right, and thought it would be fun to interfere.
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh, well, this is great. I have finals in a couple weeks, you know. I can’t just go around killing all my little –“
“- older,” I chimed in
“-brother’s enemies.”
At this juncture, her phone began to ring. She drew it from her jacket pocket and looked at the ID. I got a glimpse. It was David.
“Now isn’t the time to answer calls from your boyfr-“
She had already answered the phone. “Oh, hi, Davy. How’s it going?”
I could hear the other end too, but I blocked it out for the sake of her privacy.
I waited out the remainder of their conversation, listening to them talk about going to a movie on the weekend, you know, typical couple-ish stuff. Needless to say, I was sickened. After she hung up, I began again.
“Yeesh, what was that about?”
“You’ll understand when you’re older.” She winked knowingly.
“I am literally twice your age.”
“Well, all’s the same. No more interruptions.”
“I’m going to need your help to take out Jack –“
“Jack’s the one after me?”
“Well, I’ve taken to calling him Jack. He’s a ghoul, kind of like a vampire serial killer.”
“So what’s his actual name?”
“Well, I don’t know. None of the clans I’ve talked to know who he is.”
“Wandering vampire families. If I could’ve gotten one of them to help, I wouldn’t have dragged you into all this. But anyway, the problem is that Jack is… well… not going to be easy to kill.”
“Well, how can you kill a vampire? Stakes?”
“Well, shoving a piece of wood would definitely hurt, but ghouls are made of stronger stuff. We’d need a couple things. A silver dagger consecrated by a priest, a holy book once owned by a saint, and probably enough ashwood stakes to shish-kebab a small army.”
“Okay, where do we get that?”
“Meet me at 1211 Harker street tonight. I don’t think that Jack is following me, but if he is, we shouldn’t stay together long.”
“1211 Harker street… isn’t that the one place belonging to that crazy old lady?”
“Well, she’s actually a nature spirit, a member of the fae. Kind of lucky to have her around, really.”
“Any other surprising revelations for me?”
“Yeah, the president is a moleperson.”
“What? Really?”
“No, I just don’t like him.”
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