gifti3 · 7 years
DUDE! You're art is SOOO GOOOD! I'm low key tearing up in a parking lot because no one's made art for a fic of mine before and I never expected it to be so pretty! Thank you so much!!
you’re welcome! I’m really glad you liked it ( ´ ▽ ` )
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geekygothgirl · 7 years
Tumblr media
When this is actually your circus and those probably are your monkeys. #ootd #stripes #color #circusfashion #sometimesiwearpants #madebyme
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moonwish · 8 years
Tag meme: get to know  me
Tagged by: @agresties (thank you, dear!)
tagging: @marinette-buginette @miraculous-katsukii @iveseenthetruth @3spoooky5u @sometimesiwearpants @americansylveon @yachi-hiitoka @winxrus @a-drienette @sushicups
rules: answer the questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better
★  Sign: Sagittarius
★  Height: 1.59cm, that is 5′2 *cries*
★  Last thing googled: youtube lol
★  Favorite music artist: uhmm currently Bebe Rexha, but also Lana del Rey and Lorde
★  Last tv show watched: 6teen, and I recommend it to everyone
★  When did i create my blog: 1st of April 2016
★  What kind of stuff do i post about: mostly Miraculous Ladybug, but also some anime, some Disney, some personal stuff, quotes etc
★  Do I have any other blogs: nope, just this one
★  Do i get asks regularly: haha I wish
★  Why did i choose my url: Tikki is my favourite kwami and I love the transformation scenes. There’s literally nothing else
★  Gender: cis girl, dude
★  Pokémon team: I never played Pokemon Go in my life, so idk
★  Favorite colors: purple, pastel pink, baby blue, teal. also everything matte
★  Average hours of sleep: I try to get at least 7-8 a night
★  Favorite characters: oh boy, there are so many. if we’re talking Miraculous Ladybug, then Adrien/Chat, Alya and Chloe 
★  Dream job: journalist, I hope I can become one
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caterinawrites · 8 years
My Fics MasterList
Here’s a list of all of my fanfics for those who are new and haven’t read any of them, or if you’ve only read one and never seen some of them, or if you just want to reread some. ^^ All of them are from Miraculous Ladybug so far.
A Mile in My Shoes FF | AO3
Word Count: 3,023/3,055
Chapters: 2/4
Summary:  All has been quiet, so when her partner suggests swapping Miraculouses to cure their boredom, Ladybug accepts, that is until an akuma attacks and leaves them no time to switch back. With their kwamis now in the hands of their partner, these two have to figure out how to trade back without discovering their identities. A kwami swap au.
Category: Humor/Angst
Colors of the Soul FF | AO3
Word Count: 9,335/10,407
Chapters: 8/20
Summary: Everyone is born colorblind until they look into the eyes of their soulmate. Colorblind Soulmate AU created by tumblr user @sorarts. Marinette's world lights up with color when she sees Adrien on the cover of a magazine for the first time as a young girl. Adrien sees color the first time he meets Ladybug but is quickly disappointed to find out that she's seen color for many years. Similarly, Marinette doesn't know how to cope when she finds out that Adrien started seeing color the day before he met her at school.
Category: Angst
Lady du Coeur FF | AO3
Word Count:  117,006/121,606
Chapters: 13/36
Summary:  (Pt 1) Instructed by the old master, Marinette seeks to befriend golden boy, Adrien Agreste, to protect him from evil. As a result, Adrien finds himself drawn to the shy girl from his class to counteract the misfortune that seems to follow him. (Pt 2) Marinette struggles over her feelings for her black-clad partner and best friend while a new villain with a familiar face drags her name through the mud. Adrien does his best to support the love of his life through her fight to save her friend while patiently waiting for her to return his feelings, but in time, her lack of response starts to wear on him. Will it be the end of Chat Noir and Ladybug?
Category: Angst/Fluff
Lady du Coeur Bonus Stories FF | AO3
Word Count:   13,188/13,636
Chapters: 3/?
Summary:  A collection of bonus stories and alternate endings for my fic Lady du Coeur.
Category: Angst/Fluff
Accidental Date FF | AO3
Word Count: 2,004/2,091
Summary:  “Well…” She dragged out the vowel, and Marinette knew she was in deep trouble. “Nino got sick, and I didn’t want to be a third wheel, so…” “Alya, please tell me you’re coming!” Marinette pleaded, chest tightening in panic. “I can’t. I’m sick,” She offered up two fake coughs, and Marinette squealed anxiously. “Alya! You have to come! I can’t do this without you! You know how I am around Adrien!” She hissed, catching sight of a flashy silver vehicle. “Oh my gosh, he’s here! What do I do? What do I say? Alya, please help me!” “You’ll be fine. Take deep breaths, and try not to pass out, okay?”
Category: Fluff
Amour Chassé-croisé FF | AO3
Word Count: 2,936/3,078
Summary:  Marinette and Chat Noir make a pact to confess their feelings to the people they love the following day, but when both of them get rejected, they turn to each other and find that maybe they've been chasing the wrong people the whole time. It's a mixed up, crisscrossed love, everyone. Based on a post by tumblr user @sometimesiwearpants
Category: Angst/Fluff
Better Together FF | AO3
Word Count: 2,209/2,309
Summary:  When an akuma's axe separates Chat Noir and Adrien, they have to figure out a way to get his energy back so that they can help Ladybug defeat the akuma and put them back together. Based on a post by tumblr user @thescuttlebugg
Category: Angst-ish/Humor
Games We Play FF | AO3
Word Count: 1,054/1,085
Summary:  “So, what’s the reward for winning?” She continued, pacing along the roof in thought, and he felt slightly amused that she seemed so into it. “We’re a bit too old for just the sheer satisfaction of finding the other person.” “Are you proposing we make this thing interesting?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Within reason,” She pushed his nose away. “Hmm,” Chat cupped his chin in thought. “When I win, I want…a kiss from your sweet lips, m’lady.”
Category: Fluff
Marinette’s Secret FF | AO3
Word Count: 1,687/1,869
Summary:  Adrien wants to reintroduce himself to Marinette's parents as her boyfriend and along the way discovers some of her embarrassing secrets.
Category: Humor/Fluff
The Big Reveal FF | AO3
Word Count: 374/505
Summary:  For so long they've been partners, blind to each other's identities, but not anymore. Time has run out, and they are forced to face each other. Will they be able to accept each other for who they really are? *Crack fic*
Category: Humor
**(Multiple word counts because FF and AO3 count words differently. All of them follow AO3/FF for word counts)
Currently working on the next chapter of Lady du Coeur then I will be updating Colors of the Soul. And eventually I’ll get around to finishing A Mile in My Shoes. I have like half of that next chapter written, but it got put to the side. I will finish, I promise!
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probably-voldemort · 8 years
I was tagged by @sophiacrutchfeild
Rules: tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better. Repost, not reblog.
Favorite place: The forest near my house or some sort of watery area like the beach or the river
Relationship status: Single but I have ice cream
Favorite color: Pink and teal
Pets: Golden retriever named Charlie and a beta fish named Tacobutt (technically he’s my sister’s)
Last song i listened to: Shout Out To My Ex by Little Mix
Favorite tv show: I’m on a Grey’s Anatomy binge at the moment (my mom and my sister and I have watched ten and a half seasons over Christmas break) but I don’t really have a favourite
First fandom: I...don’t really know?  First fandom on Tumblr was The 100 though and Bellarke if we’re getting specific
Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasted: My brother gave me a Jelly Belly this morning.  It ended up being spoiled milk flavoured.  That was pretty horrific
I tag: @krzed @sometimesiwearpants 
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winter3lit3 · 8 years
Earl Grey Tea and Rose Hip Tea!
Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action? 
go to the nearest walmart and bunker the fuck up
Rose Hip Tea : Describe your first kiss 
...I...I havent kissed anyone yet ;-;
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ellie-bee242 · 8 years
I was tagged by @yo-looksomeoneactually, who i still think has the best username on this whole site, you cannot convince me otherwise (fight me!)
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
Relationship status: single forever 😭
Lipstick or Chapstick: I have worn both at the same time, it is achievable, so I’m going with both lmao. It’s cute and ultra hydrating.
Last song/music I listened to: some song from the spooky station on the sims 4 game lmao (i have no life 😅)
Top 3 shows: (crap why would you do this to me?!) Uuuuuh Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir for sure….. Steven Universe….. Aaaaaaaannnnnnd………….. Fairy Tail (because natsu will always be bae) (okay whew i didn’t explode)
Top 3 characters: (SERIOUSLY??) Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste (we must protect our precious child), Natsu Dragneel (because again, Bae), aaannnnd…… Garnet from SU because she is literal goals in every sense.
Top 3 ships: (well fudge you too) Natsu and Lucy (love them so much) The whole dang lovesquare for Miraculous Ladybug, and steven and connie.
Tagging: @taylordraws, @dxrk-sxxls, @hchano, @miraculousgifs, @bullysquadess, @lavinia-soya, @sometimesiwearpants, @fury-76, @this-is-why-i-love-the-internet
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probably-voldemort · 8 years
sometimesiwearpants replied to your post: I started “cleaning my room” an hour ago.  Current...
Can I have the other half~
if you wanna come over and eat it definitely
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probably-voldemort · 8 years
sometimesiwearpants replied to your post: What should I make for dinner?
burritos sounds good but i’d have to defrost meat and i don’t think i have any tortillas and it’s too dark to walk to the store so i think they’re out of the question
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probably-voldemort · 8 years
Dandelion, smashed pumpkin, moonstone.
Dandelion: Middle name?
Smashed Pumpkin: Why you like the person you do?
Kay so the guy I like I’ve known him since high school.  We went to different high schools but we worked at the grocery store which is honestly one of three places in my small town that high school kids can work at (the other two are the ice cream place and the race track, if you were wondering).
Anyway, we both started working there around the same time in grade ten I think?  Maybe grade eleven.  I was a cashier and he was a grocery boy and we both hated working there but we got twenty five cents above minimum which was more than we’d make at either of the other places so we stuck it out.
Anyway, we both worked there through till graduation and through the summer until we both headed off to uni.  I kind of had a mild crush on him, and I think he might’ve too (at least, that’s what my cashier Lacey friend kept saying) but I was too scared to say anything and he didn’t say anything either.
I think management must’ve shipped us or something, though, cause we always ended up on the same shifts.  Like over summers we’d work 40 hour weeks and every single shift we’d work together for at least part of it.  We’d swap customer horror stories, and he’d make faces at me from produce when I had a particularly annoying customer.
Once we were both tasked with cleaning out the staff room fridge (which was disgusting by the way.  there was mustard in it from 2008.  this was somewhere around 2014-2015).  I need to mention that his parents are both doctors and super rich and he had a nanny until we graduated.  So we’re heading up to the staff room and he’s like “I didn’t even know fridges get cleaned” just like super casually and i’m like “what do you think happens to the food in it?  what if something gets spilled?” and he was thinking for a while and he’s like “huh.  Maybe my nanny cleans our fridge” because he’d just drop his nanny into casual conversation like a nanny was something every 15-17 year old has.  So I had to give him the whole deal for his first time cleaning the fridge and made him deal with all the nasty stuff while I just checked best before dates.  The best part was when he opened a container that was clearly full of mold and made us both gag so hard we almost puked because “I didn’t know food actually got moldy!  I thought it was a myth!  Kee, stop laughing at me!” (he’s gotten a lot better with normal people stuff since then)
Since our town’s so small, the grocery store was usually dead more often than it wasn’t.  He’d spend a good hour each night sweeping around the tills so we could gossip while I organized the candy.  We hung out at staff functions and occasionally outside of work.  Lacey was really confident that it could have turned into something if I’d just said anything, or if we’d gone to the same school and spent more time together.
Then we went off to different universities.  We still texted and stuff and I still had a minor crush on him.
Last summer I came home and since I was only about a month from being 19 (drinking age) I didn’t have to go back to the grocery store and got a job at the pub, as a hostess and then the addition of a waitress after my birthday.
Which lead to me being the waitress for his 19th birthday dinner.
Because, like I said, my town is really small and it’s basically the only place to get a drink unless you want to go to the really creepy bar and probably get murdered.  Hence I served a lot of 19th birthday dinners/first drinks.
But back to him.  Somehow he managed to get even hotter over the almost year since I’d last seen him in person, and it made me into a bumbling idiot.  I definitely spilled an entire tray of drinks at one point cause he said he liked my dress and that basically depicts the entirety of my flirting abilities and I’m pretty sure my face was bright red the entire night. (thankfully I still got a pretty good tip despite my clumsiness)
BUT.  He left his friends occasionally to come talk to me and he chatted for a while every time I was at his table (it was a pretty slow night so I didn’t lose money on any of my other tables)
And then a week or two later he shows up as the new bartender.
We were basically right back into the banter we had at the grocery store, and my crush was amped up way beyond what it had been before and one of the other waitresses told me one day that we would be really cute together and that she was going to make it happen (it didn’t happen, obviously, but she did somehow get the manager in on her mission since every single one of our shifts overlapped for the rest of the summer)
We hung out a few times outside of work, but ultimately it never went past friends and we both went back to our universities.
Anyway, this got really long and I still don’t really think I answered the question.  I like him because he’s funny and kind and really easy to get along with and he makes me laugh and he’s just really fun to be around and the looks don’t hurt.
We’re both planning to work at the pub again this summer, so maybe something will happen.  Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Moonstone: Something you love the smell of?
Vanilla!  I freaking love vanilla
Crayon Colour Asks
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winter3lit3 · 8 years
29, 47, 48 ☺
29. Favourite style of clothing
47. How late did you stay up last night and why?
up until like 5 am...mostly cuz them memes are dank yo
48. What’s your ringtone?
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