#son yaz spaces
leikeliscomet · 6 months
Honestly, Ryan wasn't even a bad companion he just wasn't utilised properly. His YouTube channel should've been a central part of his character. Maybe have him been the one to record everything. Maybe have him actually know Two Girls Roaming in Praxeus because he watched their videos or gets filming tips from them. His relationship with his dad should've been threaded throughout s11 so his appearance in Resolution stuck. Maybe he shouldn't have forgiven him in the person-forgives-neglectful-parent-because-family-can-do-no-wrong trope but chosen Graham as his new father figure so that 'call me grandad' actually hits harder. Maybe have Thirteen be his father figure instead, building on the way Ryan tends to follow her instructions the most out of the fam. His feelings about Grace should've been in the spotlight. Maybe have him find Grace in the alt universe. Maybe have him be the one to try and kill Tim Shaw. Maybe have him be the one dream about Grace in Can You Hear Me. Maybe take the Graham scenes and replace him with Ryan.. y'know.. Grace's whole grandson...? Maybe also address the fact his mum died and bc his dad left he was left all alone as a child??? And that should've been his Can You Hear Me nightmare instead of throwing in the dregs unprovoked?? His mechanic skills should've been a key trait too. Maybe have him fix the ship with Thirteen in Tsuranga instead of Yaz. Maybe have him, Tesla, and Thirteen talk about the joy of building and fixing things. Maybe have him go with Nevi and Silas in Orphan 55 to work together on mechanic stuff but also show Ryan's longing for a father-son relationship like theirs. (And make Yaz fight the dregs instead bc wasn't she the one with police training...).
His feelings for Yaz and Bella could've been sorted out properly. Maybe have Ryasmin for a few eps but stop bc space-time travel overcomplicates things or to set things up for Yaz' coming out and Thasmin. Maybe address the fact Bella likely died on Orphan 55 and have it cause tension between Ryan and Thirteen bc she refused to help her. And Ryan's Blackness. Maybe have Ryan be the one to disagree with the plan and try to help Rosa instead. Maybe have him explain who she is to the others instead of having the only Black guy in the cast not know who Rosa Parks is.
There was so much potential man. So so so so much...
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justahumblememefarmer · 9 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 1 - Matchup 15
Episode Summaries under the cut
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117: Resolution - Season 11 Christmas Special: The Doctor takes Ryan, Graham, and Yaz back to Earth on New Years Day after receiving an alert. They meet two archaeologists who have unearthed a Dalek that had been trapped on Earth for hundreds of years. The Dalek, in it's natural form latches on to one of the archaeologists and controls her, forcing her to give it information on the Earth as well as build a new shell for it to inhabit. While they are formulating a plan to stop the Dalek, Ryan's father shows up, and he deals with the emotions of his father abandoning him and not showing up for his grandmother's funeral.
They track the Dalek to a communications headquarters, where it intends to send a signal to Skaro. The Doctor destroys the Daleks casing, but it escapes and latches itself to Ryan's father. They all board the Doctor and agrees to take the Dalek home, but opens the door to reveal a supernova to suck the Dalek into space. Ryan grabs onto his dad, and the Dalek is pulled off of him into space. Ryan and his dad have a heart to heart, and the Doctor takes off with her three companions.
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140: The Curse of the Black Spot - Season 6, Episode 3: The Doctor, Amy, and Rory land on a pirate ship after receiving a distress call. When the pirates try to force them to walk the plank, Amy grabs a sword to fight them off. In the fight, she gives one pirate a minor cut, and Rory receives a small cut as well. Both immediately have a small black spot appear on their hand, which the pirates insist is a death sentence. A ghostly siren appears, and her singing causes the injured to act like fools, but are drawn to her. She touches one pirate, vaporizing him. The pirates reveal she has shown up to take every injured crew member, no matter the size of the injury.
They learn that she is able to appear anywhere there is still water or a reflection, so they retreat to the armory, where they discover the captain's son has stowed away, and his illness has caused him to develop a black spot. The TARDIS is taken, so they attempt to cover up all reflections, and wait for a storm to pick up so the water will be rough and they can sail away. A gold piece allows the Siren to appear and take the captain's son, and the rough seas knock Rory overboard. Realizing he'll drown, the Doctor releases the siren and allows her to take Rory. Then he, Amy, and the captain prick their fingers so that the Siren will take them as well, in hopes that they will see their loved ones again.
They are teleoported to an invisible space ship that is in the same space as the pirate ship, just out of sync. The crew have all died from human diseases. The siren is actually a holographic doctor, and her song is anaesthetic. As she does not know anything about human anatomy, the best she could do was put each patient on life support. The captain plans to stay aboard with his crew, as his son will die if taken back to Earth. Amy and the Doctor take Rory off life support, where he immediately resumes drowning, but Amy revives him, and the three leave in the TARDIS.
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Rewriting The Power of the Doctor as a finale to the 13th Doctor’s Era instead of an Anniversary Special
PotD's best parts were all 80s fanservice. It resolved none of Chibnall's plot threads, nor did it celebrate 13’s era overall. I’m not fully resolving the Timeless Child as that would need a different plot. But by adding more callbacks and payoffs I hope to strengthen this era overall as a worthwhile investment
International broadcasters split PotD into 2 episodes, and its first edit was 2 hours long. I’m thus splitting it from 1 85-min special to 2 60-min specials
Forgive my cringe attempts at dialogue.
What changes would you make to the story?
The Thijarian Assassins from 11x6 Demons of the Punjab appear in the background throughout the episode, like the Ood in the buildup to The End of Time, 
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Karvanista & Tie-ins to The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Swap the space train in the opening for Karvanista, Bel & Vinder from Flux, transporting cargo for the Coalition of Galaxies from 11x10 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
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Bel: Being boarded by Cybermen once was more than enough for me, thank you very much.
Karvanista recognises the Cybermasters’ regeneration.
When 13 sends Dan to stop the ship crashing he spars with Karvanista again:
Dan: Hello Muttley my son, it's been a while
Karvanista: Just what I need. Leave, you'll only make everything worse-
Dan: Rubbish, I just need to wave my space wand and-
[the ship accelerates]
Karvanista: 'Space wand'? Bloody useless! In my day she didn't need that rubbish.
Dan: Eh?
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He is still bitter- he doesn't want to be saved by 13 and when she fails to stop the Cybermasters he rips into her.
13: You lot are working for the Coalition of Galaxies now? Why?
Karvanista: Because two-thirds of the universe got destroyed and then suddenly reappeared after weeks of chaos. They need all the help they can get, and you certainly weren't offering, were you?
The cargo they carried isn’t the alien made  of pure energy. Instead it’s the young Ux from 11x10 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, an omnipotent species who followed 13's advice to ‘travel hopefully’ and was using its abilities to help rebuild the universe
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Karvanista has a heart-to-heart with Dan after his near-death experience, encouraging him to leave 13 before she leaves him. Closure for their relationship.
Afterwards, Yaz asks why Karvanista was so angry. 13 finally opens up to her, last-minute character growth to make her regen more tragic:
13: We used to travel together. When I was Ruth. Remember her?
Yaz: Of course.
13: We were... sort of time spies together. For Division.
Yaz: The people who sent the Weeping Angels after you?
13: And the Judoon after Ruth. But my memory of that time was taken and I don't want it back. I want to focus on now. On our moment. On you. And Dan-
Dan, from the doors: You don't have to come back for me.
13, closing her eyes. Taking a steadying breath: Oh. Right then. OK.
13 REPLACES DAN'S HOUSE because leaving him homeless is careless and callous.
13: I get it. Life's important. Home's important. Speaking of…
[She produces Dan's miniaturized house on a little metal disc]
13: Just press the button and this should take care of itself. That, or you'll be transported to the moon. Worth a shot though, eh?
Dan: You just had that in your pocket ready to go?
13: I knew you'd ask to go back eventually, Dan. When you did... I didn't want to be holding you hostage.
After Dan leaves, instead of an out-of-nowhere rogue Dalek, 13 is contacted by the Order of the Custodians, the group from 11x11 Resolution, who guarded the divided pieces of a Dalek Scout for centuries. Being dedicated to fighting Daleks, they're investigating an incursion on Earth
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The Cyber-planet is a dead, Cyber-converted Gallifrey, after 12x10 The Timeless Children
The Ux is hooked up to the planet in the same lab Tecteun experimented on the Timeless Child in
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The Master is using the Ux to maintain his cyber-constructs like Tim Shaw did his fortress. By saving the Ux again 13 comes full circle from her first series.
As a young, omnipotent alien all-but alone in the universe, the Ux is a direct parallel to the Timeless Child. In a way, 13 is saving her younger self
Once they've found the Ux, 13 calls Karvanista & co to retrieve him. Karavanista comes alone (Karvanista > Vinder). After crashing he reports to Mark Addy’s character from 11x10 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, via video screen. He promised to keep the Ux safe after that episode
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Karvanista recognises the Master’s perverted TARDIS exterior. It brings back bad memories.
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The Master & Nikola Tesla
Ra-Ra-Rasputin is great, but I’m swapping the Master taking over the Winter Palace for Wardenclyffe, the power station from 12x4 Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
We open on Tesla, years after we met him, stumbling out of the realtor’s into the rain. Wardenclyffe is being foreclosed and he is penniless
Tesla walks down an alley and in a flash of light is transported to the Kassavin’s dimension from 12x1-2 Spyfall. 
Tesla: What- where am I? Fascinating. What manner of construction is this? [hears rustling] Who’s there? Did you build this place? Please… you should know this isn’t my first time meeting creatures from beyond. If… If you want my help, my skills… perhaps a deal could be negotiated.
Distorted voice: Want your help? No no, I am going to help you, Nikola Tesla. With my help, your skills will change the universe.
Tesla: This place… did you build it?
Voice: No. But I was once trapped here, for an eternity or two. I picked up a few things. 
Tesla: Who are you?
Voice: I am the Doctor.
Tesla: Doctor?! You’ve come back for me- Is being trapped here why you never came back? [the Master appears] ...You are not the Doctor
Master: Not yet. But you’re going to help me with that.
He hypnotizes Tesla into building the cages that will force 13 to regenerate.
13’s favorite historical figure making the thing that kills her is a huge personal blow. The Master rubs in 13’s face that by ‘abandoning’ Tesla & letting history take its course, she let this happen.
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Ryan & Graham replace Ace & Tegan
Ace & Tegan were the best parts of PotD imo, but bringing in Classic companions last-minute doesn’t help tie up 13’s era 
Because I cut Rasputin, swap the missing paintings for tech-savvy Ryan investigating a sudden acceleration in Earth's technology. 
He tours VOR (Daniel Barton’s Google stand-in tech company from 12x1 Spyfall). At the end of that story Barton went on the run, so without him the company should have collapsed. Instead it’s leading a worldwide tech revolution.
It’s not just VOR; history itself is changing. Technological advancement is accelerating decade by decade. The microchip was invented 30 years early etc
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After leaving, Ryan hosts a group video-call: Graham is investigating the missing Seismologists with the Three Idiots Roaming from 12x6 Praxeus. At the end of that story they left to travel the world and protect it from environmental disaster, so they fit well for the volcano subplot
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Travel-vlogger Gabrielle is with Graham (she and Ryan are dating, building on the suggestion of flirtation in Praxeus, and Graham jokes about it) while couple Jake and Adam are investigating elsewhere. 
Reuniting with the Fam & the Daleks’ trap
13 remarks on Earth’s accelerating technology seeing UNIT’s new building. It’s part of a chain of cutting-edge facilities across the globe, designed as refuges for humanity in the event of another disaster like the Flux
13 & Yaz awkwardly reunite with Ryan, who has traced the acceleration of Earth’s technology back to a now super-successful Nikola Tesla in the 1920s. He shows them several newspaper articles, starting with NIKOLA TESLA’S NIGHT OF TERROR!, that show Tesla’s fall into ruin after they left him. A somber moment. But then Tesla re-emerges with a new ‘business partner’; the Master. The final article shows them taking over Thomas Edison’s factory 
Graham contacts Ryan; he and Gabrielle have followed their lead on the Seismologists to a university; we watch them enter via Gabrielle’s camera, when they’re captured by the waiting Master
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13 books it over there, high-tension, but the Master is just waiting for her to arrive.
UNIT arrives from another of their brand new facilities
Graham goes to UNIT with the Fam and the captured Master, but Gabrielle stays behind to help UNIT with the dead seismologists. She gives Ryan a parting kiss that Yaz makes fun of. He notes how much closer she and 13 are, which shuts her up
At UNIT, the Order of the Custodians call 13: They’ve infiltrated the Dalek base in the Bolivian volcano, unaware the Daleks are using them as bait.
In the Volcano, the Order try to give 13 a Dalek-killing chemical weapon they developed testing tiny samples of the Recon Scout mutant, when the trap is sprung
The Order are killed. Instead of trapping 13 in a Dalek casing a mutant puppeteers her, one of Chibnall’s best gimmicks
13 gets the Order’s Dalek-killing weapon to Yaz as she’s captured, and Yaz flees to the TARDIS as the Daleks open fire. The Order’s weapon will replace Ace’s Nitro-999 later
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Cyber-Attack & the Master in Wardenclyffe
No miniature Ashad: Instead the Cybermen appear like the Kassavin did in 12x1 Spyfall, in a blaze of white light, and invade from that pocket-dimension
This is how they appear on every floor at once: Army of Ghosts callback!
The Master escapes and travels to 1920s Wardenclyffe, where 13 is held captive
On using Tesla:
13: You’re telling me our Great and Powerful Master needs a lowly human inventor to work on his machines?
Master: Of course not.
13: Then why go to all the trouble of enslaving Tesla?
Master: Why? Why use one of your favorite scientists? The inventor after your own hearts, who you fought side-by-side with before abandoning him to the cruel fate history dictated? I found him penniless and alone! Your fault. You had the power to step in, the power to save anyone. Everyone! But you never had the vision to. 
Like international broadcasts, the forced regeneration is the cliffhanger for Part 1
The Master-Doctor 
The Master possesses 13’s body, calling back to the TV Movie. This is so Jodie can play the evil Master-Doctor, showing off her range and giving her more screentime in her final story (plus Sexual Tension with Yaz)
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Expand the Master-Doctor’s rampage. The Master brings the hypnotized Tesla along to restrain Yaz.
She leads a jailbreak, blowing a hole in the Judoon prison from 12x11 Revolution of the Daleks. Angela the Angel abducts a Judoon through the flickering lights; the P'Ting eats one of the guard's guns.
Master: This is payback for locking me up! [to the escaping prisoners] when you're out there spreading chaos through the universe, tell them the Doctor sent you!
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Then, the twin planets he visits are the ones from 12x7 Can You Hear Me?
Yaz watches helplessly as the Master introduces the planet’s peoples to the two evil gods- the enemies who affected Yaz most- and promises they will be just and noble rulers. She then encourages the gods to 'play' with her gift. 
The TARDIS jumps forward in time to show the planets a war.
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Yaz overpowers Tesla to lock the Master out
Fugitive Doctor: Guardian of the Edge
The Classic Doctor cameos were great but I’m cutting them for the same reason as Tegan & Ace. 
13’s personality has been buried deep in the Doctor’s subconscious, where she meets the Fugitive Doctor, also repressed long ago. The Fugitive is our Guardian of the Edge, trying to save 13 from the same fate that befell her
The Fugitive shows 13 a flashback of the ‘reality’ behind the last part of the Brendan visions in 12x9 Ascension of the Cybermen- namely his memory being wiped, which wasn’t covered in 12x10 The Timeless Children
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The Fugitive has her regenerations reset by Tecteun, in the same lab she experimented on her in as a child, the same one the Ux is being held in on cyber-Gallifrey
Tying up more of the loose ends from the Timeless Child arc leaves a blank slate for the next era. I don’t like the arc but the least Chibs could do is clean up his own mess before leaving. 
Fugitive: And now the Master has stolen Mother’s favorite punishment-
13: Don’t call her that.
Fugitive: She might be dead and she might’ve been a monster, but Tecteun is all we had. Now he’s out there making a monster out of us too, just like she always wanted-
13: Tecteun was not my family. We make our own family, you and me. Everywhere we go. Speaking of which… 
Cybermen and Daleks
Keep the hologram implants, letting 13 have final moments with Ryan & Graham
Graham gets Tegan’s job helping Kate fight the Cybermen at UNIT. 
It'd be cool if Ashad confronted Graham about his cancer
Ashad: You think you are rid of it but the traces linger. The ultimate betrayal of the flesh. Does the thought of it returning keep you up at night? We can free you from that fear!
Graham: Fear of death is what makes us human. It's what makes us value our time. Sure I suffered. But I found meaning in it too. I fell in love. You'll never know what that's like. And I feel sorry for you.
I was always bothered by the contradiction of the Daleks trying to destroy Earth when the Cybermen want to convert it. So, my adjusted Cyber-plan is to take over the new UNIT strongholds across the globe. When the Daleks blow the volcanoes, people will evacuate to the UNIT strongholds where the Cybermen will be waiting to convert them
(I basically stole Harmony Shoal’s plan from The Return of Doctor Mysterio but shhhh) 
Meanwhile, the Three Idiots Roaming feel the volcanoes start to activate, and lead the evacuation of people living nearby to the UNIT strongholds, but the Cybermen are waiting and trap them
 Ryan gets Ace’s role, parachuting off the roof (a big moment highlighting his dyspraxia). 
Yaz collects him and they save the Three Idiots from the UNIT stronghold, letting the evacuees flee.
Yaz drops Ryan and the Idiots under the volcanoes, using the Order of the Custodians’ anti-Dalek weapon to fight them as Ace did
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Meanwhile, once Graham saves Kate from conversion she self-destructs all the UNIT strongholds around the globe, stopping the Cybermen
Saving the Doctor
Karvanista gets Vinder’s role shooting the Master. He also comes face-to-face with the hologram of the Fugitive, his Doctor.
THASMIN KISS immediately after Yaz saves 13, when her guard is down in her post-regeneration haze, overcome with joy at being alive again. This makes their parting more tragic, but 13 doesn't look cruel like she would for initiating that intimacy when she knows she's dying, opening a door she knows she can't go through
After 13 has been saved, the Fugitive-hologram and Karvanista have a heart-to-heart like 5 & 7 do with Ace & Tegan in the original, giving him closure & resolving his bitterness.
Once freed from the Master's hypnotism, Tesla goes in the TARDIS and helps fix Karvanista's ship while 13 deals with the Master's TARDIS.
Once free, the Ux destroys the Cyber-constructs grafted onto Gallifrey’s architecture
Instead of the ‘what a universe. I’ll never understand it’ line, 13 looks back: We get brief flashes of Tecteun's experimentation on the Child and the Fugitive's forced regen, which both took place here. 13 finally makes peace with that loss and leaves it behind
The lasting effects of the forced regeneration are what kill 13. Like slow radiation poisoning.
Thasmin & Demons of the Punjab Callbacks
THASMIN HUG. 13 removes the hologram implant from Yaz, but then gifts it back to her as she leaves- the same projector she had in 13x5 Survivors of the Flux.
 She says "This is us. Our moment in time.", calling back to the watch from 11x6 Demons of the Punjab
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It'd also be nice to call back to 13’s speech on her family from 11x1 The Woman Who Fell to Earth:
Yaz: I'm not sure I can do this without you. You helped me.. helped me learn who I am-
13: And now you know. You don't need me, Yaz. I needed you in the end. Look at everything you did today, on your own. You saved me. You led everyone. Just- carry me with you, if you can. Just do that. What I would've thought and said and done. Make that a part of you. So I might be going from the universe, but I'll never be gone from you, eh?
Yaz, huffing through tears: What would the Doctor do?
13: What would you do?
As I’ve cut the Classic Companions, I’m replacing the Companion support Group with Yaz’s anniversary dinner with her sister Sonya from 12x7 Can You Hear Me, commemorating when she ran away as a teen.
In contrast to the lonely, somber affair of that episode, this time Yaz has invited Ryan, Graham, Dan and Diane round, as well as her parents and grandmother
Ryan's dad Aaron could also show up since he never appeared again after Resolution
13’s ‘Fam’ has become Yaz’s extended family and support network, highlighting how much she’s grown
We leave the companions with a similar sentiment to Graham’s idea of telling stories from the original. Yaz is ready to open up to her family and tell them about her time with the Doctor.
Intercut 13 leaving the TARDIS with Yaz calling back to Ryan’s opening line from 11x1 The Woman Who Fell To Earth:
Yaz: So tonight, we want to tell you about the greatest woman we ever met. Smart. Funny. Caring… Special. Proper special. 
The Thijarians are there to witness 13’s regeneration. They exchange a look of understanding with her before she goes
The story now ties in plot-threads from Series 11 (Demons of the Punjab, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos & Resolution), Series 12 (Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror, Praxeus, Can You Hear Me? & Revolution of the Daleks, as well as The Timeless Children) and Flux (Karvanista). Paying these plot threads off retroactively gives the era thematic unity, validating viewers’ investment. 
As it was, PotD’s refusal to resolve anything made the whole thing weaker and less worth investing in overall.
art credit to @lostcosmos and @softest-butch!
EDIT: I have now written a fic exploring some of these ideas, linking the Chibnall era together and giving the characters more closure. Check it out if you'd like!
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the power of the doctor
  c+p my livetweets
 first note: no one but maybe Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis has gotten the cybermen quite right... sure it's fun to have villains boasting, but cybermen (or ~cybermasters) are scary bc they're not supposed to do That (that being any emotion at all)
do appreciate the continuity of bringing back the ~hybrids~ (tm)... .
still holding out hope that there will be fallout/consequences to the last universe reset / Armageddon and the doctor's "solution" there (1% of hope)
im gonna go ahead and say this makes canon one of my favorite short eu stories  - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Girls%27_Night_In_(short_story)
"it's only been 3 decades for me" rip all the timelord-ace lore lol (in this continuity at least)dan slow down crazy it's only been 10 minutes
lmao i died @ the house still not being there xD
for future analysis: message about the comforts of modernity / technology doing away with regional cultures / identities?
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i love my contact-lensed hypnotic trash son
yaz: is yours, isn't it? (...) yours from another time? me, immediately, without breathing: VALEYARD?????? RANI!!!?!?!?! 
i love this nonesense:
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u know what would go great with that new UNIT building.. . .. a UNIT. . .. spin off
“are you ready for this?” “no! ””me neither!” me neither!!!!!!!
graphic design is my passion
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im screaming chibnall is actually Getting It Right TOT
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i love how this is proving the widely held fandom wisdom(tm) that 13 would not get away with her bs if she had been traveling with tegan and / or donna lol
one day it WILL be the valeyard / the rani and then You Will All See
and that was the day 23.342.340.923 university collage professor thoschei AUs were born and then launched into space 
im enjoying this a lot but i do have to give the critique that the emotional grounding of 13's and yaz's arcs feels very thin (as individuals and as a pair) and hasn't been the focus 20 minutes in, better hurry up @ show
I waited 2 years for this omg ot3 dynamicsssss   
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gotta love a petty in-character reference
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"oh, and ace! or should I say dorothy?" (...) "last time I saw you, you were half-cat" epic burns all around in this sunday night
the cameraperson doing those close af angles in the thasmin bit... i see you cameraperson
waiting for a twist because we've done the One Good Dalek thing like 3 times in new who asdfg 
i think Dhawan's master is forever gonna be my favorite master by far. the guys simply had no bad scenes ever. 
ooo, i liked this moment 
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the master in the doctor’s body... i have read that fic
fear you got beaten to the punch there, m8 
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fear you got beaten to the punch there, m8
me walking to the local convention w/ my first cosplay
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chibnall: can i copy your homework? rtd: yes but change it a little
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but,,, my spin off....,,, ):
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the noise i just made omg
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(screaming this was in the results when i went to re-check the meme's text sdlkjfdlksjf)
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chibnall: can i copy your homework? moffat: yes but change it a little
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we started the era with a funeral, and ended with support group for grief. bookend storytelling!
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(though lol not to brag mates but the 10-era crew has probably have cycled thru a dozen whatsapp - facebook - zoom calls and discord groups by the time this is happening)
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OK overall takes...
im gonna need time to digest lol yes, lots of very clever things, cool lore, and thematic bookends (esp, re: the fam, unit, cycles, optimism, and the master), some Right choices for classic characters BUT a lot of wasted potential for the current ones (thasmin, 13, yaz, honestly even dan! what a flimsy goodbye...).
i also think this finale fits well  the rest of the era, a lot of excellent set ups for fic writers + fandom to elevate, esp in regards to character stuff and new interpretations of old themes (regeneration as identity, emigration metaphors, companion grief, etc). im always gonna be thankful for this lesson in the 13th era: art is what the interpreter of the art brings to it. a lot of people didn’t bring a lot to this era (for valid reasons, sometimes just for misogyny/racist ones)  so they didn’t get a lot, but those who worked their way thru the subtle stuff and even “added-in” stuff, got a great, if imperfect work w/ a lot of nuances, and def things never before done in dw (one of the major wins: making the doctor mysterious again, and making them a refugee / vulnerable rather than “president of the universe” he’d come to be in 10 season of new who). stray points (things i wasnt as satisfied with) 1- im not sure thirteen learned a lot? i think the reason the master's final point in his arc hit and landed so well, while thirteen's didn't as much (for me) is that it all kind of circled around with not really a "lesson" being learned.  we really pulled back the layers of the master's narcissism and obsession with the doctor, and followed it all the way through its origins in jealousy and self-hatred. meanwhile the doctor's optimist, happy-go-lucky facade-that-falls that the fandom did such excellent meta about... never quite hit it in the end with the show. EVEN when the setup was so clearly there SO MANY TIMES: giving yaz a gun, comitting triple genocide on the daleks/cybermen/sontarans, the tim shaw of it all... etc. 2- related to the point of 13 not growing: in the end she and yaz didn't commit to anything (quite the opposite, they stuck to the denial from the warriors ep, which i thought would be Turned Around here...), the special instead of calling out the older doctors, validated them for abandoning the companions (when tbh i think the True Thing, even if it hurt, would be for 13 to have outright said to ace and tegan [and yaz, even!] "im sorry, i wish i could have given you what you needed, but i couldnt. and probably never will") Let me stress it tho: i did really like the yaz/13, 5/tegan, ace/7 resolutions in isolation, they got those dynamics Right in a lot of ways (the 7/ace thing about the Cost you pay for “doing the right thing” , the doctor/tegan being like That but rlly only bc they care sm about each other (aaa) thing, and even with the yaz/doctor thing i can see the logic of them always being so positive + supportive, of doing all they can to “stay together”) but looking at it as a whole, in the context of "doctor who as one long running story", this felt a bit like a regression for the doctor, and by extension for ace, tegan and yaz. 3- i think there was also just not enough time to let the story breath. or rather, there WAS time but also a lot of nonsense taking that time (like the dalek trairo or the whole train thing i was SO EXCITED thinking it would be a kid from the doctor’s mysterious origins but nope, it was just a diversion to get to Squiggles.... even vinder whom i rlly enjoyed ... idk i have to question how Necessary it was to have a whole thing about him breaking his ship then repairing his ship... etc. ) . the scene at  the veeery end where 13 and yaz eat ice cream was like the first time chibnall slowed the peace *enough* to let the emotions land (and also the only moment i actually started crying asdfg).there were so many more companion / doctor companion interactions to be had, but bc of all the Stuff (tm) there wasn't time to rlly exploit (not having the companions in Somber Silence around the doctor, waiting for her to wake up for days, was almost a writting crime of negligence). but then again, that's been chibnall the whole way through lol he ain't no Aguinaldo Silva and that's fine. "understated emotions" is just not my thing.
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gulindede · 1 month
2023-2024 sezonu tiyatro bakiyesi;
1. Altın Elma, Olası İşler, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali, 11 Ağustos 2. Deli Bayramı, DasDas, 
Bergama Tiyatro Festivali, 11 Ağustos 
3. Afet & Diana, BGST , 
Bergama Tiyatro Festivali, 12 Ağustos
4. Kral Übü, Sarı Sandalye,  Bergama Tiyatro Festivali, 13 Ağustos 
5. La Reprise, NtGent, İO Festivali , 9 Eylül
6. Gılgamış, Platform 0090, 15 Eylül, Io Festivali 
7. A night with thick&tight, Fringe Festivali, 16 Eylül
8. My favorite person, Fringe Festivali, 18 Eylül
9. On Wednesday We Wear Pink, Fringe Festivali, 20 Eylül
10. Kaçak Çay Performansı, Fringe Festivali,, 23 Eylül 
11. Bunker+Vault&Reprise, Fringe Festivali, 23 Eylül
12. Disko Topu, Lemur Company, 30 Eylül
13. Ölümün Tersi Arzudur, Kadıköy Emek Tiyatrosu, 7 Ekim
14. Cırcır Böcekleri, İtler ve Biz, Art12, 8 Ekim
15. Selmin Zeki Hanım, Moda Sahnesi, 13 Ekim 
16. Aşık Shakespeare, 19 Ekim
17. Cafe Müller,  İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, 25 Ekim
18. Geçen Yaz Birdenbire, İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, 30 Ekim
19. Büyük Zarifi Apartmanı, İstos Sahne, 1 Kasım
20. İO, Terzopoulos, İo Festivali, 3 Kasım 
21. Annemden Kalan Gül Ağacı Masa..., Ba Tiyatro, 4 Kasım
22. Ayazmanın Yılanı, Tiyatro Poyraz, 5 Kasım
23. Düğün, İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, 7 Kasım
24. Kel Diva, Oyun Atölyesi, 8 Kasım
25. Çifte Cinayet, İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, 14 Kasım
26. Baklava Cumhuriyeti,  İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, 17 Kasım
27. Kabuk, İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, 19 Kasım
28. Kız Kardeşler, İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, 21 Kasım
29. Mon Amour, İstanbul Tiyatro Festivali, 26 Kasım
30. Çirkin, Dolkun Production, 2 Aralık
31. Dans Adrenalin, Mdt, 
33. Othello, Moda Sahnesi, 4 Ocak
34. Parrhesia 2, Echoes&Kast, 7 Ocak
35. Heybesini Çiğneyen Katır, KadroPa, 8 Ocak
36. Uykusuz Bir Rüya Salim, D22, 15 Ocak
37. Takım Yıldızları, Kaos Sanat,  22 Ocak
38. Geçen Gün, Kundura Sahne 28 Ocak
39. Tarihte Yaşanmamış Olaylar, Kadıköy Boa Sahne, 29 Ocak
40. 39,5 Basamak, Tiyatroadam 8 Şubat
41. Kırmızı Küre, Devlet Tiyatrosu, 18 Şubat
42. On Adımda Unutmak, Studio Oyuncuları, 18 Şubat
43. Treplev, Decolage Art Space, 20 Şubat
44. Sivrisinekler, İBŞT,2 Mart
45. Slava’s Snowshow, 3 Mart
46. Sonbahara Son Güller, Devlet Tiyatrosu, 6 Mart
47. Ben çoktan gidersiniz sanmıştım, 6 Nisan
48. Öbür, Proje Difüzyon, 16 Nisan
49. Gong, gong Sahne, 19 Nisan
50. Kaza, Köpek, Kahvaltı ve Yumurta, NKT, 20 Nisan
51. O Taraf Bu Taraf Şu Taraf, NKT 21 Nisan 
52. Dıkşın, Moda Sahnesi, 24 Nisan
53. Tanrıdan Öğrendiğim Şeyler, Moda Sahnesi, 29 Nisan
54. Sortiee, 5 Mayıs, İO Festvali
55. Sendrom, Fact Tiyatro, 8 Mayıs
56. Öteki Venedik Taciri, Kumbaracı50, 12 Mayıs
57. Hatırlarsanız Mahremiyet Demiştik, Artalan Kolektif, 18 Mayıs
58. Cimri, BeReZe, 20 Mayıs
59. Titus Kompleks, DasDas, 31 Mayıs
60. Çarpışma, Devlet Tiyatroları, 4 Haziran
61. Soğuklar, Nomad&Echoes, 10 Haziran
62. Bu Bir Aşk Hikayesi, Mono Vino, 7 Temmuz
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esonetwork · 3 months
Timestamp #311: The Power of the Doctor
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/timestamp-311-the-power-of-the-doctor/
Timestamp #311: The Power of the Doctor
Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (1 episode, BBC Centenary Special, 2022)
Regeneration, degeneration, and regeneration again.
The Cybermen attack a cosmic bullet train and Team TARDIS responds to the distress call. The train’s guards apparently kill the intruders, but these are the CyberMasters so they regenerate. The Doctor, Yaz, and Dan board the train using a metal ladder but the Cybermen send a team to the roof to counter them. The Doctor deactivates the magnetic field holding the Cybermen to the roof and they fly into the depths of space. Dan takes a blaster bolt to his spacesuit’s helmet but survives once the team enters the train.
The Cybermen are searching for cargo on the train. While Dan slows the train and Yaz tends to the wounded, the Doctor confronts the CyberMasters. They find the cargo is a young child and the CyberMasters escape with him.
Wait, are we trafficking people now?
In Siberia, 1916, a messenger arrives at Father Grigori Rasputin’s home with an urgent request. Tsarevich Alexei has taken ill and Rasputin has been summoned to the Winter Palace.
In London, 2022, Ace studies an empty wall in an art gallery. The curator insists that the missing painting has been taken for restoration, but Ace is not convinced. She calls Tegan, who is in Romania looking for missing seismologists, and notes that fifteen famous paintings have gone missing. Tegan is further confused by a Russian stacking doll containing a tiny Cyberman and a note from the Doctor.
Tegan hasn’t heard from the Doctor in four decades. Ace hasn’t heard from them in three decades.
The TARDIS arrives at the former site of Dan’s house in the modern day, and Dan announces that he’s leaving the TARDIS after his brush with death. The Doctor understands as she and Yaz say farewell. The Doctor returns to the TARDIS and receives a message from a renegade Dalek offering information about a plot to end humanity and a promise to help destroy the Dalek race. Yaz returns as the TARDIS locates the child from the train, leading them to 1916.
There is also an extra planet in the solar system.
St. Petersburg, 1916: Rasputin confers with Tsarina Alexandra about her son’s hemophilia and the appearance of a second moon. Rasputin is really the Master; he hypnotizes the tsarina and Tsar Nicholas II, convincing the family to leave so the Master can control the palace.
The TARDIS materializes on the mysterious moon, revealing it to be a Cyber-converted planet. They spot another TARDIS in the distance, but it is corrupted, tethered to the planet, and is connected to the missing child. That child is really a Qurunx, a rare sentient energy being disguised as something that someone would want to protect. When Cybermen arrive, the Doctor and Yaz barely escape into the TARDIS before being summoned by Kate Stewart.
They fly to UNIT HQ and learn about the missing scientists and paintings. The Doctor is reunited with Ace and Tegan, and while Ace approves of the new face, Tegan holds a grudge. The team finds that each of the paintings has been defaced with the Master’s Rasputin face. The team also receives a message from the Master that he’s holding a conference in Naples, so the Doctor leaves with Yaz after touching each of her former companions. The touches are literally shocking.
The Naples conference reveals that the Master has killed the seismologists. His disguises and dealings are grandstanding to attract the Doctor’s attention. Today is the day that the Doctor is erased from existence forever. Despite the threat/promise, UNIT soldiers arrest the Master and force him into the TARDIS to be held under armed guard.
Adding a complication, Vinder arrives on the Cyber-planet in search of the Qurunx. Unfortunately, the wormhole destroys his ship and strands him on the planet.
The Master is taken to a high-security bunker. En route, he taunts Kate, Tegan, and Ace. Meanwhile, the Doctor takes off to find the renegade Dalek. Yaz expresses her frustration at being kept in the dark, but the Doctor admits she doesn’t understand how everything connects. The Doctor also taps Yaz with the same static effect.
The TARDIS arrives inside a volcano in Bolivia and the Doctor meets with the Dalek. Meanwhile, Yaz discovers a much larger group of Daleks operating heavy drilling machinery.
Ace and Tegan watch a CCTV feed of the Master’s cell, but he addresses them, revealing that he sent the miniature Cyberman and the note from the Doctor. The doll returns to normal size and disgorges several Cybermen and Ashad (mysteriously returned to life). Tegan and Ace take cover with firearms, but the gold bullets prove ineffective. The Cybermen have leveled up.
UNIT is under siege from the Cybermen. The Master is set free.
The Doctor is ambushed by the Daleks. The traitor was set up and the Doctor is forced into the traitor’s casing. Yaz rushes to the TARDIS and tries to pilot it as the Doctor is teleported to 1916. There, the Master gloats about the Master’s Dalek Plan, in which he plans to force her to regenerate using Gallifreyan technology meshed with the Cyber-planet’s power. He taunts her by dancing to Boney M’s Rasputin while the plan is set in motion.
Vinder contacts the TARDIS with his special communicator just as the Master opens a channel to taunt Yaz. Yaz locks on to the signal and lands in the Winter Palace, but she’s too late. The Master has regenerated into the Doctor, clothes and all. The Master-Doctor compels Yaz to follow as his companion while he steals the TARDIS.
Kate, Tegan, and Ace gear up to defend the building. Kate initiates a lockdown while Ace and Tegan run for the roof with parachutes. Ace also digs out her classic bomber jacket and metal bat. Ace escapes but Tegan refuses to jump and remains behind in the locked building.
As the Master-Doctor fights for control of the TARDIS, he outlines his plan to erupt every volcano at once, destroying humanity while turning the planet into a foundry for Cybermen and Daleks. Meanwhile, he will travel the universe and tarnish the name of the Doctor throughout time and space. He starts by ending a civil war by destroying both combatants, all the while clad in a distorted amalgam outfit of the Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, Tenth, and Thirteenth Doctor’s trademark clothes. Yaz pushes him out of the TARDIS and dematerializes, so the Master-Doctor awaits her return with a tune on the Second Doctor‘s recorder.
The Thirteenth Doctor awakens on an endless rocky vista. Near a telegraph pole, she meets a figure in Gallifreyan robes who morphs between the First, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctor‘s forms. The figure is the Guardian of the Edge, an overseer of the Edge of Existence where the Doctor passes upon regeneration. Since she hasn’t yet passed this milestone, the forced regeneration can be reversed, so she develops a plan.
Inside the TARDIS, Yaz encounters a holographic message from the Doctor. The shocking touches implanted emotional receptors in the companions so that this AI program could interact with them. Yaz outlines her plan to the AI, including rescuing Vinder. The hologram replies that they only have one chance to reverse the forced regeneration.
Tegan returns to Kate and explains that she needs to help stop the Cybermen. Kate reveals the only plan is to destroy the building and entomb the threat. Kate offers herself to the Cybermen with the promise of information, leaving Tegan to find the manual self-destruct activator.
Outside, Ace jumps off the building and is immediately shot at. Luckily, the TARDIS scoops her out of the sky. Ace approves of the new TARDIS and Yaz’s plan to drop her into the Bolivian volcano. Yaz retrieves the Master-Doctor and seemingly apologizes. Vinder hides nearby with his armed blaster.
As Tegan navigates UNIT HQ, her hologram activates as the Fifth Doctor. It wishes her good luck and promises that the Doctor never forgot her after she left the TARDIS. He offers her a “brave heart” and lets her continue her mission.
Inside the volcano, Ace meets the hologram as the Seventh Doctor. She’s ready to attack the Daleks with her new Nitro-999. The Doctor AI apologizes to Ace for how they parted ways. Ace is happy to make up with the Professor, who tells her that they’re more than good: “We’re ace!” She meets Graham O’Brien and the two hit it off immediately.
Ashad and the Cybermen find Kate hiding behind a laser shield. After a bit of stalling, she offers herself and her knowledge in exchange for the lives of her soldiers. The Cybermen accept. Meanwhile, Tegan descends an elevator shaft and is detected by Ashad.
The Master-Doctor returns to the Winter Palace and orders the Daleks to commence their plan. Volcanoes begin to erupt around the world, but Yaz distracts the Master-Doctor long enough to activate the AI. The Fugitive Doctor enters the room and traps the Cybermen in their own crossfire. Vinder and Yaz force the Master-Doctor into the regeneration chamber and harness the regeneration energy from the CyberMasters to degenerate the Time Lord.
The Thirteenth Doctor returns, astounded at her wardrobe and circumstances. She then gets to work. After changing clothes, she makes a plan for the volcanoes and the Cyber-planet. Meanwhile, Ace and Graham attack the Daleks and destroy the device with the Nitro-999. The Doctor arrives just in time to rescue her companions.
Ashad attempts to convert Kate into a Cyberman, but Tegan reverses the energy flow and disables the Cybermen. The two women sprint out of the building as it self-destructs, then join the Doctor the TARDIS as she pilots to the Cyber-planet. She quickly repairs Vinder’s ship and sends him home with love for the family. She then uses the TARDIS to jump-start the Master’s TARDIS, linking the two time capsules together so she can jump the Cyber-planet from 1916 to 2022. From there, she uses the power to freeze the erupting volcanoes into steel. With the planet saved, she frees the Qurunx and begins destroying the Cyber-planet.
The Rasputin form of the Master crawls from his pod and finds his way back to his TARDIS. As he dies after the trauma of forced degeneration, he shoots the Doctor with the Qurunx’s power. She is mortally wounded, but Yaz rushes to save her as the planet crumbles. The extended family gathers around as the Doctor passes out.
When the Doctor wakes up, she finds that Yaz has dropped everyone off in Croydon. The Cloister Bell rings and Doctor begins her regeneration. Despite wanting more time, she offers Yaz one final trip. They later eat ice cream while watching the Earth from the roof of the TARDIS. The Doctor eulogizes about the time they spent together because it was special. Instead of saying goodbye, the Doctor takes Yaz home and they share one last longing look. The Doctor leaves as Yaz reunites with Graham and Dan.
The trio arrives in a meeting room with a support group of former companions. They admit that, since returning from their travels, they’ve never been able to talk about what they experienced. Graham, Dan, Ace, Tegan, and Kate are joined by Jo Jones, Mel Bush, and even Ian Chesterton. They swap stories and make friends. They’re going to be okay.
The Doctor lands on a seaside cliff and asks the TARDIS to look after the next Doctor while she takes in a final sunrise. She says a fond farewell to her current incarnation before welcoming the Fourteenth Doctor. In a burst of explosive energy, she regenerates.
Her body changes. Her clothes change. But instead of someone new, the Doctor’s new form is someone familiar.
The final adventure of the Thirteenth Doctor is an amazing one. It ties off the CyberMasters storyline (which still irritates me, so it’s still effective) and fulfills the prophecy from The Vanquishers. It’s chock full of connections and callbacks, which is standard for an anniversary special, and it’s (surprisingly) well-written.
The end of the CyberMasters is well-crafted, spending the regeneration energy the Master stole from Gallifrey to restore the child the Time Lords pillaged to achieve immortality. I still have hope for the restoration of Gallifrey, but this is poetic justice.
The Master’s plan is diabolical and brilliant. Attacking the people the Doctor loves and handing the planet over to their greatest enemies is one thing, but taking the Doctor’s form and discrediting them throughout time and space is next level.
I also like how the franchise keeps playing with regeneration. While forced regeneration was established in 1969, the modern era has experimented with a “vanity” half-regeneration, transfer of regeneration energy, extending lifetime limits, jump-starting regeneration, and tests of loyalty. The classic era also experimented with Romana trying out different bodies. Here we add the ability to reverse a regeneration, but only under special circumstances that require a large infusion of regeneration energy.
It is in that regeneration/degeneration cycle that we find a fascinating mindscape to represent the Doctor’s continual transitory nature. The Edge of Existence, guarded by the past incarnations, marks the Doctor’s own river Styx. In Greek mythology, the river Styx separated the living souls from the dead souls of the Underworld. The river was guarded by Charon, the boatman who ferried the dead across. Funeral rites included low-value coins with the corpse which would be paid to Charon, and those who couldn’t pay wandered the shores for a century before being allowed across. It is fitting that the essence of the Doctor serves as the Guardian of the Edge, ensuring that each incarnation is truly ready to move on after death.
I kind of want a Tales from the Edge anthology. Who greeted the First Doctor? Were the Second and Tenth Doctors ready to accept the end? How would the Watcher figure in? Why does the Eighth Doctor despise the Gallifreyan robes so much?
The final thing I really like is the companion support group. While I dislike Ryan’s absence (particularly since he was among the first companions in this era), I love the concept of former companions swapping stories and bonding over their adventures. I have often wondered what happened to companions when they returned to their normal lives, and now I wonder why this idea took so long to arrive.
That brings me to the big friction point I have with this regeneration.
On the one hand, it was a necessary evil. What should have been a triumphant era in Doctor Who‘s history was plagued by lower budgets and declining viewership driven by substandard writing and plotting. Episode orders were cut, including for the Flux event and the follow-on specials. The show was nearly cancelled (again). Bringing in the most popular Doctor and the most popular showrunner leading into the 60th anniversary was a brilliant marketing move. It was a necessary marketing move, designed to tell the skeptics that The Powers That Be were serious about the longevity of the franchise.
On the other hand, it gave the most toxic members of fandom exactly what they wanted. Since Jodie Whittaker was announced as the Thirteenth Doctor, social media, YouTube, and places like 4chan were flooded with complaints and doom-mongering: Missives about how a female Doctor ruined representation for male fans and emasculated the fan base; How the show was becoming “woke” and feminist; How the next Doctor should be David Tennant and the years since his departure should be “decanonized” and cast aside as a fever dream.
Yeah, the vocal toxic minority wanted to erase the Smith, Capaldi, and Whittaker eras. So when David Tennant appeared as the Fourteenth Doctor, it felt like Russell T. Davies was giving them exactly what they wanted. By burning away the Thirteenth Doctor’s face and clothing (which hadn’t been done since Hartnell’s regeneration) and replacing it with a copy of something twelve years past, it felt like RTD was erasing Whittaker’s legacy.
It took a while to come to terms with RTD’s assurance that he wasn’t doing that, but symbolically that’s how it looked, and it added a sour note to what is otherwise an amazing, fun, and fitting send-off for the Thirteenth Doctor.
Rating: 5/5 – “Fantastic!”
UP NEXT – Series Thirteen and Thirteenth Doctor Summary
The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
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ipeker1952 · 1 year
Küresel ısınma ve bunun doğurduğu iklim değişikliği insanlığın başına bela olacak gibi gözüküyor, susuzluk giderek daha çok kendisini hissettiriyor, yazlık yörelerde yazın nüfusun artması ile çamaşır makineleri çalışamaz hale geldi, peyzajlar sulanamıyor, çimler sararıyor, belki yaz sonuna doğru büyük şehirlerde başta İstanbul olmak üzere ciddi su sıkıntıları yaşanacak. Peki bunun için ne yapmalıyız? Bunlardan biri yağmur suyu toplama, yani yağmur suyu hasadı, Akdeniz kuşağında bulunduğumuz için kışın yağmur yağıyor, yazları çok kurak geçiyor. Dolayısıyla kışın, yani yağmur sularını kirlenmeden, toprağa karışmadan bir şekilde yeraltı depolarında veya yer üstü depolarında toplamamız gerekiyor. Tabii bu pahalı bir sistem, her şeyden önce yer ve büyük tanklar gerektiriyor. Fakat bunun için iyi araştırmalar yapılırsa belki pratik çözümler bulunabilir. Örneğin suların yer altında depolanması veya mebran serili göletler yapılması, veya buna benzer daha başka pratik metotların geliştirilmesi lazım, bence geleceğin en büyük işlerinden biri yağmur suyu toplama konusundaki Mühendislik alanında olacak. Bu hayatımızda meslek seçiminden banyo yapmamıza, dişimizi fırçalamamızdan sebze meyve fiyatlarına kadar her şeyi değiştirecek bir olay. Insanoğlunu çok zorlayacak son 50 yılın ilk yıllarına girmiş bulunuyoruz.
lack of water
Global warming and the climate change caused by it seems to be a problem for humanity, thirst is becoming more and more felt, washing machines have become inoperable with the increase in the population in summer areas, landscapes cannot be watered, grasses turn yellow, maybe towards the end of summer, serious problems can arise in big cities, especially in Istanbul. There will be water shortages. So what should we do for this? One of them is rainwater harvesting, that is, rainwater harvesting. Since we are in the Mediterranean belt, it rains in winter and it is very dry in summer. Therefore, in winter, we need to collect rainwater in underground or above-ground tanks in a way that does not pollute or mix with the soil. Of course, this is an expensive system, first of all it requires space and large tanks. But if good research is done for this, maybe practical solutions can be found. For example, it is necessary to store water underground, to construct membrane-lined ponds, or to develop other practical methods. This is an event that will change everything in our lives, from choosing a profession to taking a bath, from brushing our teeth to the prices of vegetables and fruits. We have entered the first years of the last 50 years, which will force mankind very hard.
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booksandwords · 2 years
Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez
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Read time: 2 Days Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: "Yes, and what about a woman whose husband has four wives? He is allowed four, and she is allowed just one husband? In that marriage, is she worth just one quarter of a man?" "Ach, who would want more than one?" [...] "But it is also true," [...] "that without us, these men who are so valuable would have no sons. Heaven is under the Mother's feet, so treat her kindly. Have you not heard that said? Our tradition tells us that women should be given kindness, love, and respect if a man truly wants to be righteous." "Well then there are some very impure men around." — Zara and Halajan
I know these books (this and The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul) are controversial. Their controversy comes largely from the simplification of a hugely complicated culture and I believe a slight disconnect from reality. But I like them in the way that they are driven entirely by women, that is not something I read a lot. This is quite different from The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul in the way it is told. Whereas the first book focuses entirely on the titular coffee shop in Afghanistan, this one splits its time between the coffee shop and the Screaming Peacock Vinyard on the fictional Timbly island in the United States. Not only is the geography different the themes in play are too. Moving from family and community to self and home (with the community still there to a degree).
As I did for the first a bit of write up for each of the characters. Zara — The Bride Zara is a character I didn't see coming. While I do feel her whole arc feels more like it is forming the framing rather than allowing her to be an independent character, she is still a good character. This is a time when we are seeing the consequences of an arranged marriage. To a degree her arc lets us see that process, something I didn't know. Even if Rodriguez is using an extreme or old school example seeing that as a piece of culture felt important. As the blurb may indicate Zara has the worst of the endings, though there is a silver lining of a sort there. It's along the lines of Isabel from The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul. A reminder that life is messy, imperfect and can be truly ugly.
Yazmina — The Proprieter Yazmina, fondly referred to as Yaz, is pregnant during Return it is of course Ahmet's. She's still headstrong, bold and willing to push for the good of women in Afghanistan. As well as raising Najima she is the one running the coffee shop day-to-day. Honestly, she feels like she has followed in the footsteps of not only Sunny (in her creating a safe space for international workers and locals alike) and Halajan (her headstrong nature and feministic opinions) but Candace (her drive to help people especially women). I loved seeing what has become of Yazmina. From the scared women at the very start of The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul to strong mother, fierce woman and a fighter through and through.
Sunny — The Lost Soul Sunny remains Sunny. Headstrong, determined. But now she's a bit listless after leaving Kabul and then trying to find her new place to be. There is a lot of mourning and homesickness involved. Homesickness because Kabul and her coffees shop was her home for so very long and mourning because between the books Jack has died quickly and tragically with no chance to say goodbye. This story is her finding a new drive, a new way to be her and use her skills. This is so effective and relatable as a plot, we all know that we will come to this, or have already.
Halajan — The Mother Hen Halajan continues to be somehow both a provocative and stabilising influence in the world. A reminder that Afghanistan hasn't always been like this, that women used to be free (look it's a bad word choice but I can't think of a better one). Halajan is not torn between the old ways and the new ways, she is firmly on the side of bringing back the old ways (aka she's a badass feminist). Encouraging her son and daughter-in-law to continue her fight. To see a woman so in love and with the man of her dreams and encouraging the next generation is such a brilliant thing. We need more women like this. We need women to remind us that life doesn't end at 30, 40, 50, even 60.
Layla and Kat — The Next Generation Layla and Katayon (Kat) have this brilliant equal and opposite thing going on. Both are fish out of water and enduring culture shock at times. Layla, Yamina's sister, has a year-long scholarship to study in America. She is struggling with the cultural and social differences between Afghanistan and America. Kat is an Afghani girl who has lived in America since she was a young child. She is has blended into the local population and taken the traits of a contemporary American girl, shunning her Afghani roots her hatred for Afghani roots leads her to judge Layla harsher than anyone else. There is some severe tropiness, stereotypes or perhaps heavy-handedness to Kat in particular. I know Kat was based on a real person but I'm not sure how much. Sometimes Layla comes across as kinda flat. Like not enough focus was put into planning her full role in the book aside from her role with Kat and friendship with Sky. They do have some great conversations about culture clash and lost childhood. A warning Kat's past can be heavy, domestic violence but worse.
The Support Cast As with The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul much of the supporting cast is male with one major exception, Candace. Candace stills appears frequently she's working as a financial backer for various things, jet setting and using her alimony, network for good. She is absolutely not the woman she was before Isabel's death and everything else in that book. But when we do see her now it's fly in fly out and only there for a page maybe a bit more. I wish we saw more of her but her role as a plot device to move things on is fairly effective. Of the other characters, my favourite is Sunny's next-door neighbour on Timbly island, Giuseppe better known as Joe. Joe is a Japanese, American, Italian twice Sunny's age who has lost his wife, his beloved Sylvie but lives life to the full. Through him, we hear about the internment camps with a focus on Camp Harmony (the name of the camp at the Puyallup Valley Fairgrounds), not something I ever expected to read in this and honestly it's done well too. I just really like him, he is so different from everything else that has come, a character that marks Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul as his own.
One of the most common themes or motifs in the book is indicated on the cover, peacocks. The Winery name and local wildlife, a request, a pet and a quote... "in the story, the peacock goes to the goddess Juno to complain that she had not given him the song of a nightingale, a song wonderous to every ear, while he became the laughing stock each time he opened his mouth. Juno consoles the peacock by pointing out his beauty and his size." [...] "The peacock then asks 'What is the use of beauty, a voice like mine?' 'Your lot in life has been assigned by the Fates,' she tells him. 'Each must be content with his own particular gift.' In other words," [...] "take care not to strive for something that was not given to you, or you will waste your life being disappointed by what you don't have." (Joe, p.94). This quote is a large part of the meaning of the book in general. You'll get it. Actually, quotes and words of wisdom from lifelong learning are a big part of this, both Joe and Halajan like trying to teach from their own experience.
The ending of Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul feels fitting. Pushing the idea of finding a home, connecting to your roots and making yourself whole. There is so much strength in this book. Even Zara who goes through a lot, suffers, blames herself for so much pain and suffering is strong. The whole thing ends on a tone of optimism as is only right. All that said I did have a little lingering disappointment over the ending, but I'm unsure why.
0 notes
regenderate-fic · 2 years
When I Run Away (You're Who I Run To): Chapter 16
main post read on ao3
Word Count (Chapter): 4,650
NOTES: cw for misgendering/transphobia/deadnaming mostly at the start + some discussion later. also some discussion/implication of abuse etc. sorry for giving penny so much trauma in my defense it's a fraction of what canon thirteen has
also the "box of shame" uno house rule is from esther nounpolycule thank you esther for once again letting me steal your ideas for this fic. ALSO IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK EVERYONE SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTHER
posting a bit early because i'm so grouchy right now and i want to go be soooo comfycozy with my girlfriend
Yaz tilted her head to the side. “Your son?”
“John Smith,” the woman explained. “Although I hear he’s using a different name these days. I was told he worked here?”
Immediately, everything clicked in Yaz’s head. Woman— looking for her child— whose current name she didn’t even know. Or— no. Refused to use? In any case, it all added up to trouble. Yaz stepped forward.
“No,” she said. “I know everyone who works here, and none of them are your son.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rose dart back towards the kitchen, and she stepped to the side, obscuring the kitchen doors as well as she could. “If you want to order something, Ace here can help you out—”
“No,” the woman said. “That’s all right. I’ll just wait here, if that’s all right.”
“Actually,” Ace said, “you’ve got to buy something to use the space.” She shrugged. “It’s the rules.” It wasn't, as far as Yaz knew.
The woman stared at her for a long moment. “Fine,” she said. “I’ll take a muffin.”
“Flavor?” Ace asked, ice in her tone. 
“Blueberry will do.”
“Sorry,” Ace said. “We’re all out.” 
Yaz glanced over to the display case— there was a whole row of blueberry. She suppressed a smile. 
“What are those, then?” the woman asked, nodding to the case. 
“They’re on hold,” Ace said blithely. “Sorry. We’ve just started taking online orders. It’s a bit of a mess, really. I can give you a carrot.” As far as Yaz knew, just about every word of that was a lie— if the bakery had started taking online orders, Yaz was sure she and Rose would’ve been the first customers. 
“Fine, then. Carrot.”
Ace pulled the muffin out of the display case and stuffed it into a paper bag. “That’ll be three pounds fifty.”
The woman dug in her wallet for the change. She dropped it on the countertop and picked up the bag, holding it primly in front of her. “Is that all?” she asked.
Ace nodded. 
The woman looked around, appraising. “It’s a nice place you’ve got here, you know.”
Neither Ace nor Yaz responded. Finally, the woman retreated, and Yaz glanced at Ace. “You all right out here?” she asked quietly.
“Right as rain,” Ace said with a smile. She jerked her head towards the kitchen door. “Go check on Rose.” 
Yaz nodded. “Thanks.”
“‘Course.” Ace looked forward again, just in time for another customer to come up to the counter. Yaz slipped through the door into the kitchen. 
She scanned the room. It took her a moment to find Rose and Penny. They were in the far corner, Penny on the ground, folded in on herself with Rose sitting next to her, stroking her hair, whispering quietly. As Yaz stepped closer, Rose looked up.
“Is she gone?”
Yaz shook her head. “Ace tried to say she couldn’t stay if she didn’t buy anything. Didn’t work. Sort of fun to watch, though.” She lowered herself to the floor next to Penny, a cabinet handle digging into her back. “How’s it going in here?”
Penny looked up. “How d’you think?” But there was only the faintest trace of the usual obstinate spark in her eyes. 
“Yeah. Silly question, I guess.” Yaz took a deep breath. “Not sure what to do now. Is there a back entrance?”
Penny nodded. “But we’ll have to walk outside to get back to my place,” she said. 
“Right,” Yaz said, the plan spinning itself out in her mind. “Come to our place. We’ll cross the street at the end of the block and double back. Rose and I can stand on either side of you so anyone looking will see us first. Can you walk that far if we help you?”
“If I have to,” Penny said. “Stairs will be hard.”
“We can hang out in the shop,” Rose said. “No stairs.”
“Okay.” Penny nodded. “Okay.” She took a deep breath. “I— I've got my cane with me today. It'll help.”
Rose was already on her feet. “Where is it?” And then a second later— “Oh, I see it.” She stepped across the room, returning a second later with a copper-colored cane with a plain black handle. 
“Thanks.” Penny took the handle of the cane. “Er— might need a moment. Before we go anywhere.”
“You've got all the time you need,” Rose murmured. To Yaz, she added, “I texted Donna. No response yet.”
Just then, an oven beeped, and Yaz jumped up. 
“What's that?” she asked. 
“Croissants, probably.” Penny waved a hand. “There's oven mitts around somewhere.”
Yaz found them on the counter nearest the oven. She'd never used a big commercial oven like this before, but all she needed to do was get everything out in one piece— which she could manage. She unloaded four trays of perfect croissants, lining them up on the counter, and then she propped the kitchen door partway open with a doorstop. Usually the door to the kitchen never closed, and whoever was working would come in and out freely— but today Yaz kept the door mostly shut, nudging it further open with her foot as she brought out the tray. 
“Where do these go?” she asked Ace. 
“I've got it,” Ace said. She put on a pair of gloves and opened the display case, plucking the croissants off the tray and lining them up inside the case. 
“There's three more of these,” Yaz said. 
Ace straightened up. “They'll go in the warmer until we need them,” she said. “Don't worry. I've got it.” 
“Great. Thanks.”
Yaz followed Ace back into the kitchen. Ace started moving trays around, and Yaz stepped towards Rose and Penny. Rose stood, catching Yaz’s hand as she said, “We need to get her out of here.” 
“Okay,” Yaz said. “Have you gotten in touch with Donna?”
“She responded,” Rose said. “She’s out shopping. She’ll be back soon.”
Yaz nodded. “We should wait for her,” she said. “We shouldn’t leave Ace alone.”
“I’ll be fine,” Ace said from the other side of the room. “Honest.”
“It’s not safe,” Yaz said, turning towards her. “For you, I mean. You shouldn’t be running the shop alone, and I don’t know what Penny’s mum did to her, but it wasn’t good, and I don’t want you alone when she’s here.” She shook her head. “Anyway, Donna knows more about how to handle this than any of us, and until she’s here, I don’t want to leave you.”
Ace hesitated halfway through pulling a batch of biscuits out of one of the ovens. “All right,” she said. “If you say so.” She nodded at the biscuits. “I’ll just take these out front, then.” She darted out into the bakery, balancing a tray on one hand and kicking the door open in what looked to Yaz like an incredibly risky move.
Yaz let go of Rose’s hand— Rose was on her phone now, tapping rapidly away— and went back to sit next to Penny on the floor. Penny had unfolded herself a little bit, sitting cross-legged now, still looking down at her hands. 
“Doing all right?” Yaz asked.
“Could be worse,” Penny said. “You know. Considering.” She paused. “But, then again, could also be better.”
“Yeah, sounds right.” Yaz tilted her head back until it hit the cabinet behind her. “Sorry this is happening.”
Penny waved a hand. “Not your fault.”
Yaz opened her mouth to reply, but then the kitchen door banged open, and there was Donna, carrying grocery bags in both hands, moving relentlessly through the space. She left the bags on one of the counters and rushed over to Penny, crouching in front of her, hands on her shoulders.
“Penny,” she said. “Are you all right?”
“Depends how you define it, probably,” Penny said. “I mean, really, is anyone ever all right?”
Donna raised her eyebrows.
Penny sighed. “I’ll be fine. Probably.”
“Good enough for now,” Donna determined. She stood up. “Is there anything still in the ovens?”
“Might be a few loaves of bread,” Penny said. “Ace is probably keeping better track. Was going to put in some more biscuits, but—” She waved a hand. 
Donna nodded. “I’ll ask Ace, then. Rose said you were going across the street?”
“You’d better go now, then,” Donna said. “Don’t want to leave it longer than we have to. 
“Yeah,” Penny said again. She reached for her cane, on the floor in front of her. “Are we all ready?”
Yaz exchanged a look with Rose. “Yep,” she said.
“Okay.” Penny pushed herself up with the cane, swaying just a little. “Exit’s that way,” she said, nodding her head. 
Yaz held the door, and Penny and Rose stepped outside. They walked away from the coffee shop, towards the crosswalk at the other end of the street— Yaz kept half an eye on Penny the whole time. She walked faster than Yaz expected, considering, but she was panting from it before they reached the crosswalk.
“D’you need a shoulder?” Rose asked.
“That’s all right,” Penny puffed. “Once I get going it’s better to do it myself.”
They made it across the street without incident, although Penny was slowing down, clearly already exhausted. They were halfway back to the tattoo shop when Yaz saw motion at the bakery’s entrance. The door opening— a familiar hat— and then the woman from before was waiting at the crosswalk, her eyes on Penny. 
Yaz looked around. There was no way they’d get to the door in time. Donna was coming out the door to the bakery now, but even if she managed to intervene— Yaz looked at Penny. Penny was staring at the woman across the street, frozen in place.
“Penny,” Yaz said, quiet, urgent. “Will you let me carry you?”
Penny snapped her head to look at Yaz. “What? Can you?”
“I’m stronger than I look,” Yaz promised. 
“She is,” Rose added. 
“And I don't see a better option,” Yaz added. “I can get you inside fast.”
There was a too-long pause as Penny evaluated. Another glance at the scene across the street, and she nodded. That was all Yaz needed to bend down and scoop Penny up, one arm supporting her legs, one arm around her back. Penny wrapped her arms around Yaz’s shoulder, clinging for dear life, her cane dangling behind Yaz’s back until Rose took it. 
Yaz ran. The shop wasn’t that far, really— half a block, if that. Yaz made it easily, and good thing, too: the crosswalk light had just turned green. Rose held the door open, and Yaz turned sideways to carry Penny through, setting her on her feet and holding her up until Rose could hand her her cane. 
“Let's get to the back,” Yaz said. “Rose, is the door locked?”
“About to be,” Rose muttered.
Yaz led Penny into the back, into her studio, and lowered the tattoo bed so Penny could sit on it easily. Yaz crossed the room to sit in her office chair, and when Rose came in, closing the door behind her, she wasted no time in dropping onto Yaz's lap. Yaz pushed the chair until it was next to the tattoo bed, where Penny was still sitting, legs dangling over the edge. 
“Thanks,” she said softly. “Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt your day like that.”
“Not your fault,” Rose said. She rested a hand on Penny’s knee. “It's a good thing, if we can help you. Yeah?”
“Okay,” Penny breathed. 
“Do you need anything?” Yaz added. “Water? Tea? Might have some biscuits upstairs. Could probably get Ace or Donna to bring you something, too.”
Penny waved a hand. “Water’s fine.”
Rose slid off Yaz's lap and went to the sink at the other end of the room. She filled a paper cup and brought it back. Penny took it in both her hands, slumping over, and Rose dropped back onto Yaz's lap. 
“You really ought to get another chair in here,” she said. “What do you do if people want another person there for their tattoo?”
“Take a chair from the lobby, usually.” Yaz raised her eyebrows. “Which we could do now, if you really want your own.”
“Nah,” Rose said. “Think I'm okay.” Her head fell onto Yaz's shoulder. Yaz rolled her eyes, but her arm wrapped around Rose’s waist anyway, holding her up. 
Yaz looked at Penny. She was staring at nothing, holding her cup in front of her. It occurred to Yaz, suddenly, that Penny needed to know that her mum had not called her by her name— she tried to think how to bring it up. 
Fortunately, Rose was well ahead of her. “Penny,” she said, lifting her head. 
Penny's gaze snapped towards her.
“We should— I mean, you should know.” Rose spoke slowly, carefully. “When your mum came in, asking for you— she wasn't asking for you as Penny.”
“Oh.” Penny seemed to deflate even more. “Almost forgot. Been too long.”
“It's— we don't have to talk about it,” Rose said quickly. “It doesn't affect anything. But it's not fair if you don't know.”
“She just doesn't like that I've got a life she can't control,” Penny said. “She was fine with it when I was fourteen and she was the one doing my medical care.” She grimaced. “Well, ‘fine’ is probably a creative way of putting it. Still.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Rose slid off Yaz's lap and climbed onto the tattoo bed to wrap her arms around Penny. Penny’s body sagged as she sank into it, her head resting on Rose’s shoulder. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. 
“‘ Course,” Rose said. 
“Sorry for dragging you two into this,” Penny added. “I know it's a lot.”
“We weren't dragged,” Yaz said. “We could've left anytime.” 
“Not that we would have,” Rose said. 
“No,” Yaz agreed. “But we could have. In theory.”
“Glad you didn't,” Penny said. 
Yaz smiled. “Yeah, me too.”
“So, what do we do now?” Rose asked. “Do we just wait until Donna texts us?” 
“Not sure we planned this far,” Yaz said. “Sorry, Penny. I’ll carry you upstairs, if you’d rather sit on a proper sofa.”
“That’s all right,” Penny said. “Don’t want to put too much strain on your muscles. Anyway, it’s better to be downstairs.” She shrugged. “Besides, we’d have to go back out.”
“Do you think she’s still out there?” Rose asked.
“I can check,” Yaz said. She stood up and went out into the lobby, peeking through the glass windows. Sure enough, Penny’s mum was standing at the street corner, staring towards the shop. Yaz ducked and darted back into the hall before she was noticed.
“Definitely still out there,” she said as she reentered her studio. She sat back down in her chair. “Sorry. We might be here for a while.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Penny said. “I can’t hide from her forever, can I?”
“Might be legal options,” Rose said. “I don’t know what those are, mind, but—”
“Yeah,” Penny said. “Might be.”
“We can look into it,” Yaz said. “I’ll give it a Google later, anyway.”
“Don’t know if it would actually stop her,” Penny said. “Besides, she’s got all sorts of connections in the government. Not sure we could press charges she couldn’t get out of.”
“That’s—” Rose was at a loss for words.
“Yeah.” Penny shrugged. “Not much about her is fair.”
“Well, we won’t let her in here,” Rose said. She adjusted her hold on Penny, drawing her closer.  “And if we really need to, we can fold out the couch in the living room and you can sleep at our place.”
“Okay,” Penny said. “Yeah.”
“But we don’t have to worry about that for ages,” Rose added. “Right now, I think we need a distraction.”
Yaz looked around. “Anyone want a tattoo?”
Penny almost laughed. “I’m all right, thanks.”
“How’s your clover healing?” Yaz asked.
“Really well, actually,” Penny said. “Only thing my body’s been doing right lately, really.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“I think I’ve got playing cards in my studio somewhere,” Rose offered. “And Yaz, you’ve got art stuff down here, haven’t you?”
“Yeah,” Yaz said. “And my tablet.”
“See?” Rose smiled. “Plenty to do.”
“Could print off some of our designs as coloring pages,” Yaz suggested. “Penny, do you like that sort of thing?”
“What? I don’t know. Never thought about it.”
Yaz shrugged. “Some people find it comforting. Honestly, I just find it ‘my job,’ but you might like it.”
“Worth a try,” Penny decided. “Could always use some comfort.”
“Okay,” Yaz said. “Hang on.” She moved over to her desk and opened her laptop. She pulled up a few different designs and sent them to the printer, which was underneath the desk— a few seconds later, the printer roared to life.
“I’ll grab the cards,” Rose said from behind Yaz. Yaz heard her footsteps as she went to search the other room. The first design, a cartoonish depiction of a shooting star, finished printing, and Yaz picked it up. When she straightened up and turned around, she saw Penny was now curled up on her side, staring out at her. Her water cup was crumpled in her hands.
“I’ll get you something to write on,” Yaz decided. “Won’t have to sit up that way.” She grabbed a clipboard off her desk and clipped the design to it. She had an assortment of markers on her desk, and she picked out a few basic colors and put them on the rolling table she usually used to lay out her ink and tattoo machine. “Here,” she said to Penny, setting down the clipboard next to her on the tattoo bed. “If you want it.”
“Thanks.” Penny picked up a yellow marker and started to fill in the lines, and Yaz turned to pluck the rest of the now-printed pages out of the printer and leave them on her desk. Rose came back in a second later, holding a deck of cards.
“Turns out I’ve just got Uno,” she said. “Anyone up for a round?”
“‘Course I am.” Yaz lowered herself to the ground. “Penny?”
“I’m okay here,” Penny said. She was completely absorbed in her coloring, her tongue poking out. 
Rose sat across from Yaz, dealing the cards with perfect precision. She and Yaz had played a lot of Uno over the years, and by now had a custom set of rules that made the game nigh incomprehensible to the outside observer: it was probably a good thing Penny had declined to play, really, given that Yaz couldn’t actually remember how Uno was supposed to be played at this point. She was pretty sure it didn’t involve a face-off every time someone played a “skip” card, though.
“Hold on,” Rose said. “Who lost last?”
Yaz raised her eyebrows. “If you have to ask, it was probably you.”
“Ugh. Do we even have a box around here?”
“What do you need a box for?” Penny was sitting up now, looking down at them in confusion.
“Last person who lost has to sit in a box for the next round,” Rose explained. 
Penny frowned. “Not in any version I’ve played.”
“House rules,” Yaz said. “Rose, is the hourglass in there?”
Rose peered into the box. “Yep.” She pulled out the little plastic hourglass, setting it next to the deck of cards.
“All right,” Penny said, “I actually think I’ve got to experience this. If you don’t mind explaining your rules.”
“‘Course not,” Yaz said. She moved over to make room for Penny to play. “Rose, deal her in?”
Rose was already on it. “Yep.”
“And I’ll find a box,” Yaz added. She got up. She was sure she still had one from her last ink shipment— at the very least, she had some big plastic bins that she usually used for storage. In a pinch, she could empty out one of those. But no, there was a big cardboard box at one end of the room: perfect for the “box of shame.” Yaz dragged it towards Rose.  “Found one.”
“Oh, all right.” Rose stepped into the box. It was just big enough that she could sit cross-legged without much trouble, leaning over the edge to see the cards. 
“Okay,” Yaz said. “Most important rule is that you’ve got until the hourglass runs out to take your turn, or else you’ve got to draw a card. Second most important rule is that if someone plays a skip, it starts a face-off between them and the person they’ve tried to skip. You each play your highest card, and whoever’s is higher wins. Wild counts as a zero unless it’s a draw-four, which is the highest. Draw-two is just under the draw-four. Reverses don’t count, another skip wins automatically. Got it?”
Penny stared at her hand. “I think so. Does this make the game better?”
“Mostly just makes it more chaotic,” Rose said. “It’s up to you whether that’s better.”
“Right.” Penny looked up, her eyes darting from Rose to Yaz. “Suppose I’m ready, then.”
“Yaz goes first,” Rose said. “As champion of the last game.”
“Not as person to the left of the dealer?” Penny checked.
“Nope,” Yaz said. She laid down her card and flipped the hourglass. “Penny, your turn.”
“What?” Penny floundered. She’d just barely pulled a card out of her hand when the sand in the hourglass ran out. 
“Too late!” Rose crowed. “You’ve got to draw!”
“Oh, no.” Penny took a card from the deck and sat back.
“You’ve got to flip the hourglass for Rose,” Yaz said. 
“Oh. Right.” Penny leaned forward to flip the hourglass, and Rose half fell out of the box in her haste to play a card. 
The game proceeded apace: Penny got the hang of it pretty quickly, and by the end she’d not only mastered the house rules but also soundly defeated both Yaz and Rose, dropping her final card onto the pile with a cry of, “Yes! I win!” She sat back again, glancing between Yaz and Rose. “Does this mean you both have to sit in the box?”
“No, we keep playing,” Yaz said.
“No, I like the version where we both sit in the box.” Rose reached towards Yaz, grabbing onto her arm and nearly tipping the box over. She tugged at Yaz’s arm. “C’mon. It’s the rules.”
“Fine,” Yaz said. “We both sit in the box.” She crawled over to Rose and maneuvered herself until she tumbled into Rose’s lap with a yelp, her limbs folded against the bulging cardboard. She turned her head to see Rose’s grin, inches from her face. “How are we supposed to play this way again?”
“I wasn’t thinking that far ahead,” Rose said.
“Yeah, well, I still want to see if I can defeat you,” Yaz replied. “Penny, can you pass me my cards?”
“Sure.” Penny picked up Yaz’s hand and passed it over. Yaz adjusted her position on Rose’s lap, keeping the backs of the cards pointedly towards Rose. 
“Okay,” Yaz said, looking at Rose over her cards. “Rose, I think it was your turn. Penny, can you get the hourglass?”
“On it.” Penny flipped the hourglass, and Rose reached past Yaz to drop her card on the discard pile. She contorted herself until she reached the hourglass, and then she flipped it. Yaz scrambled to play her card, leaning out of the box— but then she leaned too far, and the box tipped over, spilling her and Rose onto the playing space and scattering the cards all over. Everyone was laughing, Yaz and Rose and Penny, Rose half on top of Yaz, Yaz almost subconsciously wrapping her arms around Rose’s waist. 
“Right,” Rose said, making no effort to move away from Yaz or off the pile of cards on the floor. “I think that one counts as a draw.”
“What do you do with the box?” Penny asked. “If it’s a draw?”
“Suppose we’ll need two boxes,” Rose said. “Considering sharing doesn’t seem to work.”
“I’m not sure I have another box,” Yaz said. 
“We’ve got loads in the bakery,” Penny said. “You know. If we ever get back in there.”
“Bet Ace would bring one back after her shift,” Rose said.
“Oh, right. Forgot she was staying with you.” 
“We do seem to be collecting.” Rose rolled off Yaz to lie on her back on the floor, still on top of half the cards, her arm still under Yaz. Yaz moved a little closer, and Rose wrapped her arm properly around Yaz’s waist, still talking.  “Going to have to rename the place. How’s Bad Wolf Home for People Running Away from Their Mothers sound?”
“Accurate,” Yaz noted. 
“Yeah, I’ll take it,” Penny agreed. “Although won’t that be a bit obvious? To the mothers, I mean?”
Rose waved her free hand. “We’ll have good security. You saw Yaz’s muscles, didn’t you?”
“Felt, more like,” Penny said.
“Exactly. We’ve got her, and plenty of locks for the doors, and I bet Ace could set some booby traps. Won’t matter who knows we’re here.”
“Not sure I’d be all that good in a fight,” Yaz said. “You need more than muscle for that sort of thing.”
Rose hummed. “I could start taking karate or something.”
“Okay,” Yaz said. “You get good at karate, and then we rename the studio. Deal?”
There was a moment of silence, Yaz and Rose still lying on the floor, Penny sitting by Yaz’s side, her knees drawn up to her chest.
“So,” Rose finally said. “Why’d you choose Penny?”
Penny jumped. “What?”
“For your name,” Rose explained. “Sorry, assuming you did choose it.”
“Suppose I chose it.” Penny tilted her head to the side, considering. “It was kind of a joke at first. Used to show up at Donna’s place, all scrawny and a bit of a mess and all, and her mum would say I was like a bad penny, the way I was always turning up. And then her grandad— Wilf, he shows up to the shop sometimes, maybe you’ll meet him— he started calling me that, you know, as a joke, ‘cause of course he was always pleased to see me. And I didn’t really have a name yet, back then. I used to try and get everyone to call me ‘Doctor,’ can you imagine? But it was just ‘cause I hadn’t thought of anything good yet.” She wrinkled her nose. “Anyway, who wants to be called John Smith? Boring name. Even if I had turned out a man.”
“Penny’s not boring,” Yaz agreed.
“No, she is not,” Rose snickered.
Yaz elbowed her. “Oi, I’m not joking.” She let her head fall to face Penny. “It’s a good name.”
Penny grinned. “Thanks. It is Penelope, legally, but I don’t think anyone’s ever called me that. Just thought it would be nice to have the option, really.”
“Penelope’s nice too,” Rose agreed. “Mythical, isn’t it?”
“Probably,” Penny said. “Didn’t do too well in school. You know, considering everything.”
Rose laughed. “Yeah, sounds about right. I never even got my A-levels. But, you know. Had one of those Greek myth books lying around as a kid. Weird stories, those.” She nudged Yaz. “You read books. D’you remember?”
“It’s Odysseus’s wife,” Yaz said. “In the Odyssey. She waited, like, twenty years for him.”
“Awful name for me, then,” Penny said. “I’m horrible at waiting. Hate waiting. Wish I could skip right over it, every time.”
Rose laughed. “Suppose that’s why you go by Penny. Can't even wait a couple extra syllables.”
“Exactly.” Penny flopped back to lie on the floor. “Impatient, me. That’s why the whole fatigue thing is so awful. Just a bunch of waiting to feel better, and then you don’t.” She paused. “I mean, I suppose I feel better than I did last week, at least. But still.”
“Small mercies,” Yaz said.
Penny sighed. “Yeah. Small mercies.”
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aslibekroglu · 3 years
On October 19th, 3 days after the finale, the writers and director of Son Yaz joined fans on Twitter Spaces and talked about the future of the show, what storylines they had in store for s2, and answered some other fan questions. 
Here are some highlights based off of my own translations and some other translations from twitter. Some people on twitter we getting upset about it, so I just want to remind you that these were mostly general thoughts and possible ideas. Not all of them were concrete or fully fleshed out.
Anyway, it’s a bit long and unorganized, but oh well! Enjoy!
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-They couldn’t really find a way to save the show, they’re sad about it too.
-They don’t know anything about a transfer to digital. If an offer comes, then they’ll figure it out. But nothing has happened yet. It’s all still up in the air.
-The producer was also very upset about the cancellation. Everyone involved with the show was very attached to it and very upset about the cancellation. (There was a lot of people blaming the producer, Saner Ayar, and O3 medya on twitter)
-The season was supposed to end at episode 39.
-The channel edited and cut the love scene They’re upset about it too and find it disrespectful. Semih Hoca, the director, said it was one of the most beautiful scenes in the show. Fox won’t allow them to post the full scene online either.
-The scene where Yagmur sees Akgun’s Canan tattoo was the last scene they filmed. After filming the last scene, Alperen couldn’t stop crying because it was like he was saying goodbye to Akgun.
-“Ah Alperen, canım, ciğerim” “On set I saw Akgun Gokalp Taskin more than I saw Alperen” – Semih
-Semih criticized the rating system in turkey. Says that with this system quality, creativity, and freedom don’t matter, if it did son yaz would continue.
-Cihan was going to place the blame of the death of that Mertoglu guy’s nephew on Akgun.
-It was the original plan that akmur was going to make love in ep26.
-Yagmur was going to find out everything about Sare soon, which is why they put the scene with her finding Sare’s hair accessory, but they couldn’t continue the storyline.
-Akgun’s crow tattoo symbolized his brother.
-If we continued, we would have found out what happened to Akgun in the last 3 years.
-Selim knew about Selcuk killing Akgun’s mother and chose not to tell him when Akgun to protect him.
-They won’t tell us who killed Canan, partly because it wouldn’t make sense with how little information we know and because of the possibility that one day way down the line they could continue.
-The plan was for Cihan to be a psychopath and then turn him into a sympathetic character similar to Soner. Burak too was going to turn into a sympathetic character too.
-They were planning on killing Soner, but since we ended, they decided not to. They were planning on him going to go back to the mafia world without telling Naz and then dying.
-Sare and Selim were going to fall in love. Sare was going to fall in love with Selim first. Selim was going to fight against his feelings for her because of his loyalty to Canan. They would have eventually kissed by the season finale.
-Sare had another secret than getting revenge for Omer.
-Sare was 100% genuine when it came to Yagmur. She genuinely cared for her and empathized with her because of their similar stories. She wanted to save Yagmur from Akgun, so that she wouldn’t suffer the same fate as her. It would have turned out that Yagmur was stronger than her and would be able to heal and love a broken man.
-Alperen knew that Akgun would be a murderer and often asked when Akgun was finally gonna to kill someone.
-In the second season, they wanted a different antagonist who would have worked behind the scenes like Halil Sadi. That’s why they killed him. They felt that he served his purpose in the first season and they saw him as a weak, ineffectual character. It was a mutual decision among the writers to kill him off.
-If Canan hadn’t died, Altay would have died. The second season would have been darker either way.
-Akgun took Selcuk’s car and convinced Selim to kidnap Halil Sadi (I think that’s what they said about Selim, but they definitely said that Akgun took Selcuk’s car and that’s how selcuk ended up with that car in the finale).
-Soner helped Akgun escape from prison.
-Soner was going to find out that Akgun killed Halil Sadi and would have been upset about it. Even though he hated Halil Sadi, he was still his dad after all.
-Semih came up with the idea to have Akgun’s chairs in s1 be different from everyone else’s. Semih said something along the lines of “Canan put a plate at the table, a glass, a fork, but Akgun never got the chair.”
-Semih loved filiming Cansel’s scenes. He loved how flirty they were.
-Akgun’s reaction to Canan’s death was going to be shown in flashbacks.
-Yagmur’s psychological problems would have continued. Sare and Yagmur would have healed together and would have had a similar relationship to Akgun and Selim. They would have been like sisters, instead of a mother-daughter relationship.
-Kiymet was going to tell Akgun about Selcuk and his mom. Kiymet was used by Halil Sadi to rise up in the ranks. After his disappearance, she was going to finally get a more prominent role, but Cihan still left her out. Selcuk was also going to feel left out by Akgun. Selcuk and Kiymet were going to get closer, Selcuk would have been completely different than the rest of the men in her life, he wouldn’t have used her. In the end, Kiymet would have stood on her own, showing that she didn’t need a man.
-Alperen suggested the song “Uzak Yol” that played duringakmur confrontation scene in the finale and in the fragman. He sent Semih the song at 1 in the morning, and said “wouldn’t this be a good song for akgun and yagmur”
-There was going to be a flashback scene at the funeral. Akgun was going to be there watching from afar, as was Sare, and Cihan.
-Ali Atay never wanted to leave, those rumors were false.
-Selim would have seen the Canan restaurant in the next few episodes. He would have come to check on Akgun’s new place and would have saw it.
-Alperen actually got the crow tattoo! (stop im sobbing alperimo)
-He got the tattoo before they started filming when the writers mentioned the idea of akgun having one. He just went and got it without even asking for permission, Semih facetimed him while he was getting it.
-Dargi and Semih were thinking about getting a crow tattoo too.
-There were planning on still doing something with Selim’s father. He was going to appear later on in a big way.
-They planned on having a father-daughter dance at some point this season.
-The scene with Akgun and Yagmur in the park in ep23 was a flashback, not a dream. Yagmur’s imitation of Selim was improvised.
-After sleeping together, they were going to keep Akgun and Yagmur apart to keep the sexual tension for a bit, then they were going to sleep together again.
-Hafsa kept Yagmur’s lawyer card as a souvenir, Alperen wanted to take Akgun’s bullet necklace.
-Akgun’s mom was the only one who ever called him Gokalp, eventually Yagmur would have called him that too. (im sobbing again akmurum da akmurum)
-It’s possible that Akgun and Yagmur would not have had the two little girls by the end of the show or maybe they would not have ended up together. Cenk Hoca feels like a super happy ending wouldn’t fit Son Yaz
-Akgun would have gone to Canan’s grave by himself and again with Yagmur.
-Once Canan died, they knew exactly who was going to be the murderer.
-Semih wanted to play a background character in the show but it didn't happen, so they named Soner and Naz's son Semih
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repmet · 3 years
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Right now you don’t have a house, very soon you may not have a planet, and there may not be a universe.
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ssaalexblake · 4 years
these ‘i don’t want ryan and graham to go’ hours But also Ryan has completed his coming of age story, imo, and it at a natural break off point to go back into his time a more rounded and grown up individual, and Graham would never stay travelling with the doctor if Ryan quit. 
Basically i very much agree story wise but i don’t want them to goooooooo
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rowanthestrange · 2 years
So I had this dream where Yaz and 13 were spacey-tethered together, like couldn’t go a meter away from each other. And they were trying to go around and investigate these situations where there was definitely an alien hiding among people sleeper agent style, that had woken up and now doing something and that was probably bad.
And you could see why the Doctor always separates them to do things. Because 13 was being her usual bullish rushing-in self, while Yaz is trying to be methodical and carefully piece things together official-style, and while it should’ve had loads of romantic bits in it (and sort of did - TARDIS flying ‘badly’ and throwing them together, collapsing her internal dimensions so she basically was just a box and sorry no kitchen guess you’ll have to get a takeaway and eat it squashed together while i float you through space) the situation was clearly showing the rift between their two styles, and Yaz getting more and more annoyed that her way that got results is being overruled, and Thirteen getting mad about someone telling her what to do.
Cut ahead to where Thirteen screwed up a bit and didn’t tell Yaz something, and when she does, they simultaneously realise that it’s not Person A they’re following that’s the problem, the alien has been here a decade and a half, so it’s actually his fifteen year-old son-
Just in time for the son’s room to basically explode and something from it to shoot up into the sky.
There’s nothing that they can do now but investigate the remains, and Thirteen frustratedly barges in and starts turning things over, dragging Yaz by the spacey-glowy tether again, who digs in her heels but fails and nearly falls over, both quite literally at the end of their rope, as the Doctor wordlessly yanks at her to get to more stuff, chucking the ‘useless’ bits away.
So Yaz strides forward and actually grabs Thirteen’s arm, forcing her around and snaps:
“Investigating a fresh crime scene, police don’t touch a single thing.”
“I am a single thing,” the Doctor snarls back, shaking her off.
And my brain went ‘ooh god that’s such a good line’ so hard that the dream paused, wouldn’t restart and I woke up. But yeah, no intention of writing anything like that - so consider it free to a good home. Sleeper agent hidden alien who was literally a baby is also fire meta.
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Tie-ins that would've made The Power of the Doctor a better finale for 13's whole era:
Karvanista & The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Swap the space train in the opening for Karvanista, Bel & Vinder's makeshift family, transporting the cargo on behalf of the Coalition of Galaxies from The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos. Karvanista recognises when the Cybermasters regenerate.
Bel: Being boarded by Cybermen once was more than enough, thank you very much.
When 13 sends Dan to stop the ship crashing he gets to spar with Karvanista again
Dan: Hello, Muttley my son. It's been a while
Karvanista: Just what I need. Leave, you'll only make everything worse-
Dan: Rubbish, I just need to wave my space wand and-
[the ship accelerates]
Karvanista: Space wand'? Bloody useless! In my day she didn't need that rubbish.
Dan: Eh?
He is still bitter- he doesn't want to be saved by 13 and when she fails to stop the Cybermasters he rips into her.
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13: You're working for the Coalition of Galaxies now? Why?
Karvanista: Because two-thirds of the universe got destroyed and then suddenly reappeared after weeks of chaos. They need all the help they can get, and you certainly weren't offering, were you?
Karvanista has a heart-to-heart with Dan after his near-death experience, encouraging him to leave 13 before she leaves him, or before he has some unresolvable trauma. A moment of closure for their relationship.
Afterwards, Yaz asks why Karvanista was so angry. 13 finally opens up to her about her history, some character progression at the end of her era.
13: We used to travel together. When I was Ruth. Remember her?
Yaz: Of course.
13: We were... sort of time spies together. For Division.
Yaz: The people who sent the Weeping Angels after you?
13: And the Judoon after Ruth. But my memory of that time was taken and I don't want it back. I want to focus on now. On our moment. On you. And Dan-
Dan, from the doors:: You don't have to come back for me.
13, closing her eyes. Taking a steadying breath: Oh. OK.
13 REPLACES DAN'S HOUSE because leaving him homeless feels careless and callous.
13: I get it. Life's important. Home's important. Speaking of...
[She produces Dan's miniaturised house on a little metal disc]
13: Just press the button and this should take care of itself. That, or you'll be transported to the moon. Worth a shot though, eh?
Dan: You just had that in your pocket ready to go?
13: I knew you'd ask to go back eventually, Dan. When you did... I didn't want to be holding you hostage.
Replace the being of pure energy with the young Ux from The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, who went on to travel the universe. The Master uses him to construct his cyber-planet like Tim Shaw did. By saving them again 13 comes full circle from her first series.
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Once they've discovered the Ux hooked up to the cyber-planet, 13 calls Karvanista & co. Karavanista comes alone. When he crashes he reports in to Mark Addy’s character from Ranskoor, who appears via video screen. He promised the Ux he would keep them safe
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Karvanista recognises the TARDIS exterior, and that it's been perverted- it brings back bad memories.
The Master & Nikola Tesla
Ra-Ra-Rasputin is a great moment, but I’d swap the Master taking over the Winter Palace for him taking over Wardencliff, the power station from Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror, in the weeks before it shut down. The Master took advantage of Tesla’s desperation with an offer to fund him. Then he hypnotises Tesla into helping him build the cages that will force 13 to regenerate.
The Master kills Miss Skeritt
Getting 13’s favourite historical figure to build the thing that kills her is a huge personal blow. The Master rubs in 13’s face that by ‘abandoning’ Tesla and allowing history to happen as it should, she let this happen.
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(This would require the missing paintings plotpoint to be cut- instead Ace could be investigating a sudden acceleration in Earth's technology, which she traces back to a now hyper-successful Nikola Tesla in the 1920s)
The Master-Doctor
The traitor Dalek is the last surviving mutant from Revolution of the Daleks, justifying why it wants the ‘original’ Daleks dead
Instead of trapping 13 in a Dalek casing, use one of Chibnall’s best gimmicks- a Dalek mutant that puppeteers her
When the Master becomes the Doctor, insert a scene of him causing a jailbreak, blowing a hole in the side of the Judoon prison 13 was held in in Revolution of the Daleks. An Angel abducts a Judoon through the flickering lights, the P'Ting eats one of the guard's guns.
Master: This is payback for locking me up. [to the escaping prisoners] when you're out there spreading chaos through the uuniverse, tell them the Doctor sent you!
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Then, the twin planets he visits are the ones from Can You Hear Me?- Yaz watches helplessly as the Master summons the two evil gods from their universe and encourages them 'play' with the planets. They agree, and then the war begins.
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The Master brings the hypnotised Tesla along as a 'companion' to restrain Yaz
Fugitive Doctor Resolution
Karvanista is the one to threaten & shoot the Master. He also comes face-to-face with the Fugitive, his Doctor.
As 13 leaves the mindscape with the Guardians of the Edge, the Fugitive apears and says she's glad she could help save 13 from the same fate that befell her
After 13 has been saved, Karvanista and the Fugitive hologram have a heart-to-heart like 5 & 7 do with Ace & Tegan, giving him closure & resolving his bitterness.
THASMIN KISS immediately after Yaz saves 13, when her guard is down in her post-regeneration haze, overcome with joy. This makes the ending more tragic, but 13 doesn't look cruel like she would for initiating that intimacy when she knows she's dying, opening a door she knows she can't go through
When they meet Graham again, instead of saying 'She's still not explaining anything, then?' he notes how much more open 13 is and is happy for Yaz.
After being freed from the Master's hypnotism, Tesla joins them in the TARDIS and helps 13 rebuild Karvanista's ship.
Thasmin & Demons of the Punjab
THASMIN HUG GODDAMN IT. 13 removes the hologram implant from Yaz, but then gifts it back to her as she leaves- the same projector she had in Survivors of the Flux. She says "This is us, forever. Our moment in time.", calling back to the watch from Demons of the Punjab
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It'd also be nice to call back to 13’s speech on her family from The Woman Who Fell to Earth:
Yaz: I'm not sure I can do this without you. You helped me.. helped me learn who I am-
13: And now you know. You don't need me, Yaz. I needed you in the end. Look at everything you did today, on your own. You saved me. Just- carry me with you, if you can. Just do that. What I would've thought and said and done. Make that a part of you. That way... I might be going now, but I'll never be gone from you, eh?
Yaz, huffing through tears: What would the Doctor do?
13: What would you do?
When Dan arrives he is with Diane
The Thijarian Assassins from Demons of the Punjab are seen in the background throughout the episode, like the Ood in the buildup to The End of Time, and they exchange a look of understanding with her as she regenerates
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headcanonsandmore · 3 years
What makes you like Doctor Who so much and why is it sapphic romance between women that brings you pure unfiltered joy?
Well, I grew up with the modern series of Doctor Who; I was a kid when the revived series started in 2005, and I loved the sci fi/fantasy aspects of it (a machine that travels in space and time, piloted by a cool brainy alien? Sign me up!). I kinda lost interest in it during the M*ffat era (that man's writing style is just manipulative and bad), but the current era (run by Chris Chibnall and starring Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor) is something I've really grown to love, and it's gotten me back into the series for the first time in almost a decade.
Well, for me, it's more the friends-to-lovers aspect of it. Modern Doctor Who has had companion-Doctor romances before, but (aside from Rose and the Tenth Doctor) I never really got that invested in any of them (no disrespect towards people who do like those other relationships; they just never grabbed me). Whereas, with Yaz, her feelings for the Doctor are based more on the Doctor being kind, brave and willing to help people. It's believable and feels very natural, at least to me.
And, yes, it is ground-breaking that there is a queer relationship in Doctor Who between the Doctor and their companion. I don't think that's ever happened before, and it should be celebrated. Not just because it's a great portrayal of two friends negotiating their romantic feelings in difficult circumstances, but also because it's great to not being queer-baited with it like so many other television shows do.
Thanks for the ask, son; hope that helps explain!
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
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so so many thanks to everyone who read even one of these stories. i am forever grateful for all the support i've received; every comment, every kudos, every reblog, every like - they all mean so much. i'm overwhelmed, honestly, but in the very best way. ily all 🥰
day one: against all odds (we're still here) for @trkstrnd
Carlos will hate himself for it later, but he’s so focused on his task that the screech of tires coming around the corner barely registers as a blip on his radar. He doesn’t notice anything until TK suddenly barrels into him, throwing Carlos to the side just before something else, something heavy, crashes into them with a blinding flash of pain, and then—
a simple trip to the grocery store quickly turns to disaster for tk and carlos
day two: out, damned spot for anon
TK wakes up gasping, choking on air. The sheets are suffocating him and, when he tries to free himself, they only seem to get tighter. The hands reaching out for him, trying to calm him, are the final straw; TK throws himself from bed and sprints to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind him as he collapses against the sink.
On some level, he is aware that the hands were Carlos’s, that the sheets were theirs, that his hands are clean, and that the dream was just a dream.
But they weren't always that way.
day three: the meetings for those in my wake for @freddieholic
For years after the divorce, Gwyn came to learn that any call from Owen was almost certainly bad news, and almost always about their son. Things have been better in the three years since her time in Texas, which is why she thinks nothing of it when he calls just after she’s put Isaac to bed for the night.
“Owen, hey,” she greets. “What’s up?”
The silence she’s answered with is the first sign that something’s wrong.
The sob that follows is the second.
“Gwyn, it’s TK. He's... They think we should say goodbye."
day four: a friend in me for 📍 anon
Carlos has come to see Nancy as a force of nature, a woman who will let nothing and no-one stand in her way, whether that’s out on the field or during a game of Monopoly. But, right now, as she sits hunched over in one of the interrogation rooms, shock blanket around her shoulders, he's never seen her look so small.
the story of how nancy and carlos become the new champions of 126 games nights
day five: truth is heavier than fiction for anon
Carlos pauses with his hand on the doorknob, taking a moment to prepare himself before going inside. TK’s shift finished an hour ago and he’d texted to let Carlos know he was home, which means Carlos is going to be walking right into a conversation he’d rather avoid.
Not that he’d have much choice either way; he might be able to cover his cracked and bruised ribs for a little while, but the arm in a sling will tell on him as soon as the door opens. Carlos doesn’t want to hide his injuries—they’ve had enough conversations in reverse on that theme to make him a hypocrite if he did—but he may have made some choices that he doesn’t particularly want to go into right now. Not while he’s tired and aching and just wants to cuddle with his boyfriend.
He blows out a breath, then opens the door, bracing himself for TK’s reaction.
“Hey— Shit!”
day six: slowly, and then all at once for @pragmaticoptimist34
The realisation that he loves Carlos hits him like a bolt out of the blue.
And at the worst possible moment.
We are getting updates on the active shooter situation at the Four Seasons Hotel. Austin Police Department have closed off the area and officers are currently preparing to enter the building to detain the suspect. It is as yet unknown if there have been any civilian casualties, but—
“Paul, turn the damn TV back on.”
five times tk can't admit his feelings about carlos, and one time he finally does
day seven: the promise of tomorrow for anon
Up until five minutes ago, Carlos had been terrified of never having TK in his arms again. Now, the thought of letting him go scares him just as much, and TK seems to feel the same, if the way he’s clutching at Carlos’s jacket and pulling it tight across his back is any indication.
Carlos hugs him close, sinking down to his knees as TK falls into the chair behind him, letting the rest of the room fade away to nothing as he realises that they weren’t too late—that TK is here, with him, alive and mostly whole.
day eight: we'll hold each other soon for @221bsunsettowers
“Be careful, please,” TK said, smoothing down the lapels of Carlos’s shirt. “Whatever happens out there, whatever you have to do, just promise me one thing. Promise you’ll come back to me.”
Carlos knew better than to promise something like that, and TK knew better than to ask it. But because it was him, and because it was TK, Carlos just nodded and leaned in to press a kiss to TK’s temple.
“I promise,” he whispered, pulling away.
It's the last good memory Carlos has, and he's going to hold onto it for as long as he has left. If he's going to die, then the last thing he wants to see is TK's smile.
day nine: now i am just but the wayward man for anon
Ben is glaring at him again.
Klaus is very familiar with this specific glare—it’s the one Ben breaks out when Klaus is being ‘stubborn’ and ‘stupid’ and ‘a fucking asshole junkie with no self-respect who only cares about the next high and, really, it’s a fucking miracle you haven’t gotten yourself killed yet, Klaus’.
He has to hand it to him. Ben really does have him down to a tee.
winter is approaching and klaus has nowhere to go. his siblings are his only option—meaning he effectively has no options.
day ten: i can't imagine my life without you for 📍 anon
It had come completely out of left field—one minute everything was fine, the next Carlos had turned to him with guarded eyes and a clenched jaw, and said six words that sent TK’s whole world crashing down.
“I think we need a break.”
nobody likes to be asked 'trouble in paradise?', particularly when the answer is yes.
day eleven: start again from the beginning for anon
Owen trusts his son. He’s watched TK fight his addiction and stay sober for the last six years, and he has faith that he can handle himself.
But when TK doesn’t show up for work the night after proposing to Alex, Owen knows that something is wrong. After all, they've been here before.
day twelve: let me love you when your heart is tired for anon
TK knows it’s going to be a bad day from the moment he opens his eyes. Slowly, slowly, each twitch like he’s moving mountains, he inches his hand blindly across the bed to reach out for Carlos. If he can just feel his boyfriend, if he can just see him—
But, of course. Carlos has a shift today. TK has a vague recollection of him getting out of bed at five this morning, rousing him with a shift to the mattress and a gentle kiss on the forehead.
If this were a normal day, he might smile at the memory.
day thirteen: couldn't utter my love when it counted for 📍 anon
TK takes his time in the bathroom, stopping to stare at his reflection in the mirror for several minutes and trying to talk himself down from any more-than-friendly feelings towards Carlos.
Later, they’ll tell him that this saved his life.
But that won’t be for a long time, until after the smoke has cleared and the dead have been counted and the statements have been taken. For now, TK steels his resolve and nods at himself, then turns to the door, a hand reaching out for the handle.
That’s when the explosion rips through the building.
after the boba date, tk lets carlos go. they're friends, which is working just fine, until a horrific accident threatens to take even that away from them.
day fourteen: if i walk out the door (a thousand eyes) for anon
TK gets this feeling sometimes, a sort of prickling at his back, like someone’s behind him, breathing down his neck. At first, it was only a once-in-a-while situation, so he thinks nothing of it; when it becomes an everyday occurrence, he starts to wonder, but he’s probably just being paranoid. The shooting, kidnapping, firehouse explosion, and the fire at his and Carlos’s house had all taken their toll, and TK’s just generally more on edge these days.
He doesn’t tell anyone about the feeling, not even Carlos. There’s no reason to fuck up everyone else’s peace with something so stupid. It’ll go away eventually; TK’s sure of it.
That is, until one of the lots just down from the firehouse gets occupied.
day fifteen: find you here inside the dark for @fanfic-corner
Yaz has walked this room too many times to count now; she’s traced her fingertips over the walls, searching for any cracks or crevices to indicate where there might be a door.
If the Doctor were here, she’d have her sonic out by now, spitting out words, only half of which Yaz could understand. She’d find a way out in no time. Or, if not, at least she’d be here. Talking a mile a minute, probably annoying the hell out of their captors. Yaz can almost hear her now—
She can hear her now.
day sixteen: accidents happen for @ilovemosss
So, Jason reflects, it may not have been the best idea to take Pythagoras out training while they’re all suffering from a severe lack of sleep. Being the more logical of them, Pythagoras, to his credit, had attempted to talk him out of it, but Jason ignored him.
He very much regrets that decision now.
day seventeen: you and me (moving through this world as a two-man team) for @laelipoo
TK does not have a crush on the 126's latest hire.
Carlos Reyes: an Austin local, an incredible firefighter, and—objectively speaking—the most beautiful man TK has ever laid eyes on. Which is, in fact, the entire point; TK has eyes and, yes, he will use them to sneak a look or two when he’s suddenly sharing space with a man who looks like a Greek god.
That does not mean he has a crush, Paul.
(and, sure, maybe he does sometimes dream about how soft Carlos’s lips look and the little blush he gets when he laughs and those little flecks of gold in his eyes, but he’s only human)
(how TK knows about the gold in Carlos’s eyes is none of anybody’s business)
day eighteen: in perfect harmony for @anyotherheartwilldo
Here’s the thing—Carlos doesn’t believe in signs. He used to when he was younger, raised on his abuela’s stories, but as he’d gotten older his father had taught him that what mattered was the choices he made. He’s the only one who has a say in the way his life turns out, and if he wants something, he has to put in the work to get it.
But there comes a point—namely, after his fifth thwarted attempt to propose to TK—when he begins to wonder if the universe really does have something against him.
proposing to tk proves far more complicated than carlos had first thought.
day nineteen: whatever here that's left of me (is yours) for anon
“Are you…” TK leans closer, peering at the hoodie Carlos is wearing, and—yep. “Why are you wearing my hoodie? Was there nothing in your size from the crew? You should have said something. We can fix this, you don’t need to be uncomfortable.”
There’s a beat, and then Carlos, studiously avoiding TK’s gaze, clears his throat. “It smells like you.”
post-2.12, carlos finds comfort in tk's hoodies.
day twenty: can't smile without you for anon
Carlos would be lying to himself if the possibility hadn’t occurred to him before. He has always worried for TK’s safety, and the knowledge that a serial killer is on the loose in Austin has sent that worry skyrocketing. Especially because he’s the lead detective on the case; he’s spent hours poring over horrific crime scenes, examining all the facts until they’re burned into his brain.
Admittedly, the killers seem to be mostly indiscriminate in who they take, meaning the chances of it being TK are slim.
But there’s still a chance.
a before, during, and after of tk's kidnapping in a hole where your memory goes
day twenty-one: lately you've been searching for a darker place to hide for @freddieholic
“Can I ask you something else?”
TK stiffens at the sound of Mateo’s voice, a nervous note to it that wasn’t there last time. Something tells him he knows exactly what Mateo wants to ask; still, he turns to lean against the counter, crossing his arms as casually as he can manage. “Sure.”
“Are you…” Mateo trails off, biting his lip and avoiding TK’s gaze. “I mean, do you… I mean—”
“You can say it, you know,” he interrupts, not unkindly. “If you want to know if I’m thinking about heading out and getting high, then just ask.”
five times tk turns to unhealthy coping mechanisms when he wants to use + one time he finally asks for help
day twenty-two: know me crazy, soothe me daily for anon
It had freaked Carlos out the first time it happened.
“It was a seizure,” TK explained, after Carlos had finished telling him about it. TK had been disoriented and confused for about ten minutes after, and couldn’t even remember half of their earlier conversation. “I… It’s because of the drugs. They fucked something up in my brain, especially after my first overdose, and now I get seizures occasionally."
in which carlos gets a little over-protective and tk is mildly exasperated
day twenty-three: lover, be good to me for anon
Carlos holds his arms out, and TK comes willingly, setting what Carlos now recognises as a tray of food carefully on the bed. “What’s this?”
TK stares as if it’s obvious. “Date night.”
TK pauses, then gasps. “You’re right.” He pats himself down frantically, then pulls an object out of his pocket with a dramatic flourish. It’s a little electric tea light—real candles long since banned from the bedroom—and Carlos watches in bemusement as TK flicks it on and sets it down on the tray. “Now it’s date night.”
his fiancé being bed-bound isn't going to keep tk from date night
day twenty-four: bring you in from the cold for anon
As a cop, Carlos has always been uncomfortably aware of his own mortality. He’s considered his own death more than is probably healthy, but when you’re facing down the barrel of a gun almost every single day, it’s kind of forced on you.
He’s imagined himself being shot, stabbed, strangled, and everything in between.
But he’s not sure he ever pictured dying in a walk-in freezer after getting trapped there by mistake.
day twenty-five: heaving through corrupted lungs for anon
TK is itching to go home and check on Carlos, to make sure he’s still breathing and actually resting like he’s supposed to be. On the other hand, Carlos would probably kill him if he left work, illness be damned. It’s just… Carlos had looked so ill that morning, skin ashen and voice all but gone, and it had taken a lot of convincing for TK to still go to his own shift. He’d insisted on making sure Carlos had all the blankets and water and snacks and anything else he could possibly want, but even so, he’s still uneasy.
His gut is telling him that something’s wrong, and TK doesn’t think he can ignore it for much longer.
when carlos falls ill, they think it's just a bad cold. but when tk goes to check on him, he's in for a nasty shock.
day twenty-six: slowly becoming lovers for @pragmaticoptimist34
Things don’t get fixed overnight. They agree to give them a shot, but that doesn’t change the fact that TK is still reeling from his break-up and overdose, nor that Carlos is still hesitant and afraid of pushing too hard at once.
But, slowly, they get to know each other. And, slowly, they start to fall in love.
tk and carlos, getting to know each other and falling in love
day twenty-seven: and curse the gods for @girlwhowasntthere
Jason knows what it is to be cursed.
day twenty-eight: ignoring every warning for @moviegeek03
TK is fine.
He is absolutely, 100% fine.
And, sure, maybe he’s not supposed to be at work right now, and maybe his hand hasn’t fully healed yet, but it’s nothing. His doctor cleared him to go back to work, which means it’s healed enough, and TK is certainly not going to admit defeat no matter how much he's hurting.
day twenty-nine: can you beat back the night? for @girlwhowasntthere
He misses the bard. Geralt won’t admit it, not even to Roach, but he misses him. After months—years—of Jaskier’s constant chatter and the sound of his lute, the silence, once valued above all else, is too much.
It’s been months since the dragon, since Geralt lost both Yennefer and Jaskier in one fell swoop. He’s cursed himself many times over for the words he said—to both of them—and cursed himself more for the mistakes he made to get in this position in the first place.
this is the lot of witchers, to be alone.
day thirty: ease my mind for @silvarafael
Briefly, Carlos considers calling TK and telling him about the accident. But… He only broke two of his fingers and it barely even classifies as a minor injury in his book, so there’s really no reason to bother his fiancé while he’s still on shift himself. He pockets his phone then looks around to figure out where the exit is.
Only, an all-too familiar laugh distracts him from his task, drawing his attention to the nurses station.
Where TK is standing, smiling as a nurse swats at him for stealing one of their lollipops.
Carlos is, beyond doubt, fucked.
day thirty-one: scars turn to memories for anon
Their front door is open. It’s wide open, and the wood of the door frame is broken, splinters littering the driveway and the floor of the front room. TK’s heart stops in his chest as he surveys the scene, his brain going blank, struggling to comprehend what he’s seeing.
Everything is quiet in the front room, not even a table setting out of place. TK creeps further into their home, his every nerve on edge as he barely breathes for fear of alerting whoever’s here of his presence.
And then, he remembers.
Carlos was off shift tonight. He was here. Alone.
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