#song of roses
disast3r4rtist · 9 months
I’m finally gonna post my Au so pls support it hehe
Song of Roses Au 🥀 🌷
By me Lol
This Au is based on the lore of two ocs but more detailed and adapted to the trolls franchise.
In this Au, it’s mostly only seen the characters we saw on Band together, but the 5 main characters are:
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Come with me to meet everyone!
First we should start with explaining the story:
“When the Pop Trolls escaped from the troll tree on Bergen town, the caos was inevitably, so King Peppy was helping everyone to leave as sooner, With the help of his oldest daughter Viva, However, once everyone was on a safe place, The youngest of all, Princess Poppy was gone, Something or someone took her way..”
The Story is main focus in Branch. Since the time his brothers abandoned him as a child, he lived him his grandmother Rosiepuff and his big brother, Floyd; Branch was just a kid trying to live his life , yet his brother’s visited him once a year for their grandma’s birthday but that changed one day. The day where their grandma got eaten by a bergen, a day that marked a breaking point in the family, with every parting different ways, while blaming all to branch and suffer with the emotional damage of “being the reason grandma is dead”
20 years later, All brothers are separated, and branch lives in the bunker all alone with Floyd’s constant visits (Visits he doesn’t accept), but one day, they get a sudden visit from Clay, who’s been gone for 20 years since the band broke, has a plan for a prank to do to his old childhood friend Viva, so he wanted Branch and Floyd to help, Floyd doesn’t coperate but Branch (still with his gray colors) decides to participate even though its not about his liking but it doesn’t end up on how Clay wanted. The prank was simple, Surprise Viva by giving her a plushie, In her room, but the prank went bad. The plan went foots down the moment Clay accidentally pushed branch to a room, a room with a crown on a table, looking warm and silky, however, That’s seen by viva, who thinks branch was stealing that, that misunderstanding made various trolls surrounding Branch, calling him a criminal so he doesn’t have much to do and.. he escapes from the place.
Now being called a criminal and being searched for, Branch is searching for a place to hide until the matter finishes, that’s when, deep into the forest, he founds a secret place, a tree hiden in rocks with pods all other conected to..
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Branch, knowing there’s no other safe place to hide, Goes there, without knowing the adventure he’s gonna live.
I dont want to pill all in just one post, so I would appreciate questions for the interested ones! I would love to respond them!!
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fedzzzart · 1 year
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aaaaaah looking at them all together is so satisfying!! and i’m so proud of actually finishing this🥰
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rystiel · 3 months
i keep seeing people say the doctor shouldn’t have feelings for rogue because he’s married to river…? river song… who has also married multiple people… one of the most polyamorous characters in the show…?
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gaypanicattackonlegs · 3 months
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meiko-komoko · 4 months
I love that when the Doctor falls for women, they're the coolest most badass people (think of River, Rose, Yaz, Romana, etc.), but when they fall for men they're always loser nerds (Fitz, Rogue, Koschei). they've got the best taste in women and the worse in men. that's real bi/pan representation there.
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Things Never To Say To Someone Who Just Came Out
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Me, on a new date: Hey, have you ever thought about the fact that there are plenty of planets where "the Doctor" doesn't refer to the Time Lord carrying around the sonic screwdriver, but rather to the young women who swing through their lives and ask their names and demand answers and sacrifice themselves, to the young men who start off unsure and second-fiddle but bring a kindness, a loyalty, with them and end up finding their own voices and their own purpose? Do you ever think about the role that myth plays in Doctor Who, how so many companion exits and finales take on the role of storytelling, about how companions become gods and immortals and walk the entire dystopian earth and wait two thousand years and be the cause of every Cyberman's single tear and wrench the Doctor back into the universe and carry the story off of screen with them, that they birth myths in their wake, that Doctor Who finales so often leave science-fiction behind them and become mythology itself, when these humans insert themselves into the mythology of the Doctor only to usurp him, that they make themselves the Bad Wolf and Orpheus and the Woman Who Walked the Earth and the Doctor Donna and the Last Centurion and the Girl Who Saw the Stars and most of all, they become the Doctor themself, that the Doctor's story goes nowhere if Rose doesn't save him on Satellite Five or Amy doesn't pull him back into existence or Martha doesn't walk the entire hell-earth to restore him or Clara doesn't make him forget her or Jack doesn't sacrifice himself to stop the Daleks or Bill doesn't carry him away from the Cybermen or Donna doesn't stop him from drowning himself with the Racnoss or Yaz doesn't pilot the TARDIS or River Song sacrifices herself at the library or Sarah Jane and Mickey don't help restore the earth back to its place in the sky and that the Doctor is only a myth with so many stories to their name because their companions make it so-
My date, sliding the breadsticks out of their purse back onto the table, hopelessly intrigued: Go on...
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alexsshittyworld · 7 months
"Omg, this companion hasn’t been on the show in years, move on."
Like the whole show isn’t about a sad little idiot who doesn’t know how to move on.
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kaetor · 8 months
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the doctor dances!
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ocean-irl · 3 months
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Wake up babe, new Doctor Who snog chart just dropped. (insp.)
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mollymurakami · 1 year
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despite being a 2010s tumblr teen i never got into doctor who, so naturally i'm here in 2023 (entirely david tennant's fault)
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swearphil · 6 months
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I ran my fingers through your hair and I thanked God to touch the flame
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y0urnewhyperfixation · 4 months
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"And don't you dare leave me still in love with you. Nothing's fair when love is war."
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zan0tix · 23 days
Rain - (Demo Ver.)
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if nine and rose had fucked i think it would have been totally fine for their relationship though jack would have been lowkey highkey jealous and then that would have been a whole thing to deal with. ten and rose well. we saw that kiss in "new earth" and billie piper did that for herself for rose and for the people. if ten and rose had just fucked i think that it would have made the rest of series two even wilder but also they deserved it. martha deserved to kill ten with hammers for the buckwild post-rose hangover emotional manipulation but if they had fucked at the end of "smith and jones" i feel like he either wouldn't have treated martha nearly as badly as he did all series OR it would double down and be even more deeply insane. ten and donna. no. donna has no interest in that twig and also throwing that dynamic on the tate-tennant already ridiculously good chemistry doesn't work outside of shakespeare and the catherine tate show. if eleven had let amy fuck him after "flesh and stone" they would have both deeply regretted it and it would have absolutely ruined rory's life but also the level of emotional intimacy they were at in series five was already at an all time high and then rory AND river get brought into the fray which is just deeply messy. eleven and clara to me have zero sexual chemistry together or. much chemistry of any kind at all which is wild because matt smith and jenna coleman have chemistry in abundance as themselves and i don't think those characters fucking would have done anything to that story. twelve clara is one of the most batshit dynamics of the revival era and i truly don't know what them fucking would have done but i imagine given the insanity of what we got on screen when they were avoiding ("avoiding") any romance i can only imagine it would be worse for me to witness emotionally. if anyone suggests that twelve and bill should have fucked i'm blowing up this whole website. if you're a twelve nardole fan though god bless you
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tonsillessscum · 6 months
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