#songs so good until the shitty fade out at the end that leaves me with the most disgusted look on my face
friendo · 4 months
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princesssmars · 2 years
how fast the night changes
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chapter i part i
a sam x reader x mike
youve always had a compliacted relationship with your best friends. that all changes the night you go back to josh's house in the mountains.
contains: fluff and angst i mean its until dawn. mentions of death, mention of that little perv chris switched seats with.
wc: 3.800+
a/n: back in my until dawn phase bc of the quarry and we are lacking fics (especially poly ones) so i came to provide. decided to do these two bc they are my favorites and. theyre hot. enjoy. (im also following along with an all good choices everyone lives lets play because i love a good horror ending sorry.)
the bus ride up to the mountain was much more sinister in the dark of night. maybe it was because the thick trees of the expansive woods hid anything that lurked inside them. maybe it was because of what happened the last time you were here. either way, everything felt different this time.
you still remember how you met all of your friends. it was sixth grade, and you were the new kid, so you were prepared for it to be brutal. but here come these two dorks who say their names are josh and chris that plop down next to you during lunch to ask you some dumb question about the newest video game-was it super mario?-
you look down at your phone, the custom playlist you got for this trip nearly halfway done as it hums through your headphones. bopping your head along, you click out of the music app and head to your messages, seeing the last texts you shared with your friends. emily's were blunt but endearing, ashley and chris's enthusiastic, jess's laid back. but you feel a smile slowly appear looking over your last messages with sam and mike.
sam: please tell me you remembered to bring me some extra veggie chips! i have a feeling josh forgot to stock up on my vegan snacks :,)
y/n: only if you remembered to bring my favorite blanket from your dorm, you know the heating is most likely broken and im definitely not freezing to death up here!
sam: so dramatic! already ahead of you <3 see you at the lift!
you go to look over mike’s, trying to ignore the heat you feel in your face at her knowing what you wanted without you even asking.
mike: your new favorite playlist is ready, brought to you by your favorite person on earth
y/n: what do you mean? sam didn't make me a playlist
mike: haha very funny
mike: y’know id appreciate some appreciation every now and then, i put all of your faves on here! even some hidden gems I've been listening to recently
y/n: thank you my best friend in the whole wide world for the amazing playlist i know you don't share your amazing music taste with everybody
y/n: happy?
mike: very. thanks, babe. see ya soon.
well, that didn't help.
you step off the bus with your carry-on, saying your thanks to the tired-looking bus driver before they drive off after giving you a weary smile and an ominous “be safe out there.”. you step further towards the entrance and seeing the faded yet familiar Blackwood Pines sign fills you with bittersweet nostalgia. remembering your first time getting plastered with josh and chris, dancing to the newest shitty songs with jess, telling emily about your crushes crush, gossiping with beth, watching the newest show that hannah couldn't stop talking about…
you shake your head. nows not the time to dwell on the past, you're here to rekindle old friendships and have a great time.
as you continue walking to the lift, you get more and more unsettled by the dark woods surrounding you. yes, the woods were inherently creepy, but it felt like someone, or something was watching you. you always joked around about something being in the woods, but those were just jokes. your mind is jumping around so quickly that you don't even register the snap of twigs and someone grabbing you-
“fucking hell!” leaves your throat as you bend over and try to catch your breath. meanwhile, samantha giddings is laughing her ass off behind you.
“i just - and then you- oh my god!” she wheezes, bent over and holding her knees with her hands. she laughs even harder when she looks up to see you staring at her with a straight face.
“you're not funny. at all. get up.” you reel your foot back as if you're about to kick snow and dirt at her, and thankfully that makes her calm down a bit.
“ok, ok. alright. im sorry, i couldn't help it!”
after her laughter has officially died down, you both stand and stare at each other for a minute, before laughing and running into a hug.
“its been so long sammy” you whisper into the blonde girl's hair, taking in the scent of her vanilla and papaya shampoo.
“way too long. promise me after this you’ll come to visit before the end of the school year? you can be my good luck charm for my exams” she pulls away to look at your face, her slender arms still wrapped around your waist.
“only if you promise to stay with me for a while this summer. there are so many things i wanna do with you.”
“many things, huh? got any more examples?” the side of her mouth quirked up, smirking at the way you stumble over your words.
“i just meant that… it's been hard. without you. and the others of course. it feels like we barely ever see each other since…”
your words trail off. it's still hard to say aloud what happened on the mountain last year. you look at sams face and see the sadness on her face, too.
while you were always close with beth, she was best friends with the other washington twin.
she always felt a little guilty that she didn't run off after them that night.
so did you.
you try to change the conversation, hoping to lift both of your moods.
“what i mean is, our college's aren't that far but it feels like i see you once in a blue moon! it'd be nice to catch back up and get closer.”
“i know what you mean. there's so much we have to talk about.” she agrees. “so, we can start on this longgg walk up the lift. you ready?”
she holds her arm out and you link yours through hers. god, did you miss her.
the walk to the lift was surprisingly nice. sure you had to walk through some creepy ass woods, but doing it with your best friend made it somehow enjoyable and even funny. especially when she fell on her ass after trying to climb the stone wall next to the busted gate.
“stop laughing and help me up!”
“oh, how the table have turned.”
while walking, you both spot a squirrel running past you. you decide to ignore it, but sam being the animal lover she is, tries to feed it.
“here you go little guy, have a nice life, alright?” she sighs, waving to the squirrel as it goes back into the woods. she turns to keep walking but finds you staring at her. “what is it?”
“nothing, nothing. we should hurry up, feels like I'm getting frostbite already.” you rush, ignoring as sam laughs at your dramatics.
eventually, after more idle catching up, light teasing (and both of you seeing something weird after picking up a totem?), you finally arrive at the cable car station…and see no sign of chris.
you let out a long and loud sigh, “god its so like him to go do whatever stupid crap right now. if he went up without us i'm gonna kill him.”
sam giggles at your upset grumbling, before moving her arms up and down the arms of your coat from beside you. “ok, ok. lets just look, around ok? im sure that doofus is around here somewhere.”
you both search around the station for mutual goofy blonde friend, until finally you find his backpack after hearing his phone ring. you don't catch who the caller was before it ends, and you notice sam come up behind you. “hey, I cant find that doofus, i don't know where he could be hiding-”
her voice is cut off by the phone pinging again, and you both see the user id-ashley, your mutual friend and chris’ crush of for-fucking-ever. on the handful of times youve spoken to ashley recently, you were pretty sure she liked him too.
you and sam lock eyes, sharing a mental conversation. you know she wants to leave it alone, and she knows you want more than anything to look at what theyve been talking about because you know your friend has absolutley no game.
you dont get the chance when you hear a “sam! (y/n)!” behind you, quickly turning around to see your tall glasses-wearing friend.
“thank god! i felt like i was gonna freeze to death out here!” you exclaim, making the blondes laugh as you hug chris, his big arms encompassing your entire body.
you smile. you missed this big dork.
you feel one of his hands leave your back, and then you feel the press of sam against your side. your face grows warm as both of you wrap your arms around each other to form a group hug. as you back away, sam looks at you affectionately, and chris looks between the both of you. you squint your eyes in a ‘shut it or ill kick you in the balls’ way and he stops.
“oh! so, i found something amazing.” christ speaks, looking at the both of you and moving over to his bag which still rests on the seat.
you and sam share a look. “what?” she asks.
“im not gonna tell you, you gotta see for yourself,” he replies, ever the little shit, he hikes his bad up onto his shoulder and starts moving away from the station. “come on, its this way.”
“where?” you question his next. again, it was freezing out here, and as much as you liked doing stuff with your friends youd much rather do it inside the lodge.
“right around here, gonna blow your mind.”
you follow chris around the back of the station until he moves in front of the surprise and holds out his hands. “ta-da! pretty rad right?”
“yeah…” sam stares at it, making you laugh beside her. before you stands a mini wooden shooting range, just built to shoot a few targets before the trees. on the wood panel lies two hunting rifles, placed for the targets placed either on the trees or on the stumps ahead of it.
“come on! look at these beauties!” chris smiles, trying to get you and sam at least amused by what he was showing you.
sam is still unconvinced. “”beauties” is not the word that comes to mind. why is this even here?”
“what do you mean?”
“what the hell is a shooting range doing at the base of a ski lodge?”
“dude, have you ever met josh’s dad?” chris asks her, fiddling with the rifle.
“yeah, he definitely thinks hes more badass than he really is,” you pick up one of the guns, admiring the details of it, “or maybe hes preparing for something in these woooods…”
“oh shush with the ghost stories, (y/n).” chris shushes at you, ignoring you scrunching up your face at him. you would admit that you did look into folklore and the supernatural, but who could blame you? it was interesting. “but shes right, dude thinks hes like, grizzly adams or something. either of you wanna try?”.
“you go head, grizzly.” sam declines, smiling at chris. yours eyes widen when they both turn to look at you.
“oh, you dont want me to go first. id embarrass you. but please be our guest.” chris scoffs and turns away from you, saying something under his breath. sam nudges your shoulder and laughs, “be nice.”
chris faces the targets and holds the rifle up to his shoulder, preparing to shoot. “alright, here goes.”
you both watch on as he hits both of the stuffed bags and both of the soda cans.
“wow, nice shootin tex.” sam compliments him.
“yeah, you been practicin this in your spare time?” you instantly regret it when he says “alright, im bad! im a badass!” and starts dancing in place. moron.
you nearly bust out laughing at the unamused look on sams face. “im gonna go ahead and guess it was a wild case of beginners luck.”
“nah, i dont think so girl.” he shrugs her off, yet again taking aim. he strikes a beer bottle, shattering it into pieces.
“anybody and their brothers could shoot a bottle that big, that close.” sam teases chris again. you notice a cute little squirrel make its way to snack on some nuts that lay on one of the barrels. chris shoots one of the stuffed bags again.
“ok ill admit. youre a nice shot.” chris’ eyebrows shoot up at your compliment, laughing when you roll your eyes.
“your asses just got sacked.”
you and sam both groan.
he goes to take aim, but in the corner of your eye you see the lift coming down. “hey, sharp-shooter, our ride is coming.”
“wh- im just getting the hang of it!” chris complains.
“come on chris, the cable car!” sam reaffirms, moving to loop her arms through yours and head to your ride. the both of you go ahead and laugh to each other when you hear chris groan and follow suit.
while walking, chris comes up behind you and starts to speak, “man it is… its definitely weird coming back up here after a whole year.”
“yeah. i swear, the moment i got here it just all came flooding back.” sam says. shed gone from linking your arms to holding your hand and leading you. your cheeks felt warm.
“i know what you guys means. a year went by so fast…” you whisper under your breath. you see chris looking at something on the wall of the station and tug sam back to look. it's a wanted poster for someone name milgram victor, last seen here on the mountain in the 90s. you vaguely remember josh talking about it.
“nice. think we’ll get a visit from americas most wanted?” chris kids after observing the sign.
“looks like someone thought so,” you reply. “i dont know why, its been almost 20 years, what would he even be doing? and dont answer that weirdo.” you give a stern look to chris when you see him excitedly open his mouth to go into imaginary detail about what milgram could be doing.
sam shrugs it off. “looks like someone thought so.”
“nah y/n’s right,” chris agrees with you, “this place is abandoned most of the year. nodbody comes up here.” after that, the three of you move on.
“this all must be really hard on josh…” sam expresses suddenly, bringing back up the topic of what happened last year.
chris speaks up from behind you, “i dont know how he keeps it all together. id…i mean id be a wreck.”
“who says he isnt?” your question makes sam scoff and chris sigh. “oh come on, we three are the closest to him and i know you both could tell something was up in that video. not to mention what happened with his therapist so who even knows whats going on inside that big head of his-”
“hey hey hey, slow down!” you hear then feel chris and sam next to you, both putting a hand on your shoulders . “look, dont worry. we’re all gonna be there to help josh if he needs it, yeah? for now lets focus on having a good time.”
chris could be a doofus at times, but he did know how to make you feel better. you let out a long sigh, stabilizing yourself before looking at your two friends and ready to continue.
its only a few seconds later when sam gets to the door and stops. “hey thats weird. door’s locked.”
“yeaaah…josh wanted us to keep it locked. keep people out.” chris tells her.
“he really said that? what kind of people?” she questions him. josh was never one to be scared of what could be lurking on the mountain.
“i dont know. he said they found people sleeping in the station one time.”
“creepy.” “thats so sad.” you and sam share a look as you speak at the same time before moving on.
“after you,” chris moves his arm in a sweeping motion of chivalry torwards to the now open station door, laughing as sam teases him with “a real gentleman.”
the three of you move inside, you and chris heading to check out the controls as sam moves to look out over the edge of the rail.
its small inside the control center, just the room with the controls, a desk, and some lockers. you and chris lean in to look at one of the posters, advertising the blackwood pines hotel and-
“sanatorium?” you both say under your breath, looking at the other. how did you never hear about this?
“ugh! i though the car was closer.” you heard sam complain from outside.
“guess we gotta wait…” chris voces, still obsering the sanatorium poster. “what a crazy place to set up house.”
“emphasis on the crazy.” you joke, laughing when chris swats at you with his hands. “but seriously, they couldnt have picked any other mountain? this is odd, no matter how rich you are.”
“guess mr.washington couldnt pass up on the view.” chris speaks.
“theyre not so rich,” sam rebuttals. “they only bought a mountain!”
you slightly giggle at her joke.
from the corner of you eye you see a flickering creen on the desk, dragging chris over by his arm to look at it.
“huh? since when did they have all this security up here?” your companion questions, observing the amount of places covered by what must be new secuirty cameras.
you sigh, feeling slightly unerved,“i guss they really are worried about something up here.”
looking out the small window, you see the cable car has almost arrived, making you move outside in preparation. you notice sam has zoned out, so you tickle her neck slightly, making her flinch away and let out a light squeal. “ah! oh you know i hate it when you do that!”
you smile at the blonde, leaning into her side “yeah right, sammy.”
she lets out a playful groan, wrapping her arm around your shoulders so you can both move into the cable car. you across from her as chris sits next to her.
“just like going to prom.” chris says before sitting down.
“chris, i was with you on prom night. you nearly threw up multiple times on the way there because you were scared about asking someone to dance-”
“alright alright! no need to bring that back up, y/n.” he shushes you, still embarrased about what happened 2 years ago. “anyway, adventure begins!”
“i hope this was the right thing to do.” sam sounds from across you.
“what?” chris asks her.
“you know getting everyone together on the anniversary. i mean, josh seemed really pumped about us all doing something didnt he?”
“yeah, no, he definitely did!” chris waves his arm around to express his point. “i havent seen him so excited about something in…forever.”
“good, good…” sams voice trails off.
“yeah, im glad he seems to be doing better. and its nice for everyone to be back together.” you smile, ready to see all of your friends again. even if what they did still hangs in the back of your mind.
“yeah yeah, but…its hard to tell with him and i…ive kinda been worried.” sams voice softens, her worry for her dear friend peaking through.
“no, no, it was…it was a good idea.” chris reassures her.
she looks over at you before staring at the ceiling. “i hope everybdy else feels the same way.
“we’re all here, arent we?” he questions.
“thanks bro. good talk.” sam goofs, lightly punching his arm.
you laugh at them. “he has such a way with words, doesnt he?”
he laughs along with the two of you, “you know what? screw the both of you. but really, lets just…lets just stop talking about what happened and enjoy the trip.”
“you know what? youre right.” sam agrees.
“seriously,” you sigh, leaning back and looking at the scenery. “i cant wait to just get to the lodge and relax with some hot cocoa.”
“um, what do you mean relax?” chris asks you, making you turn your head to raise a questionable eyebrow, “we’re supposed to party like porn stars, remember?”
“ugh, forgot about that part. we can do that tomorrow.” you groan, making your friends laugh at your antics.
theres silence for a little while longer before chris turns to the two of you and asks, “you two know how josh and i met?” you and sam shake your heads ‘no’.
“ok. third grade. josh sat in the back of the room, i sat in the front. we didnt even know each other existed. but the kid sitting next to josh started strap-snapping the training bra on the girl in front of him so the teacher made him move to the front - where i was sitting!”
‘ugh, gross.’ you think, before listening to the rest of the story.
“okay, so?” sam questions.
“so i got moved to the back!”
“and?” you prod.
“and next to josh! thats how we met! and became friends. to this day.”
“a match made in heaven.” you tease.
“if it werent for the fact that jeanie simmons hit puberty like three years early and on that day decided to wear a low-cut shirt that showed off her training bra…i mean who knows? you two could be riding in this cable car alone. right now. or talking to some other person entirely. boom. butterfly effect.”
“well i sure am glad we got you and not the bra snapper, chris.” his face twists in a mix of annoyance and happiness.
“it is freaky to think about, though. like, who knows how many little things we thought about doing but didn't would change who we are?” sam joins in, rubbing her hands together as the cold starts getting to her.
“well, i like to think fate could play a part in it as well.” you notice how both of your companions are looking straight at you, urging you to continue. “what? i mean, who we are effects what we’re most likely to do, which means some things are just meant to happen. at least thats how i see it. whatever, just stop looking at me.”
“no, no! i understand,” sam leans forward, taking your hands in hers. “i get it, like some things are just meant to be. its kinda nice, knowing id end up knowing you no matter what.”
your heart leaps to your throat when she sustains eye contact with you, the grip of her hands moving to hold your wrists.
“like i was doomed to fail that english test in sophomore year. im still pissed off about that.”chris says from your left, making you nearly jump out of your skin from being in the moment you just had with sam.
“yeah, just like your english test, chris. sure.” sam replies flatly, slightly slumping back into her place, her face perking up when you shake your head in amusement.
this was gonna be a good night.
here we go! chapter one of ten! this took me so long to get out and i wanted it out on halloween day but alas :') this already felt really long so hope to get part two ou soon! thanks for reading <3
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ghostcombustion · 2 years
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Steve Harrington x F!Reader
A/n : this is my first time posting on Tumblr so don't be scared to give me some construction criticism
Summary : Y/n has been in love with Steve since they were children. Everything changed when Steve turns a different page and leaves Y/n behind. When they meet again, Y/n realizes her feelings never went away.
Mentions : depressive thoughts, one sided romance, heartbreak, suicidal tendencies
You hated to admit it but you had been in love with Steve Harrington since the first day you met him. As a kindergarten, you didn't fully understand what your parents meant by getting a divorce. For a hot second, your immature mind thought it might of been a good thing.
That was until your mother moved out. That's when it hit you that divorce wasn't a good thing.
Tommy Hagan, your neighbor, was one of the first to hear about your parents divorce and he wasted no time picking fun at you because of it. Every minute of every day, he bullied you non stop until one day you just went silent instead of arguing. The young boy stood their confused but still continued.
The next thing you knew, he was on the ground holding his eye and crying like a baby.
"That's what you get..... bitch..." You snarled while flipping her hair.
And that's when you saw him, Steve Harrington. Your heart fluttered as he laughed at the boy crying in the ground.
From that day on, you two were close. Constant playdates, lunch swapping and playing stupid made up games.
Everything was good until highschool hit. The two of you went two different directions. Steve started getting close to Tommy and soon was one of the most popular kids. His preppy style and love for sports brought him to the top of the pyramid.
On the other hand, there was you. Your love for grunge and singing songs on your guitar while occasionally rocking out with Eddie Munson or Jonathan Byers had brought you to the very bottom. You'd been classified as one of the freaks.
For a while, you didn't mind. Popularity never really mattered to you. It was a foolish thing to think that.
Slowly, you felt Steve pulling away from you. The constant excuses of being sick and grounded just broke you to bits. The one day, you just stopped. Why chase a guy who wanted nothing to do with you?
It was painful to watch your first love and your best friend fade into a different person. You spent endless nights crying in your pillow and wishing that he would someday change his mind and come back. There were multiple nights that you were lost in the though if you dying. And each time you thought of it, you'd imagine he would be there. Steve would be there and apologize for being a shitty friend and would show he cared.
But that was all a fantasy. A stupid fucking fantasy.
Unlike the other "freaks", you were never bullied. Tommy was scared of you and warned the others to stay away from you like you were a plague.
You helped in the search of Will Byers seeing as he was your friend's brother but ended up getting looped into a new world of things you wished you could unsee.
When Dustin Henderson came for you to help, you didn't hesitate and helped him with everything he needed. That included trapping an interdimensional dog in a storm cellar.
Before you had time to even breath, you were working with the one person you doubted you would ever talk to again.
His eyes staring into your own ignited a flame you thought had been blown out. When he stood by you, you couldn't ignore the way your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest. How when his hand brushed against his, your body just melted and everything would feel so right.
It was the night after everything had finally finished. The demodogs we're finally gone, the mind flayer had been defeated, and the gate had finally been closed.
To blow off steam, you went your own way. Not really wanting to be apart of the celebration at the Byers. Nobody protested when you left. They were just all so excited to have life return to normal.
Unbeknownst to your knowledge, Steve had filled you into the forest. It wasn't until you heard a large snap from behind you that you noticed.
You had heard from Jonathan that him and Nancy had sorta broken up. Not officially but both parties knew their time together was coming to an end.
"Why are you following me?" You questioned while resting your body on the side of a random tree.
Steve casually shrugged, "Just felt like it." He replies casually much to your dismay. His hand ran through his hair making your heart burn.
"I was thinking-- I dunno." Steve took in a sharp breath and began walking up to you. "Y/n..." He breathed while blocking you from leaving.
Your mind went blank and your body went totally numb as his soft lips pressed against your own. Of course you wanted to kiss him. You really wanted to fucking kiss him. Maybe call him your own and finally become what you always wanted to be.
Instead, a pit in your stomach grew and a single tear fell from your eye. You pushed him away.
"No." You said sternly while harshly biting on your bottom lip.
"what? No it's obvious you like me Y/n!" He reasoned and furrowed his bushy eyebrows.
You shook your head and sighed, "I do. I can't lie Steve. I've been in love with your for years but I not going to do this. I'm not going to be your rebound after Nancy."
The brunette in front of you scoffed, "A rebound?"
"Steve, it's been like two fucking weeks. You can't get over someone that quickly." You swallowed while trying to hold back the tears threatening to overflow.
"You're crazy..." He laughed while pacing back and forth. "You think I'd use you as a rebound? I thought we were friends!"
"We were friends!" You shouted. Your face scrunched up and you turned your head to the side. "We were friends until you blew me off to be friends with Tommy and Carol. And maybe we had something going on okay? A redemption of some sorts but Steve, you ruined it. I'm not going to let my feelings influence me into being a distraction for you!" A soft breath left your lips. "You can't use me as a distraction--"
"I can if I want!" He blurted out. Immediately his eyes filled with regret and he reached a hand out to you. "Y/n, I didn't--"
You smiled and shook your head, "Like I said, a rebound."
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ghost-ghost-baby · 3 years
Narcissist (alpha!readerxOmega!Bakugo soulmate au)
An: this is heavily inspired by the song narcissist by younger hunger definitely recommend listening to it!
Word count: 3.2k (ur welcome)
Summary: Bakugo being a little shit basically- Mina and Denki r sick of him- reader runs out of scent blockers-
Warnings: omegaverse, swearing, Bakugo being a dick, reader just thinks he’s hot, gets a bit spicy but nothing graphic, non traditional dynamics (subby alphas) drug use (weed)
You were in a familiar room, one you’d come to love since you’d started dreaming of it, and you sat on the bed and waited… any moment now.
“Oi, are you here, shithead?” The voice of your omega was dreamier than it was in real life; his harsh words unable to punctuate the tranquility of your dream.
“I always am, Katsuki!” You chirped, grinning as he slowly faded into existence. The black tank top and jeans he wears make him look far too good, and your brain short-circuited for a few seconds.
“I told you not to fucking call me that!” He growled, but you only laughed. Reaching out to grab his hands before he could stop you, you pull him down so you could kiss him. Any anger he had quickly melted away, and Katsuki had pulled one hand away to rest on your shoulder and pushed back. You got the point, you pulled away for air and leaned back on your elbows as you did. Katsuki followed and straddled you without a moment of hesitation. His mouth latched onto your neck and you let out a hum. With one hand gravitating to tangle in his hair, he gave you another push that had you lying flat on your back.
“Shut the fuck up, don’t ruin this.” Katsuki bit down on your throat and you squeaked, although he licked over the mark seconds later to soothe it, and only pulled away to kiss you when you tried to talk again. You melted, let your hands wander down to his thighs, and had your thumbs rubbing absent-minded circles. Then, Katsuki was unbuttoning the shirt you had on, hands quickly trailing lower to-
“Y/N! Did you hear what Mr. Aizawa said?” Mina’s voice brought you back from the dream you had the night before, and you blinked at her as you blanked.
“No way I'm working with their dumbass!” Katsuki snarled as Kiri forced him into a seat at your table, and you turned your head to Sero with a questioning look. He usually knew what was going on in class.
“We have a group project for a presentation, Mr. Aizawa picked the groups-”
“Oh hell yeah, all my best bro’s working together? Sounds like fun to me!” Denki leaned over to hug you and Mina, and the pieces started to click together. You were working on an art project, with your mate, who hate-
“How could anything be fun with Y/n around, they fucking ruin everything.” Katsuki grumbled to himself, refusing to meet your eyes despite sitting opposite you. Kiri mouthed an apology to you from his seat next to Katsuki. Honestly, you had no idea why he’d decided to act like… such a brat really, but it was just an act, however annoying it was. The two of you were soulmates, he’d come around, eventually.
“Oh hush, Bakugo, Y/n’s a riot and we all know it! You’re the one who goes to sleep at like, 8pm” Denki came to your aid. The electric blonde then pressed a kiss to your cheek that had Katsuki gritting his teeth.
“So, what's the project, guys?” You flipped through your book to a fresh page, resting your chin on your hand as you waited for the others to speak.
“We have to show the versatility of styles and composition under a singular theme!” Kiri was the one that answered you, and the group immediately started throwing around ideas.
“I think we could do horror, a lot of horror artists have different composition styles and still manage to convey the-”
“Tch, that’s the best you could come up with? I’m not surprised, an alpha as shitty as you can’t be capable of any decent ideas.” Katsuki sneered, but you only smiled at him as the group agreed with your idea. Your omega merely grumbled and hunched over in his seat as the group discussed the different artists you could use as examples.
You’d stayed late to double-check something with a professor, and you were still flipping through your notebook as you walked through the unusually empty halls. You weren’t paying attention to where you were going, and before you knew it you ran into someone, the same someone who shoved you against a wall seconds later, but your fear subsided when you realised it was just Katsuki.
“Watch where you’re fucking going, dipshit.” Katsuki wasn’t even sure why he’d pushed you up against the wall, but being this close to you, touching you… it was..nice…
“Tch, god your scent is so weak, you smell like a fucking beta, how’d I get stuck with such a runt, huh? Some sick kind of joke.” Katsuki’s tone didn't match what he was saying. The way he leaned forward to rub his cheek over your scent gland definitely said otherwise, but you stayed quiet, he always found some excuse to scent you, but he’d usually get embarrassed and storm off if you dared to say anything.
“You’re pathetic, you know? Being this submissive for an omega, are you sure you’re not a beta? It’d make more sense.” You bit your lip when Bakugo pressed a kiss to your neck, only hesitating a moment before he started sucking a mark onto your skin. His words bounced right off of you because all you could focus on was how hot he was and how he’d subconsciously put his thigh between your legs and thank fuck you were on scent blockers, or you’d never hear the end of it.
“Really, you aren’t even going to try and defend yourself? You’re even weaker than I thought.” A growl next to your ear made you shiver, and Katsuki pushed away with a snarl when he was satisfied. He cursed at you again and warned you ‘not to tell anyone or he’d kick your ass’ (he wouldn’t) before he walked away, leaving you to walk home with your head completely in the clouds.
“What took you so fucking long, huh idiot?” Katsuki was on you the second you appeared in the dream, pulling you down into a rather ferocious kiss before you could say anything. He bit your lip when you didn’t open your mouth fast enough, swallowing any protests you would have made, and continued to kiss you until you were dizzy. “I’ve been waiting two hours…” He pulled away to kiss under your jaw, and if you didn’t know him so well you’d miss the insecure tone in his voice.
“Sorry, Midoriya wanted-” You stopped when Katsuki growled, biting down so hard you were surprised he didn't draw blood.
“Why the fuck are you saying his name here, huh? Are you tryna piss me off?” He pulled away to sneer at you. You opened your mouth to explain, but the words died in your throat when he unzipped your hoodie, and any coherent thought you had went out the window when he started to kiss your neck.
Everything was ready. The lounge room was set up, complete with snacks, drinks, and stationery for you and your friends to work on the project. They were meant to be here any second, and you couldn’t help but hover near the door to your apartment. You weren’t used to having people over and it still put you on edge having others in your space. But that thought left your head when a knock sounded on your door. You quickly opened it and were almost knocked over by Denki and Mina engulfing you in a hug.
“Thanks so much for hosting bro!”
“Awww you laid out all these snacks and stuff too! An omega’s gonna be really lucky to have you one day Y/n!” They pushed inside. Denki closed the door as Mina oohed and aahed over the setup, their praise had a slight blush rising to your face as you sheepishly rubbed your neck. Sero was next, quickly hugging you before he joined Denki and Mina, then Katsuki and Kirishima last. The blonde pushed past you without saying hello, but Kiri pulled you into a hug so tight you couldn’t breathe for a second, and was complimenting the setup as you took a seat. You tried to sit next to Mina, but Denki let out a whine and the pair was pulling you down between them before you had time to protest. Denki immediately leaned on you once you were settled. Katsuki couldn’t focus on the project, how could he, when his two dipshit friends were all over his mate. And you weren’t even doing anything to stop them! In fact, you were leaning into their hugs and giggling at every stupid joke they made! It had Katsuki fuming. Kirishima was the only one close enough to smell the angry shift in his scent, and he glanced between his friend and you, slowly putting the pieces together. You really had no idea what was happening, but Denki’s head was on your shoulder, and Mina’s arm around your waist as she asked questions about the project, giggling and pressing a kiss to your cheek whenever you got confused, which happened more than you’d like to admit. The blonde gritted his teeth when Mina’s hand went to your thigh, you were his! Nobody else should ever be touching you like that! You should know better! So when you excused yourself to grab something from your room, of course he made up some excuse about needing the bathroom so he could follow you.
The door to your room closed with a click, and you quickly spun around, expecting to see Mina or Denki, anyone except Katsuki to be honest.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He was seeing red at this point. He cornered you and made you stumble back until your waist hit your desk.
“Uh- getting more pens-?” You held out the pack of pens with a confused look on your face that only made Katsuki angrier. How were you so stupid? And so fucking cute when you were- he cut off that thought, he needed to focus on yelling at you. Not the way your brows furrowed and how you nervously bite your lip as you waited for him to say something. Wait- were you blushing? Fuck, maybe he should-
“Katsuki? Are you oka-“
“Shut the fuck up, dipshit.” He snarled. Then, catching you both off guard, he leaned forward and kissed you. Your eyes fluttered closed immediately. He’d only kissed you in your dreams, which was nothing compared to this, and you hesitantly placed your hands on his waist. His hands went to your hair to pull you closer, tugging it until you got the message and parted your lips for him. Katsuki let out a hum of approval as he deepened the kiss, why hadn’t he done this sooner? You couldn’t focus on anything other than how much Katsuki tasted like caramel, he didn’t taste like caramel in the dreams. You couldn’t help but whine when he pulled back. Another insistent tug on your hair had you tilting your head back, and Katsuki didn’t waste any time kissing over your neck. You were so lost in the feeling you almost missed the words he growled against your skin.
“You should know better, you’re mine. Other people shouldn’t be fucking touching you like that.”
“Do you think they’re like…. Finally-” Mina made a hand gesture that had Denki cackling, even Kiri cracked a smile.
“I hope so, it’s getting hard to watch all the back and forth.” Sero sighed, dropped his pen, and stretched.
“Yeah, have you seen how mad Bakubro gets though? It’s pretty fun to push his buttons like this!” Denki grinned as he leaned his head on Mina’s shoulder, and she wrapped her arm around his waist.
“I don’t know… Bakugo’s uh… stubborn, to put it nicely.”
“Your scent is weird… are you wearing a different perfume?” Mina leaned her head on your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist as you glanced at Katsuki. After whatever the fuck had happened in your room, he’d gone back to acting like he hated you, so, you’d kept letting Denki and Mina do whatever they wanted. He had his eyes fixated on the work, and you turned back to Mina with a smile.
“Oh, sorry about that! I forgot to refill my scent blockers and my doctor’s not available until next week.”
“Don’t be sorry, bro! It’s nice, like really, really nice!” Denki came up behind you, throwing a quick glance at Katsuki before he leaned forward, crooning and rubbing his cheek over your scent gland, Mina doing the same a moment later. The pen Katsuki was holding snapped, his angry scent pumping out in waves as he glared daggers into the book in front of him, all too aware of you laughing.
You were hyper-aware of how strong your scent was, this was the longest you’d gone without scent blockers since you’d presented, and you’d lit a scented candle to try and cover it up. It hadn’t really worked, maybe you should light some incense-
“Y/n! Sorry we’re early!” Mina’s hand on your shoulder broke you from your thoughts, and you shook your head before you smiled. Denki cut you off before you could apologize about your scent.
“Damn Y/n! It smells like you baked cookies- oh my god did you bake-”
“Don’t be stupid, babe, it’s just their scent.” Mina shoved him inside, shaking her head as she followed and closed the door behind her.
“Oh! Of course!” Denki nodded, and he and Mina linked arms with you. They walked you over to the couch and sat you all down with grins on their faces.
“Uh… guys-?” You didn’t trust that look, it never leads to anything good.
“Well, since the project is like, 99.5% done-” Mina started, hand coming up to play with your hair.
“We thought we deserved a reward!” Denki interrupted, reaching into his bag and producing a blunt. You felt your own grin forming.
“Oh my god- is that from-”
“Shinso! You know he sells the best stuff on campus, I decided to splurge for my bros!” Denki looked incredibly pleased with himself, and you couldn’t help but tackle the blonde in a hug.
“Oh my god Denki, you’re the best!”
The three of you were blazed by the time the others got there. Sero happily bounced over to share the blunt, while Katsuki and Kiri just sighed and sat down with you. Katsuki’s eyes instantly zoned in on where you were lying on Mina and Denki on the couch. He was oddly silent as he tried to keep his cool, the nagging thoughts that had always been there slowly got stronger. He’d always had to be strong, people perceived him as weak just because of his dynamic, so he’d rejected the thought of being with an alpha, hoping for a beta or omega. Or you. You never made a big deal out of your dynamic, and always treated him as an equal. Then the dreams started. He loved you, he really did! But his whole reputation would go down the drain if he was claimed by an alpha, especially one with such a weak scent and mild presence. So…. he pretended to hate you in public because the two of you had your dreams, where nobody could judge him! Even if they did pale in comparison to real life. But lately… he couldn’t stop wondering… were you getting tired of waiting? With the way you were acting… the thought made his stomach turn and his canines come out. Especially since you had run out of blockers. Your scent getting stronger and stronger as the days went by. You were his alpha! You shouldn’t be scenting other people! Especially omegas! And you certainly shouldn’t be laying on them while you were ignoring him! You hadn’t even said hello to him! You were too busy getting high with those assholes like you didn't belong to him! You were his, it wasn’t fair!
Mina was the last out of the apartment. She kissed your cheek and winked at you as the door closed. The exhaustion set in as you leaned against the door.
“What the fuck was that?” Katsuki growled and made you startled when you saw him by the table. You only shrugged as you went to pack up the stuff on the couch.
“Denki got us some weed because the project was done-”
“Not that, dickhead! They were all over you!” He marched over to you, trying to ignore how good you smelled up close.
“And? We’re not-” You responded, and Katsuki was shoving you before he realized, ignoring the way you yelped as you fell on the couch. You sprawled on your back and glaring up at him.
“Katsuki! What the fuck!” Katsuki didn’t reply, eyes traveling over your vulnerable form. Flush rose to his face as he realized how provocative the position was, causing warmth to pool in his tummy. If kissing was so much better in reality, what would it be like to be inside you? Feel you clench around him and pull his hair when he hit your sweet spot? Would your thighs shake the same in real life when he just kept going? The omega didn’t even realize his scent had changed, he just licked his lips and stared at you with hooded eyes, fuck he wanted-
“Are you okay? You zoned out.” Fuck, when had you gotten up? You were so close now, your scent overwhelming. He never wanted you to go on blockers again.
“Fuck, Katsuki! Katsuki! Are you in heat?” It finally dawned on you. Katsuki’s scent had taken on a sweeter tone it didn’t usually have, and with the way he kept zoning out, it was obvious. Plus thoughts of him on top of you that wouldn’t leave your brain alone. Your question snapped him out of his daze, and the omega snarled at you, stepping back and stumbling when a jolt of pain went through him.
“Fuck off, like you could trigger-” His voice cut off as another wave of pain went through him, causing you to reached out to steady him without thinking. The omega was going to let out a growl but it quickly changed to a whine as it escaped his mouth. You pulled your hand back like it had burned, although your mate’s temperature was so high it wasn’t out of the question. You took two steps back and froze when a feral snarl ripped through the room, dark red eyes pinning you in your place.
“He-hey Katsuki…” Your voice stopped his growling, and it took every ounce of self-control you had to stay coherent as he advanced, your rut already trying to cloud your judgment. Your eyes darted around the room, maybe you could make it to the bathroom? Then Katsuki could ride out his heat and you could talk about it? yeah. Katsuki was only a foot away from you now, the grin he had on was somehow more unsettling than the snarl, and you shook your head to get some of your resolve back. Okay, three, two, one-
You made it maybe ten centimeters before Katuski caught you, and pushed you back down on the couch. He wasted no time sitting on your lap and tilting your face up to look into his eyes.
“You’re not getting away from me, Alpha. I know you want this. I should have done this months ago.” Sincerity shone through your omega’s lidded eyes, and you felt your small shred of resolve shrink away even more. Your hands flew to his chest to push him away.
“Ka-Katsuki it’s just- just your heat, you don’t mean-“
“Don’t tell me what I do and don’t mean, alpha.” Katsuki was back to growling at you. His hands grabbed your wrists, pinned them down, and used his knees to keep them in place. He went back to cupping your face, red eyes boring into yours as he thought of what to say and a growl leaving him whenever you dared to look away. You were so, so obnoxiously pretty, it made it even harder to focus. Katsuki kept getting distracted by little details, like how your eyes shone and you kept biting your lip.
“You’re so fuckin stupid, ya know that? Of course, I fuckin want you, you’re my alpha- I don’t… I don’t care what other people think anymore, I just want you.” Katsuki’s tone was softer than you expected, and you could only gape at him as a blush quickly rose to your face. You knew he didn’t hate you, but hearing him say that lifted a weight off your shoulders you’d been carrying for who knows how long. The moment passed, all the softness went away as Katsuki leaned down to kiss you, and this time you kissed him back without any reservations.
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[SKZ Imprinted] Minho: One-Eighty
anonymous asked: HI! CONGRATULATIONS! you deserve each follower you're writings are amazing (even tho I don't have the time to chatch up with TFTP nor the Xperiments but I'm dying to) 🥺For the Stray Kids imprinted can I request one for Minho? I don't have anything in mind but like...fluff i guess? I really don't mind I would probably like anything you write.Once again congratulations! And have a happy evening!
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Characters: Minho x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, barista au, just a lot of fluff and maybe some humor sprinkled in for funsies, a hint of angst at the end but the ending to this part is still happy i swear
Word count: 4,240
Summary: Minho’s always been a ‘sarcastic asshole’ as his peers call him. He’s a great guy, sure, but let’s just say he’s not the best at making friends. But when he meets you, a whole new world opens up for him, and he wants to learn more about it from you.
a/n: i’ve been listening to strangers like me on repeat all day bc of something else i was working on, so yes this is 100% inspired by that song lmao
Previous | Next | Imprinted Masterlist
Chan returned to the table with their orders, freshly made by Felix -- and partially Sam, but she was mostly focused on inventory at the moment since the café wasn’t too busy. Chan handed out the drinks to their respective owners before he sat down and sipped from his own cup.
“Hey, Felix,” Minho called, sitting on the back of his chair with his feet planted on the part he was actually supposed to sit on. “This sucks, can you remake it?”
Unamused, Felix looked up from the blender he was now cleaning in the sink, “Y’know, it would be a shame if you were to fall backwards and smack your head off the floor, causing you to lose your memory so you can’t be rude to me at work.”
“I’ll push him for a dollar,” Changbin offered casually before taking a sip of his own beverage.
“I’ll pay to push him,” Seungmin scoffed.
“Okay, okay,” Chan tried to settle his pack -- especially before Jeongin showed up because they knew he’d already be in not-the-best mood, “let’s not get started, please. I don’t need all of you wrestling each other in the middle of Felix’s work. It’s good at least one of us has a stable job so let’s maybe keep it that way, yeah?”
“Aeri has a job,” Minho shrugged. “Just make her your sugar mommy.”
“Minho, you’re going to make for a really shitty mate,” Jisung told him.
And it was funny he said that, because it was then that the bell dinged softly. Nobody was paying attention to it -- except Felix, of course -- because then the pack at the table began bickering about how Minho was going to treat his mate. 
Nobody was paying attention until you walked by the table to get to the counter, and then you were all Minho could pay attention to. As soon as he caught a glimpse of you from the corner of his eye, his eyes followed you as you walked up to the counter. His brown eyes widened, his jaw going slack s the world around him faded away, leaving just you and him.
“Uh oh...” Hyunjin giggled.
“Quick, someone push him,” Changbin whispered.
“Sammie!” Felix called to the back. “The new girl’s here!”
“Ooh, and it’s Felix’s new coworker,” Seungmin grinned almost evilly. “This should be good.”
You had applied to work at the café because you wanted some extra money. Would it make it difficult to have a social life since you were already going to school? Yeah, but you weren’t one for going out a lot, anyway. You mostly stayed inside and just texted your friends instead.
The girl who had interviewed you, Samantha, came out from the back and grinned at you, “Hey, _____. Ready for your first day?”
“Well, guess we’ll find out what kind of mate Minho’s gonna be,” Chan chuckled staring at the boy who was still staring intently at you.
It took a lot to drag Minho out of the café, but Chan and Changbin managed to drag him back to the apartment.
With Aya no longer living with Chan, the two boys moved in and took over. Changbin and Minho had to do rock, paper, scissors for the bedroom, but Minho ultimately won. There was that time, though, where her and her mate, Jeonghan got into a bad fight and she moved back in. Minho and Changbin shared the living room, and that was a mess.
Minho laid face-up on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he thought about you. He didn’t expect imprinting to his so hard. For the first time in his life, he was speechless. He wanted to go talk to you, but what was he supposed to say?
“Hello, I’m Lee Minho, and I’m in love with you. Let’s get married.”
“Do you even know how to confess to anybody?” Chan had asked in the car on the way back home. “You’re blunt, but you’re not good at expressing your feelings, either.”
“Yeah, how the hell is that possible?” Changbin had asked.
Minho knew they weren’t wrong. He was the type of guy to blatantly tell someone their shirt was ugly, but at the same time, his previous relationship ended because his boyfriend said he was bad at communicating. Minho himself wasn’t even sure how he could be so upfront but still so awful at telling people how he felt.
So how was he supposed to get you, his mate, to talk to him and ultimately accept him if he couldn’t talk to you?
“See, I told you morning rush isn’t that bad,” Felix grinned brightly at you. “That’s the good thing about working near a college campus: hardly anyone yells at you because everyone our age is full of anxiety.”
You laughed, “Yeah, that’s a perk. But uh, I should get going to--”
“Oh, hey Minho!” Felix cut you off, waving to somebody behind you.
You turned to look at the door, seeing a slightly familiar boy walk in with his hands stuffed in his front pockets. You were pretty sure he was one of the rowdy boys sitting at one of the tables yesterday when you’d walked in.
“Hey, Lix,” he nodded before standing at the counter.
“Just take Minho’s order, then you can clock out, okay?” Felix told you.
You locked eyes with Minho, and he smiled softly. That smile didn’t leave his face as you punched in his order and took his card. It never left until he stepped to the side and Felix began talking to him while making his order so you could go punch out before getting to class.
“So how’s that uh...problem?” Felix asked with a smirk.
Minho rolled his eyes, “Shut up.”
“Have you figured out how to talk to her yet?”
“If I did, don’t you think I would’ve made a move?”
Felix walked up to the counter and slid Minho’s drink over to him, “Can I offer some advice?”
“Absolutely not,” he scoffed. “You were so bad at trying to talk to Sam. If you help me, she’s gonna leave the country.”
“Well it can’t get worse,” Felix shrugged. “It’s not like you have the best track record with girls.”
You caught the butt-end of their conversation as you walked back out, raising your eyebrows, “What about having a bad track record with girls?”
The two boys turned their attention to you. Minho’s low-set brows suddenly raised as his sour expression dissipated when he looked at you.
Felix turned around, and an idea suddenly clicked in his head. He smiled at you before he turned to look at Minho, his smile turning sinister.
Minho gulped.
“Actually, _____,” Felix began, “I think you might be able to help my good buddy, Minho.”
“Ooh, is it girl problems?” you guessed, walking up with your bag slung over your shoulder, placing your palms on the counter as you stood beside Felix and looked between the two boys.
“He’s got a big crush on this girl but he’s never been great with like, expressing feelings and being romantic,” Felix explain with a clearly teasing look on his face, loving that he was embarrassing the hell out of his brother. “Can you teach him that stuff?”
You chewed the inside of your cheek as you thought it over. Did you have the time? Would your brother get on your case about it?
Eh, he had been away on a mission for a while, and you didn’t expect him back soon. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt. ...Right?
“I’ll tell you what,” you began with a half-smile, “I can help you after my trigonometry test. I really have to study for it because I’m not doing too hot, so I don’t really--”
“I’m good at trig!” Minho blurted before he could even think over what he was saying. “I can tutor you!”
You blinked a few times at the sudden offer, while Minho was questioning what possessed him to suddenly say that. Sure, he was good at trig, but was he actually ready to be around you and speak to you? Could he manage that? Probably not, but now it was too late.
“R-really?” you asked.
“Perfect!” Felix grinned. “He can tutor you in trig, and you can tutor him in dating. Everybody wins!”
You nodded, aiming your smile at Minho again, “Cool! How does tomorrow afternoon sound? We can meet up here?”
“Yeah, perfect, awesome,” he nodded, hardly processing anything.
“Sweet,” you grinned bigger before you went to the opening at the counter to leave. “I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow, Minho!”
You waved before you jogged to the door and left, leaving the cafe with just Felix and Minho. The younger boy looked at Minho with a smirk, reaching over to poke his chest.
“You’re welcome.”
Minho’s loving gaze turned cold as he glared at Felix, “I’ll kill you.”
“What, why?! I got you an in, bro!”
“I don’t know how to talk to her and now I have to!”
Felix just shrugged, “Not my problem.”
The next barista coming to clock in walked in on Minho lunging across the counter to grab Felix by the collar and choke him out.
It was a good thing Minho was tutoring you and didn’t have any work of his own to do because there was no way in hell he’d be able to focus on it. You were just too cute when you were confused and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you, even as you leaned over your notebook to scribble down answers that he was trying to help you with -- he originally offered to just give you the answers, but you scolded him for that and said you needed the method of getting said answers to be explained.
“If I don’t know how to do it, how am I gonna pass?” you had asked.
“Easy,” he shrugged, “if you can get your grade up high enough, failing your final won’t even be a big deal.”
So now here the two of you were: you with your brows furrowed in concentration, and him simply admiring you while you weren’t looking. Then you’d lift your head up, and he’d try to act like he’d been looking around or something while you were busy writing notes.
Outside, his friends just ‘happened to be walking by’ and decided to stop to peer in through the window. Minho was too busy chuckling at something you’d said, but Felix noticed from behind the counter and smirked.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile like that,” Seungmin commented.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile,” Changbin scoffed.
“They’re kinda cute, though,” Chan shrugged. “They’re like, so opposite, y’know?”
“Except he turns into a huge softy when she’s around,” Seungmin replied. “She would never know he’s the world’s biggest pain in the ass.”
“He’s not even that bad,” Aeri spoke up. “He’s just a little...sarcastic sometimes.”
Seungmin side-eyed her, “Yeah, I guess that’s a word for it.”
Back inside, you were finally able to close your textbook. While you were enjoying being tutored by Minho -- he was very kind, very polite, really funny, and he explained things in a way you understood and was very patient with you -- you still weren’t too into having to do homework. Nothing could make that fun, not even Minho.
“Okay, so...should we move onto my first lesson?” Minho asked slowly, eyebrows raised.
You let out a little huff as you managed to put your heavy schoolbag on the table and began shoving your work inside, “This was your first lesson.”
“I-- Huh?”
You laughed softly and turned your head to look at Minho. You didn’t know how fast his heart was beating seeing you smile at him like that.
“Lesson one: talk to her. You passed,” you told him.
“But-- But--”
“For these lessons, I’m gonna have you pretend I’m the girl you like,” you explained.
‘How fitting,’ he thought to himself.
“So you’re basically gonna practice on me. We’ll work our way up to like, dates and stuff. Next time I see you, I want you to practice flirting. Okay?”
“You want me to flirt with you?” he asked.
You nodded, “Yup. I mean, unless this whole thing is too weird. I can come up with a new--”
“No!” he blurted.
Outside, the three wolves could hear the conversation and shook their heads at his embarrassing outburst.
“He couldn’t make it more obvious,” Changbin sighed as he facepalmed.
“At least she seems oblivious,” Seungmin shrugged before muttering, “No wonder she’s failing trig.”
Chan whacked him in the shoulder, “Be nice.”
“I-I mean,” Minho quickly tried to compose himself, but his nerves were getting the best of him, “this is fine. I can do that.”
You smiled, “Okay, cool. Then I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Same time and place.”
“Yeah, sounds good,” he nodded. “See you tomorrow.”
You flashed him one last smile as you stood and grabbed your bag. Quickly Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, and Aeri began shoving each other away from the window to hide beside the building, pressing their backs against the brick wall so you wouldn’t notice them. 
“She’s coming, shh,” Changbin shushed, hearing your footsteps approaching.
They saw you walk by them, your eyes staying forward the whole time. They thought they were in the clear as you had just barely passed by them without a glance or a word.
“Hi, Minho’s friends,” you greeted them suddenly without a passing glance.
You continued walking to your destination, leaving the four stunned. They pushed themselves away from the wall, watching your back as you carried on down the street.
“How did she know we were here?” Aeri wondered.
“I...don’t know,” Chan replied slowly.
You spent every single day for two weeks together with Minho. The first couple days were spent with him trying to flirt with you. Both of you were surprised by how naturally it came to him. But honestly, Minho realized that when it came to you, the smooth lines that came out of his mouth just made themselves. You were pretty, funny, smart -- there were endless things he could use to flirt.
But flirting was something he already had practice with. He was good with the cheesy stuff where he could smirk and say something smooth, and whoever his target was would swoon, and that was that. But it was all the cute stuff that he was bad at.
So the next step was new to him: small but nice gestures.
“Opening doors, pulling out chairs,” you listed off, “just little things like that. Small things that show you care enough to do those small things.”
That wasn’t anything he was really too familiar with. He’d done things like buy his boyfriend a coffee when they were together, but that was really it. He’d never done little gestures other than that. People were capable of opening their own doors, weren’t they?
“But...why?” he asked.
“Why what?”
“Why do stuff that they can do themselves?”
You shrugged, “Because it’s sweet. It doesn’t matter if they can do it themselves, it’s the thought that counts.”
Just to prove a point, you had gotten up while Minho was in the bathroom to order what he typically got at the café -- you asked Sam to make it extra good -- and had it waiting on the table for him when he got back while you continued to work on the trig problem he briefly explained to you.
“What’s this?” he wondered, picking up the coffee that said his name with a heart under it on the side of it.
“The coffee you like,” you replied. “I got it for you.”
His curious expression melted into a smile as he looked at you, his heart skipping a beat, “But you didn’t--”
He paused, realization hitting as he nodded slowly, “Ohhhh, I get it now.”
From then, on, Minho would do little things for you. Every other day, you had a drink waiting for you on the table with your chair already pulled out. Minho once brought you flowers to work even though he wasn’t even ordering anything from the café. He showed up at your classes a few times to wait for you and walk you to your next one or to your car or have lunch with you. 
It quickly became something Minho didn’t consciously think about for an ‘assignment’. He just did it because he wanted to and he wanted to see you. This whole world of cute relationship stuff was new to him, but he loved it when it came to you.
Unknown to him, a lot of this was new to you, too.
Slowly, you moved along, working your way up. You taught him about every cute thing that came with relationships to woo this girl he liked. Until finally, you were nearing the end goal.
He was tutoring you once again, watching you fondly as you scribbled in your book. You never caught him staring, but he was always staring when you weren’t paying attention. He was surprised he even managed to tutor you the last couple weeks without getting distracted or flustered or called out.
When you were finally done with tutoring for the day, you gave Minho his next assignment as you were putting your things away.
“I want you to ask me out,” you told him.
His heart stopped, completely forgetting that you were just assigning him a task. His cheeks turned pink, “Y-you-- What?”
“The date will be like your final,” you explained. “So ask me on a date, plan said date, take me out, and I’ll decide if you’re ready or not.”
Then everything clicked, and he let out a breath. He nodded, trying to not let it show that he had panicked from what you said.
“Yeah, okay,” he said. “I can do that.”
“You have a week from the day you ask me to plan the date,” you told him. “But don’t ask me right away. I wanna be surprised.”
You shrugged, “Makes it more realistic. I’ll see you Monday!”
As you turned and walked out of the café, Minho just watched you. He had to take you on a date now? Sure, it wasn’t a real date, but still!
“So what’re you gonna do?” Felix asked, breaking Minho from his thoughts.
Minho turned around to see his brother standing behind the counter, arms resting on it as he looked at the older boy with raised brows.
“I dunno, ask her, I guess,” he shrugged.
Felix let out a sigh, “No, I mean are you gonna confess yet or not? That was kind of the whole point of this, remember?”
No, Minho didn’t remember. He forgot all about that. He was too busy getting wrapped up in the world of being all cute and romantic that he forgot you were basically training him to ask out, well, you.
“You’re gonna ask her out, take her on the fake date, and then what?” Felix asked. “Tell her after the date that she was the person all along?”
Minho’s brows furrowed, “Is that a bad idea?”
“I don’t know, you’re the expert on being cute and romantic now,” Felix chuckled. “You figure it out.”
He had a point. Minho was practicing for two weeks now. He should be able to figure this out himself. And dammit, he was going to make sure to impress you.
Sundays were your day off. You never had anything going on on Sundays. No tutoring, no work, no school. Just you and your TV.
And your brother, who had called you to check in.
You were close with your brother. Though, the last couple weeks, you tried to distance yourself more and more from him. It wasn’t that you didn’t like him, you just...started to not really agree with some of his beliefs and morals.
It was the typical “how are you?” “how are things?” “what have you been up to?” kind of conversation for a little while. But then things started heading exactly where you expected.
“Have you heard from Elsie?” he asked, and you could hear the slight annoyance in his tone.
You let out a sigh, “No. I would’ve told you like you told me to.”
You knew that your two siblings didn’t get along. Elsie was adopted into your family and at first, the three of you were close. But some big disagreement happened between her, and your brother and his friends. She ended up leaving home and having no contact with either of you -- not that she had an issue with you, but she didn’t want your brother to end up giving you a hard time. She wanted to keep the issue between her and them, rather than dragging you into it. So for you, she stayed away even though you missed her. She changed her name and left, and you hadn’t heard from her since.
“How’s it going with Minho?” he wondered.
“I’m...working on it,” you decided to say.
“That doesn’t sound too great,” he chuckled. “_____, you know if this is too much for you--”
“No, I got it,” you quickly -- maybe a little too quickly -- reassured him. “He’s not like, too much to handle or anything. It’s just... It’s taking longer than I thought. But it’s working.”
“Good! I’m proud of you!” he said, and he sounded genuine. You knew your brother just wanted you to succeed. This was your first time doing anything like this, and he was rooting for you -- you knew that. “Just let me know if you need any help or anything.”
There was a knock at your door, and you just knew who it was. You paused, staring toward the door.
“Hey, can I call you back later?” you asked. “My food just got here.”
“Yeah, no problem,” he replied smoothly. “See ya!”
The line went dead, and you put your phone down on the coffee table before going to the door. You knew lying to your brother wasn’t your best move -- especially since you knew how much trouble you’d be in if he found out -- but you were nervous to tell him who had actually shown up -- especially when he wasn’t supposed to. Your brother knew Sundays were for relaxing and being alone. He’d probably get worried or suspicious knowing a certain someone had shown up, and then he’d end up coming over. You didn’t need that happening.
You unlocked the door and opened it, revealing a nervous-looking Minho.
“What’re you doing here?” you asked him, genuinely curious.
Minho looked at you with wide eyes as he rubbed his hands together, trying to somehow relieve some of his anxiety. He took a deep breath and tried to remember what he’d rehearsed to say.
But he blanked. So he just spoke.
“I want to take you on a date,” he blurted. 
You raised your eyes in surprise. You figured that was what he was here for, but was that really how he was asking?
“It’s not for the assignment,” he quickly clarified before you could say anything about the assignment. “I’m asking you on a real date -- an actual date. _____, you’re the girl I didn’t know how to talk to.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Minho continued to ramble.
“And I know you wanted me to ask you out on a fake date in some romantic way, but I’d rather be honest and tell you beforehand. And...I don’t know, I think a confession is still pretty romantic, right? So...yeah. I want to ask you on a date, but a real date. I like you, _____. A lot.”
By the time he was done talking, you were laughing softly. Not like you were laughing at him, but you were laughing because you thought the whole thing was silly but in a cute way.
“Yeah, I know,” you admitted.
Minho seemed even more scared now, “You knew?”
You nodded, “I had a feeling. But my answer is yes. Why do you think I butted in? I didn’t know you but I was offering to help.”
“I-I thought it was for trig...”
“No, that was just a bonus,” you shrugged.
“O-oh...” he trailed off as his eyes found the floor, feeling more confused than ever. But his eyes lit up as he looked at you. “But you’ll go out with me?”
“Yeah,” you grinned.
“Cool,” he gave you a relieved smile. “But can I ask...how did you know?”
Maybe you should’ve left that part out. Because what were you supposed to say? You knew because you felt the pull, too? That you knew what that feeling you got when you first saw him was? That you knew he was a werewolf? Then you’d have to tell him everything else about your brother and why you applied for the job at the café in the first place. You’d have to tell him what the original plan was until Minho went and fucked it all up and you started to fall for him.
Maybe you could tell him that later. Maybe when he admitted to you first that he was a werewolf. Maybe. But not now. You wanted to have your moment.
So you just smiled and shrugged, “I just had a feeling.”
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bffsoobin · 3 years
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➤ soobin x reader, fluff, very slight angst, idiot best friends oblivious to their mutual pining
↳ prompt 33: “Are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?” “Yes.” “What if I just break his nose a little?
requested?: yes
warnings: swearing, mentions of small injury
A/N: I’m sorry if you were expecting more explicit romance but I feel like this prompt worked better as a mutual pining idiots plot. Also apologies if this is lack luster, it’s been a few months since I wrote anything non-academic! 
You huddle underneath your comically large black umbrella as sheets of torrential rain pound down on it, washing across the pavement below your feet as if following the tide of the ocean. Your sneakers are soaked, squeaking pathetically as you shift your weight from foot to foot and grimace at the feeling of your socks soggy between your toes. Normally you would have been huddled in your dorm room, working on homework from the morning’s classes or watching reruns of Catfish just to grumble about how stupid a person could be.
But your best friend had texted you with a code blue, so you found yourself in the back parking lot of the campus library, enduring the rain that could only mean Noah’s Arc was due to float by any second. Wind whips your hair into your face cruelly and temporarily blinds you, as if mocking you for daring to brave the storm. You can do little more than scrunch your face oddly and shake your head from side to side in a desperate bid to get the locks away from you since there was no way in hell you were taking a hand off of your umbrella just to push your hair back. A car peels into the parking lot just as you clear your vision. It’s a humble silver sedan, a Hyundai of almost 20 years old, with streaks of rust on the back bumper and a sun-faded license plate. Even in the rain you can make out the litany of decals covering the back end, especially your favorite which boasts the term “MILF: Man I Love Frogs” in bold green letters.
There’s no hesitation in your step as you slosh through the rain to yank at the passenger’s side door, jiggling it several times until the telltale click of the unlock allows you to heave it open fully. Suddenly worried about the state of the car-which is littered with coffee cups, extra clothing, loose notebooks and sheet music and fast food receipts- you shake the umbrella off outside of the car before snapping it shut and closing the door. Beside you Soobin laughs, short and low.
“Thanks for shaking off your umbrella. Really counteracts the gallons of water your brought in with your shoes and pants.” He glances pointedly at where your feet soak the tan carpet into a dark brown and you bristle.
“Thanks for calling a code blue in the middle of a rainstorm. I wouldn’t have fucked your car up if you didn’t have an emergency.” Your voice softens at the reminder of why you’re here, and you finally turn to face him better after you buckle up. He’s devastatingly handsome, as always, but you feel your heart stutter at the fact that he’s wearing the hoodie you bought him for Christmas, the one he had almost slapped you for spending so much money on. It’s slightly damp from the rain and it casts his face in shadows along with the shitty weather and for once you hate the way it looks on him. He drives without asking, already knowing exactly where he wanted to go to talk out whatever had happened.
“I wouldn’t call it a total emergency,” he begins as Spotify takes a few seconds to switch between songs. “Just something I needed you to be in the loop for ASAP.” He looks your way again, eyes calculating for a few moments before the light turns green and he’s making the all too familiar right turn into the tasty and underrated diner that you discovered as freshmen. The rain has not slowed at all and the two of you run into the building to avoiding getting too wet, although your feet squelch with renewed vigor on the red and white tiled floor.
The lighting is much better at your favorite table, and after you place your order you’re able to finally get a good look at Soobin. His soft eyes are rimmed red and puffy, and you can’t tell if it’s the weather, the lack of sleep or his persistent allergies that are the cause. Maybe all three, or maybe something new entirely. He’s staring back at you just as clearly, studying your own face and mannerisms even though it had been years since anything about him was new to you. Of course, other than the day he casually pulled you into his chest and you realized just how tall and broad and handsome he had become.
The thought leaves as scarily quick as it enters, as Soobin turns his face to smile up at the waitress delivering drinks and you catch a glimpse of reddened, mottled looking skin just beneath the seam of the hood. As soon as the waitress retreats you lean across the rickety table and paw at the cotton. Soobin puts up almost no fight, knowing he’s about to lose a battle that hadn’t even begun. The delicate skin of his cheek is alarmingly bright red and looks angry to the touch. Bruises had already begun to form around the outer ring of the graze and your heart clenches when you realize that what you first thought was a circular bruise looks suspiciously similar to a fist. A symphony of anger and concern rise within your chest and your eyes prickle with tears that you know Soobin will wipe away for you if you let them fall. 
“What-” you swallow, saliva suddenly feeling like it’s made of cotton, “Who did that?” 
He smiles shyly, ducking away from your touch but you gently grab at his cheek, keeping him from moving too far. His eyes bore into yours, flicking down to your lips before bringing them back up. Slowly, as if scared to spook you, he encloses his palm around your wrist.
“Promise you won’t yell and disturb everyone else that’s eating?” You nod eagerly even though both you and Soobin know that it was a promise likely to be broken. His hand, steady and radiating warmth into the skin of your wrist tugs tighter, hooking on to you like a life line. 
“That asshole Braden. I was passing him in the lobby of the math building and he was talking to his friends about how-” Soobin stops to swallow an invisible lump in his throat- “how he worked with you on some project and he kept talking about how stupid you were the whole time.” 
Your face twists into a grimace at the reminder of that exact project and then the image of Braden, tall and wide with an angry round face; but then a laugh bubbled from the depths of your chest. 
“To be fair, I was useless for that project. It was film class and it was about that stupid French movie I didn’t watch. So he’s not technically wrong.” Soobin’s frown twitched and then, to your surprise, deepened. Heart dropping at the sight, you felt a chill creep up the back of your neck. For as long as you’d known him, there was always a good chance that a well timed joke could curb his anger or sadness or frustration. 
“It wasn’t that that got me, well, this. After he said that, he said that even though you were stupid he wouldn’t mind seeing you on your knees.” You sucked in a simultaneous breath with Soobin, whose moody look finally transfered to you. It made too much sense now; why your joke hadn’t shifted his mood, why he was so vague about why he needed to talk to you, why he had that bruise. Your heart races as you begin to imagine how the skin will turn deep purples and greens, going sickly yellow around the edges. “It just pissed me off so bad. So I yelled at him and he squared up with me and before I knew it I was on the floor.”
To be honest, you were angrier that Soobin had come out of the altercation hurt than anything. You were used to the comments, the snide bullshit that falls from the mouths of your less kind peers.
“I’m going to kill him.” Soobin laughs, finally, as you clench your fingers into a tight fist around your innocent glass of strawberry lemonade.
“No, you’re not. I’m fine.” He finally removes the hood from his head, and if it weren’t for the bruise- which you now could see spread almost all the way to his ear- you would have been more interested in the fact that his shaggy hair had gotten even longer since the last time you’d seen it this close. You open your mouth to protest just as the waitress approaches again, this time balancing two hot plates of food on her arms. You flash her a sweet smile at the same time she notices the state of Soobin’s face and squints. She doesn’t say anything, though, and leaves almost as quickly as she showed up.
“Are you sure I can’t punch him in the face?” You ask as soon as she’s out of earshot. 
“Yes.” Soobin playfully scowls at you around a mouthful of french fries. Your heart skips at the adorable way his eyebrows knit and his dimples press deeper into his cheeks. Despite yourself, you smile, feeling the tension in the air dissipate around the pair of you. Soobin gestures loosely to the plate in front of you, wordlessly encouraging you to eat.
The pancakes you ordered are just as delicious as you remember them to be every time; fluffy and syrupy with just enough butter. Halfway through a chew, a new idea pops in your head and you struggle to keep chunks of batter from spewing onto the table as you speak.
“What if I just break his nose a little?”
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gojoho · 3 years
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• pairing; toji fushiguro x reader [ nsfw ]
• premise; it’s the same dance with him, a shameless game of cat and mouse in which he always win but maybe losing is equally as rewarding. 
• words; 2078
• note & warning; i’m back with some toji content, he’s just been in my mind a little to long for me not the write about him. some warnings for this one is public, unprotected ( wrap it and then tap it folks ) sex, with the usual grammatical errors—I swear I try to proof read ya’ll but they just manage to find a way to stay in there. i am slowly but surely getting my mojo back.
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Old habits die hard; it's easier to hate each other that way. Labeling whatever that was manifesting between the two of you as that, a bad habit. A dirty secret only an onyx sky could appreciate enough to hide. Perhaps that's what kept it alive and kicking, midnight turmoil, where even the most terrible of bad ideas are more seductive.
Though it's debatable if the alcohol left you unhinged, mindless, and bold. What other excuse did you have for allowing the bastard to enter your domain? There was no shame from the thinking without a conscience, but with the pounding music and pulsing lights, you weren't sure there was even space to think. He held a brazen stare all evening, keen to every move you made.
A man's attention was never anything to sneeze at, but when it was a straggler like Toji Fushiguro, it was intoxicating. And more than the liquor, everything seemed to be within reach under his spotlight. He held his distance, clung to the darkness, yet with such an adamant gaze he could have been right there beside you. At least, that's how you imagined it but the game wasn't that easy.
  He'd stay in his dark corner, not quite able to step closer until you were ready. Until the heat underneath your skin became unbearable, leaving you an aching mess. That made it easier to devour you. Whether it meant burying his head between your thighs or hooking his arms around your waist and keeping you open. Or bottomed out inside you, mouth feasting on your chest.
The club was full, Friday night packed but it would work in your favor. You knew none of the songs, not that it mattered, it was mere fuel to your movements. A nice accessory to the sway of your hips, to suggestive temptation behind them.
It wasn't worth looking in his direction; he was always watching. At that thought alone, your clothes become a nuisance. A means to an end, that would start with him. Toji was a patient man but knew that patience didn't extend to everyone, you in particular. He was a tease, and as your dress inclined it almost felt as if he'd been the one to hike it up.
A sensation too similar to his hands moving over your bare thighs, ready to pry them open. His smug chuckle was right there feeding your imagination, and as one song faded into the next, there wasn't a spot on your body that hadn't been kissed in theory. With one thought, you were drooling over a man less than ten feet away, fantasizing about all the ways he could take you. It was more of a headache than it seems, and as the pace of the songs picks up, the conscience returns. Whilst you make your way back to the bar. You'd need a little more liquid luck to get through the rest of the night.
  “That was quite a show.”
  “Didn’t know I had an audience.” What else could you have done but tell a bald-faced lie? Telling him the truth didn't do anyone any good. How you envision him fucking you in the middle of the dance floor.
“Could’ve fooled me." The bar was located farther away from the DJ and next to the restrooms. The quieter end of the venue, but you're sure you'd have heard his smirk regardless.
After all this time, it's only then that you turn to him.“What are you doing here Fushiguro?”
Big mistake, ten feet away he looked the same as when you last saw him, but up close and personal, some details that had escaped memory came back to haunt you.
“Would you believe me if I told you, I’m here to see you?”
Yeah right, “Not in the slightest.”
“It’s true for the most part, had a job in the area and thought I’d pop in do some sightseeing." He shifted his weight back to the counter, his elbows well-rested on either side.
“Well you came and you saw.”
“On the contrary,” he said. The double meaning has turned your cheeks crimson, and you're thankful for the red lights underneath the counter. “Cute dress.”
Images from moments before gloss over your eyes, heating every part of your body. They burned a path down your chest before settling below your hips. “Seriously Fushiguro what do you want? You made it pretty clear we both want different things the last time you popped in.”
“Things are different.” Sincere wasn't the word you or anyone else would use to describe the guy, but his demeanor defied all expectations. He seemed to be a completely different person.
  “Yeah, they are,” you mumbled, tossing back a shot you managed to order before his interruption.
  “Look," he started and turned to face you. Face inches from yours, his scent enveloping both of you. "I tried the settling down thing and it doesn’t work with my kind of lifestyle.”
It wasn't the words you wanted to hear, but you probably wouldn't have had them anyway. Wishful thinking, “Then that’s clears things up doesn’t it?” Toji Fushiguro didn’t do apologies, much like he didn’t do commitment, and even as he called after you, that would never change. Something you wish your body would recognize, no matter how much it longed for him.
  The corridor to the restrooms was too quiet for him being that close to you...too intimate. In the quick second you had turned you back to him, ready to sober up and head home, he’d already been behind you. Pushing you up against the wall in the far corner, his arms barricading you in.
  “You’re quite stubborn, you know that.” His voice was low, quiet all to maintain the secrecy veiled in the darkness.
  “Thanks, I’ll be sure to add it to my resume.” You witted, going to duck around him but he was quick and with a step forward his hips pushed yours in back place.
  “Will you just listen,” he pleaded. Not that you had much of a choice, but he took your silence as obedience. “I won’t make excuses, I’m a shitty guy but it’s gotten me this far. You won’t get the white picket fence with me. That’s not who I am.”
It was true, he was a shitty person. One minute here and the next gone with the wind. All with impeccable timing, usually around when he’d finish fucking you senseless. Truthfully it wasn’t something too much of a problem, it was better if he had his life and you with your own. Though you supposed between the kisses, and that final thrust that brought you both over the edge left some vulnerability.
  “If I’m stubborn, then you’re quite dense. I never asked for that Toji. I was fine with the wild sex but was a little conversation too much to ask? You’ve got baggage, newsflash so do I, but you’d think we’d handle it like two grown adults. You’ve always been on the move, please, slow down every once in a while.”
The silence is deafening, louder than the upbeat track in the distance. You were irritated, angry, and, to make it worse, aroused. What else did he expect from you but a meltdown? As he moved his head to your back, he lowered his arms, allowing them to ghost your waist. “I'm sorry,” he said softly, kissing it.
In retrospect, you should have jumped for joy, climbed to the top of the bar, and screamed at the top of your lungs like a lunatic, but you didn't. You didn't want to abandon his embrace at that moment; he had really changed.
The kiss in trial is slow and tender, responsive to not only the worries but any emotion in between. Everything you didn't think he was capable of and all rage bleeds into desire. Each of you starved and desperate to find a fill.
The stiffness of his pants condemned his hold, which found its power over your hips. You want to propose that he return the excitement to your place or whatever hotel he was staying in, but he broke the kiss to turn you around. His patience had reached its maximum for the night.
“Wait for a second,” you mumbled out. A slight moan slipped through feeling his erection firm and strong against your rear. The ends of your dress taunted by his fingertips liked how you pictured them too. “Sorry princess, no can do.”
  It’s almost impressive how quickly he lifts your dress and slipping a finger past your thong. But should anyone know your body in grave detail it was him. There’s a ceremonial cheer from the crowd as the DJ lets the beat drop, Toji’s opportune moment of intrusion. Your own cry, not one in interest to the music but the long slender finger to part your folds.
“I’ve waited all night to get my hands on you,” he mumbled out, lips pressed to the back of your neck.
“I’ll be quick, just the way you like it.”
  It’s in your best interest to stop him there, keeping private matters just that, you should stop him...should.
  “Fuck…quickly.” you cursed out in compliance. There’s a smirk on his face, you know it. Sure he’s different, but some things never change.
  In the second he pulled his finger away, you whimper half expecting for it to slip back in, maybe even with a partner but a casual Friday night turns into Christmas.
  “I'll take my time with you later, right now—” he started face pressed into the back of your shoulder. “I just need to be inside you.”
  First was the tip of his cock, a feeble tickle before the rest of his inches followed. Stretching you full, slipping deep into your heat. Coaxing the ache that was for him, letting the world see just how easily your body welcomed his own. Yet, it was hard to care about the rest of the world when your own revolved around everything below your hips.
  He gripped them tightly, anchoring you there at the hilt with a slow sure thrust before looping a hand to your front. Twisting the nerves in time with his sudden thrust. Quick like he said, but still slow enough to feel him move inside you. In and out, then over again. The excitement of having him there indulging with your body, and the anxiety of getting caught clashed. Making you even more aware of your walls around him, but in his muffled moans there are words of encouragement. Sweet nothings that make your arousal fierce, sexy, and less wrong.
  “Don't stop, ” you say a little too loud for doing something taboo but you don't care, “Don't fucking stop.”
  The million and one fantasy that flooded your mind on the dancefloor spirals, winding with the moment and coiled in an untamed void. Ready to snap at those trying to control it. And there, shrouded in the thin veil of privacy Toji picks up his pace, teasing it with each stroke until finally, it shudders through. Coming in waves, meeting your peek every time he pushed forward. Bolting down your legs the more sloppy and anxious his hips became.
  “Fuck, ” he grunts hands shooting to your chest. Pulling you closer to him, eating up your moans with his.
  Almost feral with the way he continued despite his cock’s twitches, he wasn't nearly satisfied but that was a mess neither of you was capable of cleaning up at the moment. Regrettably, you push back on his rhythm stopping it completely. Snapping him from the haze.
“We should go, ” you whisper out on his lips. Which he can only grunt back in response to, hesitant to slip from your warmth.
His hands are glued to your body, unable to null all contact as you tugged your dress back down or as he tucks himself back into his pants. You'd ask whether it was back to your place or his but the languid look on his face as the two of you shamelessly stepped into the light made it fruitful. It didn't matter where the two of you went, he'd have you crying for mercy.
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jazz-miester · 3 years
Not empty. Just blocked.
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Pairing: Jazz x Reader
Reader type: Gender neutral human.
Song: 505 - Artic Monkeys
Warnings: Angst lol. And swearing.
An: venting lol. It's a bit short and I'm not to happy with the ending but it's better than just sitting in my drafts.
It was early. Way to fucking early to be up. Yet, here you were, sitting outside of the Autobot base and waiting for the sun to rise.
Your breath spilled past your lips in white clouds of steam. Shivering, you pull your jacket tighter around you. Your hand flexes and curls around the monster can. The second one you've had.
Normally you're not up till about eight. Roughly four hours from now. But for some reason you woke early. And you didn't wake up in the happiest of moods.
Don't get yourself wrong. You're not normally a happy go lucky person and could be pretty pessimistic about things. But. Even sometimes you get that bubbled feeling in your chest. Like you are about to cry but can't.
For the past few days you've tried to keep up appearances. Trying to seem like that one person who helps no matter what. Tried to make it look like your still working. As if you still actually fucking cared about yourself and others around you.
But at some point, once a-fucking-gain, you've become apathetic to everything. Lost interest in your few hobbies and have only done what needed to be done. Forcing your ass out of bed every day and gone to work. Cleaned house so when Spike or Carly popped in for a surprise visit nothing would seem wrong. And especially making sure your sorry butt made it down to the Autobots base at least twice a week.
This time around though you had crashed there. Jazz having thrown a party for "moral" and you had one to many drinks to safely drive home.
One to many being one (1) slightly alcoholic beverage and Ratchet forcing you to stay.
So. Here you were. On top of an alien robot ship. In a shitty mood. And wishing for all the world for everything to go back to normal.
"What's kickin' Y/n?" You jump. Jazz leans over the top of you. Visor shining bright on the still darkness.
"Not much Jazz. Just waiting for the sunrise." Your voice is monotone. The mech before you frowns.
"Doesn't sound like you're enjoying it to much." He comes to sit next to you instead. Leaning back on his hands and tilting his head towards the sky. A few stars had already faded out as the sky slowly turns from black to light blue. Jazz turns his radio on. Music softly plays.
"I'm not. But, hey, it's worth a try. It's not like it doesn't happen every morning anyways." You mutter. Taking a drink from the can.
You and Jazz sit in silence. The mech taking in everything he could. The Sabator was good and reading into things. Almost being able to tell your next moves before you even consider making them.
"How have ya been? It doesn't seem like yah've been vibin' to yah usual tune?" You pull in a shuddering breath. Leave it to Jazz to pick up on it. Well. No sense lying. Last time you did the mech didn't let up until you had let out all your stress and worries.
"Nah. I'm." Your press you fingers into your temples. "I'm not doing to hot to be honest." Jazz frowns. His visor retracts back. Blue, almost silver optics look down at you. Worried filled every inch of them. You watch as they flicker and retract. Like a camera lense focusing on its subject.
"Do ya wanna talk about it or do you need Ironhide to help ya blow stuff up?" You chuckle at that one.
"Do ya really wanna hear me vent though? Lotta shit going on." You just wanted to make sure he isn't just trying to be polite. Mech already had enough piled on his metaphorical plate. He didn't need your little human bullshit added on unless he was willing to make room.
Unbeknownst to you though, he always made room for you. You were one of his favorites. Someone he considered a close friend.
"A'hve always got time for ya,Y/n. Always." You smile at that. Albeit a small one, but a smile nonetheless. You breath in deeply trying to collect your thoughts. You appreciated Jazz. Honestly. And all the things he did for you and others. You always tried to repay that kindness back.
"Jazz." You begin. Eyes trained on the horizon just as the sun begins peaking over the edge of sandy earth. "Have. Have you ever felt. Have you ever felt. Empty." You bit your bottom lip as you thought. Jazz waited patiently as you tried to find the right words.
"Have you ever felt empty. Like some one scooped up anything and everything you could feel and tossed them? Or flicked a switch and, poof! Lights off?" The mech frowned. Optics far off in thought.
"Ya. Ah have. A lot actually." He hand gently nudges your shoulder. "But ah try not ta let it get the best o' me. Ah have friends ta help. Especially Prowler." His hand curls around your back. The closet he could get to a hug at the moment. You lean into his hand. Not willing to let him leave just yet. Jazz though, would never. Not until you ask him.
"I. I don't know what to do. Or how to make it go away. I feel robotic sometimes. Like some one took out what made me me and replaced it with a look a like." Your hand bunches the fabric of your pants. "It makes me run in autopilot. Finishing one this then moving into the next because the person piloting me needs it to be done before I can shut down. And I fucking hate it." You put your head in the palms of your hands. Drink sitting between you legs. God you fucking hated it. Because at the end of the day the only thing you can feel is irritable and fucking sad.
"It doesn't always go away. Ya know that. Right?" Jazz asks. All you could do was scoff and laugh. Of course you did. "But ya do know you don't have ta do it alone." You look up at him. He was staring down at you. Optics baring every inch of you to him. A look just this side of to intense.
"Ya never have to do this alone." His accent slips a little as seriousness takes over his normally happy go lucky demeanor. "Primus kid. Yah've got me. Prime. Prowl." He chuckles. "Don't look at me like that. Yes. Prowler can help. He's on of the best." He lifts you up and set you on his leg so you could lay back on his torso. His large hand covering your thighs as you shiver once more.
"It doesn't go away but it doesn't mean it has ta take over your life. Or make ya something ya not. Ya not empty. Just blocked. And ah'll help. Anyway ya need me." The weight over your heart lifts a bit. Both of you watch as the sun rises higher in the sky. Painting the world in hues if red and lavender.
"Thank you." Jazz doesn't reply. Just tightens his grip slightly on you and clicks onto another song.
You like the sound of that better though.
You're not empty. Just blocked. And blocked things can be opened back up. It just takes a bit more effort to get there.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
𝕴𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕾𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖘 𝐈𝐈
© 2021 SailorHyunjinz ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 
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Pairing; Bartender!Changbin x Fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
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Warning ; ANGST!!! SMUT!! skz side characters, semi-slow burn, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, depiction of mental disorders, consumption of alcohol, tobacco use, dysfunctional families, mentions of undereating, vague hints to eating d-sorders mentions of crimes, mentions of blades, fainting, mentions of dr-g use, arguments, mentions of savior complex, mentions of childhood neglect, depiction of depression, mentions of needles, mentions of blades, yelling, mentions of hangover, parental issues (lmao cherry just say daddy issues), arguments
𝘕𝘚𝘍𝘞 ; PIV, unprotected sex, hair pulling, drooling, getting caught, masturbation, fingering, clitoral stimulation, orgasm (f). 
(fic header made by @yjeongs! thank u cora <33) 
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𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ; 10.0 k 
From one survivor to another; cheers you guys. 
O N E | T W O
                        ⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ Playlist ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Drugs N Hella Melodies - Don Toliver, Kali Uchis
Life is a Bi... - Bibi 
cigarette and condom - Bibi 
Empty Trash - LØREN 
Noir - Sunmi 
Pretty Boy - The Neighbourhood
(hint hint look at the lyrics <33)
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𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘯��.
𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 18.
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈 ; 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚
Three months.
Three months of booze, questionable substances, friends and most importantly. 
Seo Changbin. 
You never knew you could feel this deep about someone, there hadn’t been a reason earlier in your life since everyone in it either used you or abused you. But you knew he was different from the first time you saw him that night in the dark room, injured and surrounded by 7 other boys that were now your closest friends. Why would anyone ever want to leave this place? There was everything! Free drinks, ear-deafening music and your boyfriend. This was heaven for a hurt soul like you, so why would anyone search for an exit in this box of traitors? 
“O-oh fuck! Changbin!” you cried out as the momentum of his thrusts made you jolt forward, hands desperately trying to grab onto the black leather of the sofa you and him had made love on countless times, the door always being unlocked since there wasn’t a lock and this damn parallel universe wasn’t gonna install one anytime soon. 
Changbin grabbed your hair, twisting it around his hand as he pounded into you from the back, the supple valleys of your ass wobbling with each movement. Your voice became frail, stuttering and moaning his name in broken syllables along many other pleas and swearwords, the way your words became incoherent the longer he fucked you made his head lull backwards, pure music to his ears unlike that shitty music that blasted through the speakers on the dancefloor that was just next to the tiny dark room that was currently filled with the scent of sex and lust. Your head was tilted up, eyes tightly shut as you clenched around Changbin’s leaking cock that was jackhammering into your wet cunt, his dick glistening with your slick every time his hips moved away from you and reflected in the minimal light of the room. He grunted as all kinds of lewd sounds were heard from you, the skin slapping against each other and the squelching noise of your pussy being filled with his cock. His hands had a tight grip on your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as the pleasure surged through every nerve of his body, sweat beading around on his temples. Your arms could barely hold you up, quivering and risking to collapse under you causing you to put your head towards the seat, warm cheek against the slightly cold leather. With your back fully arched your ass perked up, Changbin hitting exactly the right place in this position, a small stream of drool hanging from the corner of your swollen lips. You were so close to your release, hanging on by a thread to not tip over the edge and be sent spiraling down an earth shaking orgasm. 
“C-changbin, I’m gonna f-fucking cum” you stutter, reaching your hands backwards to which he let go of your hair and instead grabbed your wrists, holding you in place and pushing you down onto his cock. Your voice was no longer a whimper but instead a scream, goosebumps erupting on your soft skin as you panted, Changbin viciously thrusting inside you and being fueled by your pleasured sounds, he got off by the fact that you felt good. You were so close. So close.
“QUICK!! FELIX FUCKING FAINTED” Jisung said, bursting through the door but immedietly regretting his decision as he yelled out into the room that was now filled with your yelp and the loud club music from outside. 
“For fuck sake Jisung! Knock!” Changbin growled at the boy, you trying to grab your clothes off the floor and desperately covering yourself as Jisung stod in the doorway with panicked eyes, flailing his arms around in an anxious state. He was more appalled by seeing Felix passed out than he was seeing Changbin fucking you from behind. 
“NO TIME FOR KNOCKING, JUST FUCKING MOVE” he said, signaling his hands to follow him. In a haste you put on your clothes that weren’t much more than a skirt and a tight shirt, oh and of course your sexy panties, you had leveled up from your previous looks that made you look like a distressed mother of 4. Now you knew when you were gonna pass out and you even teleported in the phonebooth instead of injuring your head against the wall as you fainted. Changbin did the same, putting on only his pants as he ran after Jisung, you following shortly after, scared about what you were gonna witness.
The main dance floor looked like it usually did. People high, drunk or both, dancing and singing their hearts out, falling over and tumbling down on the floor. The whole place reeked of straight liquor and the music was loud enough for anyone to go deaf. You held Changbin’s hand as he dragged you through the crowd, not letting his eyes go from Jisung’s figure that was leading the both of you to the back end of the club, pushing through people and muttering small apologies that couldn’t be heard by even yourself. When you got to the end of the big place you saw Felix, his back and head against the table as he was completely knocked out, his legs dangling from the end of the rectangular table. You climbed on top of the soft seatings of the booth, putting your cheek near his nose and mouth. You didn’t hear if he was breathing but you were assured as you felt his cold breath against your hot flesh, sighing in relief. 
“How is he?!” Jisung yelled, “is he dying?”
You shook your head, grabbing his limp wrist and putting your pointer and middle finger on the underside of his limb, his veins not visible in the dark lighting of the club. His pulse was stable, beating faintly. 
“He’ll be alright!” you yelled back, the concerned gazes of the other boys standing around the boy exhaling as they heard your words, Changbin going closer to Felix and putting his hand on his shoulder, shaking the boy and repeating his name over and over again but to no avail. Seungmin rubbed the palm of his hand against his exposed forehead as his hair was pushed back.
“I’ll stay here with him, Changbin fetch me a water bottle and,,, wait,,, why did he even faint in the first place?” he asked, the boys looking at each other until they landed on Jisung that looked distressed, his pinkish lips quivering. 
“Probably a nice concoction of no food and only alcohol” he said, peering down at his black boots, his hair flopping onto his face, too shy to meet the gazes of his friends as if he had done something wrong himself. Seungmin could only sigh, you patting Jisung on the back as you walked through the jumping crowd again, the song changing as you heard Seungmin say “get him something Changbin”, their voices fading into the beat as you walked with Jisung behind you. 
Jisung slammed the door as you two were back in the room that had only moments earlier been filled with helpless whimpers and pleas. You threw yourself on the wrinkly couch, looking away in shyness when remembering that Jisung had caught the two of you even if everyone knew that you guys fucked in that very same room whenever there was time and Changbin wasn’t standing in the bar. The young boy sat down on the dark floor, leaning his elbow against the seat of the sofa as his twinkling eyes met yours. 
“I,,, just don’t understand” he said, you tilting your head in wonder as he uttered those words.
“Don’t understand what Sungie?” you said, the walls almost vibrating from the bass of the song from outside. He sighed as he momentarily looked away from you. 
“Felix,,, like it’s so clear that he needs help, just over the last few months his cheeks have sunken in and his eyes are completely matte and lifeless” he said, his voice trembling as a lump of tears was stuck in his throat. 
“But aren’t you the same Jisung? You need help too, help to stop thinking that everyone is your responsibility. I understand that you want to help him,,, but you carrying everyone's emotional baggage has landed you here. Felix will get help by those that are capable of getting him that help, you aren’t Jisung.”
His eyes shot up at you, dark as his eyebrows furrowed, his jaw clenching in anger. He felt attacked, commenting on his actions usually made him feel offended. 
“I am capable of helping him. What about you then huh? You can’t even help your own boyfriend” he snarked, running his hand over his hair in frustration. You rolled your eyes at him, watching him as he bit the inside of his cheek. He needed to do that, he couldn’t tell you the fact that one day your boyfriend is just gonna disappear since he’s actually taking matters into his own hands and getting help. 
“Don’t say that Jisung, we both try our best,,, let’s not fight over something we can’t control” you say, your voice getting frail by the end of the sentence.
“Can’t control? We can, we can help each other!” he said, banging the palm of his hand against the warm leather of the couch, making you jump in fear. You dropped down on your knees, your eyes being on the same level as his as you looked at him, the young boy diverting his gaze immediately.
“Jisung, look at me.” You grabbed his other hand that was resting in his lap against the rough material of his jeans. “We try, that’s the best we can do. Change comes from within. Nobody can save us if we don’t save ourselves.” Jisung sighed loudly, swallowing harshly, the both of you flinching when somebody burst through the black door. Changbin was carrying Felix on his back, the male still passed out on his broad shoulders. Your boyfriend looked puzzled at the scene before him. His girlfriend holding hands with one of his closest friends, sitting close enough to feel his breath against her cheek, both looking like two helpless deers caught in headlights. He furrowed his eyebrows as he walked into the room, throwing Felix off his shoulder and positioning him into a semi-prone position in order to open the airways. You and Jisung stood up, looking at the blonde boy and how his eyelashes layed gently against his lower eyelid. Changbin looked at Felix for a while before turning to you with a serious expression. 
“So,,, what happened here?” he said to which you shrugged.
“Me and Jisung just talked,,, about Felix” you answered, Changbin uttering a little “oh” as his previous rather unfaithful suspicions were proven to be false. “There’s no need to worry, he’s breathing so he won’t be in any medical danger as of right now but somebody needs to keep an eye on him,,, in case something changes.” You smiled at him talking.
“Alright doctor Changbin” you said while giggling, hugging him and him wrapping his sturdy arms around you, looking at Jisung’s mellow expression, eyes brimming with tears as he sat down on his knees on the floor once again, pushing a lock of hair from Felix’s delicate face, cupping his cheek that was once plump but now gaunt. Changbin pulled away from your comforting embrace and patted Jisung on the shoulder, bending his knees to get closer to him. 
“Do you wanna keep an eye on him, Ji?” he asked to which the boy nodded, not answering with words, not even a gaze at the male that was talking to him. He turned around to look at you, pointing his chin towards the door, signaling for the two of you to get out and leave the two boys alone to which you nodded, following Changbin out and gently closing the door behind you by turning the knob and releasing it slowly. The music got louder and louder as you two walked in the long corridor before ending up on the main floor, the corridor going to the bar and you could only get onto the dance floor by exciting through the wooden gate of the bar. 
“I’ll go find the others, you should work!!” you yelled through the music and Changbin nodded, giving you a kiss on the lips before you exited through the gate, being careful to knock any of the liquor bottles on the walls over and causing a ruckus like you’d done once before, being black-out drunk and trying to hobble your way through to god knows where, accidentally swinging your arms towards the shelfs. Luckily everything restores itself in this universe.
People were doing their usual activities in all corners of the club, making out against a wall or jumping, spilling their drinks on the floor that Changbin would have to mop up afterwards when he steps in the sticky liquid that pressed up against ones shoe. It was impossible to see who was who in the dark room, the neon lights on the roof changing colors but not making it easier for you, especially not with the commotion around you, individuals bumping into each other. In the distance you saw a hand waving, a familiar hand that was decked out in maybe a thousand silver rings, all with intricate designs that could only be seen from up close. Next thing you see is Hyunjin jumping, the bedazzled hand belonging to the long haired blonde male that always made sure to use the most expensive perfume. You made your way over to him, the male smiling brightly as he sat down on the edge of the cubical sofa, the other males being around the table that Felix was lying unconscious on just a brief moment earlier. The table was filled with half empty beer bottles along with red glimmering packs of cigarettes that belonged to some of them. Hyunjin patted the seat next to him, scooting closer to Jeongin that was ruffling his slightly sweaty hair, putting the bottle green top against his lip and taking a sip, his adam's apple moving as he swallowed. 
Hyunjin was different, different from anyone else in this place. You’d expect him to have the best life imaginable due to his family background. His father was the CEO of an influential business and his mother being his fathers assistant, both living a lavish life and providing for their only son, Hyunjin. But no amount of wealth can buy happiness. You don’t know the entire story but what you have heard when he was drunk and barely able to speak is that he was bullied all throughout school, struggling with the pressure being put on him by his parents to become a businessman just like his father. It ate Hyunjin alive to everyday go to sleep and feel like a failure that wasn’t able to live up to his parents expectations. He wasn’t worth this lifestyle he thought as he mindlessly doodled on the edge of his college application papers, it was easier to end it. He felt like a coward, always taking the easy way out but that’s how he’d lived his entire life. Getting help wasn’t an option, it would bring shame upon the family if anyone found out that he went to therapy and besides, his family didn’t believe in mental illnesses, it was simply to “go on a run” to feel better. “Then why the fuck am I not feeling better? I’ve ran miles but my mind runs faster” he wrote in the small black notebook he kept in his bedside table, hiding it together with his cigarettes under piles of papers and books. That’s how he ended up here, being together in a little group consisting of Chan and Minho along with some other people that had already departed from the place he felt the safest. 
You gave a smile to Hyunjin, grabbing the beer bottle in front of him, earning a little “hey!” from him but you drank it anyway as you laughed at his reaction, the bitterness spreading throughout your mouth. You exhaled, putting the bottle down harshly, the loud sound being drowned out by the music. Hyunjin laughed along with you, he seemed kinda distant, his pupils dilated. With furrowed eyebrows you looked at the other boys that looked back at you in a confused manner. 
“Something wrong y/n?” Seungmin asked, his cheeks slightly red from the heat that was radiating off everybody in the room, the tension heightening the temperature. Your eyes landed on Minho who looked equally as dazed as Hyunjin, looking up at the ceiling as the crown of his head rested against the dark walls in an uncomfortable manner. 
“You guys definitely did something” you said to which Hyunjin laughed, now stealing Minho’s drink since he was completely immersed at how the colors changed. 
“Of course we did,,, if we were gonna do it, why not here?” he said, looking at you through hooded eyes, his gaze sharp as pin needles, the black smudged eyeliner around his eyes not making it easier to escape the way you drowned in them. It was true, here was the place where you could be yourself, do whatever you pleased and act reckless as long as you didn’t hurt anybody, a rule Minho found difficult. It’s not that he wanted to hurt people, it’s just that he couldn’t help himself. Something bad was gonna happen if he didn’t. So that’s what the switchblade was for, not to hurt anyone but just in case he needed to add another felony to his list. You didn’t even wanna know what substances that ran through his veins but you felt bad for him. He was a slave to his own thoughts, sometimes even his own actions. He had no other choice but to obey them, do everything that the voices whispered faintly into his ear, a serenade of revenge to everyone that has never believed in him, considered him a shame and neglected him. No, not him. His inner child. 
Seungmin grabbed the red carton of cigarettes, the crimson wrapper unfolding itself when he opened the lid and grabbed one of the deathsticks whose orange ends were looking up at him. He picked one up, putting it to his lips and patting down his sides in search for a lighter but to no avail. He sighed out of the corner of his mouth, gesturing towards Hyunjin by flicking his pointer finger upwards, the blonde boy reaching over to his pocket and retrieving a white lighter that he put on the glossy mahogany table and scooted across it, Seungmin grabbing it as it nearly fell to his feet. He thanked Hyunjin by lazily saluting with two fingers before igniting the cigarette, the deep purple fading out into a light orange at the tip of the flame, the smoke evaporating around Seungmin as he puffed, exhaling straight ahead of him, poor Jeongin beside him coughing. 
“What’s even the purpose of these?” Jeongin said, grabbing the packet and examining it closely, twisting and turning the small box.
“What’s the purpose of your life?” Seungmin answered with an evil laugh, you wanting to bend over the table and smack him across the face for talking like that to the youngest. Jeongin shrugged his shoulders, smirking at Seungmin.
“Touchè I guess” he said, a smile hiding his pain. “Can I get one?” he said as he nudged Seungmin on the shoulder, the boy already taking his second puff. Seungmin didn’t answer, simply placing the cigarettes and Hyunjin’s white lighter in front of him. You stared at Seungmin in disbelief for a moment before throwing yourself over Hyunjin’s lap, grabbing the two objects and clutching them tightly in your hand. Hyunjin flinched at the sudden commotion, all the boy’s eyes were on you, tilting their heads like confused puppies. 
“Don’t you even dare Yang Jeongin” you said, him looking at you with twinkling innocent eyes. He nodded and you turned your head back to Seungmin. “And you, no actually all of you, quit it” you said, a moment of silence flew by before all of them bursted out in laughter.
“fucking,,, tell that to your boyfriend first” Minho said, him finally awake from his trance “if you manage to get him to stop then we’re all with you y/n” he said, laughing, his two front teeth poking out like a rabbit. You sighed, looking at the four boys but noticing Chan was missing. 
“Where’s Chan?” you asked, Seungmin shrugging as he exhaled grey smoke again.
“He hasn’t arrived yet,, don’t know what he’s up to” he answered, putting the orange end to his plump lips, pink in color but this being impossible to see in the changing neon lighting. “I wonder how Lixie is doing,,,” he added with a sigh. Good you hoped, the last three months have been nothing but a downward spiral to hell for the boy, everyday the gleam from his eyes got duller and duller until they were matte with fatigue. You remember a distinct moment that happened in the first couple of weeks in the club, you still getting to know the peculiar characters that moved around in this place. Felix was sitting in the bar, you sitting right next to him, the whole conversation was difficult to hear due to the music and chatter from people but you guys made do. 
“You know that song? By Radiohead?” he said. You shrugged and shook your head.
“Which one?” you asked, taking a sip from your drink that was unfortunately made by another bartender, Changbin not being there yet. 
“That one where they sing ‘I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul’” he said with a giggle, grabbing his glass and taking a swig of the poison in his glass, decorated with lemons and limes. You laughed with him, not knowing what he meant, thinking he was just spewing random words at you from being intoxicated. 
“Yeah, what about it?” you said, the young boy’s smile fading away as he gulped, placing down the drink. 
“I don’t know,,, I often listen to it on the bus or home alone,,, it tells me something but I can’t place my finger on what exactly” he said with a loud sigh, resting his cheek on his hand that was bent against the dark wooden bar. 
“Isn’t it the lyrics?” you said, “the fact that you want to be perfect in every way?” Felix hummed for a minute before nodding his head slowly. 
“It’s not even that I want to be perfect because that’s what society taught me,,, it’s because I live in a false reality where I believe that people will love me and appreciate me more if i tweak everything” he blurted out, going silent and sipping his drink slowly. 
“I’m happy that you know that it’s false but,,, what’s stopping you?” you asked, looking at the boy whose eyes were gazing at the wooden stick inside his drink, stirring it over and over again. 
“Because,,, if I stop,,, I won’t be sick enough” 
The both of you got silent after he remarked those words. Felix got silent because he thought he’d said something wrong. You got silent because you knew how that felt, that someone was going through your struggles. 
“You don’t prove anything by that Felix. I k-know this is gonna sound stupid and you’ve heard it so many times but,,, just know that I love you no matter how you look. I’m happy that you’re here Lixie” 
You looked at him and his dark brown eyes met yours, glittering once again, rounded as if he’d heard the best news of his life. He opened his arms and you stood up on the floor, hugging him and squeezing him by the sides.
“I’m happy that you are here too y/n” he whispered in your ear, barely audible from the loud bumping of the music. You pulled off the hug and shimmied up the bar stool again, putting the transparent glass edge to your lips and feeling the liquor trickle down your throat. 
“I was thinking of getting those words tattooed on me but now that I think about it, I want those words tattooed on me but with a big red x over it.” You smiled together with him, his dimples being carved into those freckled cheeks along with his bleak eyeshadow, his lips a cherry tint. 
“You should.”
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“Oh fuck-” you cursed as you woke up on your living room floor that was covered in dust and crumbs that was a trail all the way to the kitchen. You sighed every time you were back in reality, in the cursed world that wanted nothing else but to crush you under its fingertips. A patter was heard from outside, gentle raindrops decorating your windows as they were falling from the dusky skies. The rain was at least better you thought, in the sun you felt immense guilt for not being as happy as everyone around you, scrolling through your phone and seeing pictures of old classmates on trips and drinking out in the basking sun, wearing sundresses and hats. Being picturesque.
You made your own fun. Late wine nights and therapy appointments early in the morning where you get drilled with information that you could actually use to get better but you decide to cancel it all out. It was impossible to take in. Or maybe you wanted this now? Like Felix said, you wanted to remain sick enough even if there is no such thing. It used to be about not wanting to leave your comfort zone as odd as it sounds. You had struggled with your mental health for as long as you could remember and getting better would mean that you would have to make active changes in your life that at the moment didn’t seem appealing. But now it wasn’t about that. It was about Changbin. Getting better would mean that you would have to leave him, not only him but all the other friends you made at the club for the last months. They felt closer than family especially since you’d barely had one in the past. You wanted to stay by Changbin for forever but did you want to suffer for just as long?
Little did you know, Changbin didn’t. 
You stood up from the wooden floorboards, stepping closer to the balcony door and seeing the rain cover the streets, lonesome people walking with umbrellas and rain jackets through the storm, probably on their way home to a delicious home cooked meal, a comfortable bed and a stable mind. You only had one of those things but you, in contrast from before the club, didn’t get jealous when you saw those people down at the rainy street. You had your own happiness that was Changbin.
Every time you said his name your heart started racing, your knees almost bent underneath you as you walked back to the couch, no lights turned on in the entire odorous apartment. With a thump you fell with your back against the comforting material, once again being swallowed by a fort of pillows and clothes that you haven’t been bothered to put away. The tv display stood blank, your silhouette reflecting in the matte sheen of the screen, your face almost hanging low with boredom. What was there to do when you weren’t in Changbin’s secure arms? 
It was as if his name rolled off your tongue. Smooth as butter, sweet as syrup. You closed your eyes, eyelashes fluttering against your cheek, tickling the sensitive skin on your face. Underneath your lids pictures flashed by in bright colors, not from imagination but from memory. The pictures radiated their energy through your entire body, sending shivers down to the tips of your toes as you saw the faces of your best friends and boyfriend, their smiles creating red apples on their cheeks. 
You wondered how many of those smiles were fake. 
A wave of arousal shot through your body as remembered the events that took place before Jisung had a chance to ruin them, how Changbin grunted next to your ear, his hot breath teasing the shell of your ear as he whispered, the movements of his hips going from rolling to pounding, the room filling with the lewd noises of skin slapping against each other accompanied with your tiny whimpers, pleading him to make you cum. You couldn’t help but to rub your legs together, shifting in the grey sofa that was decorating your trash pile of a living room, the other decor pieces being empty bottles and white used tissues that were tiny houses to your tears. You peeked down quickly, seeing that you were still in your party clothes that consisted of a shirt and a short skirt that was sitting kinda lopsided on the base of your hips, hugging your skin tightly. With a rapid hand you removed the garment by unzipping it by the side, kicking the fabric towards the end of the couch with your feet that were bare, you managed to toss your sneakers away whilst you were deep in your imaginations. Except for the bright colors in your mind, the rest of the apartment was dark, not a single light being switched on. Your light source for many of your lonesome nights were the grey poles on which a bulbous light hung, a so-called street light. The blue cold light shone inside, deep dark shadows being casted on the walls by the trees that decorated the sidewalk. 
Lines started to blur between the real and the fake, not sure if you actually felt Changbin’s hands wrapped around your neck or if it was just yet another illusion your mind has decided to put forward. You could feel the warmth from his hands surging down your neck, soothing your heart in a comforting way. It was as if you were being held in a way that made your blood run south, loved and aroused at the same time. It was as if a ball of warmth bubbled inside you, encapsulating you in its aura of happiness and distraction, your hand teasing the the skin on your lower abdomen before it plunged beneath the small pair of cotton panties that had been violently pulled off by your boyfriend some time ago, exactly how much was something you couldn’t tell, the universe simply didn’t allow time. 
Time is an arrow. 
It always goes forward. 
Under the thin elastic your fingers started moving on their own, like they knew what to do, almost imitating what Changbin had done so many nights prior to this one on that murky couch. You couldn’t help but to wonder if he missed you right this moment. Was was he doing? What was he thinking? You wondered if he thought about you whenever he pleasured himself, if it was your name that echoed in the four empty walls of his broken down apartment whenever he came. The thought of his hand wrapped around his cock as he groaned made you sweat, the skin on the underside your knees sticking to each other as your knees were bent, soles flat against the frowning sofa. Automatically you spread your legs, one resting against the wallpapered surface as the other one hung out from the edge of the sofa. With your middle finger you felt the slippery surface, gathering your slick as you swiped up your finger, coating the sensitive bud in stickiness. You clenched around nothing, thinking about how Changbin whispered his praises in a sweet tone like a serenade.
“You’re doing so well y/n, fuck,,, you’re so pretty princess”
You nodded despite there being no one to see, small whimpers forcing their way out of your throat as two fingers circled your clit, spreading one pussy lip with a third finger, widening the area of contact. Your spine arched at anticipation, a faraway feeling approaching with quick strides as you squirmed your hips, butt digging into couch cushions as your gently pinched your slick-covered clit. Your hole was practically begging for more, velvety walls throbbing for pleasure that you didn’t mind giving, slowly inserting your middle finger, followed by a second finger, hissing at the initial stretch and getting used to the feeling, wiggling your fingers inside just like Changbin always does but his fingers filled you up better accompanied by the small marks he left all over your torso and tits, sucking on your delicate nipples with his wet tongue, leaving a trail of saliva as he licked around the valley of your tits, the ticklish feeling causing you to throw your head back. 
“f-faster binnie” you said into thin air, there being no one to answer your request except your fingers that started going faster in and out of your squelching hole, using your thumb to nudge on your clit, desperately trying to move it in circles and moaning as pleasure built up in the pit of your core. You licked your lips, coating them in a thin sheen of spit, imagining his soft lips pressing up against yours, his tongue coaxing yours as he licked your bottom lip, nibbling on it before slipping it into your mouth, the soft surface meeting yours, a languid kiss being exchanged as he panted into the kiss, you whining gently in between breaths. Your hair stood in a mess as you rubbed your head against the fluffy pillow under you, a couple of stray pieces sticking to your forehead that was covered in a lustre of sweat, reflecting in the small amount of light that was looming in the room together with you. Your mind blurred with lewd scenes with him, curving your fingers inside you in order to reach your g-spot and being startled by your own moan when you did, it simply felt too good, especially when thinking that it was his fingers that plunged into your wetness. 
“Just a little bit more y/n,, o-oh shit,,, f-fuck i’m gonna cum”
His voice ringed in your ears, it didn’t have to be loud to be memorable and make your head spin with pure amativeness. Your fingers started to hurt from how vigorously you were pumping them inside yourself, bringing yourself to the edge as you imagined that it was Changbin’s cock, twitching and begging from release, wishing he would cum inside you and paint your walls in his milky white cum, the hot liquid oozing out of your swollen pussy. Your clit throbbed, your breathing getting uneven between your parted lips, your hand being slightly restricted by the fabric of your underwear. 
“Cum for me baby”
It was an automatic response. Your hips convulsing upwards, high-pitched moans bouncing off the walls as you continued to tease your clit, pulling out your fingers and rubbed the swollen bud up and down into overstimulation until you it hurt, your eyes tightly squeezed, small droplets of tears teasing the corners of your shut orbs. The high washed over you, from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes, every body part rushing with adrenaline before coming down in a state of repose. Slowly you withdrew your hand from beneath the fabric, the elastic snapping gently against your skin, fingertips glistening with your juicy release that now also coated your panties as it rubbed against the inside fabric. You slowly opened your eyes, vision blurry before focusing correctly, seeing nothing but darkness and vague outlines of objects. Night had fallen. You sighed, you were alone.A part of you wished at Changbin had been there whenever your glittering doe-eyes sprung open, your plushy lips being met with his but alas you couldn’t get everything in life.
Except that you couldn’t even get anything. At all.
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“Binnie!!!” you shouted as soon as you opened your eyes as you woke up on the floor, looking around confused as your voice echoed in the room. You rubbed your eyes, the familiar automated voice and its words still stuck in your head.
“Uh? Over here y/n”
You heard his voice, the sweet tune hitting your eardrums, you looked at the direction of the sound and noticed that you were lying on the main dance floor. No music. No people. You stood up with wobbly knees, looking around and being shone on by a spotlight on the ceiling, watching Changbin drying off a couple of glasses with a kitchen towel, a brown apron sitting snugly around his waist, another piece of useless fabric that hid his well-sculpted body. 
“W-why is there no one here? Are we glitching again?!” your voice panicked as your gaze was busy, landing everywhere from the meaningless neon green exit sign pointing to nowhere to the colorful transparent liquor bottles on the shelves behind your lover. Changbin let out a little snark as he put the glass down, throwing the cloth over his shoulder and leaning on the wooden bar counter.
“No y/n, sometimes many people are busy and that’s when you don’t teleport here,,, you know that already”
You let out a small “oh” in realization before walking over to the bar and throwing yourself into a chair lazily, tapping the table with your pointer finger twice, a quiet signal for help. The kind that alcohol provided. Changbin didn’t say anything, simply scooping some ice into a low glass with pretty carved out details at the bottom, the black haired boy filling up the glass with whiskey, the brown liquid seeping between the cubes of frozen water. It was oddly silent in the club, not from the fact that there wasn’t anyone else there but there was this awkward feeling between the two of you, as cold as the ice cubes that the champagne bottles were resting inside a iron bucket full of ice underneath the bar on one of the shelves. 
“So uhm,,, was everything alright yesterday?” he asked in a low voice, peering at you through hooded eyelids as he tilted the glass, pouring another liquor bottle and pouring the substance in. 
Memories of the night prior flashed past your eyelids causing you to almost choke on your saliva. Changbin looked at you suspiciously, furrowing his eyebrows as he put the glass on the coaster in front of you, watching you gulp down the poison. He had something on his mind, the words were basically danging off his pink lips but he hesitated, something stopped him every time he tried to open his jaw and let the words pour out in a puddle of word-vomit on the floor. The words were lodged in his throat like a boulder, he didn’t know how to say it.
“Something wrong binnie?” you asked with a confused expression, your eyes filled with concerned. What if something had happened in a universe you couldn’t even reach, the boy wandering alone with his concerns? 
You took another sip from the glass, frowning as the alcohol stung your tongue and descended down your esophagus like a ball of fire, observing the contents that you were drinking partly because you were interested in what concoction your boyfriend had made but mostly cause you didn’t want to look him in the eyes in this frigid atmosphere. He shook his head, giving you a non-verbal answer. 
You didn’t believe him. 
By the way his jaw clenched to the awkward posture as he stared at you, he had something to confess and you weren’t sure if you were ready for it, thinking that maybe it would be easier to not ask about it anymore and live in oblivion. 
“Come on~ I know you well enough to know that something isn’t quite right” you said, resting your chin in the palm of your hand, eyeing your boyfriends godly figure, practically drooling over him on the spot. 
“Hmm,,, y-yeah ok,, I do have something to say but,,, I’m not sure how to” he started, your heart starting to beat faster with each syllable he pronounced, thinking that this was the end of your world because he was indeed your entire world. The reason you still smiled.
“Just say it baby, I won’t be angry” you said but not sure if you could keep your promise. 
“I got a place at rehab” 
You started laughing sarcastically, the boy standing perplexed behind the counter. 
“Wh-what’s so funny?” he asked shortly after. 
“You obviously said no, right?”
Silence erupted throughout the establishment, your smile was wiped off your face as you waited for an answer but you felt the tears start bubbling up in your glossy eyes as the silence went on, brimming and coaxing to fall down onto your warm cheek, his expression was blank, a canvas without a paint. In a rage of fit you threw your glass at the nearest wall, the glass shattering in a million pieces just like your heart, impossible to glue together. 
The ice cubes melted on the floor, liquid splattered on the dark glossy floor. There was no saving the broken pieces, it was simply to throw it in the trash. You couldn’t blame Changbin for being startled, backing to the wall that displayed the bottles of alcohol, small lights above them causing the flasks to reflect tiny fractals.
“What the fuck do you mean Changbin, huh?!” you yelled at him, salty tears streaming down your cheeks, hanging off your quivering lips. He could only exhale loudly from his nose, his dusky complexion losing its color the more stressed he got. 
“No, what do you mean? Are you actually serious about letting me rot in my life and not take help when I’ve finally gotten it?” he said, his tone growing louder with each word, him practically growling like a feral wolf. You couldn’t believe the word coming out of his lying mouth. Rot in his life? Why? He had you now. You were all he needed, right?
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier then?” Your voice was expressionless, a string tinted red with betrayal laced in your tone. 
“I was scared.”You scoffed, feeling the frustration in the pit of your stomach like a heavy weight, tears glittering in the bright lights that were on currently, shining down on you as if another dimension had opened. 
One without Changbin. 
With dark eyes you looked at him, a dumbfounded smile causing the corners of your lips to turn upwards, tasting the salt of your sadness as a droplet rolled down and into your mouth. “
I never want to see you again Changbin”
“Don’t say that y/n, p-please don’t say that.” 
His voice was drowsy like he hadn’t slept in days, your theory being more believable as you saw the dark bags under his blank eyes. He had been worrying, worried for your reaction. He took off the apron and put the kitchen towel on the nearest surface before hurrying to exit out through the gate and took strides towards your standing figure but you distanced yourself every time he got closer. You felt yourself getting smaller and smaller as his shadow towered over you, his face not showing compassion but rather irritation. 
“GET AWAY!!” you screamed in a ear-deafening screech, him barely flinching as he had seen worse things in his life than his heartbroken girlfriend getting pressed up against a wall with dark streaks of makeup and tears staining her face, plagued by treachery that was brought upon by the only one she trusted in her life.
Maybe this was deeper than just your boyfriend leaving you. Maybe this was a silent cry to stay and not leave like your father once did. Sure, he was around in your childhood but that’s the thing; he was around, never actively invested in what happened in the life of his child. You didn’t like to look into it. Hell, you barely wanted to talk about it but you couldn’t help but to wonder if that was the reason as to why you had a difficult time with goodbyes. It replayed memories, memories you’d rather forget. Or wish you never had in the first place. 
“The fuck-” said a recognazible voice that belonged to Minho, the male staggering out of the toilets in a hungover haze, scratching his hair as he yawned.
“Huh,,, how long have you been there?” Changbin said, him turning his head to look at Minho whilst standing mere inches from you, sandwiching you between his body and the dark walls. 
“I have no idea,,, just woke up and heard a scream” he replied lazily, still not really registering the situation that was unfolding in front of his very own eyes. You glared at Changbin before pushing him by the shoulders, thinking you would make a big impact but him only losing his balance for a few seconds, with fierce steps you bolted to Minho, the boy sliding his hand down into his pocket the closer you got causing you to stop dead in the tracks. 
You’d rather be heartbroken than deceased. 
“Did you know about this? Did you know that this motherfucker was going to fucking rehab?!” you yelled hysterically towards the boy that picked up a packet of cigarettes instead of a switchblade. He smirked as he put a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, not breaking eye contact with you for a second throughout the entire process, almost hypnotizing you with his looks. 
“Yeah,,, we all knew” that devilish smirk only signaling that he liked the pain he saw in other people, the white lighter in his hands flicking and emitting an orange and purple flame that slowly burned the tip of the deadly stick. 
You wanted to scream on the top of your lungs, break every single one of the bottles on the shelves in a fit of rage before breaking Changbin’s heart, shatter it in pieces and step on it like glass even if it would make shards stick to your wounded and bloody feet. But that’s life. You can never hurt someone without getting hurt back. 
“And so you all decided to be on his side? To defend a liar was the best your stupid fucking head could come up with?” you couldn’t even filter your words, whatever came to your mind rolled off your tongue as smoothly as the words “i love you” once had. 
“Hey y/n! Don’t say that! He had nothing to do with it” Changbin roared, stepping closer with his heavy black boots that could probably smash someone against the concrete by the telephone booth where thousands of stray souls wandered every hour of the short 24 hours we humans have in a day. He put his hand on your arm but you shoved him away, freeing your hand from his grasp and yelling inaudible words at the boy. 
“And that’s why you don’t date a psycho, am I right Changbin?” Minho laughed, lodging the cigarette between his pointer- and middle finger, blowing the smoke towards you as a careless gesture. Changbin looked done, rolling his eyes at the other boy before shaking his head, his hair bouncing in a fluffy manner as he moved. 
“Not now Min” he answered simply, keeping his composure but you on the other hand were boiling with anger, feeling your heartbeat in your ears. You let out a half laughter filled with sarcasm.
“Somehow the real psycho has the audacity to say that to me, huh? Who the fuck do you guys think you are? You guys think it’s cool to live like this?” you said, your voice becoming frail at the end of your sentence, breaking as new tears weighed on your eyelashes and dropped down on the floor beneath you. 
“No we don’t y/n and that’s why Changbin is getting help. Don’t you see it? You are hurting him by keeping him here.”
Minho’s words stung more than a thousand needles piercing through your raw flesh. 
He was right.
The entire relationship rested on a foundation of suffering that you fed with repeatedly withdrawing from help that could make you blossom into the person you once were. Deep down you knew that this relationship was impossible, you knew it before you even fell for him but the thing is that you didn’t choose to fall in love, it happens. There’s a reason as to why it’s called ‘falling in love’, because once you’ve jumped you can’t expect to stand on the top of the cliff again. Only at the view from halfway down do you realize that maybe this wasn’t the right time and space. 
You looked at Changbin that held his hands out, wanting to hug you and make everything feel alright, like it was before and you couldn’t help but to melt at how his eyes rounded, twinkling by the thousands of lights around the room and reflecting in his teary eyes. With the arm of your sleeve you wiped off the tears, makeup rubbing off on the fabric but you couldn’t give less of a thought before Changbin wrapped his hands around you, tears falling at a rapid pace as you sobbed into the neck of your boyfriend, breathing in his musky scent that infiltrated your bloodstream and made your heart stop for just a brief moment before pounding harder than before, powered by longing. 
“I’m s-sorry Changbin” you said in between sobs, words coming out in broken syllables, it was difficult forming a sentence let alone an apology. Changbin shook his head as he put his hand on the back of your neck, descending down and rubbing your back soothingly.
“Don’t apologize y/n, you didn’t do anything wrong” His voice ran down your spine, the boy pulling away from the hug and holding you by the shoulders, looking deeply into your eyes as he spoke. 
“I love you and I will never forget you”
You nodded, your face in distress with tears and snot, puffy eyes looking back at him. 
“W-when are you leaving t-then?” you asked timidly to which Changbin responded by breaking eye contact.
“In two days.” You sighed, not sure if you should be sad. What kind of partner tells you that important of an announcement just two days prior? But you understood, he was just as scared as you. 
Scared of the unknown. Alcohol had been a part of his life for a long time, it was his comfort and now suddenly he needed to adapt to a life without it, a life in sobriety. You weren’t the only scared one. The both of you heard Minho picking up the shards of glass with his bare hands, throwing it in the trash as he smoked, not even needing to remove the cigarette from between his lips in order to exhale the smoke, grey clouds billowing out of the corner of his mouth and filling the area with the scent of over 70 harmful substances. 
In the distance you heard footsteps coming from the dark room that was pretty much the only private space in the building, Felix and Jisung walking out, their expressions changing from happy to confused upon seeing your face and Minho cleaning up. 
“W-what,,,” Jisung started but Minho put his pointer finger to his lips before removing the cigarette from his lips and mouthing to the younger boys.
“He told her”
Both Jisung and Felix nodded slowly, their eyes big as saucers as they mouthed a small “oh” back before casting a glance at the two of you, two bodies melting in a touch that could be the last one.
“What will I do without you Changbin?” you said, looking down at the ground. He sighed before smiling at you. 
“What you’ve always done y/n,,, fight for yourself because one day you will make it” he said, cupping your cheek in his hand and swiping his thumb across the tears on your cheek, the dampness remaining on the rough pads of his thumb. 
“B-but don’t worry y/n! It’s in two days,,, maybe I’ll be back tomorrow” he said, you seeing that the boys nodded their heads in the corners of your eyes. 
“Alright,,, I’ll trust you,,, I always do”
“You guys can go and I don’t know,,, talk in that other room,,, we’ll take care of stuff out here” Minho said, flicking the ashes off the end of the cigarette one last time before throwing it in the sink, the boy standing in the bar together with the the other two boys. You and Changbin nodded, making your way past them and entering the dark room that had now become a place where only memories live. With hesitance you sat down on the couch, Changbin doing the same. You glanced over at him, slowly tilting your head against his shoulder and exhaling loudly through your nose. 
The momentary silence wasn’t awkward. It was comforting. 
Silence was what this place needed, moments away from everything related to partying and drinking until your liver failed. 
“Do you remember the first time we met?” he said with a laugh, you giggling with him.
“Of course I do, it wasn’t even that long ago but,,, it feels like forever.” 
He nodded, glancing at your hand for a moment before grabbing it, his warm hand wrapping around your cold one, lacing his fingers with yours. 
“I don’t want you to leave binnie,,, t-this is unfair.” Tears started bubbling up in your throat again, your breathing getting unstable as your gaze was fixed on the ground. 
“I don’t want to leave either y/n but,,, what if we meet in the right dimension? What if that’s what happens? That when you,,, start loving yourself for who you are,,, maybe that’s when you meet the one that will continue to heal you?”
Changbin’s words made a lot of sense. Nobody knew what happened to the people that descended to the real world again. What adventures they were on or who they were loving at this point in time so maybe that did happen. It made you smile, your heart filled with hope, something you hadn’t felt since he said those doomed words earlier. You turned to him, his lips lingering dangerously close to yours to the point where you could feel his hot breath brushing up against the apples of your cheeks. He leaned in, attaching his lips on yours one last time, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear and holding you by the back of your neck, his thumb caressing the knuckles of your hand. You kissed him back, slipping your tongue into his mouth in a deep exchange of saliva intertwined with yearning. The kiss formed an even pace, you tilted your head to the side causing the kiss to get intense, his wet tongue gliding against yours, your pout swelling as he bit your bottom lip, blood rushing into it. He could almost feel yours eyelashes fluttering against the bridge of his nose. He pulled away, landing a final peck on your soft lips before nibbling the inside of his cheek in nervosity, unsure as to why he was nervous in the first place. Maybe the thought that he would never kiss you again. You put your hands around him, rubbing your dark tinted cheeks against his shirt that was luckily in a darker color as well. He smelled like home, like comfort.
A murky scent mixed with tobacco and ephemerality.
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 You haven't seen Changbin since that day. 
“How have you been y/n?” said the woman sitting opposite you, tapping her pen against the A5 block of secrets that rested against a folder that has your name on the side, filled with results of various psychological tests. You shrugged your shoulders, looking out the window where the ivys growed over the glass.
“I’ve been alright,,, although I miss someone” you answered, your eyes meeting the curious ones of your psychologist that observed your body language, your foot shaking in the air as your legs were folded on top of each other. 
“Who do you miss y/n?” she asked. You thought about telling her the truth but then had you ever done that in this office?
“Doesn’t matter,,, Just someone” you answered shortly to which the lady nodded. 
“Longing is a very difficult feeling, sometimes there’s nothing you can do about it since the only thing that will cure it is seeing that person again but of course, that’s not always possible” she said, you observing the marbled pattern on the vinyl floor. You agreed, not knowing what else to do before she started talking about something else that was connected to your well-being, wondering how you are coping with still being on the hunt for a job and having your mental health to care about in the meanwhile. 
The session ended as it always does. By you walking out of the office with an orange post-it note where the next appointment was scheduled in messy writing and with a warm goodbye to your psychologist that was a nice person. It was just that you didn’t really care for her advice and you yet again felt horrible for not taking the help you got when other people in the world couldn’t afford the same experience. The wind hit you in the face as you exited out to reality, out from the solace of the office and the building that held countless of skin-crawling memories. You pulled your jacket closer to your body, walking with quick strides towards the convenience store in order to buy gum and something sweet that could stop the world from leaving a bitter taste in your mouth at all times. A bell above the door tinkled as you stepped into the store, the grey welcome mat being a soft surface to step on with your sneakers. You casted a glance at the staff, seeing the gum you always bought by the cash register and the back of a young man in a black jacket with a baseball cap, looking upwards at the cigarettes and talking to the cashier in a husky voice. You walked past aisles of various snacks and other necessities, hearing the man talking in a voice that made your head spin, sending you into a deja vu feeling.This voice, this very voice was familiar. 
“That one,, yeah,,, thanks! Oh,, just gonna grab something real quick” he said, his footsteps getting closer to you that were hunched over, looking for the banana milk on the lower shelves and squinting your eyes as tried to look further back to see if you missed a bottle by mistake. Your eyes lit up as you saw it, stretching out your hand but in that moment you didn’t feel the cool plastic layer of the yellow manufactured drink but instead a slightly warm hand that was bigger than yours, clad in a couple of silver rings. You quickly apologized and peered upwards, your eyes landing on a couple of dark hooded eyes that made your heart start to race. The lips were plump, a bit dusky in color from the cold weather. A sharp jaw that led to a prominent chin. A triangular nose that connected to a pair of strong bushy eyebrows. A face you had so longed to see. A hand you hadn’t held in what felt like an eternity. There the two of you were, holding the same bottle of banana milk in the flickering light of the store, the coldness emitting from the refrigerated shelves.
It was him.
It was Changbin. 
He was right. 
Only when one decided to heal was it destined for you to meet in a dimensions that was real. A dimension that didn’t consist of an odd phone number and a crimson telephone booth. A world away from the loud music and booze and instead entering a world that had earlier been dark but now got lighter, your tunnelvision ending and objects getting their color back. The world seemed real again. Alive like the way scent of a rose made its way down your lungs and into your blood, feeding the feeling of love from within.
You met him. 
In a different place, in a different time. But you met the same person.
The person you were destined to meet. 
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Taglist ; @minholuvs @liz820​ @skztrashbag @lix-freckle3​ 
98 notes · View notes
marsbutterfly · 3 years
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Summary: When you are hired to kill the most dangerous mafia boss, things get a little complicated.
Wattpad Version! | AO3 Version!
|◁ II ▷|
“This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again”
The clock on your wrist tics quietly but in the silent room, it nearly sounds like bombs being dropped from above. Not a word is exchanged between you and the man sitting across the room but you know exactly what he wants.
In his hand rests a dark colored suitcase, you can barely tell until the light hits his belt ever so gently but you finally see the gun he’s been carrying.
You take a deep breath, getting up for your seat. The sound of your heels clicking on the floor fills the atmosphere as you walk towards him, the smirk on his lips is undeniable and you don’t understand what he has to be smiling about.
He stands up a second after you and walks in your direction, bumping against you and dropping his suitcase and the papers in his hand. In response, you throw on the floor the suitcase you once held. 
The man apologizes profoundly as you help him collect the papers on the floor. You say over and over that it is ok, while all the curious eyes in the room land on you. As you stand up, you hand him the suitcase you once had in your hand and he nods, thanking you for the help and apologizing one last time.
You begin to make your way back to your car, the smirk on his lips still engraved in your brain as a chill travels down your spine. “Why was he smiling?” You ask yourself not wanting to admit it but you are a bit scared of knowing the answer.
Though once you open the suitcase, you understand why. Inside, rests the pictures and information of your next target, the millionaire leader of an enemy gang. Though you don’t enjoy taking sides, you’ve been paid a large amount of money to take her out, more than you have ever made.
The war between these two gangs has been going on for the longest time and you have killed enough people on both sides to earn a fair amount of enemies, but this time you couldn’t help but feel a sinking hole opening in your heart.
Hanji Zoe has always been the deadliest member of the underground group. Her kill count is even higher than yours, at least 500+ heads under her belt. They say her torture methods surpass even the ones they use in hell.
She’s known as the Devil herself.
“For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen”
Your keys unlock the heavy doors of your house and somehow the marble floors feel colder than ever. Your shoes rest in their designated spot by the coat holder and you throw the suitcase on the couch.
Two cups rest on the counter near the bar area inside your home. One of them contains what you assume is whisky, due to the color and the amount of ice in the cup, it has always been her favorite after a work day.
The lipstick marks are fresh meaning she has just now gotten home. Upon paying closer attention, you realize the shower is on and steam is coming out of the bathroom. You think about joining her but ultimately decide to have a drink first, trying to forget about your next target.
Gently, you take two rocks of ice and place them in the clean cup specifically placed out for you. Pouring yourself a single shot of whisky, you walk towards the balcony feeling as the cold air of the night hits your face.
You knew this day would come but you hoped it would take longer. 
Deep in your own thoughts, you don’t realize the water has been turned off in the bathroom and wet footsteps approach your body.
It’s not until her wet arms wrap around your black dress that you realize you are no longer alone. Her face is buried in your back and you can see steam leaving her arms as the hair on her skin stands up.
The tattoo of your initials on her hand still brings butterflies to your stomach. The memory of the night she got it is still one of your favorite moments you spent together, especially since it was after your first date and she told you she knew you were the one.
“I missed you.” She says, placing a kiss on your skin. You can feel as her breasts are pressed against you and a gasp leaves your body.
“I missed you too.” You reply, a disobedient tear rolling down your face as you chug the contents of the cup in your hand.
“What’s wrong?” She asks, placing her hand on your waist as she turns your body around so you can face her. She is a few inches taller, nothing too extreme but enough to make you look up at her gently.
Her thumb brushes the tear on your cheek before rubbing it above your lips. You take a deep breath, gathering the courage to tell her the news you just received.
“You are my next target.” You say and Hanji nods, a sad smirk on her lips.
“Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together” 
The brush goes through her hair with ease for the first time, as if she took care of the tangles in the shower already knowing what the news you were bringing would be. After shower moments were the ones where Hanji was the most vulnerable.
She would simply close her eyes and appreciate the attention she’s been given as she fades in the echo of your voice. You hum a melody quietly, Hanji’s favorite song in the hopes to bring her any comfort at all.
Your tears drip down your nose onto her scalp as you put her hair in a ponytail, attempting to help her get ready for the party she will be attending in an hour. At the highest floor of the second tallest building in the entire city.
“How are you going to do it?” She asks, lighting a cigarette and blowing the smoke up in the air while trying to make rings out of it. You giggle, touching her shoulders before sliding your hands down her arms.
You notice the goosebumps rising on her skin and can’t help but smile at how she reacts to your touch. “Must we talk about it?”
“I need to know.” She replies and you nod, sighing heavily while finally agreeing to talk about the elephant in the room.
“I’ll be on the roof of the Paradise building. I am pretty sure they will send someone to watch me do it.” You begin, spraying the bottle of perfume around her and noticing as the drops of liquid fall on her tan skin, masking the smell of the cigarette.
“But they might not.” She says and you shrug your shoulders.
“They might not.” You say quietly.
“I wouldn’t expect any less from this city’s top 1 assassin.” She says, taking your hand in hers and planting a soft kiss on your palm, leaving behind the red mark of her deep colored lipstick.
She stands up, allowing the robe to fall to the floor and reveal her naked body. You can’t look away from the perfect shape of her breasts, the line that goes through her abdomen from a previous surgery and all of her battle scars.
“Make me yours one last time.” You say, pulling your shirt above her head as you expose yourself to her and she nods, a devious smile curling up on her lips.
You see a few old bullet wounds, some healed while others are still healing. Every single one of them tells a story about who she is and how she has lived her life but your favorite story has always been the one of how she lost her eye.
It was three years ago, the day you met. How could you ever forget?
“Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At Skyfall”
Since you were a teenager, you’ve been good at killing. First your shitty parents and every family member who sided with them, including your own brother and sister. Finally being able to control your life, you decided to make a living out of it.
This career put you through college where you earned a chemistry degree, learning how to mix your personal kinds of poison, some of which no one has ever even heard of which makes it hard for the police to find who was responsible for it.
At first, you would go for basic targets: rapists, animal abusers, anyone who dared hurt another soul but word got out of how excellent and quick you were at your job and your number of clients tripled and your name was in everyone’s mouth.
One day, you got a call from a blocked russian number. A smile creeped on your lips as you heard a familiar voice over the phone, Erwin Smith. The man who gave you a chance to grow in this life and made you who you are today, your mentor.
“Y/N, I’m dying.” He says, his voice is faint and you notice his life force is fading away. 
“I can tell.” You reply trying to lighten the mood and he laughs.
“Will you still work for the next boss?” He asks, coughing out a liquid which you could only assume was blood. 
“If that is your dying wish.” You respond and he hums in agreement over the phone, “Then yes.”
Later that week, two men showed up to your house to escort you to Erwin’s funeral. The rain poured over his coffin, hiding away the tears of those who loved him.
Surrounded by at least five men sat a woman in a black coat, her eyes looking in your direction as she took the cigarette to her lips. The tattoos on her leg on display for anyone to see, you could’ve sworn she was silently flirting with you.
And in a moment of weakness, a car drove by shooting up the place completely. Of course they were received with a buffet of bullets as well, but nearly a third of the people around the casket were now dead.
As a bullet makes its way towards you, the brunette with danger in her eyes rushes forward to protect you only to receive the bullet with a glass platter. Needless to say, an uncountable amount of shards found their way into her eyeball.
While she bled in your arms, you tried to make sure she remained awake.
“What’s your name?” You ask and she smiles, bringing your hand towards her lips and licking your thumb with a palpable sexual energy.
“Hanji. Hanji Zoe.” She replied, “The new boss.”
“Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
Where worlds collide and days are dark
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you'll never have my heart”
Once you are finished redoing Hanji’s hair, she stares at the closet before finally picking out a blood colored suit. No shirt underneath, she places the blazer right above her nipples, only enough to cover them while allowing the rest of her breasts to be exposed.
You on the other hand plan to dress yourself in a completely black outfit hoping to blend into the darkness of the night. Luck was on your side for there were no stars to brighten the sky, allowing you to take complete cover.
As far as you know, nobody is aware of your relationship with Hanji, not even her subordinates. Keeping business away from your private life has always been a priority, even before you committed your first paid killing.
She places a final kiss on your hands and one of your lips, though it does not feel like a goodbye and you sadly accept any kind of comfort you can find.
When her car is out of view, you decide to go up and take a shower by yourself. You wanted to decline this job, to throw everything away: your reputation, the money and simply run away with Hanji to a place where you could live your lives.
But you can’t. Before even knowing who your targets are, you are always made to sign a consent form and if broken, it would cost you your life.
The warm water hits your face and you can still smell Hanji’s strawberry shampoo in the air mixed with the fading smoke of her cigarettes. You begin to remember every shower you spent together, every kiss you shared at the most exquisite places around the world.
Hanji always knew how to make you feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Eventually, you can no longer if the water streaming down your face comes from the shower or your tears.
As you finish your shower, you begin to get ready. The black outfit had never been colder and the unsettling feeling at the pit of your stomach still remains. While putting a mask above your face, you look at your rifle.
It has your initials and Hanji’s secretly carved on the side and on the other it has the date you started dating. A good luck charm, as she liked to call it.
Tonight will be a fucking awful night.
“Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At Skyfall”
Hours have passed since you've been sitting at the top of this building by yourself, looking through the binoculars at the party happening not too far away.  In the end, they decided not to send anyone to watch over your shoulder as you do your job.
The richest and most powerful people in town were all attending and, even though they wore masks, you could still tell exactly who they were. The years of analyzing and recognizing targets from afar has given you the extraordinary ability to identify covered faces.
By the bar, you see her as she rests her arm on the glass top. She looks beautiful. Her whiskey brown eyes match the liquid in her cup as the black mask covers her features. For a second, you could’ve sworn she looked directly at you.
The instructions were clear: at 2am, a single bullet should be shot directly to her head, killing her instantly. So you position your gun, looking through the lense as Hanji disappears in the crowd for a bit before returning to her usual spot.
You sigh, stopping the tears that attempt to cloud your vision. Your finger slowly moves towards the trigger, as if time itself is desperately trying to stop you from killing your loved one, but it doesn’t matter. No one could stop you now.
Counting the seconds, you make sure the shot to her head is clear and you pray she won’t suffer at all. “Goodbye, my love.”
Time nearly stops once you pull the trigger. You watch closely as the bullet goes through her brain and blood splatters across the clear counter causing every person in the room to desperately run for their lives, not knowing they are all safe.
Only one man stands in the room and he raises his glass at you for he is the only one who knows no more shots will be fired. The asshole who hired you to kill the love of your life. Fucking Zeke Yeager.
With every ounce of your body, you decide that killing him isn’t worth it. He deserves to live to suffer in the future.
You bring your body back up, beginning to disassemble your rifle. It takes you less than a minute to be on your way and you can hear as police sirens approach the building in front of you.
“Where you go, I go
What you see, I see
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand”
Finally getting back to your house, you throw the bag containing the gun on the couch before plopping your body right beside it, a long sigh escaping your lips.
Your eyes then notice the packed bags, all ready to leave as soon as possible. The clicking of heels comes from the other side of the house and you smirk, rushing your thumb through your lips.
“I feel bad for the lady you hired to die in your place.” You say, turning around and propping your chin on the back of the couch.
“Would you prefer if I had died in her place?” Hanji asks, rushing her hand through her freshly shaved head in an attempt to get rid of any hairs that still remain attached to her.
“Of course not, love.” You reply, walking towards her before taking the glass of wine from her free hand.
“Hanji Zoe is dead and the witness to it is Zeke Yeager himself.” She says, a devious smile on her lips.
You can’t help but link your mouth with hers, tasting the delightful mixture of alcohols she has had tonight. Her hands travel through your body, exploring every inch of your skin before gently brushing against your inner thigh.
You gasp gently, nearly melting in response to her actions. God knows you want to melt but you don’t have time.
“It’s 4:25am, the plane leaves in 35 minutes so we should go.” She says and you nod.
You grab one of the packed bags plus your rifle and she grabs the rest before extending her hand to you, hoping to walk away from this life with you by her side but not before staging your own kidnapping and death, everything so no one would ever look for either of you.
Once done with arrangements, she smiles. 
“So where are we going to make our new home?” You ask.
“My home is wherever you are.” She replies and you feel your cheeks getting warm before she continues, “But I was planning the Carribeans.” 
“Fuck yes.” Is all you say and she laughs, squeezing your hand as you both say goodbye to the apartment you’ve shared for years. Leaving behind a life of danger to live together in the house of your dreams, far away from all the negativity.
Just you and Hanji. And maybe a few cats and dogs along the way.
“Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At Skyfall”
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
He's invited to their engagement party. Levi doesn't know if it's a cruel joke or a horrible misunderstanding. Quite frankly, he's not sure what's worse. He decides not to go either way. He doesn't think his heart can take it. And he doubts he'd be a welcomed guest there anyway.
But then Moblit visits their office. He doesn't come to Hange, doesn't bring flowers or other gifts. No, he goes straight to him.
"Can we talk, Levi?" he pocks his head inside, smiling slightly. The smile is painfully awkward, and yet endlessly sincere. What a fucking sweetheart, Levi thinks bitterly. So different from him. Perhaps, that's why Hange chose him in the end.
"What do you want?" he grunts, staring at his computer screen and trying to appear busier than he actually is. But Moblit either doesn't get the hint, or doesn't care. Wearing that same damn smile, he walks further into Levi's office and sits down on a chair that stands by his desk.
"It's about the engagement party," he gets straight to the point, almost leaving Levi breathless. The audacity... And he thought the other man was a sweetheart. "You're the only one who didn't give an answer..."
Levi hopes Moblit doesn't ask for his reason. Calling Hange's fiance a fucking moron would probably destroy what little relationship they still have.
"I know your history with Hange isn't the simplest one..." the smile falters for a second, but doesn't leave Moblit's face completely. "But she still holds you in high regard. She would want you to be there for her."
What an insolent fucking bastard. Wants him to be there? Wants to have his heart ripped out, more likely. Levi doesn't believe Hange is that cruel.
But if what Moblit tells him is true... If Hange really wants him to come, then he simply has no choice. He always had trouble with saying no to her, after all.
He makes this hard decision surprisingly easy.
"I'll be there, don't worry," he tells Moblit.
The man beams. He reaches out and catches Levi's hand, shaking it heartily. "Thank you so much," he says. "It'll mean so much to Hange, and I just want to make her happy, you know?"
More than you'll ever know, Levi thinks.
But, truth be told, he doesn't understand Moblit. If he was in his place - and there was a time where he almost was - he would never invite Hange's assholish ex to their engagement party, he'd rather kick his ass, and hard. But, perhaps, that's the difference between them, the difference that made Hange choose Moblit over him. Moblit places her happiness well above his own. And Levi can't thank him enough for that.
He can try, though.
"Thank you as well," he murmurs, and for a moment, Moblit's eyes fill with confusion. But then that second passes, and he seems to understand him, and his gaze softens, as he gives Levi a small nod.
"See you soon," he says, and leaves Levi's office.
He stares at the closed door for another minute, trying to understand what had possessed him to agree to it. To willingly go and celebrate Hange's engagement to another man... Something is definitely wrong with him.
That's called torturing yourself, a malicious voice in his head whispers.
Levi's intent to agree.
He realizes what a mistake he made pretty quickly. Two seconds after entering the café Moblit had rented out for the occasion, to be exact.
He walks in, sees Hange and Moblit in a middle of a room, dancing, while everyone cheers on them, and wants to walk out immediately.
The song choice is awful as well. He always hated Walk the Moon.
He's still by the door, and, maybe, if he leaves now, no one would notice. He almost turns back but then-
Then he remembers.
She would want you to be there for her
With a deep sigh that gets lost in a loud beat of music, he walks inside. He moves as discreetly as possible, avoiding everyone's curious eyes, as he tries to find a seat in the deepest, darkest corner of the café.
He finds it, fortunately. And, surprisingly, someone is already occupying it. His eyes widen, as he recognizes Petra. Soft-spoken and sweet, she can't exactly be called a life of the party. Yet for her to be hiding in the corner... It's a little bit strange, Levi can't deny it.
His thoughts about Petra are chased away when a new song comes in.
Oh, her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shinin'
God, if there is someone he hates more than Walk the Moon, it's Bruno Mars. The song is fitting though, he can't deny.
She is perfect just the way she is.
He turns away from Petra and heads for the bar.
He orders vodka on the rocks for himself, and - because he can be a gentleman sometimes - he also asks for a cocktail that is so sugary it can probably give one cavities for Petra.
When he sits next to her, handing her a drink, Petra smiles and thanks him. A faint blush colors her cheeks too, but Levi ignores it, churning it up to the poor lighting of the room. He ignores Petra's attempt at conversation as well, gladly he has all the reason to - the music is too loud to hear anything else. For once, Levi is thankful for that.
Petra keeps glancing at him, though, and the red on her face gets more prominent, and with a deep sigh Levi turns to her.
Petra is pretty, incredibly so. Only a blind wouldn't see it. Only a blind wouldn't see her obvious crush on him as well. Petra is sweet and pretty, maybe, he should talk to her. Maybe, it'd ease some of his heartbreak. Not all of it, obviously. Only one person can do it. The person who is still twirling around with the man who is not him.
His hand is almost reaching to her, his fingers are almost at her forearm, when a fucking photo montage begins.
Set to A Thousand Years.
He curses and bolts out of his place. Even he is not masochistic enough to watch hundreds of photos with the love of his fucking life in the arms of another man.
He walks outside and takes a deep breath. His tense muscles relaxe instantly when the sounds of music and laughter and delighted cheering fades away. He leans against the bricked wall and directs his gaze up to the sky. Stars aren't visible yet, the wind is slightly too harsh to be standing in just jacket and shirt and he forgot his cigarette pack, but Levi chases those complaints away.
He's almost content and he intends to stay this way, but then-
The door opens, and Levi turns to it with a scowl, thinking that it's Petra who decided to follow him. He realizes his mistake immediately, and his breath hitches, when he is met with those brown deep eyes.
He swiftly tears his gaze away, suddenly extremely aware of his heartbeat.
"Sorry!" Hange chuckles, the sound too hollow to be genuine. Out of the corner of his eyes, Levi sees her running a hand through her hair, messing it up even more. "I didn't wish to-"
"You didn't," he breathes out. He closes his eyes for a second, mustering all of his courage, and then looks up at her. "The street is wide enough to fit both of us. Stop being an idiot, four-eyes."
The nickname slips easily from his lips. It is only after he said it, only after he sees the shaken expression on Hange's face that realizes he hasn't called her that ever since their breakup.
He doesn't acknowledge his mistake. Bringing it up now means opening another can of worms he's not sure he can get through. Having Hange so close to him is already hard enough.
"Why aren't you inside?" he asks, attempting to sound nonchalant and not getting even close to achieving it. "A fience shouldn't skip her own engagement party. Especially when the photo montage is on..."
"Oh please," Hange huffs. "I stared so much at these photos while we selected them, I am getting sick just by looking at them. Besides," she pouts. "Moblit didn't let me share our private photos."
In spite of himself, Levi chuckles. "Are you saying photos like that exist?"
Hange snickers too. "Oh god, of course, they do not. I think Moblit would have a heart attack should I even offer to take a photo like that."
"So you're saying your fiancé is boring?"
Hange scoffs, and elbows him in a side. "I'm saying he's orderly."
"Same thing," Levi shrugs, and Hange laughs.
His treacherous heart skips a beat. Something warm spreads through him, as he listens to Hange's laughter. It grows warmer and spreads further, until it feels like he's enveloped by a sunlight - he's content, relaxed and happy. Hange always had such an effect on him.
She was the only who ever did.
"Thanks for coming," she tells him, after her laughter subdues. "I know it's probably awkward..."
"It's fine," he shakes his head.
"It's good to see you, Levi," a smile plays on her lips, the sweet and soft one that Levi always thought was reserved exclusively for him. He wonders if that is still true.
"It's good to see you too," he murmurs. "I'm glad you're happy, Hange," he adds, looking at her. There is a stray lock of hair right next to her nose, and he gently pushes it away, tucking it behind her ear. "If you need anything, know that I'm here for you. I always will be."
He turns away and leaves after that, before he does something stupid like confess his undying love.
That's probably the last thing Hange wants to hear anyway.
He walks inside the cafe and returns to Petra's side. He looks at her, the words "want to ditch that shitty party?" almost at the tip of his tongue. But then Hange walks back in and their eyes meet across the room. She lifts her lips in a smile and tentatively raises her hand, waving at him. Levi nods, fighting back a smile of his own. His eyes still soften, though.
The hand he had outstretched towards Petra falls limply to his side.
Maybe, she'd help him forget, maybe, she'd ease some - not all, obviously - of his heartache.
But, apparently, he's not a complete asshole, because he can't do it - not to Petra, not to himself.
Not to Hange.
He lifts a glass to his lips and turns his gaze to the small stage. There Moblit is telling some story - either about their first kiss or their first date, Levi doesn't listen to him at all. Instead his eyes are focused on Hange - the faint blush on her cheeks, her glistening eyes, as she keeps laughing, laughing, laughing. Their gazes lock for a second, and her eyes turn just a little bit brighter.
At least one of them is happy. Levi revels in that.
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ateezinmymind · 4 years
Rocker! Hongjoong x reader
angst, fluff ending
tw: smoking, drugs, alcohol, foul language, vomit, depressive symptoms, sexual harassment and toxic behavior—please don’t read if sensitive!! I don’t condone these acts <3
~you wanted to be more like him and less like you
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~“fuck off! I don’t want to see that shit-face of yours again!!” ~
Tears streaming down your face, staining the flesh with a trail of black from your running eyeliner. You can’t get those last words out of your head, taking in a breath of smoke, and exhaling through your nose. Trying to ease the pain of abandonment—you contemplate what you’re going to do now.
Standing up from the concrete staircase you’ve been sulking on for the past 15 minutes,, burning out your cigarette—you make your way down to the only place you can think of..
The blaring sounds of screams and cries piercing your ears—the smell of alcohol and smoke,, bodies together,, this...this was it. This was where you could let go...let loose..and live.
“I am a cancer. I am a creep. I am the black sheep”
Hearing those booming lyrics-you look up to the stage. Finding the lead singer screaming into the mic—and bouncing with his guitar. From the eyeliner to his ripped-chained pants..you were sucked into a void. Eyes burning from the atmosphere,, head pounding—now heart aching. You couldn’t stand it any longer.
“Hey baby..can I get you something?” —snapping out of your self destructing trance, you look up to the raspy voice speaking to you.
~“Let me buy you a drink...you here alone?” ~
The buzzing effect in your body-taking you away..you felt numb. You didn’t feel right,, blurred vision, limp body—you were useless. Feeling your head being shook and lightly slapped, trying to blink your way to clear sight—you started to fade..
hearing the lone sounds of laughter and booms—everything felt underwater. You couldn’t quite see, hear or breathe. Maybe this was what you needed..no one loved you anyway. For fucks sake-you got kicked to the curb tonight—by your shitty once called boyfriend. Who which you caught cheating—and to which led to you being pushed out the door-with nothing but a pack of cigarettes and a twenty dollar bill.
You were drowning,, choking, needing air. Desperate..everything turning black,, it was what you deserved... until—
“Hey bitch!!”
jerking conscious from the ice water—wet, cold and vulnerable..you’re surrounded by big figures. Your body finally awake, the smell of the place hits you like a truck. Only causing your body to respond naturally—meaning dry heaving. Choking—you weakly stand up to be towered by the looming men. Clutching your stomach—you needed the bathroom, slapping your hand over your mouth to control the potential mess. You wobble forward..clearing a path to your destination— All while the lead singer watches you from afar....
Barging into the bathroom you’re met with a couple making out by the sinks, and the stench of regurgitated essence. Only causing the feeling in your stomach and throat to worsen..abdomen convulsing you knock through the stall—and spill your guts. Face flushing from the lack of air—your nose and throat burn, and your stomach churns with sickness. Flushing your vomit down the toilet—your mind hazes once again...and soon enough you black out against the stall wall—helpless.
Hongjoong hasn’t seen you come out of the bathroom for the past 20 minutes..he was starting to get anxious himself. But he still had to finish his last song before ending tonight’s show-
“You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick”
The bright lights—beaming all different tones of red and blue. He lived for the stage, the rush of adrenaline when the whistles and screams came. Hongjoong was meant for the spotlight—his soul voice, talent for the guitar-and his aura in all. He was a performer,, meant to please his audience—and when he saw you come in tonight, all ragged, sad and helpless. He couldn’t stop watching you, you were everything he wasn’t. And when those men spiked your drink—he wanted to kill them so badly, but he didn’t want to risk his place.
Sweat pooling down his face, hongjoong finishes the last song—
“Everyone wants a ride. pulls away, ooh—from you”
The screams from people lungs, the jumping of bodies close together, and the sweet sweet feeling of glory—all lasts for a second....
Jogging down the hall towards the women’s bathroom, Hongjoong gets stopped in his tracks. A girl extremely tipsy, reeking of alcohol puts her hand on his chest. “Heyyy..youurrr, yyou’re that s..singer guy...” trying to push her away—she only falls to her knees. “Excuse me—move” not understanding his words she squeezes hongjoongs thighs, then wraps her dirty fingers around his pants chain and pulls him forward. “S..Stop being sooO difficult..lemmeee make youu feel g..GOood” rubbing him she fiddles with his zipper
“What the fuck! Get off me bitch!” Pushing her head back she lands on her ass, and hongjoong steps over her with disgust. “Go give some other fucker a blow” taking a deep breath, he tries calming his raging thoughts of the drunk woman. Speed walking to the bathroom, barging through the door he screams at the couple grinding on each other “GET THE FUCK OUT!!-“
sending them running away, he sees your bare legs from under the stall. Pushing it open-he wants to hurl, but seeing you unconscious he swallows the urge down. “Hey-babe?” Shaking your limp body, causing your head to slide off the wall and hang down. Quickly hongjoong holds your neck in place and examines your face and body.
Your damp hair and top-makes him curse under his breath...how dare someone put something so fragile through hell? Why did he feel the need to help you so bad? Was it because of your differences...that he felt the need to protect you. And harm all the people who decided to put you down, and treat you like shit..
Trailing his eyes down, hongjoong sees your legs-scraped, cut and bruised, then he can’t help but notice your attire. The big T-shirt dress wasn’t doing its job in covering your lower half well, when sprawled on the bathroom floor, so he decided to help,,picking you up and taking you to somewhere safe...
The shooting feeling of your head pulsing caused you to wake finally conscious.. not knowing where the hell you were. Under the sheets of an unknown bed, surrounded by band equipment-you started to panic. Breath staggering-heart racing, eyes tearing up you quietly sobbed.
What did you do?? You’re in a strangers bed, and who knows what they did to you. Wiping your eyes you look down—dressed in a loose navy shirt, and boxer shorts...definitely not what you wore yesterday. Sniffles fill the empty room, and the smell of your hair comes to realization. Shit..someone really cleaned you up..
Heaving in a sharp breath—you feel your heart speed up..shit~not now..you can’t lose your mind right now. Someone can come get you-and you’ll be defenseless and weak against them. Ripping at your legs—trying to feel your way back to yourself through pain..you just whimper. Taking your head between your hands, hanging low—tears fall on the bed covers. The sounds of your sniffling cancel out the foot steps advancing your way through the hall-
“Hey~you’re awake”—jerking your head up to the mans voice..you immediately regret it, because your skull jolts in a jabbing pain. Making you cry out and curl in a ball, holding your head. “Wo..woah,, you okay babe?!” Hongjoong speeds to your suffering self. He didn’t know what to do..looking at the sheets and seeing your tear droplets..he can’t help but scoff. You have problems, it’s unreal...how can someone be so destroyed—physically and mentally??
Unscrewing the lid to the cool water bottle he brought in, he sits himself next to your hunched self. Placing his hand on your soft hair, he gently brushes strands out of the way..so he can see your face. “I know you probably have a million things on your mind right now..but I need you to drink some water-please” the mans voice somehow soothing the tightness in your chest, you open your eyes
His damp hair covering his eyes, his gentle hands gripping the water—you weakly slowly started to make your body lift.. eyes continuously leaking tears, you gently reach for the bottle. Slightly grazing his hand, you quickly look into his brown orbs in apology. “Sorry—” Just from talking to him out loud you feel pressure coming up again. Heaving in a deep breath-trying not to crumble again already just in the span of minutes, “what am I doing here?”
As Hongjoong watched you take a swig of water he softly reached his hand with nails painted black to wipe your cheek of tears. “Well...you were unconscious—so I wasn’t just going to leave you there like a shithead..” gulping, and putting the cap back on the empty bottle you take in his words. Your body being overwhelmed with awkwardness, you cover your face and whine. “You b-bathed me..and put me into n-new clothes..”
hearing Hongjoong chuckle out, you quickly uncover your face with shock. Why was he laughing at you?!! What did he do?? “Don’t worry~ I didn’t do anything to you,, just cleaned you up...I wouldn’t make moves on a someone not aware of their own decisions..” looking back down to your legs your mind begins to turn against you once again...
~Of course he wouldn’t do anything to you..no one would want to anyways. You don’t deserve anything, because you’re no good for anything.~
“Are you okay??” Cupping your head, you slowly give him a nod..eyes pooling with warm fresh tears. You blink away the blurriness, trying to calm down and speak again. But all you do is choke out a broken cry, “I s-shouldn’t be here...I don’t even know you, I don’t know where I am...and I-“ looking away from him, staring at your bandaged legs. Droplets falling onto your skin, you sniffle and realize your once broken skin that was decorated with cuts and bruises were now covered and protected.
“I understand..please forgive me, I’m hongjoong..I’m the lead singer and guitarist from the band you heard playing last night-“ lifting your head by your chin, he gives you the softest look. “y-yes I recognize you..I’m y-y/n-“ finally giving you a bright smile, and taking the bottle from your grip Hongjoong slides off the bed. “So what’s your story?-“
Walls broken down—exposed to the male you only just met a week ago...you’re starting to feel not so drifted from the world. Slowly regaining and healing...all thanks to him, all thanks to the person who is the complete opposite of you. He’s given so much to your little self, and you took the time, to breathe....take in the good and actually find meaning to live. Overcoming cruelty that fed the blazing fire which spiraled your self valuing into the pits of hell..
he saw you when you were drowning, in need of help.. and made you feel worth living for. With Hongjoong, there would be no more doubt, he..the man in the spotlight, chose you....
Who would’ve thought you’d turn up here.
Where this new beginning started....
But only this time, you weren’t in it alone....
“Before we start up tonight, I want to introduce an important person.” adrenaline coursing, blinding lights, aggressive shouting and screaming filled the hall... “Everyone, this is Y/n...”
tagging my wife @hongjoong-a-holic 🥺
~this is kinda a mess...don’t really know what I was doing....I’m sorry
lyrics from: black sheep by palaye royale + black sheep by kailee morgue!!⭐️
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smaidjor · 3 years
and i pay for my place by the ring (Chapter 1)
Hey guys! Welcome to another angsty fic by yours truly, provider of flower husbands pain.
Some things you should know before you jump into this:
1. This is a companion fic to my fic "i know they're losing". You can understand it without having read the other one, since it's the same story from two different POVs but I think the overall experience is better with both!
2. The overall title of each fic is from the mitski song I bet on losing dogs. Chapter titles are from the Last Goodbye from the Hobbit films.
3. There is a lot of lord of the rings lore in both fics, and I mean a lot. You may be kinda confused if you've never read tolkien's works. It will all be explained eventually, though!
4. With the fact that it's a companion fic and a lot of people came here from Jimmy's POV in mind- this is a lot heavier of a fic. The content warnings are heavier and the angst is more intense. You have been warned.
(Obligatory disclaimer that this is about characters, not ccs, and do not ship real people, as always!)
Chapter Title: to these memories i will hold
Chapter Wordcount: 4000
Content warnings: suicidal thoughts, self-esteem issues, panic attacks, past death, very frank discussion of death. (In general, if suicide or death are triggering topics for you, this is probably not the fic for you. Stay safe and take care of yourself!)
Actual fic under the cut:
Scott didn’t expect to survive 3rd life. No one did, he thinks, but especially not him. Clever, clever Scott, who knew his fate too well for his own good. He could have chosen his allies carefully, he knows, could have played on their emotions to make them think he was loyal until the moment he turned on them to win. He knew who the strongest factions and warriors were, the most cunning and intelligent participants in this death game they were forced into. Instead, he chose Jimmy. Sweet, dopey Jimmy, who had the personality of a golden retriever and only a handful of braincells at any given time. Jimmy, who was worth more than all the stars in the sky to him. Who made him feel alive . No, Scott didn’t expect to win. Not when it was Jimmy by his side- when it was Jimmy by his side, winning didn’t matter. All that mattered was Jimmy’s blush when Scott pressed a kiss to his cheek, the way his hair looked like gold in the sunlight and his smile lit up Scott’s whole world.
After Jimmy died, Scott stopped wanting to survive 3rd life. What was the point? The stars can shine on without the sun, but all life on Earth would wither and die. The same happened to Scott’s broken, bitter heart, he found. Jimmy was the first person in years to love him truly, wholly, with no strings attached; it was terrifying how quickly Scott fell for the first person to look at him and not expect him to be anything but what he was. Scott’s world, which used to be mountain peaks and endless blue sky, narrowed to warm brown eyes and a grin like sunshine quicker than he could comprehend. Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, it all came back to him. What was Scott without Jimmy? The unwanted twin, the unloved child, the un-elven elf. Because who cared if he was a good shot with a bow or good at organizing teams or building pretty little houses? He would always be second-born, second-best.
It was fitting, really, that when Scott died, he died alone. Some might find it ironic that the man who knew enough people to fill the roster of a championship held by a god every month died without a single person to witness it save his enemies, but in the end, it was always going to be like this, Scott knew. He hadn’t been there to see Jimmy die, he hadn’t been able to hold him in his final moments and soothe the agony of death. Maybe this was his punishment. He wouldn’t be surprised; the gods of this world did not smile on him and never would. Why should they, when he had failed the only person who had ever found him good enough?
When he woke up in Rivendell, he was almost disappointed. Almost. He considered ditching the rest of the elves, up and leaving to somewhere that didn’t make it feel like the noose of immortality was slowly tightening around his neck. If nothing else, Noxite would let him crash at the MCC server for a bit until he found somewhere to go. And yet, in the end, Scott’s stubborn sense of duty won out. The elves needed a ruler. Xornoth had disappeared to god knows where, and though they had been braver, wiser, better in every way, Scott was the one who had stayed. Who was willing to take up the crown that weighed so heavily on its bearers. So Scott, who no one ever expected to rule, took up the burden of leadership.
Now, he tries and fails to get out of bed and wonders what the point of that even was. He’s fading, and worse than that, he’s fading over a human. His ancestors are probably rolling in their graves. Rivendell will be leaderless within a decade, and this time there are no heirs to take control. Not even a ‘spare’ like Scott used to be. What a mess.
There are footsteps on the stairs. They’re unfamiliar, meaning they could be a threat, but he’s too tired to bother sitting up. If he dies, well- it’s inevitable, really, in the same way watching the mortals he loves dies is.
The person comes around the corner, and Scott realizes with no joy that he won’t be dying today after all. Katherine looks both curious and concerned, but her voice tilts towards the latter when she asks “Scott?” and then, more hesitantly  “Lord Smajor?”
He blinks at her, exhausted. “Hi, Katherine.”
“I came to talk to you about some empires stuff, but, I mean, if this is a bad time, I can come back later…?” She sounds so thrown off by his state that Scott almost feels bad.
Whatever it is, it must be important if she’s come all the way here, though, so he gestures her to a chair. “No, no, stay. I can muster the energy for a meeting, just don’t ask me to get up.”
Katherine takes the seat. “I came to talk about the corruption on the server, but- are you okay? Are you sick?”
Nothing about the question is funny in any way, but Scott laughs regardless. “In a way, yes.”
“What do you mean?”
“Take my hand.” He offers it out, knowing the unnatural cold is unsettling no matter if you’re elven or not. Katherine does as he asks, the concern on her face only growing as she grips his icy hand.
“Elves don’t get sick like mortals do,” Scott explains. “Nor do we die of old age. But we get...heartsickness, you might call it. We call it fading in our tongue- the cold hands are a symptom of that. Our souls are fragile, and the grief of the mortal plane can be overwhelming. If an elf is too struck by it, they fade away and die.” The words taste bitter on his tongue, a frank reminder of the slow and painful death that awaits him.
Katherine gasps, and Scott knows he’s alarmed her.
He goes on, though. “It usually happens to old elves, world-weary.” Ironic, it’s ironic that he’s saying that as a young elf explaining his own death. “Those who are tired of existence. But any elf who has experienced enough grief is at risk.”
Her face is nothing short of horrified. “You’re- fading? But doesn’t it usually happen to old elves? Wait, are you old?”
“I’m fifty-five.”
“Is that old?”
He has to laugh. “Fifty is the elven equivalent of eighteen for humans, the age of maturity.” Though he feels so much older than that, both in elven terms and in human.
There’s a moment of silence, then, “How can you be so calm if you’re dying?”
“I’m tired, Katherine. The world tore me away from the people I loved, and..I’m tired of fighting it.” He’s so, so exhausted. So sick of having to claw and scrape and struggle for the barest scraps of happiness.
“Is there a way to reverse fading- to fix it?” Katherine sounds so hopeful that the question seems almost naive even though she’s far more capable of a ruler than he is. Naive in the affairs of elves, maybe, much as she’s intelligent in so many other ways.
Scott tries not to flinch at the innocent inquiry, thinking about the deaths from fading that he’s watched. “Technically, yes. If an elf recovers enough emotionally, it’s reversible. But whatever caused them to fade the first time can- and often does- cause it again.” And again, and again, until there’s nothing to be done but let them die , he finishes in his head.
Katherine nods, a look of determination overtaking the hope. “We’ll just have to reverse it, then.”
“That’s sweet, Katherine, but I’m dying.”
“No. You’re not going to die. Now come on, you can show me your empire while I fill you in on what’s happening on the rest of the continent.” She sounds so firm that he doesn’t dare disobey, though his exhaustion makes a fair effort at convincing him to. Will this really fix anything? Unlikely. But it’s worth it to try, if only to humor Katherine. At least this way she’ll have the comfort of having tried to save him when he inevitably fades away into nothing
Scott takes her hand, though it brings him little warmth, cold from her trek here. “Alright.” He swallows the bitter grief in his throat before it can seep into his words. “We can try.”
He leads Katherine around Rivendell, taking some pride in the way she oohs over the decor. If there’s one thing he can do right, it’s building. While some elven rulers might see it as below themselves to help build houses for their citizens, Scott finds building soothing. It’s one of the few skills he picked up during his time away that people really appreciate; no one wants to live in a shitty house.
As they walk, she also tells Scott about the demon, Xornoth. “The demon’s already visited a lot of people, I think. Gem and Shubble for sure, and Fwhip and Sausage. That’s not even mentioning the corruption that’s been spreading.”
If Scott said that the name Xornoth didn’t make him flinch, he would be lying to himself. It’s not your sibling , he tells himself. It’s just a coincidence .
It’s through the virtue of years of lying that his voice comes out steady. “There’s corruption in Rivendell too. Likely Xornoth’s work. And given that Jimmy still has Vilya-” his heart doesn’t ache when he says Jimmy’s name, it doesn’t- “well, I haven’t been able to do much.”
“Vilya?” Katherine asks.
“A ring of power. My inheritance from the Noldor.”
“Why does Jimmy have it?”
He doesn’t answer. He won’t- can’t talk about Jimmy, not without remembering how he looked with an arrow through his throat, bright smile gone and face frozen in fear. How does he explain how much Jimmy meant to him? How much he’s now giving up, knowing he’ll have to lose it one way or another?
Katherine drops the topic, seemingly sensing that she’s stumbled on something sensitive. When she has to go home, she leaves with a friendly goodbye and a promise to visit, and Scott believes neither. Who would put the effort into visiting him? He’s not a good friend, he’s not a good king, and god knows he’s not a good husband. In fact, he’s actively avoiding his husband. He may have kept the pufferfish Jimmy gave him, but that doesn’t mean anything. He can’t fall in love with Jimmy again. Loving Jimmy will kill him. (Scott ignores the small voice at the back of his head that whispers that he’s still in love with Jimmy and it’s already killing him just as he always knew it would.)
To his surprise, Katherine does come back next week, and the week after that. He’s ashamed to admit it, but there’s some part of him that’s pathetically grateful when she shows up at his doorstep. It’s a chance to not be alone . Much as he dreads the day when she finally gives up on him, it’s nice that someone cares enough to try and save him from himself.
The third week, Katherine doesn’t show up. Instead, the footsteps on the stairs are familiar in a way that makes Scott’s heart twist painfully.
He takes a deep breath. “Hello, Jimmy.”
“How’d you know it was me?” Jimmy asks. Scott can tell he’s startled by the way his voice goes up, almost frightened.
Scott steels himself, taking a deep breath before rolling over to face his ex-husband. “Do you think I could ever forget the sound of your footsteps?” He forces himself to not get distracted staring at Jimmy, instead going on before Jimmy can open his mouth. “What are you doing here?”
“Katherine asked me to visit, I’m not sure why, but...here I am. Say, why is she visiting every week?” Jimmy’s so curious. So naive, as always.
Scott laughs, bitter. “Katherine thinks she can save me.”
“Save you from what?”
Scott hears the concern in Jimmy’s words, and he can’t bring himself to break the news. It’s not as if it matters. It’s not as if Jimmy would care; he came here because of Katherine. Maybe he cared at the start of Empires, but Scott’s been nothing but rude to him since. There’s no reason for him to care. (He cares. Scott’s lying, like always. Jimmy cares and Scott knows it.)
“Save you from what?” Jimmy asks again, more insistently.
He refuses to say it. He needs Jimmy out, out of his room and out of his life before he does something he’ll regret. “You should go.” To prove his point, he tries to stand, finding himself too dizzy to quite pull it off. Jimmy rushes to catch him, and Scott hates himself just a little for how that still gives him a warm feeling.
“Scott, what is going on?”
He brushes Jimmy off, letting go of his arm and hurrying for the stairs. He can’t let Jimmy work his way into his heart again; Scott won’t be strong enough to let him go this time.
“Scott, seriously! Answer me, are you okay? What’s happening?” Jimmy sounds almost angry, but Scott can hear the distress under it and that’s what breaks him.
“I’m fading, alright?” His voice nearly breaks at the concern on Jimmy’s face when he whirls to face him. “I’m dying, now leave me alone!”
Jimmy sputters, seemingly caught off guard. “You- what- but elves don’t die, right?”
“We do. From poison, from swords-” Scott thinks back to third life- “from arrows through the throat, from grief.” The words come out more raw than he intends, leaving him scrambling to recover his composure. He takes a deep breath in and out, forcing his voice to steady again. “Come on. If you’re not going to leave, I might as well show you around.”
“You can’t just drop something like that on a man, you know!” Jimmy calls after him, although Scott can hear his footsteps following as well.
“You did ask, to be fair.” Scott replies. His voice is calm. He’s fine.
“I guess so, but- but still, dude.”
Scott pushes open the side door, holding it for Jimmy. “Here.”
Jimmy nods and slips through the door.  “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Scott starts towards the bridges, intending to show Jimmy the enchanting tower and then the door. He doesn’t care about how fast he’s walking, Jimmy can keep up. He’s taller than Scott and probably has better balance at the moment too. Scott’s struggling not to fall, honestly, but his pride won’t let him go slower.
Jimmy breaks the awkward silence with the question Scott least wants to hear. “So, uh..are we going to talk about 3rd life?”
“No,” Scott says firmly.
“Why not? We need to talk about it some time-”
“I said no .” He can’t talk about it.
“It’s literally killing you to not talk about it!”
The words strike right at the raw wound of Jimmy’s death, and Scott freezes. Inhales. Exhales. Tries to keep calm.
“Tell me I’m wrong, Scott!” Jimmy cries. He sounds so upset, Scott’s heart aches. “I dare you, tell me I’m wrong! Tell me you never cared about me, tell me you didn’t bother to bury me, tell me it didn’t hurt even a little when I died! Tell me I was just stupid little Jimmy, a toy for an elf who’d live far beyond my lifespan! Tell me whatever, just tell me the truth! ”
Scott takes a deep breath. “Fine. You want to know what happened after you died?” He can’t think straight through the rage clouding his head, the desperate need to prove that Jimmy’s wrong , that Scott loved him so much it’s killing him. “You want to hear about me screaming until my throat went raw? You want to know that I kissed your face and sobbed and begged you to wake up, over and over until I couldn’t speak at all? You want to live with the knowledge that Grian had to physically pull me away from your body? Is that what you want to hear, Jimmy? ” His voice damn near breaks on his husband’s name, and Scott thanks the gods he stopped believing in a long time ago that it doesn’t.
“No,” Jimmy says. His voice is soft, gentle, almost as if Scott is a wounded animal that needs a delicate touch. “That’s not what I want to hear, not at all. I’d rather you be happy than love me.”
The words punch the air from Scott’s lungs, raw and soft and real. Scott is an excellent liar. Jimmy isn’t. Scott knows that Jimmy is telling the truth. What he doesn’t know is how to handle that level of devotion. He wonders again how Jimmy- sweet, genuine Jimmy who wears his heart on his sleeve and is hopelessly devoted to an elf who can’t be fully his- chose Scott of all people. Scott, who’s as bitter as Jimmy is sweet, who’s sarcastic and snarky and hasn’t been good enough for just about anything in his life. He certainly wasn’t good enough to save Jimmy, Scott thinks bitterly.
He shakes off the thought. “I buried you on the hill above our houses. I planted a poppy over your grave.”
“Grian came over the next day. I didn’t want to see anyone who wasn’t you, but I let him in because I had to. He helped me do the straps on my armor and asked me if he could do anything else to make things easier. I told him to bury me next to you.”
“Did he?”
Scott almost laughs at the innocent question. “How would I know? Grian was honorable enough, though, loyal to his allies. I like to think he did.”
“He was a good guy,” Jimmy agrees. “A little bit bloodthirsty, I guess, but good. I don’t suppose he survived any better than the rest of us, though maybe being bloodthirsty helped.”
“Can I- can I ask you why you hate me so much now?” Jimmy’s tone is uncertain, hesitant and it hurts . “I mean, if you mourned me in third life and all.”
Scott looks away from his earnest gaze, but he can’t stop the truth slipping out. “I don’t hate you.”
“You don’t?” Jimmy asks, seemingly bewildered. “But you burned the pufferfish-”
“I didn’t. I kept it.” Scott doesn’t want to think about this, wants to say it even less. “I never hated you. I don’t think I’m capable of it.”
“Then why do you keep avoiding me?”
“I’ve been kind of busy dying,” Scott says wryly, unable to resist a bit of morbid humor at his own expense.
“Scott! That’s not funny!”
“It was a little funny.”
Jimmy sounds genuinely distressed, and Scott drops the wry smile. “Jimmy, I’m an elf. I won’t live far beyond you, but only because I’ll fade without you.” It’s a simple statement. The truth, as much as he can give.
“So your solution is to isolate yourself and fade now?” Jimmy’s outrage is justifiable, but Scott just shrugs.
“It does sound stupid when you put it like that, doesn’t it?” It really does. “But I lost you once, and I don’t think I could bear it again.”
A hand lands on Scott’s arm, and he turns, startled. Jimmy doesn’t give him time to react, throwing his arms around Scott and pulling him close. Scott almost lets out a very undignified squeak at the sudden contact, though he slowly relaxes into Jimmy’s hold.
He should pull away. He shouldn’t give Jimmy false hope like this. But Jimmy is so warm , and Scott is so unbearably cold. Every fiber of his being is screaming that this is what’s right; screw Rivendell and obligations and too-heavy crowns, Jimmy is home to him. He’s warm for the first time in months, and the most heartbreaking part is that it can’t last. He can’t do this again.
He pulls away, ignoring the painful hope on Jimmy’s face. “I’m sorry, Jimmy.” For the first time all conversation, his voice well and truly wobbles. “I can’t. Not again.”
Scott shakes his head. “Losing you will destroy me. We dared to love, and now all we can do now is lessen the pain when it all comes crashing down.” The words are like glass in his throat, but he forces them out anyways. They have to be said.
Jimmy’s silent, and it hurts more than if Jimmy had yelled at him.
“Goodbye, Jimmy,” Scott manages, turning away before Jimmy can see the way his face twists in pain. He makes his retreat as quickly as possible, stumbling and nearly taking a tumble just before he reaches the door. Unlike before, there’s no helpful ex-husband there to catch him, to make sure he’s alright and ask a million questions until Scott’s forced to admit that he’s not okay and hasn’t been in a long time.
He fumbles with the latch, hands shaking and vision blurring. Finally, it clicks, and Scott stumbles inside and slams the door shut before sliding to the ground. He won’t cry. He won’t . He doesn’t love Jimmy, he can’t love Jimmy anymore. Jimmy was never meant to be his. They might have carved out a few precious moments, stolen them from the universe and giggled like kids with their hands in the cookie jar as they kissed amongst the flowers, but those brief moments were all they were ever going to be allowed. It was always going to end this way, Scott tells himself. There’s no use crying over a mortal who will be dead in the blink of an eye to an elf. What would his parents say? That this was typical of him, probably. Typical Scott, always wanting what he would never be able to have. Typical, predictable Scott, loving a mortal who shouldn’t be worth anything to him.
He’s crying. There are tears spotting his cyan robes, splashing onto the wood floors he worked so hard on. Scott rubs at his eyes furiously, but that only makes it worse, sobs shuddering through him and leaving him hollow and aching. He’s so cold . The ache in his chest has returned tenfold, stealing away his breath, and he curls further into himself, struggling for air.
He’s going to die. He is going to die , alone on the floor of his house because he fell for someone he couldn’t have. For all that he’s spent every minute since Jimmy’s death in 3rd life wishing for some way out of this cruel world, he’s terrified now that it seems inevitable. He’s scared in a way he hasn’t been in forever, breath coming quick and shallow. He's scared, and he is so, so tired of this ache that haunts him, the chill that he can never get rid of.
“Jimmy,” Scott whispers. There’s no way for the human to hear him, but the name brings him some comfort. “ Jimmy .” He wants his husband. He wants someone to hug him. He doesn’t want to fade away freezing and alone, no one there to hold his hand or reassure him that the pain will be over soon. Internally, he begs for someone, anyone who cares to come looking. To find him, even if they’re too late to save him. Someone. Anyone. Please.
No one comes, and Scott lays on his floor until his breathing steadies out again. His head spins when he forces himself to his feet, and he has to lean against the wall for a few moments. There’s no time for dramatics, he tells himself sternly. He has a kingdom to rule. He cannot afford to break over a mortal he never should have fallen for in the first place. He doesn’t love Jimmy anymore, he can’t .
(He’s lying. But Scott has always been an excellent liar, even when it’s to himself.)
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 4 years
Thoughts on Chuuya’s Character Song
I was going to do Atsushi’s next, but I figured I may as well do soukoku together. Also, this is really fucking hard with a hilariously limited understanding of Japanese and trying to cross reference poem translations with song lyrics, my god. Complaining now out of the way, this song is half as depressing as Dazai’s and twice as sexy, so buckle up, y’all. It’s a long one :p
No matter what kind of cliched game it is, I'll play until the end But I won't be satisfied with a scenario by a third-rate writer
Ah, an opening line that fits Chuuya to a tee. So, I figure he’s opening with the acknowledgement that many of the people he knows likes to treat him like a chess piece--namely, his boss and Dazai. He knows he’s just a player in the schemes of others, but he doesn’t particularly care about the fact that he’s being jerked around as long as it’s for some greater purpose. His tone seems to indicate that he resents this, at least a little, but his fiery dismissal says that it doesn’t matter to him in the end.
GOOD BYE, tainted clothes are no longer to be worn I simply wanted a way to kill time
Alright, multiple ways to interpret this bit. Goodbye in english, and a reference to the poem his ability is named after with “tainted”. The argument could be made he’s referring to Dazai, considering the title and references made in Dazai’s character song.
 I’d actually argue he’s talking about the Sheep. It feels like he’s casting off his past with that organization, dismissing them with the words that they weren’t really important to him--just a way to kill time, even though we know that their betrayal cut him deeply. And it’s why he’s saying goodbye, and dismissing them as a part of his past. It’s an interesting parallel to the way Dazai talks about Chuuya himself in his own song, because the both of them have pasts that they’re trying to run from.
'In languor dreams of death' ... who was the one that said it?
That would be you, Chuuya. At least IRL Chuuya, in his very fancy poem “For the Tainted Sorrow”. But why this line? 
I’ve puzzled it over for a while, but I don’t have a conclusion. Interesting that he opens with talking about death, though, considering how he brushes up against it almost every day by nature of his job.
The world is a bird cage, faded in colour Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison
This part is also oddly reminiscent of Dazai’s song. Chuuya’s saying that he feels trapped, like a bird in a cage that no longer interests him at all, and that he can’t escape no matter how much he laments. Which is an interesting translation choice, considering his Sheep Song poem can also be translated as “Lament of the Lamb” (though the words themselves in Japanese differ, so I can’t call this an actual reference).
BUT NOW, DARKNESS MY SORROW I have not yet fallen apart So, as I laugh off this imposed inconvenience Let's overturn even the heavens and the earth (GRAVITY) Within the darkness, a shadow of a hat lightly dances
But Chuuya doesn’t care. So what if he’s trapped? So what if escape is impossible? He’s still alive, he’s still holding it together. So he brushes it off as something that doesn’t really impact him much. This song seems very much like a massive middle finger to the shitty cards he’s been dealt. Chuuya’s saying that despite it all, he’s still going to turn the world upside down. 
Part of me thinks the reference to the hat is a Rimbaud reference, since he got the hat from Rimbaud and it originally belonged to Verlaine. I feel like this is Chuuya acknowledging how those two people have influenced him, which...we don’t know about yet, as his backstory is still mostly unexplored.
Even if I get tired of the night and tear off my shackles That eye who sees eye to eye with Kierkegaard is also here
This is Chuuya saying that if he gets tired of the Port Mafia (remember, the night is the PM’s domain) there’s still someone who will make sure he can’t leave. After some googling, I’ve realized Kierkegaard is a Danish poet. But who is Chuuya referencing, who sees eye to eye with Kierkegaard? I’m pretty sure it’s Mori, but the JSTOR article I made an account for is 45 pages long and I’m working my way through it slowly. I’ll get back to y’all on this bit, but for now, I’m 90% sure this is Mori.
WOW OH [The best view worth more than a ten-billion masterpiece...] Let's stop messing around already
Ah, Chuuya, always ready for a fight. And this is definitely a reference to Dazai. This is what he says when he sees Dazai for the first time in four years, coming down the stairs to see his old enemy/friend/partner chained to the wall. If you need a memory refresh, it’s the scene where Dazai says “✨CHUUYA!✨”
Why, of all people... is the KEY CASE in that person's hand? In the moment we clashed, the one in control is me I will manipulate even the weight of this cut-short life
Who is “that person”? I’d hazard a guess that it’s Dazai, considering the previous line. The first line is him lamenting that Dazai seems to always have the answers, always to hold the key. But the next part is Chuuya reasserting his control. It’s Chuuya, fiercely defiant to the end, flipping another middle finger to the guy who keeps coming into his life to turn it upside down. Even his own mortality doesn’t faze him in the least. To Chuuya, it’s another obstacle to overcome.
LONELY DARKNESS MY SORROW, once it is opened by the key I'd rather just fall than go back to being alone Staring at the destroyed cage of this self, (GRAVITY) Slowly, I sing, "Not bad at all."
Chuuya, I love you, but why so many goddamn metaphors? Let’s break this down. 
Firstly, there’s a swap from “darkness my sorrow” to “lonely darkness my sorrow”. Ignoring the key part for now, we can look at the second line where he says he’d rather fall then be alone again. I think this is a part of his trauma from how he was alone, with Arahabaki/as Arahabaki, for so many years. Chuuya very deliberately surrounds himself with people--first the Sheep, then the PM. He hates to be alone. And it’s an interesting counterpoint to Dazai, who always feels alone regardless of who he’s with by sheer virtue of how isolated his brain makes him feel.
Secondly, the cage metaphor. So the cage from earlier also seems to double as a metaphor for Chuuya himself, which makes sense. He’s technically a vessel for Arahabaki, and so inner conflict has been a part of his identity from the beginning. So once someone (possibly Dazai, possibly Mori, possibly even Rimbaud if you want to focus on how Rimbaud freed Arahabaki) frees him, it’s like he destroys the things that are holding him back. And he’s fine with that. 
I’ll address the themes of destruction and the repeated screaming of “GRAVITYYYYY” at the end.
Even though it feels like I might be trapped, there is no room for sentiments I'll push myself to the limit and dye everything jet-black
Again, this is Chuuya brushing away his limitations. He’s still going to fight in spite of it all. He’s very goal oriented, liking to take action more than sitting back and thinking about it. 
The world is a bird cage, faded in colour Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison BUT NOW, DARKNESS MY SORROW I have not yet fallen apart So, as I laugh off this imposed inconvenience Let's overturn even the heavens and the earth (GRAVITY) Within the darkness, a shadow of a hat lightly dances.
And then this bit is just a repeated part, nothing new here. So, a few concluding things. 
Firstly, Chuuya and Dazai sing about each other very differently. Chuuya seems to be almost nostalgic about Dazai. But Dazai rejects him entirely in his own song, and it’s an interesting counterpoint.
Secondly, the repeated themes of destruction and fighting. It’s honestly all Chuuya’s ever known, and the thing he’s best at. At this point, it’s a part of his identity, so it makes sense that it’s in his song. 
Third, and this part interests me the most. Chuuya’s ability is gravity manipulation, right? And gravity is an attractive force that draws objects to things with the greatest mass. I just feel it’s kind of fitting, that Chuuya--terribly scared of being alone--has a power that brings people towards him. 
Just a thought.
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
let’s hear it for the boy | jj maybank x reader
summary: you take on the role of jj’s hype woman as his insecurities begin to overwhelm him.
warnings: alcohol use, cursing, allusions to sex
word count: 2k
a/n: i listened to this song (let’s hear it for the boys by deniece williams) on the way to work the other day and couldn’t stop thinking about how much it applies to jj. so here’s this tooth rotting fluff fic. i threw another parks and rec reference in. idk what it is but jj and his girl give me subtle april and andy vibes. enjoy :)
This was not the first time you had ended up like this with JJ. Curled up on his bed in the Chateau, holding him close as he complained about his dad or the Kooks or just life in the Outer Banks. Tonight was different though. JJ had fallen deeper into his thoughts than ever before, picking out every one of his flaws and insecurities and laying them out bare for you.
You listened with a frown on your face as your boyfriend continued to shit on himself. Usually you would stay quiet, inserting kind words here and there, but letting him vent to you until he was finished or he fell asleep. Tonight, however, you had to interrupt when JJ took it too far.
“I’m such a piece of shit, Y/N, why are you even with me? You should just fucking leave, I’m sure you would be a lot happier.”
“Hey!” You nearly shouted, causing JJ to jump from your arms and turning to look at you with wide eyes. You sat up on your knees, taking JJ’s face in your hands and forcing him to look at you. You’d had enough. Tonight, you were going to tell this magnificent boy in front of you just how amazing he is.
“I love you, JJ! I’m not going anywhere! You are the most amazing person I have ever met!”
JJ’s eyes softened slightly at the words, but right now is insecurity was louder than your voice.
“You shouldn’t be with a guy like me. I’m going to hurt you, Y/N. I’m going to say something I don’t mean and fuck it all up because that’s just who I am. I’m just a dirty Pogue from the Cut.”
You released his head and shook your own.
“JJ, you can’t really believe that.” You spoke. Words of encouragement and adoration tumbled from your lips as you began to discuss exactly why JJ was the best man in the world.
He ain't got much to say
But he loves me, loves me, loves me
I know that he loves me anyway
JJ always had a way with words. He could lie his way out of any situation and charm himself into another one. Hell, he had found a way to charm you into his life. But when he finally had you, he started falling for you hard. The words suddenly became stuck in his throat, all the love and emotions he felt for you falling to the wayside. It frustrated him, not being able to find the words to tell you how much he loved you. You knew though.
With you, JJ didn’t have a way with words, he had a way of making you feel loved with just a single touch. The way he held you close to him at a Kegger, his hand in yours helping you onto the Pogue, the passionate kisses and bruising grip on your hips as he pounded into you. He didn’t have to say it. You knew he loved you, beyond a doubt.
And maybe he don't dress fine
But I don't really mind
'Cause every time he pulls me near
I just wanna cheer
Your sister was getting married, and all the Pogues were invited. Standing in your bridesmaids dress by your parents at the entrance to the venue, you saw the familiar orange van pull up and the door slide open. John B jumped out with Sarah, wearing a nice shirt and pants that his girlfriend surely picked out for him. Pope was next, and you recognized the suit he was wearing as the same one he wore to his scholarship interview. In a beautiful, but simple sundress, Kiara popped out behind Pope. Trailing behind them, your eyes softened at your boyfriend, who wore the only button up shirt he owned with a pair of khaki cargo shorts, his usual black boots, and his signature red hat sitting backward on his head. You felt your mother tense up beside you, leaning over to whisper in your ear, “What on earth is JJ wearing?”
You ignored your mom, too busy grinning at your approaching boyfriend. His grin was just as wide, scooping you up in his arms and kissing you hard.
“Hello my beautiful girlfriend!”
“Hi my interestingly dressed boyfriend.” He put you down, stepping back and looking down at himself before meeting your eyes.
“What’s wrong with my outfit?” He questioned with a furrowed brow. You giggled and pulled him back to you, shaking your head.
“Nothing, baby, you look amazing,” You said truthfully.
“Damn right I do.”
Let's hear it for the boy
Let's give the boy a hand
Let's hear it for my baby
JJ buried his face in your chest as you spoke. You ran your finger though his hair, feeling him groan as you finish talking about the wedding.
“God, that fit was so terrible.”
“Yeah, it was, but it was also super adorable, just like you.”
He groaned again making you giggle.
“Do remember what happened at the reception though?” You asked. He shook his head and peeked up at you. A small smile on your face, you recount the night with stars in your eyes.
You know you gotta understand
Maybe he's no Romeo
But he's my loving one-man show
Let's hear it for the boy
JJ held you close on his lap as you sat with the rest of the Pogues. You watched your sister dancing with her new wife, a small smile on your face. Kiara poked you, stealing your attention away.
“So, when are you two gonna tie the knot?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. The hands on your thighs tightened their grip and you turned to look at JJ. He had a drunken smirk on his face as he gazed down at you.
“What do you say, sunshine? Wanna get married? Wedding sex is always amazing, imagine what it’s like when your the one getting married,” He said, winking.
You scoffed, turning back around and getting up from his lap.
“How romantic, J,” You say before walking off toward the bar. Kie slapped the back of JJ’s head, giving him a look that said What the hell?
JJ sighs and stands, following after you.
“Baby…” JJ stands before you as you take your drink from the bartender, not meeting his eyes. He grips your hip with one hand, the other gently taking your chin and tilting it up. You sigh and push his arm away.
“It’s fine, JJ, I know you were just joking.”
“What makes you say that?”
You freeze looking back at him, stomach fluttering at the sincere look on his face. Taking your hand, he pulls you closer, brushing your hair behind your ear and resting his palm on your cheek.
“I want to marry you, sunshine, more than anything. I’m sorry for the shit proposal, but I’ll make it up you.”
You grin up at him.
He leans down, lips ghosting over yours.
JJ was on his side now, head propped up on his hand. He was smiling down at you as he remembered the night with you.
“I still haven’t made it up to you.”
“Oh you have, a million times over.”
My baby may not be rich
He's watching every dime
But he loves me, loves me, loves me
We always have a real good time
Dates with JJ were always special. He pulled out all the stops, using whatever tips or extra cash he had made that week to get you a special dinner or a gift. Some weeks were less successful than others, and this was one of them. Most of his money had gone to his bike, which was in the shop. But his empty wallet wasn’t going to stop him from showing his girlfriend a good time.
You grinned as you pulled up to the Chateau, seeing your boyfriend waiting for you near the dock. You hopped out of your car and raced down to him, jumping into his arms. After a long kiss, you rest your forehead on his.
“How was your day?” You ask.
“Better now that I have you, sunshine.”
He sets you down and takes your hand, leading you down the dock to the HMS Pogue. A blanket is laid out in the back with some pillows scattered around, along with a cooler with two wine glasses sitting on top of it. JJ helps you into the boat, kissing your hand before releasing it and moving to start the boat.
The colors of the sunset are painting the sky in beautiful oranges, purples, and pinks by the time JJ stops the boat and throws down the anchor. He joins you on the blanket, opening up the cooler and pulling out a bottle of wine, a carton of strawberries, and a jar of Nutella. As he popped open the bottle and poured the wine into the glass, you shook your head at him.
“J, you’ve really out done yourself.”
He grins, handing you your glass.
“Yeah, well, wait till you taste the wine. It was like twelve bucks at the gas station.”
“I think we can agree that all wine tastes the same, and if you spend more than $15 on wine, then you are very stupid.”
JJ raised his glass with a wink, “I’ll drink to that.”
You spend the rest of the night cuddling on the Pogue, eating strawberries and getting wine drunk, watching as the colorful sky faded into a dark, sparkling one. As you got ready to head back to shore, you pulled JJ in for a passionate kiss.
“How did I get so lucky?” You questioned.
“Nah, sunshine, I’m the lucky one.”
And maybe he sings off-key
But that's all right by me, yeah
A karaoke machine, some cheap liquor, and a very drunk JJ Maybank was an amazing combination. Being just as drunk, if not drunker, you couldn’t stop your laughter as the love of your life terribly sang Dear Maria, Count Me In at the top of his lungs. He fell into your lap, face scrunched together at the intensity with which he was singing. You clapped louder than any of the other Pogues, who were just as far gone as you, as JJ sang the final words. He dropped his head dramatically, looking up quickly to sweep his hair out of his face without touching it. As JJ took your hand, pulling you up for a duet, you silently thanked Kie’s parents for cleaning out their basement and not throwing away the shitty karaoke machine from Kiara’s 11th birthday.
'Cause what he does, he does so well
Makes me wanna yell
Let's hear it for the boy
“I love you, J. You’re the greatest person in the whole fucking universe, aliens included. You’re the best friend and the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. Don’t let anyone, especially yourself, tell you differently.”
You rolled over to straddle JJ, taking his head in your hands.
Let's give the boy a hand
Let's hear it for my baby
“I love you, JJ Maybank. I will scream it from the rooftops because everyone needs to know that I am dating the most amazing man I have ever known. But right now, I want just you to hear it. You’re amazing, JJ Maybank.”
You kiss his cheek.
“You’re the funniest guy.”
You kiss the other cheek.
“You have great music taste, but a terrible singer.”
You kiss an eyelid,
“You plan the most amazing dates.”
then the other.
“You make me feel loved.”
A kiss on the forehead.
A kiss on the chin.
You dive in for an intense and hungry kiss, soon pulling away to look deep into his crystal blue eyes.
“Loved.” You whisper. His arms wrap around your back, pulling you close to bury hie head in your chest. You feel tears begin to soak your shirt as he trails kisses across the exposed skin of your collarbone.
“God, I love you so much, sunshine. You’re my whole fucking world.”
He pulls you down for another kiss, rolling you over onto your back. His hands wander your body as he prepares to make you feel as good as you make him.
Let's hear it for the boy
Let's hear it for my man
Let's hear it for my baby
taglist + moots: @jjmaybby @dontjinx-it @butgilinsky @rekrappeter @diverdcwn @rafecameron @prejudic3 @starlightstarkey @https-luna @sunnypogue @obxmxybxnk @jjmayybank @bluesiderudy @socialwriter @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @jjbinghams @outerbanksbro @poguestyleskye @softstarkey @bricksatanakinswindow @drewsephsmiles @poguemackin @downbytheouterbanks @ilovejjmaybank @diverrdown @broken-jj
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cali-holland · 4 years
Break Up Songs- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Prompt: Being best friends for years, you and Tom have helped each other through many breakups, but neither of you had ever thought there could be something more between the two of you until tonight, when you both celebrated your cheating exes with drunk karaoke.
Word Count: 2800
Loosely Based On: Breakup Song by Little Mix
Warnings: drinking, swearing, mentions of cheating, mentions of vomiting/alcohol poisoning
Featured Songs: Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood, Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, and My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
Eight relationships. Eight breakups. Eight first kisses. Eight last kisses. Eight long nights on the phone blissfully talking about that special first date. And six long nights crying over the heartbreaking last date.
Over the course of your eight year friendship with Tom, the two of you had been through six relationships in total- not together, no that number was still zero. Three times Tom had been there to help you through a breakup (once to egg the cheating bastard’s house), and three times you had been there for Tom as he went through a breakup (sadly, you didn’t get to egg anyone’s house for him).
Somehow, your relationships never really lined up with each other. Whenever you had a boyfriend, Tom was single; whenever Tom had a girlfriend, you were single. That’s just how it always worked. One person’s breakup would almost consistently line up just days after or before the other’s first date.
Until now.
Tonight was the seventh and eighth breakup. It wasn’t really anything you or Tom saw coming exactly; you both kind of knew your own individual relationships were fading out, but you never expected your boyfriend to cheat on you with Tom’s girlfriend. Technically, you had the seventh breakup and he had the eighth because you found out about the infidelity first and then called him. Well, you guessed that was why that double date you all had felt like you were there with Tom more so than your actual boyfriend. So, naturally, the night of your breakups, you both went out to the bar with Harrison and the twins. It almost became a tradition: whenever one of you went through a breakup, the other would take them out for drinks (how shitfaced you all ended up at the end of the night coincided with how shitty the breakup was).
“To getting cheated on.” You said, raising up your shot glass that was filled to the rim with tequila.
“Cheers.” Tom clinked his shot glass against yours, as the other three boys chimed in happily. The five of you threw your shots back, only cringing a little from the harsh alcohol soaring down your throat.
“Shit, we forgot to order limes.” You coughed a little.
“I got the next round.” Tom offered, getting up from the table to order more shots, but this time remembering the limes.
“So, now Mandy and Troy are out of the picture.” Harry teased you.
“And I’m thankful for that- those cheating bastards.” You scoffed, “I always thought Mandy wasn’t good enough for Tom.”
“You never think any of his girlfriends are good enough for him.” Harrison pointed out with a laugh.
“That’s because he always dates bitchy, selfish girls.”
“Wow that doesn’t make you sound bitchy or selfish at all.” Sam teased.
“I’m just saying, he doesn’t date the right kind of girls.” You tried to explain yourself, already feeling the tequila a little bit. Another reason why this bar specifically was part of the tradition- each shot of tequila felt like two because somehow they had strong alcohol.
“And what would the right kind be? You?” Harrison laughed. “You almost sound jealous, you know that?”
“Oh my God, no.” You scrunched up your nose, “Haz, I know you’re pretty, but that doesn’t excuse you from saying stupid shit.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He smiled proudly, and you just rolled your eyes at him. “Still, you and Mandy seem to have the same taste in guys.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you, leaning in teasingly, and you put a hand over his face, shoving him away.
“I got the limes!” Tom grinned, placing the next round of shots in front of you all.
While you all got ready to take your second shots of the evening, you found yourself thinking of Harrison’s words. It was true that you didn’t like any of his girlfriends; something about them just bothered you. You always pinned it on them being too stuck up, too fake- too bitchy and selfish, but maybe Harrison was more right than you’d like to admit. You didn’t think of yourself as a jealous person, and yet you might have been jealous of his girlfriends. Surely after eight years though, you would have been able to tell, right? You would’ve been able to tell that you liked your best friend as more than a friend? But yet again, you now had a valid reason to hate his most recent ex because well, she was the other woman in your own relationship.
A couple rounds later and it was your turn to get everyone shots, leaving the four boys alone. Tom watched eagerly as the bar’s employees started to set up for karaoke night, one of his personal favorite things about this particular bar. Drunk karaoke was his own highlight of these breakup night outs; what was better than getting over heartbreak by drunkenly embarrassing yourself in front of a bunch of strangers (while hoping the videos never surface and ruin his career)?
“You gonna sing with Y/N again?” Harrison asked Tom, watching his friend focus intently on the karaoke machine.
“Well, none of you will do it with me.” Tom replied, turning back to his friend and brothers. “You know what’s weird? This is the first time in years that both Y/N and I have been single at the same time.”
“It’s been four hours since your breakup.” Harrison pointed out.
“What’s weird is that you thought of that. Was that drunk you or sober you that came to that realization?” Harry joked.
“I just think it’s strange. You two have been single for ages.” He lifted up his hand to motion at Harry and Harrison; Sam just laughed proudly to himself.
“You gonna do anything about it?” Sam inquired.
“You mean like date Y/N? Nah, that’d be too- too,” Tom trailed off, not knowing the right word for it. He felt his heart twist a little at the thought of dating you. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t like to date you; it just would be odd, wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t he have figured out long ago that he actually had feelings for you? And wouldn’t you have acted on it by now if you thought of him like that? There would have been signs, right? No matter what, his drunken brain was too gone for him to think of the right word. “I don’t know. Too something.”
“Whatever you say.” Harrison laughed, sipping on his water. He was familiar with how these nights ended with you and Tom, so after a few shots at the beginning of the night, he called himself good. He needed to be sober enough to keep you two in line.
When you returned with the drinks, Tom couldn’t help but look at you in a different light. In all of your eight years of friendship, you were finally single when he was single- albeit it was under sort of bad circumstances. There was no denying he found you attractive, and you were by far the funniest, most interesting person he’d ever met, but he always just categorized his feelings for you as strictly platonic. Though, he definitely felt different about you than he did with his other girl friends.
It wasn’t until later though, once you were both thoroughly drunk, that he got up and tugged on your hand. “C’mon, love, let’s do karaoke.”
“No,” You whined, as the twins drunkenly cheered you on. Harrison just wished he could be at least tipsy if he had to watch you and Tom drunkenly do karaoke for yet another night.
“Please, for me? We gotta sing at least one iconic break up song.” Tom pouted.
“Fine.” You stood up and followed him to the little stage. You couldn’t hear what he told the worker as his song choice, but you heard the familiar opening to Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats”.
“Suitable enough?” He chuckled, proud of his choice.
“Right now, he's probably slow dancing, with a bleached-blond tramp, and she's probably getting frisky,” You started singing, your words a bit slurred by the speed of the song, “Right now, he's probably buying her some fruity little drink, ‘cause she can't shoot whiskey,”
“Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool-stick, showing her how to shoot a combo, and he don't know,” Tom sang back to you, banging his head with the beat as it went into the chorus.
“I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats,” You and Tom both sang, jamming out to the song, “I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, I slashed a hole in all four tires, maybe next time he'll think before he cheats,”
“God, I’m too sober for this.” Harrison muttered, watching you two from across the bar. Harry and Sam clapped encouragingly, whistling for effect.
“They’re horrendous.” Harry laughed, and Sam started to film you and Tom drunkenly singing the bridge.
“That’s what makes it great, though!” He smiled. As the song finished, Harrison stood up.
“I need to grab them before they realize “Sweet Caroline” is on the playlist. The last thing I need to hear is ba ba bum every thirty seconds.”
“Ba ba bum!” Sam and Harry both chimed, hearing the iconic song in their heads.
Calling it a night for all of you, Harrison managed to get you and Tom out onto the street, you clinging to Tom while you stumbled together. Harry and Sam, while still drunk, were arguing over Harry’s music choice for their walk home, his phone currently playing One Direction from his “Drunk Karaoke” playlist.
“You don’t know, oh, oh!” Harry shouted into the oblivion of night over his twin brother’s protests. “You don’t know you’re beautiful.”
“Sam’s not beautiful.” Tom joked, and his brother shot him a glare.
“Oh my god, wait, Harry— like Harry Styles.” You mumbled to yourself in a drunken epiphany.
“Damn right!” Harry nodded, keeping the song going. “I need to queue more songs.”
“As long as it’s not—“ Harrison started, but Tom cut him off.
“We didn’t sing “Sweet Caroline”!” He exclaimed, looking at you with wide eyes.
“No!” Sam, Harry, and Harrison all protested, but you two started anyway.
Mumbling at the beginning because you two didn’t know the words, you both crescendoed into a yell, “Touching you! Sweet Caroline, ba ba bum!”
“Thank fucking God, we’re home.” Harrison breathed out a sigh of relief, stepping up to their house as you and Tom tried to figure out the second verse, singing incoherently.
“I feel sick.” You whined, making a (somewhat sloppy) beeline for the bathroom and Tom trailed off after you. Meanwhile, the responsible one went to get all the pain meds and water in order for tomorrow.
“Why did you dare me to have those last two drinks before we left?” You mumbled as you and Tom sat down on either side of the toilet. You were propped up against the bathtub while Tom leaned on the wall.
“Because you on ten shots of tequila is fun.” He laughed, and you glared at him.
“It was not ten,” You trailed off, trying to think of how much you drank, “Fuck it, I don’t know how many I had.”
You rested your head on the side of the tub, letting it cool your heated face. It was silent for a few moments as Tom looked at you, studying your features.
“What’re you staring at?” You asked.
“Just thinking.” He shrugged. “We should sing Celine Dion next karaoke night.”
“Celine Dion? You haven’t even seen the Titanic, we can’t sing-” You were cut off by him belting out the ending of the iconic song.
“You’re here, there’s nothing I fear!” Tom sang out, basically shouting. Giggling, you joined in with him until the two of you ended the song with a fit of laughter. As you continued to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the song, Tom spoke up quietly.
“I think I’m in love with you.” His voice was so soft, but the bathroom seemed to echo it, making it reach your ears like a thousand bricks. You looked at him speechless for a moment, processing his words. “If you don’t feel the same, that’s fine. I just had to-“
It was your turn to cut him off as you closed your eyes and leaned in across the bathroom floor to kiss him. The shock on his lips was quick to wear off with him moving his chapped lips against yours. Your position was awkward, trying to avoid his outstretched limbs and the sketchy looking towel on the floor; sensing your discomfort, Tom wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you into his, keeping his lips on yours the whole time. He kissed you like his life depended on it, his tongue dipping past your lips as the taste of tequila and lime overpowered your senses. You pulled back, your eyes opening to find him staring right back at you.
“I think I’m in love with you too.” You smiled shyly at him, panting a little from the heat of the kiss.
“I wanna kiss you again.” He said and you nodded, eagerly leaning into him again.
You weren’t sure how long you two stayed like that, perfectly content in your drunken bubble on the bathroom floor, but the bizarre moment was ended by Harrison throwing the door open.
“Why aren’t you two singing “Sweet Caroline” anymore? Did Y/N choke on vomit?” He asked, the door flying open. He froze as he looked down at you in Tom’s lap, both of you sporting swollen lips. “Oh no, you choked on Tom’s tongue.”
“Fuck off.” You hit him in the leg as he snickered at the two of you.
“It’s about time, but get off the bathroom floor. That’s disgusting.” He said while making his way out of the bathroom.
“He’s not wrong.” Tom laughed and you stood up, before helping him up.
“About time indeed.” You smiled, pulling him in for another kiss.
Tag List: @viagracex​​ @theamazingtomholland​​  @harrisonosterfieldhazmyheart​ @joyleenl​​ @t-o-m-holland​​ @lonikje​​ @sleepybesson​​ @sunkisseddreamer​​ @hollandsamor @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh​​ @gorrillaglue13 @petersoftboyparker @musicalkey @duskholland​
Tom Tag List:@quaksonhehe​​ @tomkindholland​
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