#sonic comic encyclopedia
meeepyfox · 2 months
uh- okay. Did LITERALLY anyone else know that the Sonic comic encyclopedia quotes the Bible?????????
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It’s Mark 5:9 in the New Testament if your wondering
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sonicreferencephotos · 7 months
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Princess Elise; The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia
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thephantomgirl11 · 2 years
So I'm going to tell y'all a story that's a little weird in my opinion... It's about something strange that happened to me back in I think 2015 when I tried to go to bed... First I'm going to show you an image, but not just any image. This is a scan I found online from a book I used to own. (I didn't throw it away, someone stole it from me ☹️) It's a page from "The Complete Sonic Comics Encyclopedia" by Archie Comics. Here's the page:
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Nothing wrong with this page right? Well you're right! But, this exact page has to do with the weird thing that happened. Here's a little bit of backstory that kinda contributes to what happened. In 2015 I got pretty sick, my stomach didn't really agree with me for quite a few years. It all started during the day after Easter. So it was an issue I had to watch for every day and make sure I ate enough and take my pills so it didn't worsen. A few months into 2015, I bought this book because I'm a big fan of the Archie/Sonic comics and I wanted something to distract me from my health issue. I read it the second I bought it (which was around maybe 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm when I got it.) Of course my stomach was pretty upset when I got it, so it took me a little longer than normal to read it. I got around to this page, and then I got ready for bed. I figured I'd just finish the rest of it in the morning.
So, I went to lay down, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, yes, my stomach did slow down on hurting at the moment, so it should have been easier for me to sleep. But, for some odd reason, one of the characters that's seen on that page, started just popping up in my mind... Like, literally the second I closed my eyes, that specific character, in their same pose as what was in the book, as well as their name, started racing through my head and somehow made it hard for me to sleep! Like, have you ever done something or had something on your mind that has ever made it hard to sleep? Like maybe had a really embarrassing day at school? Or something something similar, that just makes it hard to sleep? Well that was what happened.
Now, it's not the first time I've heard about this character, I've read about them on the Sonic fandom page, so I was well aware of them, so I don't know why It'd run through my mind like a 5 year old being shown a horror movie. Wanna know who the character is? Can you guess?
I'll give you a second...
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Well... If you guessed this guy, you are absolutely correct!
That's right, Downtown was literally the character my mind decided to spam me with! I don't even understand how or why this character would give me trouble sleeping that night. Like I said, I already knew all about him, he's not really a "traumatizing" character other than being a crooked mob boss. Basically, when I closed my eyes I'd see his image and here "Downtown Ebony Hare" over and over again. And me having trouble sleeping, would result in triggering my stomach aches, which was something I didn't want to deal with. Which, that unfortunately did happen around 3:00 am. So, I then had to read a slice of bread to make it stop a bit (I had to eat small items constantly to stop the pain back then.) But, when I tried to sleep, it happened again! "Downtown Ebony Hare," over and over again until I finally fell asleep at 5:00 fucking am!
That was literally the only time that's happened in my life. I don't understand why it happened. I wasn't upset about anything, I was actually very calm but also pretty happy I got that book. I felt like my mind was trying to torture me for some odd reason with a one shot character that isn't very threatening. I'd understand if it was a character like, I don't know, Leatherface or something like that. But this character is just a dr*g dealing mob boss from a Sonic comic...
The reason I'm talking about this, is actually because my older sister experienced this phenomenon recently, and asked me about my experience. It wasn't the same character for her, but she still experienced it. She wanted to know what fully happened since I told her a brief summary of it back in 2015. And since it happened her, she wanted to know if it was similar to what she had happen.
Now, my question is, has anyone else have a weird incident like this? What do you think really caused it? Is it something common? Is there a rational explanation for it? Or is it something unheard of? I just know that this incident has made me annoyed with this character lol. Like I didn't really like the character before all that, nor did I hate the character. I actually wanted to see him in more recent comics, but now I'm not so sure about that anymore. I of course, will draw some fan art of him later on, as I feel like he doesn't have really any of him. I'm just gonna make sure I finish it before it hits nightfall. Anyway, that's all I have for now. Hope this was entertaining in some kind of way.
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thankskenpenders · 6 months
Help me out here: Why is there so much Ian Flynn hate going around lately? I thought everyone loved that he was contributing to the games. Now suddenly they aren't. I guess that's par for the course for this series but I don't get it. He isn't perfect but I like what he's done. Am I a weirdo?
Ian Flynn has always had a lot of fans, but any creator putting their work out there is going to have detractors as well. That's just the nature of being an artist. To some extent, it's no big deal. He's not a perfect writer. Nobody is! I consider myself a fan of his work, but I've criticized plenty of individual writing decisions from him on here.
But Ian doesn't just have critics. He has his own obsessive hatedom. And the specific nature of Ian's hatedom is... interesting.
A decade ago, Ian was only the guy writing for Archie Sonic, meaning any debates over his work were quarantined within that tiny niche of the larger Sonic fandom. Only people who kept up with the comics month to month had any real reason to have an opinion on the guy, which means we're talking about merely thousands of fans as opposed to millions.
Within that group, he had some haters. You had the people who were mad about story changes made during his run, particularly things like ancillary characters getting killed off (although over the years we've learned that most of those were editorial mandates from Mike Pellerito). You had the people mad that Ian didn't push their favorite ship, with feuding SonAmy and Sonally fans claiming that he was CLEARLY biased towards one or the other. You had the people who just really, really liked one of the previous writers way more - usually Penders, as hard as that may be to believe today. That sort of thing. Pretty normal comic fandom type stuff. Again, it comes with the territory.
Unfortunately, many of those haters only got worse over time, morphing into reactionaries who constantly try to incite Comicsgate type culture war bullshit.
There are people still mad at Ian for making Sally bi and pairing her with Nicole instead of Sonic in the later Archie comics. There have been elaborate MS Paint red string conspiracy boards explaining how people like Ian and Jon Gray have apparently been destroying the franchise from the inside for years by Making Sonic Woke. (Jon gets dragged into this because people are still mad about him drawing The Slap 20 years later. Yes, really!!) There was an unhinged change.org petition trying to get Ian fired, specifically from people who were mad that the Freedom Fighters aren't in the IDW comics. There was even a very sad little fan campaign from these people trying to get Sega to move the Sonic comic license away from IDW and over to Udon, because they thought Udon would bring Sally and Bunnie back and also make them sexy again. There's a lot of this.
(Unfortunately, Penders has also exacerbated this by gossiping about Ian on Twitter and giving these fans ammo, but that's a whole 'nother discussion.)
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The thing is, for years, people who only played the games or watched the cartoons had no reason to pay attention to any of this. Now, though, Ian isn't just writing for some weird spinoff comics that only the super nerds read. Now he's writing comics that are canon to the games, and ALSO some of the games themselves, and ALSO consulting on other tie-in media like Sonic Prime, and ALSO writing the official Sonic encyclopedia, and ALSO serving as part of the new Sonic Lore Team at Sega. And on top of all this, he's got an increasingly popular podcast where he fields questions about his work on all of these things, which serves as one of the fandom's main windows into creative decisions being made behind the scenes.
As a fan of Ian's work, it's been really cool to see him rise in prominence. But the dark side of this is that his obsessive haters from the Archie days now have WAY more of a potential audience of their own. Now, every Sonic fan has to have an opinion on Ian. What this frequently means is that you'll have the Comicsgate types taking things Ian writes or says out of context, attempting to get more of the general fandom to yell at the guy.
Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of Sonic fans who take the bait:
You've got hardcore fans who disliked basically any recent piece of Sonic media and are looking for someone to blame.
You've got the people who are concerned about the sanctity of Sonic's canon, who shoot the messenger any time Ian mentions a new retcon from Sonic Team on the podcast - or any time he even mentions the THOUGHT of changing anything about the canon, as we saw recently with the Sol Dimension nonsense.
You've got people who romanticize some sort of mythical artistic vision that Sega of Japan supposedly has (or had) for the franchise. To many of these fans, American contributors like Ian just don't "get" the heart of the series and are trying to turn Sonic into something different. (This "heart of the series" tends to be some mix of Japanese instruction manual lore, the cinematics from Sonic CD, the OVA, and/or the games written by Shiro Maekawa, depending on what Sonic media the fan in question grew up with.)
You've got fans of specific characters or ships who pin the blame for how their faves are depicted entirely on Ian - most vocally fans of Shadow, even though the root problem is that Sonic Team hasn't known what to do with Shadow since 2006. At best this stops at regular old criticism, but at its worst this devolves into claims that Ian has an agenda against certain characters.
You've got fans annoyed by a perceived over-emphasis on comic-original characters in the IDW comics, ignoring the obvious facts that these characters exist because the game cast is so tightly controlled by Sega, and also, you know, that people just like the IDW characters and want more stories about them.
You've got a LOT of discourse over IDW's Sonic being a hero who tries to give his enemies second chances, as if half of Sonic's closest friends aren't already former villains and rivals. Honestly this is very transparently just reheated Steven Universe discourse lmao
You'll also see people who just think they could do Ian's job better. They can't believe that THIS GUY is the American fan working on all these Sonic projects, when clearly THEY understand the characters and lore and themes SO much better than this charlatan.
All it takes is for someone in one of these categories to be unhappy about some recent piece of Sonic media, and for them to come across an out of context quote or comic panel that rubs them the wrong way, and suddenly the leftist Zoomer Sonic fans will join the latest dogpile on Ian alongside the reactionary Comicsgate types who are mad at him for Making Sonic Woke.
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In general, when fandoms get upset, they tend to want a scapegoat. A person or two to point a finger at and go "THAT's who ruined the thing I love!" This tends to be based less on reality and more on which contributors are the most visible online. You'll sometimes see teenage and adult fans of children's cartoons single out a storyboarder who's particularly vocal on Twitter, blame them for every story decision they don't like, and harass them off the platform out of a sense of retribution for their favorite ship or whatever. Failing that, fans might choose to blame every nitpick, down to individual lines of dialogue and frames of animation, on a showrunner, just because that's the name they associate with the show. And unfortunately, when it comes to Sonic, Ian is now arguably the most prolific and outspoken contributor on the English speaking internet, and therefore a common scapegoat.
Some of the things I've seen Ian blamed for are truly wild. A lot of people have claimed for YEARS that he's just lying about the existence of creative guidelines and restrictions from Sega - or, as fans call them, The Mandates - even though they're just an inherent aspect of working on a licensed property. Others claim that The Mandates are real, but somehow Ian's fault. A vocal minority of fans have convinced themselves that Ian is the sole reason the Freedom Fighters don't exist in the IDW comics, even though Ian says he's been pushing to bring them back since day one.
Sometimes you'll see people say he ruined shit he didn't even work on. A few weeks ago on Twitter I saw someone claim that Ian had written a rejected script for Sonic Forces in which Tails died. I could not find a source for this for the life of me. As far as I can tell, the rumor seems to have been born from an alleged leaked script for Forces with margin notes from Aaron Webber that criticized the way Tails was written, and also an old tweet where Aaron joked that Tails would die in an upcoming episode of Sonic Mania Adventures. These merged into "Aaron Webber criticized a draft of the Forces script in which Tails died." How'd Ian get dragged into this? Who fucking knows!
It's all just a big game of telephone. All it takes is some asshole to make something up about Ian on Twitter or YouTube or a DeviantArt journal or some forum, and at least a couple people will believe it, and then it gets repeated as fact. Again, this used to be contained by the niche nature of the Archie Sonic fandom, but now there are WAY more people who are receptive to this shit.
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It's just sad to me that Ian tries to be so open and honest about his work, to try to explain the rationale for certain things, to keep fans looped in on the direction the franchise is headed, and this just gives the Flynnspiracy types more quotes to take out of context and try to paint him as the devil. If it sounds like I'm being overly defensive and dismissing his critics, man... some of the things I've seen people say directly to him are just unbelievable. People will send paragraphs-long angry screeds in to his podcast that completely tear him apart, and he has to sit there and be like "Well, that's your opinion, and you're entitled to it." People literally pay for special guest interview episodes where they just rapid fire complaints about his writing at him directly to his face. I don't know how he does it. I would snap.
All of this over Sonic the fucking Hedgehog of all things.
I don't know how to wrap this up. Engaging with fandoms online is very tiring, which is why I tend not to do it. Things like this are too common. I guess, just... remember that making art collaboratively is a complicated thing. The people involved are generally trying their best given the circumstances, but they're only human. They make mistakes. But please treat them like humans. Criticism and dogpiling are not the same thing.
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I finished this last night, but I didn't upload it until today because I got tired and distracted. Anyway, have you seen this comic yet?: Link
Apparently, someone found this comic and redrew it, now all of the sudden I started to see everyone and their grandmother on Tumblr remaking this meme with their OCs and/or favorite characters(or Blurbos they call them), mostly from two different series' instead of one.
Peanuts and Silent Hill, Evangelion and Garfield, Sonic the Hedgehog and JJBA, and so on.
Speaking of the latter, I'm throwing my hat into the ring by featuring Noriaki Kakyoin from JJBA and Kairi from Kingdom Hearts, they're not only my favorite characters but they're also a pair of fictional redheads who deserve better because got done dirty by canon writing.
In most memes, the second person would say "damn" in disappointment, but in some rare variations(at least from experience) they just accepted it either excitedly or angrily.
This drawing is the latter because no more Mrs. Nice girl, Kairi's been done dirty by canon long enough(except for Re:Mind) so now our girl's out for blood. As for Kakyoin, his profile Jojo encyclopedia says he's cruel to his enemies so he's just himself here lol 
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lunastars21 · 4 months
I never really understood why there are people that say that Bean, Bark, and even Fang are villains as opposed to neutral. The Archie Sonic Comic encyclopedia for the pre reboot Archie says that Bean and Bark are willing to work with the highest bidder whether hero or villain. And even suggests that they may be good people led in the wrong path. In the post reboot Archie and the classic IDW comics, they are tweaked a bit to be how they were originally described in their Japanese only bios for STF and Fighters Megamix but still having their portrayals from the old universe of Archie. They are not outright malicious to Sonic they are just doing their job. The two even show up to read Amy’s comics. And even Amy thinks that Bark is not a bad guy. And while Fang is the most selfish of the trio, even he is willing to work with heroes if the situations calls for it in both the 30th anniversary comics for Sonic and Amy. He was more ruthless in the pre reboot era in comparison to the games but I would still say that his morality is in the middle in that era since he is mostly scuffles with the heroes for monetary gain. In the post reboot and IDW he was written to be more of a comedic bumbler like he was in the games. I am pretty sure he would have some contempt for Eggman if he ever stabs him in the back the same way he is vindictive of his previous defeats by Sonic. The Fang 101 video states that he is just doing his job and that it is nothing personal. I’m sorry if my thoughts are a little over the place and I may have repeated myself a bit. And I might have left some other stuff out. But those are just my cents on the whole thing.
You're good! No worries!
But yes I agree with all that you say! That's basically my view point too! Hopefully the new fang comic will help fang's reputation after super stars..but we'll see, we know how Twitter is but I'm willing to ignore then.if majority of people out of Twitter (like tumblr!) Enjoy it and love fang, bean and Bark! ^^
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lore-of-mobius · 6 months
There is a hypothesis that Metal Sonic is Sonic Roboticized and sent back in time from a Bad Future, I am going to be arguing why this is not the case In Sonic Triple Trouble it is stated that Metal is a "handmade ultimate robot," built by Dr. Eggman. We also know that Sonic Triple Trouble is canon thanks to Sonic Superstars and Tailstube. In Knuckles Chaotix Manual it tells us that Metal is"a Sonic-shaped robot created by Dr. Robotnik." It also tells us that "the main and sub CPUs were recovered from the body that was destroyed in a previous confrontation with Sonic." In the Roboticized Sonic Hypothesis it is argued that Eggman can't build or rebuild Metal Sonic and the best he can do is Mecha Sonic. However, this confirms not only can Eggman build Metal Sonic, but he can rebuild him as well. Knuckles Chaotix is also canon according to both the Encyclopedia and Tailstube. Some people have claimed there are multiple and as well as rebuilt Metal Sonics in Sonic Rivals, however I have not checked to see if that is true. If it is this further proves the point that Eggman can build Metal Sonic. Finally once again in the Encyclopedia it outright states that Metal Sonic is "Dr. Eggman's answer to nature's perfect hero, and that Metal's "main CPU is a LIPS A.I.EGGMANA, run by three Dr. Eggman custom chips." Once again confirming Metal was built by Dr. Eggman. There is also the main issue that roboticization is canon to the games and only exists in non canon spin-offs. The closest we get to roboticization is possible cyborgs such as what we see with Tails in Sonic Lost World, and maybe Rusty Rose from Sonic Prime. But still not roboticization. Some may argue that robotomies from the Sonic Forces promotions is roboticization. However, this is just Eggman's basic trick of putting animals into Badniks. The closest we got to canon roboticization was from Sonic Chronicles The Dark Brotherhood containing it. However, Sonic Chronicles was removed from the canon as stated in the Encyclopedia under the section about the origin of the Gizoids. It's also noteworthy that even in material where roboticization does exist such as the Archie Comics, there does exist a roboticized Sonic. But even in the Archie Comics, Roboticized Sonic and Metal Sonic are 2 separate characters.
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emmajh97-mumaji · 1 year
Literally ALL My Blorbos
A comprehensive list of my favorite characters from my favorite media! (I keep this because it makes it easier to decide on what to draw lol)
[This post will probably be edited every so often, so make sure to go to the original and not any Reblogs for the most up-to-date version!]
[page break because LONG LIST IS LONG]
Ace Attorney: ○ Apollo Justice ○ Miles Edgeworth ○ Phoenix Wright ○ Simon Blackquill Animal Crossing: ○ Lily (Rainy) ○ Wilbur Avatar - The Legend of Korra: ○ Mako Barbie in The Nutcracker: ○ Captain Candy Ben 10: ○ Ben Tennyson Black★Rock Shooter: ○ Black Rock Shooter Bleach: ○ Ichigo Kurosaki Danganronpa: ○ Hajime Hinata ○ Kaito Momota ○ Kazuichi Soda ○ Kiyotaka Ishimaru Danny Phantom: ○ Danny Fenton DC Comics: ○ Shazam (Captain Marvel) ○ Aquaman Demon Slayer: ○ Kyojuro Rengokou Detroit: Become Human: ○ Connor (RK 800) Digimon: ○ J.P. (Shibayama Junpei) ○ Marcus Damon ○ Takato Matsuki ○ Takuya Kanbara Dragon Ball Z: ○ Trunks Briefs (Mirai Trunks) Frozen (Disney): ○ Elsa Final Fantasy: ○ Cloud Strife ○ Prompto Argentum ○ Black Mage [any generic one] ○ Zack Fair Five Nights at Freddy's: ○ Glamrock Freddy ○ Golden Freddy (Fredbear) ○ Toy Freddie [in huggable Gijinka Form] Generator Rex: ○ Rex Salazar ○ Six Genshin Impact: ○ Arataki Itto ○ Lisa Minci ○ Mona Megistus Hazbin Hotel: ○ Lucifer Morningstar ○ Angel Dust Henry Stickmin: ○ Charles Calvin Hetalia: ○ America (Alfred F. Jones) ICEY_ (X.D.Network): ○ ICEY Interstella 5555: ○ Shep ○ Octave ○ Manager (Music Producer Guy) Jarrett Williams' Comics: ○ Joe Somiano from Super Pro K.O. ○ Sensational Sike from Super Pro K.O. ○ Ace Estrada (Yellow Hype) from Hyper Force Neo ○ Neil Tran (Blue Hype) from Hyper Force Neo Kingdom Hearts: ○ Axel (Lea) ○ Meow Wow Kiznaiver: ○ Hajime Tenga Legend of Zelda (BotW/TotK): ○ Link ○ Sidon Mario (Nintendo): ○ Luigi Marvel: ○ Clea Strange ○ Doctor Strange (Stephen) ○ Spider Man (Peter Parker) Miyuli's Webcomics: ○ Oz from Morgana & Oz ○ The Bogeyman from Lost Nightmare My Hero Academia: ○ Izuku Midoriya (Deku) ○ Kirishima Eijirou (Red Riot) Mystery Skulls Animated: ○ Lewis Pepper the Skeleton Ghost Mystic Messenger: ○ Yoosung Kim No Straight Roads: ○ 1010 [Eloni, Rin, & Purl-Hew are all good] ○ Zuke Persona: ○ Ryuji Sakamoto Pokemon: ○ Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) ○ Cilan ○ Hugh ○ Milo ○ Pearl (Barry /Jun) ○ Deoxys ○ Mismagius Promare: ○ Galo Thymos Rise of the Guardians: ○ Jack Frost RWBY: ○ Neptune Vasilias ○ Qrow Branwen Sanrio: ○ Keroppi ○ TuxedoSam ○ Shunsuke Yoshino Seduce Me (The Otome): ○ Matthew (Zecaeru) SOMA: ○ Simon Jarrett Sonic the Hedgehog: ○ Gold the Tenrec ○ Mighty the Armadillo ○ Shard the Metal Sonic ○ Silver the Hedgehog Soul Eater: ○ Black Star The Book of Life: ○ Manolo Sanchez Tiger & Bunny: ○ Kotetsu T. Kaburagi Vampire Knight: ○ Zero Kiryu Voltron: Legendary Defender: ○ Shiro (Takashi Shirogane) Xenoblade Chronicles: ○ Shulk Yu-Gi-Oh: ○ Soulburner (Takeru Homura) ○ Yami Yugi (Atem) ○ Yusei Fudo ○ Stardust Dragon 2064: Read Only Memories: ○ Lexi Rivers ○ Turing
BONUS: Media I love, but don't have a blorbo from
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar (world of Pandora; James Cameron)
Atlantis (Disney)
Angry Birds
Dekoboko Sugar Days
Disney Princess Movies [i.e. The Little Mermaid, Mulan, Sleeping Beauty]
Epic (Blue Sky movie)
Epithet Erased
Full Metal Alchemist
Ghibli Movies [specifically Castle in the Sky & Kiki's Delivery Service]
Hindu Mythology [Amar Chitra Katha comics]
How to Train Your Dragon movies
Kal Ho Naa Ho
Kung-Fu Panda movies
Land of the Lustrous
The Lego Movie (and 2)
Lisa Frank
Little Witch Academia
MLP: Friendship is Magic
Molly Moon (book series)
Mune Guardian of the Moon
Paleoart (dinosaur documentaries & encyclopedias)
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Penguins of Madagascar
Pretty Cure (HeartCatch)
Sailor Moon
Scooby-Doo [What's New? and Mystery Inc.]
Scott Pilgrim
Starlight Brigade - TWRP
Steven Universe
TRON [1982, Legacy, and Uprising]
Tatsinda by Elizabeth Enright
The Avengers
Tokyo Mew Mew
Treasure Planet
Undertale & Deltarune
Vocaloid / UTAUloids
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julie-su · 8 months
i apologize if someone has asked you this before.. but i am very curious to learn all about the archie sonic echidna lore. do you know where would be the best place to jump into learning all of that? its ok if you cant think of anything, too! i know its incredibly complicated, but i guess thats what makes it so interesting to me :) thanks in advance
Ooh! Well, I'm currently compiling it, but it has since turned into a full-size book... Your best bet to read it comprehensively and quickly, is to read the Archie comics, start-to-finish; half of why it's such a nerdism to know it all, is that it's all dispersed within the comic itself - so to really become familiar with it, you'd have to read all of preboot, cover-to-cover, multiple times... Join us, it's great fun~
If you would prefer an easier start without all of the bells and whistles, I would suggest starting on STH #13, skipping to STH issue #34 - #36 (you only need to read the Knuckles Solo Story), then head over to the three-part Knuckles Miniseries - not to be confused with the 32-part series Knuckles the Echidna - which you will read directly after.
Then read Super Sonic Special #11 and Super Sonic Special #14, then Sonic the Hedgehog #88 - #91, skip #92, and pick back on #93-#97 - skip #98, pick back on #99-#102, then skip to #106-#109 - pick back up on #114-#118, skip to #120-#125, then go to #131-#145. After that, you'll just want to head to The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia and read the echidna-specific entries.
If you need further assistance, please feel free to message me~
If you're an echidna fan who dissents to my reading order, do let me know - I cut a looooot of fat.
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sakuraswordly · 9 months
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For someone who knew about Sonic -Easy to Use Stickers- (ソニック~使いやすいスタンプ~)  is a set of forty digital stickers by Sega for use with messages in the Line social media app. The set features various illustrations of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Chao and Dr Eggman loosely based on the Sonic "emoji" style. It was released on Friday, March 27, 2020, for 120 yen/50 Line coins/$0.99 USD.
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Sonic & Friends (ソニック&フレンズ) original design came from Sonic -Easy to Use Stickers- (ソニック~使いやすいスタンプ~)
AND....this is not the first time Sega(Japanese) designed Sonic to be cute.
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If you truly are a fan of Sonic, have you ever checked their concept in @sonichedgeblog or at least read what @greenyvertekins post please?
Before using your own emotion check before commenting on the internet, you guys?!
What knowyourmeme.com post and
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Sega did Sonic franchise for children too.(Rate 3+)
Sonic design nature is cute like Disney and children book but because Sonic personality act like a big brother, cares for his friend and bravely without reason to help.(Bonus: Sonic idle animation)
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That shows how cool he is. This cool mix in his personality that's why you can see Sonic both cute and cool at the same time. Cute is Sonic's design and Cool is Sonic's personality and his heart.(Except Modern Sonic, Modern sonic's design is both cute and cool) And Japan did this design because it showed that they weren't violent(Why google translate uses this word anyway?) and not the type who loves a style like Archive Sonic. That's why they reject Archive Sonic and do not accept it from America. (Archive Sonic is similar to Marvel comics style.)
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I think the animator who made Sonic Prime already show this design. Or I am the only person who sees that?
Note: This's my analysis of my opinion of Sonic fans I've been watching since last year so far.
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
You What else is sad, one of SEGA American team defended Flynn mistake on encyclopedia, saying that they didn't watch closing on his writing that it was their mistakes. Like, why just admit is just Flynn and editor mistake of writing that is not true and putting pictures of fan game image that is not from Sonic game. Like, I love SEGA American want to keep making excuses with Flynn mistakes and untrue because he the famous " Archie comic writer" doesn't want to let go and have no consequences of his action.
Their inability to see that Flynn is not qualified to shoulder the responsibility of the projects he's given could explain why they permit him to put his thumb in so many figurative pies.
They can do so much better. But they don't know any better and/or are too lazy to get better-qualified people working for them.
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 2 months
How many issues did Ultra Sonic appear in?
11 if you count the reprints and the encyclopedia. So:
StH #66 StH #71 Sonic Super Special #15 Free Comic Book Day 2011 The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia Reprints: Sonic Archives #17 Sonic Archives #19 Sonic's Monster Mash-Up (Digital only) Sonic Legacy Series #4 (Digital only) Sonic Select Book #6 Sonic Super Special Magazine #8
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beevean · 2 years
Gonna be honest, I feel like Flynn just is burnt out from writing Sonic or what's going on two decades. Like I'm not familiar with the guy but like. He started writing for it because he liked Archie Sonic specifically. (obviously he did play some of the games before. how much he remembered from them is a different kettle of fish XD)
And now Archie Sonic is dead - sure he's gotten to write for Frontiers in SOME capacity. But how long does he ant to write for Sonic? Does he really want to be known as just the Sonic writer? Especially after the Mega Man comic's mixed success and collapse into seeming obscurity.
Then there's the whole being almost deified by a chunk of fandom that also crosses into the "SEGA literally stole my tax returns" territory.
His bad takes and some of his behavior aside I feel kinda bad for the man XD
The way he talks about playing the games and reading Archie is so different that I can say that he's an Archie fan before he is a Sonic fan.
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"I made an effort to play the entire library, to some degree or the other..."
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"I grew up reading the books! I was a walking encyclopedia!"
Tell me it doesn't sound like he played most of the games one time when he was a kid and then not bothered again, while he was obsessed with Archie :P
I don't know the details of his job. I don't know if he can leave now, nor really if he wants to. But, my opinion of him aside, he should absolutely take a break. Not only he's been writing for 16 years, but recently he's been involved in so many projects! IDW, the Encyclospeedia, Prime, Origins, Frontiers, you could even count the Bumblekast... one man can't do all of this at once. I used to say the same about Ohtani being left alone for years, and I like his work, but you can tell that he was exhausted by the time he worked on Forces.
Stanley can help him with IDW, but after Frontiers, he should stay away from Sonic for a while. Yes, I'm biased :P but there's the serious risk of a burn out.
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
inbox check!
i may deny your request if i don’t have the spoons to make transparents, sorry!
fnaf: isaltergender freddy, yippeestimlexic bonnie, innogender chica, heteroplatonic foxy
randy cunningham: nonbinary julian
kevin spencer: semi-verbal kevin, polyam timmy, polyam shawna
rival schools: bigender akira, autistic yurika, butch zaki, nonbinary edge, autistic hinata, nonbinary chairperson, trans man daigo, bi ran, trans girl roberto, transfem roy, trans guy shoma - 2 asks
pokemon: fat butch carmine
lego batman movie: polyam joker, polyam harley - 2 asks
legendz: tale of the dragon kings: genderweird shiron, genderpunk rashiin, aro garion, genderflux greedo
cookie run: autistic cappuccino, autistic langue de chat, autistic almond, autistic walnut, autistic roguefort
total drama: boything ezekiel
don’t starve: biro wilson, transfem webber, genderqueer wendy
total drama: ay noah, bi cody
needy streamer overload, omori: aroace p-chan, trans woman kangle, egogender ame-chan, bi realworld basil, metaro dreamworld basil, queer stranger, aroace realworld mari - 2 asks
tf2: disabled engineer, disabled demoman, disabled soldier
barbie 2023: aroace barbie
vocaloid, cevio: autistic v flower, ace ci flower
sonic: nonbinary mephiles
homestuck: transmasc nepeta
digimon: gay deputymon
wednesday, the addams family: agender wednesday
tekken: transfem kazuya, angelcoric angel, demonic demon, naturecoric jun, greyro jin
the king of fighters: polyam choi
baldur’s gate: trans dame, nonbinary isobel
blue archive: mspec all characters
gorillaz: t4t noodle
the king of fighters: trans leona
homestuck: queer jade
pokemon: autistic hau
ducktales: autistic huey, pan dewey, non-sam aro louie, bi lesbian della, butch penumbra, ace daisy, demiro jose, t4t panchito, aniso lena, bi lesbian webby
steven universe: transmasc jasper, lesbian pearl, nonbinary amethyst, lesbian garnet, nonbinary peridot, lesbian lapis, aroace white diamond, bluegender blue diamond, transmasc yellow diamond
project sekai: pupcatgender minori, aro haruka, transmasc airi, transfem shizuku, fembeau an, hamstergender kohane, gay akito, genderqueer toya, wonderhoylexic emu, transfem nene, transneufem rui, veldarcian tsukasa, agender shiho, straight ichika, lunian saki, transfem honami, transfem kanade, transfem mizuki, jiraikeic ena, bigenderflux mafuyu, agender vs miku, nonbinary vs rin, trans vs len, aroace vs kaito, aroace vs meiko, nonbinary vs luka, cistrans vbs miku, ace vbs rin, turihet vbs len, cistrans vbs kaito, aroace vbs meiko, ambonec vbs luka, abigender mmj miku, sapphic mmj rin, darcian mmj len, jamian mmj kaito, intersex mmj meiko, catgirlgender wxs miku, aroace wxs rin, transmasc wxs len, genderjendere wxs kaito, bigender wxs meiko, agender wxs luka, aroace ln miku, futch ln rin, boyloser ln len, trans ln kaito, bigender ln meiko, tutelary ln luka, agender 25ji miku, bungender 25ji rin, thistle femme 25ji len, anattractional 25ji kaito, anattractional 25ji meiko, unlabeled 25ji luka
my little pony: stargender twilight sparkle, lesboy applejack, bi fluttershy
tf comics: aro administrator, nonbinary miss pauling, bi saxton, gay bidwell, aro grey, bi maggie, gay charles - 2 asks
inside out: feminine joy, agender sadness, demiboy fear, polyam disgust, polyam anger, gay bing bong
scott pilgrim comics: nonbinary knives, agender tamara, aroace evy, trans lynette, transfem ramona, bi scott, lesbian kim, homoflexible lisa, bi gideon, intersex hollie, bicurious jimmy, gay joseph, gay stephen, heteroflexible julie, straight kyle, trans ken, bi crash, heteroflexible young neil, bicurious lucas, homoflexible matthew, trans mobile, gay wallace, unlabeled other scott, futch roxie, trans stacey, bi todd
rick and morty: autistic rick, omni birdperson, audhd morty - 2 asks
hereditary: trans man paimon (peter)
disco elysium: logskillic logic, encycloskillic encyclopedia, rhetoskillic rhetorics, draskillic drama, conceskillic conceptualization, viscaskillic calculus, volitskillic volition, inlampskillic inland empire, empathskillic empathy, authoriskillic authority, escorpskillic espirit de corps, suggeskillic suggestion, enduranceskillic endurance, presholdskillic pain threshold, phystrumentskillic physical instrument, echemskillic electrochemistry, shiverskillic shivers, halflightskillic half-light, coordskillic hand/eye coordination, perceskillic perception, reacskillic reaction speed, savairskillic savoir faire, interskillic interfacing, composkillic composure, horriskillic the horrific necktie: 4 asks
gorillaz: nonbinary noodle
get the freebies: gay man terry, lesbian whitney
toy story: aroace babyface, bi legs, straight ducky
many fandoms (friend group): bigender jesse, oriented aroace sydney, nonbinary leo, transmasc eugenie, bi like, unlabeled wonderheart, pan go, bi darren, bicurious chris, bi terry, questioning eevee, oriented aroace hat kid, angled aroace starlow
scott pilgrim: homoro todd, unlabeled mobile, demiro wallace
powerpuff girls, demon slayer: aroace utonio, bi gay giyuu, bi lesbian shinobu
the ballad of songbirds and snakes: aro lucy gray
the owl house: genderselkier luz and amity
mlp: transfem ditsy doo, nonbinary dinky doo, greyro doctor whooves, aroflux rose, transfem berry punch, bigender berry pinch, futch carrot top
into the spider-verse: transfem gwen, bi miles
pokemon scarlet and violet: gay geeta, butch brassius - 2 asks
witch hat atelier: bi lesbian agott, sapphic coco, intersex riche, xenogender tetia
stranger things: aiab eleven, bi max, bi lucas
the muppets: gay uncle deadly, gay bobo, ace tex
tribe twelve: [f slur] observer
persona 5: autistic futaba, adhd akira
one piece: queer enel
one piece: omni rob
marble hornets: genderfreak skully
huxley brothers: bi ruficel - 3 asks
gorillaz, harvey birdman: cis noodle, nonbinary birdgirl
ultrakill: nebularo v1, aster boy v2, transera mirage, bi king minos
percy jackson: bi thalia
one punch man: nonbinary one punch man
always sunny: gay rickety cricket
life is strange: lesbian victoria
the daily object show: bi lava bucket and water bottle
recovering anorexic menhera-chan
homestuck: transmasc meulin, pan kurloz
scott pilgrim comics: trans man simon
danny phantom: lesbitend ember - 3 asks
spider-verse: transfem pavitr, transmasc hobie, transfem gwen, transmasc miles
scott pilgrim: autistic young neil, autistic stephen, autistic scott, autistic wallace, autistic stacey, autistic knives
jujutsu kaisen: transmasc yuji, femme kugisaki, transmasc megumi, transneu nanami, bi gojo
jujutsu kaisen: autistic choso
saw claymation: transmasc nathan
disco elysium: bi harry, gay kim, gay cuno
ben ten: nonbinary whampire
sinbad legend of the seven seas: nonbinary eris
dork diaries: biro nikki, bennetian zoey, bi chloe, femme mackenzie, trans brandon
ponyo: trans boy ponyo
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scruffyplayssonic · 1 year
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 34: Idiot comic relief character becomes a genius 
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! I’ve got another classic cartoon trope here for you today, so shall we take a look?
Episode 34: Idiot comic relief character becomes a genius 
I remember them actually doing this one in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog with Grounder.
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That was fun. :) But in ArchieSonic? It was Tails who got this one, although admittedly he was never portrayed as an idiot comic relief character. He was mostly just portrayed as a little kid, well-meaning but often clumsy or not entirely understanding what was going on around him.
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Sonic #14’s story, “Tails’ Taste of Power,” featured Tails desperately wanting to find a way to assist his hero Sonic, and so he reluctantly agreed to take over the plant-sitting job Sonic had agreed to do in Rotor’s greenhouse. While watering Rotor’s plants Tails got hungry, and so he helped himself to an apple from a nearby tree. That tree just so happened to be the Mobius Tree of Wisdom, and that apple had been the only one that Rotor had managed to grow from it.
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Sonic and Rotor returned to the greenhouse to find that Tails had instantly become a genius, and created a new fertiliser that had caused Rotor’s plants to grow at an incredible rate. Before the three of them could really absorb the news of Tails’ new big brain, Antoine ran in screaming that Sally and Bunnie were under attack by a giant robot. Sonic ran to save the day, but Tails got there first and tricked the robot into destroying itself with its own saw blades.
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Tails’ new and improved brain seemed to come with a massive ego boost though, and he announced that he was now the natural choice to be the new leader of the Freedom Fighters. Tails tried to prove his worth by inventing a new metal that would be unreadable by Robotnik’s sensors, and using it to build a housekeeping robot and a medallion for himself.
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But when the Freedom Fighters tried to convince him that he was too inexperienced to lead the team, Tails decided that the only way for him to prove he was the best man for the job was to race off to Robotropolis and confront Robotnik single-handedly.
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Unfortunately his super-intelligence wore off just as had successfully evaded every single security measure and entered Robotnik’s lab, and Tails was immediately captured. But Sonic showed up to save the day, tricking Robotnik into thinking Tails’ unreadable metal medallion was a bomb and threatening to use it if Robotnik didn’t let Tails go.
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While Tails’ intelligence seemed to go back to normal afterwards, many years later it was retroactively explained in the Mobius Encyclopedia that the fruit had actually had a lasting effect on Tails and was the reason for his genius-level intellect that rivals Eggman’s. I think that’s a neat little bit of continuity, finding a reason to connect the intelligence that we know modern Tails for with this old comic story. 
That’s it from me for today. Are there any other sudden genius stories I missed? Remind me in the comments! Next time I’ll be discussing the final frontier, or as King Acorn would call it: 
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