#sonic: beyond cool
gunstellations · 4 months
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happy pride!! 💙🫶🖤
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starfall-isle · 26 days
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tacit-semantics · 9 months
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You can do whatever you want forever
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steeltwigz · 1 year
Idk I kinda feel like Rouge is only in Sonic Prime to assist the plot and not actually have her own story. I haven't watched season 1 in a While, but iirc in every Shatterverse we've seen so far, she's been this kind of leader type who mostly pushes the story along for other characters. Idk! I want her to have her own story and development and Not just be a vehicle for other character arcs. Season 2, I've got my eye on you.
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zombiesama · 1 year
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Made a transparent dreamgear edit!! feel free to use <3
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luxrayz64 · 8 months
is sonic generations fr getting a remake....... say sike
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keykidpilipili · 2 years
Designing a form from the Time Stones with good alliteration and a second color palette for Thistle in that context is pain.
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healloumi · 3 months
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Did you guys know Sonic's birthday is in pride month? I know it's cool as heck and of course I had to celebrate both occasions! (and re-watch the 30th Anniversary Symphony)
Sonic is my favourite character ever and I'm incredibly grateful that he has been a major part of my life. I'm beyond thrilled to see the franchise thriving in the recent years and can't wait to see what the future holds.
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nyancrimew · 11 months
hi nyancrimew. whos your favourite sonic character
wow this question comes with such great timing, ive been getting really into sonic autism again lately, thought i know very little of actual sonic canon (beyond whats in the movies) and have just personally decided that anything happening in the @snapscube fandubs is probably entirely canon. uuh i think my favs are like rouge and shadow cause edgy cool and kinda goth and stuff yknow, and tails is pretty awesome cause of the autism
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project-sonadow · 7 months
hello—i have a question to ask, and i figured it’d be better to do it here than to bother an individual artist about this. (sorry in advance for bringing the mood down w/ a serious question, btw.)
so, i’ve seen posts going around lately where people are like “hey, stop being explicit about sonadow, it’s weird���. and i agree that making explicit comments on sfw work is not cool. forcing the creator to see stuff that might make them uncomfortable is rude. /gen
however, if the characters are explicitly stated to be aged up (like, have lived several years beyond the games) or are in an au where they’re older, is that still bad? /genq because i always thought that the authors/artists were specifically going out of their way to say “we’re actively not wanting to make these pieces about children, we just want to see these two personalities and how they would behave in nsfw situations”.
sorry again. i’m just very confused (and a bit scared by the hostility /nm) and was hoping that i could maybe get some clarification.
(btw, thanks to all the artists on this blog for making such cute art. it’s all really nice stuff.)
Hi there. This isn't the type of thing we would typically address here, but your approach tells me that you're looking to learn and understand, so I'll give you my thoughts.
First of all, to address hostility - it's intimidating and intense, because this is the kind of thing that fires people up. We're not exempt from this, because we do not want to see explicit content about minors, and we will be direct about this fact. And for some reason, some people get very offended when you tell them this.
I'm going to respond to you in good faith, and I don't assume any bad intentions on your part.
On aging characters up. I will be specifically talking about the sonic franchise as my example here, but this applies to any series where the focus characters are children.
Sonic and Shadow are kids. They are teenagers. Age discourse is NOT relevant. They are depicted as teenagers, they act like teenagers, and they are meant to be viewed as teenagers. And so this begs the question: why is there a need to see them in adult situations? Why is there a drive to depict minors in explicit situations?
Even if a creator is theoretically not making a piece about minors, when they choose to age up minor characters, that tells me that they thought about those minors in explicit situations, or that they wanted to see those minors in those situations, but needed a way to justify it.
This is why I fundamentally disagree with aging characters up to put them in adult situations. The core characters are children. Wanting to see a child character in explicit situations so badly that there is a need to justify it by aging them up or making an au or whatever is strange and disturbing, and I personally would not want to associate with someone who does that kind of thing.
Reflect on the issue yourself. All I can do is explain my reasoning, and say that I will choose not to associate with people who make and/or consume content of minor characters in explicit situations.
I appreciate that you want to learn. I am answering this question specifically because of the way you asked it, and that I see this as a way to tell you why we think certain things, and why we vehemently disagree with certain types of content. To others reading this, this post is NOT an invitation to discourse with us. I will not be arguing about ages or logistics or whatever. Do not try to convince me that nsfw of minor characters is okay, you'll get blocked immediately.
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jo-harrington · 5 months
Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction - Chapter 3: Lore Dump
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Previous Chapter: Out of Character
Summary: After your bombshell revelation, Eddie finds it difficult to wrap his head around what is now his reality to empathize with your shared predicament.
Word Count: 8k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Reader
Warnings/Themes: No-Upside-Down AU, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Lore Dump (literally), Isekai, Mentions of FOI-compliant events and characters, Various References to Movies and Television, Criticism of Fanfiction, Meta Fiction
Note: Ok besties here we are and the chapter, or at least one part of it, is very much as the title says. It's a Lore Dump as we figure out how Reader and Eddie have found themselves in this predicament. Warning everyone that it might be a little mind-fucky but a lot more will be explained in detail in future chapters. We've only just scratched the surface here.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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You'd never run so much in your entire life.
Alright, that might have been a little dramatic.
But that didn't mean it wasn't true.
"Is it always like this?" you panted as you chased after the flopping brown coat of the man a few steps ahead of you. "With the running?"
"Oh yes!" he called out. He looked back at you with a charming, crooked grin and pointed ahead. "You'll get used to it. Allons-y!"
This whole nightmare started when you crashed your car into, what you thought was, an unassuming blue "police box."
And now, several days later, you were running, ducking, diving...surviving all manner of monsters that seemingly popped up out of nowhere in the middle of Texas. With a goofy man with unbrushed hair and a buzzing screwdriver called The Doctor, and his companion--whatever that meant; it sounded suspicious to you--Martha, who kept staring at you like you'd grown another head.
You supposed adventure was the idea when you left the borders of Port Geneva proper, but this kind of adventure wasn't exactly what you had in mind. Static monsters who could literally take the words out of your mouth and a hive-mind controlling overlord whose goal it was to steal knowledge.
You might have been a lover of fantastical stories, but this was something beyond your wildest fantasies, and apparently something Martha and the Doctor encountered regularly, if their cool reaction to some of the atrocities you'd seen was indicator enough.
They both seemed to have it in mind that you were joining them for this type of ordeal from now on, though.
Especially the Doctor, if that "you'll get used to it" was something to go by.
"Come on, faster, faster," Martha called out to you from the threshold of a solid metal door just up ahead. "They can't get in through the iron."
You pumped your legs faster and ignored the burn in your lungs as you passed the Doctor and joined Martha in the safety of the bunker, with the man of the hour himself following shortly after. Martha slammed the door shut and then used the sonic to ensure the lock would hold.
They let you have a moment to catch your breath as they strategized plans for the next steps, which seemed impossible now that you were stuck in a bunker filled with junk and no exit.
"Nothing's impossible," the Doctor exclaimed as though he could read your mind. Maybe he could; you wouldn't put it past him. "And we're not stuck."
He removed the brown trench coat and got to work sorting through the junk in the bunker, while Martha took a seat beside you and patted your knee.
"You should be proud of yourself," she said gently. "It's really hard, dealing with all of this. And I've been with him for almost a year now. All the running, the monsters, all of the...impossible--
"Nothing's impossible Martha," the Doctor interjected.
"--improbable things," she amended. "It doesn't get easier, but you will get used to it. Besides, you'd think you were on the track team like Sam with how fast you've been running. Maybe you should have been the star relay runner instead of her."
Martha might have laughed.
But you didn't.
You felt a cold sense of dread overtake you. You'd told them about your friends back home earlier in the day, when you'd panicked over your impending doom. You cried and told them you wished you were still back there, safe and sound; in hindsight, it was a pathetic moment.
It wasn't what you'd said that gave you pause now, though; it's what you hadn't.
"Martha," you muttered nervously. "How did you know that Sam did relay?"
Martha's eyes went wide and she looked to the doctor in a sudden panic.
"I...I never told you she was on the track team."
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It was a standoff.
A staring contest.
You and Eddie watched each other, unblinking, as if to see who would break first.
Eddie knew it would probably be him because his mind was racing, but he would give you the chance to repeat yourself, or elaborate, or maybe yell "surprise" first.
None of those things happened of course, so he was left in stunned silence trying to formulate the words to respond to your groundbreaking revelation.
We are in a fanfiction.
He had heard about fanfiction before. Drove the guys out to some comic book shop in Fort Wayne to celebrate Jeff's birthday and the nerds behind the counter were talking about a Star Trek fanfiction they read in some celebratory fan magazine.
He'd honestly never thought about Kirk and Spock like that and he really didn't want to again.
Even though it kind of made sense.
He just wasn’t that big of a Trek guy either.
But damn, even though he and the guys might not have been the popular kids, they were definitely not dorky like that, were they?
Except that they were. He was.
He wrote his favorite characters into his DnD campaigns as NPCs and he fantasized about what it would be like if he was Han Solo instead of Han himself, and tucked away in a drawer at home, there was definitely that story about you...
"Shit," he finally breathed out, blinking and breaking eye contact with you. "Shit, I did this. I mean, I know I did this, but did...did I do this?"
"What?" You frowned at him. "What do you mean, did you do this? Eddie, did you hear what I said?"
"No, yeah, of course I did," he began rambling. "I just...before you showed up in Hawkins, I...I wrote about you. I wrote about you leaving Port Geneva and coming to Hawkins and meeting me and...fuck...that means you know."
You stared at him blankly.
"You know that Port Geneva is a TV show," he clarified and then ran a hand through his hair. "Jesus Christ, how did I...how could I have done this? Shit. Shit."
You crossed the short distance and took a seat on the couch beside him, comforting hand finding his knee instantly.
"I'm sorry I did this. I'm sorry I just...you're my...my favorite character and I..."
"--you didn't do this. Someone else did."
He took a few breaths, heart pounding in his chest, and then swallowed hard.
"That's...a little harder to answer. But I think the thing you need to focus on right now--the thing you're missing--is that we are in a fanfiction. You and me. Together. Because I'm not the only one from a TV show. You are too."
Eddie was dumbstruck for a second.
Well, he was pretty dumbstruck about this whole thing. But he only had a second to really process it, because the next thing he knew, you were in his lap, lips pressed to his, hands fisting his jacket, and the door to the greenroom burst open as his friends walked in.
You pulled away from him as the catcalls and whistles and jokes began and glanced over your shoulder at the guys to bite your lip bashfully.
"Ah, looks like the original song worked after all," Jeff teased.
"Good, cuz then we don't have to play it anymore, bleh," Gareth stuck his tongue out. "You know, for everything you preach about metal and only metal Eddie, you sure wrote some sappy Greg Brady shit."
Eddie's ears rang as he answered. Well, as his mouth moved and voice spoke, saying something that got everyone laughing. Something that he had no control over once again. You turned back to him and he widened his eyes in some silent plea but you simply shook your head at him.
Instead you leaned forward and kissed him again, softer this time. Gentler. Different from the unexpected kiss just moments before, this was one of understanding and comfort.
He relaxed under your touch.
"Alright guys," you announced as you pulled away, words and tone of your voice not quite matching the softness of your gaze as you continued to watch him. "Your set's over. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here. Bev wants you out."
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"What was all of that?" he demanded as you stepped out of your car.
After driving the guys home, he sat on your porch and waited. Chain smoking and lost in his thoughts until you got back to Forest Hills after your shift.
"Can I at least get inside first?" you asked with a nervous laugh. "Do you want to wake Granny up? Jesus."
He was on your heels as you unlocked your door and stepped inside, almost followed you to your bedroom when you said you'd wanted to change into PJs, and even declined a soda when you got settled back in the living room.
And once you couldn't stall for any more time, sitting next to each other on your couch, he stared at you and begged, "please, I need to know I'm not in a nightmare here. Or dead."
You let out a honk of laughter and then reached over to take his hand in yours, and he felt the slight edge of abject terror start to lessen.
"You're not in a nightmare," you reassured him. "Or dead."
"Then...then what is this?" he whispered desperately. "Is this a trick? A joke? Start from the beginning. Please."
You took a breath and began.
"It's fanfiction." You hummed contemplatively for a moment. "This is...I don't know when it started, actually. For me, that is. For you...well, there's no way we could say for sure; I can only talk about my own experience."
You paused and then said your name, the same way that you had introduced yourself originally. And then Eddie realized that you were introducing yourself again as you squeezed his hand in yours.
"I was born and raised in Port Geneva, and then in 1985 after graduation, I left to start my adventure. And from that moment on--for years--I got to have it. I got to have...a hundred adventures. A thousand. A million maybe? As many adventures as there have been people to imagine them. As many adventures as there have been fans to write them.
"Fans like you, Eddie," you smiled at him. "You said you wrote a story where I came to see you."
"Yeah," he nodded, cheeks hot under your gaze. "I did."
"And I'm your favorite character?"
He thought about you, thought about himself and the countless nights that he watched you on the screen.
"How could you not be my favorite?" he asked gently in return.
Your gaze turned soft and you looked down at his hand, clasped tightly within yours, and then you continued with your story.
"I got to see the world, got to meet so many people, I got to fall in love...except I never realized it. Until...until I met him."
"Him?" Eddie asked sharply, thoughts immediately spiraling.
You said love.
Who was this Him that you were in love with? Even through Eddie's confusion and panic about the predicament he was currently in, he could still feel a bitter jealousy roiling deep inside his gut.
"The Doctor," you whispered.
"Doctor Who?"
You snorted. "Exactly."
"I don't get it," he shook his head.
"Doctor Who...that's...it's the name of a television show. Been around for a long time, but I'm not sure how popular it is here. If it even exists. You have a lot of media that we didn't have in Port Geneva but there's a few things that...I dunno...that your writers haven't mentioned. Or The Writer hasn't included yet."
You explained it to him, or the gist of it at least.
An immortal time-traveling alien and his usually human companion, all of the adventures and misadventures and danger. Being able to go to different times and timelines and universes.
In any other scenario, it would have sounded cool. Maybe a little scary. But now, all Eddie could think about was this mess you were in.
"And...this Doctor...he's what brought you to Hawkins?" he questioned hesitantly, figuring that it made the most sense. "He thought he was bringing you back to Port Geneva's universe and brought you here instead?"
"Uh, no," you frowned. "That was The Writer. The Author. Whatever you want to call them."
"Because this is a fanfiction."
"Yeah. That was. And this is. I just...didn't know it yet. I didn't realize it was fanfiction until later. But, uh, whoever wrote that crossover story just brought me from my world into Doctor Who, and that was when I realized I was a fictional character from a TV Show. Because they wrote me as a character who jumped from a television show into the 'real world' of the Doctor and his friends."
Just like you were now: a fictional character in his world.
"It's hard to explain, but the Doctor made me aware of it. Made it make sense." You faltered. "Well...not really, but that's when it started. He told me that I wasn't real--"
"Wait,” he interrupted you. “But you said I was from a tv show back at the hideout. So you're telling me I'm not real?"
"Because you’re from a tv show and so am I and this Doctor is too.”
“I wouldn’t try to think about it so hard.”
“Is that...the Doctor told you that you were a character in a TV show and you weren't real? And that's what you're telling me right now too?"
"It's hard to explain--"
"Because I don't know sweetheart," Eddie chuckled sardonically and shook his hands out of yours so he could run them over his face, through his hair. "I...I feel plenty real. And if there's anyone who isn't real here...well, I have a stack of video tapes back home that can provide enough evidence."
He’d thought about the barebones of it when he’d been outside waiting for you to get home, but faced with the truth of it now, the dominoes were starting to fall.
He was real, he had to be. His whole life, all of his memories, all of his friends, what about th—
"Can you let me fucking finish?" you snapped at him with a sharp clap.
His shoulders heaved and he stared at you with wild eyes.
"You're real," you explained calmly. "I'm real. We're both real. Real people. Real lives. Real memories. For the most part."
Eddie didn't like the sound of that.
"But this world...is your world and I don't belong here. Just like I didn't belong in the Doctor's world either. He explained it to me in some way I didn't quite understand; I'm just a girl from the midwest. I barely graduated high school and suddenly he was telling me there was some cosmic anomaly that pulled me out of my world, my tv show world, and that I was transported into his world. It was wild.
“The important thing though was that he didn't know how to get me home. So, until he could figure it out, I was stuck. And I traveled with him for a while. With him and his friend Martha…and then with another friend Donna. Until somewhere at the end of it all...I died."
Eddie's heart stopped in his chest; you...died?
The question was stuck on his lips, the demand to know more, but he felt himself choke up when he thought about it. Even more when he watched the tears well in your eyes as you remembered your own death.
"I died alone, bleeding out in the middle of an alien planet..." you recalled, wrenching your eyes shut. There was a beat of silence and he let you have a moment to recover. He watched your eyes dart around beneath your eyelids as you gathered your thoughts, as you recalled whatever horror you went through. When you were through, you blinked and looked up at him with the weight of a thousand truths in your gaze. "And then I wasn't dead anymore."
"Well obviously I'm alive,” you motioned down to yourself. “Maybe I’m a little worse for wear inside but I’m fine. Back then though...I was dead. One second I was in oblivion. And then next, I woke up in the driver's seat of my car, outside of a hotel in Odessa, Texas. With a man from the future named Hiro Nakamura, who told me I had to save the cheerleader if I wanted to save the world.
"And it all just started over again," you sighed.
You recounted this next place to him. Places, actually; plural. Names that meant nothing to him but seemed to mean something to you--Hiro, Claire, Peter, Sylar--and it all sounded fantastic. Another unbelievable adventure, but there was still something off.
"I...I tried to ask questions. About where I was, about where the Doctor was. It was always ignored. I tried to control things but it seemed like I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. Tried to do things that I instinctively knew I wanted to do, but I just couldn't. It seemed like there was something controlling me instead. Like I was a puppet on a string. And everything that happened around me...never seemed to make any sense, no matter how hard I tried to wrap my head around it.
"Sound familiar?" you asked.
Eddie scoffed, thinking about the traumatic, out of control moments he had had the past few days. That hopeless, helpless, sinking feeling he'd had.
"It fucking sucks, sweetheart. You feel like that...all the time?"
"You get used to it." You shook your head. "Get used to playing along. I learned that really quickly; I resigned myself to this life where I was just a passenger in my own body. Until I realized if I just played the part that whatever forces-that-be wanted me to play, I could have a little more control."
There was a tense pause as you let Eddie absorb the information. And absorb it he did. He didn't like it, the idea that he had to play a part; it was something he'd been fighting all his life. But maybe if you said it was something that would make him feel more in control, he could try.
He turned to the next thought ever-present in his mind.
"So," he cleared his throat to start again. "How do you know this is a fanfiction? When did you figure that out? Because...when you showed up, I thought about all the possibilities--a dream, a nightmare, hell, heaven, a portal, a wormhole like in a comic book--and that was never one of them."
"Because of the interviews."
"They're fun and silly, I guess," you shrugged apathetically. "You'll be in the middle of your life, middle of your day, middle of a fight...and then the world goes dark and you'll find yourself sitting in a room alongside the people you know...and The Writer. An Interview with the Characters.
"I was already familiar with the fact that I was from a television show and in a world I didn't belong in. But I was the only person aware of that fact; to the Doctor, I was a fictional character, but here Port Geneva the television show...didn't exist. I was just another citizen of planet earth, and my home was a real place on the map, as real as Odessa or New York.
"But suddenly my friends and I were in that room sitting in front of someone. A writer. The Writer--SylaireIsMyOTP117--and they were all aware that they were characters in a television show called Heroes, that I was a character from Port Geneva, and that we were all in some kind of...story in another universe, written by this SylaireismyOTP117. Something they never seemed aware of before.
"And SylaireismyOTP117...she acted like she was our friend too, like she had our best interest in mind and valued our opinions. Everyone laughed along with all of her jokes. Answered all of her questions. Except me, because then it all came into perspective. She was the one playing with our lives--playing with my life--and putting us in danger. She made us travel through time to dangerous places, she created more dangers, she even killed Peter's older brother--something that apparently hadn't happened in the show. Well...not yet anyway."
Your hands clenched and unclenched.
"I thought I figured it out," you said through gritted teeth. "Found the person responsible for this predicament I was in. Because she was so...sure of herself. She even had the audacity to apologize for pulling me out of my world and into Heroes. I asked her why she made me die with the Doctor just so I could be a part of this world instead... but she didn't know what I was talking about.
"Suddenly she had this pink magazine in her hand. Pulled it out of her back pocket and waved it around, saying she found it in her mom's childhood bedroom. Said I must have been thinking about one of the stories from it. The Port Geneva Teen Fanzine. SylaireismyOTP117 told me she was sad that people had written me the way they did. Out of Character. That she wanted to give me something better than than had. A better adventure. Then the interview was over. And that was the end of that. Or just the beginning actually.
"Mystery solved." You held your hands out in front of you like you were presenting the secrets of the universe. Eddie could even imagine a glowing sphere floating there if he tried hard enough.
You started naming names then, of movies and books and television shows. Heroes and Lost and Vampire Diaries and The Dark Knight.
And. And. And.
The list just kept going and going.
It made Eddie's head spin to hear all of the places you had been, all of the lives you had lived, the things that all of these Writers had put you through.
To hear how sometimes you'd wake up in a new world, sometimes you'd seemingly get your happily ever after, sometimes none of the above. Sometimes you were even back home in Port Geneva--relieved--only to get ripped away all over again.
It never seemed to end the same way, but it always started with you in the driver's seat of your car. Chugging along to the next destination. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.
"And that's how you ended up here in Hawkins?" Eddie asked, then paused. "Do you know...what my show is called?"
"Uh," you winced and folded your hands together in your lap. "Yes. I do. And I know it seems like I know all of these things. I don’t. Rarely, actually. But sometimes the Writers think they're funny and they work the title into the story; that’s how I find out. Because it's out of place.
"But, uh, it’s not the first time I've been here in Hawkins, actually."
It was a record scratch moment for Eddie.
"You...you have?" He smiled and suddenly felt a sense of hope; alright, so his love for you was so undeniable that this wasn't the first time someone had brought you to him. To give him something good in his miserable shit life. "Well so, what happened last time? Why can't I remember? Is that just...well, I guess, what makes this time different? Why am I aware of it all this time?
"Wait! Wait! What's my show about? Is it...is it like...the Misadventures of a Wannabe Rockstar or something? You said that when we had breakfast at Benny's. Is that the title? It has to be."
He rambled for a second, excitedly trying to predict his future, a future where you got to see the ups and downs of his life as he and Corroded Coffin navigated their way to fame.
You let him ramble, let him live in hope for those few moments. Until he realized you weren't chattering excitedly with him.
Until he saw the pain in your eyes.
He deflated, mind suddenly turning to the worst scenarios. At least in his mind.
"We don't make it, do we?" Was the conclusion he could come to. "But it's Wannabe Rockstar, right?. Not Future Rockstar. I'm gonna end up working at Thatcher Tires instead or something. Dead end job, stuck in this town..."
"It isn't your show," you whispered. "Just like Port Geneva...wasn't really mine."
Eddie swallowed hard.
"It's called Stranger Things," you explained. "And it's...I dunno...there are monsters. The first time I was here, I wasn't transported in as someone's favorite TV character. It was 1983, Port Geneva was a real place, and I was a transfer student at Hawkins High. And awful things happened. But there was no Eddie Munson. They must've written you in later in the show."
You continued your own rambling then, as you tried to make him feel better about it all. How he must've been a beloved character for someone to write a story about him. How whatever story they were writing was a good story too, because there didn't seem to be any monsters in Hawkins, not like there were the first time you'd been there.
"And...and The Writer of this story must love you a lot," you concluded. "To bring your favorite tv character in to be your girlfriend. For us to...like each other, love each other--and I do like you Eddie, I want to make that very clear. You make me feel like I'm close to home for the first time in a long time--but it seems like they want to give you a happy ending too. One you deserve."
But your words didn't help. The sinking feeling was back, but this time The Writer didn't have anything to do with it.
It was him, all him. All this misery and he wasn't even the main character of his own show. He should've seen that coming. And yeah he could live with being someone's favorite, enough for them to write a happy ending or something but...
"'s that mean I have a sad ending in the show?" he wondered. "If there are usually monsters here but there aren't, and I get something...something good, does that mean I die or something?"
"Eddie, it's..." you trailed off, but the rest of the sentence was hanging in the air, clear to both of you.
It's better not to think about it that way.
He nodded slowly and pulled his hand away from you to run it over his face.
It was confusing, it was upsetting.
All of it.
The cherry on top of the shit sundae that was his week. His life.
Fuck, but none of it was real, right? Contrary to everything you said. So could he really be upset? Should he? At least he knew he had something good to look forward to. A happy ending.
But how could he look forward to it when he knew that...well, when he knew that he didn't deserve it in the first place. That wasn't what fate had in store for him.
Or the writers of this Stranger Things show.
His happiness was at the whim of The Writer. At the whim of some...loser nerd writing about him in another universe.
A nerd just like him.
Fuck, it was giving him a headache.
"I uh...have a lot to think about," he whispered. You nodded as he stood and crossed towards the door of your trailer so he could leave. He paused at the door, instinctively remembering that he had to kiss you goodbye. Until everything hit him all over again and he decided it was better not to. "I'll, uh, I'll call you. Ok?"
"Yeah," you nodded eagerly. "Call me whenever. Please. It's...it is a lot. And honestly, we only scratched the surface. But we can figure the rest out together. I can help you through it. I promise. I'll be here."
He left without another word.
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Denial was the easiest way for Eddie to go about this whole ordeal, or so he thought. How the fuck else was someone supposed to come to terms with the fact that...
Nope he wasn't gonna go there. Not yet.
He knew that he would need to deal with it eventually--need to think it through and talk to you--but until then, he was just going to live his life like he normally would.
So he avoided those feelings, and avoided you.
And it seemed to work.
School, home, trip to Rick's to re-up his inventory on Wednesday, grocery run for Wayne on Thursday, Hellfire on Friday, no date on Saturday.
Dealing at a few parties, band practice where the music was all normal, and then finally back at the Hideout for their gig on Tuesday.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
It was a normal week and aside from the still-obvious markers of this new life he was living, like the mess in the trailer and the fancy renovations at the Hideout, Eddie felt relieved and a little less like he was about to lose his mind.
It was both a blessing and a curse though, because at the end of every day he realized just how much missed you.
You'd rooted yourself solidly in his life--both on tv and now in the flesh--for years. Even when he didn't have new episodes to watch and stories to enjoy, he had his reruns. His tapes. Then you were suddenly there in person and on the phone.
So the you-shaped hole that he punched in his life, when he decided to ignore his predicament, was gaping and obvious.
Yeah, he could tell Wayne about the great battle he'd come up with for Hellfire, or complain to the guys about the bogus chemistry homework. But it wasn't the same. Not anymore.
So he resolved to talk to you on Tuesday after the set, only you weren't there.
"Shouldn't you know Junior? That's your girl," Bev dismissed him with a wave of her hand. She must have taken pity on him at the sight of his sad eyes, and she just sighed and continued. "She called in sick. Took the night off. She seemed fine yesterday; better not be cuz of you, kid."
He feared you might have left town, maybe to spare him or something--how that would work with the fanfiction Gods? Weren't you supposed to stay in Hawkins? He wasn't sure--but your car was in front of your trailer by the time he got home.
Everything was quiet, and all the lights were off, even the porch light which you usually kept on. He debated knocking on your door, waking you up, but decided against it.
If you really were trying to give him space, or simply avoid him like he had avoided you, it was best not to wake you up and piss you off.
"Tomorrow," he told himself. "I'll talk to her after school tomorrow."
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Of course, that was the plan and fanfiction or not, sometimes even the best laid plans went awry.
He was still Eddie Munson, after all.
Things never went his way.
Once again, he had Chrissy Cunningham to thank for his plight.
It was on this, the day of his reconciliation with you, that she decided her hunt or conquest or humiliation of him would take place.
Maybe all of the above.
It was raining, he was running late.
He would have cut classes--should have just cut--but despite all odds being against him now more than ever, he promised himself that he was going to try when it came to school.
He had just opened the door to his locker when she appeared, the tips of her pristine white sneakers kissing the sides of his muddied converse.
"Hey Eddie!" Chrissy greeted with a too-big smile and sparkling eyes.
Eddie jumped and looked around the hallway, conveniently lacking its usual amount of students who loitered around before class. Thankfully, no other cheerleaders or jocks in sight either, though; it was either a blessing or a curse, he couldn't tell for sure.
"Hey, uh," he coughed and glanced at Chrissy for a second, before distracting himself with the contents of his locker. Fuck, it was pretty messy in there too; now was as good a time as any to clean it. "What's up?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you," she beamed.
He felt a bubbling of annoyance build within him, somewhat out of his control.
"You can't want to talk to me and also not want anything Chrissy," he scoffed pretty harshly as he grabbed a handful of papers to sort through. "So do you want to buy weed for a slumber party or something? Or have you suddenly decided to throw your Homecoming crown in the trash so you could join Hellfire ?"
She shuffled her feet and clutched her books to her chest and then took a deep breath.
"I wanted to know if you'd like to hang out some time," she announced loudly, bravely. Eddie froze in shock and then turned to her; her cheeks were red but there was a resolve in her eyes that he'd never seen in her before. "There's a new movie playing at the Hawk. Clue. I don't know if you've heard of it, it looks a little spooky..."
She rambled on and Eddie was left to stare at her, dumbfounded.
Chrissy Cunningham? Asking him out? Ok so Gareth was right?
But was Gareth right? Was she really hot for him or was she just using him for her own amusement? Or was this another little...storytelling mishap that the Writer was putting him through?
Shit, how could he tell?
This kind of shit sort of always, sort of never happened to him before.
Plenty of popular girls thought it was fun to go out with The Freak just to get off or to have a laugh, sure. But everything else in his life was turning upside down thanks to the Writer. So was this just another layer to that absolute shit show?
Gah, what the fuck could it be?
The anger bubbled inside of him again, and he had the vaguest realization that the anger didn't really belong to him. It felt too intense, almost manufactured. He was hit with the sense of deja vu that he'd felt this way before--in the cafeteria before the almost-food-fight and then at Family Video--and he decided to put a stop to it immediately.
"Listen Chrissy," he interrupted her with a cool, indifferent tone. "The movie sounds cool, but I'm really not interested in going out with you." He turned back to shut his locker and get to class when she stopped him with a hand on his arm.
"If this is because of Jason," she began softly. "I'm...you don't have to worry. I'd break up with him if we went out."
"It's not about Jason," he snapped, out of control once again. Well and truly out of control. He felt himself shrug her hand away. "I have a girlfriend. A girlfriend who is actually cool and nice and interesting. Who likes the things that I like and doesn't like silly things like magazines and cheer and scrunchies." He watched in horror as he lifted his hand and flicked at her ponytail, and then felt angry at himself, at this situation, at The Writer when Chrissy flinched and dropped her books on the floor.
"It's almost funny that you'd think I'd be interested in someone like you," he spat at her venomously.
He felt the sudden urge to slam the locker, felt the urge to walk away, felt the urge to laugh in Chrissy's face.
But he resisted all of those urges with every fiber of his being.
He just stood there until the puppet strings were cut once again and he felt the rage and anger dissipate.
All the while, Chrissy went from a fearful, trembling mess in front of him, eyes welling with tears, to...nothing.
She just stood there too.
She looked down at her feet, shuffled back and forth for a moment, and then she scuffed her shoes against the floor, nudging the fallen textbooks.
She suddenly didn't look like Queen of Hawkins High Chrissy Cunningham, or someone that was afraid of the Wrath of the Freak, or some lash-batting temptress like she had been just moments ago.
She just looked like the girl who was hiding in the Auditorium at the Hawkins Middle School talent show all those years ago.
A person. Just like him.
Eddie cleared his throat and knelt down to help Chrissy pick up her books.
"Sorry," he muttered when she knelt beside him. "Sorry I--"
"No, it's ok. I guess...I don't know. I guess I just felt a little lost for a while," she explained softly. "And the only thing that seemed like it could fix it was you."
"But not anymore?" he wondered.
"Uh, no," she shook her head. "I don't even know...why I asked you out Eddie. No offense...but you're not really my type."
The two of them laughed for a second as they stood back up.
"You know," Eddie turned Chrissy's books over in his hand, "if you wanna break up with Carver, you can just do that. You don't need to use me as an excuse."
She froze in front of him, cheeks red again, as she hummed nervously.
"Thanks Eddie," she whispered. They both smiled softly, a silent understanding shared between them, and then Chrissy held out her books so he could stack the ones in his hand atop them.
And that's when he saw the book--magazine--at the top of her stack.
A pink-covered, handmade looking thing with a familiar name printed at the top of it.
Port Geneva Teen Fanzine.
His heart stopped.
That was the thing you said your Writer had shown you once upon a time, in your Interview.
For a second he wondered how Chrissy had it, but then he tried to figure out the logic that you were from a TV show and transported here. If he was a fan, there must be other people watching the show and fans of it too. Maybe the magazine transcended universes. Just like the show did.
It honestly made his head hurt trying to think about it.
"You...you like Port Geneva?" he asked, trying to remain as casual as possible.
"Hmm, yeah," Chrissy smiled down at the 'zine. "It's one of my favorite shows. My mom and I used to watch it together. Sam is my favorite character."
Somehow, that didn't surprise him one bit.
"Do you watch?" she questioned, brow quirked curiously. "It doesn't seem like your kind of show."
"I mean, I'm full of surprises," he teased, trying to keep his tone as lighthearted as possible. "But, uh...yeah. I used to."
"It's a bummer that it's over right?"
"Yeah...hey Chrissy, I know you don't owe me any favors or anything but, uh, can I borrow that?"
"Seriously?" she snorted. "It's just got like personality quizzes and little stories and stuff in it. Nothing special."
Little stories? Bingo.
"Yeah, just curious."
"Sure." They traded her textbooks for the magazine, and then with a shrill ring of the bell overhead, they went off to class.
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He sat in his room after school, holding the Port Geneva Teen Fanzine like it was some sacred document not meant for the eyes of a mere mortal peasant like him.
The Dead Sea Scrolls or the Magna Carta or The Declaration of Independence.
It had burned a hole in his backpack the whole day, anticipation getting the better of him, but he knew that he didn't want to read the 'zine in front of his friends.
"So stupid," he scoffed at his own antics. "What was gonna happen? Davey wouldn't want to take the 'which character would make the best chemistry lab partner' quiz."
Maybe just in case there was something just inside the pink paper cover that would change his life forever.
"Like what? It's not like your yearbook picture's gonna be on the first page, idiot," he sighed and tightened his grip on the magazine. "Just gotta rip off that bandaid."
He closed his eyes tightly, took a breath, and flipped open the cover.
When he cracked one eye open to take a peek, he sighed in relief.
His face wasn't staring back up at him. No faces, actually. Just a table of contents that looked a little grainy, like it was copied on a Xerox machine and haphazardly thrown together.
There were different headlines just like there would be in a regular magazine--interviews, behind the scenes, quizzes--and then some unique ones--fan art, fan submissions, show theories. At the bottom of the Table of Contents, there was a little slip that could be cut out, filled, and mailed along with a few dollars to some address in California to get the next copy of the 'zine.
Eddie flipped through the pages curiously, and he truly enjoyed some of the pictures of fans visiting the set and getting pictures with a few cast members. Then an interview with the actress who played Sam's mom, who said what a joy it was to see her young co-stars grow up and come into their own, just like their characters.
Then about half-way through, he reached the Fan Submissions.
A section filled with fanfiction stories.
A section where your name was plastered practically everywhere.
Stories of you getting to go to big cities, ones where you finally returned home. A heartbreaking one where you returned in time for Sam and Pat's wedding and you cried because...
Because...you'd actually been in love with Patrick the whole time?
Eddie made a noise of shock as he read the detailed description of your heartbreak and the way that you recalled how sad you had been the day Pat had come to ask for your help with the proposal.
"Were we even watching the same show?" Eddie scoffed.
There were a few fanfiction submissions that characterized you that way, having this unrequited love for him.
But you never really showed any interest in him, other than friendship. Aside from Mark, you never had any romantic feelings in the show.
How had these so-called fans misread your relationship with Pat so terribly?
Or had Eddie's obsession with you clouded his ability to perceive the signs? Maybe he had been watching a different show than everyone else.
He wallowed in that feeling as he waded through the fan stories slowly--although one story about Bonnie and Bill seemed a little interesting: a Bakery/Flower Shop soulmate romance--until he got to one at the very end that caused the hair on his arms to stand on end.
A story about you...and Alex P. Keaton?
It was the only crossover in the fan submission, and it made Eddie nervous once again that he misunderstood your character.
Alex P. Keaton who read the Wall Street Journal for fun?! And you, and artist who followed your heart and went on an adventure to find yourself?! No, there was no way.
"This is a bunch of bullshit," he muttered. He shut the magazine and ran a hand over his face and into his hair.
Eddie wasn't the one who misunderstood you; it was everyone else who did. And if they had written you so wrong in this magazine, he could only dream of how wrongly they'd written you in all of those other stories you told him about. How miserable you must have felt in all of those different worlds.
Shit, and it was not only you who felt miserable, but him now too.
The wild events of the past few weeks had made him feel like he was going crazy. Yeah, at least he had an explanation for it now, but it didn't negate the fact that he suddenly felt like a stranger in his own life.
And if he felt like that, God only knows how you must've felt.
"Shit," he muttered.
He needed to talk to you.
He quickly got up from the bed and raced out of the house, panting as he jogged across the trailer park to get to your door.
He knocked frantically and impatiently waited for you to answer.
His resolve broke when you finally did.
Clothes--pajamas, actually--mussed, eyes bloodshot and puffy, you looked a lot like you had during the episode where Mark had broken your heart and you'd cried to Sam.
Had you thought that he was ending things with you because he had been avoiding you? Because of this whole situation? He ached to think that he'd hurt you like that.
"Sweetheart," Eddie whispered softly. "I should've called. Shit. I'm sorry I--"
"No," you sniffed and shook your head. You were smart enough to put two and two together and realize what he was apologizing for. "No, it's...Eddie this isn't because of you...I mean yeah, actually it is but..."
"I'm sorry," you both said simultaneously.
"I'm sorry that I just left the other night," Eddie elaborated. "I'm sorry that I avoided the whole thing, but I needed...I needed some sense of normalcy in all of this."
When he paused for breath, you immediately swooped in with your own apology and explanation.
"Well I'm sorry I seemed to have brought all of this bullshit with me to Hawkins," you stared at him pathetically. "I've never...no one has ever seemed aware of it before. I've been dealing with this alone for so long. I know I sort of dumped it on you; not only to explain, but maybe because I found some sort of relief that I wouldn't be going through it all alone anymore. I'd have you with me at least.
"And then, after you left, I really had time to think...how long it's been. My show aired in the 80's. And your show...Stranger Things? I mean...between my last time here...someone put me in a modern movie for a short time...and then I guess your season was a few years later maybe? Twenty-twenty-something?"
Eddie's throat tightened. They were still writing stories about the 80's that far in the future? Sure there were war movies and stuff. Man, people must've been really nostalgic and weird otherwise...
"It must be like...a historical documentary at that point," he laughed dryly.
"You calling me old?" you choked on a laugh, and then looked down at your hands. "I guess I am, though. I've lived through all of these different stories for...lifetimes. One story might take...I dunno, a few months for its Writer to finish, but it spans years. Years that I've lived through, one day at a time, with no break."
"Shit...that sounds..."
"It is. I've been dealing with all of this...alone...for hundreds of years at this point I guess. Through stories that still write me as a teenager, or a middle-aged woman. I've lived and died over and over. I've been an artist, a writer, a dancer, a private investigator...I can't even remember the last time I got to go back to Port Geneva.
"And now that you're stuck in this hell too," your voice dropped to a whisper. "It made me sort of dread that for you too. Dread what kind of life that Writers might put you through, especially if your story in your show had a tragic ending like you said. They could give you everything you ever wanted, or they could just kill you again and again, for fun.
"And it's horrible and beautiful and great sometimes, but at the end of it all, it's tiring. Talking through it with you made me realize how much I wished I could be free, that maybe...maybe this Writer who brought me here would just be happy writing a story about the two of us for the rest of their lives or something. Spare us both anymore torture.
"Because at this point...I don't even know who I am anymore."
Your eyes welled with tears again and your shoulders heaved as you held back a sob.
And Eddie wished that he could tell you that he understood.
That his few days experience being aware that he was in a story could compare to everything that you'd seen.
He could tell you he appreciated your concern, that he felt that sense of dread that you felt for him. Assure you that he'd be fine. That it would be alright as long as you were in it together, just like you said.
But truthfully before hearing you say it right now, he hadn't come to that conclusion that he might be stuck in some endless loop of happiness and misery forever.
Because he did what he always did: he avoided the bad things. He ran away from this problem.
So what could say that could help you? That would make you feel better?
He wracked his brain for a moment, coming up with the right words.
But if there was anything Eddie did better than run away, it was say the right thing at the right time.
And he did.
"I know who you are," Eddie finally found his voice.
He took one of your hands in his and then cupped your cheek so you could look into his eyes.
"You might have forgotten who you are, but I know. I've always known. From the first time I saw you on screen, I felt such a connection to you."
He felt nervous, revealing his feelings to you. Confessing his fanatic behavior, his love for you. They were things he never said aloud to anyone and it made him nervous and vulnerable. Made him feel like he needed to run again. But your eyes glittered with unshed tears, and he knew he had to soldier on.
"Meeting you was like...the happiest day of my life. And you weren't anything that I expected, but everything I knew you were, deep down. And you...you've always seen the real me too, which is something very few people have the patience for. You're exactly who I've been waiting for.
"So maybe," he paused and cleared his throat. "Maybe we only have a few weeks together, or a few months, or maybe it'll be a few years for this Writer to give us a Happily Ever After. Maybe they'll put us through hell. But at least we're in it together. And I'll be here to remind you who you are if you ever forget, and to make sure you're not alone for as long as I can. As long as you promise that you'll do the same for me too."
In hindsight, a kiss was probably not the best end to his little declaration, but it felt right, so he did it anyway.
He leaned in and softly kissed your forehead, then the tip of your nose, then caught the softness of your lips between his.
The sound of your sigh, and the feeling of you melting against him, were the sweetest sensations he'd ever felt. It was a relief.
For a moment, right before he pulled away, Eddie felt a smug sense of superiority over everyone. All the writers who had made you question who you were, all of the love interests that they'd written for you--Alex P. Keaton could get fucked--and he resolved to make this a story for the ages, even if it never wound up on some fanfiction writer's page.
"Thank you Eddie," you whispered against his lips when all was said and done.
"We have a deal?"
"Yeah," you bit your lip and grinned at him. "It's a deal."
You backed away and, hands still locked together Eddie looked around the trailer park and sighed.
"So..." he scratched the back of his neck. "What happens now?"
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Next Chapter: Reader Suggestions
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flightyalrighty · 2 months
You're so so so so cool and so so so so talented and I am so so so so devastated oghghghb 😭
Can't wait to get my bank account up and running soon to sacrifice one of my ocs to this universe and cry about my lad as if I didn't do it to him...
I'm so so excited. But OGHHGHGHGHGHGHGH MY SONNNNNNNNic. MY POOR BOIS, THEY DO NO WRONG YOUR HONOR BECAUSE I SAY SO- INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY- no no ignore the fact they're quite literally and beyond red handed right now- INNOCENT.
I love how you're characterizing them, Shadow is used to being/has been treated as a threatening object/being out of control so his immediate response is to act accordingly even through the fear, but Sonic is so used to being the one protecting and saving others because he's so used to having control of himself that he's just panicking and acting irrationally even if it could risk others.
Sonic isn't being foolish but he's out of his element and reasonably terrified, Shadow is panicking as well but he's trying to process and rationalize things immediately because that's who he is. Sonic is act first ask questions later and Shadow is ask a few questions before acting. They're both quick to jump the gun, Shadow assuming sonic is covered in Tails entrails and just blurting it out to him AS SONIC IS PANICKING and Sonic trying to run off despite knowing he's potentially hurt someone.
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Sorry I have no other way of expressing myself towards this ask, my brain is pudding, just know that I really enjoyed reading it and appreciate it a whole lot.
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sonicexelle-junkary · 3 months
Today on the internet, we look at how people completely FUCKED UP the characterization of a Horror AU and turned it into one of the worst AI text bots we have ever seen!
More of whatever that hellhole is at 10 CST!
When people mischaracterize him as some sort of cannibalistic lunatic, that’s fine, I get it. HH!Sonic was like that for a while before I rewrote the story, so I understand when people still think he’s like that (plus also it’s kinda cool).
But to go so far into the completely wrong direction, you’d think he’s that much of a freak, and that much of a horrible person, is beyond me. Even if this is just the bot spewing random things, this is still absolutely disgusting.
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: The Smiling Critters (or "Smiling Buddies")
Please refer to the below post as well:
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(Attached link is for both halves of the art, designed by togebora)
A colourful band of friends, these are who you may (or may not) know as the Smiling Critters! Well, they are different in the IAB! continuity than you may know them in Poppy Playtime, especially over in Dimension MP-2021, where their roles are most prominent.
In this universe, they are NOT fictional characters from a TV show or toy lineup, but they are instead real characters in-universe who co-exist alongside everyone else in MP-2021. As it happened, all eight had applied for Bumper High School at the beginning of One More Hero and were getting ready to study alongside OMT!Tails and the ApocalypseTitan kid characters.
Daylight the Pup (DogDay)
The leader of the friend group and one of the most optimistic of the eight. He's shown to be very loyal to his friends, and he's one of the first OMT!Tails passes by on the open week at the school.
Bubba the Elephant (Bubba Bubbaphant)
The blue elephant member and one of the top students in classes, up there with OMT!Tails (mainly in math and science) and Max Cartwright. He's naturally smart and has a really good memory for things, and he's sometimes about to keep check on the below-mentioned petition and see how it's coming along.
Kickroyale the Chicken (Kickin' Chicken)
The yellow chicken member who is full of radical attitude for those around him and can be pretty smug about stuff. Though it does cause trouble on occasion for those around him, he's still got a good heart, and he's a bit of a softie deep down. Though he is the "cool kid" of his gang, he is pretty prone to fear, and is open to asking others for help if he really needs it.
As it happens, in One More Hero, he's the first to come to OMT!Tails and Bobby's aid when Benny starts bullying them for the heck of it (and even had the gall to mock Bobby's all-loving status), and he kept his trap shut when Richard attacked the school in More than One Universe to avoid being noticed.
Picky Patch the Pig (PickyPiggy)
The pink pig member and the big eater of the bunch. Contrary to her name, she isn't picky, but she enjoys lunchtimes at school and usually picks something filling and healthy to have for her daily meals. Of course, she can be picky about trying light snacks or fast foods, due to not wanting to be unhealthy in her life.
Picky is also one of the most optimistic and level-headed in the group, and is there to calm the others down if things are getting out of hand. And out of the goodness in her heart, when she heard that OMT!Tails was off sick, she shared some apples she had picked from an orchard for him to enjoy.
Hoppy Scotch the Bunny (Hoppy Hopscotch)
The green rabbit member and the most excitable of the bunch. She gives a lot of enthusiasm to friends around her, though can come off as loud or impatient sometimes because of this, so she does make time to slow down for her friends.
Of the bunch, she was one of the bigger fans of OMT!Sonic when he was still alive, and aspired to be able to run fast like him, hence her decision to ask OMT!Tails to give running or hopping a shot with her whenever they got the chance to hang out.
Crafty "CraftyCorn" Canvas the Unicorn
The white, yet colourful, unicorn member and one of the more shy members. She is shy around meeting new people, but especially enjoys art and the vast wonders it can create. As an aspiring artist, she finds it very important to share the art she creates with others and finding beauty in pretty much anything around her.
She's the Smiling Buddy who has the most influence in points of One More Hero's plot, as she had heard about the rising prevalence of AI in art theft and disliked the idea, so she enlisted OMT!Tails's help to go and get people to sign her petition to make AI art outright illegal in Dimension MP-2021.
OMT!Tails did find some difficulty in getting all the required signatures at first, but when the alternate crew from the Blur Gang came along, that's when he made excellent progress, and he handed the finished petition back to Crafty at the end of the story for her to put forward. She even painted a picture of him (including one with his nano-suit) and sent it to him as a thank you for what he did.
Bobby Hugster the Bear (Bobby Bearhug)
The young red bear member and the all-loving part of the gang. She's a young girl who shows love and compassion for pretty much anybody, no matter who they are. However, this all-loving status doesn't come without its flaws, as it leaves her vulnerable to bullying, which she wouldn't have made it through if not for people like OMT!Tails and Kickroyale having her back.
In One More Hero, she's the first to see how nervous Tails is about settling into his new school in those next six months, and offers him some starting companionship while he gets to grips with the place. And once she heard about what went down with Uma, she's the first to comfort OMT!Tails once he returns to the school dorms, knowing just how difficult it must be for him to cope with.
Of course, thanks to her being there whilst OMT!Tails was being comforted by the Blur Gang, it meant she also got caught up in the crazy hide-and-seek when Danny entered the room, and then pinned in the room with OMT!Tails when the Blur Gang headed out to shut down Eggman Nega's invention themselves, though she was freed once Tails got his heroic second wind.
Naksh the Cat (CatNap)
The last member of the Smiling Buddies, and arguably the one who's changed THE MOST from his original counterpart. He's not constantly sleepy, but he is selectively mute and hasn't smiled a lot, even when with his friends. He had a rough home life and finds comfort in being around people who genuinely get it.
He does show up to help comfort OMT!Tails after Uma is hospitalised, though due to being more nervous, he doesn't stick around after the Blur Gang arrive at his dorm, though does show fascination when he witnesses proof of the multiverse from them.
Through this knowledge, he saw about his portrayals from Playtime Co. and the horrors of the factory, and isn't afraid to show his dislike for BOTH portrayals, feeling they don't capture who he really is at all.
And in general...
Each of them enjoy being around OMT!Tails and have all supported him from the sidelines in his quest to protect Mobius from destruction at the hands of crazed villains. Though their roles are not as major as anyone from the Blur Gang, Quill Society or rogues gallery, they all still make sure to do their part where it counts.
Small Note
For all you Poppy Playtime fans that saw this post and liked it, welcome to my blog, where I post stuff related to a story based on Spider-Verse, but with hedgehogs, foxes and other characters from the Sonic multiverse. Be sure to stick around here to see more!
And as a side-note to you guys, the Smiling Critters (who I'll admit are my personal favourites from the game) are going to be the ONLY representation of Poppy Playtime in ALL of IAB!. That means the rest of the characters are absent in Dimension MP-2021 outright.
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praetorqueenreyna · 5 months
Tamlin Week 2024 Statistics
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Hello all! I crunched some numbers on Tamlin Week 2024, which was way bigger and better than I ever could have dreamed! All together, there were 184 submissions by 48 different creators.
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Day 1 had the most submissions, with 16.8% of the total (31 submissions). Day 6 had the least, with 12.5% (23 submissions). There was an average of 26.3 submissions each day, or 14.3% of the total.
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The most popular prompt (excluding the Free Day) was Heir of Spring, a Day 1 prompt, with 11.4% (21 submissions). The least popular prompt on its own was the Day 2 prompt Warrior, with 2.7% (5 submissions). However, Day 2 had the most people incorporate both prompts into their works, with 5.4% of the submissions using both Poet and Warrior.
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By far, the most popular type of submission for Tamlin Week was fanfiction, with 51.6% (95 submissions). We were pleasantly surprised by the amount of poetry submitted for the week, with 9.2% of the creations (17 submissions). I haven't seen a lot of other fandom events where so many people create poetry for them, and it was such an amazing tribute to our favorite poet High Lord!
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Most of the submissions (40.9%, or 79 submissions) were General Tamlin content, without a focus on ships. Again, kind of rare to see in ACOTAR events, it's so cool that so many of the creators focused on Tamlin himself! Tamlin/Rhysand (11.9%, or 23 submissions) and Tamlin/Lucien (11.4%, or 22 submissions) are neck-and-neck for being the most popular Tamlin ship submitted. Tamlin/Feyre is the next most popular Tamlin ship, at 8.3% or 16 submissions. If a ship had fewer than 3 submissions, it was lumped in the "Other" category. Some of the Tamlin ships that squeaked by with 3-4 submissions are Tamlin/Nesta, Tamlin/Eris, Tamlin/Nyx, Tamlin/Amarantha, and ships where Tamlin is with 2 or more other partners. It was super interesting to see who made the cut onto the pie chart! Tamlin/Nyx gonna be the Tamlin ship of 2025, I can feel it.
The diversity of ships for this event really is so amazing. In a fandom that seems weirdly addicted to canon, it's cool that the Tamlin community is so creative and open with what they ship!! Especially because mlm Tamlin ships are dominating the shipping chart!
Lastly, I want to give a shoutout to the creators who went above and beyond to create content for this event. With 7 submissions (1 for every day), we have @duaghterofstories, @rin-u-pos, @shi-daisy, @songofthesibyl, @szalonykasztan00, and @taymartiart. With 8 submissions, we have @achaotichuman, @booksnwriting, and @copypastus. With 9 submissions, we have @lorcandidlucienwill. And our heavyweight Tamlin Week champions are @mathiwrites with 12 submissions, and @sonic-atelier with 14 submissions!!
You are all amazing, and I will never be done telling you all how much I love you!!!
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son1c · 7 months
How about Sonic's view on the situation with Tails? Like, is he avoiding him at first? How does he handle knowing he can't bear to be near someone that means so much to him?
well! "the situation with tails" is basically just "the situation in general" except, like, orders of magnitude worse. because sonic already feels. hm. not good! about being snatched, and manipulated, and beaten. "beaten" meaning, if this was a fight, starline won. and sonic... isn't used to losing.
he feels really vulnerable and is trying to mask it by acting like he usually does. like he's cool as a cucumber. like nothing is wrong. but it's not working, because he can't help but skirt his eyes around tails. his baby brother. he can't look at him without freezing up.
why? the worst part is sonic doesn't even know. from beyond the grave, starline is surely laughing at him.
sonic tries to force his way through it, but every time he looks at tails, he wants to leave. to go back to snowpoint. the longing hits him like a train, grabs his heart and squeezes so hard it's a miracle it doesn't burst right there in his chest.
but he knows now--those feelings were manufactured. and yet... the longer sonic's eyes linger, the more he remembers all the good things about snowpoint, the REAL things he experienced while he was there, and the awful, perfect, diabolical circle of "you love this place" and "this place loves you" coils around him like a snake.
sonic wrenches his gaze away and looks at the floor, the ceiling, out the window. anywhere but at tails. and he taps his foot. he wants to move but he doesn't trust himself to run and not head right back into the cage from which he just escaped from.
and tails can tell. that something is very, very wrong.
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