#sons of samedi
classicsinga · 5 months
Veteran Child stands up for himself.
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danthepest · 1 year
Saints Row fans, help me figure this one out!
So when the General and Mr. Sunshine interrogate Veteran Child in the music store, Sunshine shoves Veteran Child into the CD stacks and a number of them fall down.
When The General gives his ultimatum to Veteran Child, Mr. Sunshine shoves one of the CDs into Veteran Child’s hands.
Anyone know just what that was about? What the significance was? Its not like Sunshine just grabbed the nearest CD either. He was rummaging through the CDs on the floor to find a specific one to shove into Veteran Child’s hands. They mo-capped this!
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iiilovebeam · 1 year
any little Alejandra and Hector tidbits you could share with us? their whole dynamic really fascinates me
Even tho they have a rocky relationship in sr2 they are hella competitive when it comes to anything
Alejandra likes to eat Hectors food (she eats everyone’s)
Even tho Alejandras an ass sometimes Hector is her number one defender☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽
They like to prank Pierce and Shaundi together
They laugh at the dumbest shit ever even when it’s not supposed to be funny
Hector tries to push Alejandra to ask Shaundi out (he makes fun of her for it😭)
Alejandra makes fun of Hectors hair through sr2 and sr3 because he kept it the same and never changed it
I like to think that when Alejandra gets hurt during a mission or something Hector just grabs her and either drags her across the floor or throws her over his shoulder😭(he drops her a lot)
Alejandra likes to make Hector pay for everything when they hangout
Alejandra also likes to drag Hector
They fight over the dumbest shit
Hector likes to make fun of Alejandras forehead
At first Alejandra never called Hector by his real name she would call anything else like cabeza de cacahuate or patas chuecas😭🙏🏽
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flight-128 · 1 year
Tumblr media
look at my boy
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lilys-proposal · 2 months
love that when i first played saints row 2 (needs to play the 1st one) i thought it was gonna b ahah funny gangster game
i bawled twice . hi
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worldofkuro · 2 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXXIII
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Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: Oh my dear readers. I truly hope you will enjoy this chapters because I did. I had to cut this chapters in half because it would have been too long. Next chapters are going to be really intense I think, please do tell me your thoughts.
“ Alice, leave your father’s shadow alone!”
It’s been a few years since you gave birth to your little girl and it had been.. Interesting so far. 
After giving birth, you stayed inside the hospital for a week. It seemed like you had bleed too much so the doctors wanted to make sure you would be safe before going home. Your parents visited you as soon as you were stable.
“ Oh, my baby..!” your mother ran toward you and hugged you while your father shook Alastor’s hand with teary eyes. 
You smiled at your mother as you showed her your baby. Your dad immediately coed at her, carrying her in his arms as your mother kissed her forehead. Alastor stayed by your side, caressing your hand, making sure you were feeling fine. You smiled sweetly at him, you were exhausted but you were also feeling full of energy!
Marie came the next day with flowers and sweets for you. She hugged her son with a soft expression before kissing you on both cheeks. She couldn’t hold her tears when you showed her Alice. She kissed Alice’s forehead before taking her in her arms after you had her permission.
“ She looks just like you, Alastor!” She beamed as Alice opened her eyes to look at her grandma.” Oh, but her gaze is just like your wife!” She giggled before Alice began to cry, surely wanting to go back into your arms.
You took Alice in your arms as Marie gave you advice which you listened to carefully. She seemed so happy to be a grandma, you knew Alastor was feeling satisfied to have given such a smile on his mother’s face.
The fourth day, Alyzée came to visit you. You were breastfeeding Alice while Alastor was packing your things. You were feeling fine now, so you knew the doctor would release you soon. You lifted your head up when you saw Alyzée entering the room.
“ Hello and congratulations.” She smiled softly with a huge bouquet of flowers. Alastor took it before going to place it toward your luggages, rolling his eyes as Alyzée congratulated you once more.
‘ Can they be original with their congratulations ?’
When you told the name you chose for your baby, Alyzée almost burst into tears but you could see she was trying to be strong. You took her hand in yours with a soft smile. You knew her pain, you wouldn’t judge her for crying.
“ I… I came with someone.” She said with a shy smile. She turned her head toward the door and you beamed as you saw the butler that used to serve Alice, the one who saw you growing up.
“ Hello, dear. I’m happy you are doing well.”
You all talk a little, even if at some point Alastor walked out with the butler. You gave Alice to Alyzée who held her carefully in her arms. You were still missing your best friend, how you wished she could be here with her own baby. You both would talk about your feelings and your fears about being a mother…
Once everyone left your room, you smiled when you saw Baron Samedi and Papa Legba sitting next to you. Of course, you almost panicked when a nurse came to check on you but you sigh in relief when you remembered she couldn’t see them. You looked at Alastor when the nurse left your room.
“ Kalfu doesn’t want to come?”
“He doesn't care.” He shrugged before sitting next to you. You stared at him. Since Alice was born he never held her. Why? Was he scared? Did he not care about her? “ Yes, dear?”
“ Don’t you want to hold our daughter?” You smiled at him as Alice was making adorable baby noises.
“ Why? You don’t want to hold her anymore? I can carry her if you want.” Alastor smiled as he approached his hand toward you but you shook your head.
“ Do you want to ?”
You scrutinized Alastor’s face as he looked at you with his usual smile. He didn't seem disgusted with your baby… so why?
You sighed, shaking your head with a soft smile. You knew Alastor wasn’t like normal people, that’s also why you loved him so much. You couldn’t force him to do things if he wasn’t uncomfortable. It was like you were younger, you had to tame him before being able to touch him. Maybe it was going to be the same with Alice?
“ She is such a cute baby, I’m happy you are alive and well, little warrior!”  Said Baron Samedi watching Alice who was falling asleep. 
You stroke your baby cheek with a soft smile. You felt so different since Alice was born, it’s only been a few days and yet you felt stronger in a way. It was like being a mother gave you another kind of power…Talking about powers..
You looked at Alastor who was talking with Baron Samedi about his new power. From what he told them, he could manipulate fire, which you witnessed the night Alice died. But Kalfu had given him a reddish cane that had the power to trap souls inside of it, but Alastor would lose one year of his lifespan for each soul trapped.
“ That bastard… He really gave you that, huh…” Said Baron Samedi, crossing his arms against his torso. He didn’t seem happy with the news but he wasn’t furious either. You asked him if this power was supposed to be his, which he answered with an amused expression. “ We can say that…”
“ Am I the only one whose lifespan will be shortened ?” Asked Alastor. You tilted your head at his words, you didn’t even think about it. 
“ Logically, no. You are bound together forever, if your lifespan is being reduced because of your deal, our little lady will also shorten her lifespan.” Explained Papa Legba with his habitual warm expression.
Alastor’s gaze fell on you. You already knew what he was thinking, he didn’t want to use this power if you were affected but… Losing one year was nothing, and you wanted to use this power against one person only.
“If we trapped Trey’s soul inside the cane, we wouldn’t need it anymore.” You smiled at him, confident. “ Let’s cage his soul and then never use the cane ever again.”
Alastor studied you for a long minute before smiling as usual. He kissed your forehead with a fondness you always loved.  You knew he was thinking about a way out of this rule Kalfu decided on the canne. You trusted him, you knew he would succeed.
“ Now, let’s talk about you, my dear. You also earned another power, flying was it?” He looked at Papa Legba with a smirk that the spirit didn’t return it.
“ Well, it is the power to understand the air, that is her new power. She can’t control the air, she is only human after all.”
“ But… you said it was a new skill of mine? Levitating…”
“ Well of course, your Telekinesis power got stronger enough for you to use it on yourself to be able to levitate. You aren’t really controlling the air…”
“ But, the air was like a storm around me at that time.” You said, looking at Alastor who nodded, confirming your sayings.
“ I know little lady, I was there.  I summoned a spirit who controls the air, they are very empathic so your rage filled them enough to make a small storm inside the room. The spirit didn’t want to leave you, so you can work with them.  You will now be able to ask the wind to do things for you, if the spirit wants to, of course.”
 You looked at him confused. Why did this spirit want to work with you, you didn’t ask for them… 
You nodded slowly looking around. Was the spirit here ?
“ No, no”, laughed Legba while Baron Samedi was chuckling next to you, “ they are having fun somewhere right now. As long as you don’t summon them, they won’t stay next to you. Wind is freedom after all.”
“ So, my dearest can ask this spirit to go somewhere and do things? Or is it a passive spirit?” Asked Alastor, he seemed very interested. “ Is it the same kind of spirit that I have for my fire? Or is it different ?”
“ Well, we can say that those powers you two have are from spirits. Your powers aren’t yours, remember that. They belong to the spirits Kalfu and I let into this realm. If we ever took them back, you would be powerless.” Legba stared at you with a sadness you couldn’t understand. Was it advice or a warning..?
“ But yes, to be clear, Alastor owns a Fire spirit while the little doll works with the air spirit.” Baron Samedi said as he smoked his cigar. You frowned at the spirit who seemed confused by your glare but when you showed your baby he laughed before stepping back, smoking away from you and Alice.
“ Why do I work with a spirit and Alastor owns it?” you asked.  
“ Well… Alastor’s spirits are trapped with him until he dies or Kalfu decides he wants them back. You, little lady, work with them because they want to. They can go back to the spiritual realm if they deem you not worthy of their service.” Papa Legba explained.
“ But why?”
“ Haha ! Because you are working with Legba and your husband with Kalfu, it’s that simple.” Teased Baron Samedi.
You looked at Alastor who was smirking. You liked your conditions better, at least, you knew you still had your powers because the spirits liked you… Talking about spirits..
“ My shadow…!” You shouted, awaking Alice. She began to cry and you quickly tried to calm her down by kissing her cheeks, whispering apologies.
“ Oh yes, it went back to me.”
“Why..?” You whispered, feeling hurt, even more that now you knew for sure the spirit could decide if they wanted to stay by your side and share their powers with you. Your shadow left when you were in that special moment, but why..?
“ Oh, it asked me to make sure nothing would happen to you. I said I couldn’t do anything, so it stayed with me so it wouldn’t draw energy from you just by being by your side.”
You saw your husband's confused face, did he think the shadows did not feel anything? You were touched, your shadow tried to find help somewhere else… You missed it.
“ Can it come back..?”
“ Well, of course.” replied the old spirit.
You didn’t have the time to thank Papa Legba as you saw your shadow on the wall moving before dashing toward you. You laughed as it hugged you, covering your body with its black arms. You patted its head before it let you go and watched your baby in your arms. You smiled softly as it touched Alice’s cheeks which made her move a little before opening her eyes. 
Your shadow was then tackled but Alastor’s which made your husband scoff at his shadow actions. You knew your lover hated being seen as uncomposed, so seeing his shadow being his opposite must frustrated him. Well, it made you laugh.
The two spirits vanished after another hour of talking. You observed your husband who was watching you and your daughter. You tilted your head, opening your mouth to ask him what he was thinking about but he cut you off.
“ She has your eyes…”
You beamed, looking at your baby who was holding a lock of your hair. You couldn’t deny it, Alice had her father’s color’ eyes but the way they seemed to shine was just like your eyes. 
The day before you could leave the hospital, Victor came to congratulate you. He came with a lot of chocolate which made you beamed. You were dying to eat some since you’ve been captive here.
Alastor was mocking Victor, asking if he managed his emission at the radio. Victor seemed clearly embarrassed, saying he managed to do enough but he clearly didn’t have the same amount of audience since Alastor took some days off to stay with you. 
Victor was really a sweetheart, he couldn’t help but smile at Alice when he saw her. After a small discussion, you discovered that Victor was dying to have a child too but he was still single so it was going to be difficult. 
“ I’m sure you are going to find someone, Victor!”
“ Yes, and maybe they will listen to you on the radio.” Teased Alastor, making you shake your head with a small smile. 
After Victor left, Mimzy came in. You were surprised she even came, you weren’t very close to her, but as she entered the room she immediately congratulated Alastor and began to speak with him. 
You didn’t partake into their conversation, you mostly took care of Alice. Mimzy was the one who helped you with dancing but since Larry’s death, you didn't really interact with her, even at your wedding.
When you were discharged from the hospital, you were more than happy to go home. You could finally start this new life with Alastor.
Being a mother was challenging, you were always worried something would happen. But thankfully, your spirits were very helpful. Sometimes the wind would whisper in your ear that Alice needed to be changed, making you stop what you were doing to help your daughter.
Your shadow would also help you when you were taking care of the food, it would watch over Alice, making her laugh. You wondered if it was normal, your shadow could interact with people but you weren’t sure if they could see it… But Legba taught you that children were very sensible to the spiritual realm. If Alice was capable of seeing your shadow once she was older, then you would be sure that she has spiritual powers.
Alastor was so attentive to your needs too. Sometimes you would just fall on the bed because you were so exhausted that you couldn’t do anything more. Alastor would take care of the cooking, ordering you to take a bath and not do anything else.
Marie and your mother would come often, helping you when you felt like you were going to turn crazy because Alice couldn’t sleep and was crying since this morning. 
One night, you woke up because you were sure you heard Alice crying. You didn’t notice Alastor wasn’t by your side on the bed. You saw the baby bed empty and almost fainted. Where was your baby? 
You felt the wind pushing toward a direction and you followed it until you were in front of Alastor’s office. You peeked inside the room and almost melted at the sight. 
Alastor was holding Alice in his arms while showing her his old radio that he had owned since his childhood. Alice was blablating like a baby, trying to reach for the radio.
“ Ha-ha. Young lady, this radio is older than you, you should be respectful.” Alastor tutted, taking Alice’s hands away from his precious items. “ Now, you need to be able to be quick minded, if not you would get bored… We don’t want that, right?” 
You smiled when you saw Alice smiled and reached for her father’s face. Alastor tilted his face toward your baby, permitting Alice to touch his glasses, before looking at you with a fond smile.
“ Darling, you are awake…”
You walked toward him, caressing his cheek as he closed his eyes when he felt your touch. You looked at your baby and husband, was happiness this simple? You kissed Alastor with all the affections you could convey. How happy you felt…
Alastor would talk with Alice, never using a baby voice like Marie or your mother would do. He would talk like he was talking to an adult which made you laugh when he asked her if she wanted to try Jambalaya when she was older.
The first time Alice said mommy, you almost dropped her. You were teaching her how to talk, Alastor was sitting next to you with his coffee and then Alice just said it.
“ Mo..Mommy..”
You froze as Alastor coughed, almost choking on his drink. You stared at your baby who was giggling, her hand reaching for your face. You hugged her while semi-screaming to your husband.
“ Did you hear? Did you?”
“ I think I did. Well done Alice.”
When Alice finally said Dad, you smirked at Alastor who couldn’t help himself but smirked at his daughter, saying she better learn more words or they couldn’t have a discussion.
You took a lot of pictures with your camera. Pictures about Alastor and Alice, Alice alone, you and your daughter. Alastor would play the piano and you would sing, smiling when you saw your baby looking at the both of you with stars in her eyes.
When she took her first steps, you were sitting on the sofa, watching her as she was playing with toys that Victor had gifted her. Alastor was working and you knew he would come later tonight.
But then, 9 month old Alice just decided it was time for her to walk. She stood up, making you freeze, and then walked clumsily toward you with a big smile. You quickly opened your arms and took her against your chest, screaming in delight. You put her on the floor once more and then walked away a bit and stared at her.
“ Come to mommy, Alice!”
She tilted her head but then she did it again.
When Alastor came from work you told him not to move and put Alice on the floor. Alastor tilted his head before his eyes widened when he saw your daughter walking toward him. He crouched in front of her with a smirk, watching her as she clumsily fell in his arms.
“ Well, isn’t it early for you to already walk?”
The only answer he got  was you, screaming in joy and Alice’s happy noises.
That night, Alice slept peacefully.You were watching over her with a fond expression. You felt your husband's arms wrapping themselves around your waist and his hot torso being against your back.
“ Still nothing?”
“ Nothing that could make him fall.”
You knew, while you were taking care of Alice, Alastor was trying to find clues about Trey. You really felt useless, letting Alastor take care of everything but he told you that you shouldn’t care about it. For now, your preoccupation was to take care of Alice and yourself.
His shadow was always with your daughter and you. After what Trey did, he didn't want to take any risks. Alastor thought Trey would try to hurt you, but you weren’t feeling it. And Alastor would always take your feeling seriously about a situation.
“ I think he doesn't want anything to do with us.”
“ Why is that, dear?”
“ Well, I had a feeling so.. I asked the wind which told me..” You grimaced when you saw Alastor’ eyes changing. He was staring at you, without moving, his nails digging into your wais. You knew he was angry because you used a spirit to keep track of Trey. “ Listen.. I don’t.. I can’t let you do all the work.”
“ What if he saw the spirit? What if he felt it?” Alastor asked, his voice dangerously low.
“ He didn’t, the spirit would have told me…  But, now that he is without a wife, he cares about the testament from his father in law.. He wants the Richemonts’s wealth.”
“ Well, he is going to own it. He is the rightful heir to all of Richemont's wealth…”
You sighed, shaking your head, your fist clenching so hard you felt your nails digging into the palms of your hands.
“ He doesn’t own it. Richemont's name doesn’t belong to him.” You spat, feeling anger taking place inside you making the wind around you move your and Alastor’s hair.
“ Don’t worry, we will kill him before he manages that.” Alastor said, kissing your cheek, while his hands were moving toward your neck. You sighed as he squeezed it a little, just like your husband told you, everything was going to turn alright. 
Years passed by and this is where you were right now: June 1932.
Alice was now five and she was the most beautiful little girl you ever met! She had lighter skin tan than her father but she had his brown-honey like eyes, her hair was lighter than yours, but she had long wavy locks. She had a cute red dress with a pink ribbon. She had quite a mouth, just like her father.
She was playful, clever, expressive, witty, entertaining and joyful. Marie said she was the perfect mixt of you and Alastor which you agreed. Alice could be very polite with adults, but a brat with her classmates. She was overconfident in herself, thinking she had all the answers. Of course, Alastor would laugh, testing her every time.
And of course, Alastor wasn’t taking gloves, even with Alice, so their banter would last thirty minutes before Alice ran into your arms, saying that her dad was being mean. Alastor would just say he was not mean, just better than her and another banter would start.
You were so scared that Alastor wouldn’t like his daughter but thank Gods, they had their moment of complicity.  Alice always loved going into her father’s workplace, a passion she had since Alastor showed her everything about radio. She would sit on his laps while he was doing his emission, being a good girl, never bothering her father.
You also would , as a family, dance together. Most of the time Alastor would be on the piano while you and Alice would dance. She wanted to learn to dance like you so you taught her some moves. She loved blues and jazz, making Alastor proud.
She would love gossiping, when her father would come back, you would bake something and then, Alastor would sit on the sofa while you sat on his laps and Alice would sit between the two of you, listening to what Alastor had to say. You knew she didn’t understand everything but she would listen either way, even falling asleep to both your voices.
But right now, you had another problem.
You ran after Alice who laughed, trying to catch Alastor’s shadow, which seemed to have the time of this life. You caught her in your arms, pecking her on her cheeks.
“ You are going to have trouble, young lady!” You laughed, as she was trying to be free from your arms.
“ Mommy, can we go see Dad?”
You looked at Marie who was laughing behind her hand. She was getting older but she still looked good.  You decided to visit her after seeing your mother and father. You always wondered if she felt lonely but she always told you that Alastor often came to see her, and she liked being alone. 
“ Say goodbye to grandma, then.”
Alice ran toward Marie and hugged her tightly before taking Eamon in her arms. You never thought Alice would choose Eamon as her plushie but she always took him with her when she had to go outside. When you first noticed it, you asked Alastor if it wasn’t dangerous for the bound that you shared.
Alastor thought for a moment before saying that his shadow would be with you, so nothing would happen to your deer plushie. And Alice was already loving the plushie, so taking it away from her would result in a tantrum.
“ See you later, Marie.” You kissed her on both cheeks before taking Alice’s hand in yours and walking toward Alastor’s workplace.
“ Are we going to see auntie later?”
You smiled at her, since she was born Alice was calling your deceased best friend, auntie. You would take her to the cemetery and talk about her, your daughter listening to your adventures with sparkles in her eyes. 
“ Not today, my baby, maybe tomorrow?”
Alice nodded before walking with you, sometimes stopping to watch inside a shop. You smiled as she stopped in front of a candy shop, she had a sweet tooth just like you. You let go of her hands as she pressed her face against the glass.
“ Mrs. Sanglar…”
You turned your head toward the policeman you knew too well. You felt a breeze of wind moving your hair before everything turned silent.
“ Mr. Felleur.”
“ Oh.. You don’t have to call me that. I’m still John for you–”
“ What can I do for you, sir.”
You saw John's face fall. It was taking every once of your energy not to kill him right now. Since Alice’s birth, Alastor and you haven't killed anyone. Alastor was too busy with work and finding clues about Trey and you were busy taking care of Alice, the house and sometimes asking spirits about Trey.
You knew Alastor had pulsions, and during those times, when he couldn’t kill, you would play in the forest. Alastor had a gun and you had a knife, the first who touched the other won. You lost most of the time, but when Alastor was taking his reward, you didn’t mind losing.
But you knew it wasn’t enough, even for you. You craved tearing an eye off from someone's face, preferably Trey’s face but well…
Because of that, the serial killer that all of New Orelans’s police were looking after, thought that the serial killer had died or managed to run away in another country. Some journalists were making stories, saying that the last victim of the serial killer had been Alice Richemont. Some were thinking Alice was the serial killer because after her death, no kills were reported.
How stupid.
You felt Alice taking your hand, making you look down. She was like you, an empath, she often could feel what others couldn’t. Now, was this just because she was very empathic or was there something else..
“ Oh… Is she your daughter..?” He asked with a small smile.
You rolled your eyes, what a stupid man. 
“ What do you want from me, officer?”
You stared as John began to speak. After 5 years, John looked the same. He still had these piercing green eyes, his build was more muscular but he was still incapable of looking at you in the eyes without blushing.
“ — So , what are your thoughts?”
Ah, you didn’t listen..
“ Mommy and I are going to see Dad! We won’t go with you!” You looked at your daughter who stomped her foot on the ground, squeezing Eamon against her. You smiled sweetly, she was so cute, pouting like this. You looked at John and freezed when you saw his eyes fixated on Alice. Why was he looking at her like this? 
Alice must have felt it because she tugged your arms so you could carry her. You did it immediately, staring at John.
“ Officer.”
“ So, you still have this deer plushie..”
“ Yes.”
John looked away from Eamon and looked at you but before he could open his cursed mouth, you walked past him, keeping Alice head against your chest. You didn't want to deal with Felleur right now, you haven’t seen John since your friend’s death…
You felt your shadow touch your ankle, making sure you were okay. You only smiled at it, you were stronger now, this conversation wasn’t going to make you feel bad.
You finally entered your husband ‘s workplace and smiled at Victor. He aged just like fine wine, you wondered how he could still be single! 
“ Victor!” Alice ran from your arms to jump into Victor’s who spun her in his arms.
“ Isn’t the princess of New Orleans ?” Cheered Victor. He looked at you and smiled before you hugged him to say hello. “ Alastor is in his office, he finished working so you can go.”
“ Do you want to see Dad, Alice?”
“ Not yet! I’m staying with Victor!”
You laughed, before going toward your husband’s office. You knocked before entering without waiting for Alastor to open the door. You looked as your husband lifted his head up, his smile way wider than usual.. It was the smile he had when…
He knew he was going to kill.
He dashed toward you, took your face between his hands and kissed you until you felt like you were going to die from the lack of air. He let you go, making you gasp for air, and then dive into your neck, kissing it, biting it…
“ Al-Alastor.. what–”
“ I know. I found it.”
“ What?”
“ Trey Felleur, I know how to make him fall.”
You felt your heart beat faster, you felt like you had a punch in the gut. You weren’t even sure if you heard him correctly. It’s been five years. Five years and you both never discovered anything about Trey that could put him behind the bar… or six feet underground.
“ How..?”
“ We are going to use our dear John. I know from a very trustful source that Trey wants Richemont’s wealth, he needs it, it’s very important.” He said with his maniac smile you missed so much. “ But guess who will earn all of it after Alice’s father dies?”
“ … his wife..?”
“ No, no darling. Us.”
“ … You aren’t making any sense, Alastor–”
“ My Love, curse of my sanity, listen to me. Alice’s father, Maurice, changed his will, he thinks Trey is the one who killed his daughter. He came to me and I confirmed his suspicion. He then decided to give to Alyzée and us, all of the Richemont’s wealth.”
“ … But why?”
“ Well, our daughter was the key. I told him we named our daughter, Alice. I think he got emotional, I don’t understand it but he asked us to make Trey fall.” He smirked cunningly.
“ Okay… but how do we make him fall?”
“ Don’t you think he is going to try to make Maurice change his will, trying to make it seem like he didn't do it?” you nodded. “ Then, we will attack John. I will tell all of New Orleans on the radio that John killed my father because he owed him money, that is why he came so many times on my mother’s property: to hide the corpse.”
“ But why would John try–”
“ The Felleur are in need of money, dear.” He laughed, leaning back before pushing you against the wall, caging you between his hands. “ The stock market crash in 1929 destroyed them.”
You could feel yourself smiling, feeling excited in your belly. You bit your lips,breathing heavily, staring at your husband who watched you with pure madness.
“ Trey can not lose the Richemont’s wealth, so he will do anything to keep it under his control. But if we frame John as a killer, don’t you think people would look at Trey suspiciously. Alice’s killer wasn’t found, but it was John who was taking care of the case. Trey could have killed Alice for her wealth and then used John to make him innocent…”
You looked at Alastor like you could bite him so hard he would bleed so much. He was amazing.. You were shaking with excitement. You brought your hand toward his face with a big smile.
“ If we frame John for my father’s death, Trey would have to act, making him more capable of making a mistake. We could kill him and then mask it as a suicide.”
You kissed your husband so fiercely he groaned against your lips. You spined him around before pushing his back against the wall. You bit his lips then kissed them again while Alastor’s hands were already moving on your body.
You loved him, you loved him, you loved him, he was… he was!
“ Dad, Mommy, open !”
You heard Alastor swear under his breath which made you laugh. You stepped back, making sure your dress was perfect before opening for your little girl. She ran inside your husband's office and sat on Alastor’s chair with a big smile.
“ Dad, you look bad!”
“ Look at yourself first, my dear daughter.”
You smiled, leaning your head against the wall, watching as Alastor taught Alice about every button he used for his broadcast.  Alastor was now 32 and you were 30. But your husband was still as breathtaking as when he was younger. It’s been five years since you didn’t see his blood lust expression, you really missed… but…
After five years, revenge was on its way.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos @charlottemorningstarsdarling @nekee-lilac02
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coovieilledentelle · 10 days
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Samedi on prend son temps...Été comme hiver, nos mains et nos pieds méritent le plus grand soin ...
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a-998h · 6 months
Being Red Son's Lava Haired sister
based on these headcanons written by @pamgkrthwrites.
These headcanons caused me to create an oc named Huoqiáng, who is in the reader's place in the @pamgkrthwrites headcanons.
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Red Son
Oh boy
He is a tsundere big brother
He is six years older than you
When Huoqiáng was pregnant he was a little upset he would have to share his parents love
Once you were born, he now wants to keep you safe
As you get older, and your horns grow he'll help make it hurt less
Because of his fire powers, he can touch your lava hair
Braids you hair when you ask
Teaches you how to use your fire powers better
That training he did with Mei, he'll do that with you
When you mess up, he will protect you and then give you crap for whatever you did
After the LBD incident, he becomes even more protective of you
He now makes sure you keep your powers and skills up to par
Tries to keep you from being friends with Mk and Mei before the LBD
Now he just sighs and tells you to be smarter than those two
Tries you no different because you're a girl, his mother made him drink his respect woman juice
Once you're friends with Mei and MK... you'll give him a heart attack
Helps you take care of your horns
Makes sure no one gets away with mocking you
Doesn't care that you're technically his half sister, loves you like a full sister
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Iron Fan
Adores you
She is a little upset she cant braid your hair
You're her little princess
While not overly affectionate she makes sure you know she loves you
Loves your horns so much
Helps you deal with horns when they break
Makes sure you clothes accommodate your lava hair
Even though your not her daughter, she doesn't care, she loves you
Any demon that mocks you... they saw the grim reaper
Likes teaching your important things
Is proud of your skills with fire
Has special accessories made for your hair
Says you look like your father cause of your horns
Is happy you look more like Huoqiáng
Helps you when you go through puberty
After the LBD incident... she makes sure to show you and Red Son more love
Holds you closer, metaphorically
Tried and failed to get your friendship to end with Mk and his friends
Tells you to be the smart one of the friend group
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Demon Bull King
Onces he's freed... he is happy to see you
Helps you take care of your horns because he has his own
Tries to teach you how to fight with a weapon... but you melted it
Like Iron Fan, he likes pointing out the features you share with Huoqiáng
Is sort of heat resistant so he also likes to do your hair
is protective of you, cuase your his little girl
Murder is on the table if someone tries to insult you, you're his daughter so no one gets away with that
Is not happy you're friends with MK, cause he hates Wukong
After he is freed from the control of the LBD, he hugs you
He makes sure to let his love for you be more obvious
Is proud of your warriors skill
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Thinks your lava hair and horns are cool
Likes to invite you over for movies and video games
You are one of the first people he tells about his monkey king powers
When he realizes you're Red Son's sister... nothing happens
Your status as Red Son's sister doesn't matter to him
You're his friend, and he does try to get you to be a hero
Loves your fire powers
He is upset he can't do your hair because, ya know, lava
Likes to hang out with you
After the trauma, and LBD incident... he hugs you and cries
Tries to check on you to make sure you're ok
Is happy you and your brother turned over a new leaf and became some what heros
When someone mocks you, he tries to be diplomatic... then violence
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Another awesome friend
Is upset she cant dye your hair, because again, lava
I think her dragon ancestry and being the samedi fire vessal means she is kind of fire proof, so she does your hair
Asks if she can paint your horns
Loves giving you outfits that fit your hair and that are also in her colors
When you show her your fire powers, she is in awe
When she learns you're Red Son's sister, like MK, nothing changes but she does mess with Red Son more
Like bringing you to races
Wants to take you on motorcycle rides
After finding out the samedi fire thing, and the LBD she is happy you're by her side
When she gets a handle on her new power, she is by your side more
Is happy you and your brother are heroic now
Will plot the murder of anyone who mocks you because of your half sister status
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You give him a heart attack and grey hairs
He first meets you... you put him on edge
When you become friends with MK and Mei, he gets used to you
Makes you noodles, you still have to pay
At some point, he starts seeing you as another one of his kids
When he learns you're Red Son's sister, he is now worried for his sanity and your safety
Tries to get you to be a nicer kid
Doesn't like your fire powers because he's worried you, or someone else, might get hurt or his shop might burn
Is impressed with your horns and is curious on how you grow lava hair
After LBD, he respects and cares a little more for you
When you're in his shop and someone mocks you... a wooden spoon will meet their face
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Wants to learn about your lava hair and horns
Willask you questions about what it's like to have lava hair, because it's cool
Helps you study sometimes
Wants to learn more about your fire powers
Might use you to get free noodles by using you to distract Pigsy
Might try to figure out the logistics of lava hair
When he learns you're Red Son's sister... it takes him a bit to figure it out
Once it hits him, he has so many questions and a new found uncle vibe
When he learns of his powers and LBD, he is even more uncle like to you
Teaches you things, mostly about the Journey to the West
Is proud of the growth you and Red Son have gone through
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logogreffe · 30 days
How to use "même" in French : [Part 1]
1. Même = same J'ai le même livre chez moi // I have the same book at home C'est pas le même // It's not the same (one) C'est pas la même chose // It's not the same thing
2. Même = even Même ma mère a oublié mon anniversaire // Even my mother forgot my birthday N'y pense même pas ! // Don't even think about it ! Je suis tombée et je n'ai même pas eu mal ! // I fell and it didn't even hurt. Même si = even if Même s'il s'excuse, je t'interdis de l'inviter à nouveau // Even if he apologises, I forbid you to invite him again.
Children often say things like : - "Même pas mal " : it's a shortened version of "J'ai même pas eu mal" = it didn't even hurt [you say this to look brave, and most of the time it did actually hurt] - "Même pas peur" : shortened version of "J'ai même pas eu peur"= I wasn't even scared - Même pas cap ! : shortened version of "tu n'es même pas capable [de le faire] !" (lit translation : You can't even [do it] !) = Dare you ! 3. Soi-Même = oneself/yourself moi-même = myself toi-même = yourself lui-même/elle-même = himself / herself nous-même = ourselves vous-même = yourselves eux-même = themselves (when the subject isn't defined you'll have to use "soi-même") Cette sculpture est magnifique, tu l'as faite toi-même ? // This sculpture is beautiful, did you make it yourself? Il y a certaines choses dans la vie qu'il faut faire soi-même // There are certain things in life you have to do yourself Etant moi-même mère de deux enfants, je sais de quoi elle parle // As a mother of two myself, I know what she's talking about.
4. Other expressions with "même" En ce moment même = in this very moment En ce moment même, ils ne sont que 3 à la cérémonie // In this very moment, there are only 3 of them at the ceremony. Au moment même... = just as... / in the very moment... Au moment même où j'ai fini ma phrase, la porte s'est ouverte // Just as I finished my sentence, the door opened. Au moment même où je t'écris, ton avion a surement déjà décollé // In the very moment [by the time ?] I write this, your plane has probably already taken off au même moment = meanwhile / at the same time Ce samedi 24 août à 21h les cloches des églises parisiennes sonneront toutes au même moment. [X]// On Saturday 24 August at 9pm, all the churches in Paris will ring their bells at the same time. Au même moment, dans le village d'à côté, la fête bat son plein // Meanwhile, in the village next door, the party is in full swing. même au moment... : even at the time.../even when.. Même au moment de partir elle trouve le moyen de me mettre en colère // Even when it's time to leave, she finds a way to make me angry. le jour même = the very day, on the very day Le jour même de ma naissance, le toit de la maison a pris feu // The very day I was born, the roof of the house caught on fire le soir même = the very evening, on the very evening Le soir même, ses valises étaient prêtes // That same evening, her/his suitcases were packed. en même temps = at the same time J'arrive à faire deux choses en même temps // I can do two things at the same time. Note : "en même temps" can also mean "then again" En même temps, c'est pas de ma faute si je suis en retard, Gregoire ne sait tout simplement pas lire une carte // Then again, it's not my fault if I'm late, Gregoire simply can't read a map ! En même temps que... = at the same time as ... Elle est arrivée dans la pièce en même temps que lui // She arrived in the room at the same time as he did.
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olympic-paris · 18 days
saga: Soumission & Domination 261
Kamal veut devenir Escort
Maintenant que son niveau scolaire est revenu plus que correct, et qu'Eric lui défonce le cul à chaque leçon de pilotage, il veut que je l'embauche comme Escort.
Dans un premier temps, je ne suis pas d'accord. Ce n'est pas parce qu'il s'est remis à niveau qu'il doit penser qu'il est arrivé. Mais il réussit à circonvenir Alexandre qui lui me persuade que c'est la meilleure solution pour encadrer ses envies d'expériences. Ça plus l'intégrer à nos touzes devrait, d'après lui, assouvir ses envies d'explorations sexuelles. Il ajoute même qu'il bossera à l'oeil s'il le faut. Connaissant mes clients, un jeune mec de tout juste 18ans, ça va leur faire ouvrir le porte feuille encore plus que pour mes Espagnols.
Je briefe quand même ce petit con. S'il veut entrer dans mon écurie il faut qu'il sache se tenir. Je lui apprends les principes de ma société de service. Il ne faudrait pas que ses désirs passent devant ceux des clients. Comme ce sera temporaire, je ne le fais pas percer.
Pour mettre la pression, la mise aux enchères de sa première soirée et nuit ne durera que 2h. Comme prévu mes clients sont tous présents (internet) et dès l'ouverture, les chiffres s'envolent. Les photos de Kamal en boxer court y sont pour beaucoup. De plus, avec Jimmy, c'est mon seul beur et son physique finement musclé... La brosse noire qui couvre sa tête est assortie à la couleur de ses yeux mais l'absence de toute autre pilosité le fait paraitre plus jeune encore.
Je démarre au double du tarif de base et les laisse se battre. C'est le boss/amant de Kev qui remporte l'enchère en tuant le suspense après une demi heure seulement et en me proposant le tarif x 6.  Il m'appelle dans les minutes qui suivent et me dit que c'est Kev qui l'avait convaincu de mettre autant. Il me demande s'il les vaut bien. Je le rassure en lui demandant s'il n'avait jamais eu à se plaindre des prestations de mes Escorts. J'ajoute qu'il était jeune mais très volontaire et avide de tester autre chose que la monogamie.
Il me demande de lui envoyer Kamal le WE d'après. Kev l'attendra à la gare de Montparnasse le samedi suivant en début d'après midi.
Récit de Kamal :
Sasha m'a payé un billet de première. C'est la première fois que je voyage comme ça. Les sièges sont larges et la population autour de moi est classe, nous sommes trois, moi et deux quadra en costard. Ma tenue branchée tranche un peu sur leurs tenues ou même les jeans bleus foncés des plus jeunes qui occupent ces wagons.
Je me fais mater grave par un des quadra assis en face de moi. Je devine même la forme de son gland qui repousse le tissu de son pantalon pourtant large. Sasha ma dit de me tenir correctement et c'est ce que je fais, même si je me serais bien laissé aller à le sucer au moins. Quand j'ouvre le TETU que j'ai acheté avant de monter dans le train, le mec me fait un grand sourire et, discrètement, après avoir vérifié que notre voisin est hypnotisé par l'écran de son portable, il appui sur son pantalon pour mouler sa bite. C'est un beau morceau. Mais je dois me montrer respectueux de mon engagement auprès de Sasha. Ne me voyant pas réagir, il allonge la jambe et vient toucher la mienne avec son pied. Il se lève et part dans le couloir vers le bout du wagon. J'hésite, attends un peu et vais le rejoindre pour lui dire de ne rien attendre de moi. Je le retrouve devant le casier à valise. Il me salut et profite que je lui donne la main pour me plaquer contre lui histoire que je sois bien au courant de son envie. Je le remercie de l'intérêt qu'il me porte (Sasha m'a dit d'être toujours bien poli) mais que je ne peux m'occuper de lui étant déjà sous contrat. Il sort alors de sa poche un billet de 100. Je refuse à nouveau. Il ne se démonte pas et replonge sa main dans sa poche et sort un porte billet bien rempli duquel il tire deux autres billets en ajoutant " juste pour une pipe ". Je secoue la tête, pourtant intéressé par l'expérience.  Il finit par me les proposer pour une branlette. Là je me laisse persuader. Je prends les trois billets de sa main et on entre dans les toilettes. Même en première elles sont exigües. Il se penche pour me rouler un patin, je tourne la tête en lui rappelant que c'est juste une branlette qu'il a payé. Il défait sa ceinture, ouvre son pantalon et le baisse avec son caleçon flottant. Effectivement j'avais bien deviné, sa bite doit bien faire dans les 19cm et circoncise avec un gros gland. Je la prends en main et effectue les vas et viens qu'il attend de moi. Pas de chance pour lui, il jute dans la cuvette en moins de 5 mn. Je me lave les mains pendant qu'il referme sa braguette. Quand je me glisse dehors, je dis au mec qui attend que c'est encore occupé et, salope, passe ma langue sur mes lèvres.  Alors que mon quadra sort, j'entends le mec lui demander si ça valait le coup. Ce qui m'étonne c'est que le quadra ne se démonte pas et lui répond que c'était un peu cher mais bien fait. Là, je vois le mec entrer rapidement dans les WC. Quand il rejoint sa place, j'ai quand même droit à un beau sourire.
Sur le quai de la gare, je reconnais Kev que Sasha m'avait montré sur les montages projeté chez lui. Il est encore mieux en vrai. Il me capte quand je me dirige sur lui.
On prend un taxi pour rentrer chez lui. Dans l'ascenseur qui nous monte chez lui, je me rapproche de lui. Il me laisse me coller mais ajoute que c'est pas lui le client principal mais son mec, même si lui-même compte bien profiter de moi.
Quand j'entre chez eux, c'est limite comme dans un musée, des tableaux partout. Le mec qui nous attend au salon c'est celui qui m'a gagné aux enchères. Il est pas mal, même s'il est dans la 50aine.  Je lui dis bonjour, il me demande si je porte le boxer de la photo. Sasha avait prévu le coup et me l'avait fait mettre. Je dis oui et comprends qu'il veut me voir avec lui seulement sur moi. Je suis un peu maladroit mais arrive à me dépoiler sans tomber par terre. Je vois dans ses yeux qu'il ne regrette pas son achat ! Je m'assois à coté de lui et me penche pour défaire sa ceinture. J'ouvre son pantalon et découvre sa bite raide. Je m'incline un peu plus et embouche le morceau. Sans difficulté je lui fais une gorge profonde (qui ne l'est presque pas). Quand je me relève, kev s'est mis nu et est venu nous rejoindre. Lui est mieux monté, dans les dimensions d'Alexandre.
Je me suis retrouver à sucer deux bites. Je fais bien attention à les satisfaire. Sasha m'a bien fait la leçon et je ne souhaite pas lui porter préjudice. Les deux mecs sont quand même pas mal et je n'ai pas de difficultés à m'exciter de la chose et à bander. Bientôt je suis a 4 patte entre les genoux d'Hervé pour le pomper alors que Kev me mange la rondelle pour la préparer à la sodo. Sa main, entre mes cuisses, tire ma bite vers l'arrière et me branle en même temps. C'est Kev qui décide que je suis prêt à me faire sodomiser et il prévient son mec. Je me tourne et vient m'assoir sur sa queue emballé d'une kpote. Il m'avait bien lubrifié puisque la bite glisse toute seul dans ma rondelle et mes fesses se posent sur lui. Il attrape ma taille et me fait sauter sur ses cuisses. C'est pas mauvais mais j'ai connu plus gros ! Après quelques minutes, il me pousse en avant sans déculer. Je m'accroche à la table basse et Kev met sa bite devant ma bouche. Je comprends que je dois le sucer. Je m'exécute. J'aime bien sa queue. Elle glisse dans ma gorge sans me faire vomir. Il me pilonne la gorge alors que son mec fait de même avec mon cul. Je prends du plaisir alors que j'ai toujours en tête l'aspect satisfaction du client. Kev le ressent et me dit de me laisser aller. Il se penche sur mon dos et glisse sa main sous moi pour me branler. Hervé lui dit de continuer car ça resserre mon anneau. J'ai du mal a tenir, le cul excité, la bite " traite " avec expertise et la bouche remplie. Alors que j'allais craquer, Kev serre ma bite derrière les couilles alors qu'Hervé éjacule. Kev me tient jusqu'à ce qu'il sorte de mon cul. Il m'attrape alors par la taille et me jette dos sur le canapé d'en face. Il tire mes jambes vers le haut et les écartant et enfonce sa bite dans mon cul. Bien que chauffée par son mec, ma rondelle doit s'écarter plus pour le laisser pénétrer. C'est bon ! Il bloque mes chevilles sur ses épaules et ses bras autour de mes épaules, il me soulève tout en s'enfonçant encore plus dans mon cul. On se déplace et il me dépose en travers des cuisses d'Hervé qui vient me rouler une pelle.
Je ne sais combien de temps cela dure mais il me baise super bien et je n'arrête pas de bander. Quand Hervé s'occupe de mes tétons, alternance de pincements et mordillements, il me fait rapidement exploser et se redresse juste à temps pour que mon sperme tombe sur mon visage et mon torse. Kev me lime encore quelques coups supplémentaires avant de sortir vite et, kpote retiré, me jute dessus. J'en ai plein partout !
C'est amusant mais c'est Kev qui me conduit à la salle de bain. On prend notre douche ensemble et il me savonne pour faire disparaitre les trace de sperme. Un de ses doigts s'égare dans mon anus et s'enfonce dedans sans difficulté. Il me dit alors de serrer mon cul. J'emprisonne son doigt et il me dit de serrer encore pour l'empêcher de sortir. Je m'exécute. Il est content du résultat. Je le libère et il nous rince. Il enfile un peignoir et m'en tend un autre. Je n'ai jamais vu une telle qualité de tissu éponge. Il tombe sur mes chevilles et j'ai l'impression d'être un nain ! Quand nous revenons au salon, Hervé est en costume et ses cheveux mouillés m'indique qu'il a du se laver dans une autre salle de bain. Il m'annonce qu'il ne sera pas là du reste du WE et qu'il me laisse entre les mains de Kev pour le reste du WE.
Surpris, je lui demande si Sasha est au courant. Il me montre le téléphone et me dit que je peux l'appeler si je veux. Je lui demande d'excuser ma surprise et me retient d'appeler.
Quand il part nous sortons aussi. Kev m'emmène dans son propre appart quelques mètres plus loin. Je préfère la déco du nouvel appartement, plus moderne. La porte d'entrée refermée, il me demande de me déshabiller. Je le fais alors que lui reste en boxer. Il passe quelques coups de fils et je crois comprendre qu'il propose à un de ses amis de venir nous rejoindre.
Il nous sert à boire une bière. Nous ne l'avons pas terminée que ça sonne à l'interphone. Le mec qui arrive est super balaise ! Kev me présente un de ses potes de sa salle de sport. Ce n'était pas la peine de me le dire ! Le mec a des bras plus gros que mes cuisses et ses pecs moulent un t-shirt qui semble être du 12 ans, tellement il est rempli ! Quand il enlève ses vêtements, il est impressionnant, tous ses muscles (sans exceptions et celui difficilement caché derrière les mailles d'un jock aussi) semblent hypertrophiés (encore plus qu'Eric qui est déjà très costaud). Kev ajoute qu'ils allaient me baiser jusqu'au départ de mon train, moi ça me va !
Je n'attends pas les ordres et m'agenouille devant le nouveau venu. Kev lui dit de laisser faire. Je commence par sucer son gland par-dessus le jock. Les mailles écartées par sa bite en cours de bandaison, laissent ma langue toucher sa peau. Il n'est pas encore dur que déjà sa bite est plus grosse que celle de Kev. Ça promet ! elle sera peut être aussi grosse que celle d'Eric ?  Je m'accroche à ses cuisses pour me stabiliser. Il parle à Kev comme si je n'étais pas là. Ça me fait sentir très salope. Je redouble d'attention. Le tissu se déforme et j'arrive à prendre son gland en bouche avec lui et tète. Je sens enfin une réaction. Il pose sa main derrière ma tête et la pousse vers lui. Comme le jock gène la progression, il me repousse, glisse sa bite sur le coté et m'empale la gorge sur sa bite. Il m'étouffe et est encore souple ! Je dégluti ce qui le fait rugir de plaisir. Il me repousse puis se met à me limer la gorge avec régularité. Plus ça va et plus sa queue durcit. Je n'arrive plus à le prendre en gorge tellement il est raide. Heureusement, Eric m'a appris comment faire. Je me couche sur le canapé, la tête rejeté en arrière de l'assise et ouvre la bouche en grand. Le mec comprend tout de suite et s'approche. Il plie un peu les genoux et replace sa bite dans ma bouche puis dans ma gorge. Il s'appui sur le dossier et se remet à me limer les amygdales avec son gros gland. Je les entends discuter des capacités de ma bouche de salope. Kev lui dit de faire attention à ne pas me juter dedans, que ce n'était pas dans le contrat. Quand son pote s'en étonne, Kev ajoute qu'il ne m'a loué que pour le WE. Il demande la place et les voila qui alternent en moi.
Je ne vois pas le temps passé et c'est l'allumage des lampes qui m'indique que cela doit bien faire 1h qu'ils se relaient pour me limer la gorge. J'en ai mal à la mâchoire !  Ils cessent avant de jouir. Pause où ils boivent une bière et Kev me propose un Coca que j'accepte d'une voix plutôt grave qui nous fait rire.
Son pote est curieux de savoir depuis quand je fais la pute. Je le corrige en précisant que je suis Escort et que c'est mon premier contrat. Il s'étonne que je sois aussi " souple ". J'ajoute que c'est mon premier contrat mais pas ma première expérience sexuelle !
L'excitation est toujours là et personne ne débande. Kev prévient son ami qu'il passera le premier dans mon cul, la dilatation par sa bite risquerait de prendre du temps pour venir resserrer la sienne. Il joint l'action aux dires et s'enveloppe d'une kpote avant de me poser en levrette sur sa table basse et de m'enculer. Je m'étais refermé depuis la fois précédente et j'ai bien apprécié le nouveau déplissage de mon anneau.  Il me lime avec rythme jusqu'à ce que je sente 1 puis 2 de ses doigts se glisser le long de sa bite. Je tortille du cul mais il me dit que j'ai intérêt à le laisser faire pour me préparer à son pote. Je le rassure et lui dis que je prends des cours de pilotage moto. Il comprend le sous entendu car il connait Eric.
Il continu à me labourer le trou pendant que je maintiens son pote bien raide à coup de langue et de déglutition. Quand il sort de moi, je suis bien assoupli par ses coups de rein. Alors qu'il kpote son pote, je sniffe le poppers mis à ma disposition. Quand son pote m'enfile enfin, je suis bien prêt et même s'il rentre assez facilement, je sens son gros diamètre élargir encore plus ma rondelle. J'ai l'impression de me faire démonter par Eric. Il s'enfonce doucement pour que je sente bien chaque mm de sa queue. Lui non plus n'est pas un novice de l'enculage ! Je me concentre et serre doucement mon anneau pour qu'il colle au plus près de la hampe. Je sens l'augmentation du diamètre alors qu'il pousse les derniers cm (les plus épais) en moi. Le passage de son gland contre ma prostate ma donner un spasme limite à juter.
Il reste quelques minutes bien calé tout au fond de moi. Comme il est épilé total, je ne sens que sa peau contre la mienne. Kev, qui le regarde faire, lui dit d'y aller franchement puisqu'il m'a préparé. Je me sens pris aux épaules et, avant qu'il ne sorte une première fois, il me tire vers lui. Alors que je le croyais planté au plus profond de moi, je sens mes fesses s'écarter et sa bite progresser encore un peu. Trop bon !
Après c'est un déchainement de sensations. Je me fait labourer, ballotter en tout sens (mes quelques 10aines de kg semblant une plume entre les mains de cet adepte de la muscu). Je pense qu'il m'a enculé plus de temps sans que je touche le sol qu'en levrette. C'est impressionnant de se retrouver plié contre des pecs, planté sur une bite et soulevé régulièrement comme si je n'étais qu'une simple barre d'exercice ! Ma propre bite, coincée contre ses abdos, me fait mal à force de bander. Alors que je suis toujours en suspension dans les bras du musclor, je sens Kev se coller contre mon dos et ses lèvres courir sur mon cou et mes épaules. Je sens aussi son gland buter contre la queue de son pote et ma rondelle. A ce moment là je n'ai qu'une peur c'est qu'il essaye de m'enculer en double ! Heureusement il n'insiste pas et alors que son pote me plante à fond une dernière fois pour s'immobiliser afin de remplir sa kpote, j'explose à mon tour quand je sens le jus de Kev me couvrir le dos. Musclor tombe sur le canapé, m'entrainant avec lui. Je le sens encore raide en moi.
Je me décolle de lui, mon sperme poisse entre nos deux corps. Je veux me relever mais mes jambes ont du mal à me soutenir et Kev me rattrape avant que je tombe par terre.
Le reste de la soirée se passe plus " calmement " même si Musclor reste avec nous.
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classicsinga · 1 year
They are unware.
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(Source de la Cozanne, Vauchignon, lieu-dit, cirque du Bout du Monde)
traité provisoire pour une hydrographie poétique, les sources insaisissables des cours d'eau
il existe des rivières aux sources incertaines ; ainsi la Cozanne n’a toujours pas dévoilé son origine ; la grotte où elle pourrait prendre naissance au lieu dit le cirque du Bout du Monde, possède en effet différents points d’eau possible, dont notamment une cascade jaillissant du calcaire Bajocien, en cette petite vallée verdoyante où elle apparaît frêle et limpide, sonore et gracile (dans ses Impressions de voyage, Alexandre Dumas père en parlait en ces termes : « le sol se fend tout à coup sur une longueur d'une lieue et demie et sur une largeur de cinq cents pas, laissant apercevoir à la profondeur de deux cents pieds à peu près, une vallée délicieuse, verte comme l'émeraude et sillonnée par une petite rivière blanche et bruissante… » ) ; mais cela n’empêche pas son écoulement épanouie sur une courte terre de Cote-d’Or et de Saône-et-Loire et même dit-on, en sa vallée inférieure, d’étendre ses enchantements remarquables ; il existe donc des eaux dont la terre garde encore le mystère ; des eaux qui savent, qu'elles viennent d’un monde inconnu à l’homme
© Pierre Cressant
(samedi 6 mai 2023)
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e642 · 4 months
J'me suis embrouillée avec mon beau père. Ce week end j'étais chez le père de mon mec. Je l'apprécie qu'à moitié, il m'a payé des vacances et beaucoup de loisirs et je lui en suis reconnaissante mais c'est tout. Ce n'est pas quelqu'un que je respecte particulièrement. Samedi on mangeait tous les trois ensemble et, les élections approchant, évidemment les débats politiques sont vite arrivés sur la table. Moi, je porte mon orientation politique sur le front. Ya pas beaucoup d'efforts à faire ni besoin de beaucoup me connaître pour savoir de quel côté je suis. Beaucoup de pères (plus que de mères je remarque) penchent à droite mais lui c'était pas écrit Marion sur son front et pourtant... Alors quand il a commencé son petit speech à base de "dehors les arabes" j'ai pété un câble. À entendre certains darons t'as l'impression qu'ils se sont fait voler leur goûter, leur job, leur femme, et leurs enfants par des étrangers. J'ai été réellement rebutée par ses propos. À la fin de son baragouinage, jlui ai demandé s'il avait des cintres. Évidemment, il n'a pas saisi la noirceur du propos. Ce à quoi j'ai ajouté que si la France devenait officiellement fasciste il faudrait retourner aux techniques traditionnelles pour avorter. Puis je lui ai dit que c'était étrange ça que, pour lui, une femme se faisant violée est l'entière responsable sauf si c'est par un étranger (double problème dans sa manière de penser). Puis je lui ai dit que ce serait compliqué de concilier zéro immigration avec zéro écologie, que visiblement c'était pas linéaire dans sa tête que les gens ne partaient pas par plaisir et que les catastrophes climatiques continueraient de s'aggraver. Puis j'lui ai demandé s'il avait bien connu ses grands parents, bizarrement non car la seconde guerre mondiale est passée par là et que si ça continuait, il serait ce grand parent pour les gosses de ses enfants. Puis je lui ai demandé de m'expliquer le principe des européennes et les différences avec municipale, législative et présidentielles, et il a pas vraiment su me répondre. Que des trucs comme ça, rien de profond, pas de chiffre, juste essayer de lui faire capter le problème. Et il m'a dit que ça ne changeait rien, ce à quoi j'ai répondu qu'il n'y avait que les abrutis qui ne changeaient pas d'avis et là, là ça a coincé dans sa tête et il m'a embrouillée. Ça me dégoûte aussi peu d'humanité, de respect et de lucidité. Ça m'a réellement fait mal au cœur cette discussion et voir comme les gens sont profondément cons/tristes/pauvres/en colère pour avoir ce genre d'idées. C'est pas une vie d'exister dans la haine et le mépris de l'Autre. C'est pas une vie de penser des choses aussi grave sans être insomniaque. C'est pas une vie de pas avoir honte. C'est pas une vie de l'assumer. Avec des parents comme ça, c'est navrant à dire, mais tu m'étonnes que les 18-34 votent à droite. Si seulement on prenait assez de recul pour comprendre que nos parents ne sont pas forcément des exemples et qu'on est bien assez grand pour réfléchir. À croire que le libre arbitre, s'intéresser, se cultiver, conscientiser, se remettre en question n'arrive jamais pour certains. Ça m'a rendue très triste. Puis mon village à fait un score de 52% pour le rn et 10 pour reconquête. Comment c'est possible ? Je ne comprends pas comment on peut adhérer à tout ça et cracher sur l'histoire et les schémas pourtant connus et étudiés en classe depuis pas mal d'année déjà.
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quemajoiedemeure · 3 months
Je suis dans la maison de mes parents mais tout seul parce que ma mère est en vacances et je crois que c'est la première fois que ça arrive depuis huit ans qu'ils ont acheté ici, ça fait bizarre, il y avait une bouteille de vino verde et un cadeau sur la table avec écrit que je devais les ouvrir que samedi prochain quand ça sera mon anniversaire et qu'il y aura d'autres gens qui m'auront rejoint. En attendant j'ai prévu de poncer un meuble et deux étagères, de me balader dans la campagne avec les chiens et de virer toute la déco adolescente de ma chambre. Il pleuvait quand je suis arrivé, j'ai voulu me changer, mais au lieu d'aller au 2eme je suis entré dans la chambre de mes parents j'ai dis à mon père qui est mort "je peux t'emprunter un t-shirt ?" et j'en ai pris un dans ses affaires (toutes ses affaires sont encore à leur place, ça fait un an et 5 mois, ma mère a jeté sa brosse à dents y a quelques mois mais sinon j'ai pas vu d'autre chose manquante), j'ai peur d'être tout seul alors j'aime mieux imaginer qu'il fait la sieste dans son lit comme ça arrivait souvent à la fin, et que d'un moment à l'autre y a l'escalier qui va grincer parce qu'il me rejoint en bas
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À Miribel, il n'y a pas que le lac pour kiffer. Juste à côté, t’as un coin brutaliste construit par l'architecte Louis Mortamet, sur les ruines d'un vieux château dézingué en 1594 par les troupes d'Henri IV. On y trouve la Madone, alias Notre-Dame du Sacré-Cœur, une statue de la Vierge pas comme les autres : la plus grande de France, culminant à 33 mètres. Perchée sur les hauteurs de la Côtière, elle te balance une vue de malade sur Lyon, le Grand Parc de Miribel-Jonage, la plaine de l’Ain, le Jura, et même les Alpes par beau temps. Bâtie de 1938 à 1941 en béton moulé, cette statue a été érigée à la demande du Père Thomas, le curé du coin à l'époque, avec les deniers des paroissien·nes. Tranquille Emile. Elle cache une petite chapelle et un escalier de 151 marches menant à une plateforme dans sa couronne. Pas mal pour un peu de cardio. Juste à côté, tu peux pas rater le campanile du carillon du Mas Rillier. Un beffroi de 28 mètres de haut en pur béton, construit en 1945, abritant 50 cloches, de la plus petite de 10 kg à la plus lourde de 2157 kg, toutes inscrites à l’inventaire supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques. Encore un projet du Père Thomas, qui voulait guider les pèlerins jusqu’à la Madone avec un peu de musique (et toujours avec les économies des paroissien·nes). Le carillon est mondialement connu pour son acoustique de folie. Le premier concert a eu lieu en 1947, dirigé par le Maître Carillonneur Maurice Lannoy et depuis, ça continue de sonner toute l'année, les 1er samedis et dimanches de chaque mois.
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coovieilledentelle · 17 days
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Romantique est la nuit Éclairée d'une bougie Parfumée par les fleurs Les prémices du bonheur Mon cœur est en émoi Quand tu me prends dans tes bras Pour une étreinte passionnée Pour un baiser insensé Quand la danse de l'amour Commence son premier tour Rien n'a plus d'importance Que ce moment de transe…Belle soirée de samedi chers amis... et nuit
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