#sony led screen
findmyfixes1 · 1 month
Should You DIY or Hire? LED TV Repair in Gurgaon Demystified!
For most current families, the Drove television has become the parlor’s focal point – a fundamental apparatus for amusement, news, and remaining associated. When this critical gadget breaks down, it tends to be a wellspring of dissatisfaction and burden. In Gurgaon, where innovation and development flourish, whether to endeavor a Do-It-Yourself fix or look for proficient help frequently emerges. This public statement is meant to reveal insight into this situation, directing occupants through the intricacies of LED TV repair in Gurgaon.
The Appeal of Do-It-Yourself: Powerful, but Dangerous
In this day and age, when information is readily available, many tech-savvy individuals are tempted to attempt DIY LED TV repairs. The allure of setting aside cash and fulfilling a fruitful Do-It-Yourself task can tempt. Even so, it’s pivotal to comprehend the expected dangers and restrictions implied.
Driven televisions, while smooth and current, are perplexing gadgets with sensitive parts. Endeavoring maintenance without legitimate information and devices can prompt further harm, void guarantees and possibly cost more over the long haul. Furthermore, caring for delicate hardware without legitimate security measures can threaten individual prosperity.
The LED TV Backlight Repair Cost Conundrum
A broken backlight is one of the most common issues LED TV owners face. This issue can appear as a flickering or dim screen, making it hard to watch your favorite shows or movies. Although replacing the backlight may appear to be a straightforward undertaking, it is essential to consider the costs involved.
In Gurgaon, the LED TV backlight repair cost can change altogether contingent upon elements like the television’s image, model, and the intricacy of the maintenance. Also, it can be hard to find genuine replacement parts because fake ones could hurt the TV’s performance and longevity. Enrolling Proficient Drove television Fix Administrations in Gurgaon
For those looking for a problem-free and dependable arrangement, connecting with the administrations of expert Drove television fix specialists in Gurgaon can be the ideal decision. Your TV will be repaired to the highest possible standard by these skilled professionals, who have access to genuine replacement parts, the tools, and the necessary expertise.
Find My Fixes, a company devoted to providing Gurgaon residents with top-notch electronics repair services is one such reputable service provider. With a group of confirmed experts and a pledge to utilize just valid parts, Find My Fixes has established a good foundation for itself as a believed name in the Drove television fix industry.
Source URL: Should You DIY or Hire? LED TV Repair in Gurgaon Demystified!
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gikairan · 2 years
I kinda want a fancy OLED TV with all the extra special fancy features while I can afford it
but mmm....
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thexfridax · 3 months
D.E.B.S. at 20: a Queer Cult Classic
Bessie Yuill Photo: Sundance/WireImage
There is a secret film hidden within the shadowy sapphic corners of Letterboxd. Some call it escapist trash, some call it an underrated cult classic, fools call it a male fantasy. It calls itself D.E.B.S. As other early-2000s chick flicks like Charlie’s Angels and St. Trinian’s have been reevaluated and embraced for their candy-floss aesthetics and campy wit over the years, the lesbian community was quietly reclaiming its own equivalent with 2004’s D.E.B.S.
The precursor to contemporary high-concept lesbian films like Bottoms, the spy flick is filled with something that queer female moviegoers still often yearn for: fun. That includes Jordana Brewster and her era-defying eyebrows as the impeccably named supervillain Lucy Diamond, John Woo–style fight scenes that parody the action genre in the same way as Charlie’s Angels, and a cheerfully cheap aesthetic where spies run around in plaid schoolgirl skirts.
D.E.B.S. was written, directed, and edited by filmmaker Angela Robinson. While “unapologetically queer” might be an overused phrase, it does apply neatly to Robinson. The Chicago-born director’s first project was a short film called Chickula: Teenage Vampire, calling on the long history of vampiric queer women that began with 1872’s Carmilla.
Her love of playing with genre led her to later put a lesbian spin on the movie musical by writing the underappreciated Girltrash: All Night Long and exploring polyamory in a period biopic about the creators of Wonder Woman, Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. On the small screen, she also burnished her lesbian credentials by working on several episodes of The L Word.
When D.E.B.S. started life as a short film, Robinson described it as “a story about a trio of superspies who are all chicks. I love all the comic-book characters: Charlie’s Angels, Batman, Josie & the Pussycats … But I always wanted them to be gay and they never were, so I wrote my own.” Success at Sundance led to Sony snatching the short up and deciding that D.E.B.S. should be a full-length feature.
Two decades later, the joy of this movie lies in the details. The tone is immediately set by a gravelly voice-over telling us that there is a secret test hidden within the SAT to recruit young female superspies (and establishing that, like Bottoms, this is a film aware of genre archetypes and willing to push believability). Our main character Amy (Sara Foster) is an academic overachiever — like many lesbians overcompensating for their perceived failure to live up to social norms. Her perfect score on the secret SAT test makes it even more scandalous when she falls for the aforementioned supervillain Lucy Diamond.
Queer friend groups may delight over the nostalgic frosty eye shadow and lip gloss worn by the D.E.B.S. (which stands for “discipline, energy, beauty, strength,” naturally) at all times. Flip phones, CGI holographic screens, and Goldfrapp’s appearance on the soundtrack will also remind you that you’re watching a film made in the early 2000s. And many will squeal when they spot Holland Taylor, over a decade before she came out, as the academy’s head.
Admittedly, the special effects are goofy enough to cross over into comedy, especially when our girls are abseiling into a restaurant or climbing walls with plungers, and the lighting could be charitably described as resembling teen soap operas of that era. But the chemistry between Amy and Lucy is crackling enough that YouTube compilations of their scenes have racked up hundreds of thousands of views online. Their fun enemies-to-lovers plotline begins with the pair pointing guns at each other and quickly progresses to a whirlwind romance (the other D.E.B.S. think Amy’s been kidnapped and launch a national manhunt, just as many friend groups have had to organize rescue missions for lesbians on weeklong first dates).
You could argue that espionage serves as a metaphor for the closet and that Amy is such an effective spy because she’s used to lying to herself about her sexuality. But that almost seems like too much weight to put on this meringue confection of a genre spoof: Its campiness liberates the characters to inhabit a fun, exaggerated universe with no serious homophobia or consequences. Guns are used, but the so-called superspies have such consistently terrible aim that there are no real casualties. And Lucy Diamond’s supposedly nefarious crimes are all reversible — the murders pinned on her are revealed to be misunderstandings, and she returns all of her stolen goods in order to win Amy back.
When this live-action Totally Spies with a lesbian twist debuted, it only made $97,000 and was dismissed by critics. But there were enough moviegoing gays impressed by its snappy dialogue, fun romance, and stunning supporting cast (including Meagan Good, Jimmi Simpson, and Devon Aoki with a French accent) for its reputation to grow online over time. In forums and YouTube comment sections, young girls were asking, “Are there any lesbian films where they just fall in love and have fun and don’t die at the end?” Their answer was D.E.B.S.
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maxipad031 · 1 year
hey girl! i loveee ur account! can we get a best friends to lovers fic please? Shuri and reader are like 20, and reader realises she isn’t straight because she starts crushing on Shuri.<33
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i like you silly
synopsis: fluffy and short fic where you start to realise your growing crush on your best friend, shuri. you don’t know where she stands, but she soon lets you know and you begin to understand yourself more.
contains: shuri x black reader, cute crushing, fluff, brief sadness, make out session, best friend to lovers x
and thank you smmm!🥰
novacane by frank ocean blasted in your sony headphones as you bopped your head continuously to the beat, your hand moving rapidly as you scribbled down equations for your calculus homework. it was literally due the next day and you'd forgotten all about it until your friend reminded you like 30 minutes ago through a lengthy text explaining how she lost it. your room was flipping messy, clothes on the floor, on the bed, heaped upon your vanity chair. the curtains were basically closed but there was a peak of natural light as your purple LED lights dominated the room, making it glow a soft lilac. something about purple just put you in a focusing mood, so yes your room had to be covered in it. just as the song was about to change, it stopped abruptly, and you shifted your gaze over to your phone, confused. sighing, you realised a call was coming through and when you saw who it was, your heart leaped in your chest.
my shuri <3
was displayed on the rectangular screen and you hurriedly fumbled everything away to pick up your phone to answer, crunching the papers under your weight in the process. as you clicked the bright green phone button, her breath taking voice came through into your headphones, loud as fuck.
"y/n, are you busy?" she asked softly, waiting patiently for your reply. you glanced at the phone, your homework underneath you and your phone again, "nope!" you answered, maybe way too excitedly.
"ah perfect, can you meet me at café moon in 10?"
"of course shuri, ill be there." you assured, packing away all your papers and into their designated folders, "is everything okay though?" you asked, realising its unusual behaviour for shuri to be calling you randomly since she's always busy with her tech projects.
"oh yeah, i just want to see you, make sure you're okay." she replied, her voice laced with some kind of additive that made you want to hear it all the time.
"okay, see you hunnie buns." she didn't reply straight away, but you cut off the call as you didn't want to hear her reply to your bold action anyways. well, to be honest, it wasn't even that weird because in your....friendship, you called each other lots of things like bae, darling, love, honey. it didn't really mean anything....or so you thought. you disconnected your headset and slipped it off, resting it on your oak desk as you attempted to make your dorm room look at least a little presentable, just in case you both came back here. shuri was used to your room being a mess though, she always says "it adds to your character, " with that silly, cute eye smile she does that makes you want to just give her pecks all over her face.
your mind often wavered like this and at first it was just subtle, cute scenarios you'd imagine before going to bed, but now it's just full blown delusion, things that would never happen between the two of you; i'll leave that up to your imagination.
you'd always identified as a straight individual since all you did were date boys in high school, but after meeting shuri, all of that went straight out the window and you've only been able to look at her: everyone else is blotted out with a black marker pen. she's in the centre of your thoughts, running around in your head rent free. you'd never really had close friends, so you orignally thought it was your clinginess that made you so drawn to her, constantly wanting to be around her at all times. however lately, it didn't make sense that you'd been feeling this way for this long, almost two years now. you usually lost interest in other friends you had but this was different, it was so clear now,
you fucking liked her.
it was a hard pill to swallow, the fact you were probably bisexual...or a lesbian? actually no, because you genuinely had feelings for the guys you dated, so you're probably bi...you think? whatever, labels confuse you and you don't care about them. right now, you're shurisexual and that's all that matters.
you sat up on your bed to look in the illuminating mirror as you ruffled your tangled curls, to the left, to the right, just everywhere until it looked nice and presentable. you were already wearing a large purple hoodie, so you just replaced your booty shorts with baggy ripped jeans. quite motivated to look nice, you picked up your makeup pouch from the vanity table and began to touch up your face, only a little concealer and lip gloss. once that was done, you cleaned your room further, stuffing your disorganized clothes deep inside your closet and kicking any loose objects under the double bed. with a deep sigh, you grabbed your phone and the keys from the drawer before heading out, making sure to lock your door securely. you walked quickly past all the loud kids occupying the dorm hallway, and rushed down the spiral stairs to basically sprint outside. as there were no cars coming at that moment, you crossed the quite busy road and ran down to the café shuri had told you to meet her at.
by the time you arrived, you were huffing and puffing as you tried to catch your breath. you had no idea why you ran but it was probably due to the fact you were so eager to see your best friend again after like two days. the cafe’s large glass windows exposed it’s interior. it wasn’t that busy and looked calm as always, everyone minding their own business studying or talking. as you grabbed the door handle, you eyes flickered to a familiar presence . it was shuri, sitting on a high chair that was facing the window, which faced the street, and seemingly engrossed in something on her phone as she scrolled. you walked in and the bell above the shop door rung at your arrival as shuri’s head whipped in your direction. you adjusted your hair behind your ear shyly and watched as she flashed you a bright smile while you walked over towards her.
“heyy ma, how is my darling.” she greeted, wrapping her long arm around your torso as you hugged each other. her embrace was comforting, you never wanted to let go. unfortunately, you had to depart from her and when you did, you sat down on the high chair next her.
“shuri, you forgot about me for two days, huh.” you scolded jokingly, as you crossed your arms and fake pouted.
“you know that’s not the case y/n.” she laughed at your fake act, taking a sip of coffee that she just ordered, “do you want anything to eat or drink?” she asked in a caring manner as her hands nestled in her lap.
“nah i’m alright, thanks though.” you played with the hem of your hoodie subtly as you grew nervous under her gaze. this was such an unusual feeling, you were normally the one making people shy, not the other way around. she nodded and rested her elbows on the shelf-like table before you both. she stared outside for a minute, her sharp jawline flexing as her eyes travelled. she has recently cut her curly hair and it was shaved at the sides, leaving the top sitting nicely and dropping over her forehead. the day she sent you that selfie pic of her freshly-cut hair, a tear ran down your leg; it was so attractive on her and she definitely knew it. you were beginning to understand that you didn’t wanna be her, you wanted to be with her. she wore a purple tracksuit this day, kimoyo beads wrapped around her slender wrists and her sunglasses propped up the middle of her forehead. she clicked her tongue softly and spun the chair around to face you,
“i have something to say.” she announced. your heart jumped and skipped and hopped before falling back down into your ass. you knew she wasn’t going to say what you thought she was going to say, but it was nerve wracking nontheless.
“go on.” you said, eyes wide open in anticipation.
“i’m going back to wakanda in two weeks.” shuri replied, playing with her glowing kimoyo beads as her eyes darted around the small cafe, avoiding your eye contact.
“wait what, why?!” the corner of your lip twitched with disappointment.
“my brothers funeral, i must be there.” she said, smiling weakly as an emotion of sadness washed over her eyes simultaneously. seeing her grieve for her brother broke your heart into a million pieces and you wanted to do nothing but comfort her. you slowly reached over her lap to cup her cold hands in yours. you massaged it lightly as you looked up at her, “that’s totally fine shuri, i’ll be here waiting for you.” shuri shifted her gaze to you and you swear for a split second it was a look that said, “i love you so much,” but it also might’ve been your imagination. she gave you another hug, squeezing you so tight, you had to tap her shoulder for her to soften up a little, “you don’t know how much i appreciate you y/n.” she sniffed a bit as she pulled away from you, holding her head up ever so lightly so stop any welling tears from escaping.
“hey, why don’t we go back to mine.” you suggested, pulling her up off the high chair. seeing her upset broke you and you wanted to cheer her up as soon as possible. shuri grabbed her now cold-coffee with her free hand and nodded her head as she obliged. you both stood up to leave and you led her out of the shop. the sun was blazing above and you instantly regretted wearing a big hoodie. shuri seemed to notice your discomfort as you constantly pulled at the neck of the clothing,
“you should come to wakanda, you’d die if you wore something like that outside.” she commented picking up the pace to walk beside you, her infamous eye smile displaying itself and making you melt as you stared at her.
you chuckled before replying, “take me then, i’ve always wanted to go.” you unintentionally held her hand as you crossed the road together. shuri paused and stared down at the interconnection of your hands; she didn’t pull away but held on tighter instead. you didn’t even notice the small act of affection as you scanned the road, careful you both didn’t get hit.
“alright.” shuri whispered under her breath, seriously contemplating to take you with her.
“how dare you plus five me, what the fuck!” you yelled, as shuri aggressively put down a blue +5 card. you two had resorted to playing uno flip and right now, she had you fucked up. she’d never played it until now but boy did she pick up the game fast, she even knew tactics to stop you from winning.
“sorry but i’m not letting you win.” shuri smirked as she watched you reluctantly pick up five cards from the deck when you previously had two cards left. the game resumed and you stared menacingly at her, your competitive side really coming out. shuri had four cards left whilst you ended up with seven from picking some up. she put some reverses, which skipped your turn, but just before she put down the second to last card, you yelled out UNO before she could realise and you cackled maniacally, picking up two cards to give to her. shuri quickly realised her mistake and shook her head, “you didn’t even tell me i had to say uno when i had one card left.”
“yes i did? that’s the point of the game.” you arched your eyebrow.
“you didn’t.”
“wanna fight?” you asked jokingly, putting your cards to the side and pretending to pack up your thick hair.
“like you’d win.” shuri rolled her eyes and cuffed up her sleeves as she put her cards to the side as well.
full on ready to actually wrestle with her, you leaped from your side on the bed to hers and she surprisingly caught you, flipping you over and laughing as she pretended to punch you,
“please please please, let me live, oh mighty black panther please!” you closed your eyes as if you were scared, rubbing your hands together as a sign of mercy. you were the only one here in america that knew she was the black panther by accident, and you’d sworn to never tell a soul.
after you heard nothing, you opened your eyes to peek and saw her doing a funny face. you both then bust out laughing at your silly behavior, forgetting that she was still on top of you. your laughing started to die down before you suddenly realised the position you were both in and instantly start to panic. her face was literally inches away from yours, as her minty breath tickled your nose. completely rapt, you didn’t know what to do so you just lifted your hands up to hold the sides of her small waist. she felt the sudden touch, and looked down at you, also realising how close in proximity you were to each other. you could do nothing but stare at her lips, perfectly two toned, glistening from the lip vaseline she always uses, and slightly parted. the urge to kiss her was so strong and nearly overtook you but your mind started to ramble and it unfortunately transferred into words out loud,
“shuri, i’m so sorry, i know this is probably the last thing you want to hear right now, but i like you, i really do, i’ve been liking you since i met you, i just didn’t know how to say it, i’m sorry, you probably don’t even feel the same way, but i just felt like i needed to-”
it seemed like shuri had the same thing in mind as your words were interrupted, by the feeling of her soft lips placed upon yours, maybe as a way to indirectly tell you to shut up. your eyes were wide open from shock but you shut them and kissed her back with a more needy approach. it felt like you were in another realm entirely, just you and her, together, nothing else mattered. your lips moved in sync as you held onto her waist tighter, liking the way her body felt on top yours. before you could slip some tongue in, she pulled away licking her lips as her eyes danced around the room, seemingly embarrassed by what just occurred. she gently climbed off of you and sat up, packing away the uno cards. you held yourself upright with your elbows watching her contently.
she didn’t reply, focused on tidying up the bed.
“shuri!” you held your hand to stop her from her actions and she stared at you blankly before grabbing the sides of your face and pulling you into another kiss.
what in the world was happening right now.
her hands were enveloped in your brown locks and you pulled her closer, putting your hands on her shoulders to deepen the intimate kiss that was being shared by the two of you. shuri seemed like she wanted this for a long time, but so did you and you were going to make every second count. she was the first to slip her tongue in your mouth and you eagerly welcomed it. her muscular arms wrapped around your waist and propped you up onto her lap impatiently. you’d previously taken your hoodie off when you two came back and so you were left in a white tank top. her large hands rubbed against your chest area unintentionally and that riled you up even further. the kiss got hungrier, deeper as you snaked your hands around her neck, fingers laced in her tight coils as you devoured each other.
honestly, if this carried on, it was going to lead to something else and you didn’t think you were fully ready for that right now especially if shuri didn’t feel as deeply for you as well, so you hesitantly parted your lips away from shuri’s, leaving a string of saliva connecting the two of you. shuri breathed heavily as she looked up at you through her chocolate orbs, her lips having grown in size from the fervent make out session. you adjusted your top that had rode up from the touching and carefully got down from shuri’s lap,
“i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i don’t know what came of over me, i understand if you don’t like me anymore i’m sorry-” shuri blabbered, worried to death that she’d made you feel weird, hence why you stopped.
“no shuri, that was amazing, of course i like you silly, i just told you a whole essay about it.” you giggled, placing your forehead on hers lovingly, “i stopped because i just have a question to ask you.” you said mysteriously, as you sat up against the headboard of your double bed.
“go ahead,” shuri urged you to continue as she followed you, also moving so her back was against the headboard.
“do you want to be my girlfriend?” you inquired bluntly. you didn’t think you’d ever say that to anyone but surprise surprise, here you were.
“i thought you’d never ask.” shuri hugged you for the 30th time that day and you hugged her back, filled with absolute bliss. you were so certain she’d reject you but her feelings for you might’ve been even stronger than yours for her; no that’s impossible. you couldn’t wait for what’s the future held for you two as well as how your relationship would work out. however, not everything was all roses and daisies as you remembered that’s she’s eventually going to leave you soon.
“wait shuri, aren’t you leaving, i’m not going to be able to see you.” you pouted, holding her hands as your head was down in woe.
“well, you said you wanted to come, didn’t you, i can definitely organize that.” shuri replied, lifting your chin up to look at her.
“what!? you don’t mean it...i can go to wakanda?! oh my god, no fucking way, i’ve always wanted to go! shuri, i could literally buy you a lamborghini right now.” you yelled out, full of excitement as you jumped off the bed and ran laps around your small dorm room screaming your head off like a lunatic, almost tripping on the loose objects all over the floor.
shuri laughed wholeheartedly at your thrilled uproar, loving how gorgeous you looked when you were happy. this was going to be a great few weeks for you two.
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laluxea · 1 month
'Becoming Led Zeppelin' Documentary Acquired by Sony Classics
"Newly-unearthed footage from the archives of all four members." 🤔
The Bath footage we know about. Still, interesting that Sony Classics chose not to mention it. Perhaps there's more than what's currently circulating on YouTube and they want it to be a surprise?
An even bigger surprise would be inclusion of the rumoured / fabled studio footage from the recording of Led Zeppelin II. Not getting my hopes up (and would implore others not to either - the existence of this footage has never been confirmed outside of some very cagey discussion on the Royal Orleans forums) but there's been so much secrecy, confusion and intrigue around this project that at this point they could have explicit no-holds-barred footage of Jimbert in full flagrante delicto and I wouldn't be surprised. I dunno, my gut instinct tells me they've got something big enough to cause serious ripples but are keeping it close to their chests for fear of leaks. We'll see, I guess.
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folklaur21 · 2 months
Muggle Music & Movies
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x gn!reader
Summary: The son of one of the most Blood-Proud families in the Wizarding World gets caught with a Muggle device.
Warnings: None, just fluff <3
Word Count: 874
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Draco Malfoy is part of the most notorious Pure-blood families of the Wizarding world. It's common knowledge that him and his family are not fans of anything Muggle. It's how they were brought up, and how their lifestyle will be.
You thought Draco was the same; cruel, cold, and extremely anti-Muggle. That was, until, you caught him in an abandoned classroom, in quite a compromising position.
"Oh, sorry Malfoy I didn't mean to intrude, what are you- IS THAT A WALKMAN?"
Draco Malfoy's head snapped up to look at you and he shoved the Walkman into the pocket of his robe, before sharply getting up and darting towards you.
"No, I don't know what you're talking about." He stares at you, questioning whether you are going to continue your interrogation. Obviously you are.
"Umm, yes you do! That was a Walkman, I had one for my 16th birthday a couple months ago. Why do have a Muggle device?"
At that comment, Malfoy shoves you into the wall, and covers your mouth with his hand. "Shut up." He realises how close the two of you are, and takes a few steps away from you.
"OK, you need to calm down. I'm just asking." You try to shrug off his reaction, but you still have more questions. "Why are you, of all people, secretly listening to Muggle music?"
Draco sighs and turns back towards you. "Do you promise not to tell anyone? Especially not my friends? And my father won't hear about this?"
"Yeah," you raise your eyebrows, "I won't tell anyone."
"The music is actually really good. My father wouldn't let me take Muggle Studies as a class in third year, but that Granger girl did, and I heard her talking about... Muggle things."
"OK, so you secretly bought a Sony Walkman?"
"I saw it in a Muggle charity shop in London when I was on my way to Diagon Alley. I just thought it would be cool. The gadget already had these songs on it." He shows you a list of 10 songs in a tidy scrawl.
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana Creep - Radiohead Iris - Goo Goo Dolls Boys Don't Cry - The Cure Times Like These - Foo Fighters The Winner Takes It All - ABBA Wonderwall - Oasis I'll Be There For You - The Rembrandts Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi Girls & Boys - Blur
"Why do you care about me?" You hear Malfoy say, very quietly.
"Well, I care because you go around screaming bloody murder about Muggle-borns, and here you are on a Saturday afternoon, hidden away in an abandoned classroom."
"It's complicated. I actually think things like this," he pulls the Walkman out of his pocket, "are really cool. We don't have this kind of magic as wizards."
"I guess. I've never really thought about it like that." You walk over to one of the desks and sit on the table. "My mum's a Muggle, you see. I was brought up on Chocolate Frogs and Disney films."
"What are Disney films?" Draco asks, confused. "Is that like, another sweet?"
"Oh. My. Gosh. You've not heard of Disney? Or films, for that matter?" You suppress a small laugh.
"Well, I did just mention that my father was a controlling, anti-Muggle lunatic. So, no I don't know what films are." The coldness that you knew as Draco Malfoy started to peek through at this comment, but not enough for you to be deterred by his response.
"OK, I am definitely bringing in my projector. And a Disney film." You stop and think for a moment. "What kind of things do you like? Animals, magic, princesses?"
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This was how you ended up in your dormitory on a Friday night a week later, led on your bed with Draco Malfoy, watching Bambi.
"What just happened? Where's his mum gone?"
You turn around to see Draco's eyes welling up, and looking confused at the moving picture on the screen.
"Umm, yeah, she dies Draco. The hunters got her."
"That's awful! This is a kid's film! What children enjoy this?"
Right. Maybe Bambi wasn't a good first choice for an introduction into Disney films. You definitely should have gone for The Little Mermaid.
"But, Draco watch."
The two of you finish watching the film, but Draco still seems hesitant.
"See Draco, it has a happy ending."
"Yeah, but his mum still died. How would you get over that?"
"I don't know Draco, but that's not the point of the film. It's about friendship, and development, and love."
"I still don't think it's acceptable for children." Draco huffs indignantly.
"Draco, wizarding children's stories involve RIPPING PEOPLE'S HEARTS OUT and even BEING MURDERED FOR POWER. How is this unacceptable?" You sigh, mostly joking.
Draco doesn't say anything to that comment, but a moment later he asks. "Can we watch another next week?"
You turn to him surprised. "Really? You enjoyed this? I thought you said it was unacceptable for children..."
"Yeah, but... I like spending time with you."
At this, you turn around and face Draco, looking into his eyes. "I like spending time with you too."
Draco pulls you in towards him, and your lips meet.
"Maybe," he thinks, "being caught with my Muggle music wasn't so bad after all."
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haikyuupaladin · 2 years
TLDR; Beyoncé’s “Break my Soul” lyrics video was dangerous to photosensitive viewers and this is a scary step in what seems to be a trend of less and less accessibility for photosensitivity.
This has been bothering me for a few days since I first saw warnings for Beyoncé’s “Break my Soul” lyric video. Apparently there is a warning on the video itself now, but this is due to charities such as Epilepsy Action reaching out and asking for the video to be taken down due to the dangers it posed. There was not a warning when the video was first posted.
We are running out of media that photosensitive people can assume are safe or are at the very least only mildly dangerous, and this is part of a trend of increasingly dangerous strobe usage in media. I first noticed this trend with Incredibles 2, and a few months later with Spiderverse. Cartoons used to be something I could count on to be relatively, if not completely, safe, as a lot of lighting effects can be demonstrated differently and in less dangerous ways in cartoons vs live action. Then I started trying to watch Netflix shows like Stranger Things and The Umbrella Academy, which granted, I expected to be a little more dangerous due to their genres, but still wasn’t necessarily prepared for just how intense most of the effects would be. Then came Cyberpunk 2077, which again, I expected to be dangerous because of the genre, but I don’t think anyone could have expected that they would actively choose to simulate the strobes used during an EEG for the “brain dance” sequence (and if the fact that they called it “brain dance” doesn’t clue you in to the fact that they knew exactly what they were doing, I don’t know what will). The Weeknd was proud of his videos being pulled from before screenings of Suicide Squad for being so egregiously dangerous to photosensitive viewers (which I’ve never seen happen before. Incredibles 2 got barely a slap on the wrist and a warning was issued after opening weekend, and Spiderverse to my knowledge still has no warning from Sony to this day, for comparison). And now Beyoncé makes a lyrics video, the one genre of visual media I still felt I could trust, as they’re mostly just plain text on a plain background, and she not only used strobes, but she used red strobes, which are particularly dangerous. Most of the other examples had “artistic vision” to hide behind, which is still not an excuse or acceptable, but it was at least something where I could vaguely understand why the shitty decisions were made. In a lyrics video, there is no such excuse to hide behind, and I have to wonder, have these previous examples shown people it’s ok to endanger the lives of photosensitive people to the point where they feel comfortable putting in dangerous effects for literally no reason at all? What else will become more dangerous?
And while some of these pieces of media I’ve mentioned above have had warnings, usually after release, I think it’s important to note that they made conscious decisions that led to the media needing a warning and that the warnings really shouldn’t have been necessary in the first place, at the very least not to the degree they were.
Please remember to include photosensitivity in your opinions of the quality and inclusivity of media. Because right now, media is becoming less and less accessible to photosensitive viewers and without people outside the photosensitivity and epilepsy communities taking these things into consideration, I can only see things getting worse in that respect, and the “Break my Soul” lyric video is already a scarily low point in that.
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eserveuniverse · 9 months
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shuttershocky · 1 year
So, how did being Dad to a Boy for five days straight go?
I've been replaying it while on holiday for the Lunar New Year, yeah.
I've always had complicated feelings towards God of War 2018. Hack and Slash / Character Action is my favorite genre of action games so to see the most established western hack and slash move away from that in favor of Dad of Boy's really slow combat with the camera SO DAMN CLOSE TO HIS SHOULDERS like we're playing Resident Evil 4 and seeing websites calling it an upgrade to more "thoughtful" combat really grinds my gears.
I also disliked how Dad of Boy feels so affected by modern AAA game design's obsession with RPGs. There are RPG elements now where equipment has stats to min-max. Every battle ends with XP GAINED on the right side of the screen. There's a leveling system based on the overall strength of your equipment that I really, really hate because it's not actually based on the strength of your equipment, but each equipment's "level" factor (for example, an accessory with worse stats but a higher rarity will give a bigger boost in level than a lower rarity accessory with better stats), and this matters because rather than a measure of how powerful you are, enemy behavior changes depending on the level gap. If an enemy is 3 levels above you with a purple health bar, their attacks deal more damage and become unblockable, rather than their difficulty being based entirely on the raw difference in your stats. I would ignore that anyway and take on some purple HP bar opponents if I could, but coming back to an encounter later with a higher level and seeing an enemy I couldn't defeat literally have behavior changed to become way easier after I caught up in levels (suddenly their unblockable attacks become parryable!) was fucking bullshit. The difference in strength from a level gap should be the strength in levels, not having attacks changed to become easier if you've caught up. Fuck.
That being said, I actually like the story direction Dad of Boy takes, which was many old fans' complaints about the game. They're always like "It takes itself too seriously now, Kratos isn't any fun anymore" okay but the very premise of Dad of Boy is fascinating. The young Kratos would literally grab a random woman fleeing the wrath of the gods and throw her into some gears to keep the gates from closing, the fact that they made God of War 2018 a sequel and not a reboot, where the shadow of Kratos' actions in Greece that led to the destruction of the Greek pantheon and the death of the entire country haunts him, is so damn cool.
I just really, really love the concept of seeing THE Hyper-Murder Man resurface years later as a father and be forced to confront that his sweet-natured son Atreus, who he thought took entirely after his mother, turn out to have the same violent temper and arrogance that he once did.
Sure, Zeus and the Greek gods had it coming the way Odin and the rest of the Aesir currently have it coming, but Kratos recognizing the soul-crushing pain his path of vengeance took him through and wanting to save his son from that, and yet not having the emotional intelligence to connect to Atreus, finally gives him a Herculean battle that he can't solve with his fists.
Shut up about Sony specializing in movie games for a second, Kratos is terrified by seeing even a little bit of himself inside his son, but the only tool he has in this fight is martial discipline because being a Spartan is the only form of self-control he's ever known. Yes ,Dad of Boy being ashamed of God of War the video game sucks, but Kratos being ashamed of being the God of War as soon as he loves someone and sees it affect them is so damn interesting. Control the God of War in his son? Kratos can barely control himself. You wonder where the old Kratos went and then if you stun a Wulver and go for the instant kill Kratos grabs the werewolf by the jaw and rips it in half while building Spartan Rage and you're like "Ah he's right here"
I just really, really like the idea of doing something so ambitious with such an established character with years of history behind him. Old man fueled by parental love really wants to break the cycle of violence when he can't stop breaking necks is an idea I'll always get hooked on.
Plus, Kratos has the smartest man in the world's head hanging from his belt trying to give him dad advice in between telling him the undead are all coming from his left. That's pretty funny.
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
Zendaya has worked with WB and Sony for years and both movie studios have only given her the opportunity to support not lead. Sydney makes one movie with Sony and they gave her the opportunity to lead and also produced. Studios now more than ever are going to be very reluctant to give big roles to black or bi-racial actresses. Not after the failures of The little mermaid, The Women King, The Marvels and The Color Purple. Most of them are going to be given opportunities in smaller studio movies are independent films that will pay them substantially less than if they were featured in a major studio movie. The success of Challengers is going to determine Zendaya's future. It may sound dramatic but non white actresses are not allowed to make duds and unsuccessful movies. It is so important that we support that movie and ensure it is a success
Thanks Anon for your input.
I def see where you're coming from.
I have to say though.... I'm not so sure that Zendaya has NEVER been given the opportunity to do a lead role on the big screen until "Challengers". 🤔
I actually suspect that Z has been VERY strategic in what she has chosen to do after her FIRST big screen role in HOCO. I actually think she's been offered lead roles in other films prior to Challengers, but has declined them.
Z has talked about declining roles in the past because they were just "girlfriend" roles, or parts that she didn't feel were at least interesting or spoke to her in some way. She's talked for YEARS about mainly going for "white girl" parts, so I def think she was being offered things.... she just wasn't interested.
I actually feel that Z has been VERY strategic about her career, and purposely sought out small parts in BIG films with an amazing cast and/director while she honed and fine-tuned her grittier acting skills in the smaller TV series "Euphoria". I think this was done on purpose actually.
I don't think Z wanted to lead a major film before she felt ready. She's been very cautious about the roles she takes on, and who she works with, and I think this is definitely on purpose.
I don't think she felt ready to take on a lead role right after HOCO or even FFH. Some actors just take on a lead role even though they've barely been acting even in TV, and sometimes they make it, and other times, they fumble. 😔
Sad to say, I kinda feel like Taylor Lautner took on lead roles too soon before he was ready ("Abduction", "Tracers"). As a result, ppl LOVED him in the Twilight franchise, but his success didn't transfer over to his lead films. 😔 I also kinda feel like his film choices after Twilight were sort of hit or miss (mostly MISSES). I almost felt like he was just taking whatever he was being offered, instead of being more strategic with his choices. He was pushed into lead roles WAY too soon imo. But I totally get it.... at times, an actor's agent says you might add well strike while the iron is "hot" and you're still in demand. Plus, you still gotta pay bills.
Sometimes, it's actually BETTER for an actor to be a supporting costar in a supporting role in a GREAT film, with awesome writing and awesome directing, as opposed to trying to be lead right off the bat. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
Don't knock the supporting roles y'all.... sometimes, those can be so powerful. You also DON'T have the risk of having the film solely on top of your shoulders. There's less pressure. You're NOT the lead, so most won't blame YOU if the film sucks at the box office. It's a LOT of pressure!
I totally agree with you though, we (as women period) should def support Challengers 👏🏾 😁
I don't have as much of a dire outlook about the future of Hollywood and black female-led films, but I def understand your paranoia. I just don't think it's ALL up to Zendaya to make Challengers succeed, or else, she and other black actresses won't ever have a chance ever again. 🥴
Also, I'm not so sure "The Woman King" was ever supposed to be this "huge" film. 🤔
Now, "The Color Purple", yes. I'm still kind of sad about how it has fared.... even during the awards season so far. 😔
"The Marvels" too was supposed to be big, but some fanboys are so misogynistic that some purposely avoided seeing the movie on purpose. 🙄😒
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joannanora · 1 year
Sony’s Screen Gems has moved up the domestic release for its rom-com Love Again, starring Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Sam Heughan and Celine Dion as herself, from May 12th to May 5th.
The film evacuates a highly crowded weekend that will see the opening of the Penélope Cruz drama L’immensità, IFC Films’ buzzy Berlin title BlackBerry, Robert Rodriguez’s Ben Affleck starrer Hypnotic, Focus Features’ Book Club: The Next Chapter, Viva Pictures’ animated pic Rally Road Racers, Sony’s manga adaptation Knights of the Zodiac, Sony Pictures Classics’ Yogi Berra doc It Ain’t Over and IFC Films’ Trace Lysette-led drama Monica.
Competitors on its new weekend include Lionsgate’s action-thriller One Ranger with Thomas Jane and John Malkovich, Disney/Marvel’s franchise ender Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Kino Lorber’s drama Chile ’76.
Written and directed by Jim Strouse — the filmmaker behind titles including The Incredible Jessica James, People Places Things, The Winning Season and Grace Is Gone — Love Again asks the question, what if a random text message led to the love of your life? Pic follows Mira Ray (Jonas), who while dealing with the loss of her fiancé, sends a series of romantic texts to his old cell phone number…not realizing the number was reassigned to Rob Burns’ (Heughan) new work phone. A journalist, Rob is captivated by the honesty in the beautifully confessional texts. When he’s assigned to write a profile of megastar Celine Dion, he enlists her help in figuring out how to meet Mira in person… and win her heart.
The film, featuring multiple new songs from Dion, is produced by Basil Iwanyk, Erica Lee and Esther Hornstein. Exec producers are Doug Belgrad, Sophie Cassidy, Louise Killin, Jonathan Fuhrman and Dion.
Screen Gems will on Friday release its supernatural horror The Pope’s Exorcist, starring Russell Crowe. Other upcoming titles from the studio include the Bert Kreischer vehicle The Machine (May 26), Insidious: The Red Door (July 7) and the horror pic They Listen (August 25) with Katherine Waterson and John Cho.
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sweetdreamsjeff · 1 month
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2 CD + DVD release celebration planned
Live Music + Documentary Film Preview + Special Guests + Giveaways at SIN-E
On Tuesday, September 2, 2003 (CD release day)
The Estate of Jeff Buckley and Shane Doyle, owner of Sin-e, present an evening of rising musical talents, documentary film preview, and giveaways to celebrate the end of a 10-year wait for the commercial release of Jeff Buckley Live at Sin-e -- legacy Edition, deluxe 2-CD package of 157 minutes of music plus an 11-minute DVD. The evet will take place at the recently re-opened sin-e, 150 Attorney Street, New York City, on Tuesday, September 2, 2003 (doors at 7:30 PM), the same day that the 2CD + DVD arrives in stores across the United States. Tickets for the event will be $10.00 each and admission is for those 21 years & over.
The following festivities are planned:
First local airing of songs from the Live at Sin-e (Legacy Edition) and a screening of an 11-minute DVD featuring 3 live performances shot at Sin-e, and additional interview footage of Jeff recalling his early gigs.
World Premiere Preview of Amazing Grace: Jeff Buckley, a passionately crafted documentary five years in the making, ready for domestic and international film festivals in 2004. Amazing Grace: Jeff Buckley takes viewers on an expansive, yet incredibly intimate trip through the world of Jeff Buckley.
A variety of musical guests who played with or were influenced by Jeff Buckley over the years including Sandy Bell, the group Maggi, Pierce & EJ, Brendan O'Shea, Sage, Jeffrey Hyde Thompson, Emily Wells and other unannounced special guests.
Cool, limited promo items offered to attendees from the Estate of Jeff Buckley and Sony Music Entertainment.
Originally issued as a 4-song EP, Jeff Buckley - Live at Sin-e was the first official Columbia release by Jeff and was originally issued in the final days of December 1993, within weeks of his "showcase" performances to fifty people or so at the hole-in-the-wall coffee-house on the Lower East Side. Until the release of his debut full length album Grace the following August, the EP was the only memento of those incredible nights (July 19 & August 17, 1993), solo tours de forces by the 27-year-old Buckley armed only with his Telecaster and a Guinness. The appearance of this 157-minute 2-CD package is cause for rejoicing among Jeff's fans. Among the 34 tracks are a dozen between-song monologues by Jeff -- ranging from poignant to surreal to downright hilarious -- and 22 songs that range from covers of Billie Holiday, Led Zeppelin and Nina Simone, to Nussrat Fateh Ali Khan, Bob Dylan and Ray Charles, plus a dozen original works from Jeff.
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filmyypeople · 4 months
I don’t take much time to learn my dialogues..i read it once and it gets into my head - Maahi Bhadra
February 29, 2024 I Richa Devesar I Filmyy People
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Imagine the light in parents’ eyes when their child achieves something extraordinary. Meet this genius who's not just dreaming of making her parents proud but has already done it and that too at the tender age of six which most of kids can just dream of and infact why just kids..we grownups too. Yes that’s exactly what this Wonder kid has done. This little entertainer has captured the hearts of millions as Dabangi Arya in Sony TV’s serial Dabangi. You’ve got to see her to believe her..what a natural and effortless actor is she.  Although, the serial has taken a leap and so has her character, but her fans still miss this cutie Dabangi and trust me I’m one of them.
At an age where most kids are not even able to write properly, this little wonder is walking red carpets, receiving awards, getting clicked with fans, shooting back-to-back and signing autographs. At an age where kids find it difficult to learn a single sentence, this girl learns a script of 20-25 pages everyday and that too with no hassle. Kids her age have to be forced to get ready to go to school whereas this star kid moves from one set to other, gives shot after shot without being difficult. Actually, this Chhota Packet Badaa Dhamaka (that’s what you can call this magical and super energetic and enthusiastic kid) kinda girl is not just playing a character but is inspiring kids and adults alike, showing that age is just a number when it comes to talent and dedication.
It won’t be an exaggeration if I say that watching Maahi Bhadra playing Dabangi Arya is not like watching a serial but feels like beginning of a new chapter in entertainment, led by a little girl with a big dream and an even bigger talent. I have watched her performing and seeing her, I thought she must be 10-12 years of age but I got shock of my life when her mom told me that she is just 6 years old. Its rare…the kind of understanding of character, dedication, positivity and energy she has.
I can go on and on talking about Maahi Bhadra but let me share my telephonic conversation with Maahi Bhadra and her Mom Devyaani Bhadra and let you know more about this talented girl. After talking to both of them, I must salute her Mom (alongwith Maahi) for 24/7 dedication, support and guidance. Its not an easy task preparing her for a character, recording auditions, helping her with learning dialogues, being on set with her all the time, taking her from one location to other for shoots, auditions, mock shoots, promos etc. but Maahi’s mother does it all…that too with a smile on her face because this is what makes Maahi happy. So here the conversation goes….
Hi Mahi! I’m really surprised to know that you are just 6 years old and so so talented….
‘Hiiiiii! Hehheheeh….Thankyouuuuuuu’. Her giggle was so familiar and infectious at the same time.
Okey, tell me which class you are in and in which school you study?
I am in Senior KG and study in Royal International School.
Achha,  I don’t think aapne acting seekhi hai but still I want to ask, have you learnt acting from any institute or something?
Nahi, maine acting seekhi nahi hai (No, I have not learnt acting)
You haven’t learnt acting still you’re such a natural on screen. But then from where did this idea of acting come to your mind?
From my sister and Papa. When I was younger, whenever they would go out for audition, I used to accompany them infact I used to make sure that they don’t go without me. Heheh…
Oic!  Your sister and father are also actors?
‘Yes!’ And her Mom then tells me that her father Devendra Bhadra is also an actor who’s acted in serials like Kundali Bhagya, Dabangi , Shastri Viruddh Shastri and Jaghanya  (Marathi) alongwith many more. And her sister Jeeya Bhadra who is 13 years old now made her debut as a child artist in the serial Veera at the age of 2 and a half years and did serials like Aarambh, Shakuntalam etc but now she has taken a break from acting and is preparing for her Muay Thai (Martial art) competition.
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What do you have to say about Maahi’s enthusiasm and dedication for her work.
Maahi’s Mom replies ‘She is always ready to act. I don’t have to convince her or anything. To act.. Is her wish, her dream, her passion. Infact so many times, I have to think but she is always ready to shoot and record an audition so much that even at 2am, she will insist that No Mom lets do it now and send it. Actually, being her mother, its so natural for me to appreciate her but if I look at her from a distance she is a very enthusiastic and dedicated. She leaves a mark wherever she goes. Everyone who meets her says, this child is god gifted, she is mind blowing. And as far as this serial Dabangi is concerned, she was selected out of 120 kids.
Wow Maahi! That true?
‘Yes….absolutely! Mujhe acting karna bahut achha lagta hai’ (I love acting) and you know yesterday only I was shooting where I played a Punjabi boy and really had a great time.
Do you find it difficult to act sometimes, bringing out different emotions one after the other. How do you manage to do it?
‘Actually we have a team with us. They tell me, make me understand.. that now you have to laugh, now you have to cry..toh ho jata hai rona (so that’s how I cry).’ (See, its that easy for her.)
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Do you remember your first audition?
Yes, ofcourse I gave my first audition at the age of 4 and I remember that it was for Jai Hanumaan serial on Dangal TV in which I played the role of Bhoori..Bhoori (and she giggles). Her Mom then explains that the serial, based on Lord Hanumaan had a group of kids and she was the one whom Lord Hanumaan would always carry on his shoulders.
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And what other serials you did after Jai Hanumaan?
After Jai Hanumaan, I did Ali Baba - Dastaan-e-Kabul which used to come on Sony Sab and I played Haida in it. And her mother elaborates on this and tells me that she had a very important role in this serial. Also, the producers were so happy with her performance that her role got extended. And no one would believe that just one day after she finished Ali Baba she started shooting for Janam Janam Ka Sath. And for this I give all the credit to Maahi because she did not bother to take a break but was more than just excited to start her new serial.
Maahi, are you able to remember all your dialogues. Because as your Mom just told me, you get 20-25 pages script everyday. Do you forget your dialogues sometimes?
‘Arrey do minute mein yaad ho jata hai, ho jata hai mujhse sab’’. (I learn my dialogues in just 2 minutes, I am able to do everything.) Actually, I don’t take much time to learn my dialogues..i read it once and it gets into my head and I don’t find learning my dialogues difficult. And sometimes, if I forget, our team is there to prompt me and then I recall it. Her mother adds that 99% of her shots are done in one take.
How do you manage studies and acting?
Her Mom says that she is not able to attend her school regularly but her teachers are very cooperative. And Maahi is equally serious about her studies as she completes each and every worksheet given to her on time. And moreover, she gets time to study even on sets.
Now tell me Maahi, who are your favourites in Dabangi?
I love everyone Gud Kaaki, Jhakkas Kaka, Ikya, Bhoplya, Aju baba, Aaji everyone. But yes I am very close to Manav Sir, Kasturi Mam and Tanmay. Although in the serial, he is my enemy but in real life he is a good friend. We all alongwith Gud Kaaki used to make lot of reels. And Manav Sir loves me so much. Her mother adds that offscreen also, Manav Sir and Maahi are like father-daughter…he always calls her ‘my darling’ . Although Maahi is no longer in the serial as it has taken few years leap, but he often comments on her posts and in that case even her producer and director often join in whenever she is live on Instagram. Just the other day, we had gone to meet everyone at the shoot….they all stopped shooting and welcomed Maahi with so much love. Its not a small thing to leave shooting and welcome us. Actually, all the Unit gives Maahi so much love that we feel blessed.
Few days back, I read that Rachana Mistry who is playing big Arya (after it took 14 years leap) said in an interview that young Arya has set high standards for her. How was it listening to this complement?
I was very very very very happy to read that and shared it on my instagram as well. Her mother adds that Rachana Mistry told her that for the very first time she has to do her homework, she has to look at the previous episodes to see Arya’s personality and her reactions on different situation. She has given me a challenge. That is such a big complement for Maahi.
Maahi…especially after Dabangi everyone knows you, they appreciate you so much. So what do you think about all this love from people?
Yes, I enjoy it so much and thank all my audience for the appreciation and love and now I want to work with Amitabh Bachchan. That’s my dream.
O wow! I hope this wish of your reaches Mr. Bachchan and you get to work with him soon. Maahi, you are, I think the only actress who has done so many promos for almost all Sony serials going on with Dabangi. How did you manage it?
Ohhh I loved doing those promos and had a great time shooting them. And her Mom says that she had to devote a lot of time for that..because after finishing her promos she used to shoot for Dabangi. Also around that time only, she was called by Jhalak Dikhla Ja Team to record a promo....and everyone loved her in that too.
Okey Maahi, you are a known face now so do people ask you for a picture or autograph? Yes, wherever I go, people say.. Oh ye toh dabangi hai… (that’s Dabangi)and they click picture with me and autograph….yes Manav (Gohil) Sir asked me for an autograph once. I felt so nice.
Maahi, you are doing so much of work…don’t you feel lazy at times?
Mujhe sab badhiya lagta hai! (I find all this so good) No, never..it has never happened. That’s because I enjoy acting so much. Infact, I always look forward to shoot. Her Mom adds that she never feels lazy infact all the time she is very excited to do new things..play new characters and never feels bored.
Now tell me, what do you like to do when you are at home like…. when you are not shooting?
When I’m home, I like to do painting and love playing with my elder sister Jeeya and my friends. We often go downstairs and play badminton and hide and seek with friends and I play indoor games with Jeeya Didi, my elder sister.  I love all my friends and enjoy a lot with them and they also feel very happy whenever I go to play with them because most of the time I’m shooting but still I manage to take out time for my friends. Her Mom adds that she knows what she has to do and manages her time well. She gives importance to each and every thing be it studies, shooting, playing, friends etc. She has a very normal upbringing and that’s the reason she never shows attitude to anyone. Like she is very fond of making Rangoli so whenever she makes one, she calls her friends and show them. And she likes to be at home when not shooting and loves to eat home made food. That reminds me how the director of Dabangi serial would tease her on the set. Actually we are pure vegetarians so he used to tease her..Arrey Arya is pure vegetarians iske liye veg wala chicken mangvaao.(Get her vegetarian chicken)  
So how was her bond with the director and producer of the show?
Her Mom says that Arif Ali and Herumb Khote love Arya so much. They say that we thank God for bringing Maahi in their serial because this is the type of girl they wanted their Arya to be..and they say that they didn’t have to make any extra efforts, she was already like Arya..and we didn’t have to work much on her.
So, that was an interaction with Maahi Bhadra and her Mom Deviyani Bhadra. It was really a pleasure talking to them.
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i4iuvs · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ TAGLIST: @itzy-eve
⃕ . . . coco masterlist !
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˗ˏˋ PHONE & COVER ´ˎ˗
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the samsung z flip 4. she wanted this specific model because it was purple
her cover is pretty simple but cute and was a gift from hobi
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coco is the biggest dog mom in the world so obviously her lockscreen is a picture of her with her puppy jean
chungha took the photo while the they were out getting lunch together a month ago and she hasn’t changed it since
her home screen is of her and her boyfriend hanging out together in her back yard. she hasn’t changed it in over 6 months
her cover screen (the small screen on the back of the phone) is a photo she saw while scrolling on pinterest and she loved it so she saved it
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aside from being a samsung ambassador, coco just thinks the airpod headphones are ugly so she chose the sony ones instead
she bought the stickers at a convenience store in the middle of the night while she was shopping for snacks
she doesn’t leave the house without these
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the most followed member on instagram
she posts fairly often whether that is on stories or actual posts
highlights : ∞ - for the tannies , leds - vids/pics of herself , 🧩 - for her friends , lalala - music
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things i learned today
there is a website that documents every official physical evangelion release in japan in the united states, https://svenge.evamonkey.com/. it led me down a fun rabbit hole.
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kaji on volume 5 of the platinum complete dvd collection looks like araragi in his mid-30s. this has nothing to do with anything else, just something i noticed.
the united states laserdisc release was $59.95 per volume in 1998, and they only released the first eight episodes (at 4 per volume). the complete us laserdisc collection was the equivalent of $217 usd in 2023, and you only got the first eight episodes. if someone in japan wanted to buy the first eight episodes on laserdisc, they would have to buy the first four volumes, and at ¥5800 per volume in 1996 that would be the equivalent of roughly $192 usd in 2023. which is slightly cheaper ! but you'll notice that the us laserdisc volumes had four per disc and the jp volumes had two. what's the deal with that.
well, the jp laserdiscs used CAV or constant angular velocity. this means that they stored two frames per revolution, and could only hold 30 minutes per side, but the motor never had to change speed (laserdisc was an analog format, mind, so you couldn't exactly store frames in ram). the us laserdiscs used CLV or constant linear velocity. this means they stored frames on a set length of space on the spiral, and you could hold 60 minutes per side, but the motor did have to change speed. which was a real concern in the 90s, for some reason.
why did they do this ? no idea ! it's just something i noticed. 
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ALSO. and this one is important. they released end of evangelion (alongside the recap movie and some game i dont care about) on UMD.
UMD is the format used by sony's playstation portable and literally nothing else. it sucks. it's basically just dvd but it could only work on the psp. they never bothered making any home players or writers for it, all video can only be displayed on that tiny screen. that tiny screen, by the way, could only display video at a resolution of 480x272. the disc held video at a resolution of 720x480. the only device that could use the format couldn't even display the format correctly. the umd, also, it was succeeded by the bluray format, which actually WAS meaningfully better than dvd’s, less than two years later, by the same company.
so the idea of owning my favorite movie physically on a format so dead it was never alive in the first place is just breathtakingly hilarious to me.
unfortunately video umd's (but not game umd's!) are region-locked, and since this was only released in japan, my psp cant play it. also, when i searched for it on ebay, i found exactly one copy, and it was over $100 not including shipping. so phooey.
i don't have a good way to wrap this up. so . that's all folks.
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