#soooo i guess chapter 2 may be similar.
I’ve got some Whole Man questions and I hope it’s okay because it’s a story I truly enjoy but I lack history knowledge and I’m not as smart as you.
1. (Not a historical question) I imagine Rosey maybe having a baby face despite what she’s been through, like maybe when she smiles people are reminded how young she is. Any accuracy to how you envision her?
2. Does the Captain have an STD of sorts for real or is he wrongly diagnosed under Colonel’s orders?
3. And if he does carry an STD, is Rosey okay with it being passed to her? The latest chapter when she asks him if he is refusing to sleep with her in fear of getting her sick how exactly did all that work back then? Is he sick like Aida?
4. What exactly is the Captain ill from?
5. Is Rosey saving him money now that she’s running his books or is she still trying to figure out exactly what stretches his money so thin?
I’m sure I’ve got more that are currently escaping my mind so I might pop back in later with them if that’s alright! Like I said I love this story I just get a bit lost sometimes! Not because of your writing but because of my lack in knowledge!
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I am soooo glad to be asked these sorts of questions, I could talk your ears off about this particular story and as it’s rather complex and uh, vague??? i do sometimes wonder what confusion I may have sewn at times with the unfolding and it’s nice to have a check as to wether those confusions are being unsnarled properly. Also, I am a history nerd, everyone has their areas of passion and study and excellence, I’m just so glad this series caught your affection anyway.
1. The baby faced softness: oh yes, very accurate to how I imagine her, a rather stern and unconventionally pretty resting face that belongs to a woman who has been through hell and deprivation rather than the young fresh girl she ought to be. But then her smile can wrought a complete metamorphosis in softening her face, I like to think her teasing little looks she sends Captain Presley the more confident she becomes around him have a similar effect of making her look younger and arch. I never wanted to give her an full faceclaim as in my mind she’s very much original. I also wanted y’all to feel free to imagine as you like, it did start as a reader insert, after all. But here are a few gals from ye olden days that resonate with my vision of her. mainly the third, I see her AS rosey.
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2. Mm, ok yeah so, it’s rather likely he had one? At some point? But the entire fuss made over it and the credit it’s given for ALL his ailments is entirely fabricated. And not out of poor doctoring but an intentional (by the colonel) misdiagnoses to keep him both in thrall to the drugs and shamed regarding the very cause of his current misery. I have always intended he have something like malaria or the like, which is borne by biting insects and can cause damage to vital organs permanently in those who survive the initial illness and often flares as a chronic fevered illness, effecting the liver and blood and mind. There were treatments already available for it back then but chiefly belonged to indigenous people and the brilliant minds of the medical system at that time had no desire to learn from “primitive” people who actually lived and survived amongst the most afflicted areas -shocker. 🙄 I guess I sorta answered your fourth question here lo
3. Yeah so this will be interesting to tackle, as I fully believe he is concerned with passing anything to her although his genuine reasoning is in regards to waiting for marriage. As for Rosey? I think she already doubts that’s his full trouble but then she is not very educated on any of these conjugal things or the side effects of prostitution. The captain has watched, with Aida and others, the slow or rapid decline of so many succumbing to his erstwhile occupation -in fact, his chief tolerance for Aida and providing for her is a guilty sort of attempt at charity with the hopes that if he is kind to her and merciful, the same mercy might be granted him when he declines similarly. A bit of a bargain with God. So Rosey is perhaps not as concerned as she should be, but that may work in their favor if he’s misdiagnosed. Also, back then -and this is criminally tragic- plenty of women caught and died from stds given them by their philandering husbands, men who weren’t “disreputable” in any polite sense but did indulge in prostitutes and came back to their unsuspecting (or worse suspecting but helpless) wives and infected them. This even resulted in congenital infection, many babies died from their fuckwit father’s spreading this to their wives. All of this is an impolite history Rosey would be unaware of but Captain Presley would be keenly cognizant of.
3. Rosey is trying. 😂 Boy is she trying to save and to play detective but honestly? I think we already know where the money is going just as we know where the real Elvis’ money chiefly went -to Parker. While Elvis is left with his half share that must also pay for the boat, the coal, the wages, much of the bribes, multiple dependents off the boat and of course, his occasional bouts of outrageous generosity and indulgence in fine things.
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!! i finally got around to finishing the stranger haha,, by which i mean i just watched it today. was veryyyy excited for it as i really like the poster design for this one. anyways. this event starting w/ the sort of portrait format or whatever / that narration is like. god. threw me right back to autumn troupe. I kind of love that the storytelling format itself is so distinct for autumn! the moment I realized it was omi I started getting teary… like oh man oh man… omi…. And the connection with him taking photos! ahh!! now that I think about it… omi kind of seems a bit like early version tsumugi, huh? also I keep forgetting this man is a college student lol. suspension of disbelief I suppose. onto the play i think like. mankai should invest in a fainting courch for tsuzuru. i also went to watch the play and 1) im betting yuki had a hell of a time costume design wise like the vines on the body? such fun costuming wise and 2) the ethical implications of whatever this play has,,, fun fun. tsuzuru was clearly having some kind of thoughts. i love zeros design and am always up for a3 characters crossdressing bc 1) i think its fun and 2) the costume design. i also dearly wish this whole thing was animated bc I feel like it’d be o fun to see taichi act as zero. or at least I hope this event gets full voiced one day... moving on to the scene where omi adds soy sauce to the paella I know it’s just like haha homare funny so lets five him a lil bit but like everyone in autumn troupe making their comments on the paella and like homare just jumping in. homare autumn troupe besties. just thinking. also the way they just r like. no no no omi it’s fine if u made a mistake!! it’s ok! we like it (you) anyways <3 it’s got it’s own special taste. something something omi’s perfectly pleasant as he is now but even if he weren’t on his a-game and was dealing with all of the biker gang stuff they would love him just as hard. another thing that got me was omi telling banri that he’ll give him something sweet so juza will stop grinding his teeth in his sleep… guys… guys you’ll give him cavities…. mb omi is a college student after all lol.
anyways when i saw the actual costumes. appreciative of them, i like the lil circuit-esque detailing on banri’s outfit, and that sakyo and taichi (nine and zero) both share that like collar detail? its very symbolic and probably also literal but its a nice way to sort of signify their relation to each other visually! also sakyo just looks nice. seeing him without glasses is so great. whoever thought up the like two mole detail for him was doing gods work.
something that confused me was ryo mistaking juza for nachi for a split second? like. does juza… look similar to nachi? or was it just that ryo only heard juzas voice and made that mistake. if it’s appearance wise too. kumon nachi confirmed. I’m joking lol bc I feel like I would’ve heard at least something abt it in one of the like small conversation comments, plus that doesnt seem like itd fit summer troupes style and kumon is for sure the wrong age… but still.
i really like how for this event, the roles for taichi and omi were kinda reversed. and taichis just so like. idk. smiley. rly lifts ur spirits. its kind of nice how this event contrasts to that cg where taichi is crying on omi. I also think like. idk. considering the story of the stranger. wolf gives zero a sense of purpose and life and I think that zero helps wolf lose his apathy. it’s about “the stranger” and the ending makes him like… not a stranger, right? because he’s got a companion. in the same way, taichi brings omi out of his emotional isolation. the picture taking! also the stickers coming back… thats such a good setup! the found family of it all!!
when he was trying to work out zeros character as soon as taichi mentioned a sharp speaking style I KNEW it was Yuki… yuki would never be as honest as zero is though lol… to me i imagine she’s got a sort of juza internal monologue feel? anyways. the taichi yuki dynamic intrigues me. havent yet decided how I feel abt it but when I do… yes. sorry that I make literally no sense. I think it’s very obvious that yuki is my fav chara kind of? I’m just. hmmm it makes me think! I’ve been monologuing to myself abt the yuki and juza dynamic lately which, to my a3 knowledge so far, doesn’t exist, but its ok bc I’ll make it exist! uhhh anyways this event was very good i liked the pacing. i think it didnt drag too hard and it really properly honed in on just omi and taichi, which was quite nice. they really did a lot for just an event!
time to listen to the event song,,, ok so. ah. i rly enjoyed just for myself it was very much to my taste so. out of curiousity i was like ok lemme look up the composer / producer AND IT WAS YUYOYUPPE....... that guy is like!!!! one of my FAV producers ever!!!!!! i know him from like. his vocaloid days and god leia is still one of my fav songs to this day...! this knowledge gives me so much joy omg!!! like wow!! wowwww!!! like i knew yuyoyuppe was out there doing other stuff (i know he worked on a lot of babymetal music which is cool) but like idk. to suddenly encounter it like this. heheh.... its so nice! made me soooo happy. going to relisten to leia now haha
WAIT ONE MORE THING. i was like "haha let me look at other songs i remember liking a lot" which. for me was rakuen oasis and don't cry. anyways. rakuen oasis is ALSO by yuyoyuppe???? oh my god!!! oh my god... sigh. feel like im in heaven.
OH HI FRIEND!! so good to see you with an a3 update!! :D
godd yeah The Stranger started so strongly and the idea to still incorporate portraits in his story was really something to make us cry!
And linking Omi and Tsumugi like this is pretty interesting :O <hat is your reasoning exactly? :O
For the fainting couch for Tsuzuru LMAO and i'm letting you know there's a webcomics that addresses it in Act 2 (hough there's no spoilers aside from the fact Chikage is here)
Im glad you liked the costume and the play!!! yeah i love the designs and it is always a blast to see them this into it, and yeaaah Tsuzuru has thoughts huh. It'll get voiced sooner than later hopefully and there we'll see more in details :3c but also that's what made the seiyuu live so fun bc they perform the songs in play cosplay and replay a bit of the play everytime and it's *chief kiss*
And yeah the scene itself was so cute TwT they all want to reassure Omi and be there for him it's so sweet :( but yeah i love how you say it all, Omiimi TwT
and dLKFJDFLKJFDFD Giving Juza cavities is the price to pay for sleep i guess??
yeah agreed on the costume they all look so cool! and nice catch on how those three seem linked like that with their costumes, Yuki (and the designers) does such a good job! and god yeah for Sakyo.. yeah. He has sucha good design dLKJFDF
aND DLKFJD yeah no Juza is supposed to look like Nachi physically, but mostly his face? like i think Nachi was had green hair? we see a sprite of him in a future story, and yeah, everything is in the eyebrows. so Kumon should be safe? Omi mentions he sees a lot of Nachi in Juza, and while it is mostly due to their passions i think, the fact they're also rough looking guy with a heart of gold must play a part as well. but yeah, he does look like Nachi a bit.
and i love your deeper analysis of the event yeah!!
I feel like Taichi is really an emotional core of the troupe in the sense that is, he tends to catch on what others are feelings easily. And he uses it in the early chapters to ease off the tensions and stuff, but he was being held back by knowing he was deceiving them. So now that he's more free, he can be more of himself. but yeah i also love the contrast with how Omi was the one to help Taichi through his breakdown and guilt, and now it's the other way around, it's Taichi helping him through it. and the parallelism between the play and their dynamic is spot on imo! well said!!
and god yeah the sticker things made me cry sO HARD, and the pictures! and everything!! sobs it's such a sweet found family i'm going to cry :(
And! i love what you say about Yuki, Taichi and Juza on this one. I love that Taichi keeps bringing it back to "that childhood friend" and it's always like. so obvious who it is for us rip. But it can make you wonder if Yuki was more honest as a kiddo when Taichi knew him, though now he's clearly not. I love the mention of how Zero is more like Juza's internal speech (which, if anything is another argument about why you should let Juza wear a dress, cOWARD)
but also your mention of the Yuki and Juza thing, while i can't think of them having a dynamic per se yet, but i actually wrote a post during my reread about how i was baffled at the fact they treated Muku the same way?? like both of them tried to push Muku away because they were scared of how people would react if they say pure, sweet Muku was associated to them. And i find it fascinating because i guess those two are pretty aware of how the world see them, and it used to stop them from fully allowing them to be themselves.
I also find it relevant with the fact Yuki says in his personal song that while all of this way people judge him weight on him, he rather be himself, and "I want to love myself". Meanwhile we have Juza who's also aware of the way people judge him and it weight on him, and he wants to change himself from this person he hates, this self loathing - and in a way, he can grow in a way to be "someone" he may not hate, even on stage. I feel like those two have quite a bit in common in this way of being rejected by their peers in some sort of way.
I really want them to share some stuff at some point because there's really a groundwork on it all :(
But i'm really glad you liked that event!! agreed on the pacing and i do love what it brings to the characters! it really fleshes them out and have them move forward a little and it's pretty sweet.
AND OMG THAT'S SO COOL FOR THE SONG!! i'm so glad you liked it, but that's incredible it turned out to be from one of your fav producer!!! ahah sometimes life is like that where you end up finding the stuff you loved back into new stuff! and the fact Rakuen Oasis was from him as well... that's so cool!!! just, so so cool!
im pretty sure he has more songs going forward so i hope you'll enjoy the ride even more!!
thank you once again for sharing your thoughts about a3 :3c it always makes me so happy to see them!!!
Thank youu <3 have a good day :3c
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rigelmejo · 4 years
January Goals Update and Notes
Chapters I studied with Listening-Reading Method: Notes lol:
i do not control wtf motivates me. perhaps it literally just is i have to get really attached to a book.
anyway, february is here. i am thinking i may just start listen-reading to Guardian this month. I know I’ve been debating whether to finish Tian Ya Ke first before I started guardian, or do both at the same time. I am leaning toward starting Guardian, sooner rather than later. Even though it’s still me ‘not finishing one thing before starting the next.’
In the end, any studying is better than no studying. And I haven’t been motivated to read chinese lately. However, I have been motivated to read english - and listening-reading will be 1/3 english reading which may help push me to keep progressing. And the 1/3 chinese reading portion is more passive, since I follow along with the audio, so I can have a break from the dictionary for a while. Also... why did I initially start learning Chinese? To read Guardian. To read it in chinese, and english translation. If I’m thinking about my most prioritized goals, this task is more directly in line with what I want to accomplish than finishing reading Tian Ya Ke. Although, both ARE related. 
Also, I think anything I learn from listening-reading to Guardian, will improve my reading/listening skills when moving onto any other priest novel. So it won’t be a detriment, it will only make going back to Tian Ya Ke easier afterward - since I will know more words, and recognize them in listening better (and ideally, pick up some words visually in reading better). So I think... if I do get motivated to start listening-reading to Guardian this month, then I’m just going to start doing it.
A note about Tian Ya Ke and difficulty: I am still noticing improvement. I am getting to the point where 1 page has a handful of unknown words at most, usually only 1-3 getting in the way of me easily following the plot. I am noticing I’m getting better at guessing what an unknown word is supposed to mean, guessing what the idioms that seem vaguely familiar mean (and remembering at least some of the words in them). Reading Tian Ya Ke has gotten much closer to reading Han She in terms of ease. I think I’m running into a similar number of unknown words now. I haven’t measured yet if the chapters are taking me under 30 minutes to read yet. Mainly because lately I can’t get myself to read more than 5-10 pages in short bursts at a time. So I’m not sure if reading speed has improved. But I can say that my reading recognition for Tian Ya Ke is currently better than my listening comprehension. I’ve been scanning the pages I read lately pretty fast as I read, guessing most words fine, and then just double checking their pronunciation/definition by clicking them for audio afterwards. Its currently the checking for precise sound/meaning that’s slowing down my reading of Tian Ya Ke. If I were reading it extensively, only looking up words for crucial meaning clarification, I would probably be reading it decently faster. 
On a general goals note: I am still for some reason managing to focus easily on reading english books, which is not that usual for me (usually I can read 20-40 pages in a book, then can’t read more than 10 pages an hour or slower and eventually drop the book). So I’m going to keep taking advantage of this ability to focus while I’ve got the chance. It’s been really nice to finally start getting through more of my books. Right now about half are mental health related books (which I’ve been meaning to read for ages), and fiction (mostly historical romances as I’m trying to find an author that Clicks well with me lol). I’ve read 5 so far, with 2 non-fiction books in progress and 1 fiction in progress. That is a LOT in one month for me, each book being 200-500 pages. Lets say 350 pages average, I’ve read over 1750 pages so far this year in January. Yes, that might only be the same as 2 ‘big’ books... but in my defense, non-fiction is soooo much harder to focus on (like i said, i get about 10-20 pages read in an hour of non-fiction even now that i’m focusing -o- ), and I just have not managed to read anything considerable in a while. So... while I still have long term language goals, I’m not going to be upset if they end up getting sidelined again this month. Reading more is something I’m enjoying getting back into, and I truly have so many books to finally read... so I’m glad I’m doing it now. 
Things accomplished in January:
Chinese novel chapters read in January: 8 (I’m on Tian Ya Ke chapter 27, page 10. I’m around 33% through the novel. I read around half as many chapters this past month compared to December... and honestly like 4 of these chapters I remember reading one Saturday that I managed to focus. I just wasn’t in the mood to intensively read very much in December).
Chapters I studied with Listening-Reading Method: 2 (Wow that’s not much... both were Tian Ya Ke chapters. Doing both intensive reading AND listening-reading to a single chapter really burns me out. Again, I just wasn’t in a reading mood, so I mostly skipped l-r to speed up how long chapters took to read).
Japanese Audio listened to: 14 (I was listening through Quicksleur - which is pimsleur but with the silences cut out, there are 3 sections, 30 audio files in each section. I completed 14 audio files in section 1. I’ve been listening to Quicksleur to try and refresh the japanese I used to know. Is it working? Yeah, I’m remembering a fair bit of what I used to know. I definitely think re-reading Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide or Japanese in 30 Hours would help reaffirm the grammar I used to know - but I haven’t been motivated to read grammar books. I was listening to quicksleur while playing video games, and that worked well as a low effort way to include listening. I will probably just keep listening to quicksleur, then change my audio to japanese and see what vocab I can refresh. Then maybe in a few months, once quicksleur is completed, I may move into using Japanese Audio Lessons and my actual grammar books. At the moment, realistically, I have 0 time for my grammar books. And I want to focus on audio primarily anyway for now - I do NOT want my kanji/spelling knowledge of japanese to affect my chinese reading skills right now. And I know, having tried, that for me they definitely do affect each other - I’ll see kanji and the pinyin pronunciation will jump in my head, or I’ll know a word in japanese and see it in a chinese novel and have to remind myself its a new word there. This mix up happened a lot when I first started studying Chinese - as I’d just come off of studying Japanese for 2.5 years. Which was very weird, it made learning chinese words harder, but the more chinese i learned the easier manga got to Read for a while. Anyway now that I’m refreshing my japanese, even Without seeing kanji on purpose - when I see them in my chinese reading i’m re-remembering the japanese pronunciation and word that hanzi also goes to. Which is already a bit awkward. So I don’t really want to add kanji included study on purpose for a while. I’ll just keep trying this audio focus for now... with the added benefit its easy to include, and doesn’t have to compete for my energy level I have to make myself read. I am well aware I’ll need to go to my long term, more well rounded, japanese study plan later on. But for now this is fine).
Chinese Spoonfed Audio: 0 
Manhua chapters read: 0
Chinese shows watched: 1 (Watched anti fraud league ep 1 in chinese, and again I think some small videos and partial eps of other shows. I haven’t watched many shows period this past month though, so I’m not surprised this is low. 
Personal goals met:
Personal books read: 5 (3 non-fiction , 2 fiction novels, 2 non-fiction in progress, 1 fiction in progress. This is really where my energy has been happy to focus on this past January. The non-fiction I’m particularly happy with as its a lot of mental health books I’ve been meaning to read for ages, and some of them I really think have helped me to cope with my panic attacks better. Lately my panic attacks have been less overwhelming, to a degree I think because my inner thoughts during them are having an easier time getting back to self-soothing patterns so I can calm down, and I’m more willing to openly express I’m feeling so bad which I think is helping me process the emotions faster, which helps them end sooner. I read a few as mentioned, although I literally cannot recommend complex ptsd by pete walker if the subject material is relevant to you. That book definitely helped the most, and the books he recommended within it are what I’m reading through now. The book was compassionate, informative, very supportive and encouraging of the recovery journey and its steps, and had a ton of very helpful exercises that can be put to practical use).  
Continued to get my stomach to not hurt, also got it to work better without medicine. Avoiding very processed carbs - mainly white breads like biscuits, pizza, pie crust, cinamon rolls that come in those cans - has kept my bloating down and the pain down. Eating apples again every day with coffee/tea is helping, both with not needing my medicine, and with foods not hurting me/not bloating me so much. So I guess I have to keep eating apples every single day -o-. I ate pizza several times this past month (with my lactose medicine) and I only bloated a little, it did not hurt, which was GREAT. Eating biscuits from a can still hurt though - happily the bloating only happened a little, but the pain sucks, and definitely is caused by those kinds of carbs specifically. Other then minimizing dairy and that specific carb type, my stomach’s been tolerating other carbs pretty well. I’ve kept my daily bloating low even with some foods that ‘could hurt’ per day, to 1-2 lbs. Which is great. The worst I’ve bloated this month was by 4 lbs (biscuits), which hurt a bit but thankfully subsided after a day, and that is a big improvement over the 7-10 lb bloating I’d get in a single day from one ‘less tolerated’ food choice. I’m very happy I haven’t had to take my medicine daily, hopefully I’m on the way to getting my stomach as happy as it was this summer. 
Goals for February: 
Listen-Read Method Guardian, until I’ve gotten through the entire novel. I will probably start this in February, not sure yet if it will be postponed. This, and goal 2, are the main priorities for chinese and I don’t mind which one happens as long as I do some of either of these goals.
Continue reading Tian Ya Ke. Work on reading through my first complete novel in chinese. This goal has not changed, though I predict it may be postponed as I’m not sure how much time I will dedicate to it in February.
Optional. Audios. Keep listening to Japanese Quicksleur when there’s down time (like playing games), and Chinese Spoonfed audio if I feel like it. 
Personal. Keep reading while I’ve got the motivation to. I am really enjoying getting through all these books I’ve wanted to read for so long. 
So same chinese goals as last month - and I imagine these goals will remain the same into the spring and possibly as summer starts. For japanese, just continuing to progress to refresh my memory is all I am planning at the moment. 
And a note to myself: it is shocking how motivating making a little line item in my notes saying “Personal books read:” managed to be. I added that to my to-do list in the middle of January, and since then have read a TON. So just as it motivates me to read chinese chapters, it looks like that particular motivator can work for more things.
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maggyme13 · 5 years
Sugar (3/?)
AN: Here is my third chapter of my SugardaddyLoki AU:) I hope you like the Chapter for this week :)
Warnings: not really
Wordcount: around 1600
Sugar- Masterlist
Part 2
You had decided to bake some chocolate-apple-pie after your grandmothers recipe together with some Pasta and self made tomato-sauce, hoping the male would like the food.
The apartment had started to smell delicious, yourself nibbling on some bread Pietro had brought with him from his grocery shopping.
He had mentioned that Mr Laufeyson usually did not eat breakfast at the flat, but got something on his way. So you had needed to get your breakfast supplies, or your mornings would be hungry.
At least he had tea. A lot of tea and a lot of different kinds.
Now, the kitchen was stocked with every essential thing someone would need.
Food was finished around dinner time and you were just cleaning the kitchen of any evidence of your session, when the front-door opened.
You froze in anticipation and worry.
“Food is already here. Good. Please serve while I change into something different.”, the male called and not a second later you heard another door close.
Doing as asked, you plated your home-cooked meal and placed a dish where he had sat the day prior, you sitting down with your own serving in the same manor.
It did not take long for him to emerge again and join you at the large table.
“This looks quite good. Now it only has to taste as such.”, he mumbled, eyeing the food in front of him before taking a small bite.
You waited, anxious, for his reaction and could not suppress a smile when you saw him relax into the food.
He liked it.
“This – this is good. Where did you get it? I have to put it on Pietro´s list of shops to buy from.”, he asked you, already preparing the next bite.
“I made it.”, you whispered, awaiting his reaction.
You were not disappointed: His shewing stopped, his eyes wandering to look at you. He gulped the food he had in his mouth.
“You are telling me, that you cooked this meal yourself? How and Why?”
“I spoke with Pietro and he offered to get the ingredients, what he did. I found the utensils in the cupboards.”
“Well, that explains how, but not why.”
“I, I didn´t know what to get, and I like to cook. It is also cheaper-”, the last part was only a whisper, but he still heard it.
“I don´t think I need to have an eye on how much money I spend for food and take-outs.”
“I apologize Mr Laufeyson.”, you quickly added, averting your eyes.
“It is quite delicious.”, he continued, “Well done.”
Warmth spread through your veins upon hearing the males praise and you couldn´t suppress a shy smile.
“You may cook more often.  Now, if you would excuse me, I have an early meeting tomorrow and therefore will go to bed now.”, he declared, already standing up.
“I- there is dessert.”, you quickly stated, “I mean- if you want. I can but it in the fridge. The pie might not taste as good as now, but still good.”
“You made pie?”, he mused, sitting down again, “What kind of pie.”
“Apple chocolate after my grandma´s recipe.”, you whispered.
He stayed silent and you took it as a sign to serve the desert. Gathering the used dishes, you placed them aside and got the pie out of the oven to plate it with some powdered sugar.
Mr Laufeyson looked at for a few second, before taking a very small piece onto his fork and eating it.
His face kept neutral, though he ate it all.
“As I said. I will be retreating for the night. Tomorrow morning the cleaning service will come to clean the apartment. Just as a heads-up. Have a good night.”
And with that, the man retreated to his quarters.
Well, better get the kitchen cleaned and then to bed.
Thanks to the fact that you had already cleaned most of the things after using them, the kitchen was spotless within ten minutes with the leftovers secured within the fridge. Labeled with the date you had cooked them.
It was nearly enough to feed one more person.
Shutting off the light, within the main area, you stepped into your bedroom, only to stop short; on your bed were four black boxes with silver ribbons.
When did he get them in here? What is in there?
Slowly you approached your bed, letting your fingers brush over the soft fabric of the ribbons, once you were able to.
The boxes had the Ásgard´-logo imprinted into the top.
More clothes? But-
With gentle hands, you opened the first bow and then box.
Is that Lingerie? What does this mean?
Shocked, you lifted the first pair of clothes out of the box. It wasn´t lingerie as you first thought, it was a nightdress.
Does he expect me to wear this?
Quickly you opened the other boxes as well, and the next two contained a similar kind  of clothing.
That was, until you opened the last box and a relieved sigh escaped your lungs. Your eyes fell onto some new shirts and boxer-shorts. First were made of extremely soft cotton, last were made of silk.
You just had to wear them, the leggings and shirt you had worn previously had been to warm for your liking and felt wrong to your skin beneath the covers.
Ready for bed, you placed the boxes into the walk-in. You would sort them away in the morning.
With your mobile phone charging and the alarm set for 6:30am, you closed your eyes to sleep.
You woke up with the alarm and decided it was a good day to start with a shower.
Dressed as casually as possible, you made your way to the kitchen area with still wet hair.
You were surprised to see Mr Laufeyson already sitting there. “Good morning.”, you mumbled.
“Good Morning. I did not thought I would see you this early.”, he greeted you in return, sipping on his tea.
“I am used to get up early to do work.”, you admitted, preparing your own breakfast with the stuff Pietro got you the day prior.
“I see. Pietro will drive me to work this morning. I have a conference call with some important people. After that he can drive you wherever you want. There is a credit card on the little table next to your door. It has an allowance of  10.000$ a week. I may allow you to use more, should I see it necessary and you ask me beforehand. You need to have your ID with you though. Otherwise the card will not be accepted.”
He spoke almost bored, like that sum of money were just peanuts.
“Ten-thousand a week?”,you stated with huge eyes.
“Not enough?”
“Too much. Tha- thats more than I made in four months working. Wha- what should I do with that much?”, you quickly explained.
“Buy what you want, as long as you don´t buy at the opponents shops. The cleaning crew will be working from 10 to 12am. See you sometime today.”, and with that, the sharp dressed man left.
Leaving you with no idea what you should do with your day.
Sighting, you grabbed the offered card and stared at it for a long time.
I could visit Bob and Monty,  maybe get them some food or things they need. And then buy stuff for the shelter. At least I would do good with all this money.
You still did not want pity money and felt dirty accepting it.
Using your new phone (because you couldn´t find a pen and some paper to make notes), you wrote stuff you though you should get to not accidentally forget something.
It got rather long, and you hoped you would be able to get all this without renting a truck.
“And I need some reeeeeaally simple stuff to wear.”, you mumbled.
The ringing of your phone caught your attention. Pietro was calling you.
“Good Morning. How can I help you?”, you greeted him politely, just like you had done with your customers just a few days ago.
“(y/n), It´s Pietro. Boss said to call you once I am free. Soooo, I am free. Any idea what you want to do? I can drive you wherever you want.”, the young man´s voice came out of the speaker.
“Thank you, that would be nice. I have a few stops I would like to make- if that is not too much trouble.”, you smiled into the phone.
“Not at all, I would just be earning my money. I will be at the tower in the next ten minutes. If you want, you can wait in the lobby. I will come and get you.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
“No worries. See you in Ten.”, and with that the line went dead.
“Well .. then let´s get down there I guess.”, you mumbled, grabbing your phone and wallet, you got on your way  down to the lobby.
It was rustling with live and you searched for a calmer area to wait for the blond young men.
You felt out of place and feared they would kick you out any second now, but instead, your phone rang again and you accepted Pietro´s call.
“I am up front. Are you ready to go?”
“I am coming out, give me a second.”
“Sure, it´s the black Dodge SUV.”
“Got it.”
Part 4
AN2.0 Well, Loki seemed to like her food. What do you think she will do with all the money?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated, though any request of a SUGARDADDY looking for a Baby will be deleted… just like the last 30 in the first two parts…..
Thank you very much.
@jadepc@pacifyhxlsey @thankyoukarenclifford
@thankyouforanonymity  @punkrockhufflefluff
@scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool  @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil
@yknott81    @banner-and-bucky-are-life @forext20 @dyanlzbb  @so-finster-die-nacht @emmii4 @bitchwhytho @ladyofmyst   @jilldsumner @momc95 @appreciating-fanfics
@bits-and-bobs-and-kawaii-stuffs @mimmie666   @fullranchwolfoperator
@cluelessnitwhit @youknowitsclouds @his-paradox @purplerainharry
@spootgaai2000 @iamsuperjenna @nikkipea   @alexakeyloveloki
I couldnt tag a few of you… sorry.
Want to get tagged as well? Comment, Reblog or send an ask to let me know.
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 35
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- note for this chapter: i feel like not many things happened and i’m sorry. i promise more will happen asap. more smut too. there will be some in the next chapter and some also in chapter 38 or something. more things will happen and at some point i’ll skip a few weeks too. i just want to show that theyre getting closer and closer with time. i really hope this chapter isnt a disappointment. here are the ‘requests’ i added btw. (i know theyre not exactly what was asked but hey, i tried lol)
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Chapter 35 : Her chapter
We were all talking and laughing as gifts were exchanged but most of the time, my eyes would go back to look at Niall, sitting on the couch, legs spread, in his black pants, dress shirt and tie. I felt so happy to be with him at this exact moment in this specific place and surprisingly, he seemed just as happy as i was. It was hard to believe and if someone had told me that I would be dating Niall by now, I would have laughed, but it was true, it was now my reality, and I never thought my reality could be my dream coming true.
He caught me looking at him and raised his eyebrows with a smirk. I smiled more, feeling slightly embarrassed, and looked down before looking back up in his eyes. I never wanted this to end. I jumped slightly when Theo sat on my lap and chuckled a bit, wrapping my arms around him and kissing the top of his head. I've always loved kids and this tiny version of the Horan brothers was bringing inside me a sensation of intense love.
"Show me what Santa got you." I just said before he proceeded to hand me all the gifts he had received quickly.
I slipped my hand in his hair gently and sent him a smile before he got off of me to run to my boyfriend. I breathed in, feeling uncomfortable in these clothes and wishing I could just put sweatpants on, and finally got up to get in the kitchen.
"Can I help you with anything?" I proposed as Maura turned to look at me, her lips curling immediately when our eyes met.
"No, no darling," she shook her head with a chuckle. "I just needed more wine."
I laughed and nodded as she poured an other glass and handed it to me. I let out a short sigh, a smile still on my lips, and took it from her hands before taking a sip.
"You didn't have to be nervous." she finally let out as I leaned my side on the counter next to me. "We're all very happy that you two are finally together."
"Except Bobby." I joked with a laugh. "He lost his bet."
Maura laughed again and shook her head.
"No, he just hoped it would have taken a bit more time."
I frowned, not really understanding what she meant, and tilted my head.
"Oh we both knew you'd end up together." she explained, raising her eyebrows. "I guessed it would be this year, after tour. Bobby said it would be late next year, that it would take Niall more time to admit to his feelings. I guess he underestimated his son."
I let out a surprised chuckle and my lips parted as my shoulders fell. It was incredible and such a relief to realize that my beliefs were shared, that I was not the only one who thought all these years that Niall and I were meant to be.
"Tell me he did something big to ask you."
This time, I laughed, pushing away the bet Niall's parents had made to bring me back to the day where Niall sang that song to me in a bar in front of all of our friends and a bunch of strangers.
"I told him first, and then a few days later yea, he did something big." I admitted with a nod.
"You told him your feelings first?" she expressed, raising her eyebrows and laughing. "That's why I won."
I closed my eyes and laughed too, taking an other sip of wine. It made me wonder how long it would have taken us to get into a relationship if I hadn't told him how I felt... What if I had told him before? Would we be together?
"It was that obvious, wasn't it?"
I didn't have to say anything else, she knew exactly what I was talking about, and she raised her nose slightly before nodding.
"Why didn't he see it?" I added in a low tone, mostly asking myself. I frowned and looked down until I heard Maura talk again.
"He was stuck in his routine and what he was always used to do." she just pointed out. "You were his best friend, that was his certitude, why should he change that, you know? Why should he think about you any other way? By telling him how you felt you forced him to consider you as more than his best friend. Clearly he felt the same and it was obvious since you said it only took him a few days."
I nodded very slowly and looked down at the glass in my hand.
"I should have told him before." I confessed in a whisper. "We lost so much time."
I felt her take a step closer to me but didn't dare looking up. I just breathed deeply in and sighed a bit too loud.
"Maybe he was not ready before."
I held my breath and looked up at her. The look she was sending me was a mix of compassion, happiness and amusement and it hit me how similar she and Niall were, both physically and mentally. I thought about all we went through, all the memories we had, recent or old, and how much every single one of them meant the world to me. I thought about how much i've hurt, how hard some days were, how many tears I cried... I would do it all over again if it was to end up with that same result. I wouldn't change anything from our story, and I knew we were exactly where we were supposed to be, at the right time.
"Maybe I was not ready either." I admitted, licking my lips. "But I am now."
The door closed behind a tired Bobby and when Maura turned back to us, she raised her eyebrows. Her eyes moved from her son to me and then back to him and she sighed with a smile, bringing Niall closer into a hug before kissing his cheek.
"I guess you won't need that second mattress, right?"
I felt my heart jump in my chest out of embarrassment but Niall only chuckled.
"Nop, but thanks mom."
"Alright, well i'm tired, Chris and I are going to bed." she said after yawning. "Goodnight, and don't stay up too late, okay?"
I laughed when she raised her eyebrows and we finally got upstairs in silence. I yawned too as we walked to my boyfriend's old room but he stopped abruptly right in front of his door. I almost bumped into him and he turned around, looking down at me with a smile.
"Wait, you forgot something."
I frowned but as I was about to ask what he meant, he pointed up and I looked over our heads only to see mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. I shook my head with a chuckle, staring at it for a few seconds before looking back at him. This time, he was smirking, and I tilted my head.
"Did you set this up?"
"No, it got there magically." he let out jokingly before laughing. "Of course I set this up."
"You know you don't need mistletoe to kiss me, right?" I teased too, laughing a bit.
"Just to be sure," he started, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. "I thought about putting some all around my house."
"Oh i'd love to see that." I laughed again but this time it was cut short when he pressed his lips on mine firmly.
He deepened the kiss and It took me all my strength not to whimper in his mouth. His lips traveled down my neck and it made me smile. I wanted him so bad I felt my whole body on fire but I didn't want to do this here, in his mom's house, especially not for our first time.
"Let's get in your room, okay?" I proposed in a low tone. "I'd kill for a pair of sweatpants."
He laughed against the skin of my neck but finally nodded and I followed him in his room, closing the door behind us. I searched through my stuff to find a t-shirt and sweatpants but when I got back up, I felt Niall's hands on my waist from behind and his lips were back on my neck, making goosebumps appear on my skin.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but you look very nice in that dress." he whispered. I felt his teeth nibbling my neck gently and I bit my bottom lip hard. "Kind of like that time you wore a skirt on that double date?"
The thought made my heart skip a beat and all I could remember from that day was how his fingers kept drawing circles on my knee and that he had asked Harry to switch place with me so we could be sitting next to each other.
"Niall, we're at your mom's." I pointed out in a whisper, closing my eyes and hoping my words would convince him because I had a hard time to convince myself. "She could hear."
"I know petal, but you turn me on so bad." To prove his point, he pushed his hips closer and I felt his hard cock press against my ass, making me hold my breath.
I wanted him too, so bad that it almost hurt, but I still took a step further, turning around as he groaned and grimaced. I smiled more when he opened his eyes and sighed but his eyes roamed on me for a while before he just gave up.
"I'll put my sweatpants on." I proposed with a smile. "That way you won't be turned on because of that dress."
He laughed and shook his head before sitting on the bed.
"Because you think you don't turn me on in your sweatpants?"
I stared at him for a few seconds, feeling a wave of love invading me suddenly. Thinking that I turned him on was surreal but I realized his feelings for me were real with his last words. He lusted me when I was all dressed up, but he also lusted me when I was in sweatpants and a baggy shirt and for some reason, that made me feel more beautiful than I ever felt in my whole life.
"Come on, turn around while I get undressed."
"Of course." he laughed, putting his hand over his eyes before spreading his fingers to peek.
"Pervert." I let out with a smile.
"Hey, nothing I haven't seen in the shower this morning darling."
That thought made my heart jump in my chest but I just rolled my eyes and turned around, taking my dress off and letting it fall on the floor. I grabbed the t-shirt and put it on before taking off my panties and putting my sweatpants on. I finally turned around only to see him staring at him with a smirk, his head slightly tilted.
"You forgot the bra." he pointed out. "Looks like you're gonna have to take that shirt off again to show me what's under it."
"Don't be silly." I frowned with a smile, reaching my back with both hands to unclasp my bra before taking the straps down and pulling on it.
He grimaced when I let my bra fall on the floor with the rest of my clothes and it made me laugh again. I walked to him slowly, putting one of my knees next to his thigh on the bed before straddling him completely, sitting on his lap. I could feel his eyes search for mine but I simply bit my bottom lip and started unbuttoning his shirt.
"Let me help you." I just murmured, knowing way too well that I was torturing both of us and that it would be tough to stop ourselves again.
I undid his tie when I was done and pushed the shirt off his shoulders before taking the tie off and dropping it on the floor. I felt a shiver cross my back as my hands ran on his skin and it made him chuckle.
"Look who's all over the other now." he pointed out, making me look up in his eyes.
My lips curled and I ran my tongue on the bottom one as my eyes roamed on his face. He was right, I wanted him as much as he wanted me... probably even more, but I was still scared.
"Can I ask you something serious and get a serious answer?" I asked after my eyes fell down on my hands still placed on his chest.
One of his hands reached mine and squeezed my fingers, making me look back up in his eyes. He was pretty, so pretty i felt my heart twist in my chest at how lucky I was.
"You can ask me anything." he let out in a whisper, making my eyes soften a bit.
"Let's say we have sex." I started, licking my lips and curling his into a smirk.
"Let's say we do." he repeated with a hint of amusement.
"What tells me that you won't..." I shrugged and looked down again. "I don't know.. leave me after?"
"Why would I do that?" he asked.
I could hear the confusion and the hurt in the tone of his voice and I breathed in before staring up in his eyes again. I felt stupid for even asking but I just had to. I needed more reassurance than I thought I would and even if I hated it, I couldn't help it.
"Because you didn't like it, or because you realized all this was just lust, something like that?"
Silence fell between us and all I could hear was the beating of my heart accelerating. We remained quiet for about a minute and he finally talked, making my heart jump in my chest again.
"What you said earlier at the park... that you can't remember ever not loving me.. that you loved me through all those memories, through all these years..." he stopped and sighed. "Liv, you're my best friend. You think i'd do something like that to you? We both risked out friendship because we both know that this... what we have... it's real and deep and it's worth it. I thought I only lusted you but it was just because... I didn't want to admit to myself how deeply in love with you I am."
My eyes opened wider at his confession and he squeezed my hands again. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to keep my tears in, but I knew I was tearing up and that he could see it.
"Something clicked after the tour. Something was different. It took me a while to realize it and a while to accept it too." he shrugged a shoulder still staring at me. "But you make me happy, you make me feel something I never felt before, and this is real."
Slowly, I brought one of my hands to his jaw and ran my thumb on his bottom lip. We were just two stupid kids back then and I was just a loser in love with her best friend. Now was different, we were different and we were together.
"I loved you through everything." I whispered, not out of shame but because I was scared my voice would crack. "I fell asleep thinking of you and woke up with you on my mind. Sometimes I felt like I was going insane and that I would never get over you. I ruined relationships on purpose, I was jealous, pathetic and sometimes a bad friend. I would have done anything Niall. Any fucking thing. Does that scare you?"
He shook his head lightly, still looking in my eyes.
"I'm so sorry I've hurt you." he let out just as low. "I didn't know you loved me like that, I didn't know you kept all those feelings inside, behind that wall. I love you too. I promise to repeat it often enough to ease all the pain you felt through the years."
I felt a tear run down my cheek and he quickly let go of my hand to wipe it.
"So to answer your question, no." he added, licking his lips. "No, I won't leave you. No it's not just lust. No, you don't have to be scared, or self-conscious, or jealous. If I could make you feel all the love I have for you I would, and I promise you'd never doubt it again."
I got closer and pressed my lips against his. He answered the kiss, quickly deepening it but still going slow as his arms wrapped around me. He turned us around and my back fell on the mattress as he crawled on top of me, his lips still pressed on mine. I could feel my whole body throb at the intense moment we were living and all I could think about was that he was in love with me. I was not imagining it, he had used these words and I was ecstatic. I pulled him closer and whimpered low when his hips ground against mine, setting my whole body on fire.
"Not here." I whispered, pulling away slightly but with difficulty.
"Not here." he repeated, panting lightly against my mouth.
We both smiled and he peeled his body off of mine and lied down next to me on his back, chuckling low.
"Give me a few minutes to cool down will you?" he added, laughing again as I closed my eyes, searching for his hand on the bed.
We stopped talking for a long time and I finally decided to get up to turn the lights off before getting back in bed with him. He had taken his pants down and was now laying next to me, under the covers, in only his boxers.
"Do you want kids?" I let out a bit randomly as a bunch of thoughts run in my mind.
"You know I do." he expressed, turning his head my way before I did the same.
"No I mean, do you want kids with me?"
The right corner of his lips moved up and he raised his eyebrows a bit.
"Not now." he admitted, turning his body and bringing his arm around my waist to pull me closer. "But later, yea. Plus, I love seeing you with Theo, i'm sure he'll grow up to adore you. Not as much as I do but still."
I laughed and rolled my eyes but the truth was, I liked his answers. He made me feel good with every single words he said and he didn't even try. He was just being Niall and it made all of it even better.
"Maybe we can practice when we get back home?"
His eyes studied me for a while, a smile still drawn on his lips and he just licked them, holding me tighter against him.
"Only if you feel ready."
The way he cared about me made something stir in my stomach and I smiled back.
"I am."
This time, the airport was crowded and I cursed at myself mentally for not bringing a pair of sunglasses. I did everything I could to hide myself a bit behind Niall but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer the way he always did. I knew he did it to keep me close to him and to make sure we wouldn't lose sight of each other but it made me extremely nervous. I tried to ignore the flashes from the camera and the paparazzis yelling at Niall to look his way but it was not easy. I groaned low as security tried to help us reach the gate but I let out a louder than intended 'ow!' when someone literally pulled my hair. I took a mental note to tie it from now on and maybe even hide it in my hoodie but I felt Niall grab my hand and intertwine our fingers. It suddenly made me feel better and it's only when we sat down in the plane that I felt stress cool down a bit. Our palms were sweating against the other's but I didn't want to let go of his hand and I held it even tighter.
"Did someone hurt you back there?" he asked, genuinely concerned and a bit pissed.
I grimaced and shrugged, leaning against my seat and closing my eyes.
"Yea someone just pulled my hair. Hard." I admitted with an other groan. "I hate people."
"Wait, someone fucking pulled your hair?"
He had moved closer to me and I shrugged again, trying not to make a big deal out of it. I felt a bit stupid and I was not sure why but I didn't want to show it.
"A fan or a pap?"
"I don't know."
He let go of my hand quickly and grabbed his phone, typing something quickly and a bit roughly on his phone, making me frown. It's only when I got a notification that I understood he had tweeted something about it.
'I'll say this once and hope it gets through everyone's head. dont. hurt. my. girlfriend.'
I felt my heart melt and a ridiculous smile appeared on my lips. It was the very first time Niall was calling me his girlfriend on social medias and I liked it, I liked it more than I probably should. I couldn't pretend I was not happy that my own profile was private though. I didn't even want to imagine all the hate I would be getting if it was public.
"Is it okay?" he asked, making me look up in his eyes and smile. "I can delete it if you want."
"Delete the first time you call me your girlfriend officially online? No way!"
We both laughed and I leaned my head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand on mine again. He brought them on his thigh and I stared at our fingers as his thumb brushed gently against the top of my hand.
"That's not too much PDA?" I asked low with a smirk.
"No." he whispered back. "Just enough."
I laughed again, feeling relaxed and safer now, and he placed his head on top of mine. I couldn't wait to be back home but at the same time, I felt home anyway and I realized it was because my home was literally sitting right next to me. It was dangerous to give someone so much power over you and your happiness but I couldn't help it. With Niall, every moment, every smell, every feeling was better. I thought about the few days we spent at his mom’s and how everyone had been so nice to me and so happy for us. I thought about the fact that I literally told him we'd have sex as soon as we'd get back home and it made me febrile. I was excited, nervous but mostly incredibly happy. I couldn't wait to be myself again when it came to sex. I was not the type to be shy and I loved trying new things but with Niall, all I could think about was how he was seeing me and what he was thinking. It was adding limits and boundaries to our relationship and I hated it.
"Are you part of the mile high club?" I suddenly asked.
He took his head away and I turned mine, raising my eyebrows at him. He looked at me amused again and he just chuckled, his eyes scanning me.
"Not yet, are you?"
"Don't be silly, of course I'm not." I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.
"I don't think our first time-"
"Not now, no!" I cut him quickly but quickly relaxed. "But, someday, maybe?" I proposed with a shrug.
"Oh definitely." he replied in a low tone with a hint of eagerness. "I want to try many things with you. Not just sexually. I want a bunch of firsts with you. And then I want us to do it again."
Without giving me time to answer, he pressed his lips on mine and I chuckled against his mouth. I felt my whole body quiver slightly at the thought of everything our future was holding and I realized it was shivers of impatience. I couldn't want to live my life with him.
"We will."
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on The Royal Heir (Finally!), Book 1 Chapter 12
• Sorry for the delay, guys! I had my first spoken word performance in years this week, and since I was pretty rusty from lack of practice I was spending most of my time preparing for that. Which kind of meant I couldn't concentrate much on getting this QT done the way I usually do.
• If you don't want these posts clogging your dash, here are the tags to blacklist: #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs, #long post.
• Honestly the highlight of this chapter for me is finding out that Kiara calls Madeleine an angry poodle behind her back. I bet it was supposed to mean something else and Penelope simply edited it out lol.
• And also Hana's look this chapter, coz Hana always looks so pretty XD
• Soooo like we have one more chapter in Texas left? That's...quite the gap away from the country - from Chapter 5 to Chapter 13, with us returning to Cordonia (by the looks of the summary) by Chapter 14. That's 8 chapters in the States + 1 in Auvernal (9 total): that's roughly 42-47% of our total book. That's how long the narrative took to wrap things up in Walker Ranch, a huge chunk of which added nothing much of value whatsoever to the story.
• In terms of timeline, we've spent over a week preparing for Bertrand and Savannah's wedding, following a possible month-long honeymoon plus barely two days in Valtoria. That's one looooong holiday. And...newsflash...it's not only "King Liam" who's being "irresponsible" (esp if you consider that in a playthrough where you're honeymooning with another LI, he isn't the one spending a whole month frolicking on the beach then running off to Texas shortly after), it's all your favourite LIs as well.
• Screenshots:
Hana: The Universal 77 YouTube channel
Maxwell: @itsbrindleybinch and rash.rec YouTube channel.
Drake: The HIMEME YouTube channel and BizzysChoices YouTube channel
• Sooo the chapter begins where we left off, with Savannah worried about where Bertrand has gone, and the group doing some sort of team huddle like they're discussing strategy for a football game or something.
• Maxwell for some reason thinks the chickens may have taken him hostage. This is not Angry Birds, Maxwell 🤭
Savannah mentions that his tux and wallet are still at home, and therein lies the clue that he isn't abandoning her. He's not taken any money with him.
• Leona gives in her crusty, unwanted input, which Bianca to her credit shuts down. I mean, if Bertrand really needed to turn tail and run, he would have done it ages ago. Like as soon as Drake the Freeloader insisted Bertrand cluck like a chicken last book, just to win the hand of his equally freeloading sister. He could have just muttered "this entire clan is bonkers, me outie" right then. And he'd be right.
• I need Bertrand to ask THE ENTIRE WALKER FAMILY to cluck like chickens or something similar in public once this whole ordeal is over coz istg they deserve just as much humiliation for what they've put them through. That includes Savannah and Drake. Bertrand would be appalled by the idea but yknow, a girl can dream.
• The MC offers to go to the store to find him, and sees Bertrand arguing with the clerk (and threatening curses on him and his progeny). She gets to sock him over the head if she wants...or just scare him. After a couple seconds of arguing coz Bertrand went on this impossible mission just before his wedding, he admits to wanting to get Savannah the Walker saddle.
• The owner of the store doesn't want to give the saddle away because he wants to use it to hold hats. If there is one thing Esther DuPont can appreciate, it's a man who values his hats.
• You have three options to convince Cassidy, the owner: you either plead with him and remind him of the power of friendship, or you tell him the truth about the saddle being Bertrand's fiancée's family heirloom (and because Cassidy is a big softie really, he is moved by both these options).
• The third option is the messiest and the best because you grab the saddle and run while poor Cassidy is just standing there like "what the fuck just happened here":
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• Just before the MC and Bertrand got to their respective rooms to change, she gets to ask him why it was so important now for him to get the saddle - and his reasoning involves not only Savannah but Bianca, who Bertrand reveals "has never had a favourable opinion" of him. Which for me technically means buildup for a flashback scene for her before we leave, so the story can highlight why she secretly shares Leona's mistrust of the Crown. There have already been a couple instances where Bianca has hinted at her disappointment, and I'd be kiiinda surprised if it doesn't come up next chapter.
• Bertrand suddenly starts "realizing the importance of parents" with Bartie Sr's return? Really?? How and why? Wasn't he extremely conflicted about Bartie Sr earlier? You'd think they'd expand on that but no.
• Since the MC and Hana are from the bride's side (for no reason) they wear these lovely pink outfits (of course, if the MC decides against that, she can always choose Pepto Bismol!). The men wear blue and white with pink flowers at the lapel, and interestingly Maxwell wears a bowtie rather than the tie Liam and Drake wear (I'm guessing so he could match with Bertrand).
• As with most things on Hana's playthrough, Maxwell takes her place for scenes where an LI is to assist the MC (either in picking an outfit or in choosing for something like the nursery). Here, we meet Maxwell first, then see Hana's outfit afterwards.
• ...Madeleine believing she's "an actual professional", and in fact better than Jess, and Blake Yasuda.
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If I had to make a list of how poor a professional you are, it would be - oh wait. I already have a comprehensive list of that. It's the entirety of Book 3.
• Madeleine is not our press secretary anymore (thank goodness) but she still hasn't lost her need to control and criticize and screech at people. Unfortunately, by virtue of being last in the room just when the MC is hit by a wave of nausea, Madeleine ends up sharing the secret of our possible pregnancy with us (eww).
• Because the MC is impatient as hell, Madeleine shoves the test into a desk drawer and waits for the timer to go off, after which we find...two tests (how did she not see this when she was opening the desk). Which one is ours? (the positive one, but for plot purposes the MC is kept not knowing about this).
• I'm not appreciating Madeleine carrying around pregnancy tests. That'll always be a weird thing to do.
• Why the heck was Savannah keeping her negative test in a desk in someone else's room? Why not just throw it away? Like I understand not wanting Bertrand to know but this is just next-level bizarre. What's it supposed to be: "a keepsake of that time when I was not pregnant"?
• So now the plan is to figure out who took the other test and confirm any results from them. The rest of the bridal party (Penelope, Olivia and Kiara) are downstairs making small talk and discussing wedding fashion/traditions. You get references to Lythikos weddings ("all knives and crossbows", which is actually Kiara's disbelieving statement that Olivia confirms).
• Time for the wedding! And the MC needs to ask a woman from the court about this test, and quick.
• You'd think she'd zero in first on a girl who was already in a relationship but nope. Kiara it is. Even after she's told us enough times that she isn't dating nor does she want to. Asking KIARA this question first is a clear sign of lack of common sense.
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@ Option 2: The writers seem to forget that this was a woman who didn't mind juggling both work and finding a suitor. Like...sure, she has a position in the palace now and her priorities may have changed but let's not forget that it's just as easy to give a girl like Kiki a phenomenal love interest in the time they took to lovingly plan a "reward" for Penelope 🙄 Just say you're too lazy to even try giving Kiara nice things that she more than deserves and go, PB.
• Savannah finally enters the venue, riding her horse Thunder and wearing a version of the RoE MC's free wedding dress that has wider straps. Bianca notices the saddle, surprised, and Savannah (in the only sequence where she makes 1/4th of an effort to support her partner in front of her shitty family) informs her that it was Bertrand who got it from the store for her. Bianca's way of repaying him for doing this is tears in the eyes and a whispered "thank you".
• You know that isn't enough, Bianca. You and your daughter stood by while your sister treated this guy like shit. You allowed him to suffer when he was the bridegroom in this entire wedding shindig, and let's not forget his money was what was supporting her in Paris when she didn't even keep in touch with anyone - including you. Yet you and your sister let your bias - fueled by other assholes - make it okay to treat him like this?
• Also, Cassidy's shop seems to be nearby and I'm pretty sure Bianca and Leona know him at least a little better than Bertrand or the MC do, if they sold a precious family heirloom to him. Why weren't they going and asking him, even after realizing how important the saddle was to Savannah? Surely they'd understand that he was a softie at heart, or at least they could have made an effort. Sure, pride could be a factor but this was a matter of Bianca's daughter's happiness...I guess actually doing something about it other than mope and brood isn't much of a Walker trait.
• Bartie Sr is yapping loudly without caring how he's disrupting the ceremony by doing so, and the MC needs to make a decision to keep him quiet. She can choose between Madeleine and Penelope:
- Madeleine: is clearly the option PB wants you to pick because they wrote her bit with Bartie quite well. Bartie Sr recognizes Madeleine as "Godfrey's little girl" and it's nice to see her distance herself from her father and reaffirm her authority beyond him. She also shuts the man down so fast he must have gotten whiplash.
- Penelope: is there. And thinks we're playing dumb charades in the middle of a wedding. Her poodles are smarter and eventually get the job done, because if you want something done, Penelope is the last person you should be asking.
• I've also learned from this sequence (and chapter) that the Choices fandom only needs the slightest, flimsiest excuse to like Madeleine. Like that's it. Kiara will be hated by some until the end of all time and have to go through hell to get even a tiny smidgen of respect, even. Forget about getting memes about how great Kiara is and how narrow-minded the people who dislike her are. Nah only the white woman gets that.
• Anyway, Bartie Sr shuts up, and the wedding is underway. Except Chuck decides now is a good time to object.
• It's cliché, it's stupid, it's totally what you'd expect at Savannah's wedding, but at least you get the option to say "fight! fight! fight!" with Olivia gleefully joining you and Liam going all "ffs ladies I'm trying to officiate here" 😂 For that alone this sequence is worth it.
• The option for Bertrand to "rise above Chuck with your eloquence" is nice, because Bertrand then makes it clear that the decision to be with him or not rests with Savannah, and Chuck disrespecting Savannah's wishes and choices is the real issue here. You get a minimal version of the same message with the more aggressive option, but the message is essentially "what Savannah wants is more important". I only wish that message went both ways coz for the most part I just never see the same amount of effort or consideration from her side.
• You have one eloquent choice, one cute one. But my favourite one is the one that focuses on Esther rather than the actual couple 🤣
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- I miss hearing my duchy by name, okay? It's been said a couple of times in this book but still.
- "Daniel Henney" 😁😁😁😁😁
- This is revenge for that time when Savannah and Bertrand would have taken over the hype of my reception party for themselves except that I didn't pay the diamonds.
- I still don't understand why Esther is the reason this pair works when she hasn't done shit but okay, we'll roll with that. As long as this is the last time I hear about this version of events from either of them.
- Also pls now that they're married, just...let them stew in their awkward silences together for the rest of their lives. I don't want to be involved anymore. It's exhausting.
• Savannah's vows are really more about how she felt Bertrand was out of her league and how he welcomed her anyway etc etc. Hana and Maxwell pass the rings for Savannah and Bertrand respectively. Cue cute Bro-mont moment between Bertrand and Maxwell.
• Marriage solemized (😬). Now it's time to - as Maxwell puts it - PARTAAAY.
• This is not the first time we're seeing someone use Penelope's nickname (in the "she's not my bestie" option in Portavira, Emmeline calls her "Pen"). But it is the first time someone has used it by default in the books. Guess it's kind of a mark of the progress of the relationship, that Zeke has already begun calling her that.
• It's time for the bouquet toss, and as per Madeleine's suggestions also time to find out if this test belongs to either Penelope or Olivia. You have four options altogether:
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- Penelope: grabs the bouquet, is happy, everyone believes this means she's next in line, and Madeleine is not very subtle about hinting that she may be pregnant so Penelope laughs at her and says no wonder Kiara calls her "an angry poodle" (somehow I think "poodle" wasn't the term Kiara wanted to be using there 😅...)
- Olivia: Doesn't catch, doesn't care, calls "Maddy" out on being nosy.
- MC: Really likes flowers.
- If the timer runs out before you choose someone, Kiara catches it. She also really likes flowers.
• I'm pretty sure a lot of this sequence is geared towards highlighting where in her relationship with Zeke Penelope is right now, since she is the only one who actually doesn't mind these "you're next" hints all that much. Next wedding for Book 2 must be hers (😑)
• I'm meh about the possibility, but at least maybe (if they're hosting anything in Castelserraillian) I'll get to see more of Kiara's estate and Kiara's parents - with some actual attention given to Kiara this time.
• You get to take your spouse aside and briefly talk to them, either telling them that you've "got it covered", tell them a little of what you're doing without disclosing the possibility of your pregnancy, or tell them it's complicated and can't really be said that quickly. I think the last two options have variations but idk about the first one.
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I missed Maxwell's screenshot of the response to "invasive personal questions" thing coz I'm finishing this QT in a rush and wound up not asking anyone (sorry!), but if any of my wonderful Maxwell stan readers are still reading this I'd love to know!!
• I like that the MC can point out how invasive she's being, going around and quizzing people about the status of their uterus after complaining about everyone else doing the same thing. It's nice that you can see her understand that, otherwise it's always been "one rule for me and another for the rest of the world".
• Bartie Sr makes a toast that's all about him and his house and how proud he is of his son, and hardly about the couple. Istg he's worse than the toddler named after him.
• Speaking of Bartie Jr, he gets so excited about the cake he drives straight in, like that dude from Cold November Rain:
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(I'm calling it, this is what Bartie Jr might possibly do as an adult, in the series that revolves around our kids all grown up, if there is one. "Kayyyyke!" He is a Beaumont, after all)
• Poor Blake is panicking, Bertrand is sad coz he wanted the perfect wedding cake for Savannah, Savannah is happy coz the writers are desperate to show us she isn't as whiny a person as she actually is.
• LMAO @ the LIs' responses to the MC wanting to scrape cake off a toddler.
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• So Madeleine pulls the MC aside to tell her she's not pregnant because she has overheard that Savannah was taking one this morning. How...did she make that leap in logic?
• Overhearing Savannah say she took a pregnancy test only proves that one of the tests belonged to her. NOT that it would be automatically the positive one. Madeleine may be an established courtier but she lacks decent deduction skills and basic common sense. I should have called Olivia for this job gah. It's already canon that her deduction skills are better than Bastien and Drake's combined!
• We go back to our LI, and Bertrand and Savannah check in on us. Jess and Blake step in to alert us to another problem: the DJ's speakers has gone bust, and that means a Beaumont Bash with no dancing.
• Okay so...who are the ones actually staying on this semi-broke ranch, have been around longer, and would know the local bands in the area? Leona and Bianca. Who is the one finally making the effort of calling them to the party? US.
Who was the person who was holding Bartie and didn't manage to distract him before he destroyed an entire wedding cake? Bianca. Sure one cannot always tell with a toddler, but the least you do when that happens is apologize since you were the one in charge, rather than simply standing there and saying "oh dear".
Who sold the saddle to Cassidy? Leona and Bianca. Who probably has had more experience talking to people in that shop? Leona and Bianca. Who made the effort to actually get back that saddle? Bertrand.
Even the wedding planners that they got were because Liam recommended them!
Like I see them putting such little genuine effort into all this, and the nobles they judged so much are ironically the ones who don't shirk away from helping them out even though they're not as well-equipped...yet Leona still thinks she has the right to whine about everything and Bianca is doing nothing much besides letting her sister treat everyone else like trash.
• Anyway, the MC makes the calls that Leona and Bianca should have been making if you choose the options, and you wind up with a band, some fun dancing from everyone else, and a private moment with your LI.
- Begins with everyone dancing and rejoicing, Bertrand and Savannah thanking the MC and if we choose Bertrand and Maxwell can carry us on their shoulders.
- The tune changes, everyone shows a signature step, and the MC can choose to make either Olivia, Bartie Jr, or the poodles dance:
* Poodles: Everyone is doubtful at first, but Penelope has given her poodles dance classes. Merlin and Morgana stand on their hind legs, bob to the music and then do flips in the air. More of Zeke and Pen acting like a couple who have taught these dogs together.
* Bartie Jr: is a Beaumont through and through, you can tell by the way he says "dance! dance! dance!" perfectly.
* Olivia: is skeptical about this and most of her dance moves are marital arts moves, so Hana steps in and dances with her so she can have fun with it. Meh. I know everyone else loved this scene (part of me thought it was cute too, no lie) but I'd rather not see Hana yet again be nice to someone who has held such shitty opinions of her (I'm sure people will jump in and say that Olivia was just "helping" to rile Lorelai up...but no. There were other ways she could have chosen to distract Lorelai, and she chose instead to talk of Hana with disrespect). Especially in Hana's case, Olivia isn't worth the effort.
- You get to choose the music (regal, fun, yeehaw) and get music from either TRR, TF or BSC. Hana also asks you to do a dance move (a high flip, a Dirty Dancing type lift with the LI, or good old faceplanting).
- "Now that's what I call a party!" Leona says. Yeah, Auntie Bitch, no thanks to you.
- Bianca and Drake speak about how much Jackson would have loved a party like this, which means IMO that he's definitely going to be a topic for discussion next chapter!
• Partners are coupling up, and it's time for a little dance with the LI:
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- Liam: You start with a cute callback to Coronation Night ("I'm ready to do a lot more than dance"), whiiiich I think the writers show a little selective amnesia for, considering that after Liam says he remembers the last time she said that Esther replies that she wasn't able to act on it back then 😳 (PB I did buy that scene. She did act upon it. An hour after she said that. WTF are your writers smoking). They also joke lightly about how nice it is to see a wedding minus assassins.
- Hana: Very simple. Hana asks for a dance, you choose who leads, and you both dance gracefully as everyone watches appreciatively. The couple notice this, and the MC talks about how when Hana dances everyone talks notice, and Hana sweetly places her head against the MC's shoulder, telling her that the rest of the world falls away in front of her. I honestly wouldn't have minded even a vague reference to the Cordonian Waltz since if you chose that scene that would have been your first dancing experience with her. If you're giving Liam a dance reference, might as well give Hana one too, right.
- Drake: There's one bit I'll address here and another that I'll address a little later. Drake and the MC dance together and are the picture of elegance according to the narrative. This leads the MC to joke about the change in him, but Drake maintains he is still the same simple, rustic whiny asshole guy. The rest is about Bertrand and Savannah (mostly Savannah) which I will get to in a minute.
- Maxwell: The couple dance a little, Maxwell compliments her moves, after which he thanks her for saving this Beaumont party with the music. He then lightly kisses the MC because she makes him so happy. I'll talk about the Betrand Savannah part now.
- Drake and Maxwell: Okay, I'm clubbing these two together because in extension to talking about their relationship with the MC, they also get to talk about their siblings. Which is fair, because they're after all the brothers of the bride and groom:
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(First five screenshots are from The HIMEME Channel Drake playthrough, and the next four are from the rash rec Maxwell playthrough)
I don't mind that they get to talk about the couple. They're the family of the couple. They're bound to be personally invested in a way Liam and Hana may not be.
But read these screenshots and tell me you don't see a huge difference in the way these two talk about their own siblings. Tell me you don't see more attention being given to one while the other one essentially gets barely two lines to talk about literally the same thing. Tell me how it makes sense for Drake's wife to make a reference to family, and not for Maxwell's wife who has also seen and learned similar lessons about family in a shorter span of time (esp with Bartie Sr's return).
Drake - for the umpteenth time - has dialogues that are more personal and specific to him, that emphasize more on the importance of family. He's the one who talks about Bertrand never allowing himself to love Savannah, he's the one who envisions (for some reason that I can't fathom because this doesn't sound like the Savannah I've seen in the books) Savannah as this self-sacrificing figure, and he's the one talking about how the couple would have been "heartbroken without music". Maxwell's is pretty much "oh look now they're happy" - when he could have easily gotten a couple of lines about Beaumont Bashes and how parties like these are the only times Bertrand allows himself to let loose for example (it's true).
Someone once asked me how I knew the attention given to Bertrand was really about enriching Drake's storyline...this, among other things, is proof. This family story could have involved Maxwell instead of pushing him so far out of the narrative. This ordeal involved his family too. PB seems to constantly - and conveniently - "forget" that.
• Once this sequence is over, Savannah comes over to thank the MC for the things she's been helping with behind the scenes, and the MC can either congratulate her, or straightout ask her if she's pregnant. Either way, Savannah lets the MC know that she isn't pregnant, and she didn't want to stress Bertrand out unnecessarily with the news.
• Which means only one thing. WE ARE FINALLY PREGNANT!!
• So the next chapter is going to be about disclosing the news to the LIs and the other guests, and possibly to have Bianca's remaining issues aired out in the open, which may possibly lead to another flashback? Whatever it is, it's clear now that we'll be spending our final chapter in Texas this week.
General Thoughts:
• Sigh they just HAD to make Madeleine and Savannah the first to know, right?
• I don't have a lot of thoughts really that I haven't already shared. The next chapter seems promising because it's the big one, and it should be customized so each LI has a different reaction and/or a different story to tell related to how they view babies/family.
• Hana doesn't get a lot of space in this one - besides alerting the MC to stuff that could disrupt the wedding or dancing with people who verbally shit on her or minimal LI stuff (which for once...is okay, like her family isn't here and nor is Liam's which is why their dance scenes don't mention family that much), so she'd better get next-level amazing writing next chapter! So should Maxwell after they've done him dirty especially in the last 2-3 chapters.
• I was very happy to see some of our MCs get their well-deserved revenge by upstaging Savannah's dress with their Ana de Luca special. You guys are heroes and I love you 💜
• Ngl this chapter is one of those that reads better with the messier and more chaotic LI xD
• Sure Leona and Bianca have their own axe to grind with the Cordonian monarchy - and are justified in feeling that - but staying in their house has been painful. Painful. Worse then pulling out teeth. It's like the moment they provided housing and board for the guests they washed their hands off them and hardly put much effort into much else - instead had us do a significant amount of work for them.
• And let's not forget, Bianca/Savannah especially stood by and did nothing (though Bianca would make a few weak counterpoints when Leona insulted him) as Bertrand was being regularly humiliated and reminded of his inadequacies. Whatever problems Bianca had with the Crown, allowing her now son-in-law to be treated that way in her own home - with the barest minimum support - is unforgivable. If she didn't like the idea of him as a son-in-law she should have just refused to entertain the idea of Savannah marrying him, or told the couple to host it elsewhere. Bertrand shouldn't have had to make all that effort to do what Bianca or her sister didn't bother to do for Savannah, just to gain her approval.
• Yet somehow the Walkers are supposed to highlight to us the importance of family. How? All I see are a bunch of people who don't make much effort to look out for each other, and who depend on other people to take any initiative for the same.
• Nonetheless, I hope to see a difference in tone once we return to Cordonia in Chapter 14. (that's 9 chapters, people. Nine). There's other stuff left. More mysteries to unravel, more messy history, understanding what Olivia is upto and perhaps a visit to Monterisso at some point. There's always at least two-three main people we're expected to impress in a certain book (remember how we got our report card of performance from Justin, Francesco and Adelaide in TRR Book 2?). We've already had a chance to do this with the Auvernese, so Monterisso should be up next at some point. There's also some nursery stuff to purchase which I'm guessing will be done either slowly or in one go.
• Because there's so little time left with this book, and we already spent a huge chunk of it on the BertVannah wedding, there are going to be time jumps. Imagine the kind of time we would have had to explore this pregnancy plot properly instead of rushing it, if the writers weren't so busy drooling over all things Walker.
• Well. I can't deny I'm sorta kinda looking forward to this chapter. And the reactions from the LIs and other characters. I'm low-key excited.
• Until next chapter, folks!
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thatgazebobullshit · 5 years
This is v long and heavy on the spoilers, so read at your own risk
1. I saw this in the Spanish dubbed version because of reasons. I will be rewatching the original version but, because I still haven’t, there may be some things that I’ve missed because of the translation. I also didn’t hear the changes in the kids voices which made the “they haven’t aged” thing they tried to pull a tiny bit more believable.
2. I have read the book. However, I read it about 8 years ago and I while I’ve reread some parts, I’ve never read the whole thing since. Because of this, there were a lot of scenes that I felt weird about, as I couldn’t tell if they had just made this really random thing up or I just couldn’t remember it.
3. These are just my opinions, please don’t take them personally. I love all the characters with my whole heart and I do think the actors did them justice.
Let’s start with what I liked
1. The cast
They all did a fantastic job. Every single one of them. Even the new little kids killed it. (The scene with Pennywise and the girl in the bleachers was one of the best moments/jumpscares in the whole film for me). Obviously Bill Hader was a standout, also I’d only seen him in SNL so I didn’t know what to expect, and he definitely impressed me. But we can’t forget about James Ransone. I couldn’t get enough of him. He captured Jack’s Eddie so so so so well he deserves every bit of praise he gets.
2. The flashbacks
I don’t know who the fuck said there were too many flashbacks, but they’re wrong. I get wanting the focus to be on the adults but the flashbacks gave us a bit more insight on the losers dynamic outside of the whole “this clown is trying to kill us so we need to stick together”, and I liked that they showed more encounters with It, because there is no way he only tried to get to them once all summer. Eddie’s scene with his mom was really good too, I liked it a lot more than his scene in the first movie with the leper. Also they were cute as fuck. Don’t get me started on the hammock scene.
3. Adrian and Dom
I loved this scene. It was a great beginning and it gave me hope for the film. Really well done, very similar to the book and heavy on the reddie references, which you know I love. Also very sad, but I knew what was going to happen so it didn’t affect me as much.
4. Richie’s arcade scene
This scene hits hard. Finn Wolfhard’s acting is 10/10. He just wanted to play with the cute boy Bowers leave him alone.
5. Mike calling Eddie
I’m a bit bitter that they didn’t make him a choffer but I’ll admit that making him a risk analyst makes sense. His conversation with Myra was on point. It said so much in very little time. How unhappy they are, the mommy thing, just great. Also the car accident and him being like “I’m fine”. Wonderful.
6. Benverly/Reddie scenes
The parallels. Amazing. Beverly drowning in blood while Ben drowned in dirt, very effective. Meanwhile Reddie just being husbands. 10/10. The pomeranian bit might have been my favourite in the entire movie, not gonna lie.
1. Mike
Yes, Isaiah did really good. But Mike character was just so... bad. Just really annoying. The scene where he drugs Bill just didn’t sit right with me. It just wasn’t Mike and I was really frustrated with his character any time he did or said something, I’m sorry
2. Bill
Again, really great job on McAvoy’s part, but, again, I found the character very annoying and unnecessarily reckless/stupid at times. The scene with the sewer and the kid was just uncomfortable to watch and a bit cringey. Also the whole blaming himself and going after It alone got old very soon.
3. Most of the “scary” scenes
There were a few good jumpscares here and there, but in general the actual scary parts of the movie fell kind of flat. Young Richie’s encounter with It would have been really cool if not for the horrible, horrible cgi on Finn’s face. The scene with the naked grandma looked promising in the trailer but it ended up being pretty meh. Also the photographs and her talking about Pennywise like it was her father and them showing him as a person dressing up as the clown... very misleading and completely unnecessary.
4. The final battle  
So many things wrong with this part. Where do I begin. For starters, why would they include the super weird ritual that I can’t remember if it was in the book or not, if it was just gonna be for nothing. Literally the whole getting the objects was such a big part of the movie and all they do is put them in the fire and scream for a while and then it’s like “well guess that didn’t work” and then they are in the same exact place they were as children. The objects did NOTHING WHY WOULD YOU MAKE IT SUCH A BIG DEAL I DONT UNDERSTAND. And do you expect me to believe that while all of them had their weird adventure (Bill with young Bill and the Benverly/Reddie scene) Mike was just there????? Hiding behind the rock???? The whole time????? Eddie’s scene was nice and I wouldn’t have mind the changes if HE HADN’T DIED FOR NOTHING. Like are you telling me that ALL THIS TIME all you had to do was BULLY THE CLOWN TO DEATH. WHAT THE FUCK. That was soooo underwhelming. Very unsatisfactory. Seeing a bunch of adults just shouting CLOWN, YOU’RE JUST A CLOWN to this thing that’s supposedly this great evil was just, so bad I cringed the whole way through. As you can see I’m still bitter about it.
So yeah, that is all I have to say. Had its moments. Enjoyable, scary at times but also kinda disappointing.
Oh and the whole “horror version of brokeback mountain” is a load of bullshit. There is so little Reddie please don’t go in there expecting this big gay romance because you only get glimpses of it and they never delve into Eddie’s side of it. So yeah, glad R+E happened, but it does, unfortunately, seem kind of one-sided the way they went into it.
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sofiahahaaa · 5 years
Demigod Delinquents | Pt. 9 | OOh thEy’rE iN tRoUBle
Summary: Man, this mr. Richardon is a real douche. Hate him tbh. But i like this crew dynamic.
Rating: Keaton gets jealous, but nothing else. 
A/N: for real you guys, I’ve been feeling so motivated to have these out. cherish this while it lasts. as always, i love you guys and i hope you like this bit because i worked on thi s s o mu c h
Leo’s POV –
As we stumbled into the Dean’s office, I wondered if I should saunter in and say: You called? #458 in the house! 
But then I reconsidered. 
The dean sat at her desk, a stern look plastered on her face.
“Well, well. The delinquents finally get here.” She clicked her tongue– a sound I despised, for some reason. “The director has been waiting.” She turned to Mera and Keaton, not saying anything– but her look said it all. You guys are dead. Keaton looked at his lap, but Mera glared back.
Eventually, the dean gave up. “I’m calling in. He might be on a phone call, so bear with me.” She buzzed the intercom, and we waited. I scratched my leg with my foot, then tried shifting my posture to see if it made me look cooler. No such luck. I tapped the armrest agitatedly, looking at the others every 2 seconds. I didn’t want to say anything, because the tension in the air was making me uncomfortable. And besides, the dean was there. She would not approve. So I sat and waited, tapping my foot to keep my calm.
Finally, when it seemed an eternity had passed, the dean looked up from her computer. “You may go.” We started to stand up. “Stay out of trouble, next time.” Ari rolled their eyes, but the dean didn’t see them, apparently. We walked into the other room single file.
The director was a pudgy man, busting through his suit. His form was oddly shaped, which made me wonder, but I tried not to look at him in general. His face was worse. It was rosy and mud-colored. I felt a memory tugging at me– but I let it slide. We already had a pretty good idea that this guy was a monster.
There were only two chairs available. The man in front of us looked like he could take up several, but he sat in an upholstered leather chair similar to a throne. The other two chairs, opposite him and separated by his grandiose wooden desk, were fold out.
“Well? Take a seat!” He demanded. There was an awkward struggle as we figured who got to sit and who didn’t. Then, he waved his hand impatiently and ordered us instead: “Just– the blonde one and prisoner 120. Sit down, I need to talk to you two first.” Jason looked at Keaton, realizing that ‘the blond one’ was him, despite Keaton’s hair color. Jason, who was not one to get in trouble, sat down awkwardly in the rickety chair. Mera clambered into hers, looking upset. 
“Sir?” Jason asked quietly. The director went red in the face.
“You do not speak unless I tell you to!” Spit frothed from his mouth, and he dabbed at it with his shirt sleeve. “Pardon. I know you are new here, and you may not be accustomed to our requirements. Please do be considerate.” Jason looked annoyed, but I focused on the glint in Mr. Richardson's eyes.
“Of course, sir. I meant you no disrespect.” He responded in a monotone voice.
“What did I just say?” Mr. Richardson crossed his arms on the table. “Oh, forget it. You children are so stubborn. Never learn.” His voice was gruff and coarse, like sandpaper. “You two have been a cause of some trouble.” He glared pointedly at Jason. “Especially you, I hear.” I almost snickered at the thought that Jason could be more of a troublemaker than me, but remembered what the dean had said. I kept my mouth shut. 
He drummed his fingers on the desk, then reached down into his drawer to take out a file. “Well… here it says you slapped another inmate unconscious– we do not, in any circumstances, tolerate physical abuse. Do you understand?”
“I punched him, actually– I mean, yes, sir.”
“Once again, I did not ask you to talk.” Jason opened his mouth, then closed it. “I am disappointed with you, newcomer. You have been given the privilege of a fresh start here at our establishment, and you have already ruined your presence with the board. I would like you to lay low, or be extracted from our system and our penitentiary.” Jason nodded slowly, meeting his eyes. “You may speak.” Jason’s eyes traveled around the room– a sure sign he was coming up with an excuse.
“It was not my intent to knock him unconscious, sir.”
“Well–” Mr. Richardson started.
Jason interrupted before he could spew more nonsense. “He was abusing other inmates, as well. And it seemed like the best solution at the time. I do acknowledge that it was a rash decision, but the past is the past.” Jason stopped to take a breath. “And I also can agree that two wrongs do not make a right, but I have opted out for this special scenario.” 
Mr. Richardson looked taken-aback– or as much as he could with his triple chin. Jason started up again. “Sir, I apologize,” he turned to Mera. “For acting out. I assure you it will not happen in the future.” He cleared his throat. 
Mr. Richardson straightened his tie, his arms making a weird smushy sound when they moved.
“Mera!” He boomed. “Too many times I have had to call you to this office!” He banged his fist against the table. “Oh… too many.” He clasped his hands together and eyed her hungrily. “If you will, children– I will deal with Ms. Taylor alone.” Mera’s eyes widened. Her eyes went to Percy, and Percy met hers reassuringly. 
I wondered what had gone down between them. I knew it wasn’t just about cake. Well, sort of. I guessed it wasn’t just about cake. 
Percy raised his hand timidly. “Yes?” Mr. Richardson scowled.
“Do you mind if I remind her of something we must do after this, sir?” Percy said with a shaky voice.
“What?” He demanded, getting impatient.
“We have this guard… she needs something. But it’s quite embarrassing actually, and I don’t think she would appreciate us telling you.” Percy raised his eyebrows.
“Oh, alright.” Mr. Richardson was one to be a skeptic, but so far, Percy hadn’t done anything too bad. He had just hung out with Jason. Percy leaned forward to whisper into her ear. His words were not audible from where I was, but his face showed urgency in what he was telling her. Then, with one last showy gesture, he handed Mera a pen. Riptide. “What is the pen, 456?” Percy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“My good luck charm.” He coughed into his fist.
“Ugh. Just get out of here.” We filed out of the doorway. When the door was closed, we sat down in the Dean’s room. Old Stern wasn’t there.
“What was that, Jackson?” Percy’s eyes warned me.
Keaton seemed to study Percy a little more carefully now. Like he was… jealous? “What was it, Jackson?” Percy touched his pocket out of habit. Then he snapped to look at me, a look of accusation spreading through his face.
“It’s not my good luck charm.” He laughed. “That should’ve been obvious. Man, that Richardson is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.”
“Then what was it?” Keaton asked again, this time looking upset.
“Like those pen weapons. Except… better.” Keaton looked a little offended, to say the least, but he was intrigued. “You’ll know what I told her when she gets out.” So we sat in silence as the clock ticked, waiting for Mera to be released. I heard a scuffle, then the door creaked open. “Did you…?” Percy asked her, looking at the pen in her hand. Mera shook her head.
“He, like, looked at me, then his face contorted a bit and he changed the look, and then he had to take off. No idea why.” She handed Percy the golden pen. “Thanks, anyways.” I dusted my hands off on my lap.
“Well, we can go now, then.” Keaton nodded. His eyes bobbed from Mera to Percy, trying to decipher what was going on between them. He looked at his lap, defeated.
“Okay.” And we clamored down the halls, eager to be gone from the horrid room.
A/N: I know this chapter is soooo short but the next chapter is going to be out in a quick moment so no problemo i promise
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years
Replying to anonymous messages! As usual, no prompts will be filled here! Just me replying to some love whilst not spamming anyone MWAH x 
1) Omg so I have an idea for the mafia!Tony au with bodyguards!Steve and Bucky etc and I was thinking what if Tony totally makes out that hes the Big Boss™ in front of everyone but Peter, Steve and Bucky know better coz in the bedroom Tony totally loves it when Steve and Bucky top him and for his birthday he got dicked down by Steve and Bucky while little Peter rode his dick to oblivion
that is a gorgeous idea you gem, but unfortunately i don’t write bottom Tony :(( I’m so sorry! My writing skills are just not versatile enough! While I’d love to read it, I couldn’t write it well enough :(( Please love me anyway! 
I AM GOING TO CONTINUE IT YOU UTTER UTTER GEM!!!! Aahhhhh!!! Supersize me will get continued...eventually. I wish I could say when but I’m so swamped at uni at the moment and any spare moment I have I spend usually writing for tumblr! :( I WILL get back to it though, that’s a promise I’m making you and myself! 
3) Can I ask who the piano player is? Love your blog btw
Hahahah, that’s a great question and I have zero answer for it. Maybe Bucky?? He strikes me as a really good piano player. Surly disposition, heart full of gold and music. 
4) Holy shit I would die for a sequel to the mob and singer post one day that was amaxing
5) P-Please sir, may we have some more?? Like CHRIST that one shot was hot 😩 mob boss Tony is so peng
Hahaha, there will be more, with actual smut this time ;) 
6) Wow, the way you write dark, possessive, mob/mafia boss Tony is soo unbelievably hot and amazing! You're definitely one, if not THE best fanfic writer out there! ❤ although I have to say that you're a little tease to end your latest fic before they had sex, I would just love to read that! 😍😁
hahaha I am a tease, and like I said to 5) there will be a sequel WITH actual smut hahahaha! Love you gorgeous! and oh my goodness I'm all red with your compliments, my head will explode. Flattery will get you everywhere! x
7) Hi I hope you're doing well, just wondering, would you ever consider writing a part 2 to your Alpha steve x Omega peter college AU? It was seriously so amazing xx
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING THAT AU! It’s one of my favourites and I definitely, definitely plan on getting back to it. Rn I'm obsessed with starker, but spider shield will come back to me soon and as soon as it does- Im there! 
8) @betty-bloom “How are Omegas raised in The Green? Also, who are the other omegas with their Alphas? And thank you for adding me in the tag! I appreciate it a lot! It’s wonderful!”
Oh my goodness, you are too sweet. Haha and what fabulous questions! I’ll definitely have to do either a back in time one, or where they go and visit some of peter’s friends because right now, I just have a vague lil idea. Like a sweet little home for these omegas, very posh and proper teaching them how to behave and how to bake/garden with lots of rec time. Very soft and sunshine based, I think. 
9) what are the "bookmarks" in ao3 for? ://
Good question! I’ll explain the best way I know. So, you can bookmark a story to save it- when I finish an amazing story I bookmark it and add a little note like “holy shit this is so good read it again” so on days when I wanna read, instead of searching for a new story, I can go through my bookmark list. You can also bookmark a story when you’re only part of the way through and add a note like “chapter 4″ so you can remember where you were and easily find the story again.    People can also search through other people’s bookmarks. For example, If i read an author’s story and it’s so good and they don’t have any more (sad face) I go onto their bookmarks because most of the time, people like stuff similar to what they read- so if this author has bookmarked stories, chances are I’ll like them too! Not always, mind you, but a lot of the time this is a great way for finding new stories!    You can also add your own tags, for example if you didn’t think the author tagged it the way you would have.   And in case I did a horrible job (I think i did hahaha) here’s the link to ao3 explaining. Hope this helps!!! 
10) love your mafia au! would you ever consider doing an installment where peter gets seriously hurt and the boys freak out?
11) Hey bb!!! I was wondering if ur still planning on updating the super size me story and also what does the title mean?
*sobs* I will update it I promise!!! I just have no idea when! As for the title um that’s a great question, I guess I thought i was being hilarious but I’m really not. It’s what I say whenever i get a cheat day and order fast food or want an extra large cup of coffee, I always say “super size me plz”, but i thought it could work like- supers...superpowers...big dicks...size kink...am i weird? I think so. HOPE THIS HELPED I LOVE YOU. 
12) Please more mafia!!! Its so great and it honestly got me back into fanfiction lol. Your an Amazing writer like ahhhhh
Wooo! Had to sit down after this one, *hot flush* alert thank you so much you gorgeous beast! I will write more, don’t worry! I don’t think I can ever give that au up hahaha x
13) Can you do more fairy Peter? Because I honestly live for it❤
CAN ?!?!? YES YES I WILL! thank you so much for liking it, honestly it’s gearing up to me my favourite au and i wanna do loooaaddsss. I just need ideas!!!
14) fairy peter part 2 pretty please? I love your writing and you inspire me so much, thank you 💙
Hello blue heart, you are a gem and I love you and I promise more fairy peter is coming! xxx
15) Hi! Do you take prompts? Because I have lots of ideas and I love how you write ❤
YES I DO TAKE PROMPTS AND I WANT THEM ALL GIVE THEM TO ME! Sometimes it’ll take me literally forever to write them, other times they could come the next day, it’s just what takes my fancy, you know? BUT I’D BE SO HAPPY IF YOU GAVE ME SOME! 
16) @idksrerek Just wanted to let you know I adore your writing!! Hope you have a fantastic day :)
oh my goodness this is too sweet i cannot deal with it. thank you so much i HOPE YOU HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY TOO 
17) your blog is literally perfect ❤️❤️❤️
fdbhfkbfeqjkqeq I DO NOT DESERVE YOU OH MY GOSH AHHHHH IM SCREAMING thank you so much this made my day. 
18) I check ur blog like every day and I screamed when part 5 of the mafia au came up LOL thank u
you are the sweetest thing in the whole entire world! i can’t wait to make like 100 parts for that au. 
19) Part 2 of Alpha Steve and Omega Peter college au? I need it
it’s coming i promise!!!!
20) Omg I’m kinda like DYING for a sequel to the Harley!Peter prison Drabble if you ever get around to it! 
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Ah! I'm glad we have the same Notps, haha (and Brotps!). I've never considered SasuHina before! It seems really interesting! I've recently started thinking about KibaHina! I think they'd be kinda cute together, and they seem to care about each other a lot (since they're teammates/friends). And NejiTen is so precious ommgg I love them :') also, I wanna start your SaixOC fic soon but I'm a slow reader, rip. And your Art college au sounds so cute omg?!?!
Haha yea, I’m super into the idea of Sasuke and Hinata together.  Also think of their babies. They would look gorgeous, but that’s besides the point. I just think Sasuke would be less annoyed if his partner was Hinata. Sakura requires a lot of maintenance because she’s very needy and loud. Hinata grew up in a household structure where affection was hardly given and when it was given it was in little gestures. I think Hinata would be able to read Sasuke better because of that and realize when he’s showing affection. Hinata also doesn't like to bother others which works to Sasuke’s favor . She’ll try to solve her own problems. Sakura on the other hand I can see getting very lonely and wanting to complain a lot. You all can disagree… I just like the pairing more for the angst, I guess?One of my favorite stories with Sasuke and Hinata is on Fanfiction called A Traitor Branded it was written back in 2010, but so good. I like the idea of Hinata and Kiba together too. Kiba has a similar personality to Naruto though. However, Kiba has gotten to know Hinata while she was being herself without any pressure because they are teammates. It would be easier for them to fall into a relationship together than it would be for her and Naruto when Naruto hardly knows her. I have read some fanfiction on the two but I like most of it because of the angst theme to it that Kiba likes Hinata who likes Naruto, haha. Awe, well if you start reading my oc story, let me know! I dont even care if you just message me and say its not your cup of tea cause thats fine, I can understand. Takes me forever to get invested in a story. I’m a slower reader as well because of my disablilty so I get it. ^.^ Soooo my Naruto AU story might sound cute… but like idk, man… I wrote it back in 2008 and it wasn’t finished until 2015. That shit took me 7 years to write. I kid you not it was because I had so many writers blocks on that piece. So like my little teenager self wrote chapters 1-14 and I took a 2 year break because I was so stuck, but I just finally fought through my writers blocks to get it done. Now, that story was crafted when the show was barely coming out with Naruto Shippuden in the English Sub version. So, me being a slow reader and missing a lot of context in the translation, I misinterpreted a few of the newer characters and sometimes I based their personalities off of looks. Like… you’ll laugh if I tell you what Hidan was in my story, haha. Also since my teenager self wrote it, its also very stereotypical in the character development (Which I tried to correct in later chapters). For example, I made Sakura the mean girl in the story just to be the antagonist but later on I explained why she’s mean. But yea, my Naruto AU was like my first ever shot at creating a story so even if it may embarrass me, its my baby. Haha. If anyone’s curious, I can link it but I wont promote that story of mine because I know its a piece of work.  You’re so sweet by the way. Thank you for being curious and for supporting me. You make me feel appreciated ^.^
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
with internships finished, our hero students now have new challenges to face, and ranpo has a new admirer?!
Magaki: "..." guard: ... Magaki: *stomach growl* guard: *slides a bowl of rice under the door slot* Magaki: <...I was hoping for something else.> guard: <well tough luck...> Magaki: <Do you even know what I eat?> guard:..... Magaki: <...It's not like I want to...> *picks up the rice bowl, starts shoveling it* guard:....*walks away* Magaki: "..." *sniff* -elsewhere- Haumea: "He's been quiet." dahlia: perhaps he is ill? Haumea: "Hmmm..." *opens the door--and it's locked* "???" -elsewhere- Black Star: *sitting...upside down* naho: ~? Black Star: "...Damn it!" *lets himself fall forward* "Thought that'd help me think..." naho: 'bout what? Black Star: "Going back to Japan--again. And just..." *sigh* “We just got home, too..." naho: ah. Black Star: "This mission, and back to Japan, and more questions--" *rubs his hands through his hair* "GAH!" naho: ? Black Star: "Like, I don't even know my old man." naho:...do you want a hug? Black Star: "..." *sighs* *holds out arms* naho: *comforting hug* UvU Black Star: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Lucy: "...A princess?" *starts pulling books off her shelves* atsushi: yeah. she's...chatty. ^^; did you want to meet her? Lucy: *starts opening up book after book* "Yes! I want to see how she compares to these!" *the books contain fairy tale drawings of princesses* atsushi: ...kinda similar, aesthetically. Lucy: *shiny eyes* "Fancy dresses?" atsushi: pretty fancy, i guess. Lucy: *claps* "Yay! ..." *serious face* "Did Dazai do anything stupid?" atsushi:..... define 'dazai doing something stupid.' Lucy: "Steal her crown jewels?" atsushi: i dont think so. Lucy: "Did he ask for a pardon?" -knocks- Lucy: "???" maria: hello~ ^^ Lucy: *shiny eyes* *turns back to Atsushi--and starts pointing* *squee* maria: OvO ~? atsushi: right. lucy, this is princess maria, princess, this is my girlfriend, lucy. .///. Lucy: ^\\\\^ *slight bow* "Greetings, Princess." maria: ^^ glad to meet you, miss lucy. ^^ *glances at her books* Lucy: .\\\\\. *quickly closes one* maria: do you like fairy tales, miss lucy? Lucy: *nod nod* "I like a lot of reading." maria: do you ever dream of meeting your prince charming some day? *shiny eyes* Lucy: o\\\\\\\o atsushi: o////o Lucy: "...I AM HAPPY RIGHT NOW, THANK YOU!" *bows again* maria: hehe~ can i tell you a secret? atsushi: aaand that's my cue to give you two some girl chat time, see ya! *exits* Lucy: "?!!" D:< "Hey!" *turns back to Maria* ^\\\\\^;; "Sorry, he's kind of nervous at times..." maria: is that right? seems he really likes you a lot. ^^ Lucy: o\\\\o "Y-Yea..." maria: you're soooo lucky! i hope i get to meet my prince soon. u////w////u i've had a dream about him. a cool and intelligent man, with striking green eyes~<3 Lucy: "Green is a nice color--" *imagines someone with green eyes...and likes to show off his intelligence--* *RECORD SKIP* o______O maria: ah~ my heart's all a flutter thinking about him~<3 Lucy: .________. *pats Maria's shoulder* maria: OuO~? Lucy: "...Um...Heterochromia can be attractive, too." ^^;;; -elsewhere- ochako: [happy b-day todoroki! *cake emoticon*] Todoroki: "..." *small smile* [thank you. 🙂 ] -morning- Yumi: *pouring coffee* lord death: thaaaanks =3= Yumi: "You're welcome." *cheek smooch* "Sleep well?" lord death: yeah. *hugs from behind* late night... Yumi: =\\\\= "Will you need a nap?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Who will be watching us while you are out?" tsubaki: mahiru said he and kuro will look after you. Sakuya: *sips his orange juice down the wrong way* o_o *slight cough* naho: OuO *vibrating* Belkia: "...Switch to decaf, girl." otogiri: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "Don't get into any fights with Kuro." Higan: "I don't think that's the action we'll have to worry about." Sakuya: *coughing* otogiri: *hard pats to the back* Sakuya: .\\\\\. "Th-*cough*-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Okay, buckled in?" *checking the mirrors* ranpo: yeah. maria: ^^ Tanizaki: "You sure, Princess?" *checking that the doors are locked* maria: *she nods* it'll be sooo cool to see you guys doing your detective work! Tanizaki: "Yeeeeeeah, about that..." *starts the car, backs up into the street* "We need to give you an alias while we're at work." maria: can i be 'mari'? *shiny eyes* ranpo: marioka? Tanizaki: "...Mari is fine." maria: yay! Tanizaki: *drives* "Ranpo, you reviewed the report?" ranpo: yeah. Tanizaki: "The police have cordoned off the area, preserved the evidence...No suspect yet." ranpo: *cracks knuckles* perfect! i'll solve this one in no time at all. maria: really? ranpo: yup, i am a genius detective with the special ability of super deduction after all, ohoho! Tanizaki: "Ranpo is our secret weapon." maria: ooh, sounds fancy! Tanizaki: *pulls up to the crime scene* "Get your ID out..." *pulls out his Agency badge* cop-chan: ...ah, mr minouichi, they've arrived. Minouichi: *spots Ranpo* "..." -_-# ranpo: ayyyy, what's up? Minouichi: "..." *through clenched teeth* "We...wanted your opinion based on the evidence..." ranpo: of course you did. so what's up? Minouichi: "..." *points at Maria* "I don't think the child should see this." ranpo: she's just here for training or something. Minouichi: "...Fine. This is going to be pretty gruesome...and it's hard enough to find any prints." -where the corpse is- ranpo: hmm... Minouichi: "Strangulation?" ranpo: with a belt of all things. Minouichi: "Not rope?" ranpo: look at the marks, there's leather indentations. Minouichi: "Hmm...No other indications for how the victim was killed?" ranpo: *pulls out glasses* -super deduction!- Tanizaki: *watches* maria: !!!.... (green...eyes...) *blush* Tanizaki: "..." ranpo: i think i found your perp. Minouichi: "Of course you did." -_-# "Where are they?" -as it turned out, a corner store employee worked with the victim to pay customers back with counterfeit money, but the victim was going to sell the killer out, resulting in the murder- Minouichi: "...We have been trying to find the counterfeiters for months...How do you know these bills are fakes?" ranpo: hold it up to a light, look on the right side, there's no hidden face. Minouichi: "...Oh..." maria: wow! *shiny eyes* Minouichi: "Yes, 'wow.'" ranpo: not only that, the texture of the counterfeits is different from an actual dollar, and the security tape is oddly missing... Minouichi: *crosses his arms* "We'll have Secret Service investigate." ranpo: till next time. *turns to face maria and tanizaki* now, you made an offer about food? maria: *shiny eyes and blushing* Tanizaki: ._.; "I-I was kidding about the Gleeful Meal--but if you want, okay...You still want the toy?" ranpo: YES. Tanizaki: "It's drive-thru at Abattoir Burger." ranpo: oi, mari, you want some grub? {princely!ranpo: care to join us, my lady?} maria: *heart eyes* of course... ranpo: awesome! Tanizaki: "..." *click click--DING* *light bulb* ._____.;;;; "Oh boy..." -elsewhere- Lucy: .____________. *shudders* atsushi: ? Lucy: "I sense...ships." atsushi: ??? Kyoka: "...I think you were on the Moby-Dick too long." -elsewhere- Patty: "Japan again?" tsubaki: yeah, tying up loose ends and what not. Patty: "Huh...That sounds important." -elsewhere- Bakugo: ("Just a few more days...You can handle this...You can...You can...") "...WHY IS EVERYTHING SO SHINY IN HERE?" best jeanist: that's because it's _clean_. Bakugo: "...Is that glitter?" -elsewhere- Meme: "I got the approval for the mission..." tsugumi: ok. Anya: "How soon?" ao: sometime within the week. Anya: "Better pack when we get home." -elsewhere- Yumi: *setting out missions* "Germany...Japan...Salt Lake City…" teacher: france? teacher 2: who's going to france? Yumi: "What threat level is the mission?" teacher: about a 2 star. Yumi: "I recommend a two- or three-person team." teacher: right. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *reviewing layouts* "Hmmm..." jordan: *whistling* Fitzgerald: "Jordan, hold this." *hands him a layout* jordan: ok, um… Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Not quite to scale..." *hands Jordan papers* "Hold these over your head.” jordan: ._.; Fitzgerald: "Hmm..." *frames with his fingers* *Jordan is holding papers that make him look like a mech* jordan: ._.; erm-... Fitzgerald: "No, it still isn't right..." *grabs Jordan's arm* "We'll need to add a rocket here...I'm sure that arm could be removed." jordan: O-O; -elsewhere- Rin: "How's it goin', Teach?" stocking: good. bit busy. Rin: *nods* "Training?" stocking: yep. Rin: "...Is it Neuhaus?" stocking: i havent checked in with him yet. Rin: "He's been...I mean, he was a dick before, but after his kinda-dead wife, he's been quiet." stocking: i'll add that to my agenda, then. Rin: *nods* "..." *looks around, then whispers* "I also know a vending machine that gives you two soda cans for the price of one!" stocking: where is it? Rin: "East wing, second floor, next to Room 202." stocking: noted. -elsewhere- Gopher: "What are your plans after school?" kirika: might head to the arcade later. Gopher: *nods* "Want to go head-to-head?" kirika: you're so on! Gopher: ^w^ "May the best one win!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *taking a test* atsushi: *taking notes* Akutagawa: *already turned in the test...just staring at the chalkboard* Kyoka: *folding paper* -elsewhere- Joker: "To review: the governmental documents show no other path the Hoods could have taken. The Agency encountered the Hoods and somehow survived." Victor: *nod nod* scarlet: talk about a shitshow. Victor: "The good news is that we can be sure now they aren't in the Nether any more! The fireball created so much structural damage..." Joker: "Hmm..." -elsewhere- Crona: "..." *sets down a vase* mami: looks good. ^^ Crona: "Th-Thanks...I tried to arrange them..." mami: *she smiles* well i appreciate that. *small kiss on the cheek* Crona: .\\\\. "Y-You're welcome?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "How's this one?" *holds up a dress for the Fancy Fire Event* fang-hua: ^-^; Tsukiyo: "And this for you?" fang-hua: sure. Tsukiyo: "Yay!" *pushes her into changing room* fang-hua: ah- -elsewhere- Kid: *standing in front of the fridge...holding one of Shiori's drawings...and trying to find the right spot for it* o~O;;;;; jack: need help? Kid: Q~Q *nod nod* "No spot looks quite right to be symmetrical on the fridge..." jack: ^^; want me to help? Kid: *nod nod* "Make it perfect, please." -after that- Kid: *shiny eyes* "AMAZING!" jack: well, i've got quite a few years’ experience. *smiles* Kid: "It served you well...I-I don't have that experience..." jack: *pats his back* you'll get there. sometimes being a parent means making a few sacrifices here and there. Kid: Q_________________Q "My beautiful symmetry..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *waves at Keek* keek: h-hey. Kyoka: "How is it going?" keek: survivin'. Kyoka: "...That is good to expect." *sits down* "Any research updates?" -elsewhere- yana:......*puts on some classical music and spins around on the office chair* Ivan: *polishing blades* Adam: *standing* mushitaro: *styling his hair just so* ... *bishie sparkle* hmhm~ ^u^ Adam: *staaaaaaaaaaare* "...How do you do that?" mushitaro: mousse, hair spray, and supreme combing techniques. Adam: "..." *moves a finger to touch the hair--* mushitaro: *hard grab + violent expression* do not. Adam: Q~Q yana: he's fussy about his hair. just thought you outta know that. Adam: "...I've learned my lesson. Please let me have my hand back?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *picks up a book, reads* mii: ... Mori: "...It's an old book." mii: indeed. Mori: "Was it one you used in your writing, for inspiration?" mii: *examining it* Mori: "Had you read this when you wrote?" -elsewhere- Poe: *humming* lana: im hooome. *plops onto the couch and sighs* so tired.... Poe: "Difficult work?" *moves to the couch* lana: *nod* busy day, today... Poe: *sits with her...supports her* lana: =///= Poe: "You can rest now..." *soft hum* lana: thanks, edgar. Poe: "You're welcome, Lana..." *cheek smooch* lana: ^///^ Poe: ^w^ *hug* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "You all look exhausted." mana: busy day.... mono: TT~TT Shotaro: "??? I haven't done a good deed yet. Anything I can do to help? mana: get us coffee. -elsewhere- zoey: *holding Q and humming* Q: =u= Ivan: *sneer* Adam: "???" Q: !! *snarls at ivan* Ivan: *hiss* Adam: O~O lydia: calm down everyone, what's going on? mushitaro: ivan and the medic are at odds again, typical workplace drama. Ivan: "She started it!" zoey: i was just.....minding my business... Adam: "..." *points at Ivan* "He sneered first." Ivan: <SNITCH!> lydia: *chop to the shoulder* behave. Ivan: "Ow!" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *passes a drink* Chuuya: "Thanks..." naoya: cheers! Chuuya: *clinks glass* Motojiro: -w- *sips* "So, Naoya, what mission you got?" naoya: 'nother recon mission. guess it cant be helped, given my ability. Motojiro: "Chuuya~ One of my new devices is a hat." Chuuya: "..." naoya: if it has a propeller in it- Motojiro: "D'aw, how'd you guess?" >3< Chuuya: -_- naoya:...... *laughs* i was joking! but holy shit! Motojiro: "Well, I was watching 'Inspector Gadget' re-runs on youtube and thought, 'Chuuya likes hats--'" Chuuya: "I appreciate it, but no." ayako: did the claw send you? naoya: how did she- Motojiro: *adjusts his glasses* "Actually, it was 'Dr. Claw.' And I don't think you're old enough to drink." ayako: oi bartender! give me your strongest orange soda you got! Bartender: "Right, a Sailor's Scurvy Special coming up." ayako: AWESOME! -elsewhere- Hyde: "...Echidnas suck." guildenstern: what brought this up? Hyde: "They think they're so cool with their eggs and spines and 'am I a mammal or a bird' bullshit..." *crosses his arm, kicks a video game box* guildernstern:...*sweatdrop* ._.; -elsewhere- Oda: (…) atsushi: ....(you ok?) Oda: ("Just thinking...Keep an eye on Mori.") atsushi:....(noted.) Oda: ("Even without...his ability, he is shrewd, cunning--and lethal...Maybe it wasn't a good idea...") atsushi: (perhaps....but given his current state....i think something inside him broke...) Oda: ("Elise.") atsushi:.... (yeah......have you...) Oda: ("What?") atsushi:... (lost someone?) Oda: ("...Yeah.") atsushi:..... Oda: ("...We do what we can...It doesn't always work.") atsushi: .... Oda: ("Just do your best.") -elsewhere- Patty: "I got this gingerbread house set for cheap after Christmas--and it hasn't expired! Guess what we're building?!" riley: gingerbread mansion with a moat? Patty: "Melted sugar moat? Or maybe a maple syrup moat?" -elsewhere- Kid: *lies down* stocking: *nuzzles* t-thanks, kid... Kid: "You're welcome..." *holds her* "Any time." stocking: *holding onto him whimpering into his chest* i thought i-i'd be over this whole thing by now.... Kid: "..." *rubs her back* "I know...I'm here for you..." stocking: *sniff* t-thanks.... Kid: *offers a tissue* stocking: *blows* *sniff* s-sorry. Kid: *small smile* "Nothing to apologize for..." *holds her hand* stocking: c-can you wash my back? Kid: "Yes, of course." *sits up* stocking: .... Kid: "..." *rests a hand along her shoulder* stocking: *hugs* -floof- -her wings popped out- stocking: .///.; um... Kid: *stares* "...Beautiful..." stocking: guess they needed some air too. ^^; Kid: "I suppose so...You've kept a lot in..." *kisses her shoulder lightly* stocking: u////u *small wing fluttering* Kid: *slight chuckle* "Cute..." stocking: oh shush, you're cuter. =///n///= Kid: "Hee hee...I've learned not to argue with you..." *holds her hand, kisses* stocking: =//////= Kid: *moves his hands to her shoulders, lowering the cloth* -elsewhere- Yohei: "They look happy." chie: they're almost like siblings. ^^ saki: *she smiles* Yohei: "Yeah...Runs in your family." saki: yeah... chie:....*hugging saki* glad you're here... Yohei: ^^ -elsewhere- Poe: *wraps up in a blanket* lana: zzzzz karl: zzzzz Poe: ^w^ *cuddles* lana: u////u Poe: *happy murmur* -elsewhere- Meme: "We'll be traveling up to the Pacific Northwest..." mio: ah. Anya: "That's going to be a few stops." Meme: "Thorough." tsugumi: i've been doing a lot of training too. *lance blade arm* Anya: "Ooooooo..." ao: impressive as always. ^^ Meme: *smiles* "Training paid off, Tsugumi." tsugumi: ^u^ mio: yeah, i still have a ways to go yet. *axe arm* Meme: "It's progress..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- miura: ... Motojiro: "All's well?" miura: as far as it's been going. Motojiro: "Good to hear!" *sets down a glass...of motor oil* miura:... -_-; Motojiro: "...Ha! Just kidding." *puts it away* "You happy with the work you're doing?" miura: *she nods* hirotsu has been doing a good job keeping things together. Motojiro: "He's good like that--age gives him that experience." miura: *she nods* Motojiro: "Imagine what you'll be able to do with that many years..." miura: .... -elsewhere- Izuku: "--and I think I'll be released tomorrow or the day after." inko: *on the phone* im so glad, sweetie. *wipes her eyes* Izuku: "...I'm sorry..." inko: izuku? Izuku: "I didn't mean to worry you..." inko: im fine sweetie. you're still alive, right? im proud of you. -tears are falling down her face- Izuku: QwQ "...Th-Thank you, Mom..." inko: i'll see you soon, then. Izuku: "I'll let you kn-now when I land at the airport..." inko: ok. love you so much. Izuku: "I love you, too." inko: *she hangs up*.....*she's crying* Izuku: "..." *sets the phone down* -elsewhere- Mephisto: *rubs Felisia's back* felisia: =///w///= *tiny wing flutter* Mephisto: "Better?" felisia: *nod nod* Mephisto: *hug* "I'm glad..." felisia: *snuggles* =w=~<3 Mephisto: *forehead smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." tsubaki: *alseep on the plane* Black Star: "..." *tucks the blanket over her before looking out the window* -elsewhere- Joker: *passes the bottle* ivy: thanks. Joker: "Welcome..." *flipping through maps* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Endeavor could not escort me to the airport himself?" intern: something came up. Todoroki: "...Understood." -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: yes. Kid: ^^ *cuddle* stocking: *purrs* Kid: ^\\\w\\\^ *pat pat* -morning- Izuku: *closes his suitcase* gran torino: heading home now? Izuku: *nods* "Classes start up again soon, sir." gran torino: now, dont go forgetting what you learned here *fast forworded blah blah bladdy blah* -find a way to keep those nerves under pressure* Izuku: O____O ("...That was exactly what I was thinking...") *bows* "THANK YOU FOR YOU MENTORSHIP, GUIDANCE, AND PATIENCE WITH ME!" gran torino: yeah yeah... (he really is a lot like you, toshinori...) oi kid. i have one thing to ask.....who're you? Izuku: o_O ("HOW CAN HE STILL NOT--") *All Might shaped light bulb* "Oh!" *bows* "Deku. That is my name, sir." -elsewhere- tsuyu: *on the train home*.....*checks phone* Habuko: [hey gurl!] tsuyu: *smiles* [hey habuko! how's it going? \(^o^)/ ] Habuko: [classes are starting again: >3> what u been doin?] tsuyu: [headng back from an internship. im swamped =3=] Habuko: [oh hey--how did your internship go?] tsuyu: [pretty busy. did you hear about that smuggling incident on the gulf?] Habuko: [yeah?] tsuyu: [i was there. it was scary, but it all worked out ^^ ] Habuko: [OMG ARE YOU OKAY?! D8> ] tsuyu: [yeah. a few bruises, but ok. *thumbs up frog emotion*] Habuko: [THANK GOD. be careful! *hugs* ] tsuyu: [ok.] *small smile* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "Not. One. Word." eijiro + sero: QuQ *trying not to laugh* mina: hey kacchan, nice hair! Bakugo: "THAT'S NOT MY FREAKIN' NAME, RACCOON!" jirou: his hair looks like monoma's. Bakugo: "I DON'T KNOW WHO THAT EVEN IS!" Monoma: *pops out of the shrubs* "LIAR!" jirou:...........................why are there shrubs in a- plant student: can you please get out of there now? jirou:....nevermind. Monoma: "JUST GIVE ME THIS!" plant student: GET OVER IT ALREADY YOU NEED HELP! Bakugo: "YEAH, WHAT PLANT PERSON SAID! STOP STALKING ME!" Monoma: "STOP YELLING IN THE HALLS!" -elsewhere- Iida: "..." momo:....*she hugs him* Iida: "..." *hugs back* momo: i was worried about you, you know. Iida: "I'm sorry...I didn't mean..." momo: just.....be more careful....*sniff* Iida: "I will..." *nods* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *stretches* fuyumi: welcome home, shouto! Todoroki: *smiles* "Glad to be home..." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Would you stop pouting." tomura: *groans and scratches at his neck* Kurogiri: "And stop scratching yourself--it's leaving marks." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *grunts* yuuji: mmhmm....*nomming on snack bar* Aizawa: "...That enough for you?" yuuji: yeah... Aizawa: "Hmm...At least drink some water. That stuff will dehydrate you." yuuji:....yeah... Aizawa: "...Don't let the Quirk anger get to you." yuuji: ?... oh....right..... Aizawa: "...You hungry?" yuuji:....not really..... Aizawa: "Okay. You need a real meal. Dinner later. No excuses." yuuji: ...... Aizawa: "I'm picking you up after course prep. Now, take care of yourself." yuuji:...yeah, yeah... Aizawa: "..." *back pat* "Okay." -elsewhere- Izuku: *walks up to the apartment* ???: "Greetings." Izuku: "!!!!" *turns* "A-All--" All Might: "Shhhh!" Izuku: !!! *covers his mouth, looks around* S-Sir? what brings you here? All Might: "I got a call from Gran Torino that you had returned..." izuku: yeah..*looks at his hand* All Might: "And you're limping..." izuku:....s-sorr- All Might: "...It's time you learned. About One for All." izuku: ?! -elsewhere- jirou: *playing DDR* Aoyama: *trying to catch up* ochako: so how were your internships, guys? Aoyama: "Magnifique! I--" mina: AOYAMA, THE GAME! Aoyama: "!!!" *trips* "Oh, no! I missed a step!" Mineta: *hiding behind a trash can, shivering* Q_Q denki: what's up with him? sato: ah, im sure he's fine. Mineta: *can only hear sounds of Mount Lady's cackling* Q_________Q sato:...just fine. ^^ Ojiro: ^^;;; "I thought the internship was pretty basic. Lots of paperwork...Tail was helpful for stacking files..." hagakure: sounds nice. sero: are you sure you're gonna be ok? Ojiro: "..." hagakure: y-yeah! i'll be back to normal in no time at all! Ojiro: "..." *pat pat* hagakure: t-thanks. Ojiro: *sad smile* Kouda: (ono) sero: just be glad you didnt run into that hero killer guy. Shoji: "Yeah, that Hosu battle caused a lot of damage. Lucky those three didn't get caught up." sato: to think he's connected to the league, too....scary. denki: yeah, but still pretty tenacious with his goal, it's kinda cool. mina: waugh, dont say scary stuff like that, denki! >A<' Mineta: *pops up* "But he was ranting about being a real hero! Why join with villains?! Unless there are heroes who are actually villains!" *LOUD INCOHERENT SCREAMING* "SHE'S GOING TO STEP ON ME!" Ojiro: *ignoring Mineta* "Denki, wow." denki: !! s-shit, i didnt mean- -LOUD WHISTLE- denki: OW! momo: ok, everyone, settle down. Iida: "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR INCOHERENT SCREAMING AND PRAISING VILLAINS WHO ARE DEVOTED TO FUNDAMENTALIST IDEOLOGIES!" *random hand motions...with his good arm* Mineta: *covering his mouth to stop incoherently screaming* Shoji: "..." denki:...*looking down at his feet* ... Iida: "Now let us prepare for our return to classes to apply all we learned with our successfully concluded internships and become the heroes this world deserves!" mina: right! hagakure: right. -elsewhere- izuku: ... All Might: "...And that's what I wanted you to know. What you inherited...It may make you a target if All for One knew." izuku:....... All Might: "And...there's..." izuku: ?? -no...not now...- All Might: "...You're going to need to take what Gran Torino taught you. Trust his word...Okay?" izuku:...right. i will. All Might: "...Sorry to keep you." izuku: ok. have a nice day. *heading back home* All Might: *waves* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *stare* nea:....do you need something, kid? Shotaro: "Can we get Emine cake?" nea: let's see what we can do, then~ ^^ Shotaro: *claps* "Yay! We'll toss in ice cream, too." nea: heck yeah! *shiny eyes* setsuna: ^^; Shotaro: *pulls out a cook book* "I got the ingredients. Just need help mixing and keeping cool..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "We're back..." mrs nakatsukasa: *hugs them both* Black Star: .\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "So...I guess we should rest up first?" mrs nakatsukasa: that would work. Black Star: "Then... *yawn * ...head to the jail..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "..." Sakuya: "..." lavender: who's up for a movie? Higan: "Sounds good. Any genre?" -elsewhere- Hiro: *opens the door* "I'm home." mrs kenshimono: welcome back, sweetie. ^^ hime: hey. Hiro: ^^ "Sorry I didn't get back earlier..." *looks in the dining room* -hime's friends from school are there studying- Hiro: "Study group?" hime: yeah. Hiro: "Got it...I'll just eat elsewhere then..." -elsewhere- Mifune: "..." yuma: what's up? Mifune: "Oh, sorry...Was just thinking..." *sets down his tea* yuma: hmmm... -meanwhile, somewhere in japan...- ???: "..." *small growl* -the forest is silent- ???: "..." *sniffs the air* ???: "..." *his stomach growls* *looks...* -there's a small village not far off...- ???: "..." *stays low to the ground, careful with his steps over fallen leaves until he nears the village* elderly man: ... *He follows the Elderly Man...* elderly man: *going to a storage area* ???: "..." *looks at the storage area for exits, windows...* elderly man: *filling his sack with the food he needs for tonight's dinner* ???: *sniff sniff* "..." *approaches a window* elderly man: ?? <oh?> ???: "..." *gets closer* elderly man: <excuse me? i dont think i've seen your face around these parts.> ???: "..." *growls--both in his throat and in his stomach* elderly man: <are you a vagrant?> ???: <I...Hungry...> elderly man:...<why dont you come with me to our home? we're making udon tonight.> ???: "..." *stomach growl* "..." *follows* -elsewhere- Crona: *shudders* mami: are you alright? Crona: "J-Just felt...something." *rubs their arms* "Maybe a memory..." mami:...*hugs* Crona: "..." *small weeping noise* mami: im here. Crona: *nod nod* "I-I'm sorry..." mami: you're ok, chrona. Crona: "O-Okay..." *holds onto Mami* -elsewhere- Jordan: *sniff* *crying into his beer* "--and then they cancelled my favorite show, and Mr. Fitzgerald made me dress like a robot, and I don't--" *sobbing noises* daisy: *pap pap* eckleburg: that's rough, buddy. Jordan: "A-At least I can torrent the re-runs...Eckleburg, do you like working here?" eckleburg: it's nice. Jordan: "Compared to the old boss?" eckleburg: a lot better. Jordan: "I gues so...Probably same for you, too, Daisy?" daisy: ...im more or less indifferent. Jordan: "Hmm." eckleburg:... Jordan: "..." *nudges Eckleburg* eckleburg: ?? Jordan: *whispers* "She's like that--always 'indifferent.'" eckleburg: ??? Jordan: "Maybe you're 'different.'" eckleburg: ???? daisy: oookay, i think that's enough for you, jordan. Jordan: *pushes Eckleburg* "Whoopsie--" eckleburg: ow! daisy: hey! *helping him up* honestly jordan, go home. -_-; eckleburg: .///.; -elsewhere- Karim: "That's some progress you've made: great work." pearl: thank you. Karim: "Well, that'll be it--it's late. Wash up and get to bed." -elsewhere- Giriko: *tossing* arachne: *hugs from behind* mmmn.... Giriko: *calms down, opens his eyes* "...Hey." arachne: hey...*hug* *slight squish* Giriko: =\\\\= "Thanks..." arachne: ^^ Giriko: "..." *holds her hands, drawing them closer to him* arachne: u///u Giriko: *kisses her hand lightly* -morning- Kurogiri: *washing the counter* twice: did you watch that video again, toga? himiko: i watched it like...50 billion times! >u< Dabi: -_-### "...Punk-ass brat." twice: didnt you say 'you like the way this guy thinks'? =3= Dabi: "Just...You had the chance to kill Endeavor, and you didn't do it." twice: oh. Dabi: "Maybe someone else can step up to the plate..." mr compress: without a doubt, we'll be getting new members, soon. Kurogiri: "Should be here soon, so make a good impression..." himiko: okaaaaayyyy... -elsewhere- -a boy with a gasmask and school uniform sits on a bus stop bench with a sign that reads 'going to death city'- gasmask: ... *Bus approaches, its door opens* Driver: "..." gasmask:....*holding up his sign as he gets on* Driver: "Huh. You one o' those Quirkies?" gasmask:....is there a problem with that? Driver: "Nope. Off to get an education there?" gasmask:...yeah... (you could say that....) Driver: "See, I tell my kids 'Go to school.' But one of them wants to be--get this--a circus performer! I even told them there are colleges for that, but they won't listen and--" *talking talking talking* gaskmask:....*looks out the window* Driver: *blah blah blah* *Bus passes hills* -elsewhere- Poe: *opens an envelope--stares at the numbers* O__________o;;;;; lana: what is it? Poe: *shaking* "It-It's not possible! The interest rate should be higher than this! They lowered it on my savings!" lana: what's going on? Poe: *holds up the savings account listing...and it has a lot of zeroes after the number* lana:..... *JAWDROP* Poe: "They're ripping me off! I must have missed the statement that they were adjusting my interest rate--" *notices her* "...Lana, dear? What's wrong?" lana: i-im fine... m-must be the weather. Poe: *drops the papers, holds her hands* "Let's get you something to drink..." lana: t-thank you, edgar. @-@; (you love him for who he is YOU LOVE HIM FOR WHO HE IS, DO NOT FORGET THIS!!) Poe: ^w^; *guides her to the kitchen, retrieving some tea* "Have a seat..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *sitting in his seat, looking pissed (as usual)* itsuka: hey katsuki. ^^ Bakugo: "Oh, thank God!" *hug* itsuka: o///o happy to see me? ^///^; Bakugo: "Out of everyone here, you don't annoy me." [Translation: "I love you."] itsuka: aww. *kiss on the cheek* Bakugo: =\\\\\= *tiger growl* -elsewhere- mushitaro: *doing his morning routine* (teeth brushed, check. pants on, check. binder on, check. shirt on, check. jacket on, check. bow tie on, check.) *styling his hair* *Knock knock* mushitaro: *glaaaaares* WHAT?! ???: "I need the key to the bathroom!" mushitaro: im in the MIDDLE. of my MORNING ROUTINE!! Adam: "But I have to go!" mushitaro: USE THE OTHER BATHROOM THEN! DX< Adam: "Someone's in there! And they only answer in Russian!" -elsewhere- Fyodor: <I just want to request my favorite song~> guard: you seem to be rather fond of the radio... Fyodor: *nods* "It's solace for the soul." guard:.....very well, what is it? Fyodor; " 'Fantasie Impromptu’, please." guard: alright then. Fyodor: *closes his eyes* -underground...- -the radio is playing- Ivan: *blush* zoey:...ah....<3 Ivan: ^\\\\w\\\\^ lydia: <seems they're enjoying themselves.> yana: mmhmm. Ivan: <So pleasant for him...> lydia: <shall we begin with his orders, then?> Ivan: <Yes~> Adam: "???" *has a door smashed over his head* mushitaro: TT^TT *mumbling* Ivan: <I believe Mushitaro may proceed with Master's orders...> mushitaro: .....*grins* Ivan: "Do you have the address?" mushitaro: *he nods* all i need to do is retrieve the item and take care of business~ Ivan: "Yay! Please do all to please Master~" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking through hall* ochako: hey todoroki! *waves* ^^ Todoroki: *waves* "Hello." *smiles* ochako: how're you feeling? Todoroki: "Relieved to be back." ochako: yeah. Todoroki: "How was your internship? Educational?" ochako:....you could say that. *super serious* Todoroki: .____. "...Hard core." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "..." *hug* akaderu: =////= Kepuri: "Better?" akaderu: yeah. thanks babe. Kepuri: *pats his neck* "...It's going to be okay." akaderu:....*hugs* sometimes....i worry i'll wake up...and you'll still be in that computer space.... Kepuri: "And that's not ever going to happen again...I'm going to be here when you wake up tomorrow, and the day after..." akaderu:...*hugs her tightly* ...... Kepuri: =\\\\\= "A bit tight, babe..." akaderu: TT///TT Kepuri: "..." *tip-toe to kiss his cheek* akaderu: t-thanks... -elsewhere- Black Star: "How you want to start?" tsubaki: we should speak with them Black Star: "..." *nods* "The prison?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "I'll call for the ride..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TT~TT *fox crying* louisa: toby? what's wrong? are you sick? Mr. Tsubaki: *curls up into a ball* *whimpers* louisa: *going to call a vet* Mr. Tsubaki: … {tsubaki: *smiles*} Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q *buries himself under a blanket* -elsewhere- Higan: "Kind of surprised she trusted some kid and his cat to watch us...and they're at school right now, leaving us here." naho: we're gonna drink so many sodas. Higan: "...Guess that's one goal." Belkia: *picking a lock to the cupboard* "Right in here!" -chop- otogiri: behave. -.-; Belkia: >3< "IT WAS NAHO'S IDEA!" naho: tattle-tale! >A<# Sakuya: ^^; "Maybe go light on their punishment until Mahiru gets back, Otogiri?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "How are you feeling?" kirako: a bit nauseous... TT~TT Dazai: "Medicine? Tea?" kirako: yes please. TT3TT Dazai: *shakes out some medicine* "Just need some time to brew the tea..." *sets down a glass of water for her* kirako: thanks, dazai. Dazai: "Of course." *smiles* -elsewhere- sonia: .... Teacher: "--and don't forgot to finish your math homework. Any questions?" sonia: ... Teacher: "If not, you're free to--" *The door kicks open* Tachihara: "Here to pick you up!" Teacher: "?!!!" sonia:...uncle tachi, class isnt over yet. -_-; Tachihara: .w.;;;; "...Sorry." *sits down--in one of the school chairs, which is too big for him* Teacher: "..." Tachihara: *winks at the Teacher* Teacher: "...Sonia. Make your uncle behave." sonia: *facepalms* uncle tachi, stop. -_-# Tachihara: "What? What am I doing?" *the chair breaks under him--but since it's a child's chair, he just falls a short distance* Teacher: -_-# "You're paying for that..." Tachihara: "I could repay you with a date~" Teacher: "...Sonia? GET HIM OUT OF HERE! CLASS DISMISSED!" *headdesk* -in the car- sonia: -___-#; Tachihara: *slap mark on his face, which he's trying to pass off as cool* "So, what's on the agenda, buddy? We gonna get some fast food?" sonia: why are you like this? Tachihara: "Yeeeeeeeeeeears of practice at the School of Coolness." *lowers sunglasses over his eyes...only for one of the lenses to pop out* sonia:.....deep down, you have a lot of insecurities, dont you? Tachihara: "..." *pulls over to the side of the road* "..." *rests his head against the steering wheel* sonia:.....*pap pap* Tachihara: *covers his eyes* "I just want *sniff* what normal people have..." sonia:...do you want a hug? Tachihara: *nod nod* sonia: *hug* Tachihara: Q______Q sonia:....ice cream? Tachihara: "O-Okay...With sprinkles?" sonia: *nod* Tachihara: QwQ "Y-Yay..." *turns back onto the road* -elsewhere- Master: "Mana, I need a favor. See that customer?" mana: *looks* Master: "He hasn't paid his tab in months. Persuade him to pay. You have my permission to use threats." Hyde: *seated at the table where Master pointed* mana: excuse me sir.....pay your fucking tab~<3 Hyde: o_O "...But it's my day off--" mana: *grabs him by the neck* well then you're just gonna have to work it off ^^# Hyde: "!!!!" *grabs his wallet* "TAKE IT! JUST DON'T HURT ME!" *throws the wallet at her face* mana:..... -he got made to wear the dress- -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawns* "We're going back to that house?" mahiru: yeah. Kuro: *stomach growl* "Ramen..." -elsewhere- Rin: *stretches* "What you up for?" madoka: maybe visit the cafe? Rin: "Can we get some cookies?" madoka: sure! ^^ Rin: *shiny eyes* "Yay!" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Do I need to put him into one of those carrying cages to take him to the vet?" louisa: most likely. Fitzgerald: "Could you help me, then?" *holds up his arm--where Mr. Tsubaki is latched onto it* Mr. Tsubaki: >n< louisa: its ok, toby. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chittering noises* Fitzgerald: "Hold the cage, Miss Alcott--his claws are digging into my skin..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Any plans this weekend?" ochako: not sure. Todoroki: "Homework to catch up on..." ochako: study group? Todoroki: "Sounds good...Anyone to bring in?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "...Have you even _piloted_ a boat?" twain: does a paddleboat count? Steinbeck: "Barely..." *defeated sigh* "Still more experience than others have, I'm sure..." twain: ^u^ Steinbeck: "Where the heck is Oscar with the RV..." oscar: im here, lovies~ ^^ ebie: woah. baum: fancy. Steinbeck: ._. oscar: just a little gift from a family benefactor~<3 Hemingway: "Ostentatious." *opens the door* "And roomy!" dorothy: it's like a castle with wheels. Steinbeck: -_-# "I was hoping not to draw attention to ourselves..." oscar: 737;; Hemingway: "Aw, let Wilde have this! We can travel in style! Maybe even stop by some fishing spots..." twain: *laying on a cushy bed* =w= Steinbeck: "Okay, who's driving?" -elsewhere- Tachihara: *scooping up ice cream* TwT sonia: *nom* Tachihara: "So, your teacher seems nice." sonia: ..are you trying to get me to set you up? Tachihara: "Nooooooooo! Never! Not at all...But hypothetically--" sonia: no. -_-; Tachihara: "Worth a shot." *scoops up ice cream* "So, after this, I can show you how to get free tokens at the arcade." sonia: ok. Tachihara: ^w^ "What's your favorite game?" sonia:...not sure. Tachihara: "Ever play whack-a-mole?" sonia: *shrug* Tachihara: "Or a beat-'em-up game? Or a shooting game?" sonia:....i think i might remember how to use a gun. Tachihara: owo;;;;; "...'Kay...Maaaaaaaaaaaybe just skeeball." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and finished!" *turns on a disco ball* ayako: yeeeah! Motojiro: "We're gonna make this one superpower dance hall!" -elsewhere- White Star: *gobble gobble nom nom nom* elderly woman: <my, my, what an appetite.> ^^; White Star: *mouth full of food* o\\\\\o "..." *swallows* <Sorry.> elderly man: <you must have been hungry.> White Star: "..." <Feels like I haven't eaten in years.> elderly man: <well you take all the time you need to.> White Star: "..." *bows* -elsewhere- Yohei: "??? You okay?" chie: exhausted. =_=' Yohei: "...Food? Lie down? Bath?" chie: yes. Yohei: ^^ "Okay...I set out some bubble bath in the bathroom. I'll get your meal ready." -elsewehere- Black Star: "...Ready?" tsubaki:...*she nods* Black Star: *opens the door* Magaki: "..." tsubaki: hello... Magaki: *nods* <I should have seen this coming.> tsubaki: <we arent here to kill you. we just want to talk.> Magaki: "..." <What did you want to talk about?> tsubaki: <what is it you want? why did you do what you did?> Magaki: <...I've been like this as long as I can remember--which isn't that far. I get some memories of maybe...2 years ago? 5 years ago? It's hard to tell.> tsubaki:.....<what's the earliest you can remember?> Magaki: <...Dark water?> tsubaki: *listening* Magaki: <I...think I died.> *holds their chest* <I don't exactly have a heart beat anyway...> tsubaki: .... {????: <please.........my child....please save....} {Priest: <...> *picks up the child* } Magaki: <Priests...Priestess...Red water...?> tsubaki:.... Magaki: <...> *puts their head down, small groan* tsubaki:...*hugs them* Magaki: <...Why?> tsubaki:....<you looked like you needed that...> Magaki: "..." <Thanks?> -elsewhere- Patty: "Need help grading?" liz: *working hard* Patty: "..." *shrugs, looks at school reports* -elsewhere- Neuhaus: *looking at the books* "So why ask me?" nygus: stein figured you and him could compare research notes. Neuhaus: "What's he investigating?" nygus: he just wanted to compare notes on the zombi- Neuhaus: *tenses* nygus:....my apologies... Neuhaus: "...I'll share what I know." *hands her a book* "You're welcome to copy these notes for him, but I'll need them back." nygus: understood. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sips an appletini...through a curly straw* naoya: well? how is it? Akutagawa: "Sweeter. I couldn't taste alcohol." naoya: see, you're getting there. ^^ Akutagawa: "Why do people drink this? Alcohol tastes like poison and makes people act...like Tachihara." naoya: well, life can be stressful, it helps with that sometimes. Akutagawa: "...But in moderation." naoya: yeah. Akutagawa: "...Just afraid of doing something embarrassing. Or violent." naoya:... *pap pap* Akutagawa: "..." *shakes the empty glass* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "What do you think, Doc?" doctor: hmm... Mr. Tsubaki: @~@ doctor: he seems rather dehydrated. seems to be displaying signs of anxiety or depression as well. Fitzgerald: "..." *strokes Mr. Tsubaki's back* Mr. Tsubaki: TT____TT Fitzgerald: "What do you recommend?" doctor: im sure we can prescribe some anti-anxiety medication to calm him down. Fitzgerald: "I see...Are there non-medication options that can also be provided to him?" -elsewhere- Kouyou: "Something the matter?" leo: hm? no, just thinking. Kouyou: "Ah..." *passes a cookie to her* leo:...*tiny nom* Kouyou: ^^ "I think you've been doing well at catering to visitors." leo: thank you very much, ma'am. Kouyou: *nods* "You're welcome." *sets down her tea* "Could you watch the estate tomorrow?" leo: i shall do my best. Kouyou: "Good. I will be out in the morning." -elsewhere- Poe: "Feel better?" lana: yeah =w= Poe: ^\\\w\\\^ *forehead smooch* lana: hehe~ -elsewhere- ranpo: *whistling* maria: ^////^ ~<3 <3 <3 Tanizaki: "...So..." *his hair is sliced along one side--from knives* "Why don't you--" Kyoka: "Why are you into that guy?" Tanizaki: ._. ("So blunt.") maria: hehe, my prince~<3 ranpo: ? Kyoka: "..." *looks at Ranpo* "..." *looks back at Maria* "..." *puts a hand on Maria's shoulder* maria: ~? Kyoka: "..." *serious face* "DO NOT." maria: OuO ~?? ranpo:.....tanizakiiii, im out of ramune. can you drive me to the store? maria: can i come too?? ^///^ Tanizaki: ^^;;;; "Sure?" Kyoka: "...This will end in a way that will require brain bleach." maria: hehe~ naomi: that poor girl. Kyoka: -_- "No kidding. I know they say there is someone for everyone but...This?" naomi: yeah, falling for ranpo is pretty much a lost cause. Kyoka: *sighs* "I need to wash this from my brain..." *pulls up crime reports* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Think they've gotten better?" tsubaki:...i-i think so.... Black Star: "..." *pat pat* "You tried." tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Maybe talk to them tomorrow?" tsubaki:...yeah... -in a small home...- -blood stains the walls and floors....- White Star: "..." *loud sigh* -the elderly man and woman lay motionless, two souls floating above them- White Star: *stares in fascination at one of the souls...he pokes it with a finger* -elsewhere- Chuuya: ._.; "...Big prize you won at the arcade?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Did Tachihara help?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And did you thank him?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "..." *looks at Tachihara* Tachihara: OwO;;;; Chuuya: "..." *pats Sonia's head* sonia: uncle tachi showed me how to throw a curveball. Tachihara: OwO *nod nod* Chuuya: "...Well, thank you, Tachihara." Tachihara: ^\\\\\^ -elsewhere- Higan: "Better?" lavender: seems it. Higan: "Good...What did Tsubaki write?" -she explains what was in the note- Higan: "...And that...um, 'vampire,' just gave up?" otogiri: seems they were detained....they sound like they were weakened.... Belkia: "So, they could take down Black Star...then got injured enough to be captured? Guess Black Star hit harder than we thought..." Higan: "..." ("Or Tsubaki did...") -elsewhere- Arthur: "...You think the Captain needs a makeover?" tamaki: yeah, it might make him feel better. Relan: "Maybe a hair cut?" Arthur: "A suit of armor." tamaki: we should take nozomi out too. it might help her feel better. Relan: "Oh, good idea!" Victor: .w. iris: yeah. i like that. maki: and i know just the place. *shiny eyes* Relan: "???" -elsewhere- Hyde: *napping on the couch...with a kazoo in his mouth* licht:...im not even going to ask. Kranz: "I thought it was cute! And it makes funny noises--" Hyde: *breathing out in his sleep--* "WOOOOOOP..." romina: *snickering* Guildenstern: -_-;;; -elsewhere- Meme: *asleep at her desk* mio: ... Meme: *groans, sits up* "..." *her eyes are puffy* mio:...meme? Meme: "Y-Yeah?" *she tries to smile* mio:...*hug* Meme: "..." *shudders* mio: ... Meme: *small whimper* -elsewhere- White Star: *huffing, out of breath* {White Star: *cackling, slices at villagers* } {-footsteps are heard-} {White Star: "!!!" *steps back into shadows*} {-a man with a sword is standing there-} {Mifune: "..."} {white*star: ?} {Mifune: "..." *slices into the shadows*} {white*star: *jumps back* oh? what have we here?} {Mifune: "...So many that you killed..."} {white*star: ...} {Mifune: "It stops here--" *swings at White Star's head*} -CAW CAW- White Star: "!!!" *swings his sword* -a flurry of crows flies off- White Star: "..." *sniffs the air* -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *holding his head* mikan: asura?...*holding his hand* Asura: "Nirvana..." mikan: ? *she looks at the logos on the wall of the building* Asura: "What they want...Was this all fated?" mikan:...*rubs his back* Asura: "I-I didn't know who they're leader was...It's all so confusing what to do..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Better?" chie: a lot better now. Yohei: "I'm glad..." *sets down some chocolates* chie: *shiny eyes* Yohei: *picks one up, brings it to her lips* chie: *nom* >u< *smooch* Yohei: ^\\\\^ "Mmm...Tasty." -elsewhere- Kid: *tending to Shiori* "It's okay..." shiori: >~< Kid: "Just a little stomach ache..." *rubs lightly along her back* shiori: mmn.. TT~TT Kid: *holds her, continues to rub her back* "I'm sorry...You'll feel better soon. I promise." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *lying down* "..." Fitzgerald: "...He seems calmer?" mary: did you feel sick today, toby? *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: *small grunt, moving his head as if nodding* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "We had to knock down another building." kirei: ah. do you know what will be in its place? Benimaru: "I was hoping for some ideas. So far I've heard 'storage,' but that's boring." kirei: perhaps we could build a shop there? Benimaru: "Hmm...Would boost the local economy. What would you sell?" kirei: eh? hmm. Benimaru: "Maybe clothing, or tools--" Tsukiyo: "SOUVENIRS!" -elsewhere- Poe: *asleep in chair* "Zzz..." lana:.... *puts blanket over him and kisses his forehead* Poe: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Zzz..." kirika: .... Gopher: *turns* *yawns* *opens his eyes* "..." kirika: you ok? Gopher: *nods* "B-Better...I guess I was exhausted." *looks up at the top of her head* kirika:....what? Gopher: "It looks great." kirika: um...thanks? *she has bedhead* Gopher: ^\\\w\\\^ *smooths her hair* kirika: =///n///=; Gopher: "..." *inches closer to nuzzle* kirika: *small growling* =/////=;; Gopher: .____. *leans back* -elsewhere- Kouyou: *lights a candle at a grave, holds her hands* leo: .... Kouyou: "..." *wipes her eyes* leo: lady kouyou? Kouyou: "..." *composes herself* "What is it?" leo:...did you need a moment? Kouyou: "..." *nods* leo: very well. Kouyou: *inhales deeply...tries to steady her breath* leo: ..... *examining the area* *Some buds are already forming on the trees, despite winter* leo:.....*faint smile* Kouyou: "..." *gets up* leo: are you ready to return home, now? Kouyou: "Yes...Let's go." leo:.... -elsewhere- Kid: *collapses in bed* stocking: long day? Kid: *yawns* "Yeah...Shiori had an upset tummy..." stocking: aww. Kid: "She's asleep...Just hope it doesn't last..." stocking: yeah... Kid: *facedown in bed* "..." *holds out his hand* stocking: *kisses his hand* Kid: "Mmm~ Thanks..." stocking: no problem~ Kid: *yawns, turns over, hugs Stocking* stocking: u///u Kid: =w= "Perfect person..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *looking out the window* lavender: waiting for something? Shamrock: "I thought I heard something..." lavender: ? Shamrock: "Like someone stepping around..." lavender: do you think it's an intruder? Shamrock: "...Maybe...Wake up Sakuya..." lavender: *going to do that* Kuro: *yawn...sits up* mahiru: *already has the broom out* Shamrock: "..." *holds up his hand, making military gestures to indicate the plan silently* Belkia: ._. "???" mahiru: ?? Shamrock: x_-;;; "Two of you hide in the grass, the others land the first strikes from up and down." mahiru: oh. Kuro: "Then just say so...It's boring otherwise..." Shamrock: *holds up fingers, counting down...4...3..2...* *throws open the door* naho: *sneaks into a bush* Sakuya: *leaps forward* "RAWR!" Kuro: *bored roar* "Rawr?" Stray Creature: .________. naho: awww. how cute! Stray Creature: *animal chitter* Kuro: =_____=; Shamrock: x\\\\\\o;;;;; lavender: just...what even is that, some kind of squirrel? Belkia: "A capybara?" Stray Creature: *head tilt* "???" naho: are you lost, little buddy? Stray Creature: "..." *slowly approaches* naho: ^^ *holds out a hand* Stray Creature: "..." *small lick* naho: hehe ^^ Stray Creature: ^w^ *licks--then hand chomp* naho:..... QwQ Sakuya: o______O Belkia: "D'aw, it likes you!" otogiri: *already has the medkit out* Stray Creature: *wagging tail* ^w^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *groans* "They just going to keep them locked up?" tsubaki: its possible.... Black Star: "Think they deserve that? I mean, they killed..." tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "..." *pokes her nose* tsubaki: *small chuckle* what? Black Star: "You're thinkin' somethin'..." tsubaki: i guess... Black Star: "...Well, you're better at the planning stuff. What we need to do to convince others to help them out?" tsubaki: i'll see if i can find out more from magaki about their situation. Black Star: *nods* "Maybe I can talk to some witnesses or cops..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *sips wine* gabriella: this is nice. ^^ Hibana: "A well-deserved break." *passes a glass to Gabriella* -morning- Akutagawa: *stares at the calendar* -jan 15- Akutagawa: *shudders* "Just a little more..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and she's now gah-gah for him." atsushi: oh wow. sucks to be her. Lucy: "Could be worse in dating choices--but Ranpo is so oblivious that she's going to get hurt--" *pinches Atsushi's cheek* atsushi: >3< ow! Lucy: "--and we should at least minimize the hurt. Wouldn't you agree?" atsushi: y-yeah. that does make sense. Lucy: ^w^ "Good." *lets go* "She seems to like some treats, so she'll probably pig out on those when Ranpo crushes her heart like a brittle seashell in his hands." atsushi: ._.; Lucy: "...I was reading nautical fiction. The word choice got stuck in my head. But seriously, let's give her a night out to minimize the pain." atsushi: sounds good. -elsewhere- Kid: *sets out breakfast* "So many plates to pass out..." lord death: yep. Kid: "...Did you ever think a family would get this big?" lord death: well, life can be full of surprises, even for a family of reapers, haha! Kid: ^^ "I suppose so..." *opens the cupboard--* o_o Patty: *wedged inside, eating out of the cereal box* "..." liz: again? Patty: *mouth full* "Always!" -elsewhere- Ivan: "--and she's vomiting again." lydia: <i feel kind of sorry for her...> Ivan: <In a hilarious way...> ^w^ lydia: ... -_-; mushitaro: jeez, and i thought _i_ was petty. Ivan: <I can afford to be!> mushitaro: 737 Adam: "But she's sick. And someone has to take care of the child--" *holds up Q* Q: =A= put me down! im not that small! Adam: "But you are tinier than I am. And I'm huge." Q: IM 14 YEARS OLD! >3< Adam: "...Really? I thought you were 6." yana:.....huh. Ivan: "..." *steps back* lydia:.... ._. (not how i expected to spend my birthday...) Adam: "Oh!" *picks up a crudely wrapped item and hands it to Lydia* "Glorious Nascent!" lydia:...thank you. *opens it* *Inside is a book--Hawthorne's Bible* lydia:....this is the pastor's. ._.; Adam: "That's how gift-giving works, right?" *smiles* lydia:....um....thank you...adam. (i'll just return this later...) -elsewhere- nozomi:..... Relan: "..." *whispers* "We doing this?" shinra: *nods* it'll do good for her. tamaki: hey nozomin! nozomi:...h-hey. Relan: ^^ "So...We had an idea..." tamaki: we were going to head out to chibuya crossing. there's lots of cute shops there, you want to come with us? nozomi:....i-i suppose. tamaki: great! shinra: hey maki, can you be our driver? Maki: "Sure thing." *grabs the Matchbox keys* iris: commander, we're heading out for a bit! Akitaru: "Oh? Where you heading?" tamaki: chibuya crossing! Akitaru: "Okay, have fun! Have your cell phones!" shinra: we will! -and so- tamaki: ah, chibuya crossing is so stylish, even in winter. nozomi: hm.... iris: ^^ Relan: "And lots of post-Christmas sales..." tamaki: no way! they have valentines stuff out already?! shinra: welcome to the world of retail. Maki: *stares at the candies* O~O nozomi:..... tamaki: ....oh! that store looks cute! hey nozomi, lets go find you some new clothes! nozomi: e-eh? Maki: "I agree! Come on, Iris!" iris: ^^ Relan: "...Um..." shinra: did you want to go with them? Relan: "I don't know...I haven't done shopping trips like this--I don't know whether it's appropriate for a guy to join in." shinra: hey, if you want to, then you go ahead and join in, heck, i'll join in too! Relan: "O-Okay..." *smiles* -inside the store- tamaki: *modeling an outfit* Maki: *claps* "So cute!" iris: *snaps a pic* ok, who's next? shinra: ok, im ready! *he has on a visual kei style outfit* Relan: "Oh, wow..." iris: so cool! shinra: UwU *bishie sparkle* tamaki: *picking out clothes* Relan: "How about you, Maki?" Maki: "I...don't think I could pull that off." ^^; iris: im sure you would look nice, though. Maki: "...Well...I could try..." shinra: that's the spirit! Maki: *picks one* "Only if Relan tries something on..." Relan: ._. shinra: want me to help you out, rel? Relan: "Wh-What should I try on?" -later, it was nozomi's turn- nozomi: h-how does it look? tamaki: you look so cute! you should totally buy it! Maki: *nods* "Right now!" nozomi: oh, um... tamaki: we'll pool our money together! Relan: "Something else for after Christmas!" -elsewhere at chibuya crossing- Shotaro: "How about these?" *puts on silly glasses* mana: ^^ Shotaro: *puts them on Mana* "There--now I barely recognize you!" mana: >3<; mono: we'll need to stop at the bookstore too, the new volume of that 4-panel manga i've been reading is out now. Assi: "??? So it's good?" mono: a-at least i think it is. 737 mana: oh right, you've been reading 'Ringo Aaparu's fruity flavored classroom' right? Shotaro: "??? Is it sweet?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *sits down* "Haven't had ramen in a bit..." fuyumi: want to order take out or head somewhere? Todoroki: "Maybe head out. Could use the walk." fuyumi: alrighty then. ^^ Todoroki: *small smile, as he retrieves his wallet* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *points* "And there's the children's museum, straight ahead." sonia: *looks* Chuuya: "I heard they got dinosaur bones, and an otter tank..." sonia: wow. Chuuya: *smiles* "Want to go in?" sonia: sure. Chuuya: "Yay!" *a little too excited to see the otter tank* sonia: ....*small smile* Chuuya: *hands the admission price to the ticket taker* "One adult and one--" Hyde: "Here." sonia: thanks. Hyde: "...You're welcome." Chuuya: *opens the door for Sonia* -elsewhere- otogiri: well, at least that creature was returned to its owner now. naho: TT~TT my poor hand... Sakuya: *sets down tea* "What kinda creature..." -elsewhere- komori: ........*she takes her face mask off, revealing Glasgow smile scars, and starts eating lunch* Arthur: *walking through a nearby hall* komori: ....*nom* Arthur: *passes where Komori is eating* komori:....!! *tries to cover her mouth* Arthur: "???" *turns around* "Hey..." *picks up a quarter off the floor* "I found money..." komori: [good for you] Arthur: *nods* "How's lunch?" komori: [alright] Arthur: "Not up for the makeover the others were doing shopping?" komori: [too busy] Arthur: "Well, at least no one is too injured here..." komori:... -elsewhere- Relan: *biting into a large pretzel* =w= shinra: so where to next? *checking a chibuya crossing map on his phone* Maki: "I hear a fighting game calling my name." tamaki: you're so on! Relan: "Oh, oh! One of the racing games!" shinra: ^^ *notices somebody* ?? Izuku: "Shinra!" *waves* shinra: izuku hey! *waves* Izuku: *walks over, limping slightly* "Hey...Hi, Relan!" Relan: *meek wave* shinra: we all decided to spend the day off at chibuya crossing. nozomi: ... Izuku: *spots Nozomi* "Oh, new outfit?" nozomi: y-yeah... m-miss tamaki helped pick it out for me. Izuku: "I think it looks great. That was really nice of Tamaki to help." tamaki:..*small smile* Izuku: "What game are you playing?" -elsewhere- Anya: *walking through neighborhoods...looking around corners* maria: *following ranpo on a job* ^///^ ranpo: *whistling* Anya: *spots Maria and--* "...!!!?!" ranpo: hmn? hey, arent you that weird doctor's daughter? maria: hmm? Anya: "...Do I know you?" maria: oh, call me mari! ^^ *holds her hand out* Anya: *looks at her hand* "..." ("...What is it with princesses disguising themselves?") *takes Maria's hand, smiles* "Anya." maria: nice to meet you! Anya: "Likewise." *spots Ranpo* "...Are those Crocs?" ranpo: oh these? they're my water shoes. Anya: "...Aren't you a grown man?" ranpo: your point? maria: hehe, you're so funny~ ^^ Anya: ._.; "...Um...So, what are you two doing?" ranpo: work stuff, solving mysteries, the usual. maria: hehe~ *hugs his arm* Anya: ._________. "...Are you from that cartoon with the hyper-active girl and the boy with the pine tree hat?" maria: owo~? ranpo: saw it, saw the theories, debunked them, same old same old. Anya: "...You have a highly active life on fan community’s sites, don't you?" ranpo: eh, sometimes. -elsewhere- stocking: .... Kid: "..." *cuddle* stocking: t-thanks... Kid: *nods* *rubs her hand lightly* "It's okay." stocking:....*hugs him* Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: i love you so much... Kid: "I love you, too, so much...Always." stocking: *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmm u////u Kid: *holds her close* "..." *small laugh* "I can feel your heartbeat..." stocking: ^///^ Kid: "..." *closes his eys* "And your soul..." stocking: *holds him close to her chest* Kid: =\\\\\= "It's beautiful..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." -...- Magaki: *sips water...grimaces* {???: <please......child......save my child....>} {Baby Magaki: *shudders, panting*} {??? *in tears* <please, save my baby!>} {Elder: "..." *takes the baby*} Magaki: *holds their head, moaning* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Cute sweater." arachne: thank you. ^^ Giriko: "And not to ignore our little cutie's sweater..." anna: ba! ^o^ Giriko: "Hee hee..." *picks her up* anna: *giggle* Giriko: "...She's getting so big..." -elsewhere- marie: we're baaack~! christa: hiyaaaa! Yumi: *holding up a sign at the airport: "Mjolnir"* ^^ christa: hiya auntie! Yumi: "Hi, Christa! Enjoy seeing your family?" christa: yuppy! marie: ^^ Yumi: *hugs Marie* "Good trip?" marie: *she nods* -elsewhere- Maki: *carrying bags* "Think we got enough?" tamaki: yep! nozomi:....hey guys?....thanks for today....i...had fun. *small smile* Maki: "D'aw, that's great!" *smiles* tamaki: any time, nozomi. *smiles* Relan: ^w^ *holding a new mouse wheel for Buttons* shinra: we're home! karin: welcome back, kiddos! Arthur: *waves* maki: we bought some stuff for the others too. they'll be on the couch. Arthur: "???" *looks inside one bag* -it's one of those horse head masks- Arthur: "...I am so blessed." *puts it on* shinra: *laughs* Vulcan: *walks by--* "...Oh, wow..." *walks up to Arthur* "..." *starts stroking his head* Arthur: "...What are you--" Vulcan: "Shhh..." shinra: *about to cry from laughing so hard* Vulcan: *pulls out a carrot, offering it to Arthur* Arthur: "..." *shrugs, lifts the mask, starts eating the carrot* Takehisa: *walks by* "Nice mask, Arthur. It elongates your face." Arthur: "Thank you, sir." Vulcan: =w= Takehisa: "???" *looks inside a bag* "...Oh. Did you all buy these?" maki: yep! iris: 0x0; Takehisa: "..." *looks up* "...Thank you. I shall try this on." iris: ._.;;; Relan: "Oh boy..." Takehisa: *walks away with the bag* tamaki: ^u^ iris: lord forgive us. Maki: >w> "I'm sure it'll be fine..." Vulcan: =w= *still petting Arthur* Arthur: *has the mask off* "???" -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawns* tsubaki: zzzz Black Star: *sleep hug* tsubaki: *small smile* Black Star: "..." *loud snore* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *staring at the otter tank* *shiny eyes* sonia: wow. Chuuya: "They're so tiny but so fast..." sonia: yeah... Chuuya: "!!! That one is holding a ball!" sonia: *small giggle* Chuuya: *snaps a photo of Sonia watching* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "Want to see the other exhibits?" sonia: ok. -elsewhere- Takehisa: "..." *standing* tamaki: >3< shinra: *chuckles* iris: ._.; Arthur: "..." karin: ._. Takehisa: "Greetings, Doctor. How are you?" *he is oblivious* -his hat reads 'the walrus was paul'- Relan: .w.; Vulcan: "..." *thumbs up to the hat* iris: ^-^; Akitaru: *steps outside, thumbing through papers* "Greetings, everyone. How's everything--" *looks up* "..." Takehisa: "..." Akitaru: "...Captain." Takehisa: "Commander." tamaki: >3< Akitaru: *hands files to Maki* "Captain, a word?" Takehisa: "Okay." *follows* -minutes later- *Loud screaming is coming from Akitaru's office* Takehisa: ( . ) __________ ( . ) Relan: *hiding behind Iris* Vulcan: "...I don't think that's how you conjugate that word..." Victor: *writing notes* shinra: *backing up* Akitaru: "WHO GAVE YOU THOSE CLOTHES?!" Takehisa: "..." *puts his hands behind his back* "I bought them." shinra: .-.; Akitaru: "YOU HAVEN'T LEFT THE FIREHOUSE ALL DAY!" Takehisa: "It was mail order." Akitaru: "THE PRICE TAG IS STILL ON THE SHIRT!" shinra: what a trooper. tamaki: it was shinra's idea! iris: D8< Relan: "LIAR!" Akitaru: *disappointed Dad face* shinra:.... Q____Q Akitaru: "..." *teeny-tiny chop* shinra: .-. Akitaru: "Your punishment will be Takehisa gets to pick your outfit for tomorrow." Takehisa: "???" shinra: TT.TT that's fair. Takehisa: "I suppose I can pick something out that is appropriate." -elsewhere- Ivan: "Do you have everything?" yana: i think so. Ivan: *nods* "We need a bit more information to actualize Master's plan..." yana: yeah. Ivan: "I suggest reconnaissance. Who should explore?" lydia: <i'll go.> Ivan: <Thank you.> *hands her a map* -elsewhere- Yohei: *sips coffee* "Aaaaa..." chie: long day? Yohei: *nods* "But accomplished..." chie: mmhmm. Yohei: "Got paid..." *hands the check* chie: awesome. *kiss on the cheek* Yohei: ^\\\\^ *yawns* -elsewhere- Shima: "Woo woo!" *holds up a DVD* "Sexy film!" -CHOP- izumo: no. -_-# Bon: -_- "Please, tell me someone picked another movie." Rin: *snatches the DVD from Shima* Shima: TT~TT shiemi: got it! Rin: *shiny eyes* "Little Mermaid?!" madoka: ^^ Rin: *squee* *sits down* Shima: T3T "Why you got to be so mean, Izumo? I bet you never even watched these kinds of films growing up..." izumo: ... Shima: "..." Rin: "Wow, really? You haven't! Oh, man, you're in for a treat! See, it's about this girl who lives under the sea--" -elsewhere- Mephisto: T_T "Demons get such a bad rep..." *looking at a cartoon picture of a demon* felisia: *pap pap* ... !! the baby just kicked! Mephisto: QwQ *puts his hand on her belly* "Really?" felisia: ^^ still thinking of a name... Mephisto: "...Mephy Jr?" *joking tone* felisia: *chuckle* Mephisto: "Something sweet...and perfect..." *looks into Felisia's eyes* felisia: *small blush* Mephisto: *holds her hand* "Any name come to mind?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: =w= "Good meal..." fuyumi: good eats. =w= Todoroki: "..." *small laugh* "We should do takeout in the future, too." -elsewhere- Relan: *pat pat* shinra: TT3TT *mumble* stupid jerk, tamaki... Relan: "Just give it time. Her bad luck and karma will catch back up with her..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TwT mary: feel better, yet? Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzle, sad moan* mary: *pap pap* Mr. Tsubaki: *yawns* -elsewhere- Hibana: "I think you'd look good in this, sweetie." hanako: ^u^ Hibana: "Try it on! You can even try on one of Mommy's necklaces." hanako: for reals? Hibana: "Really real!" hanako: yay! -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." -two guards are talking- Magaki: *listens* "..." guard: <you dont think....it's, y-you know...do you?> Magaki: (<'You know who'?>) *leans closer to the door* Guard #2: <But they're dead, right?> guard: <that's what i heard, but...what happened in that village...> Guard #1: <Not too different from what happened years ago...> Magaki: "..." guard 2: <still, freaks me out...> Guard #1: <Same. Glad we're not investigating it.> -elsewhere- White Star: *hunched under a tree in a forest, picking something out of his teeth* -a city is in the distance- White Star: "..." *flicks the "food" out from his teeth* "..." *stands, starts moving towards the city* -elsewhere- Kouyou: "Good meal." leo: thank you, miss kouyou. Kouyou: *pours wine* "..." *looks around* "I thought they would have returned by now..." leo: ? -knocks on the door- leo: *goes to check* ah, they're home. Kouyou: "Then let's see what they're up to~" *pulls back her hand--and knocks the door down* sonia: ._.; *holding an otter plushie* Chuuya: *waves* "Hello." leo: welcome home, sir. Chuuya: "Sorry to be a bit behind schedule..." sonia: hi grandma. Kouyou: "Hello, sweetie. What's that plush?" sonia: papa bought this for me. Kouyou: "Cute! Did you give them a name?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *opens a box...finds a small doll* "..." reimi: what's that? Benimaru: "An old gift..." reimi: ah. Benimaru: "...There are parents always happy to have the protection...including for what they could have lost." reimi:.... Benimaru: "..." *sets the doll onto the shelf* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *mutter grumble mutter* karin: still in a sour mood? Akitaru: "In the time I've known Hinawa, he's always been like that. I once had a meeting with the top brass when we were still forming this brigade. You know what he wore?" karin: what? Akitaru: "A tutu." karin: did he really? Akitaru: "With the tiara. I think he's...like, face-blind? Only it's not a face, it's clothing?" karin: *chuckle* i guess he's humoring them. Akitaru: "??? You think he meant to?" karin: probably, nozomi seemed to lighten up a bit. *smiles* Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Guess you're right on that one." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "...So, Ranpo, we have to talk..." ranpo: *sipping on ramune* wassup? Tanizaki: "What you think of the Princess?" ranpo: eh, she's alright, i guess. Tanizaki: "Well, you should be aware that...That is to say...Um...Look, just don't get her hopes up." ranpo: ?? Tanizaki: "I mean, because...you...and her..." ranpo: ??? Tanizaki: "See, when two people get close, then they start to feel things one way or another about...feelings?" ._.; ranpo: what, like sex? Tanizaki: O____o *grabs him by the shoulders, starts shaking* "YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING THAT WITH HER!!!" ranpo: ew, dude no. i mean, i know what sex is, im just not interested, like, at all. Tanizaki: "...Okay." *lets go...smooths out his own hair* "...Look. I think she's crushing on you. Maybe you should talk to her, let her know you're not up for it?" ranpo: i tried that already. i think she lives in her own little world. poor delusional moron. Tanizaki: *chop* "No need to be mean!" ranpo: ow! >3< im just being honest, jeez. Tanizaki: "Learn to phrase things in less mean ways...And you need to just be honest but not so rude with her..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "...That's kind of embarrassing, Mom..." setsuna: what is? Shotaro: *he has a scuff mark on his face* "That whole 'spitting onto a rag to wipe someone's face' thing that parents do..." setsuna: oh. *small chuckle* ^^; Shotaro: ^^; "Yeah..." *rubs his cheek* "Man, Mana punches hard." -morning- Takehisa: "There. We have concluded." shinra: =~=''' Takehisa: "I think this is fashionable? I heard people like bunny slippers." shinra: *presses the cat head, which meows* greeeat. Takehisa: "The sound will be delightful, I think. Like a small cat following you everywhere." shinra: TT-TT; Takehisa: "I even packed you a lunch." *it's in a lunchbox...a princess lunchbox, with glitter stickers* shinra: TT-TT thank you, sir. Takehisa: *nods* "...Wel, goodbye." *turns and leaves--showing a kick-me sign on his back* -at school- Akutagawa: *crosses out a date in his notebook calendar...smiles* marie: *teaching the lesson* Chuuya: *writes a note, then raises his hand* marie: yes? Chuuya: "Will this be on the test?" marie: *she nods* indeed it will. Chuuya: *writes more notes* Akutagawa: "???" *whispers* "I didn't catch that..." -elsewhere- Anya: "--and she seemed infatuated with him." ao: oh my, is that right? Anya: "That creep is going to break her heart--and I don't see her recovering quickly." atsushi: ? Anya: "The guy was nothing to look at either. Creepy cat smile, closed eyes, some Sherlock Holmes get up, and ugly Crocs." atsushi: ._.; Anya: "Should probably report him to someone...Like the fashion police! ...That's a thing, right?" atsushi: >->; Meme: "Maaaaaaaaybe change the topic..." *holds up a tourist map of Salt Lake City* mio: right. Meme: "I suggest we check this shady part of town when we get there. And maybe if we have time, stop by the ice skating rink--" mio: m-maybe. Meme: "??? Not a fan?" mio: im not very good at it. Meme: ^^ "Practice, then..." mio:.... .///.; r-right. -elsewhere- Gin: "It's quiet..." higuchi: yeah. Gin: "...No sign of them." *calls into radio* "Report." naoya: doing recon now. Gin: "Spot the targets?" naoya: yep. 3rd floor. Gin: *nods to Higuchi* "Cover." higuchi: *nods* Gin: *talks into radio* "Troop A, deploy." -a few goons head in- Target #1: Q____Q *runs* "Crud crud crud--" -SMACK- Target #1: "OUCHIE!" naoya: sup, buddy? Target #1: Q_________Q "DON'T KILL ME!" naoya: depends.... !!! *pistol-whips a guy coming up from behind her* Target #2: "AAAAH! FUCK!" Target #1: "..." *puddle forming* naoya: dude, gross. Target #1: "I HAD A LOT OF SODA AND YOU'RE SCARY!" >3< naoya: awww, is dat twue? T3T# Target #1: Q_______Q "Don't kill me..." naoya: alright, just tell us what we want to know, and we wont have miss silver bullet witch put holes in your skull. katya: *maniacal giggling* Target #1: O________o "BEHIND THE PAINTING OF THE DUCKS!" naoya: *nods to pushkin, who looks* pushkin: woah. is this a Maltese falcon? Target #1: *shrug* "Just looked valuable--so we stole it..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "...So...Is this what babies like?" yosano: yep. basically. Dazai: "Well, should have the paint dry in a bit..." -elsewhere- juria: *chewing gum, slouching in her seat* Karim 2: -_-; "At least sit up." juria: um, are you the teacher? if not, shut up. if so, same thing. Karim 2: "Hey! We got to look better than all the other brigades, and I got no time for some back-talk!" juria: ugh, so annoying. selim: *griiiiiins* gwen: .............. Karim 2: *sighs* "Best brigade there is, and stuck with you twits...Yo, Ogun! You're their mentor--deal with them!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *looking at a photo: it is a small child being lifted into the air by Commander Arg* "..." huang: is that you, asako? Asako: *nods* "A long time ago..." Asako: "Before grandfather..." huang: .... maybe he'll be at the event? Asako: *sad smile* "After everything, that would be nice..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *hands cuffed to the table...with some cold tea poured for them* <...Not a fan.> tsubaki: ... Magaki: <It's not even hot. I know they don't trust me with that...> tsubaki: ....<what sort of fruits do you like?> Magaki: <...Peach?> tsubaki: <ok then.> ^^ *she goes to get peach flavoring* Magaki: <...I don't know that I'll taste them as well. This...condition alters what you taste.> tsubaki: hmm... Magaki: <Some people taste different...> tsubaki: <as in the blood type?> Magaki: <Even what they ate...> *grimaces* <Junk food eaters are dreadful.> tsubaki: ^^; Magaki: <...Your partner tastes like meat.> -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How are classes?" stocking: doing good. it's rewarding. Mephisto: "As I should expect~" *offers a cupcake on a tray* stocking: *nom* ^u^ Mephisto: ^w^ "Are you sure you don't need me to talk to any of your supervisors? I can arrange for whatever you need~" stocking: *shakes her head* im good so far. how's mom coming along? Mephisto: "...Well..." >_> stocking: ._.; im scared to ask. -elsewhere- Dazai: "...So Ranpo is her catnip?" mii: =3= naomi: seems like it. Dazai: *pets Mii* "...I think you need to get some protective equipment, because when Ranpo pisses her off, she's going to wreck the place." -elsewhere- Johannes: "How's work going now that you've been here a bit?" medea: it's been alright. Johannes: "Ah. You getting along with the customers?" medea: moderately. Johannes: "??? They been rude to you?" medea: no. Johannes: "Well, let me know if they are. I have ways to keep them quiet." medea: noted. -elsewhere- Mori: *snore* fukuzawa: *reading* Mori: *grumbling in his sleep* "Head...Head..." fukuzawa: ? Mori: "I just...wanted me to go on...Future..." fukuzawa:.... *checks his temperature* Mori: *grabs Fukuzawa's hand* fukuzawa: !!! Mori: *eyes snap open* "...What were you intending?" fukuzawa: im only checking your temperature... Mori: "...Oh..." *lets go* fukuzawa:... *reads the thermometer* Mori: "...Bad?" fukuzawa: running a bit of a fever... Mori: "...Water?" fukuzawa: *goes to get it* -elsewhere- Tachihara: "That's what you all retrieved?" *looks at the statue* "Some bird?" pushkin: a maltese falcon. ^^ hirotsu: hmm... Tachihara: "Like in the movie? If we smash it, will there be a map inside?" katya: i'll get the hammer. hirotsu: -_-; Tachihara: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Relan: ^^;;; "You'll change when you get home..." shinra: yeah, that's one comfort. TTuTT Relan: "...I think you look fine in anything..." shinra: d'aww. ^///^ Relan: ^\\\\^ *hand squeeze* shinra: *smooch* Relan: >///w///< "Hmmm..." shinra: ^////^ Relan: "Maybe take a bath and have a good meal. And pick out your shoes for the dance." -elsewhere- Kid: *pours tea* "Been well, Homura?" homura: *she nods* thank you. Kid: "And your next mission?" homura: there's been a few incidents up north. Kid: "Good progress?" homura: seems like it so far. Kid: "You filed reports? I could take a look..." homura: *she hands him one* Kid: *looks through it* "...Any distinguishing features?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "How'd the meeting go?" tsubaki: i think it went well. Black Star: "...Anything that's going to convince the authorities not to...you know?" tsubaki: hopefully..... Black Star: "...Talk to your dad?" tsubaki: *she nodded* Black Star: "What'd he tell you to do?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "What'd he tell you to do?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "...And if you say it, will the cops do it?" tsubaki:...i dont want to kill them. Black Star: "..." *nods* "Idea what to offer?" tsubaki:.....well....maybe we could....and this is going to sound crazy....take them in? Black Star: "..." o_______o "...Do we even have any more room?" tsubaki: hopefully? ^^; Black Star: "..." *sighs, leans against her side* tsubaki: thanks... Black Star: *nods* "Any time...You going to tell them tomorrow?" tsubaki: probably. Black Star: "...Want me to come?" tsubaki: i would like that... Black Star: "Then I'm there." -elsewhere- White Star: "..." *sniff* -it's quiet- White Star: "..." *inches forward* -in town- tsubaki:... !! Black Star: "The heck..." tsubaki: you felt it too? Black Star: "...Kinda? Like...rage?" tsubaki: come on. Black Star: *follows* -outside- tsubaki: *in sword form* Black Star: *moves into shadows* "..." tsubaki: *quietly* see anything? Black Star: "..." *nods to a corner* "Blood." tsubaki: .... Black Star: *inches along a wall towards the blood* "..." tsubaki: ..... *notices someone* !!! White Star: *turns...stares* Black Star: "?!!!! The hell..." tsubaki: !!! White Star: *swings his blade--* Black Star: "!!!" *blocks* tsubaki: !! White Star: *stares at Black Star, slicing away at him* Black Star: "Gonna need some distance..." tsubaki: *nod* Black Star: *leaps back--* -BOOM!- -smoke fills the area- Black Star: *leaps back* ("Okay, then use Tsubaki's ninja star form to slice through this--") *Someone explodes forward through the smoke, until he is face to face with Black Star* White Star: "..." Black Star: "!!!" tsubaki: !!!! White Star: <...That face...> *lifts up his sword, ready to swing it down--* -blade block- Black Star: "...That face..." tsubaki: ?? *notices the star marking* !!!!!!!!!!! White Star: <Imposter!> *stabs at Black Star--* -blade block- Black Star: *flip over--kick to the back of White Star's head* "Too slow, old man!" White Star: *grunt, falling to the ground* tsubaki: black*star.....look..... Black Star: "...No..." White Star: *motionless, collapsed on the street* tsubaki: di-didnt mifune kill him? Black Star: "..." *leans down, grabs White Star's arm--* *STAB* White Star: *eyes open, a kunai thrown into Black Star's forehead* tsubaki: !!!!!!!!!! Black Star: "..." *starts waving his arms wildly* "GAH! WHAT THE HELL?! THIS STUPID FREAKING THING IS STUCK REALY DEEP NOW!" White Star: *passes out* tsubaki: hold still! im amazed you even survived that. Black Star: TT~TT "I've enough forehead damage to last a lifetime..." tsubaki:...what do we do about him? Black Star: "...We even know this is him? What did he call me? 'Sash of sha'?" tsubaki: 'sashosha', it means 'imposter'. (i really need to help him brush up his language skills) Black Star: "...How the heck I'm the imposter? He could be an imposter! Running around impersonating some dead guy who's freaking dead!" *childishly kicks White Star in the side* White Star: "Umph!" *still passed out* tsubaki: regardless, he still did attack us. we should bring him in. -elsewhere- mahiru: *splashing his face with cold water* >///~///<;;;; Kuro: ._. mahiru: cant unsee it... Kuro: "It couldn't have been that bad..." mahiru: i only saw it for a split second.... *shudders* Kuro: "..." *pat pat* "You know what helps with forgetting awful things? Ramen." mahiru: at this point-.... *lightbulb* SAKUYA! Kuro: *protective cat mode* "Whatever you're planning to do with him--" mahiru: hey, sakuya, you can alter memories, right? Sakuya: *yawns* "Yeah? Why?" mahiru: i need you to remove the past 15 minutes from my memory! Sakuya: "...'Kay. But there may be some side effects." mahiru: *tight grip on his shoulders* JUST PLEASE DO THIS FOR ME, OK?! Sakuya: .\\\\. "Okay, okay--I'll do it! Just relax your shoulders so I can put my hands on your head..." mahiru: *lays down* ok. naho: O/////w/////o *steam coming off her head* Sakuya: *leans over him, presses his hands along Mahiru's head* "..." .\\\\\\. "This may hurt a bit..." mahiru: *gulps and closes his eyes* naho: (come on. come oooonnnn) Sakuya: *closes his eyes...energy appears along his hands--* mahiru:......*yawn* ngh? oh crap, did i fall asleep? how long was i out? naho: =3= Sakuya: "...Yeah. Just for a few minutes. Don't you remember?" mahiru: guess i'm pretty tired after today. ^^; Sakuya: "..." (" 'Pretty' alright...") "Well, better get some food cooking..." -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning~ Kid: ^^ "Good morning, Angel." stocking: hehe~ ^^ *nose nuzzle* Kid: ^\\\\\^ "So...*yawns*...cute." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *cuddles* "But alas, a busy day..." *hug* -elsewhere- Meme: "All aboard!" tsugumi: yay! Anya: -3- "I could have driven if I could..." EF: do any of you have a license? ^^; Anya: "...I drove a scooter once." tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "We really should get a license--like for a monster truck!" mio: ._.; Anya: "...Or start smaller. Like a 1924 AJS Model D Combo cycle with a sidecar." -silence- Anya: "...I was trying to expand my interests..." tsugumi: and that's totally ok. Anya: TT\\\\TT mio:....you gonna be ok, meme? Meme: *wipes her eyes, smiles* -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." *looks at his hand* tsuyu: how's your hand doing? Izuku: "Still hurts a bit..." tsuyu: ah. *pat pat* Izuku: =\\\= "Just got to get better..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Fuck!" naoya: hm? Chuuya: "I was trying to track someone--and I lost them." naoya: let's see... ~perception~ Chuuya: "They were scrawny, fidgety, kind of nervous--and fast. naoya: !!! he's got some girl as a hostage. Chuuya: *grumble* "Shit...Weapon?" naoya: none i can see... Chuuya: "...Griffin Path." naoya: *nods and heads up the fire escape* Target: *not noticing* "I'm losing my patience: where is your car?" girl: ..... Target: "..." *pulls back his hand to slap her--* ???: *ahem* Target: "?!!!" *swings his arm* -something grabs his fist- naoya: well howdy, buddy, pleasant day today, ya? ^u^ Target: "?!!" *lets go of the hostage, swings his other fist at Naoya* naoya: *grabs other fist and kicks him between the legs* girl: !! Target: .______O *collapses* naoya: *looks at the girl* ....hey. girl: *muffled 'hey'* Chuuya: *grabs the Target* "It's done." girl: !!!! ozaki?! Chuuya: "...Oh shit..." girl: d-did you come here to save me? Chuuya: "..." naoya:...*looks at chuuya* Chuuya: "Y-Yeah...Happened to run into someone and told them the emergency..." girl: are you a secret agent? naoya: .___.;;; Chuuya: "...No. Just in the right place..." girl: .///. Chuuya: "...I'll walk you home." *nods to Naoya* "Thank you, random person." naoya: *already absconded* Chuuya: "...Huh." *turns back* "...You live far?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pokes the letter with a stick* shinra: -_-; *checks his letter* Letter: "Shinra! Arthur! How are you surviving the Eighth?" shinra: *keeps reading* 'things are pretty hectic here at the 4th as always, what with that oni chick and lava boy selim and all, haha'..... *excalibur face* oh right, those two... Arthur: "??? Oni?" *grabs a sword* -elsewhere- Aizawa: -_-# "...This plan is stupid." yuuji: what is? Aizawa: *sighs* "All Might planned another extracurricular lesson--and he roped in some students from another school." yuuji: oh? Aizawa: "...You remember the last time he wanted to 'make the lesson fun'? He got kicked in the balls." yuuji: ._.; yikes. Aizawa: *sigh* "Attend it. I'm going to need backup." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." -nobuko....rokuzo......that little girl.....minato.....they're all dead....- Kunikida: *mutters* "Like I don't know that..." -who will be the next to die, i wonder.....aya? atsushi? dazai? ranpo?- Kunikida: "Shut up..." -...- Kunikida: "..." *curls up* -elsewhere- Dazai: "...Shit." kirako: ?? Dazai: "...Sorry. Just thinking of Kunikida." kirako: .....i hope that he's ok... ranpo: how about i check on him tomorrow after my shift at the shopping plaza? Dazai: "Yes! That would be--...Wait. You still have to do the plaza thing?" ranpo: ok, it's settled then! i'll see him tomorrow then! Dazai: ._. -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Just...Fuck." tsubaki: *hugs him* Black Star: "..." *pat pat* "...Who gave him a right to show up?" tsubaki: i dont know.... Black Star: "...Is he even normal?" tsubaki: .... Black Star: "He looks like...what they all said I was...A demon." tsubaki:....*rubs his back* Black Star: "..." *sighs* "What am I supposed to do?" tsubaki: you arent your father. the only thing you are is you. Black Star: "...And what do I do with him? Kill him?" tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Is a 'dead man' even on Lord Death's kill list anymore?" tsubaki:.....i dont know... Black Star: "...He wake up?" tsubaki: not yet. Black Star: "...Maybe tie the restraints more." -elsewhere- Adam: *head shoved into the wall* "..." lydia: ._.; Hawthorne: "...He would not be quiet." lydia: was....this kind of punishment needed? Hawthorne: "Ask him." Adam: *muffled voice* "I'm okay!" lydia:.... <oh lord give me the strength...> -_-; Hawthorne: <It's in this book.> *taps it* lydia:....oh right, yana's been teaching you. Hawthorne: *nods* Adam: *muffled* "What you guys talking about?" -elsewhere- Kid: *pours tea* "Another cookie?" stocking: why thank you~ julie: *nods* kirika: *nom* Kid: *passes the plate* "And then the cupcakes will be ready..." *sits down* "How has everyone's day been?" kirika: been alright. had to do a photoshoot for school promotional stuff, but at least i got paid for it. Kid: "Oh? For new students?" kirika: more or less. Kid: "Well, good face to put onto the Academy--" Gopher: *pops up from under the table* "I agree!" kirika: *hands him a cookie* hey. Gopher: =w= *nom* Kid: ._.;;; stocking: she's not even shocked anymore. Kid: "I guess that's lov--" kirika: finish that statement and i'll rip off your balls. *casually drinking tea* Kid: .__________. Gopher: owo;;; -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sits up* *hunger whimper* bram: here you are. *puts down food* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs...nom nom nom* *wags his tail* bram:...*faint smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *lean* bram:.... *small pet* Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *fox chitter* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "You okay?" naho: *snuggle* yeah. Sakuya: *hug* "Good..." *forehead smooch* naho: mmm~ Sakuya: "...Did it bother you?" naho: you and mahi? Sakuya: "Yeah." naho: ...you really think i would be bothered by two men getting all close together?! OwO *slight nosebleed* Sakuya: ^\\\^ "I suppose not..." *wipes her nose* "You seemed to have wanted more?" naho: .///w///. Sakuya: "Sorry to have disappointed..." naho: it's alright, i guess. *hug* Sakuya: *pat pat* "Hey...I love you." naho: i love you too, sakkun. Sakuya: *rubs her shoulder lightly* *smiles* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I'm home..." sonia: *hugs his leg* Chuuya: "..." *smiles, hugs her* "I missed you so much..." sonia: did you have a good day at work? Chuuya: "...There were challenging parts of it...I'm just glad to be home." sonia: ... Chuuya: "...You were a good girl for Grandma?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "Good to know...It's getting late, though." sonia: ... mito: *streeeetch* Chuuya: *pets Mito* "Time to brush your teeth..." -elsewhere- Asako: *yawns, removes her glasses* ritsu: zzzz.... Asako: "..." *rubs her eyes, then puts a blanket over Ritsu* ritsu: *tiny smile* Asako: ^w^ *pours tea* -elsewhere- lana: zzzzz.... Poe: "..." *tucks her in* lana: uwu Poe: *forehead smooch* -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." tsubaki: <i spoke with the head of the japan branch...> Magaki: <...Oh.> tsubaki: ... <you'll be coming back with us to the states, but under surveillance.> Magaki: <...If I refuse?> tsubaki:...<then they'll most likely kill you...> Magaki: <...You think that would not be welcomed?> tsubaki: .... Magaki: *smiles...and starts crying* <It's what should happen, right?> tsubaki:.....<in my opinion, no. just because some people have done bad things, it doesnt always mean they're bad people...> Magaki: "..." *tries to cover their face--but their hands are still shackled to the table* "..." tsubaki: ... -elsewhere- White Star: *struggling inside a straight jacket* Black Star: "..." DWMA guard: <mr black*star, there's an old man here to speak with you.> Black Star: "??? How old we talkin'?" DWMA guard: <seems like some old hermit.> Black Star: "..." *looks around the Guard to see the Hermit* hermit: .... *weak smile* Black Star: "..." hermit: <mind if we have a chat, young man?> Black Star: "..." *glances back at the room holding White Star, then at the Hermit* "...'Kay?" hermit: *ahem* perhaps english would be easier for you? Black Star: "Oh, totally. What's up?" hermit: normally, i dont visit the city, but i figured today i would make an exception. not every day that i get the chance to meet my grandson. Black Star: "...Wow! Really?!" *smiles* "...Who's your grandson?" hermit:... about yey high, blue hair, star marking on his shoulder, talking to me right now? Black Star: "..." *looks around* "..." *points at himself* "Me? ...Wait...How can you be...?" hermit: it's a long story... Black Star: "...I got time." hermit: alright. Black Star: "...So, what do I call you?" *sits* hermit: for now, you may call me 'grey*star' -a long time ago, when i was still in my youth, i was the leader of the star clan. back in those days, we were just a group of vagabonds, trying to get through life- Black Star: "...By stealing?" grey*star: we were young and stupid. no offense. -we did some reckless things, but for the most part, we were harmless....keyword 'were'. my son, on the other hand, had different ideas on how our group should be run, he had, dark, malicious intentions. - Black Star: "...He took over?" grey*star: *he nods* i tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldnt listen, and i was cast into exile, losing an eye in the process, and the rest was history from there. i dont know why he chose the path of the demon like he had done. i thought he was too long gone to be saved, so i had an outsider come to finish him off, and we thought he had been successful, however, it seemed fate had different plans... Black Star: ._.;;; "...You hired Mifune to kill your kid?" grey*star: ....it does sound pretty bad when you say it like that, but keep in mind just who we're talking about. Black Star: "Yeah, a guy in a straight jacket who tried to kill us." grey*star:....so you've met mifune, then? how is he these days? Black Star: "Got kids." grey*star: is that right? Black Star: *nods* "He's good at it." -elsewhere- Mifune: *sneezes* yuma: you're not getting a cold, are you? D8> Mifune: *sniffs* "No. Maybe just some dust..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *adjusting his tie* shinra: *antsy* Victor: "Vulcan, you got to wear a shirt." Vulcan: -_- "Fine..." *buttons up a shirt* lisa: ... *small pout* Vulcan: "??? Lisa? You okay with this?" lisa: y-yeah... Arthur: "The event should be populated..." tamaki: soooo, who's hosting it again? Akitaru: "The Fifth. So it'll be all kinds of fancy." tamaki: cool. Relan: ^^ "Get to catch up with friends..." shinra: yeah. im sure the other members of the other brigades will be there too. Akitaru: "Like the Fourth..." shinra: hey, maybe ogun and the others will be there too. (and commander arg...) Arthur: "??? Ogun is alive? I thought he was eaten by that griffin that keeps mailing letters..." shinra: maybe you'll see those two cheerleaders of yours too, arthur. tamaki: what cheerleaders? am i gonna have to kick someone's ass? Arthur: .\\\\\. "It was a long time ago. We don't talk about it. I can't remember. I have brain damage." shinra: i knew it. iris: *chop* be nice -3- shinra: yes ma'am. o-o; Relan: ._.;; Arthur: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Everyone ready?" fang-hua: *nod* kirei: i believe so. Konro: *in his formal kimono* *looks around* "...Where's--" Tsukiyo: =w= -elsewhere- lana *holding poe close* sorry you had a nightmare, edgar... Poe: *shivering* lana: *hugs* its ok, im not going anywhere, alright? Poe: Q~Q "P-Promise?" lana: *kiss* of course, always. Poe: "..." *cries quietly* -she'll abandon you eventually, who could love an abhorrent freak like you?- Poe: *sob* "I'm..." lana: *rubs his back* Poe: *sobbing* "I'm a freak..." lana: edgar... Poe: "They said it..." lana:...if i could, i would go into your head and take out that voice that keeps hurting you. Poe: "..." *small chuckle* lana: ? Poe: "I-I would really like that..." lana:...*smiles and kisses his forehead* Poe: TT\\\\w\\\\TT -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Stupid tie..." >-< mikami: ? Kishiri: "Boss said I needed one...But it stifles my style..." ryuuko: how unfortunate. Hibana: "Fuck boi ain't a style, Kishiri." Kishiri: Q_Q "...How long you been--" Hibana: "The entire time." ryuuko: we'll send our best regards to your next of kin. Hibana: *smirks* Kishiri: *stares at Ryuuko* "Rude!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *presses his fingers to his temples* "That's a lot to take in..." grey*star: i could imagine... Black Star: "...What would you suggest doing with him?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *gets into the driver's seat--taps the GPS on his phone* "Everyone ready?" shinra: yep. tamaki: mmhmm. iris: ^^ Relan: *nods* Vulcan: "..." *looks at Lisa* lisa: y-yeah. Vulcan: *holds her hand* Victor: *looks at Nozomi* nozomi: y-yeah... karin: *pats her back* Akitaru: *nods* "Okay, let's head out." Takehisa: *backs out of the garage* -elsewhere- Patty: *shiny eyes* "IT'S SO BIG AND FANCY!" takeru: y-yeah. hito: i heard the 5th commander lives in this building. Honda: "Indeed! She made a lot of money from her work with Haijima!" 3rd acting commander: *pacing, too nervous to go in* o~o;;; hito: isnt that commander tennouji? Honda: "??? COMMANDER!" *spreads out his arms and starts waving both of them wildly* "OVER HERE! HELLO!" tennouji: EEP!! c-c-commander honda, p-p-please dont startle me like that! >~<;; Honda: "...Right. No bear hugs--I remember that! Still nervous about going in? Hibana won't bite your head off or anything! And her daughter is a sweetie! Right, Juggernaut?!" takeru: r-right. tennouji: im not sure if i should be going in at all, im not even an official commander and *mutter mutter mutter* Patty: "??? I like your outfit!" tennouji: oh, um...t-thank you. ._.; -inside- Fulham: -_- "We got here too early, sir." Burns: "It is important to be punctual." Hibana: -_-# "Saaaaaaaaave me from this annoying guy..." pearl: ^^; Burns: "So, Hibana, what did you do with that ankle bracelet after you were exonerated?" Fulham: ._. Hibana: *stare* "...When you lost your eye, how much money did you save on eyedrops?" gabriella: ^-^;;; hibana, please... Fulham: .___.;;; "How about a drink? Or maybe mingle with other people, sir--Oh, look! Kusakabe arrived!" Hibana: "I need two drinks..." shinra: OwO;;; *whispers* tamaki dont do anything too rash. tamaki: sod off, shinra. Relan: "...Don't hiss at Burns, Tamaki." tamaki: i wont!..... *nasty glaaaare* gabriella: (this is going to be a long night... ^^; ) Relan: *innocent whistling* Hibana: "!!! Iris!" *hug* iris: hello sister. ^^; gabriella: *phew* Hibana: "Are you feeling well?" iris: i'm doing alright. -elsewhere- Asako: "That looks amazing, Commander!" huang: thank you. *she wore a pantsuit* Asako: ^^ "I asked the vehicle be pulled up--Is everyone here?" vivian: yep! tao: *nod nod* Asako: "Very good--and wonderful clothes!" -inside- Ogun: "--and then I said to him, 'Kusakabe, that's one way to open a door'!" shinra: ?? !!! *waves* OGUN! HEY! 8D gwen: ..... Ogun: "Speak of the Shinra!" *fist-bump* shinra: it's been ages, man! tamaki: friend of yours? Relan: "???" shinra: arthur, you remember, ogun, right? from school? iris: oh, so this is ogun? it's nice to meet you, sir. ^^ Ogun: "Hello, Sister. Good to meet you, too." shinra: *smiles and looks at relan* Relan: .w.; Ogun: "And you're Relan? Happy to meet you!" Relan: *nod nod* "Th-Thanks..." shinra: ^u^ tamaki:.... 7-7 gwen: ......... Arthur: "Oh. Hello." gwen:.......hi arthur... tamaki:.....*holds his hand* Arthur: "..." *squeezes Tamaki's hand* "This is Tamaki." shinra:.... ? what happened to the other girl? gwen: ......................................................... Arthur: "Where's Morgan?" gwen:....*shaking* Arthur: "...Oh." shinra:......!! s-shit... iris: *small prayer* nozomi: ..... Arthur: "...Was she given last rites?" gwen:...*nods* Arthur: "...I'm sorry." gwen: i couldnt even do anything....im really...really useless, huh? nozomi:....dont say stupid things like that. Arthur: "..." Victor: "???" nozomi: if you just give up now, then...then how will you ever get better?! karin: nozomi... nozomi: my father, he was working on a cure for this, he worked so hard, even though he became an infernal himself....still, i cant just give up like that. even though i've been through a lot recently, learning things i wish i didnt, but it doesnt matter now, because i have to be the one who carries my father's legacy. Victor: "..." *small smile* shinra: *smiles* aw yeah, she's back! nozomi: *smiles* excuse me, i need to go do something, i'll be right back. *heads off* tamaki: ah... Arthur: "???" nozomi: *looking around, until she finds a room. seems to be a dressing room.* .... *she walks over to where the mirror is*........*she takes a pair of scissors and cuts her hair shorter* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *standing by the wall* maki: heyo~ ^^ Takehisa: "Hello." *sips his punch* "...It's starting well enough." maki: yeah....say, let's go dance! Takehisa: ._. "...Okay?" maki: *takes his hand and pulls him onto the dancefloor* karin: oho, seems we got a few lovebirds here~ Akitaru: "??? Oh? They've been friendly for a bit..." karin: but look at the captain's face. Takehisa: =\\\\= Akitaru: "???" karin: he's got it bad. Akitaru: "...Ooooooh...Huh." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...It's not terrible." kirei: ^^ Tsukiyo: *pours some wine* kabuki: ^^; *in a suit* Tsukiyo: "Nice jacket!" kabuki: why thank you. Tsukiyo: *touches the fabric* tao: OwO ~? Tsukiyo: "So soft~" =w= tao: whatcha doooin? kabuki: hmm? fang-hua: ah! Benimaru: "Behave. Now. Or I'll send you home." Tsukiyo: >3< misora: T3T (stupid miko hanging all over beni...) miwa: you ok, misora? misora: OwO; fine! just fine! -elsewhere- Asako: "Hello, Gabriella." gabriella: asako, nice to see you doing well. Asako: *nods* "How is the Commander?" hanako: hi miss. ^^ gabriella: im making sure she behaves tonight. ^^; Asako: "I appreciate that, after the last time she and the Commander--" Hibana: "Commander." -_-# huang: hello hibana. *nods* Asako: .w. *smiles at Hanako* ^^; "Let's let your mother and the Commander talk alone..." Hibana: "Still running the hospital?" huang: indeed. Hibana: "Huh. I see you saved Shinra from dying." huang: *nods* it's been pretty busy for all of us. Hibana: "Yes...which is why it's good to kick back a bit. What will you have to drink?" -elsewhere- Patty: "--and he bought me this shiny necklace!" vivian: how cute! ^u^ Patty: "I love what you did with your hair! Where'd you get it done?" vivian: i had a professional hair stylist from paris fly in to style my hair tonight! Patty: owo "Wooooooow...Kid once had pizza flown in from New York because I kept poking him with a stick!" Kishiri: "--and I'm telling you, the chicks are into tall guys. You feel me?" takeru: you're sure about that? b-but what if i step on them?! Kishiri: owo;;; "...Hey, man, I'm not judging your kinks--but I think you need to get their permission for that kind of thing..." takeru: i guess i should be careful of where i walk, then. ._.; Kishiri: "Yeah, you do that. But, um, I thought you were happy enough with Thompson over there, so you're probably not looking into other people..." takeru: ??? wait, i thought you were talking about baby chickens ._.;; Kishiri: "..." *pours another drink* "I'm gonna need this...Man, your kinks are _really_ messed up, bro." takeru: ?????? *confused* -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." tamaki:...*lean* Arthur: "..." *puts a hand on her shoulder* "Thanks." tamaki: no prob... Arthur: "...A lot has changed." tamaki: i can imagine... Arthur: "..." *looks at Tamaki* "...So have you." tamaki: *blush* Arthur: "..." *pats her hand, holds it* tamaki:...*hugs* Arthur: .\\\\. "..." *shakes a bit* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Fulham: *sipping water* pearl: enjoying yourself? Fulham: *shrug* "A'ight. Fine." pearl: im glad. Fulham: *nods* "You like it?" pearl: it's nice. ^^ Fulham: "Good...You dance?" pearl: sometimes. Fulham: "Interested?" pearl: a-as in right now? Fulham: "...I mean, it can be later?" pearl: r-right. ^^; -elsewhere-
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