#sophie and kugrash
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My unsleeping city illustrations! Available early on my Patreon!
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glassrooibos · 1 year
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Unsleeping City more like I DIDN’T sleep. Because I stayed up. Listening to it for so long.
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murph is so excited that emily axford mentioned his pc before his intro, look at him
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mundanemelusina · 2 years
I just really loved episode 12
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cringespace · 6 months
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highest ranking members of the do not serve club
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kinemikis · 5 months
My favourite moments from the d20 manchester live show in no particular order <3
For reference we had Murph as Barry Nyne, Emily as Sophie, Zac as Gorgug, Ally as Margaret Encino and Siobhan as Rowan Berry! And the setting was Neverafter?? Wild
Gorgug being SO confused and SO done the entire time
Sophie Bikes the hand sanitizer addict? but also a self help guru
The sunglasses.
Sophie flirting with Barry and also Margaret
The Gilear cameo!!
Annabelle hardcore flirting with Margaret, being confirmed to be a lesbian (idk this might have been confirmed before?) and then FUMBLING MARGARET BC SHE’S A NEPO BABY
Real life Brennan being briefly quangled into the neverafter to confirm that the end of a shoelace IS called an aglet
Sophie accusing Gorgug of being a 25 year old acting as a teenager (Riverdale style)
Rowan getting Quangled into the sugar plum fairy…
Aguefort confirming that Gorgug IS his arch nemesis and the only person that can kill him
I’m probably forgetting stuff but UGH this show was so so good. Basically they all got quangled into neverafter and had to defeat Snow White who was also Natalia Cicero from Starstruck Odyssey?? It was incredible honestly
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tilseptemberends · 1 day
I have so many thoughts about the new Time Quangle ep/live show so spoilers if you haven't watched it yet
I knew it! I knew Barry and Sophie would be cute! Now I've never written fanfic for Dimension 20 but I might have to now so I can immerse myself in a world where Barry adopts Ylfa and dates Sophie in New York City because that little family would be so freaking chaotic and wholesome
But also Gorgug being completely cut off from the Bad Kids hurt me 😭
The Hangvan being at like 3 HP the whole time? Hilarious.
But also Kug! Kugrash! Omg 🥹💕
Margaret referring to Rowan as Sophie's mom absolutely sent me
Glad we got to hear from Gilear, I love that pathetic elf man.
And the partial return of the "are you my dad?" bit with Gorgug and Rowan 😆😆😆
I have alot of feelings but God I love all these characters so much 💕
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aydaaaguefort · 9 months
In honor of fantasy high junior year starting soon and myself personally finishing starstruck, I’ve decided to do a PC favorites showdown for the intrepid heroes!
In round one, each poll will be for an individual season, then those winners will go up against each other in the final round!
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brennansedibledice · 1 year
Fun class swaps
Rewatching the unsleeping city s1 rn and had a fun idea
Pete: dream druid
Just imagine my boy as an all natural drug dealer, home grown shit that still is his gate into his role as vox
Kugrash: peace cleric
This version of kug focuses less on the animal aspect and more on his role as keeper of the homeless, how the bonds and connections of people fuel his magic
Kingston: sun monk celestial warlock
In this world I reimagined Kingston as a boxer rather then a nurse, still vox but uses the power of New York for much more hands on violence
Sophie: vengeance paladin
I feel like this doesn’t need a lot of explaining especially after she finds out about dales death
Ricky: glamour Bard
I mean, he’s Mr. Fucking March
Rowan: lunar sorc
I wanted Rowan to stay a cha spell caster and loved her interactions with the moon so I figured why not get magic from it
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wolftattoo · 5 months
kugrash and sophie bikes .
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lucitrix · 2 years
Not Alone this Christmas
Dimension 20 - The Unsleeping City
Platonic Pete/Sophia/Ricky
Happiest of holidays to @achilleean! This was my first @squealing-santa and I'm quite happy with how this turned out!! I hope you like it! <3
This takes place in the first season, just before the Christmas episode!
When Pete was awakened to the unsleeping city, he didn't expect to receive a party of new friends. Let alone, become so close to them.
However, with this friendship, he did not expect to be tickled this often. Though Pete would never complain.
With Ricky, it was playful. Two brothers wrestling around, pushing, prodding and pinching at each other.
With Sophia, it was mean, but in a big sister way. She would pin Pete to the floor, making good use of her manicured nails.
With the others, Kingston, Misty, and occasionally even Kugrash, it was quick. A speedy pinch or squeeze to the side or hip. Whenever his mind wandered during an important conversation, or his words wouldn't stop speeding out of his mouth, both of which were common experiences.
Christmas was coming, and for the first time in years, Pete had somewhat of a family to spend it with. As a gift, both himself and Ricky agreed to make the trip down to Staten Island, finally visiting the home of Sophie Bikes.
After a very sweet homemade meal, courtesy of the host, the three unlikely friends sat across a TV playing whatever shitty hallmark movie was on. The surprisingly large couch piled with pillows and blankets, they each found their own little spot. Though, eventually they found themselves together. Pete's head in Sophie's lap, his legs tucked under Ricky.
Pete took a moment to breathe it all in. He already had an invite to Kingston's Christmas dinner, but this was something special too. He wasn't alone. He was surrounded by people who cared for him, His eyes began to water as he thought over everyone.
"Woah Pete, you good?"
His eyes snapped back into focus, and towards the voice, meeting Ricky's worried gaze.
"Oh! Hey, yeah. I'm fine. I just..." Pete trailed off after looking up to his other friend, seeing Sophia's caring eyes also fixed on him.
There was a beat. Pete was not a man of fancy words.
"This is just... Really nice"
Another beat of silence. Pete mind had only a second to worry before his thought were interrupted by a quick squeeze right above his knee, followed by Sophia cooing at him.
Pete tried to flinch away, but quickly became aware that he was pinned under a man mad of pure muscle.
Sophie smiled down at the young man.
"Oh Pete, you're such a sweetie."
His face flushed a light pink at her words.
"I was worried something was wrong! Turns out you're just all mushy." Sophie's words slowly turned to a light teasing tone.
Yet another beat of nothing, until Sophie met Ricky's gaze. Then the giggling started.
"Wait! Wait guys! Nononono-AH!"
Loud laughter quickly flowed out of Pete, as fingers began to flutter and prod. Sophie ran her agonisingly ticklish nails over his neck, while Ricky resumed squeezing up his legs.
While they had both tickled him before, this was much more intense. Though, he didn't mind.
When Ricky continued his squeezes up to his sides, Pete had no idea what to do with his hands. He was stuck between prying Sophie's fingers from his neck, or trying to push Ricky off of him. Flustered, giggling, and his body weakening by the second, he only managed to cover his reddened face, which gave Sophie the opportunity to dig into his now unguarded armpits.
Pete near exploded with cackles, as Sophie's fingers drilled into him. His laughter occasionally broken by squeaks as Ricky picked new places to poke and pinch, a perfect tactic to keep him guessing.
Through most of the onslaught, Petes eyes were squeezed shut. When he did manage to look at his tormentors, he saw a kind fondness covered their faces, alongside their own laughter.
After a deep wheeze from Pete, the other two relented. Ricky rose and quickly returned with a glass of water, as Sophie gently pet Pete's head.
"You guys suck." Pete giggled out, sitting up and accepting the water. Sophie let out a dramatic gasp, but it was laced with a smile.
"Hey. We only do it because you like it." Ricky said, sitting back down.
Petes eyes snapped wide as he choked slightly on the water at Ricky's words, making Sophie squak out a laugh.
He looked between the two, and the flush that had since calmed down became to creep up his face yet again.
"I... Uh-" Pete struggled to form any words, his head still a fuzzy mess.
Sophie simply shrugged.
"I mean, you barely ever fight back. Do you really think I don't notice how often you initiate it?"
Ricky nodded in agreement. Almost every tickle fight, or every time Pete was pinned to the floor, was because he acted first. While Pete knew this, he had no idea they had caught on. In embarrassment, he buried his face in his hands, though not for long, as the two sat on either side both poked at his ribs, causing him to snap back up.
"If it makes you feel better, I don't think either of us would tickle you so often if we didn't enjoy it either" Ricky added.
Though it did make Pete feel a bit less embarrassed, it took a good while before his face returned to it normal hue. Especially considering the other two kept poking him throughout the night.
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propersydny · 1 year
good morning, more teen high defenders content for you :
hero not knowing she’s the chosen one and being told it either by a mayor acolyte or by the kiddads as they argue over whether or not it’s time to use her, and hero being so thrown and going to the other girls and having to be consoled ( which i think erica would do the best of while margarita shouted things about destiny being bullshit )
but also consider, if hero does know, then she’s the one helping jenny and stacy to get caught up in what is really going on bc margarita and erica already have been dealing with this shit for a minute ( like kingston and kugrash explaining things to pete and sophie a la unsleeping city )
either way, the girls all agreeing that destiny and prophecy are bullshit and no one can decide your path for you because if they did, what tragedies does that mean were meant to happen. like stacy and margarita would hate those ideal because that would mean their loved ones were suppose to die which is bullshit, and hero very much isn’t a fan of it, because she may be anime obsessed like taylor but she doesn’t have the same ideals as him about being a main character - she’s happy being the side character and doesn’t want a huge role, so being told that she is fated to go up against the doodler like, she will try and fight that with her last breath
i sit and i think about them
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entropyfolk · 2 years
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AI generated images of Sophie and Kugrash and Misty and Ricky
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capturethezephyr · 3 years
I was feeling angsty this morning so I listened to the Tallahassee album by the Mountain Goats. When it got to the infamous “No Children”, I came up with an idea for an Unsleeping City: Chapter 1 animatic. That song gets used a lot for animatics and honestly it fits almost any self-destructive character perfectly. If I had any skill in drawing or videos I’d make it but instead I’ll just write fucking long post going shot by shot of the imaginary animatic. 
The animatic would focus on Sofia and Kugrash because their relationship is one of my favorites from all of the Dimension 20 season. 
I hope that our few remaining friends Give up on trying to save us
There would be a title card and then go straight to a shot of Sofia cutting the lady’s hair from when we first meet her. The shot shows Sofia from the back, and then we see the micro-bangs accident. 
I hope we come out with a fail-safe plot To piss off the dumb few that forgave us
Bruce Kugrich is leaving his office with Grabiela Sinclair turning in tho the Fury of Anger, having just realized what Bruce had done. 
I hope the fences we mended Fall down beneath their own weight
Sofia throws a rock at a tree to scare the dear in her backyard away. She has a bottle of hard liquor in her hand.
And I hope we hang on past the last exit I hope it's already too late
Bruce having the spell cast on him, and Kugrash looking down at his paws for the first time.
And I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here Someday burns down And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away And I never come back to this town again
This entire stanza is just about Sofia. We see several shots of her burning down her house and the making its way to NYC, where Ricky catches a whiff and then swims ALL THE WAY TO STATEN ISLAND. We see the invisible servant, her lighting a match, the house on fire.
In my life, I hope I lie And tell everyone you were a good wife
We see a young David Kugrich holding a #1 Dad mug and throwing it on the ground. 
And I hope you die I hope we both die
Sofia talking to Isabella Infierno on the sidewalk with the David’s Bridal bag. We get a close up of Sofia crying, then a smiling Infierno. 
I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow I hope it bleeds all day long
Sofia is fighting a stranger in an alley. Then we see her at a bar, one of her bloody fists in a bucket of ice while the she drinks a Mike’s Hard with the other.
Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises We're pretty sure they're all wrong
Close-ups of all the Heroes of New York, all of them in a proud stance except for the last two of Sofia and Kugrash looking down in shame/sadness. 
I hope it stays dark forever I hope the worst isn't over
Kugrash running around in the sewers when he first became a rat. See him afraid, in danger, mad at himself.
And I hope you blink before I do And I hope I never get sober
Kugrash and Sofia walking from bar to bar together. We see Sofia, obviously drunk, taking a shot while chemically detangling Kugrash’s fur. Kugrash is doing his dance.
And I hope when you think of me years down the line You can't find one good thing to say And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out You'd stay the hell out of my way
Just Kugrash, baby. We see him at David’s house, holding up the letter he found while crying. The last few lines of the letter are visible. Bruce is pushing between a young Wally and David to get to the door of their house or apartment. 
I am drowning There is no sign of land You are coming down with me Hand in unlovable hand
Sofia and Kugrash are at Sofia’s home. Kugrash is in her room on the bed, just staring at the ceiling. The next shot is of Sofia on the couch, also staring up. We are suddenly at the fight against the American Dream. Sofia reaches out to Kugrash, who is starting to fly away. They grab each others hands but are pulled apart due to the wind and force of the storm.
And I hope you die I hope we both die
The battle is still going on, but Sofia is holding Kugrash in her arms as he becomes one with the universe/fades away. The Everything Bagel is in his limp arm with a bite taken out. Sofia covers him with her body, weeping.
It’s kinda all over the place, narrative-wise but I think it fits the characters that way. When I originally came up with this idea it was just about Sofia and Dale but the more I thought about the song it made me realize that it was more about her and Kugrash, the short journey they went on together.
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gigawatt-conduit · 3 years
What I expected from Dimension 20: some actors playing tabletop games and having a good time
What I got: a trans drug dealer maybe killed his dad for deadnaming?, A talking rat keeps saying that Santa got murdered, the coolest black dude in Harlem, a Broadway actress openly trying to fuck a satyr at a wedding, pigeons????? himbo firefighter just vibing, and Sophie Bicicleta
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More Unsleeping city- I based my Sophie Bikes off of an old photo of Fran Dresher, it seemed very fitting.
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