#sophie responds
lauriemarch · 10 months
and at the end of the day, people will still hate women.
because beyonce is a terrible songwriter who has a good body and nothing more and she's really nothing compared to olivia rodrigo, that stuck-up bitch who steals other people's music, but taylor swift is an old, bitter nothing who clearly hates other girls. and sabrina carpenter deserves to die because she followed her heart, not her brain, and that's exactly why zendaya will never be good enough for tom holland. don't forget about kylie jenner, who's stealing precious timothee's innocence away and dating her is like committing arthouse cinema suicide, or how we said the same thing about miley cyrus and her disgusting profanity, think of the children, poor liam hemsworth, trapped in a marriage with such a horrible woman. lana del rey was hot until she was big and she made trailerpark sexy until her ass got a little too fat. and ariana grande, talentless homewrecker, and selena gomez, jealous and unreasonable, and hailey bieber, even more boring than the blood drying on the knives you are so quick to pull. sophie turner is a bad mom and megan thee stallion deserved whatever was coming to her.
and amidst all of this, we still don't know these women. we cannot fathom the pain of having a public divorce, one where people choose sides and hurl insults at you until the battery on their phone dies. we don't watch them chase after sweet-cheeked children in tucked-away backyards or play board games with their best friends while their chests heave in laughter. we don't know their marriages and we don't know their solitudes. we don't watch them unravel themselves, time and time again, preparing for the battle that we have made of their lives. they can never make a mistake. they can never cry. they can never be who they believe themselves to be.
and we take all of this and we go to work, we ride the bus, we go grocery shopping, we walk in dappled sunlight, and we let ourselves shrivel. i compare myself to every body i see and i comfort in the fact that i can still encircle my wrists with my fingers. food turns to dust in my mouth when i think about the fact that taylor swift thinks she's fat and people still hate sabrina carpenter for sticking by joshua bassett's side when he almost died, for God's sake, and now the people on my twitter feed are saying GUTS is the worst album they've ever heard. i liked it, the tiny voice in my head cries out. she wrote songs that made me feel noticed. they're calling the song i relate to the most a total skip.
so i close the app. i try not to think about the endless profiles screaming about how much they hate a nineteen/thirty-two/thirty-eight/twenty-three/twenty-six/forty-two year old. i try not to think about how much they would hate me, if they knew anything at all.
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Omg Taylor Swift and kotlc
so i’ve always headcanoned that sophie was a swiftie before coming to the lost cities, but given the timeline i saw, it was probably taylor’s older music. her ipod probably has some classics like picture to burn and should’ve said no. she’s definitely a fearless gal at heart (*jumps off a cliff to teleport* “head first fearless”)
fitz feels like a red guy, purely from all the angry vibes we get from him. also the revenge side of reputation, which i know isn’t much but it still feels like something he’d scream his heart out to with mr. snuggles
keefe, however. buddy, you are a reputation guy. he’s such a hopeless romantic (in my head anyway) but like your mother wronged you? your father hates you? your crush is dating your best friend? *turns volume all the way up* THEY SAY I DID SOMETHING BAD *you kiss her* THEN WHY’S IT FEEL SO GOOD???? he’s also a ttpd guy because of the ✨ emotional damage✨
biana feels like a speak now girl. independent and she knows her own self worth!! also i feel like she’d be a good singer, so she could totally do the high notes in enchanted. and she’d definitely jam to better than revenge after nightfall!!
dex is probably evermore because they’re both getting forgotten (i’m sorry). also after the crush cuffs fail he’s sitting on a bench in coney island wondering where did his best friend go. that’s all because i need to stop 😭
tam. we may all think he’s a reputation guy, but he’s a total softie and a huge folklore stan. but i won’t sit here and tell you folklore is so light and happy! there’s some dark stuff on folklore, but also that “i know i miss you” kinda stuff. not to mention that element of always being there and watching (official tam cam activity)
linh however feels like a lover girl. i’m so sorry but she is a hopeless romantic 🩷 i love her. again there’s also the “i hope i never lose you” aspect. but she also just feels so happy and optimistic that i can’t not say she’s a lover girl.
marella feels like a midnights girl, and it’s not because of all the gossip and the song paris (ok maybe it kinda is). also her flavored air. that stuff has to be, like, kid-friendly smoking. she also gives off the vibe that she never sleeps.
stina is debut because i feel like i’d give her a country accent. (“so yer fearless moonlark ain’t got no plan, eh?” i’m so sorry.) and she SO gives off picture to burn and should’ve said no vibes! read: angry country
maruca gets 1989 for two reasons. a, we haven’t had a 1989 yet, and b, she just feels like the kinda gal who’d live in new york and be a city girlie. i don’t know that much about her so i’m sorry i feel like i didn’t do her justice 😭
*checks to make sure i didn’t miss anyone*
bored? send me an ask!
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grumpchump · 4 months
the idea of Savannah Reed hating the French is so damn funny and important. i think SophieGTV should make this canon immediately
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
a lot of fanfic takes place outside of the parameters of the story (obviously), but if you ever consciously think about how we have to reconstruct characters that don’t belong to us in ways in which they’re both recognizable to our audience and modified enough to reasonably fit the atypical environment of the story, making them both act like themselves and unlike themselves at the same time, while also being entertaining and telling a story, it’s a miracle we ever manage it at all
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captainmvf · 1 month
Would be nice to see Great Sage Sophie as a mermaid. :D
Ding ding ding! Great Sage Sophie the oarfish mer splashes in!
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Thank you for the suggestion!!
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sophiefostersno1stan · 6 months
how did mr forkle expect to start up sophie’s abilities when she was orgininally supposed to come to the lost cities when she was like 18-25. isn’t the cutoff age 15 or something
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sophiethewitch1 · 1 month
hiii! it's me again, your also fellow bare minimum supporter haha. unfortunately, ever since i sent that ask to you –it seems my own country is digging its own grave on it's own. uni is not only stressful but now i have to focus that i probably need.... to plan things out because,,,, things are not doing great? i have been researching more of the social issues in the world and there are two or three which kinda relates to my nation TT
dick and reader awkwardly talking with each other reminds me of those dogs who didn't how properly interact w/ a extrovert dogs because they are sooo social disaster. im giggling and all because I just know dick would flounder so bad in talking —it's a disaster bound to happen shhehwhwhw. it will be entertaining for sure, embarrassing yes, but fun! hshshshaha
but, hey, take your time writing! sometimes, words don't come out as easily, and it's fine for you to take your time and rest! have a lovely day to you <333
No dude you are sooooooooo correct dick is so nice and sweet and reader is just sweating a mile a minute desperate to be free from the confines of social interaction. she is a shaking chihuahua at her core
also thank you for waiting :') im getting back into the swing of things but i was so sick for a while it was just.... ughhh..... and you have a lovely day as well!!!
(also yeah, things around the world are seeming worse and worse... australia being involved in arms deals with isreal really disgusts me but all you can do is lobby and if physically able protest... and donate which im actually doing today!! gonna donate 50 bucks to the pcrf https://www.pcrf.net/ which if anyone reading this can, should check out too!! even if its only a dollar or two, any help counts!!!)
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
I honestly don’t know what Sophie’s deal was, I think she was always bitter that Sansa wasn’t a popular character and was clearly jealous of the attention Arya was getting but that isn’t an excuse to make those kinds of subtle digs at “women who act like men”. And the way her and Jessica Chastain talked about Daenerys was so unprofessional, gross, and rude.
I think that's the root of it. She let D&D hype her up and thought that she was going to become the most popular character after the storyline changes and it never happened. For as much as they increased her importance, she still wasn't getting stand-out moments like Daenerys and Arya. She resented other female characters specifically and constantly put them down which only made her look like a petulant child. Funny considering she was trying to cosplay as a feminist. Not to mention that's really her only popular role and unlike other actors on the show, she hasn't been doing much after the finale. The X-Men movies she was in flopped and her most relevant role in years was a 5-second cameo in a Netflix movie. So even now she's stuck desperately clinging to the popularity she once had and the bratty behavior that created her toxic fanbase. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🤷🏾‍♀️.
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thefanboyhub · 8 months
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YES. Like I get it, children are dumb but I wasn't that dumb back then— Then again I started writing and reading in an advanced way in like the 5th grade. But still—
You can dislike them to hell and back but you can never hate a well written character. I say this as someone who would slap Fitz into Timbuktu.
Also she's like the main fucking character???
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bandshirts-andbooks · 1 month
Babs!!! Just stopping by to say you're amazing and wonderful and I hope you have an incredible day!!
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prettywitchiusaka · 9 months
I'm not sure if you're aware of this book, Ben. It's an unauthorized look at Marvel Studios rise to power in Hollywood, of which you have played a part in.
I honestly have no idea what information this book contains, but I HOPE it talks about you and the "issues" you've been having with your "loving" wife (like her disrupting the shoot for DS1 while on location. We all know it happened, Ben. We all know it). If it becomes mainstream knowledge your wife is a self-absorbed leech whose's been sucking the life (and money) out of you than maybe, it might be the push you need to shake you out of your apathy. Because let's face it, it's not it's a well-kept secret in tinsel town, either.
At least I pray it does. You still have time to get out, Ben. And I want to believe you still can.
I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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tinadablackthorn · 3 months
thou art Sophie Foster
sorry anon but i dont think so
sophie doesnt have enough of a chaotic personality and thats a big part of me :)
apparently im more like canon (not fanon) tam, but i dont know cause i just started everblaze
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flippy-floppy · 8 months
ok thanks! 💕 the whole “iverson is kendall’s biological son” confuses me because it’s right there in the text that he actually isn’t. even accounting for roman’s provocation and w/e theory of reproduction logan might have postulated, the filing-cabinet guy bit and the randos comment are pretty straightforward. i don’t see the ambiguity at all tbh. now moving on to more personal interpretations, yessssss! Good Person doing a Good Thing and Feeling Good, i agree that kendall’s love for sophie is uncomplicated, but imho the same is true with iverson. not much self-reflection other than kendall asking himself if he’s Good or Bad and not wanting to be the father his father was. and if iverson is “half rava” but not kendall’s, can you imagine the implications? this child is rava’s, she carried him for 40 weeks, she’s known him for longer than kendall has. but sophie!!! “bianca won’t let me feed megathump a piece of my bagel” because sophie Knows she’ll get what she wants / “soph! open up!” when kendall demands that sophie open the car door in church and state, because she’s his daughter! he’s manipulative, he’s insane, he thinks his girl has his back. i think that logan, paradoxically, interacts with iverson because he’s the one that needs fixing, the one that needs to be consoled after kendall almost drowns. kendall is so out of touch with his authority as a father, his mere physicality as a man, that he doesn’t even realize that, together with logan, he’s the one forcing his son to partecipate in the food-tasting mindfuck. i think that he simply doesn’t know what to do with a boy lol, it doesn’t come naturally to him, just like every other single thing he’s supposed to do and be
[referencing this post 🙂]
the OP isn't saying he thinks that's what the text is intending, he's just talking about how he enjoys the narrative situation it would create and the character implications that come from that haha
it's more like, Well, what if xyz? What happens then? which is fun!! its fun to think about all the little possible variations of character and how they would impact the narrative in different ways!
all that to say: I do also think Iverson not being Kendall's is interesting too! like. Logan is very obsessed with the idea of modern dynasty and legacy and Kendall spending his whole life the heir apparent is Very Aware of that fact and how much it would hurt his position to not be a father. so for Kendall, the struggle to have kids and seeking out alternate methods of parenthood feels like an enormous personal failure and is obviously a great source of shame for him -- Like. it is so upsetting to him that he physically assaults Roman for bringing it up as a mark against him lol
imo Kendall's relationship to fatherhood is very. emblematic of the way he views his relationship to Logan: Kendall wants to Be Logan, wants to be what's expected of him and follow in his footsteps, and when he's unable to do so he seeks out alternate paths and convinces himself that it's not the result of a failure of expectations but because he's actually Better Than Logan.
So-- he wants to have kids and create a hereditary dynasty because that is what his dad wants. He is unable to do so. He seeks out adoption and IVF and convinces himself that this is what Modern Parenting looks like and he is doing a Good Thing by parenting this way and Logan just doesn't get it because he is the past and Kendall is the future. But in his heart, he knows. He's ashamed.
I think that disconnect creates a mental barrier for Kendall and keeps him distant from his kids, so there's no real emotional connection between them beyond a superficial level: they are his kids so he loves them. You're supposed to love family, so he loves them.
and i think you're right that Kendall is closer to Sophie, but i feel that has more to do with Iverson's autism than anything else really. i think Sophie's the more "accessible" kid for Kendall to talk to bc of that, so she's easier to connect with in kendall's mind, which could be why he reaches out to her after being rejected by rava in church and state
With Iverson I think Kendall sees him as like. a Kid With a Disability and so is focused on ensuring his material needs are met, that he's ok, that he's not under duress, etc, that he never really thinks to like. connect with him as an individual. which I think is true with Sophie too to some extent. like I think he genuinely believes that because he gets the kids whatever they want (ex. a rabbit) he is being a Good Dad
and yes with Logan I pretty much agree. like I think he just ignores them for the most part because he doesn't really view them as "his" but occasionally Iverson will stick out to him in a way where he's like, "I know how to fix this situation and Kendall and Rava are just unable/unwilling to do it the way I see is the Right Way." i have more thoughts on logan but they're all a bit incoherent so I will leave it at that I think
ty anon!!
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jewishbarbies · 9 months
I’m so sick of hearing about Joe and Sophie’s divorce. none of this is any of our fucking business, and the answer to one party making it public is not to make it even more fucking public and argue through court docs and calculated pr moves. it’s 2023. have we really not learned that we don’t know celebs at all? with all the predator/abuser reveals lately, saying you’re “team Sophie” just because you liked her character on got is fucking insane. there are no sides. it’s a couple’s fucking divorce. all these damn twitter/tiktok accounts getting into it like it’s their morning tea at the office after a long weekend are fucking sick and fueling these disgusting and pointless pr stunts. we don’t know these people and there are actual children involved. grow the fuck up.
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readingloveswounds · 2 months
procrastinating writing an actual paper for an actual conference by looking at cfps for next year
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The Long Awaited Sophie Response
Here we are again, pissed to the point that my system lets me make a bitchy post.
To start, I am an alter of the system that runs the oopsallsyscourse blog. The one that made that wonderful, “performative” DNI banner. The one that “spread misinformation about you.” The one that had so much fun with voter fraud. We are not anti-endo. We are endo-critical, a fact we have stated over and over again. We believe in endogenic plurality.
For the sake of readability and system responsibility, I will refer to all system actions as if I did them. 
Let’s start with the context here, why did I even make that dni banner in the first place? Well that story was lovingly detailed in my last post about you.
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Said post can be found here, but here’s screenshots for those who don’t want a new window.
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This was followed by her continuously debating comments made on the post despite being blocked.
So no, this wasn’t a performative dni banner or an attempt to harass her but an actual boundary due to all others being ignored. Didn’t matter too much anyway as she screenshotted and mocked said dni, as seen here. (And yes, I made the mistake of not double checking she was blocked on my syscourse blog, sue me).
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Sophie then goes on to reframe this as “defending herself from libel and defamation,” while arguing that all's fair when I attack her and her followers. But let me ask you, fair readers? Where exactly is said defamation. Out of the two posts she screenshotted I made exactly two claims; Sophie spreads misinformation, and she talks over cdd systems. The latter can easily be proven looking at the first screenshot given. As far as misinformation, if you spent even 5 minutes looking into her, you’d find the long list of syscoursers that have debunked her claims. If you haven’t, I recommend taking a trip down memory lane in the sophiecourse tags for some.
Now with that lovely context out of the way let’s start to unpack Sophie’s delightful rant, particularly the sections about us.
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Now I don’t think we need to address the first paragraph as I have already talked about it. However, let’s unpack the second.
“that's a thing that anti-endos took the time to make and spread around”
“anti-endos consider screenshotting a post with no identifying information "interaction"  when someone else does it, but giant hate banners with the name and avatar of a blog is apparently completely okay”
Sophie, you realize this is the action of one endo-critical system that really hates you, right? Like this isn’t a hate mob attacking you as you’re lovingly trying to frame it. This is one system using a banner they made of you to get you to leave them alone. Literally no one else is using it. But hey, whatever gives you an excuse to block evade other people.
Now onto the voter fraud. At approximately halfway through the polls, I was losing to you. Given our history as detailed above, I was very upset by this. So our wonderful partner decided to make over 50 tumblr accounts to skew the vote in my favor (the exact count is unknown because they simply went that hard). As funny as this was for a goofy tumblr poll (I cannot emphasize this enough), I did feel rather bad about it and told the poll hoster hours before the poll ended and agreed to be disqualified the next day. The follow up poll where I was let back in, happened because the voter fraud made people laugh and cheered up their day. This wasn’t some anti-endo conspiracy against you.
Lastly, I want to point out this fun bit of misinformation in your post. You claimed that the poll that let me back into the brackets, “was reblogged by many anti-endo blogs.” Now, I look into it and out of the 7 blogs that reblogged that post, only 2 were anti endo. Sophie that’s not even 30% of, and let me repeat this, 7 people. If this doesn’t prove you’ll easily skew facts to fit your narrative I don’t know what will.
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