butchdykenormallen · 7 months
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hello fanartist. in front of you is a character who is canonically fat, and mentioned to be fat in the media. you have 30 seconds to explain to me why you've drawn them skinny and box shaped without saying "its my style," "i don't know how to draw fat people," or "i didn't know they were fat" before i push you onto the landmine behind you. the timer starts now.
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veryaren · 30 days
something is coming. hint hint.
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memoriesofthingspast · 3 months
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zeno’s paradox - 9 - sorites paradox - eubulides of miletes
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i just realized i never posted this which is messed up i love Bammy so much
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mremusings · 5 months
Conundrums of Consciousness: Navigating the Mind-Bending World of Philosophical Paradoxes
Philosophical paradoxes, challenging perceptions and pushing intellectual boundaries. Explore conundrums such as the Ship of Theseus and Schrödinger's Cat, revealing the complexities of existence and prompting reflection on uncertainty.
Welcome, curious minds and intellectual adventurers, to our exploration of the most intriguing puzzles known to human thought—philosophical paradoxes. These are not just your average brain teasers; they are the mental gymnastics that philosophers, scholars, and the perpetually puzzled have wrestled with for centuries. Imagine trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube in pitch darkness, where each twist…
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at first you think studying logic will be logical.
then you find yourself crying over grains of sand and wondering at which point they can be classified as a heap of sand.
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
It’s Vellah Monday
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roetrolls · 2 years
My sprite making process varies wildly depending on the character, but I almost always start the same general way: Sketching the base and any poses/outfits I plan on adding, then drawing a couple extreme expressions for a general idea of the range I need to be able to create
Heading to bed, but here’s planning phase Bigby!!
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Bigby’s an interesting one because I’m going to have a lot of freedom to play around with his eyes
For the sake of efficiency, I usually give my characters around 2 eye shapes max, since I usually like them to be able to look in a lot of different directions, and that can end up with a lot of layers and a lot of work.
But one of Bigby’s character quirks involves him looking almost exclusively to his left when he’s trying to avoid eye contact (which is often)
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chowtrolls · 2 years
So Dia, do you still think Pae is the worst commanding officer you could have been assigned to?
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“I have a clinic. With little to no supervision.
…There’s strings attached, somewhere. I just haven’t found them yet. But I will. Eventually.”
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Sorites Paradoksu Nedir?
Sorites Paradoksu Sorites paradoksu, bir dizi adımın her biri küçük bir değişiklik içeren bir argüman kullanılarak ortaya konulan bir mantık paradoksudur. Bu paradoksa “sorites” ismi, Yunanca’da “küçük kum yığını” anlamına gelir. Temel olarak, belirsizlikle ilgili bir sorun yaratır. Örneğin, bir kişi kum tanelerini biriktirerek bir yığın oluştursun. Tek tek bir kum tanesi eklemekle yığının ne…
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sufimuda · 5 months
Supartono atau akrab di sapa dengan Mbah Tono adalah orang paling bahagia karena masuk kedalam salah seorang calon jamaah Haji yang berangkat tahun 2024 ini. Mbah Tono berprofesi sebagai pemulung dengan pendidikan tidak tamat SD. Bukan seorang yang kaya apalagi dapat warisan, dari profesi sebagai pemulung dengan penghasilan sangat kecil dan tidak menentu, dia menyisihkan penghasilannya tiap hari.…
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bibliophile78 · 5 months
The sorites paradox is so interesting. It's essentially the question of, "At what point does a pile stop being a pile?" Like, if I have a pile of sand right next to me, and it's made up of 10 million grains of sand, is it still considered a pile of sand if I take away one grain? Well, duh, of course it is! What about if I take away another grain? Sure, still considered a pile. And how about another grain of sand? Yup, still considered a pile. You can see where I'm going with this....
And do you know what my mind does with this? It makes all about me and my own worthlessness.
There are eight billion people on this planet. If you take one person away, will human society stop functioning? No. Now apply the logic of sorites to it.
Hence, I don't matter. At all.
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iwasntfree · 8 months
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Slow process but soon...
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popolodipekino · 1 year
entimemi e soriti
- Monsieur d'Auge, dit Cidrolin, écoutez donc ces enthymèmes pour ne pas dire ce sorite. Si ce cheval comprend le langage humain, il est donc fort intelligent. S'il est intelligent, il a déjà deviné ce qu'il en est. D'autre part, s'il est intelligent, il est bon et, s'il est bon, il aura de l'indulgence pour une simple étourderie de votre part et cela ne saurait ternir votre amitié. Et se tournant vers Sthéne, Cidrolin ajouta: - N'est-ce pas, Sthéne? Sthène sourit, un peu tristement, et encensa. - Brave Démo, dit le duc. da R. Queneau, Les fleurs bleues
[trad. - Signor d'Auge, disse Cidrolin, ascoltate dunque questi entimemi, per non dire questo sorite. Se questo cavallo comprende il linguaggio umano, allora è molto intelligente. Se è intelligente, ha già capito com'è andata la cosa. D'altra parte, se è intelligente, è buono e, se è buono, saprà perdonare una piccola sbadataggine da parte vostra, che non può rovinare la vostra amicizia. E volgendosi verso Sthène, Cidrolin aggiunse: - Giusto, Sthène? Sthéne sorrise, un po' tristemente, e scosse la testa. - Bravo Démo, disse il duca. da R. Queneau, I fiori blu]
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 months
why do so many captchas feel like they go "please click the first image that depicts a heap" and then they show u a sorites sequence
or more like, "click all squares containing [type of object whose boundaries are inherently vague]"
is this like the thing where if u tell a robot a "paradox" (usually meaning: the Liar), theyre supposed to explode? thats what im choosing to believe now. and they say philosophy has no practical applications!
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