#sorrel is tired of you bitches
selfshippinglover · 10 months
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Here's a pic of my Sona for reference and I'll try to draw up a Marty(my Morty OC) one soon: (commission by: (sorrel paws)
i am scared but i am desperate! Time to punch my anxiety into outer space! Fuck it I wanna rp! Rick and Mortty time! Any characters! I don't have a Rick OC but I have a Morty one I'd love to develop :D Love to use my insert! Every Rick ever my beloved! Oc's and other self inserts very welcome! Let's explore the multiverse together :)
i'd prefer to use pm/dms since it's all in one spot and easier to keep track of. Can rp on here or Discord.
Know that I'm working part time so answer times will vary but I have the next two days off so I'm very avaliable rn!
Feel free to just dm/pm if you're interested!
Morty Oc details below:
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~ Pronouns: He/ They Xe/Xem
Sexuality: Pansexual demiboy with more of an attraction to men
~Age: 20(present)
Family: Rick(dead) Summer(dead) Beth, Space Beth, Jerry, Uncle BirdPerson
Dimension: RK-977
Backstory: A normal Morty all things considered. Has a space grandpa that drives him nuts, goes on adventures, and ends up in a big stand off with the Intergalactic Feds. Things go wrong and people get hurt leaving him and the survivors of his family running throughout multiverse as wanted fugitives.
Family relationships:
Rick: There were ups and downs, bad nights because of alcohol and drugs, and some fucked up things here and there but Rick always put Marty first and has "died" numerous times for his sake. They didn't always see eye to eye on things but his love for Marty was never in doubt. Believes there's no one that can replace his Grandpa Rick.
Summer: A bitch of a sister but one hell of a partner. Marty and Summer were often tasked with taking care of one another on adventures as well as tag teaming. They fought on and off and generally kept a distance at school, Summer did her best to raise Marty despite the circumstances.
Jerry: He and Marty are talking and seeing one another occasionally. He got a divorce with Beth and has been living on his own sense. Stays in that shitty apartment taking odd jobs here and there while trying to make time for his kids. He still has some feelings for Beth but doesn't do anything about it since Beth seems to have moved on. He hopes that he can be a better father to his kids, and maybe even a friend to Beth.
Beth: Divorced Jerry awhile back and went to work taking care of the kids herself, Beth has been doing the best she can do. Jerry can't usually pay the child support so she's stuck working full time at the horse hospital. Tired, hurt, starting to get a drinking habit, and in fear of losing her kids love, she spends as much time with them as she can and leaves Rick to care for them when she can't. She's still processing the divorce and trying to figure out what she wants amidst the war.
Space Beth: A Beth that has been with the Resistance for years before meeting Marty, she ends up on the Smith families doorstep while laying low. despite being there for a short time, she quickly takes a liking to Beth and her family. She is the reason that they end up being pulled into the Feds line of sight in the first place. She's spent most of her life fighting and she continues you to with the addition of the Smiths.
Uncle BirdPerson/BP: Another Resistance member and one of the first to join in the efforts, Marty met BP through Space Beth. They started out on uneasy terms since they just crashed on some strangers couch for awhile to hide from the FEDs. Come to find out, he knew Marty's grandfather and was friends with him when they were younger. Deciding he's trustworthy, he adopts BP as an Uncle figure and frequents his house. BP ends up telling Marty everything he went through with his grandfather and grows close to him.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
so sa and rape victims can’t even cope without y’all getting all butt hurt about it????
if you think writing noncon is trivializing rape then you need to get off the fucking internet and learn to tell the difference between FICTION and REALITY. you’re allowed to be uncomfortable with noncon fics, but shaming them when so many of the writers are victims of sa and rape trying to feel as if they have control in a situation like that is gross.
also yall talk about it trivializing rape, but y’all are completely okay with stepcest. by your own logic, you’re trivializing stepcest in your fics, but you don’t think that because you’re able to tell the difference between FICTION AND REALITY.
just block the fucking tag and ignore and don’t fucking read. it’s literally that simple.
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
If you’re taking requests, maybe something about Doux finding the reader absolutely delirious from lack of sleep? I may or may not have gotten literally any sleep last night and although I managed to get through my morning routine pretty efficiently I FEEL my body just wiping out. I will be comatose within the hour.
Sleep, Darling | Hisirdoux Casperan x Reader
Plot:  you’ve been awake for too long and it is not doing you any favours.  Thank god for punk wizards who care about your wellbeing, amirite lads?  (Also, the pure Irony that this is getting posted at like, 2:40 am where i am, rip me i guess)
Word Count: 2,292
Warnings:  A bit of blood is mentioned in passing, the reader isn’t human and probably has adhd or smthn.  Also, Friends is mentioned, like, the tv show, so that’s a thing!
A/N:   if you look closely, you can actually see me projecting onto this one.  I hope you got some sleep anon.
Tags:   @furblrwurblr @einahpetsyarcip @sorrels-scribbling @anxious-stitcher @alive-and-afraid @animedweeb333 @douxiesdamsel @saroski05
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Time isn’t real.  It’s a social construct made to bring order to the general chaos that is human existence.  That was why you were up at 5 a.m for the second, maybe third, night in a row.  Was it healthy?  Probably not, but you didn’t need sleep, you needed answers.  Answers to what?  Who knows at this point, honestly.
You couldn’t say you were surprised when you finally noticed the late, or early hour.  You just shrugged it off and went “fuck it, all-nighter,” which was fine for the moment.  But time’s a bitch, and that moment was over pretty fast.  By noon, you were ready to collapse.  The three cups of coffee did not help.  Instead, they made you vibrate at a frequency that could quite possibly break glass.  As much as this sucked for you, it was worse for your lovely friend and co-worker, Hisirdoux Casperan.
Now, our boi Douxie was and is madly in love with you, but shhh, it’s a secret.  You also love him, and that’s a secret too.  Neither of these secrets are well kept, and the only reason you aren’t together is general stupidity.  Literally, anyone else who watches the two of you interacting can tell that you're in love.  Hell, half the town assumes you’re together already.  The other half keeps trying to get you together.  It is not working very well.  But that’s all a digression.  What you really need to know is that Douxie loves you and watching you suffer from a lack of sleep was Not A Pleasant Experience.  You were delirious, shaky, and constantly off-balance.  You could work well enough, but it was clear that your health was not in the same zone.
The final straw came when you cut your hand on broken glass.  You’d dropped a cup, and instead of using magic, you’d tried to fix the mess by hand.  That plan did not work, and you received a bloody slash across your palm for your troubles.
“Ah.  Fuck,” you said, thinking you were whispering but instead speaking at a normal volume.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“‘S nothing, I’ve got it,” you did not got it, especially not in this state, and Douxie had the good sense to figure that out.  The blood was a pretty good hint though.
“Oh, fuzzbuckets.”
“I told you, I’m toooootally fine, there is nothing to worry about.”
“Here, (Y/N), let me help you-”
“No, no, this is, this is-” it was then that your sleep-deprived brain decided to cut off your train of thought and replace it with another, more chaotic train.  You stopped talking and just stared at Douxie for a solid minute.  Or at least it felt like a solid minute.  Time isn’t real, remember that.
“(Y-Y/N)?  You alright there, darling?”
“You’re really cute, did you know that?  Like… really cute.  Steve was right, you could be a model.”
“Also, just gonna put it out there, I freakin’ love it when you call me darling.  Like, I know you call most people darling, but it makes me feel special.  Don’t ask why, it just does.”
Douxie wasn’t planning on asking why.  He wasn’t really planning on anything.  Your sleep-deprived half-confession had turned him from a capable individual into a blushing mess in less than a second.  You always had that effect on him, but it looked like your exhausted state was giving you a bit of an edge.
“Oh, sorry, I made it weird.  Anyway, do you think if I brewed my next coffee with Monster instead of water it would wake me up?   Because I’m still tired, and it isn’t fun.”
“I- you- I’m-”
“I think I might try it, honestly.”
“Ok, how about you don’t do that,”  Archie said, swooping in, literally and figuratively, to save the day, “Douxie, can you please get (Y/N)’s hand patched up?  It looks quite painful and they’re dripping blood onto the carpet.”
You were, in fact, dripping blood onto the carpet.  That wasn’t good, “Oh, that’s- I’m sorry.”
“Don’t fret, just go do something about that hand,” with that, Archie smacked Douxie upside the head in an attempt to snap him out of his flustered state.  It was super effective!
“Ahh, yeah.   C’mon, (Y/N), let’s,,, go,,, fix,,, that.”
“Ok,”  you stood, too tired to protest, and followed Douxie into the back of the bookstore, which was literally just his apartment.  
It was a nice place.  Very cozy, very him.  It made you want to curl up and take a nap, but to be fair, literally everything made you want to curl up and take a nap at the moment.  Regardless, his home made you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside and you never wanted to leave it.  Maybe it was the interior decorating, but you knew it was because your favourite person lived there.  What you didn’t know, or didn’t realize, was that you’d just spoken your entire thought process out loud and Douxie heard every word of it.  Once again, the boy was a blushing mess.  If you were awake enough to process things, you would have found it cute.  Or you’d be dead from embarrassment, that one is a bit of a toss-up.
Fighting through his flustered state, Douxie pulled you into the bathroom and collected a first aid kit from under the counter.  While he focused on getting things done, you curled into a ball in his bathtub.  For some reason, your exhausted brain decided that sitting on the edge of the bathtub simply did not Vibe™ but sitting inside the tub was better than nothing, and so you just,,, curled up there.  Douxie was only a little surprised to see you there.
“D’you remember that time on Friends when Winona Ryder played a closeted lesbian?  That was a fuckin’ trip, man.”
“(Y/N), darling-”
“That whole episode is just- it’s just strange.”
“Hehe, Stranger Things.”
“(Y/N), love, I need to see your hand.”
“Oh, fuck, yeah, I forgot.  Here,” you sat up, extending your hand out to the wizard.  He took it, sitting on the edge of the bathtub which was fine for him to do, I guess.  Not you though, you were stuck in bathtub jail for sleep deprivation crimes.
You squinted up at his face as he tended to the nasty scratch you’d given yourself.  You didn’t have the capacity to focus on what he was doing, so instead you focused on him.  He was pretty, as you’d said before, but that was always true.  At that exact moment, his brows were furrowed in concentration, his eyes concerned and his jaw set.  His hands were steadier than yours could ever hope to be, especially since you hadn’t been sleeping.  Overall, he looked kind of mad, so you sunk down into your bath-prison, silent and waiting for him to finish so you could get back to work.
Douxie was not mad at you.  He was upset that you hadn’t been sleeping, but he wasn’t mad.  He was just worried for your health.  Your wizard did not appreciate seeing you shaking and sleep-deprived.  He didn’t appreciate it when your current state led you to injure yourself, either.
He wrapped up your hand and gave it a small pat, “Done.  Now, come on, you’re taking a nap.”
His voice surprised you.  It was gentle, calm, not at all angry like you’d suspected.  You found yourself so lost in it that you didn’t realize what he’d said until he said your name, trying to snap you out of whatever haze you were in.
“Oh, wait, what?  No, shit, I have to get back to work-”
“No, you need sleep.”
“Sleep is for the weak, I need to go-” you stood and almost fell over.  You probably would have broken something if Douxie didn’t catch you.  You hadn’t exactly expected to end up in his arms today, and despite the heat rising in your face and neck, you were not complaining.
“I’m sorry, Douxie, I-”
“You need to sleep.  Please, (Y/N), don’t make me use a spell on you.”
You froze for a second before a smirk crept onto your face, “You wouldn’t.”
“You wouldn’t use a spell on meeeeee-” the smirk grew into a full smile as you let yourself go limp, forcing him to move his hands to support you better and pull you closer to him.  Was that your plan?  Maybe.  Was it part of a second, bigger plan?  Also yes.
“You wanna bet?”
“I-” and then he went silent.  There was a moment of tension where you just stared into each other’s eyes, holding your breath to see what the other person would do.  Your gaze fell to his lips as his fell to yours.  For that moment, your thoughts began to wander far out of your control.  Douxie’s mind was also running rampant but in a different direction.  You were right, he thought.  He couldn't use magic on you.  As far as he knew, you were a human.  Just a mortal being who crawled their way into his life and stayed there, improving the quality of it greatly.  If there was even the slightest chance that a spell may have negative side effects, which most sleep spells did, he wouldn’t dare risk it, especially not on you.  He sighed, tightening his grip on your waist, “You’re right.”
“What?”  Oop, plan going sideways, PLAN GOING SIDEWAYS!
“I’m- not going to use magic on you,” he helped you to stand, and moved to take a step back before you grabbed his hoodie and pulled him back to you, ignoring the sharp sting in your hand.
“Ok, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hang on there wizard boy-” you took a moment to pull yourself out of the bathtub entirely, “You can’t give up that easily.”
“Come onnnnnn, make it fun, make it exciting.  Put a spell on me or whatever, just-” you went quiet for a second, but for once you weren’t distracted.  Just quiet.  You had to face facts.  Your plan had failed, and now you had nothing but the truth.
“Just make my brain stop.  For just two seconds.”
“Please.  I’m running on a motor and I can’t stop myself.  I haven’t slept and I have no choice in the matter.”
“Look, just, take away my free-will if you have to.  Knock me out, magic or otherwise, I just want five seconds where I’m not on hyperdrive,” you were standing on your own now, though Douxie’s arms were still wrapped around you and you hadn’t let go of his hoodie, “Please.”
The bathroom was silent for a minute.  It took that long for Douxie to process what you’d just said.  You feared, for that moment, that you’d said too much.  You hadn't.  Not to him, anyway.
“Come on.”
“Come on,” he said, picking you up, effortlessly sweeping you off your feet.
“Wait, what!?” your voice was slightly more frantic, surprise lacing through your words.
“There’s more than one way to get a person to sleep.”
He didn’t respond to your question, instead, he carried you out the door and into what you could only assume was his room.  You had no choice but to wrap your arms around his neck and cling to him for dear life until he set you down on the bed.
“Stay here, okay?  I’m going to make you some tea-”
“Wait!” you stopped him, grabbing his wrist as he turned to leave, “I’m… I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry, my darling,” he sat in front of you on the bed, “You just need to get some sleep, okay?”
“But what about-”
“I’ll cover your shift, you don’t need to worry.”
“Just rest, for now, love.  Please.”
“Ok,” your words were a whisper, something that Douxie could only just hear.  The next thing though, he didn’t have to strain to hear at all, “Yeah.  I meant what I said earlier, by the way.  You’re so pretty, it isn’t fair.”
He laughed at this, at you, finally seeing some humour in your shenanigans.  He relaxed now knowing that you may actually get some much-needed rest.  He stood, kissing your forehead and tracing the side of your face with a hand, rough from guitar strings and 900 years of sweeping.
“Worry not, love, you’re pretty too.”
“Hey, wait-”
“Don’t ‘hey, wait,’ me.  You are.  Now lie down, I’ll be back in a second.”
A smile crept onto your face as you followed orders.  Your emo wizard man thought you were pretty.  And he cared enough about you to let you sleep during work hours, in his home, no less.  You let yourself relax into the bed, grinning once again.  It smelled like him, like thyme and peppermint, lemongrass and sleep.  It was nice, comforting.  You could only vaguely think of Douxie as your brain finally took a fuckin breather.  It was everything you needed, honestly.
By the time Douxie came back, you were long gone, lost to your dreams and finally asleep.  He sighed a smile that matched yours on his face.  He placed the cup of tea on the bedside table before grabbing a blanket out of his closet and draping it over you.  You looked so peaceful.  Good.  You deserved some peace every now and then.
He took the cup and left you, brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes as he did.  After making his exit, he placed the still-hot tea on the counter, disregarding it for now before returning to the bookshop.
“How are they?”  his familiar asked, tail twisting in concern.
He gave a final fond look at the door before returning to business, “They’re just resting.”  And for once, you were.
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luquid · 3 years
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a view of you in the hallway
[ transcript under ]
summer rolls over in her slumber and it’s august; mid-august. you can’t get him out of your head, that sowilo born eater of the tire tracked sky. (he’s like the sun on a beach, that son of a bitch.) sitting in the backseat, you pass a dead deer in the road and kiss your own palm softly. the clouds are swaying in place and your mouth doesn’t feel right, mint-cold and teethburnt. stretching your spine out, you begin remembering your dreams, against your will. a woman laughing; bites of a strawberry moon; a chase where he was a lion and you a hyena (a cycle of eating alive) & another where you were the bird to his window (oh, how you fall); ghosts ghosts ghosts everywhere. maybe the last bleeds into the time where your eyes are open—you’ve been seeing dead ladybugs on leaves growing out of cracks in the tennis court and stepping on skeletons of crabs on the beach. (your own bones will become lily seeds as you’re thrown off the ledge.) 
everytime your parents go to pick up dinner, you half-hope they’ll get in an accident so you’ll have an excuse to feel this way. (the red light is run and you are flying.) you keep dreaming of your dad holding your hand as you cross the street, while you grasp in your other fingers a plastic bottle filled with potion made from the recipe: a fistful of wood sorrel pickled in puddle water, dirt picked from under your nails + stars plucked from the firmament, & the first notes of a drinking song. on your tongue, you carry another: made of hands (bloody + bonebroken), the pit of a mango + peel of a lychee, & feathers of a fledgeling. (who knows? maybe the air inside his lungs is all you have left to breathe.) every place you run this summer is in attempt to go home.
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manontrashbeak · 5 years
Chosen (KayaxThea)
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“The heir is picking her coven today.”
“I heard she already did.”
“Well, we know who her Second will be.”
“The green-eyed twins and two Shadows for sure, probably her cousins.”
“But who else?”
“Probably Sorrel, no matter how stupid she is, she can fight.”
Thea has never heard her peers so nervous. She didn’t partake in the discussion knowing she had no hope of being one of Manon Blackbeak’s sentinels. Her mother, dead now, was a maid, which decided Thea’s destiny of being a low-ranking sentinel, spending her time washing dishes. She would be sorted into a coven but only be with them in times of war, otherwise she would be in the Keep, working for the upper ranks.
Walking out of the witchlings part of the Keep, she heads toward her shift in the kitchens. She didn’t know the big deal of being in a coven, sharing your entire life with twelve other witches. She never would.
“Your late,” the head witch of the kitchen, her aunt, says as she walks in. Her aunt was her main source of family, and she raised her after her mother’s soft heart had been ripped from her chest.
“Sorry, the other witchlings were gathered in circles.”
“Aw, yes, I heard the heir is choosing today,” her aunt says while cutting carrots. She looks over to her and says, “Your not expecting to be picked, right? Don’t get your hopes up for something that will never happen.”
Her aunt didn’t say it to be mean, or cruel, but to make sure she truly wouldn’t be let down if a nobody witch wasn’t chosen. “Don’t worry, I have no want or need to be in the heir’s coven. Seems like a lot of work,” she smiles at her aunt who smiles back. Her aunt hadn’t raised her like the others, but than again, none of the working witches were quite like the other Blackbeaks. They smiled and laughed and were family for the most part, bonding over the snobby upper-ranks. Her mother just laughed at the wrong time and was killed the next day.
“Would you believe that the heir is really old enough to be choosing?”
“I feel like she was just running around, white hair unbound.”
Thea took up cutting the other vegetables with her aunt and listened to the older witches talk about the heir. Manon Blackbeak, granddaughter of the High Witch, and future heir of the Blackbeak Clan, was beautiful and cruel and... something else. Thea had never spoken to her, keeping with the other low ranks, but she was in her age group. She was raised not with her, but by her. She’d seen her coming back with her first broom and just a few weeks ago with a Crochan heart and a red cloak on. She’d prepared herself for the inevitable crunching sound of her peers heart being ripped out for wearing their eternal enemies color, but it did not come.
Thea starts a mental list of who will be apart of the heirs coven. Asterin and Sorrel for sure. They were the ones she spoke to the most. The demon twins, as most called them, probably for their cunning and terrifying personalities. Her other cousins trained since birth to hide in the shadows. Lin, or Linnea, for her ability to rip a witches face off. The rest was up for debate. Vesta and Asterin were what seemed like friends and had similar personalities so her cousin might choose Vesta as a Fourth.
Thea got to washing the mornings dishes when a certain blonde walked in. Not Asterin, but someone worse. Kaya Blackbeak was terrifying to Thea in a different way, but still a way that could end in her dying, whether that be hyperventilating or chest problems. Thea Blackbeak wasn’t like her other peers in the way that they were so excited for their first outing that resulted in the initial fucking and ripping out of the male’s heart, as was tradition for a Ironteeth’s sixteenth birthday. She was always interested in only one witch. A witch who seemed to be more excited for her sixteenth birthday than anyone else.
Kaya could very well be added to the list of potential coven members for the heir’s coven. Strong, smart, very good at flirting her way to information made her a perfect coven member. Her grandmother was also a member of the Matron’s, which made it very likely Kaya would be untouchable.
Not that she already wasn’t.
“Lady, how may we help you?” Thea cringed as her aunt addressed Kaya. Thea kept her head down, making sure to not draw attention to herself in anyway.
Don’t embarrass yourself. Don’t embarrass yourself. Don’t-
“I was just wondering if y’all needed some help down here. It’s so busy in my quarters. I figured I could help come down here to get away from it,” Kaya answers, her voice as bubbly as ever.
“My niece knows all about that. Why don’t you help her with the dishes, she’s your age.”
Thea tenses as she feels Kaya walking towards her. She tries to keep her shaking hands in the water until the trembling stops, but Kaya offers to rinse and dry once next to her. She’s going to kill her aunt.
“Can you believe we’ll be getting our covens soon? I’m so excited, aren’t you? Who knows maybe we’ll be able to get our land assignments soon-“
“I won’t, but I’m sure you’ll have plenty of Crochans to hunt,” Thea winces as the comment comes out. As nervous as the witch beside her makes her feel, the annoyance and anger towards the life she’ll never have overpowers that. She’s just so tired of washing dishes while she silently looks on at her peers planning their exciting lives.
“What do you mean?” Kaya tilts her head.
“I’m a maid witch. I’ll be a coven, but will be held within the confines of the Keep unless war calls,” Thea recites the familiar phrase in monotonous voice hoping she sounds as quiet as she feels. She feels small again, as if her life was meaningless compared to the lives of those above her. How did Kaya not know about the witches who served her? Did the uppers not think about who kept their rooms dusted while they were away?
“Oh... well, I’m sure you’ll be able to leave sometimes,” Kaya says keeping on with the dishes. Thea keeps her mouth shut knowing the reality of her future. She puts her head back down and keeps working, letting the noise of the kitchen block out her mental struggle.
“Kaya, training. Five minutes,” Decima, the head trainer, says from the doorway. Thea looks back as well noticing the sneer on Decima’s face as she looks around the kitchen. Thea has always hated her trainer, not only for her elitist outlook, but for the way she treats Thea and her familiars. Just thinking about it makes Thea want to use the very close carving knives on her.
“Be right up,” Kaya smiles and turns back to the sink setting down her last plate. She then turns to Thea with the most incredible smile.
“I’ll see you at the coven elections later, yeah?” And then turns away as quickly as Thea’s nodding. She turns back toward the soapy water and smiles. The smile drops when she realizes that that might be the only and last time she will ever speak to Kaya.
Witches and witchlings fill the main hall right before dinner. Thea is standing towards the back with two of the other servant witches. She just hopes that they might be put in the same coven. Her friends, Renee and Meagan, are the only true friends of her age group she has. Luckily, they are all unlucky enough to be born in the wrong side of the caste system. They are in it together as they have always been.
“Shut it! Alright, now that everyone is quiet, let’s get this started,” Decima is standing on the raised platform. Thea can see the Matron and heir standing to the side. It looks like they are arguing which, knowing the Matron, isn’t abnormal. Decima looks over at them and Manon Blackbeak walks towards the center of the stage. The Matron is smiling and looking at her granddaughter with to much satisfaction. Whatever their argument was, Manon did not win it.
“My Second, will be my cousin, Asterin.”
What a surprise.
“My Third is Sorrel Blackbeak, my Fourth Vesta,” Manon continues. Thea can hear some outraged whispers at the mention of Sorrel’s name. Thea looks over at the table which is the source of the whispers. The trinity of snobby cunts, Emily, Jailyn, and Jarrette, that have made many witch’s lives unbearable, including Thea’s. Manon and Asterin might be bitches, but they aren’t bullies. Their attacks are calculated and deserved. The trinity go around and hurt their fellow witches for the fun of it. It seems they expected a place among the Heir’s coven.
“My Fifth is Lin, and from there, I will be having Ghislaine, Fallon and Faline, Imogen, Edda and Briar, Kaya,” Thea can feel her heart drop at the mention of Kaya’s name. She’ll never be able to speak to her again.
“And finally, my last member will be,” Manon looks towards her grandmother, “Thea Blackbeak.”
Every witch in the cavernous room look towards her. Thea is still just standing there while trying to figure out if this is some cruel joke. She stops looking at the witches closest to her and looks to the ones farthest away. Manon Blackbeak, Heir to her clan, is standing there staring at her expectantly. Thea looks over the faces of the newly made coven and sees them all blank-faced, bored. Except one. Kaya. She’s smiling as wide as she was earlier. Wider even.
Thea starts walking and the crowd parts for her. She has never had this many eyes on her, she’s invisible, she always has been and that’s the way she wanted to stay. Thea just keeps walking hoping not to trip over herself. The closer she gets the more she can see of her group mates face’s. And the Matron’s. She’s fuming, and not just at Manon, but at her as well. Her mother’s death flashes across her vision.
She reaches the stage, and Imogen leans down to give her a hand up. Thea just stares at it until Imogen shifts it a little to get her attention. She gets pulled up and stood in between Imogen and Fallon. The demon twins look over at her and grin. The grin is devious and friendly and terrifying. A sister’s grin. A shiver runs down her spine, and she looks back out at her clan. And smiles as well.
What the fuck just happened?
Thea is sitting at a table at the front of the room. The Heir’s table. She’s been sitting here for the past half hour staring at her dinner. In the first five minutes, food started coming out, and when she stood to help, Sorrel put a hand on her arm to sit her back down. The twins laugh at her and tell her to learn her place. She’s heard those words before, but she was being put back down not being raised up. After that, when the plates are taken, she jerks when an arm comes around her, effectively knocking her silverware off and onto the floor. The tables around go quiet and stare.
She hears silence again and wonders what else she did to embarrass herself. She looks up and sees her new coven staring back at her.
“I apologize, what do you need?” The words come out on instinct, and they all raise their eyebrows.
“We asked what your specialty was,” Asterin says with a smile on her face.
“Well, I can cook about anything, and I can see-“
“No, we meant your weapon, or maybe, spying? What did you train in?” Sorrel explains. Thea feels blue rushing to her face and the twins laugh again.
“I’m good with a bow and throwing knives, but I wasn’t trained as-“
“You’re flexible and know how to blend in. You’re not just good with a bow, but great, and as a serving witch you know how to go unnoticed as well as how to interact with a lot of witches all the time,” Manon says from the middle of the table. All the witches look towards her, but she’s only looking at Thea. Thea stares back. She never noticed the Heir watching her, but clearly she has.
“You’re also really good at doing the dishes,” She hears Kaya say, and the others laugh. Thea looks at Kaya and smiles. She’ll be with her a lot. Maybe more than she ever thought possible in twelve lifetimes.
“Good, so none of us have to do them,” Edda, a Shadow, says. The others laugh again and this time so does Thea. It’ll take time, but in some span, she’ll feel like she belongs with them.
“Hello,” Thea drops the shirt she was folding and spins. She relaxes when she sees none other than Kaya Blackbeak standing in her doorway. She’s never seen a highborn down here and is terrified of what she might of overheard. Servants tend to say the meanest things about their overlords when in their safe space.
“I didn’t mean to startle you. I came to see if you wanted any help moving.”
Yes, she would need help. The servantes quarters are three flights underground, and she had to move her entire life to the top floor. But she was not going to use Kaya’s help.
“No, it’s fine. I can handle it,” She says, and Kaya proceeds to look around with a quirked mouth.
“Sure,” Kaya says. She grabs the shirt Thea dropped on the floor and stands up. This close Thea notices that Kaya isn’t actually the same height, but half an inch shorter. “Here.”
Thea reaches for the shirt, but Kaya doesn’t let go. She pulls her closer. Thea doesn’t quite know what to do, and she flashes back to this morning at the sink. She was chanting “shit” in her head, but she now realizes she had no reason to be freaking out then because it is nothing close to this. She can feel her breath on her cheeks, hear Kaya’s heart speed up, see the slightly different angle of her brow.
“Why is it you never spoke to me, only looked at me across the room? Why did you always look away when I tried to catch your eye?” Kaya whispers against her lips. Thea opens her mouth to reply, but she can’t. She doesn’t know how to answer any of that without demeaning herself. “Tell me.”
“I never knew you noticed me, let alone wanted me to talk to you,” Thea admits. Kaya smiles and shakes her head making their noses brush. Kaya notices and smiles, doing it again.
“All I wanted you to do was talk to me. And do something else with your mouth,” Kaya’s mouth grows wider as Thea blushes. So Thea does something she’d never do just to wipe that smile off Kaya’s face.
She kisses her.
Idk why the spacing is so weird but this got finished bc someone actually wanted to read it so here you go. It’s unedited and short but I’m impatient. @theilliumbluebell10 (you asked for this) @rufousnmacska (and you liked the post so and I figured you’d enjoy this) @firedancer34 (idk if this is your username on here on Ao3 it says it is and figured you might like this)
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guardians-of-blood · 3 years
there are 5 of these now. huh
Tooru: *answering a phone call* yo.
Hunter: yo i'm here. open up.
Tooru: as a child, i was forced to eat dog food for dinner...
Hunter: open the fucking door-
Uxie: just a gentle reminder not to eat too much candy before bed.
Mesprit: no
Uxie: that was a gentle reminder, yet your single word of defiance brings me ungodly amounts of rage.
Rayden: Ugh, there’s always that weak bitch in the group who isn’t down with murder.
Rayden: *glares at Mira*
Mira: Well, sorry I have morals!
Kuno: *whispering* i love you
Haoran: *also whispering* i love you more
Kuno: *leaning in* i love you more than love itself
Haoran: *leans even closer so their noses touch* i love you more than you'll ever know
Xiulan: i would love it if you two didnt do this in front of me
Mikael: *wrestling with a jar* fucking shit-lid!
Clerk: *eyeing Feliks* huh! i wonder where he got that from.
Feliks: *not looking up from his book* probably from the fucking fridge
Nina: as i just explained, we call that a traumatic event
Nina: *turning to Celeste* not a “bruh moment”
Nina: *turning to Rin* or a “major L”
Nina: *turning to Sorrel* or an “oof lmao”
"I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all of my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be."
— Vian Sapphirus
Basil: It's true, Noir, you can probably get by without my strength. But why would you? I'm the strongest, most skilled man in the Guardians of Blood.
Noir: Are you stuck in that vending machine?
Basil: I paid for my snacks, I'm getting my snacks.
Noir: Umm, Celeste, why aren't you mocking him?
Celeste: *reveals hand stuck inside a coffee pot* Dropped a quarter in here.
Noir: Okay, I'm leaving.
*Upon seeing Ray crying*
Rin: What's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?
Renata: Are you okay? Did someone make you cry? Who is it? I'll go talk to them if you want me to.
Hunter: I slept for almost twelve hours but I might still be tired so let's go for twelve more just in case.
Rowan: Hunter, that’s a coma.
Tooru: I sure showed those guys, huh team? 
Tooru: Did you see how uncomfortable they got when I started crying?
Roman: I am the kind of person that likes to think things through.
Rowan: Since when? I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire.
Hunter: Thanks for not telling Professor Folingo what happened.
Rowan, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
Haoran: Your surname does not suit you.
Kuno: Really? Can I try yours then?
Haoran: Sure.
Kuno: Haha- wait what?
Pyrrhus: If you have ten cookies, and someone takes away half, what do they have?
Vian: A broken hand
Chalcedony: Can you get us a table while I find a parking space?
Vian: Okay.
Vian: *Five minutes later, running from the restaurant with a table in his arms* CHALCE START THE CAR
Kuno: Ray, is that a hickey?
Ray: Nope, I just got bitten by a mosquito.
Kuno: I see.
Tsubasa: *enters the room* Hey Kuno-
Kuno: Tsubasa, my friend!
Kuno: The strongest mosquito in Terasma!
Tooru: Yes! Uno!
Rowan: We’re playing Candyland.
Roman: No, let him continue. I want to see where this goes.
Judge: You’re sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Sorrel: *undoing his shirt* I’m sure we can work something else out.
Judge: …20 years.
Vian: *waking Pyrrhus up at 3 AM* Is the kool aid man the jar or the liquid?
Pyrrhus: What?
Lumine: *traps a spider under a cup*
Chalcedony: *appears with two identical cups*
Lumine: No, don’t -
Chalcedony: *sets the extra cups down and starts to shuffle them*
Hunter: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Toryn: uh -
Hunter: Thou art hot as fuck
Annette: You're running away from your feelings, Mars.
Mars: Yeah? So what? I hate my feelings. 
"I am bed, bath, and beyond disappointed in all of you."
— Sonya Rockenburg
Noir: what are some cute things to call your partner?
Mesprit: Sugar
Tsubasa: Honey
Sorrel: flour
Azelf: egg
Sorrel: ½ cup butter
Azelf: stir
Sorrel: pour into a pan
Azelf: preheat to 350 degrees.
Hibiki: You bought a taco?
Rayden: Yeah
Hibiki: From the truck that hit Mira?
Rayden: Well, me starving isn’t going to help her.
Eudialyte: Is he stupid?
Kayda: Yes, but he prefers to be called Vian. 
Rowan, calling Roman: Where the hell are you, Hunter, and Tooru? I’ve been searching for half an hour.
Roman: The hospital.
Rowan: What?? Why? What happened?
Roman: Tooru swallowed a watermelon seed.
Rowan: So? It’s not like it’s going to grow a watermelon in his stomach.
Roman: We’ll be home in ten minutes.
Saaya: your eyes are blood shot! have you been doing drugs?!
Mafuyu: no sadly just a small mental breakdown.
Primrose: Did you take out Basil Stormshade as I requested?
Sorrel: Basil has been taken out, yes.
Primrose: You have my grat-
Sorrel: It was a great restaurant.
Sorrel: We had a romantic candlelit dinner.
Sorrel: Basil proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
Mira: Answer your phone
Rayden: Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone
Mira: Understood
*5 minutes later*
Mira: You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me, Rayden.
Rune: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons!
Blade: Bet you I can!
Saffron: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper*
Miaki: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween!
Rayden: That doesn't exist.
Miaki: Not with that attitude
Celeste: Some people are like slinkies.
Nina: What?
Celeste: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Nina: Please don't push Basil down the stairs.
Celeste: *pushing Basil down the stairs* Too late.
Celeste: If I die, you can have what little I own.
Valkyrie: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die?
Celeste: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full.
Valkyrie: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again.
Noir: Why were you up yesterday until 3am?
Vian: How did you know I was up until 3am?
Pyrrhus: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes.
Uxie: Mesprit annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Azelf: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Uxie: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Tsubasa*
Tsubasa: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10
Renata: Yesterday, I overheard Ray saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Tsubasa replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Hotaru: Do you know the ABCs of first aid?
Rin: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
Ray: Being a guy in love with a guy is not always cute or romantic or soft or tender. Sometimes it's pushing your boyfriend's face away yelling because you have viral bronchitis and he keeps trying to kiss you knowing this because he's a himbo with no sense of self-preservation.
Ray: Update: Tsubasa got bronchitis. You'll never guess how.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
in case you somehow didn’t know, dont fucking ask if writers can write abt child r*pe.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
fatphobes die challenge
quit using fat in a negative connotation, being fat is not bad.
quit using gaining weight as a bad thing in fanfictions.
quit shaming people for their weight. most of the time your body knows what weight you should be at, it’s not unhealthy.
quit associating being fat with unhealthy.
being fat is not ugly, if you’re fat, you’re gorgeous.
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