#sorry about my foul jokes i cant help it
hykar · 5 months
💫Asking my friend to rate Eleceed characters I find attractive—Pt 1•°
🌷My friend is a lil nonchalant (Or Im just really hyperactive), has favoritism over Muse, and she doesn't read Eleceed but knows some of the characters 'cause I blab her ear off abwout it.
🌷Im procastinating "Im into you" right now so ehe<3
💫Waking that bish up
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💫Chul Young
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💫Cain Luterain
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💫Ian Patrick
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—To be continued...
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connorsblog · 4 months
Can i request something angsty with daryl and carol x reader? incl. reader getting bit and the two of them having to take care of you and get you back home. incl. r yelling at them to “cut it off now. cut it off!”
blood stained floors | various
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genre : angst & a bit of fluff at the end
summary : above
warnings : basic stuff for twd (blood, gore mentions, etc.)
as i felt the walkers jaw clamp on my arm, my body froze.
i had always told myself i'd never be hurt by a walker, that'd i be too aware of my surroundings for that.
but the reality is much worse. i didnt even see it coming. i didnt hear the growls.
"holy shit." carol whispered, she sounded frightened, as daryl shot the walker in the skull with his crossbow.
they both ushered me back into the house, slamming the door and immediately looking it over.
"it looks superficial, we might be able to save it," carol murmured, stumbled over her words.
"no, just stop. we cant save it and you know it," my words seem to spill out and i was unable to control them.
daryl grunted as he grabbed the axe. i didnt realize his quiet ass was gone until he came back.
"are you sure we can't save the arm?" carol asked, frantically looking between daryl and my red stained skin.
"we can't you know that," his voice was gravelly but full of emotion at the same time. blood dripped down his face but he didnt seem to care.
daryl seemed to hesitate, which made me antsy all the more.
a few beats of silence later and i was just about to take the axe for myself. "just cut it off now! cut if off!" i yelled, which seemed to startle the both of them.
daryl obeyed silently, half closing his eyes and slamming the axe down on my blood covered skin.
a scream came out without my permission, knocking the wind out of me with one foul swoop.
after a moment of allowing myself to breathe, i realized how much pain i was in. i guess the adrenaline rush is a real thing.
"fuck," i whispered as carol immediately brought an aflame knife towards me.
she gave me a look of warning before pressing it to my skin, but the warning didnt help. it still stung worse than a bee on your ass cheek. and i would know, i couldn't sit for days.
the blood seemed to stop continuing to drip down my arm, or what was left of it.
"sorry for the floor," i joked, trying to make light of the situation but all that ended up light was my head.
silence seemed to echo in the house as daryl made his way to the kitchen to grab the gauze. why did he keep it in the kitchen instead of the main room? who the hell knows.
daryl came back over and wrapped my stubbed appendage, blood dotting the gauze like stars against a blackened sky.
carol kissed my forehead before i was able to pull away. i hated physical touch but she seemed to be the exception.
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a/n : im sorry if this sucks !!! ive never written for either of them. lmk what you think :)
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ravenaveira · 10 months
Why are you "anti Karin" in general?, and so "pro" a manipulative, repulsive relationship like s/s?
Pfffft the fact that you would say that with a straight face in defense of KARIN of all people.
"Manipulative, repulsive relationship" you mean like this?
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Wanting Jugo and Suigetsu to kill eachother so she can have Sasuke to herself, then being turned on by Sasuke's killing intent.
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Hitting Suigetsu because he was about to reveal something she did to Sasuke in the past without his knowledge that she REALLY didnt want him to know. Even though we'll never know what it was, her reaction says enough that it was something Sasuke wouldnt like her for doing.
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Stealing Sasuke's sweaty dirty clothes without his knowledge. She had this even before the sensory unit became an issue btw.
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Being creepily turned on everytime shes bitten by him, any normal person would wince in pain at being bitten like this, not moaning in pleasure. Not kink shaming cuz I know masochism exists, just pointing out how weird af it is cuz Im pretty sure Kishimoto wasnt intending for her to be a masochist since she only finds pleasure in the biting, not pain in general.
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Pretty much dehumanizing Karin, treating her as no more than a tool to find Danzo. To be fair Sasuke was awful to everyone atp, but yall try to act like one was better than the other [Karin or Naruto in other cases] this entire arc was to show how far into darkness Sasuke had fallen, remember that for my next points.
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Sasuke literally telling her not to move so he could inflict a fatal would on Danzo through her and tells her shes a burden to him now for getting taken hostage. He does this not long after she had got drop kicked tryin to help him and then healing him while Danzo was down. As I stated above, Sasuke was awful to EVERYONE during this arc, but since yall like to use it against SS for why the relationship is toxic then I have to do the same for SK here, yall not special.
She begged Sasuke for help and he told her not to move and then betrayed her so he could fatally injure Danzo with the most sinister look on his face, that was beyond foul.
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He was literally about to kill Karin who was a non threat to him, compared to Naruto and Sakura who were actively attcking/threatening him, Karin was on the ground bleeding out and he still was gonna go finish her off with zero hesitation. Atleast in Naruto and Sakura's case it was self defense, but for Karin it was just blatant cruelty, he told her not to move so he could get the killing blow on Danzo, said shes a burden for even getting taken hostage, now hes about to kill her cuz she 'knows too much', how any and I mean ANY of you excuse this but cant do the same for SS is beyond me. Sasuke was defending himself from Naruto and Sakura, but he was just being downright cruel to Karin unnessecarily. But you wanna talk about manipulative and repulsive.
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Instantly forgiving him for his cruel treatment of her after a half hearted sorry and then creepily rubbin up against him. Its at this point I and many others lost all respect for Karin because not even Sakura was this pathetic when she first saw Sasuke after what he did to her in the previous arc.
Keep in mind shes inlove with him too, same as Karin, and did not act this pathetic. Even down to the apology Sakura wouldnt let him get off with just a 'sorry' but made him clearly say what he was sorry FOR and he apologized for everything he had done, thats way more sincere than just 'Im sorry Karin' while she's yelling at him to get her to shut up [which worked] compared to him apologizing voluntarily to Sakura who wasnt even asking for one but he did anyway because he genuinely felt remorse for what he did to her.
You dont even SEE what expression he has when he apologizes to Karin and the scene is used as comic relief, but Kishimoto shows Sasuke's sincere and remorseful expression as hes looking and apologizing to Sakura for what he's done and the scene is taken seriously, theres no jokes or weird creepy behavior, but a genuine heartfelt moment between the two.
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She planned to make moves on an injured Sasuke while Suigetsu and Jugo were asleep. It dont take rocket science to know shes gonna make sexual advances at him based on her behavior up till this point and Suigetsu even implying she 'did' something to Sasuke in the past.
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This is all self explanatory really, these are snippets from her databook which is canon content and consistent with her character. Her feelings are described as an obsession, dangerous, and that she keeps aiming to make him HERS. I dont think it gets any clearer than that why I wouldnt support someone like this.
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Just a friendly reminder for all those who like to bring up Sakura being 'useless' and Sasuke feeling the same way well guess what? he's said the same about Karin too and that she was easily replacable, ironically by Sakura lol but he said there were other shinobi he could've picked just as good and way stronger too so, the only real reason he chose Karin was her tracking ability, he literally would've taken anyone else if not for that, and now that that ability is no longer needed neither is she.
No really he never uses her services again even when she comes back later to help in the war but he still gets help from Suigetsu and Jugo, she really was USELESS to him after this point lol speaking of the war though that brings up my next point.
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In the middle of a war where the entire fate of the world is at stake, Karin says the most important thing right now is jumping Sasuke and licking him all over. Idgaf if you say this was just comic relief, this is consistent with her character so comic relief or not she REALLY thinks like this.
She stole his sweaty clothes, gets turned on when bitten by him, rubs up against him even while hes clearly uncomfortable, plans to make sexual advances at him while hes injured and the others are asleep, and your telling me this is just all comic relief and that she doesnt actually wanna do the things shes thinking of doing? fk outta here man.
Do I think Karin genuinely cared for Sasuke to some capacity? yes, do I think Sasuke cared for Karin to some capacity? yes, but that doesnt make their relationship any less disgusting or repulsive overall just because I believe there was some mutual care on both sides, that does not outweigh all the weirdo creepy behavior Karin has exhibited, nor does it outweigh Sasuke's total indifference and lack of remorse for anything he did to her even after coming to his senses and redeeming himself.
He never treated Karin as a friend, for a short time he viewed her as a comrade but afterwards he's never treated her as anything more than an acquaintance. Even though this is how he treated all of Taka really, Suigetsu and Jugo were atleast on the same wavelength Sasuke was, they wanted to help him of their own accord with no ulterior motives while Karin did aka 'making Sasuke hers'. Suigetsu and Jugo never asked for an apology nor expected one, they knew who Sasuke was and how he felt about em and accepted that, so as long as both sides are cool with the treatment then I cant condemn Sasuke for his actions if they themselves allow it and feel nothing about it, Suigetsu pretends he did but he still helped and followed him regardless even tho he no longer had anything to gain nor any reason to, even his reasoning that it was to 'split them up' Sasuke has always been indifferent to Karin from the start so there would've been nothing between them whether Suigetsu was there or not, it was all lies just to avoid saying he enjoyed Sasuke's company and actually had gotten attached to this little ragtag team.
Karin however did not accept it and was yelling at him about it until he gave her a half hearted sorry, then mentions multiple times when anyone confronts her about her feelings for Sasuke how 'he tried to kill her so how could possibly like him' which is a lie but the point is unlike Suigetsu and Jugo she actually DID feel some type of way about his betrayal and wanted to hold him accountable for it, so she WASNT ok with how he treated her and therefore I shouldnt be either.
But the main reason Im anti Karin is because of how creepy and perverted she is, I've felt no different about other perverted characters to this creepy an extent, the only reason yall shrug it off or say its just comedy is because its a girl towards a guy, but if Sasuke stole Karins sweaty shirt, did something to her in the past he punched Suigetsu to keep him from exposing, getting turned on and moaning everytime she bites him, wanting her to let two ppl die so it could just be the two of them, locking them in a room together and pressing up on her even while shes visibly and verbally uncomfortable, if he was plotting to make moves on injured Karin while the others are asleep, if he started rubbin up on her chest after he forgives her, if in the middle of the war hes thinking about wanting to jump and lick Karin all over.
I DARE you to try and tell me yall wouldnt want Sasuke's head on a stake for that, but since its a digusting creepy repulsive female towards a guy its all jokes and laughs. THATS why Im anti Karin in general, idc about her past, idc about how shes changed now, and idc about SPs made up filler about her past that contradicts what Kishimoto has written about her past because its not canon and has no basis in canon so why would I treat it like it is? even if it was it doesnt negate anything I've pointed out, nor does it excuse or justify her creepy behavior.
I support SS despite its flaws because there was mutual love and care on both sides, Sasuke was willing to die and lose out on getting his revenge, his lifes mission to save her, and Sakura was equally willing to sacrifice her life for his. He inspired her and made her want to be a better ninja, he made her understand her ignorance of what being an orphan is like which made her way more empathetic towards Naruto, Sasuke acknowledged and praised her strengths and encouraged her to get better, Sakura is the one who gave him both the push he needed to fight back against Orochimaru AND she's the one who made the curse mark rescind when Sasuke snapped, which btw he rampaged because of the state he saw Sakura in and wanted to avenge her, it was her [and Naruto] AGAIN that made Sasuke able to push back the curse mark during the chunin exams.
Sasuke had always acknowledged Sakura's feelings for him and responded to them while till this day he has never even acknowledged Karins weird obsession with him and always just brushed her off and told her to get back, but with Sakura he DID acknowledge her feelings, he never rejected her, but couldnt allow himself to accept those feelings because of the paths he chose to walk, the first one being avenging his clan and the second for him to create peace by ruling the world alone and severing all ties.
People like to use him saying 'she has no reason to love me and I have no reason to love her' as a rejection when it isnt when you look at the context of the scene.
Kakashi is standing up for Sakura telling him how much she only wanted to save him, SASUKE is the one who brings up romance but Kakashi shuts him down by saying you only need a reason to hate someone and that Sakura wasnt trying to make him hers but she just wanted to save him. Actually Ima just let Kakashi speak for himself.
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I dont know how much clearer it needed to be than showing Sakura's sincere love for him reminding him of the sincere love he has for his family, he says perhaps those are ties to a failed past right after Kakashi says she's suffering from loving him, he immediately thinks of his family who he suffers from loving as well, he's literally acknowledging Sakura's feelings for him are genuine like Kakashi says but unfortunately nothing can be done about it, the same way his family is gone and he'll always suffer from loving them, is the same way things ever going back to the way they were with team 7 is gone and Sakura will always suffer from loving him as well, because he's decided to walk the lonely path again and cut all ties with them, with Naruto being the last.
After everything is resolved though and Sasuke is finally able to let go of all that hatred and accept Naruto's [and team 7s as a whole] love for him, we see Sasuke's true self and true feelings, and whats the first thing he does when he has this clarity? apologize to the one person he's hurt the most besides Naruto.
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When he leaves to go on his redemption journey the only people he talks to before he leaves is team 7, Sakura asked to come with him but he told her he has nothing to do with her sins and to stay behind, which is true she didnt have anything to do with his sins so he really did have to take this trip alone for self reflection. But even though he turned her down from joining him, he promised to see her when he came back, which is a promise he obviously kept as he did come back and the two did travel together and somewhere in between got married and had their daughter Sarada at Karins hideout before coming back home to Konoha where Sasuke stayed for a short time before leaving alone again to go look into the other looming Otsutsuki threats.
Were there flaws with SS portrayal too? of course there was, every main ship got done dirty in one way or another cuz Kishimoto was just bad at writing their romances for some reason despite doing much better with other ships [MinaKushi, YahiKonan, DanTsuna] but thats not a flaw of the ships themselves as it is the writing for them. And no that doesnt excuse SK, because Kishimoto clearly intended for that to be weird, but he obviously meant for SS and NH to be viewed as sincere, he never took SK/Karin seriously and treated em as such, but he did SS/NH which is why you see their scenes are way more heartfelt with more effort put into it, was the execution always the best? hell no, but for what it was he still got the point across whether you disagree with how he handled certain things, myself included, or not.
SS is far from manipulative or repulsive, if your referring to anything from the novels I thought yall didnt consider the novels canon anyway? personally I rarely use the novels in arguments because theres so much debate in their validity, so personally I only acknowledge the novels that got official adaptions or snippets that have been referenced in canon material [like Sakura's childrens mental health clinic is implied in the anime, and Sasuke retsuden got an anime and manga adaption with Kishimoto's involved in the manga ver] these aspects I consider canon, anything else is debatable imo so I didnt use anything from them in any of my rebuttals, just official manga/databook content because thats whats the most explicitly canon by the creator himself. So if your talkin novel stuff I have nothing to do with that, I thought yall didnt consider it canon anyway, but if you do, then even in the novels shes not what you'd describe as manipulative and impulsive just because she isnt giving up on her feelings for Sasuke and will continue to pursue him? if Sasuke truly had no feelings for Sakura he would've made that explicitly clear, but he always left the door open for the possibility which is why Sakura never moved on while Karin did, cuz Sasuke made it clear his heart was with Sakura, not her.
So I'd love to know where you got manipulative and repulsive from because Sasuke's never been repulsed by Sakura, nor has Sakura ever tried to manipulate Sasuke or vice versa. If thats just your personal opinion thats fine, but you should atleast use the right labels to condemn SS with instead of ones that dont apply at all.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
compulsion (kaeya x reader)
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | discord server
★ this is a vent piece because its supposed to rain all day tomorrow which means we cant shoot off fireworks or have a bonfire anymore and i am very upset and cant stop doing laps around my house lol <3
★ content warning: reader is mentally ill (manic and depressive episodes, hypervigilance, anxiety, obsessions, compulsions, etc)
When something goes wrong in a normal person’s life, they shrug their shoulders and move on. When something goes wrong in your life, you start to fixate on everything going wrong in your life. You can’t speak right, constantly forcing a laugh and making a joke about how the cat has your tongue, and you find yourself curling your fingers around your stupid bangs and wondering why the hell you cut them (even though you liked them earlier that day). And when you try to sleep off your feelings all you can do is lie in bed and wonder if you were being too manic with your friends that day. And then the fucking tree outside your window keeps hitting the glass and you regret not cutting the branch weeks ago. 
When Kaeya was around, he helped you come to your senses. All he needed to do was cup your face and tell you to take a deep breathe and you mind blanked. The only image in your mind was the beautiful man in front of you. And then your eyes drifted to his cape which was folded weirdly and now you could only think about the fold and it really wasn’t your place to worry about someone else’s folded cape but it was right there. 
But he didn’t mind. Kaeya said he appreciated your attentiveness to keep him neat and when you were around, there was never a hair on his head out of place. He laughed when he tried to hold your hand and you always flipped them. He didn’t know that the feeling of his hand linked with yours instead of yours linked with his made you want to throw up. 
The same feeling returned when Kaeya kissed you for the first time. You loved him so dearly and were waiting for the day he kissed you so why did you feel so sick when he did. You kept kissing Kaeya over and over to try and wash that feeling away. 
Kaeya didn’t mind you and your unusual ways. He never invaded your space but knew when to calm you. If he saw your hands clenching, Kaeya would hold them before you got a chance to wrap them up in your hair. If he saw you fidgeting with a blanket, trying to get it perfectly even on both sides, Kaeya would stand up and help you. If you began to overthink and throw yourself into a state of panic, Kaeya would hold you until your legs stopped shaking. 
He listened to you talk, too. Some days you talked and talked and talked. Kaeya was never angry with you when you repeated the same story to him four times in one day or asked the same question over and over again because you just couldn’t remember if you said it already. 
Kaeya even noticed your actions before you did. He pointed out how you tapped your thumbs together when you were anxious. He never questioned your strange behavior in sorting through your sock drawer too often or not being able to multitask on things every other person could. 
Kaeya made the wrong things in your life seem bearable. 
Except when he didn’t. 
If Kaeya woke up in a foul mood, giving you an accidental attitude, you would be sent into a spiral for the entire week. Once you wanted to rearrange the bedroom to make it up to him but you couldn’t finish what you started and he was only even more irritated when he came home to your bedroom in disarray. 
He started staying at work later and you could only wonder what you did wrong. Sometimes you sat at the kitchen table and moved a fork over the placemat until you felt the burning sensation in your chest reside only for it to light back up when your chair scraped across the floor too roughly. 
He didn’t get it. He didn’t get it and no one did. 
He didn’t understand that if you didn’t tilt your head to the left every morning your neck would ache all day and the reason your desk was a mess was because you put everything there on purpose because if you organized your papers, you wouldn’t be able to find anything. 
When Kaeya wasn’t around, when Kaeya was avoiding you, you ripped your hair out and your hands shook more than usual. Like always, you had gotten too attached to him too quickly and now you were suffering like you always did.  
You weren’t good enough for Kaeya. Things in your life were too wrong for Kaeya. So you didn’t know why he came back.
When it rained on your birthday and you couldn’t light sparklers anymore, you broke. You had such an amazing day but now you couldn’t light the fucking sparklers and everything was wrong. You couldn’t breathe and all you could think about was how horrible your outfit was and how your eyeliner was going to smudge if you started crying (and you started crying). It was embarrassing but you couldn’t help it. 
Yet, Kaeya was there. Like he had so many times in the past, he cupped your cheeks and told you he was sorry for taking a break, sorry for leaving when you were too vulnerable to be on your own. He knew what to say to make you feel okay and knew what to avoid that would send you into a frenzy. 
Deep down, you knew his words only made things better for now. The next time you ran out of your favorite cereal or couldn’t find a shirt you wanted to wear, you would tear yourself apart again. But Kaeya was here with you and no matter how irrational and unreasonable your mind was telling you things were, Kaeya was there to ground you. 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 2
To summarise: I will have the love square one way or another!
First >Next 
As far as homes go it’s pretty good” Adrien stretches out, Plagg curls up next to him.
“Don't get too comfortable we’re going to be on the move,” Marinette types furiously at her computer.
“I will try my hardest,” Adrien stares blankly at her, sat atop a pile of grubby blankets next to a broken window. Marinette loses connection to her computer and slams it shut with a huff.
“Get some sleep I’m going to find an internet cafe,” Marinette stuffs the cheap laptop into her bag, amazing how something she bought at a hole in the wall place for thirty bucks didn’t work well.
“Who needs sleep when you can have coffee,” Adrian stands up, ready to follow her.
“Sleep Chat,” She pushes him down by the shoulders, “I need my partner fully operational,”
“Yeah kid, take a break, we worked hard,” Plagg yawns, turning over.
“You also worked hard Bug,” Adrien lets himself be pushed back onto the blankets.
“I won't be able to sleep until I know how everything is in Paris,”
“Neither can I,” Adrien protests, already half asleep.
“Sure you can, night Chat,”
“Night M’lady,”
Marinette leaves the same way they came in, though the window. She has to slide down the gutter to get on the street, Tikki hiding away in her bag. She has to go pretty far in town to find a suitable cafe, too far from Adrien to be comfortable. Marinette pops in her earbuds before opening her computer to let her talk to Tikki freely.
She doesn't immediately search up missing person cases. Looking instead at Paris tourist destinations and guides. Switching to the dangers of traveling to Paris; the only mention of Akuma being on obscure question and answer sites. She looks at kidnapping potential and then moves onto missing person cases. Adrien's is the first to come up, obviously. 
There was lots of outcry among his fans. Many were throwing around accusations of foul play on Gabriel's part from abuse to locking Adrien away from the world. However, Gabriel was also fiercely looking for his son. Adrien hadn’t left behind any sort of note. Well only to Nino, which Adrien had told Marinette was asked not to mention to anyone.
Marinette then feels safe enough to look up her own case. It was smaller, although was gaining attention as Jagged proclaimed it to high heavens; more so asking what they did wrong and how they could fix it and asking for any sightings of her. That could be a problem if her picture was already around. Marinette pulls her hood up higher. They might have to get haircuts and wear disguises… on second thought wearing suspicious disguises in Gotham might cause more problems.
“Tikki they seem really worried,” Marinette watches the videos Jagged posted, her parents in the background running around talking with police.
“Of course they are Mari,” Marinette feels a light tap on her side, “But you're doing the right thing,”
“No I’m not,” not when she’s watching a video of her parents crying,  “I’m doing what needs to be done, this is my responsibility, no matter what a certain someone thinks,”
She spits with venom. Maybe Adriens rant last night rubbed off on her.
“He’s the hero here,” Tiki says non accusingly, “Imagine if another hero came to Paris without asking you… remember Volpina?”
“Ah now that was an actual villain,” Marinette hadn’t trusted her from the start,  “Plus she was akumatized,”
“Marinette,” Marinette can’t bring herself to feel guilty, even under tikis scolding.
“Right but that still doesn't give him the right,” Marinette huffs, “After all would he attack Marinette? No!”
“Are you implying you would attack Lila?”
“......... no,”
Marinetti smirks to herself instinctively looking around for Adrien to share her joke. Then Marinette froze. The cafe was empty, not even a barista. How had she not noticed!?
“Wait,” Marinetti says out loud before Tiki could talk, “I’m going to have to call you back, something just came up,”
Something was watching her from the kitchen door as if she couldn’t see them. Marinette tries to act normal going for the pepper on the table and putting it on her food. They move at the same time. The attacker runs towards her, Marinette throws the shaker at- Robin?! It hits him square in the forehead, with a curse he touches his bleeding forehead.
“I am so sorry!” Marinette panics, “That was meant to explode in your face!”
“How is that better?!” Robin runs forward, sword drawn. Marinette ducks behind the table grabbing her plate and frisbeeing it towards him, he manages to dodge this one, “Draw your weapon coward!"
“I don’t have a weapon!” She grabs the table cloth ready to take the vigilante down, “What is wrong with you?!”
He doesn't answer lunging at her again with the sword. Marinette kicks up the table then kicks it towards him in one swift movement. With the impact of the table he drops the sword, Marinette jumps up landing on the table which pins Robin down to the ground with its weight and hers, with the legs sticking up.
“I knew it,” Robin spits and she presses her weight into the table to keep him pinned.
“Excuse you,” Marinette catches his wrist as he tries to pull a dagger on her using the table cloth to tie it to the legs of the table, then does the same with the other, “You attacked me,”
“-Robin!” she hears a faint call, no one is around so it must be from his communicator, “-Robin report back to the cave!”
“I’ll take that~” Marinette sings songs ignoring how he growls at her. She rolls her eyes stepping off the table she needed to get out of here now.
She steps out of the cafe throwing the communicator and likely a tracking device too on the roof of a passing car then sprints in the opposite direction. She heads for the alleys looking for an area with no cameras as she runs. When she finds a spot Marinette transforms running back to their base with record timing.
“Adrien wake up!” Ladybug jumps through the window, barely avoiding landing on him, “Batman’s after us,”
“What?!” He sits bolt upright, Ladybug pulls him onto his feet.
“Move! Now!” She grabs their bags, Adrien transforms and they take off over the rooftops.
“What happened?!” Chat shouts as the runaway, “Is Batman chasing us?”
“Yes, well kinda-- Robin tried to kill me,”
“He what?!”
“As Marinette,” She adds, slowing down as they should have put enough distance between them.
“Did they figure us out already?” Chat Noir slows down into a walk then collapses on the rooftop,
“This is the worst wake up call ever!”
“Well, it's about to get worse,” Ladybug cringes feeling the distinct trace of magic she was all too familiar with.
“Great, perfect,” Chat complains standing back up.
“At least we’re not at school,” Ladybug shrugs, launching herself over a roof.
“No you’re right being chased by a masked vigilante is a massive improvement,”
“Robin! Get your head out of the clouds and get over here!”
Damian breaks out of his trance, regrettably tearing his gaze away from Ladybug to the much less awe inspiring sight of Batman trapped under a car. They shouldn’t be wasting their time worrying about these established amazing hero’s and worry about that assassin on the loose. Who knows who she was after. She could be planning Batman’s demise at this very moment; if she was close with his mother then surely she knew their identities which was far far more dangerous.
Ladybug could handle herself as evidence by her going toe to toe with the newest villain. In a matter of minutes, the villain was down for the count with no help on their part. 
“Ladybug!” He calls before she leaves again, maybe she could help him convince his father that he was being an absolute buffoon.
“Oh it’s you,” She says surprisingly coldly, “What do you want now?”
“Are, you here to attack me again?”
“... I didn’t attack you?” He had spent all morning tracking down a dangerous assassin.
“... Oh! Of course, you did- haha I just ummmm-- there must have been an… Akuma! Yes! There must have been an Akuma earlier that looked like you,”
“An Akuma was impersonating me?” Robin growls.
“Yeah, they do that sometimes,” Chat Noir pipes up, “It’s annoying,”
“Yes and if you’re here, that uh… that means the Akuma is still out there so we gotta go deal with that so-bye!” Ladybug swings off closely followed by Chat Nor; off to go save his name and reputation.
“So you really think that was an Akuma?” Adrien asks as they transform back.
“Maybe- I don’t know it was just an excuse so he wouldn't figure out my identity,”
“Well at least he doesn't know it,” Adrien shrugs as they walk through the alleys in search of a new place to rest that night.
“If he doesn't know then why would he attack Marinette?” She asks, “And if it was an Akuma that means Hawkmoth knows my identity which is so much worse!”
“Is it tho?”
“I mean back in Paris it would have been bad,” They both cringe, “But here we have no home, no family, no friends! He cant use any of that against us now!”
Adrien beams his contagious smile.
“You always manage to find a bright side,” Marinette smirks punching him in the shoulder.
“So that's why,” They both turn around, staring in shock.
“Batman?!” Turning back their way out is already blocked by mister boy wonder. Who, by the way he is glaring at her, was not an Akuma this morning.
“I can't believe Talia called me because some teenagers were eloping,”
I know that name- WAIT!
“Eloping?!” Marinette chokes, “We are not eloping!”
“As in not at all,” Adrien blanches, “And I mean no offense Marinette you are literally the sweetest person but I can’t imagine anything more horrific!”
“Oh god, same!” At least now, “I mean once when we were younger…-- it was a silly crush!”
“Wait you had a crush on me?!”
“Yeah, well, you had a crush on me!”
“... oh god… I did, didn’t I?!”
While Adrien is dealing with that little revelation Marinette looks around for an escape. There isn’t much opportunity since both have their eyes on them, partly out of morbid curiosity at their little freakout. Well if you don't have a distraction homemade is fine.
“AKUMA!” They both look, predictably. 
Marinette grabs Adrien and runs. She goes for the side Robins guarding, sweeping his legs sending him crashing to the ground.
“I’m not sorry!” Marinette calls as they sprint down the alley.
Marinette heads for the main street, enough of a crowd to camouflage. As they are walking through as casually as possible Marinette sweeps them both for bugs putting any she finds on random passerbys. They walk sometimes ducking into busy shops in hopes of losing their trail. They come across the mall which works perfectly for them. They stay until it starts to approach closing time, it’s easy enough to avoid security and so they get locked in for the night.
“So what do you want to do?!” They walk through the empty halls Adrien skipping along and looking at each display. Marinette stops outside an electronics store, the tv’s still on and displaying the news.
“Make a plan for a way to deal with that,” On-screen are the two of them, a video of Ladybug throwing a car at Batman, “This is taken completely out of context!”
“What’s the context?” 
“Batman was being a little bitch!”
“I’m sure that will hold up in court,” Adrien laughs taking a seat in one of those massage chairs, “Besides what's the problem?”
“The problem?!” Marinette yells, “The problem is that now all of Gotham is going to hate us!”
“So? Do we really need them to like us?” Adrien gets up to stand by her, rubbing her shoulder.
“They did in Paris,”
“We’re not in Paris anymore,” Adrien says quietly, leading her towards the seats, “We have a chance to start new again, everyday something we haven't done before, a couple of pals living day to day on the edge, isn’t that exciting?”
“I just--” want to go home, “I’m tired,”
“Take a break,” Adrien sits her down in the massage chair with a kind smile, “I’ll keep watch,”
“.. ok,” Marinette curls up in the chair Tikki coming to lie beside her. With not much strength to fight it, Marinette falls asleep while she can.
Taglist? nope don’t have one, horrible at keeping track of them sorry~
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karasimpno · 4 years
{Day 24} The Party Goes With You | Kuroo x Reader
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Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Gn!Reader
Genre: businessman!poker-playing!Kuroo AU, angsty-knight-in-shining-armor moment, angst/pining
WC: ~1.3k
Warnings: suggestion of unhappy/borderline abusive marriage, alcohol, gambling, cigar use
⍋⋆*❅。. 25 days of fic-mas mlist .。❅*⋆⍋
And we’re dancing nose to nose Darling do you suppose, oh darling do you suppose this party could be just us two? — The Party Goes With You; 35mm (music and lyrics by Ryan Scott Oliver)
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You don’t speak of names or faces, but there is one face that always stands out to you.
Well, part of a face, rather, as the businessman with the immaculately-pressed suits always seems to let his hair hang down over his right eye. He’s all flashes of white teeth and heated golden gazes as cigar smoke swirls around the dimly-lit back room of the seemingly hole-in-the-wall bar. His lips move flawlessly as he tells joke after joke, keeping conversation moving as he robs the other players blind.
Though you usually work the front bar, serving cheap, disgusting drinks to equally foul men, on Saturday nights, you’re required to play dealer in the high-stakes poker game that is run out of the discreet back room of the bar. Your husband owns the place but owes money to every player, so he’s never there. But he thought his high-profile patrons could use a pretty face and a nice body to look at while they weekly gamble away some of their highest earnings—the bids rising to numbers beyond what you could ever make in a year.
Dealing is simple. The actual game itself is surprisingly not very heated, considering the fortunes at stake. But the gentleman with the hair as black as pitch and the shining golden ring on one of his nimble fingers is what keeps it so. The cant of his voice and his relaxed posture, suit jacket slung over the back of his chair, keep everyone in amiable spirits, energy flowing between them like the liquor through their veins. His lips move flawlessly as he charms his competitors, periodically lifting a crystal glass with his favorite Armagnac to them as locks eyes with you over the rim of his drink. He is dashing to say the least, and his gaze makes your body temperature rise, but you manage to keep your posture indifferent as you shuffle and flip the cards. With light conversation in sultry tones, the evenings are always interesting, as renowned businessmen do their best to outdo each other, racking up substantial bar tabs all the while.
Oh, and your favorite part.
In addition to taking the pot, at the end of every round, the player with the most winnings earns an added prize: a dance with the alluring dealer. You’d be exaggerating if you said that your mystery man wins every round, but certainly not by much. He ends up on top in a good 90% of the games.
“Sorry, fellas,” he always smirks devilishly, rising from his seat as the losing players grumble, throwing their cards down on the custom-made black felt. In spite of yourself, your heart skips a beat every time he extends his long fingers across the table to you. With a smile that you attempt to tame into mere professionalism, you accept his hand. Ever so gracefully, he lifts your joined hands over the heads of the other players, carefully guiding you from your nook in the table to the open space adjacent to it. Some of the players get up and wander into the front bar to buy more liquor. Others stick around and busy themselves chatting about their businesses and dealings. But you hardly ever pay attention to any of that, as the moment his firm hand snakes around your waist, pressing heavily but comfortably against your lower back and pulling you fast against his chest, everything else fades into the background.
He’s clearly an excellent dancer—feels like he could have studied ballroom dancing—but all you ever do with him is sway and spin as he speaks lowly into your ear, incapable of being heard by the others. He pulls you so close that you feel like every part of you is touching him as your chins hover over each other’s shoulders. He doesn’t speak of husbands or wives or work or his life at home. He always just speaks of the oddest things, some fun new fact, or something interesting he saw the other day. Neglected by your husband, this man makes you feel sexy, and wanted, and alive with your hand wrapped in his strong but surprisingly gentle one. Respecting your privacy and knowing your husband, he doesn’t ask you about yourself but you love just to hear him talk. He always comes up with the most interesting things to tell you and you love that about him.
You didn’t love your husband. Maybe you never did, but he’d grown so aggressive with you since making you manage his debts, the bar, his patrons...you had nothing left for him but resentment. But something about the dashing businessman whose name you don’t even know has you finding a spark in your life again.
“Alright boys,” he always says with a characteristic grin when he’s had enough gambling and drinking for the night. Some weekends it’s ten or eleven. Other weekends it stretches into one, two, once even three in the morning before he called it quits, his competition unraveling into drunken stupors as he stayed just as cool and collected, even as the empty brandy glasses began to accumulate around him late into the night. Your husband had instructed you to continue to deal for as long as the players were making bets.
When the man with eyes as brilliant as the sun stands to make his final call, he slings his discarded jacket over his shoulder, his other hand resting confidently on his hip. The other players chatter amongst themselves, murmurings of “maybe one more game,” or “should we stick around for another drink?” but they almost never do. When he makes his move to leave, the party goes with him. You often find yourself getting distracted watching him walk out the front of the bar with no hurry in the world, each slow step after step making your field of vision narrow down even smaller, until it only encompasses him.
You catch yourself sighing and are snapped back to the reality of what’s left behind: a bunch of men no different than any of the schmucks you serve at the front of the bar, the only difference between them being the withdrawal limit on their checking accounts. Whereas the mystery man always makes a point to thank you before he goes, his golden eyes halting on yours, the rest of the men attempt to sober themselves up and stumble out of the bar with grunts and dirty looks, leaving the mess of their indulgences behind.
And you’re left to daydream, thinking only of the man who comes in once a week, like a shadowy whirlwind of passion and excitement, dashing in and out of your life every Saturday night. The weeks are long, your husband is cruel, and the patrons at the front bar are unforgiving. Cleaning up after messy customers, you long for the weekend to come around, for the sight of that one man who makes your heart race and sweeps you off your feet before even touching you. You wish you could go back and rewrite the story of your life so that you met this man before your husband, and you could live a happy life together, just the two of you. Sometimes you catch yourself daydreaming of what a domestic life with him would look like, and remind yourself that he doesn’t even know your name, nor you his.
But when you’re dancing nose-to-nose, heat emanating from his chest and warming you from head to toe, you can’t help but buy into the fantasy that maybe he feels the same way. You want to ask him what he thinks, always desperate to know more—more about him, more about what he thinks of you, more of the way he sees the world, more, more, more from him. But the dance ends too soon, and you’re back to your role as dealer, him as player. The cards flip through your fingertips but all you crave is your fingers on his skin. The dream is as fleeting as a lead in the game.
And when he goes, the party—your life, your love, your spirit—goes with him.
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A/n: okay this song is EVERYTHING to me but to me it’s always captured more of a feeling than like an easily interpretable scene for me. Phrases like “speakeasy, hole in the wall” and “cleaning up for vows in gold” and “the gayest party sad but true” just stick out to me and like I’ve always struggled to like ground it in some kind of narrative. BUT I took little nuggets in the song and became really attracted to the like singer falling in love with someone they barely know but see/serve all the time in sort of a bar setting. I was also really inspired by this scene in Molly’s Game (which is a good movie if you haven’t seen it)....I just love the idea of businessman Kuroo in like a cigar smoke-filled haze, drinking nice brandy, pulling you close and whispering sweet nothings in your ear......phew. This one is for my girl @bluntkingkuroo​ And THANK YOU GUYS so much for following along for such a fun event! I hope you all liked it!!! Xoxoxoxo -Elle
taglist: @slutawara​ @musicgetsmeoutofbed​ @azo-musxas​ @tsumurai @ghostlydiamond135 @animeboysimppp @honeybunny-sawamura @harokat
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olliscowizz · 3 years
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High Ground - Olli Matela FF
Hiya everyone. This is my first FF ever published on tumblr. Please bear with me and let me make some mistakes lolz. BTW english isnt my first language and theree could be like a lot of mistakes. Pls let me know if you like it. :)
It was hard being a young rising star in the music business. What was a lot harder was being a woman in a mainly men orientated music business, where you couldn’t say something without being misunderstood. That’s how Sara felt almost all the time. She was talented, nobody had their doubts about that. The problem was the people didn’t really have a lot of expectation when it came to her skills as an observer. Which they always explained as: “You’re so young you cant possibly be smart enough to make a decision about your life. It will harm your career. Do you want that?”, the y guilt-tripped her into thinking she was the problem. But she never really paid it any attention. She loved singing and making music in general, was her greatest passion.
On this day she was on tour in Finland, where she was to meet the entry of the Eurovision 2021.
She walked into a chaotic hotel room. There were clothes everywhere and she saw beer bottles just standing on surfaces. Men, she thought.
“Hi you must be Sara”, said a man while he walked into her vision. “My name is Joel, we’re actually all pretty big fans of yours”, he smiled at her. She didn’t believe him. Why should she? People told her all the time, they liked her music, but most of them had a foul reason behind their kindness. So to not seem rude, she smiled at him and told him it was also nice to meet him.
“The other boys just went out to grab some food, they left me behind to clean up. As you can see I didn’t came too far”, he laughed at his own joke, turned to her, saw that she wasn’t laughing and immediately stopped. She wasn’t in the mood for jokes. This was a business meeting. They had to talk about something she understood. Music.
“So what’s your position in the band?”, she asked him while she walked further into the room and picked up an empty beer bottle. While inspecting the paper on the back of the bottle, she didn’t understand anything, she waited for an answer.
“I am the singer”, he smiled proudly and she couldn’t help but gift him one of her rare smiles. “Do you need help cleaning up? I was told we should do a collab and I honestly can’t work with so many beer bottles and Pizza boxes lying around”, she honestly told him to which he nodded.
Together they started picking up the trash in silence, both completely focused on their own thoughts.
That was until the door suddenly opened and five young men came running in with various pizza boxes. All that cleaning for nothing, Sara thought.
“Oh hi you must be Sara”, one of them smiled over the boxes. “Sorry I cant shake your hand, they are kind of occupied”, he apologized and put the pizza’s down, the rest following his lead.
“I am Niko”, he introduced himself. “These are Joonas, Tommi, Aleksi and lastly Olli”, he pointed at the other members. They couldn’t introduce themselves it seemed, but it didn’t bother her. She just wanted to start what she was told.
“As I was told by my manager, your direction of music is called violent pop”, she asked them, turning her back to them, which she knew was rude. She didn’t care. She wasn’t here to make friends. This was business. One of them cleared his throat. “Yes that’s what we call it”, he explained an smiled at her, when she turned herself back to them. She believed it was that Niko guy. She decided she liked him. He seemed nice enough. “Okay. Then lets get to work boys”, she tried to sound motivated but it ways hard.¨
She was thrown into this industry when she was the sweet age of 15 years old and now, six years later she is still here. She loved making music and she was really good at it too. But she couldn’t see herself being happy in the long term with her current team. The band was amazing. They were all really sweet, but her manager was little asshole and the rest was useless as well. Only having their paycheck before their eyes.
“Aleksi here actually sampled some melodies and wanted to show you”, Niko said again and gave the guy called Aleksi, that he should show her, which he did.
He was good, she must admit. Very good. She told him that. No point in not saying the truth. She wanted this collab to be successful, so she had to see where their strengths lay. She didn’t really look into them, when she was told about the collab. She wanted to be surprised. And until now she was pleasantly surprised. They were all very nice to her and they seemed to be talented as well.
“Okay since your music is a bit harder than mine, how about we build up the song?”, she suggested and then she was in her modus. She suggested things, made notes and listened to everything the had to say. It was amazing how far the came in just a few hours.
At around 9.00 PM the boys started to get grumpy. The pizza was eaten long ago and they seemed to be hungry. “Y’all want to take a break”, she asked them, to which they all nodded. “How about we end things for today, get a few drinks and then start again in the moringn? All fresh?”, the drummer Tommi suggested and everyone agreed. But Sara had to decline their offer. In all her six years of fame she wasn’t caught outside drinking with friends. Not that she didn’t want to. It was her manager, Mr. Smith, who had a problem with her having fun. He insisted she couldn’t afford any bad publicity. She never had any to begin with. Except for a few controversial lines in her songs she never had any scandals.
“You sure you don’t want to join us?”, asked Niko, whit whom she got along pretty well. “I’d love to but I really cant. I was actually never in a bar”, she admitted the last part so only he could hear her. She looked at the floor, suddenly embarrassed. Which person who was 21 years old was never in a bar before. Only her, apparently.
“No worries, we wont pressure you”, he tried to cheer her up and put his hand on her shoulder. “Well, see you all tomorrow boys”, she said and quickly left the room.ryoneHiya ev
It was hard being a young rising star in the music business. What was a lot harder was being a woman in a mainly men orientated music business, where you couldn’t say something without being misunderstood. That’s how Sara felt almost all the time. She was talented, nobody had their doubts about that. The problem was the people didn’t really have a lot of expectation when it came to her skills as an observer. Which they always explained as: “You’re so young you cant possibly be smart enough to make a decision about your life. It will harm your career. Do you want that?”, the y guilt-tripped her into thinking she was the problem. But she never really paid it any attention. She loved singing and making music in general, was her greatest passion.
On this day she was on tour in Finland, where she was to meet the entry of the Eurovision 2021.
She walked into a chaotic hotel room. There were clothes everywhere and she saw beer bottles just standing on surfaces. Men, she thought.
“Hi you must be Sara”, said a man while he walked into her vision. “My name is Joel, we’re actually all pretty big fans of yours”, he smiled at her. She didn’t believe him. Why should she? People told her all the time, they liked her music, but most of them had a foul reason behind their kindness. So to not seem rude, she smiled at him and told him it was also nice to meet him.
“The other boys just went out to grab some food, they left me behind to clean up. As you can see I didn’t came too far”, he laughed at his own joke, turned to her, saw that she wasn’t laughing and immediately stopped. She wasn’t in the mood for jokes. This was a business meeting. They had to talk about something she understood. Music.
“So what’s your position in the band?”, she asked him while she walked further into the room and picked up an empty beer bottle. While inspecting the paper on the back of the bottle, she didn’t understand anything, she waited for an answer.
“I am the singer”, he smiled proudly and she couldn’t help but gift him one of her rare smiles. “Do you need help cleaning up? I was told we should do a collab and I honestly can’t work with so many beer bottles and Pizza boxes lying around”, she honestly told him to which he nodded.
Together they started picking up the trash in silence, both completely focused on their own thoughts.
That was until the door suddenly opened and five young men came running in with various pizza boxes. All that cleaning for nothing, Sara thought.
“Oh hi you must be Sara”, one of them smiled over the boxes. “Sorry I cant shake your hand, they are kind of occupied”, he apologized and put the pizza’s down, the rest following his lead.
“I am Niko”, he introduced himself. “These are Joonas, Tommi, Aleksi and lastly Olli”, he pointed at the other members. They couldn’t introduce themselves it seemed, but it didn’t bother her. She just wanted to start what she was told.
“As I was told by my manager, your direction of music is called violent pop”, she asked them, turning her back to them, which she knew was rude. She didn’t care. She wasn’t here to make friends. This was business. One of them cleared his throat. “Yes that’s what we call it”, he explained an smiled at her, when she turned herself back to them. She believed it was that Niko guy. She decided she liked him. He seemed nice enough. “Okay. Then lets get to work boys”, she tried to sound motivated but it ways hard.¨
She was thrown into this industry when she was the sweet age of 15 years old and now, six years later she is still here. She loved making music and she was really good at it too. But she couldn’t see herself being happy in the long term with her current team. The band was amazing. They were all really sweet, but her manager was little asshole and the rest was useless as well. Only having their paycheck before their eyes.
“Aleksi here actually sampled some melodies and wanted to show you”, Niko said again and gave the guy called Aleksi, that he should show her, which he did.
He was good, she must admit. Very good. She told him that. No point in not saying the truth. She wanted this collab to be successful, so she had to see where their strengths lay. She didn’t really look into them, when she was told about the collab. She wanted to be surprised. And until now she was pleasantly surprised. They were all very nice to her and they seemed to be talented as well.
“Okay since your music is a bit harder than mine, how about we build up the song?”, she suggested and then she was in her modus. She suggested things, made notes and listened to everything the had to say. It was amazing how far the came in just a few hours.
At around 9.00 PM the boys started to get grumpy. The pizza was eaten long ago and they seemed to be hungry. “Y’all want to take a break”, she asked them, to which they all nodded. “How about we end things for today, get a few drinks and then start again in the moringn? All fresh?”, the drummer Tommi suggested and everyone agreed. But Sara had to decline their offer. In all her six years of fame she wasn’t caught outside drinking with friends. Not that she didn’t want to. It was her manager, Mr. Smith, who had a problem with her having fun. He insisted she couldn’t afford any bad publicity. She never had any to begin with. Except for a few controversial lines in her songs she never had any scandals.
“You sure you don’t want to join us?”, asked Niko, whit whom she got along pretty well. “I’d love to but I really cant. I was actually never in a bar”, she admitted the last part so only he could hear her. She looked at the floor, suddenly embarrassed. Which person who was 21 years old was never in a bar before. Only her, apparently.
“No worries, we wont pressure you”, he tried to cheer her up and put his hand on her shoulder. “Well, see you all tomorrow boys”, she said and quickly left the room.
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kuronanox · 4 years
Not enough - Byakuya Kuchiki
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It amazed her that thee Kuchiki Byakuya was actually interested in her, it was so surreal. Everything came naturally, their conversations and body language was like they were in tune together. Everyone could see that he was finally finding some type of peace after hisana's passing. Everyone but the royal and noble housing even after hisana's passing they blame it on her being a commoner and now the horrible treatment was getting thrown at (Your Name) now.
No one has ever verbally abused her infront of Byakuya but when he was gone they talked down and degraded her. She would just ignore them and go on about her day. The first few months  were fine because no one knew they were dating but once the relationship started getting serious and she moved into the Kuchiki manor the negative comments came left and right into her head. Of course she didn't tell Byakuya and most of the time she stayed closed to him so she wouldn't have to hear the abusing comments.
It was another fall morning as they strolled around the manor getting fresh air. "What is your favorite season (Your Name)." Byakuya ask calmly as they walked side by side admiring the green plants and flowers turning a beautiful autumn red. "Hmm the time between fall and winter, it's never to cold or hot!" She smiles and grabs his arm gently as she hugs it as they continue striding around the manor. Of course as nobles showing affection wasn't allowed but she didn't care and as long as she was happy Byakuya didn't mind the gesture either. "I see." He replies as it turns to a comfortable silence between them.
"Have you talked to rukia recently?" She brings up looking at him now with worried eyes. "Of course, she's doing fine with the human substitute shinigami in the world of living right now." He answers reassuring her their relationship as gotten better by time.
"Hmm someone has gotten soft." She jokes and squeezes him tightly as he eyes widen a little bit and he softly smiles without her knowing of course, but the hug gets cut short as she sees a few elders walking towards them as she quickly pulls away from the affection and awkwardly bow and stays behind Byakuya. The elders speak to him about important matters about the Kuchiki house and he exchanges a few words. Byakuya looks at (Your Name) and he recently began to notice that her reitsu would fluctuate everytime she was around a royal or noble that didn't allow their relationship. Cutting the conversation short he gently grabs her hands with his and walks past the elders.
She looks at their hands and blushes softly. This was the first time he had ever showed affection towards her infront of anyone. "I'm sorry you don't have to do that... you know. I know the nobles don't like it." She starts loosening her grip now as his tighten. "When has that ever stopped you?" He asks now curious.
Byakuya knew she was always a loud mouth and her manners were certainly not presentable to other nobles. She liked to show her curves, didn't like wearing fancy clothes, did her own chores and curses a whole bunch, but for some reason that made him like her even more when they first met each other. Byakuya liked her because she possessed all the qualities he didn't have or wasn't allowed to do because it was unacceptable for the head of the clan to have.
"I know it's just, I don't want people to talk... you know." She sadly says and walks ahead a few steps before he silently follows her. "Oh I'm going out with Matsumoto tonight, girls night!" She smiles now changing the mood between them now.
"She didn't!" Hinamori exclaims covering her mouth like a gossip girl.
"She did honey!"
"Ugh nobles, thats why you gotta go for the ugly guys and then you make them hot." Matsumoto shakes her head and pours another shots for them. Nanao facepalms and says "Everytime we meet up they always have something negative to say, why not just tell Kuchiki taicho?"
"Fuck that, I'm so tired of having to filter myself at the manor too! LIKE I WANT TO SCREAM FUCK, SHIT, BITCH BUT I CANT!"
Hinamori just laughs as Matsumoto takes the shot and nods furiously!
"Jesus." Nanao says just giving up.
"But you do anything for the one you love." (Your Name) softly says taking shot number 7. "Same." Matsumoto sulks as they both start crying together.
"So I'm guessing we are walking them home again." Nanao says as Hinamori just happily pour more shots for the two girls sulking across from her.
(Your name) safely gets back to the manor with the help of Hinamori, she was drunk but she was still able to recognize and act like she was normal. "Will Kuchiki taicho be upset that you drank a lot?"
"Nah, he's probably asleep anyways, thank you I'll take my leave now!" She smiles and gets into the manor.
Although it was hard to act sober she took her time to walk into their bedroom. There were still some maids and servants doing some choirs so she avoided them at all cost so she didn't look like a fool to them and ruin Byakuya image. Turning the corner to their room one of the oldest head maid was taking out the tea pot from the place.
"Drunk again I see." She sternly says with hatred in her eyes as (Your Name) just ignores the comment and proceeds to go into the room. The old lady prohibits her from entering. "You won't go in."
"Move or I'll move you myself." (Your Name) threaten to the lady as she doesn't bulge.
"You are only here because Byakuya Sama allows you to stay, but to everyone else in this house you bring disgrace and tarnish our name. You are a vulgar lady with no manners and inconsiderate, rude and foul mouth."
Byakuya stirs in his sleep waking up from talking coming out from infront of his room.
"And? I'm a hundred percent sure he knows how I am already, why do you care how I am. Yes I'm a commoner-" (Your Name) proceeds to argue but the older maids interrupts with a statement that broke her self confidence.
"At least Hisana Sama didn't go around and tarnish the name, she was lady like and knew how to contain herself unlike you."
(Your Name) hesitantly eyes widen she was sadden, no one had ever talked about Hisana. Behind closed door she was always being compared, she knew but no one was going to compare (Your Name) to another person let alone a past lover.
"You know, I get we are two different person but I'm sure she wouldn't have approve of you talking down about commoners because we know the struggle of having to act perfect all the time and keeping a imagine so we don't look bad for the family name. You wouldn't know old lady because you've never been discriminated. I know damn well everyday we tried our best for Byakuya and I'm glad she is in a better place and not down here where she would have still gotten the same treatment as me."
Byakuya had enough of the arguing as he swiftly gets out of the futon and towards the door before he stops when he hears (Your Name) continuing to defend him.
"If you ever wonder why Byakuya always act so cold is probably because he has to act perfect for the family and he carries the burden of our imagine and you guys give him shit for every little thing he does but he sucks it up because he was taught to. You guys don't see the sleepless nights he gets and the fights he put up to protect his people he loves. I won't stand here letting you talk down about me and his relationship when he has been the happiest since the death of his late wife. I won't let you take away his happiness. You guys think you know him but y'all don't know a thing. Weather you like it or not I'm leaving." (Your Name) passionately says to the old women as she angrily spoke up.
"You jus-"
Byakuya roughly opens the door to see a flushed (Your Name) and the head maid standing face to face. The maid not allowing her to enter the room. "That's enough, leave now." He harshly tells the head maid as she bows and apologize as she gives a sour look towards the girl before leaving.
There was an awkward silence in the air as she looks down and speaks. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be talking to the elders like that. I just got frustrated. I'll sleep at Matsumoto place tonight." She offered proceeding to walk away.
Byakuya grabs her hands and place them with his as he kisses her forehead and pulls her into a hug. "Why haven't you told me anything?" He asks as she calmly hugs him back and tears fall down. "You know I would have said something if you would have just communicate to me."
(Your Name) doesn't say anything as he rubs her back and leads her into bed with him. "I fell in love with you because of how you are, you don't have to act anymore." He proceeds to says as she gently nods.
Byakuya softly smiles and kisses her forehead again. "We deal with this together my love."
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gothfoxx · 3 years
a story to a prompt that went too off target but i still liked
But that’s only when you have to deal with rookie heroes and their basic mistakes, not a villain who see a 3 on 1 fight and wants to help. Which was sweet of Torrent, don’t get me wrong, but these kids are C maybe B-class at best and not a threat. So when he burst onto the scene and declared himself my protector it really shouldn’t have been a big surprise. What was surprising was the kids not backing off even though it was better for them to call in a senior hero and follow at a distance!
“Ha, foul villain, you won’t get away from us just because you called in reinforcements!” The loud kid with the super-strength shouted as he punched a chunk of broken concrete towards them.(that’s points off for endangering civilians and not keeping damage down) A blast of water shot the chunk back at the kids, thankfully the kids were pushed back by the gust the first punch made. (The wind has always been easiest for me to control and easiest for others to not take notice of)
The kid that could float pushed off the ground to try to confront Torrent, not a smart move considering he just tossed a object bigger and heavier than her. So guess it’s time to step up and tr- “Stupid hero! You think you can stop me?” Torrent shouts, ok less thinking more doing!
Quick as a sneeze I jump in front of the float kid and pie her in the face with a whip cream pie, Torrent pulls back his attack just in time to miss hitting me or the kid. "Trix, love, let me handle these degenerates. You could get hurt with all this rubble." He calls towards me in a genuinely concerned voice, again sweet but he was messing with my job! I was going to answer but the third hero-kid popped up behind him and used a metal pole to knock Torrent out. Which ok props for taking out an A class villain but now the water he was controlling was going to fall on civilians, a tidal wave worth of water falling hard on bystanders that the kids had ignored(more points taken away, so so so many points) like a pile of bricks.
The strength kid grabs the float girl since she still has cream all over her face blocking her sight and the warp kid pops back to their side to pop them all to safety in the blink of an eye. Um What? Were they just going to leave now? after all this? They were leaving a villain to fall to his unwarranted death, another 'villain' to escape, and towns people to be crushed by a wall of water that they are responsible for. Ok, they fail.
I was going to lose my Joke!Villain job for this but screw it, im a protector of the people first, all people. I let the wind feel my intentions and it whisks Torrent to the roof of a building, water listens to him like a limb listens to the brain but for me? Water bends to my will as easy as breathing. I know that my eyes spark with energy and the wig i use to hide my own has blown off, but that doesnt matter as i send the water into the storm drains and sewers. And since im already sure to lose my job at this point I dont see a reason not to just fix some of these building before they collapse. Concreat lifts back into place and melts seamlessly in place with just a thought, there are gasps as the people who thought they were going to die realize the threat is over and set eyes on the figure that saved them. The new will be all over this before i even get back to base to get chewed out.
"Gaia?" the warp kid and his team mates are behind me as i land on the pavement, they sound so excited but there is a storm brewing inside me that needs to be let ou. "No. No you three dont get to be happy or excited or star struck! You almost died and then you were going to let other people die! You should have popped away as soon as Torrent arrived and informed a senor hero about the incident! I have never had a group fail so badly in a mock encounter, five years of training exercises and never have i had a group put so many people in danger, including themselves!" I shout at them, their awestruck faces turning to frowns and pinched looks. By now police and some full time heroes had made it to the scene so I could leave the kids and mess to them while i went to check on Torrent.
The guy was awake now and looking very hurt when i landed on the edge next to him, "So you didnt need my help?" "no" "And you are actually a hero? "yeah" "Does that mean we were never friends?" "Torren-Cory, you are a lovely guy. You never made Trix feel like a failure or make fun of her, made her smile after fail heists. You were a great friend and im sorry i lied, i was never meant to get to know any real villains but you reached out and were so sweet. I. I never knew if someone was just pretending to be my friend as a kid, people were scared of me or wanted to use me. It was nice to know you just wanted to be a friend because you wanted to know me and not for some other reason. So yeah, you might have made friends with Trix but Trix is me, sorta." He looks away from me for a minute then back at my probably still sparking eyes, "We could leave." I must make a face because he looks sad, "I mean, we could just go and live normal lives. Not even like together together, just...Friends." And wouldnt that be grand? A life away from all the stupid fighting and being monitored because you have world ending power over the elements, no more training snot-nosed privileged kids, just talking about our favorite books and laughing at tv shows. A normal life with probably my only friend.
"Cory, I cant go. They track me, its in my spine where i cant get it out. I want to, i would love to leave with you. But i just cant." I hope he knows that i mean it, how ive thought about leaving before, going to his lair and just never leaving as Gaia again. We dont have a lot of time left before another hero comes up here to check things out so i reach over and squeeze his hand. "Live a good life for both of us ok." Neither of us address the tears we're both shedding, this got too real too fast for either of us in truth, "I'll make a good life and ill find a way to get you help." he declares as he stands, water pooling under his feet and raising him into the air. It hurts, I lost a friend and my freedom today, being a joke!villain was the only time i didnt have a voice speaking in my ear. I hope you keep your promise.
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CHAT: JoAnna Binding Series
#1 - Starting earlier than binding situation with when Jo finds out about Anna’s collar. Shared simply for the sheer fact Anna sends Jo about like a slave for the start and if I’d known that was the opening line, I’d have written it…
Anna: *Anna sends Jo a text with a long list of things she needs from the bar library closet asking her to bring it over*
Jo: *It was easy enough to find the things Anna was after, it was the sheer number which was annoying as Jo fumbles her way to Anna’s apartment. Knocking once, Jo tries the handle, heading inside when it’s unlocked* “What on earth is with all this stuff, Anna? You planning on making some magical bath for your leg or something?”
Anna: *Anna comes out of the bathroom after having a shower to work out the kinks out of her muscles from a day of failed attempts. Toweling her hair dry she points to the kitchen counter.* “You can put that there and no something else. Thanks Jo for bringing it over.”
Jo: *Setting them down, Jo turns to look at the other, frowning at the shiny metal around her neck and the lack of bruising and problems* “No problem. …Where’d you get the jewellery from, that looks really familiar?”
Anna: “Oh I thought you would have heard all about it from Grey.” *Anna raises an eyebrow, her voice a bit rough as she walks over looking through the bags and sorting them for each spell.*
Jo: “Funnily enough, you’re not exactly a topic of conversation we have any more.” *She sighs, raising her brow back at Anna as she crosses her arms and leans back against the counter* “So.. what happened?”
Anna: “Crowley, what else happens, beside Grey and Ruby. He put it on, Grey got a good laugh as he caught me walking home. Gray is pissed..by the way, thank you Jo. I don’t know what you said to him but thank you.” *Anna looks at her smiling some.“
Jo: "Ah, that’s why it.. that makes sense. And I’m sure he did, this is the exact type of thing Grey finds amusing.” *Jo shakes her head, running a hand through her hair as Anna thanks her, shrugging a shoulder* “I let the guy beat up on me and told him he wasn’t allowed to do something, nothing too hard. I cleared up the stuff he was reading into you and Grey as well though.”
Anna: “You alright?” *Anna could imagine if she caught Gray in a foul mood and tried to talk to him about her when he didn’t want too.
Jo: *Shrugging again, Jo rubs at her neck briefly before crossing her arms again* “It’s fine. I’ve had worse from him before so it’s not so bad.”
Anna: *Anna nods walking over to sit on the bed.* “Crowley’s given him a choice, he can either take it out on me or Crowley will bend him over he won’t and he isn’t.”
Jo: “You sure Crowley isn’t just trying to worm his way into joining the two of you? Because that’s a new threat I’ve only heard the both of you get delivered.” *The flash of sympathy Jo feels towards Anna and Gray gets stomped down as hard as possible - at least those for the monster of the pair - with a quick spin to look away from Anna and fiddle with some of the bowls left out*
Anna: “We aren’t exactly back together, just talking and no. I think Crowley is enjoying using me against him.” *Anna snorts softly as she shakes her head, it’s either laugh or cry at this time about the fact she’s a weakness for Gray.* “I keep hoping he gets bored with us but no luck.” *She bites her lip to stop from saying that she wishes he would go after Grey.*
Jo: *Jo sends Anna a thoughtful look before tapping her knuckles against the top of the counter* “I’m sorry if I cant really get any sympathy for him about that - you sure, but him.. not really. I don’t want that asshole getting bored and snooping about my house.”
Anna: “I know. Someone has to keep him busy while you kill him.” *Anna runs her hand through her hair and she sighs, she’s not used to stepping back from everything but it’s what she’s doing now.* “How are you doing in that?”
Jo: “Good actually. I think I have a short list of spells which might do the trick, now it’s just a case of.. finding the right one, the right changes and the right ingredients.” *She sighs again, rubbing at the back of her neck awkwardly, giving Anna a look* “Any advancements on your end?”
Anna *Anna shakes her head* “I don’t know anymore I’m just stepping back before I mess anything else up for anyone.”
Jo: “Stepping back and waiting for the horror again? Sounds…. dreadful.”
Anna “It is but hey at least I’m just a bitch now instead of a control freak bitch.” *Anna jokes weakly*
Jo: *Jo just shoots Anna a look, shiftng to move to stand nearer the bed* “So… whats all this stuff for then?”
Anna “Trying to get my new jewelry off, can’t do any damage that way to anyone but myself. So far, I’ve got a sore throat and I feel like i’ve been run over by a truck.” *Anna shrugs some as she looks at Jo scooting over and making room for her if she wants to sit.*
Jo: *Moving her weight from one foot to the other, Jo looks about and then back to Anna and the collar with a frown* “Have you got him to try and help with it? I know that Grey couldn’t get his off, even back when the two of them were joined and fighting against it.”
Anna “He tried when he saw it but hasn’t touched it since everytime anything happens it..well… Have you ever seen one of those collars a dog wears if it barks?” *Anna huffs feeling embarassed and annoyed at the same time, she still can’t stand the idea of what it represents.*
Jo: *She nods, giving the plain metal surface a curious look before sitting down* “I recognise tha tlook on your face, I’m guessing it really fucking hurts when you try? At least it doesnt shrink?”
Anna *Anna nods and then she laughs* “Don’t say that too loud and give him ideas. And Grey can kiss my ass if he thinks I’m just going to sit here and wait for Crowley to take it off. He enjoyed rubbing that fact in my face.”
Jo: “…You should be glad he hasn’t seemingly taken up any of my ideas yet, actually.” *Jo kicks her foot out against the floor, bouncing her ankle against the surface* “I’m sure he did, Anna, like I say, this is totally to his sense of humor.”
Anna “Sense of humor? It’s spite and hate, I’ve seen Gray have that same look in his face when he’s rubbing salt into a wound. Stop trying to down play it but we were good, no one touched each other.” *Anna snaps and then she looks at Jo as she realizes what Jo said.* “Wait, what are your ideas?”
Jo: “Like I said, I’m sure he did. So long as no ones touching or hurting one another, I don’t care how much steam you blow up at one another, Anna. I know you’re just as likely to find enjoyment out of his being beaten and broken down as he is his, so I’ll downplay the both of you until someone bleeds.” *Her voice is blank as she looks back at her, shrugging a shoulder* “I gave him some suggestions when he was trying to make me his babysitter.”
Anna “Is these ideas anything I should be worried about?” *Anna ignores Jo’s comments on Grey but she raises a brow at the wording, no touching and no bleeding, maybe she can do something about the monster after all.*
Jo: “..If you don’t like acid or starving to death, then yeah, I’d say so.” *Jo shrugs, picking at her jeans as she looks away from Anna with a frown*
Anna: “Sounds pleasant.” *Anna looks at Jo studying her and she tilts her head to the side.* “You seem upset, what’s wrong?”
Jo: “Definitely not pleasant. He seemed to find them enjoyable enough not to come after me with them, but I’d be on the look out if I were you.” *Anna’s question stumps her a bit, not really sure how she could explain in such a way that Anna wouldn’t see it as a free shot towards her housemate* “It’s nothing. Just my talk with your not-partner got me thinking about some stuff is all.”
Anna: *Anna raises a brow.* “What do you mean?” *She tries to keep the edge out of her voice but she can’t help it a bit because Gray just started to talk to her again.*
Jo: *Jo shoots the other a look, shrugging a shoulder again even if she wants to snap back at the tone* “Just stuff, okay? He’ll be fine”
Anna: “No offense Jo, you generally have a small list of things you think about. How to kill, how to fuck, what to drink or eat and can you do the other two while killing something.” *Anna gives Jo a look to elaborate on which of these things she’s thinking about.*
Jo: *Jo flushes, half in anger half in embarrassment, at Anna’s comment, crossing her arms and standing up* “Its not of your damn business, okay? I’ve just been thinkin’ is all and it’s not just about your guy.”
Anna: *Anna holds her hands up in defeat.* “Fine fine but you seem like you have something on your mind is all.”
Jo: “Yeah, well.. I do. But it’s fine.” *Jo scowls slightly, shooting Anna a look when she doesn’t seem like she’s about to fight it out with her about it* “It’s just.. I’m not acting like I should be but I’m not feeling weird about it. Which is weird, is all.”
Anna: “So you’re not feeling like you want to kill him, is that what you’re saying Jo?” *Anna tilts her head as Jo seems really uncomfortable right now,*
Jo: *Rubbing the back of her neck, Jo shifts her weight between her feet, looking anywhere but at Anna* “In a very dumbed down version, sort of. I want to kill him, I do, I just… don’t want to kill him all the time. He needs to be killed, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to every second of the day.”
Anna: *Anna snorts* “So he’s growing on you then.” *She’s trying to not smile, glad for some thing to make her laugh right now. She just never thought it would be hearing Gray is growing on Jo.*
Jo: “/No/!” *Jo practically shouts back, digging her nails into the back of her neck to stop from throwing her hands upwards, scowling at Anna’s attempt to hide her amusement. Pacing a little way aways and then back, the scowl doesn’t shift at all, even as she rolls her shoulders and continues quietly* “It’s not that.. I don’t like him, I just.. understand him a bit. And it’s not just him, I’m not working properly and it’s throwing me off.”
Anna: “He’s totally growing on you. Is that why you tried to get him to talk to me? Because if this had been reversed and I thought that you were dating a sociopath of a monster I would do everything I could to keep you from going back to him.” *Scooting back she gives Jo room to explode.*
Jo: “He’s not! He’s a sociopathic asshole with no redeeming features at all and I have no clue how or why you like him at all and he’s just..” *Jo keeps pacing, not even looking at Anna and turning redder and redder as she talks, scowling fiercely* “He’s throwing me off! Him and his brother! I’m not acting right and it’s bloody pissing me off.”
Anna: “Gray’s the psychopath, Grey is the sociopath.” *Anna offers helpfully as Jo keeps pacing. She’s not sure she’s ever seen Jo so red and she’s having a hard time keeping herself from laughing.* “How is the fact you’re starting to accept him, his fault for throwing you off and what is his brother doing to you?”
Jo: *Jo growls at Anna’s correction, shooting her a look as she keeps pacing, running a hand through her hair like it will calm her down* “Because I /can’t kill them/! I just… I can’t kill either of them, and I know I have to or might have to but I /can’t/, Anna. And it’s making everything else harder and I don’t.. I need to kill that bastard, but I can’t because you’ll get upset and I can fucking /understand/ him! Dont you get it?!”
Anna: *Anna’s eyes are growing wider as Jo explodes and she finally bursts out laughing.* “You can kill him. Just pull the trigger. And how do you understand him?”
Jo: *The second Anna laughs Jo snarls back at her, hand jerking out of her hair in a fist and hits a punch at the wall closest to her enough that a few bits of plaster shake off* “It’s not fucking funny! I’m serious!” *Glaring, she pulls her hand back, stuffing it into her jean pocket before she can punch anything again, before muttering darkly* “You don’t fucking get it.”
Anna: “There goes that deposit…” *Anna bites back her laughter as she looks at Jo’s hand to make sure she isn’t bleeding.* “Then explain it to me. Breath deep and explain how things have changed and why you can’t kill him and why you understand him.”
Jo: *Scowling, Jo pulls away from Anna, starting to pace again while opening and closing her hands at her sides* “I just get him, alright? He says stuff and does stuff and thinks stuff that I do, and I just.. It makes sense, a lot of it. Not the psychopath crap but a lot of the other stuff, and… I can’t kill him, because once again, that would mean you’d kill … and I can’t have that either so it’s just throwing me off of my game. I can’t /hunt/, Anna, it’s hard. It’s never been hard before, but now, I just..” *She slows to a very sedate walking pace, hitting her hands gently against her hips before sighing* “It’s messing me up.”
Anna: “Welcome to how I started seeing Gray. At some level he’s a lot like us but just more bloody when he gets pissed off. Trust me he keeps growing on you. And Grey, is a lot more like his brother than you want to admit and you’re having a hard time with that because if you want to kill Gray then you should want to kill Gray.” *Anna raises a brow at Jo to see if she’s close to be right.*
Jo: “I don’t /want/ him to, Anna. I want him dead, I don’t want to be thinking about this or to have that minute pause every time I go to stab or shoot something of ‘what makes this so different’. I don’t want to deal with that, I want him /gone/.” *Jo hisses back, hitting her fist hard against her hip as she looks back at Anna’s look* “And that’s not the case at all. I know what Grey’s /really/ like, not just the jackass he is around you or how nice he is around Harry, alright? He’s not hurting anybody or at least he doesn’t want to, Gray on the other hand just wants everyone to be hurt.”
Anna: “Really? Then why did you go try not once but twice to get us back together?” *Anna can’t understand some of what’s Jo going through because she could still kill Grey without hesitation.*
Jo: “I don’t know! You were upset, and he was being creepy, and I just..” *Jo hits her hip again before crossing her arms, frown firmly in place*
Anna: “Have you ever felt bad for him?” *Anna gets up going to the freezer taking out a bottle of vodka she has in it and throws it to Jo*
Jo: *Jo catches the bottle, waving it a bit to test how much was in it, almost surprised by the amount, before screwing off the top and taking a quick swig of it, starting to pace again* “…Why?”
Anna: “Just curious.” *Anna goes back to the bed, sitting cross legged as she watches Jo. She sorta feels bad for her but not totally and she’s more than a bit pleased to know that Jo can’t just flat out kill Gray now.*
Jo: “I felt bad for him putting up with your crazy moodswings, for one.” *She mutters in response, looking suspciously at Anna’s almost pleased expression*
Anna: “I feel bad for anyone putting up with me.” *Anna prompts knowing that Jo puts up with her more than she should even now.*
Jo: *Jo nods, tipping her head back for another mouthful from the bottle, not really feeling any better for it* “Yeah well, what the fuck else are we supposed to do for loved ones, right?”
Anna: “Protect them?” *Anna smiles some watching Jo take another swig.* “So have you been feeling bad for Gray?”
Jo: “…Other than that? Why should I?” *She mutters quietly, shoulders shrinking up as she frowns slightly* “I just understand him, doesn’t mean I give a crap what he goes through. I’d much rather not know anything at all and put a bullet through his frontal lobe.”
Anna: “But does knowing make it even harder to put a bullet through him? You know before he left he said to take care of myself and watch out for you as well. Whatever you did, I think he’s going through a bit of the same because I’ve never seen Gray express concern for you.” *Anna’s voice drops some as she looks at Jo, thinking about Gray.*
Jo: *Jo’d opened her mouth to speak at Anna’s question but cuts herself off when Anna continues talking, staring almost in disbelief at her* “He.. what? That’s not like him..” *She says the words but doesn’t really believe them, figuring that if she could find some kind of connection other than mutual hatred with him, then it’d probably be the same in reverse* “…It does make it harder, of course.”
Anna: “Who knows, maybe if we all live through this everything will go back to normal or you two will actually not hate each other. Maybe there’s been some good come out of Crowley after all.” *Anna smiles some at Jo.*
Jo: *The thought makes Jo shudder, taking another swig from the bottle* “It’s kind of depressing to think me and Gray are more likely to make ammends than you and his brother.”
Anna: “That is a depressing thought but who knows, things could change. I would have never thought that I would witness the budding chance of friendship between you and Gray.” *Anna chuckles some as she holds out her hand for the bottle.*
Jo: *Jo snorts at Anna, flushing out of anger for certain this time* “There will be no friendship - he’s a cold blooded murderer.” *She looks between Anna’s hand and the bottle consideringly before grumbling and handing it over, kicking her ankle against the side of the bed as she passes*
Anna: *Taking the bottle she drinks and offers it back to Jo as the liquor burns going down, not feeling the best on her throat and she coughs some* “Well, friendship is a strong word. Acceptance of each other, let’s put it that way.” *Anna teases Jo some.*
Jo: “You probably shouldn’t drink anything for a while Anna.” *Jo takes the bottle back, drinking another mouthful before capping it, setting the bottle on the kitchen counter as she stays back away from Anna again, slightly grumpy at the insinuation of potential friendship* “Again - he’s a cold blooded killer. It’s wrong, he can exist /without/ killing anyone or anything, and yet he decides not to. I can’t abide by it..”
Anna: “Why are you holding him to human standards? He’s not and it’s not fair to expect him to go outside of his nature. It would be like asking you to stop hunting and go into, I don’t know raise puppies.” *Anna challenges Jo.*
Jo: “I’m not, I’m holding him to the same standards I hold the rest of their kind: are they killing people? Are they intentionally hurting them? Do they have other options? Are they taking them? I get a yes, yes, yes and a no playing the 'Does Gray do this’ game. How 'bout you?” *Jo scowls, crossing her arms as she leans back against the counter* “They don’t /have/ to kill to survive, but he does it.”
Anna: “No he kills because he wants too. But then again he was created because Crowley did something to Grey correct so he’s unique to the rest of his kind.” *Anna counters logically.*
Jo: “Yeah, he’s.. ….He’s the part of Grey that didn’t want to stop being a monster, basically. All he does is do what he wants, no regard for anyone or anything else. He’s got no restraint or control - or rather, he has too much control and he just doesn’t care what he does with it.”
Anna: “And he’s starting to change.”
Jo: “He’s still hurting people, or he still wants to and will.” *Jo raises an eyebrow, shifting to sit attop the counter space since the table was broken and she didn’t feel like sitting in the table-less chairs or near Anna* “How come he is able to change, yet you won’t believe that Grey isn’t what you think he is?”
Anna: “Because Gray doesn’t hide what he feels or is. Grey does nothing but work to make others forget he’s a monster but he has no problem acting like one if he doesn’t value your life. Sound familier?” *Anna shifts so she’s facing where Jo has decided to finally sit.*
Jo: “He sounds like you, honestly.” *Jo looks back at Anna blankly, almost anticipating the response to that, even as she shakes her head at the, in her opinion, shallow interpretation of the monsters*
Anna: *Anna shrugs* “I’ve got a higher body count technically than you all put together if you really want to talk about killers. Maybe it’s why I can seperate it easier between the two of them.”
Jo: “Not because you wanted to though, and theres your difference.”
Anna: “Killing an innocent though is killing an innocent. Why are you holding me different than Gray?”
Jo: “Because you didn’t /want/ to. You didn’t do it because it made you happy or brought you joy - the same way Grey doesn’t. …While your guy on the other hand does it for kicks, and don’t even try to deny it - I know he does because I get the same when I kill something that I wanted to.” *Jo bites her lip as she finishes, staring at Anna even as she got quieter as she talked*
Anna: “Then why do you kill the monsters that have no choice but to eat humans. Do they want to because it’s them or the human? How is that justified? Do you feel the same sense of satisfaction or is it simply your duty as a hunter?” *Anna’s expressions have almost vanished as she sits looking straight at Jo, unblinking.*
Jo: “If they can’t control themselves and are hurting people, then it’s my duty to protect people. It upsets me to kill those that can’t help themselves - the monsters who can’t fight it and who aren’t aware or don’t know any more. If they have the ability to make a choice but decide to continue because that’s what they want?” *Jo shrugs her shoulder, feeling a little too analysed under Anna’s gaze* “Then I /want/ to kill them.”
Anna: “But you’re hurting them. What makes humans so supperior to monsters? You don’t like it when the angels considered you little better than trash but you are more than happy to do it monsters.” *Anna’s voice still remains flat as she starts to understand more of why Jo is bothered by Gray.*
Jo: “I don’t give a crap where any one is on the superiority scale - monsters, humans, angels, we’re all really the same, just different end destinations and paths on the way there. What I do give a crap about is whether something is killing a lot of things because they /want/ to and they want to hurt other’s and make them suffer. I care about that, and I know I fall into the second catergory but I’m trying to balance the lives that I save from being killed in future by something that can’t control themselves or want to murder them - with those I do kill. I’m hoping at the end of the day my good will balance out my bad, but if it doesn’t, then I get what I deserve as well.” *Jo shrugs again, tucking her arms tightly under her chest as she looks away from Anna, the stare completely unnerving*
Anna: “Death is death. We all live with the comfort and delusion that by killing that one we save this one in the future but when it comes down to it. We are all killers.” *Anna speaks softer now as she watches Jo still, her expression softening as well.* “Gray enjoys killing and so do you but you seem angry at Gray because he doesn’t try and justify it like you do and he doesn’t feel guilt over it.”
Jo: *Jo nods at Anna’s first comments, knowing that it’s a little childish to have that opinion but still feeling more comfortable with that theory to life. Her head jerks back around to Anna’s face at her observation about Gray, reaching a hand up to rub at the back of her neck* “..Maybe? He doesn’t care that he doesn’t have to, he’s got no reason other than his own enjoyment and he doesn’t even show any of his victims any /respect/. That’s… that’s wrong on so many levels. I’ve seen those bodies, I’ve spoken and seen some of them while they were alive.. …Ive killed them myself. And they’re just.. it’s /wrong/ how he treats them and how he acts, Anna, it’s pointlessly cruel and horrible and he just does it because its fun. Doesn’t even give them a grave or make it so the family can learn..”
Anna: “Do you notify the next of kin of the monsters you kill that have no choice? Do you leave them a grave other than a pile of ash in the middle of no where? Have you ever taken pleasure in prolonging the death of something or torturing it simply because it’s not the same species as you?”
Jo: “..Werewolves and skinwalkers. Rugaru’s I track the families. The rest it gets a little harder to identify and do anything for them, most of the time the families are dead already.” *Jo chews on her lip as she ducks her head, feeling a little ashamed of herself for admitting to even following further than her cases need to, like Anna was like the hunters from the Roadhouse who expect her to be tough* “Burning is the simplest, but even that’s the same as a grave given it’s a cremation. Gray just leaves the mangled remains where ever he’s finished with them. …And you know torture isn’t exactly my favourite thing in the world. Or something I take part in often, Anna.”
Anna: “I believe Gray would disagree with you on the torture Jo.” *Anna breathes in and she pushes her fist question more. “Those are the ones that have human families but what about those like the kitsune and djinn? They have family, structure, loved ones, do you notifiy those families or simply track them to kill them?”
Jo: “Gray is a special circumstance.” *Jo shrugs a shoulder as she says it, looking back at Anna curiously* “I don’t know, I haven’t crossed paths with a kitsune before or anything that I know have actual family structures.”
Anna: “Maybe it’s because while I want to be human to feel things and I admire all that I have seen from you since you first crawled out of the ocean that I favor you and I want to stop you from being wiped out but it doesn’t mean I put you as a species above others. It’s no longer balanced, no matter how many people monsters kill, it won’t ever hurt you as a race and perhaps it’s just their time to go. I don’t hold you and higher than I do Gray. When I put Grey down for being a monster, it’s because angels are above him and humans, equally.” *Anna leans back giving a small shrug as she looks away from Jo finally and towards the bottle of vodka*
Jo: *Jo nods her head, fisting her hands into her coat pockets* “Yeah, I know Anna. Though I’d think there were both humans and monsters who might disagree about that, but I get it. I know I favor my own kind, but I try to get rid of or have bad humans taken care of as much as I can without getting myself a one way ticket straight downstairs - and if I knew a monster who wasn’t hurting other’s needed my help, I wouldn’t say no if I could help them. It’s.. it’s hard to say though, given I’ve only met a few monster’s who try to control themselves and avoid killing and hurting people.”
Anna: “I just think you need to stop holding Gray and yourself to higher standards. He’s who he is and so are you.” *She smiles some at Jo as she stands walking over and getting the bottle, taking a drink, trying to shake the feeling she has right now.*
Jo: “He’s who he is, and who he is is against everything I stand for..” *Jo mutters in return, twisting her hands as she looks down awkwardly*
Anna: *Anna chuckles as she takes another drink before handing Jo the bottle.* “Yet you can understand him.”
Jo: “Let it never be said that my life isn’t complicated.” *She takes the bottle herself, sipping another mouthful and relaxes her shoulders a little*
Anna: *Anna nods feeling hte collar and she starts sorting herbs again, her skin crawling. She feels like an angel right now talking to Jo about this and now she feels like the collar is choking her.* “All of our lives are complicated. Angels, monsters, humans all living together and being friends.”
Jo: *Jo looks at her out of the corner of her eye as she scratches and presses at her collar, mouth tugging up on one side as she watches* “Or hating one another, depending.”
Anna: “If history repeats like they say it does then you and Gray are going to be best friends by how we started out at each other’s throats.” *Anna teases as she prepares the ones that need ground in a mortar and pestle*
Jo: “In contrast to the potential for you and Grey to start knocking boots if history really does repeat itself. …Not sure if I like either of those ideas, myself.” *Jo teases back, taking another mouthful of vodka and glad to finally feel a little less stressed or aggressive from it as she watched Anna* “…What are you doing?”
Anna: “Working on new spells and I promis to not knock boots with Grey if you don’t with Gray.” *Anna smirks a bit as she stops for another pull on the vodka, clearing her throat some.* “What’s the worse this collar does, kill me?”
Jo: “That’s a bit of a hard promise to make. Should probably get him to agree to it as well just in case.” *Jo half jokes, leaning around to look t what Anna was mixing* “Well.. I’d say yeah, killing. Or make you completely paraplegic maybe.”
Anna: “Well, then I couldn’t feel it when Crowley decides that he finally wants a piece of me. Might be a blessing.” *Anna jokes weakly as she adds more herbs and begins to grind them.* “Won’t have to worry about having just lame foot then either.”
Jo: *Jo swallows dryly looking at the other as she’s focussed on the herbs and grinding, folding her own arms and shifting a little away* “Just try not to blow yourself up while I’m in the splash zone..”
Anna: “You watch to many horror movies. My head isn’t going to explode.” *Anna takes a knife, running it over the inside of her arm, next to the other cuts and she lets the blood mix with the herbs. Human blood she muses, if she had any grace left her blood shouldn’t work but it does.*
Jo: “You can blame that on Grey these days; never know with Crowley though, do you Anna?” *Jo watches on in interest from as far away as possible*
Anna: “Is he taking refresher courses for how to be a monster?” *Anna takes a cheap shot as she draws the marks on the collar in blood and then lights a match, taking a breath as she throws it into the bowl, speaking in Enochian only to have her words choked off as the collar activates*
Jo: *Jo was meaning to reply to the crack when Anna seizes, not sure what’s going on at all and leaping off the counter to grab her as she starts falling backwards* “Anna? Anna are you okay?”
Anna: *Breathing hard she just nods, not able to speak yet. Maybe doing the rests of the tests on the bed would be smarter as Jo doesn’t let her hit the floor. If she had thought of that earlier she probably would have a few less bruises*
Jo: *She tightens an arm around Anna’s waist before pulling her back towards the bed gently, helping to set her down* “Okay, no more blood tests. I don’t think it’s going to work.” *Jo tries to shuffle Anna back as far as possible so any movement won’t have her rolling off the bed before stroking the other’s hair from her face with a small frown* “And no, he’s not. Though maybe you’re taking refresher angel ones - unless you’re just being completely stupid wiht these attempts. Does that happen every time?”
Anna: *Anna nods, the shock easing and she coughs taking a deep breath* “It sucks and sort of hurts.” She whispers with a weak laugh. “Thanks.” She relaxes slowly, her muscles unclenching. “Refuse to believe that Crowley is only way out.”
Jo: “Looks like someone was zapping you with fifty stun guns at once, Anna. That can’t be good for your heart..” *Jo sighs, looking at Anna’s clammy and sweart skin before holding up a hand* “Stay.” *She rushes into the bathroom and grabs one of the small hand towels, wetting it and coming back to rest it on Anna’s forehead* “Can’t help but think that he might be. Which is disgusting as all hell”
Anna: *The cold feels good and she closes her eyes for a moment. Jo keeps bringing things up she hadnt thought off, the shock goes down her spine she never even thought about her heart.* “Just, demon magic, not like real electricty. Crowley won’t kill his pet.” *She’s breathing easier as her chest unclenches and she reaches up with a shaking hand to move the towel down her face* “Thank you again.”
Jo: “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. He practically did kill Grey the first time he got him. Back when he had one of these.” *Jo reaches out and taps Anna’s collar with one finger gently before moving to pick up the towel for Anna and moves it as gently as possible, frowning down at the silver piece of metal* “I’d avoid doing that more than once a day though, just to be sure..”
Anna: “He killed Grey?” *Anna blinks not knowing that and she lays her head back letting Jo move the towel over her skin.* “More than once, that was number 6 today..I think..”
Jo: “I said practically. I don’t know the details, I just know it was bad..” *Jo frowns slightly, giving Anna a sharp look* “/Definitely/ no more tests today. Honestly, you thought that was a good idea?”
Anna: “No. Never said it was. Only one that can’t hurt anyone else.” *Anna winces as she looks away as Jo gives her a look.* “Tried to get Gray to try and pull it off, just ignore the shocking but he wouldn’t. Never actually finished spell, hard to speak when your jaw locks up.”
Jo: “I’d go ahead and hazard a guess that it isn’t coming off then, because I don’t know anyone who will willingly help you or hurt you.” *Jo sighs,folding the towel into a long strip and leaving it across Anna’s neck right near where her skin was slightly red from the collar’s reaction*
Anna: “Maybe provoke Grey, he wouldn’t care.” *Anna reaches up, rubbing the collar.* “This sucks, trade problems? Can be upset over not wanting to kill someone you can have new jewelry.”
Jo: “He’d know it was helping you, I doubt he’d want to do that..” *Jo sighs, sounding a little bitter when she says it before an idea strikes her making her laugh awkwardly* “I wonder if I had taken Crowley up on his offer if I’d have been given a key.. And I think I’ll keep my own problems, thanks.”
Anna: “Offer?” *Anna looks at Jo blinking several times as she feels her body wanting to shut down but she doesn’t want to sleep.*
Jo: “I keep you 'pets’ in line.. take you out for exercise, stop any harm coming to them - and Mom gets a free ride up to Heaven and a long happy life with no problems.” *Jo shrugs, looking down at Anna as she blinks blearily* “I told him to fuck off.”
Anna: “Still doing it though. Won’t let Grey and I fight, telling me I’m stupid for this, bringing a cold towel.” *Anna’s blinks are getting longer as her words slur worse and worse. “Could use massage if pampering pets..”
Jo: “I’d rather do it without the connection and feeling like I’ve sold my soul to the devil.” *Jo sighs, watching her carefully before smiling slightly* “You’re not a pet, Anna, 'least not to me. Roll on your front if you want, otherwise just nod off. I’ll take care of everything.”
Anna: “Take care of Gray?” *Anna asks as she gives up the fight and let’s her body’s demand for sleep take her. She’s relaxed there with Jo, only other person besides Gray she feels totally at ease around when they aren’t fighting.
Jo: *Jo looks uncomfortable for a second, frowning as Anna seems to slip off slightly* “I’ll see what I can do.” *She waits until Anna’s out cold to stand up, taking the towel with her as she starts packing away the bowl of herbs and generally cleaning up and replacing the towel with another before pulling out her phone to play with instead of just leaving*
#2 - This is when and how Jo tells Anna about Gray. Not sure if seen before or if I’ve posted before.
Jo: *Jo’d waited a few hours at home, showering to wash what blood she’d gotten on her off, before heading across town to Anna’s - debating the whole time what she should and shouldn’t say. Distractedly, she knocks on the front door a quick beat until she sees the light under the door and just pushes the door open heading in* “So, I’ve got some good news and some… news. Which you want first, Anna?”
Anna: *Anna is cleaning up the apartment when she hears the knock on the door and before she can even take two steps she see’s Jo walk in and the other woman’s expression tells her that this isn’t a social call. She raises a brow at how Jo just starts the conversation and she leans against the counter she was cleaning.* “News.”
Jo: *She reaches up to rub at the back of her neck, kicking the door shut gently behind her and diverting her eyes from Anna as she brushes past to put the bed between them* “Well, I’ve seen Gray..”
Anna: *Anna nods, not liking how Jo is hesitating.* “And?”
Jo: “He’s.. …not exactly himself.” *Jo finally looks over at Anna, shifting a few steps further back, not sure what her reaction would be* “But I’m doing what you asked.”
Anna: *Anna looks at Jo half expecting to hear that she found him dead and the good news being she wasn’t the one that killed him. Hearing Gray isn’t himself only increases her worry.* “What do you mean he isn’t himself? Crowley?”
Jo: “Yeah, Crowley was involved. Dropped him off on me as a little task.” *Jo shrugs a shoulder as she speaks, watching Anna carefully* “He’s still him, but.. not really the same as always.”
Anna: *Anna runs a hand over her face and through her hair as she gives Jo a look of frustration when the blond woman keeps talking in circles.* “Jo, what happened?”
Jo: “He doesn’t want you to know.” *She spits it out quickly, deciding not to elaborate on exactly what seems to have happened just yet* “The good news is it doesn’t seem like Crowley literally bent him over at least.”
Anna: *Anna takes a breath before giving Jo a look, glaring somewhat at her.* “Good..you..Jo. What. Happened? and Where. Is. Gray?”
Jo: “I, uh.. He doesn’t want you to know that either. I tried to bring him here and he freaked out on me.” *Jo shifts awkwardly under Anna’s glare, rubbing at her neck again before adding very quickly* “He also seems to have had his powers surpressed and can’t do anything.”
Anna: “So Gray is locked in his body?” *Anna closes her eyes praying for patience in dealing with Jo.* “If he doesn’t want me to know then why are you telling me? You might as well tell me where he.” *Crossing her arms she stares at Jo expecting an answer.*
Jo: “Um, more than that.. He tried to set things alit and stuff, but it didn’t work, and now I think about it he seems to have tried disappearing or feeding and none of that worked too.” *Jo gives Anna a significant look, raising an eyebrow before shrugging back at her* “Because, if I tell you where he is then I’m going to go ahead and say he’s not going to let me keep taking care of him. Like you asked, and seemingly Crowley wants me to. But I’m telling you about it because you deserve to know.”
Anna: “Jo…” *Anna frowns as Jo keeps telling her about what Crowley did and she’s worried about Gray knowing him and how badly he acted before when hurt but now he can’t feed?* “Tell me where he is, you can’t expect to tell me this and just sit back!” *She’s biting her lip at the idea of Jo taking care of Gray, it’s her place, she’s always done it before.*
Jo: *When Anna doesn’t seem likely to throw something at her, Jo shifts moving closer, twisting a hand in her hair as she looks about awkwardly almost* “He doesn’t want you to see him like this, Anna. You know him, he’s too goddamn proud to let you see him like he is right now.”
Anna: *Anna gives Jo a look of total annoyance rolling her eyes as she goes over and grabs her bag, putting clothes and other supplies inside of it.* “Do you know how many times he’s told me to go away because his pride has been hurt? I never listened before. So you can tell me or I can start looking around town for him myself.”
Jo: “Anna, stop. Okay? I’ll tell you as soon as the stitches can come out, okay? And this isn’t..” *Jo sighs, moving over to grab Anna’s bag and holding it away* “There is something seriously wrong, and I’m fairly certain that he will run and never come back if you show up and find him now.”
Anna: “Damn it Jo! Give it back!” *Anna lunges for the pack glaring at Jo as she says something about stitches.* “You think there’s something wrong? Of course there is something wrong! If Gray had picked the other choice then he wouldn’t be in this mess and it’s not your place to take care of him, you don’t even like him. How do I know you won’t just kill him??”
Jo: “Ya know he said that too. 'Should have let him fuck me’.” *Jo’s voice drops down in the impersonation, jerking the pack to the other side away from Anna* “Am I the only one who thinks theres something wrong with that thought? And you asked me to Anna, you asked me to take care of him - so I damn well will even if I don’t want to. I had the option to kill him, he was right there and weak and I /didn’t/ because you asked me not to!”
Anna: “He..No! That isn’t what I’m talking about! How could you think that is..” *Anna is clenching her fists tempting to take a swing at Jo, she’s never fucking listened to anyone why is she starting now!* “He ..just never mind Jo! Tell me where he is damn it!”
Jo: *Jo turns her head but not quick enough, feeling the ache through her chin as she tosses the pack over the far side of the room* “Well that’s what he’s talkin’ about, Anna. He is regretting /that/ choice, not the one protecting you. So, I figure I owe him one right about now - so I’ll keep my agreement with him about you.”
Anna: *Anna turns walking towards the door, fuck Jo and fuck Gray for not wanting to see her. She’s got nothing but time until Crowley comes back to have fun with her so she can easily start walking the city and looking for where Jo might be keeping Gray.*
Jo: *Looking between Anna and the pack, Jo moves over to grab it before catching up to Anna* “How 'bout I take this over for him, along with anything else /other/ than you you want to pass along, and I’ll see how he feels 'boutt seeing you now he’s had some time to adjust?”
Anna: *Anna stops still visibly pissed at Jo and she doesn’t say anything at first but then she just nods.* “If I don’t hear anything by tomorrow then you can tell him that when I do find him, he’s going to be in so much trouble.” *Opening the door she waits for Jo to leave.*
Jo: *Jo barely restrains herself from muttering that she’s guessing he isn’t going to be the only one, shrugging the pack onto her shoulder with a nod* “I’ll get him to send you a message then.” *Stepping out into the hall, she raises an eyebrow checking there was nothing else*
Anna: “Also tell him I’m pissed at not wanting to see me. He’s an ass.” *Anna shuts the door on Jo turning around and walking back to the bed before flopping down and resisting the urge to scream and throw things.* “Stupid stubborn jackass!”
#3 - After Anna was a stalker and Gray yelled at Jo about Anna showing up…
Anna: *The sun was going down as Anna walks down the street. She’s staying close to the building, walking slowly as she makes way across town. She just keeps telling herself to get to Gray and she can not think about things for a while. She’s sure people think she’s drunk or on something by the way she stumbles and she wishes she was, it would make everything more bearable she thinks.*
Jo: *Jo was heading back away from the motel, planning to talk to the other shadow about a few things - mostly for his protection or to calm down the potential outburst she could feel would happen with Gray as he was - when she spots Anna coming from the other direction. It looks like she might have been drinking but Jo isn’t sure, and moving closer, Jo wonders what she should say - if at all*
Anna: *Anna isn’t looking up, watching the sidewalk more than the people around her. She keeps telling herself it’s just a few more blocks as she mentally prepares herself for Gray to reject her again. She doesn’t want to fight with him right now, just to lay down with him and sleep.*
Jo: *When they’re practically on top of one another, she figures from the look of the other - downcast eyes and the occasional stumble - that something has to be said* “Heading to see Gray? Can you make sure he takes another pill with whatever food if you’re there long enough?” *Her tones a bit harder than she meant it to be, but Jo’s having trouble keeping it from being outrightly hostile as it is*
Anna: *Anna startles hearing Jo right up on her and she swallows and nods.* “If he will let me in sure.” *She’s feeling sick as she tries to step around Jo, not looking up at the blond woman hearing the hostile tone in her voice.*
Jo: “He seemed pretty insistent you weren’t going to be coming back. I guess you’ll give him a hell of a surprise.” *Jo quickly takes in how Anna’s looking, not sure the slightly abnormal colour of her cheeks was a good thing*
Anna: “Probably should go back but I don’t care..” *Anna shrugs as she starts walking again, Crowley never said she couldn’t see Gray and she intends to see him as much as she can or at least till Crowley makes it where she can’t when he starts his visits.* “Thanks Jo, for taking care of him. Don’t think I ever said that before.”
Jo: *Jo turns, watching her, not sure if she should tag along before she catches Anna’s thanks and decides to walk with her for a while* “No, you didn’t actually. You asked me to though, so I am. Benefits everybody if I do.” *She shrugs her shoulder, falling into step but staying a littler further away than normal* “Try to keep him off his leg if you can, too.”
Anna: *Anna nods again to Jo.* “Gray should be fine and if you can, could you kill Crowley faster?” *She stops leaning on the wall of an abandoned building.* “You should probably keep your distance from me.”
Jo: *Jo stops when Anna does, looking between their feet when Anna says something about distance - shrugging and smiling to herself slightly at the idea that distance would have much effect on anything* “I’ll see what I can do. And if you’re saying that because of Crowley - he knows I got the memo, so I’m not exactly on the hit list anymore. If you’re talking about what happened..”
Anna: “No I’m talking about you killing him and he’s going to be around a lot more.” *She’s not sure if she wants to tell Jo what happened or if she needs to but she feels like after their last fight it wouldn’t be a good idea.* “Grey’s safe too. Not going after him.”
Jo: “Thats..a change.” *Jo stares across at Anna, eyebrows knitting in the middle as she tries to work out what might have caused it other than that Crowley had said something. Crowley was always saying something. Shaking her head, she nods towards the direction of the motel with a sigh* “Well, Im trying where Crowleys concerned, but Im going to need to be near Gray a lot with some of his injuries..”
Anna: “I’m not going to stay with Gray for long, I just want to be there tonight.” *Anna shrugs some as she reaches up with a hand wiping her face.* “I did something that he’s going to yell about or maybe not with the way he’s acting now. I don’t know..”
Jo: “Like I say, he’s not expecting you back. All the fun fight in him’s gone out.” *She sighs, not sure what Anna might have done and not really knowing if its still her place to know considering* “I’m rather amazed I’m not still yelling about what I know you’ve done, let alone anything you might have done since. But I’d figure he’ll blink at you and follow orders or something, given that’s all he’s been doin’ when I’ve been over.”
Anna: “Go a head and yell.” *Anna keeps her mouth shut about the fact Crowley doesn’t care if she tried to take Grey out now, Jo might just hit her this time and she shrugs again about Gray.* “Crowley planned that well, breaking Gray..”
Jo: “I think you figured out how I’m feeling about what happened, Anna.” *She grits the words out, crossing her arms as she looks back at the redhead* “He did. Though it’s really fucking annoying that he’s leaving others to deal with the mess of a monster rather than having his fun and being done.”
Anna: *Anna pushes off the building walking again.* “He won’t bother Gray again so your job just got easier.”
Jo: “You’d think that. I can’t say Crowley’s appearance would help or hinder it one way or the other actually. Unless he can, and will, zap the idiots personality back in place” *Jo sighs watching Anna push off, not moving to follow but calling out* “Whatever you’ve done, I hope it’s worth it, Anna.”
Anna: *Anna doesn’t say anything, she doesn’t regret it but she’s scared about it. Gray’s hotel finally comes in view and she sags seeing it there and she walks a bit faster.*
Jo: *When Anna keeps moving forward, Jo turns back towards home, setting off and not quite sure what to make of what just occured*
#4 - Jo still being a good friend and getting Anna’s collar off for her.
Jo: *Jo wasn’t too sure about what Anna wanted, though her talk with Ruby the day before suggested that that might be what was going to be what it was about without the other even needing to say it. Stashing the dagger into the holder she used to have around her back all the time, but now just when out, she went over to the other’s - paranoid that she’d lose the weapon or someone would attack, before
Jo: knocking on the door sharply*
Anna: *Anna hears the knock and she walks over to the door opening it. She looks at Jo and then steps aside.* “Ruby said you can get the collars off.” *She’s annoyed by now at everything she can’t reach where Ruby pricked her and it’s sore and she can’t figure out Jo’s motives and just everything and everyone can go to hell.*
Jo: *She’s surprised by Anna’s expression and how pissy she seems but figures something must have happened to cause it as she follows Anna in, kicking the door shut behind her* “Yeah, I can. I’m guessing you’re more than ready to get that thing off?”
Anna: “Why do you have something like that?” *Anna moves back to the bed sitting down staring at Jo. Crowley plays games and she’s wondering what this one is and what’s Jo’s part.*
Jo: “Because I do. Did you want it off or did you want to play spanish inquisition?” *Jo replies, moving closer but keeping her back away from Anna* “Turn around the other way so I can get to the back of it.”
Anna: *Anna turns pulling her hair aside and she huffs* “If that thing can break the collars off it should be able to unbind Gray.”
Jo: *Jo doesn’t make any comment, glad Anna was facing away as her face flushes brightly and she’s unable to control the look that crosses her face. Fumbling the dagger out, she grabs a hold of the collar as gently as possible as she presses the tip of the blade to the top of the metal* “This might zap for a few seconds” *Warning Anna before twisting and pushing harshly for the invisible join*
Anna: *Anna braces herself feeling Jo work her fingers between the collar and her skin and she bites her lip as the shock starts, her body jerking and then she falls forward when the collar opens and she’s left breathing hard.*
Jo: *The second the collar is open, Jo moves away, slipping the dagger back into the holster before moving forward to help* “Hey, hows that? Never going to feel that again from that collar.”
Anna: “Till Crowley gets angry at it being off..but whatever..” *Anna sits up rubbing her neck glad it’s gone for now and she turns with a wince as she faces Jo again.* “You never said anything about it working on Gray.”
Jo: “Yeah, but then I’ll just take the next one off as well.” *Jo shrugs a shoulder, schooling her face as blankly as possible at Anna’s second comment before shrugging again* “I didn’t, yeah.”
Anna: “So it does but you don’t want to tell me that it does. Why is that Jo?” *Anna tries to not sound accusing but it’s hard as she reaches back rubbing her shoulder. She wants to give Jo the benifit of the doubt and believe Jo has a good reason for not telling her.*
Jo: *Jo pulls a face, running a hand through her hair as she tried to think of a response* “Because it won’t until Crowley wants it to.”
Anna: “And Crowley wants you to get the collars off? Maybe I’ll just call Ruby back and find out. And thanks for letting me find out from her about this and not from you.” *Anna raises a brow at Jo’s explination*
Jo: “I.. didn’t know that it would work on the collars. There are reasons it works on them just fine and won’t work on Gray, okay?” *Jo snips back, crossing her arms under her chest as she stares back at Anna* “And Ruby knows jack shit.”
Anna: “It’s amazing what she can know though if the right deal is made.” *Anna challenges watching Jo carefully and she shakes her head.*
Jo: “Maybe that’s true, but you’d have to know and trust me it’s not going to be worth whatever she asks you to trade off about it. If nothing else, because you’re not going to be able to get it off of me /to/ unbind him, Anna.” *Jo’s look darkens slightly as she shrugs a shoulder again, not sure what Anna would do if she did get a hold of it* “Not that it would work yet, anyway.”
Anna: “Fine then explain to me why it won’t work yet. What’s Crowley’s game.” *Anna’s trying to remain civil, there’s a way to get Gray back to normal and Jo’s stalling.*
Jo: “Because other hoops have to be jumped through, and you don’t know them.” *Jo’s not sure what to do, the way the conversation has turned makes her extremely uncomfortable, especially since she figures Anna would try to remove the other so called 'hoop’ without a second thought* “Crowley’s punishing me for calling him and telling him to leave you alone or let Gray go. Thats his game, nothing else.”
Anna: *Anna runs her hand through her hair and she looks at Jo before taking a deep breath.* “And what are these hoops? What makes them so hard that you aren’t jumping are do you simply intend to leave Gray like he is and hope he or I never found out?”
Jo: “Well, I - unlike you - see some benefits to him being the way he is at the moment, so even if there weren’t any other circumstances I’d be reluctant to get rid of /all/ of the restrictions he has right now.” *Jo replies, sneering slightly as she speaks - more to herself than Anna.* “I’m not going to tell you what they are, Anna, and I’m not going to do any of them. I am unwilling to be responsible for them or for them to happen.”
Anna: “Then you can leave and lose my number Jo.” *Anna isn’t going to scream or fight and she isn’t going to tell Gray that there’s a way to release him that Jo’s to much of a bitch to do it. Standing up she walks to the bed room and shuts the door, locking Jo out.*
Jo: *Jo glares at Anna’s comment, rolling her eyes before calling out* “Fine!” *Rubbing at the back of her neck, figuring Anna would get over it by whenever Gray’s unbound again or adjusts to the way he is, she heads out the front door - shutting the door behind her as she heads home, hand careful to double and triple check her dagger every few feet*
#5 - Jo the psycho knife wielder that I’ve posted before…
Jo: *Jo’d waited until the other was settled enough that she could slip off - already know exactly where she did and didn’t want to go. The second she got in front of the slightly beat up doorway, she was knocking. Hard. Grey’d given her the idea that Anna might have been involved, but the blonde woman was really hoping that wouldn’t be the case as she keeps thudding on the door* “Anna, open up!”
Anna: *Anna hasn’t drank all night and she can feel it, she’s nervous and anxious waiting to hear back from Ruby and wondering if Gray will be alright once it’s done. There’s no promis that she’ll even see him after this so she doesn’t know. She’s almost asleep when the hard knock on her door makes her jump and for a moment she hopes but then she hears Jo’s voice, sighing she yells it’s open*
Jo: *Taking in the other’s appearance for a second, Jo shoulders her way past her roughly to stalk around the room, as though looking for signs of the other monster or anything which might give a hint. The small bowl sitting on the kitchen counter full of summoning pieces makes the thought Anna wasn’t involved drift away a little, but she reassures herself it could have been old* “Hi Anna, you do anything interesting last night?” *Jo’s tone is sharp, a forced sense of familiarity and niceness behind it as she pins the other woman with a look*
Anna: *Anna rolls her eyes at Jo’s agression. It must be done whatever had to have happened by the way the blond hunter is acting and she closes the door.* “I went and saw Gray, he’s still fevered and I’m worried about the fact his leg isn’t getting better despite the pills.” *Anna crosses her arms looking at Jo, questioning why the other woman hasn’t taken care of this problem.*
Jo: “Oh? I doubt that’s going to be an issue much longer though, right?” *Jo hisses out, keeping a scowl off her face with as much control as she can. That Gray was still sick when Anna last saw him was interesting, so whatever happened Anna musn’t have been there for it.*
Anna: “Why are you planning to finally break the marks on his back?” *Anna raises an eyebrow at Jo. She can feel her heart racing and she’s suddenly glad Ruby didn’t give her details of what must have happened by how pissed Jo seems now.*
Jo: *Jo glares this time at the almost accusing sound to the other’s question, crossing her arms tightly and digging her fingers into the muscle of her own arms rather than give into the temptation to hit something* “I would /never/ have done that Anna. Not with what it required to do otherwise.” *Swallowing down the option to throw her own accusation, the blonde quirks an eyebrow back at Anna*
Anna: “And what does that require Jo? What could possibly be so bad you are leaving Gray like he is with an infection that might kill him because obviously his body without his healing powers can’t handle it!” *Anna is this time the one close to screaming as she walks over to Jo, glaring at her as she challenges Jo.*
Jo: “Aside from the fact I’m a /hunter/ and his being powerless is a /good thing/ for everyone else?” *Jo fires back, tilting her head up slightly as she meets Anna’s challenge. After a beat she shakes her head and lets out a sharp laugh* “Like I fucking said, that’s not going to be a problem any more, and honestly maybe it’ll give him a bit more respect for those of us he exposes to the potential of what /was/ killing him, hmm?”
Anna: “It’s not a good thing for me!” *Anna practically screams at Jo before turning around and walking off away from Jo before she gives into the urge to punch Jo.* “So what are you saying, someone broke the bindings on Gray? Or have you just decided to kill him for the greater good?”
Jo: “One in seven fucking billion, Anna.” *The pitch and volume of Anna’s voice makes Jo cringe before snapping back at her, snarling when Anna makes the suggestion that she was just going to kill Gray as he was* “Why would I fucking bother doing all the rest of it if I was just going to do that? Fuck you. You saying you didn’t know? That you didn’t ask some demon to set your little boyfriend loose on the world?”
Anna: “And what if I fucking did? What? Are you going to hunt me now Jo? I’m sure that if it was Grey like this and I was the one refusing you would do what you could to unbind him!” *Glaring at Jo she points at the door.* “You can fucking leaven now.”
Jo: *The second Anna mentions Grey being the same as the other, Jo springs into motion without even thinking about it, hands snapping out to shove the other woman back towards the wall. Following through, one hand clasps around the front of Anna’s throat as the other reaches to her back to pull out the still bloody dagger she’d not bothered cleaning* “You’d be right about Grey being like that. What do you think the fucking catch was?! I would have freed your fuckin’ asshole - or at least most of him - if it didnt mean I’d have to carve up someone I love! Would you have fuckin done that for Grey if it was the other way? Would you have carved the fuck out of your little monsters back so he could be unbound?! I DON’T FUCKING THINK SO!” *She waves the dagger as she presses tighter against her neck*
Anna: *Anna blinks as Jo suddenly attacks her and she tries to get Jo’s hand off her throat as Jo presses her back against the wall. The fact that Grey was carved up like Gray makes her laughs suddenly and she lifts up her leg with the plastic brace, kicking Jo as hard as she can before letting go of Jo’s hand around her throat and slapping Jo hard.* “You love? What happened to the fact you’re a hunter and you’re in love with a monster?”
Jo: *She lets out a yelp at the kick, stumbling back at Anna’s slap before fisting her hands and throwing a punch at Anna’s face with her empty one before slashing out towards the other’s cheek and mouth with the other holding the dagger.* “I never said /in/ love, you bitch. And if you’re laughin’ at Grey being cut up - I’m more than happy to give you a taste of just how fuckin’ funny it is!”
Anna: *Anna tries to jerk her head back away from the punch and she forgets how close to the wall she is and she feels both connect before a stinging pain hits her cheek, the tip of hte dagger cutting her.* “So, guess that puts me with how I rank with you then because you’re obviously willing to carve me up for Grey but your pissed at the fact I wanted you to free Gray?” *Reaching up she wipes the blood off her cheek as she shoves Jo back, grabbing the blond woman’s wrist with the dagger and twisting to try and make her let go.*
Jo: “Actually I’m pissed that you’re pissed that I wouldn’t.” *Jo sneers back, digging her nails into her palm around the dagger as Anna triest to twist it out of her hand. Bringing her other fist up again she punches towards Anna’s closest ear, trying to tug free of her with a hiss* “I’m not pissed you wanted me to free him - I’d have felt the same in reverse, I’m fuckin’ pissed you completely wrote me off as your fuckin’ friend because I dared to say no to you!”
Anna: *Anna lets go of Jo as the blow to the ear makes her head explode in pain and she lets go of Jo, reaching up to cover that ear as she can’t hear anything but a ringing out of it now.* “My friend? When have we been friends? We’ve fucked, we’ve hunted together and we get drunk together but when have we been friends? I mean you tell me Jo? Putting hunting first? Grey leaves me in an alley and you don’t give a shit about that. Other than telling you what you want to hear and fucking you what has he done for you besides turned Ellen over to Crowley?”
Jo: “We were, and I’ve considered you as one rup until now. I was willing to overlook your shit the same way as I overlook Grey’s or any other friend of mine’s, Anna. I could overlook your sleeping with someone who wanted to kill me, your rejection that hunting was my /job/ and my /life/, your attempts on my other friends’ lives - but you can’t overlook my wanting to hunt and everything after that’s just another nail with you.” *Jo steps back several feet, dropping her hands to her sides but keeps spinning the dagger in her hand as she looks at the other* “I could say the same about Gray, what the fuck has he done for you, because I haven’t seen any of it. And you’ve seen /nothing/ of what Grey’s done for me, Anna. And I’ve seen /nothing/ of what you’ve done for me anymore either.”
Anna: *Anna laughs at the things Jo is saying and she leans back against the wall, her ear still ringing and she fixes Jo with a look.* “I wasn’t the first person to sleep with Gray. And I’ve never made an attempt on your other friends. Threats maybe but he’s the one that’s come far closer to killing me but that’s okay it seems. And as far as your hunting, there are other things in life. God didn’t make you the single hunter responsible for the world stop acting like you’re the only one out there! You aren’t that special Jo even if Grey says you are. He’s lying to make you feel better about your failures in that relationship too.”
Jo: *Jo opens her mouth to reply before Anna keeps going, staring at her almost unhearingly before she storms forward again, knee raising straight up to the other’s stomach before grabbing at Anna’s hair with her empty hand* “I’m not dellusional like you, Anna. I know I’m not the most important, top thing in the world. Maybe you need to get the fucking message.” *She grits it out, twisting her hand in Anna’s hair to smash her head back against the wall before tugging her forward to do it again* “I’m not the only one out there, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be out there. I know I’m not special, and neither are fucking you.” *Dragging Anna up with her hand, Jo hisses at her glaring her straight in the eye*
Anna: *Anna’s blinking as Jo stares at her, swallowing back the sick feeling she can’t help but laugh as Jo seems to think she feels she’s the most important thing and she doesn’t stop laughing even with the pounding her head.* “I’m not important, I’ve never been important. You and the rest of the world and Heaven have made that absolutely clear. Go a head Jo because I hope it hurt when Grey was carved and I hope that while he’s powerless I get the chance to end him because this time, I will.”
Jo: *Anna’s laughing throws her off, wrinkling her nose as she tries to work out what she’s laughing about before just opting to knee her again like cutting off the air will stop it. Jo doesn’t believe Anna’s comments about herself, but sneers back at her as Jo lifts the dagger up again - this time pressing it against the branded name on Anna’s neck* “Too late for that, Anna. But lets see how you enjoy what I had to do to set everything right again.” *Keeping her face straight, the mask of indifference she got during the start of a hunt slipping over her sneer, Jo slices through the mark once, deeper than need be, and then another two times as she stares Anna down*
Anna: *Anna stops as Jo hits her again and she’s gasping when Jo begins to cut the brand and it burns as the mark breaks and she’s twisting to get out of Jo’s hold as the hunter cuts her twice more.* “Fuck you Jo…” *She’s breathing hard trying to get her breath back as she blinks back the tears as the cuts keep burning.* “You didn’t do anything to put things right…”
Jo: “And neither did you! You broke everything for your selfishness, Anna-” *She cries back, fisting her hand in Anna’s hair and shoving her towards the bed as she spins the dagger again in her other hand. Jo’s finding it easier to ignore how bad this makes her feel when she squashes it down with the anger she was feeling about it all.* “All I’m doing is cleaning up your mess and finishing the job.”
Anna: *Struggling as Jo tries to push her to the bed she kicks back at Jo, ignoring the pain as her hair twists. The blood is running down her neck, soaking into her shirt and part of her wishes Jo would just end it.* “And when are you going to clean up your own messes. Crowley, Ellen, everything else. When are you going to admit that you caused this whole thing! I tried to leave before but no you can’t stand the idea of being alone so you forced me back. So who’s fault is this really Jo??”
Jo: *Groaning at the kicks, Jo shoves Anna before following her, pinning her down with a sharp blow to her knee and holding the other woman down beneath her as she presses the edge of the blade just above Crowley’s brand* “Fine, I’ve fucked up - I’ve brought this entire fucking thing on all of us! You fuckin’ happy now?” *She drops her gaze from Anna’s face to her neck before letting the hatred at everything happening guide her hand as she cuts it again until the word was practically unrecognisable* “I’ve done every fucking thing wrong so we’d get to this point - you’d be Crowley’s happy little bitch, Gray’d be somewhere on the loose again and everything else is at knife point! That we’d destroy whatever fuckin’ friendship we had left when you put a monster above me all those months ago, and now I’d do the same to you.”
Anna: *Anna is reaching back, clawing at the hand in her hair when the blow to her knee sends her down on the bed, she’s reaching back trying to grab anything she can on Jo to make the woman let go of her but her efforts are stopped when Jo begins to cut her again and she screams into the bed.* “Boo..fucking..hoo..” *She’s not caring about Jo and she just wants the bitch off of her.* “Yes Gray’s free and I’m not going to stop him from going after anyone he wants too now including you! I put you above everyone till now and you can’t stand that I’ve put Gray first because for once I’m selfish!”
Jo: “Liar!” *Jo shakes her head, slamming the but of the blade against Anna’s mouth when she claws and screams, before sitting up straight and slamming both her fists down at the other’s chest - careful only in the sense of keeping the dagger pointed away from the other.* “You fucking liar! Everything’s been for you, every fucking thing is so you can be in control of the garrison down here! You brought strangers into my house, you belittled me and took everything out on me, you made it a choice between what you wanted and getting screamed at for doing what I wanted! You’re fucking liar, I’ve never been first - it’s never been what I wanted or what’s best for me! Just whatever you thinks right!” *She’s shaking as she screams down at the other before ripping at her shirt and starting to slice through anywhere she sees the demon’s name* “I’m never first, I never win, and I’m fucking tired of it! Bring it on Anna, bring it fucking on. You! Gray! Crowley! Who-the-fuck-ever! Bring it fucking on because I’m done with this!”
Anna: *Anna doesn’t say anything, Jo’s screaming is confusing her and then the pain is making it hard especially when Jo starts to slash her and she can’t help but scream as some of the cuts go deep. She doesn’t get what Jo means, garrison here on earth..she never wanted that she never wanted to be in control but then one thing Jo says does get through and when Jo slows down and she can speak without choking Anna does but it’s not very loud.* “You’re house..I thought I was bringing people into our house who needed a place because they didn’t fit in with the rest of the world..like us..”
Jo: *Jo’s hands raised to cut again when Anna speaks again, staring down at her and the bloody mess that was all over the both of them, jaw clenching tightly as the words sink in - bringing about the moment again when she was last in a position like this, powering over a monster and being disgusted by herself, feeling the same feelings bubble up. Leaning back, she looks between Anna’s face and her hand, glaring before shaking her head* “You were. You were bringing in people who needed a place because they didn’t fit.. but not like us. Like /you/. I know my place in the world, I always have - it’s you who doesn’t, same as Harry and Lily.. You don’t know where you fit, but me?” *Waving her hand, Jo looks down and sees one more brand untouched, pressing the blade down on it and dragging along it - breaking it before looking back up at the other’s face* “This is where I fit. You just didn’t want me to.”
Anna: *Anna whimpers as Jo cuts her again, she can’t move without hurting now and she’s clenching her fists in the covers of the bed.* “Fought with you mostly because I didn’t want you doing things the way you were..not that you were doing them..I couldn’t bring you back if you died and I didn’t want you to be killed.” *Swallowing back the feeling to be sick again Anna looks up at Jo and she’s covered blood but it seems fitting.* “Everyone forgets humans can be monsters too, I guess I did too when it came to you.”
Jo: “I guess you did.” *Jo glares down at her before shifting off, standing up when it’s obvious Anna can’t move, wiping the dagger off on a part of her shirt that wasn’t covered in blood before tucking it back into the back loop of her jeans* “Forgot where demons come from, and how we’re just as bad as the things that go bump in the night. /Worse/ because we can hide it.” *She shoots Anna a look, as she runs her bloody hand through her hair before adding quietly* “You’re welcome for making it so Gray won’t be completely repulsed by you when he comes past for dinner.” *Sneering, Jo grabs one of Anna’s jackets and pulls it on as she heads out the door.“
Anna: *Anna lays there and she blinks several times and before Jo’s out the door she tells Jo what she came here to know.* "It was me Jo..I did it..and I don’t regret it..”
Jo: *Jo stops as she’s about to shut the door before turning back to Anna, hand sticky on the door knob* “Then I don’t regret this.” *Her voice stays flat but her face says the complete opposite, before she closes the door behind herself and tucks her hand into the jacket, rushing back towards home as quickly as possible*
#6 - The weird bullshit type for chats I got dragged into doing sometimes. Usually as a form of saving Anna again or just cause Jenna had an idea. ..
Anna: *Woman sits at a desk, looking over a patient file, picking up the phone she calls the last known number.*
Jo: *Jo didn’t want to get out of bed until she heard the telltale sign of her phone ringing down in the lounge. Untangling herself, she heads down and picks up, mumbling* “Ello..?”
Anna: “Goodmorning, this is Mrs. Jones with Duluth General Hospital, is this Jo Harvelle?”
Jo: “Er.. yeah? I don’t have any test results waiting, I haven’t gotten any appointments and I’m not interested in donating for the new wing..”
Anna: “I’m calling on behalf of Anna Miltion. You are the last known contact and she didn’t put down a new contact. Before we go any further do you wish to remain her contact or should her case be turned over to a case worker and patient advocate?”
Jo: “What… what do you mean her case? What’s she in for?” *Jo asks the questions but can already figure out what’s going on, not sure why she’s not getting a visit from the cops instead of a hospital call* “If you can’t answer that without my saying yes, then yeah, I’ll stay the contact.”
Anna: “Very well Miss Harvelle.” *The sounds of typing is heard for a moment before the older woman continues.* “Miss Milton brought herself in the other night with several lacerations to her face, neck and torso. She claims they were self inflicted but it’s clear that she could not have done them all herself even though she was in the middle of an apparent mental breakdown.”
Jo: “Self inflicted.. Is she okay? Is she going to be alright… laceration wise?”
Anna: “Physically yes, none of the lacerations were life threatening though she had lost a lot of blood. What concerns the hospital now is they appear over several older scars in the same area. It shows on Anna’s records at once point she had a legal gaurdian, is she still considered declared mentally imcompetant?”
Jo: “/No/!” *Jo rushes to say, cringing at how loud her voice was and pausing to look up the stairway in case she woke Grey, turning about and heading out to the back step before answering more fully* “No, she’s not mentally incompetant. She’s had therapy from.. Dr White and he can attest that she’s recovering and stable these days.” *She stumbles for a second over which doctor cover she had on hand at the bar*
Anna: *More typing is heard in the background.* “As it stands the hospital my have her declared again. Miss Milton came in saying she was an angel and that God was punishing her and that every time she dies it’s only a new punishment. Since waking from the anesthesia she has lapsed into a catatonic state.”
Jo: “I really don’t think you should do that, Mrs.. Jones, was it? Her doctor has deemed her to not be a danger to herself /or/ others, and as you said her wounds weren’t capable to be fully self inflicted.” *Jo doesn’t stop the hard edge in her voice, cringing after the slightly threatening tone came out* “Obviously she’s dealing with a stressful situation, as her records say, her coping comes from a religious background..”
Anna: “I understand and for now once it’s seen there is no infection Miss Milton will be moved to the psychiatric ward if she doesn’t come emerge from her current state. The doctors would like to have a meeting with you as soon as you can come in, when should I tell them you will be down?”
Jo: “I can be there in half an hour, and I would prefer she have a private room if possible - of course the charge will be paid like last time.” *Jo’s gritting her teeth already, not comfortable at all but the small amount of guilt at going so far against Anna made her feel it was necessary - glad that the bar’s accounts did make money legally and she was still recorded as the account owner*
Anna: “Very well I’ll inform the doctors. Thank you for your time Miss Harvelle.”
Jo: *Jo doesn’t bother responding, just hanging up and heading upstairs to get changed*
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latina4bangtan · 6 years
Let’s Make a Deal
Pt. 6 
“I got to say when you told me you had a burden to take care of she isn’t what I was expecting.” 
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“Absolutely....not” You said as you sat in the car waiting to reach your destination.
Nope. I can’t do this. Oh my god what if I fall on my face in front of some super important people. Or what if I say the wrong thing and they think Im stupid. WHAT IF THE FOOD GIVES ME GAS.
“Stop what?” You turned to look at Namjoon.
“I can see your mind going into overdrive. Look if people see that you’re scared they’ll take advantage.”
“I get it.” You cut him off. He’s already told you a billion times to be on guard with everyone.
All of a sudden though you felt namjoon take your hand and look straight at you.
“I know you can do this.” He said as he gave you a reassuring smile.
You don’t know why but you could have sworn that your stomach just did a flip. It was like he spoke it into existence but the next thing you knew you gave him a small nod feeling reassured in yourself.
The car ride was the most you two had talked since your arrival in Korea but it was nice you couldn’t lie. This was the first time you started to see Namjoon as just another person and not the man you were pretty much forced to marry. He spoke to you normally and even was trying to reassure you.
Well this was new. Now your only question was how long is this going to last.
Before you could give it another thought he was pulling you out of the car. As you got out and started walking towards the large home you felt him put his arm around your waist as he walked with you.
DUH. Gotta be the happy couple.
When you stepped into the house you took note of all the people who were also there. What you saw actually had kinda surprised you considering  everyone seemed to be from all over the world. You know you heard a majority of the conversations were being spoken in English but others ranged from Korean, Spanish and what you thought was Chinese.
Leaning into Namjoon you whispered to where only he could hear you.
“What is this some kind of gangster convention?”
You almost broke your neck to look at him when you heard a small little laugh escape him.
“Something like that i guess you could say.”
Before you could say anything else you heard someone call out for him.
“Ahhh there you are Namjoon! For a second I thought you weren’t going to come.”
You instantly recognized the man from the wedding but couldn’t remember his name. When you both had gotten married he was there with a few other guys who apparently were good friends with your now husband. He was a handsome guy you couldn’t deny and you definitely couldn’t forget his distinctive deep voice.
“Tae you knew I was going to be here.”
“Yea you’re right. Maybe I just wanted to say hi to your beautiful wife.” He turned and gave you a little flirty wink.
“Now now Tae don’t make me embarrass you in front of all these people for giving my wife googly eyes.”
“You’re always soooo much fun. Last time I checked I won that fight.” he sarcastically said.
Namjoon just gave him a little laugh and patted him on the shoulder.
“That’s because I let you win.....the time before that I won and you pouted for a week. Come on why don’t we go find our table to eat.”
After finding your table everything kinda went the way you expected. Some person you didn’t know got on a stage talked about some other stuff you didn’t know about and you ended up getting served some bomb ass food.
Your table consisted of yourself, Namjoon, taehyung (you finally remembered his name), and a few others who you didn’t know.
“Namjoon I hadn’t realized that you got married recently.” One of the older men who were sitting at your table had asked.
Well this was about to get interesting. You knew people were going to ask and be curious. What you didn’t know was how you both were going to handle it.....more so how you were going to handle it.
“That would be correct. It’s been about 3 weeks now.”
“I didn’t even know you were dating again.”
Hold up. Did this fool just say again. I mean you shouldn’t be surprised he was a good looking dude he was bound to have had a gf prior to you.
“Well I cant say that I like having my personal business being everyone’s knowledge.”
You could tell he was getting slightly annoyed.
“Understandable. So tell me namjoon what made this beautiful lady different than the others?”
Others? Ok so like how many others were there. You couldn’t help but to be curious I mean come on you weren’t going to lie and say you weren’t. However you were way more interested in what he was about to say.
“I wish I knew. I don’t think there’s just one thing that made her different. Maybe it’s the way she isn’t scared to confront me or maybe it’s how beautiful she is even when she’s just sleeping...even though she snores. I want to know what makes her so different but I don’t have that answer yet but I’m willing to put the time in to find out.”
Did you just hear him right. He must be a really good actor because even he had you believing the lie.
The man he was speaking with now turned to you waiting for your response.
“Well all I can say to that is......i do not snore.”
Thankfully everyone enjoyed your corny joke and just stared to laugh. You couldn’t help but try and sneak a glance at namjoon but when you tried to look at him you noticed he was already staring at you. Staring back at him it seemed like you just got stuck looking at him you didn’t know what to do so you did the first thing that came to mind.
“Ugh where is the restroom?”
“It’s in the house right by the kitchen.”
“Ok if you will excuse me”
“Want me to show you”
“NO!.......i mean erm that’s ok Im sure I can find it 🙃🙃”
With that you ran off like the chicken you are to find the bathroom. While in the bathroom you tried to get yourself together. Thinking you were finally ok to go back to the party you darted out the door only to run into a body.
You have got to stop doing this.
“Shit! I’m sorry!”
“Don’t worry about it. No harm no foul right......You must be Namjoon’s wife right?” He said extending a hand out to you to shake.
“How do you know that?” You said as you took his hand.
“Well I’m pretty familiar with most of the people here and when I heard that namjoon got married recently I figured it had to be the beautiful woman that everyone was talking about tonight. So tell me am I wrong?”
“No” Was all you could say. For some reason you felt like you needed to keep this man at arms length.
“I’m Samuel nice to meet you and you are?”
“I’ve got to say (y/n) you look pretty familiar have we met before?”
“I don’t believe so.” However you thought to yourself that he did actually look kinda familiar.
“You’re probably right I would have remembered meeting such a beautiful woman. That husband of yours sure is a lucky man. I must say he better be careful or someone might try and take you away from him....”
Before you could come up with any type of remark you felt someone pull you close.
“I fear for the man who has the balls to try.....No one will be taking this gem from me now if you will excuse us I think I’d like to take my wife to dance.”
Samuel just glared at Namjoon as he pulled you towards the dance floor. As the song began to play he pulled you close and started to sway.
“I warned you that these people would try and get to you.” He said.
“Don’t worry. I didn’t say anything to him about you.”
“I know....I trust you...”
All you could do was look at him as you continued to dance.
“Do me a favor though and stay as far away as you can from Samuel.”
Before he could give you an answer you heard a woman call out in your direction.
“So this is the wife of Namjoon that everyone is talking about.”
Who the hell is she? This random woman was walking towards you both but you could tell her eyes were fixed only on you. She was stunning to say the least reminding you of those beautiful actresses you see in tv shows. The look she had walking towards you though told you she was not coming over to become your friend.
“Brie.....”  Namjoon said.
Ok....so he obviously knew her. Well guess here goes nothing. Time to play wife.
“Hello Im Mrs. Kim but you can just call me (y/n)” You tried giving her your best smile as you extended your hand out to her. She definitely wasn’t having it though since she now had turned to face Namjoon.
“It’s nice to put a name to a face Namjoon.”
Oh.....so apparently he had spoken to this woman about you. You had a very bad feeling about this.
He didn’t say anything but you could tell he seemed almost....nervous?
“I got to say when you told me you had a burden to take care of she isn’t what I was expecting.”
Did she just say....burden? Last time you checked this whole marriage was his idea....and now he’s telling her that YOU'RE THE BURDEN.
As pissed off as you were you wouldn’t let her get a reaction out of you. Since that’s what she came over for anyways.
“It was nice meeting you Brie....however I won’t stay to be made uncomfortable.....I’m sure we’ll see each other again. Now if you will excuse me I think I’m going to go find myself a drink.”
With that you gave Namjoon a look that was sure to say go to hell and walked away but it wasn’t to go get a drink. Instead you walked to the front door and out to the street. You had messaged Seonhwa asking for the house address and as you got to the street you grabbed a cab. Namjoon can enjoy his party but you weren’t going to be made a fool of just to boost his ego. With that you left.
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bronzeflower · 5 years
Who The Fuck Writes A Ten-Page Rant?????
Chapter 21: The Rappest Conversation
Also on ao3
It was your self-imposed day off, so you started the day by sleeping until afternoon. After making yourself breakfast and eating it, you played Slime Rancher for about two hours because it was a nice relaxing game that Roxy bought you for Gristmas last year.
Everything was peaceful. Nothing could possibly ruin this.
Oh look. John was pestering you. You hadn't talked to him in while, even though he was your best bro. You guessed both of you have been pretty busy lately.
-- ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
EB: hey, dave! EB: we haven’t spoken in ages!
TG: yeah man its been entirely too long TG: ive turned to dust while you were gone TG: ive become one with the desert and sand TG: im the sand on the beach that gets stuck inside an oyster TG: and the oyster is like what the hell are you doing here you dumbass motherfucking sand TG: im here to ruin your life oyster TG: thats basically my job TG: why are you doing this you tiny bit of sand TG: i already answered that question TG: okay fine be that way says the oyster TG: ill just turn you into a pearl so that youre no longer stabbing me everywhere TG: and then i was transformed into a dope ass pearl TG: the prettiest goddamn pearl in all the land TG: im turned into one of a pair of earrings that are sold for more that your life is worth TG: im bought by a rich woman looking for jewelry to show off TG: its passed down through the generations until the wealth they had dwindles and runs out TG: so now the earrings are sold for a dollar just to get the money for food that night TG: its a tragic tale TG: anyway TG: how are you doing
EB: dave, did you copy and paste an entire act of a play into this chat?
TG: what no TG: it is all natural and organic typing from scratch going on here TG: absolutely no foul play involved and to even imply such is an insult to my craft
EB: alright, fine! EB: i will not insult your “masterpiece” anymore. EB: if you can even call it that.
TG: oh wow sick burn TG: but like seriously speaking how is your stuff going TG: like the comedy stuff TG: have you yet to release an hour long special containing your hilarious jokes TG: and like half of the time is taken up by people laughing at them so its not even a true hour long special its more like a half hour long special and you didnt even manage to make it through all the material you had prepared TG: you know like you did in school where you accidentally prepared too much for a presentation and then get cut off because your time is up TG: and you still have like an hour and half left of material that youve collected that ended up just being a pile of wasted effort
EB: maybe not to that extreme. EB: :P EB: i haven't gotten my show up on netflix yet, but i am certainly planning on it! EB: watch out for it!
TG: do you still have that one person booing you at a bunch of your shows
EB: yeah, it is getting pretty annoying at this point, but i don't really want to do something like call security to remove someone for booing at my show. EB: that just seems as little bit over kill.
TG: i thought you were going to do a comedy sketch about them
EB: oh yeah! EB: i forgot about that.
TG: who are you jade harley
EB: what! EB: jade is great at remembering things!
TG: shes really not she just has a really fucking good system for making certain she remembers things TG: she has to build a physical barrier to her door so that she doesnt forget her keys TG: and she has so many keys to her house they are literally everywhere
EB: huh. EB: i guess i havent really visited jade in a while, have i?
TG: i would highly recommend going to her place at some point TG: and just hanging out with her in general TG: although youd probably have to plan a whole trip for it TG: just like TG: drop by or whatever next time youre where shes currently living
EB: messaging her might be a little bit more practical.
TG: yeah probably TG: anyway you really should get on writing that sketch about the lady I booing you
EB: yeah probably.
TG: yeah man how else are you going to get back at her TG: also when you finally do perform it please tell me what happened TG: or send me a recording of it TG: jk ill buy the recording TG: i always buy the recordings of your shows TG: but youll have to tell me which recording its in so that i can prepare myself
EB: maybe i won’t tell you which recording it’s in just so you're surprised by it. EB: like a schrodinger’s recording.
TG: does that mean you might be dead in one of them
EB: i hate to tell you this now dave, but i’m actually a ghost.
TG: shit ive been friends with a ghost this whole time thats actually pretty fucking dope TG: how do you do comedy sketches as a ghost TG: with the whole intangible thing TG: also with the people not being able to see you thing TG: wait TG: i wouldnt be able to message you if you were completely intangible TG: you must be a poltergeist or something TG: is there anything i can do to help you pass on
EB: yeah, you have to burn my body. EB: that’s what they do in all of the supernatural movies and shows where there’s a ghost.
TG: alright i am fully prepared to do that TG: i however have absolutely no idea where your grave is
EB: i know where your grave is.
TG: well thats not ominous at all TG: i dont even have a grave
EB: as far as you know.
TG: are you telling me that im dead TG: am i also a ghost
EB: i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner! EB: but yes we’re both ghosts. EB: i was supposed to wait for you to figure it out yourself, but it’s taking so long, so i guess i got a little impatient. EB: :B
TG: yeah but i still dont remember anything about dying or anything like that
EB: maybe you'll remember someday. EB: i’ve got to go right about now though. EB: i compromised my mission, and now i have to go through remedial training.
TG: ill wish you luck
EB: who needs luck when you have skill?
TG: okay then no good luck from me TG: i take it back TG: youve got this handled due to the sheer amount of awesomeness you have
-- ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
TG: oh no they got you TG: i know i said i didnt wish you good luck but i actually did TG: you cant give back a good luck TG: you can never give back a good luck TG: the blessing is yours now forever and ever TG: or however long you live i guess TG: thats going to take a butt load of time TG: anyway TG: i should probably get going too TG: instead of just having a conversation by myself after you left TG: and like go and have a conversation with someone else TG: maybe with jade TG: i havent talked to jade in a while TG: wonder how her pumpkins are doing TG: i wonder if shes harvested them yet TG: or if its even time for that TG: i swear i do actually listen when she talks about gardening TG: but i dont remember what half the harvest times for a bunch of the vegetables she grows TG: dont tell her that TG: or do TG: she probably already knows TG: shes always had a tendency to know things that other people would have absolutely no clue of knowing about TG: anyway TG: ill pester you again at some point eventually TG: ill go pester jade instead now TG: see ya
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
TG: yo jade how are your pumpkins doing TG: is it about time to harvest them or anything TG: or has that already happened TG: when do people harvest pumpkins again
GG: ive harvested them!
TG: awesome were they tasty
GG: of course they were!!! GG: i made pumpkin pie and roasted pumpkin seeds GG: and then i sold all the leftover pumpkins
TG: yeah what kind of profit did that turn
GG: quite a bit, actually! GG: especially with the fact that pumpkins are basically weeds GG: because they grow back no matter what you do GG: no GG: matter GG: what GG: but people fucking love pumpkins during the fall seasons
TG: yeah everyone goes batshit for that kind of stuff TG: got that pumpkin spice everywhere TG: and colorful trees and sweater weather TG: unless you live in the south TG: then there are just two seasons TG: summer and cooler summer
GG: those were basically the seasons on the island i grew up on too GG: im so glad i get to see snow where i live now!!! GG: i always wanted to play in it growing up!!!
TG: tbh we should coordinate and try to play in the snow together at some point
GG: yes!!! GG: but, no GG: :( GG: itd be way too difficult to coordinate that kind of thing
TG: yeah probably TG: but maybe one day if we happened to be in the same area and it happened to snow TG: we could get together and play in the snow and build snowpeople and snow angles
GG: dont you mean snow angels?
TG: i meant what i said TG: were gonna be drawing angles in the snow TG: forty five degrees sixty degrees one hundred and eighty degrees TG: well have all the angles right there written in the snow because no one can tell us what to do
GG: i still think id rather make snow angels though
TG: fair enough TG: you stick with your boring old snow angels TG: and ill have a fantastic time making all my fucking snow angles
GG: :/ GG: you do that, i guess GG: i still think making snow angels will be more fun!
TG: suit yourself TG: anyway im being messaged by someone else so ive gotta bounce
GG: alrighty, see ya!
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
GC: D4V3
TG: terezi
TG: well it would seem that im being framed for murder and no one told me
TG: wouldnt you be unable to participate in the trial because you have a bias because were friends
TG: no idea TG: does it matter
TG: nice
GC: H3H3H3H3H3H3
-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
-- carcinoGeneticist [CG] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
TG: so what stuck itself up your ass
TG: what meme i have no idea what meme your talking about
TG: i dont even know what a meme is TG: you could hear me say that but i pronounced meme as me me TG: because thats how little i know about memes TG: ive never even seen one in my life TG: you dont have any proof that tz showed me the meme that you are talking about like less than five minutes ago about the ten page rant that you sent to complain about my channel
TG: please spare me i have a family
TG: youre right i dont have kids TG: not in reality TG: imaginary kids TG: all running around and being great and fantastic and not fucked up at all TG: thats the fucking dream
TG: why do you even care so much about a meme TG: its a meme and its harmless fun TG: even if it does include a picture of you topless
TG: why would i want to keep it TG: maybe i already deleted it TG: maybe i didnt even save it TG: also why do you want me to delete so bad TG: its not much in the way of blackmail TG: who could possibly use it against you
TG: thats specific
TG: k
TG: sure if it really matters to you that much ill make sure to get rid of it TG: you can tell me why at another time TG: i get if its too personal to talk about or whatever TG: sometimes that kind of thing happens TG: there we go TG: deleted photo
-- carcinoGeneticist [CG] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
-- arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
AC: :33< *ac prowls up to the unsuspecting crow* AC: :33< *she asks meow the crow is doing!*
TG: *the crow says hes doing well and asks the same of the cat*
AC: :33< im fine! AC: :33< im meowstly just double checking the date and time we agr33d on for tea
TG: yeah im still on that day TG: just cant believe it in like a month and a half TG: seems like an almost unnecessary time to plan in advance
AC: :33< but it is a really meowfurlous tea place! AC: :33< its just a little exclawsive, so youve got to make reservations a bit in advance
TG: yeah i get that but the main question here is the dress code TG: can i show up in my jeans and hoodie or do ive got to pull out the singular suit i have TG: its bright red so i cant exactly wear it to black tie events
AC: :33< it s33ms more like mew should wear brunch attire
TG: khakis and a polo shirt got it
AC: ://< i guess thats brunch attire AC: :33< i would wear something a little nicer though
TG: so more like colorful khakis with a button down shirt that can hold cufflinks
AC: :33< yeah thats s33ms more appropriate AC: :33< mew could always ask kanya~a for advice on what to wear
TG: yeah im probably going to do that TG: also that cat pun in her name that you did was the best think ive heard all day ten out of ten would use again
AC: :33< thank mew! AC: :33< i like to give all meow furends cat pun names! AC: :33< its kind of hard to come up with them for some people though
TG: yeah im not sure how you can make a cat pun from dave TG: its pretty much impossible but if you do manage to do it i will be supremely impressed
AC: :33< meowbe a rhyming thing? AC: :33< like cavedave or something? AC: :33< but that makes you sound like some sort of caveman AC: :((< and thats not really cute
TG: maybe adding a hobby of mine of some sort to my name TG: like rapping TG: like rapnap dave or something TG: cause it sounds kind of like catnap
AC: :33< that certainly is a lot cuter! AC: :33< ill consider it! AC: :33< but ive got to go meow so we can talk later
TG: cool
-- arsenicCatnip [AC] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
Since you were clearly talking to all your friends today, you might as well see if Aradia’s online as well. You’re pretty sure she was, and since you probably won’t get to contact her for a while, you might as well message her now.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering apocalypseArisen [AA] --
TG: have you finally figured out how im going to die TG: or divined that kind of shit yet TG: saw it in the clouds or something TG: my hot as hell dead body floating in the water staining the fluid and polluting the river and making it muddy with red TG: taking a stabbing and falling and dying before i could ask if it was something i said TG: choking to death, clubbing to death TG: hit through the chest with some white magic TG: bleeding and crying as they take their last breath TG: its all just so horrible and tragic TG: having every single one of these dreams TG: but i think i know that theyre memories TG: had these nightmares since i was a kid TG: always wondered if it was something i did TG: cause they made me scared of clowns swords and puppets TG: made me too scared to watch even the muppets TG: but they’re not just mine cause it’s not always my body TG: lying on the ground looking super fucking shoddy TG: and all i can feel is the oppression and fear TG: of letting go of all we hold dear TG: stabbed with a sword we did abhor TG: all the death and the violence and blood TG: overwhelmed us like a flood TG: but try as we might we had no chance TG: we were always meant to lose this dance TG: alright im done that was a dope ass fucking rap thanks folks for listening to how awesome that was
AA: you will die on the twentieth day of april in the year of 2069 from drug overdose
TG: nice
AA: also your rap was both cool and concerning
TG: yeah im not sure if i actually thought at all about what i just said in that rap TG: so basically i forgot everything that i just wrote
AA: thats the beauty of a messaging platform AA: you can just scroll up and reread what you wrote
TG: im sorry im suddenly unable to read
AA: wow AA: youre really going to do this
TG: yes and i have no regrets TG: hi im jared im nineteen and i never fucking learned how to read
AA: your name is dave
TG: shit TG: caught in the lie TG: what time will i have to spend in jail officer
AA: well since im not a cop AA: none! AA: but im still curious about whatever the hell was going on with that rap
TG: maybe you should respond with the stuff thats bothering you in rap form TG: do a little rap battle TG: but like TG: with feelings and shit TG: you can talk about whats bothering you and then i can elaborate on the fuckery in my rap
AA: alright i dont see why not AA: it will probably help us both AA: my heart and my brains been pulled taught AA: stuck between work and the one that i love AA: cant help my job fits me like a glove AA: but i cant stop thinking about my matesprit AA: how hes gonna face it AA: cause he says he supports me AA: and he says that he agrees AA: with putting my job first and foremost AA: while he sits in one place and holds post AA: i didnt mind too much before AA: we had all i could adore AA: but since he proposed were going to be married AA: i just dont know if that life should be carried
TG: well that sounds like something you should talk about TG: because not doing so might leave you in a drought TG: in your relationship where miscommunications TG: might lead to decimation TG: or more likely just breaking up TG: but you dont want that to burn up TG: so just have a talk with him about your concern TG: and then your love will continue to burn
AA: did you just rhyme up with up
TG: dont judge me im trying to help
AA: your advice was good but i can still judge you for your lack of slam poetry skills
TG: hey ill have you know im the best in the business
AA: must be a very small business
TG: wow TG: i cant believe my own moirail would do this to me
AA: you know i had to do it to em
TG: i hate you and everything that you stand for
AA: likewise AA: aside from that AA: do you want to talk about those dreams you mentioned at the start of this conversation
TG: i will only answer that if you ask me in a rap
AA: what the fuck was up with those dreams AA: you seem to be tearing at the seems AA: with all the death and the dying AA: and it might seems like im lying AA: but ive had those too AA: hit in the face and bid me adieu AA: except im a ghost and dead AA: dont know how but i bled AA: then im a frog for some reason AA: it has something to do with treason AA: then a robot that i hated AA: someones kinks that were stated AA: then i blow up again and again AA: wake up in pajamas the color of cayenne AA: and thats when i know that im alive AA: and i know for a fact that i will thrive
TG: always thought that i was alone in this TG: but i guess im not so now ill remiss TG: on all these nightmares ive had TG: that were all really bad TG: i always thought it was because of my childhood TG: never thought that i would be old enough to get to my knighthood TG: thought i was going to die alone TG: thought they wouldnt even find a bone TG: thought no would care if i was gone TG: always felt like i didnt belong TG: i thought the dreams were a message, an order TG: to finally get rid of the disorder TG: that was me theyd promised id be free TG: but i still desperately wanted to be TG: alive and awake and active and happy TG: excuse me if this starts to get a bit sappy TG: but i wanted love TG: i wanted to be above TG: my bro who so obviously hated me TG: and everyone i know would agree TG: so no matter how much i wanted to die TG: there was always something just keeping me alive TG: a wish or a kiss or a day that gets better TG: a time when i get to open a letter TG: theres something to live for something to survive for TG: going and traveling and taking a tour TG: listening to music when i feel depressed TG: going outside when i feel repressed TG: reminding myself its gonna be alright TG: in order to tell myself not to go towards the light
AA: feeling alive is good
TG: yeah TG: it is TG: thanks for listening
AA: thank you for listening! AA: thats what being moirails is all about AA: listening to each other and doing our best to comfort each other AA: although i guess thats what friendship is about too AA: moirail is more of a formal title
TG: i get that TG: someones messaging me now though so i guess this is where we can end our convo
AA: dont be a stranger!
TG: not planning to be one TG: <>
`AA: <>
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering apocalypseArisen [AA] --
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
TT: Hello.
TG: yes just come up and start a chat using the most generic fucking greeting in the entire goddamn world TG: thats exactly how you start a conversation with someone youve known for years TG: start conversations by calling your friends a bitch like the rest of us
TT: I’m pretty sure I would like to have a little more class than that.
TG: ill bring you down to my level one day
TT: I will do my best to resist going down that low.
TG: listen TG: im pretty sure you dont have to go that far
TT: Wow. TT: Rude.
TG: thats a more appropriate way to talk to your brother
TT: I’ll be certain to use more crass language when greeting you next time I make the decision to start a conversation with you.
TG: anyway what did you want to talk to me about
TT: I would like to invite you to my party celebrating the release of my new book. TT: It takes place in a month at my house.
TG: you mean your big ass mansion
TT: Yes, I suppose that is an apt description of the location where I reside. TT: I suggest you dress formally for the occasion. TT: You can wear the suit that you had recently tailored for you.
TG: oh yeah the one kanaya made that feels like the softest goddamn plush toy in the childrens aisle
TT: Yes, please wear that one.
TG: alrighty sounds good to me
TT: Not going to argue about wearing jeans and a T-shirt instead?
TG: nah TG: not this time at least TG: im kind of excited to wear the one kanaya made anyway TG: especially since its the first suit that i actually kind of like
TT: Well, I look forward to seeing you at my party in a suit. TT: For now, I must go and give a few others personal invitations.
TG: k you do that
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
You proceeded to play videos games for the rest of the day because it was, in fact, your day off. You had to spend some of it by yourself after all.
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thepleasureisguilty · 6 years
misty morning~ were wolf au pt 3
ongoing rp with @ask-a-slippery-boy part 3 of 3 
part1: https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180510647144/into-the-woods-werewolf-au
part 2: https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180510912084/howls-throughout-the-night-were-wolf-au-pt-2
SFW~ (ish) has conversation about happenings from previous night, being sore etc. does contain: long drawn out after care  and allot of dog and wolf puns... enjoy! 
*the sun begins to rise, i am so happy i have been able to ease this process for you. I take a few moments to take in the wolf scent, i savor  the feeling of your fur... And the light hits you*
*I give you a long final lick followed by a howl before the light hits me. Like before I’m seized with pain as my body cracks and snaps. Instead of growing I’m folding in on myself like a spy glass. Each pop brings a new wave of pain. My howls and snarls become more like screams and moans. I’m slowly turning back to normal under you.  I dig my fingers into the dirt and shake violently as the changes grip me.*
*I hold you through the change being mindful that im not crushing you during this already painful experience, i am overwhelmingly excited to talk to you again and see the look on your face when you realize I "layed with the dogs" all night. *
*there’s a few loud final cracks before my body is finally still. The pain fades from me and I tremble from relief as it leaves me.* M-mast... *my mouth feels wrong. Formulating words is a struggle all it’s own. My voice is raspy and faint.* Im not on the tree...? *I sit upright quickly with a yelp* mast! Mast are you okay? Did I hurt you??? Did I???? *I hold you at arms length and look your body up and down. There’s the bite, but I did that before I turned. But you’re covering in scratches and dirt. Tears well in my eyes and I hold you close to me* Mast Oh Mast I’m so so sorry. Are are you okay?? Darling oh my love...
*I hover over you, now wanting to touch you and make it worse, your fluids dripping from my entrance and onto you as you still. i am relieved when you a make up and hold you close when you sit up. I rest your head against my chest and straddle back down on you, petting you lovingly.* ilya you were extremely gentle with me the entire night... You earned the name good boy
*I pet your hair lovingly and kiss your cheek* ilya I am fine! I am happy! You have nothing to apologize for *I pull your face back to look at me* you protected and cared for your mate so well *i rub our noses together*
*I look at you concerned* B-but I bit you! I mean I was lucid for that, but I was so horny I wasn’t in control really... and you’re all scratched up... and dirty... *I pull you back against me. I’m so tired, my limbs are shaking with the effort of sitting up but I’m so worried.* Darling are you sure you’re okay?
Comon my love *I pet your hair and smile loosening your chains* lets get you in that hammock handsome
*I suppose I can question you about the night when I wake up. I don’t remember most of it. Just how good it felt to be with you, my mate. Once free of the chains I pull myself up using the tree with a whimper* fuck... god... I’m too tired to interrogate you but I will in a few hours
*I stand up with a wince, cum still pouring down my legs, i can rest later, right now i need to be strong for you. I wrap your arm around my neck and shoulder and lead you to the hammock, i lay you down and hobble over to my bag, collecting the wool blanket, a biscuits and the bottle of water, i hobble back over and lay the blanket over you* hehe talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing *I laugh a bit at my own joke, both being proud of it and trying to raise your spirits*
*I shoot you a look when you wince, i don’t like the look of that. But the cum pouring down your legs more or less answers that question for me.  I do my best to hold you and help you walk too, but when you lay me down I basically collapse. I’m nearly asleep already when you make it back. I pull you into the hammock with me and wrap my arms around you.* I’d bark with laughter, but that joke wasn’t worth it. *I grin but it’s broken by a long yawn*
Ha neither was that joke *i smile and open the cork to the bottle* here drink something before falling asleep love
*I don’t have the energy to sit up so I pour the water into my mouth from here and inevitably spill some on my face. Not that I have enough energy to give a shit. I pass it back to you* T-thanks Mast. I... it’s better with you here. So thank you for coming...
* i take a swig and place back on the cork, setting the bottle to the side* darling... I dont want you to go through this by yourself ever again...
*i yawn again* L-let’s talk about it when we wake up... I’m so tired... I can’t think too good... I love being with you but... safety? I just... we need to talk more about it... when I’m not falling asleep, or really wolf horny...*I pull you close to me* but thank you for being here. I love you. You’ve made this whole thing much better...
We will *I kiss your head and hold you close* we will ilya well talk about everything *kisses head* rest now my love *I pet you and humm to you softly as you fall asleep in my arms, i am brought back to my hiding hole, sketching beetles and little matters of wildlife... I was so lonely then... Now in this hammock there is you... I cant help but take that as a metaphor for you entering my life and hopefully staying here... I hold you similarly to how you held me the entire night , protective, loving, kind... Your my mate... I love you so much*
*I fall asleep almost instantly. I don’t dream really. I sleep too deep for that. My body and mind are still aside from my breathing and the beating of my heart. Normally this time is so filled with struggle and pain. I could have never of imagined how much better it would be if I had you here by my side. I’m not scared to deal with the consequences when I wake up, I’m just excited to see you again.*
*I hold you and stroke your hair while you sleep, occasionally dozing off from my own exhaustion. And occasionally shaking myself awake, wanting to be there for you the same way you were for me last night* my wonderful mate... I want to always be here for you... *i whisper into your hair as you slumber*
*after a while of fighting it, i fell into a deep slimber as well*
*Early afternoon light shines brightly into my eyes. I groan and hide my face into your neck. I’m vaguely aware of my surroundings but my whole body aches. Especially my pelvis for some reason. I’m not ready to wake up yet. I nuzzle my face deep into your hair to pretend that I never woke up. It won’t last, but I can pretend.*
*I wake to your nuzzling and nuzzle back kissing your neck gently taking a deep breath of your scent, still feeling animalistic from the night*
*As the sun shifts it shines down and warms the blanket and makes us extra toasty. I still don’t want to wake up. Sunburn be damned. I find your hands and hold them. I yawn and  press deeper to you*
*I hold your hands sleepily and become more awake and persistent with my neck kisses for you*
*I groan as you kiss my neck. My body feels like lead. I have a bit of a headache. To be honest I’m in a foul mood. But it’s softened by your presence. It’s difficult for me to find things to be irritated about when I’m in your arms. I brace myself and open one eye to look at you. Gods it’s so bright. And gods you look stunning, maybe a little worse for wear, but some joe still so stunning just the same. I give your hands a little squeeze.*
*I gaze at you lovingly* would you like some breakfast?
*i can tell you are upset, groggy, cranky, like a hangover on steroids . thankfully i know how much food helps you*
*I swallow. Speaking seems enormously difficult. Despite being so pissy, I’m doing my best not to take it out in you, who by the way, I am deeply grateful for.* Breakfast would be phenomenal... *My stomach growls in agreement* but sadly I can’t get up, nor can I bare to part with you. *I swing a leg over yours to anchor you down*
*I let out a chuckle* i was afraid of that *i present you with the cloth full of biscuits from my bag* eat up darling I'll make ham and eggs when we get our energy back *I smile at you and kiss your chest lovingly* i know your upset my love, but its all okay. Its over now till next month *I nuzzle into your neck giving into the cuddles*
Mast, you are truly miraculous. *I fumble to untie the cloth and pass you a biscuit. I can’t really sit up, but I practically stuff a whole biscuit in my mouth while you talk. I moan as I chew it. Fuck it’s delicious.* I-I’m sorry for being so groggy... I do really appreciate you being here.
Haha ilya, you have no need to apologize you just turned into a giant horny wolf man for the night! Haha I'm just glad your okay *I nibble on my biscuit happily, i am fairly hungry myself*
About that *I swallow the rest of my biscuit* are you really alright? I... I can’t imagine last night was easy for you. Whatever happened.... actually could you tell me what happened, when you feel up to it? It’s all rather fuzzy for me at best, no pun intended...
*I swallow my biscuit too* I must admit I bit off more than i thought when I told you i wanted to be bred yesterday haha... You handled me with care the entire night though, even the light scratches on my body... I know you were holding back allot... It seemed like you just simply wanted to be as close with me as possible.
That would explain why my pelvis in particular is so damned sore. *I put a hand on your thigh* I’m sure it must be far worse for you. I do recall... well... er... it’s rather /bigger/ than usual. Mast... I’m sorry if I pushed you too far last night. Is there anything I can do now to help?
*I flush, a lot of last night was animal instinct for me as well, i expected the moment i agreed that. It would probably be rough... We luckily have been resting the past few days so that makes me not /as/ sore...* ...im sore, there is no hiding that, but i figured i was going to be *I smile at you* you didn't push me too far star strand, it hurts but its also an experience I wouldn't want to remove from my life...... Did.. Did it help you at all? Do you feel any better today because of it?
*I frown* I’m sorry that you’re sore... I... Ive never done anything sexual in wolf mode before... I er... well I didn’t know it would be... like that... *Im blushing pretty obviously. I hadn’t even though about the changes my cock itself would go through. Let alone using it.*  A-anyways... it did help that I wasn’t trying to get away all night. Usually I wake up with grooves carved into me from pulling against the chains all night. I’ve dislocated my shoulder before... and the one time I did get out I had burns from the silver... so thank you for giving me a reason to want to stay...
*I cup your cheek with my hand* well you did not hurt yourself on the chains , you havent been burned and everything is in place... I call that a successful night *i smile and kiss you softly* the best thing you can do for the next few days is not hump me *I smile and chuckle a bit, lightening the mood*
*Im still really worried about you, but I kiss you back softly and chuckle with you* Mast, I dont think I could hump you if I wanted too... those muscles are very spent. *I pull you into a slightly deeper kiss* I mean, on the other hand..  if you wanted to hump me *I tease with a wink. I suspect we’ll both be pretty spent for the next day or so at least. But... but for the most part you seem to be alright. And having you here did make everything so much better for me, as selfish as I feel about it...*
Haha I'll need a few meals first my love *I kiss you smiling* i am okay ilya... I'm just sore *I pet your hair and scritch behind your ear again* your a good boyyyyyy
I can’t imagine why *i tease. I flush deeply when you call me a good boy* I- I... well... you know! I ... I just... and you!! Well... I.... *I hide my face with my hands*
*i giggle at your reaction* your so fucking adorable *I begin rubbing your belly with my other hand*
*I hide my face from you in the covers. It was harder to be embarrassed about this when I was uncontrollably horny.*
Hehehe *I scritch at the side of your tummy * such a sweet boy
You’re so mean! *I tease from the safety of the blankets* did you come all the way out here just to tease me? Fate is a cruel mistress but not half as cruel as you!
*I scratch your tummy with both hands * you are in love with this cruel mistress my darling *I purr and laugh mischievously as i attack*
*I gather my limited strength to throw my hands out of the blanket and grab yours. I pull them to my mouth and pretend to bite one of your fingers before kissing the rest of them* Mast I am /so/ in love with this cruel mistress
Ahh!!! Do i have to muzzle you again * I bark laughing*
Oh come on now love, my bark is worse than my bite
*i laugh* I would make you howl if i wasnt so tired
I’d make another pun if I wasn’t in such a bad mood. *I roll over and yawn. Normally I’d suck it up and stumble back through the woods so I can go home. But.. but being with you is far more satisfying than being at home will ever be. I’m happy to just spend some time in the woods with you.*
*I hold you in a big spoon position* dawww grumpy puppy
*I shake my ass against you too be cheeky* I’m you’re grumpy puppy
*I buck against you gently* haha yes you are... Is there anything i can do to raise your spirits my wolfy lover. *I nuzzle into the back of your neck*
Yes, there is ... *I wrap my arms around yours* hold me tighter
*I smile and wrap you in a tighter hug nuzzling my face into your back and kissing you, i also try to wrap my leg around you but wince a bit from being sore*
*I smile to myself when you nuzzle into me. But I notice that you wince when you try and swing your leg. I roll over to face you and wrap my own leg over you. I kiss your cheek* I really am sorry for pushing you past your limits
*I smile* ilya... Do you feel any closer to me today than yesterday?...
*I nestle myself into your neck, waiting for your response, last night felt like ... Yet another bond was made between us... Or at lease between me and wolf you... I dont even know how i would go about a conversation like that... It wasnt just you rawing me... There was something else behind it too ...at least i thought there was...*
*I rest a hand on your cheek* You know? I think I feel a little closer to you with each passing day. There's always something new, another reason that makes me proud to be by your side. But... this is something I've never told anyone... It's a fairly new affliction.. . I I'm still figuring it out. I don't remember much from last night, but I do remember how incredibly right it felt to be with you. I remember feeling whole, happily mated, and bound to you for life.  I... I don't think I've ever felt like that before. I don't think I've ever felt perfectly content, partnered, and without anxieties or doubts. It's true that I had limited capacity for second thoughts or worries, but.. but I think it means something that I felt so deeply content just to share my life with you. Underneath all the needless worrying, there's just love for you
so... yes. I do feel closer.
sorry, I realize I kind of rambled there... its alright if you dont feel the same way I just... wanted you to know that's how I feel
*I lay there and listen to you talk and bring my face out of your neck when you finish* ...ilya... Thank you so much for trusting me with this part of you, i promise to make these nights as easy for you as possible...i I felt very primal last night... Unable to really communicate with you through words, but when ever I looked into your eyes..  There you were, this grey and red that looks into me.... It felt right to mate with you... Even with the pain.. It felt like it was much more of a bond forming than just trying to get off. It seemed like you wanted me specifically to be there, and even though you were sore too... You wanted to breed me!... And... I wanted you too.... Ilyashka I love you and i am honored to be your life mate! I only hope i can keep up with you *I kiss you softly*
*I kiss you back but look at you a little bashful when we part.* He... I... the wolf... I I think "mating" is serious business for him... like I dont recall very well, but I think last night I did have every intention of breeding you for real, of raising "pups" with you... of being bound with you, for life even... *I brush your hair behind your ear and flush* I-it still doesn't sound like a bad deal to me...     *I look away for a moment to collect myself. All that being said...* Mast we do need to talk seriously though... I agreed to let you come here because I was being selfish. And gods it is so much better with you here, but... but I don't know if you should come back. Its so dangerous for you mast! even when i was trying to be gentle I hurt you!  I... I don't want to put you at risk!
*I flush too* pups huh.... *I try to think about what it would be like to raise a family with you, us adopting a orphan off the street and giving them a loving home .... You would make a wonderful papa there's no mistake about that... I never thought of myself as having "pups" before you...* oh yes we do need to talk about this... We need a more comfortable situation for you... You were in misery allot of the night that you were chained up, it was uncomfortable for you! No wonder you hurt yourself trying to get out! I want to make you a little bed to put out here! I want you to have food and water available through out the night, a full meal before and after, i also want a to build a fire for you, its winter soon you'll get cold without moving.
*I blink at you* Mast.... *Of course you would be thinking about me. You're so kind and loving to me, I actually feel a touch of guilt, like I don't deserve it. Old habits die hard.* Mast I'm not trying to talk about me right now... Its dangerous  for you to be any more involved than you already are. Mast I.... *a lump forms in my throat* I couldn't live with myself if I ever seriously hurt you....
Would you prefer it if i wasnt here while you were full wolf? I dont think you'll hurt me... But i want you to be comfortable... *a rock is in the base of my stomach... I want to be here for him but not if it will upset him so much *
I... *Gods I want you here so badly. The previous nights have been just short of agonizing. But with you? Yes I spent some of it in pain, but mostly... mostly I was overjoyed. I don't want to be alone again. * I... *I bury my face into your chest* How could I be so selfish as to ask you to stay?
*I hold you close* you dont have to be... I want to stay with you ilya... I want to support you through these nights *I really do, i want to be a comfort to you in this harsh experience and also be kinder to you than you have been to yourself*
*I hold you tightly* but what if something happens? What if I turn you? Or what if I really hurt you by accident?
Then we would deal with it together *i kiss your head* you are a doctor ilya, with a almost functioning clinic, you could fix any scratches you might give me and as for turning me? That just means well ve chained to a tree together. *i smile down at you*
I I I love you so much mast... I I just don't want to see you hurt... *I frown up at you* I do want you to be here! I just... I just don't want anything bad to happen to you if I become careless
*I stare down at you and cup your face* if WE become careless.... Your no longer alone ilya....
*I hold your hand to my face* I.... I know that I’m not alone but.... but if WE become careless it’s YOU who will get hurt....
*I nuzzle the hand* then lets try to not be careless *I smile at you*
*I scan your face for a second before taking a deep breath* okay... we won’t be careless
*i kiss your cheek* is there anything else you want to talk about darling? Any other issues you have?
*I have countless concerns, and countless worries. I have more what if’s than I have energy to say them all. But I also have you. I hold your hands and give them a squeeze* .... just promise me you’ll tell me if it gets to be too much... please don’t continue on helping me if it becomes too much of a burden. Promise me you’ll take care of yourself first.
*I smile at you softly * deal. And I want you to take better care of yourself too... I'm serious about making this more comfortable for yourself
*I relax some when you agree* Okay, I'll work on taking better care of myself too.
*I push our foreheads together* good
*I wrap my arms around you with a yawn* And speaking of taking better care of ourselves... Darling I am so tired. Can I seduce you into a nap?
Haaha yes you may *I snuggle into you and am.ost immediately fall asleep*
Oh thank gods... *I tease. As you settle back into me sleep takes me easily. *
*I stirr hours later, the sun is beginning to set and it is getting colder out, i rise and check on your breathing, your sleeping soundly, my stomach twists in hunger... I think it's about time we both eat something*
*I only stir because you do.* mmmm Mast? *I yawn and my stomach growls loudly* jeez... *I sit up with a groan and rest against you*  good morning..?
Haha good morning *I kiss your forehead* i'm starving, mind if i make some food for us?
*my stomach growls impatiently in response* Please..... Can I help at all?
*I roll out and hit the ground with a o of * oof! Haha no i got it love *I am weaker than i thought i would be but I can wobble over to my bag and get my flint and steel, luckily with it being late fall there is allot of dried leaves and sticks around, i pick up a few and clear a small spot near the hammock making a tp formation and striking the flint and steel together, it forms little sparks that burn through the leaves but are not going up in flame... I eventually catch it though and get the little fire going. I pull out the bacon and eggs and a tiny pan and begin cooking*
*i lay the bacon, it pops and sizzles as it cooks, making my mouth water and slicking the pan with grease. I take the bacon out and crack the eggs in 3 for me and 5 for you, it gives a satisfying sizzle onto the grease and all but the yoke cook thankfully quickly, while it is cooking i ace my clothes back on as best as i can, it is cold out bit the fire is comforting*
*I wince as I watch you hobble away. You said you had it, but I’m still worried. I sit up and stretch. I feel like every one of my joints needs to be popped. I ease my self carefully out of the hammock. And promptly lose balance once I’m back on the ground. I hold the tree for dear life while I get my bearing. Once my stance has firmed up I stumble over to my clothes and shimmy into them. I collect the silver I placed in a wide ark around the tree. Touching them still tingles slightly. But only slightly. When I make my way back to you you’ve already got food well on the way of being done. I put the silver back in my bag and lay the blanket from the hammock over your shoulders. I kiss your head.* Mast, you really are amazing... *I sit besides you, the fire makes me feel cozy. The food smells phenomenal. I press myself to your side* Honestly mast... thank you so much for all you’ve done for me, specifically last night and today. I... I really appreciate it. And you.
*I instinctively hold up a arm to catch you when you almost fall, granted i do nothing more than give your tummy a good squeeze , you were already latched to the tree,  a sense of warmth and coziness falls over me when you lay the blanket on my shoulders and kiss my head, i open a wing of the blanket and wrap it around your shoulder as well when you come to sit next to me* ...ilya... I meant it when i said i was here for you... Always here for you... *I kiss your head* I love you ilya
*I hold your hand to my face and kiss you palm.* As gentle as you'd like me to be
*When you offer a wing of the blanket to me I snuggle in close to you and rest my head on your shoulder. * Mast, love, thank you so much for being there for me. Thank you for all of your love and support. *I kiss your cheek* And I'll always be here for you. I want to be by your side through anything.
*I kiss your head* well that will make telling you i'm a vampire so much easier!!! *i give you a devious smirk*
*I look at you, exasperated. Normally I'd assume you were joking but after everything we've been through it's not out of the question. Either way. I lean my head to the side to expose my neck* Oh? are you feeling thirsty?
and thats it! hope you all liked it! please feel more than welcome to tell @ask-a-slippery-boy and or i what you think! 
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Tasked: Ask Meme for BDRP
Sentence Starter Style
“Sadly I’m 15″ “Ah! Phoneee” “oh my god you’re a fucking princess!” “I don’t blame you, but I really think you’re blowing the paperwork out of proportion.” “Would you be open to an alternate route of learning?” “I’ll have to call you back” “You’re no use to anyone sleep deprived” “We have reasonable grounds to enter without a warrant” “Would you be willing to answer a few questions?” “Uhm….s-..sorry.”  “Is that...okay?” “I think there would be cause for concern if you had been” “I think your check book will be thankful that neither of them make onesies. Even if it is a real travesty.” “It’s never too early!” “You ‘ave this natural tone that can come off as…cross.” “You - You gave up on us.” “You look lost” “Well, I can’t exactly say hello to something I can neither see nor hear” “A ghost, of course how silly of me” “We can reschedule this murder for tomorrow maybe” “When you cast a spell your magic lingers” “If you are afraid to hurt her, should that not tell you enough?” “Good. See you on the other side then.” “If you ever send me a text that vague again, I don’t care if it says ‘Help, oh help, I’m dying’, I’m leaving you on read and dyeing your eyebrows pink while you sleep.” “It’s not fucking there!” “We call on the ghost that haunts Phoebus de Martin” “How do you know that?” “You seem young, like, the same age as my TA I dated when I was in uni.” “Your sister is a bad bitch” “When are you leaving anyway?” “Oi, we ready?” “Nah, it wasn’t that bad” “How old is this place anyway?” “I’ve cried like every day for the past three months” “Feel like I have to at least make one a lion” “Joke’s on you, because I don’t know how to play that one” “I’m really bad at cleaning.” “I feel so disconnected.” “That’s not funny.” “I apologize on behalf of the table in the corner.” “I’ve been holding down the fort.” “I can give you – well, anything but my sight, really.” “Unless my sense of smell is going as well” “The traditional ‘Eat a Dick, Shuriki’ Day treat” “I let her dress me as a tree!” “I’m still tragically sober.” “Almost busted your head there...you alright?” “Still doubting me love?” “I’ll be your best bartender in a matter of moments.” “Oh hi, yeah no harm no foul.” “I can only cite temporary insanity.” “Could use a break” “What’d I miss while I was gone?” “I have had quite enough of listening to those men” “You must be mistaken.” “What’re ya doin’ gettin’ dressed and all. Maybe I wasn’ done with you.” “Look…I really didn’ mean t’…” “I’m not the sort to run my mouth.” “Sure it’s real, and I’m rich.” “The hair does match.” “I am more of a home body” “I actually do have a safe room in my basement” “I only 60 percent fake-laughed at this one.” “Wasn’t it halloween yesterday?” “You look like you sleep less than I do.” “Voila. How to survive as a landlocked mer 101!” “Shit’s fucked right now, to say the absolute least.” “I’m sick of secrets.” “Me? Pfft, I’m fine. Pfft. Me? Totally. Why wouldn’t I be fine? I’m definitely fine.” “So sorta yes, sorta no.” “Went for the reeses, came home with a sedimentary rock and a piece of concrete.” “Nothing like two shots of tequila and a few beers to make you feel 100% better about the zombie apocalypse!” “This town keeps you well on your toes.” “oh trust me, none of you want me working here.” “You know you have such a unique aura” “They may not appreciate our boldness” “Is it news that isn’t going to be in the paper?” “Shit, I didn’t grab plates.” “I’m not a fan of that.” “What toppings did you get?” “What ever are you looking for, by the way?” “You remember the um, last unfortunate event?” “Maybe we’ll run into a french bulldog here and I can point them out.” “I want a bag of the gingersnaps, aye?” “Here I thought you were just coming onto me at the gym” “Sometimes cookies can be...more than just cookies” “So which is it: did you want to sell him drugs or did you want to flirt with him?” “It didn’t hurt at all! Just a sting!” “How… sturdy, by chance, do you think they are?” “Which one are you?! What are your favorite colors?! Movies, food, drinks, hobbies, books, BLOOD TYPES?!” “Food rained from the sky?” “You keep telling yourself that, yeah?” “I’m gay, we’re all cynics” “I don’t know what I’ll do with all the space” “Then go…? Back to class…?” “I know I’m pretty amazing. It would be awfully sad to be me-less.” “Are you a protagonist? You look like one.” “Irrelevant.” “I know how to keep ghosts out of the bedroom, thanks” “Just because YOU can't go to rhinebeck doesn't mean rhinebeck cant come to you” “But lovely witches were ten a penny.” “It’s...it’s all for me” “On that note, how do you feel about pumpkin spice cookies?” “They tend to be narrow-minded in their rose-colored perception of our world.” “It’s all kind of shitty, ain’t it?” “I think an army of walking snowmen would be easier to deal with than an army of zombies.” “Don’t tell me about it. I like plausible deniability.” “That is, I never had a reason to cuddle. Until now.” “It’s not- it’s not just guilt” “Fucking hell mate, talk about an entrance.” “Do you think you could talk me up?” “Ye didnae have tae do that” “Maybe not any book” “I’ll take a fun fact instead if you’re so inclined” “Do people still read comics now that there are movies?” “I don’t have to th’ay anything” “Wanna take some deep breaths?” “I think meeting your parents once was enough. I’ve no interest in continuing the charade.” “So, how do you think I should proceed?” “Well I hope I don’t disappoint you then” “I’ve never really figured out how to do it though.” “What’s your favorite superhero movie?” “___ found out didn’t they?” “Well you don’t have to insult your way to the washroom, just so you know” “I have ways of dealing with my mistakes” “Stretch your legs out, stay a while, I get a long day.” "I just straight up have no idea what I wanna study” “I thought the same darn thing!” “So we’re agreein’ to disagree.” “We’ve got that ‘people pleasers’ look, yeah?” “Does it hurt too much?” “Honestly? I don’t know why people put that much effort into decorating so early.” “it’s working great. Thank you.” “Fuck–sorry, sorry. Not focusing.” “The worst people never look scary” “No bruise no foul?” “Sounds like bullshit t’ me” “Better…better to b-be early th-then late“ “But life’s shitty enough as it is.” “Do you do those things for you?” “Hopefully you’re free. If not - then cancel your plans.” “And we can’t let all these special snowflakes dictate what we do, hm?” “I love a rich, full-bodied taste.” “And would you be willing to teach me?” “Yup, just fine. Thank you. Nothing to see here.”  “He’s not around, so it doesn’t matter.” “So is there a theme to this whole shindig?”  “So I guess I’m not basic.” “I see how it is.” “Curious is a word for it, yeah.” “So you’ll speak lies? Or avoid the truth? Sounds like a cop out to me.” [text] Well I’m glad my text went to someone with such good taste! “The aftermath has been...awkward.”
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clown-bait · 6 years
Paranormal Journeys Part 7 (Monster Roommate AU)
WOW I FINALLY DID IT. So I started a new job and things have been NUTS but this fic is not dead and I am determined to finish it. And dont you worry folks I’m a stubborn ass who does not quit. So here it is the next chapter. Leech gets tortured a bit and Penny visits an old friend. Hope you guys like it!
Ch 7 Mike Hanlon gets a Visitor
A screech echoed though the old barn of the former Hanlon sheep farm. Leech glanced furiously around the stall she was in. A moment ago she was full and happy then suddenly a cloth was pressed to her mouth and a bag over her head.
Her head snapped in the direction of footsteps and she tried to charge with supernatural speed but felt a short chain attached to her neck snap tight. The nosferatu snapped her jaws in frustration.
“Ok guys get everything ready make sure the cameras are rolling and somebody wake up Chris.” Zander shouted as he approached the struggling vampire.
“Don't worry we’re going to help you.”
The ghost hunter pulled a cross from his coat and held it out at the nosferatu who began to hiss loud and sweat. He quickly put it away at her reaction.
“She's possessed all right, did you see how much she recoiled in terror? this is definitely a powerful demon were dealing with here”
“Demon?! Motherfucker I'm friends with demons, you wouldn't know a demon if it came up and bit you in the ass.” Leech spat and pulled on her chain.
“Note the foul language and denial. The creature that has ahold of her is definitely scared and trying to protect its self.”
“Protect myself from what? This shit show excuse of a reality tv exorcism? Tell ya what, if you free my hands i’ll spew pea soup at big boy over there and speak latin backwards. These shackles are tight as fuck can’t a girl get a little comfort?”
“Gosh its foul mouthed.” the bigger ghost hunter said to the team.
“Yeah thats how they are bro it's definitely going to try to provoke us. Whatever you do don't engage.” Zander said to his team mate while placing different items on a table
“You started it.” Leech mumbled. “What are those?”
“We're going to force you out of this poor girl.”
“AH! So its to be torture! I can cope with torture.” Leech flashed a cocky grin and wiggled her eyebrows expectantly.
“Did you…. steal that line from Princess Bride?” the bigger ghost hunter Rick asked her.
“Eeeyyy! Someone finally gets my references! And to think I was gonna eat this guy first!”
“RICK don't engage it!” Zander hissed
“Found our villain! Now tell me do you have six fingers on your left hand or am I gonna be calling you Humperdink”
“I think it was the right hand” Rick interjected
“Huh no shi-OW FUCK JESUS CHRIST!!!” Leech screamed as holy water was flung at her face by the lead ghost hunter. A cluster of painful burns began to bubble on her skin where the water had landed. “RUDE!”
“Silence demon!”
“I’M NOT A DEMON! GOD you are like the biggest edge lord! What’s next? You gonna start shouting bible verses too like they do in the movies?” she snarled as Chris walked in the room.
“Z I had the weirdest fucking dream.”
“Not now bro we’re doing the exorcism.”
“Yeah poorly. Bet you dickbags got all your training from bad horror movies and porn parodies.”
“Sheesh that thing is nasty” Chris winced
“Demon Dick 5?” the Rick asked as his companions glared at him in shock and annoyance.
“One of my favorites Rick. I like this guy have him do the exorcism!”
“We've already wasted enough time!” Zander shouted and picked up a book from the table he began to read a passage and Leech dramatically pretended to hiss and writhe her tongue lolling out of her mouth. “Hahaha Man oh man if Phil could hear you guys talking about him like this he'd be laughing with me just as hard! Shit wait somebody text him for me!”
“Why would we do that? Also who's phil?”
“Oh right, Phil is Satan we used to play poker together before my boyfriend banned it from the house. Not my doing for once lets get that clear.”
“Don't listen to a word its saying guys”
“Aw come on Humperdink let me just text my buddy once” her eyes flashed white over in Rick’s direction before being splashed with holy water once again. The nosferatu’s skin sizzled and steam rose from her burns. “J-just….text…LOL getting… a half assed….exorcism…hit send…. mph there.”
Chris glanced over to Rick who’s eyes had rolled up into his head he was holding her cellphone which just buzzed with a notification. “RICK SNAP OUT OF IT!” he shouted and turned to the grinning vampire pelting a rock at her face. “LET HIM GO”
Leech spat as the stone broke her nose and looked back up sticking her tongue out through the black ichor dripping down her face.
“CHRIS! Control yourself!” Zander shouted and Leech winked back at the two.
“Read it Ricky!” she smirked.
“I-it says R-O-F-L cant be there, at yoga getting this ass….its a picture of a goat and a woman’s back side” Rick’s eyes rolled back down and Leech vomited a small amount of black goo onto the barn floor. “Phew that took more out of me than I thought” she muttered and panted.
“I'm sorry she did something to my head!”
“Ok but can you at least show the picture though?” the vampire asked looking up from her now bruising eye and nose.
“NO!” the other two ghost hunters turned and shouted.
“OH COME ON! I wanna see that booty”
“WOW this thing is terrible!” Chris glanced over at Zander who was prepping to try another round of bible verses.
“I know bro this is one of the nastiest ones we've dealt with! This is pure evil we’re dealing with here.” The lead ghost hunter clapped his friend on the shoulder reassuringly.
“Aww I'm blushing! you really mean it?!” the vampire shouted to them
“Bro hand me my rosary.”
“What are those? Anal beads? So you HAVE seen Demon Dick 5!”
“Hahaha that was totally a direct quote.” Leech laughed again but was cut short when the silver cross dangled in front of her face “FUCK GET IT AWAY!” She hissed and the ghost hunter dangled it closer to her. Leech could feel her skin burn with heat where it drew close. The ghost hunter threw another wave of holy water at her and she hissed in pain face turning skeletal for a second as her skin sizzled. “A-all right if were gonna get straight into the kinky stuff we should at least have a safe word. Mine’s usually Float.” she tried to joke through the pain. Her skin was on fire with the crucifix being so close.
“Z I don't think she's a demon” Rick said tugging on his leaders arm
“Rick I’ve been at this way longer than you I know a demon when I see one”
“Bullshit you're doing this all wrong. Plus Im not a demon I can prove it too if you hand me that orange.” Leech panted.
“I don't know Z this could be a trick” Chris said with worry.
“Look have you ever seen one do some of the shit she just did? Just hand her the orange”
“Fine Rick. Fine. We’ll humor you but if nothing happens we’re getting right back to the exorcism.”
Zander rolled the fruit over to the vampire who glared up at him from her knees “You gonna undo my hands so I can eat this?”
“Weeeelllll fuck you then! So much for what’s left of my dignity.” she grumbled and bent down to the floor biting into the fruit as best she could to suck out the juice. “Ahm hoing to rerhet hiss ho huch…” she said while her fangs sunk in. Leech came up with a weak expression on her battered and burnt face looking nauseous and dizzy. “You're all gonna wanna stand back when I- HURK!” the vampire suddenly lurched forward and spewed out blood and guts onto the barn floor in an inhuman amount. She kept going for a solid five minutes until Leech was slumped over supported by the chain around her neck. “Huh, is that an engagement ring? Shit I need to chew my food.” she wheezed before emptying the rest of her stomach contents.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” all three ghost hunters screamed in unison.
“Yeah lets see Pazuzu pull that shit!” Leech grinned declaring victory before shouting at some unknown force in the ground “YOU HERE THAT ZUZU I JUST OUT WEIRDED YOU! WHATCHA GONNA DO NOW BITCH!? PEA SOUP GOT NOTHING ON ME!”
“Zander! If this is not a demon then what the hell is she bro?” Chris turned to his leader in a panic
“Nosferatu.” a vaguely familiar female voice said walking into the barn “What you're dealing with is a nosferatu.”
leech sniffed the air and snarled in disgust.
Somewhere in the town of Derry, Mike Hanlon was laying in his bed coming down from another high. It was time to turn in for the night but with all that had been going on the last couple days the librarian needed a fix…. just a quick one to calm the nerves. His night would be anything but calm when two glowing yellow eyes lit up his room like the obnoxious christmas lights his neighbors had set up.
“Mike” something whispered in the dark “Mike! Help us!” came another disembodied voice. He knew them all too well. The librarian sat up in his bed glancing around his room unaware of the creeping fingers clawing up his mattress. Burnt hands wrapped around the terrified man pinning him down while a disheveled looking monster from his childhood nightmares stepped into the moonlight.
“Thought you could trick me did ya Mikey? Thought you could fool Ol’Pennywise by taking what he loves most. Stupid boy! Stupid, stupid, stupid! No one fools me. no one.” the clown began his voice shaky and dangerous trying to mask the obvious panic behind it as he paced. The creature’s posture and gait reminded him of a nervous caged animal unpredictable and dangerous. Something was very wrong with IT.
“Y-you? W-hy are you here?” the librarian asked cautiously.
“TELL ME where she is SHEEP BOY. Tell Penny where his peachy is and he’ll make it much much quicker for you. Yes! A quick death or a slow one pick your path!” he snarled as Mike was trying to decide if he was still high.  
“A-are you real?”
Mike’s stomach flip flopped in realization of the little reminder of all those years ago. IT had to be real and now IT was in his bedroom.
“Penny knows you need time, yes iIknow you haven't figured out that stupid reptile’s riddles. Don't you fret sheep boy I am just here for her this time. Bring her to me, bring me my mate and you can go back to trying to understand what mortals cannot.” IT was frantically babbling around his room pacing like a tiger in a small cage looking almost fearful its self. Mike remembered that look well the last emotion he saw on ITs face before it vanished down that hole. Something was very, very wrong.
“A mate? …You?!” he asked trying to keep the creature talking to piece the situation together as best he could.
The clown shot him an unamused look as if this was far from the first time someone has asked that. “Where is my Leechie!? I am the questioner here!”
“You're talking about Lucy right? Something’s happened to her?”
“Lucy… Lucy yes, yes her human name. Don’t play games sheep boy release her to me!” Pennywise snarled while he stalked beginning to impatiently kick things over and sniff items of clothing desperate for that sweet smell of blood and ashes.
“Even if I did know where she is, why would I help you?”
The clown roared and charged forward coming in close to the trapped man on the bed fangs bared long and needle like. IT spat in Mike’s face drool and bits of flesh hitting his skin as it spoke. Something was very off with IT more so than usual, as if possessed by some sort of ancient instinct overriding its usual demeanor.
“You want to stop me don't you? I’ll let you live Mikey! Yesss I’ll let you try! One free shot! Just give me my Peachy!” IT was bargaining now just like it did in the cistern 27 years ago. The clown must be desperate.
“I don't have her” the librarian spat back at the clown who snarled and grabbed his throat. Suddenly Mike felt searing pain in his mind as IT forcibly invaded his thoughts its eyes blackened on the edges pupils drifting off into different directions till he found what he was looking for and returned them to focus. IT’s face changed again from rage, to shock and finally to embarrassment. In IT’s hate fueled assault on its enemy IT had made a grave mistake. Mike had nothing to do with his precious mate. In fact all Pennywise had done was just reveal his greatest weakness to his greatest enemy. IT had messed up and it had messed up bad.
The clown released the librarian and awkwardly backed up off the bed eyes large and wide. Wordlessly, IT glanced over to Mike’s bedroom door and without breaking eye contact opened it while silently slinking out like a dog with its tail between its legs. The hands around the librarian vanished into smoke and everything became calm and quiet around him. “What the hell just happened?” he asked the empty void not expecting to get a response and not sure if he wanted one either.
Pennywise returned to his home to find his…..friends? Seated on his couch awaiting the result of his hasty impromptu rescue mission. That, and they were probably mad that he tore Freddy’s head back off in rage. Even his cat seemed a bit upset with him.
“Well? Did you embarrass yourself?” Chucky asked him taking a drag from one of Leech’s joints.
“It…..it wasn't the librarian…” the clown muttered.
“Oh yeah he embarrassed himself.” Freddy laughed still applying a few more staples to his neck.
“Hey if Fangs doesn't come back can I use her room? Thinkin’ about making it into a nice man cave” Chucky boldly asked earning him a death glare from the distressed clown.
Penny snarled and shooed everyone away from his couch snatching up Church to absentmindedly pet as if the cat was a coping mechanism for his current state. What if she doesn't come back? There were emotions he was feeling he didn't think were possible. His new strange instinct to protect driving him to near insanity as he was currently in a constant war with himself to drive the feeling back. Nature and ego raged war inside the eldritch being.
His inner thoughts were interrupted when the door to Neibolt House creaked open the residents all took their leave except the owner who still sat on his couch stroking his cat not wanting to put any effort into this one.
“H-Hello?” a voice called out. “Uh clown? Pennywise?” Mike had never actually called the clown by name before it felt weird on his tongue.
Something appeared behind the librarian blocking his exit.
“What do you want” IT hissed low and in a whisper. Mike turned to see the god of fear its self looming behind him with a plump dirty grey cat tucked under its arm. The two stared at each other in hatred and confusion. The librarian looked at Church and back to the clown.
“Is that a cat?”
“Are you going to explain why you have it?”
“….what the hell happened to you?” Mike whispered half to the clown half to himself.
“Why are you here?” pennywise snarled growing impatient.
“I cant believe I'm saying this but I'm here to….help.”
“YOU WHAT?!” the house shook with the inhuman roar released from Pennywise’s throat.
“LET ME EXPLAIN HOLD ON!” the librarian put his hands out in an attempt to calm the savage beast who had nearly thrown the animal in its arms.
“You have five seconds human before I tear out your eyes.”
“Look you want your…uh girlfriend or whatever she is back. I need more time to figure out how to kill you.”
“Is this a bargain?” the clown raised his eyebrow suspiciously.
“Whoever has her is most likely trying to get to you and will try to harm you as well. We both know all they will do is send you back to sleep and if that happens I can’t stop you and you lose the girl. I can help you get her back. I have a way into the farm, and I can distract whoever has her as a friendly face. Then we can go back to trying to kill each other, business as usual.”
The clown glared at mike with a fury that made the librarian tremble with fear. This had been a mistake he was going to die and everything will be ruined on this stupid risk.
“You dare assume I cannot solve my own problems sheep boy?? What’s to stop me from tearing you apart right now.”
“That.” Mike pointed behind the clown. Pennywise slowly turned to see a box with a balloon tied to it specifically just to mock him. The clowns eyes grew wide as he sniffed the air and saw the black ooze leaking out of the corner of the cardboard. With careful claws he opened the lid and peered inside letting out one of the most horrifying sounds Mike Hanlon had ever heard in his life. The box was thrown to the floor and an object rolled out of it. It was a cold pale finger tipped with a sharp feminine nail and the blood that leaked from it was black.
Uh oh what did Leechie do this time? Poor clown be going NUTS over all this. Im so excited to do some frenemy shit with Pen and Mike like Ive been DYING to get here. Also its Leech’s turn to meet an old enemy. Wonder who it is?
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nanshe-of-nina · 7 years
People of the Edwardian phase of the Hundred Years War as dril tweets
Philippe VI de France: Time and time Again. People on here Fuck me over and ruin my life. simply for starting the Dialouge.
Edward III of England: thinking of wrapping my entire body in barbed wire and becoming Sovereign.
Jehan II de France: a teen approached me at the food court and said “I see you wore your clown costume today” and i spent the next 9 hours processing the insult.
Jehanne de Bourgogne: CHILD: Papa.. tell me once more about WIFE’s DUTY. PAPA: it is WIFE’s DUTY to protect her husband from villains, always.
Jitka Lucemburská: Damn. the MomTown forums just started requiring 4 point Mom Verificaiton to be able to post there for some reason..anyone got a work around?
Philippa de Hainaut: my opinion on politics: my opinion on politics is that politidcs is extremely good, but sometimes it is bad.
Ludwig IV, Holy Roman Emperor: bigmouth fake priest telling me to “drink a shitload of holy water and kill yourself” as penance? this has happened at three churches now.
Pope Benedict XII: it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that the celebs are at it again.
Jehan III, duc de Bretagne: i just left an enormous pile of vomit behind golds gym for all of you abominable pig clowns to pick at #blackfridaydeals
Robert III d’Artois: (in really quiet, barely audible voice) hope your dick falls of bitch.
Hugues Quiéret: currently employed as Water Guru at the beach. it’s sort of like being a lifeguard except i have no inclination to touch the drowning people.
Geoffroy d’Harcourt: OH im so Fucking sorry “Your Majesty”, i didnt realize that dick rings were banished in this dystopian piss earth. Ur probably a 9gag poster.
Jacob van Artevelde: (in highly rational and cool voice) i have the higher follower count than them. i wiont let them undermine me.
Pope Clement VI: may the wind carry my tweets and soothte the sick, the wounded, the downtrodden of both man & beast, across the savage shit earth of trolls,
Jehanne de Valois, comtesse de Hainaut: startling how im the only person on this site with an actual human soul. you would think the other guys on here have one, but no.
Eudes IV, duc de Bourgogne: myth: making me mad is cool FACT: making me mad is a crap move& people who do it are all sociopathivc criminals with fucked up rotten brains.
Jehan de Montfort: turning my headlights off when driving at night,.. so that my Rivals cannot see me.
Jehanne de Flandre: i just want to find the optimal bra for sniper operations, but everoyne here is so rude, and pieces of shit.
Johann der Blinde of Bohemia: Q: If your post was proven by a counsil of wise men to be racist, or bullshit, would you bar it from the record? A: I do not delete my posts.
Jehanne de Clisson: as far as im concerned the best revenge is ordering wolf piss online & pouring it into soneones car. “living well” is too hard.
Arnaud de Cervole: i will raze every forest and devour each city in blood tribute for the crime of 9/11!! please nbring back blue collar TV
Frank Hennequin: the jduge orders me to take off my anonymous v mask & im wearing the joker makeup underneath it. everyone in the courtroom groans at my shit.
William Montagu, 1st Earl of Salisbury: im at the point in my life where i cant relate to any popular fictional characters unless they use massive amounts of hair gel and steriods.
Antonio Doria: my name is Destyn. i build crossbows and sell weed to all your dads and im 15.
Gautier VI de Brienne: MYTH: my posts are for the Pauper REALITY: my posts are for the Prince.
Étienne Marcel: looked at a newspaper today. looks like we’re getting taxed out the wazoo, with this president. anyone else see this shit? tax out the wazoo.
Edward Montagu, 1st Baron Montagu: girls always love to telling people not to“ Mansplain” but they do not care of, “Man's Pain”
Louis Iᵉʳ, comte de Flandre: 1) i do not owe you mother fuckers a damn thing 2) i will not hear any more questions or comments unless they pertain to MetroPCS, or Pepsi.
Philippe III de Navarre: the crusaders fire ballistas into my throbbing diaper- unlesashing a torrent of mustard yellow shit and poisoning the entire village.
Gaston II, comte de Foix: i am going to plunge a sword into our bed and officially end outr 40 yr marriage if you do not stop yelling while i am recording my stream’s.
Henry de Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster: please help my cousin “Bruno_THought_Leader” who just had his account suspended for threatening to “Fuck” brexit.
Robert Le Coq, Bishop of Laon: i have absolutely zero interest in friendship, i have absolutely zero interest in jokes, i am simply here to collect data and earn respect.
Jehan Iᵉʳ, comte d’Armagnac: the joke is on you fuck face. i actually love getting screamed at and publicly shamed for my dumb-assed bull shit . I love apologizing.
Bardi and Peruzzi families: boy oh boy do i love purchasing large amounnts of Fool’s Gold. wait a minute... fools gold fucking sucks. this stuff is no good..!! Fuck !!!
Jehanne II de Navarre: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and NIce manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT.
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton: if you have less than 1000 followers i can guarantee you that me and the boys share your posts in vip chat rooms and call you a "Muthafucka”.
William de la Pole: thinking about getting the dow jones back on track, simply by making a few phonecalls. but certain people have been a bitch to me, so i wont.
Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick: shutting computer down until the shitty moods & attitudes can fuck off., if you need me ill be on my other computer, sititng 60° to my right.
Thomas Holland, 1st Earl of Kent: ive heard from a reliable source that people arre putting their lips on to my girl friends avatars and going “muah muah muah.” cut it out.
Raoul II de Brienne, comte d’Eu: hate it when my boss knocks out the front leg of my desk with a baseball bat and funko pop lego shit flies every where.
Karel IV, Holy Roman Emperor: “RESULT You are the Serpant. YOu dislike loud places and people are constantly putting drama in your life. But you’re strong.” This is true.
Charles de Blois-Châtillon: torturing my damn dick with corn cob holders in Penance for the foul tone i took with the subway corporation today.
Jehanne de Penthièvre: i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc.
Jacques Iᵉʳ de Bourbon, comte de La Marche: “ah boo hoo hoo i want to post Foul comments to content leaders” Fat Chance, Dimwit. I will annihilate you under bulwark of the Law and God.
John Chandos: DOCTOR: you cant keep doing this to yourself. being The Last True Good Boy online will destroy you. you must stop posting with honor ME: No,
Jehan d’Artos, comte d’Eu: , who had gone missing for 17 years and was presumed dead after failing to return from his ultimate dumpster diving life quest
William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas: i get emails. i get emails saying the trolls have won, and that i should bow to them, since i have lost the battle. to this i say FAT-CHANCE.
David II of Scotland: “jail isnt real,” i assure myself as i close my eyes and ram the hallmark gift shop with my shitty bronco.
Charles de La Cerda: i think that turning myself Gay in the summer of 2013 would really impress my overseas investors.
William de Montagu, 2nd Earl of Salisbury: my watch beeps whwich means its time to stand in front of my ex-wife’s house and play “Hit THe Road Jack” while dacning and licking her mail.
Jehan III de Grailly: its fucked up how there are like 1000 christmas songs but only 1 song aboutr the boys being back in town.
Louis II, comte de Flandre: U Have Forced Me To Take Extreme Measures To Protect My Business And My Lifestyle.
Blanche de Navarre: the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”
Charles II de Navarre: Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned Compilation
Philippe de Navarre: shooting off automatic rifles making horrible diarrhea shit noises as the recoil makes my tiny dick flop around. hell yeah. thats cool to me.
Charles, Dauphin de Viennois: surprise, dad. while you were witnessing the pennsylvania state lottery i tried on all your work gloves and they looked very handsome on me.
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