#sorry but ittosara....
oathofkaslana · 2 years
anyways thats partially the reason why itto/sara is so appealing to me. the thought of two yokai who've been isolated from their own kind for so long and treated differently because of it, somehow healing alongside each other in spite of everything. sara who wasn't truly loved by her clan being accepted by the arataki gang for who she is instead of what she represents..
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piyostoria · 2 years
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undercovergamer · 1 month
❤️Revenge of a Raven❤️
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⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Please do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
Ittosara content by yours truly! If Sara is out of character, please let me know. I’ve never written her before-
Summary: Basically Itto and Sara are wrestling in an act of play-fighting because Itto is hyperactive and bored and Sara could use some practice.
⚠️TW/CW: non consensual tickles at first, but it doesn’t last long and boundaries are set as an important lesson.⚠️
I wanted to explore the topic and I don’t have the language to explain why (sorry).
Itto tries to tickle Sara because he wants to see her beautiful smile. But it turns out she hates being tickled and gets upset instead, resulting in *him* being on the receiving end. That’s when she finds out the punishment is meaningless since he’s having fun. In the end he apologizes and she forgives him, but continues tickling him until he’s had enough because he’s a cutie.
Word Count: 3360
It’s strange how times can change, isn’t it? That’s what Kujou Sara was thinking anyway. Who would’ve guessed she’d end up loving Arataki Itto of all yōkai? It was almost unbelieveable to her, and yet there she was, sharing a home with this lovable dork. They had been dating for some time now, starting a while after Sara had finally agreed to that street sumo match. It turned out Itto was a great partner, both in love and in sparring. Today was no different, as the energetic oni had initiated a playfight.
“This time I’ll win for sure!” Itto boasted with a confident grin on his face, playfully wrestling his badass girlfriend. He loved her to bits, which showed in his smile.
“Hmph. Don’t get too cocky.” Sara muttered with a smirk. She was usually the one winning their playfights thanks to her speed and precision.
“Just you wait! This time, I’ve got new tricks up my sleeves!” Itto taunted, looking full of mischievous.
“Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try.” Sara replied, challenging him.
“Oh, I will!” And try he did, managing to spin her around and hook his arms under hers in an attempt to win, holding her in place.
“Hngh…! Damn it…” she muttered, realizing he was too strong to pull away from. Well, she could probably just throw him, but this was a playfight, not a serious one.
“Heheheh! Looks like I’ve got the upper hand!” he taunted, holding her relatively tight.
“Hmph! Just you wait, I’m not surrendering yet!” Sara said with a serious tone, planning her next move.
“Well good luck getting out then, lil’ birdie~ hahahahaha!” Ugh, that teasing oni. Someone ought to shut him up to put him in his place, Sara thought. Then, she got an idea.
“Heh. You’re not the only one with tricks, oni.” Sara said with a smug smirk. The way Itto held her wasn’t too tight, and she had gained enough room from the struggle to summon her wings.
“Wha- you gonna fly? Indoors??” Itto questioned, soon realizing his fate was sealed. He’d made a crucial error of fashion choice today, as this was the wrong time to not wear a shirt.
“Not exactly~” Sara replied, quickly fluttering her feathery wings up against Itto’s torso, aiming to tickle her way out of his grip.
“Pfft~ ahahAAH!! Heh- eek! Ahahahaha!! Thahahat’s cheheheating!!” Itto protested and jumped slightly, immediately losing focus. He wasn’t expecting it to tickle so bad, giggling frantically already.
“Cheating? That’s too bad…” Sara replied, keeping up the ticklish wing flaps until the oni was weak enough to escape from. She didn’t try to break free right away though. In truth, she loved hearing that silly laughter, especially when it was confused and flustered sounding like this. Those squirms, snickers and surprised squeaks made her heart skip a beat. Who knew such a rambunctious oni could be so cute?
“Pssh~ heheheheheheh!! Stahahahahap~!” Itto whined, too stubborn to let himself lose in such an embarrassing way.
“Let me go and I might~” she teased, reaching back to tickle his neck with her fingers too, adding to the temporary torment.
“Eek!! Heheheheheh!! Gah, fihihine!!” Itto released Sara and covered himself with his arms, stepping away from those wings of hers. She turned around to face him with a mischievous smirk.
“Hmph, what’s wrong? Giving up that easily, are we?” Sara teased, wiggling her fingers towards him to tease.
“Pfft- don’t even think about it! Just wait til I- whoa!” Itto stepped back nervously, but tripped himself as he’d accidentally walked backwards into the bed and lost balance.
“Watch your six.” Sara teased with a soft laugh, dismissing her wings and taking a seat next to her boyfriend.
“Hey, c’mon! What’s so funny? You smug little-…” Itto asked, trying not to get too distracted by the smile on his girlfriend’s face. She looked so happy and carefree… so beautiful…
“Hahaha…! Looks like I win again, hm?” Sara said, smiling softly and stroked Itto’s cheek. She chuckled to herself, melting his heart. “Heh… it’s crazy how we ended up here like this, isn’t it?” she asked, admiring the oni’s rosy blush.
“Mhm… heheh, I feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the world~!” he said, pulling her down into his arms and hugging her tight.
“Hey! Haha..!” Sara let out a soft laugh, making Itto feel warm.
“I get to have the coolest, most badass girlfriend ever! All to myself~! Hahaha!” Gosh, that sweetheart…
“Pfft, let me go, you brute..!” Sara couldn’t stop smiling, lightly struggling against the other’s grip.
“Aw~ is the little birdie shy~?” Itto teased, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
“Don’t call me that…” Sara muttered, still embarrassed by such a nickname.
“Why not~? It suits you…” Itto said, easing up on his tight hug and switching to a gentler snuggle. Sara sighed and let herself relax, not saying another word as she cuddled closer to the oni.
Ah, what a cozy time. The sun shining in through the blinds, softly lighting up the room as the lovers enjoyed each other’s warmth. They could stay like this for the rest of the day if they wanted to. It was so quiet and nice. Itto held Sara close, his arms wrapped around her waist and her head resting against his shoulder. It felt like heaven to snuggle up with the love of her life. Sara was still surprised by how such a boisterous oni could be so relaxed and gentle. It truly warmed her heart…
“Hmm… so, are we napping now or…?” Itto asked, keeping his voice down in case she felt sleepy.
“Hm… not yet, sweetheart… Let’s just enjoy the moment…” she replied, indeed sounding sleepy as she closed her eyes. So cute…
“Mhm…” Itto agreed, letting out a satisfied sigh as he relaxed with her. All was well and soft until Sara started to get tense.
“Ah… h-hey, d-don’t do that…”
“Hm? What’s wrong?”
“Hmph… your hand…” Itto had been absentmindedly tracing her side with his nails, most likely in an attempt to do so on her back.
“Yeah…?” He didn’t notice it at first, but moved the hand to her back instead anyway. “Sorry~” Itto didn’t think much of it, keeping his tracings to Sara’s back for a relaxing sensation. The cuddles resumed in soft silence, until a surprised squeak came out of the woman.
“Eep! Itto…!” His hand had slipped down to her waist on accident.
“Huh?” That’s when it clicked. “What was that noise~?” Itto teased, amused by the sound his usually stoic girlfriend had made.
“Erm- ahem… It’s nothing, really. It-... it just felt weird.” Sara said, trying to sound serious despite her nervousness.
“Heheheh! Are you sure~?” Itto didn’t fall for her act though, giving a quick scribble to her waist.
“Eep! Don’t do that!” Sara protested, unable to keep herself from smiling.
“Whaaat? I’m not doing anything~” Itto taunted, chuckling to himself as his tracing slowly approached her side, making her tense.
“Pfft~…! I-Itto…!” Sara gritted her teeth.
“You’re ticklish? That’s so cute!” Itto said, smiling with love as he discovered this adorable trait.
“Sh-Shut it..!” Sara bit her lip, swatting at his hand in protest while trying not to laugh.
“Aw~ c’mon. Lemme see that smile!” Itto teased lovingly, poking at her sides.
“N-No, I- pfft-!” Sara covered her mouth, but didn’t stand a chance once she felt those pokes turn into scribbles. “Tickle tickle tickle~”
“Ihihittohohoho!! Gehehet awahahay!!” She couldn’t stand his teasing, pushing his hands away to prevent the tickling.
“Hehehe! Your laugh is so cute!” Itto didn’t seem to get the hint…
“Stohohop! Thihis is embarrassing!!”
“But we’re the only ones here! No one will know~ I promise I won’t tell!”
“Hahaha…! I said stop!!” Sara’s vision activated, zapping the oni and causing him to let go. “Ack- ow!! What are y-?!” She pinned him down before he could protest, glaring daggers into him before speaking up.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?!” she scolded angrily, a piercing gaze that sent shivers down Itto’s spine.
“I-I was just playing! C-Calm down..!” He stuttered, fearing the intimidating expression on his girlfriend’s face. He’d seen it before, but not like this.
“I told you to stop! I hate being tickled!” She replied, feeling betrayed by his ignorance.
“I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t know..! I- I was just-…!” Itto trailed off as he saw the pain in her eyes. He felt the guilt in his chest upon realizing what he’d done. “I-… I’m sorry…”
Sara sighed, noticing the regret in Itto’s expression. She could tell he didn’t mean any harm, but this wasn’t the first time his excitement had overstepped a boundary. Her grip on him loosened.
“Sara…” Itto spoke up, feeling worried by the silence. “I’m really sorry… I won’t ever do that again!” To his credit, he always took said boundaries very seriously after the fact. He’d always do everything in his power to not make the same mistake again…
After another moment of silence, Sara sighed and spoke up after her mind cleared. “Hm… fine. I’ll forgive you this time.” she said, choosing to trust Itto. She gave him a friendly smile and stroked his cheek. “R-Really…? You’re not mad?” He was surprised, not expecting to have been forgiven so easily.
“Well… I’m not *as* angry anymore, but… I can’t let you off the hook just yet.” Sara said, giving him a small glare. Itto needed to be taught a lesson, and she already knew how. He gulped nervously. “W-What do you mean…?” he asked.
“Hm… well~ I think someone here deserves a punishment for being so mean earlier.” Sara said, a playful look on her face, but a menacing look in her eyes. Itto was still clueless about her intentions though. “Huh…?” He seemed a little spooked.
Sara sighed affectionately, finding his confused expression adorable as always. “Oh, relax. I’m not gonna hurt you, you silly oni. I’m just gonna give you a taste of your own medicine.” she said with a mischievous expression, lightly stroking his cheek to help him feel safer. “W-Wait, what?” Itto was now nervous instead, understanding the threat.
“Let’s see how you like it!” Sara smirked and started tickling Itto, assuming it wouldn’t harm him since they had fun with it during their playfight.
“AAH! WAHAHAHAHAIT!!” Archons, those nails… The way they scribbled across his torso tickled him like crazy already!
“Oh? You’re ticklish, huh? Predictable.” She teased, despite knowing full well already.
“Shuhuhut ihihihit-!! Ahahahahahaha!!” He’d managed to calm his laughter a bit after the initial strike, realizing it wasn’t so bad.
“Well, that’s awfully rude, isn’t it?” She purposely targeted his weaker spots, tickling all around his midriff at a faster pace. “Is that really how you should speak to your girlfriend~?”
“EEK! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!!” Itto threw his head back and laughed loudly, kicking his legs against the bed.
“Tickle tickle tickle~” Ah, who knew vengance was so much fun? The way Itto laughed, the way he squirmed, the way he smiled and blushed so much; it was all so precious and adorable to Sara. But, after a little more of this so-called torture, she showed mercy and stopped tickling the oni.
“See what I mean? It’s not so fun when you’re on the receiving end, is it?” She questioned, hoping to have taught him a valuable lesson.
“Ahahehe… hehe… I- heheh..! It is~, a-actually..!” Itto admitted, still smiling at Sara as he caught his breath.
“… what?” Certainly not the response she expected, but she wasn’t too surprised.
Itto blushed, feeling a little embarrassed to have admitted such a thing. “Eheh… I- uh…”
“You like getting tickled?” Of course, Sara was expecting him to be silly enough for this…
“Aha, y-yeah..! I kinda thought you did too, for some reason…” It was all making sense now. “I just… I thought it’d be fun! Y’know? I thought we could, like… bond or something, ‘n’ have fun like that, but…” Itto felt a bit embarrassed with his own logic, even though his intentions were harmless. He facepalmed before saying “Ah, I should’ve known better! I should’ve asked first at least, I-… I’m really really sorry…” He felt so stupid for not considering Sara’s feelings. What if she was still mad? What if she felt violated? What if she-?
“Y-Yeah..?” His anxiety was through the roof until she spoke again, her hand on his cheek for comfort.
“It’s… it’s fine, I forgive you. Just promise me to not do it again, okay? I… I know you didn’t mean any harm.” She understood his intentions. He didn’t tickle her for his own amusement, he did it for her thinking she’d have fun. Of course it didn’t excuse his actions; it merely explained them.
“Besides, you already apologized earlier. I forgive you, okay?” Sara stroked his cheeks and leaned down to kiss his forehead.
Itto sighed with relief. “Oh, dude, I was scared for a moment there…! Eheh… thanks for forgiving me.” he said, rubbing his eyes, totally not wiping any tears that spawned from his little emotional rollercoaster.
“Hehe, it’s alright, Itto. You silly oni…” Sara found him endearing regardless, ruffling his hair a little bit as she ran her fingers through it. Their love really was powerful.
“Heh…” Itto smiled, grateful for her comfort. “I- I won’t do it again… I swear on my life.” he said, his serious tone making Sara laugh.
After a moment of fond silence between the two, Sara spoke up with a teasing tone. “So… you like tickles, huh~?”
“Ahah- eh-… w-well, I mean-.. uh…! I never say I hated it…!” Itto stuttered nervously, blushing like a cherry from the topic alone. He knew what was coming…
“Mhm.” Sara noticed some restless movements from her boyfriend, raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk. “You want some more? I’ve got plenty of tickles left just for you~…” she teased, wiggling her fingers at him.
“Jfhhdhd…! Don’t say it like that…!” Itto hid his face in his hands, dying of embarrassment.
“Yes or no, darling…?” Sara asked with a silly voice, thoroughly enjoying the exchange.
“… y-… yes…?” Itto replied shyly, nervously peeking at her from behind his hands. Sara felt like she’d been shot by Cupid’s arrow, seeing that adorably shy expression on the otherwise “tough” oni’s face. “Tch… you adorable dork. Hold still.”
“Wha- pff- Heheheh-! ACK- GWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto’s laughter returned the moment Sara started tickling him again, scribbling her tickly nails all over his ribs and sides. She thought to herself, is he actually enjoying this? It was hard to believe he’d be having fun, given how unpleasant tickling could be.
She observed his expression, noticing how happy he looked. She was one to notice little details like that… the way his face and his laughter were full of joy rather than discomfort… It was both confusing and adorable to witness. She loved him so much…
“Hm~… are you alright, darling?” Sara paused her tickles to admire his flushed smile and let him catch his breath.
“Eheh… heh… huff… m-man..! Why’d you stop..?” Itto asked shyly, looking all cute and silly. Sara’s heart melted in an instant. She didn’t say anything before tickling him more, making him laugh a lot again.
“Ugh… you’re too damn cute!” She growled, having cute aggression upon him and tickling his neck.
“Pfft~!! Ehehehee~! I’m nohohohot!” Itto protested through his giggles, playfully pushing her hands away.
“You are~! Gosh I could just squish you to death~” Sara teased, pausing to kiss his cheeks before squeezing his sides rapidly.
“ACK-!! Ahahahahahahaha!! Shuhut uhuhuhuhup!!”
“Oh? Watch your tone, mister!” Sara scolded, tickling him all over his midriff again, since that whole area made him laugh more.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto was having so much fun, getting tickled silly by the love of his life. It was a dream he didn’t know he had coming true, and he was having the time of his life.
“Say you’re sorry!” Sara demanded playfully. It felt nice to have power over him…
“PFFT~ NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto shook his head, refusing to give up, but Sara stopped anyway to give him a break.
“Oh? You sure you wanna keep that attitude~?”
“Aheh… hah..! Heheh…! Whuh…?” Itto froze, eyes widening as Sara’s free hand held one of her own feathers. It must’ve fallen from her wings during their little tussle earlier. “W-Wait a sec-..! D-Don’t you dare!” he squirmed nervously, giggling as her hand inched closer. She had yet to get off of him though, so he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Say you’re sorry~” Sara teased, using the feather to target his ears, making him swear and giggle his head off. “Shihihihihit!!”
“Watch your language~” Sara teased, tickling under his chin with her other hand to tease him, switching from ear to ear with the feather.
“SHUT UP!! Pfft~ hehehehe-! Fuhuhuhahahahack!! Nahahat the ears~!!” He wasn’t expecting to be so sensitive to that damn thing. It tickled worse than anything he’d ever felt! …well, not really, probably. It was hard to tell.
“Tickle tickle tickle~ Say you’re sorry~” Sara teased in that dreadful sing-song voice, switching to tickle both of his ears at the same time, the mixed sensation driving him crazy.
“EEK!! N-Hahahahahahaha!! STAAHP!! I’m sohohorrehehEHEHEE!!” Itto squealed, reaching his limit at this point.
“Yeah, you better be!” Sara responded, her tickles slowing down and coming to a stop, her hands resting on his shoulders.
“Ahaha.. hehehe…! *hic* hahahaha..! N-No more…!” Itto stuttered, giddy with giggles as he slowly calmed down.
Sara sighed fondly, stroking the oni’s hair. “Oh, Itto… what am I going to do with you…?” She was so in love… he looked beautiful like this, all red and silly…
“Eheh… heh… *hic*…”
“Awh… you okay, baby? I’m sorry if I went too far…”
“Hehe~… I’m-… I’m okay…!” Itto managed to catch his breath fully after a while, letting himself relax knowing the game was done.
“Hm.. you look tired. Why don’t we call it quits here and take a nap?” Sara suggested, cupping Itto’s face in her hands.
“Heh~… I’d like that… you owe me a kiss though…”
“A kiss? Hm… I can do better.” Sara teased, tender love in her smile as she leaned down to kiss Itto, planting gentle and loving smooches all over his face.
“Mmf~ hehehe! Hey~!” Itto protested half-heartedly, giggling softly as he felt flustered.
“Hush, pretty boy. Your face is my canvas~” Sara teased, kissing him some more.
“Hehehe! No it’s not~!” Itto giggled as he was kissed silly, half-heartedly complaining even though he loved the attention.
“It is~ You adorable dork!” Sara gently squished his face with her hands in the name of cute aggression before her touch became gentler. As she admired his lipstick covered face, she couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“Staahp…! It’s not funny~” Itto protested, giggling along with her laughter.
“Hahahaha~! Oh, you’re the cutest thing ever…” She chuckled, thinking to herself: “Gods, I wouldn’t be caught dead saying that a year ago. Time really flies.”
“You’re so mean! Heheh…!” Itto protested.
“Haha~ oh come on…” Sara rolled her eyes before she lightly moved off of Itto, reaching into her bedside table for a wet wipe. She kept a few there just in case. “Let me clean that off. Your face is a mess~” she teased, smiling at him.
“H-Heh… go ahead, princess~” Itto teased lightly, absolutely smitten by her. She gently held his chin, guiding him to tilt his head in certain ways as she wiped the kisses away. Lipstick, as the name suggests, goes on the lips, not the face like that. It’s not like such a small layer would do any harm of course, but… it couldn’t hurt to be careful.
The tender love and care didn’t stop there, though. After she was done wiping his face clean and tossing away the trash, the two switched their positions to get comfier in the bed, snuggling up to one another. Sara’s nails traced gently across Itto’s back, soothing him to sleep. The result wasn’t entirely intended, but he did need the rest regardless.
She’d totally wake him up with that feather later. Just… on his back instead so that he wouldn’t die.
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sarbcat · 2 years
this is my ship post, here are literally all of my favorite genshin ships with a quick explanation for each hetero jealuc - its my og. its my babygorl of ships. they have so much canon shit- and like. ok, high school jealuc and theyre best friends who both harbor more than just friendly thoughts for eachother but theyll never say anything... buff boi x buffer gorl what more can i say alberose - i know a lot of people arent fond, thats ok, i think its just cute. he protects her :) (she doesnt need it. but doesnt say no.) thomaya - i just think theyre cute :) shes his sugar mommy! <3 i like him and her brother more though fischnett (?) bennett/fischl - he plays along with her shit and thats adorable... he just thinks shes a cutie <3 and shes a total tsundere dont @ me chilumi - fuck u theyre cute... she beats him and he loves it ok.... tis.... so cute... 'hey girlie hold still' :) he is her little housewife and thats adorable scaramona - they're astrology spouses... she deffo reads his palms and he gets all sweaty bc omg shes touching my hands !!!! ittosara - fight me tengu!!! thats all a lot of the traveler ships r cute too. aether + amber, yoimiya,,, lumine + like- diluc? cute and oh my god i have a type oh no homo kaebedo - cute as fuck.... dont @ me... he draws him!!! cytham - they fight eachother on shit but they would be cute... cute as hell!!! kavetham - they would kiss. roommates my ASS kazuscara - they put the old conflict aside and just are there for eachother <3 thomato - i said it earlier and ill say it again, sugar daddy x housewife its cute as shit! malewife x girlboss but the girlboss is also a man tomokazu - old besties. kazu was DEFFO inconsolable when tomo died i wish he lived oh man im sad now wtf.... xiaoven - venti plays the song that kept xiao alive, theres so much angst there that i could curl up in that angst pit and DIE ayalumi - honestly i just fucking fell in love with all of their interactions - the 'keep your eyes on me traveler' haha! so cute hit me with a van pls beigguang - it takes a true diamond to catch the eye of ningguang and beidou is 24 karat <3 they fuck and thats awesome... love them!!! eimiko - mommy? sorry... mommy? sorry... mommy? eulamber (?) - i dont know what this ones called but KISS PLS :) jeanlisa - they are wives but im still a jealuc fan first and foremost im sorry :( --- thanks 4 coming bestays
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litfever · 1 year
❧ fic masterlist
welcome! here are my fics.
i post them on ao3 under the pseudonym daintyfleur and i mostly write modern/college aus about ittosara and huxiao from the video game genshin impact. this list will be organized chronologically.
genshin impact
love makes mockeries of men
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-04-17 word count: 948 rating: teen and up summary: love makes mockeries of men (but, just this once, he'll allow it)
only the moon could love the sun (the way i love you)
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-05-22 word count: 337 rating: general audiences summary: he makes her soft—unbelievably so.
keep your friends close (and people who are terrible for your rationality closer)
pairing: kaeya/rosaria date published: 2021-06-05 word count: 411 rating: teen and up summary: "You're welcome, Rosaria darling." She will murder this man.
abstruse (see also: my love for you)
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-06-11 word count: 4,060 rating: teen and up summary: A chuckle rises in her chest. She can feel the way it reverberates inside of her, warming her as his kiss has.
unwavering devotion (decidedly so)
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-07-08 word count: 732 rating: teen and up summary: Xiao swears time stops when Hu Tao’s lips meet his.
when we meet again (infallibly)
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-07-11 word count: 3,801 rating: teen and up summary: The air whistles an eerie tune. She laughs a nervous laugh and turns around slowly, placing her hands behind her head because she didn’t know what to do with them. A spark of recognition ignites in her brain. She curses herself out, it was a day of bad decisions (and apparently bad thoughts), and it might cost her her life.
my heart is a canvas (free for you to paint with the colors of your affection)
pairing: kamisato ayaka/thoma date published: 2021-08-04 word count: 2,317 rating: teen and up summary: You see, art as an elective course seemed like a good idea five months ago.
the rain drew daggers on my skin (and you held me as i wept in pain)
pairing: kaedehara kazuha & yoimiya, kazuha/yoimiya date published: 2021-08-09 word count: 751 rating: general audiences summary: The rain has always been relentless in Inazuma.
underneath the stars (but somehow, on top of the world)
pairing: albedo/sucrose date published: 2021-08-29 word count: 2,090 rating: general audiences summary: In the list of all the things that she would never expect to happen, Albedo Kreideprinz picking her up out of the blue was probably at number one.
sorry, i'm a little chai
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-09-28 word count: 734 rating: teen and up summary: He stores away that little bit into his memory, for what? He’s not sure. It isn’t like they’ll ever see each other again.
tolerated (only by you)
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2021-10-13 word count: 10,253 rating: teen and up summary: “I’m going to wipe the floor with you.” Please do, his inner voice said.
beginning, middle, end
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2022-07-01 word count: 15,775 rating: teen and up summary: Itto and Sara are rival editors who have to co-edit a book.
it drives you crazy, getting old
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2022-10-11 word count: 2,910 rating: teen and up summary: Itto, Sara, and the stars. The stars, Sara, and Itto.
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2023-06-07 chapter count: 3/3 word count: 13,270 rating: mature summary: She’s right. She usually is. It would have ended the same.
here is my heart (i know you can stomach it)
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2023-07-08 word count: 4,059 rating: general audiences summary: She is Sara Kujou, and she is seventeen and sparkling, and starting the rest of her life.
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dingostrash · 1 year
Yeah fair enough. Sorry for being weird in your asks. Though at the risk of doing it again, are there any ships you like in genshin? Just curious, sorry if I'm overstepping my boundaries as a tumblr anon.
It's okay, you could've been way weirder.
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Now uh genshin ships. I don't want to go on for too long so here's just the ones at the top of my head.
Ittosara and kokosara are fun, love me some Ganquing, Zhongven is great, Nuevifuri slaps, uhh Alhaitham and Nilou just kinda because they are fun on the same team haha.
I'm not really big into shipping in genshin for some reason idk why. I love shipping! It's weird.
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ayakinari · 2 years
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Im sorry i fill your dash with genshin impact from time to time
i do not think i will ever get into genshin impact but i support you wholeheartedly. be the trooper ittosara has never had before
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ill-sho-you-a-gun · 2 years
okay im fine now
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remnri · 2 years
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yukiranine · 2 years
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Day 5: Proposal In which itto is proposing… TO DUEL!! HAHA!!! FOOLISH KUJOU TENGU OR SHOULD I CALL YOU KUJOU CHIC-//trips into beans
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oathofkaslana · 5 months
ill never forgive the way people skew ittosara as abusive somehow. sorry mhy has shitty writing but also if you dont think they respect and care for each others well-being you can't read.
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ladyaudentium · 3 years
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"Socks are just gloves for your feet."
"If you don't shut up right now, I'll kill you."
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undercovergamer · 1 month
Hellooooo!!! I have an idea! Would you mind writing a fic where itto is getting gang tickled by Yae Miko, Kujou Sara, and Raiden Ei? Hehehe... As you can hear from the voice lines, Itto challenged Raiden Ei for a duel... but probably Yae Miko has different mischievous idea hoho... Well, I hope you have a great day! P.S. please no foot tickles... thank you so much!!!
Hi! Sorry for the like actual year long wait lmao- I lost motivation for a long ass time 💀
I actually didn’t fulfill this request, buuuuut,,
I got Sara and wrote ^this^ instead
I don’t rlly like Yae Miko n don’t want her anywhere near him lmao
I hope u still like it Anon 🫠🤌
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itto, admiring a sleeping sara: you’re so cute.
sara, sleepily: i could beat your ass.
itto, lovingly: i know.
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icecream-daifuku · 3 years
Itto wins even when he loses.
— an excerpt from an ittosara request —
"Yae and I made a bet," Itto says out of the blue, laid out on the bed next to her, resting his cheek on her thigh.
Sara looks up, her soft gaze drifting from the dark curls of their baby's head to the bright-eyed gaze of her husband. She carefully shifts the baby in her arms so as to not disturb his suckling, and fixes her husband with a deadpanned look. "About?"
"His first word," he answers, eyes twinkling.
She quirks an eyebrow. "And if you lose, will you hold it against your son for the rest of his life?"
"Oh, come on. And no!" He pushes himself up to settle his back against the headboard and nudges her gently with his shoulder. "Besides," he adds, crossing his arms across his broad chest, "I won't lose."
Sara hums, keenly aware of Itto's penchant for making challenges and stubbornly committing to them. Her baby yawns against her breast, signaling that he's done eating, and she reaches over to straighten her clothing before propping him up over her shoulder. Methodically, she begins to pat his back, encouraging him to burp before he falls into his fourth nap of the day.
Itto perks up, holding his arms out. "Oh, he's done? Gimme, gimme, I'll burp him."
"Careful, he's been spitting up all day so..."
"I dunno if you know this, but they call me Arataki 'Baby Whisperer' Itto around these parts..."
"Watch his head."
"Yes, yes."
Their baby gets all the attention. Sara has many hypotheses for it; maybe it's in part due to the unusually low birth rate in Inazuma, or partly because his parents are who they are, or even because he is what he is. Itto, on the other hand, is adamant that it's cause he's so darn cute.
"My baby is so darn cute."
Thoma smiles, balancing the amber-eyed baby on his lap as said baby leans over and grabs little handfuls of sand. The three of them are on the beach right below the Kamisato Estate. It's peaceful, and this far away from the city, there isn't much foot traffic along the bay. "Oh, he's the cutest." They adoringly watch him pat the sand, grab the sand, and lose the sand. All in that order. "You're the cutest, aren't you, liebling? You look just like your mother, yes you do..."
"Yeah, he does doesn't he?" Then, "hey, wait a minute—"
"Now say 'toe-mah'," the blonde coos, drawing out the first syllable of his name. "Can you say that, liebling? Hmm? 'Toe-mah'."
"Hey! Give me back my baby—"
"But Sara said I could babysit today."
"Not if you're gonna try and steal his first word from me, blondie."
Thoma squints. "Liebling, did I ever tell the story of how I almost got my Vision taken away? And how your dad definitely got his Vision taken away?"
— tbc.
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addictofanimation · 3 years
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Yet more people who refuse to admit this stuff happens. I had nothing to do with being one of the IttoSara shippers who wrote the messed up fanfictions of them. I don't really ship it and don't really read it either, just come across the occasional art of them on my Twitter timeline and they're usually pretty chill and innocent.
And I'm not scared of gay people and am also not sure where they got that from...?
I genuinely hope they keep the same energy about all of the r*** and non-con stories between m/m and f/f pairings. I saw a lot of those before I learned how to filter tags and then put the filtered tag in my bookmarks so I wouldn't have to do all of that again.
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