#sorry coran's not here he's taking a well-deserved nap
voltronside · 4 years
snippet 1
Summary: In which Lance serves some quality smooches to (almost) everyone.
Relationships: Keith/Lance, Lance & Voltron Paladins
Word count: 1,015
Tags: platonic kisses, found family dynamics, vaguely blasphemous (??) stuff about Catholicism (i.e. Lance does a pretty minor Catholic no-no)
“And if you finish flight training early, we can stop at a nearby outpost to do some restocking,” said Allura. She looked up from her holopad to find Lance grinning. “Yes, Lance?”
“When you said ‘restocking,’ you totally meant ‘shopping,’ right?”
“You know, I have beaten Killbot Phantasm 1 like, thrice now,” said Pidge. “I wouldn’t mind looking for more Earth merch.”
“Oooh,” said Hunk. “I’ve been waiting for a chance to get some spare parts. I’ve been thinking of upgrading the healing pods so that no one has to fall on their face when they come out.”
“Now that you mention it, that sounds like a feature that maybe--no offense, Lura--should have been there all along,” said Lance.
“None taken,” shrugged Allura, pointedly not thinking of the first time she met Lance.
Lance continued, “Honestly though, I’d still rather fall into your beefy arms.”
“Hard same,” said Pidge.
“Aw, stop it, you two,” said Hunk demurely. Then, he pouted his lips and struck a ridiculous pose. The three of them burst out laughing.
Shiro cleared his throat, and they quieted down. “First of all,” he said with all the calm authority that befitted the Head of Voltron, “agreed. Hunk’s beefy arms are really comfortable to land in. Second, Lance, didn’t you ask Allura a question?”
“Yes, thank you, Shiro,” said Allura, clearly struggling to keep a straight face. “The outpost likely only has the essentials, but you’re all more than welcome to--oh, Keith!”
Everyone turned to the open doorway where a freshly showered Keith approached, still rubbing a towel over his head. He froze when he realized that everyone’s eyes were on him. “Um. Hi.”
Lance grinned. “Keith! Keith, my dude, I didn’t think you were ever gonna join in on these meetings.” “Well, yeah,” Keith shrugged. “I just. You know, responsibility and all that.” He glanced at Shiro, whose eyes were gleaming with that good ol’ Dad Pride. That explained things. He moved to sit next to Pidge, who was tapping away on her holopad. “Anyway. I’m here.”
“I’m glad you’ve come to join us, Keith,” said Allura. “As I was saying, we can all visit an outpost tomorrow if you finish flight training early. That’s really all there is to brief you on for tonight.”
“All righty, then.” Lance sprang off the sofa and stretched as the others chorused their acknowledgment. He sighed and announced, “If that’s all, I’m gonna get some shut-eye. Goodnight, folks!”
Then, he fluttered around the room like he usually did, kissing everyone goodnight. He gave Hunk a kiss on the forehead (Hunk leaned to it) and planted a loud, wet smack on Pidge’s cheek (“Ugh, why are you so gross!”). He kissed the top of Allura’s head (she pinched his cheek) and gave Shiro a peck on the cheek (Shiro ruffled his hair). Then, he turned to Keith. Keith, who wasn’t usually part of this routine.
When he was six-ish or seven-ish, he spent an afternoon with Rachel at their Abuela’s house. She’d taken a tin off the high kitchen shelf and handed it over with a wink. Inside was a very large, partly-eaten bag of unconsecrated Communion wafers.
They’d gotten a thrill from having so many pieces of host at hand. Lance and Rachel hadn’t even had their first Communion yet, but they could probably eat more wafers in an afternoon than even Marco had ever eaten in his whole life! They sat in front of the TV, snacking on the bland, crisp wafers, and this was how Papi found them hours later when he came to call them home for dinner. Rachel had grinned at him and offered him the bag of wafers.
At the time, Lance had never seen his father that furious. He’d sputtered in a confused rage and went off to argue with their Abuela. Before long, he emerged from the kitchen and ordered his children to go back home. As they crossed the street, their father lectured them about the sanctity of the Eucharist and other things Lance didn’t understand. He and Rachel were too busy crying guilty tears, though they weren’t sure what they did wrong.
Just before they entered their house, Papi took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face. “Listen, you two,” he said, crouching down to look them both in the eye. His knees creaked as he did. “I know you didn’t mean any harm. But you need to learn that some things are too sacred--too important to do without meaning them with your whole heart.”
Some people might say that Lance faltered when he turned to Keith, if they were generous like Allura. A traitor like Pidge, however, might say that his entire system shut down, an old memory dinging around in his brain like a pinball as he stood there bug-eyed and slack-jawed and staring at Keith like a jackass. Keith, surrounded by their freshly-kissed team, was tense.
See, a Hunk kiss meant, “I love you, you’re my best friend (I would die for you, buddy).” A Pidge kiss meant, “I finally have a little sister to piss off now (and I’m so glad it’s you).” An Allura kiss said, “I trust you with my life (I’d help you carry some of that pain if you’d let me).” A Shiro kiss meant, “You remind me so much of Marco that it makes me ache (sometimes when I think of him, I end up imagining you instead).”
Keith looked as if he’d been caught with his hand in the wafer tin, legs poised to run and eyes wide as plates. He waited for Lance’s next move.
Some things are just too sacred.
“Welp, g’night!” Lance tossed him a jaunty salute and a wink before sprinting out the door. He ignored Pidge’s snort of laughter when he tripped into the door frame.
About an hour later, he’d cleansed, exfoliated, and moisturized. He lay in bed, dozing off as a thought drifted through his mind, lazy and meandering like a mosquito on a summer night: Lance didn’t know what he’d mean if he kissed Keith.
I’m pretty sure shippy fics usually involve the romantic interests kissing instead of having Person A smooch everyone except person B, but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is the first fic I’ve ever posted so yay!
This is rough, and it’s probably gonna be a small scene in a much larger fic (hence the lack of context), but I just wanted to get it out there. Lance’s childhood memory is basically a direct retelling of an actual childhood memory I have, except his dad was nice about it and mine yelled at me and my sister lol! Anyway he was raised Catholic like me because I said so and want to project. And yes there’s a (sad) AtLA reference in there.
Please let me know what you think!!
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 202
Keith knew Lance was skilled in the art of cleaning, yet the shack felt like a whole other house in comparison to what it had been the previous day. Yes, dust still hung around and the floors hadn’t been vacuumed or mopped, and yes there were towels and dishcloths piled up near the front door, but unlike the previous day, Keith could now picture the house as a home. Krolia had made a discovery of a few video tapes that’d been stashed in a box in his dad’s room. Shiro would have been trying on his dad’s shirt, despite the filth if he’d been there. No memories were flowing back, yet they seemed to be rewriting the memories he’d made the day before. He really shouldn’t have lost his temper with Lance. He’d been hurt and lashed out, and couldn’t take it back.
Taking photos of the house’s interior, he was drawn to what had been his bedroom. Glow in the dark solar system stickers laying on the floor where they’d peeled off with age. Paper clung to the walls, once childhood drawings. His room not the cleanest, but very lived in. He’d totally over reacted and would take a dick punch if it meant taking his anger back. Krolia ended up taking more things than the day before, now that she could see what she was taking. Keith didn’t think old video tapes had much use, but his mother cried over them, so he’d kept his mouth shut.
With all the rotten bedding and fabric stuffs, Lance had bagged it all up near the front door. The work would have taken all night, meaning Lance understandably needed a nap after putting so much effort into things. When Keith discovered a photo of him on his dad’s shoulders, he’d hit a new low of self hating. The frame had been cleaned up. Mould in the corner meaning the photo was stuck to the glass, Lance not trying to seperate it, instead placing it on the wooden coffee table where it’d be safe... and he’d gone and blow his top at him. He was still kind of mad Lance had taken it upon himself to clean the shack alone, but his fiancé’s heart had been in the right place. He only wanted good and happy memories for Keith.
Driving them back to the hotel, Keith’s stomach knotted with anxiety as his mother parked beside the bronco. They didn’t have phone reception out at the shack, Keith checking his phone in between taking photos with the hope that miraculously he’d catch some thin sliver of signal... He didn’t... though he did finally get his coffee when his mother decided to fuel up Shiro’s car after all the driving she’d done. It tasted barely better than dishwater, lukewarm and oily, but better than nothing. Knocking back two coffees gave him a little of courage. Temper settled by his beloved caffeine and able to human that bit more.
Heading up the stairs to his and Lance’s room, Keith was prodded along by Krolia. His mother wanted to talk about what’d been in the files that Lenny had gifted them, having not read them, Keith could only shake his head at her. He’d so desperately wanted to sit down with her, but first there was the need to apologise to Lance, then the need fo shower. Alcohol sweat would forever be gross.
Letting them into the hotel room, the door unlocked, Shiro sat on his side of the bed with Lance’s head on his leg. Keith jumping to angry all over again, and probably would have yelled if Lance hadn’t been sleeping. “Awing” over the scene, Krolia’s steps were light as she moved carefully. Sitting herself down, she placed her hand on Lance’s hip, Keith wanting to tear her hand off
“How is he?”
Shiro sighed at Krolia’s question. Sighing wasn’t good
“Pretty devastated. Very apologetic. He had a panic attack in the car, so I got him on the phone to Coran who managed to get through to him. He’s been out for about an hour now”
Krolia nodded, Keith hugging himself. He’d caused Lance to panic, and made him feel unwanted. If he sniffed the air, he could detect notes of Lance’s sweetness along with something sour that seemed to also belong to the man he loved
“Did you talk to Coran?”
“I called him back once Lance was sleeping. He’s worried about him. I don’t know why, but I know he was talking to Coran about Veronica... and Nyma and Rolo”
“Veronica‘s the older sister right?”
“Yeah. And Nyma and Rolo were the pair that turned him. He was really upset that’d upset Keith”
Shiro’s gaze turned to him, Keith dropping his head in guilt
“Keith, you and he had a fight. Do you want to talk about it?”
Ugh. His family would be so disappointed if they knew... He knew and he was disappointed enough in himself for all of them
“Not really. I scared him and I didn’t mean to...”
“I don’t think it’s just you. He did say his ego was a mess and he was exhausted. He kind of stopped making sense as he started rambling”
“He does that when he’s tired”
“You’ll be happy to know you’ve got a monster cock. And that he loves your monster cock”
Keith closed his eyes as he let out a long breath. Sleepy Lance had no filter
“Should I ask why you know that?”
“Oh, apparently drunk Keith tore his shirt and bra when he was trying to clean you up. His hips are still sore from your monster cock”
Fucking drunk Keith
“He shouldn’t be sore still. He’s had a fair bit of blood”
“That’s what I thought. Coran said to keep an eye on him, and if they’re not feeling any better by the time we’re ready to leave, then to swing by VOLTRON on the way home. He had me mix some Panadol and blood for him”
“Did he say anything else?”
Shiro shook his head
“Yes and no. Just bits of pieces. Mostly he was apologising for going missing and upsetting you by cleaning the shack up. It seems he really likes the idea of coming to stay around the anniversary of your dad’s death... He wants to make good memories here for you. Then he swapped to Spanish. I don’t know much, but I did get that he wanted Miriam”
Maybe Keith had been way too aggressive. Normally their fights ended with them both realising they’d meant the same thing but were coming at it from different angles, instead he’d taken all his fear out on his fiancé who was having a hard enough time as it was
“I don’t need to come here to make happy memories. I... um... shouldn’t have started yelling. I was worried... He can’t just... He just go disappearing like that!”
Though it hasn’t come to him before, he now realised Lance very well could have been kidnapped again... Keith knew he was not mentally strong enough to ever go through that again... Absolutely anything could have gone wrong. His mate should have been by his side! Sighing, Shiro patted Lance’s hair
“He knows. He was mid-apology for the umpteenth time when he started spiralling. He’s also very sorry for worrying us after yesterday was so fun. Also, his car needs to be cleaned up. Do you want us to handle it, or do you want one of us to stay while you clean it up? I don’t mind, but I think he’d prefer you or Curtis”
Leaning down, Krolia kissed Lance’s hair affectionately. Seeing his mother so motherly tugged at his heart. He didn’t want to start yelling or making his scary face again
“Shiro, you and Keith can take care of Lance’s car. I’ll pop down to the restaurant and pick us up some food. Curtis, you stay with Lance. Given he’s so sleepy, he probably can’t control his ego very well right now. I know you’re sorry, Keith, but give him a little while to come back to himself”
Keith didn’t want to go away. He’d already been forced apart from Lance by Lance coming back to the hotel
“I’m supposed to be with him. He’s my goddamn mate...”
Shiro shook his head, his brother looked sympathetic but Keith didn’t know what that sympathy was directed at. He didn’t deserve sympathy for being a douche canoe
“Kiddo, he needs some rest. He knows you didn’t mean to fly off he handle at him...”
“I still need to apologise to him”
“And you will. Just let him sleep for now. We’ve got a car to clean out. He had a bit of accident during his panic attack, I’m not sure he even noticed”
Krolia sighed softly
“I remember those days. One wrong sneeze and I’d wet myself. Best we not bring it up, he’d be embarrassed. He’s already quite embarrassed over being afraid. He called me the other day, I don’t think I was much help”
“He called me too. To check in. I think I upset him”
Krolia pulled herself away from Lance. Standing to stretch herself with a smile
“That means an extra special lunch is called for. I wish I could cook something for him”
No. Nooo. That’d probably do Lance in
“He likes fruit, and maybe some pancakes... he had a craving for them the other day”
“Don’t you worry, I know what I’m doing”
Krolia thinking she knew what she was doing was what worried him. Wisely Keith kept his mouth shut about that
“I’ll take a shower and meet you at the car... I stink”
No one disagreed, Keith annoyed they hadn’t... and annoyed his family were such a bunch of weirdos... even if he loved them.
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Repeated Mistakes
A request from a user titled “sashi117″: “Hai! i'd like to suggest another prompt please :))  Ok it's kinda weird but basically, Lance got stuck and captured on some sort of random alien planet that uses happiness as an energy source. Since the aliens notice that he's filled with sadness, they tie him up somehow and tickle him so he starts laughing and producing happy hormones. Keith could go a solo mission to rescue Lance, but once he sees his predicament, he hesitates on helping him because he believes Lance deserves it 😂” 
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Characters: Lance McClain, Keith Kogane
A/N: I’m sorry, as cute as this idea was I just couldn’t get inspired. This isn’t exactly what you requested but here it is, I’m very klanced out (nothing to do with the prompt). Thank you @kwaiipootato for the help.
Description: Once more Lance is lured away by an attractive a line. This time, he’s “punished” for his action by being the healer of a planet that thrives off of laughter. 
Charming, harmonious laughter let out through the seemingly endless woods as the blue paladin of Voltron had fallen prey to yet another stranger. However, rather than ditching him and stealing Blue, this one was sticking around, claiming it was all necessary for his planet. 
Apparently, the planet was dying and he needed to return to it quickly. So, rather then waiting like Shiro and the others agreed on for Allura and Coran to meet up with them after their latest battle with Zarkon, Lance took off without telling anyone to quickly get the man back to his planet. 
However, he didn’t realize when the male said that Voltron was needed…. That the paladins themselves were needed. The planet grabbed him, once more attaching him to a tree. The humanoid-shark looking mae smiled as hands moved up and down Lance’s sides. Vines slowly started to come from the trees, working under his arm very slowly and teasingly. It sucked.
He wanted to giggle harder and hide his tickle spots, but he could hardly hide his face right now. He turned into his arm, giggling and blushing like crazy. “Whahahit, thahaht tickles! Surge! Heheheh wait!” The charming male tilted his head a bit, blinking his large, fully purple hued eyes innocently. “‘Tickles’? It that what you call it?”’
Interesting, huh. Other helpers have called it various other things but oh well. It didn’t really matter so long as Lance helped the planet. “Yhehehes! Eek! N-Nhahahot there!” He tried to sway a bit as he felt a finger poke near his navel. Sure, Surge had fingers like Nyma and couldn’t really get into the area, but…. The anticipation still killed him. 
“Well, this is odd.” There was a small indent on the other end of Surge’s finger! He poked at it a bit more as a reaction to the plea. This was fun! The planet started to move the vines a bit faster under the hallows. Yes, the thin bit of armor there did somewhat protect the male, but not enough. Lance bucked against the tree, knocking Surge back as he squealed. “No, no, no, no! Hehehshahahahah!” 
Though the brunette would never admit this as… he was a little panicked and it wasn’t the appropriate time to really have this thought but…. This was kind of fun! He jerked around a bit more as the vines decided to move on to new areas… thankfully. Moving down to his sides, the vines started to multiply, there were four after him now, and on top of that Surge’s hands!
“Wow, your pretty sensitive, aren’t you? Hopefully your paladin laughter will heal our planet quickly, then you can get back to your friends.” It was a childish mindset that Lance just wasn’t following. Frankly, he wasn’t really listening. If he had a bit more range of motion he’d be having fun with this. It felt so nice to just stop and let loose a bit, especially after all the stressful paladin work he’d been forced into for the last year of his life. 
He splayed his torso a bit more, trying to make a game out of his situation. It’s not like he could call for help or doing anything else anyway. He was trying to train his nerves to stay under his control. So rather than jerking away and trying to stay away, he forced himself to move back into their touches. When stubby fingers found his underarms though, it became a bit more difficult. “Hehehehehe! Pfff, hahahahaha crhahahap!” He could really feel the pressure under his arms now, earning stronger laughter. 
This brought a bit more hope to the poor alien before him. “Are you holding out on us? You can laugh more?” He was grinning ear to ear, showing off his white teeth. He got closer to Lance’s face, feeling up and down his torso, trying to stay out of the vines way. “Where else can I earn more of it, huh? Does this ‘tickles’, is this sensitive? You haven’t asked us to stop in a while, are you enjoying this?” If he was that made the whole mission much better. 
Lance tried to hide his face, eyes watering from tears of “forced” joy, and face bright read from laughter and being flustered. His stomach filled with butterflies as he started to picture himself at the mercy of someone else. Keith… could make a pretty good ler… couldn’t he? 
A soft growl as Lance lay back on his bed, curling up on himself for protection. “Why are you hiding from me?”, “What’s so funny?”, “Something funny?”, “I can give you something to giggle about”, the list of teases went on. At this point, Lance was practically out for the count. He was so flustered, he felt so happy, he just wanted to snuggle up and take a nap. 
But he couldn’t not yet. He was still the “helper” to this guy and the planet. Or was he? He hadn’t been paying too much attention to what was going on. He currently had no reason to be laughing as the vines retreated from the fear of a loud roar that let out across the land, and the scampering off of a cowardly kidnapper. 
Red landed quickly after circling the area in search for a landing. Lance couldn’t remember the rest as his body slowly shut down for a much needed nap. 
When he awoke, though, he was a little shocked to see a face peering down at his. He let out a yelp as he jumped back, pulling his coers up without realizing. Keith’s eyes narrowed a bit as he leaned down more from his position on the bed. “What were you thinking?! You could have gotten killed, you could have lost the Blue Lion again!” He jumped right into leader mode, though he wasn’t a leader. 
Logic mode? Sure, that would work. Regardless, Lance had little time to process anything. He was alone in his room with Keith, who looked panicked ad annoyed. Looking around, he ignored the other as he took in his surroundings. Hunk’s vest and blanket, one of Pidge’s caterpillar guys, Shiro’s pillow? 
Lance sat up from the different colors and scents only to be shoved back down by Keith who dug under his arms. “I’m talking to you, Lance!” The younger let out a scream as he shook his head. “Kheheheheith,” he whined out through his laughter. It looked like Lance would be getting his fantasy after all.
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Red River Valley
A Voltron: Legendary Defender fic Central Characters: Krolia, Lance, Keith, Keith’s Dad Genres: Family, Hurt/Comfort, Songfic Word Count: 3,954 Written for the “Family” space for the @voltronbingo Hurt/Comfort card Read on AO3
Story Excerpt:
“So, uh, you, uh, you asked if this was a guitar, right? How do you know about guitars?”
It took a moment for Krolia to answer as she stared down at the instrument in Lance’s hands. “My… my husband played one.”
Lance’s brows shot up. “Your husband? Keith’s dad?”
Krolia nodded. “Yes. His was a different color, but the same instrument. I quite liked the sound.”
“Don’t suppose you get much music in the Galra empire, huh?” Lance asked.
“Some. But certainly not on warships and military bases. And none quite the same as the guitar. It’s a very… humble-sounding instrument. Simple but sincere.”
“Huh. Never thought of describing it that way.”
Krolia didn’t much like the Galaxy Garrison’s on-campus hospital. It wasn’t any problem she had with the health-care at the facility; it was more simplistic than the sort she was used to seeing, but it seemed to be more or less effective for humans, and there seemed to be no malice below the surface of it, so it would do the job. And the building was a bit clinical, but not nearly so impersonal as the sort offered at the Blade headquarters or among the Galra army, and was brightly lit and even decorated in spots.
What she didn’t like about it were the people. She didn’t think the people here were bad – if she had, then she gladly would have put her knife through the throat of any doctor who tried to lay their hand on Keith while he was hurting and prone after that battle with Sendak – but she did think that they didn’t seem to want her around. No one was outright hostile to her, but the suspicious glances people would cast her when she walked by them, the way people were quieter around her, the way doctors and nurses would be much more comfortable giving Shiro updates on Keith’s health than they would her, all failed to escape her notice.
It was probably at least a little understandable, considering that she looked like the people who had spent the last two years destroying and oppressing this planet, but that didn’t mean she enjoyed it.
And it was why she very seldom ventured out of Keith’s room if she could help it. Shiro had half-joked to her at one point that he now saw where Keith inherited his lack of sociability from, and he had a bit of a point. For days now Krolia had practically been holed up in Keith’s room, only talking to him, Shiro, and Kolivan except for those couple of occasions when Coran or Romelle or Matt or stepped in for a quick visit. The rest of the paladins were all confined to their own beds, so none of them had been able to drop in.
Krolia had wondered idly to herself whether maybe she should have stopped in to see the other paladins at any point. She had, after all, stayed and fought with them for a while, gotten to know them a bit, and they probably deserved at least the courtesy of her wishing them a speedy recovery in person.
It still took her a while to finally do so, though, and she probably wouldn’t have at all if it hadn’t been for the guitar.
She had gone out to fetch some food from the hospital cafeteria while Keith had been napping and Kolivan and Kosmo had been there to keep an eye on him, and hadn’t planned to make the venture any longer than it needed to be – she was already irritable by the fact that even the friendliest smile she could manage for the cafeteria worker who scanned the meal card she’d been given courtesy of the Garrison hadn’t stopped him from shaking nervously and refusing to meet her eyes as he rang her up and bid she enjoy her meal – and had been on her way back to Keith’s room when she heard it.
Her ear had twitched in the direction of the strumming and she turned to look toward the source of the sound. Room 614, she was pretty certain that this was one of the rooms that one of the paladins was occupying, although she didn’t know which was which. Now seemed as good a time as any to check, and curiosity drove her to make her way down the hall and poke her head through the cracked-open door to see its occupant.
This room was identical to the one Keith was laid up in, white furniture and pale off-yellow walls and wide windows, and it was empty except for the person sitting up in the bed in an orange and white hospital gown, back against the headboard. Lance had a matte black acoustic guitar laid out across his lap, and his tongue poked out from between his lips as he strummed his thumb against the strings over the sound hole with one hand and pressed the strings to the fretboard with the fingertips of the other.
“That’s a guitar, isn’t it?” Krolia asked.
Lance jumped, his fingers slipping in his surprise and sending a muffled and discordant handful of notes out of the instrument before he whipped his head around to the doorway. “Oh, Krolia!” he said. “I – I didn’t hear you come in! Uh, yeah, it’s a guitar. It’s, ah, it’s mine. Played it for years. My sister tuned it up for me – not Veronica, Rachel, the other one, she’s the one who knows music – and she brought it over. Figured I’d have missed it.” He smiled sadly down at the instrument. “She’s right, I did miss it. And my calluses are nearly gone, so I gotta start building them up again. I’ll probably be getting blisters for a while, but it’ll be worth it.” He looked back up at Krolia. “What are you doing in here, by the way?”
“I was on my way back to Keith’s room,” Krolia answered. “But I heard you playing, and I haven’t stopped in to wish you good health yet, so, I – I decided to do so.”
“So my serenading brought a beautiful woman to my room, huh?” Lance asked, a grin cracking over his face.
Krolia stared at him, then slowly her face fell to a dark scowl. “All right, I don’t know what sorts of signals you think you’ve picked up on, but if you think for one instant that I – ”
“Wait, no, I’m sorry, I was joking!” Lance said hastily, eyes wide in panic. “I was joking, I swear, I’m sorry, it’s – it’s sort of an instinct, I – I, uh, I flirt when I’m nervous, see, do it to everyone, it doesn’t mean – I didn’t mean – I’m sorry.”
Krolia folded her arms, gaze narrowed, but she nodded curtly. “Hm. All right, but don’t do it again.”
“I won’t. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“Please don’t stab me.”
“I won’t.”
“Thank you.” He took a deep breath before turning back to his guitar. “So, uh, you, uh, you asked if this was a guitar, right? How do you know about guitars?”
It took a moment for Krolia to answer as she stared down at the instrument in Lance’s hands. “My… my husband played one.”
Lance’s brows shot up. “Your husband? Keith’s dad?”
Krolia nodded. “Yes. His was a different color, but the same instrument. I quite liked the sound.”
“Don’t suppose you get much music in the Galra empire, huh?” Lance asked.
“Some. But certainly not on warships and military bases. And none quite the same as the guitar. It’s a very… humble-sounding instrument. Simple but sincere.”
“Huh. Never thought of describing it that way.”
“What was it you were playing?” Krolia asked.
“Oh, uh, it was ‘Brown-Eyed Girl’. You know it?” Krolia shook her head. “Well, it’s one of the first songs I learned. Aside from, like, ‘Hot Cross Buns’. It’s got pretty simple chords and all. Figured it’s a good one to start warming me back up to playing. I know lots of others too, though. You got any requests?”
“I don’t know very many Earth songs.”
Lance tapped his thumb thoughtfully against the pick guard of his guitar. “What sort of songs did your husband play? You remember any of those?”
Krolia paused in thought before she slowly answered. “I don’t remember the names of them. There was… there was one I liked best, one he played a lot. It was about a – a ‘cow boy’, is what he was called, and it was a song where he was singing to a girl who was leaving or… or something. My husband said it was a popular song. A folk song, he called it.”
“Wait, I think I know it!” Lance said brightly. “Was it Red River Valley?”
Krolia stood straighter, nodding in recognition. “Yes, yes, I believe that’s it. You know the song?”
“Yeah, I do actually!” Lance said. He held the guitar, readying it to play. “You want it in English or Spanish?”
“What does that mean?”
“… Right. English it is.” His face went serious and he focused on strumming a few opening chords, then his voice joined in as the lyrics began.
“From this valley they say you are going, I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile, For alas you are taking the sunshine That has brightened my pathway a while.”
Krolia felt a small smile tugging at her own lips as Lance played and sang. It had been so long since she’d heard this song, and she’d slowly been starting to forget how it went, and finally hearing it again… it was like retrieving a little bit of home. She did miss getting to hear her husband sing it – she had loved hearing his voice; it had been low and warm and smooth, and listening to it was like drinking a dark wine. But Lance was still a pretty good singer, and the fact that she was getting to hear it at all was more important than whose voice it was in. She let her eyes drift closed as she listened to the rest of it.
“Come and sit by my side if you love me; Do not hasten to bid me adieu, But remember the Red River Valley, And the cowboy who loved you so true.
I’ve been thinking a long time, my darling – ”
Krolia’s eyes opened again, and she turned to Lance in confusion. “What’s that?” she asked.
Lance stopped playing and looked up at her, brow raised. “What’s what?”
“What you just started playing?”
“The – the next verse? What about it?”
“The next – I thought that was the whole song,” Krolia said. “My husband only ever played up to the line about the cowboy.”
“Ah, yeah, that’s understandable,” Lance said, nodding thoughtfully. “Lot of people only know the first verse and chorus for most folk songs. And a lot of other songs, come to think of it. It’s called ‘second-verse curse’. Me, though, being the brilliant music aficianado that I am, I know it in full, so I guess it’s your lucky day. Wanna hear the rest?”
“I… suppose so, sure. Go ahead.”
Lance smiled and resumed playing, picking the song up where he’d left it off.
“I’ve been thinking a long time, my darling, Of the sweet words you never would say, Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish? For they say you are going away.
Won’t you think of the valley you’re leaving, Oh, how lonely and sad it will be, Just think of the fond heart you’re breaking, And the grief you are causing to me.”
Krolia kept her eyes on the way Lance’s fingers moved along the neck of the guitar, on the way his thumb strummed up and down against the strings. The lyrics were… she didn’t know what to think of them. The first verse and chorus hadn’t exactly been happy, but they’d been bittersweet. Like the singer was sad to see the girl in the song going, but still wished her well. There hadn’t been this desperation in the song, this – this pain, this finality.
This was song that her husband had played when they sat out on the porch together under the night sky? The one he had even sometimes used to get a restless Keith to fall asleep? The one that had become her favorite?
Had he known about these other verses? Surely he hadn’t.
Because Krolia didn’t like to think of these words coming from her husband. Didn’t like it at all.
“From this valley they say you are going, When you go, may your darling go too? Would you leave him behind unprotected, When he loves no one other than you?
They will – ”
Lance stopped singing when a hand came down onto the neck of the guitar, holding the strings down. Krolia hadn’t even realized she had crossed the room and grabbed it, had cut off the sound as she gripped the neck and stared down at the instrument, or at least toward it – her eyes were unfocused, too much so to actually be staring at it.
Krolia blinked and turned to see Lance staring up at her in worry. Slowly she pried her hand off the guitar’s neck and let it fall to her side. “I… I’m sorry,” she said softly.
“Are you okay?”
She nodded. “Yes. Yes, I’m fine. I don’t think… I don’t think I much like these other verses.”
Lance cleared his throat. “There’s, uh, there’s only one left. Do you want me to, uh…?”
Krolia shook her head. “No, that’s fine. I’ve – I’ve heard enough.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would, uh, upset you or anything, I just – ”
“It didn’t,” Krolia said, perhaps a bit more abruptly than she’d intended. “It didn’t. It’s fine. I’m fine. I just have to… have to be getting back to Keith’s room now. He and Kolivan will start to worry.”
“Right,” Lance said. “Right, yeah.”
Krolia turned stiffly to the door, pulling it open to leave. “Thank you for indulging me, Lance,” she said, tone measured and flat. “You’re a good musician.”
“Thanks,” Lance replied. “Uh, glad I could help.”
The moment Keith was cleared by the doctors to be allowed to be up and walking around, the first thing Krolia had suggested was an outing to get outside of the hospital for a bit, get some fresh air. The staff had been hesitant, telling her that even though he was okay to be out of bed, that didn’t mean he was ready to be overexerting himself, and maybe they should stay within the hospital’s facilities for a while longer. It hadn’t taken much arguing and staring down from Krolia, though, to get them to relent.
She supposed there was at least one advantage to the hospital’s faculty being scared of her.
She had told Keith where she wanted to go, and he hadn’t been surprised. He agreed that he wanted to come along too, and they arranged a ride. Krolia was a bit irritated by that, but Keith certainly was not up for driving, and apparently spending decades piloting military craft still did not allow Krolia to take a vehicle to the streets without a valid American driver’s license – which she thought was utterly absurd, but begrudgingly relented on – so one of the Garrison’s officers had taken them to their destination, not having been happy about having Kosmo drooling all over the backseat of the vehicle, but also smart enough not to try to pry the wolf away from Keith’s side.
They arrived at the cemetery all too soon.
The officer stayed in the car while the little family made their way among the headstones. Krolia let Keith lead the way, since he knew where the grave they wanted would be, and she idly read the names etched into the headstones they passed as they walked.
“Here it is,” Keith said when he located the right one.
Krolia froze where she stood, staring. It had been one thing to see a vision of this headstone back in the quantum abyss, back when she’d been pulled unceremoniously into Keith’s memories and discovered with a shock what had become of her husband, and what had thus become of her son.
It was quite another to see it in person, to see it up close.
She lifted a hand to the letters carved into the stone, slowly and almost unconsciously tracing over the name and date etched there, as if checking to see whether they were real.
“All you all right, Mom?” Keith asked behind her.
“I’m all right,” she said quietly. “I’m – I’m glad we could do this. Glad I could get to see it.”
“You know, I – I wish I could have seen what we would have been like. As a family, together.” She let out a dry breath of a laugh. “I suppose that goes without saying, doesn’t it? Obviously, I wish I could’ve had that. But I… I only got to be there when you were a baby, before you were able to talk or walk or – or start to have your own personality and interests and…” She sighed. “And I know you now and I knew him then, but… I never got to know both of you together.”
Keith was silent as he moved forward to stand next to her, staring at the headstone with her. His arms were crossed. Not in defiance or closing himself off, more like steadying himself, keeping stable. “He taught me checkers,” he said.
Krolia tilted her head toward him. “What?”
“Checkers. It’s a board game. He taught it to me, and we played it a lot.” He shrugged. “I’m just… trying to think of things. Things that you missed. So – so you can at least know.”
Krolia turned back to look at the headstone, and she nodded. “He taught you checkers. What else?”
“He – he made really good eggs. Usually for breakfast, but I liked them a lot, so sometimes I would whine just the right amount that he’d make breakfast-for-dinner, and we’d have eggs then too.”
“I liked his eggs,” Krolia said quietly.
“And he would make different voices for every character when he’d read stories,” Keith continued. “They were so bad and – and they’d crack me up. Sometimes so much that I wouldn’t even pay attention to the story. And he’d drive us out to the library every other Saturday to pick up new ones.”
He paused, pursing his lips as he tried to think of other details to share. “He got me fingerpaints once, and while he was busy taking a nap once I managed to get them down from the closet and pretty much painted the whole living room wall. And when he woke up, he came downstairs, stared at the wall for about a whole minute, and just went right back up and tried to go back to sleep.” Krolia let out a little laugh. “I think he regretted ever trying to teach me how to draw, seeing the destruction it led to.”
“He probably wasn’t the best teacher for it,” Krolia said. “I’ve seen his drawings before, they were very, ah… he tried his best.”
Keith snorted. “I liked them. And he was a good teacher for other things. The basic stuff like reading and riding a bike all, of course, but also just things he liked, like, about animals and stars and stuff.”
Krolia smiled thoughtfully at the headstone. “Hey, Keith?” she asked. “Did he ever teach you to play the guitar?”
Keith shook his head. “He said he would once I was big enough, had the bigger hands and fingers for it, but, well…” He took a deep breath and let it out. “Guess he never got the chance. Why, uh, why do you ask?”
“No reason really,” Krolia answered. “I’ve just… had cause to think about it recently. Remembered some of the songs he’d play.”
“I always liked them,” Keith said softly. “Would have liked to learn.”
“Do you remember the songs he played?”
“Do you… do you remember Red River Valley?”
Keith nodded.
“Oh. How many verses did that song have?”
“Um, like, six, I think?”
“Oh.” So he had known the whole song. He had just only played the first two stanzas for her. But he had played the rest once she was gone.
He must have needed the rest afterward.
Krolia took a long, slow breath. “Do you happen to remember the last verse?” she asked. “I never learned it.”
Keith furrowed his brow in thought. “I think so, yeah.”
“How does it go?”
Keith looked quizzically toward her, but he obliged. His voice was somewhat rough, higher than his father’s and closer to Lance’s in pitch. Despite the roughness, his singing voice was surprisingly dulcet. Nothing amazing, but he wasn’t a bad singer, just untrained.
“They will bury me where you have wandered, Near the hills where the daffodils grow, When you’re gone from the Red River valley, For I can’t live without you I know.”
Krolia kept her eyes on the headstone as Keith finished, and let a silence linger there afterward. “I miss him,” she finally said after a minute had passed.
“Me too,” Keith said quietly.
“I hate to think that – that he felt I just left him. I know he knows why, but – ”
“He didn’t think any badly of you for it, you know,” Keith cut her off. “I mean, he always… he never really gave me much detail about you, and I know now why that was, but he definitely still loved you. The way he talked about you…” He sighed. “I always kinda figured dad was lying about it, he was in denial or something. Because, like, he’d tell me my mother was beautiful but would never show me a picture, or tell me she was brave but wouldn’t tell me why he thought so. So I – I started thinking maybe he was just making up some version of a mom for me to try to make me happy. I guess I sort of resented you for it. But – but he never did.” He looked over toward her. “And I shouldn’t have, either. I don’t anymore.”
“Thank you,” Krolia said. She wasn’t sure what else to say.
They lost track of how long they stayed there, each of them content in the quiet, only occasionally interrupting it to offer another piece of memory, another detail of the picture of what the three of them as a family all together might have been like. It wasn’t until Krolia noticed that the sky was starting to take on an orange tint as the sun set that they turned back. If the driver from the Garrison had been annoyed by how long they’d left him waiting, he was smart enough not to show it in front of Krolia.
Keith collapsed heavily back into his bed the moment they were back in his hospital room, and Krolia felt a small twinge of guilt for having kept him out for so long, but he smiled contentedly as he stretched out on the bed even through his exhaustion, so he probably was okay. “Think I’m gonna head to sleep now,” he said. “You planning to stay the night again?”
Krolia nodded. “You still don’t mind?”
“’Course not,” Keith answered through a yawn.
Krolia smiled at him. “By the way, Keith, if you still want to learn guitar, I’m sure it can be done.”
“You could ask Lance to teach you.”
Keith let out a half-laugh, half-groan. “Oh, God, Lance as my teacher. I can only imagine how that would go.”
Krolia shrugged. “Just letting you know the option’s there.”
“Why would you suggest it right before I go to sleep? I’m gonna have nightmares now.”
“Oh, hush up.”
Keith smiled at her before he caught the light on his nightstand and set his head on his pillow, eyes closing. He may have been heading to sleep now, but it was early enough in the evening that even through the closed curtains there was still some light in the room for Krolia to see by as she watched Keith fall asleep, gradually sinking deeper into his pillow, his breaths becoming deeper and more even.
And as he slept, Krolia could distantly hear the sound of a guitar playing a familiar song down the hall.
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tangyss · 6 years
have any headcanons for lance?
OH MAN DO I HAVE LANCE HEADCANONS!!! here are some soft, kind of random ones just for u
lance would be that one human that literally all animals love. he’s like a capybara. no matter how dangerous the animal, they all feel really safe and chill around him and just.. stroll up to him and sit on his lap or smth lol, and at this point lance is just like “cool” and scratches the back of their head or runs his fingers through their fur
lance had gotten into the habit of buying treats for animals he finds on the street. he has a whole selection and has looked into what animals are allowed to eat what
he gets a little homesick seeing the empty packet of cat treats in his pocket, and he hopes tiffany the stray cat and her kittens are doing okay without his daily visits
he loves animals too.. after working on the farm, he’s found animals so calming to be around and watching all the different ways animals behave
this also goes with spiders as well… like he was fucking Terrified of them as a kid but that fear left when he needed revenege on his sister for doing the whole “water bucket on the door” prank and surprisingly, chasing after her while she screamed and sprinted in the opposite direction while a spider chilled in his palm made him feel a lot better about them
in space it still happens!!! he’s a little surprised at first when twenty bat like creature start hanging from different parts of his armour, but he goes along with it like “alright so this is still a thing” and enjoys the little coos and hums they make when he walks along
one day the team is trying to make their way through a cave system, but they get stopped by a tiny dragon (tiny like. bigger than a house but smaller than a voltron lion) and this dragon is MAD and STRONG and tbh they’re considering just bolting so that they dont get any more serious injuries than the bad burns and cuts they’ve gotten.
lance is lagging behind due to sniping a few galra sentries that were following them, yet as soon as he arrives, the dragon kind of stops and looks at lance
and everyone is like “oh shit this cant be good”
but the dragon sort of tucks its wings away and shuffles over to lance and plonks its head down right in front of him and stares at him with expectant amber eyes
its really silent for a moment before lance carefully reaches a hand out to touch the dragon’s snout and just runs his fingers along the scales, his skin tingling as he feels the hot breath from the dragon’s nose through his armour
the dragon just. falls alseep.
lance looks up at the team with a smile and says “alright lets go” and continues on with the rumbling snores of the dragon echoing down the cave’s passages way, and the team staring after him like he was a god lol
lance didn’t think it was a big deal. it’s what his cousin’s snake liked, so he thought a dragon would appreciate the same
(hunk is laughing his head off at their reactions bc he’s seen this happen a hundred times before)
(allura and coran are even more fascinated with humans)
on the topics of animals…. if you asked him if he was a cat or dog person he’d probably just break down into tears because “you cant make me PICK between a CAT or a DOG, HUNK!!! I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH!!!! THEY DESERVE ALL THE LOVE I CAN GIVE THEM!!” 
just because he pilots a big robot cat doesn’t mean his day isnt made whenever he see a dog run up to him with its tongue hanging out and its tail wagging so fast its just a blur
like,, obviously i have to talk about cuddly lance because this is the inspiration behind my url… my branding…..because IN MY HEART HE IS THE CUDDLIEST PERSON EVER. he loves giving hugs to people!!! it honestly makes his day getting to pull someone he loves in close and squeezing them with all the strenght he’s got
his heart SOARS when the person he’s hugging is laughing because he can feel it rumble in their chest and bubble out through their mouth by their ear and he’s like!!!! i made someone do that :D!!!!
u can’t convince me that lance wouldn’t be the type of person who after talking to someone one time, he’s throwing his arms out wide and then tugging them into his arms the next time he meets them, like they’re an old friend
it surprises a lot of people, but after a while (and if they’re comfortable with it) people are throwing their arms just as wide and being as excited as lance is when they hug him back
he definitely always makes the little squeaky toy noise every time he gets hugged. that’s canon and it shouldn’t be ignored.
ALSO u might look at lance’s shoulders and be like “hmm they look strong and broad” and like duh ofc but IT’S A BARGAIN BECAUSE HIS SHOULDERS ARE SUPER COMFY TO REST UR HEAD ON!!! they’re like pillows!!!!!! watching movies with lance is honestly the best thing ever because u just rest ur head down and suddenly it’s like ur resting ur head against a cloud,, no matter what angle, it’s perfect, it’s like he’s a big teddy bear with no bones and lance has had his nephews and nieces fall asleep on his shoulders so many times he’s unphased by drool now lol
lance’s broad shoulders being soft like pillows is the best okay
keith thought that he’d hate movie dates with lance, mainly bc he’s got a lot of energy and isn’t too big on sitting in the same spot for a few hours just staring at a screen, but after one stress filled day that needed a relaxing popcorn, chick flick and cuddles evening, keith discovered the absolute bliss that is lance’s shoulders and tries to find as many movies as possible as an excuse the cuddle up to lance and take naps on his shoulder isuhgsidug
this one kind of goes without saying and it’s basically canon at this point but lance is 100% photogenic in every picture ever and he can put on any piece of clothing. literally ANYTHING. and he’d look absolutely fantastic,, vogue is shaking!!!!!
idk why but i can see lance being amazing at trampoline flips and shit?? like his mum would just look out the window to check on him and nearly faint at the sight of her 8 son lance doing some fuckin olympic level backflips in mid air and basically shooting off into the sky like a gd rocket hdiusghs
he calms down when he’s older tho because he doesn’t want to break through the trampoline, but he’s really elegant in the way he jumps and spins
he only started jumping when he first decided he wanted to go to the garrison/go to space, and he wanted to see what it was like being off the ground
lance’s mom when he was 8: be careful lance! if you keep jumping so high, you’ll end up in space!
lance, now floating in the middle of space as a paladin of voltron: mom warned me about this
sorry for the long post i just love lance lol
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angstalottle · 6 years
I Dont Deserve It
Commission for @surinnsenpai
It started out innocently enough.
Just skip lunch to get a little extra training in, missing one meal was fine especially when all he was going without was grabbing a bowl of goo and listening as his friends congratulate each other during training.
Never him though.
Sure they will bring up a good shot he made but it will be quickly forgotten and overshadowed by something Keith did.
It was always Keith.
Lance wished he could hate the guy he really did, he was just so obnoxiously perfect and better than him in every way that it made his blood boil just to think of him. Lance wanted to loathe him, to curse his name to no end.
But a part of him knew that wasn’t fair.
That Keith couldn’t help it.
Someone had to be the best…. And someone had to be the worst.
That became almost like a mantra for Lance as he spent hours upon hours dueling against the training bot.
His body being beaten as his friends laughed and chatted not even realising he was missing.
Lance lay on the floor curling up on himself as the bot vanished in a glimmer of light. He had managed to get to level five, a personal best of his.
He had stupidly let his guard down, not noticing as the level increased the bots movements grew faster while his exhausted body grew slower.
All it took was one sluggish dodge and a swift kick in the ribs for him to crumble to the ground with a cry of pain.
“End training sequence.” Lance gasped agony shooting up his side just from the effort of talking.
He was so close to level six, he could practically taste it.
But judging from the pain Lance knew he had to stop now or risk getting really hurt, or worse the team finding out what he was doing.
It wasn’t that he was hiding his extra training sessions exactly, more that he didn’t want him to know just how far behind the others he really was.
That if they knew he could barely scratch level five while even Pidge was well in the twenties then maybe they wouldn’t want him on the team anymore and finally find the person meant to be the blue paladin now that the stand in just isn’t cutting it anymore.
A lump formed in Lance’s throat as he pushed himself up off the ground, arms shaking from the effort.
He had to bite his lip to keep from crying out as he stood up, his ribs burning and tears prickling at his eyes.
No no no please not him.
Lance forced a smile on his face as he turned to look at Keith.
He was stood in the doorway, towel draped across his shoulders and bayard in hand. He was clearly coming for training alerting Lance to just how long he had spent trying to get better and failing miserably.
“Hey mullet, not at lunch?” Lance asked managing to hide a wince behind a chuckle.
“We finished like ten minutes ago… you weren’t there?” Keith asked his eyebrows knitting in confusion.
His words were like a punch to the gut, he didn’t even notice that Lance wasn’t there. Did anyone notice?
Did anyone care?
Lance wanted to curl up somewhere and cry but he knew that he was already a burden on the team, he couldn’t be a mope on top of all that.
So instead lance shrugged “I grabbed a bowl and then went for a nap. I figured i could get a little beauty sleep before Allura busts are balls all day.”
Keith seemed to relax a little, buying the story fed to him. After all it was easier to believe a lie then look for a truth that would call for your attention.
Lance knew he just wasn’t worth the attention no matter how much his brain screamed at him to ask for help.
Another jolt of pain from his ribs pulled Lance out of his thoughts, they could be bruised maybe even cracked. He had to tell someone.
Lance opened his mouth but when Allura stormed in with a glare on her face it snapped shut again.
She was on the warpath, likely stressed and more exhausted than all of them put together. Last thing she needed to worry about right now was the useless seventh wheel.
So Lance kept quiet all through training.
He ignored the blinding pain that erupted with every breath and every movement.
But he couldn’t ignore how he fell behind the others, how they lapped him running and left him in their dust.
Allura didn’t ignore it.
“Lance! Stop goofing around and take this seriously!” She yelled as Lance once again fell out of pace with the others.
“S-sorry princess, im just tired i guess.” Lance shrugged trying to give her a small smile.
“We’re all tired Lance but you actually have to try here.” Shiro jogged next to him, going painfully slow in comparison to his usual speed. “I don’t want to be the bad guy here but if you don’t start pushing in the next few laps you have to train through dinner.”
Lance’s stomach rumbled at the thought.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had eaten lunch, but dinner was different. It was when Hunk took over the kitchen and scents so painfully familiar to home would fill the air.
It was the one time of day where he didnt feel the ache of homesickness because he could close his eyes and pretend the off tune humming coming from the kitchen was his mama making dinner.
So Lance put what little energy he had into running.
He tried, God did he try to catch up. To not be a disappointment.
However come the end of training Shiro closed the door behind him “don’t come out until you’ve run 50 laps, i don’t know what your playing at today but i won’t let you get out of training.”
Soon as they were gone lance slid down to the floor, lifting his shirt to see the deep purple bruises that stretched across his side.
He winced and he prodded at his ribs experimentally. They hurt like hell but from what he could find weren’t in any danger of puncturing his lungs.
Lance elt out a long sigh and he pulled himself up and looked around the empty training room.
“Just 50 laps… just 50 laps then i’ll tell Coran i need a pod.” He mumbled as he began to run.
Shiro yawned as he walked into lunch the next day.
He had been up all night with nightmares and because of that Allura had decided to grant the paladins a personal day.
She herself badly needed one, being so stressed about an upcoming alliance meeting that she had barely slept for the last two nights.
Hunk and Pidge had binge worked the night before so also appreciated the extra rest.
Keith though not minding the personal day would of preferred to train instead of lounge about on the couch while Hunk made a special lunch.
“Morning sleeping beauty.” Hunk greeted as he placed down a large tray filled with pastel pink puff balls.
They looked like baked rocks but there was no denying the smell “Are those garlic knots?” Shiro asked his eyes widening.
Hunk grinned proudly “Yeah i felt bad that Lance missed dinner last night and wanted to make sure he had one of his favorites. I know he’s been missing home and i figured this would help.”
Shiro couldn’t help marvel at Hunk. He never ceased to amaze him, somehow managing to create a earth style food up in space all to make his friend feel better.
“I’m sure he will love them.” Shiro looked around and realised Lance was missing from the table so poked his head into the lounge, frowning when he found Lance wasn’t there either.
“Has anyone seen Lance today?” Shiro asked receiving a chorus of nos from the team.
“Perhaps he is still asleep? I must admit i didn’t hear his go to bed last night so it must of been pretty late.” Allura suggested a pang of guilt hitting her as she only now realised the absence of their blue paladin.
“I swung round his room this morning to see if he wants breakfast but he wasn’t there. I figured he already ate and was in the lounge…” Hunk looked down at his team a realisation hitting him “So no one has seen him all day?”
The nos this time came with a note of panic.
“Last i saw him was in the training room.” Pidge pulled out her laptop and began to look through the castles security cameras.
Suddenly she gasped bolting out of her seat “He needs help!” She yelled.
No one hesitated to follow her.
Lance was laying on the floor.
His body shaking, skin pale and limbs too heavy to move even an inch.
He was so close!
49 laps down and only one more to go. He had somehow managed to crawl the last five when his legs gave out and his head spun from a mixture of pain and hunger.
At some point his body just stopped working, leaving him lying there unable to move due to exhaustion or sleep due to the emptiness of his stomach.
He lay there for hours just staring at the course in front of him.
One more lap.
Keith could do it in a heartbeat.
Keith would of taken all night and half the day just to get this far.
Keith would’ve gotten hurt.
Keith wouldn’t of been forgotten so easily.
This time when tears pricked at Lance’s eyes he didn’t try to stop them. They fell down his cheeks and clouded his vision. He just wanted the pain to stop so badly.
Somewhere behind him he thought he heard the doors open and footsteps come running towards him.
He thought he felt gently hands and worried voices calling his name.
He thought he felt strong arms carry him and lay him down on a soft bed.
But he couldn’t be sure.
After All who would care enough to do that for him?
Certain moments were cemented in Shiro’s mind as being truly terrible.
Being captured and forced to fight in the arena was one.
Finding Lance lying half conscious on the ground with a racing pulse and too shallow breathing was another one.
Coran diagnosed him with severe malnutrition.
Apparently he had been just about managing to function on breakfast and dinner. But after three meals in a row he was finally sent over the edge.
Shiro felt awful.
Lance had clearly been off him game in training but instead of checking if he had been ok they all assumed he was goofing off.
Worse Shiro had punished him when he was clearly trying his damned hardest.
The bruises were a shock as well.
One that sent Keith screaming about how he should of know. How he was too much of an idiot to see something was wrong.
But that was hours ago.
They had taken shifts sitting next to Lance as an IV fed nutrients directly into his bloodstream hoping he would wake up.
Shiro sat by his bedside when Lance finally let out a small groan and came to.
“Shiro?” he croaked wincing at the bright lights of the infirmary.
“Yeah kiddo its me, how are you feeling?” Shiro asked offering a water pouch that Lance too gratefully.
“Like crap… what happened?” Lance asked.
Shiro didn’t say anything for a really long time and when he finally did Lance almost wished he had kept quiet “You passed out training… Lance why haven’t you been eating? Not just last night, Coran said you haven’t eaten lunch in months and that you skip breakfast most days.”
Lance looked away not baring to see the inevitable disappointment and rejection in hid leaders eyes “I don’t deserve it.”
“Don’t deserve what?” Shiro asked tilting Lance’s face towards him “To eat?”
Lance nodded and flinched at the look of rage that crossed Shiro’s face “Who told you that?” he growled.
“N-no one did… it’s just im worthless im nothing compares to you guys. I try my best but no matter how much i train i can’t get past level fucking five.” Lance didn’t even realise he was crying until the tears stained the sheets.
Shiro stared at him in horror for a moment, was this the kind of leader he was? He always thought that creating a little competition within the team would encourage them all to work harder but now… Oh God he had let this kid think he was nothing just because he didn’t have as high a level as the others.
Shiro pulled Lance into a hug “Listen to me Lance McClain, you are not a nothing and you are certainly not useless! You are the kindest, bravest more good hearted person i have ever met. I have never seen someone with aim like yours, you think level five is bad? Lance your a sniper, in long distance training your hundreds of levels ahead of us! You deserve to eat and you deserve to be a Paladin!”
Lance didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to.
Instead he hugged Shiro tighter like a lifeline and sobbed.
After that day team meals became mandatory and Shiro made sure lance knew he was as worthy as the rest of them no matter what.
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spacelionspchew · 6 years
Request: "I know it’s late, but I don’t know where else to turn.” "Please never do that ever again.” What if the reader cut too deep and she freaking out because, you know, blood everywhere, and she run over to Lance's room for help but Lance didn't know she cut and this is the first time it has ever been brought up. Maybe like the reader feels like since she isn't a paladin, or able to fly the ship that she was just worthless and she wasn't trying to kill herself from the cuts, but needed the release
 It had been a rough week, actually, a rough year. You honestly weren’t sure how you managed to still wake up each morning. Well, you did know. It was because of Lance. He had been your best friend for a long time, though you hoped he could be more than just a friend. You sighed as you got out of your warm bed and began to get ready for the day. You knew everyone would be at the table, eating and planning out the day. You were always left out of the plans, you weren’t a paladin, and you certainly weren’t Allura or Coran. You felt so useless. All you could do were the small chores around the castle, and even then you’d find some way to mess it up. You readied yourself before entering the room where everyone else was sitting and gabbing, and laughing. They were all just so comfortable with each other. They all fit together like a puzzle and you were just some extra piece thrown in the box. You quietly took a seat and a small plate of whatever Hunk had decided to make for today.  You weren’t up to trying to start a conversation, though you were hoping at least someone would try to talk to you. Everyone seemed preoccupied though. You went through with breakfast and made your way back to your room. You didn’t feel like talking to anyone, after all.  You didn’t have much to do today, and you didn’t know what anyone else was doing. You sat idly in your room, waiting for the hours to pass so that this routine could start over again. Maybe I’ll just take a nap… you thought to yourself, heading back into your bed. You could feel your eyes starting to water, you hated this routine. You hated not being important, you hated just waiting for the next time you got to sleep because at least in your dreams you could be important, you could be loved. You pulled the covers over your head and allowed yourself to cry it out before drifting off.
            “None of us even want you here, you know,” several voices called out.
            “Wh-what do you mean?” you asked, holding yourself tightly.
            “You heard us, we hate you, Y/N,” you turned away, not looking at those who spoke.
            You woke in a cold sweat, looking around your room. It was just a dream, you sighed in relief. But it was short lived, What if they really do hate me? You weren’t like the rest of the castle’s inhabitants; you weren’t good at fighting, or piloting, or gaining allies. You were a waste of space up here, and you were sure everyone knew that as well. You look up at the clock, still not completely sure how Altean time works, but you knew enough to tell that you had managed to sleep through the whole day. And no one thought to wake me up for anything, you looked down at the floor, kicking your feet against the tile. You made your way to your dresser, searching underneath the top drawer for the razor you had taped to the bottom. You quickly take it as well as a few deep breaths.  You sat on your bed and rolled up your sleeves, closing your eyes and you feel the bumps already on your abused arms. You started slicing blindly, the cold blade had a burning bite, and it distracted you from your thoughts.
            You didn’t think you could take much more, you wanted to stop. No, I deserve this. Your tears began to fall from your clenched eyes and hit some of the cuts, making them sting even worse. When you finally opened your eyes, you were horrified. You had never cut this much. There was blood everywhere, and a few cuts in particular weren’t bleeding that much, but you could see the white on the inside. You felt nauseas, whether it was from bloodloss or the shock of what you had done was anyone’s guess. Your brain began racing, trying to figure out what to do. You didn’t want to die. You weren’t ready for that. You didn’t want death, just something to feel for a little bit.
            You exited your room, planning on going to a cryopod, but you didn’t know if you could make it there. You were staggering on your feet as you made your way to his room. You used your elbow to knock on the door, wincing at the impact. “Lance?” your voice sounded weak and strained.
            The door opened almost immediately, and a tired looking Lance could be seen. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
            You looked at the ground again, anywhere but at his face, “"I know it’s late, but I don’t know where else to turn.”
          “Y/N, what do you mean?” and like a switch was flipped, this boy went straight to alert mode. “What’s going on?” was scanning you up and down, looking for injuries when he finally noticed your arms.  “What happened?” he tried to take hold of one, but you pulled away.
          You shook your head and the tears started to pour again, “Listen, I need your help.”
          Lance moved aside and ushered you into his room and onto his bed. “What happened to your arms?”
          “I did… I happened,” you tried to keep the blood from falling. “I’m sorry, I’m making such a mess,” you sobbed more, “I’m such a mess.”
          Lance sat down next to you and cupped your face, “Y/N, there’s nothing to apologize for. I don’t care about this mess,” he gestured to the blood dripping onto his bed, “and you are not a mess!” He wiped some tears off of your cheeks with his thumbs. “Why would you do this?” he let go of your face to tear a bit of his bed sheets to wrap your arms. You winced at the touch, but didn’t resist his help.
          “I need you to make me a promise,” Lance looked into your eyes, hoping you would hold his gaze. “Promise me you won’t do this again. I don’t completely know why you do this, but I can’t stand the thought of you hurting yourself. Next time you feel the need to do this, please, please come to me. I’m always here for you, I need you to know that,” he held your shaking hands in his.
          “I… I promise,” you said unsurely. “I’ll try at least…”
          Lance’s hand cupped your face yet again, “You can beat this Y/N, I know you can. You’re stronger than you think.”
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thewritingartmature · 6 years
Honor To Us All
Summary: Shiro makes allies, in this world and beyond.
Chapter 3: Allies
Shiro woke up with a start, sitting up in a panic as he felt the boat swing by his movement.
“Calm down, Shiro! You’re fine! You’re alright!” Coran assured. Shiro stirred, rubbing his eyes.
“Sorry.” Shiro hummed. He looked around. “Where are we?”
“Home.” Coran said. Well, what will be home for a while.” Coran said as he pulled the ship into dock. “The Hound Pits Pub! It’s owned by the Admiral, and this whole area has been evacuated due to the rat plague, so it’s just us.” Coran said, docking the ship and cutting the engine. “You should head inside the pub and meet with the admiral. He should tell you more about the plan.” Shiro nodded, standing up as he stepped onto the dock.
“Thank you, Coran.” Shiro said. Coran nodded.
“I’ll be here if you need me.” Coran said, turning back to tend at the ship. Shiro turned, looking over at the buildings. He stepped towards the pub, hearing voices as he approached. The door was unlocked, so he allowed himself inside. By the bar, two figures stood. A middle-aged man, with rough features and in uniform. The other was a young man, his skin naturally tanned with brown hair and stunning blue eyes as he wore a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up above his shoulders, blue suspenders holding his blue trousers, wearing black elegant shoes. He was a noble, no doubt.
“Have you ever even killed anyone?”
“Only with my wit, but you know better than anyone that sometimes words are more than what is needed to strike someone down.”
“Um…excuse me.” Shiro said, bringing the two men’s attention to him. The young man smiled, throwing his arms up dramatically.
“Well if it isn’t the most wanted man in all of Dunwall. You actually made it out alive.” He said, his tone playful. The man in uniform signaled Shiro over.
“Come right in. It’s good to see you’re alive, Takashi Shirogane.” The man said.
“Your uniform. You must be Admiral Zarkon.” Shiro said.
“Yes, that would be me. An honor to meet you, Takashi. Though I’m saddened that it had to be in such circumstances.” Zarkon said, shaking Shiro’s hand. The young man quickly stepped up, offering his hand to shake as well.
“The name’s Lance. Lance McClain, at your service.” He said, shaking Shiro’s hand.
“McClain.” Shiro muttered, surprised to find someone of such prestige involved with this mess. The McClains were one of the founding families of Dunwall, making their fortune from mines and precious ores and stones.
“Yup.” Lance said cheerfully.
“Lance here will be helping us through his connections with the aristocracy in order to aid our efforts.” Zarkon explained, looking back at Shiro. “How much do you know?”
“From what I’ve gotten from the letters you left, you’re all loyalists that know that I’m innocent and that the Lord Regent planned this.” Shiro explained.
“Correct. Ever since the kidnapping of princess Allura and the death of Emperor Alfor, the Lord Regent has been cutting ties with everyone and anyone who disagreed with his ideas. Everyone here is willing to risk execution to find princess Allura and help her regain her place as the true heir of the throne, in order to end this tyranny he has created. It is a small group…but with you, our plan might just work.” Zarkon said.
“Your skills are most essential if we are to accomplish this. No one’s as good as you at what you do.” Lance said. Zarkon nodded.
“You must be exhausted. Lance, could you show Takashi to his room?” Zarkon asked.
“Sure thing! I should introduce you to Hunk and Pidge first, though, to get that out of the way.” Lance said, walking over to the door.
“Thank you. It’s been quite a long day…and please, call me Shiro.” Shiro said, smiling softly. Zarkon nodded.
“Very well. We are glad you’re here with us…Shiro.” He said. With that, Zarkon bowed his head and left for his own devices.
“Over here, Shiro.” Lance called, opening the door as they headed outside. Shiro followed Lance to a two story workshop. Inside were all kinds of tools, machinery and materials spread out and about, a metal staircase leading to the second floor. Inside, working on one of the machines, was a larger man with darkened skin and a bright yellow shirt, making him stand out, his hair black all while he wore some large goggles to protect his eyes. “Hunk! Come say hello to our new member!” Lance yelled, bringing the engineer out of his trance as he removed his goggles, but didn’t remove his hands from whatever he was holding.
“Oh! Hey!” Hunk said, smiling.
“Hunk, this is Shiro, the Lord Protector and all that. Shiro, this is Hunk, our engineer and mechanic. He’ll be the one building you the weapons and gear you’ll need later on.” Lance said, introducing the two.
“Nice to meet you, Hunk.” Shiro said.
“Nice to meet you too. I would shake your hand, but I’m kind of in the middle of something right now. Great timing, though!” Hunk said, moving his goggles back on as he resumed to work on the piece.
“Where’s Pidge?” Lance asked.
“Oh, she went out to look for some materials. She should be back at any time now!” Hunk said above the roaring machinery.
“Pidge?” Shiro asked.
“Yeah. It’s a nickname. Her actual name is Katie Holt.” Lance said.
“Holt. I know them.” Shiro said, a smile appearing on his features. He remembered the Holts. Samuel and Matt were both brilliant scientists working at the Academy of Natural Philosophy. He had met both of them on multiple occasions within the Dunwall Tower properties. “I didn’t think they would get involved.”
“Well, Katie is.” Lance said. “Ever since the Lord Regent took over her dad and brother have been ordered to work overtime at the academy on all sorts of new projects. She hopes that the sooner Allura regains her seat as empress, the sooner they’ll be released.” Lance explained, glancing over. “Speaking of the devil.”
“I heard that.” Pidge said. Pidge was small compared to the rest, wearing boyish clothes and haircut. Almost the spitting image of Matt, but with more delicate features and sharper eyes. She was definitely his sister.
“I was just explaining on introducing you, Pidge.” Lance said. “Pidge, this is Shiro. Shiro, this is Pidge. While Hunk creates your weapons, Pidge will be creating concoctions to help you out. Tranquilizer, Poison, you name it. She’s the scientist of this little group.”
“That’s me. So if you need anything, just tell me.” Pidge said, glaring at Lance. “You could make yourself useful. Why not help me carry these boxes up the stairs?”
“Oh I would love to! But I have to show Shiro over to his room.” Lance said, a smirk on his face as he heard Pidge groan. Shiro stepped up.
“It’s nice meeting you, Pidge. I’ve met your father and brother before.” He said. Pidge nodded.
“I know. They told me.” She said, frowning. “I just want them home…so let’s make it quick, ok?” She asked. Shiro nodded, causing her to smile in response.
“Wait, don’t leave just yet!” Hunk said, finishing the final details before removing the item from the machine. “Done!” He said, removing his goggles as he walked over to them. “This is for you, Shiro.”
“A mask?” Shiro asked.
“Yeah, an assassin’s mask. You’re a wanted man. Everyone in the city knows your face. So you’ll have to hide your identity whenever you go out. Here, hold still, got to make sure it fits just right.” Hunk said, leaning in as he placed the mask over Shiro’s face, adjusting it with a small tool. It had to fit like a glove. Adjusting the lenses…can you see normally? Awesome. There we go. What you think?”
Shiro blinked, looking around. “It’s almost like it’s not even thee.”
“Great. We can upgrade it and make it better, but that’ll have to be at another time. If you find resources out there, be sure to bring them back here. It always helps.” Hunk said, smiling as he pointed at the lenses. “It even has zoom action!”
“This is amazing.” Shiro said, gently taking the mask off. “Thank you so much.”
“No problem.” Hunk said. “We haven’t finished with your prosthetic yet, but we should be finished by tomorrow.”
“Prosthetic?” Shiro asked.
“Yeah. You know…since they cut your arm off.” Hunk said, softly gesturing at his missing arm. Shiro held his shoulder.
“…thank you.” He said, Hunk nodding happily.
“Great. Now that you made a friend, mind helping me with the boxes?” Pidge asked
“Sure!” Hunk said.
“Come on now. It’s time to show you to your room. The bags under your eyes tell me you’re ready to drop dead any second now.” Lance said. Shiro nodded, following him back into the building. The adrenaline rush had just faded, and now all that was left was a tiresome, heavy body. He needed a nap. At the very least, a 12 hour one. Lance led Shiro up four flights of stairs to the very top, where there was a single door leading to what looked to be an attic type room with lots of windows and furniture already there for him. “Here ya go. This whole room is yours! So make yourself comfortable. We’ll wake you up if we need you for anything.” Lance said. Shiro stepped up, his eyes landing on the bed. It was standard, but at this very moment, it was just perfect.
“Thank you, Lance.” Shiro said, setting the mask on the bed stand next to it.
“No problem.” Lance stepped out, taking a hold of the door. “Good night, Shiro.” And with that, he gently closed it behind him. Shiro took a few moments to relax, taking a well-deserved bath before lying down on the bed. He was lights out not a few moments later.
Shiro woke up suddenly. Feeling…odd.
“The hell?” Shiro groaned, sitting up with a yawn. It was still dark outside and yet it seemed too…quiet. His instincts yelled at him to check it out, quickly jumping onto his feet as he hurried to the door, gently opening it, not knowing what to expect. Well, he certainly didn’t expect what he did see. The building was broken off, leading to the outside…which floated in endless space along with many other places and buildings. What the fuck.
“Am I dreaming?” Shiro muttered. He had to be. He followed the only path present, walking up a pair of stairs that headed overhead to a rocky platform with street lamps. A dead end…or so it seemed. Out of nothing, a figure appeared, stepping forward towards Shiro, causing him to jump slightly in surprise. The figure was a tall man, with a small beard and side burns that led up to his luxurious hair, his arms resting behind his back in a pose of authority.
“Hello Shiro. Your life has taken a turn, now has it not?” The man asked. “The Emperor is dead, his precious daughter is lost somewhere in the city, and you will play a pivotal role in the days to come. For this reason, I have chosen you and drawn you into the void.” He explained, extending his arms as he referred to the world around them.
“Who the hell are you?! The void…is this a dream?!” Shiro asked, quickly getting into stance.
“There is much you need to learn, but there is little time, Shiro. So be quiet, and listen.” The man said, extending his arm towards him. “You may call me Thace. I am an Outsider, and this is my mark.” The man said. Suddenly a pain jolted through Shiro’s left arm. He looked down on it, only to see a symbol slowly burning itself into his skin with a golden glow.
“There are forces in the world, and beyond the world, great forces that men call magic…and now, these forces will serve your will.” Thace explained.
“M…Magic? That’s heresy…!” Shiro muttered, though by this point, his mind complained to him that heresy would be the least of his problems at the moment.
“This is my gift to you. To help you in your journey. Use it.” Thace said, smirking slightly. “Come and find me now.” With that, he disappeared as quick as he had appeared. Shiro blinked a few times, walking over to the edge of the platform. The next platform was beyond his reach. He couldn’t reach it even by jumping.
Use it.
A voice suddenly spoke, instructing him, demanding him to use this power. It was smooth yet loud, showing him visions in his mind of the possibilities, of the power he had gained…of how to use it. Shiro looked down at his hand, and then back forward. He stretched his hand, calling upon the power given to him.
That was what it was called. He saw as a pillar of bright blue light shone over a spot where his mind aimed for. He couldn’t go that far, it was straining, but he could go far enough. He could reach the platform. He unleased the power, feeling as his body disappeared, his mind traveling across the air as he reappeared in the platform. This power.
“Amazing.” He gasped. It was tiring…but he could handle it. He knew he could. He stepped around the new platform, realizing it was…a gazebo. As his eyes traveled to the floor, his eyes widened to see…the corpse of Emperor Alfor.
Oh my god.
His body lay there, blood pooling underneath, eyes open still. Just like he had last seen him.
This wasn’t real. This isn’t real. None of this is real.
Shiro shook his head, glancing back to see a letter laying besides him. He gently picked it up, opening it.
Shiro glared, crumpling the piece of paper before tossing it to the nothing. His eyes glanced around once more, now focusing on a chest. That wasn’t there before. He stepped up, opening the chest to reveal a blue concoction in a glass bottle. It had a note to it.
‘If you’re running out of energy, drink me!’
Shiro stared at it annoyed.
“Great, am I Alice now?” He got the bottle away, hiding it in one of his many pockets. He had to continue. He had to find Thace. He proceeded forward, using Blink to travel from platform to platform until he reached a particular one. It was part of what looked to be a living room. There were two men, looking identical to one another, one of them holding…Allura. One of them was holding Allura, pulling her as she tried to get away. The scene itself was frozen in time, stuck with the emotions of the moment.
“Allura.” Shiro whispered, gritting his teeth. He reached out for her…but quickly took his hand back.
It’s not real.
He reminded himself. He turned, continuing forward, though he could not help but to look back from time to time, hoping that maybe she would be moving eventually. He Blinked through platforms, finding more chests with the blue energy potion in them. He reached a particular platform. It looked like a war room with a map and plans on a large table. Was that…Lord Regent Sendak? He moved on, and the platforms brought more disturbing images. Another still scene of civilians running away, a military machine shooting at them, the bullets stopped in midair, moments before impact. What was going on? He continued, going down more stairs until he reached a doorway. There, Thace appeared, waiting for him.
“In the days that follow, your trials will be great, Shiro.” Thace warned. “Seek the ancient runes bearing my Mark in the lonely places of your world and at the shrines that bear my name. These runes will grant you powers beyond those of other men.” Thace formed something in his hands, a…mechanical heart of sort appearing. “To help you find these runes I give you this: the Heart of a living thing, modeled by my hands.” Thace said, handing it to Shiro, who in turn took it in his hands. “With this heart, you will hear many secrets, and it will guide you towards my runes, no matter how they may be hidden.”
“So it’ll just tell me?” Shiro asked.
“See for yourself.” Thace smirked. “Listen to the Heart now, and find another rune.” With that, he disappeared once more. The heart in Shiro’s hand began to beat, the glass eye glowing as the same voice from before suddenly began to speak.
“This place is the end of all things. And the beginning.” It spoke.
“Oh you don’t say.” Shiro said, chuckling nervously as he continued onward, the Heart giving commentary as he searched for the rune. Some insightful. Others just outright depressing.
“All time is meaningless here. Neither seconds nor centuries.”
“Someday this place will devour all the lights in the sky.”
“The one who walks here is all things. Cradle songs of comfort and bones gnawed by teeth.”
“Could you not say something, oh, I don’t know, more informative and less depressing?” Shiro suddenly asked.
"This is the place from which those who dabble in the black arts draw their power. And this place is their doom."
“Great. Thanks.” Shiro shook his head. He was getting close. For one, gravity was beginning to shift randomly from platform to platform. Secondly, the heart in his hand began to increase its speed, beating uncontrollably to the point his hand began to ache. Then he saw it: the rune. It stood in a manmade shrine, purple lights adorning it as the dark energy of it could be seen from the surface. He reached it, wary of it and its power before picking it up, all energy suddenly disappearing. Inscribed on the rune was the same mark that now marked his hand. He could feel the power hidden inside of it and yet…
Not enough.
Not enough to contain it. Not yet. He needed more.
"How you use what I have given you falls upon you, as it has to the others before you." Thace said, appearing behind him. Shiro jumped in surprise, his heart almost escaping his chest.
“Do you really have to do that?!”
Thace chuckled. “Force of habit.” His expression then became solemn. "And now I return you to your world, but know that I will be watching with great interest. Good luck, Shiro. " His voice began to fade, and everything around Shiro began to blur. Before he could do anything, everything faded to black.
Shiro awoke, this time in reality. He groaned as he rubbed his head and eyes, stretching on the bed.
“That was a weird dream.” Shiro hummed, yawning as he opened his eyes…only to see the brand of the Outsider burnt into the skin of his left hand. Shiro sat up with a jump, his eyes widening as he stared at the mark. He looked to the bed stand, finding besides his mask, the Heart, sitting there as if it had always been there.
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thesmollostbean3 · 7 years
Happy birthday Keith prt2
Keith slowly turned around, his body feeling rigid and panic written all over his face.
"So it is then! Keith why didn't you tell us sooner? ME sooner? I am the chef in the castle you know I have to make the cake, geeze be a bit more organized please. Also happy birthday- hey wait"
Keith had...just decided to walk out. Straight up because that is the only solution he could think of without angrily yelling at hunk. And Keith was trying to work on the 'lashing out on people who just want to help' thing.
"Hey Keith, wait up!"
Hunk was the most empathetic person on team voltron...so Keith knew that Hunk would pick up that something was wrong.
"Yeah Hunk? Really I am feeling a bit tired so could I please-"
"Why didn't you tell us at all...you're turning 19 right?"
"It's...complicated Hunk please just listen."
Hunk sceptically nodded. Pointing towards the kitchen door as a silent question. Keith agreeing and them both walking in so no-one else could hear.
"Look you can't tell anyone that it is my birthday. ANYONE."
"But...Keith Shiro would want to know..."
"Especially not Shiro....anyway, this is me just pleading to you for this one thing. Ignore what I said, and don't tell anyone. I mean anyone at all. Please Hunk."
"Keith...come on buddy are you su-"
"Absolutely positive Hunk don't tell anyone."
"Alright then..Keith are you ok? Like in general. Just checking in."
"I am fine...but thank-you. Please just keep it to yourself, I...I am going to go maybe take a nap. Something like that...seeya."
Keith smiled reassuringly at Hunk, and then left. He knew that Hunk may tell someone....but that would be an accident. All Keith could do right now is go to his room. Maybe take the nap he was thinking about.
"Woah! You are epic at fighting! Oh man you should give me some tips or something!"
Lance quickly took another shot of Matt, while the rebel continued to slash at the training robots. To be honest he barely even heard Lance, too busy concentrating on the fighting.
"Lance, hey come here for a sec!"
"Wait what? Sorry Hunk I can't hear you over Matt being AWESOME!!"
"I agree with that statement completely but Lance this is important!"
"Eh? Ugh, fine then."
Lance quickly ran over to the yellow paladin, obviously slightly stressed. Lance knew straight away that this WAS serious, and the worrying began.
"What's up dude?"
"Well, Keith isn't doing that great...maybe you could talk to him?"
"Oh...shouldn't you be talking to Shiro then? Like I care about Keith but he would probably prefer Shiro's company ove-"
"Trust me on this Lance, he would prefer you, for reasons I can't talk about. Just...please talk to him. Give him a bit of space for a little while...maybe check up in ten minutes? He should be in his room."
Lance was confused, but agreed wholeheartedly. He cared about all his friends, and if something was bothering one of them he would want to know. Despite Keith and Lance’s rocky history, the two had become quite close as well.
"But hold up, Hunk why won't you? Talk to him I mean."
"I...I think he wouldn't really listen to me like he would to you."
Lance nodded, still slightly confused but not taking Hunk’s concern lightly.
“Alright...Matt, gotta go! Keep at it man!!”
Matt did not hear a word of what Lance said.
He was falling again.
But this time it was absolutely terrifying.
He didn't want to die, he didn't want to why was he doing this why was he going headfirst into this?
It was for his friends, his family his everything. They were all Keith had left.
And he felt in a way...that he deserved it. And that was possibly the scariest part.
But he didn't want to.
He didn't want to die.
Why was no-one stopping him?
They couldn't hear or see him.
He didn't want to die.
He wanted to be with his dad.
See his mum.
GET the chance to meet and yell at his mum.
His friends...Allura, Coran.
Pidge, Hunk.
Lance, Shiro.
And he wasn't going to see any of them again.
He didn't want to die.
"I don't want to die."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keith gasped for air. The world spinning yet again. Someone was calling him but all Keith could do was splutter and cough.
He was alive.
Thank god thank god thank god.
“Keith!? Are you alright?”
There was a grip on his shoulder..but it wasn’t too harsh. 
It wasn’t Shiro that’s for sure.
Keith regained his thoughts, and tried to keep them simplistic.
He was still here, and alive and he was in his room. Well...not his room, but in the castle. He was safe.
And someone else was in his room.
Who the heck was in his room?!
Without a second thought, Keith moved back against the wall, away from..
“Keith...Keith relax. Are you ok? What’s going on?” Lance’s voice seemed to fill the, now silent room. Keith eased up, and had never been so grateful to see lance in his life, yet at the same time Keith was panicking.
What did Lance see and hear that made him so concerned?
“I’m...I’m ok now thanks...Lance would you care to explain...what the hell are you doing in my room?”
Lance frowned, what was up with Keith? He knew that Hunk had said something was up with him...but this?
“Hunk told me that you weren’t doing that great...do YOU care to explain what is up with that?”
Well Keith decided it’s official,
Hunk was a liar.
He couldn’t blame him though...he was just looking out for everyone.
“ugh, sorry my head hurts...I-”
“And Keith...sorry I don’t mean to bombard you or anything but..what was your dream about? You were crying and you...said some things.”
Keith immediately went to wipe his face, being completely unaware that he had been crying. He also turned away, why did Lance, or anyone really have to see him like this? 
“Lance please leave.”
(I am sorrryyyy!! I thought this would only be two parts but I gotta make it three guys I apologise. This is taking so long man...Keith’s birthday is way gone, but I am determined to finish!!! Will have it up tomorrow, gotta do some more writing for now (mysterious) but yep, I hope y’all are liking this!!) -Ana
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Fics will be posted tonight! - I say as I posted on AO3 and not here. Sorry y'all.
 What Do You Think We Do Together?
by stumbling-while-balancing
Pairing: Sheith (Shiro/Keith)
Warning for Daddy Kink
Rating: light R for mild (hinted) smut
Really, Keith would forever insist on when questioned later, it was all Lance’s fault.
When questioned either bemusedly or with horrified tones (depending on the asker) how exactly Keith regularly calling Shiro ‘Daddy’ was Lance’s fault, Keith’s answer was always the same.
Lance didn’t know how to not be nosy about his friend’s love lives until Keith.
Lance… Lance was definitely the first to find out, at least.
“So what do you even do with the guy, anyway?” Lance asked, rolling over from where he had been sprawled on the floor in boredom after joining Keith to avoid Coran’s ‘Chores for idle hands!’ routine. “I mean, Shiro’s great, but neither of you are really ‘let’s get the party started!’ types, are you? Do you two even know how to have fun when you’re together? I mean, maybe Shiro does, but you, man… No offense, but you’re kind of a fun killer.”
“And yet,” Keith said offhandedly as he continued rubbing the polish over his Lion’s left paw, steadfastly remaining silent to his diva Lion’s ‘make sure I look pretty cub! Get this spot!’ requests even as he carried through with them, “You sought me out and are now bugging me. Why is that?”
“I have about as bad a taste in friends as Shiro does in boyfriends, I guess.” Lance snarked back, now too well used to his and Keith’s odd brand of friendship to be truly offended with Keith’s words, “But seriously, man, you guys disappear all the frickin’ time when you’re not needed for team training or plans for the Coalition. Where the hell do you even go? What do you do?”
Keith was silent as he focused particularly hard on a dull spot on Red.
“You really don’t want to know, Lance.” He warned finally.
“Uh, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to know.” Lance huffed, “You know that I will eventually find out, right? One of these days I’m going to find a way to sneak past your freaky Galra senses and follow you! Try to keep me from knowing your secrets then!”
Keith continued to be silent as he debated the pros and cons of just telling Lance what he and Shiro got up to. It would be better than him seeing it firsthand, surely?
Exactly on time, Shiro called in to the room from outside the doorway, “Hey babe, Allura and I are done tweaking the plan for dealing with the Auxians. Think you’ll be ready to meet me in the common room in fifteen?”
With that, Keith’s decision was made, and he barely managed to keep himself from breaking into hysterical laughter as he called back, “No, I’m pretty much done here now, Daddy. I’ll come with you.”
The look on Lance’s face as he realized....
Keith would treasure it forever.
Smiling brightly at Lance, Keith murmured, “No secrets here.” Before stacking his polishing tools neatly beside Red and turning to walk out of the hanger to the sounds of Lance’s choked splutters.
Hunk… Hunk was probably the one that Keith felt guiltiest about.
Probably because he was one of the only ones that didn’t really deserve to be traumatized. It’s hardly as if he had been trying to be annoying or overbearing, he just had an inner need to make sure the people around him were well-fed and healthy. After Kolivan had offhandedly commented that Keith didn’t eat nearly enough for a Galra, even someone half-Galra, Hunk had made it his mission to make sure that Keith ate more.
So Keith didn’t entirely blame Hunk, especially since it was kind of nice to have a friend care so much about him. (Also because he knew that Hunk and Shiro had had a discussion with Kolivan about healthy Galra eating habits before going on this ‘make Keith eat more food’ spree.)
But when it happened, Keith had been tired, already nearly overly full, and fed up with being watched like a hawk as he ate.
So really, it had been meant as a punishment for both Hunk and Shiro, when he fixed a smile on his face and looked right at Hunk while Shiro (the #1 enabler of Hunk’s ‘feed Keith more’ plan) moved yet another portion onto his plate.
“See what I mean about you not needing to worry about my eating habits, Hunk? My Daddy makes sure I get plenty to eat.”
He smiled with false brightness at Shiro’s frozen form and Hunk’s jaw-dropped astonishment while pushing himself away from the table and saying in a deliberately childish tone, “But I’m really hungry for some special desert now, Daddy. Let’s go to bed!”
He sashayed away to the sounds of Hunks traumatized garbling and the beginning of Shiro trying to talk Hunk back into functioning human being form.
He was going to get spanked so hard tonight.
Worth it.
Pidge… Pidge he didn’t even really mean to bother.
Truly though, he wasn’t even really trying to particularly traumatize her when he said it. He had been assisting Pidge while she made adjustments on one of the Coalition’s ships (basically just being a grunt that lifted and fetched things when she asked), and they had already been engaged in their typical banter when it happened.
“Awwww,” Pidge said teasingly as Keith grunted and rubbed his shoulder after setting one of the larger pieces of the ship down beside her, “Is the poor baby boy tired already? Do you need me to fetch you a blankie so you can take a nap?”
Keith had registered the mild concern in her voice, and so shrugged and said unthinkingly, “No, just a little sore from when Daddy tied me up over Red’s console earlier. I’ll just get him to massage it later.”
He only realized what he had said when Pidge dropped the wrench in her hand and stared at him with horrified eyes. “That’s what you two were doing when I needed to talk with you about updates for the Red Lion? I thought you were going over battle techniques! I sat outside the Red Lion’s particle barrier for over two hours waiting for you to get done!”
Keith blushed and bristled simultaneously, “You got there after we had already gotten started! We didn’t even know you were there until we left Red!”
But Pidge had already grabbed her wrench from the floor and turned back to the ship, muttering grumpily, “I will have my revenge for this. You bet your ass I will.”
Coran… Coran was just a mistake.
It was during a minor repair to the ship, Shiro, Allura, Hunk, and Lance outside the ship while Keith, Pidge, and Coran kept an eye on the monitors inside the ship to make sure that the fixes were completed successfully.
Shiro had just commed in asking Keith to let him know if the gages rose beyond the needed level, and, well…. Keith had been saying it in public so often lately that the “Okay, Daddy.” had just slipped out.
At first, Keith barely even realized the mistake he had made, because Coran waited until the team outside was finished with the repairs and had shut the comm link off to turn to Keith with a furrowed brow and deeply puzzled frown, “I… Keith, Shiro is your father?”
Keith choked on his spit, before hurrying to correct the wrong, very wrong impression he had unwittingly given Coran, “No! No, he’s not my father, it’s just-“ Keith abruptly stopped talking when his desperate eyes caught sight of Pidge.
And the look on her face.
Keith did not like the look on Pidge’s face. That was her evilest gremlin look, the bitch-you-thought-I-wouldn’t-go-into-your-house-and-set-fire-to-all-the-things-you-love-for-revenge?-You-thought?->:D look.
It did not imply good things for Keith’s future.
“It’s a sex thing,” Pidge practically shouted at the opening with quick evil gleefulness, validating every unkind thought that Keith had ever had of her.
Coran tilted his head to the side in confusion, “A sex thing…?” He asked before abruptly brightening, “Ah, human procreation! I have been wondering about it. I’m so glad you feel comfortable enough to bring it up around me! I’ve been so curious.”
Keith blanched, “Coran, I really don’t think you’ll find it interest-“
“No,” Coran insisted as he pushed his face closer to Keith’s rapidly paling countenance, “This is fascinating. How exactly does it help during sexual intercourse? Does calling their sexual partner ‘Daddy’ in bed assist humans in the act of procreation in some way? Is acknowledging their mate as a good potential sire a psychological code to get the receiving partner’s body ready to bear offspring?”
Keith regretted every fucking choice he had ever made to get him to a point in his life where he was going to have to explain daddy kink to Coran.
He came so close to just sprinting to the nearest airlock and jettisoning himself into space without his armor that day.
Allura… Allura technically wasn’t his fault at all.
She managed to corner him in the hallway while he was heading back to his and Shiro’s room after using one of the mainframes Pidge had coded to display English to try to find out if there were any creatures similar to hippos in the nearby universe. (And if the world containing said creatures just happened to need saving.) He was pretty pleased with the results and had been planning the perfect way to bring it up to the team when she stopped him.
So he really wasn’t fucking ready when she placed a soft hand on his shoulder and regarded him with deeply sympathetic eyes.
“Keith, Coran just shared something with me, and I hope you don’t get upset with him telling me something so personal, but I really am glad that he did. Keith, I had no idea you missed your father so much, I completely under-“
Keith froze as he felt his soul being slowly dragged from his body into the deepest pits of hell, before abruptly jerking back and turning around as fast as he could, “No.” he spat desperately, “Just, no.” before sprinting as fast as he could to Red. A few quick practice flights in the emptiness of space would do them both good.
Shiro… Shiro was the one that made him the most nervous. Shiro was everything to Keith, and Keith just wanted him to know how much Keith valued what Shiro was to him.
Keith shuddered in overstimulation and endorphins as he came down from his high. He felt his Daddy running soothing, caring hands down his skin, soft words of praise and adoration falling from his Daddy’s lips. He finally arched up and used a shaking hand to drag his Daddy’s head down to his, pulling him into a deep kiss as he arched up against his body. They stayed that way for minutes (hours? days?) trading alternatively hot and deep and sweet and gentle kisses until Shiro finally got up from the bed to get a wet cloth to wipe Keith down with.
Once that was done, Shiro collapsed onto the bed and pulled Keith close, wrapping his strong arms around him and pressing tender kisses into his hair.
Keith sighed contentedly and pressed himself deeper into Shiro’s embrace. But despite the complete contentment that was trying to surround him, there was one thing that kept bothering him at the back of his mind.
“Shiro, are you sure you don’t mind? That the rest of the team knows that you’re my Daddy?” he asked, an uncommon vulnerability softening his voice. It may have started off as a way to taunt some members of the team, but a deep part of Keith was glad that he didn’t have to hide what Shiro was to him anymore. How important Shiro was. How vital.
Shiro pressed a slightly firmer kiss to Keith’s shoulder before rubbing his side comfortingly, “Hey, I told you- I’m never going to be ashamed of being your Daddy or you acknowledging that. They are grown adults, and if they can fight the Galra, they can put up with having a little too much information about their teammate’s sex life. It’s hardly as if they haven’t shared a little too much information themselves at times. The only time I got annoyed was when you used it to bother Hunk rather than just explaining you didn’t need that much food, and I forgave you for that almost as soon as you did it.”
Keith nodded, finally able to relax into contentment’s embrace, just as he did the embrace of the man that was the cause of said contentment.
He really did have the best Daddy.
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Klangst - Don’t Keep it Bottled Up, part 2
Soooo, I said that the fluff would come in the next part, and that was what I had intended, but since I wanted to post something today and I’m too tired to write up the rest right now, I’m splitting up the second part of the headcanon into two parts. Sorry!
Click here for part one of the headcanon, or check out my headcanon masterpost for more of my headcanons.
Don’t worry I promise there’s some fluff coming up in part 3! Sorry for any mistakes (I’m falling asleep rn)! 
 To say that Lance felt bad the rest of the day would be a severe understatement. If he had thought that the exhaustion and frustration from before was bad, the guilt and uncertainty that now weighed upon his mind was thousands of times worse.
He couldn’t bear to look anyone in the eye for the rest of the day, scared of what he’d say, what his expression might show. He knew he should’ve tried harder to hide it, because of /course/ the others would notice. He never tried to show any of his darker emotions. He had always tried to have a smile on his face, just so he could see another person smile too.
Lance’s mother had taught him about the power of expressions when he was little. She had told him about how, even if he was feeling bad, if he could still smile, that smile would brighten someone’s day, and that maybe that knowledge alone could make him feel better too. And so Lance had grown up laughing over the sound of his embarrassment, smiling through the harder times. He wanted to make others laugh. He wanted to make them smile. He took their negativity and kept it buried away, never letting anyone feel just how dark and heavy his heart felt under the burden. He had planned to keep it that way.
That had gone out the window from his and Keith’s first meeting. He found someone around whom he felt no need to fake smiles. He would scowl and glare whenever the mood hit him. It was weird, new, and Lance didn’t know what to do with it. Rationally he knew he didn’t hate Keith, though he had believed this in the beginning, but it was frustrating how hard it was to put up fronts around him. Today he had snapped, unleashing all those years of frustration, anger and hurt, on the one person from whom he’d never taken any negativity.
He felt sick, awful in the knowledge of what he’d said. He knew he could have a sharp tongue, but in the moment he hadn’t been thinking. He’d just been so stupid, proving just what everyone believed about him, and now he was making the others worry too. They all approached him and he sent them away as gently and swiftly as he could. He was fine. He /was/ fine…but now Keith wasn’t.
Hunk was the hardest to send away, for which Lance was grateful for him being such a good friend, and yet he couldn’t stand him being around. It wasn’t Lance that needed comforting. No. He wanted to be shouted at, because what he'd done was terrible. Eventually Hunk relented with a heavy sigh and soft words promising an ear if he should need one. Hunk was the best. Lance really didn’t deserve him.
Lance’s stomach grumbled, so he went to eat, but looking at the food made him nauseous. With nothing better to do, he headed to his room, wincing upon spying Keith’s door. Should he… Should he, what? He didn’t know what to do. He had never been in such a delicate situation before, and Lance was awful when it came to sensitivity. He knew an apology wouldn’t be enough. Maybe begging for forgiveness?
Ughhh. He felt dizzy and sick as he considered what he should do. Maybe he shouldn’t see him right now. He wasn’t in the right mind to talk. However, what if he left it too long?! In the end, as his stomach grumbled again, he went into his room, collapsing on the bed. He didn’t care that it was too early to sleep, he didn’t care he hadn’t changed, he didn’t care he hadn’t washed. He was exhausted.
Lance lay there, too tired to do anything. Including sleep.
 Lance was a naturally active person. Now, this didn’t mean he was particularly keen on sports or exercise. However, when he had energy, he HAD to do something or else suffer the constant buzz beneath his skin. Unfortunately for him, despite his mental exhaustion and worsening hunger, as he lay on his bed, he could feel that itch to do something. It wasn’t long before his foot began to tap. Then, before he knew it, he was pacing the small room, head and arms hanging loosing as he let his feet carry him in circles.
As much as he wished to be able to sleep, Lance knew he would have to face Keith soon. The longer he left it, the harder it’d get. Yet this knowledge didn’t help ease the tightening of his heart at the thought of seeing Keith again. What kind of face would he have? Would he still have that cold expression? …would Lance even get to see him?
Given the circumstances, the last thing Keith probably wanted to do was see Lance, but it was inevitable. They were stuck together on the Castle, and they'd have to work with each other sooner or later when they next needed to form Voltron. Plus, Lance didn’t know how long he could cope with even more tension between him and Keith. The problem was Lance’s record of riling Keith up. Outside of pickup lines, Lance was not the most eloquent when it came to words, and despite first impressions, Lance had learnt that Keith was quite sensitive. Which meant that Lance would have to be careful when apologising.
Their situation was unstable enough as it was, he couldn’t afford letting his loose mouth cost him any chance of reconciliation. Which meant that Lance needed to decide his words before they next met. Finally coming up with a plan, Lance stopped pacing his room to sit heavily on the edge of his bed. Now the only problem was what to say.
It turned out to be quite a big problem as Lance sat on his bed, mulling over how to begin the conversation, only for him to change his mind each time. It never sounded right; too casual or too stiff. He wanted Keith to know he was being sincere, but Lance didn’t have much experience when it came to sincerity. Of course, he was honest to people about what he thought, but he felt like he needed to do more than just state what was on his mind. Besides, it was just so embarrassing to actually admit how he felt, and since old habits die hard, Lance knew he’d end up quipping at Keith to hide the embarrassment. Since when was having a conversation so difficult?!
Wait…that’s it! The way to start his apology! It would mean that he wouldn’t have to catch Keith alone and risk any slips of his tongue. Lance nodded his head, decision made. He now knew what to do.
He didn’t know how much time had passed since then, but as Lance woke up suddenly, from a nap he didn’t remember taking, Lance heard the distinct swoosh of Keith’s door opening and closing. Finishing the last bit of writing, Lance waited a couple of minutes to make sure the coast was clear. Then, he snuck into the corridor, still having the need to slowly poke his head out first. As quietly as possible he slunk to Keith’s door. Now the only question that remained was whether Keith had just entered or left. Thankfully, there was a sure-fire way of checking. Keith had a reputation for always locking his door when he was inside, ever since Coran apparently ran into his room without notice.
If he was in his room, Lance’s passcode would not work and Lance would have to call out to Keith to let him in, though that was not the plan this time. He needed Keith to be out, and as the door opened immediately, Lance let out a small breath of relief. He backed slowly into the room, his head still checking down both ends of the corridor for signs of Keith’s return. He kept the lights off as he slinked inside, knowing there wouldn’t be any obstacles in Keith’s room. All he had to do was place the note and leave before Keith came back. Lance had brought tape, not wanting to risk the note falling off or getting lost in the bedding.
He needed Keith to see this note. It was the start of his apology that would hopefully be enough to convince Keith to at least hear the rest out in person. So, with the taped note in hand, he made his way over to Keith’s bed in the dark, thankful for the lack of personal effects Keith kept in his room to have to worry stepping around (though a part of Lance hated the lack of belongings they had in the Castle, after all, this was to be their home for however long it took for it to all be over, and as everyone loved to remind Lance, who knew when that would be). Lance leaned over the bed, reaching to stick the tape to the wall next to Keith’s pillow. That should be a good spot.
A throat clearing made Lance jump, almost falling into the bed in his shock. Then, as Lance looked down, his eyes struggling to see anything in the dim room, he made out the shape of something on the pillow. Or, more specifically, someone.
Oh, quiznak…
 Well, I hoped you enjoyed this small part! Please check out part 3 (and the epilogue)! As usual, I’m happy to chat/discuss theories/headcanons if you ever fancy, so just drop me a message if you do.
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Addict with a Gun
W A R N I N G This oneshot is filled with angst and definitely not for the weak minded
This oneshot contains: self hatred, self harm, suicidal thoughts, harsh insults, attempted suicide, anorexia, anxiety/panic attacks, a bit of Klance, and Coran being the great space uncle that he is
“Come on Lance! Just get it together already! Can’t you do anything right?! We’re in a war we can’t afford to lose!”,Shiro, the head of Voltron yelled at Lance. Lance went to apologize, but before the words could even leave his mouth he was already being yelled at again. “We can’t afford to be goofing off all the time Lance! You need to just grow up already!” You’re probably wondering how this whole situation happened.
The paladins were training and Lance could tell that everyone was having a pretty rough day, so he decided to crack a joke in hopes of lightening the mood, maybe cheering someone up a little. Lance didn’t get the reaction he wanted.
“Keith does what he’s supposed to! Hunk does what he’s supposed to! Pidge does what she’s supposed to and she’s the youngest of all of us! Yet you constantly act like a child!” “I-I’m so-” “Are you a paladin of Voltron?!” “I-” “Start acting like it!”
And with that, Shiro stormed out of the training deck, leaving Lance standing there, head hung low and desperately fighting back tears. The worst part of it all? Nobody offered Lance any sort of comfort. The other three paladins just walked out of the training deck, none of them even offering Lance a look of sympathy.
Once alone, Lance collapsed to his knees and allowed his tears to fall, feeling horrible.
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make anyone angry, I wasn’t trying to be childish, I just wanted to cheer you guys up.’ 'I’m a failure, I should just be replaced.’ 'Why am I even here? I’m unworthy of being a paladin.’ 'I’m a disgrace to all things living.’ 'I don’t deserve to live.’ Thoughts like these wouldn’t leave his mind. He was finding it hard to breath, his heartbeat quickened, he almost couldn’t move. He managed to pull his knees to his chest and bury his face in his knees, desperately trying to disappear from existence.
'I’m such a screwup.’ 'Why can’t I do anything right?’ 'I try, I really do, I’m just not good enough.’ 'Have I ever been good enough?’ 'Will I ever be good enough?’ 'What if someone gets hurt because of me?’ 'Shiro’s right, we can’t afford to mess around.’ 'I can’t afford to screw up.’
“Lance! Are you okay?!”,Coran asked, concerned for his favorite paladin. Lance shook his head yes, even if he knew it was more than obvious that he wasn’t. Coran dropped to his knees and pulled Lance into a tight hug. “Lance my boy, it’s okay, just take deep breaths, in and out, in and out..” Lance tried taking deep breaths, copying how Coran was taking deep breaths. His breathing wasn’t completely steady, but Lance was breathing better than before.
“Can you tell me what happened?”,Coran asked in a quiet voice, not wanting to scare the young paladin. “I-I’m a s-screw up…I-I can’t d-do a-anyt-thing right…I-I t-tell too many j-jokes a-and I goof off t-too much…”,Lance said between hiccups as he tried to stop crying. “Lance, you’ve done nothing wrong son, why do you think that..?” “B-Because…i-it’s true…!” “No it’s not Lance.” “Y-Yes it is! S-Shiro said it h-himself!”
Words could not describe how furious Coran was, but for Lance’s sake, he hid it. Coran began telling Lance that he did nothing wrong, that even if the others don’t appreciate his jokes he always would, that Shiro was wrong, that he had so much value, anything he could to calm the boy down and try to restore his mental health, even if Coran knew his words probably wouldn’t help all that much.
When Lance was finally calm, Coran helped him to his feet. “I’m sorry Coran, you probably have better things to do than help me calm down from a panic attack..”,Lance said, his voice so quiet it scared the altean man. “Don’t apologize, you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong my boy.” Lance flashed a sad smile at the man. “Please don’t tell anyone about this, I don’t want this to be another reason that I’m weak to the others…” “My lips are sealed.”
“Thank you Coran…I’m gonna go take a nap, I’ll see you around.”,Lance said as he walked out of the training deck.
During dinner, Keith noticed that Lance was nowhere to be seen. “Has anybody seen Lance?”,Keith asked the others. They all shook their heads. “I bet he’s busy with his skincare routine.”,Pidge joked. “Probably off somewhere being an idiot.”,Keith added. “I hope he’s not doing anything too ignorant.”,Allura stated, rolling her eyes at the thought of Lance. Shiro sighed. “He just never listens, does he?” “He does sometimes.”,Hunk answered.
They didn’t know Lance was leaning against the wall by the dining room’s entrance. They didn’t know he had been listening since the question of where he was had been asked. They didn’t know he was fighting back tears. They didn’t know that they just hurt him right after he managed to find himself in a better mood.
Lance quietly walked in and took his seat, not looking at anyone. “Hey Lance, where were you?”,Hunk asked the blue eyed boy. “I was taking a nap.”,Lance answered, his voice still quiet. Shiro slammed his hand on the table, causing everyone to freeze and look over at him. “After that little scene you started earlier a guy would think you’d spend your spare time training so that way maybe you wouldn’t be such a disappointment, but you can’t even do that right!”
Lance stood up, staring down at the table. “You know Shiro, believe it or not I actually try. Believe it or not I work twice as hard than the rest of you because I need to work twice as hard to even be at the level I am! But my best isn’t good enough!”,Lance yelled out. All eyes were on him. He lifted his head up and looked at Shiro, anger was clearly visible on the leader’s face. “I’m not good enough for anyone! No matter how hard I try my best is just never good enough! Every night I’ve been training in secret to try to get better because I know I’m not strong enough!”
“Lance what the hell?! Don’t yell at Shiro!”,Pidge yelled. “You’re being a selfish asshole!”,Keith joined in. “Lance just stop lying! There’s no way you with your ego would ever try to get better!”,Allura added. “I’m sorry buddy, but you’re too lazy to train.” 'Not you too Hunk…’
“Arrogant piece of shit!” “Self centered!” “Screwup!” “Annoying!” “Childish!” “Weak!” “Faker!” “Liar!” 'I want to die.’ “Stop fucking around Lance!” “Are you just gonna stand there?! Say something!” “Apologize to Shiro!” “Lance…?” 'I want to die.’ “Worthless jerk!” “Tallass!” “Why are you even a paladin?!” “Lance? Buddy?” 'I want to die!’ “Placeholder!” “Idiot!” “Fucking answer us!” “Say something you piece of shit!” “G-Guys you should really stop, I don’t think Lance is okay…” 'I WANT TO DIE!’
Silence filled the room, everyone’s eyes were on Lance. Tears fell like raindrops from his ocean blue eyes, he was shaking, his fists were clenched, he was staring at the ground.
“I hate you, I hate all of you.”,Lance said as he stormed out of the room, leaving the rest of them completely shocked. “Lance?” “Leave me alone.” Coran stepped into the room, and for the first time, they all saw Coran when he was truly angry. “What the quiznak have you all done to that boy?!”
Lance sat on his bed crying himself a river. Did they all really hate him so much that him lashing out was considered a horrible thing to do but everyone else was able to lash out on him? Was he just everyone’s verbal punching bag? Did any of them even care about him?
'This is my fault, isn’t it…?’ 'I was the one who lost my cool, I should’ve just kept my mouth shut and taken it, that’s what I’m supposed to do, right?’ 'I’m just the one everyone lets their frustration out on, why did I think any of them care?’ 'I know Coran cares and Hunk was trying to get the others to stop, but is anybody supposed to even care about me?’ 'No, I’m just the seventh wheel, nobody is supposed to care.’ 'I don’t deserve to be loved.’ 'I’m just the paladin of the blue lion, they only need me to form Voltron.’ 'I’m not here for anything else.’ 'I’m not here because the others want me here, I’m just here because I have to be. They only put up with me because they have to.’ 'None of them actually like me as a person.’
Lance left his room and locked himself in the bathroom closest to his room. We walked over to the sink and pulled open one of the drawers, searching for anything he could use. He managed to find a razor and set it on the count, closing the drawer. He grabbed a towel and set that down on the counter as well. He searched the bathroom for any bandages, knowing he would need some by the time he was done. Luckily he found some and added that to his collection of items on the counter.
He rolled up his sleeves, revealing so many scars it was scary to think about how much he’ll he had to have been put through to do all this to himself. He held the razor to his wrist and…
Letting out a hiss of pain, Lance pulled the razor away then looked at the fresh cut. He knew it wasn’t very deep, it was enough to draw blood and hurt like hell, but he could deal with that. He didn’t want to kill himself yet. Lance continued to cut himself, stopping after seven cuts.
He set the razor on the counter and turned on the water. He picked up the towel and made sure it was damp before he applied pressure to his wrists. After most of the blood had been cleaned up Lance wrapped the bandages around his arm, cleaned up the bathroom and made his way back to his bedroom.
While walking down the hallway, keeping his head down, Lance accidentally bumped into someone. “S-Sorry…”,he mumbled as he tried to walk past whoever it was. Before he could get very far, his wrist was grabbed and he was pinned against the wall by none other than Keith. “I-I’m s-sorry I didn’t mean t-to bump into you…!” “Stop, just tell me what the hell’s been going on with you lately…please..?” Lance scoffed and pushed Keith off of him.
“Don’t pretend to care, I know you don’t.” “What the hell gave you that idea?”
Lance gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He spun around to face Keith. “Don’t you fucking dare play dumb mullet! You made it very clear that you didn’t care at dinner! You all made it crystal fucking clear that I’m unwanted here! I know my place alright?! I’m just here to help you guys form Voltron, other than that I’m just a nuisance to you all!” “Lance that’s not true! We all care about you!” “I know Coran does, Hunk maybe, but the rest of you? How stupid do you actually think I am? You’re probably only even trying to figure out what’s wrong with me so you can make me apologize to Shiro, I get it, I’m just here for everyone to take their anger out on, I have no right to be angry with anyone, I should just die, right?” “Lance no! Please don’t think that way!” Lance let out a sad laugh. “If you want me to apologize to Shiro, fine. I’ve accepted what I am, and I know my place. I’ll apologize to him, it’s not like I have a right to human emotions. Now leave me the fuck alone.”,and with that, Lance continued to walk to his room.
“Lance please..” Keith had never sounded so desperate before. Lance stopped in his tracks, shocked at the tone of voice. “I just…I just wanna help you…I just wanna help make the team hole again…I just wanna make things right…For you…”
“You know, I’d like to believe that, I really would, but I can’t.” “Why…?”
“Every time we save someone, I feel like there’s actually hope, I feel that maybe one day this team could be like a family of some sort, maybe we could go outside and all join hands…but until then you’ll never understand!” “Never understand what…?!” “You all have guns but you never put the safety on! Every hateful word is the ammunition! And I’m the one everyone fires at!”
They both stood there, tears escaping their eyes. Keith finally realizing how shitty everyone treated Lance, immediately feeling horrible. “L-Lance..I-I’m so sorry…I’m s-sorry…” Lance’s glare softened for a moment. “Just…Leave me alone…” Lance walked away.
When Lance stepped into the dinning room he didn’t expect to find the other paladins and Allura sitting at the table, staring at their goo with sad and guilty expressions on their faces. When they noticed Lance, everyone’s head shot up to face him with sad smiles.
“Hey Lance…How’d you sleep?”,Pidge asked, her voice more gentle than usual. Lance merely shrugged, and that’s when the others realized how exhausted Lance looked. He had huge bags under his eyes, he looked pale, and his eyes looked a little bloodshot. The same question lingered through their minds, how long had Lance been like this?
“By the way Shiro, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lashed out yesterday, it was wrong of me to do that. Shiro looked shocked. "O-Oh, uhm…it’s okay Lance…” Lance sat in his usual seat and began to eat the green food goo in front of him. During breakfast, it was so painfully silent. Nobody was speaking. “Why are you guys so quiet? It feels like a funeral in here.”,Lance said, beginning to feel cornered for the others. Nobody said anything. “Guys…?” Nothing. “If I did something wrong just yell at me already, I’d rather get it over with than have to know it could happen at any time…” No answer. Lance stood up and walked out of the dining room, trying not to break down.
After taking a quick stop to the bathroom to puke up his breakfast, Lance headed down to the training deck.
He set the training bot level to twenty seven, then he spoke the words he hated speaking, knowing that no matter how hard he works he wouldn’t be as strong as the others…
“Begin training sequence.”
This continued for days. Lance would head to breakfast and nobody would utter a word. He would train the entire day, sometimes he would show up to dinner, but it was just like breakfast. After dinner he would lock himself in the bathroom to cut, then he’d clean up and head back to his room, crying for hours, never really falling asleep. Nobody would speak. Hell, even Coran was quiet.
He kept apologizing to the others, telling them he was sorry for lashing out the way he had, saying sorry for being so annoying, saying sorry for whatever he did to make everyone go silent, even though he had no clue what that was.
Lance blamed himself for this, and decided to do something he felt he should’ve done a long time ago.
He made his way to the observation deck, or the stargazing room as he liked to call it. He held a folded piece of paper in one hand, and in the other his bayard. That handy note of his? It went a little something like this;
Hey everyone,
I’m sorry if anyone actually misses me, but I doubt it. Nobody would speak where I happened to be, which is probably my fault anyways. I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry. If you guys could, tell my family I died in a crazy battle of some sort? It would kill them to know I actually committed suicide.
Coran, you were the one person who was ever really there for me. You’re a great guy, and I’m sorry I couldn’t stick around much longer.
Hunk, you’ve been my best friend for the longest time, and thank you for not saying a lot about me, aside from a small almost harmless comment or two.
Pidge, you were like a little sister to me, and even though you probably hated me I just want to tell you that I know you’ll find your family out here, if anyone can do it, it’s you.
Allura, I know my flirting was probably more than annoying, and I’m sorry for that, but I just want you two know you were like a sister to me in most ways. I know if you hated any paladin, it would be me, so I’m sorry for never really being able to provide much to the team and I’m sorry I’m just giving up like this. Pilot Blue for me, will ya? I wouldn’t want anyone else to do it but you.
Shiro, even though you probably always hated me, I looked up to you, even after everything I still do. Promise me in the future you’ll find a better outlet for your problems? And make sure the others do too, I’m not there to take it anymore so you guys need to find something better and less hurtful. And please don’t blame everything on yourself. You’re doing your best as the leader and that’s all anyone could ask of you.
Keith, I never hated you or your mullet. If I’m being honest, I’ve had a thing for you since the Garrison. I know you probably don’t feel the same, but I just wanna apologize for starting that whole rivalry between us and thank you for trying to get me to talk through my problems, that was more than most people ever did.
Again, I’m sorry everyone, but stay strong for me, okay?
Lance pulled up the map and looked for Earth, gently smiling at the sight of his home planet. He held the note close to his chest, activated his bayard, and held the barrel of the gun to the side of his head. “Hey Lance are you in here-LANCE!” 'Keith…I’m sorry.’ Just as Lance was about to pull the trigger, he was knocked over and his bayard fell out of his hand, deactivating the second it touch the ground. Keith looked up to see that Lance was alive, and the tears that had been brimming at the corners of his eyes overflew.
Lance sat up and let out a muffled sob, followed by him mumbling,“I-I can’t even d-die correctly…” Keith wrapped his arms around the boy and pulled him into his lap. Lance buried his face into Keith’s chest, gripping onto his black t-shirt as if his life depended on it. “L-Lance, I-I’m so sorry, I can’t say it enough a-and I know that you’ll probably never forgive me a-and that you h-hate me, but I-I love you s-so much, I-I c-can’t lose you Lance..P-Please…” Lance only cried harder, clinging onto Keith. “I-I’m s-sorry, I d-didn’t think anybody c-cared, e-everyone had b-blocked me out a-and I-I thought it w-was some pact o-or something s-so that way m-maybe I w-would leave and y-you guys w-would be a better t-team without t-that fuck up Lance, Lance w-who can’t even k-kill himself properly…”,Lance had spoke, sobbing and hiccuping, causing Keith’s heart to break more than it already had.
“W-We were q-quiet because w-we were scared of hurting you a-anymore…W-We all feel s-so fucking bad about everything we’ve done, w-we just didn’t know how to say it o-or go about it..I-I wanted to talk t-to you sooner but S-Shiro wanted to give you s-some space, but I-I needed to talk to you and when I walked in to s-see you with the gun to y-your head..L-Lance I was terrified I was gonna l-lose you…I-I love you L-Lance..” “I-I l-love y-you t-too..”
“Keith, did you find him-”,Pidge stopped mid sentence before calling out to the others and running over to the two. “W-What happened…?”,she asked, scared that what she thought almost happened actually almost happened. Lance and Keith only cried more, Keith’s hold on Lance tightening, as if Keith was scared that if he let go Lance would disappear. As soon as the others arrived, it was no question what was happening next. Everyone gathered around Lance, hugging him, crying and apologizing, telling him they care about him and how amazing he was.
By the time everyone had stopped crying, it was around breakfast time. “Hey Lance, do you want me to try to cook up some pancakes for breakfast?”,Hunk asked his best friend. Lance flashed a small smile and nodded while wiping his tears away with his sleeve. “Alright, I’ve been working on this for a while and I think I can pull it off, I’ll go get started.”,Hunk said as he stood up. Coran stood up as well. “I’m sure there’s something that needs repair, stay safe my boy.” Coran and Hunk left the room to go off to do their own things. “Hey Lance, what if I told you I’ve been trying to make a space version of an iPhone?” Lance looked at Pidge, a little shocked and very intrigued. “R-Really? That sounds fantastic..!” “How would you like the first one?” “S-Seriously?!” “Hell yes.” “I-I’d love one Pidge, thank you…” She smiled at him before standing up. “I’m gonna work on it then, I’ll bring it to you as soon as I’m done.”,she told the blue paladin as she left the room. Allura cleared her throats and spoke,“Me and Shiro have some important matters to discuss, I assume you two will be perfectly fine on your own?” Keith and Lance nodded yes, and then Allura grabbed Shiro’s wrist and dragged him out of the room with her.
Keith and Lance made eye contact, and then Keith did something Lance never would’ve expected. Keith kissed him.
It was only a peck on the lips, yes, but to Lance it was everything, and he found himself smiling. “Stay alive, for me..?” “Yeah, I think I can do that.”
13 notes · View notes
Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 210
For some reason only known to the lord above, on their bed, “wrapped” with a red ribbon around its handle, was a lawnmower. Blue, silver, and black in colour, this had to be Shiro’s dumb idea. No normal human would gift them a lawnmower at a baby shower, nor would they put it “in bed” like it made any kind of logical sense. It hadn’t been there when Keith opened the windows earlier... if he’d seen it, he would have moved it. Sniffling loudly, Lance then choked out
“They got me a lawnmower! I’m a terrible person!”
Now that he knew Matt had been in their space, he could smell him in the room. Too many scents were in their room. Matt, Curtis, and Shiro, three scents that didn’t belong in their space. Lance gave them pretty much free reign of the house, allowing them to violate the sanctity of his office with the promise they’d never look at his client files, or in the boxes that’d come from Lenny and were currently occupying the spare bed
“Let me take it off the bed, then you sit down and we’ll talk”
Lance shook his head, the way he gazed at their bed hurt to see
“I need the bathroom first...”
“Okay, baby. It’s okay, we’ll sort this out”
Lance came stumbling out the bathroom looking worse than when he’d headed in. Downstairs Rieva had started yelling at Matt for being stupid, then started yelling at Shiro for encouraging Matt to be stupid. Coran had tried to calm her, so she’d yelled at him about how he should understand what Lance was feeling with his nesting instincts and being close to giving birth. There was a whole lot of yelling for a party that had been otherwise running semi-smoothly, provided you didn’t count Pidge feeling a bit down and Shiro and Curtis cremating the sausages on the barbecue, somehow managing to leave the middle red raw.
Waddling over to him, Keith held his arms open, Lance going straight for the hug. Nosing at Lance’s belly, Keith sighed softly as his fiancé started playing with his hair
“You should sit down”
“My stomach feels gross, I want to stand for a bit...”
“You don’t need to hide it. Matt shouldn’t have been in here”
“I know he lives here... but this was supposed to be our alone space... I can smell him... and... and... the windows open and all our smells are gone. Why would he open the window? Why did he have to come in and ruin our room? I don’t go in theirs! Not even to clean! I get they wanted to surprise us but... this is our room! I don’t want the... the smell changing and now it’s being ruined”
With tears dropping on Keith’s hair, Keith tilted his head back to look up at Lance
“I’m... the one who opened the windows. I’m sorry. I was trying to get rid of Lotor’s scent for you. I didn’t think about how comforting scent is when we’re like this. I’m sorry I fucked things up for you”
Lance hiccuped a sob as he tried to bring his crying under control
“You... you didn’t... know... I... I don’t know what to do. This feels... wrong... in here... I can’t... I don’t know how to... how to... fix it... This... was... my safe space...”
Keith got it. Lance’s loved the comfort of blankets before he’d gotten pregnant, with all the instincts running through him, he had to have things a certain way. Despite his fiancé being anal about the dirty washing going in the dirty clothes basket, more than a few of Keith’s shirts had made it between the blankets. Keith also benefited from the space being so thoroughly soaked in their scents. He could smell the difference between Matt’s lingering scent in the halls and his fresh scent in his room. Poor Matt copping the brunt of his silent jealous as he was the only other person in the house that could get Lance pregnant, had his fiancé not already been pregnant. His ego had a hard time accepting Matt near Lance when Lance could pop at any moment. His fear made no logic sense, yet that didn’t mean that did exist
“It’s still our safe place. I’m sorry my brother is incapable of being a normal human, and I’m sorry that he was probably really proud of putting the lawnmower on our bed...”
“I want to laugh at that, it’s a good one and it’s funny, but I feel so angry that I’m not sure I won’t go for blood if we go downstairs... I don’t want to be that way. Not today. They put together a great party for us. I just wanted to be normal enough to enjoy it”
“There’s still plenty of time. We can strip the bed and change out what’s on it. It’ll help to get rid of Lotor’s scent too”
“I know. I know it’s just some sheets and blankets, but...”
“You’re exhausted. I know you are, babe. Let me change the sheets and you can have a bit of a nap. With the amount of alcohol Pidge stocked, I’m pretty sure drinking is on the plans”
“I haven’t thanked anyone... I don’t deserve any of this. Not a barbecue, or an outside set, or a really nice new lawnmower...”
Keith would steal every star in the sky if it made Lance happy
“You do. No one made our friends go out and buy anything. They chose to, and it’s not like it’s just for us. I’m sorry I didn’t get you a present”
“You don’t need to. And I don’t need a fancy ring. You keep your word, babe. That’s all I need”
“Let’s get you to bed. Tonight we’ll make sure to really stink the blankets up”
Lance gave a broken sob of a laugh
“You’d have sex with me, when I look like this?”
“If you haven’t realised by now, all you have to do is breathe and I’m like “I want to tap that”
“You’re going the right way for a smacked arse”
“Promises, promises. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to let you pull my hair as I rail you to the mattress”
“Now who’s making promises?”
“You already said it, I keep my word. Just keep your night open, because I’m not letting you slip away”
Lance fought going down for a nap, Keith fought the urge to stay with him, dragging himself from their room and downstairs. Their friends knew better than to let the pair of them disappearing bring the party to a close. Coran was now getting a lesson in beer pong from a ruthless Pidge. Rieva and Matt both seemed saddened, their scents weird as they hit his nose. Allura the first to cast a smile in his direction
“I’m assuming that Lance went down for a nap as you’ve returned alone?”
“Yeah. He needed it. I’ll wake him up in a couple of hours”
Shiro cleared his throat, Allura about to say something else but stopped so Shiro could
“I’m sorry about the lawnmower, we thought it’d be hilarious”
Lance’s obsession with grass was well known, the only way the joke could have been funnier was if they’d dressed the lawnmower in lingerie
“Oh, Lance thinks it’s funny as fuck. He loves it. He’s just super sensitive to scents, and I made it worse by airing out our bedroom. He’ll bounce back and you know he’s going to be apologising when he comes back down. I still don’t know why you guys had to go through our drawers”
Shiro answered for Matt who copped a very direct glare from Keith. Matt couldn’t help being a werewolf any more than Keith could. Both of them cared deeply for Lance, their stupid egos and scents making things ridiculous for the pair of them
“I needed a spanner. We were joking about how being Lance, he’d probably keep on in his room... you know, because he fixes everything the moment he knows somethings broken or leaking”
Keith groaned. That was logical. He wouldn’t be surprised if Lance did. Everyone knew Lance was the handiest person in their group
“Okay. That’s fair. But stay out of our room from now on. This scent thing is really messing with his head. He doesn’t want to be mad, but he’s also emotionally exhausted”
Shiro gave him a mock salute
“Message received loud and clear. Are you staying down here, or headed back up?”
The temptation to go back to Lance was enormous. Helping him strip down to his shirt and underwear, Keith had tucked him with plenty of kisses until Lance finally drifted off to sleep. His fiancé looked so angelic when he was slept, though plenty of people would argue the snoring and drooling ruined the effect
“Nah, he’ll be fine. I’m more interested in who’s winning and who’s idea it was to let Coran face Pidge of all people”
“His. Grab a beer and come sit down”
A beer sounded great... This was a party after all... but he’d been a drunken idiot far too many times with Lance taking care of him. The time had come to be an adult and stick with water for the rest of the party
“Ugh. I wish. I’ll be back in a minute”
Being a fae, they were renown as trickster demons. Keith had never seen Coran this competitive as the tables turned on the game of beer pong. Starting to make trick shots, Pidge was soon swapped out for Curtis, heading down the wrong side of tipsy she tripped and landed in Krolia’s lap, declaring a rematch would be had once she’d sobered up enough not to be yelling into Krolia’s crotch. Curtis put on a valiant effort, making more shots than he missed, yet Coran didn’t show the slightest hint of intoxication. Lance would have been shocked. Keith was shocked. In Coran’s world there was nothing better than a good cup of tea... not copious amounts of alcohol.
There came a gradual shift in the mood of the party. It’d become less of a baby shower and more of a “We need to defeat the demon in Lance’s living room” kind of a deal. Curtis was subbed out, six shots his limit. Coran, on the other hand, didn’t get the game and questioned why his cups weren’t refilled. Matt happy to refill Coran’s cups, not mentioning the aim of the game was to make the loser empty all of theirs. After Curtis came Shiro, who already tipsy from the seems of things, was beaten easily as he failed almost every throw, Coran growing more talkative and prideful in defeating their friends one by one. Finishing the cups in front of him, Shiro flopped over backwards where he sat, Coran frowning at losing his opponent as he asked
“Now what happens?”
Rieva retrieved Shiro, dragging him over to prop him up against the chair near Krolia’s feet. Firmly she brought things to an end. Shiro looked absolutely wasted as he sat there with his eyes closed and a smile playing in his lips. He didn’t even seem to notice when Krolia stuck her bare foot under his nose
“That’s it. All the cups on this side are finished”
“That’s rather disappointing. I really quite like this game of yours. My cups are still quite full. Allura, perhaps you would fancy a game?”
Allura laughed politely. She’d been cheering on their friends, though she had no idea what to cheer over, she’d given it her best shot
“I think I’ve seen quite enough. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you consume so much alcohol”
“Nonsense. This is mere dishwater compared to the stuff we used to drink. Barely made a dent, if I do say so myself”
The man had single handedly taken out Pidge, Curtis and Shiro... and was still up for more? Keith could only shake his head at the thought of a drunk Coran being as rambling as a tired Lance
“Krolia, perhaps...?”
“Nope. I’m driving Curtis and Shiro home tonight. Keith’s got Lance to look after, Hunk has to drive Shay home”
“Then perhaps our Shay would care for a game?”
Shay shook her head
“I’m not going there. You’re a demon, what chance do I stand?”
Coran burst into tears. None of them expected it and no one quite knew what to do, apart from Allura who slipped off the sofa to wrap her arms around him to comfort the fae. They couldn’t help being humans
“There, there. They are human after all”
Coran shook his head, puffing his chest out
“Don’t you see, I won! This means I’m the winner! Oh, I can’t remember the last time I won at something so fun, and on my first try!”
A silent groan fill the room. They’d bowed out, and their plan to take Coran was ruined by the sheer amount of alcohol he could tolerate. Allura clearly forced a smile to her lips, Keith sympathetic as this would surely become another of his stories they’d all be stuck listening to
“Uh, yes. Yes, I suppose it does...”
“Wait! I can still drink!”
Waving her left arm, Pidge pushed herself up with her right hand, then flopped backwards against Krolia
“No I can’t! Where’s Lance?! He could do it!”
Patting her arm, Shay broke the bad news to Pidge
“Lance isn’t allowed to drink, it’s bad for the twins”
Pidge’s eyes narrowed, animatedly she yelled angrily
“That undead arsehole! Lance! You suck! Coran, I demand a rematch!”
Coran’s eyes filled with some kind of excitement. Drunk Pidge wasn’t someone to be messed with, heck, sober Pidge wasn’t someone to mess with but with her moral compass out the window anything was likely to happen
“What do you suggest?”
“Mario! You’re gonna lose so bad! That useless Peach is gonna wipe the floor with you! Hunk, we need Mario! I won’t be happy until he feels the devastation of rainbow bridge!”
Hunk pointed to himself, Pidge nodding, Keith wondered if he should say a prayer for Coran now or later on
“This rainbow bridge sounds most interesting. How do you play?”
Pidge wiggled her fingers at Coran as she laughed, failing at trying some kind of spooky accent
“Very very carefully. No one beats Pidge on the rainbow bridge! You hear me, Lance! I’m coming for you too!”
For all her yelling, a long groan of his name from upstairs told Keith that Lance had finally woken up due to their pint sized big mouth. His fiancé’s timing couldn’t have been better as he needed an excuse to flee the living area. Coran had no idea the fire he’d awoken in Pidge. A sober Pidge with a controller in her hands was bad enough, a drunk Pidge with a controller in her hands was near on demonic. With a healthy fear of what would happen should Pidge lose, Keith opted for the convenient excuse of Lance calling for him. Yeah. Whatever happened, the others would totally take care of it... he was not a coward at all.
Sitting on the edge of their bed, Lance had gotten himself tangled trying to take his shirt off. His fiancé’s expression filled with sadness as he softly asked
“Keith... help?”
“Oh, babe. I’ve got you”
Lance had gotten one arm out, and stuck in head hole bit, too sleepy to escape on his own. Walking over to his fiancé, he dropped a kiss on Lance’s head before taking over getting Lance free of his shirt
“I’m sorry...”
“It’s okay. Is there a reason you were getting naked?”
“Wanna take a shower... I made a mess”
As Lance started crying, Keith hushed him. His fiancé pretty much limp as he got his trapped arm free and then helped him out his shirt
“Okay, mister. Pants next”
“I made a mess”
Messes happened. Lance couldn’t help it
“That’s okay, these things happen. Let’s get you out your underwear. Up we go”
Swaying on his feet, Keith pulled down Lance’s underwear as Lance kept his balance with his hand on Keith’s shoulder. The mess wasn’t what Keith expected. Lance’s underwear sodden with cum, his lover half hard as Keith tried not to stare
“Don’t... look... it’s embarrassing”
“You had a wet dream, no big deal. Was it about me?”
“You’re the one who put sex in my head... I want to take a shower”
“Do you remember what happened?”
Downstairs no longer mattered. Keith’s ego elated that Lance had had a sexy sex dream about them
“Keeeeith... please...”
Taking Lance’s half hard erection, Lance groaned as Keith slowly began to jerk him off
“Tell me what happened in your dream”
“Babe... the party”
“Fuck the party... they can afford to miss us and we really don’t want to go back down there right away”
Shifting position, Keith wrapped his lips around the tip of Lance’s dick, sucking lightly as Lance’s hand flew to his hair
Letting his lips slide to meet where his hand was, Keith bobbed his head twice before pulling back
“I want to know what you were dreaming about”
“What about me?”
Jerking Lance faster, his fiancé moaned. He knew teasing was bad, yet was too filled with elated ego not to. Letting himself feel pleasure rather than pressing need to shower and return to the party, Lance panted out his words between moans
“I... you... were riding... my dick... I was fucking you”
“Is that what you want to do? Do you want to fuck my mouth?”
“God, yes”
“Then you better do it like you mean it”
Holding Keith’s head to his groin, Lance slowly built up to fucking his mouth. His pregnant fiancé had urges, and it’d been a long while since they’d used the pocket pussy, as they usually couldn’t slow down and stop themselves long enough to think about anything other than getting off. Hallowing his cheeks, Keith had tears in his eyes, Lance filling his mouth perfectly, even if he seemed to be trying to ram his dick down Keith’s throat, despite how bad it’d initially made Keith gag
“Keith... I’m gonna come”
That was Keith speak for a yes, “while my fiancé’s fucking my face”, Lance easing back enough to give space to Keith as cum flooded his mouth, then dribbled down his chin as he tried to swallow as much as he could. The vampire coming with a low growl as his fingertips scratched Keith’s scalp.
As Lance’s knees gave out, Keith caught him by the hips, pushing him so “fell” sitting on their bed. His lover’s chest heaved, as he brought his breathing back under control, Keith wiping Lance off his face with the back of his hand
“You looked wrecked... and we didn’t even do the do”
He was horny, nearly coming in his pants from blowing Lance. Lance would fall back to sleep if they had sex now. Plus he’d be overly sensitive from coming twice
“You seemed pretty into it”
“I was very into it, now I’m very into going for a shower... want me to return the favour”
A million times yes!
“Nah, it’s fine. That was kind of hot”
“Your mouth was kind of hot... I did try to tell you I was coming”
“The meal was delicious. Am I as good as you dreamt?”
Bringing a hand up, Lance rubbed at his stomach. They’d made about as much mess as what Lance had woken up in... whoops
“Way better in real life... God, I feel fat. Help me up?”
“You’re not fat”
“Are you sure? I feel like I just ran a marathon”
“Babe, you’re in great shape. Round is a shape”
Lance kicked him lightly in the leg for his teasing
“I know how round I am, I don’t need a reminder”
“I’m just saying... You’re a very round little vampire. I wonder how chubby your bat form would be”
“Well don’t... I can’t believe I let you blow me when we should be downstairs entertaining our guests”
“Well I can’t believe it’s not butter”
His lame joke earned him a sigh from his fiancé
“That was terrible. You should feel bad”
“I do. I also feel like bending you over our bed and fucking you senseless, but you’re right, we have a party to get back to”
Lance opened and shut his mouth, cheeks flushed as he looked away from Keith
“I suppose a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt”
God. If only Lance knew how much he wanted to take him up on that offer. He probably should be putting himself in a horny mutt time out, but it’d been sooooo long since he’d had Lance beneath him. His dick was definitely up for it... Time to adult again
“It’s okay, babe, I’m joking. Besides, you’re going to need whatever energy you have left to keep the peace downstairs. Pidge challenged Coran to rainbow bridge”
“Damn. I go down for a nap and miss all the excitement...”
“He also got Shiro, Curtis and Pidge all like drunk by winning beer pong. So it’s drunk Pidge taking on Demon Coran”
Lance groaned
“My poor living room. It’ll never be the same again”
“Nope. Come on, you can lament the loss of your living room in the shower, then maybe we can wrap this party up and go to bed early”
Keith was weak and Lance’s arse was glorious. He’d been going to behave himself, he really had... then he’d been sidetracked. Sitting on the toilet, he told himself he making sure Lance didn’t slip... not ogling his gorgeous fiancé. One thing lead to another and then suddenly he had Lance bent over the bathroom counter, lasting all of a minute. It was quick quickie, even for them. Lance’s arse too cute not to touch, his lover’s opening soft and puffy beneath his fingers when he’d been supposed to help Lance dry off properly. Whoops... Keith tried to feel bad but the strength and warmth of their bond left him smiling like an idiot. He really did deserve a cone of shame around his neck, Lance’s boobs the perfect handful as he lost himself. Nobody pregnant had the right to be as perfect as his mate. His belly so gravid Lance looked as if he had a whole soccer team inside him. Keith definitely knew he had a kink for his very pregnant fiancé, he just didn’t know how to knock said kink on the head. Lance limping as he led him back into their room to get him dressed, Keith promising to clean their cum off the bathroom cabinet and floor before Lance realised he’d only cleaned him up.
Lance insisted on looking “presentable” as Keith helped him into his clothes. Keith annoyed at how many buttons there were that’d he have to undo later to get his vampire naked again. Wisely he kept this to himself. Lance would have smacked if he’d known his mind was still in the gutter after fucking his arse with as much force and need as Lance had fucked his mouth. Maybe he should try bottoming again? The weight of Lance’s stomach hanging low must have been uncomfortable as it’d taken a bit to bring Lance to orgasm, despite his hips having a life of their own. Stealing a few extra moments, Keith wrapped his arm around Lance, dropping kisses to the top of his head as Lance chuckled at him for it. He loved Lance. A good solid dose of cuddles from his fiancé was just the thing he needed before they headed back down to face their friends.
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thebiscuiteternal · 7 years
Hunk and Coran discussing their food cultures. How it reminds them of home.
(i am so sorry, you deserve better than this, but i got completely stuck when i got sick and i didn’t want to keep leaving you with nothing? i will extend it when i feel better.)
Hunk frowned at the jars in his hands, then at the boxes of supplies they’d brought aboard. “Hey, Coran?”
The older man didn’t look up from where he was sorting several pouches into slots in a drawer. “Hm?”
“I’ve been kinda wandering since our stop on Thalani… You know a lot about this stuff and what they all do… How come you never use any of it?”
Coran straightened and opened the next box in one motion, but Hunk still caught it: a slight catch, a small clenching in his hands. “You seem to do just fine working intuitively,” Coran replied, voice even despite the slip. 
Maybe a little too even? And had that been a dodge? He was pretty sure that was a dodge.
Hunk put the jars in their places on the shelf, then dug back into the box he’d been emptying, curiosity bickering with caution. “Well… okay, I guess, but… Don’t you get tired of just putting the same thing in the replicators all the time when you’ve got all this here?”
At a sharp crunch, he started in alarm and looked over to find that Coran had put down a bottle so hard it had cracked, and though he couldn’t see the Altean’s face, every line in the redhead’s body was tense. “C- Coran?” he asked nervously.
“My apologies if my recipe memory’s rusty for anything other than emergency rations,” Coran replied, voice oddly brittle. Not… angry, but-
Unfortunately, his brain skipped a track slightly. “Wait, you’ve been feeding us emergency rations?” he asked, before it actually caught up to where it was supposed to be and he realized the full weight of just what that meant. “All this time… those were…” 
Coran turned away from the supplies they were unpacking, and was out the door before Hunk could catch him.
He felt like an ass. And he was really wishing he’d studied the layout of the ship beyond the areas he’d been working with Pidge in. Coran, he’d just learned, was surprisingly fast when he wanted to be, and now he had no idea where to find the guy.
Luckily, there was someone who always seemed to. 
“-and I have really screwed up, and I gotta fix it,” he finished explaining to Shiro in the training round.
“Geez,” Shiro muttered rubbing the back of his neck. “I can think of one place he’d probably go to cool off, but I’m not sure he’d want me taking you down there.”
“Please? I swear I won’t tell anyone if it’s some kind of secret, but I gotta talk to him.”
“…Alright.” Shiro crouched and put away the spear he’d been practicing with, then whistled. Thatchia, who’d been napping on the railing, hopped down with a chirp and shuffled over to be picked up. “Follow us.”
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meltiverse · 4 years
(Meltiverse Mature Headcanons) Walking in on Mel touching herself and moaning their name (Part 1: universes 01 to 14)
Note: So yeah, this is basically headcanons/drabbles for every one of my f/os if they just so happened to walk in on their universe’s version of Mel while she was touching herself and moaning their name. This is part 1 of 2.
As I mentioned before, I’m not sure why, but I’m so freaking horny recently, maybe it’s Spring or the quarantine giving me way too much time to get lost in my own head, but… Anyways… Sorry if this is TMI.
So, for those headcanons, in some cases, Mel and the f/o already had sex before, in other cases, they did not, but in all the cases, they are in a relationship when it happened and obviously, all the f/os are at least 18 when it happen. You can look at the List of Universes if you’re not sure who are the f/os and what universes they are from.
Also, no pictures, because of the 10 pics limit and I don’t want to have to split this in even more parts.
Warning: Contain mentions of accidental and not so accidental voyeurism, masturbation, use of toys, dirty talking, oral sex, vaginal sex, use of powers and abilities, non-human f/os, non-human genitalia, awkwardness, silliness, some cinnamon roll f/os turning out to be SINnamon rolls… and some other moderately smutty stuff I don’t think is necessary to list.
- Bowser is completely entranced for a few moments, not even really noticing when his cock slips out of it’s slit. But when Mel moan his name, he snaps out of it and makes his way to the bed. Takes it as an invitation and will absolutely fuck Mel into the mattress if given consent, which she will. Mel might not be able to walk the next day…
- Crooks is almost always lowkey horny even when not in heat, as much as he hates to admit it. But seeing his precious little mate like that, touching herself and moaning his name so desperately… he immediately assumes that, somehow, Mel got into heat, even if humans aren’t supposed to have those. He thinks that maybe, since she mated with a monster? Anyways, he does not hesitate to make his presence known and offer his help, his tongue and tentacle-like dicks already materializing in anticipation.
- Papyrus rush into the room, thinking that Mel was calling for his help. Seeing his cute little human naked, a hand between her legs… His skull flushes a cute orange color. He’s not as innocent as he seems and the sight go directly to his crotch, his cock materializing, much to his dismay. He thought he had more control than that. He apologizes for interrupting Mel and is about to leave when suddenly, he changes his mind and decide instead to offer his help.
- Felix freezes completely, panicking. It can’t… it can’t be happening… must be some kind of joke, he thinks. There’s no way someone as cute as Mel can be fucking herself with a toy that look an awful lot like his dick and moaning his name. He must be imagining things… Even if she’s dating him and they had sex quite a few times before… He leaves as discreetly as possible and go to the bathroom for a “guilty wank” and can’t look at Mel without panicking for a few days afterward.
- Until Mel starts moaning their names, both Bebop and Rocksteady just admire the view silently, cupping their hardening dicks through their pants. As soon as they heard their name, they make their presence known, Bebop with a “Need a hand, cupcake?” and Rocksteady following with a “Yeah, let us do it, we can make you cum ‘til you can’t think straight!”
- Bebop is HYPED and pretty much immediately start undressing, jokingly saying “Starting without us, babe? How dare you!” Rocksteady is calmer, waiting for Mel to notice him and motioning him to come to her before moving. “Maybe she wanted alone time. You not thinking about that, Bebop”
- Both Bebop and Rocksteady are so HYPED! Highfive-ing each other and going “My Man!” and then, they immediately proceed to undress and join Mel, decided to show that they can do much better than her toys or her hands. Mel is… a bit discouraged at their somewhat childish reactions but decide to let them pleasure her.
- Rupert knew before he even opened the door. He could easily smell Mel’s arousal thanks to his mutation and was pretty much drooling at the thought of tasting her. “Ah, you smell so sweet, my little pastry! Let me have a taste!” Hearing Mel moaning his name, begging for him… it drive him pretty much feral.
- Vinny is surprised, his kitten is usually pretty shy, seeing her touching herself like that, it’s quite a sight and as such, for a moment, he stays silent out of fear that she might stop this sensual display. But when she moans his name… “Kitten… Ya know ya can always ask for my help, yeah?”
- Coran is torn. In one hand, he wants to let Mel have her privacy and leave her to it, but on the other hand… His name coming out of her lips, the way her back arch as she’s gently rubbing that spot between her legs, like he did to her so many times… It turns him on much more than he wants to admit. He clears his throat to make his presence known, apologize for the interruption and offer to make it up to Mel.
- Hunk is blushing pretty hard and can’t help but get aroused at the sight. “Sorry for interrupting you, babe, but… Can I… Can we? I… really want you right now…” He is glad and relieved when Mel giggle and motion him to join her on the bed. He takes his time to make sure that Mel is fully satisfied.
- Will is 100% a blushy mess who will apologize and pretty much run out of the room… That’s it, until Mel ask him to stay. It doesn’t matter how many times they made love, he’s always so shy about seeing Mel naked. When Mel ask him if he’s willing to help, he feels like he’s falling in love all over again.
- Simon have a pretty wicked smirk on his face as he takes in what he’s seeing. “Well, well, well… Aren’t you a naughty vixen… Are you trying to drive me crazy?” He’s extremely aroused and definitely going to overstimulate Mel if she gives him consent. Might even get his Shibari ropes to tie Mel up.
- Datz is another one who is HYPED. Whistling in appreciation, he almost rips off his clothes in his haste to remove them. “I don’t know what I did to deserve such a treat, but please tell me so I can do it again!” He chuckles and join Mel on the bed, replacing her hand with his mouth.
- Gangrel is, surprisingly, at a loss for words. That’s not something he ever expected from Mel, but he’s definitely not complaining, opting to just enjoy the view, a hand in his trousers to play with himself, until she notices him before finally letting his signature laugh escape his throat. “Oh my… I didn’t expect you to be so… naughty…”
- Gregor is very much turned on by the sight, but at first, intend to leave to let Mel have her intimacy… But then, she moans his name and his resolution is thrown out of the window… “Do you want Gregor to help? You know Gregor can bring you great pleasures, yes? Can Gregor make love to you?”
- Poor Kellam is completely torn apart. He knows he should leave, or at least make his presence known, but his body refuse to move, or even make a sound. He’s completely frozen in place, and he think he’s harder that he ever been before. It’s only when he hears his name that he manages to snap out of it. “I’m… I’m here… oh… Mel… Please… Let me… Can… Can I touch you, please?
- Walhart honestly don’t even notice at first, just quickly glancing at Mel and seeing her, eyes closed and body under the sheets, he thinks she’s just taking a nap. And when she moans his name, he genuinely thinks she’s having a nightmare and asking for his help, so he “wake her up”. It’s only when he sees the embarrassed look and deep blush on Mel’s face that he starts to understand. “Was my Star thinking of me? I shall consider this a compliment, but just so you know… I am certain I can do better than your imagination…”
- Brady pretty much shriek before trying to rush out of the room, apologizing all the while. His heart is beating so fast and his face is red. The picture of Mel, naked and touching herself is stuck in his mind and when Mel come out of the bedroom to see if he’s ok, he try to grab his violin to play an apology song but he can’t think of anything but what he saw, choking up and sobbing as he try to apologize again. Mel, halfway between being amused and worried, try to calm him down: “Come on, Brady. It’s not like it’s the first time you see me naked…”
- This is one of the very few occasions where Gunter will actually get flustered. Even though he does not remember the last time he was so turned on, he is still a gentleman and will make his presence known and apologize for the interruption. But he can’t help but add: “I hope you know that if you want me, all you have to do is ask, I will gladly fulfill any of your desires”
- Izana is definitely enjoying the view. “Hm, looks like you’re having fun! Mind if I join?” He’s just so enthusiast about it, knowing that his cutie-pie think of him even in her private moments make his heart aflutter. He can’t help but praise Mel and pepper her face and body with soft kisses. “The Gods were right when they told me that something very good was going to happen to me today!”
- For Fuga too, it’s one of the very few occasions where he gets flustered. He’s tempted to embrace Mel and make love to her, but at the same time don’t want to invade her privacy. He ends up opting for making his presence known and ask if it’s ok if he pleasure himself in the same room or if Mel prefers to be left alone.
- Yukimura can’t help but observe. After all, Mel is using one of the toys he created for her! Of course, he has to observe, making sure that the toy work correctly, noting if there’s any ameliorations he could make… Maybe even make a quick sketch of Mel… He had a conversation about it with Mel some time before and she did give him full consent to observe her if he ever walks in on her in such situation, so he doesn’t hesitate to get to work.
- Benny is an absolute flustered mess, trying to leave without being noticed but it proves to be difficult with his eyes shut tight and he end up stumbling and causing enough noise for Mel to notice him. She knows how shy he is, that’s why she’s very delicate when she ask him if he’s willing to help, making sure that Benny is aware that it’s his choice and that she wouldn’t blame him in any ways if he rather leave. He ends up deciding to stay, undressing and letting Mel ride him until she’s satisfied.
- Arthur froze for a moment, his dick almost instantly getting hard. He starts wondering when he became so lucky… Or is it another strike of bad luck? He isn’t sure anymore… If Mel get angry at him, it’ll be bad luck but if… if… The moment he hears his name, he’s almost ripping his clothes off, almost falling on his ass in the process, before joining Mel on the bed and passionately making love to her.
- Hubert is, surprisingly, quite flustered. He’s still quite unused to the intimacy between him and Mel. Hell, he’s unused to intimacy, period. And to see Mel in such a… compromising position, moaning HIS name… It does things to him. He’s a busy man, he know he doesn’t spend as much time as he should with his Dove, but now, all he want is to spend the rest of the day making love to her, so he make his presence known and rather bluntly state as such. “I’d like to make love to you, if that is all right with you, my Dove. For the rest of the day, preferably.”
-Hanneman is itching to touch Mel himself. As much as he enjoys seeing her pleasuring herself, he’d rather be the one causing all those delightful sounds to come out of her. He wants to explore her, study her soft body again and again, find what makes her ticks, find the sweetest sounds she can makes. He feels somewhat selfish at his thoughts, but when Mel moan his name, he is decided to see how many times he can get her to climax.
- Jeritza is immediately turned on. When Mel moan his name so lustfully, he takes it as an invitation, not hesitating a single moment to remove his clothes and join Mel on the bed, grabbing the hand that was between her legs to bring it to his mouth, sucking and licking the fingers clean. “I am craving something sweet… And that something is you… I hope you do not mind… If I indulge myself…, my Sweet”
- Dedue have so much going through his head at the same time. Was Mel doing this because he was gone too often to make sure that King Dimitri was doing fine without him? Was it because he didn’t pay enough attention to Mel, even though since the end of the war, pretty much his whole world revolved around her? Dedue desperately wanted to touch Mel, kiss her, bring her to climax himself, but wasn’t able to find the right words to express it. He was relieved when Mel noticed him and asked if he could make love to her.
- Raphael might be a kind man, he can be quite direct with what is on his mind and his sex drive is surprisingly high. “Ooof, Sunshine! What are you trying to do to me?” There’s a noticeable glint of hunger in Raphael’s eyes as he is fixated on Mel, instinctively licking his lips, palming the quite obvious bulge in his pants as he makes his way to the bed. “You look good enough to eat, shortcake” The unusually dark and hungry tone send pleasurable chills through Mel, she knows that she’s in for a hell of a ride.
- Oh… OH! It takes a few moments for Guy to understand exactly what he’s seeing, but once he does, he is surprisingly pretty comfortable with the fact he just caught Mel touching herself and to be honest? He’s incredibly turned on. He absolutely takes it as a challenge to make Mel cum as many times as she can handle, trying to break their last record…  
- Kisame can’t believe his ears… But Mel repeat his name again… and again… It’s… intoxicating… All he can think of is that he wants to hear it again, up close and personal. He wants to wrap his arms tightly around her plump and warm body, he wants to sheath himself deep inside her, to feel her soft breasts and her heartbeat against his chest… Knowing that Mel want him so, it brings out his softer, more loving side.
- On Ibiki’s face, there’s something that could only be described as a sadistic smirk. “What do you think you’re doing, Pet? I don’t remember giving you the permission to touch yourself… It’s almost like you WANT to get punished…” He then proceeds to tie Mel up, edging her and then overstimulating her until he’s satisfied.
- Yamato.exe stopped working. He’s frozen into place, his dick straining against the inside of his underwears, unable to think about what he’s supposed to do. And when he hears Mel moan HIS name… Well, that’s embarrassing… He still doesn’t get why Mel have such an effect on him that he somehow ended up coming in his pants just from seeing her cum and moan his name…
10- A
- Buggy literally fall into pieces from the surprise, but quickly get his body back together and starts bragging about how, obviously, Mel is so in love with him that she couldn’t stop herself. He decides to give Mel what she obviously need… He detaches his dick and demand that Mel uses it to fuck herself while he watches…
- Usopp is nervously shaking, flustered, trying to stop his nosebleed and incredibly turned on, all at the same time. He kinda wants to stay and watch but he’s scared that Mel might get angry, so he tries to leave discreetly, his intent being to take a very cold shower to hopefully solve the problem of his pants suddenly tightening. But then, Mel moan his name and “Don’t worry, the great Captain Usopp is here to bring you countless pleasures!”
- Jabra can’t stop himself from howling in delight at the view, his wolfish instincts pretty much taking control. He’s READY, he’s hard, he’s more aroused than he ever remembers being and he wants nothing more than breed his cute little mate and fill her with his cum. And unless Mel ask him not to, he will transform into his half-wolf form to be able to knot her.
- Smoker gulp audibly, smoke literally coming out of his ears as he takes in what he’s seeing. “So cruel… You know I have work to do, why are you tempting me like that…” Mel stops what she’s doing, blushing from getting caught. Smoker makes his decision. He calls Tashigi on his Den Den Mushi and tells her he decided to take the rest of the day off and that if anyone bothers him in his quarters, he’s going to beat the shit out of them.
- Tyrian immediately walk toward the bed, a spring in his step, a wide and predatory grin on his face. “Oh, my lovely desert flower… Have you any idea how… alluring you look right now? I am tempted to just watch you… but I think I’d rather make you SCREAM my name again and again…” He pins Mel’s wrists to the bed with his tail and then steals a kiss before making his way down her body.
- Bartolomew just look for a few second before snapping out of it. He takes a sip of coffee from his thermos and then, suddenly, he’s on the bed, his body hovering Mel’s. He kisses her, letting his hands explore her, until… “I still have some papers to grade… I’ll be back soon, don’t finish without me.” And he’s gone… Only to return a few minutes later and continue where he stopped.
- Ryoma just discreetly leave and close the door to leave Mel to her privacy. Honestly, he’s a bit pissed at himself for; 1- Not knocking before opening the bedroom’s door and 2- Getting hard from just the small glimpse he accidentally saw. He’s about to go to the bathroom to get rid of his “problem” when he heard Mel’s muffled voice through the door, moaning his name. “Damn it, kitten. Why are you doing this to me?” he mutters to himself before knocking on the door and tell Mel that he’s home, secretly hoping that Mel would ask for his help… which she, of course, does.
- Sakura quickly leaves the room, a blush creeping to her cheeks. She wasn’t ready to see her cute Bunny in such a state. She takes a few deep breaths to calm herself before going to the kitchen to make some tea for herself and for Mel. While the tea is brewing, she goes back to the bedroom’s door to knock and tell Mel about the tea. Sakura doesn’t bring the subject of what she saw, as she isn’t sure how to admit, but she just can’t forget what she saw, and she decides to bring up the topic of “lovemaking” the next day.
- Yasuhiro barge into the room: “Mel-chi! I just “saw” that something really good is supposed to happen to… OH!” A goofy grin finds it’s way on his face. “That was quicker than I expected…” It doesn’t take too long for Hiro to get rid of his clothes and join Mel on the bed, his hands grasping her hips to make her ride him.
- Of course, Teruteru is HYPED! “Oh, Honey, you know you can always ask for my help, yes? I am your willing slave, after all!” and he’s eagerly waiting for an order from Mel. Imposter, on the other hand, is very much a flustered and aroused mess, even if he tries to keep his usual composure. Teruteru notice that Imposter is also turned on by the situation and can’t help but tease… “Looks like someone’s appreciating the view, hm?” Teruteru says, gently cupping and squeezing the bulge in Imposter’s pants before following Mel’s instructions of undressing and joining her on the bed. Imposter join them soon after.
- Surprisingly, Mondo is the one who is a flustered mess, barely stopping himself to yell out of nervousness. “Fuck… That’s way too hot…” “Mondo, language!”, Kiyotaka immediately snaps. Taka is strangely calm, apologizing for the interruption and just start leaving, dragging Mondo, who’s still frozen. What neither Mel nor Mondo knows is that Kiyotaka is totally freaking out on the inside, he just, somehow managed to not show it, for everyone’s sake. But once Mel ask for their help, Mondo and Taka team up to make sure to leave her breathless and completely satisfied.
- Winston was working on a few projects when Athena notified him of something worrying going on with Mel, apparently, her heartbeat was going faster than usual, her body temperature was rising, and she was even calling Winston’s name. Of course, he was worried, so he went to Mel’s room, asking Athena to open the door when Mel didn’t answer him. He would’ve never expected to see Mel on her bed, naked, a hand between her legs. She was wearing headphones, hence why she didn’t answer him. Winston just turn back to face the door and try to leave, but suddenly, Athena is… uncooperating and refuse to open the door until Winston takes some time to “rest”. “Damn it, Athena! Did Lena put you up to this?” Mel finally notices and remove her headphones and Winston apologize and explain the situation, still facing the door. He tries to take a deep breath to calm himself… Bad idea, he can SMELL Mel’s arousal and it’s not helping him to keep his self-control… And then Mel ask if he’s willing to help and the small amount of self-control he had left is gone.
- Zenyatta, being an Omnic, do not get aroused in the same ways a human does, nor does he need to masturbate, but he knows enough to understand the situation. He finds it rather fascinating, to be honest, considering it to be almost meditative in a way. He decides to offer his help to Mel, as hearing her moaning his name is one of the few things that does have an effect similar to arousal on him…
- Zarya feels like she’s falling in love even more, if that’s even possible. “Любимая моя (My Sweetheart), have you any idea of the effect you have on me right now?” She walks up to the bed, removing a few pieces of clothing before joining Mel on the bed, kissing her, caressing her and whispering sweet nothings in Russian.
- Junkrat is almost vibrating in excitement, a hand already in his shorts to touch himself “Well, ain’t that a pretty sight! Should we give ‘er what she’s cravin’, Hog?” Roadhog just grunt a “Yeah”, giving a thumbs up to Junkrat with one hand and palming his hardening dick through his pants with the other. “Gunna BLOW my load deep inside that sweet cunt of yours, Darl!”, Junkrat warns. “Squeal for me, Piglet”, Roadhog demands…
- “Well, well, well! What do we have here?” Discord pretty much immediately teleport to the bed and coil himself around Mel’s body, his forked tongue flickering out to lick her neck. “Didn’t think you could do that without me, did you? Why even bother with touching yourself when you know very well that I can make all your wildest fantasies come true?” Discord says as his dick slowly unsheathe directly inside Mel, filling and stretching her more than it should be possible.
0 notes
dani-fandom · 7 years
My in-time thoughts on VLD Season 4
*cracks knuckles* Alright kids buckle up, because this is about to be an entire dissertation on season 4.
So I’ve watched the season twice now, and though I originally really disliked it, I’ve softened up and wrote down all my thoughts as I was watching it the second time around, plus some general overall thoughts at the end.
It’s gonna be under a read more because trust me. It needs to be.
Episode 1: Code of Honor
My least favorite freaking episode
This episode makes me want to die
Kolivan to smaller blade: Do not engage
Me: okay so that’s Keith then
So, like, how much of their mission depended on that guard being asleep at the station
Because he would have noticed the hack if he was awake
Okay, but like, Keith’s right, you asshole
He had the intel
It’s too bad we never see Regris’ face but oh well
This is 100% a fake Shiro, he would never be so short to Keith
But, Keith does need to get his head out of his ass and work with Voltron
Keith: this is your dream, Shiro, not mine
Man I hate clone Shiro
I am 100% sure that he’s a clone
Even if he flies the Black lion
She’s a flip
It’s actually really cool how they’re putting on shows for the people
It should be taken seriously
“It won’t take long” then why did you just reach the Galra cruiser as the show started
*sings softly* I will go down with this ship (Regris’ theme song)
Keith shut the fuck up, you need a lecture
Do not interrupt Allura you bitch
I get it, Lotor is important, but you have a job
“The Mamora can go on without you, they have for thousands of years. Voltron cannot.”
I’m very salty about Kuron being able to fly the Black Lion
You are a fake ass bitch, Black Lion
jk, I love you
but seriously
“I knew this would happen eventually” okay but like, Kuron, you let Keith go on these missions
Like, it’s mostly your fault
My sister watching the Galra attack: I hope Keith learns his lesson
Me, internally: no he just continues to do whatever the hell he wants
My sister: This fake Shiro is better than Keith at this point
Me: oh worm?
“You keep saying you’re sorry but your actions speak otherwise” yes Allura drag him
The group shot is cute
But fuck it
Voltron fandom: hey can you like not hyperfocus on Keith and his plot in every single season
Voltron writers: ok lol *immediately boot Keith from the team and we never see him again until the end of the season*
Voltron fandom: confused.gif
Episode 2: Reunion
Matt and Pidge are the best siblings ever
He brought her CAKE
I love Matt
I love Matt
I live for Pidge beating that Uniloo trader
Such a badass
She just swoops in and takes out those Galra fighters in front of the freedom fighters
She’s so cool
Man those rebel ships really aren’t designed for maneuverability are they
I wish Tiosh didn’t die
She seemed cool
“You look so much like him, it’s the eyes.” And the entire rest of the face like they are basically carbon copies
Freaking family of nerds
The lighting is so soft in the flashbacks I love them
“The most powerful processor is right here and it can never be hacked” uhhh are you sure about that
Me: this episode is titled “Reunion” and we see them together, and I saw the leaked stuff
I know we know that Matt isn’t dead but damn if I wasn’t about to bawl with Pidge
That whole scene? I was wrecked
I don’t want my daughter to cry
Looking at it now, assuming the markers are all rebel fighters, it might be safe to assume that the ones with the lights on are still alive, which is why some of them were on and some were not
I live, breathe, and die for the sibling fight
They never explain what the bounty is for
Like, damn, Matt what did you do to have a bounty on your head???
What kinda technology does the Garrison have that they can fix eyes???
The whole ending scene is adorable
Episode 3: Black Site
At first I didn’t like Matt’s reaction to Allura but tbh same
He is a walking shitpost/meme and I love him
I live for the slow pan to Shiro’s face
The sibling tour is the coolest thing ever
Also, like, is Haggar never going to bring up the whole, “hey so we were married and you threw me into a rift to save me” thing to Zarkon?
Like, never?
Didn’t she, like, bring him back to life?
“Hey, this is pretty goo…d.” I love him
I live for Matt being a proud, supportive older brother
I feel so bad for Narti
She deserved better
Also, Kova is never talked about
The entire Kaltenecker scene is sent from God himself
Lotor is talking out of his ass so obviously
It is so cringe-y
I hate Haggar
Why did she have to hack into Narti???
Im so upset about this
“What are we, animals?” I LOVE MATT
Also he was complimenting Hunk
Thank you
Everything about the Kaltenecker scene is executed perfectly
Ezor is so beautiful
Like I cannot stop staring at her when she is on screen
I have no idea what Hunk, Matt, and Pidge are saying, but I love them
Nerd squad!!!
“We have to help” Allura if only you knew
If only you knew
I literally screamed when he killed Narti
Like, oh my god
Narti didn’t do anything wrong
Zethrid and Ezor are so sad, I am so sad
I am so upset
Episode 4: The Voltron Show
Why does this episode exist
It did nothing for the plot
We already knew that they were doing the shows, we didn’t need to dedicate an entire episode to them
Also we didn’t need to dedicate an entire episode to humiliating the characters
I mean, seriously, Humorous Hunk who is clumsy and farts a lot?
We didn’t even get development surrounding Coran (besides seeing his awesome room)
His framed picture of Alfor??? I love it
It was just him with a weird brain bug
I almost screamed watching it crawl into his ear
I still have goosebumps
It was basically just a waste of 24 minutes
They could have done so much more with it
This could have even been episode 1, which would lead more into Keith leaving because he wouldn’t want to do the shows
Episode 5: Begin the Blitz
Ezor I love you
Also I just noticed how her head tail thing is wrapped up in her helmet
Yeah, Acxa. Narti trusted Lotor and she got shanked
Okay, so we see that he and Zethrid are on the other ship, but then when the ship goes through???
What happens?
They say it fails, but shouldn’t they both be dead?
Shouldn’t they have been torn to shreds like the other rift? Or did they just go straight through, and not make it to the other reality?
Rolo and Nyma and Beezer!!
Im kinda glad they’re back tbh
Also the Galra he body slams kinda looks like the “Operation Kuron” Galra, but I’m not 100% sure
Okay literally we never see any female Galra generals until this season and we see three with like ten minutes of each other
Im not complaining, but like, wow
“Roger, Ribbit” is…is that a Roger Rabbit pun
Well, bye then, roger ribbit
Nice knowin ya
I love those three Galra we see on the surface
The one that just hops away is my favorite
I mean, I know they’re probably dead but still
Why doesn’t Voltron always use Hunk’s laser cannon???
It works, it takes out multiple ships at once
But they like never use it
“For Narti” get him, Acxa
I love my plotting alien ladies
I wish they would join up with Voltron
But no, instead we get Lotor at the end coming to them
Also, why would they put their captive in the ship with the major destructive lazer?
Like, this is Lotor we’re talking about
Why would you do that
Episode 6: A New Defender
I hate the description of this episode because I was so sure that they were going to have Keith save the day and I am so tired of him being The Most Important
I’m screaming over Lotor deciding to take a nap in deep space
Like man did you really not know those beacons existed?
The visuals of the star are stunning, honestly
Moral of this episode: when Lance says you should go, you go
They wouldn’t have been stuck if they had just jumped into action
But no, they had to stay and look
“Maybe we can get through this energy field” really, Kuron? Maybe? That’s real reassuring
I’m just not going to talk about how those lasers should have hit them as they jumped
They totally should have gotten hit
Are Galra sentries just the Voltron stormtroopers?
I straight up thought Allura was gonna die
I almost screamed
Also did she just never bring up that she discovered Haggar was Altean in the end of Season 2?
Like, really?
Lance’s speech makes me want to cry
I love him
I love him
He’s so supportive
He’s the one keeping them all together, I can’t get over it
I’m so happy that Allura is the one who saves them, but also that Lance is the one who gave her the pep talk
I feel so bad for Coran, I can’t imagine how helpless he must feel being told to just get away
I hate Keith’s self-sacrificial personality
I hate it
Hate it
“I HATE YOU MOM” Lotor, probably
I hate this end
I hate it
I don’t want another Zuko
I mean, I know he’s totally doing this for himself
But still
I hate it
I don’t want him to be Zuko
OVERALL GENERAL THOUGHTS: This season was okay. It wasn’t my favorite (they go in this order: 1,3,4,2) but I didn’t dislike it as much as I did season 2. I will say that if you remember that Season 3 and 4 were originally supposed to be one combined season, it makes zero sense. Perhaps they omitted an episode in the middle to make it seem like two separate seasons, but still. Suddenly Keith is the Black paladin, and then just as suddenly he’s leaving Voltron? They introduce Lotor and then have him separate from his generals and go to Voltron in the same season? Like, if you look at 3 and 4 as standalones, they operate better than they would have together. If it had been one big season, that would have been horrible writing and pacing. It’s better apart, but still.
But anyway, this season was aight. I loved “Reunion” and “Black Site” more than life itself, but I feel like episodes 1 and 4 could have been handled differently. If they really wanted to do the shows it should have been in episode one, where it is already mentioned that they do the air shows. This would further drive Keith from the team, because we all know he would probably rather die than do those scripted acts. But this way we’d kill two birds with one episode, and I wouldn’t have to spend 24 minutes cringing over the secondhand embarrassment in episode 4.
What they could have done with episode 4 instead if they had smushed 1 and 4 together:
Backstories for Lotor and the girls, or even just how they all met each other. We get a very vague sense of loyalty between them in season 3, but as soon as he guts Narti that all flies out the window with little explanation
Why was their bond so strong that the death of Narti would cause even Acxa (whose defining characteristic is that she’s the most loyal to Lotor) to turn against him?
What did they mean when they said that his plan failed “again?” What other plans have failed before?
Why was Lotor exiled?
Exploration of the whole Zarkon + Haggar = Lotor thing
Seriously, the timeline is all screwed up
It makes no sense for them to have had Lotor pre Zombie-fication, plus, Coran definitely would have mentioned that, and/or Allura would have known him prior with how close their parents were
And he refers to his mother as “Honnerva” like who told him that that was her name? Haggar didn’t even know that was her name until the end of last season so who was telling him that?
It’s obvious that Zarkon didn’t remember that Haggar is Honnerva, and for some reason she didn’t tell him when he woke up/when she brought him back to life again
Side note: I bet the reason he’s covered in armor now is that he actually looks like a wreck, like skin sliding off and all that gross shit
Everyone wants to talk about how horrible his childhood must have been and yadda yadda, but why not show us? For all we know, he could have been pampered to no end, or he could have that heartbreaking backstory that everyone wants him to have
Deeper look at the Operation Kuron
Also, fake Shiro never mentions his headaches in this season
But, like I was 1000% convinced that Shiro was with Matt and the rebels, so where is he actually?
Did the Black Lion send him back to Earth?
Closer look at the rebels/freedom fighters
Besides episode 2 we don’t really get a good look at them
Olia is never really introduced, she’s just suddenly there in the Voltron meetings
I didn’t even know that was her name until after I had watched the season twice
It’s hard to feel for characters that get killed when we don’t have a face to associate with them
Star Wars does this very well, in my opinion, making you care about characters/pilots right before they meet their untimely but ultimately predictable death
In regards to the last two episodes, I really really really hate that Lotor is now going to be seen as a “Prince Zuko” type character. You can tell by his voice and expressions in the end that he is in this totally for himself, but we know he is not above groveling and humbling himself to get what he wants. I would love to say that the Voltron Coalition is smarter than that to let Lotor join them, but I do not have that much faith. I already know that Keith is gonna be the first to be like “but he saved us! #NotAllGalra!” or whatever. Idc about that, what I do care about is the fact that he is a lying son of a bitch and I will not feel bad for him until I have a reason to, and we do not have a reason yet.
I feel like it would have made more sense for the girls to be the ones to intercept and save the day. They said they had one more option, but we never see it. I thought it was obvious that they were going to try to appease Voltron but??? I guess not?? Not knowing where they are going is less of a cliffhanger than if it was Lotor who disappeared into deep space, searching for another rift or something. It would have made more sense for Lotor to completely switch places with the girls from episode 5 to 6. Let them get chased by the Galra and have them stumble across the transmissions, realize that that is their chance to help and get on Voltron’s good side, and succeed. Let Lotor be like “I have one more option” and don’t tell us. That is a better cliffhanger (in my opinion) than having Lotor being all snarky in front of Voltron and the girls off who-knows-where.
As far as character development, to quickly sum, Lance went backwards/stayed where he was (I mean we see him care about Keith leaving in ep 1 but that’s it and he’s a flirt again until the very last episode), Pidge went forwards (I guess technically), Hunk went forwards a bit (wasn’t reduced to a food joke, and was actually badass and praised for his smarts more than once), Keith just seems to be regressing, Allura got development in the end I guess, and I don’t care about Kuron so we’re just gonna ignore him for now.
I didn’t really care about ship interaction one way or another, so I won’t comment on that stuff.
I just want to put this out there, I love all of the characters. I love Keith to bits and I just want him to be happy and feel loved. I really hated how they took him away from the team. I hated it! It just feeds into his idea of not being needed and I hate it! (Do I think he left even partly because of what Lance said last season, not really tbh) Like Kuron said himself he was fine with just helping in other ways. I don’t understand why that couldn’t have been the end of it (for a bit at least) and let the other paladins tell Keith how much they want him to stay and work it out with them. I don’t get it.
TLDR; This season was okay. I’m in the middle with it, I just wish episode 4 either hadn’t existed or was made into something else. And I don’t want Lotor to be another Prince Zuko.
0 notes