#sorry couldn't tag the fics im on my phone :') will do it later
taegularities · 1 year
I’m craving for a dilf jk fic 😩 can you recommend some good ones?
hii!! tbh, the only ones i remember off the top of my head are @chryblossomjjk's the weekend, @sparklingchim's long way home and @venusiangguk's the art of. if anyone knows more, pls feel free to comment! 💕
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c0wb0yenthusiast · 2 years
Yearning || Phillip Graves x Fem!reader
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Word count - 2.1k
Summary - inspired by @rors-grvs 'diet mountain dew' fic! But involving Graves instead, their writing is amazing you should go check it out!
Warnings? - READER IS OVER THE AGE! just for clarification thank you :() also it's a fem!reader this time I'm sorry if anyone identifies differently 😞 I promise I'll start doing more neutral stuff. Also this could potentially get a part 2 if you're interested! VERY LIGHT SMUTTY ASPECTS IM SO SORRY I FORGOT ABT THAT
Tag list : @sarahs-secrets2 :))
"I'm sorry," his voice drawled into the speaker, "Repeat that for me, doll?"
You were huddled up in your room, hands clasped over the phone as if it were going to leap out of your reach. You couldn't get enough of it. His voice.
".. Nothing.", you whispered back, trying to keep composure. It wasn't even yours - you wouldn't want your dad questioning why you had his number, his best friend's number.
"No, no, you've pulled me in now. How come you're getting all shy?", he let out a breathy chuckle, barely heard from your side of the call.
".. Are you laughing at me?", you couldn't help but smile.
"Hm.. Maybe.. I don't see why you don't just come on over and find ou-"
"Y/N! I'm going to need my phone back now!", your dad was now calling from the hallway. Shit.
You had told him you were looking for birthday presents on his phone - God, what would he say if he knew what you were doing?
"Okay- bye-", you cut yourself off, now dropping the phone into your lap.
Your dad came in, smiling, "Did you have a good look?"
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll find something great for me anyways.", you got up promptly, handing him his phone back.
"Well, I've got to head out and pick up a delivery. You okay on your own here?"
"Oh, that's the thing, Dad... Is it okay if I go over to see Phillip? He's got this dvd that he was gonna show me.", you were lying through your teeth and it felt like pure tar coming out of your mouth. You couldn't help it though, it would probably be for the best if your dad never knew.
"Of course, sweetie. Do what you're doing and I'll see you later.", he left.
The door clicked open, Phillip instantly taking up the space in the doorway as he made eye contact with you.
"Hey, doll.", he smiled.
His dirty blonde hair was brushed to the side as usual, but today he was wearing a dark polo shirt which clung to his biceps as he crossed his arms over his toned chest.
"Hi.", you didn't know what to say; your heart was still racing from your almost scandalous phone call not so long ago.
"Why don't you come on in?", he moved aside, making way for you.
You walked inside slowly, taking cautious steps on the smooth marble. Phillip was acting as if he didn't remember, as if the phone call never happened. You didn't know how to react, but decided it was best to just go with it.
"My dad's just gone out to.. Get something for me."
"Yeah, I heard it's going to be his little princess' birthday soon.", he followed after you, you could feel his eyes wandering from the folds in your shirt to your jeans.
You didn't realise your dad still referred to you as that, it felt so embarrassing to hear Graves mention it. You hadn't been called that for years.
"Well... I'm hardly l-little anymore.", you sputtered, laughing nervously as you took a seat by the kitchen island. You rested your elbows on the counter and had your eye on Graves as he leaned against it.
"Is that so?", he turned to face you, smirking ever so slightly.
"... Yes.", you were at a loss for words in the presence of this man.
"Well, you want anything special for your birthday, doll? My treat.", Graves' tone was friendly, inviting and genuine. He meant it.
"No, it's okay, Phillip.", you smiled at him, fidgeting with your nails. Calling him Phillip was reserved for times when you were both alone, it was much more warmer and felt quite personal to you.
"Okay, I'll just keep it a surprise then. I can't just not buy you a birthday present. It would be out of line...", he continued to mutter to himself as he walked off, presumably into the living room.
You eyed him curiously, before frantically reeling your gaze away from his ass - he looked really good in those pants.
"Come on! I need some help with something." he called out, which made you jump and follow him curiously. It was obvious he lived alone. Heck, he was probably the only lonely person on this street, everyone else had a family or at least a spouse. Many figured it was due to his job; being stationed all over the world and having to run off whenever he was called was inconvenient for a spouse.
It never bothered you though. It was only until you started making advances that he caught the idea and would play along, until he'd have to leave for awhile - which could range from a month to around a year. The last time you'd been speaking before this week was last year's 4th of July party. As the fireworks went off, you two were hooking up in the nearest bathroom.
Sometimes you wished one day he could even get called in and never come back. You knew how horrible it was, but sometimes you wondered if it would continue. It's only a little fling, you would tell yourself repeatedly, pacing around the room as you could hear it on loop. It was so bad to think, but the thought of telling your dad about this someday was the only thing that kept this thought strong and you hated it.
As you entered the living room, Phillip was perched by the cabinet in the corner of the room. The door was wide open as piles of CDs towered over one another, the plastic covers shining as the light reached them for a considerably first time in awhile.
"I've been needing to go through these ever since I got back..", he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as his gaze shifted from you to the CDs.
"Oh, sure.", you complied, now eyeing the CDs properly and scanning through the titles. God, he had a lot of classics.
"I'm sorry, the Evil Dead?", you turned to him, holding the CD in your hand accusingly in his direction.
"Hm? Oh, I never liked that. My colleagues kept talking about it once so I picked it up and watched it. Too bloody.", Phillip shrugged, taking it in his hands and tracing his fingers over the cover. "I'm keeping it."
"What?", you raised your eyebrows, amused by his contradiction, "You just said you didn't like it."
"True, but.. It's good memories.", he cast a fond smile at it before shelving it once more.
You narrowed your eyes and rested your hands in your hips, "I don't suppose you're going to say that for all of them."
"What? No, of course not."
"Okay." you let out a sigh, "You asked me to help, so I'll help."
It had been over an hour and the two of you had managed to go through all the DVDs in the cabinet. A huge black bag was now filled to the brim and the cabinet was half empty, looking somewhat respectable now.
You had been holding your shirt up to your nose for most of the process due to the unbelievable amount of dust that coated some of the CDs. However, that didn't stop you from ordering Phillip on which DVDs he had to drop. The way he pouted almost swayed you, but you kept an iron fist and commanded him through the whole process.
You also noticed how he had been looking at your exposed stomach due to you pulling up your shirt slightly, the glint in his eyes were carnal.
Both of you were now laid back on the couch, trying to catch your breath. You had your arms rested loosely at your sides, but Phillip laid his over his chest, fingering the fabric of his polo softly as he was looking out onto the backyard through the window.
"How.. How was that?", you didn't move, but could feel his position shifting as he was about to answer.
"Quite nice actually..", he murmured. It was quite rare to see him so.. Calm? Was that the word? He seemed so vulnerable in this moment that you felt as if one wrong move would disrupt it.
"Oh, that's good..", you smiled, your breathing was still shallow and a little unsteady from all that heavy lifting.
"I don't suppose you.. Have to go now..", he was pausing to take small breaths, still looking away from you.
You hadn't checked your phone the whole time you were here.
Trying not to change the mood, you picked it up smoothly and switched it on.
You have 0 notifications.
You couldn't help but sigh as you fell back into the cushions.
"No.. I'm fine, I can stay."
"Good.. Good..", you could hear him learning into the sofa more as he had a hand on his chin. He was thinking, but about what?
"I just wanted to.. Talk about that phone call earlier.."
The sofa creaked a little. He was moving closer now.
A warm hand slid around your shoulders, fingers tracing over your collarbone lightly.
"Doll, you know I like to tease at times..", his voice was husky and low, you could feel his hot breath on your cheeks.
"Mhm..", you let out a whisper, avoiding eye contact so you didn't have to meet his almost ravenous gaze.
"I.. I just love seeing that damn look on your face.. The way you laugh at me.. It's all quite cute, really, and it's been making me think.."
His other hand reached to cup your cheek, you could feel the callouses and bumps that have been worn into his palms overtime. He stroked your cheek, tilting his head slightly to get a better view of you.
"I just wanna know how cute you'd be in my bed, that's all.."
Blush was creeping up your cheeks at an alarming rate, you could feel your face getting hot, your throat becoming dry and your hands aching to unbutton his restricting polo.
"What do you say, doll?"
You couldn't help but nod, before swallowing and blurting out, "Yes, God yes-"
You wrapped your arms around his neck suddenly and kissed him. Hard.
He reciprocated, pushing against you as his hands were now sliding up your shirt and hastily unclipping your bra.
You gasped, letting out a quick, "Phillip!", feeling him smirk against your lips as he was now cupping your breasts with his bare hands, making you almost melt at his touch. You've been waiting for this for too long, nothing could stop you-
A sudden ringing from nearby.
You both instantly sprang away from one another, whipping your head around frantically to find the source.
Your phone.
Your dad was calling.
Your eyes widened as you answered and held it to your ear, Phillip resting his head on your shoulder, his hand was now on your thigh.
"Oh, hey Dad.."
"Hi, sweetie, bad time?" God, its like he almost knew.
"No! No.. Uhm, what's up?", you sharply inhaled, feeling his fingers tracing up and down your leg.
"I just wanted to see if you were still with Phillip, I've gotta ask him something."
You froze in your seat, before remembering how you had told him you would be here. This whole fiasco was like an undercover mission.
"Oh.. Yeah.. Here.." you chuckled weakly, holding the phone up to him.
Phillip cleared his throat, still caressing your thigh, he responded, "John, what's the matter?"
As he spoke to him on the phone, his hand was getting closer and closer to the button on your jeans. He was grinning smugly as he talked, not even looking to see your reaction.
"Oh, no need to worry, I'll have princess home soon.", before you knew it, the call had ended and he wasn't moving.
Phillip turned to look at you, fondness could be detected in the way he was eyeing you.
"Doll..", he rasped, smiling weakly, "You need to get on home now."
".. What?", you sat up straight, trying to ignore how hot his voice was.
"I don't want your daddy thinking anything... Wrong.. Is happening."
Your heart raced, "Does he know-"
"No, no..", he pressed a finger to your lips, "I just.. I think it's best for you to head off now."
He was lying and you knew it.
You could see the dejected demeanour as he guided you to the door. You could definitely see the bulge he was now sporting as a result of you.
The door slammed behind you just as you started to leave. You already knew he was finding a way to get rid of that. It was easy to imagine; Phillip pacing the tiled floor, cursing under his breath as he probably stripped down to take hot, steamy shower.
Oh God, it's so weird to live so conveniently close to a really hot guy.
You're sure your birthday barbecue will be much more interesting.
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yatgb · 1 year
okay so @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut has the idea for Comiseration Monday, where since ao3 is down instead of recommending a fic we share from a current wip we're making so im just gonna go for it to keep giving myself motivation for this harmony fic LMFAO (im not in the 911 lone star fandom so sorry op for randomly tagging you with splatoon XD)
Harmony was awake, but she wasn't moving. Her blanket was hiked high over her shoulders, and the afternoon sun was already beating down hard, making the heat nearly unbearable under the thick comforter. She couldn't care. A familiar rustling in her hair is what stirred her more awake. Her little black clownfish was scrubbing itself along her tendrils, tugging in a few places. She was half-tempted to sting it, even though she knew that wouldn't have done anything. "What are you doing?" She decided to ask. "Your ties fell off," it mumbled. "And I'm keeping clean." "Gross." She reached a hand up and grabbed a bundle of tendrils to pull them under the blanket. "I don't want your fish flakes on my hair." "Then brush it out." It scrubbed itself closer to her scalp, tugging at her tendrils. "You need to get up." Harmony blinked at the wall. "I don't have any plans." "I'm hungry." "I'll feed you later." If she remembers. Another tug on a tendril. "You're hungry." "I'll eat later." No, she won't. "You didn't eat yesterday. It's almost noon." The fish nibbled on her bangs, its fin patting against her cheek. "You're hungry." Maybe she was, but she couldn't feel it right now. She could hardly feel anything except the heat waves coursing through her body. All her tears were spent by now, her chest was hollow and empty. Her pillowcase was soaked in drool by now, but she couldn't muster the will to move. Her brain kept drawing a blank, and every time it drifted back to a certain someone, she couldn't even feel her throat closing up until it was hard to breathe. Her fish nestled itself into her hair splayed over her bed, given up on getting her to move. She knew it was right, she needed to get up and eat, but all she wanted to do was go back to sleep.
Her stomach growled. "Eat something," her fish mumbled. She uncurled her arm from her stomach, to reach over to her nightstand for her phone. "Okay. Fine." Anything to get you to shut up. 
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veeveex3 · 2 years
Just The Two of Us (Idia Shroud x gn!reader)
Tags: fluff, hurt / comfort, crack (?), miscommunication trope (derogatory), my attempt at perspective shifting and humor, idia slander /lh (idk why I bullied him sm in this chapter lolol)
Word Count: 3602
It's been a week since your last date with Idia and you're starting to believe that he's lost interest in you. However, Idia is insecure from what has happened on said date. Luckily, you're both able to clear each other's misconceptions.
AN: hhhhhh i'm sorry this took so longggg i just knew what I wanted to right but not how to write it, y'know. also i wanted to take a break from writing longer fics since I wrote the last one in the middle of the night (as if i'm not doing that again-)
You lay awake in bed. It's 1 am, the air is cool and the only noises you can hear are the trees shaking outside and Grim's little snores. You should, theoretically, be asleep right now. But your worries keep you up.
It's been about a week since your first, and seemingly last date with Idia Shroud. The boy you've had a crush on for so long. The boy you've been close friends with for even longer. And he hasn't talked to you since. You thought he hated you for that date. Maybe it was because you knew of his anxiety and still made him go outside. Maybe it was because you kicked him too much while playing that arcade game. Maybe it-
Your thoughts are luckily silenced by the bright light coming from your phone. You glance over at the notification. Speak of the devil.
Sans: hey you up?
You were annoyed by how nonchalant he seemed despite trying to avoid you for the past week but your desire to be closer to him was stronger than any resentment you had for the boy.
You: no lol
Sans: oh (╥﹏╥)
Sans: im sorry for waking you
Sans: forgot normies needed their sleep
Sans: ill let you sleep
You: no it's fine. i was just joking
Sans: ಠ︵ಠ
You: so, did you wanna talk about something?
There was silence for a few moments. Maybe he really was mad at you; you would think if the constant flickering of ellipses at the bottom of your screen had anything to say for it.
Sans: just wanted to ask you something (´-﹏-`;)
You: and this couldn't wait until morning??
Sans: yes
Sans: i wanna see you again
Sans: in person
Sans: i miss you
Sans: i really do
Your heart tightened with a multitude of different feelings. On one hand, you were upset because he could've spoken up about this beforehand. On the other hand, you would feel really bad to get mad at him if he was serious. And on a separate hand that swatted the other two away, you just wanted to hold your firey little shut in so bad!
You: you better not be lying y'know!
Sans: im not!!!
You: good, cuz i miss you too dumbass
Sans: (≧▽≦)
Sans: wait dumbass?!?!
If you were mad before, that feeling was swiftly filled with amusement. You tried to keep your laughter in, so as not to wake Grim, who was still peacefully sleeping at the edge of your bed. Feeling mischievous, you decided to tease Idia.
You: so, you wanna see me so bad huh???
Sans: ye?
Sans: if it's about me being distant for the past week, ikik
Sans: id rather talk about it in person though
Sans: i don't wanna talk about it over text and have you not believe me and get a bad end!
Your nerves started to grow again. You two didn't even start dating yet and he wanted to break up?! Hopefully this was just a misunderstanding on your behalf but given how tired and already upset you were before, it was hard to think rotationally.
You: k. how about we meet up tomorrow? or today ig
Sans: SO SOON?!?!
You were confused by his response. Clearly if he wanted you two to stay friends then he'd want to have this conversation earlier than later.
You: yeah, why not??
Sans: alright alright fineee
Sans: just dont come super early
Sans: maybe around 12 or something
You: sure. see you
You hoped your texts didn't come off as too bitter but honestly, you just really didn't want the relationship you two started to end so quickly. With that text, you tried to go back to bed.
Idia: alright
Idia: night
Idia dropped his phone on his desk and plopped his face in his hands. Your texts seemed dryer than usual, you didn't respond back to his good night text telling him he should go to bed as you usually would, and you wanted to see him this soon?! Idia's leg began to bounce as he bit his lip in frustration. He should really clean up his room now. Yeah he would have less time to grind in the newest MMORPG he started playing but it's the price he had to pay for you not to call him a disgusting NEET.
Idia got up from his chair to stretch. His lips positioned themselves into his usual frown as he checked his phone to see if you replied.
.*♡Prefect♡*.: sure. see you
That was the last message you sent to him.
"Of course they're upset at me still" Idia thought to himself, "I mean, I did avoid them for the past couple of days." Since he didn't go to school in person, he spent 90% of his time in his room. Even then, he wouldn't respond to your texts.
.*♡Prefect♡*.: hey! how are you today??
.*♡Prefect♡*.: is everything alright??
.*♡Prefect♡*.: are you upset?
Of course he wasn't upset at you, you miracle given to him by the Great Seven themselves! Why would he be? You're nice to him, your patient, you care about his needs more than he did, you let him kiss you on the cheek-
Idia let out a long, pitiful sigh. He leaned against his desk chair, forehead digging deeper and deeper into the headrest. He wanted to kiss you again. Hell, he would give up almost anything to kiss you properly. But he knew he wouldn't be able to. I mean, yeah you took him out on a date, sure. But why would you, the nicest, sweetest, most precious, and most attractive person be ok with him kissing you, let alone on the lips.
He slowly picked himself up from his chair. I mean, his room isn't going to pick itself up!
"I just really hope they're not mad at me" Idia muttered to himself, "I really do."
Noon came and you found yourself pacing at Idia's door. Unknown to you, Idia was exhausted from cleaning his room all night and loathing all morning. And unknown to Idia, you were fiddling with the hem of your shirt, thinking that Idia wanted to end your relationship seemingly as soon as it started.
You hesitantly knocked on the door. You heard a soft yelp from the other side followed by a couple small crashes.
"H-hold on a second!" You heard Idia yell from the other side. "And don't startle me like that!" A moment later, the door unlocked and Idia peeked through the crack as he normally did.
"Did you really have to knock that loud?" His voice was soft but still had the air of annoyance you were used to. You nodded you head with a stupid smirk on your face, to which the boy rolled his eyes and opened the door for you.
His room was a lot cleaner than it usually was: his bed was neatly made, any wrappers and boxes were either thrown out or neatly put away, and the cords that were usually littered across the floor were tucked away under his PC. You have Idia a dramatic shocked face while looking at his room and back at him.
"Are you sure this is your room?!" you teased, "It's so clean! And I can barely smell the usual burnt hot pocket stench in here!" Idia lightly bonked you on the head for that remark, causing you to dramatically wince in pain.
"I do clean up here every once in a while, you know? You thought I just never cleaned?" Again, you nodded aggressively to his question. Idia sighed at you and plopped down on his bed. You walked up to his bed to do the same before you stopped yourself. The boy pouted as he noticed you standing in front of his bed still and ever-so-gently patted the spot next to him.
"Y-you don't have to ask permission to sit on my bed. I don't… mind." You did as he said and sat down next to him.
The next couple of minutes were met with silence. Occasionally, one of you two would open your mouths to speak only to be met with silence. Before the last couple of weeks, you and Idia would be a lot more relaxed around each other. Time spent in his room would mainly consist of Idia playing games or working at his desk while you would annoy him while sitting on his desk. What you would give to go back to bombard Idia with requests to pay attention to you just to show him a stupid meme or play the vibe boom sound affect to annoy him. It was like you were two different people now.
"So," you finally spoke up, "what'd you wanna talk about in person?" That question was so simple but hit Idia like a truck. He'd been rehearsing how to talk to you about this but fell short at the task at hand. His mind went blank as he stuttered, fiddling with his hands as he grew more uneasy knowing you were looking at him so intently. He took in a sigh.
"I'm really sorry." Idia trembled as he spoke. He brought his knees up to his face, hiding it and any potential tears that might come out.
"For what?" you asked. You hoped it was for him not responding to your messages for the past week but that didn't seem to be the case since he wouldn't necessarily need to apologize to you in person for that.
"For the date. I was really lousy and anxious and a burden, y'know? And I even had the audacity to…" he paused for a second, burying himself deeper into his knees, "kissing you, in the photo booth." Idia wiped any loose tears on his pants and looked at you to see your response. Surprisingly to him, you had the most deadpan face he's ever seen from you.
"Are you deadass?"
"Y-yeah? Did I say something wrong? Was that not a proper apology for you? You want me to grovel at my knees, begging you for my forgiveness and give you all of my possession?" Idia yelped again as he saw how your face looked somehow even more annoyed. He swore he was about to throw up right then and there. You stood up from the bed to stand right in front of him.
"H-hey, what're you-"
Both of your hands held Idia's cheeks as he winced in pain.
"You have to be one of the smartest yet stupidest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting!" You began to smush his face together as he spoke. "I've known you for about a good year now. I've been friends with you for about a good year now. And I've liked you, ROMANTICALLY, for a long while now!"
"R-really?!" Idia looked at you with a dumbstruck expression. You squished his face closer together in response, kneeling down to his eye level.
"Yes, really. And I went on a date with you. I had so much fun that day. Hell, I even kissed you before too and you seemed to enjoy that quite a bit!" Idia grew flustered in your hold. You wondered whether or not he was a robot too, given how much he was seemingly malfunctioning.
"Well- that's because- you know, I-" The more Idia failed to speak the warmer and pinker he became; which was good news for you because you found that shit adorable. You were only teasing him but finding out he really did enjoy your little forehead peck filled your heart by tenfold. But now wasn't the time for gushing over how cute the humanized fireball was. You gently removed your hands from Idia's face and held his hand in yours, placing them on his lap.
"Idia, I'm not upset at you for the date. If anything, I'm more upset that you ignored me for a week since you were probably sulking the whole time." Oof, you hit the nail right on the head.
Idia shrank into himself, feeling even worse about himself. He trembled, trying to hold back his tears. He wasn't considering the fact that you enjoyed spending time with him. He was so used to only Ortho wanting to spend time with him and caring about him. Having a whole human being who wasn't his brother enjoyed his presence so much that they missed the absence of it filled him with overwhelming emotions. Then, you pulled him in for a loose yet gentle embrace, and he cracked.
He brought you in closer, shoving his face in the crook of your shoulder to hide the sniffles and whimpers. You gently rubbed small circles against his back and he trembled more from how hard he was holding back sobbing aggressively into your shoulder.
Idia began to calm down in your touch, but soon got up to wipe his tear-stained face.
"So," you began to speak, causing the boy to jump, "should I leave now?" You didn't want to leave so soon, all you wanted was to hang out with your favorite gamer boy. However, from what he had displayed earlier, you thought it would be best for him to cool off on his own.
"Wait, no!" Idia realized how loud and desperate he sounded. He began to mentally curse himself for that. "I- I mean, if you'd like to leave you can. But I'm also fine with you staying too."
"Alright, then I guess I'm staying for the night then." You thought it would be best to go back to Ramshackle dorm and pick up some stuff if you were going to do so.
"W-wait- what- h-huh?!" Idia rushed towards you in confusion. He had a bunch of questions to ask at once such as "Why are you leaving?", "Why are you staying overnight?", "Do you wanna sleep in my bed? With me in it?" "Am I dreaming???"
"Well, I thought now's a better time than ever to make up for the time you ignored me for the past week. Plus, I have to get stuff from my room like pajamas and snacks." You moved towards him, poking his chest to get his attention. "That is, unless you have some spare clothes you can lend me instead?"
He was gonna start crying again if you kept this up. He's not at a high enough level to unlock your SSR tier costume! He was just hoping that this limited-time event was gonna get a rerun.
"Well then, I'm going back to my dorm now. See you in a bit!"
"See you…" Idia shut his door as you ran back to Ignihyde's dorm mirror. He cursed himself for ever thinking of ignoring you for so long if this is what the consequences would've been.
You came back with a backpack's worth of stuff, in addition to a small bag of snacks and bottled water.
"What's the bag for?" Idia inquired.
"Well, since we're probably gonna be staying in your room for the rest of the day, I thought I might as well get us some food to eat." Idia's eyes widened, realizing the last thing he ate was a half-leftover bag of gummy worms last night before he started cleaning. How he's still alive amazes the both of you.
You set down your backpack at the edge of Idia's bed and the bag of snacks on his desk. You tried to pick snacks that weren't just sweets given Idia's shit diet that seemed to consist mainly of candy and energy drinks. You make a mental note to order something with vegetables for dinner. One snack in particular catches your eye though.
"Hey, Idia" you call out to him. He hums in response, also checking out the snacks in your bag. "Wanna watch a couple movies?" You grab a bag of popcorn chips and shake it at him.
"Sure" he replies, trying hard not to focus too hard on how hungry the popcorn chips make him, "I can boot up a couple on my laptop." Idia went to grab his laptop while you went to make a pillow nest on the floor.
"Do you really have to put all of my stuff on the floor?" Idia complained as you began to add one of his bean bag chairs in the nest.
"Would you rather sit and cuddle on the bed?" Idia flushed at the mix of tease and sincerity in your voice as he shook his head. You chuckled as you continued to work on your nest, making it big enough for the two of you to fit without making it too small so as not to make things too uncomfortable. The two of you plopped in your creation, pulling a blanket over your laps.
"What do you wanna watch?" Idia asked.
"I wanna watch something stupid."
"Huh, why's that?"
"The shittier the movie, the funnier it is to laugh at how much money the producers wasted."
"Fair enough." Idia chuckled as he went looking for a bad movie to watch.
As he was looking, you decided to sneak glances at the boy in question. His hair was put in a high ponytail, likely from when he was cleaning his room last night. His lips were slightly agape and occasionally wetted by his tongue. He was wearing his long-sleeved black and blue undershirt, black sweatpants, and uncharacteristic purple cat print socks. You bit your lip unconsciously; realizing how creepy that would have seemed, you pried your eyes away from him. You felt a slight tap on your shoulder, causing you to jump.
"Is this one ok?" He pointed to the screen, showing the description for a movie called "The Velocipastor". You failed to hold in your laughter reading it, leading Idia to laugh as well and start the movie. Some time passed as the two of you watched the movie while making snarky commentary on it.
"Why did the pimp even kill the main character's parents anyways?" You ask, reaching for another popcorn chip.
"I dunno. Maybe it's because most media protagonists need to have at least one dead parent to add to their tragic backstory. Imagine this movie as a shounen anime lmao." The two of you started laughing hysterically at the thought. You had to rewind just so you wouldn't miss anything.
As you went to grab more of your chips, you realized the bag was empty. Your hand went to grab another snack from your snack bag as your hand brushed Idia's. He was quick to pull his hand away, but placed his hand on the bag after you got your new snack. His golden eyes glanced at your hands every once in a while, you couldn't help but smile at how obvious he was being.
You slowly placed your hand on top of Idia's. His hand was large and slightly cool. It was rough likely due to how much he deals with machinery. His fingernails were visibly chewed on while his knuckles were boney and prominent. You began to rub over his hand with your thumb, causing the boy to let out a soft sigh. He quickly cleared his throat and rewound the movie once again. You looked over at the clearly flustered boy and chuckled at how cute he was being. The noticable pink tips of his fiery hair would be the death of him.
Over the course of the night, the two of you watched four shitty movies, had dinner, and had a bunch of fun. After dinner though, you grew sleepy, having only so much energy left. You would slowly start falling asleep only to jolt yourself awake every couple of minutes. That was until Idia stopped the movie you were currently watching and closed his laptop.
"Why'd you stop the movie?" You tried to wipe as much sleep from your eyes as you could.
"Because you need to go to bed" Idia replied, getting up to put everything away, "A normie like you can't stay up for very long, y'know?" You pouted at his teasing, knowing he wasn't exactly lying. It was getting pretty late and your body was getting heavy from drowsiness. You huffed as you made a makeshift bed on the floor and lied down.
"Good night." You yawned, "Don't let the bed bugs bite."
"Night" Idia muttered, trying to grab a pillow for his bed. As he went to pull the pillow away, your hand grabbed gently at his sleeve, tugging it with just as much strength. His heart tightened from your display. He knew he'd regret it later but he'd have to be a new brand of evil to resist your sleepy charm.
Idia lied down next to you. As he did, he studied your face as he briefly noticed you did to him earlier. Every part of you was perfect to him: your parted lips, you gently fluttering eyelashes, your soft snores. He was so glad to have such a nice CG to go to sleep looking at. He knew he'd have the sweetest dreams from this.
You stirred a bit, causing Idia to turn around away from you, just in case his face creeped you out. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt a slight push against his back. Turning slowly as not to disturb you, he found you trying to tuck yourself into his back. He turned back again to face you and pressed his forehead against your temple.
"Sweet dreams."
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noona96n · 2 years
The Guest Ghostbusters AU, you say? I am intrigued. Tell me more, don't be shy, go on, write that fic!
asfghjkldi i can't believe u read my tags lol (for anyone who's interested, i think anon is referring to this reblog)
okay, so, i'm absolutely certain that mb 3 years after canon, Gil Young and Choi Yoon will move in with Hwa Pyung. well, Choi Yoon basically moved in about a year ago but they like to pretend he didn't.
anyway, after finding out that Hwa Pyung is alive, Gil Young and Choi Yoon bulldoze their way back into his life. they visit him every weekend and, when they can't be there physically, they video call/facetime and such. it's also the reason why Choi Yoon finally FINALLY gets a smartphone. well, Gil Young gets that phone for him and tells him to shove it, she's not taking it back, it's a gift. fck that vow of poverty or whatever, he can have the phone bcs he's not the one who bought it.
anyway, one day, in the middle of lunch or whatever, Gil Young was called back to Sangyong for an emergency case or sth so she had to leave asap. Choi Yoon is willing to go back with her but she said she'll come back to pick him up later in the evening. except she couldn't bcs it's a murder case or sth so Choi Yoon has to take a taxi back to Sangyong. except there's no taxi bcs Hwa Pyung lives in the middle of nowhere and it's late af so Choi Yoon decides to just stay the night.
they go on a 5am walk the next morning and Choi Yoon drops by the local church with an old Father. they talk and pray while Hwa Pyung snoops around the church. and then a couple of weeks later, Choi Yoon transfers to the local church in Hwa Pyung's area. he loads all his stuff into Gil Young's trunk one weekend and Gil Young is like ??? and Choi Yoon is just *shrug* and Hwa Pyung is just 'aight, might as well'
the local Father is more than thrilled to have Choi Yoon around and finally gets to retired. Hwa Pyung fishes and visits the church and goes into the confession booth just so he can talk to Choi Yoon.
Choi Yoon lives in the on-site housing (im sorry but idk what the place that priests live in near the churches are called, im not christian. im barely a buddhist lol) anyway, he lives there and Gil Young picks him up on her way to Hwa Pyung's house every weekend.
but, one weekend, after a particularly difficult case, Gil Young is wasted and can't drive back so she crashes at Hwa Pyung's and Choi Yoon's like 'well, there goes my ride' when he can totally walk back to the church. Gil Young stays the night every weekend after that.
and then she starts going there after work on Friday and leave every Monday morning at ungodly hours to get back to the station in time.
and then, one day, Gil Young just... shows up with a fckn ton of luggage with her and claims Hwa Pyung's room as her own ??? and Hwa Pyung is just *sigh*
she transfers to the local police station and eventually retires from active duty after an incident that left her very sick/injured. she becomes a private investigator and goes fish with Hwa Pyung and somehow gets roped into demon hunting with Hwa Pyung and Choi Yoon absolutely loses his shit bcs two supernatural-blind people hunting demons on their own ??? they cant exorcise them what are they thinking ??? cue Choi Yoon internal anxiety going at full force
anyway, further further into the future, Choi Yoon stops caring about his vow of celibacy and officially enters a relationship with Hwa Pyung (bcs im willing to jump hoops for Choi Yoon to throw his vow of celibacy out the windows but unwilling to make Choi Yoon stop being a priest bcs Choi Yoon being a priest means Choi Yoon will be able to save his loved ones in the future + he helped save Hwa Pyung's life (yea i think he managed to exorcise Park Il Do at that beach somehow)). i say officially bcs let's be real, they've been low-key dating since forever, they're just both dumbasses.
anyway, Gil Young be coming back from filing their taxes to see Hwa Pyung bending Choi Yoon over the kitchen counter and she's so pissed but fond of them she throws her shoes at them before leaving and go out to have a smoke in the front porch. and yes she hears them fckn but she's like *smokes* *taps feet* *checks watch* "urgh they're taking so long this time tsk" *rolls eyes* and yes, this time, this isn't the first time she hears/sees them have sexy time
they go on demon hunting adventures together and get thrown in jail every other week and Gil Young phones detective Koh who spends 30mn shouting into his phone but always shows up to bail them out. he also brings them tofu. and his wife's homecook meal bcs he knows they haven't eat shit since their arrest and god knows they need to eat bcs the three of them are more or less dirt poor.
but look, they be struggling to get by and always running head first into danger and complaining about the lack of air-conditioning in the summer and their hot water running out in the winter but u know what, they're happy.
they're happy and that's all that matter.
Hwa Pyung, Gil Young, and Choi Yoon are so incredibly happy and that's all that matter.
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An Obey Me! Fic
Satan has been turned into a cat by a magic book and dropped into the human world with no idea how to get back. A woman finds him & takes him home.
Tags. @squeaky-ducky
Want to see more of this? Let me know! Colored texts is Satan talking in his head.
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The Royal Library was having a special sale today and Satan was eager to get there before it got too crowded. Satan was not one for crowds, he prefered selective company if anything, and today was no different. Satan had to side step Lucifer on his way out, he did not want to talk or interact with the oldest brother for any reason. Lucifer would realize later that Satan is nowhere to be found but that's okay, Satan liked getting away.
Satan was approaching the Royal Library, no one was around yet so he made it just in time to have some quiet to himself. The inside of the library was unlike any library in the human world, bookshelves reaching the ceiling, organized to a T with popular Devildom statues at every stairway with red carpets going all the way up leading to the upper floor where even more books were waiting to be opened.
The owner greeted the demon with a smile and he returned it like always, Satan made his way throughout the endless shelves touching every spine of the books as he passed by. It was so quiet here, so peaceful. No yelling, loud chewing or rules. He had picked out a few books , three to be exact that had caught his attention. He was about to sit down when a bright yellow spine got his eye. Satan placed the books on a nearby table and walked over to it with curiosity on his face. This book had paw prints on the spine that went all the way up. He ran a finger down the spine feeling a chill come from it. Satan picked up the book looking at the front and the back. The front said the Aristocat in black and the back had a long gold tail on it. He had never seen this book here before, must be a special edition ?
Satan brought the book to the table sitting down and opening it up to the first page to see some text that looked like lyrics.
“Everybody wants to be.. A cat?
Because a cats the only one who knows where its at?..”
Odd.. what did that mean?
The book twitched and Satan closed it in a second. “Must be magic, when did they stock magic books?” he set it aside to open one of his other choices to read it, leaving the gold book off on its own on the table. Satan was enjoying his read, this book was about detectives and he loved crime shows and such. But he couldn't..help…
“Everybody…...wants to …” he rubbed his eyes trying to shake the song from his mind and continue on with his reading .
“Wants.. To be…” he shook his head and leaned back to run his fingers through his yellow locks. “Pesky thing… maybe if i read the whole song ill get it out of my head.” He pulled the interesting book over again opening it up. “Wants to be.. A ….. Cat….”
The book shook all around on the table and the pages flipped back and forth. Satan tried to stop it but when he touched the pages he was sucked into the book. In a matter of seconds he was dropped in a muddy puddle on a street corner.
“Gah!!” he stumbled all around shaking his head and trying to wipe his face but missed every time falling on his butt in the puddle. Everything was louder, closer, lower…. Satan tried to walk and he fell on his side. “MOW!!!”
Satan looked down to see two golden furry muddy paws and long whiskers. He felt a tail swishing behind him and he was very low to the ground….
He sat down in the puddle with shock and realization. He was a cat.
What the hell what the hell what the HELL?!? He fell on his side again trying to find his footing. Where am i , why am i a cat?!?!!
A woman passed him and he jumped running away and fumbling again. Human. That was a human. I cant be…. im in the human world… how. Was it that book? Calm down Satan.. analyze the situation. Im a .. cat and im in the human world., i dont know how long ill be stuck as a cat , i can do this. Satan got his footing after awhile and made his way down the sidewalk, he was covered in mud and rather angry.
Meanwhile, you were reading a book about detectives while you walked down the street. You were so captivated by the mysterious story that you did not see your footing and tripped.
“Ah! “ you stumbled into a nearby building clutching the book to your chest trying to figure out what you stumbled over. “Goodness .. what was that?” You asked looking all around
“Mrow…..” ow…. who did that? Satan pawed his head looking up to see you . His muddy ears wiggled at the sight of you. A human?
“Ahh!!! Im sorry kitty!!!!” You kneeled down putting the book in your bag and picking up the cat. “Im sorry im sorry !!!!”
...put me down
“Did you fall in a puddle? You poor baby ! Let me clean you up!” Satan sniffed at your wrists and his tail swayed. You smell like a new book, i guess.. i can go with you
Back at the Demon's home , Lucifer was hitting End Call on his phone looking rather irritated. “Where is that demon, its nearly dinner…”
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billhaderlovebot · 5 years
of heartbreak and raviolis - aaron conners
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summary: you're sick and tired of everyone taking advantage of your best friend, aka aaron conners, aka the most wonderful man in the world, aka the man you love. not so subtle amy bashing fic.
tags: @whoseblogsthis @mpmarypoppins @a-second-hand-sorrow
aaron conners had always had shitty taste in women. you'd mainly thought so because none of the women he'd ever picked happened to be you.
aaron was too soft. too soft for this world and the men and women in it. they would break him. they would ball up the effervescent, unconditional kindness and love he had for people and shove it right back down.
amy was going to break him, too.
you knew she would.
and, oh, how you hated her. you hated her and how unreliable she was and the infuriating vapidness within her and her terrifying lack of respect for the man you had loved since you were seventeen. your best friend.
watching him kiss her was hell. watching him fall for her, knowing he was gone and there was nothing you could do about it, was worse.
but he was so happy, and he looked at her like she'd hung the moon.
it fucking hurt.
because you were tired of sitting by while everyone took advantage of how fucking nice he always was.
because you knew what was coming. and you didn't have the heart to say "i told you so".
"hey, hey, slow down, honey, i can't understand you."
aaron was crying. his voice came broken and shuddering down the line, trying desperately to get something out that wasn't cut with a sob burning from his chest. but you already knew what he was going to say. you knew, and you were pulling on a sweater and grabbing your keys before he could explain.
"she... she said-" and he couldn't get it out. the sound of his heartbreak made your own heart shatter.
"im coming over." you breathed, slamming the door and heading out into the night to comfort the man you had always wanted but could never have.
amy had cheated. actually, amy had been cheating for quite some time. she had never stopped, in fact.
you'd been tangled together on aaron's couch, a mass of crying and limbs and throw blankets, for hours now.
"i thought she loved me." aaron scoffed, staring blankly out of the window to where the sun was just beginning to rise over new york.
his head was in your lap and the only thing keeping him tethered to sanity was your hand threading through his hair. "she said she loved me."
he let out a mirthless laugh, and you were suddenly furious.
"i'm so fucking angry." you whispered, eyes intent on aaron's face, angled towards the sunrise, the remnants of heartbreak in shining tracks down his cheeks.
"why?" he inquired, turning over to look up at you.
"because... because this shouldn't happen, aaron. not to you."
light snores filled the quiet apartment as aaron drifted off in your arms. he had moved so that his face rested in the crook of your shoulder, his hand draped over your waist. you couldn't help but feel that this was a little bit not fair. it wasn't the first time something like this had happened to him, and it wasn't the first time you'd had to hold him and comfort him and pretend you hadn't been painfully in love with him since high school. so here you were, again, the doting, supportive best friend. again. fuck.
in sleep, he looked younger. in sleep, he looked content, save for the small wrinkle between his eyebrows, the remainder of the day's emotional strain. it disappeared with the gentle press of your lips against the soft skin, and aaron unconsciously held onto you a little tighter. your heart ached as it did when you were a teenager.
when, at seventeen, you lay eyes on him at a house party, shrouded in smoke and coloured lights and the thumping bass of some nondescript vaporwave track, your heart skipped, like, twelve beats or something.
and, when, blue eyed and floppy haired, he looked back at you, raising his red plastic cup, your heart fell out of your ass. upon trying to talk to the guy who had so quickly stolen your heart, you spilled your vodka soda all over him. he tipped his own drink over your head. you stared at each other for several solid seconds of short lived fury, and then cracked up, immediately going to find more alcohol. you were best friends from that day on.
you were the one who supported him through medical school, helping him study and walking to campus every morning to give him coffee and whatever baked good you deemed acceptable. bidding him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and the promise of a movie marathon.
you endured aaron's many vapid, fake-nice, passive-aggressive girlfriends who would loathe you and shoot you looks that, should they kill, would have you six feet fucking under.
you pushed how deeply in love with him you were right down below the surface, because his happiness was more important to you.
you thought, now, almost a decade later, as he had cried in your arms for hours about a woman that didn't feel the same, that it might be time for you to get your feelings in order and fucking tell him that all you wanted was for him to take you in his arms and kiss you fucking senseless.
and then they got back together.
"aaron, you fuck- you what?" you were absolutely livid, like, struggling-to-hold-the-phone-without-smashing-it-into-someone's-face livid.
"um, i, i just really want to make it work with her, and she was really sorry, and-"
"aaron, she broke your fucking heart."
"yeah, i know, i-
"and i was the one to let you cry your fucking eyes out on me for hours, even though it hurt. i've stood by for years, watching people hurt you and knowing there was nothing i could do about it."
"i'm not your responsibility, honey." he said. "this is my own life and i... you don't have to be involved."
"how can you fucking say that, aaron? of course i do. i won't let her do this to you again. i'm your best fucking friend, is that not enough for you?"
"...i guess not."
you'd never wanted to beat aaron to death before, but if he continued being so fucking stupid, you'd advise him not to put it past you. there was a deafening silence on the phone after that, because there was nothing you could say to change his mind, and nothing he could say that would make you not want to murder amy townsend. or him.
"i won't do this anymore." you finally said, a lump in your throat.
"pretend that... that i'm not in love with you so that i can be okay with the manipulative assholes you pick as girlfriends."
"goodbye, aaron."
the month that followed was probably the worst month of your entire life. you didn't speak to aaron once. no calls, no emails, no 2am visits to listen to billy joel and eat junk and talk about how you both carried the weight of the world on your shoulders. you'd always shared that weight, and, now, it was like someone had torn you in half and left you bleeding.
you were halfway through the last episode of season ten of friends, and your second box of cold pop tarts, crying your eyes out, when the doorbell rang. you wiped your eyes with the sleeve of one of aaron's old college sweaters and dragged yourself up from the couch. your breath caught in your throat at the sight of the disheveled, very attractive man hyperventilating in front of you when the front door swung open.
"aaron?" you stumbled over your thrift store welcome mat you bought because of the blue cat on it, holding yourself up on the door frame and staring up at him in sleepy disbelief.
"hi, yes, hi." aaron was breathing hard, the aftermath of running the whole two miles to your apartment in the middle of the night. "i've been thinking a lot about... about what you said, and i just, i've missed you, yknow? and, i, um, not that that makes everything okay, because i didn't listen to you, and it sucked, and-"
"what do you want?" you asked, trying not to punch him. "i'm tired, aaron. and not just physically. i'm tired of waiting around for you to love me."
"oh, well that's, um, that's good." he nodded, peeling off his jacket. "sorry, um, im sweaty-"
"that's good?" you blinked. aaron was clueless at the best of times, but this was insane.
"yes, yeah, because i realised something, um, just now, at home, with amy."
"i really don't want to hear about amy right now-"
"no, i know, i just, um, i realised that she's not who i want." he shrugged.
"it's about fucking time, aaron, i swear to god-"
"you're my best friend, and... i meant what i said, yknow, about that not being enough for me."
aaron ducked under the doorframe, bending down to capture your lips with his own. your eyes widened, and you froze up, your arms at your sides. the fact that aaron conners was kissing you just wouldn't compute.
and then it did, and you were kissing him back, your arms flying around his neck and your fingers twisting into his hair.
the kiss was searing, and your skin burned where his hands trailed across your cheeks, cupping your jaw, and up the back of your shirt, ghosting across your hip bones.
even when you stumbled back into your apartment, falling backwards over the couch, aaron was relentless, attaching his lips to your neck as if nothing was amiss.
what stood out to you was how easy this was. how you were able to fall into place so quickly as if you'd been doing this for years. as if you hadn't been pining for him for half your life.
"hey," you broke the kiss, gazing up at him in all his blue eyed, flustered, swollen-lipped glory. "hey, we have some, ah, things to talk about, i think."
aaron nodded, swallowing. "yeah, um, yeah."
you pecked his lips, closing your eyes. you just wanted to be someone who had kissed aaron conners, no complications, for a few seconds longer.
"raviolis?" he asked quietly, still hovering above you with that signature, heart-melting grin.
"it's 1am, aaron."
"i know a guy."
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scoups-ofsuga · 5 years
Mark My Words || MYG
Here’s a kinda soft kinda not fic ??? Its nothing new, here’s a mediocre fic of secret relationship stuff, yeah and you visiting Suga and stuff
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
… Don't expect too steamy stuff haha im too innocent for that.
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“Sounds good SUGA, keep working on it” your boss says to the newly bleached boy on his spinny chair, “and when can I expect the final demo?”
Suga smacks his lips and scrunches his eyes,
“Uhhhhh give me 2 more weeks and it’ll be done”
“That’s great” your boss stretches out a hand and Suga politely stands and shakes his hands,
“It’s a pleasure working with you producer Suga”
“The pleasure is mine” he politely smiles, “ah are you busy by any chance ?” Sugas asks as before you and your boss were about to leave his studio,
“Ah, quite I’am” he looks at his watch, “ Is there something wrong?” Your boss’ voice tenses, worried for whatever what suga may want.
“Ah nothing much I just wanted to discuss some things, if you don’t mind”
“Ah, well— have my secretary and I’ll have her lay it over me” your boss’ voice lifts up gently nudges you and closes the door shut to your face, making you sigh and rub the bridge of your nose.
Suddenly hands snakes around your waist and pulls you down,
“Ah!! Yoongi! What if someone sees us !?” You try to push his arms away,
“The staff of my company know who you are anyway” he nuzzles his nose on the small of your shoulder and neck,
“B-But what if my boss comes back ?” You slightly blush,
“The door is locked dont worry, and he said I can have you” his embrace tightens,
“Yoongi! I'm being serious! Let go o-“
“Just five minuntes” you stop struggling,
“Just, let’s stay like this for five whole minutes, please” he says it with the softest and lowest voice you think you’ve heard, with a hint of tiredness and the smell of coffee evident with his breath. You slowly settle yourself and let yourself be spooned by him, holding his hands within yours.
“You tired ?” You ask and he responds by nodding against your hair; which you did your best to tie up nicely but now all rustled and undone.
“You look so nice today” he mumbled “and why are you so close with that other dude, you kept talking to him while your boss was listening to the demo”
“Oh, him? He is a new trainee in our company, he wanted to meet the ‘genius’ of BTS so he tagged along”
“He was too close” he whispers in your ear which sends shivers down your spine. “Don’t let any brat get close to you” you roll your eyes, his lips hover just slightly against you neck, “and what’s with your updo today ? And what you’re wearing ?”
“Um, excuse me ?? I worked hard on my hair today! And this off shoulder is si cute ” You almost pout
“It’s too revea—“ you couldn't hear what he mumbled but then feel a slight pain on the bottom of your nape,
“HEY !! What are you doing!!!???” You stand up and rub your neck and you see him with a cheeky and playful smile on his lips,
“Put your hair down for the rest of the day, okay ?” He turns to his monitor and starts to play type
“WHAT DID YOU DO !??” You take out your phone and take a picture of the back of your neck and see a very red-
“MIN YOONGI !!!! You marked me !???” You shouted but the room is soundproof so no one would still hear you. Yoongi just laughs evilly as you violently shake him
“Well, too bad” he shruggs, you silently pout and hastily picked up your stuff, until you had an idea,
“Hey! Im going out now”
“Ah, okay see you later”
“I want a hug” you say cutely and you know Yoongi could resist that, he stood from his chair and went up to hug you.
Resting your chin on his shoulder and hugging him. He pats your head and whispers a sorry but then,
“Hey,, Wh-YONA ?? WHAT !!?” You let go of him and run to the door and stick out your tongue,
“Dont forget to not where crew cut shirts, okay ? Bye love ~” you wave a good-bye and made your exit.
Suga looks at the mirror and see a fresh new—
“SHE MARKED ME !!??” He stands stunned and seemingly more stressed than earlier but a grin stretched across his face.
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c0co-cos · 6 years
Blue's Highest Rank
I felt horrible because I wrote someone else a story, but I didn't write @nozapuns-nsfw a story. So i'd like to award this Fan Fic to them. I absolutely love their artwork, and I hope they continue to work of their 'Fractured comic'
I love how listening to a song can completely change my idea for this story. It was first gonna be a full story and all, but throughout downloading music on my phone for a trip im taking, I found a gem.
The gem was "Oh Cruel Darkness, Embrace Me" by IAMX
So basically that's the song you should listen to while reading this.
Summary: Blue Berry was the best of the best. He was quickly going up the ranks to become part of the Royal Guard. That changed when Blue was introduced to Alphys and Undyne.
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Chapter 1: Oh Cruel Darkness, Embrace Me
Blue Berry was quickly working up the ranks. He started on the lowest of the low. Then he met Alphys, and thank lord he did. He was training with her, Every. Single. Day. He didn't really have any prior interactions with Alphys, but out of luck, they bonded quickly and things got straight to the point.
He had liked his time spent with Alphys, there was never a dull moment, Also he never knew what he was going to do during training. It always changed. It went to dodging attacks one day, to making Tacos in her kitchen the next. There was always something new to learn.
Blue wasn't sure when he met Undyne, but he knew Papyrus was friends with her. Papyrus didn't really get out the house much to hang out with anyone. Only time he went out was when he planned to get black out drunk at Muffets, but other than that, he found Papyrus going to Undyne's lab at random times during the night. He must have had a good reason to get up and go though. It wouldn't have been for nothing.
To Blues surprise, Papyrus actually knew Alphys. They had been friends before Undyne met Alphys. It always amazed Blue how almost everyone knew everyone in the underground.
Id it wasn't for Papyrus, he wouldn't know half the people he knows now. Papyrus was amazing. If it wasnt for him, Blue wouldn't have a room to sleep in nor have supplies to make food, even though Papyrus was mostly a lazy bum, he was Blue's lazy bum brother.
"Hey Alphys! Im here for today's training!" Blue couldn't wait for today's training, Alphys had something new in store, and laster on, Papy was going to come over and view their hard work.
Alphys jumped at the sudden loud voice coming outside her house. She had invited Blue earlier than usual, it wasn't something new shes done, but today she had a reason, and pulling it off wasn't going to be easy.
"Woah Blue, you scared me! Come on in, I gotta prepare the rest of the supplies."
Blue had already let himself in with the Key she leaves under the door mat.
"Wow Alphys, this place looks better and better each time we cook! With that being said, what are we making today? More tacos?"
"No, something better. Lets look at the menu."
Blue grabbed the piece of paper with the big letters on it spelling out 'MENU'. It had also been something Alphys did to tease Blue right before they started cooking. It was always Tacos, but he kept up the running gag, just for the giggles of it.
He unfolded it, revealing what they were going to make today. He eyes shrunk with fear.
"Today were making you.... Alphys this isnt funny you know!"
He saw Alphys out of the corner of his eye, he could see bright yellow magic coming off from her magically formed weapon. She loved using an axe. He quickly moved out the way, also using his bone attack to dodge it. He moved just in time, any second later, he would have been dust.
"Ha, nice Blue! You're getting better and quicker with each attack I throw your way. Sorry about my lil joke there, had to do something to get you distracted."
Blue's heart was pounding out of his chest. He knew at one point furing todays training, this would happen. Alphys said she does this to make him become aware of his surrounding at all times, but it still scared him shitless. Alphys could tell that Blue was very shook.
"Oh gosh, im sorry Blue. I should have done it while we were actually cooking. I won't do it again, I swear, just sit down at the table and ill make you some tea."
Blue dis just that. It was great to know Alphys didn't mean any harm, she never does. It was just a small scare, nothing else right?
"Here your tea Blue, again im sorry I did that. I wrote it for the fuck of it, then the idea came to mind where i can do the daily 'scare blue' skit, but it back fired. I truly am sorry Blue."
"No worries Alph. I know its a joke, I just need to stop being a big cry baby about it. Also thanks for the tea. But it's um.. Kinda sweeter than usual. What happened to 'my soul is black so my coffee and tea have to be the same'?"
"Oh actually its a different type of tea. Undyne gave it to me to try, and right now i can try it. But Blue, lets actually talk about the Guard. You kno--"
Blue couldn't think straight. He felt as if his whole world was spinning. He didn't like it, not one bit. Was it because of how scared he got earlier? Was he having a panic attack? He wouldn't know. He never had one before.
"Hey Alph. Im sorry but i think I got to cut th-this short. Sorry, it was uhh fun?" Blue was breaking a sweat by now. Maybe he was actually having a panic attack? Also what would he do about ? Papyrus wasn't home yet, and the way he was feeling, he wasn't getting home like this.
Blue looked up at Alphys. Her straight face had been completely gone, covered with a huge grin, starting from one side of her face to the other side. Blue was expecting her to look more freaked out like she had been when she had accidentally hurt him during training, but she stood absolutely still, giving Blue a horrid feeling.
"Oh please blue, what's wrong? Here, if you insist on leaving, let me carry you out the door." she said while walking towards his area. Blue was too freaked out by her fake response. It had seemed practiced, meaning she knew something he didn't.
Blue hesitated, backing away slowly from her, before bolting to the door. Even with how he was feeling, he could sense the danger. He didn't even make it anywhere close to the door, falling down after taking a couple of steps towards the direction. He couldn't move, and felt horribly tired.
For good measures, Alphys pinned him to the floor, magical axes surrounding him and the exit, if he planned to leave.
"Alphys? Why? What and why are you d-doing this? I'm sc-scared. Please, if I did anything to hurt you, l-l-let me know. I'll fix it just plea--" Blue had been cut off after he felt Alphys step on his ribcage. It hurt like hell, but he could take it.
"Honestly Sans, I'm sick and tired of you. Im doing this for myself, im just the message man at the point. But other than that, I can't stand you. Did you really think you, out of ALL monsters in the underground, you would be the same rank as me? There are kids, younger than you who have an actual chance of being in the Royal Guard. Sorry blue, you wont get the rank you want. But hopefully, this rank suits you and your lazy ass brother."
By this time, Blue had been trying to pull her leg off his ribcage. She was close to breaking it, and he would rather have a ribcage than none at all.
"OKAY OKAY OKAY G-GET YOUR LEG OFF!" Blue was struggling at this point. She was going to break it. He didn't want to die by getting stepped on, he was going to die in battle protecting everyone in the underground.
Alphys showed mercy, slowly lifting her leg off of his ribcage.
"This is how it's going to work okay Blue? I'm going to knock you out, don't worry, the most that would happen is you get a bruise, and I'll call Papy. You'll find everything out later. Goodnight Blue! Don't let the bed bugs bit."
Alphys couldn't really be doing this... It was a dream. He had to be. She would never harm him. At this point, hopefully Alphys knocking him out will cause him to wake up from this Nightmare.
Alphys came up to Blue, fist closed, ready to come in contact with his skull. It wasn't long before Blue actually knocked out.
Lucky for Alphys, the tea did most of the work, all she had to do was get him asleep. All she had to do now was call Papyrus and get him to teleport over to Undyne's lab.
Talking to people over the phone wasn't the easiest thing to do for her, but hey. She lied to Blue for most of tome they've known each other, so it shouldn't be harder over the phone.
"Pa-Papyrus? Oh thank god! Please come over quick! Its ! H-He fell and hit his head on the table! Come quick!"
Lucky for her, She didn't really have to give much detail regarding where she lived. Sometimes Papyrus would walk Blue home after practice, so he knew the way here. In seconds, a 'pop' noise came from inside her restroom.
"where is blue? oh my gosh... what happened?"
"I- I don't know! We were about to make Tacos, and he fell! Please take us to Undyne's lab, Im certain she knows what to do! S-she'll help!"
Papyrus didn't even have to think twice, he picked blue from off the floor, and teleported right into the lab.
Undyne was no where to been seen, and as the looks of it, so was Alphys. That's strange. Alphys was right next to him as he teleported.
"UNDYNE. NOW." Papyrus heard Alphys scream.He couldn't even turn his head before he passed out from whatever they did to him.
Him and blue were up for it when they woke up.
The story is also on my AO3, at @/sintaley if you would like to read it there :)
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baekhyunangst · 4 years
pairing(s): nomin (kind of) x oc(fem)
genre/warnings: angst,,just angst
tags: unrequited love, one-sided pining, bestfriends!nomin, heather!au
words: 3k
a/n: this is my first fic on this app so apologies for any mistakes you find here, entirely inspired by conan gray’s song called “heather” <3 i did not give the song the justice it deserves so im sorry in advance, that being said, please leave a comment if you did happen to like it ^^
note: https://youtu.be/24u3NoPvgMw
summary: Jaemin notices how Jeno's eyes glint when you are within his line of vision-  as you maneuver your way towards their table- him flashing a smile only reserved for you. He rips his stare away from the scene, his heart squeezing uncomfortably in his chest. 
 And just like that, Jaemin watches Jeno fall in love with you more and more, while his heart breaks piece by piece each time you show up.
I still remember, 3rd of december
me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me
"Here, wear this."
Jeno hands Jaemin a fluffy, red sweater with a pair of sweatpants while the latter blows air into his palm, trying to warm his hands.
They were just out and going about their day, strolling the city when it started to pour out of the blue. Thankfully, Jeno's place was nearby so they rushed to his apartment but still had gotten drenched halfway.
Jaemin eyes the sweater with clear distaste (or pretends to, considering he had worn the said sweater on multiple occasions he stayed over at his place, or had impromptu sleepovers without any complaints previously).
"Really, this ugly sweater, again?" Jaemin clicks his tongue but still takes the bright sweater from Jeno's grasp.
Jeno gasps in faux hurt, hand placed against his chest,
"Hey, don't say that! You're going to hurt its feelings."
Jaemin merely chuckles at his best friend's antics, turning around to change- taking off his wet sweater and pulling the clean cloth over his head, the soft fabric brushing against his bare skin that is accentuated with the distinctive smell of Jeno's cologne.
Oh how Jaemin hates the way his heart pricks and goosebumps cover every pore of his skin- because he shouldn't be getting this affected. It's just a sweater get over it, he reprimands himself. He quickly changes his bottoms as well before turning around to see an already freshened-up Jeno staring at him with a wistful expression on his face.
Jaemin quirks an eyebrow, "What, is there something on my face?"
He reaches a hand up to touch his face but Jeno shakes his head,
"No, it's just, I realized how it has become an unconscious habit for me give you that sweater," Jeno motions towards Jaemin's chest with his hand.
For some reason, Jaemin holds his breath awaiting for the next words that is about to stumble out of Jeno's mouth,
"It looks way better on you than it does on me. Keep it. The red really suits you." Jeno finishes with a playful wink.
And just like that, Jaemin's heart races a mile because stupid, stupid Jeno, and his stupid comment, Jaemin berates silently.
Stupid Jeno with his crescent eyes and wide, infectious smile.
Jeno walks out of the bedroom and head towards the living room, with Jaemin in tow with crimson ears, one that is almost matching the color of his sweater.
He futiely convinces himself that it is just a harmless crush (a supposed phase that has roughly gone on for about a year now). It will pass, he tells himself, albeit unconvincingly.
"Do you know what date is today?" Jeno asks as he turns on the TV and settles down on the couch, grabbing the remote and flipping through channels randomly.
Jaemin answers quizzically, "It's 3rd of december, why?"
Jaemin had just placed himself on the space next to Jeno when he abruptly shifts around and faces him, grabbing both his hands, pretty eyes filled with excitement,
"Oh shit, dude! How to train your dragon: homecoming comes out today."
Jaemin is taken aback by the overly enthusiastic Jeno, his insides going haywire with how close Jeno's face is to his- the proximity rendering him immobile. He can also feel his hot breath fanning across his cheeks, prompting him to bite the insides of his cheeks to stay in check, because, Jeno is all up his personal space, eyes crinkling at the sides, and his pink, soft pillow of a lips lifting up at the corner. Their faces are mere centimetres apart, and he could just feel Jeno's touch if he leans in tad more.
It is scary how he is easily evading his senses, leaving him unable to formulate any rational thoughts, as he can only drink in the view in front of him, and maybe feel his lips, thoughts drifting into dangerous waters. He can feel his pulse quickening, lips drying up as he swipes his tongue out to lather them in moisture- it has only been mere seconds yet his heart is pounding against his chest. His eyes roaming about Jeno's face wordlessly, counting his moles and freckles that decorated his countenance like constellations.
However, he quickly snaps out of it when he feels Jeno lightly squeezes his hand still with that expectant look,
"O-oh yeah, I completely forgot. Why don't you turn on netflix while I fix us some warm drinks, yeah?"
Jaemin averts his gaze and stands up straight not waiting for an answer, making a beeline for the kitchen. Once he is within the safe confines of the kitchen, he places a hand on his chest hoping to aid his racing heart to settle down, trying to regulate his breathing. It's getting worst, shit, he curses in his head. He should be more careful because he almost slipped, he makes a mental note.
They spend their time together watching the movie, a blanket on their lap, thighs brushing, their drinks empty on the table in front of them.
Sometime later in the middle of the night, during their third movie, Jaemin feels a light weight on his shoulder, and glances towards a sleepy Jeno, already nodding off.
He sighs affectionately, although it's laced along with anguish. He extends his hand to brush Jeno's bangs away from, eyes raking over his soft features mutely.
The sudden urge to grab his face and kiss him dumb and drunk is overwhelmingly strong, which startles Jaemin for even having such a thought.
(Although the irrational part of his mind is already wandering off in the deepest desires of his thought, like how kissing Jeno would feel, to act on his selfish thoughts, to just give in, and succumb to the chaotic mess of his thoughts until there's only white noise, and he can no longer breathe, the only source of air being Jeno.)
His heart clenches painfully, oh, was Jeno so beautiful and magnificent as red rose, lush green leaves, covered in thorns that could tear your skin, but it still wouldn't forbid you from touching it- the blood seemingly an easy price to pay to just get a feel.
But the ground reality was, Jaemin knew him well enough to know Jeno couldn't possibly feel the same way as he does, because you were there.
He wasn't oblivious to how Jeno's demeanor changed when his phone vibrated in the middle of a movie, how his smile spread further across his cheeks if it was even possible, eyes glued to his phone screen, and how he watched the rest of the movie with a light bounce in his feet, chin up, and a pretty smile on his lips.
(Like I could never, his heart breaks a little at the revelation).
Jaemin gazes at Jeno's sleeping figure, expression etched with a deep ache of longing, a hand reaching out under the blanket to hold his warm ones, giving it a comforting squeeze, while this action also causes his heart strings to tug against each other painfully.
It is only a matter of time before any of you realize your true feelings.
So until then, Jaemin will keep Jeno caged in his selfish thoughts.
Until he no longer can.
Until he falls in love with you.
If only he knew how much he liked him.
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                         You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
Jaemin observes from a distance, the scene unfolding in front of him; Jeno's arm on your shoulder, eyes entirely captivated by your presence, like nothing else mattered and the rest of world just disappeared.
It's almost pathetic, how Jaemin could easily spot his sweater from the crowd as if it was mocking him, because of all things, Jeno's sweater caught his attention. There's nothing special about the black piece of cloth, with random scribbles of letters on the back, almost fading in color because of how frequently the boy wore that article of clothing.
There really is nothing special about it, so why did his insides poke at him, why did his eyes prick at the sight of you wearing his sweater- he thinks it's so silly and stupid and he shouldn't even be feeling hurt given the fact you are dating him- it should have been a completely normal occurrence.
It is blatantly obvious how much he likes you better in his faded black sweater, eyes never wandering elsewhere, always on you- he liked you so much better. He could never bring that shy smile on his face and the sparkle dancing off in his eyes like you did.
While Jeno might have given him a red sweater, he gave you his favorite sweater, even though it is just polyester. Jaemin realizes, knows, nothing could compare to that.
For some reason Jaemin can't seem to break his gaze away from the two of you- hands clasped together, similar tinted cheeks, occasionally sharing kisses, your surrounding passing in a blur. You look warm in his embrace.
Everything comes to a halt in Jaemin's world, and he pretends it's him with Jeno, sharing loving gazes, endearing smiles and gentle touches- if only he knew.
Jaemin finally looks away, heart heavy in his chest, cold hands crumpling the end of his sweater, the chilly winter breeze biting at the exposed skin of his neck. He's hoping the cold would somehow numb his pain.
It is so silly to have worn the red sweater, Jaemin thinks.
Because he is not you, and Jeno likes you better.
And black is a much better color than red, anyways, Jaemin muses with a crestfallen expression.
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 But I watch your eyes, as she walks by
what a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than a blue sky
Jaemin wishes he could erase the mental image of Jeno painted in his head, when you dropped by earlier to their table, beautiful face and everything.
How Jeno's eyes instantly brightened as he spots you in the hoard of students, calling out your name with such fondness that it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. Their conversation stops midway when Jeno's eyes zeroed behind Jaemin, eyes turning all tender and crescents, and god, did he look so in love.
Jeno looks prettier than ever, and his heart shatters a little.
The view now taunts him, as he recalls the memory, how you could just kiss him like that. The action causing him to flit his eyes away from the two of them, his heart squeezing in slight discomfort.
He also watched as you walk away from the clutches of Jeno's arm for your next class, Jaemin's eyes never leaving his side- the way Jeno's eyes significantly dimmed and lips jutted out, it is so childish, Jaemin thinks.
Except for some unfathomable reason, it was ripping his insides into shreds, making him painfully aware that he could never do those things to him.
What a sore sight, Jaemin wonders bitterly.
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But how could I hate her? 
she's such an angel
Sometimes Jaemin wishes you were a complete bitch, because then he could hate you and it wouldn't hurt as much.
But you aren't.
You are nice and sweet and kind, and just so profoundly you. It was not a hard feat for anyone to fall for your charming personality. People liked you instantly from exchanging a few conversations, because he did too.
Jaemin could tell why Jeno is so in love with you.
Jaemin recollects the instance in which he got sick and had missed two important classes; because the two of shared the same class, you had prepared separate notes for him despite him not asking you for anything, or the numerous times you would invite him to your dates with Jeno, worried that you might be leaving him out deliberately. Because you understood more than anyone how much Jeno meant for him, he is his bestfriend after all-afraid that you might be overstepping your boundaries when it came to their bond.
How you would ask permission from him for the insignificant of things like staying over during their movie or gaming nights. How you would also prepare meals for him on the day the three of you happened to be at Jeno's place, insisting that he stay whenever Jaemin feels like he is intruding during your private time with him, even though his visit was unannounced. Jaemin could never bring himself to hate you-how could he when in fact, he envied you. You were everything he was not- kind, beautiful, and thoughtful, always so considerate and mindful of others, gleaming with confidence.
He wishes he were you.
You are such an angel.
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She's got you mesmerized while I die
The pinnacle of Jaemin's heartbreak comes not too soon after they spend a night at the beach, partying together with several other people from the same batch of their course-in celebration of their upcoming graduation ceremony.
They are sitting in front of the bonfire, a bottle of beer in both their hands as they take occasional swigs; the flame cackling and hissing, sending little sparks up in the sky. Jaemin discreetly eyes Jeno from the corner of his eye, the fire illuminating his sharp features, making it appear even more beautiful in the night glow, accompanied by the flame light.
Jeno is always radiant, he deems.
His gaze falters a bit when he observes the quite smile that makes it way to his countenance, his subject of interest being you when you grace your presence at the party with your friends. You don't notice them just yet, and Jeno's eyes are permanently fixed on your every little movement, the quirk of his lips widening by the second.
You have him mesmerized.
Jeno finally tears his stare away from you, seemingly satisfied, a prominent beam gracing his visage. Jaemin feels a dull ache in his chest, reminding him of the reality, the quite sound of bass playing from the stereo adding to the melancholic atmosphere. He watches their silhouettes that is reflecting on the sand, shadows close and almost touching, yet in reality, they are drifting apart.
"I'm going to marry her," Jeno breaks the calm serenity (breaking Jaemin's heart alongside it). He tilts his head up, taking in the starry night, a content grin playing on his lips,
"I'm going to marry her, Jaem," he says again, this time with a reassuring smile on his face as he spares a glance towards Jaemin's direction.
Jaemin can only offer a tight smile in return, hoping it doesn't turn out like a grimace. Thankfully Jeno seems too busy in his own little world to notice the brooding silence that has taken over Jaemin.
By the end of the semester, things seems to have escalated because Jeno stands there with you in front of the whole class, a shy smile on your face and a contagious beam on his face as he announces,
"She said yes."
Loud cheers erupt in the class as confetti's drop everywhere, and amidst the celebration Jeno makes his way towards Jaemin, arms spread widely, ready to engulf his best man in a tight embrace,
"Congratulations, Jen. I'm so happy for you, both of you," Jaemin lies through his teeth, hoping, praying, that his voice doesn't break.
Jaemin dies a little within.
He lied, he died a whole lot more than little.
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why would you ever kiss me
I'm not even half as pretty
"You may kiss the the bride,"
The pastor informs and Jaemin watches, his heart twisting and flailing inside his chest, a thick lump forming in his throat, eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears, as Jeno and you seal a kiss, officially pronounced as married couple.
You looked so pretty in your white gown, the most gorgeous bride, Jaemin thinks, and Jeno is adorned in a black tuxedo, gone was the boy he knew when he was younger, now a refined and mature Jeno stood in front of you. A man full of committing promises, until death do you apart.
The ceremony is held during a warm spring day with only close family members and friends invited, at a local beach.
After entertaining the guests and spending some time with you and Jeno, Jaemin excuses himself to take a breather. He finds himself walking along the shore of the beach, away from the noisy chatter and blaring music behind him.
With his shoes in one hand, his feet digs into the sand, leaving prints before it is washed away by the water. It was almost metaphorical, as if reminding him that his existence will be diminishing from Jeno's life gradually. The waves align perfectly to the shore, covering his feet entirely at random intervals. And he walks and walks until the sound behind him is nothing but a white noise.
He also belatedly realizes his shoulder is trembling, vision blurring as tears are streaming down his cheeks, his resolve and endurance now breaking. He falls apart completely, silently weeping as he strides further away, huffing and gasping for air. It feels like someone's stepping on his chest, blocking his airway, making it hard for him to breathe. The crashing sound of waves and the cicadas singing provides him a bit of comfort, telling him he has got company, but is still not enough- it does not mount to the anguish that wells up inside of him.
He chokes on his tears, trying to breathe through his mouth, swallowing the thick lump forming in his throat. Jaemin could not even tell where it hurt the most because, it hurt everywhere. The searing pain was overbearing and everything becomes a throbbing memory, Jeno speaking his vows as he peers deeply into your eyes, voice cracking in between, so much love being conveyed from his stare alone, and how he kisses you tenderly by the end of it.
It's haunting him now, how he could never be you. How he never stood a chance. How pretty of a girl you are that it almost stung his eyes, how Jeno would never dream of kissing him. 
He slow trudge ceases as he comes to a halt, wiping his tears with the back of his hand, and taking a deep breath.
It is not the end of the world, he tries to console himself. He'll be fine, eventually.
He takes solace in the fact knowing Jeno is loved and cared for by someone like you.
He will be okay, the last of his tears rolling down his cheeks.
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