#sorry for a long-ass reply!
cherries-in-wine · 2 months
I love ur posts on lolita the book- what are ur thoughts on the movies?
aw tysm anon mwah <3
(Made a few edits because my perspective changed a little)
I don't really like the movies- in fact comparing them to the masterpiece that Vladimir Nabokov wrote feels like an insult. Sometimes art can only exist in a certain medium and when you take it out of that medium it loses its integrity. Lolita is art that can only exist as literature. This is what I used to believe but to be honest even as literature it's being misunderstood a lot so it feels as if no matter what medium lolita exists in, it'll always be interpreted wrong.
It took Vladimir Nabokov 5 years to write lolita because writing from the perspective of a pedophile is tough- it's using the abuser to tell the victim's story but in this case the abuser is our unreliable narrator, he had to make Humbert Humbert charming or at least intriguing in a fucked up way enough that the reader would be compelled to read further (lolita will disturb you but you won't able to put it down) but any competent reader would will be able to figure out that Humbert Humbert is just spewing his delusional bullshit.
It feels as if Vladimir Nabokov predicted the romanticization of Lolita as soon as we started putting girls on the book covers- he intended on lolita being faceless
So much of what makes the book incredible lies in reading in between the lines to figure out what's actual going on. Think of it as Humbert Humbert is forcing his heart shaped rose coloured glasses onto you like "see it's a beautiful tragic love story" and it's your responsibility to take them off to see things as they are, a 12 year old child being abused constantly.
Unreliable narrators in general are hard to portray on screen (it's not impossible ofcourse, gone girl, 500 days of summer and black swan do it really well) but extra difficult in this case because lolita and Dolores are 2 different people entirely. Lolita is the persona, Dolores is the person. Lolita is the nymphet, the seductress that only exists in Humbert's twisted mind, Dolores is the 12 year old child. Humbert sees lolita, he wants you to see lolita, but you need to focus on Dolores.
Lolita 1962 was laughably inaccurate, they made Dolores look like an elegant woman when even Humbert Humbert describes her as a messy tomboy. Lolita 1997 is better I guess, it follows the book a little more accurately. The movie is definitely pretty to look at and I don't have a problem with Dolores being an icon or people taking fashion inspiration from her. In my opinion she is an icon, it isn't fair to reduce a victim's identity to their trauma and abuser. Also she's so funny and is constantly insulting Humbert so mwah love her so much plus I relate to her a lot as I went through similar things. I think some scenes of Humbert Humbert being an unreliable narrator were translated really well, for example this argument-
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Humbert gave a short description while the movie is more of lo's point of view, it's all screaming and shouting and absolutely devastating, Dominique Swain did an amazing job.
Both of the actresses were 14 during filming and that's just so unsettling to me. Sure you're using a body double for explicit scenes but isn't that just content for actual pedophiles, the closest thing to CP that's legal?. There are many older actresses that look younger but honestly that scares me more, because now there are no restrictions to the scenes they can film, which usually ends up underage characters in extremely exploitative scenes (think euphoria).
My feelings are sort of all over the place on this, I simply can't reach a satisfying conclusion- I don't think it's impossible to adapt lolita into a good film, black swan is one of my favourite movies ever and nina sayers is as unrealiable as a narrator gets, so it's not impossible to portray Humbert Humbert on screen but it will be difficult. On the other hand I just know that people will find some way to romanticize the movie- no matter how well it's written like in the novel it's so obvious Humbert is a pedophile that he might as well get it tattoed on his head but people still think of it as "aw tragic beautiful love story". But part of me thinks that if they write it kind of like gone girl, you believe nick is the murderer in the first half then amy's scheming is revealed in the second, just like that if lolita is shown in the first half but after dolores runs away her perspective is shown to audience, how she's so miserable and gives an accurate depiction of Humbert Humbert's abuse, maybe showing that horrifying reality of the story will end it's romanticization once and for all.
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triple-starsss · 2 months
gonna go on a rampage and answer a bunch of older asks today
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dream-buns · 1 year
Is it ok to ask what inspired you to draw pixel art compared to other styles? When I see your pixel art it's so amazing the colors and all the little details and the animation, you're so skilled!
thank you so much!!! and of course, i'd be happy to answer :D i draw in other styles as well but i rlly do have a soft spot for pixel art. very specifically "girly" pixel art from the early 2000s internet which i grew up with. it's not an art style i see very often these days, so i try my best to emulate it in my art because it's something i want keep alive.
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to my understanding the art style was pioneered by girls in the early 2000s who taught themselves how to make pixel art to make "dolls" or cute graphics for their blogs, basically just to have fun on the internet! You've Got Kat made a lovely video related to this covering the history of internet pixel dress up dolls specifically (mostly in the West iirc) if anyone is interested!
i think that pretty much led to all those beautiful vibrant visuals you see in flash games and all the other girly game sites. the korean pixel art scene especially was craazy (i think Maplestory's popularity especially had a hand in it), once ppl realized girls played games and used the internet (LOL), big sites like yahoo korea started busting out the dress up games and pixel stickers/emotes. it was a glorious time tbh!!
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it stands out to me because prior to the internet, the girlies never had "cute and girly" pixel art made so specifically For Them in video games, or at least very rarely did they have something like that. and the girly pixel art would continue on and end by the era of girly NDS games, which is also a style of pixel art i love. but yeah!! i just love how unapologetically cute and vibrant and girly it is, and it reminds me of a wonderful time in my life and on the internet ^^
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savage-rhi · 26 days
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@nemo-of-house-hamartia Hope this answers your questions 😂
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
So I just kind of wanted to confirm something.
Undyne didn't kill any of the humans before frisk fell in your au right?
Sometimes, I see interpretations where undyne killed one or two of the kids before they made it to asgore and is shown to regret it in their post pacifist aus, and it's just something I find really unbelievable of her to do.
// well, people are allowed to interpret canon and make headcanons if they wanted to
// but it is absolutely not the case in canon. It's very clear Undyne has never killed a human before and that's the dilemma she's facing. The whole point of Undyne's character arc is that she wants to be like Asgore and be a hero and destroy humanity. She's fully indoctrinated into Asgore's revenge ideology. She has a huge heart but its in the wrong place.
You remind her of Papyrus and Asgore. A pair of softies, who don't actually wish harm on anyone. Undyne has trouble grappling with this, because she was taught that humans are why they're trapped and that they need to die for their freedom. That it's justice. Look how heartbroken Asgore is after what humans have done to him.
But then why does it feel bad when she knocked him down and won? Why does victory feel hollow when it should be great? Why does this kid, this dumb human kid who has no right to be so innocent and pacifist? Why does... she not want to win?
Idk I feel people see that scene with Undyne and read it very surface level of "oh haha Papyrus and Asgore are whimps" and miss the context that both are tough, strong characters capable of defeating people in battle but have zero desire to do so. They're a pack of strong and heroic people who can't fall into the lie that Undyne has believed. Undyne's character arc was that she knew she was wrong but didn't know how to process it until you proved to her that maybe-!
maybe true strength isn't in overcoming your enemies but in surviving and choosing not to harm others. A victory based in violence to someone you don't truly want to hurt is never a true victory.
the emotional crux of this is that we now have a new lens to frame Asgore with. We see Undyne's dilemma of choosing Mercy and we know that's what Asgore wants before we even meet him. We know he does not want us dead but feels obligated to. It's an important setup for the (false) climax of the game.
Anyway, analysis and rant aside as much as it annoys me when people ignore canon, they're still allowed to make new lore and engage with the story they want to. Toby's writing is very thick in themes, characterization and meaning. But it's also not the most blunt about details, so its easy to miss or misunderstand on key characterization bits. So I'm not mad if someone thinks Undyne could of been a killer in the past.
If someone finds that plotline engaging, trying to apply the broader themes of mercy and moving on and applying that to Undyne, while misunderstanding a part of her character because they missed this subtle context, that's not so bad! Who am I to say that's wrong? I don't agree with it and I don't really want to engage with that conflict cause I'm a canon-strickler and I personally don't like the idea of Undyne being a killer when her arc is about not becoming one. But alas, its like, fine. I'll stick to my own lane, you know?
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bloogers-boogers · 2 months
I kinda forgot what the name of that one au is, the one where Cain stole a baby for Abel .
How did they met again and get together ? 👉🏻👈🏻👀
And will Eve also appear in the story ?
YESS!! Evy is definitely gonna come up in the story soon~ I’m excited write about her and Adam’s relationship 👏🏼💕💕💕✨
And honestly the comic has no name well technically it did which was “forced marriage au” but it was more of a basic name to start off an au that I did NOT planned on making a whole comic out of it but here were are! Abdkwgdka if anyone has any suggestions of a name I’m done to read them!
Okay so here’s the thing, considering I may not write too in depth about Cain and Abel’s relationship in the comic I can answer any question about them here! (unless it has some spoilers then maybe no) considering in the comic I’m focusing on Lulu and Adam.
How they reencounter more like WHO brought them together again. I know in the comic we only seen Cain’s delusions/craziness but Abel… we haven’t gotten a glimpse of his own. And this is where you guys could see his crazy/thirst for vengeance on this motherfucker. No one would assume this but if someone were to ask me who’s the craziest out of the two, my answer will always be Abel’:)
If you guys know about Cain’s curse the one given after murdering his brother, then you guys know no one was supposed to killed Cain and he was cursed to wonder the earth for eternity. But Abel. He was not conformed by this. At least when he was told by one of his sinner siblings that Cain was actually stuck on earth, Abel was waiting for him after all that time since he got murdered.
He was obsessed and desperate to get the justice he so deserved. Cain was on his mind 24/7. And then discovering the why Cain wasn’t going down pissed him off. “Why does he get to live on earth for eternity when I couldn’t even make a life of my own when I was up there!”
The thing about these two is that Abel is from wrath. The whole idea about sinners being stuck in pride originated from the exterminations and angels wanting to punish Lucifer for his wrongdoings but before that it was the first souls going to their respective sin.
Abel’s sin is wrath (cause I haven’t shown or said the whole story about HOW those two ended up fighting that lead to Abel’s death *wink* *tease*) and Cain’s is envy.
Wrath is the second most strongest sin you could have and Abel had to climb to top for survival, being the FIRST human soul to fall down there. Good thing is that he had practice on earth.. considering their circumstances and Adam and Eve’s teachings. And well… he was full of wrath back then.
Anyways. Abel was and IS an overlord (which is why he knows about Vox and Alastor) the most powerful in wrath. He’s acquaintance with Satan. But anyways I’m getting far away from the subject, sorry!
He found methods and rituals to get to Cain on earth. Back in the beginning of hell it was much more difficult to get. But somehow he managed to find a way and killed Cain. This lead for the curse to go into Abel. Which I find it very ironic because he’s the reason why Cain’s curse to be alive for eternity but also it kinda goes well with the fact that Cain was the one to firstly take a life, his. Like the perfect chain.
Cain’s death was “abrupt” to say the least which is why Cain resented Abel for, because that’s the whole reason why Enoch thinks Cain abandoned him. But he can’t find it in him to blame Abel entirely for it and he kinda expected it in a way?
Like subconsciously Cain was WAITING for Abel to get to him. And he did. They were fucking obsessed like that.
Cain fell in envy when he died and for a period he was kinda wondering around there, trying to figure out how to live in this new world but also kinda trying to avoid the obvious. Which was trying to run from getting found by Abel.
Still, they eventually found each other, mostly from Abel’s part cause Cain wasn’t really trying THAT hard to hide. He was basically just sleeping in this old and very small stinky ass apartment until Abel broke his door down and killed him with a butcher knife.
And then, they somewhat made it a routine. A game. Yup. Cain would “hide” and Abel will find him and kill him. It was a normal for Cain to be murdered by Abel at least every two days of a week. And if he didn’t Cain would get offended and look for him JAVDJADHKSBA they’re so fucked up.
In a way, this was for Cain something he thought Abel needed to get his wrath to cease out a bit and his guilt to lessen. And for Abel it was cruelly therapeutic to see Cain in a bloody mess like he did once to him.
Cain and Abel made their own reputation rise up separately but Cain would be lying if he didn’t admit that if it weren’t that Abel was already a recognized overlord it would’ve been twice as difficult to thrive in hell. They’d team up sometimes without wanting to or because they were stuck together in meetings. But nonetheless they kept away from the other for a small period. The other, well was that “game” I mentioned. That game that lead them to furiously make out and fuck and then talk about what happened on earth.
They started pointing out all the things that went wrong in their relationship and how things would’ve been different if they actually just admitted they felt attracted to the other.
So from then they just kinda had this ongoing (no labels) thing where they wonder around their rings during the day and then at nights reunite together and do all the nasty shit/ discoveries they weren’t allowed to do as mortals. Also a ton of dates. Cain at that point had already label Abel as ‘his’ even if their relationship at the time wasn’t sealed shdiabdaldjsl any sinner/ hellborn who’d oogle Abel for too long were on his kill list while Abel was in his own little bubble having small crisis for falling this low but not regretting it either. Abel didn’t even feel like he had to claim Cain cause he just knew Cain was his.
Everyone kinda just knew those two were “together” and to not mess with either of them. Then one day out of the blue Cain just suggested for them to get married and Abel said yes.
Their relationship was a roller coaster shdkshdkfbsk but anyhow Adam was in fact in that wedding with danger tits :3
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daffodil-screaming · 2 months
these are such an interesting question, i lowkey wanna send u like 20 of them. anyway. 83, 56, 40
83. Who was your first kiss with?
I guess there are a few answers to this, but I’m going to go with what felt to me like my first real kiss. It was with my first girlfriend when I was 14/15. It was incredible. We had been dating for close to four months at that point and I was too much of a bottom coward to initiate anything. it’s so weird looking back life felt so huge and serious and having a perfect kiss and doing it right felt so important i just… never had the courage until one day I did. And god it was absolutely mind blowing. I remember clearly my lips were numb and tingly for a good ten minutes afterwards and my body felt like it was filled with fireworks. She said it was “fine” lol. We broke up about a week later and she did some horrible stuff that I won’t get into now, but yeah. It was a good first kiss, even if I didn’t kiss anyone for four years after that.
56. State 8 facts about your body
Oh god umm okay-
-I have really tiny baby wrists compared to the rest of me 😭 why are they so fragile? I have no idea. It’s made for some play tho and my flawless flirting move “hey I bet you can’t fit both of my wrists in your hands” and then they do and I desire them carnally
- one of my legs is half an inch longer than the other
-much to my wife’s delight, you can slap my thigh and it will make my boobs jiggle and vice versa, I have “S tier jiggle physics” as she would say
-since I started birth control my nipples have got sooooo sensitive I really think I could cum just from having them sucked on
-I can fit an 8inch dildo in my ass comfortably but sometimes my cunt is so tight I struggle to fit a finger
-sometimes my joints randomly dislocate
-my hair wants to be naturally curly sooooo bad but I cannot seem to tame it. I cannot make it behave so I normally wear it in plaits
- my eyesight is so bad the optician once gave me a leaflet he normally gives to over 60s
THATS 8 not so sexy facts about my body
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
Oh god this is so embarrassing but yes, I write a lot of poetry and occasionally songs. I’ve never written a song for someone but I’ve written many poems a lot of which are inspired by people, only a couple of them have ever had a poem written specifically for them tho 😅 letting someone read my poetry is like a blood bond to me lol
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scatterbrainedbot · 10 months
So uh-
Your tmnt au is so adorable especially leo!
Why is he so cute?!
So uh... I made fanart!
Hope you like it!
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 4 months
i love love love the new fic and im sooooooo excited for where you'll take this 🥰❤️
just curious, could i ask how many chapters ur planning for the new fic? like just in general, cause i know that can change from time to time - but like how long do u see it going on for?
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i'm sorry it was too funny not to slap those at the start,,
genuinely? on a hopeful estimate? i want to say 30-40.
realistically? i've no fucking clue. i'm so sorry. that's like- a running joke at this point here. i do not control the chapter count or word count. i just write. when i think it's only going to take five more chapters, there's 200k words after it. when i say we're nearing the end, we end up on the first third.
so like- the safest thing i can say is that it shouldn't be longer than cyanide. but like. fuck if i know if that's actually going to turn out being true. plus it could still be longer than cyanide on word count even if it has less chapters given cyanide only started hitting 9k words average per chapter on like... chapter 30 and up i think. whereas jadeite's chapters are all 8-9k (i know there's only 4 so far but still) not to mention, 'not longer than cyanide' doesn't tell you much given cyanide is- quite big.
so uh- TL;DR - i'm sorry i just have no fucking clue LMAO
fun fact though- i know i laugh about it and i honestly am more flaberghasted by it than annoyed? about this not being able to control the lenght fo a fic thing. but i won't lie and say i sometimes wish i could bc then i could like- coordinate chapter titles.
geuinely the only reason why most of my fics have no chapter titles is bc i've always wanted to coordinate them, and only a few fics on the shorter side lend themselves to having basic chapter names about stuff that happens in the chapter (like babysitting and every good intention). not that i couldn't do that for the others, but i just wanted to coordinate them from the start, but ended up not doing that since well. you know.
so the actual fun fact is that i actually started jadeite- obviously for various reasons, but one of the things that got me writing was the idea that i could coordinate the chapter titles of this zhongli-centric fic idea i had to one very specific song's lyrics. as in, have each verse be a chapter title.
for that reason alone i really, really want jadeite to have 37 chapters in specific. but since i know that's mostly wishful thinking, i've left the chapters titleless. if i somehow actually manage to get it to stick to 37 (i'll take 38 or 39 even, could probably fit it in 40 as well), then i'll change the chapter titles to what i had originally intended them to be. but we'll have to see if the fic ends up matching the draft i had when it comes to matching the lyrics. or we could accept it's just for the cool aspect of it and have some chapter's titles have nothing to do with the chapter, all in the name of being able to open the chapter index and read an entire song that does vibe with the fic as a whole hahah
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kidovna · 1 year
I just saw your Byler in Good Omens fanart, and it is GORGEOUS. I AM LOOSING IT!!!
I hope this isn't much to ask for, but could you do another one where the roles are reversed? So instead of Will being Aziraphale and Mike being Crowley, Will becomes Crowley and Mike becomes Aziraphale? I know that personality-wise it doesn't make sense, but plot-wise, especially with that last episode, they have somewhat similar roles, so I think it would be interesting!
oh i actually considered that! simply because mike is michael (like the archangel) and will/william isn’t a biblical name as far as i know so i could’ve made him a former angel. also bc mind flayer possessed will has characteristics that would look great in a demon!will concept. maybe i will draw this someday 👀 however,
(good omens s2 spoilers ahead!)
i think aziraphale at the ending is still very Will coded. the entire season actually. aziraphale’s pining has been explicitly shown from the first scene, and regardless of whether or not you think azi was manipulated to go back to heaven by the metatron (will possibly being manipulated to go back to the upside down by vecna), he definitely was making a decision that broke his heart by leaving crowley behind. i can easily picture will leaving mike behind even when there’s a chance he can have him because he thinks his part and purpose in the battle lies in the upside down.
but other than that… fallen angel will also makes a lot of sense just because he’s always got rotten luck 😭
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coollyinterferes · 6 months
"Back by unpopular demand:"
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kooki914 · 9 days
I know this may sound like a silly question, but specifically for the undertale version of Asgore: what coud a partner do to help him become more assertive? Asking because I'm planning to ship him with an OC and I still despise how basically in the ending Toriel gets to verbally tear intro him and he doesn't bother to defend himself (specially with the "just get one soul and leave to kill 6 more ppl to break the barrier" wich she coud have done herself but refused to while living inside her own little bubble ignoring the suffering of her fellos monsters, I undestand she was grieving but I feel it coud have been done without making her seem on the right and nobody speaking agaist her). I also know that by doing this he may appear out of character or that "he changed just for his partner", but knowing that a partner can help you to change for the better while highliting you best personality traits, and I was wondering wich coud be the most coherent way (my plan is for them to spend at least 5 years together, and that Asgore also helps his parter change for the better since they arrive having strong biases agaist monsters).
I don't think this is a silly question at all! It's something I've tackled somewhat in my Spadesgore fics, the idea that someone's habits rub off on Asgore and what can seem like a negative change to outsiders (him being more closed off and assertive) is actually a positive one in the long run because he actually, y'know, gets a spine and stops putting other people's needs above his own.
With Undertale specifically it's a VERY complicated question because I feel like step 1 of any Asgore development in Undertale is that he needs to fully face the brunt of his actions. I'm actually somewhat of the opposite opinion to you about the "confrontation" between him and Toriel, I think the narrative very clearly spells out that his "violence when you're faced with violence" response was the INCORRECT one (while Toriel choosing pacifism in the face of a bloodthirsty nation was, arguably, the least morally dubious choice any character could've made), but Asgore never... confronted the root of that problem? He essentially got a slap on the wrist for the murder of 6 children, and while that WAS narratively satisfying for a game about forgiveness and letting go of the past, I think a bit of self-discipline is in order for Asgore, post the events of the game. Him confronting HIMSELF rather than relying on someone else to do it for him is kind of pivotal to that, in my opinion, because this isn't something a relationship can mend FOR him. Let me elaborate.
WARNING - since this post is analyzing Asgore, there's implications of suicidal ideation, but it's not discussed at length. And, fair warning, this post is less "proper character analysis" and more "wayward speculation based on narrative beats for the sake of shipping" <3
While Asgore is the type of person to feel borderline incomplete when not in a relationship with someone (see: all of his behavior in Deltarune; and in Undertale the way he just Stops Speaking once it's clear Toriel wants nothing to do with him, it's like he's just entirely shut himself out of the conversation as if he has nothing to offer anymore, only ever speaking in vague platitudes until the final boss is defeated and he's osmosed into the friend group), contrary to what he thinks a relationship Won't Fix Him NOR his issues around self-worth. It's something he has to tackle on his own because, if he enters another relationship without doing so, he's gonna end up in the same cycle of trying to impress his partner, exhausting himself, and putting his partner between a rock and a hard place because he's both extremely emotionally needy while NEVER communicating his needs properly, closing himself off while desperate for intimacy.
It's borderline masochistic, his tendencies to just passively wait for outsiders to judge, reward, punish, and practically command his every action. It's why he's kind of a bad leader? He's community oriented, but in that way where he wants to please everyone instead of enacting lasting change, because (I think) he can't really envision a greater good because he's got anxiety up the ass. He's REactive rather than ACTIVE, and while that's typically not THAT big of a deal (again, his Deltarune self as an example of how you can have a normal-ish life even with that weird mentality), when you're put in the position of a leader and then refuse to make conscious choices out of a fear of hurting someone, you're inevitably going to hurt Everyone, which is exactly what happened in Undertale. I guess an easy way to make Asgore a little more self-assured is, paradoxically, give him less power. This may seem antithetical, but if he's allowed to, like, sit and breathe for a minute without everything resting on his shoulders, and small, inconsequential decisions are up to him without the title of "King" looming over him, it might make him feel more confident in THOSE choices, specifically. This doesn't fix the core issue, though, more just gives him a safety net where he can hide from his royal problems with someone who sees him as more than just his title and duty, which is valid (and honestly really cozy and cute), but I'm here to break people and put them back together, so strap in.
You mentioned your OC is a human who has a lot of bias against monsters initially, so allow me to run (a mile) with that for a minute. You probably already have a meetcute in mind for them, but it's honestly a really good setup, I can't help but throw my two (or three) cents into it. It forces our POV character (the OC) to go through considerable change throughout the events of the narrative (whether you fic this or not you've already implemented character development into your romance plot and I Adore that), and in turn a changing perspective on Asgore himself. Try to think of things a human might hold him accountable for, justly or otherwise, someone who heard of mythical monsters and a terrible king who slays children. Your OC might start off somewhat siding with Toriel at first (as she was the only monster who attempted to SAVE humans rather than kill them), but gradually grow to sympathise with Asgore once they get to know him, not just because he's a walking pity party but because that human and Asgore might have more in common than they first thought. (This is where I run out of info on your OC and can't really fill in the blanks LMAO go wild with this part. It can be something as simple as gardening or something as deep rooted and psychological as "the need to please other people in order to feel like you're worth anyone's time". Bonus points if it's both and the gardening is symbolic of the psychological issues.)
From Asgore's perspective, though, this would be utterly baffling. To this day, I don't doubt he somewhat idolises Toriel, he clearly still longs to be close with her, so to see someone (a HUMAN no less) stop empathising with her feelings and instead side with his own? He'd think they're nuts! ... But also, it'd be deeply validating in that guilty-pleasure kind of way (guilty because he doesn't think he deserves redemption). It actually starts turning gears in his head, though... If someone in a position like that, someone belonging to a nation he's hurt so badly, can see the GOOD in him and try to nurture a bond with him despite it all... doesn't it mean he's genuinely worth something? Even if he himself can't see it yet?
(This is, you may note, similar to what happens with Frisk in most fan-plots, but also highlights where I think Asgore's "redemption" in Undertale falls a bit short on the character level. Frisk never really gets to spend time with Asgore, since it's narratively irrelevant whether they like the guy or not, because the point of their conflict is that Frisk refuses to kill him, and refuses to be killed BY him. It's a conflict that re-states the core moral of the game, while also partly dismissing a genuine bond between the characters because it's necessary for it to stay vague for them to properly represent the narrative forces that they do (humanity and monster-kind). The popular fanon is that Asgore adopts Frisk similarly to the way Toriel does, but, in the game there's literally nothing to support that. The equally valid interpretation is that Frisk sees Asgore as just Some Guy they're lukewarm with for the sake of not kickstarting another monster-human war, even if they genuinely don't like him on a personal level, just like Toriel doesn't anymore. Because, again, there's nothing in the game to support Frisk being besties with literally EVERYONE, they just hang out with monsters sometimes and Don't Kill Them, it's not a high bar.)
IF you don't want to take the angle of your OC siding with Toriel (if the monster bias is THAT bad in the beginning), I'd instead propose really hammering home the monster hatred. Just by existing, by being someone hostile to Asgore over something he DIDN'T expect to get hostility over (the fact that he's a monster, and not the fact that he's a murderer) would maybe make him question why he WANTED to be told he was irredeemable, and why it's so strange to receive that input for the wrong reasons. Maybe he tries convincing the human that, actually, monsters are good and HE'S the one who's to blame for everything bad, and when he's brushed off with "no all monsters suck" it just baffles him more. Bonus points if later on it hits him like a truck that your OC developing feelings for HIM specifically made them get over their monster hatred. He thinks it's a case of "if you learn to love the worst of something you'll love the best too" but then has to come face to face with the idea that he ISN'T the worst of monster kind! That they actually prefer HIS company over other monsters! And not even for superficial reasons! And maybe there's still prejudices to overcome with the human, but they're trying FOR him, not in spite of him, and it's yet another little sign from the heavens to Asgore that maybe, just maybe, he's not as irredeemable as he thought.
Another potential avenue, that's less directly correlated with shipping, is to give him a kid that is his responsibility alone to take care of. Whether that be a literal adopted child, or a kid he has to impromptu take care of for a while, I feel like having someone (anyone, really) other than himself to provide for sort of nudges his priorities back in place (even if it doesn't really dismantle the core of his issues). (My reasoning for this being a potential avenue is how much Asgore's let himself go in Deltarune when no-one lives with him, juxtaposed to his well-maintained house in Undertale where he's constantly taking visitors and patiently waiting for his wife to come back.) Something small and defenseless that depends on him for support and protection is something that could really make him realise how much his well-being actually means in the grand scheme of things, that even if it isn't pleasant he has to stand his ground if only for the sake of this child that depends on him for literally everything (which was, incidentally, also his motivation for starting the war in the first place - avenging the children he failed to protect with a fiery vengeance as the only concrete decision he made in his time as king (that we know of)).
Maybe the point of contact/conflict between your OC and Asgore in this scenario is someone who doesn't believe he should be allowed to take care of a child (what with the 6 dead in his basement), and while the feud may start as mild, it might get more and more out of hand and forces Asgore to actually put his foot down and Demand custody rather than ask politely, maybe because the kid in question trusts him and nobody else for backstory reasons, or because they're literally His Kid (Chara slots in really well into this role IMO but you don't have to go with that route if you don't want to tackle revival shenaniganery). This is, imo, much harder to execute in literary form? (If you're not gonna fic this, ignore this part) It bumps up the conflict from slowburn to full on enemies-to-lovers, even if it speedruns the process of Asgore getting a spine, and if you can pull that off hats off to you but I always struggle with proper enemies to lovers with no intermediary of "friends" in between.
IN ANY CASE, past the "will they - won't they" phase, once they're actually together, I'd suggest your OC lightly nudge Asgore into that self-assuredness he's desperately missing, and moreover I suggest it not be on purpose. While it's probably the healthier option to talk to your partner if they're having self-esteem issues, this is fiction and I love drama, if you expected anything else you came to the wrong person, and ALSO this is Asgore we're talking about. He's the king of "never talk about my emotions, ever" so even if something is brought to the forefront he'd probably just apologise and privately cry about it without fixing literally anything. It would be more impactful (imo) if Asgore chose to adopt some of the habits of his partner without him being prodded over it, or pushed into it. At first, small things, like actually asking for the pickles in his order himself (/ref, meme), but slowly it might evolve into him realising just how much he's been neglecting himself. Scenario example of what I mean - his partner has actual self-preservation instincts and can help themself when in a tough spot, and Asgore is caught off guard when that same kindness is offered to him (as the king of monsters, his subjects revered him so heavily they kind of forgot he can actually get hurt or might need help with otherwise ordinary things, and Asgore stopped helping himself along the way because of it).
A different scenario might be something benign, like an insult or backhanded compliment Asgore brushes off, but his partner doesn't. Asgore might hold the (correct) position that, as a political figure, there's literally no point in trying to stave off every insult or mean opinion, and (incorrectly) asserts it doesn't have an effect on him overall. Because, in reality, it DOES stick. He has a hard time shaking off disapproval and hatred when he's carrying around so much guilt (juxtaposed to how genuinely confident he seems in Gerson's stories of Asgore before his children fell down and before Toriel left, when Asgore could ACTUALLY roll with the punches and not mind public embarrassment because the opinion of the masses didn't matter to him as much as it does now), and maybe his partner can point out to him that he seems weirdly more fixated on the actual Contents of the insult than they do. Where they just didn't like someone's tone or intent, Asgore's actually focusing on What they said, and it's a clear indication of the way he compartmentalises and somewhat takes in every criticism he's ever received. Because depression and low self esteem just does that to a motherfucker sometimes.
Overall there's also a sort of... tricky line to tread when trying to write around/through one of the character's defining flaws. Asgore was always described as a pushover, so what are you really left with when trying to override that fatal flaw that makes him what he is? This sort of trope, "your strongest attribute is your biggest weakness", stems all the way back from ancient Greece because its a GOLDEN trope, and when making fan content I think there's an interesting line that can be drawn. Asgore's best quality is his friendliness and approachable-ness, so how do we NOT diminish that while actually diminishing the FLAW part of that core character trait? Maybe Asgore's more confident and self-assured now that he has a partner that supports him basically unconditionally, but ALSO he still cracks under pressure easily and gives into demands if pressed enough. Maybe he stands his ground more and can actually tell people off without being a total pushover, but ALSO he ends up feeling a lot of guilt over doing so and maybe regresses back into old habits soon after.
Because, again, a relationship won't fix him, and to me that's part of the appeal. Instead of finding someone to "make him whole", it's more about finding someone that's gonna be there for him during the good and the bad days, someone who maybe fills in for some of the traits he lacks, but never overrides what makes him who he is. Because, let's be honest, him being a pushover is probably what allows him to properly consider a relationship with someone who started off so heavily biased against him. Having little self esteem paved the way for him to not dismiss this person outright, opening his arms to someone who started off with genuine hatred towards him, and it's not a good habit(!!), but it's woven into his vary nature as a character, and I always find it interesting to see that push and pull between progress and loving even the bad parts of someone's personality. Again, especially because it's fiction, there's a lot to explore when it comes to that line of thinking, "do I want to make you better or am I trying to change a fundamental part of you"? I don't think Asgore would be abandoning his nature by having a spine and not taking shit from literally everyone, BUT it might be a line of thinking HE falls back on, because he's had literally hundreds of years of this habit built up, it's gonna be hard to make any progress without immediately taking two steps back again. Especially because it's Asgore, he's basically a smiling boulder that refuses to move or change (and I say that affectionately).
I think finding a way to instill a sense of Inherent Worth in Asgore is a good way to shake him into being a little more assertive. It's what I did in my own fics (and a lot of this post was me re-treading the same ideas with different characters to pair Asgore with), and the premise of someone who dislikes him from the get-go but learns to love him in time is (in my opinion) the best vessel to do that through. Because, if this person, who means a lot to him, can get over their biases and love him, (like ACTUALLY love him, not the way his subjects love their king, but the way a person loves another person) doesn't that mean there's worth to him being himself, and not just what people expect of him? Is the fact that he's beloved by someone he loves not reason enough to try and survive another day, and thrive in the long run?
It's difficult to instill worth in a character that's had hundreds of years of literal and figurative dehumanization on his hands, but it has to start with small things. Him being more than just a king. Then, him being more than just a friend, more than just a person you're eventually going to grow tired of or disgusted with, and eventually someone who doesn't need constant approval to feel like he's allowed to breathe. Small kindnesses go a long way, and if he starts to see himself in someone he wants to protect, or ends up in a position where he's being provided for by someone he loves, it can build up those ideas of worth and (ironically) independence, because it's less about pleasing a crowd and more about Not Dying because he's actually not that bad to have around in the first place.
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folklouire · 4 months
hi! i’m so sorry if this is annoying (if it is, feel free to ignore/delete this)
but i just wanted to say that i loved your posts about fall out boy’s mania album!! i never understood why it gets so much hate bc “the last of the real ones” and “wilson (expensive mistakes)” are up there as some of my fave fob songs EVER
anyway, it inspired me to listen to the album again since it had been a while since i played it all the way thru, so thank you!! ☺️
and if i may so humbly offer for your consideration, if you’re at all interested (but literally no pressure at all) this edit?
also i just wanted to say that your tags on my edits literally always always always make my whole day!!!!!! so thank you very very much for your super sweet words bc they are always so so nice!! ☺️☺️
um yeah anyway i’ll stop rambling now!
i hope this wasn’t obnoxious and thank you ily bye 🩵🩵
first of all, if you ever want to send me an ask again, NEVER ever ever apologise for being annoying or anything. you're not bothering me at ALL!!!!!!! (i'm even kind of fangirling a little a lot seeing your asks)
i knoooowwwwww, i said the same thing to my sister like if you don't like the album, then i guess listen to it as many times as it gets to "click" for you, it's literally such a great album. so fun, so enjoyable to listen to, such great songs and sounds. it definitely gets so much hate that it doesn't deserve, but scrolling through the tag i've also seen a lot of fans defending it so i guess that's good!! and OMG the last of the real ones is one of my fav fob songs too!!!! (made me cry the first time i listened to it and tbh not the only time) (and wilson is the most relatable song✌) (what are some of your other favourite songs? i'm curious!)
and you're welcome heheheh 💝 i hadn't listened to fob in general in so long and i had a great time listening to their music again, so, glad you enjoyed the album too 😁 AND btw i kid you not i was thinking of sending you a request for an edit for a fob song, so if you're thinking of making anything new for a fob song, think of me hehehe 😎
I LOVE YOUR EDITS SO MUCH!!!!! and you're definitely one of my biggest inspirations to start editing as well and your words mean a lot to me (what you said here and your taylor ask), as i said i'm definitely 100% fangirling. so i thank you too💝💝💝💝
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emmcfrxst · 3 months
ngl i kinda wanna hear your analysis on arthur whenever u have time bc as much as we love this man- i think we sometimes forget that this man is canonically racist and sexist even tho he is considered progressive and better than most men during that time (looking at u micah😒).
examples of this being like during his antagonizing lines for the women around the camp or him not rlly caring when other racist gang member make racist comments towards lenny, javier or charles.
idk if this wording made any sense but i’m too lazy to go over it too much😭 i love your works btw!! just wanted to see your own analysis on our man🫶🫶
(don’t know if u need age for anons but i’m 19!)
i quite honestly don’t really have an analysis on this because i hadn’t really thought about it like that before (which. you are SO right. my bad) and i honestly think that this part of his character is kind of held within the boundaries of the game itself because when it comes to the antagonizing comments it’s a personal choice of the player’s whether or not they wish for arthur to treat women with respect and i think that despite the boundary of the player’s choice, there’s still moments where you can see that arthur is definitely not like the others when it comes to feminism/the rise of suffrage because he does, whether in low medium or high honor, accept to drive the carriage for the women in Saint-Denis and keeps them relatively safe during their speeches— he also mentions not minding the idea of women voting in a conversation with the leader of the suffragettes (although his answer ends up being kind of cynical, he’s still open to the idea)— and even in low honor, arthur makes sure to protect tilly and sadie multiple times throughout the game. the racism part is kind of tricky because we firstly as players don’t have an option of stopping the others from making comments or defending the poc members’ honor (i think? i could be wrong) so that part of arthur’s mindset isn’t shown and isn’t malleable throughout the game, he does mention not caring about skin color multiple times and also threatens the eugenicist and the kkk members upon meeting them, but as for his true, genuine personal beliefs (since it’s still the 1800s) i don’t know and i’m not exactly comfortable theorizing and discussing it in detail because i am Very Much White and i feel like it’s not my place to tell people how to feel about the content presented in the game; that’s really up to personal interpretation i think
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skyblueartt · 3 months
It's not really an ask (I just got Tumblr yesterday and have no idea what I'm doing, lol), but I wanted to say that I love your art! I also really love how you are so open to discussing the FNAF lore and welcoming fanon interpretations! I just got into FNAF in October of last year (the movie got me hooked, and now I have brain rot), and it's so heartwarming to see that others are very interested in FNAF and are so welcoming! So sorry to misuse the ask function lol. I just wanted to say hello!
OMG HI!!! First off do nottt apologize for not sending in a question, like I literally don’t care— I know DMing a random stranger online is scary af and using the ask function is a ton easier, like I do that too omggg!! And WOW thanks for the compliment on my art, I am so flattered fhfhhdhdh 🤗🤗🤗❤️!!!
OO YOURE JUST LIKE MEEE- I also go into it because of the movie 👀 the most I knew about Fnaf before was from memes (and just pop culture ig) LMAO- I knew the most surface level stuff. Y’know, “dead kids, haunted robots” and I recognized the name William Afton, but that’s iiiiit. But then I saw the movie with my bff as a joke on Halloween (HEAR ME OUT usually video game movies have a stereotype of being “bad” so we thought it was gonna be hilarious), but I came out of it like. WHOOOAAA I LIKED THAT! William was my favorite for sure- I just love villains- and then after that I watched a hilarious amount of those super long “FNAF LORE EXPLAINED VIDEOS” (I believe Wendigoon’s was the first one I saw) and yeah. I got hooked💀
I was causally into it since November but for some reason, something made me wanna draw Michael Afton back in April and then I just got HILARIOUSLY into these fuckin guys. Like, hyperfixation level on the human characters of FUCKING FREDDY FASTBEAR😭😭😭 THEYRE SO COOL! Aaaaaaaaaa. I guess because I have a creative brain, and the source material they’re from is SO open-ended, I just have the time of my life coming up with headcanons for these guys. Likeeeee…who was Henry Emily before his life was ruined by his bestie?? What was William Afton like as a dad before Evan (or CC, whatever) died? And stuff like that! I LIVE FOR IT HEHE
(Also, fanficiton. I read a cute fic of Henry taking in Michael after the whole scooping situation- I can’t remember the name of the story but ahhh— but mannnnnnn. Man that got me in shambles bro, that’s my fave headcanon EVER)
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stcnefruit · 6 months
— open starter.
status - open to all, but pls read my rules and mobile about (pinned post) first before interacting. don't like my starters. muse - vasti inaiê souza gonçalves, sculptor, potter and printmaker. bisexual, uses she/her pronouns. human, thirty. wanted opposites (in order of priority) - m/nb/f, 30+. mocs (muns/muses of color) preferred. wanted connections - literal strangers, an ex, fellow artist, someone they haven't seen since sixth grade, as long as they're a little richer than vasti is (and not related) go literally batsh*t plot - they're on their way to personally deliver one of their commissions but they haven't slept well in over 48 hours (they've slept enough to not get pulled over, they can drive) and really should have hired a truck or sent it through the post but hey they've done it before and the client is right across town (or city, cough) so it shouldn't be too bad right? they'll make it except you just kind of yk. rear-ended them at the stoplight and their sh*t's in the trunk bc it couldn't fit in the back seat and now you might have just f*cked sh*t up if that packing wrap isn't as good as it's marketed to be. potential meet cute with insurance problems and career threatening happenings basically, what could be better than that
Tumblr media
— she hears it before she feels it, the way the body of the car lurches underneath her at the street corner. the rattling in the back is too loud for her to ignore, and she's already doing inventory on what she has with her. registration papers, house keys, studio keys, that flat tire kit she's never had to use in her life and hopes she won't have to now, the delivery— oh God, fuck, the delivery. in the trunk. surrounded by a shit ton of bubble wrap and cling film and whatever the fuck else she wrapped it in at 3am two days ago and placed it in its box, but last she checked no flat tire makes that kind of sound like the kind where there's a bit too much metal and you know in your gut you'll need to call your insurance company. both of them, in her case, if the vehicle in her rearview mirror is giving anything to go by. que se lixe isso, this is not a good day. her blood pressure was not made for this. neither was her neck, for that matter, but she doubts there was enough speed behind the impact to cause any whiplash worth worrying about. she unlocks her phone as she steps out, car door slamming closed behind her, insurance already on speed dial. as a precaution she takes a few photos of the other car's license plate, now neatly tucked (along with the front bumper) just barely under her chassis—she is not paying for this shit if she doesn't have to, especially if the driver in question has enough money to be driving a car like that right into her sedan and especially if they might have just jeopardized her commission. three months, hundreds of hours, possibly damaged in her trunk because it's the one day she didn't have her morning coffee and decided to put it there instead of the backseat, bubble wrap or no bubble wrap. yeah, she'll milk every last penny from that payout while she's at it. might as well be pissed for a reason. 'hey,' she says, coming up to the window as it rolls down, 'i'm sorry, this is going to sound so completely fucking obvious and i know this and you know this but i think you just rear-ended me? and there's something in my trunk that i really need to get out and check on before this day goes any further to shit than it already has so if you could please try and back the fuck up, it would be much appreciated. juro o túmulo da minha mãe.' her mother is alive, thank you very much, but it's not like they need to know that in english or portuguese. // @indiestarter
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