#sorry for my poor photoshop skills
kay-southpaw · 6 months
Tumblr on April 1st, 2024
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simplywrong · 2 years
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meowsiesuwu · 1 year
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Felt the urge to make something silly :3c (sorry for my poor photoshop skills >w<)
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aceofwhump · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thanks for the tag @hold-him-down!!!
1. Are you named for anyone?: I am actually! My real first name is the feminized version of my fathers.
2. When was the last time you cried?: The day I watched The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies I sobbed my heart out. That was, what, 4 days ago I think? I'm now about to watch LOTR: Return of the King and I suspect I'll be crying then too. Nearly cried multiple times two days while watching Fellowship and any allusion and mention to the events of the hobbit gave me feels. BUT! I did not cry. I'm quite proud of myself for that. Oh wait. No I lied. I definitely cried when they found Balin's tomb in Moria and Oris skeleton was there next to the tomb.
3. Do you have kids?: Nope. Not at all and I don't want kids. I'm never going to have children. I've got my cat: Sable. She's my baby. For now and forever all my children will be cats.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Lol yeah I do. Far too often. I need to tune it down sometimes lol.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?: Oh interesting. Umm... I guess either their tone of voice is they speak first. I'm very conscious of people's tone of voice. If they don't speak I'm usually noticing style of clothing.
6. What’s your eye color?: Blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings?: Happy endings definitely. But I love scary movies and so many of them don't necessarily end happily. Although now that I think of it a lot of my favorite scary movies do end on a positive/happy note (as happy as a horror movie can be lol). So yeah happy ending. I love me a happy ending. Don't enjoy movies that end sadly.
8. Any special talents?: Uhhh yes? Let me see...I can play the trumpet and the bugle (pretty much the same instrument just a bugle has no valves). I can crochet. I can pick a padlock. I can operate a 1940s era switchboard and field phones. I can untie any knot you give me no matter how complicated (my sister uses this weird super power of mine all the time when her box of necklaces get tangled together. I've never not been able to untie a knot). Do photoshop skills count as special talents?
9. Where were you born?: Ohio in the USA. Not getting more specific than that sorry.
10. What are your hobbies?: My main hobbies are crocheting and historical reenacting. That's where I put all my time and money. Some other things I enjoy as a hobby are photoshop editing, writing, reading fanfic, watch tv/movies, and seeing musicals at the theater.
11. Have you any pets?: Yup! Got a cat named Sable, my weird little rescue baby. And I've got a dachshund/jack russell mix named Penny. She's 13 years old and still a spitfire.
12. What sports do you play/have played?: I don't play anything now because I'm super lazy and poor and all the leagues around me cost like $200 to play but I played softball and volleyball in high school. Volleyball is my favorite sport. I miss it terribly. I was a libero. Did basketball for a year but ended up hating it. And on occasion I'd play touch football with the neighborhood guys. I couldn't pass for shit but I'd catch anything thrown at me. Also, and I'll fight you on this, but marching is a sport and I was in marching band all throughout high school and college. I consider that my main sport.
13. How tall are you?: 5′7″
14. Favorite subject in school?: History!!! I loved that subject so much I took two history classes at once in senior year and then went on to get two degrees in it.
15. Dream job?: I'm gonna be really borng here for a second but I don't think I have a dream job anymore. Mainly cause I really don't want to work. I want to have enough money in my life to never have to work at all. But since that's not the case, my dream job is something related to history. Something where I can sit all day surrounded by historical objects. Spending the day by myself, only having to talk to someone on occasion, where I just get to sit at a desk and look at historical stuff. My dream job is quiet and peaceful but has fun times with a few coworkers. I get to do something that gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment. And pays really well so I can afford to travel and buy all the stuff I don't need but so desperately want.
tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!!!!
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littlepuddingsworld · 2 months
Exactly. I could rant about this forever, but I'll keep it short and (relatively) shallow lol
I don't know if it's the insecurity and impossible beauty standards, the high standards for partners, the economy or just the fact that people realised that some people are just not worth spending time with (to be fair, society sucks as a whole), but society has been fucked for at least a decade. And it makes me so incredibly sad that some people are just unable to get close to someone. Be it due to insecurity, prejudice, toxic masculinity, trust isses, or anything else...it is so say to see people go crazy because they lack the emotional connection that humans desperately need. We think that we are better than animals, but we need everything they need too. Like actually get close to someone.
Now, I know that there are people addicted to sex and porn, all for various reasons, but it is still so sad to me.
I have a wonderful girlfriend and I tell her everything. She has always been there for me and I will always be there for her. So it's very sad to see some genuinely unwell people continue to neglect relationships because they're scared or think that they're above it...
People have always been horrible, it just sucks that companies find a way to profit off loneliness and horniness...
Sorry for the yap session, my friend.
yes!!! don't apologize, I'm always open to almost any discussions and questions, I adore to read the thoughts and perceptions of others! it's a huge & invaluable experience :3 unfortunately, they have not yet invented a way to look at someone else's head, so need to use these boring words and expressions to learn more about the perception of others /hj /playful
(happy for your good relationship with your person, also!!! adorable<3)
what is happening now is a canonical event™, when have the greatest access to any information and physical benefits, and now things like ethics, building emotional connections, taking care of our mental state and the value of taking care of our non-physical state are really important - but it still sucks.
not surprised that the current generation is already considered the "loneliest"; not because of "social networks interfere with socialization", but because not everyone has the skills to build relationships, especially those that meet current standards. we look at unrealistic standards of beauty that can only be achieved if we are lucky with genetics and money for surgery and using filters and Photoshop, and we want "this"; we look at pictures of relationships, family, parenthood, children in the media and we want "this".
the time of access to psychology (often of poor quality), many psychological techniques and Internet communication with a variety of people makes the situation even worse, since anyone needs physical contact (and being around a living person). we are collective animals, we need to be close to each other, but we do not know how to build relationships with each other at all, except by the standards of the past, when you had a connection only with those who are close to you or whom your family chose - but now it does not work. in animals, this is from birth, while among humans there is no identical way of courtship - there is not even a "relationship standard". if earlier, having met the same "freak", you stayed with them forever, because "when will I be so lucky?", now your choice of a potential partner is incredibly huge - and because of this, you are not ready to stop until you are sure that you have chosen the best.
people receive a huge amount of contradictory information from everywhere that needs to be constantly filtered, including relationship-related information that is based on the experience of ancestors whose relationships were not healthy. hetero relationships are in decline because there is too much difference in worldview and views on the family between genders, associated with neopatriarchy and, perhaps, the greatest freedom for feminine persons; homo relationships are still banned in a number of countries, demonized and have no standards in society, constantly experience heteronormativity and internal struggle. and society still doesn't know if it's okay if you want or don't want a relationship without romance or a relationship without sex, or if a family is a family if a couple doesn't have children. if there were not many alternatives before, now there are so many that a person cannot choose, has no directions and is forced to move blindly - or not move at all.
"it used to be better" - yes, because before the standards were the same, no one cared, society lived on toxic remnants and continued to constantly struggle with any deviation from the norm. now we need to build new norms, but no one knows how, because what was previously considered the most important - sex and children - are now devalued and available even without marriage and relationships. "why should people meet now?" "why build relationships?" "why should I look for someone?" "robots will replace people" - society will become normal only when people realize that neither robots / androids, nor artificial wombs / sperm, nor AI, nothing will replace another person. person can live in isolation and be a self-obsessed creator for as long as they want, but sooner or later they will want to be among people at least for a while. because man is born an animal, but only society makes "human" human, and outside of society a human cannot be the human.
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Dear Hae,
I'm so nervous right now because I just finished a job interview, and it was for a job that I really want to get!!! Because they pay okay but what I like is they pay weekly, which is what I need right now becauseeeee!!! IU CONCERT!!! hahahaha. but yeah, hhh.
You know how I'm kinda confident speaking and writing in english, but when it comes to job interviews, I stutter a lot!! like a lot!! and the english just goes away and suddenly I don't know how to english anymore! I don't know what to say anymore. :(( I was asked to share any personal stuff and all I said was since I dropped out of school I just practice graphics designing using photoshop and illustrator, and also read books and watch movies and kdrama. I wasn't even able to say that I am very interested in cetaceans and that I love dolphins and orcas!!!!! I hate it hereee huhuhuhu I hate that this is happening huhuhuhu I know I can do it, I trust my communication skills (I try hard, very hard, and I hope they know that and understand that huhuhu), I trust myself when it comes to work (nevermind the other aspects of life), I know I can do a job well even if I'm new to it. I may be a little jittery and anxious but I can do it, Hae, I know I can! :((
I hope they will hire me :(( They train from the ground up so I know I can keep up with that :(( I just need a job good lord Jesus :(( please I'm so desperate now aaaahhh
I'm sorry if I was ranting here in my letter to you. I just wanted to vent without having anyone read it because I'm scared I might be jinxed or something :( I just need a job it's so hard to be poor pleaaaase.
Hhh. Anyway!! I hope I'll get the job, Haehae. I know you wouldn't see this but please pray for meeee hahahaha. Please :<
But if I don't, then... okay... back to job hunting :(
I'll be okay!! I'll be fine!!! It's okay!! It's going to be okay!!.... right? Hay, I'm really so anxious. I don't know what I should feel. I'm hoping for the best but I'm scared to be disappointed at myself again. :(
Hhh anyhooo!! Enough with the yapping, I still have a doctor's appointment!
Bye hae! Thanks for being my outlet today! I hope you'll have a good day ♥
Always, Ky
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datainthetardis · 6 years
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It’s a huge step to have a female Doctor and I’m absolutely thrilled about it, so maybe it’s not the best time to express how much I’d love to see this white dude as the Doctor, but I really think that James Veitch would be brilliant at the role. I’d love to see that happen someday.
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vulcannic · 5 years
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"... according to our records, you were issued a flaming sword.”
Happy Halloween y’all!! 😇
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randomfandomstuff · 7 years
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itubainaretro · 5 years
i love the fact that i was being a clown this morning and everyone followed through with my clownery. i absolutely love this. you’re all legends and thank you for not letting me be on my own on this.
here’s to being clowns together until the end, mecs
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Wasn’t easy, but I managed to remove the trash that was tarnishing these leaked screenshots from the upcoming season 3 premiere of My Hero Academia. Now excuse me while I stare at my boy some more. <3
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writer-ish · 3 years
The 3rd Annual Bloom Edenbrook Fundraising Gala
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Brooke Spiers) Word Count: 2.9k Rating: Mostly T (innuendo, language, smooches)
Premise: Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey get coerced into answering anonymous questions submitted by generous donors at this year's hospital fundraising gala. They have about as much fun with it as you'd expect.
This idea is all thanks to THIS ASK from the lovely @lem-20. The concept and all questions are hers! Thank you, darling Leah! ♥️
Author’s Note: My first time with a mixed-media type post(!!!) and the writing part has been done almost script-style, similar to the "Not Yet Wed" questions courtesy of @jamespotterthefirst, which you can find HERE. Hope you all enjoy. 🥰
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Bonus Raffle
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SETTING - Diagnostics Office - 5:15 PM
TWO DOCTORS in formal attire sit across from one another. The male, DR. ETHAN RAMSEY, late-30s, devastatingly handsome, leans against a desk, arms crossed. The female, DR. BROOKE SPIERS, late-20s, charmingly attractive, sits on a larger table further away, legs swinging.
Ethan: I can't believe you talked me into this.
Brooke: [smirking] Why does this feel like deja vu?
Ethan: You know exactly why. You coerced me into the same sort of nonsense in your intern year for that magazine—whatever it was.
Brooke: Yeah, and remember how much publicity the hospital got that year? You're welcome.
Ethan: How can you be sure our "publicity" had to do with that article and not the fact that a first-year intern stole from a large pharamceutical company to administer an unapproved drug to—
Brooke: [hands up] Okay, okay, we get it. Regardless, you have to admit I was responsible for all the publicity. [grins]
Ethan: [can't help but grin back] Touche. [sighs deeply] Let's go home.
Brooke: Can't, babe. We're the main event.
Ethan: How did this even come about? Is there not some code of ethics against this sort of thing?
Brooke: [laughs] It's just staff and donors. All adults. We're showing that we're good sports and it's for a good cause.
Ethan: [grumbles] I don't know why people care so much about us.
Brooke: You don't? I mean, have you seen us?
Ethan: [dryly] And so humble, too.
Brooke: Lord knows you aren't with me for my humility.
Ethan: Indeed. [picks up a glass from the desk at his side, swirling the amber liquid] Well, I hope you're prepared.
Brooke: [amused] Prepared?
Ethan: You're used to me being reticent in situations like this and holding back? [downs the liquid in one shot] Not today.
Brooke: [wary] What does that mean?
DR. RAMSEY stands up, crossing the room towards DR. SPIERS until the latter is forced to open her legs to accommodate his presence. He braces a hand on either side of her, leaning forward until their lips are almost touching. Her face flushes. He notices, and a slow, lazy smile spreads.
Ethan: It means [kisses her slightly open mouth softly] I'm answering all their questions.
Brooke: [giggles nervously] All of them? But what if—
Ethan: [punctuating each word with a kiss] All. Of. Them.
He leans forward and captures her mouth in a deep, searing kiss. Her arms twine around his neck and she lets out a soft moan. Drawing her ankles around his legs she pulls him even closer and he places one hand on the desk as the other glides up her back. They stay like that, interlocked for a moment, before he pulls away.
Brooke: [eyes still closed] Hmph.
Ethan: Let's go get this over with.
Brooke: [slowly opens eyes and peers at him, disgruntled] What kinds of questions do you think people are submitting?
Ethan: Like you said, Dr. Spiers... [a slow smile spreads] Have you seen us?
DR. SPIERS laughs as she follows DR. RAMSEY out.
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A.N. PLEASE do not look too closely at this very badly photoshopped pic 😂
SETTING - Bloom Edenbrook Hospital, Main Atrium - 6:25 PM
Our two doctors sit beside each other on a makeshift stage. A semi-recognizable third-year resident is the host for the evening. DR. RAMSEY dusts an imaginary piece of lint off his sleeve. DR. SPIERS has her hands in lap, knee shaking slightly. Noticing, Dr. Ramsey reaches over and rests his hand on her leg. She looks over with a small smile and places her hand over his.
Thank you to our very own Chief of Medicine, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, and his partner, head of the Diagnostics Team, Dr. Brooke Spiers, for being here with us today for a good cause. Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Spiers, are you prepared to answer some questions provided by our generous, anonymous donors?
Brooke: Sure, why not.
Ethan: [through gritted teeth] For a good cause.
Alright, excellent. I will be drawing these questions at random. Thank you to all who donated for the opportunity to submit a question.
Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Spiers, you will both be posed a question. If you choose to answer, you must both answer. If you choose not to, you must match the donation made by the donor, in lieu of a verbal response. Are you ready to begin?
Ethan: Mmm.
Brooke: [nervous laugh] I suppose.
Alright, here we go!
First question: If he/she could take one thing to a desert island what would it be?
Brooke: Me.
[Audience whoops and laughs]
Ethan: [can't hide his smirk, before clearing his throat] Brooke would take her phone. Heaven forbid she can't post about something on Pictagram.
Brooke: It's true. I'm sorry for being such a young millennial needy for external validation.
What are your nicknames for each other?
Brooke and Ethan: [look at each other. Brooke laughs.]
Ethan: Just say it.
Brooke: I mean, it's nothing too embarassing. I call him babe usually, or baby sometimes if I'm feeling extra nice. He calls me—[blushes and looks over at Ethan]
Ethan: [sighs] 'My love'. I call her 'my love'.
[Audience "awwww"s]
Who’s the better cook?
Brooke: Oh, Ethan. A hundred percent.
Ethan: It's true.
Brooke: I'm abysmal.
Ethan: Normally I would demur when it comes to Dr. Spiers' perceived faults, but in this case she's correct.
Brooke: Thanks, babe.
Ethan: You have many wonderful qualities that don't involve ovens, my love.
[A squeal from the audience that sounds suspiciously like Sienna]
Who has the last word in an argument?
[simultaneously] Brooke: Ethan Ethan: Brooke
[They look at each other]
Brooke: [laughs incredulously] Seriously?
Ethan: You think I don't hear you muttering to yourself after you walk away, almost every single time?
Brooke: Oh, so cursing your name and your very existence counts as the last word and not you shouting [affects deep voice] "And that's final!"? Duly noted.
Ethan: I don't sound like that or say that.
Brooke: Mm, sure.
Who is best at keeping secrets?
Brooke: Uh, neither of us?
Ethan: I had a secret once and it was hell keeping it.
Brooke: You've had a couple.
Ethan: True. I'm done with secrets.
Brooke: In lighter news, we kept [gestures between the two of them] this thing a secret for a bit. No?
Ethan: [opens his mouth to agree, when he's interrupted by a shout from the audience—]
Audience member that sounds suspiciously like Elijah: Nope! We all knew!
[Audience loudly murmurs in agreement]
Brooke: Never mind, then.
Who wears the trousers in the relationship?
Ethan: Neither of us subscribes to antiquated beliefs of superiority in a relationship. We're partners and teammates and work together accordingly. Sometimes she helps and guides me and sometimes I do the same for her. There is no one person who holds higher ground over the other and to imply otherwise would be foolish.
Brooke: [literal heart eyes at Ethan] What he said. [stage whisper] Except it's me.
[Audience laughs as Ethan rolls his eyes]
What is his/her worst habit?
Brooke: Workaholic, poor communication skills, yells first and asks questions later… I could go on.
Ethan: Charming. I have two words for you: messy packrat.
Brooke: Excuse me?
Ethan: If I had a nickel for every useless piece of garbage you kept "just in case" or for each article of clothing on the floor of my bedr—[clears throat] Just trust me.
Brooke: [smirks and whispers against Ethan's ear so only he can hear] Sorry, who is responsible for my clothes on the floor…?
Ethan: [says nothing but smirks as well]
[Audience murmurs in scandal]
What three words would you use to describe them?
Brooke: Hmm. Let me think.
Ethan: Passionate, caring, intelligent.
Brooke: [looks at him fondly] You came up with those fast.
Ethan: [matter-of-factly] I could give them ten more easily.
[Audience "awww"s]
Brooke: [to the audience] No, no, no don't be fooled, he doesn't mean only the flattering words, trust me.
Ethan: I believe it's your turn.
Brooke: Dedicated, compassionate, brilliant.
Ethan: [smiles softly at Brooke, who avoids his gaze. He reaches over and squeezes her hand.]
Brooke: [mutters] Yeah, yeah.
What celebrity do you/they think they most look like?
[Both Ethan and Brooke look at the announcer quizzically.]
Brooke: Celebrity? Uhh…
Ethan: I don't even know how I would begin to answer this question.
Brooke: Ryan Reynolds?
[Audience laughs and loudly disagrees]
Ethan: Who?
Brooke: [laughs and shakes her head] I don't know! I just named a random hot guy. You name a redhead actress. Jessica Chastain?
Ethan: [confused] Do you mean Jessica Rabbit?
Brooke: No I don't mean— [looks at him incredulously] Are you saying you think I look like Jessica Rabbit?
Ethan: No, I thought that's what you were saying and I was about to tell you how incorrect you were. Er, that is to say—
Brooke: I feel like you're digging yourself into a hole here.
Ethan: Agreed.
Who is the most vain?
Ethan: Both of us have more pressing concerns than our physical appearance.
Brooke: Ethan.
Ethan: [splutters]
Brooke: If you're going based off who spends more time on their hair in the bathroom? Ethan.
Ethan: [crosses his arms and glowers, but doesn't disagree]
What is his/her guilty pleasure?
Brooke: Ethan's is cooking shows, particularly Nigella.
Ethan: It's true. Brooke's is high calorie indulgences like—what's the freezer cake you made me buy the other day? With no identifiable or even passably edible ingredients?
Brooke: Ooh, Deep 'n Delicious. So good.
Ethan: [rolls eyes] Yes, because we all need our daily dose of hydrogenated oils and preservatives.
If they had a free pass, which celebrity would they choose to sleep with?
[Look at each other blankly]
Brooke: Uhh… Nigella?
Ethan: This Ryan Reynolds fellow?
Brooke: [laughs] I don't even like him!
Ethan: So who, then?
Brooke: [crosses her arms] I notice you didn't deny Nigella.
Ethan: This question is stupid. Next question.
Where and when did you go on your first date?
Brooke: Derry Roasters
Ethan: What? No. I took you to Sorellina—
Brooke: What, three years after we first met? No. Our first date was Derry Roasters when you caught me following you that time.
Ethan: Ah, so she finally admits it. I thought at the time I was… what was it, "paranoid"?
Brooke: [laughs only a touch guiltily] Did I say that?
Ethan: So you're treating the first time you trailed after me to the local coffee shop as our first date?
Brooke: Well, you paid.
Ethan: Yeah, after you "forgot" your wallet.
Brooke: What, you thought I pursued you for your good looks? No, sir. I like a man with deep pockets. Plus, you know how I know it was a first date?
Ethan: Please, enlighten me.
Brooke: You ordered for me and I didn't get annoyed and it was horrible, but I still drank the whole thing.
Ethan: The espresso Romano is not horr—
Brooke: Horrible. Coffee and lemon? [shudders] That's how I knew I was into you.
Ethan: [intrigued] Really? Way back then?
Brooke: [nods, blushing slightly, and rolls her eyes] Oh brother, don't act so shocked. You knew.
[Audience laughs and whoops]
Ethan: [shell-shocked face showing he absolutely did not know]
Where was your first kiss?
Brooke: [sheepishly] Miami.
[Audience murmurs in surprise]
Ethan: [sighs] Yes.
Brooke: Is that—are Harper and Naveen exchanging money?
Naveen: [from the audience] Dr. Emery should know better than to question my instincts!
Ethan: [loudly groans] Next question.
Who is the loudest in bed?
Brooke: [yelps and, remembering Ethan's earlier warning, throws her hand over his mouth]
Ethan: [from behind her hand] You probably could have made the answer less obvious.
Brooke: [blushes and groans]
[Audience roars its approval]
Which of your friends do you think he/she is most likely to have a crush on?
Brooke: Ohhh, this is awkward.
Ethan: My friends?
Brooke: Considering we can list your friends on one hand…and some of them intersect with mine. [bites lip] What do we do with this one?
Ethan: [to the host] What did the donor pay?
Ethan: To submit this question. How much?
Oh, uhh—[checks] $200.
Ethan: I'll write you a cheque for $200. Next question.
Brooke: [shakes her head laughing] All the questions, huh?
Ethan: At my discretion, yes.
Bryce: [from the audience] You know the answer was me for both of you, anyway!
Ethan: [scoffs] Fat chance, Lahela.
Brooke: [pointedly silent, staring straight ahead]
Ohh-kay. Next question. Who had feelings first?
Brooke: Ha, me. For sure.
Ethan: Are you sure?
Brooke: [looks at him incredulously] I just told you I liked you even after you bought me lemon coffee at Derry Roasters three years ago. [sits up to look at him more fully] No chance you liked me earlier than that. I mean, like-liked me.
Ethan: "Like-liked you"? Are we twelve?
Brooke: You know what I mean. You were such a grouch and I was just your annoying intern.
Ethan: [irritatedly] The annoying intern I kissed in Miami, what, a week later? Is that how obvious my lack of feelings for you were?
Brooke: [opens her mouth to respond and then closes it again]
Ethan: That's what I thought.
Who’s more dramatic?
Brooke: Ethan.
Ethan: I am absolutely not—
Brooke: See? Honestly, he's exhausting.
Ethan: [glowers]
Who has the weirdest orgasm face?
Brooke: Weirdest?
Ethan: Oh for the love of—
$5000 to not answer this one, doctors.
Brooke and Ethan: [jaws drop simultaneously]
Brooke: Someone paid five-thousand dollars—
Ethan: What kind of a pervert—? Fine, say it's me.
Brooke: It's really not.
Ethan: [quietly] Well, it's certainly not you.
Brooke: Yeah, but—
I believe we have our answer!
Ethan: We'll take it. Next!
What are you most likely to argue about?
Ethan: Brooke believes I could be more communicative about my feelings, especially when I have a problem.
Brooke: You do listen!
Ethan: Of course. We also argue about when she's going to move in with me.
[Audience gasps and murmurs in gleeful scandal]
Brooke: [jaw drops] Ethan!
Ethan: It's true. [turns to host] I believe it should have already happened. She believes she needs to maintain a tenuous hold on a bedroom she rarely occupies for a group of roommates who would be happy for her to move on.
Brooke: [fuming] Of all the high-handed—
Jackie, from the audience: He's right, girl, bigger and better awaits.
Brooke: [through gritted teeth, as Sienna, Ethan, and Aurora all nod and give her thumbs up] Maybe this is something we can talk about later—
Ethan: Whatever you say, my love.
Brooke: Oh, yeah, now with the "my love"s—
On that note! Here is our final question.
What’s the most romantic thing they’ve done for you?
Ethan: [looks at Brooke, who is still glowering] Most romantic?
Brooke: [glares]
Ethan: With Brooke, it's the little things. She'll notice when I'm having a bad day and bring me my favourite donut. Or a well-timed hand on my shoulder or knee when she can see I'm getting riled up.
Brooke: [glare softens a bit]
Ethan: She's thoughtful and kind and extremely empathetic. She knows what I need even before I know that I need it. It's not—candlelit dinners or what have you, but I've already prided myself on being a practical person and this intersection of—of practicality and care? That's what I find… [struggles to get the word out] romantic.
[Audience "awww"s]
Brooke: [screws up her mouth before leaning over to kiss Ethan on the cheek] Okay, that was sweet. [Thoughtfully] Most romantic thing Ethan has done for me? Well… [side-eyes him, before continuing] The HAZMAT suit sleepover last year was probably up there.
Ethan: [uncomfortable] I don't want that to be classified as—
Brooke: You were there for me at a time when I needed you most. If that's not romance, I don't know what is.
Ethan: [increasingly agitated] That's not romance, dammit, that's—that was a necessity. That was vital. I needed to be there. I needed to make sure you—that you—[cuts himself off, clenching his jaw]
Brooke: [eyes soft as she looks at him. Reaching out she rests her hand on top of his clenched fist until it unfurls slowly underneath hers and he releases his breath slowly] See? [softly] Romance.
Ethan: [sighs deeply, then links his fingers with hers and gruffly kisses the top of her hand] All this tells me is that I've neglected you on the "romance" side of things.
Brooke: [still smiling softly] No complaints. [looks out at the audience] Are we done here? [affects a deep voice] Are you not entertained?
Ethan: [fondly] And she says I'm the dramatic one.
I think we got what we needed, doctors. Thank you for helping out for a good cause. This raffle ticket session alone raised a total of $23,000 for Bloom Edenbook Hospital!
Ethan: [dumbfounded] That is insane.
Brooke: I promise we aren't that interesting.
The people beg to differ. Round of applause for Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey for being such good sports. Until next time, doctors!
Ethan: [over thunderous applause] There absolutely won't be a next time.
Brooke: [laughs and stands up, smoothing out her dress]
Audience member that sounds suspiciously like Jackie: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Rest of the audience chimes in: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Brooke: [crosses her arms, smirking at Ethan]
Ethan: Oh for the love of— [acts like he's walking away, then loops an arm around her waist and pulls her close, tilting her back and kissing her thoroughly]
[Audience roars its approval]
Ethan: [pulls away slowly and sets her upright, chucking her chin with an affectionate and slightly devilish smirk. He starts to guide her away from the host and off the makeshift stage]
Brooke: [mutters, still a bit dazedly] Told you. Drama.
[Laughing, they walk off stage together.]
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nananarc · 3 years
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I have no art for Day 4 of @takemuraweek so here are some screenshots xD Sorry for my poor photography skills T_T
- Happily Ever After -
Vân and Goro travels to Hanoi for their 'honeymoon' and to visit her grams.
They stroll down the old quarters and enjoy the street food hidden in a maze of alleyways. Goro finally stops pestering Vân about her concept of real food, because the food he has here was amazing. It's crazy how Viet people manage to make such amazing food even though most of their farmable land is destroyed.
One of Hanoi's street food specialty is the annoying borderline harassing store clerks calling for customers on the streets. Vân threaten to slice their heads off of multiple times during the stroll, but they seem to be immune to whatever threats of violence thrown at them. Goro has to drag her away every times, and through her insults she would laugh, almost as if she deliberately do it so that he has to calm her down.
Side note: Gramma hasn't seen Vân since she was 14 because she moved with her mom NUSA. When her mom died, she turned to the high way, and ever since then she has been trying to find a way to reconnect to grams, the only relative she has left. But it was several years later when she found grams, and years more when she finally meets grams in person again.
(Hmmm i would love to insert myself in the story and be the gramma xD Would that be too much? xD)
(a few pics needed some photoshoping to add a Hanoi street BG but like, i dont have that kinda commitment so there you have it xD)
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elenarinya · 3 years
sorry for my poor photoshop skills but!
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askaceattorney · 3 years
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Dear 91teivos,
Mod Vera: Thanks! Everyone in the world is going through some kind of existential crisis, so it made sense for the AA characters to join the party! (And since it was another follower who gave us the idea, we might just keep that idea in the think that after all...)
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Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Vera: No need to apologize! We like to space out letters from specific people a little, but we’ll answer as many as we can!
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Bluedragoncody,
Co-Mod: Don’t worry.  I doubt they’ll have much luck against the Ace Attorney crew, even without the Proto Badger.  They have the ultimate weapon against despair in their arsenal, after all.
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...They’re doomed, aren’t they?
I can’t make any promises, but if I ever gain enough skill in the art of animation (which has been a dream of mine for a long time, it turns out), I’ll keep that idea in mind.
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Dear skibot99,
Mod Vera: Probably Tumblr bein’ weird. (What else is new?)
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Dear sheeeesh,
Mod Vera: Mods get brought on as needed, as you can see with the arrival of Mod Edgeworth! Also, DGS2 is one of the few AA titles I’ve never played, but rest assured. Where there’s a letter, there’s a Mod who can answer it!
Mod Edgeworth: To add to Mod Vera, even if you weren’t accepted during any mod applications, that doesn’t mean you have lost all chances. I applied early January and lost to Mod Vera. Regardless, Co-Mod informed me that, even though I was rejected, he saw my potential and kept me in mind for if I was ever needed. Now, here I am.
Just because you get rejected, that doesn’t mean it’s game over. Show that you have potential and make yourself known by sending letters to us. That is what I did, after being rejected. I made myself known to the mods by sending letters. We do read them and they tell us how much you know the characters and games of AA more than any application. Of course, you must also follow the guidelines. That just goes without saying.
Co-Mod: I think my actual words were something like “Don’t tell anyone, but you were my second choice.”  But yeah, what they said is true -- becoming a Mod here, like many things, may or may not happen to you, but you can definitely increase your chances by waiting patiently and demonstrating your potential.
As for DGS2 letters, I’m afraid those are still off-limits unless you know of a way to play or watch the game in its entirety, translated into English.  I guess I could check to see if the Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 channel finished translating...
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(Translation: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!  ...D-Don’t tell me?!)
...Okay, looks like I have some watching to do.  Don’t know how I missed that.
So, uh...  That part in bold was what I was going to say.  Now that both games are finally getting an official English version, all I can say is, hang tight!
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(Previous Post)
Dear Inferno again,
Co-Mod: Yeah, I agree.  I was just joking around.  For anyone who didn’t catch it, that was a reference to Sbemail #108.
The event’s technically over, but we’ll answer the rest of the April Fools’ Day letters when they reach the bottom of the queue.  I’m as eager to see Trucy’s reaction to the news (after the stunned silence) as anyone else, after all.
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(Video in Letter -- Strong Language Warning)
Dear Ella,
Mod Edgeworth: 
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I can’t see the first link and....
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How did you find this masterpiece and where can I play this game?
Co-Mod: We don’t check for direct messages on Tumblr, if that’s what you’re referring to, so it wouldn’t have made any difference anyway.  You can always send links in your letters, of course.
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(Previous Post)
Dear Inferno,
Mod Edgeworth: That mad lad would be me and thank you. 
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I like to put my heart and effort when answering these letters. With this one, I figured you wanted to see Trucy in costume, so I just searched up an image on Google for the Ancient One’s costume, a sprite of Trucy and a bald head to put on her. The rest I photoshopped on GIMP. 
We’re still going through letters from January. Hopefully we will get the rest of yours soon enough.
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Mod Edgeworth: Thank you very much. Your support and the others’ support that have liked, commented and reblogged it mean a lot. As you have stated, a majority of the fandom seem to consider him the worst. I’d like to think it’s because how AA had created this villain of a character to be universally hated was pure genius. Not even the Phantom gets this much hate… and that’s saying something.
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Unfortunately, I’d like to keep my real identity outside this blog a secret. I write a lot of letters here and I don’t want to break the spell for anyone. Think of it like a Disney theme park. The cast that play the characters will never admit their true identities, outside of family and close friends, to prevent the experience from being ruined. I want to do the same as a Mod. I don’t want to break the spell of writing to your favorite AA characters. This blog had helped me through my tough times and I want to help everyone else as a mod.
However, I will answer your letters and, if you post anything on your account, a mysterious friend I know may linger and give you a like ;)
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Ali S. Fakenamington,
Co-Mod: Beautifully so.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Sinyove,
Mod Edgeworth: That letter was made in 2012 before AA5 and AA6, which was WAY before I became a part of the AA fandom. I’m certain a lot of us were not here when this letter was made, except maybe Co-Mod, but you’ll have to speak with him about this. I will say that the mod that answered this is no longer working here... I think. At the very least, I haven’t heard from him.
That being said, AA4 or Apollo Justice was the first AA game I’ve ever played. Despite all of the hate I saw towards that game, I still loved it regardless. Though, having not played the trilogy, playing the tutorial of AJ was a pain in the ass. I remember going to YouTube to find out how to beat it, because it was so hard. I also played it on PC.
I do see where The Mod was coming from. Had the two sequel games never existed, Apollo Justice would have more holes than my brothers’ socks. My only critique is that Phoenix wasn’t any better either with having Mia babysitting him during almost every trial AND investigations. Hell, Phoenix needed Mia to know how to talk to a kid, talk to a perverted old man, almost gave up in most of his trials in the first game and never conducted a trial without Mia until Turnabout Goodbyes when Maya literally couldn’t summon her. For the most part, Apollo was doing fine on his own without Phoenix, with only Trucy assisting him for the two middle trials, only almost giving up once and Phoenix having assisted him during times when Apollo was not in a normal situation (like when the criminal turned out to be his own co-council/mentor or when he had to lead a trial that included the Jury System). That’s more than Phoenix ever did on his own in the first two games and I think Apollo deserves more credit than he got in that letter in my opinion.
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For me, Apollo Justice is one of those games you either like or you hate. I love it for what it is. My least favorite AA game would have to be Ace Attorney Investigations, the first game. The second one is my absolute favorite.
Co-Mod: Sadly, I haven’t seen or heard from the Mod in a while, so it may be time for us to declare him MIA again.
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Erm...  Sorry, poor choice of words.
I’m fairly certain I wasn’t around 5 years long ago, but I have to say, Capcom did a great job of making Apollo and his story more interesting over time.  He may not be Phoenix, but he certainly carried his legacy forward pretty well, both as an attorney and as an Ace Attorney protagonist.
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Dear BDC,
Co-Mod: It fits like a glove, if you ask me...although it also kind of reminds me of 101 Dalmatians.  And thanks for that bit of info!  I never get tired of watching people enjoying the fun dialogue and plot twists of Ace Attorney, so I might have to look him up.
I’m not sure I feel the same about watching Dahlia’s voice actress, though.  I’m sure she’s a nice person and all, but the thought of hearing that voice for so long...  *shudder*
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(Previous Letter)
Dear dawsongfg again,
Co-Mod: I wasn’t trying to say that natural deaths can’t happen in the Ace Attorney universe, just that most deaths aren’t what they seem.  I knew right away that Archie Buff’s death was no accident, for one thing.  Waaaaay too much of a coincidence, know what I mean?
-The Mods
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shadowsfan · 7 years
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For those of you who wanted a photo of Stephen, Carice and Liam together. Here is my attempt at making it happen if only in our dreams.  Maybe someday they will do another show together, or a film, or that rom-com, what was it called?  Stan, Melissa and Dave?
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