#sorry for posting in the tag v.v
wraithsoutlaws · 7 months
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TITLE: Perfect Drug CHAPTER ONE: Jawbreaker WORD COUNT: 4,309 PAIRING: Dagger/Dum Dum CW: Light violence, gore mention The story of how two fucked up guys become one fucked up couple.
The sky changed colors in the city. The endless scroll of neon gave it an artificial glow, and from the first moment he crossed the desert line, Dagger had resented it. Nothing looked real. Nothing was–not the food, the music. Certainly not the people. He found himself looking up as he drove further into it’s clutches, searching for a sliver of sky that felt familiar, but the only thing he found was a thinly veiled layer of bullshit.  Northside was different, though no less oppressive. The smokestacks kept the air murky, and no matter how many times he blinked or re-calibrated his optics, he couldn’t quite clear his vision of the red haze that defined it. But unlike Night City, it took pride in it’s own ugly. And he liked that. 
The All Foods factory sat like an icon at the center of it all, more mythical to the locals than even the crumbs of Arasaka littering the district. Dagger stood outside with a cigarette, gazing into it’s shuttered maw. 
A week had passed since he found his way to the building for the first time, toting a severed head in one hand, and a duffel of recovered Militech cargo in the other. He had taken both from a smoldering warzone in Sierra Sonorra where two behemoths fought their last battle; a cadre of Maelstrom gangoons and a unit of corpo dogs. He could have taken the wreckage back for the Wraiths. The gear would have fetched a pretty enny, and the head of a Milietech sergeant would make a lovely hood ornamented for his Quadra–but Dagger never cared for money, and he had plenty of heads already. 
He brought the cargo home to Northside instead, head in hand like a peace offering, still bleeding fresh after decapitation. He wanted a deal, not a payday. Something worth more than a shiny new car, or a pair of genuine leather boots, and after one long blurry fucking night, he got one.  
The Wraiths would protect Maelstrom’s interests in the Badlands and the ‘borgs would give them leverage in the city, pushing to wipe Sixth Street from Santo Domingo. Dagger would move between them, lending his skills to one while extending his power in the other.
In the end, he'd puppet them both.
His mama always said to dream big.
He pressed at a dwindling bruise over his ribcage as he double checked for his smokes in his jacket pocket. Each breath came with a dull ache that hadn’t quite quelled from that night, even a week later. He’d paid his price for admission. He could still feel the wreckage in his bones as he stood at the entrance of the garage, cigarette half smoked already, waiting for an answer at the door. The security camera at the edge of the roof peered down at him, it’s blinking red light a mimic of the trademark optics that were watching him from inside. And they were watching him. Making him wait, though they were the very ones who had set the meet. When he glared up at the lens, he could feel them on the other side.
Another minute passed. He threw his cigarette down, banging a fist to the rusted metal with impatience. After a moment of waiting he considered going around to the intercom, but it felt too much like defeat. He knocked again instead, kicking with a steel tipped boot for good measure and flicking another glare up to the camera. 
The noise must have worked. The door swung open with a growl, sudden enough it nearly took an inch off his nose. Before he could blink, the front end of a revolver shoved itself against the scar on his cheek, forcing his back to the wall with its presence. Seven eyes peered over the muzzle, a shiny chrome scowl beneath them. Dagger’s fist moved on instinct, nestled now against the underside of Dum Dum’s chin where the skin still felt human. The steel claws in the chassis of his hand inched in the sheaths between his knuckles, hungry for a drop of blood. They stood still, entwined in each other’s violence, neither one ready to budge.
“Keep that gun in my face any longer and I’ll get real acquainted with your fleshy bits.” He wasn’t sure which lens he should look at, or which ones were looking at him. His icy gaze settled on the ones that looked most like eyes, though he couldn’t read them. The tip of his claws met skin, just slightly. Enough bite to prove he wasn’t lying.
Dum Dum didn’t sweat it.
“You think your trigger is quicker than mine?”
“Might be fun to find out.”
The sound that came from his throat could have been a laugh. A moment later, Dum Dum drew the gun back and slid it into the waistband of his pants. Slowly, Dagger followed suit, letting his hand fall away with a tinge of disappointment. A click of his tongue.
“My bullet would rip through your meatpan before your chrome even touched me,” Dum Dum said. He sounded sure, the weight of his optics nearly prying Dagger apart, scanning his hardware in bemusement. He wouldn’t find much, except maybe that his assessment was correct. Which begged the question: why not pull the trigger?
Dagger grinned.
“You gonna invite me inside?” 
Dum Dum didn’t answer, turning a corner toward the street without looking back at him. “Nothing in there for you.”
“Is that right?” Dagger pulled his cigarettes from his jacket and lit one as he followed. A busted up Chevillon was parked on the corner, garish Maelstrom colors splattered across the rusted paint like a badge of honor. Ugly, like everything else around it. He smiled. “Taking me out to pasture then?”
Smoke slithered from his lips as they walked. 
“You wanna play with the big dogs you’re gonna have to work like a bitch.” Dum Dum stopped at the car, and spared him an indecipherable look. “That means you do what I say, when I say it, how I say it. If I tell you to lick the shit off my boots you better fucking get on your knees and do it, yeah? Piss me off and it’s bye bye with a bullet. We’ll sell your meat to the Scavs without a second thought.”
Dagger raised a brow, amusement flickering in his eyes as he took another drag from his smoke. “My god, I think I can see Royce’s hand up your ass using your mouth like a little puppet. Don’t you wanna be a real boy?”
Dum Dum looked tough, but Dagger had seen enough already to know that he folded for the big man as easy as paper. He half expected the gun again, but to his surprise, he only saw a smile on the other man’s face–teeth that looked too human to belong to him. The tension in his shoulders seemed to drop.
“You are one stupid motherfucker.”
He almost sounded impressed.
Dagger stared him down with the same grin, head tilting. Anyone else, he might skin them alive for the assertion but Dum Dum could be useful. No doubt more than any of the other rusted lugnuts lurking in the gang who’d still be more than happy to kill him. If he wanted this to work out, he’d need someone watching his back, and he’d already proved he wouldn’t pull the trigger.
Dum Dum slid into the driver’s seat and gestured for Dagger to go around. He wasn’t thrilled about playing passenger, his own car parked down the block, but he decided not to push it. He didn’t know his way around the city yet, let alone wherever the fuck they were headed. Or why.
He climbed into the Chevillon, choosing to play nice, a decision quickly waning as he waited for an explanation that never came. He blew smoke toward Dum Dum, a juvenile attempt to get his attention as the engine turned over.
“Got a problem, princess?” Dum Dum asked without looking. At least his head didn’t move.
Dagger leaned back in his seat. “Just wondering what the fuck I’m doing here.”
“You’re the one who knocked.”
The car pulled onto the street. 
“Got a pick-up.” The flat drone of his voice gave away his own annoyance in the silence. “And I wasn’t bullshitting before. Do as you’re told and we won’t have a problem.”
Dagger rolled down his window to vent the smoke from his cigarette. “Pick-up? And here I was hoping for a little fun. Ain’t you lot known for your violence? No offense but thats a waste of my talent and I’m keen to believe it’s a waste of yours too.”
“Royce wants to know you can follow orders. You might be hot shit to those desert dogs but you’re a long way from the top out here.”
Something in the gravel of his tone indicated a warning, but Dagger flicked it off with the ash from his cig. He glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, watching the city blur past the tinted glass. Northside was less colorful than the rest of Night City, all smoke and concrete. In a way, it reminded him of home–the badlands, an endless sprawl of sun bleached dirt, harsh and rigid. Vibrant in its decay. They bore their similarities alright. He could smell fire in the air. A laugh lodged itself in his throat as he finally looked over.
“So that’d make you what, then? The babysitter?”
A grunt. There might have been humor in it. Or a threat.
“You should count yourself lucky. Anyone else prolly woulda shot you by now.”
Dagger didn’t doubt it for a second. Dum Dum was different from the rest, and somehow just the same. He followed orders, and crumbled like soggy paper for the top dog. Out of fear or loyalty, he couldn’t tell yet, but he lacked the self-respect to see that Royce would throw him out as soon as he wasn’t useful. He wondered what might happen if those strings pulled taut. If something sharp happened by to whittle them down. 
Dum Dum’s voice caught him by surprise.
“I’m actually impressed you’re still walking. Didn’t think you’d show up after that beating last week.”
“That right?” Dagger said, casually flipping down the visor ahead of him and examining his face in the two inch mirror. The bruise beneath his eye had faded from plum to a brown rot and for a moment he could feel the impact of the metal punch that knocked him on his ass again. It wasn’t the only one. His body was littered, like the canvas of an old painter–splashes of color hemorrhaging against his skin. He knew there was a cracked rib, probably a concussion, too. A few busted teeth, and more. Welcoming gifts from Maelstrom. It was his own suggestion, a last ditch effort to get close to the gang without having chrome shoved up his ass. An initiation plucked from his smuggling days. Each member got a single hit. If he was still alive by the end of it, he’d get in.
And Dagger always got in, smiling and spitting blood. He’d do it again just to prove that he could. 
“Hell, I thought that left hook from Lars might kill you.” Dum Dum laughed.
Dagger flipped the visor closed. “You kiddin’? My Daddy hit me harder for stealing a cigarette when I was eight years old.”
“You were prolly just a pussy back then.”
A grin cut across his lips as naturally as the sun cresting over the cityscape. “Well, he had a harder swing than you, at least.”
“Makes sense.” The car turned a tight corner and Dum Dum’s head tilted toward him for the first time. “Considerin’ I pulled my punch.”
Dagger met those empty red lenses with a raised brow. “The fuck you did.”
The crack of his own teeth rang out in his ears again, as if that chrome fist was crashing into his face all over. He could still remember his seven eyes watching him as he stumbled back, spitting blood and enamel in his face. He tongued the empty space on his bottom gum where the molar used to sit. Dum Dum had extracted it more seamlessly than the world’s best dentist ever could.
Pulled his punch. 
Dagger scoffed.
Dum Dum didn’t show any sign of humor. His silence said it all.
“And why the fuck would you do that?”
A pause. And then finally a smile.
“‘Cause the harder we hit you, the louder you laughed. Didn't wanna give you the satisfaction.”
Dagger’s face fell, as expressionless as the red lenses in front of him, which seemed now to burn holes through his chest in the silence. He should cut them from his skull, but the feeling passed at the sight of a smile on Dum Dum’s lips.
“Fuckin’ lunatic,” he said, somewhere between affection and dismay.
Dagger took it for a compliment. He grinned, and a bruise sang triumph beneath his skin. 
The car pulled off the street beside a painted wall that looked nearly identical to every other street corner in Northside. Dagger could find his way through every small vein of dusty road across the Badlands with his eyes closed but ask him to distinguish between one block or the next within the industrial sprawl of the district and he’d be lost. He pressed his forehead against the window and looked up. Not even the sky could help him. The shadow of the city all but smothered it. 
Dum Dum cut the engine. 
Wrecked cars littered the crowded alleyway where they sat now, nothing but skeletal remains, picked clean by the vultures. But there was one ahead of them, a black van that stuck out among the rest. The pick-up, if he had to wager.
“What are we waiting for?” he asked, his cigarette almost nothing but ash. He finally flicked it out the window. 
Dum Dum didn’t answer. He studied the van ahead of him in the quiet, and after a moment Dagger pushed his optics to scan it too. Standard. No heat signature inside, though there was something stored in the back, a chemical signature he couldn’t get a specific read on. Drugs, more than likely. Of course it was. He had heard the ‘strommers had their own brand of shit. The kind with enough kick to push past the thirty pounds of chrome in their head. 
“Something the matter with it?” On instinct, Dagger looked in the rearview, scanned the surrounding area. A flash of light flickered somewhere behind them and disappeared. He waited for it to happen again, but he saw nothing. 
“Gadge ain’t here,” Dum Dum said, tone flat. Once more unreadable.
“Taking a leak?”
A grunt. He leaned back in the seat, hand dropping down to the revolver wedged between his seat and the middle console. He flicked his head forward, toward the van. “Well, go on, bitch boy. Check it out.”
Dagger’s eyes narrowed, but he pushed back the urge to tell him to fuck off. He lit another cigarette on the way out. The street was quiet, though somewhere a few blocks down a siren echoed off the smokestacks. He paused when he reached the back of the van, head turning over his shoulder. There was nothing here. Nobody in sight beside those seven glowing eyes behind the glass, and still the hair rose on the back of his neck. 
No Gadge. No blood. No struggle. So why did he have a bad feeling? He focused his attention back to the van as Dum Dum waved a hand at him impatiently. Another quick scan told him the same information before he finally reached for the handle and pulled the bed open. A creak of metal cracked through his ears.
It almost deafened the gunshot.
Dagger ducked, dropping low without thought. His cigarette fell to the ground half burned, mocking him as another bullet riccochetted against the back of the van. His first thought was Dum Dum. Royce had changed his mind on the deal, ordered his execution. A quiet hit didn’t sound like his style, and Dagger was almost disappointed he wouldn’t get to see the ugly bastard one more time just to call him a fucking pussy to his face, but a moment later he could hear the ‘borg’s static voice yelling at him from the car to get the fuck up.
He stayed low, unable to pinpoint the direction of the gunshot, and made his way back to the passenger’s side of the Chevillon.
The engine sputtered to life at the same time as the van in front of him. He crawled inside just in time to witness the driverless van crash through a charred Mackinaw to the next street over.
“Fuck!” Dum Dum yelled, flooring the pedal before Dagger could get his foot pulled in all the way. “Shit’s hacked. Gonk’s don’t know who they’re messing with.” 
He rammed through the same debris as the van but caught a harsh edge of metal, and the Chevillon stalled for a moment before struggling through. The ringing in Dagger’s ears hadn’t stopped, and he only realized his hand was bleeding when he reached for his third smoke. 
“Hack means their close.”
Dagger rolled the window down and stuck his head out, catching the stale air of Northside in a suffocating wind. He could see the van ahead of them like a black smear, but it wasn’t the van he was interested in. Quickhack on a vehicle was useful, but it had drawbacks. One being proximity. Had to be close or you lost connection, even with boosted gear. 
A small Hatchback swung suddenly out from a sidestreet, narrowly missing their car as it sped past. Dum Dum swerved and lost a foot of paint on a fire hydrant in attempt to keep steady. Dagger scanned it as it followed track with the van, spitting chooh2 to catch up. Two signatures inside. A runner.
He ripped the gun from Dum Dum’s seat and pulled himself halfway out the window to take aim. He shot quickly and near blind, bullet lost in the wind as the chase veered left. 
“Fuckin’ shoot steady,” Dum Dum yelled over at him.
“Drive fuckin’ steady,” Dagger snapped, and this time he held his breath as he aimed for the speeding car. A shot came back at him in response and he ducked back into the window before firing again. The windshield spiderwebbed but the car stayed true, zipping through a line of traffic as they headed into a busier part of the district. A horn blared beside him. The hatchback disappeared between two trucks, and Dum Dum struggled on the wheel, crashing into the edge of a turning car and nearly throwing the gun from Dagger's slick, bloody grasp when he shot again.
He couldn’t track where the bullet hit, but he could tell that it missed.
With a growl, Dagger reached over for the wheel.
“Switch me places.” It was a command more than a question, but Dum Dum didn’t protest. He ripped the gun from Dagger’s hand as Dagger pushed his leg over to the gas pedal and shimmied across the seat in an awkward dance, climbing over him without slowing the vehicle until they both settled into their new positions.
Dum Dum took aim as naturally as Dagger did the wheel. He was no stranger to this, or to the electricity running through his chest as he gripped the wheel knuckle tight, grin spreading over his lips.
The tight streets were no match for an open road, but it got his blood pumping all the same. 
He could barely make out the back of the car up ahead, but he could see the rear light explode as Dum Dum fired beside him, leaving red glass sparkling on the pavement like blood. Another shot bellowed, and the hatchback veered wildly, nearly toppling sideways as it made a sharp turn. 
Dagger followed, cutting the same corner with the ease of sharpened steel. He couldn’t see the van further up, but he locked his optics onto the car. Blood splattered the window, and he knew that Dum Dum had hit one of them inside. The engine groaned as he pushed it further. The Chevillon didn’t have the same gumption as his Quadra. He could feel the waiver in her gait, but they were close now. Dum Dum felt it too. He braced his arm on the roof. One good shot is all they’d need.
Dagger seamlessly crossed over the center line, taking the opposite lane to blow past several cars that separated them from their goal. Traffic sped by, so close it rocked the car, but he didn’t flinch.
One. Good. Shot.
Dum Dum fired. 
Blood sprayed the windshield. 
The hatchback veered suddenly into a passing car, which came to a skidding stop, halting the traffic behind it and keeping Dagger from passing back over into the right lane. His mind raced, and on instinct he took a quick left to avoid collision, and then another.
Dum Dum screamed in his ear, but the words were deafened from wind, the ringing, the sirens. Neon lights burned together, flashing against his corneas. 
“Wrong fuckin’ way!” He heard finally.
The streets grew narrower, and then he understood. 
He could smell the ocean. 
 Northside’s warehouses were a shadow in the rearview as they headed toward the bay into Kabuki. Tyger territory. They had crossed the district line. 
Dum Dum reached for the wheel in a last ditch effort to change course. The momentum of the turn threw them upward, tires leaving the ground. The car spun uncontrollably, flipped, crashing through the barricade on the side of the road in a explosion of crunching metal. 
He could see the ocean.
A smear of open blue that could match the sky his heart yearned for. It was beautiful.
And it hit like a fucking rock. 
His vision blacked for a moment before the water caved in around them. Slowly, then all at once. He barely had time to take in a lungful of air. Kicking at the door wildly, he swam away from the wreckage as the sea pulled them under. His gaze shot upward, searching once more for the sky to lead him. He followed the light up and up, chest starting to ache, until finally he found it.
Dagger gasped as he breached, shaking water from his eyes. He didn’t recognize the city around him, but he spotted a dock nearby. He swam toward it, then stopped. Looked back. The only remains of the Chevillon were petering bubbles at his back, and smooth water beside that. There wasn’t any sign of Dum Dum. By the look of him, he’d sink as quick as the car.
He glanced between the dock and the bubbles and back again. 
All that fucking chrome…
Walking back to All Foods without the drugs and their sergeant at arms might earn himself a spot in that industrial microwave that Maelstrom liked to boast. Dum Dum was the only one who didn’t want to kill him, after all.
He spit water then took another breath and dived.
The car left a trail like ink in the murky water. Dagger clawed toward it, dragging himself further down into the dark depths. Day turned to night. The city was different here, peaceful, and if not for the pounding in his ears, quiet. 
The distant red glare of those eyes shined like a beacon further down. He followed them like the north star, pushing himself to go faster. Dum Dum kicked despite himself, maybe instinct, maybe panic, but his weight worked against him, pulling him down quicker. Dagger pushed harder, reached further. Dum Dum finally noticed him, lenses fixed and unwavering, a calm coming over him as he finally got close enough to grab. Dagger heaved upward, working against the ocean’s cold grasp and the anchor like weight dragging him down. His chest began to burn, and the sky still looked so dark above them. 
He considered letting go, eyes squeezed tight, angry ‘ganic lungs ready to burst. 
And then he could breathe again.
He reached blindly for the dock ladder, trying hard not to heave. Dum Dum climbed up beside him, still as a corpse.
“Fucking gonk shit,” he muttered.
Dagger almost didn’t catch it over the sound of his panting. He laid flat on his back, taking in the welcome blue above him. He could finally see a break in the cityscape, clouds sneaking in at the edge of his vision. 
“Quite a fuckin’ thank you,” Dagger said without taking his eyes from above.
“Oxygen reserves. Could sit down there all day.”
He sat up slowly, running a hand through wet, matted hair. “All the good it’d do you. Be a pile of rust by the time they found you. If they found you.”
Dum Dum laughed. Short, quick static. Somehow it sounded genuine.
“And I’m sure you did that outta the kindness of your heart.”
“What fuckin’ heart?” He said flat, patting down his pockets for his cigarettes. He pulled the pack out, sopping wet. He didn’t bother trying to light one before he tossed them into the bay with a sigh. “Owe me some fucking smokes.”
Dum Dum opened his mouth to speak, but the words never made it. He lifted his head, and though he couldn’t see exactly, Dagger knew he was looking past him. A gun cocked at the back of his head. Cold barrel against his skull. He clenched his jaw, and turned to see a woman he didn’t recognize staring down at him behind glass eyes.
His automatic translator picked up her words better than his ears.
“Welcome to Kabuki, bitch.”
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neorukixart · 1 year
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Sometimes I feel like no one draws Future Mode so tried to fix that :D Used as reference one of the parallel Digica with V.V. and Rina~
Actually made this into a free smartphone wallpaper/lockscreen for you to use only for that, but last time I put links over here, my posts got ghosted and didn't showed up in the tags so check the replies for the link ;3
Read more for a surprise~
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Yes, made a "recolor" with Pride flag colors and it's also available as smarphone wallpaper/lockscreen because I genuinely think Zero would be a good boi and protector of the community :D
Sadly, I won't be doing the rest of the flags sorry m(_ _)m
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morathicain · 3 months
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag 10 people.
Thank you for tagging me @fishy-lava and @ommited-miscellaneously <3
And now I have to choose!
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Also sorry to MoD and KP and Chaser Game and Dead Boy Detectives and You're Beautiful and Silent and Good Omens and itsay and Weatherman and Warp Effect and whatever else I had no space for or also forgot to mention v.v
I am tagging @xartim @i-got-the-feels @functionalasfuck @ihavetoomanykidz and whoever else wants to =^^= (no pressure)
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thelittlemermage · 2 years
Hey! Love your blog, by the way (been using it to keep up with 21st-century iteration mouse fandom stuff on the dl, ty). I just think that post the other day, the comment about 2010s PatB fandom, and this blog getting flagged for "adult content" are especially hilarious in light of early 1990s A!/PatB fandom, where you'd come across an FTP archive with a folder marked ksf_wiegnhosdgjn/ or something and it'd be filled just with hardcore, uh, "content for mature individuals" when you clicked on it.
No warnings or anything. LOL. Newsgroups, irc, BBS, Mailing Lists, it was just a Wild West everywhere. I mean like, before the sign that can't stop meme DW from Arthur because she can't read was even put up. No pretense of the Internet being kid-friendly.
I'm putting this in two asks, really sorry about that!
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Lemme just smoosh these together haha
Thank youuu 🙏 I'm glad you've been enjoying it lol. If you want to watch modern patb fandom crash and burn in real time you can go into my patb ask tags and work backward lmao. Tho idk if I recommend it. I also don't even know if I agree with half the things I've ever said anymore. But it is kind of a dumpster fire and I love those. And yes, the timing of me saying that and then my whole blog getting flagged did not escape me. It's funny but also 😭. I had to wonder if it was some malicious reporting because I pissed someone off, but it's equally possible it's because I had just tried to upload a Solar Opposites clip of a funny joke and it got flagged lol. But I don't know...why that would flag my whole blog. Rip.
LOL when the internet was that young I was also young. So I was never involved in ye old western cartoon usenet groups or anything v.v I think I started being online as a teenager and jumped right into anime fanpages and stuff, which were p similar I guess. Lmao "adults" for miles. I get so pissed at kids doing that now but I used to do that so much when I finally turned 18 it felt so weird being able to click a "I am 18 or older" button and have it be...true? lol But tbh I was mostly just reading fic, I wasn't actually interacting with people. Minors reading this, please don't actually go into 18+ groups and interact with other adults, I'm not condoning that lol. There's my disclaimer. But yea, it was definitely a "if I go out onto the open internet I will see some shit" vibe lol. Remember Limewire? It was "Well, I am either going to get the song this file is labeled as, an audio of Bill Clinton, or a graphic adult video clip. Guess I'll find out once it downloads." But yea, it does seem like now people are really concerned about what kind of content is public and it's prooobably because there are way more kids on the internet these days, like 2 year olds with ipads and they are not being monitored by their parents at all. Which is a little scary. Not really sure how to fix all that other than bringing back kid sites tbh. I don't think anyone under like...16 has any business being on websites like Twitter, but here we are.
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reddeadreference · 3 years
Blog Progress Update
No travel blog-ness this time sorry, just a quick technical update.
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Working on Points of Interests has given me 50+ drafts. I'm kinda using the queue but the only problem there is that I can't add the links to the index pages until the posts are public... So while the posts are there the links are delayed.
I'm going to start working on an index page for characters (main, side, minor, etc) then I'll get started on those actual posts.
I almost have all of Arthur's pages for Points of Interest and I just gotta check my old 100% save to see what I have from John.
At some point I'll be able to put together a master list of links for audio posts from another red dead blog (that I asked first, of course. Idk whether or not to tag them rn so I'm not going to but obviously I will for the actual post)
I have a lot of work to do when it comes to making this blog app accessible. So far most of the index pages are actual pages on the blog that don't show on the app even with links that work off the app. (Though once those pages are completely done I can simply copy and paste most of them into their own posts for the app.) That being said, I can't really focus on making it app accessible until everything is more complete as the posts would be to be 100% complete because I don't want anyone to reblog incomplete posts with missing links. So I apologize to app users who wish to navigate the blog V.V
I'm thinking of also maybe making an index page for links to different fan works (not reposting them obviously, but just linking to the original posts) like art that has inspired me with my writing or links to blogs that write a lot or draw a lot for the game. Links to gif sets. Maybe links to some playlists to inspire as well. (If that's something you think I should do let me know ^-^)
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At this point I just block blogs that follow me if I don’t see anything in their blog that relates to the stuff I reblog (dsmp, Minecraft, dnd, etc.) because half the time they’re p*rn b*ts who have disguised their blog with random shit just to hide the fact they’re p*rn b*ts. Plus it’s fucking weird to see someone with like a blog with posts I’d see on Facebook memes wise with no seemingly cohesive tie to the blog/why they’re reblogging. It’s just suspicious and I feel uncomfy having those types of people following me.
This is just a for warning for future followers/people in general - I rarely hold back from swinging the block bat. This goes for people I just generally don’t like too. If I don’t wanna see your shit (maybe you post too much in certain tags and I’m getting tired of getting your posts when I do a general search - sorry V.V) you’re gonna get blocked by me so I don’t see it anymore.
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judas-had-a-crown · 4 years
@lilac-bramble​ Thank you for tagging me in this, dear <3 I haven’t done these thingies in a long while so it’s nice to dive in again
name: Jasmin
fandoms: A lot, but currently major Bungou Stray Dogs & minor Naruto
where you post: I have an ao3 account named Hanahaki_Blood where I post my most recent works. Somewhere, my abandoned ff.net acc still cries itself to sleep...
most popular oneshot: Surprisingly enough it’s Isn’t it Lovely or The Long Way Home, a Valeyne Oneshot. It’s been so long, but I still love it to bits. I was, you could say, totally enarmored and unrestrained regarding this ship and my wording of it. I could just go, literally, batshit crazy. At times, I’m sorry I ever left it.
most popular multichap: Gioia because of the explicit tag obviously. Y’all are dirty birds and I appreciate that.
favorite story you’ve written so far: 
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fic you were nervous to post: I’m nervous about every fic I post so this doesn’t narrow it down much. XD I guess Lemmings did make me worry a lot since this ship is not for everyone and I was scared of the reaction it would receive. A pointless fear, however, since said reaction has been overall positive which I’m glad about.
how you choose your titles: *cracks knuckles* Love this topic. It’s usually a draw between three options: Song Title / Lyrics, Untranslatable words with special meaning or Specific Phrases or Quotes I just can’t get out of my head. Without music, life would be a lie, so songs are pretty much essential to me envisioning and visualizing my stories as needed background music. I pretty much translate mental pictures into sentences. And Titles might turn out weird but should always have the core of the story slipped in somewhere.
do you outline: I’m not good at it but I do try when it comes to multi-chapter fics. I have a rough plan in my head usually, yet most often this rough plan... fucks up somewhere down the line and then it’s Plan QWY. Don’t ask me, my brain is just that kind of bitch.
complete: Sometimes. Not always. May be left unattended for months only to be finished still, oh the surprise.
in progress: Do you want me to embarrass myself in public or send you a private list?
coming soon/not yet started: Dazatsu Fics, Fyolai Fic, Shin Soukoku Fic, Fukumori Fic, Chuuatsu Collection - ALL OF THE BSD SHIP FICS >:3
prompts?: I would honestly love to do prompts but I can never write like, a 500 word piece and be done with it. I always tend to overwrite things. So sadly no. v.v
upcoming work you’re most excited about: There are a few actually! Of all, two Dazatsu stories and the Chuuatsu one^^ I hope I can make it all in time though. Deadlines hate me.
Who to tag in this one? I’d go and say @kiranatrix​, @ghostoftasslehoff​, @four-dreams-in-a-row​ , @walking-meme​, @reaperlight​ and everyone else who’d like to do it >:3
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: Hurt Me So Good
Hey, haiii. First of all, I am so v.v sorry it took forever to actually get this posted. I hope you forgive me. Secondly, I have... not one fuckin clue where exactly this came from, maybe lack of sleep? I don’t know how to feel about it, either, like I wanna like it and I lowkey wanna know if it was going somewhere but at the same time, I wanna kick my own ass for writing this out to begin with.... But I hope you enjoy reading it because whew, friend. It is a trip. A strange -and lowkey kinda cute, trip.
TAGGING:  @rampagewriting | @cabotcoves | @kyleoreillysknee | @heelsamizayn | @chasingeverybreakingwave | @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure | @cowboyshit | @writertoo18 | @xwicker-manx | @unabashedwrestlefics ( i didn’t know for sure if you’d want to be tagged or not, if not, tell me and I’ll remove you ) | @adampage
PSST. To be tagged in my wrestle writing, add yourself here [ wrestling tag list doc ]
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“I just don’t think I can keep doing this, okay? I know it’s just a fling to you.” I reached down to pick up MJF’s shirt off the floor, tossing it towards him. I knew what I was about to say was a mistake and yet, I couldn’t stop myself from saying it. “I love you.” 
The second it left my mouth and I saw the expression on his face change and go colder, I knew I’d fucked up royally. And my stomach sank because it really sank in then. I wasn’t special to MJF. I wouldn’t ever be special to him, either.  There was a good reason this was so easy for him. I was just another notch in the bedpost and the three words I’d just said were the nail in the coffin for us. I sighed quietly and shook my head as I stood, tugging up my jeans and grabbing for my t-shirt.
When he didn’t respond, I really knew we were done. I knew that as far as I went, I couldn’t just keep coming back to him. The only thing he offered was sex and I couldn’t just be happy with that. I’d never be happy with only that.
“Maybe you should forget my number.” I muttered as I shoved past him and stepped out into the hallway, walking down to the elevator. Through blurry eyes, I made my way down the hall, stopping at the elevator. I jammed my finger into the down button until I heard the elevator coming up the shaft and almost as soon as it opened, I hurried on, sitting down on the floor, leaning my head against my knees. 
The next thing I knew, I was being prodded in the shoulder by a very drunken Jon Moxley. I looked up at him through a curtain of hair and he eyed me in complete confusion, swaying a little as he stood there. “The hell is wrong with ya, down on the floor and cryin and shit?”
“It’s dumb. I’m dumb.” I barely managed to mumble. I didn’t even want to admit just how stupid I’d been because if I did, it’d just make the whole thing ten million times more humiliating. I was the one who said I could handle no strings. I was the one who set the whole thing in motion. And then, against my better judgement and everything I knew about MJF, stupidly went and let myself believe that maybe he felt something for me.
“Don’t say that. Shit.” Mox’s accent was heavier when he drank. The guy reeked of booze and cigarettes and honestly, I wasn’t entirely sure why he was being nice to me, either. I eyed him warily as he proceeded to flop himself down on the floor of the elevator and lean his head back against the wall.
I honestly figured he’d pass out and leave me to my misery. Instead, he spoke up again. “MJF’s a fuckin douche.”
“Oh trust me, I know.”
“Ya not the first girl he’s pulled that shit on.”
I glanced over at Mox, a brow raised and he shrugged. “Gets a kick out of seein how many chicks he can screw and screw over. Fuckin p-pisses me off cos he’s always braggin and shit backstage.”
I tried to act neutral, pretend what Mox was saying wasn’t getting to me just a little. I don’t think I did that good at hiding the fact that it did and it hurt, because Mox was staring at me intently, almost as if he were in deep thought. Or he wanted to say something but he was holding back for whatever reason.
He offered me the bottle in his hand and I eyed it, then him, finally shrugging and shotgunning the whiskey. I winced at the burn as it climbed down my throat and settled in my gut. Then I drank a little more. Mox snickered and reached for the bottle, shaking his head. “Can’t have ya throwin up all over me, woman.” 
“I can handle my liquor.”
He snorted in disbelief and I took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of my nose to keep my patience. This was the Mox I was used to. Baiting me and taunting me at every turn, talking down to me like he knew me too damn well. Patronizing me. “Sure ya can, princess. This ain’t that Cristal shit.”
“You do realize you barely know me, right?”
“I know ya well enough to know ya fell right into Friedmann’s fuckin trap.” he shook his head and muttered something under his breath.
“What’d you say, Mox?”
“I said, I thought you were smarter.” Mox repeated himself, holding my gaze as he bit his lip and leaned in really close. I leaned in a little, giving in to the giggle fit when it came. “What? You going to kiss me, Mox?”
“What if I was, huh? Afraid you’d like it, princess?” Mox taunted. I swallowed hard and grumbled, pulling back slightly. Mox pretended to pout. The elevator came to a stop on his floor and he stood, lingering in the door long enough to look back at me and smirk.
“You get ready for a real man, princess… One who will gladly give ya everything you want and need... You know where to find me, right?” he had a teasing gleam in his eyes as he stared down at me, gaze roaming over my body slowly, almost as if he were fucking me with his eyes. I felt my thighs clench ever so slightly, even if I tried to ignore it at the time.
I laughed and shook my head, waving my hands at him. “You’re drunk Mox, go to your room.”
He chuckled and winked as he stepped off the elevator and the remainder of the floor I had left to go, I sat there trying to work out what Mox had been trying to say.
Because I got the distinct feeling that in everything he admitted just then, there was something so much deeper. 
And maybe, if I were going to hurt… I wanted a different kind of pain. Somehow, I got the distinct feeling that Jon Moxley would hurt me in the best ways possible. 
I’d rather be wrecked. Utterly obliterated… than feel nothing at all.
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ishgard · 5 years
i realize... i actually almost never go into gaius tags? or really just tags in general - too dangerous. - w -; but on the flip side of this, there are times I’m tagging my posts and realize in hind-sight all of this is going into his tags and I’m so sorry for the people who do. I’m so sorry for spamming you all with my cat smorching him. v.v;;;;;;
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yesterdaysfish · 4 years
10 Characters Tag
Rules: Make a new post, name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, and then tag 10 people.
@miainaction94​ tagged me in this, it's been quite a while now, I'm sorry v.v I have a really hard time picking characters for this and there are many more I really love.
It's the first time I've ever been tagged :3 and I'm too shy to tag anyone else.
Characters are under the cut <3
Schmendrick - The Last Unicorn
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Molly Grue - The Last Unicorn
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Sally - Nightmare before Christmas
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Sir Didymus - Labyrinth
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Atreyu - Neverending Story
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San - Princess Mononoke
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Maid Marian - Robin Hood (Disney)
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Remus Lupin - Harry Potter
I don’t really know about the representation, @ana_godis on instagram recently did Harry Potter art I really like, Remus is among them
Adam Parrish - The Raven Cycle
Same as Harry Potter because books, I really like @momjeansparrish’s (tumblr) art for the raven cycle. I made drawings for the books and posted them to my sideblog @yesterdayssketches​
Hannah Reyome - Life is Strange 2
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biscemi · 5 years
@daniellesdarrieux tagged me to post 10 favorite women from 10 different fandoms! i’m about to start yellin so get ready
1. eleanor shellstrop (the good place) this asshole angel owns my heart v.v
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2. charlotte vale (now, voyager) RECOVERY AND SELF-DISCOVERY ICON
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3. alexis rose (schitt’s creek) the ridiculousness, the fabulousness, the dEVELOPMENT
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4. jackie brown (jackie brown) changed my fucking life no cap
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5. ellie miller (broadchurch) olivia coleman is a goddamn legend and a gem
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6. joss carter (person of interest) this womAN OWNS MY ASS DO YOU HEAR ME
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7. olivia dunham (fringe) acTU ALLY CHANF EG ED MY LIFE 
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8. c.j. cregg (the west wing) a powerhouse and my wife
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9. linda seton (holiday) katharine’s performance in this movie kills me every time i love this character so much
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10. mary woodhull (turn: washington’s spies) killer queen who deserved better
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tagging @gentlyphotographing​ (again today im sorry but ilu) @townhulls​ @mifunebooty​ @gellavonhamster​ @historically-inclined​ @willwriteforruns​ and anyone else who wants to because this is fun
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darkcolinodonorgasm · 5 years
NSFW prompts: may I have a #7 with a side of 9 and 18?
Hollye, my dear! Sorry it took me so long! Hopefully, it’s good enough to make it up for my lateness ;)
I know I said “no MC”, but this prompt just called for a full moon night, so it’s a smutty sequel of Let the clouds go sailing by.
This is rated EE for Extremely Explicit because well, I lost control, alright?
Tagging (I’m tagging those who liked the post, you’ve been warned, tell me if you want to be removed v.v): @kmomof4 @resident-of-storybrooke @winterbaby89 @objectsatsleepstayatsleep @gingerchangeling @ilovemesomekillianjones @jennjenn615 @killianjonesownsmyheart1 @wyntereyez @kday426 @therooksshiningknight @sals86 @superchocovian @thejollyroger-writer
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«What Ireally want is for you to pin me against a tree and fuck me senseless.»
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
As ifthe full moon fuelling his blood wasn’t enough, as if Emma’s scent calling tohim wasn’t driving him stir crazy already, those words manage to do even worse.
Shiftingwith a hard on is a horrible thing.
He’shonestly tempted to fight the shift, something he would never do knowing theconsequences. But Killian would do it to catch her and fuck her senseless asshe wishes.
Afterhis goddess takes off, he lets the wolf take over, gritting his teeth. Yep,shifting with a raging erection is bloody awful, it’s like the first times allover again.
Themoment the pain passes, though, the huge wolf stretches, curling his tail overhis back, almost forming a full circle.
A whiffof cinnamon catches his attention, nostrils flaring as he sniffs at the air. Inhis mind, a map forms, the scent zigzagging through the trees, tracing a trailto his treasure. There’d be a smirk on his lips if he still was in human form,but the glint in his bright blue eyes is still there, the thrill of the huntexciting him almost as much as the thought of burying himself inside of Emmadoes.
Aye,there is something sexual about it. Killian’s found out that the instincts heonce tried to forcefully ignore are now back full force. He can’t bring himselfto regret succumbing to them, not when he finally feels so free.
Hisstance is graceful, Emma would comment it’s unfair how graceful he is, both inhuman and wolf form. Whenever she does that, Killian replies telling hersomeone needs to compensate for her lack of coordination when not running inthe woods. She’s never amused.
What sheis now, however, is on the run, and that means the wolf comes out to play,every deepest desire and instinct set free. There still are boundaries torespect, of course, but they always make sure they’re safe.
Thankfully,they’ve only run into other wolves just a few times, only once or twice gettinginto a fight because of some primal urge that screamed at Killian to protectand hurt whoever wanted to even lay eyes on his mate.
Ah, yes,the mate thing. That’s quite interesting: Emma does indeed have the mark of histeeth on her skin. She’s magicked so only supernatural creatures can see it, sothey know Emma is his. For the humaneyes, instead, there’s his mother’s wedding ring adorning her finger. From hispart, Killian has the Cygnus constellation tattooed on his right wrist, drawninside the head of a wolf howling at a full moon. He hopes he’ll soon be ableto wear a wedding ring and make things official, but of bloody course wantingto marry a goddess is not easy.
The wolfshakes his head, focusing back on Emma’s scent. It’s richer, now, but notbecause he’s close. Killian stops, tilting his head. One more sniff and heknows: she’s bleeding. Not so much to alarm him, he can still feel theadrenaline mixed to her scent. Apparently, he’ll have to add another scar tothe map he’s already made of her body.
With hisheart at peace, Killian resumed his run, trying not to be tempted by themouth-watering scent of a rabbit. Sometimes, he would catch trace of a deer, butwith them being a symbol of Artemis, he has to play nice. If wolves could pout,Killian would decidedly do that many times. Such a pity.
Thinbranches would break under his paws if he wasn’t so fast, slightly stompingover the leaves-covered ground. At first, he was careless, making so much noisehe cringed internally, but now, now he’s become deadly. It thrills Emma: sheloves being the prey after years of being the huntress.
His eyescatch a movement at his side.
She’swearing black, tonight, a dress she hid by a cloak so he wouldn’t know what tosearch for, only her unique perfume. The only two things that remain the same arehow her hair are always down, bouncy mesmerizing curls that threaten to almostturn him into a bloody feline, and that she’s barefoot. This way, she’s alittle more quiet than she usually is, but not as much as she thinks she is.
Biting back a victorious howl, Killian closesthe gap between Emma and himself, clearly hearing her short breaths, puffs ofair forming white-grey clouds in front of her.
Onejump, and he is on her, fast and lethal yet gentle enough so he won’t hurt hertoo much.
Emmagrunts as they roll on the ground, her fingers tightening in Killian’s soft furto keep him close, her face buried in the thick hair of his neck.
Killianfinds himself half on top of her, trying as usual not to put too much weight onher. On the contrary, he quite loves when she’s on top of him.
His warmtongue sweeps over her cheek, and it’s not like he’s tasting her, but markingher instead. Killian has other ways to tasteher.
«Helloto you too, good boy,» she teases, bringing her hand up to scratch behind hisear. That traitor of a tail he has begins thumping loudly against the ground, sweepingthe dead leaves away. His tongue lolls out of is mouth, and he bears that wolfcliché only because of the way Emma’s smile widens at the sight.
Theystay like that long enough that he even becomes a bit sleepy, his head restingon Emma’s chest, the calm beating of her heart a tempting lullaby. It didn’thelp that she was running her long slender fingers through his fur, much likeshe did his hair whenever they were in the same position but both in humanform.
Themoment Killian feels she’s starting to drift off, he reaches out with his headand gently nips at her jaw, making her frown and open her eyes. The lazy smileshe gives him shine brighter than all the stars in the sky. He’d snort at howcliché it sounds if it wasn’t true.
«I know,I know, I’m going,» she mumbles, gently pushing him off herself. She plants akiss on his nose, briefly brushing the tip of her own against the wet blacktruffle, a she so lovingly calls it. After another kiss – or ten – on hismuzzle, that earns her a content growl low in his throat, Emma disappears in a cloudof smoke. She’ll sleep, or try her best to, and then reappear in time for hisshift.
Hisnight is, alas, uneventful, which makes Killian furious: some needs must besatisfied; he’s had his hunt, the one for himself, but the wolf demands his ownhunt, too.
Thefeeling lingers after he shifts, stark naked as dawn filters through the tightceiling of leaves above his head. A twig snapping behind him makes him whirlaround, fingers curled like claws ready to strike.
It’sEmma. Of course it’s her, but it does stop his hunger, neither his or thewolf’s. In fact, her presence intensifies it.
Shedoesn’t even have the time to realize what he’s doing that Killian is on her,pinning her against the nearest try as she so wished earlier.
His warmmouth goes straight for her throat, but not to suck a mark there, no. Emma whimpers when his scorching hot tonguetraces the scar of her claiming bite, and it’s like marking her all over again,whit Killian’s brain screaming mine, mine, mine.
«You’rein trouble now,» Killian growls against her ear, before licking the shell ofher ear. «The wolf has caught his prey.»
Killianfeels her shiver against his body; he’s rapidly growing hard against her lowerbelly, the thrill of the night and the scent of Emma’s arousal, which he betsis dripping down her thighs because she alwayswears none whenever he shifts. And a few other times, too.
Emmamoans at his words, fisting dark locks of hair to keep him there, but alsoknowing that it drives him crazy with want and need. «What if-» She’s cut offby his teeth grazing her shoulder, the strap of the Greek-like black dressfalling down her arm. She already feels the cold air on her breasts, hernipples harden at the sensation. «What if it’s exactly what I wanted?»
With agrowl, Killian rips the already low front of the dress with a very satisfyingsound, her gasp going straight to his cock, now hard and heavy between histhighs. He’s growing impossibly harder as he fills his lungs with her arousedscent. He wishes he could spend the eternity between her legs, making herwrithe in pleasure and quench the thirst he has of her.
Pullingback slightly, Killian tsks, a wicked gleam in his eyes and a dark grinspreading over his face. Emma knows which Killian she’s looking at: he’s stillthe predator, she’d go as far as saying he’s still more wolf than human, butit’s her Killian nonetheless.
A shiverruns down her spine at his next words.
«I wantto hear you beg for it.»
Thedress falls in a heap at their feet. Beautiful,Killian thinks as his eyes roam hungrily her body. He wants to suck on thosepert nipples, wants to suck marks from her throat to her mound, and then fallon his knees to tongue her into oblivion, drinking from her dripping pussyeverything she’s ready to give him.
But hewon’t. No, like the predator he is, he wants to keep her on her toes, wants tohear her beg for his cock. It’s the polar opposite of torturing her with hisfingers or mouth or toys, but it still is torture. And oh, does Killian love torture.
Hemerely keeps looking at her straight in the eyes, tongue peeking out to tasteher flavour on his lips, a sweet prelude to what’s to come.
Soonerthan expected, Emma breaks, arching her body so it presses against him, herripe mounds catching is attention and making his mouth water. He can’t losefocus, he won’t give in: he needs to be in control.
«Please,Killian» she pants, deliciously rubbing against him. Killian’s eyes are enrapturedby Emma’s nipples. The more he stares, the more he wants to lap at them like astarving pup, and it’s not the first time he fantasizes about an actual pup, their pup, being the one to feed fromher breasts. For that, though, they have all the time in the world.
«Pleasewhat?» he growls, nuzzling the tender skin behind her ear. «Tell me what do youwant, love, tell me what do you need.»
Emmawhines, writhing against him. She’s desperate, her blood boiling beneath her skin,more arousal running down her thighs, making him drunk on it. «I need you!» shecries out, rubbing her wet cunt against his cock. He almost gives in, but hewants more, and she knows that. «Please, Killian, I want you to fuck me, to putyour cock inside me and make me come.»
Hegrowls, pressing an open-mouthed kiss on her neck. «And don’t you want me tocome? Don’t you want me to come deep inside you, fill you up with my seed, somuch it’ll overflow even if I’m still buried inside you?»
A strangledgasp leaves her throat, her fingers tightening around his hair. «Yes, fuck, yes, Killian,» she moans, bringing herselfclose to him and trying to kiss him. Killian complies, finally kissing herhungrily.
Hesweeps his tongue across her lower lip, making it more tender for when he bitesdown on it half a second later. Without any effort, he slides his hands downher side to her arse. Before wrapping them around her thighs, Killian squeezesher buttocks, earning a moan he drinks from her lips as he traces her teethwith his tongue.
In aswift move, he lifts her up and enters her, moaning at her scorching hot heatenveloping him. «Fuck, love,» he hisses, bottoming out, «you’re so hot andtight. I’d spend the eternity buried deep within you.»
With herarms wrapped around his neck and her back pressed against the bark of the tree,Emma nods frantically, shifting her hips in rhythm with Killian’s deep thrusts.Her walls clenched around his cock, her orgasm already building, that kind offoreplay driving her so close to the edge she should feel ashamed, but she isn’t,because she knows neither Killian or herself will be sated by one orgasm.
«Comefor me, my goddess, come,» Killiangrowls the command in her ear, biting down on her lobe as he rolls his hips,hitting her depths and relishing in the tightness of Emma’s cunt. She’s perfectfor him, made both for his soul and body.
She shatterswith a scream, music to Killian’s ears as he keeps thrusting up into her, herteeth grazing his lobe threatening to make him spend himself too early. He wantsher to come one more time, knowing he will spend the day making her writhe inpleasure and come over and over. It wasn’t just the full moon, they do have quitethe active sexual life, but he isslightly hornier than usual around those days or, as Emma loves to call it, hisversion of “that time of the month”.
Snappinghis hips up, he grinds his pelvic bone against her clit, his hands already occupiedkeeping her up and squeezing the flesh behind her thighs. He loves when shecomes only thanks to his cock, no other stimulation needed.
«I loveyou,» Emma keens, tightening her legs around his waist, her knees pressingagainst his sides.
A shiverruns down Killian’s spine at her words. Though they’ve been together for years,those three words still have the same effect on him as if it was the firsttime. He pulls away slightly, never stopping moving, to look her in the eyes.«I love you,» he replies, even if it sounds more like an oath, a promise to keeploving her forever.
And hewill, he knows he will, much like he knows he won’t last long, he only needsEmma to come again. He kisses her deeply, curling his fingers to scratch hersoft skin. He knows he’ll fully enjoy tending her wounds, kissing every inch ofher skin.
They’remore desperate, now, both wanting to crash. Killian already feels that tinglingat the base of his spine, the continue clenching of her cunt telling him she’sclose, that she needs one little push. He caves, ducking his head and taking anipple in his mouth, suckling on it.
Nails diginto the back of his neck and Killian reacts instinctively, grazing the hardpeak with his teeth. The pressure of the flat of his tongue against the neglectednipple is all it takes for Emma to come and milk him of everything he has asKillian comes, too.
Gently, ashe tries to catch his breath, Killian pulls her away from the tree, brushingaway what bark left on her skin, angry marks appearing over it already.
He lieson the ground, not caring that he’ll have to scrub away the dirt. Killian’sstill buried inside her, his come leaking from her as he slowly softens.
«You’recrazy,» Emma sighs, rubbing her cheek over his heart.
At that,Killian smirks. «Aye, crazy about you.»
A sharppain blooms at his side. She’s pinched him, clearly annoyed, but he can stillfeel her smiling still. «So cheesy.»
«And youlove me for it.»
A whineleaves her lips when she rolls her shoulders. «You’re in big trouble, young man,»Emma huffs, knowing a wave of her hand could easily heal the scratches the barkleft on her back.
A widegrin spreads over Killian’s face. «Will you punish me, my Goddess?»
Thosewords paint Emma’s skin a deep red. After – finally– discovering the wonders of sex thanks to Killian, Emma has started to discoverherself, too. With him, she’s finally testing her limits, what she likes andwhat she doesn’t. And, besides being the perfect prey for a famished wolf, she can’thelp but enjoy staying true to her nature, being the Huntress, being a Goddess.And, well, Killian enjoys being the wolf she has to tame, the man who sometimesneeds to be punishment.
She bettersettles her knees to his sides, lifting herself from his chest but keeping himburied inside her. He’s starting to get hard again. A grin forms on her face.«Is that what you want, boy?»
«Aye.»In a flash, he rolls them over, swiftly bringing on of Emma’s legs over hisshoulder. She cries out in surprise, and the spark in his eyes gets brighter.«But today, my sweet Emma, today you’re still mine.»
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dollibelle · 6 years
I got tagged~!
Tagged by @poketrendy! Thanks so much for the tag :’) 
Rules: Tag 10 followers that you would like to get to know
Name: I don’t feel quite comfortable sharing it publicly at the moment but I have mentioned it before if you wanna dig deep enough in my posts! 
Star sign: Aquarius! Which is ironic because I love the water but can’t swim xD 
Gender: Girl
Height: Average, I think? Whatever you consider 5″4 ^_^; 
Sexuality: boysboysboys *o* 
What image do you have as a wallpaper: My boyfriend and I picking pumpkins I’m so basic ^////^ 
Where do you see yourself in ten years:  Deep Question. Haha who knows? Hopefully established enough to enjoy writing without all the stress of work and hopefully published by then! 
If you could be anywhere else right now, where: Take me back to the Ponte Vecchio so I can dangle my feet off the bridge and eat gelato all day again! 
What was your coolest halloween costume: It’s hard to pick just one! I would say I loved my costume this year where I got to dress up as Yoshi when my office did a Mario Kart theme :D I wore a makeshift green cart and got to run around the “race tracks” all day with my yoshi hat and red back pack! 
What’s your favorite 90s show: Sailor Moon, of course! It’s how I was introduced to anime!
Last kiss: Last night before I went to bed n.n 
Have you ever been stood up?: Yeah >> 
Have you ever been to Las Vegas: I almost went this year with some friends for a bachelorette week but ended up not being able do due to limited funds v.v Maybe one day? I mean, I don’t have a strong desire to go. If I were to travel to the west coast I would want to see LA! 
Favorite pair of shoes: My riding boots! When it’s fall/winter they are literally all. I. wear. It’s so bad that I wore through like three pairs already! 
Favorite fruit: Strawberries! I love them chopped up and I eat them with a fork, is that weird? ^_^; 
Favorite book: So many to choose from! Right now I would say I love Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur because it really brings on the feelings @.@ 
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: One time I caught myself putting my sunglasses on while driving at night xD And I thought, is there any way I can my headlights brighter because it’s super dark T_T 
Favorite gif: Current fav is:
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A classic ^ 
I’m terrible at tagging but I tag @monstrocker @turnaboutwriter @ikari-cat and @dreamgurl2000 ! Sorry I didn’t post any more....I’m so shy sometimes ha ^_^; 
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skyderman · 6 years
rules: answer and tag 20 followers (nah) you want to know better
I was going through notifications and saw that @joanne-of-snark tagged me like a month ago?? Sorry for the late response lmao
nicknames: My friends call me Alice to annoy me (because it sounds like my actual name)
gender: female
star sign: Aquarius :>
height: 5′ 1/2′’ > >
time: 3:50 PM
birthday: January 23rd
favourite bands/artists: Gorillaz, Foo Fighters, Salt Wizard, MiTiS, and various artists of several electronic genres
song stuck in my head: fuckin “You Got A Friend” by James Taylor (planning on learning that on piano)
last movie I watched: My friends and I watched the first Deadpool together because one of us hadn’t seen it and the second one just came out
last TV show I watched: I don’t really watch TV shows anymore (or movies... rip) but I did binge a ten hour YouTube series that blew me away? Jacksepticeye’s playthrough of Detroit:Become Human
what do I post: Honestly? I just reblog random shit most of the time. Sometimes I’ll go on a rampage for one particular thing. Even rarer, I’ll actually *gasp* post art
do I get asks: nah v.v would love to tho
URL meaning: It was a concept my dad and I came up with randomly. I thought it would be an awesome username, so here we are. If “astrophysician” is too long, I’ll typically use “astrocat”. I love it because it’s like, am I a star doctor? Maybe. Do I help aliens with their physicals? Who knows. You decide. Oh, one other thing, I have to use “astrophysicann” because a dead blog has my true username v.v COUGH @staff
average hours of sleep: Around 6-8, 10 if I’m lucky :>
nationality: Just a white mish-mash-of-tons-of-European-countries American. Lots of Italy and Ireland tho
@ anyone who wants to do this :>
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madame-kiksters · 7 years
🌺 Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. 🌺
Sending this to 10 peeps I think are wonderful on Tumblr in the only way I can think of. v.vSorry if this isn't what you meant.@jr4de @oinkyblanketpig @app-jelly @thesoundofthunderstorms @chazberry @salemq @fandommother7 @birdwives @dliessmgg @kou-is-sketchyI love you all and rest assured everyone else I didn't tag, this post is for you as well, but I didn't want to make this post be 98% tags orz
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elliieephant · 7 years
30 questions tag!
I was tagged by @holyshitsnakesandspace !
1. I follow: Assuming this is asking if I follow who tagged me? Yeah I do ^-^ 2. Number of followers: 217 3. Average hours of sleep: It varies, anywhere between 4 hours and 10 hours 4. Lucky number:  13 5. Instruments: Not really, can kinda play guitar, i can kinda play piano. 6. What are you wearing: Navy blue dress covered in daisies, black leggings and a navy blue cardigan. 7. Dream job: Hmm.. I’ve always said I’d like to work in Disneyland, but I don’t know how much I would really enjoy it. I’d love to work with animals somehow though too. 8. Dream trip: I wanna see Italy so badly!  9. Significant other: Not right now, but I’ve met a guy recently that seems to really like me that doesnt have a fiance in Canada so thats a bonus. We’ll see what the future holds. 10. Birthday: October 13th :) 11. Height: 5ft3 12. Gender/pronouns: Female 13.Other blogs: @d-i-s-n-3-y-m-a-g-i-c and @rabbitsandroses 14. Nicknames: Els, Jelly baby, Big squish xP 15. Star sign: Libra 16. Time: 1.41pm 17. Favorite bands: Does Post Modern Jukebox count as a band? I think so :)  18. Favorite artist: I don’t have one. I love art, but I don’t have a favorite artist. 19. Song stuck in your head: From Now On from The Greatest Showman Soundtrack 20. Last movie you watched: Chicken Run 21. Last show you watched: Grey’s Anatomy  22. Why did you make your blog: I made it when I was like 13/14.. I honestly don’t remember. If you mean this specific blog, it’s because I accidentally deleted my other one. I had over 25K followers on it and I couldn’t get them back xD 23. What do you post: Anime mostly, but also games I like, other shows I like, pretty arty things, positive things, animals.  24. Last thing you googled: Coco uk release date 25. AO3: nope 26. Do you ever get asks: nope lol 27. How did you get the idea for your url: My name is Ellie, and I look like an elephant.   28. Favorite food: Pasta tbhh 29. Last book you read: It’s been so long I don’t actually remember v.v 30. Top 3 fictional universes: I’m not sure, I’ve never really put that much thought in, I’m sorry to end like this xD
I tag: @that-one-autistic-nerd, @ravensclawed, @sirffej, @divadonadance1, @positiveautistic (dont have to if you dont wanna)
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