#sorry for putting this in the tag it's for my blog organization :( my sins are uncountable :(
weedsinavacantlot · 2 years
I have a post that’s been in my drafts for nearly a year that I’m so so so right about but culturally the time to post it has passed
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thewritingginger · 4 years
Obey Me! Brothers React: Baby?!?
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This is a VERY old request that I actually found I had when scrolling through my blog lol
I liked it so much so I did the thing. It also gives some fluff between all the sin I have in my WIPs 
Probably the calmest out of the bunch
“Are you okay?” “I’m prepared to take responsibility and make sure you’re happy.”
Makes sure you have your doctor appointments and goes with you
Very attentive to your needs
Over all he is pretty organized and prepared . . . on the outside
On the inside he’s a bit of a hoverer, but never too obvious. Just kinda stands to the side and observes,”just in case” you are carrying precious cargo afterall
Also he won't say it outloud but seeing your growing belly makes his pride shine the most and very territorial of you more than usual You are his and everyone will know
Kinda low-key didn’t not-not try to impregnate you but you didn’t hear that from me…
You and lucifer ended up having a Baby Boy Great another boy in the house
“Am I just destined to be surrounded by boys my whole life?” “I can always try to give you a girl. Just tell me when.” 😉
Yeah you’ll probably wait a year or two to actually plain for another baby, that is if Lucifer doesn’t “if it happens it happens”you again and BOOM baby #2 smh
Not as strict as one may think when thinking of Lucifer’s parenting style
Mammon definitely has something to say about that 
Does like to try and keep to a daily schedule of when they not just eat and sleep but also scheduled play and study time when they get to that age
He may need an ambulance
JK but he is a bit of a nervous wreck
Wait till he finds how birth works
But after the initial shock he is still worried about you
Maybe a bit overbearing
“Mammon, I can walk! I’m pregnant, not crippled.” “What? I can’t carry you around for no reason now?”
You end up having a Baby Girl
Cue panic mode!
Must protect baby girl at all costs Daddy mode engaged!
“My Love, you don’t have to watch her all night. She’ll be fine.” “I don’t know that!”
That dad that gets upsetty spaghetti if a “snot-nosed brat” messes with his perfect daughter on the playground
Levi.exe has stopped working
Try turning off and turning on and try again later
Wasn’t ready for you to say it
I mean sure you guys do do the do, bUt hOw?!?!?
“Can we go back?” “Levi this isn’t a video game level.”
Don’t get him wrong he’s not mad just scared!
He’ll get into it after he has time to process it 
“I guess it would be nice to have another player when your busy.”
Started “practicing” with a life simulator game
You and Levi had a baby boy!
Games galore! 
When your little boy is still a baby obviously he can’t play video games with Levi but Levi has surprisingly really liked playing peek-a-boo
You do find Levi with your son on his chest as he plays video games most of the time when he’s watching him 
Is about tied with Lucifer on the calm factor
Actually knew before you told him
“How the heck did you know, I just told you.” “Your period was late.”
Read all the books he can find on parenting and newborns in both humans and demons
You kinda wished he didn’t read so much because it went from ‘just wanting to cover all bases’ to being a bit of a worry wart and always “helping” you and “informing” you
Can you say Papa Bear!!! VERY protective!!!
Will damn near bite someone's head off if they bump into you especially w/o apologizing
Reads and/or plays music for the baby every night
“They say they can start to hear and recognize things in the womb at about 18-24 weeks. I have so many books I’d want to show them so might as well start early.”
Finds himself talking to and kississing your belly when your asleep late at night
“I promise I’m gonna make sure I’m the best Dad for you!”
Does touch your belly though everytime he kisses you
You and Satan had a Baby Girl
Truely a Daddy’s girl! She definitely has him wrapped around her little finger
He denies it but it’s true lol
Checks under the bed for “the scaries” every time she asks 
“You know Daddy will always protect you!”
Obviously the one to teach her to read and write. Making sure they get at least 30 mins of reading time together where they take turns
You’ve walking into the library many times to see Satan laying on the couch with your daughter on his chest, both asleep
At some point he finally admitted to you that he’s scared to “let her go”
He wants his baby girl to be his baby forever but he knows sadly she has to grow up but he hopes that when that happens they still have their book discussions and reading time together
It’s how he bonds with her the most.
Okay. Okay. I’ll stop cuz we should know I love Daddy Satan so I’ll stop before i get out of hand lol
Ok but really he is excited
“With my charm and your cuteness, this child is gonna be the most sought after person in devildom.”
The day you told him he started preparing their room. Filling the room with bins of stuffed animals and toys
And clothes. Lots and lots of clothes.
“Asmo we don’t even know the gender yet.” “That’s ok! What ever we don’t use I guess we’ll just have to make another for those.”
He is gonna be in for a rude awakening literally when the baby comes
Say goodbye to your beauty sleep Asmo 
You and Asmo had a Baby Girl
When he found out you were having a girl, demon lord help this new doll baby
Dress up everyday 
Loves parading her around in his arms or the stroller
“Excuse me, Princess coming through!” 
Telling him you were pregnant made him really happy!!!
“I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.” “You’ll be the best mother.”
Of course he was nervous but he had you and you always knew how to make him feel better
And when the stress of the actual baby came up he just focused on what he did know
Snacks. Snacks. & more Snacks!!!
Your pregnancy cravings were arguably the easiest part of your pregnancy for him because he was always down to go get them for you it also gave him an excuse to get more snacks for himself too and he got to try all your favorite snacks and weird concoctions you’d want.
You and Beel had surprise, surprise. Twins!!!! Fraternal Twins to be exact, a boy and a girl
One baby was scary enough but, multiply it by two!?!? Oh nelly.
But Beel really has a way to calm you.
Divide and conquer is your modo
He’ll bathe and clothe them and you feed them Beel has helped with the feeding but somehow the food seems to disappear rather fast and the rest you share and tag in and out of
I’m sorry. He must have heard you wrong.
Maybe he is still asleep and this is a dream
But nope. It’s not! You are tellin his face that he had accidentally put a … baby… inside you…
“Are you really pregnant?” “Yup” “I’m telling you right now I’m getting rid of it if it interferes with my sleep.”
Yeah… that didn’t happen :)
He lost sleep, yes. But although annoyed he was even shocked with how attached?!? He was to the child
Oh you had a boy!
You thanked the heavens for not “gifting” you with twins
A plus is your little boy takes after his father when it comes to sleep
Altho he’s still a baby so restless nights are still very much in your future 
Belphie gifted him his very own special pillow :3 He was sick of his kid stealing/hogging his
I kinda went into them as parents bit oops  I got too excited lol
Maybe I can do more Daddy AUs in the future if that’d interest anyone.
I hope you enjoyed reading this, I really liked writing it.  I can’t be the only one obviously that really likes Daddy AUs :3
I love the fluff and I hope you do too :D
~ Undateables Reactions ~
💛 ~
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pengychan · 3 years
[Coco] Mind the Gap, Epilogue
Title: Mind the Gap Summary: Modern Day AU. Tired of Ernesto’s snide remarks, Imelda decides to put him in his place and her husband is more than happy to help. It was supposed to be a one-night deal. Things quickly get out of hand. [OT3, mostly porn and humor. Plenty of instances of Ernesto being Dramatic, Imelda getting Sick Of His Shit, and Héctor trying to be the peacekeeper. Don’t expect anything serious.] Pairings: Ernesto/Héctor/Imelda Rating: Explicit.
Art by @swanpit​.
[All chapters are tagged as ‘mind the gap’ on my blog.]
A/N: A family can be a mom, a dad, their baby, mom and dad's boyfriend who is also the baby's honorary uncle, a cat, and a total of five dogs. 
“You know, you and your brothers had been baptized long before you were six months old.”
The speakers are not on, but Ernesto is still able to hear every word Imelda’s mother is uttering due to the disease that seems to affect many people the age of fifty - the certainty you absolutely need to yell into the phone for your words to be heard on the other side.
Imelda would very much appreciate not hearing them, if the way she drops the side of her head against the passenger side window with a thunk is anything to go by. “I am aware, mamá,” she almost groans. “But we’re doing it now, no? We’re on the way there, by the way, that’s what I called to let you kno--”
“And I am glad, but I cannot see any reason why you had to wait this long.”
Imelda’s head thunks back against the window just as Ernesto changes lanes to get past a car whose owner seems to be missing the foot that’s supposed to go on the speed pedal. Somewhere in the back, Héctor groans quietly. 
“I had work to do, Héctor had work to do, and if we wanted to have the ceremony in Santa Cecilia we needed time to organize,” Imelda is gritting out. “I don’t see why we should have rushed things, considering that Coco is not at risk of imminent death. Nor has she had enough time to commit significant sins on the mortal plane.”
“Of course she has not, but you know it is important for babies to be baptized--”
“And besides, the Pope decided limbo is no longer canonical some ten years ago.”
“He also said it is no reason to delay--”
“Ah, we’re getting into a tunnel. Signal is bad. See you later,” Imelda snaps, and ends the call before dropping against the backrest with the expression of a luchadora who barely made it through the end of the match. “Remind me why cancelling the entire baptism out of spite is not a good idea?”
“Ceci worked really hard on the ropón and Coco looks beautiful in it,” Héctor speaks up.
“I already paid for the entire damn thing,” Ernesto supplies helpfully.
A chuckle. “Ay, we’re stuck, then,” Imelda says, and turns back to Ernesto. “... Sorry. What were you saying before the call again?”
“The concert next month. The latest piece Héctor wrote is a duet and we could use a woman’s voice. You should come with us, it will only be a couple of nights and you’d only need to be on stage for that song. Armando is already sold to the idea.”
It seems a very reasonable proposal to Ernesto, but Imelda frowns, pulling the car’s window down just enough to get some wind on her face. “I know he is, but I am not completely sold to the idea of leaving Coco in my brothers’ care for any amount of time.”
“It can’t be that ba--”
“You were not there when they came up with the self-rocking crib,” Héctor interjects from the back.
“The self-rocking crib?”
“Yes. Thankfully they tested it on Pepita first. She was not very happy about being ejected against the wall, but you know what they say about cats landing on their feet.”
“Ah.” Ernesto briefly debates whether he should tell them about the surprise the twins are planning. Not that he knows what the surprise actually is, they just briefly mentioned they were going back to Santa Cecilia a few days earlier than them to prepare… something. 
Ah, it will be fine. Probably. 
“Well, maybe we could find someone else to look after Coco,” he finally says instead. “Or keep an eye on them while they look after Coco. ”
Imelda hums. “I guess Ceci may be able to.”
“... Anyone else?”
“Don’t be like that, she’s her godmother.”
“Not yet she isn’t, you have time until tomorrow to change your min--”
“Your co-godparent,” Héctor pipes in. “Meaning that if anything happens to me and Imelda, you two will be morally obliged to step in and help her out. Together.”
“Uuugh. You both had better live long and healthy lives.”
A chuckle. “We’ll do our best,” Imelda promises, and for a time the car is quiet. Not for a long time, with Héctor speaking up again soon enough. 
“Are we there yet?”
Ernesto sighs. And there he hoped he would stop asking. “No.”
“My leg is all pins and needles.”
“Wouldn’t have happened if you sat like a normal human.”
“But Coco needed me to hug the baby seat, she wouldn’t settle otherwise.”
“Well, she’s asleep now. You can let go.”
Sprawled across the back seat in order to keep his arms wrapped around the sleeping child on the baby seat, his left leg folded awkwardly beneath him, Héctor shoots a very offended look which Ernesto glimpses through the rear view mirror.
“No,” he declares with all the defiance of a father refusing to hand over his baby to King Herod himself to be slaughtered in the Massacre of the Innocents. Ernesto shrugs.
“Suit yourself,” he says, and keeps driving. A boring task right now, the road straight and mercifully empty. They should be in Santa Cecilia within a couple of hours, he estimates, give or take a few--
“Are we there yet?”
“Por Dios, I was prepared for the baby to be insufferable throughout the trip, but you’re worse,” Ernesto groans. On the passenger seat, Imelda rubs her temple. 
“We could stop a few minutes, so Héctor can stretch his legs - don’t protest, you know you need it. I wouldn’t mind a break either,” she adds, and glances over at Ernesto. “Do you want me to drive the rest of the way? You’ve been at the wheel the entire time.”
“I can drive the rest of the way,” Héctor volunteers.
“Absolutely not,” Ernesto and Imelda say as one.
“Oh come on, if this is still about that thing with the level crossing in Colima, it was weeks ago and--”
“Coco is in the car,” Imelda reminds him, and Héctor promptly shuts up. When Ernesto pulls into a service station and stops the car in the small parking lot, he slowly disentangles himself from the baby seat. As Coco does not, in fact, bolt awake screaming in horrible pain the second he lets go, he finally gets off the car and takes a few steps. 
Or rather, hops awkwardly on one foot while trying to regain sensation in his left leg. Imelda watches him hop towards the toilet with a chuckle, and turns to put a hand on Ernesto’s arm. “I’ll be getting coffee for both me and Héctor. Knowing you, I assume you’d prefer a beer.”
“I’m supposed to be driving--”
“Look at you, being all resonsible with a baby on board. But no, you’re not. I’ll take over from here,” she cuts him off, and Ernesto smiles. 
“I’ll take two beers, then. One for me and one for the señorita in the back.”
Imelda laughs, and smacks his chest before she picks up her purse. “I’ll be right back. If the señorita in the back awakens and demands a drink, you know where the bottle and the thermos with her milk are.”
“I may have forgotten, Héctor only showed me sixteen times,” Ernesto calls after her, leaning against the side of the car. He arches his back to stretch, groans at the satisfying pop somewhere in his spine, and pulls out his phone. Sofía has sent him a photo showing the couch in Héctor and Imelda’s living room, currently occupied by four napping chihuahuas, an unimpressed-looking cat, and an upside-down Xolo dog.
Pet sitting them here is a lot better, she wrote. At least it’s not my shit they chew up. No shoes among the fatalities, though, so no need to castrate the big one. Tell Imelda that.
Ay, how unfortunate that Dante is getting the snip either way, Ernesto thinks, much like Diablo and Lobo did. He could have Clara and Zita spayed, true enough, but the procedure is more invasive and he’d rather spare them the ordeal if it can all be fixed, literally, by fixing Dante. They’ll book the appointment as soon as they get back, and then he and Héctor will have a drink in male solidarity. Soon, possibly before either Clara or Zita can--
Ah, so the señorita is awake. Ernesto puts away the phone and sticks his head back into the car. “You called?” he asks, and Coco grins up at him with half a tooth, absolutely delighted. She reaches up with a squeal, and Ernesto grins back.
“You want me to pick you up? Is that it?”
“Is that a yes? I’ll take it as a yes.” Getting Coco out of her baby seat gets another delighted squeal out of her, chubby hands grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. He bounces her a bit and she gives a joyous laugh. “Ah, look at you. Don’t tell your papá I said it, but sometimes I get what he means when he--”
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Getting half-digested milk and apple puree all over his shirt is not what Ernesto expected to happen, but in retrospect he probably should have. To his credit he doesn’t give in to his first instinct, which is to drop the baby to tend to his shirt, so he will get to live another day. He just stands there, staring down at his ruined shirt, holding Coco at arms’ length. 
Unaware - or maybe perfectly aware - of the mess she has made, Coco burps and laughs, legs dangling in what almost looks like a little dance. Ernesto sighs, and stares at her in the eye. “I take that back,” he informs her. Coco giggles. 
“... I suspect I know what that look means. I will not be the one to change your diaper.”
“Yes, exactly. We’ll leave it to your--”
“She’s awake! She didn’t cry, did she? Coco! Papá is here!”
Héctor takes Coco from Ernesto’s hands with a wide smile, not even noticing the condition his shirt is in, and twirls around with her in his arms, making her laugh harder. Ernesto would warn him not to spin too much, but it seems she’d already emptied her stomach, the little demon. In the end he just scoffs, gives her an offended look she absolutely ignores, and grabs a clean shirt from his luggage in the back of the car before he heads for the toilets to try and somewhat salvage the one he’s wearing. Maybe if he washes off the worst of it now, his mother will know how to fix the rest. He’s halfway to the toilets when Imelda calls out. 
"Here's your beer, it's not as cold as you like it but-- ah. I see Coco got you."
Ernesto turns to meet her gaze, his expression solemn. “I am afraid your mother was right.”
“... Qué?”
“You’re too late. Your daughter has now definitely sinned on this mortal plane,” he declares. “Do you know how much I paid for this shirt?”
Imelda raises an eyebrow. “Ah, more than you should have. It doesn’t fit you that well. You should just arrive at your parents’ place shirtless. They’re used to seeing you shirtless by now,” she adds, and laughs at Ernesto’s indignant sputtering as he informs her that was low. 
But then she kisses him and promises she will keep his beer in the ice box fridge until he’s back, and he can find it in himself to forgive the affront after all.
“... And this my mamá, see? Emilia. She is your other abuela, can you say abuela?”
“Heh. Close enough, querida. Close enough” 
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Sitting cross-legged before his parents’ grave, with Coco nestled comfortably in his arms, Héctor kisses his daughter’s head before turning back to the gravestone with a small smile. Ricardo and Emilia Rivera are smiling back from it, a few years younger than they were when they died. 
Finding that photo was a struggle, because the gas leak that destroyed his home spared none of the family albums. Ernesto nearly tore down his own home, but in the end he was able to dig up a bunch of photographs from one of their very last Nativity plays - and among them was one photo of Héctor, looking a little embarrassed in his angel wings and fake halo, with his parents beaming at either side of him. 
The original is now proudly displayed in the living room in Mexico City; Imelda’s parents have a copy, which Héctor always finds on their ofrenda when he and Imelda come to spend Día de los Muertos with them. Two cut-outs from a third copy are now gracing their gravestone.
I should make more copies. Just in case.
In his arms Coco squeals, and holds out a chubby hand towards the smiling faces of her grandparents. Héctor’s somewhat dampened smile brightens again. 
“Mamá, papá, meet Coco. She’s very happy to meet you.” He bounces the child a little in his arms. “She crawls everywhere and puts everything in her mouth, just like you said I did. And she's got my eyes! Yours, mamá. Not the nose, thank God - no offense, papá, but… come on.” He laughs a little. “Ay, I shouldn’t complain. I mostly grew into it, like you said I would. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see that you were right. I’m sorry you don’t get to be here today.”
Héctor pauses a moment, and kisses Coco’s head one more time before he speaks again. “... I wish you were here to give me advice, but I’ll do my best to be as good a parent as you were. I, uh. Well, my family is not really traditional now, I guess. I don’t know if you’d approve. I don’t know if you’d understand. I’m both relieved and sad I may never get to know, and then sad I’m relieved at all because-- either way, I wish you were here.” 
He pauses, and swallows. Oblivious to the painful lump in her father’s throat, Coco has managed to grab a flower and is trying to put it in her mouth. He takes it out of her hand gently, placing it back before the grave. “But I wanted to tell you, I believe I am doing the right thing. And I am very happy. We are all very happy, and doing our best, and that… that is the most important thing, I think.”
Their smiling faces stare back, forever unchanging. He never got to see their bodies - he was told it was for the best - and now he is glad of that. This is how he wants to remember them: whole, and alive, and always smiling. They would smile today seeing their granddaughter, he’s sure. He likes to think that somewhere, they still are. 
Coco sure is smiling plenty for someone with only half a tooth, still babbling and trying to reach out for the faces on the gravestone. Héctor holds her a bit closer, and her hands press on the glass over the photos like she’s trying to grab those smiles for herself. 
“Abbwaba,” she chirps, and laughs like someone just told a really great joke. 
Must be papá. Mamá’s jokes were terrible, Héctor thinks, and when Coco turns to look at him again, laughing, he laughs just as hard.
“Oh, you look so handsome!”
That is something Ernesto usually appreciates hearing - he appreciates it very much, truth be told - but it does lose some of its appeal when the person saying it is your mother as she circles you to make sure your jacket looks absolutely spotless.
“Uh, yes. So, are we ready to--”
“Isn’t he handsome, Estéban?”
Estéban de la Cruz, who clearly needs help getting ready far more than Ernesto ever did - anything vaguely more elegant than an undershirt seems to make him ill at ease - glances over and gives him a shrug that probably translates to ‘I have to listen to this every day, now it’s your turn’. 
“Looking good,” is all he says, causing Ernesto to blink. This kind of thing, his father looking at him and talking to him like a normal specimen of homo sapiens, is something he has yet to get entirely used to. He remembers times when he saw his father sitting on the couch while staring at the wall in an alcohol-induced stupor, and being both relieved and frustrated by it. A part of him rejoiced at the chance to just pass by unnoticed and spare himself one of his moods, while the other wanted to grab him by the shirt and shake him, knowing full well it would amount to suicide.
I am here, damn you. I’m right here. Look at me.
“So handsome,” Adela repeats for the eleventh time, snapping him from his reminiscence. “You know, you should find someone.”
As his father looks suddenly very busy fiddling with the buttons of his jacket, Ernesto holds back a groan. “Mamá, can we not--”
“You know Mirela’s son? He’s a nice boy too, and word is that he also may be--”
Oh no. No no no no no, this is not happening.
“Ay, look at the time, I really need to go! See you in church!” Ernesto yells, and sprints to the door, almost forgetting to pick up the sack of coins on his way out.
“That’s a very generous bolo.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. Ceci would never let me hear the end of it if I gave anything less.”
“Ah, don't be modest. You wanted to be a good godfather and bring plenty of good fortune to your goddaugh--"
“No, it was definitely Ceci."
"Ah." As children swarm around them to pick up the frankly astounding amount of coins Ernesto has scattered around, Héctor laughs and puts an arm around his shoulders. “Ay, don’t worry, mi amigo. I have a song in mind that will more than make up for your losses.”
Ernesto, newly-minted godfather, snorts. “It had better,” he says, elbowing him in the ribs, but his lips are already curling in a smile. Héctor lets out a yelp that’s mostly for show, and looks over to where Imelda is standing, clad in a beautiful dress Ceci insists on tailoring just for her along with Coco’s pure white ropón.
“No, no purple, for God’s sake,” he remembers Ceci muttering as she took Imelda’s measures. “This is your child’s christening, not Lent!”
Imelda does favor purple over most colors, but she looks stunning in the blue dress as she speaks to guests, Coco squirming and giggling in her arms as Óscar and Felipe make faces at her. She gets to make some noise now, after being on her best behavior through… most of the ceremony, a few drum-shattering shrieks aside. Héctor finds himself smiling dreamily. 
“She is beautiful, isn’t she?” he sighs, and Ernesto raises an eyebrow. 
“Imelda, or Coco?”
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“Heh. Yes,” Ernesto concedes. For a few more moments they just look on, side by side. For just a split second Héctor allows himself to wish circumstances would allow him to grab Ernesto’s hand, but he knows better than that; they will not go out of their way to hide, but they have got to be practical. If there is anyone present at the moment they may try to come clean to first, it’s probably-- ah, speaking of them…
“The twins are planning something during the reception, aren’t they?”
“Of course they are. It may or may not involve explosive material.”
“Por Dios, tell me you talked them out of it!”
“Why would I? I like fireworks.”
To the boys’ credit, the display is pretty spectacular. The only casualty is a perfectly replaceable tablecloth, and Coco’s sheer delight as she claps at the lights, nestled in her grandmother’s arms, is well worth the loss. 
It also causes enough of a distraction for the three of them to slip their arms under the table and hold onto each other’s hands for a few moments, squeezing tight.
“Home, sweet home!”
Héctor’s dramatic declaration would be more accurate as ‘bed sweet bed’, really. When they made it back to their apartment it felt anything but sweet, with a baby cranky from the long trip and five dogs, plus a cat, either very offended by their absence or bouncing off the walls,  frantic for their attention after a grand total of two hours on their own after Sofía left. 
It took about an hour to put down their things, feed the pets, feed the baby, take the dogs out and put Coco in her crib. Then, and only then, can the three of them collapse on the bed and breathe in a sigh of relief. 
“We survived,” Ernesto mutters into the pillow. 
“Seems like it,” Héctor groans. “Now we can sleep.”
And then, of course, Coco starts crying. It takes Imelda approximately half a minute to pick her up, decide she’s not going to be able to keep standing on her own two feet long enough to soothe her, and return to their bed with her. She lays down with her and Coco settles quickly, nestled securely in her arms. She never moves around when asleep and Pepita is keeping watch as always, so it’s safe enough, Imelda reasons with a yawn. She only realizes she forgot to close the door when Pepita jumps in, curling up next to Coco. She groans. 
“For the love of God, close the door before--”
“Yip! Yip! Yip!”
“Agh-- Dante, no, wait--” Héctor trails off with a yelp when Dante jumps up on the bed, landing across his legs and just barely missing his crotch with a clumsy paw. Out of the corner of her eye, Imelda notices Ernesto reaching down. 
No dogs on the bed, she wants to say, but Dante is already up and she is tired enough to admit defeat, at least this once. She sighs and shushes Coco while she falls back asleep, trying to ignore Ernesto’s little monsters as they snuffle around to find a spot to snooze. Once they finally settle, Imelda closes her eyes and tries to sleep. And tries. And tries. 
On the pillow, Pepita is purring away. The dogs are mostly silent, except for the occasional twitch and half-snore. Coco is suckling on her thumb as she sleeps, Héctor is breathing with his mouth open as usual, and Ernesto is snoring softly behind her. She could blame any of those things for the lack of sleep, but she knows that’s not it. 
Finally, quiet and careful to stir no one, Imelda half-sits and looks across the bed she used to share with Héctor and no one else, and that used to feel so large. 
It’s quite crowded now, with the three of them and Coco resting on it, Héctors’ limbs splayed in all directions and Ernesto a solid presence behind her, their pets filling up all remaining space. Not a single gap left.
It is perfect. It is whole. 
It is home.
Imelda nods silently, and leans back down. She tucks a lock of hair behind Coco’s ear, kisses her forehead, and closes her eyes with a sated smile.
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Aaaand it's over, yet another fic that got out of hand and ended up at least three times longer than planned! Hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed writing it.
(Also, letting a baby sleep in the Big Bed with mom, dad, their boyfriend who is also a honorary uncle, their cat and their five dogs is really cute in fiction, but can go very wrong in reality if someone turns in their sleep. Don't do that.)
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otblou · 3 years
thank you lovely friends @cowboylarries @holyshit for tagging me, this was really fun to do <3
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and sorry it took me this long but here we go!!
2. la vie en rose - lucy dacus
2. la vie en rose - lucy dacus
2. la vie en rose - lucy dacus
3. believer - american authors
4. harlem - new politics
seven comfort films:
1. any of the high school musical movies
2. uptown girls
3. jurassic park 1 (and 3)
4. spider-man (2002)
5. cars
6. enchanted
7. aquamarine
name/nickname: maría angélica, marí, mana, angie, bebé
star sign: leo sun, virgo moon, libra rising
favorite bands/groups: one direction (obviously) and camila are my all time faves but also bleachers, división minúscula, the 1975, sin bandera, reik, and many others
favorite solo artists: bad bunny 🥰 lizzo, hozier, lorde, and idk julieta venegas?? (this made me realize that 90% of my music is by bands/groups oops)
song stuck in my head: temporary fix - 1D
last movie: the imitation game (rewatch)
last show: skins uk
when did i create this blog: 2012 😬
what do i post about: one direction, some gay stuff, and other random things
last thing i googled: frida kahlo's self-portrait along the border line
other blogs: @rosestoashes used to be a studyblr years ago but now i use it to get away from fandom lmao
do i get asks: not really? just occasionally from my friends
why did i choose this url: im not creative enough to come up with something else.. i was honestly just not putting a lot of thought into it and this one was available so yeah (i've been really wanting to change it for a while so we'll see 👀)
following: 50
followers: -
average hours of sleep: i'd say about 8?
lucky number: 12
instruments: none :/
what am i wearing: grey sweatpants and a shirt with lyrics from habit (i was gonna link the etsy i got it from but they closed their shop 😔)
dream job: i do not dream of labor... but i'd like to teach for a few years and then work at a local nonprofit organization or something
dream trip: right now it's new orleans
favorite food: tacos de bistec 💘
(dual) nationality: american & mexican
favorite song: te deseo lo mejor - bad bunny
last book i read: red white and royal blue
three fictional universes you'd like to live in: hmm idk? anywhere but this one
ok so from the screenshots: picrew inspired by my go-to look | lock screen is from @stories-of-our-lives 💕 | last song i heard | last picture in my camera roll is my beautiful x100pre cd <3
i've been gone for a bit so i don't know who's done this (im sorry!) so i'm just gonna tag a few friends: @kissytalk @solvetheminourdreams @louciernagas @heyangels @daffodilsforlou @loveroflou @cloudslou @zaynsbff @rainbowparadiselouis @queerharry 💐
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@duckyboos-blog and @wantstoflyafraidtofall have tagged me to share every title in my wip folder. thank you!! but strap in, because there’s a lot:
we’ll go in reverse chronological order, because at the beginning of all this i never would have imagined i’d write so much and my organization was...troubling.
somewhere my sins don’t stretch: an outlaw au coming soon to an ao3 near you? i am really hoping to finish this one up sometime in the near future, but if the story has anything to say about it, i’m going to end up writing another 30k words, so we will see
cas and cain: did cas sound wistful talking about cain to anyone else? just me? okay. i take a firm stance that they definitely knew each other. you’re trying to tell me cas wouldn’t have been talking to the second generation of humanity? get outta here
cas & kelly: are we sensing a theme yet? i really love their friendship a lot. lmao i opened this one up and i literally have one sentence written and that is it. who knows where i was going with that one
jesse/cesar: i love cesar more than i have words for, i am obsessed by the idea of their backstory
wrestling: get ready for my dcbb, i am sooo excited. putting the spit shine on this one!
okay, brief foray into the witcher:
5+1: 5 times Geralt saw Jaskier naked, and 1 time Geralt saw Jaskier naked
announcer jaskier: geralt is a wrestler, and, is it just him or does this announcer compliment his looks and moves more than he does for everyone else?
charlotte!jaskier: jaskier is a widower in the woods, whose spouse was gung ho about moving there and died shortly afterwards. Jaskier’s so hopeless that if Geralt doesn’t help him, he’s sure Jaskier won’t be too far behind. Obviously he can’t let that happen.
jaskier and roach: i am such a sucker for hurt comfort that i am going to hurt the horse. i am a monster.
outsider pov: “I saw your son was visiting you. How is he?” Angela asks, out of a sense of neighborly obligation, the next time she sees Jaskier at the marketJaskier sighs, and Angela instantly feels sorry, thinking it was a subject she maybe shouldn’t have broached. “I’m his sugar daddy, actually.” This is what Angela gets for being polite. ‘nuff said
the coast: exactly what it sounds like, geralt becomes a horse farmer and jaskier pulls his hair out at the ever expanding zoo he finds himself in. pure fluff
too different to endure: geralt sad boi hours
back to supernatural, this is starting to get into my old old stuff, let me blow off the dust
mary fic: what do mary and cas talk about in 12x02? i am dying to know
worst cooks: worst cooks in america au where dean and cas are judges and cas is a prickly little SOB. dean is an unbearable ray of sunshine. i really need to keep writing this one, it is actually pretty good
bring him peace: obligatory mcd story, i want to write this one for the end of the series
end verse: another nice one with one sentence, but this one’s plotted out on my story bulletin board that my cat likes to try and eat
comedy of errors: dean is a baker, cas has a twin... i really just want to write something funny
food safety culture: edited the 100k words of this at work, so i had to have a relevant title lol. dean and cas have been together since purgatory, and it’s totally canon compliant. i’m begging the writers to bones us, that’s my dream
okay now here is the beginning of my fic writing career, cry with me at what i titled these:
fic 10: yes, i really numbered them. this is some angsty shit about dean’s scars. back when i was angsty teenager. now i’m just angsty
fic 8: remember that one tumblr post about the little toddler calling ducks fucks? yeah
fic 6: dean is a resident hall director and cas is a food science professor who likes to talk about molecules.
fic 3: obligatory dean rescues a cat story
(fic 1, 2, and 9 have been posted and 4 and 5 don’t exist? i don’t even know, honestly)
this was a lot of fun to revisit some of these that i haven’t opened in forever! thanks for tagging me!! (we won’t get into my stack of index cards with plots on them... but trucker dean is one of them)
anyway, if anyone else wants to tackle this undertaking, feel free to share with me! @witcher-and-his-bard @good-things-do-happen-dean @amyoatmeal @chill-legilimens if you wanna?
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chungledown-bimothy · 5 years
Trust Me: Chapter 9
I cannot thank y’all enough for your patience. Hopefully the fact that it’s a relatively big chapter a little bit kinda makes up for the wait? Either way, thank you so much for reading, and I love you <3
Chapter 1 Chapter 8 AO3 Chapter 10
Warnings: A brief mention of the wounds from previous chapters’ violence, very briefly implied nsfw/daddy kink (to skip it, just don’t read the text messages after “Aww, you’re so sweet!”
Author’s Note: Again, the cipher is crackable with the information you have. (I’d argue that this one might be a bit harder, because I gave you fewer/subtler clues, but if you get how it’s encrypted, decoding it is a lot easier.) Shoutout to y’all who got last chapter’s! <3
Word Count: 3,660
Tag List: @ccecode​ @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn​ @ren-allen​ @ilovemygaydad​ @bloodropsblog​ @funsizedgremlin​ @raygelkitty​ @roxiefox23​ @thomasthesandersengine​ @spookyingarbageisland​ @band-be-boss-blog​
"The truth, however ugly in itself, is always curious and beautiful to the seeker after it," Virgil muttered. Running his hand through his hair, he looked up to see that it was 8:30. He'd been at his desk staring at a copy of the note for over two hours. There was something familiar about the phrase; the feeling that he'd heard it before played in the back of his mind, just out of reach. He was sure that it was the key to solving the entire thing.
God, I wish I remembered more from that cryptology class I took in college. Okay, time for a new approach. Clean slate, let's go through what we know about him, Virgil thought.
He's a man in his late twenties or early thirties. He's highly intelligent and well-educated, likely with a medical background of some sort. He's a mission-based killer, set on punishing people he feels got away with things, things the system should have punished them fore. Before Jason Dean, it seems. That change in victimology must be connected to why he sent this note, so I'll put a pin in that for now; I'll talk to Vincent about the autopsy report when he's done with it. 
He seems divided; some of the torture is methodical, but some of it seems more motivated by rage than purpose. And then there's how he treats them. Mission-oriented killers don't often torture their victims; the payoff is from the kill itself. But he's feeding them, keeping them alive for a while so he can torture them.
Does he want them to know what he's done? That's it. He wants them to recognize their 'sins', perhaps even repent for them. He needs the validation that comes from them acknowledging his power and that he is correct.
Everything he does has a literal meaning and a symbolic one, he continued. Nothing has only one meaning. On the surface, he's saying that he knows that what he's doing is wrong, legally at least, but he finds it beautiful. Interesting choice of wording. Not right, not just. Beautiful. It feels like he cares more about the torture than the mission. But then why the remorse with the pseudo-burial? He's so full of contradictions. And then there's the bit at the end. "Publish me", he said, not "publish this". Which goes back to the fact that he's got one hell of an ego; he wants the focus on him. Which directly flies in the face of most mission oriented killers- they want the focus on their message. 
I would almost think that there might be two unsubs, but two people being this organized and methodical is extremely unlikely. He's way too egotistical to cooperate with a partner, however submissive said partner might be. 
So, we've got an incredibly smart unsub who knows it and feels like he isn't getting the attention he deserves. A younger child, maybe? Not that that would help us find him. Round up every smart, egotistical younger son in the city. We'd get the founders of every tech start-up in the city; it'd be Gentrifiers-R-Us. Virgil shook his head to clear out the unhelpful thoughts. Focus, Virge. You're on a clock. So, what kind of encryption does someone like that send? What kind of encryption has each word represented by three numbers? It's not a trifid cipher; none of the numbers would be bigger than three, and these numbers range from 1 to 192. Most number ciphers assign a number to each letter; no way in hell all of the words are three letters, and 192 and 26 do not play well together mathematically. Think, Virgil.
Fuck. Okay, let's try another new angle. The series of numbers at the end. Clearly not part of the message. 10 digits, but clearly not a phone number. 055 certainly isn't a US area code, and the number isn't long enough for a foreign dialing code plus the rest of the phone number. Wait. Maybe it's backwards? 310 is Los Angeles. 
Virgil took out his phone and dialed 310-053-3550, heart in his throat. It rang twice before an automated voice informed him that "the number you have dialed is no longer in service". Damn. His heart started beating in an entirely different way when he saw that he had some new texts.
6:22 [Patton]- Hi cutie! Are you free, by any chance? It's been a really bad day, and seeing you always makes me feel so much better. <3
6:50 [Patton]- I was thinking we could get some dinner and then watch a movie or something at my place
7:48 [Patton]- Virge?
Virgil's stomach dropped. Oh god do they think I'm ignoring them? Oh shit. He quickly typed out a reply.
8:53[Virgil<3]- Hey, Pat, I'm here. I'm so, so sorry you're having a bad day. I can't hang out tonight, though. :'( I'd be with you if I could, though. It's been a rough one for me, too. Wanna talk about what's been bringing you down?
Their reply was almost instant.
[Patton]- Virgil! :D Aww, stormcloud, it's okay. Life happens; it wouldn't be healthy for either of us if you dropped everything when I'm just a little down. Besides, it was nothing, really. Just me being dramatic lol
Virgil felt himself blush at the endearment, but his brow furrowed reading the rest of the message.
[Virgil<3]- You sure? It also isn't healthy to bottle up your emotions. I care a lot about you and am always here if you want to talk about anything.
[Patton]- God, you're the sweetest! <3 I care a lot about you too. I promise, though, I really am fine. Do you wanna talk about what's bumming you out?
[Virgil<3]- I really wish I could, but I actually have to get back to it. I'll message you later <3
[Patton]- okie dokie. Don't work too late, okay?
He chuckled as he put his phone away and looked back at the note on his desk. Heather and Kurt are obviously people, Ram probably is too. Who are they, and what do they mean to him? The phone on his desk started to ring; Virgil jumped.
"H- hello? Detective Mason here." Virgil cursed himself for the shaky greeting.
"Virgil! I'm glad you're still here. It's Vincent. You said you wanted to know as soon as the autopsy was done; I'm waiting for a couple of particulates to come back, but the bulk of it is ready for you." 
"Vincent, you are a lifesaver. I'll be down in a minute."
"Did you know that the candy Life Savers was invented in 1912 as a summer confectionary alternative to chocolate, which has a melting point of approximately 86 degrees?"
"I definitely did not know that, but I did know that they started as mints and didn't become the fruity candy we associate most with the brand now until the mid-1920s."
"Fruit flavors were introduced in 1921, to be exact, but they did not have holes in them like the mints did until 1925, which is probably the date to which you were referring."
Virgil laughed. "Damn, I thought I had you. I'll be right down." He hung up the phone and left for the morgue. 
Three minutes later, he found himself being hugged by Dr. Nigel-Murray.
"I'm as touch-starved as the next gay, but why the hug? We just saw each other, like, five hours ago." Virgil looked slightly down at Vincent with a small smile.
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to curb my workplace-inappropriate tendencies, but, barring once during a time of great stress, people in general don't respond in kind to my facts." Virgil's heart broke for the vulnerability and pain in his voice, and he made a mental note to learn as much trivia as possible.
"That's a damn shame. You're a great guy, Vince- let's get coffee or something once I've cracked this damn code."
"That sounds quite lovely, actually. What code, if I may ask?" Vincent's smile was appropriate for the fact that they were at work, but Virgil could tell that he was practically bouncing with excitement internally.
"Our killer sent a reporter a coded message. I've got about 21 hours to crack it if I want to get this guy to come to me."
"Not to overstep, but I've dabbled a bit in cryptography; perhaps I could be of some assistance?" 
"I'd love another set of eyes on this, actually. Thank you! Here, give me your number, and I'll text you a picture of it once we've wrapped up here." Virgil pulled out his phone and unlocked it to find that his messages with Patton were still pulled up. He tried to stop himself from smiling, but he couldn't.
Vincent chuckled. "He must be pretty special, to get a smile like that out of you." Virgil blushed.
"Uh, yeah, they are. At least, I think so. I hope so." Virgil fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, refusing to make eye contact.
"Sorry about the pronoun flub. So, tell me about them!"
Virgil hesitated; opening up about his feelings certainly wasn't one of his strong suits, but he liked Vincent and wanted to be his friend.
“They’re incredible. Their name is Patton, and they run We Hart Coffee just a few blocks from here. They’re so funny and kind, and I’ve never seen a smile like theirs. It’s so genuine and infectious. The world genuinely is a brighter and happier place around them.”
“You really love them, huh?” 
“I- What? No. No way. That’s way too cliche. We meet in a coffee shop and are in love within a couple of weeks? This is real life, and stuff like that only happens in movies and fanfiction. And completely unrealistic. What?" Virgil snapped, seeing the grin on Vincent's face.
"Trust me, Virgil. My first doctorate advisor, Doctor Brennan, was in deep denial of her love for her partner, Agent Booth. They're now happily married with two kids. I know what repressed love looks like, and you, my friend, have it in proverbial spades."
"I'm not sure that that's the right use for that cliche, and besides…" Virgil sighed, running a hand through his hair. "So what if you're right? Even if I did love them, which I don't, they don't love me back."
"Not yet, perhaps, but you're a great guy, Virgil. Smart, funny, caring, and quite handsome. If I were into men, I'm certain I would be half in love with you, myself. Just give them time."
"Christ, Vince, I'm gonna cry at work and ruin the tough-guy aesthetic I work so hard to maintain."
Vincent hummed his disbelief. "As much as I love chatting with you, I believe you're here about a murder. Follow me, if you will."
"Right. Murder." Virgil muttered before following him into the lab.
"So, you know who he is. 18 year old Mission High student Jason Dean. You saw the burns, frostbite, and acid damage. We were able to determine that the frostbite was caused by liquid nitrogen, and the killer used hydrochloric acid. We also found that while he was less dehydrated than the part victims, likely due to being held for only about a week, as opposed to two or three like previous victims, he was far more malnourished than the others."
"God, why is he changing so much? A kid, a shortened timetable, not feeding him. What was the cause of death?"
"Strychnine poisoning."
"See, that's a huge departure, too. All of the previous torture was from knives and hands. Why the sudden change to substances? Did he get injured, or is something else limiting his manual dexterity?"
"I don't know about any of that, but strychnine is a fairly popular poison in popular culture; Agatha Christie used it three times- in Mysterious Affair at Styles, The Coming of Mr. Quin, and How Does Your Garden Grow?, and Arthur Conan Doyle used it in-"
"Oh. OH. Vincent, I love you, you know-it-all." Virgil started pacing, running his fingers through his hair.
"I beg your pardon?"
"The Murder of Roger Ackroyd."
"What? Strychnine wasn't used in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd; Ackroyd was stabbed."
"Yes, I know. The note the killer sent. At the bottom of the code, he wrote 'the truth, however ugly in itself, is always curious and beautiful to the seeker after it'. It seemed so familiar, but I couldn't place it until you just brought up Agatha Christie. Poirot said it in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. The number. I'm an idiot."
"Breathe, Virgil. I assume that you just cracked the code?"
"Not quite. But I cracked our unsub. I knew it. I knew he'd hand me the answer. I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out."
"Okay, so how does The Murder of Roger Ackroyd help you?"
"Under the quote is a thirteen digit number. I'd bet my life that it's an ISBN for a specific printing of the book. It's an Arnold Cipher. Each series of three numbers is a page, line, and word. It was staring me in the face. I truly am Boo-Boo the Fool." Vincent was puzzled by Virgil's last sentence, but Virgil was far too agitated for questioning it to be prudent.
Virgil took a deep breath. "Okay, sorry about that. So, back to Jason?"
"Oh, right. Jason. Um, the only other thing of note that we have found at this point are fibers from a 1950s Volkswagen Beetle."
"That's gonna help a ton, as well. Vincent, you are my hero!" Virgil scooped him up into a big hug before leaving the morgue, leaving Vincent speechless for the first time in his life.
Virgil ran back up to his desk, furiously typing in his password. It took him three tries to correctly enter the number into the San Francisco Public Library website's search bar. He eventually got it, and there it was. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie. And two copies were available. The library didn't open until 12 pm the next day, however, so he went home after setting an alarm on his phone and sending a quick text to Patton.
9:52 [To:Patton]- Hey, wanna get dinner tomorrow night?
He was ecstatic to see a message from them when he got home.
9:55 [Patton]- Absolutely! You got the problem worked out? :D
10:10 [Virgil <3]- I found the solution, and will get it resolved by the end of the week. I'll pick you up on Friday at 7? We'll take a walk in the park and then House of Prime Rib, on me?
[Patton]- Are we celebrating something? Or are you trying to tell me you want to be my sugar daddy? ;P
[Virgil <3]- Trust me, Pat, if I had sugar daddy money, I'd love nothing more than to spoil you rotten. But nah, it's a combination of a small celebration and an apology for being unavailable today and for the next few days until Friday. (and i may or may not be buttering you up in hopes you'll share what's bringing you down)
[Patton]- Aww, you're so sweet! <3 (Can I call you daddy anyway?)
[Virgil <3]- Only if you want to be rewarded, baby. ;)
[Patton]- I'll be a good boy for you, daddy, I promise. 
Virgil noted their preferred appellation and responded in kind with a wicked smile.
The next morning, Virgil woke up half an hour before his alarm was set to go off, feeling more relaxed than he had in months. I'm finally going to get this guy.
Figuring there was no point in just waiting around, he got ready and went right to work. He knew Captain Sanders would want a breakdown of the previous night's findings before he could start following the leads he had gotten from Vincent the previous night.
He got to the station and immediately started looking into Jason Dean and the possible claim that he was a murderer. It didn't take him long to find that three Mission High students committed suicide 2 months prior named Heather, Kurt, and Ram. Virgil tracked down the police reports for the deaths. By all accounts, they appeared to be through-and-through suicides. If Jason did kill them, the killer would need to be quite close to either one of the victims or Jason himself. Linking the suicides would imply that he's close to all of them. Maybe through school? Science classes are more than likely to have liquid nitrogen and hydrochloric acid. Any teacher would have access, but I'll look more into science teachers in particular. He's displayed some anatomical knowledge as well. 
Captain Sanders walked into the precinct, calling for Virgil to follow him into his office.
"So, what do you have?" he asked, after they'd arrived and shut the door.
"The note is a book cipher based on Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. The library has a copy of the specific edition I need to crack it, so I'm going to pick that up at noon, as soon as the library opens. Looking into the 'murderer' thing, there were three suicides at Mission High 5 months ago, whose names match the three not-coded words in the note- Heather, Kurt, and Ram. If they were murdered by Jason, that means the killer is close to one of them, most likely Jason himself. I think that's what the killer is alluding to in the note, but we'll see once I've decoded it. Add in the liquid nitrogen, and it points to a teacher, likely a science teacher. So I'm going to crack the code and look for other insights into him and look into Mission High science teachers. I have an updated profile, and I'll email that to you right away."
"That sounds wonderful, Mason. You've been doing excellent work; we're glad to have you."
Virgil shifted his weight from foot to foot. "I'm just doing my best, sir. If you'll excuse me, the library is about to open, and I'd like to get the book as soon as possible."
"Sounds great to me! Just send me that profile before you go."
"Will do, sir. Thank you." Virgil turned and left the room, hurrying to his computer before rushing to the library.
A short while later, he was back at his desk with a battered copy of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. It wasn't difficult to decode the message, but it did take a bit of time and a lot of counting and re-counting. Word by word, the message became clear: He killed Heather, Kurt, and Ram. Find the weapon; I know he had it. It is your evidence.
Virgil sat back in his chair once he'd finished, puzzled by what the note revealed that he hadn't already deduced. 'He' has to be referring to Jason. He knew we'd find out the reasons for him choosing the previous victims, but he needed to be sure we'd know why he thinks Jason deserved to die. I looked at the police reports for those deaths; the gun used to kill Ram and Sweeney was recovered on-site and is in police custody. He's obsessed with his mission, though. He wouldn't make this claim if he wasn't sure. I'll look into that once we've caught our killer. For my peace of mind, at least. Virgil cracked his knuckles and picked up his phone.
"Roman Prince, SFGate, how can I help you?"
"Roman, it's Detective Mason. Can you come down to the station right away?" The responding scream was so loud, Virgil had to move his phone away from his ear. "I'll take that as a yes?"
"Absolutely, Detective. I will be there as soon as physically possible."
"Don't break any traffic l-" The line went dead, cutting Virgil off.
Far sooner than could have been legal, Roman skidded to a stop in front of Virgil's desk.
"BREATHE, Roman." Virgil stood, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Yes, I cracked the code. Yes, you will publish a response tonight. But I'm writing it. I assume your laptop is in your bag?" Roman simply nodded- he knew that if he tried to speak, he'd start rambling again. "Fantastic. Let's get going."
45 minutes (and one call from Captain Sanders to Dan Humphrey about how not allowing it to be posted immediately would be obstruction of justice) later, a new post was live on SFGate's website. It was 4:02 pm, two hours before the deadline.
An Open Letter to U N Owen
It was a pleasure hearing from you. While I obviously cannot condone your methods, you are correct that our justice system is imperfect, and those imperfections need addressing. You gave me quite a puzzle, and I enjoyed solving it. It was clever, but not clever enough. I hope you'll forgive me for not following your directions; please let me know if this is inadequate.
Vq rwv kv dnwpvna, aqw'tg ytqpi. Jg fqgup'v jcxg kv, yg fq. Yg'xg jcf kv htqo vjg xgta dgikppkpi. Dwv aqw cntgcfa mpqy vjcv. Aqw'tg hct vqq engxgt vq jcxg pqv mpqyp vjcv. Wpnguu K'o qxgtguvkocvkpi aqw, yjkej ku c fghkpkvg rquukdknkva. Aqwt qvjgt cuugtvkqp jcu dggp pqvgf, cpf K uygct vq aqw vjcv K yknn rwtuwg vjcv qpeg yg ugvvng vjku ocvvgt dgvyggp wu.
Hqt pqy, vjqwij, aqw ujqwnf mpqy vjcv aqw'xg iqvvgp unqrra, cpf vjcv kv'u qpna c ocvvgt qh vkog dghqtg K hkpf aqw cpf tgrca aqw kp vjg ngicn hqto qh vjg eqkp aqw icxg vjgo. Aqw yknn (ogvcrjqtkecnna) jcpi hqt vjku.
Det. Mason Poirot II
Logan refreshed SFGate.com for the thirteenth time that day and was finally rewarded for his tenacity; the post was less than five minutes old. He read it twice, rage simmering in his chest and a smile on his face. "Detective Mason," he said to his empty apartment, "a worthy adversary indeed. The game is on."
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misssugarpinkshome · 5 years
Author Interview
Note: Apologies to Mobile Users for the amount of links.
Note 2: I’ve mentioned a bunch of times my Alt Account on Ao3 and FiMFiction. I’m not saying the name of my Alt Account because it’s a Public Account and I don’t particularly care for MissSugarPink to have anything to do with that other account. Thanks.
Tagged by the almighty @tricktster
Interview under the break (there’s a lot of links sorry)
Name: MissSugarPink here and on Ao3, Miss Sugar-Pink on [NSFW] FiMFiction [NSFW] (though I’m planning on deleting that abomination of a past soon), and another username on Ao3 and FiMFiction that I won’t share here.
Fandoms: Undertale, Homestuck, and still a little MLP. I recently fell in love with Dragon Prince but I’m not big on writing anything yet. I also wrote a omgcheckplease fiction not long ago.
Where You Post: Ao3 mostly for this account, FiMFiction for my other account.
Most Popular Oneshot: Unfortunately, going by hits/views, that’s my MLP Porn Fic, Heat Of The Moment, with 4,280 views. A sordid past leads to unfortunate outcomes. Going by likes/kudos, however, it’s my omgcheckplease fiction, The Story of How Derek’s Entire Wallet Ended Up in the Sin Bin, with 240 Kudos!
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Fic: By hits/views, that’s What’s Keeping You Here, my Sans/Male Reader Undertale fic that I adore with all my heart, racking up 11583 views! By kudos, however, it’s my other gay fiction, Dave: Tell Him About The Quadrant(s), a Homestuck Dave/Karkat with 734 kudos!
Favorite Story You’ve Written: This is so so hard. The fact is, I hate everything on the FiMFiction, but I love mostly everything on the Ao3. I think my favorite experimental piece on MissSugarPink’s account is torn between What Makes It Worthwhile?, which is a Homestuck/Undertale crossover (with a sequel coming someday, I promise) that just... I still go back and reread it from time to time, and then White Light, the Gaster (tm) fic I have. But in terms of fics I just adore that are normal? What’s Keeping You Here takes the cake.
Fic You Were Nervous To Post: All of them, always, at all times. Always anxious that I’ve done something W R O N G and will immediately die from being awful. But the fact of the matter is, even the ones I’m most worried about (I think it’s Skeleton Song in this case) still get views and comments. Just... not many.
How You Choose Your Titles: The titles used to be easy little “ah yes let us use a song lyric”. To be frank, I’m still in that cliche world, and hey, I love it. But I think my favorite titles are the other cliche I use - The Character Says The Thing. In my favorite fictions, the title is a meaningful thing the character says. [Fun fact: In What’s Keeping You Here, the chapter titles all answer the question the title presents! There’s your extra bonus content for the day!] But yeah, I’m a slut for symbolism.
Do You Outline: Uh yeah sometimes but also how do you define Outline? I like to put down all my ideas of “I kinda want this to happen.” on paper. Then, I organize them into a logical progression, like “oh yeah I should probably have Twilight BUILD that Mecha before she uses it to destroy Nightmare Moon” or something. And as the story goes on, I tend to add new things, because the characters do something different than I originally anticipated. It’s fun! But awful for planning.
Complete: Heat of the Moment, What Makes It Worthwhile?, The Story of How Derek’s Entire Wallet Ended Up in the Sin Bin, Skeleton’s Song, and 10 Requests.
Incomplete/In Progress: Ew gross never working on the MLP porn again, Run To You, Palemates, 30 Minutes, Dirty Night Clowns, Dave: Tell Him About The Quadrant(s), Close To You, White Light, Undertale: Lyrical Journey, about 5 Requests, and What’s Keeping You Here.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: I’m also gonna interpret this as “completed but sitting in drafts because you’re still not satisfied with the random ass idea you had.” Old Friends, Unbridled Emotion, Untitled UnderMafia Fic, Untitled UnderSwap Fic, What Do You Meme (A COBC FAN FANFIC SAY WHAT OH DANK), Scars, Untitled Undertale/Moana Crossover Fic, Untitled Undertale/Heathers the Musical Crossover Fic, What Makes It Worthwhile? Second Chapter/Fic, Memories Of The Past, Opposite Day, Responsibility, I Do It For Love, An Ending, Cracked, But It Refused, Face The Sun, The End, Black Parade, Apartment Number 17776 (a 17776 fiction), Blinded By Love (a Miraculous Ladybug fiction),  a FNAF Musical, and The Origin of the Harmony Gyms (a Pokemon Go Fic). Not all of these would end up on MissSugarPink if I posted them though. Some would go to my alt.
Do You Accept Prompts: Sure, but read up on my rules first. Also I think I’m gonna make a FAQ for this blog, so you’ll be able to read the rules there too. Requests are on Ao3!
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: I think it has to be What Do You Meme, or else the second chapter of What Makes It Worthwhile?. I’m also really excited for my personal story, which is called Simplicity Shatters. I have a blog for it actually! Check it if interested.
Tagging: nah
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A THEORY: Linear Timeline of reputation
This is going to be a very long read; but it may just include unlocking the 15 Taylor's from the LWYMMD MV so read on if you dare…
 (OK it totally includes the theory, please read and tell me what you think!)
An Introduction:
I've been a casual fan of Taylor Swift since she started. Loved all her radio singles, listened to her albums (at my leisure upon release), and admired her platform and brand image. I guess I became a huge fan after 1989, but around the release of reputation, I realized just how much this woman's music has been there throughout my life and decided to fully stan her. As I fell down the rabbit hole of  learning everything I could about TS as an artist, I became completely enamored with her wits & charms. However, the more I learned to love about her, the more I could feel just a slight inauthenticity; I was constantly thinking of the hypocrisy of how she "never names who her songs about" yet she created this scavenger hunt with her liner notes that seemed to point in an obvious direction of one of her "ex-boyfriends." It didn't align with how she presented herself in every other aspect. Then, I felldowntherabbithole for real and found all of the incredibly documented and organized realm of the Kaylor's, and everything was literally in screaming color.
reputation made even more sense with fresh Kaylor eyes and once I read this Taylor Swift quote: 
reputation, in my mind, is an album that is very linear in it’s timeline. Meaning that it kind of starts out where I was when I first started making the record. The album ends more where I am now in my life. So this is more towards the end of the album, it’s called ‘Call It What You Want.’
my mind became OBSESSED with cracking this code. I had combed through all the kaylor blogs and while I had read everything I could, I still couldn't place it within any timeline. Then, Delicate came out and the code started to crack; I could peek inside and make sense of something, but was still unsure what it was. I put together a loose concept which had some plot holes, but it was when I remembered to revisit the 15 Taylor theory that everything completely revealed itself.
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  I would like to start with a disclaimer: I have never, ever actively participated more than lurking or even posted anything on Tumblr. I would like to fully acknowledge that there is a huge, fat chance none of this makes sense to anyone but me, but my husband was really getting fed up with me talking about it and I just needed to share. THANK YOUS to the Kaylor blogs I frequented with incredible analysis and POV of Tay in the media and her music-  @all-my-possessions​ @howyougetthenerd​  @jennyboom21 @karlitakloss​ @kaydar​ @kaylorrepdetective​ @larrienation​ @out-of-the-klosset​ @paradisekisses  @tallcurlygirl​ @taytaysbeard​ @that-curly-haired-lesbian @thoseflashinggreeneyes​ @whaler13bg​ to name a few. (Sorry, tumblr is not letting me tag a few of you.)
 A lot of the information I am providing is not new and connects the dots from the amazing posts from this community. I tried as best as I could to cite all relevant posts - you can definitely let me know if I've made any errors. Please feel free to edit//contribute//comment because I have a feeling that a more seasoned eye would be able to expound on so many more clues and easter eggs!
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Let the Games Begin!
Overall Concept/Themes
There are truly some insightful analysis of the overarching themes and concepts of the album already. Secrecy, partners in crime, forbidden love… In general there's a complex theme of Duality to the album; conflicting feelings, Brand vs Self, bad vs good, truth vs reputation etc. I think it's most important to note is that any analysis that views these tracks differently than listed below, can still be correct. Our Queen is a lyrical master plus there's that added layer of intentional dualities in her story telling; there's always at least 3 different meanings to her songs and that's one of the reasons we admire her wordsmith ways.
 The Timeline!!!
 …Ready For It?  - So It Goes… 2012* - 2014
This has long been inferred in every side of the fandom to indicate this is Part 1 of the Story, implied by the ellipses as the beginning and end of the track names. All the timelines I've previously read started at either the introduction of  1989 or even later beginning with 2016/2017 events, but it didn't make sense applied to the album as a whole. Once Delicate MV came out, I began to notice that all of the nods to RED in all these MV's were not just for nostalgia. She is literally telling us that this part of the story was about the end of RED era leading into 1989 - not quite 1989 era just yet. ;)
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*2012 is an estimate based on the beginning of the Delicate video; it's possible that TS & KK met before Swiftgron was officially over but who will ever know? Karlie's buzz cut was December 2011 (x). The first half of the album is difficult to theorize specific dates within this period because we really have no idea when KK & TS met.
LWYMMD - New Year's Day 2014 - 2017 (NYD)
I gotta tell you - immediately after reading this, go watch LWYMMD. It was (is?) literally hiding there in plain sight; it's a GENIUS video walking you through EXACTLY what she did (you could say from a satirical standpoint more how the media/GP thought she did) to prepare for this era! When she refers to the "Old Taylor," she's using the term in the exact way her fans have been using: to refer to Country Taylor. She is officially Pop; Look What We Made Her Do when RED, a pop-country album, "a patchwork of songs," didn't win the Grammy. She went full POP princess. This post in particular helped me remember that these songs are not fresh in regards to her life even though they are brand new to us. Part 2 of the story more clearly follows the events of the 1989 era through just before rep's release.
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Track by Track // 15 Taylors
…Ready For It?  Intro
I believe this is an introduction of what's to come, an overview of the story. Yes, she's definitely asking herself if she's ready to come out of the closet (x/x), if Karlie is ready to glass closet (x), is her beard ready for the consequences(x), and most specifically, are we, her fans, the GP, are we ready for her to come out and live her truth unapologetically? It's her laying the groundwork to prepare for 1989; her literally coming up with the concept for the whole era which is why we see the references to her 1989 MV's in the glass room. This post  cites the connection to the Dykes on Bikes; are we ready to accept Taylor to not only come out, but be a strong voice and activist of the LGBTQ+ community?
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End Game April 2013 - June 2014
I KNOW Taylor is singing to KK about them first meeting - and I KNOW we think they just met before VSFS 2013 (even though there are rumors that say they met sooner…) But, hear me out because this lines up way too easily with the information we get from the MV (x/x). Remind yourself… Who opened for Taylor's RED tour? That’s right, our favorite ginger. It's a nice additional nod with the callback of Everything Has Changed duet with Ed Sheeran. Miami (shoutout to my hometown even though I have no inkling to its significance) tour dates were 04/10/13, London was  02/01/14 (Did she really show us their first  NYE together?!), and Tokyo was 06/01/14.
Irrelevant now but important for later (LWYMMD): And I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put ‘em. This post highlights a cool interpretation of the line that applies to this whole post!
I’ve been doing some digging to try and somehow link Miami in this mix, and this is pure speculation but I feel like Future represents her bearding with Harry Styles. Karlie’s “buzz cut” was in December 2012, and shortly thereafter she was in Miami for a photo shoot. 1/4/12 marks the official break up of Haylor in the US Virgin Islands… it’s a stretch and I’m totally grasping at straws but they are geographically close and it’s all I got for now.
   "Me, I was a robber first time that (s)he saw me…"
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I Did Something Bad early 2013
So, I have to admit… IDSB and DBM were the two songs I was having the most trouble placing within the linear timeline; my initial thought was this must have been a metaphor for her confessing her "sins" a.k.a. bearding, to Karlie when they first started dating. This was the song that clicked once I looked through the lenses of the 15 Taylors and reaffirmed my thoughts with the visuals of this Taylor on the cross in LWYMMD. In digging a little deeper, I found a Vanity Fair article - one of the only cover stories found online about TS during 2013. I'm not as confident about my perspective on the linear timeline with this track, however I feel like it's a good start especially considering the next holy church track.
In regards to the "light me up" lyric, and clear visual reference in the …RFI MV as well as the crucifixion of Taylor in LWYMMD, I thought this answer she gave the   73 Questions With Taylor Swift | Vogue video was also interesting to note. The question was what is the one thing she wishes she would have known at age 19 (8:03)?
"Hey, you're going to date just like a normal 20-something should be allowed to, but you're going to be a national lightning rod for slut-shaming."
I'll leave this quote from the April 2013 Vanity Fair interview right here:
"But nobody calls them the kinds of names that get thrown at Swift. “They’re ‘playboys,’ ” Swift says wryly. “They’re ‘having fun.’ ”
By the way, in the Vanity Fair article there's an "authorized source" giving insight to what "really happened" to Haylor aka probably lies.
 Every lie I tell them, they tell me three
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Don't Blame Me early - mid 2014
I can really only hypothesize through the lyrics and the Taylor line up that this may be a reference to how the RED "media" circus (as quoted from the VF article cited above) literally made her do crazy things - maybe how her past experiences had caused her to react a certain way in an undefined relationship, maybe how the media circus in general had her guarding her heart, and of course the religious context of the song leads me to believe of course it is connected in that aspect to the confessing of her actions in the previous track. Big Sur trip also falls within this timeline. (x/x/x) 
I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy…
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Delicate 2013 - 2014
I think this one has so many beautiful analysis with the music video that syncs perfectly with this time line with no need for additional explanation, and I think it's especially apparent why this Taylor represents TraKK 5 in the line up. (x/x)
It's interesting that Fearless Taylor and Red Taylor were the ones actually fighting on Taylor Mountain in the LWYMMD MV; this may be a reference to her insecurities and headspace during the RED media circus//break up anxieties fighting contrasting to her want to just dance in her best dress Fearless with KK with no inhibitions.
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Dancing in my best dress, fearless 
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LWYMMD End of 2014
Has anyone noticed the crows in the beginning? It literally hit me as I was finishing this post - a group of crows is called a murder.
We see her Driving a new Maserati (well, car with significant meaning) down a dead end street and then crashes into the pole. (x) She literally killed the "Old Taylor" to get the Grammy - as well as set up clever disguises as red herrings* so that we missed the most obvious clue that this is about the release of 1989. I think even cleverer, how she walks away from the crash unscathed at the end of the MV to imply she rose up from the dead, she does it all the time (with each era release). (x/x/x/x)
*Red herring: something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting. In reference to the post regarding hatchets in End Game, she's definitely sending us on the hunt… remember that post above I asked you to note?
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 Then of course another hint to the timeline is in the lyrics and MV (look at the date of the tweet...)
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I've got a list of names and yours is in red underlined 
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So It Goes… October/November 2014
This was definitely the most challenging to figure out, but there's definitely two clear ideas that are represented here - the linear timeline alludes to the HOT KINKY SEX our girls probably had after VSFS '14 (x/x/x) and the death of her 'innocence.' Coincidentally, I had read Slaughterhouse Five for the first time earlier last year and lurking around the Reddit TS  community where they spent so much time trying to figure out how they could circle this back to Vonnegut. Unluckily for them, it is the most heteronormative//homophobic community where even Kaylor posts are censored/deleted/ridiculed etc so they weren't ever going to get it. This song represents a toxic relationship with CH in their eyes, and I can see that perspective… another Salute to the American Queen of Wordplay.
 Anyway, here is a quote from a NY Times (https://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/18/books/review/and-so-it-goes.html)
That is, the constant repetition of “So it goes” makes readers ask themselves about the meaning of death (or its lack of meaning) and the incalculable human costs of war.
The 2009 VMA's Taylor is the epitome of everything her art, brand and music spoke to prior to 1989; and with the Pop princess she was no longer the relatable girl next door. She had gone full big-city, celebrity friends, glitz and glam - feeling so Gatsby for that whole year. With 1989, represented by the LWYMMD music video, that image was shattered, it was the death of her reputation but the true beginning of laying the groundwork for her and KK's future and she truly felt alive. 
Not to mention a song about kinky sex is a huge step away from that image.
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So it goes...
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And so it goes, now Part 1 of our story is done.
Gorgeous Met Ball 2015
Part 2 moves into the 1989 era starting with the Met Gala. (x/x) I read a great analysis using the lyrics to prove why this song is not about someone you just met because of the intense conflicting feelings. (I have scoured Tumblr to find it and link it but can't rediscover it… sorry I explained I've been a noob and a lurker and I never liked or reblogged anything, I'll update with a link if I ever find it again!) That made me reevaluate my original thoughts of this track being Enchanted 2.0 and representing her meeting Karlie for the first time. This was the first public event Kaylor attended together; it must have been strong conflicting feelings of joy & giddiness of the relationship quickly overtaken by nerves, fear, and anger that she would be found out and/or couldn’t show any outward PDA towards KK at the event. I would imagine there was a lot of drinking that night to cope, thus the “drunk” perspective.
 PS she probably didn’t go home alone that night (DING)😉
 'Cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts
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Getaway Car May - August 2016
There are great analysis looking at this song from two main POV's- 1. the bearding CH-TH circus(x/x) and 2. a reflection of Swiftgron in hindsight (x). For the sake of the timeline/15 taylor line up, it was too coincidental that this was the Taylor snapping at the beards in I <3 TS shirts and  from that perspective, fits perfectly into the linear timeline. It is suspect  that TS went against her management in anger of how the "break up" with CH unfolded, and so it would make sense to be a little apologetic towards TH -- the one beard aftermath she may have regretted but that is just pure speculation.
And a circus ain't a love story, and now we're both sorry
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  *I JUST NOTICED! She POPS HER LEG for the 7th boyfriend in line - AKA CH. She is SO EXTRA!
King of My Heart August 2016
The below quote and Taylor line up don't need further explanation. 
"I think it’s very interesting when people talk about their love stories. Like when you guys blog about, “my and my husband, me and my boyfriend” or just anyone talking about how they fell in love. 
There seem to be these very definitive phases. It doesn’t matter how long that phase lasts. There seems to be a moment where you know it transitioned to the next phase. People will be like, “Oh my God, we were friends for six years and there was this moment and we knew and then it changed. Then there was a moment and it got even deeper. Then there was a moment and we knew” or like “I saw this person and there was this moment and we knew.” Everyone has a different story with how they connect with someone else and what i find interesting is the moment where it switches. You always hope that switch is going to move forward and not backwards because it can happen either way. I always wanted to structure the song where each individual section of the song sounded like a move forward in the relationship but still being listenable. So I wanted the verse to seem like it’s own phase of a relationship, the pre-chorus to sound like it’s own phase of a relationship, and the chorus to sound like it’s own phase of a relationship. I wanted them to all have their own identity but seem like they were getting deeper and more fast paced as the song went on. So finally I was able to achieve that in a song.”
 Here’s a couple of my favorite analysis regarding this song. (x/x)
 Up on the roof with a school girl crush
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 Dancing With Our Hands Tied Mid - End 2016
This analysis  really explains the lyrics and matches the allusion of the Zombie Taylor to make it seem like it is a hindsight song about Swiftgron; however Out of the Woods is the last MV of 1989 era released the end of 2015 (aside from New Romantics your video) and this can perhaps be expressing the death of Taylor’s 1989 reputation after the slew of public feuds. It can also be interpreted as a hindsight song in regards to Kissgate in 12/2014(x/x); how she had found herself coming into 1989, but was a zombie version of that because she had to beard with CH and TH and it perhaps made her feel dead inside. Maybe she’s implying that she would have just taken the fall from grace then put herself through another (particularly long and grueling) fake relationship.
I had a bad feeling
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Dress October 2016
Not only is Dress pretty frequently analysed, it's also the most obvious and blatant within the theory.  I thought it was very cute that this was represented by the Ballerina in the line up as a not so subtle nod to Karlie. October 2016 was the infamous Golden Tattoos at Drake's birthday party. (x/x/x)  
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Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo. 
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Sorry I couldn’t help myself with this gif :P
TIWWCHNT November 2016
Originally, I thought this was the easiest one- yes, the Snake Queen is sipping and serving tea on her infamous feuds however it just didn't fit in the more transparent timeline of the second half. There's been a few posts that hint the track may be a slight diss to her fans. Once it hit me she was alluding to herself as our (the fans) American *dream* Queen, I realized: this song is not a slight diss - it is harshly directed to us, all of us. Hear me out: Just like KOMH is about a love that reflects back on different periods in life, this track also calls to a couple different conflicts with the relationship of TS and her fans. She's never enough for either aspect of the fandom.
I thought it was curious that she would have the "ET TU BRUTE" (x)  as a reference to Kanye because let's be honest, she probably never trusted him after 2009 and rightfully so. "Et tu, Brute?" is a Shakespeare reference and a phrase that is now used to describe a friend stabbing you in the back. This would be more applicable to us, her fans. V1:
It was so nice throwing big parties
Jumping to the pool from the balcony
Everyone swimming in a champagne sea
And there are no rules when you show up here
Bass beat rattling the chandelier
Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year
This easily refers to 12/2014 - Kissgate. Feeling so gatsby for that whole year; throwing big parties. She had to close the gate before she was outed prematurely by the fans watching her during the concert.  We were the last ones she ever expected having to protect herself from; she had been so open, glass-closeting, but the fans took it too far and crossed the line of her privacy. She was surprised by the network that had expanded to track her every move. A couple years pass, V2:
It was so nice being friends again
There I was giving you a second chance
Think back to the election of 2016; Taylor being back in the media and more open again with her life wasn't enough at this point. America had reached a boiling point and everyone had to pick a side; even Taylor's most dedicated fans were constantly expressing their disappointment at her so she changed her priorities and went into hiding.
 As @paradisekisses once posted, “Not everything is about Kanye.”
 Salute to you, our American Queen of Red Herrings
 Because you break them, I had to take them away.
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Call It What You Want End of 2016
The lyrics all harken to 1989 (x) and this is when her reputation has never been worse (again), but she’s stronger this time and it didn’t break her as much as post RED era. Not to mention, she’s madly in love and found her end game so nothing else really matters to her; her priorities have been shifted and she knows what truly matters in her life. 
Call her what you want, she is Karlie's Partner in Crime.  it's an obvious call to the gold cage, hostage to my feelings; she will jail herself once more with this ((hopefully)) last beard and that will be the official death of  (2.0? 6.0?) Old Taylor. The best part is the BTS video showing how much fun she was actually having in the gold cage. There are beautiful analysis of this song (x/x/x/x/x)   , and to me it's just the most real/pure love song. Love isn't just about all the good times, it's how your partner and you navigate the bad. Sometimes the worst moments in life show us just how strong our relationships are and bring us closer together.
Karlie what you want, call her what you want to (I can't unhear this in the background now <3)
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New Year's Day January 1, 2017
This Taylor is hidden from us because she will probably never be as open with the GP, media, or her fans ever again. Who knows what to come in the future, but she actively tells us "don't read the last page" and to "hold onto the memories." Ugh, this is making me tear up --  I just officially joined the fandom!! Don’t tell me this is it already... (x/x/x) 
This post highlighted the importance of the sunshine necklace with Taylor's obvious sarcasm in the BTS in saying “It’s really important to wear subtle jewelry in music videos, I’ve learned.” (If anyone can forward the gif I’d love to add it to the post :))
Sidenote: technically, isn't this another closet she's in during the rep era?
Wear you like a necklace…
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And I will hold on to you...
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I had so much fun putting this together and being inspired by all the amazing perspectives the Kaylor fandom has been churning! Hope you like it :) Let me know your thoughts!
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