#sorry for taking a bit to answer this weekend was hectic
fakeoutbf · 1 year
how would one potentially become a friend of yours? haha 👀🥺
hi there <3
literally just send me a message babe! let’s talk! tell me about your day, about what shows you watch and what music you listen to, about your favorite food or drink or color or book! let’s get to know each other <3
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cheoliehansolie · 5 months
The Hoodie
Summary: Wonwoo learns something interesting about you wearing his hoodies.
Word Count: ~2.8 k
Pairing: fem reader x Wonwoo
Warnings: Implied smut and a bit suggestive
an: I'm finally back after accidentally taking a break for a month. Thank you guys for waiting patiently <3. As always, if you liked reading this, please reblog or leave a comment. If you have any suggestions or you just want to talk, send me an ask and we can be friends 💕
To read more, check out my masterlist.
You woke up to the soft rays of sunlight filtering into your room through your blinds. Waking up to the warmth of sunlight on your cheeks had to be your favorite part of spring. Glancing at the clock on your bedside table, you shock yourself with how early you’ve woken up on a Saturday.
Normally you’re one to sleep until you absolutely need to get out of bed on the weekends, but today you’ve somehow managed to wake up at 7:30. Feeling proud of yourself, you decide to take this as your sign to be productive and to spend the day finally cleaning your apartment.
This past week had been hectic with work and the semester coming to an end that you barely had time to sleep, let alone clean your space. So, your apartment had been looking like a tornado blew through it for a while now and it definitely was not helping your mental state.
Deciding to bite the bullet, you shove your blanket from off your figure and force yourself out of bed. What? Just because you woke up early and decided to be productive in your head doesn’t mean that it’s not hard to get out of bed, especially when the mornings are still cold.
You rush into the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth and shower to warm yourself up. Once you’re done with your shower, you put on a pair of leggings and your hoodie (yeah, definitely yours and not your boyfriend’s).
As you’re tying your hair up into a ponytail, you make your way out of your room and into the living room. You immediately groan seeing all your college papers on your dining table which is serving as your makeshift desk, the trash on your kitchen counters, and the pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
Seeing the amount of overall filth in your living space, you were extremely tempted to just go back to bed and pretend you never had plans of cleaning, but you knew that if you didn’t clean your apartment now, you never would. So, you grab your phone, blast your cleaning playlist, and get to work.
It took you basically all morning just to clean your kitchen and it’s safe to say that morale was at an all time low. You collapsed onto your couch out of exhaustion and hunger. You hadn’t expected it to take so long to clean so you thought you could just eat breakfast after cleaning.
The second your body began relaxing on the couch, you heard a knock at your door. You laid there silently hoping that the person at your door would leave, but less than a minute later the knocking continued.
You let out a groan of frustration as you force yourself off the couch and make the trek to the front door less than a few feet away.
You swing open your front door, a frown still on your face. It takes you a second to register who’s at your door, but when you do, you’re left confused.
Wonwoo stands in front of you dressed casually a pair of gray sweatpants and a black tee shirt. You notice in one hand he’s holding a white plastic bag, which you can only assume contains take out.
“Wonwoo? What are you doing here?” you ask as you wrack your brain trying to remember if you had plans to see each other today.
“You weren’t answering any of my texts so I decided to stop by and make sure everything was okay.” he explains as you step aside letting him into your apartment.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I spent the past few hours cleaning. I haven’t been on my phone since I got up. I didn’t mean to worry you.” you say with your lips slightly down turned and eyebrows furrowed.
You felt bad for making him worry to the point that he felt the need to come to your apartment.
“Hey, it’s fine.” he says softly, noticing how upset you looked at yourself. “I wanted to see you anyways, so you not answering gave me an excuse to see you.”
Once Wonwoo took his shoes off, he finally registered what you looked like. His lips almost immediately turned up into a small smile as he realized that the hoodie you were wearing was none other than his own. He noticed the subtle flush in your cheeks, the thin sheen of sweat creating a film over your skin, and the way strands of hair were falling out of your ponytail. 
Noticing the fact that Wonwoo was just silently standing in your entryway, you ushered him deeper into your apartment. Honestly, you had noticed his eyes wandering over your figure and you couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed by the current state of your appearance. You and Wonwoo had been dating for about a year, but something about the way he looks at you makes you feel the same way you did during your first date.
“So, whatcha got in the bag?” you asked, looking pointedly at the plastic bag in his right hand.
“Oh, this? I picked up lunch from your favorite place. I thought you might’ve been sleeping or something when I texted you so I thought it would be nice to bring you some food.”
“Aww, thank you so much babe!” you exclaim in excitement. “Why don’t you go sit on the couch and I’ll just grab us some plates from the kitchen?”
Wonwoo gives you a nod as he makes his way to the couch. He places the bag of food on the table in front of him and he watches as you walk around the kitchen grabbing plates, utensils, and glasses of water for the two of you. He can’t help but coo every time you tug at the sleeves of his too large hoodie to grab everything.
“Why’re you looking at me like that?” you ask once you’ve joined your boyfriend on the couch.
“No reason. You just look cute in my hoodie, that’s all.” he says, a small smile of endearment grazing his lips.
You feel yourself flush at his statement and pull your hair out of your lopsided ponytail as an attempt to distract yourself from how flustered Wonwoo still makes you even after how long you’ve been dating.
“Let’s eat, shall we?” you ask, trying to steer the conversation to more neutral territory. 
Wonwoo can’t keep himself from smiling a little wider at your flustered state, but he decides to take pity on you and drops the subject. Just this once, though.
Soon enough, conversation flows easily between the two of you as you share your meal together. Before you know it, the plates in front of you are empty and there lies another thing left for you to clean. Just as you’re about to get up to clean the small mess in front of you (it merely is a drop of water in the ocean of a mess your apartment is), Wonwoo beats you to it and is stacking the dirty utensils in his hands.
“Wonwoo, I can clean it.” you whine when he motions for you to stay seated as he continues cleaning.
“You can rest on the couch. Didn’t you say that you spent the entire morning cleaning?” he asks.
“Yeah, but I -” before you can finish your sentence, Wonwoo cuts you off.
“No buts! You looked exhausted when I got here. The least I can do is clean up the mess I helped make. Besides, I’m not called the dishwashing fairy for nothing.” he says with a smile.
Before you can protest, Wonwoo gives you a pointed look and you realize there’s no way that you can change his mind so you collapse backwards onto your couch letting him do whatever he wants.
You’re left alone with your thoughts for the first time today with the soft clattering of dishes coming from the kitchen serving as white noise. You’re suddenly aware of how warm you feel and you feel as though you are overheating. 
You had spent the day either distracted by cleaning or distracted by Wonwoo that you didn’t realize the rise in temperature in your apartment. It was finally spring time and as much as you loved it, you despised how it would be so cold in the mornings and evenings but warm in the afternoons making it almost impossible to dress appropriately without freezing in the morning or melting in the afternoon.
Feeling sweat prickle on your skin, you decide the only thing you can do is change out of Wonwoo’s thick hoodie into a thin, flowy tee shirt.
When you get up to go change, Wonwoo can see you from your kitchen sink a few feet away and he’s instantly curious as to what you’re up to.
“Where’re you going, love?” he asks from the sink as he continues to scrub the plate in front of him.
“I’m gonna change into something thinner. It’s too warm to be wearing a hoodie right now.” you say as you stop at the entryway of your kitchen to respond to him.
“Why do you need to change for that, though?” he asks, taking his eyes off the plate in front of him to glance at you with his confused eyes.
“I just told you, I’m overheating.” you say, confused as to why he’s confused.
“Can’t you just take it off here?”
You feel heat rush to your face, and you’re now feeling warm from embarrassment.
“Well… I would but…” you trailed off, hoping that you would just disappear or he would drop the subject.
“But…?” Wonwoo asks, having finished washing the dishes and giving you his full attention.
You take a deep breath to steady yourself. Just say it quickly, it’s like ripping a bandaid off. you think to yourself.
In one breath, as quickly as you can, you say, “I would but I’m not wearing anything underneath.”
It takes Wonwoo a second to understand what you said, but when he does, less than ten seconds after the words left your mouth, you’re already in your room with the door closed behind you.
Wonwoo feels his cheeks heat up as he realizes that this entire day, including the past hour plus that the two of you spent together, the only thing separating your top half from the rest of the world was his hoodie. He originally thought you looked so cute drowning in his hoodie and while he still does, this new information changes his entire perception of the time you’ve spent together.
Meanwhile, you were pacing around your room silently screaming at yourself. I can’t believe I just told him that I was both shirtless and braless under his hoodie. Why would I do that? What if he thinks I’m weird? Or worse, what if I made him uncomfortable? 
Letting out a defeated groan, you force yourself to push all these worries out of your head. You decide that you can’t hide in your room forever, mainly because you know Wonwoo would come looking for you at some point. So, you change into a loose fitting shirt, take a deep breath, and step out of your room.
Your eyes immediately search the kitchen to see if Wonwoo is where you left him, but he’s not there anymore. You wander deeper into your apartment and you find Wonwoo sitting on your couch, casually scrolling on his phone. 
You don’t think he notices your presence and based on how calm he looks, you feel hopeful that he either a) forgot the conversation happened or b) didn’t think it was as much of a big deal as you made it out to be in your head. But when you sit on the other end of the couch and Wonwoo drops his phone to the side to look at you with a knowing smirk on his face, you realize that you were so, so, so wrong.
“So, you wanna talk about it?” Wonwoo asks with a teasing glint in his eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you respond, feigning innocence and looking anywhere but your boyfriend sitting a few inches away from you.
“Really? Because I seem to recall you saying that you weren’t wearing anything under my hoodie today.”
Your face flushes for the thousandth time today and you can’t help but feel a little guilty.
“Listen Wonwoo, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier. That wasn’t my intention.” you say, looking into his eyes earnestly.
“Wait, why are you apologizing?” he asks you confused.
“Because it’s obvious that I made you uncomfortable earlier.” 
“Babe, I don’t know why you would think I would feel uncomfortable by it. The only reason I didn’t respond was because I was just a little shocked, that’s all. If anything, it’s kinda hot now that I know that you’ve been walking around with nothing underneath my hoodie.”
Feeling embarrassed by assuming that Wonwoo was uncomfortable and by hearing his true feelings, you grab a throw pillow from your couch and bury your face into it.
“I can’t believe I embarrassed myself in front of you twice in one day.” you mumble into the pillow.
“Hey, this can’t be as embarrassing as when you tripped over Vernon’s bag and ended up spilling your drink on Mingyu’s lap.” Wonwoo says.
“I thought we all agreed to not bring that up anymore.” you whine as you hit him with the pillow in your hands.
“I’m just saying, you’ve done more embarrassing things in your life than telling me you're naked under my hoodie.”
“Wow, thank you so much Wonwoo. I feel so much better about myself.” you say sarcastically.
“Aww, babe I’m sorry.” he says as he reaches for your hands.
“Forget it.” you say, faking annoyance as you get up to go clean off your dining table turned desk.
“Babe.” Wonwoo whines as he rushes behind you and grabs your wrist.
Before you know it, Wonwoo tugs at your wrist pulling you close into his chest. Your breath hitches at the boldness of his actions and you peer up at him through your lashes to see what his next move is.
He removes his hand from your wrist and gently raises your chin so he can look into your eyes.
“I’m sorry babe.” he says.
When you’re about to open your mouth to tell him it’s fine, you’re silenced by his lips on yours. Deciding that you actually had nothing to say, you choose to melt into the kiss instead. 
Once the two of you part for air, you say “I guess you’re forgiven.”
“You don’t sound too confident about your answer.” he says, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Maybe I’m not confident in my answer. What’re you gonna do about it?” you challenge.
“Then let me make it up to you in a different way.” he says as he pulls you into another kiss.
It’s safe to say that you didn’t get any cleaning done for the rest of the day.
When you go over to Wonwoo’s place for movie night a few weeks later, Wonwoo is more than happy to see you wearing one of his hoodies you’ve taken from him.
While the two of you are cuddling together on the couch, Wonwoo can’t help but let his curiosity get the best of him. When you’re engrossed in the movie, Wonwoo takes his hand that was resting on your thigh and brings it up to the hem of hoodie loosely covering your frame.
This grabs your attention and you turn to him to look at him with your eyebrows furrowed. But Wonwoo’s eyes are fixed on the screen in front of you and it makes you wonder if you were just imagining things. Deciding that you were just being weird, you turn your attention back to the screen.
When Wonwoo notices that your attention is on the movie again, he takes that as his sign to move his hand again. He slips his hand under the hem of the hoodie and he slowly inches closer and closer to your chest.
Although your eyes were trained on the movie playing in front of you, all of your attention was on Wonwoo’s hand slowly grazing your skin as he made his way up your body. Your breath hitched when you felt his cold hand gently graze your bare breast and you turned to face Wonwoo.
He looked at you with a smirk on his lips and a mischievous glint in his eyes. Something told you that you wouldn’t know how the movie would end.
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miguelhugger2099 · 8 months
Omg first off LOVE!!! your wiring literally *chef’s kiss* imagine Miguel x reader suggestive smut where they’ve been both super busy and haven’t had time for each other and tension has been building up to this point.
Worth the Wait
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nonie im gonna sob. not only was i so excited to see you be my first ask, this is also my first ever written smut!! aaaa im so nervous so please have mercy !! i jumped on my laptop as soon as i saw this and its so late right now haha im a little tired but i didnt want you to wait at all !! im not sure if i wrote too much or too little lol regardless i really hope you enjoy and if not i'm more than happy to make something else and thank you sososo much for the compliment <3333 the ask wasnt specified if it was fem!reader or not so i made it gn!reader just in case <3 Miguel x GN!Reader, Smut, too embarrassed to proofread it, Word Count: 3,681
“Hey, Miguel, do you think you could stay late tonight? Boss wants you in the lab for testing.” A short woman popped her head in his room, her hair neatly tucked in a high bun. Miguel stopped his pacing in his office, his glasses lifted on his head using it as a headband to pull back his fringe. He placed the beakers in his hands down and took off his gloves while ruby eyes glanced at the clock on the wall. He was supposed to leave in a couple minutes.
Miguel’s eyebrows scrunched up, tsking under his breath and turning to look at the woman. “Can’t someone else be there? Peter can oversee it instead.” He pleaded, exasperated. She gave him a sympathetic look and sighed.
“Sorry, Miguel. He specifically asked for you.” Not wanting to be the bearer of bad news anymore, she slipped out the door and shut it behind her, leaving Miguel to groan and slump his shoulders. He stared up at the ceiling and closed his eyes, breathing in and out to calm his anger. It seemed like these days all he ever did was overtime at work. He fiddled with the golden band around his left ring finger, his other hand twirling it mindlessly for some comfort and also a silent apology to you.
His heart ached as he made his way to his desk, picking up his phone and dialing your number. He licked his lips while he brought the phone up to his ear. Miguel wasn’t prepared to hear your voice, happy and hopeful and only be met with disappointment.
“Miggy?” You answer happily. A small smile forms on Miguel’s face.
“H-hey, baby. You doing alright?” He asked, taking a seat on his swivel chair and leaning back to stare at the photo of you two on his desktop.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m finishing up dinner. Are you on your way home?”
Miguel’s smile dropped a bit, realizing once more why he had called in the first place. “Um, about that, mi corazón. I have to–”
“You have to stay the night, don’t you?” You cut him off, disappointment evident in your voice. Miguel’s heart clenched at the sound.
“I…I do. Believe me, I don’t have a choice or I’d be there in a heartbeat.”
“It’s okay, really. I’m not mad or anything. This month has been hectic for both of us. I just… I just miss you is all.” You speak softly over the phone. He missed you more. He wanted to be there.
“Lo siento, bebé. You know how much I hate being away from you.” He apologized. “How about tomorrow, huh? I have off. We can go out and get a drink. Or maybe stay home? I know how much you love my cooking.” He offered, his heart beating faster at the thought of spending time with you again. That feeling sank when he heard you let out a quick puff of air in annoyance.
“I can’t. I’m working this weekend. Six days in a row,” You rolled your eyes just thinking about it. Your job always had a way of pushing your buttons. Miguel’s jaw clenched as he heard you. Miguel never really liked this recent event of work taking up his time from seeing you. He hated it even more when your job took you away from him. “God, I really thought we’d have tonight together at least.”
Miguel was quick to reassure you. “Hey, hey. Listen. We’ll have a day together. Eventually there’ll be a day for just us–all about us, I promise.”
When Miguel had arrived home, it could barely be even classified as night time with the way the sun had been peeking through the horizon. He dragged his body through the door, a cold home awaiting him. After kicking off his shoes, he dumped his coat and bag on the floor and made his way to the kitchen, eating the leftovers of the dinner you two were supposed to eat together before trudging back to bed. He saw you lying there on your side and he felt exhaustion drag him down.
Miguel slipped in under the covers beside you after striping himself of his clothes, leaving him in his underwear and slipped his arm around you. He pressed your body flushed against his, Miguel’s larger body enveloping yours protectively. His nose buried itself in your neck, his lips grazing your shoulder. His hand rubbed your stomach and then slid up to rub up and down your waist. Sneakily, he ran his hand under your shirt while his lips left small kisses on your neck and shoulder. You stirred awake as you felt the sudden touch of someone else.
Miguel felt you move so he pulled you tighter to him, keeping you caged in that position. “Mig…?” You called out sleepily. You felt something poke you from behind and groaned. Miguel continued to kiss your neck, his teeth coming out to gently nip at the skin making you shiver. He simply hummed his response.
“‘M home.” He murmured. He slowly turned you on your back, towering over you slightly with your leg between his. Miguel’s arm rested by your head while his attacks became more intimate. You leaned your head back, allowing him more access and his other hand on your hip squeezed you in appreciation. You bent your leg up on the bed slightly, your knee caressing his growing bulge in his boxers. Miguel let out a low groan, his hips grinding on you for some friction.
Your hands finally reached up to his hair, curling your fingers around his soft wavy brown locks. Miguel took this as an opportunity to capture your lips with his, muting the soft moans you were letting out. His own knee spread your legs apart, rubbing in between them to add to your pleasure. You felt a jolt of pleasure run down your spine, bucking your hips up instinctively. Miguel sighed against you, his hand on that had been gripping your hip, moved down to the hem of your pajama pants. He teasingly pulled it down, letting it snap back to your body and making you whine. You felt him grin through your kiss. Cheeky bastard.
Before he could ease his hand down your pants, your alarm had blared through the room, shocking the both of you and separating yourselves off each other. Miguel scowled while you clambered up to grab your phone. “The hell was that?” He grunted, displeased with being interrupted. You fumbled with turning it off, placing a hand on your chest to calm your fast beating heart.
“My alarm. I have a morning shift.” You moaned, tossing your phone back on the counter and standing up from the bed. Miguel blinked twice before getting up with you. He reached out his hand to grab yours in an attempt to stop you.
“Woah, woah, hey–what’s the rush?” He asked, turning you around and cupping your cheek. “We can at least have these couple minutes, can’t we?” His voice dropped an octave, leaning down to press a kiss on your cheek. Miguel tried to kiss downwards but you stopped him, albeit unwillingly.
“Amor, you know damn well how Nueva York’s traffic is in the morning. I’m not gonna be late and get my ass in trouble ‘cause you can’t keep it in your pants.” You slipped from his arms with a playful roll of your eyes and walked to the kitchen. Miguel scoffed, slightly offended, his eyes watching you walk away and looking down at your ass.
“Don’t act like you weren’t enjoying it.” He grumbled, looking down at the tent in his boxers wondering what to do with it now.
For the next week, it had been nothing but just pure torture. With the month making you and Miguel work away from each other, this week was stretching that limit. When Miguel worked in the morning, you’d work at night and vice versa. Each time without fail, you managed to slip in a few teasing touches. Waking up Miguel by sitting on his lap and peppering kisses on his cheeks with his hands grinding your hips down on his hardening cock. Miguel cupping your ass and giving it a squeeze when you came home from work while he was on his way out. Both of you were on the brink of breaking by this point. These small acts were supposed to tame the fire within you, not burn it brighter.
Eventually, it was finally your day off after a long weekend. A break from customer service and passing out as soon as you got home. Miguel had work today but he texted earlier that he’d get off on the hour he was supposed to this time around. You felt bad. He’d been working so hard and today had been no different. He took a shift earlier than usual so he could come home earlier without anyone being there to suddenly ask for him to stay. Lord knows he’s pushing those forty hours into overtime.
From the bedroom, you heard the door open, keys jingling as it was turned to unlock it. You got up from the bed and peered out the door, seeing Miguel kicking off his shoes and coat while tossing his bag carelessly on the living room chair. “Welcome home.” You greeted him. He dragged his feet closer to you with his head down, the top buttons on his white button up were popped open, exposing a glimpse of his collarbone. Miguel immediately wraps his arms around you, pulling you in for a comforting hug. You followed suit, hugging him back since you sensed he probably had a rough day. He hummed in response, settling for resting his chin on your head. You stayed like that for a while just holding one another until you felt his hand run under your shirt to feel your soft skin against his calloused hands. They continued up and up your spine until your shirt was lifting up with him. “Miguel.”
“What?” He grumbled. One hand slid down under your pants, getting a quick feel of your ass and pulling your pelvis to him. You gasped and tightened your hold around him, feeling the warmth of arousal ignite in your stomach. “I need to have you. I can’t wait any longer.” His soft touching became more possessive, roughly grabbing your ass and tugging on your shirt and pants.
“Miguel.” You repeated his name, this time in a whimper. Your own hands slipped down his collared shirt and lightly scratched your nails on his large back which made him shiver. He pulled back and you saw his eyes hazed with desire, pupils blown wide.
“Please…” He whispered, his lips brushing up against yours. Your hands fell to his buttoned shirt as you looked up at him. Your heart raced in your chest–the sheer want of having you all to himself finally after weeks was too good to pass up. You nodded and the pleading look on Miguel’s face dropped as he immediately bent down to kiss you. You let out a squeak of surprise between his lips right before giving into his needs and kissing him back.
He tugged your pants down to your ankles before lifting you out of the puddle of clothes and bringing you to the bed. Once you were laid on top, you watched Miguel fumble with his belt. His large hands quickly unhooked the metal making it chime and the soft zipping sound of the leather sliding out his belt loops. He practically ripped himself free from his clothes, not even unbuttoning his shirt and just lifted it up and off his torso. You saw his girthy length, standing tall and proud with a slight red color tinged at his tip while the rest of him was a slighter darker color than his skin. His tip was already oozing with precum. A sight you had always welcomed. It became clear to you that Miguel had been thinking about this for a while–maybe all day. Miguel crawled on top of you, helping you out of your shirt and underwear and kissing you again while his hands roamed your body.
“I’ve waited so long. Did you miss me like how I missed you, cariño?” He sighed between your lips. Your hands clutched his shoulders, one leg hooking around his waist.
“Always.” You whimpered back.
“On your knees. Now.” He growled. You felt your heart skip a beat, another heartbeat going straight to your core. Stumbling, you got off your back and got on your hands and knees like Miguel wanted. This position has always made you flustered. It was both embarrassing and exhilarating not seeing what Miguel could do to you, or even get to put your hands on him–solely relying on feeling.
Perfect timing, his hands met your ass, grabbing them and massaging them. “So perfect,” He murmured. His finger grazed your aching hole where you were the most sensitive, purposefully teasing the nerves on your body. He took pleasure in the way you writhed beneath him, succumbing to his hand. His thick cock rubbed up against you, smearing his leaking fluid on you for even better access. Then ever so slowly, gliding in his fat weeping tip inside and penetrating your walls.
You both moaned in unison. The feeling of being stuffed was like finally feeling that last puzzle piece snap in place. “Uff, fuck–I’ve missed you,” He groaned, his breath shaking as he leaned over your body. His one hand held the headboard in front of him while his other hand held the plushness of your hip tightly. Miguel’s body was shaking as he entered you slowly, stretching you out after a long time of not seeing each other like this. You whimpered, falling from your hands onto your elbows as you shook with him. “Ease up, cariño, así es.” He praised, leaning back to watch his cock disappear inside you. His pride swelled at how easily he seemed to slide in you even after so long, his mouth curling into a sly smirk.
“Mi–guel…” You choked out a moan. You whined and gripped the pillow underneath your head tightly in your fists. You had forgotten just how huge Miguel was, his covered bulge was nothing compared to the real thing. Panting, you heard your heartbeat in your ears, turning your head to rest your cheek on the pillow.
Miguel’s hand left the headboard by this point, choosing instead to rest on your back, running down the curve of your spine to press your head down. You whimpered and clenched around him which made him let out a string of curses under his breath. You felt him push himself to the hilt, his balls gently smacking against the curve of your ass. He groaned, his hand on your head gripped your hair to still himself from pounding you immediately. The two of you stood there, breathing heavily while you felt each other. You could feel him throbbing inside you, twitching ever so softly. Miguel bit his lip to hinder himself from cumming on the spot with your walls convulsing around him, weakly attempting to suck him in deeper.
You wiggled your hips, bucking them back against Miguel with a pathetic whine. “M-move…plea–” You got cut off when Miguel slipped out of you, and then he slammed back inside making you scream and shake. He then began a steady pace, enough for movement but not as quick as you wanted. Still, you mewled and clutched at the sheets while his cock was ravaging your guts. The hand on your hip wrapped around your lower stomach, his bicep flexing as he held your weight up to fuck your from behind.
“Too long. It’s been too fucking long since I’ve fucked this needy hole properly.” Miguel sighed, huffing with each thrust of his hips. Your eyes rolled back and your jaw slacked open. Skin slapping echoed in the room along with the wet smack of sweat between your bodies. It was a symphony of lust and desire. An aching instinct to be reunited like this. You pleaded for more–a little quicker, a little harder– and Miguel who loved you so much didn’t want to deny either of you this ecstasy. He then used both hands to grab onto your hips and started to drag your body back and forth on his dick, drilling himself in you like a toy. Miguel used up all his frustrations of not being able to see you all this time, his eyes drinking in your writhing form while he bucked into you abandonly.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck–Miguel…!” You squealed, involuntarily squeezing him which made me grunt and buck his hips faster. You babbled nonsense while your core bubbled up the feeling of an orgasm. You screwed your eyes shut as you allowed Miguel to hump against you. He leaned over you again, pressing kisses on your back, murmuring things you could barely hear over the sound of your own moans.
Suddenly, Miguel had pulled out again leaving you feeling empty and light headed while the feeling of an impending orgasm disappeared. He let go of you, your hips bouncing on the bed without the support of his strength holding you up. You opened up your eyes, glazed with pleasure and shakily tried to look behind you. Before you could, Miguel took your body and flipped you on your back. It all happened quickly before you could even register what was happening. He took your legs and tugged your body closer to him like a ragdoll. He spread them wide then pressed them up against your chest. You lolled your head up and you saw his fringe had fallen to his forehead, sticking to it with his sweat. His chest was heaving up and down, the glow of the moonlight highlighting the carvings of his muscles perfectly–it made your breath hitch.
Miguel then loomed over you, nuzzling his head into your neck again. You leaned your head to the side making him gain more access to you. His teeth bit your soft flesh, his lips suckling your skin to leave tiny bruises along the side. “Ah–” You squirmed and gasped when you felt Miguel slide back into you again. You quickly wrapped your arms around him, your hand running through his already messy hair. You pressed his head closer, your eyes opening up hazily to stare at the ceiling while Miguel starts his pace again.
“So tight, just f’me, hm? You have no idea how much–” He moaned in between speaking, the lust clouding his mind. “H-how much I needed you. I should’ve just brought you to work, bend you over my desk and fuck you however long I want,” He shuddered at the thought, his hips stuttering while you whimpered and arched your back off the bed. “Oh, you like that?” He grinned, his voice oozing with arrogance. You nodded, your eyes shutting closed again and desperately lifting your hips to match his thrusting.
“Next time, bebé, next time. I promise. You’re doing so, so, good. You feel so good.” He slurred softly, his hips snapped harder, his cock twitching and swelling inside you.
“Mig–Mig–I can’t,” You moaned, your screams getting louder the harder Miguel went. “Oh, god, Miguel!” Miguel kissed you, swallowing all your moans while he slipped his tongue in your mouth. Your eyes rolled back and your legs wrapped around his waist the moment he let go of your thighs. His hands traveled around your body, feeling the shape of your silhouette back into his memory. He grabbed at anything he could hold onto before curling around your ass for a small squeeze.
He pulled away from the kiss, breaths mingling for a moment until Miguel rested his forehead on your shoulder. Your hands raked down his back and you dug your nails into his giant back, leaving streaks of red in their wake from scratching him. He moaned from it–the pain only adding to his pleasure-fueled mind. Miguel peppered kisses on your shoulder, making his way down to your chest.
“Miguel, I’m so close–so, so close…” You whimpered.
“I know, ángel, me… me too. Solo enfocate en mí, hm? Just let me have you.” He pleaded, his rough moans turning into whimpering as he neared his end. You responded with a weak ‘uh-huh’ then clinging onto Miguel for support.
He murmured in a jumble of Spanish and English, his breath hot on your neck while you screamed and pleaded for more, how good it felt, anything to get both of you going. Miguel lifted your lower half up, relentlessly pounding into you while he cursed lowly, burying his head in your shoulder again. You felt the bubble in your abdomen about to snap.
“Miguel, I–!” You tried warning him but instead the waves of your orgasm flooded your body, cumming on Miguel and making a mess between your legs. You twitched around him, milking his cock for all it’s worth. Your legs shook until you went limp, fucked out of your mind. Miguel whined, speeding up to catch his own release.
“Fuck–!” He moaned, feeling his cock pump out his creamy fat load inside you, painting your walls white. Miguel’s entire body tensed up, stilling up against you while he slowly came down from the high. His strokes gradually slowed down, pumping the final ropes of cum, while he softened inside you, huffing and puffing with you. He shakily but carefully pulled out of you after a few moments. You whimpered when he completely left you with a soft wet shlick.
Miguel fell beside you, exhausted and spent. Still, he reached for you, bringing your shivering body in his arms. You curled yourself in his chest weakly, feeling his hand play with your hair. He kissed your forehead, basking in each other's afterglow. He brought the covers up over you two for some extra warmth.
“I’ll…get us cleaned up in the morning…” He huffed with a tired smile. You grunted in response, too numb to speak but satisfied nonetheless.
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can you tell this is my first smut? hahaaaa dontanswerthatillcry
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st7rnioioss · 5 months
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౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ rainy days
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: nothing, kissing, swearing
a/n: hellooo. so so so sorry for not posting anything, i was on a school trip to rome for a week! brewed this up super quickly, sorry if you can tell it hurried lmao. I LOVE YOUUU ALL
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་༘࿐˚⋆ it had been raining constantly the whole day. the gentle patter of rain on the windows created a cozy atmosphere, the dark clouds outside only adding to the feeling of a huge embrace.
most people would find this weather boring or sad, unable to open the windows, or go outside, almost isolating themselves from the outside and social world. opposite to you, you loved this type of weather. being able to allow yourself to snuggle up inside on either your couch or shared bed with matt, you were far from complaining about anything.
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་༘࿐˚⋆ your past week had been frantic to say the least. on top of that it felt like it was never coming to a stop. taking extra shifts, having your amount of rude customers tripled, and your meetings seeming endless. there was nothing more you wanted than going home to your boyfriend and waste away the weekend in each other's arms.
you left the sliding doors to your workplace, running to your car to avoid getting too drenched in the hectic weather. you slouched down in the driver's seat, immediately closing the door before unbuttoning your blazer to throw it in the passenger seat beside you.
it took you a second before you turned on the car, checking to see if any mascara had been smudged, using the tiny mirror in the sun visor of your car. the drive home wasn’t too bad. your shift had ended late, so the traffic in boston was bearable, but of course not one hundred percent avoidable due to it being a Friday night.
when you arrived in your driveway you didn’t waste a second to grab your blazer and bag, running inside again to avoid the rain soaking you. the door swung open, closing behind you as you entered the hall. 
“matt, I’m home! finally,” you yelled, taking off your heels, steadying yourself by grabbing onto the wall.  in a matter of a few seconds, matt entered the hall with a blanket wrapped around him.
for a second you just stared at each other, your tired-looking face instantly lighting up into a toothy grin. matt had never looked this cozy or huggable. “hi. sorry, i feel asleep, i look like a mess.” matt mumbled, his voice a little deeper than normally, probably due to his current state. 
you didn’t answer him because deep down you didn’t mind at all. he looked so adorable. taking a few steps forward you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a tight hug.
“god, i’ve missed you so much,” you whispered into his neck, not planning to let go of him anytime soon.
“what do you mean, i literally saw you this morning?” matt chuckled, fisting his blanket to wrap it around the both of you.
“yeah, but my week has never been this packed. i feel like i haven’t seen you for weeks,” you smile back, even though he couldn’t see it, closing your eyes as you immediately got comfortable from just his touch and presence.
slowly, matt made his way backwards into the living room, careful not to hit any interior, still having his arms and blanket around you.
“don’t worry one bit about it. at least we have the whole weekend to spend together, and then we’ll pray next week is a little different,” matt laughed at his emphasis on ‘pray’, gently removing his arms from around your shoulders to let you sit on the couch.
you collapsed on the couch, immediately throwing your head back in pure exhaustion.
“plus, it’s raining.” matt smiled excitedly, allowing himself to lay his head into your lap. 
you couldn’t hold back your smile, his pure excitement from rain making you blush.
“oh god, i love you so much, matt. but don’t get too comfortable, i need to get out of this skirt.” you giggled, holding onto matt’s jaw as he got up with a fake pout, eliciting a laugh from the both of you.
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“and- and then chris said i was pining for you, telling me to stop bitching and whining. so then i went home again and fell asleep. and with god’s grace, you walked into the hall,” matt continued to talk about his day, sitting next to you on the couch.
the rain was still pouring outside. occasionally there would be a thunder or lightning strike, but it only added to the atmosphere. not that weather like this was enjoyable, but both you and matt found it extremely comforting.
“seriously? what the fuck, you went to chris’s place to talk about me?” you laughed, taking another sip of your cup of tea.
you were wearing matt’s pajamas since he refused to let you use your own, a huge, heavy blanket resting around you as you and matt continued on with your conversation.
matt just nodded, taking another sip from his cup to hide his reddening face. there was silence for a bit, but it was comfortable.
 it didn’t last too long, because in the matter of a second, matt was sprawled out on top of you, making you laugh loudly, attempting to push him off of you but still being gentle with your pushing and kicking.
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the night ended cuddled up in your shared bed, the curtains shut but the moonlight shining palely through it. one of your hands were under the covers, holding matt’s, the other resting on his cheek. the storm outside seemed to be endless since you could still hear the comforting patter on the windows.
“i love the rain,” you randomly whisper, brushing a few strands of hair out of matt’s eyes with a smile. he smiled back, pecking your forehead with adoration.
“me too. it’s definitely my favorite type of weather, no doubt.” matt whispered back, still playing with your hair.
you nod, shuffling a bit around to get comfortable under the thick covers, but luckily you weren’t too hot or too cold. matt made sure to hold tightly onto your hand, holding you as if you were gonna slip out of his grip.
“but, i love my boyfriend even more,” you said in a sing-song voice, giggling at his face, attempting to look very confused.
“ohh. i wonder who that could be. i haven’t seen you around with a lot of guys recently?” he tried to hold back a laugh, tapping his chin as if he was deeply philosophizing.
you let out a laugh, making matt drop his act to join in on your laughter. he pulled you even closer, if possible, letting you rest your head into his chest, his chin resting on the top of your head.
safe to say, you fell asleep comfortably. nothing but silence, except matt and your’s silent snoring and of course, the rain. it was days like this that made up to your week if it had been tough. tea, rain, blankets, boyfriend, movies, cuddles and kisses.
a/n: ughh when is it fall again? i need itttttt
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lillies @toriinie @cupidzsq @lacysturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @emma4eva @riasturns @sstvrnioloo @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 @its-jennarose @abbypost @chrisstopherfilmed @sturniolossss @ducksturniolo @junnniiieee07 @klaus223492 @urfavvev3lyn @vschrissturn @cicimayx @keerahsturn @sturniolololover @domaniquessidehoe @sturniolossss @orangelala @sturnioloslvtt@gwenloremain@k-l-a-w-s @pearlzier @pjmpcyy @mbsbaby
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bruhnze · 3 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - part 3 - Lucy Bronze x reader
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Other parts: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
Lucy Bronze x Barista!reader
Summary: this story takes place in 2022, when Lucy just moved to Barcelona, ​​all fictional of course.
Wordcount: 3k? Maybe a bit over that .. warning, i didn't proofread..
Apple tarts and tiramisu 3
You dropped besides her on the bed out of breath and laid on your back panting.
"You are so good in bed" Lucy said after a bit "you probably won't believe me but usually others can't really make me cum"
You laughed because not only did you make her come multiple times in the past couple of hours, yesterday you had also made her come twice and that happend pretty quickly if you remembered it right "yeah right, you dont have to try to make me feel good, i already do" you chuckled.
Lucy rolled her eyes "i told you you wouldn't believe me, but now your even laughing at me ouch" she put her hand on her chest and faked being offended.
You climbed on top of her "aw sorry did i hurt your feelings" you sarcasticly said "Do i have to make up for it with another orgasm?" You traced you fingertips at certain parts of Lucy's body, resulting in the exact reaction from her body you had hoped "see, we just did all that and you still can't get enough" you came closer to her ear and wispered "if anything, i think your easy".
Lucy's jaw dropped open, she was usually, almost always, the one who would take the lead in the bedroom with her previous partners.
Lucy couldn't believe what you did and how much effect it had on her.
You broke the tension "but sadly im totally done for" you sighed and stepped out off the bed "shall we take a shower?"
She looked at you confused and with refueld desire "are you just gonna- now you want too-
You smirked and then joked "yeah im not an athlete like you,.. i should probably work on my stamina"
She groaned "sure you dont want to come back to the bed for a minute"
"Lucy," you laughed "if i lay down one more second i am a thousand percent sure i will fall asleep"
"Okay" she sighed "lets take a shower then".
The following days were quite busy for Lucy, she wouldn't be free until next sunday. You had asked her if she usually only had an off-day on sundays.
''Hmm, yeah i guess, sunday is supposed to be my rest day, because it's usually the day after the match, so then i shouldn't do too much, saturday's before games are also free time, but then i have to be even more carefull. But my scedule is very versatile, so i just try to live day-to-day really. I look at my agenda weekly and keep it at that''. Had her answer been.
You had a lot of respect for her, you knew she loved football but it was truly a life dedication to play for Barca, you imagined the pay would be quite good but you didn't know if you would trade your own simplistic for such a hectic one.
You thought about how things would be if you and Lucy would get together as a couple one day and daydreamed about it during your whole monday shift.
Lucy had told you she had a busy day that monday and besides that, you weren't sure if she would get her matcha at your coffee shop still after the weekend you had. You didn't know why you had the thought because the two of you had basicaly been texting ever since you left her house that night until she, and you, had to go to sleep. That morning you had recieved a goodmorning text and you had send one back, you had already opened the shop. When she send a picture of her brushing her teeth, you send her one back of you preperaring the coffee machine, deserving a ''cute x'' You didn't know what to reply so you had just replied ''no you x'' After that it had been quiet, resulting in you daydreaming the whole shift.
Around noon your phone buzzed again, for the umpteenth time this day you quickly checked if it was Lucy. Normaly your phone was on silent when you worked, but today you were so eager to recieve another text from the woman that had taken over your thoughts that you had left it on vibration mode.
You smiled, your lockscreen said 'Lucy apple tart send an image , unlock to see.'
You opened it and saw a selfie of her with a sweaty face on some kind of massage table.
@Lucy apple tart: still think im cute 🙃?
@y/n: yes but what are you doing, getting massages?
@y/n: thought you had training 😂
@Lucy apple tart: just done training, and this is physio btw not massages
@Lucy apple tart: although we get those too sometimes, but thats more a recovery thing
@y/n: ah, got it, when is your next game?
@Lucy apple tart: saturday why
@y/n: you have to recover after that right
@Lucy apple tart: yup
@y/n: need a masseur?
@Lucy apple tart: 👀
@y/n: 👀
@Lucy apple tart: its a nearby away game which means i will be back v late 😔
@y/n: ah and sleep is the most important recovery!
@Lucy apple tart: wise and pretty you are!
@y/n: thats just me quoting my PE teacher friend, she's quite a serious gym girl haha
@Lucy apple tart: the one u took to the game?
@y/n: yes shes my bestfriend
@Lucy apple tart: can i meet her sometimes? she sounds v nice
@y/n: bet she would love that
@Lucy apple tart: cool
@Lucy apple tart: if you want it could be at the game saturday?
@y/n: maybe a bit too public no?
@Lucy apple tart: GIF
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@y/n: sticker
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@y/n: cant be seen in public with u
@Lucy apple tart: 😂😂
@y/n: but fr?
@Lucy apple tart: love that you care and take my side in to perspective x
@Lucy apple tart: but ill fix tickets thatll get you access to the lounge before and after the game, we wont be there before the game but after we will, and then i could meet her?
@y/n: really
@Lucy apple tart: yeah im excited to meet your friend, usually that comes before the parents right
@y/n: lol u already met my mom tho
@Lucy apple tart: 😳
@y/n: well (yfs/n) will be v excited
@Lucy apple tart: im too!
You took a screenshot of the conversation to send to your bestfriend to tell her that she had been invited.
You wrote ''Espero que encara sigueu lliure, vau ser convidat per la mateixa senyoreta abs xx'' (hope your free, you were invited by miss abs herself xx) send her the screenshot.
One second later you realised you had send it back to Lucy.
@y/n: fuck
@y/n: wait dont translate pls
@y/n: just wanted to send yfs/n that she should keep her saturday empty
@Lucy apple tart: 😂😂😂😂Lucy apple tart
@y/n: omg
@y/n: didnt even remember that i had put that as your name
@y/n: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@Lucy apple tart: senyoreta abs 👀
@y/n: nooo abs is something else in catalan
@Lucy apple tart: what does it mean then?
@y/n: it means absolutely :)
@Lucy apple tart: ah okay!
..you texted your friend the screenshot and one of this part of the conversation..
@y/n: my excuse was terrible wasnt it
@Lucy apple tart:😂
@y/n: sry for objectifying you 😔
@Lucy apple tart: nah you give the best nicknames lmao
@y/n: really?
@Lucy apple tart: yh i cant pick if i like guapa or senorita abs best
@y/n: senyoreta abs
@Lucy apple tart: 😂 okay that ll be it then
@y/n: no you wrote spanish dummy
@Lucy apple tart: oop, senyoreta abs*
@y/n: good
@Lucy apple tart: good girl?
@y/n: now your pushing it apple tart!
@Lucy apple tart: sticker
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@y/n: Sticker
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@Lucy apple tart: ah shit gtg
@Lucy apple tart: ttyl pretty girl
@y/n: sticker
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''I love this for you'' your friend said to you as you were sitting in the car driving to the stadium one town away ''and that you sent her the screenshot omg, so funny''.
''i felt so dumb omg'' you replied in Catalan ''but luckily she passed all the tests, she's not stuck up at all'.
Your friend quirked an eyebrow ''all the tests?''
''yeah, the putellas shirt? and now this too, she didn't even tease me about it'' you said.
''Maybe she's saving that'' your friend grinned.
You had told her to very detail about your experiences in bed with the dark-haired defender. The two of you always shared everything, eventhough her story's would be about men and yours about women.
''Stop it!'' you kept one hand on the steering wheel and with the other you poked her side ''and you will not say anything embarrasing about me later''.
''i wont y/n'' your friend said truthfully, but jokingly added ''i love getting to watch these games from the stands, im not going to take risks and end up behind the TV again''.
''good keep thinking about that'' you said.
''you aren't nervous are you?'' she asked
'' a little bit maybe, but i dont really know why, just healthy nerves i guess'' you stared at the road.
''hm, well im there to hold your hand'' she said and rubbed your arm affirmatively.
''Thank you''
''by the way, i wanted to pick up going to the gym a bit more if you still wanted me to come with? '' you asked.
''ugh i hate the fact that i know your motivation is sex but i love that you finally want to come so ill take it'' your friend groaned.
''nah dont play stupid, you told me yourself that you lacked stamina to keep up with her''.
''Sorry sometimes i forget we share too much with eachother'' you groaned back
''nuh uh no such thing as oversharing'' her smile came back ''i love hearing about your life and i love oversharing mine''
''yeah true that, how did that date go anyways?''
It was after the game. Your friend and you had watched Barca beat Girona FC with 1-4. It had been a scary start, as Girona had been 1-0 ahead, but overall Barca had been the better party.
''Here'' your friend handed you a drink ''got it from there'' she pointed at a bar in the corner.
There were quite a few people hanging around in the lounge. You saw your friend observing everyone ''recognise annyone?''
Your friend laughed ''yeah it's funny, i see some family members of the players'' she nodded in a direction ''i believe that is Olga, she's Putellas girl''.
''How do you know?''
''Instagram'' she replied ''honestly i cant believe how bad you're living under a rock, even now, i would've been searching the whole internet if my girlfriend was famous, you have-
''she's not my girlfriend'' you hissed as your cheeks got flushed.
''oh sorry'' your friend smirked but when she saw your face she said ''ill behave''.
''Good, corazón de melón''
Your friend cringed, she hated when you used that nickname. But when she looked over your shoulder her face came back to a smile ''if that isn't senyoreta abs''.
You turned around shamefully quick and saw a few Barca players entering the lounge, freshly showered and dressed in a tracksuit.
You turned back to your friend wanting to ask were, but when you saw a stupid grinn on her face you know she had fooled you.
''ahhh you shouldve seen how quickly you turned'' she burst out laughing.
''Something funny?'' you heard a farmilliar face.
This time you turned around more slowely ''Lucy?''
''heyy you remembered my name'' Lucy said as she walked over to the two of you and gave you a hug.
''well this is yfs/n'' you looked over to your friend ''yfs/n this is Lucy''.
''yep i knew'' your friend said unusually shy.
You chuckled ''where did your big mouth go, it's just lucy''.
Lucy became also a bit shy ''hey yfs/n heard so many good things about you., can i hug you?''
''yeah ofcourse'' your friend said enthousiasticly.
The three of you chatted for a while and when the players left the room one by one , Lucy was the only player left in the lounge.
When your friend and Lucy talked about a subject you didn't really care for, sports, you're eyes wandered around the room.
''eh Luce, dont want to be a buzz kill but your mates have left''
''Oh shit'' Lucy said ''thanks, should probably get running, dont want to miss the bus''.
She dapped your friend up, which made you frown, but then gave you a hug. ''bye pretty girl'' she wispered in you ear.
As she walked off you said ''bye apple tarts'' but you doubted she heared it.
You were back in your apartment, you had dropped of your friend at hers and was now walking to your bed, dieing for something more comfy to wear.
Your phone rang, it was Lucy.
''Hey'' Lucy said carefully.
''what's up'' you said as you had the phone between your ear and shoulder pulling of your pants and socks.
''Hello to you too'' lucy laughed ''wanted to ask if you got home safe''
''sorry'' you laughed back ''im multitasking, but yes im at home''
''oh what are you doing?'' She asked sincere, truely curious what you were up too.
You snickered ''well if you need to know, im getting undressed''
''oh, really'' she said cheeky
Your phone buzzed and you took it in your hand to look.
*FaceTime request from Lucy apple tarts*
''ohh nooo apple tarts, cheeky bastard'' you laughed.
''ugh, worth a try'' she pouted true the phone.
''If you really want a peek you'd have to come here'' you teased
''Well,.. i guess i still have that offer for a massage to take you up on'' she said.
In the same tone she used you replied ''yeah i guess you do, you should probably cash that, never know when it will expire''.
You had taken out oil from somewhere and lit a candle, on the bed you had placed two folded towels and a white bathrobe.
''hello'' you called true the intercom as Lucy had buzzed it.
In the time it had took her to come to you, which had been suprisingly little, you had put on some lingerie and on top of that a oversized shirt.
''y/n'' she said as you opened the door.
''hey Luce-'' you said with a dopey smile.
''what? were are you smiling at?'' She asked and looked at her sweater, thinking she had maybe spilled something.
''No silly'' you stepped into her space ''happy i can finally kiss you again''.
''hmm'' lucy said as she came closer to your mouth with her own ''yeah finally indeed''.
''wow, you have prepared'' Lucy smiled
''yeah, you can wear the robe i guess, i have to admitt i dont realllyy know what im doing''.
''hm'', Lucy grinned ''well im with you, i only know sportsmassages and than im in my kit'', ''or underwear''.
You looked at her with a raised eyebrow ''underwear''
''yeah you know, sportsbra'' she lifted her shirt a bit and pointed at her briefs ''boxers''.
''ohhhh underwear'' you sarcasticly replied ''okay so, underwear? or i could put those towels over you''.
''mkay'' Lucy grinned ''if you insist, i wouldn't have minded to be bare''.
''well we haven't started yet, you could-
''no ill take that towel'' she smirked ''for over my butt''.
you had spent a fair time kneeding Lucy's back muscles and shoulders and was now busy on her hamstrings.
''very thight'' you said, not realising how dirty that sounded.
Lucy hadn't picked up on it either and groaned ''yeah especially that left one''
You moved to her left.
''ah yeah, there'' ''uhg, a litte more le- ahrggghh yeah like that'''.
The sounds Lucy made and the words she grunted had you blushing.
You went to her calves for a bit before retrieving back to her hamstrings creeping up slowely but surely. Your hands were already pretty far under the towel, but the towel had been so big that when you had folded it double, it still covered way to much area for your liking.
''i think i have to get the towel out of the way'' you say ''cant reach your gluteus maximus''.
Lucy laughed into the bed ''if you want to touch my butt just ask''.
''no'' you stayed in your role ''this is a sportsmassage, cant ignore the largest muscle of the body, can i''.
''Calling my ass fat'' she snickered
''You think its funny?''' You said smugly and experimentally gave a little smack to her butt.
'Agh' a moan escaped her throath.
You massaged her ass, grabbing hands full and kneeded it. Before you tracked back to her muscles, continuing the 'sports' massage.
You didnt know if you saw it right, but you thought you saw her lifting her butt just a bit from the bed.
You stood up. "Turn around?" You asked.
She groaned bit turned around, she didn't bother trying to cover up anymore. Leaving the towel where you had dropped it next to her on the bed.
You shamelessly let your eyes roam her body.
Lucy squirmed under your gaze and reached out to one of your hands and placed it on her body.
"tan bonic" (so beautiful) you said softly almost wispering it.
You traced over her abdomen, feeling the buldging muscles below her skin.
Lucy's nipples hardened, and she grabbed her boobs with her own hands.
"Ey, atura ho" you said with an husk voice "i thought i was giving you the massage".
"O" lucy retracted her hands and laid them back besides her.
The way she obeyed you turned you on increddibly.
You climbed on top of her, sitting on hip height of her body, feeling your pulsating heat press into her body.
You want to reach forward to cup her breasts but the long t-shirt that you wore was caught between your bodies, restricting your movement.
With your knees on either side of Lucy you sit up a bit and pull of the shirt. Leaving you in just your underwear but still more dressed than Lucy is.
"Best massage ever" lucy grinned " a masseuse that takes of her shirt"
"It got in my way" you said a you palmed her chest.
"Im not complaining" she said.
When you took her nipples between your fingers she closed her eyes.
You leaned down to kiss her neck. Making you grind on her a little wich make you realise how wet you were.
Her hands found your hips and encouraged your movement.
You sat up a little bit more searching for the angle that worked best for you.
Lucy looked you in your eyes, you recougnised lust in her eyes.
"Tell me" you pant, slowing your movement "what's your happy ending?"
She tried to read your face, not completely understanding you or wanting to make sure she understanded you correctly.
"Anyting" you wispered ensuring "celebrate the win with me?"
She gulped and sat straight up, your upperbodies were now almost touching as you sat on her lap.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Mhm" you grinned "i can see in your eyes you need something"
Luxy pulled you in for a kiss and turned the two of you so that she was now on top of you.
"I brought something" she wispered "wait for me"
You laughed "no i wont go anywere i promise" after all you were laying in your own bed, you wouldnt even know were to go.
You blew out the candle that you saw was still burning, thinking it was hot enough in the room. And made yourself comfortable.
You realised how late it actually was and thought about the fact that you didnt feel sleepy at all.
If anything you felt adrenaline, curious about the thing Lucy had brought.
You didnt have to wait for an awnser long because Lucy stepped back into the room.
You saw her wearing a strap-on, with a black harness.
Lucy looked at you waiting for a respons.
When she didnt move, you stood up from the bed and walked her way.
You gave her a little kiss on her bottom lip and then went to her cheek.
"Hey" you said in her ear and turned to kiss her neck. You felt her shiver below your tender kisses.
"Hey" lucy said back "what do you think?" She asked carefully.
"I think your hot" you said softly biting her skin "and maybe you should carrie me to the bed" you hand felt up her stomach and went to her bicep.
Lucy smiled "you ike me muscles pretty girl?"
Her voice was low and she sounded more english, you took it as a sign that she was just as turned on as you.
She grabbed your ass and effortlessly lifted you up. You sat against the thick plastic item attached to Lucy.
You groaned, the 'massage' you had given lucy and the grinding on Lucy had already worked you up so much that you were sure you didnt need much to come undone.
Lucy turned around before the bed and sat down with you on her lap.
The two of you became entangled in a heavy make out session.
She was such a good kisser, you lost yourself in the kiss and your hips moved on their own.
She broke away from the kiss, placing a few more on your lips.
"Want to ride me?"
"Mhmm yeah" you moaned out, imagening feeling her inside already.
You stepped of her lap and quickly took of the pieces you were still wearing.
Lucy scootched back on the bed. Leaning her back against the headboard.
She looked at you with a glistering in her eyes. "la chica mas bonita" (the prettiest)
You smiled and got back on the bed, taking place on her thighs.
"cant wait to have you on my cock" Lucy said as she rubbed your upper thighs and hips.
You looked at her with wide eyes, not expecting those words.
"sorry, too much?
You didnt answer but kissed her. She returned the same energy but let yku lead the kiss.
When you broke the kiss you wispered " want to feel you inside me luce"
She guided you on to her strap, you lowered yourself carefully.
You closed your eyes and your hands found Lucy's abdomen to stabilise yourself.
She replaced her hands so they were a bit more on your ass rather then your hips and leaned in to kiss your neck.
The movement with her inside you set a low moan free from your throath.
She kissed your neck softly.
Once you had adjusted to the object that was within you, you began to move slowly.
"Lucy you feel so good" you said grinding down on her.
She kneeded your ass and sat up straighter, you removed your arma from inbetween the two of you to around her. Pulling her even more close to you.
Her mouth working you neck, her hands on your butt and her body coliding with yours in many places by the intimit embrace you shared all took part in the uncontrolable high you experienced.
You cried out Lucy's name and digged you nails in her back as you rutted up and down her dick a few more strokes before collapsing against her.
Her fingers traced your back and then went to wipe some strands of hair out of your face "that was amazing" she said with a scrill voice.
"Hmm" you nodded against her neck "you feel amazing, show me how good you can make me feel?"
"Mhmm" you groaned "i want you lucy"
That concludes part 3 😳 hope you liked it
more parts
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agust28 · 8 months
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pairing leehan x reader WC 1918 Tags angst and fluff. everybody lived happily ever after no worries. such a drama queen (just like me 😭🙏) Notes can you tell i gave up at the end? i haven't slept in over 24 hours :D i feel like a zombie also i still haven't figured out the request button ugh MISTAKES EVERYWHERE SORRY
It was a cold and windy night as you sat on the bottom of the slide. The reason for you being out in such temperature with only a light sweatshirt and sweat was due to a huge fight with your boyfriend, Leehan. You two had been planning a small, simple date to catch up since there hadn’t been much communication between the two of you due to hectic schedules. You reminded him multiple times throughout the week, and each time he would reply, saying, 'I know, don't worry.' It wasn't easy to take time off from your job, especially during the weekend, so it was valid for you to be worried about making sure you both were on the same page.
Then comes the day of the date. You had woken up early, anticipating a message from Leehan, but no luck. You brushed it off, thinking he was just sleeping in. Two hours passed, and still nothing from him. It was nearing the time of your date, and you were already at the cafe you both decided to meet up at. You were starting to feel anxious, worrying if something had happened to him, and he wasn't just ditching you because he forgot. You sent numerous text messages asking where he was, hoping he'd reply. You gave up and decided to call him instead.
Your worry seemed to grow each time you got sent to voicemail and resorted to calling one of his members, hoping they had an answer about his whereabouts. You stumbled upon Sungho's contact first and waited for him to answer.
“Hello?” he's confused as to why you're calling since it's a rare occurrence.
“Sungho! I keep trying to reach Leehan, but he's not answering! Are you with him?”
“Uh, yeah, he's down in the cafeteria.” He's confused as to why you sound so worried and why Leehan hasn't responded to you. Your heart immediately plummets. He actually forgot your date.
“Y/n? You there?” Sungho's question brings you back to reality.
“Do you want me to get Leehan-” you cut him off. “No, it's alright!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, um, can you not mention any of this to Leehan? Please.” He ponders about whether or not he should obey your request or inform his friend.
“Please, Sungho? It's nothing to worry about; I was just a bit anxious.” Sungho sighs. “…Okay, I won't, but promise to fix whatever's going on between you two?” You let out a sigh of relief. “I will, don't worry.” You exchange goodbyes before hanging up. You stand outside the cafe just a little longer, thinking maybe this was all just some silly prank and your boyfriend is actually on his way. But you knew it wasn't, so you head home.
It's a few hours after the date gone wrong when Leehan shows up at your place. He enters your apartment thanks to the spare key you gave him a while back. He searches the living room looking for you to be lounging on the sofa or reading a book, but you're nowhere to be found. Leehan calls out for you, thinking you're probably in bed since it was late. And he was right because he enters your room and sees you cozied up under the sheets with your phone in hand.
“There you are! I called out for you.” You simply glance and go back to scrolling on TikTok, scoffing under your breath. You can't believe he had the audacity to come over after ditching you and ignoring all your attempts to contact him.
“Hello? Are you ignoring me?” he teases as he waves his hands trying to get your attention.
“What?” you ask aggravated, watching him laugh. As if there was anything to laugh about right now! His smile is immediately replaced with a frown. “Did I do something wrong?” his brows furrowed, trying to think what he could have done.
“Do you seriously not remember?” Your emotions are hitting all at once, and before you know it, there are tears running down your face. “I can't believe it,” you mutter and push past him. “What? Why are you crying? What's wrong?” he's panicking, trying to figure out what he's done to make you cry.
Before you can make it to the front door, he catches your wrist, and his heart clenches at the sight of your tears. You attempt to look down and rid your tears, but it's no use. “Our date? The one we've been planning for a whole week? The one I kept reminding you about!” you burst out in anger and sadness. His eyes immediately widen in realization.
“I can't believe you forgot! I tried calling you and texting you! You never answered! I was so worried something had happened, so I called Sungho just so he could tell me you were with him the entire time!” Sungho talked to you? And didn't even tell him?
“Do you know how embarrassing it was for people to come up and ask for a chair, and for me to say, ‘No sorry, it's for my boyfriend,’ just for my boyfriend not to show up!” he's trying to process everything and get some words out, but you immediately snatch your wrist back and try to make a run, but he throws himself between you and the door.
“Wait! Please let me explain!”
“No! Move!” you try shoving him, but no success. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, please just wait!” You let out a frustrated cry, attempting one more time to shove him before giving up and turning your back to him. While you have your back turned, Leehan pulls out his phone with shaking hands, wondering why he wasn't aware of your calls. The blood drains from his face when he realizes his phone had been on DND. He turns it off, and instantly, all your notifications appear on his screen. He understands now why he didn't receive a good morning text like normal. He brushed it off, thinking you had a busy schedule and eventually forgot all about you. Instead, he immersed himself in his work, not bothering to check his phone at all. Until now.
By now, you've moved to the couch, head hung low, and shoulders shaking. Clear indication you're still crying over all this. He rushes to your side and tries to call out for you, hoping you'd give him a chance to explain, but you just shake your head no. You two sit there in silence, your sobs now subsided. He desperately wants to fix this but thinks you should speak first. That is if you even want to speak to him. He thinks maybe he should say something when you announce that you need space.
“Okay, I'll leave-” you cut him off. “No, I'm leaving. I- I need air.”
“Now? It's way too late for you! I'll leave; you stay,” he starts walking towards the door when you rush past him and make your way outside. “No, Leehan, I'm leaving!” you don't even give him a chance to explain before quickly disappearing.
You end up in a park late at night, slight regret seeping in due to the cold weather and eerie silence. But honestly, you're too consumed with your thoughts to really care. After gathering your thoughts, you realize now you may have overdone it with the dramatics and giving him no chance to explain. But it'd been so long since the two had an actual date and talked to each other other than the daily good mornings and 'have you eaten' messages. You were starting to get worried that the two of you were drifting apart, and sooner or later, Leehan would come to the conclusion that you guys were better off as friends than lovers.
Still in your thoughts, you fail to notice the footsteps coming your way. After you stormed off, Leehan mentally smacked himself for letting you leave in the cold late night and sprung into action. He got himself a blanket and beanies before bolting out the door. It took at least 10 minutes before he considered calling the police to start a search party for you when he spotted a familiar figure sitting all alone. He lets out a sigh of relief and rushes towards you.
“Hey,” a deep voice startles you, and you instantly get up, ready to make another run for it when you register that it was actually your boyfriend. You sit back down and turn your body away from him.
“You found me,” he hums and asks if he could sit. You shrug, which he takes as a yes, and drapes the blanket over you. You let him because honestly, you were two seconds away from becoming a statue. You're internally scolding yourself for leaving in such flimsy clothing when he speaks.
“I'm so sorry for forgetting our date. I promise I didn't ignore you on purpose. My phone was on DND, and I didn't notice, I swear. I wondered why I didn't get a good morning text from you, but I brushed it off thinking work was holding you up. I didn't want to bother you, so I let it go and eventually forgot all about it once I was called to the studio. I haven't checked my phone all day, I swear!” He glances over to you, wanting your reaction, but you're still turned around.
“I- I'm sorry; I know none of that excuses me missing our date, but I just want you to know I didn't ignore you on purpose. I love you; I would never do that,” his voice turns into a whisper towards the end due to the built-up emotions he didn't know he had. “Y/n, say something, please,” he begs with tears starting to form.
You try to stand your ground and toughen up, but your body betrays you, and before you know it, you're sobbing again. Leehan rushes to wrap his arms around you, and you let him because it feels like it's been eternity since you've held each other. You end up on his lap with the blanket wrapped around you both and his hands running through your hair to calm your sobs.
“You wanna talk about it?” he breaks the silence, and you want to shake your head no, but you know you can't avoid this forever. This time you break the silence and get out everything that's been bottling up inside of you. He stares at you dumbfounded, wondering how long you had been holding that in. Guilt fills his mind just imagining you having doubts about your relationship. He internally scolds himself for not noticing any of this sooner. Tears start to form again as you take in his dumbfounded face for something else.
“Oh no! You really are gonna break up with me, aren't you!” that brings him back to you and rushes to deny such a horrible claim.
“No, we are not breaking up! Stop thinking that.” he continues to soothe you before a gust of wind reminds him that they are still outside in the freezing cold.
“Let's go inside and talk about this,” he gently whispers and gets up carrying you back home. Once you're settled inside and warmed up, you discuss all the doubts and worries about your relationship while Leehan reassures you that nothing will break you apart. Although it'll take a while to get your relationship back to how it was before, it's all worth it if you have each other.
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13a07s · 4 months
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Ovulation Week
(Koshi Sugawara)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to SUKJA]
Requested by: Myself, duh
Word Count: 3,478
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
[Reader]'s being a horn-dog (sadly, no smut)
Mentions of Scratch Marks
Dry Humping/Sex
Sorry it took so long to get another story out. It's been hectic trying to balance work and moving :(
My speaker leaks into Koshi's room when I open the bathroom door, painting his everything-in-its-place bedroom with a soft melody. Despite everything being kept perfect, my things are spread across the room. Textbooks and homework decorating his magazine-style perfectly made bed, my weekend bag hanging off his closet door, and my bookbag resting in the lounge chair in the corner.
     I slowly make my way over to Koshi's bed, tightening the towel hugging my body before I sit on the edge of it; a leg curled up under me as the other one dangles. My mind is preoccupied, putting my after-shower things on pause long enough to scroll through the school's homework app in search of Friday's lecture from my college algebra class.
     When I find the video, I boot it up making my teacher's monotone voice quickly replace the artist I was just listening to. My mind hangs onto every word of the lecture, dropping my phone to the bed before wandering off to coat my skin in lotion.
     I let my towel tumble to the ground, picking up the strawberry lotion Koshi keeps on his dresser for me to use. I hate the feeling of lotion on my hands, my skin instantly feeling like needles, but I like the smooth feeling it leaves everywhere else.
     I try focusing on my lecture, using it to ignore the feeling of lotion on my hands. I rub it into my skin as quickly as possible, rushing to coat my body in it and get it off my fingers. Once I'm done, I shake my hands around, rubbing them over my neck again to try and get the icky feeling off. When that doesn't work, I pick up my towel to rub the residue off; that does help.
     Slowly, I float over to the closet, tossing my body towel into Koshi's laundry basket before slowly shaking my hair out of the towel it's wrapped in; adding my second towel to the basket.
     My focus is back on my lecture, trying to visualize what the professor is saying. I was working on homework before my shower, trying to make a dent in it well Koshi was at volleyball practice.
     I always tease him about it, begging him to skip to spend more time with me, but I know he can't. A part of his scholarships is linked to the college's volleyball team so he has to go, hence why it's just teasing. I ended up getting frustrated with my math homework, so I decided to shower as a short break.
     I dig through my weekend bag, taking out my hairbrush before making my way back to the bed. I settle on the bedding again, crisscrossed on the mattress before I flip my phone the right way. My eyes stick to the screen, watching the different numbers shift and work their way through their equation.
     As I'm focused on the video lecture, I work my brush through my hair, carefully detangling it. My fingers work through my hair too, chasing after my hairbrush to help weave the knots out.
     The doorknob turning catches my attention, tugging my eyes away from my phone. "I don't know. Take out probably," Koshi's voice rings out, most likely answering his roommate.
     My boyfriend finishes opening his bedroom door, turning around to walk into the room. He freezes halfway through the frame, hand still clinging to the doorknob, eyes blown out as he stares at me, and mouth gapped open a bit.
     Small noises spill from Koshi, his cheeks quickly reddening. "I... um... Gorgeous, I..." He lets out a puff of air, eyes jumping around my body. His cheeks are as red as chili peppers at this point, almost painfully standing out against his pale skin.
     "I'm sorry," he finally pushes out, turning away from me. Koshi hurries back out of the room, slamming the door behind him, and making the whole doorframe shake. "Sorry, Gorgeous!" He yelps, the words a bit muffled.
     I stay still on the bed, slowly blinking at the wooden door as I finish brushing my hair. The sound of his roommate cackling snaps me out of the small trance I'm in, my head shaking at Koshi's behavior. I swear, that man acts like we didn't spend last night committing sins. "Koshi?" I call, rolling out of the bed.
     "Gorgeous?" He calls back, his voice a bit strained. "Are you... um..."
     This time I roll my eyes at the man, quickly making my way to his closet. I tug a shirt out of my bag, pulling on a set of underwear before I tug the cloth on over my head. As I'm situating my shirt, I make my way to the door. "Koshi," I repeat, opening the door enough for me to peer out.
     The man in question slowly turns around, his eyes instantly falling to my thighs where the hem of the shirt rests halfway down. "That's... uh... hi?"
     "Hello," I greet back, turning to walk away from the door. Koshi slips into the room, fully this time, before closing the door behind him. "You're such a weirdo," I tease, plopping back on his bed.
     "I'm not a weirdo. I just... panicked," he grumbles, buzzing around the room to put his shoes and bag in their places. "I didn't think you were going to be naked when I got home."
     "I didn't either," I giggle, flicking my eyes away from the lecture long enough to catch a glimpse of Koshi. "I thought you had practice until noon."
     "Coach let us out early," he shortly explains, a weary kiss being plopped to my head before he flutters away, flusteredness still lingering in his movements. "I'm going to go shower." I hum an acknowledgment toward him, pulling my textbook closer to me. "Can I borrow your phone or can you disconnect your phone from the speaker?" I hold my phone out toward him, too lazy to either one of his requests. "Thank you," Koshi mutters, taking my phone from me.
     Again, I hum, this one a 'you're welcome' instead of a simple acknowledgment. My lecture is cut off, replaced by whatever song he wants to listen to. Soon after, the sound of the shower running mixes with the soft music.
     I slowly melt off the bed, dragging my textbook with me until my knees meet his floor, the expensive book settling on the edge of the bed. I stay hunched over the mattress, eyes carelessly scanning the algebra I don't have a desire to understand. I bet I could talk Koshi into doing my math for me if I offered to do his history assignment.
My head lulls to the side, resting against the heavy knowledgeable but confusing writing, my mind repeatedly reading the same paragraph. "It would be easier to read if your head wasn't lying on the text," Koshi lectures, startling me a bit. I didn't notice his shower ending, or him leaving the bathroom.
Slowly I pick my head off the book, tilting it backward to look at my boyfriend. "It would be easier if you just did it for me," I murmur, most of my mind and my eyes preoccupied. Koshi is standing right behind me, a towel loose and low on his hips. My eyes eagerly follow the water droplets dripping from the ends of his hair, landing on his shoulders, sliding down to his chest and quickly trailing his torso before disappearing under his towel.
"You won't learn anything if I keep doing it for you," his lecture continues both hands on his hips, one focused on keeping his towel in place. How disappointing; an accidental towel drop would be enjoyable.
"Are you going to give yourself the same lecture next time you ask me to do your history assignment?" I ask, eyes jumping to find another droplet to tail.
"Touché," Koshi mutters, a lopsided smile on his face. "Still, math it's important."
"So is history."
     "You got me there," he softly chuckles, turning to walk away from me. First no towel drop and now no eye fucking either. How boring. "You can admire me after your homework is done," Koshi calls over his shoulder as if he can read my mind.
"Or I can admire you while I do my homework," I try to counter, turning so my eyes can roll across his back. Koshi's back is still littered with proof of last night; four beautiful scratch marks smoothly running across the dips and hills of his shoulder blades and a few hickeys littered here and there across his shoulders.
"We tried that last night and well... we both still have a mountain of homework to do," he mutters, checking himself over in the body mirror hanging on his wall before finally letting his towel drop.
My eyes quickly fall, admiring the hard work of receives and the standard volleyball stance. They sure have done wonders for my boyfriend's ass. I'm up on my feet within seconds, strolling my way over to the beautifully slim setter. "So?" I murmur, wrapping my arms lower than needed on his torso.
"So," Koshi teases, a wider smile on his face as he stares at me in the mirror. "We have homework to do."
"I want to do you," I tell him, suctioning my mouth to a lower section of his shoulder.
"Can do."
"Yes," I softly cheer, the word dragged out as I celebrate.
"After all our homework is done."
"No," I whine, stringing the word out in a similar fashion.
     "Well one of us has to be responsible and it's not you, Gorgeous," Koshi teases, a hand settling on top of where my wrists cross over his stomach. He softly squeezes my wrists, tipping his head to gently knock it against mine.
"You don't always have to be responsible," I murmur, letting my fingertips toy with the v-lined muscles that stretch down his stomach and aim toward his dick.
A shiver rattles through Koshi, his hand tightening around my wrist from the soft touches. "Gorgeous," he mutters, cheeks red again, paired with a weary smile as he looks at me through the mirror. "We have homework to do."
"And I have you to do," I tease, latching my mouth to his shoulder again. "You're so tense from practice. Let me help you relax a bit before we work on homework," I add, letting my fingers trail the outline of his abdomen again.
Koshi shivers again, his eyes fluttering closed as he enjoys the soft touches of my fingertips and the gentle sucking of my lips. Hissy breaths spill from him, chest pumping a bit quicker. "Kosh," I purr, sliding my tongue over one of the bruises I placed on him last night. The bruise isn't left alone for long, my mouth instantly replacing my tongue to deepen the coloring.
"Gorgeous?" He calls back, my pet name coming out staggered from Koshi's attempt to hide his noises. "We... we have... homework. Homework," he mutters, tugging my hands off himself.
I pout, but detach myself from his shoulder and let him tug my touch away from his stomach. "I don't want to do my homework."
"You have to, Gorgeous. How else am I supposed to have a high-positioned sexy sugar mama to take of me?" Koshi teases, raising my hands so he can press a few kisses across them.
"You could pick a different field to go into," I joke back, a soft sigh leaving my body because of the gentle loving he's always quick to offer. Koshi's wanting to be a teacher is part of why I love him. It's always so cute seeing him so excited about becoming a teacher. So, as long as he enjoys being a teacher, I don't mind being the future breadwinner of our home.
"Never," he mutters, pecking my knuckles once more before dropping his hold on my hands. "Go start your homework while I get dressed."
I whine as I slouch back over to the bed. I don't want to do my homework, I don't want to be responsible. I want Koshi buried between my thighs; his head or his dick, I'd be happy with either. I flop on the bed, careful to avoid all my stuff littered on the covers.
My eyes are back to trailing over my boyfriend, not hiding my thoughts or the fact I'm sure I'm looking at him like a slab of meat. I wonder if I'm ovulating. Maybe that's why I'm so wrapped up with Koshi.
My sights trail his every movement, watching as he tugs on a pair of boxers, hiding his delicious v-line and his dick I feel like I'm melting over. I'm definitely ovulating. A disappointing sigh spills from me when a shirt is pulled over Koshi's head, hiding my hard work from the night before. "We should have sex."
His cheeks flesh for a second, another shaky smile on his face. "Gorgeous, I enjoy having you in that sort of way, all the time. I'd even enjoy it now, but we should get our homework done."
I groan, letting myself slide off the bed again. My head lulls to the side, watching my boyfriend make his way to me, to his bed. "It's only Saturday. We could do it tomorrow."
"We said that last night but guess what? We spent the whole night pleasing your hormones," he softly chuckles, crouching down to be closer to my height. "You're a needy thing during your ovulation."
That makes my face heat up. I've been with Koshi long enough that I shouldn't be embarrassed about my cycle but I still am; some parts of it more than others, of course. "You don't know that's what's going on for sure," I mutter, snapping my head away from him.
"Of course I do," he murmurs back, toying with the ends of my hair, a cocky smile on his face. "Do you honestly think I didn't check your cycle app after you tried to fuck me in the parking lot last night?"
My cheeks heat up more at Koshi's soft teasing; partly because I'm embarrassed and partly because it's true. I was ready to fuck him in the back seat of my car if he would have let me. "Stop being so hot and maybe it won't be such a problem."
He leans down, shoving his nose into my neck to hide his heated cheeks. "Come on, let's do our homework," Koshi mutters, his arms wrapping around me to help pull me to my feet. I continue to groan, letting him tug the both of us upright. "Homework, Gorgeous, then I'll do whatever you want."
"Whatever I want?" I ask, cheering up at the offer, a million different ideas already flickering through my mind.
"Within reason," he backtracks, a soft pink dusting his cheeks once again. Koshi continues tugging on me, placing me back on the bed. As soon as my back hits the mattress, I wrap my legs around his waist, keeping them tight over his hips. His cheeks grow darker and his breath a bit huffy as I pull him against me. "Gorgeous, this isn't homework," he mutters, hands gripping my thighs as he looks down at me.
"Sure it is. It's an anatomy lesson," I tease, arching my hips up to press against his slowly growing hard-on.
A soft noise bubbles from the boy between my legs, the sound coming out muffled from him trying to shove it back down his throat. "Neither of us are taking an anatomy class this semester," he babbles, eyes closed tightly, and hands tight on my flesh.
"So?" I ask, tightening my legs again, keeping Koshi pressed against me.
A muffled whine falls from him, his fingernails digging into my thighs. "Just... a few assignments, Gorgeous. You only have like... four or five, right? It won't take that long. I'll even do your math homework for you."
"What a sweet boy I have," I coo, jerking my hips upward once more before dropping my legs off of him.
Koshi doesn't move away from me though, in fact, he pulls me closer, the imprint in his boxers rubbing against my panties. He's softly panting, working his hips against mine as his eyes bounce around the textbooks spilled out on his bed. "You'll... you'll do my history for me... right? Since I'm doing your math homework?"
"Of course, baby," I mutter, my hands shooting forward to cling to the hem of his shirt. My back arches a bit, helping Kosh rub against the right spot. My perfectly kept, strait-laced boyfriend is as much a sex fiend as I am, he just hides it better than me.
His movements stall every few thrusts, freezing for a moment as he whines before he picks them up again. "Temptress," Koshi whimpers, pressing his hips against me once more before jerking away from me.
He rolls over, lying on the bed next to me as he tries to calm himself down. Koshi's eyes are closed, his panting slowing down as he unwinds the workup he caused himself. Well, I might have had a hand in it too. "Gorgeous temptress," he teases again, opening his eyes and turning his head toward me.
"You love it," I poke back, rolling on top of him, my knees on either side of his body as I settle myself pressed against him. Instantly, Koshi's hands jump up, clinging to my hips.
"Temptress, temptress, temptress," he babbles, helping me to rub myself against him. My eyes tumble over Koshi, watching the slow build-up of his needs again as I fake-ride him.
"Homework," he suddenly yelps, flipping us over. He's quickly parted from me, cheeks bright and movements flustered as he works his distance from me. I can't help the soft giggles from spilling over, my flustered Koshi fixing his penis in his boxers as he mutters to himself about me being a 'temptress' and a 'distraction'.
"You loved every second of that and you know it," I tease, sitting upright, my knees situated under myself as I watch him walk circles in his room. "It wouldn't hurt to just slide yourself in."
"Stop that," he yelps, shooting me a stern look. "Stop trying to distract me. We're doing our homework. No sex until our homework is done, am I understood?"
"Yes, Sugawara-Sensei," I continue to tease, faking a nervous twirling of the hem of my shirt. "I won't let it happen again, Sensei. I hope my misbehavior doesn't get me detention. I would just hate two hours alone in a room with you. Absolutely hate being bent over your desk while you spank my ass with a ruler - "
     "Homework!" Koshi yelps, cutting off my teasing role-play. Maybe that's why I'm so delighted that my boyfriend wants to be a teacher; it'll make for a fun reoccurring role-play. His cheeks are on fire, the reddest they've been all day as he stumbles around the room, reaching for my math textbook so he can do my homework for me.
     I can't help the smug grin on my face or the chuckles that spill from his reaction. Who says we have to wait for Koshi to get his degree before he's a teacher? He can teach me. "Alright," I pretend to give in, mischief already being plotted.
     He settles on the bed, propped up against the headboard as he glances through the chapter. I go into action, handing him my notebook with the pencil through the spine and the neglected calculator so he doesn't have to move from his spot. Koshi is quickly sliding into productive mode, mumbling to himself as he looks over the homework assignment doodled on the top of the page. Thirty questions from the last page of the chapter; not a lot quantity-wise but a lot time-wise.
     My eyes stay stuck on him, waiting for him to start working through the first question. When the pencil hits the paper, I start inching forward, slowly making my way under his arm and into his lap. "Koshi?"
     "Gorgeous?" He mutters, eyes flicking back and forth from my textbook to my notebook. I jerk my hips, Koshi's hand shooting down to grip my hips as he stifles a whine. "My darling gorgeous woman, I'm doing your homework for you so you don't have to."
     "I know you are," I hum, setting a slow pace to my hips. "But you said I 'won't learn anything if you keep doing it for me' so, teach me, Sugawara-Sensei," I start up my flirting again, pushing my hips down harder to add more pressure to his still-hard dick.
     "I swear, your ovulation week is going to be the death of me," he breathes out, breath shaky and strained as he shoves my hips into a faster pace.
     "You enjoy my ovulation week."
     "Ya, ya, I do."
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jessicaloons · 1 year
Chapter 4:
Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts…
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After a successful season in GP3, with Charles winning the title, and me coming in close second we both would make our debut in Formula 2. The PREMA team saw the potential in us being very compatible as teammates and they decided to offer me a seat as well and pair us up again. We started the season on a strong note, topping the standings.
Our next race weekend would be in Monaco, Charles’ first home race. It was a really exiting week, hectic because wherever we went, people were yearning for a chance to approach the hometown hero, the golden boy. I loved seeing the shy smile on his face, he was so good with people, always smiling, laughing, taking pictures, signing stuff, hugging people left and right. Thankfully I was not that relevant for the people and I just stood somewhere off to the side. Watching how loved he was. I scrolled through my phone as someone poked my side, I looked around and my eyes went down, there stood a little girl, maybe 4 or 5 years old and smiled shyly at me.
"Hello there." I said in French and crouched down in front of her.
"You’re also racing, right?" she asked me and I nodded "You’re with Charles, right?"
"Yes, he’s my teammate, we’re racing together!" I answered and as Charles stepped next to us she smiled at him.
"Papa said that you will race in Formula 1 for Monaco one day!" she said and looked at Charles with big eyes, who only smiled.
"If I have the chance! And then I hope to make all of Monaco proud!" he said and the little girl smiled even wider, she was looking at a little pink camera in her hand and I stretched my hand out.
"How about I make a picture of you two together? Two amazing Monegasques!" I said and she handed me her camera, then Charles kneeled down next to her and they smiled for the camera.
"You look really pretty!" I said and the little girl giggled, then she turned to Charles.
"I like your girlfriend! She is super, mega pretty and she’s a racing driver!" she whispered, still loud enough for me to hear and I blushed a bit.
"She really is super, mega pretty! And she is a better racer than I am!" Charles answered and sent me his all consuming smile, that made my insides flutter and made me blush even harder. As the girl walked away with one last wave to both of us, Charles looked at me.
"Were you blushing, ma belle?" he asked and stood next to me. I tried to look away but he pulled me into his side, tilting my head with his hand to look at him, then looked me in the eyes.
"I mean yeah, it’s just… you know… that was so sweet and…" I rambled and Charles gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"You’re cute when you’re rambling like this. But she was right, you are super, mega pretty!" he said quietly and I blushed even harder and hit his shoulder.
"Stop it! I’m not!" I said and Charles just laughed.
"Oh ma belle, you have no idea!" he answered and we kept on walking. Butterflies flying so hard in my stomach, I was convinced if Charles wouldn’t held me to his side I would’ve levitated.
I couldn’t believe it. I won the sprint race in Monaco. As I got out of my car I looked around. A mixture of happiness and sadness fighting in between me. I spotted Charles who cheered loud and celebrated my win, but I knew him well enough, his DNF yesterday with a mechanical issue and his DNF today after the collision with Norman was breaking his heart. He wanted to win so badly, here at home, where everyone was cheering him on. But most importantly he wanted to win for his father, whose health was declining with each week. I saw the sadness in his eyes as I walked over to him, he hugged me tight and I had to contain my tears.
"I’m so proud of you, ma belle! You drove brilliantly!" he whispered but I just shook my head.
"I’m so sorry, Charlie! Wouldn’t I almost spun out, Norman wouldn’t have collided with you and you would’ve won!" I said and Charles sighed.
"Lizzie! It’s your win! You deserve it! Your tires were degrading! It wasn’t your fault! You did amazing, how you controlled the car! Anyone else would’ve ended up in the wall! It’s all good!" he said but I still wasn’t happy with the situation, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and pushed me then away so that the rest of our team could congratulate me.
I saw him look up into the sky and for a second I saw a tear glimmer in his eye, but then it was gone and he smiled at me again.
This win would’ve meant so much to him. And there was nothing I could do to ease his pain.
"How is he?" I asked and Charles just shrugged his shoulders.
"The doctors are saying that it’s now their top priority to make it as comfortable as possible for him…" his voice was gravelly, eyes cold and focused on the street in front of us.
"I’m so sorry." I whispered and he turned to me for a second and smiled faintly.
"It’s good that you’re here. You and him, you always made each other laugh… I want to hear his loud belly laugh one last time again, before…" he stopped and swallowed hard and I grabbed his hand that lay on his right thigh, intertwined our fingers and kissed the back of his hand.
"It’s ok, Charlie. I’m here…" I said and rubbed soothing circles with my numb on his hand. Charles squeezed my hand and cleared his throat.
The room was filled with laughter as Hervé told the story of how he caught me stealing a bottle of cognac while Charles was supposed to keep watch, unsuccessfully.
"I tried to convince you that I was sleep walking and you laughed so loud that Dad woke up and came out!" I remembered and Hervé had tears in his eyes.
"You were trying so hard, even started behaving like a chicken!" he laughed and Arthur looked at me like I was crazy.
"You did what?" he almost couldn’t breathe anymore and Lorenzo just shook his head "Because of the documentary that was on in the background when we played Rommé?" he asked and I nodded.
"I just stood in the door frame and had to stop myself from laughing so hard! You were an awful chicken!" Charles laughed and Hervés laughter got even louder.
"The worst chicken ever!" he said. Pascale in her chair smiled happily and made secretly a picture of us all, sitting around her husband, laughing.
"At least you didn’t tell Dad why I was running around, pretending to be a chicken!" I chuckled and Hervé looked at me guilty "Oh no! You told him!"
"Yeah of course! He asked me if he had to worry about you, losing your mind!" he said and his sons were laughing even harder.
"But why didn’t he punish me?" I asked and he just shook his head.
"I told him that you embarrassed yourself and that is enough punishment!" he laughed and I pouted before I started laughing again.
I looked at Charles and for the first time in weeks he looked happy, truly happy and content. He must have felt my eyes on him, as he looked up, smiling his most beautiful and true smile, dimples showing. He mouthed a "Thank you" and I only smiled back. After a couple more minutes filled with laughter and banter we had to say our goodbyes, visiting hours were almost over. I leaned down and gave Hervé a kiss on his cheek.
"Goodbye, Hervé! Rest up! We’ll come after Baku to visit you!" I whispered and he took my hand in his and pulled me into a hug.
"My beautiful girl, thank you! For today! For all the years you looked out for my boys, especially Charles! You will have to look out for them even more when I’m gone and I’m sorry that I have to put this burden on you…" he whispered in my ear and I could feel the hot tears sting in my eyes, he was saying his final goodbye, I could feel it "I love you, Lizzie, like my own! You were a blessing for our family!"
"I love you too!" I whispered and when I stepped back I wiped the tears away.
"Don’t let him win in Baku!" Hervé said and Charles gave him a kiss on the cheeks and rolled his eyes.
"I would never! You know me!" I chuckled and tried to not show the overwhelming emotions, together with Lorenzo, Arthur and Charles I left the room, at the door I turned around one last time, waving goodbye and Hervé just smiled at me, Pascale next to him started to cry quietly, I turned around and closed the door quickly.
"Anyone hungry?" I asked and tried to sound carefree and optimistic.
"I could eat." Arthur answered and Lorenzo chuckled.
"You could always eat!" Charles said and we left the hospital.
Charles POV:
I dropped off Lizzie at the airport, hugging her tight.
"I wish I could stay! And then we fly together to Baku… but when the family council calls I have to answer!" she sighed and I laughed.
"It’s not even a week and then we’ll be on our way to Baku! Come on, ma belle!" I tried to cheer her up but she just shrugged her shoulders "I’m fine! We’re fine! The doctors say he is in a good condition at the moment, he seems to be happier than before, probably because his favourite child was visiting him… but I’ll take it, this time." She smiled, her eyes sparkling. It’s her special smile not everyone get’s to see, it’s that smile that made heat spread through my body like a raging fire.
"You can call me whenever you need me, you know that? Doesn’t matter what time it is, you call me! And if you don’t want to talk, then text me! Got it?" she said and I nodded before she hugged me, again.
I held her close and embraced her warm and tender form, inhaled her scent loudly, flowery with a hint of coconut and citrus, then I hummed in content. When she let go her cheeks were an adorable shade of pink.
"I call you when I’m at home, Charlie bear." she said in her softest voice and I only smiled as she walked to the security check.
"I’ll wait for your call, ma belle!" I said loud and as the older lady next to Lizzie looked up at her, then at me and smiled then at her, Lizzie’s cheeks turned even darker.
"Papa? Are you awake?" he looked even skinnier than before, skin pale.
"Charles?" he mumbled and opened his eyes "My Charles! Have I ever told you before how proud I am of you? Of all of you of course!"
"You did, Papa, so often!" I answered and sat down in the chair next to his bed, then I held his hand.
"So proud, Charles… and one day you’ll be driving in Formula 1… just like Jules did! I just know it!" Papa said and I swallowed, the Doctors words in the back of my head, he probably won’t make it through the night.
"Papa, our dream came true! They want me!" I said and the look on his face changed "Papa we’ve done it! I will be driving in F1 next season!"
"I always knew it Charles! I am so proud of you!" his smile spreads across his whole face "Lizzie?"
"Nothing yet, but I’m sure she get’s a seat!" I said and Papa nodded.
"She’s something special, Charles! I’ve never met someone like her before! You have to take good care of her! Marry her! Have a family with her! You two were destined to be together!" with every word his voice got weaker but his look was determined, as if he awaited an answer.
"If she want’s that too Papa, then I will make you proud!" I whispered and he nodded.
I got up from the chair, kissed his forehead and hugged him.
"I love you, Papa!" I said, tears streaming down my face.
"I love you too, my son!" he whispered and I carefully stood up, left the room and outside Maman was waiting together with Lorenzo and Arthur, she nodded and they both got in.
"You shouldn’t have lied to him, Charles." she said quietly but I shook my head.
"I wanted him to be proud, to be happy, before he…" I began but then the words got stuck in my throat.
"For him it was nice, but for you? How will you feel, knowing your last words to him were a lie?" she asked and I smiled.
"No, Maman, my last words weren’t a lie!" I smiled, one day hopefully Lizzie and I would spend the rest of our life’s together.
"So, I’m here now for how long? Can you just spill the beans? Dad and I have to leave tomorrow! And I only got back here because of your announcement! And now I’ve waited here for 4 days and nothing was announced…" I was pissed. I could’ve stayed in Monaco at Charles site, instead I got summoned here for some sort of announcement and because of my sisters unreliable boyfriend I sat around for 4 days until he finally had the nerve to show up.
"Sven and I have to tell you something!" Sissy began and I rolled my eyes "We’re pregnant!" she cheered although a bit cautious, Sven looked like someone had punched him.
"What do you mean? Pregnant?" I asked my sister, dumbfounded.
"What’s there not to understand?" Sven sneered, I never liked my sisters boyfriend, but right now I hated him.
"I’m not talking to you!" I glared at him.
"What’s with your studies?" Mum asked and Sissy sighed.
"I will finish this semester, then I will go on maternity leave for 12-15 months…" she began but got interrupted by her boyfriend.
"We haven’t discussed it yet. For now she will continue to study and work in the café and then we’ll see." he said and Dad cocked an eyebrow.
"And how are you gonna provide for your child and child mother? As far as I know you have no job at the moment…" he said and Sissy rolled her eyes.
"Dad! Sven is in the middle of his studies! In 1.5 years, when he is done, he will have all the opportunities! But he needs to focus!" she defended him and I scoffed.
"You’re also in the middle of your studies and should focus? And I’m not really into baby talk and stuff, but I’m pretty sure that the expanses of a baby are way more than what you earn in your café…" I started but was cut off by Sven.
"We’ll figure it out, she can always stock up on her hours." he said and I glared at him.
"Excuse you? She’s pregnant? She won’t be able to stand the whole day! You should get a job!" I said and he only shook his head.
"Like I said, we’ll figure it out. Topic done." he got up and walked out.
"He’s a fucking asshole and you should get rid of him!" I said and Mum gasped. Sissy glared at me and then looked at Dad, hoping he would say something to me.
"What she said." was his answer and Sissy shook her head, said goodbye and left.
"That can only be a devil spawn!" I said and Mum hit my arm then looked at my Dad for support.
"What she said." was his answer again and I laughed, I could feel my phone vibrate in my jeans and checked my messages.
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I gulped loud and Mum and Dad looked at me, then I shook my head and handed Dad my phone.
"Come on, we have to go." Dad walked into my room and I was confused.
"Dad, our flight is in the morning… and I thought that maybe…" I began but stopped.
"We’re flying to Nice…" Dad said and my eyes widen "Mum is coming with us."
I got up and hugged him.
"Thanks, Dad!" I whispered and he gave me a kiss on the crown of my head.
"He needs you now…" he replied quietly and I nodded.
The drive to the airport, the flight, then the drive from Nice to Monaco, it all went by in a blur. I only watched outside the different windows, watching as it dawns. When we parked the car and got into the elevator, Mum joined us instead of walking as usual, I took a deep breath. Dad nudged my shoulder encouraging.
Lorenzo opened up the door for us, he looked collected, but his eyes betrayed him, the grief evident. We all hugged him stepping into the flat, it was dark, only the little lamp next to the sofa and a candle on the kitchen table was lit, it was quiet in the usually lively flat, what gave me an eerie feeling. Pascale was sitting at the kitchen table on the phone with someone, as she saw us approaching she said her goodbyes, hung up and stood up. Mum was the first to hug her.
"I’m so sorry, Pascale!" Mum said and Pascale only nodded, then my Dad hugged her.
"Our deepest condolences!" he said and Pascale smiled a little.
"Thank you." a quiet answer, before she looked at me and I hugged her.
"I’m so sorry!" I said and Pascale kissed my cheek.
"It’s good that you’re here, he’s not talking to anyone of us…" she whispered and I nodded. As I walked away towards Charles room I heard my Dad say "If you need anything, we’re here for you! Don’t you worry, we’ll be by your side!" and I took a deep breath, but before I reached Charles room I spared a glance into Arthur’s room and my heart broke. He lay in his bed, curled up into a ball, his body shaking and his whimpers gave me goosebumps. I didn’t knock or anything, I just walked in, sat beside him and pulled him up into a hug. He first was confused but then he realised it’s me and then he started to cry with no avail.
"Hey my little Tutur." I cooed and stroke his head "It’s okay, let it all out."
We sat there like this for some minutes and I felt my t-shirt dampen where he cried into my shoulder, but I just stroked his back and waited for him to calm down a little, after a while he yawned quietly and lay back down, his head in my lap.
"I don’t want him to be gone…" he whispered and I sighed.
"I know, Arthur, I know… me neither! He loved you all so much! You always have to remember that!" I said and kept on stroking his head and back.
"But he’s gone…" answered Arthur sleepy.
"He is. And I’m so sorry that he had to leave you so early! But he will always be by your side. He will always look over you! You will never be alone! I know it’s hard to believe now, but until you can feel it we will be here! We all will be by your side! We’re here for you!" I said it as comforting as possible as I felt that someone was watching from the doorframe "We’re here for all of you!" with that I looked at Charles. Pain stricken face, dishevelled, pale, glassy and bloodshot eyes. I stretched out my hand and in an instant he sat next to me and I carefully side hugged him, to not disturb Arthur who had dozed off.
"You came…" his voice was hoarse.
"You texted… I’m so sorry, Charlie!" I whispered and Charles hugged me harder, burying his face in the crook of my neck "I’ll be here for you! We all are!" Charles only nodded and I held him close to me, while stroking Arthur’s back. I didn’t know how long we’ve sat like this.
"Shouldn’t you be on your way to Baku?" Charles whispered and I shook my head.
"I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be!" I answered.
"But you will race? Bad enough that I can’t go…" he said and I looked up at my Dad who stood in the door. I shook my head, pleading.
"You both will race. Come on, you gotta pack, Charles. Lizzie, pack for Arthur." Dad said quietly to not wake up Arthur "We need to drive to Zurich for a flight to Baku."
"But Mum…" Charles sat up and Dad walked in and pulled him up into his arms.
"She wants you to go, Charles. She won’t be alone, Lorenzo stays. And Marina as well. We will go… it’s what he would’ve wanted for you, too." Dad whispered and Charles nods.
"Thank you." Charles walked away into his room.
"Why can’t we fly from Nice?" I asked Dad and carefully lifted Arthur’s head off my lap and shoved a pillow under it.
"There are no flights on time. Zurich is the next one, early in the morning. That’s why we need to leave soon." Dad answered and I nod, I start grabbing some shirts and pants, hoodies and his toiletry bag from the bathroom, putting everything in the little suitcase from under Arthur’s bed. Then I took his iPad, headphones, charger and purse and put it in his backpack. I gently nudged him and he slowly opened his eyes.
"Come on, we gotta go soon and I’m not going near your underwear drawer!"
He looked confused around.
"Where are we going?" he mumbled and sat up, looking between me and his packend suitcase and backpack.
"Charles and I have a race to attend…" I answered and Arthur nods only, getting up and packed the rest of his clothing into the suitcase.
"Passport?" I asked him.
"Lorenzo has it, the one of Charles as well." he answered and I smiled at him.
"You go and grab the passports, I go and grab your brother, we have to leave soon!" I said and Arthur gave me only a thumbs up and left his room with his baggage. I made my way to Charles room, I could hear him sniffle quietly and slowly opened the door, Charles sat on his bed, head in his hands, suitcase on the floor, empty. I quietly opened his closet and drawers, grabbed a bunch of clothes and put it in the suitcase, then I opened the drawer of his bedside table and grabbed his charger, headphones and iPad, put it all in his backpack and looked for his toiletry bag, then threw it in his suitcase.
"Come on Charles, I didn’t went through Arthur’s underwear and I don’t want to do it with yours…" I said and he snorted.
"It’s not like you haven’t seen my underwear! You even stole a pair of boxers from me!" he said and laughed quietly.
"Yes, because it was hot and I needed shorts!" I exclaimed and he just nodded and got up to grab said underwear, after he threw it in his suitcase and closed it he got up, looked at me and then pulled me into a tight hug.
"Thank you, ma belle." he whispered and I nodded "Your Dad is right, Papa would want me to race!"
"Let’s go and make him proud!" I answered and grabbed his helmet, Charles took his suitcase and backpack and together we left his room. After Mum hugged him and Arthur tight, we said our goodbyes and got to the car.
"I can drive as well, Paps." I said as we packed Charles’ and Arthur’s baggage into the trunk.
"I’m good for now, Lizzie. Maybe later." he answered and got in the drivers seat.
"Shotgun!" Arthur exclaimed and climbed into the passenger seat.
"At least you’ll sit next to me like that." Charles said quietly and opened the door for me.
"Thanks, Charlie." I said and he smiled a little.
"Ready?" Dad asked as soon as we sat in the car and we all just nodded. Charles looked down at his hands and I grabbed his right one and squeezed it, he looked up, then he leaned over at me, his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.
"It’s going to be okay, Charles…" I whispered and I saw Dad‘s smile in the rear view mirror.
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After the funeral I stayed in Monaco with Charles and his family. Helping to adjust to this new life without Hervé, as Charles and I prepared for the upcoming races in Austria and Silverstone. Both race weekends were a big success for PREMA with Charles winning the feature races in Austria and Silverstone and me winning the sprint race in Silverstone and altogether only podium finishes at the weekends for us. We also got summoned by Massimo to fulfil some of our duties as drivers in the FDA. Charles drove twice in FP1 for Haas in Austria and Silverstone, while I drove in FP1 in Silverstone for Sauber.
"What a weekend!" Charles said and dropped his backpack on the hotel bed.
"What a weekend, indeed!" I said and opened the mini fridge to store away the Vodka and ginger beer, then I sat down on the floor and opened my suitcase.
"So, who goes first?" I asked and pulled a leggings out, then my toiletry bag.
"You can go, I’ll order the food. Chinese? Pasta? Pizza?" Charles asked and sat down at the little seating area and took out his phone.
"Yes, and fries!" I answered and he laughed.
I went into the bathroom, feeling giddy, P1 in the sprint and P2 in the feature race, Charles and I now topping the standings, while he was 17 points ahead of me. I got into the shower, after some time Charles shouted the food will be here in 30 minutes. I wanted to answer when I slipped. As I fell, I let out a little scream before I landed on my wrist.
"Lizzie? Are you okay? What happened?" Charles was at the door in an instant.
"I slipped." I mumbled and saw the door opening a crack.
"Can I come in? I’m closing my eyes and handing you your towel!" Charles said and I sighed, pulling my knees up to my chin.
"Yeah it’s fine." I said and Charles walked in, eyes close, he held onto the vanity "You can open your eyes, please we can’t afford you falling as well!" he grabbed a towel and opened the shower cabin, then he knelt down in front of me.
"What hurts?" he asked gently and put the towel around my shoulders.
"My ass!" I joked and he chuckled but then he looked stern at me "I fell and landed on my wrist…"
"I’ll have a look in a minute, let me just rinse your hair." he got up and took the shower head out of it’s wall mount, then he knelt back down and I pulled the towel away and covered only my front with it. As he tested the water temperature, I tilted my head back.
"Okay?" he asked as he began to rinse out the shampoo and I nodded. After a couple of minutes he shut off the water and wringed out my hair, then got up and grabbed two more towels.
"Here, the one you have is already wet." he handed me one of the towels and then wrapped my hair in the smaller one. He then helped me up and I wrapped the towel around my body. I followed him out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed.
"Here." he handed me one of his hoodies and I put it over the towel, as he back from the bathroom with my sweat pants. I pulled them on and sat back down.
"Alright, let’s check your wrist, shall we." he smiled encouraging and took my right wrist carefully into his hand, lightly swollen already. He gently moved it around but as I inhaled sharply he stopped.
"What’s the verdict, Doc?" I asked with a small smile.
"I think it’s not sprained, but we should see a doctor tomorrow to be sure. I’ll go and get you ice and then we’ll prop it up." he answered and grabbed his phone "I’m calling René and tell him what happened." I sighed and nodded.
"When you said we were celebrating on our own, I didn’t want to die!" Charles chuckled and put his cup down "How much Vodka is in there?"
"That’s mine, I thought it’s good against the pain!" I said and he shook his head then handed me the cup.
"Are you sure you don’t want me to get you some painkillers?" he asked for the fifth time and I just shook my head and downed the way to strong Moscow Mule "Slow down, Lizzie! You didn’t eat enough to drink that much!"
"I’ll eat now, don’t worry!" I laughed and grabbed a slice of Pizza "What did René say? Was he pissed?"
"Why would he be pissed? You slipped in the shower? You weren’t doing any stupid shit, risking an injury! He said he’ll be here in the morning and then we’ll go to the hospital together." he answered and mixed himself a new drink "You gotta call your dad and tell him what happened."
"Nope, not until I know what it really is! He’ll just be annoying and will come here! Nope!" I said and Charles sighed. We sat in silence for a while, watching some sitcom about a police station in Brooklyn, laughing, eating and drinking away.
"You know what is weird?" Charles whispered and I turned to him, waiting for him to continue "Since after yesterday’s race, I haven’t thought of him… not once…" he closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the headboard "He’s not even gone for a month and I already start to not think about him? What kind of person does that?" his voice is hoarse. I sit up and scoot closer to him, putting my hand gently on his cheek, turning him to face me.
"Hey! Look at me! You didn’t just stop thinking about him, ok? A lot was happening yesterday! You won, you thought about him, you made him proud, like you always do, then you were happy for a bit because you deserve it! And the you focused on the next race! Because that is the kind of person you are! A racer through and through! And just because you didn’t actively thinking about him doesn’t mean he isn’t constantly on your mind! What were you doing this morning before we walked into the paddock? You nudged my chin like you always did! And why? Because your dad did that to you before every race he attended and some day you started it at me as well! What did you do before you got into the car today? You stroked over the sticker for your dad. When you were in the car before the start? You closed your eyes for a second right? Why? Because you always think of him in this second since he’s gone! Charles, I could go on like this for quite some time, but the point is, it’s normal! As sad as it is, life goes on, we start to live with the fact that they’re gone, we get back into our old routines but add new ones, tiny little details to remind us of the loved ones we lost! And so do you… you continue Jules’ legacy, you continue making your dad proud. And just because you’re not constantly thinking about them, doesn’t mean that you forget about them!" we both had tears in our eyes and Charles pulled me into him and hugged me tight.
"Promise me that you’re always by my side, ma belle! God, I can’t live without you!" he whispered and my heart skipped a beat at his words.
"We’re always there at each others sides, Charlie bear!" I answered and he groaned lightly "You love it, shut up!"
Hungary was a mess, to say the least. After the scare with my wrist I was happy to drive without a problem, but the weekend was cursed. Charles got his his seventh consecutive pole, just to be disqualified due to a technical breach and was forced to start from the back of the grid. I moved up on pole instead, but the start of the race was a mess, I accelerated, drove into the first corner, when Rowlands tires locked up and he steered his car straight into mine and ended both our races in the barriers. Charles could make his way up to P4. In lap 5 of the sprint race I had to retire the car with an electrical issue, Charles ended the race in P4 again. Not the weekend we wanted, after the last good ones.
"Summer break! God I need it!" Charles mumbled and got in the car.
"I’ll give you not even two weeks and you’ll start missing racing already!" Dad said and we laughed.
"Probably not even a week!" I said and Dad chuckled.
"It just shows how motivated and determined you two are, that’s a good quality!" he looked at Charles in the passenger seat "How you managed to pull through the last weeks, Charles, that was a display of your strength! He would be so proud of you! I am! We all are!" Charles smiled a little and nodded.
"Thanks, but without all of you, I wouldn’t have made it!" he answered and looked at me through the rear view mirror. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"I think this vacation is what we all need!" I said and Charles nodded.
"Yeah, you’re right. It’s good we have some time off now, so we can come back stronger!" said Charles and Dad nodded, driving off the track, straight to the airport.
2 weeks off to refill the batteries, restore the energy to come back stronger than before…
Little Note:
That's it, chapter 4 is out - it was honestly not easy to write!
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts! I'm open to any criticism, bad or good, it doesn't matter!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and I although tried my best: please forgive me any mistakes I made!
@moonlightts2 @silkenthusiasts @itsjustkhaos
All pictures are from Google, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
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larakb117 · 2 years
Joseph Quinn & female y/n
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Summary: You have your first date with Joseph Quinn. (slow burn)
Warnings: 18+, none so far, except Joseph Quinn winking
Part 2
The name sounded familiar to you. Joseph Quinn? You heard that name before. After another few seconds of hesitation, you finally decided to tap on calling. “It´s Joe.” , the British accent from the other side of the line made your heart jump again. He had a beautiful British accent, you had a thing for that to be honest. “Hi.”, you said shyly. “Oh, is that you, y/n?” “Yes, hi Joe.”, you started to sweat a little. You just met him like three hours ago, why did he make you feel like that? “What´s up, darling?” “Oh.”, you forgot to prepare a speech, dumbass. “Ehm…I just wanted to make sure you get my number…” Yes, y/n, great idea. “Okay, I have it now, love.” You could hear him smiling through the phone. A few seconds it was silent, none of you said something. “Maybe we can go out someday.”, you were shocked by yourself that you were brave enough to ask that. Every other guy you asked out before rejected you, so you didn´t really dared to do it in the last couple of years. For a moment you hold your breath, really scared what his answer would be to that. “Love that.” You sighed in relief. Oh my god, oh my god, repeatedly in your head, trying to keep yourself together. But you could not stop yourself from starting to awkwardly dance around your room. “Y/n, tell me when you have time?”, Joe interrupted your little dance. “Ehm, I only work on weekdays, till 4 pm every day. And I don’t really know anybody here, so I´m free…basically every day.”, quickly you regretted saying that, it sounded desperate, exactly what you were trying to avoid. “I´m free on Wednesday, Friday and on the weekend. Next week I have to fly to the states for work. Maybe we can make it this week?” “That would be great”, he seemed really interested, so you started to feel a little bit more calm again. “Wednesday sounds great.”, that was the next day, but he offered it and you had time, and honestly couldn´t wait to see him again.
“You don´t understand. You had tons of dates before! This is a first for me!” “I know, y/n! Do you even know where he takes you?” “No, he just said we should meet at Leicester Square station.” “But you meet him at like 6pm, so I think he takes you out for dinner.” “I´m not dumb, I know, but what kind of dinner?!” You started to freak out and act stupid at that point. “I know your nervous, so I forgive you that bitchy undertone.” “I´m sorry, Jenna, I just feel like throwing up. I need to be there in one and a half hours.” Jenna was your best friend from work. She was married, had three kids, so the only contact you both had was at work or over the phone, she was pretty busy. “You should wear the black dress you wore at your friends wedding in Germany a couple of weeks ago. That works with fancy and casual dining. Maybe you can wear your vans with it. Just to loosen it up a bit.” “Yes, that’s a good idea.” You felt relieved but needed to hurry up like right know. “Thank you so much Jen! I need to hang up now! See you tomorrow!” “I wish you a lot of fun! Enjoy it! And tell me everything about it tomorr-!” You were too fast and hung up before Jenna could finish her sentence. Hectically you started to do your make up, get dressed and packed your things in a small bag. You managed to get out of the apartment right on time, made your way to the nearest underground station and took the Nothern line to Leicester Square. Suddenly your phone beeped, Joe sent you a message saying he´ll be a few minutes late because his train delayed due to technical issues on the rails. Another text message arrived: Maybe we should meet in front of the hippodrome, so we don´t miss each other. Your train arrived at Leicester Square at 5:57 pm. The station was packed, no wonder, it was peak time. You banned your way through the crowd outside of the station and walked to the other side of the street, right in front of the hippodrome you began to scan the faces around you. Every few seconds you looked on your phone to check for the time or new messages from Joe. It was 6:05. All of the sudden there was a hand on your shoulder, which made you turn around and face him: Joe. He smiled widely at you and immediately came in for a big hug. “Hi!” It was a long hug, he rubbed your back, he was warm and wore a soft shirt. That was probably the best hug you´ve ever received. His beard tickled at your shoulder, the weird feeling in your stomach was back. “How are you darling? Sorry I´m late.” He started to loosen the hug a bit, but he still got his hand on your arm. His big brown eyes sparkled, like they did yesterday. “I´m great! How about you?”, you could swear your voice got higher by every word you said. “Pretty busy, but that’s okay. I´m glad you called yesterday.” The big smile forming on your face could not be hidden: “Yeah, I am too.” “You look amazing by the way.” Joe looked at you for a moment, your legs got shaky. Maybe he noticed that, he took your hand and squeezed it. “Thanks.” He wore a white buttoned up shirt and some loose grey pants. His style was kind of different. It took a short moment for you to collect your thoughts and asked him a question: “Where are we going?” “You can choose, we can go to a restaurant- personally I like pasta a lot- or we can get some takeaway and walk around, maybe at seven dials market.” “I love pasta, but the second option sounds really seductive.” “Okay.”, he still had your hand in his and with a gesture with his other hand he indicated to start your little walk to seven dials market at Covent Garden.
You strolled through the crowd and the first few minutes you both kept silent, your hand still in his. Finally, you felt brave enough to break silent: “You said, you´re busy, what are you up to?” “Oh, just some appointments for work, packing for the states and stuff like that.” He seemed a little abashed. “What do you do for a living?”, you could not hold back. “I´m an actor.” You walked across the street, still hand in hand, which felt surreal. “Oh, what kind of acting? Do I know some of your work?”, now you got really curious. “Oh, I was at a play at the National Theatre some years ago, did a little bit of stuff for BBC and Netflix. I´m doing press in the US next week, that’s why I need to pack.” You were impressed. “Wow, what did you do for Netflix? We don’t really have BBC in Germany…” “Ehm, I was a part of Stranger Things, you know that?” What? You could not believe what he just said. “Wait, you were in Stranger Things?” you looked at him in disbelief. Joe´s hand got really hot. You could feel how nervous he got. “Yes, just one season. A side character.” Now you realized why his name sounded familiar, but you could not figure out who he could have been in the show. You recognized Joes face, he seemed to be a little bit disappointed. Joe stopped walking and looked at you. “I hope this doesn´t make things awkward for us…” He narrowed his eyes, which made you feel really bad. His facial expressions were strong, so you were able to see his discomfort rapidly. “I´m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I´m just trying to get to know you.”, now it was your turn to squeeze his hand, attempting to make him feel better. “It´s alright love. Since the show aired there was a pretty huge hype, especially about my character… And my person as well. Dating and stuff like that just got really hard. A lot of women were just trying to date me because of my fame…” “Oh, don’t worry,”, you tried to break up the situation by smiling at him and reassuring that you weren´t here because you knew him before. “I`m still trying to figure out who you were in the show.” His eyes lit up again. “Eddie Munson.” You began to stare at Joes face: “You don’t look like him at all.” “Well, you´re not the first one to say that,”, he grabbed his neck and chuckled. “I´m hungry.” “Yeah, we should probably keep going.” Your walk continued. “Besides, I prefer Steve anyways.” Joe totally understood that small joke and winked at you.
To be continued…
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puddingsdiary · 2 years
We dare!
I know it was very quiet here for a while now. But recently I talked on discord with @perhaps-in-anotherdream about a scenario like the following and the thought won't leave me alone. So I brought it to virtual paper. Maybe I can hire her as my Muse? 😁
Just kidding, but I hope you like it even a little bit.
Without further Ado, everyone have fun!
Still a week to go until their long awaited vacation and MC already finished most of her work but Victor was still very busy. During the last year those two were so busy that there wasn't much time for a vacation, a weekend here and there, sometimes even in combination with a business trip. Fatigue had piled up until two months ago MC had a small weakness attack on a film set. Afterwards both of them decided it was time for a long vacation. Next week it's finally time for their 3 week leave to start. Victor had made the itinerary this time, saying that this trip's purpose was to recharge and relax, so all MC knew was that they would go to Paris first. Nevertheless MC couldn't wait for this final week to be over.
With a cup of coffee she went to the study to see if he had finished for the day when she heard him talking.
"We're doing fine. Thanks. What about you and uncle?"
Obviously his Aunt Alice had called. So MC entered hoping she could also talk to Aunt Alice.
"MC is also here, wait I'll put you on speaker." Victor put his mobile on the desktop and turned on the speaker as soon as he saw MC entering.
"Hello, Aunt Alice."
"My dear, you haven't called in a while."
"Uhm, yeah. I was very busy, you know. Your nephew is a demanding boss." Sticking out her tongue at Victor's frowned face, MC could hear Aunt Alice chuckle over the phone.
"Since I can talk to both of you… We've been asking us for a while now, and I'm sure you know that already, but still, you two have been engaged for so long now. When will you finally marry?"
MC didn't know what exactly to answer since Alice wasn’t wrong. Searching for help she looked at Victor while fidgeting with her engagement ring.
Victor sighed, he put his hand on hers.
"Aunt, we'll take the next step when we see it fit."
Now it was Aunt Alice's place to sigh.
"Don't wait too long, you two. Your father is longingly waiting for a grandchild."
MC blushed at this comment.
"Being married is not necessarily a prerequisite for becoming parents. Plus, I highly doubt it's father who waits longingly."
As if pouring oil into the fire, at Victor's counter her face became beet red.
"I know…"
"Sorry, Aunt, I have another call incoming and it's important. We'll call you when we're back or better, why don't we come to visit at the end of our vacation."
"Don't think I don't know you're dodging the topic. But ok. I see you when you come. Have a nice trip!"
The call ended with his Aunt laughing and Victor looked at a brooding MC.
"What's wrong?"
She shook her head. "No-Nothing."
"Are you bothered by her nagging?"
"That's not it."
"Why are we still waiting? We've been through the rituals twice already but always just for show. Was this enough for you?"
"Dummy." Victor pulled MC onto his lap, his arms tightly wrapped around her waist. "How could this ever be enough?" HIs voice became so soft, it nearly melted all her doubts.
"I don't know. We've been engaged for two years now. Yes, especially last year was hectic and very busy…" MC's voice became quiet further down the sentence, not sure how to actually word her feelings. Even without words he understood the girl perfectly. Victor brought his lips close to her ear.
"Then why don't we marry before heading to Paris?"
His breath tickled her skin, the low voice sending a pleasant shiver down the body. It took MC more than a second to realize what he actually said. Looking at Victor in disbelief MC asked for confirmation.
"You mean now?"
"Of course, you seem not really willing to wait any longer, not that I don't feel the same. Maybe I've just waited too long for you to be ready, not seeing that you are. You just said it, we’ve done all the rituals western as well as traditional. What’s left is signing the papers." It was obvious, Victor was dead serious.
"Simply signing some papers isn’t what I thought about my wedding… And what about your family? We'd want them to be there." MC was not yet totally convinced right now.
"Dummy, of course we're holding a ceremony when we're back. You can have everything you want for our wedding ceremony."
The idea of eloping and coming back married finally took form in her head and a grin spread across MC's face.
"Yes! Let's do it!" MC threw her arms around his neck and planted a big kiss on his lips. Victor didn't intend to let her go easily and deepens the kiss. For an eternity there was only the touch of their lips against each other and tongues entwined in a sensual dance. The breath shared became thin and at the end they had to part to catch some air. While MC looked at Victor's slightly flushed face a thought crossed her mind.
"We have to tell your mum!"
"Even if we don't tell anyone, we need to tell your mum. We should visit her beforehand and tell her. We can get married in Èze as well, right?"
Her words created a lump in Victor's throat. For a split second he was speechless. Warmth spread from his fast beating heart. MC once said that he was a grand miracle but Victor was convinced that the true miracle sat on his lap right now. To think of how precious his mother was and still is to him at this moment. If possible Victor loved MC even more now.
*Cough* "You're right. I'll make the necessary arrangements first thing in the morning."
It was a nice sunny late spring day with a handful of small clouds sprinkling the sky. Victor strode towards his mother's grave. MC didn't speak, satisfied with walking next to him, her hand holding his. What they were going to do was very meaningful not only for Victor. She squeezed his hand lightly and he turned his gaze to her, the corners of his lips tugged up lightly.
As always when they were here, there was a hint of sadness deep down in his eyes, yet MC could clearly see how happy he was.
In front of his mother's grave Victor sat down, pulled MC onto his lap. His left arm was wrapped around her waist while the fingers of his right were entwined with hers. Just like he tended to do to calm MC down, her thumb drew circles slowly on Victor's skin.
"Hi, Mum." The voice was a bit hoarse and Victor cleared his throat before he spoke again.
"We're going to get married today and want you to be the first to know. It was quite the spontaneous idea to do it now, so please don't say anything to Dad. But don't worry. We'll celebrate with everyone when we're back home."
As if sending her blessing, the small cloud covering the sun for the last few minutes moved and the gras around the grave was bathed in sunlight.
"Look Victor! Your mum is telling you how happy she is for you." With a beaming smile MC looked up to him.
"Dummy, just coincidence that the cloud moved past the sun just now. But yes, Mum would be happy knowing you by my side." He placed a light kiss on her forehead and MC snuggled even closer, leaning her head on his shoulder. They stayed a little while talking about all the things that happened since their last visit.
Victor being efficient and very thorough was nothing new. Still MC questioned how he was able to make it happen, even in a rather small town like Èze you won't get a wedding date with the authorities within a week's notice.
After their visit at the cemetery Victor and MC returned to their hotel room. MC had one condition, even if not wearing a wedding dress at least she wanted to dress up nice and have a celebratory dinner afterwards.
“Are you ready?” Victor walked behind MC and looked at her in the mirror when she fixed the second earring to her ear, the pair he had gifted her the day of their first kiss.
"We need to go."
The dark blue dress flowed around her curves and the delicate silver threads weaved into the fabric blinked like little stars at every move. Victor thought of her as breathtakingly beautiful and she belonged to him. He couldn't resist and placed a kiss on that one spot in the crook of MC's neck normally hidden by her hair.
"If you continue like that, Victor, we'll miss our appointment and all my hard work to look beautiful is going to waste."
Still looking at MC in the mirror Victor's eyes made a promise that this is not the end here, sending a shiver down her spine. Nevertheless, he picked up her coat and helped MC inside.
"You're wrong. You're always beautiful." With those last words, he pulled MC towards the door.
The deed itself was done very quickly. As requested the official kept the ceremony to the minimum. So after both said their "I do." and exchanged the rings they just signed the official papers. Not even half an hour after entering they left the building as Mr and Mrs Li.
The remaining vacation passed in the blink of an eye. As promised before returning home Victor and MC visited his family. In doing so, they killed two birds with one stone. Not only would they break the big news, they also pick up Pudding who was taken care of by Victor's father. For the big news Victor invited everyone for dinner at his father's.
Right after everyone had finished and they had moved over to the living room Victor ask for their attention. MC next to him, he pulled her even closer, on arm around her waist.
"We've an announcement to make."
Seeing the pair standing there like that his aunts got sparkles of expectations in their eyes.
"I won't say any names but a few people here were friendly nagging about a wedding date for some time now." Victor clearly looked at both of his aunts. Both women decided to play the innocent lamb.
"Well, I have to admit, we already got married. ... Three weeks ago in Èze."
All of the family sitting there looked at them speechless. Aunt Alice was the first one to recover somewhat.
"How dare you to not share this huge event with your family. Victor, I really thought better of you." Disappointment was clearly written on her face and Aunt Grace nodded in support.
"Aunt Alice, you've already witnessed our wedding a few years ago."
"That's impossible. I won't forget something like that."
"The rehearsal for your anniversary, where Victor and I were your stand-ins?" MC helped out.
"Ah! See as you said it was the rehearsal for our anniversary. How can it be your wedding. What nonsense are you talking about?"
Victor shook his head.
"Yes it was your anniversary but I meant every word I said." Saying this he looked at MC who answered his gaze.
"And while I didn't realize back then I also meant what I said." She turned her head to look at the others and grinned brightly. "So technically you witnessed everything. We just never signed the papers. That's what we fixed in France."
Aunt Alice came up close and poked both their chests.
"You cheeky little bastards." Then turned towards her brother in law. "Don't you have anything to say?" It looked like she had no arguments left for the moment.
"What should I say? My son always had his own head." Victor's father shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "But I was kinda looking forward to stand in for your father and hand you over to my son." Within his eyes disappointment was fighting with pride, that they pulled off something like this.
MC smiled at him, happy he was willing to do this.
"You'll get your chance, Dad, when we're holding a proper ceremony later this year. I can call you Dad now, right?"
Victor's father laughed and walked over hugging his now daughter in law.
"Of course, you could have called me this way earlier." Afterwards he pulled Victor in a hug. "I'm so proud of you."
Aunt Alice threw her hands in the air helplessly at the scene in front of her.
"What should I do with you?"
This time it was Victor who took the initiative and hugged his aunt.
"Accept it and be happy for us."
"I am. But don't think I'll let you off that easily. I expect a proper ceremony, just so you know! And don't dare to make me wait till New Year's Eve just because it's still *this year*!"
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niemernuet · 8 months
and okay i‘m gonna restrict myself to this being the last one but what if we did "i think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me" for lucas and felix 😏😏😏 and then MAYBE if we wanted to be really evolved we could combine it with soft kisses becoming heated 😇😏🥰
Gotta be honest, I haven't listened to their podcast yet, so if something doesn't add up I apologise. Also the third one will come later. Thank you so much for sending these asks, I love you. 😘💋
Nobody ever tells you about the meetings. When he was still a racer they used to have meetings with the race director, followed by meetings with the head coach, meetings with the training coaches, and meetings with the service man. Hell, sometimes it felt as if he spent the entire weekend in meetings save for the two minutes of the race. Now that he is a retiree, he still has meetings with the race director, a bit more terse than before, followed however by meetings with the broadcast director of the race, meetings with the director of his station, meetings with the technical crew, and meetings with the people of the programme before and after the broadcast. And there is not even a race anymore that he can look forward to.
The social media guy, a pale, quiet bloke who still dresses for his dream job in a modern art gallery in Berlin and not for his current job in the Austrian Alps in the middle of the winter for the Bavarian broadcasting company, nods once, and starts to put his gear back into the bag.
“Looks good,” he says, and eyes Felix who suddenly feels really, really stupid in his outfit. “I’ll send you the link once I post it on Instagram. Also, the meeting with the team starts in five.”
Felix nods, his fingers tangled in the layers of cheap tulle wrapped around his head and falling down his shoulders. “Just go ahead, I’ll join you shortly.”
How can it be so hard to get this thing off?
The guy hesitates for a second, his gaze still scrutinising Felix. Then, he shrugs, and ambles away. The door to the small room a short hallway from the lobby away is open wide, and the noise of Kitzbühel’s most hectic weekend of the year fills the silence. Lucas observes Felix’ struggles for a while longer, his smile growing bigger and bigger until finally he takes pity.
“Here, let me!” he says, and pulls Felix’ hands away.
“I think the cord’s somewhere…,” Felix says, and hisses when Lucas’ fingers snag in his hair.
“Sorry,” Lucas chuckles. “Where did you find that monstrosity anyway?”
“One of the stylists brought it from the costume stock in Munich. I’m sure you could already see it in films and series.”
“If I watched German tv, that is.”
Felix snorts. “Yeah, tha…ouch!”
“Done!” Lucas announces proudly, and drops the tacky veil in Felix’ lap. “You’re welcome.”
Felix laughs, and sheepishly flattens his hair with his palm. With Lucas so close, he suddenly remembers Marcel’s sarcastic message after Felix’ very public outburst on social media following Lucas’ surprise in Sölden.
And you had the gall to call me cradle-snatcher?
Back in autumn, Felix took the time to write his answer in all-caps. AT LEAST I WAITED UNTIL HE WAS ALLOWED TO DRIVE A CAR!!!
He omitted the addendum that Felix did not snatch anything at all anyway.
That is, until today. His eyes wander over to Lucas, his immaculate curls, and he wonders how they would feel under his touch, how they would wrap around his fingers, how they would look fanned out on a pillow, how…
“I think this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.”
Felix blinks. “What?”
Instead of an explanation, Lucas leans over, and gives him a soft kiss on the lips.
“It’s only a real wedding if you seal it with a kiss,” he whispers.
Felix’ hands move on their own, burying themselves in Lucas’ hair, pulling him close for another kiss, and another, and another, until their lips fuse together.
He doesn’t know how much time has passed when they come up for breath, their foreheads pressed together, or if anyone has walked past the open door.
“My room’s on the second floor,” Lucas mutters. “But I understand if your meeting…”
Felix jumps up, and grabs Lucas’ hand. “They can do without me.”
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elmleif · 1 year
In the middle of all the anon hate that simblrs are sadly going through, I thought to let you know how much I love your blog and your vibes and How much you were one of the few simblrs here that give off the most chill and cozy vibes 🌻 You made me slowly appreciate this game despite how impatient I am whenever i play it and due to my hectic schedule, i tend to want to just "play quickly" in between breaks/weekends. I started using gshade recently to get used to taking pretty pics and slowly started loving this game some more after actually giving it a chance and actually trying to relax while playing it and delving a bit more into my sims' lives, so I owe you a big big thank you for being a cozy simblr that helped me personally find peace and relaxation amidst my hectic life 🧡I hope everything works out for you sweetheart and from the bottom of my heart I wish you the best 🌻🧡🧡🧡
i'm so sorry it took me a couple of days to answer this bc it just makes me cry every time i try typing a response, but sincerely from the bottom of my heart, thank you anon. getting back into playing i had a similar time, it had been so long since i played i completely forgot how anything worked, i had extremely limited cc and mod knowledge and it was super frustrating, but it eventually became my favorite part of my day as everything around me got more stressful. the more unhappy i became with my own life the more fun i would have making sim's lives (which probably like isn't the healthiest coping method but it could be a lot worse i guess lmao) it makes me so emotional to hear that my silly lil sims and posts were able to help you love the game and find a little slice of peace in your day. i hope as time passes your life becomes much less stressful as well, and that you're having the absolute most beautiful day wherever you are. you are the sweetest anon i appreciate your message so much 💛💛💛💛💛
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los-ninos-tortugas · 7 months
If I worded that question really badly SORRY LOL it was like 3 am
Nah you’re good you’re good lol, sorry it’s taking me a hot minute I’ve just had a really hectic weekend 😅 I will answer as soon as I can though because it was really interesting and I do wanna talk about it so just stay tuned for a little bit <3
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loorain · 1 year
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Answers and Introductions
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Sabrina: Thanks for coming over today, guys. It's been hectic ever since the birth but everything's going well.
Alton: Of course.
Marquise: Well let's get to it. Which of us is the father?
Sabrina: Right...
Sabrina takes a deep breath.
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Sabrina: I care for both of you and thank you for your commitment. Knowing my child will not have to go without a father figure means the world to me, and I know it'll mean the same to him later on. Alton, you've been one of my closest friends. We've been through quite a bit together. I love our relationship and I hope it can continue. That being said... you're not his father.
Alton: ...I'm not?
Sabrina: No. Marquise is. I'm sorry.
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Alton: Well, it's settled then! Congrats Marquise, you're a father.
Sabrina: You're okay?
Alton: Of course. Like I said, I'm still gonna be there for the little guy, whether he's my kid or not.
Sabrina: Well I hope so, because I would really love if you could be his godfather.
Alton: I'd be honored.
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Sabrina turns their head towards their baby-daddy.
Sabrina: Are you okay Marquise?
Marquise: Yeah, this is good news.
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Sabrina: Guess we'll have to decide on some things in regards to custody--
Marquise: No need. I'm in-between places right now and he'll have a lot more love and support here, so he can live here. Maybe on occasion, he can spend a weekend or holiday with me. It'll be fun.
Sabrina: I think we can arrange that.
Marquise: Well, can I see him?
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Sabrina: Marquise, meet your son, Juno.
Marquise: Juno, huh? It's nice to meet you, my boy.
0 notes
purplesurveys · 2 years
The detail survey!
You should answer all the questions with detail.
In detail…how did you meet your crush/boyfriend/lover/etc.: Sorry to miss the point of this survey right off the bat lol, but I don’t have anyone special at the moment. Maybe it’s a realization that I got a little bit too late, maybe it’s the self-love that I’m trying to nurture and protect these days, maybe it’s trauma, quite frankly it might just be my asexuality coming into play, but I quite like being on my own.
In detail…what are you wearing? I have on a gray sweatshirt and the pajama shorts from a pajama set I have. The top I’ve actually had on all day (it was what I put on this morning, when we were still in Tanay), and just didn’t feel the need to change out of since I’ve been cold this entire time. I’ll switch to a new top tomorrow morning before work so I don’t feel icky.
In detail…what are you doing tomorrow? I have work tomorrow and I imagine I’ll be pretty busy and on do-not-disturb mode at home since Monday is typically the most hectic and exhausting day of the week; as for specifics, I do have three meetings already slated for the day – that can always change though. Jimin’s collab with Taeyang is coming out tomorrow afternoon too so at least I have something to look forward to! I’m already expecting to zone out of work for around a half hour or so so that I can properly listen to the song and fangirl a bit with friends. Lastly, I do have a client pitch on Tuesday so I should spend some time practicing my lines and slides.
In detail…what did you do today? This morning I woke up still in our accommodation in Tanay – this quaint, quiet spot in the middle of the mountains and streams and nature, with domes for rooms. It’s basically a place that’s meant for you to disconnect from the world; wifi was weak and every single spot was devoid of mobile signal, and no TV in the room either. 
I had pancakes and a couple of hotdogs for breakfast (super good!), then my sister and I stayed in our room right after since it was raining all morning. We had already spent so much saliva the day before just talking and playing whatever random game we could think of (again, weak wifi and no signal) lol, but this morning our Gen Z asses couldn’t take it anymore so I finally opened YouTube and pulled her to watch a few episodes of Watcher’s Dish Granted with me hahaha even though each video took ages to load. By noon we had checked out, and was on the road for 2-3 hours. Before going home though we headed to this Singaporean place where I had laksa and a few sticks of street food; right after that we picked up the dogs from the local dog hotel, and then FINALLY we were on our way home. Spent a few hours watching BTS content, and maybe around a half hour catching up on work backlog, and now I’m here doing this survey before I turn in.
In detail…what did you do/will you do on your birthday? For my last birthday I spent it mostly at home and didn’t really do anything other than lie on the couch and, surprise surprise!, watch BTS stuff. I received a bucket hat from Bea, a shirt (and a couple of vape pods, because they know me so well lmao) from Andi, and a Starbucks drink from my former co-worker that day. That evening, I took my family out for ramen to celebrate. 
Then that same weekend, my friends and I went to Zambales as a little treat I had for them – it was also our first beach outing since pre-pandemic so we were all excited about that. In the evening, Hans and I had a drinking game while watching his brother’s live volleyball game, I took a few shots of gin from this other group who was having a jamming session, and basically I ended up wasted enough that I stumbled while walking down some steps and sprained my left ankle. Friends had to carry me to bed where I fell asleep immediately, then the next morning another group caught me limping and ever so generously offered to nurse my foot hahaha.
In detail…how does your best friend look like? She has big brown eyes, rosy cheeks, and a beauty mark on the left side of her face, a little bit above her cheekbone. She currently has brown highlights with her black hair, which stops just right underneath her collarbones. She has a semi-slim build and is slightly taller than me.
In detail… what was your last kiss like? Who was it with? It was with my ex-partner when she visited me briefly during the peak of the pandemic. Letting other people in your home raised alarm bells at the time so we spent the whole time outside, just chatting and catching up. On the kiss, I believe it had been a simple goodbye peck, happening right before she left. I don’t even know why she visited and how our parents allowed us to hang out given the situation?? I think she came to show me her new car or something like that. Idk. My memory’s been doing a fantastic job erasing memories of her that I don’t even know if this account is still accurate at all.
In detail…how was your first kiss this year? I have not had a kiss in 2023. Or 2022 or 2021, for that matter.
In detail…what are you looking forward to? The soonest thing would be the theatrical screening of the Busan concert! It’s happening in cinemas worldwide, including the Philippines, so I’m just super excited to still be able to be excited about something BTS-related given that they are on hiatus and that the boys are enlisting in the military one by one. I’ve already been briefing my friends to go for the Feb 4 screening since that’s when they’ll be having that worldwide lightstick event where I believe all of the Army Bombs will be synced for the screenings happening that day.
In detail…how long have you been with your boyfriend? I don’t have a significant other.
In detail…how does your best female friend look like? I already described her the best way I could a few questions ago.
In detail…when did you first listen the song you are listening to? That’s a good question. I have no idea, but I imagine it must have been around May or June of 2021 right when I was starting to dig deeper into the BTS black hole. It’s an unreleased song and a solo of one of the members (Winter Bear), and I’m guessing my first encounter with it came a little after going through the band’s ~official discography.
In detail…what are you doing besides this? I’m going to sleep, man. I earned it lmao. I can’t wait to pass out tonight.
In detail…why are you doing this? Because nobody else asks these questions in a normal conversation, and it’s helpful to have an outlet where you can, like, unload for the day or answer questions that can sometimes lead you to new discoveries about yourself. It’s a journal, essentially.
In detail…what were you doing before this? I was working and finalizing the last few slides in my upcoming pitch presentation so that I don’t have to worry as much about it anymore tomorrow. I also played with the dogs for a little bit and let them play with one another. In detail…why did you take the last pic you took? I took it because Cooper and Agi were in such a hilarious position during their playtime and I didn’t want to miss out on taking a photo of it. Usually Cooper is the one who ends up on his back while Agi messes with him, but this evening it was Agi lying down with Cooper sniffing him all over. Immediately took a bunch of photos because that never happens between the two.
In detail…who was the last person you hugged and why? Dev. It was just a goodbye hug, nothing more to it. I guess I do hug her harder than my other co-workers; she lost her mom (and her only parent) last year, so I have a natural instinct to look out for her and to basically be softer and more caring, even protective, around her.
In detail…did you like this survey? It was fun, thanks!
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kimdokjas · 2 years
I hope you're having a good weekend!
And no worries about being late, I just didn't want either of us to get in trouble for not doing asks for a week😂😭This is my first time doing this so idk how strict they are ykwim
So far I think the anime and manga for yuukoku no moriarty are really similar! i don't feel like anything was really left out. the manga does have some extra stuff, but i think the anime got some ova's or something, but i haven't been able to get my hands on them yet.
death note is a good anime though i think! there's a reason its a cliche😂yoi was good too, otabek definitely stole my heart though
i am actually fairly new to anime. like i've always been aware of it, i was (still am) a huge geek in public school, so i had heard about naruto and sailor moon back in the early 2010s, but i had no way of watching it myself. my partner is also really into anime, so i've been in the same room when they've watched things, but i didn't personally get into it until a little over a year ago! it was with boku no hero, so that's probably more cliche than death note at this point😂😭
The question for this week is a little more involved, you probably need time to think, so I'm definitely not expecting an answer any time soon. i'd rather you take your time and really think about it if you need to since this will probably heavily influence what i make for you and i want to make sure that you've picked something you really like
What are 5-7 quotes/poems/song lyrics/etc that make you feel ✨feral✨?
I hope you have a good, less hectic week, gaby! sending you positive vibes
-- Love,
Your ASS💖
hello my dear ASS 🥰 ahh sorry again for the late reply! work has been super hectic but thankfully the worst is now behind me! not to jinx it lol but i should have a bit more free time now. it's my first time participating as well so i'm not sure either but jic i'll try to reply a bit more quickly from now on!
oh i’m glad to hear the ynm anime is really similar to the manga! i was debating whether to read it first but i might start out watching the anime and then see how it goes. and right!! otabek is such a sweetheart, i love how at first he seems so stoic and closed off but he has a whole other side of him as well 🥺
oooh bnha is a great starter anime tho! it's one of the first ones i watched as well! same here tho, i've always been sort of aware of anime i just didn't get into it until fairly recently. aww that's sweet that your partner is into anime too! it's like a whole different world at first i think, so it definitely helps when someone you know is also really into it so you can navigate it together lol, so it's nice you can both share that! 💕
ahh that is SUCH a good question! so difficult to answer tho 😭 idk why but every time i try to think of quotes my mind blanks out and i forget every single piece of media in existence lmaoo but i tried my best
“I am. I want to be. I bleed away.” - Jorge Luis Borges (tr. Tony Barnstone), Music Box
"And the salt in my wounds isn't burning any more than it used to/ It's not that I don't feel the pain it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore” - Paramore, Last Hope
“In the end, we are all simply 'Outer Gods' to each other.” - Sing Shong (tr. RT & APW), Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
“I think I could stand anything, any suffering, only to be able to say and to repeat to myself every moment, ‘I exist.’ In thousands of agonies – I exist. I’m tormented on the rack – but I exist! Though I sit alone in a pillar – I exist! I see the sun, and if I don’t see the sun, I know it’s there. And there’s a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky (tr. Richard Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky), The Brothers Karamazov
"The time for sleep is now/ But it's nothing to cry about/ 'Cause we'll hold each other soon/ In the blackest of rooms” - Death Cab for Cutie, I Will Follow You Into the Dark
“If you could only save me/ I'm drowning in the waters of my soul” - Imagine Dragons, Nothing Left to Say
"And what you hear is not silence/ It's just the trees waiting to hear what next you'll hum/ And what you see is not the dark/ It's just the gods upturning ink pots 'cause they know what you'll become" - The Amazing Devil, Inkpot Gods
"For I feared becoming a lonely lump of ashes/ After loving others with my whole being" - Ahn Do-hyun (tr. Jido Ahn), Lonely High Solitary
jsyk i’m resisting making commentary on every single one of these quotes sooo hard rn bc i’ll start frothing at the mouth lmaoo, i listed 8 tho sorry for cheating dslkjsf i just couldn’t cut any of these 😭 if you need more just lmk! i started out with like 15 and it was so hard to whittle down the list lol
tysm for your well wishes dear!! sending you positive vibes right back and i hope you’re having a nice relaxing weekend!! please remember to take care!! 🥰❤
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