#sorry for the delay. seriously
rattleteeth · 5 months
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Hello! I am almost a week late, but I was your secret santa @blooming-smiles! The prompt with Habit and your flower kid hanging out a few years after the game was really cute :3
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serasfanfiction · 2 months
CW: blood and mentions of gore. Alastor being Alastor and never let us forget he's in Hell for a reason.
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Lucifer stared at his bed. Took stock of himself. Realized he was too wound up and any attempt at chasing sleep would futile.
He ran a hand down his face as he groaned. He wanted nothing more than to crawl under his nice, soft comforter and to fall into the forgetfulness of sleep, but with the weight of his new little accessory, he knew his sleep would be nothing like forgetful.
Glancing out the window, he could see the first hints of what passed for daytime in Hell. It was so late, evening had transitioned into early morning.
He frowned in distaste. He had stayed up all night talking with Alastor. Yeah, yeah, they had been talking business, but he knew what it could look like from the outside. It didn't help that Alastor had been helpful. He had an eye for reading people and getting a basic feel for their character at the drop of the hat. Lucifer didn't have to imagine very hard to know it had gone a long way towards helping him lure in his victims.
The question remained: Was the King of Hell going to allow himself to become another one of this serial killer's victims? The idea didn't leave a much better taste in his mouth than the time currently glowing back at him from his bedside table.
This was a shining example of why he didn't interact with sinners anymore.
Leaving through his door, Lucifer made his way downstairs. Early morning it might have been, but there was still some time before the other hotel residents started filtering down. Everything was quiet in a way that held the promise of noise, if only one caught it at the right time.
It felt lived in in a way the palace hadn't in years.
Knowing he was going to actually encounter people at some point led his feet unto the kitchen. As it turned out, Lucifer Morningstar actually liked to cook. He had found it to be a great stress reliever. Perhaps it was because the urge to create was always just below the surface. Perhaps it was an innate desire to make people happy. Whatever it was, throughout most of his marriage and while he was still interacting with the Sins and Ars Goetia, he could often be found working in whatever area was set aside for meal prep. It was something he'd been teased about, but no one had complained about his food, yet.
As things began to fall apart, as he lost faith in humanity and began to withdraw from everyone and everything, there had been less and less opportunities to fall back on the practice. He didn't necessarily need to eat and he didn't want to waste food when there was no one to make it for.
Making toys, especially duck themed ones, had been a secondary fixation. When his marriage had reached the point that not even even trying to keep up appearances for Charlie's sake could hold things together (tenuous as that had been from the start), it had felt like making the toys had been the only thing he was good at anymore so he had become, well, a little obsessed.
Here, now, in the hotel built from his daughter's dreams and the hard work of the hotel's residents, he had been feeling the urge to give into the impulse to try his hand at cooking again. The stress of his new accessory seemed like it was going to finally be the thing that pushed him to do it.
The kitchen was empty, as to be expected. It was also as well stocked as he'd left it. Upon moving in, Lucifer had taken one look at what the others had been living off of up to that point and had put his foot down immediately. Where before it had looked like the pantry of a bunch of young adults who had just moved out and hadn't quite figured out how nutrition worked, with the odd exception, now it had a much more healthy variety of foods. Some of it came from various rings throughput Hell, imported through Lucifer's connections. Some of it came straight from Earth, those through Ozzie's connections.
Lucifer had seen various residents taking advantage of the wider variety of offerings, but he still held it as a victory the one time had come in to find their resident radio celebrity cooking. When pressed, Alastor had replied that he was currently putting together a shrimp gumbo, with the preparation of the roux being just the way his mother had made it. He must have been feeling particularly nostalgic and in a good mood because he had shared it with the rest of the hotel's residents.
Lucifers hands knew what to do, even though he didn't have a larger plan in mind other than 'make breakfast foods.' This sort of approach often led to way too much food being made, but he was sure they'd eat it all eventually.
As the hour progressed, foods such as muffins, pancakes, sausage, bacon, and a few pre-made breakfast tacos took shape. Fruits had been cut up and placed in dishes so that anyone interested could take their pick.
He was just finishing up the yogurt and turning around to place it with the rest of the hoarde when he abruptly became aware that someone was standing just inside the doorway. Startled, Lucifer yelped, jumping, and incidentally dropping the yogurt. It was only pure instinct (and a little magic) that kept it from hitting the floor and going everywhere.
He placed a hand to his chest, trying to calm his rabbitting heart. "Oh my Father, don't scare me like that. I could have set you on fire!"
Which he had done to multiple people who'd startled him in the past. Purely on accident, of course.
Husk stared back at him, watching. His fur was unusually messy. The bags under his eyes were particularly pronounced. His shoulders were hunched and and he was gripping his arms in a posture that screamed discomfort.
All in all, he looked how Lucifer felt.
The angel's brows furrowed in concern. As he set the yogurt back to rights, he asked, "Are you alright? Because - please don't be offended - you look like shit."
Husk's ears twitched at the observation. He glanced around, as if he was searching for something or someone. When he didn't find whatever - whoever? - he was looking for, he said, gruffly, "He's not a good person. Making deals with him is dangerous."
Lucifer blinked, for a moment not comprehending what the cat demon was talking about. All at once, he realized that he'd gotten so into cooking he had actually managed to forget his deal.
His near jerk reaction was to pretend he had no clue what Husk was talking about or to laugh and make light of it. As the immediate panic of the fact that keeping secrets in this place was apparently impossible wore off, the blonde was able to pick up something else in Husk's demeanor: worry.
Lucifer's expression softened at what appeared to be a genuine warning from someone who had been burned by Alastor before and was trying, in his own way, too keep someone else from doing the same. It was especially meaningful, as Lucifer doubted Alastor would be thrilled if he heard Husk warning a potential mark.
Was this what Charlie saw when she looked at their people? Husk wasn't innocent by any means. His hands were bloody both in life and in death, and it would be so easy to be blinded by that, but look deeper and there appeared to be a too big heart under it all.
It was a stark reminder that not everyone in Hell was a total lost cause, even if the sinner wasn't seeking redemption.
Lucifer placed the yogurt on the table with the rest of the food. Feeling the need to reassure Husk, but not wanting to tell the whole truth, he explained, "I'm only paying Alastor back for helping me with something I'm looking into. It's a one off thing."
Husk's deep sigh indicated he found that far from reassuring. Lucifer remembered Alastor saying he dealt predominantly in favors and figured it probably wasn't. Hands tightening around his arms, he added, "Well, be careful. Charlie's a loud, messy crier when she's happy. I don't want to see what she's like if anything happens to you."
Lucifer resisted the urge to scoff at the idea Alastor truly posed him any threat in favor of: "Charlie cries when she's happy?"
When did that started? Since when?
Husk gave him a side look, some major judgement going on in that look. He still took blantent pity on him, more likely wanting to take the opportunity to change the subject. "She and Angel got into a tiff. She was happy when he forgave her."
Something about the way Husk said it made Lucifer suspicious there was more to that story, but Lucifer let it drop. "Aw, I'm glad they made up."
Husk grunted, clearly at the end of his tolerance for mushy talk. He reached over to the selection of food, snatching one up in repayment for his good services. As he was retreating out the door, Lucifer called over, "I appreciate the warning. I'm sorry we disturbed you last night."
Husk didn't respond, opting to make off with his prize before the conversation could devolve into anything more uncomfortable.
The conversation left him in a mood that was both uplifted and off balance. He wasn't able to fall back into the rhythm of cooking, which was perhaps for the best, as there was already more than enough food laid out. He didn't have to wait long before Vaggie - looking wide awake despite the early hour - and Charlie - much less put together - trickled their way in. Both were delighted by the spread of food that awaited them.
Angel, unsurprisingly, would not be done for several more hours, but there was more than enough goodies waiting for him.
Alastor, on the other hand, never made an appearance that day. Nor did he call in his favor.
He did not make an appearance the next day either.
By the third day, Lucifer was beginning to feel a little twitchy. It was a touch bit daunting, knowing one was on the menu, but having no clue how famished the host was. Not that he usually paid attention to the redhead's eating times. Alastor was one of the only members of the hotel that had his own private feeding grounds right in his own room. He could just as easily treat all of the Pride Ring as his hunting grounds, if he were in the mood.
Lucifer didn't think the little shit would starve himself so he could he could have a bigger menu when he did call in his favor. He wouldn't put it past him, either.
By day four, Lucifer was on the verge of putting the whole thing out of his mind, figuring that Alastor was just letting him stew for a bit. Spitefully, the blonde was refusing to give him another minute of his time until the redhead deemed to make himself present. He was also getting used to the weight of their deal and could go several hours without ever once thinking of it.
Which of course meant that's when Alastor gave the chain a little tug.
Lucifer froze mid step. He'd been on his way up to his room, inspired with the idea of a new duck he just couldn't wait to add to his collection. The hallway lit up with a green flash as the chain came into existence and then just as quickly disappeared.
Slowly, Lucifer looked behind him, irritation and panic heightening his senses. There was no one else in the hallway, a perk of being one of the only two residents on this floor. He didn't hear anyone on the landing below. Nothing to suggest that anyone had seen the flash. To his knowledge, Husk was the only one that would recognize Alastor's brand of chains the best. It was possible that even if someone had seen it, they might not have known what it was.
With a forced nonchalance, the blonde made the rest of his journey to his room. When the door was closed and locked firmly behind him, he leaned back, head lightly knocking against the wood as he rested against it.
Knowing something was coming and actually being prepared for it was always two very different things.
Regardless, he had made his bed. It was time to lay in it.
Before Alastor could get impatient and drag him out, Lucifer reached opened a portal to just into the deer demon's room. Not allowing himself to hesitate, he stepped through.
The room was warm, green and black flames flickering in the fireplace. Various lamps lit the room, casting the area into a golden gloom that countered the light of the flames. The unmistakable sound of music filtered out into the room from the radio on the shelf.
At the center of the room was Alastor himself. There was a slight flush to his cheeks and his hair was just a touch out of place.
It was almost enough of a distraction from the fact that the room looked ...bigger? Could it do that?
Alastor drew all attention back to himself with a clap of his hands. "Ah! Right on time. I do so love a date that's punctual."
Lucifer resisted the urge to cross his arms, feeling the posture might be seen as defensive. Instead, he opted for placing a hand on his hip as he casually sniped back with, "Do people want to date you? Willingly?"
The redhead laughed, waving it off. "Now now, none of that, my dear. You'll ruin the mood."
The blonde glared back. Confusion more so than anything else held his tongue. He had been expecting the violence of their previous encounter. Not... whatever this was.
Alastor crossed the room, bending at the waist ever-so-slightly and holding out his hand. The familiarity of the pose did little to prepare the shorter of the two for the question of, "Do you dance, your Majesty?"
"Er," Lucifer said, intelligently. "What?"
Alastor merely raised an eyebrow at him, hand never wavering. "Do you dance?"
Lucifer blinked, frown deepening in confusion. Was Alastor messing with him? Slowly, cautiously, and curious despite himself, he raised his hand to place it in the redhead's. "Yes, but not recently." When had been the last time he'd danced? He didn't think he'd done so since it had been announced that he and Lilith were expecting a child. They had gone out to celebrate that very night. It had been a good night.
He cleared his throat, banishing the memory. "Um, I think the waltz," at least he thought that was what it was called. It had been a minute since he thought of it's name, "Was just becoming a thing at the time."
The redhead nodded. Grip firm, but gentle, he lead the smaller man out into the center of the room. Turning until they faced each other, Alastor guided Lucifer's free hand up to his shoulder, before resting his own hand in the proper position. Over on it's shelf, the radio changed channels, seemingly on it's own, until it landed on a more appropriate song.
Seamlessly, Alastor took them through the beginnings of what was unmistakably a waltz. Lucifer, having learned both rolls, was more surprised that he remembered the steps than he was to having been delegated to the following role.
Lucifer chuckled, a touch of nervousness making it through despite himself, as they made their way around the room. "Um, what are we doing?"
Alastor tsked, the response obvious. "Can't you tell, you Majesty? We're dancing."
Clearly. "Yes, but why?"
The redhead sent the blond into a impromptu spin, likely just to hear the latter yelp, before pulling him back in, just a touch closer than they had been before. "Because it's fun!"
Lucifer grumbled. Fun for Alastor, perhaps. Lucifer felt more like he was on a roller coaster with no clue where it was going. "You know how to do this sort of stuff?"
"Waltz made a bit of a come back during the 20s. I personally preferred dance that didn't require any physical contact, but it was good to know some for when I had a partner." The music changed, shifting to something a bit more upbeat. "Such as this little number."
Before Lucifer knew it, Alastor was guiding them through what was called the 'Fox trot.' "Not as fun as the Charleston, mind you, but still entertaining."
It didn't escape the King of Hell which role he was being taught. "And can you teach from the following role?"
"Ha ha!" Alastor's look was knowing. "Perhaps next time. Always have to leave them wanting more."
Well, two could play at that game.
The blonde exerted enough strength to steal control of the dance, pulling, spinning, and then forcing his taller dance partner into a dip. The radio screeching with static was the only sign of Alastor's alarm at his situation. The new angle brought their faces significantly closer together. Grin sly, Lucifer drawled, "You never know, you might giving up a little control sometimes."
Alastor's ears flattened against his head, smile all teeth. "Sounds dreadful, really. How do you stand it?"
The blond rolled his eyes, but let the little shit up anyway. The music started up again as the Alastor set himself to rights, drawing Lucifer's attention to the fact that the radio seemed far too in tune with their dance to be coincidence. "You can control radios?"
"I'm not called the 'Radio Demon' just because I prefer the medium." To demonstrate, the little device cycled through various channels, stopping briefly on a few here and there (a news channel, a cooking show, a top hits countdown), before settling on a jazz station. The dance they feel into was more freeform, than anything structured. "Why, they're practically an extension of myself!"
Oh, and there was a terrifying thought, the blond thought to himself. Even more reason never to put one if his room.
For the first time, it suddenly occurred to Lucifer that something was missing from Alastor's person. He'd only seen it during their first meeting, but now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen it at all. He wasn't sure, but it had seemed like it was permanently attached to the redhead's hand at the time. It hadn't seemed like an ordinary walking stick, what with the power it had been giving off.
Glancing around the room, he didn't see it anywhere. "By the way, where's that microphone of yours? I haven't seen it in a while."
Alastor went rigid. The music abruptly cut off, dousing the room in a frigid silence.
Lucifer looked up at him, intuiting he'd stepped on a hornet's nest, but not certain why. "Um, Alastor...? You okay there-- Whoa! What are you doing??"
Alastor had abruptly dropped both hands to Lucifer's waist. Using his new grip, he effortlessly lifted the small king. Somehow crossing the room in two steps (and furthering the theory he was messing with the room somehow), he just as abruptly dumped Lucifer onto his desk. Papers and a pen went flying to the floor with little care where they landed.
Lucifer caught himself before he fell over and potentially knocked his head against the wall. He had been sat down so that his seat wasn't precarious, but his legs were dangling off the side. Alastor was standing between them, crowding him. The grip on his waist slid down to his hips in bruising holding pattern. Gone was the easy, playful mood of the dance, now replaced with something near manic.
Cautiously, Lucifer pushed himself up. He didn't dare attempt to reciprocate any touch. "Alastor?"
This close, he could see the way the deer demon's composure was likely being held together by the threads he's stitched himself up with. Something was clearly wrong, but it was just as clear that Alastor did not want to talk about it.
Indeed, the Radio Demon, because that was indeed who was currently out to play, called forth the chain that represented their deal, pulling on it just enough to drag the King of Hell a touch closer to the edge of the desk by his neck. "I think it's time you uphold your end of our deal."
Getting the feeling all of this was to divert attention from whatever might have happened to the microphone (and a seemingly extreme one, in his opinion), Lucifer raised his hands, palms out, in a calming gesture. "Easy there, big boy. If you didn't want to talk about it, you could have just said so."
When the redhead failed to respond, the blond sighed. It took little effort to bring about the change, since he had done it a couple times before. The sitting position was much nicer on the tail, but the hat wasn't so great with the ears. This thought had just crossed his mind, when said hat was being lifted off his head. He had enough time to spy a shadow tentacle spiriting it off towards the chairs near the fireplace, when a nose buried itself in his hair.
His ears twitched at the tickling sensation of his hair moving around them. He made a face at the sound of a deep breathe being taken and wondered what it was with this guy and smelling him.
As if he could hear the question, Alastor said, "As I thought, your scent changes." He sounded a little too delighted for all the wrong reasons with this information.
Lucifer endured it, as it seemed that the redhead was calming down from whatever had set him off. He made a mental note to ask about the microphone at a later time. At present, he was more concerned about the mood of the person who was about to sink their teeth into him. He could almost feel the way that Alastor's whole body was slowly relaxing with each breathe he took. Could just barely feel the thumb of one of the hands still on his hips rubbing back and forth through the fabric of his pants.
Alastor continued the journey down from the top of the head to where the ears would sit on a human. Lucifer was aware that this was all about scenting - that Alastor's sense of smell likely was as enhanced at a real deer's - but he couldn't quite hold back a hitch in his breathe.
It was about the point when he felt nudging his neck that he remembered that bucks could leave scents behind to mark their territory just by rubbing their foreheads against things.
Lucifer's hand took hold of one of the little red ears that had started this whole mess in the first place, just shy of the point of pain.
He could feel Alastor's smile against his skin, just above the collar his coat. "You promised no retaliation," he admonished.
Lucifer growled. "I said you could have your fill of my blood. I never agreed to be your property."
The redhead shrugged, but didn't repeat the motion. Likely, the scent had already been left and the damage already done. The blonde resolved to make certain to remove all hints of this little encounter the first chance he got. He released the captive appendage, the poor thing flicking itself as Alastor assessed any damage.
Alastor finally pulled away, giving his temporary captive a once over in consideration. As if merely commenting on the weather, he suggested, "You should take off your coat and shirt."
Lucifer stared, uncomprehending for several seconds. When it sunk in, he sputtered, flushing. "What? Why would I do that?"
Alastor leaned forward, finally releasing the blonde's hips and moving them to the desk to brace himself on either side of the before mentioned hips. "I'm not picky, but clothing doesn't taste that good," he explained, still in that matter of fact voice. "This is also likely to get messy."
Lucifer's whole body was frozen. He didn't think in that moment he remembered how to breathe. The inherent intimacy of their position and the remembered violence of their previous encounter was wreaking havoc on his body's responses. It didn't know if it wanted to get away or to lay down and take what it was receiving.
How long had it been since anyone had touched him outside of a hug or chaste pat on the hand that his signals were getting muddled at a time like this? Even more pathetically, it wasn't even getting confused for sexual signals! Was he really so touch starved he was enjoying being manhandled by a known psychopath who enjoyed playing with his meals?
Something hot and ugly rose in his chest. Survival instincts told him it wasn't safe to look at at the feeling in front of such a predator. It was a doomed endeavor, however. They were too close and Alastor was too good at reading people. Lucifer knew from the moment Alastor's smile widened, every single fang on display as he nearly salivated at the sight. That he could smell the blood in the water.
Lucifer forced himself to ignore it. Force it down and smoother it. Dealing with this revelation wasn't for here and now, in this sort of moment, where any weakness was a weapon Alastor could and would use against him. His fingers shook with minute tremors as he brought them up to pull off his coat.
Alastor backing off enough to let Lucifer remove his upper cloths felt like coming up for air. Being physically exposed had never bothered him. He had long since made peace with the way angelic, alabaster skin gave way to blackened, demonic skin along his arms. His beauty was unquestioned, even tens of thousands of years after his fall from his father's favor. A heavenly creature might have been repulsed by the unavoidable evidence of the taint of Hell, but no sinner, hellborn, or demon had ever blinked twice.
Alastor took it all in as more and more skin was revealed. Each piece of clothing sent off to join his hat. There was no heat to his gaze, something Lucifer found himself unreasonably thankful for. He wasn't certain he could have handled that on top of everything else.
He thought he might have caught a glimpse of appreciation, but he had little time to dwell on it as one of Alastor's hands took hold of his wrist, bringing it up to inspect his arm the way a butcher inspects a prospective slab of meat. Grip tightening and head tilting to the side, the Radio Demon clamped his teeth down and bit.
Lucifer hissed through his teeth, digging the claws of this free hand into edge of the desk. Those teeth drove in mercilessly, until they encountered what passed for bones in seraphim. Only then did they stop, pulling back and out. He shuddered when he felt the what could only be a sucking sensation. His arm would not be as ideal for drawing as much blood as Alastor would need to sate himself. It would be likely he would need to bite down multiple times to accomplish his goal.
But Alastor did not bite down again. After several minutes, he pulled back, black and gold fluids dribbling down his chin.
Arm throbbing even as it knitted itself back together, Lucifer exhaled. He forced himself to focus, studying his attacker's expression.
The redhead's gaze never left his arm, expression calculating. He seemed to be waiting for something and Lucifer blamed the pain for addling his brain that it took as long as it did for him to figure out why.
"Are you trying to see how fast I heal?!"
Alastor watched the skin knit back together until there wasn't a single trace of damage. Instead of looking frustrated, he seemed to only be delighted. Alastor turned his head until they were eye to eye. An unholy and fathomless hunger stared back at Lucifer, and it was all he could do not to look away, even if his captive wrist didn't allow him any retreat. Alastor's free hand came up to run a single finger down from Lucifer's collar bone to navel, pressing just short of hard enough to draw blood.
"I want to slice you open and gorge myself on your organs." Alastor's horns extended and he gained another foot in height, loosing his grip on his demonic self a little. "I want to see how many times I can devour them, watch each and everyone one of them grow back, and then do it all over again." His hand slid back up, reaching around and grabbing a fistful of the short hairs at the base of Lucifer's skull. "You're the perfect meal."
Lucifer went limp just as Alastor yanked his head to the side, pulled on his captive wrist, and then sank his teeth into his neck. Sweat broke out across his skin in response to the pain as he was reduced in that moment to little more than a royal juice box.
There was no telling how long they'd be there. He had no gauge for how hungry Alastor was. Could only ride it out until the other was finished.
After a while, Lucifer hit a tipping point. He could feel himself going a touch floaty, detaching from the pain in the only way available to him. Without giving it much thought, his free hand rose up to run a hand through the hair mere inches from his face in something akin to a petting motion. His jaw finally relaxed and he was a little surprised he hadn't bitten his tongue off.
He barely noticed when Alastor finally withdrew his teeth, allowing the skin to begin to repair itself. Barely noticed when the tight grip on his wrist began to loosen. It took effort to focus, but the still odd feel of a tongue chasing the last drips of blood helped.
When he became aware of his body again, he noted that his spine wasn't thrilled with the position he had been forced into. Noted that the room had started to go cold (or as cold as Hell ever got) as the fire had gone out at some point. Noted the softness of the hair under his fingers.
He blinked as Alastor pulled away, shuddering as he fully came back to himself. His hand dropped away to rest back on the desk. His shoulder throbbed, but it had already stopped bleeding. As he glanced down at his chest, he noted that indeed the amount of blood that had been spilled would have made quite the mess.
Alastor hummed to himself contently, releasing his grip on both Lucifer's hair and wrist. From a pocket in his coat, he pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed the mess lingering on his chin as he stepped back away from the desk and the individual sitting on it. Despite the mess he'd made of the Devil, he himself had gotten away without a spot on his clothes.
Lucifer mustered up enough energy to glare at him. "Satisfied?"
Alastor's grin, partially hidden by the handkerchief, was lazy and bemused, some of that manic energy that always seemed to follow him calm for once. It was similar to the look he'd had that first night. "Oh, no, sire. I'm never satisfied, but I am full. Thank you ever so much for the meal."
Around Lucifer's neck, the green chain that was their deal came into being just long enough to shatter, signifying that their deal had been over. Alastor watched it go with something akin to remorse.
Lucifer himself didn't realize how much control over his own body he'd lost, how compliant it had made him, until the deal was complete. He breathed in deep, feeling the last of the fog fall away like the clouds parting. Slowly sliding off the desk, he waved a hand, using a bit of magic to clean up the blood. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw those shadow tentacles holding out his clothes. Wanting nothing more than to hide away from that butcher gaze, even just superficially, he reclaimed his clothes and dressed as quickly as he could without looking like he was in a hurry.
Once he felt as put back together as he was going to get, he turned his attentions back to the other occupant of the room. "Our deal is complete. I don't think I need to mention how beneficial it would be to you not to mention this to anyone?"
Alastor's whole posture was smug. "Oh, I'm happy to keep this little rendezvous to myself."
Lucifer refused to deign that with a response. Without so much as a goodbye, he spirited himself away with a wave of red smoke, just barely hearing, "How rude!" before the room disappeared.
Reappearing in his own room, Lucifer simply stood there for a long, long moment, blankly staring at nothing. Slowly, he sank to the floor, allowing his legs to finally give out under him. Everything that had happened over the last several hours crashed over him in a wave and he shuddered as it threatened to pull him back under.
In the mess of it all, he finally allowed himself to acknowledge the terrible little thing Alastor had dragged into the light, even as he loathed himself for it.
Despite being surrounded by others. Despite his reunion with his daughter and the joy of creating new bonds with her. Despite the friendships he was slowly creating with the members of the hotel.
Despite all of it all, he was still lonely.
Part 7
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saccharisu-draws · 7 months
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Cringetober Day 8 - Tumblr Sexyman I didn't feel like drawing a typical sexyman so idk have a doodle of Olimar throwing it back to celebrate 22 years of Pikmin! 🚀🌱🎉
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squid2corn · 1 month
"After reading Deceitful Bickering part III"
. . .
THANK YOU! Thank you, that's FANTASTIC! Can't wait to see more!☆
"Cough, ahem"... Thank you, again!☆
JDKDJKDJDK THANK YOU SO MUCH, i'm glad you've enjoyed it so far!
I appreciate a lot your message :) it motivates me to keep working on the story!
It may not be the best, but i put a lot of effort on it to make enjoyable the read! 💫
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animebackgroundmusic · 7 months
"Uranus, Soshite, Neptune" (Uranus, and Neptune) by: Takanori Arisawa from: Sailor Moon S
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hopeinthebox · 9 months
bro i just have to tell you that every time i read the tags of a post that makes me laugh out loud i check to see if it’s from you and it ALWAYS is. you have a gift and i salute you 🫡
i don't know what to SAY bestie i'm printing it out i'm adding it to my cv i'm hospitalised for smiling giggling and kicking my feet <33
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dmumt · 3 months
train was suddenly terminated as we pulled into a station so we all had to get off and find another train towards london except all those trains are also cancelled and delayed so why don’t we all just kill ourselves
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gucciguccigarbage · 7 months
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Hi! I’m playing Entropic Float, and wanted to share this fanart of the whole group! tbh my main motivation was to have Rashmi and Amelie to dance again because I was a bit sad after some of the more depressing routes... I was so happy after getting to Rashmi’s Noon route! I want to see them be happy!
This is one of my all-time favorite games, to be honest: I love all the characters so much (But Ame, True, and Abel are my favorites! Also Malcom too!)
(idk why I made Ame stare directly at the viewer but other than that I’m very proud of it!)
Sorry this was a bit rambly but thanks so much for this amazing work! I hope you like the little doodle I made and that you have a great day!
Oh gosh this is amazing??? It's so lovely!! All of them are great, but I especially love how you drew your favorites! Abel is so adorable... Then of course there's Stephanie and Touko. Do not separate them!!!! Thank you so much for your kind words and this spectacular fanart!
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st-just · 6 months
Novik's series is Temeraire! Actually I think you'd roll your eyes at a lot of the dragons fix colonialism stuff but you might appreciate the depiction of the progress of the rights for dragons, imo it's very satisfyingly grubby and very imperfect but still makes the case for why it's better than enlightened despotism
Tremaine is the main character of The Fall of Ile-Rien (sorry, I should have said). She's amazing. She's sometimes manipulative, frequently inclined to direct force, often overly blunt, her dad was a crime lord but most of the polite society she's involved with doesn't know that he was, her backstory involves having been confined to an asylum for a bit as an attack on her dad leaving her with a reputation for being maybe a bit crazy. (1/2) She's amazing and I've never seen another female character like her; given your tastes I bet you'd appreciate her. The first sentence of the first book: "It was nine o'clock at night and Tremaine was trying to find a way to kill herself that would bring in a verdict of natural causes in court when someone banged on the door." (the books are not really anything like the Murderbot series. Or for that matter the Raksura except in being not in a bog-standard fantasy setting, though the Raksura books are definitely more out there. Imo it's less technically proficient than the Murderbot series but I still prefer it due to the characters/setting/plot)
re: (sorry for taking a week to respond! If I had a good excuse I'd give it. )
Anyway yes this is why I shouldn't answer asks from my phone while like 30% conscious and laying in bed.
But that does sound very interesting, ty for persevering with giving a recommendation. Will toss the first one on the tbr list
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pt-disconnected · 1 year
Apologies for the immense delay in parts. I've been struggling in college and it's made it a bit hard and stressful to get that done. (I'm still needing to get stuff done even now, so this will likely be short.) Especially didn't help that one of the questions I had to do in my statistics class literally talked specifically about the probability of a person to use a certain method of suicide. Seriously, who signed off on letting that get published in a book that's gonna be read by people likely going through one of the toughest parts of their lives? Not helpful. Overall I've just been really in a rough spot lately, I don't plan on harming myself for those who may be concerned, but I'm definitely stressed out. I figured I should at least let you all know what's going on since I haven't been able to get another part out lately. Hopefully I can get things back under control so I can write more for you all. I really appreciate you all and how patient you've been, and I really feel bad for leaving you all hanging for so long. I hope you all are doing well, and I'll do my best to get things dealt with so I can get some more writing done for this. Thanks again for the patience you've shown so far and I hope you stay safe.
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How does the “do you come here often?” Pick-up line even work? Like, what’s the script? If they come there often, if they swear never to return, what is ine supposed to say?
hahaha it's a dumb one, and one I've never actually seen in the wild until I was sitting at an airport bar at 6am.
It's essentially supposed to be an awkward ice-breaker.
You're at a bar, someone comes up and says, 'so, you come here often?' It's cheesy, you're supposed to awkward laugh and then reply. It's a way in to a real conversation. The implication, of course, is that this bar you're at is your regular local.
Obviously, why it's funny at the airport is that the "this bar is your local" premise doesn't really apply. (Don't overthink it, obvioulsy people fly regularly for work etc. but like, the airport bar is never going to be your after-work regular.)
I know people who have used it in humourous contexts of like, you're in a place where you'd never go often and it's meant to be obvious. E.g., I was caving once and waiting for some teammates to catch up and ran into another group coming the opposite direction. We all stopped for a second in this smallish Cavern area and one of the guys was like, "so, you come here often?" But he was clearly playing it for a laugh and not serious.
Anyway - I hope that helps?
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ad-hawkeye · 10 months
shaking you. you Get me and you are objectively right on artem opinions. jokes aside i would die for you to write him instead of whatever mihoyo has going on how do they keep fucking up so bad
also 🤝 aspec tot enjoyers. Why do they Keep Doing This
shakes YOU!!! YOU'RE TOO SWEET!!!!!!! i'm honestly just honored and happy people like my takes!!! thank you so much for the kind words ;_;;; <3
i'm SO happy to chat with another apect tot enjoyer omfg!! i'm not sure what i really expected from tot, but artem's earlier cards (keeping a respectful distance, always making sure mc is comfortable, staying out of her room, finding a way to avoid sleeping in the same hotel room, artem never having felt this way towards ANYONE before, digging love letters he got in the garden) always just resonated with me so much as someone who is aspec. i just wish we got a more natural, in character progression know?!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Tumblr media
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burned-lariat · 2 years
I'm glad they are actually making sets and shit for Liz's journey but we know she won't get as long of a trip as Carly did. 😒
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
fine...you didnt have to be rude about it. All you had to say was no...
Alright listen. Now I'm pissed off and I'll tell you why, Anon.
Not that you are absolutely expected to know this, but I've been very candid about my own mental health on this blog, and I do have OCD and a past trauma history.
One of my symptoms of OCD is intrusive intense and very violent images, so I try to avoid triggering content for that reason. Even just reading tags sometimes with trigger that symptom, and I have no way to make it go away other than trying to do grounding work. This symptom is the worst by far in my OCD, and it is really, really irritating to me that, by abbreviating that tag and forcing me to do my own research rather than just explaining what it is or writing it out so I could do an easy Google search, I was met with a BUNCH of very uncomfortable tags that have now triggered that symptom, thereby making my brain swim with a whole bunch of fucked up shit. Plus, again, its very clear in my blog rules that I WONT write stuff like that, so asking in this way again feels very loaded.
I'm not saying that this was your intention, but Jesus fucking christ if you could take a minute to think "maybe this person doesn't know what this is" before abbreviating something like that. Thank God I called into work today with a migraine, because if I was doing therapy with people in this state, I'm not sure how great of a therapist I'd be.
So yeah, I'm going to be a little rude to you.
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achillean-knight · 5 months
hey man! just got into your work and i’m totally loving everything about it :] your art style is fantastic, your framing for these pieces is excellent, and i’m absolutely in love with your creative vision! have a fantastic day/night, and keep slaying king!!!!
GAH! YO! Thank you so much :'D It's nice hearing other enjoy my art- especially since I've been in a massive love/hate relationship with my style this year, but knowing folks actually like to see it- hell, enjoy it, means the fuckin' world to me, so thank you so SO much for your kind words mate ;;w;;!!
And likewise! Have a lovely rest of your day or night!!
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