#sorry for the fic spam yall
frownyalfred · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bruce Wayne & His Kids Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: Mind Meld, Hive Mind, Mental Link, Psychic Bond, Cryptid Batfamily (DCU), Dark Batfamily (DCU), no beta we die like jason todd Summary:
A mysterious force connects the Batfamily's minds together.
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bakubunny · 6 months
gentle reminder that you are always welcome to spam like or rb any of my posts at any time. it brings me joy. idgaf about engagement or if it’s considered ‘rude’ by others. you are allowed to enjoy what i post. that’s why it’s there.
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dolotonglo · 2 months
while i think we all knew that this day was coming, i still chose, for seven years, not to give up hope. i put my faith in mappa and the yuri on ice team and while i'm not surprised by the cancellation, i'm still so dissapointed.
listen, i understand. there were a lot of factors that made production and release hard. it wasn't meant to be. i get it. but it still hurts. i still think we deserved clearer communication on this.
yuri on ice was a major part of my life for so long. that show opened my eyes to healthy queer relationships and made me realize that i was queer myself. watching the episodes as they came out and debriefing them with my friends was the highlight of my week. i have consumed fanworks from incredibly, astoundingly talented artists. i have created fanworks. i have talked to and connected with so many amazing people, all because of this show.
yuri on ice got me through the darkest points of my life. when shit hit the fan, i'd curl up in bed, wrapped in my blanket from hot topic, and loop the soundtrack to ground myself. yuri on ice has been there for every major turning point in my life, and comforted me through it.
although more recently i haven't been as involved in the fandom, it's still so, so dear to me. i'm sitting here, writing this, surrounded by yoi merch i've collected over the years. keychains, plushues, stickers. i'm blowing my nose with tissues from my makkachin tissue holder.
...it's just so surreal that the movie has finally been put to rest. but i'm happy to have known and loved this fandom, and i will carry these memories with me, always.
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This is fulfilling my angst demon but it has a happy ending.
“There's a guy, and then a woman, and then another guy. They all spark something in him but nothing catches fire. Nothing seems to fill this chasm of uneasiness that looks and smells like a memory.”
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moondirti · 1 year
thinkin about fucking gruff old shepherd!joel morning day and night in his big secluded ranch tbh
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junkissed · 2 months
genuinely so sorry for the like-spam I didnt even realise I was doing it. I'll do my best to not do so from now on 😭 though I have to say I love your writing style and your work is some of the best I've come across 💕 hope you have a great rest of your day
no it's ok don't worry!! it only really makes me mad if you're a blank blog (no pfp, no age indicator, no posts, like absolutely nothing) and then don't follow me afterwards bc why read all of that and then not follow :/ it makes me feel like a machine interacting with other machines, which with all the bots and ai rn it's not very fun. but as long as i can tell that you're (probably) a real person interacting with my fics and just on a reading binge, that's fine by me! i do it myself too. i yell about this all the time but a great solution instead of liking posts is to reblog!! even if you make a separate sideblog with 0 followers and nobody ever sees them, it means way more to authors than spamming likes. just one reblog with tags is worth more than like, 20 empty likes. plus, even if you don't care about making the authors happy or not, reblogging makes it super easy to search for fics that you liked since tumblr doesn't have a way to search thru your liked posts! it benefits everybody involved, and the chances of authors getting mad or blocking you if you reblog rather than like spam are pretty much zero :)
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star-mum · 4 months
i have 3 different articles (15-20 pages) to read this week, one dissertation (200+ pages) to read/summarize for an extracurricular, look at REAL STATE in my town for a fake business we're making in an "entrepreneurship" class (to me feels kinda useless but OKAY) AND talk to my thesis advisor about... well my thesis : D
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biscaani · 6 months
Helppp saw your tags & I also can't believe I finally got into One Piece. Truly never thought I would be consumed by the silly pirate brainworms but alas... the live action pushed me off a cliff & now I'm in DEEP (well, a couple hundred chapters deep)
Anyway what arc are you & who are your favorite guys so far lololol
please send help. It's been two days and I've written 20k and spammed eighteen timelines worth of zosan art.
I'm skimming the manga and violently reading the wiki to deep clean the lore first because I'm a godless heathen and I did the same thing with Naruto. Friends and I are actually gonna sit down and start Lougetown next week but holy shit the lore has me in a choke hold. Favorite arc is probably thriller bark atm just for the fuckshit potential, though I'm predictable so you probably knew I was going to say WCI because I'm a whore for pathetic, highly puntable men. Funny story but I only even got into it because my mom put OPLA on while I was home for thanksgiving after three months of me violently avoiding it because I knew this would happen
Zoro is stupid as all hell and I love him. send help. my google docs are on fire. send help. taz skylar hot send FOXSKIP SEND HELP
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Outsiders shit. Some modern some not idfk
These are all like. The most crack-filled hcs ever, please excuse my brain 🙏🏽🙏🏽 if these don’t make sense to you, tell me
- dally is so headstrong that the moment someone bets he can’t do something, he does it
- the gang takes advantage of this
- (this is a method I use on my younger siblings 😭😭)
- dally can walk in heels
- also two bit. Like scarily well. His sister is amazed.
- pony calls people whore
- Johnny calls people thot
- they say these to each other on a regular basis.
- also hoe
- uhhh where was I
- something something gay something something 70s 80s smth pony and Johnny because Johnny never died frfr no cap
- Johnny: “I can’t believe yall vape smh”
- also Johnny: *pulls out a cigarette for each hand*
- pony does the same thing
- twobit and Marcia are either gay-lesbian solidarity or they’re dating, no in between
- if they’re gay, they’re a beard couple just like “we pretend to date, they can’t catch on” “I like the way you think, woman”
- ily twobit matthews. That’s all.
- twobit and Marcia are actually both Hispanic, its canon trust I was there
- dally types “women ☕️” in instagram comment sections
- also “it’s bc I’m a man isn’t it”
- (ty V on discord for that second one 🙏🏽🙏🏽)
- cherry and dally argue on twitter
- a lot
- dally spams cherry and then she absolutely COOKS this pathetic rat man
- dally blocks cherry, doesn’t talk to her for a while, then eventually forgets and unblocks her to harass the poor girl again
- cherry doesn’t realize blocking is a thing, but she complains to marcia and marcia shows her how to block Dallas
- dally, two bit, and Steve are all hopelessly addicted to twitter
- like it’s really fucking bad
- someone get these mfs off the internet
- dally therapy
- now
- right fucking now
- cherry valance and ponyboy bisexual man/bisexual woman solidarity
- they are besties
- nothing more nothing less
- change my mind
- (you cant)
- marcia “good luck babe” by Chappell roan
- pony autism
- Johnny audhd
- Darry autism
- soda audhd or just adhd
- I saw someone say dally ocd once and I like it so
- dally ocd
- twobit adhd
- Steve adhd
- everyone trauma :D
- when johnny actually lived after the fire bc thats what actually happened actually fr, he left his parents because he realized they didn’t love him (pulling from the “I don’t wanna see her” scene for this)
- he stays with the curtis boys most of if not all the time
- if soda and Darry are gone, pony will grab Johnny and they’ll sleep together
- not in a weird way you freaks
- pony just genuinely cannot sleep
- I may or may not be influenced by fics I’ve read…
- soda saw them one night when he got home late and was like “…queers?”
- he stays out a bit later than usual now, often found sleeping in another room
- Darry actually supports more than pony thought, when he comes out, Darry is like a pride parade mom frfr
- kinda lowkey overbearing with it
- ily Darrel curtis
- soda is the typa guy to genuinely not understand lgbtq+ but supports anyways
- sodas the typa guy to be asked what his pronouns are and say “just he/him. Wish I had smth more interesting, but I’m just a guy :D”
- on the other end of that, soda and Steve are gay
- everyone is gay
- all of them
- so very fucking gay
Im done yapping for now, im so sorry for anyone that sees this
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kittenninja14 · 27 days
So like I was reading your fanfics on ff.net and this dude, cloudstorm10, seems to be really pissed off with you in the reviews for two of your Ninjago fanfics, lol.
I don't really have anything else to say beyond this but I just find it funny because he had sent me a pm asking for a request and when I politely declined it he blocked me lol.
So yeah just a warning against the toxic guy if you don't want spam reviews. Sorry if I bothered you if you already knew!
yeah loll i know XD
that dude asked for a request and i politely declined and bro just did a big hissy fit XD
dude was not happy lol
he started posting spam comments on my fics even fics that weren't even related to ninjago XD i blocked him tho lolll
honestly i find it funny how non-writers seem to think that writing is easy. its not lol. its quite a challenge at time XD
to everyone out there i recomend being very wary of people who request on ff.net especially lol.
also i find it funny how in the dude's bio it says he's 27(?) and i find it funny how he doesn't even act like he has a conscience bc dude was just harassing a freaking minor (me btw) loll
but yeah i know lol. i blocked him lol. don't want that dude showing up again lol.
Also to all of you ff.net writers, I recommend blocking @cloudstorm10 on fanfiction.net that dude is seriously not nice lol.
anyways yeah thanks anon for stopping bye lol!!
have a great day bud!! <33
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doordaash · 7 months
oh ALSO (sorry for spam at 2:30am)
I’m working on a new fic FINALLY! :3 thanks to the homies over on the bird app, we had a poll to narrow down which trope my new fic would be about….and three tied
so it’s gonna have a SHIT TON (fake marriage, one bed, huddling for warmth… etc etc)
i’m excited :) and have had a blast writing it :3 i’ll keep yall updated hehe 💖 OR follow me over on bird app for more frequent updates & ramblings 🫣
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tennessoui · 1 year
Hello, I'm new to Obikin.. can you recommend me blogs from this ship? and do you have any list of obikin recs fics? <3
hmm here are some blogs off the top of my head and some fics i adore (sorry to literally everyone i tagged for the spam notification lmao):
@complementaryhalves @kana7o @ragnarlothcat @lilredghost @bi-wan @dcrescendo7 @gffa @jswander @skynobi @obiwan @obiwaned @obiwanobi (yall three can never change yalls icons or else i'd get so fucking confused btw) @jedibongrip @binaryeclipse @secretsolarsystem @kyberkenobi @mandhos @anakincito @anakinsthot @weillschmidtdoodles @himboskywalkeralker @lovey-dovey-and-sad @sweet-cynic @intermundia @obibabywan @sopherfly @rexismycopilot @kefalion @thetorontokid @artemisthehuntress @tomicaleto
fics (sfw - nsfw, sorta click at your own risk):
if i only knew ~ patience ~ the fulcrum series ~ learn your place, young one ~ how to stay ~ open circle ~ when the abyss stares back at you ~ earthshine ~ literally all of travellingcircus's work their writing style is beautiful ~ adrift and entangled ~ wicked thing ~ acts of contrition ~
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samsspambox · 3 months
update: i'm not dead
hello hello! idk if yall still remember this humble blog but tis I! the one and only sam in a spam can, samsspambox!
i realize i may have neglected this blog but i have come back from the trenches (going back to them tho) and have been quiet and i'm sorry but i'll probably be shifting back to posting again?? idk depends on how everything goes
tl;dr: i got hit by the ao3 author curse and had to take a step back
if you want the full woes keep reading, but otherwise,,, hello again! jkbzskjbzc
so much started going on around september 2023 and just now they started to calm down (or, i started to learn how to deal with it i guess)
here's a whole comprehensive list:
Sep 2023 - Complex where I lived for 16+ years got sold, had to start house hunting
Oct 2023 - idk if yall remember but i ended up dating that one guy i talked abt here (this came with consequences)
Nov 2023 - Family death, Mom got Sick
Dec 2023 - Mom had surgery, Another Family Death
Jan 2024 - internationally traveled to place where my parents are from (alone) to go to the funeral and pay respects to prior death, broke up with that one guy (which is a whole ordeal)
Feb 2024 - Moved out of childhood home
Mar 2024 - Interviews for jobs
It was just one thing after another after another and, well, i don't think that was an environment conducive to writing, even if i came up with cool concepts or rambles or stuff like that. i had no energy. and ik i had so many plans but life really said 'no, you stop right there' and essentially paused my fic writings which sucks but oh well. now ive got some stuff figured out and an extra day off so i might be able to pick up where i left off.
and ngl i miss all the tumblr homies *cries*
but yeah. slowly but steadily ill try to post again but no promises!
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spamgyu · 4 months
i know i said im back to writing and i know im on here so much but work fr beating my ass and i haven't had the chance to write.
will def update fics soon but it will be super slow i'm so sorry!!
i haven't had the chance to fully sit and write and spamming yall with my intrusive thoughts is quicker than working through what i have planned for each fic.
rlly rlly sorry it's taking a while
ily all thank you so much for bearing with me
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winterchimez · 10 months
describe your moots as tbz members <33
hiya anon 👋🏻 im so sorry it took me the longest time to reply to your ask cs me needed to do some ✨thinking✨ on this shdjd but here it goes!
@stealanity as sangyeon
our mother our unnie!!! matty just takes care of all of us so well (i mean the entire deoboyznet might just be her kids by now) and she’s super sweet always making sure we’re doing great & safe & healthy 🥹
@flwoie & @hanniluvi as jacob
no cs these two have literally been nothing but the sweetest ever to me ever since we became moots 🥹 you both have been with me from the very beginning of my writing journey and i def wouldn’t be where im at now without you guys 😭 im always so so grateful to you both truly 🤧💕
@wuahae as younghoon
idk abt yall but cat just screams hoonie vibes to me. despite being really sweet she’s also so so cute and pretty irl!!! and we all know hoonie is the sweetest and one of the darn good looking guys ever 😩
@daisyvisions as hyunjae
ahhh my fav sangyeon stan!!! daisy is just so outgoing and friendly like hyunjae is, and ofc ✨ahem✨ as wild as hyunjae can be 🤪 she’s always sending me some sangyeon ✨GOOD FOOD✨ (with some hyunjae at the side cs we both sangmil girlies 😩) thanks for always feeding my delusions ig 🤧🫶🏻
@juyeonszn as juyeon
fawn is literally just the sweetest and nicest ever!!! and her writing?? OMG. PURE TALENT JUST LIKE JUYO HIMSELF 😤 yall should def check out her works if you haven’t PERIODT ✨ and i look forward to having more convos with you 😉💕
@sungbeam as kevin/changmin
ah there’s my fiery elmo twin!!! 🔥 i mean there’s literally NOTHING this girl can’t do, from making such high quality banners to dropping i dare say THE BEST fics you’ll ever find here we love a talented queen ✨ and also she’s always spitting some random facts and memes and that’s exactly like kevin on weverse/bubble lmao
putting in a sprinkle of changmin just cs. changmin spits fire and she does that to me all the time 😔
@heemingyu as chanhee
sana is just as savage as chanhee is LMAO ive became a joke for her to the point she practically LIVES for my reaction whenever she sends me ✨ahem✨ daddy sangyeon content 😔 (but she can be as sweet and caring as chanhee does so some bonus points ig :p)
@invuwrld as changmin
mona has unfortunately became besties with sana in terms of sending me daddy sangyeon content bcs lemme tell you they’re literally partners-in-crime when it comes to b*llying moi 😔 (i mean the large amount of sangyeon in her album is for me so 😔😔) hence they’re literally just kyunew. i said what i said 😤 (but at the end of the day i go back to loving and protecting mona cs im a very responsible unnie 🤧)
@cupidjyu & @zzoguri as haknyeon
hakkie is the sweetest little bean & literally my comfort person ever & that’s exactly yumi & moni!! yumi is just the sweetest and cutest lil 妹妹 and there’s nothing i wanna do then to give her cuddles and protect her at all cost 💖 and ofc moni. bless your kindest soul ever cs you’re always just so so nice to me :(((( and ofc i bawled my eyes out reading moni’s changmin fic cs i was going through things at that time and i literally spammed moni’s dms telling how much it has helped me loads 🥹 so yes im eternally grateful for that & thank you for listening to my story too 🤧 (which btw yall should check out the fic if you haven’t!!!)
@justalildumpling as sunwoo
my emotional support buddy j!!! 💪 yknow how sunwoo’s the type where you’d just feel so comfortable starting a convo with even tho you’ve just met? j is literally that and im so so glad we hit off so well!! tbh ive seen you on my dash a lot & im more than thrilled when we became moots 😭 and cs we’re both delusional so we can become besties and get our phd from the delulu boy himself 😔 (i’ll forever remember our lipstick convo lmao 💄)
@i520cm as eric
ah the maknae of all maknaes. lmao ipah is just as outgoing as eric is, and she literally pops into the gc and drops some random ass topic which makes everyone laugh their asses off most of the time 🤣 and umm… ipah does overshare sometimes but its good we love that energy and poor kiddo is always being bullied LMAO its ok your kakak’s got your back always 😭😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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okaykawaa · 2 years
𝙄’𝙈 𝘽𝙇𝙊𝘾𝙆𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙔𝙊𝙐 - tbp texting fic !
Saturday 3:18 PM
mintisthebest : crying screaming shaking hyperventilating.
iheartspace : now..what in the hell is wrong with you ? 😟
mintisthebest : I asked Vance to hang out and he said yes
readallaboutit : AYEEEE
acrobat : that’s great 😁 !
iheartspace : ….
acrobat : what?
iheartspace : what’s wrong with griffin 💀?
acrobat : wdym there’s nothing wrong.
➜ that’s great 😁!
iheartspace : I’m taking abt this 😟
acrobat : okay..what about it?
iheartspace : you’re usually grumpy
acrobat : .
readallaboutit : think about what you say griffy wiffy 🥺
acrobat : I should have blocked you when I had the chance.
Iheartspace : ??
readallaboutit : I made a deal with griffin he can’t make any remarks or be mean at all today or else he has to be dressed like a clown 🤷
iheartspace : LMAO 💀 he won’t last a day
acrobat : angry angry mean words !!!!
mintisthebest : what.
iheartspace :
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mintisthebest : STFU.
iheartspace : .
acrobat : finney ☺️…. get him before I get to him first.
readallaboutit :🤏🏻 this close to losing griffy 🥺
acrobat : .
readallaboutit : 😟 well he snapped ig…
mintisthebest : anyways I’m meeting Vance at the park rn wish me luck 🫶🏼
acrobat : wishing you the worse Brucey 🥺/j
mintisthebest : praying downfall on u griffy 🤭
acrobat :
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iheartspace : 💀
mintisthebest : I had to refresh my memory of how pretty Vance is 🤭
iheartspace : I mean yeah he is but like one swing and your over 🤷..
iheartspace : Vance slander 😍
mintisthebest : one more comment and I’m swinging on you finney 🫶🏼🤗
readallaboutit : nah sorry u on ur own 💀..
Bruce tied his converse and let out a breath he walked out his room passing by his mother waving and telling her bye as he walked out the yamada residence home he stuffs his phone in his back left pocket making his way to the park he looked at his watch for the time 4:27 PM it read he sat down on the faded orangish red bench that was completely worn out from the previous years.
Glancing at his watch and his eyes scanning around the park waiting for the blond to show up Bruce hoped that Vance didn’t stand him up I mean it’s not a date but it’s still wrong as he was about to get up to leave after about 20 minutes Bruce was impatient sometimes
and he lets that get the best of him he sees the curly haired blond approaching him he let out a relived sigh slightly cracking a smile shocked to see something different about Vance he cut his hair ?! mouth wide open Bruce sat there looking at Vance in shock I didn’t look bad but he actually thought that Vance looked even better with his hair cut “What?” Bruce stood up looking at his hair “you cut your hair” Vance stared at Bruce for a minute making Bruce shift uncomfortably “Yeah I uh I got tired of it in my face so I cut it—“ “It looks good.” Vance looked at Bruce in his eyes “really? I thought I wouldn’t look right” “Yeah Really Looks good on you” Bruce Swore he could see a deep shade of blush appear on The blondes face but didn’t say anything “So Where do you wanna go?” “I have a few places in mind” Bruce said as he motioned his hand for Vance to follow him.
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liked by @redrobin and 1,457 others
pinheadvance did two things today chop my hair and hang out with @mintisthebest
Iheartspace : why does Bruce look done with everything 💀
pinheadvance : he was tired so now he’s sleep 🤷
redrobin : Ngl your hair cut is kinda good😟
readallaboutit : i just know when Bruce wakes up he’s gonna spam the gc 😭
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5:01 PM
iheartspace : @mintisthebest @mintisthebest @mintisthebest @mintisthebest @mintisthebest
iheartspace : WAKE UP BRUCEY WUCEY 😍
mintisthebest is online !
mintisthebest : he just fell back asleep
acrobat : ..that ain’t Bruce
readallaboutit : VANCE????
mintisthebest : what
iheartspace : DONT SCROLL UP
acrobat : you dumbass now that you said it he might scroll up 😟
mintisthebest : I’m not that’s invading his privacy.
iheartspace : …🤨
iheartspace : nah why isn’t he aggressive what the fuck.
readallaboutit : this is actually scary 🙁
mintisthebest : because I don’t always have to be aggressive plus I want to make a good impression on Bruce (tell him I said that and I’m fighting you)
iheartspace : aw how cute 🥰
acrobat : 🤢 ew never use that emoji ever again.
iheartspace : didn’t you use that emoji earlier???
acrobat : it’s different when I use it
mintisthebest : Bruce is honestly very sweet and funny I don’t wanna scare him away or anything.
acrobat : so what your saying is that you have a soft spot for him ?
mintisthebest : technically..
iheartspace : that’s cute but if you do anything to hurt Bruce I’m going to you house and cut your hair in your sleep.
acrobat : ..
mintisthebest : I’m not
readallaboutit : why can’t we be like that griffy ☹️
acrobat : because 🥱
Iheartspace : he didn’t even say no and he let you call him griffy 💀
acrobat :
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iheartspace : 😟 WHAT.
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