#sorry he's hot
trannydean-moved · 11 months
me: [about soldier boy] i know he would look at me and call me slurs but i don't think i'd mind
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hansoeii · 9 months
when 2022 me thought it would be fun to draw stede with a beard and a silly little curled up mustache and start calling him steard for the fun of it
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annarexcouture · 6 months
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florencewellch · 10 months
Saw a pic of Matthias from SAB and forgot what I was gonna say
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inkskinned · 10 months
he says i hate everyone except you and that is addictive and that is kind of romantic and beautiful because you're young and you're kind of a sarcastic asshole too and you don't like bad boys, per say, but you don't really like good ones either. and you like that you were the exception, it felt like winning.
except life is not a romance book, and he was kind of being honest. he doesn't learn to be nice to your friends. he only tolerates your family. you have to beg him to come with you to birthday parties, he complains the whole time. you want to go on a date but - people are often there, wherever you're going. he's just so angry. about everything, is the thing. in the romance book, doesn't he eventually soften? can't you teach him, through your own sense of whimsy and comfort?
at first - you know introverts often need smaller friend groups, and honestly, you're fine staying at home too. you like the small, tidy life you occupy. you're not going to punish him for his personality type.
except: he really does hate everyone but you. which means he doesn't get along with his therapist. which means he has no one to talk to except for you. which means you take care of him constantly, since he otherwise has no one. which means you sometimes have to apologize for him. which means he keeps you home from seeing your friends because he hates them. you're the single exception.
about a decade from this experience, you'll type into google: how to know if a relationship is codependent.
he wraps an arm around you. i hate everyone except you. these days, you're learning what he's actually confessing is i have very little practice being kind.
#i used to think it was romantic too and then i was like. now i see it as a HUGE red flag#writeblr#it is also almost EXCLUSIVELY said by immature ppl who think this is normal#fyi even if u think it's funny and ur like 'im an introvert it's just TRUE' like. you need therapy (ily tho)#healed introversion is just ''i would prefer to be by myself'' not ''i hate every person'' ... hate is not normal. that is not healthy#im sorry. i know it feels accurate. but if you're walking around with that kind of rage....#1. you're making a LOT of assumptions about every single person u have ever met. which is often unfair and unkind#and also usually involves judging people based on their worst moments or little mistakes#2. you are being unfair to the person who is ur ''exception''#3. there is a VAST difference between ''ur my favorite person'' and ''the ONLY person i like.''#idk i think this is just a personal bias thing tbh#im sure there are people who have this experience normally#but i have YET to find a man who thinks like this and ISNT absolute DOGSHIT. although tbh.... like. im sure he exists#when u hit like 30 some of the things that were once kind of hot now just sound fucking exhausting. like ''im in a band''#edit in the tags: i used to kind of be like this too. but the thing is that like. my life became so much more peaceful#once i started believing that people are generally good. like yes i am mad at the world at large#but it's just.... a very hard way to live. you're not a bad person or wrong for the ways other people hurt you and taught you to be angry.#but that anger will continue to hurt YOU. it will punish YOU. it will prevent YOU from making new deep connections. it will protect you yes#but it will also cause MASSIVE blowback. bc if you lose the One Person... your life will fall apart. i know this personally.#i really recommend just trying to be... cautiously optimistic instead. like. yes#people can be horrible and cruel and there are some communities (incels for example) that aren't worth that optimism#but i think like... most people will hold a door for you . most people want to help you find your wallet .#i hope one day you are able to find peace. i hope that rage eventually smooths over. i know how hard it is PERSONALLY#and i know what must have happened to you. and im deeply deeply sorry we share the same wound.#but i promise - sometimes we all need someone else to help us carry the weight. eventually the rage has to die so that we can let help in#i had to spend years biting at outstretched hands. i still often do. im still very wary . and my heart breaks that you flinch too.#here's the thing: i don't blame you. but we were both acting out of fear and pain. .... not out of healthy behavior. and ... change#was needed. i needed change too. rage was useful for a while. then it just left me isolated and bitter. i had to (with effort)#choose to let that rage go. and let people in . VERY SLOWLY THO LOL
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zephyrine-gale · 10 months
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day 5 of drawing one dan heng dan feng a day until he comes out
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comradekatara · 3 months
i feel like the reason aang isn’t as adored and beloved as he should be is because he’s the protagonist but he’s also not an archetypal western classical hero. i don’t agree with the entirety of that “avatar aang: feminist icon” essay because i think the role of patriarchy and gender in atla is more complex than what that essay posits, but he definitely complicates the masculine ideal of heroism and generally does not conform to patriarchal notions of masculinity. which is very deliberate, especially as contrasted with sokka and zuko’s explicit struggles with the imperialist/colonial standards of an aggressive, militaristic, and chauvinistic masculinity. aang is subversive because he represents an absence of war in a world ravaged by it. through his link to a (somewhat more) peaceful and harmonious past, he represents a better possible future. as katara would say, he brings people hope.
but people don’t like that he’s not visibly edgy or tormented like zuko is (even though he’s a far more tragic character than zuko is, just fyi), that he isn’t “cool” (even though he’s literally the coolest kid ever, just fyi), that he “gets the girl” (even though if anything, she gets him) despite being twelve and bald and nice (the horror!). katara is the more classical hero of the narrative, as its narrator and its catalyst, the adventurous revolutionary who gradually learns to control and use her powers and eventually becoming a force to be reckoned with. zuko is the classical anti-hero of the narrative, his “redemption arc” constantly hailed as one of the greatest character arcs in television. so people expect katara and zuko, as very obvious narrative foils who parallel each other every step of the way, to be the obvious couple, because based on every romance narrative we’ve been inundated with throughout our lives, within our patriarchal society, they “just make sense together.”
but as much as katara is a protagonist in her own right, aang is the show. the title quite literally represents the central thematic tension of the entire narrative, the colon illustrating the implicit divide between his duties to this brave new world in desperate need of justice and balance, or his duties to his extirpated culture as the last true voice among them. aang is the central figure because this tension represents the crucial ideological battle happening across the entire show. aang is the avatar because he is the only person in the entire world whose values have not been shaped by war.
people constantly laud zuko, in particular, for being the most interesting, complex character in avatar. but i personally don’t even think that’s true. which isn’t to say that zuko isn’t fascinating in his own right, of course, but rather that he’s certainly not the only complex character this show has to offer. he just happens to monologue about his anguish constantly. but aang wasn’t raised as an imperial prince, and so he approaches the world, and his own pain, in a very different manner. the reason he immediately goes to ride giant koi on kyoshi island, mailchutes in omashu, and otherwise goofs around after learning of the shocking ramifications of his people’s genocide is because that’s how he copes with his pain. unlike zuko, who never stops talking about his aches and yearnings, aang represses his trauma and hides his tears behind a mask of upbeat cheerful goofy twelve year old antics.
until he can’t anymore. until he snaps. both katara and zuko wear their hearts on their sleeves, and that includes their rage. but aang’s rage is dangerous specifically because it represents that he has been pushed past his limits, that the conditions of this world in which he is a perpetual stranger, temporally displaced and dispossessed, are intolerable. that peaceful reconciliation is impossible. and the fact that he persists beyond that breaking point, over and over again, to firmly and resoundingly establish his ideals even as they conflict with everything he has learned about this world, a world that is not his own even as he can never return to the world he once knew, is what makes him so unique, so powerful, so beautiful.
i know that aang isn’t the typical hero, neither narratively nor aesthetically, but really, that’s the entire point. the world, our world, needs something other than what we have now. we need someone who will not succumb to the ideals of domination and victory through violence to assert themselves. we need someone who stands firm in refusing to kill the firelord, even as everyone he knows tells him otherwise. we need someone who knows that darkness cannot be vanquished through more darkness, but can only truly yield to purifying light.
and sure, aang is a child, and often acts childishly. sure, he’s not conventionally handsome and alluring. but one thing i will never understand is how that somehow negates his appeal to the masses. because even if you don’t appreciate how crucial he is to the themes of this narrative you all seem to love so much, how can you not love his adorable little face? his precious little laugh, his zest for life, the infinite well of love and kindness he holds in his heart? people who hate aang are crazy to me. because you are, quite literally, hating the world’s most precious baby boy.
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autiacorart · 5 months
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i was asked to give connor this and here we are
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boba-beom · 6 months
are we just finding out that soobin’s got mirrors on his bedroom ceiling or is it just me 🫠😵‍💫 bc are you thinking what I’m thinking 🫠
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soobin hard thoughts
soobin eating you out OR soobin getting head and recording the ceiling pov
soobin invites your over to hang out because he knows just how fascinated you get over his mirrored ceiling. you both sit on his bed, and you go from talking, to being a little touchy with one another, and eventually start making out.
he ends up lightly pushing you so you’re laying down, head against the pillows and his body resting between your legs. you look up at the ceiling and you watch the way he descends down your body. his face buried in your neck to kiss you at every single sweet spot he knows, lifting your top to trail kisses between the mounds of your boobs.
your eyes never leave your reflections on the ceiling. he takes his time suckling on your nipples, kissing around your tits until he decides to trail even lower down your abdomen. he discards your lower garments, leaving you bare in front of him and your reflections.
“wanna feel good sweetheart?” is all he says before you let out an airy ‘yes’.
in your reflection your eyes focus on the back of his head, the way he settles between your thighs, kissing and licking small areas here and there before planting wet kisses along your slit up to your clit. once he starts eating you out with so much dedication and attention to your body reacting to his movements, he puts your legs over his shoulders. the view of your legs splayed on his back with the back of your heel digging between his shoulder blades.
“keep your eyes on the ceiling. I want you to watch yourself while I make you cum.”
soobin lures you further onto the bed by making out with you, both your hands wandering until he grabs ahold of yours and places it on top of his bulge. you start palming him through his thin pyjama bottoms, knowing he isn’t wearing underwear underneath as your fingers feel a couple of veins on his shaft.
“want my cock in your mouth, sweetheart?” and you nod, wanting nothing more than that right now.
his eyes literally light up when you situate yourself between his legs, laying on your stomach and pulling his flimsy pj bottoms down.
you waste no time and start sucking on the head of his dick, eliciting soft moans out of him all while he takes his phone out and records both your reflections. the movement of your head bopping up and down his shaft through his camera has him twitching in your mouth.
you keep taking him further and deeper until he’s essentially throat fucking you, yet he doesn’t hold back his whine and moans. just know when you both rewatch the video all you can hear are his soft ‘hah- oh yes, yes baby. mmm yes like that. fuck, i wanna cum in your mouth, be good and swallow, yeah?’
and he does, his abdomen twitching as he spurts his last few droplets in your mouth and pans the camera to you showing him his load pooling on your tongue before swallowing it with an innocent smile at the end.
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seasononesam · 13 days
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Hey, man. I'm starving, I'm gonna grab a little something to eat in that diner down the street. You want anything?
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enden-k · 1 month
hhhhgood night
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bleulone · 6 months
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"And the most important, Roi, is that you have shown pride. And dignity. And balls"
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trashdork · 2 months
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kasterarts · 1 month
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Moving Forward. (Spoilers for YTTD up through 3-1b)
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arawsuu · 2 months
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Save me Astarion..
Astarion save me.,.,
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loffxhan · 4 months
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You can call me “daddy” too 🍎🍎🔥
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