#sorry i didnt think to wear socks because i hate wearing socks to bed or around the house
cinderspots · 1 year
PSA for cold people with not enough blankets
I'm real bad at explaining things, just trust the process
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bougiebutchbinch · 5 days
Hey hai, sorry for the long ask but I wanted to hand deliver a snippet to you if that's okay, cus I'm half way through the stone trans top logan fic and am way too excited to finish it (obviously you don't have to post this, I'm just writin for sillys :3 and I wish I could put a -read more- cut in an ask)
Logan was sick and tired of Wade. Well, not Wade, he could never get tired of Wade, he was tired of Wade's non-stop never-ending jokes. Well, some of the jokes-
Dammit he was pissed off at Wade's sex jokes.
He was always putting jokes everywhere where they didn't belong and usually Logan just ignored him, but in the past few days the jokes were getting less and less varied in their subject. All about how good a fuck would be and all the things he would do to Logan in bed and Logan had to stop himself from growling whenever the man even joked about his dick anywhere near Logan.
Sure it wasn't Wade's fault he felt his way, but nothing was going inside him, and that was final.
And one night they were down at a bar, neither drinking much, Logan needed to cut down on his alcohol and Wade was enjoying sipping at his stupid fruity cocktail.
He scowled as he brought his beer back up to his lips.
Wade had brought his suit mask, pulled up to his nose as he sipped, wearing some shitty hawiian shirt or oter, obnoxious kahki shorts that clashed horrendously, knee high white socks with sneakers, and he didnt know what the fuck kinda look wade was going for but it sure was something, logan just chose to come out in his flannel and tank top and jeans, his outfit he felt most comfortable in, although the jeans were pissing him the hell off too, maybe that was just because they couldnt hold the shape of his packer and it looked like he had no dick, he really hated to admit how self concoius he felt going round outside when he felt he didnt look right.
But he could distract himself from those feelings by letting himself get pissed off by wade.
Wade, who now he had tuned back into the mans ramblings, he realised he was talking about logan, apparently his favourite topic of conversation,
“Y’know I'm not a natural bottom, but I'd be willing to do anything for you, babygirl!”
Logan just turned his head round very slowly, ever so slight fuzz of alcohol feeling comforting instead of drowning,
“Yeah yeah haha, real funny wade.”
Wade looked over at him with a grin, this was the first time Logan replied to him all night,
“Who said I was joking peanut?”
Logan hesitated for a moment before scoffing,
“Take off your mask and look me in the eyes while you say that and I might just believe you.”
I have to sit in lectures all day and pretend I'm not thinking about Wade getting absolutely fucking WRECKED. this is going to haunt me. haunt me. :screams:
Also I love how every time Wade says 'not a natural bottom' you can just TELL he is lying. The lady doth protest too much, etc. etc. etc.
Logan's packer-woes are relatable, lmaoooo. I love him and I am so excited for this. Seriously. Thank you and everyone else who's also latched onto this headcanon - having more rep with the character I'm majorly projecting onto really does mean the world!
I can tell this fic is gonna be great fun already.... I can't wait.
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Who are you?
“Harry.” You walked out on stage with your hands on your hip. He looked up but said nothing which only angered you more. “Harold.” You tried again.
“What?” he asked continuing to play with the mic stand.
You were irritated. He had missed your lunch date, and was now over 30 minutes late to your back up dinner plans. “Is there something else you think maybe you should be doing right now?”
“Well seeing that I have a concert in 24 hours, no not really.”
“So we are cancelling our dinner plans. After you already cancelled our lunch plans as well.”
Harry sighed and looked up. “I’m not cancelling I’m just-”
“Rescheduling, yeah I get it.” You turned and walked off stage to where Mitch was waiting. “Hey” you mumbled walking past him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, teasing you lightly.
“Nothing.” You weren't really in the mood for this type of interaction right now.
He sighed and shook his head. “Harry missed your date again?”
You nodded and looked up. “He just gets this way when he has a show and I get it but like I also just don't think he values our relationship the way he used to. And tour shouldn't change that. Ya know?”
“Yeah I get it.” Mitch grinned. “Why don't you just make him realize how much he values you and your relationship?” “How? He’s in stage mode right now.”
Mitch pulled you close and whispered the plan in your ear. You grinned and nodded. After watching Harry run backstage for another bottle of water, you got into your position. You laid flat on the ground and closed your eyes. “HARRY!” Mitch screamed. “HARRY HURRY YOU NEED TO GET OUT HERE!” Mitch was kneeling at your side screaming. Harry came running out confused and looking at Mitch. “SHE FELL OFF STAGE AND HIT HER HEAD REALLY HARD!”
Harry jumped down and knelt next to you. “(y/n). (Y/N)!” He was lightly shaking you. You kept your eyes closed and Harry continued to try and wake you. “Babe wake up...” You could feel his heart pounding as he pulled you into his arms. You slowly opened your eyes and blinked up at him. “Oh thank god....” He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you looked up at him confused and quickly pushing him away. 
“What are you doing?” You whined, placing your hand on your head.
“Are you talking to me?”
“Wait, who are you? Where I am?” You looked around and then back at him. Harry was running his hand through his hair. 
“Babe its me. It’s Harry.” He stepped closer but you stepped back. “I’m your boyfriend. You know? Harry Styles?”
“I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t know you...”
Harry had tears in his eyes. “No babe you do- remember? We met a few years ago....our first date was going to the beach...I accidentally pushed you into the water and you got your sundress wet and I thought I was going to ruin everything but then you kissed me and pushed me into the water too and then we got ice cream and everyone stared because we were dripping wet but we didnt care because it was all fun and games.....”
You shook your head slightly. “I’m sorry I-”
“(y/n) no. Wait. Okay. I can prove it. Your favorite color is blue. You hate wearing socks to bed. You love laying on the couch eating peanut butter chip ice cream and watching pointless tv shows like the bachelor while laying in my lap. You -You hate when I don't shave and love when my hair is a little longer so that you can pull it into a bun. You have a birthmark on your side that you hate but that I love because it reminds me of a moon.”
“When you sleep, you like the room to be completely dark but then you get kinda afraid and make me turn on a night light so you can see where the bathroom is in case you need to go in the middle of the night but you never do and I always do and and you liked to drink tea in the mornings with extra honey. You hate when your foods mix but love to mix all the different condiments on food. We have been dating for 3 years and you moved into my house in London and we are redecorating because you said it looks too much like a bachelor pad.”
Harry sat next to you and looked into your eyes. “Harry.” You placed your hands on his arm and he sighed looking down.
“You have to remember.....I cant lose you....we we need to get you to a hospital. We need to get your head looked at. Mitch call an ambulance. She needs to be seen immediately.”
“HARRY.” You kissed him, your lips pressing hard into his. He pulled away confused and grinned.
“You remember?”
“I never forgot H. It was just a prank....I didn’t fall and hit my head.” You kissed him again and laughed softly.
“A prank?” Harry looked from you to Mitch who was also laughing.
“You need to pay more attention to your girl Styles, or you may lose her one day.
Harry looked at you as tears dripped down his cheeks. “Babe I’m sorry...”
“It’s okay Haz...really. It was just fun and games...I remember everything. And everything you remember and pointed out was really cute.”
“I shouldn't have cancelled our plans. I haven't been treating you the way I should....” He stood up and pulled your with him. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“I know its a little late for dinner but what about room service and a movie. Just you and me laying in bed like the good old days.”
You grinned and nodded taking his outstretched hand. “Fine, but only if we can get dessert and watch the notebook.”
“I wouldn't have it any other way.” He kissed you and grinned. “Though you could be my dessert....”
You laughed and shook your head. “We will see what happens.”
“Can’t wait.”
Just a quick little blurb from a request I got!
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Hi !!! Can I have Arthur x Reader. Reader has heat exhaustion from work and passes out as soon as she gets home. Arthur cools her off and is super worried Also. One where it's the opposite. Reader is slightly hypothermic and Arthur is concerned at how cold she is (She had to walk home in a bad snow storm) Fluff on both plzzz THANK U
Hi , thank you for the request 😊💗 I will write these for you as soon as possible 😊 It might take a couple of days, I hope thats okay ? 😘
I just wrote the second option and I hope you like it :-)
The cold of the snow hurt your eyes as the icy wind blew mercyless into your face. Your right hand reached for the keys in your pocket. But your fingers felt too numb to grab them. It was the coldest winter you remembered in ages. The thick coat felt like thin a tshirt  covering your skin. You rubbed your face to get the snow out of your eyes but it only made it worse. It felt like you rubbed the cold right in and send shivers down your spine. You formed your hands and put put them to your lips. Even  your breath couldnt seem to warm them up anymore. It wasnt far from home anymore, just a block away, but with the wind blowing more and more snow into your face, every step felt like a chore. You couldnt wait to get home.  Arthur would be worried if he saw you in this condition. Weak and soaked through the bones. You didnt wanted to worry him. Arthur had enough to deal with when it came to his own health. He shouldnt be burdened with your condition on top of that. Maybe if you acted like you`re feeling fine he wouldnt notice how cold your body was. Maybe you could just walk through the door, kiss him on the cheek and hop into bed. Without him noticing that you were about to get sick. You felt it to your bones. Walking through that snow storm was too much for your body. Tomorrow you might have a bad fever. You tried to cover your fave with your scarf, but it was drenched and wet as well. After fighting though that storm you finally arrived at Anderson avenue, Winter in Gotham  was even worse than summer. You once again tried to get your keys as you got into the elevator. The tickelish, numb feeling on your face spread all over your body now. Shaky hands opening the door to apartment 8J. "I`m home, darling" you tried to sound like in a good mood. But your voice was cracky like you had a sore throath. Arthur came out of the bathroom, a make up wipe in his right hand, remains of Carnvals make up on his face. "I`m glad you`re home. I just came back from the childrens hospital. Man, it`s cold out there today. " His curly, green wig  with the small hat was  lying on the floor "Sorry for the mess. I couldnt wait to go to the bathroom and wash my face with some warm water." You nodded and sat down on the couch. The dizzyness overwhelmed you for a moment. "Y/N? Are you okay? You look pale. Are you not feeling well?" He noticed. Of course he did. Arthur always noticed. "I`m fine" you lied "It was just.....the snow storm...as you said...its cold outside...." and ...um...I... "  you tried to concentrate but the words just slipped away before you said them. Arthur put the make up wiped beside and sat down beside you, pressing his palms against your forehead and cheeks "You`re terribly cold! We have to take these wet clothes off." You tried to stand up but the dizzyness wouldnt let you. "You`re feeling dizzy?" "Kinda...." "Thats not good Y/N... c`mon, lets get you dry and put some warm clothes on". Arthur helped you out of your jacket. You immediately felt lighter as you got rid of the cold sweaters and wet scarf. Arthur took your shoes off "They don`t look very water proof Y/N. You should get some water proof shoes. " "Your clown shoes aren`t waterproof as well" He took off your water soaked socks "Don`t worry about me. You are the one with the icy feet here." He started to rub your feet "Oh my god, baby. They`re cold as ice. " His hands checked the rest of your half naked body "Your whole body is. You`re shaking, you`re feeling dizzy! I think you`re suffering from hypothermia." Arthurs worried puppy eyes glanced at you. He hated to watch you getting sick. The last time you had a fever he didnt leave your side for days. "Yeah...suddenly..i`m not feeling very well" you finally admitted, as your breath fastened. Arthur hugged you tightly "We have to help your body to warm up now. There is no time to waste. Arthurs hands wandered all over your body, rubbing your arms, thighs and your back. The warmth coming from his palms was heating up your skin like the hands of a magician. "You`re healing me. Is that a magic trick?" "What?" You felt like talking feverish words. "Magic or something? Its coming from your....hands. Keep on touching me okay?" You never wanted him to stop. You finally started to feel your own body again, but your mind kept drifting away. For a brief moment you couldnt been sure if you were awake or dreaming. "Am I asleep, Arthur?" "No, baby. You`re not.  You`re body cooled down because you got into a snow storm. Remember? I think you might get a fever. We have to warm you up." Arthur took your  icy hands in his and breathed into them. His warm breath filled the insides of your palms. He was breathing slowly, taking the numbness of the cold away, as you felt his breath hot against your tickeling skin. You wanted to hold his breath inside yoir hands forever and keep it like a treasure. After you were able to feel your fingers again, he caressed your chest in small circles. "You`re heart is racing!" Your arms clung to him as he tried to stand up. You didnt wanted to let go of him. ot for a second. You needed to feel the warmth of his body. To smell his skin. The moment he loosened the embrace hurt. "I`ll get you all the blankets we have in the bedroom and a hot water bottle. And I`ll make you a big, hot cup of tea, okay?  But first  put these on. " He handed you his fave sweater. The brown one. You remembered him wearing it when you first met him. You nodded as he helped you get into his sweater. "I love wearin your clothes" you mumbled, feeling like the power has been drained out of you. "I know sweetheart. Thats why I want you to put it on right now. It will help you feeling better soon. Its a magical sweater, you know?" he blinked beforte he  got to the bedroom and came back with so many blankets in his arms you couldnt even see him behind it anymore. He threw them on the couch and asked you to lay down. You felt Arthurs gentle hands wrapping your shaking  body into the blankets. His gentleness was coming through the fabric. He tugged the blankets under your back to make sure you`re compleately wrapped up into a warm fort of cozyness. "Better?" "A lot, Artie, thank you so much..." "I will get you the hot water bottle and the tea now" He was heading into the kitchen like there was no time to waste. Arthur always knew how to make you feel protected. Three minutes later he was back and put the cup to your lips "Careful, baby. Its still hot". "Thank you. You`re so good to me". "No need to thank me. Thats what I am here for, right? To protect you." You smiled. The hot water bottle warmed up your feet, just as Arthurs hands, rubbing them warmed your heart. "How do you know I`m suffering from hypothermia? Maybe I`m just getting a clod." Arthur lit himself a cigarette "I`m sure its the case, because I experienced it before. Remember when I told you that I usedto clib into the fridge when I was suffering from insomnia and was in a very bad mental state?" "Yeah...I remember" "I had the same symtoms afterwards. " You liftet the blankets "Artie, would you join me under the blankets? I`m sure it would help me to warm up". Arthur didnt hesitate to crawl under the blanket. "It hurts me to think of you crawling into the fridge. Can I ask you why you did that to yourself?" Arthur spooned you from behind, you felt his tiney body pressed against your own. "I dont know... comfort...maybe. Hiding from the world. Being in my own bubble for a while." "i`m so sorry, Artie" "Don`t be. I don`t needit anymore. You are my comfort zone now. My own little world, my hiding place, we live in our own bubble of protection. Right?" "We do....and you know what?" He kissed you sweetly on the back of your head. ""It´s warm in there.....in our bubble".
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epahetero · 4 years
thank you for the tag @thisdamnfoolofalesbian ! sorry it took me so long to answer to this fghdsjfdsfl
1. what’s the colour of your hairbrush?
- two are black and one is pink
2. is there a food you never eat?
- i mean out of the foods i can choose to eat or not, its rice porridge
3. are u usually too warm or too cold?
- too warm (i get overheated really easily, so my room is always so cold that people just call it the freezer)
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
- playing guitar!
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
- snickers probaply!
6. have u ever been to a professional sporting event?
- nope
7. what was the last thing you said out loud?
- “Whats up rat” to my sister
8. favourite ice cream
- salty caramel or salmiac
9. what was the last thing you had to drink
- zero coke
10. do u like your wallet? 
- yes though i use it rarely! (its a cute small red fake leather one but i have a bad habit of using my phone case as my wallet)
11. what was the last thing u ate? 
- a sushi roll!
12. did u buy any clothes last weekend? 
- nope
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched?
- oh man i watch sports so rarely, i think it was a hockey game last winter
14. favourite flavour of popcorn?
- butter and salt (basic i know i know)
15. last person you sent a text to?
- my best friend Daniel
16. ever go camping?
- yeah, haven’t in a while though!
17. do you take vitamins?
- i try to lol
18. do you go to church on sundays
- nope (i do like to visit churches when travelling if they’re old ones but other than that i only go when i have to)
19. do you have a tan
- i literally reflect light, if i step outside in the sun without a shade i will probably turn to ash within 5 minutes
20. chinese food or pizza?
- that’s like asking which of my cats i love the most
21. do u drink pop with a straw 
- nope (i do use silly straws when drunk sometimes but only to drink wine lmao)
22. what colour socks do you usually wear
- either plain black or red ones with fried eggs shaped like hearts (this made me realize i have a whole lot of socks with food images on them???)
23. ever drive above the speed limit
- for legal reasons no officer (only when driving a moped in places with little to no other drivers)
24. what terrifies you
- driving a car, loss of loved one and spiders
25. look to your left; what do u see?
- a moomin mug (a pink one with snork maiden putting on some make up)
26. what chore do u hate?
- washing the floor and windows (i have 4 cats who love licking all floors and windows + smacking their paws on em)
27. what do u think of when you hear an australian accent?
- a cute barista girl i met when she was an exchange student here (she didnt work at a coffee store here but always had coffee with her)
28. favourite pop? 
- zero coke, cherry coke (ja muumi limppari!)
29. do u go into fast food places or hit up the drive thru
- usually in if there is one of those self order things, otherwise drive through (when you and your whole friend group is anxious to talk to restaurant workers)
30. last person u talked to 
- my sister
31. favourite cut of beef 
- rarely eat beef but i think ground beef is the one usually have
32. last song you listened to?
- Washing machine heart by mitski
33. last book u read?
- Useless magic by Florence welch
34. favourite day of the week?
- saturday
35. can u say the alphabet backwards
- i have like 3 brain cells so no
36. how do u like ur coffee
- black with bit of honey in it or one of those caramel bitches no idea what they’re called
37. favourite pair of shoes
- basic black combat boots
38. what time do u usually go to bed?
- oh man, it changes so much, either at 8pm, 3am, 6am, 12pm....
39. when do u get up?
- again, changes so much, usually around midday or midnight
40. sunrises or sunsets
- i love both but sunsets take the win
41. how many blankets are on your bed
- one blanket and two fleece blankets
42. describe your kitchen plates
- i think the only set i own myself is dark blue (i mostly own mugs since i still live home lmao)
43. go to alcoholic drink?
- white wine if im just at home, when out its either dark ice smirnoff or vodka with redbull 
44. do u play cards?
- nope, really want to real though
45. what colour is your car?
- nonexisting!
46. can you change a tire?
- no
47. favourite province?
- if out of the ones in finland probably the southern areas
48. favourite job you ever had?
- i loved and hated working at an elders home, i mostly spent time keeping company for the old ladies and shaving beards, cleaning around etc, but it also was really sad being there
49. how did you get your biggest scar?
- i don’t have any like Big big scars but i have few on my forehead from being stubborn as a kid and hitting my face on a cliff (i wanted to walk myself even tho i was a wobbly baby, ripped my hand from my mom and fell on my face, even like 15 years after that i still have few scars on my forehead and eyebrows lmao)
50. what did you do today that made someone happy?
- i joked around with my sister wich cheered her up
i’m gonna tag @yourantagonist and @viir-tanadhal @bblissfulgay because you were the first to pop up lmao
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howardpotts · 5 years
A New Message
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You decide to tease Steve, but it takes a whole other turn and you end up having phonesex.
Warnings: smut 
A/N: The ending is really bad, I’m sorry!! :(( Let me know what you think! I always love comments!
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As your shopping bags hang awkwardly on your lower arm, you try to open the door of your apartment with your key. At the same time, your neighbour decides to come out. He’s a cranky old man who always wears pyjamas. His hair grey and ruffled, stank always surrounding him.
He looks at you with big eyes while he walks past you, observing how you keep failing at opening your door. “Hello Mr. Brown”, you say while not letting your eyes go from the door. He doesn’t answer. He never does.
When you finally feel the key going in the lock, you sigh out of relieve. Your eyes now wander to your neighbour, but he’s already around the corner. You roll your eyes slightly, but your attention is back on the key. You turn your hand to the right, the key going with your movement. The lock is off the door and so you kick in the door. The door flies open and hits the wall. You flinch, squeezing your eyes, hoping that there’s no hole in the wall.
Your apartment is old. Everything works, but at every end of every day you preach that nothing stopped working. When you step inside, you hear the wood crack under your shoes. Most people would get that replaced, but for you it felt like coming home. It felt like the apartment welcomed you back.
You drop the four shoppingbags on the floor, a relieve washing over you. Finally home. You inhaled deeply, the musty scent entering your nose. And finally ready for you to watch the movie you so desperately wanted to see since it appeared on Netflix two weeks ago.
Just when you settled down on the couch, you see your phone lightning up on the coffeetable. Quickly you grab it; it could be Steve. He’s touring the world right now with Tony to deal with a few politicians who didn’t agree with something. It was a complicated story, but it was necessary for them to go and talk to them face to face.
Steve was having a hard time. He might be a super soldier, but he hated talking to all those politicians. He wanted to do mission, be out on the field. The urge to just get some action instead of sitting in a chair, energy nowhere to go.
Miss you.
So adorable. He knew how to text and such, but he was still learning. Most of the times he called you, because text felt not that personal. You just nodded, knowing better than to get in to a discussion how sending a ‘I love you more than pizza’ is considered very romantic in this era of time.
miss you too xx
You hit send with a little smile on your face. Every time you had just a little bit of contact, your mood changed completely. Where you first were grumpy and tired, you’re now happy and energetic.
The two of you messaged back and forth, about how both of your days were. The way Steve texted you had you chuckling. It was static as if he was giving very formal updates. He told you that he didn’t mind that you didn’t text him back with proper grammar, but he felt uncomfortable doing it himself.
Can you tell him to stop texting so we can start preparing for tomorrow? Thank you dear.
Tony send you the text and two seconds after, a picture appeared on your screen. Apparently Tony snaked a photo of Steve. It had you biting your bottom lip. He was wearing a three-piece suit. Light grey with a white blouse underneath it. It was perfectly fitted. He was placed on a couch, his arm loosely hanging over the armrest. His right leg was thrown over the other, showing a bit of his black sock. You noticed that he loosened up his tie, which was now messily hanging around his neck.
And he wasn’t looking at Tony, he was looking at his phone. A small smirk on his face, a glint in his eyes. The fact that you knew he was texting you, made your heart jump. That he was looking like that while typing in some message on his phone, made you hungry for attention.
And you, on the other hand, weren’t wearing your best clothes. When you woke up this morning, you scrapped a pair of jeans and some top that had the text  ‘nope’ on it of the floor and put it on your body. The only thing you did put a bit of effort in, was your make-up.  But just a bit.
why didnt you tell me that you were wearing a suit? looks good on you
You know he’s with Tony and you know he has important business to discuss, but you couldn’t help yourself but test the captain on his texting skills. With that in mind, you walk in to the bedroom.
Steve’s eyebrow quirks up while he reads your message. How did you know that he was wearing a suit? His eyes went from his phone to Tony, only to be met with a grin on his face.
“Ah, did Y/N finally tell you to put your phone away?” Tony stuffs his phone in his pockets and opens the map full with paperwork. A little sigh left Steve’s mouth. He doesn’t mind the paperwork, but he does mind that it’s not from a mission but from a formal meeting. That’s not something he was carved out for to do. He was carved to fight crime and stopping some bullies.
Steve drops his phone next to him, his eyes on the papers in front of him. “Okay, so tomorrow we’re going to meet with the Spanish minister of Foreign Affairs”, Tony started. Steve nodded, now reforming his trail of thoughts. Turning whining in to business. He did it for the Avengers and himself, for them to keep fighting and to keep the world from big dangers.
When his phone lit up, his attention was gone and Tony noticed. “Cap, come on, two more minutes.” Tony’s voice was leaking in annoyance, as if he was discussing this important matter with a child. Steve, on the other hand, already unlocked his phone, only to lock it after two seconds and his eyes slightly bigger. He corrected himself quickly, turning to the papers again. “Continue.”
Tony shook his head while rolling his eyes, but kept his mouth shut about it and continued. He wanted to get it over with as much as Steve wanted to. “As I was saying..”
Steve wasn’t listening at all to what he was saying. His mind was still on the photo he just saw in your messaging box. It was a picture of you, lying in bed. The photo showed til your belly button. The only thing you were wearing, was a red bra. Laced and dangerously low. A mischievous smile hangs on your face, your eyes are playful. Your hair is spread on the pillow, but in such way that even that looks appealing to him. He wants to go through your hair, tug it while kissing you.
“Tony”, Steve interrupted. He never was one to shove work to the side, but he wasn’t processing any information that was given to him. Tony stops talking and looks at him, blood probably boiling. “What now?”, he says irritated. He ticks with his fingers on the table impatiently.
“Can’t we do this tomorrow morning? I’m tired, you’re tired. We live in each other’s pockets for days now”, Steve sighs. It’s true, they’ve been very irritated with each other lately. But the real reason Steve’s concentration is gone, will never come out of his mouth.
The message was seen within two seconds, but no response yet. You weren’t sure if he was busy or shocked, but the fact that he saw the picture had you grinning. You were still laying on your bed in the same redlaced bra, scrolling slowly through your social media. Even though he hasn’t responded yet, you had high hopes he might respond in a few minutes. You just had to be patient.
The minutes slowly tick by, making you more and more impatient. You go to the conversation between you and Steve again, hoping it’d pop up the moment you opened your chat. But it didn’t. Nothing happened.
With a huff you get yourself off the bed, too impatient to wait any longer. With nothing but a bra and panties on, you walk to the couch, grabbing a soft blanket and wrapping it around you.
Ping! Your phone let you know you had a message and you couldn’t be quicker to reach for it. Steve.
That makes me miss you even more.
Hm. Not the response you wanted to get. You might want to- Holy crap. Another message appears on your screen. It’s a photo. His hair is a bit ruffled in this one, as if he didn’t bother to get it right for the picture. Or maybe, he wanted it to be ruffled. He knows how much you like it messy. But you like it because most of the time you’re the one that caused it to look like that. Most of the time, it was after sex.
His blue eyes pierce through the camera right in your soul, they’re screaming sex. But the thing that catches your eyes the most, is that he’s shirtless. You did not expect to receive a shirtless photo from Captain America, but damn, you’re not complaining. His right hand is under his head, left is taking the selfie. He just made a shirtless selfie and you don’t know how to react to it.
You stare at the picture for a minute, still taking in what you’re seeing, before you jump in to action to respond. You decided to test his boundaries, to see how far this can go. And so, you lay on your belly, elbows holding you up. Your arms squeeze your boobs together, your ass pushed in the air. You open your camera-app and take another selfie, making it way more sexy than the first you sent.
When you send the picture, you add a quick message:
wish you were here right now..
You feel a bit nervous sending those things, but at the same time it had you smiling like crazy. You felt like a teen who did something their parents told them not to. And you loved it.
Maybe five seconds after you send the picture, your phone buzzes again, but multiple times. He’s calling you. Oh god, he’s calling you. That can’t be good. Or maybe it is?
With your heart pounding in your chest, you pick up the phone. “Hey sweetie”, you say innocently, a small nervous smile on your face. You shift uncomfortably on the couch.
“Drop the sweetie, doll”, he replied, voice husky and low, causing you to get goose bumps all over your body. You keep your mouth shut, not knowing what to say.
“You think you can send me pictures like that without consequences?”, he asks. You nod, but you know he can’t see. If you know he could, you would not have been nodding.
“No”, you giggle. You can’t hide how nervous but excited you are for this new thing you just discovered. You sent him dirty pics and he likes it.
“When I get home, I want you on the bed, naked and ready for me. Understood?” It’s not a question, but a command.
“Yes, sir”, you answer. You’re not talking much, but whenever it comes to sex, you’ve always been like this. You just tell him yes or no, you mostly beg for him to do something and when he finally does, you let yourself hear in moans instead of words.
“Good girl. Now, since I’m not there for another week, why don’t you touch yourself for me?” You gasp at the question. Is this going to be phonesex? Are you really going to do that?
“O-okay”, you respond. You let your hand kneed your left boob. The hand slowly slides under your bra, pinching your nipples a few times. It makes you breath harder and Steve notices.
“Tell me doll, what are you doing?”, he asks with the same husky voice. He’s definitely enjoying this, you can tell from his voice.
“I- I’m rubbing my nipple”, you say. Where Steve’s voice sounds like he had done it a million times before, yours sounded surprised and not convinced at all.
“Hmm, good girl. Are you wet for me, baby?”, he asks. You hum in response. “That’s good baby, that’s really good.”
“Steve?”, you ask unsure. A small ‘hmm’ comes from the other side of the line. “Are you touching yourself too?”
A chuckle in response. “Yes, doll. Do you like that?”, he asks. You swallow hard. He’s touching himself right now, just like you are touching yourself. It’s a situation you never thought you would be in. Not that he was vanilla in bed, but now you felt like you were outdone by a 100 year old man.
“Yes, yes I like that”, you hiss. Your hand let go of your breasts and slowly makes it way down, making sure to lightly touch your belly. You close your eyes and feel how you’re getting more into the moment.
“Going to finger”, you say with a whisper but more confident than you had this entire conversation. You hear a bit of a shuffle on the other side of the line and a small ‘ah’ after it.
“Do that, baby. Yes, do that. Make yourself feel good.” And with that, you slip your hand in your panties. Now that Steve isn’t here, he can’t stop you or tease you, so you decide to go straight to the point where you want your fingers to be.
You start rubbing your clit, making you moan harder in to the phone. You get a little growl in return and hear a smacking sound in the background. He’s jerking himself off. And you can hear it. It turns you on so vividly, making you moan out loud once more.
A finger enters in you and hurriedly goes in and out of you, a second quickly joins. You close your eyes and let your head hit the armrest. In your head, you try to imagine it’s Steve, but it doesn’t even feel close to him. His fingers are bigger, rougher, better.
“Steve..”, you moan, letting him know you’re thinking about him.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re such a dirty girl. Are you going to come for me?” The slapping sound on the other line is now harder and quicker. It’s such a filthy sound, echoing through the room. You can only imagine what he looks like right now. Eyes full of lust, legs spread a little, his big hand around his cock while he’s talking to you.
“Yes. Oh yes”, you say while getting your fingers out and rubbing your clit again. You can feel that you’re close. Legs are starting to shake, hips are bucking on your fingers.
“I- I’m gonna come, sir, I wanna come. I need you to come, please, come with me”, you ramble fast. It’s a miracle Steve understood what you said and he answers quickly.
“I’m gonna-“ He doesn’t even finish his sentence. It’s the last thing you need to be send over the edge. A pleasure explodes all over your body, moans coming out of your mouth. Steve’s moaning as well, your name falling of his lips. It makes your orgasm a bit more powerful, but nowhere near the feeling when the two of you are having sex.
You both slowly come down from your orgasms, both breathing heavily in to the phone, not saying a word to each other. The first who says something is Steve, after a solid minute of silence. “Did you like that, honey?”
“Yes, I did. I never expected you to…”, you don’t finish your sentence, but he knows what you mean. “I might be an old man, but I’m in for adventures. Especially if they’re as great as those.”
You chuckle and clamp the soft blanket around you again. “I really miss you, though”, you say with a bit of sadness in your voice. There’s a small sigh on the other line. “I miss you too.”
“I’m sorry if I kept you from doing your work”, you admit. You were sorry, because you know how important it is what he’s doing. He’s having a hard time and you’re not making it easier with your ‘distractions’.
“Oh, don’t you dare think that an easy apology will prevent me from punishing you when I come back.”
Tagging few of my maingirls: (let me know if you wanna be added)
@buckysthot @tranquil--heart @thamuddagirl @cametobuyplums 
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yugyeomshadow · 4 years
✨50 Questions✨
thanks for tagging me @goodboy-taetae 😊 im sorry that im only doing this now
What colours is your hairbrush? black and pink
What food would you never eat? everything that has broccoli, i hate it or peppers
Are you usually hot or cold? my body is always hot but my hands tend to be cold, except when it's very hot outside
What did you do 45 minutes ago? i guess i was having lunch while watching a cartoon movie
Favorite chocolate? milk chocolate with strawberry yoghurt, i can eat a bunch but my allergies attack me
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? not that i remember
What is the last thing you said out loud? bro that was my hand (i was playing with my dog and he bite my hand instead of biting his toy but im used to it)
Favorite Ice cream flavor? Pineapple its sooooooo good, now i want it
What was the last thing you drank? coffee with milk btw still drinking it
What kind of wallet do you have? medium size wallet, black and white with a golden piece on front (it was one of my fav gifts from my grandma)
What was the last thing you ate? roasted pork loin with fries 💞
Did you buy clothes last weekend? girl no hdksjdk
What was the last sports event you saw? professional snooker championship with my dad
Favorite snacks? honestly i cant remember the name of it but i like the salty ones, any type
Who was the last person you texted? my best friend
Do you like camping? i LOVE camping! i used to go camping every year with my family but lately we couldn't do it because everyone is working but i hope i can camp sooner, it relaxes me so much
Do you eat vitamins? no only did it once
When was the last time you travelled? probably four years ago but i didnt leave my country, i just went to my mother's town and it was gorgeous
Do you like sunbathing? hell yees, i love it. i feel like im too pale now
Asian or Italian food? asian food for sure
Do you drink soda? i drink it but not as often as i used to
What color of socks are you wearing right now? pink with white stripes
When was the last time you were speeding? on my last driving class, i got a heavy foot
What are you afraid of? spiders, i cant see one of those bitches without screaming and running away (childhood traumas are fucked up)
What can you see if you turn left? my white wall with blue stripes
What kind of housework you like the least? drying dishes, it annoys me
What is the first thing you think when you hear someone talking in a language you don't know? ok so my dad sometimes speaks in south African and i always wonder like is he talking shit about someone? hdkagdkaha but with strangers i don't really care
Do you sleep on your back or side? usually side but now its mostly with my belly down, its easier for me to fall asleep
You crave fast food, where do you go? well now with all this, i just go to the supermarket and buy a punch of pizzas
What is your lucky number? 13
Who was the last person you talked to? my mother to ask her where was the coffee
Do you eat meat? yes
What was the last song you listened? Nobody Knows by GOT7💕
Last book? Kafka by the shore by Haruki Murakami
What is your favorite day of the week? sundays
do you know the alphabet song backwards? ohh no dhkshd i always fail on that
Favorite coffee/tea? coffee
Favorite shoes? my light blue Nike air force 1
When do you usually go to sleep? now its like between 3/4am
When do you usually wake up? at 1/2pm, yes i am a sleepy bitch
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
Do you like your bed soft or hard? soft but i can sleep anywhere anytime so it doesn't really bothers me
Describe the plate you are eating from? a small white plate with blue rose patterns on the sides
Your favorite type of alcohol? i can't decide between whiskey and rum so both
Do you like board games? yes, i have like three or so dhakbdk i love seeing the chaos it brings between my family because most of us are big cheaters at games
If you had a car, what kind would it be? probably a old car since it would be my first car ever
Do you know how to change car tires? yes, i usually help my dad when he's fixing his cars
Dream country? Japan, i absolutely love it and i wish i could live there
If you could choose from any jobs in the world what would you like to do? be an artist or a pet hotel owner, thats my dream
What would you like to try to do? And what is stopping you? I'd like to dye my hair pink but i have to go buy more of it shsksh
tagging @thespadesinyourhearts @taevisual @i-jinlaugh-at-u-peasants @seokjinsslutdrop @sunshineggukie @joonsjeon @igotanna @the-bangtan-boys
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His Dirty Little Secret
I woke up and rolled out of my bed, slowly shuffling to the bathroom in my dorm as I went for my shower. I turned on the water as I got in, letting the hot water relax my muscles as I attempted to wake myself up for the day. I quickly washed, shaved and dried myself off, putting moisturiser on my legs to make them smoother. I then blow dried my hair before getting dressed. I put on my tights, skirt, shirt, tie and my school shoes that had a little bit of a heel on them. I made sure my skirt was higher than the school rules allowed, then I curled my half black, half red hair. I then grabbed my school books and bag, and went downstairs for breakfast.
I walked in and saw my brothers all sitting at our house table. I went and sat with them grabbing a green apple and pouring myself some pumpkin juice for breakfast. "Why do you always only eat green apples Emma?" My brother, Jackson asked. "Because red apples taste funny. That's why." I replied, pulling out my potions homework that was due today. Snape would kill me if I didn't have it done. As I was about three quarters of the way through, my bestfriend Ashleigh walked over and said she needed to talk to me. I got up, grabbed my book bag, and followed her out. We went back to her common rooms and sat down on her bed. "Help. Dilemma. Make up crisis. Sebastian wants to take me to Hogsmeade as we have a day off and I am useless when it comes to makeup. Please help." She pleaded. I sighed and went through her make up, thinking of what would work, trying to match it up with her outfit. I eventually decided on a smoky cut crease for the eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, a light foundation and blush, and a dark pink lipstick. I did her eyebrows, helped her change out her nose stud for a nose ring, and then she was ready to go. I also quickly put on a deep purple lipstick and did a smoky eye for me. "Thank you so much Emma. What would I do without you?" She asked. "Probably die." I replied as we laughed. I heard the bell toll, signaling my first class of the day, Herbology. I quickly hugged Ashleigh, wished her well on her date, and rushed to the greenhouses.
"Greenhouse Three today guys." We heard Professor Sprout yell out from behind us. We had Herbology with the Ravenclaws, so I paired up with my bestfriend from Ravenclaw, Amy. "Girl you are gonna get in so much trouble with Snape for your skirt today." She informed me as we sat down. "Incase you haven't noticed babes, I really don't care." I replied as we completed our task. We then parted ways as I headed off to Transfiguration and she went to Ancient Runes. I successfully turned my turtle into a teapot, and got ten points awarded to my house. As soon as the bell rang for lunch, we were up and out of there so quickly. I rushed to the Great Hall, wanting to get a seat with my brothers. As I sat down next to Freddie, I noticed a certain blond Slytherin staring at me from across the hall. "He is staring at you again little sis. Can I deal with him?" asked Freddie. "Nahh. I can handle him." I said as we ate our lunch and talked about Quidditch and the team trials that were coming up. I finally agreed to try out for the team beater and then headed off early to my last class of the day, Potions.
As I was waiting outside for Professor Snape, Malfoy and his gang came and stood next to me. He clicked his fingers and they all went and did something else. "Sit next to me in Potions today. We need to talk about certain things." He demanded and walked off before I could reply. I sighed and went in as Snape walked in. I took my seat at the back of the classroom and Draco came and sat next to me. We received odd looks from others, but between his cold stare and my resting bitch face, they all looked away. "Today, we will be doing theory work with who you are sitting with. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to tell me the uses of Wolfsbane, Draught of Living Death, and Veritaserum. Understood?" Snape drawled in his monotone voice. We all nodded and got to work. "Want to explain to me what the hell you are doing wearing your skirt that short?" Draco hissed at me as I started writing down the uses of Wolfsbane. "I wear it like this everyday, Malfoy. You know this." I said as I rolled my eyes. Draco let out a sigh of anger as he started writing down what we needed as well. "How about why you were with Zabini last night, past curfew? I know you weren't studying." he queried. "How do you know I was with Zabini? Also, what I do with my life is none of your concern. If I wanted to have fun with Zabini, I could. You don't control my life Draco!" I whisper yelled as I got up, handed my finished essay and my homework in, and left to go to my dorm. I was so frustrated with Draco at the moment. Honestly, who does he think he is? Thinking he can control my life and what I do. I got out of my school uniform and changed into my black ripped skinny jeans, my Machine Gun Kelly shirt, Rap Devil hoodie and my combat boots. I put my hair into two braids, and put on my EST 19XX bandana. I grabbed my firebolt and my wand, going out into the corridors before mounting my broom and flying out of the window.
I flew around the castle, over the trees of the forbidden forest, and then to the Quidditch grounds, where I lazily floated in the air, casting random spells and practicing for our charms quiz later this week. After about half an hour of flying around, another person joined me. I looked over to see the ever so annoying Draco Malfoy flying next to me. I rolled my eyes, not ready for another argument with him, and slowly started flying away. It started to drizzle as I was flying around so I decided to just take it slow. Malfoy was still following me, which was making me even more pissed off. "And what in the world could you possibly want now Malfoy? Haven't you got Pansy to go and be with?" I asked him, letting my anger seep through my words. He looked shocked, but quickly recovered as he replied with a witty comment. "I really don't want to be around that clingy bitch. I would rather annoy you to the point of breaking." I sighed and flew down to the ground, heading off towards the castle. "We aren't done with our talk yet little miss." He yelled as he sent our brooms to their respective places, picked me up, and apparated to his dorm. "What the bloody hell are you doing you numpty?" I questioned as he cast the Muffliato charm on his dorm. I rolled my eyes at the fact that of course the Prince of Slytherin got his own dorm, and went and sat on the couch. He walked over to his bed, took off his shoes, socks and his jumper, loosening his tie before lying down and motioning for me to join him. "I'd rather not thanks." I said icily as I turned back to the fire and continued to stare into it. I heard him sigh loudly in annoyance before he went quiet. After an hour of nothing being said between us, I sighed and finally joined him on the bed after taking my shoes and socks off.
"Why aren't you talking to me anymore Emma? We used to talk everyday before the holidays, and now you are just ignoring me and swanning around with other guys that aren't me. What's going on?" He asked me as he put my hood of my jumper down. I looked at him and saw that he truly was hurt, but I honestly did not feel sorry for him at this moment. "You know what you did Malfoy. You know why I'm not talking to you. You don't control my life, and if I choose to go around enjoying myself with other men, then I can. And you can't stop me Malfoy. It was YOU who made the decision to join in with your stupid friends when they gang bashed Jason. It was YOU who had no intention of stopping them. It was YOU who I thought would have the common sense to realise what you were doing. But you didn't. You fucked up. You just can't accept that. So no, I will not stop messing around with Zabini or anyone else I want to." I finished my rant and wiped away the tears that I wasn't even aware were falling down my face. I went to go get off the bed and leave when I felt Draco's hand wrap around my wrist and pull me into a hug. "I am so sorry for what I did Emma. I know I can't fix it. I know that what I did was irreversible and I can't take it back. If I could have done anything to help, you know I would have. I am so sorry for what I did and I want you to forgive me so bad. I know that you hate me right now and I shouldn't be trying to control who or what you do. I just want us back. I want you to be mine the way we were before I fucked up. Please Emma. Please give me one more chance." he started trembling as he spoke and I knew the tears were going to start soon. I pulled back from the hug and wiped his tears. I noticed he had rolled up his sleeves, and when I looked down I recoiled from his touch as if it had suddenly become acid and was melting my skin. He noticed and then realised why I had.
"HOW COULD YOU DRACO?! YOU PROMISED ME YOU NEVER WOULD. YOU SAID YOU WOULD RATHER DIE THAN GET THAT DONE!" I yelled as I got up an went to leave. "NO! DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME EMMA! I HAD NO FUCKING CHOICE! HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME IF I DIDNT. I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU, BUT YOU JUST WOULDNT FUCKING TALK TO ME. IT'S BAD ENOUGH BOTH OF OUR FATHERS ARE WITH HIM. IT'S EVEN WORSE THAT NOW WE BOTH HAVE OUR MARKS!" He yelled as he grabbed my arm and pushed up the sleeve of my hoodie. I ripped my arm away and glared at him. "DON'T YOU DARE BRING MY FATHER INTO THIS! I SWORE WHEN I TOOK THE MARK THAT NO ONE WOULD KNOW. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR ME AND MY BROTHERS TO HIDE IT FROM PEOPLE? YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE IN THE SCHOOL THAT KNOWS DRACO! SO DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO TURN THIS ON ME!" I retorted. His face was red with rage as he tried to think of a reply. I was so prepared for him to yell at me, so when he kissed me, I was shocked. This wasn't the slow, gentle kind of kiss either. This was the rage filled, passionate, demanding type of kiss that sent shivers down my spine. He picked me up and threw me on the bed, climbing back on top of me as I threaded my hands through his hair. He bit my bottom lip and I moaned into the kiss. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth as his hands slowly trailed down my body, sending electric shocks through my body wherever he touched me. He pulled my hoodie off and discarded it somewhere in the room, along with my shirt. I loosened his tie enough that I could pull it off, before ripping off his shirt, buttons flying everywhere. He smirked at me before dipping his head down between my breasts, leaving kisses all over my chest as he unclasped my bra and threw it somewhere in his room.
He took one of my nipples in his mouth and started sucking on it whilst playing with the other. I moaned when he bit my nipple as it sent a pleasurable pain through my body. His hands trailed down as he came back up to kiss me, undoing my belt in the process. He took of my jeans and my panties before I flipped us over and took control. I took off his belt, jeans and boxers, and threw them somewhere in his room, not really caring right now. I looked up into his lust filled eyes as I slowly made my way down to his cock, leaving love bites all over his hips as I went. I licked and sucked on the tip, keeping eye contact the whole time. Draco moaned out in pleasure, and I was glad he had cast that spell. I slowly started taking him in, inch by inch, until I had all of him in my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down as Draco laid back, moaning in pleasure beneath me. I pulled off and slowly licked him from base to tip, tasting his precum before going back down. I went faster and faster as I started pumping him as well, trying to get him to his climax. "Ahh. Shit. Emma! I'm g- gonna --" He emptied his load into my mouth before he could finish his sentence. I swallowed it all and licked him clean before showing him. "Holy fuck." He whispered as I moved on top of him. I smirked and then giggled as he rolled us over so he was on top.
He slowly started kissing down my neck, sucking on a few spots to mark his territory. I moaned as he found my sweet spot and I felt him smirk against my skin. He continued sucking on that spot, leaving a dark purple hickey on my pale skin. He then continued his journey down to my core. He kissed my inner thighs, and made his way up to his destination. He licked a long strip up my heat as I let out a long, loud moan. He put my leg over his shoulder and then put his tongue inside my heat. I was in heaven. He slowly started working his fingers in as well as his tongue and it felt so good. I was moaning and biting my lip, trying not to scream out from the pleasure that I was receiving from him. I threaded my hands through his hair and was tugging so hard, I was surprised I didn't rip his hair from his scalp. Draco started to rub his thumb against my clit and within a few seconds, I reached my climax, moaning out Draco's name as I came down from my high. I pulled him up and kissed him long and hard. I then put his fingers in my mouth and licked them clean. Draco groaned at the sight, and his eyes darkened even more. "Fuck me Draco. Now." I demanded as I laid down on his bed, stretching out on his silk sheets. That was all Draco needed to lose all control. He slammed into me, hitting my spot right on the first time. I screamed out as he thrusted hard and fast, continuing to hit my spot dead on. Our kisses were filled with passion as our tongues danced and our bodies collided. I was reaching my climax. I could tell that Draco was as well. I tightened my walls around him and he started get sloppy with his thrusts. I screamed out his name as I reached my climax and he did the same as he reached his. We rode out our highs before he pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to me. I tried to catch my breath as he pulled me into his arms, putting the sheet over us. 
"Well, if that's a way to get rid of our anger, I suggest we do it more often." Draco spoke, panting as he also tried to catch his breath. I looked up at him and grinned, nodding my head in agreeance with him. He kissed the top of my head, wrapped his arms around me, and held me as we fell asleep. We would deal with the hell that was to come for the both of us in the morning. But for now. Sleep.
This is so bad. I’m sorry
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buckyskorpion · 4 years
50 Questions tag!
i was tagged by @buckyland​ so thank you kat i am trying to procrastinate and this is PERFECT
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? pink and purple pastels 
2. Name a food you never ever eat. peanuts bc im allergic lmao
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm! im a sweaty bitch
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? watching a jamie genevieve makeup tutorial and wishing i had her accent because she sounds so sexy... scottish people man
5. What is your favourite candy bar? does this mean chocolate bar or like lolly bar..... chocolate would be a mars bar and lolly bar would be redskins
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? absoLUTELY state of origin game 2 last year baby 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “oi shit heads do you want a coffee?” i am a stereotype
8. What is your favourite ice cream? COOKIES AND CREAM YES ME AND KAT AGREE
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? coffee
10. Do you like your wallet? i technically dont have one my cards just be loose in my bag 
11. What was the last thing you ate? omg a bacon egg tomato and cheese brekkie roll it was DIVINE
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? yes a bunch of sleep singlets, shorts, fuzzy socks, and a jumper
13. The last sporting event you watched? the last nrl game the dragons played before the season got cancelled
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? sweet and salty baby
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my boss because i left my bag at work which has my nintendo ds in it and i wanna play animal crossing (dont ask why it was in my bag) 
16. Ever go camping? YES i literally camped overnight in my backyard last night and i camp every year when i go to splendour with my mates (big music festival in byron bay) 
17. Do you take vitamins? no and i should because im iron deficient lmao
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? oh bitch since i turned 18 and could legally say no to my crazy catholic parents i havent been to a sunday mass since. i do go for big events tho like lent, easter, christmas, etc. 
19. Do you have a tan? big no
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? this is hard but i would say pizza just because ive been to the hospital 3 times eating chinese food bc of sneaky peanuts and pizza has never done me wrong like that
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? if its with alcohol, yes. if its not, straight from the bottle baby
22. What color socks do you usually wear? black or pink. i only have Useful socks which are black and one pair of Fun socks which are pink 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? um every time i drive sorry popo
24. What terrifies you? being unremarkable. being forgotten. being left.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my coffee, paw paw cream, my airpods, my scrunchie collection, my lamp, my meds, and my sunglasses (my bedside table is a mess) 
26. What chore do you hate most? dusting 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? nothing.... i am australian this just be my life hahaha
28. What’s your favorite soda? soda is such a funny word to me but anyway my favourite is sprite
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive? depends, mostly drive thru and eat in the carpark vibes tho
30. What is your favourite number? 4 or 14
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? my sister and her boyfriend
32. Favourite cut of beef? i hate red meat but i will eat it in spaghetti bolognese so i guess mince
33. Last song you listened to? number one fan by MUNA - its a BOP
34. Last book you read? in the middle of reading killing commentadore by haruki murikami as i have been for the whole of 2020 lmao
35. Favourite day of the week? friday 
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? no absolutely not my brain hurts just thinking about it
37. How do you like your coffee? double shot espresso with almond milk or double shot espresso just black 
38. Favourite pair of shoes? my doc martens because im ~quirky
39. The time you normally get up? during normal time i was waking up at 7:30 but now its anywhere between 9-12 lmao
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets absolutely 
41. How many blankets on your bed? three
42. Describe your kitchen plates. one full set of white ones, one full set of those blue ceramic looking ones, one set of fancy white ones with embellishment, one set from ikea that im allowed to use because i smash shit
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? just did the washing up and loaded the dishwasher from lunch, so spotless because i have issues with dirty sinks lmao. coffee machine is pride of place, and the light above the stove stopped working last night so its kinda dark
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? t e q u i l a!!!!! or a pinot grigio
45. Do you play cards? hmm i play drinking games haha not really cards tho unless its with my family
46. What colour is your car? silver
47. Can you change a tire? yes because once i was taking an exit off the motorway at 110km/h and something fell off truck which i didnt see so i drove over it and ripped giant holes in both tires on the right side of my car and almost DIED lmao 
48. Your favourite state? state of being? asleep. state in australia?? nsw dUH. state in america?? i pretend i do not see
49. Favourite job you’ve had? my job i have now! disability carer, i love the girl i care for with my whole heart and i would die for her
50. How did you get your biggest scar? i have the stupidest scars ever, my biggest scar is probably the big ones on my knees from when i was running away from this girl on camp who locked me out of our shared room and i fell over and cut my knees and hands up sooooo bad lmao
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wolves-on-caffeine · 6 years
Love bites
Whats this? A fic for you? Yep!
Hope you enjoy!
Warning: blood, agrument at end
Logan was hungry, very hungry.
Normally he kept his hunger under control, but he hadnt been able to eat and was starving.
He was desperate.
So when he saw a hooded figure walking alone past an alleyway, he grabbed them.
“Sorry.” Passed logan’s lips as he shoved the hoodie sleeve up and bit into the strangers wrist.
Logan removed his fangs as quickly as he inserted them and spit out the blood. “Whst the fuck is that?!”
The hooded figured held their wrist. “Shouldnt i be asking you that?”
Logan looked at the guy- yes that was a guy- and had to take a second to compose himself. He was….quite attractive.
“Well yes, under the circumstances that would be expected, but in my defense, i am starving and would rather not taste your blood agian. How do you live with such…such…horrid blood in you?”
The guy stared at logan in disbelief. “Ok so..your a vampire im guessing.” Then crossed his arms.“and uh, rude,much? Im anemic.”
Logan ran the definition through his head quickly, and proceeded to take out iron supplements. “Take oen of these, wait are you on medicine alreasy? probably not with how your blood taste, ill make you a doctors appointment, i will,need your name.”
Hooded guy just stared at him. “No.” He gave a smirk.
“What do you mean no?” logan was confused, wouldn’t a human want to have good blood?
Hooded guy shrugged. “ I mean im not taking medicine, and im not going to a doctor. One, I’m broke, two, what are you going to do to make me? Bite me?”
Logan shoved the supplements at the hooded guy. “Name?”
“And im going to tell you, why?”
Logan gave a smile, “because i have your wallet?” and to prove so, he held it up.
Being a 200+ year old vampire means your good at pick pocketing.
“What? How did you- nevermind.” Hooded guy held out his hand for the wallet.
“Im Virgil. Virgil Bloodgood.”
Logan gave the wallet back and made a face.
“That is the most ironic name ever.”
It had been a month since Logan bite Virgil, and yes, he did find a decent meal after words, but he visited Virgil every day.
Crawling through his apartment window, logan asked. “Did you go to your appointment today?”
Virgil looked up from his place at his desk, doing homework (logan found out he is a college student) and adjusted his hoodie.
“Oh my god Logan, can you not just use the door?”
Logan stood and and closed the window behind him. “I would, but you refuse to invite me in…luckily windows do not apply to that rule.”
Virgil just groaned and rolled across the floor in his chair. “No, i didnt go. You can’t make me.”
Logan sat on his bed. “Did you atleast get the cookbook I bought you?”
“Ah yes, "how to be delicious” the cookbook. Wonderful choice. Tell me, do you get this involved with all your meals?“ Virgil played with his bangs as if he didnt just imply the biggest insult of the century.
Virgil? Just a meal? Virgil who Logan, a vampire, has to force to sleep semi normal hours because he won’t sleep? Virgil who wears long sleeves and hoodies and socks and has 20 blankets on and is still cold? Virgil who dyed his hair purple and looks so adorable? Who shows Logan shows and ‘memes’ of the new world he doesnt understand?
Logan hadn’t know virgil long, but he is way more than 'a meal’ to Logan.
Of course, Virgil does not know that, nor need to know that.
"I only wish for you to be healthy. Your blood taste horrible, and it would not kill you to go to the doctors once to get meds and supplements to help. Also, if you ate atlleast normally instead of maybe once a day, I would back off a little, but if you insist on eating only once a day then it should at least be beneficial to you and include iron or -heaven forbid!- a actual food item instead of snacks and chocolate-”
That rant did not end soon.
4 more months and Logan and Virgil were friends(?) In a way at least.
Now Virgil was still stubborn about helping himself, but he was at least eating Proper meals, so long as logan made them (if you want me to eat, i don’t cook-ok, i’m cooking) which lead to logan moving in so he could cook when the sun was out.
But convincing Virgil lead to some….funny situations.
“Virgil, you need to eat! I made high iron food.”
“Not hungry.”
“Virgil, you need to eat.”
“Fine ill eat.”
“Rally? i thought it would be more of a fi-”
“If it is covered in garlic.”
“…You disgust me.” And Logan carefully put garlic on it.
Another time: Logan had been opening the curtains so Virgil could get some sun (he stood at the side, dont worry) and Virgil hissed and hid under hai bed.
“Oh my god Virgil, im the vampire, get out and enjoy the sunlight.”
“No, you can’t make me. Sunlight evil.”
“Althought i agree with that last statement, you need vitamin D.”
“Logan, I swear, if you want me to get vitamin D so much, ill go to the sunniest beach on the sunniest day in swim tunka just to avoid you.”
Logan laughed at him. “Please Virgil, no offense, but you? in a crowded beach? ” he laughed.
Virgil glared from the bed and moved to sit in the middle of the sun beam. “Ha, now you can’t touch me.”
Logan gave a fond smile to the back of Virgil and nodded. “Oh well”
“I swear Logan, if you try to take me out to get sunlight in that sun hat of yours, i will go into the hall of mirrors and leave you there.”..Logan, who was wearing a daunting floppy sun hat so he could spend days with virgil outside, shook his head.
“Common misconception, but new mirrors show relections of vampires. It was only old mirrors that had silver backing to make it reflective that wont show reflections.”
Virgil had a evil look growing on his face. “Really now?” And went to the computer.
Logan walked over and looked,over his shoulder.“what are you looking up?”
Logan read the screen and gasped. “You wouldnt dare.”
Virgil grinned and hummed as he hit a picture. “I can afford that.”
“Virgil dont you dare hit that button!”
“Aaaaaand bought!”
That was how Virgil became the 'only’ proud owner of an antique silver backed mirror.
Despite all the agruments, they did get along pretty well.
“Logan, what happened to the french in the 1800s?”
“Virgil, just because im over 200 years old doesnt mean i know everything.”
“Ok yeah but what happened?”
“Oh well what happened was-” and Virgil had an essay so good his teacher had him stay late to ask if he cheated. And he didn’t! Technically.
“Virgil, you forgot to do laundry again.”
“Oh shit, sorry, I forgot. You need your red polo tonight don’t you?”
“Don’t worry about it, i just wanted to inform you that i took care of it and you need not to worry about it. Also.” Logan threw a blandly at Virgil. “I put this in the dryer for a while. You enjoy when they are warm, do you not?”
Virgil cocooned himself instantly, and snuggled into the warm blanket.
“Your the best lo. What can i do to thank you?”
Logan gave him a smile, “maybe….go,to the doctors,tomorrow?”
Virgil,groaned but sighed. “One appointment! No,more.”
“Ok, so i say the meme,,you tel me what it means. Ready?”
Logan gave a determined nod. “Yes, i am ready.”
“To throw something, or a way to agree or show excitement.”
“Two bros.”
“Refers too two men who were in a hot tub at a large distance, who are not gay. A tragedy.”
Virgil laughed a bit. “Ok ok.. Free sha vacka do.”
“Fresh avocado spelled wrong, a 'mood’ if i am correct.”
Virgil gave Logan a high five. “You’re doing good, Logan!”
Logan smiled at Virgil. “Why thank you Virgil.”
Virgil knocked on Logan’s door at 4 am.
Logan,opened in second, wide awake.
“Virgil? You should be-”
“Asleep? Yeah, but my room is cold, and I have a test at….3 pm today so I’m worrying.”
“Ah yes…may i ask how i am suppose to help?”
“Let ms sleep in your bed with you.”
Logan couldn’t fight the blush. “W..what?”
Virgil walked in and laid on his bed, messing up the perfect sheets as he did so. “I’m cold. Cuddle me.”
Logan stood at the door blushing. Ok so..sleep deprived Virgil is brave, no filter Virgil. Got it.
“I hate to disappoint, but i do not have a body heat to warm,you with,”
“Oh my god, are you going to cuddle me to not?”
Logan slid into the bed beside Virgil obediently and blushed. Virgil, as promise,d cuddled up to Logan and managed to get back to sleep.
Logan could not sleep. Not with the cuteness beside him, instead he carefully planted a kiss to the human’s forehead and smiled.
“Are fangs sexy to vampires?”
Logan was..not expecting that. They were watching Steven Universe, when did fangs pop up?
“I..im sorry but..how did you come to this question?”
Virgil shrugged,sliding into the blankets more. “I’ve kinda been thinking about it for a while..cause you are pretty hot and..fangs add to that. So, as a human, i find fangs hot. But like..do other vampires find fangs hot?”
Logan stared at Virgil. He thought Logan was hot? Well perhaps…
“Well vampires do tend to see fangs as..flirtatious or..intimate…. I..personally..do prefer…flatter teeth myself.”
Virgil blushes and Logan could see the tip of a smile behind the blanket.
“Oh, ok.”
2 more months an Logan finally confessed. It was…messy.
Virgil and Logan had been having an argument over his need to have more iron, but it was..getting out of hand.
“I don’t want,to fucking eat that!”
“I know you like this food, you said this was your favorite and it is high in iron!”
"Why can’t you fuck off about my iron!“
"Why can’t you just eat without complaint for once!”
Virgil had grabbed Logan’s tie and pulled him down to eye level. “Will you stop treating me like I’m a fucking farm animal your waiting to chop up and eat! Quit treating me like your fucking meal!” Virgil had let go and backed up a bit, glaring daggers at the vampire.
Logan had to process everything. The argument, the closeness, the tie pulling,
'Your fucking meal!’ Rang in Logan’s head.
Logan grabbed Virgil by his hoodie and slammed his lips onto him, ignoring the tiny drops of blood he got from his and Virgil's lips alike (it was crushed kiss, fangs got in the way a bit)
Breaking the kiss, Logan glared. “You haven't been 'just a meal’ to me! Your sarcastic and honest and fucking gorgeous! You make my heart beat and my head spot working! I want you to eat and take care of yourself because i want you to be healthy, not so I can drink your blood! I love you Virgil, why can’t you see that!”
Virgil’s small squeak is what broke Logan out of it. He let go of his hoodie and backed away quickly, shock on his face.
“Virgil I..i am…"he took a breath, trying to force himself calm. "I apologize, my actions were not…they were uncalled for and I am Sorry I did that-”
“Did you mean it?”
“Did you mean it when you said you loved me?”
Logan blushed and steeled himself, trying to prepare for the worse. He gave a nod. “I..I do love you Virgil…in a…romantic sense.”
Virgil seemed to relax a bit and rubbed on his bleeding lip. “Well…it would have been nice to be asked first, but….I’m glad.”
Virgil walked over to Logan and grabbed his tie, gently pulling him in closer and giving him a soft kiss.
“Love you too.”
I loved this! Thank you so much!! I always love receiving fanfic, especially from you. ~S
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imhurtinginside · 7 years
I was at shawn’s condo curled up on his couch, watching tv. Shawn went to the studio he said that he needed to finish the album. While i was laying on the couch watching tv i got a notification from my good friend “” aka matthew (shy). We’ve been friends since i went to 1 of his shows,we met after the show he bumped into me then we hit it off from there, he says I bumped into him (we still fight about that😂). Anyways - he messaged me that he’s in Toronto and he wants to meet up with me.
Matthew: hey babe I’m in Toronto. I want to see you
Me: hey Shy! Oh my god yes i want to see you too. When&where???
He calls me babe since we met. I dont know why tho, he feels comfortable with me, it doesn’t bother me that he calls me babe/baby but its kind of weird that im in a relationship with shawn and he knows that. I call him shy because he was really shy in the beginning and then he warmed up to me.
I got ready. I took a shower, I shaved my legs i washed my hair, i got out of the shower I dried myself then I blow dried my hair. I put my clothes on, i was wearing a black tight crop top and some blue high wasted shorts. I was done doing my makeup, I walked out of the bathroom to our shared bedroom looking for some black socks. I put them on i was walking out of the bedroom to go to the living room then i heard the door shut. It was shawn. He came home, “why weren’t you answering my texts” he said while taking his shoes off, “i was taking a shower and i was blasting music, and i guess my phone was muted” i said to him. He came to closer to me he noticed i was all dressed up i had my big hoop earrings in,my rings on me,my diamond necklaces on me. Before he left he saw me i was curled up in the couch sweatpants on.
“Why are you all dressed up, honey?”
“Uh… my good friend is here and I’m going to meet up with him”
I know shawn. I know how jealous he can get. As soon as i said “him” he’s face had anger and confusion and sadness in his eyes.
“Him, who is he? And why didn’t you tell me HE’s in Toronto?”
Oh no. Here we go.
“Babe. I just found out like 30 minuets ago, I didn’t know he was here he said that he wanted to see me, and i want to see him too. We haven’t seen each other since i moved here.”
While i said that i was looking for my shoes he was in the kitchen getting a bottle of water. “Who is he? Do i even know him?” He said. “No, you dont.” “Show me a picture of him, i want to see who the guy is trying to take away MY GIRL.” I smiled at him and rolled my eyes. He was deadass serious that was the funny part. I showed him a picture of us, i was sitting on top of he’s range rover he was standing in front of me my hands were around hes neck and hes chest. He saw the picture he’s eyes widened and he asked “did you too date?” I smirked and laughed a little i said no, he looked a little relieved. Then my phone rang it said Matthew and it had a picture of us sticking our tongues out and rolling our eyes we were really close to each other. And shawn saw that. Before i picked up he said put it on speaker. So i did I picked up and matthew said “hey babe are you ready?” “Hey shyy yeah give me 5 minutes, are you here?” I asked. “Yeah im down here waiting for you in the car.” “Ok,bye.” “Bye”.
“BABE?!!?” Shawn saaid. He calls you babe? Shy? What the fuc- are you cheating on me??!” “NOOO im not cheating on you shawn”. Then I explained to him why he calls me babe and Vice versa. Then he asked “why am i not invited? Does he know you have a boyfriend?” “Yes he knows we’re together and he called me to hang out with him, I thought you were going to be in the studio for hours and i didnt wanted to bother you.” I said. “OH SO YOU WANTED TO SNEAK AROUND TOWN CHEAT ON ME AND LAY IN THE SAME BED AT NIGHT WITH ME??!!!” that was it he accused me of cheating??! I would never do that to him ! And he knows that. “CHEAT ON YOU?! I WOULD NEVER DO THAT, AFTER I TOLD YOU THE STORY ABOUT MY DAD WHO CHEATED ON MY MOM AND LEFT US?!” “MAYBE ALL OF THOSE HOURS I WAS IN THE STUDIO YOU WERE HANGING AROUND WITH YOUR SHY!” He said. More like yelled. We were down each others throats. That was enough for me i grabbed my phone, my purse, i put my shoes on i was almost out the door when he came behind me and slammed the door. “Let me leave!” I screamed at him. “No! I’m not finished talking to you” he said more calmer, “well i am.” I said to him “maybe now you cant think about what you accused me of...cheating on you!” And then i left.
I was acting this way because i missed him. I missed my shawn. He was always in the studio working, and i love what he does and I respect it, but i just missed him at night. We barely talked in the morning he just goes to the gym comes back home takes a shower, and then goes to the studio. And he didn’t even realize that i missed him. Does he miss me? It doesnt look like it so thats why i was acting this way and went to hang out with my friend. I might be acting like a bitch to him but he’s acting like an asshole who i dont mean anything to.
I got in the car, with matthew in it. We hugged and said our hello’s he knew something was wrong, my mood was off I wasn’t feeling Happy like i did before. He asked me what was wrong and i told him everything, I didn’t tell him that shawn was jealous of him of course not. So he had a plan that we go to his hotel and go on instagram live and sing. (More like lip syncing) music always puts me in a better mood, so I agreed to it. But first we got alcohol , when we got to the hotel we blasted the music. We were having a great time we talked about what was going on in our lives. And then we actually went on instagram live, I thought he was joking apparently not. We went on his instagram so shawn wouldn’t watch mine. Not because i had something to hide just because i was not up for anymore drama. There was a lot of people watching us 90k+ from my following and his. We were answering some questions, listening to some music , having fun. There were a lot of comments asking
“Did you and shawn breakup?”
“Where is shawn?!”
“Are you cheating on shawn?!”
“I knew you were always with shawn because of the money and the fame!”
“She’s suck a bitch!”
i let the comments slip through me, I didn’t care at all because it wasnt true.
Shawnmendes is watching.
Oh shit.
There were a lot of comments like “shawn is watching” “oooohh shawns here!!” “now shes going to get in trouble” “see shawn she’s cheating on you!”
Shawn was at home he invited his friend over brian. Because he was going crazy he knew he was just a friend and i wasnt cheating on him, and he got a little jealous. He told hes friend everything that happened even the part that he got jealous, hes friend calmed him down he even told him that hes not spending time with me and maybe thats why i was acting this way. Now he saw that, thats why i was acting this way. Meanwhile his phone was blowing up with notifications from all over his social media.
He went and checked on it and he was angry again. Jealous. Even sad.
Brian is watching
I saw, we were reading comments meanwhile, singing. We were having fun with 2 shots down. I didn’t really think of it that shawn, and brian are watching. Then shawn commented “i miss you, baby ❤️” and that was odd because we just had an argument and now hes suddenly commenting that he misses me. So i act like i didnt see it, it probably hurt him but it hurt me more that he accused me of cheating. So i don’t answer him, he starts texting me “im sorry” “come home” “i was so stupid” “im such a dick” “I should’ve never said that you were cheating on me, i love you ❤️” and thats why brian was watching because meanwhile shawn was texting me they were watching the live stream.
We end the live stream. I text him back “k” and he hates that. When i use one words. I was still mad at him but not that mad,i was before. So matthew drops me home we get out of the car he gives me a long hug saying our goodbyes god knows when im going to see him again. While Matthew is hugging me he sees shawn on the balcony staring at us. Giving us death eyes. And he tells me that in my ear, so i hug him more, just to make shawn more jealous :).
I go inside i take my shoes off. Brian is still here, shawn comes inside letting me know he was outside witnessing the whole hugging thingg. He stares at me i stare at him. Brian is getting uncomfortable, (the whole 3rd wheel thingLOL) i go into the bathroom to take my makeup off. While i do brian leaves telling shawn to go and talk to me.
Shawn is sitting on the couch watching the tv, i go into our bedroom getting into my pjs i put on my light pink shorts on, and a black large shirt on. I walk out to the kitchen to get some water, shawn stops me and says “im so sorry baby, i just got jealous and I never want to see you with a different guy.” While pulling me into a hug he keeps going and telling me “when i saw you hugging him it mad me really angry and sad, I never want to see you hugging a guy unless its me.” He was still hugging me i hugged him back. He pulled me back letting his hands cup my face and said “i know I shouldn’t have accused you of cheating on me, but when I heard you were going to meet up with a guy friend i freaked out. And i only want you to myself. You’re mine.” “Shawn I’m yours. But you cant just freak out when i go out with a guy friend. I forgive you, its just cheating i would never do, and you know that.” I said. And he said hes sorry again and then we kissed like we haven’t seen each other for a year. And then he said “why arent you wearing my shirt? I like it, it looks better on you.”he took hes shirt off and put it on me. “It looks so much better on you baby.” He said. And then we talked for a little while, we watched tv, then we went to bed earlier than we thought, because the fight drained our energies. We were in bed watching greys anatomy, cuddled up we kissed and then we fell asleep.
AHHH THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING!!! I hope you like it??? I was honestly so bored so i wrote this🤷🏽‍♀️
Please send me your suggestions / what you want me to write about next.❤️
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kaywritesthings · 7 years
Clyde: Clyde was excited about tonight. They were sleeping in his office and having a sleep over there with his sister and heather and mason. Jason wanted to come but mason told him no, because of Gabe. Clyde's ex and Gabes friend wanted to join and might as the parade start if they could. Clyde didnt really want them to spend the night. Clyde looked at Gabe and kissed his cheek. He finished packing his bag and set up the food and water for the cat, and cleaned their box. He looked at Gabe and waited for the taxi to get here. "Do we need anything else, babe?"
Gabe: Gabe looked over the bags they'd packed and couldn't see that they'd missed anything. He had thought it would jsut be him and Clyde, at least until the morning, but it had grown and grown, like most things they did, and now he felt like he was wrangling a big party of people.  He shook his head. "No I think we have everything.  The air mattresses and the sleeping bags are already there."
Clyde: "This is going to be fun. "He said. "And the lube?" He asked. "I know we will want to fuck." He said a bit aggressive. He was excited. He also knew they would probaby want to have sex. He got everything he needed and alchol. After the parade, he would meet Gabes parents for thanksgicing dinner. He hoped his dad and him would be ok
Gabe: "The lube?  You invited everyone to stay with us," he teased.  "In my office."  He laughed again.  "If we wanted to have sex all night, it would just be us," he said and winked at Clyde, before grabbing a bag and putting it over his shoulder.  "Come on, the cab's here," he said and kissed Clyde's cheek, grabbing another bag.
Gabe: "The lube?  You invited everyone to stay with us," he teased.  "In my office."  He laughed again.  "If we wanted to have sex all night, it would just be us," he said and winked at Clyde, before grabbing a bag and putting it over his shoulder.  "Come on, the cab's here," he said and kissed Clyde's cheek, grabbing another bag.
Clyde: "We will make them leave the office, or like you have other offices right? I want to be fucked over a desk by you" He winked. He kissed his lips. "We better go!" He said and pulled his favorite blanket off his bed. a cozy ugly little thing that Gabe got him from the hyett, he loved it. He went outside and got into the cab and grabbed Gabes hand. "Are you having catering tonight?"
Gabe: Gabe hummed.  "Maybe, but it would be easier if it was just us," Gabe said.  He still felt uncomfortable having sex with people nearby,and the walls of the office were thin.  He put the bags in the cab and blinked when Clyde mentioned catering. "No, I hadn't thought...breakfast, sure, becasue that was when I thought everyone would get there.  I can call and try to arrange something now if you like. What would you like to eat?"
Clyde: "Umm... Can you get mexican place to cater?" He asked. "OR Pizza. Everyone likes pizza?" He suggested. He kissed his cheek and pouted. "You are always so worried if people know we have sex or just a little bit gay." He sighed and licked his cheek. "Stop it. Be proud to have sex with me a room away. "
Gabe: Gabe sighed heavly. "I am proud to be gay and to be with you, I don't want to have sex in front of people.  It's not got anything to do with pride, Clyde.  It's just what makes me comfortable." He hated disappointing Clyde.  But it was just the truth.  "I'm always touching you and kissing you and holding your hand. I'm not afraid to be gay in front of people.  That was really mean to say, Clyde," he said and focued on his phone. "I'll get us mexican," he said.
Clyde: "You seemed reserved sometimes. Like you dont always introduce me as your boyfriend." He commented. "It's not a big deal. " He shrugged. "Do you not want peopl? You told me on the RV that we could have people and make it a thing." He frowned. "And now you seem upset that people are coming gabe... "
Gabe: "When have I not?" he asked, surprised at the accusation, when he'd been introducing Clyde as his boyfriend all weekend at the reunion.  "I didn't realize it was the night before.  I thought it would be the morning off.  Not tonight.  But its fine, honey, if you're happy, I'm happy."  He kissed Clyde's cheek.
Clyde: Clyde rolled his eyes. "You're not happy with ti, Gabe, and I thought you were open to having more social gatherings. " He told Gabe. "For a lawyer you sure are anti social. Who cares if we have sex in an office away from everyone? I hate being told no to sex, Gabe It's frustrating.. and you say no a lot."
Gabe: "All we do is social gatherings, I hardly have time with you by myself.  There's always people over."  Gabe felt ashamed when Clyde rolled his eyes, like his concerns didn't matter. "And if you cared about my concerns at all, we'd have a lot more sex. But fine. Let's have tons of sex tonight, while my sister and her boyfriend that looks like my ex listens.  Like that wouldn't make anyone uncomforatable."
Clyde: "That's not true. I spend most of the week with you." He said. "Fine, whatever. I dont want sex anymore." He shurgged and rested his forehead against the glass. "What are you ordering? I want soft tacos." he told gabe. "And rice and refried beans.. can you ask them to send sour cream too, and chips and salsa?"
Gabe: "No you don't," Gabe said.  "There are always people at the house, we hardly ever get time just the two of us."  He sighed. "Fine.  I'm the bad guy. Again.  Like always."  Gabe felt like crying. "Fine, fine," he said and typed in the order.
Clyde: "ugh gabe, I thought we were not going to fight." he sighed. "we been fighting a lot. I will tell them not to come, but its stupid.Its better if they come for the night, because traffic is bad tomorrow, and it just makes more sense, thats all it was. I am sorry i want you all the time, no matter if we are with people or not."
Gabe: "No, don't do that.  Everyone's already coming," Gabe said gently.   "It's fine."  He swallowed hard.  "You always seem annoyed or disappointed in me. I'm sorry I'm not the person you want me to be.  If fucking you in front of people is what you need, I'll get over it. Just..maybe we can have my sister go somewhere else."
Clyde: "She wont need to. We would in another room, but now i feel like a pervert because I want to have sex with you tonight." He said. "In another office.." He licked his lips and was glad when they got there."I am going to H&M for socks and pjs... " He pulled out a cigarette and put it between his lips. "I'll be back," He smiled a little, and ducked his head to walk down the street of time square towards the store.
Gabe: "I'm coming with you," Gabe said, and followed after Clyde, determindely grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers togther.  He wished that Clyde would reassure him, but it was just more judgment.  So he decided to be quiet and just follow after him.  "I wanted to do something romantic," he said finally.  "Candles and flowers.  For a surprise.  So I..thats all."
Clyde: He knew that Gabe didnt like him smoking, sohe took a puff and stomped it out for respect of Gabe. "Sorry. " He said and wasnt sure what else to say. He was just tired of fighting. He wanted to hit up a target and get pjs but H&M was closer. "Do you need anything?" He asked.
Gabe: "It's fine.  If you want to," Gabe said.  He hadn't even mentioned it, since he didn't want to upset Clyde any further.  "No, I don't.  I think we have everything.  Though if you're getting new Pjs, I might too."
Clyde: He didnt want to hurt gabes feelings. H&M wouldnt have Gabes size, which is why he felt bad for going. "know what, fuck H&M we have time to go to Target?" He asked, it was already crowded becaue of people coming in for the parade. He had PJS. "We will have time, what if we just have christmas just us? Would.. would that be ok?"
Gabe: "Yes, we have plenty of time.  No one's coming for another forty five minutes," he said and smiled a little, kissing the back of Clyde's hand.  He smiled, feeling a little warmth grow in his chest.  "Yes, I would love that.  You know, I've never celebrated Christmas before.  But I want to do it with you.  And all of your favorite traditions."
Clyde: "Or haunkahh, we dont have to do christmas." He sighed. He loved christmas, especially branson, but he knew hed love new york too. He felt stupid for saying gabe was ashamed when he was holding his hadn. "LEt's get a red bus ticket and go somewhere ."He said. "They can wait for us, right? Your sister can get inyour office?"
Gabe: "No, honey, I want to," he said and smiled brightly.  "I want to learn your traditions, and you can learn mine.  There's nothing that says we can't do both right?" he said and smiled brighter, and kissed Clyde's hand.  Gabe was the only one that had the key, but he texted Leigh and let her know the key code. "They can get in the lobby, yes.  That's where everything is going to be set up anyway."
Clyde: "Great" He said. "I still think why everyone is in the lobby or late tonight we can fuck somewhere, maybe the elevator" He murmured. "Sorry I want you so close all the time, your body is hot and warm" He said. "And its exciting." He sighed. "But I can survive." He told him. He decided against the ticket and got a pretzel for them to split. "Lets go to H&M and get socks.. matching socks."Surely they'd have hGabes size socks
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft laugh and flushed just a little.  "I'm sure we can work something out," he said and kissed the back of Clyde's hand again. "You don't have to be sorry about that."  He kissed Clyde again lightly, and paid for the pretzel before going towards H&M.  "Sounds good to me," he said, holding the door open for Clyde and bowing just a little. "After you."
Clyde blushed at Gabe gentleman bow. He felt like he had seen him do that before, but that didnt’ make sense? Did it. He kissed his head and went to the store He looked around, and found shirts he liked, so he subtle drapped them over his arm and walked to the socks. He picked out cute check print pair they both could wear tonight and a cute fedora for Gabe to wear. He pecked his lips as Gabe went to pay for the stuff. “We should head back, yea? I want to set up our air mattresses. Uh, Gabe... sorry for being so social I cant really help it.”
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Alex L: are you hoping Matt wont fight me this weekend?
Me: no. I'm hoping you'll fight him. Cause I'll know you'll win.
Alex: you think so?
Me: mmhmmm you always do
Alex: he's huge though baby
Me: well don't go for his Dick. He doesn't have one. But doesn't matter though Alex. I heard someone told him 10 people already had his name on Their fists. So you will be fine.
Alex: well im not using ten other people! Im just talking about me myself and I! Shit Saint Luches! She's gonna get me killed
Me: actually the group of 10 has more danger of being hurt unless they are to hold him down or stand in line. Because they don't have a chance to move when there's such a large group. You alone can totally kick his ass because you know how to move that lil ass. Remember that.
Alex: fucking pillow talk with Sabrina. Shit
Me: besides that baby You know he only got so big cause he was scared because he can't fight. And then he can't even touch the middle of his back anyway because hes got all them useless muscles.
Alex: really? They're useless? He can pick up a car
Me: brass knuckles you funky munky
Alex: You!!
Me: yeah. Gas monkey you used to drive for him. It was black and green lettering and I always sung it when I saw it
Alex: dam baby
Me: all the time. You like that huh?
Alex: Fuck babe
Me: and I remember, too
Alex: you're gonna make me cry
Me: you're gonna need to buy me a bra. I can't find mine
Alex: it's over there in the corner under that Like if shit or in the ... Is it in the hamper baby?
Me: I dont... Think so baby... I don't even... I haven't worn one in like... Since October?
Alex: i noticed
Me: old lady titties. You shouldn't be looking .. Leave them poor old things alone..them old hippie drippies look like they ain't seen a bra in their life!
Alex: well why did you quit wearing it?
Me: i got tired of putting it on everyday!
Alex: alright baby I'll buy you a bra. I know your size
Me: 48 or 46? Idk don't look at me!
Alex: i think it's 46 babe
Me: you have to try it on. Take all your boys babe
Alex: to buy you a bra?
Me: to try them out. You know how to do it. You gotta put it on... Then you gotta jump in front of the mirror and see if you like what you see. I bet Phoenix has a mall. Cacique.. I think it closed down but.. Don't go in Victoria Secrets they will look at your boys rude and yoh all sexy. But go to Frederick of Hollywood. All the girls on Christopher Street go,there
Alex: i know they did
Me: alright so you know what to do
Alex: where this bouncing come from?
Me: you know they can't unlacth the back so in a hurry they can see what it will look like when you know they don't take the bra off and he's got her jiggling.
Alex: I see. This is very testy, how serious is this babe?
Me: very!! I bet them boys forgot their Dick waa even for fucking!! They gotta get all the weird shit outta the way. So parading around in bras jumping up and down its like a bonding moment unlike no other!
Alex: and heels? You want us go try those on?
Me: mmhmmm and buy a pair in their size and then they girls don't wanna wear heels except in bed they will know why. Cause girl ain't wanna heard "them $3,000 shoes ain't ever hit the floor just wrapped around my ass and i swear your heel got real close to my shit hole and you may not wear them again" no she wanna hear "baby your shoe molested me and got me So scared i thought some one was here to take me away from you" that's what baby
Alex: what else baby?
Me: the thong.
Alex: okay baby I'll see what i can do
Me: good baby. That sounds wonderful. I think that's all
Alex: you want me to get your nails done baby? I saw you looking at them
Me: no. They cut them all the same and mine were peeling. But you can paint them. But i don't want to go to the salon
Saint Luches: they can treat them
Me: then we all go.
Alex: i knew that one was coming
Me: i see why you offered.
Saint Luches voice gets deep: for treatment
Me: yeah so after you get all dolled up at the mall yoh most certainly can take down a wanna be terminator with no arm reach. Take Steven Torrence to the mall, babe. Yoh said you owe him a jealousy apology
Alex: babe that's sounds more like torture!!
Me: if you're not invited to some weird cyclone event on Chandler love weekend
Alex: fine but because you called it Chandler Love Weekend
Me: i can't believe you got jealous!
Alex: what i did I did
Me: im just saying. I probably would been too probably but it was non touch. Non chalet just chillin,making someone feel good about themselves
Alex: you weren't ever serious?
Me: i think he's bunker kid adorable boy friend. Not bed.
Alex: aww shit I may had punched him a few too many times
Me: a few? Why?
Alex: eh babe don't ask questions I don't wanna answer.
Me: you really hit him? Like hard?
Alex: he hit me first !! ..... .... sometimes!
Me: you were in war with him?
Alex: hey look. You said boy friend in one word that's all i saw
Me: so. Babe and i was gonna take my girlfriend Brittany to bed?
Saint Luches: hey now a man could wish!
Me: insane. Insane. a War with a bunker boy!
Alex: it was.. It was... It was bad as hell i ain't gonna lie.
Me: you should been happy i had an anchor baby
Alex: I'm so dumb!
Me: did he hit you back good enough?
Alex: he called his mom who called my mom. Don't laugh don't laugh.I'm over here old as hell can't grow a mustache and his mom is calling my mom for the first time. It never happened in my fucking life.
Me: is that what he said? You can't grow a mustache so i wanna real man? So what you called him short? You guys did name calling for no reason until you got mad and threw a punch
Alex: look his mom called my mom first alright. Whose the wimp
Me: babe you probably gave him a bloody nose! And he had a heart attack. He needs extra love.
Saint Luches: you stop that right now
Me: im not talking to you. Really don't beat up that little boy
Alex: he's a grown man babe
Me: i said he's a little boy. You leave him alone.
Saint Luches: you know what i noticed too? He wasn't putting on a pansy about it. He was a real bitch, Alex was
Me: why you gonna yell at him for what I do?
Alex: i was feeling neurotic
Me: i was feeling unsafe and he was safe
Alex: don't cry. I'll apologize okay? I'll give him a dollar
Me: just make sure it's not pennies in a sock
Alex: alright just don't cry. I hate when you cry for what i do
Me: he was an anchor baby and i told you a thousand times.
Mark: dam it that's sexy.
Me: you like my anchor babies?
Mark: yeah. It wasn't that bad babe he was putting you on. It got pretty heated but he didnt beat him up
Me: did he think little Steven was possessing me? Making me like him because he's a nice kid
Mark: He was really just crazy he didn't know what to think and people like both med and large Jesse were taking shit how you were fucking Steven behind Alex's back and Matt got on it. It was bad babe.
Me: that's fucked up. I should had killed them already
Alex: you what? Music to my ears
Me: is he really going shopping?
Mark: you know I can't tell you that
Me: I'm sorry they did that to you Alex. No one told me.
Alex: really? No one? I told you they were fucking with me about him and I was getting mad
Me: and I said I was not hiding anything and it was plain to see
Alex: I know and I said I would beat himup anyway
Me: I thought you meant Jesse
Alex: oh Jesus Christ
Me: well i tell you thst scrap ain't scared of shit. He ain't ever blocked me. That's a real man if you ask me.,BABE. Use your brain.,
Alex: oh ok I'll go apologize and I'll be nice
Mark: they never get along because of you
Me: and the first day I call him sexy He blocks me. Alex come here.
Alex: what
Me: I love you
Alex: alright I'll get over it -- I mean him
Me: well I don't need to because you had more passion in your relationship than he and I did. Just so you know
Alex: are you sure?
Me: YES! :)
Alex: I'll learn to chill
Me: and I thought you were. Until I saw you fighting Tanner Gray. Who by the way is hot. But Babe.
Alex: you think hes hot?!?!
Me: you're focused on the wrong thing.
Alex: he said he would fuck yoh so i beat him up
Me: and i appreciate it.
Alex: wh
Me: because i didn't even know who he was and he was talking shit and i found it to be disrespectful and i didn't run across it online till weeks later. Or months Idk. And it was gross. He don't know me to be talking like that. Someone's kid all nasty up on me. He wasn't invited. I didn't see him that way. Did Steven say he would fuck me?
Alex: no
Me: okay. So don't listen to rumors ok? Ok?
Alex: yeah alright babe.
Me: okay. He's sick like me. He had a heart attack
Alex: Steve Torrence did
Me: yeah. We had things in common not alot of people do. Child hood sickness. Like you and me. We didn't have a normal child hood. While we weren't actually sick. We saw the sickest things in the world. It just felt safe to know he was there. Not like id be all in his trailer. I'd rather be in John Force's trailer just because he is more fatherly.. He just made it help feel safe for me. You see now? And I'm pretty sure they knew that. That's why they started taking shit. Because it could been about anyone to make you upset. But to keep me away so they can human traffic or try to pimp girls. They know I'll fuck up their shit So they would find my safety zone and attack it. So you fight with Steve Torrence. Then I get mad at you. Then what? You don't trust me. So then you're all paranoid and then you don't like people I like so we have no one in common. They had a whole list. Big Jesse ran by me. I just told them I didn't like anyone in it. But they knew who I would. They did. I remember I looked him up. Like Greg Line. Then they wanted to know how much I paid attention to mechanics and they were all "pick this one. Pick this one." On and on then "that should fuck her up" well i didn't know what the fuck they were talking about I really wasn't interested in racing. I knew there was shit to find but I didn't know what. So i knew I wasn't interested in what they were about. Because I have my own ways. My own shit I look for. My own reasons to do things. Them fucking with you is not something I ever thought would happen. I really thought you were all non violent and chill. Outta drama minding your own business
Alex: well I really am babe but they brought it to me
Me: I know baby, that is what I'm saying. To hurt you.
Alex: oh the fuck they did. I see. I'll earnestly apologize to Steve Torrence
Me: honestly?
Alex: it means the same thing. Then I'll take care of that rumor mill okay baby
Me: ok. Thank you
Alex Laughlin: I love you
Me: i love you, too
Alex: More than Steve?
Me: differently than him baby. Diffffferent. I love you
Alex: I love you. Don't cry no more Ok? I'll take care of it baby.
Me: k
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