#sorry i have terminal brainrot
ginkovskij · 29 days
in my humble opinion the best roles of toshirō mifune are man in a state of distress and man in a state of undress
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levemetal · 2 months
I have a million and one svsss AU ideas that idk if I'll ever write cause I have 0 confidence in my untested writing skills. Any of these appeal to you?? Go ahead, use 'em. Know any fanfics like that? Please please PLEASE leave them in the comments. Ideas to add? Anything? Please go ahead I have no friends that are as deep in the svsss brainrot as me to subject this to ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
Continued under the cut due to excessive rambling
These will be Ghost King/Calamity!SJ cause he has been living rentfree in my brain ever since one braincell at one AM shouted about it so you have been warned.
- Dual Ghost Kings YQY and SJ, Post canon of PIDW. That's it that's the idea. Their extras hurt my cold dead heart way too much and as much as bbygirl SJ is a piece of shit, Yue Qingyuan deserves happiness, and for that he needs his Xiao-Jiu. Basically YQY does not stay dead when Bingge turns him into a pincushion à la White No Face to Xie Lian except with arrows. What happens from here? Idk didn't get that far but I imagine he steals back his (probably dead) Xiao-Jiu, maybe does some other batshit insane shit like we all know that deep down he's capable of, and the duo fucking COMMUNICATES for once in their life and they live happily ever after. Bonus points for hilarious deaths for Bingge.
- If you're a filthy multishipper like me, want a BingJiu version of the above QiJiu? Easy, SJ decides to haunt Bingge's ass for eternity and vice versa when Bingge kicks the bucket and so they spent the rest of eternity trying to make each other miserable in increasingly ridiculous and creative ways. Maybe along the centuries they find a common enemy or sort their shit out and proceed to make their awful existence everyone else's problem. A match made in hell, truly <3
Are you seeing a theme yet. I like a general comedic air to svsss AUs, it just belongs to the svsss experience ya know? Anyway carrying on-
Shen twins, and SQH twins cause why not. If you want Binghe twins too, actually probably funnier with Binghe twins, where one is our beloved maiden Bingmei and the other OG!PIDW Bingge but forced back in time with memories of the PIDW timeline. Transmigrator SQH aka Airplane gets the peak lord + Mobei-Jun plotline while OG!SQH is just chilling as an An Ding Peak Hallmaster or something. Meanwhile, the Shen twins have a funny game of imposter going on. As far as everyone is concerned, there is only one Shen Qingqiu, Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan transmigrated in earlier into the novel, but ended up going to CQM with Yue Qi while SJ got stuck in the Qiu household as in canon. From here the details can change but the main idea is that
A) Shen Yuan knows how to do his peak lord job actually
B) SJ is a calamity ghost, having died either in his disciple years or alternatively never made it out of the Qiu household alive
C) Both SY and SJ have been playing switcheroo when SY needs to head out and do stuff or just wants SJ to do his paperwork for him.
I still need a good reason for the switching and duping, but wouldn't it be funny if the disciples just had to deal with their peak lord behaving WILDLY different at times. Most of the time it's good ol' Shen Yuan smiling at disciples, way too enthusiastic for monsters and plants and keeps forgetting his fans everywhere. Then one random week in the month after he has a resting bitch face, scowls, snarls and bitches at anyone and has 0 patience for teenage attempts at music.
Most shrug it off as just terrible migraine weeks, but some disciples are suspicious, most of all Bingge who is CONVINCED something is WrongTM. Like, he KNOWS SQQ and this SQQ is just so different, something must be different. He doesn't know how right he is yet everyone just thinks he's actually insane.
I know this is probably increasingly insane and dumb, but fast forward to the Abyss opening. SJ was probably there to keep an eye on his clumsy twin, but SY ends up asking the ghost to look over the Luos, as the system still demands that they go to the abyss. So SJ after much grumbling agrees (after all he probably just was unmasked as ghost calamity, and the twins as demons, with a huge amount of cultivators moving their way. It's really the smaller hassle to jump into the Abyss and deal with the horrors there. Besides, the scholar in SJ would be curious about the abyss (and SY too let's be honest) ), kicks both in and goes "Alright we're taking an impromptu field trip" and jumps in after leaving SY to deal with the political mess that comes after.
Anyway, the last AU can be changed in various ways, like make it a PIDW time travel fix it with only the OGs around, or just Shen twins, etc. Feel free to shout at me how dumb this all is.
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chellodello · 3 months
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Slumber party in the Voot.
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I tried so hard not to hyperfixate on the unsearchable show but here we are. Hello FROM fandom I've been lurking inside your walls for weeks and I love you
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keylimesiren · 2 years
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some rough PT!Minatos from a fic ive been writing because I haven’t drawn in a hot minute and I think about this AU constantly
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adahlenan · 1 month
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[ 'Til death do us part ]
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chaikachi · 1 year
I would say as of recent there is now one other character *besides* Oscar who takes notice of how much Ruby is struggling and breaking, who uplifts and comforts her without placing any expectations on her in the process... That of course being Little.
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The only one still with Ruby. (*gestures to Little being framed in Jinxy's jar of hope that Ruby can't fill all the way, because Little is meant to represent the last spark of Ruby's hope and inner child*)
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I don't think they'll have the perfect wise or uplifting words to say to Ruby (and I'm not sure she'd want to hear them right now anyway, she just needs to feel what she's feeling and let the rain pour, metaphorically and literally). But I imagine if Ruby asks them why Little is still with her, why don't they just leave her alone, and Little saying that they just want to be there for Ruby because she's sad, and because Ruby is their friend, and they don't know what else they can do for her. And that's all. And then Ruby will cry and I'll cry and we all will cry.
Also this ask may just be an excuse to share a headcanon I have, of if Little returns with Ruby to Remnant, that Oscar makes food for everyone to celebrate their return, and also gifts a tiny picnic basket especially for Little and says something like: "thank you for being Ruby's guide when she was feeling lost" because she was lost physically but also *felt* lost too and just. Little has taken on the purpose to be Ruby's guide, and I think that's going to apply in more ways than just helping her get back home.
YOU ARE SO TRUE!!! i was so caught up in the parallels and RG that I left our little friend behind 😭 Before I do get into it, do want to just acknowledge that what you mentioned about how Little might handle this is absolutely all that Ruby needs right now. I've seen some discussions around about people saying WBY haven't supported Ruby enough (valid, as are their reasons for not being able to) but the counter argument is often that they can't force her to dump about her trauma and it's like... no. Secret hidden third option. Just give her some time to rest, acknowledge how hard this is on her and how much this sucks without sugar coating it, and remind her that you're there to lean on if she needs it. I really hope that she gets that from Little in the coming episode(s).
BUT YES. SPEAKING OF LITTLE. YOU ARE CORRECT. They stuck by Ruby's side in the market when her team ran off and were paying such close attention to her after they first noticed how sad she was in the paper vilage.
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It's hard to catch, but I'm also fairly certain Little is the first to call out to her when she starts hallucinating against the walker. It's timed just as Little jumps up and it's just ahhhhh. YOU'RE JUST A MOUSE!!! WHY ARE YOU BEING BRAVE AND PEEKING OUT OF HER HOOD RIGHT NOW!!!
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We don't see them for the entire breakdown scene before it ends with a zoom in on this. Which is just... oof...
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Also I know that Little is first and foremost supposed to be a symbol for Ruby's remaining spark of hope and inner child, the literal "Little" Riding in her Red Hood... but i can't get the parallels of that mouse to Oscar outta my brain. 💀
Cinder and Nora have both called Oscar 'little'. Little Prince. Oscar paid attention to Ruby back in v6 when she said "Food always makes me feel better" and so after her confrontation with Jaune, he went and made her a freaking casserole about it. And what is one of the first things Little does upon meeting Ruby? Offer to share their food with her when she's upset. And they, just like Oscar, were the only one paying attention enough to how hard of a time she was having.
EDIT: I am currently having a convo with someone else about this and oh my god
Ruby: I've never spoken to a... mouse before. Little: Well... I guess I've never spoken to a you before! - Oscar : I've never really meet huntsman and huntresses before... Ruby: Well, uh... we've never met a person with two souls! So first times all around!
Lastly, your headcanon is adorable. Little absolutely deserves an entire picnic basket full of food and a very cozy bed after all of this, and both them and Oscar are fist-bumping through dimensions right now over their shared fondness for Ruby. 😤
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sharpth1ng · 10 months
@scream--1996 has brought this issue to my attention
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It’s them.
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hikayunas · 1 year
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dostthouhavekittens · 2 years
watching house md is looking at house and wilson and constantly asking yourself “are these two men gay for each other or just violently codependent?”
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ourskiesaboveus · 5 months
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
i have far too many. here's some top ones from a few fandoms ^^
w.bg: felix, marissa, charlie, felix, mw, ty, did i mention felix
dndads: hermie, scam, jodie (clearly i have a type), the entire oak family
tma: michael (distortion and shelley), mike (crew), michael (macaulay) /j
well that was a lot more than i was probably supposed to do but y'know what it's alright
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heffrondriving · 2 years
people really just find anything to be pissed about these days huh........because sincerely, what the actual fuck are y'all going on about??? all this moral uproar and vitriol for a silly old-ass boyband song????? please stop it forever <3
#i'm mad at ppl 🙃 having zero critical thinking skills 🙃 and ''cancelling'' over the stupidest things 🙃🙃🙃#i'm all for supporting the right causes but please for the love of god pour your activism into something actually conducive#instead of getting the pointless pisstake out of a goddamn song that's not that deep and has zero malicious intent whatsoever#idk man but maybe—just maybe!—some words can have multiple connotations and also rhythmic repetition is a style used in music???#and maybe things don't always have to root themselves in the offensive side and they are just. what they are? like isn't that crazy?????#maybe you won't get internet brownie points but it doesn't make you a bad person i promise!!! there are worse things to be concerned about!#tw*tter is a fucking hellhole like damn what kinda premium carbon monoxide are they huffing there but lord get it away from us#nope. not having any of it. i'm just gonna shut up and calm down b4 i say Worse Things and contact their terminal brand of brainrot#will delete and get back. i hope everyone is doing alright. if youre mad about paralyzed then i'm sorry for your loss love and peace :)#feel free to block me or whatever for this but i said what i said. lets be civil and not regressive in the pursuit of fairness shall we?#i never want to be a discourse blog (ew) or a place fostering hate and negativity but this is just frankly too ridiculous to not talk about#btr#big time rush#paralyzed#do pretty girl don't speak#will delete
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dykesbat · 2 years
halfway towards basically being a cassrose blog.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
also not USUALLY into feeding kink but... when you put it like that... hmmmmmghgh yes, very yes. with ayato it's about possession and pageantry. he loves the reminder that you are his; his little bird, his little pet. he loves to be surrounded by beautiful things, and you're one of those, too! feeding you delicate, expensive food (especially from his hands) isn't just satisfying because he likes to take care of you, to provide (though, he does, that too), but because it's just one breath away from helplessness. he likes it when you have to ask him for something, because he gets the pleasure of giving it to you. and you always ask for so little, it's honestly charming. he asks what you'd like for your birthday, and you say, 'oh, i don't know. maybe a little cake or something?' and find instead he's hired some renowned chef to make a dozen perfect little palm-sized cakes, because he wasn't sure which one you'd like best!
it's not that he wants someone totally incapable of fending for themself, or anything. it's just-- you never seem to expect nice things, which he finds a little baffling because they've always been just one request away his entire life. he just can't get enough of the surprise and delight when he has something for you, the way your head turns to him, the way your brows furrow, the way your whole body says, 'who? me? this? all of it? for me?' it's a rush. addictive, even. whether it's clothes or food or poetry books-- he loves to see that moment when it /does/ hit you that yes, this is for YOU, just you, only you, that /you/ deserve this precious, expensive, rare, delicate thing he's offering. that's worth so much more than whatever mora it cost to buy or make; how could he ever get tired of hearing that little laugh of disbelief, of how big your eyes get when you look back up at him? of knowing that /you/ know who gives, and who receives, and that the giving could stop at any time, for any reason, on any whim? that-- much like everything of his that you wear, and eat, and read, and lounge on, and watch, and play-- is priceless.
YES, anon. you get it. the idea of 'feeding kink' for me in that scenario at least is about the intimacy and the indulgence and the trust and, yes, the idea of being spoiled and taken care of and provided for - and the other party (ayato, in this case) liking all of those things just as much. ayato doesn't think very hard about just how spoilt he has been in his life (yes, his life is difficult and busy and he works hard, but he does not need to worry about material things) - but watching you take all of this in, wide-eyed and incredibly grateful . . . that tugs on the part of him that enjoys having that power over you and using it to make your life even more wonderful than you could imagine.
and of course, he does like watching you squirm. he likes watching anyone squirm. he likes showering you with so much that it's almost too much, because then he too gets to swoop in again and reassure you that he thinks you deserve these things, that you ought to be pampered in this way . . . and help you relax about it and squirm for entirely different reasons.
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justamedicalbat · 2 years
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I will never shut up about her
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