#sorry i took so long to reply
lemonynuggets · 4 months
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waterthecoconut · 9 months
hello, i’m a new fan of yours!!
i enjoyed your works so much, i wanted to know more about your thoughts on lloyd and harumi’s relationship. how you felt watching s8-9 and crystallized when harumi came back on our screens.
overall just any thoughts and headcanons you have for them, if you’d like to share them with us
Hi! Thank you!!
I think… Llorumi is an interesting ship with so much potential!
I will always say that Harumi is one of the greatest characters the show has given us. She really took herself from being a simple love interest to something so much more. She’s a girl with hate and vengeance completely directed towards Lloyd: she hates him, is jealous of him, but I also think in a strange way… Harumi kind of grew attached to Lloyd…?
Season 8, beginning to end, was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, and they kept and carried that quality into Season 9 with an even beautifuler (is that a word???) finish! I felt really pulled into Lloyd and Harumi’s “romance”. Every scene between them, even a small interaction at the side of the screen — looking at each other or touching each other’s shoulders — I really felt that budding romance and heart fluttering feeling of attraction, and the music accompanied with their words was so engaging! Engrossing! Captivating! Wow! I loved the betrayal and the big reveal, and the absolute shatter in Lloyd’s heart, I think, was really felt because we were also fooled into this heart-throbbing relationship that was just too good to be true.
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Now, what makes me trip was when Harumi asked Lloyd to join the sons of Garmadon… and that’s what makes me think she kind of grew attached to him. After all her life of researching him and planning this elaborate plan with him in the very center; I don’t think she was ready to let go of Lloyd. I think there’s feelings inside Harumi for Lloyd that’s not necessarily romantic, but like… maybe obsessive…? It’s all theory !!
THE SCENE!!! Harumi on top of the crumbling building with no where to go — she’s going to die! I think Harumi knows that she’s going to die! She’s looking around — there’s no hope — she sees Lloyd straight ahead in the distance: they lock eyes! Nothing’s said and nothing’s spoken, BUT THEY’RE TALKING!! WITH THEIR EYES!!! With just their eyes, it felt like they were having a conversation that we are not a part of! It’s private! It’s personal! We are not invited! It’s only for them to know! And it’s meaningful!!! Harumi doesn’t even say anything, she’s not screaming or crying or asking for help or forgiveness… Harumi’s just… quiet. But Lloyd says something, he says, “Rumi…” WOWOWOWOWOW MY HEART!!!!! BROKEN INTO TWO!!!! That was something…
Now, I also don’t believe Harumi had romantic feelings for Lloyd in Season 8/9, keeping true to her words that, “there’s was never anything between us,” BUT: I do believe she gained feelings for him in crystalized. I mean… yeah, the Overlord confirmed that for us, but he implied it with a “still” like she had feelings for him since season 9 and that didn’t make sense to me (unless I interpreted it wrong). Crystalized had its strong and weak moments, (and quick mention that HARUMI’S COMEBACK WAS A VERY CHILLING, JAW-DROPPING SCENE WITH HER LULLABY) my only favorite Llorumi moment was when Lloyd’s trying to escape and considers jumping, but Harumi stops him and… she looks really sincere and caring about Lloyd there and she wants him alive (so she’s already disobeying the Overlord) and even warns him that he could die if he jumps, which is !!!! And I love how Lloyd says, in rejection to her request of joining the crystal king, “If you think I'd ever do that, you don't know me at all!” There’s something about that that I really like, it’s like… telling of something about their relationship — that they like each other, but after all that they’ve been through, they don’t know much about each other because their relationship was purely attractive-based in accordance to Harumi’s plan to fool him. I like how Lloyd says that to acknowledge that they need to grow and learn more about each other! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE: Lloyd pulling Harumi WITH him ON him INTO him — THEY’RE HUGGING! HIDING THEIR FACES IN EACH OTHER — HARUMI HIDING IN HIS CHEST AND LLOYD HOLDING HER CLOSE!! AHHH!!! Great scene!
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And then, when they returned to the jungle… that tension and sincerity, I feel, kind of dies out into meaningless back and forth fighting and flirting. I was honestly expecting, upon reaching that episode, a serious discussion about to go down, but… there wasn’t. And after that episode, Harumi doesn’t get much dialogue or attention, and she gets rushly redeemed. I kind of wish Lloyd had brought Harumi with him and she’s forced to work with him and the ninjas against the Overlord, and I’m sure she’ll probably fakingly agree just to screw them over because her loyalties lie with the Overlord, but if she’s in the middle of the mess she helped cause and see the families being torn apart AGAIN and being stuck with Lloyd more closely; I’m sure it would’ve been beautiful to see her guilt and confused feelings, and that could’ve been a more fleshed out redemption before she finally does switch sides and turn her loyalties over to Lloyd completely.
Anyways, I think it’s really great and mature for them to show us a relationship where they both feel hurt by the other but they still love each other… because that’s how relationships can be in real life! It’s not perfect — it’s messy! There’s arguments! We say things in a burst and we hurt other people’s feelings sometimes and we make mistakes and we miscommunicate a lot. Relationships are a struggle and I like how Llorumi can demonstrate that struggle. Not everbody has a relationship like Jay and Nya or Pixal and Zane, so I think it’s great for a cartoon to show us how to heal and grow in a relationship like Llorumi, to learn how to be a good boyfriend and (if Harumi is developed as a character) to be a good girlfriend, to communicate and be gentle after being so harsh, and I think through Llorumi, there’s a lot of potential!
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These are just my thoughts and opinions. It is not my intention at all to start an argument or say my opinions are true over others.
I don’t have any headcanons for them, but thank you for this ask and wanting to know my thoughts!
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uygfiug · 2 months
🌻 idk if u were being serious when u reblogged that post but here u go anyway :)
:) do you happen to know what a beguinage is? i went to one on monday :)
its a medieval living quarter where beguines lived, religious women who didnt marry, but could leave & marry at any time. the movement died out in most of europe where it was present before around 1400, but continued on in the low lands, including belgium :)
beguines are different from nuns, in several ways, the most important being that beguines do not have a vow of poverty
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they were renounced by the church in most countries, got called heretics bc they were quite independent & escaped the churches control a little that way :)
here are some pictures i took :)
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also!!! a great cormorant passed by us on that river!!! i didnt get a picture bc it was really fast but have some from the internet bc theyre really nice birds :)
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tangleslime2 · 6 months
we cant remember any of your other ocs if you posted them but we would love to hear more about the bee nosk (see? that's her name right) what is her daily life pretending to bee a bee like
I've decided that See does not live in Bugaria or Hallownest; she instead has ended up in a sort of walled city in the middle of the Dead Lands. There, she has a job as a bounty hunter/regular hunter, killing any dangerous beasts that get close to the city.
Nosks in this universe have a sort of low-level mind reading where they can see people in memories and how the person having the memories feels about them, but not anything else. See's disguise is not based on any bug in particular; she just saw a kind of bug she wasn't opposed to being, figured out what they generally looked like, and made things up from there. (The markings on her head are not actually something honeybees in this world can have. She is not aware of this. Anyone familiar with How Bees Work is immediately suspicious.)
From her neighbors' perspective, this Almost Bee just showed up one day carrying the corpse of one of the smaller beasts, traded it for housing, and lives here now. The general consensus is "I don't trust her in the slightest, but she's good at hunting, so she can stay."
As for how See's doing? She has no clue how to Society and is just trying her best to imitate people. Trading for a house was a complete accident. She doesn't know which laws are important because apparently killing and eating people is a no? So she just acquired a list and follows all of them equally. People find it helpful when she kills the things outside, and she can get paid doing so, so that's good at least. No one has ever seen her eat anything, since she has to shift out of her disguise to do that and also nosks are made to eat large infrequent meals like snakes do. So she just keeps paying rent, hunting beasts, attempting conversations, and admiring all the cool stuff bugs make. It's stressful, but interesting, and it's too late to disappear again now!
It's like if a big people-eating snake disguised itself as a human and got a human job and paid taxes and stuff.
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sofoulandfairaday · 2 years
What are your favourite aspects of Bellamort? What made you ship it in the first place?
Hello, dearest!
How wonderful to log back in on Tumblr and find one of your asks! Even though it is absolutely not an easy one. How - where - do I even begin?
I guess that what attracted me first, back in 2013, was probably Bellatrix. I have always been fascinated with villains, especially women, especially ones who fall under the "wicked witch, but complex" trope. But Bellatrix is so much more. She is still one of my favourite characters of all time, years later, and I don't need to tell you just how wonderful she is.
And, of course, there's Voldemort, whom I was fascinated with even before Bella was introduced in the series. You know, it was already apparent to me, as an 11-12-year-old back when I read the books for the first time, that they were lovers. Maybe I didn't grasp all of their complexities straight away, but it just seemed so obvious to me. I was shocked when I went online for the first time and people were fervently denying this. I'm actually mad that it took Cursed Child (which I don't really like, at all) to make it canon when it was clearly in the author's intentions from the start.
It was, honest to God, the only romance in the entire HP universe I was interested in. One thing I liked about the saga was that it didn't contain romance, it was clearly about another kind of love (friendship, loyalty, family). BUT I couldn't get enough of Bellamort.
I guess what I liked most is that they are the opposite of mundane. I love the complexity of the characters, their intrinsic tragedy. Voldemort will never truly recognize what they have as love, even in the best-written fanfictions, he is only IC, to me, when he denies his feelings - it's not love, it's adoration; it's not faith, it's loyalty. Dumbledore says that Tom Riddle could have been saved if he had been loved... but he was, loved. And it was the kind of love that corrupts, not the one that saves (Bella, in this case). I love that it makes both of them more complicated, deeper characters.
I also think that part of their beauty is the mystery, the fact that we get to fill in the gaps. I have at least 10 different versions of Bellamort, from the coldest, most heartless, soul-wrenching ones, to the sweeter ones (if the word "sweet" could ever be used to describe these two).
I love their passion, their ruthlessness, the the-devil-and-his-witch dynamic they have, the obsession, the scream. The hope that even the darkest, most tortured souls can find solace (in each other), even if for a few seconds. And that's just the canon stuff.
Is it toxic? Sure. Are they both cunts? Oh, yeah. I love them for it. I also (and I'm a bit of a sadist, but this is fiction, who cares) love the Hurt/Comfort dynamic of their relationship.
Is the 25-year gap dubious when she's 17 and he's 42? Yeah.
I don't believe in the "love at first sight" version of Bellamort - I believe he was fascinated and impressed with her, enough to take her under his wing, his first apprentice in the Dark Arts. And then, then she grew on him, day after day after day. She becomes familiar, and he finds himself knowing more and more about her, wanting to know more and more about her. That's who Bella is to him: the one who always stays. Everyone leaves, no one is worthy of trust. But Bella always comes through for him. She accepts to be sent into Hell for him, and then she discovers that Hell is just a place without him. He screams at the end of DH because, when she falls, she's failed him. His last, best lieutenant, the one who always found her way back to him, is dead.
She made herself indispensable to him, without him realizing it for a long time. When he does, he's powerless. Sure, he humiliates her, perhaps treats her cruelly even, but I am 100% sure that he always goes back to comfort her later. When the time comes to actually hurt her (= Harry & Co. escape from Malfoy Manor), she is unscathed. Lucius, poor thing, still carries signs of his punishment weeks after that. And this is Voldemort. I am always perplexed when people say "oh, how can he love her if he does A, B, C"... You guys do realize that we are talking about Voldemort here? And that is the whole point. Also, Bella wasn't exactly a kitten, was she?
What else? They clearly have great sex. I said what I said.
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llitchilitchi · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers <3
aaaah okay - let's do something simple
morning coffee
nice smelling hand cream
a new pack of mechanical pencil lead
the colour purple
people in my ask box
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gremlinboykevin · 10 months
hey, i reblogged some of your old Buggy art and wrote some stuff inspired by it. Thought i’d ask if you would check it out, im a new one piece fan and would like some interaction. Ok if you don’t, and you make great art!
YEEEEEES!!! I did see it!!!! And oh my goodness, reading what you wrote for me SO EXCITED???
Not only am I happy it inspired you, but also the comment about seeing something like this on the live action??? Oh man, oh MAN!!
Thank you so much for what you wrote!!!! 💚💚💚💚
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floral-hex · 1 year
Uhhh hope you have a better day friend, and uhhhh that your cats are extra sweet today
Here have a bug
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this little dude hung out for a good half hour just inching back n forth
That bug’s got the right idea 😎 just chillin outside, swaying in the sun 😎
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38 and A for mixed berry milk - and please send me some questions I wanna play this ask game too!
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38. What memory do they revisit the most often? 
Although I haven't posted him yet, the memory that often comes to her mind was her first meeting with Chocolate Chip Cookie. She punched him on her first meeting and looking back on it now, it embarrasses her a lot. She wishes she could change the way they met but at the same time, she doesn't regret meeting him that day at all. One could say that she met him exactly when she needed him.
A) Why are you excited about this character?
Although she's mainly a side character, she's an important bridge character for the other food sims. I haven't written anything down though (just writing and making all of their plots in my head) but once I get the time to just sit down and write, she'll play an important role for some of my characters. Also, I love her aesthetics and vibes xD It reminds me a lot of Halloween and candy^^
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Get fruited, nerd. 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🫐🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥝🍅🌶
how could this happen to me t-t
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nekkobaby · 10 days
stroking my cock to your pics and blog right now 🤤 can I show you how hard you made me, kitty?
You can 😌
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normal-about-the-dca · 5 months
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nebularious · 1 year
Jack:That's right, AR! I'm taki- I mea- oh, wait, AR isn't here. PM, I'm taking your package!!
Doc scratch: heeeeeeeyyy
Doc scratch: what's uuuuupp
Doc scratch: It's meeeeeeeeeee
Rose: stop!
0 notes
muy-dulce · 1 year
I saw you love red, white, and royal blue and I've just gotta ask you: have you heard of Burn the House Down by Kenna Jenkins? It's an alternate history novel abt the 1st woman president and her secret sapphic relationship/bearded marriage with her mlm best friend. It also includes a subplot about arson at the White House, ft. An entirely queer main cast and really fleshed out characters, and has a really satisfying ending!
No, I haven’t heard of it but I will check it out! :)
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egophiliac · 5 months
Serious question.
Do you think we’ll see the parents/family of each of the guys???
Like, We’ve been TEASED with Ace’s brother, that I’m starting to think it’s just a reference to that Alice in Wonderland park character in Japan and nothing else….
Jack’s family, Ruggie’s grandma, Falena, Maleficia, Ms.Rosehearts, Just now Vil’s dad is in the picture which I am really happy but now I’m wondering about his mom, and so Deuce’s mom.
I mean, some HAVE a silhouette!! It could mean they do have a design in the making/ready to show. They could’ve shown us Falena in the Tamashina (hope I said that correctly) event, but didn’t (prolly to make Leona not so σ(▼□▼メ) and it’s understandable)
Anyhow, any idea/headcannon about this? Who do you want to see first?
I'm wondering if everyone might eventually get a travel event? like they've now introduced with Vil's that it doesn't have to be specifically hometowns, so that opens things up a lot! (especially if they have to figure out how to do three separate Coral Sea visits) (how would that even work otherwise)
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but yeah, I hope everyone gets a chance! there's a lot of backstory characters I would LOVE to meet. :D :D :D though I do think some of them don't really suit the more light-hearted tone of the events (pretty sure you're right about that being why Falena wasn't in Tamashina-Mina, that would've just been. too much for Leona.) so like...we're probably not ever going to meet the Rosehearts. or Maleficia (although I maintain that this would be THE funniest possible way to introduce her outside of the main story, and actually I would love this a lot, can we please Twst) (I need to see her to put Malleus in a froofy little outfit and tell him what a handsome boy he is). but they've sprung surprises like Kifaji on us, and honestly anyone who shows up and tells embarrassing stories about characters' childhoods is good in my book!
characters off the top of my head who I most want to meet: literally any of the Zigvolts, Azul's mom, Ace's brother, Che'nya's grandfather (<- I think he would be a good one for Riddle) (please just any non-terrible adult in his life), any member of Rook's family because I need to see how they managed to produce him, and...really just whoever they can come up with for Silver.
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Hi! What are some of your favorite things about bison?? Your pinned post says ask at your own risk and I'm very happily doing so
oughhh ok!! firstly, i think they just look really cool. i mean, look at them....
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secondly (and for this i am referring solely to american bison, i don't know very much about the history of european bison) they are very historically and culturally significant. the native americans who lived on the great plains relied a lot on the bison for food, but also to make clothes, tipis, weapons, and bison were also a part of their religion. in the 19th century white settlers killed most of the plains bison. this was sponsored by the us government as a method of cultural genocide, by removing the lifeline of the native americans in the area and forcing them onto reservations
in the 20th and 21st centuries, bison have been reintroduced to national parks and indigenous land across america and their population has increased, although there will never be as many as there were before because there's just, you know, not enough room for them.
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look at him.... very important creature
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