#sorry i took so long to respond i slept most of today away oops
theonyxranger · 4 years
9, 24, & 28 for the Mass Effect asks please!
9: What squad member do you bring along the most? Garrus because he's me BOY. There's no Shepard without Vakarian.
24: What enemy do you really hate fighting? Geth Juggernauts on insanity. Specifically on Rannoch when you come out of the elevator and you're surrounded with no cover... I want to cry.
28: What’s the most hilarious thing that’s happened to you while playing (a glitch, a mission that went haywire, etc)? Absolute favorite was definitely during a conversation with Udina when his eyes just started slowly rising up into and then eventually out of his head while he was talking. After about thirty seconds they were offscreen and he just had two big gaping holes in his face.
2 notes · View notes
lastbluetardis · 4 years
Chemical Reaction (20/22)
Summary: Though their chemistry class is now over, the chemistry between James and Rose is just getting started. Together, they navigate the highs of new love and the lows of coping with past trauma to forge deep and unbreakable bonds of love and commitment. Part 2 in the Catalysis series. Tagging @doctorroseprompts
This chapter: ~8000 words, explicit
If you like my stories, consider leaving me a tip? I know these are trying times, but if you are able, I would really appreciate it xoxo. And as always, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated as well.
AO3 | FF | TSP
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13 | Ch14 | Ch15 | Ch16 | Ch17 | Ch18 | Ch19 | Ch20 | Ch21 | epilogue
James awoke slowly, groggily. His head was pounding and his eyes were scratchy and blurry. He had slept deeply and dreamlessly, and now that he was drifting towards consciousness, he had absolutely no idea where he was or what day it was. If he’d had to give the year or month, he wasn’t sure he would have been able to do it.
He would have been perfectly content to close his eyes and try to fall back to sleep; however, the cat yowling at the foot of the bed was making that impossible, as was the sharp, pulsing ache in his bladder. Had he gone out drinking the night before? That might explain his throbbing head, his desperate need for the toilet, and the reason he was asleep in a strange bed.
“Pippin, shut it.”
James blinked through the haze of his vision. Rose lay next to him, but they weren’t in his bed. And they definitely weren’t in Rose’s bed; he had way too much room to splay his legs without them falling off the mattress. But the room was familiar. They were… in his guest room?
The events of the past night finally clicked. Rose was here. Rose was here after they’d made up from their awful fight, and she’d stayed the night with him.
His chest warmed with love and gratitude at the sight of Rose pulling a pillow over her head as Pippin began meowing more earnestly upon realizing both humans were awake.
“I hate your cat,” Rose mumbled, her voice nearly inaudible.
“You love him,” he cooed. Pippin paced in the thin strip of space between their bodies, then stepped onto James’s lower belly. James yelped and swiped his cat to the floor, ignoring Pippin’s cry.
Rose snorted. “All right?”
“I really need a wee,” he squeaked. He vaulted out of bed and sprinted across the hall to the guest bathroom, ignoring Rose’s laughter behind him.
After attending to his over-full bladder, James stumbled to the kitchen—noticing with a grumble it was only seven in the morning—and he filled Pippin and Merry’s food dishes. Preemptively, he went into the basement and placed their bowls down there, knowing he would start painting before too long. Neither cat realized what he intended to do until he trekked up the stairs and closed the door behind him. He heard the frantic sounds of racing feet, then the scratching of paws and claws at the door, followed by the most piteous mewl he’d ever heard.
“Oh, you’re fine,” he said. “Go eat your breakfast, bud.”
Not particularly wanting to stand there arguing with his cat, James turned away from the basement door and went into his guest room. Rose was snoring lightly, her chest rising and falling with her even breaths.
He hadn’t been sure if he would see this sight again, and he knew he would never take it for granted. Though wide awake, thanks to his stupid cat, James instead slipped beneath the sheets once more, nestling deep into the mattress. It wasn’t as cozy as his mattress, a little too firm for his liking. He suddenly wondered whether Rose liked his other bed or favored this one; in all the months they’d been sharing a bed, he never once thought to ask if she preferred firmer or softer mattresses. Maybe they could invest in one of those fancy, dual-firmness mattresses he was always seeing commercials for on the television.
James began getting antsy after only a few minutes of lying beside Rose. He tried to ignore it, to take advantage of snuggling with her, but his mind was awake and itching to do something. Plus, they weren’t really snuggling. He was on his side, watching her sleep.
Not creepy at all, he muttered to himself.
Noticing that he was beginning to fidget, James relented with a sigh. Pecking a soft, barely-there kiss to her forehead, he slipped out of bed again and padded into his kitchen to start coffee and clean up the dishes from the night before.
Quietly as he could, he emptied the dishwasher and hand-washed the few dirty dishes in his sink while his coffee brewed. He had the belated realization that the scent of coffee might be enough to disturb and wake Rose. Oops.
Well, there was nothing he could do about it now. He grabbed his hazelnut-flavored creamer from the fridge and poured a healthy dollop into the bottom of his caffeine molecule mug. He took his coffee to the kitchen table and grabbed a crossword puzzle book to keep himself busy; he didn’t want to start painting yet, since the fumes and the noise would probably wake Rose, if she wasn’t already awake.
Surprisingly, it was another hour before Rose joined him. James was deeply engrossed in his crossword and didn’t hear her soft footsteps; he jumped when she linked her arms around his neck and rested her chin on the top of his head.
“Morning,” she murmured, voice gravelly.
“Morning.” He tilted his head up, accepting her kiss.
“Did you sleep well?” she asked.
“Mhm. Like a rock. Which is nice, since I slept for maybe four hours last night. Well. Last morning. I didn’t actually try to go to bed until six, and I didn’t really sleep. Just sorta dozed on and off and…”
“You went to bed at six?” Rose interrupted, a frown evident in her voice. 
“I was busy,” he said, a little defensively. “Gollum wee’d on my bed and the guest bed, so I had to wash all the sheets and duvets. D’you know how long it takes those things to dry? Oh, by the way, Gollum’s got a UTI. He’s at the vet. I should be able to pick him up today or tomorrow. But I was busy washing all of the blankets and sheets, and then I figured I would vacuum and wash my bathrooms between loads, and then I realized I hadn’t dusted in a while, so I—”
Rose leaned down and silenced him with a swift, hard kiss. His mind went blank as he cupped his hand around the back of her neck to hold her in place. She pulled away too soon for his liking and utterly ignored his pout.
“I love you, but blimey, you need to work on not talkin’ so much before I’ve had my first cuppa tea,” she drawled, ruffling his hair.
She moved away from him to start the kettle and to grab a mug and tea bag. James stood and refilled his mug with his third cup of coffee.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked, filling the mug to the brim to finish off the coffee in the pot.
“Not really,” she admitted.
James’s shoulders slumped. “Oh. Was it the mattress?”
Rose blinked. “What? No.”
“Is that mattress too firm?”
“No, it…”
“Do you like the mattress in my bedroom? I was thinking this morning that I never really considered the type of mattress you like, and if you don’t like what I have we can go shopping together for something you and I can both comfortably sleep on and…”
“Jesus Christ,” Rose muttered under her breath, rubbing the heels of her hands into her eyes.
James abruptly stopped speaking, his ears and cheeks burning. “Er, sorry.”
“Your mattresses are fine,” she said. “If you would’ve let me finish, I was about to say I had weird dreams that kept waking me up. I dreamt Jimmy showed up. In one of the dreams, you and him became best friends…”
“Fat fucking chance,” James blurted, irrationally irritated at his dream self. “Rose you know I would never…” 
Rose rolled her eyes. “I know. Didn’t keep my subconscious from dreamin’ about it though. And in another, Jimmy kept shoutin’ at me for the most ridiculous things that I can’t really remember. I didn’t want to keep dreaming about him, so I figured I’d get up and we could start painting your bedroom.”
James stepped up to her, arms outstretched for a hug, if she wanted it. She did, and tucked her head beneath his chin, linking her arms around his hips.
“I haven’t responded to Jimmy yet,” she said quietly. “I didn’t tell him I got his letter. I don’t know what to say to him. Or if I even should say anything.”
James gave her a tight squeeze. He wanted to tell her to block his number and burn his letter, but ultimately the decision was hers. He would simply be there for comfort and support, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to vent to.
“I’m proud of you,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head. “So proud. I’ll be here for you no matter what.”
She tightened her hold around him, nearly clinging to him and ignoring the beeping of the kettle.
“Thanks.” She sighed and pressed a kiss to his collarbone. “I’m gonna make an effort to tell you when I talk to Jimmy. If I talk to him.”
James ran his fingers through her hair. “I’ll be here to listen when you’re ready.” He kissed her gently. “Can I make you some tea and toast?”
She nodded and loosened her arms from around his hips, then allowed herself to be guided to an empty kitchen chair.
They ate a meager breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs while they sipped their respective hot beverages. When they’d finished eating and their plates and mugs were in the sink, James led Rose to the guest bedroom and found some old, ratty clothes she could borrow. He donned the shorts and paint-splattered t-shirt he’d worn the day before, and gave Rose a pair of mesh shorts and a frayed, stained t-shirt he often wore to do yard work.
“Right! Ready to get painty?” he crowed, clapping his hands together,
Rose giggled and nodded, but paused and asked, “Are Merry and Pippin gonna get in our way?”
“Locked ‘em in the basement,” he assured. As though to alert the world of his displeasure, Pippin began meowing very loudly from the basement door.
Ignoring his wailing cat, James took his phone with him in case the vet called, then he walked down the hall and flung open his bedroom door. The paint smell had dissipated somewhat overnight, and to his delight, all the walls looked dry enough for a second coat of paint.
They took a few minutes to discuss a plan of attack, wherein it was decided James would put the second coat on the ceiling while Rose started on the walls. That was how the next few hours passed, with James climbing up and down the ladder and working around Rose.
When the ceiling was completed, James opened up the can of glossy white paint to get started on the crown molding. Rose had finished two of the four walls, and they looked beautiful; the paint was even, with no brush or roller marks left behind.
His legs and core were getting sore from balancing on the ladder, and he wanted to say sod it to the crown molding. But he hadn’t been particularly careful when applying the paint to his walls and ceiling; as a result, the trim work was speckled with blue-gray paint. With a sigh, James dipped one of his smaller brushes and began the arduous, painstaking task of painting the trim around the ceiling.
After about an hour of scaling up and down the ladder, of reaching up and out to apply the paint, his back and shoulders were nearly burning with exertion. While he wanted nothing more than to stop for the day, he was eager to have this damn project finished. He was tired of his house smelling like paint and of needing to keep his poor cats sequestered in the basement.
He climbed down the ladder and returned the lid to the paint can, figuring they were due for a lunch break. With a groan, James leaned down and touched his toes, twisting slightly. It crackled like a bag of crisps. He exhaled as he straightened, then lifted his arms up and over his head. His back popped loudly, spreading relief through his entire spine.
“God that felt good,” he sighed, raking his hands through his hair. It felt a little damp with supposed perspiration.
“You’re covered in paint.”
James glanced over to where Rose was working the paint roller up and down the walls to apply a clean, even coat. His focus narrowed to the flex of her shoulders, visible even through the over-large t-shirt she was wearing. His mind’s eye could easily see the soft, smooth expanse of her back, the jut of her shoulder blades, the flesh on either side of the valley of her spine, the subtle dimples that peeked just above the waistband of her trousers. His fingers itched to push her shirt up, to map out her back and her belly, to press himself against her and kiss the side of her neck and her shoulder and… 
He forgot she had spoken until she glanced over her shoulder at him expectantly.
He cleared his throat. “Well, you’re one to talk. You’re covered in paint too.” She’d pulled her hair up into a messy bun at the beginning of their venture, and several strands had escaped over the course of the morning, billowing around her face. Small streaks of paint adorned her forehead and cheeks from where she no doubt impatiently pushed her hair aside. “Besides, we’re painting. By default, that means we’re going to end up covered in it.”
Rose grinned, her tongue poking out of the side of her mouth. His stomach gave a funny little lurch, and he wanted to chase her tongue with his.
“Your hair is practically white,” she teased.
“No, it’s not,” he said, rolling his eyes fondly. “Don’t be dramatic.”
“Oh yeah?” she challenged. “Look at your hands.”
He blinked at her, then glanced down. To his horror, he saw that most of his right palm was coated in paint. He looked to the ladder: the brush he’d been using had wet, sticky paint all along the handle.
“Oh, no,” he moaned. He raced into his en suite and saw that Rose was right: paint was streaked and clumped in with his hair.
He groaned.
“Told ya.”
Rose stood behind him and linked her arms loosely around his middle. She rested her palms on his stomach and began to rub long, lazy lines up and down his torso. Goosebumps rippled across his skin and he tried to keep himself from shuddering at her touch.
“You ought to be more careful about where you set your brush,” she murmured, stretching onto her tiptoes to plant a kiss to the nape of his neck, right above his shirt collar. “Want some help washing it out?”
“My beautiful hair,” he whined, mostly to hear her laugh.
He succeeded; she giggled and reached up to ruffle his poor, paint-splattered hair. He could feel how stiff it had gotten with paint.
Rose dropped her arms from around his middle and skipped into the bedroom for the roll of paper towel they’d been using to try to keep their hands relatively clean. Clearly he had failed in that regard, and his hair had paid the price.
While she did that, James washed his hands, scratching at the dried paint with his nails until his hands were spotless and pink once more. He then angled his head at Rose when she finally joined him in the en suite. But she shook her head and boosted herself up onto the vanity countertop instead. She ripped off a few sheets of paper towels and ran them under warm water to moisten them.
She gestured for him to step closer, and he readily did. He was not expecting, however, for Rose to link her legs around his hips. She hooked her ankles over one another behind his thighs and pulled him even closer. He sucked in a sharp breath as the front of his hips met with hers.
Automatically, he rested his hands on her thighs. Her borrowed shorts had ridden up, and he couldn’t help but touch her bare skin. Her legs tensed, drawing him in, before they relaxed again.
“C’mere,” she repeated, and he leaned into her.
He dropped his head so it was in easier reach for her; his new vantage gave him a teasing view down the front of her shirt, which had gaped low in front as she leaned forward and up. He couldn’t see anything beyond the soft swell of the tops of her breasts and he had the ridiculous urge to rip the front of her shirt open.
Rose sank her fingers into his hair as she began to scrub the damp paper towel through it. He bit his lip as sparks of pleasure shot across his scalp whenever she used her nails to scratch at a particularly stubborn bit of paint.
“God, you really worked it in deep,” Rose muttered, voice an octave lower than normal.
“What can I say? I’m very thorough.” His voice cracked, and he cleared it impatiently.
Rose’s hands gradually stilled in his hair. She set the damp cloth to the side and he took that to mean she had given up on his hair. He lifted his head and met her gaze, as dark and hungry as the desire churning in his gut.
He wasn’t sure who moved first, but suddenly their lips met, softly at first them more urgently as Rose flung her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Not knowing where to put his hands, he cradled them at her lower back, splaying his palms across her spine. James groaned and shuddered as her tongue slid against his, mapping out the contours of his mouth. She flicked her tongue along the roof of his mouth, then the backs of his teeth, then his upper lip. Next she sucked his lower lip into her mouth and bit it gently, scraping her teeth across it before she released it.
Heat unfurled low in his stomach, twisting and tightening his guts as it concentrated into a steady, dull ache in his groin. He could feel himself getting hard as Rose tightened her legs around his waist, pulling him in, in, in. 
God, he wanted her. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself in her, body, mind, and soul. He wanted to make love with her, to hold her tightly as he pleasured her. He wanted to make her forget all about the heartbreak of the last twenty-four hours and to simply feel.
But after what she’d told him about makeup sex with Jimmy, would she even want to have makeup sex with him? He didn’t know, and so he would be perfectly satisfied to simply lose himself in her kisses for the rest of the afternoon. It would be enough to cradle her in his arms and let their breaths mingle in the same space as they shared kiss after kiss.
“You’re thinking too loud,” Rose mumbled into his mouth, reluctantly pulling away. Her lips were red and slightly swollen, her eyes dark and hooded. He recognized that expression, and his stomach clenched with anticipation.
“Sorry,” he said, leaning in to kiss her.
However, she pressed her hand to his chest. “Wait. Do you want to be doing this?”
“You can’t feel my interest in this?” he drawled, smirking. He wasn’t fully hard yet, but was hard enough that there was no way Rose couldn’t feel it. Even so, he pressed himself lazily into her.
“There’s a difference in you wanting it versus your body reacting to it,” Rose said with a shrug. “If you’re not into this…”
“I am,” he promised. After a moment’s hesitation, he decided to share with her what had been going on in his head. “I was just wondering if maybe you weren’t. What you said yesterday about makeup sex with Jimmy…”
He trailed off with a small shrug. Rose’s expression softened, and she leaned forward to press a gentle, brief kiss to his mouth.
“We used to have angry sex instead of talking,” she said. “You and I spent an hour last night talking things out and apologizing. You opened yourself up to me and made me feel comfortable to open myself to you. You let me know how I hurt you without raising your voice, calling me any rude names, or swearing at me. And you let me tell you how you hurt me without getting all defensive or dismissive about it.”
James’s blood began to boil as his hatred of Jimmy Stone was rekindled. He pushed it aside, however, to stay in this moment with Rose. Jimmy didn’t get to take up space between him and Rose, especially when they were sharing such intimacy together.
“That’s what I want from a relationship,” Rose concluded. “And now I would like to make love with my best friend because I want to make him feel good and show him how much I love him. And I want to forget about anything else because nothing else will ever be more important than him and me and what we share together.”
James’s chest tightened and he swore he had never and would never love anyone more than he loved Rose. He covered her lips in a frantic, hungry kiss, feeling as though he couldn’t get close enough to her. She moaned into his mouth and slipped her hands beneath his shirt, mapping out the planes of his stomach, his obliques, his chest. He shivered at her touch, nerves sparking.
He stuck one of his hands under her shirt, walking it up to her breast, while his other dipped into the front of her borrowed shorts. They were loose, giving him plenty of room to work. He groaned when his fingers met with her wet heat.
“Got hot and bothered watchin’ you,” she gasped as his fingers teased her, tracing long, slow lines through her. “Was gonna snog you on the ladder but figured that probably wouldn’t end well. Don’t really want you breaking your back falling off the ladder ‘cos I couldn’t keep my hands to myself.”
James snorted lightly. “I was getting distracted watching you too. I love seeing you in my clothes.”
“Good thing I like wearing your clothes. God.” She hissed when his fingers circled that wonderfully sensitive bundle of nerves. Her hips arched into him, urging him on.
He eagerly complied, keeping his touch light and unhurried, relishing the variety of sounds she made. From the low moans to sharp inhalations, the noises she let out tightened the coil in his belly. He was so hard and desperate to rub against something, or to shift aside their clothes and enter her. But he also wanted to continue pleasuring her, so he worked to ignore the demands of his body.
Rose, however, was as in tune with his body as he was, and must have sensed how tense he’d become. She stuck a hand down the front of his shorts and wrapped her fingers around his hard length. He groaned at the sensation, at the friction of her hand moving lazily up and down. Her rhythm was as slow as his, mirroring the motion of his fingers against her.
All the while, James kissed her. Their kisses grew clumsier as their breathing turned ragged. He gave up on kissing her and instead lavished attention to the side of her neck, concentrating his efforts on the sensitive skin beneath her ear and where her neck joined her shoulder. 
“Rose, I want you,” he rasped, his belly clenching impatiently. “I want to be inside you. Let me make love to you. Let me make you feel good.”
She let out a whimper, her fingers tightening around him. He arched his hips greedily, urging her to continue even as he fumbled with the best way to shift her clothes.
Sensing his deliberation, she reluctantly took her hand out of his pants. She moved them to the edge of the vanity on either side of her hips.
“Here,” she panted.
She unhooked her legs from around his waist, then tightened her abdominal muscles and arms as she lifted her bum off the counter. Wasting no time, James hooked his fingers in the waistband of her shorts, grabbing them and her knickers. He slipped them down her hips and thighs in one smooth motion. She impatiently wiggled her legs, helping him remove her cumbersome clothes, before he finally got them free of her feet. He threw them to the floor, then made to drop to his knees in front of her.
“No,” she said, grabbing the front of his shirt to halt his movements.
He blinked. She loved oral, just as he liked giving it. “But…”
“Promise?” he asked with a pout.
She grinned. “You can go down on me for as long as you like later. But for now…” She cupped her hand around his erection through his shorts, stroking him slowly. He shuddered as his breath escaped him in a low groan. “I want you inside me. Right now.”
Carefully, she lowered his shorts to free his erection. He worked them all the way down his legs and kicked them off behind him. He next grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Rose scrabbled with her shirt as well. She threw it to the floor, then reached behind herself to unclasp her bra.
The heat in James’s belly tightened as her breasts were revealed. In his (totally unbiased) opinion, they were the most beautiful pair of beasts in the world.
Now that they were both naked, it dawned on James that there were far comfier places to do this. 
“Let’s move to a bed, love,” he said, even though it was so, so tempting to stay right as they were. It would be easy to step between Rose’s legs and push himself into her wet heat; it would feel incredible, being surrounded by her, making her moan, feeling her clenching and throbbing around him. 
He shuddered violently as his need spiked, but Rose was already hopping down from the vanity countertop in all of her naked glory. He couldn’t help but catch her in his arms and kiss her. He hissed when his erection pressed to her hip. He grabbed her arse and pulled her into him.
“Y’know, standing-up sex is much more difficult and uncomfortable than countertop sex,” Rose drawled, though her words died on a gasp when he covered her breast with his mouth. He flicked his tongue against her nipple and scraped his teeth across it.
It became too awkward to keep his neck bent like that, so he instead replaced his mouth with his hand and moved his lips to the side of her neck.
“You are utterly irresistible,” he breathed, repositioning his hips so his erection was stimulating her as well. He flexed and arched his into her, ignoring that primal urge to enter her, to make hard and fast love with her.
“Counter’s right there,” she sighed, threading her fingers through his hair and hooking a leg around his waist.
Oh, God, that was the angle he needed. On his next forward grind, the tip of his cock slipped through her folds, teasing him with a hint of heightened pleasure. Fire blazed through him, a desperate, aching, burning heat as his body exploded with sensations.
He thought he would never again get to do this with her, yet here he was, mere seconds from joining with her in that most intimate way that belonged just to them. She was the only one he would ever share this with, the only one he wanted to share this with.
“Rose,” he gasped helplessly, grinding into her harder and faster.
Raw desire overwhelmed him, and he could hardly do anything but cling to her.
Rose lowered her leg from around him, causing him to slip away from her. He grunted in displeasure as his cock was met with the cooler air of the en suite.
A small, soft hand slipped through his, pulling him into the bedroom. The smell of paint was all around them. Brushes and rollers and paint cans were strewn around the room, but in the center of the room was a beautiful, glorious, comfortable bed. It was covered in a protective cloth canvas, but it would be a simple matter to shift the canvas aside. 
Rose, evidently, had the same idea. She grabbed the edge of the canvas and shoved it to the foot of the bed, leaving them enough space to crawl onto the mattress.
They moved in perfect synchronicity, with Rose settling on her back, legs fallen to the sides, and James hovering atop her, his hips cradled in hers.
Rose wasted no time; she took him in hand, lined him up, and guided him inside of herself. He couldn’t help the soft cry as he was surrounded by her. She echoed his moan, locking her legs around his hips and digging her nails into his shoulder blades.
James began to shake. Hot shivers pricked across his body, and he had the mortifying dread that he was about to come any second. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to think about anything other than how good it felt to be inside Rose, how safe and loved he felt, how relieved he was to be making love with the love of his life when, for a long, exhausting, harrowing day, he thought he’d lost her and broken this beautiful life they shared.
It was then that he realized his body had been telling him he was about to start crying. Hot tears slipped down his cheeks, before they were brushed away by gentle hands.
“James.” Rose caressed her thumbs beneath his eyelids, a silent request. He opened his eyes and saw that hers, too, were glistening with tears. “I love you. More than I can say. More than you’ll know. More than I thought I could ever love someone. You are my happy ending, the happy ending I never thought I’d have, and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and laughing with you and crying with you.” 
A choked sob bubbled up his throat and he spared a thought for how ridiculous they must look, lying on a bed in a paint-strewn room, connected as intimately as two people could physically be, and yet they were both crying.
“I love you, Rose,” he answered, voice raw. “Thank you for…” For what? For loving him and letting him love her? For letting him apologize and giving him an apology in return? For being patient, kind, and loving? For making him feel at home for the first time in a long, long time? “For everything.”
She brought his face closer to hers and brushed a ghost of a kiss to his cheeks overtop the tear tracks, then to his lips. She planted kiss after kiss to his lips, gently at first, then more frantic as he slid his arms under her shoulders to hold her closer. Their mouths moved greedily together, falling into a rhythm they each knew well as James began to move atop her.
Rose broke the kiss with a sigh, arching her hips into his. Their kisses grew more sporadic, with James concentrating his efforts on her neck and collarbone. She felt amazing, the slick drag of her tightening muscles around his cock sending frissons of pleasure across his entire body, head to toes.
He gathered her impossibly closer, burying his face into her neck as he breathed her in, her scent overpowering the smell of paint in the room. He was surrounded by her, by her warmth, her body, her love. With every thrust of himself into her, he was being consumed, giving himself willingly to her and receiving all of her in return. 
Rose began trembling, clenching around him as her breathing hitched. Shifting his weight and balance, he took one of his arms away from her to slip his hand between their bodies to rub the place they were joined. Her back arched, thrusting into him as she squeezed him tighter, tighter, tighter…
She cried out his name, the sound full of pleasure and relief as she was swept away by the force of her orgasm. Shuddering and shaking, her nails dug hard into his spine as she clung to him. He could feel his own pleasure mounting, feel the urgency building within him as he quickened his pace. 
His body was too small to contain the maelstrom brewing inside of him. His lungs constricted, leaving him panting raggedly at her shoulder as he moved within her. Rose had stopped pulsing around him, so he returned his arm to the mattress, bracing himself as he snapped his hips harder and faster, chasing his release.
Rose scraped her nails up and down his back, raising goosebumps across his skin and pulling a low groan from deep in his throat. Fuck, she felt incredible. He never wanted to leave this moment, yet he was desperate to reach his climax, to join her in that overpowering ecstasy.
Her lips were at his ear, her hot breath tickling it deliciously as she whispered, “I love you, James. My James. I love you.”
He cursed and cried out as the tension in his belly flared sharply, then rolled outwards, boiling his blood and leaving pleasure in its wake. He’d never felt so good and was sure nothing else would ever feel as amazing as this, despite the past four months proving to him that making love with Rose would always be addicting and overwhelming.
He was thoroughly exhausted when the tide receded and he slumped bonelessly into Rose. He could hardly catch his breath and he was sure his arms would never stop shaking.
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” Rose mumbled, sounding as worn out as he felt, “but if makeup sex with you is always going to be that intense, we’re gonna need to find things to argue about at least weekly.”
James snorted, then giggled, before he was full-on belly laughing. Rose was laughing just as hard beneath him, her shoulders shaking as she gasped for breath. His abdominals ached by the time he managed to pull himself together.
“Your hair is still a mess,” Rose said, running her fingers through it.
Shivers prickled across his scalp. He moaned and pressed closer.
“I think a shower is gonna be the only way to get all the paint out,” she continued.
“Mmm. I could use a bit of help. To make sure my hair is utterly paint-free.”
She grinned. “I s’pose I could be persuaded to join you. After all, I might’ve gotten paint in my hair and need someone to check it out for me.”
“See? I’m doing you a huge favor,” he said.
Rose pinched him, then sighed and melted into the mattress and pillows. “We probably ought to get more painting done before we shower though.”
“I dunno about you, but it would take an act of God to move me from this bed right now.”
At that moment, James’s phone began to trill with an incoming call. He grunted in annoyance, unsure where he’d left his phone, and figured whoever was calling couldn’t be more important than his post-coital cuddle with Rose.
“Aren’t you gonna get that?” she asked, trailing her nails lightly up and down his spine.
He huffed. “Unless God is calling, no.”
“It could be the vet,” Rose said as his phone continued to ring. “Didn’t you say Gollum could come home today or tomorrow?”
With a displeased groan, James pushed himself up to his forearms, then carefully rolled off of her. His muscles complained at the movement; his legs barely held his weight as he stumbled around the room, searching for his phone. The call had ended by the time he found it sitting precariously top of the canvas-covered nightstand. Rose had been right: it was the vet. He learned upon listening to the voicemail message that he could pick Gollum up any time that afternoon before six o’clock.
“Let’s shower then fetch him,” Rose suggested. “We got a lot done today and can finish up tomorrow, if that’s all right.”
James was sure he would be even sorer tomorrow, but he absolutely did not want to do any more painting today. He enthusiastically agreed, and then waggled his eyebrows and said, “Shower time?”
Rose rolled her eyes but a small smile crossed her lips. She shifted off of the bed, looking as stiff as he felt; hopefully the warm water would help loosen their muscles.
James should have known it would be impossible for their shared shower to be purely functional. As they washed themselves and helped each other scrub off stubborn flecks of paint, they found any excuse to stand closer than necessary. Their damp, soapy bodies rubbed together deliciously and James couldn’t help but trail wet kisses across her skin as his body thrummed with renewed desire. When Rose shampooed his hair and dug her nails deep into his scalp to scrape away all of the paint, James thought he was going to combust on the spot. All of his blood pulsed into his cock with dizzying intensity; by the time Rose rinsed the suds from his hair, he was grinding himself firmly into her hip.
“Again?” she asked with a smirk.
“Please,” he rasped. “I want you.”
“Shower sex requires more balance and strength than I currently have,” she said, sliding her palm down his belly to take him in hand. “But I can think of something else I can do with this.”
With that, she dropped to her knees before him and wasted no time in slotting her mouth over him. Pleasure sparked up his spine and goosebumps prickled across his skin despite standing beneath the warm spray of water. Her tongue drummed across his cock while her hand stroked the base of him.
She built him up with a steady rhythm, and James let himself be lost in her ministrations, for once unbothered that he wasn’t going to last very long. He couldn’t bring himself to care, not when the friction of her hand and the suction of her mouth felt so bloody good.
He grunted out a warning when the heat in his belly coiled in on itself. Smirking, she took her mouth off of him and pumped her hand harder and faster down his cock. She arched her chest closer, the overhead lights shimmering off her wet, flushed skin as the head of his cock brushed the swell of her breasts, and oh God, he was done for.  
The tension unsnapped in a sharp wave of pleasure and relief that left him moaning and curling his toes into the wet, textured floor of his shower. He thrust into the sensations rocking through his body as her hand continued moving on him, drawing out his orgasm for as long as she could.
He cursed when his ears stopped roaring and his head stopped swimming. Rose was still crouched in front of him, evidence of his pleasure spattered across her breasts as she lazily stroked his softening cock. He shivered.
“Thanks,” he croaked a bit stupidly.
She grinned. “My pleasure.”
“Pretty sure the pleasure was all mine, actually.” He helped haul her to her feet, and he crashed his mouth to hers. Between kisses, he murmured, “That felt incredible. Thank you.”
“I love doing that to you,” she replied, sighing when he tilted her head back to kiss her neck.
“Looks like you got all covered in paint again,” he drawled, trailing his fingertips across her breasts.
“Really? That’s your line?” she snorted.
He pouted. “What’s wrong with my line? That was a brilliant line.”
She simply rolled her eyes, but another smile tugged at her lips. “That was a terrible line and so cheesy and so dorky.” Before he could splutter out a rebuttal, she kissed him and said, “But you’re my cheesy dork.”
His blood warmed and he hummed, his body overflowing with love and appreciation for her. He kissed her softly and whispered, “Since I got you messy, it’s only fair that I wash it all off.”
James trailed his fingers up and down her sides, from her breasts to her hips, in long, slow strokes. Her nipples pebbled and tightened so invitingly, and he couldn’t keep himself from taking one into his mouth. She arched into his touch, fisting her fingers through his hair to hold him in place. As if he would ever want to move.
Time ceased to mean anything as he lavished attention to her breasts, letting his tongue and the spray of the shower rinse her chest clean. Her breathing turned ragged the longer he allowed his teeth and tongue to tease her nipples and the curve of her breasts. When his back and neck grew too sore to remain hunched as he was, he dropped to his knees before her and gave the same attention to her hips and lower belly.
She thrust closer to his touch, trying to get him where she wanted him, but he smiled to himself and grabbed her hips, halting their impatient movements.
“James,” she whined, tugging at his hair. “I didn’t make you wait.”
“As I recall, earlier you told me, and I quote, You can go down on me for as long as you like later. It’s later, isn’t it? And I am nowhere near satisfied yet.”
“James, please,” she begged, and fuck, if she didn’t know what that did to him.
He shivered and tried to continue kissing her hips and thighs, but he was desperate to taste her, to hear her sounds of pleasure.
“C’mere.” He tapped one of her legs, encouraging her to drape it over his shoulder. “I won’t let you fall.”
Rose obeyed, bracing her back on the shower wall for balance and leverage. She gripped his hair tightly with one hand while her other shot to the washcloth holder. Her knuckles went white from how hard she clung to it.
“Relax,” he breathed, planting barely-there kisses right above where he knew she wanted him.
She growled in frustration and arched into him. He caressed her leg, then finally lowered his mouth and lick a long, slow line through her folds. She cursed and squeezed his hair, before loosening her hold.
He feasted on her as though he were a starving man. He couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t taste enough of her. Her urgent moans spurred him on, and he redoubled his efforts.
“James. I’m gonna…”
He hummed into her, loving her sharp cry as she trembled apart around him. Her thighs shook and he made sure to brace himself to take on more of her weight in case she lost her balance. Rose dug her heel into his spine, pressing him closer to her as she sighed his name and a string of curses.
Many long moments later, Rose shakily unhooked her leg from his shoulder and urged him to his feet. He held her to him trailing his fingers up and down her spine as she worked to slow her breathing.
“I love you,” she mumbled, face buried in the side of his neck. “You are so good at that.”
He puffed up with pride. “You deserve nothing less. Besides, I love doing that to you. Though I’m miffed you wouldn’t let me go on for longer.”
As though to contradict him, their hot water turned lukewarm, then went suddenly frigid. James, who had his back to the spray, yelped and leapt out of the water’s path, knocking Rose into the wall.
“Christ that’s cold!”
Rose cackled and ruffled his wet hair before she reached around him and turned the water off. “See. It’s a good thing I didn’t let you carry on. I would’ve been furious if a jet of cold water interrupted that.”
James sighed, then grudgingly stepped away from Rose to exit the shower.
“Dunno about you, but I’m starving,” Rose said while they towel dried themselves.
“Worked up quite an appetite, did you?” he asked, winking.
“Nah, I think it’s just ‘cos it’s way past lunch time,” she replied sweetly.
When they were dried and dressed once more, they exited the bedroom and closed the door behind them, then released Merry and Pippin from the basement. 
They inhaled a quick lunch of turkey sandwiches and sour cream and cheddar crisps, with half of a cupcake for dessert. As James cut the cupcake in half—horizontally between “happy” and “birthday”—he remembered the gift he’d had stashed away in his backpack all month long.
“Oh, bugger,” he muttered to himself, ignoring Rose’s look of confusion as he abruptly dropped the knife and rushed to the front door where his bag hung from a peg on the coat rack.
He rifled through it until he found the thin, rectangular velvet box. He had nearly decided on a thicker square box until he realized the box looked like it might hold a ring, and he hadn’t wanted to send mixed messages. If—when, he thought hopefully—he proposed to Rose, he wanted that to be the first and only time she thought a proposal was coming. He didn’t want to tease it in front of her without following through.
Necklace box in tow, he returned to Rose and held it out to her. “Happy birthday. I’ve been carrying it around all month to give to you whenever you told me it was your birthday. It slipped my mind last night.”
Rose’s cheeks turned a delightful shade of pink as she accepted the box from him with a mumbled, “Thanks,” and a brief kiss. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and rocked on his toes and heels as she took the lid off of the box.
“Oh, it’s beautiful,” she breathed, running her fingertips delicately across the silver chain and pendant. She looked up at him and smiled. “Thank you. I love it.”
He exhaled in relief; he hadn’t been sure what her response would be, since she had an aversion to gifts. But he’d seen the infinity heart design and hadn’t been able to resist.
Rose must have noticed his reaction, and she smiled sheepishly. “I’m trying to be better about accepting gifts. Especially since you enjoy giving them. I really love it, James. Thank you. Will you put it on me?”
She took the necklace out of the box and handed it to him. He draped it around her neck then clasped it, brushing a kiss to her nape to sign off on a job well done.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured, unable to resist kissing her again. 
She hummed and melted into him, resting her head on his shoulder. He leaned forward to press a kiss to her lips as she said, “Let’s finish lunch then we can collect Gollum.”
“I’d rather continue kissing you,” he countered, leaving kisses along the side of her neck.
“We can keep kissing when we get home,” she answered, though with how she threaded her fingers through his hair, she was in no rush to put an end to their activities either.
“Or… we can kiss now.”
Rose breathed out a laugh. “You should be a responsible pet owner. Let’s fetch Gollum, then when we get back, we can snog on the couch for the rest of the night.”
“Hmmm, you drive a hard bargain.” He planted a final kiss to the patch of skin right below her ear, enjoying her slight shudder, then pulled away to guide her to the kitchen and their shared, halved cupcake.
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amenomiko · 5 years
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An Old Request from FB
-"I want ice cream."
-Another of her weird food craving--no, it's something that didn't exist in this era yet.
-"You can't get it?" There's a slight shake in her voice. Damn, she's about to cry.
-He is speechless. This is the first time he couldn't get the thing that he want. Or precisely, the thing that she wanted.
-"Well, if you can wait for another 3 months for the wormho--"
-He jumped to the change in her tone.
-"If you told me to wait for 3 months, then it's not impossible for me to cut your *BEEP* until you couldn't make anymore child with me, right..? Hmmm?"
-He gulped when her hand caress his hair, and TUG on it so hard "..Right? Yes or no..? O-DA-NO-BU-NA-GA..?"
-"..." He could only shake his head.
-Her grin changed into a pure smile in instant. "Yay..! I love you honey bunny~~ muah~!!" She kissed him before walking away happily.
-His right hand man who have been frozen the whole time startled when his colors came back to his body. "Y-Yes?"
-"..Call for the ninja of Kasugayama. I need his help."
-The same day, that night, MC is more than happy to eat the ice cream that were made naturally. A.k.a, the mix of ice + milk + strawberry + salt on ice method.
-He entered the war council with a pale face.
-For the first time in Sengoku History, he is LATE to the meeting. His hair is a mess, a part of his clothes were shredded-- not to mention Masamune guffawed to his upper cloth that were worn upside down, and Mitsuhide who have been covering his mouth from laughing.
-"Another rough day, Hideyoshi?"
-"Huh- wha-? Y-yes. Yes, Nobunaga-sama." He pat his cheeks for him to snap from his sleepiness.
-"..Let me brew the tea Mitsunari."
-Ieyasu sighed. "You are making the tea EXACTLY like him, Hideyoshi-san. It's overflowing."
-"Huh? Oh.. yeah."
-"Alright, pfft- let's resume the discussion." Mitsuhide snorted and Hideyoshi couldn't respond with a glare at all like he used to.
-They about to resume the meeting when the shoji door were slammed open by MC, revealing an angry expression pasted on her face.
-"Where did you go..? How dare you to escape like that..??" She roared as she stomped towards her husband, grabbing him by the collar. "M-MC, love..! Calm down..! We are having a discussion right no-"
-"TO HELL WITH THAT." She turned to Nobunaga, glaring at him.
-He shrug. "Go on."
-"N-Nobunaga-sama..!" He was dragged away. "No..! No..! MC..! Mmmf..! Nnnn..!" He were kissed deeply to the point all the warlords froze in surprise, except blushing Mitsunari and Ieyasu.
-He smiled. Ah, what a beautiful day today, Seems like he will finally get to be all affectionate with her because a lot of things changed ever since she's pregnant.
-"Hey, Kitten."
-He smirked as she tug on his sleeves cutely.
-"I want a chu chu~" She pouted her lips, purring on his chest.
-"Hmm? You want a kiss?"
-She nod eagerly. "Uhuh. Kiss >3<..!"
-Yes, finally, a kiss..!
-But the moment he came closer....
-Kiss? Nope. Not today.
-MC is in a mood swing phase right now, and almost everyday he is smacked by her constant changes in mood from being too intimate, too sensitive, and too angry.
-Majority swings? Anger all the way.
-She can suddenly say to him "..Gosh. I HATE YOUR FACE." in a grim voice. And also..
-"Hyaa..! I'm so sorry Honey..! Oh my god..! I'm so, so, sorry..!" She sniffed, rubbing his burning cheek.
-"Ah I'm okay--"
-Another smack.
-Ieyasu has a war council that day, and has to go out of town to get the herbs supply from one of their suppliers near the port.
-MC were told to stay at the castle, because she is in her trimester period; which hard for her to move around.
-She was bored, and decided to clean his working table of which he had left in a hurry this morning.
-There were a lot of scrolls, papers, books, documents, and an unfinished mix of herbs. Okay, she can do this, she can arrange it slowly, she thought to herself positively--determined in helping her busy husband.
-So she started. Papers, done. Documents and few books, done. This thing goes here, and the scroll goes there. And oop..! Have to be careful with that herbs and
-What is that sound?
-Oh no..! Oh no..! Please, please, anything but the thing that she wanted to avoid the most, the..
-"..The herbs. THE HERBS." Oh great, just great..! She huffed. "Okay, take a deeeep breath. I can do this..!"
-She tried to bend down. Nope.
-She tried the other side to bend down. Nooope.
-"UGH OAO!!"
-She force herself to bend down, "Uwah OAO!" She literally roll on the floor like those of turtle that lie upside down. "Hngg OAO! Huff- huff- HNGGGG OAO!!!"
-She is stuck.
-That evening, Ieyasu had arrived home earlier than expected; he just couldn't help it but to worry about his wife.
-He find her in the room, still lying on her back, crying while cupping her face. Why? She couldn't move for few hours, and it took another few hours to calm her down from self-blame and assurance.
-"I'm sorry I make it worseeeee I'm sorry for being rounddd I'm sorry I'm like a turtleeeee UGHHHHH QAQQQQQ!!!"
-"Shh.. there, there.. you are not round, your belly are. You are not a turtle and you didn't make it worse."
-"Yes, yes, I love you too."
-Ever since then Ieyasu will excuse himself early from any war council, and his vassals will replace him in getting new herbal supplies.
-She huffed.
-She sit down. And up. And down.
-And look down again. "..Nope."
-She take a deep breath. "Okay, okay. One more time."
-She look down. Again.
-"Oh God..!"
-She can't see it. She couldn't. She can't see her own legs so she can wear her slipper but she. just. CAN'T..!
-"Do I have a choice? NNNNOOOOO~~~! HA. HA. HA." She laugh to herself. With full of anger and frustration obviously.
-"Fufufufu." A soft giggle took her attention and she frown to the source. "If you have time to do that, help me with this bloody getas..!"
-Mitsunari smiled at his wife, helping her with her geta. "It's twins after all, that's why you can't see it."
-"....Oh wow I didn't know." She rolled her eyes. "Hmf..!"
-MC is in her pouty mood again. It will always be cute in his eyes. "I love you, MC."
-"Of course you do." She pouts. "I just can't wait to pop them out so I can roll whenever I want to agh OAO!"
-"Ohh.. that's bad."
-"Why? It is heavy and-"
-"I'm planning to make more with you."
-"W-wh-wh-wh- O/////O-"
-"It would be nice to have a lot of princesses running around. Don't you think so, MC?" He kissed his wife's cheek and poke on it before walking back into the room with the most innocent smile ever.
-"...This cheeky angel =////=.."
-He was only teasing her a little.
-Juuuuust a little.
-Only just teasing like this :
-"Hey Little Mouse. You are so-"
-She snapped.
-"Little? LITTLE? ME? LITTLE?? Look at me, Mitsuhide, look..!" She pointed at her belly. "THIS. IS. NOT. BIG. I'm a walking- walkin-" She sniffed. "WATERMEROONNN UGHHH QAQQQQ~~!!!"
-He is never this confused his whole life and it just happened. Why did she suddenly burst into tears like that? And what is a 'watermeron' anyway--
-He moved his eyes to her belly. Oh. OH. Watermelon. She speak gibberish from all the crying.
-"Now, now, calm down, my wi-"
-"UGHHH I'M FAAAATTTT!!!" She whined.
-"You are not fat, you are pregnant." He smiled.
-She paused. "Oh." She sniffed. "Yeah."
-Well, that stopped her from cryi-
-"Honey, I want to eat anchovies with ice cream."
-He froze. Ice cream what now?
-She sniffed again. "You can't get it for me..???"
-And at the end of the day, Mitsuhide is exhausted, more than EVER.
-She toss and turned. To the left, and to the right.
-At times she can kick Kenshin in order to get the best position, and the next day he would attend war council with panda eyes.
-"Another rough night?" Shingen grinned, followed by a chuckle.
-While Yukimura blushed (since he doesn't get it), "H-huh? But if it is r-rough isn't it supposed to be- um- refre-shed... uh- *POOOOF*"
-Sasuke: Don't torture your own mind, Yukimura.
-His ninja turned back to his Lord, "She needs a long, soft pillow for her stomach. That is why." He adjusts his glasses. "In order for you to get a good sleep, that's the ONLY solution. However.. the pillow must be sew by the husband. Which is you, Kenshin-sama."
-Kenshin raised his eyebrows curiously to him; was he making fun of him, or was he serious?
-"So if I sew this pillow you mentioned.. She will get a good sleep?"
-He nods. But on the inside he was trembling to hide his amusement.
-Therefore that night, there goes. Sewing a large pillow for MC while she slept.
-So sweet. Uhuh. Sasuke just convince God of War to sew and it's another addition to his vines collection.
-"MC~~~" He beamed, lifting up the bag of mitarashi dango to show it to his wife.
-"Ah, Anata..! Welcome home..! My, isn't that..!"
-"Yes, your favorite..! You've been craving for it, right? Here..!"
-But before he could give it to his wife, her face scrunched in disgust. "Uhm- N-no." She suddenly said.
-"Eh? But aren't you-"
-"Mmmf..!" She cupped her mouth. "It- it smells awful- I- mmf..!"
-"But this is your--"
-That night, she had a crying fit of her, troubling him, and her, for being difficult, which Shingen would only laugh to her cuteness and assures that it will be alright, and he will be the one to eat it all (Avoiding Yukimura's glare from behind him at that) and then when Kenshin enters the hall with a fresh umeboshi in his hand, MC be like
-"..That smells.. HEAVENLY."
-Now it's her husband's turn to cry.
-Despite being a bad sleeper, he noticed whenever she toss and turn in her sleep.
-MC immediately woke up, and ran out from the room to vomit.
-It woke him up as well, because even though she said that she was fine, but the sound of her vomits is not.
-"Hey, you alright?"
-"I'm fine- mmf..!" She vomitted again.
-It has been like this for every of her pregnancy. He will stay with her until she's done, and there were times where she was so weak to go back to the room, both of them had fallen asleep outside. Or in the toilet itself, back in the future. Yukimura has gotten used to it ever since from her very first pregnancy.
-He would always rub her back, assuring she will be alright, and it's fine whenever she had caused him to wake up in the middle of the night, or even rushing back to her place when the maid reported that she has been vomiting badly again.
-He might be shy to admit it, but he is just a very sweet husband.
-"I- I'm also responsible for- you know- making you like this, well- y-yeah."
-Adorable to the TOP.
-Her face twisted in an obvious painful expression, of which it took her husband's attention in instant.
-"What's wrong, MC?"
-"M-My.." She pursed her lips, suddenly all embarrassed when Kenshin, Shingen and Yukimura turned to look her way. "N-Nothing. I guess I will return to the bedchamber, I don't feel good."
-Before Sasuke could reach for his wife, she immediately said "I will be fine. J-just continue the council without me, okay?"
-He could only stare when she walk away, feeling guilty for not being able to help her at this moment--it's hard without a modern doctor, as this is not the first time she had suddenly feel pain, and him not knowing where it came from.
-"Go. Sasuke."
-"Kenshin-sama..? But-"
-"It's an order."
-"Yeah, Sasuke, I will brief it to you later, don't mind about it." Yukimura added, and Shingen nodded to him as well.
-"Thank you. Pardon me." He bowed and leave through the ceiling.
-She startled and turned around, "A-Anata..? The council-""It's alright, you are more important right now." He's about to hug her when she took a step back. "N-No..!"
-"No..?""I mean- now it's not the right time..! The pain is still there..!""Pain? What do you mean..? Here, I may not be able to help much but-"
-"Hyaa..!" She let out a moan when he hugged her, making him tense. "..M-MC..?"
-"Mou..! This is why I told you that you can't do this because.." Her cheeks flushed red, as she slowly lift up her chin to her husband, with teary eyes even. "My breasts.. it feels sore and- f-f-.." She cupped her face, "..'Full' >////<!"
-His glasses bend into half due to immense cuteness.
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House, M.D. Fanfic (11/?)
Thank you to everyone who has taken time to leave a note on my story.  I hope you continue to enjoy my kind of rewrite and/or additions to certain episodes! As always, I don't own House. If I did, Lisa Edelstein would have gotten the respect she deserved contact wise for a season 8.
As stated in previous chapters, the story follows the big picture laid out on the show, but with my own take on things. We have reached extremely bumpy road territory. Buckle up, folks. This one might sting a little.
Thanks to @love-hope-faith-feels-like-a-lie on Tumblr for reading my ideas and providing positive feedback! Anything in the way of feedback is always appreciated! I like to know how you like what I'm doing. Enjoy!
"How long have you been sleeping with Dr. House?" Tritter asked as he took a seat in her office.
Cuddy shook her head, shocked at the question. "Why would you think I'm sleeping with House?"
Tritter got that smug smirk he got when he thought he knew something. "Only reason a smart woman like you would keep a jerk like that around. You're way out of his league."
"The only reason a dean of medicine at a teaching hospital would keep a world renowned diagnostician around is because I'm sleeping with him?"
"You haven't denied it."
"I'm not sleeping with House," she crossed her arms.
"Dr. Cuddy. The guy is an ass. He treats patients like they aren't even human. How much has he cost your hospital over the years? How much has he cost you?" He asked. "I don't understand why you're protecting him."
"Dr. House saves lives... lives that other doctors can't save. If you were dying and no one else could figure out what was wrong with you, you'd want Dr. House to be the one on your case. I'm not sleeping with him. He's just that good," she stated a little more firmly, moving to open her office door to show him out. But his words had hit a nerve, asking what he'd cost her had hit a nerve. It stuck with her.
Later that night, House laid in her bed, one hand folded under his head, his fingers sliding over her bare back. "Heard Barnaby Jones came to talk to you today."
Cuddy breathed deeply, shifting so she could prop her head on her hand and look at him. "Detective Tritter came to accuse me of sleeping with you."
"You are sleeping with me." He turned his head to look at her.
"I lied to him. I told him I wasn't."
"Because sleeping with you would give him a reason to believe my judgement is compromised. It would imply that I'm hiding your drug problem. Or he would accuse me of enabling your habit."
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Has sleeping with me affected your ability to practice medicine?"
"Has it compromised your ability to make professional calls where my patients or myself are concerned?"
"No, but..."
"Has your judgement been compromised? Have you been writing me scripts? Have I stolen your prescription pad? Have you been enabling my habit?"
"Then what's the problem?" He shrugged.
"I lied to the cops!"
"You lied about sleeping with me. We've been lying to everyone else about that for months. Why are you suddenly growing a conscience about it?"
"I don't know, House, maybe because this guy has it out for you! Normally when you piss someone off, they just sue you. This guy actually has the power to get your medical license revoked and send you to jail for a long time!"
"That what you're afraid of? Don't worry, I can still place a bun in your oven. Or are conjugal visits not on your list of approved baby making fantasies?"
She sighed and moved away, turning her back to him. "Whatever you want to tell yourself, House." She was tired of fighting with him.
"You're mad at me."
"Because you're being an ass!"
"No more than usual." He thought for a moment. "This is you being hormonal..."
"I'm not pregnant, House!"
"Did you take another test?"
She sat up and looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Yes! Yes, I took a damn test! I took a damn test every time you accused me of being pregnant, and guess what... still not pregnant! You weren't right!"
"This is you being upset that you're not pregnant..." he said slowly. "Look, it's only been a few months. It doesn't mean anything..."
"6 months, House. 6. It's not happening. It's not meant to happen."
"You're giving up?"
"Yes! I tried, and I failed to get pregnant. I'm done. I'm tired of trying and being disappointed. And this...arrangement..." she gestured between them, "isn't working anymore."
He stared at her for a moment. "You're ending this?"
She was quiet for a few moments. "I guess I am."
"Because I haven't gotten you pregnant? It takes most couples years to get pregnant, and you're giving up in 6 months?"
"Save it, House... you're just trying to protect your regular supply of free sex. Sorry, looks like it's back to hookers. I'm sure you've still got all their numbers."
"I don't care about the sex! I do care about you!" He was a little surprised those feelings had slipped out mid-argument. Judging by the look on her face, so was she. "Why are you so willing to give up on something that you've wanted for a long time just because it's a little hard getting there?"
She sighed softly. "Because you can't always get what you want."
"Yeah, quoting a song lyric... that's a real response," he countered. "And in case you forgot, it ends with 'You get what you need.'"
"Yeah...I'm not getting that either." She was quiet for another moment. "Goodnight, House."
House walked into his friend's office and sat down silently. "I've been sleeping with Cuddy," he said after several minutes.
The revelation caused Wilson to pause his reading, but he didn't look up, clearly not buying it. "House, hallucinations mean you've taken too much Vicodin."
House shook his head. "I'm not hallucinating. Cuddy and I have been having hot monkey sex."
Wilson just stared at him, trying to decide if it was true or not. "How... long has it been going on?"
"Several months. When she started fertility treatments before I was shot."
"Cuddy is taking fertility treatments?"
"Right... I didn't tell you about that either. Oops..." he stood and began to walk the office as he worked everything around in his head.
"You're trying to have a baby with Cuddy?"
He turned to look at Wilson then. "No. Cuddy is trying to have a baby with me. Weren't you listening?"
"It's the same result," Wilson leaned back in his chair then. "You've seriously been sleeping with Cuddy for months and haven't told me?"
"This isn't high school. Some of us keep our private lives private, Jimmy."
Wilson shook his head and stood up, walking over to him. "This isn't high school, but you are still in high school. If this was any other woman, you'd have bragged about it. The sheets were barely cold when you told me about Stacy. This is different. She's different." And then he realized, "You're protecting her."
"There was no protection. She wants a baby. Duh," he deflected with sarcasm.
"You're protecting her from you. You're first instinct would normally be to run and brag about sleeping with her. To use the fact that she's your boss to get your way here. And you haven't. You went against your first instinct in order to protect her. You care about her."
"I don't care about her. I'm only telling you now because it's over. She's giving up the fertility treatments. No fertility drugs, no hope for a baby, no need for the hot monkey sex," he spun his cane as he continued to think.
"You don't want it to be over. Because you care about her. She's probably the only other woman who can stand you, can handle you, and you don't want to lose her."
"Don't be ridiculous. I care about the sex. It's free... and really, really good."
Wilson studied him for a moment. "You fell in love with her, didn't you?" It was really more of a statement. His friend wouldn't be here now if all he cared about was having sex.
House stared out the window silently for several long minutes. "What do I do about it?" He turned to his friend then.
"Well, the obvious response is to tell her."
"I can't tell her I love her."
"Why not?"
"Because she doesn't love me."
"How do you know?"
"I just know!"
"Right, because when a woman wants a baby, her first instinct is to go to the man who's a complete jackass to her and ask him to sleep with her... for months. And you said it was going on before you were shot? So over five months."
"Six, actually," he corrected him. "What can I say,  she's got it bad for my genes."
"She's got it bad for you, House." When he didn't respond, Wilson pushed on. "Did you only have sex when she was ovulating?"
"Yes." He answered quickly. Heaving a sigh a moment later,  he continued. "At least in the beginning. Somewhere along the way the line blurred." House didn't even have to think about that. It had started that way, but the longer it went on, the more sex they had, whether or not it was time in her monthly cycle. And it wasn't just sex. There were nights when they literally slept together and nothing else.
"Then it's not just about a baby. She has feelings for you."
House sighed again. "She's the one who ended the arrangement."
"Probably because she thinks that's all you wanted and she's trying to keep herself from being hurt anymore than she already is."
"She should know that's not all it is."
"Why? Because you've told her?"
"Yes, okay?! Yes! I told her I didn't care about the sex, that I cared about her! And she still ended things!"
"When did you tell her?"
He sighed, rubbing his thumb across his forehead. "Somewhere between her telling me I would have to go back to hookers for sex and quoting the Rolling Stones 'You Can't Always Get What You Want' to me."
He shook his head with a laugh. "House, you're an idiot! She probably thinks you just said it in the heat of the moment to protect your supply of free sex. You're an addict, you've proven you'll say anything to get what you want in the past," he explained. He paused for a moment before continuing. "House, you don't exactly give off the warm and fuzzy vibe. More like the annoying, jackass vibe. Cuddy may be able to handle your particular brand of charm... she may even like it. But she can't read your mind. And a woman like Cuddy isn't going to make that leap unless she knows you're there to catch her. You've got to talk to her."
"I don't know if I can."
"Do you know if you can lose her? Because that's what's at stake here. You either talk to her, or it's over."
House breathed deeply, thinking it over before he left.
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dekuthedork · 7 years
A Morning Jog
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi
Words: 800
Summary: Izuku gets up a little earlier than usual for his morning jog and comes across a familiar face.
Thanks to @metaorigin (it won’t let me tag you :/) for the prompt: “deku during his morning jog running into shinsou who’s doing some working out himself.” I hope you like it!
[Cross-posted on Ao3]
Usually, Izuku waited until at least six a.m. before going on his morning jog, but he hadn’t slept much that night. So, after an hour of stubbornly staring at his ceiling in an attempt to get back to sleep, he rolled out of bed and changed into his jogging clothes. As a last-minute thought, he turned off his clock’s alarm, ignoring the cheery green “5:34” that laughed at him from its screen.
The air outside of the dorms was chilled, causing puffs of grey to appear with every breath taken. Izuku liked the cold- it was refreshing and helped him wake up, even as his nose and cheeks reddened. Outside the entry of the dorm building, he jumped in place and briefly stretched. Usually, the boy planned his jogging routes in advance- UA’s campus was huge, after all- but he took off at a light jog, deciding to go wherever his feet took him.
He’d been jogging for a good ten minutes before he caught sight of anyone. Izuku became curious, then. He almost never saw anyone on his usual morning jogs, and today he’d started even earlier than usual. Who else could be up this early to exercise? he wondered.
Izuku looked at the figure ahead of him, also jogging in old looking work out clothes. It was hard to tell who it was in the pale morning light, but the figure seemed familiar. He upped his pace slightly, gaining on the person ahead of him. As he got closer, the person’s purple-blue hair became obvious, and a pleased smile came easily to Izuku’s lips.
Izuku sped up further, easily catching up with Shinsou.
“Good morning Shinsou!” he greeted politely.
Shinsou stumbled (oops), whipping his head around to stare at Izuku in surprise.
Izuku laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head as he matched Shinsou’s pace with ease. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you!”
Shinsou composed himself quickly and turned back to focus on the path before him. “It’s.. fine,” he said awkwardly. His tone betrayed the confusion he had masked from his face.
“Do you mind if I jog with you for a while?” Izuku asked cheerily.
“I don’t mind, but you don’t have to..”
“I don’t have to, I want to. We’re friends, right?”
Okay, that was the wrong thing to say, Izuku thought, watching Shinsou cringe slightly, now looking even more unsure of himself. Before Izuku could apologise and change the subject, Shinsou responded quietly, “I guess.”
The shorter boy’s smile returned to his face full-force, and they jogged side by side for a few minutes in silence. When Izuku’s burning curiosity became too much to bear, he broke the comfortable silence with a question; “Do you usually go for jogs this early in the morning?”
Shinsou nodded, “yeah, I’ve been trying to do this every morning.”
Izuku wanted to ask why he got up so early- surely it must be tiring to be up and exercising before six each morning- but he didn’t want to push. The question must’ve shown on his face, though, as Shinsou let out a little sigh and explained.
“I don’t sleep much, most nights. Sometimes exercising tires me out enough to let me get a nap on before morning classes. But even when it doesn’t, at least I’m doing something productive with my time, right? Gotta get into the hero course somehow..”
The last part came out muttered under his breath, probably not meant for Izuku to hear. Even so, Izuku was excited to hear his friend was working hard.
“Ah, I see! How long have you been doing this, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“A little while, actually,” a self deprecating smile appeared on Shinsou’s lips, “I started not long after the sports festival.” The smile disappeared, and his jaw set determinedly. “If I want to make it into the hero course, I can’t just rely on my quirk anymore. Especially since everyone in school won’t fall for it anymore,” he explained.
Izuku’s chest warmed with pride for his friend. “Yeah! That’s great Shinsou, I know you can do it. Keep working hard, okay?”
Shinsou looked at Izuku, disbelief written over his features as his eyes went glassy. He blinked rapidly, shook his head, and looked away. “Thanks, Midoriya. I will.”
They jogged on in silence for a while longer, eventually stopping outside of the first year general department’s dorm.
“So, same time tomorrow?” Izuku suggested, giving Shinsou a friendly, open smile. He didn’t mind getting up a bit earlier, especially if it meant he could keep Shinsou company.
Shinsou paused, squinting at Izuku as if waiting for him to laugh it off, like his offer was just a cruel joke. No laughter came, and Shinsou’s rigid posture relaxed.
He nodded.
“Yeah. Sounds good.”
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jeff-better · 7 years
Smoking With The Jocks
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A/N: aloha ferns. this fic is based off of @allthe13reasonswhyheadcannons headcannon that is absolutely amazing. all of their headcannons are just amazing and you should give it a read including all of their others. i have permission to write this so don’t think i’m doing something illegal or something. idk. anyway, i hope you enjoy!
Note to @allthe13reasonswhyheadcannons: i added some small things in here to keep the story flowing and just for my personal preference. i still added in things from the headcannon but i added some othert things too. i hope that’s okay. thanks again for letting me write something based on your headcannon. i hope i did you justice with this writing. i loved writing this and as always, i poured my heart and soul into it. i hope i can partner with you in the future. also, i made her home life extreme just for some plot thickness. hope you enjoy, stay street. and don’t choke. xx p.s. you’re probably gonna think y/n is a little thotty but bc i am myself i kinda made her one. oops. and this took me soo long to write. and it’s like 3K words. so, sorry about that.
SUMMARY: finals suck ass but weed comes in clutch to calm you down. 
WARNINGS: drug usage, 
Song(s) used/mentioned: Location-Khalid, LOVE.-Kendrick Lamar (ft. ZACARI)
finals are just bitches. everyone can agree, even the smartest kids. 
today was day 2 of finals and y/n was already done. she was ready to just give up on high school at this point.
 after taking her math final, she was at lunch drinking her chocolate milkshake that her brother had brought by for her when a bee flew near her table. 
alex said that the bee wasn’t flying remotely near y/n so she continued sipping her drink and minding her business. but, alex wasn’t right and the bee was right beside her. she screamed and dropped the drink when the bee landed on her hand, spilling it all on her. 
she knew alex only meant the best and he didn’t do it on his own, so she forgave him completely. but she was so over school at this point that she burrowed alex’s car and drove herself home where she changed and took a shower. 
y/n had begun to relax and get into a better mode when her mom randomly appeared out of thin air. y/n swore she was at work but apparently she was off for the day. 
her mom started yelling at her about coming home early. she told her to make herself useful and wash her clothes for the week and when y/n started to do that, she yelled at her more. she talked about how she wasn’t washing them right, how she wasn’t using the right product. 
then she talked about how y/n would be better off living at alex’s place or something where people would do things for her. she called y/n names like ‘slut, whore, thot’ and things that weren’t true. she said y/n slept with all her guy friends and that’s the only reason why she goes over to their houses a lot. 
when her mom kept yelling at her, y/n got so done with everything. she packed a bag of clothes and grabbed her phone charger and computer. while her mom was taking a nap, y/n grabbed alex’s car keys and drove over to his house. 
school wasn’t out for the day yet but she was sure alex wouldn’t mind letting her stay over for a short amount of time. peter was home and he let her in, telling her to get comfortable and take a nap if she needed. 
so, y/n did. she went into alex’s room and silently cried herself to sleep. she cried about everything. she cried out of frustration, she cried because of her mother, she cried because she thought she was a whore, and she cried because life sucked. 
y/n woke up and she still felt like complete shit. she felt arms around her waist and a head burrowed into the crook of her neck, light breathing hitting her skin. 
slowly, she turned around in the persons arms and was met with a sleeping alex standall. his face looked so relaxed, his lips a bright pink and his skin pale. his room was mostly dark except from the colored lam in the corner that lit the room into a neon orange. 
y/n carefully analyzed alex’s face, her eyes continuously grazing over his lips. she wanted nothing more than to place her lips onto his. 
y/n and alex are the best of friends. they do everything together. but, for a month now they’ve been a little flirty with each other. cuddling whenever they can, giggling with each other, kissing each others cheeks, hanging with each other the most whenever they’re with their friends, anything like that. 
it all started after a drunk game of suck and blow. y/n was going to get the card from alex whenever he dropped it and instead kissed her. and that night was the beginning of the ‘flirting game’. 
y/n yawned quietly and laid her head onto alex’s chest. listening to his heartbeat for a second before getting interrupted by the ringing of his phone. alex groans loudly and unwraps his arms from around her waist, leaning back and grabbing his phone from his bedside table. 
“hello?” y/n listens to the small conversation between the person on the phone and alex for a few before standing to her feet and stretching, making her way into alex’s kitchen. alex soon follows after her, his hair ruffled in all sorts of ways and his phone tucked in his jeans pocket. 
“who was it?” y/n hopped onto the counter and started swinging her legs like a kid. alex made his way over to her and gripped her legs, spreading them wide enough for him to stand between them. 
“justin. he wanted to know if you wanted for us to meet him at the ‘place’.” the ‘place’ was the guest house of y/n’s dad who happened to become filthy rich after spiting with y/n’s mom. 
after everyone had found out what bryce had done, they stopped meeting at his place and went a few places before settling at the ‘place’. y/n’s dad was rarely home but when he was he was always cool with letting them go there. 
“i’m down. i need to let some steam off.” y/n sighed while alex furrowed his eyebrows. 
“are you saying you wanna smoke with us?” y/n had never smoke in her life. the closest she’s ever been to smoking is when she would inhale the smoke from the guys’ blunts. 
whenever the guys would get high and y/n was around she would just watch instead of joining in. it’s not that she was scared or that the guys wouldn’t let her, it was more of the fact that y/n had no interest in smoking. she didn’t see what was the hype about it. 
when the guys explained it to her, she still didn’t understand it. “basically, the weed helps relax you. kinda like meditation or some shit like that. all you gotta do is take a few hits and then you’re in heaven, just like that.” zach explained one night. 
“yeah. i’ve had a stressful day and according to you guys, the weed helps relax you.” y/n shrugged like it was nothing, because that’s what it was to her. nothing but a way to relax. 
“you sure y/n. sometimes weed will fuck you up.” alex smirked slightly and y/n did the same as they thought about times where that statement was shown. 
“i’m sure alex. now, take me to the weed.” alex chuckled and shook his head in amusement. quickly, he pecked y/n on the lips and smiled once he pulled away. 
“i had to do that first.” y/n blushed slightly and lightly pushed alex back so she could hop off of the counter. 
“i’ll meet you in the car.” 
“you wanna smoke? really y/n?” justin stared at y/n in disbelief, a blunt in his left hand and a lighter in his right. 
“yes. why is that so hard to believe?” she crossed her arms and leaned back in the beanbag, crossing her legs and bouncing the one on top in anticipation. 
“because. y/f/n y/l/n is a innocent girl who rarely does anything bad and for her to want to smoke is like donald trump fully apologizing for something. it basically never happens.” zach commented and y/n rolled her eyes. 
“if you see what has happened between alex and i, you would know that i am not that innocent.” oh yeah, i forgot to mention the fact that y/n lost her V-card to alex and some sexual things has happened between them more than once.
“woah, okay. that’s enough. i don’t want that image in my head.” monty looked up from his phone at y/n and then to alex. he raised his eyebrow at the two before shaking his head with a small smirk on his lips. zach just chuckled at y/n who’s cheeks went a dark red.
“come on justin. i just wanna try something new.” y/n began begging. she pouted and put on her best puppy dog face before saying, “please justy?” 
“oh man, she’s giving you the signature y/n puppy dog eyes. how’re you gonna resist this one?” alex teased from beside monty to which justin responded with his middle finger pointed in his direction. “Jesus. he’s watching you.”
“hush, standall.” justin turned back to y/n who hasn’t changed her face one bit. “fine. but i’ll watch you and make sure you don’t go overboard.” y/n clapped her hands in excitement and stood to her feet, walking to justin and jumping into his lap. she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, squealing ‘thank you’ over and over again. 
“alex, get your girl off of me.” justin strained out. 
“i can’t control her man. you’re on your own this time.” alex smirked and shrugged his shoulders when justin glared at him. “you just gotta let time past and hope she’ll get off.” y/n couldn’t help but giggle slightly. 
justin shrugged and brought his arms around y/n body. being careful not to burn her, he lit the blunt and brought it to his lips. once he passes it to alex, y/n pulls back from hugging him and resorts to staying propped up on his lap. while y/n waited for the blunt to be passed to her, she connected her phone to the house surround system and played ‘Location’ by Khalid which was the starting song to her ‘smoke w/ me’’ playlist.
yes, she made a fucking playlist. 
y/n’s leg was bouncing with anticipation as the blunt finally made it’s way back to y/n. she took it from monty and held it in between her pointer finger and thumb like she had seen the guys do before. 
“d’you know what to do?” justin questioned. y/n nodded and brought it up to her lips, inhaling and then blowing the smoke out smoothly. it wasn’t until she was handing it to justin when she started coughing. jamie (a/n: the black jock) started chuckling which earned him a middle finger from y/n. "you'll get used to it later" justin commented before taking a hit.
justin was completely right. after about 5 more hits, y/n stopped coughing and was used to the smoke polluting her lungs. she loved the feeling it was giving her. so much that she even took a few extra hits than the guys took. 
everyone had pretty much forgotten the fact that is was y/n’s first time smoking. they couldn’t care less as they jammed out to her music. they pretty much weren’t aware of anything until about a hour later when they were all gone and legit everything was funny. 
y/n was laid face down, outside by the pool. she was dangerously close to the edge, to the point where if she moved a finger it would be dipped in the heated water. 
some guys were surrounding her and she was so gone she didn’t even remember their names. justin and zach were in the game room playing a game of pool, alex was laid on the couch on his phone while monty was finding food. 
“monty!” y/n yelled, lifting her head to the side so her voice was better heard. when he didn’t respond, she yelled his name again. and when he didn’t respond that time, she groaned and stood to her feet. y/n made her way into the house and into the kitchen where she yelled ‘monty’ once again. this time, the brown haired boy jumped and turned around, dropping the pack of cheese in hand. 
“shit. don’t scare me like that.” he held a hand over his heart as he sighed and picked up the pack of sharp cheddar cheese on the ground. y/n rolled her eyes and chuckled. 
“stop eating plain cheese and make me a grilled cheese sandwich please.” monty rolled his eyes as the girl sweetly smiled and batted her eyes. he nodded and watched y/n skip away to the pantry. 
he listened to the shuffle of y/n grabbing random things as he cooked the desired food for her. as she came back out with random things in hand, he handed her a plate which held the sandwich. 
“here you g-is that a pack of chips?” his full attention was now focused on the blue bag of doritos sat in between the pile of food that y/n held in her arms. “yewhs.” y/n spoke through a mouthful of granola bars. as monty reached for it with his free hand, she turned her body away from him and pouted.
 “mine.” she narrowed her reddened eyes at the brunette boy. “pwease?” monty tried using puppy dog eyes. when it didn’t work, he sighed and sat the plate down.
 as monty rolled his neck out and cracked his knuckles, y/n watched and munched away her munchies until finally, he crashed her down onto the ground. the two wrestled over the bag for a few seconds before zach heard their grunts and wondered his way into the kitchen.
 “are you two having dry sex?” he groaned out and furrowed his eyebrows.
“what?!” alex’s yell was heard from the other room over the music. y/n giggled and sat up straddling montys waist. she looked down at the smirking boy and brought her finger up to her lip and winked. 
“oh my fuck, monty,” she moaned out jokingly. “right there. don’t stop.” (A/n: i need jesus and some monty smut asap. it’s sunday. i could be praising the lord but what am i doing? writing freaking fanfic.) 
“oh my fucking god.” zach pretended to be disgusted. maybe not pretended. he walked out of the kitchen and mumbled something while shaking his head. 
“oh god, y/n.” monty played along and let out some groans along with y/n. the two were holding back their giggles pretty well.
 “montgomery de la cruz. i swear to fucking god. if you even touch her i wil-oh fuck you!” alex walked into the kitchen and when he saw the two were doing nothing but giggling to themselves. 
“calm down standall. i wouldn’t fuck your girl.” y/n got off of montys lap and threw him the bag of chips. 
“she’s not ‘my girl’.” alex put quotations around ‘my girl’ as he slid onto the granite counter top with ease. 
“you sure act like she is,” y/n helped pull monty up and walked back over to her food, biting into the grilled cheese the said boy had made for her. “just make it official already love birds.” he made his way out of the kitchen leaving y/n and alex sitting there blushing.
 “you didn’t really think we were fucking, right?” she smirked as alex blushed more and looked down, smiling wide. 
“would i sound like a idiot if i said yes?” y/n couldn’t help but to stare at the dimples implanted in his pale skin. she wanted nothing more than to walk over and kiss them, so she did just that. 
“you already sound like one, babe.” she replied before pecking alex’s left dimple and strutting out of that kitchen with the food in hand. 
y/n spent some time dancing around justin and zach who were playing a game of pool. they danced some with her, they had to hit the balls around y/n’s body when she laid on the red table. something she called the ‘y/n round’.
 it was only for those who play frequently and who are advanced. but, out of all the things she did, she didn’t share one drop of her food after giving monty that bag of chips. her munchies were crazy and she and monty basically ate everything in the pantry without hesitation. along with her dancing and hunger, she giggled at every single thing. 
zachs voice was funny to her because it didn’t sound ‘asian like she would’ve expected it to’. alex’s bleached hair was hilarious because it just is, and justin’s stripped shirt was pretty much the highlight of her night. 
no one thought anything of it. it was normal ‘high-time’ behavior. but when y/n was laid on the floor on her back, looking up at the ceiling that was spinning and giggling to herself, they began to get a little confused.
 “what’s so funny?” zach took his eyes off of the TV screen where him and alex were playing a game to look at the girl on the floor. 
“i can’t move my legs.” more giggling came from her pink lips. at first, justin was giggling with her until he realized she wasn’t kidding. 
“wait. you said you CAN’T move your legs? like, not at all?” y/n shook her head.
 “i don’t even think i have legs.” alex sighed and paused the game, sitting the remote down as zach did the same. 
“what’s the big deal? sometimes you just get so stoned you can’t move.” jamie shrugged from his spot on the ground where he was sipping on some pickle juice. 
“the ‘big deal’ is the fact that not only is this y/n’s first time getting high, her body is extremely light and the weed probably didn’t sit great with her. if she can’t walk, how’s she gonna get home? her parents are gonna question us which is gonna lead us to getting in trouble with our parents which could get us arrested for drug possession.” justin ranted shortly before inhaling a deep breath. 
“actually, weed is legal in California.” justin snapped his head to the dark skinned boy who raised his hands up in defense. 
“i swear to god jamie. i will snap your head in two if you make another comment.” he put his head down which everyone was pretty thankful for. justin doesn’t play when it comes to y/n and if jamie made another comment he would be dead. 
“maybe we should call jeff.” monty suggested which ended him up with a chorus of ‘NO’s from the guys.
“we could just make up an excuse. here, you call them alex. they love you.” zach threw his phone to the bleached blond who sighed and clicked the home screen, his thumb print being recognized and allowing him access to the phone. he dialed the number and shushed all his friends. this is how the conversation went:
Alex: hello? Mrs. y/l/n? this is alex standall, your daughters friend. 
Y/n’s Mom: oh, alex! hey! have you seen y/n lately? she left the house today and hasn’t returned any of my calls. 
that was because y/n’s phone was being occupied by justin taking selfies on it all night and she was pretty sure she had some nudes on there.
 Alex: oh, she’s actually here with my now.
 Y/n’s Mom: could i speak to her please?
on instant, alex replied with a ‘yes’ because that’s what he would usually do. 
“dude!” justin whisper yelled to the brunette after putting the phone on mute. 
“sorry!” alex whisper yelled back. “i’ll just make up an excuse.” he held up his pointed finger and sighed, hitting the mute button.
Alex: uh. actually, y/n isn’t feeling too good. she can’t speak right now.
 Y/n’s Mom: oh okay. i could come pick her up if you need. 
Alex: no! no. that’s fine. 
Y/n’s Mom: do you know what’s wrong with her?
Alex: yeah. she’s uh. she’s on her period. 
Y/n’s Mom: i could come bring her medicine or tampons or something. 
Alex: it’s fine. i have some for when she uh–when she comes over and ya kno. she just starts bleeding.
 Y/n’s Mom: okay, thanks alex. is uh–is anyone else there with you guys? i know that zach’s there considering you called from his phone. but is anyone else there
Alex: like who? exactly?
Y/n’s Mom: like that justin kid. i get a bad vibe from him. he’s not hanging around my daughter when she’s moody, right? like, zach’s a good kid and all but that foley child i ju-
Justin: hi Mrs. y/l/n. it’s justin foley. 
Y/n’s Mom: oh. hi. 
Alex: anyway. we’ve got to go cater to y/n’s cramps. bye!
and then he hung up.
 they all started laughing at the fact that y/n’s mom didn’t like justin but she liked zach. 
“hey guys?” y/n mumbled from the floor where she was dosing off into a deep sleep.
 “yes?” justin turned his attention back to the girl with the ‘cramps’. 
“you know i can actually move my legs right?” 
“what. no we didn’t know that.” justin stood up.
 ”can you stand?” he questioned which y/n responded with a head shake.
“just because i can use my legs doesn’t mean i want to.” justin rolled his eyes and beckoned zach over to help him lift you up.  they carried y/n over to the couch where alex was laid and she cuddled into his side. 
the two quietly listened to the sound of the guys laughing and playing games as y/n started to go off into a nap. 
“hey, y/n. are you awake?” alex looked down at the sleeping girl who softly nodded her head. “i’ve been thinking about us making this official. and i was wondering if you wanted to–you know. be my girlfriend.” alex felt her smile against his clothed chest. 
“sure. now can i be your sleeping girlfriend?” alex chuckled and lifted her head up with his pointer finger. “of course. want me to take you upstairs?” y/n nodded and let her eyes flutter close as alex pecked her lips repeatedly which ended up with them softly sharing a kiss. 
“hey, love birds. did you finally make things official?” justin questioned as alex carried y/n upstairs. when they didn’t respond, he took that as a yes. “they did!” he yelled out which was followed by some cheers and chants.  
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