#sorry if i'm the only one that finds this kinda thing adorable 😅
crowsdove · 6 months
Imagine you and your f/o sharing a beverage with two straws (sweetheart sipping!)
(like in these pictures I mean. Could also be cute drawing references for you and your f/o maybe?)
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> antis please dni <
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twstfanblog · 2 months
Honestly, I just love to hear you rant!!! My request is any au you choose, with Crewel, Rook, and Vil, together or separate, your choice!!! I think your rants are super sweet and sound so much like my own to my friends!!! It kinda makes me think of when I spent 30 minutes trying to find out how much a pint of ale cost in 1843 England for one sentence in something I was writing! 😅 Too bad I'm already following you, because I would totally follow you again! Can't send the Tumblr gift thingies though, because screw American capitalism.
(That price of ale thing is literally how deep I get into world building if Im not careful XD Most days I just go, IT'S FINE YOU DON'T KNOW JUST KEEP WRITING)
Hmmmm... I've written about them all a lot in most of my AU's, honestly. I dont have anything really rant worthy left to say about...I literally had a whole hour to think about it, so instead, I'm just gonna drop another AU so I can get you something new about them. My Manhwa AU is pretty self-serving, but it's got plenty of Vil, Rook, and Crewel sprinkled in.
Basic idea of the AU is that 'Villainess' type story. Yuu was seen as a villain in the original timeline, only to die and come back in time to when she was a child with her full memories. She vows to change her ways and not die in such a way again.
Crewel and Crowley are Yuu's birth parents (Because my AU's are just the same universes in different settings-oop) Crewel married Crowley 100% for the money and power since Crowley was an arch duke. You couldn't call it a marriage of convenience hard enough. But of course, Crewel had to have a puppy to fufill his duty. Crewel will openingly treat Crowley like the bumbling man he pretends to be, but he is an adoring yet stern father to his precious puppy. So you can imagine when she wakes up one day and doesn't act like herself at all. He's so concerned about her...
Vil isn't nobility, but he and his father are both rich and popular enough to buy a title. Both actors, Vil leaves for the performance to the point he was called a succubus by one of his cast stars (teenagers acting so good one falls in love but the other is like 'dude we were acting, calm down'). Vil holds onto his issues with always being casted as a villain but he holds it in much better because hes just happy that he's well liked enough to always perform. As he gets older in this AU he starts to really show his support for the arts and all who create it. He's even started looking for investors to help him fund an acting school.
Rook is a noble man, lover of the odd and offbeat art, no one but his family really accepted his art. But he tried and he shared it with everyone he could. Vil saw it during an artshow and kinda tore it apart publicly by going on and on about how disturbed it made him feel. The current brownnoser tried to 'agree' saying it was bad art.
Vil: There's no such thing as "bad art", you toad. I said it disturbed me, I find it grotesque is a very...eyecatching way. It's not bad because it made me feel something.
So Rook falls in love instantly and basically hunts this mean beauty.
They end up working well together because Vil has FINALLY found someone willing to write him in a hero role and PROPERLY CRITIQUE THINGS WITH. They discus art and what makes something 'moving' vs 'shock value'. They fall in love hard for each other to the point Vil accepted Rook's proposal and is already 60% planned through their wedding. Only to realize he never told anyone when his dad asked if he was open to seeing anyone because he's been told many a young man and lady would like to court him.
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albywritesfiction · 11 months
Helene Route Thoughts
Ohhh ok, sooo sorry for the ask I got a lil too excited about this scenario for the comments section 😅
So, first of all, as a serial lurker and consumer of IF... I've noticed a trend (not the first person to notice/comment on this btw) of fans getting... kinda demanding & entitled regarding the work that IF authors are producing these days. I wanna say up front that I adore what I've seen of your IF concept so far, and also- even if I didn't already love it? Please don't let us fans or anyone else pressure you in any way/shape/form into deviating from the story YOU want to tell! (Like y'all go to a book store & write a nastygram to a published author bc the synopsis doesn't press all your buttons...? Why the hell would you do that to someone who's publishing amazing IF content, often for free!? Who raised you!?)
With that outta the way- personally I'm perfectly OK with Helene being the stereotypical 'White Lotus' of manhua fame- man we love tropes for a reason, why wouldn't I want to see that story play out in IF form?!
If you really want to explore her potential as an RO tho? I can think of 2 different Helene flavors that I would personally find compelling...
First is one I have observed in manhua before, if rarely (and it's killing me that I can't recall the character/series I'm thinking of...) Helene is basically groomed/raised to fulfill her roll of bagging a prince or other high ranking individual for her religious institution's prestige/power. This is the only thing she's been raised to think she's suited or useful for, a power grab. Maybe MC can show her how amazing she is and the power she wields personally outside of the church's influence over her fate? Empower Helene to pursue her own desires! Poor girl never knew how to want for anything... until she met MC... 👀
The other thought I had is totally the opposite end of the spectrum... A Girl Boss that wants power & influence, and doesn't care much about the collateral damage in achieving that. Like, path of least resistance, I'ma play every dudes fantasy & become the perfect woman to get the power of this dim-wit prince. Once she's won, she starts looking around thinking... ok this mask is kinda stifling, how long after marriage should I wait b4 I poison this guy? Meanwhile, she meets MC and... surprise! She has a competency kink! Suddenly... a celebrated, wealthy dukedom has most of what she's after anyways, without some of the schmoozing & red tape associated with the top of the monarchy... 'Ok, changed my mind, I want THAT ONE instead! For world domination purposes ofc' (In my head this Helene is def a bit of a red flag character)
These are just a couple thoughts from someone who's already in love with the universe you're creating 😊 I'm really excited to see where your story takes us, with or without any changes to the already established ROs!
Hi msmuffino!
Oh, I greatly appreciate the concern! Thankfully, everyone's been really nice and accepting about the things that I've established for ATE, like Ædric and Cyfrin being the only ROs and them being set as male, MC having been in love with Ædan ever since they met, Ædric and Cyfrin having pre-established feelings for MC, significant details like that 😄
My curiosity is really the main reason why I had this poll 😅 like I got super interested in hearing what you guys had in mind if Helene was an RO, and I really enjoyed reading all the Helene-route-thoughts asks I received 😄 as in, if you guys decided that you wanted to make fanfics about your MC and Helene with your ideas in an ATE AU, I'd be really interested in reading them 😄
Thank you so much again for the kind and supportive words, and I'm also really excited to share ATE with you guys when I finish Chapter 1! 😄
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Paper Mario Series Guide Characters -- (my) Rating Based on Helpfulness/Annoyingness (this is going off of memory and my opinion lol)
1. Goombario
Helpfulness -- 9
Annoyingness -- 1
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I only played the first Paper Mario once, didn't finish it (got really far though), and it's been awhile -- but I remember him being a super fan of Mario and that's why he knows all of these things and can help you when you're lost. I just found his knowledge based on him being a hardcore Mario fanboy -- charming and adorable. I don't think I ever found him annoying. Also, when we were kicked off of Peach's Castle and lost and left with nothing -- him and his family found us and gave us hope, and Goombario decided to help us on our mission. Goombario is just, quality 👌🏻.
2. Goombella
Helpfulness -- 5
Annoyingness -- 4
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Goombella is an absolute queen, and I find her sassiness charming and amusing. But I remember whenever I was in a real bind and asked for her help, her hints didn't always make much sense, or didn't pertain to what I was needing help with. She's not much help in battle either, and if you've played through the game multiple times, she's not much use at all 😅 but I guess that goes for any of these characters if you've already played the game 😆
Helpfulness -- 10
Annoyingness -- 2
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I was gonna put her helpfulness lower because I've play SPM too many times to count 😆 but thinking about it more -- she saves us from Bowser's Castle, starts us on our journey to save all dimensions, there's certain things that can only be revealed through her power, and she saved us from suffocating in space. Ok, you know what, she's the most helpful overall lol. Just when she seems to form a crush on Mario, idk. Idk how to feel about that. And when she quarrels with Luvbi and doesn't trust Squirps, it hurts me inside.
Helpfulness -- 6
Annoyingness -- 5
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His laid back nature has charm to it, and his sassiness makes me crack a smile. When you first start the game and you don't ask him for help, I can't tell you HOW MANY TIMES he reminds you to ask him for help, so, not a fan of that. And it's a little annoying that he just makes us retrieve the paint stars cuz we're there, ok AND he made him self paper for us, I guess we do kinda owe him. But yeah, he's aight. Charming in his own way. Kinda stupid/kinda fun having a talking paint can.
Helpfulness -- 2
Annoyingness -- 9
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Sorry everyone, I guess you all find her adorable. But she rubbed me the wrong way from the beginning! Ok, first. Origami is what we're fighting, and our number one ally IS origami?!? That didn't sit well with me from the beginning lol. Yes yes, we find out why later, and it's much better of a reason. But like, her innocence/naivity can seem cute to you guys, but I don't think our GUIDE should be innocent and naive, I'm just saying. Her being so, causes a lot of trouble. It's kinda like we are her babysitter ngl. Not knocking kids, I love spending time with little kids, but I don't think a little kid should be our guide tbh. But, she has her moments -- she gives us info on our main villain, and she turns into those crazy origami beasts, sorry, can't remember their names rn lol, that help us fight bosses. But yeah, those are my thoughts on Olivia.
(sorry I haven't included Sticker Star, but I haven't played it, and don't plan to)
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fourdollarwords · 2 years
Finally watched the National Treasure TV show! Sorry it took so long, I didn't realize it was out. 😅
Omg I loved it so much! With so many other shows coming out recently that are revamps of other things I love that have not felt true to the source material at all, I didn't have high hopes. But it was so good! And almost all my ships were endgame!
Tasha and Oren were gonna happen but I loved them so much. They're snark was delightful! I loved them as individual characters and then the two of them together were ::chefs kiss::.
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Jess and Liam I was worried about, with the love triangle set up I was anxious. Jess did not seem to be into Ethan at all but when his girlfriend broke up with him over his feelings for Jess I thought that's the route they were gonna go. Then Liam got accused of betraying the group twice, was beat up and left for dead, then he was probably gonna get dumped? I was not on board for that. So glad the show went the way it did.
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Betsy and Zeke were fucking adorable the entire time and the heart eyes Zeke would give her just made me swoon. When she was stabbed I really thought they were gonna kill her so I'm thrilled he got to be apart of saving her life.
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The only couple I wanted to have that didn't turn out to be endgame was Billie and Kacey. I love me some villian ladies and the fact that they didn't care about anything but each other made my shipper heart very happy. Storywise I know Billie wouldn't have believed that Salazar was the one to kill her brother without Kacey's death, but nooooooo. I wanted them to be arrested together and start ruling the prison behind bars. 😔
<insert good Billie/Kasey gif when I find one>
Riley Poole making an appearance made me fucking cheer! He was my favorite in the original movies so I'm so happy to see him again. And I loved that they made a reference to page 47 from the 2nd movie. 🥰
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Agent Hendricks showing up again was another treat. I was so tickled by seeing him again and seeing how he turned out. The reveal of him as Salazar made me sad just because I was enjoying him so much as a nice, kinda goofy, supportive boss. It didn't feel like a full "this makes no sense" plot twist, and I'm sure I will be able to pick up hints, so I'm not mad about it. More just sad about the loss of him as a good guy.
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There are several things I would complain about, but in general just an all around good watch. I'm very pleased!
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foxgloveinspace · 8 months
pasted from my notes app:
okay i am compiling all my thoughts in a note as i watch lmao
1. love the dog. he’s adorable
2. journey!!!! separate ways- what a good fuckin song
3. now eurythmics?! this movie has a killer soundtrack. i did a jazz routine to sweet dreams once upon a time. it was so fun lol
4. the weird white robot-y ladies are giving me hardcore like, austin powers vibes lmao
5. hahahaaaaa mr orange guy… i like his helmet
6. oooooh there’s multiple orange guys. they both have cool masks/helmets. something about being unable to see the face and yet totally understand the emotion fuuuuuucks me up
7. omg this is going to get long i’m so sorry i’m like a quarter through the movie 😅
8. very good fight scene choreo, that always makes or breaks a show for me. poor choreo is painful to watch, but this is good! i like
9. umm. I’m guessing dad is the bad guy. he’s kinda shady lmao (oooooooh it’s a dad clone. love clones. they always throw wrenches in plans)
10. lmaoooooo dad so disappointed sam only has a dog and no gf 😭
11. haha is that a daft punk cameo? not my cup of tea in terms of music but that’s pretty neat
12. OH MY GOD MICHAEL SHEEN I LOVE HIM. he plays the most insane characters- and also the sweetest (aziraphale in good omens 🥺)
13. okay ngl i keep hearing “rinzler” and thinking of the rizzler and i can’t stop laughing about it 😂
14. LMAO HE JUST BONKED THE DUDE. i love percussive maintenance, that’s how i fix my car
15. oooooh i love a good “i was a good guy before i was evil and i remember” moment. Good shit
that was really good! i honestly didn’t remember any of it from whenever i watched it but that was dope. i can definitely see how you’re so invested in the story! now i’m pumped for your fic whenever it comes out 😂🥰
Answering all of your notes.... under a readmore so this isn't too too long, haha
1). Yes!!! Marv is so cute!!
2). I love that song so much.
3). yes!! the sound track is really good, but you won't find those two songs on it haha.
4).I've never seen that movie, so I'll take your word for it, haha. They are really interesting and I am intrigued by them lore wise, sad we don't get more about them in the movie (idk if theres more in the tv show? I haven't watch it yet cause it got canceled and ended on a clif hanger, but I should).
5/6. yes!! orange guys!! I love all of their designs, except for Jarvis (Clu's assistant), I know they where going for like.... hes weird and kinda cringe, but they could have done his design way better.
7. No worries!!
8. yes! the fights are good, and I think even tho Sam is like, a newbie to it, it still feels realistic? like the guy base jumps, I feel like him knowing how to fight is reasonable.
9. yeah that whole scene is so?? trippy haha. (I now, of course, only watch Rinzler doing his thing in the background when I watch this scene haha)
10. YESSSS ugh, I feel like he's more so disapointed that Sam isn't giving him much to go off of?? to Sam this is still the guy that abanonded him, but to Kevin this is his kid that he hasn't seen in so freaking long (time works differently on the grid, not to get super into it, but one year our time is 50 years grid time. So Kevin has been on the Grid for over 1k years.)
11. DAFT PUNK DOES THE WHOLE SOUNDTRACK hahaha. Sorry, they are my og masked band and I still love them so much <3 (Legit I've only been listening to sleep token and daft punk for the majority this month). So all the music in the movie? was them, and that's why they where in it! really cool to me haha.
12.YES!!! he's such a good actor, shape shiftier I swear. His design is so cool, and I like Zeus as a villain. He's so interesting and I want to know morrrre. But we'll never get it oof.
13. LMAO
14.Yes, Kevin bonking that guy is so freaking funny. I feel bad for the program, but like. i love that scene. It's such a callback to the first movie, when Kevin was a cocky little shit, and I love it so much.
15. Tron in that scene breaks my heart.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!! Like, I just.... legitimately can't express how excited I am that you liked it??
and yes... my fic..... I was working on it when I got your ask.... Rinzler and Sam are interacting... and I am... LIVING. HAHA. So little has happened it feels like, and yet... 18k... whooooo boy. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being my longest fic ever oof.
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save-me-my-seoul · 2 years
Hello!! It's me again!😅 Sorry if keep bothering you with my questions, but I don't have taejin ppl to ask about other than you and I you're a comfortable person to talk to. ❤️
What i want to talk about might be sensitive and a triggering thing. So feel free if you want to answer or post it or not.❤️
I was thinking of tae's statement of Jin m*lseting him and to not remain the victim, he keeps a cold distance. For second i think of it as a joke, but when thinking about it, it doesn't sound a joke.
Let me explain, Tae saying this word is what kinda gave me an uneasy feel. He might be saying it wrong or used the wrong term. M*lesting means s*xual a*use, right? So that's why part of me couldn't help but give it a bit a thought. As i mentioned earlier, he might not mean it per-sey, but it was a mind buzzeling to me.
And the thing is, if he's referring to butt tapping and what else, they all do this to one another. So how come tae find it "m*lesting" and called out only Jin for it? And he's keeping a cold distance that causes Jin being hurt? Is it that a serious problem for Tae?
What he said worries me bc it gives impression that tae was uncomfortable around Jin due what is Jin doing to him, and the cold distance causes Jin being hurt. So in conclusion, they were both having a sensitive situation about eo.
Sorry if I'm being sensitive about it and thinking too much.
But I also want to mention that with all what tae said, yet he attended to go sleep in Jin's bed. And also when he said the time he felt touched (behavior) by Jin is when they sleep together (that was unsubbed) which when I think about that, it doesn't seem to me that it was a problem for Tae. Or it was, but he later changed?
You're totally not bothering me, ever!
There's really nothing to be worried about. He's definitely affectionate toward Jin all of the time, and they have such a sweet, solid, loving bond. In truth, they adore and respect one another deeply. It's in every interaction they have, whether they're the main focus or in the background. I can't speak to what Taehyung might have meant back then; anything I could tell you would be nothing but speculation. What we do know is that Taehyung in particular has grown up a great deal. He's very vocal in his love and support of Seokjin. Those things he may have said in the past represent a younger, less mature Taehyung. I saw with my own eyes their interactions on stage at PTD: LV. These were caring, loving, and mutual. Taehyung definitely does not act cold or distant from Seokjin now.
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friendofbats · 3 years
Sorry if this ask is quite old, you don't have to answer if you don't want to ^^;
I just want to hear you gush about Rick XD
No need to apologize! I'm TOTALLY happy to answer any ask at any time. 😊 And I'm also TOTALLY happy to talk about the Friends of Mineral Town cast at any time too... especially if it's my boo Rick. ;)
Okay, admittedly, I ramble and gush a lot, so I’ll try to keep answers fairly short (or, well… as short as I can. 😅) How I feel about him -- Oh, you know I ADORE Rick. Admittedly, I have a really soft spot for nerdy-looking, dorky characters (being that that tends to be my "type" irl), so he's already got some bonus points in my eyes. But I'm aware my opinion of him is unpopular too. I've seen tons of Rick hate over the years, and it makes me really sad. I think people view him in an unfair light, or misconstrue his intentions, especially with Kai and Popuri, and I’d be more than happy to be the person to get Rick haters to start seeing him in a more positive light. 💖
(Oh God, okay, I got super carried away with my answers lmao, the rest is under the cut!)
All the people I ship romantically with him --
Karen x Rick -- I absolutely adore this canon pairing. I’m a sucker for childhood friends to lovers, and I love that the sexy, confident, sassy girl pairs up with the kinda dorky, lovable guy. Plus, I feel like she’s best suited to deal with Rick’s temperamental attitude out of anyone in the cast. They’re both clearly not afraid to speak their minds, but Karen seems a little more level-headed and… eloquently spoken? She’s the kind of person who’s not afraid to put her friends and family in their places when they need it, and Rick is definitely someone who needs to tone down his hatred of Kai.
Kai x Rick -- LMAO okay, so picture it. We all know “that scene” where Rick goes to the beach to yell at Kai to stay away from Popuri. But what if he’s just jealous that Kai pays attention to Popuri and not him? (“Stay away from my sister! ...So you can spend more time with me... 🥺”) What if, every time Summer rolls around, Rick only dreads it because he knows he’s going to have to suffer through Kai flirting with his own sister but ignoring him? What if Rick spends his nights, tossing and turning, feeling inner hatred for being the sibling Kai doesn’t notice, and he takes this inner hatred and projects it onto Kai? What if the only reason Rick hates that Kai leaves for the summer is because he misses him when he’s gone and he spends the next three seasons trying to move on, but somehow, he’s caught thinking about Kai’s charming smile, his athletic physique, his oh-so-charming personality? My non-romantic OTP for him --
Ann / Rick -- It makes sense that Ann would be good friends with most of the people her age who stay at the inn, or go there on a regular basis, and Rick is no exception. I’d imagine Rick would be quite the storyteller, and Ann would love listening to his tales and rants about Popuri and Karen and Lillia and his dad and the chickens, and finds his ramblings about Kai hilarious.
Anna, Sasha, Manna / Rick -- Adding onto Rick being quite the storyteller, I’d imagine he loves a good gab fest as much as these three ladies. And, of course, being that he canonically pairs with Karen, the daughter of Sasha, it makes sense to me that Karen tells Rick some of what she overhears/gets from her mom, and Rick is just sitting there like “omg??? they said WHAT???” I can just picture Rick walking by them, having their afternoon gossip in the square as usual, and he overhears a tidbit about someone, and he runs over and interjects, like, “Oh, THAT’S NOT ALL! YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I HEARD???” My unpopular opinion about him -- Rick was always hot. ALWAYS. I was actually surprised to see people suddenly saying he was hot “now”, because to me he doesn’t look like... drastically different? I mean, yeah, he’s a little hotter, sure, but I’m confused over the opinions that he was once ugly and is now hot. One thing I wish would have happened with him -- I would have LOVED to see his father show up, even momentarily. I wish they had added more backstory about his father and his relationship with him. I also wish they would have delved into his hatred over Kai a little further. I get the feeling this is why so many people hate Rick – they see Rick randomly just hating Kai for what seems like no reason, aside from him being overly protective of Popuri. And while it might be true that he’s over-protective of Popuri and his hatred of Kai is a little irrational, it’s led to some really… unfavorable and upsetting opinions about Rick as a character.
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kate-m-art · 3 years
Any tips on motivating yourself to draw?
Oh hm! I'm definitely not an expert on this, there's so many nights I just sit staring at a blank canvas with no motivation or ideas 😅
There are some things that help me at times though!
Let's see, the thing that's motivated me most lately is talking to friends! Getting fresh ideas, perspectives and hype from other people about what I'm doing or planning often gets me super excited to get back to drawing!
Another thing that helps me is getting motivation by looking at others art! If I'm feeling stuck, then looking at art by people I admire helps me feel excited about drawing again. It's fun sometimes to break down the things you like in others work (to kinda try to figure out *why* it's some of your favorite stuff) and then make a plan for how you can start to incorporate those findings into your own work! One example I can think of off the top of my head is how much I adore Loish's line and rhythm, that's something I really want to get better at adding in my sketches and rendered pieces.
Then I would say for me (and this is still something I struggle with) it makes it easier to find motivation to draw if I remind myself it doesnt have to be perfect. Even though I want to continue to push myself, not every piece has to be my best work. It's okay to just sketch, or only do flat colors, or whatever else you can handle at the moment. I know for me right now I dont have time to work in something fully rendered every day, but working on a sketch or doodle of a face feels a lot nicer than doing nothing 😅 Sometimes, just doing is better than doing "perfect" or "complete"
Then last, remember it's okay to take breaks too! I don't think I know anyone who has the energy to draw every day without fail lol some days you wont be able to create stuff and that's okay, you're still wonderful and valid! If I can get sappy quick and borrow from some of LU Times thoughts: your accomplishments dont define you as a person. Just like being a "hero" doesnt define Link, being able to draw or create doesnt define you. You're still a worthy and wonderful person whether is a high productivity day or a low one ♡♡♡
Sorry this is rambly and more than I thought, but I hope it helps a bit ♡♡♡
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mo2k · 3 years
I'm so sorry for the late replies 😭 school is staring this Monday and it's kinda hectic 😵💫 but now I'll finally be able to graduate 😭
I actually read spoilers before watching the anime.. idk it's just a habit 🤡 How do I know.... that's a secret 🤫 ik and see all 🔮✨
You don't need to worry about me or my brother 😒 he's only polite when he wants to be so it's no use talking to him I just let him be 🤷🏻‍♀️ And he mostly watches Isekai anime... which I don't really enjoy and he doesn't like the same characters as me so we have nothing in commen even when it comes to anime 😂
Aww... baji will look so cute! The secret group chat is a nice idea 🤣 just make sure he never find out about it 💀
Atleast you know your dad is paying attention to the show 😅 if I watched it with my dad I would have had to explain every second to him....
Aah yes 😌 I just love it when levi kicks the snot out of people ✨ if anything is broken it's eren's face 💀 Krul and Levi - tiny but deadly kickers
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You will see more of levi and his foot later on 🤣
dw I'm fine really! No need to worry :)
Ah no please don’t apologise amanda. It should be me who apologise for replying super late luv 🙏😭 Ik we all got smth else to do irl so it’s completely fine dear! Oh really? This might be a bit too early but congratulations!!! 🥳💖
That’s quite understandable. We could read some spoilers first to see if the anime was our thing or no シ
You know and see all? …. Who gunna die to tr? JKJKJK sdfghjll
Oh? Well that’s a smart decision. We can’t force anyone to do anything, that’s the moral of the story ig 😅
Wow I don’t really have lots of thing in common with my sis too… could this possibly be… one of the siblings’s thing? I’m kidding LMAO 🤣🤣🤣
He won’t! I’ll make sure nothing could make him feel… s u s p i c i o u s 😉✨ And imma spam the chats with loads of him all tied up adorably with some cute bows and hairstyles 🥺💗 Oh speaking of hairstyles — have you seen this amanda-san? I highly rec you should watch this <3
Well he’s only interested bc he wanted to spoiled the next scene badly almost every single epic ones — It’ll be like this :
Me seeing epic aot scenes with great interest : *Gasp* Uh what? 😳💖
Dad : U kNoW wHy???? bEcAuSE —
Me almost throw him a punch : Ow literally SHUT UP!!!!!!!
That’s how it is 🤣😭
Oh lol yeah — that might be a bit tiring but hey at least that doesn’t make we feel alone!
Poor eren 😭😭😭 i kinda feel sorry for him tbh ;-; you didn’t really have to kick him that hard heichou!! see mikasa’s already fuming & ready to burst anytime now!
Krul?… I have seen amv of her… she’s a vampire i assume? But yes they’re both cute, but they could also kill u… amen— 💀🙏
The pics omggggg The pics — ʟᴀᴅɪᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇᴍᴇɴ. ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴍᴏᴜs ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛᴇᴅ ɢʏᴍɴᴀsᴛ... ʟᴇᴠɪ ʜᴇɪᴄʜᴏᴜ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you know what gunna happen next-
Hmmm I’m looking forward to see this man soon then 👀👀👀 (and his foot ofc XD)
Glad to hear that love! But still please take care!!!
- With love, BamBam 🦢🌙
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