#sorry if this is soppy 😅
conkers-thecosy · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot about how great the bagginshield fandom is lately, and how lucky I am to have fallen into it. There's so much beautiful art and fic being created, so much love and excitement from people, and it's truly wonderful to be part of it. We all just fire out our little headcanons and thoughts and favourite quotes, we make art and gifs and playlists and write, and everyone gets so excited, it's honestly lovely!
Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone involved for being so supportive and kind, and for making this little corner of the world such a fun place to spend time! Of all the hyperfixations my brain could have landed on, I'm glad it was this 💛
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dracocheesecake · 1 year
Hi again (saying that twice now)
Its been awhile to check on you, like that you be ok and what you doing today, Sorry for interrupt something but I was thinking, can you do (nsfw) or more of kai x reader, cause I HAVE NO IDEA I WAS THINKING ABOUT HIM THAT MUCH AND I'M SCARED AND SORRY TO SAYING THAT 😭😳😰
And it's ok to do something
I don't mind...... I think 🤔 😓
And sorry for saying that, I know you're we're busy today or not 😅😓
SORRY!!! 🙏 😓😭
Oh you're fine! Thank you for your concern! 🤗 I'm doing well I hope you are too!
I don't do NSFW on this blog but here's some SFW Kai x Reader headcanons:
Kai often will often act mean towards you- teasing you, making remarks and comments- however, this is just his way of showing he likes you: he's not the soppy sort, and prefers to show his affection with actions rather than words.
Things Kai actually does to show affection include subtle acts, such as gently brushing his knuckles against your cheek (usually when he thinks you're not paying attention- especially when he's saying something mean to your face); wrapping an arm around your shoulders or waist to lead you somewhere; tugging on locks of your hair; nudging you with his forehead upon occasion, or even pressing his forehead against yours, holding your chin while he talks to you; things like that, rare and far between, not conspicuous but present.
If you're mortal Kai is very subtly protective over you; again, Kai's not soppy or conspicuously romantic, and in this case he isn't being overly protective- however, he's constantly making sure you eat, covering you with a blanket while you sleep to make sure you stay warm, and he never lets you get in harm's way; he's not going to lose you.
If something happens and you end up almost getting hurt somehow, he's absolutely going to be livid on you, scolding you and yelling at you at the top of his lungs; not because he's angry at you, it's just his way of expressing his worry; you mean everything to him, and if anything ever happened to you...he couldn't bear the thought.
There are times when very sweet, unexpectedly poetic and entirely romantic words will just naturally fall out of Kai's mouth before he can stop it. Usually when you two are alone together- it'll be quiet, and then Kai will just look at you and say something softly, as if he's talking to himself aloud; when he realizes you heard it, he'll immediately get flustered and try to backtrack.
Will also occasionally find any excuse just to pick you up and hold you- to make sure you know how strong he is as an ego boost, and also...he really really likes to hold you in his arms. He wouldn't dare say that aloud, but it's true.
He'll also go on and on to you about his many past campaigns and victories, trying to impress you. Usually when you're alone with him, his arm around you while he recounts some pretty bloody battles...then get all huffy when you don't act impressed.
Will also occasionally do something surprisingly romantic, but these actions are very rare and sparse, and always a surprise- for example, coming up on you unexpectedly, pressing a flower into your hand and planting a kiss on your cheek and then walking away again as if nothing happened.
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katiesteedart · 3 days
Sorry this is so long.
For David, Reece, & Joseph. Thank you.
Ok, so I did something special on the 17th September 2024.
I took my daughter, Raegan, to see 'The Elephant Man' at the BFI.
She is 14 and has seen the film before *many* times. She is a sweetheart. Not a bad bone in her.
I happen to think it is vitally important that more children are encouraged to watch this soul destroyingly beautiful film.
I was shocked, well more than shocked, a bit angry actually, at how few people at the screening hadn't seen this 44 year old MASTERPIECE...
But I'm not one to judge. Just be vaguely passive aggressive. 😅
My daughter was a great source of comfort as I find the scenes where John longs for and talks about his mother so difficult. I miss my children at the best of times when they aren't with me (I am soppy) so having her there was lovely. My little Rags.
As Carr Gomm says:
Can you imagine the kind of life he must have had?
Dr. Frederick Treves: Yes, I think I can.
Carr Gomm: I don't think so. No one could possibly imagine it! I don't believe any of us can!
Just the thought of having to go through everything he went through without his mother just kills me dead. The poor man.
The film was presented by 👑 Reece Shearsmith. He spoke so graciously and was lovely. Just lovely.
I'm so so thankful to him. What an opportunity. Certainly not one I could have missed.
I used to watch 'The Elephant Man' as a double with James Whales' 'The Old Dark House' at my grandparents house as a little girl, and to be able to **finally** watch it on the big screen. Wow.
NO pictures were taken by me.
**Nor would they ever be**
I respect him a lot & I always will.
That's all I'm going to say about Mr. Shearsmith.
So *please* don't ask.
I cried like a baby from the moment Hannah Gordon's, (she's one of my literal HEROES - read me bio) Anne comes on the screen. Also, "No, you're a Romeo" and the ending where I just was a big ol' mess.
So for anyone who came that night and heard me gasping through tears at those bits, sorry.
Ruined my husbands jumper with my mascara too.
I will cry AGAIN If I say any more about the screening.
I also can't tell you how much of a David Lynch fanatic I am other than to say my son's name is Cooper and Twin Peaks is my life because he is.
Anyway - the point of this post 😅
When I got home I decided to draw John Merrick. He's been a part of my life, well, in a roundabout way, since I first saw the film at 8.
This is just pencil and it's arguably simple.
(Joseph Merrick is his real name. John for the film.)
The piece has two titles:-
Side 1 -
What John Has
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Please play Barbers Adagio now below
Side 2 -
What John wants.
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--Please watch--
'The Elephant Man' Dir. David Lynch 1980
If you can.
It becomes **very** difficult to be unkind to anyone after this film.
Inspo pics below
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buglaur · 2 years
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MacMahon Legacy | Gen Three, Roxana
“ you’d probably expect the former president’s daughter to be a well-mannered, respectful young lady, but with that you couldn’t be further from reality. after forming a strong bond with her terrible role model of a grandpa, roxana is preparing to take his legacy a step further. time to cause some chaos.. ”
keep reading for rolls.
martial status: couple
FINALLY!!! i can keep a spouse 😭 although i’m not sure how i’m going to go about keeping a happy couple this gen, the miscellaneous fun roll might make it tough 😅
children: five
...my fucking god. rest in peace my sanity trying to take care of them
primary career: crimelord
roxana is just gael’s evolved form
secondary career (spouse’s career): detective
oh my god corrupt detective intentionally covering up his crimelord wife’s wrongdoings. i am so in love with this concept 😭 @whiimms made him for me and i’m so excited to get him out here, but it might be a while until we see him! he’ll be the second last dad we meet
generational goal: deadbeat parents
(the heir, spouse and helpers may not help their children this generation, apart from basic needs. this includes helping with homework, mentoring or encouraging children in skills, and reading books to them. for toddlers, it is permitted to provide basic care such as food and diaper changes, but try to avoid any parent-child interactions that raise a skill bar, such as flash cards, reading books, potty training and so on. each child should age up to young adult with at least one negative character trait)
not only does she need to have five kids.. she isn’t allowed to help them with skills or communication 😐 i am gonna change this slightly though!! i’m making it so that other household members can help the kids, because otherwise i’d surely go insane. mommy rox won’t be super involved with the kids but grandpa theo and uncle raff can help out. most of the dads aren’t sticking around anyways.
miscellaneous fun: half-siblings
(sims born this generation must each be with a different partner)
not only does she need to have five kids, and not only is she not allowed to help them, they all need to be from different fathers. oh my fucking god. this gen is insane how am i going to cope 😭 you might have already seen the post but take a look at them here!
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after 10 months, 402 posts and 1453 pictures, the macmahon legacy finally reaches gen 3!!!
okay sorry to be soppy here, but i really just wanna say thank you so much to everyone who interacts with my legacy 😭😭😭 ngl sometimes when i have bad days i go back and read comments or tags on my posts and it really does make me feel that bit better 🥺 i’m so honored that there are people that follow along each post and care about my silly little characters!! hopefully you find this generation as entertaining, ily everyone reading this rn ❤️❤️ it really really means so much
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warmthintouches · 2 years
Me: I need to quit falling asleep so early then waking up at this hour and not being able to go back to sleep
Him: it is true, you've been falling asleep pretty early on me this week 🥺
Me: I know, im sorry. I really enjoy our late night weird talks
Him: i...uh...I do too tbh. I get weird when I know you've fallen asleep and I want to send you stuff to wake up too but then I feel cheesy.
Me: always send me the stuff. I really enjoy it ☺
Him: I feel like ill lose my coolness if I send you the cheesy stuff late at night.
Me: and why would you have to worry about being cool with me? I'm the biggest nerd and I love that about me, and you've accepted that very nicely. you just need to be yourself silly.
Him: I do kinda wish I was as okay with myself as you are sometimes
Me: oh, don't be fooled...I hate myself most days. But, I've accepted that I am who I am, there's nothing I can do about it so why try to fight it.
Him: hm..thats a good way to think about it. But you also shouldn't hate yourself. You're lovely 😘
Me: ☺☺☺
Him: you are 2 cute for me ☺☺
Me: nah, we both equally cute, thats why it works. Couple lil hotties 🔥🔥
Him: omg ☺😉
Me: 😏😏
Him: you need to go back to sleep
Me: not until you tell me a secret about yourself.
Him: ...you serious? At this hour?!
Me: ...why not?
Him: good point...hold on. Let me think of a good one.
Me: okay, am waiting 😊
Him: okay okay....sometimes I get jelly of your love for your cat and the relationship you have. I wish I was close to an animal like that. I have my dogs but they're the family dogs and neither of them care about me all that much. You and your cat are like two peas in a pod.
Him: thats probably weird isn't it?
Me: thats not weird at all. I craved a bond with an animal before I got my cat. And its only been recently that hes started sleeping with me. Do you...take time out of your day specifically to give your dogs attention? Do you play with them regularly? Do you make sure to give them cuddles when you get home for the day? Bc all of these things would let your dogs know you care about them and make them more willing to spend time with you.
Him: im an asshole, of course I don't do those things. I probably should, huh?
Me: you can't be an asshole and expect things to love you anyway... you need to show your dogs you care about them and spend time with them even when you don't feel like it. Its just like appreciating another human honestly.
Him: ....are we still talking about dogs here?
Me: 😳😳😳😳 yes!
Him: 😉😉 okay, just checking
Me: you gotta show them love if you want them to to give you affection!
Him: ....you sure were still talking about pets?
Me: YES, everything i say just keeps coming out soppy sounding.
Him: its cute 😍 and I should spend more time with my puppers, you right you right.
Me: you cute 😏 and I know im right silly. My cat follows me everywhere unless he's snoozing bc I give him attention and pets. He even talks to me all morning while I get ready for work. And he checks to make sure I'm alive when I sleep.
Him: oh the life of a cat owner. I don't even let the dogs in my room while I sleep...bc...I don't want them to get my bed dirty.
Me: I get that, I do. But if you want them to be more affectionate to you, you might have to open up a little
Him: 😳😳😳 not my strong suit
Ne: they're animals~~~ they can't even tell anyone about you being cute with them.
Him: im going to leave my bedroom door open tonight and see what happens.
Me: it might not be right away! So don't be disappointed if they don't come rushing to sleep with you or give you cuddles. They're used to you being closed off so it might take a bit.
Him: you positive we're still talking about my dogs? 😏😏
Me: omg 😅😅🤣 yes. No weird meaning behind what im saying. Im just trying to get you to have an animal friend.
Him: okay cutie 😉😏
Me: you shush. I was really trying to help 😳🖤
Him: I know, I was just teasing ☺☺
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nerd6log · 2 years
POV: you're in your twenties, re watching the Jonas Brothers concert experience
(I promise this isn't to hate on the Jo Bros but I'm just so surprised at how differently I see it all now that I felt the need to share my thoughts)
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Musically, it's actually fairly week live
I'm living for the fake Jo Bros skit "hi I'm fake Nick" "this is our fake dad"
Okay Joe always looks good in a vest
The audience with all the glow sticks and screaming is very kpop audience vibes
I loved Demi Lavato in this era and I love Demi Lavato now just as much, nothing changed here
Now I remember when I cut my own fringe in my first year of secondary/high school just because of her
And now I also remember about that one dream I had about Nick Jonas and apparently screamed his name out loud in my sleep lmao
Ahhh Camp Rock was so good why did they ruin it with the second one
Okay respect for that one song Nick did about his diabetes
And now I'm waving alongside an audience from years ago to this song
I want to touch his hair still
Yes he was my fave
He has very nice freckles and eyes 😍
Hello Beautiful is still the soppiest fucking song in the world lmao it was my least favourite song even when I was a mega huge fan 😅
My mango vape tastes like those old ski yoghurts
Mmm beer
American cities / big cities are mental man how do you all cope with so many LED billboards at night
"Joe I'm Australian" what will he do with that info kiddo
It's weird because I watched this when I was younger than them but now I'm watching this that was filmed in 2009 I'm older now than they would have been then
So like Kevin would have been 22 I think?
Lol get me a time machine so now me can see then them
I used to know their songs stupidly well and now I'm struggling to recognise the beginning of a song
Oh dude their songs are all soppy af no wonder pre teen me was in love with them 🤣
I'm now embarrassing myself about how much of a wet wipe 13 year old me was
"I don't want to cause a scene but I'm dying without your love"
Okay drama brothers
Sorry I'm definitely being a (... let's not swear)
I would actually love to get to a stage in my band where we have all these awesome lights and effects
Wowww they were so young 🥺
And yet I used to think they were wayyy older than me
Like Nick is actually 4-5 years older than me
Taylor Swift appearance yaasssss
How much have I written no one is reading
I need to go listen to some country music after this now
Nick in a horse and carriage, hello good sir
Joe as a cop/warden/whichever, stop me any day
Kevin at the hot dog stand, if I was on tumblr back then I would definitely make a fluffy fic about this
"Next time I see you I'm giving you a high five" COLDDD
I mean whoever they're singing about deserves it but I love it idk why
did anyone else have that jonas nintendo ds game I loved it and kind of miss it even though if I had it now to play years later I'd be disappointed 😅
"MOVE THAT TRUCK" says the fans to the Fed Ex fan
Same bro whenever I get a delivery in my job
That van can indeed fuck off just let me daydream
"Who turned the temperature hotter cos I'm burning up for you baby" fuck boy jonas imagines
What a duuuuuuuude
The drummer has the same name as a distant / estranged family member of mine, weird
Seriously I want my band logo burning in flames above my head
Oh it's over?
If you got to the end I hope you enjoyed the most pointless post ever 😅
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sevikas-whistle · 3 years
Meant to be Yours
A/N: so this is based off of the girl version of “Meant to be Yours”. Sevika and reader went out and some poor idiot got too handsy for Obsessive!Sevika and here’s the result. Let me know if we want a part two? I would like to see some unhinged Sevika ngl. But that’s just me😅🤣
Warnings: mentions of graphic murder, Dark!Sevika (nothing too crazy though) unhealthy relationships, if you are experiencing this in real life baby please seek help. This is only fun in fiction where it is ✨safe✨
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You burst through your shared apartment door, fingers shaking as you fumbled on the lock. Hot tears continued to spill down your cheeks as you tried to find something useful to defend yourself with, Gods forbid. A broken sob escaped you as you realized how stupid that notion was, it’s Fucking SEVIKA. You knew your girlfriend was intimidating, that she ran with a rough crowd; hells that’s part of the reason you had been so intrigued with her in the first place. But never in your wildest nightmares could you picture what you witnessed not 15 minutes ago.
The woman you once held in such high regard had violently murdered some idiot in cold blood. Every time you closed your eyes you saw and heard it again. She had *literally*, single handedly smashed his head into the bar. Over and over again until all that was left was mush. The wet soppy plop of his fucking brains hitting the ground replayed in a horrific loop in your mind. The tomato soup from lunch earlier making its way back up. You couldn’t even make it to a trash can before bending over and vomiting all over the hardwood floor. Making you more sick as you realized it looked exactly like the blood and chunks that had pooled from his face.
Snot, tears and vomit leaked from you as you tried to clean yourself up with still shaking hands.
You had to get ahold of yourself, realizing that sooner or later she was going to come looking for you.
You had to leave.
You ran to your shared bedroom, grabbing two duffle bags from the closet. Not bothering with folding anything, you quickly filled it with enough clothes to last maybe a week, choosing only the most durable. Who knew where you would have to go to get out of her grasp. She worked for the most dangerous man in Piltover. They had resources. Your only hope was to make it to a hexgate and smuggle your self out of the city. You didn’t even care where you ended up, so long as it was away from here. You made your way to the dresser and grabbed what little valuables you owned. You glanced at Sevika’s side of the dresser, where she kept her spare shimmer viles and a dangerous thought crept upon you.
You had never touched the stuff. Even if you wanted to, Sevika had made it clear that she wouldn’t let you. Despite that, You were well aware of how addicting and dangerous the drug could be. Even outside it’s concentrated form. So it’s not like you were missing out on anything. Against your better judgement, You stuffed a vile into your pocket as you jogged towards the bathroom. Worse case scenario you could throw it out if you didn’t need it. Better safe than sorry. Gathering what toiletries you could, you made your way back to the bags to stuff them in haphazardly.
Feeling a ray of hope, You made a final mental checklist when you heard it.
The front door unlocked and opened slowly. Your stomach sank as you heard her unmistakable foot falls as she made her way into your apartment. Closing and locking the door behind her.
“Sweetheart?” She called out lovingly, only now were you capable of hearing the manipulative undertones. She was testing the waters.
In the past such a simple greeting would make you smile and answer back fondly. Yet this time, it made you feel as if you were deep throating bricks.
You grabbed your bags, hell bent on leaving her psychotic ass. A sniffle escaped you as you steeled yourself for the shit storm that was about to take place.
Had you not been in such a state of shock, you probably would’ve made a plan to wait until tomorrow to leave her. After she left for work and least expected it. But you couldn’t pretend that long. You couldn’t have the same hands that took someone’s life so thoughtlessly holding you at night. It was one thing, fighting for the lanes… But the look in her eyes told you she had killed him just because she could. To send a message that nobody touches what is hers.
You knew your chances of her letting you just leave were slim, if not entirely impossible. But with one last breath you walked out of the bedroom and raced into the hallway. Coming face to face with her in the living room. You cringed at the vomit still coating the floor.
“There you..are.” Her tone lowered immediately once she saw your bags, “The fuck are you doing Y/n?” She growled, eyebrow raised as if she caught you with your hand in the proverbial cookie jar.
“I’m leaving Sevika.” Even You winced at how unconvincing your tone was.
“Baby girl-“ she reached her organic hand to you, and you saw the blood still under her nails and it enraged you all over again. She hadn’t even bothered washing his blood off of her properly before coming after you.
“No! Don’t you “Baby girl” me you crazy bitch!” You sobbed.
Your rage always had presented itself through tears. Mainly because you were going against every desire you had to claw someone’s eyes out once you reached this point of utter disgust, but this time, just the thought of that made you sick to your stomach.
The look on her face was one you had never seen before. Stuck somewhere between confused and amusement.
“Y/N, sweetie let’s talk before you make-”
“I’m fucking leaving Sevika, there’s no talking your way out of this.”
You angrily wiped your face as best you could with one of the duffel bags in hand.
And that’s when she lept towards you.
A surprised scream left your lips as you dodged her, dropping one of your bags, Causing her stumble along the way.
“Damnit Y/n! Just listen to me for a second!?” She hissed, jumping at you again. You threw the heavier bag at her and ran into the bathroom, quickly locking it.
Sobs escaped you as you slid down the door, holding your knees to your chest as you tried to breathe, but seeing her in this aggravated state made the flashbacks from earlier replay. Over and over and over.
That could be you if she made her way in here.
She hit the door, hard, after she realized it was locked.
Her heavy breathing and your sobs were the only things heard in your shared apartment. But you swore if she listened carefully enough, she would be able to hear your thundering heartbeat. Fuck you felt like you were going to throw up again.
Bile burned your throat as you jumped to the toilet. Emptying your agitated stomach contents once more.
“Y/N open the door, please……” the door handle shook again, the sound alone making you cry out
“..Y/N open the door.” She asked, much sweeter this time
It was quiet for a moment, and she had the audacity to ask:
“Y/N can we not fight any more please?”
You laughed at that, wiping your mouth with your wrist, “Can we not fight anymore?! Are you serious!?” You screeched. Damn. How can your eyes and nose be leaking like this, but you still felt completely congested? For Fucks sake your head was starting to pound now.
“Y/N I’m sure you’re scared.. I’ve been there..baby I can set you free”
“How the fuck do you think that’s going to work ‘Vika?! You gonna just kiss it all better as if you didn’t kill that fucking kid for no damned good reason?!” You growled at her, slamming your hand against the door. You hoped she felt it.
You heard Sevika suck her teeth, her breathing labored.
“Y/n don’t make me come in there”
“Sevika please! Just let me go!!” You yelled, your voice cracking hoarsely. You looked around the small bathroom for an out. There was a small cracked window that you would be lucky to fit one leg through. Nothing in the crowded space would even be SLIGHTLY helpful to ensure your safe departure.
Fucking hells, there wasn’t another way out.. Your only option for freedom was through that door. Past your very pissed, very territorial girlfriend. Standing up slowly, you felt the vial of shimmer dig into your hip. Quickly pulling it out, you held it carefully in front of you. Devastatingly out of options, you opened the cap. How much should you even take? You tried remembering how many doses were in each vial. Sevika had told you once while you assisted in patching her up. But that memory seemed so far away right now.
“I’m gonna count to three.”
Fuck it all. You pressed the vial to your lips and threw it back, emptying its entire contents. You doubled over violently as your muscles twitched, immediately feeling the intense effects of the drug. You laughed as you felt raw power surge through you.
“I’m gonna count to one baby.” You giggled, a hysterical laugh coming through you, bursting through the locked bathroom door.
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