#sorry if this is super negative lmao šŸ˜­
hella1975 Ā· 1 month
the thing about trauma and i think the reason im always more compelled by characters who lash out as a result of it instead of being made stronger by it is that itā€™s pointless. none of that shit happened for a reason. thereā€™s nothing youā€™re supposed to do now that it happened. i canā€™t stand narratives that romanticise trauma bc the reality of it is that you went through that for no reason and you have to just deal and keep going. thereā€™s nothing beautiful or brave about it. no one is writing you for it to mean something. itā€™s justā€¦ there
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Anyone else not really feeling particularlyā€¦ festive or Christmassy this year?
EDIT: SORRY I didnā€™t mean for this to get into Danā€™s tag šŸ˜­ I AM excited for my package from his shop tho
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sadie-bug345 Ā· 1 month
thank you so much for the last imagine!! Could you do all the greasers finding out their f!greaser is neruodivergent? They know thatā€™s the reason most people donā€™t hang with her, because sheā€™s not the best at convo and eye contact, but they like her cause sheā€™s cool? Idk I think itā€™d be sweet
yesss i gotchušŸ«¶
honestly all the gang kinda thought you were a little different
youā€™re really blunt which catches a lot of people off guard but itā€™s ok cause dally thinks thatā€™s cool
you hang out with pony and johnny to decompress when everything gets to be too much
darrys like a total father figure to you itā€™s really nice
if they hear anyone making fun of you or mentioning you with the slightest bit of a negative tone:
LMAO itā€™s really sweet
theyre all just super protective of you, specially dally and soda
but you definitely let them know you do NOT need the extra help
overall this is so wholesome i cannot evenšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
sorry this was kinda short and a couple hours late, i really try and churn these requests out as soon as i can!! tysm for requesting!
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theveesbf Ā· 2 months
hiiii!!!! hellooooooo!!!:3
i'd like to request all the omori characters with a genderneutral s/o who is super gentle and kind; like always having a soft smile on, always asking for consent, never looking phased whenever they do something weird, etcetc. also, could you perhaps make the reader / s/o elegant as well :3c.
feel free to adjust this request as much as you want! this is honestly my second time requesting to anyone, so i'm really sorry if this isnt to your liking/standards of interaction :[!!
take your time on this request, dont forget to eat drink and rest in a healthy extent :3!
thank youuuu!!!~
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Omori characters X Kind!Reader
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āŒ—notes - Hiii!! Thank you for being the first omori "requester" on my blog LMAO anyways I hope you like it! Btw, sorry it's too short, especially on some charactersšŸ˜­I love aubrey
āŒ—content - Omori headcanons of the cast with a kind and elegant!reader
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You always reminded Sunny of his sister, since both of you were really kind to everyone and also elegant.
Sunny is a person who doesn't talk a lot, like, literally, and having you to do the social interaction for him when he really isn't feeling like it makes him really grateful.
It was a bit... Refreshing having you around.
He was always with some intrusive thoughts on his head, and your presence alone made him chill more.
Sunny appreciates the fact you never forced him to talk, only stopping for a moment to see if he wants to, if he doesn't, you keep talking.
Another thing is that he loves how you never touch him without asking, it makes him more comfortable with you.
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Basil liked to hang out with you the most! Ever since what had happened, you were the only person who actually went to check on him.
You always listened whenever Basil talked about his plants to you, and even offered on helping him sometimes. When you wanted to hug him, you always asked first. Which was really nice of your part. Basil really liked how elegant you were, it was so amazing! No matter how bad his day was, you were always there to comfort him without even asking for him to do the same. Though he'd feel guilty if he didn't do the same, so you two are kinda of just being sweethearts to each other!
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Kel loves your energy!! He doesn't like negativity so having someone who can match his positivity is really refreshing! He seems like he would do a lot of those grimaces(that's the name? šŸ˜­). Seeing how you never really told him to stop, instead, laughing with him, made Kel really happy. Whenever he accidentally hurt himself or something, you would always help him to take care of it.
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Hero was really grateful for having you there, especially after the incident. You tried your best to keep everyone together, and even if it didn't work that well, you still talked to everyone. Including him. Hero liked hanging out with you, since you were always really gentle with whatever happened. Though he was worried you might have been just trying to hide your feelings šŸ˜­ (Hero is best boy frr)
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Aubrey was quite the opposite of you, and it was fun how you two managed to get so close. She would often talk to you about something bad that happened during her day because she knows you won't judge her or complain about her non stop talk. Aubrey has more of a soft spot for you, so you can expect her to actually listen when you give her advice or warn her about something. Whenever something happens to you, Aubrey will go feral to defend you, while you just stay there watching her like šŸ« šŸ˜
She's more open to you than anyone else because Aubrey is sure you're not telling it to anyone.
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Mari loves you so much!! And you two are also really similar so!! She's always watching you from afar, in case something happens, like someone being rude to you because Mari knows you're not going to defend yourself šŸ˜­
Always asks for your opinion on anything. Literally anything. Just so she could have another point of view, you know?
And since you're the chillest of the group, Mari prefers to ask you. Likes to go out with you to whatever place you feel like going! She trusts you so she doesn't mind what you chose.
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faffreux Ā· 5 months
hi you are not my therapist or advice giver so you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but i look up to you a lot because of your dedication to fawful!
i have autism (i prefer person-first language sorry ik it's not the universal usage :() too and an incredibly niche/random character has been my special interest for quite a few years now, i dont own merch of her or anything since it's so random and i feel embarrassed about it. i eat up the same few pieces of art every single time,, a 2010 deviantart post where she's in the background? EATING. IT. UP. šŸ˜­ how did you let those feelings of shame go (if you ever had them)? idk i don't think it's cringe when other people do it but i just think if any of my friends found out they'd be like wth... i don't really know what i'm trying to say but i guess i wonder if you have any tips on how to make the most of your special interest :) fawful is a cool villain (sorry not insinuating he's evil/bad, just his role in the game) so your interest makes way more sense than mine but you are super dedicated so i think you have some cool guru knowledge about this sorta thing :')
Well, first things first... thank you so much for the kind words!! It's really heartwarming to hear that anyone views me in this manner qwq - I appreciate you telling me bc it really means a lot to me!
But I guess I'd like to say the first piece of advice I have for you is to not see your interest as any lesser than mine or anyone else's just because the character only shows up for a little bit or barely at all. Focus on the joy YOU get from your guy/gal and don't worry about how silly or ridiculous it may appear in the eyes of others.
Another thing I'd say would be to take criticism and people's lack of understanding in stride. I hesitate to say "expect criticism/hate" but at the same time I do think it's a good idea to prepare yourself for it. I think if the idea of receiving negativity from others makes you lose all motivation and confidence in yourself and this character you have feelings for, then it may not be the wisest thing to put it in a public place (like the internet) for the time being.
Having a public presence with this sort of thing isn't for everyone and I think it's perfectly okay and valid when it's not. It doesn't make you or your feelings and less real for it.
PS. regarding the merch: please remember that I caused 99% of the stuff in my room to come into being myself! Fawful doesn't have any official merch outside of a few promotional items with his official render on it from 2009. My entire room is stuff I wanted to have and to see and so I went out there with some dollars in my pocket (and super talented friends, heyooo) & made it happen. (Point being: YOU HAVE THE POWER.) I only haven't added more to it in a while bc I'm broke lmao
Take care, dude. I know I have no idea who you are but feel free to send another anon or DM me privately if I can help you with anything else or if this didn't answer the question enough!
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ed89 Ā· 2 years
can you list some mike wheeler is autistic hcs you have?
hes a big fidgeter, heā€™ll fiddle with bag straps, his fingers, willā€™s hair, and anything near his hands
he has ā€œweirdā€ facial expressions or expresses himself in a way that doesnt quite make sense to others
adding to facial expressions, he is weird about eye contact yet he can stare deep into willā€™s eyes without breaking contact
DEFINITELY HAS RAPTOR HANDS bc i do so he also must. Bro just stands there like a dinosaur but its aight hes just chillin
he will infodump to anyone abt his interests he loves just ranting
emotionally closed off
[gives mike my alexithymia] i feel like that too would explain why hes so bad with relationships. he cant always distinguish between emotions
hes definitely super empathic i can tell especially when he immediately regrets his fights with will
flappy hands? flappy hands
repetitive blinking stim bc ive seen him do it LMAO
also !! vocal repetitions
empathic but still not good at recognising sarcasm or facial expressions (not realising angela was being malicious like did he not notice will and el's negative reaction šŸ˜­)
D&D SPECIAL INTEREST and star wars hyperfixation
will is also autistic (and the rest of the party ngl). him and mike both have the same odd food tastes .......... tism soulmates. they definitely talk through nonverbal expressions or just through random words and noises that make sense to no one else and they show their love through the most cutesie ways. will definitely makes mike lots of gifts and he ALWAYS gives mike presents that hes made by hand for mike's birthday :) they also never judge each other. NEVER ever. they are on LEVEL with each other
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elliesmistress Ā· 2 months
Hey! Random question ik but like i just saw you make a post abt u being high and as a non smoker myself i just kinda wanted to know ppls expiriences with being high. Sorry, its random i just think they are always funny af. Ofc u dont have to if u don't want to ā™”
THC - is what makes you feel high and giggly
CBD - is what makes you go night night
There is THC and CBD is all weed but some has more THC than CBD and others have more CBD than THC
Depends on the type of weed and just drugs on general- unfortunately where I am weed is VERY illegal so you get what you get šŸ˜­
Like, if I smoke indica which has more CBD than THC I go night night. I tend to smoke stuff with more THC during the day (on my days off, I'm not even working at the moment but whatever) usually so I can write or just enjoy being high playing video games, playing bass or guitar, and listening to music. Idk I've had some pretty bad experiences on weed like fully "greening-out" (basically blacking out but on weed) and getting so high it feels like my chest is getting ripped open, somewhat in a good way but usually I just freak myself out but I've definitely had some good experiences on it, like half the shit I've written I've been stoned and or high -
I've also done a fair bit of LSD in my lifetime, the first time I did it was absolutely terrifying and the worst trip I've ever had.
I've also done ket, don't recommend at all it's more of a downer than a upper and it's just not that fun lmao- for starters you get horny af on it but you can't feel anything, like it's a fucking tranquilizer so it makes it hard to breathe and move/I've had a few experiences with friends and myself where we almost had to call an ambulance because of how much it fucks with your breathing - but gives you one of the best afterglows out there.
I've also done MDMA or Molly, probably the best high I've ever had, made me love everybody- MDMA makes it impossible for any negative emotions to get in because of how much serotonin it releases, so your mom could walk in tell you that she hates you and wishes you were dead and you'd still be happy- crazy shit dude, MDMA gives you the fattest hangover ever btw, first time I did Molly I had a come down for 3-4 days, everything hurt- I was scared of my own reflection, my hand kept morphing, my eyes looked weird, I had dilated pupils, EVERYONE thought I was still high, i just don't recommone molly like whaat you get from it isn't enough for it to be worth it- you get super depressed after and you wanna kill urself :/ . @abbysmiddlefinger was a victim of me saying how much I loved them and me on MD in general
I've also done Amphetamines, for the love of god do not do speed, I did speed like the day after I did Molly for the first time and oh my fuck was the come down from both absolutely terrible- if anything touched my body in any way it would send pain shocks all down my spine and shit and my head OMG MY HEAD IT WAS TERRIBLE! I hadn't gone outside since the come down (so for two weeks I was in my room/house) and I had to go to therapy and I almost punched my therapist because speed makes you angy as FUCKKKK.
(I'm an innocent soul istg)
Just don't do drugs in general , it's wayyy to easy to get laced or take something that isn't what you think it is nowadays or just buy off a trust worthy friend or be a fucking idiot and make it yourself. Fun fact: MDMA is such a bitch to make most people just put crack, rat poison or speed in it.
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thegamingcatmom Ā· 1 year
helloo again! itā€™s the same asker as last time (the pee ask!)
i just wrote/sent a follow up ask but i donā€™t think it actually sent!šŸ˜­ ā€˜cause tumblr is dumb! grrr! so im writing it out again! but if it magically did send then you can just ignore this ask haha!
so i was messaging to say iā€™m sorry if my ask came across as really blunt to you because i really didnā€™t mean for it to sound that way. but when i just read it back again along with your nice reply, i realized my ask sounded kinda super blunt and could maybe read as sortaā€¦ judgey?? like maybe it came across like i was gonna kinkshame or something?
but i promise that wasnā€™t the case at all!! i definitely would never kinkshame anyone ever!! and i didnā€™t mean to sound blunt. itā€™s just that iā€™m autistic and sometimes when i communicate over written message i sound blunt in a negative way even though i donā€™t mean to. i struggle with sometimes coming across as rude in messages when i am asking questions, even though i donā€™t mean to, when in reality iā€™m getting straight to the point in my message because iā€™m excited to be asking a question about something.šŸ˜…
i actually sent that ask about the piss kink because im into omorashi (or omo for short) which is like getting turned on by the feeling of needing to pee/having a full bladder and also wetting (or getting turned on by seeing someone else needing to pee/making someone else hold their full bladder and seeing someone else wetting it making someone else wet themselves etc).
so seeing it show up in most of your ellie posts just made me wonder if that sorta thing was something you yourself were personally into (ā€˜cause obviously lots of writers put their own sexual interests in their writing) or if it was something you thought maggot momma herself would be into.šŸ˜Š
Hey again, pee-anon!
I actually didnĀ“t receive any other ask from you (cause Tumblr is, indeed, pretty stoopid sometimes) so itĀ“s a good thing youĀ“ve sent it again. šŸ˜œ
No need to apologize at all, really. I didnĀ“t think it was rude or judgey or anything like that. I simply took it for what it was - an ask about a piss kink lol. Also, itĀ“s only natural to be curious about certain things, especially if you feel like you can identify with it in some way. It also shows me that my posts evoke some sort of reaction at least, so IĀ“m happy to answer any question someone might have, really. šŸ˜Š
(Unless you decide to be nasty af about it because in that case - you can just f right off and Imma send Maggot Momma after your sorry ass.)
As IĀ“ve stated before, I myself donĀ“t see it as a kink. More as a bit of a lighter moment in between all the madness and blood and guts and gore galore thatĀ“s going on in this (cursed) building.
Now, would Maggot Momma be into it? Considering I see her as a rather animalistic being with primal instincts in general (such as dry humping you into oblivion) I think she could be into it. But not in an overly sexual way, more like
IĀ“m in the middle of something here (that something being you) and I cba about your worries rn (or ever) because your smell and if you gotta be like that - all dramatic as per usual- then sheĀ“s just gonna make herself a bit heavier on purpose and squish you a bit more all while never taking her eyes off you and basically daring you to do it because it would also show her the absolute power she has over you and-
...Okay yeah, I can see why Maggot Momma might be into it after all lmao.
Now I might have to write a little something about it because now I wanna see it play out, whoopsie.
IĀ“m in the middle of writing yet another mommy kink post (you can thank mommy-kink-anon for that) but Imma keep your ask in mind for sure, so stay tuned!
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acaiasahi Ā· 1 year
indefinite hiatus notice + thank you for 100k! ā˜…
hi everyone!
i just wanted to hop on here and say a couple things before logging out indefinitely.
one, thank you so much for 100k followers! i never thought this day would come, let alone get so much love for my silly fics, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you. i couldn't have achieved such a big following w/o the love and support of you guys <3.
two, i'm super sorry for falling off the face of the earth but as you can clearly see, i haven't really been active on here for the past month or so. i actually deleted a bunch of my side blogs except for @/run2tzu so don't worry if you don't see my other ones (not that anyone's searching... i had no bitches awn there šŸ˜­)
but to go more in depth, i haven't been into kpop for awhile now. it's less about the music aspect, but more-so of the fandoms. some, emphasis on some, fandoms are toxic, and being completely transparent, i'm just super tired of having to deal with such negative people. i love and will always love kpop, especially with all the people i've been able to connect with through it, but you can't blame me for wanting to step away from such a tiresome hobby.
i'm not sure how long i'll be gone for, i honestly might be away for quite some time. i've gotten into other hobbies like crocheting, i'm busy with work, and trying to get my life together because i'm turning 20 this year and that's terrifying lol. please understand my reasoning and be respectful.
again, thank you so much for your love during the past year and a half, i'm hoping to come back but i know it won't be any time soon.
tldr; thank u for 100k, i love u all and i'm going on an indefinite hiatus for idk how long bc the kpop scene is toxic af lmao
with lots of love and hugs,
tagging: @i-luvsang @tranquilpetrichor @h4chi @sseastar-main @seung-scrittore @sunoo-bby @eulris
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todayisafridaynight Ā· 8 months
"fe is like my dq" STOP ME TOO šŸ¤šŸ˜­ sorry for being a fire emblem fan I Didn't Ask For It
also i can't believe you bought the tellius games whoa... i won't lie i pirated all the games except for the switch ones lol but that's so awesome... tellius games deserve it o7
not you thinking marth was a girl šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ LMFAO
i can't lie reading your fates story kinda killed me inside like. ough not the money for Those Games LMAO
anyways so true the tellius games are so good... great taste
Didnt ask to be an FE fan it just happened upon me. Like the plague.
BUT YEAH LMAO my thing is i never Ever buy anything ā€˜unnecessaryā€™ so whenever i do once in a blue moon it gotta really be worth it to me and i prrrrROMISE buying PoR was so worth it.. to me.. youā€™d have to catch me slippin to pay That much for a game again tho LOL NEVER AGAIN piracy is your best friend and i condone it when its against multimillion-dollar companies
I mean you can Fairly argue buying fates three times Was Not Worth It and youā€™d be right but the comedy of saying I Hate This Game I Bought It Three Times Tho outweighs the negatives honestly LOL
and yeahā€¦ i did think marth was a girl for some reason.. it was the Slightly long hair, tiny frame, not-super-deep voice, and he was really nimble (and lil baby me just understood Apparently only nimble characters can be girls. I guess.)
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fictionkinfessions Ā· 1 year
You know what? I feel like I'm too negative on here sometimes. I wanna be wholesome, god dammit!!! I will now proceed to give some shout-outs to Various People I Enjoy Being Aroundā„¢ bc why not (not based on any memories because I don't have any, but actually like??? Headcanons I have for myself??? Is that a thing you can do as a hearttype???)
Of course I have to mention the entire Meme Squad!!! Flower, Piko, Oliver, Len, Moke, and Rin, you guys all rock!!! I wish I had friends like you guys irl. I really really really appreciate you guys putting up with me :)
I'd also like to mention my family (particularly my brother Arsloid, my sister Akikoloid-chan, and my mother-figure/aunt Sachiko)!!! I know I'm not much of a family guy (ahahaha I said the name of the funny show), but I really do appreciate you all being there for me! My irl family is cool and all, but I kinda prefer y'all ngl /hj
Obviously this list wouldn't be complete with out Point!!! My little guy!!! My scrunkly scrimblo!!! My little beast!!! I'm not sure what the hell Point is supposed to be but whatever he is I wish I was able to have him irl because he's so cute and sweet and I love him sm šŸ„ŗ (obviously /p!!! otherwise that would be extremely weird lmao)
Also last but certainly not least I'd like to give a very super special shout-out to my boyfriend Yohioloid!!! I may be single as hell irl, but he makes me feel so so so loved and appreciated and like I actually mean something and omg I feel like I'm gonna cryyyy I love you so much Hio and I wish I could actually see you irl waaaaaaaaugh šŸ˜­ /r (guys I really love Hio can you tell I love him have I made it obvious enough /rh)
Uhhh yeah that's about it. Sorry I got all sappy and romantic and shit near the end, but I just want to spread some love for my peeps!!!
-Fukase (please tag as otherhearted, #šŸ‘āŒļøšŸ”“)
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dteamain Ā· 1 year
lowkey I thought about it and you can ignore the multishipper thing I sent. I've just been seeing so much harassment and pretty vile neg the last few weeks from blogs that I used to to enjoy following that it's just been a little tiring and sad. but curate your own experience and block and move on I guess I was just unknowingly on the worng side...sorry pls ignore I don't want to start even more of it šŸ˜”
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anon nooooošŸ˜­ listen guys if you send in a confessional it's likely getting posted i have so many so it's awhile before i will see your take back lmao.
but i want to say anon that i agree with you sometimes the shitting on people goes a bit crazy and it's overwhelming. i won't allow people to come on here and just shit on you for having that opinion don't worry. confessional is just about getting it off your chest no worries at all. in exchange i will let you in on some of my secrets:
i unfollow and refollow lots because you are right sometimes some people run with neg too hard. for example i saw some crazy karl neg so i unfollowed but the next weekend that person was posting funny shit so i refollowed
also like i have moots who are super intense with mpreg which isn't my cup of tea so sometimes i literally hop in maintags and go blog hopping to see wholesome content or what not to stay off the dash.
i think it's alright to feel these frustrations and simply acknowledge that you aren't enjoying something and sometimes you need to rant and move on (just like what you did!!!!) it's actually super healthy to just get things off your chest even if after you realize maybe you were being silly or maybe you realize you don't want to be mad about that thing anymore. but yeah don't worry i won't let it start world war three on my blog i simply block people who are insane and i'll be so honest with you i think you were level headed and reasonable so respect
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englishknightsky Ā· 1 year
the cissy for the sp ask game? idk what the episode number is sorry </3 -kencormicks
thank you @kencormicks , i actually went and watched the episode and wrote as i watched bc its been a while lol
Do I like this ep? Yeah, I think I do! It definitely makes me laugh a lot and is very inline with Cartman's general shenanigans.
Favourite moment?
"But this isn't a hurting, confused child! This is Eric Cartman!" I love that, I want to see more of Cartman manipulating people with this logic, that even though he's Cartman, if the media got ahold of any negative press from South Park, he'd just be a sweet, innocent child who's being harassed.
Stan questioning his gender identity and sexuality is so sweet, he kind of does it again in TxC, I want to see more of this!
I love that Lorde is actually Randy, not that he's just playing as her, and Lorde actually finding it hilarious is so funny, I've never heard a Lorde song before, but I always hum "I am Lorde, ya ya ya!"
Cartman's BDSM Toilet scene. Did he steal Liane's whip?
Wendyl has such a cute design. He's the best boy.
Stan fainting at Lorde's reveal.
"You're watching E! That's how low you've sunk."
Butters is so GNC I like that, he should wear skirts sometimes!
Sharon's speech is so heartfelt, it's nice to see Tratt saying nice things about the celebrities they make fun of lmao
South Park Elementary says Trans Rights!
Stan singing his dad's song at the end is super cute šŸ˜­
Least favourite moment?
I'm so offended at the portrayal of girl's bathrooms, they're just as disgusting as the boys and there AREN'T enough stalls and I will not allow these lies!
Unpopular opinion?
Idk any opinions of this ep tbh, I assume it's well accepted? I like it, but I can also understand why people might not, maybe it's not the best trans rep.
I have this same opinion about Board Girls, that there should be an actual trans character, kid or adult, to bounce off the fake trans characters, Eric and Heather, but Wendy in this ep was pretty close, I'd like to see Wendyl return as a character.
Maybe like a 4/5. Pretty good, pretty solid. Controversial take but I like the serialisation, it's just that they aren't the best written bc it seems like they forget the story halfway through the season lol, but season 18 is super good.
Anything else?
Apparently the spin magazine thing is based on like an actual thing that happened after the last ep, where a journalist claimed they were making fun of Lorde by having Randy in drag at the end of that ep, but like, I thought it was clearly a joke that they COULDN'T get Lorde so Randy dressed up and nobody could tell it wasn't Lorde lmao
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lios-archive Ā· 2 years
I'm sorry if it sounds a bit like a rant. But I had to tell you this!
I literally get the BEST feelings when seeing posts from your blog...seriously, there's no other blog on tumblr that gives me this nice feeling that you give šŸ„ŗ one reason is obvious; you being a super drooper awesome pawsome person (does this adjective even make sense? lol) but another reason's that you remind me of one of my ex-friends who was a huge fan of both Rory Gallagher and Deep Purple (she was the one who introduced me to Rory's music) and for some reason, it's a long time that my mom doesn't let me be in touch with her anymore. You make me miss her soooo much, cuz you remind me of her (yknow, your blog's content and stuff...). But at the same time, it makes me feel good. 'cause..I feel like I'm being with my friend againšŸ˜­
I- ig I should be grateful of you for this... so, thank you veryyyy veryyyy much for being on this app and make it a lovely place for me (and probably lots of other people too) šŸ’›šŸŒ¼
I don't what to say, really šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Making other people smile and have a laugh is and always will be my priority here! The world's been full of so much negativity lately and the best thing that we can do is to improve each other's mood by sharing anything related to our passions :) And that's why I love this site so much tbh!!! I'm so sorry about your friend though... I'm just glad that my posts bring a smile to your face, it's literally the best feeling in the world šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thank you so so so much and if you want to have a chat I'm here, I don't bite:) (I only bite when creepy dudes dm me lmao)
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flaringfoxsoul03 Ā· 1 year
@silas-sullivan asked me this:
Alrighty! Thank you so so much <33 so sorry this is so long omg šŸ˜­
Im a pretty empathetic and helpful person! I like to help out whenever I have the chance, however i do have a bit of a short temper which ties into me being impatient in some situations ^^;; I always try to find the positives in things! I dont like to dwell on the could have beens or negative things much, even if theres some bad theres bound to be some good as well :) I try to stick to a who cares, we only live once mindset LMAO otherwise I do tend to be a bit impulsive which can lead to not that great decisions :,) SHBSJSJS (SORRY THIS IS SO LONG OMG)
Im 5ft! (Iā€™ll be 6ā€™3 someday,,, ONE DAY!! BAHAHA)
Hmm for physical looks, im asian-american! I have medium-short length wavy-ish? dark brown hair with the bottom half dyed orange! :) I have brown eyes as well. Iā€™d like to think I look pretty masculine! (Or at least I hope so) I have a lot of scars on my arms ^^; and stretch marks on my upper thighs (which i think are really pretty :>> im a sucker for those) I have black painted nails aaaanndd,,, thats ab it!
Ouughh i LOVE styling outfits,, def sticking with the thin black sleeveless turtleneck+black sweatpants+combat boots tho (my fav outfit,, i love being comfy but also kinda cool šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø) I def try to go for punk?/intimidating ish outfits! I always end up sticking to black clothes LMAO but on other occasions I love sweaters!
Cant really think of any abilities or fighting styles, prob brute force or just being a sniper? as cool as swordfighting would be I do not have the ability for that BAHAHSJSJS If anything I think having smthn like shanks haki walk would be so sick
I love anything artistic! Photography, film, drawing, reading, music is a huge one(dont think iā€™ve gone a day without music JSBSJDHD), I love to cook as well! Im a big sucker for cats+birds,,, theyā€™re so cute :,) <33 I enjoy adventuring and exploring new stuff! I dont like sitting still and doing nothing,, I prefer being on the go and doing lots of stuff :D I also like fruit (number 1 fav food šŸ’Ŗ RAAHHHH)
I dont really like super strong smells, really sensitive to smells for some reason šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø I dont like eating mushrooms or olives that much, uhmmm- not a fan of huge expectations, or making decisions in a snap (BARE WITH ME IM SO INDECISIVE LMAO)
If you dont mind,, no fem!aligned characters? D: so sorryy
I donā€™t think Iā€™ll give you the ability to do Shankā€™s haiki walk, mostly because it seems way too overpowered for this, but I will settle with the idea of letting you become a sniper instead with armament haiki and observation haiki.
I match you withā€¦
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I feel like this would be a good partner for you, like the very best. Not because heā€™s a pervert with a very hopeless romantic flare to him, no, it goes so much deeper than any ocean in the world of One Piece
You both are almost always matching, or at the very least always complementing each otherā€™s wardrobe tastes, you being more loose about what kind of stuff you wear. Occasionally Sanji will match you in comfy clothing, but more or less you guys are known to be stylish and very finessed. You sometimes do this fun thing where you pick out each otherā€™s clothes for that day and needless to say, you both donā€™t hate when the other chooses for you
Loves to have you near him or even helping out in the kitchen, he could always use someone who wonā€™t mess around in his kitchen and women are very much allowed in. Does end up allowing music to be played in less serious moments or a little bit on the quite side if he needs to focus, but he usually canā€™t say no to any of your requests
Can always be seen praising you on any of your hobbies in front of the crew and others, but in private heā€™s always trying to find a way to get some cuddles out of you while you might be reading, he canā€™t help it. Youā€™re the only one who shows him loyalty outright when he needs the reassurance that youā€™re not just using him for what you want. Poor boy has been played enough, just let him win when itā€™s not in front of prying eyes
Actually prefers that youā€™re a sniper, makes it easier for you to stay hidden and out of a fight since your whole gig is to take out without being seen. But he does realize the disadvantage when you get pummeled into the ground and he couldnā€™t get to you right away because you were almost too far away. He now likes to stick closer to you in a fight so he canā€™t be so ridiculously far away, or at least be able to back you up when you need the help. Gets less anxious as you develop more skills and strength for far away combat to up close combat, but it never truly goes away after that first time with you being covered in blood getting punched into the earth like it was this bruteā€™s last goal as he came up on the scene. He blames himself for allowing a woman of your caliber to get that badly injured
Is deeply enamored by all your beauty marks. If you let him when he sleeps in the same room as you, heā€™ll kiss every mark thatā€™s available to touch. He wants you to never doubt your beauty, you are definitely a women to love with all of his heart. Maybe even get more serious and shows how much he loves all of you, marks and all~
Knows what itā€™s like to have a shit ton of expectations and never being able to succeed in any of them. What itā€™s like to have to make a decision that alters your life permanently, heā€™s done it. He comforts you by giving you a couple of options that make sense and tells you what you choose, heā€™ll back you up 100%. He can not not be serious about this, it drives him up the walls, he doesnā€™t want you to feel alone either. Heā€™ll also offer long hugs to be able to soothe you, petting your hair as you vent out your frustrations about not being able to choose fast enough. To get better at this indecisiveness, he takes you to a fragrance shop on an island the ship is docked at the moment and asks you to choose before you guys have to go back for dinner, but he leads you how to make effective decisions. Itā€™s still a learning process, but youā€™re getting better and he technically gets gifts from you as you pick out his new cologne
Definitely once in awhile youā€™ll butt heads, but a healthy relationship requires communication. Eventually youā€™ll make up by dancing in the kitchen to some slow music, swaying back and forth because the crew has gone to bed for the night. Sanji knows this where he can be the most vulnerable with you and you with him, due to the fact you both spill your undying loyalties to one another, promise acts of commitment for all of your lives you shall fulfill
Youā€™re definitely the suave couple upfront, but on the flip side? You guys are romantics who never really left the honeymoon phase behind with how many dates you go on, giggling like little children on sugar highs no matter what the occasion is for or what you two end up doing
The follow ups are:
Roroanoa Zoro
Tralfalgar Water D. Law
Thatā€™s it for now! Hope you enjoyed it!
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trulymadlysydney Ā· 4 months
Awww thank you!! Hopefully you had a great Christmas!! Iā€™m currently sick with whateverā€™s going around šŸ˜­šŸ¤§. I thought I had Covid bc I picked up last Monday and there were a few Covid ppl and I had to pull down my mask so they could hear me lmao but I tested negative so itā€™s probably just a sinus infection. But, I got some new clothes, a curling iron that rolls your hair up with a push of a button (I wish i had this when my hair was super long šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚) and a bunch of giftcards. I was honestly more excited to have my mom and dad open their presents šŸ˜‚ I got my dad one of those ring camera things that have the big light and camera to put at the garage.
Ugh NOOO! Yeah I had a gnarly cold the week before I came home for Christmas. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re sick! But YAY omg it sounds like you had a great Christmas! I also was super excited for my parents to open their gifts this year too haha.
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