#sorry it took forever aaaaa
kaoharu · 4 months
running around you in circles blocking your path HIIIIII HI
describe your favorite smell if you had 3 wishes, what would they be? favorite thing to do on rainy days? how tall are you? what is your favorite holiday? favorite song right now? 3 ways to win your heart? 3 habits you have? when is your birthday?
ask game !!
🍯 - answered that one here !
🎂 - also answered that one here sorries i dont want to type again 😓
🍭 - 5ft 1in yayayayayayyayyyyy. sniffles
🎶 - rather fond of feeling good as of late as well . . . i have many favorite songs
💘 - hmhmm im a simple girl tbh first you need to hang out and slash or talk to me in general a Lot. then you get into the media i like ( bonus if you become craaazy abt it too ) and then finally ? i dont know tbh when it comes to real people i really only end up liking my friends . helppppppppppppp
🕊️ - i chew gum almost constantly ( its my alternative to chewing my nails lol ), i have just now discovered i lifemy pinky finger when i drink. hmm ? anyways aaaand. i pace my kitchen Specifically when i need to think. like literally doesnt matter where i am when ive gotta think i move myself to the kitchen /silly
🎁 - feb 11 !!!
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bleeding-black-heart · 2 months
[Feather is gone. A singular golden feather sits where they were before.]
*The abrupt visit from that Brother Integro person had distracted him. 🖤 hadn't seen Feather leave, with the golden signal of its departure just now being discovered. There's a vague recollection of seeing feathers just like this one...*
*They pick it up and frantically glance around, searching for any other sign as to where Feather could've gone. Love looks rather panicked*
– 🖤
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starry-night-rose · 1 year
HJSHS my dumbass didn't realize i wasn't following you but i throw my "main" ocs at you for interactions [evil]
AH ITS ALRIGHT MERCIE! Time for some oc interactions! I’ll do Ellis, Artemis, and Gwen for this!
Opinions on Maxwell and Samuel
Maxwell - Ellis was at first intimated by Maxwell’s presence stating “Dear Lord! What did they give this guy to be this tall!” But as time went on, Ellis found Maxwell to be a very close friend of hers! Ellis looks up to Maxwell as somewhat as an older brother figure! Ellis tends to ramble a lot to Maxwell and just enjoys talking to him! Well, rather Ellis does the talking with Maxwell tending to do the listening! Ellis tends to stick up for Maxwell if the time calls for it! Ellis likes to give Maxwell makeovers from time to time! He really does look like a princess after those makeovers!
Samuel - As Samuel has a longstanding hatred for the Ramshackle dorm, Ellis has mixed feelings about Samuel! Ellis doesn’t understand why exactly he doesn’t like the Ramshackle dorm but doesn’t find it in her heart to really hate him! Ellis only ever talks to Samuel when Churchill makes their way to Ramshackle. Ellis is always friendly to Samuel and wants to be friends with him but due to his attitude towards the dorm, she accepts that they might not be friends. On a sillier note! Ellis always finds some of her strawberry candy missing from her bag after crossing paths with Terrovania members especially Samuel.
Maxwell - Artemis finds Maxwell to be a very.....interesting individual. His mysterious unique magic, his scars, lack of speaking, etc make Artemis find him all the more interesting to watch! Artemis does have a habit of lurking in the shadows which could cause Artemis to surprise Maxwell with her presence. With Artemis’s forever present smile and lax attitude, Artemis does have a habit of confusing Maxwell with her behavior and true intentions. Artemis is just a curious person!
Samuel - Artemis sees Samuel as a little brother type of figure! Artemis tends to be unfazed by his pranks, often times having little to no reaction to his pranks. Samuel tries to finally get a reaction out of Artemis with the pranks but they just keep not working! Artemis doesn’t find anything off about Samuel and his habits, sometimes pulling him down from the ceiling! Artemis always somehow catches Samuel trying to take candy from her but ends up giving it to him in the end! Artemis really does care for Samuel as a little brother figure in the end!
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Maxwell - As Gwen and Maxwell are both very quiet, Gwen in the case of being shy while Maxwell just doesn’t feel the need to talk, they get along quite nicely! Gwen treats Maxwell with much respect and kindness as he’s a dorm leader and regularly attempts to help him out in as many ways as she can! Maxwell got a scrape? Don’t worry! Gwen’s here with bandaids! Gwen and Maxwell could sit in complete silence with one another and yet feel completely comfortable with one another! Gwen tends to also ask Maxwell for help with heavier objects and things located in higher places! Gwen gets a bit flustered around Maxwell when he helps out with things although! I feel like their relationship is very “He asked for no pickles.”
Samuel - Gwen is always polite to Samuel and treats him with respect whenever she crosses paths with him! As they are both from the Briar Valley, Gwen and Samuel can relate to one another and share their experiences! Gwen and Samuel could play together as they both play a stringed instrument, perhaps having a small concert at Terrovania! Gwen always has little candies on her which she happily give to Samuel! Like Artemis, Gwen also sees Samuel as a little brother in a way! She just wants to see those she loves be happy!
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
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"Gonta-kun, Merry Christmas! I hope I'm not bothering you if you're busy, but I had gotten some gifts for you that I thought you might like, so I wanted to find you and give you them, if that's okay." He smiles. Shuichi had been looking around a bit for Gonta, so when he had spotted him up ahead, he called out to him to get his attention. Now that he has, Shuichi pulls out a gift bag from his book bag, and holds it out for him to take. "Here you go... !"
Inside of the gift was first a long, dark green scarf, with a pattern of butterflies on it. The other gift inside, was a white leather journal, paired with a set of pens designed after different kinds of scenery like forests, lakes, flowers, etc. "Ah, i know you might already have a scarf, but when I saw this one with butterflies on it, I just had to get it for you. And I thought you might like the journal and pens, too, if you ever want to use them to record your discoveries while searching for insects. At least, I truly do hope I was able to give you some nice gifts... !" (Hey, Hey! Merry Christmas~! 🦋🧣📓)
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The call of his name catches Gonta's attention, and he turns to greet Shuichi with the biggest smile he's worn today! "Saihara-kun!" he declares. "Merry Christmas! Gonta hopes Saihara-kun has a great, great day!"
Upon mention of gifts, his eyes widen, and -- if it was even possible -- his smile grows even more eager! "Gifts?" he repeats. "For Gonta? Gonta has never gotten gifts before!! Christmas is gifts, right?"
For Gonta has never had an actual Christmas before, at least not any that he can actually remember. His wild family doesn't know what Christmas is, after all, and he's learning about it himself this year!
He watches Shuichi pull out a bag, and when he is given it, he pulls out the best scarf he's ever seen! But wait, there's more in there... there's a little book! And pens!! He won't have to use his really old one anymore!
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"Saihara-kun!" he exclaims, putting the items gently back in the bag so he can keep a tight hold on them. "Thank you so much! Gonta really appreciates them! They are so nice!!" He wants to give Shuichi a huge hug in return... but he might crush him, being so big. What could he do instead...?
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purinfelix · 29 days
hiii i have a request🙈 could you do a pedri one where the reader has curly hair but she always straightens her hair but one day pedri see’s her with her natural hair and he just obsesses over it? i love your writing btw🤍
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
a/n: AAAAA sorry it took me forever to write this - it's such a cute idea and i might've had to consult one of my curly-haired friends on it hehe hope u enjoy anon <333
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"Hey, babe?" The familiar sound of your boyfriend's voice echoes through your apartment after he returns from his trip to get the two of you takeout for dinner.
"In here," you call out, though you're mostly preoccupied with finishing up the shower you began not long after he left. Slipping on your clothes and throwing your towel over your shoulder you pad your way out of the bathroom to find him.
When you do, he's busy setting down the plastic bags on your dining table but the minute he turns to see you he almost drops them. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you let out a soft chuckle and watched Pedri's expression mould into one of curiosity and a sort of enchantment. He takes a couple steps towards you and you're about to ask if something's wrong until one of his fingers finds its way around a still-wet ringlet of your hair.
You let out a shy sigh of realisation - it hadn't been that long since the two of you had started dating and in that time it had been a habit for you to always straighten your hair. But tonight, with your head clouded with the excitement of spending a night in with him, it must've slipped your mind. You watch as Pedri silently takes strands of your hair between his fingers, his lips parted in a sort of stupor.
"It's a lot shorter like this," he says, breaking the silence, and you're pleasantly surprised by how observant he is.
"Yeah," you laugh softly before tentatively asking, "do you like it?"
There's a beat of silence, but you soon realise it's only because he's busy playing with your curls, pulling on them gently and watching them spring back. "Are you kidding? It's beautiful," he finally says, voice barely above a breathless whisper, "you're beautiful."
That's all it takes for your cheeks to start heating up and as soon as Pedri notices he can't help but join you in smiling shyly. His hand moves swiftly to tuck some of your hair behind your ear to make way for him to press a soft kiss to your temple.
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ghostbustting · 3 months
97 James as a new dad, holding his newborn babygirl and crying as he kisses her tummy and tells her how much he loves her BDHDBSHSH I need this
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╰┈➤“𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑫 𝑶𝑵„ ๋࣭⭑
‘97!James Hetfield x Reader
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In James' perspective.
It wasn’t long after half of our show was done, we were only taking a small break and talking to the crowd, hyping them up as they return the hype back towards us. Everything was going so well, we can hear our fans cheer for us non stop.
That’s when that roadie came to me, giving me a news I’ve been waiting for since ages, yet also a news that made my heart drops.
“James? James- hey, what’s the matter?! Where are you going?!” I hear my bandmates call out behind me. But I didn’t care.
The sounds of disappointed and confused fans in the crowd of audience were too loud to avoid, meanwhile I try to brush them off without a single ounce of care. My mind occupied with two things and two things only.
The love of my life.
And the little soul inside her womb that was brought into our life as an evidence of our love.
My mind race with thoughts of worry.. panic.. fear. She’s being sent to the hospital alone all the time I was screaming lyrics and playing chords on my guitar to the crowd of people.
I wished that damn roadie would just interrupt me sooner. I could care less about satisfying my fans when my pregnant wife is in a critical condition.
I make my way out of the venue as soon as I gather my stuff, pushing through the amount of fans and paparazzi waiting for me, I can smell their nosy asses from miles away. Knowing their exact plan to put this news in papers.
My mind seems to be in a world of it’s own, as if working on auto pilot.
I took the nearest cab and make my way to the hospital, urging the driver every now and then to speed the fuck up despite the speed limit on the road.
I was aware it might be rude. But my eyes were blinded by the visual that appeared in my brain of how much pain she must be in right now, how much struggles she’s been putting up with these couple months.
Minutes of the car ride seems to feel like eternity, only building up my impatience. “Faster!” The words can’t help but blurt out of my mouth once again, I can only pray that god bless this driver for putting up with me.
Once the car comes into a stop, I immediately hand him the cash- not caring how many money left my wallet as I immediately head out of the car and walk into the hospital, asking around for my wife.
My heart race, sweat trickling down my forehead as a nurse willingly lead me through the busy hospital halls. “Where is it? Where’s the room?” I can’t help but ask the nurse, impatient. I can tell how much my nonstop questions were pressuring her as we walk faster.
I just want to see her face. See her smile with our baby in her arms. To know we’ll finally be a complete family. To find her safe, at the very least. Hold her in my arms, cover her face in kisses, let her know I love her and I’ll be hers forever.
“Where is it?!” I ask with more urgent now, my eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed in frustration of being parted with her for far too long now.
“Sir, please stay calm..” The nurse desperately try to dodge the many patients and doctors walking past us, the hospital seems to be terribly busy tonight.
Then, finally.. we arrive at the room.
The nurse opens the door and let me enter, the doctors and nurses inside all turned to look at the now opened door and my figure stepping in.
I didn’t care about how they turned towards me, I just immediately make my way towards the bed I see my woman laying on…
I stop in my tracks.
My eyes widens at the sight before me.
My heart melts with pure love.
All kinds of emotions fills my sense; Happiness, disbelief, love, care. I took a big inhale and let out a deep breath when I see the baby in her arms. I gasp and my eyes wells up with happy tears.
I scan my lovely wife’s face, her beautiful face painted by her perfect smile that I will never get bored of, her own eyes were filled with tears. “James..”
“Baby, I-” I fail to make a single sentence as I shake my head and make my way towards the bed, kneeling beside it as my eyes are fixated on the little being sleeping in her arms.
I look at her, my eyes searching for hers as I cannot believe this is real.
Her eyes met mine and she nod as she sniffle and a tear roll down her cheek, “It’s a girl, James.. she got your blue eyes..” My eyes widen as she said this softly, her eyes looked tired but still filled with love and happiness.
My hand reach up to hold her head and kiss her hair, “I’m so sorry I didn’t make it..” A tear leave my own eyes as I look down at the small being, too small and fragile and precious for this world. “Oh.. my baby girl..”
Carefully, I hold the baby’s small hand, trying not to wake her up. “My sweet angel..” I choked out a small chuckle through my tears. “She’s so beautiful.. and small.. and cute.. oh my god..” I peck her small hand and smile almost too wide that my cheeks hurt. “I’m a dad.. I’m a dad..!” I exclaim happily.
I can feel my wife’s hand gently stroking my hair and chuckle as I admire our baby girl, small sobs of joy leaving my lips. “You cry so ugly..” She whisper through her own tears.
Her words made me chuckle even more, too happy at the moment to even come up with a clever comeback, “Shut up..” I wipe my tears and sigh to control this overwhelming feeling of happiness and gratefulness that consumes me.
The baby girl’s small but cute cheeks just looks so adorable, I can’t help but bury my face in her small tummy and press soft kisses all over it, nuzzling my nose against my baby. “I love you, I love you, I love you..” I whisper softly.
I feel a hand on my back and I hear her voice again, “Jamie, you’ll wake her up..” She giggled softly and pull me back. I smile up at my wife cheekily and lean my head on her chest. “Sorry.. can’t help it..”
I sigh and keep my eyes on the cute baby, “The boys will not believe this!”
My smile cannot leave my face. Not even for a single millisecond. I feel so lucky. My life never felt so completed with these two girls close to me. Not a single groupie out there will stand a chance to this strong woman next to me.
“Hey, sweetheart?”
“I love you.”
I look up to see her beautiful smile once again, my eyes on those lips I wish I could glue onto mine forever. She’s everything I could ever dream of. The main piece of the puzzle to my life. The sunlight and moonlight of my world. The air I breathe everyday.
“Let’s get some chicken curry after this.”
My head turns up to her again and I laugh softly. That’s what I love most about her. She can walk into a lively room and still be able to light the room up even more than anyone can.
I slowly look down at the baby in our arms again.
And this little one.. will surely be just as special and lovely. Our sweet angel.
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snowcoffeee · 1 month
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Just a friendly guy, nothing to worry about :)
A little doodle of this wonderful idiot I made for my awesome friend @not-found3 a while back. (I'm so sorry it took forever to finish this aaaaa-)
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isa-ghost · 7 months
holding u at gunpoint asking for some of your characterization on q!fitza for amfmn bc so far you've shown them off so well :]
RAAAAHHHHH god this took forever
Ok so like the qpr polycule thing goin on. Fitpac. Yeah so Pac isn't like *officially* part of it but also is at the same time but is ONLY intimate beyond casual friendship with Fit. He has no special involvement with Phil, Missa, or Etoiles. And even tho it's a 98% platonic polycule, Fit still told Pac abt the polycule being a thing and made sure Pac was consenting abt it bc that's just basic healthy poly etiquette. He also disclosed to Pac that him and Phil have done Things(tm) in the past and Pac was like WHAT bc for some reason he didn't expect it like at all. It was very funny, Fit had a blast giving that fofoca to Phil
They'll do anything for each other. They're the go-to for everything. You'd think Phil's go-to would be Missa and Fit's would be Pac, but Missa is so occupied with reaper things that the rare times he's actually around, Phil just wants to spend stress-free time with him. He feels bad that for a while Missa returning finally would result in an information overload and then overwhelmed Missa screaming. And Fit confides in Pac NOW, but before they started dating it was Phil
Besides, the times they're awake and out n about just kinda work out. Two birds one stone or smth like that. Adventures and fofoca.
Also something something 2B2T something something Antarctic Empire. Birds of a feather. Yeah.
I think the above is best explained as like. They get each other in ways that other people wouldn't. Bc some of the stuff they can relate on is ""Unsavory"" to the average person.
On that note, they are unwaveringly loyal to each other and will take each others secrets to the grave
And yet they both keep their deepest secrets from each other still. But goddd they'd have fantastic long and potentially gritty talks about it.
They're each other's safe spaces to speak a bit more,, morally grey, you could say. I wouldn't call Phil very gray but he's by no means pure and Fit is like 10 steps ahead of him on the spectrum so he Gets it and Phil gets him
Fit is very good at rationalizing things and thinking under pressure. Which Phil needs sometimes. Bc Phil is good at assuming the worst and therefore preparing for it, but he has a habit of getting too caught up in the The Worst Is Definitely Gonna Happen and being a defeatist, so he needs someone outside his head (Fit) to break him out of that loop
Ok I'm obligated to mention the flirting. No one's doing it like these two sorry. The back of the gym has seen and heard some Shit
God omg esp when it's just the two of them, no friends or kids, they're the Worst about each other. It's hilarious but good god they can be rated R at each other
Post Fitpac official they toned it down though and godddd they're so good about each other's boundaries punches the floor aaaaa
Also obligatory mention of Fit being observant as fuck. Phil can't hide shit from him, he knows all his tells. If Phil is lying or something is wrong, Fit can tell
These two mfs are the kids in class that always instantly partner with each other when the teacher is like "ok time to buddy up for this activity." The teacher is the Federation.
Their friendship be like "no kids around? bored? ... wanna go blow shit up? hell yeah."
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somberauthor · 7 months
AHH!! OKAY so i liked the komahina headcanons you did like FOREVER AGO NOW. i was wondering if one of you might want to write a parent komahina/child reader where reader wakes up from a nightmare and they have to comfort them??
AAAAA!!! i love you. i mean, wasn't excited to do this request at all...(i love you:3)
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Hajime and Nagito were snuggled up on the couch watching some show, you couldn't quite tell because of the tears that blurred your vision. hearing your door open, Nagito looked over the couch over to you. your small shaking frame standing in the walkway sniffling, gently nudging Hajime awake(to no avail), nervous that his luck may have caused something bad to happen to you. "daddy..?" you call out, not to any one specific parent; you just needed the comfort of knowing they were there. "we're here kiddo" Nagito calls out to you, knowing he probably wouldn't be the best parent to handle the situation, but what choice did he really have at this point as you were now standing in front of him teary-eyed...with a still sleeping Hajime besides him.
"Another nightmare, my little hope..?" 'another' nightmare.. because this unfortunately was a normal occurrence. You nodded your head, voice caught in your throat, and he lifted you up into his arms, snuggling your snotty face into his shirt(kinda gross, but he didn't mind too much). "y'know,," he starts "i've had some nightmar-" he gets cut off by, a now very awake Hajime, covering his mouth with a hand. "wha- dID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND??" this elicits a giggle from you, and Nagito shrugs. Hajime sighs, wiping his hand off "eugh...anyways.." he pats your head with his NOT licked hand, " 'nother nighmare..? you wanna talk about it, kiddo?"
you think back to your dream. it was a terrible, terrible dream. you didn't want to think about it, but it was almost impossible not to.. "you dove have to, of course" he adds, sensing your hesitance.
you nestled further into Nagito's arms, you took a deep breath and tried to collect your scrambled thoughts. the nightmare still lingered vividly in your mind, but the warmth of being held by your two fathers helped to ground you. "it was really bad...." you hid your face as you contemplated wether or not to explain the dream to them... explain the large dark figures you had seen, how they had taken the two of them away while you were held back, forced to do nothing but watch.
Hajime stares at you for a second or two, waiting for some type of response "...you don't HAVE to say anything." he says in a rather matter-of-fact voice(although he always sorta has that tone). you snuggle into Nagito again, and he pats your back. "we'll always be here for you" Hajime comforts "well..-" Nagito starts, Hajime shoots him a glare that shuts him up pretty quickly.
As the tension eases with Hajime's assurance and Nagito's somewhat awkward attempt at support, you feel a bit more at ease. Despite the lingering unease from the nightmare, the presence of your fathers comforts you enough to feel sleepy again.
As you drift back into a more peaceful state, Nagito and Hajime exchange a glance, silently communicating their concern for you. Hajime adjusts himself on the couch so he can wrap an arm around both you and Nagito, creating a cozy little family huddle. you distinctly feel Nagito petting your hair, despite your eyes being closed, you can tell from the tenderness and boney fingers.. then he swiches off with Hajime it seems, though you aren't sure why.. maybe he had fallen asleep?
you hear the buzzing of their movie restarting as you drift off again, comforted knowing that the both of them are still there and would NEVER leave your side...
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uses super cute dream i had as a kid for reference kinda(also sorry if they're out of character, i tried)
~mod john:B
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merakiui · 1 year
OHHHHHMYGOD. I loved ur clingy codependent bf azul so much. I literally felt a bit of anxiety reading it, I love azul sm hes baba, but the thought of him being this obsessed ans codependent is so nerve-wracking. you really wouldn't be able to leave him alone once he starts exhibiting signs of mental health issues.. and if this is an au where he has his canon octo form, then hes def the type to cut a tentacle or two of his just to "prove" how serious he is, knowing it will grow back eventually anyway so why not make the most out of it and scare the hell out of darling 😭
UGH AND THE WEDDING TRAPPING. and the fact it only spirals downwards from there. the door and knife scene literally made me pause bc omg.. I was not expecting it to escalate like that.. but it fits SO well!! and darlings realization throughout the drabble is honestly so upsetting because acknowledging that most of their attempts will be futile is so frustrating and hope-killing when they have a slimy and pathetic octo clinging to them 😭😭 and especially now considering how close they and azul are, legality wise. REALLY, I don't know what's so different about this compared to your azul drabbles, but it really had me pacing a little im ngl. maybe it's the fact hes way more blatantly insane and blunt with his obsession or that he's willing to go to more extreme measures? whatever it is, you nailed it and I absolutely loved it!!
and this on a different, more minor note, but are you the same author that wrote the ex scara stuff? reading the azul drabble took me back to this other codependent, obsessed bf drabble i read a few months back. it wad about darling and scara being high school sweethearts, but scara becomes more unstable throughout the relationship, so darling eventually breaks it off with him before going to college. only for ex bf scara to show up, feign innocence and squish himself into darlings friend group as a way to get close to them again, and it ends with scara also wedding trapping them. if u did not write that, I am so sorry 😭 the azul piece just kinda reminded me of it but theyre two separate things and I love each one sm!! srsly, your writing is so addicting I don't understand how you do it. and you pace things so well, like despite the azul piece not being a fully fledged fic, it still has nice pacing. it's not too short or too lengthy, and not too fast or too slow, it keeps you alert and eager to continue!!
AAAAA THANK YOU FOR READING IT!!!! I’m happy you liked it and that you could even feel anxiety from it!! :O I was hoping it could evoke uncomfortable feelings like that, so I’m relieved to know I could succeed in that endeavor!
An Azul who is so dangerously unhealthy and obsessed is always a scary thought. I wanted to write something where it starts seemingly innocent and then becomes something so uncontrollable, much like how most toxic relationships often begin. It’s small and almost cute until it isn’t—until you’re snuffed from the stifling nature of someone’s codependent behaviors. It can be stressful, so I wanted to portray that on both sides. Stressful for Azul because his tendency to panic and overthink when he’s spiraling makes anything like a day out with friends seem like a very stressful thing. Stressful for Reader because they’ve taken on the role of protecting Azul from himself (even though it isn’t a role for them to take on).
Reader probably likens Azul to a glass vase sitting on the edge of a cliff and one strong gust of wind is all it takes for that vase to come crashing down. But then Azul is also highly intelligent and he only takes risks if he knows there will be a reward, so he can peer over the edge of the cliff and he won’t fall. So if he does cut a tentacle or two to prove something to Reader (or scare the life out of them and force them to stay), he does it while fully knowing it’ll grow back. It still hurts, but then Azul thinks this pain is nothing compared to the pain he’ll feel if you leave him forever. “Leave” and “abandon” are so interchangeable for him. They’re somewhat similar words, but “abandon” sounds harsher. You can leave a person and all is well. You can abandon a person and that makes it sound wrong. Hurtful and villainous. It’s such a small thing, but it hooks you every time. Because leaving Azul makes it sound easy. But abandoning him paints you as the bad one—the one who abandoned him in his time of need.
And marriage trapping!!! He’s really so cunning, but Reader’s too busy trying to balance his breakdowns and keep him above the water to realize that beneath all of that he’s actually quite smart. In a marriage, it’s just you and Azul. No one else can truly interfere with that. And for Azul it’s easier to isolate you. You agreed to be his now. You agreed to live with and love him for the rest of your life. You said your vows. You kissed him in front of family and friends. You are a pair now, and that’s unbreakable. Not even divorce can save you because that’s an expensive and lengthy process and even if you did separate in that way you’d still be forced to fret over him and what he might do next. And that’s really scary! The idea of “okay, he’s done this terrible thing…but what’s next?” is always so chilling. What else is this person capable of? is a frightening question to ask when you don’t have an answer. When there isn’t a line to make a clear divide between the crossable and uncrossable or when that line is blurred, it makes it seem like anything is on the table. And since Azul is so codependent, there are always worrying mindsets like: If you aren’t in my world, I shouldn’t be here either. If I can’t have you, no one can. If I lose you, I lose a vital part of myself. My life hinges on you being here with me, so if you’re not in my life there isn’t a life to live. Without you, everything is worthless and meaningless.
Thank you again for liking this piece!! I’m glad it felt different from other Azul thoughts I’ve written. It’s most likely as you’ve said: he’s much more insane and willing to go to extreme lengths for the sake of his obsession. >_< this type of Azul is truly horrifying, but he’s very interesting to write and analyze like this.
And I did write the possessive ex Scara story!!! :D omg for a moment I forgot I had written it until you reminded me! I’m happy you like this one as well. Scara 🤝 Azul: codependent boyfriends who raise your stress meter just by existing. ^^;;;
Aaaaa thank you for thinking my writing is addicting and well-paced!! I’m glad it didn’t feel too slow or too fast as well as too long or too short!! I’m happy it can be an enjoyable, albeit anxiety-inducing, read!!!!
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rainy-days-and-nights · 11 months
Do you have a favourite Henry (sh4) fact or headcanon? :)
(also sorry it took so long to answer ADLNVJLANDJVNAJDV)
Hc hc hc mmm i think the most seen but still, is my fav forever is him being autistic or being on the ND umbrella lcnwmfndmkdkd
More stuffy.....
He has a complicated relationship with his parents (i think it kinda implied in the game how he doesn't dwell that much into his family history) but I like to think in the dynamic of following some path related to either his mom or dad, a very distant bond with them, by not paying him too much attention but from now and then acting as a 'family'
So, when he decides to go with photography as a career, they either didn't mind (in the sort of way of 'whatever' or just saying passive aggressive comments about it)
In the photography, even if he likes to do scenery ones, he probs takes wedding photoshoots (I just wanna him to wear some suits from time-to-time zkkfkdnkz)
And a random one is that maybe, he decides to look for more info about the cult, being connected with Walter and all, I like to think that maybe he thought of Walter as a younger brother, empathizing with Walter's past.
And then finally learning and knowing about the previous SH (and also finally getting in the “What happened to the superintendent son?”, there was a time when I tried to connect Heather and Henry timeline(?), Heather being like Douglas trainee to be a private detective akjdbvjkabdv and somehow both got in contact, Henry by looking into Alessa´s past, and Heather by trying to pin point other people into the cult and their plans to bring god -hence the connection with Walter Sullivan, being linked to Dalia and such and such, the apartment etc etc )
-He doesn't drink alcohol, and when he does, he has a good tolerance (but he will never know what’s his limit since he never drinks more than one beer/glass of something)
-Bad at cellphones, bad at computers, still has trouble to type when digital became the norm lcnenkskfld, he probably still sticks to writing everything in notebooks / having a directory / agendas / etc etc)
-He maybe…developed…a fear of doggies…after the sniffers and such, he likes doggies but maybe they bring back bad memories இ௰இ
-The scenery pictures he takes…either he goes there very early in the morning, or he just waits until there are not many people around (late at night are also 👌🏼 but since the thing with silent hill, he´s not that comfortable going that late, unless if he is going with Eileen)
He has periodic meetings with Eileen (my hc is that she did move from the apartment complex, but Henry stayed) and if it’s not possible, she calls Henry frequently and vice versa, THEY TOTALLY HAVE SLEEP OVERS AT EILEEN´S NEW PLACE SFNJSNFADVKNAD FULL MOVIE NIGHTS FR FR FR FR FR
The ones they always pick are either rom coms or strange movies one of them found in the typical “3 x 1” movies set SKFBKSDLFVBAJDBVL
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Also I think the facebook / messenger fox looks like Henry
im probs have more hc but this are the ones I can remember....SBDVJKBSDVBKADVASD
alsoa slaos also adding a Murphy random one : My hc of him is that he is fluent in french akdjbvkjabdv one of the nuns was from France so she taught the kids there the language so, Murphy knows french perfectly 👌🏼
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Henry that is with me each time I connect my laptop
He lives.....he lives....
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starry-night-rose · 1 year
🍓 [STRAWBERRY] How do they feel about 'cute' things?
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Ellis and Fabian
OOoOoO thank you for the ask!
🍓 [STRAWBERRY] How do they feel about 'cute' things?
Ellis - Already answered this here!
Fabian - Fabian likes cute things! He’s not one to actively buy “cutesy” things but if he was forced to wear or possess something cute, he wouldn’t mind as much! Is it a bit embarrassing for him? Absolutely! Will he somehow make it work? Absolutely he will! Though he likes to say that he has no interest in cute things, you may or may not find him shopping for those same “cute” things! Fabian does have a large soft spot for more “cutesy” animals like dogs or cats! Just not the more.....equine type.
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Ellis - Ellis is a very curious gal! She’s always wants to know more about the world and people around it! This does cause Ellis to regularly ask questions, go “exploring” around an area, get lost in said area, rambling on and on, etc! To most people this can come off as a tad bit annoying as the constant questions get on people’s nerves or her ramblings on something they couldn’t care less about. Despite this, Ellis doesn’t see any of this as a flaw! She finds it fun to be curious and to explore! To her, it better helps her understand the world around her! If someone can’t handle it, that’s fine with her! It’s just how Ellis is!
Fabian - Fabian is a man of many words! Once he starts talking, there’s no end in sight! It does get on people’s nerves a lot with all his stories, such as when you ask him for a bottle of something and then he starts talking on and on about his own personal story with that said brand of bottle! Fabian however, has no problem whatsoever about talking relentlessly! If people don’t like that, then who cares! He’ll continue to talk his way in and out of things til the day he passes! Fabian will continue to do whatever he wishes for as long as he likes!
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Ellis - Ellis isn’t really one to have “sworn enemies” per say but rather more people who tend to get on her nerves! Those kinds of people who do come close to being a “sworn enemy” of sorts are people who actively trash on things that she loves. This happens when Ellis is talking about a thing she loves and a person come up and goes “Oh you like that? That’s pretty lame.” Ellis just can’t understand why people would even do things like this! Ellis doesn’t think she could ever be friends with a person like that!
Fabian - Fabian has many fans but he also has many haters. A group of haters that tend to pop up the most are the police. Due to his past with them, Fabian has no respect for cops whatsoever, who cares what they’re going to do! Screw them all! Fabian hates to have someone try to control what he’s doing and how he lives his life!
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rafielo · 1 year
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Drew Candy for the first time in forever for you ^^
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(Thank you so much Elijah! I’m sorry this took forever to respond to, I really wanted to but in a way that didn’t overlooked how much I liked it, then it took a year when it shouldn’t have aaaaa sorry but also THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It’s so lovely, your drawings are always so dorbs and I hope your love for Candy hasn’t diminished in my absence. Thank you again! / w \ )💕💕
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stars-and-leather · 14 days
*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Aaaaa tysm your so sweet <333 sorry it took me forever to reply 😭 idek what happened sorry about that anyways *boops you back*
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vivihar · 21 days
(i was writing something very long and lost it all, then sulked over it SJHFSDHF sorry if it took a little too long, losing what i was writing momentarily depressed me (?)) AAAAA i'm so glad to make sense to you, i was worried the lack of engagement would make you stop posting eventually ;; i was so relieved to find your posts! please don't think for a second they're ooc at all, i think they absolutely capture the scent of severus and tom and their hypothetical relationship, along with the conflicting feelings tom had for severus in canon, please don't ever stop sharing your hcs and posts of them 🥺🙏!!!!!!
"(also Sirius saying that was always so funny to me because boy you grew up in the wizarding world and Severus knows more than you?? I think you should be ashamed lol)" i need you to know i laughed so much at this and quoted it even in my mind and in conversation, bcs it's so fucking funny, the way you put it— yes, severus had less resources and sev still knows more than him about dark magic, god is would've thrived as a black family member, walburga's dreamt child 😭😭😭 walburga looks at severus and listens to him then looks at sirius like "WHY CAN'T YOU BE MORE LIKE HIM—" NSNDJSJSJDJSJD
and yessss! omg i love the relation you make between their differences + their upbringings. you put it very nicely, very eloquently, it's a very good outlook of their characters! yes, it's very different for tom who grew up with kids fearing him, in one could call a position of hierarchy in the very orphanage since the children surely feared him and this fueled the fact he felt entitled and special, just like the other kids, he had nothing, and even if he didn't entertain the feeling and wanted to feel like he was above it all, he was still under the same loneliness of orphanhood as the other children, so being different was all he had and clung to it. then dumbledore came around and changed his world around, but also took some pride away from him by imposing a bunch of rules and a sense of morality and social cues he hadn't truly abided by before, but realized he would have to start doing so if he wants to get out of the shithole that was the orphanage. and so tom, who quickly turns out to be a prodigy in every subject, also quickly learns to blend in, the first few months are a bit of a nightmare, because many kids he interacts with have parents, family, are familiarized with the wizarding world, they "belong" in a way he doesn't, so he has to double his efforts, devouring books, gathering as much information from the wizarding society as he can, all while pretending to be perfectly adjusted and "likeable". it works! and despite the fact he's an orphan and that will forever alienate him from the other kids, he's ten times happier at hogwarts than at the orphanage. so of course tom is very popular very quickly after the discomfort of adjusting fades away, rich kids starts gravitating him despite his own upbringings, and he takes quick mental note of most of his classmates and whatnot, their influence, social standing etc. and THEN he notices severus.
severus, to the plain eye, is the complete opposite of tom. severus isn't friendly, is moody, is always hunched between his shoulders, always clinging to a book, only talking when it's about potions, curses and dark arts, the later the one he gushes with the most, which is viewed as "weird" (like kids who hyperfixate on bugs or disturbing topics). severus is very withdrawn and his knowledge, which can be impressive for his teachers, gets deemed as mockable by kids like sirius or james. and of course severus' attitude doesn't help, it's not easy for him to socialize like tom does, he doesn't mask his discomfort and the joy he had felt at the idea of escaping his abusive household was dampened by the immediate bullying from the rich gryffindor boys, and the constant impunity of their bullying only serves to make him feel more alienated (i like to think during his first year, lucius was the only one to do "something" about the bullying, hence why sirius would call sev lucius' lapdog YEARS later, surely lucius getting him and james detention or getting points reduced by him always stayed in the back of his mind). the only person tom ever sees severus smiling around is lily evans. still, first year tom is very curious about severus, despite severus' efforts to not draw attention upon himself, severus shares the same passion and interest in dark arts as tom. for some time, tom is just watching severus from the sidelines, just analyzing and pondering on their similarities, but also their differences. for some time, to tom, severus is just walking proof of how he'd be treated if he didn't put all the tiring effort in fitting in and standing out. if he spoke freely about what he disliked, if he were to show his vindictive streak, his resentment, his loathing of most everyone, adults and kids alike, he would be treated like severus was treated. so, first months of his first year he would simply watch, trying to catch severus' elusive eyes behind his dark hair, until one day he just decides to talk to him, straight up sit by his side one day he sees lily evans getting distracted by other gryffindor girls, and severus is alone.
at first, severus would be super guarded with tom. he would frown and respond in a clipped tone, bcs what if tom was just like potter and black? what if he was just trying to get him to talk about dark arts and curses only to make fun of him and call him a creep later? he doesn't trust him, tom is a popular boy now, he has no need to talk to someone like him. but then tom would say something sardonic or cruel about sirius or james that would make severus snort, and he starts considering tom in a different light. tom knows as much as him, if not more, and his good boy persona would not deter him from sneaking around the restricted section of the library, just like him. it's novel for severus, bcs with how much he loved lily, with how much light mischief lily and him could get behind together, she's still too bright, too "not tainted by pain and anguish" like himself, she thinks dark magic is just "bad, evil stuff". lily, warm like the morning sun lily, has never felt the need to learn about ways to defend herself, she doesn't understand flinching at the sound of any of her parents yelling, or living in fear in her down house, so he masks these interests from her, has learnt to bit back some comments that she would consider wicked (like he held back from calling petunia a muggle in front of her that day in the train) if only just from her. but with tom it's all different. tom really doesn't make him feel weird either, tom actually shares his wicked sense of humor and wit and he's also so ingenuous! he's the first kid to match his level of knowledge about topics that unsettled the other kids. there's no pretending when they're around each other, he's delighted by tom's intelligence and he gets flustered and happy when tom starts praising his own spell making or potions improving skills.
i just don't see tom and sev NOT being drawn to each other if they're in the same setting, same universe, bcs even if tom gathers himself followers, pureblooded followers like in canon (he had these lackeys that followed him around bcs he was powerful, right?), severus was still different, he had more in common with severus than with these kids, and even though during the first years tom wasn't aware of his background, i can see him relating to severus even more once he finds out about his actual parents and his story. LMAO in this setting tom is the last one to realize he has feelings for severus bcs there's avery, mulciber, abraxas, rosier, lestrange etc, AND severus, but when tom says he wants to be alone and is very clear menacingly clear about this, so they all know he doesn't want to be disturbed. he turns around, then he says "let's go severus", and severus is like "?" but goes along, so of course, alone always means "alone with severus", and the boys are like "👀" but say nothing (?? they're like okay so tom has a favorite, he's not above those things, does he know? does he notice???? is it normal for him?
LMAO can you imagine these pureblooded boys who are tight with tom having their prejudiced chats and shitting on muggles, muggle-borns, blood traitors, HALF-BLOODS, and tom is yet to know what he is (he learns when he's 15 or something isn't he? i can never recall how old he was when he killed the riddles) so whenever any of the boys says something along the lines of "and fuck half-bloods!" tom recalls severus and internally he's like "i'm trying! 😩" NFNFNNDJFNFJJF
"Sometimes when he is just full of emotion by something Tom does, he would look Tom with his eyes shining, asking him for it without saying anything but Tom wouldn't touch him, he wants Sev to get used to touch him first especially if he's the one who wants it first." THAT'S SUCH A FUCKING CUTE IMAGERY I'M DKFNNGNDNFN okay Okay this is also super interesting, bcs tom is supposed to not understand love or it's not intrinsic of him bcs of how he was conceived, blah blah blah, and merope didn't "try" to live for him, more blah blah blah. i think that when it comes to characters like tom, it's not like we have to take characters like him at total face value with what the author is trying to portray, bcs characters "feel", and just bcs it doesn't meet normal standards, it doesn't mean their feelings are to be diminished or disregarded totally. i think that tom would love in a very fucked up, self-serving sort of way, like we usually portray him, ownership and obsession come along with his kind of love, and a bunch of traits people would definitely consider toxic, but damn, with tom it's the only way he could love, and most normal people wouldn't conform to this (idk how t*marrys or t*miones work with this bcs both harry and hermione have a strong sense of what's senseful and right, hence making their ships impossible since neither of them would stand for anyone like tom's way of loving), BUT severus would. severus not only was deprived of love enough to wholeheartedly accept this kind of love, but he was also canonically morally gray when it came to what people deemed "right" from "wrong." and this makes severus very interesting, i know most everyone would argue he wasn't attracted to the idea of pureblood supremacy, but he was drawn there for a reason. his every fight with lily would come down to him not understanding why she didn't like the dark arts, rowling said it herself, so it's obvious severus had a certain amount of tolerance for fucked up things, lol. he may not be down for outright cruelty like tom, he was actively stepping back and withdrawing from torture or murder as a DE, but he was receptive to tom's beliefs, that's a part of himself that i often see erased when the snapedom discuss severus and it pains me bcs i like him in his complexity. he gets reformed, deradicalized, deconstructed, "mudblood" lived in his vocabulary, and then it didn't, a sign of the change he went through, but this only happens when he becomes close to dumbledore, without this, with only tom as his focus of devotion and affections, severus and tom would pretty much match each other's freak BDBSBJDJDJSHJDJSH
"Lily would be jealous and try to find problem in Tom but with time her feelings for Sev would just remain as friends and she would realize there is really a problem with Tom she just can't find any evidence for it because Tom is so good doing it secretly." YOUR BRAIN UGHHH YOU'RE SO SMART THIS IS WHERE I WANTED TO GET AT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️ you GET it, lily/tom rivalry would be so funny bcs now THEY'RE at the other end of the spectrum, if it's tom's canon, orphan self, both came from NOTHING, knowing NOTHING of magic at all except from the talent that alienated then, severus held an advantage over both as he has a witch mother from whom he learnt the basics, but lily arrived at hogwats having to learn from 0 and so did tom, and it's interesting how lily became a popular girl very fast (rowling says so, that she was pretty and popular like ginny), but tom became the same ☝️ they're both popular, model students, great reputation, head girl lily and prefect/head boy tom, and somehow severus ends in in the middle 😭😭😭 i have this entire scenario where lily is just desperate to have SOMETHING on tom, anything! she always feels like she's about to catch something, she's this 🤏 close to having some dirt on tom, but then she has nothing, he's too good at covering his tracks, people are too afraid to outright "speak" on him if he's ever done something to them. lily forcing marlene and mary to follow her on her "let's find dirt on tom riddle so he gets expelled and away from severus" missions JBBDBDBDBBD mary is like "i don't know, lils, he seems alright to me.", "don't you think you might be just a little jealous severus is spending too much time with him? 👀" marlene adds, and harry got his temper from someone so of course lily would get angry and defensive, bcs of course not! she's just worried about severus! that's her best friend and tom is up to no good! she's sure of it!
and omg can you imagine lily is chasing after sev, in a direct parallel to their arguments in canon, lily trying to explain sev about the rumors she's heard about tom, severus is rolling her eyes at her and telling her she has no basis for what she's accusing tom of, and she quite literally says "i'm just trying to show you tom riddle not as wonderful as everyone seems to think he is!" looking at severus pointedly, and he blushes, bcs he's already crushing hard on tom, if not in love already, and ah, i just really want to see lily in that position— like you say, her dating james makes it easy for severus to just tell her off if she's trying to badly paint tom, and tom of course would use it to his advantage, to look good in front of severus ("i would never, EVER associate with someone who's hurt you, severus. can't say the same about your friend."). HAHA, funniest thing about this is that everyone thinks tom is faking it when it comes to severus and that he's just using "that nerd". tom's pureblooded/rich friends thinks he's faking it, lily thinks he's faking it, severus himself thinks tom is faking it, but he doesn't want to think about it bcs he really loves tom, and wants to enjoy this and tom's attention as much as he can, while it lasts. HELL even tom himself thinks he's faking it, but he's mostly just lying to himself obviously. he won't admit to himself the kisses and the whispers and the smiles aren't put on, he's fully convinced him sneaking a hand under severus' shirt to stroke the skin of his back and leaning to press kisses on severus' shoulder while severus reads is purely calculated (lmao). yes, an act, he's acting, he's acting whenever he's nuzzling severus' neck from behind, hands caressing severus' chest and belly from under severus' shirt as he mutters a "what are you thinking?" or "what are you reading?" and "did you miss me?" just not letting severus read. (severus acts like it annoys him and it doesn't make him shiver, since tom's hands are always so warm and his own body is so cold in comparison, he's always cold.)
YOUR TWEET 😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
NONONONO it's so cute, like imagine tom and severus are laying together on the grass by the lake one afternoon, they're a few months from graduating hogwarts, tom is distracted drawing patterns on severus' back with his fingertips, tracing the scars severus' father put there, and severus is talking about tom's future, about tom's "ambitions" for the future, and he says something along the lines of "...well, bellatrix black is obsessed with you. wouldn't it be easy to wed her, climb up the social ladder and reach the ministry like you want, that way?" and tom frowns. so much going on here. severus is already envisioning their little relationship ending, thinks tom will just ditch him as soon as they leave hogwarts, and tom on the other hand is already thinking whether they're going to get a flat together in london or hogsmeade once they graduate (poor idiot IN LOVE). tom doesn't say this out loud though, he smiles, just says "you think her family would allow that?" and severus shrugs. his hair is covering his side profile. "i think you could get her parents to like you, just like you make everyone like you." they're silent for awhile after this and then tom just says something along the lines of "i'm going to get everything i want without resorting to something like that." which sounds very arrogant, doesn't slide any corny comment, they don't speak about it again. fast forward to at least 15 years later where tom is the youngest minister of magic to ever have graced the ministry and he's parading his surly trophy husband severus at a social gathering BXBFHHDHDHHDHDHD
"but Severus has the empathy, he knows it's wrong and he's still in love with him, he still would touch his face softly, he still would laugh with him when he comes back killing someone. That's what is special about Severus." YEEEEESSSSS UUUGH yes i know i said above ↑ that severus had a canonical predisposition for fucked up stuff (? but it's also canon that he had a reluctance for overly fucked up stuff as well! ☝️ he had his apprehensions, if he had been a real maniac, vindictive psycho like most everyone thought he was, he would've skinned james and sirius alive, by himself, he never took actual revenge on them for the public humiliation or the bullying. he was more of the sort of person that internalized the hatred and the pain, he got mistreated over and over, by family, then by classmates, tom knows this, knows severus is betting on tom not hurting him like everyone else has, severus is betting on tom not turning his violent streak on him, on not turning his sadism on severus. severus is trusting him, each time he returns from "sinning" and buries his head on severus' lap and severus caresses his hair with those spidery-like fingers, draws him in warmly, severus is accepting him and trusting him, and he loves that 😔 he's letting him be awful knowingly and he's forgiving him every single time. it's almost religious HSHDHSHDHDHDHD
i'm CRYING you're right. the prank would've definitely be altered (i have to think how much) by tom being in the marauders' era bcs he would definitely be tracking severus down enough to know where he's going and why and what's happening and "is it safe?" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 severus manages to sneak there anyways and by the end of the night severus is traumatized when he exists dumbledore's office, tom tries to get him to talk and severus looks so defeated bcs??? he can't! he can't talk! he can't say anything, and tom puts two and two together and he's so furious!!! that old man! he swears he's going to kill him one day. he manages to find out by playing charades with severus (LMAO). OR he already knew, knew all along and it was severus and tom's shared theory (tom was so so SO perceptive he was on everyone's business, i just know it dbdjjdjd) and i'm so sad bcs i love remus more than anything, but i know tom would torment him too 😔 would taunt him about being a "beast" or a "monster" and to better behave accordingly or he's going to air his secret to everyone, etc etc. (1/2)
Omg that's so bad, I could feel the pain of losing your first long paragraph,, sometimes Tumblr doesn't update my drafts so I have to write them again which is frustrating 😭 sorry you have gone through that love.
Also I'm glad you are back, I was afraid I scared you away with my long answer which made me sad😭
Don't worry about my postings I only would stop when I'm tired, I don't really care about engagement (I do want people to like them but don't care about likes or other things really) because I enjoy posting about them. It's like reading fics for me as if I'm not the one writing those lol.
Thank you for saying that. I know I say this a lot but when someone says I'm not making them ooc it just makes me happy so much so thank you for saying it love🧡🧡
"Walburga looks at Severus and listens to him then looks at Sirius like 'why can't you be more like him'" every time I reread this sentence I just laugh nonstop, omg it would be so good. Sirius would act like he does not care about his mother's opinions but when she looks amazed by a half-blood's talent and the halfblood is someone he looks down on he would be sooo pissed because his mother ,the person who's so deep into the pureblood thingy, is amazed by a half-blood and thinks Sirius should be like him more. His hate and fight with Severus would increase immediately.
I love how you worded. Tom was very secure with his authority over orphanage children until Dumbledore. Dumbledore saw his acts so unlike adults in the orphanage he didn't fall for Tom's 'manipulation' which weakened him feeling secure in there. Also Dumbledore showed him he was not special as much as he wanted. Dumbledore had powers like him too and he was better at it than him so probably it was the first time Tom felt so weak which started his hate for Dumbledore. After the Dumbledore fiasco he wouldn't want to be caught unguarded. He would start to try to learn anything about the wizarding world like you said. He's an orphan and he's in a house where Pureblood treated themselves as gods, he would observe closely and craft his new persona very carefully. I can't stop myself from adoreing this boy, Tom is a genius.
Agree. Tom probably would mock Severus for not masking his real personality and feel better for himself. He would look down on Severus but also be interested in him. Because can't he see his act only causing him trouble? Why is he insisting on being himself? Tom would never confess it to himself but he would be a little jealous of Severus being so free about himself but also he would see him being bullied and sneer at his stupidity. Severus would make him feel conflicted with emotions before they even speak lol.
Like you said, Lily would shine like a sun against Severus's darkness and at some point it would make him feel uncomfortable (if he doesn't choose to change for Lily of course) because we know Severus doesn't mask himself but only does it for Lily, he hides some part of himself for her and with time Lily would be more against dark arts because ideas of her house and friends give her. That would make Severus uncomfortable, he's someone who hides his trauma with snarky come backs and bites and well, those are cruel bites, so at some point he would choke on his own poisonous tongue if he kept hiding it from Lily and it would just make him irritated. So when Tom joins his dark humor, he laughs with him and he would make his own cruel jokes and come back with him. Tom wouldn't give him a lecture about how his joke about wishing something cruel happens to marauders, Tom would say something more cruel. (Funny part Tom would say it while making a plan in his mind to make it happen really while Sev thinks they are still joking lmao).
My favorite thing when it comes to them(I probably say this about anything when it comes to them lol) they both are nerds lol. Severus would feel like he's in heaven when he finally finds someone who can match his knowledge and that person is the same age as him! And Tom would forget how many hours they have been speaking when they start to talk about dark arts lol.
"when Tom says he wants to be alone and then says 'lets go Severus'" has been in my mind since yesterday the first time I have read this 😭😭 it's so cute and DKDMSODMDJ I'M HAVİNG SOME FEELİNG BOMB WİTH MY SELF RİGHT NOW ehem okay I'm back. I will never be tired to point this out but that's the perfect way to describe how Tom is genuine with Severus. Like Tom thinks every single thing several times before speaking with others but with Severus his mind is calm he just says whatever he wants. Severus is his calm zone, he needs to be alone with Severus because Severus makes him be himself. Severus helps his mind to be quiet, his mind always is silence when he listens to Severus, Sev's voice also a factor on this lol.
" 'fuck halfbloods' 'I'm trying!' " LMFAODIMCKSMFKDMDKDN THİS İS GOLD😭😭😭this made my night ily it's so funny for no reason 😭😭
I agree. I also think Tom would feel 'love' but some unhealthy toxic and unethical and 'normal' people would call sickness, way. I also think the way j*r made a r!pe victim's child someone who can't feel love tasteless and disturbing (she puts her opinion on her books so much rather than going objectively, I don't really like that.) so I agree so much. Tom could feel love but not in some healthy way, it's possessive and obsessive. He would think he owns people he loves because it's his feelings and he needs to pleasure his feelings.
(I don't really know how t'mione and t'marry shippers make him because surprisingly since I got into fandom I never saw them😭 before I even cared about HP they were more in my social media lol 😭 they probably stretch some of Harry and Hermione's personality to make it fit which okay could be done but not for me,,,sorryyy)
Aaaahhh I love Severus so much and I love read about him more when they do make him a morally grey character he is. I think Severus didn't like muggles because of his father's abuse, also how everyone would stay away from him and how his encounter has gone with petunia. So yeah all muggles he came across ended up in bad. Also you're so right, Severus is morally grey and his morals could bend with people he is together with. Dumbledore made him more into his good side, and Tom would make him more into the dark side. I still don't think he would kill like a lunatic but he sure wouldn't care about it that much with time. I also think he didn't like muggle borns but he found pureblood supremacy stupid. He called himself halfblood Prince proudly, he was smart he probably know there was nothing would make purebloods more powerful or muggle borns weak, he just didn't like muggle borns and who knows what Voldemort whispered in his ear to make him believe he would deal muggle borns according how much they deserve (he also probably realized how much lie there was, DE's didn't hurt only bad (abusive) muggle borns but also good ones.) of course all of these are HCs but I think it does fit his char. But ugh maybe I'm a bad person for this but I want him to kill for Tom, without mercy. I kinda wanted him to be like Regulus ,fan of Voldemort 😔(and before people come for me, don't forget whatever Voldemort did it's just fiction, I'm enjoying it in fiction and I'm not romanticizing anything in real life,,,)
"match each other's freak" giggling they just blend together so flawlessly and right.
OH MY GOD why I never thought about this?? Like Severus is the only one between this trio knows about the wizarding world because of his mum, Tom/lils try so hard to reach level of their peers, and both popular holy how did I miss this?? İt's like Severus is between light and dark side twins 😭 oh boy, Severus is going to be so flustered between them and have some bi panics I don't know who's lucky person here, because three of them are just perfect 😭
Lily's friend not agreeing with her would make her so pissed, because why that boy is achieving with his manipulation even with her friends lolol..
Oh how the table would turn around, Lily being in Sev's position like canon and feeling so helpless ugh I need this so much. But also I think it wouldn't affect her as much as it affected Sev in canon because well Tom wouldn't bully her like marauders but still would be so painful for her. Because she knows something wrong is Tom and we may see it funny but it could be terrifying for her because her friend is in love with someone she can't catch, someone so clever and dangerous that she doesn't even know how dangerous he is. Because he hides it so well. She would be worried about how easily Tom could use Severus.
"I would never ever associate who hurts you Sev, can't say the same for your friend" LMFAOJDMDKDMDIDN THAT PETTY B😭 he's hilarious omg he would have the best of his life when Lily gets together with J, he would feel like he won a prize lmao.
"everyone thinks he's faking it hell even Tom himself thinks that" I usually would hate this trope but oh god how funny it's to think about Tom acting all smug thinking he got this in control when he's already down so bad for Severus lmaomcmskdmd.
I'M SCREAMİNG OMG OMG İT'S SO GOOD AAAAAA Tom would be so touch starved and would hide behind the fact it's all for his act while he would take Severus on his lap, press himself more to Severus, he would hug his waist from behind and press kisses to his on his neck and close his eyes, stay like that for hours In front of fire, feel sleepy and still would say it's all act. They're so so so so so stupid omg I love them. I'm still screaming with touch Tom you wrote I'm gonna screen shot it so I could reread it everyday (don't mind me I'm mentally ill with Tomerus)
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THAT'S SO CUTE AND ADORABLE OMG😭😭😭 Tom already thinking about their marriage date and Severus still insecure about their relationship, oh I know after that 15 years Severus *finally* could be arrogant with Tom without fearing about anything. I need it I need it I need it omg.
Sooo true, Severus only hates inside from his heart, if it was anyone else they would kill J and Sirius for what they did to him but he didn't do that. Ah Sevvy you're so tragic also pathetic my son I love you.
The fact Severus isn't only betting on his feelings for Tom is sad, he always was hurt physically through his life. Tom needed to act very carefully for years because of that. Anything could trigger something irreversible within their relationship. I think that was the only time Tom was careful about what he should do with Severus but it was more like when he gets angry he would calm himself rather than what he does others (lol).
Did god send you to me for the good things I have done? I have been enjoying this whole writing so much and I don't think anything made me feel this much joy these last weeks.
I love it when Tom comes back doing something back and seeking comfort from Severus. He doesn't feel bad about what he did, he feels bad about what he would do to make Severus stay by his side if he feels disgusted by his actions and every time he gets comfort he just becomes more cruel, he shows his real sadistic part more. I want to see Sev's reaction to this when he realizes he could have made Tom a little less lunatic he is (he would become like that no matter what but at least he could slow it down but he chose to make Tom happy lol)
"tracking Severus" LMAOFJMDKDMFJ I have this HC he would make snakes follow Severus around so he could know what he's doing when they're not together.
İf Tom wouldn't become V in this au he would start to become one after he sees Dumbledore doing that to Sev,, I want to see him have beef with Albus for this reason and Dumbledore realizing Tom's hate and snarky comments has changed, it stopped become about Tom but someone else (who knows who lol).
I love Remus too but poor boy if he ever was the same age as Tom, Tom would easily learn about his secret and even if prank never happened Tom would play with him (because well he's a freak like that) and he would find Remus's reactions interesting, as if he's working on a 'animals' reaction with experiments he would do on Remus.
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cock-ainee · 5 months
Aaaaa I have no idea what I'm doing but it's worth a go cause I wanna see what I get so-
I'm looking for a (normal, security breach animatronic) romantic or platonical pairing
My pronouns are he/they. By all counts I'm an introvert, I prefer sitting in a comfy corner with music and a few books then interacting with people or just having a nice nap. Im bisexual but I prefer guys. I don't have many hobbies other than knitting and painting and are often described as a closed off person by close friends. I'm more on the pudgier side of body types and I normally dress in comfy dark clothes like thick jumpers and hoodies.
(I'm so sorry it took forever!! I was just not feeling like writing, and the match was quite a challanging one - i'm also sorry because it's so short!!)
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Your platonic match is Music Man!
You and the little guy immediately got along. He once caught you trying to find comfort in the closed off vents, and he almost caught you-! But since he really liked the music playing off your headphones, he left you be!
He let you stay in the vents, and it became your little comfort space. You could listen to music here, and even read your books - if you had a flashlight though!
When you slept, he protected you from other animatronics that would sometimes were looking for lost children, or ones that escaped around closing time. Even though he much more prefered sitting in the vents, he'd sometimes crawl out to bring you food, if you couldn't get it.
You two were having a quite good tine together, enjoying music and sometimes trying to compose something together.
Music man was a little intrigued when you started knitting. He once almost got tied up in the yarn, and got a bit annoyed, but he got so endeared when you surprised him with a sweet little sweater!
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Your romantic match is Eclipse!
You were terrified the first time when you met Eclipse. You were quite familiar with both the daycare attendants, and were pretty sure it was Moon, when you strolled trough the hallways of the Pizzaplex.
But he was such a sweet guy <3
Very polite, and considerate! He didn't pry you to open up, though you piqued his interest. Your outfit seemed very unique to him, and he told you that! He was big on complimening you, like he was to everyone - he somehow felt you were special. He let you stay somewhere in the daycare, so you were comfortable and safe! And, when the daycare was empty, you two could have some time just for the two of you! Dancing, singing, or playing - he tried to open you up little by little.
Nonetheless, he was such a sweet partner! You couldn't hope for a more supportive person, in case of all your interests - knitting too! He was so intrigued, and loved the things you made with your hands.
Sweater, scarf, or mittens??
He loved to receive each one of those!
Just as much as he loved and enjoyed each moment spent with you.
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