#sorry it took so long to respond riri~
seokmashu · 1 year
oh my god look at HIM
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
Forgotten Girl Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader Part 2/2!
A/N Sorry this took so long 😭 I've been pretty busy.
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Taglist: @therealloopylupin2099 @rinverse @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-077 @vileviale @puff-hugs @d0ubl-tr0ubl3 @lauryn2558 @sunasslut69 @ask-1610-miles @axels-garden @s6onder @nyx-lyn123 @eli21345 @miniaturesuitfox @spotconlon55 @riris-radioactive-panther @ask-1610miles
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ���──> TAGLIST --> MASTERLIST
He hadn't spoken to you in weeks. In fact, Hobie didn't think he'd even seen you around much after your last conversation. You were always so slippery, avoiding him every time he tried to come talk to you and heading out on missions almost every hour of every day.
He didn't understand why you were being so distant. Well, the two of you had never been friends friends, never been as buddy-buddy as he was with Gwen and Pavitr, but he always had liked you. He thought you were sweet, kind, the all-around good girl that he could start up a conversation with every once in a while.
And now he couldn't help but a feel a little put-off by the way you were acting. After all, if it was just slipping away, he wouldn't mind as much...but you were also being so snarky.
Giving him bored looks when he tried to start up small-talk (conversation which he absolutely hated by the way, he only did it so he could try to figure out what was going on with you), being louder, no longer as quiet as you'd been whenever he was around before, and best of all...you were funny. He couldn't even remember you making a real joke, a sarcastic, fiery one around him before...until now.
And if he was being honest...he liked it.
He liked this you.
It was like you were finally being your real self, the one he'd heard about from your friends and other Spider-people, and even if this personality wasn't the sort he was used to from you, it was still fun to see.
"Oi!" he grabbed your arm as you attempted to walk past him, your eyes dead set forward as if you didn't even see him. "Where'ya off to?"
"Nowhere important" You replied normally, looking up at him. Seeing him staring down at you, a coy smile on his face, made your heart wrench slightly. But you'd already given up. There was no point.
"Nowhere? But you're waddling away so quickly" he teased, leaning down slightly so his eyes met yours. When you didn't respond, his smile faded slightly and he cleared his throat, standing up straight.
"Have you been avoidin' me these past weeks?" He asked abruptly.
Your eyes widened slightly and you immediately scoffed and pushed his hand off your arm. "Not everything's about you, you know" You said, biting the inside of your cheek.
"Oh?" He asked with a laugh. "Someone's gotten snarky, 'aven't dey?" His accent thickened slightly as he stood back, searching for a way to get you to stay. "Come on, dove, jus tell me where you're going!"
"Miguel called me for another mission" You said, folding your arms over your chest.
"You going with anyone?" he asked curiously, cocking his head to the side.
"Why's it matter to you?" You asked with a slight smile.
He shrugged. "Maybe I want to come with you."
"No reason. Just tagging along." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side. "Just haven't talked to you in a while s'all"
"Aww, did you miss talking to me?" You teased, "I never knew our little convos mattered so much to you"
"They did." He admitted, a little more solemnly. He hesitated for a moment, taking a breath before explaining, "Look, dove, I like you, alright? I really do. And honestly?" He smiled, leaning in slightly again. "I missed you a little bit." He pinched his fingers together in front of you, taking your hand. "Just a little."
You felt your face heat up slightly and you immediately looked away. "I never knew that." You said quietly. You'd always thought you were more of a burden to him. That he never noticed you or that you just weren't noticeable. Yet apparently...he did notice you. More than he'd admitted.
"Really? Thought I was making it obvious...always talking to you and shit" He said with a raised brow. "Was the small-talk not plain enough?"
You chuckled, looking up at him with a grin. "The small-talk was horrific."
"That was the goal" He winked, pulling you in a little closer. "I think I like seeing you like this. All smiley and fun."
"Really?" You asked, smile fading slightly as a feeling of warmth began bubbling in your chest. "I'm fun like this?"
"I mean the whole 'sweet', 'quiet' look suited you fine, yeah, but I think you're a lot more interesting when you're open with me, darling" He chuckled, pressing his lips gently to the palm of your hand.
You smiled. So...you weren't as much of a burden as you'd thought you were.
Why had you even stayed hiding your real personality from him all these months? You'd expected him to not like you, to think you were too loud, too annoying. That's what you'd been told before.
But it seemed like the reason your little antics hadn't been working was because they weren't real. They weren't the real you.
And now that you were showing him the real you...well it just felt better, both to him and to you.
You were snapped out of your thoughts, eyes widening as he wrapped his hand around your wrist, holding it in his rather large palm.
He hesitated at your action, pulling his head back slightly. "I'm not moving too fast, am I?" He asked awkwardly.
Suddenly, you pulled him into a needed hug, burying your face in his chest and taking him by surprise. He stumbled back slightly, not having expected it. It took him a moment to adjust before returning the hug, patting your back gently. "Dove?"
"I think I've waited long enough" you mumbled with a smile, looking up into his eyes with your arms still wrapped tightly around him. "So let's speed things up, yeah?"
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vampzxi · 1 year
𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭!𝘳𝘪𝘳𝘪 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
hi guys i finally finished the riri hcs...dont jump me idk why they took so long. if you have any other hcs PLEASE tell me i literally love riri so much it's probably unhealthy at this point. check out my highschool!shuri headcanons here! :)
taglist!: @vixentheplanet @abenomeiiii @inmyheadimobsessed @zayswriting @pinkwright @ccharrrr @letitias-fav @shuriszn @generallysapphic @iotusroses @marsolgy @ihearttish (ask to be added or fill out this form. i'm so forgetful i'm sorry!)
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・❥・top of her class, dur 🤦🏽 (her and shuri are a year apart, riri being a junior)
・❥・homework side hustle (she’s a very expensive woman)
・❥・prefers math over any other subject, cannot stand english
・❥・despite not liking english, she has a very creative mind and all her english teachers love her
・❥・very quiet in class, minds her business for the most part
・❥・frequently spends all-nighters on her homework simply because she got too distracted (chronic procrastinator)
・❥・undiagnosed adhd
・❥・fidgeter. will bounce her leg, tap her nails on the desk, mess with her jewelry, cannot stay still in her seat
・❥・neat handwriting because her mom and step-dad taught her how to write nicely from a young age
・❥・terrible test anxiety
・❥・slick mouth often gets her into a lot of arguments with teachers.. (she made a teacher retire early once)
・❥・spends most of her time in her welding/metallurgy class, before and after school. if she's not there then she's at the garage
・❥・was forced into the debate club because her teacher told her to "channel her argumentative energy elsewhere" but she ended up loving it and wins most of her meets
・❥・despite keeping to herself, virtually everyone is cool with her
・❥・skips class with shuri sometimes
・❥・naturally flirty personality
・❥・gets dragged to parties by shuri but ends up having more fun than she does
・❥・picky eater
・❥・dancer. you cannot pull her off the dance floor
・❥・cannot speak xhosa to save her life...shuri makes fun of her a lot
・❥・gets angry easily, so she's been in her fair share of fights. she has yet to lose one
・❥・basketball player, her step dad taught her how to hoop
・❥・smokes 🍃 occasionally
・❥・favorite anime is soul eater
・❥・guilty pleasure: musicals. and shuri is the only one who knows this because she walked in on her singing "In The Heights". (she made shuri swear to secrecy)
・❥・loves skating
・❥・she switches up her style often, most times you'll just see her in a shirt and sweats. but she doesn't mind putting on a cute skirt or dress every now and then
・❥・if you like her, good luck. there's a line a mile long.
・❥・very cocky, she knows shes the shit.
・❥・drooler and snorer.
・❥・her love languages are words of affirmation and quality time, so she always has to let you know how good you look, or how smart you are, or how much she enjoys being around you. your date nights mostly consist of cuddling under each other and watching movies
・❥・drags you to the skating rink at least once a week
・❥・posts you all over her social medias. like constantly. when you ask her why she usually responds with something along the lines of, "i just want the world to see how fine you are."
・❥・wild sleeper, she usually ends up kicking you off the bed
・❥・she plays with your hair a lot
・❥・loves lego sets and puzzles and begs you to do them with her and shuri (you always say yes)
・❥・loves PDA, will literally kiss you anywhere, any time
・❥・rambles about you to shuri constantly
・❥・always bringing you something she made for you in her metallurgy class. you appreciate them but you're running out of room because of the amount she gives you
・❥・since she's in the garage most of the time, you end up having to drag her out
・❥・very oblivious with signals, if you try to drop hints she will not pick them up
・❥・debates everything, resulting in a few arguments. but she always ends up apologizing in the end. in certain ways 🤭
・❥・very possessive. she intentionally leaves hickeys on you. you don't mind though
thanks again for reading! yes i wrote this because im procrastinating on the shuri fic...mind your business. leave your headcanons guys :3
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pidgemotoiii · 2 years
Hot for Shuri pt 2
An: HEY THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE, (Why did some of my fav shuri writers like my story!! yall had me freaking out) it's really nice thank you so much. Sorry for being gone for so long I hope this makes up for it. Requests are open please send some in. If you want to send them that is.
Enjoy the fic!
Summary: It's shuri she's hot what else.
Warnings: Badly written smut.
Word count: 3.1k again
Oop forgot Translations: Used yandex translation
Bast, ndandingazi ukuba ungandincumela-I didn't know you could smile at me.
Ewe-angelo-yes my angel
Previously on ‘Hot for Shuri’
“wai-Wait how about you two have lessons here.” Is she serious? “I could buy some chairs and smaller desks and have them shipped by your second session.” She is serious. Riri considered for a bit, Shuri rocked on her heels waiting for her response. 
“Look, see you get two geniuses for the price of one.” If she only knew. Shuri couldn’t contain her excitement murmuring to herself that she'll place the order right now. You couldn’t feel any worse than how you did now.
A week has passed and it is now Wednesday. One day before you, Riri, and Shuri’s first tutoring session.
“Shuri- we have to talk.” Riri barges into Shuri’s office. It was four in the afternoon. Her walk is commanding and her fists are clenched. 
“Not now Riri.” Shuri’s face is in her papers, she is clutching a red pen. Her face is stone cold.
 A portable whiteboard with objectives for tomorrow stood opposite her bookshelves. Flash cards also sit neatly, there are a lot of flash cards. Two swivel chairs are positioned at Shuri’s desk and Riri took a seat. 
“Shuri, are you really mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you-” 
“Yes you are, you haven’t given me anything to do in the lab for the past week” 
“Aneka is also very capable of filing and using a screwdriver.”
“Shuri.” Riri pleads.  
“What now?” Shuri was becoming more agitated by the second.
“Shuri! I know you.” Riri tries to grab Shuri's hand.
 Shuri yanks hers back and slams them down on the desk. “Well if you knew me, you would have known I was helping her.” 
“Helping her?” 
“Yes, her. She's been sitting there and not doing anything, asking no question, I don’t want to fail her. If you were trying to help you could’ve redirected her to me.” 
“Why are you trying to stop me from getting my money?” Riri questions and takes an immense sigh as she rolls her head. Shuri chooses not to respond and continues marking her papers, head down.
“Well too bad. I'm sorry you’re so hung up on my client but I can't do nun' bout it, she’s paying me, and if you don't like me helping.” Riri paused, “Why’d you let us use your office, huh?” Riri’s face screwed up. 
Shuri finally looked up, and flicked her eyes up and then down. "Because.” She smirks.
Today is the day.
“Lia I'm sure it’s not that bad.” You drew out your voice. Your normal routine of picking Lia up from her two pm Basic Chemistry class is always a joy but today you have another engagement.
“Yes it is. I think she might have it out for me.” 
“I think you’re being slightly overdramatic.”
“No- I’m not. I know when someone is looking at me sideways.” When Lia got in one of her moods there was no dissuading her. You should go along with her for now. This time it was about her basic chem professor, allegedly; she's been making her answer questions when her hand isn't raised, taking half points off of her lab reports, and telling her to get off her phone more.
“So like a professor?” You had to remind her some time or later.
“I'm being serious- shut up, there she is.” The woman is really pretty, maybe twenty-six, her hair is in a high puff that’s slicked down, and her attire is suitable for working in a lab, with nothing flowing or too tight. 
Lia walked over to her and handed over a green folder. “Miss Pratt, here is my final draft for the different types of foodborne diseases.” 
“Thank you Miss Hamilton, I expect this is in a three prong folder and without your name on the lab report.”
“Yes ma’am,” Lia answered respectfully. Professor Pratt collected the report from her hands. As she turned back, Lia did a silent fist pump, and you quietly laughed behind your hand. “You are too much work, Miss Hamilton, I’m not your counselor but don’t let your friends drag you down.” Damn, you’re starting to see what Lia’s been telling you. Professor Pratt just nonchalantly flipped through her lab report. Lia gave her a very stink cut-eye, clenched her teeth, and pursed her lips. ‘Lia don’t do this please’ your eyes implored her. 
“Well, I don’t think you don’t have to worry about that, in fact- my friend has something to get to for a professor and you’re holding us up.” Lia was furious, her brow furrowed, her eyes were starting to water, and the metaphorical steam was rolling off her in waves.‘Subtly and Lia never go together?’  You thought to yourself. 
“Lia, Lia calm down, let's go, we spent thirty minutes here already. ” You whispered to her while rubbing her back in circles; Hoping to calm her down.
“Thanks, angel, it’s fine. You’re right let’s go.” You 'hmmed'. Professor Pratt glanced up from the lab report, she caught your eye with hers, though there was a feeling you couldn't place. You decided to give a curt ‘good afternoon’, Lia and you packed your bags and left. In the hallway, far enough from the lab, Lia said something.
“Told you, she was an ass.” Lia mumbled while sniffling.
“Hey-hey you could always make a complaint to the Dean.” 
“It’s not that serious, I'll be fine.” You gave her a hug sensing that she needed one.
“Riri!” Your fist knocked on her door rapidly. You started to twitch a little bit, shuffling from one foot to the next and sweat was gathering on your brow. 
Lia leaned over to you. “I mean you could come with me back to my dorm-”
“Why would she do that when she just got here?” You knew the accent anywhere. First day of class and you’re already talking about ditching. You hung your head low with shame, but it wasn’t too low to miss the shit-eating grin Shuri had on her face; Lia was no better than her. 
“Riri’s coming in a minute but I could get you started on something.” A faint ‘she gonna get you started on something aye.’  You decided to end this interaction here. 
“Bye- I have to do real work now.” You told her sarcastically. 
“Work, alright then” Lia rolled her eyes and strutted away.
“Real work?” Shuri giggled above you. You seemed to have forgotten why you were there in the first place. She’s just so wow, looking up at her is something that you should do often. For a moment Shuri’s eyes were glossed over but reanimated once again.
“There’s a test on the desk for you.” you gaped at her. 
“A test, already?” 
“Yes, a test that you need to do. It’s just a general quiz, see where you are and what areas we need to focus on with you.” You flipped through the booklet; it’s ten pages. Do all the multiple choices make it better? Slightly. You shuffle over to your seat and rest your bag down. Shuri glided over to you and set the timer to one hour, she also handed you a pen; you told her 'thank you'.
Fifteen minutes later and you could still feel Shuri’s eyes focusing on you. You felt really good about it, even clenching your legs together. She was posted up by the door, leaning against it with her hands in her pockets. A loud knocking startled her and interrupted your train of thought, which didn't pertain to the test at all. 
“Hey! Hey sorry i'm late! That differential equations class, she loves group projects.” Riri stormed into the room, commanding all the attention. 
“Sh!” She put her finger to her lips and grabbed Riri’s wrist, tugging her towards her. 
“What?” Riri whispered.
“She’s taking the pre-test-”
“When did we decide on that?”
“When you came late” Wow that ended the conversation quickly. Shuri accentuated her words by poking Riri in the chest at ‘you’ and ‘late’. You turned around to see what was going around for yourself. Shuri looked over Riri’s shoulder and mouthed to you ‘It’s fine’ and smiled; You returned a smile to her.
An hour and ten minutes have officially passed. Shuri and Riri are looking over your paper with rapt attention. Shuri puts your paper down and they take a heavy sigh. ‘This cannot be good.’ you say to yourself. Shuri decides to speak first. 
“Ok, we have a lot to do” she walked over to where you were sitting. “Circuits, thermodynamics and quantum physics, the rest I don’t expect you to know yet. Luckily, I caught you early so I could help before the class gets into more strenuous topics.” Riri rolls her eyes at Shuri’s boasting.
“I could get you started on the basics of circuits right now.”
“Alright that's fine.” You answered Riri. 
You take a labored sigh, ‘This is too much work’. Riri’s words morphed into one very long blurb. Something about a series, parallels, inhibitors, and switches. The absolute sight that is Shuri just blended into the background by the forty-five-minute mark. ‘Maybe I shouldn't have taken this class’, you can hear Lia’s smug 'I told you'. Regardless, Riri notices your lack of energy, and she decides that stopping for the day is the best plan of action. 
“So.. how was the class?" Riri asked.
“It was good, you didn’t rush or anything, just a lot of information.” You answered.
“That's good, I’m sending you some practice questions and diagrams.” Your phone made a familiar ‘bzzt!’ You told her 'thank you'. 
“Alright, imma bounce, don’t forget my money on Monday-” Riri took her bag and gave a short wave to you and Shuri. The door clicked shut, and that feeling came back. The warmth in your lower abdomen disperses throughout your whole body but loves to make a special home between your thighs. You close your eyes and take a breath to cool yourself down. Shuri looks at you inquisitively.
“You do know nobody get’s things right the first time around, yeah?” She looks at you from behind her computer. 
“Huh?! Oh-oh, the class.” She lets out a light giggle at your flustered-ness. Awe how sweet, she thinks you're worried about your performance (you are- but not at the moment). Her giggle grew into a boisterous cackle, and you were unsure whether you should join in. 
“I'm sorry-I'm sorry it’s just your face when I reminded-” She had to catch herself because of her laughing cutting up every word in her sentence. “When I reminded you of the lesson, your face just-” she made a downward motion with her hands. You were delighted to the fact that she found you funny but to the cost of your hornyness was an issue. 
“I promise, I won’t talk about the lessons after we’re done with them.” You gave her a ‘really’ look.
“I swear-” She was so close to you, you wondered if she somehow developed teleportation. Shuri was sitting on her desk, her cashmere pant leg almost rubbing against your arm. You decided to pull your head up so it doesn't look like you were staring at her crotch. Terrible mistake, the peak of her collarbone winked at you through the two unbuttoned buttons on her shirt.  
"So, what are we going to talk about?" a weak grin accompanied your question. 
"How about your friend? You guys seem cute." She gave an exaggerated nonchalant shrug. 
"Who? Lia? What, no, she's a friend, a good friend. Why ask though?"
"I'm sorry, Riri's just been-"
"Ah! I knew it!" You shot up out of your chair knocking Shuri off her balance. She fell with a thud against her desk, your hand on her wrist doing nothing to aid her fall. All you could do was laugh-her eyes widened. 
"Bast, ndandingazi ukuba ungandincumela." Shuri expressed sweetly while looking up at you while both of your arms caged her in. You immediately stopped laughing and jumped back realizing the compromising position you two were in. You checked your phone and it was six thirty!? Oh no, you snatched your bag off the floor mumbling a skittish 'I have to go bye!' The tension dissipated Shuri let out a weighty sigh as she got up and picked up her paperweights and pens off the floor. She buttons her shirt and shakes her head. 
As you sprinted down the hallway in the corner of your vision you saw Professor Pratt. You didn't know what the look was then but one thing you knew is that it was cold. 
"Good evening, Director Udaku."
You slammed your door shut, threw your bag in the corner of the room, and marched yourself to shower. In which none of your thoughts were consumed by Shuri at all. You ultimately flopped down on your bed after that exhausting day. Your eyes are heavy as lead, your pillow calling you to sleep.
You knock on the door, “Come, in..”, her voice groggy. She obviously didn't get enough sleep last night. The blinds were drawn slightly shut over the windows, minuscule fragments of light escaping. 
She’s at her desk, hunched over again, her head diving forward for the coolness of her desk. 
“Shuri..” you cooed, voice lilting on the last syllable, “Please at least close the computer”. Your heels clacked against the hardwood flooring like a metronome. Adding to the soothing haze you were unknowingly putting her under.  
You reached her, placed your hands on the desk, and bent over peeking at Shuri’s drowsy form underneath your eyelashes. Shuri's upper body sloped over, head now fully smooshed on the desk, her eyes closed and her hands trying to capture you with as much effort as she can. You being sneaky, you moved back, Shuri sensing your presence is not in immediate reaching distance; she pouts, pushes herself off of the desk, and flops dramatically against her chair. 
“Who knew Professor Udaku was just a child in disguise?” Your voice was coy, almost flirtatious. Her face scrunched, then morphed into a warm smile. You let out a sigh and began walking over to her briskly. When you got close to her, she spread her legs, and you ‘hmphed’ as you walked past her. She’s starting to pout again-
“Now Shuri stop that'', your sentence trails into a light whisper. Shuri’s chest feels heavy, she cracked her eyes to see you draped over her. Your hands rubbed her chest and your face nuzzled in her neck. 
“You have to stop doing this to yourself, at least for me please”, goosebumps littered her skin as you spoke. Your lips trailed up and down her neck, tenderly kissing her skin. Your hands now grazing the buttons of her white button-collared shirt. Shuri moaned softly, her right arm tugged at your left, and she tilted her head back allowing more area for you to kiss. Your right hand trailed down her shirt slowly unbuttoning, you could feel her abs, they clenched as you touched. Your hand grazes the belt buckle before stopping your ministrations altogether. Her knee jerked and her eyes shot wide as you giggled on the side of her chair. 
Her hair was a little roughed up and you could see the perspiration growing in between her brows. She tilted her head, “You think this is funny come here-” You’re trying to back away from her but your heels proved to be your downfall. It only took her two steps to pick you up and throw you over her shoulder. Those abs did not clench for nothing- She plopped down her seat and brought you down on her leg gently.
 “Let me kiss you properly.”, she was so demanding but who were you to deny her. She chased your lips with hers but every time she missed and you pulled away. Shuri was fed up now, she grabbed the back of your head and smashed your lips together. You moaned into her mouth 
“Shuri..”, she took that opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth. One of your hands that was around her neck slipped into the back of her shirt to unclip her bra. She ground her thigh along your clothed pussy, your slick seeped through your underwear and onto her pants. She trailed sloppy kisses down your neck to return the favor and unhook your bra but she barely managed to suck on your nipple before you interrupted her. 
"Wait-wait" you were breathless but you wanted to do something for her. She paused, she looked frightened for a second but she began to understand when you slid down her body. She's moaning unabashedly, the guttural sound she makes. It makes you want to kiss her and leave her breathless as she did you. Unfortunately, you have to focus on your job at the moment. 
You come face to face with her clothed mound, and you give her a kiss. You unbuckled her belt, she was more impatient than you, she nearly kicked a hole trying to get her pants off. Oh, you could see why she was so excited now-
"How long did you have that on?" You give her a coquettish grin from between her legs.
"Is it bad if I don't remember?" She peered down at you and gently thrust her hip into your face. You got the message but you bit her thigh as payback. "Unh-" She thrusts again, so you decided that holding down her hips was the best option.
You pull down her boxers with your teeth and watched them drop out your mouth and down her thigh. She's so wet, you plunge your tongue in her pussy. Licking her folds, swaying your head from left to right eventually moving to suckle on her clit for more stimulation.
"Agh- you're so filthy, I'm gonna cum, usana- usana- please."
You tilted your head back, your eyes crossed, and your chin glistened. As you caught your breath, Shuri stared at you-
"You want a picture?"
"Is it bad if I say yes?" you chose to ignore that as you mounted her again to kiss and let her taste herself. 
"Keep your eyes closed." she told you. 
"Ah" you moaned lightly in her mouth as you felt the buzzing of the vibrator against your underwear. 
Although when you opened them back to look at Shuri's glistening face, you were met with the ceiling of your dorm. You chose to scream into your pillow thanking every holy being imaginable that you didn't have a roommate. You decided to look for your phone and of course, it was between your legs. You put in the passcode.
Professor Shuri 
Hey I know I said nothing after ten but is this yours?
12: 46pm 
If it is you can come for it tomorrow after class.
Sorry to disturb you, good night. x
You left your wallet?! What would your mother think of you? Wait no 'x'?
An: Im back yall and I'm black yall (sorry not sorry youre lucky i didnt type the whole thing). I really hope you enjoyed the fic again. Hopefully yall will get that Riri valentines day fic in the week, might be short tho. :3 Imma figure out the masterlist soon and tell me if the 'keep reading' thing helps oke byebye
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mrskouu · 2 years
Excuses For You
Shuriri x Reader
Sorry for errors I write at night and forget to read over it.
I didn’t expect this to get the attention it has so I didn’t really have much of a plan for part two but I came up with one.
Part 2
Shuri who had been working for the past ten minutes didn’t pay attention to her phone though the beads on her wrist visibly shook with every notification deciding to take a break she checked through them seeing several emails and a post on instagram your post. She clicked it immediately it took her to your page where she sees a plethora of comments scrolling through she stops at a comment you’ve been replying to, Amity a mutual friend of theirs and yours. Standing she goes to find her girlfriend telling her to pack a bag saying they were going back to Chicago for a few days.
You on the other hand had invited Amity to your apartment to hang with you and Mika as you were texting her the notification of Riri liking your posts didn’t go unnoticed letting out an verbal sigh earning the attention of Mika “You good girl?” She asked you heading to the dorm to open it for Amity who walks in cheery. “I’m good, just the exes.” You say sitting down your phone “You mean Riri and Shuri right?” Amity says as you nod “I thought you blocked them.” Mika voiced taking a seat on the floor “I thought about it.” You say flipping through shows on Tv the girls eye you debating on asking more questions but don’t. “We’re out of snacks?” Amity questioned leaning on the kitchen counter “Mika ate ‘em all.” You mutter side eyeing her while she just shrugs and smiles. Rolling your eyes you stand grabbing your keys so you all could go to the store.
Shuri and Riri made it to Chicago a few hours ago, Shuri checked in to a room for the both of them while Riri went out to get some food for them. To her unknown surprise and your disappointment you both ended up in the same store you hadn’t seen her walk in and she hadn’t see you either in fact you didn’t know she was there till your phone buzzed as you were getting bags of chips. Taking it out of your pocket you checked it seeing the group chat with Amity and Mika. Quickly leaving two messages in the chat before hurrying to find the rest of your items and leave.
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The chat kept going as you silent your phone grabbing more things. To your disappointment you bumped into none other than Riri who’s looking at you already. “Y/n.” She says almost in a whisper not giving her a glance you apologize and try to walk away only for her to stop you. “Y/n please, let’s talk I miss you.” You rolled your eyes letting out a sigh “Fine you got five minutes, make it quick.” Her face relaxed at your words “How ya been?” Riri asked starting off the conversation slow. “Fine, until you walked in.” She chuckled at your words looking down then to you once more “Come on ma don’t be like that.” You shifted on your feet as your stomach started to feel warm. You began quickly looking for an excuse to leave this situation before she spoke again “Shuri’s been worried about you. We both have been.” You scoff at her as you’re about to answer Amity comes up to you both “Hey Riri! I haven’t seen you in a long time.” She said getting her attention “What are you doing here?” Amity asked. “On a little visit with Shuri.” Riri responds turning to her.
They chat for a bit giving you time to leave and pay for your stuff heading to the car, where Mika is already waiting, soon after you’ve gotten in the car Amity does the same letting out a loud sigh. The car ride back to the apartment was silent until Amity spoke “I invited her to a party this weekend.” Stopping at the red light you look to her in confusion “What party?” “It’s a get together party I’m having it slipped out while I was talking.” Amity shrunk into the seat looking out the window. Shaking your head as you pull up to the apartment complex getting out the car your phone pings, not having time to check it as you unlock the door you look at your watch.
‘Riri.: Look forward to seeing you again ma.’ Staring at the screen you bite onto the inside of your mouth deciding to ignore the text for the time being you sit on the couch as your friends make themselves comfortable. “About this party.” Mika says opening chips “You invited them and not us?” Amity shifts in the seat before speaking “I was going to but it slipped my mind, you’re both gonna go anyway.” She had a point you’d show up even if she didn’t invite you, it was something you did occasionally but now with knowing Riri and Shuri will be there you had your work cut out for you. You’d have to show them your better off without them or at least show them up at the event.
Riri had arrived back at the hotel with bags in her had as she shut the door behind her. Setting them down she wondered off to find Shuri who was seated at the desk writing, placing a kiss on the side of her head she spoke “I ran into Y/n, at the store.” Shuri raised her eyebrows telling her to continue “Ran into Amity she invited us to a party this weekend.” “And you’re actually going?” Shuri says standing up from the chair as Riri nods explaining that you will be there. This gained her interest even more as she agreed to go, they wanted to see how long you could play this independent act before you came running back and this party would only bring you closer to them.
“Come on Y/n, you know they’ll be there why not give ‘em a taste of their own medicine.” Mika mumbles while Amity nods you’ve all been talking about the party at first you weren’t going but they had convinced you into going. “I agree, why not do them they way they did you.” Amity say’s referring to the night you found them at the club with those girls, you were the bigger person and didn’t want to stoop to their level of low maturity, but at the same time it wouldn’t hurt anyone if you did. “Fine fine, just stop talking.” Satisfied with your answer the girls left the conversation at that.
You stood in your bathroom doing your hair and makeup as Mika and Amity did the same, the night of the party had finally come you hoped Riri and Shuri would forget about it or decide not to go but knowing those two they wouldn’t. Tonight you planned to ignore it, ignore them and just have fun with your friends and you weren’t going to let them ruin it. “Amity hand me your phone, mine’s charging.” You say holding out your hand as she hands you the phone Mika who stood behind you placed her arm around your waist leaning from the side with a smile into the camera as Amity slips into the background quickly to get into the picture, snapping the picture quickly you hand her the phone as she saves it sending it to you both and posting it.
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The girls had been getting ready for a while and hadn’t had time to check any social but as they were driving Riri phone went of it was a post from Amity she didn’t care much for it as she ignored it scrolling on her feed till it refreshed bringing up the photo of you and them for a brief moment then quickly going back to her old feed she had prior she didn’t get a good look at the picture but something told her she’d get a better look in person. You, Mika, and Amity called an Uber to take you to Amity’s house checking your phone the app tells you your driver is outside so you all go and pile in the car talking about nothing in particular as the car pulls up to her house she thanked the driver and began walking up to the door, the party had already started as people were dancing in different places of the house and having drinks. You found yourself getting a drink as a woman approached you sparking a conversation with you. “You wanna dance?” She asked holding out her hand that you accepted as she pulled you to the middle of the room were everyone else was dancing.
You didn’t need to see them to know they were there you could feel their eyes on you as you danced with the woman in front of you or you didn’t see them till they walked up. “Do you mind if we borrow her for a moment?” Shuri asked the woman, to her im the way she asked come off as polite though it was far from polite, the woman agreed saying goodbye before walking off. They had pulled you off in a different direction somewhere quiet so you all could talk. “So you’re stalking me now?” You say shaking free from her grip on your arm, in response they laugh. “Nah ma we just want talk.” Riri says looking you up and down slowly “Is that so wrong for us to do?” Shuri questions “when it comes to you two. Yes what do you want?” You ask them shifting under their gaze. “You. We want you back.” Riri said lightly grabbing your arm rubbing her hand against it slowly as she spoke. “Want to give this another try, hm?” She speaks once again. Giving on you nod making them smile as they were about to talk you into coming back home with them, you speak this time “Fine, but pull some shit like that again I promise you this, pray I don’t find you.” Pulling your arm away, you walk off. The girls don’t follow you already satisfied with you taking them back they’ll wait before asking you to come back with them, for now.
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imagineandwrite · 1 year
𝘖𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘷𝘴 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘝𝘐𝘐𝘐 (𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓊𝓉𝑒)
Will You Leave Me?
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Word Count: 3.4k Warnings: Reader doesn't like confrontation, Shuri went to the ancestral plane, M'Baku is secretly intimidated by Reader, Sad hours, description of character death, comfort, A/N: Y'all are spoiled as hell
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"Shouldn't we burn incense or something?"
Nakia stands at a table crushing the Heart-Shaped Herb, recreated by Shuri, into a liquid. Shuri sits hunched over another table with her head in her hands. Ramonda stands next to her, rubbing Shuri's back. Briefly, Nakia explained the purpose of the ritual and how important being surrounded by loved ones was for it. 
"Bast only knows how the ancestors will get to this place," Ramonda mumbles.
During this whole time, Shuri hadn't said anything. Nakia finished the preparation and walked to where Shuri sat. "Are you sure we shouldn't bury you?"
"No-" Shuri shakes her head as she lies on the table, crossing her arms in the Wakandan salute. "I need you to have access to my chest." She explains, quickly moving her arms to rest at her sides.
"In case I go into cardiac arrest."
"I'm sorry?" You ask, your eyes darting between Nakia and Shuri. Riri chuckles in disbelief, "She joking, right?"
Instead of answering, Nakia places her Kimoyo bead in the center of Shuri's chest. Ramonda guides you to the head of the table and your hands on either side of Shuri's head. You lean forward slightly to block the light from shining in Shuri's eyes and glare at her. 
"If something goes wrong, I'll pull your ass out of there and kill you," You mutter, and though your words are harsh, your voice is quiet and raspy. 
"Alright," Shuri chuckles, her eyes flickering between yours before she smiles softly. "You okay?" You'll be here when I wake up?
"I'm always okay," You whisper. Always.
Ramonda lifts the bowl and recites the traditional quote, calling forth Bast, the ancestors, and T'Challa. She places the bowl on Shuri's lips and guides her to drink the purple liquid. Purple and black veins cover Shuri's skin, and she twitches as her face contorts in discomfort.
"Praise the ancestors," You, Ramonda, Nakia, and Riri continue calling the ancestors until Shuri's body calmed.
"How long do we wait?" Riri questioned, watching Shuri's breathing slow.
"It depends on how long her ancestors want to talk with her," Ramonda answers, sitting in a chair near the table while holding Shuri's hand. "Much like Taraji's meeting with her ancestors. They give life lessons to help one grow into their role as Protector."
"So they're a mentor?" Riri asks, looking between you and Ramonda. You share a look before Ramonda nods. Nakia sighs softly in thought, Shuri has announced her disbelief in Bast and the Ancestral Plane, and she hopes they'll help her.
"Taraji," Ramonda starts, waiting for you to look at her. "Is there something between you and my daughter?" Is she your soulmate?
"She can't even come talk to me instead of listening to bullshit from other people," You grumble, fist tight as you breathe deep. 
"That doesn't answer my question."
"Maybe if we talk it out, then sure," You breathed in irritation, gripping the table. Your ears picked up on the faint crack sound before glancing down at the crack in the table.
"Wake up, sweetheart."
Her body lurched forward, breathing hard as her eyes darted around the room. There was a glint in her eyes as Nakia asked who she saw. Shuri replied with a weak 'I failed' but you didn't believe her.
If their Ancestral Plane was like yours, then she had to have seen someone. Placing your hand on Shuri's shoulder, you lean forward to whisper, "What happened?"
It took a second for her to respond, she slipped off the table and away from you. Creating distance between herself and everyone, "He- they abandoned me."
"He would never do that," Ramonda denied, flinching at the harsh slam on the table. Nakia placed her hand on Shuri's arm, stepping back when Shuri swung toward her.
"I did your stupid ritual, and for what?!"
Running her hand down her face, Shuri sighed before bunching a manikin and sending it flying into a stone wall. Nakia and Riri step behind Ramonda in shock as you purse your lips. "Shit," Nakia and Riri whisper.
"Can I get some of that?" You and Riri ask, turning to Nakia, she sighs as she softly shakes her head. Tilting her head, Ramonda speaks quietly, "I believe you will be needing a suit."
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"More people are coming from the city," Someone said.
"They need more space," Another elder spoke.
"You people understand that you are visitors? It is a wonder how anything gets done with you all." M'Baku complained, munching on a carrot as he watched the elders squabble about the upcoming war. 
Suddenly an aircraft hovered above them, dropping the Black Panther, and Shuri landed at the center. Slowly, Ramonda approached her and placed both hands on her face. 
"Show them who you are," She whispered. Shuri nodded as M'Baku stood from his throne and stepped down to face her. Ayo held her arm out in front of the Dora Milaje to hold them back.
They stand in front of each other before slamming their hands together in an arm wrestle. M'Baku was defeated, and he raised her hand high, "The Black Panther lives!"
The elders place their hands on her shoulders and back as the Jabari chants around her. Once they finished, they stepped back and allowed Shuri room to speak.
Before she speaks, a flash of blue catches her eye. Y/N is quiet as she crawls along the walls of the cave. They share a soft smile before Shuri looks at the elders.
"Namor believes Wakanda is on her knees. Believes our Queen is dead, and we have no protector. But now is our time to strike."
"We don't even know how to find him," An elder spoke.
"We will bring Namor to us," Shuri stated, slowly looking at each elder. "At a distant location."
Alright, let's say this does work," M'Baku interrupted, rubbing his head in thought. "Assuming we can kill this man who can fly and is potentially as strong as the Hulk. Is murdering him the right solution?"
"You were calling for his death when his crime was only intimidation," The River tribe elder said.
"What has changed lord M'Baku?" Another elder asked. M'Baku scoffed as he held his hand up, "His soldiers. They do not call him General, or King. They call him K'uk'ulkan."
"Feather serpent god," Y/N answered, dropping to the floor and walking through the crowd. She looks down at the people whispering in shock and backing away from her.
"Y/N! The blue woman!" M'Baku shouts, tossing his arms up as he looks her up and down. The woman was tall and had to duck, so she'd miss the icicles hanging from the cave top.
"Elders, with your permission, I would like to talk with Lord M'Baku alone," Shuri said, staring ahead at M'Baku ignoring Y/N's tail grazing her head. The elders agreed and everyone left, some pointing and poking at Y/N's legs in wonder. Y/N went to follow them but Shuri called out, "Stay, please."
Nodding, Y/N sat crisis cross behind her, fiddling with a chunk of ice that had fallen when she bumped into it. 
"Namor isn't finished. He promised to destroy the surface world and now is our opportunity to take him. What are you afraid of?!" Shuri snapped.
"War," M'Baku said as if it were obvious. He glanced at the Nymerian when she hummed in thought before looking back at Shuri. "If Namor is indeed a God to his people, killing him will risk eternal war."
"And so what?" Shuri asked, "Is my mother's life unworthy of eternal war?"
"Of course, she is," M'Baku sighed shakily before continuing, "But it is not what she wants for you, and it is not what I want for my people."
"You speak of my mother, of what she wanted for me," She said, the images of when her mother was truthfully happy crossing her mind. Then the vision of her mother being saved by Nakia. Ramonda and Y/N's chests slammed back into the ground after a failed shock.
"Namor drowned her, right in front of me!" Shuri cried, and M'Baku frowned. "So her goals, her hopes, and dreams for me... It doesn't exist. It doesn't matter." Shifting her stance, she glared at M'Baku through her tears, "What matters is what I want. And what I want, is Namor dead." 
"And you're going to help me get it," She points at him, and M'Baku glances at Y/N. She raised her eyebrows at him. What was she supposed to say?
"We leave in the morning," Shuri stated, turning to leave, and Y/N followed behind her, crawling out of the cave before walking behind her.
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Y/N lay in bed in only a sports bra and boxer shorts. The light shines through, illuminating the room. The city is quiet from its lack of population. You remember your grandmother's torn body pulling you further into the water and away from the surface.
You remember Shuri clinging to you when they finally decided it was safe for you to move. Remember her refusing to let you leave her sight.
Suddenly, you felt cold water pooling beneath your feet. When you look down, there's water everywhere up to your ankles. You look up and try to step forward, only to fall further into the water.
Completely submerged in the water, you take a moment to study your surroundings. Surrounding you was a black void filled with nothing but water. This shouldn't be an issue, but it is. You were born in water and grew up in the water. Rarely going to the surface as a kid, why is this ocean terrifying you now?
Eyes. Large bright white eyes stare at you from afar. They slowly grow in size as the creature swims toward you. The water pulls you to them as it swims closer.
"𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚."
It moves to swim around you, the water turning you in a circle. You gasp, water flooding your lungs before pouring from your nose, and you can breathe.
"𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬," As it speaks, it swims around you until you're caged in its body. "𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫."
"𝐀𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮," It growls as light floods the void, and a giant sea creature mixed with squid and dragon glares down at you.
"𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐛𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝐁𝐮���� 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐈 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮," It slams a tentacle down almost crushing you as you swim around it.
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥-"
"𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰," You interrupt, lifting your arms to alert her of your presence.
"I know I left, but 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨. 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, not just what was in that giant dome," You breathed, looking back at the creature who slowly lifted her tentacles away.
"𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫?" Her voice is soft, completely contrasting the rough growls from before.
"A world where women are not cherished but terrified, and people are treated differently because of their skin. If you're young and speak your mind, then you are disrespectful. They abuse their kids and call it discipline, then complain when their children go no contact."
"𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥," She hums, lowering herself to the floor and looking right at you. "𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞."
You smile softly, looking down in thought. "I found 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲."
"𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲."
"𝐍𝐨, they are my relatives," You emphasized, glaring up at her before sighing softly. "𝐀 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝. A family is supposed to be filled with goofy moments."
"You're old," Seventeen-year-old Riri sighs, laying on the floor in her mother's living room. You scoff from your place on the couch and chuck a pillow at her. "I am not old!"
"Dude, you're twenty! You're old!" She cackles, slinging the pillow back at you.
"Momma, tell Riri I ain't old!" You shout, immediately grinning when Riri's mother responds, "Riri, leave that child alone! She is not old! She just older than you."
"They're supposed to be there for you during hard times."
You sat in a corner, curled up in a ball sobbing. A worried MJ sits next to you, waiting on Riri to get back with your water. MJ hums softly as she rubs soothing circles on your back.
She waited for your sobs to stop before leaning back slightly to rub your cheeks free of tears. Patting your face softly, she waited for you to look at her to whisper, "It's okay to be upset. Just how it's okay to be tired and okay to need a break."
"They share the joy in everything, big..."
You, MJ, and Riri all dance around the living room, giggles and off-key singing filling the air. MJ had just gotten her acceptance letter and would now be going to college with you and Riri.
"...or small."
Riri runs into the room, holding a paper with a big smile. She pauses slightly when she sees MJ bouncing in her seat slightly while staring at the bathroom door.
"What's going on?" Riri asks, walking over to sit next to MJ.
The taller brunette chuckles softly as she glances at her friend. "We think we found pants that fit Y/N's legs."
You'd been looking for pants that fit you for almost a year. The pants you had were leggings and sweats. Or pants that were too short or too tight. So, when you came out with a smile rivaling the Cheshire's grin: they cheered. MJ stood to wrap you in a hug as Riri leaned to fiddle with the chains on your legs.
"What I had in Nymeria was not family," You whispered, still reminiscing on memories of your friends. With a scoff, you looked up at the creature whose eyes have turned a soft black. "I was a means to an end. Grandfather allowed me to live because he needed someone to continue his legacy. Someone young and naive."
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲."
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Y/N's body shot up and out of the water, breathing heavily as she looked around the bathroom. The lights had turned off, the only light source from the window in her room shining on the mirror.
Ms. Y/N, would you like me to alert the princess of your current state? She is awake, and in the lab, it is her break time.
"No, she needs to spend her break relaxing," You sighed, slowly standing from the now cold bath water. Slowly stepping out, you slam your hand against the wall when you tipped to the side.
Ms. Y/N, I advise that you let me alert the-
"Thanks, but no," You said, treading towards your bed, occasionally grabbing nearby furniture to prevent yourself from falling. "I don’t need to bother her when she’s already got a lot of shit on her plate."
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Something is wrong, she can feel it in her gut. Someone or something telling her to check on Y/N, to make sure she's okay. Sighing softly, Shuri rubs her forehead in thought. "Griot?"
Yes, Princess?
"Is Y/N okay?"
I was requested to not alarm you if something is wrong.
"Griot!" Slamming her hand down, the thud echoes through the empty lab. "I have no issues with disabling you and making a new, better AI."
Y/N requires assistance.
Shuri grabs a small box from the table and walks out of the lab. "Where is she?"
She is in the middle of a panic attack in her room, it seems she hasn't noticed yet.
"What happened?" She asked, waiting for the elevator to get to the main hallways. Silently, she thanked Griot for speeding up the process.
I assume she had a nightmare. Her heart rate fluctuated just before she rose woke. Her heart rate has only increased from there, and she seems to be mumbling apologies.
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You're bedroom door opening breaks you from your thoughts, and you're aware of the footsteps walking toward you. You frantically wipe your face but it's no use; tears continuously stream down your face. She crouches down next to you, watching you struggle for a moment before gently prying your hands from the covers and wrapping her own around them.
Shuri lays down, guiding you to her chest. The unmistakable scent of Cocoa butter invades your senses as she rubs your back. Minutes pass, and eventually, your body relaxes as you're able to breathe again. You sink into her warmth, her heart beating beneath your ear. 
"How'd you know?"
"I felt it," She whispered, nose nuzzling your cheek. The hand on your back continues rubbing soothing circles, and the corners of her eyes crinkle with amusement at the low hum released from your throat.
"I need to know if you'll leave," She whispers, and you wouldn't have heard had you not been right next to her. You look up at her, looking directly into her eyes. Her breaths are shallow, scared to break the moment. She leans forward to peck your nose before continuing.
"Once this war is over, once everything is somewhat normal, will you leave? Go back to being a college student with multiple partners. While I sit here healing my heart and my nation. Or will you stay and help me?"
"I'll be here." Your eyes close, taking in how her body molds perfectly with yours. 
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You awoke before her, bodies tangled in silk sheets and legs. Somehow you two had managed to shift with you on your back and her on top of you. Her face tucked in your neck, blocked from the sun allowing her more rest. Your hand was under her shirt, thumb pressing soothing strokes into her waist. 
Humming softly, you lean your head against Shuri's. She releases a huff of breath before slowly lifting from your neck. You chuckle softly at her unkempt hair and drool on her cheek, no doubt leaving a pool on your shoulder. 
Shuri mutters a curse as her fingertips rub her eyes to rid herself of sleep. At some point in the night, she'd stripped some of her clothes, leaving her in a sports bra and shorts. You run your hands up and down her back before dropping them to her waist. 
"Shuri, I'm gonna ask you something," You sighed, waiting for her to hum in acknowledgment. "Who'd you see?"
Shuri slowly sits up and drops her head into her hands. Her hands fall from her face as she speaks, resting them in her lap. "I'm not ready."
"And that's okay." You sit up next to the princess, pulling her into you with a quiet sigh. Your hands trace the tattoo on her hand as she breathes you in. Your scent floods her senses and she hears a hard slow thump from within your chest.
"I told you I saw my grandmother," You started, "But I didn't know she was dead until then."
She looked up at you, her lips parting as her breath hitched. You didn't look at her, lost in thought. Breathing deep, you continue.
"She was murdered by Namor," You mutter, voice cracking slightly. "I'm not sure if my grandfather is still alive. I am to take the throne in just a few weeks. My spirit sister is somewhere outside the barrier, and I'm not even sure I'm ready to see her."
Shuri remains silent as she slowly pulls away, careful not to get too far. She traces the tattoos covering your body, leaning forward to kiss your collarbone.
Your heart aches as you think of your grandmother. You didn't get to say goodbye, didn't get to bury her, and you didn't even know she was dead. Murdered. Her death wasn't peaceful.
There was no slipping in her sleep, no dying in her lover's arms. Grandma died on a rock, desperately trying to stop her bleeding. She died at the hands of someone she despised, and no one was there to comfort her. She was found curled up in a ball, her skin an ashy grey instead of a vibrant blue.
You could only imagine the pain her spirit brother felt knowing he wasn't there. Knowing he couldn't comfort her. You wonder what her last thoughts were. Did she think about her family? Did she wonder if they would find her? Did she question if they were even looking for her? Did she think about you, wondering if she was able to watch over you in the afterlife?
"Y/N!" Gentle hands on your cheeks attempt to gain your attention, but your eyes are distant. She leans your foreheads together, rubbing her thumb across your cheek softly. Her hand on your shoulder makes you jerk back and she flinches.
"Uphilile Sthandwa Sami?"
Are you okay, my love?
It's a simple question, but it holds weight. A weight that breaks your windows, and the water flows through. Your body shakes with sobs as Shuri holds you, shushing you softly as your fingers grip her back and waist.
She dragged a hand up your back as she spoke, "What do you want?"
"I want him dead."
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Tags: @rxcently, @kgao, @6-noir, @aiden-presscott, @youralphawolf72, @naomis-daydream, @lppriceisright, @ddb667, @shuriislut, @ziayamikaelson, @sakurayuki8655-blog, @nooshytushie, @niyah1101, @oracle-code, @leekeeboo, @k3nn3dyxo
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taiiunknown · 2 years
All I want is You !!!
RiRi X blackReader
Y’all this fic is very much based off my favorite song by Miguel-All I want is you, I very much recommend listening to it while reading 🤷🏽‍♀️
Summary: RiRi has been being a little to friendly with her partner that she have for this project in her class, Y/n becomes suspicious bc she can tell RiRi mechanic partner like her…
Warning ⚠️: Slight Angst, name calling, cursing, light smut I think 🫢
It Was another day at MIT for me , long classes, irritating white kids, I can go on and on, but I didn’t really care that much bc I do know one person who can bring a smile on my face, RIRI WILLIAMS.
Me and RiRi have been dating for 4 months now , ik it doesn’t seem like a long time but me and her connected when I seen her.
We met in the school cafe, she walked up to me and was casually like “We’ve been staring at each other for a while so I thought could break the ice by getting your number and buying your coffee.” Let’s just say my head shook “yes” fast asf.
*flashback over*
As soon class was over I texted her..
Me: RiRi, baby are you busy rn ?
Mi Amor🫶🏽: kinda but you can come over if you want I kinda have company tho .
Me: oh ok that’s fine, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.
Wow she never left me on read before…
*10 minutes later at RiRi off campus apartment *
I made it to RiRi apartment and made myself comfortable on her sofa when I seen a girl come out of her guess bathroom, “oh,Hi” the girl said nervously “hey.” I said tryna be nice as possible, “oh I see y’all met already” RiRi says coming from her room with some tape in her hand. “Ya, my name is y/n btw” I said smiling 🙂 “hey I’m Aiyana” she said . A hour had passed and all heard was Aiyana giggling while looking back at me while I’m on the couch , I wanted to know what was so funny. “Y/n?”Aiyana said with a smirk “yes” my eyebrows furrowed “why is your forehead kinda big ?” She says snickering “why you so concerned?” I asked with a bit of attitude bc who tf she think she talking too 🤷🏽‍♀️ “y/n!” RiRi shouts like I did something when shawty said something to me “What ?!” I responded “she was joking so stop getting mad quick THATS why I don’t be joking with you like that bc you take everything seriously.” My mouth dropped bc wtf did I even do ? “ima just leave till you calm down” I said grabbing my things and leaving her apartment. When I got back to my car I was just thinking of how stupid both RiRi and Aiyana just sounded for some reason, like wtf .
It’s been two hours since I left RiRi apartment and she haven’t texted nor called to check on my feelings, Maybe I was doing the most ? Or maybe Aiyana planned this when she found out I was coming over.either way I’m still pissed right now .
Mi Amor🫶🏽:We need to talk, Can you come over ?
Me: Last time I was over there I was getting bullied but,Whatever
Mi Amor🫶🏽:Just please come
*20 minutes later now arriving at RiRi apartment*
“So what do you want ?” I said with a raise eyebrow bc I can’t believe RiRi didn’t take my side. “I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry,Mami I never meant to flash out on you like that.I just thought Aiyana was joking and you took it seriously but when you left she literally tried to kiss me so I had to kick her out and I felt so bad because I know your beautiful brain got the thought of her tryna hit on my anyways.Im really sorry” RiRi said holding my had, “i just feel like you don’t want me, because how fast you took up for her and flashed out on me was unbelievable.”I said shedding a tear because this was me and RiRi first little argument. “No baby don’t say that, ALL I WANT IS YOU BABY!no one smiles,or smell like you, no one makes me laugh nor do they throw down in the kitchen like you, you are everything I’ve every wanted and I’m so sorry to make you feel that way and trust me this will never happen again and I’m not hanging with that delusional bitch anymore also!”Riri said reassuring me, “I love you so much…” she said lastly while wiping the little tears that is daring to come out of my eyes “I love you too” I said slightly grinning bc she is so sweet. “Let me show you how much I love you…”RiRi said leading me to her room.
It gets a lil 🥵 spicy
“Ughhh RiRi I can’t take it babyyyy” I said with my face In RiRi pillow while she is literally drilling my shit, “uh uh take that shit,Be my good girl!” RiRi said grunting silently. “I’m so close bab-yyyyyy plea-se” I was very close and we have been going for 40 minutes now and it feels like my brain is about to explode 🤯 “Hold it baby” RiRi said while speeding up faster and faster like wtf is this bitch tryna kill me 😀 “you forgive me my baby?” RiRi said while drilling me in full speed “YES!YES!YES! Baby just plz let me cum I love you so much baby just let m-” oh shit I came With out RiRi permission,I’m sorry but I couldn’t hold it any longer… Fuck Fuck Fuck what I’m do now? RiRi slows down she pulls out and turn me facing her while Im panting lightly, “Did I tell you to cum?” RiRi said while slowly removing her clothes,I’m on the bed laid out can barely even move. I see RiRi slowly getting on top of me and opening my legs so she can be on top of me, oH fuck I’m already feeling overstimulated 🤦🏾‍♀️ . I thought she was gonna start off slow but she started off fast I guess to chase her own high “FUCK BABY THIS PUSSY FEELS SO GOOD AND WET FOR ME!” RIRI MOANED AND IT WAS MUSIC TO MY EARS EVEN THOUGH ALL THE WORDS THAT IS COMING OUT OF ME IS “AH-FUCKKKKKKKK RIRIIIII UHHHUHH” I think them the only words that is functioning in my vocabulary right now “RiRi legs began to shake while mines was already shaking like a two dollar stripper. “FUCK CUM WITH ME BABYYYY!” RiRi shouted and I did what I was told 🤷🏽‍♀️. After being fucked senseless,Riri ran both of us a bath and she had to help be to the restroom bc my legs felt like jelly and I’m pretty sure I couldn’t feel my pu-, anywhoooo. After that RiRi changed the sheets while I’m still in the tub relaxing bc she told me to rest my legs and let my body soak while she put on her clothes for bed and find me clothes also. Minutes passed and we was both in bed cuddled up, “I love you so much yk?” I said slowly falling asleep “ik you was screaming it for a hour mami”she said smirking “you better be glad I’m sore bc I would’ve slapped you” I said giggling bc she was right 💀
“I love you too,Mami never for get that” RiRi said while I’m already knock tf out 😭
The End!
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slayingstan · 2 years
Rebound, Part 2
Shuri's POV: 
She had already left the dormitory before Riri woke up. Now she was in an aircraft on her way back to Wakanda, she already knew she was going to hear a lot as Ayo and Aneka were the ones flying her back. 
"We received a telephone call last night." Aneka stated.
"Maybe leave me the fuck alone about that." Shuri was already is a stressed mood, and combined with her hate for the early morning, she was mean.
The Dora were taken aback by her sudden use of profanity. Ayo sighed.
"Come now young warrior." Ayo commanded Shuri.
She sighed, following Ayo to a room within the ship. Knowing Ayo wouldn't give up.
"What is the matter?" Ayo raised an eyebrow and questioned. 
"I'm ruining everything, and I can't talk to Riri about it because now things are going to be awkward between us. I was drunk and pursued her anyways and we had sex, and now things are awkward. And I'm losing my best friend all over again! And I thought this was going to make everything better but it somehow made it all worse and I just can't bare to lose another person in my life like this." Shuri seemed to talk for hours, by the time she finished her rant tears were rolling down her cheeks.
Ayo couldn't respond quickly, but she embraced the young royale. Comforting her.
"Everything is going to be okay. You're not going to just let her slip away. You love that young woman, so you are going to do whatever you need to do to fix anything that went wrong. From the looks of it this situation isn't all that bad. Yes things may be awkward for a bit but that's okay. It's all going to be alright." Ayo spoke.
This was going to take a while.
Riri's POV:
She woke up, cold. She thought she had left a window open, nope just the emptiness from 3 days before. Everything was ruined. She had taken advantage of something good, now here were the consequences. 
She checked her phone for a notification, nothing. Not even a note. She needed to get up and go to class, she couldn't put her life on hold. So she began to get ready for her class. Differential Equations was an hour away and a 30 minute walk so time to get going. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She had made it to the on-site Starbucks outside of her lecture hall. Suddenly there was a bit of home, she had received a notification.  Shuri: Please come outside. No emojis, No Slang, Nothing Cute. This was serious, but so was her lecture, but so was this so she decided to grab her coffee and go out the door. As soon as she stepped out, there was a tall figure waiting for her.  "Hey." Shuri said wait a deep breath.  Riri had to make her point quickly so she cut Shuri off.  "You left me you know? But I also took advantage of you and that wasn't right, but you ghosting me for half a week wasn't right either. And we are both wrong here, but we both really like each other so what's the point of even being upset. I missed you so much and not talking to you for so long was so tiring and-" Riri went on a rant but was cut off by a strong embrace.  "I'm sorry Ri, I was being irresponsible and pressured you. And I'm sorry I didn't talk to you I was just scared, I didn't want to scare you away either. I just want things to go back to normal." Shuri said softly.  They needed things to be how they used to. The tension ate at the both of them for days, now everything was going to be alright.  However there was one small problem, all the press release. There seemed to be some club footage released as well and they would have to work through that situation, but for now things were alright.  "But enough of that, I'll here to ask you something." Shuri pulled away as she spoke and Riri felt her heart drop.  "Will you go on a date with me?"
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mbb-project-entity · 2 years
Chapter 4
Afterwards we went to the mobile phone store, since I decided RiRi would need a new phone for her new position. Before we went in, I told her that she would have to accept the entire contract that was put before her without asking any questions.
I told her to go pick out the phone she wanted, and that I’d pay for it. She began browsing through all the high-end smart phones while I negotiated with one of the people working there. It was a little difficult to explain what I wanted, but within a half hour, we had reached an agreement. RiRi came back with a new Dapple smartphone in time to hear the terms of the contract.
“Alright Miss Scarlett, now that River is back we can finalize the contract,” the sales guy responded. River was happily playing with the Dapple Yphone as she sat down.
“You are committing to a four-year contract, with an enforced exclusivity clause. I know that’s a mouthful, so I’ll explain. Basically you are saying that you will use only this phone or another phone that Ms. Scarlett pre-approves over the next four years. You won’t be elligible for an upgrade during that time, and you can’t cancel the contract early without getting a huge penalty. If you wanted to, you could get one of those pay-as-you-go phones, but Miss Scarlett explained that you wouldn’t be interested.”
“River has too much of a guilty conscience to do that!” I said. “I’m sure if she even tried, she’d feel too guilty to go through with it.”
River had a puzzled look on her face. I had the shoes to give her a little zap, and she understood.
“Miss Scarlett explained that she’s concerned about you getting in with the wrong crowd, so we will not be transfChloeg any of your contacts over to this phone. In addition, this has the Phone Nanny, so that Miss Scarlett will be able to read any texts you send or receive, and to hear a recording of any phone call. Additionaly, this phone will have a GPS that is always on, so that Miss Scarlett can make sure you’re ok.”
River’s look changed from confused to angry about this invasion of her privacy.
“As long as you have Miss Scarlett’s approval, this phone has unlimited talk, text and web surfing. But every text, e-mail or phone call you make will go to Miss Scarlett for approval before it goes through. If she allows it, the phone will work as normal. If she declines it, it won’t go through, and you will be charged a penalty: $8 for a phone call and $5 for a text message.”
Tay seemed offended at this. Her new phone was becoming an uncomfortable little collar around her neck.
“Miss Scarlett will also keep the password for your phone account, so you cannot download apps or change settings without her approval. This contract totals $200/month plus taxes and security fees, which total to about $250/month. You will need to put the first six months of payments down today in order to secure this deal, along with buying the new Dapple phone outright. In total, you owe us $2150.”
She was speechless, her beautiful face tinged with fear of her new contract.
“The phone isn’t… included in the contract?” RiRi finally managed to say.
“I can explain that,” I cut in. “That Dapple phone is for me. It is going to be my new phone. I knew I could trust your judgment!” I held out my hand. Shattered, River handed me the Dapple phone.
“Do I get to keep my phone then?”
“No, I’m sorry. I’ll be holding onto that for you as well. I just need you to remove the password protection for me.” I held out my hand again. River didn’t seem to believe the situation was real until I raised an eyebrow at her. On the verge of tears, she fished out her beloved pink Dapple Yphone, and quickly changed the settings. She took one last look at it, and put it in my hand. I quickly put it in my purse, then fished out her big surprise.
“This will be your new phone,” I said with a measured smile. I pulled out a 3 year-old Blackberry I got for free. It was heavy, clunky, looked beat-up, and so big it nearly took up her whole purse. She would have to hold it in two hands to send a text. I made the screensaver a close-up photo of the soles of my feet, so she would constantly be staring at them. In black letters across the screen, always visible, was the words “PROPERTY OF MADAM Scarlett.” I even had indestructible metallic tape soldered onto the back of the phone, in case she tried to flip it over to hide the screen. The tape read “River Mercier 555-310-3214” and beneath that “PROPERTY OF MADAM Scarlett.”
The password, which she could not change and would have to enter every time she used the phone, was “EmmaOwnsMe.” I had uploaded into the “notes” section information about myself: likes, dislikes, favorite places, favorite foods, measurements. There was even an app I downloaded that would randomly ask RiRi a question about me, and she would have to answer it right to keep using the phone. Even the sales person at the store seemed to sympathize with Tay.
“So, all I need is your signature, and the $2150, and this is all set,” the sales clerk said, as though to give RiRi a chance to back out.
Tay gave me a pleading look, but I only smirked back. “Any time you’re ready, Tay.”
“But I don’t have $2150..” she murmured.
“That’s okay, I’ll put it on my card if you ask me nicely.” I smirked.
Her face was the portrait of despair.
“Madam Scarlett… would you please… help me pay for this new phone?” She said through clenched teeth.
“I don’t know, Tay, you don’t seem very enthusiastic about it. You haven’t even said one word about it! Maybe we should look into a different contract…”
“No!” she yelped. “It’s… the perfect phone for me. I love that you spent… all this time customizing it for me…. It will do everything I need! I can’t wait to have it.”
“In that case, I would love to help you pay for this phone, little Tay-wicks. I just hope you don’t become too dependant on me!” I said with a smile, and gave my credit card to the sales clerk. He walked off to process the sale. RiRi gazed dumbly at the old Blackberry, reluctant to even pick it up. I started playing with her Yphone, looking through her text messages and photos right in front of her.
“I expect you to keep that phone on you at all times, in case I need anything,” I explained to her, without looking up from her phone. She nodded, staring at the Yphone in my hand.
“Yes, Madam.”
The sales clerk returned and I watched RiRi sign her name all over the contract. Everything was in her name, and she would be responsible for the monthly payments. She carried our bags, and we went to a nearby adult clothing store where we shopped for business attire. She quickly learned to go for short skirts in various colors (above mid-thigh in length), thin blouses, and push-up bras. I told her to surprise me with her underwear selection—we spent nearly $500 on lengerie alone!!
On our way out, we stopped by the mall jewelery store. RiRi was amazed when I spent $34,000 on a diamond stud shaped like a little heart, a piece of jewelery that was meant to be put into a nose piercing. I put it on my credit card, and we went to the jewelery kiosk. After some argument, RiRi agreed to have her nose pierced midway up her right nostril. I unfortunately had to persuade her to go along with it by having the shoes make her feel like she was standing on hot coals. Finally, though, a scowl on her face, the jewelery kiosk guy put the diamond nose piercing in. I asked for it to be made so that it could only be removed with special equipment, so it will be on her face at all times.
I couldn’t help but laugh when I first saw her with her diamond nose piercing. She looked like an incredibly rich, incredibly frivolous girl whom you could never take seriously. Even as she scowled the diamond just made her look like she was a rich bitch. And there is no mistaking the gem for a flawless diamond—it shimmers in almost every light. It calls attention to her face, and identifies her as a girly girl to the entire world. It was the perfect touch I wanted to make her my office girl!
Our time at the mall done, we had one more stop at the bank before we could return to my office for her on-the-job training. We sat down together with a banker, and negotiated a credit swap between River and myself. This caught RiRi by total surprise—I thought for sure she would fight back!
“So, Miss River Mercier, would you like me to go over the details once more with you, before you sign this contract?” the banker asked, indifferent to the entire situation.
“Yes, please,” RiRi responded, the shoes writhing around her feet. This was the most important part of the day—I needed her to be afraid of what the shoes could do to her if she said ‘no’ at this point.
“This is a standard credit takeover. By agreeing to this, you will take on the entirety of Miss Scarlett’s credit debt, and you become soley responsible for paying it off completely. I have already shown you her information, but I have been asked to verbally go over her account information,” he continued.
To the banker, this was probably some racket we were using to pay a negative tax rate this year. He didn’t seem suspicious. To be fair, I had specifically chosen this bank because my law firm saved it from getting prosecuted in the aftermath of the Great Recession. This was their return payment for all the assets we helped them save.
“Miss Scarlett has $400,000 unpaid on her house, at a 5.5% interest rate. She will keep the equity in the home, however, since this is only a credit takeover. She has $40,000 she owes on her new Mercedes, at a 5.5% interest rate. Miss Scarlett also has $70,000 in total consumer credit card debt, accrued over various years, at an interest rate of 12.8%.”
“In total, Miss Scarlett’s debts come out to $510,000. As part of the credit takeover, we are consolidating this debt into one account, from which the various creditors will collect their share. Since you are so young, and have so few assets,” the banker said, eyeing Tay’s diamond nose piercing, “we have decided your interest rate will be 24% compounded yearly. You must also waive your right to declare bankruptcy. If you don’t make satisfactory payments on this debt, we have the right to collect your trust fund, which amounts to $500,000.”
Tay looked like a deer caught in headlights. I had the shoes prick her feet to snap her out of it.
“I agree to all that,” RiRi stated, plainly.
“You must also sign up for a credit monitoring program,” the banker continued,
“which tracks all of your income, spending, and bank accounts to make sure you are not hiding money. In addition to taking your trust fund, we also reserve the right to garnish your wages, to re-negotiate the terms of the debt, or to compel you to sell your property.”
“Ok,” RiRi whispered.
“This will also affect your credit rating. You will be unable to get a credit card of your own, unable to apply for most loans, and even renting an apartment will be very difficult. Most banks will turn you down for an account. Miss Scarlett has graciously offered to open a joint savings account with you, so that you have a place to store money. Due to your credit risk, though, you can’t withdraw money except to pay for your debts. Miss Scarlett can withdraw money freely, but we encourage you not to go under the minimum balance of $1000. Part of this account is a shared credit card between you and Miss Scarlett, although we recommend you only use it for emergency purposes because it has a 30% interest rate, compounded daily. You alone will be responsible for payment on this card, to build your credit back up. If you understand all this, please agree and we will call a witness for the signature.”
River stared at the paper, her eyes terrified of the crushing debt. This was the moment of truth. I had the shoes vibrate like an erratic heartbeat up and down her feet.
“I agree.”
I sighed inwardly, and had the shoes caress her lovely soles. Her body relaxed as they called a witness. We presented forms of identification, and signed contracts dozens of time. When we were all finished, I gave the bank my various credit cards, and had them shred them up in front of us. Then they brought us our new credit card, which I had custom ordered. It had a picture of my smirking lips, and “Property of Madam Scarlett” after River’s name appeared on the card. I was thrilled—I completely owned my house and my car! And I had paid back all those trips to France and throughout Europe!
I grabbed one of those free suckers from the cup on the table. I put it in my mouth but immediately disliked the flavor—how did I grab sour cherry? Then I had an idea.
“Tay, open your mouth,”
Although she had just signed away her future, she still seemed like she didn’t want to open her mouth. I threatened her with a glare, and she reluctantly opened her mouth. I put the sucker into her mouth and told her to finish it, then grabbed a blueberry flavor to cleanse my pallet.
“How will I pay for the cell phone bill now?” RiRi asked, rattled, on our way out.
“Well Tay, I think we’re going to have to look into work study at your school!” I said, walking back to my paid-off Mercedes. Again, River opened the door for me, and shut it after I got inside.
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Hi! Could i request hcs for Diluc and Xiao with a reader who is shy? Thank you!
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: xiao, diluc (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: a few swears in diluc’s! (it’s like one or two)
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: this is actually my first tumblr post.... ive been super busy with school, sports, and other stuff. sorry! ill try to write more in the future! (constellations has been doing everything so far since i still dont know how tumblr works lol)
also, these are stupid long... and for what.
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adventuring was a lot for you to process
okay, so maybe having your own Benny’s Adventure Team was not great while traveling through Dragonspine and Liyue
too many of everything
you ended up getting really beat up.
after passing through Mingyun Village, you could see Wangshu Inn and decided to stay there until you were healed up
you always found comfort in the night sky, so you went out there every day
It was your fifth night staying at the inn before you saw a short male standing on the balcony where you would usually be. Strange. You’d never seen anyone like that before.
You seemed to have caught him off guard when you started to approach him since he jumped a little. 
Taking a closer look at his face, you studied it a bit. He had golden eyes and dark teal hair that seemed to frame his face perfectly, accompanied by lighter streaks of the same colour.
Pretty... you thought, completely entranced by this strange man (boy?). 
“Ah, sorry. I’m probably disturbing you... I’ll go now...” 
He blinked. 
god he’s in love
not even romantic love but he loved you like the past adepti
xiao would see so many couples over the years that he’s been at the inn and absolutely hated them, but this?? 
okay it’s a different type of love but damn it felt nice
You started to turn and walk back to your room before hearing his voice.
On the outside, you were cooler than a cucumber. The inside? Chaos. Millions of thoughts raced throughout that little head of yours. 
“Only if you’re fine with it...”
Turning back around, you took a few steps forward before noticing that he wore a lot of accessories on him. One of them being a mask that resembled one of the Vigilant Yaksha’s in that one book you read as a kid. Probably just a fan or something.
You reached the balcony, taking a spot next to him while also keeping some space between the two of you. Leaning on the balustrade (the railing of a balcony), you rested your head on top of your arms.
A comfortable silence was placed in the middle of the two. A silent breeze blew, adding to the mellow mood. 
“What brings you here?” the pretty stranger suddenly inquired, gaining a small jolt from your serene state. “Did I scare you? My apologies.”
“Oh, uh, it’s nothing...” You lifted your head to look out at the lands of Dihua Marsh. Seeing Dragonspine in the distance gave you a chill. Those were not the greatest memories. The small movement didn’t go unnoticed by the boy.
“You’re an adventurer?”
“Oh... yeah, I am... I’m not that experienced yet, though...” 
for SOME REASON... this man felt even more inclined to protect you
you still had a fair amount of bandages wrapped around your limbs, so it was clear that you were injured
but he did not.
he has restraint.
he is a good boy.
“I met a traveler that wasn’t very experienced either.” This fact shocked you. So he has been here for a while... but why hadn’t you seen him before? Does he just... disappear into thin air..?
the answer is yes
he does indeed do that
but that’s besides the point.
“Oh... that’s nice...” 
It was getting late. The moon was starting to lower back down and the lids of your eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the minute. You let out a yawn, but it was muffled by your head being buried in your arms once again.
“You should go get some rest.” You hummed. 
Then, a thought popped into your head.
“If you don’t mind me asking... what’s your name?” 
Even though you weren’t facing him, you could feel his piercing gaze on you. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all, but gave you a feeling of protection.
“Xiao.” You mouthed his name to yourself silently. It was nice.
“Goodnight, Xiao. I hope that we can do this again soon.”
“Goodnight to you...”
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you were a cryo catalyst that tried to fight against some cryo slimes alone
hint: that was a bad idea
my favourite elemental reaction was immune!
literally... you couldn’t even do anything to them
and you were getting beat up. 
for plot convenience you were at the lake next to Dawn Winery
At this point, you’d been fending these slimes off for around a quarter of an hour now and you were getting tired now.
Your dumbass tried to drown them in the lake but forgot that they immediately froze any moisture underneath them. You tried attacking them but everything you could do was inflict the freeze effect (against CRYO slimes). 
You literally could not do anything. Time to get frozen to death!
Suddenly, a big fire bird swept up the slimes that had been occupying you for the last 20 minutes or so, effectively taking them out. 
At this point, the only thing that kept you standing was your adrenaline, which quickly ran out as you dropped to the ground in exhaustion. You let out a sigh, finally free from those damned slimes. You will have your revenge one day... just not today.
While you were resting on the ground, your saviour had been standing there, watching you calm down. And so you looked up to be greeted by probing crimson orbs, which definitely startled you.
Your saviour was.... Master Diluc. Master Diluc Ragnvindr, wealthiest man in Mondstadt. Him. In front of you. 
“OH! I, um, Master Diluc! What brings you here?” 
“I was taking a stroll around the winery and happened to see you in your own predicament.”
You attempted to stand up, though your legs failed you as you only flopped back onto the dirt. 
diluc doesn’t wanna admit it but that was unbelievably stupid, cute, and endearing
okay and what if this emo boy doesn’t like people
he still has feelings too >:(
“I’ll stay here with you so you won’t get attacked again. So relax.”
Mans was telling you to “relax” while you were in the presence of a literal typhoon here. He was so brooding and scary-looking all the time that you couldn’t even try to relax.
A few minutes pass and the sound of water rushing was the only thing keeping you two company. 
It was nice to enjoy nature, but the tension between the two of you was still higher than ever.
To break this silence, you had tried to stir up some small talk.
“The weather is nice today, huh...”
He grunted, which seemed to be a regular response of his. You started to notice this after a few questions like “how’s your day been” or “have any plans today?”
Not that you were genuinely interested. You bet that he could tell that you were trying to make it less awkward by responding at all, but it just didn’t help at all.
You were probably sitting for a good 10 minutes before deciding to stand up again, in which you were successful. But could you walk back to the city?
That was debatable.
You definitely felt and looked unstable, so being the gentleman he was raised to be, Diluc reluctantly bent down and slung your shoulder over his.
The height difference between the two of you was pretty big, so he ended up just carrying you to his place. As goofy as it looked, it got the job done.
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― riri ✨
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₊·˚♤˚· inconvenient | lhs ˚₊·˚♤˚·
↬ part of: 500 followers event <33 ↬ pairing: lee heeseung x reader ↬ genre: fluff | slight angst (happy ending dw) | idol!au  ↬ warnings: slight angst in that reader feels as if hee doesn’t have enough time for them bc of hee’s busy schedule and heeseung calls reader’s efforts inconvenient w/o realizing the weight of his words :( ↬ w/c: 1.4k ↬ requested by: anon, no specific name
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As your eyes settled on the screen of your phone, reading Heeseung’s text message, you couldn’t help but scoff at it. You looked out the window of the cafe you were supposed to meet your boyfriend for your lunch date but he sent a text, canceling for what felt like the hundredth time this month. You could feel him slipping away from you with the other half of the bed empty almost every night, your dates constantly canceled, and your texts going unread. You decided not to respond to Heeseung, after all, what was the point? As you finished the remainder of your drink, you decided that you were going to enjoy the day to yourself regardless of whether or not Heeseung was going to be with you.
And that’s exactly what you did.
You explored the city and took your own pictures, found a new favorite trail to walk on, and bought yourself a new bag. Despite all the texts and calls from Heeseung, you ignored them all to give him a little taste of his own medicine. When you got home, you were more surprised than anything to see Heeseung waiting for you.
“Where the hell have you been?” he asked. You looked at him, noticing how his eyes narrowed in on you and his arms crossed over his chest which caused his biceps to bulge out.
“Oh, so you care about me?”
“Of course I care, why wouldn’t I?”
“Well you canceled for the hundredth time today, I decided to have fun by myself.” His eyes cast to the floor, unable to look at you. You heard him let out a sigh as he muttered,
“I’m sorry.” You knew that when Heeseung became an idol, he’d have a busy schedule. You supported his dreams, had been there from the start but what good was your efforts when right now it felt as if you weren’t even in a relationship? Sure, Heeseung was sorry but you had heard the words thousands of times that you felt nothing anymore.
“How many times am I supposed to forgive you?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“Babe, I’ve just been busy. You know how important promotion season is, I just don’t have the time for things like I used to.”
“I know that but you can’t even go on one damn date the entire month?”
“We spend all night practicing for performances that I’m better off spending the night at Jay or Jake’s instead of coming home. With the events we have along with the dates you wanna go on and your constant texts, it’s just inconvenient.”
“Inconvenient?” It was with Heeseung’s words that you realized, you had had enough. If your constant attempts to keep the relationship, well, a relationship turned out to be inconvenient to Heeseung then there was no point to it. If all the time you spent checking up on him turned out to be inconvenient then you had no reason to put in any effort anymore. You knew that work and his dreams were important but so were you.
“I didn’t mean it like that, there are things that I need to do and responsibilities I need to focus on-”
“Am I not important to you anymore?” As your ears were met with silence you felt your breathing caught up in your throat. Waiting for Heeseung to answer only to be met with no reply, through his hesitance you found your answer.
“Baby, I-”
“Forget I asked.” You walked past him, heading into your room and in the process shoving his shoulder. As the door slammed and you flopped onto the bed you waited. Waited for Heeseung to knock on the door, waited for him to say something, anything, but waiting only led to self-given heartbreak. You heard the opening of a door ringing throughout your ears but it wasn’t the door you had hoped. After hearing the key, you came to a realization. Heeseung decided to walk out.
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Following the next few days, you and Heeseung entered a stage of your relationship you weren’t quite sure what to label as. It wasn’t that you broke up per se, but you weren’t exactly together either. Sure, you exchanged a few messages here and there but you could feel Heeseung slipping away or maybe it was you slipping away, you weren’t quite sure. Throughout the week, you found yourself unable to sleep. But one Friday night, that inability to sleep turned into a 3 am movie marathon spent on the living room couch curled up under your blankets and one of Heeseung’s shirts. You heard the front door open, glanced over to see the light turn on and Heeseung taking off his shoes.
“You’re up?” he asked, slight worry filling his tone.
“Couldn’t sleep,” was all you could bring yourself to say.
“Should I make us some ramen?” he offered.
“Yeah, if you want.” You stayed in the living room while Heeseung made his way to the kitchen. You didn’t know what to say, how were you even supposed to start? With your eyes settled on the tv, you entered a sort of daze where your head felt heavy and clouded with thoughts but your throat was unable to get any words out. It wasn’t until Heeseung was in front of you, blocking the tv that you drifted back to reality. You let out a small “thank you,” as the warmth of the bowl of ramen met your palms, couldn’t hold back your small smile as you saw that Heeseung had given you one and a half soft boiled eggs. When the both of you finished eating, you found yourself almost scared to talk to Heeseung about what went on that night. Your relationship was either going to continue, or it was going to end. As Heeseung reached towards the coffee table, about to take the bowls to the kitchen, your hand reached out to hold his arm, stopping him.
“Stay,” you whispered. Heeseung only nodded, settling himself so that he was laying on the couch with you. Face to face with him, you moved so that your head was laying on his chest. His heartbeat was calming, embrace comfortable, and scent making you feel complete. The next step in your relationship, or its end, whichever it was, you’d find out tomorrow. Closing your eyes, all you could do was wait.
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When you woke up, your ears were met with a slight groan and the hold around you tightened. As you lifted your head up, a hard sort of knock was heard paired with an,
“Oww, what the hell?” from Heeseung. You brought up a hand to massage his chin while you felt him kiss the top of your head,
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to be here when I woke up.”
“I, uhh, have something planned for us today. If you’re up for it?” Heeseung seemed kind of nervous as he spoke, avoiding your eyes and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“You do?”
“A date, as an apology, because I’m sorry.”
“What about work?”
“I told our manager that I was taking today off.”
“Because you’re important to me and I hate that it’s taken so damn long for me to show it to you.”
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While you got ready for whatever it was Heeseung had planned, he was making breakfast. After breakfast, he brought you to a festival you didn’t even know was going on. While you walked past the stalls set up, occasionally stopping to look at something that caught your eye, Heeseung’s hand stayed intertwine with yours. You had missed it, being with Heeseung, and feeling loved by him. When lunchtime came around, you ended at the park. There were both couples and families with a towel, eating food they had packed, but all of a sudden, Heeseung was leading you to a towel with a picnic basket.
“This is our spot,” he said. Your eyes went wide,
“You set this up?”
“Mhm. I know how much you love picnics and I figured… let’s go on one.” You sat down, unable to hold back your smile as Heeseung sat next to you. You really did love picnics, but more so with Heeseung. After eating, you laid down and looked up at sky feeling as if the world was so vast and wide. You found yourself looking at Heeseung,
“Y’know, keeping my head on the ground is really inconvenient right now.” Heeseung’s eyes filled with alarm,
“I’m sorry, I never should’ve said that.”
“It’s ok,” you said. And you meant it. “It’d be less inconvenient if I could use your arm as a pillow though.” As Heeseung’s arm extended, you rested your head on it while you wrapped an arm around his chest. Waiting often led to self-given heartbreak, but sometimes, it was worth it.
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❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul ) | main blog masterlist | 500 followers masterlist 
tagging: @bloom-bloom-pow | @markleepooh​ | @sunshineshouchan​ (permanent taglist open if anyone wants to be on it !!)
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ironhusband · 3 years
So a homophobic racist just purged the Viv and Riri kiss image from Wikipedia.
Sorry this took me so long to respond to, I just didn’t really know what to do with that information, but I suppose it’s important people know. Can it be put back?
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi riri! You were right, yknow? my plushies say they took a nap in my sweaters and read all my comics! *^____^*
i promise I was super careful, i never left my backpack alone and eated lunch and a smoothie that was very yummy with coconut and berries. im so happy to be home bcause now me and my plushies can all snuggle together in my blankie and i hav my binkie now.
Thank u so much for reminding me to be careful and telling me about the plushie sleepover, remeber to take care of urself too riri! <3
night night 🌃
˚₊✩‧₊ ahhhh Lovebug I'm so sorry this took so long to respond to <3 it sounds like you did super well on your flight though Angel!!! Good job baby <3 the smoothie sounds delicious!! I hope you're doing well and having fun giving your stuffies lots of snuggles lovely!! Feel free to check in whenever you want to! Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated !! Also I'm doing alright!! I've not been feeling so well these past couple days but hopefully I'll be back to normal soon enough !! But I pinkie promise I've been taking care of myself as well Darling! So don't worry <3 ( I appreciate you all very much when you remind me though ( ˘ ³˘)♥) stay safe Lovebug!!
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sebstanaddict · 3 years
New Beginning
Chapter 32 - Mount Bashenga
Summary :
What if Bucky falls in love with the daughter of one of his victims. The story takes place after The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. It tells of the very last end of Bucky's struggle to make amends to the families of everyone he has killed in the past. In his book he has only one name left to make amends to. And the story starts right when he was about to find the family of the man that he killed last.
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x Adriana Weaver (original character)
Chapters : 32 / 35 (written 32 so far)
Chapter List>
Warning : nothing so far
Word count : 2.5k
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After listening to Bucky's explanation about Adriana's condition, Shuri was silent for a moment. Bucky thought she had gone offline.
"Shuri, hello, are you still there?" He asked.
"Yes Bucky. I'm here. Sorry, I had to think for a moment. I think I may be able to help her. But you need to bring her here. I have all the tools needed here." She said.
"Oh okay, great. I'll bring her there as soon as possible. Thank you so much Shuri." Bucky said gratefully.
"No problem Bucky. See you soon." Shuri said.
"Yeah, I'll see you soon Shuri. Thanks." Bucky said, ending the call.
"So, can she help?" Riri asked.
"She said she may be able to help but we'll need to bring her there." Bucky responded.
"Oh that's great!" Kate exclaimed.
"I think we need to ask her doctor first though. I mean she just got out of a big operation, we can't just bring her on a 13 hours flight to Wakanda." Riri said matter of factly.
"You're right, Riri. Though with the quinjet I'm sure it won't take that long." Bucky pondered.
"No..it'll take 2-3 hours max. But still.." Riri trailed.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go ask her doctor." Bucky said.
"Can you girls stay here and watch her for me while Sam and I go and find her doctor?" Bucky asked.
"Sure Bucky." Kamala nodded, Riri and Kate also nodded.
After asking some nurses around, Bucky and Sam finally found the doctor responsible for Adriana. He didn't agree immediately upon hearing Bucky's request, but instead he went and checked her first. After checking her, he finally allowed her to be transported to Wakanda under the condition that they brought someone with medical experience on board, in case something happens on the way there.
Apparently Riri had medical training experience, so she volunteered to come. Sam, Bruce and Rhodey couldn't come because they had to deal with the burial of the Flag Smashers and also they had meetings to attend with the UN's Secretary General and other world leaders following the defeat of the Flag Smashers. Kate and Kamala offered to come as well as Clint. Bucky was grateful his friends were very supportive.
After a couple of hours of preparation they finally boarded one of the quinjets available on the compound.
"Good luck, Bucky." Sam said, clapping Bucky's shoulder as he boarded the quinjet.
"Thanks Sam. I'll see you in a few, huh?" Bucky said.
"Yeah. Send my greeting to Shuri and T'challa." Sam requested.
"Of course. See you Sam."
They hugged shortly and Bucky quickly boarded the quinjet.
Clint and Kate became the pilot and copilot while Riri and Kamala sat on passengers' seat behind them. Adriana was securely strapped to a bed on board the quinjet, with Bucky sitting on the passenger's seat next to her.
"Everyone ready?" Clint asked.
"Yeah, take her away Clint." Bucky said.
Clint took the quinjet to lift off slowly then when it was high enough it accelerated quickly. Clint entered the coordinates to Birnin Zana, the capital city of Wakanda, into the quinjet's systems.
"We should be there within 2 hours." He announced.
"Great.. I don't really like flying." Bucky commented gratefully.
"Why is that Bucky?" Kamala asked, turning around to face him on her seat.
"I'm..uh.. ahem..afraid of heights." He said slowly, embarassed.
"Ah, okay. Well everyone is afraid of something. I'm afraid of spiders." Kamala said.
"Well..you would hate that spider boy kid then." Bucky said, referring to Peter Parker.
"Oh no! He's the only spider I'm not afraid of." Kamala said laughing.
"You know he's actually kinda cute. And smart as well." Riri said suddenly.
Bucky and Kamala looked at Riri in disbelief. They didn't think Riri would think of Peter that way.
"What?" Riri asked..aware of the looks Bucky and Kamala gave her.
"I met him on an exchange study program with the Wakandans. And he was smart." Riri continued defending Peter.
"Okay, if you say so." Kamala said.
"Where is he now anyway?" Bucky asked.
"It seems he doesn't want to be involved with the Avengers anymore.. he sticks to being friendly neighbourhood spider man." Riri answered.
"Oh okay. How do you know so much about him Riri?" Kamala asked.
"I have a mutual friend." Riri shrugged.
Bucky glanced at Adriana as Riri and Kamala continued chatting about Peter Parker. Adriana was still sleeping peacefully. Unaware that she was on a journey to Wakanda, the place she thought she would visit with Bucky under the guise of vacation. Bucky sighed. He wished the conditions of their visit to Wakanda were different. He reached over to her and held her hand.
"I'm sorry, doll.." he whispered. "We're going to help you go back to the way you were. Everything is going to be okay." He whispered.
"Yeah, she's going to go right back to her old self. Don't worry about it." Riri said, smiling at Bucky. Bucky smiled back, grateful that he wasn't alone on this trip. Having Clint and the girls around helped make the atmosphere lighter around him. Even though they were literally on a life changing mission.
Two hours went by like a flash. Before he knew it, the quinjet was flying low above the East African forests. Clint kept the quinjet flying on a steady speed as they seemingly going to crash to the trees in front of them.
"Clint! Watch out!" Kate yelled. It was her first time going to Wakanda so she didn't know that the trees they seemingly were going to crash into were actually a camouflage. Kate closed her eyes and braced for impact but when she opened her eyes she found themselves flying above a large lake, where the outline of uniquely shaped syscrapers and buildings glistening bright under the African sun could be seen in the distance.
"Whoa..!" she exclaimed in awe.
"This is awesome!" Kamala squealed excitedly.
"I knew that was going to happen..but to actually saw it happen was very cool." Riri stated.
Bucky smiled at their reactions. He loved watching people's first reactions when they entered Wakanda. It felt as if they have left earth and arrived on a magical place on a different planet somewhere.
"Bucky! Where should we land?" Clint asked.
"Wait.. let me call Shuri." Bucky said.
Bucky pulled his phone out and called Shuri. She picked up on the first ring.
"Hey Shuri..we're here..where should we land?" Bucky asked.
"Yes I saw you guys coming. Just go to Mount Bashenga, to my lab. I'll send you the coordinates." Shuri responded.
"Okay. Thanks Shuri. See you in a bit." Bucky said.
"See you White Wolf." Shuri said playfully. Bucky smiled.
Moments later he received the coordinates to Mount Bashenga on his phone. He gave it to Clint and he put it on the quinjet's system.
The quinjet flew past the glistening skyscrapers and the Royal Palace of Wakanda and went straight to a mountain not far from there. Mount Bashenga sat on top of the Wakandans' primary vibranium supply. Shuri's lab was located underneath the mountain. During the battle with Thanos it was destroyed, but it has been built again and it was even larger and more technogically advanced than before.
Bucky remembered going there repeatedly when Shuri was helping him erase his Winter Soldier programming. It was an unpleasant experience as Shuri tried things repeatedly on him. But of course not as unpleasant and painful as the time when he was still the Winter Soldier. Despite all the unpleasant things he had to endure, he was still grateful to Shuri for helping him get out of the Winter Soldier programming. He couldn't believe he was about to owe her again. It seemed Shuri and Wakanda had become his go to for solving his problems. He felt bad he had to betray them by helping Zemo got out of a prison. But it wasn't like there was any other option. Besides, Zemo was back in jail anyway. No harm done, he thought. In fact, he had proven to be quite valuable in defeating the Karli Morgentheau-led Flag Smashers.
Finally the quinjet arrived in front of Mount Bashenga. Clint landed the quinjet smoothly in front of the entrance to Shuri's lab. Bucky could see Shuri bounding down the steps, flanked by two Dora Milajes, her personal body guards. She also brought two men, presumeably to help bring Adriana in.
Clint opened the door of the quinjet and slowly they went out of the quinjet to meet Shuri, except for Riri who stayed behind to look after Adriana.
"Shuri, it's so great to see you." Bucky greeted her, extending his hand to her. Shuri took it and shook his hand then they made the Wakanda forever gesture, smiling at each other.
"Likewise, Bucky. Though I wish you came under a different circumstance." Shuri said sarcastically.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. Everytime I come here it's always for a favor. I'm sorry. But what can I say? You're the smartest person on earth." Bucky said complimenting her, trying to get on her good side.
"That is true.." Shuri smiled.
"Shuri, nice to see you again." Clint greeted her.
"Mr.Barton, nice to see you too. Have you been using the vibranium arrows I sent you?" Shuri asked.
"Oh yeah.. they're really helpful. Thank you so much." Clint answered happily.
"Great! Because I have so much more for you. I created some new arrows you might want to try." Shuri said.
"Oh wow..okay..thank you." Clint said in surprise.
"By the way, this is Kate Bishop and Kamala Khan. They're our new members." Clint introduced them. Kate and Kamala each shook Shuri's hand.
"It's great to finally meet you. I heard so much about you." Kate gushed.
"Aaawww..thank you. Hopefully all you heard are good things?" Shuri asked.
"Of course!" Kate responded. Shuri smiled.
"So..where is she?" Shuri asked, referring to Adriana.
"She's inside." Bucky pointed to the quinjet. He took Shuri inside to see Adriana. Shuri beckoned the two men she was with to come with her. After being reacquainted with Riri, and checking on Adriana with her kimoyo beads, she asked the two men to carry Adriana's bed out from the quinjet and into her lab. Bucky held Adriana's hand throughout. He didn't want to leave her side.
As they entered the lab they were greeted by a loud modern African music coming from the speakers, with the signature percussion beat that screamed Wakanda. The music was so Shuri. It made him smile. In fact, everything about the lab reflected Shuri's personality. From the bright white neon lights on the walls that turned blue when they passed, to the sleek, modern and high tech furnitures in the lab.
Since the lab was underneath the mountain, the walls were dark and some still had the mountains' stones as part of them. But when touched, they glowed blue, signifying that there were vibraniums on the walls.
Clint and the girls went inside the lab and had their jaws dropped and eyes opened wide. The Avengers compound had many advanced tech but nothing compared to those found in Shuri's lab.
As they walked further inside the lab they saw a giant window facing the inside of the mountain. Maglev trains could be seen passing by, bringing supplies of vibranium out into a neighbouring manufacturing facility where it was either divided and packaged to be sold all over the world or manufactured into many different things.
Yes, after T'challa opened up the border of Wakanda, they have sold vibranium all over the world. At first not all of the people of Wakanda agreed, which led to some skirmishes with some rebel groups. Eventually though, the rebel groups could be contained and vibranium export started.
Adriana was brought to an area in the middle of the lab. The two men moved her onto a flat platform. Once she was put down, lights, numbers and words in Wakandans glowed on top of her head. Giving data on her vitals. Shuri ordered the two men to leave and asked the Dora Milaje to show the girls and Clint where they would stay for the night. Apparently Shuri had asked her mother, Queen Ramonda whether Bucky and her entourage could stay in the palace and she had agreed. So they went to the palace while Bucky stayed behind. Bucky couldn't be more grateful to Shuri and the Queen.
After everyone had left, Shuri started analyzing Adriana. She used her kimoyo beads to scan Adriana's body. Scanned 3d images of her spinal cord was projected onto a screen next to the platform, and Bucky could clearly see there were two damages there. Shuri zoomed in on them and said something in Wakandan that Bucky didn't understand. But it sounded like she was upset.
"What is it Shuri? Is something wrong?" Bucky asked nervously.
"Hmm..they tried to fix her spinal cord but instead made more damages. I mean.. they probably wanted to try fixing it but they made it worse." She complained.
"But..can you still fix it?" Bucky asked.
"Hmm..let me see.." Shuri said.
She continued scanning and zooming into Adriana's damaged spinal cord. She also consulted Adriana's vitals. After a while she stopped and looked at Bucky.
"Well..I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Shuri asked.
Not this again, Bucky thought, complaining internally.
"Give me the bad news first." Bucky said finally.
"Since she has been operated on, and it has been awhile since the damage happened until you brought her here, it will be harder to fix. I mean..time was of the essence. If she was brought here first maybe it wouldn't be harder to fix her spinal cord." Shuri explained.
"We didn't know she would be like this. We were just concerned for her life. I didn't think of bringing her here at all." Bucky said in defeat.
"I know.. I'm sorry if I came across as harsh to you." Shuri said apologetically.
"No..it's fine..you're just stating the facts. But can you still fix it?" Bucky said.
"Yes but I can't guarantee she would go right back to the way she used to. She would still need therapy and such. It would be months and years before she could go back to normal." Shuri said.
"Hmm..okay.. what's the good news?" Bucky asked.
"The good news is.. I have developed a new healing program that I think would help her heal much faster to the point where she wouldn't need therapy." Shuri explained with a glint in her eye.
"Well.. that's great news!" Bucky exclaimed in delight.
"But there is a caveat Bucky. And I'm afraid you won't like it." Shuri sighed.
"What is it?" Bucky raised his eyebrows in confusion, curious as to where this was going.
"I have developed a healing method using your.. ummm.. blood, Bucky." Shuri said, looking down in shame.
"What?!" Bucky's jaw dropped.
Chapter 33 >
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littlemsstark3000 · 5 years
In Love Again
Can we forget all the lies that we've led
Take us so far away from the truth
Can we erase all the tears and regrets
Fear hiding in the pain, the shadows of yesterday
- lyrics from "In Love Again" by Colbie Caillat
A few notes before you keep on reading:
- Prompt is from @natashastarkotp 's unpopular opinion: Tony and Natasha falling in love after Civil War and raising the new breed of Avengers without the rest of OG6
- Song fic idea is from @autumnwoodsdreamer, listen to the song and agree that it screams TonyNat
- The identified young Avengers here are not canon compliant; I actually don't know Riri and Kamala except from what I read from other fics, too
- I dedicate this to my IronWidow / TonyNat fam, you included @philosophical-army @queeenpersephone ❤️
"Natasha, Mr. Stark's car has just entered the compound through Gate 2."
Natasha lifted her head from the book that she was reading at the dining area while having coffee. Her eyebrows furrowed upon that notification by AARON (Analytics, Automation, Response and Operations Nanny), the Avengers Compound's AI.
She stood up to meet Tony. He definitely can find his way in and override all access requirement, which he himself created, but he might have something urgent for him to come over in the middle of the night.
When she unlocked the door after security confirmation, he also just got there.
"Hey," she managed to say, hiding a tug on her chest.
"Hi," Tony smiled a little, both hands in his pockets on either sides. He was still wearing a white long sleeved shirt sans its pair coat. "Let me in?"
She motioned her head and went ahead, both to give way and to hide whatever her expression might give away.
"Thanks," Tony said, following her when she decided to go back to the dining table.
"What's with the surprise visit?"
"You were surprised."
It was more of a statement than a question to her ear.
Natasha shrugged as she tried to look at him again. "Because we were just together two hours ago."
A corner of his lips lifted and his gaze locked with hers. "You probably mean we were in the same event, at the same place, two hours ago."
It was valid. They were technically not together. The gala which happened earlier that night was hosted by an NGO advocating Women and Children's Rights, and both the Avengers and Stark Industries were invited among others. She was there representing the new Avengers - Peter Parker aka Spider-man, Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel and Riri Williams aka Iron Heart all had prior and more important stuff to attend to. Tony was there representing his company.
That morning, he offered to pick her up and bring her back to the compound, but she declined and brought her own ride, one of the team's service vehicles but would also pass as a luxury car - thanks again to SI. The whole night, they barely stood within each other's arm reach except when they greeted upon arrival and said goodbye.
During her short stay at the venue, she also caught him tied up with different groups and personalities. She mentally applaud how he has improved his interaction skills in times like that through the years, while she also mentally cursed herself for wanting to glance his way from time to time.
So yes, they were far from being together two hours ago.
Tony sat on the table instead of the chairs. "How are you?"
"Fine," she leaned back on the marble counter, still standing, and replied without much thought.
"The kids?"
"In their rooms. And stop calling them kids; you've actually recruited them so they have to be called grown-ups helping to save the world," she quipped.
He chuckled bluntly. "Compared to us, they are babies."
"Way to acknowledge that we aren't any younger."
"Acceptance is key to a certain level of peace."
She rolled her eyes as she turned to the nearby coffeemaker, which contained what was left of her brew. "Coffee?"
"Our usual."
The response was short, instant, and it hit her like a bullet.
Our. Their brew. The only thing they wanted around every waking day back at the penthouse... aside from each other.
Natasha discreetly breathed heavily, her back still on him.
"Seriously - why are you here, Tony? Do you really just want to check on Peter, Kamala and Riri?" her tone was flat, going for emotionless response contrary to her heartbeat that she could almost hear now.
"I asked how you are first."
She sensed Tony's pitch lowered, too.
"It's not as if you don't have at least an eye on us here in the compound. AARON reports everything to your AI."
He sighed, seemingly intentional for her to catch. "Then maybe I just want to talk."
"At 11 in the evening, yeah?" she retorted as she placed a cup of coffee before him on the table.
"I've been thinking of coming over since 9."
She could feel heat rising to her face, and her jaw clenched  a little. The next thing she knew, she had let out words which she hoped she could take back.
"And, of all the days, you decided that you want to talk today."
Silence followed.
Natasha could not believe that her brain-to-mouth filter just disabled.
Probably, Tony could not either.
"You remember," his voice hinted amazement.
"I'm somehow not as bad as you are with dates," she pivoted again to walk to the sink, placing her used mug there and also putting more distance between them.
"Luckily, FRIDAY isn't, too. She prompted me this morning, about our anniversary."
Unfortunately for her, Tony stood from the table and started closing that distance.
"Guess it's time to update programming." The line behind her own words tasted like bitterpill.
He stopped a couple of feet away from her. His straight look on her suddenly grew tender.
"I'm sorry, Tash."
Hearing the nickname, his former term of endearment for her, constricted her throat.
Their unexpectedly beautiful relationship that came after the falling out of the former Avengers and after some compromises along the way; the love and respect built on the friendship that blossomed out of their hardwork on Accords... ruined by one thing:
Not telling him earlier on that she actually knew about Howard and Maria Stark's death in the hands of the Winter Soldier.
She swallowed the invisible lump.
"Tony, I am sorry. You snapped on me because I was at fault, and believe me, I completely understand. I would've reacted the same way if I were you."
"I lied, too." Tony stepped nearer to her. "It wasn't true that I wanted you out."
Tears brimmed through her eyes so she looked down, hiding them from him. She bit her lips to stop them from trembling. "I deserve it."
"It wasn't what I felt, Tash. I was mad, and hurt, and they slipped out before I could think about them. You don't deserve any of that."
His words that night when he learned - figured out rather - that she might knew something about his parents' murder replayed in her mind.
"You just broke my trust again, Natasha. I don't know what else I have left for you."
Tony was just standing across her that time, same as their present distance, but she felt him so far away; giant walls in between them.
How she wanted to protect him from feeling his pain.
How she wanted to shield him from the nightmares that would surely follow in the coming nights.
How she wanted to say that, apart from keeping what she knew, everything else between them was true.
How she wanted to just feel him physically, touch him at the very least.
But he would not let her. So instead, she said:
"Maybe I should leave -"
She meant to say temporarily or in the meantime while they think through the situation, until he responded with cold, piercing stare and colder tone.
"Maybe you should."
That actually hurt more. Less words, no shouting, but a whole lot of indifference.
It took more than a month before she saw him again, and they were back to the professional, teammates-only interaction they used to have before the original Avengers blew off. She stayed at the compound which housed the new breed of Earth defenders and stood as their guardian.
When Tony arrived with a date in one of their event engagements three months later, she then killed all of her remaining hopes that they can still be fixed... that she can be fixed.
Indeed, everything that I touch breaks. It's too much to wish for something normal, something more human.
She drove around the city one night. Tears just continually rolled down her cheeks but she never made a sound. No stopovers, she went on for hours until nothing comes out of her eyes anymore. The following day, back was the Agent Romanoff - strategic, analytical and distant.
"I shouldn't have -" Tony started but was cut off immediately.
"Stop. Just... don't." It was too weak for an order. Almost a plea.
Instead of talking back, he gently gathered her in his arms.
Natasha could definitely let herself go in multiple ways, but her arms were stuck, crossed on her chest, unwilling to move. Tony pulled away and held her face gently, his brown eyes soft on her green ones, conveying more than words, giving her hope again.
"By now, you should know that I tend to do the exact opposite what I'm told to do."
Despite his quip, fear ran through her nerves; because right there, she wanted to gamble one more time - history and logic be damned. He was and will always be worth it.
And Natasha recognized that Tony, at that very moment, was taking the risks for her, too.
She tugged on his shirt to kiss him hard, demanding an unfiltered response. He willingly obliged. Each touch, each movement, communicated what they needed, what they missed, what they almost completely let go.
When they finally pulled apart, they ended up snuggled on a couch at the common area, and just spent the whole night talking - with confessions, apologies, a bit more tears and new unspoken promises.
Comments are welcome. Just be gentle. 😉
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staytheb · 6 years
Only One
Pairing: TBZ’s Hwall x OC [Jyongri] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 1,866 Summary: Jyongri’s slightly flustered by the appearance of Hyunjoon when he ends up being the guy she dances her solo duet dance with. She’s even more flustered when he shows up at her house after she agreed to watch his performance, but doesn’t.
Warning: none
i wasn’t sure what to titled it and left it because of the song mentioned in the story. lol anyways, my first fic with a TBZ member!! yay~ anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Jyongri and her group of friends were awaiting their turn to perform next for their school's annual talent show. They were performing BoA's Only One as a group of four and had to change it up a bit since they rearrange the part where someone gets carried on the  back of the four guys. Other than that, everything was still the same and so Jyongri happened to end up being the one in charge of the duet dance solo bit with a lucky male performer. They told her it would be more impactful if they asked one of the male students to feature in their performance, but Jyongri felt like they just wanted to torture her during the process.
"Hey, does someone else wanna do the dance instead?" Jyongri asked in an attempt to not have the focus be on her.
"Jyongri, we're not gonna switch spots with you, especially when we're about to perform soon." Minjae stated with a slight glare. "You're the one that wanted to pick our roles from a hat so it's your fault."
"I know and I take it back." Jyongri faked cried while placing her face into her right hand.
"Don't do that." Nayoung scolded as she moved her friend's hand from her face. "Do you know how long it took to put your makeup on?"
"Forever. I know. My bad. Sorry." Jyongri apologized while trying to keep her hands and arms away from her face. "I just hate wearing makeup."
"It's okay, Riri. Once this is over you can take it off." Surin reassured with a smile before chuckling afterwards. "If you can wait until they announced the winners."
"I'm not staying. Once we're done performing I'm totally leaving and chilling at home." Jyongri said with a grin.
Nayoung nudged her with a pointed look.
"You joined just for extra credit didn't you?"
"Wow, thanks for that, Ri." Minjae replied sarcastically. "Such good vibes you're sending."
"I try."
Just then the quartet were signaled to go on and they gave one last cheer before moving onto the stage. The performance started out well and when it was time for the duet dance, Jyongri inhaled deeply to calm her nerves while watching her friends circle around her before disappearing off to the side. What Jyongri wasn't expecting was to see someone else as her dance partner. She almost broke character as she was about to forget her line, but remembered and kept her cool on the outside. While she did her duet part the other three were talking to one another off stage.
"Um, wasn't she supposed to dance with Jisung?" Surin asked first.
"Yeah she was." Nayoung confirmed. "She and Jisung danced during rehearsal earlier today so I don't get why Hyunjoon's out there dancing with her instead."
"Y'know, she's gonna think we planned this." Minjae said after a moment's thought. "We should have done this from the get-go."
"Yeah, right. She'll totally make us do another song or not participate at all." Nayoung replied as Surin agreed. "True. Alright, let's get this done and over with."
The group came together and soon finished their performance. After bowing in thanks did Jyongri rush off first with the trio not that far behind. Once they were back in the prep did Jyongri turned around to face them.
"How could you guys set me up like that?" She asked in a restrained tone from yelling at them so that the other performers wouldn't overhear. "I almost forgot to sing and dance when I saw him instead of Jisung. What happened to Jisung anyways?"
"Calm down. It wasn't us that did it, but we wished that we did." Nayoung answered her friend's questions. "Also we don't know what happened to Jisung."
"JYONGRI!" A male voiced yelled out her name and the quartet turned their attention to the boy they were just wondering about.
"Han. Ji. Sung." Jyongri enunciated each syllable as Jisung winced upon hearing that.
"Listen to me first." Jisung said once he reached them. "Before you think I wanted to do this, uh no that's not it. Before you think I didn't want to do the performance with you, Hyunjoon bribed me with cheesecake."
"So, you basically chose cheesecake over Jyongri?" Surin aske with a laugh as Jisung nodded.
"Wait, I mean-"
Jyongri cut him off.
"Save it. I don't wanna hear it. You were such a good friend, but too bad. You're just my classmate friend now."
"Oh, c'mon, Jyongri. A classmate friend? Again? Do you know how long it took me for you to say that I was an actual friend?"
Before Jyongri could reply back she heard another voice called out her name and turned to face Hyunjoon himself.
"Um, hi." She greeted the male in an awkwardly shy manner.
"You'll watch me perform, right?" Hyunjoon asked her with a cool expression.
"Uh, yeah, sure." Jyongri answered in a flustered state. "Will definitely watch you perform."
"Okay. See you soon." Hyunjoon said with his signature smile before waving a goodbye.
When he was gone did her friends start teasing her.
"Oh, and I thought you were going to leave." Minjae reminded Jyongri with a smirk. "I knew you liked him too."
"Shut up." Jyongri glared, but her tone didn't match the expression.
"You were gonna leave and not watch my performance either? Rude." Jisung said with a pout as Jyongri dismissed him.
"Forget you. You sold me out for cheesecake."
"Can't you just let things go?"
"No. Because it's not the first time you chose cheesecake over me."
"Jisung. I think you should stop." Nayoung advised. "Besides, shouldn't you prepping with your group by now?"
"Oh, right. Thanks." Jisung thanked her before dashing off.
"What about you?" Surin asked Jyongri.
"What about me?"
"Are you gonna stay and watch Hyunjoon's group perform?"
Jyongri was listening to music and reading while relaxing on her bed after returning home about a little over half an hour ago. She decided not to stay for the rest of the performances although her friends tried to guilt-trip her into staying because of Hyunjoon. Still, she made her escape when the opportunity arose and when they weren't looking or holding onto her. Plus, the makeup was beginning to itch and she couldn't take it. Anyways, she was comfortable and that moment was interrupted when she heard a knock on her door. Her mother opened it as she faced the door.
"There's someone here for you." Her mother informed her.
"Who?" Jyongri asked with a confused look.
"Someone from your school."
"Oh, you can tell them to go home."
"No. You go say hi and ask if he wants anything to drink or eat."
"He?" Jyongri wondered out loud.
"Yes, now go."
Jyongri reluctantly got up and nodded her head while passing by her mother and headed for the living room where she witnessed her father talking to Hyunjoon. Her jaw slightly went agape wondering why he was here, but interrupted the conversation between her dad and her classmate.
"Dad. Please stop asking him questions about school."
"What? I just wanted to know what kind of dances and extracurricular activities he does." Her father answered in a nonchalant manner. "I just wanted to know why he was also dressed like he's about to go down the runway or something like that."
Hyunjoon glanced at her all innocent like, but she ignored him.
"You don't need to know, Dad. I'll take it from here. Thank you. Bye."
"But I-"
Her mother soon entered the living room, took a hold of her father to drag him away while smiling at the two youngsters and telling them to ask for them if they needed anything. Jyongri made sure her parents were gone before swirling around to stare at Hyunjoon.
"Why are you here?"
"Why didn't you stay and watch my performance?" Hyunjoon asked instead.
"Because I wanted to go home."
Jyongri noticed his expression went down after her response and wondered if she hurt his feelings or something.
"Are you okay?" She asked a bit hesitantly.
"Um, yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He answered with a smile, but she noticed that it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Hyunjooon abruptly stood up while making his way towards the door.
"I'm just gonna go. See you at school tomorrow."
"Hyunjoon, wait."
Jyongri went to follow after him, but ended up running into him when he suddenly stopped and turned around when she called his name. Jyongri tried to take a step back after bumping into Hyunjoon, but he held out his hands to steady her and so she just stopped moving. The two quietly stared at one another with Jyongri finally breaking the silence between them.
"I like you, okay, but I get shy and weird around you." She admitted.
Hyunjoon's face turned cute as a smile appeared on his lips.
"Good. I like you, too."
"Alright, cool. Now that's cleared up between us," Jyongri said as she shifted her body from out of Hyunjoon's grip, "Did you wanted to dance with me that badly to bribe Jisung with cheesecake?"
Hyunjoon let out a chuckle with a nod. Jyongri slightly smacked him which caused Hyunjoon to laugh even more.
"Anyways, how did you know I was home?" Jyongri asked him a second later.
"The others told me when I didn't see you while performing." Hyunjoon answered.
"Oh. Anyways, it's late. You should get going."
Before Hyunjoon could respond to Jyongri's words, her mother spoke from behind them.
"Jyongri, dear, why don't you walk him out." Her mother suggested as Jyongri turned to face her mother with a look.
"Oh, no it's fine. I can walk mys-"
Jyongri's mom interrupted him with a wave of dismissal.
"Nonsense. My daughter will walk you out."
Her mother gave her a pointed look.
"Isn't that right, Jyongri?"
"Yes, mom." Jyongri obliged with a feigned smile. "Love to."
Hyunjoon was about to declined, but Jyongri faced him while also turning him around with a shake of her head and pushed him towards the door. She quickly opened it, pushed him out of it, and closed the door softly behind her.
"You don't have to walk me, Jyongri." Hyunjoon stated as he looked back at her.
"Yes, I do or my mom will make sure that I do." Jyongri responded as she also looked over at her shoulder to see her mom opening the door a second later.
Hyunjoon looked over Jyongri's head and saw Jyongri's mom waving at them with a smile. He waved back just as he heard Jyongri clicking her tongue. He laughed as he faced forward, but moved where the two could walk alongside one another.
"Your mom's nice."
Then at that moment Hyunjoon took Jyongri's hand in his. Jyongri looked down at their held hands before casting Hyunjoon a suspicious look.
"To convince your mother better."
"She doesn't need convincing. She just knows."
"Either way, I still wanted to hold your hand."
Jyongri had no comeback and turned her head away from his view to hide her flustered look. Hyunjoon smiled knowingly as he squeezed her hand softly as the duo quietly waited for the elevator to arrive.
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