#sorry that’s just the ooze
sh1nsoukoku · 6 months
no queue no schedule no activity until the spirit of hyperfixation possesses me and I begin feverishly oozing all over my blog
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obscenicon · 3 months
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
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“You’re warm. You’re blushing. And, you’re also breathing heavily.” BETWEEN US (2022) - Episode 1.
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sacred-coffin · 22 days
I thought I was gonna work on this more, but I'm not, so here you go :) just brother things
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wolfram-but-art · 1 year
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dude no he's perfectly fine what do you mean the wound is oozing what wound i don't see no wound he's fine see?
reblogs > likes you sillies
closeup under cut // same cw apply
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silliest fish in the world
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(^ actual fottage of a lvl 3 smite btw)
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superbellsubways · 2 years
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based on this post
edit: alt layout undercut which might be easier to read?
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vellichorom · 2 years
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lollipop fucking DIES
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danndeemo · 3 months
splatoon 3 au where they defeat mr grizz but the main crew gets fuzziefied anyways as a prank
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thejadecount · 2 years
I’ve seen people’s take on the ages of the MM turtles (Leo’s the oldest, Mikey’s the oldest, Raph and Mikey are twins, etc) and here’s MY TAKE:
They’re quadruplets
Look I don’t know about you guys but for once in my time in the fandom I’ve truly felt they’re the same age (or relatively on the maturity level). It could be the teenager/pre-teen VAs, but I don’t get the same ‘they’re different ages’ energy from the MM boys.
Like although Leo’s the anxious one I don’t get the feeling he’s the most anxious because he’s the oldest and the leader and blah blah blah. He’s just a teen full of anxiety.
And Mikey doesn’t feel like the youngest to me (because the scene he had with talking about the watermelon being like his head) but not like the oldest either (because he’s equally fooling around with Raph and Donnie). He’s isn’t some young goofball baby of the family but not a cool oldest sibling either.
And same thing with Raph and Donnie. Donnie for more obvious reasons mostly because the VA I’m gonna be honest but just his general demeanor. He feels like a teenager who happens to be smart, not someone who’s smart but happens to be a teenager.
And Raph doesn’t give me ‘edgy wishes to be leader roughy guy’ he’s just a jock teen who wants to do sports. He doesn’t give off the same ‘second oldest’ energy all the other Raphs (minus Rise Raph) have.
TL;DR: It could just be the VAs and the fact we only got a few scenes in the trailer, but I don’t feel like the MM boys have like ‘youngest to oldest’ energies like most TMMT incarnations do. When I compare them side-by-side they all just feel like quadruplets with different personalities.
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vaugarde · 5 months
Wait whats your opinion on Pokemon the First Movie and its remake Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution
LOVE the first movie, hate the remake lol. I know people get on it for being a little basic or whatever but idc, it's a really fun time and it's what got me so attached to the mew duo. i think it's by far the most charming pokemon movie because despite what ppl say considering the "entitlement" from the "the first movie" title, it really feels like they put in a lot of effort to make this movie feel like a huge deal. the cinematography (mewtwo in the lab and when its directing the storm) are genuinely really cool and the battles are stunning. it all comes together really well and you also see this in the show itself since they were hyping it up, which isn't something the show ever really tried doing again. It makes the movie feel big and important. Mewtwo's conflict is great and Mew itself is adorable and AUGH it's a great movie and idc what people say.
I despise that remake though. At first I just kinda didn't care for it, but as time goes on I'm actually more insulted at its existence. Instead of a new movie we gotta do nostalgia bait with a movie that's trying to be a remake but bastardizes the presentation so much. I actually can't believe people were making twitter comparisons on "how far technology has come" by comparing the shot for shot remakes, the new film looks hideous when it copies the original directly thanks to the awful character models that don't match the realistic backgrounds, and when it tries to do its own thing, it completely fails to understand what made the original scenes so impactful.
The scenes I mentioned with Mewtwo directing the storm and destroying the lab are such good examples. I can't really find isolated clips unfortunately so bear with me. In the original lab scene, there's a sense of claustrophobia. The scientists stand over Mewtwo in the shot, their faces in darkness as they explain Mewtwo's supposed purpose. In fact, its all dark, its hard to make out the surroundings all the way. There are tubes and lab equipment everywhere surrounding Mewtwo. We get a ton of close up shots where Mewtwo is cramped in the shot- it's kinda basic but it's effective- Mewtwo has just been born but it's essentially a prisoner and it's suffocated by the expectations and purpose forced onto it by Dr. Fuji and his team. When Mewtwo then breaks out, the shot has zoomed out, but he's still surrounded by smoke and such when Giovanni arrives- he's still trapped. Like, there's a point to it all. There's intent in these shots.
In the remake tho we can't have poor lighting because how will we show off our REALISTIC BACKGROUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!1! so they removed all the clutter and the lab is all bright so we can see the (ugly) human models bc ohhhhhhhhh technology has come soooo far we swear. so now the claustrophobia so integral to the original scene is gone. I guess you could say the bright light is disorienting for mewtwo??? but it completely fails to match the tone of the original.
There's no reason to watch the new one imo. It's just an inferior version to the original movie to the point it honestly feels insulting to me. It's such a blatant cash grab and idk how ppl dont see that.
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cartoon-skeleton · 8 months
I literally consciously told myself at the beginning of this assignment that I would not make a pink+ green series of paintings because I ALWAYS do pink + green and this is how it’s fuckin going a few weeks in
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megaclaudiolis · 4 months
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「光る君へ」 · 第十九回 「放たれた矢」 ​​​| (Michinaga's Version) (Manga Version)
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ford: here’s the current plan: i dive down while the shiver-flock is distracted, get through the coral, grab one of the urchins, and then we make a run for the ship as soon as i surface
stan: hm, alright, i hear ya. counterpoint: we don’t have any diving gear
ford: i’ll hold my breath
stan: six, and i say this with the upmost respect, you can’t even hold your breath going up and down the stairs. your lungs are worse than mine, somehow, and i don’t know how you even managed that
ford: okay. ouch
stan: and, i mean, what if you get a brain-eating amoeba or somethin’?
ford: bold of you to assume i don’t already have twenty anomalous variants swimming around in my grey matter
stan: okay, what about bacteria and parasites and viruses? the ocean is chock full of micro-shit that wants to kill you
ford: i am encroaching on their home without their consent. as far as i’m concerned, they have every right to do so
stan: for fuck’s sake- ford
ford: what?
stan: i’m asking you to take care of yourself for once here
ford: do you have another plan?
stan: uh…no
ford: then, and i say this with the upmost respect, don’t fucking tell me what to do
stan: i-
ford: i’m sorry, that was rude, i appreciate your advice
stan: hey, thanks
ford: i’m still doing it though
stan: (sigh) yeah, i kinda figured
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iero · 10 months
Unpopular food opinion and maybe it’s because I don’t consume almost any dairy anymore, but I genuinely find things that boast about the amount of cheese it has to be kinda… gross?
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
Anyone remember Mr. Lucius Needful? You know...the best one-off character from the first season of Rick and Morty...
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you are not morally obligated to give platform to every voice that makes you feel guilty, ever
guilt does not make you a good person, that's not how anything works
thanks for reading I sincerely hope you can also comprehension
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