#sorry these took a million years
wittyworm · 1 year
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Nostalgia and healing 💚🍀
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west-brooke · 28 days
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Part 6.
Ah the long awaited reveal of Donnie’s dad’s name. Welcome to the family, Lucy. I’m sure your original name is not foretelling any future behavior. I’m also sure Kelpie is going to be a super enthusiastic parental figure to this strange blue child she just met in a refurbished abandoned subway station.
I’m trying out a different layout format since I think it flows better and I like drawing in shapes other than squares. Had to beat off my artists block with a stick and this apparently helped!
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haven-sent · 2 years
@vandbaerer​  (chrissy) ‘ oh god, where- where are we? what’s happening? ’ 
“I don’t- I don’t know.” Steph can’t quite make sense of what she’s seeing. The halls of Hawkins are familiar, but she knows it’s not right - the strange corruption crawling across the walls, the cloying dust that seems to permeate the air, coat her throat uncomfortably. It’s like something out of one of her D&D sourcebooks, or a B-movie horror flick. “What happened before we got here? Are you okay?”
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luinen-bluewater · 1 month
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They're Baldur's Gate most depraved couple and they're definitely talking shit behind your back
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cheatsylu · 15 days
Omg..... for requests maybe any of the boys playing dress-up, or the colors :]]] your style is soooooo cute i love it!!! 💙💙
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Red is a victim
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karkatbug · 1 year
I love Grubkat so much with my whole being, and I love the fact that he is getting to grow up loved and cherished and not have to live in fear of himself or his blood color. The fact that both Karkat and Dave have trauma surrounding the color red but won’t allow Grubkat to have that trauma is so important to me. Are they gonna call him anything different to distinguish him and Karkat from each other in name?
They will eventually come up with a name for him, but for now, they have plenty of silly little nicknames to help distinguish him from Karkat!
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thewickerking · 7 months
mutual 1: the batman penis reveal was kind of mid :/ heres how i would rewrite every batman comic to make them good btw.
mutual 2: ok. be honest. smash or pass.. is it weird i find this guy hot.... [poll with a character who is 8 pixels tall]
mutual 3: UGH i cant believe they traded jorsko glump to the CANARIES of all teams
mutual 4: a girl told me i have serial killer eyes at lunch today. What the hell
mutual 6: here is the cutest animal in the whole world!!!!!
mutual 7: actually this animal is cuter. Tch.
mutual 6: [picture of the two animals cuddling] imagine a beautiful world with me...
mutual 8: guys i barely got the wordle in 6 tries this is so embarrassing i can never show my face in public again
mutual 9: was anyone going to tell about this or was i just going to have to find it myself???? 🥵🥵 [3 year old official art of a character showing his collarbones]
mutual 10: [poll] should i get the 12 or 16 oz drink..... 16 is pricier but im kind of thirsty... update: nevermind i just got robbed :/
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artunobtianed · 1 year
Omg could i request pale nepkat? Or poly davenepkat? I live in rarepair hell 🤯 absolutely no pressure and tysm!!!
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they love her <3
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sirgavvaine · 1 month
*stares at you gayly and autistic* for Pentiment fanarts. Brother Guy, the biggest (male) hater in Tassings. My favorite bitch whom I want to shake like a jar of buttons
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He’s so fruity and pathetic I love him- thank you for the request <33 !!!
Edit I just opened this on my phone the colors looked so much better on my iPad I’m so sorry 😭
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ditch-lily · 5 months
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howl jeff 🌟
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obscenicon · 3 months
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haha stole your fuckin bones loser. art trade for @fish-fever
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lullaebies · 4 months
If you are still taking requests, my darling, how about a blurb of Daeron coming to KL in the days before Jaehaerys' funeral and reuniting with his siblings or momma? xoxo johannawesterling. 😘
“Daeron,” his mother's voice was the first one that welcomed him in that lonely hall. The warm brown of her eyes sad, as always sad— he hated seeing it as a child, and hated seeing it now. Alicent rushed over to him to envelop him in an embrace. “My sweet boy.”
Grandsire was the one who wrote Daeron of the news. He said his Alicent’s temperament was fickle with grief, caring for Helaena’s babes. Daeron always knew his mother would hug him upon his return, but he felt a babe himself cradled in her arms. 
“Mother, I missed you,” he held her back, feeling his own throat dry. Her hunched frame, her head on on his shoulder in defeat; his brother’s coronation should’ve given her the opportunity to find joy in a respectable posture, not a reason to wither. He hears some shout from within the hall in front of him, followed by another by a different voice, both filled with fire. “Are those…?”
“Aegon and Aemond,” Alicent answers, lifting her head. “It’s been a difficult time, and yelling is all they could do.”
Daeron doubted it. He saw the hanged people by the Tower of the Hand. No, his brothers are all flames searching to consume all, as they always were. “And Helaena?” he asked. His sister has always been calm in the midst of fury, but as things are…
“They are by her door. She has not come out of her room since…” Alicent said painfully. 
Since sweet Jaehaerys had died. The funeral was due in a few days. He came for it; he has not been here for the birth of his nephew, he missed his years in this world, but he would not miss the boy’s departure from it too. But if his mother couldn’t bear to come… No. Helaena would never forgive herself if she did not come. He knew his sister, and he knew it to be true. If his brothers’ shouts were anything to go by, they were in a similar place.
Seven hells, he was too. After all this time, returning when it was all too late to help… How could he forgive himself?
Daeron always wanted to come back home in triumph.
It was a dream of his, ever since his mother sent him to squire with Lord Ormund. To come back a knight of the order, robust and reliable for his sister and mother to be proud of and his brothers to trust in. He wanted his nephews and niece to imagine him in their heads as an uncle they could count on, to become a figure his family whole could believe in.
He was lost, away from his family for too long, but Daeron knew he can’t leave his siblings alone now. He kissed his mother’s cheek, and went ahead towards his brothers.
“After all these years, you think you can preach to me about restraint?” Aemond’s eye flashed like a dagger. He grew much taller, taller than their older brother. Aegon, on the other hand, had not grown much since their teens, and he had been hunched as it is. With a pale face, bloodshot eyes and clenched fists he had not seemed any less fiery.
“When it is all your fault, you cunt? Yes I can.” Aegon replies venomously.
When they were young, Daeron was always lost when they fought. He could rise up together with them against Rhaenyra’s boys, but when they trifled with one another, he always found himself a bystander, staying by Helaena until the storm calmed. Alas, Helaena was in the room in front of them, and from within he heard soft sobs. His mother steps forward to intervene between them, but Daeron stops her, and walks to them instead.
Aemond noticed him first, halting at his sight. Aegon stepped toward Aemond, as if to yell at him some more, but Daeron brought a hand to hold his shoulder. Aegon nearly snapped his shoulder towards him to hit him, but Daeron stopped his hand too.
“Brothers,” he called them, his hold on Aegon’s wrist growing looser. “Stop it.”
Something in him snapped when he saw their faces closely. Aemond looked as if he had not slept a week, Aegon looked as if his blood had been running cold for a moon turn, hair a mess even if he wore a crown. They both try to pick themselves up, upon his arrival, Aemond fixing his gloves, and Aegon clearing his throat.
“You’ve grown tall, you twerp,” Aegon said, looking up to him. “It is good to see you. But don’t get involved.”
Daeron frowned. “Don’t tell me that. I’m your brother. I can talk to my brothers,” Daeron then looked at the door. “And my sister.”
Aemond shook his head. Some shame came upon his face. “She doesn’t want to see us, Daeron.”
What she didn’t want to see never mattered, though. Helaena often told him she saw strange things in her mind. When they were children, when she sent letters, it was often all the same. Sometimes, those were things she did not want to see at all. She managed through it all; she was the bravest, even when she cried waking up from a dream. She needed to see them, instead of further falling into loneliness.
“So we leave her to the darkness of her room instead of showing her she is not alone?” 
“I don’t know how to convince her out, Daeron. I tried,” Aegon said. “Aemond tried. Mother tried. Grandsire tried. Jaehaera and Maelor..” he trailed off. 
Daeron looked at the door again. His sister was never stupid, she knew they were outside. He knew she was listening, too. If she heard them, she only heard strife and more frustration, things she had likely enough of within her. Whenever Daeron played with Lord Ormund’s children, it was always similar with his one daughter, Bethany; if her brothers quarrelled and brawled while she was upset, she would lock herself in her rooms until she felt safe to get out. She wouldn’t go out to thundering knocks and threatening yells, but to safety.
Daeron didn’t know if Helaena would ever feel safe again. Not after all that happened. But if anyone was to give her hope it was them. He remained steadfast in his stare against his brothers.
“When ships are lost at night, we light the Hightower’s beacon until they find their way back.”
Turning around, Daeron knocked on the door, in an odd rhythm. A rhythm Helaena taught him when he was around eight, and plagued with nightmares of plucked eyes and stormy seas. When mother could only take care of Aemond, Helaena told him she would never turn him away should he come by her door. 
“It is like the summer songs of cicadas, stuck to their trees. They sing when they know when they feel safe.”
The sobs from within the room suddenly quietened. No rustling came from within, but it was a change. He knocked on the door again. Sniffles came in response. His brothers stared at him, and for once, he met them in an equal gaze. 
Biting his lip, Aegon brought his clenched first forward to the door too. He looked at Daeron, and they knocked together. More sniffles came, but they sounded closer. Aemond seemed to be most skeptical, but with both results and a glare from Aegon, they knocked again together, all three.
It felt like forever, until they heard something being moved from behind the door. The heavy door opens only slightly, but the sniffles are suddenly all clear. The light finally shone on her; Helaena’s face was red, her eyes were glassy, her hair unkempt and her dress crumpled upon her figure, but she was there.
She saw them all, and tears fell down her cheek again. “I…”
It was not clear, amongst the three of them, who came to hug her first. All Daeron knew is that they ended in sibling embrace. She fell into sobs again in their arms, this time holding them dearly for life.
We will not let go.
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harmonia-university · 4 months
[[Response to this]]
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Upon seeing all the goodies inside the gift box, Marcin became a little overwhelmed at just how great everything was!
"Thank you so much! Wow, this is everything I could've ever wanted...all of these will definitely keep me going for a while! The wine looks REALLY good I'm so excited to try it!"
He takes out the scarf from the box, and wraps it around his neck. He was shocked but overjoyed at how silky and soft the fabric was. Perfect for the winter!
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"Gosh, and this scarf...it's gorgeous! Your artistic vision is amazing, and the material really IS some of the best I've ever felt! I'll definitely be wearing this like, all the time!"
"For your first time doing this, this is phenomenal, thank you so much! I feel guilty that I don't have anything to give in return! If you ever need a favour...man I owe you one! Thank you so much, again!"
[ @idolmelodies ]
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sofia-curtis · 11 days
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@catstrophysics requested - Castle + Favourite male character ↳ Richard Castle
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taxevasiondoflamingo · 6 months
ummm idk if you are still taking requests but a conis or laki perhaps :) i'm feeling the skypiea tonight
this only took me a million years BUT
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laki :-) I used the "clear flute" palette from @color-palettes
Image ID: Laki from One Piece brandishes a rifle. She's crouched on her knees with a serious expression on her face, one eye closed and one narrowed, focusing on where she's aiming. She has short wings and long hair tied back in a ponytail. A feathered shield is attached to her left arm and there's a pack resting against her hip. She's colored in exclusively yellow, blue, and green. End ID.
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jugger-heads · 1 year
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zombie slayer carla
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