#sorry this is kinda a politics blog now
batboyblog · 3 months
just stumbled upon your weekly democrat roundup and some of your other political stuff. I actually have no interest in Superhero stuff 😅, and was wondering if you had any suggestions for good places to source stuff like that!
hello, well good news I play on doing the weekly round up every week, and publish stuff I see as it comes up, so feel free to follow if you want I'll only be posting a little of the superhero stuff really
so as far as "good places to source stuff like that" not 200% sure what you mean, but if you're looking for a good politics follow on here @mariacallous is the best on Tumblr, you'll get a lot of international affairs, pictures of dogs, and gifs of beautiful women being offended by stupidity.
outside of Tumblr I follow Electoral-Vote and Political Wire both by the same guy EV is once a day more of a blog-editorial of what he's thinking, Political Wire is always updating through the day more a news digest of brief stories. Wake Up To Politics is where I got the idea for my weekly list and has been very helpful in making the lists. it's run by a college kid one of those kids who knew when they were 9 what they wanted to do so he's been running it for 10 years now, every day run down of the stories but he has a real love for under covered technical stories
for making the lists I always check the White House website, they have a page every everything they do is up in order, when something is policy they usually do a "fact sheet" that runs down everything about it, like this "FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Celebrates Third Anniversary of the Reestablishment of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships" I also check the news rooms of the Departments of Transportation, Energy, HHS, and the EPA, I check Education as well and some times HUD but both have amazingly poorly laid out web pages, Transportation is easiest to use
I also follow a lot of people on twitter, like Bidenwins Biden-Harris HQ Brent Peabody Olivia Julianna and Isaiah Martin
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macadam · 1 year
Gonna put myself out here for a hot minute to remind everyone that the runner of a poll or little event on tumblr is not responsible for the replies/posts of everyone else in the fandom, nor do they have the power to stop people from reacting in any which way in the notes of their post without turning off reblogs and shutting down the entire thing full stop. I think we can all agree on that? They are not a discord mod, or the fandom's babysitter. Tumblr is the Wild West and by god none of us are the sheriff.
That's all ok keep on keeping everyone
#I think everyone can understand the wariness that comes with suddenly holding a giant megaphone?#and also the inbox is not your political confessional. for like.. the last time#if you have a point to make reblog or make your own post#Mac mumbles#this is getting sidetracked but#some of this stuff really does just look like ask bait. stop it#don't throw it onto someone else to suddenly have to reply or take the heat for. go off anon at least#you may not be intentionally mean about it but it's not nice. if you have a stupid point to make use your own blog to make it don't leech#off someone else's blog and watch them navigate the replies of an opinion You Made#if you're not sure how to figure out what sets a trap for a Tumblr user: stating an argumentative opinion or ranting about others behaviour#usually causes shit for the one answering the ask#because now their hands are tied and no matter how they respond they are probably gonna get shit#obviously this is less of a personal rant because as we have established today: I am the swing a bat at the hornets nest mutual#but yeah. be nice. don't send political discourse on anon into peoples inboxes if they haven't already brought up the topic.#its kinda a dick move. why not make your own post? oh its because you want Their Platform to boost your opinion? get out#if you wanted to have a conversation about it then dm them or send it off anon so they can reply properly#**privately#if you're worried you might get heat for it then ding ding! that is also a dick move! you know its a heated topic#and yet you hath brought it forth onto another blog so that They may be the one to carry the conversation#ugh sorry for the long rant this is just Such a pet peeve of mine#again I don't care much as a receiver but watching others get stuck in it is like... mrs anon sir. that was not nice#bad fandom etiquette etc etc#this goes double if its a generally positive or neutral blog. be annoyed on your own time
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note-boom · 1 year
Thinking about all the women I ship dazai with while You shake and shit and cry. ❤️❤️
I'm -
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Anon, please, I love you.
But also, wrong blog. Do you not understand how annoyingly I've tag spammed other posts "i dont do ships buuuut..."?
Wait wait wait wait....i just realised after typing in my tags but - but WHAT women?? There's only like....4 viable women to ship Dazai with in this manga....what women??
#i was just going to block but i realised i wanted to frame my very first anon hate#its like am i a popular blog enough for this? do i deserve such a rite of passage?#especially when im not really active lately...but ah screw it#anyway more anon hates WILL be blocked this was for my personal pleasure#it was relatively tame but sorry to anyone who is uncomfortable seeing this stuff#but yeah. i guess ive been invited to openly ramble about why i don't do ships but kinda still find it fun#i mean theres a lot of reasons why fandom shipping doesnt really vibe well with me#but mostly its just that i enjoy looking at things in a way that the author has obviously presented itself to us#like you hear a LOT about...political/economic/queer/racial and so on subtext a lot#and i find that fascinating to employ as an exercise (and in turn find it really cool when others do that for their ships)#buuuuut im in fandoms to have fun and shipping is interesting to see and yeah even fun to do#and you know its not really about looking at stuff as presented by canon#but au-ing in a similar but opposite direction?#in the end i guess you could say im indifferent to shipping but simultaneously find it really interesting#no big reason that i want to share now that i think about it#but anyway that said please dont inflict dazai on women. so many ladies have tried to kill him because of it#anyway i dont think this would be complete without the....#i dont ship stuff but this us fun!! >:DDD#spitting nonsense#we spat nonsense together anon <3#and reiterating warning that any other anons like this'll be blocked
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flightyalrighty · 14 days
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Infested will return on June 27th. --- Thank you to the following Ascended supporters: @chaogongoozles, @fiiresiidefrfr, @elizard4227, @grogar, Ezzoh, @susivoi, @calculuscacophony, Eros, @ivycorp, @summersdale @borrelia, @mizukiz, @sanicdetails, @combinegrunt-echo-1, Pica, @veeceear, @quackenburt, ItsmeMonarch, @memendoemori, @trans-girl-sonic, & savarsenic
Content Warnings | Store | Ko-Fi (Discord!) | Read On Comic Fury! DISCLAIMER: "Infested" is a horror comic ft. content not suitable for those under the age of 17.
A long-winded looking back on things below the cut:
The first few pages of Infested were uploaded to this blog on March 2nd, 2023 -- Over a whole year ago! I was so busy, too, that I completely missed its birthday (Sorry Infested). Looking even further back than that, the original story was was something I began writing on December 25th, 2022 (Merry Christmas).
It took two years to get to this point.
And hey, not to toot my own horn about it, but completing even one chapter of a webcomic is a big deal. Especially for me. My first webcomic, Fight/Flight, didn't get very far. I completed the prologue, started Chapter 1, and then had to drop it for a number of reasons (I didn't really agree with what baby-me had to say, politically, anymore).
This comic was born from a lot of intense feelings. The story, itself, too. Some good. Some bad.
I had been forced to move away from my hometown, and with that move, I lost the physical connection that I had to all of my friends. I lost the familiarity of a place I'd known for most of my life. I'm now stuck somewhere... Worse. It felt like a cage. Still does. Disconnected from the life I thought I would be living after college. I didn't have health insurance, either -- Got kicked off of it because of the move -- And as a result, I was off my antidepressants.
So there I was, at a pretty low point in my life. I miserable and lonely and every single day dragged on. And on. And on. And I felt so disappointed in myself. That disappointment became self-loathing, and it all kinda spiraled.
Have I mentioned that I'm a huge Sonic fan? I don't think I need to. I'd say it's pretty obvious. But for the sake of this story, I'll say it again: I'm a HUGE Sonic fan. I've been that way since 2003 with Sonic Heroes. The franchise has been in my life for over two decades. I had a monthly mail subscription to Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic the Hedgehog was something that I truly loved more than any other piece of media. It brought me endless joy. Until I didn't.
I had dropped Sonic after Lost World was... Itself. I had already felt pretty irritated with the Meta Era, and Lost World was the final straw. The last bit of hope that the series could recover was snuffed out when Forces was released. It was over. I was done. If Sonic was truly that embarrassed by itself, if they had truly lost touch with what made the series so great, then I wouldn't waste my time any longer. I was so sure that I had to just... Grieve and move on. My beloved childhood game series was dead. Long live the king or whatever. I'd just bitterly read IDW Sonic and think about what could've been. I was lucky to have that comic, at least. Archie had been canceled, too, after all. I was lucky to have my scraps.
Then Sonic Frontiers came out. And it changed everything.
And my god, it was everything. It was everything to me. Flaws be damned, it was everything. To. Me. The spectacle. The serious tone. The vastly improved writing. Kellin Fucking Quinn. It was FUN! It was actually FUN to PLAY. He was back. I was back. Sonic pulled me by my hand out of the ocean of misery I'd fallen into, and he looked me in my eye and he said;
"Hey. You're gonna be alright."
Metaphorically speaking. Sonic The Hedgehog didn't actually literally speak to me -- And sure, okay, maybe it's a little dramatic to describe a game as this great Depression Annihilator but I'm dead serious when I say that, for that time, before I was able to get back on my meds, I was self-medicating with Sonic.
Sonic was all I was thinking about. I reread the Unleashed arc in Archie Sonic, which got me sorta realizing something, and which led to my post where I said something along the lines of "Sonic would hide a zombie bite."
Archie Sonic would, at least. Because he basically did do that in the Unleashed arc of that comic. He let that problem fester until it became an even bigger problem because, ironically, he didn't want to be a problem.
So one thing led to another. I thought more about Sonic becoming a zombie. Bada-bing, bada-boom, Infested was born.
I didn't expect it to get the attention that it did. I felt lucky when the first page I drew Rouge on (Page 6 I think?) blew up. The right people saw it at the right time. I'm extremely grateful for that.
I'm extremely grateful for all of you.
So yeah, one chapter. Woo! Here's to many more.
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comicaurora · 5 months
Sorry to drop a hella irl-political question on your mostly webcomic blog, but have you/any of the OSP gang heard of/been participating in the week-long strike for palestine that's been (presumably) all over tumblr/the internet?
For some background info: Following the attack on Oct. 7th by the hamas militant group (a terrorist org. Or resistance group, depending who you ask), the state of israel (which is practically a mass colonial settlement on Palestinian land since '48) has taken the attack as an excuse to indiscriminately bomb the homes of thousands if not millions of homes while forcebly displacing almost all of the ~2.3 million people crammed in the gaza strip with no escape.
'Israel' has also tightened it's blockade on the strip of land such that a growing majority of people there are experiencing catastrophic starvation, disease from sewage-infested drinking water (as water aid is too scarce). Soon even deaths by preventable causes such as diabetes will occur since insulin pens for children have been blocked from entering by israel, who controls gaza's borders, water, power, food supplies, and shoreline. Civilians in Gaza are very frequently and indiscriminately killed often in places they were told were safe zones to evacuate to. It's agreed upon by both experts and laymen worldwide that what is happening (and has BEEN happening before Oct.7th) is nothing short of genocide.
In the occupied Palestinian west bank, where there is no hamas whatsoever to use as an excuse, Palestinians are still arrested without a fair trial for years, abused, prevented from using certain roads, shot, and often straight-up have their houses stolen by armed or military-backed israeli settlers (many of whom have no ancestral connection to the land at all) in a system often compared to or outright stated to be apartheid.
Very recently, a journalist in Gaza by the name of Bisan Owda called for a strike from January 21st to January 28th. The conditions of the strike can be paraphrased as:
Cease all unnecessary purchases or payments, avoid generating ad revenue when possible
Do not go to work or school if you can possibly avoid it
Pay for things only in cash if you must
Use social media exclusively to flood the internet with palestinian voices and resources about the ongoing genocide against the palestinian people
Attend protests if you can
Be visible.
It's the 26th now, but joining late would be far better than to not join at all and stay silent.
I figured I'd ask since since OSP has covered various topics about history and/or politics and we're kinda watching some awful history unfolding, the kind of history where neutrality doesn't really work and a side needs to be taken.
Opinions? (Sorry if I'm coming across as condescending! I just really want my favorite blogs to be aware and take a stance rather than being silent hhhghf)
Okay, here's my answer.
OSP has been supporting calls for a ceasefire for months, and we were fundraising in direct support of it via Doctors Without Borders all through November and December. Total, we raised over $30,000. If we include the UNICEF fundraiser we ran on the Spider-Man streams, the total is over $40,000.
During our charity livestreams, we have made our positions clear – we support a ceasefire, Israel is perpetuating settler-colonialist violence and has been for decades, Hamas is a terrorist organization that endangers Israelis and Palestinians alike, the innocent people of both Palestine and Israel deserve safety and peace. We concluded that the best thing we could do under the circumstances was empower those who are in a real position to actually help by providing funding for their work. We believe this is significantly more beneficial than adding Another Angry Internet Post to the pile of insular outrage on Internet Land. Fundraising for the organizations with boots on the ground feels like it does a lot more good than being loud online for the benefit of other online people.
This is not the first time I've heard reference to the strike, but it is the first time I've seen the parameters of the strike laid out, which to me indicates that it wasn't spread as widely or effectively as it could've been.
I understand and appreciate why you sent this ask, but your premise worries me. I know this may surprise and startle us denizens of the internet, but being extremely loud on the internet is not the only or the most effective form of activism, and people not being extremely loud on the internet with every account they have is not the same thing as silent complicity in war crimes, and people acting like those two things are the same thing has been unbelievably frustrating to watch.
If we act like everything is a binary moral choice between "scream your loudest, most angry opinions online every time you feel angry about them" and "not doing that is literally the same thing as participating in genocide", we are creating a very strong pressure to flood the internet with our angriest, most unformed thoughts, lest we be branded as complicit in war crimes. Social media sites live and die on engagement, hence why twitter has rapidly trended towards doomscrolling and encouraging inflammatory clickbait - angry shouty people are traffic and traffic is money. The cynical part of me is utterly unsurprised that social media encourages the idea that the only true form of activism is being loud on social media.
It sounds like you had the feeling that sending me this ask was weird and a boundary overstep, and you were correct. My platform is not world-changing or in any way politically powerful beyond our ability to create charity fundraisers for causes we believe in, and we are doing what we can to help in the tiny ways that we can from halfway across the world, from a position of absolutely zero political weight beyond emailing our representatives. You are just asking me to also shout about it online loudly enough that I measure up to an artificial loudness metric, because my existing shouting was not already loud or omnipresent enough.
You are not entitled to know every thought in my head or every action I take in my life. I am not online to perform outrage and live up to an arbitrary moral standard of Shouting Enough. I am especially not online on my fantasy webcomic blog to do those things. Please understand that what you see of me is what I choose to share, and I am under no obligation, moral or otherwise, to share more.
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Glitch in Irminsul
The creator descends to Teyvat, but the information they know VS the information that Irminsul retains causes the tree of knowledge to glitch out and ‘branches’ the current known state of Teyvat, and the information that was erased blooms into existence once more [Blog tag] [next >]
Notes: SAGAU, Reader is the Creator but no cult shenanigans. there ARE shenanigans of a different kind though. No romantic relationships in this one despite aforementioned shenanigans
WC. 3.8k
----- ⚘ -----
“You’re just mad because I’m the Creator’s babygirl, and you’re not.”
You’ve never heard such an absurd sentence in your life, but the hands on his hips and smug expression on the Wanderer’s face is unmistakable. Across from him, just barely restrained by Lord Rukkhadevata hooking her arms under his shoulders, is an apoplectic Scaramouche. 
Nobody is entirely sure what happened to Irminsul, yet, but the Tree of Wisdom continues to cheerfully cast its divine light on the scene below without a single care for the chaos it has caused.
“Now now, let’s all settle down for a moment,” Nahida grasps at Wanderer’s sleeves, trying to pull him back from the increasingly tense situation. You can’t help but think of two dogs pulling at the end of their leashes to bark at each other. “I’m sure there is a perfectly logical reason why this is happening.”
You think it might be because of you, considering this all happened when you made your inopportune arrival in Teyvat and accidentally cut your hand on the stem of a Leyline flower, your blood glittering strangely as it was sucked into the plant. 
“There’s no way you’re the Creator’s favourite,” Scaramouche sneers, ignoring Nahida in his effort to escape from Rukkhadevata’s grasp. “You’re just a glorified errand-boy for your betters. I have the power of a Fatui Harbinger at my fingertips! Countless soldiers, ready to live and die by my whims!” 
“Ha!” Wanderer brushes off Nahida’s attempts to restrain him. He moves her to the side, far more gently than you expected him to, and strides up to where Lord Rukkhadevata is holding Scaramouche. He pokes the Balladeer’s cheek and smirks when he nearly gets his fingertip bit off. “And what has that gotten you so far? You still haven’t gotten to be a true god. On the other hand, I’m on the Creator’s main exploration team, along with the Traveler and other equally powerful Vision wielders. At least I have proof that I’m favoured.”
The light from Irminsul glints off the polished metal of Wanderer’s anemo Vision, and Scaramouche’s frown deepens.
“That doesn’t mean anything. Anyone and their mothers can get a Vision these days.” He waves his hand dismissively as best as he can. “Need I remind you of the Vision Hunt Decree project that I—oh, sorry, I mean you—spearheaded? Those things come a mora a dozen.”
“I think you’re both wrong, clearly the Creator likes me the best!”
The two incarnations turn toward the new voice so quickly you’re nearly afraid their heads might snap off. Picture this: you, sitting sideways across Kabukimono's lap with your arms around his neck in a hug as he rocks the two of you back and forth. You wonder if Kabukimono is aware of the effect his words have on his other selves, but judging by his ‘cat that caught the canary’ expression he most definitely is.
The look Wanderer gives you is nearly scandalized, and you can only shrug at him with a helpless smile.
“Sorry guys… but look at him! Isn’t he just the sweetest thing?” you bring a hand up and pinch Kabukimono’s cheek, causing him to giggle and kick his legs in surprise, nearly dislodging you from your spot.
“He’s kinda pathetic, really.” Scaramouche deadpans, finally having stopped struggling in Rukkhadevata’s hold, and attempts to cross his arms.
“He’s you. You don’t have to like him, but at least be polite.” the Greater Lord scolds, making him yelp by shaking him like a sack of rocks. She then changes to a more matter-of-fact tone as she shakes her hair out of her face, and adds: “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
“I agree, let’s talk this over like grown-ups, and get to the bottom of this mystery so we can send you all back home to your correct timelines!” Nahida claps her hands together, interrupting any argument that might break out at Rukkhadevata’s statement. Her smile is starting to look a little strained at the edges and you can’t help but feel a little bad for the tiny god.
“This might be the only correct timeline,” the Traveler mutters, chin resting in their hand where they sit propped up against one of Irminsul’s invisible walls. 
“That’s right!” Paimon nods and shakes her finger at Nahida. “We assumed only the Descenders’ memories would remain intact when someone erases themself from Irminsul, but clearly the Creator’s memories still exist too!”
Lord Rukkhadevata drops Scaramouche at last, letting him land on the ground with an annoyed oof, and turns to you consideringly. The taller god glances between you and Irminsul, worrying her bottom lip as she thinks.
“If that were wholly true, then wouldn’t I have reappeared in my last known state, diminished to the form of a child due to having depleted my power?” she wonders. “And for that matter, why have two versions of the Wanderer appeared, when the previous erased timeline only contained the Balladeer?”
The Traveler hums as they begin to think out loud, and your attention shifts to them when they address you. “When we found you, your Grace, you were recently injured by a Leyline blossom, correct?”
You nod in agreement, not bothering to speak as you settle more comfortably into Kabukimono’s arms, the long sleeves of his kimono wrapping over you like a blanket. Whatever mechanism is inside him causes his entire chest to vibrate against the side of your head, as if he’s purring.
“And you did mention that your blood was absorbed into the flower, which we know is an extension of the Tree of Wisdom…”
“I think I can see where you’re going with this, Traveler,” Nahida interrupts. Using her power, she draws two green puzzle pieces in the air and slowly pushes them together until one of them overlaps with the other. “If the Creator’s memories are intact, then it stands to reason that, should their memories somehow be introduced into Irminsul, then the information with the greater priority will overwrite the previous existing information.”
“That still doesn’t explain why there’s three of me.” Wanderer crosses his arms and kicks Scaramouche, who has yet to get up. The Balladeer crosses his own arms, pointedly ignoring his newer incarnation.
“I believe I can answer that, now.” Lord Rukkhadevata jerks her thumb toward the Tree of Wisdom. “Having known Irminsul my entire existence, I can sense that there have been deviations in its growth. Where normally the trunk and branches originate from a single organism, there are now several branches that seem to be… grafted, for lack of a better term, onto the main plant. Likely a result of the Creator’s mishap.”
“So instead of overwriting or restoring knowledge into the correct branches, it just got added on to the side?” Paimon asks, floating closer to the tree before the Traveler grabs her by the back of her cloak and pulls her back before she can accidentally touch any of the sprouts.
Nahida claps excitedly. “Correct! All available information is now running concurrently, meaning that all states of being have been altered to allow the five of us to exist at the same time!”
“Oh!” you exclaim, startling Kabukimono out of his contented state. “Like a glitch in the matrix!”
Seven pairs of eyes turn directly toward you, varying degrees of bemusement on each of their faces. You chuckle a bit and sink further into Kabukimono’s lap out of embarrassment. He dutifully wraps his arms tighter around you, obscuring you with his long sleeves.
“So we’re just going to let you not elaborate on that at all?” Scaramouche drawls, throwing a hand in your direction. “By all means, keep us in suspense. It’s not like we need to know what our situation is or anything.”
“It’s really not that helpful, I promise!” you tell them, muffled by the kimono’s fabric. “It’s just… a figure of speech, I guess? It’s just something we say when something unexplainable happens. It’s based off this story where, like, the world is fake-” 
At this, Scaramouche and the Wanderer share a brief glance, unnoticed by the rest.
“- and everything is programmed to be a certain way. So when something unexplainable happens, like if you see a black cat walking past you and then a minute later the exact same cat walks past you again! It’s an error, or a glitch, in the programming of the world.”
Nahida and Rukkhadevata head over to investigate the new growths on Irminsul, discussing what you’ve told them in hushed voices, leaving the Traveler to mitigate the situation with the three puppets. Kabukimono clings to you as Scaramouche attempts to pull you out of his lap, the two of them making you wince as you’re forced to withstand their tug of war.
“No! The Creator is my friend now!” Kabukimono protests. “Stop pulling, you’ll hurt them!”
“Then let go and it won’t hurt them anymore, stupid!”
“Niwa told me you have to be nice to people if you want them to do things for you.”
“I know for a fact your precious Niwa also said I’m allowed to take whatever the hell I want, so give!”
“I really don’t think that’s what he meant by that,” Wanderer interjects, coming between the two of them and forcing them apart. “Besides, does the creator call you guys babygirl? No? Didn’t think so, so I’ll be taking my leave now.”
Taking advantage of their surprise, Wanderer scoops you up and launches into the air, anemo power whirring behind him, putting you both out of reach. You shriek at the sudden movement, holding onto the front of Wanderer’s outfit for dear life.
“What, this again? I’m not sure if you want me to be jealous of you, or pity you.” Scaramouche scowls up at where you two are hovering. He tries to look unaffected but you can see him clenching his fists at his side.
“I still don’t actually know what that’s supposed to mean…” Kabukimono wrings his hands and looks between you and the Traveler, who supplies an explanation for you.
“It’s just a term of endearment from the Creator’s world,” they say. “You wouldn’t believe how often I had to hear it when they were possessing me-”
“Hey, what are you doing?!”
Everyone turns to look at where you and Wanderer are. The puppet is trying not to drop you while also batting away your attempts at removing the outer layer of his outfit.  
“Hold still!” you grumble. “I’m just trying to figure out if you can purr, too, but I can’t hear anything over the sound of your anemo ability.”
“What are you talking about?! I don’t purr!”
“I do!”
The four of you turn to Kabukimono as he demonstrates the ability, the mechanisms in him working overtime to produce a loud rumble from his chest. The Traveler and Paimon are particularly impressed, and Kabukimono preens under their attention.
“Cut that out, idiot,” Scaramouche smacks the back of Kabukimono’s head, successfully cutting off the noise. “You’re just going to overheat, and then we’ll be stuck carrying around your powered-down body until you start up again.”
“You know how he does that? Does that mean you can do it too?” Paimon asks, her face scrunched up at the idea of the Balladeer doing anything that could be seen as endearing. 
“Absolutely not.”
“We can all do that,” Wanderer says at the same time, earning a betrayed look from Scaramouche. “It’s not purring though. You all remember that we’re puppets, right?”
“Yeah….?” The Traveler nods along with Paimon.
“Well, the prototype machinery inside us is what makes that noise.” Wanderer explains. “We can control the speed and make it as slow or as fast as we want, so making it run extra fast makes it louder. However, it also makes the machinery heat up, and if it gets too hot then the failsafe kicks in and shuts off the entire system.”
“Does that mean the Raiden Shogun can purr, too?” The Traveler wonders out loud, successfully distracting Paimon with the absurdity of that mental image.
“What happens to you if it overheats?” You ask, wondering if you should feel bad for enjoying it when Kabukimono purred.
“It’s like fainting for humans,” Scaramouche adds. “Which is why we don’t do that. Nobody likes having to carry around a useless burden.”
“But it’s not dangerous, is it?”
“No, it’s just a lot of trouble. Same as for humans, but no. No lasting damage.” Wanderer then sighs and makes a face even as he pulls you into a semblance of a hug. “Here, I’ll allow it this time, because it’s you...”
Your eyes widen as Wanderer begins to purr as well, audible even over the sound of his anemo power. With a delighted gasp, you throw your arms around him and listen happily, unaware of the glares Wanderer is receiving from below. The Traveler rolls their eyes when Wanderer points at your back and mouths ‘favourite’ at Scaramouche.
“Wanderer, if you’re done being jealous could you please bring the Creator back down?” Nahida calls, and you peek down to see that she and Lord Rukkhadevata have finished their discussion. They wait below, where Scaramouche and Kabukimono were earlier. The two puppets are now a little bit further away, bickering while the Traveler supervises them.
“I’m jealous?” Wanderer scoffs, hoisting you up so you can rest on his hip as he holds you with one hand, the other used to gesture down at Nahida rudely. “You even dare to imply-”
“Please bring the Creator down.” Rukkhadevata repeats, hands on her hips. “Don’t make me come up there and get you.”
You have to stifle a laugh as Wanderer slowly brings the two of you back down, making sure your feet are firmly on the ground before letting you go. You don’t bother to mention how you notice that Wanderer’s body actually is noticeably warmer after purring. You smooth the wrinkles of your clothes and turn to the two Dendro Archons with a smile.
“You guys give off such mom energy,” you tell them. “So, what’s up? Did you figure out anything else?” 
“You forget that I was a queen before I was a god,” Rukkhadevata points out. “I know what it’s like to stymie conflict before it becomes a problem. Diplomatically, of course.”
Nahida nods in agreement. “Of course. And yes, Your Grace, we did come to some conclusions! Though, not all of them are final, mostly regarding Wanderer and his counterparts. There are some hypotheses we will need to investigate before we can say for sure…”
“Still kinda wish you wouldn’t call me that,” you mutter, rubbing the back of your neck. The lofty title is uncomfortable to hear, when you still feel like any ordinary person. “But let’s hear it then. What did you guys come up with?”
“For the most part, exactly the same conclusion that we came to earlier.” Nahida says, drawing in the air with glowing green lines. She draws a tree, and then draws some branches in a different shade. “Your arrival in Teyvat brought a ‘backup’ of knowledge which, when reintroduced to the Leylines, conflicted with the current state of things and instead created additional information that now exists at the same time as the current timeline.”
“That being said,” Rukkhadevata adds her own glowing lines to Nahida’s drawing, in a deeper and more intense green. She circles one branch, and says: “I believe that this timeline’s Dendro Archon remains Lesser Lord Kusanali. Irminsul seems to have resolved this conflict by making it so that my sacrifice to eradicate Forbidden Knowledge was not my life, but rather my godhood.”
“What does that mean for you?” You ask.
“It means that I am now happily retired!” Rukkhadevata exclaims, smiling brightly. “And from what I’ve seen of the information recorded in Irminsul, I have an old friend in Liyue who also recently finds himself with a wealth of spare time. It’s been a few centuries since I last saw him, perhaps I should pay him a visit.”
“Wow, congratulations! I’m sure Zhongli would be glad for the company.” You hug her excitedly, and she returns the gesture with a bright laugh. 
“Is that the name he’s going by, now? It would certainly help to have a less recognisable name, I suppose…” Rukkhadevata ponders, and you can hear her humming as she thinks. “Well, if that’s the case, I’ll just use my old name. From now on, please call me Aranyani!”
Nahida joins in on your hug, practically bouncing with excitement, and you pick up the tiny god so she can see you both. “I’m so glad for you, Aranyani! I’ve always wanted to meet you,” she exclaims with a shy smile. “I have so many things I want to ask!”
“And you are always free to share in my knowledge, little sapling,” Aranyani coos, patting Nahida’s head affectionately before you all release each other, letting Nahida back down gently.
“So what are we going to do about those two clowns?” Wanderer says and you jump a little in surprise, forgetting he was still there.
You turn to where the rest of the group is. Kabukimono seems to have finally had enough and is tousling on the floor with Scaramouche. The Traveler is attempting to haul the Balladeer away, while Paimon grabs onto the back of Kabukimono’s veil and is yanking him in the other direction. To a very small degree of effectiveness.
“Both of you, please stop!” Nahida rushes forward, and the two puppets spring apart like the other is on fire.
“He started it!” Kabukimono points at Scaramouche accusingly and the Balladeer moves to grab him again, but is easily stopped by the Traveler pulling him back by grabbing his wrists. 
“It doesn’t matter who started it,” you sigh, putting your hands on your hips. You put on a stern face and your best ‘disappointed parent’ voice. “I sort of expected more from you two…”
Kabukimono’s devastated expression is enough for you to drop the pretense. You sigh and open your arms and beckon, and Kabukimono happily throws himself into your hug. 
“Fine, fine!” You grumble, patting the top of Kabukimono’s head. “As long as you guys aren’t, like, maiming or seriously injuring each other, I guess it’s okay.”
That’s about as far as you get before Nahida takes Kabukimono’s hand and leads him away, and begins informing him of the history of the world and catching him up to speed on the current timeline. Wanderer and the Traveler chime in every so often, adding in some details that the archon might have missed. Aranyani seems to have already taken her leave, leaving only you and Scaramouche behind.
You pretend not to notice as the disgruntled ex-Harbinger shuffles closer to you, until he bumps his shoulder against yours. 
“Hey,” he begins, clearing his throat awkwardly. “I’ve been meaning to ask, but all these annoying idiots kept interrupting me…”
You wait for a minute, until it’s clear he isn’t going to continue until you say something. “Yes? What’s the matter?”
He exhales through his nose and refuses to make eye contact with you. At the edges of your vision, you can see him fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here?” he finally spits out. “I mean, clearly I don’t quite fit in with the rest of these happy-go-lucky morons. I can’t imagine you intended for someone like me to show up.”
“Why not?” You blurt out, more out of surprise than anything else. “I like having you here.” It’s clearly the wrong thing to say, as Scaramouche begins to close off again.
“Don't bother lying to me,” he snaps, facing you with the full brunt of his annoyance. He crosses his arms and sneers at you, looking at you down the bridge of his nose. “I’m not some sad, weak little puppet who needs to be coddled by the likes of you. So save your meaningless placations for someone who would actually feel better after hearing them. You’re only wasting your time, and mine.”
“Okay, no lies then,” you nod, and watch as he braces himself for whatever you’ll say next. “I’m glad you’re here, in a world where every part of you can exist at the same time. And I’m glad I can be here with you to remind you that you’re the sum of all your parts, good and bad, and that I do want you to be here, in all your entirety.”
Scaramouche’s face is carefully blank, and you wonder for a second if he somehow shut down without you noticing. You wave a hand in front of his face, watching as his eyes track your palm. You’re about to say something else when you feel a hand come down on your shoulder heavily.
“Simp.” Wanderer states, patting you with a teasing look on his face.
“What?!” You jump away from him with an indignant squawk. “I am not-”
“Absolutely down bad.” The Traveler adds, and you reach clumsily to slap at the two of them. You miss both by miles.
“I can’t believe I taught you guys words from my world and this is how you repay me!”
“Sorry to interrupt, Your Grace!” Nahida looks properly apologetic at the treatment you’re receiving. “We were just discussing what to do with all of the new people. The Traveler has kindly offered to introduce you to their friendly teapot adeptus in order to have a realm created for you, and Wanderer’s incarnations can stay with you in the new realm!”
“That’s perfect!” you say quickly, eager to escape any more teasing from your team. You avoid Scaramouche’s probing gaze and turn your heated face away from him to look at Nahida and the Traveler. “When can we go? Can we go right now?”
The Traveler nods and holds out a thin tab of wood that you recognize as their realm dispatch. It’s strange to see it in person, for some reason you expected it to be bigger than it actually is. The entire thing can fit in the palm of one hand, like a credit card. “We can go as soon as you’re authorized, Your Grace!”
You’re giddy as you take the dispatch into your hands, rubbing the engraved surface with reverence. You feel a strange sensation, like pins and needles, as the magic in the dispatch settles over you. “This is so cool, you guys. I can’t wait to meet Tubby! Do you think she’ll make me a teapot, too, or something else?”
In your excitement you grab onto both the Traveler and Wanderer, silently begging them to come with you. Just as the three of you touch the surface of the teapot, Wanderer turns to Scaramouche with a pointed look and grins. 
“Favourite.” He says smugly as he vanishes.
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amorfista · 11 months
"Hey guys, I made some cookies for dessert. I hope you like the blumfruit ones, it's a new recipe :)".
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Savage hasn't even sat down to eat! He's been cooking all evening and he just brought a batch of tasty cookies! Now, the kitchen can become really warm after using the oven nonstop, and clothes tend to become... rather bothersome.
One would think that Maul, a chest displaying connoisseur wouldn't even bat an eye at the sight of his shirtless brother, but the truth is, up until now he had only seen him wearing his armor! "Where the kriff did his clothes go?", he thinks to himself. Feral, on the other hand is quite familiar with this kind of situation and doesn't even notice. "Thank you for the great meal, Savage ♥" he says politely. He's one lucky zabrak :).
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Now, here's the thing. . . . Here's how he actually showed up 🥴 🥴 
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go ahead, shame me!! the mischief is done >:)!! Sorry for the lazy backgrounds, I'm kinda dead after working on this, for several reasons.
Taglist (let me know if you want in ^^): @dukeoftheblackstar @justalittletomato @darthmaulshispanichousewife @botherbother-blog @aftergloom @badolmen @ihaventpickedausername @ohboi @stardustbee @nik-barinova @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @gen-has-green-vibes @ejfivercommander @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @eyecandyeoz @noesqape
836 notes · View notes
coupsie-daisies · 2 months
Kinktober '23: Bondage | Boo Seungkwan
Pairing: Camboy!Boo Seungkwan x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut (minors DO NOT interact), roommates to lovers, Camboy AU
Summary: Seungkwan is a camboy and after months of trying, he invites you, his best friend, to help him spice up one of his streams
WC: 5.8k
Warnings: Pet names (pretty girl, pretty, baby), fingering, unprotected sex (be smart), light bondage, some voyeurism and exhibitionism aspects, prominent sub space, spanking, multiple orgasms (fem receiving), Seungkwan is such a soft dom in this but he doesn't take any shit
A/N: Yall I know it's been a long time but I refuse to give up and honestly?? I kinda ate with this one. If you like it, please check out my commission and donation links, drop a comment or a reblog, it would be appreciated!
Tags: @dragonofthenorth0726 // @wooyussy // @burningupp-replies // @bunnypig18 // @decaffedthoughts // @brownieracha // @ferrethyun // @snow-pegasus // @walkxthexmoon // @aesteraceae // @wonuqrtz // @mixling-blog // @wonwooz1
Main Masterlist
Kinktober '23 Masterlist
This fanfiction is property of @/coupsie-daisies, reposting on any other platform is prohibited
Living with Seungkwan was nice. He had friends over sometimes, and they could get a little loud sometimes, but they were always polite towards you, and they really did try not to cause problems for you. Seungkwan himself was a good friend, someone you knew you could rely on to handle the grocery trips when you were busy, or to keep the dishes done up. He was a shoulder you could lean on, which might have something to do with the two of you meeting during what was, objectively speaking, your worst year of college.
Maybe the best thing about Seungkwan was that no matter how much he would tease you, he never judged your decisions, and you never judged his. It was easy for the two of you to mind your own business. So it was a bit of a surprise when he came bursting into your room after a couple sharp knocks. He didn’t wait for an answer, and you were grateful that you were actually wearing pants this time.
“Hey, quick question. Are you busy tomorrow night?” He asked. You looked up at where he was standing just inside your doorway.
“Hello to you too, Kwannie,” You said, sitting up in bed and stretching your arms over your head. You didn’t catch the way his eyes flicked down to the sliver of your stomach that exposed itself. “You should really learn to knock. I could have been busy. Or, like, changing or something.”
“Y/N,” He whined, jutting out his bottom lip into a dramatic pout. You whined back before huffing.
“Relax, relax. I’m sorry. No, I’m not doing anything tomorrow night. Why?”
He moved to flop onto the end of your bed.
“Okay, so you know how I do streams, right?” He asked. You nodded, remembering how awkward the conversation had been when he’d explained it, how nervous he was to tell you that he had a side hustle as a camboy. You, however, hadn’t thought anything much about it, which you could tell helped ease his mind. It never mattered to you what he did in his free time, especially when his pocket money bought you little treats from everywhere he went. Besides, anyone as hot as Seungkwan would be a fool not to profit off of their looks in one way or another.
“Mhm,” You hardly looked up from your phone, just enough to urge him to continue talking.
“So…I had an idea for how to change it up this week but I need help.” He said. That had you putting your phone down. What exactly was he asking of you?
“Look, if we’re going to a sex store, you’re paying.” You said. You watched a faded pink crawl up his neck, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“I wasn’t gonna suggest that. I think I have everything I need for now. It’s just a weird request, so you can’t freak out on me. I’m warning you!”
“Consider me warned,” You motioned for him to carry on.
“Would you want to join me for the stream? Like…let me touch you or whatever?”
You lost any semblance of coherent thoughts at his question. Sure, you knew that Seungkwan masturbated for strangers on the internet, and you knew he’d offhandedly mentioned how people would be interested in seeing him with a partner, but you knew he’d never wanted to share something like that with anyone he didn’t trust inside and out. More than freaking you out, the invitation flattered you (and maybe sparked a heat low in your stomach). He trusted you enough to invite you into his most vulnerable space.
Unfortunately, your silence on the matter did nothing but make him nervous.
“You can just say no, I’m not gonna be mad.” He said, moving to get up. You frowned, reaching to catch his hand and stop him before he got too far.
“I wasn’t gonna say no. I was just thinking is all.” You said with a shrug. “I know you wanna make your undying fans happy, but I don’t want you to bring me into this unless it’s something you’re absolutely sure about.”
Your sincerity seemed to catch him off guard, but he shook it quickly except for the curling warmth rising in his chest.
‘I wouldn’t have asked you if I wasn’t sure. I’ve been meaning to ask you for a couple months. Didn’t know how to without making it…weird.”
“It’s us, Kwan, aren’t things always weird?” You teased him. You watched the way the tension washed out of him, the way his shoulders relaxed, and you found yourself relaxing with him.
A little over twenty-four hours had passed when you found yourself stepping into Seungkwan’s bedroom. It was odd, and the nerves were beginning to settle in your stomach. It’s not like you were some fresh and pure virgin, and if there was anyone that you trusted to fuck you on camera in front of dozens - if not hundreds - of people, it was Seungkwan. But now you were about to have your entire body on display, about to hand over the reins and let him do as he saw fit for the people watching him. The people watching you.
“You can make yourself comfortable,” He said, motioning towards his bed. You’d been inside his room plenty of times, and maybe you’d taken a peek at his streams once or twice, just to see what exactly it was he did, but this felt different. You knew what this room looked like from almost every angle, but seeing it like this in person and not through the tiny screen of your phone was new. The purple LED lights set the mood, washing his room in a cool glow that made the entire place feel like it was moving in slow motion.
You perched on the end of his bed, watching the ease with which he moved around, the confidence in his stride. It wasn’t unfamiliar, this version of him where he took up space and commanded a room, but the context added something in it that sent ripples through the pool of arousal settling into your stomach. He sat in his desk chair, adjusting his set up and bobbing his head to the quiet music that he had playing in the background. You admired the way that the dim lighting washed over him, casting shadows against his already stunning features and making him that much harder to look away from.
“Did you hear me?” He asked. You blinked the lust out of your eyes and gave him an apologetic smile instead of an answer. “If you’re nervous you can say so. We don’t have to do this.”
He could see through you without even trying. Damn him and his observant nature.
“I’m fine, seriously. I want to do this with you. New experiences or whatever, right?” You rolled your neck in a slow circle, letting your shoulders lift up and drop back, stretching the nerves out of your muscles and forcing yourself to relax. This wasn’t you, you weren’t generally so uptight. “What was it you were saying?”
“The set up over here will have the stream on it. If you’re worried about what people will see, you can check it on this one.” He nodded towards one of the screens in question, then pointed to the next one. “That one will have the chat on it.”
You nodded along, listening to him explain the set up and showing you what the viewers would see, it was exactly what you’d expected it to be, nothing too intimidating. Still, you were grateful for his explanations and reassurance.
“And you’re just gonna…fuck me?” You asked, not entirely sure what to expect. You’d discussed your limits, established a safeword for if you needed out. You’d talked about what you were into, what you’d never tried before, going to extents that made you squirm. By this point, you were pretty sure that Seungkwan knew your sexual preferences better than any partner you’d ever had in the past.
Seungkwan laughed, and the sound seemed into your bones, washing away the last of your worries. That was your Seungkwan, you were safe in his hands.
“Not right away. Gonna talk to the chat, touch you, get everyone all worked up. You don’t have to say anything, just follow my lead. Listen to my voice. Let me make you feel good. The teasing is half the fun, it’s the part they always like the most.”
He was speaking so casually, but the certainty in his voice was doing something to you. You nodded, trying to picture how things were going to happen. Where would he touch you? Would he be able to find all the places that made you squirm or would he be too preoccupied with his chit-chat?
“Then I’ll do what we talked about. Play with you, make sure you feel good. It really is about you this time around.”
This time around. It implied he’d bring you back, put on another show with you, maybe a bit more selfishly. One that was about him next time. You remembered how he’d explained that his fans wanted to see how he’d take care of a partner, presumably to imagine it was them. That was fine by you, and if you held a little piece of something special with Seungkwan, well, that was nobody’s business but your own.
He went through the process of getting the stream ready, and you say quietly, watching him slip into his element. It reminded you of when he’d host get-togethers for your friends, how careful he was to make sure that everything was perfect so nobody had to worry about a thing. You wondered if he’d do the same thing when he was playing with you.
“Camera on in one minute.” He said, moving so he was propped against his pillows, guiding you to sit between his legs. You did as he said, pressing your back to his front and leaning your head back into his shoulder, nervous eyes trained on the screen where the two of you were sitting. It gave a perfect view of the two of you, his arms wrapped around you, hands settling against your lower stomach, and his fingers tracing against the waistband of your pants.
The viewers started rolling in just after the stream started, dedicated viewers who expected him just like clockwork. They greeted him with nothing but adoration and excitement, and Seungkwan greeted them back, calling some of them by name and thanking them for their tips on the last steam, insisting that he’d put on a good show again, that he’d work hard to meet their standards.
You really weren’t paying too much attention to what he was saying, just listening to that smooth cadence of his voice and feeling the way his hands brushed down over your exposed thighs, thumbs tracing the line of the shorts you’d put on for this. His hands were warm and smooth, kneading at the flesh of your thighs and dragging his dull nails against the insides of them. You wondered if he noticed the way your body was melting into him with each pass of his palms against your skin.
After several minutes of focusing on nothing but the heat thrumming in your stomach, you found yourself fighting the urge to wiggle, and then he was riding his hands higher, stroking up your sies and pushing your shirt out of the way so that he could slip underneath, caressing your sids, along your stomach, swirling shapes that blended in with the dips of his voice as he spoke to the camera.
You’d very nearly forgotten the viewers, so focused in on the way that Seungkwan was familiarizing himself with your body. Nobody had ever taken this much time to touch you without even taking off your shirt. You had a fleeting thought that maybe you’d have to worry about that eventually, about him being able to take you apart and put you back together better than anyone else you knew. That thought, however, slipped through your fingers when his hands moved up to cup your breasts over your bra. The touch made your back arch involuntarily, chasing more pressure, more skin on skin contact, more anything because that simply wasn’t cutting it.
He laughed, voice swirling in your head and fogging it up enough that you didn’t even have time to be insecure when he pulled your shirt off and cast it aside. You opened your eyes, the glaring image of the two of you catching your attention, and the red light staring back at your nearly bare torso. You chewed on your lip, and Seungkwan dipped closer so that the mic wouldn’t pick up his voice.
“Are you okay?” He asked. You nodded slowly, and his lips ghosted over the weak spot just below your ear. Your breath hitched when he flicked his tongue over it, waiting until your muscles gave out on you to suckle on it, drawing the tiniest whine from you. Then he huffed out a chuckle against the shell of your ear. “Good. I’m not done with you yet.”
His voice was dark, heady, and you were spinning in the abyss of it. The room felt like it was tilting at an odd angle, your stomach flip flopping and your body being held up only by the arm he had wrapped around you again, keeping you steady against him while he teased the curve of your cleavage above your bra.
“Yeah, she’s never been on camera before,” He said, voice no longer aimed towards you, but back at the audience that was becoming more and more antsy to have his attention back. You remembered then that people were watching you, watching the way that the slightest touch from him had you pressing your thighs together for a sliver of friction. “I know, she’s so pretty, isn’t she?”
A warmth crept into your cheeks at the easy praise, words spilling out as if you weren’t even there. It shouldn’t have turned you on the way that it did, but you couldn’t deny the wetness dampening your panties as his fingers dipped under the cups of your bra, tugging them down slowly enough for you to stop him if you wanted. You didn’t want to. So he pulled the fabric down under your breasts and let his hands idly knead at them. He wasn’t chasing your pleasure the way that you were, just taking his time touching you as his eyes scanned the chat screen. The praise, the requests for him to strip with you, the ones asking to see more of you.
You didn't notice it in your state, so focused on his touch that you weren’t even looking at him on the screen, but a sort of heated jealousy flickered across his face. He didn’t mind sharing you with his audience, that’s what had gotten you into his bed in the first place, but he didn’t like the idea of letting them take over, letting them make you feel good instead while he just followed their orders.
His fingers got harsher, brushing against your nipples before pinching them between his fingertips and rolling them. You whined, back arching to ease some of the sharp pain, and he bit back a devastated sound at how pretty you sounded. For him.
His eyes returned to the screen, reading the comments as they rushed by, thanking people for the tips rolling in as he continued to pinch and tweak your sensitive buds. He tugged and twisted, flicked at them until you were nearly panting, legs desperately pressing together as if that would make you less of a worked up mess.
“Stay still,” He mumbled sharply, easing up on his torment and instead kneading your breasts in large, warm palms as if to soothe the sting of arousal that he’d caused.
He continued like that, hands suddenly gentle and much more patient than you could stand. You whimpered after a few moments of his attention straying front ou, your hand finding his wrist and guiding it with feather light touches towards the waistband of your shorts. He laughed.
“Need something, baby?” He asked. The name was new, and it only sent your mind spiraling further into depraved desperation.
“Need you. Please?” You said, and it was quiet enough that you weren’t even sure if it could be heard through the stream. The only reassurance that your begging was noticed was the influx of pinging as more and more money rolled in.
“Need me? Im right here, pretty girl. What could you need?” He taunted, and you huffed.
“Need you to touch me. Wanna cum,” You said, the world around you fading out completely as you gave him exactly what he was looking for. He seemed satisfied, nudging you to sit up straighter so that he could pull his shirt off and discard it. Then he was pulling you back, pressing your bare skin to his, radiating warmth that had you melting, your skin burning with want, and need, and pure molten lava at that point.
Once you were settled back, he pushed your shorts out of his way, guiding them down your soft thighs so you could kick them off, leaving you just in the flimsiest, cutest pair of panties that you owned. The scrap of fabric barely covered you to begin with, and it was nearly transparent with your wetness, stuck to your folds. Seungkwan reached down, hooking your legs over his so he could hold you open for everyone to see, his fingers tracing your exposed thighs and leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake.
You tried not to fold the moment you got his attention, you really did, but it was easier said than down when his touch skirted along the edge of your panties, so horribly close to your pussy that it made your hips back and your voice come out as a trembling whimper.
“Can you guys see how wet she is?” He asked, his voice dripping pure charm that only served to make your hold leak a little more. Then his fingers were pressing your panties against you, dragging them against your slicked clit in slow, torturous circles. You nearly sobbed, eyes opening to look up at him. The face that he looked breathtaking even from this angle was cruel, downright killer.
“She’s soaked already. You know, I knew she’d like being watched but I think she likes it almost as much as I do,” He laughed, and you huffed in protest, but he didn’t stop his touch regardless. “How many times do you think we can make her cum? Two? Three?”
You couldn’t bite your tongue this time, a scoff slipping out as your frustration built enough to sting between your thighs.
“Haven’t even proved you could make me cum once. How could they know how many times? Maybe one of them should just fuck me instead. Bet they’d be nice to me.” You snapped. You realized your mistake the moment you spoke. Seungkwan’s fingers stilled, his other hand coming up to grasp at your waist, tugging you hard enough that you couldn’t even consider not giving in. He guided you to flip over, settling you over his lap.
“Is that how you talk to me?” He asked, tugging your panties down to expose the curve of your ass to the cool air of his room. You shook your head harshly, trying to mumble out apologies, but only managing a series of pouty whines and please that he didn’t seem interested in listening to. “I didn’t fucking think so. I know you have manners, let’s make sure you use them next time.”
His hand came down, harsh and stinging against one side of your ass, your hips jolting and scrambling to escape the pain. He pulled them back into place, kneading your ass cheek beneath his palm.
“What do you say?” He asked. You buried your face in your arm, turning just enough to peek at him out of the corner of your eye.
“I’m sorry, baby, please,” You whimpered. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
“Oh, you promise?” He taunted. You didn’t have a chance to answer before he was spanking you again. This time it was less hard, but followed by two more just as quickly. You yelped, kicking your feet up helplessly to try and protect your backside. He just pushed them down, taking a moment to rub at the abused flesh before giving you one more. You sniffled, though there weren’t any tears, just a pathetic thrum of humiliation and arousal washing over you.
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled, nuzzling into his thigh and leaving a soft kiss there as if it would take away from your misbehavior.
“Thank you pretty girl. Did so well for me.” He praised, tipping your head up and leaning down to kiss you. The feeling took you by surprise, the softness of his lips against yours wasn’t something that had gone unimagined, but it was better in real life, and so vastly opposite his harsh discipline from moments before. Nevertheless, it was chaste, and his eyes were still dark when he pulled away.
“I think you deserve a reward for being so good. Used your manners and everything.” He brushed his fingers down the curve of your jaw, gentle and adoring, then his eyes flicked up towards the camera. “What do you think? Is it time for a reward?”
His voice was sweet, and you wiggled your hips, half hoping that it would sway the viewers to your side and coax him into making you cum. Your pussy was throbbing with the need to be touched, to be spread open and stretched out, and the feeling was beginning to become uncomfortable.
He hummed, not speaking as he read the comments, just carefully focusing on the scroll of words that you weren’t in the headspace to make out. Then he was knocking your thighs apart, keeping you laid out there over his lap, and sliding his fingers down to your needy cunt. He spread your wetness along your lower lips, coating his skin in it before stopping to flick them harshly along your clit, back and forth at such a pace that you wanted to close your thighs. The only thing keeping them open was his forearm laid against one of them and the awkward position that he had you laid in.
You bit back a desperate whine as your orgasm crashed into you surprisingly fast, your body writhing in his lap as he continued to work you through it, rubbing fast circles against your clit and leaving your walls to clench and flutter, unsatisfyingly empty. The orgasm did nothing but make you more desperate for him.
“Please,” You whined as you came down from it, need burning hot and heavy in your lower stomach. He smiled, using his clean hand to stroke your hair away from your face. “Wanna feel you inside,”
He groaned, although it was nearly closer to a whine, wordlessly complaining about your impatience, and the effect it was having on him, and how it was no doubt ruining his carefully thought out plans for the stream. He pouted, bottom lip jutting out at the camera as he read the influx of comments.
“Aish,” He hissed under his breath. “Whose side are you on, anyway?”
You processed that he was talking to his viewers as he maneuvered you off of his lap so he could stand up. The bulge in his pants was obvious, the outline of his cock showing against the soft fabric. He didn’t do anything about it though, pulling you carefully to sit up instead, your back turned to the camera and you perched up on your knees. He pulled a spool of dark blue rope from his bedside drawer, moving your arms behind your back and carefully wrapping your wrists, trying your forearms together and giving them a tug. You hummed out a sound at the feeling, the slightest strain tugging in your shoulders and the rope rubbing against your arms leaving you with even more lava rushing through your veins.
He tipped your head up, making you look at him and silently questioning if you were comfortable enough. You nodded ever so slightly, looking up at your roommate with the widest lust blown eyes as if that would make him speed this whole ordeal up. You knew better though, knew he wouldn’t go easy on you. Especially not when you had an entire crowd to entertain.
“Needy little whore. Cute,” He hummed, pulling you around so that your back was facing him, your profiles to the camera. He pulled you back by your upper arm, catching you steadily against his chest when your balance gave way to his force. He reached around you, turning your chin up to catch your lips in a fast, messy kiss. It was all tongue, and saliva, and the taste of him as he practically devoured your mouth.
His hands roamed down your front, tracing your curves, down your stomach, before finally finding their way to your dripping core. He pulled your legs open wider, not caring about the little whimper that you let out in response to losing your balance again. After all, he had no intentions of letting you fall, and maybe you had a habit of forgetting how strong he was until he was keeping you upright with a single arm around you.
Two of his fingers slid through your folds, spreading them open for a third to tease against your hungry hole, sliding in slowly before sliding right back out and continuing to tease you. You were too breathless to complain, his lips leaving yours and dripping wet kisses down your neck and shoulder, then back up again, nipping at your earlobe before sucking what you were sure would be a very bold mark at the crook of your neck.
Then two of his fingers were filling you up, and your body threatened to fall forward, your legs trying to snap shut around his hand but in no position to do so. So instead he continued working you open, fingers fucking into you with the lewdest sound, pushing your wetness out and letting it run down his hand as he worked you open for him. You could feel his impatience in the way that he worked a third finger inside along with the first two, the sting earning a broken moan from you. It didn’t last, turning into a burning need for more, more, more. That’s all you could think about, greedy little whore. Just for him.
It took you a considerable moment to realize that he was the one whispering those words to you as he stuffed you full of his fingers, your mind getting lost somewhere along the way and focusing entirely on the sound of his voice, and the feeling of his bare chest pressed to your back, and your arms trapped between the two of you, and the beads of sweat slipping down your collarbone. You swore you could feel everything all at once and process none of it at all.
When he pulled his fingers out of you, you let out what could only be called a sob of devastation, and he laughed, easing you down so your weight was resting on your front, balanced carefully on your shoulder with your cheek pressed into the bed. You looked over at him as best as you could, watching him shuck off his pants and underwear so the both of you were completely naked. You could only just see the way his hand wrapped around his cock, fingers smearing your slick arousal onto his length as he tugged it slowly. He looked so pretty, the softly sculpted muscles of his stomach tensing, his chest rising and falling with each breath as he tried to get himself impossibly harder. You couldn’t see it, but you could feel his eyes fixated on the clenching of your pussy, the way you were leaking all over your thighs for him.
“Baby, please fuck me. Been waiting for so long, just…please.” You huffed, wiggling your hips back towards him, and you caught a momentary glimpse of his eyes clouding over as he watched you. His free hand came to knead one of your ass cheeks, spreading you open and taking in the way your hole was begging for him. He cursed under his breath, muttering something to the camera that you didn’t hear – and, quite frankly, didn’t give a shit about.
“Alright, pretty, just hold tight.”
Seungkwan guided his cock to tap against your folds a few times, then pressing into you slowly, inch by agonizing inch. He wasn’t terribly long, but he was thick enough that it brought the sting of tears as he filled you up. Your hands grasped at the air, not entirely able to grab anything but each other, which you did. Your back ached, burying your face deeper into his bedding to try and muffle the fucked out cry that left your lips as his cock dragged the length of your g-spot. Your stomach flipped and tightened as his hips stilled, pressed harshly against your ass. His hands were gripping your hips like a lifeline, surely leaving bruises in the shape of his fingertips, pulling you back into him so he could hit just a little deeper inside of you.
You weren’t given an opportunity to find words before he was puling out of you and sliding home again, harder this time, a little faster, until his pace was set and his hips were meeting yours hard enough that you just knew your ass was turning pink. The only sounds in the room were the slick slide of his cock inside of you, the skin on skin of his hips meeting your backside, and the downright shattered moans that you were letting out with each of his thrusts, the sound stunted and jumpy as he fucked you dumb.
Seungkwan grabbed your bound arms, pulling you up onto your knees and using your shoulder as leverage to drag you back into him. Your entire body shuddered at the new angle, head dropping forward and mouth hanging open as drool pooled at the corner of your lips. Somehow, despite knowing what it was he did, it had never occurred to you that maybe Seungkwan was an absolute sex god.
The hand on your shoulder slipped around, fingers splaying prettily against your throat, not choking you but simply letting you know that he was there, that he could, and you groaned a string of curses as you lost all sense of space and time. The only thing that existed was him, his body, the way it was connecting with yours. Just the two of you and the breathless grunts that he let out against your neck.
“Gonna cum,” You warned him, your fingers managing to drag against his stomach as he fucked into you, and the next thing you knew your vision was bursting with white, and Seungkwan was growling as you came around him, squeezing him so tight that he could hardly even fuck you through it.
Your ears were ringing, and it felt a little like you were on a boat when he laid you down on your front again, pulling out to shoot his load onto the insides of your thighs, marking your skin with his seed and stroking himself through it. He was panting then, the first thing that you could process, and you listened to that sound alone, ignoring the slightly off putting feeling of his cum running down your legs. You just nuzzled deeper into his blankets, finally processing that he’d laid you down.
You faintly heard him say his goodbyes, thanking everyone for their gifts and promising to bring you back again soon if you were interested. It registered slowly that you’d been streaming with him that entire time, that you’d experienced the most earth shattering orgasm of your life in front of who knows how many people. But it didn’t matter, you couldn’t care. Not when he sat down beside you, the camera off, and reached down to stroke your hair away from your sweat-dampened face. You blinked up at him, a sleepy smile curling onto your face.
“How do you feel, pretty thing?” He asked, carefully freeing your arms and rolling you to lay on his back. He took his time to massage each arm from wrist to shoulder and back again, making sure that your circulation was okay, mostly since he was pretty well convinced that you wouldn’t have noticed it if you lost feeling in them completely.
“Good. Really good,” You told him, eyes heavy again, so you gave in and closed them.
“Good, I’m glad. You did so well, let me take such good care of you. But you gotta stay with me while I get you cleaned up, okay? You can do that right? Just stay with Kwannie,”
You hummed, your heart skipping in your chest. Kwannie, your Kwannie. You curled closer to him, cheek pressed against his still bare thigh, and he chuckled, reaching down to brush your cheek.
“Can you stay here while I go get a towel to clean you up? Then you can nap and we’ll shower later.”
You nodded thoughtlessly, and he took that as his sign to get up. When he did, however, you reached out to grab his wrist, and he turned as fast as humanly possible to look at you, eyes clouded over with worry.
“Are you gonna nap with me?” You asked, voice so tiny and heavy with sleep that he swore his heart might melt.
“Yeah pretty, I’ll sleep too. Just let me clean us up, okay?” He asked, leaning down to kiss your forehead, and you nodded obediently, not even trying to move a muscle and settle under the blankets. He disappeared from his room for a moment, grabbing a wet cloth and cleaning himself. A few minutes later he returned, finding you sound asleep, his pillow pulled up against your chest and your face squished into it.
Seungkwan looked at you, naked and surely chilly in his bed, but so entirely relaxed after sleeping with him, and the warmth that bloomed in his chest made him question if the two of you were ever really just friends to begin with.
copyright 2024 coupsie-daisies, all rights reserved
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konigsblog · 4 months
That mlmxreader blog also keeps claiming that you're sending your followers to go attack them and send death threats. They do a lot of arguing that your dark fic is not real dark fic and that you're purposely trying to trigger and retraumatise them - is what I gathered looking at a couple posts...
I think that for one, there are definitely writers who do romanticise some topics unhealthily with things such as rape/assault/torture, but I don't think you're one of those people? Like you frequently tag and keep stating that what you're writing is fiction, it's fantasy.
On that note, they keep trying to argue that CNC is the more "moral" kink to be writing vs. rape. I honestly think that rape fantasy is something people do fantasize about and can sometimes just not be CNC (bc they keep trying to pin it back to that kink). It's the fact that there's no established relationship and discussion like in most BDSM pairings where they talk about rape play. At the end of the day, you tag your works properly. I don't see much issue with writing what you want when you make sure to tag (which you do!) and are aware the subject you're writing about and its usual connotations (which you're also aware!). People can be mad and uncomfortable, but at the end of the day it's them who chose to keep talking about it. I think people need to get used to being uncomfortable on the internet. This is not a new concept and nobody here is a "hero" for anything.
Sorry I just paraphased some posts and asks with some of my own thoughts on it!
i mean, my content is supposed to be dark, it's dark content for a reason, and i'm not describing these characters to be standard; i'm writing them manipulative, vindictive, depraved, ect. i do appreciate you, anon, as you weren't rude, and instead polite. i appreciate it, my dear! 💗
i don't really care about this whole thing, but something i have never said was to send death threats. now, we don't know if they're lying – they could be – but, if they aren't, stop. i didn't tell anyone to send death threats, because i don't condone that. aside from death threats and mocking someone's trauma, i seriously don't care what you want to do. whether you don't block them, block them, whatever, they've made multiple posts directly insulting me in weird ass ways, so i couldn't really care about their immature opinion.
i'd like to point out something they said though, kinda funny, considering they've mentioned me multiple times outside of their callout post. they said they made ONE post about me with examples, that would be their callout post. but, they're not counting how they're talking about me in response to anons, or how they're mentioning me in their hashtags. it's childish. yes, you 100% have the right to not enjoy a certain kink/coping mechanism (because funnily enough, people use different ways to copes) but it's immature to name people, talk about how what i'm doing is "disgusting" or how i'm a "vile cretin" (like what lmfao 😭)
here's some screenshots of what i'm talking about when i say they've even insulted me, or made comments. this is 4/11 screenshots.
and comparing my supporters to an iof soldier... 😬 wtf is wrong with you? that's disgusting.
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now, if anyone sends this to @mlmxreader, go ahead and let them know that they're not the centre of the world, them multiple posts taking about me and insulting me is immature on their end.
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minetteskvareninova · 9 months
How Would I Put This For My Non-Slovak Mutuals
Slovakia is going to have elections (premature, I should note, because Matovič is an idiot, see bellow) and by God I am stressed. Our options are as follows:
Progresívne Slovensko (Progressive Slovakia) - They are the, well, progressive party of the Slovak political spectrum. Which means they are the only fucking party that supports the LGBT movement with any consistency. Most of their other proposals are also relatively reasonable; they are interested in protecting the environment, want to improve the sorry state of Slovak healthcare, fight the corruption and so on. Their only two issues are the fact that their leader, Martin Šimečka, is a fucking nerd with the charisma of a wet noodle, and the fact that everyone, and I mean absolutely everyone, even people who theoretically should be on their side on account of not being bigoted Putin-loving dipshits, hates them for absolutely no reason. Well, except for their large preferences, probably. They are the most successful party, or second most successful (depends on how the elections pan out) after...
SMER - Sociálna demokracia (DIRECTION - Social Democracy; yes I know SMER is also short for something but I'm too lazy to look it up right now) - Hoo boy. These guys. How would I even start to explain the sheer amount of baggage these guys carry...? SMER has been in power in 2008-2012 and 2012-2020. And it was a fucking shitshow. Between massive corruption and widespread mismanagement of public resources, you can't help but wonder how the fuck did these people last one term, let alone three?! Don't let the Social Democracy thing in their name fool you, these people aren't really social democrats, they have no ideology beyond getting more votes and avoiding jail. Their leader is Róbert Fico, a literal antichrist whose corruption scandals would make for an exceptionally thick encyclopedia. This man is able to sell his soul to the devil for money and power, but since the devil seems kinda unavailable, he figured Putin is the next best (worst?) thing. His latest strategy for gaining more support is leaning into the fanatical Putin-loving, EU and human rights hating crowd, which in our country is depressingly large. Another memorable personality is Ľuboš Blaha, a tankie extraordinaire whose favourite meal is the sole of Volodya's boot and a steady diet of bathit conspiracies. Remember when Blaha engaged in casual atrocity denial around Bucha, because Pepperidge Farm and Minette's blog remember. https://www.tumblr.com/minetteskvareninova/680859499810177024/this-war-is-horrible-and-itself-would-be-enough
Hlas-SD (Voice-SD) - Most progressives in Slovakia have high hopes for these people. I don't. They are an offshoot of SMER, whose leader Peter Pellegrini has mostly held the line with Fico, but at least seems spineless enough to betray him if it happens to be advantageous enough. They don't really have any kind of concrete politics (most of their program is a vague "we'll make things better" kind of stuff), but at least they don't actively spread hate, so in that way they are able to climb over the low bar that is their mother party. Still, how are these people in the third place of every pre-election survey I will never know. I guess Pelle is just that sexy or whatever.
Obyčajní ľudia a nezávislé osobnosti (Ordinary People And Independent Personalities) - They have been the ruling party since 2020 and much like with SMER, it was kind of a shitshow, just in a different way. Their leader Igor Matovič is less corrupt (mind you, not NOT corrupt) than Fico, but more than makes up for it by being kinda stupid and also a horrendous drama queen whose antics prematurely ended two cabinets, his and Heger's. Tenderly nicknamed "Matelko", he became known for his "atom bombs" of ideas, such as giving out prizes in a lottery that people join by getting vaccinated. Y'know, to increase vaccination rates during the height of COVID-19 pandemic. That's why this whole thing had to be televised, complete with "call to collect your prize" type of deal. For what it's worth, he at least made attempts to fight the corruption of the previous regime; he did it badly, as is his way, but nonetheless. "Independent personalities" here means a bunch of small parties that joined them in this election, because they would have no chance otherwise. They are a pretty diverse bunch, meaning their ranks include, among others, an infamous bigot and fanatical anti-abortion activist Anna Záborská, but they also made my bae Jaroslav Naď a defence minister, so that kinda balances it out. I wouldn't hate it if they managed to get into parliament, I'll tell you that much.
Slododa a Solidarita (Freedom and Solidarity) - Considering Matelko profiles himself as an anti-corruption crusader, you'd think Róbert Fico is his nemesis. You'd be wrong. Fico unfortunately loses that prestigious title to one Richard Sulík, leader of SaS, who is... Eh? Like, he's competent in the questions of economy and in general not in the worst tier of Slovak politicians, but also, he's as much of a libertarian as is possible in our part of the world (which si to say, he's not as bad as an average American libertarian, but still engages in, for example, casual climate change denial) and constantly feuds with Matelko. Again, I don't hate him, but we could do a lot better.
Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie (Christian-Democratic Movement) - They are surprisingly not as bigoted as their name would suggest, but that's because here in Slovakia we are used to levels of homophobia and transphobia that would boggle the mind of an average non-fundie American. They come off as relatively reasonable, but only because one can't help but compare them to Putin kissasses like SMER, SNS and Republika. Which brings us to...
Slovenská národná strana (Slovak National Party) - You know, Stupidest Slovak Politician is a tough contest, so my respect to anyone who is able to win it as decisively as Andrej Danko. This man is like Róbert Fico, if his spirit animal was a sheep instead of a fox (and I say it as someone who has experience with sheep, those motherfuckers are ungodly stupid). He simped for Putin before it was cool, when that particular fanclub was just him and Blaha. He doesn't seem to be able to speak his mother tongue and his constant malaproper speech is the source of many a meme. Which, yes, means that him getting into parliament would be pretty funny. On the other hand, all that fun would probably be somewhat spoiled by the fact that he's ALSO super corrupt, not to mention, y'know, conspiracy-spreading Putin simp and bigot. He also cites Viktor Orbán as his actual, honest-to-God role model. So, an all-around cool dude that I am very happy might be in the next parliament (if Fico wins the election, because naturally these two get on like a house on fire). /s
Republika (The Republic) - I can't believe SMER legit isn't the worst mainstream Slovak party, but I mean, at least they aren't actual neonazis? I mean, Republika does its best to hide their affiliations, but because their leader, Milan Uhrík, is in competition for the second stupidest Slovak politician (the first place, as stated, firmly belonging to Danko), they don't do a particularly good job of that. I mean, Republika is the product of a schism within ĽSNS, who were already infamous for their idiocy (besides, you know, barely disguised fascism), so figures. Milan Uhrík in particular is the man whose most important contributions to Slovak culture were sitting in the European Parliament doing fuck all (did I mention that like most bigots, he also shits on EU constantly?) and the "I am not a historian" meme. Basically, because of the blatant fascist sympathies of his party, including worshipping Jozef Tiso, he was asked to condemn the crimes of the First Slovak Republic (which was basically a Nazi puppet - yeah, Ukrainians aren't the only nation in this region with a shady past, go figure; not that it prevents some people, including Uhrík himself, from spreading the "denazification" bullshit). Uhrík's answer? "I am not a historian". Since then, he has been given several options to revise this opinion. He never took any of them. His agenda is also truly something to behold, like I've never read something as profoundly dumb as the pamphlets where they present it. They don't seem to be as successful as ĽSNS, but that's unfortunately because their schtick was stolen by SMER with the good chunk of their electorate. Still, SMER might actually take them into their coalition, because like goes with the like even if the "like" is bigotry, and lest we forget, there is no God.
Sme rodina (We Are Family) - *sigh* Do I have to? Okay. Sme rodina is yet another conservative party, completely unlike EVERY OTHER PARTY THAT EVER GAINED ANY TRACTION IN THIS COUNTRY PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE. Ahem. Its leader Boris Kollár is a businessman who gained something of a memetic status in Slovak showbusiness by being a massive whore and having a fuckton of illegitimate children (the current count is I think 12?). Something of a Slovak Herschel Walker. And just like Herschel Walker, he, the avowed conservative that he is, has been accused of paying for abortions of one of his ex-girlfriends. Which is just a reflection of this guy's general moral consistency. To put it simply, Boris is the biggest Slovak whore. If Fico asked him to join his coalition, you bet your ass he would. He also has associated with people involved in organized crime (just like Fico) and sexted a fifteen year old drug addict. Because, as their billboards state, Sme rodina "protects children". Needless to say, I can't fucking stand this dude just as a person; since he seems to want to be an Isekai hero, I hope he gets hit by a truck.
Demokrati (The Democrats) - They're fine. Their leader is our former short-term prime minister Eduard Heger, whose only flaws were being hopelessly naive and letting Matelko get away with shit he should not have gotten away with. Any people that might be OK with them already vote for Progresívne Slovensko, but maybe they will get enough votes to be eligible for parliament? Maybe??? Their chances aren't high to be honest, but what do you know, miracles do happen.
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nnnyxie · 7 months
Okay wait wait wait
You know I adore fan!Reader but what if it was Writer!reader??? Like writing fanfiction about Izuku x reader or generally hero x reader and their blog is fairly popular (assuming they use Tumblr bc yes) reader is friends with maybe Denki And Sero through some weird as connections because they‘re just a random ass civilian but keep getting introduced to heros this way
Through that they get a better understanding of the heros personality’s and can write more realistic ffs >:) maybe they‘re Denkis roomie because reader is broke and denki needs someone to care for his pet or something while he’s away- and they‘re writing a Deku x reader fiction right now and then the doorbell rings and they leave their laptop open in the kitchen and get the door- IT‘S DEKU!! They blush and stammer, letting him in saying denki should be home soon
To their demise Deku is met with a life sitze cardboard cutout of Himself (he still towers over it) and reader hurriedly tries to hide it away with the other merch
As they are busy he notices the open laptop, he REALLY didn’t mean to snoop but…holy shit
The things he finds..he blushes and quickly returns to the living space (like living room open kitchen situation yk?) and quietly Sits on the couch, flustered
Something along those lines :)
#𖢥 izuku anon
wait bc this is literally genius and ily
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you’re childhood best friends with denki <3
to save up some money, the two of y’all move in together after high school. he wants to start his own agency with sero and you wanna start your own thing!! (idk you choose??)
getting that out of the way.
denki never really let’s you know when people are coming over. he’s kinda annoying like that. it’s caused a lot of awkward moments and meetings.
like when you first met sero— you were cooking and screaming the lyrics to ‘kiss me through the phone’ by soulja boy when he walked in. it was… embarrassing to say the least.
but hey— you’re good friends now!!
for the first time ever!!! denki let you know that he had a friend coming over!! he didn’t say which one or what time but— at least he warned you???
you didn’t think much of it cause it was probably sero or kirishima, since they come over the most.
you heard a knock on the door— which was odd bc usually one of them would just burst in. they had their own keys— they were supposed to be emergency keys but still!! it was odd!!
ofc you were silly nd didn’t look through the peep hole!! (remember kids, always check before opening the door)
when you opened it you slammed it back shut.
“uhm— does— does denki live here?” the person asked through the door. you opened it again, “sorry… uh— yeah uhm… he does.” you tried to act cool but your stomach was twisting.
“i’m midoriya izuku. i was supposed to come over and help him with paperwork today… is he home?” you silently cursed denki for not telling you, your favorite hero would be coming over. “uhh not yet… he’ll be home in like,” you checked your phone, “uhm probably an hour or so.” you were shaking from anxiety. you weren’t prepared for this— at all.
“would it be alright if i waited?” he asked, very politely. you just gave a quick nod and let him inside.
you felt like running out the door cause like— what if you made a fool of yourself?? what if you make him uncomfortable??? what if he sees your merch of him??
wait— did you close your bedroom door?
you’d been in the living room all day so you had no need for it to be closed—
and your bedroom is very visible from the living room so it’s not like it mattered if it was or not—
your bedroom is very visible from the living room.
your posters. your plush of his mask. your sweatshirt.
the fucking cardboard cutout.
then— you remembered you also left your laptop open. with your current deku one-shot on display.
“oh, do you write?” izuku says, seeing your laptop open, luckily he was far enough away so that the words were fuzzy. “well! uhm!” you shouted, accidentally. you were just nervous, okay??
you clear your throat— “yes uh— yeah. i do.”
“that’s so cool! can i—” suddenly, you dashed towards your bedroom, remembering the big ass posters and cutout that were on complete display. “hah hah! sorry! uhh… had to uhm… close a door! bad omens!” izuku gave you a weird look but nodded in understanding. i mean, some people have different beliefs—
“so uhh you can go ahead and take a seat! i’ll be in the kitchen! let me know if you need something!” you grabbed your laptop, and beelined towards the kitchen. “uh yeah— thank you,” izuku was a bit upset, honestly. does he make you feel uncomfortable? do you have something against him? why are you acting like this?
it’d been hardly two minutes and izuku already got bored (he has autism & adhd, he told me)
so. he did what anyone would do and began to snoop!!
he quietly looked at the pictures hung throughout the apartment— they were mainly just you and denki, it made him wonder if the two of you were together.
but then he remembered that denki called you his best friend rather than significant other. (he smiled)
after he looked throughout the living room and hallway— he wanted to peak at the bathroom.
the bathroom can tell a lot about someone. like the kind of soap you use can tell the sort of scent you like or how cleanly you are (if that makes sense).
or if you have paper towels rather than a bath towel can tell whether you are cautious when it comes to ‘cross contamination’ (lord knows you wouldn’t want to share a drying rag with denki).
“uhm, excuse me?” izuku peaks through the doorway of the kitchen. you tense, “uh— yes?” “where’s the bathroom?” “it’s uhm down the hallway to the left.”
he smiles and thanks you. then makes his way towards the bathroom.
now. you see— the way the apartment is set up is odd.
your bedroom door is on the left but!! it’s tilted.
(i’m terrible with descriptions so here’s a few examples)
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anyways. yeah. that’s how it is.
so i think you know where i’m going with this.
now YOU’D THINK !!!! he’d know that the left meant the LEFT left and not the TILTED left. but, no.
though, it’s understandable!! the setup is a little confusing.
he creeps on down the hallway, once again looking at the pictures of you and denki.
once he reaches the tilted left door, he opens it. he’s met with a, slightly shorter, cardboard cutout of him. as well as multiple posters and a few strawn out sweatshirts.
so that’s why.
he feels a blush come on. his entire face feels like it’s on fire and his ears burn as well.
izuku quietly closes your bedroom door and goes to sit back on the couch.
while that all happened, your nerves began to settle and you hyped yourself up to go bring him a glass of water— and maybe start a conversation.
“uhm— i thought that maybe, you’d like some water,” you walked in with two cups. he was a little sweaty— and still very red. he stuttered out a ‘thank you’ and basically chugged the water.
“how long have you known denki?” you ask, feeling stupid because, he’s probably known him since UA.
“oh— uhm i’ve known him since we were about… fifteen, i think? what— what about you?” his face was still very red. it started to make you nervous. “we’ve been friends since we were eight… next door neighbors and all that.” he gave a nod and began tapping his foot. his nervousness was rubbing off on you.
“so uh… what’s it like being a hero?” his tapping instantly stopped— and his energy changed. it was like he lit up. “well— it’s different for everyone! for me, it’s amazing. i love being a hero. i love helping people and being able to see their happy faces after rescuing them. i’ve always wanted to make people happy, and save them all with a smile. kind of like all might. now that i’m able to— i feel so full.” izuku smiled, staring at his hands that rested in his lap. “being able to do this all— being able to be a hero— i just feel so happy.” izuku smiled and looked back up, meeting your eyes.
“and, i love getting to meet my amazing fans.” he held a sort of hint in his eyes— almost saying ‘i know’.
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eeee this was pretty fun!!
i’ll be so real, i wrote some of this when i was tipsy
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antiendovents · 28 days
The same Endo has been making multiple accounts to harass me after I interacted with an anti Endo post. They send me anon asks that I keep blocking but they just keep coming. I know it's them. They use the same sign off.
It's funny how, back when I was pro Endo, anti Endos only tried to politely educate me. Sure there was the occasional asshole, but even they didn't harass me. They were just rude. But now that i understand science even just a little every pro Endo wants me dead. I think that says a lot about them :(
Idk I'm just tired. I just want a disorder I genuinely have and struggle so hard to live with to not be bastardized...
(I'm just gonna call myself Night Glider? Idk how it works but I'm more of a lurker so I doubt I'll be around much ^^')
im really sorry about that,, I'd recommend blocking any anon messages that come in, so if it's one person they won't be able to send anon anymore ((their actual blog will be able to, but then you'll know who it is so you can block them!))
Also Night Glider is a cool name,, well make it a sign off for yous :3 also DW, we're kinda similar with the lurking thing lol
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midnightfire830 · 8 months
Blog Boundaries
So. It’s come to my attention that I need to set down some ground rules and boundaries. I’ve noticed some, uh, behavior for lack of a better term that just doesn’t sit right with me. So I’m going to lay out my boundaries for my blog and as an artists. I’ll put what I’m ok with and what I’m not ok with so this can kinda be a reference guide for my blog.
This may be a bit harsh and I’m sorry. Those who have gone across those boundaries BEFORE I made this post are ok as long as you start to follow the ground rules from here on.
I am ok with:
- People drawing my AUs and characters as long as you either @ me or mention that it belongs to me. (Hell, I’ll even reblog and help support ur drawings)
- Asks about my AUs and characters in general are ok. From questions about how an AU works/aspects, questions directed to my characters, or even if you wanna give something to the characters (I’ve seen that done in some blogs and as of now I don’t mind that, just pls don’t go overboard, thanks)
- I don’t think I mind inputting your OCs if your doing drawings of my AUs or characters. Just don’t expect me to make it canon or draw it into canon. (This one is iffy I might take this off if it goes overboard)
- Clarification in the comments section. If there was an ask that didn’t fully explain something or you wanted to clear something up then by all means go to the comments I don’t mind. Or put in another ask. That’s another way to do it.
- I also don’t think I mind people putting in requested ideas in asks for now. Tho there’s a chance I won’t do it if I’m not too motivated by the request. (Again this rule may change depending on how it goes from here on)
Things I am NOT ok with:
- Asking me or pressuring me to draw your AUs, characters, or OCs. This has come up a few times but I want to officially put it on record that if you ask me to, I will say no. Even for asks. Any kinds of other OCs or AUs I draw would only be for my close friends.
- Spamming me with the same asks. If you sent in an ask and I didn’t response don’t send in the same ask again. (That includes reiterating the same ask) I can see all interactions with my blog and posts. I see your asks, replies, comments, reblogs, and likes. If I do not respond to your ask it is for a good reason. Sometimes I’m trying to answer other asks, I’m drawing up a response (that takes time), I’m holding on to it for a later date, I’m lacking motivation on answering or I just don’t want to. Pressuring me to answer your ask Doesn’t. Help. Just because you put in an ask doesn’t always mean you’rs entitled to an answer.
- Being aggressive or pushy with asks. I’m ok with playful aggression targeted towards characters (say for example someone expressing they hate Dice from Royalty) that’s ok. But there’s a line. And some have started to toe that line. Please tone it down a bit.
- Please don’t include me in any kinds of drama. Both internet and off. This includes political topics, wars, events, gossip, etc. I seriously don’t want anything to do with it. The purpose of this blog is to share my AUs and ideas and support other artists. Not for internet drama. If you’re gonna tag me it should be about art, AUs, and fandom related. I’m not gonna waste my energy, time, or stress on other stuff like that.
- And ig in terms of topics I want to avoid things like: NSFW, incest, p*dophilia, r*pe, permanent disfiguration (like chopping off limbs stuff outside of I guess whatever I have built into the lore of my AUs), outright physical torture or major character death. (The usual things)
Warning: if you cross one of these boundaries I will give you a few warnings. If you continue to cross boundaries I will block you.
I’m sorry to be harsh about this but I really have to put my foot down on this. I can’t tolerate people who won’t respect my boundaries.
This post might be subject to change and updated as time goes and as I interact more with viewers/readers. If you are wondering if something you’re doing might be crossing a boundary, you can use this post as a reference. I’ll pin it to my blog so anyone can find it.
If you are still not sure or want clarification, or you have a specific circumstance in mind, you can jump down to the comments section of this post, send me an ask, or even go to my DMs (if you want to ask privately). I will more than likely see your question and I’ll try my best to answer as soon as possible. It might take a bit depending on if I’m busy IRL. So please be patient.
Anyway, thank you guys for taking the time to read this and respecting my boundaries. Your support with my blog and art so far is greatly appreciated im excited to continue to interact with y’all going forward! (stars I sound like I’m writing a business email XP)
Also, I apologize if it might come off as harsh or passive aggressive, I’m a little bit steamed at the moment and I’m trying to make this as neutral as possible! 😅
Thanks again,
Last updated: 11/01/23
Also bc this post was helpful, this link will take you to the AU guide I had pinned previously
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
So I have an idea...I recommended it to another blog but I'm pretty sure Tumblr just ate my ask up.
Aegon falls in, Imma say infatuation, with a dancer from Dorne while she is performing at a feast or festival. Because of that they start having an affair, a bit of an open secret mainly between him and his siblings, and you can decide if they have children or not it doesn't matter. Otto and Alicent continuesly threaten their relationship and Aegon does what he can to protect their life together. He even goes to her to try and convince her to leave with him and she's there when he gets crowned.
But, by the time the Dance is happening, she tells him that he shouldn't be fighting with his sister, you can end it however you like. Kinda want it a bit angsty.
oooo this sounds like a roller coaster relationship, but fuck Aegon with a Dornish girl !!! apologies if this feels rushed, tried to include every detail in the one, sorry if it dragged <3
PAIRING: Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Dornish!Reader
WORDS: 2,920.
WARNINGS: smut, NSFW, swearing, mentions of pregnancy.
A/N - just a side note, let's pretend that the little surprise with Rhaenys and Meleys doesn't happen for the sake of the story LMAO. I may have gotten carried away... BUT THAT IS NOT A CRIME.
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The gratifying attention that greeted you as a lucrative performer all across the Seven Kingdoms, you had become familiar with now. The lustful eyes of many men and women, that fell upon you as swayed to the slow, sensual music that chanted the halls and arenas you'd performed in, was something you sort of became almost blissfully ignorant to.
Occasionally, some men brave or drunk enough, would attempt to lure or even try to bargain a decent price for a single night of solace with you. Many a times you'd denied them the chance, although during the times you found yourself lonesome and downcast, and depending on your clear judgement and primal intuition of the man, you'd politely agree to their company for the night. Leaving them unaccompanied and asleep in the morning before they could awake to your haste departure.
Although, no man ever came close to who would lust for you next...
This was a big, if not the grandest event yet. Practices and rehearsals strenuous, preparations arranged long before your crew had arrived, and tonight the night. Much to your relief, you did not feel anxious nor excited, although thankful the time had come for you up till now you'd grown quite exhausted. The pay was decent, and the profit you'd make at hand on tips, would mean you may have enough by the end to return home to Dorne for a few weeks of much needed rest.
The crowd was large at hand, none like you'd ever seen before. Men, women and children showcasing their wealth wearing the finest cloths and silks you'd ever seen, their fingers and necks done with glistening jewels of gems and stones you couldn't pronounce the names of and the feast at hand, all this food that could feed the homeless by the thousands. The women in their elegant, detailed dresses looked stunning. Being present in such places, you felt as though you were disobeying the law, that you were out of place and were doomed for punishment if caught. Your role as a performer was your mask however, you felt behind the curtain and costume, although revealing, you knew you were just a background figure. You often felt the fleeting stares of those passing by, many too occupied in their own conversations, as they wondered through the great hall of the castle. This had been your first sight of the castle, and behold the Iron Throne, it was a marvel if ever seen, you did not think it real and actually pinched yourself upon seeing it. Nonetheless, it would be the last you'd ever come to see it, or so you thought...
They had placed you performers in the centre of the hall, on a platform high enough for everyone to see from their tables and seats, the royal family also seated on a platform as they oversaw their guests, their subjects. You had only ever heard of the members of the royal Targaryen family, not being granted the chance or priveliege of seeing them. Before the night and performances had commenced, each was introduced before the arrival of King Viserys himself, who looked as though his days of living were waining thin. His eldest son, and supposed heir according to rumours whispered across King's Landing, you'd come to notice his eyes did not leave yours. He ate and drank as he did, all the while remaining unengaged in no conversation, many a young women attempting to capture the attention of the young prince, all failing.
You tried to pay no mind, for your performance at hand kept you moving, although the chances that you'd got, although fleeting, you did confirm that his eyes still strayed in your direction. However, you felt absurd and somewhat sheepish to think he was solely looking at you, for you were not the only performer present. And so you allowed the night to go on, paying no mind.
"The Prince commands for your presence," The young knight gestured, for you to obey.
"Which young Prince is it?" One of your fellow colleagues enquired, curious as to who may be seeking you out at this time of the night.
The performances complete, the feast to an end, you maintained composure and did not dare to venture another glimpse towards Aegon. Although, just as you had all finished repacking bound to make your way towards the city's local inns, a knight of the Kingsguard summoned for you, on behalf of Aegon you boldly presumed.
"Prince Aegon."
The others looked around at each other dubiously, your eyes remained of the knight, as you felt your body freeze. You knew better than to cave in and go, however a yearning in the pit of your stomach began to spark, a part of you wanted to. Not to ignore, he did 'command' for you.
"Uh-Perhaps the Prince wishes for someone a bit more acquired to his tastes, someone with much more experienced for his liking," One of the older woman performers had interjected, brushing past your side, as she confidently walked towards the knight.
Although she was met with a definite no.
"The Prince requests for you-" He reinstates firmly, as he redirects his gaze from the woman to you.
No words uttered in response, only a mere nod and you'd slowly felt the power in your legs to move. Following the guard behind, as his strides were fast and long, he came to complete stop by a large, wooden door, knocking before moving aside as the door barred open slightly enough for you to enter.
You looked to the knight for one last sign to persuade you not to go, although nothing. He remained like a statue by the wall, armed and alert though paying no mind to you.
As you entered, you noticed Aegon standing by the fire with a goblet firmly in his grasp.
The door shut behind you, causing you to jump, although you composed yourself quickly.
Taking a swing of the drink inside, wine you'd assumed so boldly again, as the room stenches of its sweet, sour fragrance, before placing the cup on the stone shelf of the fireplace. His gaze framed onto you, you felt uneasy as his eyes lingered with hunger. He closed the distance, now only a few inches from you, his lilac eyes examining your every detail, wandering up and down before meeting yours again.
"What is your name, sweet girl?" He deeply uttered.
You stuttered before blurting your name, you were not stupid as you knew what exactly he had wanted from you, although troubled for you wanted no consequence of this night to follow.
"A beautiful name, for a beautiful woman. Tell me, have you ever laid with a man?"
"Y-Yes," You stutter again, you never felt so bashful like this before, you felt your cheeks fluster as he encircled you, like a predator trolling its prey.
"Hmm, but not with the King to be?"
Your eyes hovered over his wet lips as he exchanged those words, chills gushing past your spine. His hand began to reach through, snaking his arm around your waist, his palm gently squeezing your ass cheek, as he pulled you in deeper. Your breasts pushing up against his chest, before you could take a final breath in, his lips crashing into yours, feeling his tongue push his way through into your warm mouth.
You hadn't even realised that he'd managed to guide you towards the bed, before your legs collapsed, seating yourself down on its cushioned edge.
"Undress yourself." He commanded, no fault in his voice, as he unbuttoned his own clothes.
You did as told, revealing yourself completely naked, the cool night air breezing through the open window along your body, your nipples hardened from the chill.
Aegon was quick to notice, and crawled his way ontop of you, his lips meeting yours again, as one hand kept him propped up, whilst the other massaged your breast. His lips left yours, trailing down your neck before nibbling down on the tender fat of your tit, slowly moving his way over as he sucked on your nipple.
Instinctively you felt yourself straddle him, seating yourself down comfortably on his naked thighs, the feeling of his hard cock, grazing your entrance as you slowly began to sway yourself back and forth. A wetness beginning to trickle down, your inner thighs, as it craved for him to be deep inside you. One hand gripping his shoulder for support, your nails digging deep, whilst your other entangled in his short, messy hair, tugging on its platinum strands.
"A-Aegon," You whimper, your head lunging back as he remained suckling on the other tit, red marks left behind where had previously occupied.
"Mhmm, call for me, sweet girl. You have no idea how badly I imagined you moving like that on top of me tonight-"
The tip of his cock began to peek through your folds, you tried to plunge yourself deeper into his lap.
"Not yet-" He ordered, that same, deep growl he evoked when he first told you to undress had reappeared.
Much to your dismay, he laid you back down, as he moved himself lower down towards the end of the bed, nestling his upper body between your thighs, his arms pulling your thighs apart, as his mouth came face to face with your wet cunt.
"I need to taste you for myself."
His tongue began to lick the wetness that pooled down the entrance of your folds, his lips just grazing your skin softly, before delving in deeper and deeper. You could've sworn you heard him moan, before his tongue lapped deeper between your folds, licking you up. You felt your entire body go number, the only sensation you could feel was his tongue encircling your cunt.
Aegon was sloppy although, you had to give credit, for he knew his way around your body. After he had devoured your 'sweet' taste as he described himself, he found himself finally thrusting his cock deep into you. Your back arching the deeper he thrusted, his groans becoming louder, as your legs knelt up.
"Your cunt was made for me, look at you taking me all in," His cock was thick and pulsing, you felt your walls stretch with each thrust, losing yourself as you edged closer and closer.
As you screamed Aegon's name, you felt a warm, shooting force fill your inside. Aegon slowly pulling his throbbing cock out, before collapsing by your side, panting as he catches his breath.
"W-What did you do?"
Still slightly breathless, Aegon turns his attention onto you, as you seat yourself up trying to clean the mess between your legs.
He simply smiles, his hand stroking your back.
"Simply make you mine."
Since that night forth, you hadn't left Aegon's side nor did he relinquish you of his. You did not intend to, and despite being almost certain you would swell with a child in no time, it seemed it was not in the Gods favour. Although, Aegon made certain you remained with him. He provided for you like no other man nor companion ever did, he established a home for you in a closeby, friendly inn close to the castle, if he felt it be too risky for you to stay the night with him.
The only people who had come to know of this affair was that of his younger siblings, his brother Aemond, and sister-wife Helaena. Helaena did not mind, for she did not wish to fulfil Aegon's needs, nor have the passion to be his dutiful wife. Aemond was simply grateful that he need not chase his brother in some dodgy whorehouse from the Streets of Silk, since your arrival and newly found companionship, Aegon was satisfied with you.
However, it wasn't long before his mother, Queen Alicent and his grandsire, the Hand, Otto Hightower, would come to hear of the rumour spreading of infidelity.
"Aegon! You must quit this folly at once, rid this poor girl of your lust and bid her farewell that she does not pursue you herself!"
Aegon simply ignored his mother's protests, and his grandfather's vile threats and insults, relentlessly branding as the "Dornish whore." He had taught himself well of how to remain ignorant to such demands, although found himself defeated as they did not approve of his newly found happiness.
"I have finally come to love one, one sweet girl who's company and words I cherish, and yet you are not content. You will never be content!"
He argued relentlessly for you for months, and although you were not there to defend yourself, Aegon would defend you regardless. You had left the company of your work, your dreams of returning to Dorne expired, since you'd met Aegon, and now only greater news had further cemented this union.
"A child, Aegon, our very own little babe!" You gleefully cried, tears of joy gushing past your cheeks, as you cupped Aegon's relieved face. Although, his smile slowly began to fade, as his worries began to consume him.
"What is it, Aegon, what's wrong my dear? Are you not happy?" You jerk, as you slowly pull away from him.
His gaze off you for a split second, had returned, taking a step towards you as he held your arms, planting a quick kiss to your forehead.
"Of course I'm happy, Y/N, you and the news of this babe-" He looks down to your stomach as though you'd already began to show.
"This news is sweeter than the finest honey in Westeros," You laugh, before he resumes his seriousness.
"I-I just cannot help but think of the awful things that may arise, if word reaches my parents, or worse, my grandsire."
"A-Aegon, it'll be okay. I-I can disappear for a while, until the babe is born if needs be-"
"No!" He interjected loudly, his grip on you tightening as though fearful you might leave this very moment.
"I won't have you alone in such a vulnerable state, I want to be by your side when our babe is born, do you understand." You simply nod in response, a part of you relieved Aegon did not consider such a drastic option.
"We shall figure it out in the morrow, my sweet girl. For now you need rest."
It seemed the very next morrow had brought in a miracle. Although morbid, King Viserys had passed, his rapid illness had taken its course, and word had spread like wildfire throughout the castle. You had remained with Aegon overnight, for he did not wish nor wanted to risk you departing. He needed your comfort, as much as you needed his last night. And although it was unfortunate that Viserys had passed, Aegon felt no sorrow, for you'd come to know of his dislike for the man.
"He was no father-" Aegon revealed woefully, one intimate night in bed.
"He did not love me nor any of his own kin after Rhaenyra."
In reality, you could say he'd grown without a father figure. And yet now, everything would change.
You'd both been awoken to a loud banging on Aegon's door. Thankfully Aegon, managed to hide you in a closet before his Mother would enter abruptly, only sparing him a few moments to don pants.
She explained it all to him, that Viserys' last wishes were for his firstborn son, Aegon, she repeated his name as Viserys presumably did, to become heir to the Iron Throne.
The news was overwhelming to say the least, not only for Aegon but for you. Aegon has a lifetime hearing whispers of plans that he was to be rightfully upheld as heir. Rhaenyra was no where near King's Landing and someone needed to rule.
To some degree, Aegon was slightly prepared, although he did not wish for this. And yet, the look on his face as his mother elaborated plans of his coronation, it all began to click. He did not hesitate, did not refuse to be crowned, instead he did as his Mother instructed, and after she had left, he sought for his guard Ser Arryk, who would prepare and escort you to the Dragonpit.
"Ensure she is there and safe, and that she is ready for what is to come."
As you'd gifted Aegon with a final, passionate kiss before leaving, your hand clutched your stomach as you rushed with Ser Arryk, who had grown accustom to you overtime. He managed to find one of Helaena's servants that helped to dress you for the occasion, in a fine, green dress, and immediately snuck you into the Dragonpit, on a platform above the stadium out of eye view, although you both able to watch the coronation unfold.
You watched carefully as Aegon entered, stoic in his expression. The Conqueror's Crown laid on his head, before the roaring applauses of the mass. The smile that grew on his face, reflected on yours, for you knew that this meant, he was now in control. In your mind, you could see it all play out so vividly, the way he would deathly silence his kin's threats against you, how he would be haste to find a master to annul his marriage to Helaena, for he knew that many would not protest for most of his subjects saw the old Targaryen tradition as an 'abomination' and finally, for you to be reinstated and united as his rightful Queen and wife.
Aegon was King now, all your problems would be dealt with as necessary.
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thxnks4themrms · 9 months
I just realized I never properly made an intro for myself so under the cut is where you can find it :)
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Hi! Since I can't come up with a nickname for myself right now you can kinda just call me Vampy because I can't really think of anything else rn. Anyways, to make things easier I'll just write most of the basic stuff in bullet points :)
I’m Cambodian (Asian)
I use she/her and they/them pronouns
My favorite colors are pink and black
I’m an INFJ
I’m a Sagittarius
I love music - metal and rock to be specific
I like reading
I love horror movies
I enjoy things like taxidermy and bones
I’m bi and polyamorous
I’m Buddhist
I’m 13 which makes me a silly minor 😋😋
I literally have the best lovers ever <33
I love you Mikey Way
Bands / Artist I listen To The Most <3
My Chemical Romance - and their side projects
Fall Out Boy
Pre-split Panic! At The Disco
Arctic Monkeys
The Last Shadow Puppets
Lana Del Rey
Melanie Martinez
Limp Bizkit
Blink - 182
Dazey And The Scouts
Pierce The Veil
The Smashing Pumpkins
The Smiths
The Cure
Këkht Aräkh
The Neighborhood
TV Girl
Mötley Crüe
The Offsprings
Okay so now that I’ve said a little about myself I plan on doing more stuff to this blog but that’ll be coming in 2024 :p but other than that here’s my dni list and when more stuff comes it’ll be here :D
Harry Styles fans
Billie Eilish fans
Wet leg fans
DNI <\3
Ppl who fetishize homosexuality
Ppl who fetishize Asians
Rude ppl in general
Ppl who force their religion on others
Ppl who have stuff to say about politics (this is mainly a music blog :’) plz don’t bring heavy/sensitive topics into this)
Animal haters
People who listen / support nsbm
People of any age can’t interact with me I don’t mind at all :))
This blog will contain things that some people may find disturbing or uncomfortable. Things under this could include:
Images of cemeteries/graveyards
Eerie/dark images in general
I do post a lot of shit sometimes that mention things about sex, substances, and a lot of other things I DONT recommend / encourage minors use - when I say stuff that mentions stuff like that im joking pls don’t take it seriously 😭😭😭
If you don’t like these things please don’t get upset! I’ll try my best to add tw for the things listed above. If you spot anything on my blog that you think might need a tw then feel free to dm me or put it in my inbox :)
Just so you know
This blog isn’t my main blog this is actually my side blog - my main is @tousyposay so don’t be kinda weirded out by that :p
My additional side blogs include:
@blxxdbxgs - a place where i simp over nurse Gerard
@urmyfavexplosion - my blog where i choose one album and post that for an entire month or some shit like that
TikTok - edgelordbolos
Insta - bolosisagirlkisser
Discord - vxmpywllnvrhrtu
Man I can’t think of any other of my blogs ☠️☠️☠️ I’ll add them when I remember
Sorry if I upset any of you guys I really hope I didn’t mean to :(
Anyways that’s all I have to say for rn but thanks so much! I’ll be adding more to this as the days go on but for now thanks :)
Have a good day/night I love you guys so much! <3
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remiratboi · 4 months
Hello Friends :)
So apparently I’m a monsterfucking blog now 🤷🏼
I’ve been super absent, and this post doesn’t change that. Im still not here actually.
Im writing this fluffy smutty lil monsterfucking piece to try to work on sharing my writing as my dream is to be a novelist but im terrified of being published. Or… you know… writing. Anyway 😅 so I’m practicing by sharing this here. I’ll be posting in chapters, but again, I’m not present on here rn other than these chapters.
The TW covers the entire thing but all things are not necessarily in every chapter. This is a fantasy, consent is required, read at your own risk.
Oh also (sorry we are almost there) I’m making up my own rules about creatures/nonhumanraces and shit here ok? Anything’s possible.
Cernis Sulxan - He/Him - AMAB
Ellory Broadmoore - He/They - AFAB (post top surgery and testosterone)
TW - Anxiety, OCD, OCPD, Autism, Minor Hoarding (like hoarding but it’s all paper no dangerous hoarding), some body image issues more related to gender dysphoria but also very vaguely ED related. Lots of dark sex stuff. Borderline noncon, but kinda cnc. Forced heats kinda, monster fucking, anal, masturbation, choking, incubus, dragon dick, size kink, bdsm, overstim, denial, edging, toys, public sex, impact play, probably more, I dno yet. But lots of dark sex so
Chapter One - Cernis
Cernis Sulxan was a simple man, who lead a simple life. He had founded his law firm in his late 20s, and now at 36, it was thriving. He handled non criminal cases. Menial things about property, and debt. Boring cases with hours and hours of research and paperwork. He loved it.
Some Dragonborn love treasure. Ok most Dragonborn love treasure. And he guessed, in a way, he did too. Only his “treasure” didn’t look the same as other Dragonborn hoards. His treasure was information. He collected records and documents like others collected jewels and coins. His office, and his home although he’d never admit it, were both piled high with boxes full of meaningless papers. He knew they were meaningless. But he loved every, single, one.
His problem was, though, that after almost 10 years, he had collected quite the hoard. The other two lawyers in his firm, as well as their paralegals, interns, and even the receptionist had all complained to him that the space had become suffocating.
He sat in his office and stewed while watching the pretty, heart faced man directing a number of their employees around the office. Sulxan Legal Offices had a stylish modern look, with walls made of glass and furniture of a pale, tan wood. Little pops of color accented the space wherever they could, crammed between stacks of papers, and bankers boxes with even more.
Cernis hadn’t wanted to hire the peppy, frustratingly positive man and his team, but the other partners had threatened to leave the practice if he didn’t do something about the papers. So, there Cernis was, hunched over his desk, hulking like a gargoyle, giving the evil eye to a practical stranger just doing their job. He growled at himself and tried to focus on his work.
About one minute passed before Cernis was staring at the man again. Ellory Broadmoore, of Broadmoore Designs, a local organization and workplace efficiency firm, was directing his staff to move boxes to and from various locations. Cernis thought it looked like a whole lot of nothing for a job that didn’t even, really, need doing. He tapped his long fingers on his desk, the sharp claws making tiny scratches on top of hundreds of other tiny scratches that already covered the desktop.
Cernis flushed and quickly dropped his gaze as Ellory turned to look at him through the glass. The man walked up and, politely, knocked on the door to Cernis’ office.
Cernis panicked for a moment and stared at the man through the glass. Finally he managed to nod slightly, Ellory thankfully understanding this was a sign to enter.
“Sorry to bother you Sir,” Ellory started. Cernis’ nose twitched slightly at the use of “Sir” from such a pretty, innocent looking man. He tried to focus on what they were saying. “I’ve had a chance to really look into your situation here,” they continued. Ellory entered the room while speaking, and gently shut the door behind himself. “I think it’s really a lot more manageable than what was portrayed to me in my consultation with your partners.” The man walked forward and sunk gracefully into one of the two chairs opposite Cernis at his desk.
“I think it’s likely they felt overwhelmed by the current circumstances, but I’m confident in my ability to make this workspace more accessible, while keeping it true to the lived in feel you seem to be drawn to.” The man spoke smoothly, but in a confident knowledgeable way, not in the prim, self-righteous way Cernis had expected. He still didn’t like them though.
“I think” Cernis replied, a hint of mockery slipping out, “that the office is fine the way it is.” He folded his arms on his wide chest and leaned back. “And I also think, all this about ‘energies’ and ‘feelings’ is complete bullshit. If I hadn’t been threatened, you wouldn’t be here.” Cernis smiled inwardly, self satisfied with his little outburst.
Until, that is, Ellory burst out laughing. A beautiful, peeling bell sound, rolling over and around itself. Like a bubbling brook made of chimes. Cernis’ heart thudded hard in his chest. He was shocked. Both by his immediate reaction to the man’s laughter, but also that he felt anything at all.
Cernis was well past his prime. The years when an Incubus is mature and fertile. The time when their innate drive to breed becomes overwhelming, and all encompassing. He was many years past that foolishness, and he was content with his solitary life. He had no desire for romance, or partnership. He wasn’t sure if that was normal for an Incubus, but it had always been how he was.
Then again, he was only a half Incubus. Half sex demon, half Dragonborn. Luckily his Dragonborn genetics from his mother had been much stronger than the Incubus genetics from his long absent, deadbeat father. He had never known his father, and his mother had never known another Incubus. In fact, they were relatively rare in this realm. So Cernis had always struggled to find any literature or information on them. He had the basics, but as his heart thudded in his chest now, he wondered if maybe he had it wrong.
He thought firmly to himself.
I’m just over stressed, and this stupid man surprised me. That’s all it is.
Ellory recovered himself while Cernis had his private crisis. Wiping a tear from their eye, or at least pretending to, Ellory replied “Ah, Mr. Sulxan, I’m sorry for laughing. You just looked so precious with your big crossed arms and angry glare.” Cernis growled lowly, but the man seemed to either not notice, or not care.
Ellory clasped their hands in front of them. A wide smile was on their face. “If you’d like to end our contract early, by all means, I can just charge a consulting fee and the few hours of labour from today. I really think I can help you, but if you’re not ready to take this step, I understand. No hard feelings.” Ellory shrugged and looked expectantly at Cernis.
The large Dragonborn man narrowed his eyes at Ellory in a very reptilian way. “That’s it? I can just end this?” Cernis queried.
“Of course!” Ellory exclaimed. They turned to motion to their workers in the rest of the office still moving boxes around. “You say the word and they stop what they are doing.” He turns back to Cernis, a sly smile on their face. “I’m not the one who threatened you. I don’t think you’re the kind of man I’d want on my bad side.” The pretty man winked at Cernis and his heart thudded hard once again.
“Stop flirting with me.” Cernis sputtered out, eyes still narrowed and squinting. The other man smiled widely in response, a knowing twinkle in his eye.
“No,” Cernis responded after a long pause, and finally relaxed his face back to normal, “don’t stop.” He sighed. “Yet, at least.” Cernis couldn’t believe he was hearing his own words as he spoke. Two parts of him warred within. His desire to keep his hoard the way it was, and the desire to keep this man around. Ellory’s grin widened and Cernis glared at them. “Go away, and do” Cernis waggled his long fingers at the other workers “whatever it is you’re doing.”
Ellory nodded respectfully and stood up. He walked to the door of the little office and went to open it. “W-wait.” Cernis said, standing up behind his desk. Ellory turned to look back at the large Dragonborn, their eyes wide and curious. This time Cernis felt something other than his nose, or heart pulse. His head swam slightly. He didn’t know what was happening. He felt, almost intoxicated.
“Uh…” he ran a hand over his head and down the back of his neck, trying to think of something to say. “Sorry, uh, for being rude earlier. I just…” he trailed off.
“Don’t believe in feelings.” Ellory finished, matter of factually. “That’s ok, we will be working with eachother a lot over the next while. Hopefully I can convince you to believe.” Ellory winked again, a smirk on their lips as they opened the door and stepped out. They shut the door softly behind them, not looking at Cernis again.
Chapter 2! vvv
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