#sorry this turned into a klaus hate rant
ribbonsfallaway · 2 months
I need to rant.
I've started watching The Vampire Diaries and I'm sorry… Damon/Delena stans are annoying as fucking hell.
First by how much they bash Caroline for hating Damon and Delena. Caroline has every right to hate him/them. Damon abused her/raped her in season 1/used her as a blood bag to feed off of. He was horrible to her. Also when she first turned into a vampire he was dead set on killing her. Despite how traumatized she was about the whole situation, he was too selfish to try to understand. He saw her as a pesky thing that can't be controlled. He was also not at all apologetic when she called him out on it. He in fact was more annoyed. Never got an apology for how he treated her.
So yeah Caroline has every right to hate Damon.
Now perhaps she shouldn't have slept with Klaus with all the shit he did to her friends/her ex's mom. But they didn't actually end up together. She couldn't move past everything he did, and that's very valid and fair.
Next fans bash Stefan especially for the moment he was trying to scare Klaus into thinking he'd kill Elena by driving off the bridge her parents died on/she almost died on. Now don't get me wrong that scene was fucked up, and Stefan was awful in that moment. But I think fans fail to try and understand where Stefan was coming from in that moment. Klaus had a toll on him all summer, and he kept him at bay/ran off with him so he wouldn't find out about Elena being alive. But then he find out, and compelled him to turn off his humanity switch and attack Elena. He did everything in his power to not be compelled but really was left to no choie. So he wanted to one up Klaus/defeat him/beat him at his own game. He was tired of that control Klaus had on him. It was terrifying and awful, but I understand why he did it/where he was coming from.
You know what I don't understand? Damon snapping Jeremy's neck/killing him. He only got lucky because Jeremy had the ring on to protect him from death by supernatural. If not for that weing Jeremy would have been dead. And why? Because Elena rejected him, and he wanted to punish her for it. You know prior to that I acually felt sympathy for him. He was brutally rejected by Katherine just before, but that's not Elena's fault. That's not Jeremy's fault.
And you know I don't think they fully addressed that well enough? Damon gave a half-assed apology but then got pissy and compared Elena to Katherine when she said she can't be his friend after what happened. Because he felt "used". They tried to frame Elena in the wrong here, and that's wild as hell to me.
But fans will try to prop up Damon and be like "at least he didn't make her relive her trauma." No babes. You're right. He actually almost gave her more trauma by losing another family member shortly after her parents.
People will also say Stefan stalked Elena, etc. Hmmm who was it who was watching her sleep in her room and stroking her face? Oh right. Damon.
Despite all this I don't hate Damon. I know this is a vampire show, and therefore people are going to do horrible things. Blah, blah, blah. I love a good villain. But the writers and fans gloss past this shit and act like it didn't really happen/wasn't a big deal.
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cancerian-woman · 5 months
I have the same issue with Caroline it's not that I hate her character I hate how her character was used as a bonnie plot block she always was used as a excuse to not have bonnie in plots or a romance because they was putting her in the middle to a point bonnie didn't exist anymore even in the plots heavy centered around bonnie the Bennetts or witches it gets old how the Fandom hates on people pointing out the obvious about Caroline character even Elena got sideblocked by Caroline at times the last season Elena was on Caroline had more emotional storyline with her mom dying and her humanity switch turned off then Elena got because they was more worried about setting up Caroline as the main then giving Elena a proper send off and they Unintentionally set up bonnie to take over Elena place by putting her asleep as long as bonnie alive so why is Caroline the main writing in a diary she's going to see Elena again so why is she writing in a diary over bonnie
you spoke real👆🏽this is so long I’m sorry but lmao.
I know I can’t find my post right now but I said it before TVD functions in way so viewers can support in full Caroline due to her “growth” but not give the same to Bonnie(magical negro),& Elena (neglecting everyone around her that isn’t Damon..) but Caroline is “perfect” next to them.
Caroline becomes a better friend filling up spaces Elena was in. The Bennett’s were being leeched off of by Esther yet Bonnie is pushed far away from the Mikaelson essential plots. Mikaelson Ball for Bonnie where? New friend in Rebekah maybe? Bonnie x Mikaelson ship? Nah
Gemini coven and plots were around the Bennett’s at first. Sheila sending a Bonnie to the prison world/helping create them Bonnie wanting to mentor Liv, the prison world with Kai. Right up until Caroline’s pregnancy with the twins which btw just because Candice was pregnant doesn’t mean Caroline needed to be. Caroline becomes their mother and Bonnie is just “Aunt Bonnie”. Legacies lets the twins mention Bonnie just to use her blood for the ascendant or other things. Just nasty lol.
On top of being include in the originals final season. Hayley and Hope is missing and KC is just reminiscing around town?? Marcel’s goodbye to Klaus? Julie’s writing I tell ya.
Caroline is used to call out Elena (not talking about DE) anytime Caroline has an issue with how Elena’s acting she makes it known. Elena never does the same to Caroline at all or judged her. Caroline had sex with Klaus and Elena never gave her any flack. Elena tried to offer emotional support to Caroline then entire fandom said she made it about herself lol. Julie utilized Caroline as a self-insert to the fullest. How did Caroline go from “never being the one” to being desired by many, the best friend in the world and the “star?”
If we’re honest in my last point in this long ass rant I’m sorry lol. The only time Caroline is mistreated is when Damon raped her & the series didn’t acknowledge that. Before anybody jumps down my throat if you see it indifferently that’s cool! I’m NOT arguing with you on it. TVD never acknowledging makes the rules of consent very different for some people lol. Everyone looks bad for befriending Caroline’s abuser. Overall she got plenty of things. The only thing people complain about is that she didn’t run away to NOLA and be some vampire queen for Klaus and Hope’s mother.
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kitkatpadywaks · 1 year
In Another Universe
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Mini-Series: Part 4/?
The Ever Elusive.
Pairing: Morpheus x Fem!Reader
Story: Dancing With The Devil (Alternate path from the end of part 2 of the story onwards)
Warnings: Third Person. Will Mostly Be Referred To As She (Called Y/N When Her Nickname Is Being Used and Will Occasionally Be Called By Her 'Angel' Name). She Has Kids. Major Daddy Issues.
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Major Spoilers for the Story (Klaus Mikaelson fic), like this existing spoils the mystery of who my character is as well as her character arc.
This will also be posted to my Wattpad.
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Y/N sits at one of the many tables in The Dreaming's library. Flicking through a book belonging to a man who survived a fatal accident, according to his girlfriend's book anyway, she had yet to read anything that would suggest the accident would have been fatal. She closes the book, carefully placing it on the table in front of her, instead of slamming it down in frustration like she had done the first few times she hadn't found anything, causing Lucienne to scold her quite vigorously, much to Raphael's amusement.
A heavy sigh leaves her mouth, annoyed as it was the 436th accident someone had 'miraculously' survived and she had yet to see any obvious indication of her father's influence. It made her wonder, out of all the universes, why was he laying low in this one? Was it all the different immortals, all the different ancient powers, making him more cautious? If that was the case, surely he would just leave, but no. He stays. Why?
"I can see the cogs turning in your mind from here."
The Angel jumps in her seat, annoyed but also proud of how good Lucienne had gotten at sneaking up on her. She smiles tiredly at the librarian as she puts away the books she was carrying on the bookshelf next to her.
"How many have you gone through?"
Y/N picks up a book from one of the many piles stacked on the table. "This will be the 437th." She sighs again, "Where's Raph?"
"Sleeping. Like you should be." Lucienne gives her a stern look as she sits down in the chair opposite the woman. Set on trying to convince her to go to the room Lord Morpheus set up for her a few hours after she arrived in The Dreaming, almost three months ago.
The Angel waves her hand, dismissing the statement. "I don't get it."
"Get what?"
"What is my father doing, or not doing in this case? Everywhere Raph and I have been, we've always been able to physically track him, or find someone who met him. Interacted with him. But now? Nothing!" She throws her hands in the air, "I don't get it. What's changed?" Lucifer drags her hands over her face, "Sorry. I didn't mean to rant at you."
"It's okay. I know you're tired, go get some sleep. You can come back with fresh eyes."
Y/N smiles cynically, "I can't."
Lucienne frowns at her, seeing there's something she's not saying. Something Lucienne has noticed happens a lot with The Dreaming's latest guests. "Why can't you?"
She swallows the lump in her throat, hating how affected she still is by her father's actions. "Because I won't wake up," she pauses to collect her thoughts, "If I go to sleep, I'll get pulled back. Back into my own, personal hell."
"Y/N..." Lucienne starts, seeing Lord Morpheus heading towards them from where he was investigating the newest section of the library, 'The Ghost Library' as Matthew had dubbed it.
"My father cursed me," she interrupts, already sensing him, "my siblings got me out, to the best of their ability. But my father is the only one who can truly break it."
"I'm sorry." Lucienne says, sympathetically.
She smiles sadly at Lucienne, "It is what it is. Any questions? Lord Morpheus?" Y/N turns to look at the Dream Lord.
He freezes, surprised she noticed him as she seemed, elsewhere. "I believe I have found someone who encountered your father."
She shoots to her feet, her chair knocking against the table. "Who? When?" She asks, fully prepared to find the person's book and read every page.
"I'll show you." He holds his hand out, making her eyes widen when she realises what he means.
"You'll show me their dream?"
He nods, "I'm choosing to trust you." His voice darkens, "But if you do anything to break that trust, there will be consequences."
She nods, ignoring how turned on she was by that. "I understand." She grabs his hand, inhaling sharply when every one of her nerves is set alight, Morpheus feeling the same thing judging from the look in his eyes. He reaches into his pocket and grabs a handful of sand, throwing it up into the air. The sand swirls around them, Y/N looking around as it obscures the sight of the library, she looks back at Morpheus as he watches her with an intensity that makes her what to squirm. She holds her ground, holding his gaze even as the sand disappears, revealing a sunny park, Central Park if she's not mistaken.
"We're here."
She lets go of his hand, goosebumps rising on her arms as her body cools down drastically from the broken contact. She looks around the park, staying where she is as Morpheus watches her to see if she can figure out who they're there for on her own. The back of her head tingles as she stops to look at a woman sitting on a bench rocking a baby in her arms, the child's screams making her flinch. She looks at Morpheus, nodding towards the struggling mother. He nods, confirming she's who they're there for.
She grabs his arm, pulling him behind the tree sitting opposite the woman. Morpheus raises an eyebrow at her.
"Later." She whispers, the tingling at the back of her head turning into a searing pain. She watches as a man walks up to the woman, her instincts screaming at her as he reaches out and touches the baby's forehead, the man murmuring something to the woman, too low for Y/N to hear.
The man walks away from the woman, whose face is streaked with tears of relief. She waits a moment before following behind him, Morpheus following behind her. They walk the entire length of the park, following the man as the dream changes into someone else's, they make their way through the streets of what looks like Paris. He turns the corner, the scenery rippling to signal they're about to walk into another dream, they turn the corner after him when she freezes in place, dread washing over her as the searing pain in her head disappears and her instincts settle.
"He's gone."
"He just disappeared?" Lucienne inquires.
She nods, flicking through the pages of the book of the woman, Daisy, whose dream they had witnessed interacting with her father. Morpheus does the same with the last person who saw her father in their dream, where they lost him.
Lucienne sighs, "Your father is quite allusive, isn't he?"
"He's always been good at hiding from his kids," she finds the page, "consciously and not." She frowns, skimming over what should have been the words detailing the woman's interaction with her father. "I don't believe this!"
Morpheus's head shoots up from the book he's reading, "What is it?"
"He's not here! My father's not in the book." She hands Morpheus the book.
She turns to Lucienne, "It details her going to the park, but skips ahead to her meeting her friends, her baby healthy. No mention of my father."
"Are you sure it's on the same day?"
"Yes, it says it is."
Lucienne looks at Morpheus, who nods to confirm. "How is that possible?"
"I do not know."
Morpheus looks at Y/N, who meets his gaze before looking at the piles of books she had already been through, "I wonder how many others he doesn't appear in?"
Thanks for reading!
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
88 - Bloodline Deals
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Part 89
Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
Walking down the staircase I held my phone between my shoulder and my ear shrugging on my gray jacket. "Caroline, hey. I’m sorry that we just had to leave so suddenly. But my brother called asking for help.”
“Don’t apologize for that. You and Jacob have nearly gone through hell and back for each other. So if he calls you have to help him.” She responded through the phone until she put it on video showing her already growing baby bump.
Covering my mouth with my freehand I gasped grinning at her. “That’s crazy, Care. I’m happy for you though. If you ever need to rant about something. I’m your girl.”
“There is one thing that is annoying. The weird cravings and the desire to have alcohol. Since it helps with my craving for blood.” She ran a hand through her hair sighing heavily.
Throwing my head back I laughed remembering the torture during those months. “Oh my god. I hated that. Anyway don’t judge for me asking this but how are you that far along. It’s only been like two months since we came back here.”
“According to Valerie the heretic doctor. She thinks that maybe your uncle used his magic before he died to speed up the pregnancy. I’m not really sure. But enough about me.” The blonde vampire shook her head.
Walking down the last step of the staircase I noticed Hayley walking in the doorway. She hadn’t left her daughter's side for months while we tried to figure out this stuff with the Hollow. “It’s a long story but basically there’s a dead girl who wants more power than she already has. Hey Care, I have to let you go. Hayley just got here.”
“Tell her hi for me. Bye Rae.” She waved to me before I put my phone in my back pocket.
Hayley sat down at a table covered with a bunch of creamy treats that Klaus had rewarded the girls with after they saved our lives from Davina trying to kill him. “I guess apple turnover is a fruit.”
“Uh sorry that’s Nik’s treat. He literally compelled the owner to give over the entire candy shop. Anyway I’m sorry to call you here when you are concerned for Andrea. But you’re the only person Davina told more about the Hollow to.” Sitting down in a chair I pulled up I stared at her.
She brushed hair out of her face. “From what she told me it turns out that the werewolf curse was created by the Hollow. Which was surprising.”
“Dang that curse goes back that far. That makes her as strong as the Original Witch Esther.” I gasped, parting my lips. “That’s honestly something I worried about for Alina. She has her father’s temper but she isn’t always in control of it.”
The brunette wolf leaned up taking a bite out of one of the many desserts. “Have you told Klaus yet about the whole marriage thing?”
“I’m assuming Jacob finally told you about that. It was supposed to be Andrea but she’s only just now started to show her magical ability. And we won’t know if she’s half wolf until she accidentally kills someone. Regardless, we're getting off topic.” I crossed my arms over my chest leaning back in my chair.
She took another bite. “Fine, okay. She also said that my bloodline is what can kill the Hollow-“
“I knew it could be killed!” Hitting my hands on the table I interrupted her. “Sorry, sorry, continue.”
The crescent werewolf nodded. “Yeah so…I am the last of my line so if I die then the Hollow will come after my daughter. Even though she already is considering it, she can probably feel the magic running through her blood. I just don’t know what to do about it.”
“Wait a second. Davina is the link to the ancestors' magic. Maybe we can talk to them about how to stop her.” Resting my elbows on the table I leaned towards her.
Hayley finished her dessert by wiping her hands on her jeans. “We could try but I doubt they’ll be willing to help your daughters who they tried to kill as infants.”
“That may be true, but they didn’t harm your daughter. So if you asked they could be open to the right proposal.” Placing my hand over hers she lifted her gaze to meet mine.
She nodded silently for a moment. “Thank you for helping me, Raelyn. You know I came here looking for my family when I was alone. But I don’t feel alone anymore.”
“You don’t have to feel alone ever again. Cause the thing with this family is that they always look out for one another.” Squeezing her hands, we heard angry footsteps vamp down the stairs.
“Raelyn, why is that old wolf woman blowing up your phone!” Whipping my head around I threw my hair that was in a ponytail around seeing my husband in a mood.
Hayley removed her hands from mine exiting the compound. “I’m going to go. Call me later, Raelyn.”
Once I could hear her footsteps were further off in the distance I slowly stepped towards him. “Nik, before you get angry like you most likely will. Just keep in mind that I didn’t have a choice.”
“What does she want?” His tone grew deeper within seconds.
Putting my hands together over my mouth I sighed heavily thinking. “In order to bring you and your siblings back together we had to make a deal with Mary. She had the last known location of the werewolf that we needed blood from-“
“Raelyn, what was the deal you made!” He stepped closer where our chests were pressed up against one another.
Meeting his gaze I saw the golden color breaking through showing he was going to snap once I told him. “Klaus, just calm down - uh”
“Just tell me, Raelyn!” He grabbed me by my shoulders where I sucked in a breath sharply.
Sniffing through tears under his strong werewolf grip I pushed him backwards, blurting it out. “She wants Alina to marry her son Jackson and bring the werewolf packs together. It was supposed to be Andrea but she just started showing that she has magic.”
“You sealed our daughter's fate to a bayou wolf. Did you ever consider that this boy might not be up to our standards!” Klaus raised his voice shouting through the house.
Vamping up into his face I growled. “I did what I had to do to get you back, Niklaus! I couldn’t bear another year without you. It was utter torture!”
“You want to talk about torture, Rae!” He shouted in my face, flashing his fangs and golden eyes down at me. Yet he turned his back to me wiping away tears with his arm. “The water in the pipes was like nails on a chalkboard. I was starving. I could smell the blood from the people on the street above me, I could hear their heartbeats. My own mind turned against me. It was taunting me. It was relentless. The first few weeks were the worst.”
Slowly walking towards him I put a hand on his shoulder hoping he was calmer now. “Nik, I’m sorry. I just didn’t see another way. Besides Alina and Jackson have been friends for a little while. It’s not planning to happen until they are older. Please just say something.”
“I’m going to kill that werewolf mother Mary.” He started to head towards the door.
Raising my hand into a fist I stopped him in his tracks. “Immobilus.”
“Uh Rae. Could you please stop using magic as a cheat.” He grumbled under his breath.
Rounding him until we were standing face to face again I still held my hand up in the air. His eyes returned to their normal baby blues. “Are you going to behave and not kill her? Otherwise I will leave you here until I get back.”
“I’ll behave, love.” He mumbles softly.
Waving my hand I released the spell off of him spinning on my heels heading to the middle of the bayou. “Regelo. Let’s go, Nik.” The walk there was pretty silent until we walked up onto her front porch. Seeing the elder werewolf preparing for dinner in her kitchen.
“What do you want?” Mary stopped cutting her tomatoes seeing my husband and I standing in the doorway.
My husband put his hands on the side of the door smiling at her. “Well we could start with some common courtesy. You could invite me and my wife here inside.”
“Not likely, vampire.” She snapped at him.
He raised his head, smirking at her. “I’m a hybrid dear. And so is my darling wife here. I am half wolf. We could be distant relatives for all you know.”
“Mary, please invite us inside. You called about our deal and I am here to discuss it with you.” I stepped in front of my husband giving her a small pout.
She sat her knife down on the countertop turning to face us head on. “Fine. Come in.”
Klaus gestured with his hand for me to go first with a smile. I nodded, stepping over the threshold and he followed afterwards shutting the door behind us with his foot. “See that wasn’t too hard to be neighborly.”
“Nik.” I sent him a glare when Mary made a disgruntled look towards his remark.
Mary headed into her tiny living room and we followed after her. She sat down in one of the recliner chairs with us on the couch. “So you’re okay with all this, hybrid?”
“Oh no. On the contrary I’d rather rip out your vocal cords for trying to wed my daughter to your wolf bayou son.” Klaus rested one hand on the side of the couch snarky.
I kicked my husband in the leg where he groaned, biting his lip. “What did I say back at the house!” I whispered under my breath at him with a deep glare.
“Oh come on.” He rolled his eyes.
Clasping my hands together I focused on the older werewolf. “Sorry about him, Mary. He’s a bit overprotective when it comes to our daughters. Given the circumstances you’ve seen with us I think you can understand why.”
“Yes. I’ve heard your story. The original hybrid and his heretic girl. I’m shocked there ain’t more tales of blood between the two of you combined.” She responded back.
Klaus leaned down resting his elbows on his knees. “Tell me Mary. If you despise our kind so much why even consider switching from her brother's daughter to ours hmm?”
“Klaus.” I scolded him.
Mary held up a hand. “Don’t worry about him asking questions, Raelyn. He has a right to ask questions. But it doesn't mean he will like the answer. The reason I agreed to the switch is because I have been watching Alina and my son together. They’re happy and I don’t want to break that up. I’ll accept that she has your vampire blood in her as long as you don’t do anything to break up their marriage.”
“We will do our best, Mary. Thank you.” I smiled towards the werewolf leader.
My husband sat upright grasping my hand while holding our hands on his thigh. “I’m curious at what age do you wish for them to have this wedding ceremony. You do recall my daughter is only the age of nine and Jackson is ten.”
“When they are adults preferably. Now it is about dinner time so I am going to ask you to leave.” She rose to her feet heading towards the front door, opening it for us.
Walking out the door I dragged my husband out of the house before he could cause trouble. “Thank you, Mary. Invidia.”
“What the bloody hell was that for. I behaved myself with no violence.” Raising my freehand Klaus winced holding the side of his head.
Lowering my hand I sent him a half smile squeezing his hand in mine as we walked back to the compound and through the woods. “Threats still count as not behaving. I know you’re worried. I am too. But if they’re happy that’s all that matters.”
“Fine, fine. I just want her to be safe and happy. Just like you are.” He leans forward giving me a kiss on the forehead making me smile.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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since I’m overdue for a shitpost (and I spent way too much time on this), here are the social medias I think each umbrella would use most:
for luther definitely Pinterest, he’d love a good board organizing (credit to @oklahoma2019 for saying he’d love scrapbooking ). plus, the app is pretty chill and nice compared to other apps (*cough* tiktok), he doesn’t have to worry about drama or hate and he likes how organized it all is. he especially loves pins about astronomy, poetry, and plants, and is very meticulous in how he divides his boards. overall very friendly and aesthetically pleasing 10/10
Diego does not use social media. of course he doesn’t, it’s not cool and he’s not downloading anything, shut up. no matter how much Lila and Klaus try, he refuses and claims he’ll never get anything. but then he does end up making an Instagram account after weeks of peer pressure. but ONLY, he swears, to make Lila happy. until he snoops around the app and before you know it, Diego is an Instagram reels person. he convinces himself that it’s not the same as Tiktok because it’s not, okay, but before you know it he’s sitting in the living room, volume blasting and Lila is getting sick of how many he sends her. (it’s cute though)
this isn’t super creative and a repeat but allison definitely has a huge following on Instagram; besides her fame as an actress, I imagine she’d use her page for good and raise awareness on important topics, especially after her time in the ‘60s. also, hello, no way a fashion icon like her would keep her outfits to herself. she’s a nice mix of aesthetic and aware, and after receiving some light begging she features Klaus in her frequent ootd posts.
do I even have to say this one? Klaus is insanely popular on Tiktok. It starts with shitposts, dance trends, the works, but upon deeper exploration Klaus finds a platform in desperate need of his humor. unsurprisingly, he’s popular for his personality and eccentricity, but after he gains a lot of teen followers he takes the opportunity to posts all the street tips and tricks he’s learned over the years, in a very paternal way. he’s one of those people that openly calls all his followers his destiny’s children, and won’t miss a single stupid trend. he likes to include whatever siblings he can peer pressure into joining him in his videos, usually Allison, maybe Luther, and Lila, which of course are his most viral posts. overall, klaus is klaus.
Five uses Reddit. sorry. he’d definitely refuse any social media at all at first despite his siblings klaus trying to get him to make accounts, but then secretly check things out anyway because he’s nothing if not curious. turns out, being able to rant about whatever niche subjects he wants while also being able to put idiots (who appear in abundance) in their place is right up his alley, who knew. he genuinely will spend hours pouring out the information he’s gathered onto various subs (whether it is to prove his intellectual superiority, or to help others, the world will never know). his favs are, of course, anything math related, but he does indulge himself occasionally with conspiracy subs as well as obscure historical facts only a time traveler would know. he’s got a fuck ton of karma too, but he’ll die before he tells his siblings about his account klaus finds it anyway
this one was hard to pinpoint, but I’ve come to the conclusion that Ben is an absolute menace on Twitter. I see so many people claim he’s all sweet uwu softness and sure, but did you watch almost any of his interactions with Klaus 💀 Ben has that fed up and snarky mind perfect for the hellhole of Twitter discourse. I mean come on, all that time observing Klaus and the world, the man has got a LOT of hot takes. he’s also surprisingly up to date on pop culture, and very witty so he’s managed to grow a nice niche group of mutuals he interacts with. he also dunks on his siblings whenever he can (totally definitely not inspired by Justin and David’s banter)
Viktor. most average not-average guy to exist yet simultaneously unhinged and emotional. you cannot tell me this man does not use tumblr. he is a full on tumblrina, and this goes back to his teen years. like Ben, he’s got a nice amount of long time mutuals but is the type to forget to post for 2 weeks so he’s not very popular. he DOES however have a side blog for his writing he’s had for years, which does decently well and he’s secretly very proud of it. definitely does cringe about what he posted years ago though (dude def had an emo phase)
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lovejay98 · 2 years
I could talk about the vampire diaries for hours so here’s a rant (with spoilers). Stefan deserved to die. He was annoying. He literally guilt tripped Damon into becoming a vampire & then got upset when Damon was being reckless and acting like an actual fucking creature of the night. Since he (Stefan) gave off the persona of being good, everyone just assumed that he was the better brother. I will NEVER forgive or understand why the fuck he killed Enzo. & everyone felt sorry for him whenever he mentioned his past and how he was/is a ripper. And honestly I feel like that right there should be a reason as to why he (Stefan) should be deemed the bad brother. The man literally says the reason he doesn’t drink human blood is because he loses control like…??? This is how you SURVIVE as a vampire and you can’t gain control so essentially you starve yourself by drinking animal blood???? Matt was fucking annoying as well. Really wanted him to pick a fucking side. Cause he would always bitch when something went wrong involving all the mystical creatures. Especially when he became sheriff. OH MY GOODNESS the man was insufferable. He literally got an attitude when shit hit the fan but whenever they asked for his help…he helped them like…do you hate them or not??? And don’t even get me started on Bonnie. I could write a whole essay about the mistreatment of Bonnie the character & of Kat Graham. She deserved better. Damon also deserved better in my opinion. Honestly I don’t understand all the hate Damon or Klaus received. Not comparing them, but everyone knew their history in a sense, and still deemed them as bad. And I get it somebody has to be the villain. But y’all are literally creatures of the night. You need blood to survive. And I admire Damon & Klaus because they seem to be the only ones who understood this. They realized that they weren’t human anymore in the slightest and didn’t try to be a nice, good, wholesome vampire (*coughs* Stefan *coughs*) & didn’t completely just straight up be an asshole either. We saw the good and bad in them. Because at the end of the day we all have good and evil. Now did they struggle with balancing both sides? Hell yea. But ain’t nobody perfect. Stefan and everyone else that became a vampire simply didn’t want to be bad. And so whenever that struggle of balance or choosing good or evil came in to play they didn’t know what to do. Instead of accepting that they can be both good & evil. Not one or the other. Elena was also very much annoying & she wasn’t even in half of the series. And I also don’t like how everything revolves around her. Bonnie lost her GRANDMA!!!! In the first season and watched her dad get killed in front of her. Her (Bonnie) mom got turned into a vampire. And all this sequentially had to do with Elena. Bro wtf!..How we pick that this basic white woman be the thing that makes everybody go crazy??? HUH??? AND!!!!!!….how she just came back from the dead at the end of the series and got to live her dream of becoming a nurse or whatever the fuck & spend the rest of her life growing old with her true love 🤢🙄. Caroline was turned into a vampire by force literally and Bonnie lost literally everything but somehow Elena gets everything??? OH, & let’s not forget that Caroline was also forced to have not one but two babies that didn’t even belong to her. All the struggle that everyone went through just so Elena could have a happy life….wtf🙃. I just honestly don’t see what was so great about her. I was over her when she would jump back and forward between brothers. I said after that she should just be single but noooo she just had to be with one of them🙄. Tyler and Jeremy were headaches but they weren’t on the show that much. Jeremy was annoying because he was just…annoying. Like all he had to do was listen but he wanted to be the annoying rebellious little brother. Annoying. Caroline should’ve ended up with Klaus. I don’t know why she was fighting him so bad. Especially after her and Tyler broke up for good and went off with the other werewolves.
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oflockwolves · 6 years
tbh alaric was a mood in the episode, i don't blame him for wanting to murder klaus, and this is a klaus fan! i don't support klaroline AT ALL and anyone that considers themselves a feminist shouldn't tbh but that's beside the point, he may have changed but that doesn't forgive all he's done, even hope isn't blind to what he's done and fuck i had to rant to someone that gets it ! just STOP FORGIVING ATTRACTIVE MEN IN SHOWS BECAUSE THEY HAVE AN ARC
Tbh, it looks to me like Alaric is the only one who remotely remembered all the shit Klaus put Caroline through in TVD? I don’t judge shippers okay, really. Ship and let ship is my motto. But this ship is absolute bull?? Like I sort of get the KCers who like the idea of klaroline and what could have been. But your canon for the ship is CRAP! Ship it all you want but don’t pretend like it’s epic?? Because it is not!! There is literally no build up or story or development? Like?? A thousand year old hybrid got attracted to a teenage girl, stalked and abused her, tried to kill her a few times, kept tormenting her boyfriend so he’ll be out of the way and then they had sex once and then suddenly like fifteen years later they meet again and wat? It’s undying epic love? Seriously, are the writers high or wat? 
Sorry but the way they should have done klaroline if it HAD to fucking happen, (coz i still think its ooc for Care to even be in remotely good terms with that guy let alone almost kiss in TO lol), the way it should have gone was when Klaus met Care again he should have APOLOGIZED FOR ALL THE ABUSE AND TRAUMA the girl had to endure because of him. And no, even then, I still don’t think Care should be friends (love is like lol, never, pls) with him then but atleast that would have made a bit more sense than the crap we are being given as canon. Time has passed doesn’t mean all that he did should be forgotten or forgiven!! Klaus still hasn’t apologized for any of that shit? And Caroline is making it look like it was all okay and she overreacted before or something????? Because she was a kid then like wtf now??? Like this isn’t Caroline!! This is some psycho who forgot some of the hardest times of her life!! She forgot the boyfriend who she loved, who was tormented to no end, and the beautiful relationship she had with him with so much love which was ruined, the boy who was forced out of town over and over and over because this grown ass man couldn’t fucking stop being petty for five seconds!! And let’s not forget that Klaus not only tormented Tyler but all of Care’s friends and Care herself!! Like????? They spent two seasons trying to get rid of him?? I’m so lost???? 
Listen, I get that Klaus had development in TO, yay for him. But I don’t watch TO so please stop reading if you don’t want to read some Klaus hate. From what I hear, his development has nothing to do with him regretting his actions from the past and trying to make up for it, so I could give a flying fuck about it??? When Tyler’s character was literally thrown off the rails and sidelined for this attractive white boy to get his own new show and a redemption arc?? And the show had werewolves mind you, and Tyler had a backstory with both Klaus and Hayley – they could have worked with the Lockwood werewolf line but nope. (Is it because the actor was poc? Because I think yes? If he had been a pretty white boy, he would have been moved along to TO. Like imagine a pretty Matt Daddario Tyler Lockwood perhaps. First of all, Tyler wouldn't be this hated by the fandom lol. And he 100% would move to the new show with such a strong back story already going.) I love redemption arcs as much as the next person and it’s great that Klaus is a good dad but seriously? I think this fandom, well, most of this fandom, would find a way to defend him even if he is a bad dad? I mean he was a horrible brother to Rebekah but that was okay with many ppl soooo idk man, I have tried so hard but I cannot bring myself to like him. 
Klaus killed thousands of people; Elena’s aunt, an entire pack of hybrids – my friends – Caroline, he killed my mom.   
Take a moment and read that again. And again. And again. This man is (well, was, idk if he is good now or what) a monster and he does not deserve happiness. Yay that he got his love with Camille. Yay that he had his family with Hayley. Yay that he has his siblings by his side. But he doesn’t fucking deserve it. 
But Tyler Lockwood (who endured abuse too as a child) lost his father, uncle, mom, pack, Caroline (as his love), Liv and his life for no reason whatsoever and to me, a man who enjoyed putting him through the most gruesome moments of his life (and the other jerk who killed him also btw) does not deserve redemption and sure as hell does not deserve the girl he loved!! He deserves death. He deserves Tyler to rise from the dead and strangle him with his rotten dead hands. And he deserves no peace after death and I hope from the bottom of my heart that that he burns in hell for the rest of eternity. 
Honestly this is a Sirius vs Snape debate for me and I think I have made it very clear who is my Sirius and who is my Snivelly Greasy here. 
I am so sorry about my anger, but this is what I feel about this whole bullshit of a ship and this whole matter in general. 
Tessa out. 
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zodiyack · 4 years
In Regards Of My Ex
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst
Words: 2,125
Summary: Niklaus believes deceitful gossip from Aurora De Martel about his wife and takes his anger out on her. As a result, Y/n leaves and finds comfort with Cami and Davina, who call in backup to confront the big bad hybrid about his big bad dumbassery.
Note: I’ve been in a fluffy mood as of recently HOWEVER this idea was sparked when I was feeling angsty™ so...sorry but also not sorry?
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @simonsbluee​, @darling-i-read-it​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @dpaccione​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
Part One. Part Two. Part Three.
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“That wife of yours has been sneaking around with my brother. Breaking more hearts than just yours from what I can see.”
“I suppose some people just can’t see the worthiness of the king in front of them. If I were your wife, I wouldn’t be like Y/n. I’d be committed you and never give you fib tales like her.”
“You are aware that Y/n has been plotting something nefarious against you, aren’t you?”
“I know you wanted to marry someone just as sinister as you, but perhaps you should’ve checked where her loyalty lied before tying that knot.”
Aurora fed him stories such as these, and many more, each conclusion of the lies spewing from her mouth something appalling about Y/n. At first, Klaus didn’t listen, but as her stories grew worse and worse, the faux feeling of treachery intensified. He knew it was unwise to believe anything that came from the spiteful, jealous woman...yet, his distress caused pain to strike his heart and he yearned to know the truth.
Although, in this case, the “truth” wasn’t actually very truthful.
She often told him things like that Lucien was going after his girl for the second time, first with her when she had her chance and now, his beloved wife. Klaus merely brushed it off with an honest “he tries and I’ll stake him first chance I get”. However, Aurora wasn’t finished yet. She continued to lie and deceive Niklaus about the woman who she accused of replacing her in his life. The envy and loathing Aurora felt for Y/n was her motivator, but the woman was too far up a wall to need one in the first place.
“Are you telling me the truth?” He growled, keeping his eyes trained at the wall in front of them.
“Why do you ask?”
“I need to know I can trust your bold claims. So answer me, Aurora, are you telling me the truth?”
That smug little grin, masking her deluding ways. “Of course, Nik. I would never lie to you.” Her welcome into his trust was unsurprisingly taken advantage of  when she traced her finger down his arm and then brought her hand up his abdomen slowly. Klaus shoved her invasive hand off of his chest though, giving her a warning glare.
“Thank you for informing me.” That was all he said to her before he made his way out of the room in the most hurry she’d ever seen him in.
Aurora smiled conceitedly. Her plans were on the right track. Whilst Nik didn’t have the same feelings for her now as he did way back during the beginning of their story, but Aurora was determined to stir those feelings from the dead as vampirism did him and her.
She drawled under her breath, “I will have you again, Nik.” her mischievous smile grew wider, “I will have you again, and nothing can stop me this time.”
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“Blasphemy!” Niklaus shouted, veins popping out from the rage coursing in his system. He neared Y/n again, the slight fear in her eyes drawing a pause for a second, guilt stilling him, but his anger took the reigns once more.
“It’s not blasphemy! I would never lie to you!”
“The falsity of your deception proves otherwise, love.” He smirked, raising his brows as to question if she would battle his words yet again. Proof was what he needed, but his vexation had drowned out all logic, including his ability to see the proof he wanted so desperately.
“What deception? What falsehood do you believe to have come from my mouth? When I married you, I vowed to be truthful and loyal. You of all people on this fucking earth should know I always keep a vow.” She narrowed her eyes at him. The betrayal he thought he felt was temporary and fabricated, but hers was 100% genuine and seething within her.
“You say that but if you were indeed an untrue person, your answer would be no different.”
“Why do you insist on proving me a traitor!? What has pushed you so far past your breaking point that you actually accuse me, your wife, as a viper?”
“Don’t you pretend like you don’t know the malicious schemes you’ve plotted against me or the affairs you’ve had with men who obviously aren’t your husband!” He couldn’t stop himself now; “I’ve loved you for centuries and you decide to be disloyal and ill-natured?!”
“Says who?!”
“Says Aurora!” After the words flew from his mouth, a tiny part of him realized just how fucked up it sounded. Just how fucked up it was that he believed her over his wife, but the hybrid was stubborn. He was too stubborn to change his belief or admit his fallacious accusations were unjust without proper evidence.
Y/n knew Aurora and Klaus’ story. Her knowledge of the ancient and long forgotten tale made her reaction thousands of times worse. “Aurora? ...Huh. You choose to believe her- that manipulative, lying bitch, over me? I thought you knew me better than that.” She wiped away a rebellious tear, “I thought I knew you better than that.”
Disappointment hung heavy on her features, drawing a feeling of shame from Klaus. Y/n glared at him one last time, her knitted brows and vaguely teary eyes evidence of the heavy-heartedness that overwhelmed her. She bit the inside of her mouth and shook her head disapprovingly before turning and walking out the front gate-doors of the Mikaelson mansion. Klaus was alone.
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The sounds of Davina’s giggles echoed, Cami sitting in front of her and chuckling heartfully as well. Their laughter died off when they noticed Y/n sulking through the front doors of Rousseau's. The place was empty aside from the two women having drinks and a friendly chat. Then Y/n entered and found a seat. The atmosphere, once cheery, suddenly felt melancholy.
“Hey, Y/n, you alright?” Camille’s smile was wiped from her lips. She felt empathy for Klaus’ wife and, as a friendly person in general, she felt overcome with the need to help solve the complication that made her feel so down in the dumps.
“I’m-” She was ready to say fine, Davina and Cami knew it, but she broke down in tears before she could even shape an “o” with her lips. Both women jumped up immediately and sat in the seats beside Y/n. Though Davina couldn’t stand Klaus, she actually liked Y/n and seeing her hurt sent searing pain into her own heart.
“It’s okay, hun,” Cami wrapped an arm over Y/n’s shoulder, her other hand rubbing her other shoulder and arm comfortingly, “take as long as you need, there’s no pressure, no rush, none of that. We’ve got you.”
And so they did. The two women took turns holding Y/n as she cried, and before long, she was ready to talk. She explained Klaus’ anger and the source of their fight, the source of the fake news he’d lashed out because of. Davina and Cami shared a glance when Aurora was mentioned, both women already hating her but equally despising her even more now. Y/n sobbed, crying into Cami’s shoulder about wanting Klaus to just believe her. She said she loved him and because of that, she felt pained by his lack of belief in her.
“He’s not worth it if he can’t see how wrong that decision was-”
“I know, but he’s my husband. I vowed to love him always and forever, to never leave his side, and I intend to keep that vow...so long as he doesn’t do anything to fuck it up any more than he already has.”
The sun began to sink into the dark, not fully quite yet, but still creating it’s beautiful array of colors as a final act before disappearing for the night. About halfway through Y/n’s rant, Cami called Hayley and gave her a summary of what she knew so far. A promise of arriving as soon as she could was returned on Hayley’s end before the line went dead and Cami returned to the table.
Still not entirely after sunset yet, Hayley swung open the door to Rousseau's, catching Davina and Y/n off guard. Despite being the one who called her, Cami stayed seated. Y/n and the witch beside her exchanged confused expressions.
“Are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna tell me what the hell I need to do to Klaus?”
Y/n chuckled softly, wiping away more of the salty tears, before standing and walking over to Hayley, greeting her with a hug. “You don’t have to get involved if you don’t want to-”
“No, trust me, I have to and I want to.” She pulled away and dropped her warm smile, giving Y/n the most serious look she could muster. And as she was Hayley Marshall, it was effortlessly pretty fucking serious. “Now, I want you tell me everything,” the mom voice came out to play, “don’t leave a single detail out. Then, we can discuss what we’re going to do about it.”
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“Where is he?”
Rebekah had been informed by the pissed off werewolf and bartender everything that had happened, resulting in her becoming equally upset. She welcomed Hayley inside the gates and nodded her head up the stairs. “I haven’t said anything to him, so you’ll be lucky enough to catch him by surprise.”
The werewolf nodded in understanding before pacing toward the stairs irritability. “Thanks.”
“Make it hurt!” Rebekah’s voice faded away as she walked out the gates, leaving Hayley alone to find Niklaus.
Atop the stairs, she found no sign of anyone whatsoever, but that was only on the outside. If Klaus happened to be inside on of the many rooms, she wouldn’t waste her time searching. Instead, she waited, leaning against the railing and doing a breathing exercise Y/n taught her during one lonely full-moon. 
After minutes of waiting, Klaus finally walked out of a door and started for the stairs. It wasn’t longer than a minute before he stopped in his tracks and realized he’d missed something. He shot a double take in Hayley’s direction, a puzzled expression quickly finding way to his face. It seemed as though he was contemplating whether or not her unexpected appearance was a good thing or a bad thing.
When he seemingly couldn’t make up his mind, staring a few minutes longer, a heavy sigh left her mouth. She was ticked off with him before, but after hearing everything Y/n had to say, she was furious. No, more than furious. The blood boiling rage was incessantly pounding in her head, all she wanted was cause destruction and pain. A rare thing for her.
But now was not the time to lash out, not yet. She inhaled and exhaled, Hayley shifted on her feet and looked around before turning her head to Klaus and beckoned him over to her with a come-hither motion of her index finger.
“What is it?”
She looked at him, flabbergasted that he’d even ask a question as stupid as that, “What is it? What is it, Klaus?” Hayley slapped him, the man doubling back and blinking in astonishment. And not the good kind.
“How dare you lay your hands on me, you-”
“So you’re gonna yell at me now?” She crossed her arms, and unimpressed look resting upon her face. “You know, personally, I think Y/n is better off without you but she’s broken and has been bawling her eyes out nonstop for hours on end, drinking away all the pain that you’ve formed into a stake and shoved into her chest.”
He stopped, fury fleeing his face as he experienced what felt like her words body-slamming into him.
“And guess who’s been there to pick out the splinters?” She poked her finger against her chest over and over again. “Me!” Her eyes never left his, telling him just how sincere about this she really was. “Me! Cami- even Davina!” Hayley threw her hands in the air, emphasizing the shock that came with the information. “Rebekah’s on her way over now, and I’m sure Elijah will see to it that he comforts his sister-in-law as much as he can, but you?”
She cut him off, temper still unquenched, thirsty for vengeance. “Let me finish.” She growled. Hayley looked around the room in attempt to calm herself, but it was to no avail.
“You got her into this mess. I just hope you get both of you guys out of it.” She flicked her eyes back to his, giving him her infamous dead eyed glare. “I really hope you do. And you better do it soon. Because I won’t be there to pick the splinters out for you when she realizes she doesn’t need your sorry ass.”
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leossmoonn · 2 years
ahh ok a concept-
stefan confesses to you abt his feelings the night when he has to leave w klaus to save damon and you guys share a kiss but in the end you reject him bc you already have a bf and you don't want to be a cheater (you already are tho 😭😭) and then stefan is heartbroken obv but he respects your choice and leaves with klaus and then when they return in s3 he has his humanity off and you are SO jealous to see rebekah always trying to fuck him and she knows you like him but can't do anything about it bc you still haven't broken up with your boyfriend and you always rant to damon about how much you hate rebekah and how much of an ass stefan is and damon is just like "i don't want to get involved in your teen drama leave me alone" but he's secretly rooting for you and stefan 💀💀
This should’ve been in the show. Such a great idea
You start to cry as you kiss him, knowing this will be the only time you’ll be able to kiss him right now. And maybe the last.
“I’m sorry, Stefan,” you say as you pull away. “I like you too but, I can’t do that to Tyler.”
“He’s a jackass, Y/n. You deserve better. I can give you better.”
“I know he may not seem like it with you, but he’s good to me. And I love him.”
“Yeah, okay,” he nods. He steps away, beginning to cry too.
“I’m sorry, Stef,” you sob. “I understand,” he sighs.
Fastward to when Stefan and klaus come back. You’re not dating Tyler anymore and you’ve been thinking a lot abt Stefan, and although you rejected him, you want to give him a second chance.
But omg Stefan is such a diff person but you still can’t help but like him still. Lol I guess your type is jackasses
One day you’re ranting to Damon like “I want to kill Rebekah. I never thought I could hate someone so much. Ugh, she just infuriates me. Her pretty blonde hair and perfect boobs and great legs. Like UGH. She could have everyone and she wants my Stefan? So fucking rude. And don’t get me started on Stefan. Your brother sucks. I can’t believe he would be so selfish as to turn his humanity off and disregard all his friends and family. Why not just have us help him kill klaus ?”
Damon is like 🙄 “I love you but I can’t take this anymore.” Omg but every night he prays for something to happen for you and Stefan
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nikmikaelsonswife · 4 years
i have a request for angsty prompts 78 and 85. instead of caroline, the vampire reader is pregnant with alaric’s babies, so her and alaric (who would let her out of his sight, since he learned about the twin.) go down to new orleans to tell her boyfriend klaus. an argument starts, and someone says the prompts. and you can choose the ending. (since i am no good at endings!) thank you and i love your writing! ❤️: mikaelson-emma
see now, you didn’t have to be so sweet 🥺 tysm for requesting. my apologies for the very long wait.
Unconditionally | Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Description: After confessing your pregnancy to Klaus, the relationship begins to go down hill.
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Reader, Alaric Saltzman x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: swearing, angst
A/N: i tried to make this as heart wrenching as possible. i haven’t been in the best state of mind to write much besides headcannons, i literally deleted this entire thing twice cause i hated it. being a perfectionist, i refuse to post some story i put half-ass effort in. it’s still kinda shitty though. so, hopefully you enjoy.
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“Klaus, listen to me.”
“No. You listen to me.” He sneered, “How would you feel if the tables were turned? Tell me. Hypothetically speaking, I impregnate another woman with my hybrid children. I know for certain that you’d be boiling with rage. We both know it.”
You trailed behind him as he stalked toward your shared bedroom. He ripped open your dresser drawers, grabbing handfuls of your clothing and tossing them on the bed. You ran toward him, shoving him away in an attempt to get him to stop. “Why are you doing this?!”
“YOU ARE PREGNANT WITH SOMEBODY ELSE! WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!?” His outburst caused you to sharply jolt, a small gasp leaving your lips. He had never raised his voice at you, never like that. And when he noticed the influx of tears gushing from your eyes, guilt, along with his heart, pounded in his chest.
“No.” You shook your head in rebellion, blocking his way so he couldn’t force away another trace of you. “You said you’d never leave me! Don’t you dare turn your back on me!”
“Eternity, that is what you promised me!” You exclaimed at his back after he turned away from you, a moment of intense silence ensuing in between the two of you. Then suddenly, he flipped around, storming toward you before he invaded your personal space. The look on his face made you shrink back into yourself, dark and furious eyes piercing through your own.
“GET OUT! I don’t want to see your face EVER AGAIN!” With your eyes squeezed shut, your ears rung before you felt a gust of air, signaling that he had left. Emotion overwhelmed you, causing the floor to slip from underneath you. Dropping to your knees, your entire body shook with each cry that emitted from your throat.
Your relationship was over. You were all alone again.
Strong arms wrapped around your shoulders before you heard Alaric whisper in your ear, “It’s going to be okay. Let’s get you home, alright?”
When you heard the sound of your front door creaking open, you finally lifted your cheek from the tear-soaked pillow beneath your head. You froze, zeroing in on the crisp silence of your bedroom, listening for a heartbeat. You weren’t afraid for yourself, being a one-hundred year old vampire, but for the lives growing inside your belly.
Your eyes widened in the darkness when the perpetrator pulled one of your double doors open.
Coming closer until he stood next to the bed, he wordlessly peeled his clothes from his body, climbing into bed next to you. His arms wrapped around your shaking frame, his skin warm to the touch.
“What are you doing here?” Cool air brushed the skin of your ear as he quietly sighed, aware that you were still upset from your tone of voice. “I came to talk.” Even though the both of you knew he had hoped that there wouldn’t be any conversation. He despised confrontation when it came to you.
“Okay.” You shifted to where you were staring up at him, ignoring the obvious remorse in his eyes. “I didn’t ask for any of this. I want to have your baby, Klaus! I want to marry you, spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and you only. Doesn’t that matter at all?”
Slipping his hands in yours, he cradled you against his chest. “I’m sorry, beautiful. I understand that this isn’t your fault....” He trailed off when you began to talk again.
“You’re right, none of it is my fault. You’re the one in the wrong. You’re the one who broke your promise.”
“And you can’t just come back and,” you ripped yourself from his grip, sitting up and glaring at him from over your shoulder, “hug me and touch me and expect me to just forgive you so easily. You said you would never turn you back on me, Klaus!”
He raised up along with you, eyes dancing between the floor and the window as he was unable to meet yours that were glaring at him with double the anger he had possessed only so long ago. “Love...”
“No!” You yelled, uncrossing your arms from your chest as you gestured toward him. “You made me feel like shit for something I can’t control! I’m having these babies because it’s the right thing to do. I have the power to give life despite my species! And I’m going to do just that.”
Chuckling bitterly, you blinked repeatedly, fighting the tears that threatened to break the surface of your eyes. “You always treat your siblings like crap because they betray you o-or stand against you. I’ve always stood by your side, and all it took was this for you to throw me away!” During your rant, you hadn’t realized that he had made his way over toward you.
He pulled you into him, whispering sweet nothings as you shook your head. He wasn’t getting out of this, you weren’t done. You refused to be done, refused to continue to accept this behavior. You didn’t deserve the way he betrayed you.
“You c-can’t just do this...you can’t kiss me and make it okay...” You struggled against him, gently pushing at his chest, rejecting his embrace.
“Stop it, Klaus. Stop...” Suddenly, you burst into tears, a broken cry escaping your throat as you gave up on fighting him. Klaus hadn’t realized what he had done, thinking that it was only another fight. Hadn’t realized he had cut far too deep this time.
“Why can’t you just love me?” You inquired softly, eyelids falling at the warmth radiating from his body. He silently cursed himself, upset with the fact that you would even have to question his feelings for you. After tucking your hair behind your ear, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“I can’t say anything that’ll change the fact that I went back on my word. All I can do is hope that one day you’ll forgive me and have faith that I’ll change my ways.” Taking your chin in his fingers, he turned you to face him. Your heart leaped at the sight of his watery eyes.
“I will forever love you, (Y/N). Unconditionally. That’s never going to change. And I won’t give you a reason to question it ever again.”
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kbuggg3 · 3 years
~U m b r e l l a       A c a d e m y~ FivexReader: “Stakeout” (Part 1)
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IMAGINE: After discovering the apocalypse and getting transported back into the present, Five and (y/n) make it their mission to stop the doomsday clock and save not only their family, but the entirety of the world as they know it.
No ever thought anything like this would ever happen. Everyone assumed the other was content with the lives they were forced to live. Well, everyone except Five. He was very secretive or quiet with his hate for this lifestyle. It started off as a regular day in the Hargreeves residence.
Mother had just finished making breakfast as she rang the bell and all 8 of us raced down the stairs to see who could try and get to their assigned seat first. Of course we couldn’t sit down yet- we had to wait until our father sat down. He would then nod his head, giving us the green light.
Things were going as good as anything can get there. Breakfast was good. The usually smell of eggs and bacon was almost comforting. Until Five decided enough was enough. He slammed his knife into the table, causing the bottom of it to stick straight up.
All of our eyes went wide. Well, everyone’s except mine. I just slouched back in my chair and rolled my eyes. Even 15 year old me was fed up with Five’s shenanigans.
Me and Five were very close. Closer with each other than we were with anyone else in the family. Me, being Number 8, always got picked on for being the last number. But Five would always tell me I had the coolest powers to cheer me up. I had telekinetic powers.
There was this “unspoken thing” between me and Five as Klaus would call it- We were also pretty close with him.
Me and Five liked each other, as more than friends of course. But it was forbidden. It was our fathers rule to “keep it professional” even though we were only kids. That’s one reason why Allison and Luther’s relationship never went anywhere.
The other reason being they were both too shy to admit their feelings. Whereas Five, a person with no filter whatsoever, used to tell me all the time. He told me everything and anything. Five used to slip notes under my door, telling me to meet him after hours.
When everyone was asleep I would open his door to find him waiting for me on his bed, wearing a plain white t-shirt and gray sweatpants, just like the rest of us (Father picked those outfits out as well).
We would lay on our backs side by side on his decent sized mattress and talk about anything that came to mind. Sometimes he would say to me, “I wish we could be together,” as if telling someone you liked them was as simple as telling someone about their day.
But that’s what I liked about him. He was open. Honest. Because we told each other everything, he would always rant to me about how father won’t let him time travel.
So I knew the moment he stood in front of the upright knife with his fist clenched, he was angry about just that.
“Number Five?”
“I have a question.”
Father continued to eat his breakfast as if this were a normal, everyday thing. But it wasn’t. “Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson.” Five rolled his eyes and responded sternly, “I want to time travel.”
“But I’m ready! I’ve been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said!” Five then proceeded to teleport from his seat, over to the right side of fathers chair. “See?”
Father sighed and took the fork of eggs away from his mouth as he began to lecture Five. “A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn.”
“Well I don’t get it.”
“Hence the reason you're not ready.” Father stated as he took a sip of his grape wine.
Five looked over to me, his angered look immediately going soft. I shook my head, trying to tell him not to go any further. He looked like he was actually considering it, but the moment he looked away, all considerations faded.
“I’m not afraid.”
“Fear isn’t the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable.” Father then threw his utensils onto his plate making them clatter loudly and he faced Five and yelled, “Now I forbid you to talk about this anymore!”
Five gave me one last look, almost like he was apologizing for something, and then ran off, causing all heads to turn.
“Number Five! You haven’t been excused!”
Of course Five didn’t listen. Why would he listen to our so-called father who didn’t even bother to give us real names, only numbers? But maybe he’ll listen to me. Without thinking, or waiting for consent, I got up from my seat and ran after him.
“Number 8!”
After yelling his name over and over again, Five finally turned around, his cheeks red with anger. “Five, where are you going?”
“What do you mean ‘away’? You're just gonna leave everything?” Five didn’t answer.
“You-“ I began to try and speak again but my voice was breaking. I can’t let him see me like this. I cleared my throat and tried again. “You’re just going to leave me?”
Five’s eyes moved from his untied shoelace to my eyes. His gaze softened again and he slowly reached out for my hand.
“I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve this.”
And then it happened. It’s kind of all a blur really. All I remember is him letting go of my hand and the blue light surrounding him.
I desperately reached out to grab his hand but all I could touch was the sleeve of his uniform. And before I knew it, I had time traveled into the future with him. Every building was crumbled and in ruins.
There were occasional fires here and there. After finding all of our family dead, the only evidence we found was an eye that Luther's dead corpse was holding in his hand. We spent 30 years together in that shithole.
At first it was hell. He was mad at me for being there because it “wasn’t safe” and “I should be at home”. I was just trying to stop him from making decisions that he insisted WEREN’T stupid. Look where that got us.
Eventually we met Dolores. She’s the only friend me and Five ever had. Especially when you grow up as a “baby superhero” as Diego would call us. We never went to school, birthday parties, play dates.
We lived a life that was far from normal, so we were very thankful for Dolores. Eventually me and Five made up, started dating even.
43 years later, Five then made an equation to help us time travel back home and even after Dolores told him a million times that his equation was inaccurate he still used it anyway, causing me and him to go back to recent times.... but in our 15 year old bodies.
After reuniting with our family and almost getting murdered by some of Five’s old co-workers, we are now trying to figure out who the eye belongs to so we can try to stop the apocalypse from destroying our world and everyone in it.
“I knew this was a waste of time. I mean what did I expect her to do? Help us?” (y/n) and Five walked away from Vanya’s apartment complex.
They had tried telling her about the apocalypse and where the couple had been for the past 16 years, thinking she was the only one they could trust, but it was too much information for her to handle. She didn’t even know how to respond to them.
“Well, Five, how did you expect her to respond? Did you think she was going to understand everything immediately? We’ve been gone for the past, what, 16 years? For them at least. For us it was 43.”
“I understand that, but you’d think she would have something to say or questions at least!” (y/n) nodded in agreement. “Let’s just go to the laboratory and find out who this eye belongs to.”
Five nodded as well and grabbed her hand. He then teleported them to the front steps of the laboratory. (y/n) let go of his hand and began to walk up the steps, but he pulled her back and wrapped his hand around hers as he tried to keep his eyes forward and act normal.
Even though every touch, although some small, makes his heart beat 10 times faster and the heat to rise to his cheeks. (y/n) just giggled and kissed his cheek, that soon began to turn a slight shade of pink.
They walked through the doors, hand in hand, with hopeful smiles on their faces.
“What. An. Idiot.” Five said angrily as he stomped down the steps. (y/n) and Five had attempted to ask the guy for the name of the owner of the eye, but he insisted that he could not give out that information. And when the man looked me up and down, Five got a little violent and they called security.
“Well maybe if you hadn't threatened to ram the guy's head into the wall, we probably would’ve actually gotten somewhere.” (y/n) stayed as she sat on the steps and watched as Five paced back and forth, attempting to think of another plan.
“Wha- i- He was looking at you in a way that no older man should be looking at a 15 year old!” Five shouted pointing toward the doors to the lab. He then sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose instead. “Alright. Fine.
Let’s just... go with plan B.”
“Which is....?”
“You want me to do what?”
“Klaus, please! This is important!” (y/n) said, folding her hands like she’s begging.
“So you want me... to go to this laboratory.... and pretend to be your dad so you can, what, find the name of the person who owns an eyeball that you found in the future?”
Five and (y/n) shared a look and shrugged. “Yes...?” After a moment of silence Klaus finally spoke up. “I’m too sober for this. I am NOT going to do this.”
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Klaus said frustratedly as he, Five, and (y/n) walked down the familiar hallways of the laboratory. “You’ll do anything that involves you getting paid, won’t you?” Five snapped. “Hey 20 bucks is a great deal don’t you think?” Klaus turned to (y/n) and she shrugged then nodded her head.
They eventually made it to Mr. Big’s office, which was the same guy Five threatened. “I’m sorry but without the client’s consent, I simply can’t help you.” Five stood up and angrily responded, “Well we can’t get consent if you don’t give us a name.”
“Well that’s not my problem. Sorry now there’s really nothing I can do, so-“ Before the guy could finish, Klaus interrupted. “And what about my consent?”
“Excuse me?” My. Big’s replied confused. “Who gave you permission... to lay your hands... on my children?” He began to fake cry as me and Five looked at each other, and then at Klaus with a confused look. “Wha- I’m sorry?”
“You heard me.”
“I didn’t touch your children!”
“Oh really? Then how did my son get that swollen lip then?” Klaus stands up and faces Five. “He doesn’t have a swollen-“ Klaus brings his arm back and punches Five hard in the mouth. (y/n) gasps, but doesn’t move from her seat, trying her best to play along with whatever it was Klaus was doing.
Five touched his hand to his mouth, looking at the blood on it. He looked like he was going to kill Klaus right then and there. “And as for my daughter!” Klaus began to look at me with his arm pulled back, ready to hit, but before it reached her face (y/n) grabbed his fist and yanked it forward so his face was close to hers and she whispered, “Touch me, and I’ll kick your *ss.” Klaus just smiled and backed away.
“What about your daughter?” Klaus looked at me with a smirk and I began to fake cry. “H-He touched me! He tried to rape me!” Five smirked as well as he wrapped an arm around my waist and Klaus laughed with joy.
“You guys are crazy.”
“You have no idea.” (y/n) replied chuckling slightly. Everyone watched as Klaus picked up a snow globe that was sitting on the man's desk and he read it. “‘Peace on earth.’ That's so sweet.” He then smashed it onto his head causing it to shatter and his head to bleed. I jumped slightly at the noise and Five’s grip on my waist tightened as if to reassure me it’s ok.
“God that hurt.” Klaus groaned. When the guy reached for the phone on his desk and typed in a number, most likely security again, Klaus took it out of his hands and held it up to his ear. “There’s been an assault...” he “cried”, “in Mr. Bigs office and we need security, now. Schnell!” He yelled then threw the phone down and shook his head to try and make the blurry vision go away.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen Grant.”
“I-It’s Lance... actually.”
“In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they’re gonna see a whole lot of blood and a distraught little girl, and they’re gonna wonder ‘What the hell happened?’” Five looked me up and down, smirked, then looked over to the man. “And we’re gonna tell them that you... beat the shit out of us and RAPED our little girl!” Klaus continued to fake cry but it turned into a laugh when he saw the man's terrified expression.
“You're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I’ve been there.” Lance just gave him a weird look but Klaus continued. “Little piece of chicken like you. Oh my god you're gonna get passed around like a......” he tried to think of something to say but couldn’t do he just brushed it off.
“You’re just- you're gonna do great. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Jesus, you’re a real sick bastard.” Lance replies.
Klaus’ face went stone cold as he responded, “Thank you.” And spit a piece of glass from his mouth. (y/n) walks over to his desk and leans down close to his face, to where her slightly unbuttoned uniform shows her cleavage. She reaches her hand past him, resting her arm on his shoulder, as she tries to reach the small drawer behind him to get a lollipop.
She can hear his unsteady breathing which makes her want to throw up, because he’s actually somewhat liking this 15 year old girl seducing him, but also smirk because her plan is working.
Her fingers finally wrap around a lollipop and she whispers with a smile, “It’s a pleasure doing business with you.” She pulls back, unwraps the lollipop and puts it in her mouth. She then throws the wrapper onto Lance and walks out of the room with a sway of her hips. Five stared at her in awe and Klaus winked at the guy.
Finally, Lance took them to where all of the files are. Five stood in front of the desk, Klaus sat on the other side, facing Lance and all the files, and (y/n) propped her elbows up on the end of the desk, her chin resting on one of her fists as she watched the man as he searched through the drawer.
“That’s strange.”
“What?” Five demands.
“Well, the eye hasn’t been purchased yet.”
“That is strange.” Klaus says standing up and circling Lance to make him nervous.
“This can't be right. It hasn’t even been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?” He asks looking up from his files and at Five.
He just shakes his head.
“Well this is not good.” (y/n) says as the three of them walk back down the steps of the lab. “I was pretty good, though, right? ‘Oh ya? What about my consent bitch?’” Klaus laughed, trying to re-enact the scene from earlier.
“Klaus, it doesn’t matter.”
He just rolls his eyes and responds, “What’s the deal with this eye anyway? Why is it so important to you?”
“Someone out there is going to lose an eye in the next seven days.” (y/n) responds as Five finishes.
“Exactly. They’re gonna bring about the end of life on this earth as we know it.”
Klaus was listening, but didn't really understand what it meant. He didn’t try to understand because he doesn’t really care. He just wants his money.
“Yeah whatever. Hey, can I just get my 20 bucks, like, now?”
“Your 20 bucks?” (y/n) asked as Five rolls his eyes.
“Yeah my 20 bucks.”
“Unbelievable. I give up.” She throws up her arms and walks back to the steps and sits down. She rests her elbows on her knees and her chin rests on one hand while the other hand holds her unfinished lollipop.
“The apocalypse is coming, and all you can think about is getting high?” Five snaps. “Well I’m also quite hungry.” Klaus rubs his stomach then makes a growling noise. “You're useless.” Five shakes his head and walks over to (y/n), sitting next to her and stretching his legs out in front of him.
“Oh come on. You need to lighten up, old man.” Five signs and grabs (y/n)’s free hand, placing their intertwined hands in his lap and gently rubbing her hand with his other. “Hey you know, I’ve just realized why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell!” Klaus laughs as if he’s just discovered a new scientific discovery.
(y/n) and Five just look at him and then continue on with what they’re doing. “All those years by yourself. It’s gotta screw with your head being alone.”
“I wasn’t alone. I had (y/n).” (y/n) smiles a little and stares down at their hands. “Perfect! Well why don’t y’all get together and... we’ll ya know!”
“You know what? Your right Klaus.”
“I-I am?”
“He is?” (y/n) asks, standing up with Klaus. “Of course he’s right. He’s always right. Well, we best be on our way then!” Five grabs (y/n)’s hand and pulls her towards the road, leaving Klaus there with a surprised look on his face. “Hope you don’t mind if we use your bed! Thanks!”
“Wait... what?!” But before Klaus could say anything else Five teleports himself and (y/n) into a taxi. “Wait no! Not my bed! Also I need my 20 bucks!” Klaus yells, running after the car. (y/n) just rolls up the window and waves as Five pulled her into his lap and kisses her jaw, then her neck, then her collar bone, and goes back up.
“Was it true what you said?” (y/n) asked, smirking. “Not entirely.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Well, for starters, I wouldn’t say that I’m not horny but....”
“Mhm. And...?”
“And that is NOT the reason why I’m ‘uptight’.” Five says pouting a little. (y/n) just laughed and they continued to kiss. When they were completely out of sight, Klaus ran his hands through his hair.
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zalrb · 3 years
Hey! I recently read your posts about Supernatural and I just wanted to ask do you think Bela Talbot (the thief from season 3) had a similarity to Katherine Pierce? Because both of them had to get out of certain situations. So while Katherine ran and theoretically made deals to keep herself safe from Klaus, Bela made a deal with a demon without really knowing what it meant and then spent the next 10 years as a supernatural thief. She tried to kill Sam in her last moments because she could sort of get out of her deal. Sorry this turned into a rant, but I feel Bela was a more efficient character than Katherine Pierce. Also apparently a lot of people hate Bela because she was mean and bitchy. What are your thoughts? Did you think she was a forgettable character?
Oh yeah! I think I’ve mentioned before that Bela is exactly who the show thought Katherine was:
Katherine never ceased to surprise us as a character. She was a 500-year-old vampire and for almost all of Season 1, we had only seen her in 19th century flashbacks. So when she arrived on the scene in present day Mystic Falls, we as writers expected her to be an old-world, distinguished woman with a taste for the classics. But she wasn’t. She was a sexy, modern-day woman of the world who wore designer heels and drove an Aston Martin. One carving knife and four severed fingers later, she quickly made her way into our hearts forever.
Using both seduction and good, old-fashioned blunt force trauma as her weapons of choice, she was never afraid to do whatever it took to get what she wanted.
And I’ve gone through exactly why I don’t find Katherine to be a formidable villain/antagonist/opponent or a particularly clever character but even that air that Julie is describing, that’s not this
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that’s this:
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because what Julie is describing requires a certain level of ... if not elegance then poise 
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that Katherine never had because Katherine operates like a messy 21-year-old.
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And then there’s the fact that I could understand how Bela always ended up foiling Dean and Sam until she didn’t and we saw her/heard about her working people 
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And yeah I read somewhere that she was killed off because fans hated her, which leads me to, I didn’t like Bela either when I was watching Supernatural and it’s really because I just didn’t think she fit well enough in the Supernatural universe, like something about her always felt shoehorned and I remember thinking her accent was fake until I realized Lauren Cohan is British.
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its-a-secert01 · 4 years
~A father’s Love~ Elijah Mikaelson
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Really excited about this one!! Hope you enjoy! And remember Request are open!!!  ______________________________________________________
* “Elijah please I beg of you.” the woman pleaded with the Original   “Now Sarah you know I would do anything for your family but this..you know not of what you ask.”  “It won’t be for long I swear, I just need enough time to make it safe for her.”   “And who’s to say she shall be safe with me, you know how my brother Niklaus is he’ll use her as a pond in one of his games.” “Yes but I believe that you would do anything to protect her and that is why I trust you, after all these years Elijah have I ever asked anything of you?”  Elijah sighed “Give her to me.” the women put a tiny little infant girl in to the vampires arms, she cooed up at him and smiled there was no possible way he could let her here to be a lamb to the slaughter.  “Alright fine I shall keep her with me until your troubles are over.” he said looking back up at the mother, “Thank you.” she almost cried, she grabbed a bag full of dippers, bottles and clothes.  “Your a good man Elijah.” she commented as she handed him the bag, “Just promise me something?” she asked she continued after Elijah didn’t say anything “Promise me if anything shall happen to me and her father you’ll raise her as your own, you’ll love and protect her always and give her this when she’s ready” Sarah handed him a box inside was a necklace with a small gold heart locket on it “I want her to know who her mother was.”  Elijah nodded “You have my word.” he said taking the box after Sarah had said goodbye to the child, Elijah put her seat in his car an they set off for new Orleans.*  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Daddy, daddy!” Leah cheered breaking Elijah out of his thoughts she ran over and jumped in to his arms “Hello darling.” he said kissing her forehead the 6 year old giggled “How was the park?” he asked  “It was great Uncle Kol went on the monkey bars.” she said smiling from ear to ear, “Oh did he now?”   “Yeah auntie Becks said he looked like a giant monkey.” Elijah laughed he loved to see his little girl smile “Well why don’t you go wash up for dinner it’ll be done soon.”  “Okay!” she chimed Elijah let her down and she ran to the stairs to go to her room.  Rebekah sighed leaning against the counter as her brother stirred sauce in a pot “I can’t believe how much she’s grown.” she said   “Yes.” Elijah said looking at her, “Seems as if I just brought her home.” he added   “Despite how i’d hate to ruin a good day we have a problem.” Rebekah said moving closer to him  “At the park Leah’s eye’s they...”  “They what Rebekah?” Elijah asked  
“They turned black, they where darker then the night sky.” she said just above a whisper “When did this happen?”   “When I said it was time to come home she didn’t want to leave she grabbed my arm and her eye’s turned black.” Elijah filled with fear “That’s what happened to her mother before she went mad.” he said  “But she’s only six! Those bloody witches couldn’t possibly be that curl.” Rebekah ranted “I’m afraid they could, was there anyone else at the park?” Elijah asked  “Not that i seen, you don’t think someone put the spell on her while we were there do you?”   “I think someone just activated her magic earlier then it should have been and cursed her to use it for wicked things.”   “What are we going to do?” she asked “We’ll have to find the person who started this.” Elijah said just then Leah came bouncing in to the kitchen holding the hand of her uncle Klaus smiling from ear to ear.  “Is dinner done daddy?” she asked “Umm yes dear.” he said Elijah placed a booster seat an Leah clammed up on the chair, “It smells so yummy!” She cheered.   “Can I have a drink with dinner?” she asked “After you eat my love.” Elijah said “But I want one now!” Leah wined   
“Now now little girl your father said after dinner.” Klaus spoke up, Leah began to breath heavily  and clinched her little fist, “I SAID NOW!” she screamed she pushed her little hand out in front of her, the table flipped over and Klaus went flying across the kitchen.  
“Bloody hell!” Rebekah said Leah turned towards her aunt with her hand still raised “Leah Sarah Mikaelson if you hurt your aunt, I’ll send you to your room for the rest of the night.” Elijah scolded the little girl lowered her hand and began to cry.   At that time a very Pregnant Haley walked in “What is going on?” she asked “I believe we have a little witch on our hands.”  Klaus said standing to his feet.  “Elijah?” she asked giving him a confused look Elijah sighed  “Her mother was a witch before i brought her to live with us, she suppressed all of Leah’s magic, Now I think someone has undone the spell and put a curse on her like they did her mother. She’ll use all her magic for evil and over time her ancestors will turn against her they’ll drive her mad eventually causing her death.”  Elijah looked down and brought his hand to his eye’s as whipping awake a tear.  “Well brother you didn’t think to tell us this could happen before, Oh I don’t know when you first brought her in to our home!” Klaus shouted scaring Leah she jumped down and ran to her father clinging on to his leg.  “Now look what you’ve gone and done.” Rebekah said to him, Hayley put out her hand to Leah, the little girl ran to the wolf’s side “it’s ok this isn’t your fault.” she said  “Uncle Klaus is just scared.” she added “I am not scare of a child!” Klaus fought back,  “Auntie Hayley can I say hi to the baby?” Leah asked Hayley smiled  “Of course.” Leah placed a hand on Hayley’s stomach and smiled when the child inside kick she got exited and giggled with joy “Ouch!” Hayley let out Klaus took a step towards her.  “I’m fine she just shocked me, when she got exited it was like electricity going through her hand.”  “Elijah she can’t control this!” Klaus said “I know brother I’ll work on it there’s not much we can do now. Leah darling why don’t you go to your room I’ll bring you some food in a minute.” Elijah said the little girl placed her head down “Okay daddy.” she said and made her way to the stairs.  Elijah rubbed the back of his neck and began to past the kitchen “We need a witch to undo a witchy spell.”  Klaus said  “Maybe devina will help.” Hayley added    “It’s possible but she herself is a young witch she might not know how.” Elijah thought more to himself “It’s worth a shot isn’t it?” she asked he sighed  “Yes I suppose you are right, Klaus talk to Marcel see if he can convince Devina.” Klaus nodded and got on the phone  “In the mean time I’ll try to keep her calm, try and stay away from Leah as best you can I don’t want you or the baby getting hurt.”  “She’s only six.” Hayley said  “Yes but a six year old with extreme power all coming on her at once as of right now she can’t control it, even if she doesn’t mean it she could still hurt you.” Hayley nodded holding her baby bump.  Elijah fixed the table and cleaned up the mess, he made Leah a grilled cheese and took it up to her room, when he walked in she was curled up under her blankets he could hear soft sobs coming from her.  “Leah darling i brought you a grilled cheese and some milk.” he said trying to sound cheerful  “I’m not hungry.” she mumbled “Come on you have to eat something.” he said setting the plat down on her nightstand and setting on the bed  “Darling It’s going to be ok I promise.” he added “I hurt aunt Hayley.” she cried  “Honey it’s okay she and the baby are fine.” Elijah said  “And what about Uncle Klaus he is going to hate me.”  “Oh that would be physically impossible love.” Klaus said walking in to the room “I could never hate you.” he added Leah climbed down from her bed and ran over to Klaus hugging his legs “I’m sorry.” she sobbed.  “it’s ok sweetheart.” he said picking her up, “Now I just want you to have something to eat and get some rest uncle Klaus and your father will make everything okay.” he said the little girl sniffed and nodded her head she had her sandwich and milk Elijah picked out her pj’s and got her changed an tucked her in to bed.  “Daddy can you tell me a story?” she asked “What do want to hear?”  “I want to hear a story about a princess.” she said “Let me handle this one brother.” Klaus said placing a hand on Elijah’s shoulder he kissed Leah on the forehead and said goodnight and walked out Klaus shutting the door behind him.  “Now.” he said sitting down next to his niece “Once upon a time there was a brave prince he was strong and noble everyone loved him but he had a secret.” Leah gasped “What was it?” she asked  “He had secret love for a princess, this princess was his daughter not many people new about her in fear his enemies would try to harm her or use her to their advantage so he kept her a secret, to everyone but those he trust...His family. And they swore to protect her from any and all harm.” Klaus took a breath  “But one day the princess grow ill and the prince was scared he would lose her, so they had to tell more and more people about her in order to save her from the illness.”  “Poor princess.” Leah said her eye’s starting to get tired “Yes poor princess indeed for she suffered a great deal but the prince and his family where able to save her with magical friends by their side and the princess lived happily ever after.”  “Did the princess have any brothers or sisters?” Leah asked “No but she had a baby cousin who she loved dearly and who loved her just as much.” Klaus said Leah smiled “good.” she whispered and drifted off to sleep.  ______________________________________________________________ Thought this be a good point to let off, I hope you enjoyed it!! 
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jaywritessmut · 4 years
Weiß Chapter I- Business & Pleasure
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*Weiß- White in German
Florian Munteanu x black female reader (All my fics are with black women in mind!)
Warnings: mentions of death & drug use, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks!)
Authors note: Sorry this took so long yall! I moved to a completely new state and that came with its own challenges and adjustments. Things have calmed down since but I’m about to start job hunting and house hunting which is exciting but also stressful AF! Pray for me! I apologize for any mistakes!
Word Count: 4.3K
Something about the smell of a hookah lounge drove her wild. The subtle sweetness in the air had always brought her peace, sometimes a bit of arousal. She found it much more tolerable than plain old cigarettes. But then again, cigarettes didn’t come in flavors like Blue Mist or Double Apple. She scanned the drink menu, impressed with the newer selections listed. Of course there were the outrageous names to contend with. Oil Spill? Typical Klaus she pondered. He’d always had an eye for the dramatic and it was one of the things she loved about him. How sad it was that she’d never hear one of his energetic, albeit coke fueled, rants again. She decided to pay homage to her eccentric companion and order one for old times sake. Her usual order of Jäger would have to wait.
The server took her order, fumbling over his pen as he scribbled it down. He was intimidated by her. She radiated authority and confidence. He had no idea who she was  but the level of service she was receiving let him know that she was definitely a VIP. Making a mistake could cost him his job.
He must be new. She smirked at the thought. How cute.
Most everyone here knew who she was. Her table had been closed off and ready for her with her usual selection. Sex on the beach with a deeper freezer hose. They even made sure to put it in a mango just how she liked it. As soon as she stepped her Manholo clad foot out of her pearl white BMW, she’d been escorted into the club. Tamir gave her a salacious grin while he watched her strut into the building. Yeah, he was still hoping for a piece of that. The line of impatient party goers stared on in envy as she was given preferential treatment. But she was the boss. And bosses waited for no one.
She thought about letting loose tonight. Lord knows she needed it. But tonight was all about business. She needed to think. And surprisingly she was able to do just that as the bass from the clubs stereos shook the room. They had a deal, she and Klaus. She provided the money and kept an eye on the financial and legal side of things while Klaus was the face. He managed the club events, payroll, employees, social media presence, you name it. He was good at being the center of attention while she worked behind the scenes. But he also handled the grittier parts of it all. He dealt with the foot soldiers, making sure they were moving product. And then with suppliers to make sure they weren’t getting screwed them over. Turf wars and partnerships were all handled by him. It was a messy arena that Klaus shielded her form. And it made sense.
She was a sheltered daughter of an American diplomat. Her experience growing up in Berlin was quite different from his. While he fought to escape the crime infested slum and shady gangs, she vacationed on glamorous yachts in Malta. As a kid, he’d learned about the proper price to charge for a kilo while she was taught French and art history. They came from two different worlds yet managed to build a successful enterprise together. And now with him gone, she had no idea what to do. Just why the fuck did he have to piss off the Russians?
From across the club, Florian studied her closely in amazement. Annalise Roper in the flesh. ‘Lise’ was what she went by with family and close friends. But to her secret associates, she was Snow, the cocaine queen of Deutschland. He was surprised to see her here tonight. He had had the pleasure of meeting her on only a few occasions but knew that it was rare for her to be at the club. And with the circumstances surrounding Klaus death, he would’ve thought she’d lay low and increase security. But her face was unknown in the underground circles. When rival gangs talked about taking out Snow they were expecting a blonde hair blue eyed type. Not the melanated beauty he was currently admiring. The whole thing was ingenious really.
He watched as she threw back a shot, the club lights reflecting off her deep mocha skin. Her all white ensemble gave her an ethereal appearance, as if she were floating above the crowd. The effect she had on him was evident from the noticeable bulge in his pants. Full luscious lips, sultry bedroom eyes, flawless skin. All of her features drove him wild. And that was just her face. The white midi dress she wore, clung to her curves sinfully almost like a second skin. He knew she worked out. A body like that had to be properly maintained and cared for. And he wanted to explore every inch of it.
Florian adjusted his pants before approaching her. She’d just finish placing another drink order, a Jäger with ginger beer. The already skittish server rushed from her table almost running straight into him. When he glared stoically at the poor kid, he took off faster than before, desperate to get away from the two of them. Her almond shaped eyes gazed at him curiously while she took a pull from the hose. She admired the way his clothes fit on his body. His tailored shirt accentuated his impressive biceps. and the first two buttons were undone, showcasing his signature gold chain. He had style, that was undeniable.
Florian fought the urge to look at her lips but they were too hard to resist. The image of them wrapped around the hose was enough to fuel his already wild imagination.
She let out the smoke she inhaled while maintaining eye contact
“Wusstest du nicht, dass es unhöflich ist zu starren?”
He couldn’t help the smirk that fell upon his lips. Sarcasm was her defense mechanism, but it only made him want her more.
“Ja. Ich bin nur überrascht dich hier zu sehen, Schnee”
Her eyes flashed in anger at his nickname for her. She hated the way it sounded in German. Schnee. It was nowhere near as sexy as Snow.
“Darf ich mich setzen?”
“Wirst du mich nerven?”
He took a seat next to her, ignoring her question. Asshole she thought to herself. But a very sexy asshole nonetheless. The jittery server returned with her drink and skittered off to help the next patron.
“Why do you hate me so much?” He leaned into her, pressing a muscular leg onto her. She’d always been in awe of his large frame, even daydreamed about being pinned underneath him while he did unspeakable things to her body. But she was his boss. And she didn’t fuck her employees.
“I don’t hate you. I’m irritated by you” she went to take a sip of her drink to take the edge off. Whichever bartender made it went heavy on the Jäger . She was grateful for it.
“Why? Because I turn you on?” She almost choked on her drink as he brought his mouth to her ear.
Composing herself, she turned to glare at him. But he remained unfazed by her anger.
“Who said you turn me on? And how do you even know what me being turned on looks like? You’ve never had me to know”
“We could change that tonight.”
She rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned away from him. He was a typical playboy, used to getting what he wanted with a few charming words. But she wasn’t falling for it.
"Don’t be like that. You know you want me”
“And what makes you say that?”
“Basic science. Your pupils dilate whenever I come around. And you think I don’t notice but you look me up and down while biting your lip. It’s really sexy by the way, makes me want to lean forward and nibble it myself”
She crossed her arms in indignation trying to prevent his words from having an affect on her. His eyes wandered low to admire the way her breasts were pushed together.
“You also clench your legs together when I speak to you. Just like you are right now. And if you let me, I can give you the friction you desperately need. All you have to do is say yes”
He softly strummed his finger against her thigh. The sensation made her dizzy and she struggled to compose herself. It had been a while. Her last relationship ended a year ago and the Tinder dates just weren’t cutting it anymore.
Florian leaned closer once more and brought his mouth to her ear.
“Want to bet on how many times I can make you come in one night?”
Her resolve weakened and she closed her eyes as she fought for control of her libido. This was not what she had in mind when she made her way to the club.
Fighting past her bodies screams for release, she sat up straight and scooted away from him.
“Flo, I’m here to think. I can’t be distracted. Not now”
He picked up on the solemn tone of her voice. Maybe he was coming in a little too strong. Her friend was just killed and now she was left with an illegal business that she felt ill equipped to run alone. His attempt at seducing her didn’t really help.
“He cared a lot about you, you know? And he respected the hell out of you”
She nodded as she took another pull from the hose, trying to fight back the tears that would undoubtedly come. Klaus truly was her friend. And because of some stupid deal that she didn’t even want him to take, he was dead. She’d never hear his infectious laugh or be on the receiving end of one of his bear hugs again. A chill ran through her as she blew out a plume of smoke.
“Snow, did you hear me?”
“I said, let me take you home. This is the last place you need to be”
“I can’t. I need to be here”
“No you don’t. Elias has the club under control. We’ll figure out the rest ourselves, okay?”
Maybe now wasn’t the right time. She’d always prided herself on being rational and calculated. It was hard to be that way when so many emotions swirled through her heart and mind. Fear being the biggest one. What if this was all going to collapse? What if she was next?
She nodded, focusing on fighting back the unshed tears that blurred her vision. This was not how the night was supposed to go. But it was for the best. The business could wait. Right now she needed a distraction. She handed Florian her keys and let him guide her out the club, ignoring the curious stares that followed. Fuck them she thought. It was none of their business who she took home.
They rode in her car in silence. She was careful who she let drive her baby but she trusted Florian for some strange reason. Occasionally his eyes would wander over to her seat so that he could admire her toned legs. He imagined them wrapped around his waist while he drove into her. Or maybe over his shoulders while he pounded into her. Snow smirked to herself as she caught him staring in the mirror.
“Drei” she blurted out. He turned to her as best he could, a curious look on his face.
“You wanted to bet how many times you can make me come tonight. Die antwort ist drei”  
Surprise registered on his face as he took in what she was saying. She was giving him the green light, and he had no intention of passing up on the offer. Florian drove like a mad man, weaving through traffic with a fierce determination. The sounds of blaring car horns filled the air as he made his way to her apartment. When they finally pulled into the parking space outside, he turned the car off and turned to Snow. The tension in the air was thick and he fought to compose himself.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked
“Since when did you become such a gentleman?”
“I just don’t want you to regret this. If you say yes, I won’t hold back. If you say yes, then I’m going to make it my mission to explore every inch of your luscious body. Willst du das??”
With an unmistakable nod, she gave him the answer he wanted. She gazed into his hazel eyes, and found that his eyes were slowly flickering down to her plump lips. Florian leaned forward to kiss her, relishing in the feel of her soft lip against his. Her brought up a hand to tenderly stroke her cheek, causing her to gasp. He took the opportunity to slip in his tongue, gently coaxing her to deepen the kiss.
Something came over Snow as she unbuckled her seat belt and climbed over to straddle his lap. Without breaking the kiss, he leaned his seat back to give them more space. His hands lowered down to her ass which he held a tight grip on.
He broke the kiss, bringing his lips to the tender spot underneath her ear and began to place open mouth kisses there. The feeling made her head fuzzy with need and she felt her wetness drip from her center.
“Flo” she moaned, rocking her hips against his. She felt the substantial bulge in his jeans and it made her even more desperate for release. He chuckled against her skin before bringing his lips to hers and planting a hot open mouth kiss.
His hands moved strategically over her body, as if he was studying every spot that drew a response. He committed it to memory, trusting that this wouldn’t be the last time he’d get to taste her. He took both her hands in his and pinned them above her head and he continued to kiss her which she returned with fierce determination. The inside of his car began to fill with the sounds of her moans as he slid his hands up her right thigh.
His talented fingers began to glide between her legs. Much to his delight he discovered there were no panties to remove and his fingers found the source of the wetness sliding down her shapely mocha legs.
"Enjoying yourself are we?" he teased as he circled her clit. She moaned and shook, unable to formulate a response.
"Gut" he said as he slipped a finger inside and massaged her g-spot. She shuddered and felt himself hardened as her walls clenched his thick fingers.
He kissed her and continued to massage her inner walls while stroking her clit. The sensation of his mouth devouring her while stroking her most sensitive spot, caused heat to spread through her body. She knew her orgasm was close and she didn’t even care that they hadn’t even made it inside her apartment.
“Fuck, Flo, I’m-”
He pumped his fingers into her, stroking the soft spongy part of her with a wicked speed while coaxing her to her release. With added pressure on her clit, she detonated around him, her warm center tightening around him with a vice grip. He placed soft kisses on her neck, which she exposed to him as she threw her head back in ecstasy.
“That was one” she purred, coming down from her orgasm. She saw the flash of persistence in his eye and immediately knew she was in for a wild night. The gauntlet had been thrown down and he was more than ready to pick it up.
“Let’s get you in the house, jetzt” he growled before crushing his lips to hers.
They stumbled into the foyer of her apartment, a tangled mess of hands and lips. The ride up to her floor was nothing but him pushing her up against the elevator wall and teasing her already sensitive flesh. And right now, with them finally having privacy, she felt a mixture of excitement and fear.
“Where’s your bedroom?” he grunted, pulling his lips from hers.
“Upstairs, second room on the right”
With no effort, Florian picked her up and made his way up the steps. She began teasing him, suckling and nibbling on the soft flesh of his earlobe. His skin broke out in goosebumps making her smile with satisfaction. He made his way to her bedroom and crushed his lips onto hers, slamming the door behind him with his foot. They remained locked in a deep kiss, her legs wrapped around him, grinding on the front of his jeans. He tossed her onto the bed and she fell with a squeal of delight. After giggling and catching her breath she looked up at him.
He couldn't remember wanting anything so badly. He watched as she crawled on her hands and knees to the front of the bed and started to unbuckle his belt. Taking off his shirt, he measured the gorgeousness of her feminine curves as they lay before him. The gentle arch in her back, the slight hourglass form that widened into the luscious, full heart shape of her butt.
He needed to devour her; to put her in the ecstatic trance that drew him like a magnet to her in the first place. He needed to taste this irresistible creature.
She had succeeded in the arduous task of loosening his belt and had her little hand down the front of his boxers grasped gently around his thick member. He saw her eyes widen and her tongue trace across her lips in anticipation. He pushed his jeans to the ground so she could get an easier grip but when she went to take him in his mouth, he stopped her, took her hand off his member and kissed it.
"You first..."
Florian shoved Snow back onto the bed. She tumbled over with a giggle and a sigh as he crawled over the top of her. He teased her swollen clit with the tip of his shaft for a second and felt her shiver at the contact.
He began at her neck kissing slowly and biting gently, savoring her smell and every inch of her flavor. He made his way to her toned belly and grazed his lips over her navel, watching her toned tummy rise and fall as her breathing became more erratic. He positioned his shoulders under her thighs and gazed at her glistening pussy, laid open for him. Kissing the inside of her right thigh, then suckling the inside of her left, he reveled in her scent. It reminded him of citrus and honey.
With a long, flat tongue he tasted her.He groaned in appreciation at how sweet and juicy she tasted. Craving more, he  wrapped his arms around her legs and pulled her closer to his face, burying his mouth in her delicious folds. He could feel her wetness soaking his lips but it only made him more excited. His tongue danced around the sensitive flesh as he responded to her gasps and moans.
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop” she begged.
His dick throbbed painfully, wanting in on the action. But this was for her. And he loved making her moan. It was such deep satisfaction to feel the power he had over her. She followed his lead, grinding her hips against the entirety of his mouth, using the friction to get closer and closer to her destination.
He flicked his tongue across her clit in a fluid motion and inserted two eager fingers into her slick center. Her moan rose into a pleasure-filled shriek, he heard her breath come in quicker and knew she was close to her release.
“Fuck!” she cried out, her walls tensing around his fingers as she released once more in a succulent explosion that left his mouth soaking to the bottom of his nose and his hand wet all the way to his wrist. His beard glistened with her juices and it drove him wild to be covered in her scent.
“That was two” he grunted, a sense of pride filling him. He had always been a competitive man and this was one game he was sure to win. She lay sprawled, unable to open her eyes, but with a contented smile on her lips as the waves of her body's aftershock shook her, gently bouncing her breasts. He knew she was more than ready for him.
He quickly stripped her of the rest of her clothing, the white midi dress discarded somewhere on her bedroom floor. He was surprised to discover that in addition to no panties, she’d forgone a bra as well.
“No underwear huh? Well aren’t we nasty” he taunted, as he stroked his dick along her already sensitive clit.
“Shut up and fuck me Florian” she growled, growing impatient. Two orgasms weren’t enough, she wanted more. She needed him to fill her.
He slid his body atop hers, looking deeply into her soulful brown eyes as he sank into her. Her nails dug into his skin as he pulled out before thrusting forward and bottoming out inside her.
He began long, slow, deep strokes wanting her to feel every ridge and vein of his thick cock. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning with every down stroke, perfectly in tune with his pace.
“So fucking wet” he gasped as her felt her soft folds took him in deeper and deeper. He had decided in that moment that this was his favorite place to be. He could spend the rest of his life between her thighs and die a happy man.
Her cheeks flushed as the walls of her pussy tightened around him. She knew he was big from the feel of his bulge in the car but she still gasped in surprise when he filled her up. The way he moved within her drove her wild and she was desperate for more. She hooked her leg around his waist, aching for him to be as close to him as she possibly could.
“Please baby, harder” she urged, wanting to feel him fully unleash on her.  Teasingly, he pulled all the way out until just the head was inside her and paused. She opened her eyes and looked at him pleadingly, biting her lower lip hard. He sank his cock back inside her and paused again, causing her to quiver.
“Fuck Flo, get to it!” she cried, causing something inside of him to snap. He picked up his pace, his hips thrusting in her with a feverish need. She was panting as he fucked her and leaned up to kiss him hungrily. His tongue entered her mouth even as his cock penetrated her, hitting that sweet spot. And with one sudden jerk of his hips, he felt her pussy grip him tightly before exploding all around him.
“Oh my fucking God!” she screamed as her entire body dissolved into the waves of pleasure flowing through her. Florian continued to move inside her, softly stroking her face and hair while whispering sweet words in her ear. She was completely shattered, but the hard cock pulsing inside of her told her that the night was far from over.
“And there’s three. Think you got one more for me baby?” he cooed. Her hooded gaze told him she was spent, but he was determined to win this bet. He knew he could push her past the brink of satisfaction one last time.
He pulled out of her and effortlessly flipped her over, leaving her chest pressed into the mattress. He then led her to the edge of the bed, pullingg her lower body up onto her knees. Standing behind her, Florian pushed her head down to the mattress and rubbed the head of my cock against her dripping wet slit.
With a quick thrust forward, he buried his cock inside her roughly, grabbing onto her hips for leverage.
“Fuck!” they both cried out simultaneously.
Snow arched her back, throwing her head back in ecstasy. He grabbed a handful of her hair and used it to pull her back against him as he slammed his cock into her hard and fast. She moaned wantonly, and he felt the familiar tremor of her walls.
“Are you going to come for me again baby?” he cooed into her ear.
She could barely respond but her body answered for him.
“Hold it liebling” he urged, as he pounded into her fiercely.
Her body shook with every thrust of his hips and she wondered just how she would fend off this impending orgasm. As if it wasn’t hard enough, he wrapped both hands around her neck and began fucking her harder.
Her body had no choice but to surrender to his brutal assault and she wailed into the mattress as she fought to stop herself from coming. His thick cock was buried deep inside of her, relentlessly filling her up and staking its claim over her. And just when she thought she couldn’t hold it any longer, he granted her release.
“Fuck, Snow, come! Come all over this dick!” he growled before emptying inside of her, coating her walls with thick ribbons of his cum. Her last orgasm ripped through her, leaving her a screaming mess underneath him. She had never been more thankful for her penthouse apartment that separated her from the rest of her neighbors.
Florian gently pulled out of her before laying next to her. They laid next to each other, both trying to calm their breathing and make sense of what had just transpired between them.
“So I guess I won the bet” he remarked smugly, while taking in her appearance. Her hair stuck to her forehead, dampened by the thin sheen of sweat that had broken out across her body.
“Shut up” she ragged, still struggling to catch her breath. He couldn’t help the chuckle that broke from his lips and pretty soon, they were both laughing hysterically, their arms and legs tangled together.
“What’s my prize. For exceeding your expectations?”
“The nut you got was enough of a prize” she retorted, her head now gently laid on his toned chest. She lazily drew circles around his pecs, relishing in the feel of his warm skin.
“Fair enough”
“But we do have a more serious issue on our hands now,” she continued. The problems she had at the club were still there and a few orgasms wouldn’t be enough to rid her of them. Florian looked down at her expectantly, waiting for her to explain what she meant.
“I need you to walk me through the business. I want to take over.”
Wusstest du nicht, dass es unhöflich ist zu starren?- Didn’t you know that it’s rude to stare?
Ja. Ich bin nur überrascht, dich hier zu sehen, Schnee - Yeah, I’m just surprised to see you here Snow.
Darf ich mich setzen?”- May I sit?
“Wirst du mich nerven?- Are you going to annoy me?
Drei/Die antwort ist drei- Three/ The answer is three
Willst du das?- Do you want this?
Gu- Good
Liebling- Darling
Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list for this story! I hope you like it because I’m so excited to continue writing this!
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thewatermelloncat · 3 years
Excuses   (part 1)
Summary: Written playing on the idea of sick Little!Five (sort of) based on a prompt by Anonymous. Also paired with a prompt by another Anonymous wanting more of the doting Allison dynamic with Five.
Author’s Note: I’m sorry, I have no idea where Vanya and Ben went in this one. Couldn’t find a nice way to put them in.
☆ For writing this all in under two hours, I’m pretty proud of it  ☆ 
Warnings: Swearing
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The whole ordeal started with a sentence.
“Can I stay home from school?”
For the life of him, Five doesn’t even know why he asks – he is much older than any of them. He knows even less why his question was directed at Luther.
“Why?” Luther’s tone wavers like a warning.
“I feel sick” Five states simply, not seeing the need to elaborate.
Keeping the same wavering tone Luther then pronounces, “how?”
Five draws out a sigh as he leans against the kitchen doorway. “Don’t know, just feel off.”
This time it’s Luther’s turn to sigh as he leans back in his chair. “That’s not a very convincing reason, Five.”
“Sounds like making excuses to me” Klaus says from further down the kitchen table, not looking up from the comic book in his hands.
If he had looked up then, he would have been met with Five’s glare as it attempts to melt him to the bone.
Turning his gaze back to Luther, Five sees him gesture towards their brother.
“He has a point you know... for once” he seems to add as an afterthought. “You never want to go to school anyway.”
“That’s because I already know everything!”
“Well, I don’t know. Learn some social skills. You’re lacking in those” Klaus looks up this time when he speaks to him.
“Hey!” Diego interrupts before a fight can breakout. It’s too early in the day to be bothered with that. He turns his head to Klaus with a warning look before moving on to Five. “Does your head hurt?”
“Does your stomach hurt?”
“Not really” it doesn’t but Five still doesn’t feel like eating.
“Eat something, you’re probably just hungry” Diego tells him before returning to his own breakfast.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Your loss” Diego ignores the bite in his brother’s tone. “Car leaves in ten.”
“I’m not driving with you” Five rejects. There is no way that he wants to be around any of them if they don’t believe him.
“How else are you going to get there?” Diego scoffs.
“I’ll blink in” Five shrugs before pushing himself off of the wall.
“No” Luther warns pointedly before Klaus cuts him off.
“If you really feel sick, you won’t be able to do it.”
“Try me, Klaus” Five snarls at him.
“No!” Luther reasserts, drawing all eyes to him. “We agreed that you would go to school like someone your age” –
“I’m not fucking fourteen, Luther!”
“Fine, someone who looks like your age!” Luther corrects after Five interrupted him. “And no powers would be used because everything needs to appear like it’s normal.”
“Right, that’s it!” Diego stands out from his chair, hitting his hands on the table. “Car is leaving now if you want a lift.”
“Don’t bother, I’m walking” Five huffs before stalking away up to his room to grab his things.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It should have been a whole ‘fuck you’ moment when he climbs into the car outside of school, but at this point he can’t be bothered.
Half a day of sitting through classes with his teachers giving him disapproving stares because of him not paying attention could have ended badly – and it almost did. He knows the look his history teacher gives students before they are sent to the Principal’s Office. It was only, he thinks, when they saw his fever spotting on his checks that they decided to send him to the Nurse’s Office instead.
From there it was only a quick call home that had Diego hopping in the car and driving to pick him up. Neither of them said anything as Diego took his bag from him and they made their way to the car. Only after they climb inside and Diego starts the engine does he find the time to speak, “buddy, I’m sorry we didn’t believe you.”
Five rolls his eyes as he leans his head against the window. Closing his eyes at the coolness of the glass against his skin. “Don’t talk to me” he says weakly.
“Okay” Diego accepts and leaves it at that, pulling the car out onto the street.
Neither of them says another word on the way home.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As soon as Five steps through the doorway Allison is in front of him. In an instant she has him stopped in the foyer with one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek. Her look of sympathy quickly changes into one of disapproval as she turns to Luther watching on from the lounge.
He seems to shrink under her gaze, and rightfully so: a conversation appearing to continue silently between them.
When Allison turns back to Five her glaring look is gone. “Go get changed and come back downstairs.”
Five wants to question why he has to come back downstairs when he could just stay in his room. But then he figures that he can’t be bothered listening to whatever reasoning she has waiting for him. So, instead he nods his head slightly and walks up the stairs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“The one time I choose to sleep in, and you guys all mess up” – Allison halts her rant, spotting Five wander into the lounge. But it doesn’t matter since he understands the basis of her anger, and it would have brought a smug smile to his face if his lips had the energy to move.
Around him everyone in the room seems to freeze and then reanimate while he makes his way over to sit in a chair at the edge of them.
“Couch is yours, mate” Klaus nods his head to the empty seating which he now realises has been equipped with a pillow and a blanket.
Five shuts his eyes, hating the prospect of getting back up. Then he opens his eyes again to Klaus’ guilty look and knows he can’t ignore him. He also wonders whether Klaus had meant the things he’d said that morning or if he just wanted to gain attention by saying something controversial. Either way he gets up and moves slowly to the couch.
In the following three minutes it’s a fight for him to stay awake as he holds the thermometer Allison had given him between his teeth. Even when time is up and he goes to close his eyes, Allison holds a glass of water out to him with a tablet of Panadol. He wants to scream externally but he knows it will only take a few seconds to complete and takes what she gives him.
While he swallows back the tablet, he hears the verdict.
“39°C” Allison reads before moving to the sink to wash the thermometer off. Stalking away like the disapproving mother she appears to be.
“Five, I think I speak on behalf of all of us when I say that we’re sorry for” – Luther begins before Five cuts him off.
“Honestly, Luther. I don’t care” he means it more in a way that it doesn’t matter than as a means to ignore him.
“…feel bad and we’re sorry” Luther continues to try and make amends.
“Luther” Five sighs with a little more bite to his words this time, closing his eyes in the process. “I’m tired and I just want to sleep instead of listening to you talk on about something that doesn’t matter anymore.”
He opens his eyes again to find Luther looking back at him like he wants to protest and justify the things he said.
“I don’t care” Five repeats as he lowers himself down onto the couch, silencing any further argument.
Within seconds he drifts off, and between spells of unconsciousness he wonders whether they will fight over this later – probably. Despite Luther’s attempts at an apology, he knows he’ll be angry about the whole ordeal eventually. But right now, he’s too tired to care.
part 2
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 4 years
Fifty Shades of Mikaelson
Shade 1: Chapter 2
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Authors Note: Wow I didn’t think how much love this has gotten already so from the bottom of my heart thank you for the likes and re-blogs. If you wish to be tagged so you never miss out on a chapter please let me know. This will also probably the last chapter I will be able to post for a while due to my computer breaking but I hope to get it fixed soon so I can continue writing. Word Count: 2845 Warnings: Swearing, Slight bit of smut but nothing too bad. Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader Fifty-Shades Tag List: @xxwritemeastoryxx​ @tomarisela​
You can re-live the previous chapter here.
Tuesday morning came and when I arrived into work that morning I noticed that Klaus wasn’t in his office like he normally was. Smirking I made my way to the small cubicle that was situated outside his office, dropping my handbag. I booted up my computer and headed over to the break-room to make myself my mornings cup of coffee before sitting down and starting the mountain of jobs I had for the day. With a mug of caffeine in my hand I started to make the return journey back to my desk but I started to get closer and closer to my desk I noticed I already had a visitor. An unannounced visitor to say the least.
“Good morning Stefan, what can I do for you?” I asked politely as I approached the back of him. 
“Y/N, is Klaus in?” He asked, turning around to face me. 
“Not yet, but I presume your visit has some importance considering you're here in person and not doing your business over the phone.” I replied, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Klaus took Caroline out for dinner last night.” 
“I’m well aware of that since it was me who made the reservation.” I stated, bringing my cup to my lip sipping at the liquid. 
“And you approve of this?” He questioned, crossing his arms.
“I have no power to say who Caroline should or shouldn’t go to dinner with. I was simply following instructions to make a dinner reservation for two. Who Klaus chooses to take to dinner is none of my concern either.”
“Caroline is meant to be your friend.” Stefan said, slightly raising his voice.
“Just because my boss isn’t here, it doesn’t mean you can have a go at me. I voiced my concerns to Klaus but as you know just because I give great advice it doesn’t mean the said person who I gave it to will follow that advice.” 
“Well next time you speak to Klaus tell him the deal is off.” Stefan says in a blunt tone shrugging his shoulders.
I stared blankly at Stefan, I never said a word and just continued to drink my coffee.
Stefan let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to let my anger out on you Y/N.” Stefan apologised. 
“Look I get that you like Caroline, but maybe instead of hiding your feelings tell her! Otherwise countless other men are going to swoop in and date her. Would you like me to get Klaus to ring your office when he comes into work later?” I attempted to say to try and smooth things over.
“No it’s...it’s fine. You have your message to tell Klaus and I got what I wanted to hear.” Stefan said, obviously still in a mood. 
And with that Stefan left my desk and I watched him head towards the elevators. Letting out a sigh I sat in my office chair and placed my cup on the coaster beside my computer monitor. Clicking open my emails I started to compose one to the shareholders when my office phone rang. Half mindlessly I picked it up and slotted it in between my shoulder and ear whilst I continued to type out the email.
“Good morning, Mikaelson Enterprises Y/N speaking how can I help you?”
“Hello love, just wanted to check in. How is everything?” 
“Well one of us has to be here to try and clean up your messes.” I deadpanned, as I stopped typing to grasp hold of the phone.
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve just had Stefan Salvatore come in the office looking for you, but because your god knows where I got the brink of his anger. I’m a secretary Klaus, not your meat shield! I warned you taking Caroline out to dinner was a bad idea. And because of your ego and wanting to get one over on them it cost you the deal proposal. So well done.” I replied to him as bluntly as possible.  
“Taking Caroline out to dinner was just a method to get her to spill some inside secrets. Nothing more.” Klaus replied, matching my blunt tone. 
“You know that. I know that but clearly Stefan didn’t. So you need to get your ass back in the office to deal with the shit that you’ve caused!” I ranted and put the phone down.
Yes I knew that shouldn’t have put the phone down on Klaus but there are times where he just pisses me off and his actions last night were stupid and a prime example of that. But knowing my luck he is going to be in a foul mood when he comes into the office, but the one thing I did have to my advantage was the fact I was never scared when he lost his temper, something I alone shared with his brothers and sister. 
Going back to the email I quickly got it typed out, pressing send I then went back to work to tidy the folders and bits of paper I had in and on my desk. Then about fifteen minutes later Klaus comes into the office and demands me into his office. Rolling my eyes and leaving the remaining bits of paper on my desk I made my way inside. Closing the door was all the time I had when as soon as I did the yelling started.
“You don’t speak to me like the way you did earlier!” His voice bounced off the walls in the office. 
“You employed me Klaus, you know that I take no crap from anybody and that includes you. So no I won’t apologise for my actions.” I told him, crossing my arms. 
“You also don’t get any sympathy from me for being so bloody damn stupid! All that work you and your brother have put in has gone down the drain. Not to mention the countless late nights I had to put in. All for what? To smooth over that ego of yours finally beating the Salvatore’s?”
He got up from his desk, the chair spinning from the quick action and he stormed towards me. He looked like a predator protecting his territory. Klaus backed me up to the nearest wall and his eyes pierced through my own and I swallowed the building saliva that I had in my mouth. 
“Have you quite finished Y/N?” He growled deeply.
“Yes.” I breathed, biting my lip.
With my last word Klaus’ lips crashed onto my own, his arms caged me so close so I couldn’t escape not that I wanted to. His lips so hungry and my heartbeat spiked at his dominant actions. It was no secret I loved to get Klaus angry just so I could get out bursts just like this as his lips made his way to my neck. I reached around and draped my arms around his neck, clinging onto him for dear life as I climbed higher and higher in pure bliss. 
Using his knee he parted my legs and he grabbed a fistful of my hair pulling it hard, I moaned and my mouth opened just enough for him to slip his tongue inside, exploring every inch like he had done in the past. The action was painful but also pleasurable at the same time it always left me wanting more.
“You. Always. Know. How. To. Push. My. Buttons.” Klaus said in between kisses. 
“Would you have me any other way?” I asked, breathing heavily, my chest heaving up and down.
“Not in a million years.” 
Moving his arms he brings them to my shoulders and gently runs them down my body, going down the smooth fabric of my dress until he reaches the bottom of my thighs. Lifting the hem of the dress slowly he continues to plant soft kisses on my lips and my neck making sure to not leave any marks visible to anyone else. Brushing his fingertips on my smooth legs I let out a soft chuckle against his mouth but just as things were going to go further a knock on the door. 
Breaking away from each other as quickly as possible, I smoothed my dress and tangled hair and bopped down to the bottom drawer on the filing cabinet to which was located near Klaus’ desk. Keeping my back to the door. Klaus straightened himself up and then sat down at his desk to hide the ever growing problem in his trousers. 
“Come in.” He shouted. 
“Niklaus may I have a moment of your time? I hate to intrude but Y/N wasn’t at her desk.” Elijah started as he entered the office but then he clocked me in the corner of the room.
“Oh, Y/N you're here.”
I turned my head and smiled at the elder Mikaelson. “Sorry Elijah, I was looking for a document to send to another client.” I told him in a sympathetic voice.
“I’ll let you speak in peace, anything else you need Klaus?” I asked him.
“Would you give this to Kol please love? It's the new proposal for the new branding.” He replied, handing me a document in a folder, taking the folder I moved around the room and headed for the door.  
Being the gentleman that he was Elijah opened the door for me, he looked deeply into my eyes and then gave a soft smile. “Goodbye Y/N.” He says as he shuts the door. 
Letting out a breath I ran a hand through my hair and went to my desk to drink the cold beverage on my desk. Blinking my eyes. “That was too close.” I whispered to myself. 
Placing the file down I lent on my desk, dipping my head down slightly to get my bearings back. After a moment I was feeling slightly better and picked up the folder and headed to Kol’s office. 
Knocking on Cami’s door I opened it slowly and popped my head through. 
“Now you look drop dead gorgeous.” I teased playfully. 
“I didn’t quite know what to wear.” She admitted blushing slightly.
“You fit right in. How's your day been so far? Has Kol given you any problems? Or has he been a good boy?” 
“So far so good. It’s been a good day.” She replied with a smile.
“Speaking of Kol, is he in? I have something to give to him.” I said showing her the folder in my hand.  
“Sure go right in.” 
Walking past Cami’s desk I softly knocked on Kol’s door and walked in. He was engrossed in his computer until I cleared my throat. 
“Almost got caught again?” Kol said with a smirk, eyeing me up and down. 
“Bugger off Kol…” I snapped, rolling my eyes at him. 
“Who was it this time? One of my brothers' little minions?” He asked, continuing to tease.
“You're wrong actually.”
I paused.
“It was Elijah.” I finished quickly. 
Kol burst out into a fit of laughter. “I don’t see why you're laughing. Unlike you we haven’t been caught. Yet.” I said, trying to cut out his laughter.
“Yet being the word here darling. I don’t know what you see in my brother. I’ll have to speak to him privately about sharing you.” He replied seductively. 
Rolling my eyes I approached his desk and handed him the folder. “You wouldn’t even know how to handle me sweetheart.” I teased. 
Raising an eyebrow he looked at me. “What's this?” He asked. 
“Open it and you will find out.” I replied as I turned on the ball of my feet and exited the office, saying my goodbyes to Cami I headed back to return to my desk. 
Nearing my desk I was intercepted by Elijah, as I tried to walk around him, he side stepped blocking my path once again. Letting out a huff. “Is there something I can help you with Elijah?” 
“Come for a walk with me.” He offered, gesturing for us both to walk towards the elevator. 
“I have work to do Elijah, can this not wait?” I asked, growing impatient. 
“I assure you it is in your best interests if you come with me now.”
Giving in I walked with him to the elevator. We never spoke and the tension was ever growing as we waited for the metal doors to open. Stepping in first Elijah followed pressing the button to his floor. “What do you want to talk about Elijah?” I asked softly. 
“I heard about the confrontation you had with Mr Salvatore this morning. You handled it rather well I just wanted to know if you were feeling ok?” He replied calmly. 
“We both know that is not what you wanted to say. If you were so concerned you would have come down the moment he left. Try again.” 
“Not one to fall for that trick are we Y/N? I notice how close of a friendship along with the professional one you have with Niklaus. His methods to conduct business are getting…”
“Sloppy?” I finished for him. As the doors to the elevator opened once more and I noticed the much larger hustle and bustle to the floor. It was very different compared to the much more relaxed atmosphere to what I was used to.
Stepping foot outside I waited for Elijah and followed him to his office.
“Exactly, taking the representative for Salvatore Industries was not a clever move. I have also had the pleasure of watching you work and furthermore I have suggested to my brother that you handle the business negotiations, you seem to understand people to a higher degree than he or Kol do.” Elijah explained, motioning for me to sit in the chair opposite his desk.
Removing his grey suit jacket, he placed it on the back of his chair and rolled up his sleeves. 
“I’m a secretary for a reason Elijah.” I replied to him. 
“And what would that be?” He countered. 
“I can leave my work at work.” 
“What would be the difference if you were to handle the business negotiations? Like I mentioned moments ago I have had the pleasure of watching you work. You're quick, snappy and on the ball. You strive for excellence. Niklaus and Kol could learn a thing or two from yourself.” 
“Klaus and Kol don’t have to listen to your suggestions Elijah?” I questioned.
“Unfortunately they do, I happen to be on the board of directors for Mikaelson Enterprises as a whole. Rebekah too. They have to place consideration to any suggestions made and then give a reason if and why they go against any that have been made.” 
“Why are you the one to tell me this Elijah and not Klaus or Kol?” I asked him once again. 
“Your witty and often cut-throat with both of my younger siblings but yet you're polite and sincere with myself why is that?” Elijah asked me.
“Both of them made the mistake of thinking my beauty and good looks were it. I don’t tolerate limitations like that. You never did. Hence the respect I have for you.”��
“And that is another reason why I think you would do an excellent job. Niklaus has agreed to the suggestion all that remains is your response. So Y/N what do you say?” 
“I keep my job as a secretary and negotiate whenever required. Once negotiations are over your brothers can deal with the paperwork that follows suit. I will check over it if it needs to be submitted. I carry on getting my weekends off however I will work one Saturday a month.” I replied trying to work the terms to my advantage. 
“Alright I think we have a deal, you would make a wonderful lawyer Y/N.” Elijah says as he gets up and reaches out for me to shake his hand. 
“Perhaps.” I replied with a smile, shaking his hand. 
Leaving Elijah’s office he walked me back to the elevator, as I stepped inside I gave him a soft and sincere smile as the doors closed. Returning back to my floor and waltzing into Klaus’ office I saw him look up from his computer. 
“You took your time, love.” He said with a smirk.
“Better watch your mouth Klaus, you're speaking to your new business negotiator. We won’t be having the Forbes incident happening again. ” I replied walking up to his desk, placing my hands on it and leaning over towards him. My skirt to my dress rose upwards.
“You named it?” He asked, his smirk instantly dropping from his face.
“I had to. Would have been a missed opportunity otherwise.” I told him, giving him a seductive smile. 
“Well how about we go out for dinner tonight? Celebrate in style?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Well you can pick me up at seven, just remember to pace yourself and we definitely must continue where we left off.” 
“Wouldn’t have it any other way love.”
“Please tell me you two aren’t going to go at it again?” Kol teases as he walks inside.
“Why did you have to tell him?” I asked Klaus. 
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