#sorry this was so long homies
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FNAF movie Mike meets Jeremy Fitzgerald
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 4 months
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1, Omake (Extra): Master of Time - (here)
Act 1: What was left behind. - read here
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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ORV is about enduring the horrors in real time.
(for @everyonesfavoritebastard)
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just watched bottoms! it was a relatively small theater, but still, i don't think i've been in such a filled, interactive crowd since covid. people were CACKLING, and it was clear everyone was having fun with their friends they had come with. the movie was So camp, So hilarious, So fucking incredible.
when it's available to you, GO SUPPORT IT!!! queer cinema is ever-evolving, and supporting history-makers like this film is so awesome
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mytardisisparked · 3 months
Tagged by @elephant-in-the-pride-parade to list my 5 favorite characters of all time in a poll and have folks vote on which ones are their favorites
I pulled out some of my OG faves from my entire career in fandom 🫡 If you notice a trend here don't hecking worry about it :)
Tagging: @jellybeansarecool @singeart @thescullyphile @vincentsleftear @emilie786 anybuddy else who wants to
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lip, fiona, and frank: refractions, not reflections
writing this because i think people talk a lot about lip and fiona 'turning into' frank as the seasons go on because they inherit his alcoholism, yet that doesn't really capture the exact nature of their character arcs and isn't entirely fair to them as individuals.
i personally think the fact that they inherit his addiction issues make their stories so interesting because alcoholism doesn't manifest in their characters/story arcs the same way it does in frank's. also, the fact that they actually want to recover (and do!) makes them so fundamentally different from him that it's astounding.
not saying that they don't inherit frank's anger, or his cleverness, or etc., but i don't think their inheritance of his alcoholism is a 1-to-1 comparison and that's narratively important!!! (restricting my english major analysis to under the cut).
frank, notably, drinks and does drugs throughout the show because, as he claims, it’s his way of life; getting out of his mind and partying is what makes him happy. it gives him purpose in life. it numbs the pain. he could recover if he wanted to (like in season one), but his sense of self is so tied up with his addiction that doing so would mean killing the version of himself frank likes best. booze was his first love; he’ll never leave it. and he’s passed it on to his children.
i think lip’s alcoholism arc was so poignant and painfully realistic in the show. him talking about how he started drinking at 12 (influenced by frank, it’s easy to presume) to numb the pain of his fucked up life was just heartbreaking, and him getting drunk with frank in season two when he feels aimless and scared and lost after graduating high school was like a punch to the gut. it’s clear that his addiction comes not just from a place of wanting to fit in and being socialized into thinking it’s normal and fine by his father and neighborhood, but also out of a desire for relief.
the first time he gets help, he treats it like a joke. like his father, he doesn’t believe in aa, pokes fun at the 12-step program, rations his chips so he can continue drinking. he’s in denial about his problem, which is chilling to see.
the scene where he’s in the bar downing vodka in the middle of the day and kev confronts him for dropping out of college by saying “that’s where your father sits every day” is so painful. because frank was in college, too, before his crazy relationship and his addictions and self sabotage derailed his life, and lip could go the exact same way.
and lip is still convinced he’s fine. it’s reminiscent of frank’s assertions that he doesn’t have a problem, that he could stop anytime, that everyone’s making a big deal out of nothing. neither he nor lip are fooling anyone.
but what distinguishes lip's addiction from frank's is that lip doesn’t just drink because he likes it and the person it makes him; he starts to not, actually, like the person it makes him. it's just tgat his life is falling apart around him. he’s stressed from college (where he feels he doesn't belong), from helène (who doesn't want him), from youens (who he desperately wants to please). he gets sloshed at parties to let loose and have fun and just forget about everything for once and escape.
the main difference between them is that escapism; lip doesn't necessarily enjoy being drunk, he just does it to feel good, to party, to just let go and leave his shitty life and choices behind. but notably, he isn't satisfied with escapism or empty fun the way frank is; he wants more. he knows he and the people around him deserve more.
the second time he gets help, it’s because his eyes have been opened to his problem. frank, of all people, calls him out. things with sierra go to shit. and he knows he needs help for real this time. it’s not easy; he struggles, is lost in terms of career and education and relationships for a bit, and he relapses sometimes. but he fights it because he doesn’t want to be like his father.
really, frank led lip down the path of addiction in the first place, and not wanting to continue down that path is what makes him want to get better.
fiona’s shown drinking pretty regularly throughout the show, as well as doing drugs in s4, but her alcoholism doesn’t hit a peak and come to the forefront of her issues until her life goes to complete shit in s9.
her boyfriend betrays her. she loses her job and her apartment complex. her attempts to make money all go down the drain. her dreams are shattered. no one in her family needs her anymore (something she's built her entire identity on, which leaves her completely unmoored). so she goes to the alibi every night and gets hammered because she’s lost and needs to forget. which is all too familiar...
but what’s interesting is that frank actually confronts her about being a “bad drunk.” he expresses again that he enjoys drinking, has fun with it, takes it slow and has a good time, but accuses fiona of not knowing when to stop. this is true. frank’s alcoholism is his way of life, but fiona’s is a cry for help. it is self destructive at its core.
fiona drinks to forget, sure, but she doesn't drink to have fun or feel good or loosen up enough to party; she's still miserable the entire time she's drunk and intentionally goes far enough to black out every night. she's seeking escape, too, but not just from the world; fiona drinks because she's so deep in her own self-loathing she wants to get away from herself. she wants to destroy herself.
and she's in denial about it, too! she doesn’t realize she has a true problem until she almost gets robbed or potentially hurt by some guys at patsy’s. she doesn’t seek help until lip kicks her out - which is a whole other issue - and it’s then that she realizes she needs help.
but unlike lip, who has support in his recovery from his family and friends, fiona’s alone. her family isn’t understanding; they give up on her in the name of “tough love.” she’s on her own. but she does it.
and it makes her realize she doesn’t have to stick around and feel useless and sad. it's not the person she has to be, not anymore. getting sober made her realize her potential - and what she needed to do to reach it. it made her realize she could leave. getting sober made her free.
in conclusion
it's perfectly fair to say fiona and lip inherit some of frank's qualities due to their abuse/neglect/parentification/etc at his hands, as well as their poor coping mechanisms for their shitshow of a life. but their relationship with alcohol - and recovery - are fundamentally different.
ultimately, the fact that they choose recovery at all is the biggest indicator of their difference from him. because frank only ever recovers for money or for a dare; never for the things that matter, like his health or his children. fiona and lip, however, care about their family and friends and don't want to hurt them. they want to be better individuals. they want to learn how.
their desire to do good, when compared to frank's utter disregard for the world around him, is truly at the crux of their identities and makes them, honestly, leagues better than their father.
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matts-self-soda-ships · 4 months
omg for that silly f/o game but i dont know anything about your punch out guy or what he’s like but i think he’d have like.. scary fitness diet LIKE THE KIND OF GUY TO LIKE DRINK EGGS IN A GLASS 😭 or like have steak and meat and proteins all day like his plate is just STACKED. and it scares everyone no matter how many times he says its normal
do NOT take this man to a Golden Corral his ass will eat everything
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On a serious note I do imagine Bull being real strict with his diet back when he was younger though after his defeat with Mac he seems much more lenient on his food. Like he seems to take his time and enjoy it rather than scarf as much as he can down.
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residentfurry · 2 months
FOR THE ASK GAME ERM. Either Ada Wong or Luis they’re on my brain rn. Or even Maria Death Island
I'm gonna do all of these so long post beware!!
How I feel about this character:
I have such a huge crush on her ok. Giggles and twirls my hair. Also I support her shady endeavors go girl get that money!!!! Her design is solid and recognizable and I really like that even though she does good things sometimes she's still someone who works behind the scenes doing illegal shit for money LOL. I also think that her character has a lot of depth even tho a lot of people just see her surface level.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Leon is the main one (only the remake versions + re6) but I can see her getting with Claire or another girl character! To me she's bi with a preference for women but she does what she has to do for her job. Oh and her and Mia <- my fav RE crackship <3
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I like to think her and Luis would've been good friends :) or at least I think she's drop by from time to time to spy on him. Maybe if he joined the BSAA/worked with Rebecca I can imagine her trying to poach his research LOL.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Uhhh um idk actually! Some people didn't like her voice for re4r but I personally loved it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I REALLY REALLY wish that she was the main character of re6. The whole story revolves around her and her attempt to clear her name and gain her autonomy back so WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DISTRACTING AND CONFUSING ARCS. Don't get me wrong I love Chris and the exploration of how his job has affected him and I LOVE Jake and Sherry but it should've been more about her...it was supposed to be her story....(and I could write a whole essay about how her re6 plot is a metaphor for abuse- specifically sexual abuse... but that's a post for another time.) Also I know Capcom is allergic to backstories but please... I want to know what her motivations are! What drove her to the life she lives now! What does she do with her money!
I also wish that she was in re8 </3 they couldn't handle her cuntiness </3
How I feel about this character:
I love Luis, even with how much I see him on my dash i STILL think that he's underappreciated. He has everything a good character has, themes motives etc...
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
LEON I like to think that if Luis had survived he would have eventually gotten with Leon. I mean they lay it on pretty heavily with Luis' flirting, and they have pretty compatible personalities (when Leon isn't being a dick LOL).
My non-romantic OTP for this character: (This is a more if-he-survived-scenario) I know they didn't really meet much in canon but he's besties with Ashley to me. I like to think that she'd forgive him for his role in umbrella and they would party HARD from time to time. I also think that him and Ada would be friends (as much as Ada can be friends with someone due her her job and everything) and would probably take him to dinner from time to time to bitch about life and try to get information out of him. And Rebecca! I think he would love working with her and think that she's brilliant. Scientist friends forever!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Not really an unpopular opinion but I'm still 99.99% convinced that he's still alive. Unless something in the RE universe blows up into a million pieces then to me it's still alive. If Wesker can survive THAT Luis can survive anything.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Kinda building on the last question, I would LOVE to see him come back/be alive and work for Rebecca. I would personally like to see him with some mobility aid of some kind due to his spinal injury (like how Buddy at the end of Damnnation has a wheelchair!) ^-^
How I feel about this character:
I like her character! I know they're kinda weird about her with her clothes and Leon, but I like how she's not romantically involved with anyone and her only goal is revenge/help her father/ avenge her father. I know it sucks but it's not often that we get to have a female character who isn't romantically involved with someone/interested in a mc so I think she's really cool! I also love how she's quiet and a badass and I personally hc her as selectively mute (aka situational mutism)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I don't really ship anyone with her!
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Maybe if things Were Different I could see her being friends with Leon, as even after everything she's done he still sympathies with her and is sad/regretful at her death.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don't really have any unpopular opinions about her... maybe that she should've been put in some more combat-friendly clothing, but I digress.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I dunno! I don't think there's much that could be changed about her/ her circumstances without changing her entire character. Maybe it would'be been nice for her to be given a normal chance at life, or at least join the BSAA or something, but I doubt they would let that happen because she's a bioweapon i'm pretty sure.
Anyways that's all of them! THANK U FOR THE ASKS ERIC ^-^!!!
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crossbackpoke-check · 3 months
giroux x any of then sens youngins
banging my pots and pans together WHY NOT ALL OF THEM
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claude giroux, as demonstrated by the pie chart, is so beautiful and so shippable. i want those sens yungins to make him feel like an absolute dinosaur and i would read any and all of it even if i am more partial to claude/flyers pairings. to be specific:
josh norris: i need you to watch this video and tell me that's not horny. in what other contexts can you teach josh french, claude
timmy stü: i know there's gifs out there but the way he is with claude on the bench... ohhh he wants to fuck that old man so bad, he wants that old man to tell him he's pretty and doing so well
brady: idealistic/intellectual match rather than pure physical To Me. would be very interesting to explore if brady sees a future in claude, if claude sees his past in brady, the chain of captaincy etc etc
brady AND timmy: i love linemates who are obsessed with each other and seducing their old man case closed
thomas chabot: who would i be if i did not give you a pairing for no reason other than i said so. french canadian connection? the thread is out there somewhere and it's in whatever tiktoks chabby sends to claude
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2802t · 2 months
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@2802_t: thirst trap and throwback of me and the bro @thatsohkai. big love always. stream 3D.
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taikk0 · 1 year
i dont think anon was referring to sps simple style, sp is a pretty controversial show. from what i've seen, it seems pretty bigoted? i could be wrong. sorry if this ask is rude, i don't mean to be rude, but yeah i think that's what anon meant
Oh no, not rude at all!! Sorry you have to apologize my response to that anon was a lot more srs than I intended I just wanted to get my point across, I'm all for open discussions :] to answer the bigoted question, I wouldn't entirely say no. but I can say that South Park was not made to make fun of minorities and spread harmful messages. The show presents bigoted behavior from the antagonists who are too stupid to realize they're wrong, it's up to you as the audience to realize that what they are the antagonists and that their actions should not be justified and supported. And even then, there are characters who outwardly speak out and work to fight against said bigots in the episodes they're in. However, the show also relies on shock humor. And this is a criticism on the fans part, but they really gotta stop saying "why are you surprised? It's South Park" as if being surprised over something gross or offensive wasn't the point in the first place. The ridiculous shit in the show isn't supposed to be normalized!! It's supposed to be absolutely ridiculous to the audience and catch them off guard!! You're not supposed to get used to it!! You're not supposed to like it, but you're not supposed to read too deep in it either, breaking down why it's wrong and why you found it shocking and why this is SUPER PROBLEMATIC!! Isn't the point. You just gotta acknowledge that "oh that's fucked up I cant believe they did that, that is so wrong" and just sit in shock for a bit and move on. Like, you can't tear the show apart for one joke when its purpose was for you to realize it's supposed to be ridiculous and wrong at the same time, and the show itself being aware of that fact. A lot of the offensive material circulating around on why South Park is bad lacks context. Cartman and Butters dressing up as chinese stereotypes? They are at a normal Chinese restaurant, harassing a Chinese family because they're idiots who believe that china will overthrow the world, they are asked to leave. Ike in a relationship with his teacher? Ike is a victim of a grooming that is not taken seriously by the police because the predator was a woman, portraying how male victims situations are overlooked in real life, the teacher dies in the end. Randy saying the N-word on live television? He is ridiculed and seen as a total asshole, he gets called "N-word guy" by the people around him and retaliates by making it illegal to call him that name, a satirical role reversal portraying the hypocrisy and sensitivity of white people (oppressors) where they make the "slur" against them illegal but not the slurs against the people they have oppressed for years.
But even after all this, I can see that there are other examples that I can't, and I am not willing to justify. At the end of the day, we all have to acknowledge that South Park was made by two cishet white men. (this was why I said I can't entirely say no) Their opinions will not always be right, and I'm sick of fans trying to justify some of their episodes and jokes just because they like South Park, South Park is not one of those shows you want to ride or die on. I personally have a few jokes and episodes I dislike and will absolutely never watch again, but that is not my main focus. Discrimination is not my draw, and I don't think that's the show's either. Now we're going out to discussion territory and more of personal opinion. I personally enjoy South Park because I feel very drawn to the characters and I find their character driven adventures and antics to be really entertaining. I don't care much for the social commentary. Not that I completely ignore it, it's just something I acknowledge is important in some episode's narratives, but not something I pay too close attention to.
I don't think I watch South Park for the intended reasons, and I don't think most of the fans over here on Tumblr do either. I can admit that I enjoy a version of South Park that isn't technically South Park entirely. I enjoy South Park for what it isn't, and that is a situational comedy with four little guys getting into all sorts of trouble <3
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And the funny thing about this whole post is that I used to be a South Park hater.
I thought it was just a bigoted show where the only jokes it had were slurs and children saying fuck, right before I actually gave it a chance and was surprised to find out that it was more than I thought it was, and that I actually somehow enjoyed it.
It's kinda crazy to me that I'm technically defending SOUTH PARK of all things right now.
But uh yeah, I like South Park, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, and I ended up hyperfixating on it. I'm not here to change anyone's mind and make them watch South Park because "it's ACTUALLY spotless and politically correct all the time, you're just sensitive ☝🤓" People are right to label South Park as controversial, and people are right to be offended by it when it's making fun of something it doesn't understand or without the proper nuance, and people are allowed to discuss and criticize the show for it. With all that said, The show is not emblematic of its own fans, and some of its own fans need to stop looking up to it like it's the bible.
Matt and Trey can be wrong, and even fans like me who enjoy it aren't too dumb and ignorant to recognize and rightfully not be in support of certain aspects of it when a line is being crossed.
This whole thing was supposed to end right after I attached the photo of the characters, but then I just decided to write more and so I puked this extra fluff out, sorry about that lol
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peter-my-parkers · 30 days
Favorite movie of the 80s?
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limesquares · 2 years
I just came to the realisation that asks are A Thing that I am also allowed to do. please. tell some more about leslie if you'd like 👉👈😳 I'm not immune to green little funny guys and I might not show it 100% but whenever i see leslie he gives me serotonin
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YAYAYAYA HERE HE IS! with his flip phone and floor ramen...
This world is sort of anachronistic in terms of technology, so flip phones are about as common as touchscreen ones (and as silly bandz and lava lamps sadlfjsd). Leslie loves getting cash money but sometimes all those commissions go straight towards rent and bullets and all you have left is a mattress on the floor and shin ramyun fogging your glasses.
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stizzysupremacy · 11 months
seeing some lightly Ed-critical posts with a disclaimer like "I'm not trying to villainize Ed here..."
well I am. I villainize the hell out of him.
Its FINE. its COOL. His character can take a ton of hate and still be beloved
After all, Izzy did....
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shukakumoodboard · 1 month
this gaaleesbian fic you'ree creating sounds amazing, tho who is the priest that lee is married to, because it kinda seems like a genderswapped tenten?!?!?
that is SPOILING THE FIC it’s neji
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laxi0v0 · 1 year
What happens when Glamrock Bonnie just suddenly becomes organic overnight, without warning? (Besides excessive flirting from some of the patrons, of course.)
Oh! Sorry I took too long to answer, anon.
I had alot on my mind and not enough time to think.
Organic overnight you say?
He would probably freak the fuck out.
(But besides that and flirting of course, and there's alot of flirting)
He'd probably go out to explore the city, giving the fact that he wouldn't need to worry about running out of battery anymore.
And would insist on taking the gang to go visit Sand Hollow (imagine his disappointment in realizing there's no ocean nearby)
Probably go clubbing as well, my boy finally gets to explore his sexuality. (Spoiler alert, he's bi)
Next on the bucket list? Going to Los Angeles the city of dreams, because he's a romantic who thinks going there will answer all his wishes (dragging the poor gang with him.)
They end up having to do street gigs for food <3
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